what causes a power surge in your home how can you fix it
[ "Supressing the Surge In in some cases, if your home is near a large factory and you share the same transformer or electrical system, even simply powering heavy machinery on or off could cause a surge. A power surge can reach your home, fry your circuit breakers and spread to your outlets. If a device or appliance is plugged in, it may not survive the sudden surge of electricity. So what can you do to make sure your electronics survive an electrical surge? Start with surge protectors, both large and small.", "Electrical Power Surges There are many reasons why these surges occur. One of the reasons is lightning which can cause a power surge by increasing electrical pressure by millions of volts. Many electrical devices like air conditioners and elevators that draw a lot of power to switch on and off can also cause power surges. Other factors that can cause a surge may include downed power lines, problem with the wiring, and faulty equipment from the utility company.", "Are Power Surges Damaging Your Electronics? And if the power surge is created by a lightning strike or power fluctuation on the utility lines, the service entrance surge protection device can reduce the power surge to a lower level before it gets to the point-of-use surge protection device." ]
[ "Do Whole-House Surge Protectors Really Work? The problem with whole-house surge protectors: High VPRs. Because whole-home surge protectors are often designed with very high VPRs, they often let through smaller (but still dangerous) surges that can harm sensitive electronics. You see, whole-home surge protectors are like bouncers. They monitor the amount of electricity entering your home and turn away any “overflow” voltage that might cause harm. But most whole-home surge protectors won’t snap into bouncer-mode until it encounters ...", "Electrical Bill Woes Excluding the obvious change of seasons, here are the top 5 common causes: 1.) Faulty equipment: The two biggest electrical loads in most households are the A/C system and the hot water heater. An unusually high bill may be indicative to a problem with either of them.", "How much does rewiring a house cost? Calling an electrician may not be the first thing that pops up in your mind when cleaning up after annoying critters, but there is good reason it should. Rats, mice, and other vermin raise your risk of a structural fire by gnawing and chewing on the wiring of your home. And pests aren’t the only cause of wire damage. Sometimes time simply wears them down. Regardless of the cause, wire damage can be a big problem. Not only can it raise your power bill and make appliances act up—it can also lead to dangerous conditions such as fire or electrical shock.", "Troubleshooting Electrical Problems Common Electrical Problems. How to check circuit breakers and fuses; Radio & TV interference; Power Disturbances. There are many different sources of power disturbances - some you can prevent and solve yourself and some you cannot. This page outlines the most common disturbances and offers solutions. The surprising nature of many electrical disturbances.", "Why You Need a Whole House Power Surge Protector Luckily, there’s an easy and affordable way to avoid these kinds of losses — and it all starts with a whole house surge protector. Learn more about power surges and how whole house surge protectors can help protect your home and valuables below. What Are Power Surges? We’ve all experienced a power surge in our homes or somewhere else — but what exactly are power surges? And what causes them? Put simply, a power surge is a spike in an electrical current.", "Avoiding Electric Shocks 1 DC voltage: This type of voltage is on constantly and causes your muscles to contract and seize up quickly (including your heart muscle). 2 If you grab an electrical device in conditions that cause your body to conduct DC voltage, your hands could become frozen (unable to let go of the device), and your heart could stop.oth AC (alternating current, such as the power from your wall outlet) and DC (direct current, such as from a battery) voltage can damage you in different ways: 1 AC voltage: This type of voltage regularly reverses direction.", "- A lower power factor percentage will result in an increase to your monthly demand charges. Examples of equipment that can cause these charges include motors, fluorescent lights and induction furnaces. You can reduce this charge by turning off unused motors and other equipment and by installing capacitors.", "Avoid Power Surge Damage: 4 Things to Know About Energy Surges and Appliances Here’s what you need to know about power surge damage in your Port Charlotte home, and how to avoid it. Extra Voltage Issues. The wires in your home can carry 110 volts or 220 volts, and the people who design electronics and home", "How to Find & Fix a Roof Leak Roof Leak Emergency. Fast Fix for a Roof Leak. About Do-It-Yourself Roof Repair. Expert advice on how to find, troubleshoot and fix a roof leak, including what to do in a roof leak emergency. The source of most roof leaks is hard to find because it originates away from where the leak shows up.In order to find the source of a leak, follow a roofer’s advice and “think like water.”.ere is how to make an emergency cover for your leaking roof from plastic sheeting and 2 by 4s: 1 Partially unroll or unfold enough heavy (6-mil) polyethylene sheeting to cover the leaking section of roof, from eaves to peak; add about 4 feet extra, and cut it with a utility knife.", "- Light Fixture Wiring Repair. Wiring is a straightforward issue but one which must be approached carefully. If a wire has become loose on a lamp’s switch, for example, a few turns of a screwdriver can often fix the problem, but even tiny loose strands of wire can cause dangerous short circuits and even fire hazards.", "Troubleshooting Electrical Problems Sags, dips and outages. Sags and dips are brief periods of low voltage. Outages (or blackouts) are periods when there is no electric power. These can last from less than a second to minutes or even longer. While sags and dips can be caused when an electrical device draws power as it is turned on, outages are usually caused by severe weather, accidental damage to your power company equipment or electrical short circuits created inside your home.", "How often do you replace the Surge Protectors in your home? It could be the outlet itself. Try plugging th surge into a different outlet and see if you get the same result or try a different surge. Don't plug any of the devices directly into the wall outlet cause that may be the issue. lauren · 3 months ago.", "- Getting Started. 1 1. Purchase a circuit tester at a local home repair store. 2 2. Test the outlets of your home. 3 3. Turn off the power at the main electrical box. 4. Remove the cover plate of the 1 outlet. 5. Check your local wiring codes and schedule inspections.", "HOME CLINIC; How to Quiet Down Those Noisy Valves In a faucet, the condition is often caused by a distorted washer or a loose screw at the base. To make repairs, close off the water supply by turning the nearby shutoff valve or closing the main valve near the water meter. To close valves, turn them clockwise. Next drain the faucet by opening the spigot.", "8 Signs You May Have a Problem with Your Electrical Wiring Only you can prevent house fires — or at least greatly lower the risk by keeping an eye out for these warning signs of trouble. (Photo: Thomas Skjaeveland/Shutterstock) Electrical malfunctions cause more than 50,000 house fires each year, according to Electrical Safety Foundation International. The majority can be prevented. To protect your own home, start by checking your fuse box or breaker panel for the date of your last inspection.", "What Is an Electrical Power Surge? A power surge can occur for several reasons. For example, high-power electrical devices can create a spike in the electrical current when they're switched on or when their motors kick on. Refrigerators, air conditioners and even space heaters can cause a power surge strong enough to damage electrical systems.", "- When a surge moves through the electrical circuit in a house or building, the surge protector diverts the energy away from connected electronic devices. It’s important to understand that not all power strips offer surge protection.", "11 Shocking Home Electrical Safety Tips Sure, sometimes the breaker itself is to blame, and in some cases there may just be too large an electrical load operating on that circuit. But it's more likely that the breaker is tripping because there's a severe electrical problem. Keep pressing that breaker, and you're likely to cause a fire.", "Carbon dioxide controls Earth's temperature In the labs we did in class we usually used a battery as a power source, a piece of copper wire as a conducting path and a light bulb as a load. To make a more complicated circuits, like the one in your home, you must use a switch. A switch allows you to control the flow of current in an electrical circuit. These allow you to control the power in your home. Think of a light switch.", "How to Fix Leaks in a Corrugated Metal Roof The individual panels are attached to wood or metal trusses with steel nails or screws that can rust and cause leaks. Strong winds can separate the overlapping edges of the panels and allow the roof to leak. Fixing leaks in a corrugated metal roof starts with locating the source of the leaks. Use a piece of similar-style corrugated roofing to patch holes. 2 Cut the piece large enough to cover the hole and 6 inches of the surrounding roofing each way, using sheet metal cutters.", "What Are the Signs of Home Electrical Problems? Working inside an electrical panel requires skill. Even with the main breaker shut off, electrical power is still entering the panel. Leave this type of work to an experienced professional. Never replace a circuit breaker or fuse with a higher rated one because this can cause overheating and fire.", "What Are the Signs of Home Electrical Problems? You may be able to troubleshoot some of these electrical issues yourself, but be cautious when working with electricity. Many problems need diagnosis and repair from a professional electrician. Learn the warning signs of home electrical problems.", "How To Repair a Faucet Most likely, however, your noisy faucet is caused by a washer that is either the wrong size or is not held securely to the stem. Turn off the water supply before starting on this or any other faucet repair job. Replacing the washer or tightening it should eliminate the noise. If the faucet still makes noise, check the washer seat. The seat can become partially closed with residue, and the restricted water flow can cause whistling or chattering. If this is the case, clean the seat.", "Power Surge Protection for Your Whole House Electrical surges cannot be stopped by a simple surge strip bought at a discount store, which is not designed to stop the electrical surges that occur within the home daily. The surge strip can be a means of secondary protection, but should never be the sole and primary source of protection for surges.”.", "- For 100 years, we have known how surge damage is averted. The protector is connection short to earth AND the protector survives even direct lightning strikes. But after 100 years, some manufacturers can still sell a box that magically stops what three miles of sky could not.e just finished putting together our home theater with new LCD TV, receiver, surround sound, DVD, and cable hook-up. We are looking for a surge protector to especially protect the new TV.", "Fire causes This fact sheet takes a look at a variety of statistics from NFPA reports for 2015, including the numbers of fires, home structure fires and major causes of fire. In This Section. Appliances & equipment Cooking; heating; washing machines & dryers; air conditioners and fans; and more.", "- Any number of things can cause a power outage during the winter months. Most probably it is weather-related. If it is caused by the weather, the outage could be wide-spread or it could be localized. First check to make sure you have not blown a circuit. Check the circuit breakers in your home's electrical panel. If you do not disconnect from the power grid, you can be sending electricity back down the lines; not just to your home. 2 That could be deadly for power company workers. 3 If you have a regular wood stove or fireplace, you can use it for heat.", "- Those in red usually require a service call. 1 Severe thunderstorm. 2 Low voltage to the house as in a brown-out. 3 Weak compressor. 4 Under-sized breaker or wire. 5 Defective breaker. 6 Loose breaker. 7 Loose electrical connection. 8 Weak capacitor. 9 Locked up motor or compressor.", "What causes the loud banging noise in my home's pipes? Another approach is to use a spiral of copper pipe. There are other options if this is a common occurrence throughout the plumbing system. You can also install a pressure-reducing valve on the water supply line for the house if the water pressure is very high (which may occur in low-lying areas).", "- Electrical Work & Repair Costs The electrical power that courses through your home is like your house's life blood. Ceiling fans, computer networks, lights, and perhaps even your heating and cooling rely on electricity to function." ]
[ 14.5390625, 13.4140625, 12.0546875 ]
[ 11.140625, 4.9296875, 5.7109375, 7.76171875, 12.078125, 5.2578125, 5.6484375, 11.5625, 0.9912109375, 5.328125, 10.453125, 9.046875, 7.6484375, 1.55859375, 6.86328125, 13.0625, 10.09375, 7.671875, 5.01953125, 1.220703125, 9.1875, 6.85546875, 2.427734375, 10.6953125, 6.75390625, 2.50390625, 7.36328125, 5.87109375, 2.13671875, 5.859375 ]
what does it mean when my stool is green?
[ "What Does Green Poop Mean And Should I Be Worried? As digested matter and waste move through the colon it will turn from green to yellow and eventually to brown – which is the normal color for a stool. So, green poop can mean your stool has moved through your system too quickly for the bile to change it from green to brown. In medical circles this is often referred to as ‘rapid transit time’. That’s why diarrhea can look green because it goes through your digestive far more quickly than a normal stool.", "- 1. Green Foods. Green poop can simply result from consuming meals with green vegetables, like spinach, kale, broccoli, Swiss chard, bok choy, beet greens, arugula, and watercress. It’s doesn’t mean there’s something wrong. Dark green, leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their color." ]
[ "- If you have a green stool, ask yourself if you’ve eaten anything with green food dye in it lately. If you have not, recall that green is a combination of yellow and blue. Copper green poop can be generated by the regular consumption, over a few days, of Metamucil and blue Gatorade. Don’t ask me how I know that.", "What Causes Green Diarrhea and What to Do About It Updated October 14, 2016. Don't panic if you have the occasional green stool (green poop). In most cases, there is a reasonable explanation for a green bowel movement that doesn't involve a health problem. A green poop could still be within the range for what is considered to be a normal stool.", "Green Poop - Causes And Treatment There are many possible green poop causes. In the vast majority of cases it’s caused by consuming a lot of chlorophyll (a green pigment found in most plants). Vegetables that are rich in iron such as spinach and broccoli can also cause your stool to turn green.", "- Green stool is a condition in which the feces have a green coloring or tint. Green stool may be normal in some cases, such as in breast-fed infants. Green stool can also be caused by taking iron supplements or eating certain foods such as green leafy vegetables. Green stool can also indicate a problem with food digestion due to a disease, disorder or other abnormal process.", "Why is my poop green? Stool colors explained Because bacteria influence the normal color of poop, a change in bacteria may mean a change in stool color, often to green. Certain medical procedures - for instance, if a bone marrow transplant is rejected, it can cause graft versus host disease. One of the consequences of this condition is diarrhea and green stool.", "Stool color: When to worry Stool comes in a range of colors. All shades of brown and even green are considered normal. Only rarely does stool color indicate a potentially serious intestinal condition.Stool color is generally influenced by what you eat as well as by the amount of bile — a yellow-green fluid that digests fats — in your stool.As bile pigments travel through your gastrointestinal tract, they are chemically altered by enzymes — changing the pigments from green to brown.reen leafy vegetables, green food coloring, such as in flavored drink mixes or ice pops, iron supplements. Light-colored, white or clay-colored. A lack of bile in stool. This may indicate a bile duct obstruction.", "What are Some Causes of Green Stool? Green is not uncommon and may be the result of too much or too little bile or food moving through the intestines too fast. Diet can also effect stool color. Green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli can cause green stool, and foods containing green food coloring can yield the same result. Just as often though, other food colors can have the same impact. Purple drinks are a particular culprit, especially in young children. Some dietary supplements, especially iron, can also cause green stool.", "Mucus Color.com One of the most common causes for green mucus in stool is a very common disorder of the intestine known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). WebMD explains that IBS is essentially a generalized condition of bowel disorder that has varying symptoms that can range from mild to severe and differ from person to person.", "How Do I Know if I am Having a Normal Bowel Movement? Abnormal stool colors: Greenish stool can mean you are passing food too quickly through the colon (diarrhea is often greenish). A good healthy raw diet that consists of green leafy vegetables can yield a greenish stool and this is considered normal. Yellowish stool indicates movement through the colon too quickly. Grey and pale colored stool could be undigested fats in the stool, especially if the stool is greasy and floats. An excessive use of antacids, Rolaids or Tums that contain aluminum hydroxide can change the color of your stool.", "What Does Green Poop Mean And Should I Be Worried? It turns out these foods contain a green pigment called chlorophyll that dyes your stool. What’s more, processed foods, sweets and soda drinks contain artificial colorings and dyes and if you eat a lot of these they can also stain your stool green.", "Green Poop - Causes And Treatment In rare cases a green stool may be an indication of a more serious ailment such as salmonella poisoning. Salmonella is a bacteria that is normally found in unprocessed dairy products or dairy products that are no longer fresh.", "What Causes Green Stool? Green colored stool can be caused by eating foods that are tainted with bacteria, most commonly e-coli. Normally the food and waste will pass quickly, at times just a couple hours after consuming the bad food. It is likely that your bowel movements will contain light green stool or dark green stool.", "What Does Green Poop Mean? Well, green colored poop could be caused by a number of different things. The most common causes tend to be from things that have either been eaten or drank. Usually eating a large number of dark, leafy greens, such as spinach or collard greens, will cause a person’s feces, or poop, to change to a greenish color.o, when asked, “what does green poop mean?” The answer is, generally, the offending green color will go away on its own with minimal intervention. However, should the unusual green color continue for longer than a few days or returns frequently, a visit to the doctor should be strongly considered.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Light Green Urine Causes Maybe the urine: Green is a normal color for stool (only black, red, and white are worrisome). As to green urine it depends on your definition of green. Generally only red and dark orange (can indicate bile in the urine) are abnormal. ...Read more", "- Stool comes in a range of colors. All shades of brown and even green are considered normal. Only rarely does stool color indicate a potentially serious intestinal condition. Stool color is generally influenced by what you eat as well as by the amount of bile — a yellow-green fluid that digests fats — in your stool.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Light Green Urine Causes Get help from a doctor now ›. Maybe the urine: Green is a normal color for stool (only black, red, and white are worrisome). As to green urine it depends on your definition of green. Generally only red and dark orange (can indicate bile in the urine) are abnormal.", "Dark Green Stool Digestive problems may cause green stool. If a body is not properly digesting the food correctly, the food particles will not be absorbed into the intestines, leaving colored stools. Bile salts that are not properly processed through the intestines can also cause dark green stools.", "What is Your Green Poop Telling You? Foods that may make your poop green. Other things that can cause green stools are food dyes, antibiotics, and iron supplements. Green poop tied to poor digestion. If you aren’t powering down the green foods or iron supplements, green poop may signal that you’re processing your food too fast and having issues with malabsorption.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Blueberries Cause Green Stool Green stool can occur due to a normal or benign condition and not be a cause for concern. For example, you may produce green stool after consuming certain iron-rich foods or iron supplements, leafy green vegetables, or products with green food coloring.", "11 Reasons Your Stool is Green Daily Natural Remedies Natural Lifestyle Tips. 11 Reasons Your Stool is Green. It can be alarming to see green stools (or any other weird looking stools for that matter) floating in the toilet bowl. Green stools are, however, not all that uncommon, especially among children, and can have a number of causes, most of which are not serious.", "Stool color: When to worry Stool comes in a range of colors. All shades of brown and even green are considered normal. Only rarely does stool color indicate a potentially serious intestinal condition. Stool color is generally influenced by what you eat as well as by the amount of bile — a yellow-green fluid that digests fats — in your stool. As bile pigments travel through your gastrointestinal tract, they are chemically altered by enzymes, changing the pigments from green to brown.", "Green stool Green stool: Introduction. Green stool: Green coloration of the stool. See detailed information below for a list of 10 causes of Green stool, Symptom Checker, Assessment Questionnaire, including diseases and drug side effect causes. » Review Causes of Green stool: Causes | Symptom Checker » | Assessment Questionnaire ».", "Stool color: When to worry Yesterday, my stool color was bright green. Stool comes in a range of colors. All shades of brown and even green are considered normal. Only rarely does stool color indicate a potentially serious intestinal condition.Stool color is generally influenced by what you eat as well as by the amount of bile — a yellow-green fluid that digests fats — in your stool.As bile pigments travel through your gastrointestinal tract, they are chemically altered by enzymes — changing the pigments from green to brown.tool comes in a range of colors. All shades of brown and even green are considered normal. Only rarely does stool color indicate a potentially serious intestinal condition.", "What Does Green Poop Mean The term 'poop' refers to the solid waste matter that is eliminated out of the body during bowel evacuation. Usually, a healthy bowel movement produces brown colored stools.A change in stool color to green indicates that something is wrong with the intestines but can also mean too much consumption of certain foodstuffs. It is discussed below:he term 'poop' refers to the solid waste matter that is eliminated out of the body during bowel evacuation. Usually, a healthy bowel movement produces brown colored stools.", "Why Is My Poop Green? It may be alarming to see green poop in your toilet bowl, but it isn't necessarily a cause for concern. The color of your stools is often a reflection of what you eat. Black stools, for example, can result from eating blueberries or taking medications that contain bismuth subsalicylate, such as Pepto-Bismol.", "Green Bowel Movement and Green Diarrhea â What Are the Causes? Causes of Green Diarrhea. Sometimes an abnormally green color of the stool is also associated with diarrhea. Therefore the diarrheal stool apears green in color. In these cases the greenish hue may be due to the unprocessed bile or due to other causes that can taint the stool green while causing diarrhea simultaneously. For example, a green colored alcoholic beverage like sambuca can cause diarrhea when consumed in excess while tainting the stool with its strong green color.", "What Does It Mean If Your Poop Is Green? 1. Green Foods. Green poop can simply result from consuming meals with green vegetables, like spinach, kale, broccoli, Swiss chard, bok choy, beet greens, arugula, and watercress. It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong. Dark green, leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their color.", "Green Poop (Stool) A trip to the doctor is necessary if the green color of the stool is accompanied by other symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, fever and a change in stool consistency. It is not wise to delay medical treatment in the hope that the symptoms will clear themselves on their own.", "Green Bowel Movements â What You Need To Know! Green stools usually result from something that you have eaten, such as an abundance of green vegetables, or perhaps a food that has been artificially colored with green. Oddly enough, even foods that are artificially colored with purple can cause green bowel movements.", "What Does It Mean If Your Poop Is Green? Green poop can simply result from consuming meals with green vegetables, like spinach, kale, broccoli, Swiss chard, bok choy, beet greens, arugula, and watercress. 1 It’s doesn’t mean there’s something wrong. Dark green, leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their color." ]
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biological definition of schizophrenia
[ "- Schizophrenia is a mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real.ositive symptoms are those that most individuals do not normally experience but are present in people with schizophrenia. They can include delusions, disordered thoughts and speech, and tactile, auditory, visual, olfactory and gustatory hallucinations, typically regarded as manifestations of psychosis." ]
[ "- Schizophrenia is a psychotic mental health disorder (one characterized by “abnormal thinking and perception”) with co-occurring changes in mood and behavior. Symptomsmay include: delusions [i.e. strongly held beliefs in something even though there is a significant amount of evidence to disprove that viewpoint]", "Mental disorders Schizophrenia and other psychoses. Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder, affecting about 21 million people worldwide. Psychoses, including schizophrenia, are characterized by distortions in thinking, perception, emotions, language, sense of self and behaviour.", "Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder classified as a psychosis, which means that it affects a person's thinking, sense of self, and perceptions. The disorder typically appears during late adolescence or early adulthood. Signs and symptoms of schizophrenia include false perceptions called hallucinations.", "Schizophrenia What is Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a serious disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. Someone with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary; may be unresponsive or withdrawn; and may have difficulty expressing normal emotions in social situations. Contrary to public perception, schizophrenia is not split personality or multiple personality.", "Paranoid schizophrenia Paranoid schizophrenia is differentiated by the presence of hallucinations and delusions involving the perception of persecution or grandiosity in one's beliefs about the world. People with paranoid schizophrenia are often more articulate or normal seeming than other people with schizophrenia, such as disorganized schizophrenia (hebephrenia)-afflicted individuals.", "Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others. It is a complex, long-term medical illness, affecting about 1% of Americans.iagnosis. Diagnosing schizophrenia is not easy. Sometimes using drugs, such as methamphetamines or LSD, can cause a person to have schizophrenia-like symptoms. The difficulty of diagnosing this illness is compounded by the fact that many people who are diagnosed do not believe they have it.", "What does Schizophrenic mean? Report Abuse. Medical Encyclopedia: Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder (or a group of disorders) marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors.ny of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances.", "Schneider first rank symptoms those symptoms that, when present, indicate that the diagnosis of schizophrenia is likely, provided that organic or toxic etiology is ruled out: delusion of control, thought broadcasting, thought withdrawal, thought insertion, hearing one's thoughts spoken aloud, auditory hallucinations that comment on one's behavior, and auditory hallucinations in ...", "Bradyphrenia Bradyphrenia represents a pathological slowing in cognition. Synonymous with the historical term's ‘psychic akinesia,’ it is a highly sensitive although nonspecific indicator of cerebral dysfunction.", "Teenager's Guide to Depression In fact experts now say that schizophrenia (and all other mental illness) is caused by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors, and this understanding of mental illness is called the bio-psycho-social model.", "simple schizophrenia simple schizophrenia a form characterized by gradual loss of drive, social withdrawal, and emotional apathy, but without prominent psychotic features. It is often considered to be a form of personality disorder; see schizotypal personality disorder.atent schizophrenia older term for a type of schizophrenia characterized by clear symptoms of schizophrenia but no history of a psychotic schizophrenic episode; it includes conditions that have been called incipient, prepsychotic, prodromal, pseudoneurotic, and pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia.", "biological biological. 1. pertaining to biology. 2. a medicinal preparation made from living organisms and their products, such as a serum or vaccine. biological clock the physiologic mechanism that governs the rhythmic occurrence of certain biochemical, physiologic, and behavioral phenomena in living organisms. See also biological rhythms.", "The Christian Approach to Schizophrenia University of Maine, 1976.) The word schizophrenia has become a non-specific wastebasket term covering a multitude of problems (and often covering up a vast amount of ignorance) that have but one common denominator: the inability of the counselee to function meaningfully in society because of bizarre behavior.", "Schizophrenia Schizophrenia, also known as Schizophrenic Disorder, is a psychological disorder, thought to be caused by imbalances in brain chemistry, which involves delusions and faulty perceptions of the world.chizophrenia, also known as Schizophrenic Disorder, is a psychological disorder, thought to be caused by imbalances in brain chemistry, which involves delusions and faulty perceptions of the world.", "Schizophrenia Signs & Symptoms Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia usually have a history of acute psychosis. Psychosis is a disturbance of mental health that is severe enough to cause a change in normal personality, normal emotional balance, as well as detachment from reality. Psychoses occur with and without external cause.", "- Schizophrenia-Schizophrenia I will be discussing my topic on how schizophrenia is treated and the affects of the disorder. In the book Psychology: A Journey, “schizophrenia is defined as delusions hallucination, apathy, thinking abnormalities, and a “split” between thought and emotion” (Coon and Mitterer).", "Paranoid schizophrenia Paranoid schizophrenia. Although paranoid schizophrenia is defined by those two symptoms, it is also defined by a lack of certain symptoms (negative symptoms). The following symptoms are not prominent: “disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, or flat or inappropriate affect..", "- residual schizophrenia. n. A condition occurring in individuals with a history of schizophrenic episodes, characterized by blunted or inappropriate emotion, social withdrawal, eccentric behavior, and the making of loose associations, and lacking in prominent psychotic symptoms.esidual schizophrenia. n. A condition occurring in individuals with a history of schizophrenic episodes, characterized by blunted or inappropriate emotion, social withdrawal, eccentric behavior, and the making of loose associations, and lacking in prominent psychotic symptoms.", "Top 28 Doctor insights on: Signs And Symptoms Of Hypoventilation Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior. Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia isn't a split personality or multiple personality.", "Psychological Perspectives of Schizophrenia Psychological Perspectives of Schizophrenia The disease is characterized by catatonic, disorganized, and paranoid behaviors resulting in delusions and hallucinations.According to the DSM, the disease is usually brought about as a result of a life stressor.sychological Perspectives of Schizophrenia The disease is characterized by catatonic, disorganized, and paranoid behaviors resulting in delusions and hallucinations.", "Overview Schizophrenia is a severe long-term mental health condition. It causes a range of different psychological symptoms. Doctors often describe schizophrenia as a type of psychosis. This means the person may not always be able to distinguish their own thoughts and ideas from reality.", "PSYCHOSIS (psychoses) schizophrenic disorder - any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact. dementia praecox, schizophrenia, schizophrenic psychosis.", "Simple Schizophrenia Definition of Simple Schizophrenia. Simple schizophrenia is a type of the psychotic disorder schizophrenia in which the symptoms are mild and don't exhibit psychotic traits.Symptoms of simple schizophrenia include inability to perform in society, poor hygiene and other minor physical and psychological problems.hile the symptoms of simple schizophrenia are generally mild, there are risks involved with this mental disorder. One of the biggest dangers of simple schizophrenia is the risk of developing more severe signs of a more specific type of schizophrenia.", "biological bi·o·log·i·cal. adj. 1. Of, relating to, caused by, or affecting life or living organisms: biological processes such as growth and digestion. 2.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: schizophrenia, schizophrenic disorder, schizophrenic psychosis, dementia praecox(noun) any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact.", "What is Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a type of long-term mental disorder which involves a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.", "Understanding Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a rare, yet complex, type of mental disorder that can have life-altering ramifications. Although less than 1 percent of people across the world run the risk of ever developing schizophrenia, those who do may suffer with delusions, hallucinations, and have major difficulties in social or occupational situations.", "Schizophrenia Definition and Characteristics Updated March 12, 2017. Schizophrenia is a severe, lifelong mental disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, incoherence and physical agitation. It is classified as a thought disorder, while bipolar disorder is a mood disorder. It is estimated that 1 percent of the world's population has schizophrenia.", "- Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior. Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia isn't a split personality or multiple personality.The word schizophrenia does mean split mind, but it refers to a disruption of the usual balance of emotions and thinking. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition, requiring lifelong treatment.1 Symptoms.ontrary to popular belief, schizophrenia isn't a split personality or multiple personality. The word schizophrenia does mean split mind, but it refers to a disruption of the usual balance of emotions and thinking.", "- Different subtypes of schizophrenia are defined according to the most significant and predominant characteristics present in each person at each point in time. The result is that one person may be diagnosed with different subtypes over the course of his illness." ]
[ 12.453125 ]
[ 11.1328125, 10.9296875, 11.609375, 11.84375, 8.5546875, 10.9140625, 10.3515625, 8.046875, 2.501953125, 10.7265625, 11.109375, 6.70703125, 7.30078125, 11.484375, 8.5625, 9.203125, 7.79296875, 9.0625, 11.8203125, 8.03125, 10.7421875, 10.2578125, 11.109375, 5.953125, 10.6796875, 12.0546875, 10.9921875, 12.5078125, 11.6328125, 8.6796875 ]
what happens when your body is low on salt
[ "Overview By Mayo Clinic Staff. Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. Sodium is an electrolyte, and it helps regulate the amount of water that's in and around your cells. In hyponatremia, one or more factors — ranging from an underlying medical condition to drinking too much water during endurance sports — causes the sodium in your body to become diluted. When this happens, your body's water levels rise, and your cells begin to swell. This swelling can cause many health problems, from mild to life-threatening. Hyponatremia treatment is aimed at resolving the underlying condition." ]
[ "Will Low Blood Oxygen Levels Kill You? When low blood oxygen levels occur your vital organs are deprived of oxygen and suffer harm. Low blood oxygen levels WILL cost you your eye sight, your short term memory, your strength, and your charming disposition. Blood oxygen levels below 92% are low enough to cause you harm!", "Low sodium level Low sodium level. Low sodium level is a condition in which the amount of sodium (salt) in the blood is lower than normal. The medical name of this condition is hyponatremia. Sodium is found mostly in the body fluids outside the cells. It is very important for maintaining blood pressure. Sodium is also needed for nerves, muscles, and other body tissues to work properly. When the amount of sodium in fluids outside cells drops below normal, water moves into the cells to balance the levels.", "Low sodium level Brain cells are especially sensitive to swelling, and this causes many of the symptoms of low sodium. With low sodium level (hyponatremia), the imbalance of water to salt is caused by one of three conditions: Euvolemic hyponatremia -- total body water increases, but the body's sodium content stays the same.", "FETZIMA INDICATION AND USAGE Low salt (sodium) levels in the blood: Symptoms may include headache; difficulty concentrating, memory changes or confusion; weakness and unsteadiness on your feet; and in severe or sudden cases hallucinations, fainting, seizures or coma. If not treated, severe low sodium levels can cause death.", "Can Salt Intake Affect Blood Pressure Immediately? Commercial table salt consists mainly of sodium chloride, an electrolyte mineral compound that directly affects human blood pressure. When you consume salt, it dissolves in food liquid and stomach fluid, and your body absorbs the minerals when they reach your small intestine.", "- A large drop in potassium level may lead to abnormal heart rhythms, especially in people with heart disease. This can cause you to feel lightheaded or faint. A very low potassium level can even cause your heart to stop.", "Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Levels of electrolytes in your body can become too low or too high. That can happen when the amount of water in your body changes, causing dehydration or overhydration. Causes include some medicines, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating or kidney problems. Problems most often occur with levels of sodium, potassium or calcium.", "Overview Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low.Sodium is an electrolyte, and it helps regulate the amount of water that's in and around your cells.yponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low.", "- Seek immediate medical care ( call 911 ) if you have serious symptoms of low sodium , such as a change in mental status ( confusion or hallucinations ) ; a change in level of consciousness , such as passing out or unresponsiveness ; chest pain or pressure ; convulsions ; muscle spasms ; muscle cramps ; muscle weakness ; nausea with or without ...", "Does Potassium Gluconate Eliminate Sodium in the Body? When there is too little potassium in the body, a condition known as hypokalemia, characterized by muscle weakness, abnormal heartbeat and increased blood pressure, can occur. Too much potassium can cause a condition known as hyperkalemia, characterized by abnormal and dangerous heart rhythms.", "Iron in your pregnancy diet What happens if you don't get enough iron. When you're not getting enough iron, your stores become depleted over time. If you no longer have enough iron in your blood to make the hemoglobin you need, you become anemic.Iron-deficiency anemia can sap your energy and cause a host of other symptoms, especially if it's severe.It can also make it harder for your body to fight infection.f you no longer have enough iron in your blood to make the hemoglobin you need, you become anemic. Iron-deficiency anemia can sap your energy and cause a host of other symptoms, especially if it's severe. It can also make it harder for your body to fight infection.", "How salt affects the body Sodium-better known as salt-maintains the correct balance of certain fluids which bathe the cells in our bodies-essential for nerve and muscle function. However, research shows that too much salt can lead to increased blood pressure, osteoporosis-a bone-thinning disease, asthma, stomach cancer and weight gain.Blood pressure. Hypertension-the medical term for high blood pressure-is thought to affect up to one in five adults in the UK.his is because when our bodies sweat, salt is excreted through the pores of our skin. If too much salt is eliminated from our bodies, it alters the balance of sodium contained in our cells. Too little sodium-or salt-in our cells can affect nerve or muscle function.", "- Sodium levels may get too low if your body is losing too much water and electrolytes. It may also be a symptom of certain medical conditions. Causes of low sodium include: 1 severe vomiting or diarrhea. 2 taking certain medications, including antidepressants and pain medications. 3 taking diuretics (water pills).", "Hyponatremia (Low Sodium) Water in the body is closely linked to the location of sodium in the body. If the concentration of sodium is too high in the bloodstream, water will leak from cells into the blood stream to try to dilute and lower the sodium concentration.", "How does sodium in one's diet affect blood pressure? So, ingesting large amounts of salt results in a high sodium concentration in the blood stream. This in turn causes water to enter the blood vessels by osmosis. More water in the blood means a greater volume of liquid and, therefore, higher blood pressure. With low salt concentrations, water exits the loop and is retained by the body. When sodium concentration is high, the opposite occurs, water enters the blood stream by osmosis and increases blood pressure.", "Low salt or sodium in the blood (hyponatraemia) Hyponatraemia is a low level of sodium in the blood. Symptoms are not usually very specific and can include changes to a person's mental state, headache, nausea and vomiting, tiredness, muscle spasms and seizures.", "- Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images. Anemia. If your blood is low on iron, your red blood cells become less effective at carrying oxygen to your cells, which can leave you feeling weak and dizzy. Dizziness often causes nausea and vomiting.", "Resistant Starch: Your Questions Answered That means your body — including your brain — needs glucose to work properly. When blood sugar levels go lower than they're supposed to, you can get very sick. Your parents and your diabetes health care team will tell you what your blood sugar levels should be and what to do if they get too low. Low blood sugar levels can happen to kids with diabetes because of the medicines they have to take.", "- Similar to the way a car needs gas to run, your body and brain need a constant supply of sugar (glucose) to function properly. If glucose levels become too low, as occurs with hypoglycemia, it can cause these signs and symptoms: Heart palpitations. Fatigue.", "What Happens When Your Body Becomes Dehydrated? When the body becomes dehydrated, a variety of symptoms can occur, including weakness, dizziness, decreased urination and heart palpitations, according to WebMD. Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in. Additional signs of dehydration include increased thirst, swollen tongue and an inability to sweat. Keep Learning.", "Why is salt bad for our health? Salt puts up our blood pressure. Raised blood pressure (hypertension) is the major factor which causes strokes, heart failure and heart attacks, the leading causes of death and disability in the UK.", "- Similar to the way a car needs gas to run, your body and brain need a constant supply of sugar (glucose) to function properly. If glucose levels become too low, as occurs with hypoglycemia, it can cause these signs and symptoms: 1 Heart palpitations. 2 Fatigue. 3 Pale skin. 4 Shakiness. 5 Anxiety. 6 Sweating. 7 Hunger.", "Overview By Mayo Clinic Staff. Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. Sodium is an electrolyte, and it helps regulate the amount of water that's in and around your cells. In hyponatremia, one or more factors — ranging from an underlying medical condition to drinking too much water during endurance sports — causes the sodium in your body to become diluted.", "Side Effects of Low Potassium & Low Sodium Complications of Low Potassium. Complications associated with low potassium levels include problems with muscles and problems with the heart. Muscles in the body may cramp, feel weak or spasm. Muscle fibers may also begin to break down and release into the blood, causing damage to the kidneys.", "Are low sodium levels in your body dangerous? Because the brain is very sensitive to sodium levels, low sodium causes symptoms including confusion and lethargy. The patient may feel nauseated, and experience muscle twitching, which can progress to seizures. Eventually, severe hyponatremia can lead to coma and death.", "Does Drinking Water Lower Blood Pressure? When your body has too much sodium, your kidneys can't remove enough of it and sodium collects in your bloodstream. This can lead to high blood pressure, which can cause other problems. Too much sodium in the blood is a condition called hypernatremia. Too little sodium in the blood is a condition called hyponatremia. Hypernatremia can occur when you lose too many fluids, often from sweating too much, vomiting, or diarrhea.", "How much salt you should eat, explained (That's why you crave water when you eat very salty foods.) Because your body is retaining water along with the salt, your cells — including blood cells — expand. The volume of your blood, therefore, swells, boosting the pressure on your arteries.", "Overview By Mayo Clinic Staff. Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. Sodium is an electrolyte, and it helps regulate the amount of water that's in and around your cells. In hyponatremia, one or more factors — ranging from an underlying medical condition to drinking too much water during endurance sports — causes the sodium in your body to become diluted. When this happens, your body's water levels rise, and your cells begin to swell.", "- Hyponatremia occurs when the body contains too little sodium for the amount of fluid it contains (see Overview of Sodium). The body may have too much, too little, or about a normal amount of fluid. In all cases, however, sodium is diluted. For example, people with severe vomiting or diarrhea lose sodium.", "6 Ways Eating Too Much Salt Hurts Your Body If you're eating too much salt, the water that needs to be expelled through urine might not get released effectively by the kidneys, and this could lead to bloating and edema. Even worse, the extra sodium could bump up the amount of urinary calcium in your body, a mineral that causes kidney stones." ]
[ 12.3203125 ]
[ 4.75, 13.1953125, 12.890625, 13.9140625, 10.0078125, 8.90625, 10.765625, 12.125, 11.8203125, 8.078125, 6.50390625, 11.2890625, 12.2265625, 11.1796875, 12.3828125, 13.2578125, 6.921875, 6.65625, 7.125, 8.9375, 8.9921875, 7.4140625, 12.2734375, 10.9375, 13.5703125, 12.625, 10.4609375, 12.53125, 11.9609375, 10.4453125 ]
what is carried out by a cell's ribosomes
[ "Human Physiology/Print Version A second kind of RNA, called messenger RNA or mRNA, moves genetic information from the DNA to the ribosome. Messenger RNA provides the ribosome with the blueprints for building proteins. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Each amino acid in a protein is delivered to the ribosome by yet another type of RNA: transfer RNA (tRNA)." ]
