“Tidak ada orang yang lahir di dunia tanpa alasan, tidak ada orang yang lahir dan tidak bisa mewujudkan setidaknya satu hal, apapun itu.”
Lucia Song
“The Cause that caused Fear need not appear again. Therefore not fear about Fear”
Dr.Purushothaman Kollam
“True behavior change is identity change. You might start a habit because of motivation, but the only reason you'll stick with one is that it becomes part of your identity.”
James Clear
“The mystery of life is in this moment.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“To pray to seek to be in God's presence.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“A man on fire is a man of faith.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“There is no learning without study.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Eita. Olha essa fera, bicho! Brincadeira! Quem sabe faz ao vivo e se vira nos trinta. Mais do que nunca, uma fera tanto no pessoal quanto no profissional. Errou. Esta pegando fogo bicho!”
Fausto Silva
“Little things don't make perfection but perfection is made out of little things.”
Chidiebere Orji Agbugba
“No matter what happens to you, pray for strength to hold on.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Experience teaches you what you ought to know, which you don't know.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“For a few seconds, a thought creeps in. He could pull his GPS and end it. He could hit that button, and they would come to find him within an hour. That's the easy way out. While looking down, a tattoo slips out from under his sleeve. Not Done.”
B.A. Bellec
“If you can't help your self, God can help you, if you call on him, so that eventually you be able to do what must be done.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“Pikiran yang kusut nggak bakalan jadi jernih kalau nggak diatasi sama pikiran juga.”
“HOME is where we want to be”
Sofia Zakaria
“Work hard enough and your dreams will become memories.”
Arian Adeli Koodehi
“When the world shakes you up, stay grounded; and when the world tries to ground you, shake the world up!”
Ranjana Kamo
“Time is a human invention,You can slow down or you can speed it up.”
“We can only aspire to become unshakable when we take ownership for our state of mind and how we feel about situations life hands out to us”
“Be proud and stand tall; Ain't no one living your life.”
Wazim Shaw
“Remain patient in your ways, for with The Universe, there are no delays and your rewards will do nothing but amaze.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Maintain your self-confidence and let your inner light shine bright, proving all your inner might and elevating you to a greater height of which you have the right.”
Thabiso Makekele
“You are worthy of the success you desire and will make your dreams come true, ignite your fire and prepare for your breakthrough.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Continue going after your dreams because you deserve them; life has many incredible experiences ahead of you. Today's obstacles are tomorrow's victories, and tomorrow's breakthroughs are today's possibilities.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Give more time to your loved ones; the best things in life are free, and loved ones are the greatest gift you get without a fee.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Embrace integrity and live your life honestly; always knowing who you are and in the dark nights being the star whose light spreads afar.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Stay diligent in your ways; anything you seek with diligence you shall find, and none of your requests to The Universe shall be declined; may take time, but that's because your blessings will be one of a kind.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Life will treat you the same way you treat others; you do yourself a favour by treating others as your sisters, fathers, mothers and brothers.”
Thabiso Makekele
“You help yourself when helping another; continue to serve; you shall soon receive the glory you deserve, and all your blessings, which have been in reserve.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Once you start being productive, dopamine is released in the striatum and parts of the prefrontal cortex. Suddenly you’ll have more energy and motivation to do the thing you really need to do.”
Alex Korb
“A concept appears peculiar, much like an unsolved Rubik's cube, until it is propelled by imagination and knowledge, which catalyses its transition into an invention.”
Dr. Anhad Kaur Suri
“Whatever lay on the other side was unknown but staying in the same place would get her nowhere”
S.E. Palmer
“You are blessed beyond measure and sharing your blessings brings everlasting pleasure.”
Thabiso Makekele
“. Many great things await you in the future, and with your wisdom life will be a game you skillfully manoeuvre.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Keep following your intuition and never forget that you are not doing this alone, you are constantly guided and all your needs will be constantly provided.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Accept your greatness; you have tremendous things to achieve that will leave you gracious.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Allow love to rule your life. Welcome more love into your relationships, your dealings with others and your sense of identity, which will shower you in unexplainable peace and serenity.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Divine assistance is working in your life right now, even if you don't see it. Your heart's desires are currently manifesting, compensating the time and effort you've been investing.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Trust your gut feelings and go for what feels right to you, which will always be the most rewarding journey to pursue.”
Thabiso Makekele
“You are a gift to humanity and meant to be shared with the world, dim your light; no more, and allow your wings to soar.”
Thabiso Makekele
“stay focused on your desires, knowing that you will make it happen so long as you never give up; victory shall be your cup.”
Thabiso Makekele
“Have a clear vision as to where you are heading in life. Things might not go to plan, but as long as you stick to the plan one day, you will cherish the day you began.”
Thabiso Makekele
“You are loved beyond your imagining and always protected and never neglected. Ask for all you need and just believe, what is yours is yours and will never leave, soon enough you must receive.”
Thabiso Makekele
“You are on the right path; harmony will encompass your life, bringing healing and turning your life into one you find appealing, leaving you in a delightful feeling, attracting even more abundance to which there is no ceiling.”
Thabiso Makekele
“I know me God and I know you see my heartI ain't afraid, nothing will tear us apart”
Dwight Thompson
“There is nothing I fear as much as idleness - unemployment - inertia - lethargy of the faculties - when the body is idle, the spirit suffers cruelly”
Charlotte Brontë
“Life is never meant to follow a singular path.”
Santosh Kalwar
“Tout est possible. Il suffit de le vouloir. Les personnes qui ne réussissent pas ce qu'ils veulent faire, c'est parce qu'ils n'y croient pas suffisamment dans leur réalisation.”
