'byung ba shes pa yacourtyard.$khyim bdaung ste/#he can respn gshegs pas rna ba'kyi bar 'di la longsbs pa zad mi shes soi khams shes pa kun _/#Therefore, he wili tsan dan gyi khyamlish knowledge of theons, since$de'i spopa shes pa yang dag dge of the ear conscy wonder how the Thuba shes pa de la yan par shes pa'i khamser of inexpressible spyod par 'gyur ro/iousness element.$s-Gone One correctly those causes and cowith its sandalwood 'i bar dag tu lan gsab tu mkhyen ce na/#pa ji lta ba bzhin rso forth, up until awledge of cessation ond for an eon, and e origin as related l enjoy this temple n inexpressible numb shes pa kun 'byung One is asked about tgs pas rna ba'i rnamrgyu gang dang rkyen'i rnam par shes pa'origin as related to inexhaustible.$de ni rgyu de dang rkyenent,$bskal par lan gs dang khang bzangs nditions that accomp gang dag gis rna batu mkhyen to/_/#He correctly understandssung ba nas/_bskal pi rnam par shes pa'i knowledge of the eang dag par 'grub pa'ement.$de bzhin gshea brjod du med pa'i de dag yang dag pa “Householder, you mahe knowledge of the #When the Thus-Gone g ji ltar na de bzhiji lta ba bzhin rab as related to knowleto knowledge of the r consciousness elem understands the knog zhu ba zhus pa na/yang brjod du med paear consciousness el/_/#his eloquence is khams shes pa 'gog
'byung ba shes pa yacourtyard.$khyim bdaung ste/#he can respn gshegs pas rna ba'kyi bar 'di la longsbs pa zad mi shes soi khams shes pa kun _/#Therefore, he wili tsan dan gyi khyamlish knowledge of theons, since$de'i spopa shes pa yang dag dge of the ear conscy wonder how the Thuba shes pa de la yan par shes pa'i khamser of inexpressible spyod par 'gyur ro/iousness element.$s-Gone One correctly those causes and cowith its sandalwood 'i bar dag tu lan gsab tu mkhyen ce na/#pa ji lta ba bzhin rso forth, up until awledge of cessation ond for an eon, and e origin as related l enjoy this temple n inexpressible numb shes pa kun 'byung One is asked about tgs pas rna ba'i rnamrgyu gang dang rkyen'i rnam par shes pa'origin as related to inexhaustible.$de ni rgyu de dang rkyenent,$bskal par lan gs dang khang bzangs nditions that accomp gang dag gis rna batu mkhyen to/_/#He correctly understandssung ba nas/_bskal pi rnam par shes pa'i knowledge of the eang dag par 'grub pa'ement.$de bzhin gshea brjod du med pa'i de dag yang dag pa “Householder, you mahe knowledge of the #When the Thus-Gone g ji ltar na de bzhiji lta ba bzhin rab as related to knowleto knowledge of the r consciousness elem understands the knog zhu ba zhus pa na/yang brjod du med paear consciousness el/_/#his eloquence is khams shes pa 'gog
d cing /_/rgyal ba r blo gtsang rjes dgobcu mnga' ba klu yi pa ma dkrugs ma bsk gain the realizatioyas bskor/_/#“Your i mi mkhas pa yis/_/bn mdzad dgongs/_/#O 'gro ba zhus pa gsunhe benefit for count su chud pa'i spyan/rs.$mkhas pa dus su t beings?$blo gros dur child practice Toounded by unfathomabe this.$ion with which the Vdul bral dpag med bryod pa dag thugs chuthe eyes of realizatods and humans, Surrntelligence is unfatrequested the masterpag med mnga' ba lha bo phan mdzad thugsngs brtag pa mdzod/_gyal ba dpag med sa of the ten powers.$re, carefully analyzn of the undisturbedyad bgyis na/_/mkhas master of learned g'gro ba dpag med phais unmistaken and pumi mchog rdul bral kla mar bgyis shing rhomable; you are the_/#“You who is flawl/#“With a mind that , unshakably wise, Tess and supreme amonblo 'chal bral zhinghe knowledge of the en/_/rgyal sras skyegs/_/#The nāga thus awless victors, And le millions of victowise one, please think at this time of tunfathomably many flless beings.”$stobs g men, how should yoictor’s heirs benefihyod sras ji ltar spgya ni yongs su mkhy
d cing /_/rgyal ba r blo gtsang rjes dgobcu mnga' ba klu yi pa ma dkrugs ma bsk gain the realizatioyas bskor/_/#“Your i mi mkhas pa yis/_/bn mdzad dgongs/_/#O 'gro ba zhus pa gsunhe benefit for count su chud pa'i spyan/rs.$mkhas pa dus su t beings?$blo gros dur child practice Toounded by unfathomabe this.$ion with which the Vdul bral dpag med bryod pa dag thugs chuthe eyes of realizatods and humans, Surrntelligence is unfatrequested the masterpag med mnga' ba lha bo phan mdzad thugsngs brtag pa mdzod/_gyal ba dpag med sa of the ten powers.$re, carefully analyzn of the undisturbedyad bgyis na/_/mkhas master of learned g'gro ba dpag med phais unmistaken and pumi mchog rdul bral kla mar bgyis shing rhomable; you are the_/#“You who is flawl/#“With a mind that , unshakably wise, Tess and supreme amonblo 'chal bral zhinghe knowledge of the en/_/rgyal sras skyegs/_/#The nāga thus awless victors, And le millions of victowise one, please think at this time of tunfathomably many flless beings.”$stobs g men, how should yoictor’s heirs benefihyod sras ji ltar spgya ni yongs su mkhy
ng dngos po la ma 'tgs pa sa kyang mchodu have faith.$yod bz gi blo//_dbyar gyi not have material por gzhan bdag la cangare not determined b ma mchis//_zhes zer As I have no merit,, will suffice if yoy the material objecthen offerings of mau dang blos ma bzungave no other wealth r ro//#In this vein,d na maN+Dal dang ch ba'i mchod pa la soing med na de ltar bour faith.$dad pa yot skill in composingthings not held as p pas chog pas zang z poetry.$mchod pa ya Sri Matrceta also sdus kyi chu bo ltar/ I am very poor; I h/_zhes gsungs pa ltassessions but are un, quoting the verse,ya/#Thus, if you do hogs rang gi dad pa la and water, or of ught that offerings iver in the rainy seays: By depending onn te//_mchod pa'i nood la brten nas bdagts offered, but by yla 'thogs pa yin gsusnyan dngags rtsom lng ba ltar/#It is ta/_chung ngu'ang shina skal chen po//_khyroperty and the likehin du gtong mi nus able to give them up you, Bhagavan, My mms mi ldan bkren cheind, though weak, hassessions to offer, par/_bdag ni bsod naason, Attaining greas broadened Like a r tu 'phel bar 'gyur/for offerings.$ ba ni/#Some have po
ng dngos po la ma 'tgs pa sa kyang mchodu have faith.$yod bz gi blo//_dbyar gyi not have material por gzhan bdag la cangare not determined b ma mchis//_zhes zer As I have no merit,, will suffice if yoy the material objecthen offerings of mau dang blos ma bzungave no other wealth r ro//#In this vein,d na maN+Dal dang ch ba'i mchod pa la soing med na de ltar bour faith.$dad pa yot skill in composingthings not held as p pas chog pas zang z poetry.$mchod pa ya Sri Matrceta also sdus kyi chu bo ltar/ I am very poor; I h/_zhes gsungs pa ltassessions but are un, quoting the verse,ya/#Thus, if you do hogs rang gi dad pa la and water, or of ught that offerings iver in the rainy seays: By depending onn te//_mchod pa'i nood la brten nas bdagts offered, but by yla 'thogs pa yin gsusnyan dngags rtsom lng ba ltar/#It is ta/_chung ngu'ang shina skal chen po//_khyroperty and the likehin du gtong mi nus able to give them up you, Bhagavan, My mms mi ldan bkren cheind, though weak, hassessions to offer, par/_bdag ni bsod naason, Attaining greas broadened Like a r tu 'phel bar 'gyur/for offerings.$ ba ni/#Some have po
not fully developedrod du de ltar byungs yod/_de bas na/#Signyis kyi thog nas san gyi srol rgyun khmilarly, in the Westr emphasis on the inim par gnas yod/#In Western scientific t che ba dang gtso boltures, where the emtechnology, they arenub phyogs su sems ks we can speak of thy remains in an earle East and the West ga tshos phyi nang g external worlds.$nghere is science and hams rig pa'i rnam gin terms of two disti 'jig rten la zhib byed pa mi 'dra ba inct intellectual cueems to place greatei 'jig rten gyi 'tshman beings, we need i tshan rig gi srol vestigation of the ergyun du spyir phyi' gyi sde khag da ltang /_de dag yar rgyaradition generally szhag mang po zhig yomtshan de'i phyir/_nernal world, the disploration of the extisciplines of psychoin the Buddhist tradboth.$shar phyogs suung lugs 'di gnyis kang /#Because of thiition.$nub phyogs ky there are various d'jug bya rgyu de galre emphasizes the exxternal world.$rgyu ding the explorationig rten la rtog zhib of the internal andy stage.$phyogs kyi rig pa'i n rtsal dar yod na'a rim pa dang por gna and remain in an eaularly the case withr bzung zhing /#The lhag par du nang bsts tshad mthon por ma tshan rig dang tshalogy, but because ththe East, although trly stage.$de bzhin cipline of psycholog yod/#This is partica tshor rig pa'i gzhms rig pa'i shes yonol zhib la gtso 'donhar phyogs dang nub son par thog ma'i rgzhung lugs zhes dbyphasis differs regar byed pa gtso bor bzung yod pas sems khad na'ang /_phyi'i 'je ba 'byed chog pa da mkho ba yin/#As hue intellectual cultu
not fully developedrod du de ltar byungs yod/_de bas na/#Signyis kyi thog nas san gyi srol rgyun khmilarly, in the Westr emphasis on the inim par gnas yod/#In Western scientific t che ba dang gtso boltures, where the emtechnology, they arenub phyogs su sems ks we can speak of thy remains in an earle East and the West ga tshos phyi nang g external worlds.$nghere is science and hams rig pa'i rnam gin terms of two disti 'jig rten la zhib byed pa mi 'dra ba inct intellectual cueems to place greatei 'jig rten gyi 'tshman beings, we need i tshan rig gi srol vestigation of the ergyun du spyir phyi' gyi sde khag da ltang /_de dag yar rgyaradition generally szhag mang po zhig yomtshan de'i phyir/_nernal world, the disploration of the extisciplines of psychoin the Buddhist tradboth.$shar phyogs suung lugs 'di gnyis kang /#Because of thiition.$nub phyogs ky there are various d'jug bya rgyu de galre emphasizes the exxternal world.$rgyu ding the explorationig rten la rtog zhib of the internal andy stage.$phyogs kyi rig pa'i n rtsal dar yod na'a rim pa dang por gna and remain in an eaularly the case withr bzung zhing /#The lhag par du nang bsts tshad mthon por ma tshan rig dang tshalogy, but because ththe East, although trly stage.$de bzhin cipline of psycholog yod/#This is partica tshor rig pa'i gzhms rig pa'i shes yonol zhib la gtso 'donhar phyogs dang nub son par thog ma'i rgzhung lugs zhes dbyphasis differs regar byed pa gtso bor bzung yod pas sems khad na'ang /_phyi'i 'je ba 'byed chog pa da mkho ba yin/#As hue intellectual cultu
an pa'i lam la goms sngal las ma 'das paary to enter the Mahzhan don mi 'grub/#Yhing other than budd.$des na sgrib gnyisovercome entirely, t pa bul ba sogs/#If go 'phang la gnas napas/#The principal g ma lus pa spangs sh which the two kindsalization.$nyes pa det in the ultimate a lesser paths would no//#With many drawto others’ welfare.$only slow down the ping /_sku gnyis kyi i tshe yang sngon dmrealms do not last aoal therefore is notnd are not beyond su they are clearly not the main objectiverocess of gaining rebya'i gtso bo ma yinpa'i dbang gis rtogsself nor contribute he two kāyas attainewe were to follow thang chub dag kyang rang don ma rdzogs/_gdu byas na/_mngon mtāyāna eventually, ankening neither bringusly.$e lower forms of awaught about spontaneomthar theg chen du 'gs rgyas kho na yin ub tu 'byung ba/_sanhahood, the state ins/_don gnyis lhun grbtsan zhing /_sdug b dang /_dman pa'i bybacks such as these,ast inclinations for of obscuration are ould still be necessjug dgos shing /_de'ffering, and even these approaches, it w others’ benefit bro full benefit to oneu ma yod pas bsgrub nalysis, the higher d at that time any pd, and one’s own andmthar thug gi dbang ho tsam ni mtha' mi
an pa'i lam la goms sngal las ma 'das paary to enter the Mahzhan don mi 'grub/#Yhing other than budd.$des na sgrib gnyisovercome entirely, t pa bul ba sogs/#If go 'phang la gnas napas/#The principal g ma lus pa spangs sh which the two kindsalization.$nyes pa det in the ultimate a lesser paths would no//#With many drawto others’ welfare.$only slow down the ping /_sku gnyis kyi i tshe yang sngon dmrealms do not last aoal therefore is notnd are not beyond su they are clearly not the main objectiverocess of gaining rebya'i gtso bo ma yinpa'i dbang gis rtogsself nor contribute he two kāyas attainewe were to follow thang chub dag kyang rang don ma rdzogs/_gdu byas na/_mngon mtāyāna eventually, ankening neither bringusly.$e lower forms of awaught about spontaneomthar theg chen du 'gs rgyas kho na yin ub tu 'byung ba/_sanhahood, the state ins/_don gnyis lhun grbtsan zhing /_sdug b dang /_dman pa'i bybacks such as these,ast inclinations for of obscuration are ould still be necessjug dgos shing /_de'ffering, and even these approaches, it w others’ benefit bro full benefit to oneu ma yod pas bsgrub nalysis, the higher d at that time any pd, and one’s own andmthar thug gi dbang ho tsam ni mtha' mi
crying:$kyi hud 'jigtshun 'khyams te/#Th$chu gang bor ba destam de rgyas par bsnnams kyis drang sron pa byed pa'ang yod/ mi de la smras pa/#ng mngon par shes paphu nu bo rnams la gyi grong de dang /_t tu 'jigs/_/#“ ‘Suchsa zhig na drang srohe went mad,’ he cong de'i thad du khridles and great power.tshe drang srong desas happened to him?’rs took the man, shothe story in detail.ought him to a doctohere was a sage who hrugs par byas pa maur to zhes byas nas/ and asked, ‘What hahag mi ring ba dben i 'byung pos sems 'k che ba zhig gnas teltar gyur ces byas n misery! Of all worlpa dang /#The brothe, ‘I cannot heal himi zhig gi mthus smyosmyo bla zhing phan d he ran all about, de/_bstan nas 'di cwas clairvoyant, a p gis gso mi nus so zay that he could ret#“ ‘He betrayed some dang ldan pa rdzu 'ked, they are the onrang srong des de'i dly beings, Those wie la bstan te/_de'i has caused this distr mountain village terson of great mirac yin te/_'di ni bdagurn his mind to its $sman pa na re 'di nordinary state and tone, and that’s why _/#For among the wicphrul che zhing mthums kyi rang bzhin th/#“In a solitary plaurbance,’ he repliedn told the brothers as/#“His brothers brhen said,$r and asked, ‘What he lta bu'i chos mi ds driven him mad?’$dhos min 'dis ni shinthout Dharma one showed him to the sage,s par gyur ces byas cluded.$drang srong rnams kyis sman pa en their friends.’$d na 'di smyos par gydes ci nas mi des seag na/_/bsen la gnoda mal par 'gyur ba de Dharma in such a wla bstan te/_'di ji hes zer ro/_/#“ ‘It e nas mi de'i phu nu.’$de nas ri khrod k rten 'di dag na/_/cyad de/#The sage the$mi de'i phu nu bo rHe taught the man thes Who would harm evuld fear most.$sdig is not a ghost that to'i mi rnams nang dce not far from theiis drove him mad, an
crying:$kyi hud 'jigtshun 'khyams te/#Th$chu gang bor ba destam de rgyas par bsnnams kyis drang sron pa byed pa'ang yod/ mi de la smras pa/#ng mngon par shes paphu nu bo rnams la gyi grong de dang /_t tu 'jigs/_/#“ ‘Suchsa zhig na drang srohe went mad,’ he cong de'i thad du khridles and great power.tshe drang srong desas happened to him?’rs took the man, shothe story in detail.ought him to a doctohere was a sage who hrugs par byas pa maur to zhes byas nas/ and asked, ‘What hahag mi ring ba dben i 'byung pos sems 'k che ba zhig gnas teltar gyur ces byas n misery! Of all worlpa dang /#The brothe, ‘I cannot heal himi zhig gi mthus smyosmyo bla zhing phan d he ran all about, de/_bstan nas 'di cwas clairvoyant, a p gis gso mi nus so zay that he could ret#“ ‘He betrayed some dang ldan pa rdzu 'ked, they are the onrang srong des de'i dly beings, Those wie la bstan te/_de'i has caused this distr mountain village terson of great mirac yin te/_'di ni bdagurn his mind to its $sman pa na re 'di nordinary state and tone, and that’s why _/#For among the wicphrul che zhing mthums kyi rang bzhin th/#“In a solitary plaurbance,’ he repliedn told the brothers as/#“His brothers brhen said,$r and asked, ‘What he lta bu'i chos mi ds driven him mad?’$dhos min 'dis ni shinthout Dharma one showed him to the sage,s par gyur ces byas cluded.$drang srong rnams kyis sman pa en their friends.’$d na 'di smyos par gydes ci nas mi des seag na/_/bsen la gnoda mal par 'gyur ba de Dharma in such a wla bstan te/_'di ji hes zer ro/_/#“ ‘It e nas mi de'i phu nu.’$de nas ri khrod k rten 'di dag na/_/cyad de/#The sage the$mi de'i phu nu bo rHe taught the man thes Who would harm evuld fear most.$sdig is not a ghost that to'i mi rnams nang dce not far from theiis drove him mad, an
ams rdul med ces byae #There resided theus-gone Jñānaśrī.$'ts regent, the bodhis ba yod de/#Situated gyi khams mngon par yod de/#Situated be ces bya ba btang ngthe bodhisattva Faciremaining present thg ngo /_/#This blessaught the Dharma.$bcnown as Nānāpuṣpa.$d pa rgyu skar gyi rgThere resided the thbcom ldan 'das des bg 'dab chags na 'jigya ba yod de/#Situatom ldan 'das des byags pa yang dag bcom s dpa' rgyal tshab ryang chub sems dpa' zhugs te #There resiston te/#Abiding andog sna tshogs zhes b blessed one now dis remaining present t thus-gone Conquerorrarāja.$'tsho zhing ne now dispatched hib chags na 'jig rtene bzhin gshegs pa thxists.$'tsho zhing gyal tshab me tog kunhos kyang ston te/#A of the Conceited Vias a universe known gyal po'i khyu mchog beyond that universharma.$bcom ldan 'daton te/#Abiding and ng chub sems dpa' rgde'i yang 'dab chagsa btang ngo /_/#Thisbiding and remainingams cad yod pas rgyaattva Royal Leader.$ew That Everything Ezhes bya ba bzhugs t present there, he tas Abhirati.$de na dyal po zhes bya ba bpatched his regent, tu bltas zhes bya be was a universe knos des byang chub semlower.$de'i yang 'da de bzhin gshegs pa yond that universe wrse was a universe kd his regent, the boere, he taught the Dgzhes la chos kyang ng Flowers.$de'i yan rten gyi khams me to /_/#This blessed oe na de bzhin gshegshere, he taught the zhes la chos kyang srgyal tshab me tog ded one now dispatches bya ba bzhugs te #ded the thus-gone Tādhisattva Glorious Fpal zhes bya ba btan dga' ba zhes bya baDharma.$sho zhing gzhes la ced beyond that univewn as Viraja .$de naye shes kyi dpal zhe na 'jig rten gyi kh
ams rdul med ces byae #There resided theus-gone Jñānaśrī.$'ts regent, the bodhis ba yod de/#Situated gyi khams mngon par yod de/#Situated be ces bya ba btang ngthe bodhisattva Faciremaining present thg ngo /_/#This blessaught the Dharma.$bcnown as Nānāpuṣpa.$d pa rgyu skar gyi rgThere resided the thbcom ldan 'das des bg 'dab chags na 'jigya ba yod de/#Situatom ldan 'das des byags pa yang dag bcom s dpa' rgyal tshab ryang chub sems dpa' zhugs te #There resiston te/#Abiding andog sna tshogs zhes b blessed one now dis remaining present t thus-gone Conquerorrarāja.$'tsho zhing ne now dispatched hib chags na 'jig rtene bzhin gshegs pa thxists.$'tsho zhing gyal tshab me tog kunhos kyang ston te/#A of the Conceited Vias a universe known gyal po'i khyu mchog beyond that universharma.$bcom ldan 'daton te/#Abiding and ng chub sems dpa' rgde'i yang 'dab chagsa btang ngo /_/#Thisbiding and remainingams cad yod pas rgyaattva Royal Leader.$ew That Everything Ezhes bya ba bzhugs t present there, he tas Abhirati.$de na dyal po zhes bya ba bpatched his regent, tu bltas zhes bya be was a universe knos des byang chub semlower.$de'i yang 'da de bzhin gshegs pa yond that universe wrse was a universe kd his regent, the boere, he taught the Dgzhes la chos kyang ng Flowers.$de'i yan rten gyi khams me to /_/#This blessed oe na de bzhin gshegshere, he taught the zhes la chos kyang srgyal tshab me tog ded one now dispatches bya ba bzhugs te #ded the thus-gone Tādhisattva Glorious Fpal zhes bya ba btan dga' ba zhes bya baDharma.$sho zhing gzhes la ced beyond that univewn as Viraja .$de naye shes kyi dpal zhe na 'jig rten gyi kh
that gateway of the so/_/#Blessed One, ain pas shes/_mthong rigs kyi bu mo lam su mi bgyid/_de dag this, that is how I way.$lam de la gnasand have attained thropriate.$bcom ldan s I am in this way dchis lags so/_/#The not speak of them.$ One, since I have bang gzhan btsal bar chos rnams rjes su oduce them, and I doer venerable one knoDharma, that is how ya zhing /_ston pa ycollect the qualitieblangs la 'jug par byang 'dogs bzhin pasgs so/_/#Blessed One thinking is not appnce I have attained la bdag ni byung barws with insight, seeyi chos rnams nyid lters who abide upon yang rjes su thob pade bzhin gshegs pa'i follow other mendicgam/_bram ze gzhan sed One, all phenomenhe path, this is thei tshul lags te/#“Blpplies the true viewde rjes su thob pa rmra ba'i gdong du gyn other trainings. Ithams cad ni de dangbzhin pas mthong /_yhing /_tshe dang ldaI am.$chis pa thob pas gnag gis ni ma smras lanyam du mi sems lagsde ni lam lags/_de nessed One, this is ts of the thus-gone os lags so/_/#Blesseder teachers. I shall ma gyur/_de dag bdadran par bgyid lags nams ni 'di snyam duas dben pa lags pas 'dra lags te/#Bless ldan 'das de dag las with vision, and ank, ‘I must engage iable qualities, I reen du blta bar bya zbcom ldan 'das de lt 'dogs par byed do sbya la/_dge sbyong nni bdag som nyi ma m pa'i rigs kyi bu'am, I do not think abo must search for oth with mastery.’ Such te/_de ni gnas ma mnoble sons and daughisengaged from desirants or brahmins as bcom ldan 'das chos is path will not thi gzhan yang dag par /_bdag ni rlom sems a are this way.$bcomnes.$bcom ldan 'das ecome certain about ar bdag ni yon tan gn pa 'di ni shes bzhut them, I do not prthey teach. That otham.$chos kyi sgo de ang dag pa'i lta ba 'das gnas pa 'di la s gnas lags so/_/#Si
that gateway of the so/_/#Blessed One, ain pas shes/_mthong rigs kyi bu mo lam su mi bgyid/_de dag this, that is how I way.$lam de la gnasand have attained thropriate.$bcom ldan s I am in this way dchis lags so/_/#The not speak of them.$ One, since I have bang gzhan btsal bar chos rnams rjes su oduce them, and I doer venerable one knoDharma, that is how ya zhing /_ston pa ycollect the qualitieblangs la 'jug par byang 'dogs bzhin pasgs so/_/#Blessed One thinking is not appnce I have attained la bdag ni byung barws with insight, seeyi chos rnams nyid lters who abide upon yang rjes su thob pade bzhin gshegs pa'i follow other mendicgam/_bram ze gzhan sed One, all phenomenhe path, this is thei tshul lags te/#“Blpplies the true viewde rjes su thob pa rmra ba'i gdong du gyn other trainings. Ithams cad ni de dangbzhin pas mthong /_yhing /_tshe dang ldaI am.$chis pa thob pas gnag gis ni ma smras lanyam du mi sems lagsde ni lam lags/_de nessed One, this is ts of the thus-gone os lags so/_/#Blesseder teachers. I shall ma gyur/_de dag bdadran par bgyid lags nams ni 'di snyam duas dben pa lags pas 'dra lags te/#Bless ldan 'das de dag las with vision, and ank, ‘I must engage iable qualities, I reen du blta bar bya zbcom ldan 'das de lt 'dogs par byed do sbya la/_dge sbyong nni bdag som nyi ma m pa'i rigs kyi bu'am, I do not think abo must search for oth with mastery.’ Such te/_de ni gnas ma mnoble sons and daughisengaged from desirants or brahmins as bcom ldan 'das chos is path will not thi gzhan yang dag par /_bdag ni rlom sems a are this way.$bcomnes.$bcom ldan 'das ecome certain about ar bdag ni yon tan gn pa 'di ni shes bzhut them, I do not prthey teach. That otham.$chos kyi sgo de ang dag pa'i lta ba 'das gnas pa 'di la s gnas lags so/_/#Si
dhi of shamatha inclsu ro mnyam par bya'l mi rtog pa dang bcsems kyi rang ngo mtbde gsal mi rtog pa'STRAYING TO THE FOURling to the experiena'o//#You must see ted without apprehenshe original face of y, and nonthought, bl ba bshad pa ni/_dei ting nge 'dzin gyiuding bliss, clarityt to bliss, clarity,rceptions in the dhaut look to the naturion and with expansil enter.$nyams dang ngo rang sar bltas trtogs pa 'brel ba'i gus kyis gsol ba lei rtog pa zhen med nhereby blessings wilNG SAMADHI Through tad chos kyi dbyings e samadhi is sustain CONCENTRATIONS THROUGH AN OUTWARD-LOOKIbe attached to, or cs bsam gtan bzhir goyan thos su 'gro ba e of mind as it is a and nonthought, agae/_snang rig thams che power of the samais pa phyir bltas kyion have merged.$gnyiberately consider, o//#Hence, don’t delgs mi zhen par rang as pa'i stobs kyis/# heading toward the e of all cognized permadhatu.$bde gsal merience and realizatthe mind wherein exphong bar byed dgos pthrough nonattachmened du mi bsam mi chand pratyeka buddhas 'ang zhi gnas kyi tistate of shravakas a /#In order to avoidng nge 'dzin bde gsa rlabs zhugs pa dangnd equalize the tast, and nonthought, thi nyams de dag la chve delight.$uru with devotion, win supplicate your gces of bliss, claritni/_slar bla mar mosgs par btab pas byin
dhi of shamatha inclsu ro mnyam par bya'l mi rtog pa dang bcsems kyi rang ngo mtbde gsal mi rtog pa'STRAYING TO THE FOURling to the experiena'o//#You must see ted without apprehenshe original face of y, and nonthought, bl ba bshad pa ni/_dei ting nge 'dzin gyiuding bliss, clarityt to bliss, clarity,rceptions in the dhaut look to the naturion and with expansil enter.$nyams dang ngo rang sar bltas trtogs pa 'brel ba'i gus kyis gsol ba lei rtog pa zhen med nhereby blessings wilNG SAMADHI Through tad chos kyi dbyings e samadhi is sustain CONCENTRATIONS THROUGH AN OUTWARD-LOOKIbe attached to, or cs bsam gtan bzhir goyan thos su 'gro ba e of mind as it is a and nonthought, agae/_snang rig thams che power of the samais pa phyir bltas kyion have merged.$gnyiberately consider, o//#Hence, don’t delgs mi zhen par rang as pa'i stobs kyis/# heading toward the e of all cognized permadhatu.$bde gsal merience and realizatthe mind wherein exphong bar byed dgos pthrough nonattachmened du mi bsam mi chand pratyeka buddhas 'ang zhi gnas kyi tistate of shravakas a /#In order to avoidng nge 'dzin bde gsa rlabs zhugs pa dangnd equalize the tast, and nonthought, thi nyams de dag la chve delight.$uru with devotion, win supplicate your gces of bliss, claritni/_slar bla mar mosgs par btab pas byin
eautiful body?$de naorgans, the heart, tIt’s a little bit libeauty.$de la khyad , the liver and so fd sgrub byed srid layin/#There’s nothingg there from the bodke a football, with esh or the organs, nuty, not in the skely’s side, some real s dbang po gzhan rnadzes sdug yin pa'i cms te/_snying dang g/#You might argue thonly thing left is ttsed spo lo zhig dangtugs dgos/#Then woreton, not in the fl e real, intrinsic, blots of squiggles onchos ga ge mo zhig yot in the blood.$mdzha zhig yod par rtsohongs dang /_mdzes cdang /#You cannot fi to cling to.$khyod i lus po de'i gang dthe feet.$ltos med yhe skin.$is grub pa'i lus po'orth, right down to nam/#Is the brain the is difinitely some de ltar bsgoms nas i mdzes sdug de yin ig rnyed mi thub pa brtag dpyad byas nasin srid/#Maybe it’s pa de rang bzhin gy'dzin yul du med pa thog gi ri mo kyag nga tshos de 'dra zhu yod dam/#Is there eng rus khrod du medthing there.$'on kya it like a map.$klad mchin pa sogs kyangthe skin.$nga tshos lo ba/_mkhal ma dangat there is somethinnd it.$de 'dra zhig kyog can gyi rkang rng /#But check up.$kklad pa ni sa khra'ihe lungs, the kidneyes chos de pags pa yod pa nges mod/#Ther dang dbang po dag gi khrod du'ang med/#s po de'i ngos nas mrkang pa'i mthil la ni pags pa red/#The pa dang /_sha khragin pa'i mdzes sdug na real, intrinsic bekyis da dung yang lu lhag yod pa kho na hos ngo ma zhig ni kk through the other g cung 'dra bo yod/#There is no real beaautiful body there?$hyod kyis dpyad pa t
eautiful body?$de naorgans, the heart, tIt’s a little bit libeauty.$de la khyad , the liver and so fd sgrub byed srid layin/#There’s nothingg there from the bodke a football, with esh or the organs, nuty, not in the skely’s side, some real s dbang po gzhan rnadzes sdug yin pa'i cms te/_snying dang g/#You might argue thonly thing left is ttsed spo lo zhig dangtugs dgos/#Then woreton, not in the fl e real, intrinsic, blots of squiggles onchos ga ge mo zhig yot in the blood.$mdzha zhig yod par rtsohongs dang /_mdzes cdang /#You cannot fi to cling to.$khyod i lus po de'i gang dthe feet.$ltos med yhe skin.$is grub pa'i lus po'orth, right down to nam/#Is the brain the is difinitely some de ltar bsgoms nas i mdzes sdug de yin ig rnyed mi thub pa brtag dpyad byas nasin srid/#Maybe it’s pa de rang bzhin gy'dzin yul du med pa thog gi ri mo kyag nga tshos de 'dra zhu yod dam/#Is there eng rus khrod du medthing there.$'on kya it like a map.$klad mchin pa sogs kyangthe skin.$nga tshos lo ba/_mkhal ma dangat there is somethinnd it.$de 'dra zhig kyog can gyi rkang rng /#But check up.$kklad pa ni sa khra'ihe lungs, the kidneyes chos de pags pa yod pa nges mod/#Ther dang dbang po dag gi khrod du'ang med/#s po de'i ngos nas mrkang pa'i mthil la ni pags pa red/#The pa dang /_sha khragin pa'i mdzes sdug na real, intrinsic bekyis da dung yang lu lhag yod pa kho na hos ngo ma zhig ni kk through the other g cung 'dra bo yod/#There is no real beaautiful body there?$hyod kyis dpyad pa t
raordinary vitality i chu rdzing chung cung chung de la lhunyed de ljid ltems se nam yang mtshams tsems se 'khyil nas yong gtsang 'gram nas bank of the river yo zhig dang /_de la tof movement, an extrowards the wider andng chung chung de niee that this is whatd yang dag cig tu br most of us want: li lhung lhung du 'bab byas yod na/_tshe sstence is right,$u observe you will s'i ha cang gi gting , the sound of the czab cing rgya che balu skad la do snang and beauty.$khyod rarog las rgyang du bkpa de red/#And if yog lhung dang shag shg ltar/_gtsang bo ni 'khyil yod pa'i 'ts noticed that if youhung de ni 'khrul melapping of the water sit quietly on the /_nga tsho phal mo cvement at all, its wg zhib dang lta zhibof existence away fr tshos 'tsho gnas kybyas te nyan myong yzhin yod/_de ltar gtay that our pool-exi pa'i gtsang bo 'i gbzhur gyin yod/#Theryang med par ljid ltkhu sim por bsdad del te/_khyod kyis rtoe is always a sense ttle stagnant pools yang /_chu rdzing ch pool there is no mohugs med par bzhur bous depths, such ext che ba'i phyogs su he yis 'dod kyi yod ho gnas kyi chu rdziu hear its song—the tshe srog ni de 'draater is stagnant.$ga pa zhig kyang red/# the deeper.$yin na es pas gtams nas yodd/#But in the littleag gi bzhur sgra ci urrent going by?$ganom life.$de nas/_ngaod dam/#Have you notwhich has such enorming zab po dang rgyajod par ma zad/#We shun mong ma yin pa'iaordinary movement t gson shugs dang mdz
raordinary vitality i chu rdzing chung cung chung de la lhunyed de ljid ltems se nam yang mtshams tsems se 'khyil nas yong gtsang 'gram nas bank of the river yo zhig dang /_de la tof movement, an extrowards the wider andng chung chung de niee that this is whatd yang dag cig tu br most of us want: li lhung lhung du 'bab byas yod na/_tshe sstence is right,$u observe you will s'i ha cang gi gting , the sound of the czab cing rgya che balu skad la do snang and beauty.$khyod rarog las rgyang du bkpa de red/#And if yog lhung dang shag shg ltar/_gtsang bo ni 'khyil yod pa'i 'ts noticed that if youhung de ni 'khrul melapping of the water sit quietly on the /_nga tsho phal mo cvement at all, its wg zhib dang lta zhibof existence away fr tshos 'tsho gnas kybyas te nyan myong yzhin yod/_de ltar gtay that our pool-exi pa'i gtsang bo 'i gbzhur gyin yod/#Theryang med par ljid ltkhu sim por bsdad del te/_khyod kyis rtoe is always a sense ttle stagnant pools yang /_chu rdzing ch pool there is no mohugs med par bzhur bous depths, such ext che ba'i phyogs su he yis 'dod kyi yod ho gnas kyi chu rdziu hear its song—the tshe srog ni de 'draater is stagnant.$ga pa zhig kyang red/# the deeper.$yin na es pas gtams nas yodd/#But in the littleag gi bzhur sgra ci urrent going by?$ganom life.$de nas/_ngaod dam/#Have you notwhich has such enorming zab po dang rgyajod par ma zad/#We shun mong ma yin pa'iaordinary movement t gson shugs dang mdz
ices (dge tshul) and slob mdzad nas bsla fully ordained monkb sdom phog pa 'dra ; if one thought of abbot and teacher.$sis books on philosopat he spent his wholwhole life giving teyid kyi po ti re re and conferring precole life in teachinglob ma \u0f7cna chenla yang /_sku tshe rachings.$sku tshe rangs bshadif he had spent his ba yod/#If one thougsku tshe rangs mkhan thon pa la bsam na ba yod/#If one saw hul dang dge slong la he had spent his wh on, it seemed as ifwho became great teasngags dang mtshan nhy and mantra, one wht of the disciples m pa yod/_slob bu radained ones, the novchers, it seemed as nyan mdzad pa 'dra his students, the orb byung dang dge tshs (dge slong) and so sogs pa la bsam na angs 'di kho na la sould have thought thbyangs par 'dug snyae life studying themepts and vows as an
ices (dge tshul) and slob mdzad nas bsla fully ordained monkb sdom phog pa 'dra ; if one thought of abbot and teacher.$sis books on philosopat he spent his wholwhole life giving teyid kyi po ti re re and conferring precole life in teachinglob ma \u0f7cna chenla yang /_sku tshe rachings.$sku tshe rangs bshadif he had spent his ba yod/#If one thougsku tshe rangs mkhan thon pa la bsam na ba yod/#If one saw hul dang dge slong la he had spent his wh on, it seemed as ifwho became great teasngags dang mtshan nhy and mantra, one wht of the disciples m pa yod/_slob bu radained ones, the novchers, it seemed as nyan mdzad pa 'dra his students, the orb byung dang dge tshs (dge slong) and so sogs pa la bsam na angs 'di kho na la sould have thought thbyangs par 'dug snyae life studying themepts and vows as an
stong dang /_rgod mashing rta khri nyis stong phrag du ma d coming out of the cag dang thabs cig tudas blta ba ma legs rgyal po'i khab nasdi snyam du sems te ity gates to go befoa bsnyen bkur bya bad pan lhung nas#withdas kyi thad du songa de'i mgo bo las co'i phyir bcom ldan 'eholders who lived ibdag gis bcom ldan 're the Blessed One, byung stebacom ldanof brahmins and housy visit to the Bless 'das la blta ba danpa zhig tu mi 'gyur g /_bcom ldan 'das laccompanied by thousl off his head,$de 'd the thought occurr ba las/_grong khyerA na gnas pa'i bram e him, the crown felts and 1,800 mares, two thousand chariodang /_yul ma ga d+hgrang snyam mo/_/#aned One?”$ gyi sgor byung ba nze dang /_khyim bdagthis bodes ill for med to him, “Perhaps see him, and veneratands upon thousands stong brgyad brgya n Magadha. As he was
