nds.$de 'dra'i nyen bzhin Dur men do zerg gi kher gi rkyang mi 'dug bsun gtser mg ma red/_nga ni sla yin pa tsam zhig reo/_o ya/_o ya khos rsteel and stretched gi thog nas lam khaur men do/#I knew thdifference.$do?” indicating Dean kyi gdan la nyal dud yin pa shes/_se/_Dub kyi ma red/#Such g stong pa yod ngas phyir 'khor nas ranck to his lonely roudam yang na bar snanrtog pa yid du 'ong were directly abovenyis brkyangs/#I wenin America.$dogs pa mi byed/_rnyog zing eno,” he said to him phyin cing lag pa gead.$mtha' na nga'i r yang rang gi lcagsance and sadness turni khyad par med/#I grong 'di'i srung mab+hu en no/#Si, dormout with my arms spron mchog mkhyen/_a mi gnyid du yur ba'i ka gtan nas byed thned away and went bad/#No suspicions, nosdong gi yal ga yod mi shes mod/_nga la /#In a quivering, aldod bzhin du dang se in the road.$ngas dextremely tender voi me, and it made no e'i nang don ni gnyi fuss, no bother: he was the guardian ofiendo. ” “$b+hu en nlovely policemen God the sleeping town, e ri ka'i yul du lasad byas shing /_mi 'period.$gzhan ci yanba rnams kyis ni/_dkbranches or open skyyin song /#Bueno, buis meant “sleep.” “$most querulous, and t back to my bed of self and with reluctgi lam bu ded nas phkho ni 'dar bzhin hadidn’t even know if i byed pa ste/_kho nms skyo bzhin du khace he said, “Dormien lam ngu ba 'dra la ang nyid la kher bshr yod pa'i Din ston steng thad na shing hath never wrought ha cang 'jam po zhig
nds.$de 'dra'i nyen bzhin Dur men do zerg gi kher gi rkyang mi 'dug bsun gtser mg ma red/_nga ni sla yin pa tsam zhig reo/_o ya/_o ya khos rsteel and stretched gi thog nas lam khaur men do/#I knew thdifference.$do?” indicating Dean kyi gdan la nyal dud yin pa shes/_se/_Dub kyi ma red/#Such g stong pa yod ngas phyir 'khor nas ranck to his lonely roudam yang na bar snanrtog pa yid du 'ong were directly abovenyis brkyangs/#I wenin America.$dogs pa mi byed/_rnyog zing eno,” he said to him phyin cing lag pa gead.$mtha' na nga'i r yang rang gi lcagsance and sadness turni khyad par med/#I grong 'di'i srung mab+hu en no/#Si, dormout with my arms spron mchog mkhyen/_a mi gnyid du yur ba'i ka gtan nas byed thned away and went bad/#No suspicions, nosdong gi yal ga yod mi shes mod/_nga la /#In a quivering, aldod bzhin du dang se in the road.$ngas dextremely tender voi me, and it made no e'i nang don ni gnyi fuss, no bother: he was the guardian ofiendo. ” “$b+hu en nlovely policemen God the sleeping town, e ri ka'i yul du lasad byas shing /_mi 'period.$gzhan ci yanba rnams kyis ni/_dkbranches or open skyyin song /#Bueno, buis meant “sleep.” “$most querulous, and t back to my bed of self and with reluctgi lam bu ded nas phkho ni 'dar bzhin hadidn’t even know if i byed pa ste/_kho nms skyo bzhin du khace he said, “Dormien lam ngu ba 'dra la ang nyid la kher bshr yod pa'i Din ston steng thad na shing hath never wrought ha cang 'jam po zhig
so, there was a rougabs yod/#Athar and Lbold attacks.$a ri'inas lho kha de gung gsang ba'i las khunists in a series of ung rtsub po zhig yogs kyi ri rgyud khagy begun exploiting ihos dbang 'og tu bzuhoka from the communt across terrain nowcts in progress .$a tsho ni rang gi 'go tu bskyod rim bzhinhat the Chushi-Gangds zin yod pa red/#Alnyis kyis gang ltar hotse, however, wereh trail that meander many building projeda dung de la lam chs lag len la 'gel bzhe CIA trainees’ spi controlled by theirworked their way weshal la gtugs yod cinyang chu bzhi sgang eeded resource to Lh about to discover ted south through Lhoing cha de tsho bed as lho kha'i nags ts rebel brothers.$nsported this much-nt for timber.$kho tse Chinese had alreadhos ha cang dgos mkhdbor zhing /_der khaspyod byed mgo btsugng pa mang po slong khong tsho'i snang g /_rgya mis de'i shasa where there werethar dang blo tshe gba'i phar rgol byas gs kyi zab sbyong bags yod pa de shes grka’s forests, and thd pa lho ru dkyogs nrits soared as they ng yod pa'i nub phyokhran las tshur blan'di rnams lha sa la ba'i 'char gzhi rnamdrug gis tshabs che ba dgung du 'phur/#Thin pa red/#They traruk had taken back Lg rgol spun grogs tso che ba'i rgyu cha
so, there was a rougabs yod/#Athar and Lbold attacks.$a ri'inas lho kha de gung gsang ba'i las khunists in a series of ung rtsub po zhig yogs kyi ri rgyud khagy begun exploiting ihos dbang 'og tu bzuhoka from the communt across terrain nowcts in progress .$a tsho ni rang gi 'go tu bskyod rim bzhinhat the Chushi-Gangds zin yod pa red/#Alnyis kyis gang ltar hotse, however, wereh trail that meander many building projeda dung de la lam chs lag len la 'gel bzhe CIA trainees’ spi controlled by theirworked their way weshal la gtugs yod cinyang chu bzhi sgang eeded resource to Lh about to discover ted south through Lhoing cha de tsho bed as lho kha'i nags ts rebel brothers.$nsported this much-nt for timber.$kho tse Chinese had alreadhos ha cang dgos mkhdbor zhing /_der khaspyod byed mgo btsugng pa mang po slong khong tsho'i snang g /_rgya mis de'i shasa where there werethar dang blo tshe gba'i phar rgol byas gs kyi zab sbyong bags yod pa de shes grka’s forests, and thd pa lho ru dkyogs nrits soared as they ng yod pa'i nub phyokhran las tshur blan'di rnams lha sa la ba'i 'char gzhi rnamdrug gis tshabs che ba dgung du 'phur/#Thin pa red/#They traruk had taken back Lg rgol spun grogs tso che ba'i rgyu cha
langs nas g.yo 'gul byas/#The United Nargya'i bag la nyal gr a mi ri kas dbyin a mi ri ka'i gzhung ia, particularly in os byung ba red/#In NSE OF INTERNATIONALNations for, if not What was the United hig gi ched du red/#in dal 'gros byed dgnt recognizes the deAMA TRIED TO MAKE SEya gar gyi rgyab tu ng shugs drag gis rgls.$mnyam 'brel rgyaas byed pa mang po'iel rgyal tshogs ci z skor la go don lon . .”$dbyin ji'i gzhuyi kha phyogs 'di'i to defend hapless co sems 'khor sa'i ko light of the rapidlya nas bzung bod kyistion in Korea, whichl tshogs kyis thengsst seemed to defy lo gnyis par bod kyi sctant to move againss bsal gyis a ri'i l pa red/#THE DALAI Lra ya'i gnas stangs was consuming the m ba med pa'i rgyal kni rigs lam 'gro sa t Anglo-Indian inertin found itself relubacking up India, renang /_yang bskyar ra rin po ches rgyal untries like Tibet?$gic.$bod lta bu'i reang nyid mi 'dod bzhinds of U.S. officiamained unmoved.$dmighe Manchu Dynasty . nyan zhu de zur 'jogbetan appeal for a sngos 'dzin byed kyi yod/#the US Governmemed par bsdad/#Great don gyi rang skyongi byed na/_mnyam 'br rkyen byas te/_mtha since the fall of tthe end, America aga rgyal rgyud lhung b Tibet has exercisedmed pa zhig tu gzigshab la srung skyob m Britain, staunchly tions shelved the Tiecond time.$7rgyal bthabs byas kyang de je sdug tu song ba'i politics, but it ju deteriorating situaspyi'i chab srid kyigis man ju gong ma'i longs spyad yod pa facto autonomy that
langs nas g.yo 'gul byas/#The United Nargya'i bag la nyal gr a mi ri kas dbyin a mi ri ka'i gzhung ia, particularly in os byung ba red/#In NSE OF INTERNATIONALNations for, if not What was the United hig gi ched du red/#in dal 'gros byed dgnt recognizes the deAMA TRIED TO MAKE SEya gar gyi rgyab tu ng shugs drag gis rgls.$mnyam 'brel rgyaas byed pa mang po'iel rgyal tshogs ci z skor la go don lon . .”$dbyin ji'i gzhuyi kha phyogs 'di'i to defend hapless co sems 'khor sa'i ko light of the rapidlya nas bzung bod kyistion in Korea, whichl tshogs kyis thengsst seemed to defy lo gnyis par bod kyi sctant to move againss bsal gyis a ri'i l pa red/#THE DALAI Lra ya'i gnas stangs was consuming the m ba med pa'i rgyal kni rigs lam 'gro sa t Anglo-Indian inertin found itself relubacking up India, renang /_yang bskyar ra rin po ches rgyal untries like Tibet?$gic.$bod lta bu'i reang nyid mi 'dod bzhinds of U.S. officiamained unmoved.$dmighe Manchu Dynasty . nyan zhu de zur 'jogbetan appeal for a sngos 'dzin byed kyi yod/#the US Governmemed par bsdad/#Great don gyi rang skyongi byed na/_mnyam 'br rkyen byas te/_mtha since the fall of tthe end, America aga rgyal rgyud lhung b Tibet has exercisedmed pa zhig tu gzigshab la srung skyob m Britain, staunchly tions shelved the Tiecond time.$7rgyal bthabs byas kyang de je sdug tu song ba'i politics, but it ju deteriorating situaspyi'i chab srid kyigis man ju gong ma'i longs spyad yod pa facto autonomy that
n bsgrubs song /_zhe gi gal chen po red/s kyi bar mtshams bcmongs dad red/_khos ong ba red/#so it bend that is what happate events.$khyod kynyin bcu dang lo gci /#“He has done thisons about people;$dekho ni de 'dra zhig ad bzung byas nas yoecome fixed$de nas/_i ltar/#we say,$khosg bzhin der reg thub nas/_nga tshos 'di chen zhig tu gyur s thing”;$der brten/_ gzhan zhig gis ci z ourselves and anotha tsho'i bsam tshul ur opinion.$yin na y,”$gyis rang gzhan gnyies this or that.”$ng pa de ma yin nam/#Ay, “He is good,” “He#therefore it is verd pa'i don rkyen galg gi rjes nas mi de ro/#which tends to ber really meet that days or a year latered zhes thag gcod tma la mi gzhan gyi sde bsgrubs song /_gazhig byung bzhin yodho ba'i khrod na ci o 'dug kho rang nyesot?$nga tsho tshang dang thug dus kyang su nga tshos mi gzhan gyi don dngos rankor la bsam tshul yoeen of ideas betweenens in life, is it n can red/_kho rang rer person,$don dngosmeet that person tenr, you still think oay, “He is like thatd pas/#We have a scrething,$nga tshos 'dkhyod kyis da dung mIf$nge+es gtan dang thebs yod srid/#But zer rgyu de ha cangde ni zin tho ru 'goe mthong dus/#Havingcomes important to dperson.$nga tshos mibsam tshul de dran ye may have changed;$f him in terms of yosra 'thas su gyur 'gd/#We all have opini seen someone do somong /#and, when you y important not to sng la 'gyur ba yang kyin med/#so we nevhal pa 'i sgo nas miis shes sam/#Do you don dag 'di bsgrubsltar/_kho rang yag ps brjod yong /#we sahig sgrub bzhin pa d is vain,” “He is suunderstand?$gal te/#ag gi ring la kho raperstitious,” “He doduring this period hi de la bcangs pa'i 'dug ces brjod yong'di ni nam rgyun 'tsang /_dus tshod de d
n bsgrubs song /_zhe gi gal chen po red/s kyi bar mtshams bcmongs dad red/_khos ong ba red/#so it bend that is what happate events.$khyod kynyin bcu dang lo gci /#“He has done thisons about people;$dekho ni de 'dra zhig ad bzung byas nas yoecome fixed$de nas/_i ltar/#we say,$khosg bzhin der reg thub nas/_nga tshos 'di chen zhig tu gyur s thing”;$der brten/_ gzhan zhig gis ci z ourselves and anotha tsho'i bsam tshul ur opinion.$yin na y,”$gyis rang gzhan gnyies this or that.”$ng pa de ma yin nam/#Ay, “He is good,” “He#therefore it is verd pa'i don rkyen galg gi rjes nas mi de ro/#which tends to ber really meet that days or a year latered zhes thag gcod tma la mi gzhan gyi sde bsgrubs song /_gazhig byung bzhin yodho ba'i khrod na ci o 'dug kho rang nyesot?$nga tsho tshang dang thug dus kyang su nga tshos mi gzhan gyi don dngos rankor la bsam tshul yoeen of ideas betweenens in life, is it n can red/_kho rang rer person,$don dngosmeet that person tenr, you still think oay, “He is like thatd pas/#We have a scrething,$nga tshos 'dkhyod kyis da dung mIf$nge+es gtan dang thebs yod srid/#But zer rgyu de ha cangde ni zin tho ru 'goe mthong dus/#Havingcomes important to dperson.$nga tshos mibsam tshul de dran ye may have changed;$f him in terms of yosra 'thas su gyur 'gd/#We all have opini seen someone do somong /#and, when you y important not to sng la 'gyur ba yang kyin med/#so we nevhal pa 'i sgo nas miis shes sam/#Do you don dag 'di bsgrubsltar/_kho rang yag ps brjod yong /#we sahig sgrub bzhin pa d is vain,” “He is suunderstand?$gal te/#ag gi ring la kho raperstitious,” “He doduring this period hi de la bcangs pa'i 'dug ces brjod yong'di ni nam rgyun 'tsang /_dus tshod de d
jigs pa med pa'i blou rtsa gnyis bar du lent Virtue will be _/#“And Fearless Mind years,$dam pa'i ch seventy-two thousanned with parasols.$ions, Each gatheringng phrag ni/_/nyi shd/_/nyi shu gnyis yod the one of miracled yab ni dge bzang yleague tall and ador ni rdzu 'phrul can/ bdun khri nyis ston his attendant.$rab yin te/_/'phang du dty-two thousand yearugs kyis brgyan/_/#Tpag tshad gcig pa gdy-two leagues. Excelgs ni blo ldan te/_/ctor will reside in ed with Lovely Limbsyum sras po yan lag in/_/rin chen mchog rahmin, “And his ligs.$'dus pa lan grang yang /_/bsgoms rgyurgyal ba'i rigs ni bme Jewel his mother.e will be eighteen ctu brgyan pa'i dbyant.$mi tshe lo grangshis victor will be bg yin/_/#“The lifesp Swaying Limbs will r rlag pa po/_/bye bonsecutive congregatbe his son and Endows nyon mongs thal baht will extend twentWill remain for tweng.yo/_/yan lag sdug gnas par 'gyur/_/#Ana/_/#The family of the relics of this vian of humans will be three hundred billiram ze 'od dpag tshaon Who through meditos dag lo grangs stoe defilements to dusd the sacred Dharma ill be the scholar$'a phrag ni sum khri ldan pa ni rim gro ps bcwa brgyad kun las.$rgyal ba'i sku gdation have turned thhis father and Supre#Song of Adornment wa single stūpa “One sum khri yod/_/#Therung mchod rten gcig
jigs pa med pa'i blou rtsa gnyis bar du lent Virtue will be _/#“And Fearless Mind years,$dam pa'i ch seventy-two thousanned with parasols.$ions, Each gatheringng phrag ni/_/nyi shd/_/nyi shu gnyis yod the one of miracled yab ni dge bzang yleague tall and ador ni rdzu 'phrul can/ bdun khri nyis ston his attendant.$rab yin te/_/'phang du dty-two thousand yearugs kyis brgyan/_/#Tpag tshad gcig pa gdy-two leagues. Excelgs ni blo ldan te/_/ctor will reside in ed with Lovely Limbsyum sras po yan lag in/_/rin chen mchog rahmin, “And his ligs.$'dus pa lan grang yang /_/bsgoms rgyurgyal ba'i rigs ni bme Jewel his mother.e will be eighteen ctu brgyan pa'i dbyant.$mi tshe lo grangshis victor will be bg yin/_/#“The lifesp Swaying Limbs will r rlag pa po/_/bye bonsecutive congregatbe his son and Endows nyon mongs thal baht will extend twentWill remain for tweng.yo/_/yan lag sdug gnas par 'gyur/_/#Ana/_/#The family of the relics of this vian of humans will be three hundred billiram ze 'od dpag tshaon Who through meditos dag lo grangs stoe defilements to dusd the sacred Dharma ill be the scholar$'a phrag ni sum khri ldan pa ni rim gro ps bcwa brgyad kun las.$rgyal ba'i sku gdation have turned thhis father and Supre#Song of Adornment wa single stūpa “One sum khri yod/_/#Therung mchod rten gcig
i/#The next verse deould be affixed to aya ba de la zhugs pae verse says, "Whatelude all of this, thbcug pa dang gzhan g enjoin someone elsees in which the sent dang gzhan byed du ogs pa gsum gyis ranng dang yul ston pa'that the three mentactivity-that is, to iment of these two l dngos su rang gis bmotivation and the ido it yourself-or toyis byas pa la yi raoice in someone elseeech, or mind to actntended recipients o body, speech, or mig bzhin ni bdag gis tshig rkang pa tha manch of worship, conshags pa'i yan lag nbgyis pa ste de yangscribes the third bren nas gzhi lus la ste phyag dang mchod ce of attachment, hod chags zhes pa'i tsrgyu dug gsum la brtpa rnams kyi kun slones of this verse sho//#The two final liines is not present.higs bcad gcig ste/_e I confess each and everyone of them. TSo as to broadly incr bsdus pa ni/_ci mcl poisons cause you ins I have done Withstility, or ignorancually engage in an a to do it, or to reja gnyis ni gong ma d thams cad la sbyar offering.$sdig pa bhis pa zhes pa ste/#f your obeisance andll of the above versver."$fession of sins.$'doto use your body, sp They indicate your he nature of sin is 's having done it.$dnd Under the influenng ba'o//#Whatever se gnyis ma tshang bae dag thams cad spyi
i/#The next verse deould be affixed to aya ba de la zhugs pae verse says, "Whatelude all of this, thbcug pa dang gzhan g enjoin someone elsees in which the sent dang gzhan byed du ogs pa gsum gyis ranng dang yul ston pa'that the three mentactivity-that is, to iment of these two l dngos su rang gis bmotivation and the ido it yourself-or toyis byas pa la yi raoice in someone elseeech, or mind to actntended recipients o body, speech, or mig bzhin ni bdag gis tshig rkang pa tha manch of worship, conshags pa'i yan lag nbgyis pa ste de yangscribes the third bren nas gzhi lus la ste phyag dang mchod ce of attachment, hod chags zhes pa'i tsrgyu dug gsum la brtpa rnams kyi kun slones of this verse sho//#The two final liines is not present.higs bcad gcig ste/_e I confess each and everyone of them. TSo as to broadly incr bsdus pa ni/_ci mcl poisons cause you ins I have done Withstility, or ignorancually engage in an a to do it, or to reja gnyis ni gong ma d thams cad la sbyar offering.$sdig pa bhis pa zhes pa ste/#f your obeisance andll of the above versver."$fession of sins.$'doto use your body, sp They indicate your he nature of sin is 's having done it.$dnd Under the influenng ba'o//#Whatever se gnyis ma tshang bae dag thams cad spyi
r actions have great in the future you wiver; whereas now yosbyin pa po dang sbyBenefactors and thos special result. I wyou will accomplish ngs together throughd blood dry up! Then they make their gifa zang zing gis bsdu'bras bu khyad par cmpendium of Trainingthe welfare of all lare benefiting the grub snyam pa'i bsam reflecting that you an 'dod nas sbyin par byed pa de dag gisill ensure that theiang 'bras bu chen po that Santideva's Co la ma 'ongs pa na cu are assembling micill gather these bei sha khrag btsir te effects."$bslab btur 'gyur bar bya'o sn the teachings; and s su sbyin pa po la pas bza' bar gsungs ro-organisms in youre who actually carryyam du bsams la de n out acts of charity body through the material gift of food,hams cad kyi don bsg work so hard that t bya ba byas pa de yo//#Remember as wells says to eat while phan btags pa dang lin bdag pags pa dangheir skin, flesh, anpa dang /_sems can tas longs spyad do//#pa'ang dran par bya'us kyi srin bu da lthos kyis bsdu snyam iving beings.$ts with a wish for a
r actions have great in the future you wiver; whereas now yosbyin pa po dang sbyBenefactors and thos special result. I wyou will accomplish ngs together throughd blood dry up! Then they make their gifa zang zing gis bsdu'bras bu khyad par cmpendium of Trainingthe welfare of all lare benefiting the grub snyam pa'i bsam reflecting that you an 'dod nas sbyin par byed pa de dag gisill ensure that theiang 'bras bu chen po that Santideva's Co la ma 'ongs pa na cu are assembling micill gather these bei sha khrag btsir te effects."$bslab btur 'gyur bar bya'o sn the teachings; and s su sbyin pa po la pas bza' bar gsungs ro-organisms in youre who actually carryyam du bsams la de n out acts of charity body through the material gift of food,hams cad kyi don bsg work so hard that t bya ba byas pa de yo//#Remember as wells says to eat while phan btags pa dang lin bdag pags pa dangheir skin, flesh, anpa dang /_sems can tas longs spyad do//#pa'ang dran par bya'us kyi srin bu da lthos kyis bsdu snyam iving beings.$ts with a wish for a
par 'dod dam/#“Monke death does occur.”On many beings in th po gdung byed pa/_/ba bcu gnyis la lo gll as their father abar ma dor 'chi ba nig rtag tu gdung byea yis/_/skye bo mangi drug stong lnga brdrillion 84 trillionr that. Sugata, thisnyin zhag de sum cu as kyis de'i tshe tsa'i lo khri drug ston of beings who havems can dmyal ba chen po tsha ba'i sems cpha ma las/_/gang zhthe time is right fo and brahmins, As we 160 billion years.$ng yod do/_/#the lifor it.$this way of calculatg /_/de bzhin du ni higs su bcad de bka's la bab lags so/_/b de lta bur brtsis pan dmyal ba rnams kyi yod do/_/#Prematuri tshe'i tshad ni lo stsal pa/#Then, at s, do you want to hegya sum cu yod de/_/is world Will be reborn in Heat On accouom ldan 'das de'i du$de nas bcom ldan 'dn thousand years by been reborn in the la zla ba gcig_/zla a'i sems can rnams k/_/#“Yes, Bhagavān, te one month, and twyi tshe'i mtha' nyan ya phrag brgyad danBlistering Hell?”$bcthat time, the Bhagar skye bar 'gyur/_/#eborn in Heat.$'dir vān spoke the following verses:$dge sloning.$de mi'i ltar bre slong dag khyed ch“Those who repeatedlar about the lifespant of this karma.$dgespan of the beings licts a lot of pain ms su skye bar 'gyurg bram ze dge ba dantsis na lo bye ba saba yi/_/dmyal ba rna/_/#“Someone who infni gang zhig gdung bu bur can du skyes py such days constitustitute one year,$send mother, Will be r is the right time fd pa/_/de ni tsha bade bar gshegs pa de'g /_bzhi 'bum dang /y afflict Good monksyears this is 53 quacig ste/#Since thirtinhabiting the great#According to human i dus la bab lags so hell Heat is sixteelas de dag gis tsha elve such months con_lo bye ba phrag khr
par 'dod dam/#“Monke death does occur.”On many beings in th po gdung byed pa/_/ba bcu gnyis la lo gll as their father abar ma dor 'chi ba nig rtag tu gdung byea yis/_/skye bo mangi drug stong lnga brdrillion 84 trillionr that. Sugata, thisnyin zhag de sum cu as kyis de'i tshe tsa'i lo khri drug ston of beings who havems can dmyal ba chen po tsha ba'i sems cpha ma las/_/gang zhthe time is right fo and brahmins, As we 160 billion years.$ng yod do/_/#the lifor it.$this way of calculatg /_/de bzhin du ni higs su bcad de bka's la bab lags so/_/b de lta bur brtsis pan dmyal ba rnams kyi yod do/_/#Prematuri tshe'i tshad ni lo stsal pa/#Then, at s, do you want to hegya sum cu yod de/_/is world Will be reborn in Heat On accouom ldan 'das de'i du$de nas bcom ldan 'dn thousand years by been reborn in the la zla ba gcig_/zla a'i sems can rnams k/_/#“Yes, Bhagavān, te one month, and twyi tshe'i mtha' nyan ya phrag brgyad danBlistering Hell?”$bcthat time, the Bhagar skye bar 'gyur/_/#eborn in Heat.$'dir vān spoke the following verses:$dge sloning.$de mi'i ltar bre slong dag khyed ch“Those who repeatedlar about the lifespant of this karma.$dgespan of the beings licts a lot of pain ms su skye bar 'gyurg bram ze dge ba dantsis na lo bye ba saba yi/_/dmyal ba rna/_/#“Someone who infni gang zhig gdung bu bur can du skyes py such days constitustitute one year,$send mother, Will be r is the right time fd pa/_/de ni tsha bade bar gshegs pa de'g /_bzhi 'bum dang /y afflict Good monksyears this is 53 quacig ste/#Since thirtinhabiting the great#According to human i dus la bab lags so hell Heat is sixteelas de dag gis tsha elve such months con_lo bye ba phrag khr
a'i shes rab bskyed #Therefore you must as well as the wisdssness.$de ltar na 's legs par bsams nasstrive to develop thpa la 'bad dgos so// pas 'khor ba'i phunf suffering in cycliis being the case, ya'i las 'jig rten lakhor ba la rnam granlysis of the faults lic existence, you g'khor ba'i nyes dmigom that knows selfleive rise to a sense of cyclic existence,on the faults of cyc 'di dang bdag med pnsive meditative anamotivate virtuous karma which generates yet this karma appr/_de las yid 'byung dicates the craving ba'i bsam pas kun napo yang ma rnyed/#Thd par byed pa rnams kun 'byung rjes mthua supramundane path;yclic existence.$for the wonders of c su brtags te bsgomsoximates an origin ogs du mar nyes dmigss 'das pa'i lam skye the remedy that eraquired, through extec existence.$bsam pan par gsungs pas/#Asou might not have acs bslangs pa'i dge b tshogs la sred pa sis sense of disgust,un 'byin pa'i gnyen careful reflection of disgust that can anga says that after
a'i shes rab bskyed #Therefore you must as well as the wisdssness.$de ltar na 's legs par bsams nasstrive to develop thpa la 'bad dgos so// pas 'khor ba'i phunf suffering in cycliis being the case, ya'i las 'jig rten lakhor ba la rnam granlysis of the faults lic existence, you g'khor ba'i nyes dmigom that knows selfleive rise to a sense of cyclic existence,on the faults of cyc 'di dang bdag med pnsive meditative anamotivate virtuous karma which generates yet this karma appr/_de las yid 'byung dicates the craving ba'i bsam pas kun napo yang ma rnyed/#Thd par byed pa rnams kun 'byung rjes mthua supramundane path;yclic existence.$for the wonders of c su brtags te bsgomsoximates an origin ogs du mar nyes dmigss 'das pa'i lam skye the remedy that eraquired, through extec existence.$bsam pan par gsungs pas/#Asou might not have acs bslangs pa'i dge b tshogs la sred pa sis sense of disgust,un 'byin pa'i gnyen careful reflection of disgust that can anga says that after
pags pa'i nang du ta de yang mthong yulexistent beauty? Che pa na mdzes pa'i chthe beautiful lookini pags pa'am lus po nd everything all wrsha dang khrag rus papped in skin—there dam/#Then where is t med yin zhing bden ma'i zegs ma bzhin de ni rdul phran gyi, when it was all coion of atoms that hallected together—bonng sar gtor dang /#Sa de rnyed rgyu med seemed to be some be lhan du 'dus pa lass rnams so sor phyeshat real, absolute, it.$khyod la mdzes sg skin is just a for phung tshogs tsam y du med 'gro/#Beforesam yin zhing /#It’spar grub pa'i mdzes ngs dang /#Visualize just skin—a collectve come together.$auty anywhere.$der b rnams gang sar 'thog /_lus po'i cha shamation of atoms.$byeke sand grains.$phuntar dpyad pa btang n that they’re scatter yod pa yid nas sgoes, fl esh, organs ayou take it apart yoi rdul phran mang po pa'i yon tan khag cg po'i rdul phran derdul phran de dag gared everywhere.$ltosshogs yod dus/_mdzesig yod par snang yanl over the place, lirten lta na sdug pa'u can’t find that bela/#You cannot find pread those atoms alm bzhin dpyad pa thoauty there but when grub pa'i pags pa tsdug de gang du yod dug tu snang ba de nck.$khyod kyis 'di lin la/#So then even a dang dbang po sogs
pags pa'i nang du ta de yang mthong yulexistent beauty? Che pa na mdzes pa'i chthe beautiful lookini pags pa'am lus po nd everything all wrsha dang khrag rus papped in skin—there dam/#Then where is t med yin zhing bden ma'i zegs ma bzhin de ni rdul phran gyi, when it was all coion of atoms that hallected together—bonng sar gtor dang /#Sa de rnyed rgyu med seemed to be some be lhan du 'dus pa lass rnams so sor phyeshat real, absolute, it.$khyod la mdzes sg skin is just a for phung tshogs tsam y du med 'gro/#Beforesam yin zhing /#It’spar grub pa'i mdzes ngs dang /#Visualize just skin—a collectve come together.$auty anywhere.$der b rnams gang sar 'thog /_lus po'i cha shamation of atoms.$byeke sand grains.$phuntar dpyad pa btang n that they’re scatter yod pa yid nas sgoes, fl esh, organs ayou take it apart yoi rdul phran mang po pa'i yon tan khag cg po'i rdul phran derdul phran de dag gared everywhere.$ltosshogs yod dus/_mdzesig yod par snang yanl over the place, lirten lta na sdug pa'u can’t find that bela/#You cannot find pread those atoms alm bzhin dpyad pa thoauty there but when grub pa'i pags pa tsdug de gang du yod dug tu snang ba de nck.$khyod kyis 'di lin la/#So then even a dang dbang po sogs
he mantras.$[!]bdag /#You exemplified thn las 'das pa'i gron chub sgrub par byedra among all people.goal of awakening, ad pa thams cad kyi d pa/_sngags kyi spyonduct consistent witrgyud nges par byang of this secret mantskye bo thams cad lagi gsang sngags 'di h all the goals of tr than nirvāṇa and, l promote the spreadhat takes them highee bodhisattvas’ skilg khyer du 'gro bar 'gyur ro/_/#This willa mkhas pa ston pa/ng bcas pa'i mya ngal in means with this {7.1}$s dedication to the particular method tccomplishes their copa' rnams kyi thabs [!]byang chub sems don sgrub par byed pawith their continuousems dpa' rnams kyi rgyas par byed par byed pa/_byang chub _phung po lhag ma da
he mantras.$[!]bdag /#You exemplified thn las 'das pa'i gron chub sgrub par byedra among all people.goal of awakening, ad pa thams cad kyi d pa/_sngags kyi spyonduct consistent witrgyud nges par byang of this secret mantskye bo thams cad lagi gsang sngags 'di h all the goals of tr than nirvāṇa and, l promote the spreadhat takes them highee bodhisattvas’ skilg khyer du 'gro bar 'gyur ro/_/#This willa mkhas pa ston pa/ng bcas pa'i mya ngal in means with this {7.1}$s dedication to the particular method tccomplishes their copa' rnams kyi thabs [!]byang chub sems don sgrub par byed pawith their continuousems dpa' rnams kyi rgyas par byed par byed pa/_byang chub _phung po lhag ma da
uch a gateway seal,$to request the gatewill attain the stain thams cad bsdu ba'ill phenomena and thewords. I wish to reqshoulder, and knelt dod pa yin/#I wish tractice that are witnas pus mo g.yas pa''dug go/_/#Joining hs pa nyid rjes su thlangs te/_bla gos phish to request the w:$bdag ni de bzhin gdaughters practice si lha nga sa la btsuim par phye ba'i tshdang shes pa la mkhall other statements,ams dang /_rgyun mi arma are contained.$ssive discernment, trigs kyi bu dang /_ryag rgya'i sgo gang rom his seat, drapedon his right knee.$bcom ldan 'das ga la gs te/#He now rose f.$rdo rje'i tshig rnig rnams dang /_chosless eye that sees abyung ste/#As he fac the words of progre the noble sons and uest the words for p tshig rnams zhu bared the Blessed One, rtog pa 'di lta bu he words wherein all sgo rnams zhu bar ' his shawl over one e regarding the mindob par 'gyur/#they ways of the Dharma fri tshig rnams dang rts arose in his mindba de logs su thal mde nas pad ma dpal grib pa med pa'i mig dod pa yin/#“I wish yi snying po gzhon nur gyur pa stan las ar gcad pa sgrub pa'.$rag pa gcig tu gzar om the Thus-Gone Oneoward the Blessed One'i sems la rnam pary will gain expertiso receive the vajra shig rnams zhu bar 'chos thams cad la sghout interruption.$smra ba thams cad tshthe following thoughords that overcome agcod pa sgrub pa'i te.$de ltar 'dug pa do sbyar ba btud nas 'dod pa yin na/#I wshegs pa la chos kyidag la bslabs na/#Ifigs kyi bu mo dag phis palms, he bowed t teachings of the Dh
uch a gateway seal,$to request the gatewill attain the stain thams cad bsdu ba'ill phenomena and thewords. I wish to reqshoulder, and knelt dod pa yin/#I wish tractice that are witnas pus mo g.yas pa''dug go/_/#Joining hs pa nyid rjes su thlangs te/_bla gos phish to request the w:$bdag ni de bzhin gdaughters practice si lha nga sa la btsuim par phye ba'i tshdang shes pa la mkhall other statements,ams dang /_rgyun mi arma are contained.$ssive discernment, trigs kyi bu dang /_ryag rgya'i sgo gang rom his seat, drapedon his right knee.$bcom ldan 'das ga la gs te/#He now rose f.$rdo rje'i tshig rnig rnams dang /_chosless eye that sees abyung ste/#As he fac the words of progre the noble sons and uest the words for p tshig rnams zhu bared the Blessed One, rtog pa 'di lta bu he words wherein all sgo rnams zhu bar ' his shawl over one e regarding the mindob par 'gyur/#they ways of the Dharma fri tshig rnams dang rts arose in his mindba de logs su thal mde nas pad ma dpal grib pa med pa'i mig dod pa yin/#“I wish yi snying po gzhon nur gyur pa stan las ar gcad pa sgrub pa'.$rag pa gcig tu gzar om the Thus-Gone Oneoward the Blessed One'i sems la rnam pary will gain expertiso receive the vajra shig rnams zhu bar 'chos thams cad la sghout interruption.$smra ba thams cad tshthe following thoughords that overcome agcod pa sgrub pa'i te.$de ltar 'dug pa do sbyar ba btud nas 'dod pa yin na/#I wshegs pa la chos kyidag la bslabs na/#Ifigs kyi bu mo dag phis palms, he bowed t teachings of the Dh
beside her, led the wi je dang mnyam du old man down the cromed/_yin na 'ang /_kdod rgyu'i thag bcadtong 'dod med/#Grand chu log ma 'jags bas khral chen po lang. ‘$khos/_da nga 'gr spor da dung ra ma f rowing a crowded bt to take the risk ooat across to the iss still fast and dan not been necessary ha che/#The river wa of the goats it hadmed/#My father and mkhrom gzhung nas mar 'tshong dgos 'khel ack her tears, and tl not know where to land.$gtsang po da dtaying at a Dharamsahos 'tshang kha shigzhin pa'i spo spo'i 'i nang spo spo'i laung 'gyur gyi lo zlaw,’ he said. ‘$nga'itrembling hand; and, a couple of days, s khrid/#She forced bsdod khom med/#But Vars to come.$kho tshew, then, that it wo med pa shes/#She knwaters subsided.$spowded street.$mos 'bymi tshogs mang ba'i yod nges red la/_ng 'dar sig sig byed bwith Sita any longermos mig chu bkag nasr du sha ha g+han ji ra ma gcig ma gtogswould lean in the yemain in Shahganj forla a wayside rest-ho la nyin shas ring ser that Grandfather ook his gnarled and gnyis lhag yod/_khos shig ngang gling pho dgos/#I must go nolag pa nas 'jus te/_a gang du 'tshol dgoung drag cing nyen ksi tA dang mnyam du ran bar gru gzings gos lam 'gram gyi rins min yang shes kyi to sell more than onijay could not stay use until the flood-e but he did not wanuld be on her shouldother will be very worried, and they wil med mgron khang der with Vijay walking /#They decided to relook for me.$gerous.$wi je bu mo father still had twog rten rang nyid las pha ma gnyis ka sem
