As Ziggs gets more items, it will cause a lot of chaos in terms of damage. This means that Ziggs can easily pull enemies to make the fighting team massively unfair for the enemy. Once Ziggs gets three points in his Ultimate R, it will inflict a huge amount of damage in a huge area during team fighting and goals. Fighting in the nested areas will give Ziggs a huge advantage too. Ziggs is good enough to take turns quickly. Yet, as he gets more items, he will completely decimate them with his passive self-attacks. After that, he can just cut the tower with his W, which means that the enemy can't do anything to defend their turn.
When you’ve got your first component item, your damage output will be quite high and you’ll be deadly in skirmishes. At level 3, you can technically start ganking as you’ll unlock all 3 of your basic abilities. At level 6, you’ll have your Ultimate R. You need to be proactive and look to gank whenever your Ultimate R is up.
His early play is very weak and he can be killed countless amounts of time during this phase. If he is not able to get his peaks of the article early, he will take enough time to come online. Can easily camp throughout the laning phase. This can hinder him from CS. This can put him back massively in place. Extremely weak against all-in champions, especially those who have dashes or blinks. He is also vulnerable every time he doesn't have Flash early, so good wave management can really be devastating for him.
His early game is rather weak but killing him can be difficult. Expect him to focus on farming rather than fighting in the very early game. Zac is really good in team fights as his kit has tons of CC. Try to disengage whenever he E’s in to make it harder for him to get a good knockup. Once Zac hits level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his kill pressure increases. Expect him to either play aggressive and go for a kill or expect him to set up his Jungler for a gank.
Sejuani is very good at picking people off with her Ultimate R at the start of the fight. Make sure no one is too far forward especially the carries to make it harder for her to get a pick. Avoid splitting up when playing against a Sejuani. If you are not grouping, she will just force a fight with her Ultimate R, so make sure you’re grouped as a team. Poke, disengage and CC will reduce Sejuani’s ability to fight. If possible, try to harass and poke her down from afar to make it incredibly difficult to use her Q and engage.
Once she has 2 points in her Ultimate e, she will be able to easily handle and disrupt team fighting. Her positioning will be the determining factor from now on. Her first ability will be maximized to level 9. This will greatly increase her damage and allow her one-shot squishes. Miss Fortune excels in team fighting. This is due to her Ultimate e and Passive combined with her kiting potential.
Aatrox is strong from levels 2-6. Make sure you keep your distance to make it harder for him to land his Q and poke you down. Aatrox spikes when he gets his first item (as well as both component items). Respect his all in potential when he’s completed the recipe as his damage output will heavily increase. Aatrox is strong no matter what if you cannot dodge all instances of his Q. Practice makes perfect, but do try and dodge them whenever you’re able to.
Disengagement is Master Yi's worst nightmare. As soon as he activates his Ultimate r and runs to your team, disengagement so that he can not resume the fight. When he is weak, make sure to get over it even if Master Yi is not there. If he takes free and easy blows, he will make heavy snowballs and take over from the next team fight. Try to wait for Master Yi to use his e before locking him up with CC. As he can use his e to avoid skill blows and CC if time is correct, it is best to wait for him to use this ability before trying to kill him.
Roaming the Nunus can be really difficult to manage. Ping as soon as he disappears as he will seek to help his allies. At level 6, Nunu can go for the aggressive all-in on you if he is able to knock you with his W. Nunu can be really good in team fighting in the middle of the game if he is able to choose someone with his W.
Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team. Do not fight inside the jungle as the size of his E is roughly the same as the jungle. Once Heimerdinger hits level 6, he technically unlocks 3 new abilities. Be careful when trying to initiate a skirmish with him as he might just pull out his magic card and kill you. Just like during the laning phase, you’ll want to destroy Heimerdingers Turrets Q as quickly as you can before a team fight is underway so he is unable to dish out tons of damage.
Swain is super squishy and immobile. Good times to trade with him are when he’s walked forward trying to harass. When laning, make sure you’re always stood far back but in front of your Caster Minions. This will make it impossible for him to land his Root E and CC you. At level 6, his kill pressure and survivability increases. Unless you have the advantage, disengage as soon as he activates his Ultimate R.
Shaco has good Dragon control in the early game. Make sure you keep it warded at all times so you can spot him before he takes it. His duelling power is rather good in the early game. Think twice before fighting him especially if you’re spotted as he may place a Box x behind him and use try to chase him down. As a laner, warding bushes directly outside of lane won’t prevent a gank, so you want to ward in places where he can Deceive e over terrain of some kind.
