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| Faroese
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1,000 | 1,457 | They put forward the proposal because the opposition, which owns the majority in the Industry Committee, did not want the proposal to come before the Løgting again until certain conditions have been investigated. | Tey løgdu uppskotið fram, tí andstøðan, sum eigur meirilutan í Vinnunevndini, vildi ikki, at uppskotið skuldi koma fyri aftur Løgtingið, fyrr enn ávís viðurskifti eru kannað. |
1,001 | 1,458 | The shares in the investment company can be listed on the market and thereby contribute to increasing trade in this. | Lutirnir í íløgufelagnum kunnu skrásetast á marknaðinum og harvið verða við til at økja um handilin á hesum. |
1,002 | 1,459 | No wonder that there are those who ask whether this is not political suicide for the Faroese people, who are bound hand and foot financially by loans from the Danes. | Ei undur í, at tað eru tey, sum spyrja, um hetta ikki er politiskt sjálvmorð fyri Føroya fólk, sum er bundið á hond og fót fíggjarliga av lánsskuld mótvegis dønum. |
1,003 | 1,460 | Such bans have already been implemented in some countries, and in 1998 these tools were also banned from use in cars in Denmark. | Tílík forboð eru longu sett í gildi í nøkrum londum, og í 1998 vórðu hesi tól eisini bannað at nýta í bilum í Danmark. |
1,004 | 1,462 | But the court chose to base its decision on the testimony of the girl, who is now 14 years old. | Men rætturin valdi at leggja frágreiðingina hjá gentuni, sum í dag er 14 ár, til grund fyri dóminum. |
1,005 | 1,463 | We've tried a prime minister like that before, and it didn't work out, Ziuganov says. | Vit hava roynt ein slíkan forsætisráðharra fyrr, og tann royndin miseydnaðist, segði Ziuganov. |
1,006 | 1,465 | The Master Craftsmen's Association has made among its members, the majority of those who responded to the survey, that they currently need skilled labor. | Handverks-meistarafelagið hevur gjørt millum sínar limir, svaraði meginparturin av teimum, sum svaraðu kanningini, at tey í løtuni hava tørv á faklærdari arbeiðsmegi. |
1,007 | 1,466 | Edmund Joensen will continue as Prime Minister until the election is held, as will the Government as a business administration. | Edmund Joensen heldur tó fram sum løgmaður, til valið er hildið, eins og landsstýrið heldur fram sum forrætningsstýri. |
1,008 | 1,467 | The strength of the Faroese defense lay in the fact that it pressed the weaknesses out of the Moldovan game. | Styrkin hjá føroysku verjuni lá í, at hon trýsti veikleikarnar fram úr moldoviska spælinum. |
1,009 | 1,468 | Here you can meet Faroese people just by looking around and seeing who is sitting at the bar or in the dark room. | Her kann ein hitta føroyingar bert við at hyggja seg um og síggja hvør situr við sosialinum ellla dimmuni. |
1,010 | 1,469 | The retirement home on Strond is a good example of the old people in the municipality showing a willingness to fight for the right to create a framework for their social life. | Pensionistahúsið á Strondum er eitt talandi dømi um, at tey gomlu í kommununi hava víst stríðsvilja tá tað ráddi um at skapa karmar um teirra felagslív. |
1,011 | 1,471 | Negotiations will be held between the Minister of Finance and the municipalities about the financial distribution between the country and the municipalities. | Samráðingar vera millum landsstýrismannin í fíggjarmálum og kommunurnar um fíggjarliga býtið millum land og kommunur. |
1,012 | 1,472 | A draft will be sent to the government regarding this matter within the next two months, says Frank Jensen in the answer. | Eitt uppkast verður sent landsstýrinum hesum viðvíkjandi innan tveir teir næstu mánaðirnar, sigur Frank Jensen í svarinum. |
