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If this trend were allowed to continue, the Faroese society would soon be drained of tax revenue from our much-sought-after seafarers.
Um henda gongdin fekk loyvi at halda fram ótarna, hevði skjótt alt tað føroyska samfelagið verið drenað fyri skattainntøkur frá okkara nógv eftirspurda sjófólki.
It is this that has led me to ask the Minister of Justice some questions, says Jenis av Rana.
Tað er hetta, sum hevur fingið meg til at seta løgmanni nakrar fyrispurningar, sigur Jenis av Rana.
The competition in the sun in Spain has not gone as well as the clubs had hoped, and the level of training fields has especially created great dissatisfaction.
Kappingin í sólini í Spania hevur ikki gingið so væl, sum feløgini høvdu vónað, og støðið á venjingarvøllunum hevur serliga skapt stóra ónøgd.
I think the case is now so well prepared that a solution can be expected within that time, says Rúni Joensen.
Eg haldið, at málið nú er so mikið búgvið, at ein loysn kann væntast innan ta tíð, sigur Rúni Joensen.
According to Bergur Poulsen, they haven't lost all hope of getting the parliament to give industrial boats fishing permits under the Faroe Islands again.
Eftir, hvat skilst á Bergi Poulsen hava tey ikki mist allar vónir um at fáa løgtingið at geva ídnaðarbátunum veiðiloyvi undir Føroyum aftur.
Kolla says she hopes that Faroese boys will throw off their shyness and show interest in the event when they come this way next year.
Kolla sigur seg vóna, at føroyskir dreingir kasta smædni av sær og vísa áhuga fyri tiltakinum, tá tey koma hendan veg komandi ár.
American troops captured him in 2006, and three years later an Iraqi court sentenced him to death for being a member of al Keida.
Amerikanskar herdeildir handtólkum hann í 2006, og trý ár seinni dømdi ein irakiskur dómstólur hann til deyðis fyri at hava verið limur í al Keida.
Because the council itself decides which ethical issues are to be dealt with, it is not possible to say what the first tasks will be until the council has been set up.
Av tí at ráðið sjálvt ger av, hvørjir etiskir spurningar verða viðgjørdir, ber ikki til at siga, hvat fyrstu uppgávurnar verða, fyrr enn ráðið er sett.
He says that if the Ministry of Finance is to go against the decision of the Ombudsman, this must not be done without the council getting the Prime Minister to secure support for this in the Parliament.
Hann sigur, at skal Fíggjarmálaráðið ganga ímóti avgerðini hjá Umboðsmanninum, so má hetta ikki gerast uttan at ráðið fær løgmann at tryggja undirtøku fyri hesum í Løgtinginum.
The result of the negotiations is so far from what the government had promised, there is so much distance between words and deeds, that I think the government should resign immediately, says Edmund Joensen.
Samráðingarúrslitið er so langt frá tí, sum landsstýrið stillaði í útsikt, tað er so langt millum orð og gerðir, at eg haldi, at landsstýrið eigur at leggja frá sær í stundini, sigur Edmund Joensen.
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen pointed out that the Danish government considers this to be the real reason why the government no longer wants to negotiate on the current basis.
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen vísti á, at danska stjórnin metir hetta vera veruligu orsøkina til, at landsstýrið ikki longur vil samráðast eftir verandi grundarlagi.
But the Danish law has now proven to have a serious weakness, now children and young people have become infected with HIV within the Danish hospital system.
Men danska lógin hevur nú víst seg at hava ein álvarsligan veikleika, nú børn og ung eru vorðin smittað við HIV innan danska sjúkrahúsverkið.
The Danish health service in Copenhagen has since confirmed that it was a human error, and they are now going to investigate the case in detail.
Danska heilsuverkið í Keypmannahavn hevur síðani váttað, at talan er um eina menniskjaliga feilmeting, og tey fara nú undir nærri kanning í ítøkiliga málinum.
Bush is also in favor of increasing aid to the Iraqi opposition while tightening the trade embargo.
Bush er eisini fortalari fyri at økja um stuðulin til andstøðuna í Irak, meðan handilsbannið skal herðast.
The US has proposed that the fighting stop immediately and called on the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guiterrez to come up with a proposal on how the ceasefire can be implemented.
USA hevur skotið upp, at bardagarnir steðga í stundini, og heita á ST aðalskrivarin, Antonio Guiterrez, um at koma við uppskoti um, hvussu vápnahvíldin kann setast í verk.