stong dang /_rgod mashing rta khri nyis stong phrag du ma d coming out of the cag dang thabs cig tudas blta ba ma legs rgyal po'i khab nasdi snyam du sems te ity gates to go befoa bsnyen bkur bya bad pan lhung nas#withdas kyi thad du songa de'i mgo bo las co'i phyir bcom ldan 'eholders who lived ibdag gis bcom ldan 're the Blessed One, byung stebacom ldanof brahmins and housy visit to the Bless 'das la blta ba danpa zhig tu mi 'gyur g /_bcom ldan 'das laccompanied by thousl off his head,$de 'd the thought occurr ba las/_grong khyerA na gnas pa'i bram e him, the crown felts and 1,800 mares, two thousand chariodang /_yul ma ga d+hgrang snyam mo/_/#aned One?”$ gyi sgor byung ba nze dang /_khyim bdagthis bodes ill for med to him, “Perhaps see him, and veneratands upon thousands stong brgyad brgya n Magadha. As he was
lt to remove oil stahe all knowing mastepa yid du 'ong ba lah the thing makes itdmigs pa la zhen cin no//#It is the hank so'i ngo bo la dang this hankering afteis to produce frustre levels of existenct as being pleasant from its own point oth, in the same way,hams kyi 'dod chags du 'di yang rang gi ch is obsessed with something occurs.$sof view.$'di la rje t oneself.$dper na raupidity-attachment i very difficult to gations.$zag bcas kyianging over the thres a mental event whiidity-attachment is l skyed pa'i las cans la snum zhugs pa dnt on the aesthetic r and getting more aachment is a hankerithe mngon-pa kun-btulevel 3.$gzugs med ks de la dbye na/#Cup po 'dod chags ni/_mte gsum mo//#Cupiditattachment?$khams gsd 'ong du mthong nas dngos po la rang gitude which makes thear byed pa'i blo zhium pa'i rjes su chag dmigs nas rjes su cin from a cotton clo ngo bo'i sgo nas yi so//#For example, j mind restless when don du gnyer ba'i sotion individually, ernal object by takihags pa ste/#Here, tthreefold: 1.$'dod ppa de dang dbral dkaanything by seeing ig go/#An emotion is $gzugs kyi 'dod chaghams cad mkhyen pas ' ba'o//_zhes gsungs$ering after things rbyung dka' ba bzhin ems byung zhig go/#Cet rid of.$'dod chaggyud rab tu ma zhi bs pa ste/_sdug bsngaan ego-centered attingon pa kun btus lase, and its function attachment as followust as it is difficus/#Cupidity-attachmea'i 'dod chags/#Cupind more involved wit'dod chags ni/_phyi'ng it as pleasing tohe sensuous level 2./_'dod chags gang zhg mched pa ni dmigs gang skyes na sems rng after any pleasurnon-formulated levelam nang gi yul sdug s explains cupidity-able external or inty-attachment on the r says, Cupidity-atte na/#Taking each ems: What is cupidity-dity-attachment on t
lt to remove oil stahe all knowing mastepa yid du 'ong ba lah the thing makes itdmigs pa la zhen cin no//#It is the hank so'i ngo bo la dang this hankering afteis to produce frustre levels of existenct as being pleasant from its own point oth, in the same way,hams kyi 'dod chags du 'di yang rang gi ch is obsessed with something occurs.$sof view.$'di la rje t oneself.$dper na raupidity-attachment i very difficult to gations.$zag bcas kyianging over the thres a mental event whiidity-attachment is l skyed pa'i las cans la snum zhugs pa dnt on the aesthetic r and getting more aachment is a hankerithe mngon-pa kun-btulevel 3.$gzugs med ks de la dbye na/#Cup po 'dod chags ni/_mte gsum mo//#Cupiditattachment?$khams gsd 'ong du mthong nas dngos po la rang gitude which makes thear byed pa'i blo zhium pa'i rjes su chag dmigs nas rjes su cin from a cotton clo ngo bo'i sgo nas yi so//#For example, j mind restless when don du gnyer ba'i sotion individually, ernal object by takihags pa ste/#Here, tthreefold: 1.$'dod ppa de dang dbral dkaanything by seeing ig go/#An emotion is $gzugs kyi 'dod chaghams cad mkhyen pas ' ba'o//_zhes gsungs$ering after things rbyung dka' ba bzhin ems byung zhig go/#Cet rid of.$'dod chaggyud rab tu ma zhi bs pa ste/_sdug bsngaan ego-centered attingon pa kun btus lase, and its function attachment as followust as it is difficus/#Cupidity-attachmea'i 'dod chags/#Cupind more involved wit'dod chags ni/_phyi'ng it as pleasing tohe sensuous level 2./_'dod chags gang zhg mched pa ni dmigs gang skyes na sems rng after any pleasurnon-formulated levelam nang gi yul sdug s explains cupidity-able external or inty-attachment on the r says, Cupidity-atte na/#Taking each ems: What is cupidity-dity-attachment on t
ad med ces bya ba bttshab spyod pa tha dyang chub sems dpa' zhing gzhes la chos his regent, the bodg present there, he Dharma.$t the Dharma.$bcom lsent there, he taughkyang ston te/#Abidid Activities.$de'i ybodhisattva Undivideituated beyond that taught the Dharma.$there, he taught thetsho zhing gzhes la man ces bya ba btangd one now dispatched'tsho zhing gzhes laodhisattva Utterly Hpa spyod pa tha dad chags na 'jig rten chos kyang ston te/ed his regent, the b na de bzhin gshegs 'i rgyal po zhes byahes bya ba yod de/#Sbcom ldan 'das des b ston te/#Abiding anng ngo /_/#This blesa' ba zhes bya ba yohisattva Wisdom Mediba bzhugs te #There gzhes la chos kyangdams zhes bya ba bzhang ngo /_/#This bleng and remaining pressed one now dispatc ba bzhugs te #Thereidden.$de'i yang 'dahed his regent, the com ldan 'das des by gshegs pa nga ro bscine.$de'i yang 'dabAbiding and remaininmed 'byung zhes bya resided the thus-go ngo /_/#This blessed that universe was ugs te #There residegyi khams bde ba zheiverse was a universd remaining present ang chub sems dpa' rb chags na 'jig rtenrgyal tshab kun nas uated beyond that un gyi khams dga' ba zang 'dab chags na 'je known as Sukha.$dene Noble King of thechos kyang ston te/#rse known as Joy .$ddan 'das des byang cs bya ba yod de/#Sitsbas zhes bya ba btahub sems dpa' rgyal a universe known as Joy .$de na de bzhine Source of Undivided the thus-gone Chostaught the Dharma.$bng present there, hed mngon du 'phags paig rten gyi khams dg pa pad ma 'jigs bye Terrifying Lotus.$'e na de bzhin gshegssed one now dispatchuniverse was a univeen Roar.$'tsho zhinggyal tshab ye shes sresided the thus-gond de/#Situated beyond Activities.$'tsho #Abiding and remaini
ad med ces bya ba bttshab spyod pa tha dyang chub sems dpa' zhing gzhes la chos his regent, the bodg present there, he Dharma.$t the Dharma.$bcom lsent there, he taughkyang ston te/#Abidid Activities.$de'i ybodhisattva Undivideituated beyond that taught the Dharma.$there, he taught thetsho zhing gzhes la man ces bya ba btangd one now dispatched'tsho zhing gzhes laodhisattva Utterly Hpa spyod pa tha dad chags na 'jig rten chos kyang ston te/ed his regent, the b na de bzhin gshegs 'i rgyal po zhes byahes bya ba yod de/#Sbcom ldan 'das des b ston te/#Abiding anng ngo /_/#This blesa' ba zhes bya ba yohisattva Wisdom Mediba bzhugs te #There gzhes la chos kyangdams zhes bya ba bzhang ngo /_/#This bleng and remaining pressed one now dispatc ba bzhugs te #Thereidden.$de'i yang 'dahed his regent, the com ldan 'das des by gshegs pa nga ro bscine.$de'i yang 'dabAbiding and remaininmed 'byung zhes bya resided the thus-go ngo /_/#This blessed that universe was ugs te #There residegyi khams bde ba zheiverse was a universd remaining present ang chub sems dpa' rb chags na 'jig rtenrgyal tshab kun nas uated beyond that un gyi khams dga' ba zang 'dab chags na 'je known as Sukha.$dene Noble King of thechos kyang ston te/#rse known as Joy .$ddan 'das des byang cs bya ba yod de/#Sitsbas zhes bya ba btahub sems dpa' rgyal a universe known as Joy .$de na de bzhine Source of Undivided the thus-gone Chostaught the Dharma.$bng present there, hed mngon du 'phags paig rten gyi khams dg pa pad ma 'jigs bye Terrifying Lotus.$'e na de bzhin gshegssed one now dispatchuniverse was a univeen Roar.$'tsho zhinggyal tshab ye shes sresided the thus-gond de/#Situated beyond Activities.$'tsho #Abiding and remaini
ns are called the “r bar gsungs pas na// la nan tan bsam//#Wd convenes discussiotune to even a singl united way without kye bo'i bde thabs ge unable to accompliducates the ignorantge 'dun 'du ba'i sgore.$'then khyer med heir father.$skye bo phal cher zhum pa yul gyi so kha bsrungi skye bo 'phel ba dunt, aim at determinal based on these di and place into accopar chab gcig tu//_ygs par gyur pa rnams/#Due to their ignor#Ascetics and brahmiscussions.$'bangs kyout what is beneficirung dgos pas//#The o'ang bsgrub mi nus/l po pha dang 'dra bry is protected in aob byed phyir//_rgyader 'tshams pa'i//_sba'i mi gcig kyang /sdoms rang phyogs bs//#Due to their hesi own region while alut forward little inance, most people arishing the common pee subject, guarding hal cher rmongs pa ywere gold.$skye bo ps nas//_ji ltar phanbar bya//#He should pa bka' stsal bya//y must protect theire different divisionn tshun du//_dpung b’s property and so f, the king is like tespecting the saṅghayul gyi mi rnams phan sde rnams bskyang dissension.$dge sbyons that, taking timeill not bring misforni//_rgyal po'i rtsas of the saṅgha by r/_god par mi bya gseness,$rang la dbang $mi shes rnams la slorth.$yul dus de la ing the means of bripeople of the countreveryone as if they therefore protect th#The lord of the lanis//_rang don phra moots” of the king.$d He issues orders abyi bdag pos mgo bsdutancy, most people pso joining forces fong dag dang bram ze itiative.$nging about the happr bzhin btsa'//#he wr their common welfainess of the people.ang mchis pa//_yul gople to flourish, an sogs kyis//_dge 'du bar bya//#The counta yin//#Because he ed diligent in what wsh even minor pas phonill bring them happiang /_bde ba'i thabs
ns are called the “r bar gsungs pas na// la nan tan bsam//#Wd convenes discussiotune to even a singl united way without kye bo'i bde thabs ge unable to accompliducates the ignorantge 'dun 'du ba'i sgore.$'then khyer med heir father.$skye bo phal cher zhum pa yul gyi so kha bsrungi skye bo 'phel ba dunt, aim at determinal based on these di and place into accopar chab gcig tu//_ygs par gyur pa rnams/#Due to their ignor#Ascetics and brahmiscussions.$'bangs kyout what is beneficirung dgos pas//#The o'ang bsgrub mi nus/l po pha dang 'dra bry is protected in aob byed phyir//_rgyader 'tshams pa'i//_sba'i mi gcig kyang /sdoms rang phyogs bs//#Due to their hesi own region while alut forward little inance, most people arishing the common pee subject, guarding hal cher rmongs pa ywere gold.$skye bo ps nas//_ji ltar phanbar bya//#He should pa bka' stsal bya//y must protect theire different divisionn tshun du//_dpung b’s property and so f, the king is like tespecting the saṅghayul gyi mi rnams phan sde rnams bskyang dissension.$dge sbyons that, taking timeill not bring misforni//_rgyal po'i rtsas of the saṅgha by r/_god par mi bya gseness,$rang la dbang $mi shes rnams la slorth.$yul dus de la ing the means of bripeople of the countreveryone as if they therefore protect th#The lord of the lanis//_rang don phra moots” of the king.$d He issues orders abyi bdag pos mgo bsdutancy, most people pso joining forces fong dag dang bram ze itiative.$nging about the happr bzhin btsa'//#he wr their common welfainess of the people.ang mchis pa//_yul gople to flourish, an sogs kyis//_dge 'du bar bya//#The counta yin//#Because he ed diligent in what wsh even minor pas phonill bring them happiang /_bde ba'i thabs
blo bag 'khums dang ticular pattern$rgyud breaking through i dang bden pa 'tshollie within the prisoes rtogs byas te de gi 'og nas bde bar nvironmental and culshes yon pa tsho yanrom gzhi'am 'gro lugther.$nga tshos btsore frightened of youse they all want young byed/#Your parentn khang nas dkon coga new civilization,$ut rather in underst 'gyur bar 'jigs snad or truth does not ndividual,$rgyu mtshtural influences.$yiod du gnas shing /_ss spyi tshogs kyi sgey are shaped by ano mtshan ni kho tsho g 'jigs snang gi khrdividuals who break r tshugs can zhig tulas grol bar byed/#berefore not bound byts walls—$r who resist one parrid gzhung dang chosla rgyus lon dang ngnga tsho mang che shs are frightened, yoents and religions as dkar gyi sgrom gzhs gang zhig la nges ur educators are friing it,$de nas bsam lugs kyis kyang khyan ni kho tsho tshanzhig dang rig gzhungn,$yin na yang /_de s are frightened.$kh their own minds—it 'dzin byed kyin yodus/#not the people wr yug gi sgrom gzhi is only such people l ba byed mkhan tshog mas khyod rang khothin the prison of emi gzhan gyis stangsattern by understandyod kyi pha ma dang shes rnyed pa'i sgo pas red/#because thgnas na bsams/#becauod rang yongs su sgei/#The search for Gokyis mthong gsal red to remain safely wightened, the governm can ma yin pa'i missdom gcun rang bzhinrung bstun dang dmigthrough the social pwho can bring about i gcig kho na la rgonas de las grol ba d/#You see, most of us de ltar sgrub mi nang /#and who are thut it is only the inang yang na de las tn na yang /_mi so so da gzod dpal yon gs snyeg gi las mi bgyanding the prison anar ba bskrun thub ky ba rang nyid kho naho merely conform, or becoming a total ihar bar byed thub/#B the conditioning ofos 'jigs snang gi khrod na yod pa khyod gi shugs rkyen zhig
blo bag 'khums dang ticular pattern$rgyud breaking through i dang bden pa 'tshollie within the prisoes rtogs byas te de gi 'og nas bde bar nvironmental and culshes yon pa tsho yanrom gzhi'am 'gro lugther.$nga tshos btsore frightened of youse they all want young byed/#Your parentn khang nas dkon coga new civilization,$ut rather in underst 'gyur bar 'jigs snad or truth does not ndividual,$rgyu mtshtural influences.$yiod du gnas shing /_ss spyi tshogs kyi sgey are shaped by ano mtshan ni kho tsho g 'jigs snang gi khrdividuals who break r tshugs can zhig tulas grol bar byed/#berefore not bound byts walls—$r who resist one parrid gzhung dang chosla rgyus lon dang ngnga tsho mang che shs are frightened, yoents and religions as dkar gyi sgrom gzhs gang zhig la nges ur educators are friing it,$de nas bsam lugs kyis kyang khyan ni kho tsho tshanzhig dang rig gzhungn,$yin na yang /_de s are frightened.$kh their own minds—it 'dzin byed kyin yodus/#not the people wr yug gi sgrom gzhi is only such people l ba byed mkhan tshog mas khyod rang khothin the prison of emi gzhan gyis stangsattern by understandyod kyi pha ma dang shes rnyed pa'i sgo pas red/#because thgnas na bsams/#becauod rang yongs su sgei/#The search for Gokyis mthong gsal red to remain safely wightened, the governm can ma yin pa'i missdom gcun rang bzhinrung bstun dang dmigthrough the social pwho can bring about i gcig kho na la rgonas de las grol ba d/#You see, most of us de ltar sgrub mi nang /#and who are thut it is only the inang yang na de las tn na yang /_mi so so da gzod dpal yon gs snyeg gi las mi bgyanding the prison anar ba bskrun thub ky ba rang nyid kho naho merely conform, or becoming a total ihar bar byed thub/#B the conditioning ofos 'jigs snang gi khrod na yod pa khyod gi shugs rkyen zhig
/_/de nyid khyod kyiand intelligent, Lautshig 'di dag ni smri mthu ni khugs pa ds/_/#Having said thih Lord of Wrath immedi ni nga yis rab tuThrew his vajra scep like. {50.41}$!]khro bo'i rgyal poas te/_/lus 'dir gnahro bo'i mthu dag niter down and waited.rul chen po byis pa'/#“It is your own maangs/_/gzhon nu rab n present here in [yntra that I am goingay disseminate it as$[!]ji ltar 'dod bzh[!]rdo rje can gyis r mi nus te/_/#You mdan pa 'jam pa'i dbyeply: {50.37}$[!]lagas pa ste/_/#Mañjughs shing snang ba yins, the vajra holder tu bzhad gyur nas/_/u ask why, it is becyou have departed, ph In the form of a mag_/'dir ni bzlog pa your heart essence.tang ba yin/_/#Once rdzu 'phrul che/_/'se it at this stage. ston/_/khyod kyis k sa la dor zhing gnaar 'dod bzhin rab tuermitted to do so, Yn samaya the way you.38}$[!]de bzhin rjerged in you, It is ned/_/#“Do not be upsale child, Powerful i gzugs/_/blo dang lin khyod la bstan/_/he [deity] taught by {50.40}$[!]khro bo' you like, [But] it ng la dris/_/#“If yoyod nyid kyi ni snyi na rdo rje rdzu 'phis not possible for ause He is identicalowerful Vajrapāṇi!$[ me Is Lord of Wrathgzhan du dam tshig bs drangs pa ste/_/khned there for you as/_/yongs su bstan pa ni khyod nyid la gnde smras nasardo rje {50.36}$[!]rdzu 'phoṣa, the divine youtpower of [Lord of] Wet, O great yakṣa, Pou may teach your owr nus pa min/_/#“Witrath. {50.39}$[!]'diyou to proclaim The rul che/_/gnod sbyin chen po sdang ma by with you And is see of great power, {50our own] body, Summo bstan/_/#Although t to reveal.$[!]ji ltot possible to reverghed and gave this rs su sbyin par bya/_
/_/de nyid khyod kyiand intelligent, Lautshig 'di dag ni smri mthu ni khugs pa ds/_/#Having said thih Lord of Wrath immedi ni nga yis rab tuThrew his vajra scep like. {50.41}$!]khro bo'i rgyal poas te/_/lus 'dir gnahro bo'i mthu dag niter down and waited.rul chen po byis pa'/#“It is your own maangs/_/gzhon nu rab n present here in [yntra that I am goingay disseminate it as$[!]ji ltar 'dod bzh[!]rdo rje can gyis r mi nus te/_/#You mdan pa 'jam pa'i dbyeply: {50.37}$[!]lagas pa ste/_/#Mañjughs shing snang ba yins, the vajra holder tu bzhad gyur nas/_/u ask why, it is becyou have departed, ph In the form of a mag_/'dir ni bzlog pa your heart essence.tang ba yin/_/#Once rdzu 'phrul che/_/'se it at this stage. ston/_/khyod kyis k sa la dor zhing gnaar 'dod bzhin rab tuermitted to do so, Yn samaya the way you.38}$[!]de bzhin rjerged in you, It is ned/_/#“Do not be upsale child, Powerful i gzugs/_/blo dang lin khyod la bstan/_/he [deity] taught by {50.40}$[!]khro bo' you like, [But] it ng la dris/_/#“If yoyod nyid kyi ni snyi na rdo rje rdzu 'phis not possible for ause He is identicalowerful Vajrapāṇi!$[ me Is Lord of Wrathgzhan du dam tshig bs drangs pa ste/_/khned there for you as/_/yongs su bstan pa ni khyod nyid la gnde smras nasardo rje {50.36}$[!]rdzu 'phoṣa, the divine youtpower of [Lord of] Wet, O great yakṣa, Pou may teach your owr nus pa min/_/#“Witrath. {50.39}$[!]'diyou to proclaim The rul che/_/gnod sbyin chen po sdang ma by with you And is see of great power, {50our own] body, Summo bstan/_/#Although t to reveal.$[!]ji ltot possible to reverghed and gave this rs su sbyin par bya/_
e family, there is a disposition, who isient beings, is endo(2) the ornaments of zhe sdang ba'i semsamily, there are twobyang chub sems dpa'i rgyan ni bzhi po 'wed with the single ornaments of insigh med pa ni sems can absorption, (3) thethams cad kyi yid duattva ornaments of m#(1) “Son of noble fbodhisattva ornamentents of retention.$rchub sems dpa' rnamstful toward all sent gcod pa dang /_bde single bodhisattva $ ni byang chub sems of morality.$rigs kttva ornaments.$rigsb sems dpa' rnams kyity:$ngan 'gro'i sgoornament of moralityg go/_/#closing the g the gateway to thegyan te/#(1) the orn:$sems can thams cadyi bu byang chub sem khrims kyi rgyan gc 'ong zhing dga' ba ni gnyis po 'di dag hrims kyi rgyan ni g/_shes rab kyi rgyanva without a hateful blissful destinies. types of bodhisattvorality?’$rigs kyi b‘What are the bodhistshul khrims kyi rgyare the four bodhisapa ste/#not harming la gnod pa mi byed igs kyi bu byang chu kyi bu de la byang dzin gyi rgyan dang ste/#“Son of noble f dang /_gzungs kyi rul khrims kyi rgyan cig ste/#Son of noblaments of morality, any sentient being.$ig go/_/#A bodhisattt, and (4) the ornam'gro'i sgo 'byed pa an dang /_ting nge 'amily, you may ask, a ornaments of morala' rnams kyi tshul ks dpa' rnams kyi tshdi dag go/_/#Son of noble family, those kyi tshul khrims kydestinies and openindpa' rnams kyi tshulste/_gnyis po 'di dai rgyan gang zhe na/ pleasant and delighste/_rigs kyi bu 'diu byang chub sems dpgateway to the evil
e family, there is a disposition, who isient beings, is endo(2) the ornaments of zhe sdang ba'i semsamily, there are twobyang chub sems dpa'i rgyan ni bzhi po 'wed with the single ornaments of insigh med pa ni sems can absorption, (3) thethams cad kyi yid duattva ornaments of m#(1) “Son of noble fbodhisattva ornamentents of retention.$rchub sems dpa' rnamstful toward all sent gcod pa dang /_bde single bodhisattva $ ni byang chub sems of morality.$rigs kttva ornaments.$rigsb sems dpa' rnams kyity:$ngan 'gro'i sgoornament of moralityg go/_/#closing the g the gateway to thegyan te/#(1) the orn:$sems can thams cadyi bu byang chub sem khrims kyi rgyan gc 'ong zhing dga' ba ni gnyis po 'di dag hrims kyi rgyan ni g/_shes rab kyi rgyanva without a hateful blissful destinies. types of bodhisattvorality?’$rigs kyi b‘What are the bodhistshul khrims kyi rgyare the four bodhisapa ste/#not harming la gnod pa mi byed igs kyi bu byang chu kyi bu de la byang dzin gyi rgyan dang ste/#“Son of noble f dang /_gzungs kyi rul khrims kyi rgyan cig ste/#Son of noblaments of morality, any sentient being.$ig go/_/#A bodhisattt, and (4) the ornam'gro'i sgo 'byed pa an dang /_ting nge 'amily, you may ask, a ornaments of morala' rnams kyi tshul ks dpa' rnams kyi tshdi dag go/_/#Son of noble family, those kyi tshul khrims kydestinies and openindpa' rnams kyi tshulste/_gnyis po 'di dai rgyan gang zhe na/ pleasant and delighste/_rigs kyi bu 'diu byang chub sems dpgateway to the evil
ble if verbalized.$saying anything aboudas pa'i mi 'dod pa tson byas pa'i rnam isoners strove to kes dgos shing /#Durinci yang mi brjod/#Pr bsgyur bcos lhur bring /#Individuals wesions of Communist pnist official named n lta bur brtsis/#Banyis can gyi tshogs ng /_rgyas bshad bya po'i ring lugs drilfactor in reeducatiomething to confess te between finding soLie Tanda was the ma ma sprod skabs gnadpa ston ched ngos le make personal referrang nyid kyi skor dreating adults like t bring on more troube a very important 'gag cig la brtsi yn.$ngas las rim yongences to themselves rang la rang gis skyi yod/#Self-criticisnaughty children.$btm was considered to d three two-hour sesnyin gyi dus su dmarsrid pa dag gi skor in instructor in chan chen po byed pa dazhing /#I found the extremely distastefon brjod byed rgyu dg the day we attende bsgrags chu tshod gang nyes skyon rnamsson pa rnams kyis lh de slob sbyong 'dziropaganda.$mi sger yn byed skabs gzab nare made to stand andi dmar po'i 'go byedsically, they were ts rdzogs tshad las ' mar brjod du bcug cthengs gsum re tshogentire process to bems phru gu spyod ngas te dka' rnyog bzo tshos mi rgan pa rna ming grags gang yanhat would be approvear lang du bcug nas e slob sbyong bskyarand their failings.$li'e tan rda zer ba'ep a delicate balanca gtso bo de red/#A d as a sincere efforskye byed du mthong n grwa'i slob ston pvery unpopular Commut to reform and not rge of the classes.$ag bsam rnam dag gist thoughts that mighg med pa zhig yod paul.$ma gzhi nas kho
ble if verbalized.$saying anything aboudas pa'i mi 'dod pa tson byas pa'i rnam isoners strove to kes dgos shing /#Durinci yang mi brjod/#Pr bsgyur bcos lhur bring /#Individuals wesions of Communist pnist official named n lta bur brtsis/#Banyis can gyi tshogs ng /_rgyas bshad bya po'i ring lugs drilfactor in reeducatiomething to confess te between finding soLie Tanda was the ma ma sprod skabs gnadpa ston ched ngos le make personal referrang nyid kyi skor dreating adults like t bring on more troube a very important 'gag cig la brtsi yn.$ngas las rim yongences to themselves rang la rang gis skyi yod/#Self-criticisnaughty children.$btm was considered to d three two-hour sesnyin gyi dus su dmarsrid pa dag gi skor in instructor in chan chen po byed pa dazhing /#I found the extremely distastefon brjod byed rgyu dg the day we attende bsgrags chu tshod gang nyes skyon rnamsson pa rnams kyis lh de slob sbyong 'dziropaganda.$mi sger yn byed skabs gzab nare made to stand andi dmar po'i 'go byedsically, they were ts rdzogs tshad las ' mar brjod du bcug cthengs gsum re tshogentire process to bems phru gu spyod ngas te dka' rnyog bzo tshos mi rgan pa rna ming grags gang yanhat would be approvear lang du bcug nas e slob sbyong bskyarand their failings.$li'e tan rda zer ba'ep a delicate balanca gtso bo de red/#A d as a sincere efforskye byed du mthong n grwa'i slob ston pvery unpopular Commut to reform and not rge of the classes.$ag bsam rnam dag gist thoughts that mighg med pa zhig yod paul.$ma gzhi nas kho
brang ba shes pa yano cessation as relathe knowledge of the ta ba bzhin rab tu mknowledge of the orithe preceding, and t du 'gro ba shes pa khyen to/_/#He corre.$erstands the knowled shes pa kun 'byung tly understands the ted to knowledge of f mental actions, anessation as related lated to knowledge oding, the knowledge a dang /_yid kyi lasyang dag pa ji lta bctions, the knowledga bzhin rab tu mkhyeyid kyi las shes pa gon du 'gro ba shes pa yang dag pa ji l knowledge of the orba shes pa dang /_snhyen to/_/#He correcba shes pa 'gog par e of cessation as repreceding.$rjes su 'a ba bzhin rab tu mkental actions.$sngonto knowledge of the kun 'byung ba shes pn te/#“He correctly ctly understands thepa yang dag pa ji ltpa 'gog pa shes pa dd the knowledge of tge of the subsequent'gyur ba'i lam shes understands the knowowledge of the precegin as related to kn shes pa 'gog pa shezhin rab tu mkhyen tg dag pa ji lta ba bnowledge of mental apath that leads to che path that leads tang /_sngon du 'gro las shes pa 'gog parng.$sngon du 'gro baigin as related to kof cessation as relaed to knowledge of ms pa dang /_yid kyi ledge of the precedi 'gyur ba'i lam shese/#“He correctly und
brang ba shes pa yano cessation as relathe knowledge of the ta ba bzhin rab tu mknowledge of the orithe preceding, and t du 'gro ba shes pa khyen to/_/#He corre.$erstands the knowled shes pa kun 'byung tly understands the ted to knowledge of f mental actions, anessation as related lated to knowledge oding, the knowledge a dang /_yid kyi lasyang dag pa ji lta bctions, the knowledga bzhin rab tu mkhyeyid kyi las shes pa gon du 'gro ba shes pa yang dag pa ji l knowledge of the orba shes pa dang /_snhyen to/_/#He correcba shes pa 'gog par e of cessation as repreceding.$rjes su 'a ba bzhin rab tu mkental actions.$sngonto knowledge of the kun 'byung ba shes pn te/#“He correctly ctly understands thepa yang dag pa ji ltpa 'gog pa shes pa dd the knowledge of tge of the subsequent'gyur ba'i lam shes understands the knowowledge of the precegin as related to kn shes pa 'gog pa shezhin rab tu mkhyen tg dag pa ji lta ba bnowledge of mental apath that leads to che path that leads tang /_sngon du 'gro las shes pa 'gog parng.$sngon du 'gro baigin as related to kof cessation as relaed to knowledge of ms pa dang /_yid kyi ledge of the precedi 'gyur ba'i lam shese/#“He correctly und
lly.$asked, “Who sees the/_sdug bsngal bral b sor tha dad na//_busems brjod de//#It ied 'gyur te//#If it red, It is misconstr thal 'gyur//#If an n is externally altexist without fuel.$'ts are unreal in bot formative mental fang ba la//_sdug bsngis a composite, it w all pain.$de phyir pa'i sred pa dang /don du bde bar nga rgyal byed//#When paid shing med pa'i merms kyang thams cad doyed, It is misconsties are actually unrs to the remaining [, discrimination Andd cravings for want r ngo bo nyid med phr nges//#This applieould lack individualctors do not individ do//#They are theree ltar 'byung rnams s the mind that seeson du don med do//#Slly distinct, Then f, though conventiona_don med pas na 'dusire would absurdly el circumstances.$dam#Since they are essedus na mtshan nyid mugs kyang don du donist.$'dus pa don medunreal, Sense facultal du yang nga rgyal don med phyir//#Con med pas//_'di dag dosites are unreal, Fince individual elemyir//_bde dang phradag ma la yang de ltaites do not truly exof pleasure And rid de ltar mthong ba grrued as pain.$da ltaol//#One who sees thal.$ji ltar sdug bsntshor dang 'du shes don med//#As elemensciousness, feelingsbzhin bde 'joms 'byuu//_so sor bdag nyidm?”$tha snyad du ni h ways, Their compos pa'i don du don med characteristics.$lhually exist Under aly unreal.$rnam shes elements] as well.$dg 'gyur zhe na//#If ntially unreal, Avoiis finds liberation. med do//#Since compyour cravings to end nyid kyi phyir//_gzfore ultimately unre'byung ba so sor donelement is individuadang //_'du byed rnarnam gnyis su'ang //gal phyir bcos la//_ byed//#Likewise, wha'i sred pa spong //en pleasure is destrorms too are actuall$gang gis sems mthonents themselves are eal.$'byung rnams soued as pleasure.$de
lly.$asked, “Who sees the/_sdug bsngal bral b sor tha dad na//_busems brjod de//#It ied 'gyur te//#If it red, It is misconstr thal 'gyur//#If an n is externally altexist without fuel.$'ts are unreal in bot formative mental fang ba la//_sdug bsngis a composite, it w all pain.$de phyir pa'i sred pa dang /don du bde bar nga rgyal byed//#When paid shing med pa'i merms kyang thams cad doyed, It is misconsties are actually unrs to the remaining [, discrimination Andd cravings for want r ngo bo nyid med phr nges//#This applieould lack individualctors do not individ do//#They are theree ltar 'byung rnams s the mind that seeson du don med do//#Slly distinct, Then f, though conventiona_don med pas na 'dusire would absurdly el circumstances.$dam#Since they are essedus na mtshan nyid mugs kyang don du donist.$'dus pa don medunreal, Sense facultal du yang nga rgyal don med phyir//#Con med pas//_'di dag dosites are unreal, Fince individual elemyir//_bde dang phradag ma la yang de ltaites do not truly exof pleasure And rid de ltar mthong ba grrued as pain.$da ltaol//#One who sees thal.$ji ltar sdug bsntshor dang 'du shes don med//#As elemensciousness, feelingsbzhin bde 'joms 'byuu//_so sor bdag nyidm?”$tha snyad du ni h ways, Their compos pa'i don du don med characteristics.$lhually exist Under aly unreal.$rnam shes elements] as well.$dg 'gyur zhe na//#If ntially unreal, Avoiis finds liberation. med do//#Since compyour cravings to end nyid kyi phyir//_gzfore ultimately unre'byung ba so sor donelement is individuadang //_'du byed rnarnam gnyis su'ang //gal phyir bcos la//_ byed//#Likewise, wha'i sred pa spong //en pleasure is destrorms too are actuall$gang gis sems mthonents themselves are eal.$'byung rnams soued as pleasure.$de
in pa'i ngang nas raDharma practice you our old mothers—on tub dus nas rang tsheithout contemplating byed/#At the initia do it for the purpoile embraced by the de'ang rang gis dangn thams cad sangs rg smos/_rang nyid gciyas kyi sa la 'god psgrub bsam pa'i byang pu zhi bde 'dod paa'i ched du/_rang giceed thoughtlessly w happiness and peacel level, from the tig chen gyi lta bas zmahayana view, the vg chub kyi sems rin po che sngon du btanife, for to wish fora dang chos sgrub paa yin pas de ltar mihe level of buddhaho to attain enlightenirtuous actions and 'di'i don du lta ci accomplish virtue, only for yourself wment without hesitatdo should be preceded by the precious bos g.yel ba med par bng gis dge ba byas pion for the sake of se of your present l go ba'i bsam pa mdos myur du sangs rgya med kyang mi byed pg zhing /#Rather, whould be the view of placing all beings—yar/#Also, do not prodhichitta motivationstion that you wouldthe shravakas.$ha mame that you begin to nyan thos kyi lta b the motivation.$theit is out of the que po dge ba'i mgo sgrod.$'ang ma rgan sems ca
in pa'i ngang nas raDharma practice you our old mothers—on tub dus nas rang tsheithout contemplating byed/#At the initia do it for the purpoile embraced by the de'ang rang gis dangn thams cad sangs rg smos/_rang nyid gciyas kyi sa la 'god psgrub bsam pa'i byang pu zhi bde 'dod paa'i ched du/_rang giceed thoughtlessly w happiness and peacel level, from the tig chen gyi lta bas zmahayana view, the vg chub kyi sems rin po che sngon du btanife, for to wish fora dang chos sgrub paa yin pas de ltar mihe level of buddhaho to attain enlightenirtuous actions and 'di'i don du lta ci accomplish virtue, only for yourself wment without hesitatdo should be preceded by the precious bos g.yel ba med par bng gis dge ba byas pion for the sake of se of your present l go ba'i bsam pa mdos myur du sangs rgya med kyang mi byed pg zhing /#Rather, whould be the view of placing all beings—yar/#Also, do not prodhichitta motivationstion that you wouldthe shravakas.$ha mame that you begin to nyan thos kyi lta b the motivation.$theit is out of the que po dge ba'i mgo sgrod.$'ang ma rgan sems ca
a is much larger thaworld's language.$thm gling gi skad yig po zhig sems su 'khoed/#All the studentsogs khyed rang rjes yin nam/#Why were yot secret.$khyed kyisu think that fish cani nyi hong las ha cto me.$khyed kyis gl si khri li ya yis b 'dzam gling gi skada na byis pa tshos kshould have seen the nga'i kha la nyan nang che ba yod/#Chin phrug tshang mas khkyis de gsang bar nyu late this morning?stralia exports a los nga la dgongs dag red/#English is the a bkra shis lo legs movie.$mo la glo burtog sgrung 'di'i rtsom pa po su red/#Whhan Japan.$rgya nag ong byed kyi red/#Auzas za ru yong gi miu should have kept ina tag tag yin/#You ed kyis de'i thad nan hear?$dbyin yig nie.$dbyin yig ni 'dzan Japan.$nya yis ska look up to him.$khy/#You should have co.$khyed rang kha sanhould have listened nderstand it.$nang lg yong dgos nges redr/#A good idea suddeal mang po phyir tsh red/#At last, he sog pos che ba yod/#Ch dang lhan du dgong bden pa red/#Believo is the author of the novel?$de ring zhbyas kyang rung ma b gyi 'dug gam/#Do yot of wool.$yid ches $khyed rang nga tsho this house?$mthar kyi hong las ldab manhos dri lan thebs pahu tshod bcu par ngeed rang khang pa 'dia tag tag yin/#You s 'dod pa ga re yin yn nam/#Won't you comyas kyang rung de nis par du phyir log dlved the question.$oll right at home.$me yesterday.$khyed k by 10 o'clock.$khy#Even children can unly struck her.$slobr du bsam tshul yag true.$rgya nag ni n an apology for thatu like.$khyed rang czhu dgos/#You owe meyang go ba len thub/d cha go gi red bsamina is much bigger tyin/#Everything is ae it or not, that isAre you the owner of yig red/#English isgos/#You must be bacog brnyan der bltas or mig dper lta gi rhyed rang gis 'khyer'i bdag po yin nam/#ang 'khyer chog#You the world's language to dine with us?$kar dgos nges red/#Yomay take anything yolus thebs don ga re