[ "The Structure and Function of Ribosomes in Eukaryotes & Prokaryotes The predominant function of ribosomes is the translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) into proteins. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have many ribosomes, but the ribosomes found in eukaryotic cells are larger and more sophisticated than those of the prokaryotic cell.", "List of All Pages 1 Lysosome-A membrane-enclosed bag of hydrolytic enzymes found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, destroys harmful bacteria, recycle damaged organelles, help develop embryos, expose nutrients to digestive enzymes. 2 Analogy: scissors.3 Perioxisomes-Turn dangerous peroxide (H2O2) into water (H2O). Cytoplasm-The entire contents of the cell, exclusive of the nucleus, and bounded by the plasma membrane. 2 Cell (or Plasma) Membrane-A delicate membrane made of lipids surrounding cells that controls what goes in and out of the cell.", "Ribosome Ribosomes are important cell organelles. A ribosome is a large complex of RNA and protein. It does RNA translation, building proteins from amino acids using messenger RNA as a template. Ribosomes are found in all living cells, prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes.", "Ribosome Photo by: krishnacreations. The ribosome is the molecular machine inside the cell that makes proteins from amino acids in the process called translation. It binds to a messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and reads the information contained in the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA.Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) containing amino acids enter the ribosome in a special pocket, or binding site, called the acceptor site (A site).Once correctly bound, the ribosome can add the amino acid on the tRNA to the growing protein chain.ransfer RNAs (tRNAs) containing amino acids enter the ribosome in a special pocket, or binding site, called the acceptor site (A site). Once correctly bound, the ribosome can add the amino acid on the tRNA to the growing protein chain.", "Translation or Protein Synthesis There are free floating ribosomes where proteins are built for functions in the cytoplasm. Those proteins which are to be used as part of the cell membrane or transported outside the cell are manufactured on ribosomes which are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. The above is a grossly oversimplified sketch of the translation process as it applies in a prokaryotic cell.", "An Introduction to Molecular Biology/RNA:The ribonucleic acid Role of RNA in Protein Synthesis. In all living cells, the process of translating genetic information from DNA into the proteins that do most of the work in a cell is carried out by molecular machines made of a combination of RNA and protein. Surprisingly, it is the RNA, and not the protein, that does the critical work in this protein-making machine, which is called the ribosome. The basic shape and functional core of the ribosome is formed by RNA.", "Ribosome A ribosome is a cell organelle. It functions as a micro-machine for making proteins. Ribosomes are composed of special proteins and nucleic acids. The TRANSLATION of information and the Linking of AMINO ACIDS are at the heart of the protein production process.", "- Cellular Respiration. The term cellular respiration refers to the biochemical pathway by which cells release energy from the chemical bonds of food molecules and provide that energy for the essential processes of life.All living cells must carry out cellular respiration.It can be aerobic respiration in the presence of oxygen or anaerobic respiration. Prokaryotic cells carry out cellular respiration within the cytoplasm or on the inner surfaces of the cells.More emphasis here will be placed on eukaryotic cells where the mitochondria are the site of most of the reactions.ellular Respiration. The term cellular respiration refers to the biochemical pathway by which cells release energy from the chemical bonds of food molecules and provide that energy for the essential processes of life. All living cells must carry out cellular respiration.", "Is a ribosomes an organelle? What is the Ribosome covered organelle that modifies and sends out proteins? The ribosome covered organelle that modifies and sends out proteins is the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The ribosome is a cellular structure on which proteins are made. Th…e rough endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes and packages proteins.", "What are the functions of the ribosomes in the Cell? Without the ribosomes the message would not be read and proteins could not be produced. Ribosomes are the tiny organelles inside cells which are responsible for protein synthesis. Which means it creates the protein in the cell. Ribosomes are part of the cellular machinery that are involved in production of proteins.", "The Structure and Function of Ribosomes in Eukaryotes & Prokaryotes Ribosomes are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. They are made up of proteins and RNA molecules called subunits. The predominant function of ribosomes is the translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) into proteins.Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have many ribosomes, but the ribosomes found in eukaryotic cells are larger and more sophisticated than those of the prokaryotic cell.nitiation of Protein Synthesis. Ribosomes synthesize proteins in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, but the process is initiated differently in each cell type. In eukaryotic cells, the starter amino acid is methionine rather than the N-formylmethionine used by prokaryotic cells.", "What organelle contains its own DNA and ribosomes? Their membrane proteins are made not by the ER, but by free ribosomes in the cytosol and by ribosomes contained within the mitochondria and chloroplasts themselves. Not only do these organelles have ribosomes, but they also contain a small amount of DNA. It is this DNA that programs the synthesis of the proteins made on the organelle's own ribosomes. Mitochondria because it's a separate bateria that somehow merged with the cell's in a mutualistic form. All lifeform have it's own DNA in order to reproduce. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are enclosed by membranes, thery are not part of the endomembrane system.", "Centrioles - Organizing Chromosomes Other ribosomes are found on the endoplasmic reticulum. Endoplasmic reticulum with attached ribosomes is called rough ER. It looks bumpy under a microscope. The attached ribosomes make proteins that will be used inside the cell and proteins made for export out of the cell. There are also ribosomes attached to the nuclear envelope. Those ribosomes synthesize proteins that are released into the perinuclear space. There are two pieces or subunits to every ribosome. In eukaryotes, scientists have identified the 60-S (large) and 40-S (small) subunits.", "Ribosomes - Protein Construction Teams Cells need to make proteins. Enzymes made of proteins are used to help speed up biological processes. Other proteins support cell functions and are found embedded in membranes. Proteins even make up most of your hair. When a cell needs to make proteins, it looks for ribosomes. Ribosomes are the protein builders or the protein synthesizers of the cell. They are like construction guys who connect one amino acid at a time and build long chains. Ribosomes are special because they are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. While a structure such as a nucleus is only found in eukaryotes, every cell needs ribosomes to manufacture proteins.", "Fact Sheet: Ribosomal RNA (rRNA), the details The Ribosome. The ribosome is a cellular machine found in all organisms. It serves to convert the instructions found in messenger RNA (mRNA, which itself is made from instructions in DNA) into the chains of amino-acids that make up proteins.That is, the ribosome is responsible for the synthesis of proteins.Structure and shape of the E.coli 70S ribosome.he Ribosome. The ribosome is a cellular machine found in all organisms. It serves to convert the instructions found in messenger RNA (mRNA, which itself is made from instructions in DNA) into the chains of amino-acids that make up proteins.", "Ribosomes Ribosomes. Fundamental Statements for this Lesson: 1. Ribosomes are composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein. 2. Bacterial ribosomes are composed of two subunits with densities of 50S and 30S, as opposed to 60S and 40S in eukaryotic cells.3. Ribosomes function as a workbench for protein synthesis whereby they receive and translate genetic instructions for the formation of specific proteins.. Bacterial ribosomes are composed of two subunits with densities of 50S and 30S, as opposed to 60S and 40S in eukaryotic cells.", "Are ribosomes found in plant or animal cells or both? Report Abuse. both the defintion of ribosomes is :organelle in cells that assembles proteins. Ribosomes are composed of ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins (known as a Ribonucleoprotein or RNP). It translates Messenger RNA (mRNA) into a polypeptide chain (e.g., a protein). It can be thought of as a factory that builds a protein from a set of genetic instructions.", "ribosome ribosome. The ribosome is a complex molecule made of ribosomal RNA molecules and proteins that form a factory for protein synthesis in cells.In 1955, George E. Palade discovered ribosomes and described them as small particles in the cytoplasm that preferentially associated with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.ibosome. The ribosome is a complex molecule made of ribosomal RNA molecules and proteins that form a factory for protein synthesis in cells.", "What Ribosomes Do in the Human Body Ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm of a cell. They are either free floating or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum. Groups of ribosomes stuck together are called polysomes. Most cells contain thousands of ribosomes, while a few specialized cells contain millions. Brain cells and the cells of the pancreas contain large concentrations of ribosomes since they produce a large amount of protein. slide 2 of 6. The Structure of Ribosomes Although ribosomes are called organelles, they don't have a membrane that holds the contents of the ribosome in one cohesive structure. Ribosomes are composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein. Sixty percent of the structure is rRNA and 40 percent is protein. There are two subunits: a large subunit and a small subunit. They are labeled as 60s and 40s after the Svedberg values. The subunits of ribosomes are produced in the nucleolus, which is located in the nucleus of the cell. Ribosomal proteins enter the nucleolus and combine with four rRNA strands to produce the two subunits. The subunits leave the nucleus through the nuclear pores and combine in the cytoplasm.", "Which organelles is studded with ribosomes and carries out protein synthesis? Confidence votes 22.7K. The endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes and it MODIFIES proteins. Protein synthesis is strictly carried out in ribosomes, though the ribosome may thread the polypeptide directly into the ER for modification. think its when it binds the mRNA together To put it in two sentences: 1. Ribosomes are the place where Protein Synthesis takes place. 2. In the Ribosome, the mRNA, tRNA, … and Amino Acids meet to form a Protein. 3.", "- Ribosomes are either found free in the cytoplasm, where they make proteins for the cell's own use, or they are found attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, where they make proteins for export from the cell. They are often found in groups called polysomes. All eukaryotic ribosomes are of the larger, 80S, type.", "RNA Role of RNA in Protein Synthesis. In all living cells, the process of translating genetic information from DNA into the proteins that do most of the work in a cell is carried out by molecular machines made of a combination of RNA and protein. Surprisingly, it is the RNA, and not the protein, that does the critical work in this protein-making machine, which is called the ribosome.", "What is the function of ribosome? The function of ribosomes is protein synthesis. They are either found freely in the cytoplasm of the cell or they are found attached to endoplasmic reticulum. All the best. Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis, where RNA is made in to proteins for the cell.", "Ribosomes Ribosomes are the smallest organelle in a cell, but they have a big job. They are made of two subunits, a large and a small, and they perform protein synthesis.Protein synthesis is where RNA comes into a ribosome after copying DNA.he rough ER also attaches things to proteins and is the main source of transportation of proteins from the ribosomes to the Golgi body, where they will be shipped all around the cell. They could also be shipped straight from the rough ER to the cell membrane, where the proteins can be shipped out of the cell.", "What Are Ribosomes Made Of? What part of the cell makes proteins? The ribosomes make proteins in the cell. Cytoplasmic granules that are rich in ribonucleic acid, or RNA, compose ribosomes. Proteins are made continuously and are responsible for the function, structure and regulation of the tissues and organs in the body.", "Ribosome The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.Ribosomes consist of two major components: the small ribosomal subunit, which reads the RNA, and the large subunit, which joins amino acids to form a polypeptide chain.Each subunit is composed of one or more ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules and a variety of proteins.igure 1: The ribosome assembles polymeric protein molecules whose sequence is controlled by the sequence of messenger RNA molecules. This is required by all living cells and associated viruses.", "- © QA International, 2010. All rights reserved. www.qa-international.com. Inside the cells of every living thing are microscopic, threadlike parts called chromosomes. They carry hereditary information from one generation to the next in the form of genes. A chromosome is made up of protein and deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, which is the substance that determines an organism's inherited traitsfor example, eye color in animals and flower. chromosome... (75 of 440 words).", "- In all living cells, the process of translating genetic information from DNA into the proteins that do most of the work in a cell is carried out by molecular machines made of a combination of RNA and protein.essenger RNA provides the ribosome with the blueprints for building proteins. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Each amino acid in a protein is delivered to the ribosome by yet another type of RNA: transfer RNA (tRNA).", "What are ribosomes? What are their functions? The ribosome is taking care of translating the cell DNA into proteins. Proteins are the cell's way to differenciate cells among themselves. For example, your liver's cells and your eye receptors both contain your unique DNA, but they look and behave differently purely because of different proteins produced.", "Ribosome The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.rokaryotes have 70 S ribosomes, each consisting of a small (30S) and a large (50S) subunit. Their small subunit has a 16S RNA subunit (consisting of 1540 nucleotides) bound to 21 proteins. The large subunit is composed of a 5S RNA subunit (120 nucleotides), a 23S RNA subunit (2900 nucleotides) and 31 proteins." ]
[ 12.390625 ]
[ 12.3203125, 6.97265625, 12.1015625, 12.265625, 11.9609375, 12.7265625, 12.109375, 8.1484375, 10.046875, 11.8046875, 11.28125, 9.125, 11.59375, 11.5625, 11.5, 10.8515625, 10, 11.15625, 10.1640625, 12.7265625, 12.5625, 12.8203125, 11.2734375, 11.578125, 11.2265625, 12.4296875, 6.515625, 13.0078125, 11.9921875, 12.046875 ]
is w ever considered a vowel
[ "What word uses W as a vowel? Many words have W for a vowel, such as awe, bow, cow, dew, ewe, few gew-gaw, hew, jaw, known, lawn, maw, now, owe, pew, raw, sew, tow, vow, wow and yawn. However, in these cases, the W is only technically a vowel, because it contributes a vowel sound, as would the letter U, from which it originates. Some words, especially Welsh, use the W as the primary vowel, much as Y is used in English. One example is the word cwm (valley)." ]
[ "Digraph (orthography) Digraphs may also be composed of vowels. Some letters ⟨ a, e, o ⟩ are preferred for the first position, others for the second ⟨ i, u ⟩ . The latter have allographs ⟨ y, w ⟩ in English orthography.", "What is a Vowel? perhaps the best example in english of the semi-vowel status of the letter w is in the word 'wow'. the first 'w' in that word is usually transcribed as a consonant, while the final one is transcribed as a vowel making a diphthong with the o.", "- 7. Front vowels and retroflex consonants The pattern of coronal advancement analyzed in the previous section is justone resolution of a conflict that arises in sequences of a front vowel and aretroflex consonant, such as [iˇ].4constraint, which requires [s5] to share at least [tense], backness and coronal placespecifications with a preceding segment 9 .This analysis must remain speculative since it is not possible to examine therealization of retroflexes in a dead language, but a number of factors support itsplausibility.", "- A guide to Welsh Language Pronunciation. With thanks to Howell Owen Williams for help with this guide. Vowels | Consonants | Dipthongs. While English is the most common language in Wales, Welsh is still used and actively promoted by some half a million people.u and Ei as the 'ay' in pray: Welsh words: deisiau (dayshy), or in some dialects (deeshuh); deil (dale or dile); teulu (taylee or tyelee). Ew is more difficult to describe. The nearest English sound is probably the Birmingham pronunciation of 'you'.", "Elision In rare cases, such as in some realisations of the word perhaps, both consonant and vowel elision may even occur at the same time, e.g. yielding [pɹaps]. h-Dropping As we have already heard, the dropping of initial <h> is a feature that is very common in many accents of (especially English or English-influenced) English.", "- Explore M-W. 1 How to Pronounce the Trickiest Menu Items. 2 Trending: NYT Op-Ed: The 'Skeeviness' of the 1990s Is Alive in 2017. 3 Words of the Year: 1066. ' 4 Contactless': A New Way To Shop. 5 How to Pronounce the Trickiest Menu Items. 6 Trending: NYT Op-Ed: The 'Skeeviness' of the 1990s Is Alive in 2017. 7 Words of the Year: 1066.", "What Makes a Vowel a Vowel and a Consonant a Consonant There are, of course, other differences between vowels and consonants. For instance, in English you can have vowels that are entire words, such as “a” or “I.” You won’t see a consonant that is a word by itself, however. Words in English need vowels to break up the sounds that consonants make. So, while every word has to have a vowel, not every word has to have a consonant.", "- In order to make the pronunciation of word roots easier, sometimes it is necessary to insert a vowel after the root. The combination of a word root and a vowel is known as a COMBINING FORM. Combining forms consist of a combining vowel. The combining vowel is usually an “o”, but others may be used.", "- Question: Define a function isVowel(char) that returns True if char is a vowel ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', or 'u'), and False otherwise. You can assume that char is a single letter of any case (ie, 'A' and 'a' are both valid). Do not use the keyword in. Your function should take in a single string and return a boolean.", "Vowels vs. Consonants Pronouncing Consonants. One way to help students understand that consonants are spoken with vowels is to spell out words for consonant sounds: a, b ee, s ee, d ee, e, e f, g ee, a ch, i, j a y, k a y, el, e m, e n, o, p e a, k e y u e, ar, e s, t ee, y u e, v ee, d ou b le-y u e, e x, w i, z ee.", "Y as a Vowel It is more common to find the letter “y” as a vowel than as a consonant. Typically, the letter “y” is a consonant when it is at the beginning of a word, e.g., yes, you, yard and young. If the letter “y” is located in the middle or end of the word, it is often treated as a vowel.", "ANR writing style guide Common nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel take only the s (alloys, days, attorneys). Words ending in o: If o is preceded by a consonant, most plurals require es (tomatoes, echoes). Pianos is an exception. Words ending in o, directly after a vowel, take the s (folios, radios).", "English 11b, Voices Of Modernism (1920s-1940s) If anyone could please help me with multiple choice, I'd appreciate it! Practice Test!? Voices of Modernism (1920s to 1940s) Multiple Choice 1. Recall that a participle is a verb form that is used as an adjective. A participial phrase is a participle with its modifiers and complements used as an adjective. Read the following sentence. Frosted with gooey icing, the cinnamon rolls were impossible to resist.", "Is the letter y a consonant or a vowel? A consonant is any letter that is not a vowel. The vowels of the alphabet are: a,e,i,o,u and sometimes y. The consonants of the alphabet are: b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v … ,w,x,y,z.", "- Example sentences containing 'revelling'. For a few minutes, he hung on to the mizzen rigging, face to the wind, revelling in the glory of it. CORMORANT (2002) Rose took the mug of tea and sat back against the pillows, revelling in the luxury of being brought tea in bed.", "- Yes, both of the letters Y in mystery are vowels, in that they act as vowels. The first Y is the ih sound of an I, while the second is the ee sound of a long E. The le … tter Y was not classically considered a vowel, because it can act as a consonant in words such as yellow, yam, and yes.", "awful However, senses 1 and 2 of the adjective were used in speech and casual writing by the late 18th century it is an awful while since you have heard from me — John Keats (letter) there was an awful crowd — Sir Walter Scott (letter) this is an awful thing to say to oil painters — William Blake.", "What is a vowel? What is a vowel? Can you name all of the vowels in the English alphabet? A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y are the vowels of the alphabet in English! Vowels are different from consonants in the sounds that they make and the way that we use our mouths and lungs to make those sounds.", "- Before going deeper into the details of the study, it would be useful to consider. what is known about the perception of the vowel sounds by Spanish listeners. Spanish, regardless of dialect, has five ‘pure’ vowels / i, e, a, o, u / as in p i so, p e so, p a so, p o zo, and p u so.Spanish vowels may be classified according to following three parameters which are front-back, high-low, and lip position (rounded-unrounded).he present study focuses on the theoretical implications of this phenomenon in the context of training Spanish students to identify English pairs of vowels / ι/-/ι/, / υ/-/υ/, and / ℘/-/α/. Categorical perception is a phenomenon in which labeling limits discrimination.", "- Articulation: Vowels and Consonants. 1. Vowels and Consonants. Phonetically, it is easy to give definitions: a vowel is any sound with no audible noise produced by constriction in the vocal tract, and consonant is a sound with audible noise produced by a constriction. However, this definition forces us to identify as vowels many sounds which function as consonants in speech. For example, in the English word yes, the initial [j] is phonetically a vowel according to the definition above.", "Voiced And Voiceless Sounds Of English English Language Essay There a 26 letters in the English alphabet, and there are five vowels A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y is counted as a vowel. The other letters are the consonants. The italic/bol … d letters are the vowels. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z That alphabet is in CAPITALS. This alphabet is in lower case.", "What is the longest word without any vowels? To say that the Y in my or buy or really is not a vowel is absurd. Also the oo sound of the w in how is clearly a vowel. Considering only the classic vowels A, E, I, O, U, rhythms is the longest common English word without a vowel.", "- Wales is Welsh. Welsh isn't spoken as much as it used to be in Wales, especially South Wales, but in the northern parts of the country there are much more people who speak Wel … sh as their first language. Wales is a part of the United Kingdom. Wales.", "Food_and_Nutritional_Toxicology This emphasizes the fact that. the ending chunk in every word in a list is the same. Reading the rhyming lists will. help the student to understand the relationship between visual letter patterns and the. oral pronunciation of words. Word lists for most of the vowel patterns are also repeated as non-rhyming. lists. This can be an alternate starting point for studying the pattern, or can be used as. a follow-up after students have practiced reading the rhyming lists. Some of the sound patterns found in the trade books don’t lend themselves to.", "- words that rhyme on the vowel based rhyme sound of the last syllable only for instance maybe and eat near end rhymes generally but not always suck nonetheless we provide them for you just in case you may find something useful", "Consecutive Letters However, in the Welsh alphabet, LL is one letter, entirely separate from L. So in fact this is a double LL rather than a quadruple LLLL as it appears in the English spelling. BRRRR (an interjection expressive of shivering) is also in the second edition of the OED. More Word Records. What is the longest word in the English language?", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Jefferson, WI Motels. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "\"WHEN IS \"\"W\"\" A VOWEL?\" Vowels are sounds. Loosely speaking, the vowel letters A, E, I, O, and U are often called vowels. Y and W may or may not be included among the vowels, depending on the teaching method. The typical sound we make (in English) when we see the letter W is called either a semi-vowel, a semi-consonant, or a glide. The same terminology can be used to describe the sound of Y in the word Yes.", "Prepositions (Präpositionen) If the prepositional phrase contains a dative or accusation pronoun that refers to a thing or an idea, rather than a person, it combines with da- or wo-. If the preposition starts with a vowel, an -r- is inserted. These compounds are also created with the two-way prepositions that are described below.", "What Are Vowel Sounds? OnTrack Reading. What Are Vowel Sounds? Many confuse the question with What are the vowel letters so you'll get some variant of a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y from them, but when it comes to trying to describe what a vowel sound is, you'll get a real mishmash of answers." ]
[ 14.765625 ]
[ 9.9140625, 13.28125, 3.197265625, 5.796875, 4.453125, 6.0234375, 9.5703125, 5.765625, 8.0546875, 10.0625, 10.03125, 6.78515625, -0.529296875, 11.890625, -2.76171875, 11.703125, 0.8486328125, 10.109375, 6.73828125, 7.84375, 11.453125, 10.7109375, 3.23828125, 3.46484375, 3.904296875, 2.1171875, 5.06640625, 14.8203125, 3.927734375, 7.3046875 ]
proteins are synthesized (made) at what organelle in the cytosol
[ "- 1 one set for those proteins synthesized by ribosomes that remain suspended in the cytosol, and. 2 a second set for proteins synthesized by ribosomes that are attached to the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) forming rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)." ]
[ "Cytoplasm Animal Cell Function 1 Major organelles such as the endoplamic reticulum, mitochondria, vacuoles, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes and chloroplasts in plants can be suspended in this area of the cytosol. 2 Cortosol is contained in cytoplasm that is found within organelles that are membrane bound.ownload/View the PDF. Cytoplasm contains a gel substance called cytosol that is contained within a cell membrane and organelles of animal cells of sub-structures.", "Structural Biochemistry/Cell Organelles/Ribosome In prokaryotes ribosomes can be found in the cytosol as well. This protein-synthesizing organelle is the only organelle found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, asserting that the ribosome was a trait that evolved early on, most likely present in the common ancestor of eukaryotes and prokaryotes.", "Basal body Basal body. A basal body (synonymous with basal granule, kinetosome, and in older cytological literature with blepharoplast) is a protein structure found at the base of a eukaryotic undulipodium (cilium or flagellum). It is formed from a centriole and several additional protein structures, and is, essentially, a modified centriole.", "Organelles Involved in Protein Synthesis Ribosomes are the organelles responsible for protein translation and are composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins. Some ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm, a gel-like substance that organelles float in and some are found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. If the protein in question is a cytoplasmic protein that will not be transported to the cell membrane or secreted, it will be translated on a cytoplasmic ribosome.", "4.2- How do cells make proteins? Although there are twenty amino acids, cells can combine them in different ways to form thousands of different proteins. Where does protein synthesis occur? Proteins synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm outside the cell's nucleus. What is the function of mRNA? Messenger RNA copies the message from DNA in the nucleus and carries the message to the ribosome in the cytoplasm.", "Where are ribosomes synthesized? Ribosomes are made in a specialized area of the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, not in the cytosol. Check the link. The RNA in ribosomes is transcribed in the nucleus, and the protein components are translated in the cytosol and then imported into the nucleus.They are assembled together inside the nucleus.he Nucleolus is also found in the nucleus. It produces ribosomes at a rate of 10,000 / min. The nucleus controls the cell's functioning through the production of m-RNA. Ribosomes: functions in protein synthesis. They are not considered a membrane bound organelle. Ribosomes are built from 2 subunits.", "Cytosol In prokaryotes the cytosol contains the cell's genome, within a structure known as a nucleoid. This is an irregular mass of DNA and associated proteins that control the transcription and replication of the bacterial chromosome and plasmids.", "Function of Cytoplasm Without cytoplasm, the cell would be deflated and materials would not be able to pass easily from one organelle to another. Cytosol is the part of the cytoplasm that does not contain organelles. Instead, cytosol is confined by the boundaries of a matrix which fills the part of the cell that does not contain organelles.", "Understanding Neurons It produces all the proteins for the dendrites, axons and synaptic terminals and contains specialized organelles such as the mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, secretory granules, ribosomes and polysomes to provide energy and make the parts, as well as a production line to assemble the parts into completed products.", "Neutrophil About 45% of the neutrophil cytosolic protein is made of migration inhibitory factor-related proteins (MRPs), MRP-8 and MRP-14. Neutrophils contain a large amount of glycogen (a stored form of glucose) in the cytoplasm. The glycogen provides neutrophils with energy.", "Difference Between Cytoplasm and Cytosol Cytoplasm and cytosol are associated with cell. Cytosol is a part of the cytoplasm. Therefore, there is a relationship between these two. Comparison of cytoplasm and cytosol and characteristic features of them are discussed in this article.hose are organelles, cytosol and cytoplasmic inclusions. • Cytoplasmic inclusions are insoluble particles, which include granules, pigments, droplets and crystals. Some organelles in the cytoplasm are Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, ribosome, Chloroplast (in plant cells) etc..", "CELL PARTS AND FUNCTIONS ribosomes. consists of 2 subunits-made of rna and protein function-site of protein synthesis a cell organelle that functions as the site of protein synthesis inthe cytoplasm. its rna components are constructed in the nucleolus.onsists of 2 subunits-made of rna and protein function-site of protein synthesis a cell organelle that functions as the site of protein synthesis inthe cytoplasm. its rna components are constructed in the nucleolus.", "- · just now. 1 ribosomes are the organelles that make protein. 2 I think ribosomes make proteins. 3 ribosomes (attached) to the rough ER. 4 ribosomes. 5 it's ribosomes. 6 Ribosomes synthesize proteins using instructions from the nucleus.", "Cytoplasm - Filling Fluid Each of those fluids has a very different composition. The cell organelles are suspended in the cytosol. You will learn that the microfilaments and microtubules set up a skeleton of the cell and the cytosol fills the spaces. The cytoplasm has many different molecules dissolved in solution.", "Cytoskeleton A cytoskeleton is an organelle that forms a lattice or internal framework of a cell. It is composed of protein filaments and microtubules. It extends throughout the cytosol, from the nucleus to the plasma membrane.", "Bacterial Cytoplasm & Cell Membrane: Structure & Components Cytosol is the water-like fluid found in bacterial cells. The cytosol contains all the other internal compounds and components the bacteria needs for survival. The fluid and all its dissolved or suspended particles is called the cytoplasm of the cell.Proteins, amino acids, sugars, nucleotides, salts, vitamins, enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, and internal bacterial structures all float around the cell in the cytoplasm.ome people say a bacterial cell is just a simple bag of enzymes. This couldn't be further from the truth! Learn about the structure and function of the bacterial cell membrane, what's in the cytoplasm, and how membrane surface area impacts bacterial size.", "Whats the difference between cytosol and cytoplasm? The cytosol is the soup within which all the other cell organelles reside and where most of the cellular metabolism occurs. Though mostly water, the cytosol is full of proteins that control cell metabolism including signal transduction pathways, glycolysis, intracellular receptors, and transcription factors.", "Describe the organelles in the cell that are involved in protein making? It is involved in the transport of proteins which are synthesized by ribosomes on its surface. The proteins formed will enter the cisternal space, where they fold into their native conformation. Vesicles bud off from the ER, carrying the proteins to the Golgi apparatus.", "- A ribosomes is a small organelle involved in the process of making protein, which is called protein synthesis. The ribosome handles translation, which is the second part of protein synthesis. Ribosomes can be found floating freely in the cytoplasm or attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum.", "What organelle contains digestive enzymes? Enzymes are proteins, so the answer to what organelled does protein synthesis is ribosomes. The coding information on the DNA is translated into mRNA in the nucleus.ough Endoplasmic Reticulum would be responsible for the synthesis of protein (peptide enzymes) in the exocrine pancreatic cells. Also, synthesis of protein requires energy. … It is also natural to see abundant mitochondria in the exocrine pancreatic cells.", "Structural Biochemistry/Cell Organelles/Lysosome Lysosome enzymes are proteins that are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum and modified in the Golgi apparatus. Lysosomal enzymes are tagged for lysosomes by the addition of mannose-6-phopahte label. A shortage of any one of these enzymes will lead to lysosome diseases such as Tay-Sachs disease and Pompe’s disease.", "Cytosol In eukaryotes, while many metabolic pathways still occur in the cytosol, others are contained within organelles. The cytosol is a complex mixture of substances dissolved in water. Although water forms the large majority of the cytosol, its structure and properties within cells is not well understood.", "What organelle makes proteins using coded instructions that come from the nucleus? Genes are used in an organism for the production of a protein - proteins are made of amino acids linked together, and the gene codes for their order. What organelle makes protein using coded instructions from the nucleus? rRNA (ribosomal RNA) also called ribosomes hang out in the cytosol waiting to tranlate the mRNA into proteins by forming peptide bonds between the AA's through hydrolysis.", "Organelles Involved in Protein Synthesis Video: Organelles Involved in Protein Synthesis This lesson provides an overview of the process of protein synthesis and the organelles it involves. It follows the path of an mRNA molecule from the nucleus to the ribosomes, where proteins are synthesized.", "Difference Between Cytoplasm and Cytosol Some organelles in the cytoplasm are Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, ribosome, Chloroplast (in plant cells) etc.. • Cytosol comprises organic molecules, cytoskeleton filaments, salt, and water. • Most of the cellular activities occur at cytoplasm, which include cell division, cell growth and expansion, glycolysis, and many biochemical reactions.", "Which Organelle Synthesizes Proteins? A: The organelle that synthesizes proteins is the ribosome. Ribosomes are essential to all cells, and they can either be found floating free in the cells' fluids or in eukaryotes embedded in a structure known as the endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes synthesize proteins by assembling amino acids together in the proper sequences.", "Endosymbiosis [edit] Genetic and Metabolic Comparisons. An apparent difficulty with the endosymbiosis hypothesis is that several mitochondrial and chloroplast proteins are made using nuclear genes and then shipped to those respective organelles. At first sight, this would imply that these organelles could never have been free-living.", "Structural Biochemistry/Cell Organelles/Ribosome In prokaryotes ribosomes can be found in the cytosol as well. This protein-synthesizing organelle is the only organelle found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, asserting that the ribosome was a trait that evolved early on, most likely present in the common ancestor of eukaryotes and prokaryotes.ree Ribosomes [edit]. Ribosomes found in the cytosol that are not bound to any other organelle are known as free ribosomes. These ribosomes are known to produce non-hydrophobic proteins that ultimately function in the cytosol. An example would be the catalysts for the first steps of sugar breakdown.", "- Chloroplasts and mitochondria share other features: Both often migrate from place to place within cells and also contain their own DNA, which encodes some of the key organellar proteins (Chapter 9). The proteins encoded by mitochondrial or chloroplast DNA are synthesized on ribosomes within the organelles.", "What Are the Three Organelles Involved in Protein Synthesis? A: There are four organelles that are involved in protein synthesis. These include the nucleus, ribosomes, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, or the Golgi complex. All four work together to synthesize, package and process proteins. Protein synthesis begins with DNA. The DNA in an organism creates the RNA that then codes for and synthesizes the proteins. DNA is found in the cell’s nucleus and makes the RNA in the nucleus as well. The RNA then exits the nucleus and is translated by the cell’s organelles into amino acids." ]
[ 12.9140625 ]
[ 10.46875, 12.5, 6.61328125, 11.6953125, 10.359375, 12.1328125, 10.2578125, 9.515625, 8.234375, 9.046875, 7.95703125, 10.78125, 10.625, 9.53125, 10.4296875, 9.421875, 10.203125, 10.7578125, 11.6640625, 8.8046875, 9.828125, 9.53125, 12.640625, 11.765625, 10.125, 11.6015625, 8.46875, 12.5625, 10.6171875, 11.015625 ]
what is a rule based approach
[ "Rule-Based Approaches and Implementation This page examines rule-based approaches and implementation of diagnostic systems, as part of the white paper. A Guide to Fault Detection and Diagnosis. Rule-based systems in most cases implement other approaches discussed earlier, more as a program control mechanism than a separate diagnostic technique. The term “expert system” has often been used as a synonym for “rule based system”, also called a “production rule system”." ]
[ "Rule of law The rule of law is the legal principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by arbitrary decisions of individual government officials. It primarily refers to the influence and authority of law within society, particularly as a constraint upon behaviour, including behaviour of government officials.", "- 78, No. 10/Tuesday, January 15, 2013/Rules and Regulations 15 The term ‘‘evidence-based’’ approach or consideration generally refers to using the information in the scientific evidence to inform judgments on the need to retain or revise the NAAQS.", "Rulemaking The CFPB’s rulemaking process typically starts with research and is further informed by public input, including field hearings, consumer and industry roundtables, advisory bodies, and in some cases, small business review panels. We carefully assess the benefits and costs of the regulations we are considering for consumers and financial institutions.", "Queer Spirituality One rule: Love. On this site, I hope to create an open forum where searching souls can reach out for guidance and others may share their wisdom and advice. There is this one rule: Do all things with love. There is no room on this site for judgment or proseletyzing. Thank you for agreeing to adhere to this primary principle. This rule is in place so that you may feel free to make comments in my blog, which I have finally initiated.", "- Criterion of Realism (Hurwicz) Decision Rule. The Criterion of Realism decision rule is an attempt to make a tradeoff between complete risk indifference (as in the Maximax rule), and total risk aversion (as in the Maximin rule). With this procedure, the decision maker will decisde how much emphasis to put on each extreme.", "- 2006) has opined that the Ricardian approach is a hedonic method of farmland pricing that assumes the value of a tract of land equals the discounted value of the stream of future rents or profits that can be derived from it.", "- Researchers have investigated the relationship of Jung's theory of individuals' preferences and their approach to problem solving and decision making (e.g., Lawrence, 1982, 1984; McCaulley, 1987; Myers & McCaulley, 1985). The following is a summary of their findings.", "- A human rights based approach is about ensuring that both the standards and the principles of human rights are integrated into policymaking as well as the day to day running of organisations.on-discrimination and equality. A human rights based approach means that all forms of discrimination in the realisation of rights must be prohibited, prevented and eliminated. It also requires the prioritisation of those in the most marginalised situations who face the biggest barriers to realising their rights.", "- ‘a behavioural approach to children's language’ More example sentences ‘The entire behavioral record for each ape was scored independently by two observers.’", "- The inquiry approach is more focused on using and learning content as a means to develop information-processing and problem-solving skills. The system is more student centered, with the teacher as a facilitator of learning. There is more emphasis on how we come to know and less on what we know..", "IRAC The Rule section of an IRAC follows the statement of the issue at hand. The rule section of an IRAC is the statement of the rules pertinent in deciding the issue stated. Rules in a common law jurisdiction derive from court case precedent and statute. The information included in the rules section depends heavily on the specificity of the question at hand. If the question states a specific jurisdiction then it is proper to include rules specific to that jurisdiction.", "rule Use 'rule' in a Sentence. The rule of thumb is to hold the stock for the long term as this investment strategy has been a proven success. 19 people found this helpful. It is always a good rule to treat people the way you want to be treated when making a business deal. 17 people found this helpful.", "- ETHICS AS PRINCIPLES RATHER THAN RULES. Most writings on the ethics of evidence approach the issue as an analysis of rules. They parse the text of the Model Rules, engage in statutory interpretation, and pose questions of ethics solely in terms of whether an attorney is likely to be successfully disciplined.", "- A high school and elementary school are still located on the premises, and Jesuit priests continue to work closely with the Arapaho people, providing religious and educational programs. The Arapaho way is historically a way of life that is dignified, respectful, courageous, loyal and generous—a way Arapahos strive to live by even today. A deeply spiritual people, the Arapahos believe in a Creator, Be:he:teiht, and in the close relationship between the earth and all creatures.", "Hillsboro School District to tweak search and seizure policy after Brown Middle School incident Hungerford said the relevant court cases have given conflicting rulings about how broad searches can be, but school officials must have “reasonable suspicion” that a student violated school rules in order to search him, and the search must be “reasonable in scope.”", "- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A rule of thumb is a principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation. It is an easily learned and easily applied procedure for approximately calculating or recalling some value, or for making some determination.", "- Heuristic analysis uses a rule-based approach to diagnosing a potentially-off ending fi le (or message, in the case of spam analysis). As the analyzer engine works through its rule-base, checking the message against criteria that indicate possible malware, it assigns score points when it locates a match.n the second case, the double extension suggests an attempt to pass off an executable fi le as a non-executable (graphics) fi le, a common virus writer’s trick. In a sense, the opposite of heuristic analysis in AV is not signature scanning, but algorithmic scanning, of which signature scanning is a special case.", "- Use the IRAC method in answering exams: Issue/Rule/Analysis/Conclusion. whether the business is liable for negligently failing to provide security patrols: whether the defendant owed plaintiff a duty of care, and what that duty of care is, are key issues in negligence claims.efore attempting to “brief” a case, read the case at least once. Follow the “IRAC” method in briefing cases: Facts * Write a brief summary of the facts as the court found them to be. Eliminate facts that are not relevant to the court’s analysis.", "What Comprises a Theory A Systems Approach to Conduct an Effective Literature Review. 182. inputs including: ways to find applicable literature, qualifying the literature, ways to read research. literature, and how to know that one is done with the literature search.", "Rule of law As used by the World Justice Project, a non-profit organization committed to advancing the rule of law around the world, the rule of law refers to a rules-based system in which the following four universal principles are upheld: 1. The government and its officials and agents are accountable under the law; 2.", "- The agency should address this issue by using the statistical based approach with increased population caps to create a safe harbor rule , while also permitting credit unions to alternatively employ a de novo narrative approach completely independent of the restrictions and limitations inherent in the statistical approach with population caps to ...", "- These include both groups inwhich he is a member and groups to which he does not belong, but to which heaspires, or which, for other reasons, provide the standpoint from which he views hisown situation. The enculturation approach to crime grew out of the study of theinfluence of groups on the behavior of their members.t is based on a social-psychological conception ofdeliberate action as guided by the actors in accordance with the way in which theyhave learned to rationalize their actions. Such an approach to understanding be-havior is convergent with many developments in psychology and sociology.", "6 evidence-based practices proven to lower recidivism He served on the team that developed Lane County’s evidence based approach to adult corrections and participated in the development of the risk assessment tool Lane County uses to determine overcrowding releases. Doug was responsible for forming the Lane County Jail’s Special Operations Response Team in 2006.", "Managing Risks: A New Framework Companies should tailor their risk management processes to these different risk categories. A rules-based approach is effective for managing preventable risks, whereas strategy risks require a fundamentally different approach based on open and explicit risk discussions.", "Rule 52. Findings and Conclusions by the Court; Judgment on Partial Findings The provisions of U.S.C., Title 28, [former] §§773 (Trial of issues of fact; by court) and [former] 875 (Review in cases tried without a jury) are superseded insofar as they provide a different method of finding facts and a different method of appellate review.", "- What is the rationale behind the rule. Weekly tasks or assignments will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. In this assignment, you will prepare an essay on the hearsay rule and the rationale behind the rule.Explain the 4 main dangers of hearsay, and discuss 2 hearsay exceptions. Include examples.eekly tasks or assignments will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. In this assignment, you will prepare an essay on the hearsay rule and the rationale behind the rule.", "- DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199735198.003.0004. This chapter is analyzes policy formation from the “rational actor” perspective. Perhaps more than any other policy approach, it is both commonly used and commonly attacked. Variations of the comprehensive rational approach, such as “bounded rationality,” have been developed to address common criticisms. A rational approach is often seen as the antithesis of the political model. In this chapter, we examine what is meant by the rational and bounded rationality models, how to use them, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and apply the rational model to the creation of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, as passed in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act.", "- England has utilized a tariff approach to assess nonpecuniary damages where such. damages are decided by judges. LAW COMMI'N, supra note 7, at 20. This tariff approach. organizes losses by types of injuries and reports the range of the monetary values actually given. for those injuries. Id. at 19-21.", "- RG 2 To develop a heuristic systematic approach, that will support, on the basis of real options theory, decision making process in the development of production capabilities in organisational systems.", "Which type of insurgent approach involves a few leadrers and a militant cadre or activist party seizing control of government structures or exploiting a revolutionary situation? penis The approach that involves a few leaders and military cadre seizing control of government structures is a coup. A coup is a rebellion against the government and take it … over by force." ]
[ 14.1953125 ]
[ 6.06640625, 7.25390625, 4.6796875, 1.587890625, 5.45703125, 3, 3.99609375, 9.3125, 1.177734375, 5.09765625, 3.818359375, 3.82421875, 7.1953125, 0.1591796875, 0.031402587890625, 6.16015625, 10.9453125, 1.69921875, 2.626953125, 7.77734375, 8.6875, 6.04296875, 4.21875, 14.2578125, 0.446533203125, 1.1376953125, 4.015625, 3.09375, 5.2578125, 3.75 ]
what causes a really thick stringy mucus
[ "Why Is There Mucus in My Stool? These conditions as well as other possible causes include: 1. Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects your GI tract. Early symptoms may include diarrhea or fatigue. 2. Cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that results in thick, sticky mucus. This mucus often builds up in your lung, pancreas, liver, or intestines. 3. Ulcerative colitis. Like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease. It’s a chronic, or long-term, condition that causes inflammation in your large intestine or rectum. 4." ]
