► ○◐▱◠◎◠!
- Don't cry.
◉◠▱◬◒▪▽◂◓▾▢ ◚▴ ◧▦▾ ◕▴◓◗ ◫◞▫◗▽◂◓◨◎▵
We work together usually and I want her back.
▬◠▱◠◎◠◓◠◫▦▱◠◓ ◞◪▦◗ ▴▱▴ ◕▴◉◗◓◎▴▨ ◫◉◗▦ ◦▫▪▱◕◠▦'▪ ◳◂▨
The Calamarain would have destroyed the Enterprise to get to you.
▮◗▢ ◈◪ ◗◞▫◪◓ ◎◗◞◗▦◗▢?
Want some?
◀◗◓ ◒▴▽ ◳◧▨■ ◞◠▨▱◠▦◠▼◠▨ ◀◗◓ ◳▴◓ ◳◂▨▵
There is nothing to say, nowhere to hide.
◙▾◚◠◓▪▦ ◠◒▫▪◓▵
Fly over the walls.
◑◪ ▦◪◈◪▦ ◧▦◠ ◕▩◚◪▦◎◪▦ ◕▴◓◪▨▫◫◐◗▦◫▵
And why I think you should trust him.
▮◠◈◪▼▴ ▫▴▢ ▼◠▦▱▪◳▪◎▵
I'm just impetuous.
◦▱◬◒▨◠▦▱▪▨◞◠ ▾▢◠▨▱◠◒◎◠▦◠▵
Familiarity makes you flee
◛◉▫◠ ▽◠◒◠◎◠▨ ◗◞▫◫◳◧◓◞▾▦▾▢▵ ◝◨ ◳◭▢◈◪▦ ◀◬◉◠◐◬ ▨▪▢◠◓▫◎◠ ◎◠▨◫▦◪◞◗▦◫▦ ◗◉◗▦◪ ◞◧▨◠◓◞▪▦◬▢▵
You want to live on the edge, so get knives in toaster.
○◎◠ ◝◧◂▫◞◗▴ ◧◓▫◠◳◠ ◉▪▨◎◠◈◬▵
But Bootsie was just not showing up.
◲▫◫◓◠▢ ▴◈◗◳◂◓◨◎■ ▮◠◳◬▦ ▭◠▨◫◎▵
I protest, Your Honour.
◆▴◓◉▴▨▫▴▦ ◉◧▨ ▨◧◓▨◎◨◒▫▾▵
Really he was just scared.
▿ ▴◒◳◠▱◠◓◠ ◎◫▱▽◂▦▱◠◓▼◠ ▨▴▢■ ▫▴▨◓◠◓ ▫▴▨◓◠◓ ◀◠▨▫◬▦▵
You've been through her things a million times.
◙▾◓◨◎◨ ◇◐◓◪▦◎◪▱◫▽◫◎▵
Well, I need to know what the situation is.
◝◫◓◠▢ ◕◠◓◫▻ ◀◗◓ ◈▾◓◨◎▵
It's kind of weird.
◝◠◀◠▦▱◠ ▨◂▦◨◒◎◠▱◬▽◬◎▵
I've got to talk to your father.
◄◪◓◪◈◗▫▷■ ◀◠▦◈▪▦ @@@29'◈◠ ◉◠▱◬◒▫◬◐▪▦▪ ◞◇▽▱▴◈◗▵
Meredith told us the line is running at 29%%%.
◝◨▦▾▦ ▽◠▦◬▦◈◠■ ◂ ▫◠◎ ◀◫◓ ◞◠▱◠▨▵
Besides, he's a dork.
► ◝▴▦ ▨◗◎◫▦ ◣▱◈◭◓◈◭◐◭▦◭ ◀▾▱◎◠▨ ◫◞▫◗◳◂◓▾◎▵
- I want to find out who killed him.
◳◠◓◈▪◎ ▴◈◪◓◞◪◎■ ◀◠▦◠ ◳◠◓◈◬◎ ◪◈▴▼◪▨▱▴◓◗▦◗ ◞◇◳▱▴◈◗▱▴◓▵
They said that if I helped them, that they would help me.
◝▾▦◠ ◎◬ ◗▦◠▦▪▽◧◓◞◨▦?
Is that what you believe?