Low pressure between Iceland and Norway will move north and a high pressure ridge over the Greenland Sea is expected over the Faroe Islands on Sunday.
Lágtrýstið millum Íslands og Noreg fer í landnyrðing og ein hátrýstryggur yvir Grønlandsfjørðinum verður væntandi yvir Føroyum sunnudagin.
The settlement accommodates the interests of both parties and reflects the uncertainty about the financial settlement and the legal proceedings, says Steen Reeslev in a statement on behalf of Den Danske Bank.
Semjan leggur upp fyri áhugamálunum hjá báðum pørtum og endurspeglar óvissuna um fíggjarligu uppgerðina og rættarmálið, sigur Steen Reeslev í eini útsøgn vegna Den Danske Bank.
The most recent example is the auction, which the harbor men are fighting like wolves to get, because the outlying areas have had good experiences with this system.
Tað nýggjasta dømi er uppboðssølan, sum havnarmenn stríðast sum úlvur á skóg at fáa sær, tí útjaðaraøkini hava havt góðar royndir við hesi skipan.
The Company shall ensure that both shareholders and the media have good opportunities to participate in the general meeting.
Felagið skal tryggja, at bæði partaeigarar og fjølmiðlar hava góðar møguleikar at luttkaka á aðalfundinum.
The Nordic Council therefore recommends that the governments and national parliaments hold a conference on the situation in the North Atlantic region in the new geopolitical reality.
Útnorðurráðið mælir tí stjórnini og landsstýrunum til at hava ráðstevnu um støðuna hjá Útnorðri í nýggja geopolitiska veruleikanum.
Everywhere the bowhead whale is a great nuisance to the fishing industry, because it takes the bait off the hook and eats the fish that are on it.
Allastaðni er bóghvítuhvalurin til miklan ampa fyri fiskiskapin, tí hann tekur agnið av húkinum og etur fiskin, ið á er.
Jenis av Rana wants to know if the politics of two coalition parties in the City Council in Tórshavn will also be reflected in national politics.
Jenis av Rana vil hava at vita, um politikkurin hjá tveimum samgonguflokkuum í býráðnum í Havn eisini fer at síggjast aftur í landspolitikkinum.
Such are not the news releases and statements of the Minister of Education these days.
Soleiðis ljóða ikki tíðindaskriv og útsagnir landsstýrismansins í skúlamálum í hesum døgum.
The Faroese government does not consider the Danish big bank as its negotiating partner in the banking issue but the Danish government.
Landsstýrið metir als ikki danska stórbankan sum sín samráðingarpart í bankamálinum men donsku stjórnina.
After Uffe Ellemann unexpectedly announced that he was withdrawing, only praise was heard from his political opponents.
Eftir at Uffe Ellemann óvæntað boðaði frá, at hann tók seg aftur, ljóðaðu bert rósandi orð til hansara frá politisku mótstøðumonnum hansara.
This picture shows that people started playing music several thousand years ago, and ever since then music has evolved to what it is today, and the evolution continues.
Henda myndin vísir, at menniskja fór at spæla tónleik fyri fleiri 1000 árum síðani, og líka síðani hevur tónleikur ment seg, til tað hann er í dag og menningin heldur fram.
She is pleased that the Ministry of Education has accepted the complaint, so that the students who are not satisfied with the exam in business economics will have another chance in August.
Hon fegnast um, at Mentamálaráðið hevur gingið kæruni á møti, soleiðis at teir næmingar, ið ikki eru nøgdir við próvtøkuna í virkisbúskapi, fáa ein kjans afturat í august.
People lost their jobs, people were burdened by taxes and fees, people lost their houses, and many had to move abroad.
Fólk mistu arbeiði, fólk vórðu niðurtyngd av skatti og avgjøldum, fólk mistu hús, og nógv noyddust at flyta av landinum.
This shows a new Vilstrup survey, which gives CD 5.2 percent of the votes and thus nine seats in the newly-minted parliament.
Hetta vísir ein nýggj Vilstrup kanning, sum gevur CD 5,2 prosent av atkvøðunum og soleiðis níggju sessir í tí nýmannaða fólkatinginum.
Picture Example of a vessel engaged in mackerel fishing. 5 For what fisheries is the scheme to apply?
Mynd Hugsað dømi um eitt skip í makrelfiskiskapi. 5 Fyri hvønn fiskiskap skal skipanin galda?
