“When it comes to choices, there is no one way our life is supposed to go. Each choice leads to another branch of possibilities and on and on it goes.”
Dee Waldeck
“Work with all your heart, because - I promise 0 if you show up for your work day after day after day, you just might get lucky enough some random morning to burst right into bloom.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
“Discrete environments will be a thing of past. We are moving towards an incessant world - a world of infinite possibilities. Soon we will be entering the black hole of uncertainties. Are we ready for it?”
Sukant Ratnakar
“We are part of nature which has a sequential environment - our current actions will affect our future decisions. The choices we make today, will decide what choices we will have tomorrow to choose from.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“The answer to every challenge that the future will unfold is hidden in the present moment.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“A positive attitude acts like a fork in the road, which effectively alters the course of your life for the better.”
Dee Waldeck
“The greatest winners were once losers”
Adrien Malcolm Pierre
“Only believe, you shall behold.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“The wood is not the fuel. The cold is the fuel. For the cold creates the passion for the fire.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
“You will never improve in life if you’re always living on easy street. Strength and progress can be gained if only you just step outside of your comfort zone.”
Dee Waldeck
“There is nothing as heart-pinching as having regrets over not pursuing an opportunity that you know you had a shot at.”
Brendon Thutso
“It's always too early to quit”
Norman Vincent Peale
“When you control the supply of anxiety, your anger struggles for fuel and eventually turns the flame off.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Desires are the materialistic illusions of happiness. Reduce the flame of desire to control your anger.”
Sukant Ratnakar
“Those who don't do, bark. Those who are humans, do.”
Abhijit Naskar
“Absence of obstacles, Is not a sign of achievement. Absence of obstacles, Indicates a lack of movement.”
Abhijit Naskar
“It is better to say No instead of pretending to have all the answers.”
Nitesh Verma
“Rock bottom is somewhere none of us ever want to be, but sometimes it happens. It's a place that, if we allow it, can destroy us. On the other hand, it can teach us about the deepest, darkest parts of ourselves for our ultimate growth.”
Kristen Butler
“Those who don't lift, laugh. Those who are humans, lift.”
Abhijit Naskar
“Even the mountains bow, but not for self-absorbed snobs. Oceans part making way, only for those not afraid of storms.”
Abhijit Naskar
“Manusia terbentuk dari impian. Tanpa itu, kita hanyalah robot yang bergerak mengikuti hiruk pikuk dunia, tapi tidak mengiringi irama yang dilantuntan bumi. Dan impian bukan sesuatu yang absolut. Ia dapat berubah, bertambah, bahkan berkurang.”
Fiersa Besari
“You have to be careful when having fun because what is fun to you may not be fun to someone else.”
Robbie J. Farha
“What is fun to you may not be fun to someone else.”
Robbie J. Farha
“People who are motivated away from things often experience a lot of pain and worry before they’re motivated to act.”
Steve Andreas
“Embrace your greatness”
Andrew Snorton
“I’ve lost heart more times than I can count. But God has always helped me find it one more time than I can count.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The greatest test you will ever face is mastering yourself.”
Nitesh Verma
“Motivation doesn't work unless your determination is up to the mark”
Rafsan Al Musawver
“It takes courage to be a champion.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“If you have to hurt other people in order to feel powerful, you are an extremely weak individual.— Bobby J Mattingly”
Bobby J Mattingly
“If you have to hurt other people in order to feel powerful, you are an extremely weak individual.”
Bobby J Mattingly
“Healthy can be unhealthy too.”
Robbie J. Farha
“Rock bottom can be our greatest teacher - as long as we don't stay there for too long.”
Kristen Butler
“I believe, with all my heart, that anyone can improve and create a life they love from where they are right now.”
Kristen Butler
“Don't wait on anyone to tell you what you are worth. You have to be the first person who knows what you are worth and who can say what you are worth.”
Cleo Wade
“For once in your life be a total idiot, for the right cause, for there is no righter cause than the cause of humanity.”
Abhijit Naskar
“The power of the brain is stronger than the pain”
Janna Cachola
“The world isn’t changed by people who are ready.”
Richie Norton
“You are the ink, pen and paper, your life is your own decision.”
Abhijit Naskar
“The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.”
Harry Golden
“A word builds a sentence, which builds a paragraph, which builds a page, which builds a chapter, which builds a book. Build with intent.”
Keith M. Murley
“Conquer yourself before you go out to conquer the world.”
Aiyaz Uddin
“I never consider my team just customer service representatives, rather service excellence providers. Anyone can serve customers, however my team is next level as provides excellence in service to customers.”
Janna Cachola
“Fall, fall and fall again, to fall without stopping is rising.”
Abhijit Naskar
“Competitions are for horses, not heroes.”
Abhijit Naskar
“Leading from the front is cliché. I lead from the back to push you forward or be there to catch you. I lead from the side because Im your ally and here to serve you. Leaders are accessible at all times.”
Janna Cachola
“Should our motivation to achieve be just for the sake of the achievement itself with no thought of who/what we become in the process?If we want to sincerely enjoy our lives, who we become along the way is far more important than what we achieve.”
Richie Norton
“Mind is the sentient seed of all time and tide, yet we hide like roaches behind fate's fake hide.”
Abhijit Naskar
“Mountains bow when you start climbing, oceans dry when you start crossing. Awake, arise and boldly march forward, the path appears when you start walking.”