The fog of war should be used to catch the out-of-the-box enemies whenever you have the chance. This will allow your team to track and get easy murders on the enemy, especially around the choking points. Continue wandering and try to get peaks with your Jungler. You are extremely good at it, and securing peaks should be easy due to the enemy team changing track tasks frequently. You will need to keep the safety of your teammates in mind while looking for an all-in-one.
Yorick's first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will give him a significant damage boost and will raise his overall threat level for the enemy team. At level 11, his Ultimate R will cause mayhem as it will become more powerful and will be able to split push on behalf of Yorick with some respectable effectiveness. If used properly, it will put the enemy team in a lose-lose situation. Yorick's real power relies on split pushing, and he can do that really well during the mid-game with his Ultimate R. If the enemy leaves Yorick unaccounted for, he will be at their inhibitors in a matter of minutes.
Nami is quite deadly. Don't let her intimidate you to level 1 so it's harder for her to look for level 2 all-in. Once Nami reaches level 6, her death pressure is intensifies as her Ultimate R is an excellent tool to start skirmishes or disengage from fighting. Make sure you have the vision in your way as she can use her Ultimate R to set up her Jungler. Nami is very good when she has 1 or more basic healing elements because she will be able to support and heal her allies to complete health quickly. Try to put her behind in the early game to deny these power peaks.
Kassadin is weak early because he cannot get too close to his opponents to shoot them down. It is mainly because of a lack of mobility and articles until he reaches level 6. To compensate, he should play safely and rely on the correct configuration of the vision to not die often. At level 6, Kassadin will unlock his Ultimate k. It is his first significant peak of power that he can now move away from an enemy according to the given situation. As the game progresses, this ability will play a central role in Kassaddin's success. Once Kassaddin has his first element, he should inflict a lot of brilliant damage to his enemies.
Control of the crowd is a necessity when you play against Kha-Zix because it reduces his assassination and jumps the potential E. Try to lock Kha-Zix as soon as he jumps E to prevent him from entering and leaving. Grouping closely together will make it harder for Kha-Zix to inflict tons of damage as he will not get any damage bonus from his Passive when the targets are grouped.
Unfortunately, Quinn doesn’t exactly spike at level 11 like a lot of other champions. At level 9, Quinn will max out her first ability. This is a significant spike for her as this abilities damage output will be much higher and she will be a lot stronger. Quinn is quite strong during the mid-game. She will be able to blow up overextended enemies who are walking around Summoners Rift alone.
Quinn doesn’t have a duelling Ultimate R. This makes her weak post level 6 when it comes to all-ins. She cannot fight straight 5v5. She will need to flank in team fights. If the enemy has vision or knows where she is, she will be unable to team fight properly and will be forced to split push. You are a champion that is prone to all-in and CC. Mix that with the fact that Quinn is quite squishy, it can be challenging to deal with enemy teams that have a lot of CC.
Warwick's biggest power peak is when it reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R. If you are at risk of dying, be ready for Flash as soon as it appears in your way. It falls into the game late but that does not mean it is useless. A good Ultimate R on a key target is enough to win the game. Investing in a QSS will offer you some protection. Warwick can solo goals in the game early game with ease. If there are no gank opportunities for him, he could try to take the Dragon instead.
He is ineffective before getting his Ultimate n so that he can be invaded during this period. He can easily be shot down if the enemy wanders with another teammate. His only self-peel form for him is there. Once it's down, his enemies can easily catch up, as well as the crowd controlling him and forcing him to remember.
Fortunately, he will not have this problem at the end of the game and will now remove many enemies with his E. Adding another point to his Ultimate R will give his powers more global strength. It can be practical by taking neutral goals and fighting enemies who rely on diving and lock Heimerdinger down. Heimerdinger will have a lot of articles now, and his abilities can easily a-shot enemies if they are not careful or if Heimerdinger puts a death brush somewhere. He can also take on the Baron alone.
Keep them guarded so that you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not caught out. Being caught will lead your team to play 4v5. Do not keep alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keep them alive as long as possible in the team fights is a must to win the game.
Very vulnerable when his E is down which can allow him to be very susceptible to ganks. Enemy Junglers can take this opportunity to camp him relentlessly. Reliant on items to win the game. If he is set back during the early game, he won’t be able to do a lot in the late game as he just falls off. If he manages to get an early lead, he may be able to snowball if left unchecked. He falls off massively though so the longer the game goes, the worse it is for Lucian.
Galio needs time to come online. Play safe in the game early so you can scale and come online. Do not get shot or you will fall behind in CS and XP and not be a threat later. Keep in mind that at level 6, you will not have a threat to kill in the way against most enemy travelers. Respect enemies all-in-damage level 6. Your ultimate R is impacted and can be used to help your allies in their own way. Keep an eye on what's going on around you and be ready to throw away your ultimate R to help your allies.