Long work road It's not as easy as it sounds to be a home helper in Funningur when you have to go to the neighboring villages over mountains, passes and trails in winter time.
Langur arbeiðsvegur Tað er ikki bara sum at siga tað, at vera heimahjálpari í Funningi tá farast skal til grannabygdirnar um fjøll, skørð og líðir á vetrartíð.
And its rich harvest it gives to the kings You set over us in return for our sins; they do whatever they want with our bodies and our property. We are in great distress!?
Og ríku grøði sína gevur tað kongunum, ið Tú setti yvir okkum aftur fyri syndir okkara; teir gera, sum teir vilja, bæði við likam okkara og fæ okkara. Vit eru í stórari neyð!?
The figures for chlamydia are good to measure yourself by, because it is a disease that does not infect if a condom is used, says Bodil Nygaard.
Tølini fyri chlamydia eru góð at meta seg eftir, tí at tað er ein sjúka, ið ikki smittar, um hít verður nýtt, sigur Bodil Nygaard.
Pól á Kletti Last year there was a lot of debate about how the Wall in Kirkjubø best be preserved.
Pól á Kletti Farna ár var mikið kjak um hvussu Múrurin í Kirkjubø best verður varðveittur.
The latest five business surveys have shown an increasing trend in the commercial sector, but the index has still not been nearly as high as it is now, the survey shows.
Seinastu fimm konjunkturkanningarnar hava víst ein vaksandi trend hjá handilsvinnuni, men vísitalið hevur kortini ikki verið nærtil so stórt sum nú, vísir kanningin.
The Sumbingar strengthened their position in the bottom of the league when they left Vagar with all three points last Sunday.
Sumbingar styrktu nógv um sína støðu í botninum, tá teir næstseinasta sunnudag fóru úr Vágum við øllum trimum stigunum.
But to Kahathites he gave nothing; for the work of the holy things was committed to them, to bear them on their shoulders.
Men Kahatitum gav hann einki; tí teimum var arbeiðið við hitt heilaga latið upp í hendur, og teir skuldu bera tað á herðunum.
This has been taken into account by the City Council of Tórshavn, and work will continue to be done to have the school area fully updated in the capital.
Hesum hevur Tórshavnar býráð tikið hædd fyri, og framvegis skal verða arbeitt fyri at hava skúlaøkið fullkomuliga dagført í høvuðsstaðnum.
On the coming Monday, the contract expires, and then things will go awry, he expects - just as they usually do.
Mánakvøldið komandi gongur sáttmálin út, og tá fara tingini á glið, væntar hann - júst sum tað plagar.
Bjørn á Heygum said at the end that he was surprised that the case, which started as a financial issue, was now a question of principle.
Bjørn á Heygum segði at enda, at hann undraðist á, at málið, sum byrjaði sum ein peningaligur spurningur, nú var ein prinsipiellur spurningur.
But if we get examples of being underbid, we will respond with at least as good offers, says Fríðálvur Jensen.
Men fáa vit dømir um, at vit vera undirbjóðaðir, fara vit at svara aftur við minst líka góðum tilboðum, sigur Fríðálvur Jensen.
Now I don't know what the Municipal Employers' Association and this pension fund have in common, but they certainly know how the competition law works in this area.
Nú veit eg ikki, hvat Kommunala Arbeiðsgevarafelagið og hetta pensjónsfelag hava av felags áhuga, men tey vita fullvæl, hvussu kappingarlógin er á hesum øki.
The country and the municipality pay 30 percent each of the cost, and the rest the company must provide itself.
Landið og kommunan rinda hvør síni 30 rosent av kostnaðinum, og restina skal felagið sjálvt útvega.
Despite the boys and everyone else laughing at him, he sticks to his guns, and when push comes to shove, he proves that talk of bravery is more than just bluster.
Hóast dreingirnir og øll onnur flenna at honum, heldur hann fast við sítt, og tá ið á stendur, prógvar hann, at hjá honum er prátið um dirvi meira enn orðabrask.
If the owner wishes to dismiss the skipper or the skipper wishes to dismiss the boat, the notice period is days and the crew must be informed of the dismissal.
Ynskir eigari at siga formanni ella skipara upp, ella ynskir formaður ella skipari at siga bátin frá sær, er uppsagnarfreistin dagar, og manningin skal gerast kunnug við uppsøgnina.
The term of the current Board has now expired, and the budget for 2001 was approved at the Board meeting today.