Abhijit Naskar
“Your approach is to attempt everything & believe in nothing; the world/Market situations are changing so rapidly that if you want to succeed you cannot afford to align yourself with a default approach or point of view.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
“No time? If you do one thing a day, you will have done thirty things in a month.”
Deryn van der Tang
“I don’t work. I write - Niedria Kenny”
Niedria Kenny
“Intelligence is knowing the what's and the how's. Wisdom is knowing when and where to use it. Humility is knowing the who and why.”
Janna Cachola
“Excellence doesn't just happen. Its a practise.”
Janna Cachola
“Do not apologize for having standards”
Janna Cachola
“Saying someone is lost is as crazy as saying there is somewhere they are supposed to be.”
Brian Gahan
“Organisations always want input with creativity and innovation but often have hierarchical control in place.”
Janna Cachola
“As Freud said, if you don’t pay you don’t get better.”
Rick Roderick
“Bersabar bukan hanya sebatas bertahan dalam segala rintangan. Sabar adalah tidak berbuat zalim meski mampu melakukannya.”
Sibel Eraslan
“We don't learn from our experiences, we learn from reflecting on our experiences.”
Robbie J. Farha
“A great world is only as far away as our willingness to make it great.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Whatever happens in your life, please stay alive. I believe you can do it. Don't ever give up.”
Moona Hoshinova
“Always remember that you already have power over those who try to have power over you.”
Robbie J. Farha
“Your dreams are free but the hustle is sold separately.”
Vic Stah Milien
“An idea upon which attention is peculiarly concentrated is an idea which tends to realize itself.”
Charles Baudouin
“I’m closing the chapters on the me that I used to be and I’m opening the pages to the person I should have become a long time ago.”
“Change is inevitable, but evolution is optional ... So, I chose to evolve. What are you choosing?”
“She wasn’t a one in a million woman, she was a once in a lifetime lady.”
“Well being is a great wealth.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
“You can advance only by being larger than your present place; and no man is larger than his present place who leaves undone any of the work pertaining to that place.”
Wallace D. Wattles
“The world is advanced only by those who more than fill their present places.”
Wallace D. Wattles
“Don't cry for everythingJust try for something”
Sai Teja Thumuluru
“So, we hide, and we fight, and we hide, and we train, and we fight.”
Jennifer West
“A wise person keeps the faith and remains hopeful despite the dissemination of stupidity that surrounds them.”
Lisa Young-Sutton
“Like snails, humans are born small but sturdy. While we are shaped by our circumstances, our essence—temperament, traits, and talents—remain with us as we age. Over time, our spirit and strength grow with us like a snail’s shell.”
Sabrina Moyle
“Businesses have to stop thinking like a companies or corporations, we have to start thinking like customers. People is always the purpose for our business”
Janna Cachola
“People over profit always.”
Janna Cachola
“Never underestimate the impact of customer service. Every business has customers that needs to be served.”
Janna Cachola
“To ‘give up’ on the idea of ‘giving up’ is the first step in ‘getting up.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
“When you become a child with a child, you forget everything; That is the real state of happiness”
Jignesh Ahalgama
“It's one thing to get called into creation without being asked first,But it's an insult to injury to then be expected on top of that to work out what the hell you're doing here in the first (second) place”
“A quote equals a good book”
Anuj Jasani
“You didn’t lose your power; you GAVE it away. It won’t come back on its own; you must TAKE it back!”
Steve Maraboli
“Criticism and hate will always boost your confidence to achieve your goals”
Anuj Jasani
“Your failures are your assets, make sure you remember it when you fail and especially when you are trying to succeed”
Anuj Jasani
“When disaster strikes, be open to a solution.”
Vince Poscente
“The darkness of the night does not mean that there is no sun in this universe; Sadness does not mean that there is no happiness in your life: Just change the perspective, everything will change.”
Jignesh Ahalgama
“The empty glass is filled with air; Just change the perspective, everything will change.”
Jignesh Ahalgama
“As a service excellence provider, I always think about how to turn a customer's pain point into brownie points. Never underestimate the power of any customer transaction”
Janna Cachola
“Look, knowing is overrated. When we assume we know something, we don’t venture any further, dig deeper, or ask questions. When we’re married to ‘knowing,’ we overlook curiosity. Curiosity is where it’s at!”
Karen Joy Hardwick
“Of course there are limits. Every mountain has a peak. The beauty of this life is that there are many mountains to climb and new limits to reach.”
Nate Hamon
“Get Inspired, Be inspiring”
Dido Stargaze
“It is always easier to blame Satan for our own deeds.”
Rodrigue Rizk
“Till our next generations are not taught about the price paid by our ancestors to retain our identity, the will wind up choosing wrong Heroes.”
Sandeep Sahajpal
“Everything that matters rests on the realization that this life is an inside job”
Karen Joy Hardwick
“Listening to others can be hard. It is even harder if we don’t learn to listen to ourselves”
Karen Joy Hardwick
“It takes a whole life to switch from imagination to visualization!”
Leena Duwadi
“Where there's a will there are ten thousand ways”
Shawn Stevenson
“The sense of greatness, the sense of education, the sense that we can always figure it out, find a way to overcome almost anything through learning and education”
Shawn Stevenson
“Until a child that has issues with learning is diagnosed by "an expert" as having a learning disability, nothing is wrong with that child except that his motivation and feelings about the said "learning" is inadequate.”
Asuni LadyZeal