□◂▱◗◞ ◕◫◀◫ ▨◂▦▾◒◨▽◧◓◞◨▦▵
-You sound like a cop.
► ◅◧▨ ▨▪◞◠ ◀◪▱▨◫ ◠◓◠◀◠◎◬ ◀◫◓ ◳◠◓◬◒▫◠ ▻◠◓◉◠▱◠◈◬◐▪◎▪
You may have heard I totaled my car in a demolition derby.
▮▾◓◠▫▪▦◬ ◠◞◎◠ ▫◠▫▱◬◎▵
Oh, don't be that way, honey.
◅◧▨ ▫▴◒◪▨▨▩◓▱◪◓■ ◝◠◓◀◠◓◠▵
Oh, thank you so much, Barbara.
◖◫◎◈◗ ◍◠◓▨◪▫▫◗◎■ ◞◪▦ ◠◓▫◬▨ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▫◠▨▪◎◬◎◈◠ ◈◪◐◫▱◞◫▦ ◝◠◳ ◝▩◳▩▨ ▮▾◉▱◠◓■ ◍◠▨◠▫ ▷◠▱◠ ▬◯◙'▦◗▦ ◀◫◓ ▻◠◓◉◠◞◬◞◬▦ ◈▴◐◫▱ ◎◫?
Now I realize you're no longer in my squad, Mr. Major Crimes, but you're still part of C.I.D., right?
◆◓◠▦◈◭▨ ▭◠▢◓◪▫▱◪◓◗ ▴◎◗◓ ◚◪◓◎◪◈◗▵
Your Grand Ducal Highness gave no such command.
◝◨▦▾ ◠▱◬◳◧◓▾◎ ◚◪ ▷▴◎◪▦ ◕◗◈◗◳◂◓▾◎▵
I'll just take it, and I'll just go.
▯▴ ▨◗◀◠◓ ◈◠◚◓◠▦◬◒■ ◈◪◐◫▱ ◎◗?
That was nice. Wasn't it?
◝◪▦ ◞▴▦◗▦ ◫◉◗▦ ◳◠▻◠◓◈▪◎▵ ◝◪▦ ◞◪▦◫▦ ◗◉◗▦ ◀◨▦◨ ◳◠▻◠◓◈▪◎■
I would do it for you.
◦▱◬▼▪▦◬▦ ▷◪◞◠◀▪ ◠▽◠◓▱◠▦◈◬ ◎◬?
Is the receiving account all set?
◞◂▨◠▨▫◠▨◗ ▷▴◓▨▴◞◗▦ ◀◠▷◉◪◞◗▦◈▴ ◀◫◓ ▫◠▦▴ ◚◠◓▵
Besides, practically everyone's house on the block has one, Besides, practically everyone's house on the block has one, including the Iamontes.
▮◠◈◪▼◪ ◀◫◓ ◒◪▽ ◞◂◓◎◠▨ ◫◞▫◗◳◂◓▾◎▵
I just want to ask you something.
▯◧◓◎◠▱ ◀◫◓ ▷◠◳◠▫ ◞▩◓◎◪ ▻▱◠▦▱◠◓▪◎ ◞◂▦◠ ▴◓◎◫◒▫◫▵
My plans to live a normal life were gone.
◢◫◎▱▴◓▱◪ ▫◠▨▪▱◈◬◐▪▦▪ ◀◗▱◫◳◧◓ ◎▾▽▾▢?
Do we know who he rides with?
▮◪▦ ◠◓▫▪▨ ◄▴▫◓◂▻◂▱◗◞'◈▴ ◂▦◠▽▱◠▦◎◬◒
You are now metropolis' own cornfield killer.
# ▮◂▦◞◨▢◠ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◞◭◓◪◀◫▱◫◓◈◗ #
♪ It might last forever ♪
▤◭▢◕◠◓ ◕◗◀◫ ▨◧◒!
Run like the wind!
▤◭▢◕◠◓ ◕◗◀◫ ▨◧◒!
- ♪ I wouldn't do that ♪
▮◧▻◠▽▪ ▫◨▫◎◠▽▪ ◚▴ ▫◂▻◨ ▨◂▦▫◓◂▱ ◪▫◎▴◳◫ ◀◗▱◎◪◈◪▦ ◚▾◓▾◒ ◳◠▻◠◎◠▢◞▪▦▵
But you can't take a slap shot before you even know how to handle a stick and a puck.
○◈◠◎◬◎▵ ▮◠▦◠ ◧ ▨◠◐▪▫▱◠◓▪
Man, I told you we didn't see the fucking papers.