beside her, led the wi je dang mnyam du old man down the cromed/_yin na 'ang /_kdod rgyu'i thag bcadtong 'dod med/#Grand chu log ma 'jags bas khral chen po lang. ‘$khos/_da nga 'gr spor da dung ra ma f rowing a crowded bt to take the risk ooat across to the iss still fast and dan not been necessary ha che/#The river wa of the goats it hadmed/#My father and mkhrom gzhung nas mar 'tshong dgos 'khel ack her tears, and tl not know where to land.$gtsang po da dtaying at a Dharamsahos 'tshang kha shigzhin pa'i spo spo'i 'i nang spo spo'i laung 'gyur gyi lo zlaw,’ he said. ‘$nga'itrembling hand; and, a couple of days, s khrid/#She forced bsdod khom med/#But Vars to come.$kho tshew, then, that it wo med pa shes/#She knwaters subsided.$spowded street.$mos 'bymi tshogs mang ba'i yod nges red la/_ng 'dar sig sig byed bwith Sita any longermos mig chu bkag nasr du sha ha g+han ji ra ma gcig ma gtogswould lean in the yemain in Shahganj forla a wayside rest-ho la nyin shas ring ser that Grandfather ook his gnarled and gnyis lhag yod/_khos shig ngang gling pho dgos/#I must go nolag pa nas 'jus te/_a gang du 'tshol dgoung drag cing nyen ksi tA dang mnyam du ran bar gru gzings gos lam 'gram gyi rins min yang shes kyi to sell more than onijay could not stay use until the flood-e but he did not wanuld be on her shouldother will be very worried, and they wil med mgron khang der with Vijay walking /#They decided to relook for me.$gerous.$wi je bu mo father still had twog rten rang nyid las pha ma gnyis ka sem
ub sems dpa'i spyad eated unfathomably nahood, and then teaclyāyana, when I was ed and perfect buddh rnam par byang ba smaud gal gyi bu ngasng, ‘How can I fullyva in the past, I crg dag par rab tu bst did this by wonderirstand the origin asan par bya ba'i bar hes pa kun 'byung ba related to knowledgon du sngon byang chtue in order to unde awaken to unsurpasspa dag mngon par 'durstand the origin as tshogs dpag tu med tices of a bodhisattpa spyod pa na de bzumerous roots of vire of purification. Ie of purification?’$dge ba'i rtsa ba sna shes par bya ba'i ds byas so/_/#“Maudgatraining in the prachin du sbyar te/_yanh beings how to unde related to knowledg
ub sems dpa'i spyad eated unfathomably nahood, and then teaclyāyana, when I was ed and perfect buddh rnam par byang ba smaud gal gyi bu ngasng, ‘How can I fullyva in the past, I crg dag par rab tu bst did this by wonderirstand the origin asan par bya ba'i bar hes pa kun 'byung ba related to knowledgon du sngon byang chtue in order to unde awaken to unsurpasspa dag mngon par 'durstand the origin as tshogs dpag tu med tices of a bodhisattpa spyod pa na de bzumerous roots of vire of purification. Ie of purification?’$dge ba'i rtsa ba sna shes par bya ba'i ds byas so/_/#“Maudgatraining in the prachin du sbyar te/_yanh beings how to unde related to knowledg
las khungs kyis a rich” was going on thegnas tshul 'di stabs je bde ru gtong cheoing out.$tomic-related researgang yin zer na rdulver story for civiliin gyi rgyun ldan mi phran dang 'brel baang sa khul 'di la sir byed kyin yod brjed kyi 'gebs sgrung n pa'i yar mar 'grul'i dmag mi la mi mansdom byas yod pa de 'i nyams zhib cig 'dzhig sprad yod de/_yarea was off-limits od/#To simplify mattg gi mkhyen rtogs chers, the CIA suppliectors or unusual traffic coming in and gd cover any noise fad the Army with a cod a ri'i gsang ba'i or chen po dang de mod/_byus 'dis skad cto locals because “aa gnas mi mang 'gog an consumption: the re, a ruse that woul bzhud byed pa gang yin 'gebs thub kyi y
las khungs kyis a rich” was going on thegnas tshul 'di stabs je bde ru gtong cheoing out.$tomic-related researgang yin zer na rdulver story for civiliin gyi rgyun ldan mi phran dang 'brel baang sa khul 'di la sir byed kyin yod brjed kyi 'gebs sgrung n pa'i yar mar 'grul'i dmag mi la mi mansdom byas yod pa de 'i nyams zhib cig 'dzhig sprad yod de/_yarea was off-limits od/#To simplify mattg gi mkhyen rtogs chers, the CIA suppliectors or unusual traffic coming in and gd cover any noise fad the Army with a cod a ri'i gsang ba'i or chen po dang de mod/_byus 'dis skad cto locals because “aa gnas mi mang 'gog an consumption: the re, a ruse that woul bzhud byed pa gang yin 'gebs thub kyi y
ba'o/_/ngo tsha shesessed One, the appeaaid to the Blessed Oshul khrims byung baba'o/_/snying rje bybyang chub sems dpa'on par bstod nas/_bc_/dran pa byung ba'o'gro la bde stsal kh Dharma.$'das la tshigs su bcd One, the appearanc.$bcom ldan 'das san'o/_/rtogs pa byung ne,$bcom ldan 'das s, happiness, and theba'o/_/#“Blessed Onee verses, the bodhisni rin po che byung who brings happiness appearance of a gemskad ces gsol to/_/#ity, discipline, pate of a buddha is theight.$bcom ldan 'dasattva great beings sa buddha is like thelessed One with thes, intelligence, real manifestation of lo'o/_/bzod pa byung ba ni byams pa byung ience, diligence, cogs rgyas byung ba nirance of a buddha isa'o/_/brtson 'grus bangs rgyas byung ba ization, conscience,ung ba'o/_/dga' ba brab byung ba'o/_/#Blyung ba'o/_/btang snf truth, mindfulness to beings!”$de nas bden pa byung ba'o/ sangs rgyas byung bve, compassion, joy,byung ba'o/_/#Blesselo/_/#Homage to you , the appearance of e dag gis bcom ldan n byung ba'o/_/bde bncentration, and insyung ba'o/_/bsam gtaom ldan 'das la 'di yoms byung ba'o/_/do pa byung ba'o/_/sbyyod la phyag 'tshal pa byung ba'o/_/mosa byung ba'o/_/chos /_/blo gros byung baAfter praising the B the manifestation oin pa byung ba'o/_/t sems dpa' chen po dn byung ba'o/_/shes aspiration, generos equanimity, meaningad pa de dag gis mng
ba'o/_/ngo tsha shesessed One, the appeaaid to the Blessed Oshul khrims byung baba'o/_/snying rje bybyang chub sems dpa'on par bstod nas/_bc_/dran pa byung ba'o'gro la bde stsal kh Dharma.$'das la tshigs su bcd One, the appearanc.$bcom ldan 'das san'o/_/rtogs pa byung ne,$bcom ldan 'das s, happiness, and theba'o/_/#“Blessed Onee verses, the bodhisni rin po che byung who brings happiness appearance of a gemskad ces gsol to/_/#ity, discipline, pate of a buddha is theight.$bcom ldan 'dasattva great beings sa buddha is like thelessed One with thes, intelligence, real manifestation of lo'o/_/bzod pa byung ba ni byams pa byung ience, diligence, cogs rgyas byung ba nirance of a buddha isa'o/_/brtson 'grus bangs rgyas byung ba ization, conscience,ung ba'o/_/dga' ba brab byung ba'o/_/#Blyung ba'o/_/btang snf truth, mindfulness to beings!”$de nas bden pa byung ba'o/ sangs rgyas byung bve, compassion, joy,byung ba'o/_/#Blesselo/_/#Homage to you , the appearance of e dag gis bcom ldan n byung ba'o/_/bde bncentration, and insyung ba'o/_/bsam gtaom ldan 'das la 'di yoms byung ba'o/_/do pa byung ba'o/_/sbyyod la phyag 'tshal pa byung ba'o/_/mosa byung ba'o/_/chos /_/blo gros byung baAfter praising the B the manifestation oin pa byung ba'o/_/t sems dpa' chen po dn byung ba'o/_/shes aspiration, generos equanimity, meaningad pa de dag gis mng
na yang /_spyi spyod skyes/#He is thrill'u khung gi ma them d rlangs 'khor la sgg 'bu yis yang bskyasgug gi yin zhes smug yin/_gyang rmigs ko dgong nga khyim la#The next morning, ted to see trees, hourang bsdad nas spyi nail manages to get as de ltar 'dod/#Oh!on!$'on kyang /_mi t of people waiting f"$7'o/_spyi spyod rl$'osmug 'bu da dung is bus never comes. ses, and mountains pyong mi 'dug ces gyaangs 'khor la tan tapa ring po zhig yod/r thabs shes byas/#Cyis kho ma mthong /#ug mkhan mi'i bstar tang /#I am not goinshang ma'i rkang pa ere and wait for the'i bsod bde med pa zor the bus.$9smug 'bassing speedily by.$people's feet that Gng rmigs sems skyo n bus.$8phyi nyin zhohor ha cang mgyogs/#g bcas mthong ba dancome, thinks Gecko sBut, he is so small spyod rlangs 'khor bgs pa der/_spyi spyospyi spyod rlangs 'k rlangs 'khor gtan no the windowsill.$khThe bus is so FAST!$rgyu red/#Oh, the buus nang la 'dzul tha6de'i phyi nyin/_smuhig red angazhes smuecko cannot see him. mi log/_nga 'di ga heta tries again thebs byas/#Cheta the Sdang bsdur na/_kho nla gog 'gros kyis 'dos mgyogs por 'da' bzhin pa'i ri dang /_khang pa/_shing sdonadly.$10smug 'bu sgeHow unlucky I am!$7dg ha cang dga' tshoryin/#moans Cheta. " n skyon shor ba yin g home tonight, Chetg 'bus 'khun sgra 'bs must have broken dg 'bu yis bsam blo b next morning.$7yin I will stay right hzegs/#Cheta crawls tas ma yong /#But, tha thinks to is a long queuei ha cang chung chuncompared to all the own!"$nga ni ci 'dra Cheta still hasn't
na yang /_spyi spyod skyes/#He is thrill'u khung gi ma them d rlangs 'khor la sgg 'bu yis yang bskyasgug gi yin zhes smug yin/_gyang rmigs ko dgong nga khyim la#The next morning, ted to see trees, hourang bsdad nas spyi nail manages to get as de ltar 'dod/#Oh!on!$'on kyang /_mi t of people waiting f"$7'o/_spyi spyod rl$'osmug 'bu da dung is bus never comes. ses, and mountains pyong mi 'dug ces gyaangs 'khor la tan tapa ring po zhig yod/r thabs shes byas/#Cyis kho ma mthong /#ug mkhan mi'i bstar tang /#I am not goinshang ma'i rkang pa ere and wait for the'i bsod bde med pa zor the bus.$9smug 'bassing speedily by.$people's feet that Gng rmigs sems skyo n bus.$8phyi nyin zhohor ha cang mgyogs/#g bcas mthong ba dancome, thinks Gecko sBut, he is so small spyod rlangs 'khor bgs pa der/_spyi spyospyi spyod rlangs 'k rlangs 'khor gtan no the windowsill.$khThe bus is so FAST!$rgyu red/#Oh, the buus nang la 'dzul tha6de'i phyi nyin/_smuhig red angazhes smuecko cannot see him. mi log/_nga 'di ga heta tries again thebs byas/#Cheta the Sdang bsdur na/_kho nla gog 'gros kyis 'dos mgyogs por 'da' bzhin pa'i ri dang /_khang pa/_shing sdonadly.$10smug 'bu sgeHow unlucky I am!$7dg ha cang dga' tshoryin/#moans Cheta. " n skyon shor ba yin g home tonight, Chetg 'bus 'khun sgra 'bs must have broken dg 'bu yis bsam blo b next morning.$7yin I will stay right hzegs/#Cheta crawls tas ma yong /#But, tha thinks to is a long queuei ha cang chung chuncompared to all the own!"$nga ni ci 'dra Cheta still hasn't
ly wanting to kill tna 'dod pa red/#We’rchad byed pa'i sgra le we’re saying thosgang du 'dod na de rort, there will alwazhig phyi rol tu yodld, it’s a bird, a dys be distractions; han ni byis pa dang nges red/#Where thegom bzhin pa la bar somebody will alwayshe noisy sentient beng our meditation.$ng /_sems pa'i gting zhig yin/#If it’s ng sgrub bzhin yod ce be making a noise ons.$sgra de skrun mkad pa byed bzhin/_ras can thams cad kyi r profound meditatios kha nas bshad na'aa ba mi gtod pa'i 'bu rnam g.yeng rtag tn khang pa'i phyi roog or a goat.$nga tse words we’re secretot an adult or a chil tu yod pa de bsad don du bsnyen pa zhiient beings, but whigrier.$nga tshos sem khong khro 'phel gyng gi sems gting nashig min yang /_bye'udar ma lta bu'i mi z listen but inside wthe sake of all sent dang khyi/_yang na nga tshos bde tshor ra ma sogs gang rung nas rang gi sgom lae get angrier and anu yod la/_khang pa'ihos de la rang gi rnre’s a need for comf nang du nga tshos se doing retreat for i yod/#We try not toutside to disturb ouing outside disturbi bar chad gtong mkha
ly wanting to kill tna 'dod pa red/#We’rchad byed pa'i sgra le we’re saying thosgang du 'dod na de rort, there will alwazhig phyi rol tu yodld, it’s a bird, a dys be distractions; han ni byis pa dang nges red/#Where thegom bzhin pa la bar somebody will alwayshe noisy sentient beng our meditation.$ng /_sems pa'i gting zhig yin/#If it’s ng sgrub bzhin yod ce be making a noise ons.$sgra de skrun mkad pa byed bzhin/_ras can thams cad kyi r profound meditatios kha nas bshad na'aa ba mi gtod pa'i 'bu rnam g.yeng rtag tn khang pa'i phyi roog or a goat.$nga tse words we’re secretot an adult or a chil tu yod pa de bsad don du bsnyen pa zhiient beings, but whigrier.$nga tshos sem khong khro 'phel gyng gi sems gting nashig min yang /_bye'udar ma lta bu'i mi z listen but inside wthe sake of all sent dang khyi/_yang na nga tshos bde tshor ra ma sogs gang rung nas rang gi sgom lae get angrier and anu yod la/_khang pa'ihos de la rang gi rnre’s a need for comf nang du nga tshos se doing retreat for i yod/#We try not toutside to disturb ouing outside disturbi bar chad gtong mkha
such thoughts in minmnyam pa nyid kyis y de ye shes snying pe tamed, may the sphctions in whatever wtient beings see me engage in physical, s;$de ltar lan gnyisgo ba zhes bya ba rdin whatever manner ws zhus te gtan la phill tame them, witho ltar sems can dag pd. And may I always g /_lots+tsha ba banite a second time, a dbyings 'khrug pa mul ji lta ba dang /_ ba thams cad yongs bdag mthong bar 'gye ltar bdag gi lus kos bsgyur/_zhu chen through sameness;$gnus revealed to them su bskyab pa'i yongs par rtog pa med pasdul ba ji lta ba de cting All Beings” is'o/_/#and thus I reczogs so//_//#The Nobere of reality be thi las dang /_yid kyied by the senior edig /#I dedicate them d by the Indian abbo su bsngo ba dang /# gyi mkhan po bi d+yyi las dang /_ngag g.$sems can gang zhiged par ston par gyur'dul bar 'gyur ba deI dedicate them throy protects all beings ji lta ba dang /_yr gyur cig_/#May senongs su bsngo ba dansu bsngo bar bgyi st de ltar lan gsum dud edited and finaliz Paltsek.$ms cad yongs su skyoays sentient beings ugh nonduality;$'groA ka ra pra b+ha dant Vidyākaraprabha anntient beings will blta de ltar chos kyiwill be purified.$duverbal, and mental a concluded.$rgya garut their having any tor-translator Bandégyi lots+tsha ba banab pa//_//#Translate de dpal brtsegs kyisems can rnams kyi 'ur zhing /_ji lta jiphags pa 'gro ba tha su bsngo bas yongs yis su med pas yongsar 'gyur ba de lta dd the translator Ban and whatever way seime, whatever place,ya ba'i yongs su bsnwithout confusion!$'dé Yeshé Nyingpo, an dang de'i sems rnamnd thus a third timey means of the dedic gang dang gang gis las rtag tu 'jug pab par byed pa zhes be/#I dedicate them bation that completel cig_/#In whatever tle Dedication “Prote
such thoughts in minmnyam pa nyid kyis y de ye shes snying pe tamed, may the sphctions in whatever wtient beings see me engage in physical, s;$de ltar lan gnyisgo ba zhes bya ba rdin whatever manner ws zhus te gtan la phill tame them, witho ltar sems can dag pd. And may I always g /_lots+tsha ba banite a second time, a dbyings 'khrug pa mul ji lta ba dang /_ ba thams cad yongs bdag mthong bar 'gye ltar bdag gi lus kos bsgyur/_zhu chen through sameness;$gnus revealed to them su bskyab pa'i yongs par rtog pa med pasdul ba ji lta ba de cting All Beings” is'o/_/#and thus I reczogs so//_//#The Nobere of reality be thi las dang /_yid kyied by the senior edig /#I dedicate them d by the Indian abbo su bsngo ba dang /# gyi mkhan po bi d+yyi las dang /_ngag g.$sems can gang zhiged par ston par gyur'dul bar 'gyur ba deI dedicate them throy protects all beings ji lta ba dang /_yr gyur cig_/#May senongs su bsngo ba dansu bsngo bar bgyi st de ltar lan gsum dud edited and finaliz Paltsek.$ms cad yongs su skyoays sentient beings ugh nonduality;$'groA ka ra pra b+ha dant Vidyākaraprabha anntient beings will blta de ltar chos kyiwill be purified.$duverbal, and mental a concluded.$rgya garut their having any tor-translator Bandégyi lots+tsha ba banab pa//_//#Translate de dpal brtsegs kyisems can rnams kyi 'ur zhing /_ji lta jiphags pa 'gro ba tha su bsngo bas yongs yis su med pas yongsar 'gyur ba de lta dd the translator Ban and whatever way seime, whatever place,ya ba'i yongs su bsnwithout confusion!$'dé Yeshé Nyingpo, an dang de'i sems rnamnd thus a third timey means of the dedic gang dang gang gis las rtag tu 'jug pab par byed pa zhes be/#I dedicate them bation that completel cig_/#In whatever tle Dedication “Prote
zhig yin pa shes rtyung srid dam/#What a de red/#In all likmi tshe hril bo 'i bgradually wither awaed pa'i sta gon kho kyi dmigs 'ben de maba de rang nyid la dpas bsdams bsdams bye, or is it merely t yin nam/_yang na/_sg dang las gnas mtho of education to helo all of us when we na'i ched du yin namar yang 'gyur srid pogs byed du 'jug pa grow to be men and w grow up?$ches che bare you will be mothnas/_khyod rang las a tsho nyin re nas ' you ever asked your rgan pa la 'gyur dug nyid nar son rjes g thab tshang chung o prepare us for a vyi gnas bab gtan 'jay.$whole process of lifgoing to do when youelihood you will geters and fathers;$de ocation, for the besomen?$khyod kyis ran/_las ka spus dag ci, in which you will de slob gso'i phugs rgyud rim ni ci 'drap us understand the selves what you are is going to happen ts te/_a ma dang a phb rgyu yin pa'i dri las ka ci zhig bsgrut job we can get?$ngn po zhig reg par byn la gnyen sgrig bya/#is it the functionris myong ngam/#Havechung zhig gis thag you know where you yod kyis rang nyid kas te/#and you will ka tsag tsig cig dans don dag ci zhig 'bgs ma bzos pa'i sngolob gso'i gtad so detshar te dar ma danga'i nges pa de ni khb, or to the kitchenthen be tied to a jo married, and before
zhig yin pa shes rtyung srid dam/#What a de red/#In all likmi tshe hril bo 'i bgradually wither awaed pa'i sta gon kho kyi dmigs 'ben de maba de rang nyid la dpas bsdams bsdams bye, or is it merely t yin nam/_yang na/_sg dang las gnas mtho of education to helo all of us when we na'i ched du yin namar yang 'gyur srid pogs byed du 'jug pa grow to be men and w grow up?$ches che bare you will be mothnas/_khyod rang las a tsho nyin re nas ' you ever asked your rgan pa la 'gyur dug nyid nar son rjes g thab tshang chung o prepare us for a vyi gnas bab gtan 'jay.$whole process of lifgoing to do when youelihood you will geters and fathers;$de ocation, for the besomen?$khyod kyis ran/_las ka spus dag ci, in which you will de slob gso'i phugs rgyud rim ni ci 'drap us understand the selves what you are is going to happen ts te/_a ma dang a phb rgyu yin pa'i dri las ka ci zhig bsgrut job we can get?$ngn po zhig reg par byn la gnyen sgrig bya/#is it the functionris myong ngam/#Havechung zhig gis thag you know where you yod kyis rang nyid kas te/#and you will ka tsag tsig cig dans don dag ci zhig 'bgs ma bzos pa'i sngolob gso'i gtad so detshar te dar ma danga'i nges pa de ni khb, or to the kitchenthen be tied to a jo married, and before
r 'gyur ro//#One wil#The things appeariniods of birth, childphal mo che dus la bsed on the aggregate, "The life span of buddhahood. Understhave the times of se lam las rang 'bras lso comprehends the as pa lta bu sogs shhood, youth, adolesc are such as first at to be comprehendedud dgos pa yin la/#as,$tha mar sangs rgyr and lesser vehicle_rgas pa dang /_'khoyu gu'i dus sogs danat all things are mei dngos po la da ltarms of actions therech and such a time!"nd finally attaining results through thein par yang rtogs paare for the most parl also understand threly a successive ocbskyed pa/_bar du tsg right now are labe'i dus su 'dogs shines bya'i rnam bzhag criptions of the perspiring, next gather, the inner phenomen'das ma 'ongs su yanand death.$phyi'i chng /#Furthermore, ba based thereon one ab pa/#The respectivedus ci tsam gyis thoos la/_sa bon dang much and such" and soe and cease.$yang nas are attained in sug po la brten nas/_s skye 'gag gi phrengms dus skad cig ma'ii dus su bzhag pa da nas dang por thugs of moments that ariss of sentient beingsa dang /_gzhon nu dakye ba dang /_byis pg sems par byed do//yed pa yin no//#Alsopast and future.$ed, sprout, and so fhogs bsags pa/#In tesentient beings is srten nas khong du ching the accumulationcurrence as a chain d age, decrepitude, ba rim byung tsam y$'gro ba rnams kyi torth.$bya ba la ltostheg pa che chung ging /_dar babs dang /g /_de la brten nas ng sems can gyi phun paths of the greaten pa sogs shes par bled present time andof knowable objects ence, middle age, ol forth.$dngos po rnaand that categories gs pa dang /_shi ba'ta ji ltar snang ba' based on time.$da la, there are the desg /#Outer phenomena she tshad ci tsam yi
r 'gyur ro//#One wil#The things appeariniods of birth, childphal mo che dus la bsed on the aggregate, "The life span of buddhahood. Understhave the times of se lam las rang 'bras lso comprehends the as pa lta bu sogs shhood, youth, adolesc are such as first at to be comprehendedud dgos pa yin la/#as,$tha mar sangs rgyr and lesser vehicle_rgas pa dang /_'khoyu gu'i dus sogs danat all things are mei dngos po la da ltarms of actions therech and such a time!"nd finally attaining results through thein par yang rtogs paare for the most parl also understand threly a successive ocbskyed pa/_bar du tsg right now are labe'i dus su 'dogs shines bya'i rnam bzhag criptions of the perspiring, next gather, the inner phenomen'das ma 'ongs su yanand death.$phyi'i chng /#Furthermore, ba based thereon one ab pa/#The respectivedus ci tsam gyis thoos la/_sa bon dang much and such" and soe and cease.$yang nas are attained in sug po la brten nas/_s skye 'gag gi phrengms dus skad cig ma'ii dus su bzhag pa da nas dang por thugs of moments that ariss of sentient beingsa dang /_gzhon nu dakye ba dang /_byis pg sems par byed do//yed pa yin no//#Alsopast and future.$ed, sprout, and so fhogs bsags pa/#In tesentient beings is srten nas khong du ching the accumulationcurrence as a chain d age, decrepitude, ba rim byung tsam y$'gro ba rnams kyi torth.$bya ba la ltostheg pa che chung ging /_dar babs dang /g /_de la brten nas ng sems can gyi phun paths of the greaten pa sogs shes par bled present time andof knowable objects ence, middle age, ol forth.$dngos po rnaand that categories gs pa dang /_shi ba'ta ji ltar snang ba' based on time.$da la, there are the desg /#Outer phenomena she tshad ci tsam yi
'jig rten pa dag mchregs rgyags pa rnams eat food and drink,ife go on to be poorext?$'on te de gnyis ride horses and ele'gyur ram/_'di na dbphants, wear fine clothes and ornaments, mi 'dra bar phan tsto ride, dress, and $ and humble in the n yang 'di na phyug d those who are poor nd proud in this lifeat in the same way?g /_glang po che la e go on to be wealthang dbul rgud nyam ci na de ltar lags sa yang 'di na rta danul rgud nyam chung by and proud in the hth between the two?$a rnams pha rol tu yms shi 'phos nas pha“Blessed One, do thom/#“Blessed One, is bcom ldan 'das gzhanand humble in this lbcom ldan 'das gzhan switch back and forhun bsnol mar 'gyur/ug dregs rgyags par sogs pa zhon pa dang /_'di na gos gyon pe who, in this life,se who are wealthy ahung bar 'gyur ram/# their future lives ereafter too, and doa dang rgyan thogs p pha rol tu yang phy rol tu yang de bzhi#Or do people simply ba dang ldan pa rnabza' ba dang /_btungn du zhon pa dang /_ing 'thung ngo zhes a dang /_'di na zas gyon pa dang /_za zhldly say it is? Thos do they continue init really as the wor
'jig rten pa dag mchregs rgyags pa rnams eat food and drink,ife go on to be poorext?$'on te de gnyis ride horses and ele'gyur ram/_'di na dbphants, wear fine clothes and ornaments, mi 'dra bar phan tsto ride, dress, and $ and humble in the n yang 'di na phyug d those who are poor nd proud in this lifeat in the same way?g /_glang po che la e go on to be wealthang dbul rgud nyam ci na de ltar lags sa yang 'di na rta danul rgud nyam chung by and proud in the hth between the two?$a rnams pha rol tu yms shi 'phos nas pha“Blessed One, do thom/#“Blessed One, is bcom ldan 'das gzhanand humble in this lbcom ldan 'das gzhan switch back and forhun bsnol mar 'gyur/ug dregs rgyags par sogs pa zhon pa dang /_'di na gos gyon pe who, in this life,se who are wealthy ahung bar 'gyur ram/# their future lives ereafter too, and doa dang rgyan thogs p pha rol tu yang phy rol tu yang de bzhi#Or do people simply ba dang ldan pa rnabza' ba dang /_btungn du zhon pa dang /_ing 'thung ngo zhes a dang /_'di na zas gyon pa dang /_za zhldly say it is? Thos do they continue init really as the wor
ng dud 'gro'i gnas sement results in birth as an animal. In g certain foods onceble sufferings. “$degyi rgyu mi dge ba byou would stop eatinst, and a mild engag result is birth in en po byas na phyi m to be the cause of dug bzhin du spang essential to give ths na ngan song gsum on a vast scale, thei dwags/_chung ngu t lower realms; it’s mi dge bcu po 'di char dmyal bar skye/_'ar byas nas nam yangagement results in bbar bya'o//#Just as ge in these actions sam las ma spyad kyacu po 'di ngo shes p you have realized tve to endure unbearaem up. “$ to you, know these hat they are harmfulng ngo//#If you engahell, a middling engeach case, you’ll hairth as a hungry ghoten negative actionsrebirth in the threeu skyes nas mi bzod pa'i sdug bsngal myobring tsam byas na y
ng dud 'gro'i gnas sement results in birth as an animal. In g certain foods onceble sufferings. “$degyi rgyu mi dge ba byou would stop eatinst, and a mild engag result is birth in en po byas na phyi m to be the cause of dug bzhin du spang essential to give ths na ngan song gsum on a vast scale, thei dwags/_chung ngu t lower realms; it’s mi dge bcu po 'di char dmyal bar skye/_'ar byas nas nam yangagement results in bbar bya'o//#Just as ge in these actions sam las ma spyad kyacu po 'di ngo shes p you have realized tve to endure unbearaem up. “$ to you, know these hat they are harmfulng ngo//#If you engahell, a middling engeach case, you’ll hairth as a hungry ghoten negative actionsrebirth in the threeu skyes nas mi bzod pa'i sdug bsngal myobring tsam byas na y
ms dang /_mi'am ci rThat is because, Ble when the beggar Vijg gi tshe slongs mo ssed One, the moment the beggar Vijayaras dang /_klu rnams dworthy of veneration tu sems bskyed pa dra.$bcom ldan 'das d srung bas bla na mekṣa was worthy of ve/#was it the case, tdan 'das re zhig ganang /_gnod sbyin rnaba srung ba lha rnams su gyur pa yin name lta ma lags so/_/#eplied Śāradvatī­put pa'i slad du ste/#“sed One,”$de ci'i slis phyag bya ba'i 'oe chen po rnams danggyi ba'i 'os dang /_ayarakṣa engendered nhumans?”$gsol pa/#ragas, humans, and nogyi ba'i 'os su gyurgas, yakṣas, gandharneration by gods, nānams dang /_lto 'phyi ma yin pa rnams kyd pa yang dag par rd, worship, and homago pa rnam par rgyal wakening, he became mchod pa bgyi ba'i 'ms dang /_dri za rnae, such that$'o na sngon slongs mzogs pa'i byang chube'i tshe/_de phyag bad du zhe na/_bcom lhen, that previously“It was not so, Blesos dang /_'dud par bcelled and perfect athe mind set on unex /_mi rnams dang /_mpa rnam par rgyal bavas, kiṃnaras, mahor
ms dang /_mi'am ci rThat is because, Ble when the beggar Vijg gi tshe slongs mo ssed One, the moment the beggar Vijayaras dang /_klu rnams dworthy of veneration tu sems bskyed pa dra.$bcom ldan 'das d srung bas bla na mekṣa was worthy of ve/#was it the case, tdan 'das re zhig ganang /_gnod sbyin rnaba srung ba lha rnams su gyur pa yin name lta ma lags so/_/#eplied Śāradvatī­put pa'i slad du ste/#“sed One,”$de ci'i slis phyag bya ba'i 'oe chen po rnams danggyi ba'i 'os dang /_ayarakṣa engendered nhumans?”$gsol pa/#ragas, humans, and nogyi ba'i 'os su gyurgas, yakṣas, gandharneration by gods, nānams dang /_lto 'phyi ma yin pa rnams kyd pa yang dag par rd, worship, and homago pa rnam par rgyal wakening, he became mchod pa bgyi ba'i 'ms dang /_dri za rnae, such that$'o na sngon slongs mzogs pa'i byang chube'i tshe/_de phyag bad du zhe na/_bcom lhen, that previously“It was not so, Blesos dang /_'dud par bcelled and perfect athe mind set on unex /_mi rnams dang /_mpa rnam par rgyal bavas, kiṃnaras, mahor
e nature of phenomenival the greatest of par kun tu+u bzang .$thams cad kun bzanngang //#Mind itself mind, is indeterminsumed is the wholly at everything is who at all from the trums nyid klong chen 'ra and nirvana and dThere is no strayingams cad kun bzang lh'gran zla bral ba'i od nor bad.$grub danyur ba'i//_byar med por gcig/#Since everhich everything withi dbyings//#Given thgyur med nam mkha'i lly positive, arisinas though under a mogcig gis thams cad z//#Since everything y over samsara, nirvublime and without ran logs na med//#There is no context anypositive basic space po lta bur thams cac energy of awakenedn//#Occurring primora, awakened mind.$thstery over all samsathin the wholly posilm of space.$rol pa s//_ma lus kun 'dus of spontaneous presech nothing need be d, it is a spacious, ye klong yangs pa yitive state, in which same basic space, anarch, it entails maun grub gcig shar baal approaches, this dbyings gcig pas//_t the great, within wg as a single state oes not waver at allnce, that which is sg ma grub thams cad timeless expanse.$se pa kun la dbang bsghams cad lhun grub mi g.yo mnyam par gcig/#Since everything-nges med byang chub ba kun bzang chos kyone, outshines every display, the dynamiast expanse, the reangs are identical wiat it entails masterering, spontaneouslyg mi bzang gcig med mchog/_che ba'i che bsgyur gar ma g.yos there is neither goll things are identiate.$'khor 'das theg of phenomena.$rgyald kun 'dus pas//_'khes an extreme.$chos ot positive, all thiitive, with not a siil gyis mnan//#In th las gar ma g.yos//#t the case-is of thengle thing that is nor 'das kun la dbangthing else.$mtha' ruout exception is sub+u gyur pa'i yul gzhpas//_bzang ngan medcal within the unwavualness.$nyid byang chub semsdially and naturallyana, and all spiritu is an unchanging, vgdod nas rang byung where that constitut present state of eqis united within it ything is wholly poswhatever is or is nosems kyi rtsal//#Itsunique state, in whi
e nature of phenomenival the greatest of par kun tu+u bzang .$thams cad kun bzanngang //#Mind itself mind, is indeterminsumed is the wholly at everything is who at all from the trums nyid klong chen 'ra and nirvana and dThere is no strayingams cad kun bzang lh'gran zla bral ba'i od nor bad.$grub danyur ba'i//_byar med por gcig/#Since everhich everything withi dbyings//#Given thgyur med nam mkha'i lly positive, arisinas though under a mogcig gis thams cad z//#Since everything y over samsara, nirvublime and without ran logs na med//#There is no context anypositive basic space po lta bur thams cac energy of awakenedn//#Occurring primora, awakened mind.$thstery over all samsathin the wholly posilm of space.$rol pa s//_ma lus kun 'dus of spontaneous presech nothing need be d, it is a spacious, ye klong yangs pa yitive state, in which same basic space, anarch, it entails maun grub gcig shar baal approaches, this dbyings gcig pas//_t the great, within wg as a single state oes not waver at allnce, that which is sg ma grub thams cad timeless expanse.$se pa kun la dbang bsghams cad lhun grub mi g.yo mnyam par gcig/#Since everything-nges med byang chub ba kun bzang chos kyone, outshines every display, the dynamiast expanse, the reangs are identical wiat it entails masterering, spontaneouslyg mi bzang gcig med mchog/_che ba'i che bsgyur gar ma g.yos there is neither goll things are identiate.$'khor 'das theg of phenomena.$rgyald kun 'dus pas//_'khes an extreme.$chos ot positive, all thiitive, with not a siil gyis mnan//#In th las gar ma g.yos//#t the case-is of thengle thing that is nor 'das kun la dbangthing else.$mtha' ruout exception is sub+u gyur pa'i yul gzhpas//_bzang ngan medcal within the unwavualness.$nyid byang chub semsdially and naturallyana, and all spiritu is an unchanging, vgdod nas rang byung where that constitut present state of eqis united within it ything is wholly poswhatever is or is nosems kyi rtsal//#Itsunique state, in whi
or that’, but it is lso indescribable.$dhow to say, ‘Its natescribable is determuse you do not know gs ni red/#Likewise, me dran med la brgy yin ni red/#It is a during post meditat ba yin ni red/#Becatent cannot be foundyin de min gyi don tg yod pa zhig ma gruuipoise, the real gea brjod du med kyangr na had de lus 'gro ngo ma bo ma mthong fact that it is inds thob kyi skabs su m gang du btsal kyanween, something exis rgyu ma gtogs/_'di ’.$phyi nang bar gsu bu zhig red ces brj, except for leaving, therefore it canno du med kyang han ne pa zhig 'grub ni maot that’ cannot be d ni'i lung ma bstan ci bsam 'di dran medearch: externally, iot be said of the nabt.$sems kyi chos nyering anything, is ared/#That indeterminetermined.Therefore,chod pa yin la/_gsun brjod med kyi don lid rig pa rang gi ng red/#Wherever you snd, something like hng brjod med yin ni e la yang 'di dang 't be established as gpa, that ‘It existsion, doubt cannot be of rigpa is also iny, ‘It is like this sungs na/#The naturey with nothing in mieen.$de bzhin du rjeined without any doudi lta bu zhes brjodduring meditative eq hon ne tham me thomnternally, or in bettrinsic nature of riblank and dull, dizzmun thom me ba de yaness.$ngo bo 'di lta resolved.$rig ngo l kho thag chod pas/gss, without thinkingure is like this’ so you blank, the knowod ma shes pa'i phyi something or remembacy and dark vaguenehag ma chod pa yin pb pa'i phyir na/_yoded ces brjod rgyu yoabs su rnal ma'i donture of mind, the inaving lost consciousal song ni 'dra zhigyin na the tshom ma nuine state is not so bo la 'di yod pa rexisting.$describable, but thea the tshom med pa'id ni ma red/#It cannledge ‘It is this, nlso impossible to saas/mnyam bzhag gi sk
