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Sonni Ragnar Nattestad has been linked to Molde, but the parties have agreed to terminate the contract, and therefore it was free for him to change club.
Sonni Ragnar Nattestad hevur verið knýttur at Molde, men partarnir eru samdir um at siga sáttmálan upp, og tí stóð tað honum frítt at skifta felag.
It is not possible that the workers should carry the burden while others can make big profits by converting fishing days and fishing licences, without it coming to the public good, confirms Høgni Hoydal.
Tað ber ikki til, at arbeiðsfólkini skulu bera byrðuna, meðan onnur kunnu vinna stórt uppá at umseta fiskidagar og fiskiloyvi, uttan at tað kemur almenninginum til góðar, staðfestir Høgni Hoydal.
They have also closed the doors of the porch, extinguished the lamps, not burned incense, and have not offered burnt offerings to the God of Israel in the sanctuary.
Teir hava eisini stongt dyr forsalsins, sløkt lampurnar, ikki brent roykilsi og ikki ofrað Gudi Ísraels brennioffur í halgidóminum.
While the fiancé works as a doctor at the hospital in Klaksvík, Nina's loneliness grows, and she ends up testing and punishing her fiancé to get his love.
Meðan unnustin starvast sum lækni á Klaksvíkar Sjúkrahúsi, veksur einsemi hjá ungu Ninu, ið tí endar við at roynsla og revsa sjeik sín fyri at fáa vátta kærleika hansara.
If the Faroe Islands and/or Greenland choose to be covered by one or more of the bilateral agreements concluded by Denmark, it will be the Faroese and/or Greenlandic legislation that is included in the agreement.
Hvis Færøerne og/eller Grønland vælger at blive omfattet af en eller flere af de bilaterale aftaler, som Danmark har indgået, vil det være den færøske henholdsvis den grønlandske lovgivning, der indgår i aftalen.
The Department of Finance has sent the Pedagogical Association to a meeting in November, where a plan will be made for the negotiations.
Lønardeildin hjá landsstýrinum hevur boðsent pedagogfelagnum til fundar november, har ein ætlan skal leggjast fyri samráðingarnar.
It will be a joint government that goes to Denmark in October to negotiate with the Danish government about Faroese independence following the same model as the previous negotiations.
Tað verður eitt samt landsstýri, sum oktober fer til Danmarkar at samráðast við donsku stjórnina um føroyskt fullveldi eftir sama leisti, sum á undanfarnu samráðingarfundunum.
What about signing up as a coach and getting the proper coaching qualifications.
Hvat við at melda teg sum tøkan venjara og fáa røttu útbúgvningina sum venjari.
The authorities in the town are no longer interested in neo-Nazis making pilgrimages to the town to be photographed in front of the house of Führer, as he was also called.
Myndugleikarnir í býnum eru ikki longur áhugaðir í, at nýnasistar gera vallaraferðir til býin fyri at verða avmyndaðir framman fyri húsini hjá F hrer, sum hann eisini varð nevndur.
It's no secret that the current council has not worked particularly well, and that is something I intend to change if I get in, says the young candidate.
Tað er eingin loyna, at sitandi býráð hevur ikki samstarvað serliga væl, og tað ætli eg mær at broyta, um eg sleppi inn, sigur unga valevnið.
Birgir says that the Danes have managed to turn us around to their advantage every time.
Birgir sigur, at tað hvørja ferð hevur eydnast dønum at snara okkum á til teirra egna fyrimun.
And he said to me:Son of man! Break through the wall!? When I broke through the wall, I saw doors.
Og Hann segði við meg:Menniskjasonur! Brót teg ígjøgnum veggin!? Táið eg so breyt meg ígjøgnum veggin, sá eg dyr.
And so the question of the investigation forms of political scandals in Denmark has gone round in a circle with confused Faroese people in the middle.
Og sostatt er spurningurin um kanningarformar av politiskum gølum í Danmark farin í ring við ørkymlaðum føroyingum í miðjuni.
The talks can't be about negotiations unless the parties sit on opposite sides of a negotiating table with each side's proposal, says the Prime Minister.