[ "Cystic Fibrosis - Cause Cystic fibrosis occurs when a child inherits a changed (mutated) gene from both parents. The changed gene causes problems with the way salt and water move in and out of the cells that make mucus, causing the mucus to be thick and sticky. This kind of mucus makes it hard for the body to keep certain organs clean and healthy. Many people don't know they have the changed gene.", "Mucus buildup 1 As a result, thick, sticky mucus builds up in your lungs as well as in your digestive and reproductive systems. 2 Most people with cystic fibrosis are diagnosed in infancy or childhood, but it’s possible to receive the diagnosis later in life if the symptoms of the condition don’t appear till later.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Cause Of Thick Blood What is the cause of thick blood during menses and it is strechy? Normal.: Rising serum Estradiol concentrations result in gradual thickening of the uterine endometrium and an increase in the amount and stringiness (spinnbarkeit) of the cervical mucus. Many women are able to detect this change in mucus character.", "Attacking Asthma Air travels along passageways in the lungs to deliver oxygen to the blood. During an asthma attack, a thick, slippery substance called mucus blocks the lung passages, swelling occurs, and lung muscles squeeze on the airways. Breathing becomes difficult. Such episodes don't usually happen out of the blue. At least half of the people who suffer from asthma have allergies that can trigger an attack, says Sam Arbes.", "Cervical mucus plug Normally during human pregnancy, the mucus is cloudy, clear, thick, and sticky. Toward the end of the pregnancy, when the cervix thins, some blood is released into the cervix which causes the mucus to become bloody. As the woman gets closer to labor, the mucus plug discharges as the cervix begins to dilate.", "Headache and Thick saliva or mucus Headache and Thick saliva or mucus. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms headache and thick saliva or mucus including Tension headache, Aseptic meningitis (adult), and Aseptic meningitis (child). There are 72 conditions associated with headache and thick saliva or mucus. The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions. 1 Tension headache.", "Where does mucus in the lungs come from? Does it come if we swallow mucus? If you get an allergy or a cold and your nose is running like a faucet, you're making an excess of watery secretions, Ellis says. At the other extreme, thick mucus — the kind that leads to post-nasal drip and congestion or gets crusty — is usually the result of being excessively dry.", "Thick Blood: Common Causes These defects may also affect the body’s ability to clean up the fibrin deposits formed as a result of the clotting process. Thick blood may also be caused by the presence of harmful pathogens such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. These pathogens can actually activate a coagulation response in the body as a way to avoid being attacked by the body’s immune system.", "Cystic Fibrosis Research Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that causes mucus to build up and clog some of the body’s organs, particularly the lungs and pancreas. Normally, mucus is a slippery, watery substance made by the lining of some body tissues. A defective gene causes mucus in CF-afflicted people to become thick and sticky.", "Mucus â Know the Facts Thick, gooey mucus is often greenish, Kao says. Mucus can also contain tinges of reddish or brownish blood, especially if your nose gets dried out or irritated from too much rubbing, blowing, or picking.", "Symptoms of constant phlegm problems and information to help with excessive mucus in your throat Food allergies are also known to cause excessive phlegm and certain types of food such as dairy products cause a thickening of mucous. Postnasal drip also commonly causes excess mucus at the back of your nose and throat many times after eating. Excessive, thick phlegm or chest mucus can often be caused by viral or bacterial infections such as influenza, bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as irritants such as those inhaled during smoking.", "- Asthmatics (people suffering from asthma) often complain of thick and viscous mucus. This is because when you have asthma; excess mucus is produced, blocking the airways. This causes breathing to become difficult as your airways become clogged due to the decrease in mucus drainage.", "Cystic fibrosis Mucus is a slippery substance that lubricates and protects the linings of the airways, digestive system, reproductive system, and other organs and tissues. In people with cystic fibrosis, the body produces mucus that is abnormally thick and sticky.This abnormal mucus can clog the airways, leading to severe problems with breathing and bacterial infections in the lungs. These infections cause chronic coughing, wheezing, and inflammation.n people with cystic fibrosis, the body produces mucus that is abnormally thick and sticky. This abnormal mucus can clog the airways, leading to severe problems with breathing and bacterial infections in the lungs.", "Why do I produce more mucus during an asthma attack? Normally thin and watery, mucus traps bacteria or pollen or dust or other foreign particles. The cilia lining the airways then help push the mucus up and out of the lungs.", "- Cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body. It is one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young adults.", "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Coughing Up Stringy Phlegm Phlegm (Definition) Phlegm is the thick, sticky mucus secreted by the surface of the respiratory tract during a cold or other respiratory infection. The respiratory tract includes the nose and sinuses, throat, voice box, bronchi, and lungs. Phlegm is mucus that may contain bacteria, viruses, respiratory surface cells, and inflammatory cells. Normal mucus is not phlegm, but a protective layer secreted by the respiratory tract. ...Read more.", "Chronic rhinorrhea (Runny nose) Chronic rhinorrhea (Runny nose) What is rhinorrhea or runny nose? Rhinorrhea, or a runny nose, happens when excess fluid drains from the nose. The fluid is mucus that is thin or thick, clear or opaque, and can be intermittent or constant. What causes rhinorrhea? The nose and sinuses normally produce mucus which keeps the nose moist and is typically swept back into the throat and swallowed. There are many conditions that can cause the nose to run, including: 1 Colds and flus: Mucus from illnesses can fill the nasal cavity and cause temporary nasal obstruction. 2 Crying: When you cry, tears drain through the tear ducts, into the nasal cavity, and then into the nose.", "- I have had the same problem with very thick sticky mucus in the back of my throat for about 4 years now. I was reading about dairy and its affects on the body, how it is a mucus forming food, mostly for digestion. I wondered if there was any chance it is the cause of my problem.", "Explain why cystic fibrosis shortens life span? Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: cystic fibrosis is caused by a defect in the channel protein affecting the transport of chlorine molecules. This causes excess salt to be lost in sweat and also causes mucus to thicken up :) this causes thick mucus to clog up lungs and lead to suffocation.IT also causes malnourishment as the mucus prevents food from being absorbed.his causes excess salt to be lost in sweat and also causes mucus to thicken up :) this causes thick mucus to clog up lungs and lead to suffocation. IT also causes malnourishment as the mucus prevents food from being absorbed.", "Mucus: Causes of White, Yellow, Brown, Grey, Black Phlegm Main causes of thick, non-translucent, white mucus: 1 Drinking milk or other thick drinks can make originally clear mucus thick. Milk may cover the back of the throat, but milk itself does not cause mucus. 2 In gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastric acid may back up from esophagus into the windpipe and throat.", "Mucus â Know the Facts Decongestants cause the blood vessels in the lining of the nose to narrow, reducing blood flow to the area, so you're less congested and you produce less mucus. Decongestants are fine for when you can't breathe due to a cold, but they're not so good for thick mucus in general.", "Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease in the United States today. It causes the body to produce a thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs, ... more about Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis: Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease affecting the exocrine (mucus) glands of the lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines, causing progressive disability due to multisystem failure.", "- Definition. Cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body. It is one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young adults.", "- Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease that causes the body to produce thick and sticky mucus that can clog the lungs and obstruct the pancreas. This genetic disease can be life threatening, and affects an estimated 30,000 children and adults in the US, with around 1,000 new cases diagnosed each year. It leads to the production of mucus that is much thicker and more sticky than usual. 2 Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary condition, caused by a defective gene. 3 The cystic fibrosis gene must be present in both parents for a child to have the condition.", "- View Full Document. - Fibrinous - exudates are thick and sticky and have a high cell and fibrin content. Seen in more severe or advanced inflammation. - Serous - exudates that occur in tissues in the absence of a prominent cellular response (primarily fluid with a yellow, straw like color) Seen during early or mild stages of inflammation.", "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Coughing Up Stringy Phlegm Phlegm (Definition) Phlegm is the thick, sticky mucus secreted by the surface of the respiratory tract during a cold or other respiratory infection. The respiratory tract includes the nose and sinuses, throat, voice box, bronchi, and lungs.", "Thick sticky mucus in my throat I have been having some problem with this mucus thing I hock a loogy spit it out but stuck in my I try to get have to put some of the loogy out but turn into a stringy and evaporate at the touch and has cause me some vertigo has it cause people vertigo and fever sweats", "GERD Associated With Thick Phlegm in Throat GERD Leads to Mucous Production in the Throat. Stomach contents are acidic in nature. Our esophagus is not prepared to handle it and gets corroded. The acid irritates the throat. In response, the mucosal lining of the throat produces thick, sticky mucous. The patient feels as if something is constantly sticking in the throat. This phlegm may cause chronic cough in a long run. You may visit a doctor and get evaluated.", "Cystic Fibrosis As a result, cells that line the passageways of the lungs, pancreas, and other organs produce mucus that is unusually thick and sticky. This mucus clogs the airways and various ducts, causing the characteristic signs and symptoms of cystic fibrosis.n people with cystic fibrosis, the body produces mucus that is abnormally thick and sticky. This abnormal mucus can clog the airways, leading to severe problems with breathing and bacterial infections in the lungs.", "Thick sticky mucus Sputum symptoms. Thick sticky mucus (symptom description): Thick sticky mucus is listed as a type of or related-symptom for symptom Sputum symptoms. Thick sticky mucus (symptom description): For a medical symptom description of 'Thick sticky mucus', the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Sputum symptoms (type of symptom). However, note that other causes of the symptom 'Thick sticky mucus' may be possible." ]
[ 12.203125 ]
[ 12.0859375, 11.4375, 11.125, 9.3125, 11.1875, 11.8203125, 11.2578125, 4.8203125, 11.5546875, 11.578125, 12.2421875, 12.5390625, 11.53125, 8.6953125, 12.234375, 12.9296875, 10.3046875, 11.5546875, 8.4609375, 12.8125, 11.6484375, 11.1015625, 11.984375, 11.2109375, 5.10546875, 13.4453125, 11.0703125, 12.3359375, 11.0234375, 11.6484375 ]
pan details by pan number
[ "- Pan Card Details. Pan Card stands for Permanent Account Number Card used in India. Pan Card is required for any kind of financial transaction in India. Pan Card includes Photo and 10 digit unique alphanumeric numbers for every individual. This Pan Card is issued by Govt. of India (through Tax Department or Ministry of Finance)." ]
[ "Reoccurring Dreams Example 3: List the elements of the set {x | x is a natural number greater than 100}. There are two parts to this: 1 the number has to belong to the set of natural numbers {1, 2, 3, ...} and. it has to be greater than 100.", "- Examples of glean in a Sentence. 1 She gleaned her data from various studies. 2 He has a collection of antique tools gleaned from flea markets and garage sales. 3 They spent days gleaning the files for information. 4 They spent hours gleaning in the wheat fields. 5 gleaning stray ears of corn.", "Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Outliers order your numbers from least to greatest. Then cross out the numbers till you get in the middle with TWO medians. Do the mean to the two numbers you have left", "Subpart 52.1âInstructions for Using Provisions and Clauses All FAR provision and clause numbers begin with “52.2,” since the text of all FAR provisions and clauses appear in Subpart 52.2. The next two digits of the provision or clause number correspond to the number of the FAR subject part in which the provision or clause is prescribed. The FAR provision or clause number is then completed by a hyphen and a sequential number assigned within each section of Subpart 52.2. The following example illustrates the makeup of the FAR provision or clause number (see Figure 1 below). (2)(i) Provisions or clauses that supplement the FAR.", "- The Arrangement Details Tab gives you detailed information about this particular arrangement of It's Raining - not necessarily the song.", "Universalism --From CARM from carm if you would like to offer a rebuttal to any portion of this article please post your response at this link please place the title of this article and the corresponding section number the larger bolded number that we added in front of each mini section in your rebuttal", "- Historical Examples. 1 Me, passant, in the train, of the cabbage not quite so unconscious. 2 passant Guardant: as before, but looking out from the Shield, No. 174. 3 Coward: passant reguardant, his tail between his legs, No. 182. 4 Rampant or passant, they follow the customs of the unmaimed brute.", "bullion Use bullion in a sentence. “ 1 Going to Fort Knox would be an awesome experience, seeing all of the bullion in there would blow our minds. “ 2 The gold bullion was held in the vault which only the bank manager had access to so we had to come back later. “ 3 They decided to buy a large number of gold bullion.", "Parenthetical numerals 8 When I was in school, I was taught to write out the words for small numbers, and to use numerals for any number which takes more than three words to say, which means any number over one hundred gets numerals, not words. At times, though, people will write out a number in words, then add numerals in parentheses for clarity. The above example would be written as: The facility generated two thousand four hundred (2,400) gallons of wastewater during the past twenty-one (21) days..", "- To highlight cells that are greater than a value, execute the following steps. 1. Select the range A1:A10. 2. On the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting, Highlight Cells Rules, Greater Than... 3. Enter the value 80 and select a formatting style. 4. Click OK.", "Show Excel Pie Chart Details with an Exploded Bar Chart Right -click on the pie chart and choose Format Data Series. Select Series Options, then Split Series by. This example uses Split Series by Percentage Value. Choose the amount of detail in the bar chart with Second Plot Contains All Values Less Than.", "mathrecreation A previous post suggested an approach for generating a formula for higher-dimensional polygonal numbers. Future posts will elaborate on these numbers some more. Some examples of two-dimensional polygonal numbers are: the triangular numbers: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ...", "Pantone Pantone colors are described by their allocated number (typically referred to as, for example, PMS 130). PMS colors are almost always used in branding and have even found their way into government legislation and military standards (to describe the colors of flags and seals).", "- If number MDCCCXXV is within to text or sentence it should be read in its equivalent in arabic numbers, in this case 1825. Previous number. Next number. Calculate the conversion of any number and its equivalent in roman numerals with our roman numerals converter.", "What is PAN Card Fifth character i.e. K in the above PAN represents first character of the PAN holder's last name/surname. Next four characters i.e. 7190 in the above PAN are sequential number running from 0001 to 9999. Last character i.e. K in the above PAN is an alphabetic check digit.", "- The in-. tent of this article is to clarify the notions of valence, oxidation. number, and related concepts such as “formal charge” (Table. 1), describe their relationship, and comment upon mislead-. ing applications. Valence. Two of the most important factors that provide a first-.", "Display numbers in scientific (exponential) notation Nonadjacent cells or cell ranges. Select the first cell or range of cells, and then hold down CTRL while you select the other cells or ranges. You can also select the first cell or range of cells, and then press SHIFT+F8 to add another nonadjacent cell or range to the selection.", "Permanent account number The modern day PAN takes the shape of the standard plastic bank-card. It bears a facial picture of the holder, the date of birth, the date of issue and a hologram sticker, which acts as an additional security feature. IT PAN card is issued under Section 139A of the Income Tax Act. 2 The PAN structure is as follows: AAAPL1234C: First five characters are letters, next four numerals, last character letter. 3 The first three letters are sequence of alphabets from AAA to ZZZ. 4 The fourth character informs about the type of holder of the card.", "- Focusing on gold leaf transom house numbers was our inspiration as we struggled to find address numbers that were artful, historically accurate and customized for our need. Taking great pride in our design, craftsmanship and customer service, we’ve addressed beloved homes across America’s finest neighborhoods.", "Pascal's Triangle Try this: make a pattern by going up and then along, then add up the values (as illustrated) ... you will get the Fibonacci Sequence. (The Fibonacci Sequence starts 0, 1 and then continues by adding the two previous numbers, for example 3+5=8, then 5+8=13, etc)", "- Name:________________________________________. Chapter 10. 27. stupor page 150 noun dazed state Your sentence ...", "When should the term âpan-panâ be used instead of âMaydayâ? FAAO JO 7110.65, §10-1-1 states that pan-pan can be used to indicate a state of urgency: a. An emergency can be either a Distress or an Urgency condition as defined in the Pilot/Controller Glossary.. b.", "peruse Hear the podcast! Examples of peruse in a sentence. To refresh my memory of the old days, I asked for some Dailies of the thirties from the morgue, sat down at the large round oak table at the end of the editorial room on the second floor, and began riffling through the musty pages.", "Q. How do I cite an online book with no page numbers? 3, ch. 17). If your source uses explicit paragraph numbers rather than page numbers...give the relevant number or numbers, preceded by the label par. or pars. (MLA Handbook 56) Example: There is little evidence for the claim that Eagleton has belittled the gains of postmodernism (Chan, par.", "Highlight cells that contain For example, if you want to highlight any cells in the range B2:B11 that contain the text dog, you can use: =ISNUMBER(SEARCH(dog,B2)) Note: with conditional formatting, it's important that the formula be entered relative to the active cell in the selection, which is assumed to be B2 in this case.", "Help with these questions? How many times will the display rotate in 4 hours? 80 160 320 640 2. Five boxes of banana’s sell for $30.00. How many boxes can you buy for $9? 1 ½ , 2, 3 or 3 1/3 3. Read the numbers and decide what the next number should be. 5 15 6 18 7 21 8 22, 24, 25 or 27?4. 1/2 +1/8 = 2/8, 1/10, 2/10 or 5/8 5.0 160 320 640 2. Five boxes of banana’s sell for $30.00. How many boxes can you buy for $9? 1 ½ , 2, 3 or 3 1/3 3. Read the numbers and decide what the next number should be. 5 15 6 18 7 21 8 22, 24, 25 or 27? 4. 1/2 +1/8 = 2/8, 1/10, 2/10 or 5/8 5.", "revealverb [ T] More examples. 1 The committee pressed him to reveal more information. 2 The journalist refused to reveal her sources. 3 The survey reveals that two-thirds of married women earn less than their husbands. A close inspection revealed minute cracks in the aircraft's fuselage and 1 wings. The curtains parted, revealing a darkened stage.", "- For example, with the data {33, 22, 44, 22, 11} the RANK function returns a rank of 1 to the value 44, the value 2 for 33, the value 3 for both occurrences of 22, and then a rank of 5 for 11. No value is ranked as 4. You can use a formula to prevent this duplication of rank value.", "Paneer 65 Recipe (with Step by Step Photos) Add approx. 5-tablespoons water and make a medium thick paste. Add paneer cubes in prepared paste and mix well until coated with it. Heat oil in a pan over medium flame for deep frying. Deep-fry all pieces in small batches (4-5 pieces at a time) until golden brown and crispy. Drain and transfer on plate.", "What is a 'Median' To find the median value in a list with an odd amount of numbers, one would find the number that is in the middle with an equal amount of numbers on either side of the median. To find the median, first arrange the numbers in order from lowest to highest: List: 3, 13, 2, 34, 11, 26, 47." ]
[ 14.4609375 ]
[ -2.234375, -3.140625, -1.1875, -2.4375, 0.76513671875, 1.0556640625, -4.53515625, -1.7919921875, -2.4453125, 2.0234375, -1.388671875, -1.201171875, 4.39453125, -1.50390625, 10.2890625, -1.43359375, 0.2430419921875, 10.484375, -1.591796875, -2.939453125, 3.7890625, 4.8671875, -4.5234375, -2.224609375, -2.400390625, 2.421875, -1.6162109375, -1.052734375, 2.361328125, -1.6064453125 ]
peak hours of insulin
[ "Insulin Actions Times and Peak Times A larger peak in activity at around 6 hours is usually associated with a shorter action time, and vice versa. Anyone who does not take their long-acting insulin at about the same time each day can also experience gaps and stacking of insulin with a single injection a day. Smaller doses are also often associated with greater insulin activity at 6 hours with less at 18 hours and beyond." ]
[ "Insulin Actions Times and Peak Times More peaking usually indicates less than 24 hours of activity. If your Lantus or Levemir “wears out” before the day is done, this can cause unexplained highs before or soon after the time when the next dose is given. It can also cause low readings during its peak activity. For instance, if Lantus is given only at bedtime, night lows may become more likely due to a peak in activity, while if one injection is given in the morning, high readings may occur before breakfast due to the lessening activity from the previous dose.", "- Additionally, insulin-to-carb. ratios may change over the course of. your lifetime or even throughout the. day. Some people have one ratio for. breakfast and a different ratio for. lunch and dinner.", "Insulin analog Main article: Insulin detemir. Novo Nordisk created insulin detemir and markets it under the trade name Levemir as a long-lasting insulin analogue for maintaining the basal level of insulin. The basal level of insulin may be maintained for up to 20 hours, but the time is affected by the size of the injected dose.", "Help!! Insulin Jul 7, '05. Obviously, this amount is not for a sky-high blood sugar. 30 minutes is fine. During treatment for hyperkalemia (if using insulin and glucose) much more will be administered and checks should be 10 - 15 minutes or as ordered.", "- Insulin is a medicine that lowers blood glucose (sugar). There are several types of insulin. Each type of insulin has a certain time period in which it works. In order to understand insulin action, it is helpful to know the onset, peak and duration of the insulin you take. Onset refers to when the insulin starts to work.", "Insulin (medication) Includes a combination of either fast-acting or short-acting insulin with a longer acting insulin, typically an NPH insulin. The combination products begin to work with the shorter acting insulin (5–15 minutes for fast-acting, and 30 minutes for short acting), and remain active for 16 to 24 hours.", "Lantus - One Insulin Shot a Day Lasts 24 Hours Lantus - One Insulin Shot a Day Lasts 24 Hours. Lantus is a fairly new and one of a kind diabetic medication. It is a once a day insulin injection that is taken at the same time everyday. It replaces anywhere from the average three to five insulin shots a day. This is great news for diabetics who do not like needles and especially children who are fearful of them. Lantus comes in a disposable pre-filled insulin pen.", "What does an insulin's 'peak' mean? is that when blood sugar is likely to be lowest or highest? There is not a precise correlation between the peak blood level of insulin and the glucose level as the decline in glucose associated with peak insulin effect is somewhat delayed meaning that it takes time for the the insulin to work.t means when the insulin is having its strongest effect. When this occurs will be dependent on what type of insulin it is. Your blood sugar should be neither highest or lowest, but within the target range – assuming you're doing it right that is. Mr TEL · 5 years ago.", "Type 2 Diabetes Drugs There are three varieties of basal insulin currently available: NPH insulin (Humulin N, Novolin N), insulin glargine (Lantus), and insulin detemir (Levemir). NPH is usually taken two or three times daily. It typically works in the body for 10—12 hours and has a “peak” of intensified action about 4—6 hours after it is injected.", "When Does Humulin Insulin Peak? The peak activity of Humulin N typically occurs approximately eight hours after your injection. The duration of activity is approximately 12 to 16 hours. The activity profile of Humulin N makes it useful for maintaining a relatively constant level of insulin in your bloodstream if administered twice daily.", "Insulin and Oral Hypoglycemic Agents Regular insulin is a short-acting soluble crystalline zinc insulin that is now made by recombinant DNA techniques to produce a molecule identical to that of human insulin. Its effect appears within 30 minutes, peaks between 2 and 3 hours after subcutaneous injection, and generally lasts 5-8 hours.", "NPH insulin Synthetic 'human' insulin is also complexed with protamine to form NPH. NPH insulin is cloudy and has an onset of 1–4 hours. Its peak is 6–10 hours and its duration is about 10–16 hours. NPH insulin may be combined with faster acting insulin to allow more accurate dosing and better blood sugar level control.", "- Drug-induced Extrapyramidal Symptoms. Oral: One tablet one to three times daily. Parkinson's Disease: Oral : The usual beginning dose is one tablet three or four times daily. The dosage should be individualized with the dose titrated upward to a maximum of 8 tablets (16 mg) per 24 hours.AKINETON (biperiden hydrochloride) Tablets, 2 mg each, white, embossed on one face with a triangle, bisected on the reverse and imprinted with the number 11..rug-induced Extrapyramidal Symptoms. Oral: One tablet one to three times daily. Parkinson's Disease: Oral : The usual beginning dose is one tablet three or four times daily. The dosage should be individualized with the dose titrated upward to a maximum of 8 tablets (16 mg) per 24 hours.", "- Be sure to drink plenty of water. It is recommended to drink a minimum of 8 glasses each day. If your blood glucose is 250 or greater and you are on insulin, check your urine for ketones. If you have ketones, follow your sick day rules or call your healthcare team if you are not sure what to do. Ask yourself what may have caused the high blood sugar, and take action to correct it.", "Novorapid and Novolog â Rapid Acting Insulin Overview Thus, sometimes Novorapid and Novolog are called insulin apart. Novolog was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2000. On average, onset begins within 5-10 minutes, peak time is 45-90, and duration is 3-5 hours. Typically, it is taken in conjunction with longer acting insulin. Novodisk has designed some unique insulin pens that allow for easy injection. These are called Novolog Flexpen and Novolog Pen Junior for kids. There are also insulin pump and traditional insulin injection options available as well.", "- This glucose curve is not suitable. The highest point is 380 mg/deciliter. The nadir is 160 mg/deciliter. The range is 160 to 380 mg/dl, and the range midpoint is 270 mg/deciliter. The peak time is at 4 p.m., or eight hours after the insulin injection.", "Insulin Action Insulin is a medicine that lowers blood glucose (sugar). There are several types of insulin. Each type of insulin has a certain time period in which it works. In order to understand insulin action, it is helpful to know the onset, peak and duration of the insulin you take. 1 Onset refers to when the insulin starts to work. Peak refers to when the insulin works hardest.", "Knowledge of Onset, Peak, and Duration of Action of Meds Prevents a Trip to the ER Teach your patients the importance of storing their different types of insulin in different places. Show them the difference in how the vials and/or pens look. Also, be sure to teach the onset, peak, and duration of action of the insulin(s) they are taking.", "Apixaban: An Oral Anticoagulant The Table summarizes the reported drug interaction studies with apixaban. Apixaban Pharmacology. The bioavailability of apixaban is about 50%, with peak plasma concentrations occurring 3 to 4 hours after dosing. Food does not affect the absorption of apixaban.", "Short-Acting Insulins Novolin R is a sterile, aqueous, and colorless solution of human insulin with a short duration of action. The pharmacologic effect of Novolin R begins approximately one-half (½) hour after subcutaneous administration. The effect is maximal between 2½ and 5 hours and terminates after approximately 8 hours.", "Diabetes Mellitus - Principles of Treatment in Dogs When testing the blood we want to know the highest and lowest glucose readings for the day. The highest blood sugar reading should occur just before an injection of insulin is given. The lowest should occur at the time of peak insulin effect, usually five to eight hours after an insulin injection, which should have been determined during the initial regulation process. Therefore, the usual procedure for measuring blood glucose as an insulin-response curve is as follows:", "Insulin: Fat Storage - Fat Use for Energy In other words, high insulin levels inhibit the use of body fat for energy in the body. The researchers found in their studies that high levels of insulin can block stress hormones known as catecholamines, which normally cause the release of cellular energy. Adrenaline is the best known example of a catecholamine. For normal metabolism to occur, the body needs a balanced input of insulin and catecholamines. One of the actions of insulin --, the main energy storage hormone, is to block activation of the protein kinase A (PKA) enzyme.", "Humulin N Humulin N (insulin isophane) is a man-made form of a hormone that is produced in the body. Insulin is a hormone that works by lowering levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Insulin isophane is an intermediate-acting insulin that starts to work within 2 to 4 hours after injection, peaks in 4 to 12 hours, and keeps working for 12 to 18 hours.", "- The rate of absorption (how fast) and the efficiency of absorption (how much) will effect the onset, peak, and duration of insulin activity. If an insulin is absorbed quickly and completely, you will have a very rapid onset and a sharp peak, and possibly a shorter duration. If an insulin is absorbed slowly, you have a later onset, a smoother shorter peak, and possibly a longer duration.", "Insulin degludec Mechanism of action[edit] Insulin degludec is an ultra-long acting insulin that, unlike insulin glargine, is active at a physiologic pH. The addition of hexadecanedioic acid to lysine at the B29 position allows for the formation of multi-hexamers in subcutaneous tissues.", "How long does it take for Humulin to work? It has a peak effect 4-12 hours after injection, and a duration of action of 18-26 hours. Lente insulin also is an insulin with an intermediate duration of action. It has an onset of action 2-4 hours after injection, a peak activity 6-12 hours after injection, and a duration of action of 18 to 26 hours.", "DESCRIPTION Absorption: Under fasting conditions, oral administration of Lyrica(. capsules results in peak plasma concentrations occurring within 1.5 hours. Pregabalin oral bioavailability is ≥90% and is independent of dose. The rate of pregabalin absorption is decreased when given with food, resulting in a decrease in Cmax of approximately 25% to 30% and an increase in Tmax to approximately 3 hours.", "Types of Insulin NPH Human Insulin which has an onset of insulin effect of 1 to 2 hours, a peak effect of 4 to 6 hours, and duration of action of more than 12 hours. Very small doses will have an earlier peak effect and shorter duration of action, while higher doses will have a longer time to peak effect and prolonged duration.", "Diabetes Prescription Insulin Medications 1 Regular, also known as short-acting insulin, takes about 30 minutes to reach the bloodstream. 2 Its peak effect is in about two to three hours, and its effect lingers for three to six hours. 3 Intermediate-acting insulin reaches the bloodstream in two to four hours, peaks in four to 12 hours, and works for up to 18 hours.", "- INSULIN SLIDING SCALE ORDERS. Date/Time Orders: Low dose: recommended for starting point for the thin and elderly. Moderate dose: recommended for average weight patient. High dose: recommended for overweight or infected patients, or if on steroids. 1. Start scale at: (check one) Low dose ____ Mod dose ____ High dose ____." ]
[ 14.96875 ]
[ 12.2734375, 7.3359375, 10.046875, 7.64453125, 10.40625, 10.6171875, 9.765625, 10.2890625, 13.3125, 14.7578125, 13.09375, 14.359375, 3.828125, 8.9921875, 13.1171875, 13.7578125, 10.7109375, 9.6015625, 5.125, 11.25, 14.0546875, 5.7421875, 12.5625, 11.796875, 6.625, 13.921875, 4.640625, 14.6484375, 13.3828125, 6.2421875 ]
what county is toledo ohio in?
[ "Lucas County, Ohio Lucas County is a county located in the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 441,815. Its county seat is Toledo. The county was named for Robert Lucas, 12th governor of Ohio, in 1835 during his second term. Its establishment provoked the Toledo War conflict with the Michigan Territory. Lucas County is part of the Toledo, OH Metropolitan Statistical Area." ]
[ "Jefferson County, Ohio Free Public Records Directory Court Directory and Court Records Info. Directory of court locations in Jefferson County, Ohio. Includes local links to searching court records, dockets, legal research, self help, and more.", "Delaware County, Ohio Delaware County is a county in the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 174,214. Its county seat is Delaware. The county was formed in 1808 from Franklin County, Ohio. Both the county and its seat are named after the Delaware Indian tribe. Delaware County is included in the Columbus, OH Metropolitan Statistical Area. U. S. President Rutherford B. Hayes was born and grew up in Delaware County.", "Jefferson County, Ohio Free Public Records Directory Find Public Records in. This page lists public record sources in Jefferson County, Ohio. Additional resources can be found on our Ohio State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Recommend a link for this page.", "- Erie County is conveniently located less than one hour from Cleveland and Toledo and within hours from Columbus, Detroit, Dayton, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Buffalo, Indianapolis, Chicago, and Toronto. It is easily accessible via the Ohio Turnpike, State Route 2, State Route 4, or U.S. Route 250.", "- Click here to view all the guides avialable for Ohio. Ideally located between Cincinnati and Dayton, Butler County, Ohio features unique communities all with distinctive attractions, a variety of hotels and bed & breakfasts, and hidden historical gems.", "- Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Toledo, Ohio in 2016 and 2017. Other Counties and Cities in Ohio.", "Anita Lopez, Lucas County Auditor She began her legal career at the Toledo Fair Housing Center and later joined the City of Toledo as Director of Purchasing, Contract Compliance and Affirmative Action. ​. ​In 2004 Anita Lopez was elected as the Lucas County Recorder and in 2006, was elected Lucas County Auditor.", "- Search Online Court-Records On Anyone In The City Of Lakewood. Below you will find a collection of offline providers for Ohio State County of Cuyahoga City of Lakewood Court records, these are both governmental agencies and privately run organizations. Search for Offline Records providers In Court-Records On Anyone In The City Of Lakewood", "- There are currently 140 for sale listings in Lucas County OH zip codes, including condos, bank owned homes, short sales, townhomes, duplexes, land and luxury listings. If you're looking to rent in Toledo OH, check out our extensive list of luxury apartments and townhomes.", "Population of Toledo, OH Population of Toledo, OH. Last official estimated population of Toledo city (Lucas County**, Ohio state) was 281,031 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.088% of total US population and 2.42% of total Ohio state population. Area of Toledo city is 84.2 mi² (=218 km²)[6], in this year population density was 3,339.52 p/mi².", "- The Property Search allows you to view detailed information for properties in Miami-Dade County. The Comparable Sales Tool allows you to access and compare real estate sale information for properties in Miami-Dade County.", "Toledo, Ohio Toledo, Ohio. (Redirected from Adams Township, Lucas County, Ohio) Toledo (/təˈliːdoʊ/) is a city in and the county seat of Lucas County, Ohio, United States. Toledo is in northwest Ohio, at the western end of Lake Erie bordering the state of Michigan.", "- Holly Township is nestled in the northern and western most corner of Oakland County. Residents here enjoy a scenic atmosphere filled with natural beauty, wildlife, and serenity. Winding picturesque roads lead to many outdoor parks including Seven Lakes State Park, Rose Oaks, Springfield Oaks, Groveland Recreation Area, Holly Recreation Area and our own Sorenson Park and Heritage Farmstead.", "Stokes County Tax Records Search Stokes County Tax Records. Search Stokes County free public tax records, including assessor, treasurer, tax office and collector records, tax lookup, tax departments, property and real estate taxes. Name.", "- Friends of Lucas County Seniors · September 23, 2014 · You are invited to meet us at the Original Tony Packo’s on the East Side at 1902 Front Street, Toledo, Ohio, tomorrow for a great meal and to support Senior Citizens.", "- The Village at Towne Lake. Woodstock Townhomes. Woodstock • Cherokee County • 30189. DISCLAIMER: CONDOATLANTA.com's Photo Gallery is provided for informational purposes as a courtesy service to our clients, but does not intend to represent the availability of any one or more homes listed by CONDOATLANTA.com, inc. or other brokerages.", "- Clark County, OH - Official Website. There's a better way to personalize your website experience. With myConnection, the profile you create allows you to set up a unique starting point for the tasks and transactions that you want to complete in your time on this website.", "Toledo, Spain Toledo, Spain. For other uses, see Toledo (disambiguation). Toledo (Spanish: [toˈleðo]) is a city and municipality located in central Spain, it is the capital of the province of Toledo and the autonomous community of Castile–La Mancha.", "Dodge County Assessor PROPERTY SEARCH. Use our site to perform all of your property searches for Dodge County. Click here to be transferred to our property search site. Click here to be transferred to our property map site.", "- Friday, October 30, 2015 (7:00am-11:00am) at Lucas County Government Center, One Government Center, 1st Floor, Toledo, OH 43604. * If you do not have insurance, the cost of the flu vaccination is $30.", "Norton OH Real Estate Zillow helps you find the newest Toledo real estate listings. By analyzing information on thousands of single family homes for sale in Toledo, Ohio and across the United States, we calculate home values (Zestimates) and the Zillow Home Value Price Index for Toledo proper, its neighborhoods, and surrounding areas .", "- Todd County HRA; Community. Health Facilities; Historical Sites; Libraries; Museums; Schools; Cemetery Information; Churches; Fiberband; Senior Centers; Transportation; Volunteer Organizations; Recreation. County Fair; Lakes & Accesses; Parks & Trails; Contact Us. Todd County Contacts; Feedback; Report Address or Street Sign Problems", "- Genealogy Resources. Search New Haven County genealogy resources. Includes: Vital records, census records, city directories, genealogies, historical records, land records, newspapers, and probate records.", "History help please!!!!? The area of south central Sandoval County, now known as Rio Rancho Estates, is made up of a. portion of the Town of Alameda Land Grant, dating from Spanish settlement in the 1700’s, as. well as a portion of the King Ranch.", "- Values are certified in July. Tax collection records on the Internet server are updated periodically from the tax offices in Potter County and Randall County. If more current or additional information about taxes is needed, please contact the county in which the property is located.", "Toledo, Ohio Toledo, Ohio. Toledo (/təˈliːdoʊ/) is a city in and the county seat of Lucas County, Ohio, United States. Toledo is in northwest Ohio, at the western end of Lake Erie bordering the state of Michigan. The city was founded by United States citizens in 1833 on the west bank of the Maumee River, and originally incorporated as part of Monroe County, Michigan Territory.", "- Receive exclusive special offers and be the first to hear about the latest news and happenings in San Luis Obispo County! Customize Your Offers. Pick your favorites below and we'll send personalized updates, events and special deals to match your interests!", "- Toledo Airport provides commercial air services. -----------------------------------------------------------. Disclaimer: The Sandusky County Commissioners maintain this Web site to enhance public access to the County's information. This is a service that is continually under development. We will make every effort.", "- Content managed by Ouachita County Historical Society Ouachita County Historical Society freely offers postings that include narratives and photos to promote interest and enjoyment of local history. We are pleased when you share our materials with others. Be advised some of the narratives have a copyright and may be shared, but not reproduced for sale by third parties.", "Valley County, Idaho Free Public Records Directory Valley County, Idaho - Public Records Directory Links. Free Directory. Links to state and local court records, general Idaho court information, directory of courts, and online resources for courts in Idaho." ]
[ 16.21875 ]
[ 5.13671875, 6.5546875, 5.02734375, 11.578125, 5.7890625, 8.9765625, 12.25, 2.724609375, 13, 12.359375, 0.5478515625, 16.78125, 0.9521484375, 0.892578125, 13.4375, 0.66552734375, 4.51953125, 6.19921875, 2.376953125, 13.5, 6.89453125, 1.9267578125, 1.4306640625, 0.44482421875, 2.35546875, 16.84375, 1.8662109375, 9.640625, 0.06182861328125, 0.1661376953125 ]
what is in the feed that you feed to chickens
[ "Feeding Your Chickens or Laying Hens To sum up: bugs, worms, seeds, weeds, grasses, and even rodents. Typically, backyard and small farm chickens also eat food scraps from the farm household - basically anything besides beans, garlic, raw potatoes, onions, and citrus. You can feed them beans, garlic, and onions but the eggs might taste funky. Raw potatoes can be poisonous to chickens.", "What To Feed Your Chickens I’ve seen a chicken snatch a toad by it’s leg and all of the other hens go in a raucous chase after it, only, at the end to discover that a toad is not good eating. Chickens also eat less exciting foods, like vegetables, fruits, flowers and grass. They eat grains and seeds. They scratch the ground and find bugs and specks of things that we can’t see. So, the question isn’t really what chickens eat, but what the right diet is for them. In the 19th century most chickens were barnyard scavengers. They hatched out under their mamas and were taught to look for grain in the horse stalls, and for bugs and greens in the garden." ]
[ "- The bulk of your chicken feed will likely be commercially-made chicken pellets. This can actually be the most confusing part too. Chicken feed pellets come in various formats, probably offering a lot more choice than a simple backyard chicken flock needs.", "What to Feed Crickets Here are some of the best dry foods you can feed to your crickets: 1.) Crushed cat food, dog food, chicken feed ( if possible, you’ll want to use vegetable based feed) 2.) Cricket chow – This is commercially produced cricket feed. You can find this for sale at any place that sells crickets. 3.) Mixed seeds and nuts – unsalted raw sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts.", "What Do you feed your ducks? I have never heard of just duck feed. Our ducks just eat with the chickens-they get a flock raiser type feed with scratch mixed in. They also eat a ton of grass, bugs, and they love mice.I have traps in the barns and will give the mice to the ducks...they love them! My husbands grandma used to just feed her ducks hound dog food...from the feed store. have had ducks for 5 years now with chickens. They all sleep in the same pen, play in the same run and eat the same food. I have some of the healthiest ducks around. I don't know where you get your info but it's false.", "7 Common Weeds your Chickens Will Love I feed this super nutritious weed to my baby chicks in the brooder as well as my laying hens. It is also a natural pain reliever so good for any hen in any kind of distress. 2. Clover – Clover is one of the most nutritionally complete you can feed your chickens, so go pick them a nice handful.", "- CHICKEN TREATS. This is a list of everything you can feed a chicken. However, everybody's chickens have their own tiny brains full of likes and dislikes, so while one person's chickens may come running for grapes or watermelon, another person's chickens may turn up their pointy little beaks at it.nly feed your chickens that which is still considered edible by humans, don't feed anything spoiled, moldy, oily, salty or unidentifiable. Lettuce / Kale. Any leafy greens, spinach collards, chickweed included. A big treat, depending on how much other greenery they have access to.", "What should I feed my backyard chickens? Views: 258802. Feeding your chickens a complete and balanced diet is essential if they are to stay healthy and lay lots of lovely eggs! Chickens will eat almost anything so to prevent deficiencies and health problems, a wide range of foods should be offered. A good quality poultry pellet should be the mainstay of their diet. If the poultry pellet is provided in a commercial dispenser this tends to help keep the pellet dry.", "Organic Homemade Chicken Feed. In addition to our homemade grain mixture, I also supplement our chickens with all of our kitchen scraps (things like carrot peelings, stale bread, or old greens) and a few large armfuls of weeds each day. They love to eat the tender leaves off the wildflowers and weeds that grow around here.", "Feeding Chickens Broilers have larger bodies and gain weight more rapidly than do the egg producing types of chickens. Therefore, these birds are fed diets with higher protein and energy levels. Go here for a feeding schedule and a list of nutrients and ingredients. If saved for egg production, broiler hens make poor egg producers.", "feed verb (used with object), fed, feeding. 1. to give food to; supply with nourishment: to feed a child. 2. to yield or serve as food for: This land has fed 10 generations.", "- Chickens need a lot of protein and calcium to lay eggs, and the food we supply ensures they get all that they require. Even still, it is fun to spoil our pets and watch them eat treats.e will start off with a list of Things to Never feed your hens: Earthworms-Chickens may find and eat them themselves, however eating earthworms may cause Gapeworm, so please do not dig them up and feed them to your chickens! Citrus Fruit-Chickens may not be given any type of citrus.", "Grow your own chicken feed These days, if you want to avoid buying in commercial feeds or at least provide something to supplement the pellets, you can grow your own chicken feed. Legumes such as peas and broad, French and runner beans are particularly beneficial, being high in protein and popular with chickens.", "Chicken Feed: How to Feed Chickens Chicken Feed: How to Feed Chickens. Your chickens will need properly formulated chicken feed that is the correct type for their age, for growth, sustenance and to produce eggs if they are hens of egg laying age.hickens require protein to produce feathers and eggs as well as to grow. The amount of protein in their diet is important and you will see on the ingredients on the back of bags of commercial feeds the percentage of protein that they contain.", "What To Feed Your Chickens Chickens appreciate table scraps. They’ll eat most anything, from coffee grinds to stale toast to soggy green beans. Some things they won’t eat, and sometimes it’s a matter of personal preference. Mine don’t like raisins, and yet it’s a favorite treat for a friend’s flock.", "Feeding Your Chickens or Laying Hens Typically, backyard and small farm chickens also eat food scraps from the farm household-basically anything besides beans, garlic, raw potatoes, onions, and citrus.You can feed them beans, garlic and onions but the eggs might taste funky.Raw potatoes can be poisonous to chickens.ypically, backyard and small farm chickens also eat food scraps from the farm household-basically anything besides beans, garlic, raw potatoes, onions, and citrus.", "What do Chickens Eat? A Complete Guide to Feeding Adult and Baby Chickens This chicken mash recipe is for a grain and meat mash. If you only have a small number of chickens, only use small amounts of the ingredients, and proportion them accordingly, 1:2 ration of corn meal to bran or middlings. Start with 2 quarts of corn meal that is mixed with boiling water.", "Trivia (68) One of the movie's main trailers features a dinner setting where a gigantic cooked bird is being served, either a turkey or a large chicken, thereby directly referencing Kentucky Fried Chicken. 1970s style KFC cardboard packaging can been seen in one of the film's actual skits.", "What Can I Feed My Chickens? Eggs: Hard cooked and scrambled are a good source of protein, and a favorite treat. Feed cooked eggs only because you don't want your chickens to start eating their own raw eggs. Eggplant: Fruit ok in moderation, avoid peels. Eggplants are in the nightshade family and contain Solanine.", "Feeding Chickens at Different Ages Chicken scratch is NOT chicken feed. The contents of scratch vary, but it consists primarily of cracked corn and any number of other grains. It's a source of energy (think: carbs) but is not a good source of vitamins, minerals or protein.", "10 Foods You Should Not Feed Your Chickens I often describe chickens as miniature trash compactors – they will eat almost anything you put in front of them. An emphasis should be placed on “almost anything”. For the most part, we feed our chickens food items they would normally find around the ranch – veggies, fruits, seeds and grains.hickens also need some calcium and a little grit in their diets as well. The calcium helps them form a strong outer eggshell and the grit aids in digestion. I usually purchase this supplement kit with oyster shells, DE and grit, and add a little each day to their feed.", "Feeding Chickens Before the 1980’s, chickens were often fed scraps, with a little wheat or oats, sometimes maize, fishmeal for protein, and cod liver oil however modern research has been able to provide us with mash or pelleted feeds that contain the right balance for our chickens.", "Chicken Help Just like you wouldn't be healthy if you ate nothing but potato chips, your chickens won't be healthy if they eat nothing but scratch. Feel free to treat them with it, but make sure you also provide real layer feed, as much as they want, so they get enough protein and nutrition every day to stay healthy.", "Definitions &Translations Fodder. Fodder or animal feed is any agricultural foodstuff used specifically to feed domesticated livestock, such as cattle, goats, sheep, horses, chickens and pigs. Most animal feed is from plants, but some is of animal origin.", "What should I feed my backyard chickens? Feeding your chickens a complete and balanced diet is essential if they are to stay healthy and lay lots of lovely eggs! Chickens will eat almost anything so to prevent deficiencies and health problems, a wide range of foods should be offered. A good quality poultry pellet should be the mainstay of their diet. If the poultry pellet is provided in a commercial dispenser this tends to help keep the pellet dry.", "How to Feed Your Hens for Best Egg Production Fresh foods such as dark green leafy veggies, fruits, and foraged insects, will provide extra calcium and micronutrients. You may also improve the health of your chickens by feeding them sprouted wheat, barley, or oats. Check out my post, Sprouting Wheat for Chicken Feed, to see my el-cheapo sprouting system.", "Feedstuffs for sheep and lambs Feedstuffs for sheep and lambs Definition of feedstuff-any of the constituent nutrients of an animal ration. While forages are the most natural diet for sheep and lambs and usually the most economical, a sheep's nutritional requirements can be met by feeding a variety of feedstuffs.", "- Free-range chickens eat bugs and sometimes grass. If you reseed your lawn, you'll find out that they also eat grass seed. You can try several methods to stop your chickens from eating the seed before it has a chance to grow. Alternatives range from raking to mulching to fencing off areas.", "what table scraps should i give and not give to my chickens? You can throw a lot of kitchen scraps in there that the chickens shouldn't or wouldn't eat and let the worms eat them. Things like potato peels, rotten or moldy produce, and some processed junk food. Then, you can feed the worms to the chickens.", "Feeding Small Grains to Beef Cattle Feeding Small Grains to Beef Cattle. Because of high corn prices, cattle feeders are investigating the use of small grains in cattle diets. Cattle feeders for all classes of cattle are encountering corn prices that are at or near record levels. Alternative feeds are needed in many cases to make financial sense for feeding the cattle. One of the options is the use of small grains in cattle diets.", "What do Chickens Eat? A Complete Guide to Feeding Adult and Baby Chickens Feeding Chickens Mash. Chicken mash should be given daily, either in the morning or in the evening. Mash can be given either wet or dry and should make up about a quarter to a third of the daily ration, and should be made up predominantly of bran but can also be mixed with middlings and corn chops.", "- Feeding whole corn to chickens As you know, I'm on a quest to find out cheaper ways to keep our chickens fed. Robert Plamondon provides unlimited access to whole corn kernels, and finds that the cheap corn cuts down on chicken feed costs.s you know, I'm on a quest to find out cheaper ways to keep our chickens fed. Robert Plamondon provides unlimited access to whole corn kernels, and finds that the cheap corn cuts down on chicken feed costs." ]
[ 13.21875, 11.53125 ]
[ 11.296875, 8.6015625, 7.5390625, 9.7734375, 10.78125, 11.4140625, 12.09375, 11.171875, 6.34765625, 9.4375, 12.2890625, 13.1015625, 11.5234375, 11.7109375, 11.40625, 2.375, 12.28125, 11.578125, 11.8359375, 13.109375, 10.4609375, 9.3515625, 11.71875, 13.0625, 3.5859375, 7.67578125, 9.578125, 3.759765625, 12.25, 8.75 ]
what is a globes four major spheres
[ "- Quick Answer. The four spheres of the Earth are the atmosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere. Each of these spheres is considered by scientists as interconnected in a greater geosphere that harbors all terrestrial life and materials." ]