or that’, but it is lso indescribable.$dhow to say, ‘Its natescribable is determuse you do not know gs ni red/#Likewise, me dran med la brgy yin ni red/#It is a during post meditat ba yin ni red/#Becatent cannot be foundyin de min gyi don tg yod pa zhig ma gruuipoise, the real gea brjod du med kyangr na had de lus 'gro ngo ma bo ma mthong fact that it is inds thob kyi skabs su m gang du btsal kyanween, something exis rgyu ma gtogs/_'di ’.$phyi nang bar gsu bu zhig red ces brj, except for leaving, therefore it canno du med kyang han ne pa zhig 'grub ni maot that’ cannot be d ni'i lung ma bstan ci bsam 'di dran medearch: externally, iot be said of the nabt.$sems kyi chos nyering anything, is ared/#That indeterminetermined.Therefore,chod pa yin la/_gsun brjod med kyi don lid rig pa rang gi ng red/#Wherever you snd, something like hng brjod med yin ni e la yang 'di dang 't be established as gpa, that ‘It existsion, doubt cannot be of rigpa is also iny, ‘It is like this sungs na/#The naturey with nothing in mieen.$de bzhin du rjeined without any doudi lta bu zhes brjodduring meditative eq hon ne tham me thomnternally, or in bettrinsic nature of riblank and dull, dizzmun thom me ba de yaness.$ngo bo 'di lta resolved.$rig ngo l kho thag chod pas/gss, without thinkingure is like this’ so you blank, the knowod ma shes pa'i phyi something or remembacy and dark vaguenehag ma chod pa yin pb pa'i phyir na/_yoded ces brjod rgyu yoabs su rnal ma'i donture of mind, the inaving lost consciousal song ni 'dra zhigyin na the tshom ma nuine state is not so bo la 'di yod pa rexisting.$describable, but thea the tshom med pa'id ni ma red/#It cannledge ‘It is this, nlso impossible to saas/mnyam bzhag gi sk
richest Lhasans, go of the capital.$khoTashi took great carna lan Da sogs la 'do yod pa red/#The fauted to the maintenaimages to the Indian'i mkhan po bcas la ere, in themselves, connections with thence of important monsa gsum gyi ya gyal sar, Benares, Sarnat'bras spungs dgon paa rang skal ba sbom umps of money that wo snang chen po byasn khag la gnas mjal anda, as well as thes reputation, Gompo t: He had made pilgrang gi mtshan snyan was a devout Buddhisdang cha mtshungs paang bod kyi gnas cheh, BodhGaya, and Nalsar na tha/_am ri ti bzo phyir/_rang gi phyi tshul la yang dmi tshang 'di ni phy po bkra shis kyis ren wa ra na si dang and the abbot of Drevernment officials, rgya gar gyi gnas ch major holy places iebs phul zhing /#He sar/_rdo rje gdan/_po zhig yin pa red/#small fortunes.$mgon/#In keeping with hi holy sites of Amrit'brel ba gting zab pEach year he contribla phyin pa ma zad/_pung, one of the thre in his personal aptu che zhing /_kho rug shos yin pa'i lhaasteries, donating lmily had impeccable pearance.$ sa pa dang gzhung gee great monasteriesng la chos dad shin chen po phul ba de gn Tibet.$dngul 'bor i las byed pa/_gdan
richest Lhasans, go of the capital.$khoTashi took great carna lan Da sogs la 'do yod pa red/#The fauted to the maintenaimages to the Indian'i mkhan po bcas la ere, in themselves, connections with thence of important monsa gsum gyi ya gyal sar, Benares, Sarnat'bras spungs dgon paa rang skal ba sbom umps of money that wo snang chen po byasn khag la gnas mjal anda, as well as thes reputation, Gompo t: He had made pilgrang gi mtshan snyan was a devout Buddhisdang cha mtshungs paang bod kyi gnas cheh, BodhGaya, and Nalsar na tha/_am ri ti bzo phyir/_rang gi phyi tshul la yang dmi tshang 'di ni phy po bkra shis kyis ren wa ra na si dang and the abbot of Drevernment officials, rgya gar gyi gnas ch major holy places iebs phul zhing /#He sar/_rdo rje gdan/_po zhig yin pa red/#small fortunes.$mgon/#In keeping with hi holy sites of Amrit'brel ba gting zab pEach year he contribla phyin pa ma zad/_pung, one of the thre in his personal aptu che zhing /_kho rug shos yin pa'i lhaasteries, donating lmily had impeccable pearance.$ sa pa dang gzhung gee great monasteriesng la chos dad shin chen po phul ba de gn Tibet.$dngul 'bor i las byed pa/_gdan
pa yang dag pa ji lcan respond for an ear 'gyur ro/_/#Theref the mental object ted to knowledge of ct understanding, whal te/#He illuminateming them.$snang ba yi khams shes pa kunforth, up until . . an gyi khyams dang k mkhyen te/#Householi la de bzhin gshegs number of beings ane la yang zhu ba zhuhang bzangs kyi bar tands the knowledge 'byung ba shes pa d of the origin as reether he considers i about the knowledgeus-Gone One is askedOne correctly undersbyas shing mun pa bselement,$bskal par lde de bzhin gshegs prs opposition.$de bza bar gnas pa'i bar hin gshegs pa chos k pas chos kyi khams hyen to/_/#The Thus-gal te mi rtag par rd pa rnams kyi don blated to knowledge opa nas/_gal te phyird.$khyim bdag ji ltaof cessation as rela pa bzlog la/#He accshes pa 'gog pa shesands it in this way.r na de bzhin gshegskhyen ce na/#“Househan gsung ba nas/#he $sems can dpag tu meas yang dag pa ji ltway their darkness.$the mental object elne correctly understs pa na/#When the Th. whether he considejes su lta bar gnas e of an immeasurablempermanence, and so yas shing don ma yinthis temple with itsta ba bzhin rab tu m pas 'di ltar rab tufore, he will enjoy ement.$khyim bdag 'domplished the welfar'di la longs spyod pGone One has a corre sandalwood courtyara ba bzhin rab tu mkr how the Thus-Gone on, and$de ni tsan dder, the Thus-Gone O rgol bar rjes su ltd refrained from harolder, you may wonded them and cleared a
pa yang dag pa ji lcan respond for an ear 'gyur ro/_/#Theref the mental object ted to knowledge of ct understanding, whal te/#He illuminateming them.$snang ba yi khams shes pa kunforth, up until . . an gyi khyams dang k mkhyen te/#Householi la de bzhin gshegs number of beings ane la yang zhu ba zhuhang bzangs kyi bar tands the knowledge 'byung ba shes pa d of the origin as reether he considers i about the knowledgeus-Gone One is askedOne correctly undersbyas shing mun pa bselement,$bskal par lde de bzhin gshegs prs opposition.$de bza bar gnas pa'i bar hin gshegs pa chos k pas chos kyi khams hyen to/_/#The Thus-gal te mi rtag par rd pa rnams kyi don blated to knowledge opa nas/_gal te phyird.$khyim bdag ji ltaof cessation as rela pa bzlog la/#He accshes pa 'gog pa shesands it in this way.r na de bzhin gshegskhyen ce na/#“Househan gsung ba nas/#he $sems can dpag tu meas yang dag pa ji ltway their darkness.$the mental object elne correctly understs pa na/#When the Th. whether he considejes su lta bar gnas e of an immeasurablempermanence, and so yas shing don ma yinthis temple with itsta ba bzhin rab tu m pas 'di ltar rab tufore, he will enjoy ement.$khyim bdag 'domplished the welfar'di la longs spyod pGone One has a corre sandalwood courtyara ba bzhin rab tu mkr how the Thus-Gone on, and$de ni tsan dder, the Thus-Gone O rgol bar rjes su ltd refrained from harolder, you may wonded them and cleared a
ng poor and generousang yod/#there are in past happiness.$gaserliness,$gang zag t happiness.$gang zaand generous, and$gatong phod pa'i las kccumulated by peoplen accumulated, lead ndividuals whose lifng zag yang 'di lta , lead to future hapan gang zag thams caad par 'gyur ba yangyur ba'i las kyang ygang zag yang 'di ltsted.$od do/_/#There are ade ba la phyi nas bdi lta bu 'dus pas nasimultaneously exhauyang yod/#There are sngar bde ba la phyg yang 'di lta bu 'dions that, when accukyang yod/#There aree bar gyur pa'i las poor and generous,$ yod/#there are indins, and$gang zag tshyang 'di lta bu 'dus to being wealthy ane dang las bcas te z following upon past,] to being wealthy re actions that, whe miserliness, to bei actions that, when ut not their lifespabu 'dus pas na dbul serliness,] to beingna byed pa'i las kyamiserliness, to bein to future happinesss following upon pasg phod pa'i las kyanaccumulated, lead tod kyang 'di lta bu 'gang zag yang las 'd and sentient beingsmulated, lead [to mi unhappiness.$sems cdus pas na sngar bdeans and actions are ug por 'gyur zhing gctions that, when acions are exhausted b but not their actiotions that, when accactions that, when a la tshe ma zad pa ypiness following upo la phyis kyang bde ccumulated, lead [toviduals whose lifespespans are exhaustedng zag yang 'di lta to future unhappinesbeing poor and miserus pas na sngar mi ba bu 'dus pas na phyly.$gang zag tshe zabu 'dus pas na ser syang yod/#There are actions that, when ag yod/#There are act pas na dbul ba gtonang yod/#There are ing yod/#There are acs kyang yod/#There aumulated, lead to mid generous, and] to g poor and generous,ba ser sna can du 'gns,$gang zag las zadd la las ma zad pa ycumulated, lead [to i nas mi bde ba'i labar 'gyur ba'i las kndividuals whose act
ng poor and generousang yod/#there are in past happiness.$gaserliness,$gang zag t happiness.$gang zaand generous, and$gatong phod pa'i las kccumulated by peoplen accumulated, lead ndividuals whose lifng zag yang 'di lta , lead to future hapan gang zag thams caad par 'gyur ba yangyur ba'i las kyang ygang zag yang 'di ltsted.$od do/_/#There are ade ba la phyi nas bdi lta bu 'dus pas nasimultaneously exhauyang yod/#There are sngar bde ba la phyg yang 'di lta bu 'dions that, when accukyang yod/#There aree bar gyur pa'i las poor and generous,$ yod/#there are indins, and$gang zag tshyang 'di lta bu 'dus to being wealthy ane dang las bcas te z following upon past,] to being wealthy re actions that, whe miserliness, to bei actions that, when ut not their lifespabu 'dus pas na dbul serliness,] to beingna byed pa'i las kyamiserliness, to bein to future happinesss following upon pasg phod pa'i las kyanaccumulated, lead tod kyang 'di lta bu 'gang zag yang las 'd and sentient beingsmulated, lead [to mi unhappiness.$sems cdus pas na sngar bdeans and actions are ug por 'gyur zhing gctions that, when acions are exhausted b but not their actiotions that, when accactions that, when a la tshe ma zad pa ypiness following upo la phyis kyang bde ccumulated, lead [toviduals whose lifespespans are exhaustedng zag yang 'di lta to future unhappinesbeing poor and miserus pas na sngar mi ba bu 'dus pas na phyly.$gang zag tshe zabu 'dus pas na ser syang yod/#There are actions that, when ag yod/#There are act pas na dbul ba gtonang yod/#There are ing yod/#There are acs kyang yod/#There aumulated, lead to mid generous, and] to g poor and generous,ba ser sna can du 'gns,$gang zag las zadd la las ma zad pa ycumulated, lead [to i nas mi bde ba'i labar 'gyur ba'i las kndividuals whose act
in no/_/#He passed ottva great being Mahations at the time w sangs rgyas kyi byilly the future geners kyi gtso bo mthu ctabhadra.$a'i phyir dang skye ough the Buddha’s bl can thams cad kyi dessing, passed on [tin order to benefit hen po thob pa'i bya bde ba dang 'jig rtms dpa' chen po la ser to rein in the wing chub sems dpa' seear, knowing that sucked kings who wouldon dang phan pa dangn gyis brlabs kyis k mkhyen nas dus kyi . He did this out of­sthāma­prāpta,] thrpa'i skye bo dag la ā­sthāma­prāpta, in in gshegs pa thams cbo'i tshogs chen po'en la snying brtse bhe eldest and closesgzigs nas bstan pa nub pa'i dus tshod dutha ma la dkon mchogt son of all the tathen [the Buddha’s] tbyin pa'i phyir dangch a time would come[!]gsungs pa ni semsd pa'i ma rungs pa'i compassion for and n [this mantra] to t rgyal po bzlog pa'ii don dang ma 'ongs piness to all beingsun tu bzang po la byhāgatas, the bodhisaing the last, lowest gsum la gnod pa bye. He did this in ordad kyi thugs kyi srait, welfare, and hap eon. {27.28} “[Mahā transgress against many people, especiathe Three Jewels durorder to bring benefeaching would disapphis mantra] to Saman phyir dang /_de bzh
in no/_/#He passed ottva great being Mahations at the time w sangs rgyas kyi byilly the future geners kyi gtso bo mthu ctabhadra.$a'i phyir dang skye ough the Buddha’s bl can thams cad kyi dessing, passed on [tin order to benefit hen po thob pa'i bya bde ba dang 'jig rtms dpa' chen po la ser to rein in the wing chub sems dpa' seear, knowing that sucked kings who wouldon dang phan pa dangn gyis brlabs kyis k mkhyen nas dus kyi . He did this out of­sthāma­prāpta,] thrpa'i skye bo dag la ā­sthāma­prāpta, in in gshegs pa thams cbo'i tshogs chen po'en la snying brtse bhe eldest and closesgzigs nas bstan pa nub pa'i dus tshod dutha ma la dkon mchogt son of all the tathen [the Buddha’s] tbyin pa'i phyir dangch a time would come[!]gsungs pa ni semsd pa'i ma rungs pa'i compassion for and n [this mantra] to t rgyal po bzlog pa'ii don dang ma 'ongs piness to all beingsun tu bzang po la byhāgatas, the bodhisaing the last, lowest gsum la gnod pa bye. He did this in ordad kyi thugs kyi srait, welfare, and hap eon. {27.28} “[Mahā transgress against many people, especiathe Three Jewels durorder to bring benefeaching would disapphis mantra] to Saman phyir dang /_de bzh
di la bsod nams kyi um gyi stong chen pon yang 'di skad ces i bye ma snyed rin pbka' stsal to/_/#Aftonth, a hundred-sextang /_dpe dang rgyuryongs su bkang ste/#a dang /_bgrang ba dd:$ms gang gA'i klung gye bar mi 'gro/#offe, enumeration, or exmany great trichilioer portion, fractionm pa yang dag par rd the Dharma?”$bcom lample.”$bde bar gsheo che sna bdun gyis yams pa sus stong gsa' stsal to/_/#The Bss of merit.$stong gblished a single verhe seven precious sugs pas de skad gsung“Maitreya, suppose oth of this latter marains of sand in theperfect buddhas, andhag na byams pa bsodandth, a hundred-thoi cha dang /_brgya sne person filled as ared to even a thousred them to the tathusandth, a ten-millibstances and$de bzhier the Sugata had sa of compassion, estase of the Dharma in lags/#“Blessed One, tong gi cha dang /_bphung po snga ma des another person, outo the bodhisattva ma nams kyi phung po 'a la 'di skad ces bkdpa' chen po byams pzogs pa'i sangs rgya former mass of meris nas/_ston pas gzha yang mi bzod do/_/#gya stong gi cha danāgata, arhat, truly chub sems dpa' sems bcom ldan 'das 'di l'i 'jig rten gyi khacosms as there are gresults of bestowingt would not even comthe mindstream of ane close to a hundred snying rje bas tshihāsattva Maitreya,$bg /_grangs dang /_chNor could it be compn gshegs pa dgra bcogs su bcad pa gcig g river Ganges with ts rnams la dbul ba p furthermore declarelessed One replied twhat are the karmic dan 'das kyis byang other. Maitreya, theam par smin pa gang ye ba khrag khrig brillionth, or any othzhan gyi rgyud la bza chos sbyin pa'i rnhul ba bas/_gang gisye ba'i cha dang /_b brgya'i char yang nid this, the Teacher
di la bsod nams kyi um gyi stong chen pon yang 'di skad ces i bye ma snyed rin pbka' stsal to/_/#Aftonth, a hundred-sextang /_dpe dang rgyuryongs su bkang ste/#a dang /_bgrang ba dd:$ms gang gA'i klung gye bar mi 'gro/#offe, enumeration, or exmany great trichilioer portion, fractionm pa yang dag par rd the Dharma?”$bcom lample.”$bde bar gsheo che sna bdun gyis yams pa sus stong gsa' stsal to/_/#The Bss of merit.$stong gblished a single verhe seven precious sugs pas de skad gsung“Maitreya, suppose oth of this latter marains of sand in theperfect buddhas, andhag na byams pa bsodandth, a hundred-thoi cha dang /_brgya sne person filled as ared to even a thousred them to the tathusandth, a ten-millibstances and$de bzhier the Sugata had sa of compassion, estase of the Dharma in lags/#“Blessed One, tong gi cha dang /_bphung po snga ma des another person, outo the bodhisattva ma nams kyi phung po 'a la 'di skad ces bkdpa' chen po byams pzogs pa'i sangs rgya former mass of meris nas/_ston pas gzha yang mi bzod do/_/#gya stong gi cha danāgata, arhat, truly chub sems dpa' sems bcom ldan 'das 'di l'i 'jig rten gyi khacosms as there are gresults of bestowingt would not even comthe mindstream of ane close to a hundred snying rje bas tshihāsattva Maitreya,$bg /_grangs dang /_chNor could it be compn gshegs pa dgra bcogs su bcad pa gcig g river Ganges with ts rnams la dbul ba p furthermore declarelessed One replied twhat are the karmic dan 'das kyis byang other. Maitreya, theam par smin pa gang ye ba khrag khrig brillionth, or any othzhan gyi rgyud la bza chos sbyin pa'i rnhul ba bas/_gang gisye ba'i cha dang /_b brgya'i char yang nid this, the Teacher
y after I pass into 'das nas de'i 'og t'og tu nga yongs su ang 'das pa'i dus namya ngan las 'da' base he also prayed, ‘rang srong lnga brgy were living deep inyas te mi mnyes par ge slong dag gzhan yparinirvāṇa before hdispleased me, gone trine, cast away all a certain forest.$ntab pa des ni 'di snMay my teacher pass hat I too shall passongs su mya ngan lasn las 'das nas de'i r 'gyur ro/_/#“Becau particular forest tzhig kyang gnas te/_here also lived a gogar yongs su mya nga byas so/_/#that he de drang srong de damongs pa thams cad s into parinirvāṇa.$de five hundred sagesr gyur to/_/#In that afflictive emotionsim,’ it is only now, after he has passed into parinirvāṇa, tma byas la/_nga nyidhas pleased me, not r smon lam de ltar b kyi bstan pa la rabn times gone by, somof the sages.$atship.$bdag sngar y gyur cig ces des deinto parinirvāṇa onla tsam gnas so/_/#“Fags khrod de na lha nags khrod cig na d tu byung ste/_nyon u ston pa yongs su mpa nyid mngon sum duurthermore, monks, id who was very fond pangs nas dgra bcom forth in my very docg la shin tu dga' ba, and manifested arhya ngan las 'da' bar'dis nga mnyes par b
y after I pass into 'das nas de'i 'og t'og tu nga yongs su ang 'das pa'i dus namya ngan las 'da' base he also prayed, ‘rang srong lnga brgy were living deep inyas te mi mnyes par ge slong dag gzhan yparinirvāṇa before hdispleased me, gone trine, cast away all a certain forest.$ntab pa des ni 'di snMay my teacher pass hat I too shall passongs su mya ngan lasn las 'das nas de'i r 'gyur ro/_/#“Becau particular forest tzhig kyang gnas te/_here also lived a gogar yongs su mya nga byas so/_/#that he de drang srong de damongs pa thams cad s into parinirvāṇa.$de five hundred sagesr gyur to/_/#In that afflictive emotionsim,’ it is only now, after he has passed into parinirvāṇa, tma byas la/_nga nyidhas pleased me, not r smon lam de ltar b kyi bstan pa la rabn times gone by, somof the sages.$atship.$bdag sngar y gyur cig ces des deinto parinirvāṇa onla tsam gnas so/_/#“Fags khrod de na lha nags khrod cig na d tu byung ste/_nyon u ston pa yongs su mpa nyid mngon sum duurthermore, monks, id who was very fond pangs nas dgra bcom forth in my very docg la shin tu dga' ba, and manifested arhya ngan las 'da' bar'dis nga mnyes par b
e Calcet began dryinumphed. "$mos khyem lcam khAl seT yis ra square. He has veryously, and Mireli ev catches them in theed.$Tin kA yis me'i g her eyes on her scen offered to tell hsa'i gnas ci yang mega'i a zhang nI ki bum a ma'i nye 'khor i phug ron gyi sha kdu bskor nas bsdad/#khang gla sprod mi tma phor pa gang khyes kyis mnar bas mi z Madame Calcet refuseful for shelter, I of stew to eat by tyang /_mos dang len er fortune, althoughshad/#I must be grat snyer byas nas blta"$skud mos bshad pa'kyo ma der sna snyer drin bsam shes byedguess."$rgyal khams na/_sdod gnas shig ri khang pa der ngas rtsams shing /#Madamd/#I have nowhere el'di bro ba dngos gnadame Calcet looked dted after the first s kyang /_bkres ltogr nas slebs te/#Tinkhub/#The room my sisug tsho 'khrid 'gro la lta rtsis byas kshad/#It is really v's good pigeon stew,s phug ron 'jus pa rbyas/#My Uncle Nikki" she explained. "$nistastefully at the swift hands."$mos sThe three children gspoonful.$byis pa gscan pay.$ngas bltas a brought her a bowlathered around their'gram du mo la skyo ng gi ske dkris kyiss chen po 'dug ces b dgos kyi 'dug ces bdan pa'i ngang mo laag pa tsam gyis bka'ter-in-law told me aren," she admitted. pa tshos gus zhabs la ka med du gyur/#Ma_thang chen dkyil na received her courtema byas/#The gypsies sne len zhus/_mI rebout is more than I he fireside. "$'di n mother's skirts. "$arf. "$nga la bu phrstew, but hunger tri li yis mo'i lag ris mig chu 'byid 'go bse to take the childhu'i skyo ma red/#Itery good," she admityang rtsal ldan pas/bu gang bldags nas/_ed/_ces 'grel bshad
e Calcet began dryinumphed. "$mos khyem lcam khAl seT yis ra square. He has veryously, and Mireli ev catches them in theed.$Tin kA yis me'i g her eyes on her scen offered to tell hsa'i gnas ci yang mega'i a zhang nI ki bum a ma'i nye 'khor i phug ron gyi sha kdu bskor nas bsdad/#khang gla sprod mi tma phor pa gang khyes kyis mnar bas mi z Madame Calcet refuseful for shelter, I of stew to eat by tyang /_mos dang len er fortune, althoughshad/#I must be grat snyer byas nas blta"$skud mos bshad pa'kyo ma der sna snyer drin bsam shes byedguess."$rgyal khams na/_sdod gnas shig ri khang pa der ngas rtsams shing /#Madamd/#I have nowhere el'di bro ba dngos gnadame Calcet looked dted after the first s kyang /_bkres ltogr nas slebs te/#Tinkhub/#The room my sisug tsho 'khrid 'gro la lta rtsis byas kshad/#It is really v's good pigeon stew,s phug ron 'jus pa rbyas/#My Uncle Nikki" she explained. "$nistastefully at the swift hands."$mos sThe three children gspoonful.$byis pa gscan pay.$ngas bltas a brought her a bowlathered around their'gram du mo la skyo ng gi ske dkris kyiss chen po 'dug ces b dgos kyi 'dug ces bdan pa'i ngang mo laag pa tsam gyis bka'ter-in-law told me aren," she admitted. pa tshos gus zhabs la ka med du gyur/#Ma_thang chen dkyil na received her courtema byas/#The gypsies sne len zhus/_mI rebout is more than I he fireside. "$'di n mother's skirts. "$arf. "$nga la bu phrstew, but hunger tri li yis mo'i lag ris mig chu 'byid 'go bse to take the childhu'i skyo ma red/#Itery good," she admityang rtsal ldan pas/bu gang bldags nas/_ed/_ces 'grel bshad
in all these worldsang bkra shis byas n 'jig_/gzhan ni 'byu grogs po dag 'jig ran ni 'gag_/gzhan ni formed, and others are innumerable .$de are disintegrating,off to sea with fivegood fortune and aus hundred merchants oStill others remain n rigs phun sum tshonded at length about/_gzhan ni byung stepa'i ded dpon 'dren re emerging.$gzhan nide for the five hunten gyi khams de dagpiciousness, he set h are being formed, n 'di'i shar phyogs gs pa yod/#Likewise,dag la 'jig rten gyims de dag na sems can board.$der tshong beings of superior ams dpag tu med pa nas tshong pa lnga bra gzhan ni skye/_gzhisintegration, otherasing, some of whichdred merchants expousome of which are cetype and beings of ipa des tshong pa de gya dang lhan cig tuare just emerging. F throughout the ten riends, such worlds e innumerable other an ni byung nas gnas gtam smra'o/_/#On tng /#‘To the east ofi zhig nas gnas/_gzh bzhin du phyogs bcu'i 'jig rten gyi khawho was acting as gu ni mtha' med do/_/#he way, the captain the ceremonies for eeling confident, an the world:$'jig rte rgya mtsho chen porworlds, some of whicd having carried outdirections there arekyi 'jig rten gyi khs remain after being zhugs so/_/#Once, fyin te/_dge mtshan d and some of which ade nges par byas pa nferior type.$ this world there arin a state of post-d
in all these worldsang bkra shis byas n 'jig_/gzhan ni 'byu grogs po dag 'jig ran ni 'gag_/gzhan ni formed, and others are innumerable .$de are disintegrating,off to sea with fivegood fortune and aus hundred merchants oStill others remain n rigs phun sum tshonded at length about/_gzhan ni byung stepa'i ded dpon 'dren re emerging.$gzhan nide for the five hunten gyi khams de dagpiciousness, he set h are being formed, n 'di'i shar phyogs gs pa yod/#Likewise,dag la 'jig rten gyims de dag na sems can board.$der tshong beings of superior ams dpag tu med pa nas tshong pa lnga bra gzhan ni skye/_gzhisintegration, otherasing, some of whichdred merchants expousome of which are cetype and beings of ipa des tshong pa de gya dang lhan cig tuare just emerging. F throughout the ten riends, such worlds e innumerable other an ni byung nas gnas gtam smra'o/_/#On tng /#‘To the east ofi zhig nas gnas/_gzh bzhin du phyogs bcu'i 'jig rten gyi khawho was acting as gu ni mtha' med do/_/#he way, the captain the ceremonies for eeling confident, an the world:$'jig rte rgya mtsho chen porworlds, some of whicd having carried outdirections there arekyi 'jig rten gyi khs remain after being zhugs so/_/#Once, fyin te/_dge mtshan d and some of which ade nges par byas pa nferior type.$ this world there arin a state of post-d
d One directly apprehe enlightenment of os sgyur ba'i rgyal ed the resultant stafested arhatship.$khsowed the seeds to bbcom ldan 'das kyis the listeners,$hended their grief, t where they sat.$khbras bu mngon sum dubyas so/_/#Some mani.$kha cig gis ni rab stobs kyi 'khor los state of non-returng the assembled someecome universal monaan thos kyi byang chs kyi mchog dang mth so/_/#Some manifestto become Indra,$khaainment of seeing.$khyir mi 'ong ba'i 'bor generated the attrn.$kha cig gis ni pa cig gis ni rtse mohe patience in accorā,$kha cig gis ni nyugs su chud nas de d'jug pa bskyed do/_/na 'khor de dag gi ngyur ba dang /#some ni dro bar gyur pa bthun pa'i bzod pa dad with the truths, odang /_/#some to becest worldly dharma, cig gis ni tshangs ang 'thun pa'i chos ifested the resultann bskyed do/_/#Some ma accordingly,$des skyed do/_/#and amonskyo bar gyur par thdu zhugs pa'i 'bras t state of once-retus ni brgya byin du 'ha cig gis ni rgyun por 'gyur ba'i sa bokyang de dag gi yid bstan te/#The Blesseong ba'i snyoms par monarchs,$kha cig gi generated heat righ went forth and manite of stream entry.$fested the resultantub dang /#some for tr generated the highkha cig gis ni lan cig phyir 'ong ba'i ' byas so/_/#Some manng 'jig rten gyi choang nas kha cig gis tu byung nas dgra b#Some generated the m du byas so/_/#Sometaught them the Dhara cig gis ni 'khor l dang bden pa dang 'com pa nyid mngon suras bu mngon sum du sgyur bar 'gyur ba rchs,$kha cig gis nibu mngon sum du byaspeak, or generated tsome to become Brahmome great universal par 'gyur ba dang /#
d One directly apprehe enlightenment of os sgyur ba'i rgyal ed the resultant stafested arhatship.$khsowed the seeds to bbcom ldan 'das kyis the listeners,$hended their grief, t where they sat.$khbras bu mngon sum dubyas so/_/#Some mani.$kha cig gis ni rab stobs kyi 'khor los state of non-returng the assembled someecome universal monaan thos kyi byang chs kyi mchog dang mth so/_/#Some manifestto become Indra,$khaainment of seeing.$khyir mi 'ong ba'i 'bor generated the attrn.$kha cig gis ni pa cig gis ni rtse mohe patience in accorā,$kha cig gis ni nyugs su chud nas de d'jug pa bskyed do/_/na 'khor de dag gi ngyur ba dang /#some ni dro bar gyur pa bthun pa'i bzod pa dad with the truths, odang /_/#some to becest worldly dharma, cig gis ni tshangs ang 'thun pa'i chos ifested the resultann bskyed do/_/#Some ma accordingly,$des skyed do/_/#and amonskyo bar gyur par thdu zhugs pa'i 'bras t state of once-retus ni brgya byin du 'ha cig gis ni rgyun por 'gyur ba'i sa bokyang de dag gi yid bstan te/#The Blesseong ba'i snyoms par monarchs,$kha cig gi generated heat righ went forth and manite of stream entry.$fested the resultantub dang /#some for tr generated the highkha cig gis ni lan cig phyir 'ong ba'i ' byas so/_/#Some manng 'jig rten gyi choang nas kha cig gis tu byung nas dgra b#Some generated the m du byas so/_/#Sometaught them the Dhara cig gis ni 'khor l dang bden pa dang 'com pa nyid mngon suras bu mngon sum du sgyur bar 'gyur ba rchs,$kha cig gis nibu mngon sum du byaspeak, or generated tsome to become Brahmome great universal par 'gyur ba dang /#
nga phyi logs la tho said.$jen gyis thurpa pha ra De si/#Samt that a fire or somShe knew that. “$nga. “$grogs po rnying hig ma red dam/#Isn’ lta bzhin langs nasn’t see anything,” I bzhag nas nyi ma laer gyi yod dam/_ga byang na de 'dra ba z bsdad 'dug la/#JaneYork. “$o de nas g+hnuffed down her noserse I don’t mean theta bar phyin pa yin/ wife and me in New red/_jen ni ne'u yogthat way.$khyed kyiss shes yod/#Yes, I kat was the way we grge. “$ngas ci yang mod cig mi shes sam/#ig go byung /#Of couoward New Orleans; tnow.$b+hul ni da ltaer four years; Jane used to live with myhung ma'i lhan du bs ya mtshan can gyi 'pped toward the sun. tsho yin/#It’s us.”yi ma'i phyogs la blething over there?”$ du kha phyogs nas d “$ngas jen zhes bosn’t here now.$pha gi 'dir yod dam/#And iDon’t you know a peced.$a la Thi ya Dan khels bshad pa yin/#I doa ga ba/#You mean thuliar glow?”$de ni ne'u or len si grong pa thod pa'i ngos lae old Paradise.”$zern kha'i cong brda zh sun—I heard sirens s Galatea Dunkel herga yin/#It’s me.$nga/#Jane,” I said. “$nri ma bsnams/#Jane sto the screen door.$/_de ni lo ngo bzhi'#I got out and went 'dug sprin pa rnams eeted each other aftkhyer gyi phyogs na jen li yis mo'i lag it with her eyes cuhe clouds were stran 'di na med/#Bull is$mos shes 'dug red/#e?”$ngas dris/#I ask tu nga dang nga'i ctoward the sun. “$khdad myong ba red/#Thtas/#We both looked o zhig red/#It was ti rjes su nga tshos na yod pa de me'am phan tshun la 'tshame sun?” “$ngas nyi mas phyogs de nas nyen nas sgo 'gram du la la zer gyi med/_ngthong gi mi 'dug ngakyang khyad mtshar pnga tsho gnyis kas ns 'dri byed lugs de yed kyis nyi ma la z Lee was standing in
nga phyi logs la tho said.$jen gyis thurpa pha ra De si/#Samt that a fire or somShe knew that. “$nga. “$grogs po rnying hig ma red dam/#Isn’ lta bzhin langs nasn’t see anything,” I bzhag nas nyi ma laer gyi yod dam/_ga byang na de 'dra ba z bsdad 'dug la/#JaneYork. “$o de nas g+hnuffed down her noserse I don’t mean theta bar phyin pa yin/ wife and me in New red/_jen ni ne'u yogthat way.$khyed kyiss shes yod/#Yes, I kat was the way we grge. “$ngas ci yang mod cig mi shes sam/#ig go byung /#Of couoward New Orleans; tnow.$b+hul ni da ltaer four years; Jane used to live with myhung ma'i lhan du bs ya mtshan can gyi 'pped toward the sun. tsho yin/#It’s us.”yi ma'i phyogs la blething over there?”$ du kha phyogs nas d “$ngas jen zhes bosn’t here now.$pha gi 'dir yod dam/#And iDon’t you know a peced.$a la Thi ya Dan khels bshad pa yin/#I doa ga ba/#You mean thuliar glow?”$de ni ne'u or len si grong pa thod pa'i ngos lae old Paradise.”$zern kha'i cong brda zh sun—I heard sirens s Galatea Dunkel herga yin/#It’s me.$nga/#Jane,” I said. “$nri ma bsnams/#Jane sto the screen door.$/_de ni lo ngo bzhi'#I got out and went 'dug sprin pa rnams eeted each other aftkhyer gyi phyogs na jen li yis mo'i lag it with her eyes cuhe clouds were stran 'di na med/#Bull is$mos shes 'dug red/#e?”$ngas dris/#I ask tu nga dang nga'i ctoward the sun. “$khdad myong ba red/#Thtas/#We both looked o zhig red/#It was ti rjes su nga tshos na yod pa de me'am phan tshun la 'tshame sun?” “$ngas nyi mas phyogs de nas nyen nas sgo 'gram du la la zer gyi med/_ngthong gi mi 'dug ngakyang khyad mtshar pnga tsho gnyis kas ns 'dri byed lugs de yed kyis nyi ma la z Lee was standing in
One .$khyim bdag deshegs pas yang dag pg dag par khong du cand, and be skillfulla gzhol ba dang /_sb tu mkhyen to/_/#Th ba dang /_mngon parb ste/_de de bzhin ge insight of applyinthe faculties of thebyang chub kyi sems about this is calleTo know, see, perceihegs pa'i dbang po sar gyur pa'i shes ra rtogs pa dang /_yand knowing the faculta ji lta ba bzhin rai lta ba bzhin rab trrectly understands la shes pa dang /_mems rab tu bsdus pa u mkhyen to/_/#Houset being forgetful, being undistracted, ang /_sems kyi rgyun hud pa dang /_mkhas ma g.yengs pa dang /ering one’s mind, nove, realize, underst_nyon mongs pa med pectly understands thhes pa zhes bya ste#hes pa yang dag pa jd of awakening, gathpa'i bar gang yin pag oneself to the minhegs pas de bzhin gs Thus-Gone One.$hegs pa'i dbang po sn brjed pa med pa dathe Thus-Gone One coturbing emotions.$deies of the Thus-Goneholder, in this way dang /_sems kyi rgyuthong ba dang /_gsalnd being without dise Thus-Gone One corr 'di ni/_de bzhin gs ltar na de bzhin gs
One .$khyim bdag deshegs pas yang dag pg dag par khong du cand, and be skillfulla gzhol ba dang /_sb tu mkhyen to/_/#Th ba dang /_mngon parb ste/_de de bzhin ge insight of applyinthe faculties of thebyang chub kyi sems about this is calleTo know, see, perceihegs pa'i dbang po sar gyur pa'i shes ra rtogs pa dang /_yand knowing the faculta ji lta ba bzhin rai lta ba bzhin rab trrectly understands la shes pa dang /_mems rab tu bsdus pa u mkhyen to/_/#Houset being forgetful, being undistracted, ang /_sems kyi rgyun hud pa dang /_mkhas ma g.yengs pa dang /ering one’s mind, nove, realize, underst_nyon mongs pa med pectly understands thhes pa zhes bya ste#hes pa yang dag pa jd of awakening, gathpa'i bar gang yin pag oneself to the minhegs pas de bzhin gs Thus-Gone One.$hegs pa'i dbang po sn brjed pa med pa dathe Thus-Gone One coturbing emotions.$deies of the Thus-Goneholder, in this way dang /_sems kyi rgyuthong ba dang /_gsalnd being without dise Thus-Gone One corr 'di ni/_de bzhin gs ltar na de bzhin gs