Talan kann ikki vera um samráðingar, uttan partarnir sita hvør sínu megin eitt samráðingarborð við hvør sínum útspæli, sigur løgmaður.
Although there is a majority in the parliament for the model for EU cooperation, some MPs called for a more thorough discussion of the cooperation.
Hóast meiriluti er í løgtinginum um leistin fyri ES-samstarvi, so eftirlýsti onkur tingmaður eina drúgvari viðgerð av samstarvinum.
Is it the intention of Strandfaraskip Landsins to discontinue the first trip of Bygdaleiðir in the morning from Skálafjørður to Tórshavn?
Er tað ætlanin hjá Strandferðsluni at niðurleggja fyrsta túrin hjá Bygdaleiðum á morgni av Skálafjørðinum til Tórshavnar?
When the people in that place recognized Him, they sent word to all the surrounding towns, and they came to Him with all who were sick.
Táið fólkið har á staðnum nú kendi Hann aftur, sendu tey boð allastaðni har á leið, og tey komu til Hansara við øllum hinum sjúku.
In an effort to deal with the large refugee flow, the EU is considering implementing a quota system to distribute those seeking asylum among the EU countries.
Í eini roynd at handfara stóra flóttafólkastreymin hevur ES í hyggju seta í verk eina kvotuskipan at býta tey, ið søkja um friðskjól, millum ES londini.
Because I don't see the point in sending a prisoner and not telling him what he's been accused of.
Tí eg haldi einki høpi vera í at senda fanga og ikki eisini siga, hvat hann er klagaður fyri.
The media and others have a great responsibility to give the voters a fair picture of what has happened throughout the election period, he says.
Fjølmiðlar og onnur hava eina stóra ábyrgd at geva veljarunum eina rættvísa mynd av tí, sum er farið fram alt valskeiðið, sigur hann.
This difference in energy tasks can thus be detrimental to the energy enthusiasts otherwise in common can run together.
Hesin munur á orkuuppgávum kann sostatt vera til bága fyri, at orkuáhu-gamálini annars í felag kunnu renna saman.
It is mainly in the interests of the Iraqi people that France opposes air strikes on Iraq.
Tað er í høvuðsheitinum við atliti til tann neyðstadda almenningin í Irak, at Frankaríki er ímóti loftálopum á Irak.
Another change is that although the number of trucks is about the same as it was ten years ago, the cars have become much bigger now.
Ein onnur broyting er so tann, at hóast talið á lastvognum er nøkulunda tað sama, sum tað var fyri 10 árum síðan, so eru bilarnir tó vorðnir nógv størri nú.
It's an advantage for Strandfaraskip Landsins that a large dry dock is being built in the Faroe Islands so that both Norrøna and Smyril can be taken up.
Tað er ein fyrimunur fyri Strandferðsluna, at ein stór turrdokk verður bygd í Føroyum, so bæði Norrøna og Smyril kunnu takast upp.
To make sure that there was so much money in small change, they went to the bank to count it.
Fyri at fáa vissu fyri, at talan var um so nógvan pening í smápengum, var farið í bankan at telja.
The Lutheran Church in Madagascar is strong enough to take on the task of preserving a pure Lutheran-Evangelical Church, but it needs our support to keep up with the times.
Luterska kirkjan á Madagaskar er nóg sterk til at átaka sær uppgávuna at varðveita eina ektaða lutersk-evangeliska kirkju, men henni tørvar okkara stuðul fyri at kunna fylgja við tíðini.
Let us hold firmly to the confession of our hope, for he is faithful who promised!
Latið okkum halda óvikiliga fast við játting vónar okkara tí Hann er trúfastur, sum gav lyftið!
A music portal that acts as a showcase for Faroese music with sales and marketing purposes.
Ein tónleikaportalur, sum virkar sum sýnisgluggi fyri føroyskan tónleik við sølu- og marknaðarførslufremjandi endamáli.
The majority of the committee considers that the advantages of a quota system will eventually become more apparent than the disadvantages.