Very versatile when it comes to builds and team comps. She can be both a tank destroyer, as well as a decimator of squishier champions depending on which build she opts for. She is very strong when fighting in a 1 v 1 with no minions around. This is because her Q can all target the same champion and do a lot of damage in a short time. Her E and Ultimate R allows her to be independent in the lane, while her Support roams around to get some kills or assists. Her Ultimate R can be used as a way to catch up and finish opponents as well, especially after they Flash or dash away from her.
Gwen’s got a lot of kill pressure over you, so unless you’re ahead level 6, don’t bother fighting her as she can out damage you at level 6. You’re quite good at invading, and as Gwen needs time to come online, try to go for an early invade. Gwen will look to gank more frequently when their Ultimate is up. Ensure you ward the enemy's jungle entrances so your team can spot the Jungler leaving their jungle with their Ultimate. As you’re great at duelling and strong early on, try to make early plays around the map to get yourself and your allies ahead.
After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fall and peel for your allies in the fights of the late game team. To make it easier to access the enemy backline, group with your team but stay out of the way. If you flank a nonwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid dividing or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is standing. Fighting without this will make the fights of the late game team much more difficult.
Really strong ganker and a very aggressive playstyle. Her E can allow her to get long ranged picks and then follow up on them with her Q and W. Her E can allow her to escape the impact of CC abilities as well as buy precious time for her to get out of a botched all-in. Once she completes her first item, she will be able to burst down squishy champions with the utmost ease. This is especially valuable during the early game as most squishy carries won’t have magic resistance.
Shyvana is very weak pre-6, and you are much stronger than her. Go and invade her and try to fight her to deny her gold and XP. Post 6, it will be harder to fight her alone, so keep this in mind if you want to play aggressively. Try to gank as often as you can early. You’re much stronger than her and can get a lead just by being active on the map. Don’t forget about Shyvana’s Passive. Make sure you take those Dragons away from her when possible.
Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from burst trades, so try to go for them frequently. Push the wave and look for roaming opportunities. Leblanc is a very good roaming champion who can impact the map and assist her allies with ease. Post 6, try to push and roam.
Your presence makes it very difficult for the enemy to escape because they can't go near the ground. Work with your Support and invade the enemy Jungle whenever possible. This will allow you to easily fix the vision around, as well as get choices. You will want to make the team fights unfair by stalling enemies when they are overstretched or play carelessly. Try not to go too far from your team while doing this.
This is the point of the game where Zed will have a lot of difficulty taking enemies down. This is because enemies will buy defensive items from now. Still, Zed should try to go for isolated targets when possible. At level 16, he will have his Ultimate R maxed out. This means that he will deal massive amounts of damage to squishier targets and will decimate anyone who has been caught out alone/ Zed will have really low cooldowns now, and he can deal a lot of damage due to that. This means that he will be the bane of squishier targets on the enemy team, and he can get rid of them quickly.
Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn't be in combat unless you have a clear early advantage (like a commitment support). Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive and looking for aggressive parts. You get extended jobs, so try to go for them frequently. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn to the middle lane and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a golden lead.
Really good Objective control due to his Q and Smite. It also allows him to heal up both in the lane and in the Jungle, which provides him an innate advantage against other Junglers. Great ganking potential due to his W, especially if there is no vision set-up by the enemy team. This can lead to a great CC chain. His Ultimate R can allow him to set-up phenomenal death brushes while contesting objectives. This can allow him to end the game or take the objective quite freely.
During the laning phase, focus on the descent of the enemy to get a healthy benefit. When the enemy is low, commit to an all-in. Try your hardest to keep your ADC alive as long as possible in the way. Provide them with E healings whenever they need it. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a gold lead.
His L allows him to get out of sticky situations quite easily while also dismantling the enemy team's ganks, which waste the time of the enemy Ganker, can destroy the enemy team whenever they are grouped due to his Ultimate e and E. Close quarter combat is a massive force for him.
Your Ultimate h will be on an extremely short cooldown now. Use the fog of war to get picks on the enemy and kill them quickly. Once you're done all-in'ing the enemy, make sure that you go back to your carries and protect them. This will otherwise result in your ADC dying due to assassins. Neutral objective fights will be your bread and butter in this game. Always use the fog of war to get a multi-man knockup to ensure that your team can win the game.
Its Ultimate R can easily be avoided by enemies who have dashes or tools of movement. If the enemy has a good positioning in the track, it will be very difficult for you to engage or use your E in the track. It is because your E can be blocked by minions if the target is not directly behind them.