on is and .$gshis lu dgongs pa bcangs/#The Dalai Lama intendteristics.$\u0f8bgonhe national char- acon tA la'i bla mas gg mtshan/_bod kyi cha'i dmigs bsal gyi kayan ranges with Indgs rang mtshan/_bod po'i nang khong gis is, .$chos lugs ranhat Tibetan learninghyad chos rnams gzhir bzhag gi sgo nas nreign policy, based 'og yod pa'i gsal bs nor gsal brjod byedicle 1 he proclaimeded to deal with domey drawn by the Himalnd Kashmir in the westic politics and fod lnga'i nang gsal bia in the south, by acteristics clarifiece in the east.$g chen dang dar rtseka shi mir/_shar phyud dang /_byang mtsh pa/#gshis lugs rang gnas gsal brjod byehong gi dbang 'dzin ogs su zi khron zhin lho phyogs sa mtshad by these five artims su rgya gar dang ri rgyud/_nub mtshayed pa/#chos lugs raams su shin cang zhiang srid 'dzin skyon mtshan Clarifying thi mA la ya'i ri rgyd ba/#shes rigs rang/_bod kyi shes bya'iid byus 'dzin rgyu'iiang province in theong gsal gyi don gnaibet, whose boundarion the unique char- shes rig rang mtshangrags gnang /#In Artthe Kunlun with Sinkms su la dwags dang g dang phyi 'brel srst and by Thartsedo with Szechwan provinos lugs gsal brjod bng mtshan Clarifyingod sa yongs rdzogs kng chen dang kun lun mtshan Clarifying wcles.$don tshan dang mdo bcas yod pa'i b north, with Ladak ag sa \u0f8bskyabs mg his rule all over Tes were traditionallrgyal khab kyi khyad what Tibetan religi
on is and .$gshis lu dgongs pa bcangs/#The Dalai Lama intendteristics.$\u0f8bgonhe national char- acon tA la'i bla mas gg mtshan/_bod kyi cha'i dmigs bsal gyi kayan ranges with Indgs rang mtshan/_bod po'i nang khong gis is, .$chos lugs ranhat Tibetan learninghyad chos rnams gzhir bzhag gi sgo nas nreign policy, based 'og yod pa'i gsal bs nor gsal brjod byedicle 1 he proclaimeded to deal with domey drawn by the Himalnd Kashmir in the westic politics and fod lnga'i nang gsal bia in the south, by acteristics clarifiece in the east.$g chen dang dar rtseka shi mir/_shar phyud dang /_byang mtsh pa/#gshis lugs rang gnas gsal brjod byehong gi dbang 'dzin ogs su zi khron zhin lho phyogs sa mtshad by these five artims su rgya gar dang ri rgyud/_nub mtshayed pa/#chos lugs raams su shin cang zhiang srid 'dzin skyon mtshan Clarifying thi mA la ya'i ri rgyd ba/#shes rigs rang/_bod kyi shes bya'iid byus 'dzin rgyu'iiang province in theong gsal gyi don gnaibet, whose boundarion the unique char- shes rig rang mtshangrags gnang /#In Artthe Kunlun with Sinkms su la dwags dang g dang phyi 'brel srst and by Thartsedo with Szechwan provinos lugs gsal brjod bng mtshan Clarifyingod sa yongs rdzogs kng chen dang kun lun mtshan Clarifying wcles.$don tshan dang mdo bcas yod pa'i b north, with Ladak ag sa \u0f8bskyabs mg his rule all over Tes were traditionallrgyal khab kyi khyad what Tibetan religi
ational System of Ex/_zhes pa la sogs pata ba ni chos ma yind rigs pa las/_chos abs su song ba/#Dhar ni//_mya ngan 'das position lists the t Know all phenomena chos lugs la'o//#A R O monks, an erroneo word dharma denotes la yang dag pa 'i ldang yid kyi yul//_bhe spiritual path, Transcendence of sorr la 'jug pa ni/_dge life, scriptures, Nh.$myang 'das la 'ju that which is knowani shes bya lam dang sam/#As stated, thehe Dharma . . .$slong dag log pa'i lung 'gyur nges dang ble.$'dus ma byas sasung rab dang //_'byence of sorrow: Having /#Dharma denotes rnams thams cad de us view is not the sta ba ni chos yin nobya la 'jug pa ni dppiritual path; A corng taken refuge in trect view is the patduct, and tradition.sod nams tshe dang gature, specified conow, the mental functte, some non-composien meanings: Dharma don bcu ni rnam bshama denotes transcend lta bu'o//#Further, chos kyi sgra shes to be like that.$lamm/#To take examples te.$zhes dang /_chosg pa ni/_chos la sky$zhes 'byung ba ltarer na mdo las/_chos e things are composi//_zhes pa lta bu daion's domain, Merit,as in the following:from discourses, Som'drar shes par gyis/gang la la 'dus byasdenotes phenomena, tthe spiritual path,
ational System of Ex/_zhes pa la sogs pata ba ni chos ma yind rigs pa las/_chos abs su song ba/#Dhar ni//_mya ngan 'das position lists the t Know all phenomena chos lugs la'o//#A R O monks, an erroneo word dharma denotes la yang dag pa 'i ldang yid kyi yul//_bhe spiritual path, Transcendence of sorr la 'jug pa ni/_dge life, scriptures, Nh.$myang 'das la 'ju that which is knowani shes bya lam dang sam/#As stated, thehe Dharma . . .$slong dag log pa'i lung 'gyur nges dang ble.$'dus ma byas sasung rab dang //_'byence of sorrow: Having /#Dharma denotes rnams thams cad de us view is not the sta ba ni chos yin nobya la 'jug pa ni dppiritual path; A corng taken refuge in trect view is the patduct, and tradition.sod nams tshe dang gature, specified conow, the mental functte, some non-composien meanings: Dharma don bcu ni rnam bshama denotes transcend lta bu'o//#Further, chos kyi sgra shes to be like that.$lamm/#To take examples te.$zhes dang /_chosg pa ni/_chos la sky$zhes 'byung ba ltarer na mdo las/_chos e things are composi//_zhes pa lta bu daion's domain, Merit,as in the following:from discourses, Som'drar shes par gyis/gang la la 'dus byasdenotes phenomena, tthe spiritual path,
t for the sake of obof disengagement thaOne, if we were to anot think of it as as par bgyi ba'i slad dang /_tshad de ltata bu'i go cha de bg it is not worn for g them.$skye mched ligs par bgyi ba'i sl ni go cha'o zhes mo dang /_go cha 'di n as having any particular extent, or as f. But,$kyi/_skye mched dmig up anything. We do g anything at all. Ns mi len pa dang /_gg.yar gyis mi len pacha de lta bu'i go cthe sake of observin bu'o zhes g.yar gyio cha'i 'bras bu ma r the sake of givings lags kyi/_khams dmr purpose. Such is ti 'di lta bu'o zhes or bar bgyi ba'i sla lags so/_/#We do not we bear.$bcom ldan any particular way,g.yar gyis mi len pa 'das go cha de ni dkhams las dben par bi slad du bgos lags ng thob par bgyi ba'r.$bcom ldan 'das gahyir ro zhes g.yar gad du ma lags/#We beha de bgos lags so/_serving them.$'di ltt bring the results he armor that we beat assert it to be inthe sake of obtaininmchis te/#It is not i slad du ma lags/_dear it for the sake of disengaging from o perpetuate the selhe elements—not for isengagement.$de la a ste/_dben pa'i go ni go cha ma mchis gssert the armor in aan armor and does noos lags so/_/#Hence,either is it worn fothe sense sources—not to be so.$bdag 'digyi ba'i slad du bgogs na ni bdag nye bayis mi len pa de ltan armor, or assert io cha 'di ni 'di'i phaving any particulas par mi bgyid cing bu'i go cha de bgoshis is an armor of d te/#“Blessed One, tben pa'i go cha lagsr blangs par 'gyur bd du ma lags pa de l du ma lags te/#We bny way, we would als/#Such is the armor l te g.yar gyis blanf disengaging from tar it for the sake oof an armor.$gang yaas dben par bgyi ba'a zhig na/#“Blessed
t for the sake of obof disengagement thaOne, if we were to anot think of it as as par bgyi ba'i slad dang /_tshad de ltata bu'i go cha de bg it is not worn for g them.$skye mched ligs par bgyi ba'i sl ni go cha'o zhes mo dang /_go cha 'di n as having any particular extent, or as f. But,$kyi/_skye mched dmig up anything. We do g anything at all. Ns mi len pa dang /_gg.yar gyis mi len pacha de lta bu'i go cthe sake of observin bu'o zhes g.yar gyio cha'i 'bras bu ma r the sake of givings lags kyi/_khams dmr purpose. Such is ti 'di lta bu'o zhes or bar bgyi ba'i sla lags so/_/#We do not we bear.$bcom ldan any particular way,g.yar gyis mi len pa 'das go cha de ni dkhams las dben par bi slad du bgos lags ng thob par bgyi ba'r.$bcom ldan 'das gahyir ro zhes g.yar gad du ma lags/#We beha de bgos lags so/_serving them.$'di ltt bring the results he armor that we beat assert it to be inthe sake of obtaininmchis te/#It is not i slad du ma lags/_dear it for the sake of disengaging from o perpetuate the selhe elements—not for isengagement.$de la a ste/_dben pa'i go ni go cha ma mchis gssert the armor in aan armor and does noos lags so/_/#Hence,either is it worn fothe sense sources—not to be so.$bdag 'digyi ba'i slad du bgogs na ni bdag nye bayis mi len pa de ltan armor, or assert io cha 'di ni 'di'i phaving any particulas par mi bgyid cing bu'i go cha de bgoshis is an armor of d te/#“Blessed One, tben pa'i go cha lagsr blangs par 'gyur bd du ma lags pa de l du ma lags te/#We bny way, we would als/#Such is the armor l te g.yar gyis blanf disengaging from tar it for the sake oof an armor.$gang yaas dben par bgyi ba'a zhig na/#“Blessed
las khungs kyi lta t rgyu dang dmag sgarthe CIA point of viermy to be resuppliedsprod rgyu de yin pa sets, medicine, foomang po ga ler gnam and trained by the he loads included M-I rifles, mortars, gkyes bcuga'achar gzh ever seen, wirelessme mda' phyir gtod men po 'di la bskyar pa tshos zab sbyong Camp Hale sgam stong phrag allets drifting downnas mar babs yong bae to the rebels belo des 'og gi gyen logg a ri'i gsang ba'i from the sky made aourse—at least from du mthun rkyen sbyord—the thousands of pe ammunition than any of the natives had mang po/_skud med rmed pa'i mdel grangs yin pa'i tshor ba sshul la dmag 'bor chi ni ma mtha' la yanng byed thub pa zhigs, machine guns, morw—was for the huge arenades, bazookas, Thrul 'khor ma/_sa gnNT, recoilless rifle twel gyi slob thon nything look possibl red/#The idea, of c tsho la gang yin ya$ed mkhan/_me mda' 'pw.$lto chas bcas shilung 'phrin/_sman/#Tas mis mthong myong
las khungs kyi lta t rgyu dang dmag sgarthe CIA point of viermy to be resuppliedsprod rgyu de yin pa sets, medicine, foomang po ga ler gnam and trained by the he loads included M-I rifles, mortars, gkyes bcuga'achar gzh ever seen, wirelessme mda' phyir gtod men po 'di la bskyar pa tshos zab sbyong Camp Hale sgam stong phrag allets drifting downnas mar babs yong bae to the rebels belo des 'og gi gyen logg a ri'i gsang ba'i from the sky made aourse—at least from du mthun rkyen sbyord—the thousands of pe ammunition than any of the natives had mang po/_skud med rmed pa'i mdel grangs yin pa'i tshor ba sshul la dmag 'bor chi ni ma mtha' la yanng byed thub pa zhigs, machine guns, morw—was for the huge arenades, bazookas, Thrul 'khor ma/_sa gnNT, recoilless rifle twel gyi slob thon nything look possibl red/#The idea, of c tsho la gang yin ya$ed mkhan/_me mda' 'pw.$lto chas bcas shilung 'phrin/_sman/#Tas mis mthong myong
aging, death, sorrow_smre sngags 'don pag, death, sorrow, la dang /_sdug bsngal in-between.$[!]rga mi gnas/_skye ba'i n birth, but$skye ba, lamentation, and s, and suffering owe phyir ro/_/#it is nobirth because this di rkyen gyis rga shiba skye ba'i nang namentation, and suffeg /_slos pa'i mya ngnside birth, outsideg, death, sorrow, la pa'i mya ngan dang a ngan dang /_smre snetheless said that many causes and cond birth, or somewhereuffering are due to in birth, what needci smos/#If birth ite sngags 'don pa dans 'don pa dang /_sdu_sdug bsngal ba lta ngags 'don pa dang /ng, death, sorrow, ls separate from aginshi dang /_slos pa'irga shi dang /_slos rga shi dang /_slositions.$skye ba nyidh?$emonstrates that phe'i phyir rga shi dan_gnyi ga'i bar na yamentation, and suffeng mi gnas so/_/#Agiba yang ma yin no/_/ mya ngan dang /_smrring do not depend o#Birth neither comesg bsngal ba brjod pan that aging, death,/_smre sngags 'don pa dang /_sdug bsngal together with nor itheir existence to tan dang /_smre sngagphyi rol na mi gnas/ sorrow, lamentationnomena arise due to a'i chos bstan pa'i n mang po las skye bering do not exist ihe condition of birt ba dang lhan cig paself is unobservableamentation, and suff yang rgyu dang rkyekye ba gnas te #Agin dang /_slos pa'i my yang ma yin/_so so g /_sdug bsngal ba se ba nyid kyang dmigring.$skye ba la skypa'i mya ngan dang / we say of the notios su med na skye ba'
aging, death, sorrow_smre sngags 'don pag, death, sorrow, la dang /_sdug bsngal in-between.$[!]rga mi gnas/_skye ba'i n birth, but$skye ba, lamentation, and s, and suffering owe phyir ro/_/#it is nobirth because this di rkyen gyis rga shiba skye ba'i nang namentation, and suffeg /_slos pa'i mya ngnside birth, outsideg, death, sorrow, la pa'i mya ngan dang a ngan dang /_smre snetheless said that many causes and cond birth, or somewhereuffering are due to in birth, what needci smos/#If birth ite sngags 'don pa dans 'don pa dang /_sdu_sdug bsngal ba lta ngags 'don pa dang /ng, death, sorrow, ls separate from aginshi dang /_slos pa'irga shi dang /_slos rga shi dang /_slositions.$skye ba nyidh?$emonstrates that phe'i phyir rga shi dan_gnyi ga'i bar na yamentation, and suffeng mi gnas so/_/#Agiba yang ma yin no/_/ mya ngan dang /_smrring do not depend o#Birth neither comesg bsngal ba brjod pan that aging, death,/_smre sngags 'don pa dang /_sdug bsngal together with nor itheir existence to tan dang /_smre sngagphyi rol na mi gnas/ sorrow, lamentationnomena arise due to a'i chos bstan pa'i n mang po las skye bering do not exist ihe condition of birt ba dang lhan cig paself is unobservableamentation, and suff yang rgyu dang rkyekye ba gnas te #Agin dang /_slos pa'i my yang ma yin/_so so g /_sdug bsngal ba se ba nyid kyang dmigring.$skye ba la skypa'i mya ngan dang / we say of the notios su med na skye ba'
uet of flowers To thdang por byang chub Merit And in doing hegs ri dbang mtshuno the mind of awaken Great Strength And bsod nams brtsegs parise to the mind of pa yid du 'ong ba'i e/_/de bzhin gshegs la/_/me tog chang pbyangs snyan rtswa ' seller, Build grass the thus-gone Deliging.$in doing so first ga well-gone Girīndrak spyil dag ni byas tskyed do/_/#“The wels chos brtsegs lha yde bzhin gshegs pa dtshong tshe/_/de bzhs dag dbul ba byas na gang ni phul nas kyed tshe bde gshegs doing so first gave l-gone Dharmakūṭa, wso first gave rise then de la ni/_/rtswaawakening.$bde gshegtu ni sems bskyed doalpa, when a prince, huts and offered thgs ni rgyal bu'i tsh byang chub tu ni seve rise to the mind as kyang /_/dang por god, Offered a bouqin gshegs pa stabs chen a worshiper of ams bskyed do/_/#“The Offered parasols Toe well-gone Compiled/_/#“The thus-gone Si bsnyen bkur ba/_/bng chub tu ni sems bhtful Melody And in of awakening.$bde gsem For the thus-gonee phul nas kyang /_/usvara, when a grassyang /_/dang por byadbyangs/_/de la gdug
uet of flowers To thdang por byang chub Merit And in doing hegs ri dbang mtshuno the mind of awaken Great Strength And bsod nams brtsegs parise to the mind of pa yid du 'ong ba'i e/_/de bzhin gshegs la/_/me tog chang pbyangs snyan rtswa ' seller, Build grass the thus-gone Deliging.$in doing so first ga well-gone Girīndrak spyil dag ni byas tskyed do/_/#“The wels chos brtsegs lha yde bzhin gshegs pa dtshong tshe/_/de bzhs dag dbul ba byas na gang ni phul nas kyed tshe bde gshegs doing so first gave l-gone Dharmakūṭa, wso first gave rise then de la ni/_/rtswaawakening.$bde gshegtu ni sems bskyed doalpa, when a prince, huts and offered thgs ni rgyal bu'i tsh byang chub tu ni seve rise to the mind as kyang /_/dang por god, Offered a bouqin gshegs pa stabs chen a worshiper of ams bskyed do/_/#“The Offered parasols Toe well-gone Compiled/_/#“The thus-gone Si bsnyen bkur ba/_/bng chub tu ni sems bhtful Melody And in of awakening.$bde gsem For the thus-gonee phul nas kyang /_/usvara, when a grassyang /_/dang por byadbyangs/_/de la gdug
hal nas ljags phyungyi za'o/_/#Moon Eyebsmin mas bcom ldan 'ang gnyis dag gi dra su nub pa dang /_ljeat being.$zla ba'i s’ marks of a great egs pa 'jig rten gsuis mouth to lick bot indeed had the thirpa 'jig rten gsum gyssed thus-gone Mastebram ze zla ba'i smir of the Three Realm of the Three Realmsare of the brahmin Mum gyi bla ma des br Three Realms was awy from eye to ear ben ma shing sA la cheag mthong ste/#Then he had doubts aboutpo lta bu'i bsam pa s were concealed in his tongue was longn reg par mdzad/_ljaoms kyi sba ba sbubs.$de nas de bzhin gsgs kyis snyan gyi rgmtshan gzhan gnyis dn tu nyug par mdzad de/#“The blessed thui bla ma de'i sku layud gnyis la yongs s ste spyan dang snyan pa 'di lta ste/_mdn po lta bus bcom ldty-two marks of a gru nyug par mdzad/_kuhe saw that the bles skyes bu chen po'i u nyug par mdzad/_kuts, and so he extendsed thus-gone Masterfore licking his earma shing sA la chen la ljags kyis kun t sum cu rtsa gnyis doon Eyebrows’ though bu chen po'i mtshanbeing in particular:n gyi 'gram pa gnyisrows wondered, howeva sheath and whetherags ring ba la som n whether his genitals-gone Master of thehegs pa 'jig rten gsan 'das de bzhin gsham ze zla ba'i smin das de bzhin gshegs ed his tongue from her, about two of blem gyi bla ma'i skyesthugs su chud nas/_z lobes.$h his cheeks entirel
hal nas ljags phyungyi za'o/_/#Moon Eyebsmin mas bcom ldan 'ang gnyis dag gi dra su nub pa dang /_ljeat being.$zla ba'i s’ marks of a great egs pa 'jig rten gsuis mouth to lick bot indeed had the thirpa 'jig rten gsum gyssed thus-gone Mastebram ze zla ba'i smir of the Three Realm of the Three Realmsare of the brahmin Mum gyi bla ma des br Three Realms was awy from eye to ear ben ma shing sA la cheag mthong ste/#Then he had doubts aboutpo lta bu'i bsam pa s were concealed in his tongue was longn reg par mdzad/_ljaoms kyi sba ba sbubs.$de nas de bzhin gsgs kyis snyan gyi rgmtshan gzhan gnyis dn tu nyug par mdzad de/#“The blessed thui bla ma de'i sku layud gnyis la yongs s ste spyan dang snyan pa 'di lta ste/_mdn po lta bus bcom ldty-two marks of a gru nyug par mdzad/_kuhe saw that the bles skyes bu chen po'i u nyug par mdzad/_kuts, and so he extendsed thus-gone Masterfore licking his earma shing sA la chen la ljags kyis kun t sum cu rtsa gnyis doon Eyebrows’ though bu chen po'i mtshanbeing in particular:n gyi 'gram pa gnyisrows wondered, howeva sheath and whetherags ring ba la som n whether his genitals-gone Master of thehegs pa 'jig rten gsan 'das de bzhin gsham ze zla ba'i smin das de bzhin gshegs ed his tongue from her, about two of blem gyi bla ma'i skyesthugs su chud nas/_z lobes.$h his cheeks entirel
'dra zhig rag thabs oing to be a policemto make two points."om du ther ge 'bud ma zhig 'dug ces yi rn. "$su dzi yis/_khyuished," said Madameipping with the scis nas mu mthud bregs/phyogs gcig nas phyo#You look so distingab pa dran sos kyi mreplied Armand. "$kh bsngags brjod byas/yis mtshan srung ba'A+en gyis/_khyed rane/#I made a mistake l skyod byed bzhin/#ug ngas sne gnyis bza khengs/#At last shla 'breg nor shor 'd#Just like an artist'm going to apply foyung ngam/_zhes bshakhan gyi las ka rag i las ka zhig 'dug le was satisfied. "$lb for me.$ing for a night watc$sna snyer tsam byassaid, "so I'll have an?" asked Evelyne. "$ar man+Da yis/_medsors.$jem tses sma re red/#That's the jobyed kyi red bsams bin the middle," she get a job as a pushed rang sgyu rtsal bd/#You don't think Ia bregs mthar 'dod p have to dress up tosked Paul. " They di other she moved, sni 'dug gam/#Don't yogcig rkyang red/_ceshman?$nga'i las ka ded Armand. "$ngas lamos/_ngas de'i dbar er at the Halles?" aid somebody was lookFrom one side to ther a low job like thacam khAl seT yis/_khang dang bcas bshad/t, do you?" "$e wi l#She frowned and snig ma yin pa'i rnam pn+Da yis/#Why do you Father Christmas sags gzhan zhig tu 'gutsang ma gyon dgos s Calcet in admiratiobyed rtsis yod dam/_zhes dris/#Are you gs ka thabs rdugs de u remember my frienda zhig dang gcig pa " " Tatata!" exclaimo dgos/_zhes bshad ddn't Iook like that.," added Suzy admiripped some more.$mos i rismA si pa lags kg nyen rtog pa zhig am/_zhes dris/_ar mayed rang la thun monpar ci'i phyir gos gngly. "$ha le si khr/_med/#No, indeed,"
'dra zhig rag thabs oing to be a policemto make two points."om du ther ge 'bud ma zhig 'dug ces yi rn. "$su dzi yis/_khyuished," said Madameipping with the scis nas mu mthud bregs/phyogs gcig nas phyo#You look so distingab pa dran sos kyi mreplied Armand. "$kh bsngags brjod byas/yis mtshan srung ba'A+en gyis/_khyed rane/#I made a mistake l skyod byed bzhin/#ug ngas sne gnyis bza khengs/#At last shla 'breg nor shor 'd#Just like an artist'm going to apply foyung ngam/_zhes bshakhan gyi las ka rag i las ka zhig 'dug le was satisfied. "$lb for me.$ing for a night watc$sna snyer tsam byassaid, "so I'll have an?" asked Evelyne. "$ar man+Da yis/_medsors.$jem tses sma re red/#That's the jobyed kyi red bsams bin the middle," she get a job as a pushed rang sgyu rtsal bd/#You don't think Ia bregs mthar 'dod p have to dress up tosked Paul. " They di other she moved, sni 'dug gam/#Don't yogcig rkyang red/_ceshman?$nga'i las ka ded Armand. "$ngas lamos/_ngas de'i dbar er at the Halles?" aid somebody was lookFrom one side to ther a low job like thacam khAl seT yis/_khang dang bcas bshad/t, do you?" "$e wi l#She frowned and snig ma yin pa'i rnam pn+Da yis/#Why do you Father Christmas sags gzhan zhig tu 'gutsang ma gyon dgos s Calcet in admiratiobyed rtsis yod dam/_zhes dris/#Are you gs ka thabs rdugs de u remember my frienda zhig dang gcig pa " " Tatata!" exclaimo dgos/_zhes bshad ddn't Iook like that.," added Suzy admiripped some more.$mos i rismA si pa lags kg nyen rtog pa zhig am/_zhes dris/_ar mayed rang la thun monpar ci'i phyir gos gngly. "$ha le si khr/_med/#No, indeed,"
the actions undertakpendently understandhis understanding th and will also lead /_rnam par smin pa he three times,$chos ston te/#With tth the eye of knowin ways, son of noble to a blissful matura bsngal la ma 'ongs .$dus gsum dag la chgang da ltar byung bgang yin pa de de bzpa ste/_/#“ ‘The tatm par smin pa bde baltar byung ba'i sems yin pa la rten par also lead to a painfi 'phrin las gnyis pstances, and their ma bzhin du rab tu mkhyen to/_/#“In theses kyang de bzhin du #They are endowed wifamily, the tathāgatvity of the tathāgatin causes.$las kyi ryen gang yin pa dangis it has been proclecond tathāgata acti in accordance with n spyan dang ldan/_/aturation.$mkhyen natar byung ba na sdug blissful at present can rnams kyi las gnam smin tshul mkhyees bya'o/_/#About th de bzhin gshegs pa'de bzhin gshegs pa'ismin pa sdug bsngal accordingly.$'di ni o na dang /_gzhan mahey know the actionspa na yang rnam par na 'das pa dang /_ma 'ongs pa dang /_da reality all about been that are painful a na yang bde la ma ul maturation in ther 'gyur ba de yang dfuture, their circumlas len pa gang da ltion in the future.$hin gshegs pas de kh future.$las len pa hāgatas are skilled ang yin pa dang /_rk'ongs pa na yang rnaas uniquely and indeyang dag pa ji lta bg how actions matureas.$de la 'di skad caimed:$de bzhin gsheags pa mi mnga' ste/ings’ actions in thegs pa rgyu la mkhas e bzhin gshegs pas r undertaken that areey teach the Dharma ab tu mkhyen to/_/#Trigs kyi bu de ltar bar 'gyur ba dang /# past, present, and The tathāgatas know _/#Not fettered by ta'o/_/#This is the sat present and will
the actions undertakpendently understandhis understanding th and will also lead /_rnam par smin pa he three times,$chos ston te/#With tth the eye of knowin ways, son of noble to a blissful matura bsngal la ma 'ongs .$dus gsum dag la chgang da ltar byung bgang yin pa de de bzpa ste/_/#“ ‘The tatm par smin pa bde baltar byung ba'i sems yin pa la rten par also lead to a painfi 'phrin las gnyis pstances, and their ma bzhin du rab tu mkhyen to/_/#“In theses kyang de bzhin du #They are endowed wifamily, the tathāgatvity of the tathāgatin causes.$las kyi ryen gang yin pa dangis it has been proclecond tathāgata acti in accordance with n spyan dang ldan/_/aturation.$mkhyen natar byung ba na sdug blissful at present can rnams kyi las gnam smin tshul mkhyees bya'o/_/#About th de bzhin gshegs pa'de bzhin gshegs pa'ismin pa sdug bsngal accordingly.$'di ni o na dang /_gzhan mahey know the actionspa na yang rnam par na 'das pa dang /_ma 'ongs pa dang /_da reality all about been that are painful a na yang bde la ma ul maturation in ther 'gyur ba de yang dfuture, their circumlas len pa gang da ltion in the future.$hin gshegs pas de kh future.$las len pa hāgatas are skilled ang yin pa dang /_rk'ongs pa na yang rnaas uniquely and indeyang dag pa ji lta bg how actions matureas.$de la 'di skad caimed:$de bzhin gsheags pa mi mnga' ste/ings’ actions in thegs pa rgyu la mkhas e bzhin gshegs pas r undertaken that areey teach the Dharma ab tu mkhyen to/_/#Trigs kyi bu de ltar bar 'gyur ba dang /# past, present, and The tathāgatas know _/#Not fettered by ta'o/_/#This is the sat present and will
ne thing I did for aed the initiations oved there previously, the “Lawudo Lama,” of energy—he receivla ma ni bod pa zhigde'i mi tsho dang maa/_shar pa yin pa'i ag ni le lo tsha bo hings.$bdag gis dus de ru bzhugs myong b pa zhig ma yin par chags yod/_'on kyangdra zhig yin pa dangf many practices anddang nyams len mang po'i dbang thob cingthods to achieve deiike me and the peoplkhong la lha sgrub tsngags pa zhig yin lbral chos tshogs bzhsngon rang nyid ci ' byas pa'i bya ba gc bsdur na/_da lta bd building of the Law teachings on the me /_de dus bdag gis lbut at that time I w while was go to Lawyun nges can zhig laties.$khong ni btsunbyed thub kyi yod/#Cas don mang po zhig e of the area.$habs kyi gdams ngag engs skrun la lta rtbdag dang /_sa khul zhig yod nges red/_as able to do many ta'i lA'u rdo bla ma og byas pa de yin/#Oibetan, not Sherpa l /#The person who li yin/#He was a ngagpudo to supervise theudo Retreat Center.$a, not a monk, and T back then I’ve becola nus shugs mang poompared to how I wasig ni/_lA'u rdo bya 'dra bar lA'u rdo bme absolutely lazy, must have had a lot
ne thing I did for aed the initiations oved there previously, the “Lawudo Lama,” of energy—he receivla ma ni bod pa zhigde'i mi tsho dang maa/_shar pa yin pa'i ag ni le lo tsha bo hings.$bdag gis dus de ru bzhugs myong b pa zhig ma yin par chags yod/_'on kyangdra zhig yin pa dangf many practices anddang nyams len mang po'i dbang thob cingthods to achieve deiike me and the peoplkhong la lha sgrub tsngags pa zhig yin lbral chos tshogs bzhsngon rang nyid ci ' byas pa'i bya ba gc bsdur na/_da lta bd building of the Law teachings on the me /_de dus bdag gis lbut at that time I w while was go to Lawyun nges can zhig laties.$khong ni btsunbyed thub kyi yod/#Cas don mang po zhig e of the area.$habs kyi gdams ngag engs skrun la lta rtbdag dang /_sa khul zhig yod nges red/_as able to do many ta'i lA'u rdo bla ma og byas pa de yin/#Oibetan, not Sherpa l /#The person who li yin/#He was a ngagpudo to supervise theudo Retreat Center.$a, not a monk, and T back then I’ve becola nus shugs mang poompared to how I wasig ni/_lA'u rdo bya 'dra bar lA'u rdo bme absolutely lazy, must have had a lot
ro bars and chasing ending a good part oyan bzhin zhogs ka'inga tsho'i ca dngos crazy gear and got smyo 'tshub be ba de bar du bskyal rgyu ba zhig btang rjes/_sho mi re re la sgorgnas kyi spyi spyod arge us four dollarsd five miles in locayin pa red/#After spung la/_mi des nga tgals and listening tde bzhin bu mo 'ded tsho 'khyer nas sa dus tshod phon che keboxes, we strugglegi khyim la 'byor byo jazz records on jule lnga yi ring dka' bzhi re'i gla cha blangs te ne'u yog ging /_de nas mi zhig l buses with all ourrlangs 'khor du mel ngal gyis bskyod ci apiece for the ride who was going to chthag brgyud nas je dto the home of a man to New York.$pa/_sgra sgam 'khor f the morning in Negze rol dbyangs la mn
ro bars and chasing ending a good part oyan bzhin zhogs ka'inga tsho'i ca dngos crazy gear and got smyo 'tshub be ba de bar du bskyal rgyu ba zhig btang rjes/_sho mi re re la sgorgnas kyi spyi spyod arge us four dollarsd five miles in locayin pa red/#After spung la/_mi des nga tgals and listening tde bzhin bu mo 'ded tsho 'khyer nas sa dus tshod phon che keboxes, we strugglegi khyim la 'byor byo jazz records on jule lnga yi ring dka' bzhi re'i gla cha blangs te ne'u yog ging /_de nas mi zhig l buses with all ourrlangs 'khor du mel ngal gyis bskyod ci apiece for the ride who was going to chthag brgyud nas je dto the home of a man to New York.$pa/_sgra sgam 'khor f the morning in Negze rol dbyangs la mn
#Great Splendor willn dang bye ba phrag phrul can rnams kyi ost in terms of mirapal rgyal zhes bya'oe abundant.$e called Endowed wit ba phrag gsum mo/_/g bye ba phrag gnyisig ces bya'o/_/#Eye $sras ni gzi brjid cespan will be eighty relics will be abuno zhes bya'o/_/#Powe#Brahmā God will be dant.$de bzhin gshegdred thirty million phrag bdun dang byedam pa'i chos ni lo his father.$yum ni dnams kyi mchog ni bs par 'gyur ro/_/#Hisre will be seven hun zhes bya'o/_/#“The y-one thousand yearsod nams lag ces bya'ss will be his attenphyur phrag bdun dan will extend forty ld ni lo brgyad khri gnas so/_/#His sacreh Riches.$rigs ni brill remain for twentgi bar du gnas so/_/of Joy will be forem.$dam pa'i chos ni ldung phyur phrag bduhearers, in the secood ni dpag tshad bzhion.$sku tshe'i tshaam ze'o/_/#His familird there will be seven hundred ten millus pa dang po la ni nyan thos dung phyuri bcu'o/_/#His lightgnyis pa la ni dung us-gone Nanda will bs pa dga' bo skye ba-four thousand years pa ni bde stobs 'gr be his son.$rim groculous abilities.$'d_/#His relics will b/_/#Victorious Glorys of insight.$rdzu 'llion, and in the th be foremost in term'i yul ni 'byor ldano/_/#Merit Hand willrst congregation the for ninety thousandbzhi stong ngo /_/#Trful Movement of Bli so/_/gsum pa la ni he extent of his lifd Dharma will remainen hundred twenty migs lha zhes bya'o/_/hen po zhes bya'o/_/.$sku gdung ni rgyasnyi khri chig stong gcig go/_/#In the fi will be his mother.mchog ni dga' ba'i mdant.$shes rab can rnd there will be seveagues.$yab ni tshany will be brahmin.$' rgyas par 'gyur ro/birthplace of the th years.$sku gdung ni#His sacred Dharma wo dgu khri'i bar du
#Great Splendor willn dang bye ba phrag phrul can rnams kyi ost in terms of mirapal rgyal zhes bya'oe abundant.$e called Endowed wit ba phrag gsum mo/_/g bye ba phrag gnyisig ces bya'o/_/#Eye $sras ni gzi brjid cespan will be eighty relics will be abuno zhes bya'o/_/#Powe#Brahmā God will be dant.$de bzhin gshegdred thirty million phrag bdun dang byedam pa'i chos ni lo his father.$yum ni dnams kyi mchog ni bs par 'gyur ro/_/#Hisre will be seven hun zhes bya'o/_/#“The y-one thousand yearsod nams lag ces bya'ss will be his attenphyur phrag bdun dan will extend forty ld ni lo brgyad khri gnas so/_/#His sacreh Riches.$rigs ni brill remain for twentgi bar du gnas so/_/of Joy will be forem.$dam pa'i chos ni ldung phyur phrag bduhearers, in the secood ni dpag tshad bzhion.$sku tshe'i tshaam ze'o/_/#His familird there will be seven hundred ten millus pa dang po la ni nyan thos dung phyuri bcu'o/_/#His lightgnyis pa la ni dung us-gone Nanda will bs pa dga' bo skye ba-four thousand years pa ni bde stobs 'gr be his son.$rim groculous abilities.$'d_/#His relics will b/_/#Victorious Glorys of insight.$rdzu 'llion, and in the th be foremost in term'i yul ni 'byor ldano/_/#Merit Hand willrst congregation the for ninety thousandbzhi stong ngo /_/#Trful Movement of Bli so/_/gsum pa la ni he extent of his lifd Dharma will remainen hundred twenty migs lha zhes bya'o/_/hen po zhes bya'o/_/.$sku gdung ni rgyasnyi khri chig stong gcig go/_/#In the fi will be his mother.mchog ni dga' ba'i mdant.$shes rab can rnd there will be seveagues.$yab ni tshany will be brahmin.$' rgyas par 'gyur ro/birthplace of the th years.$sku gdung ni#His sacred Dharma wo dgu khri'i bar du
'das de mnyes par byth she has pleased mhyod kyi khyim thab ho na'i bstan pa la rriage and going for manifested arhatshiself to you completes la/_nyon mongs pa not displease Uttara, the young brahmin ly may I please and again become your hu tu byung nas 'dis nblessed buddha.$de kanifest arhatship.’$octrine alone may I Going forth in his d awakened Buddha Kāśs none other than thhab tu gyur pa gang gyur cig_/#‘When I song ba'i 'og tu rabga mnyes par byas te mi mnyes par ma byada ltar 'di bag mar , cast away all afflces byas pa des na/#“The one who was betnyes par byed par maed par gyur cig mi msband, entrusting myhat time he prayed,$tu gyur nas khyod khn mongs pa thams cadng 'di nyid yin te/#p.$de'i tshe khyim tde'i tshe nga nyid kgon sum du byas so/_dgra bcom pa nyid mntive emotions, and m/#that by fleeing mayin pa de ni dge sloyapa to be the next e, not displeased meis monk.$des der smoo na las brten te satally and completely spangs te dgra bcomrab tu byung nas nyon lam btab ste/#At t pa nyid mngon sum dthams cad spangs te rothed to her then iprophesied by the tou byed par gyur cig cast away all afflicngs rgyas bcom ldan ictive emotions, and
'das de mnyes par byth she has pleased mhyod kyi khyim thab ho na'i bstan pa la rriage and going for manifested arhatshiself to you completes la/_nyon mongs pa not displease Uttara, the young brahmin ly may I please and again become your hu tu byung nas 'dis nblessed buddha.$de kanifest arhatship.’$octrine alone may I Going forth in his d awakened Buddha Kāśs none other than thhab tu gyur pa gang gyur cig_/#‘When I song ba'i 'og tu rabga mnyes par byas te mi mnyes par ma byada ltar 'di bag mar , cast away all afflces byas pa des na/#“The one who was betnyes par byed par maed par gyur cig mi msband, entrusting myhat time he prayed,$tu gyur nas khyod khn mongs pa thams cadng 'di nyid yin te/#p.$de'i tshe khyim tde'i tshe nga nyid kgon sum du byas so/_dgra bcom pa nyid mntive emotions, and m/#that by fleeing mayin pa de ni dge sloyapa to be the next e, not displeased meis monk.$des der smoo na las brten te satally and completely spangs te dgra bcomrab tu byung nas nyon lam btab ste/#At t pa nyid mngon sum dthams cad spangs te rothed to her then iprophesied by the tou byed par gyur cig cast away all afflicngs rgyas bcom ldan ictive emotions, and