Meirilutin av nevndini metir samanumtikið, at fyrimunirnir við eini kvotuskipan sum frá líður fara at gerast sjónligari enn vansarnir.
Russia has warned that an American attack on Syria, where many Russian troops are stationed, could spark a war between the countries.
Russland hevur ávarað um, at eitt amerikanskt álop á Sýria, har nógvar russiskar herdeildir eru, kann elva til kríggj millum londini.
The District Heating Committee of the Owner Associations has proposed that an independent investigation be made of district heating - and not least the district heating price.
Fjarhitanevndin hjá eigarafeløgunum hevur skotið upp, at ein óheft kanning verður gjørd av fjarhitanum - og ikki minst fjarhitaprísinum.
Wisdom of the wise is that they understand their way, but folly of fools is that they fool themselves.
Vísdómur hins klóka er, at hann skilir veg sín, men dárskapur dáranna er, at teir dára seg sjálvar.
It's important that the whole family agrees and adjusts to the fact that I live like this, says Roland.
Tað hevur sín týdning, at øll familjan tekur undir við og innrættar seg eftir tí, at eg livi soleiðis, sigur Roland.
In addition to summarizing what has happened over the past month, Útlit and rák will also focus on the impact these events will have on the various markets.
Umframt at taka saman um tað, sum er fyrifarið seinasta mánaðin, verður í Útlit og rák eisini lagdur dentur á, hvørja ávirkan hendingarnar koma at hava á ymsu marknaðirnar.
It will be the village hall in Strond, which will organize the Faroese evenings this year and not the Nordic House.
Tað verður bygdarhúsið á Strondum, ið fer at skipa fyri føroyakvøldunum í ár og ikki Norðurlandahúsið.
You must write an e-mail address that works and your browser must be set so that your cookies are enabled!
Tú mást skriva eina e-mail adressu, ið virkar og tín browsari má vera innstillaður soleiði at títt cookies er frá!
It was good news to hear that the Danish Prime Minister is finally coming to visit the Faroe Islands.
Tað vóru gleðilig tíðindi at frætta, at forsætisráðharrin danski umsíðir kemur á Føroyarvitjan.
The Intertoto Cup is now organised as a cup competition, which means that if you lose, you're out.
Intertoto-kappingin er nú skipað sum ein cup-kapping, sum merkir, at tú verður sligin út, um tú tapir.
But what kind of candidate and politics do Americans get with Joe Biden? Among other things, the question is asked by Regin Winther Poulsen, who is a political commentator.
Men hvat er tað fyri eitt valevni og politikkur, ið amerikanarar fáa við Joe Biden Millum annað tann spurningin seta við Regin Winther Poulsen, sum er politiskur viðmerkjari.
Faroese needs as much political stability as possible, so that the necessary decisions can be made to achieve these goals.
Føroyar hava fyri neyðini so frægan politiskan stabilitet, sum fáast kann, soleiðis at neyðugar avgerðir kunnu takast fyri at røkka hesum málum.
But it is nevertheless pointed out that no decision has been made on the question of the dinner hour in Vágur.
Men víst verður kortini á, at eingin avgerð er tikin í spurninginum um døgurðatíman í Vági.
He has for some years been a priest for the Faroese congregation in Copenhagen, which is located in the Church of Samuel on Nørrebrúgv.
Hann hevur í nøkur ár verið prestur hjá føroysku meinigheitini í Keypmannahavn, sum heldur til í Samuelskirkjuni á Nørrebrúgv.
The general net debt has decreased significantly in recent years, and it is expected to fall below two billion kroner this year.
Almenna nettoskuldin er nógv minkað seinnu árini, og hon kemur væntandi niður um tvær milliardir krónur í ár.
Many people want to honor William Heinesen now that he would have turned a hundred on Saturday.
Nógv eru tey, sum vilja heiðra William Heinesen, nú hann hevði fylt hundrað leygardagin.
If for some reason this is not possible, the Minister of Finance will take steps to submit a proposal for an additional appropriation to the Parliament, and the Minister of Finance has just done so in March and April.