Sacrifice CS for XP in this matchup, or else he will easily kill you. You’re weaker than them whenever they have their Ultimate up. If you’re at risk of dying. Recall whenever you're low. To be able to fight Veigar, you needd to bait out his cage first, and then abuse the cooldown. Just let him push you in early or else he will zone you away from farm early on.
It is very good for the duelling. Once Jax gets his first element, it becomes much more difficult to duel unless you have elements that match his damage. Do not commit too much to fight him without a backup plan. As the game unfolds, Jax will become stronger and stronger. Keep an eye on him at any time he will seek to divide the thrust and take goals quickly.
After your lower lane has turned towards the middle lane, go on the side lane, apply pressure, and start plowing in the side lane instead. Make sure to place deep quarters and vision to protect yourself from the ganks. You will be strong enough in the middle of the game that you are good in team fighting. So, you should look at team fighting with your teammates during this game stage. In the middle of the game, other champions will be stronger than you (even if you will be good too).
Ryze is at his weakest at the beginning of the game. Try to abuse him by looking for an early all-in to force him to remember. Ryze does not point to level 6 as his Ultimate R is a utility tool. Use this to your advantage to win an all-in level 6. You should try to finish the game as quickly as you can that Ryze becomes stronger and stronger than the game goes.
In the late game, Camille is good at picking off champions with her Ultimate R. It should be on a low cooldown and if you’re able to Ult R the right champion (like a carry), you could win the game. While you have good pick potential, the enemy will start building defensive stats which will make it harder for you to kill the carries on your own. Keep this in mind when diving in with your E. Although you will find it harder to kill carries on your own, you will be quite tanky and deal a lot of damage thanks to the items you buy. Don’t be afraid to jump in and soak up damage if you need to.
When teams are grouping, make sure you ward your flanks to spot Talon before he is able to jump over the wall and assassinate your team. As soon as Talon engages, try your hardest to burst him down before he is able to disengage and deal lots of damage. As Talon is an assassin, expect him to look for picks with his Ultimate R. Avoid walking around Summoners Rift alone. Do not walk in unwarded areas of the map if you know Talon is nearby.
Lee Sin will be trying to gank as much as he can in the early game. Keep this in mind and expect him to be all over the map. If you meet Lee Sin in the early game, make sure you dodge his e if possible. If he is able to land it, he will probably outduel you. Try to disengage if he lands his e, or engage if he misses it. Lee can easily secure objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald on his own. Try and keep those objectives warded when they’re up, or try to take them before he gets a chance.
The last point in his Ultimate n will allow him to inflict enormous damage to the enemies. He should try to look for flanks during the team fights to maximize his use Ultimate n. He will now have a lot of articles, which will really make him tanky and allow him to inflict a lot and a lot of damage in a short time. The enemy team will have trouble dealing with him. Wukong is quite substantial during this phase of the game. Yet, he will find it hard to kill them because of their purchase of defensive items. You will want to group with your team as often as you can.
Wukong’s level 3 is quite strong. Once he has all his basic abilities, he can look for a favourable trade. Once Wukong hit’s level 6, his kill pressure increases dramatically. Expect him to look for kills once his Ultimate n is up. Wukong is strong in mid-game team fights thanks to the AOE knockup on his Ultimate n. Expect him to look for fights by attacking from the side.
Use your early play force to shoot and harass the enemy with your W as often as you can. Post level 3, you will be able to use your base combo to cut the enemy down. When trading keeps an eye on your mana bar although you will be vulnerable when you are out of mana. At level 6 your pressure to kill increases considerably. Try to play aggressive and look for killed. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so that it deals more damage.
Nasus will have a decent amount of stacks and will take part in team fights now. He should be a threat to all the squishy targets in the enemy team. He will have multiple items now, which will make it easier for him to run down the enemy laner and the enemy team. It will increase his damage output massively as well. At level 11, he will have two points in his Ultimate R. This will increase both his tankiness and kill pressure at the same time. His Passive will help him a lot when it comes to diving into the enemy backline and surviving.
It's not early against the various matches because it can be swiped quite easily. Regular Poking will eventually get him killed if he stays in the way. He can overplay with his E if he goes and bad time the E duration. Control of the crowd is his mortal enemy, and he can be removed quite easily due to his squishiness. His ultimate R doesn't have much width, which makes it really easy for enemies to avoid him from range. This will require Yone to get closer to the enemy team, who can put him in a vulnerable position.