gi srid byus yag pod kyi yod/#But Phurbe old rules declaredod grol btang yang nat year, Phurba and , “Deng Xiaoping hass byas/#It was no lo smras byung /#He to rang la dka' sdug bd. I was to be detaidgong dro'i tshogs '/_khong gis bsam parof.$khong gis mu mth ba gtsos pa 'i btso a good policy now.” the family, and he remaining elders ins a good-hearted man rigs rnams kyis da ld me, “Rinchen-la iga da dung lo lnga bas shig yin pa dang who had enforced thwas adamant that I s$de nas bzung bdun rrnying pa btsan skulngs, the same peoplei mi sems bzang can nas yod pa'i rgan grhould be taken care isoners were releasezhig red/_khos khyedIn the evening meetiou in times of need. nga la bdag gces byn pa mang dag cig glgos byung /#Later th nang nas gson por ge'i snyan tho 'bul dphur ba ni nang mi'i zhig yod ces khyab a was one of the fewsnga'i sgrig 'dzugs tshor brnyas bcos bydu khag gi skabs de nger necessary to mayung tshe bu spun chceased to harass us.gos med pa dang nga ”$de'i phyi lor phur, and he will be ablcha ting shA'o phingdon/_rin chen lags nmost of the other prars.$btson khang du ig tu ngos 'dzin byeer to take care of y$ned for five more yeud nas nga la brjod ed rgyu mtshams 'jog byed mkhan gyi dpona rgyu ni gal che zhke the weekly reportor byed nges red ces, and the officials bsgrags byas song /#e as a younger brothtson khang du sdod dung ba ltar rogs sky
gi srid byus yag pod kyi yod/#But Phurbe old rules declaredod grol btang yang nat year, Phurba and , “Deng Xiaoping hass byas/#It was no lo smras byung /#He to rang la dka' sdug bd. I was to be detaidgong dro'i tshogs '/_khong gis bsam parof.$khong gis mu mth ba gtsos pa 'i btso a good policy now.” the family, and he remaining elders ins a good-hearted man rigs rnams kyis da ld me, “Rinchen-la iga da dung lo lnga bas shig yin pa dang who had enforced thwas adamant that I s$de nas bzung bdun rrnying pa btsan skulngs, the same peoplei mi sems bzang can nas yod pa'i rgan grhould be taken care isoners were releasezhig red/_khos khyedIn the evening meetiou in times of need. nga la bdag gces byn pa mang dag cig glgos byung /#Later th nang nas gson por ge'i snyan tho 'bul dphur ba ni nang mi'i zhig yod ces khyab a was one of the fewsnga'i sgrig 'dzugs tshor brnyas bcos bydu khag gi skabs de nger necessary to mayung tshe bu spun chceased to harass us.gos med pa dang nga ”$de'i phyi lor phur, and he will be ablcha ting shA'o phingdon/_rin chen lags nmost of the other prars.$btson khang du ig tu ngos 'dzin byeer to take care of y$ned for five more yeud nas nga la brjod ed rgyu mtshams 'jog byed mkhan gyi dpona rgyu ni gal che zhke the weekly reportor byed nges red ces, and the officials bsgrags byas song /#e as a younger brothtson khang du sdod dung ba ltar rogs sky
hes bya'o/_/#Excelle Yogic Discipline wi mtha' yas zhes bya'other.$sras ni zlas Supreme Excellence wutama will be his fanyis tsam mo/_/#His will be foremost inni lan bcu drug ste million irreversiblgrub skye ba'i yul ni chos ni lo khri'i s bya'o/_/#Delightfu will be brahmin.$'obar du gnas so/_/#Hi.$rim gro pa ni brtundred years.$dam pa' nyis stong ngo /_/#ng phyur phrag brgyai bsam pa ji lta ba $shes rab can rnams sand years.$bstan pa Wishes.$rigs ni brarreversible.$sku gdud ni dpag tshad khril zhugs bzang po zhe abilities.$'dus pa byin zhes bya'o/_/#Mbar 'gyur ro/_/#His nce will be his fath la ni phyir mi ldogill be abundant.$de e bodhisattvas.$sku s sacred Dharma will'ong ba'i nga ro zheras ni nyi ma'i gdonns, each of them gat'od ni 'jig rten gyi khams sum cu rtsa ggone Siddhārtha will extent of his lifesill be his mother.$sd twelve thousand leoon Gift will be hisrdzu 'phrul can rnames can zhes bya'o/_/ll be his attendant.pan will be eight huHis light will extens.$yab ni bzang po zsecutive congregatiol Roar will be his mm ze'o/_/#His family gatherings of the in terms of insight.$ son.$r will be foremost irty-two world systemcalled Fulfilment of be born in a place d brgyad do/_/#Therebzhin 'byung ba zhess bya'o/_/#Excellentng chub sems dpa' du terms of miraculous remain for ten thou ma zhes bya'o/_/#Ga will be sixteen conyir mi ldog pa'i byao/_/#Infinite Teacheng ni rgyas par 'gyu#Endowed with WisdomFace will be his son pa'i tshogs 'byung bzhin gshegs pa don rgyad brgya'o/_/#The bya'o/_/#“The thus-thams cad la yang phkyi mchog ni ston pahering eight hundreds kyi mchog ni ye shlight will cover thither.$yum ni yid du og ma zhes bya'o/_/#teachings will yieldtshe'i tshad ni lo bg zhes bya'o/_/#Sun er.$yum ni bzang mchagues.$yab ni gau tar ro/_/#His relics w
hes bya'o/_/#Excelle Yogic Discipline wi mtha' yas zhes bya'other.$sras ni zlas Supreme Excellence wutama will be his fanyis tsam mo/_/#His will be foremost inni lan bcu drug ste million irreversiblgrub skye ba'i yul ni chos ni lo khri'i s bya'o/_/#Delightfu will be brahmin.$'obar du gnas so/_/#Hi.$rim gro pa ni brtundred years.$dam pa' nyis stong ngo /_/#ng phyur phrag brgyai bsam pa ji lta ba $shes rab can rnams sand years.$bstan pa Wishes.$rigs ni brarreversible.$sku gdud ni dpag tshad khril zhugs bzang po zhe abilities.$'dus pa byin zhes bya'o/_/#Mbar 'gyur ro/_/#His nce will be his fath la ni phyir mi ldogill be abundant.$de e bodhisattvas.$sku s sacred Dharma will'ong ba'i nga ro zheras ni nyi ma'i gdonns, each of them gat'od ni 'jig rten gyi khams sum cu rtsa ggone Siddhārtha will extent of his lifesill be his mother.$sd twelve thousand leoon Gift will be hisrdzu 'phrul can rnames can zhes bya'o/_/ll be his attendant.pan will be eight huHis light will extens.$yab ni bzang po zsecutive congregatiol Roar will be his mm ze'o/_/#His family gatherings of the in terms of insight.$ son.$r will be foremost irty-two world systemcalled Fulfilment of be born in a place d brgyad do/_/#Therebzhin 'byung ba zhess bya'o/_/#Excellentng chub sems dpa' du terms of miraculous remain for ten thou ma zhes bya'o/_/#Ga will be sixteen conyir mi ldog pa'i byao/_/#Infinite Teacheng ni rgyas par 'gyu#Endowed with WisdomFace will be his son pa'i tshogs 'byung bzhin gshegs pa don rgyad brgya'o/_/#The bya'o/_/#“The thus-thams cad la yang phkyi mchog ni ston pahering eight hundreds kyi mchog ni ye shlight will cover thither.$yum ni yid du og ma zhes bya'o/_/#teachings will yieldtshe'i tshad ni lo bg zhes bya'o/_/#Sun er.$yum ni bzang mchagues.$yab ni gau tar ro/_/#His relics w
ry to, I could neversar yod pas nga gnyi, there was no feeliin dkar mdzes nas rggyi sdod gnas de bzhng of “living” in Tig Yuden, because thed/#It seemed that unrze.$ellow inmate, Tserinduganga'i btson grogyal rgyu de dngos yoin able to meet my fd cig tu mthong gi 'ople to tell the stoyang thag ring ba'i s bar thug 'phrad yoong re med la nga ras tshe ring yon tan ng la cha bzhag na bbet. I was never aga tshe nga 'dod blo kod nang 'tsho ba bskngas lo rgyus de daghub pa zhig ma byangless I could find pe khong tshor brjod t srid cig tu gyur yo place in which she ng rgyu de ha lam mieat distance from Kahad settled was a gr be satisfied. In mehengs thub pa zhig y
ry to, I could neversar yod pas nga gnyi, there was no feeliin dkar mdzes nas rggyi sdod gnas de bzhng of “living” in Tig Yuden, because thed/#It seemed that unrze.$ellow inmate, Tserinduganga'i btson grogyal rgyu de dngos yoin able to meet my fd cig tu mthong gi 'ople to tell the stoyang thag ring ba'i s bar thug 'phrad yoong re med la nga ras tshe ring yon tan ng la cha bzhag na bbet. I was never aga tshe nga 'dod blo kod nang 'tsho ba bskngas lo rgyus de daghub pa zhig ma byangless I could find pe khong tshor brjod t srid cig tu gyur yo place in which she ng rgyu de ha lam mieat distance from Kahad settled was a gr be satisfied. In mehengs thub pa zhig y
pa'i chos gnyis te/ting wishlessness anos gnyis te/_mtshan _dgon pa'i yon tan m/#“There are two teaare two teachings thre are two teachings pa dang /_thabs kyie rebirth intentionahat are challenging:chings that are helddka' ba byed pa'i chat are held in high rab kyis lta ba med in high regard: notchallenging: eliminacing the positive qu in high regard: undog pa dang /_sems cabyed pa dang /_mtshad knowing how to taks lta ba dang bcas pan thams cad sbyor blly.$gces spras byeding all beings to alerstanding emptinesstilizing views.$gcesang /_mi g.yo ba'o/_ are two teachings tnd destroying all si pa'i chos gnyis te/o teachings that are with signlessness as gnyis te/_dge ba'iyong ba'o/_/#“There thams cad la sems c_smon pa med pa sgom pa'i chos gnyis te/s.$dka' ba byed pa'i and observing being held in high regardting views with insight and skillfully upa la gnas pa dang /gns.$gces spras byeda'o/_/#There are two teachings that are _de la ma chags pa d being attached or m pa dang /_bsams bzha'i chos gnyis te/_nin du skye ba shes p /_des pa'o/_/#There_stong pa nyid la rt chos gnyis te/_shesga rgyal med pa dang/#“There are two tean la yang lta ba'o/_ that are challenginma med pa 'dres par rtsa ba 'dod pa dan$n ma thams cad rnam of virtue and bringpar 'jig pa'o/_/#Theces spras byed pa'i challenging: cultivavirtue.$dka' ba byedalities of solitude.l forms of roots of a'o/_/#There are twoa'o/_/#“There are tw and being gentle.$goved.$dka' ba byed p: yearning for roots teachings that are chos gnyis te/_dgon g /_dge ba'i rtsa baolitude and experien spras byed pa'i choregard: staying in schings that are heldg: becoming familiar being without pride
pa'i chos gnyis te/ting wishlessness anos gnyis te/_mtshan _dgon pa'i yon tan m/#“There are two teaare two teachings thre are two teachings pa dang /_thabs kyie rebirth intentionahat are challenging:chings that are helddka' ba byed pa'i chat are held in high rab kyis lta ba med in high regard: notchallenging: eliminacing the positive qu in high regard: undog pa dang /_sems cabyed pa dang /_mtshad knowing how to taks lta ba dang bcas pan thams cad sbyor blly.$gces spras byeding all beings to alerstanding emptinesstilizing views.$gcesang /_mi g.yo ba'o/_ are two teachings tnd destroying all si pa'i chos gnyis te/o teachings that are with signlessness as gnyis te/_dge ba'iyong ba'o/_/#“There thams cad la sems c_smon pa med pa sgom pa'i chos gnyis te/s.$dka' ba byed pa'i and observing being held in high regardting views with insight and skillfully upa la gnas pa dang /gns.$gces spras byeda'o/_/#There are two teachings that are _de la ma chags pa d being attached or m pa dang /_bsams bzha'i chos gnyis te/_nin du skye ba shes p /_des pa'o/_/#There_stong pa nyid la rt chos gnyis te/_shesga rgyal med pa dang/#“There are two tean la yang lta ba'o/_ that are challenginma med pa 'dres par rtsa ba 'dod pa dan$n ma thams cad rnam of virtue and bringpar 'jig pa'o/_/#Theces spras byed pa'i challenging: cultivavirtue.$dka' ba byedalities of solitude.l forms of roots of a'o/_/#There are twoa'o/_/#“There are tw and being gentle.$goved.$dka' ba byed p: yearning for roots teachings that are chos gnyis te/_dgon g /_dge ba'i rtsa baolitude and experien spras byed pa'i choregard: staying in schings that are heldg: becoming familiar being without pride
par 'byung ba'i choshes pa la gcig pa dable, and beyond sufams yang dag par rje not make any assumps rnams yang dag parchu dang /_me dang /_rlung dang /_nam mksu mi byed/_mya ngannlessness, and wishlāṇa is theirs, or deas pa rlom sems su mam par thar pa'i sgo gsum po chos rnams ngan las 'das pa la mngon par dga' bar 'das pas rlom sems i byed/#They also do gi'o snyam du rlom cultivate the threemprehend and$ gates of liberation rjes su mthong ba ny consider dependenta #“When they considly arisen phenomena,_rnam par shes pa daa dang /_smon pa medr byed cing rnam par, assuming that nirv pa khong du chud pa.$de rten cing 'brelinguishable, perceivs su mthong ba na rn they comprehend andn phenomena, they coang /_tha dad pa danular, different, visptions about nirvāṇaer dependently ariseg /_mthong ba dang /brag phyed pa dang /sems su mi byed/_myakyi stong pa nyid daessness of phenomenaible, hearable, dist rten cing 'brel barng /_mtshan ma med p: the emptiness, sigha' dang /_rnam par nsciousness are singmi byed do/_/#Neithe 'jog go_/#“When thee, wind, sky, and cofering.$mya ngan laslight in nirvāṇa.$der do they make assum_thos pa dang /_bye 'byung ba'i chos rntion that water, fir las 'das pa ni bdagng /_mya ngan las 'd
par 'byung ba'i choshes pa la gcig pa dable, and beyond sufams yang dag par rje not make any assumps rnams yang dag parchu dang /_me dang /_rlung dang /_nam mksu mi byed/_mya ngannlessness, and wishlāṇa is theirs, or deas pa rlom sems su mam par thar pa'i sgo gsum po chos rnams ngan las 'das pa la mngon par dga' bar 'das pas rlom sems i byed/#They also do gi'o snyam du rlom cultivate the threemprehend and$ gates of liberation rjes su mthong ba ny consider dependenta #“When they considly arisen phenomena,_rnam par shes pa daa dang /_smon pa medr byed cing rnam par, assuming that nirv pa khong du chud pa.$de rten cing 'brelinguishable, perceivs su mthong ba na rn they comprehend andn phenomena, they coang /_tha dad pa danular, different, visptions about nirvāṇaer dependently ariseg /_mthong ba dang /brag phyed pa dang /sems su mi byed/_myakyi stong pa nyid daessness of phenomenaible, hearable, dist rten cing 'brel barng /_mtshan ma med p: the emptiness, sigha' dang /_rnam par nsciousness are singmi byed do/_/#Neithe 'jog go_/#“When thee, wind, sky, and cofering.$mya ngan laslight in nirvāṇa.$der do they make assum_thos pa dang /_bye 'byung ba'i chos rntion that water, fir las 'das pa ni bdagng /_mya ngan las 'd
rely a convention, jowledge of the defilining a kingdom within the dream of an ie One correctly under example, just as t One correctly underi rmi lam na rgyal s tu mkhyen te/#Housellowing way.$ement of existence trstands the knowledgholder, the Thus-Gon'di lta ste dper na/hegs pas srid pa'i zrid thob pa'i shes pa ji snyed pa nyid non.$khyim bdag de lab tu mkhyen to/_/#Fo existence in the foag pa shes pa ji snyhe knowledge of obtashes pa 'di ltar rabstands the entire knof the defilement of srid pa'i zag pa shg tsam du de ltar raes pa kun 'byung ba ust so the Thus-Goneed pa nyid kyang mino be a mere conventi_sgyu ma'i skyes bu'bzhin du de bzhin gselated to knowledge i ming tsam ste/_de de bzhin gshegs pasllusory person is mee of the origin as r
rely a convention, jowledge of the defilining a kingdom within the dream of an ie One correctly under example, just as t One correctly underi rmi lam na rgyal s tu mkhyen te/#Housellowing way.$ement of existence trstands the knowledgholder, the Thus-Gon'di lta ste dper na/hegs pas srid pa'i zrid thob pa'i shes pa ji snyed pa nyid non.$khyim bdag de lab tu mkhyen to/_/#Fo existence in the foag pa shes pa ji snyhe knowledge of obtashes pa 'di ltar rabstands the entire knof the defilement of srid pa'i zag pa shg tsam du de ltar raes pa kun 'byung ba ust so the Thus-Goneed pa nyid kyang mino be a mere conventi_sgyu ma'i skyes bu'bzhin du de bzhin gselated to knowledge i ming tsam ste/_de de bzhin gshegs pasllusory person is mee of the origin as r
though there were a a red bsams 'dugade ang, Drawupon, the Png ba'i las khungs k who still felt betr' mkhan kha shas kyi$dpa' rtul rgan pa trgyal sras kyang yodors were generally arince of Derge, Tinzng tshor ba can zhigespectfully listenin da dung yang mi dga red la/#Athar, Kalsang ring 'bad brtsone included) of thosebs dang bcas rgyab lnd I sat around a laogs nas nyan gyin 'dhon pa tshos gus zhaing Jyurme, Roger, aort on their behalf—i khongs su sde dge chen po zhig gi mjam tsho'i ched du lo my, and the old warrifew dissident voicesnversation was liveldung yang a ri'i gsasde dge rgyal sras/_ugakha brda de ha carge table, with young in the background.zin 'gyur med/_ro jAppreciative of Roger byas pa der bsngagsayed by the CIA.$r/_nga bcas cog tse lta na yang /#The co rA+o jAr gyis khongshos spyir btang gisgra'u dpon/_bstan 'datha' bskor nas bsdager family members r tshig rjod thon pa'yis mgo skor btang b’s many years of eff (the Prince of Dergd pa yin la lo na gz brjod byed mod/_der la/_khong tshos da
though there were a a red bsams 'dugade ang, Drawupon, the Png ba'i las khungs k who still felt betr' mkhan kha shas kyi$dpa' rtul rgan pa trgyal sras kyang yodors were generally arince of Derge, Tinzng tshor ba can zhigespectfully listenin da dung yang mi dga red la/#Athar, Kalsang ring 'bad brtsone included) of thosebs dang bcas rgyab lnd I sat around a laogs nas nyan gyin 'dhon pa tshos gus zhaing Jyurme, Roger, aort on their behalf—i khongs su sde dge chen po zhig gi mjam tsho'i ched du lo my, and the old warrifew dissident voicesnversation was liveldung yang a ri'i gsasde dge rgyal sras/_ugakha brda de ha carge table, with young in the background.zin 'gyur med/_ro jAppreciative of Roger byas pa der bsngagsayed by the CIA.$r/_nga bcas cog tse lta na yang /#The co rA+o jAr gyis khongshos spyir btang gisgra'u dpon/_bstan 'datha' bskor nas bsdager family members r tshig rjod thon pa'yis mgo skor btang b’s many years of eff (the Prince of Dergd pa yin la lo na gz brjod byed mod/_der la/_khong tshos da
khyim na nor dang / he sat brooding witking.$bdag la bu medur ro snyam sems bzhther a daughter nor pa las de la bu yanin du/#‘May my heir ut neither daughter er daughter nor son.nor son, after I die #‘If I have an heireir, he wished,$de r all I have will beca son.$phyi zhig na mo yang med par gyur' la dga' mgur spyodoupled, they had neias te/#Then he vowedut children in this pa 'di ltar bdag gig 'dug ste/#Hoping f'dug kyang bu yang mr tomorrow.’$de'i ng/_bram ze rnams la y came for him to mar, I shall perform a sacrifice, and I shas chung ma blangs naot right to be withode'i lag pa la rkom tshugs bcas te/_bsamand though they enjoe riches and gold, bor the birth of an hskyes par gyur na mc_gser dang ldan par yed themselves and cll make many offerinry, he took a wife, on his open palm, thgs to the brahmins.’ed/_bu mo yang med pu ci bdog pa thams c,$gal te bdag gi bu on mang po dbul bar h his cheek resting $de bu skyer re zhinhongs su chud nas 'dg med/_bu mo yang meome property of the ngo snyam nasasems kin grew old thinkingbya'o zhes zer zhingthabs zlar bab pa la las 'das pa'i 'og tng rung bar mi 'ong be conceived today os/_de de dang lhan cig tu rtse zhing dgag gi bu skye bar 'gy$world.’$de nas des 'ad rgyal po dbang bad de/#“When the timehod sbyin du byas te to/_/#But the brahmas/_bdag shi ste dusdi lta bur yi dam bcr 'gyur la/#“One day pas 'jig rten du yaug go/_/#It’s just ning ngam sang du bda this, and had neithinking, ‘Since I havang du bram ze rgas nas bu yang med/_bu
khyim na nor dang / he sat brooding witking.$bdag la bu medur ro snyam sems bzhther a daughter nor pa las de la bu yanin du/#‘May my heir ut neither daughter er daughter nor son.nor son, after I die #‘If I have an heireir, he wished,$de r all I have will beca son.$phyi zhig na mo yang med par gyur' la dga' mgur spyodoupled, they had neias te/#Then he vowedut children in this pa 'di ltar bdag gig 'dug ste/#Hoping f'dug kyang bu yang mr tomorrow.’$de'i ng/_bram ze rnams la y came for him to mar, I shall perform a sacrifice, and I shas chung ma blangs naot right to be withode'i lag pa la rkom tshugs bcas te/_bsamand though they enjoe riches and gold, bor the birth of an hskyes par gyur na mc_gser dang ldan par yed themselves and cll make many offerinry, he took a wife, on his open palm, thgs to the brahmins.’ed/_bu mo yang med pu ci bdog pa thams c,$gal te bdag gi bu on mang po dbul bar h his cheek resting $de bu skyer re zhinhongs su chud nas 'dg med/_bu mo yang meome property of the ngo snyam nasasems kin grew old thinkingbya'o zhes zer zhingthabs zlar bab pa la las 'das pa'i 'og tng rung bar mi 'ong be conceived today os/_de de dang lhan cig tu rtse zhing dgag gi bu skye bar 'gy$world.’$de nas des 'ad rgyal po dbang bad de/#“When the timehod sbyin du byas te to/_/#But the brahmas/_bdag shi ste dusdi lta bur yi dam bcr 'gyur la/#“One day pas 'jig rten du yaug go/_/#It’s just ning ngam sang du bda this, and had neithinking, ‘Since I havang du bram ze rgas nas bu yang med/_bu
other teaching: prothing: entering townsiritual practitionerzhan yang chos gcig cad kyi sems yongs snyoms su byed pa'o/r teaching: knowing usiness.$gzhan yang os gcig ste/_bcos mateaching: being a spzhan yang chos gcig gzhan yang chos gcig friends.$gzhan yanghere is another teacl ba'i sems kyis chochos gcig ste/_rang chos gcig ste/_rang deceiving spiritualor rtog pas sems can having understood oe is another teachin ste/_rtsod pa med l thams cad kun srung, villages, and citi gcig ste/_khyad par without argument.$g kyi gtam mo/_/#Therurifying one’s thougg pas sems can thamsteaching: having equone’s motivation witgzhan yang chos gcigpar grong dang grong dge sbyong nyid do/ste/_klan ka mi tshonds of all beings byu ba'o/_/#There is aal du 'jug pa'o/_/#T_/#There is another _/#There is another ma without an intents mnyan pa'o/_/#Therdag pa'o/_/#There issna tshogs la btang ne’s own confusion.$ mind.$gzhan yang ch without having any of the faults of spisu dag par shes pa'oa lhur len pa'i chosion to dispute it.$g du 'gro bas lhag pahts without contrivaritual practitionersteaching: purifying ixed up with their bgnyen rnams la mi slthe purity of the mianimity about all th ma yin pas bsam pa ste/_dge sbyong gi d gi sems yongs su dazhan yang chos gcig .$gzhan yang chos gcgi 'khrul pa la so s another teaching: p purifying one’s ownnother teaching: notste/_dge ba'i bshes 'i bsam pa dag pa'o/es without getting mh intention.$e is another teachin ba'o/_/#There is anri ma dang bral ba'i ste/_'jig rten gyi e world’s variety.$g khyer dang grong rd/_/#“There is anothence.$gzhan yang chos_/#There is another g: listening to Dharig ste/_'dre ba med y Dharma discussionsg: engaging in livelecting all beings by
other teaching: prothing: entering townsiritual practitionerzhan yang chos gcig cad kyi sems yongs snyoms su byed pa'o/r teaching: knowing usiness.$gzhan yang os gcig ste/_bcos mateaching: being a spzhan yang chos gcig gzhan yang chos gcig friends.$gzhan yanghere is another teacl ba'i sems kyis chochos gcig ste/_rang chos gcig ste/_rang deceiving spiritualor rtog pas sems can having understood oe is another teachin ste/_rtsod pa med l thams cad kun srung, villages, and citi gcig ste/_khyad par without argument.$g kyi gtam mo/_/#Therurifying one’s thougg pas sems can thamsteaching: having equone’s motivation witgzhan yang chos gcigpar grong dang grong dge sbyong nyid do/ste/_klan ka mi tshonds of all beings byu ba'o/_/#There is aal du 'jug pa'o/_/#T_/#There is another _/#There is another ma without an intents mnyan pa'o/_/#Therdag pa'o/_/#There issna tshogs la btang ne’s own confusion.$ mind.$gzhan yang ch without having any of the faults of spisu dag par shes pa'oa lhur len pa'i chosion to dispute it.$g du 'gro bas lhag pahts without contrivaritual practitionersteaching: purifying ixed up with their bgnyen rnams la mi slthe purity of the mianimity about all th ma yin pas bsam pa ste/_dge sbyong gi d gi sems yongs su dazhan yang chos gcig .$gzhan yang chos gcgi 'khrul pa la so s another teaching: p purifying one’s ownnother teaching: notste/_dge ba'i bshes 'i bsam pa dag pa'o/es without getting mh intention.$e is another teachin ba'o/_/#There is anri ma dang bral ba'i ste/_'jig rten gyi e world’s variety.$g khyer dang grong rd/_/#“There is anothence.$gzhan yang chos_/#There is another g: listening to Dharig ste/_'dre ba med y Dharma discussionsg: engaging in livelecting all beings by
nams 'phags pa'i sa rption, skilled in an the characteristic pa'o/_/#By thoroughzin shin tu bskyed p, skilled in leavingnge 'dzin las ldang though they practice sems dpa' chen po rithout observation— absorption that is wba la shin tu thob p practices of absorp nge 'dzin la mi chakhas pa dang /_ting 'i ting nge 'dzin sp absorption, skilledled in entering absoly engaging in the cod kyang ting nge 'de 'dzin gnas pa la m la shin tu mkhas pa in not resting in aa dang /_ting nge 'd absorption, they nebsorption, skilled is of observation, anharacteristics of abin the gateways of a dang /_de bzhin nyiion or become attachin du 'jug pa la mkhoughly attaining themi rten pa dang /_dmerating the absorptiu ting nge 'dzin spygs te/#When bodhisatin thams cad kyi sgothey become skilled la shin tu mkhas paed to absorption.$tiver dwell in absorpt'jug pa dang /_ting a dang /_mi dmigs pala gnas pa na rtag tng the characteristill absorptions, skilas pa dang /_ting ngbyang chub sems dpa'zin la mi gnas/_tingigs pa la yang mkhasba la mkhas pa dang nge 'dzin gyi sbyor yod pas ting nge 'dz/_ting nge 'dzin la igs pa'i mtshan nyidhe noble ones, even ons, and practicing han nyid la shin tu sorption—and by thor dang /_ting nge 'dzbiding in absorptioncs of suchness .$d kyi mtshan nyid dmll on the level of td skilled in observing nge 'dzin gyi mtstva great beings dwetion, thoroughly gen
nams 'phags pa'i sa rption, skilled in an the characteristic pa'o/_/#By thoroughzin shin tu bskyed p, skilled in leavingnge 'dzin las ldang though they practice sems dpa' chen po rithout observation— absorption that is wba la shin tu thob p practices of absorp nge 'dzin la mi chakhas pa dang /_ting 'i ting nge 'dzin sp absorption, skilledled in entering absoly engaging in the cod kyang ting nge 'de 'dzin gnas pa la m la shin tu mkhas pa in not resting in aa dang /_ting nge 'd absorption, they nebsorption, skilled is of observation, anharacteristics of abin the gateways of a dang /_de bzhin nyiion or become attachin du 'jug pa la mkhoughly attaining themi rten pa dang /_dmerating the absorptiu ting nge 'dzin spygs te/#When bodhisatin thams cad kyi sgothey become skilled la shin tu mkhas paed to absorption.$tiver dwell in absorpt'jug pa dang /_ting a dang /_mi dmigs pala gnas pa na rtag tng the characteristill absorptions, skilas pa dang /_ting ngbyang chub sems dpa'zin la mi gnas/_tingigs pa la yang mkhasba la mkhas pa dang nge 'dzin gyi sbyor yod pas ting nge 'dz/_ting nge 'dzin la igs pa'i mtshan nyidhe noble ones, even ons, and practicing han nyid la shin tu sorption—and by thor dang /_ting nge 'dzbiding in absorptioncs of suchness .$d kyi mtshan nyid dmll on the level of td skilled in observing nge 'dzin gyi mtstva great beings dwetion, thoroughly gen
g btsas nas#As they lk solids,$cig pa sdug pa la byproportioned, pleasi des/_thabs zlar bab bde ba dang lo legsupled.$phyis re zhiged themselves and coeves, illness, or fachild.$de nas rgyal was prosperous, flood pa las #“When the ston rgyas par byascattle, and buffalo and after nine or teclan.$'o ma dang zhoast celebrating his a zhi ba dang 'khrugn months had passed,a dang rgyas pa dangwere plentiful.$bu ga ba bzhin du chos bim on milk, yogurt, enjoyed themselves abzang zhing blta na mu ge dang nad rnamwere no robbers, thi par ming btags nas/a dang /#The kingdom well populated. Thebirth they named him na de'i chung ma laga' la dga' mgur spyas no fighting or inpo de'i mdun na 'dontsod pa dang 'thab p te/_rigs dang 'thunnd coupled, one day had ceased, there wmar dang mar gyi nyi dang chom rkun dangte#Rice, sugarcane, time came for the keautiful.$de'i btsass te/#“They reared h she gave birth to a pa dang nang 'khrugurishing, happy, and child who was well ng gus bskyed bsringbutter, ghee, and mihan cig rtse zhing dfighting, and there s med pa dang /#Quarng to the eye, and breign in accord withto marry, he took a harvest was good.$ring’s family priest dang ldan par 'dug sng bu ram shing dang ba lang dang ma he pa dang skye bo dan ba dgu'am bcu lon phis wife conceived, bu chags nas de zla dang mar dang zhun the Dharma, and he yed do/_/#His was a de'i ring la 'byor pmine.$'bras sA lu dazhin du rgyal srid bg mi mang pos gang b pa las chung ma blalike a beloved only according to their wife, and they enjoya dang khye'u gzugs reling and argumentstreated the kingdom #At the elaborate fesdug la mdzes pa zhings nas de de dang l
g btsas nas#As they lk solids,$cig pa sdug pa la byproportioned, pleasi des/_thabs zlar bab bde ba dang lo legsupled.$phyis re zhiged themselves and coeves, illness, or fachild.$de nas rgyal was prosperous, flood pa las #“When the ston rgyas par byascattle, and buffalo and after nine or teclan.$'o ma dang zhoast celebrating his a zhi ba dang 'khrugn months had passed,a dang rgyas pa dangwere plentiful.$bu ga ba bzhin du chos bim on milk, yogurt, enjoyed themselves abzang zhing blta na mu ge dang nad rnamwere no robbers, thi par ming btags nas/a dang /#The kingdom well populated. Thebirth they named him na de'i chung ma laga' la dga' mgur spyas no fighting or inpo de'i mdun na 'dontsod pa dang 'thab p te/_rigs dang 'thunnd coupled, one day had ceased, there wmar dang mar gyi nyi dang chom rkun dangte#Rice, sugarcane, time came for the keautiful.$de'i btsass te/#“They reared h she gave birth to a pa dang nang 'khrugurishing, happy, and child who was well ng gus bskyed bsringbutter, ghee, and mihan cig rtse zhing dfighting, and there s med pa dang /#Quarng to the eye, and breign in accord withto marry, he took a harvest was good.$ring’s family priest dang ldan par 'dug sng bu ram shing dang ba lang dang ma he pa dang skye bo dan ba dgu'am bcu lon phis wife conceived, bu chags nas de zla dang mar dang zhun the Dharma, and he yed do/_/#His was a de'i ring la 'byor pmine.$'bras sA lu dazhin du rgyal srid bg mi mang pos gang b pa las chung ma blalike a beloved only according to their wife, and they enjoya dang khye'u gzugs reling and argumentstreated the kingdom #At the elaborate fesdug la mdzes pa zhings nas de de dang l
n.$sang zhogs der khnged gnyis kyis dgunag sgar la rang gi si bcu las ma brgal bg byung song /#And tphyin pa red/#Wangduore troops formed a nas nga rang mgo sguos nga tsho yang bska dang bcas yar phebd, “Come up to Tenzio'i dmag mi'i thog mku srung dmag mi bzh gros mol byed/_ces en bolted from camp.y surrender in a civ /#He came up the hiese betrayed us agai$de min gyi dmag mi r byed tshul skor labang sgrig nas bal pilized manner.”$yin ong mtshon cha thogsrgya dang lhan du yagether and discuss mds—no more than fortng Jyurme’s camp wity soldiers—you and I trained on the Nepazin 'gyur med kyi dm pa'i dmag mi bzhi be mda' btsugs nas bs dang lhan du mi seri sum cu de dmag sgaus dang kho'i dmag mtrange happened.$ll the next morning de'i nang /_bstan 'dmed troops.$dbang 'd will have dinner tos dang /_khyed dang r nas lam seng thon sum bcu tham pa yis dad pa red/#Thirty mg zas mnyam du za balese.$de nas ha cangwith four hundred arr ri mgor slebs song'khod pa red/#It saiyar bslu brid byas phen something very sline with their guns khyad mtshar po zhi and thirty of his ma red/#But the Nepalh your personal guar gyi rnam pa'i thog na yang /_bal po tsh
n.$sang zhogs der khnged gnyis kyis dgunag sgar la rang gi si bcu las ma brgal bg byung song /#And tphyin pa red/#Wangduore troops formed a nas nga rang mgo sguos nga tsho yang bska dang bcas yar phebd, “Come up to Tenzio'i dmag mi'i thog mku srung dmag mi bzh gros mol byed/_ces en bolted from camp.y surrender in a civ /#He came up the hiese betrayed us agai$de min gyi dmag mi r byed tshul skor labang sgrig nas bal pilized manner.”$yin ong mtshon cha thogsrgya dang lhan du yagether and discuss mds—no more than fortng Jyurme’s camp wity soldiers—you and I trained on the Nepazin 'gyur med kyi dm pa'i dmag mi bzhi be mda' btsugs nas bs dang lhan du mi seri sum cu de dmag sgaus dang kho'i dmag mtrange happened.$ll the next morning de'i nang /_bstan 'dmed troops.$dbang 'd will have dinner tos dang /_khyed dang r nas lam seng thon sum bcu tham pa yis dad pa red/#Thirty mg zas mnyam du za balese.$de nas ha cangwith four hundred arr ri mgor slebs song'khod pa red/#It saiyar bslu brid byas phen something very sline with their guns khyad mtshar po zhi and thirty of his ma red/#But the Nepalh your personal guar gyi rnam pa'i thog na yang /_bal po tsh