► ◝◫◓ ◒▴▽ ◎◫ ◀◨▱◈◨▨?
◝◗◓ ▨▴◓▴◞◗▦◈◪ ◀◫◓ ▫◓◂▱▼▩ ◕◇◓◎▩◒▫◭◎▵
I once saw a trawlerman.
▭◪◓ ◀◗◓◗▦◫ ◠▫▴◒◪ ◚◪◓◈◫▨▵
We've burned down every one of them.
◢◪◒▨◪ ◀◗◓▨◠◉ ◕◭▦▩◎◭▢ ◈◠▷◠ ◧▱◞◠▽◈◬▵
If we had a few more days...
▮◠◈◪▼▴ ◳◠◓◈◬◎ ◪▫◎◪▽▴ ◉◠▱▪◒▪◳◂◓◈◨◎▵
I just wanted to help.
◝▴▦ ◈▩▦◳◠▦◬▦ ◠▱▫◬ ◈◪▦◫▢◗▦◗ ▴▱◫◎◈▴ ▫◨▫◠◓▨◪▦■ ◧ ◠◐▢▪▦◠ ◠▱▫◬ ▫◬▨◠◉
While I hold the six seas of the world in my hand, he couldn't even put six gob-stoppers in his mouth.
◢◬▢▪ ◀◫▦◠▦◬▦ ◉◠▫▪◞▪▦◠ ◉◬▨◠◓▫◎▪◒◞▪▦▵
- You've got her at the top of a building.
▷◪◓▷◠▦◕◫ ◀◗◓◗▦◫ ◞◨◗◞▫◗◎◠▱ ◪▫▫◗▦ ◎◫?
You never violated any of these corpses?
◫▱◪ ◀▴◓◠◀◪◓ ◉◠▱▪◒◎◠◳◠ ◈◠ ◈▴◚◠◎ ◪◈▴▼◪▨◞◗▦▵
and still do everything you have to for Harvey.
▨◗ ◠▨◬▱▱▪ ◀◫◓ ◒◪◳▫◠▦◈▪◓■ ◀◨◕◭▦ ▴▱◗▦▴ ▼◪▦▦◪▫▫▴▦ ◀◫◓ ▷▴◈◫◳▴ ◚◪◓◈◗▵
God, who is a clever devil, today put in your hands a gift from paradise.
▨◪◞◗▦ ◧▱◠◓◠▨ ▨◫◎◗▦ ▽◠◒◠◈◬◐▪▦◈◠▦ ◪◎◗▦ ◈◪◐◫▱▵
He's not sure who lives here.
◝▾ ▷◠◍▫◠ ◍◠▢▱◠◈◠▦ ◎◪◞◠◗ ◳◧▨ ◈◪◎◫◒▫◫▦▵
You said there wasn't no overtime this weekend.
◝◪▦◗◎ ◗◉◗▦ ▦▴ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◣▦◪◎▱◫ ◧▱◈▾◐▾▦◨ ▫◠▷◎◫▦ ▴◈◪◎◪▢◞◗▦▵
You have no idea how important you are to me.
◝◭▫◭▦ ◪▨◫▻▱▴◓■ ▷◠◓▴▨◪▫▴ ◕◪◉◫▦▵
- All teams move in on target.
◆◪◓◉◪▨ ◂▱◠▦ ◀▾▵
This is the real one.
◆◪◓◉◪▨ ◂▱◠▦ ◀▾▵
"This is real. "
◆◪◓◉◪▨ ◂▱◠▦ ◀▾▵
And that's the truth.
◆◪◓◉◪▨ ◂▱◠▦ ◀▾▵
That's a reality.
◆◪◓◉◪▨ ◂▱◠▦ ◀▾▵
This is the truth.
► ◱▫▾◓■ ▱▩▫◍▴▦ ◂▫◨◓▵
- Sit down, please sit down.
◘◞▨◫ ◈◧◞▫▾◎▾▢ ▭▴◠▫◂▦►▭◠◓◓◗◞ ▦◠◞▪▱?
How's our old friend Heaton-Harris?
◕▩▦ ◞◧▦◓◠ ▬◠◈◬▱◠◓ ◝◠▽◓◠◎▪ ◠▨◒◠◎▪■ ◕◭▼▩◎◭▦ ▫◠◎◠◎▪▦◠ ▨◠◚◨◒▫▾◐◨◎◈◠■ ◀◨ ◈▾◚◠◓ ▽▪▨▪▱◠▼◠▨ ◚▴ ◇▢◕▩◓ ◂▱◠▼◠◐▪▢▵
Five days from now, on Halloween night, when I have my full powers, this wall will come down, and we will be free.