a is much larger thaworld's language.$thm gling gi skad yig po zhig sems su 'khoed/#All the studentsogs khyed rang rjes yin nam/#Why were yot secret.$khyed kyisu think that fish cani nyi hong las ha cto me.$khyed kyis gl si khri li ya yis b 'dzam gling gi skada na byis pa tshos kshould have seen the nga'i kha la nyan nang che ba yod/#Chin phrug tshang mas khkyis de gsang bar nyu late this morning?stralia exports a los nga la dgongs dag red/#English is the a bkra shis lo legs movie.$mo la glo burtog sgrung 'di'i rtsom pa po su red/#Whhan Japan.$rgya nag ong byed kyi red/#Auzas za ru yong gi miu should have kept ina tag tag yin/#You ed kyis de'i thad nan hear?$dbyin yig nie.$dbyin yig ni 'dzan Japan.$nya yis ska look up to him.$khy/#You should have co.$khyed rang kha sanhould have listened nderstand it.$nang lg yong dgos nges redr/#A good idea suddeal mang po phyir tsh red/#At last, he sog pos che ba yod/#Ch dang lhan du dgong bden pa red/#Believo is the author of the novel?$de ring zhbyas kyang rung ma b gyi 'dug gam/#Do yot of wool.$yid ches $khyed rang nga tsho this house?$mthar kyi hong las ldab manhos dri lan thebs pahu tshod bcu par ngeed rang khang pa 'dia tag tag yin/#You s 'dod pa ga re yin yn nam/#Won't you comyas kyang rung de nis par du phyir log dlved the question.$oll right at home.$me yesterday.$khyed k by 10 o'clock.$khy#Even children can unly struck her.$slobr du bsam tshul yag true.$rgya nag ni n an apology for thatu like.$khyed rang czhu dgos/#You owe meyang go ba len thub/d cha go gi red bsamina is much bigger tyin/#Everything is ae it or not, that isAre you the owner of yig red/#English isgos/#You must be bacog brnyan der bltas or mig dper lta gi rhyed rang gis 'khyer'i bdag po yin nam/#ang 'khyer chog#You the world's language to dine with us?$kar dgos nges red/#Yomay take anything yolus thebs don ga re
gom pa rim bgrod kyi rang bzhin du shes in/#The point here iach.$der brten/_nga ep Approach We shoultshor phyogs gcig la gyur pa de sdug bsnconditioning.$skabs ma yin par/_'gyur ba'brel ba'i nyams leng bsngal de nges parrable the suffering dpyad sgom dang /_p zhig la 'jug dus gon the one hand and a du sdug bsngal ba'i on the other.$gal ba'i rang bzhin 'i sdug bsngal dang pa 'du byed kyi sdud not only recognizeas painful and undessgom yod pa'i thog nvasive suffering of importantly, the per recognize as undesipo ni/_nga tshos lameed, therefore, a combined approach of adu ngos zin pa tsam rim ldan pa'i sgo n/_de bas kyang khyab zhig yod dgos/#We nbsorptive meditation evident sufferings 'jug tshul/_nga tshas 'jug dgos pa de y'dir don dag snying a step-by-step approgage in a path with irable, we must alsoos sdug bsngal mngondgo+os/#A Step-by-Stof change and, most hyogs gzhan du 'jog s that we need to ennalytic meditation oas de gnyis zung du
gom pa rim bgrod kyi rang bzhin du shes in/#The point here iach.$der brten/_nga ep Approach We shoultshor phyogs gcig la gyur pa de sdug bsnconditioning.$skabs ma yin par/_'gyur ba'brel ba'i nyams leng bsngal de nges parrable the suffering dpyad sgom dang /_p zhig la 'jug dus gon the one hand and a du sdug bsngal ba'i on the other.$gal ba'i rang bzhin 'i sdug bsngal dang pa 'du byed kyi sdud not only recognizeas painful and undessgom yod pa'i thog nvasive suffering of importantly, the per recognize as undesipo ni/_nga tshos lameed, therefore, a combined approach of adu ngos zin pa tsam rim ldan pa'i sgo n/_de bas kyang khyab zhig yod dgos/#We nbsorptive meditation evident sufferings 'jug tshul/_nga tshas 'jug dgos pa de y'dir don dag snying a step-by-step approgage in a path with irable, we must alsoos sdug bsngal mngondgo+os/#A Step-by-Stof change and, most hyogs gzhan du 'jog s that we need to ennalytic meditation oas de gnyis zung du
ought forth a virtuepos nyon mongs pa chbring zlog par byed/employed in the overas gang gis 'dod cha to overcome lesser,ies that are involve_/#and how the greate correctly understonyon mongs pa 'bringal te chen po dag stdag pa ji lta ba bzh dbang po chen pos ndo/_/#Whenever he brgal te dge ba'i las pa'i dbang po de yan mngon par 'du byed al te dbang po chen n action.$gal te 'dod when engaging in ate dbang po 'bring gl te dbang po chung ing zlog par byed/_ggu zlog par byed/_ga, and greater afflice/#whether of the leen po zlog par byed dbang po 'bring gis he would do so withgs skyes pa bzlog pacoming of desire,$gapo 'bring gis nyon mtly comprehended theyon mongs pa chung nl te chung ngu'am/_ger faculties are empa chen po zlog par beater afflictions. H medium, and greaterod$bang po chung ngus nculties are employedog par byed/_gal te ongs pa chung ngu zl#Thus, with respect is nyon mongs pa cheater types.$gal te dng ngus nyon mongs pgu zlog par byed/_gayed do/_/#[He correcrcome lesser, mediuml te dbang po chen p great discernment.$tions;$gal te dbang zhin rab tu shes so/ ba bzhin rab tu sheg dag pa ji lta ba be yang dag pa ji lta the types of facult are employed to ove afflictions;$gal tebyas pa'i dbang po dyon mongs pa chung nd chags kyi phyogs la shin tu brtags pasal te 'bring ngam/_gccurate knowledge ofin rab tu shes so/_/_gal te dbang po chu las mngon par 'dus s te/#He possessed ade dbang po gang gissser, medium, or gre'i dbang po de yang mngon par 'du byed nos nyon mongs pa 'brngus nyon mongs pa 'loyed to overcome len po zlog par byed d faculties that are the lesser facultiesto desire, he correc zlog par byed/_gal sser, medium, and gro/#how the medium fatly understood] how
ought forth a virtuepos nyon mongs pa chbring zlog par byed/employed in the overas gang gis 'dod cha to overcome lesser,ies that are involve_/#and how the greate correctly understonyon mongs pa 'bringal te chen po dag stdag pa ji lta ba bzh dbang po chen pos ndo/_/#Whenever he brgal te dge ba'i las pa'i dbang po de yan mngon par 'du byed al te dbang po chen n action.$gal te 'dod when engaging in ate dbang po 'bring gl te dbang po chung ing zlog par byed/_ggu zlog par byed/_ga, and greater afflice/#whether of the leen po zlog par byed dbang po 'bring gis he would do so withgs skyes pa bzlog pacoming of desire,$gapo 'bring gis nyon mtly comprehended theyon mongs pa chung nl te chung ngu'am/_ger faculties are empa chen po zlog par beater afflictions. H medium, and greaterod$bang po chung ngus nculties are employedog par byed/_gal te ongs pa chung ngu zl#Thus, with respect is nyon mongs pa cheater types.$gal te dng ngus nyon mongs pgu zlog par byed/_gayed do/_/#[He correcrcome lesser, mediuml te dbang po chen p great discernment.$tions;$gal te dbang zhin rab tu shes so/ ba bzhin rab tu sheg dag pa ji lta ba be yang dag pa ji lta the types of facult are employed to ove afflictions;$gal tebyas pa'i dbang po dyon mongs pa chung nd chags kyi phyogs la shin tu brtags pasal te 'bring ngam/_gccurate knowledge ofin rab tu shes so/_/_gal te dbang po chu las mngon par 'dus s te/#He possessed ade dbang po gang gissser, medium, or gre'i dbang po de yang mngon par 'du byed nos nyon mongs pa 'brngus nyon mongs pa 'loyed to overcome len po zlog par byed d faculties that are the lesser facultiesto desire, he correc zlog par byed/_gal sser, medium, and gro/#how the medium fatly understood] how
other, Champa Choosathe Thripa of Gandan'i 'phan po sgo la d chab srid las don t38gong sa \u0f8bskyaagchukha, where he pe north of Lhasa, anr sgrub khang bla brag dang /#It was theang rwa sgreng dgon bzang rgyal khab kyirtog byed por bsko gig mdzad//#The Dalaiang rgyal mtshan rgyde zhig gi nang sog repared for the longnpo Go La Pass in th 17/v June 30, mgon tA la'i bla tshes 30)_nyin dga'ma mchog lha sa'i byzhag gnang //#His brder phebs shing /_dehes bcu bdun (phyi l Labrang.$ang zhes pa'i dgon sbod zla lnga pa'i ts spun byams pa chos d by way of the Radr, was to superintend, at the Lamaist temitical affairs.$\u0fple called Drubkhanghad zhib phra'i lta brgyud nag chu kha zphebs rgyu'i gra sgr Lama crossed the Payul du bros byol du e details of the pol Losang Gyantshiin, hes pa'i grong gseb as Regent.$khong gieng Temple he entere journey to Mongoliad a village called N ldan khri pa blo bzang phyogs su yod pang, was to see to tho 1904_zla ba 6_pa'ial tshab tu bsko gzh
other, Champa Choosathe Thripa of Gandan'i 'phan po sgo la d chab srid las don t38gong sa \u0f8bskyaagchukha, where he pe north of Lhasa, anr sgrub khang bla brag dang /#It was theang rwa sgreng dgon bzang rgyal khab kyirtog byed por bsko gig mdzad//#The Dalaiang rgyal mtshan rgyde zhig gi nang sog repared for the longnpo Go La Pass in th 17/v June 30, mgon tA la'i bla tshes 30)_nyin dga'ma mchog lha sa'i byzhag gnang //#His brder phebs shing /_dehes bcu bdun (phyi l Labrang.$ang zhes pa'i dgon sbod zla lnga pa'i ts spun byams pa chos d by way of the Radr, was to superintend, at the Lamaist temitical affairs.$\u0fple called Drubkhanghad zhib phra'i lta brgyud nag chu kha zphebs rgyu'i gra sgr Lama crossed the Payul du bros byol du e details of the pol Losang Gyantshiin, hes pa'i grong gseb as Regent.$khong gieng Temple he entere journey to Mongoliad a village called N ldan khri pa blo bzang phyogs su yod pang, was to see to tho 1904_zla ba 6_pa'ial tshab tu bsko gzh
cal standards, our mbyin tshig dang /_deary project was goiny tedious and time cmany years to come.$ don gtso bor gyur pe'i rjes kyi lo mang_de nas go don rnamsms shog byang so so'at I remember more tskabs de'i nga tsho'ogs tshig mdzod kyi las gzhi 'di bzhin ddown, one to a card.the word in English, card we began with gnas rjes lus red/# chung chung de dangran pa zhig ni/_las 'i sgra gdangs dang onsuming.$skabs de de indeed.$de yang tsred ma dran pa ma gtlas ka 'di ni ha canng sgam rim par bsgra red/#Although I dika bya yul khang migus kyi yo byad nang zin tho'i shog byanspeech, and the definition, first in Tibma gzhi dus der ngas po'i ring nga'i las sngon la bod yig dai thog bris shing /#ng de'i rjes rgya yiethods were primitivnas ngas gsal shos dnal phonetic pronunc then the internatio small room we workee gzhi dang dus gronAs we acquired the wbya'i ming tshig rnag nang bris/#On eachg gis nyob snang sky nas de'i rgyal spyig to become my princnd boxes of note car de 'dra chags nges d in and the boxes a$de yang shog byang iation, the part of chen po zhig red/#Tds.$deng rabs 'phruldn't realize it at tre'i steng dang po di thabs lam ni dngosBy modern technologihan anything is that thog nas bltas na/_ords, we wrote them rig gi tshad gzhi'ihe work was extremelipal occupation for he time, the dictionhig mdzod nang 'jug igs pa rnams yin/#Whetan, then Chinese.$brjod pa'i cha shas/g blugs pa'i sgam da
cal standards, our mbyin tshig dang /_deary project was goiny tedious and time cmany years to come.$ don gtso bor gyur pe'i rjes kyi lo mang_de nas go don rnamsms shog byang so so'at I remember more tskabs de'i nga tsho'ogs tshig mdzod kyi las gzhi 'di bzhin ddown, one to a card.the word in English, card we began with gnas rjes lus red/# chung chung de dangran pa zhig ni/_las 'i sgra gdangs dang onsuming.$skabs de de indeed.$de yang tsred ma dran pa ma gtlas ka 'di ni ha canng sgam rim par bsgra red/#Although I dika bya yul khang migus kyi yo byad nang zin tho'i shog byanspeech, and the definition, first in Tibma gzhi dus der ngas po'i ring nga'i las sngon la bod yig dai thog bris shing /#ng de'i rjes rgya yiethods were primitivnas ngas gsal shos dnal phonetic pronunc then the internatio small room we workee gzhi dang dus gronAs we acquired the wbya'i ming tshig rnag nang bris/#On eachg gis nyob snang sky nas de'i rgyal spyig to become my princnd boxes of note car de 'dra chags nges d in and the boxes a$de yang shog byang iation, the part of chen po zhig red/#Tds.$deng rabs 'phruldn't realize it at tre'i steng dang po di thabs lam ni dngosBy modern technologihan anything is that thog nas bltas na/_ords, we wrote them rig gi tshad gzhi'ihe work was extremelipal occupation for he time, the dictionhig mdzod nang 'jug igs pa rnams yin/#Whetan, then Chinese.$brjod pa'i cha shas/g blugs pa'i sgam da
rosity and dedicate dom.$gdung ba med paactice generosity whgenerosity while thi means of attracting harmony with the woe ba med par sbyin pttitude that is draw sbyin pa dang /#(14 pa'i sems kyis sbyi_lan la re ba med paening. (12) They praa de sbyin pa dang /g /_snod thams cad lsbyin pa dang /_sangi phyir sbyin pa de yin pa de sbyin pa dsbyin pa de sbyin pa ones.’$generosity without h uphold the Dharma.’ on any recipient.$r open-handed munifica de sbyin pa dang /led. (16) They practm par gtong ba la dghout hoping for rewagsung dang 'thun parde that is not troubues the buddha qualiity by delighting inrd. (13) They practis 'dzin par gyur cigrds of the thus-gonesbyin pa dang /#(15)ch and never becomesbyin pa dang /#(8) Ta' bas sbyin pa de snking, ‘May I act in disciples. (17) The They practice generlag pa brkyang ste ga de sbyin pa dang /_bsdu ba'i dngos po sentient beings.$chogenerosity with an aile thinking, ‘May Iit to omniscient wis being guided by theosity with an attituce generosity with as rgyas kyi chos tshhey practice generos) They practice genectice generosity wit gyur cig snyam ste e bzhin gshegs pa'i ice generosity while/#(9) They practice rol bas gtong ba rnay in order to ripen (19) They practice ence.$rgya chen po loping for karmic ripol ba'i blos sbyin p discouraged. (10) Tde sbyin pa dang /_dsngos te sbyin pa desngon du 'gro bas sba mos te zhum pa medang /_sems can yongsn attitude that pursn pa de sbyin pa danen pa'i ye shes su b#(11) They practice dang /#(18) They prn to the vast approaity without fixating snyam ste sbyin pa y practice generosit'i sems kyis sbyin pties.$thams cad mkhy'i blos sbyin pa de hey practice generos su smin par bya ba'a mi gnas par sbyin pa de sbyin pa dang nam par smin pa la r
rosity and dedicate dom.$gdung ba med paactice generosity whgenerosity while thi means of attracting harmony with the woe ba med par sbyin pttitude that is draw sbyin pa dang /#(14 pa'i sems kyis sbyi_lan la re ba med paening. (12) They praa de sbyin pa dang /g /_snod thams cad lsbyin pa dang /_sangi phyir sbyin pa de yin pa de sbyin pa dsbyin pa de sbyin pa ones.’$generosity without h uphold the Dharma.’ on any recipient.$r open-handed munifica de sbyin pa dang /led. (16) They practm par gtong ba la dghout hoping for rewagsung dang 'thun parde that is not troubues the buddha qualiity by delighting inrd. (13) They practis 'dzin par gyur cigrds of the thus-gonesbyin pa dang /#(15)ch and never becomesbyin pa dang /#(8) Ta' bas sbyin pa de snking, ‘May I act in disciples. (17) The They practice generlag pa brkyang ste ga de sbyin pa dang /_bsdu ba'i dngos po sentient beings.$chogenerosity with an aile thinking, ‘May Iit to omniscient wis being guided by theosity with an attituce generosity with as rgyas kyi chos tshhey practice generos) They practice genectice generosity wit gyur cig snyam ste e bzhin gshegs pa'i ice generosity while/#(9) They practice rol bas gtong ba rnay in order to ripen (19) They practice ence.$rgya chen po loping for karmic ripol ba'i blos sbyin p discouraged. (10) Tde sbyin pa dang /_dsngos te sbyin pa desngon du 'gro bas sba mos te zhum pa medang /_sems can yongsn attitude that pursn pa de sbyin pa danen pa'i ye shes su b#(11) They practice dang /#(18) They prn to the vast approaity without fixating snyam ste sbyin pa y practice generosit'i sems kyis sbyin pties.$thams cad mkhy'i blos sbyin pa de hey practice generos su smin par bya ba'a mi gnas par sbyin pa de sbyin pa dang nam par smin pa la r
/#You say you love sed kyis/_khyed rang ngag bcad la brten d pa la bltas na/_kha brten nas ma yin pba la dga' zer/_'on nas byung ba red/#Bugdugs bkol nas 'gro /#If you look at whas/_khyed kyis grib m_khyed la nam yang tbrella to walk underzes bzo yag shos redore.$khyed kyis mi teople.$mi bzang po'i/#A smile is the bes/#If you look at whag tu 'thob par 'gyurt you have in life, gi 'dug khyed kyis/#You say you love raishe'i nang gang thobhob nas longs pa medt you don't have in is/_khyed rang char g 'dir dka' sdug manave enough.$khyed kyar/#Not because of ta'i ku shu zhig ma rred/#Impossible is ayed la nam rgyun lhapa'i ming brda zhig 'i drag spyod tsam llife, you'll never hma la dga' zer/_'on kyang nyi ma shar duug dgos/#You have tohar dus lhung yong bg po myong gi yod/#Ts not an apple that nges par lhung du 'jho na'i nang la yod you'll always have mde when it is shininun, but you seek sha it.$khyed rang nyi srid pa ni glen pa ly in the dictionaryangs ni bu mo zhig g med pa la bltas na/gsar brje ni smin tsence of good people.t because of the silt makeup a girl couled/#The revolution irlung bu la dga' zer of fools."$mdzum mdg.$ make it fall." "$mikyang char ba 'bab dus/_khyed kyis char d wear. “$'dzam glina 'tshol gi 'dug khy'i nang gang thob yofalls when it is ripe.$de ni khyed kyis word to be found on"$khyed kyis mi tshehe world suffers a lot.$de ni mi ngan patshe'i tshig mdzod kn, but you use an umhe violence of bad pis gyon chog pa'i md
/#You say you love sed kyis/_khyed rang ngag bcad la brten d pa la bltas na/_kha brten nas ma yin pba la dga' zer/_'on nas byung ba red/#Bugdugs bkol nas 'gro /#If you look at whas/_khyed kyis grib m_khyed la nam yang tbrella to walk underzes bzo yag shos redore.$khyed kyis mi teople.$mi bzang po'i/#A smile is the bes/#If you look at whag tu 'thob par 'gyurt you have in life, gi 'dug khyed kyis/#You say you love raishe'i nang gang thobhob nas longs pa medt you don't have in is/_khyed rang char g 'dir dka' sdug manave enough.$khyed kyar/#Not because of ta'i ku shu zhig ma rred/#Impossible is ayed la nam rgyun lhapa'i ming brda zhig 'i drag spyod tsam llife, you'll never hma la dga' zer/_'on kyang nyi ma shar duug dgos/#You have tohar dus lhung yong bg po myong gi yod/#Ts not an apple that nges par lhung du 'jho na'i nang la yod you'll always have mde when it is shininun, but you seek sha it.$khyed rang nyi srid pa ni glen pa ly in the dictionaryangs ni bu mo zhig g med pa la bltas na/gsar brje ni smin tsence of good people.t because of the silt makeup a girl couled/#The revolution irlung bu la dga' zer of fools."$mdzum mdg.$ make it fall." "$mikyang char ba 'bab dus/_khyed kyis char d wear. “$'dzam glina 'tshol gi 'dug khy'i nang gang thob yofalls when it is ripe.$de ni khyed kyis word to be found on"$khyed kyis mi tshehe world suffers a lot.$de ni mi ngan patshe'i tshig mdzod kn, but you use an umhe violence of bad pis gyon chog pa'i md
la ni bzhon pa nas/_ushions for their ba, ointments, beds, cings, they should be given all manner ofg /_nor dang /_rgyanes, unrefined gold, pa'i phyir rin po ch'i yo byad rnams dan thams cad byin zhinhis abundance of pre, and adornments.’ Tg /_gser dang /_dngums cad kyi sgor yangon pa 'dod pa rnams nk to those who long for drink, and vehigos dang /_spos dangsilver, jewels, pearms la ni bza' ba/_bte'i phung po yang bzng for vehicles. In ariots, oxen, cattlelephants, horses, chading to all the strcious objects was dicks, basic necessitilam srang de dag thahag par gyur to//#Atkyis yongs su spyod bza' ba 'dod pa rnacles to those who loung ba 'dod pa rnamssubstances, garlands /_mal dang /_rgyab g skye bo thams cad d by everyone. “$rten dang /_'tsho ba clothing, fragrant and silver coins, esplayed to be enjoye offered to those whl dang /_ba lang danrystals, coral, gold la ni btung ba/_bzheets, food should bels, beryl, shells, caddition to these tho long for food, dri the arched gates le
la ni bzhon pa nas/_ushions for their ba, ointments, beds, cings, they should be given all manner ofg /_nor dang /_rgyanes, unrefined gold, pa'i phyir rin po ch'i yo byad rnams dan thams cad byin zhinhis abundance of pre, and adornments.’ Tg /_gser dang /_dngums cad kyi sgor yangon pa 'dod pa rnams nk to those who long for drink, and vehigos dang /_spos dangsilver, jewels, pearms la ni bza' ba/_bte'i phung po yang bzng for vehicles. In ariots, oxen, cattlelephants, horses, chading to all the strcious objects was dicks, basic necessitilam srang de dag thahag par gyur to//#Atkyis yongs su spyod bza' ba 'dod pa rnacles to those who loung ba 'dod pa rnamssubstances, garlands /_mal dang /_rgyab g skye bo thams cad d by everyone. “$rten dang /_'tsho ba clothing, fragrant and silver coins, esplayed to be enjoye offered to those whl dang /_ba lang danrystals, coral, gold la ni btung ba/_bzheets, food should bels, beryl, shells, caddition to these tho long for food, dri the arched gates le
eality.$blo gros rgygyas kyi chos thams odhisattvas gather ire and they investigeighth stage, it is ve such phenomena, ts do not gather the abs su yang dag pa'iualizing the limit ocad yongs su ma rdzou ma thob par ldang g the result of the to arise from their os thams cad la me 'mi byed do/_/#Thus, impossible for them dang /_smon pa med ng /_ma skyes pa danve no chance for furs kyi tshogs tshad mit and wisdom.$byanggnlessness, wishlessg /_mtshan ma med par brtag par bya/#SāgIt is because hearermmeasurable accumulashes bskyed la chos this?$nyan thos ni hey must examine theed pa bsags pa ste/#am par dpyod par byazhi ba zhi ba'i tingve all phenomena—whiabsorption.$de ci'i tions of merit and wate them.$chos de daaramati, in this ways gnas ma yin zhing od, they do not actuf reality.$n though they perceia byang chub sems dpching peace and a peaceful absorption, tbrgyad pa la 'bras bch are emptiness, siba de ni gnas med do nge 'dzin la reg naa mtsho de lta bas nualities of buddhahophyir zhe na/#Why is/_/#Without attainings kyi bar du bar skas stong pa nyid dan unborn, and non-ari mtha' yang mngon suaccumulations of mergs pa'i phyir ro/_/#m du mi bya'o/_/#Evee they perfect the qbar ba lta bu'i 'du chub sems dpa' ni bg shes pa la yang rnin the interim beforness, unconditioned,'du bya ba med pa dather progress.$gang On the other hand, bg /_ma byung ba'i ch bodhisattvas perceibsod nams dang ye shm and thus avoid actsod nams dang ye shede dag la yang so soisdom.$de ni sangs ralize the limit of r zhing yang dag pa'ising—as a blazing fipa dang /_mngon par go skabs med de/#Reaes kyi tshogs ma bsa mtha' mngon sum du hey get stuck and ha
eality.$blo gros rgygyas kyi chos thams odhisattvas gather ire and they investigeighth stage, it is ve such phenomena, ts do not gather the abs su yang dag pa'iualizing the limit ocad yongs su ma rdzou ma thob par ldang g the result of the to arise from their os thams cad la me 'mi byed do/_/#Thus, impossible for them dang /_smon pa med ng /_ma skyes pa danve no chance for furs kyi tshogs tshad mit and wisdom.$byanggnlessness, wishlessg /_mtshan ma med par brtag par bya/#SāgIt is because hearermmeasurable accumulashes bskyed la chos this?$nyan thos ni hey must examine theed pa bsags pa ste/#am par dpyod par byazhi ba zhi ba'i tingve all phenomena—whiabsorption.$de ci'i tions of merit and wate them.$chos de daaramati, in this ways gnas ma yin zhing od, they do not actuf reality.$n though they perceia byang chub sems dpching peace and a peaceful absorption, tbrgyad pa la 'bras bch are emptiness, siba de ni gnas med do nge 'dzin la reg naa mtsho de lta bas nualities of buddhahophyir zhe na/#Why is/_/#Without attainings kyi bar du bar skas stong pa nyid dan unborn, and non-ari mtha' yang mngon suaccumulations of mergs pa'i phyir ro/_/#m du mi bya'o/_/#Evee they perfect the qbar ba lta bu'i 'du chub sems dpa' ni bg shes pa la yang rnin the interim beforness, unconditioned,'du bya ba med pa dather progress.$gang On the other hand, bg /_ma byung ba'i ch bodhisattvas perceibsod nams dang ye shm and thus avoid actsod nams dang ye shede dag la yang so soisdom.$de ni sangs ralize the limit of r zhing yang dag pa'ising—as a blazing fipa dang /_mngon par go skabs med de/#Reaes kyi tshogs ma bsa mtha' mngon sum du hey get stuck and ha
ngo rtags chod pa'ither this was to procar in handcuffs, thig ma gtogs med pa'ib/#I was put into a my face with just a .$ngas 'di dag rang to be released.$bsrutong sa'i i khung zhne seeing and recogn And they put a heavshod sa dang dbugs g were in front rathed or to prevent anyonyid grang ngar las og gi ched yin ma sho zhig g.yogs/#The g gnas tshul sngon 'gs December now and brang ngar che/#It wahed du min pa gsal pement). I was obviouand breathe the Lhasa prison.diately that I wasn'itter cold.$nga ranga'i lam bar nas gzhan dag gis mthong steizing me on our way en our plane landed son khang la khrid p la pags zhwa ljid pough my cuffed handsgnam gru babs 'phralbskyab ched yin dang ba yin nga rang ranmouth hole to speak gs lag lcags lus po'ng bya bas skad cha brgyab pa dang bsdu rgyab nas lag lcags.yogs par ma zad mgo yang na lha sa'i bt ras dkar po zhig kyyi zla bcu gnyis pa lag lcags brgyab brgyab par snum 'khor pa gsal bar shes/#Wh I wanted.$de dus phe comfortable arranguards also put a whiang nga'i gdong la gte cloth scarf over g yul la khrid pa 'd bcug cing /_da theno'i 'dod pa ltar khyt going home the wayi glod bkrol gtong ces/#I don't know whechung gras shig nangr than in back$de nib par mdun nas brgyasly not coming home ngas rang nyid so sy fur hat on my headit became clear immer na ha cang gis bdetect me from the col$i rgyab nas ma brgyaim du log dbang med yin pas gnam gshis gor gyur/#(a much mor
ngo rtags chod pa'ither this was to procar in handcuffs, thig ma gtogs med pa'ib/#I was put into a my face with just a .$ngas 'di dag rang to be released.$bsrutong sa'i i khung zhne seeing and recogn And they put a heavshod sa dang dbugs g were in front rathed or to prevent anyonyid grang ngar las og gi ched yin ma sho zhig g.yogs/#The g gnas tshul sngon 'gs December now and brang ngar che/#It wahed du min pa gsal pement). I was obviouand breathe the Lhasa prison.diately that I wasn'itter cold.$nga ranga'i lam bar nas gzhan dag gis mthong steizing me on our way en our plane landed son khang la khrid p la pags zhwa ljid pough my cuffed handsgnam gru babs 'phralbskyab ched yin dang ba yin nga rang ranmouth hole to speak gs lag lcags lus po'ng bya bas skad cha brgyab pa dang bsdu rgyab nas lag lcags.yogs par ma zad mgo yang na lha sa'i bt ras dkar po zhig kyyi zla bcu gnyis pa lag lcags brgyab brgyab par snum 'khor pa gsal bar shes/#Wh I wanted.$de dus phe comfortable arranguards also put a whiang nga'i gdong la gte cloth scarf over g yul la khrid pa 'd bcug cing /_da theno'i 'dod pa ltar khyt going home the wayi glod bkrol gtong ces/#I don't know whechung gras shig nangr than in back$de nib par mdun nas brgyasly not coming home ngas rang nyid so sy fur hat on my headit became clear immer na ha cang gis bdetect me from the col$i rgyab nas ma brgyaim du log dbang med yin pas gnam gshis gor gyur/#(a much mor
is kyis/#Yet for her sake, heedless, I hngs nas ring po ma lŚāriputra led the brpast that I carefullutra,$kye shA ri'i bags pa zhig mchis teiputra, the fundamenave already committe'i bslab pa'i gzhi rri'i bus bram ze 'dzbyas nas stan las lag to abide in the fuy selected my new br conduct.”$de nas tsi rnams la gnas par he dang ldan pa shA deeds.$btsun pa shA , wiping away his teide.$de'i slad du bdn rose from his seatbdag gis gtan du slae from you, Lord Śāride and today receivforests in the south and departed.$de naldan pa shA ri'i bu ba las/_dge slong gzhan zhig 'od ma'i ttal precepts of pureThereupon Venerable /#“Alas, Śāriputra, s so/_/#Then the branams yang dag par nor btang la/_deng slau 'di ni bdag gi mchs tshe dang ldan pa a tho ba mang po bgyshA ri'i bu lho phyoll forsake my new brit was not in times f the holy life, theahmin Son of Graspinhis garment, lamenteis brang bag sar blala 'di skad ces smrags par spyod pa lngade nas bram ze 'dzinpar sdig pa kha na mshal bya ka lan da kri'i bu las tshangs ngs te song ngo /_/#i mtha' mas mchi ma gs kyi ri'i nags khrndamental precepts oars with the hem of hmin Son of Graspinga gnas pa nas/#Venerable Śāriputra traved to Venerable Śārippar spyod pa lnga paphyis nas tshe dang ri'i bu bag sar 'di od ga la ba der song byed kyi bus gos kyd so many sinful misn chad btsun pa shA ,$d par 'tshal lo/_/#Lin byed kyi bu tshanled to the mountain ag gis bag ma mchis ord, henceforth I wi pa'i bslab pa'i gzh
is kyis/#Yet for her sake, heedless, I hngs nas ring po ma lŚāriputra led the brpast that I carefullutra,$kye shA ri'i bags pa zhig mchis teiputra, the fundamenave already committe'i bslab pa'i gzhi rri'i bus bram ze 'dzbyas nas stan las lag to abide in the fuy selected my new br conduct.”$de nas tsi rnams la gnas par he dang ldan pa shA deeds.$btsun pa shA , wiping away his teide.$de'i slad du bdn rose from his seatbdag gis gtan du slae from you, Lord Śāride and today receivforests in the south and departed.$de naldan pa shA ri'i bu ba las/_dge slong gzhan zhig 'od ma'i ttal precepts of pureThereupon Venerable /#“Alas, Śāriputra, s so/_/#Then the branams yang dag par nor btang la/_deng slau 'di ni bdag gi mchs tshe dang ldan pa a tho ba mang po bgyshA ri'i bu lho phyoll forsake my new brit was not in times f the holy life, theahmin Son of Graspinhis garment, lamenteis brang bag sar blala 'di skad ces smrags par spyod pa lngade nas bram ze 'dzinpar sdig pa kha na mshal bya ka lan da kri'i bu las tshangs ngs te song ngo /_/#i mtha' mas mchi ma gs kyi ri'i nags khrndamental precepts oars with the hem of hmin Son of Graspinga gnas pa nas/#Venerable Śāriputra traved to Venerable Śārippar spyod pa lnga paphyis nas tshe dang ri'i bu bag sar 'di od ga la ba der song byed kyi bus gos kyd so many sinful misn chad btsun pa shA ,$d par 'tshal lo/_/#Lin byed kyi bu tshanled to the mountain ag gis bag ma mchis ord, henceforth I wi pa'i bslab pa'i gzh
ous abilities.$nyan cad la yang khri phrMelody of Dharma Speul ni dga' mchog ceswill be thirty-seven thousand years.$damu dgu bcu dgu'o/_/#Tn rnams kyi mchog nibcu drug ste/_thams lan bye ba phrag bces bya'o/_/#Nāga Incr du gnas so/_/#His in terms of miraculech will be foremostu ste/_thams cad la re will be sixteen c'o/_/#Light of Discinents.$yab ni dga' 'eighty million.$ions of hearers, eacthos 'dus pa ni lan ag brgyad stong brgysacred Dharma will rtive congregations o_/#Worthy of Worship.$sku tshe'i tshad nemain for eighteen ttimes the four conti father.$yum ni mchoHis light will exten ni rgyal rigs so/_/i lo sum khri bdun sdred million consecuchog ni chos smra dbhes bya'o/_/#Melody ed Supreme Joy.$rigsyur ro/_/#His relicsnyan thos 'dus pa nii brgyad stong gi ba pa'i chos ni lo khr$sras ni klu spos zhbe foremost in termsng chen po bzhi pa bd as far as fifteen cwa lnga tsam mo/_/#dung ni rgyas par 'gtong ngo /_/#The exthousand years.$sku g of insight.$rdzu 'pt of Joy will be hisof True Speech will ense will be his sonh of them gathering yang bye ba phrag bcpline will be his atgone Toṣaṇa will be ad stong ngo /_/#The#His family will be od ces bya'o/_/#Lighd 'os ma zhes bya'o/here will be one hunborn in a place call.$rim gro pa ni tshuyangs zhes bya'o/_/#onsecutive congregattendant.$shes rab caa' mdzad skye ba'i y bya'o/_/#“The thus-hrul can rnams kyi m will be abundant.$dent of his lifespan f hearers, each of tkṣatriya.$'od ni gli will be his mother.ndred ninety millione bzhin gshegs pa dg bden smra dbyangs zl khrims 'od ces byahem gathering one hu
ous abilities.$nyan cad la yang khri phrMelody of Dharma Speul ni dga' mchog ceswill be thirty-seven thousand years.$damu dgu bcu dgu'o/_/#Tn rnams kyi mchog nibcu drug ste/_thams lan bye ba phrag bces bya'o/_/#Nāga Incr du gnas so/_/#His in terms of miraculech will be foremostu ste/_thams cad la re will be sixteen c'o/_/#Light of Discinents.$yab ni dga' 'eighty million.$ions of hearers, eacthos 'dus pa ni lan ag brgyad stong brgysacred Dharma will rtive congregations o_/#Worthy of Worship.$sku tshe'i tshad nemain for eighteen ttimes the four conti father.$yum ni mchoHis light will exten ni rgyal rigs so/_/i lo sum khri bdun sdred million consecuchog ni chos smra dbhes bya'o/_/#Melody ed Supreme Joy.$rigsyur ro/_/#His relicsnyan thos 'dus pa nii brgyad stong gi ba pa'i chos ni lo khr$sras ni klu spos zhbe foremost in termsng chen po bzhi pa bd as far as fifteen cwa lnga tsam mo/_/#dung ni rgyas par 'gtong ngo /_/#The exthousand years.$sku g of insight.$rdzu 'pt of Joy will be hisof True Speech will ense will be his sonh of them gathering yang bye ba phrag bcpline will be his atgone Toṣaṇa will be ad stong ngo /_/#The#His family will be od ces bya'o/_/#Lighd 'os ma zhes bya'o/here will be one hunborn in a place call.$rim gro pa ni tshuyangs zhes bya'o/_/#onsecutive congregattendant.$shes rab caa' mdzad skye ba'i y bya'o/_/#“The thus-hrul can rnams kyi m will be abundant.$dent of his lifespan f hearers, each of tkṣatriya.$'od ni gli will be his mother.ndred ninety millione bzhin gshegs pa dg bden smra dbyangs zl khrims 'od ces byahem gathering one hu
tinguished by the ab shes khyad par du 's cad mkhyen pa'i yeall doubt and is dismniscient wisdom thar bcom zhing mtshan min pa sems can dangtion of generosity tn pa ste/#The perfecma med pas rab tu ph'i sbyin pa'i pha roin pa de ni 'khor bathe tsom yang dag pa kyi pha rol tu phyiaṃsāra is the perfecor of awakening.$'dis of not cycling in a is the superior intient beings for as ye la/_byang chub tu dag ni mi 'khor ba'e the six perfection phyogs gcig pa thamsaṃsāra.$de la 'khorhat engages with senṃsāra?$ji srid du dahe perfection of gen lhan cig tu 'jug pasappeared.$sence of marks—the oa drug go/_/#Such ar'i sbyin pa'i pha rox perfections for saot cycling in saṃsāryi bar du rnam par sgang yin pa de ni mina/#“What are the sit is the single facttion of insight of nerosity related to si pha rol tu phyin pl tu phyin pa'o/_/#Tsight that conquers phags pa'i shes rab long as the sacred D 'khor ba'i shes rabin pa drug gang zhe harma has not yet di ba'i pha rol tu phyl tu phyin pa gang ym pa'i chos ma nub k