Ber hetta av onkrari orsøk ikki til, fer landsstýrismaðurin at taka stig til at leggja uppskot um eykajáttan fyri tingið, og tað hevur landsstýrismaðurin júst gjørt í mars og apríl.
The Academy of the Arts offers summer school and further education, and gradually a research environment will be developed at the school.
Listaháskúlin bjóðar summarskúla og eftirútbúgving, og so við og við skal eitt granskingarumhvørvi mennast á skúlanum.
The agreement now says that Britain will have two years to reorganize the relationship, but Theresa May will ask the EU to extend that time up to four years, sources told The Times.
Avtalan sigur nú, at Bretland fær tvey ár til at umskipa viðurskiftini, men Theresa May fer at biða ES um at leingja ta tíðina upp í fýra ár, siga keldur við The Times.
She and her team will now work towards getting politicians to change the Home Rule Act.
Hon og flokkur hennara fara nú at arbeiða fram ímóti at fáa politikarar at broyta heimastýrisskipanina.
Eagle Eye Cherry comes to the Faroe Islands with a full orchestra, and the organizers expect a great concert in Vágsbotni in Tórshavn on June.
Eagle Eye Cherry kemur til Føroya við fullum orkestri, og fyriskipararnir rokna við einari rimmar konsert í Vágsbotni í Havn tann juni.
Once again you shall plant vineyards on Mount Samaria; those who plant them shall also enjoy their fruit.
Eina ferð enn skalt tú planta víngarðar á Samariafjøllum; teir, ið planta teir, skulu eisini hava nýtsluna av teimum.
It is not necessary for the electronic version to have a copy of the actual signature, but it must be possible to see who has signed the original document.
Tað er ikki neyðugt, at elektroniska útgávan hevur avrit av sjálvari undirskriftini, men tað skal við vissu kunna síggjast, hvør hevur undirskrivað frumritið.
Then shall the pride of men be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be brought low; and the Lord alone shall be exalted that day.
Tá skal hugmóð menniskjunnar verða boygt, og stoltleiki mannanna verða eyðmýktur, og hin dag skal eingin vera høgur uttan HARRIN.
This is in many ways disturbing and reminiscent of the world crisis at the beginning of the century, which led to an economic disaster, says the head of the International Monetary Fund.
Hetta er uppá fleiri mátar órógvandi og minnir um heimskreppuna í byrjanini av øld, sum førdi við sær eina búskaparliga vanlukku, sigur stjórin í Altjóða gjaldoyragrunninum.
Because we are standing at the doorstep of the tourist season without a plan, while the hotel capacity in the country is being doubled.
Tí standa vit á gáttini til ferðafólkaháárstíðina uttan nakran leist, samstundis sum hotelkapasiteturin í landinum verður tvífaldaður.
Still, there's a lot that remains, and maybe it's especially the energy that needs to be improved, so that the steps are divided in half according to the basic game, is only to our advantage.
Enn er tó nógv, sum restar í, og kanska er tað serliga orkan, sum skal betrast, so at stigini verða býtt í helvt eftir grundspælið, er bert til fyrimuns hjá okkum.
For the people of the Faroe Islands it is interesting to see how the members of parliament and the political parties voted to approve the 20 million DKK for the submarine tunnel the other day, see table.
Fyri vágafólk er tað áhugavert at síggja, hvussu tingfólk og flokkar atkvøddu at játta tær 20 milliónirnar til undirsjóvartunnilin herfyri sí talvu.
The missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370 disappeared on its way from the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur to the Chinese capital Beijing in March last year.
Rutuflogfarið MH 370 hvarv, tá tað var á veg úr malaysiska høvuðsstaðnum Kuala Lumpur til kinesiska høvðsstaðin Beijing í mars í fjør.
When you consider that a portion of this age group cannot walk, the incidence is probably even higher.
Tá ið hugsað verður um, at ein partur av hesum aldursbólki ikki dugir at ganga, er títtleikin helst enn størri.
The person or persons renting the premises must provide a responsible person who is personally liable for anything that happens to the property or equipment of the association.