Skeiðið hjá sitandi stýri er nú runnið, og fíggjarætlan fyri 2001 løgd á stýrisfundi í dag.
Usual, usual How do you know a man is an egoist? He turns a wrinkled hat upside down.
Vanligt, vanligt Hvussu veit man at ein maður er egoist? Hann vendur eini rilutari húgvu a ranguni.
They recommend that the Strandfaraskip Landsins and the Municipality of Tórshavn find a solution to the goods fee, so it doesn't end up being the people in the island who pay the bill.
Teir mæla til, at Strandferðslan og Tórshavnar kommuna finna semju um vørugjaldið, so tað ikki verður fólkið í oynni, sum rindar rokningina.
The Minister of Transportation today tried to calm the people of Vágar, who have threatened to sue the national authorities if the toll in the Vágatunnel is not cancelled.
Landsstýrismaðurin í samferðslumálum royndi í dag at sissa vágafólk, sum hava hótt við at stevna landsmyndugleikunum, verður bummgjaldið í Vágatunlinum ikki strikað.
For work that goes beyond the scheduled shift and for work during the days off set out in the collective agreement, overtime pay is paid in accordance with the wage agreement.
Fyri arbeiði, ið fer út um fastlagda vakt og fyri arbeiði í teimum í í sáttmálanum við vanligum reglum ásettu frídøgum verður latin úrtíðarløn eftir í lønarsáttmálanum.
The Minister agrees with the questioner that we should act more quickly with regard to the renewal of the ambulances.
Landsstýrismaðurin er kortini samdur við spyrjaran um, at vit eiga at bera skjótari at viðvíkjandi endurnýggjanini av sjúkrabilunum.
We have requested a meeting with the Chief of Police to find out if there is a basis for a criminal case, where someone can be punished, says the Director of the Labour Inspectorate.
Vit hava biðið um ein fund við fútan, fyri at fáa greiði á, um grundarlag er fyri einum revsirættarmáli, har onkur kann revsast, sigur stjórin á Arbeiðseftirlitinum.
Because Sólborg has subscribed to the Internet Social, it is now possible for those on board Sólborg to read the newspaper every day - whenever they want.
Av tí at Sólborg hevur teknað seg sum haldara av Internet-Sosialinum, ber tað nú eisini til hjá teimum umborð á Sólborg at lesa tíðindi í Sosialinum hvønn dag - nær á samdøgrinum tað skal vera.
Because we want to put special emphasis on getting the fishing industry to work so that we can get the most out of the resources we have access to.
Tí vilja vit leggja serligan dent á at fáa fiskivinnuna at virka, so at sum mest fæst burtur úr tí tilfeingi, sum vit hava atgongd til.
Both the governing party Venstre and the opposition party the Social Democrats announced before the agreement was made public that special considerations had not been taken with regard to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
Bæði stjórnarflokkurin Venstre og andstøðuflokkurin sosialdemokratarnir boðaðu frá, áðrenn semjan varð almannakunngjørd, at serlig fyrilit eru ikki tikin viðvíkjandi Føroyum og Grønlandi.
They plan to try one more time, but at the same time say that it is much more difficult now because the competition for bingo customers is so big.
Tær ætla sær at royna eina tíð enn, men siga samstundis, at tað er nógv truplari nú, tí kappingin um bingokundarnar er so stór.
You shall drink from the fountain, and I have commanded the ravens to bring you food there.
Tú skalt drekka úr løkinum, og Eg havi givið ravnunum boð um at fáa tær føði hagar.
As a basis for adapting and improving the above strategies, a special committee will be set up to advise the Government based on a statistical snapshot of the Faroe Islands in relation to the outside world.
Sum grundarlag undir at tillaga og betra um nevndu strategiir, skal serstøk nevnd setast at ráðgeva Landsstýrinum út frá hagfrøðiligari støðumynd av Føroyum í mun til umheimin.
This means that there is a difference in how long you have to have lived in the kingdom to be granted full early retirement pension according to Danish/Faroese rules and Greenlandic rules.
Dette betyder at der er forskel på, hvor lang til man skal have haft bopæl i riget, for at på tilkendt fuld førtidspension efter danske/færøske regler og grønlandske regler.
Most people listen to audiobooks at home (57 percent), while the car is the second place where they listen to audiobooks (32 percent).
Tey flestu lurta eftir ljóðbókum heima (57 procent), meðan bilurin er tað staðið, har tey lurta næstmest eftir ljóðbókum (32 procent).