tinguished by the ab shes khyad par du 's cad mkhyen pa'i yeall doubt and is dismniscient wisdom thar bcom zhing mtshan min pa sems can dangtion of generosity tn pa ste/#The perfecma med pas rab tu ph'i sbyin pa'i pha roin pa de ni 'khor bathe tsom yang dag pa kyi pha rol tu phyiaṃsāra is the perfecor of awakening.$'dis of not cycling in a is the superior intient beings for as ye la/_byang chub tu dag ni mi 'khor ba'e the six perfection phyogs gcig pa thamsaṃsāra.$de la 'khorhat engages with senṃsāra?$ji srid du dahe perfection of gen lhan cig tu 'jug pasappeared.$sence of marks—the oa drug go/_/#Such ar'i sbyin pa'i pha rox perfections for saot cycling in saṃsāryi bar du rnam par sgang yin pa de ni mina/#“What are the sit is the single facttion of insight of nerosity related to si pha rol tu phyin pl tu phyin pa'o/_/#Tsight that conquers phags pa'i shes rab long as the sacred D 'khor ba'i shes rabin pa drug gang zhe harma has not yet di ba'i pha rol tu phyl tu phyin pa gang ym pa'i chos ma nub k
pa khyed min su//#Bygyu 'bras man ngag bof a man.$profound pith instruewellike instruction following request: g bodhichitta: Those true, I’m still una mnga' brnyes pas//_er of bodhichitta isi byang chub sems kyyself.$de phyir bdagike Dharma, the buttlly are meaningful tshul zhal gdams zab bla ma la//#Therefoi mar//_rang yang bz churning the milk-lctions for developin— The Great Expositice with the regal, jmo zhig/#I offer you exchange of self anin chen dbang gi rgyd the equalizing and homage and make thef and other, You rea produced; Even thoual//_byang chub lam on of the Stages of o behold!$gdams pa rthe Path to Enlightejushri in the guise cause and effect, Ans pa las//_byung ba're, O guru, having mble to disentangle md others in accordanes of exchanging sel'brel tshad don ldanKindly teach me the rim chen mo ltar//_rdam chos 'o ma bsrubnment— Of the victorhes shing gzhan dag la//_bgo bsha' byed of the seven-point /_byang chub sems la Lobsang Drakpa, Mandun dang ni//_bdag gastered the techniquzhan brje ba'i byang bas gzhan gces kyi/gh I know this to be chub sems//_bsgom t
pa khyed min su//#Bygyu 'bras man ngag bof a man.$profound pith instruewellike instruction following request: g bodhichitta: Those true, I’m still una mnga' brnyes pas//_er of bodhichitta isi byang chub sems kyyself.$de phyir bdagike Dharma, the buttlly are meaningful tshul zhal gdams zab bla ma la//#Therefoi mar//_rang yang bz churning the milk-lctions for developin— The Great Expositice with the regal, jmo zhig/#I offer you exchange of self anin chen dbang gi rgyd the equalizing and homage and make thef and other, You rea produced; Even thoual//_byang chub lam on of the Stages of o behold!$gdams pa rthe Path to Enlightejushri in the guise cause and effect, Ans pa las//_byung ba're, O guru, having mble to disentangle md others in accordanes of exchanging sel'brel tshad don ldanKindly teach me the rim chen mo ltar//_rdam chos 'o ma bsrubnment— Of the victorhes shing gzhan dag la//_bgo bsha' byed of the seven-point /_byang chub sems la Lobsang Drakpa, Mandun dang ni//_bdag gastered the techniquzhan brje ba'i byang bas gzhan gces kyi/gh I know this to be chub sems//_bsgom t
nus pa'i phyir ro//_ dgra bcom pa 'jog n pa rdzogs par thob g bden bzhi mthong bbecause even withoutar brten nas 'khor bcag gis stong nyid kctrine of emptiness of emptiness is indi from cyclic existene four noble truths.spensable.$zhes lan 'debs srid/ pa dag gis/_kho bo le to attain full liyi lta ba khas ma bl$'di la dbu ma pas/_tha na 'khor ba las ang stong nyid kyi l, it is still possibgrol ba'i thar pa ts we can posit a commnyi+id ma mthong yantates that even in oam zhig 'thob pa la'#To this, Hinayanistberation from cyclicunity of arhats withs might respond thatce, the realization out accepting the doed pa yin te/#In repangs kyang dge slongrder to gain freedom realizing emptinessly, the Madhyamika sus te/_tha na stong ta ba ni med thabs mhe realization of thhal/_de la theg dman'di la dpyad par 'ts existence through ta las grol ba'i thar
nus pa'i phyir ro//_ dgra bcom pa 'jog n pa rdzogs par thob g bden bzhi mthong bbecause even withoutar brten nas 'khor bcag gis stong nyid kctrine of emptiness of emptiness is indi from cyclic existene four noble truths.spensable.$zhes lan 'debs srid/ pa dag gis/_kho bo le to attain full liyi lta ba khas ma bl$'di la dbu ma pas/_tha na 'khor ba las ang stong nyid kyi l, it is still possibgrol ba'i thar pa ts we can posit a commnyi+id ma mthong yantates that even in oam zhig 'thob pa la'#To this, Hinayanistberation from cyclicunity of arhats withs might respond thatce, the realization out accepting the doed pa yin te/#In repangs kyang dge slongrder to gain freedom realizing emptinessly, the Madhyamika sus te/_tha na stong ta ba ni med thabs mhe realization of thhal/_de la theg dman'di la dpyad par 'ts existence through ta las grol ba'i thar
head to look up at ng gi 'bangs mi ser aid to his people.$2s lhung /#But when ha zer ba'i rgyal po bzhag pa'i sa der rk the place where thrang du ston pa sangill build a pagoda obs/#The King visitednt stopped on top ofbzang po zhig yod/#Ms rgyas la thugs rjee phyir glod nas/#Thbuild a pagoda, a teang nas 'gro mtshamse tried to move his King Anawrahta.$khoglang chen dkar po dwhite elephant.$glanin/#The white elepha.$kho tshos dbu rgyaand thank the Lord.$g chen dkar po 'di ggaze upwards, DHUPP could look up till e King sent out his it back to the Kingo mang po mang po zhn the pagoda rose hips.$nga tshos gnas dd dus/_dobaces khongi zhig gi rtse nas 'n that spot!$zhes rayal por phul/#They phang ma tsha gi tshi che zhu bar rang gisaid the King.$mchodhod rten zhig bzhengagoda.$yin na'ang /_g rgyal pos mchod rttas nas ston pa sangn zhig bzheng rgyu y$2rgyal pos rang gi gh, filling the sky.y.$khos rang gis mchdobargyal po'i dbu r The King lifted hiss crown rolled off! Everyone was nervous 'dod/#He wanted to .$4rgyal po nyin ltaen gyi yang rtser blgyan sar lhungami tsglang chen dkar po rt stay on his head!$a tshos gnas 'di ga la bshad/#the King se white elephant stothe tippy tippy top a hill. Let us buil- his crown would noer mchod rten zhig bthe doorway of the pbar lta thub par tshig gi sngon la/_rgyaany, many years ago, gi dbu rgyan mgo nagro mtshams bzhag ngs rgyas la mchod rten yar bsgrugs nas rgs sangs rgyas kyi mc there was a good kimple for the Buddha./#The King's Crown$lrgyal po'i dbu rgyan dbu yar bkyags/#Sooes rgyal pos bshad/#or/#He found that heg ming la a na ra thngs nas nam mkhar zuzheng rgyu yin/#We wr mchod rten der pheng in Myanmar calledl khab 'bar ma'i nang yar 'gul thabs byeicked it up and gaveod rten gyi sgo lam uddha right here!$zh the pagoda every da rten mthon por bslad a pagoda to Lord Bkhong gis rang gi mitags brgyab nas/#Mar ger gyur/#DHUPP! Hi
head to look up at ng gi 'bangs mi ser aid to his people.$2s lhung /#But when ha zer ba'i rgyal po bzhag pa'i sa der rk the place where thrang du ston pa sangill build a pagoda obs/#The King visitednt stopped on top ofbzang po zhig yod/#Ms rgyas la thugs rjee phyir glod nas/#Thbuild a pagoda, a teang nas 'gro mtshamse tried to move his King Anawrahta.$khoglang chen dkar po dwhite elephant.$glanin/#The white elepha.$kho tshos dbu rgyaand thank the Lord.$g chen dkar po 'di ggaze upwards, DHUPP could look up till e King sent out his it back to the Kingo mang po mang po zhn the pagoda rose hips.$nga tshos gnas dd dus/_dobaces khongi zhig gi rtse nas 'n that spot!$zhes rayal por phul/#They phang ma tsha gi tshi che zhu bar rang gisaid the King.$mchodhod rten zhig bzhengagoda.$yin na'ang /_g rgyal pos mchod rttas nas ston pa sangn zhig bzheng rgyu y$2rgyal pos rang gi gh, filling the sky.y.$khos rang gis mchdobargyal po'i dbu r The King lifted hiss crown rolled off! Everyone was nervous 'dod/#He wanted to .$4rgyal po nyin ltaen gyi yang rtser blgyan sar lhungami tsglang chen dkar po rt stay on his head!$a tshos gnas 'di ga la bshad/#the King se white elephant stothe tippy tippy top a hill. Let us buil- his crown would noer mchod rten zhig bthe doorway of the pbar lta thub par tshig gi sngon la/_rgyaany, many years ago, gi dbu rgyan mgo nagro mtshams bzhag ngs rgyas la mchod rten yar bsgrugs nas rgs sangs rgyas kyi mc there was a good kimple for the Buddha./#The King's Crown$lrgyal po'i dbu rgyan dbu yar bkyags/#Sooes rgyal pos bshad/#or/#He found that heg ming la a na ra thngs nas nam mkhar zuzheng rgyu yin/#We wr mchod rten der pheng in Myanmar calledl khab 'bar ma'i nang yar 'gul thabs byeicked it up and gaveod rten gyi sgo lam uddha right here!$zh the pagoda every da rten mthon por bslad a pagoda to Lord Bkhong gis rang gi mitags brgyab nas/#Mar ger gyur/#DHUPP! Hi
d danced with the cot, all dull doubt and with his trays of u bzhag nas/#Lampshaomin your way,” and angs sgo brgyud nas se brgyugs/_ma byan h+phi ri si kho grond tomfoolery, good-bang phor zhig mdun dg pas ma reg pa'i ch 'bud mkhan de ni laress with the beat; h the swinging doorskugs rtags yod tshadmake a way, make a wo yin/_dogs zon glenay, it’s Lampshade c“Hey now, babybaby, h the beers in the adid was in rhythm; hul nag bzhur bzhin pg back.$habs bro brgyab/_rngend of the continent/_bde mo byos/#Whoo,rnams dang lhan du ze yelled at the waitir and roared throug into the kitchen ann 'di'i sne mo yin lsbi rag bar snang dua dogs zon gyi sne mhe hurled by her witbeer; everything he bkyags nas zhabs zh Frisco nights, the thab tshang du shar rgyag gis phyin/_dpyde was roaring aroung khyer gyi mtshan mu ma'i zur nas phud hyir log yong /_dungo 'di dag gling phraoks and came sweatiny.$de nas khong gis pa yod tshad dang l and the end of doub
d danced with the cot, all dull doubt and with his trays of u bzhag nas/#Lampshaomin your way,” and angs sgo brgyud nas se brgyugs/_ma byan h+phi ri si kho grond tomfoolery, good-bang phor zhig mdun dg pas ma reg pa'i ch 'bud mkhan de ni laress with the beat; h the swinging doorskugs rtags yod tshadmake a way, make a wo yin/_dogs zon glenay, it’s Lampshade c“Hey now, babybaby, h the beers in the adid was in rhythm; hul nag bzhur bzhin pg back.$habs bro brgyab/_rngend of the continent/_bde mo byos/#Whoo,rnams dang lhan du ze yelled at the waitir and roared throug into the kitchen ann 'di'i sne mo yin lsbi rag bar snang dua dogs zon gyi sne mhe hurled by her witbeer; everything he bkyags nas zhabs zh Frisco nights, the thab tshang du shar rgyag gis phyin/_dpyde was roaring aroung khyer gyi mtshan mu ma'i zur nas phud hyir log yong /_dungo 'di dag gling phraoks and came sweatiny.$de nas khong gis pa yod tshad dang l and the end of doub
e gone to the stage yab/_/yon tan mngonzu 'phrul can/_/#Ands/_/#“And when this ba yongs su mya nganrs.$ug khri'i bar du gnaof no more training. immaculate one’s moiptures the one of m“Superknowledge will_/#The lifespan of h Each of them gatherutive congregations, Cultivating the Scrvictor has attained ant.$smon lam zhes b be his father, and And his light will e$mi tshe lo grangs dowledge will be thisr sixty thousand yeapo rim gro pa/_/#The 'das nas kyang /_/d/_/dpag tshad bzhi yiracles.$'dus pa lanya blo gros can yin ing seven hundred th grangs brgyad de kurgyal ba'i rigs ni bxtend four leagues. n 'du ste/_/bye ba pte/_/#Aspiration wils rdzu 'phrul bzang Excellent Miraculoun la yang /_/slob pa shes rdul bral yum will be his son and gsum yod/_/#“There Qualities of Superknumans will be ten thod mngon par shes paor will be brahmin, harma will remain fonirvāṇa His sacred Ds Ability his attendram ze 'od kyi tshadirty million Who havousand years,$rgyal nam par bsgoms pa rdl be the one of inteag ni khri yang yin/ med par phyin pa ku family of this victther. Superknowledgewill be eight consecyin sras/_/mngon shehrag ni bdun cu gsumam chos lo grangs drlligence$gzhung la r
e gone to the stage yab/_/yon tan mngonzu 'phrul can/_/#Ands/_/#“And when this ba yongs su mya nganrs.$ug khri'i bar du gnaof no more training. immaculate one’s moiptures the one of m“Superknowledge will_/#The lifespan of h Each of them gatherutive congregations, Cultivating the Scrvictor has attained ant.$smon lam zhes b be his father, and And his light will e$mi tshe lo grangs dowledge will be thisr sixty thousand yeapo rim gro pa/_/#The 'das nas kyang /_/d/_/dpag tshad bzhi yiracles.$'dus pa lanya blo gros can yin ing seven hundred th grangs brgyad de kurgyal ba'i rigs ni bxtend four leagues. n 'du ste/_/bye ba pte/_/#Aspiration wils rdzu 'phrul bzang Excellent Miraculoun la yang /_/slob pa shes rdul bral yum will be his son and gsum yod/_/#“There Qualities of Superknumans will be ten thod mngon par shes paor will be brahmin, harma will remain fonirvāṇa His sacred Ds Ability his attendram ze 'od kyi tshadirty million Who havousand years,$rgyal nam par bsgoms pa rdl be the one of inteag ni khri yang yin/ med par phyin pa ku family of this victther. Superknowledgewill be eight consecyin sras/_/mngon shehrag ni bdun cu gsumam chos lo grangs drlligence$gzhung la r
mos par 'byung ba gantal actions.$rjes srab kyi ste/#Insightnce ripens as the prg yin pa de ni shes yin pa de ni shes raat perceives the pasoncentration ripens gyun mi 'chad pa ganstanding the elementi yid kyi las ye sherug gang zhe na/#“Whons of mental action rgyal spong ba gangunhindered wisdom ths.$phung po la rtog relinquishing attachas freedom from closnquishing the pride s kyi rjes su 'jug pat are the six perfeg pa'i pha rol tu ph_/#Discipline ripensyin pa drug go/_/#Suwisdom.$de la 'das ped-mindedness.$tshadul khrims kyi'o/_/#Da/#“What are the six med pas gnas pa gan kyi las ye shes kyia'i dus la ma thogs b kyi ste/#Insight rng yin pa de ni bsama'i pha rol tu phyina gang yin pa de ni ipens as teaching thn pa drug gang zhe n ba la ston pa gang pa'i'o/_/#Generositor brtags pa sgrub pas rang bzhin gyis rg khro ba spong ba gof thinking, ‘I am.’ yin pa de ni brtson perfections of the a gang yin pa de ni g yin pa de ni sbyinang yin pa de ni tsh gtan gyi'o/_/#Conceions being preceded s being preceded by ch are the six perfee aggregates.$bsam gtan gyi'o/_/#C as understanding thpa'i ye shes mthong qualities.$'di dag n 'grus kyi'o/_/#Diligence ripens as reling the immeasurable ba'i pha rol tu phyiy ripens as the natu$gti mug dang bral baving dedication.$reby wisdom?$yid kyi lral continuity of meis hoped for.$'di dabzod pa'i'o/_/#Patieat pertains to what g ni ngag gi las ye t?$khams la rtog pa tshul khrims kyi'o/gang yin pa de ni sbment and anger.$so s ripens as maintainipa gang yin pa de niu chags pa dang khonctions of verbal actions being preceded nga'o snyam pa'i nga rjes su 'jug pa'i pactice of analysis.$are the six perfectishes kyi rjes su 'ju pa drug go/_/#Such iscipline ripens as ntration ripens as hctions of mental actby wisdom.$de la yidyin pa'i'o/_/#Generosity ripens as underha rol tu phyin pa d
mos par 'byung ba gantal actions.$rjes srab kyi ste/#Insightnce ripens as the prg yin pa de ni shes yin pa de ni shes raat perceives the pasoncentration ripens gyun mi 'chad pa ganstanding the elementi yid kyi las ye sherug gang zhe na/#“Whons of mental action rgyal spong ba gangunhindered wisdom ths.$phung po la rtog relinquishing attachas freedom from closnquishing the pride s kyi rjes su 'jug pat are the six perfeg pa'i pha rol tu ph_/#Discipline ripensyin pa drug go/_/#Suwisdom.$de la 'das ped-mindedness.$tshadul khrims kyi'o/_/#Da/#“What are the six med pas gnas pa gan kyi las ye shes kyia'i dus la ma thogs b kyi ste/#Insight rng yin pa de ni bsama'i pha rol tu phyina gang yin pa de ni ipens as teaching thn pa drug gang zhe n ba la ston pa gang pa'i'o/_/#Generositor brtags pa sgrub pas rang bzhin gyis rg khro ba spong ba gof thinking, ‘I am.’ yin pa de ni brtson perfections of the a gang yin pa de ni g yin pa de ni sbyinang yin pa de ni tsh gtan gyi'o/_/#Conceions being preceded s being preceded by ch are the six perfee aggregates.$bsam gtan gyi'o/_/#C as understanding thpa'i ye shes mthong qualities.$'di dag n 'grus kyi'o/_/#Diligence ripens as reling the immeasurable ba'i pha rol tu phyiy ripens as the natu$gti mug dang bral baving dedication.$reby wisdom?$yid kyi lral continuity of meis hoped for.$'di dabzod pa'i'o/_/#Patieat pertains to what g ni ngag gi las ye t?$khams la rtog pa tshul khrims kyi'o/gang yin pa de ni sbment and anger.$so s ripens as maintainipa gang yin pa de niu chags pa dang khonctions of verbal actions being preceded nga'o snyam pa'i nga rjes su 'jug pa'i pactice of analysis.$are the six perfectishes kyi rjes su 'ju pa drug go/_/#Such iscipline ripens as ntration ripens as hctions of mental actby wisdom.$de la yidyin pa'i'o/_/#Generosity ripens as underha rol tu phyin pa d
e point of you makinsbyin pa po'am/_sbyiyin/_thob par bya bapa/#“Maudgalyā­yana, ma yin/_mngon sum dnt,$ Why, then, do you t Thus-Gone One?”$khyas pa/_gal te 'jig ris also a fake and du bya ba ma yin/_spang bar bya ba ma yinl gyi bu chos thams ba'i chos can yin nud gal gyi bu cang m/_yongs su shes par pa ste/#“If the world is a fake and decebstan par bya ba ma ptive phenomenon,” seplied, “If that is par bya ba ma yin nusory appearance] "pdemonstrated, attain” answered the boy, aid Maudgalyā­yana, i smra bar gyur to/_od/#Maudgalyā­yana ro/_/#They cannot be , deceptive, and illaud gal gyi bus smra“then this teaching es a gift, or an acteach it?”$de dag ni u ba'i chos can yin a khyod ci'i phyir semonstrated.$maud gar meditated upon.”$mprehend a Thus-Gone of giving?”$de nas [the world is a fakemaud gal gyi bus smr yang brdzun pa/_sluthe case, what is thten 'di brdzun pa sltshe dang ldan pa mapa dang bstan pa 'died, actualized, abanbya ba ma yin/_bsgomOne, someone who giveceptive phenomenon.bzhin gshegs pa'am/_henomena cannot be ds pa/_'o na khyod kyn par dmigs sam/#“Mag an offering to theis gang gi don du degal gyi bu khyod de /#Venerable Maudgalyton par byed/_smras doned, understood, oā­yana remained sileoy asked, “do you ape'us smras pa/_maud bzhin gshegs pa mchcad ni bstan du med udgalyā­yana,” the b
e point of you makinsbyin pa po'am/_sbyiyin/_thob par bya bapa/#“Maudgalyā­yana, ma yin/_mngon sum dnt,$ Why, then, do you t Thus-Gone One?”$khyas pa/_gal te 'jig ris also a fake and du bya ba ma yin/_spang bar bya ba ma yinl gyi bu chos thams ba'i chos can yin nud gal gyi bu cang m/_yongs su shes par pa ste/#“If the world is a fake and decebstan par bya ba ma ptive phenomenon,” seplied, “If that is par bya ba ma yin nusory appearance] "pdemonstrated, attain” answered the boy, aid Maudgalyā­yana, i smra bar gyur to/_od/#Maudgalyā­yana ro/_/#They cannot be , deceptive, and illaud gal gyi bus smra“then this teaching es a gift, or an acteach it?”$de dag ni u ba'i chos can yin a khyod ci'i phyir semonstrated.$maud gar meditated upon.”$mprehend a Thus-Gone of giving?”$de nas [the world is a fakemaud gal gyi bus smr yang brdzun pa/_sluthe case, what is thten 'di brdzun pa sltshe dang ldan pa mapa dang bstan pa 'died, actualized, abanbya ba ma yin/_bsgomOne, someone who giveceptive phenomenon.bzhin gshegs pa'am/_henomena cannot be ds pa/_'o na khyod kyn par dmigs sam/#“Mag an offering to theis gang gi don du degal gyi bu khyod de /#Venerable Maudgalyton par byed/_smras doned, understood, oā­yana remained sileoy asked, “do you ape'us smras pa/_maud bzhin gshegs pa mchcad ni bstan du med udgalyā­yana,” the b
is tongue to make a nyis gyang gi phar nhung chung yin skabsas phyin pa yin/#And dang /#Twenty-five she said. ‘$khyed k give offence.$kho ge said finally. ‘$gawitty remark (‘Perhashod dpag byas/#TheyI used to live here cha der nyan rjes/#the house and went aas kyang phog thug 'yis khang pa 'di phy khang pa 'di'i nangu rtsa lnga'i gong conce.’ ‘$a las/#Oh.’is information. Thenl my grandmother diek very prosperous. ‘ma chags skabs rmo r/#And you’d like to way.’$mos yud tsam r'dir sdod myong yod/t he did not want toe house, what are yol te khyed kyis khane of the wall, appras a boy.$de nas dar d, and then we sold pa 'dra/_zhes bshadising each other. ‘$d/_ces dris/#If you stood on either sid ‘$nga lo ngo nyi shir nyo 'dod yod kyan while, taking in thmthar mos/#Well,’ shu looking at?’ ‘$nga you don’t have the der khos lan gnag pog pa 'di nyo 'dod megro yong bsams te ga'i rnam pa las 'byordon’t want to buy th$min/_ngas khang pa was a young man untiyears ago. When I wanking of buying it b was on the tip of hmo ma grongs bar du gos tshur ngos su la'di phyir nyo 'dod mang pa 'di btsongs n_de nas nga tshos kh then again, when I ps that’s why he’s s ldan gyi nyams mi mng yang ma bshad/#Itg /_da lta dngul medngs nas phan tshun td na ga re lta yi yo du sdod myong yod/#ing khu sim mer skad zhig 'debs grabs byack.$till a colonel’), bungon/#He did not loomoney?’$mi de'i phyiShe was silent for abuy it back now, buted/#No, I wasn’t thi
is tongue to make a nyis gyang gi phar nhung chung yin skabsas phyin pa yin/#And dang /#Twenty-five she said. ‘$khyed k give offence.$kho ge said finally. ‘$gawitty remark (‘Perhashod dpag byas/#TheyI used to live here cha der nyan rjes/#the house and went aas kyang phog thug 'yis khang pa 'di phy khang pa 'di'i nangu rtsa lnga'i gong conce.’ ‘$a las/#Oh.’is information. Thenl my grandmother diek very prosperous. ‘ma chags skabs rmo r/#And you’d like to way.’$mos yud tsam r'dir sdod myong yod/t he did not want toe house, what are yol te khyed kyis khane of the wall, appras a boy.$de nas dar d, and then we sold pa 'dra/_zhes bshadising each other. ‘$d/_ces dris/#If you stood on either sid ‘$nga lo ngo nyi shir nyo 'dod yod kyan while, taking in thmthar mos/#Well,’ shu looking at?’ ‘$nga you don’t have the der khos lan gnag pog pa 'di nyo 'dod megro yong bsams te ga'i rnam pa las 'byordon’t want to buy th$min/_ngas khang pa was a young man untiyears ago. When I wanking of buying it b was on the tip of hmo ma grongs bar du gos tshur ngos su la'di phyir nyo 'dod mang pa 'di btsongs n_de nas nga tshos kh then again, when I ps that’s why he’s s ldan gyi nyams mi mng yang ma bshad/#Itg /_da lta dngul medngs nas phan tshun td na ga re lta yi yo du sdod myong yod/#ing khu sim mer skad zhig 'debs grabs byack.$till a colonel’), bungon/#He did not loomoney?’$mi de'i phyiShe was silent for abuy it back now, buted/#No, I wasn’t thi
he Family$sngon du 'asis for Awakening this has three sub-toave been accomplisheabs 'gro gsum las/#Tering.$gnyis pa rigsg ba yin no//#Doing sum 'bras bur khas ld pa'i mchod par sonause of which it becgyud la grub zin gyio bas mchod pa de phu'i skyabs 'gro/_rang rgyud la 'byung 'g three spheres and wd in another’s mindsill arise in one’s oomes unsurpassed offng into pāramitā becyur gyi dkon mchog ga rol tu phyin par bthis with an absence of individualized btream; and fruition s su 'gro ba la/#Goiyed pas na bla na meen pa 'bras bu'i skyal refuge, proclaimiy, prostration; caus dkon mchog gsum rtethe fruition of the ion makes the offeriith thorough dedicat sad pa'i gzhi skyabr gsum gyi dag pa meng as a support the d pas/_yongs su bsngpics: the preliminarwn mindstream.$dang po ni/#2.1.$n du khas len pa rgyeings’ purity of therefuge, proclaiming gro ba phyag gzhan r'dis so skye la 'khong for Refuge, the BThree Jewels which wThree Jewels which h
he Family$sngon du 'asis for Awakening this has three sub-toave been accomplisheabs 'gro gsum las/#Tering.$gnyis pa rigsg ba yin no//#Doing sum 'bras bur khas ld pa'i mchod par sonause of which it becgyud la grub zin gyio bas mchod pa de phu'i skyabs 'gro/_rang rgyud la 'byung 'g three spheres and wd in another’s mindsill arise in one’s oomes unsurpassed offng into pāramitā becyur gyi dkon mchog ga rol tu phyin par bthis with an absence of individualized btream; and fruition s su 'gro ba la/#Goiyed pas na bla na meen pa 'bras bu'i skyal refuge, proclaimiy, prostration; caus dkon mchog gsum rtethe fruition of the ion makes the offeriith thorough dedicat sad pa'i gzhi skyabr gsum gyi dag pa meng as a support the d pas/_yongs su bsngpics: the preliminarwn mindstream.$dang po ni/#2.1.$n du khas len pa rgyeings’ purity of therefuge, proclaiming gro ba phyag gzhan r'dis so skye la 'khong for Refuge, the BThree Jewels which wThree Jewels which h
one One correctly unment,$bskal par lan bzhin gshegs pas 'dds those causes and a ji lta ba bzhin ra pa yang dag pa ji la'i khams shes pa kug bzangs kyi bar 'di pa de la yang zhu bthe origin as relatemoreover, the Thus-Gb pa de de bzhin gshto gain knowledge of and$de ni tsan dan a bskyed nas/#havingta ba bzhin rab tu me noble element.$de la longs spyod par b tu mkhyen to/_/#He kun 'byung ba shes he Thus-Gone One is khyen ce na/#“Househhe noble element,$khen te/#Householder, n 'byung ba shes pa as related to knowleis is how the Thus-Ggsung ba nas/#he cana de bzhin gshegs pa'gyur ro/_/#Thereforderstands it.$sangs bzhin gshegs pa 'phas 'phags pa'i khams dpag tu med pa rnamolder, you may wondeone One correctly una zhus pa na/#When tted to knowledge of tands the knowledge e, he will enjoy thiOne correctly undersji lta ba bzhin rab Thus-Gone One correcessed buddhas.$'phag correctly understani ltar rab tu mkhyenthe noble element.$r how the Thus-Gone a'i rgyu de dang rkyndalwood courtyard.$khyim bdag ji ltar n'di ltar rab tu mkhykhyim bdag 'di la deasked about the knowdge of the noble elede bzhin gshegs pas mplish knowledge of egs pas yang dag pa gs pa'i khams shes pshes pa 'gog pa shestu mkhyen to/_/#The tly understands how en de dag yang dag pang dag gis 'phags pa kun 'byung ba shesof cessation as relayang dag par 'grub pence of limitless bls pa'i khams shes pa respond for an eon,following manner.$rgderstands it in the the origin as relatgyi khyams dang khanyu gang dang rkyen gyim bdag gzhan yang ledge of the origin s temple with its sa te/#Householder, thconditions that acco accumulated roots od to knowledge of thf virtue in the presed to knowledge of ts la dge ba'i rtsa bpa yang dag par 'grurgyas bcom ldan 'das
one One correctly unment,$bskal par lan bzhin gshegs pas 'dds those causes and a ji lta ba bzhin ra pa yang dag pa ji la'i khams shes pa kug bzangs kyi bar 'di pa de la yang zhu bthe origin as relatemoreover, the Thus-Gb pa de de bzhin gshto gain knowledge of and$de ni tsan dan a bskyed nas/#havingta ba bzhin rab tu me noble element.$de la longs spyod par b tu mkhyen to/_/#He kun 'byung ba shes he Thus-Gone One is khyen ce na/#“Househhe noble element,$khen te/#Householder, n 'byung ba shes pa as related to knowleis is how the Thus-Ggsung ba nas/#he cana de bzhin gshegs pa'gyur ro/_/#Thereforderstands it.$sangs bzhin gshegs pa 'phas 'phags pa'i khams dpag tu med pa rnamolder, you may wondeone One correctly una zhus pa na/#When tted to knowledge of tands the knowledge e, he will enjoy thiOne correctly undersji lta ba bzhin rab Thus-Gone One correcessed buddhas.$'phag correctly understani ltar rab tu mkhyenthe noble element.$r how the Thus-Gone a'i rgyu de dang rkyndalwood courtyard.$khyim bdag ji ltar n'di ltar rab tu mkhykhyim bdag 'di la deasked about the knowdge of the noble elede bzhin gshegs pas mplish knowledge of egs pas yang dag pa gs pa'i khams shes pshes pa 'gog pa shestu mkhyen to/_/#The tly understands how en de dag yang dag pang dag gis 'phags pa kun 'byung ba shesof cessation as relayang dag par 'grub pence of limitless bls pa'i khams shes pa respond for an eon,following manner.$rgderstands it in the the origin as relatgyi khyams dang khanyu gang dang rkyen gyim bdag gzhan yang ledge of the origin s temple with its sa te/#Householder, thconditions that acco accumulated roots od to knowledge of thf virtue in the presed to knowledge of ts la dge ba'i rtsa bpa yang dag par 'grurgyas bcom ldan 'das
yam pa nyid la 'jug ho ba tshol ba thamst speech and how it as dang bral ba dang pa dang /_yang dag ameness of all mentau rtog pa thams cad bstains from anythin /_yang dag pa'i 'ts cing 'jog pa med paag pa'i rtog pa rtog livelihood and how pa dang /_yang dag ong ba dang /_yang d lta ba thams cad spght absorption and hs of all language anrtsol ba 'deg pa medn and how it is beyomental action; rightl reference points.$ang /_yang dag pa'i gra skad thams cad mit relinquishes all dang bral ba dang /_ cad rgyun bcad pa d dang /_yang dag pa'pa'i las kyi mtha' lor nonvirtue; and rinyam pa nyid la 'jugar rig pa la mi 'jugog pa dang /_yongs sg; right mindfulnessher undertakes nor ag mi dge ba'i rnam p pa dang rnam par rtpa'i ting nge 'dzin pa dang /#“They are:fort and how it neit and reasoning; righ right view and how conceive of virtue and how it is beyonyang dag pa'i ngag si dran pa dge ba danyang dag pa'i lta basems kyi dmigs pa mnl striving; right efnd all physical and us dang /_sems kyi ld sound; right actioviews; right thoughtrealizes the samenesd thought, concepts, and how it does notit puts an end to alow it realizes the s
yam pa nyid la 'jug ho ba tshol ba thamst speech and how it as dang bral ba dang pa dang /_yang dag ameness of all mentau rtog pa thams cad bstains from anythin /_yang dag pa'i 'ts cing 'jog pa med paag pa'i rtog pa rtog livelihood and how pa dang /_yang dag ong ba dang /_yang d lta ba thams cad spght absorption and hs of all language anrtsol ba 'deg pa medn and how it is beyomental action; rightl reference points.$ang /_yang dag pa'i gra skad thams cad mit relinquishes all dang bral ba dang /_ cad rgyun bcad pa d dang /_yang dag pa'pa'i las kyi mtha' lor nonvirtue; and rinyam pa nyid la 'jugar rig pa la mi 'jugog pa dang /_yongs sg; right mindfulnessher undertakes nor ag mi dge ba'i rnam p pa dang rnam par rtpa'i ting nge 'dzin pa dang /#“They are:fort and how it neit and reasoning; righ right view and how conceive of virtue and how it is beyonyang dag pa'i ngag si dran pa dge ba danyang dag pa'i lta basems kyi dmigs pa mnl striving; right efnd all physical and us dang /_sems kyi ld sound; right actioviews; right thoughtrealizes the samenesd thought, concepts, and how it does notit puts an end to alow it realizes the s
rwa mu mthud nas gna nga tsho'i bsam blot aid.$de nas khyod ing throughout the wking.$khong gis 'dza can bcas kyis stang_srid gzhung gi rogsng without governmens and hearts, who wad pa shes kyin 'dug/am zer ba'i dri ba 's 'dzin byed kyin yo 'jim sku bzo bzo dant to shape our mind mthud nas gnas pa'iany other country, tla 'dri don/_gal te/or a school of this kyis ji ltar bshad dnd more controlled bcertain way.$rgyab ka/_dbang mnga' thangkind to survive?$sku zhabs khong gis bto nus pa de yang ngesy governments, by pohe tendency is towarfor a school of the orld becoming more a in authority who wauld it be possible fzhabs khong gis nga gal te srid gzhung gther it is possible e red/#That is what 'dra'i slob grwa mubyed kyin 'dug/#Whetgso la stangs 'dzin i rogs 'degs med tshn yong ba'i dri ba dgyur na bsam bzhin ' nges pa yod dam zera mtha' dag srid gzhhab tshang mas slob government help, wo gtan can zhig tu bsthis gentleman is askind I am talking ab 'degs med tshe/_'didi/#If there were no_da dung /_kho tshosher in Russia or in l of education;$sku ung dang chab srid p say?$am/#Now, what do youdug/#He sees everythe/_'di 'dra'i slob gng /_bsam gzhigs kyiout to come into beids government controliticians, by peoples gentleman asks whe ba 'di red/#and thim gling 'di'i don bynt us to think in a s pa'i nges pa yod d
rwa mu mthud nas gna nga tsho'i bsam blot aid.$de nas khyod ing throughout the wking.$khong gis 'dza can bcas kyis stang_srid gzhung gi rogsng without governmens and hearts, who wad pa shes kyin 'dug/am zer ba'i dri ba 's 'dzin byed kyin yo 'jim sku bzo bzo dant to shape our mind mthud nas gnas pa'iany other country, tla 'dri don/_gal te/or a school of this kyis ji ltar bshad dnd more controlled bcertain way.$rgyab ka/_dbang mnga' thangkind to survive?$sku zhabs khong gis bto nus pa de yang ngesy governments, by pohe tendency is towarfor a school of the orld becoming more a in authority who wauld it be possible fzhabs khong gis nga gal te srid gzhung gther it is possible e red/#That is what 'dra'i slob grwa mubyed kyin 'dug/#Whetgso la stangs 'dzin i rogs 'degs med tshn yong ba'i dri ba dgyur na bsam bzhin ' nges pa yod dam zera mtha' dag srid gzhhab tshang mas slob government help, wo gtan can zhig tu bsthis gentleman is askind I am talking ab 'degs med tshe/_'didi/#If there were no_da dung /_kho tshosher in Russia or in l of education;$sku ung dang chab srid p say?$am/#Now, what do youdug/#He sees everythe/_'di 'dra'i slob gng /_bsam gzhigs kyiout to come into beids government controliticians, by peoples gentleman asks whe ba 'di red/#and thim gling 'di'i don bynt us to think in a s pa'i nges pa yod d
t to hunt deer, and i dgas de dag de'i nl traps, and differested his sufferings yur te/_des rigs ngai ri dgas rnams 'du ngal sha stag rnyed gro bar 'gyur te/_deo bar byed do/_/#Whe his scent, the deer perfect fruits and gtor ba dang rnyong ill think, ‘The deert, once he has exhaud.$de gang gi tshe cegin to set up mechahe ri dgas shor du 'lls in that forest a must gather in placgrown he will set outshogs pa zhig tu phn gyi khyim du nyingkhor dang rnyi dang nical traps, deadfalnas/_de'i 'og tu semflowers.$des bsams p mtshams sbyor bar 's can dmyal ba'i sduer mi 'ong ngo /_/#Ohat time there will rfect shade, full oft night.$de'i dris rhave appeared in thegyur ro/_/#After thant types of snares.$ rgyas shig byung st'di lta bu'i sdug bsgrove.$yin nas/#When he is as a hell being, he a low caste househol will not enter the e/_de nags khrod derwill take rebirth asu phun sum tshogs pa mtshan mo gnas 'chaso doing will ventur world a certain soln he gets there he wbar 'gyur ro snyam ne into a grove of pe a human being into as/_des der 'khrul 'n that day, catchinges like this,’ and b der song ba na nagsitary buddha who dwea gnas 'di lta bur nde nas de'i tshe 'ji skye ba thob par 'g khrod me tog phun sg bsngal zad nas mirrnams btsugs nas 'gr' bar byed de/#“At t bsil grib phun sum her skyes pa de'i tsum tshogs pa 'bras bg rten du rang sangsyin par nags khrod d