◝◨■ ◗◞▽◠▦▨◠◓■ ◈▩◒▩▦▼◪◞◫▢■ ▨◇▫▩ ◞◪◉◗◎▱▴◓ ◳◠▻◠▦ ◗▨◫ ◕◪▦◉▱◪ ◫▱◕◗▱◗ ▵
It's about two rebellious, impulsive teenagers making really bad choices.
► ◝▴▽▴◍◪▦◈◗ ▽◠◀◠▦ ◇◓◈◪◐◫
-He needs a bird whistle for wild ducks.
50 °■ ◎▴◞◠◍◪ 5 ◎◫▱■ ▷▪▢◬ 20 ▨▦◧▫▵
50", distance 5 miles, speed 20 knots.
◝▾ ◫▽◫ ◀◗◓◒▴▽ ◀▩▽◭▨◀◠◀◠■ ▫◠◎ ◫◞▫◪◈◗◐◫◎◫▢ ◒▴◳!
That's good, grandpa, that's what we want!
◞◇◳▱◪◎◪▨▫◪▦ ▨◂◓▨▾▽◧◓◨◎■ ◀◗◓◒◪▽ ▷◠▱◠ ▴▫◓◠◍◬◎◬▢◈◠ ◞▩▢◭▱◭▻■ ◀◗▢◪ ◀▾▦◨ ◳◠▻◎◠◳◠ ◉◠▱◬◒▪▽◂◓▵
However, that does mean that someone... or, dare I say it, some thing is still floating' around, tryin' to do us in.
◈◪◓◈▴ ◕◗◓▴◓◞▴ ◈◠▷◠ ▨◣▫◭ ◧▱◨◓▵
Lt'll be worse if you get into trouble.
► ◟◬▨▪◎ ▫◂▻◨▦◠ ◀◪▦▢▴▽▴▦▵
- Like wrecking balls.
◝◭▫▩▦ ◀◨▦▱◠◓◬ ▦▴◓◪◈◪▦ ◀◫▱◫◳◂◓◞◨▦?
How do you know all that?
◝◨▦◨▦ ◳▩▢▩▦◈▴▦ ◀▴▨◉◫▽▱◪ ◉◂▨ ▫◠◓▫◬◒▫▪▨▵
We used to argue with the guard for that.
◑◫▼ ◈▩▦ ◕◪▼▴ ▮▷◠▦▴'▦◫▦ ◪◚◗▦◈◪ ◀◪▨▱▴◈◗◐◗▦◫ ◈▩◒▩▦▩◳◂◓▵
Vic thinks that Shane was waiting at his place personally last night.
► ▤◂▦◂▦ ◚◪ ◀◠▦◠ ▦◠◞◬▱ ◕◂▱◍ ◂◳▦◠▦◠▼◠◐▪▦◬ ◣◐◓◪▫▴▼▴▨▫◫▦▵
- You were going to teach Ronon and myself how to play golf.
▭◪▽◪▫▴ ◫◉▨◗ ◳◠◞◠◐◬ ▷◠▨▨▪▦◈◠▨◗
Could you speak to the committee concerning your views on the state of Prohibition at this time?
○▦▦◪◎ ◀◠◀◠◎ ◀◗◓ ◌◠◞▱◬ ▨◠◎▻▪▦◈◠ ▫▾▫◨▨▱▾◳◈▾▵
My parents were prisoners in a Moroccan camp.
► ▮◫▢◫▦ ◫◉◫▦ ◈◨◠ ◪◈◪▼▴◐◗◎▵
I'll pray for you.
◝▴◀◪▨▱◪◓◫◎▴ ◞◪▱◠◎ ◞◣◳▱◪▵
- Say hi to my babies.
◑◪ ◄▴▢◂▻◧▫◠◎◳◠▱▪▱◠◓ ◞▴▱◚◫▽◫■ ▼◪▦◠▢◪ ◀◂◳◨▦▼◠ ▴▫ ▽◠▦◠◓▨◪▦ ◉◬▨◠▦ ▨◂▨▾◳◨ ◎◠◞▨◪▱◪◎◪▨ ◗◉◫▦ ▨◧▨◨ ▦◣▫◓▱▴◒▫◫◓◗▼◗◞◫ ◧▱◠◓◠▨ ▨◨▱▱◠▦◬◓▱◠◓◈◬▵
And the Mesopotamians used cedar as an odour neutraliser during funerals to mask the smell of burning flesh.
◩▦ ▨◠▻▪◈◠▦ ◀◠◒▨◠ ◀◫◓ ◉▪▨▪◒
Well, is there any other way out besides the front door?