[ "Globe A globe is a three-dimensional, spherical, scale model of Earth (terrestrial globe or geographical globe) or other celestial body such as a planet or moon. While models can be made of objects with arbitrary or irregular shapes, the term globe is used only for models of objects that are approximately spherical. The word “globe” comes from the Latin word globus, meaning round mass or sphere.", "The 4 Spheres of the Earth Learn about the four spheres of the earth: the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. Learn about the four spheres of the earth: the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. The 4 Spheres of the Earth Learn about the Atmosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere and Lithosphere", "- The four oceans of the Earth is the Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Artic Ocean The Atlantic Ocean is not really an ocean because, the Antarctic Oce … an circles the globe and surrounds the southern continent of Antarctica.The Antarctic Ocean is also called the Southern Ocean.he four oceans of the Earth is the Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Artic Ocean The Atlantic Ocean is not really an ocean because, the Antarctic Oce … an circles the globe and surrounds the southern continent of Antarctica.", "Ganymede The Galilean satellites (Jupiter's four largest moons) to the same scale. Our Moon is also shown for reference. Cutaway views of the possible internal structures of the Galilean satellites. Clockwise from top left: Io, Europa, Callisto, Ganymede.anymede and Callisto. The largest of the Galilean satellites (and the largest moon in the solar system) is Ganymede. At 5262 km across, Ganymede is larger than Mercury but because Ganymede orbits a planet, it is classified as a moon. Ganymede orbits Jupiter in 7.15 days.", "Biosphere The biosphere harmoniously interrelates with the other major spheres of the earth (lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere), and as small as the biosphere is, living organisms greatly impact each of these spheres, as seen in the various biogeochemical cycles (oxygen cycle, water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, etc.).", "Structure of the Atmosphere The atmosphere consists of 4 layers: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. Figure A shows the placement of the different layers of the atmosphere and how the temperature changes with height as you go from the ground up to space.The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.he atmosphere consists of 4 layers: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. Figure A shows the placement of the different layers of the atmosphere and how the temperature changes with height as you go from the ground up to space.", "Geosphere There are several conflicting definitions for geosphere. The geosphere may be taken as the collective name for the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, and the atmosphere.In Aristotelian physics, the term was applied to four spherical natural places, concentrically nested around the center of the Earth, as described in the lectures Physica and Meteorologica.here are several conflicting definitions for geosphere. The geosphere may be taken as the collective name for the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, and the atmosphere.", "- The Earth consists of four concentric [concentric: Describe shapes (usually circles) which share the same centre point.] layers: inner core, outer core, mantle [mantle: A zone of hot rock in the interior of the Earth, located between the outer crust and the molten core.] and crust [crust: The outer", "- (Answer #1). The four spheres show how the four main components of Planet Earth form a complete system. These main components are land, air, water, and life. The lithosphere, also known as Geosphere is made of the earth's core, the mantle, crust, ocean floor,mountains, sand, rocks, alphalt, bricks, etc.The hydrosphere is made of everything water such as oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, snow, and ice caps.hese main components are land, air, water, and life. The lithosphere, also known as Geosphere is made of the earth's core, the mantle, crust, ocean floor,mountains, sand, rocks, alphalt, bricks, etc. The hydrosphere is made of everything water such as oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, snow, and ice caps.", "- There are five major ocean-wide gyres—the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, and Indian Ocean gyres. Each is flanked by a strong and narrow “western boundary current,” and a weak and broad “eastern boundary current” (Ross, 1995).", "The 4 Spheres of the Earth The area near the surface of the earth can be divided into four interconnected spheres: lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. Think of them as four interconnected parts that make up a complete system, in this case, of life on earth.", "- Go to the Carbon Dioxide puzzle piece for more information about Human Influences on this gas. Global climate change is a very complex subject. All of Earth's spheres --the biosphere (living things), hydrosphere (water), lithosphere (rock/soil), and atmosphere (air)--work together to create and maintain climate.", "- Overview of Four Spheres. From rocks or crabs to wind or rain, there are four geospheres into which all the elements and life present on and around the surface of the Earth can be classified. These geospheres are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and the atmosphere.verview of Four Spheres. From rocks or crabs to wind or rain, there are four geospheres into which all the elements and life present on and around the surface of the Earth can be classified. These geospheres are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and the atmosphere.", "- Brainly has millions of high quality answers, all of them carefully moderated by our most trusted community members, but certified answers are the finest of the finest. Out of the following choices given, the Earth's spheres that includes the oceans, groundwater, lakes, and glaciers are the hydrosphere.", "The Carbon Cycle: What Goes Around Comes Around Summary. Carbon, the fourth most abundant element in the universe, moves between the atmosphere, oceans, biosphere, and geosphere in what is called the carbon cycle. This module provides an overview of the global carbon cycle, one of the major biogeochemical cycles.", "Structure of the Atmosphere The atmosphere consists of 4 layers: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. Figure A shows the placement of the different layers of the atmosphere and how the temperature changes with height as you go from the ground up to space.The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.This is the layer where we live and where weather happens. Temperature in this layer generally decreases with height. The boundary between the stratosphere and the troposphere is called the tropopause.he troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere. This is the layer where we live and where weather happens. Temperature in this layer generally decreases with height. The boundary between the stratosphere and the troposphere is called the tropopause.", "- The four main points (cardinal directions) of the compass were derived from the wind rose: North, East, South, and West. This is also where the four half points originated (ordinal directions). Later, more points were developed to gain more precise bearings, until finally 32 points in total were used.he four main points (cardinal directions) of the compass were derived from the wind rose: North, East, South, and West. This is also where the four half points originated (ordinal directions). Later, more points were developed to gain more precise bearings, until finally 32 points in total were used.", "- There are many spheres, like biosphere, geosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere. The geosphere is the earth itself, the rock,sand,lava etc.", "- The geosphere is considered that portion of the Earth system that includes the Earth's interior, rocks and minerals, landforms and the processes that shape the Earth's surface. The Earth itself (contrary to Christopher Columbus) is not a perfect sphere.he mantle makes up the largest volume of the Earth's interior. The region beneath the mantle is called the core, and consists of two parts, a liquid outer core that is around 2250 km thick and a solid inner core 1220 km thick.", "Science Exam A. atmosphere, crust, core B. lithosphere, mantle, core C. crust, mantle, core D. asthenosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere Weegy: C. crust, mantle and core are the three main parts of geosphere. debnjerry|Points 53259|User: A Mercator projection map shows accurate A. directions, but has distorted sizes and distances.", "The Hydrosphere Scientists generally divide our little blue world into four separate yet overlapping spheres. These spheres are the lithosphere, the atmosphere, the biosphere, and the hydrosphere. Each of these spheres consist of unique properties that separate them from the others. However, as I am sure you have noticed, there is no distinct boundary or border between them. The atmosphere extends downward into the soil, into caves and rocks, and even into water.", "- The feng shui schools to the Southern Hemisphere defend the need for changes, that span the feng shui and Chinese Astrology 4 Pillars. Among the main arguments for changes to be made can be cited: The Ba Gua – octagon with a trigram on each side – is the cycle of the stations.", "- They are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. The life and material on or near the surface of the earth can be divided into four spheres. The names of these geo-spheres are derived from the Greek words. Litho means stone or rocky; atmo means air; hydro means water and bio means life.", "Introduction to the Atmosphere 1 Based on temperature, the atmosphere is divided into four layers: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. 2 Energy is transferred between the earth's surface and the atmosphere via conduction, convection, and radiation. 3 Ocean currents play a significant role in transferring this heat poleward.he atmosphere is divided vertically into four layers based on temperature: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. Throughout the Cycles unit, we'll focus primarily on the layer in which we live-the troposphere. Troposphere. The word troposphere comes from tropein, meaning to turn or change.", "Four Corners The Four Corners is a region of the United States consisting of the southwestern corner of Colorado, northwestern corner of New Mexico, northeastern corner of Arizona, and southeastern corner of Utah.he Four Corners region is the red circle in this map. The four corners states are highlighted in orange. False-color satellite image of the Four Corners. Bright red lines are vegetation along the major rivers of the area.", "Geosphere Definition for Kids Geosphere may be deemed by many to be the most important of the four spheres or subsections but it cannot be seen in isolation. The formation of the planet’s solid and molten structure is just as much significant as the formation of the other elements, from water to atmosphere because they coexist.", "Winds That the Hebrews recognized the existence of four prevailing winds as issuing, broadly speaking, from the four cardinal points, north, south, east and west, may be inferred from their custom of using the expression four winds as equivalent to the four quarters of the hemisphere.esterly winds prevail in Palestine from November to February. In addition to the four regular winds, we have notice in the Bible of the local squalls, (Mark 4:37; Luke 8:23) to which the Sea of Gennesareth was liable.", "- Atmosphere Biosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere. The region around and near the earth's surface can be divided into four interconnected geo-spheres. They are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. The life and material on or near the surface of the earth can be divided into four spheres.", "Structure of the Atmosphere Space. The atmosphere has 4 layers: the troposphere that we live in near the surface of the earth; the stratosphere that houses the ozone layer; the mesosphere, a colder and lower density layer with about 0.1% of the atmosphere; and the thermosphere, the top layer, where the air is hot but very thin.he temperature decreases with height here just like it does in the troposphere. This layer also contains ratios of nitrogen and oxygen similar to the troposphere, except the concentrations are 1000 times less and there is little water vapor there, so the air is too thin for weather to occur.", "- Start studying Earth's four major spheres. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools." ]
[ 14.28125 ]
[ 10.125, 13.65625, 9.71875, 4.75, 10.859375, 7.31640625, 10.046875, 8.96875, 14.1328125, 6.03515625, 13.8125, 9.3125, 12.9296875, 8.078125, 6.515625, 7.19140625, 8.6484375, 8.8203125, 7.69921875, 7.0546875, 12, 4.203125, 12.8125, 6.90234375, 6.31640625, 9.421875, 4.57421875, 11.6875, 6.49609375, 10.046875 ]
what function diffuses water molecules
[ "TRANSPORT IN AND OUT OF CELLS Water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are among the few simple molecules that can cross the cell membrane by diffusion (or a type of diffusion known as osmosis). Diffusion is one principle method of movement of substances within cells, as well as the method for essential small molecules to cross the cell membrane.n a cell, which has so many organelles and other large molecules, the water flow is generally into the cell. Animated image/movie illustrating osmosis (water is the red dots) and the selective permeability of a membrane (blue dashed line). Image from the Internet. Click on image to view movie." ]
[ "Ch 5 Biology Facilitated diffusion follows the same rules as regular diffusion (higher to lower concentration and no energy required), but uses protein carrier molecules to allow substances that are fat soluble to diffuse through the cell membrane.", "Rate of Diffusion of Potassium permanganate, Potassium dichromate, and Methylene blue1 Diffusion is a movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an. area of lower concentration. The particles will fuse when they are evenly distributed and. have reached equilibrium. Potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, and methylene blue are. substances used as indicators and oxidizing agents.", "London dispersion force Dispersion forces are usually dominant of the three van der Waals forces (orientation, induction, dispersion) between atoms and molecules, with the exception of molecules that are small and highly polar, such as water. The following contribution of the dispersion to the total intermolecular interaction energy has been given:", "Osmosis The diffusion model of osmosis is rendered untenable by the fact that osmosis can drive water across a membrane toward a higher concentration of water. The bound water model is refuted by the fact that osmosis is independent of the size of the solute molecules—a colligative property—or how hydrophilic they are.", "Blood Vessels, Ch. 19 Here the capillaries form a capillary bed, which is a vast expanse of very small vessels forming a network throughout the muscle. However, unlike veins and arteries, their main function is not transporting blood. • Surrounding by a lot of capillaries. Thus, this supply a lot of blood to the alveoli-diffuse carbon dioxide from deoxygenated blood and diffuse oxygen into the oxygenated blood. • The walls of the alveoli are one cell thick.", "Osmosis and Diffusion the random movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration of those molecules to an area of lower concentration. Osmosis. a special case of diffusion where water diffuses through a selectively permeable membrane from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential. Permeable Membrane. a membrane that allows for diffusion of certain solutes and water.", "Absorption of Water and Electrolytes 1 Water diffuses in response to the osmotic gradient established by sodium-in this case into the intercellular space. 2 It seems that the bulk of the water absorption is transcellular, but some also diffuses through the tight junctions. 3 Water, as well as sodium, then diffuses into capillary blood within the villus.", "Osmosis Permeability depends on solubility, charge, or chemistry, as well as solute size. Water molecules travel through the plasma membrane, tonoplast membrane (vacuole) or protoplast by diffusing across the phospholipid bilayer via aquaporins (small transmembrane proteins similar to those responsible for facilitated diffusion and ion channels). Osmosis provides the primary means by which water is transported into and out of cells. The turgor pressure of a cell is largely maintained by osmosis ...", "What molecules which pass through the cell membrane by simple diffusion.? However some particles may be too large to pass through, in such cases active diffusion occurs where energy is used to transfer it using transfer proteins in the membrane structure. Example of substance that transferred via simple diffusion is water. Note that water transport is termed osmosis. Siavash · 3 years ago.", "What is the diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane? Water molecules diffuse through a selectively permeable membrane? Water diffuses by facilitated diffusion, passing through water permeable protein channels embedded in the cell membrane. Water molecules can not pass through the lipid bilayer … because water is polar.", "- Diffusion of a Dye in Hot and Cold Water. Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the principle of diffusion. Diffusion is the net movement of particles (atoms, ions, or molecules) from an area of greater concentration to areas of lesser concentration.", "- ___ Three types of endocytosis 6. ___ Engulfing of fluid in membrane vesicles 7. ___ Diffusion of water across selectively permeable membrane, from hypotonic to hypertonic solution 8. ___ Transport molecules need ATP to function 9. ___ Enables cell to engulf bulk quantities of specific large molecules 10.", "- Water diffuses in because of the green molecules, and water diffuses out because of the purple molecules. The diffusion of water is balanced.If you placed this cell in pure water, the concentration of green molecules would be zero outside the cell but high inside the cell.", "- Diffusion is a physical process that can beobserved with any type of molecule. For example, when acrystal of dye is placed in water (Fig. 4.5), the dye and wa-ter molecules move in various directions, but their netmovement, which is the sum of their motion, is toward theregion of lower concentration.", "Properties of Water Water's polarity allows it to dissolve other polar substances very easily. When a polar substance is put in water, the positive ends of its molecules are attracted to the negative ends of the water molecules, and vice versa. The attractions cause the molecules of the new substance to be mixed uniformly with the water molecules.", "Biology book1 1.0 Water (Solvent molecules) follows the salts (solute molecules) Osmosis. In this exercise, you will investigate the effect of solute concentration on osmosis. Remember, osmosis is the diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane, from a higher concentration of. water to a lower concentration of water.", "Vesicle Function The vesicle is separated from the rest of the cytoplasm by at least one phospholipid bilayer. The membrane that encloses the vesicle is similar to the plasma membrane. Thus, vesicles can fuse with the plasma membrane when they want to release their contents outside the boundaries of the cell.However, vesicles can also fuse with other organelles that are present inside the cell to release or engulf substances.The function of vesicles in a cell, thus, varies depending on the type of vesicle that is present.ysosomes are specialized organelles that contain digestive enzymes that are used to break down substances in the cell into smaller molecules. As these organelles are present only in animal cells, the function of vesicles in this case will be different compared to that of the plant cell.", "How are osmosis and diffusion similar and different? Okay, so basically Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Diffusion is generally the movement of a gradient from higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Osmosis applies to water only, whereas diffusion, you have many types such as Passive transport [ movement of molecules from high- low, NO CELLULAR ENERGY needed! ] then you have faciliated diffusion ( basically uses a channel protein to allow big substances to go through the membrane : NO ENERGY needed]", "Dialysis Dialysis works on the principles of the diffusion of solutes and ultrafiltration of fluid across a semi-permeable membrane. Diffusion is a property of substances in water; substances in water tend to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Blood flows by one side of a semi-permeable membrane, and a dialysate, or special dialysis fluid, flows by the opposite side.", "- Osmosis is a type of simple diffusion in which water molecules diffuse through a selectively permeable membrane from areas of high water concentration to areas of lower water concentration. (Note that the more particles dissolved in a solution, the less water there is in it, so osmosis is sometimes described as the diffusion of water from areas of low solute concentration to areas of high solute concentration).", "What are the functions of a vacuole in a plant cell? Osmotic pressure is the pressure required to prevent fluid diffusing through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions containing different concentrations of solute molecules. The response of plant cells to water is a prime example of the significance of turgor pressure.", "- Osmosis is the passive movement of water across a semi permeable membrane. It occurs in the opposite direction to diffusion of ions. Water moves from a region of low solute concentration and therefore high water concentration to a region of high solute concentration and low water concentration. Molecular Structure of Water.", "Osmosis and Diffusion. . .? (Similarity) - However, osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential through a partially permeable membrane and diffusion is the movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, down a concentration gradient.", "Atoms, Isotopes, Ions, and Molecules Water droplets on a leaf: The hydrogen bonds formed between water molecules in water droplets are stronger than the other intermolecular forces between the water molecules and the leaf, contributing to high surface tension and distinct water droplets.", "Functions and Constituents Functions and Constituents Functions of blood. Transports gases, nutrients, waste, cells and hormones throughout the body. Transports O2, CO2, nutrients, hormones, heat and wastes. Regulates pH, temperature, water content of cells. Protects against blood loss through clotting. Protects against disease through phagocytic white blood cells and antibodies. The process by which blood is made is called Haemopoiesis. Blood Constituents. Blood consists of blood cells and plasma. If blood is treated with an anticoagulant and centrifuged, the blood cells sediment leaving a supernatant of clear plasma. Blood Cells", "How is diffusion related to cells? osmosis is the diffusion of water across a membrane. Regualtes cells osmotic pressure. diffusion- simply means that a substance travels down its concentration gradient to ar … eas of lower solute concentration. Osmosis is a type of diffusion.", "Filtration Membrane Glomerular filtration is a process of bulk flow: water and low molecular weight substances move from the lumen of the capillary, across the filtration membrane, and into Bowman s space.", "Molecular diffusion The rate of this movement is a function of temperature, viscosity of the fluid and the size (mass) of the particles. Diffusion explains the net flux of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration.", "Chapter 42 - Circulation and Gas Exchange Oxygen dissolved in the surrounding water diffuses across the thin epithelium covering the gills and into a network of tiny blood vessels (capillaries). At the same time, carbon dioxide diffuses out into the water.", "Flow distribution in manifolds Flow distribution in manifolds. The flow in manifolds is extensively encountered in many industrial processes when it is necessary to distribute a large fluid stream into several parallel streams and then to collect them into one discharge stream, such as fuel cells, plate heat exchanger, radial flow reactor, and irrigation." ]
[ 10.71875 ]
[ 9.078125, 7.3125, 6.609375, 10.6875, 7.13671875, 11.3203125, 10.375, 11.390625, 8.7578125, 12.4765625, 10.265625, 9.65625, 12.40625, 10.609375, 8.8984375, 10.0390625, 5.875, 10.328125, 9.8359375, 12.5859375, 9.984375, 10.6796875, 11.328125, 8.25, 6.265625, 9, 8.890625, 10.09375, 10.203125, 1.14453125 ]
hibernation is an adaptation that helps animals to _______.
[ "Chilling Out, Warming Up: How Animals Survive Temperature Extremes Hibernation is a great strategy that enables animals to conserve energy when food is scarce. During hibernation, body temperature drops, breathing and heart rate slows, and most of the body’s metabolic functions are put on hold in a state of quasi-suspended animation." ]
[ "Hedgehog hibernation Hedgehog hibernation. Hedgehogs are one of the few mammals that are true hibernators. During hibernation hedgehogs are not really asleep, instead they drop their body temperature to match their surroundings and enter a state of torpor.edgehog hibernation. Hedgehogs are one of the few mammals that are true hibernators. During hibernation hedgehogs are not really asleep, instead they drop their body temperature to match their surroundings and enter a state of torpor.", "hibernate To hibernate means to take a season-long snooze. When a bear crawls into a cave with a belly full of food ready to sleep through the cold winter, that bear is going to hibernate until spring. Animals that sleep through the winter, like bears, squirrels, rodents and even some rattlesnakes, are said to hibernate through the winter. This word can also be used to describe any kind of inactive or dormant state, especially for the purpose of getting rest. If you’ve had a tough week and you’re planning to shut down and hole up in your house for the weekend, you could say you’re going to hibernate this weekend.", "Desert Animal Survival A few desert animals, such as the Round-tailed Ground Squirrel, a diurnal mammal, enter a state of estivation when the days become too hot and the vegetation too dry. They sleep away the hottest part of the summer. (They also hibernate in winter to avoid the cold season.). Some desert animals such as Desert Toads, remain dormant deep in the ground until the summer rains fill ponds. They then emerge, breed, lay eggs and replenish their body reserves of food and water for another long period.", "- A Behavioral Adaptation is something an animal does-how it acts-usually in response to some type of external stimulus. Examples of some Behavioral Adaptions: 1 What an animal is able to eat. 2 How an animal moves.", "What Are Some Specific Examples of the Ways That Animals Adapt to Their Environment? Adaptation can occur broadly, across an entire family of animals, or it can occur very precisely, only developing in a small population within a species. Animals adapt to their environment in a variety of ways; an animal’s color, behavior, defense or diet, for example, may serve adaptive functions. Camouflage is an important part of survival for many species, and animals use it to hide from both predators and prey.", "Adaptation Adaptation is the evolutionary process whereby an organism becomes better able to live in its habitat or habitats. 2. Adaptedness is the state of being adapted: the degree to which an organism is able to live and reproduce in a given set of habitats.", "How Hibernation Works Estivation and Daily Torpor. Estivation is like hibernation in hot weather. Animals that live in deserts or tropical climates practice estivation. It may not occur solely because of food supply issues, as with hibernation, but because the conditions become too hot and dry for the animal to survive.any species of birds use daily torpor to get through colder months. The black-capped chickadee is a good example. Daily torpor (which really ought to be called nightly torpor) is like low-grade short-term hibernation. It only lasts for a few hours, and the reduction in body temperature's just a few degrees.", "Habitat and Adaptation This means adapting to be able to survive the climatic conditions of the ecosystem, predators, and other species that compete for the same food and space. An adaptation is a modification or change in the organism's body or behaviour that helps it to survive. An animal may adapt to its habitat in different ways.his means adapting to be able to survive the climatic conditions of the ecosystem, predators, and other species that compete for the same food and space. An adaptation is a modification or change in the organism's body or behaviour that helps it to survive. An animal may adapt to its habitat in different ways.", "- ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. 19. Adaptation-is anything that helps an animal survive in its environment.", "Videos for K1 to K8 (Year 5 to 12) Plant Adaptations :Meaning and Definition:Adaptations are special feature in plants and animals which help them to survive in the habitats they live in. Over a long period, plants in a specific environment have developed special features which help them to live and grow in that particular habitat.", "Adaptation Adaptation is the evolutionary process where an organism becomes better suited to its habitat.This process takes place over many generations. It is one of the basic phenomena of biology. When people speak about adaptation, they often mean a 'feature' (a trait) which helps an animal or plant survive.. Adaptation is the evolutionary process whereby an organism becomes better able to live in its habitat or habitats. 2. Adaptedness is the state of being adapted: the degree to which an organism is able to live and reproduce in a given set of habitats.", "Reptile Adaptations 1. Reptiles have both physical and behavioral adaptations that help them survive in their habitats over time. Name one physical adaptation and one behavioral adaptation from the reptiles you studied. 2. The tuatara is the oldest living reptile.nstead of dividing the children into groups, present to the class pictures of different reptiles, such as a snake, a turtle, a crocodile, and a lizard. Describe to students where the reptile lives, what it eats, what eats it, and some of its adaptations.", "Dormancy During winter dormancy, plant metabolism virtually comes to a standstill due, in part, to low temperatures that slow chemical activity. Dormancy is a period in an organism's life cycle when growth, development, and (in animals) physical activity are temporarily stopped. This minimizes metabolic activity and therefore helps an organism to conserve energy. Dormancy tends to be closely associated with environmental conditions.", "Adaptation Adaptation occurs because the better adapted animals are the most likely to survive, and to reproduce successfully.This process is known as natural selection; it is the basic cause of evolutionary change.daptation is the evolutionary process where an organism becomes better suited to its habitat.", "Chilling Out, Warming Up: How Animals Survive Temperature Extremes During hibernation, body temperature drops, breathing and heart rate slows, and most of the body’s metabolic functions are put on hold in a state of quasi-suspended animation. It is almost as if the warm-blooded animal becomes cold-blooded, as its body temperature drops considerably. But they are still alive, and they live off their fat reserves.", "How and Why Animals Migrate Animals migrate for a variety of reasons. Migration is a behavioral adaptation that helps animals survive. Finding Their Way. Scientists aren't really sure exactly how some animals figure out how to get to where they are going. They think that some animals use landmarks like rivers and streams to find their way.", "Hibernation Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in endotherms. Hibernation refers to a season of heterothermy that is characterized by low body temperature, slow breathing and heart rate, and low metabolic rate.t is evident that pregnant female polar bears significantly increase body mass prior to hibernation, and this increase is further reflected in the weight of their offspring.", "TORPOR Noun. 1. hibernation-the torpid or resting state in which some animals pass the winter. torpidity, torpor-a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility; he fell into a deep torpor.", "Top 10 Animal Adaptations Of all the wonderful adaptations in the animal kingdom, perhaps the most important is the habit of living together in communal or family groups. Animals can derive a lot of benefit from spending time with other members of the same species. They can help each other find food, defend against predators and care for young.", "5 Stages of Activity and Hibernation Stage 1—Hibernation is continuous dormancy with distinct decreases in heart rate and metabolic rate. Bears use up to 4,000 kcal per day, mainly body fat, but do not eat, drink, urinate, or defecate. They can reduce oxygen consumption and metabolic rate by half and breathe only once every 45 seconds.", "- Winter sleep is called hibernation. Hibernation is when animals (such as bears) sleep for multiple months in order to conserve energy during the winter. Winter sleep is called hibernation. Hibernation is when animals (such as bears) sleep for multiple months in order to conserve energy during the winter.", "- What is adaptation of an living things? An adaptation is a feature which helps an organism survive in its normal habitat. For example animals which live in the arctic have thick fur to reduce heat loss.", "Chilling Out, Warming Up: How Animals Survive Temperature Extremes By contrast, warm-blooded animals are present in a wider variety of environments and for a longer part of the year than cold-blooded animals. Hibernation For warm-blooded animals that don’t migrate, one way to survive the winter is to sleep through it.", "How Hibernation Works Estivation and Daily Torpor. Estivation is like hibernation in hot weather. Animals that live in deserts or tropical climates practice estivation. It may not occur solely because of food supply issues, as with hibernation, but because the conditions become too hot and dry for the animal to survive.", "- 1 : of similar nature : harmonious a theory coincident with the facts. 2 : occupying the same space or time coincident events Animal hibernation is usually coincident with the approach of winter.", "- An adaptation is a special feature of a plant or animal that helps the organism in its natural environment. ie. a macaw would get eaten in the arctic, but it can survive i … n the rain forest .", "- Adaptations afford the organism a better chance to survive in its surroundings. Desert Adaptations. Deserts, where the environment is generally hot and extremely dry, provide many striking examples of how plants and animals are adapted to their surroundings. Plants have many adaptations to cope with the lack of water. Some desert plants, such as the barrel cactus, have expandable stems for storing water.", "- Pythons have a variety of interesting behavioral adaptations. They hiss, to discourage predators, spread their heads to make them look larger than they are, and many speci … es also play dead by flipping over on their backs.5 people found this useful. python is a snake that can wrap around living animals and suffocate them by squeezing the life out of them. Then after the python is done killing it's food, it swallows the … animal whole. It eats medium-sized animals like antelope, deer, cows, hippos rarely.", "How Hibernation Works Many species of birds use daily torpor to get through colder months. The black-capped chickadee is a good example. Daily torpor (which really ought to be called nightly torpor) is like low-grade short-term hibernation. It only lasts for a few hours, and the reduction in body temperature's just a few degrees.", "- Adaptations are any behavioral or physical characteristics of an animal that help it to survive in its environment. These characteristics fall into three main categories: body parts, body coverings, and behaviors. Any or all of these types of adaptations play a critical role in the survival of an animal." ]
[ 13.171875 ]
[ 8.28125, 7.39453125, 9.234375, 7.94921875, 8.1328125, 6.85546875, 9.1328125, 9.21875, 8.9453125, 8.109375, 9.1328125, 5.34375, 9.8984375, 8.609375, 10.703125, 9.4921875, 10.109375, 8.8125, 8.4609375, 8.796875, 11.3515625, 8.3515625, 10.515625, 10.2265625, 8.015625, 9.28125, 7.12109375, 6.875, 8.6171875, 9.4765625 ]
what is an imap
[ "Internet Message Access Protocol Internet Message Access Protocol. In computing, the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is an Internet standard protocol used by e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection.[1] IMAP is defined by RFC 3501." ]
[ "Indiana Mentor and Assessment Program (IMAP) IMAP is one of two methods teachers, administrators and school services personnel may use to convert a two (2) year Initial Practitioner (IP) license to a five (5) year Practitioner ℗ license. IMAP is a two (2) year mentorship. Those who hold a Reciprocal Permit or an Emergency Permit cannot participate in IMAP. One must hold an Indiana Professional Educator’s License to participate in IMAP. Registration for IMAP is open each year from August 15th through October 31st.", "- Avaya Aura. Instant messaging, often shortened to simply IM or IMing, is the exchange of text messages through a software application in real-time.vaya Aura. Instant messaging, often shortened to simply IM or IMing, is the exchange of text messages through a software application in real-time.", "What is ARP and how does it work in the Cisco IOS? The Address Resolution Protocol, or ARP, is a critical protocol in your network infrastructure. What is ARP? It’s an Internet protocol used to map an IP address to a MAC Address. Usually ARP just “works” and you don’t have to do anything about it.", "iPas 2 Review â Iâm Not An Affiliate iPas (that stands for “Internet Prospect Acceleration System”) is essentially a front-end marketing system for the Empower Network business opportunity. The original iPas system was developed by Chris Jones and Chris Campbell, both of whom have quite a few years of internet marketing experience.", "IP Addressing: ARP Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T Address Resolution Protocol. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) feature performs a required function in IP routing. ARP finds the hardware address, also known as Media Access Control (MAC) address, of a host from its known IP address. ARP maintains a cache (table) in which MAC addresses are mapped to IP addresses.", "- The IUPAC nomenclature is a system of naming chemical compounds and for describing the science of chemistry in general. It is maintained by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.he word nomenclature is derived from the Latin nomen-name, calare-to call; the Ancient Greek ονοματοκλήτωρ from όνομα or onoma meaning name, and equivalent to the Old English nama and Old High German namo which is derived from Sanskrit nama.", "IRAC (legal writing) 1 The IRAC (issue, rule, analysis, conclusion) legal analysis process. . . is a structured approach to problem solving. 2 The IRAC format, when followed in the preparation of a legal memorandum, helps ensure the clear communication of the complex subject matter of legal issue analysis.. Delmar, 2010). 2 Sample IRAC Paragraph. ( 3 I) Whether a bailment for the mutual benefit of Rough & Touch and Howard existed. ( 4 R) A pawn is a form of bailment, made for the mutual benefit of bailee and bailor, arising when goods are delivered to another as a pawn for security to him on money borrowed by the bailor.", "Interactive Maps You can use the Interactive Map to: 1 Find a parcel by address, Assessor Parcel Number (APN), or street intersection. 2 Turn on and off different layers of data so you see only the information you need. 3 Print the finished map or save it to a digital file (depending on your system).t does not intend to recreate interactive or static map services provided by the City or County of San Diego. Go to our GIS Links page for a list of other maps provided by our JPA partners. Go to the SanGIS Interactive Map to get started. Please note: the Interactive Map requires a web plug-in.", "- IAMB: A unit or foot of poetry that consists of a lightly stressed syllable followed by a heavily stressed syllable. Some words in English naturally form iambs, such as behold, restore, amuse, arise, awake, return, Noel, support, depict, destroy, inject, inscribe, insist, inspire, unwashed, and so on. A line of poetry written with syllables falling in this pattern of stress are said to be in iambic meter. See extended discussion under meter. Click here to download a PDF handout that contrasts iambs with other types of poetic feet. An iamb is also called an iambus in classical scholarship.", "- Iambic Pentameter Definition. In a line of poetry, an iamb is a foot or beat consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, or a short syllable followed by a long syllable, according to FreeDictionary.com.", "\"Michigan.gov Home ICHAT Home | MSP home | Sitemap | FAQs | Contact Us | Register | Login HelpBackground SearchSearch ResultsView Fee ChargesMy AccountShopping CartICHAT - HomeStarting on Monday, October 30, 2017, we will no longer be supplying new agency codes as we prepare to transition to the new version of ICHAT later this year. We thank you for your patience and understanding while we make this transition.The Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) allows the search of public criminal history record information maintained by the Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center. All felonies and serious misdemeanors that are punishable by over 93 days are required to be reported to the state repository by law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and courts in all 83 Michigan counties.Suppressed records and warrant information are not available through ICHAT. Also not included are federal records, tribal records, traffic records, juvenile records, local misdemeanors, cases closed without convictions, and criminal history from other states. A search for a record that may be in another state requires that you correspond with that state directly.Anyone can perform a search through ICHAT. At a minimum, the full name of the person and his/her date of birth is required. A fee of $10 is charged for each search.If this is your first time using the Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT), please select \"\"Register\"\"; otherwise select \"\"Login\"\" to proceed with a record search.ICHAT accepts MasterCard, Visa, and Discover cards:To access the Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry, click the following link:http://www.mipsor.state.mi.us/The Michigan State Police is pleased to announce a new version of ICHAT coming later this year. Please check back as we release the new registration process.The Michigan State Police is proud to present the new version of the Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) which will be launched on Wednesday, January 31, 2018. Please click this link ( https://ichat.state.mi.us) to pre-register. All current agencies will need to complete the registration process again.Michigan.gov Home | Sitemap | ICHAT HomeAccessibility Policy | Privacy Policy | Link Policy | Security Policy Copyright © 2001- 2018 State of Michigan\" All felonies and serious misdemeanors that are punishable by over 93 days are required to be reported to the state repository by law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and courts in all 83 Michigan counties. Suppressed records and warrant information are not available through ICHAT.", "ARP Stands for Address Resolution Protocol.. ARP is a protocol used for mapping an IP address to a computer connected to a local network LAN. Since each computer has a unique physical address called a MAC address, the ARP converts the IP address to the MAC address. This ensures each computer has a unique network identification.", "- iPAS stands for Internet Prospect Acceleration Systems. The system was created by Chris Jones and Chris Campbell and works in conjunction with The Empower Network and promises to supercharge your marketing efforts and business presence. iPAS 2 is best described as a “booster pack” for The Empower Network.", "- Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). IMAP is a set of rules that allows a user to access email from a local server. It is a client/server protocol in which email is retrieved from a secure Internet server. A user decides whether or not to download a particular email after reading its sender information and heading.", "Examples of Iambic Pentameter Understanding Iambic Pentameter. When we speak, our syllables are either stressed (stronger emphasis) or unstressed (weaker emphasis). For example, the word remark consists of two syllables. Re is the unstressed syllable, with a weaker emphasis, while mark is stressed, with a stronger emphasis.In poetry, a group of two or three syllables is referred to as a foot. A specific type of foot is an iamb.A foot is an iamb if it consists of one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, so the word remark is an iamb. Pent means five, so a line of iambic pentameter consists of five iambs – five sets of unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllables.omments powered by Disqus. Iambic pentameter refers to a certain kind of line of poetry, and has to do with the number of syllables in the line and the emphasis placed on those syllables. Many of Shakespeare’s works are often used as great examples of iambic pentameter.", "iambic pentameter in Hamlet Iambic pentameter is a commonly used type of metrical line in traditional English poetry and verse drama. The term describes the rhythm that the words establish in that line, which is measured in small groups of syllables called feet .The word iambic refers to the type of foot that is used, known as the iamb, which in English is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.ambic pentameter is the most common meter in English poetry; it is used in many of the major English poetic forms, including blank verse, the heroic couplet, and some of the traditional rhymed stanza forms. William Shakespeare used iambic pentameter in his plays and sonnets.", "- USZip.com USZip.com is an instant ZIP code lookup service featuring geographic and demographic data, crime rates, business information, educational institutes, weather and maps that can be explored by ZIP code or city name.ichigan, Wolverine State, Great Lakes State, MI; a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region.", "- HAMAP is a system, based on manual protein annotation, that identifies and semi-automatically annotates proteins that are part of well-conserved families or subfamilies: the HAMAP families. HAMAP is based on manually created family rules and is applied to bacterial, archaeal and plastid-encoded proteins.ANTHER version 7.0 contains 6594 protein families, each with a phylogenetic tree relating modern-day genes in 48 organisms. Expert biologists have divided each family into subfamilies, which are generally orthologous groups but may also contain recently duplicated paralogs.", "Compound muscle action potential The Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) or Compound motor action potential is an electromyography investigation (electrical study of muscle function). The CMAP idealizes the summation of a group of almost simultaneous action potentials from several muscle fibers in the same area.he Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) or Compound motor action potential is an electromyography investigation (electrical study of muscle function). The CMAP idealizes the summation of a group of almost simultaneous action potentials from several muscle fibers in the same area.", "Internet Message Access Protocol In computing, the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is an Internet standard protocol used by e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection. IMAP is defined by RFC 3501.", "Iambic Pentameter: Definition & Examples In a line of poetry, an iamb is a foot or beat consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, or a short syllable followed by a long syllable, according to FreeDictionary.com.", "- In the first hour of it's use we were able to recover the cost of the software. - IT Admin, The Automaster Motor Co. OpUtils IP Address Manager (IPAM) provides a centralized management of the IP address space, including IPv4 and IPv6 Address Management.", "FAQ: IPAM What is IPAM? Internet Protocol address management (IPAM) refers to a method of tracking and adjusting the information associated with a network’s Internet Protocol (IP) address space. IPAM simplifies and automates the administration of many tasks involved in IP space management, including writing DNS records and configuring DHCP settings.", "- The IRP structure is a partially opaque structure that represents an I/O request packet. Drivers can use the following members of the IRP structure. Copy. typedef struct _IRP { . . PMDL MdlAddress; ULONG Flags; union { struct _IRP *MasterIrp; . .", "Security Features on Switches Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) provides IP-to-MAC (32-bit IP address into a 48-bit Ethernet address) resolution. ARP operates at Layer 2 (the data-link layer) of the OSI model.", "- ISAM stands for Indexed Sequential Access Method, a method for indexing data for fast retrieval. ISAM was originally developed by IBM for mainframe computers. Today the term is used for several related concepts: Specifically, the IBM ISAM product and the algorithm it employs.", "Iamb An iamb is a literary device that can be defined as a foot containing unaccented and short syllables followed by a long and accented syllable in a single line of a poem (unstressed/stressed syllables).", "Examples of Iambic Pentameter Understanding Iambic Pentameter. When we speak, our syllables are either stressed (stronger emphasis) or unstressed (weaker emphasis). For example, the word remark consists of two syllables. Re is the unstressed syllable, with a weaker emphasis, while mark is stressed, with a stronger emphasis.In poetry, a group of two or three syllables is referred to as a foot. A specific type of foot is an iamb.A foot is an iamb if it consists of one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, so the word remark is an iamb. Pent means five, so a line of iambic pentameter consists of five iambs – five sets of unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllables.or example, the word remark consists of two syllables. Re is the unstressed syllable, with a weaker emphasis, while mark is stressed, with a stronger emphasis. In poetry, a group of two or three syllables is referred to as a foot.", "ISAM Databases ISAM (pronounced eye sam) stands for Indexed Sequential Access Method. It is a technique for storing and accessing data in a file on secondary storage, for example a disk. ISAM is not a stand-alone program; it is a library of functions that implement an algorithm. It is the heart of many modern database systems.", "- Parma ham) is a strategy that exploits the evocative capacity of this name-signal (Aaker, 1991). Indeed, by using an indication of origin it is possible to exploit associations of consumers with a. region and attribute to the product a perceived image and quality (Kapferer, 1992).pain and Italy are the main suppliers of fresh fruit on the German market while the main imported products are apple, grapes, peaches and oranges. The aim of this paper is to assess the role country of origin plays in the preferences of German consumers for peaches." ]
[ 16.71875 ]
[ 15.984375, 10.1328125, 4.859375, 3.443359375, 5.8359375, 1.03125, -1.9755859375, 6.9609375, 0.487060546875, 4.953125, 3.74609375, 5.33984375, 2.86328125, 17.375, 1.7880859375, 3.396484375, 2.265625, 1.482421875, 2.43359375, 17.421875, 4.515625, 5.9375, 8.1328125, 2.1328125, 4.40625, 4.51953125, 4.578125, 1.4912109375, 5.79296875, -0.54638671875 ]
what does centric mean
[ "DEFINITION of 'Client Centric' DEFINITION of 'Client Centric'. A specific approach to doing business that focuses on the customer. Client centric businesses ensure that the customer is at the center of a business's philosophy, operations or ideas." ]