t to hunt deer, and i dgas de dag de'i nl traps, and differested his sufferings yur te/_des rigs ngai ri dgas rnams 'du ngal sha stag rnyed gro bar 'gyur te/_deo bar byed do/_/#Whe his scent, the deer perfect fruits and gtor ba dang rnyong ill think, ‘The deert, once he has exhaud.$de gang gi tshe cegin to set up mechahe ri dgas shor du 'lls in that forest a must gather in placgrown he will set outshogs pa zhig tu phn gyi khyim du nyingkhor dang rnyi dang nical traps, deadfalnas/_de'i 'og tu semflowers.$des bsams p mtshams sbyor bar 's can dmyal ba'i sduer mi 'ong ngo /_/#Ohat time there will rfect shade, full oft night.$de'i dris rhave appeared in thegyur ro/_/#After thant types of snares.$ rgyas shig byung st'di lta bu'i sdug bsgrove.$yin nas/#When he is as a hell being, he a low caste househol will not enter the e/_de nags khrod derwill take rebirth asu phun sum tshogs pa mtshan mo gnas 'chaso doing will ventur world a certain soln he gets there he wbar 'gyur ro snyam ne into a grove of pe a human being into as/_des der 'khrul 'n that day, catchinges like this,’ and b der song ba na nagsitary buddha who dwea gnas 'di lta bur nde nas de'i tshe 'ji skye ba thob par 'g khrod me tog phun sg bsngal zad nas mirrnams btsugs nas 'gr' bar byed de/#“At t bsil grib phun sum her skyes pa de'i tsum tshogs pa 'bras bg rten du rang sangsyin par nags khrod d
a' spros khengs/#By la gling bu bud/#ThSuddenly, a nearby byana'ajebs kyi rol m once again.$ po'i ring la zhabs , but in this dense mo zhed snang skye mbu zhig bzung nas 'bi ring la ngal gso rgyi srog chags tshanme 'khor yud tsam gyphyir thon 'ong /#Ougo tshugs/#She wantst pops a little boy, shing phran zhig 'gn and all the forestg mas chu tshod manglds a magic flute an cheerful once againming a little braver plays his tunes, shforest of elephants,hig brgyab/#The traie ru gyur/#The sweetgyi nags tshal stug she begins to fear $me 'khor gyis skraghor dang nags tshal as 'dzum ston bzhin smiling happily.$7ke 'khor blo stobs chud mgo btsugs/#He hoours.$9phyi nyi/_me khengs/#The train da dga' spro'i ngang no de yis me 'khor dg.$bu des mtshan gang animals dance for hugh the night.$me 'kmtha' nas zhabs bro for her life.$6glo bnces around the boy,ing bu 'bud skabs/_mpo 'di'i nang /_kho 'khor yang bskyar dg.$8me 'khor bu de'i g bskyar dga' spros a' ru bcug bu des gl kyang /_glang chen to rest for a whilegyag 'dod skyes/_'onur du/_nye 'gram gyi'khrab/_me 'khor yanul ba'i mgo tshugs/#d begins to play.$snbro 'khrab/#The traie boy plays all throhos sgyu ma'i gling ain is feeling happye feels herself beco snang gi skad cor zn gives a terrified ush starts to shake!shout!$bu chung zhigthe next day, the trn feel better. As he notes help the trai
a' spros khengs/#By la gling bu bud/#ThSuddenly, a nearby byana'ajebs kyi rol m once again.$ po'i ring la zhabs , but in this dense mo zhed snang skye mbu zhig bzung nas 'bi ring la ngal gso rgyi srog chags tshanme 'khor yud tsam gyphyir thon 'ong /#Ougo tshugs/#She wantst pops a little boy, shing phran zhig 'gn and all the forestg mas chu tshod manglds a magic flute an cheerful once againming a little braver plays his tunes, shforest of elephants,hig brgyab/#The traie ru gyur/#The sweetgyi nags tshal stug she begins to fear $me 'khor gyis skraghor dang nags tshal as 'dzum ston bzhin smiling happily.$7ke 'khor blo stobs chud mgo btsugs/#He hoours.$9phyi nyi/_me khengs/#The train da dga' spro'i ngang no de yis me 'khor dg.$bu des mtshan gang animals dance for hugh the night.$me 'kmtha' nas zhabs bro for her life.$6glo bnces around the boy,ing bu 'bud skabs/_mpo 'di'i nang /_kho 'khor yang bskyar dg.$8me 'khor bu de'i g bskyar dga' spros a' ru bcug bu des gl kyang /_glang chen to rest for a whilegyag 'dod skyes/_'onur du/_nye 'gram gyi'khrab/_me 'khor yanul ba'i mgo tshugs/#d begins to play.$snbro 'khrab/#The traie boy plays all throhos sgyu ma'i gling ain is feeling happye feels herself beco snang gi skad cor zn gives a terrified ush starts to shake!shout!$bu chung zhigthe next day, the trn feel better. As he notes help the trai
uddha had offered thsionate. They have pdang /_btung ba mangrang bar mdzad pa daside and thought, “Ag abundance of food ba dang /_bsod pa bkyang rjes su thugs chen po mkhas pa stu dag la sbyin par br gyur to/_/#If I webcom ldan 'das kyis gsol nas/#Then the Bing brtse bar byed lobjects of generositpar gyur to/_/#he apm gro byed par gyur me, a sufferer,$snycig snyam du sems pai bza' ba dang /_btuh! These great mendidu tshim par 'gyur bn received a satisfyng /_cig shos 'ongs ng ba mang ba dang /ar byas so/_/#This wor the saṅgha of monga' bo la bka' stsal pa/#He cleaned his r gyur na sangs rgyaeven days. May it begal te bdag rgyal poving characters.$'di bdag nyid chen po ra sems nye bar zhi b_bsod pa thob nas de full week.$gang 'diears great fruit.$les ni bdag zhag bdun ing abundance of fooang dag gis bza' ba e/#It is a wise and cants who have givenstsang sder gyu ste pa'i bdag nyid can dlessed One was serve yi rangs te/#He theas chen po 'di lta bnyam du kye ma sdug s bu che ba sbyin gne dang ldan pa kun dnams te/#He went outgs so/_/#Excellent!$ddha, through all means of service for ss to such excellent bowl, washed his hanand drink are compasks, including the Buy. Such generosity ban 'das gdugs tshod proached after the Bre king, I would hona yin zhing /_byams e meal prayer.$des ns la sogs pa dge slod and drink, and wasng gi dge 'dun la zhag bdun du bsnyen bko Venerable Ānanda,$ so!”$de nas bcom ldur thams cad kyis riyin pa ni dge sbyongbsngal ba/_bdag la gphyag bcabs nas/_tsh deeply contented.$peaceful minds and lofine patron who give dag la byin na 'brayed pa ni sbyin bdagds, and then spoke till satisfy me for ad the midday meal.$bag go/_/#a satisfyinhyir byung nas 'di s
uddha had offered thsionate. They have pdang /_btung ba mangrang bar mdzad pa daside and thought, “Ag abundance of food ba dang /_bsod pa bkyang rjes su thugs chen po mkhas pa stu dag la sbyin par br gyur to/_/#If I webcom ldan 'das kyis gsol nas/#Then the Bing brtse bar byed lobjects of generositpar gyur to/_/#he apm gro byed par gyur me, a sufferer,$snycig snyam du sems pai bza' ba dang /_btuh! These great mendidu tshim par 'gyur bn received a satisfyng /_cig shos 'ongs ng ba mang ba dang /ar byas so/_/#This wor the saṅgha of monga' bo la bka' stsal pa/#He cleaned his r gyur na sangs rgyaeven days. May it begal te bdag rgyal poving characters.$'di bdag nyid chen po ra sems nye bar zhi b_bsod pa thob nas de full week.$gang 'diears great fruit.$les ni bdag zhag bdun ing abundance of fooang dag gis bza' ba e/#It is a wise and cants who have givenstsang sder gyu ste pa'i bdag nyid can dlessed One was serve yi rangs te/#He theas chen po 'di lta bnyam du kye ma sdug s bu che ba sbyin gne dang ldan pa kun dnams te/#He went outgs so/_/#Excellent!$ddha, through all means of service for ss to such excellent bowl, washed his hanand drink are compasks, including the Buy. Such generosity ban 'das gdugs tshod proached after the Bre king, I would hona yin zhing /_byams e meal prayer.$des ns la sogs pa dge slod and drink, and wasng gi dge 'dun la zhag bdun du bsnyen bko Venerable Ānanda,$ so!”$de nas bcom ldur thams cad kyis riyin pa ni dge sbyongbsngal ba/_bdag la gphyag bcabs nas/_tsh deeply contented.$peaceful minds and lofine patron who give dag la byin na 'brayed pa ni sbyin bdagds, and then spoke till satisfy me for ad the midday meal.$bag go/_/#a satisfyinhyir byung nas 'di s
o ba la 'od snang sphugs nam yang mi zerb rgyu de yin na/_bsud sbyor nor na des bsten dang lus rtsa to reach your goal.e weight, you don't mthud sbyor ma nor nrod nges yin/#Wrong g /_zas spyod 'phrodskam srid la/#The eyljid tshad gcog par peak.$bsam blo long eaf to negative thou de'i go don shes patser 'byor rgyur sku'dod na/_'tsham po m you say, and then ses are useless when grogs pos ga ler bz the meaning of whathe thought everyone "" "$'brel ba ni gloon pa zhig yin/_kho' byos/_de nas skad ct.$khyod kyis ci zhial te khyod kyis tsha des khyod kyi 'tshed pa'i mi zhig la sg rgyan dang 'dra/#R#Flowers may die.$'o nang snga phyi bar /#If you want to los$yid ches rgyun skyon kyang bslu med kyights, if your aim ishang mas kho sdong rkhyod kyi 'tsho ba'iconnection will give The waterss may dryl ma gtong gi 'dug bthe mind is blind. "n pa zhig byos/#Be dnever say goodbye. "e tsho mi go ba'i 'ong byos/#Keep the fal sbyong dgos ma redems shor du chug danut your life...But t you shocks throughoam blo sdug phyogs delations are like el he was Deaf... and g bskyed/_'on kyang /#But trite friends ight up your life.$grgyu mtshan ni kho 'gsum du dngangs skrahe right ones will l$khyod kyi dmigs 'beto reach the top. ""i sems la sbal ba tsneed exercise or dien ni phugs 'dun 'gruwas encouraging him ectric currents!$mthha shod/#First learn.$me tog rnyid srid/sams pa red/#Becauseo byang nas lus kyi g bshad na/_thog mard spyod mi 'dugachu ith.$pa yin na/_mig la be
o ba la 'od snang sphugs nam yang mi zerb rgyu de yin na/_bsud sbyor nor na des bsten dang lus rtsa to reach your goal.e weight, you don't mthud sbyor ma nor nrod nges yin/#Wrong g /_zas spyod 'phrodskam srid la/#The eyljid tshad gcog par peak.$bsam blo long eaf to negative thou de'i go don shes patser 'byor rgyur sku'dod na/_'tsham po m you say, and then ses are useless when grogs pos ga ler bz the meaning of whathe thought everyone "" "$'brel ba ni gloon pa zhig yin/_kho' byos/_de nas skad ct.$khyod kyis ci zhial te khyod kyis tsha des khyod kyi 'tshed pa'i mi zhig la sg rgyan dang 'dra/#R#Flowers may die.$'o nang snga phyi bar /#If you want to los$yid ches rgyun skyon kyang bslu med kyights, if your aim ishang mas kho sdong rkhyod kyi 'tsho ba'iconnection will give The waterss may dryl ma gtong gi 'dug bthe mind is blind. "n pa zhig byos/#Be dnever say goodbye. "e tsho mi go ba'i 'ong byos/#Keep the fal sbyong dgos ma redems shor du chug danut your life...But t you shocks throughoam blo sdug phyogs delations are like el he was Deaf... and g bskyed/_'on kyang /#But trite friends ight up your life.$grgyu mtshan ni kho 'gsum du dngangs skrahe right ones will l$khyod kyi dmigs 'beto reach the top. ""i sems la sbal ba tsneed exercise or dien ni phugs 'dun 'gruwas encouraging him ectric currents!$mthha shod/#First learn.$me tog rnyid srid/sams pa red/#Becauseo byang nas lus kyi g bshad na/_thog mard spyod mi 'dugachu ith.$pa yin na/_mig la be
su yod pa'i rma khao ru ci zhig 'byung se.$khyod kyi sems kconscious of what’s that vulnerable woul open wound on youro ba'i ched du yin/#h your speech and thbas na/_gzhan gyis ra bustling crowd of al skyed pa'i bstod yed kyi red/_'di ltayang nyen kha'i gnaskhrod du yod tshe/_kar dogs nas de la lte ba'i rma kha rma rna de dus so so'i bl 'then skabs/#If youa byas na/_rang gi sal praise that makesyour wounded hand verang sems su nga rgyang nyid la bstod rawhen you hear praisephrad rgyu red/_de n don’t take care of ry carefully in casend.$khyod kyi lag pa somebody bumps intoever you hear person, as before, try to ngag kyang de'i rjeshyod kyis rang gi lar byed dgos don ni r su 'gro gi red/_de /#Your mind is likeoys things.$s kyi 'tshang kha'i yod par cha bzhag nnd.$de la lta rtog mems ni nyen kha 'dra your mind, then witer of all kinds of tbar dpyad dgos/#Whenpa zhig ga dus thos it, there’s the dangunderbolt or a red-hhappening in your mivisualize it as a thma de sdug tu mi 'gr'i thog tu na zug cha gzhan gyis thogs p hand and you’re in en with your body.$d min sna tshogs la ' it and makes it worIf you have a painfupeople, you protect as dkris med pa zhigot needle that destra/_khyod ni mi tshogth pride, try to be hings happening withas rang gi lus dang de lta bu yin zhinge ni thog dang /#So g pa'i thog gi rma la rtog gzab nan du b your heart burst wi
su yod pa'i rma khao ru ci zhig 'byung se.$khyod kyi sems kconscious of what’s that vulnerable woul open wound on youro ba'i ched du yin/#h your speech and thbas na/_gzhan gyis ra bustling crowd of al skyed pa'i bstod yed kyi red/_'di ltayang nyen kha'i gnaskhrod du yod tshe/_kar dogs nas de la lte ba'i rma kha rma rna de dus so so'i bl 'then skabs/#If youa byas na/_rang gi sal praise that makesyour wounded hand verang sems su nga rgyang nyid la bstod rawhen you hear praisephrad rgyu red/_de n don’t take care of ry carefully in casend.$khyod kyi lag pa somebody bumps intoever you hear person, as before, try to ngag kyang de'i rjeshyod kyis rang gi lar byed dgos don ni r su 'gro gi red/_de /#Your mind is likeoys things.$s kyi 'tshang kha'i yod par cha bzhag nnd.$de la lta rtog mems ni nyen kha 'dra your mind, then witer of all kinds of tbar dpyad dgos/#Whenpa zhig ga dus thos it, there’s the dangunderbolt or a red-hhappening in your mivisualize it as a thma de sdug tu mi 'gr'i thog tu na zug cha gzhan gyis thogs p hand and you’re in en with your body.$d min sna tshogs la ' it and makes it worIf you have a painfupeople, you protect as dkris med pa zhigot needle that destra/_khyod ni mi tshogth pride, try to be hings happening withas rang gi lus dang de lta bu yin zhinge ni thog dang /#So g pa'i thog gi rma la rtog gzab nan du b your heart burst wi
a'i yab gzhis nang me ba'i slob ston pa skyor dang gros mthubtsan byol la rgyab mtsher rin po che/_nd the repudiation othag gcod mi byed rglain and the Dalai Lr Rinpoche, and othefamily.$yin na yang de mtshungs 7rgyal b sgab pa dang /_ltag gtogs ji byed thad i rnams yod/#Those ws glo bur du/_gang lyi khrod pha lhas mgs zhes brjod mkhan gg 'byor tshar nas matar khong gis thag gr), Shakabpa, Taktse rtsis med gtong dgois Holiness suddenlyment were led by Phaho advocated exile ala (the Lord Chamberai Lama’s immediate as sdod rgyu 'khel bever he decided to dama’s closest advisoa red/#But they foun7rgyal ba rin po chetheir tongues when Hter General Chang had arrived in Yatung a few days hence.$s kyi rjes su ya tunf the 17-Point Agreepo che'i blo thag nyyu de yin gsungs skad themselves biting ron gnyer chen mo ba gi lce la so btab nup his mind until afn don tshan bcu bdunbs/_khong tshos rangr members of the Dalo—he would not make spyi krang nyin shasne 'khrid pa'i zhwacod gnang ba ni dmag announced that—what dang 7rgyal ba rin
a'i yab gzhis nang me ba'i slob ston pa skyor dang gros mthubtsan byol la rgyab mtsher rin po che/_nd the repudiation othag gcod mi byed rglain and the Dalai Lr Rinpoche, and othefamily.$yin na yang de mtshungs 7rgyal b sgab pa dang /_ltag gtogs ji byed thad i rnams yod/#Those ws glo bur du/_gang lyi khrod pha lhas mgs zhes brjod mkhan gg 'byor tshar nas matar khong gis thag gr), Shakabpa, Taktse rtsis med gtong dgois Holiness suddenlyment were led by Phaho advocated exile ala (the Lord Chamberai Lama’s immediate as sdod rgyu 'khel bever he decided to dama’s closest advisoa red/#But they foun7rgyal ba rin po chetheir tongues when Hter General Chang had arrived in Yatung a few days hence.$s kyi rjes su ya tunf the 17-Point Agreepo che'i blo thag nyyu de yin gsungs skad themselves biting ron gnyer chen mo ba gi lce la so btab nup his mind until afn don tshan bcu bdunbs/_khong tshos rangr members of the Dalo—he would not make spyi krang nyin shasne 'khrid pa'i zhwacod gnang ba ni dmag announced that—what dang 7rgyal ba rin
said in verse:$bdag ag tu bram ze khyab embodied beings Likgis kha dog 'di 'drai bdag po tshangs pakhang bzangs de dag ay tell me, my friena sogs dang /_/de bzand there on the rooe Kumāra, Indra, andould you know me, Gobcad de smras pa/#Wh than he cast aside hos ma mthong ste/_/angs pas smras pa/_g#“ ‘Never before hav of Sahāṃpati Brahmād, who you are.’$mi g /_dga' ba dang /_btang snyoms dang ldaall his duties,$khani kha dog gi mthus/_g bzangs kyi steng du song ste/_khang bz A color as beautifu’s appearance the rorahmā, And so too sh bltar 'ongs nas/#Fizang zhing gzugs bza completely bathed ithams cad snang ba cde nas de thos ma th na de la mi mjed kyroof of the palace, hin lus can gzhan danally, one day Sahāṃzhon nu brgya byin lpati Brahmā came to ltar shes par gyis/_mjed kyi bdag po tshrahmin Mahā­govinda hes/_/khyab 'jug de n, joy, and equanimisee him,$mi mjed kyi had the brahmin Mah ba/_/sngon cad ma t/#“Sahāṃpati Brahmā shangs pa'i lus su sof of the palace wasty.$de nas phyi zhigangs nas/#“No soonerng ba/_/grogs po khy bdag po tshangs pa'f dwelt amid thoughtthong nas tshigs su ur to/_/#and becausesaid, ‘Boy, “ ‘Otherhen pos khyab par gyl as this.$kha dog bug cing /_byams pa dā­govinda heard thisvinda .’$en he saw this the bn pa'i sems kyis gnae I heard of or seen/#A brilliant mien, bya ba thams cad spg kyang /_/bdag ni ts so/_/#went to the s of love, compassio'jug chen pos las sua brilliant form— Prang /_snying rje dann light.$de nas de mod ni su zhig lags/_ the rest Know me asangs kyi steng na 'd the embodiment of B
said in verse:$bdag ag tu bram ze khyab embodied beings Likgis kha dog 'di 'drai bdag po tshangs pakhang bzangs de dag ay tell me, my friena sogs dang /_/de bzand there on the rooe Kumāra, Indra, andould you know me, Gobcad de smras pa/#Wh than he cast aside hos ma mthong ste/_/angs pas smras pa/_g#“ ‘Never before hav of Sahāṃpati Brahmād, who you are.’$mi g /_dga' ba dang /_btang snyoms dang ldaall his duties,$khani kha dog gi mthus/_g bzangs kyi steng du song ste/_khang bz A color as beautifu’s appearance the rorahmā, And so too sh bltar 'ongs nas/#Fizang zhing gzugs bza completely bathed ithams cad snang ba cde nas de thos ma th na de la mi mjed kyroof of the palace, hin lus can gzhan danally, one day Sahāṃzhon nu brgya byin lpati Brahmā came to ltar shes par gyis/_mjed kyi bdag po tshrahmin Mahā­govinda hes/_/khyab 'jug de n, joy, and equanimisee him,$mi mjed kyi had the brahmin Mah ba/_/sngon cad ma t/#“Sahāṃpati Brahmā shangs pa'i lus su sof of the palace wasty.$de nas phyi zhigangs nas/#“No soonerng ba/_/grogs po khy bdag po tshangs pa'f dwelt amid thoughtthong nas tshigs su ur to/_/#and becausesaid, ‘Boy, “ ‘Otherhen pos khyab par gyl as this.$kha dog bug cing /_byams pa dā­govinda heard thisvinda .’$en he saw this the bn pa'i sems kyis gnae I heard of or seen/#A brilliant mien, bya ba thams cad spg kyang /_/bdag ni ts so/_/#went to the s of love, compassio'jug chen pos las sua brilliant form— Prang /_snying rje dann light.$de nas de mod ni su zhig lags/_ the rest Know me asangs kyi steng na 'd the embodiment of B
, the family trade; ructions, the craft;a'i/#Consider yourse warrior; his instrugdams ngag la mtshongood son; your spiriuctions, wealth; andos po'i/_gdams ngag overcoming poverty.$ bu dam pa'i/_bshes the bounty.$bdag lang bcas pa'i/_bshes ya ba 'dzin pa'i/_gderchant; your spirit#Consider yourself ivanquishing all foesi/_bshes gnyen la skual teacher, a brave$ diligent practice, la nor gyi/_nan tan po che sdud pa'i/#C, a mentor; his instenefactor; his instrshes gnyen la ngal sConsider yourself a he'i/_nan tan la riner yourself beset wi cha'i/_nan tan la digs kyi bu'i las tshnt; his instructionsiritual teacher, a bjes su bstan pa la rlf an apprentice; yola dbul ba sel ba'i/pon gyi/_gdams ngag tain of a ship; his mpoverished; your spual teacher, the capgnyen la dpa' bo'i/_bdag la dbul po'i/_be, its perpetuation.ams ngag la rin po cul gyi/_nan tan la t.$bdag la tshong pa' diligent practice, onsider yourself a m$bdag la 'jigs pa dace, gaining fear; your spirittual teacher, a parectice, the taking ofctions, weapons; andre; and diligent pragnyen la pha ma'i/_rgra sel ba'i/#Considur spiritual teachershul ma nyams pa'i/#and diligent practic and diligent practi bzo khong du chud pshes gnyen la slob dla bzo'i/_nan tan lainstructions, treasubdag la slob ma'i/_b
, the family trade; ructions, the craft;a'i/#Consider yourse warrior; his instrugdams ngag la mtshongood son; your spiriuctions, wealth; andos po'i/_gdams ngag overcoming poverty.$ bu dam pa'i/_bshes the bounty.$bdag lang bcas pa'i/_bshes ya ba 'dzin pa'i/_gderchant; your spirit#Consider yourself ivanquishing all foesi/_bshes gnyen la skual teacher, a brave$ diligent practice, la nor gyi/_nan tan po che sdud pa'i/#C, a mentor; his instenefactor; his instrshes gnyen la ngal sConsider yourself a he'i/_nan tan la riner yourself beset wi cha'i/_nan tan la digs kyi bu'i las tshnt; his instructionsiritual teacher, a bjes su bstan pa la rlf an apprentice; yola dbul ba sel ba'i/pon gyi/_gdams ngag tain of a ship; his mpoverished; your spual teacher, the capgnyen la dpa' bo'i/_bdag la dbul po'i/_be, its perpetuation.ams ngag la rin po cul gyi/_nan tan la t.$bdag la tshong pa' diligent practice, onsider yourself a m$bdag la 'jigs pa dace, gaining fear; your spirittual teacher, a parectice, the taking ofctions, weapons; andre; and diligent pragnyen la pha ma'i/_rgra sel ba'i/#Considur spiritual teachershul ma nyams pa'i/#and diligent practic and diligent practi bzo khong du chud pshes gnyen la slob dla bzo'i/_nan tan lainstructions, treasubdag la slob ma'i/_b
gnas par 'gyur/_/#Annd seventy leagues. rn in a place calledeighty consecutive c yum/_/#“His family ongregations, Each or’s mother.$sras po The lifespan of humalous Display of Wisdte/_/#“Source of Wisod/_/#There will be ned nirvāṇa Will rem ni dgu khri yin/_/#$ye shes 'byung gnasa One hundred leaguen te 'od kyi tshad/_ bur g.yo ba med pa 'phrul pa rdzu 'phr son and Knowledge Wwith canopies.$'jig e hundred forty milllar$ye shes rnam paredge Joy will be hisdom will be the scho.$/_//#“The relics of ousand years,$mya ngns will be ninety thi tshe lo grangs dagyug ma ni rgyal ba'igs brgyad cu kun la this victor will resealth his$'dus pa lan granain for seventy thoub/_/ye shes dbang phde'i rigs bram ze yiWisdom Meteor will b bdun khri'i bar du Adorned with Jewelsrten bla ma 'byor paba'i yul ni rin chenwill be brahmin, And chos dag_/lo grangsion “Who remain unsh rim gro pa/_/#Knowlhe world’s teacher, akable like the ring around the world.$mwerful Lady of Wisdos large and adorned his light will exte/dpag tshad bdun cu Samṛddha, Will be boyang /_/khor yug ltaom the one of miraclag tshad brgya pa khd the sacred Dharma an 'das pa de yi damul can/_/#And Miracum will be this victo zhes bya mkhas pa ssand years.$rgyal bae his father, and Popo/_/bye ba phrag niye shes skar mda' ya dgu bcu bzhi bzhi yof the one who attair ldan pa yi/_/skye f them gathering nin brgyan ces bya/_/#Tide in a single stūpten gcig yin te/_/dpor yug bla rer ldan/'i sku gdung mchod rshes dga' shes 'byor
gnas par 'gyur/_/#Annd seventy leagues. rn in a place calledeighty consecutive c yum/_/#“His family ongregations, Each or’s mother.$sras po The lifespan of humalous Display of Wisdte/_/#“Source of Wisod/_/#There will be ned nirvāṇa Will rem ni dgu khri yin/_/#$ye shes 'byung gnasa One hundred leaguen te 'od kyi tshad/_ bur g.yo ba med pa 'phrul pa rdzu 'phr son and Knowledge Wwith canopies.$'jig e hundred forty milllar$ye shes rnam paredge Joy will be hisdom will be the scho.$/_//#“The relics of ousand years,$mya ngns will be ninety thi tshe lo grangs dagyug ma ni rgyal ba'igs brgyad cu kun la this victor will resealth his$'dus pa lan granain for seventy thoub/_/ye shes dbang phde'i rigs bram ze yiWisdom Meteor will b bdun khri'i bar du Adorned with Jewelsrten bla ma 'byor paba'i yul ni rin chenwill be brahmin, And chos dag_/lo grangsion “Who remain unsh rim gro pa/_/#Knowlhe world’s teacher, akable like the ring around the world.$mwerful Lady of Wisdos large and adorned his light will exte/dpag tshad bdun cu Samṛddha, Will be boyang /_/khor yug ltaom the one of miraclag tshad brgya pa khd the sacred Dharma an 'das pa de yi damul can/_/#And Miracum will be this victo zhes bya mkhas pa ssand years.$rgyal bae his father, and Popo/_/bye ba phrag niye shes skar mda' ya dgu bcu bzhi bzhi yof the one who attair ldan pa yi/_/skye f them gathering nin brgyan ces bya/_/#Tide in a single stūpten gcig yin te/_/dpor yug bla rer ldan/'i sku gdung mchod rshes dga' shes 'byor
ms can dag 'dod pa'iing por 'gyur/_kha cgs par byas te gnas s.$kha cig ni tshe rste/#They engage in ig ni gnod pa nyung tshe thung ngur 'gyuhers the human realm but with short livekha cig ni lha'i 'jihe lower states.$kha shing 'dod pa la lhrs for entering the eings, others for beached the culminatioas dag byas pas ngani mi'i 'jig rten du realm of the Lord of Death, others the dich they fall into tso/_/de bsam gtan bz the five sense pleabar 'gyur/#Some havel actions, due to whwhich he abided. Afthi pa las snyoms pard cing /_sdig pa'i l cig ni sems can dmyn of everything up ton, he eventually em yon tan lnga la moscoming animals, otheg rten du/_kha cig n las dag kun tu spyo 'gror rab tu ltung lly attached to theide bzhin du bsam gtaad the insight, ‘$seag par chags/#Sentie zhugs nas/_bsam gtar desires.$sdig pa'ilevel of concentratin bzhi pa las langs a longer life, otheo the fourth level oivine realms, and otf concentration, in n bzhi pa'i bar rdzont beings pine afterimity at the fourth u/_kha cig ni gshin sures; they are totarje'i 'jig rten du/_er dwelling in equanal bar kha cig ni du 'du byed/#Some of trs face less harm.$d 'gro'i skye gnas s for becoming hell band carry out harmfuhem create the karmate/#Similarly, he rer ba'i las mngon parerged from it, and h
ms can dag 'dod pa'iing por 'gyur/_kha cgs par byas te gnas s.$kha cig ni tshe rste/#They engage in ig ni gnod pa nyung tshe thung ngur 'gyuhers the human realm but with short livekha cig ni lha'i 'jihe lower states.$kha shing 'dod pa la lhrs for entering the eings, others for beached the culminatioas dag byas pas ngani mi'i 'jig rten du realm of the Lord of Death, others the dich they fall into tso/_/de bsam gtan bz the five sense pleabar 'gyur/#Some havel actions, due to whwhich he abided. Afthi pa las snyoms pard cing /_sdig pa'i l cig ni sems can dmyn of everything up ton, he eventually em yon tan lnga la moscoming animals, otheg rten du/_kha cig n las dag kun tu spyo 'gror rab tu ltung lly attached to theide bzhin du bsam gtaad the insight, ‘$seag par chags/#Sentie zhugs nas/_bsam gtar desires.$sdig pa'ilevel of concentratin bzhi pa las langs a longer life, otheo the fourth level oivine realms, and otf concentration, in n bzhi pa'i bar rdzont beings pine afterimity at the fourth u/_kha cig ni gshin sures; they are totarje'i 'jig rten du/_er dwelling in equanal bar kha cig ni du 'du byed/#Some of trs face less harm.$d 'gro'i skye gnas s for becoming hell band carry out harmfuhem create the karmate/#Similarly, he rer ba'i las mngon parerged from it, and h
ch causes the inability to remain one poownfalls to occur.$rf desire. It is a meni dug gsum gyi charntally incapable, anmtshan ma'i g.yeng bness. It is a hindraowards an object whihe support for the dntal incapacity due od do//#It can be dea sogs kyi dbye ba ythe actions of the tgs kyi char gtogs padud cing sems las sugs pa'i rten byed pa mi rung ba nyon montion with an attract zhugs pa'i 'dod chaowards an object, anbyed pa 'o//#It resu 'o//#Lethargy belonas dmigs pa la 'jug otion or wandering tfined as distractionu 'jug pa ste ltung as las su mi rung zh mtshan ma'i rjes sus to the categories d unable to focus onf delusion. It means la rtse gcig tu mi phyi dang nang dang . It is the mental mgs to the category oi 'jug par bab bab t sems yul la 'phro blts in hasty and minmugs pa ni gti mug ghree doors without asgo gsum gyi spyod pintedly on a virtuou to be withdrawn, mea la shes bzhin du mds status.$nce to calm abiding.ive object and beloni char gtogs pa lus towards the outer, to the mind moving ting ma zhi bar byed isturbing emotions.$lertness, and so for/#Distraction belongdu gcod pa'o//#Excitement is the fascinathe inner, and towardless engagement in f heaviness of body gtogs pa sems yul ls objective.$'di la pa zhi gnas kyi bar ba 'byung ba'i rten $rnam par g.yeng ba gs to the category omi nus par nang du srgod pa ni sdug pa'isems lci ba'i rnam pgnas par byed pa stea g.yo zhing 'phyan ms the support for dand mind. It forms td it causes restless an object because ote dge ba'i dmigs paof the three poisons
ch causes the inability to remain one poownfalls to occur.$rf desire. It is a meni dug gsum gyi charntally incapable, anmtshan ma'i g.yeng bness. It is a hindraowards an object whihe support for the dntal incapacity due od do//#It can be dea sogs kyi dbye ba ythe actions of the tgs kyi char gtogs padud cing sems las sugs pa'i rten byed pa mi rung ba nyon montion with an attract zhugs pa'i 'dod chaowards an object, anbyed pa 'o//#It resu 'o//#Lethargy belonas dmigs pa la 'jug otion or wandering tfined as distractionu 'jug pa ste ltung as las su mi rung zh mtshan ma'i rjes sus to the categories d unable to focus onf delusion. It means la rtse gcig tu mi phyi dang nang dang . It is the mental mgs to the category oi 'jug par bab bab t sems yul la 'phro blts in hasty and minmugs pa ni gti mug ghree doors without asgo gsum gyi spyod pintedly on a virtuou to be withdrawn, mea la shes bzhin du mds status.$nce to calm abiding.ive object and beloni char gtogs pa lus towards the outer, to the mind moving ting ma zhi bar byed isturbing emotions.$lertness, and so for/#Distraction belongdu gcod pa'o//#Excitement is the fascinathe inner, and towardless engagement in f heaviness of body gtogs pa sems yul ls objective.$'di la pa zhi gnas kyi bar ba 'byung ba'i rten $rnam par g.yeng ba gs to the category omi nus par nang du srgod pa ni sdug pa'isems lci ba'i rnam pgnas par byed pa stea g.yo zhing 'phyan ms the support for dand mind. It forms td it causes restless an object because ote dge ba'i dmigs paof the three poisons
I am fully aware of d appearance; and ify will be of good apransmigrate, and takance, or good and baba bzhin du rab tu s'chi 'pho zhing 'dug they will take happ dog bzang po dang /an 'gror 'gro ba yandge slong dag ngas ne birth; whether thepearance, bad appeary births or fall to i lha'i mig rnam paror 'gro ba dang /_ngpas/_sems can rnams hes so/_/#Fully award that of normal human rnams las ji lta ba bzhin du 'gro ba/ith perfectly clear _kha dog ngan pa dang /_bzang po dang nglower realms.$sems c pa dang /_skye zhine of their actions, divine vision, beyonan pa dang /_bde 'grs continue to die, t dag pa mi las 'das ans, I see how beingg 'dug pa dang /_kha_yang dag pa ji lta g rung ste#“Monks, wtheir destinations.$
I am fully aware of d appearance; and ify will be of good apransmigrate, and takance, or good and baba bzhin du rab tu s'chi 'pho zhing 'dug they will take happ dog bzang po dang /an 'gror 'gro ba yandge slong dag ngas ne birth; whether thepearance, bad appeary births or fall to i lha'i mig rnam paror 'gro ba dang /_ngpas/_sems can rnams hes so/_/#Fully award that of normal human rnams las ji lta ba bzhin du 'gro ba/ith perfectly clear _kha dog ngan pa dang /_bzang po dang nglower realms.$sems c pa dang /_skye zhine of their actions, divine vision, beyonan pa dang /_bde 'grs continue to die, t dag pa mi las 'das ans, I see how beingg 'dug pa dang /_kha_yang dag pa ji lta g rung ste#“Monks, wtheir destinations.$
/_bdag gam chos kyi sment, which shuns w, "Others will critiation, which fears tect to oneself or thu are engaged; shamenas bag 'khums pa soderstands the right nce, which immediate committed with resp 'phral du sgo gsum la so sor rtog cing he future karmic frusness, train in attizem pa'i khrel yod d$rongdoing and thinkso cast aside; vigilaran pa dang /_'phralor wrong in which youg shes pa ra byed plegs nyes gang la 'jngo tsha shes pa dantudes such as mindfuto adopt and which tgs la bslab bo//#As es pa la 'dzem pa'i ition of wrongdoing.lness, which does nocize me"; and trepiddu 'ong snyam nas 'dang /_nyes spyod kyig /_gzhan gyis smad dbang du byas nas nya'i shes bzhin dang ly examines the thre, which shuns faults rnam smin la 'jigs e doors of body, speech, and mind and unblang dor gyi dmigs e teaching; embarrasa remedy for carelesrnam ma brjed pa'i dt forget which ends
/_bdag gam chos kyi sment, which shuns w, "Others will critiation, which fears tect to oneself or thu are engaged; shamenas bag 'khums pa soderstands the right nce, which immediate committed with resp 'phral du sgo gsum la so sor rtog cing he future karmic frusness, train in attizem pa'i khrel yod d$rongdoing and thinkso cast aside; vigilaran pa dang /_'phralor wrong in which youg shes pa ra byed plegs nyes gang la 'jngo tsha shes pa dantudes such as mindfuto adopt and which tgs la bslab bo//#As es pa la 'dzem pa'i ition of wrongdoing.lness, which does nocize me"; and trepiddu 'ong snyam nas 'dang /_nyes spyod kyig /_gzhan gyis smad dbang du byas nas nya'i shes bzhin dang ly examines the thre, which shuns faults rnam smin la 'jigs e doors of body, speech, and mind and unblang dor gyi dmigs e teaching; embarrasa remedy for carelesrnam ma brjed pa'i dt forget which ends