Pierre-Henry Soria
“you do not need the sky to fly, you need wings to fly ~ Zoya”
Archana Kapoor Nagpal
“Celebrate your now on the way to your next.”
Yedidah Spann
“On the other side of fear is everything you've ever desired!”
Chandan Negi
“Society teaches us to fall in line and be grateful even in times of injustice. It'll feel almost alien when you start speaking up but standing up for yourself is always the right thing to do.”
Torron-Lee Dewar
“If death should come over me, just know that I am happy to be free”
Niedria D. Kenny
“Hurry kills you and you don’t even realise that hurry is a threat to your spiritual well-being and spiritual life. How can you think reasonably during a crisis especially when lives are being threatened?”
Shaneen Clarke
“Not one life reaches its potential until it is determined, dedicated, and disciplined.”
Shaneen Clarke
“Sometimes courage is a quiet fight, a dim softness within you, that flickers even on your darkest days and reminds you that you are strong, that you are growing, that there is hope.”
Bianca Sparacino
“Happiness becomes untethered to income, because once we can meet our basic needs, the lure of all the stuff it took to meet them, begins to lose its luster. Once extrinsic drivers start to fade, intrinsic drivers take over.”
Steven Kotler
“Identify reasons to be great instead of excuses to be mediocre.”
Jevon Wooden
“A.D.A.P.T. — Always Do All Possible Things.”
Troy Sandidge
“Success can't exist unless you have execution. Your work should show progress.”
Troy Sandidge
“Common sense is more important than rights.”
Robbie J. Farha
“When you get too free, they kill you because you are getting too close to the truth. (Remember and never forget, The Gun Line BOSS) in my Eddie Murphy voice”
Niedria D. Kenny
“I am headed to create classical moments, so that my son can have classic memories.”
Niedria D. Kenny
“If you have no helper, remember there is a God who can help you.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“A true hero expects no reward.”
Saim .A. Cheeda
“Some opportunities take time. Don't give up. Be patient, stay positive and watch them unfold. The best feeling in the world is getting paid to do what you love!”
Carline Beaubrun
“One of its primary roles is in motivation and reward. You probably know of dopamine because of its reputation as the brain’s pleasure juice. When you feel pleasure, you are getting squirted on by dopamine.”
Simon Marshall
“If wisdom is related to age, human wisdom is insignificant in the cosmic setup. Our universe is 13.8 billion years old.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Drama free workplace and ego free team mates are crucial for a healthier workplace”
Narayanan Palani
“Each time I try, I lose my aim.And the pain startsall over again.It's not an easy target.It's hopeless.But after a whileI start again.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya
“There are people who merely see what is.And there are people who look beyond what is.There are those who swim in the stream of history. And there are those who shape it.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Everybody in this world has something they need from it. We all have a shadow side, a kink in our personalities, a hunger that leaves us starving, whether we realize it or not.”
Lily White
“If you want to see changes in our world, become an agent of change by taking the first step.”
Federico Navarrete
“How do you validate ideas whose links to the past do not exist?”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Coffee beans and water come together to create aroma. Brewing great ideas too needs minds with a different perspective to come together.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“The treasure is hidden in diversity.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Between the walls of the known and unknown, there live the beliefs.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“During your lifetime, you should work on at least one such dream project that is worth sacrificing every single comfort you earn or deserve to enjoy.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Everything we know today was unknown yesterday, and everything unknown today will be known tomorrow. We know so much, yet so much is unknown.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Humans will never reach a stage where they know everything.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“If you have a dream, make sure to write it down to see daily in front of you. More you see to it, more you visualize your future to achieve it”
Narayanan Palani
“Everyone gets few chances in their lifetime to mess up their life. Sorted heads cruise through those muddy patches unaffected.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“If the earth is a hotel, our life is just about the time we spend in a hotel between check-in and check-out.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Your team are people, your customers are people. If you want to lead, you have to love people.”
Janna Cachola
“The emergence of success and recognition is hidden in years of hard working and pain submerged in obscurity; life is not designed to support overnight success.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
“Defeat is ninety five percent the condition and attitude of the heart and not the result of the struggle. We are defeated before we even put up the fight, that's why psychological warfare works!”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
“If every moment is a pearl, are you a pearl gatherer or a crusher?”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Executing ideas is as simple as taking the first step.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Trigger a thought in your mind, thereafter, your mind will create continuity.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Debt is like ice. Icebergs are dangerous, but once you apply a bit of heat (attention), the giant insurmountable force becomes something harmless that you can put in a cup and drink.”
John Endris
“I’ve learnt only one thing in my life-Never to let the quest culminate At the railing of the skies-There’s a world beyond!”
Neelam Saxena Chandra
“Keep writing, dreaming and creating. There are no boundaries to your imagination. Writers are gifts to the world.”
C. Toni Graham
“Do Not let the crumbling of the dying Old World weigh down your Heart; For We Are here, To Create the New.”
Affinity Soul
“Imagine, Envision, & Create the World You want to See. The Future is Ours.”
Affinity Soul
“Failure is not an obstacle; it's a necessity.”
Scarlet Jei Saoirse
“Motivated people build better stuff.”
Prinzip der Spotify Engineering Culture
“The fastest way to get over anything in your life is by revisiting it and giving it a different meaning”
Alexander McEwen
“The effort involved in splitting the wood will be amply repaid by the warmth that it brings to the house. However, at the point that the axe becomes heavy and my arms get sore, the idea of the warmth goes cold.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Values flow as blood in organizational culture. Only truthful values can create a healthy culture.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“It is our attitude towards our decisions that decides our fate, not the nature of our decisions.”
Dee Waldeck