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She can start crashing after level 3. Morgana's Level 6 power peak is quite powerful as it can lock you for a long period of time with its Q and Ultimate R.
If a carry player uses Quicksilver Sash, they can avoid being targeted by Rammus' taunt in team fights. To counter Rammus effectively, players should group together and try to maintain their positions as much as possible.
Late game fights can leave ezreal vulnerable if they use E aggressively. Only use ezreal's E aggressively if absolutely certain it won't be abused.
The greater the number of enemies hit, the better it is for his team and him.
If Diana is ahead, she should look for picks or ambush the enemy as they walk through their Jungle. Taking one enemy down could be enough to win the next fight or take the Baron.
Lissandra reaches her true potential when the team fights as its Ultimate R and W are both AOE. The Passive of Lissandra can wreak havoc in a team fight.
In the last game, staying with your team is crucial. By leaving your team or moving away from them, you can be chosen or launch a 4v5 fight while you are alone.
Place the vision around the main objectives if it spawns quickly, and back to safety after. It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives.
Fiora's W ability is crucial to her kit as it can block any form of damage or CC, making her a formidable opponent. The fact that Fiora's W can also negate Ignite tick damage can be devastating for her enemies.
Her dash ability can be used as a zoning tool. Her shield ability provides protection.
Go for an aggressive level 2 game with your W. Stay outside the minion wave at all times so that zigg can't Q you and push at the same time.
When you launch, stand back, but in front of your Caster Minions. This will not allow him to land his roots E and CC you.
Reduced cooling will help Skarner make choices more frequently. In the last game, keep looking for games with your Ultimate and E.
This is vital and will lead Swain to take control of the game quickly. He can use track bushes to kill enemy targets solo with ease.
Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 was very important for him. It will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive plays.
It's recommended to wait for Cho'Gath to use one of these abilities before engaging or fighting him. You are stronger than Cho'Gath when it comes to jungling.
Your W and E capabilities allow you to harass and kill your enemies quickly. During neutral objective battles, help the teammates by blocking the enemy's way into the river.
His 4th shot will hit like a truck. Squishy enemies are never safe when Jhin is properly peeled by his team.
That being said, make sure that it can't push the wave completely, or you can be diving tour. Zac has great all-in-one potential throughout the laning phase.
If you leave them, the enemy may start a fight without you being there to protect them and keep them alive.
This is the perfect time for Hecarim to take over the game due to his kit being able to pick and burst enemies down in a jiffy. Once you've gone in with your Ultimate t, peel back and help your allies. In particular, if you’re behind, use your Ultimate t aggressively and then fall back and help your team.
Xin Zhao's first capacity will be maximized as soon as it reaches level 9. Level 9 is crucial to maximize the power of the first capacity.
Xin Zhao recovered his first component. After recovering its first component, Xin Zhao can trade very aggressively with the enemy.
The enemy team will look to gank you multiple times during the laning phase to set you back. Although it doesn't affect your utility, you won't be able to get enough items to impact fights later on which will cost your team multiple fights and objectives.
Zac has good support in the way, thanks to his blobs. Additional health and maintenance enable him to survive more difficult matches and heal the enemy.
Pantheon can put pressure on them as much as possible. Before invading, make sure you have your passive stacked so you can win the trade.
Cassiopeia's first significant power spike is at level 3. She can dish out a lot of damage at levels 1 and 2, but becomes much stronger when she has access to her basic abilities.
After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane. Take this tower if possible.
If Fiora uses her W and gets caught CC'd, she can be removed easily from the game. Fiora can be CC'd to oblivion if she dives into the enemy team after using her W.
Avoid fighting in areas of the map that force your champions to be close to one another. Rell's Ultimate is a great team fighting tool that can CC multiple enemies at once.
Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks.
Vayne scales extremely well in the end of the game and can carry a game by hand if the game lasts for this long. It can be due to enemy champions because of its mobility e.
Its levels one and two are good for long-range steering in the track. It should focus on gathering some souls early.
If a murderer tries to kill them, E kills him immediately. Swain should not engage in team fighting unless both his Zhonya's Hourglass and Ultimate are active.
Pyke's Ultimate R threshold will be quite high, making it easy for him to catch enemies off-guard and blow them up. Pyke is quite decent at getting picks during the late game.
Having two points in Ultimate R allows Taric to use capacity frequently. The frequent use of Ultimate R makes Taric quite powerful in team fighting.
ezreal uses their abilities frequently to stack their Tear quickly. stacking Tear is crucial in the mid-game for ezreal.
Jax's W being maxed out at level nine is a superpower spike for him. He can take frequent fights and take little to no damage.
Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon. If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too.
Keeping them alive and using your E to protect and keep them alive is important. Focus the nearest champion to your carries to make killing them easier too.
While murders are desirable, give priority to robbery rather than a commitment to fight. Destroy the lower lane tower and then turn towards the middle lane.
Focus on the enemy champion closest to your wagons and work as a team to get the enemy down one by one. If you focus only on the rear line, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly.
The amount of care Soraka provides to her team is really great. When Soraka has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she can have more impact on the whole fight.
The Ultimate ability of Nocturne allows him to move literally anywhere on the map quickly. Nocturne wants enemies to split up so he can use his Ultimate A to pick them off.
Lissandra is a very good champion who can influence the map and help her allies with ease. Post 6, try to push and roll.
She's a heavy snowball champion and once she has gold under her belt, she can easily take the card. Keep her pushing early so she can't wander.
This means that its shields will be really powerful, and this will become difficult for the enemy to the entire team. Level 11 is when Lulu becomes a real catalyst.
In team fights, make sure you can bait or play around Sivir's Spell Shield E. If you are able to play around, killing her will be much easier.
It'll be deadly enough for the immobile enemies. The first element will allow Maokai to survive the fighting.
Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to force it to surpass for the farm. Try to match her push power, however, as you don't want her to win a gold lead by getting early turret plates.
Leblanc is a bully early in the game.
He will have to be careful to get CC'd (commanded by the crowd) as well. When you join your team at the end of the game, stay with them.
You are good around objectives and inside the jungle. Delay team fights for as long as possible.
Respect Vex's damage release after she has recovered her first element. When Vex has finished his Mythic article, his free wave and his poke in the way will be devastating.
Viego has a high skill ceiling. The more effort you put into Viego, the higher your skill level.
The teams begin to regroup in the middle of the game, Amumu is a team combat champion,
Heimerdinger can also take on the Baron singlehandedly. Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team.
If you can bait the Rumble bar and overheat it, it will lack capacity damage. Once Rumble has his Ultimate, his death pressure increases.
Hecarim's maxed h will be maxed out once he hits level 9. At level 9, Hecarim will have a lot of consistent damage when in the middle of enemy team.
His Ultimate R can even cost his team a goal, especially if Kindred has not been able to get several points and is late on the levels. Try to get as many brands in early play as possible.
If he gets late at the beginning of the game, Lucian will find it hard to come back at the end of the game. A good start for Lucian can allow him to make a snowball if it is not verified.
Sejuani has a large AoE clearing in the Jungle. Sejuani's health can be relatively healthy because of his Passive.
The aggressive game can be sought after having had some levels under your belt. However, you will rely on your support to do the heavy lifting early.