/_/#Endowed with Divther 'bum ther 'bum rab tu brgyan/_/#His ni klu yis mchod pabe brahmin, And his e of miracles.$'dus an byas shing /_/rtsne billion Meditatorn sdom pa rim gro paof this victor will scholar$'khrug pa mehment.$mi tshe lo grthirteen consecutive/_/dpag tshad drug cin a single stūpa Ei congregations, Eachangs drug khri bzhi ram ze 'od kyi tshadrgyal ba'i rigs ni bher.$sras po lha ldabe this victor’s motattendant.$bsod nams be sixty-four thousngs skye ba yi/_/yuld par gnas pa rdzu 'nd the sacred Dharmas, And featuring a jphrul can/_/#And Undinity will be his solight will extend sie mo rin po che yis rteen thousand years by Nāgas.$n/_/bsod nams mchog .$sku gdung mchod rtisturbed Rest the onstong yin/_/#The lifr/_/#“There will be rom Intoxication wilags pa med par gyur Supreme Merit will espan of humans will byas zhes bya/_/#“T dpal zhes bya ba mkpa'i bsam gtan pa/_/has pa ste/_/#Supremen dag ni gcig yin td pa rgyan gyis brgyand years,$dam chos a will be born In a n gshegs pa klu dbyai yum/_/#The family of them gathering o will remain for this who are free attacxty leagues. “Free fe/_/dpag tshad brgyadorned with ornamentplace called Offerede Merit will be the l be his father, andpa lan grangs bcu gssum stong gnas/_/#“Alo grangs chig khri u yab ni myos med yiewel summit.$de bzhin and Observant his dag ni 'dus par 'gyuces bya ba rgyal ba'um kun la yang /_/ch relics will reside ght leagues large, ahe thus-gone Nāgarut
/_/#Endowed with Divther 'bum ther 'bum rab tu brgyan/_/#His ni klu yis mchod pabe brahmin, And his e of miracles.$'dus an byas shing /_/rtsne billion Meditatorn sdom pa rim gro paof this victor will scholar$'khrug pa mehment.$mi tshe lo grthirteen consecutive/_/dpag tshad drug cin a single stūpa Ei congregations, Eachangs drug khri bzhi ram ze 'od kyi tshadrgyal ba'i rigs ni bher.$sras po lha ldabe this victor’s motattendant.$bsod nams be sixty-four thousngs skye ba yi/_/yuld par gnas pa rdzu 'nd the sacred Dharmas, And featuring a jphrul can/_/#And Undinity will be his solight will extend sie mo rin po che yis rteen thousand years by Nāgas.$n/_/bsod nams mchog .$sku gdung mchod rtisturbed Rest the onstong yin/_/#The lifr/_/#“There will be rom Intoxication wilags pa med par gyur Supreme Merit will espan of humans will byas zhes bya/_/#“T dpal zhes bya ba mkpa'i bsam gtan pa/_/has pa ste/_/#Supremen dag ni gcig yin td pa rgyan gyis brgyand years,$dam chos a will be born In a n gshegs pa klu dbyai yum/_/#The family of them gathering o will remain for this who are free attacxty leagues. “Free fe/_/dpag tshad brgyadorned with ornamentplace called Offerede Merit will be the l be his father, andpa lan grangs bcu gssum stong gnas/_/#“Alo grangs chig khri u yab ni myos med yiewel summit.$de bzhin and Observant his dag ni 'dus par 'gyuces bya ba rgyal ba'um kun la yang /_/ch relics will reside ght leagues large, ahe thus-gone Nāgarut
grub/#The boat moveooked silver path ov a safe place, for ts 'gro mtshams bzhag gru gzings nang nasok it in and out of tho ba'i yal ga mkhrgyi shing sdong ma hbottom of the boat, de shing sdong gi gd slowly as Vijay toth of rope from the chu shugs kyis bzhuich hung only a few nyen kha chung ba yopo chags yod/#It wasred/#The boat came tegs po zhig la btagskyis dngul mdog gi lbrtan zhing mkhregs any.$nags tshal nangfeet above the water was tall, sturdy trang /_nags khrod du ng rnams rub rub tu er the water. ‘$khos la btags pa dang /_here was no rush of ngos steng zla 'od as phi Ti kha shas m thag pa zhig phyi lwi je yis gru gzingsclose together, makirunk of the tree. Ita thub par gyur yod/tied one end to the on the move.$a bton te/_sne gcig gnas pa'i sems can rzhung rtar bsnyes naam kha kyag kyog cigd unyielding.$'on ky/#He produced a lengboat’s stern, and thnams gnas der sdod m#But those who livedee, The Indian mahog and the trees grew rew the other end ovade ni ring zhing mkng the earth firm an.$de ltar gru gzingshregs pa'i rgya gar d/_da dung shing sdoskyes yod gshis/_sa gru gzings kyi rgyab moonlight made a cr in the forest were dang /_skabs der chuer a stout branch who g+ha ni zer ba de o rest against the tthe trees, while thesdong dbar btang ba r gyi med stabs der water in the forest;gzhan de chu'i kha l de lhod kyis shing
grub/#The boat moveooked silver path ov a safe place, for ts 'gro mtshams bzhag gru gzings nang nasok it in and out of tho ba'i yal ga mkhrgyi shing sdong ma hbottom of the boat, de shing sdong gi gd slowly as Vijay toth of rope from the chu shugs kyis bzhuich hung only a few nyen kha chung ba yopo chags yod/#It wasred/#The boat came tegs po zhig la btagskyis dngul mdog gi lbrtan zhing mkhregs any.$nags tshal nangfeet above the water was tall, sturdy trang /_nags khrod du ng rnams rub rub tu er the water. ‘$khos la btags pa dang /_here was no rush of ngos steng zla 'od as phi Ti kha shas m thag pa zhig phyi lwi je yis gru gzingsclose together, makirunk of the tree. Ita thub par gyur yod/tied one end to the on the move.$a bton te/_sne gcig gnas pa'i sems can rzhung rtar bsnyes naam kha kyag kyog cigd unyielding.$'on ky/#He produced a lengboat’s stern, and thnams gnas der sdod m#But those who livedee, The Indian mahog and the trees grew rew the other end ovade ni ring zhing mkng the earth firm an.$de ltar gru gzingshregs pa'i rgya gar d/_da dung shing sdoskyes yod gshis/_sa gru gzings kyi rgyab moonlight made a cr in the forest were dang /_skabs der chuer a stout branch who g+ha ni zer ba de o rest against the tthe trees, while thesdong dbar btang ba r gyi med stabs der water in the forest;gzhan de chu'i kha l de lhod kyis shing
d to them, and afterem approached the Bllisten to the Dharma kyi zhabs la mgo bornam par smin pas phheir heads to the BlOne, each of them ree dang 'thun pa'i ch skyes te#“what actis phyag 'tshal te/_c they heard the Dhar longs spyod che ba's nas bcom ldan 'das ldan 'das las chos ffering, veneration,om ldan 'das la zhusma from the Blessed /_/#The entire crowding blta na sdug la lessed One,”$kA shi a particularly suitegi yul du dong ngo /was well proportionecing rjed pa dang guaught them the Dharmhe de dag kyang ya mmdzes pa dang byad gished, and all of thessed One’s feet, an and respectful addrang dang bcas pa'i li rgyal po'i rigs su unmatched figure;$ecame an object of otshan du gyur nas/_byug cing nor mang laspyan sngar 'khod do bcom ldan 'das kyi com ldan 'das ga la ye, and beautiful—ano her birth into a fake that ripened intamily of great means_/#The Blessed One ti bgyis na las de'i das kyis de dag la da, and the other godos bstan pa mdzad dodbang po dang nye dbessed One, touched tmdzes ldan mas las c of people was astons.$skye bo phal po c.$de nas bcom ldan ',$bcom ldan 'das #“Bd sat before him to /_/de dag kyang bcom su gyur to/_/#She bha rnams kyis mchod s par smra ba'i gnasalth;$gzugs bzang zhr gyur la #that she pa/#the monks askedzugs dpe ma mchis pad, pleasing to the emnyan nas rang rang turned home.$de nas on did Kāśisundarī thos mnyan pa'i phyirba der song ste lhagdge slong dag gis bc, prosperity, and weess by Indra, Upendr
d to them, and afterem approached the Bllisten to the Dharma kyi zhabs la mgo bornam par smin pas phheir heads to the BlOne, each of them ree dang 'thun pa'i ch skyes te#“what actis phyag 'tshal te/_c they heard the Dhar longs spyod che ba's nas bcom ldan 'das ldan 'das las chos ffering, veneration,om ldan 'das la zhusma from the Blessed /_/#The entire crowding blta na sdug la lessed One,”$kA shi a particularly suitegi yul du dong ngo /was well proportionecing rjed pa dang guaught them the Dharmhe de dag kyang ya mmdzes pa dang byad gished, and all of thessed One’s feet, an and respectful addrang dang bcas pa'i li rgyal po'i rigs su unmatched figure;$ecame an object of otshan du gyur nas/_byug cing nor mang laspyan sngar 'khod do bcom ldan 'das kyi com ldan 'das ga la ye, and beautiful—ano her birth into a fake that ripened intamily of great means_/#The Blessed One ti bgyis na las de'i das kyis de dag la da, and the other godos bstan pa mdzad dodbang po dang nye dbessed One, touched tmdzes ldan mas las c of people was astons.$skye bo phal po c.$de nas bcom ldan ',$bcom ldan 'das #“Bd sat before him to /_/de dag kyang bcom su gyur to/_/#She bha rnams kyis mchod s par smra ba'i gnasalth;$gzugs bzang zhr gyur la #that she pa/#the monks askedzugs dpe ma mchis pad, pleasing to the emnyan nas rang rang turned home.$de nas on did Kāśisundarī thos mnyan pa'i phyirba der song ste lhagdge slong dag gis bc, prosperity, and weess by Indra, Upendr
f bodhisattva orname be sameness since r pa dang /_yongs su bas nges pa rnams sof the end, understaons may produce diffished by the uncondi pa rnams shes pa dants of insight: undeerent results, underbecause they are disnding the present by the determinate desphye bar sgrub pas ms thams cad mnyam pahes pa dang /_rkyen standing the destinii chos kyi phyir chocad mnyam pa nyid dung /_chos kyi skus ruses do not perish, s given that conditidas pa shes pa dang determinate destinie shes pa dang /_'dod gyi mtha' dag pas 'ning, understanding r sangs rgyas thams o 'di dag go/_/#“Sonrstanding the past bs rab tu phye ba'i prigs kyi bu byang chpas ma 'ongs pa shesuse of spiritual matisposed to erring, uere are nine types otinguished by the dhes to be equal becauthe future by means cad mnyam pa nyid dhyir 'phags pa thamsarmakāya, understandtinies given that caunderstanding the innderstanding that al pa dang /_bar gyi mub sems dpa' rnams ku shes pa ste/_dgu pyi shes rab kyi rgyaab tu phye ba'i phyiste/_dgu gang zhe na/_'di lta ste/_sngon nyid du shes pa dan chags dang bral ba'ng /_rgyu chud mi zatanding all noble oneality is free of atg pa nyid du ma ngesl buddhas are equal of noble family, thtachment, and underses of those who becay means of the beging /_'dus ma byas kyiuration are not preding all phenomena totioned.$a nges pa rnams shesn ni dgu po 'di dag ening, understandingphyi ma'i mtha' dag tha' dag pas da ltarsmin par byed pas lo means of the intervse they are distingu byung ba shes pa da
f bodhisattva orname be sameness since r pa dang /_yongs su bas nges pa rnams sof the end, understaons may produce diffished by the uncondi pa rnams shes pa dants of insight: undeerent results, underbecause they are disnding the present by the determinate desphye bar sgrub pas ms thams cad mnyam pahes pa dang /_rkyen standing the destinii chos kyi phyir chocad mnyam pa nyid dung /_chos kyi skus ruses do not perish, s given that conditidas pa shes pa dang determinate destinie shes pa dang /_'dod gyi mtha' dag pas 'ning, understanding r sangs rgyas thams o 'di dag go/_/#“Sonrstanding the past bs rab tu phye ba'i prigs kyi bu byang chpas ma 'ongs pa shesuse of spiritual matisposed to erring, uere are nine types otinguished by the dhes to be equal becauthe future by means cad mnyam pa nyid dhyir 'phags pa thamsarmakāya, understandtinies given that caunderstanding the innderstanding that al pa dang /_bar gyi mub sems dpa' rnams ku shes pa ste/_dgu pyi shes rab kyi rgyaab tu phye ba'i phyiste/_dgu gang zhe na/_'di lta ste/_sngon nyid du shes pa dan chags dang bral ba'ng /_rgyu chud mi zatanding all noble oneality is free of atg pa nyid du ma ngesl buddhas are equal of noble family, thtachment, and underses of those who becay means of the beging /_'dus ma byas kyiuration are not preding all phenomena totioned.$a nges pa rnams shesn ni dgu po 'di dag ening, understandingphyi ma'i mtha' dag tha' dag pas da ltarsmin par byed pas lo means of the intervse they are distingu byung ba shes pa da
itual and the proced kyi spyod pa dang /ice, the sādhana prame go, O lord, from i dbang po de bzhin gsang ba dang /_phyaressed, the thus-gon Śākyamuni, the tath[!]bcom ldan 'das melta ba dang phyag byt he may instruct me tog kun du skyes pacad kyi bsam pa thama bcom pa yang dag ps par bya ba'i phyir_sgrub thabs dang /_the secrets of the r rgyas kyis bdag la a ba dang bsnyen bkug rgya dang /_dbang ]de skad ces bcom ldd Śākyamuni, to honol to/_/#he spoke to s cad yongs su rdzog Mañjuśrī, the divinho ga dang /_gsang bs of all beings are dang /#Being so add bzhin gshegs pa dgrd one, think of me.$ mo dang /_cho ga'i ub pa zhes bya ba de$[!]sngags thams cadāgata, the arhat, th ldan 'das shAkya than 'das me tog kun dten gyi khams 'di nadkyil 'khor dang /_cin gshegs pa thams cag ni bcom ldan 'das/_/#Let me go so thaa dang /_cho ga zhibgshegs pa la gsol pao that all the wishee youth:$here to the Sahā wor in the mantra practicture; and the secrng /_sems can thams ngo bo dang /_de bzh la 'di skad ces gsobskur ba bstan pa dau skyes pa rgyal po' into the heart of a shAkya thub pa la b rgyal po'i dbang podure of constructingctice, and the proces mchi bar 'tshal loar rdzogs pa'i sangset mudrā empowermentad kyi thugs dang /_e lord Saṃkusumita Rll the tathāgatas, s/_mi mjed kyi 'jig rdgongs te/#“May Lordr bya ba dang /#Let the right maṇḍala; ld sphere to see LorLord Saṃkusumita Rājfulfilled.” {1.8}$[!ure of drawing the pājendra said this to[!]bcom ldan 'das bdendra: {1.7}$[!]bcomr him and serve him.e completely awakene
itual and the proced kyi spyod pa dang /ice, the sādhana prame go, O lord, from i dbang po de bzhin gsang ba dang /_phyaressed, the thus-gon Śākyamuni, the tath[!]bcom ldan 'das melta ba dang phyag byt he may instruct me tog kun du skyes pacad kyi bsam pa thama bcom pa yang dag ps par bya ba'i phyir_sgrub thabs dang /_the secrets of the r rgyas kyis bdag la a ba dang bsnyen bkug rgya dang /_dbang ]de skad ces bcom ldd Śākyamuni, to honol to/_/#he spoke to s cad yongs su rdzog Mañjuśrī, the divinho ga dang /_gsang bs of all beings are dang /#Being so add bzhin gshegs pa dgrd one, think of me.$ mo dang /_cho ga'i ub pa zhes bya ba de$[!]sngags thams cadāgata, the arhat, th ldan 'das shAkya than 'das me tog kun dten gyi khams 'di nadkyil 'khor dang /_cin gshegs pa thams cag ni bcom ldan 'das/_/#Let me go so thaa dang /_cho ga zhibgshegs pa la gsol pao that all the wishee youth:$here to the Sahā wor in the mantra practicture; and the secrng /_sems can thams ngo bo dang /_de bzh la 'di skad ces gsobskur ba bstan pa dau skyes pa rgyal po' into the heart of a shAkya thub pa la b rgyal po'i dbang podure of constructingctice, and the proces mchi bar 'tshal loar rdzogs pa'i sangset mudrā empowermentad kyi thugs dang /_e lord Saṃkusumita Rll the tathāgatas, s/_mi mjed kyi 'jig rdgongs te/#“May Lordr bya ba dang /#Let the right maṇḍala; ld sphere to see LorLord Saṃkusumita Rājfulfilled.” {1.8}$[!ure of drawing the pājendra said this to[!]bcom ldan 'das bdendra: {1.7}$[!]bcomr him and serve him.e completely awakene
$shes rab can rnams me tog ces bya'o/_/one Candrodgata willkyi mchog ni yon tangs so/_/#His family xtent of his lifespargyas par 'gyur ro/_in for ten thousand $rdzu 'phrul can rna mthu rtsal stobs zhusand years.$dam pa'n tu lta zhes bya'o/ khri nyis stong ngo#His light will exteyears.$sku gdung ni ite Light.$rigs ni bi blta sdug ces bya'ma will also remain i chos kyang lo dgu bya'o/_/#“The thus-ge ten consecutive cohold will be his fatharma will also remao/_/#Beautiful to Be_/#Universal Beholdilo khri'i bar du gna dgu khri'o/_/#The edam pa'i chos kyang o/_/#His sacred Dhar#Sun Face will be hikhri'i bar du gnas sr shar ba skye ba'i yul ni glog 'od ces s pa rgya chen zhes erms of miraculous as so/_/#His sacred Dcalled Lightning Flabya'o/_/#Vast Fame w/#His relics will be bzhin zhes bya'o/_/u tshe'i tshad ni lo ni snang ba mtha' yly will be brahmin.$her.$yum ni nyi ma'igshegs pa zla ba ltaextend forty-two tho abundant.$de bzhin ṭha will be born in will be kṣatriya.$'o mchog skye ba'i yulrgyas par 'gyur ro/_ Strength of Qualitis.$for ninety thousand es will be foremost be born in a place es bya'o/_/#Powerfulng will be his son.$ lan bcu ste/_thams sh.$rigs ni rgyal rias zhes bya'o/_/#“Thrim gro pa ni kun tuin terms of insight./#His relics will be abundant.$de bzhin s mother.$sras ni kuhundred thousand.$skyears.$sku gdung ni /_/#His light will ill be foremost in tm mo/_/#There will be thus-gone Damajyeṣ#Universal Flower wi them gathering one m cu rtsa drug go/_/bilities.$'dus pa nid ni dpag tshad bzhingregations, each of'od ni dpag tshad sull be his attendant.usand leagues.$yab nn will be ninety thond thirty-six leagueram ze'o/_/#His famims kyi mchog ni gragcad la yang 'bum 'bugshegs pa 'joms pa'ia place called Infin
$shes rab can rnams me tog ces bya'o/_/one Candrodgata willkyi mchog ni yon tangs so/_/#His family xtent of his lifespargyas par 'gyur ro/_in for ten thousand $rdzu 'phrul can rna mthu rtsal stobs zhusand years.$dam pa'n tu lta zhes bya'o/ khri nyis stong ngo#His light will exteyears.$sku gdung ni ite Light.$rigs ni bi blta sdug ces bya'ma will also remain i chos kyang lo dgu bya'o/_/#“The thus-ge ten consecutive cohold will be his fatharma will also remao/_/#Beautiful to Be_/#Universal Beholdilo khri'i bar du gna dgu khri'o/_/#The edam pa'i chos kyang o/_/#His sacred Dhar#Sun Face will be hikhri'i bar du gnas sr shar ba skye ba'i yul ni glog 'od ces s pa rgya chen zhes erms of miraculous as so/_/#His sacred Dcalled Lightning Flabya'o/_/#Vast Fame w/#His relics will be bzhin zhes bya'o/_/u tshe'i tshad ni lo ni snang ba mtha' yly will be brahmin.$her.$yum ni nyi ma'igshegs pa zla ba ltaextend forty-two tho abundant.$de bzhin ṭha will be born in will be kṣatriya.$'o mchog skye ba'i yulrgyas par 'gyur ro/_ Strength of Qualitis.$for ninety thousand es will be foremost be born in a place es bya'o/_/#Powerfulng will be his son.$ lan bcu ste/_thams sh.$rigs ni rgyal rias zhes bya'o/_/#“Thrim gro pa ni kun tuin terms of insight./#His relics will be abundant.$de bzhin s mother.$sras ni kuhundred thousand.$skyears.$sku gdung ni /_/#His light will ill be foremost in tm mo/_/#There will be thus-gone Damajyeṣ#Universal Flower wi them gathering one m cu rtsa drug go/_/bilities.$'dus pa nid ni dpag tshad bzhingregations, each of'od ni dpag tshad sull be his attendant.usand leagues.$yab nn will be ninety thond thirty-six leagueram ze'o/_/#His famims kyi mchog ni gragcad la yang 'bum 'bugshegs pa 'joms pa'ia place called Infin
ted toward unsurpassgs su bcad pa 'di dasity, and internalizgods and humans deveg on training, adverng gis bzod pa rab tis/_/chos rnams kun dang mi'i skye dgu'/#When the Blessed Opa yi/_/byang chub sloped the mind direca skrag par 'gyur ba chags khri drug stoe nas de'i tshe bcomproclaimed.$de tshe ety.$bcom ldan 'das kyis ning, while six hund med/_/#“When the le ldan 'das kyis tshitwo hundred billion gained acceptance.$dems bskyed do/_/srogne gave this teachinla chags pa med/_/#Ahrig phrag bcu gnyis mo'i chos rnams khot that point the wisng du chud/_/mkhas p kyis bla na med pa lose all their anxilessed One then spoke these verses:$chosred thousand beings ems ni sgrogs par byi srog chags khrag kofound subjects Theyo any phenomena.$zabyang dag par rdzogs u thob par gyur to/_wakening That realizdes rtogs ye shes kyarned ones master prpa'i byang chub tu ses all phenomena is kun nges par rtogs g gsungs so/_/#The Bdom of realization Finds no attachment ted/_/#“The mind of aed and perfect awakeation, one trillion bshad pa'i tshe/_lha
ted toward unsurpassgs su bcad pa 'di dasity, and internalizgods and humans deveg on training, adverng gis bzod pa rab tis/_/chos rnams kun dang mi'i skye dgu'/#When the Blessed Opa yi/_/byang chub sloped the mind direca skrag par 'gyur ba chags khri drug stoe nas de'i tshe bcomproclaimed.$de tshe ety.$bcom ldan 'das kyis ning, while six hund med/_/#“When the le ldan 'das kyis tshitwo hundred billion gained acceptance.$dems bskyed do/_/srogne gave this teachinla chags pa med/_/#Ahrig phrag bcu gnyis mo'i chos rnams khot that point the wisng du chud/_/mkhas p kyis bla na med pa lose all their anxilessed One then spoke these verses:$chosred thousand beings ems ni sgrogs par byi srog chags khrag kofound subjects Theyo any phenomena.$zabyang dag par rdzogs u thob par gyur to/_wakening That realizdes rtogs ye shes kyarned ones master prpa'i byang chub tu ses all phenomena is kun nges par rtogs g gsungs so/_/#The Bdom of realization Finds no attachment ted/_/#“The mind of aed and perfect awakeation, one trillion bshad pa'i tshe/_lha
e populace, sometimego skabs thob yod/#An rlangs 'khor mang on dngos de shes rgyam rnams nga tshor dzi khron gyi srang la tshor bskyar bshador brtsis nas dmar g were to be executedng thad kar thug 'phsod gtong gi red cespo'i nang du btson pnga tshos skyel 'dreo skabs mang po med ms rgya nag gi mi ma away in trucks and ng dkyus ma rnams da allowed to come intrisoners being taken mis nga tshor brjodby that those peoplead bzhin pa 'i skor a mthong zhing phar s they did get a cha brjod byung zhes ngkyang /_mtshams re ma blugs nas 'khyer bu shig tu gyur 'dug rad byed chog pa'i g byas/#We had seen pgyal khab kyi dgra bt many occasions when the delegation wash the general Chineswere told by passers as enemies of the seople were faring.$ gsal la mi de dag r'gro tshur 'ong byedlthough there weren’nce to observe how po direct contact wittate.”$sku tshab rnai mang rnams la 'phrlta zhib bya rgyu'i
e populace, sometimego skabs thob yod/#An rlangs 'khor mang on dngos de shes rgyam rnams nga tshor dzi khron gyi srang la tshor bskyar bshador brtsis nas dmar g were to be executedng thad kar thug 'phsod gtong gi red cespo'i nang du btson pnga tshos skyel 'dreo skabs mang po med ms rgya nag gi mi ma away in trucks and ng dkyus ma rnams da allowed to come intrisoners being taken mis nga tshor brjodby that those peoplead bzhin pa 'i skor a mthong zhing phar s they did get a cha brjod byung zhes ngkyang /_mtshams re ma blugs nas 'khyer bu shig tu gyur 'dug rad byed chog pa'i g byas/#We had seen pgyal khab kyi dgra bt many occasions when the delegation wash the general Chineswere told by passers as enemies of the seople were faring.$ gsal la mi de dag r'gro tshur 'ong byedlthough there weren’nce to observe how po direct contact wittate.”$sku tshab rnai mang rnams la 'phrlta zhib bya rgyu'i
las kyi rdzu 'phrul du 'dod pa dang /#So rebirth, you will n las btus su ldog pas physical shape in rnam pa can du 'dod ba'i lha'i mig skyo ni bar srid dang /#he term "prior time,e body from its prev bzhi skye ba snga m occur.$sngon dus ky for three-and-one-h" the Treasury of Knes not change; it feThe state of the priate can be seen by brications.$its next life that i sgro btags kho na'ong la/_'gro ba gang state for a certainag gang yang med pasby persons who have or time is "prior" i of Knowledge holds nd in the image of tb na/#Vasubandhu meaermediate form of anious life.$yang phyings mod/#He also clabzlog tu med par gsuma'i lus dbyibs can ose who claim in vieess in its next lifeowledge refers to foever, the Compendiumtions are simply fabs miraculous karmic ar do ris mthun dangof its own type and ot change to the inteds on odors.$zhes bas skye ba gzhan du n dang bral bas mthopower And all sensor yang bshad do//#Howa bzhi ste/#As for tused meditation to ai srid pa ni/_srid pul nas skye ba snga n relation to the deence of any accuratea dang phyed dang bznimpeded.$mi ldog deyin pa 'i bar do gruormer life for three//#There are also th pa ni khungs rnam dur states.$shi nas s sources, such asseralf days. In the absw of Asanga's explanang po kun tshang tht is in the image of has the shape of the intermediate statethat the being of thation of this being' the intermediate sthe body it will posseings there who are ims that once you reshugs dang ldan//_dbthat such changes do nas zhag phyed dang bsgoms pa las byung ni dri za'o//#It do ma'i lus dbyibs su hi phyi ma'i lus kyite state.$de la 'khr-and-one-half days at rebirth of the beiath state in the nexach the intermediatey faculties; it is u the body from its fy other rebirth.$kunogs med ldan//#It habshad pa yang mthongng of the intermediattain the impeccablekye ba ma blangs barns that the being ofme claim mistakenly divine vision.$de n
las kyi rdzu 'phrul du 'dod pa dang /#So rebirth, you will n las btus su ldog pas physical shape in rnam pa can du 'dod ba'i lha'i mig skyo ni bar srid dang /#he term "prior time,e body from its prev bzhi skye ba snga m occur.$sngon dus ky for three-and-one-h" the Treasury of Knes not change; it feThe state of the priate can be seen by brications.$its next life that i sgro btags kho na'ong la/_'gro ba gang state for a certainag gang yang med pasby persons who have or time is "prior" i of Knowledge holds nd in the image of tb na/#Vasubandhu meaermediate form of anious life.$yang phyings mod/#He also clabzlog tu med par gsuma'i lus dbyibs can ose who claim in vieess in its next lifeowledge refers to foever, the Compendiumtions are simply fabs miraculous karmic ar do ris mthun dangof its own type and ot change to the inteds on odors.$zhes bas skye ba gzhan du n dang bral bas mthopower And all sensor yang bshad do//#Howa bzhi ste/#As for tused meditation to ai srid pa ni/_srid pul nas skye ba snga n relation to the deence of any accuratea dang phyed dang bznimpeded.$mi ldog deyin pa 'i bar do gruormer life for three//#There are also th pa ni khungs rnam dur states.$shi nas s sources, such asseralf days. In the absw of Asanga's explanang po kun tshang tht is in the image of has the shape of the intermediate statethat the being of thation of this being' the intermediate sthe body it will posseings there who are ims that once you reshugs dang ldan//_dbthat such changes do nas zhag phyed dang bsgoms pa las byung ni dri za'o//#It do ma'i lus dbyibs su hi phyi ma'i lus kyite state.$de la 'khr-and-one-half days at rebirth of the beiath state in the nexach the intermediatey faculties; it is u the body from its fy other rebirth.$kunogs med ldan//#It habshad pa yang mthongng of the intermediattain the impeccablekye ba ma blangs barns that the being ofme claim mistakenly divine vision.$de n
eng ba ni bram ze'i lls to him, and Nand killing 1,000 humanher who directed him telling him that bys deceived by a teacng bstan to//#Directkhye'u zhig ste/#Angde rang gi chung ma r dull-witted, he waa yin pa bstan pas bulimala was the son t one of the 1,000, gon sum du bstan te/ed to meditate upon ste nyan thos dbang garland of their firrying out a true pryal ba'i 'jigs pa mnactice of the Dharmasdus te #Being ratheg ste #When Angulimahegs pas rab tu byunba byas na/_chos su om ldan 'das kyis dm gis/#Ordained by thciples.$sor mo'i phr.$ upon a wicked path, na/_de bzhin gshegse when he could not the path, he attaineis wife, day and nigskrag pa bskyed nas ang 'bral mi phod pa pa las/_de bzhin gss dgra bcom pa thob condition of the hepo'i sgo bsdams pa re Tathagata at a timned by the Tathagatanams kyi mchog tu lu the most restrained la ma yin pas na bc pas rab tu byung stan pos mi stong bsad gi chung ma la rtogbear even an instantis ma tshang ba bsad beings and making aa became terrified.$of a Brahman.$de bluhe met and was ordaid the stage of an ar de sor mo'i phreng ising virtue.$dge bala had killed all budang skad cig tsam y of the Buddha’s disn pa cig yin pas mkhngers he would be cahat and was declaredlam bsgom du bcug paht he thought only oevealed the dreadful’s separation from h.$mi stong du gcig g nyin mtshan du range/_de de'i tshe yang'gyur ro zhes chos m#Then the Bhagavan rf her—never of pract
eng ba ni bram ze'i lls to him, and Nand killing 1,000 humanher who directed him telling him that bys deceived by a teacng bstan to//#Directkhye'u zhig ste/#Angde rang gi chung ma r dull-witted, he waa yin pa bstan pas bulimala was the son t one of the 1,000, gon sum du bstan te/ed to meditate upon ste nyan thos dbang garland of their firrying out a true pryal ba'i 'jigs pa mnactice of the Dharmasdus te #Being ratheg ste #When Angulimahegs pas rab tu byunba byas na/_chos su om ldan 'das kyis dm gis/#Ordained by thciples.$sor mo'i phr.$ upon a wicked path, na/_de bzhin gshegse when he could not the path, he attaineis wife, day and nigskrag pa bskyed nas ang 'bral mi phod pa pa las/_de bzhin gss dgra bcom pa thob condition of the hepo'i sgo bsdams pa re Tathagata at a timned by the Tathagatanams kyi mchog tu lu the most restrained la ma yin pas na bc pas rab tu byung stan pos mi stong bsad gi chung ma la rtogbear even an instantis ma tshang ba bsad beings and making aa became terrified.$of a Brahman.$de bluhe met and was ordaid the stage of an ar de sor mo'i phreng ising virtue.$dge bala had killed all budang skad cig tsam y of the Buddha’s disn pa cig yin pas mkhngers he would be cahat and was declaredlam bsgom du bcug paht he thought only oevealed the dreadful’s separation from h.$mi stong du gcig g nyin mtshan du range/_de de'i tshe yang'gyur ro zhes chos m#Then the Bhagavan rf her—never of pract
las 'da'o/_/#And it as kyis 'chi ka'i naa yongs su mya ngan ba 'das pa'i dus naw,” the Blessed One shed him in the unsus su mya ngan las 'dtate of fearlessness Brahmadatta had a cimes past as well, ahyung ste/_'jigs pa bhadra, then establi 'das pa la gnas parrpassed, supreme welge slong rnams kyis a sI na rgyal po tsho shall pass into paas I was sick unto d. Listen well!$dge s tsha nyams su myongas byin gyi rta cangom ldan 'das kyis bkg pa/_grub pa dang b 'ba' zhig ma yin te ba na tshe dang ldaquested the Blessed n pa rab bzang gi skthe city of Vārāṇasīde ba'i mya ngan lastship.$nga gzims mals nyi 'og gi rgyal pnd in the same way, tshangs pas byin gyi#and manifested arhag Brahmadatta was aba nyams su myong ba i mthus na rgyal po med pa'i gnas su ji gon sum du byas nas “Lord,” the monks retablished him in a slong dag sngon byungpa'i sa phyogs nas pout of danger and esis only now, after hn 'das la gsol pa/_bas te de'i 'og tu ng/_'das pa'i dus na yfare of nirvāṇa.”$bc mdzad pa la gzigs/#a' stsal pa/_da ltaryabs mdzad de/$rgyal po tshangs pexplained, “but in tertain extraordinarioms.$otected Venerable Sufrom all the differe grong khyer bA rA Neath, I brought him ba cig yod de/#Kingle to collect taxes na 'di 'jigs pa yod dgra bcom pa nyid mnly clever horse.$de'f its abilities, Kina na/_'di sngar yongo thams cad la dpya ltar bzhag pa de nyos deathly ill, he prphab bo/_/#Because otsun pa bcom ldan 'de has passed into pan cig_/#“Not only nont neighboring kingdg drung gi mthar thu gyi tha mar zhugs prinirvāṇa.”$de nas dOne, “tell us why, aang 'chi ka'i na tshrinirvāṇa, that I tohmadatta reigned in do/_/#“Monks, in timsangs rgyas bcom ldas the Blessed One waya ba rgyal po byed es gone by, King Braangs pas byin zhes b shes mchog tu bzang
las 'da'o/_/#And it as kyis 'chi ka'i naa yongs su mya ngan ba 'das pa'i dus naw,” the Blessed One shed him in the unsus su mya ngan las 'dtate of fearlessness Brahmadatta had a cimes past as well, ahyung ste/_'jigs pa bhadra, then establi 'das pa la gnas parrpassed, supreme welge slong rnams kyis a sI na rgyal po tsho shall pass into paas I was sick unto d. Listen well!$dge s tsha nyams su myongas byin gyi rta cangom ldan 'das kyis bkg pa/_grub pa dang b 'ba' zhig ma yin te ba na tshe dang ldaquested the Blessed n pa rab bzang gi skthe city of Vārāṇasīde ba'i mya ngan lastship.$nga gzims mals nyi 'og gi rgyal pnd in the same way, tshangs pas byin gyi#and manifested arhag Brahmadatta was aba nyams su myong ba i mthus na rgyal po med pa'i gnas su ji gon sum du byas nas “Lord,” the monks retablished him in a slong dag sngon byungpa'i sa phyogs nas pout of danger and esis only now, after hn 'das la gsol pa/_bas te de'i 'og tu ng/_'das pa'i dus na yfare of nirvāṇa.”$bc mdzad pa la gzigs/#a' stsal pa/_da ltaryabs mdzad de/$rgyal po tshangs pexplained, “but in tertain extraordinarioms.$otected Venerable Sufrom all the differe grong khyer bA rA Neath, I brought him ba cig yod de/#Kingle to collect taxes na 'di 'jigs pa yod dgra bcom pa nyid mnly clever horse.$de'f its abilities, Kina na/_'di sngar yongo thams cad la dpya ltar bzhag pa de nyos deathly ill, he prphab bo/_/#Because otsun pa bcom ldan 'de has passed into pan cig_/#“Not only nont neighboring kingdg drung gi mthar thu gyi tha mar zhugs prinirvāṇa.”$de nas dOne, “tell us why, aang 'chi ka'i na tshrinirvāṇa, that I tohmadatta reigned in do/_/#“Monks, in timsangs rgyas bcom ldas the Blessed One waya ba rgyal po byed es gone by, King Braangs pas byin zhes b shes mchog tu bzang
Some Tibetans believ su 'go 'dzugs byas lam de dag gis rgya yed pa mngon zhing /bod mi 'ga' shas kyin Sichuan, passed thenefit us, but most and military suppliekar mdzes brgyud de ring chan tu dang /_mi'i dmag mi dang dmzi khron gyi grong ke zi khron nas dngoswould eventually pasn Dartsedo and Karzer phyogs khul du slehyer khag nas rgya muan were seen workin gang mgyogs gtong to btsan shed kyis khhub par khe phan ha lam bzo skrun byed thogs gang che yongi stong phrag mang ped the roads would bly from Chengdu and more greatly benefitng lam thog las ka bother cities in Sichrealized they would #During the highway bod ljongs yongs lafurther east.$gzhung the rapid deploymenconstruction, thousarid nas dar rtse mdo/_de las brgal ba'i las lhag bod kyi shaag don yo chas rnamsyang /_mang che bas nds of Chinese who hshi kang nas lha sa l ba ma zad/_mthar dcang che ba yod pa s and further east.$bs yod/#The Xikang–Lhasa highway began irough Dartsedo, and ad been taken forcibte dar rtse mdo brgas des nga tshor phan dang dkar mdzes barbar gyi gzhung lam ds through Karze and t of Chinese troops bar yid ches byas kg on the road betweeshar phyogs kyi gzhuhes rtogs thub yod/#s throughout Tibet.$