Three points in her Ultimate R will give her a peak of massive power. Then, with a short cooling, she will take more fighting and easily choose enemies in the side tracks. At this point, due to her articles, Irelia will be extremely tanky and will do tons of damage. The amount of damage she inflicts will catch most of the out-of-guard enemies, especially if she manages to flank the enemy. Irelia is particularly good in the fighting, specifically the fighting that occurs around the choking points.
During the middle of the game, avoid separating as Rengar will try to assassinate a target that is alone. Make sure to stay with your team to reduce their chances of taking someone. In the team fights, Rengar will try to shoot down an immobile target or squishy. Regardless of who you play, approach each other to reduce their chances of taking someone. If Rengar activates his Ultimate R in a team fight, be ready to disengage his Ultimate R is running out.
The enemy will not be ganking much in the early game, so try your hardest to get as many ganks off as possible. Getting your allies ahead will only make the enemy fall behind and make their Jungler useless. Prioritize taking Dragons early. You can solo the Dragon with ease, or you can request assistance and rotate to it after helping bot. Make sure you secure all the Dragons when possible to deny them from the enemy. At level 6 is when the enemy will probably start ganking. You can track them with good vision through wards placed in and around the river. If you’re nearby, try to counter gank as they have nothing to offer once they’ve used their abilities which you can capitalise on. If you’re not nearby, start the Dragon or try to gank a different lane. While the enemy Jungler will not be ganking, fighting them alone will be difficult as they have tools to escape or prevent the fight. If you spot them alone, try to force them out of their jungle without over committing to the fight without assistance. A good time to invade and look for them is when your lanes nearby have priority.
Zoe should have many items by now, which means that one-shotting squishies is now available on the menu. She just needs to hit one of them with her E. Due to the low cooldown on her abilities, she will consistently land poke on her enemies. Her empowered auto-attacks will hit like a truck. She won't be spiking too hard at level 16 as it will just reduce the cooldown of the Ultimate R and do nothing significantly powerful. This means that she will be able to kill people quickly, though.
In the last game, Camille is good at choosing champions with his Ultimate R. It should be on a cool down low and if you are able to Ult R the right champion (like a cart), you could win the game. Although you have a good potential of choice, the enemy will start building defensive statistics that will make it harder for you to kill the carts on your own. Keep this in mind when you dive with your E. Although you will find it harder to kill carts on your own, you will be quite tanky and will suffer a lot of damage thanks to the items you buy.
Talon has the highest amount of first bloods in the game. His early kill pressure is insane! Talon has great roaming potential thanks to his E. This allows him to jump over walls and move around the map quickly. In the later parts of the game, Talon can pick up extra kills on enemies who are walking around the map alone. As he deals a lot of burst damage, he can kill them quickly before running to safety.
Stand away from the minion wave when possible. This will make it harder for her to poke and harass you with both her Q and W. Don't give Sivir free mana by randomly poking her with abilities. Only use your abilities to poke with if you’re in a position to go in and kill her. Post level 6, avoid overextending when low as Sivir’s Ultimate R can be used aggressively to catch you out while you’re overextended.
Dr Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try to not have the lane pushed against him because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks. If Dr Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Q. Do not get in the way of them unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion. Dr Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute him when he is low.
Split push during the mid-game and try to secure side objectives. Avoid grouping if possible. Use your strong duelling potential in the mid-game to fight and duel anyone who tries to stop you from split pushing. Although you’re a really strong split pusher in the mid-game, be prepared to group with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no nearby objectives to take.
Vayne shines during the late part as she can run down the enemies due to her e and s. All she has to do is avoid getting CC'd. A maxed out Ultimate n will give Vayne a massive power peak. This is absolutely necessary to win the game and will allow Vayne to deposit tons of damage. Vayne will now have several items, which means she will hit enemies like a truck. A defensive element should allow her to solidify her position as the main port of the team.
Rell's level 11 is a decent powerspike because of its ability to put 2 points in its Ultimate R. It will be able to use the ability to draw all-in successes frequently now. Its selection potential will be really high during this phase of the game. It is particularly true if Rell works with his Jungler to put in place death brushes in the enemy jungle. The presence of Rell team combat will be felt through the board due to its t and Ultimate R. It can quickly get a stunning multi-man using its all-in-one combo.
Rammus is an early game ganker. Make sure you have pupils in the river or at its jungle entrances to reduce the efficiency of its ganks. It does not have the healthier first clear. If you are a strong early game champion, try to invade it on its first clear to put it behind the go. Rammus will activate its l close enough to a track but outside of the general guard spots to make it harder for the enemy to escape. Place slightly deeper pupils instead of keeping the usual pupils to give you more time to escape.