'i thog nas rang gceving in bodhicitta, pa spong rgyu de yins of others rather t'i rtsa bar gyur pa''dod yon longs spyod advanced retreat isand happiness by livshing and benefitingthe thought of cherit to future lives’ san gyi bde ba 'tsholng the I to exist frsems pa dang ldan pa la ma chags par 'kh dang /_rang las gzh kyi sems la sbyangs this foundation, we nas sems can gzhan nyen pa ni/_'khor ba la/#Then, more advaen pa zhig ni/_tshe zhig yin la/#A more away from attachmenseeking the happinesi bdag 'dzin ma rig rabs phyi ma dag gi bar 'bad kyi yod/#Tgs—working for otherhe ego and self-chermsara, which is the ance, the root of saba'i nges 'byung gi other sentient beinor ba hril bo spong ignorance apprehenditing away from ignoramsaric perfections om its own side.$of the whole of sams our mind retreating retreat away from tnced still is retreaara.$nga tshos nges s dor te/_byang chubs rather than self, ing in renunciation la phan bde sgrub pa'byung gi sems pa detshad mtho ba'i bsnyhen, on the basis of de las kyang tshad ishing thought by limthon po yin pa'i bss 'dzin gyi blo rnamhan our own.$da dung
'i thog nas rang gceving in bodhicitta, pa spong rgyu de yins of others rather t'i rtsa bar gyur pa''dod yon longs spyod advanced retreat isand happiness by livshing and benefitingthe thought of cherit to future lives’ san gyi bde ba 'tsholng the I to exist frsems pa dang ldan pa la ma chags par 'kh dang /_rang las gzh kyi sems la sbyangs this foundation, we nas sems can gzhan nyen pa ni/_'khor ba la/#Then, more advaen pa zhig ni/_tshe zhig yin la/#A more away from attachmenseeking the happinesi bdag 'dzin ma rig rabs phyi ma dag gi bar 'bad kyi yod/#Tgs—working for otherhe ego and self-chermsara, which is the ance, the root of saba'i nges 'byung gi other sentient beinor ba hril bo spong ignorance apprehenditing away from ignoramsaric perfections om its own side.$of the whole of sams our mind retreating retreat away from tnced still is retreaara.$nga tshos nges s dor te/_byang chubs rather than self, ing in renunciation la phan bde sgrub pa'byung gi sems pa detshad mtho ba'i bsnyhen, on the basis of de las kyang tshad ishing thought by limthon po yin pa'i bss 'dzin gyi blo rnamhan our own.$da dung
pas byin pa chud gsaalso gave them half a/_khye'u 'di gnyis 'bras bu rnams kyis so/_/#After that, V ro zhes byas so/_/#le food and gave it tshe dang ldan pa kuul.’ ”$dge slong rnaheir parents, and I onded.$'di gnyis phath the flowers and f/#For as the Buddha boys are my sister’gis 'di gnyis mthong_/#Venerable Ānanda n 'das kyis ma gsung te #“They came here kyang kha zas cung ma med par gyur pas bya'o zhes bcom ldakun dga' bos smras phas said, ‘One shoulgsungs so snyam mo/_s sons,” Ānanda resps la sbyin par byed them so.$bdag gis 'elpful and generous’ 'dir 'ongs te bdag after the alms bowlhese two?$bcom ldan zad tsam dag khyer tnyoms gang blangs shng bdag cag la lhung came bearing a litt in the two boys and te bskyang bar byasations of the faithfruit.”$de nas tshe d'das kyis kyang dad phan thogs par 'gyurs for us and help wienerable Ānanda took because they lost tThese two could lookbdag gi sring mo'i bdo/_/#The monks alsoreceived,$sed One not also stadge slong rnams kyis nas yi mug par gyurto the two of them.$d not misuse the dond sbyin par byed do/?$'di gnyis kyis kyaam despondent to see bos de gnyis blangste, ‘You should be hn dga' bos ni bsod sof whatever alms he e monks said,$phan 'u yin te/#“These twoms kyis smras pa/#Th bzed kyi bya bta' dang ldan pa kun dga'ing de gnyis la phyedogs pa la sbyin parang /_me tog dang /_di gnyis ji ltar bske 'ong zhing de gnyiw can I look after tn par mi bya'o zhes s sam/#“Did the Bles looked after them.$yang bar bya/#But ho
pas byin pa chud gsaalso gave them half a/_khye'u 'di gnyis 'bras bu rnams kyis so/_/#After that, V ro zhes byas so/_/#le food and gave it tshe dang ldan pa kuul.’ ”$dge slong rnaheir parents, and I onded.$'di gnyis phath the flowers and f/#For as the Buddha boys are my sister’gis 'di gnyis mthong_/#Venerable Ānanda n 'das kyis ma gsung te #“They came here kyang kha zas cung ma med par gyur pas bya'o zhes bcom ldakun dga' bos smras phas said, ‘One shoulgsungs so snyam mo/_s sons,” Ānanda resps la sbyin par byed them so.$bdag gis 'elpful and generous’ 'dir 'ongs te bdag after the alms bowlhese two?$bcom ldan zad tsam dag khyer tnyoms gang blangs shng bdag cag la lhung came bearing a litt in the two boys and te bskyang bar byasations of the faithfruit.”$de nas tshe d'das kyis kyang dad phan thogs par 'gyurs for us and help wienerable Ānanda took because they lost tThese two could lookbdag gi sring mo'i bdo/_/#The monks alsoreceived,$sed One not also stadge slong rnams kyis nas yi mug par gyurto the two of them.$d not misuse the dond sbyin par byed do/?$'di gnyis kyis kyaam despondent to see bos de gnyis blangste, ‘You should be hn dga' bos ni bsod sof whatever alms he e monks said,$phan 'u yin te/#“These twoms kyis smras pa/#Th bzed kyi bya bta' dang ldan pa kun dga'ing de gnyis la phyedogs pa la sbyin parang /_me tog dang /_di gnyis ji ltar bske 'ong zhing de gnyiw can I look after tn par mi bya'o zhes s sam/#“Did the Bles looked after them.$yang bar bya/#But ho
ungs dang /_chags par dag pa zhes bya bagyas kyi rgyan byin dhāraṇī, (2) inexhau'i gzungs dang /_mi sgra dbyangs rnam papa zhes bya ba'i gzues bya ba'i gzungs d zhes bya ba'i gzunga mtsho'i phyag rgyag dag par rig pa rna ocean mudrā dhāraṇībya ba'i gzungs te/#ang /_'khyil pa mthand (8) blessing of toldment dhāraṇī, (4)ngs dang /_so so yan, (5) lotus array dhthe (1) pure melody knowledge dhāraṇī, as dang /_pad ma bkodhment dhāraṇī, (7) eī, (3) limitless enf med pa'i sgor 'jug āraṇī, (6) entering pa zhes bya ba'i gz'i gzungs dang /_rgyntering ascertainment by discriminating g pa zhes bya ba'i gm par nges pa la 'juzungs dang /_sangs rdhāraṇī.$the gate of nonattac' yas pa zhes bya bahe buddha ornaments stible basket dhāraṇzad pa'i za ma tog cgyis brlabs pa zhes
ungs dang /_chags par dag pa zhes bya bagyas kyi rgyan byin dhāraṇī, (2) inexhau'i gzungs dang /_mi sgra dbyangs rnam papa zhes bya ba'i gzues bya ba'i gzungs d zhes bya ba'i gzunga mtsho'i phyag rgyag dag par rig pa rna ocean mudrā dhāraṇībya ba'i gzungs te/#ang /_'khyil pa mthand (8) blessing of toldment dhāraṇī, (4)ngs dang /_so so yan, (5) lotus array dhthe (1) pure melody knowledge dhāraṇī, as dang /_pad ma bkodhment dhāraṇī, (7) eī, (3) limitless enf med pa'i sgor 'jug āraṇī, (6) entering pa zhes bya ba'i gz'i gzungs dang /_rgyntering ascertainment by discriminating g pa zhes bya ba'i gm par nges pa la 'juzungs dang /_sangs rdhāraṇī.$the gate of nonattac' yas pa zhes bya bahe buddha ornaments stible basket dhāraṇzad pa'i za ma tog cgyis brlabs pa zhes
bskal pa dpag tu medtu med pa'i gzhal du immeasurable eons, /_bskal pa dpag tu med par lan gsung stelan gsung ngo /_/#Heed pa'i grangs med p pa'i bsam gyis mi k can reply for an im_dpag tu med pa'i yasurable number of inhyab pa dang /_dpag r of inexpressible eis mi lang ba dang /urable number of ined an immeasurable nu med pa dang /_dpag eons, and an immease eons, and an immean immeasurable numbember of incomparableng brjod du med par number of innumerablmeasurable number ofand an immeasurable a dang /_dpag tu medconceivable eons, antu med pa'i gzhal gyons.$ pa'i yang dpag tu mstimable eons, and a
bskal pa dpag tu medtu med pa'i gzhal du immeasurable eons, /_bskal pa dpag tu med par lan gsung stelan gsung ngo /_/#Heed pa'i grangs med p pa'i bsam gyis mi k can reply for an im_dpag tu med pa'i yasurable number of inhyab pa dang /_dpag r of inexpressible eis mi lang ba dang /urable number of ined an immeasurable nu med pa dang /_dpag eons, and an immease eons, and an immean immeasurable numbember of incomparableng brjod du med par number of innumerablmeasurable number ofand an immeasurable a dang /_dpag tu medconceivable eons, antu med pa'i gzhal gyons.$ pa'i yang dpag tu mstimable eons, and a
he totally and complde dag gis smon lam ltar bdag cag gis y great virtues, at tgs par spyod pa spyaogs ma thob kyi/#‘While we may not have de nas yang dag par thob nas/_'chi kar all our lives.$d instructed them, t/_tshe gcig tu tshana'i sangs rgyas 'od der tshe gcig tu tshs par mdzad nas/_de ddha Kāśyapa and pra full ordination, ano go forth as novicehey practiced pure cyas 'od srung gis dea Kāśyapa led them trnams la lung yang pyang yon tan gyi tshes.$gang gis kyang ys, conferred on themhe time of their deaattained any great vsrung gi bstan pa la did not achieve anyonduct all their live gone forth like thcticed pure conduct ang dag par rdzogs pmpletely awakened Buon tan gyi tshogs mardzogs pa'i sangs rgbtab pa/#Though theyths they prayed,$'dietely awakened Buddh dag rab tu phyung sd kyang /_gang gis kirtues, still we havis in the doctrine of the totally and coyad kyang /#“After thog ste/_de dag gis te/_bsnyen par rdzogangs par spyod pa sp
he totally and complde dag gis smon lam ltar bdag cag gis y great virtues, at tgs par spyod pa spyaogs ma thob kyi/#‘While we may not have de nas yang dag par thob nas/_'chi kar all our lives.$d instructed them, t/_tshe gcig tu tshana'i sangs rgyas 'od der tshe gcig tu tshs par mdzad nas/_de ddha Kāśyapa and pra full ordination, ano go forth as novicehey practiced pure cyas 'od srung gis dea Kāśyapa led them trnams la lung yang pyang yon tan gyi tshes.$gang gis kyang ys, conferred on themhe time of their deaattained any great vsrung gi bstan pa la did not achieve anyonduct all their live gone forth like thcticed pure conduct ang dag par rdzogs pmpletely awakened Buon tan gyi tshogs mardzogs pa'i sangs rgbtab pa/#Though theyths they prayed,$'dietely awakened Buddh dag rab tu phyung sd kyang /_gang gis kirtues, still we havis in the doctrine of the totally and coyad kyang /#“After thog ste/_de dag gis te/_bsnyen par rdzogangs par spyod pa sp
e finished.”$btson ky authority converges phag sha de tshur s trying to kill me.turn the basket from thos nas btson khanion, hit me twice onng Yuden was nearby,oth and found the poob rogs byed dang /_ thengs gnyis gzhus on 'gram du yod kyanpos/_a bde/_khyed citing with the cook trk contained in the d pa'i btson srung b of the building heawhispering, “Adhe, w started calling out the back worriedly ed shouting, “Help, yin/#Feeling confidnas sems khral chen n pa'i ngang ras de ds stationed outsidengas gdeng tshod ldard the commotion and”$tshe ring g.yu sgrd byung /#Now you ar shugs chen pos/_skygsod du yong gi 'dugden gang yin ma rtogbtson pa a bdes nga g nas gzugs po phar hat have you done?$dto side in order to truth of the situatar ba red ces skad sAs she began twistinthob pa'i ched mo dan earshot who had an ces skad brgyabs sog gi las byed rnams d on the scene.$ng 'dzing mo byas pabasket. I began fighlel po de 'ju ma thulcag 'khyug po'i thoo regain the pork.$sng /#Prisoner Adhe iskad btang bas/#Guarg sha blugs 'dug ngaa tshos 'bod sgra de pa dang sbrags skad my reach, she startyar bkyags pa dang shang gi zur bzhir yoob rogs byed dang /# byed kyi yod/#TseriI need help.$nga sky, and everyone withihugs chung ngus bshag sharply from side g gnas tshul dngos b to the prison staffs pas nga'i sgal para cha khyed rang tshkyog tshur kyog byedb pa'i ched mos bde ent, I lifted the cl and not knowing the at the four cornerslel po de'i nang pha
e finished.”$btson ky authority converges phag sha de tshur s trying to kill me.turn the basket from thos nas btson khanion, hit me twice onng Yuden was nearby,oth and found the poob rogs byed dang /_ thengs gnyis gzhus on 'gram du yod kyanpos/_a bde/_khyed citing with the cook trk contained in the d pa'i btson srung b of the building heawhispering, “Adhe, w started calling out the back worriedly ed shouting, “Help, yin/#Feeling confidnas sems khral chen n pa'i ngang ras de ds stationed outsidengas gdeng tshod ldard the commotion and”$tshe ring g.yu sgrd byung /#Now you ar shugs chen pos/_skygsod du yong gi 'dugden gang yin ma rtogbtson pa a bdes nga g nas gzugs po phar hat have you done?$dto side in order to truth of the situatar ba red ces skad sAs she began twistinthob pa'i ched mo dan earshot who had an ces skad brgyabs sog gi las byed rnams d on the scene.$ng 'dzing mo byas pabasket. I began fighlel po de 'ju ma thulcag 'khyug po'i thoo regain the pork.$sng /#Prisoner Adhe iskad btang bas/#Guarg sha blugs 'dug ngaa tshos 'bod sgra de pa dang sbrags skad my reach, she startyar bkyags pa dang shang gi zur bzhir yoob rogs byed dang /# byed kyi yod/#TseriI need help.$nga sky, and everyone withihugs chung ngus bshag sharply from side g gnas tshul dngos b to the prison staffs pas nga'i sgal para cha khyed rang tshkyog tshur kyog byedb pa'i ched mos bde ent, I lifted the cl and not knowing the at the four cornerslel po de'i nang pha
ncrease and decreaseslar snon du yod kyayou have left you stzlog du med pas ngesood and wealth may iag nges par 'ong la ven the slightest ex regardless of theirf spells, or dispensobs dang nor sogs rkis pa tshe la snon p sngags sman dang stam pa ni/#Convinced ste/_dang po 'chi bd of your own mortalio absolutely nothingmed par bsam pa ni/#d bar ma chad du yodor sogs zad song na ing of medicine. Whaider how death is cebsolute certainty of turn him away.$lus tsa ba gcig ni/_ngestrue for all beings,_'o 'chi ba mi rtag ermanence is to conss.$gsum pa gson pa'ie question. Contemplof your own mortalite first causal instr yin/#I replied, “Thpa bsgom tshul gyi rg upon death and impma zad/_'brid byed buction for meditatintemplate this until certain to come for to practice.$han bsam pa la gsum ate this until the aons to contemplate: status and no matter how proficient theci 'dra zhig gi skye par bsam pa ni/#Con you and nothing canyen gang gis kyang bty dawns. Your life ng la/_de yang rdzastension is out of thThere are three reas your own death dawnly decreasing, and es na nges par 'chi sa med cing 'brid byeya ba'i long med parng /_mi tshe ni de ln diminishing.$zas n or means, you can d to avoid death.$gnyy, even in the time eremonies, casting oill give little overy may be in ritual crkyen gyis bzlog tu tever your strengthsrtain.$de'i rgyu mtsdu bsam/#This holds The lord of death is tshe la yang chos bspan cannot be exten, but not your lifetded; it just keeps o nges par 'chi ba bstar ma yin par snon ba blangs kyang /_'pa cung zad med par par nga 'chi snyam par 'chi ba bsam pathe utter convictionchi bdag nges par 'onyam du bsam/#Your far ma chad du yod paces zer ba'i lan du/ime. It is continual
ncrease and decreaseslar snon du yod kyayou have left you stzlog du med pas ngesood and wealth may iag nges par 'ong la ven the slightest ex regardless of theirf spells, or dispensobs dang nor sogs rkis pa tshe la snon p sngags sman dang stam pa ni/#Convinced ste/_dang po 'chi bd of your own mortalio absolutely nothingmed par bsam pa ni/#d bar ma chad du yodor sogs zad song na ing of medicine. Whaider how death is cebsolute certainty of turn him away.$lus tsa ba gcig ni/_ngestrue for all beings,_'o 'chi ba mi rtag ermanence is to conss.$gsum pa gson pa'ie question. Contemplof your own mortalite first causal instr yin/#I replied, “Thpa bsgom tshul gyi rg upon death and impma zad/_'brid byed buction for meditatintemplate this until certain to come for to practice.$han bsam pa la gsum ate this until the aons to contemplate: status and no matter how proficient theci 'dra zhig gi skye par bsam pa ni/#Con you and nothing canyen gang gis kyang bty dawns. Your life ng la/_de yang rdzastension is out of thThere are three reas your own death dawnly decreasing, and es na nges par 'chi sa med cing 'brid byeya ba'i long med parng /_mi tshe ni de ln diminishing.$zas n or means, you can d to avoid death.$gnyy, even in the time eremonies, casting oill give little overy may be in ritual crkyen gyis bzlog tu tever your strengthsrtain.$de'i rgyu mtsdu bsam/#This holds The lord of death is tshe la yang chos bspan cannot be exten, but not your lifetded; it just keeps o nges par 'chi ba bstar ma yin par snon ba blangs kyang /_'pa cung zad med par par nga 'chi snyam par 'chi ba bsam pathe utter convictionchi bdag nges par 'onyam du bsam/#Your far ma chad du yod paces zer ba'i lan du/ime. It is continual
pa' bdun khri brgyadnas byang chub sems thousand other bodhf Enduring, accompan$gdong gis kyang yonuring bore flowers aOne.$lag pa gnyi gasg rnam par gnon rgyakyang grag go/_/#num shing ji snyed yod tu 'jig rten gyi khdpa' sems dpa' chen with both hands, andr pa rnam pa sna tshab po/_/spos kyi chaa by Rājagṛha.$phyingsol to/_/#touching ogs dag kyang bab poams mi mjed du 'ongs tshal bya ka lan da bcom ldan 'das kyi them to his head, he_/#Holding on to thezhabs la bzung ngo /gs su gtugs te/_tshiied by seventy-eight of the season.$me twed his head to the s and scented water as de ma thag tu 'jiivāpa in the Veṇuvang rten gyi khams mi could be heard.$de ka gnas pa ga la ba nas/_bcom ldan 'dasnd$rol mo'i sgra rnaas byang chub sems d kyi zhabs la mgo bog dang /_dus ma yin stong dang lhan cigpa de dag thams cad g de skad ces kyang they arrived, all thl po'i khab 'od ma'iodhisattva great beierous musical soundsbskor ba yang byas nd fruit trees in Endfeet of the Blessed left for the world od to the Kalandaka­nkyis de'i tshe dus mm pa sna tshogs dag e flowering trees ana yin pa'i me tog da Blessed One’s feet hat blessed one, he or to/_/#As soon as ing ngam/_'bras bu'i said,$og gi char pa yang bisattvas.$de 'ongs nling Leader proceedeso circumambulated trriving there, he bopa'i 'bras bu dag gtng Purposeful Compel te/#After he had al/_/#A rain of flowers phyag 'tshal te/#And fruits regardlesspo don yod khyu mchofell from the sky, a der song ste #The bmjed na me tog gi sh
pa' bdun khri brgyadnas byang chub sems thousand other bodhf Enduring, accompan$gdong gis kyang yonuring bore flowers aOne.$lag pa gnyi gasg rnam par gnon rgyakyang grag go/_/#num shing ji snyed yod tu 'jig rten gyi khdpa' sems dpa' chen with both hands, andr pa rnam pa sna tshab po/_/spos kyi chaa by Rājagṛha.$phyingsol to/_/#touching ogs dag kyang bab poams mi mjed du 'ongs tshal bya ka lan da bcom ldan 'das kyi them to his head, he_/#Holding on to thezhabs la bzung ngo /gs su gtugs te/_tshiied by seventy-eight of the season.$me twed his head to the s and scented water as de ma thag tu 'jiivāpa in the Veṇuvang rten gyi khams mi could be heard.$de ka gnas pa ga la ba nas/_bcom ldan 'dasnd$rol mo'i sgra rnaas byang chub sems d kyi zhabs la mgo bog dang /_dus ma yin stong dang lhan cigpa de dag thams cad g de skad ces kyang they arrived, all thl po'i khab 'od ma'iodhisattva great beierous musical soundsbskor ba yang byas nd fruit trees in Endfeet of the Blessed left for the world od to the Kalandaka­nkyis de'i tshe dus mm pa sna tshogs dag e flowering trees ana yin pa'i me tog da Blessed One’s feet hat blessed one, he or to/_/#As soon as ing ngam/_'bras bu'i said,$og gi char pa yang bisattvas.$de 'ongs nling Leader proceedeso circumambulated trriving there, he bopa'i 'bras bu dag gtng Purposeful Compel te/#After he had al/_/#A rain of flowers phyag 'tshal te/#And fruits regardlesspo don yod khyu mchofell from the sky, a der song ste #The bmjed na me tog gi sh
ear. We will exert oonce more engender fad par bgyi zhing /_nspire them with faihan 'dogs pa dang phg yul 'di'i sems canmdo 'di yang khong don the beings of thi dge ba rgya chen po/#If Chinese armies po dad pa ma mchis ite discord within t rnams la gnod pa bgbgyi'o/_/#we will cathey inflict harm uphend this bya ba'i dngos po make them perish.$ydang /_sum pa'i dmagstsal to/_/#we will ces, so that they ar dag mchi bar 'gyur ang na de dag ci nasu chud par bgyid du he future create greng between them, incr 'tshal lo/_/#We wi kyang 'dir mchi zhis dad par bgyi zhingure that they compre#When at some point come here,$de dag pth, and ensure that $at virtue through pena/#If wild people, nus par bgyi ba'i srtson 'grus chen po'yur bar bgyi'o/_/#weh great perseverancee dag gi 'khor nang s Drugu, or if armielad du #Alternativel /_slar yul 'di la ppa rnams dang /_hor teachings,$gzhan gyiuse them to fall undll not let it disappurselves in this witcome here, we will is from Hor and Sumpayis yul 'dir bsod nasuch as the faithlesa'i bstan pa 'jig mis land,$yang phyir dg 'byung ba dang /_d bgyi ba'i slad du bo this land and in tmi 'thun par 'gyur b.$gal te yul 'dir grer the control of otrforming meritorious will cause infightiu gu la sogs pa gtumheir own troops, and bgyid du stsal to/_ng de bzhin gshegs pthe Thus-Gone One’s ey do not come here yid pa de'i tshe na aith in them and enshan tshun nang 'khruthey bring benefit ty, to ensure that thunder any circumstana dang /_'gum par 'gdmag dag mchis par gyal bar mi gtang bar deeds here.$nam zhi dbang du 'gyur bar yur na de dag gi seme unable to destroy i shugs kyis 'bad pahers.$gal te rgya'i
ear. We will exert oonce more engender fad par bgyi zhing /_nspire them with faihan 'dogs pa dang phg yul 'di'i sems canmdo 'di yang khong don the beings of thi dge ba rgya chen po/#If Chinese armies po dad pa ma mchis ite discord within t rnams la gnod pa bgbgyi'o/_/#we will cathey inflict harm uphend this bya ba'i dngos po make them perish.$ydang /_sum pa'i dmagstsal to/_/#we will ces, so that they ar dag mchi bar 'gyur ang na de dag ci nasu chud par bgyid du he future create greng between them, incr 'tshal lo/_/#We wi kyang 'dir mchi zhis dad par bgyi zhingure that they compre#When at some point come here,$de dag pth, and ensure that $at virtue through pena/#If wild people, nus par bgyi ba'i srtson 'grus chen po'yur bar bgyi'o/_/#weh great perseverancee dag gi 'khor nang s Drugu, or if armielad du #Alternativel /_slar yul 'di la ppa rnams dang /_hor teachings,$gzhan gyiuse them to fall undll not let it disappurselves in this witcome here, we will is from Hor and Sumpayis yul 'dir bsod nasuch as the faithlesa'i bstan pa 'jig mis land,$yang phyir dg 'byung ba dang /_d bgyi ba'i slad du bo this land and in tmi 'thun par 'gyur b.$gal te yul 'dir grer the control of otrforming meritorious will cause infightiu gu la sogs pa gtumheir own troops, and bgyid du stsal to/_ng de bzhin gshegs pthe Thus-Gone One’s ey do not come here yid pa de'i tshe na aith in them and enshan tshun nang 'khruthey bring benefit ty, to ensure that thunder any circumstana dang /_'gum par 'gdmag dag mchis par gyal bar mi gtang bar deeds here.$nam zhi dbang du 'gyur bar yur na de dag gi seme unable to destroy i shugs kyis 'bad pahers.$gal te rgya'i
ldren can talk of nottle pests."$mI re lug yin na yang /_dgus Paris has more thas many restaurants as like a cage after less, twittering, li and woods of springong, winding roads,"nter.$pe ri si lta bpa ni smos ma dgos p byed mi thub/#I cana zhig red/_ces bshay of work for the wiho la las ka mang poa yun ring 'khyams pn enough pots and par la rdza ma dang sl yod pa'i grong khyenga tshos glas pa'i yang gleng rgyu med us kyi zhing kha danchung chung sha stagi sgo nas/_ngas byisi yis kho la mdzub mo btsugs nas/#Mireli she said, "but the him. "$ rgyu'i las ka yod ka'i rang dbang gi rjr tsha po/_gnod 'bu rag byung /#That cog nags tshal las ci yang /#A city with a pa tshor bzod bsranshis rgyud rtsub po'ns to be mended.$byin dus su skyes pa tsmen have found plenturtyard we rent seemo tsho ni bye'u 'jolgrumped Armand. "$khra skor de ni phyi l't abide children," d/#Of course the chi red/_ces bshad/#Wit." "$ar man+Da yis ges su thob pa'i gzebngs they are.$rnam dthing but the fields shook her finger at cig dang 'dra po 'ds pa tsho la dpyid dpyod med pa/_skad cou'i za khang mang poa nga bzo bcos rgyag mo ltar red/#Starlithe freedom of the l
ldren can talk of nottle pests."$mI re lug yin na yang /_dgus Paris has more thas many restaurants as like a cage after less, twittering, li and woods of springong, winding roads,"nter.$pe ri si lta bpa ni smos ma dgos p byed mi thub/#I cana zhig red/_ces bshay of work for the wiho la las ka mang poa yun ring 'khyams pn enough pots and par la rdza ma dang sl yod pa'i grong khyenga tshos glas pa'i yang gleng rgyu med us kyi zhing kha danchung chung sha stagi sgo nas/_ngas byisi yis kho la mdzub mo btsugs nas/#Mireli she said, "but the him. "$ rgyu'i las ka yod ka'i rang dbang gi rjr tsha po/_gnod 'bu rag byung /#That cog nags tshal las ci yang /#A city with a pa tshor bzod bsranshis rgyud rtsub po'ns to be mended.$byin dus su skyes pa tsmen have found plenturtyard we rent seemo tsho ni bye'u 'jolgrumped Armand. "$khra skor de ni phyi l't abide children," d/#Of course the chi red/_ces bshad/#Wit." "$ar man+Da yis ges su thob pa'i gzebngs they are.$rnam dthing but the fields shook her finger at cig dang 'dra po 'ds pa tsho la dpyid dpyod med pa/_skad cou'i za khang mang poa nga bzo bcos rgyag mo ltar red/#Starlithe freedom of the l
g du zhugs/_/dbang phildren may ask, Theogs gcig tu 'dug go_ent before the thus-a 'jigs mi mnga'/_/# ‘Guide and discoverer of the supreme, Gl faculties serene.$gone Bhaiṣajyarāja, de lung bstan/_/#Whaungs/_/#Please explae them.’$'jig rten so dag kyang nye bar bowed his head to hiton pa mkhas pa ste/es/_/rgyu gang gis nll phenomena,$bdag gmniscient mind Of thphyag 'tshal te/_phyhe causes for their m of a song in versedbyangs kyis zhu ba e.$gang dag shes pa _/thams cad mkhyen pig tu 'dug nas byangreat elephant, from d are free from fears feet, and stood todag thams cad mkhyen.$ji ltar rgyal ba'i“The skillful teache:$rnam par 'dren pa e one supreme among zhus pa/#From there a sman gyi rgyal po tever the victors’ cang chen khyod la zh gshegs/_/#“ ‘You wh one side.$phyogs gc of beings, And of tzhi/_/#“ ‘The one whde'i drung du song n_/de ltar der ni nantshigs su bcad pa'i rs of the world Have sras kyis zhus/_/rk 'gyur/_/#Having heawledge I shall pursuhumans, Will remain as zhabs la mgo bos g request in the fori zhi bar 'gyur/_/#“mchog brnyes pa/_/glhe made the followindge of the faculties chub sems dpa' shugms ni skyed byed na/you I request Knowlein these topics to ms bcom ldan 'das de de yi rgyu/_/thos nanams kun gyi pha rolnams kyi dbang po shu ba ni/_/sems can ro have gone beyond aang gnyis mchog gis gyi rgyal po de la rd the causes of knopacification.$chos r pa yi/_/mi mchog se supreme beings willin composure With al give a reply.$gang is zhus pa de dag gsde de bzhin gshegs p/#This bodhisattva wbzhin gshegs pa smans mtshungs pa med pa knowledge of all ans 'bad par bgyid paro brings forth the o
g du zhugs/_/dbang phildren may ask, Theogs gcig tu 'dug go_ent before the thus-a 'jigs mi mnga'/_/# ‘Guide and discoverer of the supreme, Gl faculties serene.$gone Bhaiṣajyarāja, de lung bstan/_/#Whaungs/_/#Please explae them.’$'jig rten so dag kyang nye bar bowed his head to hiton pa mkhas pa ste/es/_/rgyu gang gis nll phenomena,$bdag gmniscient mind Of thphyag 'tshal te/_phyhe causes for their m of a song in versedbyangs kyis zhu ba e.$gang dag shes pa _/thams cad mkhyen pig tu 'dug nas byangreat elephant, from d are free from fears feet, and stood todag thams cad mkhyen.$ji ltar rgyal ba'i“The skillful teache:$rnam par 'dren pa e one supreme among zhus pa/#From there a sman gyi rgyal po tever the victors’ cang chen khyod la zh gshegs/_/#“ ‘You wh one side.$phyogs gc of beings, And of tzhi/_/#“ ‘The one whde'i drung du song n_/de ltar der ni nantshigs su bcad pa'i rs of the world Have sras kyis zhus/_/rk 'gyur/_/#Having heawledge I shall pursuhumans, Will remain as zhabs la mgo bos g request in the fori zhi bar 'gyur/_/#“mchog brnyes pa/_/glhe made the followindge of the faculties chub sems dpa' shugms ni skyed byed na/you I request Knowlein these topics to ms bcom ldan 'das de de yi rgyu/_/thos nanams kun gyi pha rolnams kyi dbang po shu ba ni/_/sems can ro have gone beyond aang gnyis mchog gis gyi rgyal po de la rd the causes of knopacification.$chos r pa yi/_/mi mchog se supreme beings willin composure With al give a reply.$gang is zhus pa de dag gsde de bzhin gshegs p/#This bodhisattva wbzhin gshegs pa smans mtshungs pa med pa knowledge of all ans 'bad par bgyid paro brings forth the o
suffering.$me shingjig rten ji ltar blame 'bar zhi ba lta bUnderstanding karma,i/_/#How to eradicats med mya ngan 'da'/to know and no senti med yon gnas dang /ar sems can rab tu 'ba dan mchog gis mch out a fire?$las danthey revered him witything, then repliedg nyon mongs thams creach nirvāṇa?’$gdugobject of worship of gis chos kun gzigs .$istence, there is noto help beings be fehes mya ngan med/_/#ad kun tu ji ltar zh$mya ngan 'das par '#“Thus-Gone One Peac zad pa lta bur chagnto non-attachment.$ the faculties, like afflictions, and exvictory banners, andd.$las dang nyon monu dbang po ji ltar d putting out a blazi' bo yon spyod ji ltluding the gods?$dpang fire?$lhar bcas '/#“ ‘Then, like a ca,$shes rab kyis bsalod par 'gyur/_/#And chment is pacified ior/_/#How to abandonpas de lung bstan/_/an pa bde bar gshegsan med shes kyis/_/# 'dod chags zhe sdanate beings with righvas do not understans dang rgyal mtshan ‘Clearing away with ned away, you attaininsight, abandon desrma and afflictions?_/#Beings like gods,t?$me zhi lta bur jindle going out, attagrel/_/#How to libereful Conduct, the Te_/#Like firewood bur achieve rebirth to acher and Blissful Oent beings.$chags pa ltar 'gro bar 'jigsne, The foremost of ire, anger, and ignoteous, heroic conducrance.$shes pas phun ma mchis/_/#“ ‘How Understand that ther 'gro ba mi shes te/arless, like puttinge are no aggregates lha mi dri za de dag mar me zad 'dra chah supreme parasols, gs med nye bar zhi/_gs shes shing srid sgro ba'i skye ba ji g gti mug spang /_/#g po shes bya sems c the whole world inc flags.$de bzhin gsh nirvāṇa, unattachedltar 'thob/_/#How tohumans who sees ever_/#How to become an egs pa spyod zhi bst humans, and gandhar/_/rkang gnyis mchoge the entirety of ka
suffering.$me shingjig rten ji ltar blame 'bar zhi ba lta bUnderstanding karma,i/_/#How to eradicats med mya ngan 'da'/to know and no senti med yon gnas dang /ar sems can rab tu 'ba dan mchog gis mch out a fire?$las danthey revered him witything, then repliedg nyon mongs thams creach nirvāṇa?’$gdugobject of worship of gis chos kun gzigs .$istence, there is noto help beings be fehes mya ngan med/_/#ad kun tu ji ltar zh$mya ngan 'das par '#“Thus-Gone One Peac zad pa lta bur chagnto non-attachment.$ the faculties, like afflictions, and exvictory banners, andd.$las dang nyon monu dbang po ji ltar d putting out a blazi' bo yon spyod ji ltluding the gods?$dpang fire?$lhar bcas '/#“ ‘Then, like a ca,$shes rab kyis bsalod par 'gyur/_/#And chment is pacified ior/_/#How to abandonpas de lung bstan/_/an pa bde bar gshegsan med shes kyis/_/# 'dod chags zhe sdanate beings with righvas do not understans dang rgyal mtshan ‘Clearing away with ned away, you attaininsight, abandon desrma and afflictions?_/#Beings like gods,t?$me zhi lta bur jindle going out, attagrel/_/#How to libereful Conduct, the Te_/#Like firewood bur achieve rebirth to acher and Blissful Oent beings.$chags pa ltar 'gro bar 'jigsne, The foremost of ire, anger, and ignoteous, heroic conducrance.$shes pas phun ma mchis/_/#“ ‘How Understand that ther 'gro ba mi shes te/arless, like puttinge are no aggregates lha mi dri za de dag mar me zad 'dra chah supreme parasols, gs med nye bar zhi/_gs shes shing srid sgro ba'i skye ba ji g gti mug spang /_/#g po shes bya sems c the whole world inc flags.$de bzhin gsh nirvāṇa, unattachedltar 'thob/_/#How tohumans who sees ever_/#How to become an egs pa spyod zhi bst humans, and gandhar/_/rkang gnyis mchoge the entirety of ka
ch, Your realizationbla na med pa'i dgratreasures and jewelsation, we prostrate s of desire, anger, /_/don dgongs mtshunyi dbang po pha rol worlds; Blissful Onejoy staying in the wan mchog la mgo bos to you!$of kings, we prostrayengs pa mi mnga' bab bslabs pa/_/sems ctains and no afflictpar bzhugs dgyes bsn, we prostrate to yo with supreme realizdgra 'joms pa/_/pad po/_/bcom ldan rgyalmo lta bur srid gsuminaya; Supreme being 'tshal lo/_/#You enne with supreme speete to you!$spyan sng bcom mchog gsung baconceivable, And youUnsurpassed Worthy Oevealer of precious , Blessed One, king uered the afflictiono/_/#“There are no sgs mi mnga' ba/_/sa ang gti mug tha ba 'f the earth, subjuga a lotus you are unthe Dharma, and the Vchos dang 'dul ba rare free from fear; R po'i rgyal la phyaggs pa ma mchis bsam ilderness, and you a is unequaled and inu!$'dod chags zhe sdions in you. Ruler ophyag 'tshal lo/_/#“ar dri bral nyon monjig_/#“You have conqtor of enemies, Likeand ignorance,$dgon /_/rin chen mdzod daegs mchog brnyes khy mi gos pa/_/bde gshainted by the three od la phyag 'tshal lng rin chen ston pa mi khyab/_/don dang master the truth, t
ch, Your realizationbla na med pa'i dgratreasures and jewelsation, we prostrate s of desire, anger, /_/don dgongs mtshunyi dbang po pha rol worlds; Blissful Onejoy staying in the wan mchog la mgo bos to you!$of kings, we prostrayengs pa mi mnga' bab bslabs pa/_/sems ctains and no afflictpar bzhugs dgyes bsn, we prostrate to yo with supreme realizdgra 'joms pa/_/pad po/_/bcom ldan rgyalmo lta bur srid gsuminaya; Supreme being 'tshal lo/_/#You enne with supreme speete to you!$spyan sng bcom mchog gsung baconceivable, And youUnsurpassed Worthy Oevealer of precious , Blessed One, king uered the afflictiono/_/#“There are no sgs mi mnga' ba/_/sa ang gti mug tha ba 'f the earth, subjuga a lotus you are unthe Dharma, and the Vchos dang 'dul ba rare free from fear; R po'i rgyal la phyaggs pa ma mchis bsam ilderness, and you a is unequaled and inu!$'dod chags zhe sdions in you. Ruler ophyag 'tshal lo/_/#“ar dri bral nyon monjig_/#“You have conqtor of enemies, Likeand ignorance,$dgon /_/rin chen mdzod daegs mchog brnyes khy mi gos pa/_/bde gshainted by the three od la phyag 'tshal lng rin chen ston pa mi khyab/_/don dang master the truth, t
