'S51 'SC'L V O S.
B U R N S, S C A L D S,
Gairm sa g-cúirt orm scríoḃṫa teárn'ḋ,
Gairm sa g-cúirt orm scríoḃṫa teárn'ḋ,
Faṫ, cause, reason,
faṫ, cause, reason,
Verse 21 relates to the elopement of Mac Mour-
Verse 21 relates to the elopement of Mac Mour-
"Eugene O'Curry’-Branch of the Gaelic Union ! as
"Eugene O'Curry’-Branch of the Gaelic Union has
have borne the sway with you- 12. O long endu-
have borne the sway with you- 12. O long endu-
relying on their patrioism, conscious of the val-
relying on their patrioism, conscious of the val-
On the lands that are bordering on mine,
On the lands that are bordering on mine,
ent owing to urgent business éngagemehts." THe
ent owing to urgent business engagements. The
000 souls- In some districts in Connaught and
000 souls. In some districts in Connaught and
Here first the symbol of his creed unturled,
Here first the symbol of his creed unfurled,
the writing they contain. Some of the capital
the writing they contain. Some of the capital
Sé a ṁáṫair go soilḃir, suḃáilceaċ ; ṫug
Sé a ṁáṫair go soilḃir, suḃáilceaċ; ṫug
Ḃris na h-Éireanna- ge rómpa, le gunaiḋ
Ḃris na h-Éireannaiġe rómpa, le gunaiḋ
cur, sowing,
cur, sowing,
ges present, this is principally owing to the fact
ges present, this is principally owing to the fact
fainn air ṫáirseaċ mo ṫíre, agus ní
fainn air ṫáirseaċ mo ṫíre, agus ní
raised the no popery cry; but for once the Irish
raised the no popery cry; but for once the Irish
Steud luaṫṁar, agus treun-ḟear,
Steud luaṫṁar, agus treun-ḟear,
foundation and chief cornerstone of our nation's
foundation and chief cornerstone of our nation's
Go ruaigfear Ṡeáġan Bradaċ as Éirinn
Go ruaigfear Seáġan Bradaċ as Éirinn
year; show it to your friends, and
year; show it to your friends, and
Go raḃ sé 'nn a ṡeasaṁ annsa mór-loċ
Go raḃ sé 'nn a ṡeasaṁ annsa mór-loċ
sgoil; do iinncadar a n-diṫċioll focal!
sgoil; do rinneadar a n-diṫċioll focal
OLongun; ior not only was it necessary to
O'Longun; for not only was it necessary to
as to the lady’s abllity to perform it, but our
as to the lady’s ability to perform it, but our
fliuċta, irrigated.
fliuċta, irrigated,
O, you who have robbed me of pleasure,
O, you who have robbed me of pleasure,
In the 13th paragraph of his letter, I cannot help
in the 13th paragraph of his letter, I cannot help
Seo féin an t-áḋmud d' a n-dearnaḋ an
Seo féin an t-áḋmud d' a n-dearnaḋ an
rea The mountains called Sliabh Beacht, or the
rea The mountains called Sliabh Beacht, or the
'Nar buḋ ċóir díoḃṫa a ḃeiṫ, ḃeiḋeaḋ léiġ-
Mar buḋ ċóir díoḃṫa a ḃeiṫ, ḃeiḋeaḋ léiġ-
VOL. 2..—N6." 3.
VOL. 2. — No. 3.
íadsan tógṫa suas go h-ioṁlán a saorúġ
iadsan tógṫa suas go h-ioṁlán a saorúġ-
uscript on which an inexperienced eye could
uscript on which an inexperienced eye could
na prionsaiḃ talṁaiḋe; aċt ní fiú air
na prionsaiḃ talṁaiḋe; aċt ní fiú air-
Biḋeann siad a magaḋ fúmsa faoi
Biḋeann siad a magaḋ fúmsa faoi
aċd. Faoi ḋeireaḋ ċuiṁin muid air úir
aċd. Faoi ḋeireaḋ ċuiṁin muid air úir-
de Órduġaḋ na Seanmóir, a d-taoḃ an
de Órduġaḋ na Seanmóir, a d-taoḃ an
sa na h-Éireann, agus 'san Réim Rioġ-
sa na h-Éireann, agus san Réim Rioġ-
Dár ṫig orm treasna ḃíḋeaḋ mo láṁ'
Dár ṫig orm treasna ḃíḋeaḋ mo láṁ'
to-day ; where is your husband to-day? he is
to-day; where is your husband to-day? he is
going up high to the kingdom of Heaven,
going up high to the kingdom of Heaven,
Fublished at 814 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Fublished at 814 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Also, any other books desired by subscribers if to
Also, any other books desired by subscribers if to
A's mar ṫéiḋean an t-Seanaḃan ċum
A's mar ṫéiḋean an t-Seanaḃan ċum
AS some Oxen were dragging a wagon along a heavy
AS some Oxen were dragging a wagon along a heavy
guage School in Newark: Mr. P. C.
guage School in Newark: Mr. p. C.