[ "center Definition of center for English Language Learners. : 1 the middle point or part of something. : 2 a person or thing that is causing a lot of interest, argument, etc. : 3 the position of a person or thing that is causing a lot of interest, argument, etc.", "CENTRIFUGE • CENTRIFUGE (verb). The verb CENTRIFUGE has 1 sense: 1. rotate at very high speed in order to separate the liquids from the solids. Familiarity information: CENTRIFUGE used as a verb is very rare. CENTRIFUGE (verb). The verb CENTRIFUGE has 1 sense: 1. rotate at very high speed in order to separate the liquids from the solids. Familiarity information: CENTRIFUGE used as a verb is very rare.", "- Moving or directed toward a center or axis, particularly one around which an object is spinning. Transmitting nerve impulses toward the brain or spinal cord; afferent. Developing or progressing inward toward a center or axis, as in the growth of plant structures. For example, in the disk of the inflorescence of a sunflower, the florets near the edge open first, and the ones in the center last. Compare centrifugal.", "centre center of gravity - the point within something at which gravity can be considered to act; in uniform gravity it is equal to the center of mass centre of gravity midpoint, centre, center - a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure", "- The center of the octagon represents the activity of the generalist, bordered on the edges by the above realms of the specialists. The solid crossbar in the octagon signifies creativity as the unifying element in all of these areas.", "CENTRIPETAL FORCE Centripetal force is the force on an object on a circular path that keeps the object moving on the path. It is always directed to the center and its magnitude is constant, based on the mass of the object, its tangential velocity and the distance of the object (radius) from the center of the circular path.", "-centric -centric. a combining form meaning “having centers” of the specified number or kind (dicentric); “centered upon, focused around” that named by the first element (ethnocentric). [see centric ].", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 centric(Adjective) Being in the centre; central. 2 centric(Adjective) Pertaining to a nerve centre. 3 centric(Adjective) Being a member of the class Centrales.", "- Full Definition of INTRINSIC. 1. b: being or relating to a semiconductor in which the concentration of charge carriers is characteristic of the material itself instead of the content of any impurities it contains. 2. — in·trin·si·cal·ly \\-zi-k(ə-)lē, -si-\\ adverb.See intrinsic defined for English-language learners.ull Definition of INTRINSIC. 1. b: being or relating to a semiconductor in which the concentration of charge carriers is characteristic of the material itself instead of the content of any impurities it contains. 2. — in·trin·si·cal·ly \\-zi-k(ə-)lē, -si-\\ adverb.", "center 4. the source of an influence, action, or force: the center of a problem. 5. a focus of interest or concern. 6. a principal point, place, or object: a shipping center. 7. a building or part of a building used as a meeting place or having facilities for activities.", "- 1.99 2.01 0.99 1.01 Part 1 Center Part 2 Center Use a Circle instead of a Square! Definition Time!!! The result of a True Position Characteristic is the diameter of a circle, centered on the basic dimensions from the specified datums, that contains the actual center point. Mathematically Speaking….", "ChAPter 8 AP Human GeogrAPhy Vocab Core/periphery. refers to the center, heart, or focus. In a nation-state, this area is the heartland with the largest population cluster, the most productive economy, the area with the greatest centrality...", "Orthocenter, Centroid, Circumcenter and Incenter of a Triangle The angle bisectors of a triangle are each one of the lines that divide an angle into two equal angles. The incenter is the center of the circle inscribed in the triangle. Line of Euler The orthocenter, the centroid and the circumcenter of a non-equilateral triangle are aligned; that is to say, they belong to the same straight line, called line of Euler.", "Looks like you're using an adblocker! Explanations with Sinocentrism Sinocentric (meaning): …Sinocentric (comparative more Sinocentric, superlative most Sinocentric) Focused on China or the people and culture of China. Related words & phrases Sinocentrism… Rate & share", "What Does it Mean to Be Radically Centrist? What Does it Mean to Be Radically Centrist To be radically centrist is to be radically Aristotelian -- for the main jist of his entire philosophy consists in an elaborate exercise in locating the middle ground. Now before we “moan and groan” about the word philosophy let us remember this: Aristotle is a central figure in the history of the west.", "Occlusion: What is occlusion? Centric relation can be described as that position of the mandible relative to the maxilla, with the articular disc in place, when the muscles that support the mandible are at their most relaxed and least strained position. This description is pertinent to an understanding of 'ideal occlusion'.", "Australian Bureau of Statistics What are the measures of central tendency? A measure of central tendency (also referred to as measures of centre or central location) is a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data with a single value that represents the middle or centre of its distribution. There are three main measures of central tendency: the mode, the median and the mean.", "Centroid of a Triangle A centroid of a triangle is the point where the three medians of the triangle meet. A median of a triangle is a line segment from one vertex to the mid point on the opposite side of the triangle. The centroid is also called the center of gravity of the triangle. centroid of a triangle is the point where the three medians of the triangle meet. A median of a triangle is a line segment from one vertex to the mid point on the opposite side of the triangle. The centroid is also called the center of gravity of the triangle.", "- Eccentric comes to us through Middle English from the Medieval Latin word eccentricus, but it is ultimately derived from a combination of the Greek words ex, meaning out of, and kentron, meaning center. The original meaning of eccentric in English was not having the same center (as in eccentric spheres). In this sense, it contrasts with concentric, meaning having a common center (as in concentric circles, one within another).", "- Definition of centered. 1 1 : having a center —often used in combination a dark-centered coneflower. 2 2 : having a center of curvature —often used in combination a 3-centered arch. 3 3 : emotionally stable and secure.", "Centroid of a triangle The centroid of a triangle is the point where the three medians (segments that connect a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side) of the triangle intersect. In the picture below, point G is the centroid of triangle ABC.", "centroid centroid (plural centroids) (mathematics, physics) The point at the centre of any shape, sometimes called centre of area or centre of volume. For a triangle, the centroid is the point at which the medians intersect. The co-ordinates of the centroid are the average (arithmetic mean) of the co-ordinates of all the points of the shape.", "- Properties of the Incenter The incenter is the center of a circle that is inscribed inside a triangle. October 25, 2010 Concurrency of the Altitudes An altitude of a triangle is a line segment that is drawn from the vertex to the opposite side and is perpendicular to the side.", "EPIDEMIOLOGY - GLOSSARY OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND STATISTICAL TERMINOLOGY A measure of central tendency (measure of center) is a value that attempts to describe a set of data by identifying the central position of the data set (as representative of a typical value in the set). 1 We are familiar with measures of central tendency called the mean, median and mode. There is another less popular measure of center called the midrange. The midrange is the average of the maximum and minimum values of the data set, which is actually the midpoint of the range.", "- A central point in reading is when the passage or paragraph is taking about a main thing or a person instead of generalizing the entire selection.A central point is when the passage or selection is focusing on a part of something that is in the selection.", "centre 3. a point, area, or part that is approximately in the middle of a larger area or volume. 4. a place at which some specified activity is concentrated: a shopping centre. 5. a person or thing that is a focus of interest. 6. a place of activity or influence: a centre of power.", "- C10-445A-888484be arcarc 231 A central angle separates the circle into two arcs with measures related to the measure of the central angle. Then You measured angles and identified congruent angles. (Lesson 1-4) Now Identify central angles, major arcs, minor arcs, and semicircles, and find their measures.", "7.1 Alternative Characterization Figure 1: Left: Definition of conics by means of the ratio (eccentricity) between the distance to a point and the distance to a line. On the left, e =.7; on the middle, e =1; on the right, e =2.", "- Central Jersey is a region in the middle section of the U.S. state of New Jersey, whose definition is a matter of controversy sometimes considered a cultural rather than geographical phenomen.", "Difference Between Eccentric and Concentric Eccentric and Concentric are two words that are often confused in terms of their meanings and connotations. The two words are related to the contractions of the muscle. They are both types of isotonic contraction. When the muscle shortens to move a load then the muscle undergoes concentric contraction." ]
[ 13.953125 ]
[ 9.6171875, 5.63671875, 10.5625, 7.39453125, 4.1328125, 4.953125, 15.4609375, 15.984375, 3.72265625, 8.3203125, 6.79296875, 4.71484375, 4.90234375, 6.92578125, 7.04296875, 10.328125, 5.28515625, 6.2421875, 9.3359375, 10.140625, 5.6484375, 6.46875, 4.7109375, 6, 5.83984375, 8.875, 2.576171875, 4.94140625, 5.08984375, 8.21875 ]
what does the dodd frank act do for mortgages
[ "Financial reform and your mortgage Introduction to mortgage section of Dodd-Frank Act. New financial reform legislation includes provisions to prevent lenders from offering mortgages borrowers can't afford or understand.The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act devotes more than 200 pages to a section called the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act.It addresses issues as diverse as prepayment penalties and Chinese drywall.ntroduction to mortgage section of Dodd-Frank Act. New financial reform legislation includes provisions to prevent lenders from offering mortgages borrowers can't afford or understand." ]
[ "AGENCY: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection is amending Regulation C to implement amendments to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act made by section 1094 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). Consistent with section 1094 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Bureau...", "- Section 78u-6(h) of Dodd-Frank, titled Protection of whistleblowers, also created a. private right of action for individuals alleging a violation of the whistleblower anti-. retaliation provision, providing for reinstatement, double back pay (twice the. amount provided by SOX) and litigation costs and attorney fees.", "18 © Greg Nash. A House committee advanced contentious legislation Tuesday that would overhaul the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. The House Financial Services Committee narrowly approved the bill from Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) by a vote of 30-26.", "Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HDMA)/Regulation C The Dodd-Frank Act granted rule making, supervision, and enforment authority of Regulation C (HDMA) to the --------------------------. HDMA. Applies to financial institutions such as banks, savings associations, credit unions, and other mortgage lending institutions.", "- consumers, erode consumer confidence, and undermine the financial marketplace. Under the. Dodd-Frank Act, it is unlawful for any provider of consumer financial products or services or a. service provider to engage in any unfair, deceptive or abusive act or practice.", "Summary of Dodd-Frank Financial Regulation Legislation Additional posts relating to the Dodd-Frank Act are available here. On June 25, 2010, a House-Senate conference committee reached final agreement on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Act”). The conference report must be approved by the House and Senate before the bill is presented to the President for signature.", "- The Dodd-Frank Act provides that its mortgage servicing provisions will become effective automatically on. January 21, 2013 if final rules to implement the provisions are not issued on or before that date. Accordingly, it is.", "Dodd-Frank Act Rule-writing As a result of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the CFTC has written rules to regulate the swaps marketplace. See information below regarding areas the CFTC addressed in its rule-writing. Also see proposed rules and final rules issued by the Commission thus far.", "Wall Street Reform: The Dodd-Frank Act Wall Street Reform: The Dodd-Frank Act. In the fall of 2008, a financial crisis of a scale and severity not seen in generations left millions of Americans unemployed and resulted in trillions in lost wealth. Our broken financial regulatory system was a principal cause of that crisis.", "UNFAIR AND DECEPTIVE ACTS and PRACTICES (a.k.a. UDAAP or UDAP) Unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices (UDAAPs) can cause significant financial injury. to consumers, erode consumer confidence, and undermine the financial marketplace. Under the. Dodd-Frank Act, it is unlawful for any provider of consumer financial products or services or a.", "- Primary tabs. Title II, the Orderly Liquidation provision of the Dodd-Frank Act, provides a process to quickly and efficiently liquidate a large, complex financial company that is close to failing.", "- (§§ 1026.32(a)(1)(iii) and 1026.32(d)(6)) As required by the Dodd-Frank Act, the 2013 HOEPA Rule adds a prepayment penalty coverage test and also prohibits prepayment penalties for high-cost mortgages.", "Subprime mortgage crisis Some analysts are of the view that the Dodd-Frank Act does not address the major source of the 2009-crisis, that is, the housing finance companies. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the culprits of the crisis, are unaffected by the Act.", "- The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act was the most comprehensive financial reform since the Glass-Steagall Act. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed Glass-Steagall in 1999. It allowed banks to use deregulated derivatives, causing the 2008 financial crisis.", "- It has been just over a year since Congress and President Obama passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The massive piece of legislation was intended promote financial stability and prevent another major Wall Street collapse.", "Here Are The Key Points You Need To Know About Today's Big Financial Regulation Agreement Early this morning The House and the Senate agreed on a financial reform compromise that will certainly be sent to The President to pass. The name of it is the Dodd-Frank act. The details are still emerging, but here's some of what you need to know: Volcker Rule: Only 3% of a bank's tangible common equity can be invested in hedge funds or private equity.", "Wall Street Reform: The Dodd-Frank Act Wall Street Reform: The Dodd-Frank Act. In the fall of 2008, a financial crisis of a scale and severity not seen in generations left millions of Americans unemployed and resulted in trillions in lost wealth.all Street Reform: The Dodd-Frank Act. In the fall of 2008, a financial crisis of a scale and severity not seen in generations left millions of Americans unemployed and resulted in trillions in lost wealth.", "Nov192015 According to the DOD, the substantial changes are, in part, intended to address short-term, small dollar lenders that avoided MLA restrictions by offering slightly modified loan terms that fall outside the Act’s scope.", "The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Whistleblowers and Securities Fraud in the Secondary Market. The Dodd Frank Whistleblower Law provides cash compensation to whistleblowers that provide original information to the SEC about violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.", "What Is Dodd Frank? Dodd Frank is also another term for the Consumer Protection Act. Its complete term is Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform.This was issued as a law by President Barrack Obama in July of 2010. This act is basically a way of producing financial regulatory reform and as a response to different economic issues.his is termed as Dodd-Frank since it was initially proposed by Barney Frank from the House of Representatives and Chris Dodd from the Senate Banking Committee. Since they were the ones who reported the said bill, it was named after them.", "- Although much attention has been paid to the bounty provisions of the. Dodd-Frank Act, less has been focused on the retaliation provisions, which could potentially impact. relations between companies and their employees in significant ways. Historical Significance of Sarbanes-Oxley Act Protections.", "- The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is a financial reform legislation passed by the Obama administration in 2010. It was passed in an attempt to prevent events similar to the 2009 financial crisis from occurring again.", "The Dodd-Frank Disaster The Dodd-Frank Disaster. July 21 marked the anniversary of the passing of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection act. Unfortunately the law has neither reformed Wall Street nor Protected Consumers.", "Dodd-Frank Executive Compensation Overview The Dodd-Frank Act looks like it will affect compensation and benefits law in three main areas: 1 Executive and incentive compensation, including new disclosure and corporate governance requirements. 2 Use of stable value funds, hedging arrangements and swaps in retirement plans. 3 Regulation of vendors servicing retirement and other plans.", "Dodd-Frank Principles and Provisions Title VII of Dodd-Frank addresses challenges in the OTC derivatives market by closing the gap created by the Commodity Futures Modernization Act and bringing the OTC derivatives market into the daylight.", "United States: Regulatory: Part 1âUnraveling UDAAP In The Consumer Financial Services Industry The industry must be transparent about its practices with the bureau, but the bureau is not beholden to reciprocate. The most glaring example of this is the bureau's treatment of UDAAP. Dodd-Frank was enacted on July 21, 2010.", "- The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, commonly referred to as simply Dodd-Frank, is supposed to lower risk in various parts of the U.S. financial system.", "- That is one reason banks try to attract depositors, but there is another, more controversial reason. In response to the 2008 credit crisis, the Bank for International Settlements (Basel III), the Dodd-Frank Act, and the Federal Reserve have limited the amount of wholesale deposits banks can borrow.", "DoddâFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Long title An Act to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end too big to fail, to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices, and for other purposes.", "What We Do Notional value under Dodd-Frank: survey of energy commodities participants. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), signed into law on July 21, 2010, was designed to reform fi nancial regulations to improve transparency and reduce systemic risk." ]
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what is casework in government
[ "What is an example of casework? The term “casework” is most commonly used as a term in political science. It refers to things that representatives do for their constituents. I have therefore moved this question to the Political Science group and will assume that you are asking about casework in this sense of the word. Constituents often have trouble with government agencies." ]
[ "- farmers petitioned their government for ‘redress of grievances,’ but no relief was forthcoming. In 1786, four counties held semi-legal conventions and demanded reductions in court and lawyer fees, reductions. in salaries for government officials, reductions in taxes, and above all, the issuance of paper money.", "- caseworker in word games | dictionary - Find information on in different word games. Points, validity and other word game related information. tools and articles for letters and words", "Government as the Champion of Justice, Equality, Freedom, and Security If we want a just society, we must work through government to get it. This argument – that government is an essential mechanism for realizing vital public values – is an important one in making the case for government.", "Justice News Most false claims actions are filed under the Act’s whistleblower, or qui tam, provisions, which allow private citizens to file lawsuits alleging false claims on behalf of the government. If the government prevails in the action, the whistleblower, known as a relator, receives up to 30 perc ent of the recovery. The number of qui tam suits filed in fiscal year 2013 soared to 752 –100 more than the record set the previous fiscal year. Recoveries in qui tam cases during fiscal year 2013 totaled $2.", "7 Tips For How To Interact With Your Congressional Office You don’t have to use a congressional office for any casework issues, but if you do, this should provide you some ideas on how to be successful. Congress. In the eyes of service members and veterans, grooming standards and reflective belts are more popular than our national governing body.", "School of Social Work The casework method includes utilizing knowledge and skills in mobilizing, sustaining and creating personal, interpersonal, and environmental resources. It also includes the use of a professional relationship to nurture and release the personal potential of those being served.", "- Visit Dickey’s Website » Head over to Rep. Jay Dickey’s website. If you are having a problem with a government agency, look for a contact link for casework to submit a request for help. Otherwise, look for a phone number on that website to call his office if you have a question.", "- If you have a question regarding casework, an answer may be readily available on Bill’s Casework Assistance or FAQs page. If you want to request a tour for your upcoming visit to Washington, DC, please use Bill’s Tour Request Form.", "What is Case Law? Case law is often referred to as common law in many regions of the world and is also known as judge-made law.", "Chapter 4 Criminal Justice Written or codified law; the law on the books, as enacted by a government body or agency having the power to make laws. Case law. the body of judicial precedent, historically built upon legal reasoning and past interpretations of statutory laws, that serves as a guide to decision making, especially in the courts.", "Seafield Services Inc offers the following services: You must match one of the descriptions below. (Even if you are not sure whether you qualify, if you or someone in your family needs health care, you should apply for Medicaid and have a qualified caseworker in your state evaluate your situation.) Pregnant Women Apply for Medicaid if you think you are pregnant.", "cabinet government Check your grammar now! : a government in which the real executive power rests with a cabinet of ministers who are individually and collectively responsible to the legislature.", "- 2.2 Explain the importance of a child or young person centred approach 2.3. Explain what is meant by partnership working in the context of safeguarding 2.4. Describe... Mcgraw Sat Help. Simplifying the Sentence / 222 Using Context Intelligently / 227 The Toughest ... all rights in and to the work.Use of this work is subject to these terms.Except... 1 316492 Words. 2 1266 Pages.afeguarding. working in partnership with other organisations to safeguard... Freedom Dosn't Means Lisence But The Wisdom To Choose What Is Right For Oneself. Explain the working principle of pressurized water reactor.", "What is an example of casework? Often, the caseworker will request a briefing by the relevant government agency. There follows a series of back-and-forth communications until the case is resolved. Another example of casework, and a very common one, is when retired individuals do not receive their Social Security check. They contact their congressman's office, which in turn contacts the Social Security Administration on the constituent's behalf to request that the missing or delinquent check be reissued.", "Constituent Casework Constituent Casework. Again, there are many ways I can help Tennesseans. If you are having a problem with or need assistance with a Federal agency, we will need your signed authorization to conduct an inquiry. Please download a printable version of the privacy authorization form and then fax or mail to the address provided.", "Case study In the social sciences and life sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject of study, as well as its related contextual conditions. Case studies can be produced by following a formal research method. These case studies are likely to appear in formal research venues, as journals and professional conferences, rather than popular works. The resulting body of 'case study research' has long had a prominent place in many discipline", "Evidence Base & Related Publications Objective: To test the effects of the Solution-Based Casework practice model on federal outcomes of safety, permanency and well-being. The Solution-Based Casework model com-bines family development theory, solution-focused skills and relapse prevention for the casework process in child protection.", "- To solve this problem, they looked to. republicanism as a model of government. Republicanism is based on this belief: The people exer-. cise their power by voting for their political representatives. According to the Framers, these lawmakers played the key. role in making a republican government work.", "Citing Government Documents Citing Government Documents. Printer-friendly. Government documents can be more difficult to cite properly than standard books and journals, due to the specific nature of some of the documents. This is a short bibliography of guides to citation format which are useful for the researcher using government documents. The section on Citation Styles has examples using APA, Chicago, CBE, and MLA styles, and includes examples of government publications. 2 How to Cite. 3 An extensive series of pages from ProQuest Congressional, with examples of all types of government documents. 4 Li, Xia.", "- 1 Because of its strengths, case study is a particularly appealing design for applied fields of study such as education, social work, administration, health, and so on. An applied field's processes, problems, and programs can be examined to bring about understanding that in turn can affect and perhaps even improve practice.", "Instructorâs Manual/Test Bank 1 Government Jobs and Careers Lesson Plan - Five question quizzes for Kids.gov's Career Spotlight videos. How a Bill Becomes a Law - A lesson plan to help your students learn the lawmaking process, key vocabulary terms, and allows them to research specific laws.", "government Examples of government in a Sentence. The government has been slow to react to the crisis. She works for the federal government. We need to improve relations with foreign governments. He is a firm believer in democratic government. We learned about different methods of government. The country has been damaged by many years of weak government.", "Caseworker Caseworker is a 10 letter word, used as a noun, a compound word, and has the letters aceekorrsw (acekorsw). Starts with c, ends with r, six consonants, four vowels and four syllables. Learn how to use the easiest words finder here.", "Government Lawyer/Attorney The job of any government lawyer will vary depending on what is taking place on any particular day. For instance, a city attorney may find it necessary to attend a city-planning meeting in order to oversee compliance with city laws.", "Justification for the state State socialism states that the degree to which a state is working class is the degree to which it fights government, class, work, and rule. The degree to which it wins such a fight is held to be the degree to which it is communist instead of capitalist, socialist, or the state.", "7 Tips For How To Interact With Your Congressional Office If a congressional inquiry is launched, the VA actually has to take the claim out for examination, slowing down the process. Despite all that, if your caseworker is dialed in to the veteran services in the area, he or she should be able to direct you to where you need to go. 6. Stay in communication but be patient.", "U.S. Government and Politics Glossary marble-cake federalism-A term used to describe federalism for most of the twentieth century (and into the twenty-first), where the federal government and the states work closely together and are intertwined; also known as cooperative federalism. markup-When a Congressional committee revises a bill in session.olitical efficacy-The belief that the government listens to normal people and that participation can make a difference in government. political equality-Treating everyone the same way in the realm of politics. political participation-Engaging in actions to achieve political goals.", "- Caseworker (social work) In social work, a caseworker is a type of social worker who is employed by a government agency, non-profit organization, or other group to take on the cases of individuals and provide them with advocacy, information or other services. 1 Social case work.", "Case Worker Training Programs and Requirements Case Worker Training Programs and Requirements. A case worker is a social worker who assists and advocates for clients facing problems such as addiction, abuse, unemployment, disability, and discrimination. Learn about program levels and related courses, as well as job prospects and continuing education.", "- Head over to Sen. William “Bill” Bradley’s website. If you are having a problem with a government agency, look for a contact link for casework to submit a request for help. Otherwise, look for a phone number on that website to call his office if you have a question." ]
[ 14.7890625 ]
[ 2.751953125, 4.92578125, 5.24609375, 4.1953125, 7.4296875, 11.4296875, 8.2421875, 8.3984375, 5.76953125, 6.015625, 6.75, 2.541015625, 3.185546875, 12.3046875, 9.4140625, 6.26953125, 9.8359375, 3.376953125, 1.9326171875, 4.91796875, 4.6953125, 2.55859375, 8.8203125, 5.40625, 3.306640625, 6.42578125, 4.02734375, 14.859375, 11.59375, 9.328125 ]
tesla motors prices
[ "- What Is It? The 2015 Tesla Model S P85D is an electric car that seats five and has a range of 253 miles. This 691-hp, two-motor (one for the front wheels, one for the back) sedan sits at the top of the Tesla lineup and has a base price of $104,500." ]
[ "Tesla Model X: SUV pricing details revealed Tesla Model XSUV pricing details revealed. The upcoming Tesla Model X SUV will be priced slightly higher than the marque’s existing Model S sedan, according to Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Speaking at a Tesla store opening in London, Musk said the Model X would be priced “very similarly to the Model S”, which currently starts at US$64,200 ($65,600). Although he did not reveal the final sale price of the SUV, he said the price increase would be the value of a “low single-digit percentage”.", "WELCOME TOTESLACOST A cost of ownership analysis for Tesla vehicles, starting with the Model S. Includes a code for $1,000 off a new Tesla. I started this site in 2014 when I first started thinking about buying a Tesla. Back then, I was working as a product manager at Google.", "2013: How âTeslanairesâ made fortunes on Tesla Motors stock In June of last year, Patrick Hop poured his life savings — $30,000 — into Tesla Motors (TSLA) stock, then trading at about $32 per share. When the stock hit $115 this July, he dumped all his shares and invested in options on Tesla stock, which are high-risk bets on the stock’s future performance.", "- Tesla surges to fresh record after Piper Jaffray upgrades to buy, raises price target by 65%. Tesla Inc. shares rocketed another 3% to a fresh record in early trade Monday, after Piper Jaffray upgraded the stock to the equivalent of buy from neutral and raised its price target by 65% to $368 from $223.", "- If you already own stock in Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA) , you probably wish you owned more of it. Tesla stock is up more than 150% year to date. At the time of this writing, shares of the electric-vehicle maker were trading around $90 a pop.", "- Tesla Model S, Consumer Reports' pick as best car, period. Of course,it should be good, starting at about $70k, or $105k if you want all-wheel drive. (Photo: Tesla).", "Tesla Motors confirms $57,400 model S price tag Tesla Motors confirms $57,400 model S price tag. Consumer Reports News: December 21, 2011 05:50 PM. Tesla Motor's next electric car, the Model S sedan, still won't be ready until next summer. But the company announced yesterday that it's sticking to its guns on pricing for the next-generation all-electric vehicle.", "- The average tesla motors salary ranges from approximately $30,000 per year for Production Associate to $90,000 per year for Store Manager.", "What Is Going On With Tesla's Stock? On August 7th last summer Adam Jonas, Morgan Stanley’s Tesla analyst and one of its biggest bulls, raised his price target from $280 to $465 (stock was at $243) with one of the major reasons being his analysis of how much shared mobility could add to the value of the company.", "2017 Land Rover Range Rover Price Report Your TrueCar Estimate is $0 off of MSRP, now view real pricing on local inventory. TrueCar Estimate at MSRP of 0.00% above the MSRP. View Pricing on Local Inventory. The 2016 Tesla Model S is no longer not yet available in your area.", "Tesla Model S Purchase price: Tesla Model S and Model X. Base prices for the 2016 Tesla Model S sedan range from $66,000 to $109,500, depending on package; the 2016 Model X crossover ranges from $85,500 to $115,500. Further upgrades are available (more on that below). Tesla has also announced the more affordable Model 3 sedan, which the company says will sell for $35,000.", "Used Tesla Cars Can Cost $30,000 More Than New Ones Tesla Motors. The average price for a used Tesla Model S is $30,000 above the car's MSRP, according to a new report. Although the Model S was launched just two years ago, it seems to be in great demand said Phong Ly, CEO of iSeeCars.com, which helps shoppers find good deals on used cars and produced the report.", "110 Tesla Motors Employee Salaries 110 Tesla Motors Employee Salaries. Browse Tesla Motors Salaries by Job Title →. Tesla Motors employees earn $71,500 annually on average, or $34 per hour, which is 16% higher than the national salary average of $61,000 per year.", "- Tesla: A Stock on the Rise. Today's chart is of Tesla Motors, Inc. ( TSLA ), which designs, develops, manufactures, and sells electric vehicles and electric vehicle powertrain components. 1 Enormous outperformance on a year-to-date basis, +156%. Parabolic rise on climatic volume trying to target the $100 handle.", "Here's how much electric-car range costs per mile If Tesla can achieve its claimed $35,000 base price and 200-mile range, the Model 3 will offer the cheapest range of any electric car. Add in the $1,200 destination charge Tesla applies to all of its other cars, and the Model 3 achieves an impressive $181 per mile.", "Here's Why Tesla (TSLA) Stock is Soaring in After-Hours Trading Here's Why Tesla (TSLA) Stock is Soaring in After-Hours Trading. NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Tesla Motors (TSLA) stock is surging by 14.15% to $164 in after-hours trading on Wednesday, as its optimistic forecast for 2016 vehicle deliveries overshadows a 2015 fourth quarter earnings and revenue miss.", "5 Retail REITs to Buy with the Highest Dividend Yields 1 The share price of TESLA MOTORS INC has not done very well: it is down 6.84% and has underperformed the S&P 500, in part reflecting the company's sharply declining earnings per share when compared to the year-earlier quarter.", "Tesla Motors shares soar 41% in market debut SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Tesla Motors shares shot nearly 41% higher Tuesday in their first day of trade, an enthusiastic reception for the Silicon Valley electric car marker in sharp contrast to steep declines elsewhere in the equities market. The stock opened at $19 a share, 12% above the $17 offer price.", "Toyota RAV4 Prices, Deals and Advice 2017 Toyota Corolla Prices. Find the best local prices on the Toyota Corolla with the U.S. News Best Price Program. See what others paid and get upfront dealer prices to make sure you don't overpay. Over 75,000 shoppers have purchased a car through our program with average savings of $3,279.", "Tesla Model S pricing and specifications : Electric sedan from $96K in Australia The most advanced electric car in the world, the Tesla Model S, will cost under $100,000 when it arrives in Australia later this year.", "- Base prices for the 2016 Tesla Model S sedan range from $66,000 to $109,500, depending on package; the 2016 Model X crossover ranges from $85,500 to $115,500. Further upgrades are available (more on that below). Tesla has also announced the more affordable Model 3 sedan, which the company says will sell for $35,000.", "- Tesla Motors is a automobile firm headquartered in San Carlos, Calif. that hires for Mechanical Engineer positions, Manufacturing Engineer roles, and more. The median salary at Tesla Motors is $90K annually. How long you've been working primarily drives compensation; however, where you live and your role at the company are also reported as secondary influences on salary at Tesla Motors.", "- Tesla produced right-hand-drive Roadsters from early 2010. The Roadster base price in 2010 was US$109,000 in the United States, GB£86,950 in the United Kingdom, A$191,888 in Australia, and 84,000 € in continental Europe. As an electric vehicle, the Roadster qualified for several government incentives in many nations.", "2013 Model S Price Increase Tesla, Inc. 2013 Model S Price Increase. We originally unveiled the Model S in March 2009 with a base price of $57,400 ($49,900 after federal tax credits). Today, Model S is the most award-winning car of the year and the base price remains at $57,400, the same price set over three and a half years ago.", "People go crazy over Tesla's 'insane mode' The most fully loaded version of the Model X will cost $143,750, according to the screen grabs posted on Tesla Motor Club. The six-figure price didn't seem to shock Tesla customers. I must say I am quite surprised at the price (as in, lower than I expected), said one post.", "- Chevrolet Prices are subject to change without notice, please verify prices when placing an order. Flanges are flame cut from 5/16 steel. (3/8 thick flanges are available on special order for an additional $12.50 each flange or $25 per pair of flanges.) Flanges are prices EACH. If you don't see what you are looking for, contact us.", "- The median salary at Tesla Motors is $90K annually. How long you've been working primarily drives compensation; however, where you live and your role at the company are also reported as secondary influences on salary at Tesla Motors.", "Tesla Motors shares soar 41% in market debut Tesla, the first American car maker to go public in half a century, priced the deal one dollar above the initial offer price of $14 to $16 a share. The maker of the Roadster sports car raised $202 million from the sale of 11.88 million shares.", "Teslaâs Insane Stock Surge â Why, & Why People Are Still Investing In Tesla Stock I do think I understand why so many people have invested in Tesla, even as the stock price has risen to an insane level. Before writing about that, though, let’s just take a quick look at a few numbers and graphs. This is a one-year look at Tesla’s stock price trend: It’s stock price is currently at $193.37.", "- Tesla produced right-hand-drive Roadsters from early 2010. The Roadster base price in 2010 was US$109,000 in the United States, GB£86,950 in the United Kingdom, A$191,888 in Australia, and 84,000 € in continental Europe." ]
[ 13.4375 ]
[ 11.6484375, 10.203125, 9.984375, 9.2578125, 9.5703125, 11.0859375, 14.7578125, 11.734375, 9.2421875, 8.4375, 14.765625, 13.8359375, 9.4296875, 7.7734375, 10.515625, 9.3828125, 8.1953125, 10.9921875, 2.36328125, 11.609375, 15.2265625, 10.984375, 12.1171875, 13.3984375, 11.5546875, -0.09765625, 10.3046875, 11.21875, 7.51953125, 12.2890625 ]
symptoms of hay fever allergies
[ "Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) This term is sometimes used because the two conditions frequently occur together. Symptoms of allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, frequently include. 1 nasal congestion, 2 a runny nose with clear mucus, 3 sneezing, 4 nose, eye itching, excess tear production in the eyes." ]
[ "Chest Pain and Seasonal Allergies Each spring, summer, and fall, trees, weeds, and grasses release tiny pollen grains into the air. Some of the pollen ends up in your nose and throat. This can trigger a type of allergy called hay fever. Read more on MedlinePlus.gov.", "- If you have hay fever or skin allergies to the allergen causing your asthma, you might also experience: 1 itchy skin. 2 rash. 3 flaky skin. 4 runny nose. 5 itchy eyes. 6 watery eyes. 7 congestion.", "What is hay fever? A rash may be mistaken for hives, which are generally caused by an allergic reaction to something that has been ingested or breathed. However, hives can occur as a result of hay fever. The first symptoms you’ll notice are itchiness and red patches or eruptions on the skin.", "Symptoms of Allergic reaction Itchy, watery eyes and headache can occur with or without respiratory symptoms. Hay fever is a condition in which there is an allergic reaction to pollen. Hayfever and other respiratory allergies, such as those to mold and dust, are types of allergic rhinitis.", "Hay fever treatments What is hay fever? Hay fever is the term used for an allergy to pollen from plants, like grasses, trees, and weeds. Your GP can work out whether or not you have hay fever by talking to you about your symptoms (for example, sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes) and when they're worse.", "Allergy These diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling. Food intolerances and food poisoning are separate conditions.", "Molds, mites and pollens: Common causes of allergic fatigue Hay fever (pollen allergy) is one of the most common kinds of allergies. About 35 million Americans suffer from hay fever. Pollen is made by trees, grasses, and weeds. During the spring, summer, and fall some plants release pollen into the air you breathe. Your symptoms might be different at different times of the year.", "Allergy Facts 1 Allergic rhinitis can be seasonal or perennial. 2 Symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis occur in spring, summer and early fall. 3 The symptoms of hay fever are usually caused by allergic sensitivity to pollens from trees, grasses or weeds, or to airborne mold spores.", "Overview By Mayo Clinic Staff. Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like signs and symptoms, such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing and sinus pressure. But unlike a cold, hay fever isn't caused by a virus. Hay fever is caused by an allergic response to outdoor or indoor allergens, such as pollen, dust mites or tiny flecks of skin and saliva shed by cats, dogs and other animals with fur or feathers (pet dander).", "desloratadine Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is an irritation of the nose caused by pollen and is associated with the following allergic...learn more ». In This Article. Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) Article Hay fever facts.", "Scratchy Throat Allergies â Seasonal Allergies Hay fever is an example of an allergy caused by dust and pollen. This allergy is also called allergic rhinitis. Its symptoms include sneezing, soar throat or scratchy throat, congestion in the nasal cavity, head aches and watery eyes.", "Dealing with a Hay Fever Cough Endless sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and runny nose — the symptoms of hay fever — may plague you during blooming seasons. Hay fever (also known as seasonal allergies) occurs when your body views certain particles as foreign invaders. Known as allergens, these particles can be anything from pollen to mold spores.", "- But it may seem surprising that some hay-fever sufferers get an itchy feeling in their mouths, throats and lips when they start to eat certain foods. This condition is known as oral allergy syndrome (OAS) or pollen-associated food allergy syndrome, and it's the most common form of food allergy in adults.sually, symptoms are short-lived, Shreffler said, and they might go away after a few minutes, or persist for an hour. If you have an itchy mouth after eating a food, pay attention to this, he said. Stop eating the food, and take an antihistamine to relieve the itchiness, Shreffler advised.", "- Symptoms of allergic rhinitis range from mild to severe. In addition, many people with hay fever suffer from asthma as well. The most common symptoms of allergic rhinitis include: 1 sneezing. 2 runny or stuffy nose. 3 watery eyes. 4 itchy sinuses, throat, eyes, or ear canals. 5 ear congestion. 6 postnasal drainage.", "- 1 AND Chronic hay fever-like breathing symptoms (1 match). 2 AND Chronic hay fever-like cough (1 match). 3 AND Chronic hay fever-like runny eyes (1 match). 4 AND Chronic hay fever-like runny nose (1 match). 5 AND Chronic hay fever-like sneezing symptoms (1 match). 6 AND Chronic hay fever-like symptoms worse at night (1 match).", "Does a High Pollen Count Affect You? How To Treat The Hay Fever Symptoms Hay fever is caused by an allergy to pollen. Common hay fever symptoms are a runny, itchy and/or blocked nose, sneezing and itchy eyes. Common treatments are an antihistamine nasal spray or medicine and/or a steroid nasal spray. Other treatments are sometimes used if these common treatments do not work so well.", "Allergies guide Grass pollen allergy. Pollen from grass can trigger hayfever, a type of allergy – your doctor may call it seasonal allergic rhinitis. Hayfever occurs when your body makes the mistake of treating the grass pollen as a harmful organism, and the immune system goes into action by making antibodies to try to prevent it spreading.", "Overview Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe. In some severe cases, allergies can trigger a life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis. Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, may cause: Sneezing. Itching of the nose, eyes or roof of the mouth. Runny, stuffy nose. Watery, red or swollen eyes (conjunctivitis)", "Hay fever treatment and symptoms Hay fever is an inflammation or swelling of the nasal lining, which may cause congestion, a runny nose, itchy throat, watery or itchy eyes and/or sneezing. Hay fever has two forms: 1 Seasonal allergic rhinitis tends to occur in spring and summer due to an allergy to pollen from grass, weeds and trees.ow to use decongestant nasal spray. Used for more than a few days they can make congestion worse, so their usefulness for hay fever is limited to short episodes only. Oral decongestants (pseudoephedrine) can be used for longer than the spray.", "Overview For many people, hay fever symptoms lead to absences from work or school. Poor sleep. Hay fever symptoms can keep you awake or make it hard to stay asleep, which can lead to fatigue and a general feeling of being unwell (malaise). Worsening asthma. Hay fever can worsen signs and symptoms of asthma, such as coughing and wheezing. Sinusitis.", "- Odds are you’re among the 10% to 30% of Americans who suffer from hay fever, or allergic rhinitis. And most cases of hay fever are caused by an allergy to fall pollen from plants belonging to the genus Ambrosia -- more commonly known as ragweed.", "- Symptoms of a Grass Allergy. An allergy to grass results in allergic rhinitis, or what is otherwise known as hay fever. It can cause symptoms such as breathing problems and asthma, itchy skin or hives, a constant cough and irritated nose, throat and eyes. A grass allergy is the most common type of seasonal allergy and is sometimes confused with a cottonwood pollen allergy.", "Allergy These diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling. Food intolerances and food poisoning are separate conditions. Common allergens include pollen and food.", "- Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe. In some severe cases, allergies can trigger a life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis. Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, may cause: 1 Sneezing. 2 Itching of the nose, eyes or roof of the mouth. 3 Runny, stuffy nose. 4 Watery, red or swollen eyes (conjunctivitis).", "- 1 Symptoms of hay fever are very often limited to watery eyes, or sneezing…. 2 Effective Home Remedies for Strep Throat Strep throat is a very common ailment, and it can make life miserable for those who catch it. 3 The scratchy, painful feeling is often described as similar to having broken tin….", "Hay fever symptoms They may also start at different times of the year depending on which allergens you are allergic to. For example, your symptoms may occur in a particular season in response to grass, weed or tree pollens, or persist all year in response to house dust or animal hair. The symptoms of hay fever include:", "Allergy Facts 1 Allergic rhinitis, often called hay fever, is a common condition that causes symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, watery eyes and itching of the nose, eyes or the roof of the mouth. 2 Roughly 7.8% of people 18 and over in the US suffer from hay fever.", "- Hay fever. This advice is suitable for children and adults.Hay fever is caused by an allergic reaction to pollen and is most common during the spring or summer. Common symptoms of hay fever are a blocked or runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, and sneezing.However, hay fever is not the only allergy that can cause these symptoms.ay fever is caused by an allergic reaction to pollen and is most common during the spring or summer. Common symptoms of hay fever are a blocked or runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, and sneezing.", "Hay Fever & Seasonal Allergies: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Often, children may first experience food allergies and eczema before developing hay fever, Josephson said. This then worsens over the years, and patients then develop allergies to indoor allergens like dust and animals, or seasonal rhinitis, like ragweed (hay fever), grass pollen, molds and tree pollen..", "Overview Definition. Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like signs and symptoms, such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing and sinus pressure.But unlike a cold, hay fever isn't caused by a virus.efinition. Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like signs and symptoms, such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing and sinus pressure." ]
[ 14.40625 ]
[ 11.15625, 11.875, 12.46875, 11.1015625, 13.046875, 12.140625, 11.1953125, 12.3203125, 14.765625, 10.4296875, 10.9765625, 13.09375, 7.80078125, 14.53125, 10.8359375, 13.921875, 10.078125, 13.21875, 11.1328125, 13.8046875, 10.2109375, 12.5546875, 12.15625, 13.4921875, 10.7421875, 12.0078125, 12.890625, 13.8203125, 11.1953125, 14.4296875 ]
what are metts
[ "Mett Mett with onions. Mett is a preparation of minced raw pork that is popular in Germany, in Belgium and the Netherlands a similar preparation is made from beef. The name originates from mett, either meaning chopped pork meat without bacon, or the Old Saxon meti, meaning food. It is normally served with salt and black pepper, and sometimes with garlic, caraway or chopped onion, and eaten raw, usually on a bread roll." ]
[ "- These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'mete.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.", "MCT Oil Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are fats that are naturally found in coconut and palm kernel oil. MCTs are more easily and rapidly digested than other types of fats, as they require lower amounts of enzymes and bile acids for intestinal absorption.", "Definitions &Translations Veet, formerly called Neet and Immac, is a current trademark of chemical depilatory internationally sold products manufactured by Reckitt Benckiser. Hair removal creams, mousses and gels, and waxes are produced under this brand. It has previously created similar products under the names Neet and Immac.", "Facts About Ferrets A ferret is a small, furry creature with a cone-shaped nose, long tail and a long, pear-shaped body with short legs and long claws. Ferrets are related to wolverines, ermines, minks and weasels in the Mustela genus.", "Métis Metis métis are people of Mixed european And indigenous, ancestry and one of the three Recognized aboriginal peoples In. Canada they originated largely In Western canada and emerged as a political force in the 19th, century radiating outwards from The Red River. settlement", "Metre (poetry) The familiar type of metre in English-language poetry is called qualitative metre, with stressed syllables coming at regular intervals (e.g. in iambic pentameters, usually every even-numbered syllable).", "- mettent. *Many verbs which are irregular in the present tense are regular in the subjunctive, including all-IR verbs conjugated like partir and sortir and-RE verbs conjugated like mettre.", "- Analects are collections of relatively short written passages. The word analects is from Greek, and literally means collection or things gathered. When the word is used withou … t other explanation, it often refers to the Analects of Confucius. An example of a short piece in this collection is as follows: The Master said, It is by the Odes that the mind is aroused. It is by the Rules of Propriety that character is established.", "Meta This article is about the word or prefix Meta. For other uses, see Meta (disambiguation). Meta (from the Greek preposition and prefix meta- (μετά-) meaning after, or beyond) is a prefix used in English to indicate a concept which is an abstraction behind another concept, used to complete or add to the latter. 1 Original Greek meaning.", "- Background: Peat is the partially decomposed remains of plant material, especially sphagnum moss. It is found in a wetlands environment where the addition of new plant material is faster than the decomposition of the accumulated plant material.s coal formation progresses, volatile materials like water are driven off, and the percentage of carbon content of the material increases, making it increasingly dense and hard. The majority of the peat harvested is called reed-sedge peat. The other harvested forms are sphagnum moss, humus and hypnum moss.", "- Greek, from meta with, after, between, among. word-forming element meaning 1. after, behind, 2. changed, altered, 3. higher, beyond; from Greek meta (prep.) in the midst of, in common with, by means of, in pursuit or quest of, from PIE *me- in the middle (cf. German mit, Gothic miþ, Old English mið with, together with, among; see mid).", "- From the earliest to the latest hour of the day he was always as sleek, neat, and cool as the frog he resembled, and old Peter had secretly chuckled over an offshoot almost more calculating, and far more imperturbable, than himself. Middlemarch by Eliot, George View in context.", "What are manatees? Manatees are water-dwelling mammals that feed on plant life. They are commonly known as the sea cow, however they are not related to cows. there closest living relatives are … elephants, hyraxes, and aardvarks. Manatees are gentle giants.", "Motets vs. Madrigals: Music of the Renaissance Era The Motet. 1 Motets are sacred choral works performed in worship services. A holy musical piece such as Ave Maria, Gratia Plena is intended for sacred events and services. 2 Motets have a much more strict style in comparison to madrigals.", "Motets vs. Madrigals: Music of the Renaissance Era It is important to note that although there are similarities in the techniques and styles of motets and madrigals, there are slight contrasts that create substantial differences in the sound of the music. 1 Motets are sacred choral works performed in worship services.", "Ferret For other uses, see Ferret (disambiguation). The ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is the domesticated form of the European polecat, a mammal belonging to the same genus as the weasel, Mustela of the family Mustelidae. They typically have brown, black, white, or mixed fur.", "Meta Meta (from the Greek preposition and prefix meta- (μετά-) meaning after, or beyond) is a prefix used in English to indicate a concept which is an abstraction from another concept, used to complete or add to the latter. Contents.", "entremets en·tre·mets (ŏn′trə-mā′, -mĕ′) n. pl. en·tre·mets (-māz′, -mē′) A side dish, such as a relish or dessert, served in addition to the principal course. [Middle English entremetes, from Old French entremes, entremets : entre, between (from Latin inter; see inter-) + mes, mets, dish; see mess.] 1 American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.", "Metate Metate, mano and corn, all circa 12th century AD, from Chaco Canyon, USA. Mano, metate and bowl of corn. Museum display of Ancestral Pueblo artifacts at Mesa Verde National Park. A metate or metlatl (or mealing stone) is a type or variety of quern, a ground stone tool used for processing grain and seeds. In traditional Mesoamerican culture, metates were typically used by women who would grind lime-treated maize and other organic materials during food preparation (e.g., making tortillas).", "- Agate is a variety of chalcedony that forms in concentric layers in a remarkable variety of colors and textures. The crystals vary in clarity from opaque to translucent to transparent. Agate quartz was highly valued as a talisman or amulet during ancient times, and to this day, are still one of the most popular jewelry gemstones, often seen in accessories from agate rings to pendants, earrings and more.", "- Showing page 1. Found 394 sentences matching phrase erant.Found in 8 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked.", "Definitions &Translations Veet, formerly called Neet and Immac, is a current trademark of chemical depilatory internationally sold products manufactured by Reckitt Benckiser. Hair removal creams, mousses and gels, and waxes are produced under this brand.", "MEAT • MEAT (noun). The noun MEAT has 3 senses: 1. the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food. 2. the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone. 3. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience. Familiarity information: MEAT used as a noun is uncommon. Dictionary entry details.", "Metaphors Worksheets Metaphors Worksheets Practice. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things. Often, it uses the words is, are or was. There are many metaphors in narratives or stories. Metaphors are one of the most common types of figurative language.They are often confused with similes. Metaphors compare by saying that something is something else.It is important to learn the meanings of metaphoric phrases so you may understand what you read, listen to and say in everyday life.etaphors Worksheets Practice. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things. Often, it uses the words is, are or was. There are many metaphors in narratives or stories. Metaphors are one of the most common types of figurative language.", "- Examples of pert in a sentence. 1 a pert girl who is a member of the cheerleading squad. 2 a pert retort that irritated the teacher.", "Metre (poetry) In poetry, metre (meter in American spelling) is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse. Many traditional verse forms prescribe a specific verse metre, or a certain set of metres alternating in a particular order.n many Western classical poetic traditions, the metre of a verse can be described as a sequence of feet, each foot being a specific sequence of syllable types — such as relatively unstressed/stressed (the norm for English poetry) or long/short (as in most classical Latin and Greek poetry).", "- Meter is a stressed and unstressed syllabic pattern in a verse or within the lines of a poem.", "- In the mouse, efferent ductules are similar in appearance to those found in the rat (Ilio and Hess, 1994; Robaire and Hermo, 1988), with few differences. The lipid droplets that are prominent in the rat. (Ilio and Hess, 1994) are absent or few in number in the mouse epithelium (Fig.", "- rete. 1 Formal second-person singular (usted) imperative form of retar. 2 First-person singular (yo) present subjunctive form of retar. 3 Formal second-person singular (usted) present subjunctive form of retar. 4 Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted) present subjunctive form of retar.", "- Full Definition of MITT. 1. a: a woman's glove that leaves the fingers uncovered b: mitten 1 c: a baseball catcher's or first baseman's glove made in the style of a mitten. 2. slang: hand." ]