It can easily kill you at level 2 with its Pillar e. Do not walk too far forward. Investing in the reduction of healing will make the treatment with Trundle="s support much easier in this matchup. Stand in the middle of the track rather on the sides of the track. If you are standing around the edges near the wall, allow it to set up its Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar e.
In the last game, continue to divide the push if your team is not at risk of dying or getting caught. If your team is going to get caught or if the game is not one way, you have to group with your team to help them fight. Play on the side of the card that has the next major goal up so that you can turn to take it with your team. Otherwise, if you have Teleport, you can go to the bot side of the card and use it to get it to your team.
Focus on gaining stacks during the mid-game. It is important to continue stacking your Q otherwise, you’ll fall behind. Rotate around the map and assist your teammates if you have to. But, don’t over commit to help them especially if you can secure objectives. Draw pressure while your team tries to siege objectives elsewhere to open up the map.
Once Sejuani reaches level 6, her death pressure increases significantly as her Ultimate R is an excellent inflation tool. Expect that she will inflate every time her Ultimate R is in place. As soon as Sejuani finishes her juggling, it will be difficult for you to kill her because she will rather be tanky. Avoid fighting her at that time unless you have an advantage. Sejuani is really good during the middle and end of the game because she can catch the players in a team fight with her Ultimate R. Look at your positioning so she can't isolate you and start the team fight.
This champion is an early game bully. Play aggressive throughout the laning phase to get kills. If you can get a kill or two, you can snowball your lead pretty quickly. Whenever your Ultimate R is up, you can look for aggressive plays to try and kill the enemy. Your Ultimate R is a great trading tool which makes you much stronger. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early on. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from ganks. If you keep pushing when you’re not ahead, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you’ll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler.
Play safe in the early game. Cho’Gath needs time to scale and come online. Avoid fighting if possible. Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. This will make the laning phase so much safer. Avoid trading with the enemy if possible. Even though you have good sustain, you can easily die if you try to fight in the first few levels. If the enemy tries to play aggressive, m them and fall back to safety.
If Rengar can't kill you in the way, he could try to wander. Ping as soon as he leaves. If Rengar jumps on you with several piles, don't try to fight him-just run. If he jumps on you without batteries, try and trade with him. Keep your abilities just to trade with him when he jumps on you. Playing down the track. It will make it harder for him to jump on you bushes and it will facilitate laning against him. Plus, prioritizing a room in the nearest bush will also make it safer. The enemy is strong at the beginning of the game, so expect him to play aggressively.
Try to go a lot during this phase of the game. In addition, work with your Jungler when you can make sure that you can secure choices with your Ultimate h. Get your first element will help you a lot in the game. Make sure you keep hitting enemies with your d and then go to kill it with your Ultimate h. Participate in as many team fights as you can. This will allow you to kill multiple targets with your Ultimate h, especially in piled fights.
Veigar is relatively weak at the beginning of the game, and he should focus on trying to e and stack his passive when possible. His n will be useful to try to prevent all-in. After six, he will have access to all his basic abilities. It's huge for him as he can now CC enemies and then combo them with his r & e when possible. Level six is a significant peak of power as it gives him access to his finishing ability. Now he will just have to focus on throwing the enemy into the track before decimating them with his Ultimate R.
Keep using your Ultimate y to poke multiple enemies in the lane. Remember that it is an AoE ability. Therefore, you should try to hit as many targets with it as possible. Once you get your core items, the burn damage from your Ultimate y and e will be pretty unbearable for the enemy team. Just ensure that you are appropriately positioned when attacking the enemy. During neutral, objective fights, make sure that you are as far away from the enemies as possible. That being said, ensure that your e and Ultimate y cover essential choke points.
Try to finish the game as fast as you can as long as the game goes, the stronger Kayle becomes. Kayle will tend to be split pushing during the middle of the game. You can use this time to force a team to fight with the advantage of numbers as she pushes into a side track. Kayle is rather vulnerable when her Ultimate R is on cooldown. Try to force the fights and kill her while her Ultimate R is on the ground.
Sett is a very early Jungler game. Unless you are stronger than him, avoid fighting it in a 1v1 scenario. You can reduce Sett's ability to get good ganks out by placing desks around his jungle entrances and in the river. When Sett is level 6, his ability to get ganks out increases because his Ultimate R is a great ganking tool.
Always adjust your position in the track so Ornn is unable to crush you with his E. Get away from the walls and his Pillar Q so he is unable to CC. Refuse to use major CC capabilities on Ornn when his W is out of cooling as he can use it to avoid or escape CC. Once Ornn reaches level 6, his death pressure in the track will increase and he can start getting ganks from his Jungler. Get a vision in the river so you can spot the Jungler early.