Tann ella tey, ið leiga høli/hølir skulu vísa á eitt ábyrgdarfólk, ið heftir persónliga fyri um nakað hendir innbúgvi ella ognum felagsins.
The Minister of Education expects that the proposals that have been submitted in the idea competition will be chosen when it comes to deciding what the buildings in Hoydalar will be used for.
Landsstýriskvinnan væntar, at valt millum uppskotini, sum eru komin inn í hugskotskappingini, tá støða skal takast til, hvat bygnignarnir í Hoydølum skulu brúkast til.
According to the shipping company, Brimil had been following the trawlers for a few hours while they were fishing before the naval vessel Brymil became aware of them.
Sambært reiðarínum hevði Brimil fylgt við trolarunum í nakrar tímar, meðan teir togaðu, áðrenn sjóverjuskipið Brymil gjørdi vart við seg.
When the second half was half-way through, Rúni got his third yellow card, and so he was out of the game.
Tá seinni hálvleikur var hálvrunnin, fekk Rúni sítt triðja gulakort, og so var hann úti av spælinum.
German skier Katja Seizinger has a chance to win gold in the combined event, too.
Týski skíðakarin Katja Seizinger hevur møguleika eisini at vinna gull í samansettu kappingini.
It is necessary to have a special playback system that is easy to control for people who do not see well.
Neyðugt er at hava eina serliga avspælingarskipan, ið er løtt at stýra hjá fólki, ið ikki síggja væl.
So soon as the election is over and a negotiating agreement with the Danish government on the banking issue has been reached, we are in a new situation, says Jóannes Eidesgaard.
So skjótt valið er farið afturum, og ein samráðingaravtala við donsku stjórnina um bankamálið er komið til høldar, eru vit í eini nýggjari støðu, sigur Jóannes Eidesgaard.
Especially dramatic was it towards the end when H71 had the opportunity to equalise, but Viviann Petersen saved the penalty shot from Marita Mortensen.
Serliga dramatiskt var tað móti endanum, tá H71 hevði møguleika at javna, men Viviann Petersen bjargaði brotskastinum frá Maritu Mortensen.
A treatment guarantee scheme must be implemented in the Faroe Islands so that no one has to wait more than 30 days to receive treatment in the health service.
Ein skipan við viðgerðartrygd skal setast í verk í Føroyum, so eingin skal bíða meir enn 30 dagar fyri at koma í viðgerð í heilsuverkinum.
Nancy Pelosi says that Donald Trump's actions may have eroded the foundation of national security, and be in violation of the Constitution.
Nancy Pelosi sigur, at gerðirnar hjá Donald Trump kunnu hava máað grundarlagið undan tjóðartrygdini, og vera í stríð við stjórnarskipanina.
Another very important issue is to create good conditions for private enterprise, so that a diverse range of businesses can thrive in the larger areas.
Eitt annað sera týðandi mál er at skapa góðar karmar fyri privata fyritakssemið, so at fjøltáttað vinnuvirksemi fær møguleika at taka seg fram í teim størru økjunum.
So-called chickens and Icelanders with disgusting greasy hair-cream walk around in the city, representing stocks and shares.
Sonevndar skavihønur og íslendingar við vemmiligum feittutum brúllukremshári ganga her í býnum, umboðandi virðisbrøv.
I lay my life down for him; you can demand him from my hand; if I do not return to you with him, and do not bring him before you, then I shall be guilty before you for all eternity!
Eg leggi lívið við fyri hann; av hond míni kanst tú krevja hann; komi eg ikki aftur til tín við honum, og leiði eg hann ikki fram fyri teg, tá skal eg verða sekur fyri tær allar ævir!
The Minister of Justice says that the new Faroese Act on Criminal Procedure is currently being put out for public consultation, and when the responses have been received, a decision will be made as to whether the proposal should be amended.
Løgmálaráðharrin sigur, at nýggja føroyska rættargangslógin í løtuni er til almenna hoyring, og tá tey svarini eru komin, verður støða tikin til, um uppskotið skal broytast.
It's not a little disturbing that the man who last week didn't think he had the authority to negotiate, now a few days later thinks he has the authority again.