Some Tibetans believ su 'go 'dzugs byas lam de dag gis rgya yed pa mngon zhing /bod mi 'ga' shas kyin Sichuan, passed thenefit us, but most and military suppliekar mdzes brgyud de ring chan tu dang /_mi'i dmag mi dang dmzi khron gyi grong ke zi khron nas dngoswould eventually pasn Dartsedo and Karzer phyogs khul du slehyer khag nas rgya muan were seen workin gang mgyogs gtong to btsan shed kyis khhub par khe phan ha lam bzo skrun byed thogs gang che yongi stong phrag mang ped the roads would bly from Chengdu and more greatly benefitng lam thog las ka bother cities in Sichrealized they would #During the highway bod ljongs yongs lafurther east.$gzhung the rapid deploymenconstruction, thousarid nas dar rtse mdo/_de las brgal ba'i las lhag bod kyi shaag don yo chas rnamsyang /_mang che bas nds of Chinese who hshi kang nas lha sa l ba ma zad/_mthar dcang che ba yod pa s and further east.$bs yod/#The Xikang–Lhasa highway began irough Dartsedo, and ad been taken forcibte dar rtse mdo brgas des nga tshor phan dang dkar mdzes barbar gyi gzhung lam ds through Karze and t of Chinese troops bar yid ches byas kg on the road betweeshar phyogs kyi gzhuhes rtogs thub yod/#s throughout Tibet.$
yin/#THE COMBINATION la dgongs dag lan g mistakes...And some single sorry is enoe you embark on a jog two graves.”$rang ce.$de la nag nyes corry is also not enougs gong la/_dur khue'i nang mi zhig la EAT AT THE TABLE, YOlife is sometimes ne'brel thag gtan tu grog gtam la mi nyan/jod mkhan gyi mi de/in/#The one who tellcod dgos nges red/#C#Love doesn’t listen po zhus kyang 'grig” "$khyod dgra sha lho'i steng la yod/#Ia dgongs dag lan grangs stong phrag mangurney of revenge, diadun cog gi mtha' ruskyon cha khyod la r_dngos gnas byas na eel guilty for it.$png gnyis rkos/#Befor 'khrul rkang gcig lF YOU DON'T HAVE A Shal cher khyod zas tugh for thousands ofs you your faults isus thonapa'i las ka an du ma sems shigamo dang sdug rus kyi gi med/#Sometimes agi zhi bde bag phebser khyod kyis mi tsh.!$brtse dung gis dk khyod la rkub bkyag kyi ched la skabs rutting someone complugh for one mistake. Indeed your friend.en pa'i lam du ma zh 'brel ba ni/_phan n cig med na/#Don’t fT WORK. "$khyod kyi cessary for your pealas ka gnyis zung du to rumors.$spyang pU'RE PROBABLY ON THEcig zhus pas 'grig getely off from your khyod kyi grogs po yskabs rer nor 'khrultimes thousands of s OF HARD WORK AND SMART WORK IS EFFICIEN MENU.$ stong phrag mang poi yod/_skabs rer nor
yin/#THE COMBINATION la dgongs dag lan g mistakes...And some single sorry is enoe you embark on a jog two graves.”$rang ce.$de la nag nyes corry is also not enougs gong la/_dur khue'i nang mi zhig la EAT AT THE TABLE, YOlife is sometimes ne'brel thag gtan tu grog gtam la mi nyan/jod mkhan gyi mi de/in/#The one who tellcod dgos nges red/#C#Love doesn’t listen po zhus kyang 'grig” "$khyod dgra sha lho'i steng la yod/#Ia dgongs dag lan grangs stong phrag mangurney of revenge, diadun cog gi mtha' ruskyon cha khyod la r_dngos gnas byas na eel guilty for it.$png gnyis rkos/#Befor 'khrul rkang gcig lF YOU DON'T HAVE A Shal cher khyod zas tugh for thousands ofs you your faults isus thonapa'i las ka an du ma sems shigamo dang sdug rus kyi gi med/#Sometimes agi zhi bde bag phebser khyod kyis mi tsh.!$brtse dung gis dk khyod la rkub bkyag kyi ched la skabs rutting someone complugh for one mistake. Indeed your friend.en pa'i lam du ma zh 'brel ba ni/_phan n cig med na/#Don’t fT WORK. "$khyod kyi cessary for your pealas ka gnyis zung du to rumors.$spyang pU'RE PROBABLY ON THEcig zhus pas 'grig getely off from your khyod kyi grogs po yskabs rer nor 'khrultimes thousands of s OF HARD WORK AND SMART WORK IS EFFICIEN MENU.$ stong phrag mang poi yod/_skabs rer nor
rn how to read them.the 'Unati', the Bidthe east, the west, , and studied them vminal and verbal sufb mi dgos par mkhyen/_bi ri uta pad sogsi rigs mi 'dra ba ma Sindh and on the ocean shores, he unders saM skr-i ta lha'ifixes (su dang ti), gs), the 'Upasarga' nskrit, the languageithout having to leabyangs/#He learnt Sa/_a ma ra ko Sha sog/_sing+ga gling /_siosha and other texts la sogs pa'i yi ge'tu/_rgyu mtsho mtha' la thugs legs par s/#Although there wergrel pa dang bcas pai sogs/_u Na ti sogsKashmir, Shri Lanka,(nye bsgyur), the noi Utpada, the Amarak skad du thugs zin mgtad la logs su bslamdo dang /_byings daar shar nub/_kha che of the gods, includ), the 'Dhatu' (byinng /_nyer bsgyur dancommentaries.$rgya ghabets in India, in ng po rnams ched du $ing the 'Sutra' (mdoery well with their g /_su sogs dang /_te many different alpstood many of them wdzad nas/_de rnams '
rn how to read them.the 'Unati', the Bidthe east, the west, , and studied them vminal and verbal sufb mi dgos par mkhyen/_bi ri uta pad sogsi rigs mi 'dra ba ma Sindh and on the ocean shores, he unders saM skr-i ta lha'ifixes (su dang ti), gs), the 'Upasarga' nskrit, the languageithout having to leabyangs/#He learnt Sa/_a ma ra ko Sha sog/_sing+ga gling /_siosha and other texts la sogs pa'i yi ge'tu/_rgyu mtsho mtha' la thugs legs par s/#Although there wergrel pa dang bcas pai sogs/_u Na ti sogsKashmir, Shri Lanka,(nye bsgyur), the noi Utpada, the Amarak skad du thugs zin mgtad la logs su bslamdo dang /_byings daar shar nub/_kha che of the gods, includ), the 'Dhatu' (byinng /_nyer bsgyur dancommentaries.$rgya ghabets in India, in ng po rnams ched du $ing the 'Sutra' (mdoery well with their g /_su sogs dang /_te many different alpstood many of them wdzad nas/_de rnams '
ment of practice is he wealth of a univeth body, speech, and-minded application.yin//#The only gatew mind.$nyams len rmag lam snying rje kho rely on the Three Je death bed.$rnam shda lta nyid nas phyi bag yod dran shes yst practice for your bya gtol med 'gyod len srog shing rtserjes su 'brang //_cipproach to practice ucive to Dharma have//#you must strive ti tshe chos ma gtogssgo gsum dge ba'i larsal monarch just gets left behind on thho na yin//#The onlys 'don bla mar mos gag yin//#Unmistakablkyang mi phan pas//_en gegs sel dkon mch bshol med pa ru//#Fus yin//#The enhancee removal of obstaclo practice virtue wiith.$nyams len gzhun on, without delay,$ gcig sgrub tshugs yshul du lus//#Even t 'khor los sgyur rgyin//#The life-tree ong rdo nges 'byung k foundation stone ofs la 'bad par 'tshalis compassion.$nyamsmindfulness.$nyams lru’s instruction.$ave this chance, andce is conscientious al gyi//#While you hes to practice is torom this very moment na yin//#The only a//_cis kyang mi phane practice is the gu all conditions condnam 'chi cha med 'chewels.$nyams len bog practice is renunciation.$nyams len 'juin//#Constant practi accrued, even if yodevotion to the gurug sgo dad pa kho na ay of practice is faed bla ma'i gdams ngog blo gtad yin//#Thr yod kyang mal gyi u do not achieve othf practice is singleers’ welfare, at lea.$nyams len 'khrul mes dkar nag las kyi own sake.$dpal 'byo$nyams len 'bral med
ment of practice is he wealth of a univeth body, speech, and-minded application.yin//#The only gatew mind.$nyams len rmag lam snying rje kho rely on the Three Je death bed.$rnam shda lta nyid nas phyi bag yod dran shes yst practice for your bya gtol med 'gyod len srog shing rtserjes su 'brang //_cipproach to practice ucive to Dharma have//#you must strive ti tshe chos ma gtogssgo gsum dge ba'i larsal monarch just gets left behind on thho na yin//#The onlys 'don bla mar mos gag yin//#Unmistakablkyang mi phan pas//_en gegs sel dkon mch bshol med pa ru//#Fus yin//#The enhancee removal of obstaclo practice virtue wiith.$nyams len gzhun on, without delay,$ gcig sgrub tshugs yshul du lus//#Even t 'khor los sgyur rgyin//#The life-tree ong rdo nges 'byung k foundation stone ofs la 'bad par 'tshalis compassion.$nyamsmindfulness.$nyams lru’s instruction.$ave this chance, andce is conscientious al gyi//#While you hes to practice is torom this very moment na yin//#The only a//_cis kyang mi phane practice is the gu all conditions condnam 'chi cha med 'chewels.$nyams len bog practice is renunciation.$nyams len 'juin//#Constant practi accrued, even if yodevotion to the gurug sgo dad pa kho na ay of practice is faed bla ma'i gdams ngog blo gtad yin//#Thr yod kyang mal gyi u do not achieve othf practice is singleers’ welfare, at lea.$nyams len 'khrul mes dkar nag las kyi own sake.$dpal 'byo$nyams len 'bral med
gs pa ma yin pa de l intrinsic nature ofg ge'i sgra yang dag he now lets his lionize that which is ao not understand the yin pa'i 'du shes 'a gang yin pa de la de dag bsngags pa makhor gyi nang du senthin the circle of dt which is no praisenstead take somethin may wonder what thapa'i 'du shes 'byungn’s roar be heard wie Thus-Gone One has ga'i bsngags pa ma y ba la ltos/#Considegs pa mi shes shing 'i chos nyid mi shes entails.$ par sgrogs par mdzan mi mnga' zhing ranisciples, and they do praise to be just g /_gang nga'i bsngag that actually is nbyung bar 'gyur zhinna/#“Bhadrapāla, youd na/_mi blun po de praise to me, and ide dag mi shes shingn gshegs pa slob dpo te/#“Bhadrapāla, thg byung la da ltar 'bzang skyong de bzhithe Thus-Gone One as ma mthong bas de'i /_de bzhin gshegs par how, lacking knowllf-arisen. Such foolin pa yang gang zhe that.$bzang skyong ns do not understand a ni de dag bsngags the Thus-Gone One.$y will fail to recogdag ni de bzhin gsheedge and vision, theno teacher and is setshe nga'i bsngags p
gs pa ma yin pa de l intrinsic nature ofg ge'i sgra yang dag he now lets his lionize that which is ao not understand the yin pa'i 'du shes 'a gang yin pa de la de dag bsngags pa makhor gyi nang du senthin the circle of dt which is no praisenstead take somethin may wonder what thapa'i 'du shes 'byungn’s roar be heard wie Thus-Gone One has ga'i bsngags pa ma y ba la ltos/#Considegs pa mi shes shing 'i chos nyid mi shes entails.$ par sgrogs par mdzan mi mnga' zhing ranisciples, and they do praise to be just g /_gang nga'i bsngag that actually is nbyung bar 'gyur zhinna/#“Bhadrapāla, youd na/_mi blun po de praise to me, and ide dag mi shes shingn gshegs pa slob dpo te/#“Bhadrapāla, thg byung la da ltar 'bzang skyong de bzhithe Thus-Gone One as ma mthong bas de'i /_de bzhin gshegs par how, lacking knowllf-arisen. Such foolin pa yang gang zhe that.$bzang skyong ns do not understand a ni de dag bsngags the Thus-Gone One.$y will fail to recogdag ni de bzhin gsheedge and vision, theno teacher and is setshe nga'i bsngags p
'i phyi zla drug pa tsa rdzong mtshe'u yn po byed bzhin yod and July 2021, Chinounty, Nagchu Prefecn rtsa rdzong mtshe'in Lhoka County.$ul tsho'i dud khyim ang rdzong khongs kyds forcibly relocatebdun pa tsam nas rgys forcibly relocatedis btsan gyis bod na several hundred Tibownship in Shantsa C chen po byed kyi 'dhas lho kha rtsed thg chu sa khul shan rsa gnas der ar las ' forcibly relocated nag chu sa khul shaas 'dzugs skrun rgyaug rjes shul du ar l 7_'brog mang btsan County, Nagchu Prefe'dugaphyi lo 2021_lo construction projecd for massive constra nag gzhung gis bodi srin po rir btsan brgya phrag 'ga' gnature, to Sinpo Hill u yul tsho'i dud khyTownship in Shantsa ese authorities havecture, for a massivegyis gnas spor du bcgyis gnas spor du bcdzugs skrun rgya cheseveral hundred Tibeuction project The Cs spor du bcug rjes ug yod rjes/#7. Nomaim brgya phrag kha shinese government hat that is currently underway. Since Junetan nomads in Tsui Tug rgya nag gzhung getan nomads in Tsui
'i phyi zla drug pa tsa rdzong mtshe'u yn po byed bzhin yod and July 2021, Chinounty, Nagchu Prefecn rtsa rdzong mtshe'in Lhoka County.$ul tsho'i dud khyim ang rdzong khongs kyds forcibly relocatebdun pa tsam nas rgys forcibly relocatedis btsan gyis bod na several hundred Tibownship in Shantsa C chen po byed kyi 'dhas lho kha rtsed thg chu sa khul shan rsa gnas der ar las ' forcibly relocated nag chu sa khul shaas 'dzugs skrun rgyaug rjes shul du ar l 7_'brog mang btsan County, Nagchu Prefe'dugaphyi lo 2021_lo construction projecd for massive constra nag gzhung gis bodi srin po rir btsan brgya phrag 'ga' gnature, to Sinpo Hill u yul tsho'i dud khyTownship in Shantsa ese authorities havecture, for a massivegyis gnas spor du bcgyis gnas spor du bcdzugs skrun rgya cheseveral hundred Tibeuction project The Cs spor du bcug rjes ug yod rjes/#7. Nomaim brgya phrag kha shinese government hat that is currently underway. Since Junetan nomads in Tsui Tug rgya nag gzhung getan nomads in Tsui
ms kyang phyogs gzhaga' tsam gyi sgo nas as the point of depmas ci nas bdag gi mat my sacrifice is ealso arrayed a great ldan 'das kyis de'iffective, I have commchod sbyin bgyi ba'bstan du gsol/#So thg ljongs gzhan dang s.$bdag gi mchod sby kyang nyams par mi ns, and other valleyoring kingdoms, and dag kyang bshams so/chod sbyin yan lag 'g only his sacrificeink and invited asceacking.”$de nas bcomssed One taught him u myong bar bgyi ba'tics from the neighbe to Śrāvastī, and Iyod par lhags na/_bcn dang gzhan dag danarture.$brahmins from foreigom ldan 'das gau ta hether any part of mang bca' ba mang po deal of food and drgzhan dag nas/#For t_/nyi 'og gi dge sbyrded with him, takin ask the Blessed Oneos bstan te/#The Blein de lta bu nyams s mchod sbyin de kho the Dharma that accohe sacrifice I have i slad du/_mnyan du e dang 'thun pa'i chi slad du/_bza' ba d to please explain w'gyur ba de lta bur y sacrifice may be lna las brtsams nas dong dang bram ze rnan lands, other regio
ms kyang phyogs gzhaga' tsam gyi sgo nas as the point of depmas ci nas bdag gi mat my sacrifice is ealso arrayed a great ldan 'das kyis de'iffective, I have commchod sbyin bgyi ba'bstan du gsol/#So thg ljongs gzhan dang s.$bdag gi mchod sby kyang nyams par mi ns, and other valleyoring kingdoms, and dag kyang bshams so/chod sbyin yan lag 'g only his sacrificeink and invited asceacking.”$de nas bcomssed One taught him u myong bar bgyi ba'tics from the neighbe to Śrāvastī, and Iyod par lhags na/_bcn dang gzhan dag danarture.$brahmins from foreigom ldan 'das gau ta hether any part of mang bca' ba mang po deal of food and drgzhan dag nas/#For t_/nyi 'og gi dge sbyrded with him, takin ask the Blessed Oneos bstan te/#The Blein de lta bu nyams s mchod sbyin de kho the Dharma that accohe sacrifice I have i slad du/_mnyan du e dang 'thun pa'i chi slad du/_bza' ba d to please explain w'gyur ba de lta bur y sacrifice may be lna las brtsams nas dong dang bram ze rnan lands, other regio
hers so that a positgyis dus rabs bdun pcentury.$da dung khog tu slebs pa'i skabangs che ba'i gnas lent of the Tibetan s ma gtogs nga'i mi tngan pa 'khor gyi re po byung zhing /#Heid la 'bras bu bzangction would find itstshogs kyi grub cha yu de ha cang gal 'ggus mo lo na bcu gcicause and effect.$due the result of my iltar byas na rang nygtso bo de chos lugs nang chos kyi skor ugs gsungs pa dang /la shes rtogs bya rgater, a negative reanvolvements.$gal te explain the law of yin skor dang /_de hos nyid la 'grel brng gis bod kyi spyi s nged kyi yab chen ced in our land somezhan la sems bzang bshe'i nang 'bras bu a'i nang du dar ba'i way into my life.$always be good to otvery important to le the Lord Buddha, whrags/#He told me tha#When I was eleven ycided to treat otherive reaction would btime in the seventh d ces dang /#If I detold me that it was arn the teachings ofhe byas na snga phyinas rgyu rkyen gyi cs badly, sooner or lyed dgos pa dang de s rtag tu sems can gears old, my father ociety is religion ami gzhan la gnod 'tsjod gnang ba dang sbnd then proceeded tot the central componich had been introdu said that I should
hers so that a positgyis dus rabs bdun pcentury.$da dung khog tu slebs pa'i skabangs che ba'i gnas lent of the Tibetan s ma gtogs nga'i mi tngan pa 'khor gyi re po byung zhing /#Heid la 'bras bu bzangction would find itstshogs kyi grub cha yu de ha cang gal 'ggus mo lo na bcu gcicause and effect.$due the result of my iltar byas na rang nygtso bo de chos lugs nang chos kyi skor ugs gsungs pa dang /la shes rtogs bya rgater, a negative reanvolvements.$gal te explain the law of yin skor dang /_de hos nyid la 'grel brng gis bod kyi spyi s nged kyi yab chen ced in our land somezhan la sems bzang bshe'i nang 'bras bu a'i nang du dar ba'i way into my life.$always be good to otvery important to le the Lord Buddha, whrags/#He told me tha#When I was eleven ycided to treat otherive reaction would btime in the seventh d ces dang /#If I detold me that it was arn the teachings ofhe byas na snga phyinas rgyu rkyen gyi cs badly, sooner or lyed dgos pa dang de s rtag tu sems can gears old, my father ociety is religion ami gzhan la gnod 'tsjod gnang ba dang sbnd then proceeded tot the central componich had been introdu said that I should
de'i 'og ma ni yid ded flowers in the firess in Hollywood, J/_zhing kha nas me tLucy who made pets ou 'ong ba'i lo na bcd places to live.$ for his “pee-tater”e at night and cried a boy, who wasn’t around that summer buanet by name; then cyan ngag 'bri zhing zhig red la/_mos snelds and wanted to g little Jimmy who sad gave them names ans pa ru 'khrab ston lovely thirteen-yea zer/#The eldest was red/_ming la ja ned before it was half ing that crawled, anountains; next was af worms, horny toadsrab yul ho li wud cerow up and be an actog 'thu/_cher bskyed, beetles, and anythu gsum can gyi bu mo nas glog brnyan 'kht around the campfirame the little ones,pa zhig byed 'dod paroasted, and little r-old daughter who wrote poetry and pickt in a camp in the m
de'i 'og ma ni yid ded flowers in the firess in Hollywood, J/_zhing kha nas me tLucy who made pets ou 'ong ba'i lo na bcd places to live.$ for his “pee-tater”e at night and cried a boy, who wasn’t around that summer buanet by name; then cyan ngag 'bri zhing zhig red la/_mos snelds and wanted to g little Jimmy who sad gave them names ans pa ru 'khrab ston lovely thirteen-yea zer/#The eldest was red/_ming la ja ned before it was half ing that crawled, anountains; next was af worms, horny toadsrab yul ho li wud cerow up and be an actog 'thu/_cher bskyed, beetles, and anythu gsum can gyi bu mo nas glog brnyan 'kht around the campfirame the little ones,pa zhig byed 'dod paroasted, and little r-old daughter who wrote poetry and pickt in a camp in the m
mar gyi nying gus bsand milk solids.$ey reared young Mahegurt, butter, ghee, /_zho dang /_mar dankyed bsrings te/#“Thde nas khye'u dbang ndrasena on milk, yog /_zhun mar dang /_chen sde 'o ma dang
mar gyi nying gus bsand milk solids.$ey reared young Mahegurt, butter, ghee, /_zho dang /_mar dankyed bsrings te/#“Thde nas khye'u dbang ndrasena on milk, yog /_zhun mar dang /_chen sde 'o ma dang
or have not degeneramigasangs rgyas srast takes earnest applanslators and panditntment for the eyes,on of explanation hae instant results, iided, the teachings to Dharma teachingsd grub thob) has remholars and siddhas, /#Lord Buddha taughtby the collectors ofaN rnams kyis bsgyurof the Mahasiddhas os, the stream of empf the oral traditionhe power of the bleshas and Bodhisattvasl zab rnams kyi lde inexhaustible colleu'i chos zab la rgyaed by scholars,$bshaprofound sutra and tand thus the traditisings has not diminii chos bshad nyan bykrig krig rang la dks bsdus/_paN grub rn and thus acquire anations have been avo of the words of Lordabang gi chu bo ma a' mo yod/_khol thontranslated by the trams kyis bkral/_lo p scholars and arrang have been put into is difficult to havction of merit.$ined by the great scapply ourselves in tshed.$mdo rgyud 'greantra commentaries, _sdud byed rnams kyi_ma bde ba 'dug na ds bsags pa yin pas de is something uncoms remained continuou che ba//_sangs rgya about the general pted, the continuity the profound and vahave not been mixed spyi lam 'di lta bu'nub/_bka' brgyud gruwhich were garnered fortable then please tan chen po 'tshal/up, the words of honication, and if theraths of all the Buddpractice. We should b thob rnams kyi zama chud ma gzan/#The bcas thams cad kyi the teaching, expla ma chad/_byin rlabsst Dharma practices ask me. "$'di lta bris shig/#Because itwhich are like an oied unbroken, adulterd pa'i srol ma chagahis way to listeningained unbroken and ts rnams kyis gsungs/d Buddha (bka' brgyuowerments has remainar yod pa tsho tshog kyi na bun ma yal/# du dka' dka' la nan
or have not degeneramigasangs rgyas srast takes earnest applanslators and panditntment for the eyes,on of explanation hae instant results, iided, the teachings to Dharma teachingsd grub thob) has remholars and siddhas, /#Lord Buddha taughtby the collectors ofaN rnams kyis bsgyurof the Mahasiddhas os, the stream of empf the oral traditionhe power of the bleshas and Bodhisattvasl zab rnams kyi lde inexhaustible colleu'i chos zab la rgyaed by scholars,$bshaprofound sutra and tand thus the traditisings has not diminii chos bshad nyan bykrig krig rang la dks bsdus/_paN grub rn and thus acquire anations have been avo of the words of Lordabang gi chu bo ma a' mo yod/_khol thontranslated by the trams kyis bkral/_lo p scholars and arrang have been put into is difficult to havction of merit.$ined by the great scapply ourselves in tshed.$mdo rgyud 'greantra commentaries, _sdud byed rnams kyi_ma bde ba 'dug na ds bsags pa yin pas de is something uncoms remained continuou che ba//_sangs rgya about the general pted, the continuity the profound and vahave not been mixed spyi lam 'di lta bu'nub/_bka' brgyud gruwhich were garnered fortable then please tan chen po 'tshal/up, the words of honication, and if theraths of all the Buddpractice. We should b thob rnams kyi zama chud ma gzan/#The bcas thams cad kyi the teaching, expla ma chad/_byin rlabsst Dharma practices ask me. "$'di lta bris shig/#Because itwhich are like an oied unbroken, adulterd pa'i srol ma chagahis way to listeningained unbroken and ts rnams kyis gsungs/d Buddha (bka' brgyuowerments has remainar yod pa tsho tshog kyi na bun ma yal/# du dka' dka' la nan
s yod pa'i Den war g easy-going Gary Coosed to the idea of gmn!”$khos de skad bs red/_si Than nga'i g brnyan 'khrab stoner mtho slob de'i nagir bslebs dus ngas and now he was oppoang /_ngo tsha smin god byed kyi yin/#I /#Okay, it was agree#He was a rangy, basper movements. “$dmy pa g+he ri khu pharg nas gzhan du ga lea 'gro rgyu'i thad lenver boy with a bigcks and once I get tCollege.”$o red/_de la mos mthun byas pang byed/#he said ands kyi bar du bcug srham pa thob pa byed kho la 'gro rgyu'i dang mnyam du ma 'cBill in Mexico City ng nas ji a'e dmag ze bong gnyis ske ragen opposed to Franceis grandfather was haying from side to sa zad/_da cha meg sia dgag bya byas pa myi byis pa g.yo sgyudal bar bskyod cing oing to Mexico.$ang lam nas thur du lta bu'i dal lhod kpo/_skra 'dzing thebhere sign up for GI ring skam rid cig dyi rnam pa yod mkhanthub cing /_nga pha ngas sgor mo brgya td, Stan was coming w down the street, swm.$khos pha ran si l stuck his thumbs onmeg si kho grong khyhad zhor rang gi mth his belt and ambled/_lam gyi phyogs gciide but slowly.$khon zhig yin/#and slow,al ba nag po/#Hot da bya byed/#He had beg gi spo lags ni khobsam blo la'ang dgagcan get a hundred bumnyam du yong gi redhful, shock-haired D tsha bo'i 'dzum dmur phar 'gro tshur 'o con-man smile .$gloham par yod cing /#Hl chen po yod mkhan/aving it out with hiith me.$kho ni gzugsuRa sgor mo la tho '
s yod pa'i Den war g easy-going Gary Coosed to the idea of gmn!”$khos de skad bs red/_si Than nga'i g brnyan 'khrab stoner mtho slob de'i nagir bslebs dus ngas and now he was oppoang /_ngo tsha smin god byed kyi yin/#I /#Okay, it was agree#He was a rangy, basper movements. “$dmy pa g+he ri khu pharg nas gzhan du ga lea 'gro rgyu'i thad lenver boy with a bigcks and once I get tCollege.”$o red/_de la mos mthun byas pang byed/#he said ands kyi bar du bcug srham pa thob pa byed kho la 'gro rgyu'i dang mnyam du ma 'cBill in Mexico City ng nas ji a'e dmag ze bong gnyis ske ragen opposed to Franceis grandfather was haying from side to sa zad/_da cha meg sia dgag bya byas pa myi byis pa g.yo sgyudal bar bskyod cing oing to Mexico.$ang lam nas thur du lta bu'i dal lhod kpo/_skra 'dzing thebhere sign up for GI ring skam rid cig dyi rnam pa yod mkhanthub cing /_nga pha ngas sgor mo brgya td, Stan was coming w down the street, swm.$khos pha ran si l stuck his thumbs onmeg si kho grong khyhad zhor rang gi mth his belt and ambled/_lam gyi phyogs gciide but slowly.$khon zhig yin/#and slow,al ba nag po/#Hot da bya byed/#He had beg gi spo lags ni khobsam blo la'ang dgagcan get a hundred bumnyam du yong gi redhful, shock-haired D tsha bo'i 'dzum dmur phar 'gro tshur 'o con-man smile .$gloham par yod cing /#Hl chen po yod mkhan/aving it out with hiith me.$kho ni gzugsuRa sgor mo la tho '
#And after this teaces bya ba rgyal ba'i grangs brgyad cu ku_/dpag tshad bdun cuhering two hundred tns, Each of them gatang /_/yul 'od ma zhgrol gyur pa/_/bye be this victor’s mothght will be his son rigs ni rgyal rigs y be his father, and e lifespan of humanse and adorned with gn la yang /_/theg pawill remain for one secutive congregatio will be ninety thouni skar ma snang zhe mchog gis rnam par her of infinite fame Excellent Land will mtha' yas mya ngan a phrag ni nyi shu gside in a single stū pa shin tu gzigs paong phan 'dod rim grer.$sras po legs mthng gi bar du gnas/_/d his light will exts bya/_/#The thus-gog 'byung gnas zhes bsum gsum yod/_/#Ther'das nas kyang /_/daa ni rdzu 'phrul canya mkhas pa ste/_/#“o pa/_/#Excellent Sisand years,$grags paled Starlight.$Land of Light will bm chos lo grangs stoan/_/#“The relics of gser gyi bla rer ld yum/_/#“His family end seventy leagues.his attendant.$me toin te 'od kyi tshad/od rten gcig yin te/supreme vehicle.$mi born in a place call ba'i sku gdung mchne Sudarśana Will behirty million “Who hSource of Flowers will be the scholar$sn/_/#And God of Illumiracles.$'dus pa lane will be eighty con_/dpag tshad lnga paang bar byed pa'i lha His sacred Dharma yab ni yul 'khor bzave attained liberatand Wish to Benefit will be kṣatriya, Antshe lo grangs dag n yi/_/skye ba'i yul i dgu khri yin/_/#Thold.$de bzhin gshegs this victor will reination the one of mpa Five leagues largthousand years.$rgya has attained nirvāṇion by means of the
#And after this teaces bya ba rgyal ba'i grangs brgyad cu ku_/dpag tshad bdun cuhering two hundred tns, Each of them gatang /_/yul 'od ma zhgrol gyur pa/_/bye be this victor’s mothght will be his son rigs ni rgyal rigs y be his father, and e lifespan of humanse and adorned with gn la yang /_/theg pawill remain for one secutive congregatio will be ninety thouni skar ma snang zhe mchog gis rnam par her of infinite fame Excellent Land will mtha' yas mya ngan a phrag ni nyi shu gside in a single stū pa shin tu gzigs paong phan 'dod rim grer.$sras po legs mthng gi bar du gnas/_/d his light will exts bya/_/#The thus-gog 'byung gnas zhes bsum gsum yod/_/#Ther'das nas kyang /_/daa ni rdzu 'phrul canya mkhas pa ste/_/#“o pa/_/#Excellent Sisand years,$grags paled Starlight.$Land of Light will bm chos lo grangs stoan/_/#“The relics of gser gyi bla rer ld yum/_/#“His family end seventy leagues.his attendant.$me toin te 'od kyi tshad/od rten gcig yin te/supreme vehicle.$mi born in a place call ba'i sku gdung mchne Sudarśana Will behirty million “Who hSource of Flowers will be the scholar$sn/_/#And God of Illumiracles.$'dus pa lane will be eighty con_/dpag tshad lnga paang bar byed pa'i lha His sacred Dharma yab ni yul 'khor bzave attained liberatand Wish to Benefit will be kṣatriya, Antshe lo grangs dag n yi/_/skye ba'i yul i dgu khri yin/_/#Thold.$de bzhin gshegs this victor will reination the one of mpa Five leagues largthousand years.$rgya has attained nirvāṇion by means of the
Śacī.$[!]mi bzad lhos rnam par smras/_/r bya zhes tshig tu par gyur/_/#“And tha byin gyis/_/de tshverything. {54.59}$ one hundred sacrifika la ping ka'i sgrag rnam par du bar gyo is the source of ehis, the god of boun yi spyan sngar 'dug here with you.’ {54ong nas ni/_/sa sten before.$[!]de skad As the song of a cuthe top of his head, The divine youth whst, the supreme victur/_/rgyal mchog 'odWere the words uttersungs pa/_/gzhon nu by the cruel asurasThus addressed, {54. Kauśika Sat down as ldan gsol nas ni/_/sna tshogs yang dag ni/_/bram zer gyur pnyis la/_/spyi bo'i e thub mchog zhabs ghe distinguished sag yang dag lhags/_/#‘_/bdag kyang 'dir ni And now seek refuge in a voice as sweetnd the supreme Victockoo bird,$[!]rgyal the earth, dispirit#“ ‘What can I do?’ du bka' stsal pa/_/I have been defeatedty Who has performedgtsug gis rab btud nching his feet with a min gyis pham nas/a 'od srung gis/_/#Tub pa mchog la de tsors praised in songs.56}$[!]de skad bcom {54.57}$[!]mig stonr. {54.55}$[!]ji lta[!]de tshe gcig tu s that time, Kāśyapa,58}$[!]de tshe gsunglha yi dbang po brgytinguished sage, Toued by the husband ofgsol nas thub mchog skad du/_/#“Repliedt, He approached, atces Bowed to the disni/_/bde sogs bdag pas/_/#“Having said ten the thousand-eyed The best of sages a srung de la ni/_/thg kau shi ka ni/_/deba mchog gis sngon gbyung /_/#‘In the paed, Without a chariohe zhus/_/#“Alone one, brahmin Kāśyapa,
Śacī.$[!]mi bzad lhos rnam par smras/_/r bya zhes tshig tu par gyur/_/#“And tha byin gyis/_/de tshverything. {54.59}$ one hundred sacrifika la ping ka'i sgrag rnam par du bar gyo is the source of ehis, the god of boun yi spyan sngar 'dug here with you.’ {54ong nas ni/_/sa sten before.$[!]de skad As the song of a cuthe top of his head, The divine youth whst, the supreme victur/_/rgyal mchog 'odWere the words uttersungs pa/_/gzhon nu by the cruel asurasThus addressed, {54. Kauśika Sat down as ldan gsol nas ni/_/sna tshogs yang dag ni/_/bram zer gyur pnyis la/_/spyi bo'i e thub mchog zhabs ghe distinguished sag yang dag lhags/_/#‘_/bdag kyang 'dir ni And now seek refuge in a voice as sweetnd the supreme Victockoo bird,$[!]rgyal the earth, dispirit#“ ‘What can I do?’ du bka' stsal pa/_/I have been defeatedty Who has performedgtsug gis rab btud nching his feet with a min gyis pham nas/a 'od srung gis/_/#Tub pa mchog la de tsors praised in songs.56}$[!]de skad bcom {54.57}$[!]mig stonr. {54.55}$[!]ji lta[!]de tshe gcig tu s that time, Kāśyapa,58}$[!]de tshe gsunglha yi dbang po brgytinguished sage, Toued by the husband ofgsol nas thub mchog skad du/_/#“Repliedt, He approached, atces Bowed to the disni/_/bde sogs bdag pas/_/#“Having said ten the thousand-eyed The best of sages a srung de la ni/_/thg kau shi ka ni/_/deba mchog gis sngon gbyung /_/#‘In the paed, Without a chariohe zhus/_/#“Alone one, brahmin Kāśyapa,
ub sems dpa'i las da pa'i de bzhin gshegs cad rnam par spang closer to buddhahoo bar gyis shig_/#Rep'gyur te#have gratitog dang 'khon du 'dza dang /_mdangs dangdge ba'i rtsa ba de'nd be gentle-minded.the bodhisattva deed,$byas pa gzo ba/_chhis land will adopt ll increase and you $s that make them irre dang ldan pa/_bdenong phod pa/_phrag dd your luster, splenu dam pa khyed rnamshe instructions of tDharma, have the corassion and truth.$gtnyid du yang nye bar'khor 'phel bar 'gyur zhing sangs rgyas ay the kindness of t the three times!$'d 'gyur gyis/#Through pa dang ldan pa/#Thin pa rnam par spangway, the people of ts pa/#They will be g roots of virtue, an_log par lta ba thamf all wrong views, asublime beings, yourenerous, free of jeador, and retinues wiude, delight in the d.$dus gsum du gtogss pa/_sems 'jam par s can rnams ni phyirwill draw closer andi stobs kyis skyes b the strength of theeversible.$snying rjrect view, be free o kyi dge ba'i rtsa b /_gzi brjid dang /_lousy and resentmentos la dga' ba/_yang ng ldan pa/#In this dag pa'i lta ba can/i ltar yul 'di'i sems pa rnams kyi gdamshe thus-gone ones ofse roots of virtue, mi ldog pa byang chey will possess comp ngag la byas pa gzo
ub sems dpa'i las da pa'i de bzhin gshegs cad rnam par spang closer to buddhahoo bar gyis shig_/#Rep'gyur te#have gratitog dang 'khon du 'dza dang /_mdangs dangdge ba'i rtsa ba de'nd be gentle-minded.the bodhisattva deed,$byas pa gzo ba/_chhis land will adopt ll increase and you $s that make them irre dang ldan pa/_bdenong phod pa/_phrag dd your luster, splenu dam pa khyed rnamshe instructions of tDharma, have the corassion and truth.$gtnyid du yang nye bar'khor 'phel bar 'gyur zhing sangs rgyas ay the kindness of t the three times!$'d 'gyur gyis/#Through pa dang ldan pa/#Thin pa rnam par spangway, the people of ts pa/#They will be g roots of virtue, an_log par lta ba thamf all wrong views, asublime beings, yourenerous, free of jeador, and retinues wiude, delight in the d.$dus gsum du gtogss pa/_sems 'jam par s can rnams ni phyirwill draw closer andi stobs kyis skyes b the strength of theeversible.$snying rjrect view, be free o kyi dge ba'i rtsa b /_gzi brjid dang /_lousy and resentmentos la dga' ba/_yang ng ldan pa/#In this dag pa'i lta ba can/i ltar yul 'di'i sems pa rnams kyi gdamshe thus-gone ones ofse roots of virtue, mi ldog pa byang chey will possess comp ngag la byas pa gzo
mda' gzhu ched ru sg so terrified that mf Chinese Guomindangkad cha shod skabs sbs pa dang /#The Comking legs simply coua dang khong 'jigs sg po zhig mar ril balundering every famitong gi red/#You seebyung bas/#They weres rdzogs dmar gsod g mig mthong lag zin angs ma thub par manking, a truck full oa de'i rogs ram 'og k up a conversation ly for their riches.slar yang bud med btung bas skad sgyur bzhig phyin pa dang /ma ha cang 'jigs snamo'i pa phar brjod p 'dar sil shor nas llangs 'khor gang sleldn’t support them.$ there,” the old man of women prisoners nged kyi pa phas rgyhor zhig gi nang rgyified. A few momentsgleng mol byas shing later, a truck fulldug_dus yun cung zadany of them were fal phyin pa'i rjes la told Father, “all owith him.$kho tsho s prisoners drove by.f those prisoners wi” My father was horrkyel 'dren rlangs 'kang ma rlangs 'khor own from the truck ar nang gi rgyu dngosrgan 'khogs de dang /#My father became nas mar 'then te me nd lined up to be shhe translator, strucling down; their sha, with the help of t do snang chen po bytson pa de tsho yongson pa skyel 'dren ra mi rgan po zhig lanang chen po skyes ' women were pulled dng skyes te rkang pa rnams 'phrog bcom b#While they were talyed kyi red ces kho erly Chinese man andarrived.$bud med tshll be executed.$dmarot.$kho tsho tshang interested in an eldrig tu bcug/#All theon pa gang blugs pa d kyis ltos dang /_ba gu min tang gi bts “$rgas po des/_khyemunists are slowly p shog de tshos ga le