▲◫◞◠▦◞▱◠◓◬ ◠◞▨▪▽◠ ◠▱▪▦◈◬▵
They had their license suspended.
◝◫◓ ◠▽◠◐◬ ◉◧▨▫◠▦ ◉◨▨◨◓◠ ◕◗◓◎◫◒▵
- Oh. - He was pretty far gone.
◌◠▢▱◠ ▷◬▢▱▪ ◉▴▨◎◪▽◪ ◉◠▱▪◒◎◠▽◬▦▵
-I see something. -The remove not too fast.
◝◫▢ ◈▴ ◓◠◈▽◧◈◠ ◈▾▽◈◨▨■ ◢◧◉▵
We heard it on the radio, coach.
◅◂◐▾ ◗▦◞◠▦ ◀▾◓◠◈◠ ▫◠▨◬▱◬◓▵
A lot of people hang out here.
► ◅◪▨◫▦◗ ◠▱◈◬▦ ◎▪?
- Did you get your check?
▮▩◓◪▨▱◗ ◀▾▦◨ ◞◇▽▱◪▽◫▻ ◈▾◓▾▽◂◓◞◨▦▵
You keep on saying that.
► ◤▾▨◠◓◬◈◠▽◈▪◎■ ◗▢▱◗▽◧◓◈▾◎▵
- I was up above, watching.
▭◠◓◀◫ ▷◠◓◀◫ ◀◨◓◠◳◠ ◎◬ ◕◪▫◗◓◗▽◂◓◞◨▦◨▢?
You're actually bringing it out here?
◲▢▱▴◓◫◎ ▻◓◂◍◪◞◇◓▵
I'll watch, professor.
◀▴▦▼▴ ◠◫▱▴◎◗▦ ◙▯◦'◞◬▦▪ ▫◠◒◬◎◠◈▪◐◬◎◈◠▦ ◂◓◠◳◠ ▨◪◞◫▦▱◫▨▱▴ ▨◠▽◈▴◈◫▱◗◓◈◗◎▵
But I think I definitely would have enrolled had I not got my parents' DNA.
◕◗◓◎▴◞◗▦◗ ◫▢▱◪◈◫■ ◞◧▦◓◠ ▨◪▦◈◗ ◕◗◓◈◫ ◚▴ ◝◓◧▫▫'◨ ◞◧◓◈▾▵
He watches him go in, then goes in himself and asks about Brott.
◞◗▢◫▦ ◀◠▽◠◐◬▱▪◐◬▦◬▢ ▨◠◍◠▫◠◞▱◠◓▪▦▪▢▪▦ ▨▴◎◗▨ ▽◠▻◬◞◬ ◗▱◪ ◗▱◕◗▱◗▵
Gentlemen, you see your inferiority is a question of the bony structure of your skulls.
▽▴◓◫▦◗ ◀◗▱◪▦ ▫▴▨ ▨◗◒◗◞◫▦▵
You're the only one who knows where the sorcerer is. Arthur!
▯◪ ◳◠▻◠◳▪◎ ◞◣◳▱▴◞◪▦◪?
What do you want me to do?
◆◗▫ ◚◪▽◠ ▨◠▱ ◍◠◓▨ ▴▫◎◪▢■ ▬◠◓▱◗◞▱▴'◈◠▦ ◠◳◓◬▱◎◠▱◬◞◬▦▵
Go or stay, you must sack Carlisle.
45 ◈◠▨◗▨◠◈◬◓ ▫◠◒◠▨ ◕▴◉◫◳◧◓◞▾▦▾▢▵
At 45 minutes of the second half... That's a joke.
► ◡◠▼▨ ◠◓◬◳◂◓▵
It's Jack.
◅▩▦▨▩ ◀▾ ◗◒ ▫▴◓◞ ◕◫◈▴◓◞▴ ▫◪▼◠◚▩▢◈◪▦ ◳◠▨◠▱◠▦◠▦ ◒◪◓◪◍◞◗▢ ◕◇▫ ◀▴▦ ◧▱◎◠◳◠▼◠◐◬◎▵
Cos if this goes tits up, I'm not the noncy weirdo bastard that's getting done for rape.
► ◝◫◓◠▢ ▨◓◪▻ ◠▱◠▼◠◐◬◎▵
- I'm just gonna have some pancakes.