1,013 | 1,473 | Some of you will be in a coalition government, so there should be an opportunity to make your influence felt. | Onkur av tykkum kemur í eina landsstýrissamgongu, so har skuldi verði møguleiki at gjørt sína ávirkan galdandi. |
1,014 | 1,474 | The City Council of Tórshavn will tonight take a position on a recommendation to grant four million kroner in connection with the plan to build a new long pool. | Tórshavnar býráð fer í kvøld at taka støðu til eina tilráðing um at játta fýra milliónir krónur í sambandi við ætlanin at byggja nýggjan langhyl. |
1,015 | 1,475 | The National Welfare Board has been upheld by the Appeals Committee in Social, Family and Health Affairs in that the agency had demanded a profit from a residential home. | Almannaverkið hevur fingið viðhald frá Kærunevndini í almannamálum, familjumálum og heilsumálum í, at verkið hevði kravt avlop aftur frá einum bústovni. |
1,016 | 1,477 | It is the new provisions in the tax law that came into force from January 1999 that have opened up the possibility. | Tað eru nýggju ásetingarnar í skattalógini, sum komu í gildi frá januar 1999, sum hava latið upp fyri møguleikanum. |
1,017 | 1,478 | Nobah went and took Kenath with its villages, and called it Nobah after himself. | Noba fór og tók Kenat við smábýunum, ið til hoyrdu; og hann kallaði tað Noba eftir sær sjálvum. |
1,018 | 1,479 | It will cut the soundtrack, so that the King of the Rednecks only becomes King and the scene where Pippi turns her eyes into Chinese eyes will be cut completely. | Tað fer at klippa í ljóðsporinum, so nekarakongur bert verður kongur og leikbrotið, tá Pippi ger eyguni til kinesara eygu verður klipt heilt burtur úr. |
1,019 | 1,481 | One person has died and more than 1.6 million people have been evacuated from their homes in the wake of Typhoon Hagibis, which made landfall in Japan today. | Eitt fólk hevur latið lív og meira enn 1,6 milliónir fólk eru flutt burtur undan melduródnini Hagibis, sum kom inn yvir japansku strondina í dag. |
1,020 | 1,482 | The goal is to get the money included in the supplementary budget this fall, says Helgi Abrahamsen, who will take up the matter at the government meeting on Tuesday. | Málið er at fáa pengarnar við á eykajáttan í heyst, sigur Helgi Abrahamsen, sum fer at taka málið upp á landsstýrisfundi týsdagin. |
1,021 | 1,483 | Although the fish processing plant Suðurfisk went bankrupt 20 years ago, the estate is still not settled. | Tí hóast flakavirkið Suðurfisk fór á heysin fyri einum 20 árum síðani, er búgvið ikki avgreitt enn. |
1,022 | 1,485 | Hoffmann-LaRoche has thus bought materials that can lead to groundbreaking research results. | Hoffmann-LaRoche hevur sostatt keypt sær tilfar, sum kann føra til slóðbrótandi granskingarúrslit. |
1,023 | 1,491 | Last week the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports published a series of articles on the subject, and much of the research was done in the Faroe Islands, says the Research Council of Faroe Islands. | Í farnu viku kom tíðarritið Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports út við greinarøð um evnið, og stórur partur av granskingini er gjørdur í Føroyum, sigurs Granskingarráðið. |
1,024 | 1,492 | According to the Danish government, there is neither a "commonwealth" nor a Faroese nation. | Sambært donsku stjórnini finst hvørki nakar "ríkisfelagsskapur" ella nøkur føroysk tjóð. |
1,025 | 1,494 | I think we have a contract with many associated agreements made with the National School Administration, which the government has broken. | Eg haldi, at vit hava ein sáttmála við nógvum tilhoyrandi avtalum gjørdar við Landsskúlafyrisitingina, sum landsstýrið hevur brotið. |