Can dish out a lot of burst damage while moving around quickly during team fights. This makes it very hard to catch him and kill him in a team fight. Great objective control due to his Ultimate R. It can allow him to transition from a Dragon to Baron almost immediately. He can also pull backdoors off with this ability. The CC on his W allows him to set plays for both himself and his team. This can be really effective if he manages to CC a high priority target, and get rid of them quickly.
As Ziggs gets more items, he will be causing a lot of mayhem in terms of damage. This means that Ziggs can easily poke enemies out to make the team fights massively unfair for the enemy. Once Ziggs gets three points in his Ultimate R, he will deal massive amounts of damage in a huge area during team and objective fights. Fighting in clumped areas will give a tremendous advantage to Ziggs as well, especially when it comes to Dragon and Baron fights. Ziggs is quite good at taking towers quickly, but as he gets more items, he will completely decimate them with his Passive empowered auto-attacks. After that, he can just chunk the building out with his W, which means that the enemy can't do anything to defend their tower. This is quite beneficial if Ziggs' team is losing and he wants to split push.
Avoid track brushes as much as possible if you don't have the vision of them and Zion is absent from the track. Keeping your resource bar half filled should help you significantly in this matchup, especially if Sion decides to all-in you. If Sion can try to lane gank your allies. If such a thing happens, just look to push and take as many plates as possible. Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy doesn't have some kind of sifting potential and can easily be exposed to the ganks.
After the laning phase has ended, go to a different lane (or stay top) and just split push. You’re a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your lane. If somebody tries to contest your split push, look to fight them. Irelia is a good duelist and will be able to fight most enemies who try to stop her. While you’re a champion that is usually sent to split push, you might need to group with your team if the enemy is trying to force something. Be prepared to rotate around the map and help them fight.
Try and stick with your Support throughout the mid-game. You’re quite vulnerable and easy to kill if you’re on your own. By staying with your Support, your survivability will increase. Continue picking up farm in the side lanes when no team fights are occurring, but spend as little time away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items and if you fall behind, it will be unlikely that you’ll be able to dish out damage in fights. Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
Poke the enemy as much as possible with your Q to get them low. Use your early lane dominance to gain a health advantage over the enemy. Focus on farming and poking during the laning phase. You shouldn’t really commit to fighting the enemy. At level 6, Karma doesn’t gain access to an Ultimate a like most champions. If you’re playing against someone with a strong all-in, play safe whenever their Ultimate a is up.
He can kidnap carries or displace teams with his Ultimate. Pulling a carry or isolating someone could easily result in your team getting a pick and a kill. As the game develops, he will deal a lot of damage and also be very tanky. He can absorb a lot of damage for his team while being a major threat at the same time. Can assist his allies, split push and be a real pain for the enemy. His E can be really hard to play against especially in the mid game.
At level 9, he will max his first ability. His trading power will intensify once he hits this level. Similarly, Rumble will unlock his Ultimate at level 11. This will allow him to go for more trades and its damage output will be a little higher. Teams tend to start grouping during the mid-game. This is good for Rumble, as his Ultimate makes him a good team-fighting champion.
The brief period of downtime between each Enchantment pick up will be your go-to time to harass her as she will not have a powerful Q that has an empowerment. Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones. If you meet her inside the jungle or in the river, do not fight her unless you get the jump onto her or have a clear advantage. Qiyana will look to gank low health lanes or laners with CC. If she cannot find any ganks early, she will power farm till 6 where she gets her R. Then she will actively look to gank when it’s up. Try to get your lanes ahead so she is less likely to pick up free kills
Once Braum reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate r, its threat of death increases considerably. Keep this in mind and be careful trying to harass him. When Braums E is at the top, trading with him will be much more difficult. Try and commit to trading while he is downstairs. If he uses it in a trade, wait for him to finish before continuing to fight. Braum is very good in team fights thanks to his coat and utility. Try and avoid the 5v5 right and instead of looking for catches or fights where you exceed the enemy's number.
It is important to continue to stack your Q otherwise, you will fall back. Pull the pressure while your team tries to sit targets elsewhere to open the map. You can also try to sneak some goals when your team is busy distracting the enemy. Turn around the map and help your teammates if you have to.
Split push and draw aggro while your team applies pressure elsewhere on the map. In team fights, use your empowered E to get picks to start the fight. Catching someone out and subsequently getting a kill could provide your team with enough time to take the Baron or Dragon. Peel for your team in team fights. Use your Q on the nearest champion to protect yourself and your ADC.