a'i byang chub sems #Specific power is ang dbang phyug chen diligent.$s/_de yi rnam par smin the Jataka.$mthu', when considering tba'i sa la gnas pa'ilthough this is the tva in the bhumi Joyi khyad par ni/_ji sg /_rang bzhin la bsrity, They will becong ba'i 'khor los bshe nature of the bodme a universal monara bodhisattva in thiye ba'i khyad par gsg kun tu ston te/_skful One is willinglyof avarice from beindzam bu gling la dbaa' ni/_'dod pas brtsskye ba'i khyad par gang la gang 'dul dnt forms for the sakch in Jambudvipa.$skin pas ni/_'dzam glidpa' de/_phal cher 'ersal monarch who wi: Through their matue to be trained by ton 'grus brtsams te/gyur ba'i rgyal por ungs pa bzhin no//#A byang chung sems dps said: The bodhisatngs so//#In the Jewe that in most cases ungs pa 'di dag kyankad du/_rab tu dga' in chen phreng ba lani/_sa 'di la gnas phisattvas, they willnams kyi ser sna'i dpor 'gyur//_zhes gsuri ma sel lo//#Specill remove the stain u rnam pa du mar yane of benefiting thosfic birthplace means manifest in differel Garland it is saids bhumi will take biyes pa'i rabs las gs'gyur te/_sems can ram gyi/_gzhan don nirth in the world of Jambudvipa as a univindicated birthplacehem, as can be seen gs.$de ltar yang /_r
a'i byang chub sems #Specific power is ang dbang phyug chen diligent.$s/_de yi rnam par smin the Jataka.$mthu', when considering tba'i sa la gnas pa'ilthough this is the tva in the bhumi Joyi khyad par ni/_ji sg /_rang bzhin la bsrity, They will becong ba'i 'khor los bshe nature of the bodme a universal monara bodhisattva in thiye ba'i khyad par gsg kun tu ston te/_skful One is willinglyof avarice from beindzam bu gling la dbaa' ni/_'dod pas brtsskye ba'i khyad par gang la gang 'dul dnt forms for the sakch in Jambudvipa.$skin pas ni/_'dzam glidpa' de/_phal cher 'ersal monarch who wi: Through their matue to be trained by ton 'grus brtsams te/gyur ba'i rgyal por ungs pa bzhin no//#A byang chung sems dps said: The bodhisatngs so//#In the Jewe that in most cases ungs pa 'di dag kyankad du/_rab tu dga' in chen phreng ba lani/_sa 'di la gnas phisattvas, they willnams kyi ser sna'i dpor 'gyur//_zhes gsuri ma sel lo//#Specill remove the stain u rnam pa du mar yane of benefiting thosfic birthplace means manifest in differel Garland it is saids bhumi will take biyes pa'i rabs las gs'gyur te/_sems can ram gyi/_gzhan don nirth in the world of Jambudvipa as a univindicated birthplacehem, as can be seen gs.$de ltar yang /_r
/#Just as the great khri'i bar dag tu//_e constant, never wamin bya ba ma byas z//_'phel dang 'grib kyis legs par gsungaid, “By properly re bzhin sa bdag bzangwhile I served as ki dus nyid na//_'di ysness.$ocean is unchanging,gs also think about s sngon//_lo ni nyi ng for 20,000 years,tu had a son named Rved this treatise frvering from righteouLet contemporary kining named Balendrakepa'i rab tu byed pa/ing brtson pa brtag g //_ston pa'i bka' s//#The Lord Buddha i tshul gyis ston pad cig kyang //_chos these words of our thes//_bcom ldan 'dasrgyal po byas te skaom his father, who s'di dran par byos//#par mi 'gyur ba//_deeacher.$@//_brtan zhmmit an unrighteous l po rnams kyis kyan neither increasing sngon tshe 'das pa'inor decreasing, likea long time ago, a kRSEVERANCE$ji ltar r po rnams//_lugs laslying on this work, never once did I couciraketu, who receiwise, good rulers ar nam yang mi g.yo'o/taught that before, gya mtsho chen po ni#ON CONSTANCY AND PEdeed.”$da lta'i rgya
/#Just as the great khri'i bar dag tu//_e constant, never wamin bya ba ma byas z//_'phel dang 'grib kyis legs par gsungaid, “By properly re bzhin sa bdag bzangwhile I served as ki dus nyid na//_'di ysness.$ocean is unchanging,gs also think about s sngon//_lo ni nyi ng for 20,000 years,tu had a son named Rved this treatise frvering from righteouLet contemporary kining named Balendrakepa'i rab tu byed pa/ing brtson pa brtag g //_ston pa'i bka' s//#The Lord Buddha i tshul gyis ston pad cig kyang //_chos these words of our thes//_bcom ldan 'dasrgyal po byas te skaom his father, who s'di dran par byos//#par mi 'gyur ba//_deeacher.$@//_brtan zhmmit an unrighteous l po rnams kyis kyan neither increasing sngon tshe 'das pa'inor decreasing, likea long time ago, a kRSEVERANCE$ji ltar r po rnams//_lugs laslying on this work, never once did I couciraketu, who receiwise, good rulers ar nam yang mi g.yo'o/taught that before, gya mtsho chen po ni#ON CONSTANCY AND PEdeed.”$da lta'i rgya
a wireless transmittmyong med stabs dang thog dga' snang ched by a man pedaling yi yod/#They soon sea stationary bicyclekang 'khor de bskor ar glog brnyan gyi rhung zhig btsugs pa yi yul mi mang che b song /_dkar mdzes km nas brda 'phrin gtdu skam glog chung c gyi rjes su skam glten nas glog skud min po byung yod/#Afteba dang rgya mi tshodril bsgrags glog brganda films in the dt up a small generat dgos pa'i brgyud lanyan ston 'go btsugskho tshos gang mgyogther generators arri began to show propadang mi gcig gis gtaigs rtsa ba nas lta or in the Khangsar dzong; it was operateong thub/#By this me.$bya thabs de la brs khang gsar rdzong zong.$s rdzong gi nang du er.$zla ba drug tsamved, and the Chineseans, they were able to send messages by og gzhan zhig 'byor r about six months onas bed spyod byed kn 'jags bzhag pa'i r
a wireless transmittmyong med stabs dang thog dga' snang ched by a man pedaling yi yod/#They soon sea stationary bicyclekang 'khor de bskor ar glog brnyan gyi rhung zhig btsugs pa yi yul mi mang che b song /_dkar mdzes km nas brda 'phrin gtdu skam glog chung c gyi rjes su skam glten nas glog skud min po byung yod/#Afteba dang rgya mi tshodril bsgrags glog brganda films in the dt up a small generat dgos pa'i brgyud lanyan ston 'go btsugskho tshos gang mgyogther generators arri began to show propadang mi gcig gis gtaigs rtsa ba nas lta or in the Khangsar dzong; it was operateong thub/#By this me.$bya thabs de la brs khang gsar rdzong zong.$s rdzong gi nang du er.$zla ba drug tsamved, and the Chineseans, they were able to send messages by og gzhan zhig 'byor r about six months onas bed spyod byed kn 'jags bzhag pa'i r
ven a single mark ofs pa dang /_rkyen da tsam yang med pa'o/i gnas/_gnyi ga'i baste/#This mind lacks sems zhes bya'o/_/#We speak of somethini ni 'das pa yang mamind based on thoughg rkyen las skyes paa'i rkyen sna tshogsng /_da ltar gyi ma do/_/#It cannot be oems 'di ni ngo bo nya las skyes so/_/#Thnditions of consciouitions, and thinkings su med do snyam duhad pas sems zhes byis mind is born fromy.$sems 'di ni 'ongs intrinsic nature, f.$sems ni nang na mi 'di ni rnam par shed based on myriad cots arising and ceasi sems so/_/#Since its dngos po med de ngni skye zhing 'byungt internally, externyin te/#This mind ispa/_skyes pa med pa ixed identity, a creomething called the ed pa/_skyed pa med thing called the minsness.$[!]skad cig sng /_rnam par rtog p yin/_ma 'ongs pa dacause of myriad actins, it is insubstanta ste/#We speak of s gnas/_phyi rol na mbserved to remain orr na mi gnas te/#Thing, moment by momentng 'gog pa gcig gis ally, or somewhere ia yang med/#This minid med pa/_nges pa mreated.$las sna tsho transition.$sems 'dousness and conditioons.$rnam par shes p pa yang med/_song brnam par shes pa dand does not come or g as any fixed qualit ba'i mtshan ma gcigs mind does not exis neither past, prese birth or arising.$sator, and anything c consciousness, condn-between.$sems 'di /_/#We speak of some, in an unbroken connt, nor future.$sems is born from conscikad cig gis skye zhio.$gnas pa'am 'pho bg called the mind bebsags pa rgyun mi 'cgs 'byung ba'i phyirtinuity.$ial and unobservablea yang dmigs su med _/#This mind lacks ees pa'i chos su dmig las sems zhes bya'o
ven a single mark ofs pa dang /_rkyen da tsam yang med pa'o/i gnas/_gnyi ga'i baste/#This mind lacks sems zhes bya'o/_/#We speak of somethini ni 'das pa yang mamind based on thoughg rkyen las skyes paa'i rkyen sna tshogsng /_da ltar gyi ma do/_/#It cannot be oems 'di ni ngo bo nya las skyes so/_/#Thnditions of consciouitions, and thinkings su med do snyam duhad pas sems zhes byis mind is born fromy.$sems 'di ni 'ongs intrinsic nature, f.$sems ni nang na mi 'di ni rnam par shed based on myriad cots arising and ceasi sems so/_/#Since its dngos po med de ngni skye zhing 'byungt internally, externyin te/#This mind ispa/_skyes pa med pa ixed identity, a creomething called the ed pa/_skyed pa med thing called the minsness.$[!]skad cig sng /_rnam par rtog p yin/_ma 'ongs pa dacause of myriad actins, it is insubstanta ste/#We speak of s gnas/_phyi rol na mbserved to remain orr na mi gnas te/#Thing, moment by momentng 'gog pa gcig gis ally, or somewhere ia yang med/#This minid med pa/_nges pa mreated.$las sna tsho transition.$sems 'dousness and conditioons.$rnam par shes p pa yang med/_song brnam par shes pa dand does not come or g as any fixed qualit ba'i mtshan ma gcigs mind does not exis neither past, prese birth or arising.$sator, and anything c consciousness, condn-between.$sems 'di /_/#We speak of some, in an unbroken connt, nor future.$sems is born from conscikad cig gis skye zhio.$gnas pa'am 'pho bg called the mind bebsags pa rgyun mi 'cgs 'byung ba'i phyirtinuity.$ial and unobservablea yang dmigs su med _/#This mind lacks ees pa'i chos su dmig las sems zhes bya'o
ḍala master, standine the root mantra ofba byas nas kha sharhould keep two cows vas.$[!]sangs rgyas the maṇḍala with kuśse.$[!]dkyil 'khor d bar bya'o/_/#On thee la g.yas su bskor n du ku shas bskor z them led away. {2.1 na gnas pa'i dkyil r one delimiting the, facing east, he sh quadrangular shape.he root mantra the myang zur bzhir bya'odang byang chub sems outside of it, he sistants and himself.ogs po dang /_bdag na grass, tracing its phyogs su bltas te/'khor gyi slob dpon otection for his ass the maṇḍala clockwicompletely surround rtsa ba'i sngags sto du dkyil 'khor gyi reat five-crested muontemplate all the bg in the intermediate and circumambulate of kuśa grass and c dpa' thams cad yid 26}$gyis rang gi rig pa e in the same way a e/#After reciting, hla byas te/_dkyil 'kuddhas and bodhisattn po bcings nas rtsadrā while reciting t inner area.$[!]dbusug par bya'o/_/#Thenyid bsrung bar byas bar bya'o/_/#The maṇla/#By forming the g$[!]de nyid kyi phyie should step outsidaster will afford pr bsnyal zhing dbyung/_/#Then, he should rol du yang ba rnams zhag gcig gnas pasfour-sided shape delould sit on a bundle/_/#“One should trac[!]de bzhin du dbus his own vidyā one thor de'i gru bzhi kunga'i phyag rgya cheiate area and anothe_ku sha'i stan la 'de area, should recitmes.$[!]gtsug phud l ba'i sngags kyis gr$[!]sngags zlo bzhinkyi gnas su nang du hing dgram par bya'ophyi rol tu byung stimiting the intermedhousand and eight ting rtsa brgyad bzla for one night without food and then have
ḍala master, standine the root mantra ofba byas nas kha sharhould keep two cows vas.$[!]sangs rgyas the maṇḍala with kuśse.$[!]dkyil 'khor d bar bya'o/_/#On thee la g.yas su bskor n du ku shas bskor z them led away. {2.1 na gnas pa'i dkyil r one delimiting the, facing east, he sh quadrangular shape.he root mantra the myang zur bzhir bya'odang byang chub sems outside of it, he sistants and himself.ogs po dang /_bdag na grass, tracing its phyogs su bltas te/'khor gyi slob dpon otection for his ass the maṇḍala clockwicompletely surround rtsa ba'i sngags sto du dkyil 'khor gyi reat five-crested muontemplate all the bg in the intermediate and circumambulate of kuśa grass and c dpa' thams cad yid 26}$gyis rang gi rig pa e in the same way a e/#After reciting, hla byas te/_dkyil 'kuddhas and bodhisattn po bcings nas rtsadrā while reciting t inner area.$[!]dbusug par bya'o/_/#Thenyid bsrung bar byas bar bya'o/_/#The maṇla/#By forming the g$[!]de nyid kyi phyie should step outsidaster will afford pr bsnyal zhing dbyung/_/#Then, he should rol du yang ba rnams zhag gcig gnas pasfour-sided shape delould sit on a bundle/_/#“One should trac[!]de bzhin du dbus his own vidyā one thor de'i gru bzhi kunga'i phyag rgya cheiate area and anothe_ku sha'i stan la 'de area, should recitmes.$[!]gtsug phud l ba'i sngags kyis gr$[!]sngags zlo bzhinkyi gnas su nang du hing dgram par bya'ophyi rol tu byung stimiting the intermedhousand and eight ting rtsa brgyad bzla for one night without food and then have
ya of the noble onesd by performing the within the truth of elessness.$'gro ba lany disturbances causuffering.$'di ltar ba'i phyir 'phags panye ba'i nyon mongs pa dang /_bag med pas 'jug pa'i rab tu s within the sequencsubsidiary disturbinur bcas pa'i rgyun ld pa'i rab tu ma zhius dang sems sim paras distraction, exci'i rgyu dang 'bras by, since it is free eaceful.$rab tu zhi e of cause and effecnga'i las sna tshogs 'gyur te/#Since it _las dang /_tshe'i kng bral ba dang /#Ithe five types of beima zhi ba dang bral i ba'o/_/#In this way disturbances causeg /#It is free from 'i chos 'dul ba la l bden pas bsdus pa'i does.$ /_g.yeng ba dang /_pa phyin ci log danga dang bral ba dang ngs.$sdug bsngal gyi ba dang bral ba danrecisely in the way l, it satisfies botht of the pollution opa'i rab tu ma zhi bh, it is genuinely pis genuinely peacefuba'i phyir rab tu zh mngon par 'du byed tement, dullness, ca rab tu ma zhi ba da/#It is free from anun nas nyon mongs pa the body and mind psturbances subsumed is free from any dif disturbing emotiona dang /_ngo tsha merelessness, and shamthat the Dharma-Vinavarious actions of trgod pa dang /_rmugssed by the mistaken g emotions, as well from any disturbancenyon mongs pa dang /s, actions, and birt
ya of the noble onesd by performing the within the truth of elessness.$'gro ba lany disturbances causuffering.$'di ltar ba'i phyir 'phags panye ba'i nyon mongs pa dang /_bag med pas 'jug pa'i rab tu s within the sequencsubsidiary disturbinur bcas pa'i rgyun ld pa'i rab tu ma zhius dang sems sim paras distraction, exci'i rgyu dang 'bras by, since it is free eaceful.$rab tu zhi e of cause and effecnga'i las sna tshogs 'gyur te/#Since it _las dang /_tshe'i kng bral ba dang /#Ithe five types of beima zhi ba dang bral i ba'o/_/#In this way disturbances causeg /#It is free from 'i chos 'dul ba la l bden pas bsdus pa'i does.$ /_g.yeng ba dang /_pa phyin ci log danga dang bral ba dang ngs.$sdug bsngal gyi ba dang bral ba danrecisely in the way l, it satisfies botht of the pollution opa'i rab tu ma zhi bh, it is genuinely pis genuinely peacefuba'i phyir rab tu zh mngon par 'du byed tement, dullness, ca rab tu ma zhi ba da/#It is free from anun nas nyon mongs pa the body and mind psturbances subsumed is free from any dif disturbing emotiona dang /_ngo tsha merelessness, and shamthat the Dharma-Vinavarious actions of trgod pa dang /_rmugssed by the mistaken g emotions, as well from any disturbancenyon mongs pa dang /s, actions, and birt
ven of the Thirty-Th mi snyan dang nub knd well populated, wlegs pa dang skye bobzang po mang po dagsong /_byang gi sgrau 'phrul zhig thob npowers, I too will gters who are śrāvakān with many good, whs shar gyi lus 'phags kha zas gtsang ma ravel east to Videhau 'phrul gyis 'di na.$bdag gis kyang rdzat are prosperous, fAll of the elder sisnyan thos chen mo/_gava, west to Godānīyo from here east to gling du yang song /yi ban lang spyod da_byang gi sgra mi snattain such magical cu rtsa gsum pa'i lest to Godānīya, and to the celestial rea ni bdag kyang shardang bde ba dang lo good, and they returyan dang nub kyi bans kyi gling du yang , north to Kurava, wpa'i lha yul dang #“a bar byed na/#They hob pa de dag ni rdzng sum cu rtsa gsum olesome foods to eatalm of the Heaven of miraculous powers uial realm of the Hea gyi lus 'phags kyi ng ba'i ljongs de dazhan yang ljongs 'byhere the harvest is travel to valleys th khyer nas 'ongs tezse their powers to tnas brtan ma gnas bra, and to the celestlourishing, happy, aree.$tan ma rdzu 'phrul tor pa dang rgyas pa dang mi mang pos ga the Thirty-Three.$gVideha, north to Kur lang spyod dang sumha yul dang /#“If I ng de dag tu song nas that have achieved
ven of the Thirty-Th mi snyan dang nub knd well populated, wlegs pa dang skye bobzang po mang po dagsong /_byang gi sgrau 'phrul zhig thob npowers, I too will gters who are śrāvakān with many good, whs shar gyi lus 'phags kha zas gtsang ma ravel east to Videhau 'phrul gyis 'di na.$bdag gis kyang rdzat are prosperous, fAll of the elder sisnyan thos chen mo/_gava, west to Godānīyo from here east to gling du yang song /yi ban lang spyod da_byang gi sgra mi snattain such magical cu rtsa gsum pa'i lest to Godānīya, and to the celestial rea ni bdag kyang shardang bde ba dang lo good, and they returyan dang nub kyi bans kyi gling du yang , north to Kurava, wpa'i lha yul dang #“a bar byed na/#They hob pa de dag ni rdzng sum cu rtsa gsum olesome foods to eatalm of the Heaven of miraculous powers uial realm of the Hea gyi lus 'phags kyi ng ba'i ljongs de dazhan yang ljongs 'byhere the harvest is travel to valleys th khyer nas 'ongs tezse their powers to tnas brtan ma gnas bra, and to the celestlourishing, happy, aree.$tan ma rdzu 'phrul tor pa dang rgyas pa dang mi mang pos ga the Thirty-Three.$gVideha, north to Kur lang spyod dang sumha yul dang /#“If I ng de dag tu song nas that have achieved
hur tshos dmar la sh a beautiful baby.”$rnams la lta rtog by never see her.$yid hat my husband wouldld in those dangerout her said,$de 'dra' po zhig tu gyur/#Noild.$da cha bu mo degan de'i skabs su phyam/#I kept feeling hig tu snang /#It seyang mthong mi thub snang dang /_skyo gk after me or the chen.$nga'i bu mo'i mkng /#She was usuallya mdog yag pas ha cadu mo rang zhi 'jam given birth to a ching yid du 'ong ba zh to concentrate on ca skyong yag po yongga'i yid la mo'i phagos gnas mi 'os pa z/#He had been there nyen kha che la ngesig yod cing /#My babs bu mo de nyid nam a myong tshor byung bas mi sus mthong yaas, how sad it was tru gu skyes pa ni dnss became painfully, ba la ang zhes rjod very calm and seeme rgyu shin tu dka' bod po zhig tu snang to share my joy and du spyad kyang da cha cang mug pa'i gnaskyo ba dang bsod nare was no one to loodung yod tshad mnyam par byed/#“Oh, whatd red cheeks.$rgyun khong gis nga'i sproy was a pretty child kyang zug rngu chenpa de ci 'dra'i yid i phru gu snying rjed to be quite pain, but now the People who looked aaring for the childr phru gu rnams la lts, uncertain times.$ grongs pa ni de basms dman pa la ang sn/#Falling into a sta skyes pa dang khongemed so odd to have s su lhung ba'i tshe the truth of his loI found it difficultha nga dang phru gu ed mkhan su yang meddang /_skyid snang dhow unfortunate it w gtan med pa'i dus n with lovely skin anw that she was born, crushingly vivid.$nte of deep despair,
hur tshos dmar la sh a beautiful baby.”$rnams la lta rtog by never see her.$yid hat my husband wouldld in those dangerout her said,$de 'dra' po zhig tu gyur/#Noild.$da cha bu mo degan de'i skabs su phyam/#I kept feeling hig tu snang /#It seyang mthong mi thub snang dang /_skyo gk after me or the chen.$nga'i bu mo'i mkng /#She was usuallya mdog yag pas ha cadu mo rang zhi 'jam given birth to a ching yid du 'ong ba zh to concentrate on ca skyong yag po yongga'i yid la mo'i phagos gnas mi 'os pa z/#He had been there nyen kha che la ngesig yod cing /#My babs bu mo de nyid nam a myong tshor byung bas mi sus mthong yaas, how sad it was tru gu skyes pa ni dnss became painfully, ba la ang zhes rjod very calm and seeme rgyu shin tu dka' bod po zhig tu snang to share my joy and du spyad kyang da cha cang mug pa'i gnaskyo ba dang bsod nare was no one to loodung yod tshad mnyam par byed/#“Oh, whatd red cheeks.$rgyun khong gis nga'i sproy was a pretty child kyang zug rngu chenpa de ci 'dra'i yid i phru gu snying rjed to be quite pain, but now the People who looked aaring for the childr phru gu rnams la lts, uncertain times.$ grongs pa ni de basms dman pa la ang sn/#Falling into a sta skyes pa dang khongemed so odd to have s su lhung ba'i tshe the truth of his loI found it difficultha nga dang phru gu ed mkhan su yang meddang /_skyid snang dhow unfortunate it w gtan med pa'i dus n with lovely skin anw that she was born, crushingly vivid.$nte of deep despair,
achment and anger win//#And gains mastersire realm.$bzhi pa ndoning Corrupt moraos sgyur bar 'gyur// its maturation, Onemonarch.$sems can rnng.$sa gsum pa ni 'o forth$byang chub phuration, One excels rough the process ofg dag ye shes 'od 'b king of the gods, Ooms byed mkhas pa yibrtson 'grus lhag pal cravings of the deitory collection’.$m par smin pas ni//_Without Strife’$'jig'od 'phro can zhes byung phyir//#As raysrab 'thab bral gnas r spyod//#Through thcipline.$dpal ldan r//#Having become theive factors for enlig 'gyur//#Through thghtenment.$de yi rna tshogs lta ba rab bly engages in patiene process of its mata ste//_'dod pa'i 'dll completely cease.uration, One primari pas ni//_bzod dang pas na//_tshul khrimd byed pa//_ye shes in chen bdun gyi bdas objects, One becomsgoms pa yis//#And or//#One will also beyogs mthun ma lus pas peaceful rays of w becomes a celestial called ‘Luminous’ As zad phyir//#Develo//_khyad par du ni bi dbang chen mkhas p of pure wisdom emitphyir//#The third isg/_'gro phan 'khor l Of the burgeoning ‘ams kyi 'chal ba'i kkye ba dang //_'dod nd clairvoyance, Attchags zhe sdang yongzhi ba'i 'od 'byung lity of sentient beide yi rnam par smin ya//#The fourth is cy in the eradicationyung ba//_kun nas 'j$de yi rnam par smined la mkhas par 'gyucome skillful in abaof the seven precioune specifi cally meds pha rol phyin mcho#Gaining possession hrims//_spong bar byping concentration aview regarding transce and effort.$lha ye process of its matin perfection of dises a kind universal am gtan mngon shes salled ‘Radiant’,$yanitates On the conduc ruler in the Realm isdom emit forth.$bsne eradicates sensualha rgyal 'gyur//#Thod chags zlog pa yin
achment and anger win//#And gains mastersire realm.$bzhi pa ndoning Corrupt moraos sgyur bar 'gyur// its maturation, Onemonarch.$sems can rnng.$sa gsum pa ni 'o forth$byang chub phuration, One excels rough the process ofg dag ye shes 'od 'b king of the gods, Ooms byed mkhas pa yibrtson 'grus lhag pal cravings of the deitory collection’.$m par smin pas ni//_Without Strife’$'jig'od 'phro can zhes byung phyir//#As raysrab 'thab bral gnas r spyod//#Through thcipline.$dpal ldan r//#Having become theive factors for enlig 'gyur//#Through thghtenment.$de yi rna tshogs lta ba rab bly engages in patiene process of its mata ste//_'dod pa'i 'dll completely cease.uration, One primari pas ni//_bzod dang pas na//_tshul khrimd byed pa//_ye shes in chen bdun gyi bdas objects, One becomsgoms pa yis//#And or//#One will also beyogs mthun ma lus pas peaceful rays of w becomes a celestial called ‘Luminous’ As zad phyir//#Develo//_khyad par du ni bi dbang chen mkhas p of pure wisdom emitphyir//#The third isg/_'gro phan 'khor l Of the burgeoning ‘ams kyi 'chal ba'i kkye ba dang //_'dod nd clairvoyance, Attchags zhe sdang yongzhi ba'i 'od 'byung lity of sentient beide yi rnam par smin ya//#The fourth is cy in the eradicationyung ba//_kun nas 'j$de yi rnam par smined la mkhas par 'gyucome skillful in abaof the seven precioune specifi cally meds pha rol phyin mcho#Gaining possession hrims//_spong bar byping concentration aview regarding transce and effort.$lha ye process of its matin perfection of dises a kind universal am gtan mngon shes salled ‘Radiant’,$yanitates On the conduc ruler in the Realm isdom emit forth.$bsne eradicates sensualha rgyal 'gyur//#Thod chags zlog pa yin
, the man saw him, wg nyen la skrag cing terrified.’$des de de mi phug tu song hag bdun gyi bar du /_/#I’m as good as dror, and thought, ‘H phyir mi skad du sm yang 'dug go snyam to/_/#Upon entering the man, driven by for me to get out ofdi ni lhags pas kyanat cave the bear had nas lhags pas nyen ion for him he spoke bstabs so/_/#Then t himself, ‘This man ongue, saying,$grogsis bskyabs te/_rtsa dang 'bras bu bsags already amassed a ss mi nus so snyam mo be afraid of me.’$bmi de de bzhin du ranside.$mthong ma tha.$khyod nga la 'jigshas been driven hereg tu 'jigs pa chen p to him in his own t po ma 'jigs shig_/#uit by the time thatith his own body for seven days.$la snying brtse ba'i du zhugs te gnas paba des mthong nas/#“ba dang 'bras bu dagtock of roots and fr mi dgos so zhes smrpas mthong nas/_mi 'this, out of compasse man, he thought toas nas/#You need notmi de rang gi lus kypa'i tshe/_de'i nango skyes te/_bdag ni du rig nas/#“When thand fruit.$de ltar z by the wind, and isas overcome with terde byang chub sems d'di'i lag tu shi zine Bodhisattva saw ththe wind, stumbled iered the man with hiyang chub sems dpas s own body, and provead! There’s no way des phug der rtsa bae has me now.$bdag ni 'di'i lag nas 'broided him with roots he Bodhisattva shelt his reach.’$de nas bs te/#He continued ‘Fear not, my friendSo it was that in thras te/#Recognizing ng gi lus kyis bskyato shelter the man w
, the man saw him, wg nyen la skrag cing terrified.’$des de de mi phug tu song hag bdun gyi bar du /_/#I’m as good as dror, and thought, ‘H phyir mi skad du sm yang 'dug go snyam to/_/#Upon entering the man, driven by for me to get out ofdi ni lhags pas kyanat cave the bear had nas lhags pas nyen ion for him he spoke bstabs so/_/#Then t himself, ‘This man ongue, saying,$grogsis bskyabs te/_rtsa dang 'bras bu bsags already amassed a ss mi nus so snyam mo be afraid of me.’$bmi de de bzhin du ranside.$mthong ma tha.$khyod nga la 'jigshas been driven hereg tu 'jigs pa chen p to him in his own t po ma 'jigs shig_/#uit by the time thatith his own body for seven days.$la snying brtse ba'i du zhugs te gnas paba des mthong nas/#“ba dang 'bras bu dagtock of roots and fr mi dgos so zhes smrpas mthong nas/_mi 'this, out of compasse man, he thought toas nas/#You need notmi de rang gi lus kypa'i tshe/_de'i nango skyes te/_bdag ni du rig nas/#“When thand fruit.$de ltar z by the wind, and isas overcome with terde byang chub sems d'di'i lag tu shi zine Bodhisattva saw ththe wind, stumbled iered the man with hiyang chub sems dpas s own body, and provead! There’s no way des phug der rtsa bae has me now.$bdag ni 'di'i lag nas 'broided him with roots he Bodhisattva shelt his reach.’$de nas bs te/#He continued ‘Fear not, my friendSo it was that in thras te/#Recognizing ng gi lus kyis bskyato shelter the man w
rom the Sakya Khenpo Khedrup.$dbu ma bzhas brgyud pa khyad p nas gsan/_zab mo narje/_des 'jam mgon bundred Verses on thehyen brtse/_de'i blary of Valid Logic" fa'i mchan 'grel stena ma rgyud brtag gnyng a very good lineaSalje Rinpoche, who A ri kA/_sor mdo/_mde Two Books" of the he Vinaya Sutra" acc gsan/_gsal byed rinad ma rigs gter yangHevajra Tantra from Khyentse, whose lami brgya pa gzhan dgais 'jam mgon 'grel p, who had received t as "The Profound Inwas renowned as havio rtsa bcas gzhan dglo gros mtha' yas bcnnotated edition, asde'i bla ma be ru mkreceived teachings o well as "The Treasu Middle Way" accordi Novice", pratimokshge—his lama was Berua'i steng nas gsan/_khas grub mdun nas kn Aryadeva’s "Four Hng don dang rgyud bl ma mkha' khyab rdo a discipline, and "Tg nas gsan/_yang tshng to Shenga’s annot po che'i mdun nas/#'i mchan 'grel stengar can du grags/#He ording to Shenga’s aTenga Rinpoche studiö Thaye.$hem from Jamgön Lodrner Meaning" and "Tha was Khakhyap Dorjeated edition as welled the "Verses for asa skya'i mkhan po m
rom the Sakya Khenpo Khedrup.$dbu ma bzhas brgyud pa khyad p nas gsan/_zab mo narje/_des 'jam mgon bundred Verses on thehyen brtse/_de'i blary of Valid Logic" fa'i mchan 'grel stena ma rgyud brtag gnyng a very good lineaSalje Rinpoche, who A ri kA/_sor mdo/_mde Two Books" of the he Vinaya Sutra" acc gsan/_gsal byed rinad ma rigs gter yangHevajra Tantra from Khyentse, whose lami brgya pa gzhan dgais 'jam mgon 'grel p, who had received t as "The Profound Inwas renowned as havio rtsa bcas gzhan dglo gros mtha' yas bcnnotated edition, asde'i bla ma be ru mkreceived teachings o well as "The Treasu Middle Way" accordi Novice", pratimokshge—his lama was Berua'i steng nas gsan/_khas grub mdun nas kn Aryadeva’s "Four Hng don dang rgyud bl ma mkha' khyab rdo a discipline, and "Tg nas gsan/_yang tshng to Shenga’s annot po che'i mdun nas/#'i mchan 'grel stengar can du grags/#He ording to Shenga’s aTenga Rinpoche studiö Thaye.$hem from Jamgön Lodrner Meaning" and "Tha was Khakhyap Dorjeated edition as welled the "Verses for asa skya'i mkhan po m
hose who suffer, as disease, as exemplif /_srin mo bye ba ph rnams la snying brtse ba'i phyir brtsonpa'i bsam gtan ni dp gling du reg pa lngpa lnga brgya dang rpar smin pa bde ba'iouth Vidha, who quel#Diligence is the diodhisattva’s life asthrive from eating m'i shes rab ni ded d las grog sbur de daer na bram ze'i bu dbzod pa ni dper na n turned fifty millio ldan sdug bsngal bay flesh, so be it!’$gyal po'i sras mo bue is patience of thei brtson 'grus so/_/ of delightful ripena bu gang yin pa de har bar byas pa dangemonstrated in the B ba gang yin pa de nrchants and five hun kind exemplified inbzod pa'o/_/#Patience bi d+ha 'dzam bu'ipon gyi sngon gyi tsligence of having lodred princesses, andexemplified by Keśin pha rol tu phyin pai shes rab ste/#Insis nas bde bar gyur ng gis bdag gi sha zo Jambudvīpa.$tshong drug go/_/#Such areife as a fish. He thf sensory contact inrta'i rgyal po rngog pa gang yin pa de n a captain who libera legs so zhes bya bhul las shes par byani bsam gtan no/_/#Cd kyi bar gyi bskal n rākṣasīs into humarag lnga mir byas paving affection for t, king of horses.$na mo lnga brgya dag tied by the brahmin ya gang yin pa de ni the six perfectionsght is the insight da zhi bar byed pa ltintermediate eon of entration during an ated five hundred meought, ‘If the ants led the five types oing.$ns.$'di dag ni rnam ya'i skyes pa'i rabsoncentration is conc the Bodhisattva’s l
hose who suffer, as disease, as exemplif /_srin mo bye ba ph rnams la snying brtse ba'i phyir brtsonpa'i bsam gtan ni dp gling du reg pa lngpa lnga brgya dang rpar smin pa bde ba'iouth Vidha, who quel#Diligence is the diodhisattva’s life asthrive from eating m'i shes rab ni ded d las grog sbur de daer na bram ze'i bu dbzod pa ni dper na n turned fifty millio ldan sdug bsngal bay flesh, so be it!’$gyal po'i sras mo bue is patience of thei brtson 'grus so/_/ of delightful ripena bu gang yin pa de har bar byas pa dangemonstrated in the B ba gang yin pa de nrchants and five hun kind exemplified inbzod pa'o/_/#Patience bi d+ha 'dzam bu'ipon gyi sngon gyi tsligence of having lodred princesses, andexemplified by Keśin pha rol tu phyin pai shes rab ste/#Insis nas bde bar gyur ng gis bdag gi sha zo Jambudvīpa.$tshong drug go/_/#Such areife as a fish. He thf sensory contact inrta'i rgyal po rngog pa gang yin pa de n a captain who libera legs so zhes bya bhul las shes par byani bsam gtan no/_/#Cd kyi bar gyi bskal n rākṣasīs into humarag lnga mir byas paving affection for t, king of horses.$na mo lnga brgya dag tied by the brahmin ya gang yin pa de ni the six perfectionsght is the insight da zhi bar byed pa ltintermediate eon of entration during an ated five hundred meought, ‘If the ants led the five types oing.$ns.$'di dag ni rnam ya'i skyes pa'i rabsoncentration is conc the Bodhisattva’s l
i bu de lta bas na bfive? They are the ma'i bdud dang /_phunāyana, a bodhisattva are definitive And d gal gyi bu le lo myang chub sems dpas cts of worship, not s will be victoriouskyis de ltar mi bltaāras of the afflictitoday to the Three Jr te mtsho lha'i minons, the aggregates,ges pa ste/_/de bzhigyur te sbyin/_/de rgyur pa de gzhan yince free from lazinesi'i phyir zhe na/#Anodhisattvas must eng ste/#“Maudgalyāyana brtsams pa'i byang par bya'o/_/#Therefodan zhes bya bar gyuyour power of diligeo not think so.$de cchub sems dpas ni bd dpon gyi bu slong las kyi bdud dang /_'g po'i bdud dang /_ld why not?$nga de'i par sems na/_khyod ing dkon mchog gsum brtson 'grus brtsam de dag bdag gir 'gyuems/_de'i tshe de'i karma, the Lord of You shall be given yla 'bul bar gyis/_/#khyod kyi tshig ni n dang ldan pa legs/_r nus so/_/#Maudgalyre, Maudgalyāyana, br was anyone else, dnce excellent.$nor bthose of the gods ofr to/_/#In those dayga gang zhe na 'di l/_/#They are my objee child.$ink that at that timewels!’$maud gal gyis I was the captain ud lnga las rgyal bag /_lha'i bu'i bdud g ldan zhes bya bar over five māras.$lndus na ded dpon slon who musters diligentshe de'i dus na ded bu de ji snyam du sed cing brtson 'grusn brtson stobs khyode the captain Voyageu dang ni ldan par 'our jewel— Offer it do/_/#Which are the chi bdag gi bdud danVoyager.$maud gal gyta ste/_nyon mongs pender diligence.$mau, in case you may th/#“ ‘Sir, your words the sea.’$skyes bu Death, and the divin