1,026 | 1,495 | The conclusion I'm trying to come to is that it's not how much raw material we have, but how we use it. | Niðurstøðan eg royni at koma til er, at tað avgerandi er ikki hvussu nógva rávøru vit hava, men hvussu vit gagnnýta hana. |
1,027 | 1,496 | As understood, the Greenlanders have put forward a wish that the survey should also cover Greenlandic conditions. | Sum skilst, hava grønlendingar sett ynski fram um, at kanningin eisini skal fevna um grønlendsk viðurskifti. |
1,028 | 1,498 | The heavy snow and the many avalanches on the road to Viðareiði have almost isolated the people from the outside world. | Tann nógvi kavin og tey mongu skalvalopini á Viðareiðisvegnum hava so at siga avbyrgt fólkið frá umheiminum. |
1,029 | 1,499 | But since the group now has a permanent leader and now gets such conditions to work under, it will create almost unheard of conditions for the actors. | Men við tað at bólkurin nú hevur fingið ein fastan leiðara og nú fær slíkar umstøður at arbeiða undir, fer at skapa nærum óhoyrdar umstøður fyri leikararnar. |
1,030 | 1,501 | The committee must once again point out that it does not have the power to prosecute or sentence people. | Nevndin skal tí einaferð enn vísa á, at hon hevur ikki ákæru- elladómsvald og hevur ikki sum uppgávu at reisa ákæru ella fella dóm yvir navngivin fólk. |
1,031 | 1,502 | Thus, in areas where fishing is now, it may disappear, but it will reappear or strengthen elsewhere. | Tvs, at í økjum, har fiskivinna nú er, fer hon kanska at hvørva, men at hon fer at taka seg upp, ella at styrkna aðrastaðni. |
1,032 | 1,503 | Jóannes Eidesgaard says that if we start having different VAT rates on different products, it could end up in a tangle that no one can find their way out of. | Jóannes Eidesgaard sigur, at verður fyrst farið undir at hava ymiskt mvg á ymsum vørum, kann tað enda í einum vavstri, sum ongin finnur burturúraftur í. |
1,033 | 1,508 | This gives rise to the suspicion that the documents contain information that goes against the interests of the tax authorities. | Hetta gevur ein illgruna um, at skjølini innihalda upplýsingar, sum ganga ímóti áhugamálunum hjá skattavaldinum. |
1,034 | 1,510 | Regardless of what happens, it is the Folketing and the government who must take the consequences of the conclusions of an investigation. | Óansæð hvat hendir, so eru tað Fólkatingið og stjórnin sum skulu taka avleiðingarnar av niðurstøðunum í einari kanning. |
1,035 | 1,511 | The parties agreed on a smaller reduction than the one demanded by the Norwegian delegation, which is smaller than the relative reduction in the third country quota. | Partarnir komu á samt um minni lækking enn hana, sum norska sendinevndin kravdi og sum er minni enn tann lutfalsliga minkingin í triðjalandskvotuni. |
1,036 | 1,513 | The environmental fee is still pending. IRF has for a long time been pressing for the imposition of an environmental fee on certain waste. | Umhvørvisgjaldið bíðar framvegis IRF hevur elingi strongt á fyri at fáa umhvørvisgjald lagt á ávíst burturkast. |
1,037 | 1,515 | But that doesn't mean, says Johnathan Motzfeldt, that Greenlanders shouldn't cooperate outside of Denmark. | Men tað vil ikki siga, sigur Johnathan Motzfeldt, at grønlendingar ikki skulu samstarva úteftir aðrastaðni enn til Danmarkar. |
1,038 | 1,516 | The rest of what is said in this article is that those who have a lease when the law comes into force will retain their rights according to the lease. | Tað, sum annars verður sagt í hesi grein, er, at tey, sum sita við festi,tá lógin kemur í gildi, varðveita síni rættindi sambært festibrævinum. |