Tað er ikki sørt ørkymlandi, at tann maðurin, sum í farnu viku ikki helt seg hava heimild at samráðast, nú nakrar dagar seinni heldur seg hava fingið heimildina aftur.
The above conditions apply regardless of whether SEV is taken over by the government or continues as it is now with the municipalities as owners.
Nevndu viðurskifti eru galdandi, óansæð um SEV verður yvirtikið av landstýrinum ella heldur fram sum nú við kommununum sum eigara.
The reason why the oil price is dropping again is that in Canada the oil industry will start up again in the area where the big forest fire was, after colder and wetter weather is on the way.
Orsøkin, til at oljuprísurin aftur lækkar, er, at í Kanada fer oljuvinnan at byrja aftur í økinum har stóri skógareldurin var, eftir at kaldari og vátari veður er á leiðini.
The Ministry of Finance also says that the Government and other ministries have had many meetings with the Municipal Association, and there has been a lot of communication between the Government and the Association.
Fíggjarmálaráðið sigur eisini, at landsstýrið og onnur aðalráð hava havt nógvar fundir við Kommunufelagið, og nógv samskifti hevur verið millum landsstýrið og felagið.
To start again on Friday morning may not be so lucky, but hopefully luck will be with us this time, says Eimi Fossdalsá.
At byrja aftur fríggjamorgun er møguliga ikki so heppið, men vónandi verður eydnan kortini við okkum hesaferð, sigur Eimi Fossdalsá.
For Faroe Islands to offer maritime skills at a high level, it is necessary to speed up research in this area.
Fyri at Føroyar kunnu bjóða maritimar førleikar á høgum støði er tað neyðugt, at verulig ferð verður sett á gransking á hesum øki.
The Faroe Islands are built up as 18 islands by nature and there is no land connection without bridges.
Føroyar eru nú einaferð frá natúrunnar hond bygdar upp sum 18 oyggjar og landfast er ikki uttan við brúm.
The powerful chairman of the shipping association says that he doesn't know what Faroese Bank is thinking.
Máttmikli formaðurin í reiðarafelagnum sigur, at hann veit ikki, hvat Føroya Banki hugsar fyri sær.
The Faroese hospitals are all significantly better at avoiding waiting time at the reception than the average of the Danish hospitals - at the Danish hospitals, 49% of patients experience waiting time at the reception.
De færøske sygehuse er alle signifikant bedre til at undgå ventetid ved modtagelsen i forhold til gennemsnittet af de danske sygehuse - på de danske sygehuse oplever 49 % af patienterne ventetid ved modtagelsen.
Because Jens Stoltenberg has also announced that he is ready to continue as Prime Minister if the non-socialist parties cannot agree on a coalition.
Tí hevur Jens Stoltenberg eisini boðað frá, at hann er fúsur at halda fram sum forsætisráðharri, um borgarligu flokkarnir ikki kunnu semjast um eina samgongu.
The dismissal of the trustee is a month and must be justified and only for a specific reason.
Uppsøgn álitismansins er mánaður og skal vera grundgevilig og bara av ávísandi neyðugari orsøk.
Icelandic ships can fish for black-capes, mackerel and herring in Faroese waters, but there is no information on the value of this fish, says Henrik Old in his comments to the question.
Íslendsk skip kunnu fiska svartkjaft, makrel og sild í føroyskum sjógvi, men einki er komið fram um, hvat virði hesin fiskur hevur, sigur Henrik Old í viðmerkingunum til spurningin.
What wouldn't everything be easier if we could understand text and each other better, then there would be little or nothing to argue about.
Hvat vildi ikki alt verið lættari, um vit kundu skilt tekst og hvønn annan betur, so hevði verið lítið og onki at keglast um.
It is otherwise heard that the man has been lying dead for a good month or six weeks before anyone noticed the man.
Tað frættist annars, at maðurin hevur ligið deyður í ein góðan mánað ella seks vikur, áðrenn nakar varnaðist mannin.
Now Vestmanna Municipality and Kvívíkar Municipality have made an agreement with the National Hospital to test their citizens for coronavirus.