[ 15.8671875 ]
[ 3.3984375, 6.98046875, 2.486328125, 4.5, 5.2265625, 5.51953125, 6.57421875, 0.3095703125, 4.77734375, 1.359375, 4.3203125, 1.767578125, 4.296875, 3.15234375, 2.34765625, 5.33203125, 5.46484375, 7.69921875, 6.46875, 2.908203125, 1.125, 2.4921875, 5.92578125, 3.80078125, 0.529296875, 6.5625, 5.578125, 2.76953125, 1.7705078125, 6.27734375 ]
are sustainable homes cheaper
[ "Do Green Houses Cost More to Build Than Regular Houses? Green is often less expensive when all things are considered. Sustainable building often seems more expensive than conventional building. Many of the building materials that make houses more durable and easier to heat and cool aren’t cheap.Complicated systems that allow a certain amount of energy independence-- photovoltaic (PV) Generation of electricity directly from sunlight.avings can come in other ways. Spending more money for more durable materials is cheaper in the long run because they won’t have to be replaced as often. Considering life-cycle costs, rather than focusing solely on initial costs, can yield some surprising results. Green building isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition." ]
[ "A Guide to Buying Sustainable, Fair-Trade and Cruelty-Free Clothing At earth creations, we use sustainable fiber, like hemp and organically grown cotton, for our fabrics. Most of our garments are made in the U.S.A. in a sweatshop-free environment. Don't forget about our commitment to use eco-friendly dyes.", "Small House Bliss Category Archive: Small Energy Efficient Houses. A live/work laneway house for a graphic artist | Lanefab. The owner’s personality shines through in this Vancouver laneway house. A freelance graphic artist, she asked Lanefab Design/Build to design a small house that would be both her home and her workplace.", "Environmental: Energy 1. Unsustainable - due to environmental costs of harvesting fossil fuels 2. Running out of fossil fuel 3. Extraction is more expensive than other fossil fuels, like coal (which is why it is commonly used for individual purposes, like heating one's home, in proportion to a person's salary) 4.", "- The term 'affordable housing' is surely an oxymoronic term as all houses in an open market environment will float to the level of this market force, especially when, as now, there is a chronic shortage of houses.", "- Landon Bone Baker’s renovated SRO affordable housing project gives recently homeless residents access to supportive services and urban agriculture.By Leigh Franke.ffordable green design. In terms of sustainability features, the building has low-flow water fixtures, a green roof tray system, gypsum board, recycled-content carpet, a 13-well geo-exchange system for heating and cooling, and an eight-panel solar heating system for water.", "- Sustainable income is the most likely level of income to be obtained in the future. Sustainable income differs from actual net income by the amount of irregular revenues, expenses, gains, and losses included in this years net income.", "Live. Play. Discover. At Greenstone, environmentally-friendly building practices are just the beginning—a truly sustainable community promotes healthy living, enduring home values and strong community ties. Kendall Yards is our most exciting, innovative project yet.", "The Worldâs 9 Most Affordable Places to Retire In general, France is not a place to choose if you are hoping to make a massive cut to your cost of living. That said, this area, the “other South of France,” is far more affordable than its flashier counterpart while offering the best of French country living.", "- However, an equally-accurate statement is: “renewables are too. expensive, when compared to hydrocarbons, to implement on a. broad basis.” Hydrocarbons are non-renewable, but they are the. most economic form of energy we have access to at this time. Renewables are often considered sustainable sources of energy due. to the fact that their energy comes from infinitely renewable wind, sun, waves or crops. Ironically, many of these renewables are only. sustainable if continually subsidized by governments; governments that are often not in the financial position.", "Efficient Simple Modern Home for $150k Since we last mentioned his efficient home built for under $70,000, Caleb Schafer's been quite busy. He has a new website for Simple Modern Homes with a number of new home designs.He's also doing new work with new clients, and one home in particular looks interesting.Referred to as CL24, the design is for a 2,000 square-foot green home in Canyon Lake, Texas.What's most interesting, perhaps, is the fact that CL24 will come in below $150,000, including land, utilities, and septic.e's also doing new work with new clients, and one home in particular looks interesting. Referred to as CL24, the design is for a 2,000 square-foot green home in Canyon Lake, Texas. What's most interesting, perhaps, is the fact that CL24 will come in below $150,000, including land, utilities, and septic.", "- There are many benefits to green sustainable architecture. Construction costs may or may not be higher, but energy efficiency and water conservation mean green buildings and sustainable architecture are actually cheaper.", "- Since 2010/11: 3,505 new homes have been built in Exeter, including hundreds for affordable and social rent. Exeter City Council has built 41 new low energy homes, the first new Council Houses for a generation, and Labour are committed to expanding this programme, with the potential for hundreds more.Affordable housing is the single biggest challenge we face in Exeter. Our strong economy, growing cultural offer and fantastic quality of life mean demand is only increasing. At the same time, low average wages and a lack of housing have created a crisis for many young people and families.", "- Our 2018 concept home, the reNEWable Living Home built with Meritage Homes, adapts to meet the needs of multiple generations and focuses on health. Plus, we take a look at how builders can better understand the needs of foreign buyers, Entekra's off-site building model, and the growth of the single-family rental market. Subscribe BUILDER Online provides home builders with home building news, home plans, home design ideas, and building product information, helping them manage their home building operations efficiently and profitably.", "How to be sustainable at home 5 Ways to Be More Sustainable. Rethink your washing – Opt for detergents that work well at 30 degrees so you can use less energy by washing on short or cooler cycles. Another way to contribute to greener living in this way is to choose products that have a like mind in terms of doing more with less.", "Translations for Sustainable city A sustainable city, or eco-city (also ecocity) is a city designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimization of required inputs of energy, water and food, and waste output of heat, air pollution-CO2, methane, and water pollution.enerally, developmental experts agree that a sustainable city should meet the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.", "Modular is the Modern Solution Efficient, affordable & beautiful homes - inside & out Construction productivity; how fast, how well, and at what cost a home can be constructed — directly impacts the price of a home. Modular homes can be provided at the highest value because they take advantage of the modern modular building technique. Overall, the extra care in the construction process will make your custom modular home stronger, to meet the demands of being transported from the factory to your home site, as well as exploiting advanced construction techniques to make it last longer than a traditional site built home.", "- 1 Scientists attribute the declines to pollution, habitat degradation, and unsustainable fishing practices that allow species to be harvested faster than they can reproduce. 2 At the same time, the country's fragile economy, based on unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, has imploded. Not able to be upheld or defended: both remarks are unsustainable. More example sentences. 1 No one likes admitting that they were wrong, least of all military personnel, but there comes a point when retreat can be more honourable than defending an unsustainable position.", "Which Is More Environmentally Responsible, Urban or Rural Living? This dense urban fabric means small dwellings, requiring far less energy to heat and cool and leaving less room for energy-hungry appliances than the bigger homes typical of the countryside. A walking lifestyle is more accessible in the city, where the workplace may be located within walking or biking distance. In rural areas people are much more reliant on car transportation, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.", "Californiaâs High Housing Costs: Causes and Consequences Federal, state, and local government housing programs generally work in one of two ways, by: (1) increasing the supply of moderately priced housing or (2) reducing housing costs for some households. 1 Programs That Build New Housing. 2 Programs That Help Households Afford Housing.", "GREEN HOMES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE HEALTHY SUSTAINABLE SEATTLE MODULAR HOMES. Woman-owned GreenPod Development, LLC creates green-jobs by building new Seattle modular homes with healthy interiors and furnishings.GreenPod assures basic human needs: clean water, clean air, natural light, temperature-controlled, efficiently-designed homes in a beautiful environment.EALTHY SUSTAINABLE SEATTLE MODULAR HOMES. Woman-owned GreenPod Development, LLC creates green-jobs by building new Seattle modular homes with healthy interiors and furnishings.", "Morton Buildings With Living Quarters Price Guide Not only are barns and sheds available, but there are residential homes that are also available with living quarters. That’s right, you can get the same, affordable price from Morton for a home just as you would for any other building the company sells. And these buildings are built to last.", "- LC Homes incorporates numerous energy efficient innovations into every home we build. Such as blown-in insulation, CFL lighting and fixtures, Low-E vinyl windows and minimum SEER 13 HVAC, plus much more. Using less and having more is at the heart of every home we build. It’s just responsible building at its best….", "- Sustainable companies usually try to employ strategies that incur some sort of high cost in order to dissuade customers from switching to a competitor's product, brand or services. For example, many cellular phone carriers charge very high cancellation fees for canceling a contract.", "Environmental Refugees You are here. Environmental Refugees. One of the hidden costs of climate change is the displacement of millions of people in some of the poorest regions of the globe. The existing international refugee regime is ill-suited to cope with those seeking refuge from environmental disasters.", "2013 Most Affordable Places To Live In America, According To CNNMoney (PHOTOS) 2013 Most Affordable Places To Live In America, According To CNNMoney (PHOTOS) Although everyone would prefer to pay a little less for their homes and get the most bang for their buck, the general consensus is that cheaper places to live tend to be further away from jobs, culture and community.", "Solar panels: Finally affordable! Last update: June, 2014. Solar panels have been just as cheap or cheaper than grid energy since 2013, in most places. Solar is unlikely to continue to get a lot cheaper, though, because the price of the panels has dropped so much that most of the system cost is now for installation, not for the panels themselves.hat's much more than grid energy, and way more than solar. Wind power resources: Here's a quieter wind turbine, since many models are fairly loud. Average wind speed by city, and a wind map of the U.S. You need avg. windspeed of about 12mph (5.5 meters per second) to make wind power approach cost-effective.", "Sustainable living Proponents of sustainable living aim to conduct their lives in ways that are consistent with sustainability, in natural balance and respectful of humanity's symbiotic relationship with the earth's natural ecology and cycles.", "- Definition of sustainable. 1 : capable of being sustained. 2a : of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged sustainable techniques sustainable agricultureb : of or relating to a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable methods sustainable society.", "China: A New Approach for Efficient, Inclusive, Sustainable Urbanization 1 Placing urban finances on a more sustainable footing, while creating financial discipline for local governments. 2 The report recommends moving to a revenue system that would ensure a higher portion of local expenditures is financed by local revenues, such as property taxes and higher charges for urban services.", "- Mobile Homes. It is a very salvageable mobile home, but it will cost more to repair than I can pay for. I have a cousin that has things on the property that are to be removed or it is to go to the dump and be to the satisfaction of the County Development Department. I have a deadline that must be met." ]
[ 15.3125 ]
[ 1.9072265625, 3.810546875, 5.65234375, 3.810546875, 6.91796875, 2.89453125, 6.40625, -0.47119140625, 4.4609375, 7.07421875, 14.5078125, 4.2734375, 4.390625, 6.24609375, 4.95703125, 6.09375, 0.72265625, 4.52734375, 1.7900390625, 9.3671875, 2.5703125, 7.1328125, 5.36328125, -0.69482421875, 2.31640625, 5.80078125, 5.546875, 4.43359375, 3.40625, 2.802734375 ]
electricity cost in colorado
[ "Denver Electricity Rates Residential electricity in Colorado. 1 Residential electricity rates in Colorado. 2 The average residential electricity rate in Colorado is 11.46¢/kWh, which ranks 21st in the nation and is 3.54% less than the national average rate of 11.88¢/kWh. 3 Residential electricity consumption in CO." ]
[ "- For example, in 2012, Hawaii residents had the highest average residential electricity rate in the United States (37.34¢/kWh), while Louisiana residents had the lowest average residential electricity costs (8.37¢/kWh).", "The Price Of Electricity In Your State The high cost of crude oil used to generate the state's electricity is driving the price, EIA energy economist Tyler Hodge told me. Idaho had the lowest price, at about 8 cents per kWh. So the typical US household would pay about $73 for electricity each month in Idaho.he high cost of crude oil used to generate the state's electricity is driving the price, EIA energy economist Tyler Hodge told me. Idaho had the lowest price, at about 8 cents per kWh. So the typical US household would pay about $73 for electricity each month in Idaho.", "Colorado $12 Minimum Wage, Amendment 70 (2016) Prior to the passage of Initiative 42 in 2006, Colorado's minimum wage was equivalent to the federal government's minimum wage. The measure was approved with 53 percent voting yes and 47 percent voting no to increase the minimum wage to $6.85 per hour.", "Las Vegas Electricity Rates Commercial electricity in Nevada. 1 Commercial electricity rates in NV. 2 The average commercial electricity rate in Nevada is 8.83¢/kWh, which ranks 32nd in the nation and is 12.49% less than the national average rate of 10.09¢/kWh.[3] 3 Commercial electricity consumption in NV.", "Utilitiesâ local rates: Not bad for electric, but higher for gas Utilities’ local rates: Not bad for electric, but higher for gas. By. Posted on May 24, 2013. During community discussions about Colorado Springs Utilities, all parties to the debate tend to agree that CSU offers some of the lowest electric and gas rates in Colorado. Such low rates not only benefit residents but also serve to attract and retain businesses of all kinds, particularly job-providing manufacturers.", "The Price Of Electricity In Your State (Context: A typical U.S. household uses about 908 kWh a month of electricity.). But there's huge variation from state to state. Here's a map of residential electricity prices, according to the Energy Information Administration. People in Hawaii pay the most for electricity, about 33 cents per kWh.A Hawaiian household whose electricity use was around the national average would have a monthly electric bill over $300.o the typical US household would pay about $73 for electricity each month in Idaho. Hodge says Idaho generates much of its electricity from hydroelectric dams, which require virtually no fuel. Also, the cost of constructing the dams have been spread out over many decades.", "What is the Average Utility Bill in Denver? The average utility bill in Denver, including electric, heat and water, is $116.52, according to Numbeo, a website that collects survey data about cost of living in various cities. Average electric bill in Denver. The average residential electricity rate in Denver is 11.05 cents per kilowatt hour.", "Electricity prices worldwide by country 2017 Electricity prices in selected countries in 2014 (in U.S. dollar cents per kilowatt hour). This statistic shows electricity prices in leading economies worldwide in 2014. In the United States, electricity prices stood at 10 U.S. dollar cents per kilowatt hour.lectricity prices in selected countries in 2014 (in U.S. dollar cents per kilowatt hour). This statistic shows electricity prices in leading economies worldwide in 2014. In the United States, electricity prices stood at 10 U.S. dollar cents per kilowatt hour.", "Fresno Electricity Rates Commercial electricity in California. 1 Commercial electricity rates in CA. 2 The average commercial electricity rate in California is 13.41¢/kWh, which ranks 7th in the nation and is 32.9% greater than the national average rate of 10.09¢/kWh.[3] 3 Commercial electricity consumption in CA.", "- Electricity Comparison: Tallahassee vs. U.S. See how electricity costs in Tallahassee differ from the average electricity costs for the U.S. overall. On a year-over-year basis - from October 2016 to October 2017 - residential electricity prices in Tallahassee increased approximately 10%, from 10.98 ¢/kWh to 12.12 ¢/kWh.", "Denver Electricity Rates Commercial electricity in Colorado. Commercial electricity rates in CO ; The average commercial electricity rate in Colorado is 9.39¢/kWh, which ranks 25th in the nation and is 6.94% less than the national average rate of 10.09¢/kWh. Commercial electricity consumption in CO", "Saving Money by Understanding Demand Charges on Your Electric Bill Compare a cost of $29.60 per kilowatt hour to MTDC's rate schedule, just 3.3 cents per kilowatt hour. The Center is in the Northwest, which has some of the lowest electric rates in the country.he 223 hours equals 1 month of use at 10 hours per day and 22 days per month. Calculating the cost per kilowatt hour during the peak demand interval further illustrates the high cost of demand charges. The cost of operating a 100–watt light during the 15–minute peak demand interval is $0.74.", "Annual Average Electricity Price Comparison by State Annual Average Electricity Price Comparison. Nebraska is the only state that generates electricity entirely by publicly-owned power systems. As of 2015, the statewide average electricity price is the fifteenth-lowest rate in the country, based on the latest federal figures. Nationally, electricity costs 15 percent more than it does in Nebraska.", "Cost of electricity by source The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), also known as Levelized Energy Cost (LEC), is the net present value of the unit-cost of electricity over the lifetime of a generating asset.It is often taken as a proxy for the average price that the generating asset must receive in a market to break even over its lifetime.n comparison, coal-fired plants are between 66 USD and $151 per MWh, nuclear power at 124 USD per MWh. Small photovoltaic power plants on roofs of houses are still at 126-265 USD per MWh, but which can do without electricity transport costs. Onshore wind turbines are 37-81 USD per MWh.", "Senior Housing & Assisted Living in Colorado While the overall cost of living in Colorado is higher than the national average, taxes in this state are actually lower. State and local taxes are more consumer-friendly. The tax burden is at 9.02%, while the average sits at 10%.", "The Price Of Electricity In Your State the high cost of crude oil used to generate the state s electricity is driving the price eia energy economist tyler hodge told me idaho had the lowest price at about 8 cents per kwh so the typical us household would pay about $ 73 for electricity each month in idaho", "In the Driverâs Seat As mentioned, the cost of electricity can vary greatly depending on where you live, but in order to equal the price of the average gasoline car’s fuel costs, the price of electricity would have to be 2.5 times the national average, and cost 31 cents per kWh.", "- Canadian electricity is cheap at 10 US cents per kilowatt hour, which is reflected in their high average electricity usage. US electricity prices at 0.12 $/kWh are also quite cheap internationally. In India and China they are very cheap.", "- (See chart 1 .). The 20.5 cents per kWh Los Angeles households paid for electricity in August 2015 was 44.4 percent more than the nationwide average of 14.2 cents per kWh. Last August, electricity costs were 50.3 percent higher in Los Angeles compared to the nation.See chart 2 .). Prices paid by Los Angeles area consumers for utility (piped) gas, commonly referred to as natural gas, were $1.275 per therm, or 36.8 percent more compared to the national average in August 2015 ($0.932 per therm).", "Alberta Electricity Prices: Calgary, Edmonton Prices Among Highest In Canada, Study Finds Only ahead of Alberta in Canadian power prices are Charlottetown and Halifax, based on residences that use 1,000 kilowatt-hours per month. According to their calculations, Calgarians pay, on average, $216 per month on electricity while Edmontonians pay $202.alifax residents, who have the highest bills in the country, pay $225 per month while Montreal residents, with the lowest rates in Canada, pay just $100 per month. South of the border, San Francisco residents pay $334 per month, in New York $317, in Boston $240 and in Detroit $226.", "How Much Electricity Do You Use Each Month? Hawaiians, even though they use the least, pay the most for electricity ($188 a month) and New Mexicans pay the least ($78 a month). As for our Inside Energy focus states: Colorado homes use 687 kWh and spend $84 per month. North Dakota homes use 1,240 kWh and spend $113 a month.", "What Does Regular Electricity Cost? The chart at the left shows the average cost of electricity for 2014 by consumer group per the EIA (the US Energy Information Administration). For 2014 the average residential cost was 12.50 cents per kilo-watt hour up 3.1% from 2013. Commercial was 10.75 cents and industrial 7.01 cents.ssuming an average 2015 residential electricity price in AZ of $.125 per kWh (excluding taxes and fees) yields a yearly savings of $1,006.25 (8,050 x $.125 not counting future inflation). The monthly savings would then be $83.85 ($1,006.25 divided by 12). This was rounded to $84.00 even.", "Annual Average Electricity Price Comparison by State by State. Nebraska is the only state that generates electricity entirely by publicly-owned power systems. As of 2014, the statewide average electricity price is the fourteenth-lowest rate in the country, based on the latest federal figures. Nationally, electricity costs 19 percent more than it does in Nebraska.", "- Your trip begins in the state of Colorado. The price of regular gas is currently averaging $2.36 in Colorado. Your trip ends in the state of California. The price of regular gas is around $2.91 in California. Gas prices were last updated on Wednesday, October 14th, 2015.", "- Though the average household income in Colorado is approximately $50,105 per year—higher than many other states, including New York—the cost of living in Colorado is approximately 2.5 percent lower than the US average.", "Nevada Electricity Rates & Consumption 1 Residential electricity rates in NV. 2 Residential electricity rates in Nevada average 11.83¢/kWh, which ranks the state 18th in the nation. The average residential electricity rate of 11.83¢/kWh in NV is 0.42% less than the national average residential rate of 11.88¢/kWh.", "Annual Average Electricity Price Comparison by State Nationally, electricity costs 15 percent more than it does in Nebraska. Across all sectors, Hawaii has the highest electricity rate (26 cents), and Washington has the lowest electricity rate (7.41 cents). The archive has reports from prior years. Starting with this report, states are ranked so that equivalent prices are ranked at the same level.", "- This price is higher than the statewide. average price. • Pasadena’s system-average retail electricity price may increase from $0.107 to $0.145 per. kWh between 2005 and 2018 in nominal dollars. This 35.5 percent increase in nominal. terms translates into a 1.9 percent increase in real terms.", "How to calculate the amount of kilowatt hours (kWh) your solar panel system will produce Their contract shows a price per kwh of $0.109. The price per kwh of electricity from non-renewable energy in Colorado is $0.112. A difference of $0.003 per kwh!!! So under the above assupmtions we can calculate the actual “savings” a solar customer would realize.", "What is the Average Utility Bill in Denver? The average utility bill in Denver, including electric, heat and water, is $116.52, according to Numbeo, a website that collects survey data about cost of living in various cities. Average electric bill in Denver. The average residential electricity rate in Denver is 11.05 cents per kilowatt hour.hile utility rates in Denver are lower, on average, than they are for much of the rest of Colorado and the nation, they’re still not cheap. At $78 a month just for electricity, utilities add almost 7 percent to the average rent in Denver, which was $1,145 in the third quarter of 2014." ]
[ 15.6875 ]
[ 6.19921875, 6.26171875, 3.48046875, 4.45703125, 7.94140625, 6.10546875, 12.2421875, 5.30078125, 5.22265625, 3.48046875, 15.453125, 4.48046875, 4.734375, 4.6953125, 5.11328125, 5.53515625, 4.5859375, 4.66796875, 5.38671875, 2.859375, 12.015625, 6.48046875, 4.46484375, 6.18359375, 7.6640625, 5.23046875, 4.81640625, 3.908203125, 12.7890625, 12.8671875 ]
us oil production
[ "United States Crude Oil Production 1950-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar Crude Oil Production in the United States averaged 7372.26 BBL/D/1K from 1950 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 10044 BBL/D/1K in November of 1970 and a record low of 3983 BBL/D/1K in September of 2008." ]
[ "The 10 most oil-rich states In 2012, the U.S. had more than 30.5 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, up 15% from the year before. Ten states accounted for nearly 80% of the U.S. proven oil reserves as of the end of 2012.", "- texas and north dakota now account for almost half of total u s oil production said eia administrator adam sieminski noting texas monthly oil output recently topped 3 million barrels per day for the first time since 1977 and north dakota s oil production hit a record 1 million s crude oil production rising steadily since 2008 is likely next year to hit its highest level since 1972 while iraq s output despite unrest there is expected to hold steady according to a forecast tuesday by the u s energy information administration", "The 25 Biggest Oil And Gas Companies In The World The big irony: even as oil prices have halved, Big Oil is still getting bigger. In July 2014 U.S. oil production was 8.75 million barrels per day, according to the Energy Information Administration. Nearly a year (and a 50% price dip) later, U.S. oil output had grown to 9.69 million bpd, its highest level in 45 years.", "- U.S. oil production rose to a record last year, gaining 1.6 million barrels a day, according to BP Plc’s Statistical Review of World Energy released on Wednesday. Gas output also climbed, putting America ahead of Russia as a producer of the hydrocarbons combined.", "Where Oil Is Produced Produc tion began to accelerate in the late 1800’s as crude oil refineries produced new petro leum products to meet demand for fuels and products by a rapidly industrializing country and the growing number of internal combustion engines.", "Texas now produces 35 percent of US crude oil Five states and the Gulf of Mexico not produce 80 percent of the country’s crude oil production. North Dakota is one of those states, producing 12 percent of U.S. crude oil supplies to become the country’s second-largest oil producing state.", "How much of the oil produced in the United States is consumed in the United States? The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) cannot determine the exact amount of crude oil produced in the United States that is consumed in the United States. However, most of the crude oil produced in the United States is refined in U.S. refineries to make petroleum products. The United States exports small volumes of domestically produced crude oil, most of it to Canada, some of which may actually return to the United States as refined products.", "Oil Consumption in North America The oil production for 2000 is expected to average 5.8 million barrels per day of crude oil. The production for 1999 was 5.9 million barrels per day. After the oil price collapse of 1985/1986, U.S. oil production declined dramatically. Oil production in 2000 is down by 24% from 1985.", "Top 10 Largest Oil Producing Countries in the World Here are the largest oil producers in the world as of 2015. Mexico has produced an average of 3.2 million barrels a day for the last 12-15 years. However, annual production has decreased or has failed to increase every year since 2003-04. Mexico has the fourth largest oil reserves in the western hemisphere.", "History of the petroleum industry in the United States History of the petroleum industry in the United States. Natural oil seeps such as this in the McKittrick area of California were used by the Native Americans and later mined by settlers. Replica engine house and derrick at Oil Creek, Pennsylvania. History of US Crude Oil Production, 1920 to 2014.", "Oil Producing States There is a derivation principle governing the allocation of revenue to oil producing states. The 13% derivation was enshrined in the 1999 constitution, and came into effect in year 2000. After the sale of Nigeria’s crude oil, 13% is removed from the gross oil revenue exclusively for oil producing states.", "Ethanol fuel in the United States The world's top ethanol fuel producer in 2010 was the United States with 13.2 billion U.S. gallons (49.95 billion liters) representing 57.5% of global production, followed by Brazil with 6.92 billion U.S. gallons (26.19 billion liters), and together both countries accounted for 88% of the world production of 22.95 billion U.S. gallons (86.85 billion liters).", "Offshore oil and gas in the United States In 2007, federal offshore tracts produced 27% of the oil and 14% of the natural gas in the United States. Three of the top ten oil fields in the United States in terms of the proven remaining reserves were offshore in the Gulf of Mexico in 2007 (Mars-Ursa, Thunder Horse, and Atlantis).", "U.S. Oil Production Keeps Rising Beyond the Forecasts Not since the late 1960s, when production in Texas was peaking and Alaska oil was beginning to come on stream, has there been such a string of annual increases. As a result, United States oil production climbed to the highest level since 1989, although it remains well below the record production of 9.6 million barrels a day, set in 1970. The agency forecast that American production would continue to rise in 2014, adding 782,000 barrels, to 8.3 million barrels a day.", "Shale oil 9 m 3) of shale oil, with the largest reserves in the United States, which is thought to have 1.5–2.6 trillion barrels (240 ×10. 9 –410 ×10. 9 m 3). Worldwide production of shale oil was estimated at 17,700 barrels per day (2,810 m 3 /d) in 2008.", "- Many of the U.S. reserves of crude oil are found in the Midwest and along the plains region. Increasing Oil Production in the U.S. Sparks Less OPEC Reliance Miranda Green July 11, 2013. The blasts sent 1,500 tons of crude oil into the Yellow Sea and sparked 100-foot-high flames that burned for 15 hours.", "The US States That Produce the Most Oil The US States That Produce the Most Oil. A boom in oil production is profoundly changing the U.S. economy and impacting worldwide energy markets. As of 2015, 90% of U.S. oil production, excluding federal offshore drilling, comes from eight states: Texas, North Dakota, California, Alaska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado and Wyoming.", "- u s production of crude oil along with liquids separated from natural gas surpassed all other countries this year with daily output exceeding 11 million barrels in the first quarter the bank said in a report today the country became the world s largest natural gas producer in 2010 s production of crude oil along with liquids separated from natural gas surpassed all other countries this year with daily output exceeding 11 million barrels in the first quarter the bank said in a report today the country became the world s largest natural gas producer in 2010", "Oil reserves in the United States The United States has the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2.175 trillion barrels (345.8 km3) of potentially recoverable oil. Oil shale does not actually contain oil, but a waxy oil precursor known as kerogen.", "Top 10 Oil Producing Countries In The World: Whereâs The Greatest Petroleum Dominion? Mexico – 2.95 million barrels per day. While not thought of as an energy powerhouse, Mexico nevertheless remains the 8th-largest oil producer on the planet, with over 3% of daily production. In fact, Mexico’s exports are a large fraction of US oil imports–over ⅓ of Mexican production is destined for US gas tanks. Furthermore, oil exports are an important export within Mexico: roughly 10% of total export dollars earned derive from oil, producing large incomes and a number of jobs. However, despite some recent discoveries, the main wells are nearly tapped out and Mexico’s spot in the rankings appears likely to slip behind that of Brazil–and perhaps even further.", "U.S. oil consumption in barrels per day 1998-2016 Daily oil consumption in the United States from 1998 to 2016 (in 1,000 barrels) Exclusive Premium Statistic This statistic shows the daily consumption of oil in the United States between 1998 and 2016. In 2016, the United States consumed approximately 19.6 million barrels of oil daily. According to the source, consumption refers to inland demand plus international aviation and marine bunkers and refinery fuel and loss; biogasoline (such as ethanol), biodiesel and derivatives of coal and natural gas are also included.", "Petroleum production Petroleum production, recovery of crude oil and, often, associated natural gas from the Earth. Petroleum is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon material that is believed to have formed from animal and vegetable debris in deep sedimentary beds.", "U.S. Oil Production Keeps Rising Beyond the Forecasts The increase left United States production at 7.5 million barrels a day, with both November and December production estimated to have been over eight million barrels a day. American consumption of oil also rose last year, by 390,000 barrels a day, or 2.1 percent, to 18.9 million barrels a day.", "History of the petroleum industry The top three oil producing countries are Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States. About 80 percent of the world's readily accessible reserves are located in the Middle East, with 62.5 percent coming from the Arab 5: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait.he top three oil producing countries are Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States. About 80 percent of the world's readily accessible reserves are located in the Middle East, with 62.5 percent coming from the Arab 5: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait.", "Top 10 Largest Oil Producing Countries in the World At present Russia is the country which is the largest oil producing nation in the world. In 2011 its production was 12.65% of the world’s total output. Also See. 1 Which country exports most petroleum in the world.", "Here's how the US is becoming the world's biggest oil and gas producer But another document from the Energy Information Administration shows something even more interesting: Six regions account for nearly 90% of US oil production growth and 100% of domestic natural gas production growth.", "- Define oil industry. oil industry synonyms, oil industry pronunciation, oil industry translation, English dictionary definition of oil industry. Noun 1. oil industry - an industry that produces and delivers oil and oil products oil business, refining industry industry - the people or companies...", "The 25 Biggest Oil And Gas Companies In The World Compared with their high-water marks in mid-2014, Big Oil shares are down about 25% and earnings have collapsed. The big irony: even as oil prices have halved, Big Oil is still getting bigger. In July 2014 U.S. oil production was 8.75 million barrels per day, according to the Energy Information Administration.", "Oil Consumption in North America There are also significant oil fields in Alaska along the central North Slope. Oil Reserves. According to the EIA, the United States has 21 billion barrels of proved oil reserves as of January 1, 2000. The U.S. uses about 6.6 billion barrels per year. That is only enough oil to last the U.S. about three and a half years without importing oil from other countries. 84% of the reserves are concentrated in four states.", "- Prior to that, in 2014 over 66% of world oil production came from the top ten countries: Saudi Arabia 542 Mt (13%), Russia 529 Mt (13%), United States 509 Mt (12%), China 212 Mt (5%), Canada 208 Mt (5%), Iran 166 Mt (4%), Iraq 160 Mt (4%), Kuwait 158 Mt (4%), United Arab Emirates 157 Mt (4%) and Venezuela 151 Mt (4%)." ]
[ 15.2890625 ]
[ 10.078125, 13.375, 12.7734375, 14.84375, 7.375, 10.9609375, 9.765625, 12.5703125, 7.5859375, 10.078125, 5.17578125, 7.08984375, 9.921875, 14.71875, 10.03125, 10.7421875, 13.171875, 12.8046875, 11.09375, 8.7421875, 10, 9.1640625, 14.65625, 7.47265625, 5.95703125, 11.7109375, 2.896484375, 10.609375, 9.4921875, 11.5625 ]
uf early action deadline
[ "Overview When applying to University of Florida, it's important to note the application deadline is Nov. 1. The application fee at University of Florida is $30. Scores for either the ACT or SAT test are due Dec. 31. It is more selective, with an acceptance rate of 48 percent." ]
[ "Grants Students apply for the Federal Pell Grant, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, the Florida Student Assistance Grant, and, UNF Grants by completing a FAFSA. Students are encouraged to file their FAFSA by the UNF priority deadline of February 14th each year.", "Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading grounded in fraud, an effective affirmative defense may be failure to plead. fraud with particularity.165 Thus, in the instances where fraud is the basis. for an action for breach of fiduciary duty, the relevant facts and circum-. stances must be clearly set forth in the complaint.", "MEMBERSHIP RESOURCES Good-Standing Deadlines: 1 September 1 = Roster opens. 2 October 30 = Affiliate Agreement due to Exec. Director (if chapter is changing to affiliate) 3 November 1 = Roster Due (via FFA.org & submitted for state approval) AND POA due to state advisor ([email protected]) December 1 = Dues received (not PO; postmarked by Post Office, not meter-machine); $100 Fall Late Fee applied if not received by this day (regardless of weekend status)", "- June 30, 2016 is the deadline to file a FAFSA for the 2015-16 award year. File the FAFSA now for the 2015-16 financial aid award year. More about FAFSA. Financial assistance is provided for all qualified students through a variety of sources including grants, scholarships, student loans, and the work study program.une 30, 2016 is the deadline to file a FAFSA for the 2015-16 award year. File the FAFSA now for the 2015-16 financial aid award year. More about FAFSA. Financial assistance is provided for all qualified students through a variety of sources including grants, scholarships, student loans, and the work study program.", "FAFSA Federal Financial Aid Deadlines 2018-2019 FAFSA Federal Financial Aid Deadlines. Federal student aid has an award year that runs from July 1 to June 30. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) has a 21-month application cycle that begins on October 1, nine months before the start of the award year, and ends on June 30, the last day of the award year.", "You have questions. We have answers. Our Restrictive Early Action application process is non-binding, and admitted students have until May 1 to indicate their decision to attend. Every college and university uses Restrictive Early Action in a different way. The easiest way to understand how Notre Dame uses it is to describe what it is not. It is not the avenue students should take merely because Notre Dame is their first choice.", "Instructions for Form 720 (01/2018) An appeal must be filed within 30 calendar days of the effective date of the action, if any, or within 30 calendar days after the date of receipt of the agency's decision, whichever is later. If the 30th day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, the filing deadline is extended to the next working day. If you and the agency mutually agree in writing to submit your dispute to an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process, the 30-day filing time limit is automatically extended to 60 days.", "Donât lose these dates. Don’t lose these dates. Print them off, mark your calendars, set reminders on all of your devices. 1 Restrictive Early Action: November 1. Regular Decision: January 1.", "Power Ranking the Best College Football Players to Declare Early for NFL Draft Power Ranking the Best College Football Players to Declare Early for NFL Draft. With time winding down to the Jan. 15 deadline for college football players to declare themselves eligible for the NFL draft, it's the perfect time for a history lesson on the best student-athletes to depart school early to head to the pros.", "- Fair go : a chance (give a bloke a fair go) Fair suck of the sav! : exclamation of wonder, awe, disbelief (see also sav) Fairy floss : candy floss, cotton candy. Feral : V8 ute (q.v.) sporting large heavy bullbar, numerous aerials, large truck mudflaps and stickers almost all over the rear window and tailgate.", "- The absolute deadline to LATE FILE for any 2016 exemption -- if you miss the March 1 timely filing deadline -- is September 19, 2016. State law (Sec. 196.011(8), Fla. Stat.) does not allow late filing for exemptions after this date, regardless of any good cause reason for missing the late filing deadline.", "State Taxes Published 12/19/2014. Employees of Federal contractors Effective 1/1/15. FAST WAGE AND TAX FACTS is distributed with the understanding that the publisher. is not rendering legal, accounting, tax or other professional services. If legal advice. or other assistance is required, an attorney, CPA or tax adviser should be consulted.", "48 CFR 252.232-7007 - Limitation of Government's obligation. (f) The Government may at any time prior to termination allot additional funds for the performance of the contract line item(s) identified in paragraph (a) of this clause. (g) The termination provisions of this clause do not limit the rights of the Government under the clause entitled “Default.” The provisions of this clause are limited to the work and allotment of funds for the contract line item(s) set forth in paragraph (a) of this clause.", "- 1 You can use the Emergency Financial First Aid Kit - EFFAK (PDF - 977Kb) developed by Operation Hope, FEMA and Citizen Corps to help you organize your information. Emergency reference material such as a first aid book or free information from this web site.", "Restrictive Early Action Exceptions. 1 The student may apply to any college/university with early deadlines for scholarships or special academic programs as long as the decision is non-binding. 2 The student may apply to any public college/university with a non-binding early application option.", "You Can File Your Taxes This Weekâand Being an Early Bird is Smart For taxpayers who won't be ready early, keep in mind that you have until April 18 to file a federal return or request an extension this year, an extra three days over the traditional April 15 deadline. The extension comes thanks to Emancipation Day celebrations happening in Washington, D.C. on April 15.", "Financial Aid Deadlines If you complete your file by the dates listed below, our goal is to have your financial aid eligibility determined in time for the tuition due date. Applications completed after the Financial Aid deadline will be reviewed by the following quarter’s tuition due date. Late applicants must pay for tuition and fees on their own. Students may receive funding, if eligible, retroactively.", "FUTA Credit Reductions In addition, following the third and fifth January 1st with an outstanding Federal advance, employers in those states are potentially subject to additional credit reductions as outlined in FUTA Sections 3302(c)(2).", "Overview When applying to University of South Florida, it's important to note the application deadline is March 15. The application fee at University of South Florida is $30. Scores for either the ACT or SAT test are due Jan. 15. It is more selective, with an acceptance rate of 47 percent.", "Offers of Admission and Acceptance Students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15; earlier deadlines for acceptance of such offers violate the intent of this Resolution. In those instances in which a student accepts an offer before April 15, and subsequently desires to withdraw that acceptance, the student may submit in writing a resignation of the appointment at any time through April 15.", "When should I file a FAFSA? Currently, the soonest a FAFSA application can be filed with the Department of Education is on the January 1st preceding the academic year that you are requesting financial aid for. However by using our service, you can start even earlier. We can prepare your FAFSA for a future academic year now, and file it for you as soon as possible after January 1st. An academic year is the 12 months from July 1st to June 30th. For example, the 2015-2016 academic year begins July 1, 2015 and ends June 30, 2016.", "- If no Order Discharging Bond Forfeiture Before Judgment has been entered within the 60 day time period set forth in Section 903.26(2)(a), Florida Statutes, the clerk will, without delay, enter a Final Judgment of Forfeiture in accordance with section 903.27, Florida Statutes. 16.", "Early Response = Early Action??? According to the U-M website, the admissions office has announced that they are changing from Early Response to Early Action with their move to the Common App for prospective freshman applying for Fall 2011. Office of Undergraduate Admissions: Early Action It doesn't seem like that made any changes to the program other than the title.", "- All other applicants-October 1, by midnight, Central Time, for fall and spring terms; March 1, by midnight, Central Time, for spring term only. New Mexico-Check with your financial aid administrator. New York-June 30, @ ^. There is no state deadline for Newfoundland. There is no state deadline for Newfoundland/Labrador.", "Florida Civil Procedure (Timeline for Motion) A plaintiff may move for summary judgment anytime after 20 days from the commencement of the action. A defendant may move for summary judgment any time. Summary judgment must be served at least 20 days before the hearing.", "Courts and Judicial Procedure (b) If in the original action, the benefit of this chapter is pleaded, and a verdict upon such defense is found for the plaintiff, such verdict shall be conclusive evidence that the original action was commenced within the time limited therefor. Code 1852, §§ 2752, 2753; Code 1915, § 4681; Code 1935, § 5139; 10 Del.", "Early Decision Early Decision. The early decision program is a binding option for applicants who have decided that a particular pharmacy degree program is their first choice and that they will enroll if accepted. As an early decision applicant, you can apply to only one pharmacy degree program. For more information visit PharmCAS. The early decision deadline for the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy is September 6, 2016. All application materials, including your supplemental application and fee, must be received by that deadline.", "Academic Scholarships Deadline: June 15. UF offers two scholarships of $4000 to transfer in-state community college students selected to the All-Florida Academic First Team. Recipients of the award are required to maintain a UF GPA of at least 3.0 and successfully complete 14 credit hours each semester of the award.", "When's the Last ACT/SAT for Early Admissions Deadlines? Early Decision gives you the chance to apply to your first-choice college early and get an admission decision before winter break. Early Decision application deadlines tend to be around November 1st, and promise to have a result to you between December 1st and December 15th. Some deadlines are earlier in October.", "- The success of Macon's Fading Five is dependent on the community's input of what properties and sites should be considered for the endangered list. Use the form below to submit nominations for 2016's Fading Five list. The deadline is July 1, 2016. Use this link to print a hard copy version of the form." ]
[ 12.9375 ]
[ 5.87109375, -1.3466796875, 1.986328125, 8.390625, 4.78515625, 6.875, 2.623046875, 10.2890625, 2.015625, -1.1982421875, 4.36328125, 1.6181640625, -0.87109375, -0.357666015625, 5.96484375, 2.02734375, 4.28125, -0.03594970703125, 8.953125, 7.41015625, 4.03515625, 0.9609375, 6.18359375, 5.5234375, 1.1435546875, -1.87890625, 8.2890625, 9.5546875, 7.88671875, 1.47265625 ]
meaning of lenient
[ "lenient The definition of lenient is someone who is not strict or a punishment that is not severe. An example of something that would be described as lenient is a jail sentence of one day for armed robbery. not harsh or severe in disciplining, punishing, judging, etc.; mild; merciful; clement." ]