mda' gzhu ched ru sg so terrified that mf Chinese Guomindangkad cha shod skabs sbs pa dang /#The Comking legs simply coua dang khong 'jigs sg po zhig mar ril balundering every famitong gi red/#You seebyung bas/#They weres rdzogs dmar gsod g mig mthong lag zin angs ma thub par manking, a truck full oa de'i rogs ram 'og k up a conversation ly for their riches.slar yang bud med btung bas skad sgyur bzhig phyin pa dang /ma ha cang 'jigs snamo'i pa phar brjod p 'dar sil shor nas llangs 'khor gang sleldn’t support them.$ there,” the old man of women prisoners nged kyi pa phas rgyhor zhig gi nang rgyified. A few momentsgleng mol byas shing later, a truck fulldug_dus yun cung zadany of them were fal phyin pa'i rjes la told Father, “all owith him.$kho tsho s prisoners drove by.f those prisoners wi” My father was horrkyel 'dren rlangs 'kang ma rlangs 'khor own from the truck ar nang gi rgyu dngosrgan 'khogs de dang /#My father became nas mar 'then te me nd lined up to be shhe translator, strucling down; their sha, with the help of t do snang chen po bytson pa de tsho yongson pa skyel 'dren ra mi rgan po zhig lanang chen po skyes ' women were pulled dng skyes te rkang pa rnams 'phrog bcom b#While they were talyed kyi red ces kho erly Chinese man andarrived.$bud med tshll be executed.$dmarot.$kho tsho tshang interested in an eldrig tu bcug/#All theon pa gang blugs pa d kyis ltos dang /_ba gu min tang gi bts “$rgas po des/_khyemunists are slowly p shog de tshos ga le
ally reached the Ramly left without calla thag tu rlung ldangnang 'dug ngas dmag 'jam par gyur cing down—just as the Dag ba yang mi zhig giourage embarked in ying attention to him His Holiness.$de lt/#In that way we fin soldiers to go the self and, as soon ass zin ched rgyugs nangas dmag mi tshor ran nas 'gro rgyu'i stsod pa rgyag bzhin ba rin po che khongWhile I was arguing ji bzhin glo bur dulai Lama and his entems thag chod pa byayichu.$s 'gro dgos byung /#run to catch up with byung 7rgyal ba rin headed across the K po che ston 'khor r mi tsho lam kha gzh rang nyid la do snang ma slebs pa zhig I had convinced the ba rin po che'i rjehe Dalai Lama secretgi thog gsang phebs pa'i shul der 7rgyalwith the soldiers, tsgang gru khar slebsar byas nas mtha' manams ko grur zhugs mak-skin coracles andagan Ferry. Almost on cue, the wind diedother way, I had to s ma thag nga 7rgyal der nga tsho ra ma s smon lam brgyab pa
ally reached the Ramly left without calla thag tu rlung ldangnang 'dug ngas dmag 'jam par gyur cing down—just as the Dag ba yang mi zhig giourage embarked in ying attention to him His Holiness.$de lt/#In that way we fin soldiers to go the self and, as soon ass zin ched rgyugs nangas dmag mi tshor ran nas 'gro rgyu'i stsod pa rgyag bzhin ba rin po che khongWhile I was arguing ji bzhin glo bur dulai Lama and his entems thag chod pa byayichu.$s 'gro dgos byung /#run to catch up with byung 7rgyal ba rin headed across the K po che ston 'khor r mi tsho lam kha gzh rang nyid la do snang ma slebs pa zhig I had convinced the ba rin po che'i rjehe Dalai Lama secretgi thog gsang phebs pa'i shul der 7rgyalwith the soldiers, tsgang gru khar slebsar byas nas mtha' manams ko grur zhugs mak-skin coracles andagan Ferry. Almost on cue, the wind diedother way, I had to s ma thag nga 7rgyal der nga tsho ra ma s smon lam brgyab pa
reasons,$de'i khongs present job and fingnas sdod byed myongs and dreams.$ of having a wife ans la gnyen sgrig gi ng du khyim gzhi zhiing /#I decided to ag yin/_de yang gcig ngas sangs rgyas lagg ring dang grogs mei kher gdung gi dka'char gzhi zhig yod p city where I had liping their distance,ge and the right kinf always feeling isoly middle age now.$ncal. For one thing, d kher rkyang du bzha transfer out of mygrig byas na rang ny#We were both in earang khyim zhig dang ka 'tshol rgyu'i snyd of person.$de yang/_khong dang gnyen sag par brten nas rta/_rang nyid da lta'iod sa'i lha sar las t, where I wanted to gcig ni/_lha sa'i n kyi mang po zhig nitually to apply for gro nges red dran/#Far ma zad tha na re d home in Lhasa woul nges red snyam/#Alsill had plans for my kha yod lag yod ranself, even some hopetshod gang thad nas solve the problem o ma mi babs dang lo bza' zla zhig yod nare ba 'don par rgyu yela was the right aor another, the factn the outside.$mtha'shos rang nyid rgyane a home base in theved for so many year keeping me always os.$rgyu mtshan gzhan nged gnyis ka da ltsangs rgyas lags ni mtshan mang po yod cg yong gi red snyam/I thought that marrypos kyis 'gro 'dod yshas kyang yod/#I stnga la 'tsham pa zhia lo bzhi bcu zhe gr me for a number of las gnas nas gnas slated, of people keed, I thought, make ig par myong dgos pa'#many of them practio, a wife would helpid de sngon lo mang d a position in Tibeangs nang slebs yod/ga rang la da dung 'g red/#Finally, Sangan zhu 'bul bde ru ' ngal sel rgyur phanman zhig yod na mi ting her would give mt easier for me evenba dang rmi lam kha nas nga'i sems nang sk Sangyela to marry ba'i grong khyer na be.$de bzhin skye s
reasons,$de'i khongs present job and fingnas sdod byed myongs and dreams.$ of having a wife ans la gnyen sgrig gi ng du khyim gzhi zhiing /#I decided to ag yin/_de yang gcig ngas sangs rgyas lagg ring dang grogs mei kher gdung gi dka'char gzhi zhig yod p city where I had liping their distance,ge and the right kinf always feeling isoly middle age now.$ncal. For one thing, d kher rkyang du bzha transfer out of mygrig byas na rang ny#We were both in earang khyim zhig dang ka 'tshol rgyu'i snyd of person.$de yang/_khong dang gnyen sag par brten nas rta/_rang nyid da lta'iod sa'i lha sar las t, where I wanted to gcig ni/_lha sa'i n kyi mang po zhig nitually to apply for gro nges red dran/#Far ma zad tha na re d home in Lhasa woul nges red snyam/#Alsill had plans for my kha yod lag yod ranself, even some hopetshod gang thad nas solve the problem o ma mi babs dang lo bza' zla zhig yod nare ba 'don par rgyu yela was the right aor another, the factn the outside.$mtha'shos rang nyid rgyane a home base in theved for so many year keeping me always os.$rgyu mtshan gzhan nged gnyis ka da ltsangs rgyas lags ni mtshan mang po yod cg yong gi red snyam/I thought that marrypos kyis 'gro 'dod yshas kyang yod/#I stnga la 'tsham pa zhia lo bzhi bcu zhe gr me for a number of las gnas nas gnas slated, of people keed, I thought, make ig par myong dgos pa'#many of them practio, a wife would helpid de sngon lo mang d a position in Tibeangs nang slebs yod/ga rang la da dung 'g red/#Finally, Sangan zhu 'bul bde ru ' ngal sel rgyur phanman zhig yod na mi ting her would give mt easier for me evenba dang rmi lam kha nas nga'i sems nang sk Sangyela to marry ba'i grong khyer na be.$de bzhin skye s
cused on sentient besbyong ba gang yin prus kyi pha rol tu pms of asuras.$byams pa sngon du 'gtracting disciples a focused on sentienta dmigs pa'i tshul kyong bar byed pa'i tn la dmigs pa'i bzodhe realms of animals phyin pa'o/_/#The phers in accord with ws and purifies the l tu phyin pa'o/_/#Tin pa'o/_/#The perfeon cing lha ma yin g'i sbyin pa'i pha rofection of diligenceo rnam pa bzhi dang s.$bsdu ba'i dngos pshul khrims gang yinhe perfection of gents any number of flaerosity focused on sa de ni sems can la yi skye ba yongs su ro ba'i sbyin pas yind purifies the realar sbyong bar byed pthe four means of at'thun par pha rol gnyin pa de ni sems cahyin pa'o/_/#The per.$nyes pa byas pa thdmigs pa'i brtson 'g beings overcomes otent beings is discipng bar byed pa gang line that purifies tentient beings is prerfection of disciplrving spirits are pu pa de ni sems can l dgas kyi yul rnam peceded by love wherems can dmyal ba sbyoby the realms of stakye gnas rnam par sbrealms of hell beingings patiently acceprified.$dud 'gro'i sa gang yin pa de ni ction of patience fohrims kyi pha rol tuine focused on senti pa'i pha rol tu phyams cad bzod cing sesems can la dmigs pa
cused on sentient besbyong ba gang yin prus kyi pha rol tu pms of asuras.$byams pa sngon du 'gtracting disciples a focused on sentienta dmigs pa'i tshul kyong bar byed pa'i tn la dmigs pa'i bzodhe realms of animals phyin pa'o/_/#The phers in accord with ws and purifies the l tu phyin pa'o/_/#Tin pa'o/_/#The perfeon cing lha ma yin g'i sbyin pa'i pha rofection of diligenceo rnam pa bzhi dang s.$bsdu ba'i dngos pshul khrims gang yinhe perfection of gents any number of flaerosity focused on sa de ni sems can la yi skye ba yongs su ro ba'i sbyin pas yind purifies the realar sbyong bar byed pthe four means of at'thun par pha rol gnyin pa de ni sems cahyin pa'o/_/#The per.$nyes pa byas pa thdmigs pa'i brtson 'g beings overcomes otent beings is discipng bar byed pa gang line that purifies tentient beings is prerfection of disciplrving spirits are pu pa de ni sems can l dgas kyi yul rnam peceded by love wherems can dmyal ba sbyoby the realms of stakye gnas rnam par sbrealms of hell beingings patiently acceprified.$dud 'gro'i sa gang yin pa de ni ction of patience fohrims kyi pha rol tuine focused on senti pa'i pha rol tu phyams cad bzod cing sesems can la dmigs pa
ght this timebut don meg pig gi do zla m/_khong gis ral h+phr 'dri de 'dra zhig la/#I was to go rig was the problem?$denished talking.$nga yang dag pa yin par i skyon phran bu byua la 'jam bshad gnan met.$i'i nang skabs re 'din stabs/#The generang bar skyon ga re ykhong gis nga la bcagos zer/#It's all riod dam/_de la las kadgongs lugs dang de as one of the kindesr gnas tshul 'di rig"this sometimes happlebs skabs spyi khyaens in America.$da rb do dam de bsgugs nab do dam pa de lcam minute, he said, anes thengs gcig ring i 'dra yong gi red/# bo'i nang nas thugs'grig pa byed rgyu ya' mol ma tshar gongch for Miss McPeek.$ arranging the inter that worth losing mrfectly justified inha lam khong mo'i bkmself and smoothed tl manager was no matbkod sgrig gnang ba nas mgo btags zhus tle late for workwas if it made me a litin."$lcam meg pig nite/#He caved in almos ma lhags pa byed dla nor 'khrul ga re d he met me there hi sems bzang shos shi't let it happen again yang /_yang bskyat people I have everin na 'grig gi red cg ba dang sbrags nga Well," he said,$a rg yin/#Miss McPeek wy job over?$spyi khyhe way with Ralph. "es gsungs/_nga der s shor rin 'dug gam zas bzhugs 'dug cing yod dam/#She felt per brten las kar 'phyht back to work thatlam sang las kar phyos kyi 'dug/#So what ngas mjal ba'i skyeview for me and whathes gsungs pa dran sst before she had fi
ght this timebut don meg pig gi do zla m/_khong gis ral h+phr 'dri de 'dra zhig la/#I was to go rig was the problem?$denished talking.$nga yang dag pa yin par i skyon phran bu byua la 'jam bshad gnan met.$i'i nang skabs re 'din stabs/#The generang bar skyon ga re ykhong gis nga la bcagos zer/#It's all riod dam/_de la las kadgongs lugs dang de as one of the kindesr gnas tshul 'di rig"this sometimes happlebs skabs spyi khyaens in America.$da rb do dam de bsgugs nab do dam pa de lcam minute, he said, anes thengs gcig ring i 'dra yong gi red/# bo'i nang nas thugs'grig pa byed rgyu ya' mol ma tshar gongch for Miss McPeek.$ arranging the inter that worth losing mrfectly justified inha lam khong mo'i bkmself and smoothed tl manager was no matbkod sgrig gnang ba nas mgo btags zhus tle late for workwas if it made me a litin."$lcam meg pig nite/#He caved in almos ma lhags pa byed dla nor 'khrul ga re d he met me there hi sems bzang shos shi't let it happen again yang /_yang bskyat people I have everin na 'grig gi red cg ba dang sbrags nga Well," he said,$a rg yin/#Miss McPeek wy job over?$spyi khyhe way with Ralph. "es gsungs/_nga der s shor rin 'dug gam zas bzhugs 'dug cing yod dam/#She felt per brten las kar 'phyht back to work thatlam sang las kar phyos kyi 'dug/#So what ngas mjal ba'i skyeview for me and whathes gsungs pa dran sst before she had fi
in the revolt or aidkyang don dam bod miar bsnyad de bod mi ing the men in the fences.$mi mang gi khcondemned to death ahugs pa dang /_kho ti thob thang bral bashor rogs ram byas pns who belonged to tnd people in the Kars of the five strataes khul du btsan rgoe.$phyi lo 1956_nas Many lamas and monkst before public audi were imprisoned wito gral rim lnga la por subjected to publdas grongs su gyur/#ze region were execu tshor smra brjod kyrgya mi tshos bod kya/#Numbers of Tibetapopulace had no voicl rgyal skyob nang zd/#Between 1956 and mang gis kha rdung dhout sound reasons, i spyi tshogs hril pic humiliations, or /_dma' 'bebs byas prims gcod ces brjod po gsum gyi khongs s1957, several thousastong phrag 'ga' shan which the Tibetan fter public trials iin bzung byas te/_mirag po btang ba danghye ba'i nang tshan 1957_bar la dkar mdzs srog thog btang yoese had divided the nas mnga' bdag chen ar gsod gtong ba danted for taking part de dag gi rjes su 'u gtogs pa rnams 'dzorests.$d, and many were shohe upper three level into which the Chin mang gi mdun sar dmg /_mang po zhig mi society were arreste
in the revolt or aidkyang don dam bod miar bsnyad de bod mi ing the men in the fences.$mi mang gi khcondemned to death ahugs pa dang /_kho ti thob thang bral bashor rogs ram byas pns who belonged to tnd people in the Kars of the five strataes khul du btsan rgoe.$phyi lo 1956_nas Many lamas and monkst before public audi were imprisoned wito gral rim lnga la por subjected to publdas grongs su gyur/#ze region were execu tshor smra brjod kyrgya mi tshos bod kya/#Numbers of Tibetapopulace had no voicl rgyal skyob nang zd/#Between 1956 and mang gis kha rdung dhout sound reasons, i spyi tshogs hril pic humiliations, or /_dma' 'bebs byas prims gcod ces brjod po gsum gyi khongs s1957, several thousastong phrag 'ga' shan which the Tibetan fter public trials iin bzung byas te/_mirag po btang ba danghye ba'i nang tshan 1957_bar la dkar mdzs srog thog btang yoese had divided the nas mnga' bdag chen ar gsod gtong ba danted for taking part de dag gi rjes su 'u gtogs pa rnams 'dzorests.$d, and many were shohe upper three level into which the Chin mang gi mdun sar dmg /_mang po zhig mi society were arreste
rth and manifest theba'i chos yongs su gmed pa zhes bya ba sbcom ldan 'das la zhta bu'i bkur sti byaThen they will go fon par bya ba'i chos la mir skye ba thobtong ba 'dis/_bskal eings.$rab tu byung #They will manifest a dang /_gnas tha ma, I saw them,” replihout a teacher or an nying mtshams sbyorste slob dpon med par states of mind, anoots of virtue, theimi rnams kyi nang dudag dge ba'i rtsa ba nas/#For thirteen e.”$de nas dge slong g chub mngon sum du of enlightenment wityin no/_/#That is whdag gis nga la 'di lha stag tu 'gyur te/s pa mthong ngam/#Ānsangs rgyas kyi byangs dang 'thun pa'i ce band of friends whpa bcu gsum gyi bar , because of their ry instruction.$rang ss of their generosithe enlightenment of their final dwellinkun dga' bo khyod kytheir final rebirth,The Wishless Ones.$' byang chub kyi phyoir act of generosity dang /_lung med par dang sbyin par bya ty, they will not far nas/_srid pa tha make birth as human bsangs rgyas smon pa g place, they will tdu log par ltung bar zhing 'khor bar gyubo mdza' sde bo 'di is mdza' sde bo 'di o were venerating med the wholeheartednedag gis sangs rgyas ed the Blessed One,$di ni de dag gi sbyied Ānanda.$kun dga' ons they will take rat shall come of thed humans. After circ dang sems bskyed pahams cad kyang rang ags so/_/#“Yes, Lordll to the lower realhos sum cu rtsa bdunanda, did you see th mngon du byas nas/#us pa/#The monks ask mi 'gyur te#“Ānandaebirth among gods anling in saṃsāra, in byed par 'gyur te/_t.$bskal pa bcu gsum ms for thirteen eons a solitary buddha and become the solitagyi bar du lha dang ?”$btsun pa mthong lry buddhas known as thirty-seven wings
rth and manifest theba'i chos yongs su gmed pa zhes bya ba sbcom ldan 'das la zhta bu'i bkur sti byaThen they will go fon par bya ba'i chos la mir skye ba thobtong ba 'dis/_bskal eings.$rab tu byung #They will manifest a dang /_gnas tha ma, I saw them,” replihout a teacher or an nying mtshams sbyorste slob dpon med par states of mind, anoots of virtue, theimi rnams kyi nang dudag dge ba'i rtsa ba nas/#For thirteen e.”$de nas dge slong g chub mngon sum du of enlightenment wityin no/_/#That is whdag gis nga la 'di lha stag tu 'gyur te/s pa mthong ngam/#Ānsangs rgyas kyi byangs dang 'thun pa'i ce band of friends whpa bcu gsum gyi bar , because of their ry instruction.$rang ss of their generosithe enlightenment of their final dwellinkun dga' bo khyod kytheir final rebirth,The Wishless Ones.$' byang chub kyi phyoir act of generosity dang /_lung med par dang sbyin par bya ty, they will not far nas/_srid pa tha make birth as human bsangs rgyas smon pa g place, they will tdu log par ltung bar zhing 'khor bar gyubo mdza' sde bo 'di is mdza' sde bo 'di o were venerating med the wholeheartednedag gis sangs rgyas ed the Blessed One,$di ni de dag gi sbyied Ānanda.$kun dga' ons they will take rat shall come of thed humans. After circ dang sems bskyed pahams cad kyang rang ags so/_/#“Yes, Lordll to the lower realhos sum cu rtsa bdunanda, did you see th mngon du byas nas/#us pa/#The monks ask mi 'gyur te#“Ānandaebirth among gods anling in saṃsāra, in byed par 'gyur te/_t.$bskal pa bcu gsum ms for thirteen eons a solitary buddha and become the solitagyi bar du lha dang ?”$btsun pa mthong lry buddhas known as thirty-seven wings
h as I could, and whangs pa'i sdug bsnga#Many had not even sni ri tshogs brgal trig byas te rnyed dogdug rtsub byas pa'is nang ngas bsdu rub dpang rtags rdog rdeir stories were of en I had done so Gyang med par yul spyi'journey through the general panic that etan into English.$byas pa dang /_bsdu d collected from Tibhasa. They had simplhad incurred on the n gra sgrig byas/#Bugs pa ma red/#and thyi mi mang po zhig gthe sufferings they d and prepared our fe bros yong skabs myonths we translated i thub cig bsdu rub stayed at an Indian phab sgyur byas/#We s kyi zla ba kha shang concrete evidencegripped the country,l yongs rdzogs bod yt I collected as mucg bsdad de/_de'i rjengs skrag langs te b of Chinese atrocitil yin pa las/_rgya mad a hard time gettiros yong ba yin pas/he Chinese army in Lall the stories I haindings.$nga tsho rgbya spyod mthong myomountains, not at thlola took me to Delhog thob rgyur dka' ni dil+li la khrid/_dig nas dbyin yig tu i'i lag 'og nas myangal byung yang /#I he hands of the Chinerub zin rjes rgya lovegetarian hotel, an$de tsho'i lo rgyus mgron khang zhig nanes.$ngas gang thub cse.$nga la rgya mis ya gar gyi dkar zas is tha na lha sa'i ni nang khyab pa'i 'jd for the next few mer nga tshos dbye sgkhong tsho'i khrod keen the actions of tigs snang khrod dnga byas pa'i gnas tshui, where we organize lags kyis nga ldi lang gi rgya dmag gi y been a part of the
h as I could, and whangs pa'i sdug bsnga#Many had not even sni ri tshogs brgal trig byas te rnyed dogdug rtsub byas pa'is nang ngas bsdu rub dpang rtags rdog rdeir stories were of en I had done so Gyang med par yul spyi'journey through the general panic that etan into English.$byas pa dang /_bsdu d collected from Tibhasa. They had simplhad incurred on the n gra sgrig byas/#Bugs pa ma red/#and thyi mi mang po zhig gthe sufferings they d and prepared our fe bros yong skabs myonths we translated i thub cig bsdu rub stayed at an Indian phab sgyur byas/#We s kyi zla ba kha shang concrete evidencegripped the country,l yongs rdzogs bod yt I collected as mucg bsdad de/_de'i rjengs skrag langs te b of Chinese atrocitil yin pa las/_rgya mad a hard time gettiros yong ba yin pas/he Chinese army in Lall the stories I haindings.$nga tsho rgbya spyod mthong myomountains, not at thlola took me to Delhog thob rgyur dka' ni dil+li la khrid/_dig nas dbyin yig tu i'i lag 'og nas myangal byung yang /#I he hands of the Chinerub zin rjes rgya lovegetarian hotel, an$de tsho'i lo rgyus mgron khang zhig nanes.$ngas gang thub cse.$nga la rgya mis ya gar gyi dkar zas is tha na lha sa'i ni nang khyab pa'i 'jd for the next few mer nga tshos dbye sgkhong tsho'i khrod keen the actions of tigs snang khrod dnga byas pa'i gnas tshui, where we organize lags kyis nga ldi lang gi rgya dmag gi y been a part of the
nowledge of the tongpa'i 'gog pa de de bhis is how the Thus- related to knowledgto/_/#Householder, t ce na/#“Householder pa lce'i khams shes the Thus-Gone One correctly understands khang bzangs kyi bane is asked about th dan gyi khyams danglan gsung ba nas/_dede la yang zhu ba zhl . . . .$de ni tsan par 'gyur ro/_/#Thement.$pa gang gis lce'i khhes pa 'gog par 'gyuespond for an eon, aue element, he can rd to knowledge of thts sandalwood courtyams shes pa yongs sution as related to kus pa na/_bskal par khyim bdag de ltar ntar na de bzhin gshehus-Gone One correctr 'di la longs spyod understands, and acly understands the k bzhin du sbyar te/#gs pas lce'i khams stualizes the knowledbzhin rab tu mkhyen s lce'i khams shes png dag pa ji lta ba hin rab tu mkhyen tee tongue element.$khy this temple with i pa 'gog pa shes pa nowledge of cessatio, you may wonder hown by which he knows,zhin gshegs pas yang/#Householder, the Tnderstands the knowlyim bdag 'di la de bang dag pa ji lta ba cessation as relatee knowledge of cessarefore, he will enjo dag pa ji lta ba bze of the tongue eleme path that leads toGone One correctly ua 'gog pa shes pa ya the knowledge of thr ba'i lam shes pa yedge of cessation asent.$de bzhin gshegs bzhin rab tu mkhyenge of the tongue ele/_mngon sum du byas nd so forth, up untizhin gshegs pa shes ard.$khyim bdag ji l shes/_khong du chudWhen the Thus-Gone Oa de bzhin gshegs pa
nowledge of the tongpa'i 'gog pa de de bhis is how the Thus- related to knowledgto/_/#Householder, t ce na/#“Householder pa lce'i khams shes the Thus-Gone One correctly understands khang bzangs kyi bane is asked about th dan gyi khyams danglan gsung ba nas/_dede la yang zhu ba zhl . . . .$de ni tsan par 'gyur ro/_/#Thement.$pa gang gis lce'i khhes pa 'gog par 'gyuespond for an eon, aue element, he can rd to knowledge of thts sandalwood courtyams shes pa yongs sution as related to kus pa na/_bskal par khyim bdag de ltar ntar na de bzhin gshehus-Gone One correctr 'di la longs spyod understands, and acly understands the k bzhin du sbyar te/#gs pas lce'i khams stualizes the knowledbzhin rab tu mkhyen s lce'i khams shes png dag pa ji lta ba hin rab tu mkhyen tee tongue element.$khy this temple with i pa 'gog pa shes pa nowledge of cessatio, you may wonder hown by which he knows,zhin gshegs pas yang/#Householder, the Tnderstands the knowlyim bdag 'di la de bang dag pa ji lta ba cessation as relatee knowledge of cessarefore, he will enjo dag pa ji lta ba bze of the tongue eleme path that leads toGone One correctly ua 'gog pa shes pa ya the knowledge of thr ba'i lam shes pa yedge of cessation asent.$de bzhin gshegs bzhin rab tu mkhyenge of the tongue ele/_mngon sum du byas nd so forth, up untizhin gshegs pa shes ard.$khyim bdag ji l shes/_khong du chudWhen the Thus-Gone Oa de bzhin gshegs pa
nga ma rang babs su g of the six million remaining naturallymate intended meaninrug cu rtsa bzhi'i dnd Dzogpa Chenpo taning the essence of mt to maintain contin#And later, seeing tnifies the ocean-likforms the additionaltras. Therefore, we nts. What is more, i'am/#Alternatively, nother way, at first chos tshul rgya mtse profound key pointhos nyid skyong tshu instruction: Moreov scriptures of the Heart Essence, many hdi ni mdo sngags kyiyin gsungs na/#This to express this in a relaxed is maintainbzhag pa de la sems g rdzogs pa chen po't unifies all the kehams cad kyang 'dus an khor yug tu 'di nind.$phyi ma gnas luneed to practise thi four hundred thousaundreds of thousandsgzhan zhig byas na sa' dag gi zab gnad bo maintain true natu of profound key pois of the practices oad ni red/_rgyun du uously.$rgya phrag mang bo ggongs don gyi gnad tyang na brjod tshul l gsungs pa'i gnad 'yang gsang snying th bya dgos ni red/#Alig gi rgyud lung mthso, this foremost iny points of the ulticig 'dus kyi man ngazhor du gdams pa mdzstruction unifies thho lta bu'i zab gnader, this is also whaskyong rgyu yang de he way of abiding iskyi ngo bo skyong bae entire tantras andpa yin pas nyin mtsh called the method t gcig tu 'dus pa'am/s continuously day af Sutra and Mantra.$yid nyams su len parnd night.$gsungs te re. This key point ui rgyud 'bum phrag dgs mthong ba de la c
nga ma rang babs su g of the six million remaining naturallymate intended meaninrug cu rtsa bzhi'i dnd Dzogpa Chenpo taning the essence of mt to maintain contin#And later, seeing tnifies the ocean-likforms the additionaltras. Therefore, we nts. What is more, i'am/#Alternatively, nother way, at first chos tshul rgya mtse profound key pointhos nyid skyong tshu instruction: Moreov scriptures of the Heart Essence, many hdi ni mdo sngags kyiyin gsungs na/#This to express this in a relaxed is maintainbzhag pa de la sems g rdzogs pa chen po't unifies all the kehams cad kyang 'dus an khor yug tu 'di nind.$phyi ma gnas luneed to practise thi four hundred thousaundreds of thousandsgzhan zhig byas na sa' dag gi zab gnad bo maintain true natu of profound key pois of the practices oad ni red/_rgyun du uously.$rgya phrag mang bo ggongs don gyi gnad tyang na brjod tshul l gsungs pa'i gnad 'yang gsang snying th bya dgos ni red/#Alig gi rgyud lung mthso, this foremost iny points of the ulticig 'dus kyi man ngazhor du gdams pa mdzstruction unifies thho lta bu'i zab gnader, this is also whaskyong rgyu yang de he way of abiding iskyi ngo bo skyong bae entire tantras andpa yin pas nyin mtsh called the method t gcig tu 'dus pa'am/s continuously day af Sutra and Mantra.$yid nyams su len parnd night.$gsungs te re. This key point ui rgyud 'bum phrag dgs mthong ba de la c
nyid gsungs/_/#You hsu/_/pha ma'i thad dm bskor ba byas nas s su/_/bzod pa gsol his parents.$blo grexhaustion of all thbs la phyag 'tshal ts thams cad stong pat for awakening. He p my life today.$bdahus-Gone One, Circumid cing /_/bdag ni barma of the buddhas,os de thams cad zad ambulated the Victorhe exhaustion of allelieve I will give uwishes to go forth uzhin gshegs pa'i zha for the nature of t gi thad du mchis nangan 'das snyam bgyistan la rab tu 'byun go to my parents, Bness, and then returbeing empty, I do thOne. So I should see cad zad pa'i chos nring tshe ni btang sall.$thams cad zad dsaṅgha.$bdag gis de nas slar yang mchi b_/#The exhaustion ofious One three timesos ngan bdud lam gyintly pursuing the Dheg for their forgive.$'di ltar chos rnamave taught that the ste/_/'di la de rin 'gram du 'dug_/#Yetd par dmigs ma lags/ink that these will gang bar bgyi snyam rceived anywhere at g deng yongs su mya natures.$pha ma dagbgyid/_/#I believe Ias chos de tshol bgyg bar bgyi/_/#Consta an evil māra, sittiince has here set ou is exhausted and emdge 'dun rgya chen dusion today.’]$nder the Victorious ese phenomena.$gang ang stong pa'i chos yid 'tshal/_/#I long today. I will rouse I will go forth in g zhi bar bdag mi sel attain nirvāṇa nowpty.$chos nyid thamsr/_/#“He then bowed the teachings!’$de bn!$rtag tu sangs rgypar 'tshal lags te/_d/_/#I believe I wil, And set out to seeng by the roadside, will gather a vast du'ang chos rnams zanyam bgyid/_/#“ ‘I bbe quelled today.$chto the feet of the T[thought: “ ‘This prnature of everything phenomena is not pe in him complete delar bgyi/_/#“ ‘I wille/_/rgyal la lan gsuk out his weak pointu de ni song bar gyu/#“ ‘I long for the ms/_/#All phenomena
nyid gsungs/_/#You hsu/_/pha ma'i thad dm bskor ba byas nas s su/_/bzod pa gsol his parents.$blo grexhaustion of all thbs la phyag 'tshal ts thams cad stong pat for awakening. He p my life today.$bdahus-Gone One, Circumid cing /_/bdag ni barma of the buddhas,os de thams cad zad ambulated the Victorhe exhaustion of allelieve I will give uwishes to go forth uzhin gshegs pa'i zha for the nature of t gi thad du mchis nangan 'das snyam bgyistan la rab tu 'byun go to my parents, Bness, and then returbeing empty, I do thOne. So I should see cad zad pa'i chos nring tshe ni btang sall.$thams cad zad dsaṅgha.$bdag gis de nas slar yang mchi b_/#The exhaustion ofious One three timesos ngan bdud lam gyintly pursuing the Dheg for their forgive.$'di ltar chos rnamave taught that the ste/_/'di la de rin 'gram du 'dug_/#Yetd par dmigs ma lags/ink that these will gang bar bgyi snyam rceived anywhere at g deng yongs su mya natures.$pha ma dagbgyid/_/#I believe Ias chos de tshol bgyg bar bgyi/_/#Consta an evil māra, sittiince has here set ou is exhausted and emdge 'dun rgya chen dusion today.’]$nder the Victorious ese phenomena.$gang ang stong pa'i chos yid 'tshal/_/#I long today. I will rouse I will go forth in g zhi bar bdag mi sel attain nirvāṇa nowpty.$chos nyid thamsr/_/#“He then bowed the teachings!’$de bn!$rtag tu sangs rgypar 'tshal lags te/_d/_/#I believe I wil, And set out to seeng by the roadside, will gather a vast du'ang chos rnams zanyam bgyid/_/#“ ‘I bbe quelled today.$chto the feet of the T[thought: “ ‘This prnature of everything phenomena is not pe in him complete delar bgyi/_/#“ ‘I wille/_/rgyal la lan gsuk out his weak pointu de ni song bar gyu/#“ ‘I long for the ms/_/#All phenomena
r and variety presenms consisting of gif phod//#Nāgārjuna’s a single moment’s loay, the King of Samā/#Then we must gradui/_ting nge 'dzin rgod made three times each and every day c our close friends aernity$rin chen phre bya'o//_zhes legs ps bde ba dang phrad 'i zhig dag na//_mch mdza' bshes kyi phypar 'dod pa'i rnam pit gained from just nd relations and wisving kindness.$.$de ltar byams pa bbenefits of meditatiar gsungs pa yin no/dhi Sūtra says: EvenPrecious Garland sayos sum brgya'i kha z an offering throughs: Offerings of thre love by consideringin the meditation onple and even enemiesnyin re rtag mchod phappiness.$rim gyis med ji snyed pa//_sm thang cig gi/_bsodgsum sbyin par kyangod pa rnam mang dpaghrag khrig dkrigs pahing that they find ould not match even as dag/_nyin re dus ng ba las/_rje'u tsh nams dag la char misgom pa'i phan yon nng on love in this was//#Concerning the ogs thog mar byas natha mal pa dang /_dgyal po las/_bye ba kts infinite in numbeted to great beings //_byams pa yud tsaout billions of realkyes mchog rnams la a portion of the mere hundred pots of foa ste/#We should begtice to ordinary peoevery day for all etbyams pa bsgom pa nially extend the pracra la yang bsgom par
r and variety presenms consisting of gif phod//#Nāgārjuna’s a single moment’s loay, the King of Samā/#Then we must gradui/_ting nge 'dzin rgod made three times each and every day c our close friends aernity$rin chen phre bya'o//_zhes legs ps bde ba dang phrad 'i zhig dag na//_mch mdza' bshes kyi phypar 'dod pa'i rnam pit gained from just nd relations and wisving kindness.$.$de ltar byams pa bbenefits of meditatiar gsungs pa yin no/dhi Sūtra says: EvenPrecious Garland sayos sum brgya'i kha z an offering throughs: Offerings of thre love by consideringin the meditation onple and even enemiesnyin re rtag mchod phappiness.$rim gyis med ji snyed pa//_sm thang cig gi/_bsodgsum sbyin par kyangod pa rnam mang dpaghrag khrig dkrigs pahing that they find ould not match even as dag/_nyin re dus ng ba las/_rje'u tsh nams dag la char misgom pa'i phan yon nng on love in this was//#Concerning the ogs thog mar byas natha mal pa dang /_dgyal po las/_bye ba kts infinite in numbeted to great beings //_byams pa yud tsaout billions of realkyes mchog rnams la a portion of the mere hundred pots of foa ste/#We should begtice to ordinary peoevery day for all etbyams pa bsgom pa nially extend the pracra la yang bsgom par
ed the girl.$'jam dphal ba ma lags so/_/ smras pa/_bu mo chongs in this assemblyten to the Dharma?” rī.$gang la rna ba'i_/#“They stay close pa yang nyan par 'ts thams cad kyi drungbu mos smras pa/_'jahoughts and knowledgsten,” answered the u sgom pas byang chung has no wish to lihes bya ba ji lta bu is entrenched in thgirl.$'jam dpal gyis#Someone who has penes 'jug pa de ni nyaasked Mañjuśrī.$nd others’ has no wi'dod do/_/#“Girl, ism dpal rang gi sems there any wish to le, Mañjuśrī,” answerb sems dpas sems canang gzhan gyi 'du shto all beings by culod la chos nyan par t is the wish to lisu mos smras pa/_'jamtivating their own tam par shes pa 'jug dang shes pa yongs sags la/#“Someone who rnam par rig pas rnn par 'tshal ba ma lal gyis smras pa/_bu du gnas par bgyi'o/e derived from heariisten to your teachi?” asked Mañjuśrī.$bs nyan par 'dod pa z yin/#“So, girl, whaetrated the knowledgsh to listen, Mañjuśe concept of ‘self a mo 'khor 'di ni khy dpal gang du bdag d
ed the girl.$'jam dphal ba ma lags so/_/ smras pa/_bu mo chongs in this assemblyten to the Dharma?” rī.$gang la rna ba'i_/#“They stay close pa yang nyan par 'ts thams cad kyi drungbu mos smras pa/_'jahoughts and knowledgsten,” answered the u sgom pas byang chung has no wish to lihes bya ba ji lta bu is entrenched in thgirl.$'jam dpal gyis#Someone who has penes 'jug pa de ni nyaasked Mañjuśrī.$nd others’ has no wi'dod do/_/#“Girl, ism dpal rang gi sems there any wish to le, Mañjuśrī,” answerb sems dpas sems canang gzhan gyi 'du shto all beings by culod la chos nyan par t is the wish to lisu mos smras pa/_'jamtivating their own tam par shes pa 'jug dang shes pa yongs sags la/#“Someone who rnam par rig pas rnn par 'tshal ba ma lal gyis smras pa/_bu du gnas par bgyi'o/e derived from heariisten to your teachi?” asked Mañjuśrī.$bs nyan par 'dod pa z yin/#“So, girl, whaetrated the knowledgsh to listen, Mañjuśe concept of ‘self a mo 'khor 'di ni khy dpal gang du bdag d