1,039 | 1,518 | The reason for the large difference are lower income and higher expenses than the government and Løgting estimated when the budget for 2013 was made. | Orsøkin til stóra munin eru minni inntøkur og størri útreiðslur enn landsstýrið og løtingið mettu, tá fíggjarlógin fyri 2013 varð gjørd. |
1,040 | 1,519 | But I will turn against you, says the Lord God of hosts, and I will uncover your skirts over your face, and I will make the nations see your nakedness and the kingdoms your shame. | Men Eg skal venda Mær móti tær sigur HARRIN Gud herskaranna og Eg skal lyfta faldin á klæðum tínum upp fyri andlit títt og lata fólkasløg síggja teg nakna og ríki síggja skomm tína. |
1,041 | 1,520 | The procedure must be changed significantly, and then we easily reach the goal that the Faroese people want, but I will return to this in a future article. | Mannagongdin skal broytast munandi, og so røkka vit lætt tí máli, sum føroya fólk ynskir, men hetta skal eg venda aftur til í eini komandi blaðgrein. |
1,042 | 1,522 | And what you didn't ask for, I give you with both riches and honor, so that your likeness shall not be among the kings all your time. | Og tað, ið tú ikki baðst um, gevi Eg tær við bæði ríkidømi og heiður, so líki tín skal ikki vera millum kongarnar alla tíð tína. |
1,043 | 1,523 | Artworks worth millions have been stolen while the owners of the houses have been in the cities where they live. | Listarverk fyri fleiri milliónir eru stolin, meðan ánararnir av húsunum hava verið í býunum, har tey búgva. |
1,044 | 1,526 | So long as a member of parliament is elected in Suðuroy and is sent to the capital, you already have the problem of the borders floating, says Finnbogi Ísakson. | So leingi, sum ein tingmaður er valdur í Suðuroy og verður sendur til Havnar á ting, so hevur tú longu trupulleikan at mørkini flóta, sigur Finnbogi Ísakson. |
1,045 | 1,528 | You can also call the Finance Department to ask about the tax implications of the new pension scheme. | Til ber eisini at ringja til Fíggjarmálastýrið at spyrja seg fyri um skattligu avleiðingarnar av nýggju pensjónsskipanini. |
1,046 | 1,529 | It was in fact Scottish scientists who really started the debate about human cloning when they announced that they had succeeded in cloning a sheep. | Tað vóru í veruleikanum skotskir vísindamenn, ið rættiliga byrjaðu kjakið um menniskjakloning, tá ið teir kunngjørdu, at tað hevði eydnast teimum at klona ein seyð. |
1,047 | 1,530 | Have you thought about how money can be raised to build institutions and other care facilities, and when they can be obtained? | Hevur tú hugsað um, hvussu pengar kunnu fáast til vega at byggja stovnar og onnur ansingarpláss fyri, og nær teir kunnu skaffast? |
1,048 | 1,531 | But Jørgen Holme adds that if Greenland Express starts flying to the Faroe Islands, then Atlantic Airways will not sit back and do nothing. | Men Jørgen Holme leggur aftrat, at fer Greenland Express at flúgva til Føroya, so fer Atlantsflog ikki at sita hendur í favn, og lata sum einki. |
1,049 | 1,532 | A common sight is now also to see farmers spraying manure along the road, and that a lot of sheep are seen lying there on the road when the vegetation comes. | Ein vanlig sjón er nú eisini at síggja bøndur spræna tøð fram við vegnum, og at nógvur seyður tí sæst liggja har á leiðini, tá ið gróðurin kemur. |
1,050 | 1,533 | Statoil will use so much oil when it starts to look for oil off the Faroe Islands this year that the Faroese oil companies cannot supply it all. | Statoil skal brúka so nógva olju, tá felagið fer at leita eftir olju við Føroyar í ár, at føroysku oljufeløgini megna ikki hvørt sær at lata so nógva olju. |
1,051 | 1,536 | We have asked ourselves: What is Blue Cross? What is the purpose of this organization? What do we want and how should we work in the future? | Vit hava spurt okkum sjálvi: Hvat er Blái Krossur? Hvat er endamálið við hesum felagsskapi? Hvat vilja vit og hvussu eiga vit at arbeiði í framtíðini? |