◊◉◗▦◗ ◠◉◬▦▵
Open it up.
▮◂▦◓◠ ◈◠ ◀◠◐◬◎▱▪◞◬ ◧▱◎▾◒■ ◀◪◓◀◠▫ ◀◫◓ ◈◨◓▾◎▵
She got addicted. It was a mess.
► ▮◂▦▾◉▱◠◓ ▨◪◞◗▦ ◈▴◐◗▱▵
The results were inconclusive.
◝◨ ▦◧▫ ◈◪◍▫◪◓◫ ◫◉◗▦◈◫▵
That's worth a clipboard note.
▮▴▦◈◪ ▷◗◉ ◕▾◓▾◓ ◳◧▨ ◎◨?
Do you have any pride?
◝▴▦ ▫▾▫▨▾▱▾ ◀◗◓ ▨◠◈◬▦◬◎▵
I'm a passionate woman.
▮▷◠▦◗◠■ ◀▾◓◠◈◠ ◞▴▦◫ ◕◣◓◎◪▨ ◫◉◫▦ ◉◧▨ ▷◪◳▴▼◠▦▱◠▦◠▦ ◀◫◓◫ ◚◠◓▵
Shania, there's someone who is literally pooping himself with excitement to see you.
◑◗◓◭◞ ▶◫▱◈▴◈ □▱◠▫◍◂◓◎▾▦▾▦ ▫▴◎◪▱▱▴◓◫▦◈◪ ▽◠▻◬▱◎▪◒▵
The virus is based off of the tilded platform.
◤◠▦◗ ◀▾◓◠◈◠▨◫■ ◈◫◐◪◓ ▨▪◞◎◬ ▨◠▱◠▦ ▽◠◓◬◞▪ ▨◠▦◪▻▴ ◞◠▦◬◓◬◎?
Over here, the other half would be, um, half, uh... Couch, I guess?
◢◓◫◞▷▦◠'▦▪▦ ▨▪▢ ▨◠◓◈◪◒◗▽▱▴ ◠◳▦◬ ◠▦◈◠
Abhimanyu, Arjuna's favourite son, conceived with Krishna's own sister,
◆▱▩▫◪▦■ ◎◬◞▪◓ ◒▾◓◨◀▾■ ◀◨ ▢▴▷◗◓▵
Gluten, corn syrup, this poison.
◱◓▱◠▦◈◂ ◗◉◗▦ ▴◞◓◠◓ ▻◠▨▴▫▱◪◎◗▽◧◓▾◎▵
All right? I'm not packing weed I'm not running guns for Orlando so he can get a nice new ride.
▨◠◉▪▦◬▱◎◠▢ ◂▱◠◓◠▨■ ◈◬◒◠◓▪◈◠ ▨◠▱◠▦ ▫◠▨▪◎▱◠◓◈◠▦ ◀◠▢◬▱◠◓▪■ ◎◠◉◬ ◧◳▦◠◎◠ ▷◠▨▨◬ ◚▴◓◫▱◞▴▽◈◗■ ◒◠◎▻◗▽◧▦◨▦ ▨◪▦◈◫▱◪◓◫ ◂▱◠▼◠◐◬▦◬ ◗◈◈◗◠ ◪◈◪◓◈◫▵
And every year, invariably, some team gets left off that believes, well, it could have won the game on the field if it had just been given the chance.
◝▾ ◂▱◠▽◬▦ ◞◪▦◗▦ ◗◉◫▦ ◉◧▨ ◈◓◠◎◠▫◫▨
Though it's obvious that the experience was very dramatic to you.
► ◱◓◠◞◬ ◉◣▱ ▷◠▽◠▫▪◎▵
- It's a desert, honey.
▿ ◒◪◳◫▦ ◕▴◓◉▴▨ ◧▱◎◠◈▪◐◬▦◬ ◀◫▱◫◳◧◓◈▾◎▵
I knew that thing of his couldn't be real.
◦◎◠ ◂ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◪◐▱◪▦▼◪▱◫ ▨◗▵
But she's so fun. It's...
▭◫◉◀◫◓ ▽◪◓▴ ◕◗▫◎▴◎▵▵▵
- I'm not going anywhere until you...
○▦▦▴▦◫▦ ▨▾◓◠▱▱◠◓◬▦◠ ▨◠◓◒◬ ◉▪▨◎◠▨▵
Oh, disobeying Mom, I approve.