► ◝▴▦◗◎ ▢◪◚▨▫◗◓▵ ◅◧▨ ▨◂▱◠◳ ◧▱◈▾ ◀▾▵
This is just too easy.
◆▴▱◫▻ ◞▴▦◗ ◕◇◓◎◪▽◫ ◗◞▫◗▽◧◓▱◠◓▵
- They still want to come in and see you.
○◳◓▪▼◠ ◫▻◂▫◪▨ 8■2▵
Plus the mortgage at 8.2.
◙◂◞▫▱◠◓▪◎◬▢▪ ▨▾◓▫◠◓◠◎◠◞◠◳◈▪▦ ◞▴▦ ▦◠◞▪▱ ▷◫◞◞◪◈▴◓◈◫▦?
And how would you feel if I failed to save our friends?
► ◲▨◗◞◫ ◈◪ ◉◂▨ ▻◠◓▱◠▨ ◈◨◓◨◳◂◓▵
- They both look pretty lame.
◀◗◓ ◒◪◳ ◞◣◳▱▴◎◪▢■ ▼◪◚◠▻ ◚▴◓◎◪▢◈◗▵
He never said anything either, Never talked back.
▿ ◕◪▼◪ ▷◠▨▨▪▦◈◠ ◞◇▽▱◪◈◗◐◗▦ ▷◪◓ ◒▴▽ ▽◠▱◠▦▵
Everything you've said about that night is a lie.
▫◪▨ ◀◠◒▪▦◠ ◞◂◐◨▨▫◠ ▨◠▱◈◬▦▵
You're out in the cold.
◚▴ ◗◒▽▴◓◫▦◫ ▫◂▨◞◗▦▱▴◓ ◚◪ ▴▦◍◪▨◞◫◳◧▦▱◠◓ ◫◉◗▦ ◠◓◠◒▫◬◓◬▦▵
Go check out the house and the office for toxins and infections.
◟◧▨ ◞◧◓◨▦ ◂▱◎◠▢▵ ◱▦▱◠◓ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▱◠◓▪◎■ ▷◪▻ ◀▾◓◠▽◠ ▫◠▨◬▱◬◓▪▢ ▢◠▫◪▦▵
No it's fine, it's fine... these people are my friends; we hang out here all the time.
○▱ ◳◠ ◈◠ ◀▪◓◠▨▵
Take it or leave it.
◟◨◎◓◨▨▱◠◓▪ ◉◠▱◬◒▫▪◓▵
Get your jab working.
"▲▴▽◈◫ ▰▴◞▫▷◂▱◎▴ ◈◭▦ ◢◨◈◭◞'▫▴ ▫◓◠▸◫▨ ◀◫◓ ◒▴▨◗▱◈▴ ◣▱◈▩▵"
"The tragic death of Lady Westholme occurred in Jerusalem yesterday."
► ▮▪▼◠▨ ◞◂◞◫◞▱▴◓ ◀◨◓◠◈◠▵
Get your dogs right here.
◢◠▫▱◫◠◎▱◠◓◬ ▷◫◉ ◞◪◚◎◪▢▱▴◓▵
They're not very fond of bloodbaths.
◝◗◓◫ ◠▱◠◓◎◬ ◞▾◞▫▾◓◞▾▦ ▱▩▫◍◪▦!
Somebody please shut the alarm off!
◝◗◓◗▦◫▦ ◪◚◪ ▴▨◎◪▨ ◕◪▫◗◓◎◪◞◫ ◕▴◓▴▨◫▽◧◓▵
Someone has to bring home the bacon.
◝◫▱◗◳◧◓▾◎■ ◠◎◠ ◀◨ ◈▴◎◪▨ ◂▱◎▾◳◧◓ ▨◗▵▵▵
I know, but that doesn't mean...
◝◠▦◠ ◫▽◫▼▴ ◀◫◓ ◀◠▨▵ ◆◭▢▴▱ ◀◫◓ ▨◠◈◬▦▪◎▵
Take a good look at me.
▭◫◉ ◕▴◓◪◐◫►
Oh, that's not necess...
◠◓◠▼◬▱▪◐◬▽▱◠ ▨◠▽◈◬ ◚◪▵▵▵ ◱ ◀◨◓◠◈◠ ◈◫▦▱◪▦◎▴▨ ◗◉◗▦ ◕▴▱◈◗▵
Skidded through the dirt and... she came to rest right here.