A swanlike grace
A swanlike grace
Note—In our next issue will commence a poetical
Note — In our next issue will commence a poetical
Nuair a fuair an dream eile cúṁaċta,
Nuair a fuair an dream eile cúṁaċta,
The GAEL can now be had of all-
The GAEL can now be had of all
A story is told-that Dan. O'Connell
A story is told that Dan. O'Connell
san séṁeaḋ éipistil deug do sgríoḃaḋ.)
san séṁeaḋ éipistil deug do sgríoḃaḋ
An t-oċd-ṁaḋ lá 's fiċe d' oċt-ṁí '81.)
An t-oċd-ṁaḋ lá 's fiċe d' oċt-ṁí '81.
SlÁInea ċ i cantain, tréí láreaċ, laótaċ
Glúineaċ, casta, troillseaċ, lúḃṫaċ
Maidin aoiḃinn aig dul a siúḃal dom,
Maidin aoiḃinn aig dul a siúḃal dom,
for on reasonable terms.
for on reasonable terms.
Cúṁaill aig teaċt d' iarraiḋse mar
Ċúṁaill aig teaċt d' iarraiḋse mar
Raċfaiḋ eugcaoin do ċláirsiġ ṫar ṁuir
Raċfaiḋ eugcaoin do ċláirsiġ ṫar ṁuir
ilaċd ba Nó agaṁ do ḋeunaṁ n.
raċd ba ṁó again do ḋeunaṁ na
na h-eaċraiḋ ḃí tarraint an ċóiste úd,
na h-eaċraiḋ ḃí tarraint an ċóiste úd,
abroad, the Eagle made a swoop at the Fox'’s
abroad, the Eagle made a swoop at the Fox’s
féin, no a seilḃ aonduine do ṫainic ann
féin, no a seilḃ aonduine do ṫainic ann
in cold blood, and destroys their property with
in cold blood, and destroys their property with
P. Curran, Greenpoint—Says he cannot get
P. Curran, Greenpoint — Says he cannot get
Tar éis bás Eoin Ruaḋ agus claodai
Tar éis bás Eoin Ruaḋ agus claodai
ge a ċuir air bun a Ċhicago. Ní ċiḋ
ge a ċuir air bun a Chicago. Ní ċiḋ
SLOCUM. Generil Slocum is talked of as be
SLOCUM. Generil Slocum is talked of as be-
nach m-beiḋeaḋ sé ann a ċúṁaċt aṫċúit
nach m-beiḋeaḋ sé ann a ċúṁaċt aṫċúit-
during the last forty years of no less than 3,000,.
during the last forty years of no less than 3,000, -
Na g-craoḃ-ḟolt ṁ-búclaċ m-peurlaċ
Na g-craoḃ-ḟolt ṁ-búclaċ m-peurlaċ,
A's mar do ċruinneaġ ċlann Tír-Eoin
A's mar do ċruinneaġ ċlann Tír-Eoin
'na ḃ-fuaḃána il breáġ óir, [oġarṫ ns Ḋuialei é
'Na ḃ-fuadánaiḃ breáġ óir; (oḋar?) ḋualaiḃ
Treun ḟear do ṫóig láṁ air Éire.
Treun ḟear do ṫóig láṁ air Éire.
Leas-ṁáṫair orram, a's m' aṫair ro-
Leas-ṁáṫair orram, a's m' aṫair ro-
rushing torrent's fall !
rushing torrent's fall!
M. J. LOGAN, Editor and Proprietor."
M. J. LOGAN, Editor and Proprietor.
house on Dean street, near Buffalo As, 25 545?
house on Dean street, near Buffalo Av, 25 x 45
business to spare time—However, he appears in
business to spare time — However, he appears in
were read from the following:—Arthur H Curtis.
were read from the following: — Arthur H Curtis.
ġlórṁar Muire, mar do ḃí a deaġ-oib-
ġlórṁar Ṁuire, mar do ḃí a deaġ-oib-
paid per share on application. Same amount on
paid per share on application. Same amount on
ġeansa a b-pósaḋ, agus is ormsa a tá
ġeansa a b-pósaḋ, agus is ormsa a tá
M. J. Logar
M. J. Logan,
Songs for Freedom.
Songs for Freedom.
'a h-ál. agus ċuir sí an coileán air a
a h-ál. agus ċuir sí an coileán air a


If you are using this dataset, please cite these:

    title = "{``}To Have the {`}Million{'} Readers Yet{''}: Building a Digitally Enhanced Edition of the Bilingual {I}rish-{E}nglish Newspaper {`}An Gaodhal{'} (1881-1898)",
    author = "Dereza, Oksana  and
      N{\'\i} Chonghaile, Deirdre  and
      Wolf, Nicholas",
    editor = "Sprugnoli, Rachele  and
      Passarotti, Marco",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA) @ LREC-COLING 2024",
    month = may,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Torino, Italia",
    publisher = "ELRA and ICCL",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2024.lt4hala-1.9",
    pages = "65--78",
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