[ "delinquent delinquent definition: The definition of delinquent is something improper or criminal in nature or something that is late in being done. (adjective) An example of delinquent behavior is robbing a store. An example of delinquent is a credit card payment...", "What does delinquent mean? delinquent: –adjective 1. failing in or neglectful of a duty or obligation; guilty of a misdeed or offense. 2. (of an account, tax, debt, etc.) past due; overdue. 3. of or pertaining to delinquents or delinquency: delinquent attitudes. –noun 4. a person who is delinquent.", "- LENT The word “Lent” comes from the old English, “lencten, which means “spring. In Middle English is derived the words, lenten, lente, lent; related to the Dutch, lente, the German, Lenz, also rendered “spring.” In Old German are found the related words: lenzin, lengizin, and lenzo, which probably comes from the same root as long and referring to the lengthening days,” as the earth moves from the winter solstice toward the spring equinox. In the Christian Church, Lent refers to the period of abstinence preparatory to the Feast of Easter. As this fast falls in the early part of the year, it became confused with the season, and gradually the word Lent, which originally meant spring, was confined to this liturgical use. The Latin", "- tr.v. rel·e·gat·ed, rel·e·gat·ing, rel·e·gates. 1 1. To consign to an inferior or obscure place, rank, category, or condition: an artist's work that is now relegated to storerooms; a group that has been relegated to the status of second-class citizens.", "dormant latent, dormant, quiescent, potential mean not now showing signs of activity or existence. latent applies to a power or quality that has not yet come forth but may emerge and develop. ⟨a latent desire for success⟩ dormant suggests the inactivity of something (such as a feeling or power) as though sleeping. ⟨their passion had lain dormant⟩ quiescent suggests a usually temporary cessation of activity. ⟨the disease was quiescent⟩ potential applies to what does not yet have existence or effect but is likely soon to have.", "delinquent The definition of delinquent is something improper or criminal in nature or something that is late in being done. An example of delinquent behavior is robbing a store. An example of delinquent is a credit card payment that should have been paid several months earlier.", "- latent, dormant, quiescent, potential mean not now showing signs of activity or existence. latent applies to a power or quality that has not yet come forth but may emerge and develop. dormant suggests the inactivity of something (as a feeling or power) as though sleeping.", "- Define lessen: to shrink in size, number, or degree : decrease; to reduce in size, extent, or degree — lessen in a sentence to shrink in size, number, or degree : decrease; to reduce in size, extent, or degree; to represent as of little value… See the full definition", "latent latent Latent is an adjective that you use to describe something that is capable of becoming active or at hand, though it is not currently so. The adjective latent is a tricky word to define because it refers to something there but not there. That is, latent means something that is capable of becoming active or at hand but has not yet achieved that state. The word arrived in Middle English from the Latin word latēre which means to lie hidden..", "- The correct spelling for the noun meaning ‘person descended from a particular ancestor ’ is descendant, not-ent. Descendent is a less common adjective meaning ‘ descending from an ancestor ’. Almost 15 per cent of the citations for the term in the Oxford English Corpus use the wrong spelling.", "impertinent English speakers adopted both impertinent and pertinent from Anglo-French in the 14th century. Both words derive from the present participle of the Latin verb pertinēre, meaning to pertain. Initially, impertinent was used for things that are simply not relevant.", "linger linger When someone lingers, he or she takes an unexpectedly long time to depart, as Romeo lingers when bidding Juliet farewell (or as annoying houseguests almost always tend to do). In addition to its primary meaning of taking a long time to depart, linger has the additional meaning of persisting while gradually weakening. In this sense, linger can refer to feelings or sensations that slowly fade away, like the smell of perfume that lingers in an elevator after the passengers have exited.", "- Random Word linger When someone lingers, he or she takes an unexpectedly long time to depart, as Romeo lingers when bidding Juliet farewell (or as annoying houseguests almost always tend to do). In addition to its primary meaning of taking a long time to depart, linger has the additional meaning of persisting while gradually weakening.. In this sense, linger can refer to feelings or sensations that slowly fade away, like the smell of perfume that lingers in an elevator after the passengers have exited. Thesaurus Definitions of linger", "- Relent definition, to soften in feeling, temper, or determination; become more mild, compassionate, or forgiving. See more.", "prurient Definition of prurient. : marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire; especially : marked by, arousing, or appealing to sexual desire.", "redundant redundant - repetition of same sense in different words; `a true fact' and `a free gift' are pleonastic expressions; the phrase `a beginner who has just started' is tautological; at the risk of being redundant I return to my original proposition- J.B.Conant.", "- Meaning: Having deserted a cause or principle. Synonyms: recreant; renegade. Context examples: some provinces had proved recreant / renegade supporters of the usurper. Similar: disloyal (deserting your allegiance or duty to leader or cause or principle) • RENEGADE (verb)", "lenient agreeably tolerant; permissive; indulgent: He tended to be lenient toward the children. More lenient laws encouraged greater freedom of expression. 2. Archaic. softening, soothing, or alleviative. Origin of lenient.", "- This latest evidence should remove any lingering doubts/questions about his innocence. The company is still trying to recover from the lingering effects of the strike. a long, lingering kiss. a last, lingering look. He suffered a long, lingering [=very slow] death.", "- Definition of LENTIC. : of, relating to, or living in still waters (as lakes, ponds, or swamps) — compare lotic.ADVERTISEMENT. Latin lentus sluggish. of, relating to, or living in still waters (as lakes, ponds, or swamps) — compare lotic. ADVERTISEMENT.", "- relegate verb [T]. › to put someone or something into a ​lower or less ​important ​rank or ​position: She ​resigned when she was relegated to a ​desk ​job. The ​story was relegated to the ​middle ​pages of the ​paper. to put something or someone into a ​lower or less ​important ​rank or ​position: In the past when ​African-American men ​worked as ​sailors ​aboard ​ships, they were often relegated to ​jobs as ​cooks and ​stewards.", "- One that is hostile or aggressive, especially one that is engaged in war. [Latin belligerāns, belligerant-, present participle of belligerāre, to wage war, from belliger, warlike : bellum, war + gerere, to make.] bel·lig′er·ent·ly adv. Synonyms: belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, combative. These adjectives mean having or showing an eagerness to fight. Belligerent refers to a tendency to hostile behavior: A belligerent reporter badgered the politician. (Garry Wills). Pugnacious suggests a natural disposition to fight: A good litigator needs a pugnacious intellect.", "- Definition of remnant. 1 1a : a usually small part, member, or trace remainingb : a small surviving group —often used in plural. 2 2 : an unsold or unused end of piece goods.", "- WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2016. in•con•ven•ience /ˌɪnkənˈvinyəns/USA pronunciation n., v., -ienced, -ienc•ing. n. the quality or state of being inconvenient[uncountable]put him through a lot of inconvenience to get to the airport.", "lessen Definition of lessen for English Language Learners. : to become less or to cause (something) to become less.", "relegate verb (used with object), relegated, relegating. 1. to send or consign to an inferior position, place, or condition: He has been relegated to a post at the fringes of the diplomatic service. 2. to consign or commit (a matter, task, etc.), as to a person: He relegates the less pleasant tasks to his assistant.", "Definition of 'transient' Transient is used to describe a situation that lasts only a short time or is constantly changing. ...the transient nature of high fashion. In most cases, pain is transient. Transients are people who stay in a place for only a short time and then move somewhere else.", "- (=relentless) She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness..., In the face of severe opposition and unrelenting criticism, the task seemed overwhelming. 2 adj If you describe something unpleasant as unrelenting, you mean that it continues without stopping. ...an unrelenting downpour of rain. unrelenting.", "relent (third-person singular simple present relents, present participle relenting, simple past and past participle relented) 1 To become less severe or intense; to become less hard, harsh, or cruel; to soften in temper; to become more mild and tender; to feel compassion.", "lentil Definition of lentil for English Language Learners. : a type of flat, round seed that is related to the pea and is eaten as a vegetable." ]
[ 16.703125 ]
[ 2.263671875, 3.33984375, 4.5234375, 1.21484375, 0.51318359375, 3.23046875, 2.9140625, 4.46484375, 2.6328125, 1.287109375, 0.44287109375, 2.3671875, 1.734375, 6.703125, 2.80859375, -0.482177734375, 0.54296875, 13.5390625, 2.181640625, 5.8359375, 1.810546875, 0.86767578125, 2.88671875, 2.224609375, 4.84375, 0.44140625, 2.435546875, 3.140625, 4.5625, 6.5625 ]
what are the most popular religions
[ "What are the most widely practiced religions of the world? Christianity and Islam are the two religions most widely spread across the world. These two religions together cover the religious affiliation of more than half of the world's population. If all non-religious people formed a single religion, it would be the world's third largest." ]
[ "Top 10 Most Followed Religions in the World New Popular List Judaism – Top 10 Religions of the World. Judaism is also one of the oldest religion in the world and currently the sixth largest religion in the world with more than 20 million followers. Judaism followers are split into three assemblies: Orthodox, Conservative, and Liberal.Judaism followers are called “Jews”.onfucianism religion was founded by Kong Qiu (K’ung Ch’iu) in 600 BC and now one of the world top ten most followed religions in the world. Confucianism followers are known as “Confucian” and “Confucius”. At this time there are almost 7 million followers of Confucianism.", "- Most popular religious belief in US? Protestant Christianity is the most popular belief system in the US as of this decade, with roughly half of all Americans adhering to it, but there are also a sizable am … ount of Catholics as well, being a quarter of the population. Answered. In Marketing Advertising and Sales.", "The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050 Due to the heavy concentration of Christians and Muslims in this high-fertility region, both groups would increase as a percentage of the global population. Combined, the world’s two largest religious groups would make up more than two-thirds of the global population in 2100 (69%), up from 61% in 2050 and 55% in 2010.", "Asia Islam, which originated in Saudi Arabia, is the largest and most widely spread religion in Asia. With 12.7% of the world Muslim population, the country currently with the largest Muslim population in the world is Indonesia, followed by Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Iran and Turkey.", "Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents : Shinto is one of the classic eleven or twelve major world religions.. But adherent counts for this religion are problematic and often misunderstood. In a nutshell, Shinto is simply the indigenous ethnic practice of Japan and its importance is almost entirely historical and cultural, not contemporary.", "How many different religions are there in existence today? Best Answer: There are about 21 major world religions today. About 1 billion people do not profess belief in any religion. 1. Christianity 2.1 billion. 2. Islam 1.3 billion. 3. Secular/Irreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.1 billion. 4. Hinduism 900 million.", "Here They Are! Top 10 Most Popular Religions In Africa Unsurprisingly, the largest pockets of Muslims live in Northern Africa, but the Horn of Africa, the Swahili Coast, and West Africa also have large populations. In comparison, very few Muslims live in South Africa, where Christianity and other traditional religions have a larger following. 3. Traditional African Religions. Population: Approximately 100 million, or 10 percent of Africa’s population. The indigenous religious beliefs and practices of African people include various traditional religions. It is difficult to generalize these indigenous religions due to the diversity of African cultures, but they do have some characteristics in common.", "Adherents.com Except for Judaism, which is aggregated here as a single denominational family, all of the largest denominational families in the United States are Christian. In the United States, all of the largest religious bodies (distinct denominations) are Christian.", "Unit 3 AP human geography Referred to as a Universalizing Religion, which is an attempt to be global, to appeal to all people, wherever they may live in the world, not just to those of one culture or location. There are three religions that practice this they are Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. To proselytize is to try to convert another person to your religion. This important to HG because these are three of the biggest religions in the world they are practiced all over the world.", "Top 5 Largest Religions in the World Hinduism in one of the most major religions of the world with 900 million worshipers living in the different countries of the world .It is considered the world’s oldest religion.", "What are the different types of religions? Here are some common ones: 1. Christianity 2. Islam 3. Judaism 4. Hinduism 5. Buddhism 6. Sikhism 7. But there are many more other religions See link below for more information. AnswerGood question. There are many types of religions.", "What is the biggest religion in the world? It's Christianity. I'm no Christian, but to be honest it is the fastest growing religion. Not to mention all it's categories that makes it big. People be saying it's Islam. It's not. In fact, Islam is losing followers because of it's followers behavior. Chopping heads, kidnapping journalists and decapitating them...", "- Major Locations in the world. The belief systems of ancestor worship, Confucianism, and Taoism can be found in varying degrees of popularity all over the world. They are all most commonly practiced in eastern Asia, with the most popular country for Taoism being Taiwan, and China for Confucianism.", "Land and Climate Additional Readings. Religious observance plays an important part in the lives of many French people, but the importance of religion in national life has diminished through the years, as it has in most European countries. Roman Catholicism has long been the predominant religion in France.", "- One of the more commonly known today is Wicca which has become one of the most popular traditions in America. Think of it this way: The tradition is to Witchcraft what a denomination is to Christianity. That is to say: Wicca is to Witchcraft what Baptist is to Christianity.", "10 Forgotten Ancient Religions Vedism is the religion of the ancient Indo-Aryans and was popular from 1500 B.C. to 500 B.C. It can also be seen as the origin of the modern Hindu belief system, as they share the same holy texts, the Four Vedas, but there are differences between the two.", "Top 10 Countries with Largest Muslim Population in the World Top 10 Countries with Largest Muslim Population in the World. Islam is the second major religion after the Christianity in the world. It has billions of its followers living in different countries of the world. As per a report in 2010, it had 1.62 billion worshipers. At present, about one-fourth of the world’s population is Muslim.", "Connecting with the Divine The world's major religions (Hinduism, New Age, Buddhism, Islam, following Jesus Christ) are each quite unique. And of these one affirms that there is a personal, loving God who can be known, now in this life.he following looks at the major world religions... Hinduism, New Age, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.* There is a brief description of each, their view of God, and what a person can gain from that religion. The ending explains how Jesus' teaching differs from the major religions.", "- Most people who adhere to the teachings of Confucius follow Chinese traditional religion, which is a blending of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and traditional local practices and beliefs.", "Top 10: Most popular teams in world football (1) So is it Manchester United with their colossal following in Asia who top the list? Or do a far smaller team sit surprisingly atop of the pile as the most globally popular franchise? Click on to find out who makes our top ten most popular football teams....", "Religion in Americaâs states and counties, in 6 maps Largest non-Christian religion by state. Islam is the largest non-Christian religion in the nation, claiming 20 states scattered mostly throughout the Midwest and South. In the West, Buddhism is the largest non-Christian religion in 13 states.", "- The Christian Bible has always been, and still is the most widely distributed book in the world. Harry Potter: 65 languages and 450,000,000 copies. Quotations from Chairma…n Mao: 68 languages and 1 Billion copies. The Bible: 2,400 languages and 7.1 Billion copies.", "Christianity is still the largest religion in the world but followers have moved away from Europe Christianity is still the largest religion in the world but followers have moved away from Europe. 1 Only one-quarter of world's population remain in Europe as followers spread across Asia, Africa and Americas. Two-thirds of the flock were in Europe 100 years ago.", "- At Religion Resources Online, you can study different types of religion. Learn about the largest and fastest growing religions in the United States, or explore the largest world religions.", "What Is the World's Most Popular Religion? This is why those religious organizations are not accepted within Christianity. Instead, they belong to the world's most popular religion. A number of these sects have popped up in the past couple hundred years, and their organizations have taught millions of people to work hard in hopes of earning salvation.", "What are the most widely practiced religions of the world? The world's 20 largest religions and their number of believers are: 1 Christianity (2.1 billion) 2 Islam (1.3 billion) 3 Nonreligious (Secular/Agnostic/Atheist) (1.1 billion) Hinduism (900 1 million) Chinese traditional religion (394 million) Buddhism 376 1 million. Primal-indigenous (300 million) African traditional and Diasporic (100 million)", "25 Worldâs Most Popular Sports (Ranked by 13 factors) With over 4 billion followers of football, it is by far the most popular sport in the world. Considering all of our criteria factors football top most of them we have discussed major factors which makes football’s popularity unmatched.", "How many religions have there been in recorded history? Well, let's just take Christian. A lot of people, when asked what their religion is, will say Christian. But some will say Catholic or Protestant. So, is that 1 religion, 2 religions (Catholic and Protestant) or 3 religions (Catholic, Protestant, Christian). Lots of wars were fought between Catholics and Protestants. But that's just the start! There's a lot of groups within Protestant - and oh boy have they fought!", "Midwestern United States Like most of the United States, the Midwest is predominantly Christian. Roman Catholicism is the largest religion in the Midwest, varying between 18 percent and 34 percent of the state populations. Southern Baptists compose about 15 percent of Missouri 's population and smaller percentages in other Midwestern states.", "Contents: Christianity vs Islam Because the two religions are the largest in the world, one or the other is generally the dominant faith in nearly every country, with a few exceptions in Asia where Buddhism or no religion is dominant. Maps showing the distribution of Christianity and Islam throughout the world. Click to enlarge." ]
[ 13.8515625 ]
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what is a pedipalp
[ "- Pedipalp. The second pair of appendages for organisms in the subphylum Chelicerata (which include horseshoe crabs and arachnids). The chelicerae (first pair of appendages) and the pedipalps may be modified to perform a range of functions including food manipulation and sensing, locomotion, defense, and reproduction. Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 27 May 2007, at 06:38.This page has been accessed 3,530 times. What links here | Related changes | Permanent link.", "Pedipalp Thelyphonida, in dorsal view, with pedipalps in green. Pedipalps (commonly shortened to palps or palpi) are the second pair of appendages of the prosoma in arthropods of the subphylum Chelicerata, lateral to the chelicerae and anterior to the first pair of walking legs." ]
[ "Chelicerata - Spiders, Horseshoe Crabs, Sea Spiders, Scorpions, Mites The promosa is the front part of the body and it has six pairs of appendages including four pairs of walking legs, a pair of jointed jaws called chelicerae, and a pair of antenna-like pedipalps. In some species, like the scorpions, the pedipalps are claws!The opisthosoma is the rear segment and it lacks appendages. Most species are found on land, but some, like the horseshoe crab, are found in the ocean. Some species, like ticks and mites, are parasites.", "Definition and Examples of Digraphs in English A digraph is a group of two successive letters that represent a single sound (or phoneme). Common vowel digraphs in English include ai (as in rain), ay (day), ea (teach), ea (bread), ea (break), ee (free), ei (eight), ey (key), ie (piece), oa (road), oo (book), oo (room), ow (slow), and ue (true). Common consonant digraphs in English include ch (as in church), ch (school), ng (king), ph (phone), sh (shoe), th (then), th (think), and wh (wheel).", "Arthropod Coloring Worksheet Label and color the legs blue. Label the pedicel. Pedipalps help taste food. Pedipalps. also called palps. Label and color the cephalothorax orange and the abdomen green. Label and color the mandibles purple. They are located below the eyes.Arachnids Arachnids are a group of arthropods that include spiders. They have two body parts --. mites.", "- Definition of PIED PIPER. 1. : one that offers strong but delusive enticement. 2.", "- The cephalothorax is the first of 2 body parts on a spider. It is a combination of the head and thorax, and on it are found the legs, eyes, pedipalps, chelicerae, and other mouthparts.The cephalothorax and abdomen are connected by a thin stalk called the pedicel..EDIPALPS. Like the chelicerae, a spider's pedipalps are part of its mouth, and are located just between the chelicerae and first pair of legs on the cephalothorax. Pedipalps are jointed, and look somewhat like small legs.", "acetabulum Acetabulum. The large cup-shaped cavity at the junction of pelvis and femur or thigh bone. Mentioned in: Congenital Hip Dysplasia. (from the Latin for a vinegar-cup) the cup-shaped cavity on each side of the pelvis into which the head of the femur fits, forming the 'ball-and-socket' of the hip joint. Figure 1.", "What are the red bubbles lizards blow on their necks? The dewlap is an extendible flap of skin ordinarily folded under the throat of a lizard. Lizards, particularly those in the genus Anolis, extend their dewlaps during interactions with conspecifics (their own species), other lizards, and potential predators.", "- scallop. or. marine bivalve bivalve,aquatic mollusk of the class Pelecypoda (hatchet-foot) or Bivalvia, with a laterally compressed body and a shell consisting of two valves, or movable pieces, hinged by an elastic ligament......", "Pedipalp Pedipalps of spiders have the same segmentation as the legs, but the tarsus is undivided, and the pretarsus has no lateral claws. Pedipalps contain sensitive chemical detectors and function as taste and smell organs, supplementing those on the legs.", "- Bivalves is a class of marine and freshwater molluscs with about 30,000 species including scallops, clams, oysters, razor shells, shipworms and mussels. Most bivalves are marine usually found in shallower water but some live in brackish and freshwater.", "- Dipladenia is a perennial vine that also goes by the name “mandevilla.” Fast growers, the green leaves of the plant span 10 feet at maturity. This heat-loving plant prefers slightly acidic, well-drained soils and the balmy temperatures of U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 9 through 11.", "- The visor flap is a bipedicled dorsal finger skin flap that can be used to cover fingertip wounds after digital amputations proximal to the nail bed.Blood supply through this flap is provided through dorsal branches of the volar digital arteries and this is more reliable distal to the proximal phalanx.", "Scorpion Anatomy Lianne McLeod. The telson and pedipalps are the parts of the scorpion anatomy owners should be most aware of, as these comprise the main weapons of scorpion. They are shown in the labelled photo to the right. 1 Telson-specially modified segment at the tip of the tail that contains the venom gland (i.e. the stinger).ianne McLeod. The telson and pedipalps are the parts of the scorpion anatomy owners should be most aware of, as these comprise the main weapons of scorpion. They are shown in the labelled photo to the right. 1 Telson-specially modified segment at the tip of the tail that contains the venom gland (i.e. the stinger).", "- A piebald or pied animal is one that has a spotting pattern of large unpigmented, usually white, areas of hair, feathers, or scales and normally pigmented patches, generally black. The colour of the animal's skin underneath its coat is also pigmented under the dark patches and unpigmented under the white patches.", "Diapsid A diapsid is a reptile with two fenestrae (holes) behind the eye on each side of its skull. Most reptiles are diapsids, and the condition does not occur in mammals. The function of the holes is to improve jaw movements, and to reduce the weight of the skull.", "- 1 Relating to or resembling a phallus: priapic carvings. More example sentences. 1 Bringing the subtext of the antique painting and its copies to the fore, the artist has depicted women coming to a priapic fountain to buy winged, straining phalli from an old procuress.ore example sentences. 1 Viagra was discovered when the men in a trial group taking it, not for priapic proficiency, but to treat heart disease by preventing blood clots and enhancing blood flow, said could they keep taking it please after the experiment was over.", "- CEPHALOTHORAX. The cephalothorax is the first of 2 body parts on a spider. It is a combination of the head and thorax, and on it are found the legs, eyes, pedipalps, chelicerae, and other mouthparts. The cephalothorax and abdomen are connected by a thin stalk called the pedicel..EDIPALPS. Like the chelicerae, a spider's pedipalps are part of its mouth, and are located just between the chelicerae and first pair of legs on the cephalothorax. Pedipalps are jointed, and look somewhat like small legs.", "- dilapidate in American English (dəˈlæpəˌdeɪt ; dəlapˈədātˌ) verb intransitive, verb transitiveWord forms: diˈlapiˌdated or diˈlapiˌdating. to become or cause to become partially ruined and in need of repairs, as through neglect.", "knickers Noun. 1. codpiece - (15th-16th century) a flap for the crotch of men's tight-fitting breeches. breeches, knee breeches, knee pants, knickerbockers, knickers-trousers ending above the knee.", "The most important cardiac pressure is that of the left ventricle., because it is a major determinant of systemic perfusion. The pressure in the left ventricle just before systole is called the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure or LVEDP. This pressure reflects the compliance of the left ventricle - it's ability to receive blood from the left atrium during diastole. When the left ventricular compliance decreases, the LVEDP rises. MI and left ventricular failure are two examples of when left ventricular compliance decreases. CORRELATION OF PRESSURESThere is a close correlation between LVEDP and other cardiac pressures. In the presence of a normal mitral valve, LVEDP is reflected by left atrial pressure or LAP. In the person with a normal mitral valve and normal lung function, the LVEDP is also reflected by the pressure in the pulmonary capillary bed, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure or PCWP) and the pressure in the pulmonary artery at the end of diastole. This latter pressure is sometimes referred to as the pulmonary artery end diastolic pressure or PAEDP. Remember, this concept only hold true for patients with a normal mitral valve and no pulmonary disease.Left arterial pressure can be monitored at bedside, but a LAP line can be dangerous because it provides a direct path for air or clots to enter the left ventricle and become systemic emboli. The pulmonary capillary and pulmonary arterial pressures can be monitored at the bedside with a balloon-tipped catheter placed in the pulmonary artery. With the balloon deflated, one can measure pulmonary artery systolic, diastolic, and mean pressures with the catheter. When the balloon is inflated, it wedges the catheter in a small distal branch of the pulmonary artery. The pressure recorded is that reflected back from the left atrium through the pulmonary capillary bed. This pressure is the Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure or PCWP. Arterial Pressure Waveforms. The pumping of the heart results in the development of pressure in the aorta and the arteries. If pressure in the aorta is recorded over time a pressure wave can be observed: Many factors influence the aortic pressure waveform.", "- Term pedicel is used for the petiole like srtucture of the flower and peduncle is the main axis of the inflorescence. Both these structures keep flowers attached to the stem a…xis. Media historian, educator and author. Expertise in the history of broadcasting, American popular culture, women's history, black history.", "- Dipladenia Plant Features. Dipladenia is another name for mandevilla. This tropical vine is a surefire favorite for providing lots of summer color: It shows off a steady supply of bright red, pink, or white trumpet-shaped flowers all summer and into autumn.", "pedicle a surgical technique, commonly used in the repair of skin defects and defects in eyelids, in which a pedicle of tissue, usually skin, is formed and moved forward to fill a defect, without lateral movement. Various forms include the single or sliding flap, bipedicle flap, and V-Y technique. See also flap (1).", "- From this site 0f~e. pedicle the flap is designed distally. Interestingly, it is. most difficult to approximate the index fingertip to the. proper position on the thenar e.m. inence, whereas the. flaps are applied easily to the ring or little finger. If the. diistal end of the flap extends into the thumb web, as is. usually necessary for injuries of the index and long.", "- Bradypus tridactylus; three-toed sloth; ai. Hypernyms (Bradypus tridactylus is a kind of...): sloth; tree sloth (any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits). BRADYPUS TRIDACTYLUS (noun). The noun BRADYPUS TRIDACTYLUS has 1 sense: 1. a sloth that has three long claws on each forefoot and each hindfoot. Familiarity information: BRADYPUS TRIDACTYLUS used as a noun is very rare.", "Chapters 32, 33, 34 - bulk of modern chelicerates are arachnids: scorpions, spiders, ticks, mites - 6 pairs of appendages: chelicerae, pedipalps (sense, feeding, defense, reproduction), four pairs of walking legs", "- Pudendal nerve entrapment (PNE) is a condition causing pain for no apparent reason in the lower central pelvic areas. These are the anal region, perineum, scrotum and penis, vulva and clitoral areas. Pain is worse upon sitting and less when standing or sitting on a donut cushion or toilet seat.", "- Pediococcus acidilactici is a species of Gram-positive cocci that is often found in pairs or tetrads. P. acidilactici is a homofermentative bacterium that can grow in a wide range of pH, temperature, and osmotic pressure, therefore being able to colonize the digestive tract.", "PEBCAK PEBCAK is technical support shorthand (slang) for Problem Exists between Chair and Keyboard. Generally this term is used by technical support personnel to describe a problem that was caused by the computer user as opposed to a technical problem with the physical computer equipment. PREVIOUS.", "dorsalis pedis pulse dorsalis pedis pulse, the pulse of the dorsalis pedis artery, palpable at the prominent arch of the top of the foot between the first and second metatarsal bones. It can be felt in approximately 90% of people.emoral pulse one located where the femoral artery passes through the groin in the femoral triangle. funic pulse the arterial tide in the umbilical cord. hard pulse (high-tension pulse) one with a gradual impulse, long duration, slow subsidence, and a firm state of the artery between beats." ]
[ 15.8515625, 16.75 ]
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what causes a sharp pain under left rib cage?
[ "Feeling Stabbing Pain Under Left Rib Cage? â A Guide to Left Rib Pain Any physical injury to the ribs or the infection of any organs inside the rib cage can cause sharp pain under left rib cage. Hope you are clear about the possible causes and treatments for the pain in left side under ribs." ]
[ "Pain Under Right Rib Cage Below are some of the possible illnesses and medical conditions that may cause pain under the rib cage. 1 Liver damage-Liver damage or infections and inflammation of the liver can cause pain under right rib cage. 2 Hepatitis is a resulting inflammation of the liver.3 Hepatitis is caused by alcoholism and viral infections. Ulcers-Pain in the lower regions of the rib cage may also be due to an ulcer. 2 An ulcer is an inflamed wound in the upper GI tract. 3 Ulcers occur when inflammations cause wounds and sores in the stomach lining.", "What can cause pain in lower back right side under ribs? There are a lot of people who are not aware that problems with the gallbladder will be felt through the right ribcage because of where the gallbladder is located. Having gallstones is one of the main problems that can cause pain under the right rib cage.", "Pain Under Right Rib Cage A damaged liver is one of the most common causes of sharp pain under right rib cage. Diseases such as hepatitis, fatty liver, congestive heart failure, and many others cause the liver to become infected resulting in pain.Sometimes blocked blood vessels due to blood clots can also cause the pain. damaged liver is one of the most common causes of sharp pain under right rib cage. Diseases such as hepatitis, fatty liver, congestive heart failure, and many others cause the liver to become infected resulting in pain.", "What can cause pain on your left side under your rib cage? Left Back Rib Pain. The same type of pain could be caused by kidney stones as well... but generally start at your lower back left/right side and as the pain gets worse it will start to affect your whole side including the front and your rib cage. Another thing..", "Pain in Left Side Under Rib Cage: Cause and Treatment 1 Spleen irritation-Irritation or rapture of the spleen can also cause discomfort and pain under the left rib cage. 2 Pain in the left shoulder tips is added signs of a spleen rapture or damage. Costochondritis-This is a condition that results from an infection of cartilages that bond the ribs with the breastbone. 2 This can be the result of a forceful impact of the shoulder and rib cage area or caused by a viral infection. 3 Unbearable pain is experienced near the breastbone as the patient breaths heavily.", "lower rib cage pain? Sometimes stomach inflammation causes pain near the bottom of the rib cage. And your pain doesn't sounds extreme. Give it time, avoid foods that tend to disagree with you, etc. If it gets worse, get it checked out.", "What Causes Pain in My Right Side Under My Rib Cage? What causes pain in my right side under my rib cage? A: Possible causes of liver pain, or pain in the right side under the rib cage, include chronic hepatitis, liver abscess, fatty liver disease and liver cancer, according to Healthgrades. Conditions that put pressure or irritate the liver and cause liver pain include gallstones, gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome. Keep Learning.", "Pain in Left Side Under Ribs In this same category of being serious but not potentially fatal are intestinal infections. There are however some very serious illnesses that can cause this pain in left side under ribs. These would include pneumothorax, pancreatitis, and dissection of the abdominal aorta. It could also be a spleen disorder, kidney stones, or pericardritis (inflammation of the heart sac). Pneumothorax occurs when the lungs collapse because of a rupture in the membrane of the lungs. A cavity then forms between the rib cage and the lungs and when air is trapped there it can cause extreme pain.", "Pain under left rib cage An injury to the left rib cage can give rise to severe pain in under the ribs, particularly when the affected person is breathing deeply. Chest x-rays can help diagnose injuries in the area. The pain often arises due to a severe blow, occurring during contact sports activities.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage Pain under the left rib cage can arise from any organ in the left upper abdomen or chest, spine, or the left ribs themselves. In otherwise healthy people, spleen irritation and gas built in the colon are main causes of pain under the lower left ribs.", "What Can Cause Pain Under Right Rib Cage? Conditions like inflammation of liver (hepatitis), enlargement of liver (hepatomegaly), liver cirrhosis, fatty liver or infections, toxins, drugs and alcohol affecting the liver can cause liver damage and pain under right rib cage in the right upper part of the abdomen.", "23 Common Causes of Pain under Left Rib Cage Types of Pain Under Left Rib Cage You May Experience. Pain under left rib when breathing – This type of pain is related to the lungs. A lot of lung diseases may eventually lead to the collapse of the lungs. When this happens, people may not be able to take their normal breaths. Sudden sharp stabbing pain in left side under rib cage – This pain may be caused by an injury or a broken rib cage. At the time, sharp and sudden pains may come from having problems with the spleen.", "Why do You Have Pain Under Left Rib Cage The available treatments to get rid of the pain that you are feeling under your left rib cage may vary depending on your condition. Some people find it complicated because there are various causes of the pain. Here are just some of the treatments that you would need to undergo to get rid of the pain:", "23 Common Causes of Pain under Left Rib Cage Usually, you can feel the pain reverberating from the upper portion of the left side of your abdomen towards the left side of your ribcage. Irritation on the Spleen – There is a chance that your spleen has already ruptured because of various reasons and this can cause some pains on the left rib cage.", "- Other Disorders Causing Pain Under the Left Rib Cage. Other possible causes of pain under the left rib cage include: Stretched or torn muscle or muscle spasm in the chest or abdominal wall; Chest or abdominal trauma; Gastric ulcer; Kidney diseases, including urinary stones in the kidney or left ureter; Pericarditis – an inflammation of the heart sac", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage Other Disorders Causing Pain Under the Left Rib Cage. Other possible causes of pain under the left rib cage include: Stretched or torn muscle or muscle spasm in the chest or abdominal wall. Chest or abdominal trauma. Gastric ulcer. Kidney diseases, including urinary stones in the kidney or left ureter. Pericarditis – an inflammation of the heart sac.", "Pain in Left Side Under Ribs With either of these there is a fairly simple medication treatment. There is also the possibility that gas is caught in the colon. This is even less serious that acid reflux and does not require medication to resolve it. Sharp pain left side under ribs might come from a condition called costochondritis.", "What Can Cause Pain Under Right Rib Cage? Gastrointestinal causes are the most common reasons for pain under the right side of the rib cage. Some of these include. Acid Reflux and Ulcers Can Cause Pain Below Right Rib Cage- Regurgitation of food contents and reflux of acid into the food pipe can cause pain under the breastbone and the rib cage.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment As there are various causes that can lead to pain under left rib cage, it is necessary to understand and differentiate them. The severity of the pain or discomfort, other associated symptoms and any underlying existing medical condition can help in identifying the exact cause of pain under left rib cage.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage Causes and Warning Signs Therefore the organs in this area may be the cause of the pain. This includes: Lung and bronchus; Heart and great blood vessels; Esophagus; Stomach; Colon; Spleen; Kidney; There are a number of conditions of the chest wall that can cause superficial pain over the left ribcage. This may sometimes extend deeper under the left ribcage. Broken ribs, shingles, trauma and breast pain are some of the possible causes of chest wall pain. Heart and Blood Vessels. The heart lies in the center of the chest and extends more to the left. It therefore causes central to left-sided chest pain and the pain with certain cardiac conditions may extend down the left arm.", "Pain Under Right Rib Cage Below are some of the possible illnesses and medical conditions that may cause pain under the rib cage. 1 Liver damage-Liver damage or infections and inflammation of the liver can cause pain under right rib cage. 2 Hepatitis is a resulting inflammation of the liver.3 Hepatitis is caused by alcoholism and viral infections. Liver damage-Liver damage or infections and inflammation of the liver can cause pain under right rib cage. 2 Hepatitis is a resulting inflammation of the liver. 3 Hepatitis is caused by alcoholism and viral infections.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage: Common Causes and Treatments A sharp piercing pain under your left rib cage that gets worse when you cough could be pericarditis. Your heart is protected by a sac called the pericardium and if this gets inflamed, it can cause sharp chest pain. According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, it can be difficult to know the exact cause of pericarditis.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment These include: 1 Costochondritis – The cartilages that join the ribs to the breastbone can get inflamed causing pain and discomfort in the ribs. 2 Fractured Rib – An injury leading to broken rib on the left side can cause excruciating or sharp pain under the left rib cage and needs immediate medical attention.", "Pain Under Right Rib Cage Below are some of the possible illnesses and medical conditions that may cause pain under the rib cage. 1 Liver damage-Liver damage or infections and inflammation of the liver can cause pain under right rib cage. 2 Hepatitis is a resulting inflammation of the liver.", "Rib Cage Pain The most common causes of rib cage pain are a pulled muscle or bruised ribs. Other causes of pain in the rib cage area are: broken ribs. injuries to the chest. rib fractures. diseases that affect the bones, such as osteoporosis. inflammation of the lining of the lungs. muscle spasms.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage Another common but less severe cause of pain under the left rib cage is heartburn or acid reflux. It is often caused when you consume too much acidic food or drinks. It often gives a bloated feeling and a sharp pain that feels like chest ache.", "Pain under left rib cage Pneumothorax. Pain under the ribs may also originate due to a lung collapse caused by a tear in the lung membrane. A rupture in the membrane causes the air to leak out to the cavity between the rib cage and the lungs. Pneumothorax is a severe condition that requires medical care on an urgent basis.", "Pain in Left Side Under Rib Cage: Cause and Treatment 1 Broken rib-If the injury is in the left rib cage, then this can cause an explosive pain in left side under ribs, especially while breathing deeply. 2 It can be diagnosed by taking chest x-rays. Costochondritis-This is a condition that results from an infection of cartilages that bond the ribs with the breastbone. 2 This can be the result of a forceful impact of the shoulder and rib cage area or caused by a viral infection. 3 Unbearable pain is experienced near the breastbone as the patient breaths heavily.", "Pain in Left Side Under Ribs Sharp pain left side under ribs might come from a condition called costochondritis. This condition is caused by a viral infection and more often than not is confused with a heart attack due to the sharp pain it causes.", "Sharp Pain Under Right Rib Cage If the lower set of ribs on the right side of the rib cage get damaged due to an injury, then one is likely to experience a sharp pain under the right rib cage. If the pain worsens when one tries to bend or twist the body, then an X-ray examination should be conducted to study the extent of damage to the ribs." ]
[ 17.34375 ]
[ 10.5703125, 9.71875, 11.5546875, 13.4140625, 14.2109375, 10.8828125, 11.1484375, 13.734375, 14.40625, 15.1640625, 10.9296875, 16.265625, 10.6953125, 14.0625, 15.8125, 16.171875, 14.5703125, 11.1796875, 11.78125, 14.109375, 10.359375, 16.9375, 16.265625, 11.3359375, 12.484375, 16.609375, 13.3515625, 14.0625, 15.9921875, 12.5078125 ]
simple definition of statistics
[ "Statistics Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. In applying statistics to, e.g., a scientific, industrial, or societal problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model process to be studied.tatistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics. Some consider statistics to be a distinct mathematical science rather than a branch of mathematics." ]
[ "- Educational Statistics is defined as the study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data specifically meant for the education sector. ….", "statistic Definition of statistic for English Language Learners. : 1 a number that represents a piece of information (such as information about how often something is done, how common something is, etc.) 2 statistics : a type of mathematics that deals with the study of statistics.", "- In statistics, regression is a statistical process for evaluating the connections among variables. Simple linear regression is the technique for estimating how one variable of interest (the dependent variable) is affected by changes in another variable (the independent variable).", "Definitions, Uses, Data Types, and Levels of Measurement Statistic: A statistic is a characteristic of a sample, presumably measurable. The plural of statistic just above is another basic meaning of statistics. Assume there are 8 students in a particular statistics class, with 1 student being male. Since 1 is 12.5% of 8, we can say 13% are male. The 13% represents a parameter (not a statistic) of the class because it is based on the entire population.", "Australian Bureau of Statistics Statistics represent a common method of presenting information helping us to understand what the data are telling us. Descriptive (or summary) statistics summarise the raw data and allow data users to interpret a dataset more easily. Descriptive statistics can describe the shape, centre and spread of a dataset..", "- 1.1 What is Statistics? (Page 1 of 15) 1.1What is Statistics?Definition of StatisticsStatistics is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret numerical information from data. Descriptive statistics involves methods of organizing, picturing and summarizinginformation from data.", "- 1.1 What is Statistics? (Page 1 of 15) 1.1What is Statistics?Definition of StatisticsStatistics is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret numerical information from data. Descriptive statistics involves methods of organizing, picturing and summarizinginformation from data..1 What is Statistics? (Page 1 of 15) 1.1What is Statistics?Definition of StatisticsStatistics is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret numerical information from data. Descriptive statistics involves methods of organizing, picturing and summarizinginformation from data.", "trace adjective. noun. verb. The definition of trace is happening in very small amounts. An example of trace used as an adjective is in the phrase trace substances, which means substances of which there are tiny amounts. Trace is defined as evidence or a visible mark, or a very small amount of something. 1 An example of a trace is a footprint at a crime scene.", "PASTEBIN new paste trends Guest User- Test statistic. The test statistic is a t statistic (t) defined by the following equation. t = [ (x1 - x2) - d ] / SE. where x1 is the mean of sample 1, x2 is the mean of sample 2, d is the hypothesized difference between population means, and SE is the standard error.", "demographics Demographics is defined as statistical data about the characteristics of a population, such as the age, gender and income of the people within the population. When the census assembles data about people's ages and genders, this is an example of assembling information about demographics. YourDictionary definition and usage example.", "Statistician A statistician is a person who works with theoretical or applied statistics. The profession exists in both the private and public sectors. It is common to combine statistical knowledge with expertise in other subjects, and statisticians may work as employees or as statistical consultants.", "Simplicity Simplicity is the state or quality of being simple. Something which is easy to understand or explain seems simple, in contrast to something complicated. Alternatively, as Herbert A. Simon suggests, something is simple or complex depending on the way we choose to describe it. In some uses, the label simplicity can imply beauty, purity, or clarity. Simplicity may also occur with negative connotations to suggest a deficit or insufficiency of nuance or of complexity of a thing, relative to what one supposes as required. In the context of human lifestyle, simplicity can denote freedom from hardship, effort or confusion.", "STATISTICS statistical method; statistical procedure (a method of analyzing or representing statistical data; a procedure for calculating a statistic) Domain member category: regression coefficient (when the regression line is linear (y = ax + b) the regression coefficient is the constant (a) that represents the rate of change of one variable (y) as a function of changes in the other (x); it is the slope of the regression line)", "census census - a periodic count of the population. nose count, nosecount. counting, enumeration, numeration, count, reckoning, tally - the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order; the counting continued for several hours.", "- statistics definition. The branch of mathematics dealing with numerical data. (See mean, median, mode, normal distribution curve, sample, standard deviation, and statistical significance.) Note: A particular problem of statistics is estimating true values of parameters from a sample of data.", "Business Statistics What is Statistics? Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting data to assist in making more effective decisions. What are the two types of statistics? Descriptive and Inferential", "- In statistics, population refers to the total set of observations that can be made. For example, if we are studying the weight of adult women, the population is the set of weights of all the women in the world. If we are studying the grade point average (GPA) of students at Harvard, the population is the set of GPA's of all the students at Harvard. AP Statistics.", "Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics. Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Data can be defined as groups of information that represent the qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or set of variables.", "Statistics Probability is used in mathematical statistics to study the sampling distributions of sample statistics and, more generally, the properties of statistical procedures. The use of any statistical method is valid when the system or population under consideration satisfies the assumptions of the method.", "random 2. (Statistics) statistics. a. having a value which cannot be determined but only described probabilistically: a random variable. b. chosen without regard to any characteristics of the individual members of the population so that each has an equal chance of being selected: random sampling.", "[Statistics Tutorial 1] Difference between Statistic and Statistics When we obtain the results from the Population, it is called a Parameter and when we obtain results from a Sample, it is called Statistic. Coming back to the difference, STATISTIC is the score of each individual or a singular data. STATISTICS is therefore, the process of designing, comparing, interpreting and analysing data. Statistics is concerned with the sample and not the population as population is almost impossible to reach.", "- Statistics is a general term used to summarize a process that an analyst, mathematician or statistician can use to characterize a data set. If the data set is based on a sample of a larger population, then the analyst can extend inferences onto the population based on the statistical results from the sample.EFINITION of 'Statistics'. A type of mathematical analysis involving the use of quantified representations, models and summaries for a given set of empirical data or real world observations. Statistical analysis involves the process of collecting and analyzing data and then summarizing the data into a numerical form. Next Up.", "Statistics Statistics is a broad mathematical discipline which studies ways to collect, summarize, and draw conclusions from data. It is applicable to a wide variety of academic fields from the physical and social sciences to the humanities, as well as to business, government and industry.", "Statistics Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. In applying statistics to, e.g., a scientific, industrial, or societal problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model process to be studied. Populations can be diverse topics such as all persons living in a country or every atom composing a crystal.", "vital statistics Definition of vital statistics. 1 : statistics relating to births, deaths, marriages, health, and disease. See words that rhyme with vital statistics Spanish Central: Translation of vital statistics Nglish: Translation of vital statistics for Spanish speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about vital statistics.", "- B2 [ plural ] informal stats, information based on a study of the number of times something happens or is present, or other numerical facts: Statistics show/suggest that women live longer than men.", "Statistics Statistics, thus attempts to infer the properties of a large collection of data from inspection of a sample of the collection thereby allowing educated guesses to be made with a minimum of expense. There are basically three kinds of averages commonly used in statistics. They are: mean, median, and mode.", "What is Statistics? There is little awareness of the more important, broader definition of statistics as a branch of academics--some would say a branch of mathematics--and so to much of society the act of doing statistics is merely the collection and presentation of data for informational or persuasive purposes.", "vital statistics Definition of vital statistics. 1 1 : statistics relating to births, deaths, marriages, health, and disease. 2 2 : facts (as physical dimensions or quantities) considered to be interesting or important; especially : a woman's bust, waist, and hip measurements.", "STATISTICS In common usage, most people use the word statistic to refer to research figures and calculations, either from information based on a sample or an entire population. Statistics means different things to different people." ]