1,052 | 1,538 | Also, the existence as a pensioner is considered, which Virgar Dalsgaard sees as an opportunity to experience things that are not possible while people are in the labor market. | Eisini verður hugleitt um tilveruna sum pensjonistur, sum Virgar Dalsgaard sær sum ein møguleika at uppliva ymiskt, ið ikki ber til, meðan fólk eru á arbeiðsmarknaðinum. |
1,053 | 1,540 | Even though Vibeke knew little Bengali, and they were not very fluent in English, they managed to communicate. | Sjálvt um Vibeke dugdi lítið av bengalskum, og tey vóru lítið stinn í enskum, gekk bara væl at gera seg forstáiliga. |
1,054 | 1,542 | It is impossible to say yes to life without saying no to everything that destroys it. | Tað er ógjørligt at siga ja til lívið uttan at siga nei til alt, sum oyðileggur tað. |
1,055 | 1,543 | When the importance of an industry is to be described, both the industry itself and the consequences for other industries are often taken into account. | Tá týdningurin av eini vinnugrein skal lýsast, verður ofta bæði hugt eftir sjálvari vinnugreinini og hvørjar fylgjur vinnan hevur fyri aðrar vinnur. |
1,056 | 1,544 | This is in a written question that Jørgen Niclasen has put to the Minister of Fisheries, and which will be debated in the Løgting next week. | Hetta stendur í skriviligum fyrispurningi, Jørgen Niclasen hevur sett landsstýriskvinnuni, og sum kemur fyri í Løgtinginum í næstu viku. |
1,057 | 1,545 | I wrote like this I have a good working relationship with the other council members, and generally speaking the cooperation in the council is good. | Eg skrivaði soleiðis Eg havi eitt gott samstarv við hinar býráðslimirnar, og sum heild er samarbeiðið í býráðnum gott. |
1,058 | 1,546 | John Johansen and Bjørg Dam visit the Saturday show, and they bring two stories, one of which is true, while they're pulling the other one. | John Johansen og Bjørg Dam vitja í leygardagssendingini, og við sær hava tey tvær søgur í part, har onnur er sonn, meðan tey pella í hinari. |
1,059 | 1,547 | Frederiksen believes that Denmark also has a responsibility for the American bases, because it is the Danish authorities who have made the agreements with the Americans and allowed them to have military bases in Greenland. | Frederiksen heldur at Danmark eisini eigur ábyrgdina fyri amerikansku køstunum, tí tað eru danskir myndugleikar sum hava gjørt avtalurnar við amerikanararnar og loyvt teimum at hava herstøðir í Grønlandi. |
1,060 | 1,548 | The group Yggdrasil is nominated for the music prize, and the book She Who Rowed the Rainbow by Rakel Helmsdal is nominated for the children's and youth literature prize. | Bólkurin Yggdrasil er innstillaður til tónlistarheiðurslønina, og bókin Hon, sum róði eftir ælaboganum eftir Rakel Helmsdal er innstillað til barna og ungdómsbókmentaheiðurslønina. |
1,061 | 1,549 | But afterwards they changed their minds; they took back the slaves and slave women they had set free, and forced them to be slaves and slave women again. | Men eftirsíðani skiftu teir sinni; teir tóku aftur trælirnar og trælkvinnurnar, ið teir høvdu frígivið, og noyddu tey uppaftur at vera trælir og trælkvinnur. |
1,062 | 1,550 | According to the survey, the People's Party and the Union Party lose two seats in the parliament compared to the last election, and will go from eight to six seats. | Sambært kanningini missa Fólkaflokkurin og Sambandsflokkurin tveir tingsessir í mun til seinasta løgtingsval, og fara úr átta niður í seks tingsessir. |
1,063 | 1,551 | The Faroese language is taught in the Faroese schools. | Farið er undir samstarv við talilærararnar í Suðurstreymoy, og skipað er fyri taliundirvísing í bólkum inni á Sernámsdeplinum. |