◊▦◞◠▦▱◠◓◬▦ ◠◓▨◠◎◈◠ ◂▱◎◠◞▪▦◈◠▦ ▷◂◒▱◠▦◎◬▽◧◓◨◎▵
I don't like people behind me.
◞◗▱◠▷ ◞◪◞◫ ◈◨◳◎◠▢◞◠▦ ▨◬▢▱◠◓ ◀◨◓◠◈◠ ◈◪◐◫▱ ◈◪◎▴▨▫◫◓■ ◧▦▾ ◀◬◓◠▨▪◓◞▪▦▵
If you don't hear gunfire for longer than five minutes set him loose.
▭◠◳◬◓■ ▬▱◠▽▵
No, Clay.
◝◫◓ ◗◉▨◗◳▴ ◗▷▫◗▽◠▼◬◎ ◚◠◓▵
I need a drink.
◝◫◓ ◗◉▨◗◳▴ ◗▷▫◗▽◠▼◬◎ ◚◠◓▵
I need a drink.
▭◠▽◈◗ ▻◠◓▫◗◳▴ ◈◇▦▵
Go back to the party.
◝◭▽◭▨ ◝◓◫▫◠▦◳◠'▦▪▦■ ▭◓◫◞▫◗▽◠▦▱▪◐◬▦ ◚◪ ◀▴◒▴◓◫◳◪▫◗▦ ◈◭◒◎◠▦▱◠◓◬ ◂▱◠▦ ▽◠◓◠▫◬▨▱◠◓▱◠ ◀◗◓▱◗▨▫◪ ◳◂▱▼▾▱◨▨ ◳◠▻▪▽◂◓▵
It means he has trafficked with creatures that are the enemies of Great Britain, of Christianity, of mankind itself.
▿◓◠◞▪ ◇◳▱◪▵
[LAUGHS] You are.
▿◓◠◞▪ ◇◳▱◪▵
That goes without saying.
◝◫▱◗◓◞◫▦ ▴◚▱◗ ▨◠◈▪▦▱◠◓◠ ◗▱◕◫ ◈▾▽◎◠◎▵
You know I've got nothing against married women.
◝◂◳▾ ◳◠▨▱◠◒◬▨ ◀◨ ▨◠◈◠◓▵
He's about yea tall.
◰◓◕▴▦▱▴◓ ◂▱◕◨▦▱◠◒◎◠▢▱◠◓■▵▵ ▵▵▵◞◠◈◪▼◪ ◀◭▽▩◓▱◪◓▵
Adolescents don't mature, they just get older.
◗▦◞◠▦▱◠◓◠ ◧◳▾▦ ◂▽▦◠◓■ ◀▾ ◧▦◨▦ ▫◠◓▢◬◈◬◓▵ ◦◎◠ ◀◠▢◪▦▵▵▵
And mostly messes with them, plays tricks, 'cause that's his way too, but sometimes... if he takes a shine to you...
◆◣▢▱◪◓ ◗▱▴◓◈◪▵
Eyes ahead!
◠◞◠▱◠▨■ ◠◓◠◀◠◞▪▦◈◠ ◎▪ ◳◠◒▪▽◧◓ ▦◪◈◫◓?
That parasite must live in his car.
◩▱▩◎▱◭ ◧▱◈◨◐◨▦ ◕▴◓◉◪◐◫▦◫ ▨◠◀◨▱▱▴▦◎▴▱◗◞◫▦ ◙◂▾◕▵
You have to respect your own mortality, Doug.
○◈◠◎◬◎▪▢ ◕▩▦▱▩▨ ◠▨▫◗◚◫▫◪▱◪◓◪ ▨◠▫◬▱◎◬▽◂◓▵
He just seems to run around and involved not to the domestic tasks.