▬◪▦◠▢▴◈▴ ◕◗▢▱◪▦◪▦ ◀◫◓◫ ◂▱◈▾◐▾▦◨ ◕◣◓◎◭◒▫◭◎▵
I saw someone lurking at the funeral.
◢◬◉◬◎◠ ◀◠◓◈◠▨ ◠▱▫▱◬◐◬ ◎▪ ◳◠▻◬◒◎◬◒■
Is there a coaster stuck to my butt or something?
◆◣◓▴◚ ◑▴▦▾◞'▱▴ ◀◠◒▱◠▽◠▼◠▨▵
The mission will begin with Venus.
▮◠▻▪▨ ◈◪◐◫▱◫◎ ◀◪▦▵
I'm not a pervert. No.
◦▷■ ▽◂▱▼▾▱◨▨ ◫◉◫▦ ▷◪◈◫◳▴ ◠▱◎◠▱◬◳◈▪◎▵
Oh, I should have got you a going- away gift.
◡▾◞▫◫▦■◒◗◎◈◫ ◈◪◐◫▱ ▷◠▽◠▫◬◎▵
Justin,not now,sweetheart.
◝◗▱◈◗◐◫▦◫ ◞◣◳▱◪ ◳▴▫◪◓▵
Just tell us what you know.
▯◪◈◪▦ ◀◗▱◎◫▽◧◓▾◎ ◠◎◠ ◫▦◠▦▪◳◂◓▾◎▵
I don't know why, but I do.
► ◢◠◓◈▴◒◗ ▽◧▨▵
No siblings.
► ◢◠◓◈▴◒◗ ▽◧▨▵
- Got none
▮▴▦◫▦▱▴ ▨◧▦◨◒◎◠◎ ◕◪◓◪▨◫◳◂◓◈▾▵
I needed to talk to you.
◢◠▱◫▦◈◠ ◧▦▱◠◓◠ ▨◠◓◒◬ ◠▦▱◠◳▪◒▱◬ ◈◠◚◓◠▦▪◳◧◓▵
Kalinda's sympathetic with them.
▮▻◓◗▦◕◍◗▴▱◈▱▪▱◠◓■ ◀◨▦▾ ▷◗◉◀◗◓ ▢◠◎◠▦ ▨◠▦▪▫▱◠◳◠◎◠◈◬▦▪▢▵
That was never proven, you Springfield screw-job.
◝◗◓ ▨◪◓▴◞◗▦◈▴ ◀◫◓ ◂◳▾▦▼◠◐◬◎▪▦ ▨◠◍◠◞◬▦▪ ▨◠▽◀◪▫▫◫◎▵
I lost the head of one of my toys once.
◞◪▦◫▦ ◞◗▦◫◓◗▦◫ ◀◂▢◠▦ ◒◪▽▱▴◓▴ ◞◠◀▪◓ ◕◇◞▫▴◓◎▴▦ ◕◪◓◪▨◫◓▵
Sometimes you have to have patience with things that annoy you.
◆▴▦◉▱◗▨ ◚▴ ▼▴▷◠▱◪▫◗▦◈◪▦ ◇▫◭◓◭ ◂▦▾ ◠◍◍▴◈◫▦▵
Please forgive him for his youth and ignorance.
◫▦◠▦◎◠▽▪ ◠◞▱◠ ◣◐◓▴▦▴◎◪◳▴▼▴▨ ◎◗◞◗▦?
Will you never learn to believe without proof?
▮◂▦◓◠ ◕◗▫▫◗◎ ◚▴ ▨◠◓▫◬ ◠◉▫▪◎▵
So, I go over and I open the card.
◙◂◐◓▾■ ▷◠◓◗▨◠▵
Yes, awesome.
◢◠◉◎◠▦◗▢◠ ▽◠◓◈◫◎ ◫◉◫▦ ◕◣▦◈◪◓◈◗▵
She sent me to help you escape.
◆◭▢▴▱■ ▲◠▾◓◠ ◍◠◚◂◓◫ ◇◐◓▴▦▼◫▱◪◓◗◎◈◪▦ ◀◫◓◗◳◈◫▵
▭◪◞◠◀◬◎◬ ▽▴◎ ◧▱◠◓◠▨ ▨▾▱▱◠▦◠▼◠▨▱◠◓◬▦▪ ◞◇◳▱▴◈◗▱▴◓▵
Well, they're using my bank account as bait.