1,064 | 1,554 | Personally, Assad has little to gain from a peace agreement as long as he sticks to his hardline policies. | Persónliga hevur Assad lítið at vinna við einari friðaravtalu, so leingi hann heldur fast um harðrenda politikk sín. |
1,065 | 1,556 | On Monday December there were two telephone meetings between the parties, and Alex Wilhelm once again asked the Fisheries Ministry to have a meeting the following day. | Mánadagin desember var so aftur tveir telefonfundir millum partarnar, og heitti Alex Wilhelm enn eina ferð á Fiskimálaráðið um at hava ein fund dagin eftir. |
1,066 | 1,558 | In addition to sending this to those who received a copy of the letter from the Office of the Prime Minister in the first instance, I also sent a copy to Andras Mortensen, so he is also informed. | Umframt at senda hetta til tey, sum fingu avrit av skrivinum frá løgmansskrivstovini í fyrsta umfari, sendi eg eisini avrit til Andras Mortensen, so hann eisini er kunnaður. |
1,067 | 1,559 | He has previously been the director of the National Hospital, head of department and acting director general of the Ministry of Health and the director of the Greenlandic health service. | Hann hevur fyrr verið stjóri á Landssjúkrahúsinum, deildarstjóri og virkandi aðalstjóri í Heilsumálaráðnum og stjóri fyri grønlendska heilsuverkið. |
1,068 | 1,560 | And you'll see your tent standing safely; you'll look after your property and miss nothing. | Og tú fært at síggja tjald títt standa trygt; tú hyggur eftir eigindómum tínum og saknar einki. |
1,069 | 1,562 | The elderly care will be transferred to the municipalities as soon as possible, and an agreement will be made between the country and the municipalities on investments and tax distribution. | Eldrarøktin verður skjótast gjørligt løgd til kommunurnar at reka, og ein semja verður gjørd millum land og kommunur um íløgur og skattabýti. |
1,070 | 1,563 | Here I would like to say that we G. year could not have gotten a better coach than we have! They are both festive and serious! | Her vil eg siga at vit G. ár kundu ikki fingið betur venjara enn vit hava! Tær eru báðar festligar og seriøsar! |
1,071 | 1,564 | The battle was fierce where Saul was; the archers hit him, and he was terribly afraid of them. | Bardagin varð harður, har sum Saul var; bogamenninir raktu við hann, og ógvulig angist kom á hann fyri teimum. |
1,072 | 1,566 | When it comes to shipments from abroad, where customs duty is charged, the recipient receives notification by mail when it's time to go to the post office to pick it up. | Tá talan er um sendingar úr útheiminum, har tollur verður lagdur á, fær móttakarin fráboðan við postinum, tá klárt er at koma á posthúsið eftir henni. |
1,073 | 1,567 | The rules do not prevent profits from fishing in the Faroe Islands from being earned by persons and companies with a stronger connection to other states than to the Faroe Islands. | Reglerne forhindrer saledes ikke, at overskud fra fiskeri pa Færøerne oppebæres af personer og selskaber, som har en stærkere tilknytning til andre stater end til Færøerne. |
1,074 | 1,568 | The police have been given special permission to stop and search people until two o'clock tonight, because they say that some violent, right-wing protestors have weapons. | Politiið hevur fingið sær serloyvi til at steðga og kanna fólk til klokkan tvey í nátt, tí tey siga, at nøkur víðgongd, høgravend mótmælisfólk hava vápn. |
1,075 | 1,569 | Over Jerusalem have reigned kings with great power, who have been lords over all the land beyond the River, and to whom tribute, toll and road-tax have been paid. | Yvir Jerúsalem hava rátt kongar við stórum veldi, sum hava verið harrar yvir øllum landinum hinumegin Ánna, og sum skattur, tollur og vegpeningur hevur verið latin til. |