Nú hava Vestmanna kommuna og Kvívíkar kommuna gjørt avtalu við Sjúkrahúsverkið um at kanna sínar borgarar fyri koronu.
Faroese has otherwise had a Scientific Ethics Committee since But the committee, which usually has had about 10 meetings a year, has not had a clear legal basis to work with.
Føroyar hava annars havt eina vísindasiðseminevnd síðani Men nevndin, sum vanliga hevur havt einar 10 fundir um árið, hevur ikki havt eitt greitt lógargrundarlag at hildið seg til.
The Speaker announced that the Parliament will vote on whether the matter should be taken out of the Finance Committee and brought back to the Parliament at a later date.
Løgtingsformaðurin boðaði frá, at tingið á einum seinni fundi fer at atkvøða, um málið skal takast úr fíggjarnevndini og koma aftur í tingið.
Here, the administrative system should be organized so that it is possible for people to set aside the time needed to complete the work or to drop the time frame in the law.
Her átti fyrisitingarliga at verið skipað soleiðis fyri, at tað veruliga bar til hjá fólki at seta av ta tíð, sum skuldi til fyri at gera arbeiðið liðugt ella slept tíðarkarminum í lógini.
Have the Danes not said that we will not be eligible for future government support if our standard of living is higher than theirs?
Hava danir ikki sagt, at roknast skal ikki við framtíðar ríkisstuðuli, um okkara livistøði verður hægri enn teirra?
And this is what the council in Kollafjørður now intended for the citizens to have the opportunity to say their opinion about.
Og tað var hetta, sum bygdaráðið í Kollafirði nú ætlaði, at borgararnir skuldu fáa høvi at siga sína hugsan um.
This is not a big task - it is enough that the relevant laws in the area are described as Faroese laws.
Hetta er kortini ikki nøkur stór uppgáva - tað er nóg mikið, atgaldandi lógir á økinum verða lýstar sum føroyskar lógir.
The total agreed consideration of DKK 16.6 million is expected to be settled partly by external financing and vendor credit, according to the valuations by KPMG.
Det samlede aftalte vederlag på 16,6 millioner kroner forventes berigtiget delvis ved fremmedfinansiering og sælgerkredit, stendur at lesa í metingunum hjá KPMG.
The appeal comes after a Faroese woman hid all the advertising leaflets that came in the mailbox last year.
Áheitanin kemur, eftir at føroysk kvinna goymdi sær øll lýsingabløðini, sum komu í postkassan í Tilsamans bleiv tað til 22 kilo av handils og lýsingabløðum í fjør.
When these products are sold out, they will not be bought again, unless the sales show that they belong in the permanent range, and secondly if they can be obtained again under the same conditions.
Tá hesar vørur eru útseldar, verða tær ikki keyptar aftur, uttan so at sølan vísur, at tær eiga í fasta úrvalið, og í øðrum lagi um tær kunnu skaffast aftur undir somu treytum.
Holidays and temporary replacements are paid in the salary category corresponding to the job, according to the salary and service years gained within the country's vessels.
Frítíðar- og fyribilsavloysarar verða løntir í tí til starvið hoyrandi lønarflokki sambært egnan lønar- og tænastualdur vunnin innan skipum landsins.
Oddfríður thinks that the committee could have honoured more poets or writers.
Oddfríður metir, at nevndin væl hevði kunnað heiðrað fleiri yrkjarum ella rithøvundum.
If the working hours are less than the hours of the reduced working time, the wage age is calculated proportionally to the reduced number of hours.
Er talan um arbeiðstíð minni enn tímar, verður lønaraldurin roknaður lutfalsliga í mun til niðursetta tímatalið.
This morning the manager of the Atlantic Airways helicopter division decided that the helicopter landing pad could not be used because it is not safe enough to sit in the dark.
Í gjáramorgunin avgjørdi leiðarin á tyrludeildini hjá Atlantsflogi, at tyrlupallurin kann ikki nýtast, tí tað er ikki nóg trygt at seta seg i myrki.