A late-game monster due to how her Passive works. If she can pull through the laning phase and can acquire CS in an orderly manner, she will easily take over the game later on. Her Ultimate R can allow her to save a teammate as well as herself depending on the situation. If she is behind, she can easily use it on an assassin in her team so that she can keep the enemy distracted from her presence. The Q and W allows her to catch up to fleeing targets with ease and get rid of them once she is powerful enough. It also acts as a source of poke and waveclear in the lane, especially before she is level six.
Gnar can deal a lot of damage or be a peeler for his team by tanking a lot of damage. This versatility depends on his form at the time of the fight as well as his build choice. At level thirteen, he will have two of his abilities wholly maxed out. That will allow him more frequent usage of his jump and poke abilities which can be highly beneficial during extended fights. Gnar must play around his Ultimate R to ensure that he is vital during the late game. Bonus points if he can use the fog of war to his favor.
Zac really has long periods of cooling on his engagement abilities. Therefore, he can really use them as a tool of engagement or escape only once in a fight. If you know that he is without these abilities- try to fight him. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the pre-6 card. This will make it harder to jump with his E and should increase your overall survival in the way. Zac has really good roaming potential.
Viego’s Passive is only as strong as the enemy team composition. If is picked into a team that lacks a lot of damage, transforming into them might be uneventful. Viego is a difficult champion to master: in particular, playing around your Passive and your R can be quite challenging for beginners. Viego has low utility and his W cannot help him get over walls. This is a drawback compared to other mobile champions in the current meta.
Olaf is incredibly strong in early play: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at any cost as he will beat you if he is able to land several t. If Olaf throws his t and he is close to you, try your best to zone him away from the thrown Axes t so he is unable to pick them up. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to everything within you and keep you down.
Keep poking enemies with your Q in the lane and focus on whittling them down. This is important towards winning the lane early on. Remember that you will end up dying if you get CC'd or if the enemy comes too close to you. Maintain your distance and keep up the poke. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to save your allies frequently. Make sure that you keep an eye around the map and see if someone needs help.
Once Gragas gets to level 16, he will have his Ultimate R maxed out. It will give him a massive damage boost, and the low cooldown combined with the knockback will help him pick high-priority targets. Gragas will either be extraordinarily tanky or a glass cannon dependent on landing his combo depending on the build. As a Jungler, Gragas will mostly be the latter, so his main goal will be to blow up the enemy backline when he gets the chance. His dash and Ultimate R make up for a significant amount of peel for his carries. Should he go for the tank build route, he will successfully absorb much damage for his team while his team follows up on Gragas' engagement.
At level 9, Irelia will be able to maximize her Q. Being her central damage ability, she will be able to surpass her enemies for days now. The maintenance will be pretty decent too. Once she manages to get an extra point in her Ultimate R, she will use the ability frequently in the way. This will allow her to take more skirmishes and win most duels in the game. Irelia is excellent at the skirmishes due to her mobility, the reduction of damage, and Ultimate R. Fighting in bottlenecks and objective pits will surely bring her forward in the game.
Gragas is an early Jungler game. Look at gank as often as possible to get your allies and increase your chances of winning the game. Although, you need to find a healthy balance between agriculture and glove if you want to win. Once Gragas is level 6, its death pressure increases. You should look at gank actively every time your Ultimate R is in place. You have a good Dragon control, so you have to put priority in taking them. You can do them alone or with your allies if they are able to help.
He is a mage, so any form of silence or channel interruption spell is his weakness. This is especially true if someone manages to interrupt his Ultimate R, as that is the ability which can single-handedly turn the tide of a team fight. Grievous Wounds are quite effective against him. He is quite squishy as well so he won’t be able to do much if the enemy team gets healing reduction during the early game. His biggest weakness is an enemy team that can ward well. This will legitimately counter Fiddlesticks entirely and will prevent him from all-in’ing the enemy team consistently. The vision will allow the enemy to anticipate his move and react accordingly.
Karma has a lot of poke damage and utility to offer during the middle of the game. It makes it really powerful when it comes to dealing with enemies that are always grouped together. At level eleven, it will have its first maximum ability. Depending on the ability it maximizes, it will either do a lot of burst damage to the enemies, or it will be peeling for it carries very effectively. Karma shines during the mid-game fights as she can keep her entire team safe at any time while inflicting constant damage to the enemy.
If the enemy team focuses on destroying his Q turrets before all-in’ing him, he will have to play defensively till he can bring his turrets back up. Missing his E will put him in a vulnerable spot, especially if he is laning on his own or when he is pushed up. This mistake can easily get him killed. He is very effective when he is fighting in closed spaces like the Jungle. The enemy can reduce this by fighting in the lanes and then matching his push if he tries to split push. Even in this case, if the enemy destroys his Q turrets, Heimerdinger will be done for.