1,076 | 1,570 | Also, the prison service plans to renew the kitchen equipment so that those who are in prison can make themselves a drink. | Eisini hevur kriminalforsorgin ætlanir um at endurnýggja tekøkarnar, so tey sum sita inni fáa betri umstøður at gera sær ein drekkamunn sjálvi. |
1,077 | 1,571 | He expects that the fans of TÝR will experience the powerful power of a whole symphony orchestra, and those who usually listen to classical music will get a new experience. | Hann væntar, at fjepparar hjá TÝR fara at uppliva sterku megina frá einum heilum symfoniorkestri, og tey, sum vanliga lurta eftir klassiskum fáa eina nýggja uppliving. |
1,078 | 1,572 | The legal areas mentioned are described in Chapter 2, Danish legal rules that have been made applicable to the Faroe Islands. | Nevndu lógarøki eru lýst í kapiti 2, danskar rættarreglur, sum eru settar í gildi fyri Føroyar. |
1,079 | 1,573 | The reason is that Tórshavnar kommuna has received an application for building permission for a hotel at Oknarvegur, the new road where BankNordik's headquarters are located. | Orsøkin er, at Tórshavnar kommuna hevur fingið umsókn um byggiloyvi til hotell við Oknarvegin, tað er nýggi vegurin, har høvuðssætið hjá BankNordik er. |
1,080 | 1,576 | He and Pól Jakobsen are the first national coaches in basketball ever, and their main task will be to prepare the national team for the Island Games this summer. | Hann og Pól Jakobsen eru fyrstu landsliðsvenjararnir í kurvabólti nakrantíð, og høvuðsuppgávan hjá teimum verður at fyrireika landsliðið til oyggjaleikirnar í summar. |
1,081 | 1,577 | The members mentioned above elect three additional members who must have a higher education in social sciences and not be members of parliament. | Nevndarlimirnir, sum eru umrøddi oman fyri, velja sær aftrat 3 nevndarlimir, sum skulu hava hægri útbúgving í samfelagsvísindum og ikki hava sæti á tingi. |
1,082 | 1,578 | First you run after a girl, then you walk with her, then you stand next to her in church, and now you're sitting pretty! | Fyrst rennur ein eftir einari gentu so gongur ein saman við henni so stendur ein knappliga í kirkjuni við henni og nú situr man pent í tí! |
1,083 | 1,579 | The working day is spent visiting staff where they are working, rather than sitting in their own office waiting for them. | Gerandisdagurin verður brúktur at vitja starvsfólkini, har tey eru virkin, heldur enn at sita á egnari skrivstovu og bíða eftir teimum. |
1,084 | 1,580 | When Hagel took office, he was tasked with ending the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and reducing defense spending. | Tá Hagel tók við, var tað hann, sum skuldi fáa enda á hernaðarliga virkseminum hjá USA í Afghanistan og at minka fíggjarætlanina fyri verjuna. |
1,085 | 1,581 | But there were such special circumstances of the economic crisis that we had to take serious measures. | Men tað vóru so serligar umstøður av búskaparliga skrædlinum, at vit noyddust at gera álvarslig inntriv. |
1,086 | 1,582 | The Faroese economy is bipolar. The Faroese economy rests on two roughly equal long legs: the export of fish products and the block grant. | Føroyski búskapurin er tvíbeintur Føroysku búskapurin hvílir á tveimum nøkulunda eins longum beinum útflutninginum av fiskaúrdráttum og blokkstuðulinum. |
1,087 | 1,585 | It is expected that the chaos in Birmingham's jail will lead to a review of the privatised prison system in England, writes Telegraph. | Roknað verður við, at ruðuleikin í fongslinum í Birmingham fer at elva til, at øll skipanin við privat riknum fongslum í Onglandi verður endurskoðað, skrivar Telegraph. |