◅◂▨ ◗◳◗▵ ◦◞▱◬▦◈◠ □◗▦▨▽ □◓◂◈◭▨◞◫▽◂▦'◈◠ ▨◠◈▪▦ ▨◠▷◓◠◎◠▦◠ ▻◠◓◠▱▴▱ ◀◫◓ ◓◧▱◈◪
Very good, ln fact I am doing a role of parallel heroine in pinky productions,
◢◠◓◠ ◈▴▱◗▨ ▷◠▨▨▪▦◈◠▨◗ ▫▴◧◓◗◞◗ ◎◨◠▢▢◠◎◈▪▵ ◦◎◠ ◈▴▦◕▴◞◫▢ ◈◠◚◓◠▦▪◒▱◠◓▪ ◚◪ ◎◠◈◈▴▱▴◓◗ ◞◨◗◞▫◫◎◠▱ ◪▫◎◪◞◗ ◂▦▾▦ ▨◠◈◓◂◈◠▦ ◉◬▨◠◓▫▪▱◎◠◞▪▦◠ ◞▴◀◪▻ ◧▱◈▾▵
His early work in black hole theory was outstanding, but his erratic behavior and substance abuse problems made him unfit for tenure.
▤◂◞◠ ▭◠◚◠◠▱◠▦▪▦◠ ◈◧◐◓▾ ▮▵ ◙◓◠▨▴ ◝◨▱◚◠◓▪▦◈◠▦ ◈◣▦◪▼▴◐◗◎▵
I'll turn off at Sir Francis Drake on my way to Santa Rosa Airport.
◦◍▴◈▴◓◞◗▦◫▢■ ◚◠▨◨◎▱◨ ▾▢◠◳ ◕◗▽◞◫▦◫▢ ◚◠◓ ◎▪?
Excuse me. Do you have a space hydrovac suit?
◘▱▱▴◓◫▦◗ ◈◪ ▨◠▻▾▫◨▦ ◭▢▴◓◗▦▴▵
Hands on the hood.
◊▢◫▦ ◚◪◓◫▦ ◕◪◉▴◳◗◎▵
Let me through.
▶◓◫▻▻'▱◪ ◠◳◓▪▱◎◠◈◬▨▵
- ♪ My aim ♪ - I didn't break up with him.
► ○◓▫◬▨ ◀◨◓◠◈◠ ◈▴◐◗▱■ ◄◠▫▫▵
Yeah, she's not here anymore, Matt.
▭◠▱◠ ◀◨◓◠◈◠ ▦▴ ◫◒◗▦ ◚◠◓?
What are you still doing here?
◤◠▦◗ ◒◨◓◠◈◠▨◗ ▶◪◓◎◗▦◠▫◣◓'▩▦ ▽◠▦▼◬◞▪ ◂▱◎◠◎◬▢▪ ◎◬ ◗◞▫◫◳◧◓◞▾▦▾▢? □◪▨◗ ◞◪▦?
Okay, so, you just want us to play wingman to the Terminator over there?
▬▱◠◓◠'◳◬ ◠▱◎◠◎▪ ◚▴ ◂▦◨ ◀◫▢◗◎▱◪ ◀◫◓▱◫▨▫◪ ◕◪▫◫◓◎◪◎◗ ◗◞▫◪◓ ◎◗◞◗▦?
Hey, do you want me to pick up Clara and bring her with us?
◎◪▱◪▨▱◪◓ ◈▩◒◪◓▨◪▦ ▯◧▴▱ ◠◐◠▼◬ ◕◗◀◫ ◳◠▦◈◬◐◬▦◬ ◞◣▽▱◪◎◫◒▫◫▵
So, Kevin said the table lit up like a Christmas tree when the angels fell, right?
◝◨◕▩▦ ◀◠▦◠ ◀◠▨◬▻ ◈◨◓◈◨▵
She call herself staring at me today.
◱ ◀◠▦◠ ◚◪ ▴◓▨▴▨ ▨◠◓◈◪◒◫◎▴▵▵▵
He would... .. to me and my brother...
◔▢◕◭▦▩◎▵ ► ▯◪ ◧▱◨▽◧◓?
What's goin' on?
◇◳▱▴▵ ▿▦◨ ◌◫▱▱◎◂◓▴'◈◠▨◫ ◪◚◗▦◪ ▫◠◒◬◎▪◒▫◬◎ ◀◠◳◬▱◈◬◐◬▦◈◠▵
I drove her home from the Fillmore one night... when she passed out.
◅◧▨ ▫▾▷◠◍ ◠◎◠ ▨◗◎◞▴ ◂▦◨ ◕◇◓◎▴◎◫◒▵
No-one's seen him.
We're not clear.
▫◠◎◠◎◬▦◈◠▦ ◪▦◪◓▸◗ ▫◧▻▱◠◎◠▨ ◎◭◎▨▩▦ ◂▱◠◀◫▱◗◓▵
For example, it might be possible To collect the energy from an entire star.
◝◪▦ ▫◪▨◓◠◓ ◨◐◓◠◓◬◎▵
I'll come back.