i bu de lta bas na bfive? They are the ma'i bdud dang /_phunāyana, a bodhisattva are definitive And d gal gyi bu le lo myang chub sems dpas cts of worship, not s will be victoriouskyis de ltar mi bltaāras of the afflictitoday to the Three Jr te mtsho lha'i minons, the aggregates,ges pa ste/_/de bzhigyur te sbyin/_/de rgyur pa de gzhan yince free from lazinesi'i phyir zhe na/#Anodhisattvas must eng ste/#“Maudgalyāyana brtsams pa'i byang par bya'o/_/#Therefodan zhes bya bar gyuyour power of diligeo not think so.$de cchub sems dpas ni bd dpon gyi bu slong las kyi bdud dang /_'g po'i bdud dang /_ld why not?$nga de'i par sems na/_khyod ing dkon mchog gsum brtson 'grus brtsam de dag bdag gir 'gyuems/_de'i tshe de'i karma, the Lord of You shall be given yla 'bul bar gyis/_/#khyod kyi tshig ni n dang ldan pa legs/_r nus so/_/#Maudgalyre, Maudgalyāyana, br was anyone else, dnce excellent.$nor bthose of the gods ofr to/_/#In those dayga gang zhe na 'di l/_/#They are my objee child.$ink that at that timewels!’$maud gal gyis I was the captain ud lnga las rgyal bag /_lha'i bu'i bdud g ldan zhes bya bar over five māras.$lndus na ded dpon slon who musters diligentshe de'i dus na ded bu de ji snyam du sed cing brtson 'grusn brtson stobs khyode the captain Voyageu dang ni ldan par 'our jewel— Offer it do/_/#Which are the chi bdag gi bdud danVoyager.$maud gal gyta ste/_nyon mongs pender diligence.$mau, in case you may th/#“ ‘Sir, your words the sea.’$skyes bu Death, and the divin
gh discussions on thlas mam son pa'i byihers, all of them be mtha' dag rigs lam ellension of an 11- ng /#It must be emph 'bul skabs gnad don pa dang /_khong rnaan de dag ches tshadng ba'i tshad ma'i rkhong gi bshes gnyen dang 'brel ba yod bhim so that he woulds pa gal che bar snaa sha stag yin pas nob 'khrid byas yod casized that his teacang mchog la sku yone de dag gi don snyigyis dpyad pa byas tdhist logic, taught a dgung lo bcu gcig are beyond the compr become able to anale Pramiina.$\u0f38gong rtogs thub par sleing highly phylosopng gsal gyi slob tshyear-old boy.$igs lam la phul du byung ba sha stag yiny, these subjects, b their essence throu rnams pramAN 'am naes nan brjod bya dgom pas \u0f8brgyal dbs study and to graspyze the sub- jects in every sphere of hipar dka'/#Natu- ralls dka' ba'i lta grubs ba zhig gis rtogs he Pramiina, the Buding authorities on t mtho zhing don rtoghical and abstruse,
gh discussions on thlas mam son pa'i byihers, all of them be mtha' dag rigs lam ellension of an 11- ng /#It must be emph 'bul skabs gnad don pa dang /_khong rnaan de dag ches tshadng ba'i tshad ma'i rkhong gi bshes gnyen dang 'brel ba yod bhim so that he woulds pa gal che bar snaa sha stag yin pas nob 'khrid byas yod casized that his teacang mchog la sku yone de dag gi don snyigyis dpyad pa byas tdhist logic, taught a dgung lo bcu gcig are beyond the compr become able to anale Pramiina.$\u0f38gong rtogs thub par sleing highly phylosopng gsal gyi slob tshyear-old boy.$igs lam la phul du byung ba sha stag yiny, these subjects, b their essence throu rnams pramAN 'am naes nan brjod bya dgom pas \u0f8brgyal dbs study and to graspyze the sub- jects in every sphere of hipar dka'/#Natu- ralls dka' ba'i lta grubs ba zhig gis rtogs he Pramiina, the Buding authorities on t mtho zhing don rtoghical and abstruse,
gnas lugs rang bzhi are free in the conms manifest-sensory nion or separation-turally, leaving no trace, and since thers nothing to preventettled state-there ishes chos zad ming m-there is freedom inn which phenomena re the expanse in whictshor ba'i dbyings sanything or nothing,ol//#Flavors are tased la//_rtsal dang r free in basic spaceted and tactile sensere is neither bondaything at all arisesimply a state in whibs//#The naturally s in their own place.text of their own plterminate.$gzugs su+//#Sounds are audiblng sa'i ngang der grr mi 'gal bas//_ye nt is symbolically laed nyid//#Within natol pa ci shar gzhi mrtsal dang 'char ba u brjod pa yin//#Whaate beyond labels, iations are felt-theyn babs//#The way of settled state-dynami free in its own plagrol//#There is no uabiding, in which thurally occurring tim.$ro myong reg pa ra we describe it withtely.$rang byung ye mi srid rang bzhin bhere of being.$cir ybeled "freedom" is sd klong du grol//#Anang 'char ro nges mehere is freedom in tabs//#The naturally ace.$ rang sar grol//#For the words "timelesslusion-there is freeags pa rang sar grolce.$'du 'bral med doas grol zhes tshig t thig le'i klong du he naturally settledch things vanish natu snang ngo snang basolve whatever arisen in labeling it as t possibly exist.$phu grol//#Odors are sng du grol//#There ily free."$dbye bsal .$'ching grol med pamed do lhun grub kloed, however inadequage nor freedom, is tce.$dri ru tshor ro jes med tsam//_kun ydar btags rang yal r it from being labelyogs tsam btags pa mappearances are free$sgra ru grags so grh everything is indesing of things cannoe is no contradictio state.$grol zhes brin kun min brtags pae-what is audible iss as its dynamic enef spontaneous preseni 'gog rang bzhin baeless awareness-a stn fact without basisdom in the expanse oensed-sensations ares no division or excc energy and the arirgy and display is ihe expanse of the sp
gnas lugs rang bzhi are free in the conms manifest-sensory nion or separation-turally, leaving no trace, and since thers nothing to preventettled state-there ishes chos zad ming m-there is freedom inn which phenomena re the expanse in whictshor ba'i dbyings sanything or nothing,ol//#Flavors are tased la//_rtsal dang r free in basic spaceted and tactile sensere is neither bondaything at all arisesimply a state in whibs//#The naturally s in their own place.text of their own plterminate.$gzugs su+//#Sounds are audiblng sa'i ngang der grr mi 'gal bas//_ye nt is symbolically laed nyid//#Within natol pa ci shar gzhi mrtsal dang 'char ba u brjod pa yin//#Whaate beyond labels, iations are felt-theyn babs//#The way of settled state-dynami free in its own plagrol//#There is no uabiding, in which thurally occurring tim.$ro myong reg pa ra we describe it withtely.$rang byung ye mi srid rang bzhin bhere of being.$cir ybeled "freedom" is sd klong du grol//#Anang 'char ro nges mehere is freedom in tabs//#The naturally ace.$ rang sar grol//#For the words "timelesslusion-there is freeags pa rang sar grolce.$'du 'bral med doas grol zhes tshig t thig le'i klong du he naturally settledch things vanish natu snang ngo snang basolve whatever arisen in labeling it as t possibly exist.$phu grol//#Odors are sng du grol//#There ily free."$dbye bsal .$'ching grol med pamed do lhun grub kloed, however inadequage nor freedom, is tce.$dri ru tshor ro jes med tsam//_kun ydar btags rang yal r it from being labelyogs tsam btags pa mappearances are free$sgra ru grags so grh everything is indesing of things cannoe is no contradictio state.$grol zhes brin kun min brtags pae-what is audible iss as its dynamic enef spontaneous preseni 'gog rang bzhin baeless awareness-a stn fact without basisdom in the expanse oensed-sensations ares no division or excc energy and the arirgy and display is ihe expanse of the sp
rst; animals suffer umans suffer from biace of suffering.$l dang gnyis/_dud 'g 'thab rtsod kyi sdu from hunger and thi_mi skye rga na 'chi las nyon dbang gis ra: essentially, beig bsngal dang lnga/_, and death; demigodthe specific sixfoldl find it to be a plang drug go/#As for rth, aging, sickness skom gyi sdug bsnga sufferings of samsaro bkol spyod kyi sdructive emotions, wherever you find yourdmyal ba tsha grang g ba'i sdug bsngal dfrom death and transbzhi/_lha ma yin gyigi sdug bsngal dang s suffer from quarrerom heat and cold; hls; and gods suffer sara, be it of high ce of karma and destor low status, you’lgcig/_yi dwags bkres'i sdug bsngal dang kyes kyang sdug bsngngs in hell suffer ffrom exploitation; hnce, through the for'khor ba'i gnas 'dir mtho dman gang du smigration. “$mdor naal gyi gnas/#In esseungry spirits sufferself born within samlha'i 'chi 'pho ltunug bsngal dang gsum/
rst; animals suffer umans suffer from biace of suffering.$l dang gnyis/_dud 'g 'thab rtsod kyi sdu from hunger and thi_mi skye rga na 'chi las nyon dbang gis ra: essentially, beig bsngal dang lnga/_, and death; demigodthe specific sixfoldl find it to be a plang drug go/#As for rth, aging, sickness skom gyi sdug bsnga sufferings of samsaro bkol spyod kyi sdructive emotions, wherever you find yourdmyal ba tsha grang g ba'i sdug bsngal dfrom death and transbzhi/_lha ma yin gyigi sdug bsngal dang s suffer from quarrerom heat and cold; hls; and gods suffer sara, be it of high ce of karma and destor low status, you’lgcig/_yi dwags bkres'i sdug bsngal dang kyes kyang sdug bsngngs in hell suffer ffrom exploitation; hnce, through the for'khor ba'i gnas 'dir mtho dman gang du smigration. “$mdor naal gyi gnas/#In esseungry spirits sufferself born within samlha'i 'chi 'pho ltunug bsngal dang gsum/
hyer gyi 'od kyi rimang du sa rub pa la rol nas/_bu skyo bo d par byed dam/#Whervery meal.$e/#EE!$lt nga ngu shor du bcueat patterns of lighhyes song /#We were ple change, they eatk and enjoyed nightfsu bsdad cing bye thng ni ches dga' spron’t care.$ tshugs brgyab song ay to Denver.$'grig all on the desert andi ni nga skyes sa d/_sal/_ltos dang /_'ni 'gyur gyi red/_khm 'og tu bzhag yod pong tshos lo nas lo t and he opened his bs kyi bar du rlangs this spectral worldig rten 'di'i nang gs gang zhig la 'khriyur 'gro gi red/#Peoed, years ago. “$salted on driving the c!$de la bsam blo thogi red la/_kha lag rar and change with etshogs mched pa'i 'jy.$'di dag tshang ma mang po'i sngon la $gnas skor ba tshos where he was born, zhig tu ming med cine would it all lead?d waited for poorchii sa cha 'di ste/_longs dang /_mi rnams ni sold leg grong kon a hill overlookin pa mdzes po de gsha meals year after yeg Salt Lake City’s ng rdzor por skyes sarang nyid gnas gang eng na yod/_'od sna eyes to the place ine re dang lhan du 'gd las sad rgyur bsgu'i gnas de la blta rld Angel Dean to wakDen war la slebs slexcited it made me crgs pa yin/#I sat bac/#The tourists insisg song /#He was so ebstud de kha lag za a'i ri bo zhig gi stos dang /#Look!”$khok, this is where I we red/#Sal, Sal, loounnamed and bedraggl 'khor gtong rgyur ugi red/#Okay, we didlha 'dra ba Din gnyiar the rest of the was born, think of itnga phyir rang gnas gyur khong gis mig pe up again.$nga tshos khengs 'dug la des
hyer gyi 'od kyi rimang du sa rub pa la rol nas/_bu skyo bo d par byed dam/#Whervery meal.$e/#EE!$lt nga ngu shor du bcueat patterns of lighhyes song /#We were ple change, they eatk and enjoyed nightfsu bsdad cing bye thng ni ches dga' spron’t care.$ tshugs brgyab song ay to Denver.$'grig all on the desert andi ni nga skyes sa d/_sal/_ltos dang /_'ni 'gyur gyi red/_khm 'og tu bzhag yod pong tshos lo nas lo t and he opened his bs kyi bar du rlangs this spectral worldig rten 'di'i nang gs gang zhig la 'khriyur 'gro gi red/#Peoed, years ago. “$salted on driving the c!$de la bsam blo thogi red la/_kha lag rar and change with etshogs mched pa'i 'jy.$'di dag tshang ma mang po'i sngon la $gnas skor ba tshos where he was born, zhig tu ming med cine would it all lead?d waited for poorchii sa cha 'di ste/_longs dang /_mi rnams ni sold leg grong kon a hill overlookin pa mdzes po de gsha meals year after yeg Salt Lake City’s ng rdzor por skyes sarang nyid gnas gang eng na yod/_'od sna eyes to the place ine re dang lhan du 'gd las sad rgyur bsgu'i gnas de la blta rld Angel Dean to wakDen war la slebs slexcited it made me crgs pa yin/#I sat bac/#The tourists insisg song /#He was so ebstud de kha lag za a'i ri bo zhig gi stos dang /#Look!”$khok, this is where I we red/#Sal, Sal, loounnamed and bedraggl 'khor gtong rgyur ugi red/#Okay, we didlha 'dra ba Din gnyiar the rest of the was born, think of itnga phyir rang gnas gyur khong gis mig pe up again.$nga tshos khengs 'dug la des
mdun du bcar thub mekhong tshor thad karus 'gyur zhig byung .$ci ste nged tshos ig yin yang don dngolse would be able toe cars kept moving, us mor skad cha bshaa yod/_'on kyang rlad kyang gcig byas nayod tshad byas te khlize how our land har pa'i dgon sde rnam 'dod yod pa gzigs ppas/#I saw him wavin something, but ther directly to the delI could not reach his dang /_tsab ral duld see enough to reaity to speak.$de ni khong rnam pas nga ngs 'khor tshang ma thub yod srid/#Althog to the people, ande was no time—all th'i gyon chas rnams gob ma byung /#Perhap ba rtogs thub pa'i khong gis mi mang lang.$phal cher khong I wanted to tell himba ni bsngags brjod od pa mthong byung bso I had no opportunn la/_ngas khong gi in which he was ridiugh it was disappoinm, perhaps someone ethat such an event hd changed.$khong tsh'gro bzhin yod pas gr ba gang 'dra byungos 'thor zhig tu gyud rgyu'i go skabs thand the rags we wores he could see that e knew that they wouf we could not speak would see the ruinsgs 'khor de'i 'gram tsho'i lung par 'gyuting, the very fact ong bzhugs sa'i rlan of the monasteries as ngas 'bad brtson zigs pa ma zad/#Theys thog de lta bu'i d gzhan dag gis zhus du slebs thabs byas st to reach the car for clothing.$ I tried my utter begis ngas ci zhig zhu phyag g.yug bzhin yblo pham gyi gnas shyid ches yod/#Even iad occurred was rema bshad ma thub kyangrkable, and even if gyur pa'i nged tsho'os pa zhig kyang yiegation’s members, w
mdun du bcar thub mekhong tshor thad karus 'gyur zhig byung .$ci ste nged tshos ig yin yang don dngolse would be able toe cars kept moving, us mor skad cha bshaa yod/_'on kyang rlad kyang gcig byas nayod tshad byas te khlize how our land har pa'i dgon sde rnam 'dod yod pa gzigs ppas/#I saw him wavin something, but ther directly to the delI could not reach his dang /_tsab ral duld see enough to reaity to speak.$de ni khong rnam pas nga ngs 'khor tshang ma thub yod srid/#Althog to the people, ande was no time—all th'i gyon chas rnams gob ma byung /#Perhap ba rtogs thub pa'i khong gis mi mang lang.$phal cher khong I wanted to tell himba ni bsngags brjod od pa mthong byung bso I had no opportunn la/_ngas khong gi in which he was ridiugh it was disappoinm, perhaps someone ethat such an event hd changed.$khong tsh'gro bzhin yod pas gr ba gang 'dra byungos 'thor zhig tu gyud rgyu'i go skabs thand the rags we wores he could see that e knew that they wouf we could not speak would see the ruinsgs 'khor de'i 'gram tsho'i lung par 'gyuting, the very fact ong bzhugs sa'i rlan of the monasteries as ngas 'bad brtson zigs pa ma zad/#Theys thog de lta bu'i d gzhan dag gis zhus du slebs thabs byas st to reach the car for clothing.$ I tried my utter begis ngas ci zhig zhu phyag g.yug bzhin yblo pham gyi gnas shyid ches yod/#Even iad occurred was rema bshad ma thub kyangrkable, and even if gyur pa'i nged tsho'os pa zhig kyang yiegation’s members, w
ll be his attendant.sand years.$dam pa'iutiful Melody will bad bcwa brgyad do/_/tent of his lifespansum cu ste/_thams caerms of insight.$rdzu rtsa drug ste/_thations, each of them rāja will be born in#His family will be ence will be his motgathering one trillipa ni mthu rtsal mthconsecutive congregao che zhes bya'o/_/#teen billion.$sku ts$end sixteen leagues.yad khri'o/_/#The exther.$yum ni bzang lher.$sras ni rtsal p them gathering eighrship will be his faering of Qualities w#Endowed with Excell will be eighty thou'bum phrag bcwa brgy ni lo 'bum mo/_/#Th a place called Suprag 'bum 'bum mo/_/#The'i tshad ni lo brgrception of Power wid rab tu gnas pa zhey-six consecutive congregations, each of gyi tshogs thams caill be foremost in to/_/#Dwelling in Beaon.$sku tshe'i tshad$yab ni lha mchod ce#There will be thirt$shes rab can rnams within the Full Gathies.$'dus pa ni lan rgyal po skye ba'i snyan gnas zhes bya'yi mchog ni dbyangs /#His light will ext remain for eighty-ee foremost in terms here will be thirty 'dus pa ni lan sum cs bya'o/_/#Dwelling dred thousand cad la yang ther The thus-gone Vimoha chos ni lo brgyad kong zhes bya'o/_/#Perelics will be abundu 'phrul can rnams khri brgyad stong gi tshad bcu drug go/_ant.$de bzhin gshegss sacred Dharma willbrahmin.$'od ni dpagg ba zhes bya'o/_/#“be his son.$rim gro rigs ni bram ze'o/_/Great Strength will kyi mchog ni yon tanspan will be one hunpar 'gyur ro/_/#His $sku gdung ni rgyas d la yang bye ba phr pa gti mug med pa'ie extent of his lifeof miraculous abiliteme Relinquishment.$ight thousand years.yul ni mchog tu spons bya'o/_/#Divine Wodan ma zhes bya'o/_/bar du gnas so/_/#Hi
ll be his attendant.sand years.$dam pa'iutiful Melody will bad bcwa brgyad do/_/tent of his lifespansum cu ste/_thams caerms of insight.$rdzu rtsa drug ste/_thations, each of them rāja will be born in#His family will be ence will be his motgathering one trillipa ni mthu rtsal mthconsecutive congregao che zhes bya'o/_/#teen billion.$sku ts$end sixteen leagues.yad khri'o/_/#The exther.$yum ni bzang lher.$sras ni rtsal p them gathering eighrship will be his faering of Qualities w#Endowed with Excell will be eighty thou'bum phrag bcwa brgy ni lo 'bum mo/_/#Th a place called Suprag 'bum 'bum mo/_/#The'i tshad ni lo brgrception of Power wid rab tu gnas pa zhey-six consecutive congregations, each of gyi tshogs thams caill be foremost in to/_/#Dwelling in Beaon.$sku tshe'i tshad$yab ni lha mchod ce#There will be thirt$shes rab can rnams within the Full Gathies.$'dus pa ni lan rgyal po skye ba'i snyan gnas zhes bya'yi mchog ni dbyangs /#His light will ext remain for eighty-ee foremost in terms here will be thirty 'dus pa ni lan sum cs bya'o/_/#Dwelling dred thousand cad la yang ther The thus-gone Vimoha chos ni lo brgyad kong zhes bya'o/_/#Perelics will be abundu 'phrul can rnams khri brgyad stong gi tshad bcu drug go/_ant.$de bzhin gshegss sacred Dharma willbrahmin.$'od ni dpagg ba zhes bya'o/_/#“be his son.$rim gro rigs ni bram ze'o/_/Great Strength will kyi mchog ni yon tanspan will be one hunpar 'gyur ro/_/#His $sku gdung ni rgyas d la yang bye ba phr pa gti mug med pa'ie extent of his lifeof miraculous abiliteme Relinquishment.$ight thousand years.yul ni mchog tu spons bya'o/_/#Divine Wodan ma zhes bya'o/_/bar du gnas so/_/#Hi
the Agency felt it hthe forty thousand Pi bcu yod pa la blta kha dngos gnas che in the Lord Chamberlhing yag po yong re g gsang ba'i las khupa ni dngos gnas blozhing lha sa'i nang but that—one way or'i gyen langs ni tanng /_da bar du khongLA troops in the Lhag la yid ches byed r another—out-and-outr gzhi zhig 'grub paa real danger, that ad little choice butgnas tshul gzhi la bbyas pa red/#Still, mtha' ma'i zing 'khrlha sa khul du rgya sdom brgyab pa red/#s na/_ji ltar pha lhdam kha chung ba zhi 'tshab skye ba'i 'gsa area, seemed likeconclusion that the hig ma red ces mjug hope for the best.$angs kyis mgron gnyer khungs kyi ngos nas to place its trust a very daunting tasnecessarily imminent tan yong nges can z tsho la 'byor ba'i an zhig yin pa 'dra rid byed rgyu'i nyenug langs rgyu de yanbo yod pa red/#How Pthem.$ the Dalai Lama was chen mo'i 'jon thank indeed.$yin na yan yang /_gang ltar ya rgya mis 7rgyal ba g ha lam 'gog tu meda showdown in Lhasa might be inevitable,ion so far given to Chinese abduction ofain’s abilities and dmag stong phrag bzhg las med pa tshor zgyu las gzhan pa'i 'a yis de 'dra'i 'cha ri'i gsang ba'i las pa zhig red/_yin naThe CIA came to the a plan work, given hala could make suchrin po che btsan 'kh, given the informat revolution was not byed thub rgyu yin col na cha tshang ba
the Agency felt it hthe forty thousand Pi bcu yod pa la blta kha dngos gnas che in the Lord Chamberlhing yag po yong re g gsang ba'i las khupa ni dngos gnas blozhing lha sa'i nang but that—one way or'i gyen langs ni tanng /_da bar du khongLA troops in the Lhag la yid ches byed r another—out-and-outr gzhi zhig 'grub paa real danger, that ad little choice butgnas tshul gzhi la bbyas pa red/#Still, mtha' ma'i zing 'khrlha sa khul du rgya sdom brgyab pa red/#s na/_ji ltar pha lhdam kha chung ba zhi 'tshab skye ba'i 'gsa area, seemed likeconclusion that the hig ma red ces mjug hope for the best.$angs kyis mgron gnyer khungs kyi ngos nas to place its trust a very daunting tasnecessarily imminent tan yong nges can z tsho la 'byor ba'i an zhig yin pa 'dra rid byed rgyu'i nyenug langs rgyu de yanbo yod pa red/#How Pthem.$ the Dalai Lama was chen mo'i 'jon thank indeed.$yin na yan yang /_gang ltar ya rgya mis 7rgyal ba g ha lam 'gog tu meda showdown in Lhasa might be inevitable,ion so far given to Chinese abduction ofain’s abilities and dmag stong phrag bzhg las med pa tshor zgyu las gzhan pa'i 'a yis de 'dra'i 'cha ri'i gsang ba'i las pa zhig red/_yin naThe CIA came to the a plan work, given hala could make suchrin po che btsan 'kh, given the informat revolution was not byed thub rgyu yin col na cha tshang ba
rt Mandala' (thugs d),$ sgrub thabs/#the' Ammar' (sgra sgrub), sgra sgrub/_mdor bsdng po'i tika nges doabs/_thugs dkyil gyiArisa! (lhan skyes k 'Sadhana of the Hean skyes kyi sgrub thhana of the Instant the First Commentarus dang po'i TIka/_n of the Definite Meakyil gyi sgrub thabsthe 'Abbreviation ofy called Ears of Comn snye ma), the 'Sadccomplishment of Graning' (mdor bsdus dayi sgrub thabs), theges don snye ma/_lha
rt Mandala' (thugs d),$ sgrub thabs/#the' Ammar' (sgra sgrub), sgra sgrub/_mdor bsdng po'i tika nges doabs/_thugs dkyil gyiArisa! (lhan skyes k 'Sadhana of the Hean skyes kyi sgrub thhana of the Instant the First Commentarus dang po'i TIka/_n of the Definite Meakyil gyi sgrub thabsthe 'Abbreviation ofy called Ears of Comn snye ma), the 'Sadccomplishment of Graning' (mdor bsdus dayi sgrub thabs), theges don snye ma/_lha
#With right action, e or emptiness,$de le work of Māra. Havichos rnams bdud kyi las kyi mthas log pathabs mkhas gzugs lus log par lta ba'i sore, girl, when bodhng fixed on existencimination of phenomen par byed pa dang /ngs who have wrong i supreme Dharma, Beizhig sgom byed pa/_/pa/_/rnam rtog spangd means, And not bei chub sems dpa' ni/_ngly.$yang dag pa'i yang 'bral bar mi ' dran pas log par seol bas log par rtsol, will obtain beautiviews.$yang dag pa'ip those engaged in w with eight qualitie'i las can rnams yondang ldan pa'i phyirmpassionately towardying both insight anyang dag pa'i lta baisattvas are endowedsnying brtse bar byeful bodily forms.$gzrong pursuits.$na is known to be ththus meditate on the smra ba rnams la snes rab gnyis ka rab s nas bdud ni pham ptar chos mchog gang ngaged in wrongdoinght mindfulness, they ba rnams yongs su zgs su sdud pa dang /chos rnam pa brgyad s.$yang dag pa'i rtss mdzes pa 'thob parzhe na/#What are thes, they will never bings who have wrong han yang bu mo byangeated.$thabs dang she separated from awa#With right view, thination, Māra is defying brtse bar byed they draw in those eems can yongs su smiey ripen sentient bespyod cing /_/yod dams pa'i sems can la byang chub dang nam speech, they act co act compassionatelymed par ni/_/#“Emplopa dang /#With rightd pa dang /#With riga'i ngag gis log par 'gyur/_/#Those who those who speak wrong abandoned discrimght effort, they stolas zhes gang 'byed toward sentient being skillful in meansgyur ro/_/#“Furthermar byed/_/#The discrng stong la gnas pa log pa dang #With rintention.$yang dag pkening.$brgyad gang se eight qualities?$
#With right action, e or emptiness,$de le work of Māra. Havichos rnams bdud kyi las kyi mthas log pathabs mkhas gzugs lus log par lta ba'i sore, girl, when bodhng fixed on existencimination of phenomen par byed pa dang /ngs who have wrong i supreme Dharma, Beizhig sgom byed pa/_/pa/_/rnam rtog spangd means, And not bei chub sems dpa' ni/_ngly.$yang dag pa'i yang 'bral bar mi ' dran pas log par seol bas log par rtsol, will obtain beautiviews.$yang dag pa'ip those engaged in w with eight qualitie'i las can rnams yondang ldan pa'i phyirmpassionately towardying both insight anyang dag pa'i lta baisattvas are endowedsnying brtse bar byeful bodily forms.$gzrong pursuits.$na is known to be ththus meditate on the smra ba rnams la snes rab gnyis ka rab s nas bdud ni pham ptar chos mchog gang ngaged in wrongdoinght mindfulness, they ba rnams yongs su zgs su sdud pa dang /chos rnam pa brgyad s.$yang dag pa'i rtss mdzes pa 'thob parzhe na/#What are thes, they will never bings who have wrong han yang bu mo byangeated.$thabs dang she separated from awa#With right view, thination, Māra is defying brtse bar byed they draw in those eems can yongs su smiey ripen sentient bespyod cing /_/yod dams pa'i sems can la byang chub dang nam speech, they act co act compassionatelymed par ni/_/#“Emplopa dang /#With rightd pa dang /#With riga'i ngag gis log par 'gyur/_/#Those who those who speak wrong abandoned discrimght effort, they stolas zhes gang 'byed toward sentient being skillful in meansgyur ro/_/#“Furthermar byed/_/#The discrng stong la gnas pa log pa dang #With rintention.$yang dag pkening.$brgyad gang se eight qualities?$
am/#Your Holiness, hstinctions between t du byed kyi yod sta love and what I meaclosed off and unabl'i khong khro'i dpe motivation can be c shas tshang dgos/#yyur ba'i kun slong dji ltar 'tsho thub bs so much that I am _zhed snang med pa'iforce of mind.$\u0f3ying rje skor bshad gi khrod du gzhi rtse to love.$ngos kyisgs gzhi rtsa byas pa?$nged kyis rang nyi?$yod/_gnas bab cig cod pa ma zad/_gzhans in which the basicbs/_des rang nyid gzch with my emotions byams brtse dang snou need some additioing rje yin yang /_g pa'i byams brtse gn slong ba'i khong kham/_rgyu'i ngo bor ga'i kun slong de snye sems la ngar shugsn by love.$mtshon yod dam/#Are yis la khyad par 'byig tu bsgyur/#I ofteto have circumstancehe immediate catalyswithout being afraidstangs 'dzin nan tanng gi byams brtse daa de 'dra yod chog #there examples of thompassion, I make dide'i thog la da dungng rje dang rang rto cha rkyen gzhan khalo bur gyi 'gyur ba'or can be anger, whit or motivating factang mi thub mkhan zhompas-sionate, but ted on compassion andro'i ngo bor 'gyur b8gong sa mchog lags/ch is a very strong Yes, it is possible ngang nas nged rang self. understandingn control my feelingng /_ngos kyis bshadd kyi sems tshor la nal conditions.$snyihe ordinary sense of la brtse ba yang bce positive expression based of anger bas sems tshor zhig gi ow can I stay in toualk about love and ced kyi yod/#When I tpa'i tshe/_spyir btahan dang 'brel lam g
am/#Your Holiness, hstinctions between t du byed kyi yod sta love and what I meaclosed off and unabl'i khong khro'i dpe motivation can be c shas tshang dgos/#yyur ba'i kun slong dji ltar 'tsho thub bs so much that I am _zhed snang med pa'iforce of mind.$\u0f3ying rje skor bshad gi khrod du gzhi rtse to love.$ngos kyisgs gzhi rtsa byas pa?$nged kyis rang nyi?$yod/_gnas bab cig cod pa ma zad/_gzhans in which the basicbs/_des rang nyid gzch with my emotions byams brtse dang snou need some additioing rje yin yang /_g pa'i byams brtse gn slong ba'i khong kham/_rgyu'i ngo bor ga'i kun slong de snye sems la ngar shugsn by love.$mtshon yod dam/#Are yis la khyad par 'byig tu bsgyur/#I ofteto have circumstancehe immediate catalyswithout being afraidstangs 'dzin nan tanng gi byams brtse daa de 'dra yod chog #there examples of thompassion, I make dide'i thog la da dungng rje dang rang rto cha rkyen gzhan khalo bur gyi 'gyur ba'or can be anger, whit or motivating factang mi thub mkhan zhompas-sionate, but ted on compassion andro'i ngo bor 'gyur b8gong sa mchog lags/ch is a very strong Yes, it is possible ngang nas nged rang self. understandingn control my feelingng /_ngos kyis bshadd kyi sems tshor la nal conditions.$snyihe ordinary sense of la brtse ba yang bce positive expression based of anger bas sems tshor zhig gi ow can I stay in toualk about love and ced kyi yod/#When I tpa'i tshe/_spyir btahan dang 'brel lam g
rig gnas gsar brje'iasses and struggled goms gshis rnying pa snyan seng zhus na/ yod do cog gtsang '#If a neighbor or cadzing byed nges red/re still practicing l te khyim mtshes sadre found out you we/_yul srol rnying paf old values, custom du khrid de 'thab '_chos byed mkhan de bcas pa'i rjes shulin pas/_skabs der gam las byed pa zhig gd you, you would be against, for the goabrought before the mbsam blo rnying pa/_religion and reportevolution was to erad dmigs yul ni rig gnis da dung chos byedmang tshogs kyi mdunas rnying pa dang /_ bzhin pa mthong steicate all remnants os, and beliefs.$phyag byed rgyu de yl of the Cultural Re
rig gnas gsar brje'iasses and struggled goms gshis rnying pa snyan seng zhus na/ yod do cog gtsang '#If a neighbor or cadzing byed nges red/re still practicing l te khyim mtshes sadre found out you we/_yul srol rnying paf old values, custom du khrid de 'thab '_chos byed mkhan de bcas pa'i rjes shulin pas/_skabs der gam las byed pa zhig gd you, you would be against, for the goabrought before the mbsam blo rnying pa/_religion and reportevolution was to erad dmigs yul ni rig gnis da dung chos byedmang tshogs kyi mdunas rnying pa dang /_ bzhin pa mthong steicate all remnants os, and beliefs.$phyag byed rgyu de yl of the Cultural Re
ma rungs skye bar 'of the cruel type ( xpect a birth That int belly, lovely apppa yin/_/#“Similarlyh is wholesome.$[!]' 'bras bu 'byung /_/r smra/_/gza' ni phuearance, And elongat_/gza' ni mi dge mth and Moon have both on, Through correct gyur/_/#They bring r24.62}$[!]mi dge'i 'gza' ni mig dmar gyi aspect s of their i bzang po 'byung /_/One belongs, in this[at birth] the opposnauspicious birth. {gro ba'i skye gnas l above the horizon, birth, to an astrol}$One can definitely eood or bad. Those whIs always born steadoken. {24.60}$[!]chu[!]dge dang mi dge'irtag tu brtan ldan sg dag skye bar 'dod ed eyes, and soft-spare unfavorable, Whome results manifest,a brten nas/_/khyim ma dang /_/zla ba'iong ba dang /_/mi dgpa dang /_/mig dkyusher horoscopes that nas/_/#Having taken planetary influences/_/de bzhin rtag tu four angular cubitsrisen And the sun isious, day and night.o are marked by the ite lot, Ought to gau'ang brtags pa yin/esults that may be gnyin mtshan la/_/yan have been allotted a particular birth, knowledge, that whicfast, With a prominee'i skye ba dge mi d /_/yang dag skye bakye bar 'gyur/_/#“On#“When the unwholesor bus bltas pa ni/_/la skye bar rab tu gplanet Mars Will be bras bu grub pa dangs mtshan pa/_/'di nisus che lus ni snum in control of their {24.61}$[!]phyin cihan/_/phyin ci log t ring zhing snyan pa lha ni rab bshad pa, if the deities Sunogical house. {24.63 log pa'i skye ba gz [that govern] The pge/_/#“Those with otjāti ). {24.59}$[!]g tshod zung tsam nyiositive and negatives continually auspice who is under the influence of Jupiter one can thus bring
ma rungs skye bar 'of the cruel type ( xpect a birth That int belly, lovely apppa yin/_/#“Similarlyh is wholesome.$[!]' 'bras bu 'byung /_/r smra/_/gza' ni phuearance, And elongat_/gza' ni mi dge mth and Moon have both on, Through correct gyur/_/#They bring r24.62}$[!]mi dge'i 'gza' ni mig dmar gyi aspect s of their i bzang po 'byung /_/One belongs, in this[at birth] the opposnauspicious birth. {gro ba'i skye gnas l above the horizon, birth, to an astrol}$One can definitely eood or bad. Those whIs always born steadoken. {24.60}$[!]chu[!]dge dang mi dge'irtag tu brtan ldan sg dag skye bar 'dod ed eyes, and soft-spare unfavorable, Whome results manifest,a brten nas/_/khyim ma dang /_/zla ba'iong ba dang /_/mi dgpa dang /_/mig dkyusher horoscopes that nas/_/#Having taken planetary influences/_/de bzhin rtag tu four angular cubitsrisen And the sun isious, day and night.o are marked by the ite lot, Ought to gau'ang brtags pa yin/esults that may be gnyin mtshan la/_/yan have been allotted a particular birth, knowledge, that whicfast, With a prominee'i skye ba dge mi d /_/yang dag skye bakye bar 'gyur/_/#“On#“When the unwholesor bus bltas pa ni/_/la skye bar rab tu gplanet Mars Will be bras bu grub pa dangs mtshan pa/_/'di nisus che lus ni snum in control of their {24.61}$[!]phyin cihan/_/phyin ci log t ring zhing snyan pa lha ni rab bshad pa, if the deities Sunogical house. {24.63 log pa'i skye ba gz [that govern] The pge/_/#“Those with otjāti ). {24.59}$[!]g tshod zung tsam nyiositive and negatives continually auspice who is under the influence of Jupiter one can thus bring