1,088 | 1,586 | Step 3/ Group one patient pathway for severe dementia and/or when complications arise. | Stig 3/ Bólkur ein sjúklingagongd fyri sverari demenssjúkur og/ella tá komplikatiónir taka seg upp. |
1,089 | 1,590 | If a newborn doesn't experience closeness to another person, he will later have trouble connecting with others. | Um ein nýføðingur ikki upplivir ein tættleika til eitt annað fólk, fer hann seinni at hava trupulleikar við at knýta seg til onnur. |
1,090 | 1,593 | Because those who held us captive wanted us to sing there; those who oppressed us wanted us to be happy: Sing us songs of Zion!? | Tí teir, ið hildu okkum fangað, vildu hava okkum at syngja har; teir, ið kúgaðu okkum, vildu hava okkum at vera glað:Syngið songir Zions fyri okkum!? |
1,091 | 1,594 | Announced with this that the next treatment trip for psoriasis will be April to May at Blue Lagoon in Iceland. | Kunngjørt verður við hesum at næsti viðgerðartúrur fyri psoriasis verður apríl til mai á Bláa Lóni í Íslandi. |
1,092 | 1,596 | And when the income of a municipality is as large as it is in the capital now, the prioritization of municipal investments can be arbitrary, the Economic Council says. | Og tá inntøkurnar hjá einari kommunu eru so stórar, sum tær eru í høvuðsstaðnum nú, kann raðfestingin av kommunalum íløgum gerast tilvildarlig, heldur Búskaparráðið. |
1,093 | 1,597 | The subpoena is in response to Trump's declaration last Friday that the border crisis with Mexico is a national emergency to raise money to build a wall on the southern border of the United States. | Stevningin er aftursvar til, at Trump seinasta fríggjadag lýsti støðuna við markið til Meksiko at vera nationala kreppu fyri at skaffa pening til at byggja ein múr á sunnara markinum í USA. |
1,094 | 1,598 | The servant said to him. ?But if the woman will not come with me to this land, shall I then take your son back to the land from which you came? | Tænarin segði við hann. ?Men vil kvinnan nú ikki koma við mær higar til hetta landið skal eg so fara við syni tínum aftur í landið, sum tú fórt úr? |
1,095 | 1,599 | The one who complains that it's not livable for high prices in the Faroe Islands has more than a little to experience compared to Icelandic prices. | Tann, sum klagar um, at tað ikki er livandi fyri høgum prísum í Føroyum, hevur meira enn eitt sindur at uppliva, samanborið við íslendskar prísir. |
1,096 | 1,600 | To shorten the waiting time for landing at Havsbrún in Fuglafjørður, Faroese vessels were allowed to land black-capelin in other countries from April to June. | Fyri at stytta bíðitíðina eftir at sleppa fram at hjá Havsbrún í Fuglafirði, var føroyskum skipum loyvt at landa svartkjaft í øðrum londum frá apríl til juni. |
1,097 | 1,601 | More than 000 police officers and soldiers are working at the more than 000 polling stations in the country to ensure that everything goes peacefully. | Fleiri enn 000 løgreglufólk og herfólk eru til arbeiðis við tey meira enn 000 valhølini í landinum fyri at tryggja, at alt gongur friðarliga fyri seg. |
1,098 | 1,602 | The security needs of small states have often been met in cooperation with neighbouring states, and only a few of them have their own military forces. | Trygdartørvurin hjá smáríkjum hevur ofta kunnað verið nøktaðurí samstarvi við grannalond, og einans fá teirra hava egna hermegi. |
1,099 | 1,603 | To secure the Faroese Broadcasting Corporation a steady income, it is also important to make long-term agreements about the fixed fee, so that it is not possible to change the amount from year to year. | Fyri at tryggja Kringvarpinum fasta inntøku, er eisini umráðandi at gera langar avtalur um fasta gjaldið, so ikki ber til at broyta upphæddina frá ári til ár. |