[ 12.9296875 ]
[ 9.171875, 13.8359375, 9.40625, 12.0859375, 9.8359375, 12.6328125, 12.0703125, 0.156005859375, 5.40234375, 5.65234375, 9.1953125, 5.98046875, 9.3515625, 4.1640625, 14.5625, 11.1875, 9.390625, 12.234375, 9.9453125, 11.296875, 9.78125, 12.6484375, 13.328125, 13.765625, 6.9296875, 12.046875, 10.9609375, 12.0859375, 8.4609375, 11.6640625 ]
foods to eat to build up blood platelets
[ "- 2. Beans. Beans contain vitamin B9, which helps to increase the blood platelet count. Some other foods are asparagus, spinach, and oranges. This is actually one of the great foods to increase blood platelets that I want you and my other readers know and try adding them to your daily diets for good." ]
[ "How to Increase White Blood Cells with Food and Exercise Ways to Increase White Blood Cell Count. 1 Healthy diet is the best way to increase the white blood cells. The diet should consist of vegetables, beans and whole grains. 2 Vitamins C helps to boost the WBC count. Foods containing vitamin C like oranges, guavas, carrots and berries should be included in the diet.", "- Eating the right foods can help increase the number of red blood cells in your body. 1 Iron. Food rich in iron can help your body rebuild what it has lost. Lentils and legumes are a great way to get the iron you need and they are healthy for you in many other ways, too. Copper.", "What Foods Do You Eat to Build Cartilage in Your Knees? Boost Vitamins C and D. Cartilage is made of collagen, and your body requires vitamin C to make this protein. To build cartilage in your knees, make sure you are getting the recommended daily amount of this antioxidant vitamin -- 75 milligrams for women and 90 milligrams for men.or this diet, boost consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, lean protein from poultry and cold-water fish, and healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocado. In particular, UMMC suggests garlic, onions, parsley, watercress, celery and lemon for their anti-inflammatory potential.", "- A deficiency of either results in anemia, or low red blood cells. Vitamin B-12 is found primarily in protein foods, although some nonprotein foods are fortified with it. The best B-12 sources include clams and liver, as well as fish, cheese, yogurt and fortified cereals. You can get folate from a variety of foods such as rice, pasta, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, spinach, peanuts, avocado, beans, oranges, eggs, papaya, asparagus and broccoli.", "Top 30 Foods That Build Muscle (8) Eggs – Cheap, high in protein, fat, and vitamin D which is essential for maintaining healthy muscle tissue! One of the best foods on earth. Go here to learn the top 10 reason you should have eggs in your diet. (9) Coffee – They stated that caffeine improves endurance by easing muscle pain.", "How to Increase White Blood Cells This is typically defined as a 2:1 ratio of fruits and vegetables to meat and fish. Fruits and vegetables. Fruits such as figs, melons, oranges or strawberries and vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, beets and spinach are known to naturally increase your white blood cell count.", "Can Certain Foods Prevent Blood Clots? Foods to Avoid. Foods rich in vitamin K encourage blood clots and should be avoided by people susceptible to thrombosis. Foods rich in vitamin K include the green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, lettuce and asparagus and some fruits, such as peaches and bananas.", "What are Blood Building Foods? Some blood building foods are less appetizing than others, and though they are food, they are generally taken as a supplement rather then simply eaten as a meal. These include foods like animal liver, brewer’s yeast, bone marrow soup, and black strap molasses.", "Top 10 Cholesterol-Fighting Foods This may be why soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol levels (and decreases the risk of heart disease). Soluble fiber is also found in oats and oat bran, barley, brown rice, beans, apples, carrots, and most other fruits and vegetables.", "Foods That Increase Red Blood Cell Production Released at HRWC Blog Lentil beans, kidney beans, dark leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, all contain iron. Red meat, animal liver, dried prunes, dried raisins and egg yolks offer the same benefit. These foods help your body produce more red blood cells, says Squire. VITAMIN B9 and B12 RICH FOODS.", "Blood Thinning Foods â updated article with new information Some other foods that have an abundance of slicylates are chewing gum, wine, peppermints, honey, vinegar, orange juice, broccoli, cider, avocados, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, wild carrot, cabbage, wild lettuce, and nuts. Some other blood thinning foods include olive oil, onions, garlic, tree ear, and jicama.", "10 Best Foods To Increase Blood Platelets Naturally Eating a diet high in specific nutrients may help to enhance blood platelet levels (click to tweet). Wheatgrass is one of the best foods to increase blood platelets. Especially, wheatgrass contributes mostly in raising the red blood cell, differential white blood cell counts, hemoglobin and white blood cell.ou can try eating both the papaya fruit and the leaf extract to increase your blood platelet count quickly. Pomegranate is also one of the top foods to increase blood platelets. The red diamond such as seeds of pomegranate is high in iron just like all the red fruits and assists to increase your blood platelet count.", "Foods That Thin the Blood Read on for a list of foods that thin blood. 1 slide 1 of 8. Blood clots are an essential natural process in the human body. 2 slide 2 of 8. Fish The omega-3 fatty acid found in fish and fish oil exerts a mild influence on platelets, preventing them from sticking and reducing the ability of blood to clot. 3 slide 3 of 8.", "How to Increase a Low Platelet Count 1. Papaya. Both the papaya fruit and its leaves can help increase a low platelet count within just a few days. In 2009, researchers at the Asian Institute of Science and Technology in Malaysia found that papaya leaf juice can increase the platelet count of people diagnosed with dengue fever.latelets are the smallest of the blood cells that aid in blood clotting by forming plugs in blood vessel holes. The platelets circulate in the blood with an average lifespan of 5 to 9 days. A normal platelet count in a healthy person ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microlitre of blood.", "How to Increase White Blood Cells with Food and Exercise Protein found in eggs and dairy products help to increase the WBC count. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids help to boost the immune system by increasing WBC. Flax seed, salmon, mackerel, cereals and walnut are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Make some of these foods a part of your diet.", "What type of food can I use to build up a low blood count? Add foods to your diet that enhance the immune system. These include all fruits and vegetables, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients in general. Garlic and ginger also increase white cell count and may also help fight opportunist infections that take advantage of a compromised immune system.", "What Foods Do You Eat to Build Cartilage in Your Knees? While it doesn’t build new tissue, vitamin D can help you preserve the cartilage you have, reports registered dietitian Joy Bauer -- you need at least 600 international units daily. Get your vitamin D from fatty fish, dairy foods, eggs, soy milk, UV-treated mushrooms and fortified foods.or this diet, boost consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, lean protein from poultry and cold-water fish, and healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocado. In particular, UMMC suggests garlic, onions, parsley, watercress, celery and lemon for their anti-inflammatory potential.", "What are Blood Building Foods? The term blood building foods is commonly used in alternative medicine, particularly in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Blood building foods are those foods that contain high quantities of specific nutrients thought to encourage the production of new blood cells in the body. The most important ingredient in a blood building food is iron, but vitamin B12 and folic acid are also key.", "Foods to Increase Blood Platelets Lean Proteins and Fish. Thunder Bay Regional Health Center recommends a high-protein diet to increase your platelet counts. These foods are also an excellent source of zinc and vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 promotes platelet production, and a deficiency can cause thrombocytopenia.ean Proteins and Fish. Thunder Bay Regional Health Center recommends a high-protein diet to increase your platelet counts. These foods are also an excellent source of zinc and vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 promotes platelet production, and a deficiency can cause thrombocytopenia.", "Increase Platelet Count Naturally: Foods to Treat Low Platelet Thrombocytopenia 1 Include fresh and organic foods. This will help in stimulating the body’s internal mechanism and increase platelet count. Red foods are your key. Tomatoes, plums, watermelons, cherries and berries are loaded with vitamins and minerals and have strong anti-oxidant properties which helps to raise platelet count.", "What foods will build your blood up? LIVER!!!!! Of course, that ALSO builds up your cholesterol -- a VERY bad thing. The liver is where cholesterol is made, so eating liver is ALSO eating a LOT of cholesterol. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables (like broccoli) also contain a lot of iron. But You MIST see your doctor !", "How to Eat to Gain Muscle Proteins that are great for building muscle include: 1 Red meat like beef, pork, lamb, venison, bison, etc. 2 Fish like tuna, salmon, swordfish, bass, trout, mackerel, etc. 3 Poultry breast, from chicken, turkey, duck, etc. 4 Eggs, especially egg whites. 5 Dairy like milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.", "What foods can I eat to improve my red and white blood cell counts? Eating a healthy diet overall, one high vegetables, fruits and lean protein can help your body heal and help your blood counts recover as quickly as possible during cancer treatment. Low red counts (hemoglobin and hematocrit) can be helped along by consuming a diet that is high in iron containing foods. Foods rich in iron include whole grains, such as bran cereal and cream of wheat, meat, fish, poultry, dark green, leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds and many types of legumes or beans. A diet high in vegetables and fruits is also rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients that will help to boost your immune system.", "What food can you eat to build up your blood? The food that you can eat to build up ur blood are rasins, grapes and drinking grape juice because all these foods are rich in iron that build up blood. 1.Meat(lamb, beef/calf liver, liver from organically raised cattle, fish) 2.Blackstrap molasses(1 tablespoon in a cup of hot water drank as a tea)", "Healthy eating guide Here are a few fibre-rich foods to include in meals: 1 Fresh fruits (apples, pears oranges) 2 Dried fruits (apricots, prunes) 3 Vegetables (Brussels sprouts, peas, spinach) Beans and pulses (baked beans, red kidney beans and 1 lentils) Starchy foods (wholegrain breads, crispbreads, wholewheat pasta, brown rice)", "4 Ways of Increasing Your Red Blood Cells Foods to Increase Red Blood Cells. Eating the right foods can help increase the number of red blood cells in your body. Here are a few of the ways you can eat your way to better blood cell health: 1 Iron. 2 Food rich in iron can help your body rebuild what it has lost. 3 Lentils and legumes are a great way to get the iron you need and they are healthy for you in many other ways, too. 4 Copper.", "How can I build white blood cells with food? Simply eating a balanced, healthy diet will support your body in building white blood cells. There are no specific foods you can eat that will speed up the process. Making white blood cells requires a supply of nutrients, including amino acids and purines. Beans, peas, spinach, and lean protein (like chicken and fish) are rich in these nutrients. However, even relatively poor diets provide adequate material to make a normal white blood cell count, unless something else is wrong.", "Revealed, the 10 best foods to boost your energy levels (without expanding your waistline) Here, she reveals the best foods to boost your energy levels to avoid that 4pm slump. In terms of eating for energy, I have seen the best results by living a lifestyle that focuses on eating plenty of fresh, seasonal produce and trying to minimise gluten from my diet.evealed, the 10 best foods to boost your energy levels (without expanding your waistline). 1 Forget chocolate or fizzy drinks-healthy foods can boost your energy too. 2 Spinach is high in magnesium, which is vital for producing energy.", "Blood Thinning Foods â updated article with new information People who have iron deficiency anemia have an increased platelet count. There are many blood thinning foods rich in salicylates. They include various flavorings and spices, such as cinnamon, oregano, paprika, licorice, turmeric, ginger, peppermint, thyme, dill, cayenne pepper, and curry powder. Cayenne pepper has also been shown to decrease blood cholesterol levels.", "What is the best diet for high blood pressure? Protein From Plant Sources: Legumes: Legumes are a class of vegetables that includes beans, peas and lentils-are typically low in fat, contain no cholesterol and are high in protein, iron, folate, potassium, magnesium, and phytochemicals." ]
[ 15.328125 ]
[ 7.10546875, 8.84375, 2.830078125, 7.546875, 2.744140625, 7.96484375, 8.2421875, 11.40625, 4.9609375, 8.453125, 5.375, 14.125, 9.2734375, 12.1328125, 6.9296875, 9.3046875, 3.93359375, 9.5234375, 12.9296875, 14.4140625, 9.2578125, 5.2578125, 8.6953125, 13.046875, 4.46484375, 9.09375, 8.59375, 1.923828125, 9.1953125, 5.06640625 ]
bad to drink alcohol with uti
[ "Beverages to Avoid With a UTI When you experience a UTI, your physician will recommend drinking lots of fluids to flush UTI-causing bacteria through your urethral tract. The goal is to drink hydrating fluids -- like six to eight glasses of filtered water -- for maximum fluid output.hen you have a UTI, drinking sugar-sweetened drinks like fruit juices, sports drinks and other sweetened beverages can have adverse effects." ]
[ "Overview Male urinary system. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra.Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men are.Infection limited to your bladder can be painful and annoying. However, serious consequences can occur if a UTI spreads to your kidneys.Doctors typically treat urinary tract infections with antibiotics. But you can take steps to reduce your chances of getting a UTI in the first place.nfection limited to your bladder can be painful and annoying. However, serious consequences can occur if a UTI spreads to your kidneys. Doctors typically treat urinary tract infections with antibiotics. But you can take steps to reduce your chances of getting a UTI in the first place.", "Overview Male urinary system. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men are. Infection limited to your bladder can be painful and annoying. However, serious consequences can occur if a UTI spreads to your kidneys.", "- Alcohol & Urinary Tract Infections. A urinary tract infection (UTI), also known as cystitis or a bladder infection, is a bacterial infection in the bladder or the tube that carries urine from the bladder, the urethra. A frequent and urgent need to urinate could signal you have a UTI, especially if you can only expel a small amount of urine when you go.", "Alcohol! My nutritionist who I saw in 2008 told me that alcohol kills bacteria good and bad in your gut - as well as dehydrating you. So my advice is after a booze up, drink 4 litres per day for 2 days and stock up on some heavy duty pro-biotic pills to replace the bacteria in your gut.", "- The uti's are so uncomfortable and up until recently have been giving me very bad pelvic pains, i work with children and the uti's often leave me feeling run down and confused. More worrying my urine sample are showing high levels white blood cells and blood in my urine.", "Beer and Gout Best thing for an acute gout flare is probably to reduce consumption of alcohol...if this is more likely than not the trigger. NSAID's, like indomethacin, are best during an acute attack. I'm no doctor, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night", "5 Things You Need to Know About Alcohol's Effect on Joint Pain You should not use alcohol to provide relief from your joint pain because of its potential health risks. In fact, if your joint pain is due to gout, alcohol consumption should be avoided, as it can increase uric acid production, which may worsen your gout. CDC recommends limiting alcohol consumption and notes that no minimum amount of alcohol has been proved to be safe.", "Home Remedies for Dogâs Urinary Tract Infection Studies on the effectiveness of cranberry juice for preventing or treating UTIs have produced mixed results. The red berry contains a tannin that prevents E. coli bacteria - the most common cause of urinary tract infections - from sticking to the walls of the bladder, where they can cause infection.", "- Foods and juices are nature’s medicines and are therefore natural treatments for cystitis, bladder and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Dietary approaches can speed healing and help to prevent recurrences. Nutritional interventions for UTIs include eating foods that acidify urine to help decrease bacterial growth.", "Impaired Kidney Function Ask how much alcohol is safe for you to drink. A drink of alcohol is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1½ ounces of liquor. Do not smoke. Nicotine can damage blood vessels and make it more difficult to manage your impaired kidney function.", "Alcohol Urine Alcohol Urine. When alcohol is ingested, it is absorbed directly from the proximal small intestine and distributed throughout the entire fluid space of the body. After equilibrium is reached, alcohol will be found in all tissues of the body in proportion to their water content.", "- The most straightforward of these is just to drink plenty of water throughout the day, approximately a glass every hour. 1 When you urinate your bladder is cleansed and this can help flush out bacteria. 2 Do not hold in your urine. 3 Holding in your urine can cause the UTI to get worse, by encouraging the bacteria to breed.rinary tract infections can be extremely uncomfortable, so it is little wonder that people suffering with them are eager to get rid of the infection fast. Prompt, quick treatment is also important to prevent the UTI from developing into a more serious condition.", "Overview A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men are. Infection limited to your bladder can be painful and annoying. However, serious consequences can occur if a UTI spreads to your kidneys. Doctors typically treat urinary tract infections with antibiotics. But you can take steps to reduce your chances of getting a UTI in the first place.", "7 / 7 Energy Drinks and Gout Risk Beer is especially bad for you if you tend to get gout symptoms because it is high in alcohol and brewer's yeast, both of which may trigger gout pain. 1 Alcohol and Gout Risk Although beer may be the worst drink for gout, any alcoholic beverage can trigger gout symptoms in people who are prone to the disease.Alcohol causes the kidneys to excrete alcohol instead of excreting uric acid.lthough beer may be the worst drink for gout, any alcoholic beverage can trigger gout symptoms in people who are prone to the disease. Alcohol causes the kidneys to excrete alcohol instead of excreting uric acid.", "Cranberry Juice No Good for Bladder Infections Oct. 17, 2012. For years, cranberry juice has been touted as the natural way to prevent and treat bladder and urinary tract infections (UTI). But a comprehensive review of studies has found the claims have been overhyped.", "- 1 For those who are suffering from the UTI should drink this for 3 – 4 glasses by mixing apple juice (to enhance the taste) to it. 2 Remember that you may suffer from diarrhea if you drink more than 3 liters of cranberry juice in a day.", "What Foods and Drinks Should You Avoid While Having a Bladder Infection? Caffeinated foods and drinks -- such as coffee, colas, tea and chocolate -- act as diuretics, which promote dehydration and can cause irritation Citrus beverages like orange and grapefruit juice, alcohol and spicy foods can also irritate the urinary tract.", "Is it OK to drink alcohol with UC? UC and alcohol. People who drink alcohol with UC will experience different outcomes. Some people experience relapse in the form of a severe, acute attack. Others will be at a higher risk of chronic liver injury and ultimately liver failure. A buildup of toxins that damage the gut and liver lining, can cause a substantial liver injury. Alcohol may also interact with the medication you’re taking.", "ulcer what to do,eat what not to do and eat? It's important to adopt a balanced, nutrient-rich diet to help the ulcer heal and keep your body healthy. Small frequent meals (4-6 times) tend to be better tolerated than fewer (2-3 times) big meals. Avoid or limit alcohol, as it can make symptoms worse and delay healing of the ulcer. Avoid caffeine-containing food and beverages (coffee, tea and chocolate) as they can increased stomach acid making symptoms worse. Watch for foods that may cause discomfort such as spicy or greasy foods while your ulcer is healing. For more on what to eat with an ulcer, see this article. This answer should not be considered medical advice...", "Diagnosis But left untreated, a urinary tract infection can have serious consequences. ... For a severe UTI, you may need treatment with intravenous antibiotics in a hospital. ... For most people, drinking cranberry juice is safe, but some people report an upset stomach or diarrhea. ...", "List Of Gout Foods To Avoid Alcohol: Beer is especially bad for those with gout since it increases uric acid levels significantly. Like with seafood, very small portions of alcohol can be tolerated, but it's wise to keep a close eye on whether drinking aggravates the symptoms of the condition.", "Alcoholism, Gastritis, and Stomach Ulcers Still, despite this caveat, most researchers consider alcohol consumption a clear risk factor for peptic ulcers, especially in people who regularly use NSAID medications. As with gastritis, people with existing cases of peptic ulcers who drink regularly and/or heavily can worsen the symptoms related to those ulcers.", "Can Alcohol Cause Urinary Tract Infections side effects that make certain that you are drinking cranberries but you may not know if your pet greatly. Urinary tract infected with antibiotics protects against UTI treatment period of time. Common dog urinary tract infection Natural Remedies to your pet regularly have urinary tract infection.", "Signs and Symptoms 1 If you are susceptible to UTIs, drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry pills may help prevent recurrence. 2 Eat antioxidant-rich foods, including fruits (such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes), and vegetables (such as squash and bell peppers).ntroduction. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria and are 10 times more common among women than men. More than 50% of women will have at least one UTI during their lifetime.", "Difference Between Bladder Infection and UTI Summary: 1. The urinary tract is responsible for removing urine and maintaining body fluid balance. 2. Bladder infection, or cystitis, is the infection and inflammation of the bladder due to the presence of harmful pathogens inside the bladder itself.3. UTI is an infection in the lower urinary tract, presumably the ureters and the urethra.ladder infection here refers to your urinary bladder.A â in medical, terms it is called.CYSTITIS A â in, this case harmful substances or bacteria have somehow gotten their way into the muscles in. Your bladder these pathogens cause inflammation and infection in. the bladder", "- Urinary Tract Infections (UTI's) in Dogs. Urinary tract infections are very common in dogs with poor liver health. The urine becomes too alkaline which creates the perfect environment for different bacteria to flourish. The first step in determining if your dog suffers from UTI is to check if your pet is drinking more water than usual. Excessive, insatiable thirst is one of the best indications that your dog is suffering from UTI.", "Treat UTIs without Cipro 1 Drink lots of water to help flush the urinary system. 2 Take a high quality probiotic daily (Make sure you don’t take a probiotic at the same time you take an antibiotic. If you take your antibiotic in the morning/evening take your probiotic in the afternoon) Cranberry Juice and/or Blueberry Juice – 8 oz.", "Introduction Mixing alcohol with antibiotics is rarely a good idea. Both alcohol and antibiotics can cause side effects in your body, and drinking alcohol while taking antibiotics can raise your risk of these harmful effects. If the label on your drug says not to drink alcohol during treatment, follow that advice.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does Turbid Urine Mean 6. Get help from a doctor now ›. UTI or concentrated: Urine with a UTI can be foul smelling, somtimes like rotten fish. Concentrated urine, if you have not taken in much fluid or have been perspiring a lot, can have a strong smell. Thirdly some foods such as asparagus can cause urine to smell strongly.", "- Liquidlibrary/liquidlibrary/Getty Images. Just as certain foods can help you recover from or prevent urinary tract infections, others can aggravate the infection. Painful urination is a common symptom of a UTI that can be made worse by eating spicy foods. You also want to avoid acidic foods such as citrus fruits." ]
[ 12.25 ]
[ 9.796875, 9.1171875, 12.4609375, 4.6875, 6.94140625, 3.712890625, 4.08984375, 7.3984375, 7.59375, 7.20703125, 6.640625, 7.65625, 9.015625, 6.37890625, 8.984375, 9.265625, 12.0546875, 8.3046875, 3.982421875, 9, 5.30859375, 4.046875, 10.453125, 8.9140625, 5.48828125, 8.4765625, 7.7421875, 8.875, 3.630859375, 7.609375 ]
how is khan academy funded
[ "Khan Academy Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, mostly funded by donations coming from philanthropic organizations. In 2010, Google donated $2 million for creating new courses and translating content into other languages, as part of their Project 10100. program." ]
[ "- During his tenure in Maihar, Baba Allauddin Khan consistently taught the vocal style of Dhrupad, Dhamar, Hori, Tappa, Khyal incorporating techniques of Senia Bin and Rabab in Sarode ,Sitar Surbahar, Violin and other stringed instruments.aba Allauddin Khan was an institution in himself. Baba Allauddin Khan was born in 1862 in the village of Shibpur of Tripura district, now in Bangladesh. His father Sadhu Khan and elder brother Fakir Aftabuddin Khan initiated his musical journey.", "- Hexaflexagons | Hexaflexagons | Doodling in Math and more | Math for fun and glory | Khan Academy. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources for Khan Academy. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. Skip to main content.", "The trouble with Khan Academy Let’s start with what Khan Academy is. Khan Academy is a collection of video lectures that give demonstrations of mechanical processes. When it comes to this purpose, KA videos are, on the average, pretty good.", "Khan Academy for Adult Learners Khan Academy for Adult Learners. For the past couple years, I have been on the hunt to find or create a FREE online curriculum for adult learners to advance in adult basic. education and study for the GED.", "While the standards may be common, we know that students are not -- they each have their own learning journey. This is why we are committed to personalized learning that lets students practice what they most need help on, at their own pace, at absolutely no cost. Sal KhanFounder and CEO of Khan Academy Khan Academy is introducing new grade-level missions aligned to the Common Core. Each student will get their own learning dashboard that uses state-of-the-art, adaptive software to identify gaps and show progress. Students also receive fun badges, energy points, and avatars along their grade-level mission.. Real-time data.", "- President of Ibn-e Sina University of Afghanistan met with President of University of Tehran. Research collaboration between the Korean Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS) and University of Tehran. A high ranking delegation from Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy visited University of Tehran. Chinese delegation visited Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Tehran. A German delegation from Bosch Foundation and its European partners met with President of University of Tehran.", "Khan Academy 51 - 100 | 3 in Crunchbase. All of the resources on the Khan Academy site are available to anyone. It does not matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology.", "Does the New SAT Spell Doom for the Test Prep Industry? Khan Academy, which has been providing free prep videos for the SAT and other tests since 2006, will now be directly working with the College Board on their test exercises and instructional videos.", "Scholarships The QCC Fund, Inc. has provided hundreds of student scholarships and awards thanks to the generosity of individual, corporate and private foundations.", "- Depreciation in cash flow (video) | Khan Academy. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. Skip to main content.", "- Using Khan Academy to help teach high school Math students. Watch as one school uses Khan Academy to help students catch up with Math. Teachers have seen students stay engaged and do more homework as a result of using the Khan Academy. Test scores have also risen. Using Khan Academy to help teach high school Math students.", "Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (Arabic حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم) (born 14 November 1982) is the Crown Prince of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He is popularly known as Fazza (فزا ع), the name under which he publishes his poetry. 1 Early life an d education", "- Two-step equation word problem: computers (video) | Khan Academy. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. Skip to main content.", "- University of Alcalá. University of Western Australia. More about University of Tehran. Despite a tradition of education that dates back to the Sassanid period (224 – 651 AD), the University of Tehran as it is known today wasn’t established until 1934, making it the country's oldest modern university. Also referred to as Iran's ‘mother university’, it is a government-funded, public institution.", "- Write Your Own Review. 1 Engaging in whole class setting or individually. 4. 2 Khan Academy is great way to differentiate learning for students learning and remediating on math concepts. 4. 3 Great Math Tool 4 4. Videos, worked examples, and exercises that are self-paced and self corrected. 5 3. Great individual learning tool to use in the classroom! 2.", "- Order decimals (practice) | Decimals | Khan Academy. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. Skip to main content.", "- Formal charge on oxygen (video) | Khan Academy. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked.", "- Identifying functional groups (video) | Khan Academy. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked.", "Khan Academy to offer free SAT prep The Khan Academy will offer SAT test prep materials for free, the online learning platform said Wednesday, through a partnership with the College Board that aims to help level the playing field in a college admissions process that has increasingly favored wealthier applicants.", "- Browse the Khan Academy math skills by Common Core standard. With over 50,000 unique questions, we provide complete coverage. Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website.", "Khan Academy: The revolution that isnât By Karim Kai Ani. In a new profile in Time magazine, Sal Khan, founder of the popular Khan Academy, explains how he prepares for each of his video lessons. He doesn’t use a script. In fact, he admits, “I don’t know what I’m going to say half the time.”.", "- No matter the genre, EVERY child deserves # musiceducation & THAT is what the # CMA Foundation's work is all about. We're so grateful Khalid was with us today at H.G. Hill Middle Prep, a # CMAfoundation grantee.", "- Aga Khan University’s Department of Community Health Sciences, which provides critical health and socio-economic support to the squatter settlements of Karachi, received the 2009 MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship. Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan.", "User profile User can personalize it with what they are learning. The new learning dashboard is your personal homepage on Khan Academy. The dashboard gives you an easy way to find the best next things for you to do. It has a bunch of really cool things designed to help you learn math, and soon other subjects, really well on your own or with a coach.", "Ali Akbar Khan In 1956, Khan founded the Ali Akbar College of Music in Calcutta, with the mission to teach and spread Indian classical music. He founded another school of the same name in Berkeley, California in 1967 and later moved it to San Rafael, California.", "12 Inspiring Schools Using Khan Academy Whether you want to use it as a study tool for your own education or bring it in as an alternative way for students in your classes to learn a subject, it’s simple and free to get started with Khan Academy.", "Khan Academy: The man who wants to teach the world Now Khan Academy has 31 full-time employees and although Khan himself still does the majority of the videos, he collaborates with experts in other fields who present videos on specialist topics. Khan believes that the rigidity of the school system is outdated and deadens a child’s natural curiosity.", "De-Mystifying Khan Academy: Screen Capture for Educators Whiteboard screencasting is all the rage for creating educational videos like those featured in the Khan Academy. Here’s a quick look at how Salman Khan does it and some free (and not-so-free) tools that you can use to create your own educational videos to benefit you and your students. The Khan Academy Videos The Khan Academy website provides a FAQ that lists the tools that Salman Khan uses to create his videos: Camtasia Recorder/Studio ($200)", "Khan Academy Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization created in 2006 by educator Salman Sal Khan with the aim of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. The organization produces short lectures in the form of YouTube videos.", "Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools The primary goal of this research was to generate information for school systems , school leaders , and teachers on how Khan Academy , and by implication other similar digital learning tools and resources , could be used to support personalized math learning ( i.e. , learning that tailors what is taught , when it is taught , and how it is taught to ..." ]
[ 17.21875 ]
[ 4.15234375, 5.21875, 8.3203125, 6.765625, 8.84375, -0.2783203125, 8.0625, 7.20703125, 1.0537109375, 6.359375, 6.5, 2.451171875, 4.85546875, 0.93896484375, 5.9375, 4.57421875, 6.0234375, 5.4140625, 9.6328125, 8.9765625, 9.234375, 1.955078125, 6.234375, 7.01953125, 6.0390625, 7.8046875, 9.2734375, 8.9375, 11.96875, 7.98046875 ]
track car by vin number
[ "What is a vehicle identification number (VIN)? number (VIN)? The car's vehicle identification number (VIN) is the identifying code for a SPECIFIC automobile. The VIN serves as the car's fingerprint, as no two vehicles in operation have the same VIN. A VIN is composed of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) that act as a unique identifier for the vehicle. A VIN displays the car's unique features, specifications and manufacturer. The VIN can be used to track recalls, registrations, warranty claims, thefts and insurance coverage.", "- VINtrack is the only barcode VIN software that can catch a counterfeit vehicle! Millions of stolen vehicles are going through commerce undetected. VINtrack can detect them and prevent further losses with a simple scan of the barcode..." ]
[ "How can I access the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) database? Is there an online library? How do sites like Carfax and others get the information about your car? In 1986, Carfax started collecting information about title brands from DMVs and storing it by VIN. After a few years, Carfax had data contracts with the DMVs from all 50 states and could provide a vehicle title brand check on any car or light truck manufactured after the 1981 VIN standardization.", "What information I will get after my MINI vin decode? How to find a vehicle's VIN? Usually you can find a VIN number in several places, on the vehicle and its documentation: registration documents or the insurance policy. Also you can check a VIN on vehicle. It is commonly found on the driver's side door post or front windshield.", "- Do you have more links for VIN numbers, please email us. Our company is dedicated to the mission of providing the best vehicle identification number results on the Internet.Through innovative advances in Internet technology, we provide a free online search for car or truck VIN numbers. Search VIN.", "What is a vehicle identification number (VIN)? number (VIN)? The car's vehicle identification number (VIN) is the identifying code for a SPECIFIC automobile. The VIN serves as the car's fingerprint, as no two vehicles in operation have the same VIN. A VIN is composed of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) that act as a unique identifier for the vehicle.", "How do i decode a Yamaha vin number? 9th Character - The check digit character or digit 9 in the sequence of a vehicle identification number (VIN) built beginning with model year 1981 (when the 17 character digit format was established) can best be described as identifying the VIN accuracy.", "- A Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN number, is the serial number created by the vehicle's manufacturer, and is attached to the vehicle... How to find the VIN number Find the VIN number of a car by using this step by step guide. The VIN number is the identification number for...", "Tips and Advice on Reading Used Car Vehicle Identification Numbers - VINs How To Read a VIN. The vehicle identification number or VIN can be viewed through the lower right corner of the vehicle's windshield near the driver's door. Copy down the information from there on a piece of paper and you are good to go. A VIN is basically a serial number for your car, truck or SUV. It is 17 characters long and is a mixture of numbers and letters. It has four parts: World Manufacturer's Identification (WMI - three numbers or letters) Vehicle Description Section (VDS - five numbers or letters) The VIN Accuracy Check Digit (one number)", "VIN Number Lookup VIN Numbers And Vehicle History Searches. VIN numbers are what you use to start your vehicle history search. If you want to learn the history of a vehicle, you simply type the VIN into the search bar on VehicleHistory.com. That is the number we use to compile the data to create your vehicle history report.", "- Research Vin Number. A Vehicle History Report, powered by Auto VIN Check, gives you all the facts you need to make the right used car buying decision. VIN numbers and odometer history readings. Registration history. Major accident records. Now it's easy to Research Vin Number on a junk car.", "- You can search with a vehicle identification number (VIN) , or you can search with a valid license plate number and state.Searching via a license plate and state is a terrific option if you can’t find the VIN, it’s hard to read or your car has. no VIN.In the box below, simply enter the license plate number and state.ou can search with a vehicle identification number (VIN) , or you can search with a valid license plate number and state.", "- Look at your dashboard. The easiest place to find the VIN on your vehicle is right on the lower left corner of your dashboard. You should be able to read the number by looking through your windshield on the driver’s side of your car.", "History of the Labour Party (UK) Find your VIN number. Although the easiest way to find a car's VIN number is by looking inside the car itself, there are several other methods for locating it: Request a copy of the car title. This title, as well as the registration, should include the unique VIN number. Find body shop records.", "- Vehicle Information. Our company is dedicated to the mission of providing the best vehicle identification number results on the Internet. Through innovative advances in Internet technology, we provide a free online search for car or truck VIN numbers. Search VIN.", "VIN Number Lookup Starting in 1981, the United States began requiring every car, truck, van and motorcycle sold in America to be stamped with a unique Vehicle History Number (commonly called a VIN number). The purpose of this is to be able to track their history and identify vehicles for law enforcement, service and registration purposes.", "Know Your VIN & Get Exactly The RIGHT Auto Repair Parts Every Time 11th Character: The 11th character in your car's vehicle identification number reveals the assembly plant for the vehicle. 12th - 17th Character: The 12th through the 17th character in your car's VIN indicate the sequence of the vehicle for production as it rolled off the manufacturer's assembly line.", "How to Read a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) Part 4 of 4: Enter the VIN online to find out vehicle history information. If you’re more interested in finding out specific information about the car rather than the details of the VIN, you can enter the number at various online sites. Step 1: Go to CarFax and enter the VIN to find out the history of the vehicle.", "VIN Numbers Look over the car and make sure that all the VIN numbers you can find are the same within the car. The VIN number is normally engraved or on a sticker in numerous places in the car (inside the doors, the dash, the trunk, engine, and/or quarter panels). States use the VIN number to track a cars status.", "- Determining Existing Problems with the Car. 1 1. Inspect the car in person and meet the seller. 2 2. Identify the VIN number and take a picture. 3 3. Run a free VIN number check. 4. Decide whether to walk away from the sale or attempt to secure a title.", "Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) and Classic Cars Well, maybe not. One major difference between the VINs before 1980 and the VINs of today is that the code is mandatory today. Today, every car is required to have a unique VIN code of 17 characters. In the past, the VINs were mostly serial numbers that represented the make, model, and year of the vehicle.", "Search for vehicle history records with a valid US license plate number! You can search with a vehicle identification number (VIN), or you can search with a valid license plate number and state. Searching via a license plate and state is a terrific option if you can’t find the VIN, it’s hard to read or your car has. no VIN. In the box below, simply enter the license plate number and state.", "Free VIN Decoder â Check VIN Number â VIN Lookup For Decoding Your Buick Car History â Auto â Vehicle Identification Number How to use this vehicle identification number information to decode your Buick VIN number: First, either find your VIN number on your vehicle registration or car title or in vehicle maintenance records from your dealer.Additionally, you can find the VIN at various locations on your car.o decode your VIN number, simply match your VIN characters to the chart below. Search first to find the model year for your car, then, in order to check VIN number to determine your car history details, match the corresponding position of your vehicle ID number to each of the fields below. VIN Decoder Abbreviations.", "- VINtrack is the only standalone software that can catch Counterfeit, Clone, or Stolen vehicles when other databases can't! With the new VINtrack-Live you can also capture VINs directly into your computer program such as: NADA, KBB, InstaVIN, CarFax, ISO, NCIC, SVS, DMV, AutoCheck, BlackBook, Manheim, NICB... VINtrack-Live VIN Scanner.", "- 1. Find out the manufacturer of the car you want to research. 1 If you do not have the information in a manual, on records or by looking at the car itself, you can look up the VIN using digits 4 through 8.", "How to Find Car Paint Codes by Registration If you are not able to find the VIN of your car (and it may be placed in a number of different locations, depending upon the vehicle), then you should try to find the VIN using your registration number.", "How to Check a New Car Invoice by a VIN Number How to Check a New Car Invoice by a VIN Number. To tell an auto dealer how much it will cost the dealership to buy a new car wholesale, the auto manufacturer sends the dealer a new car invoice.", "Search for vehicle history records with a valid US license plate number! You can search with a vehicle identification number (VIN) , or you can search with a valid license plate number and state.Searching via a license plate and state is a terrific option if you can’t find the VIN, it’s hard to read or your car has. no VIN. In the box below, simply enter the license plate number and state.Once the information is submitted, records will be returned on that plate. Some searches may return multiple records.ou can search with a vehicle identification number (VIN) , or you can search with a valid license plate number and state.", "Free VIN Decoder â Check VIN Number â VIN Lookup For Decoding Your Hyundai Car History â Auto â Vehicle Identification Number To decode your VIN number, simply match your VIN characters to the chart below. Search first to find the model year for your car, then, in order to check VIN number to determine your car history details, match the corresponding position of your vehicle ID number to each of the fields below.VIN Decoder Abbreviations. Here are handy VIN abbreviations.o decode your VIN number, simply match your VIN characters to the chart below. Search first to find the model year for your car, then, in order to check VIN number to determine your car history details, match the corresponding position of your vehicle ID number to each of the fields below.", "Motorists Dealers Motor CarriersContact Us1-888-DMV-GOTX1-888 (368-4689)Email UsMore Contact Options » How to Find the VIN. A Vehicle Identification Number, also known as VIN, is a serial number attached to each vehicle for identification purposes. Inside the Vehicle. On the driver’s side dashboard – stand outside the vehicle and look at the corner where the dashboard meets the windshield.", "- If you need to find your VIN, you can first check any documentation you have for the vehicle, such as: 1 Vehicle title. 2 Registration card. 3 Insurance documents. Owner's 1 manual. Body shop repair records. Police 1 reports. Vehicle history report or VIN check.", "- VIN Information. Think of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) as a car or truck's DNA. It is a unique combination of 17 letters and numbers that is assigned to the vehicle when it is built and that stays with it throughout its life. The VIN is used to track the vehicle as it changes hands and as it is repaired and serviced." ]
[ 12.3359375, 12.1484375 ]
[ 9.15625, 7.4140625, 7.015625, 10.3203125, 7.140625, 9.34375, 8.7734375, 9.015625, 9.0859375, 11.40625, 8.75, 8.875, 8.4140625, 12.015625, 7.97265625, 9.0703125, 11.8671875, 8.8203125, 8.4375, 10, 6.86328125, 12.34375, 8.1328125, 6.19921875, 6.765625, 9.875, 7.375, 8.796875, 8.3984375, 12.90625 ]
what county is arlington heights in
[ "- Arlington Heights, Illinois. Arlington Heights is a town in Cook County and Lake County in the U.S. state of Illinois. A suburb of Chicago, it lies about 25 miles (40 km) northwest of the city's downtown. The population was 75,101 at the 2010 census." ]
[ "- Arlington (Virginia) Contents. Arlington is an urban county in Virginia, located directly across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C.. With a population of 210,000, yet a land area of only about 26 square miles, Arlington is one of America's mostly densely populated jurisdictions [60].", "- Harlingen County Courthouse. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Gather information about the different municipalities of Burlington County. Skip to Main Content Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.", "- Transportation. Arlington is developing its 10-year plan for bus service in the County. Your input is needed-Join us at one of our workshops. View live traffic conditions around Arlington on the traffic cameras website.", "- If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page. Sign UpLog In. See more of Clark County Fairgrounds by logging into Facebook. Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page.", "Arlington Township, Michigan Arlington Township, Michigan. Arlington Township is a civil township of Van Buren County in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2000 census, the township population was 2,075. Arlington Township was established in 1842. 1 Geography.", "Court Information The Village of Hanover Park is located in Cook and DuPage counties. The Cook County Courthouse is located in Rolling Meadows at 2121 Euclid. The courthouse is located directly across from Arlington Park Race Track and is approximately one mile east of Rt. 53. The courthouse can be accessed from the Euclid exit on Rt. 53.", "- Ladson County Fairgrounds. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Arlington, AZ Arlington is located in southwest Arizona. Arlington is part of Maricopa County. Arlington has 2.34 square miles of land area and has no water area. As of 2010, the total Arlington population is 194. Arlington median household income is $40,625 in 2008-2012. Arlington median house value is $86,100 in 2008-2012.", "Harrington Total=land+water; Land=land only. [HAR-ing-tun] is a town in Washington County, settled in about 1765 and incorporated as a town June 17, 1797 from Plantation Number 5 EUR, LS. It later annexed land from Columbia (1818, 1823) and set of land to Steuben in 1823.", "- Front Runners List: Click here to see list completion progress by climbers that log their climbs using Peakbagger.com. Compare Climbers: Click here to compare ascents of up to 5 climbers working on this list. Book County High Points by Andy Martin; combination of two lists compiled 2000 by Edward Earl, Andy Martin, Roy Schweiker, and Ron Tagliapietra.", "- Clarendon Hills and its surrounding market area have one of the strongest demographic profiles in DuPage County. The median household income, in 2014 dollars, is $106,604. 75 percent of the 3,163 households in the Village are Owner-Occupied.", "- Harlingen County Courthouse. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Upper Arlington, Ohio Upper Arlington, Ohio. Upper Arlington is an affluent suburban city in Franklin County, Ohio, United States, on the northwest side of the Columbus metropolitan area. As of July, 2015, the population was estimated to be 34,907.", "- Allentown County Magistrate Court. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Arlington, Massachusetts Arlington, Massachusetts. Arlington is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States, six miles (10 km) northwest of Boston. The population was 42,844 at the 2010 census.", "- Useful Middlesex County Links: 1 Town of Holliston View by map number. 2 City of Melrose - Property Tax Search. 3 City of Marlborough - Property Tax Search. 4 Town of Holliston View by map number. 5 Town of Wayland - Property Tax Search. 6 Town of Holliston View by map number. 7 Town of Ashland - GIS Map. 8 Town of Arlington - Property Tax Search.", "ARLINGTON, KINGSBURY COUNTY, GLACIAL LAKES & PRAIRIES, SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 30 listings LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Arlington, Kingsbury County, South Dakota, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates. You can also find Arlington, Kingsbury County, South Dakota real estate agents who specialize in land and rural retreats. Sign up for our Arlington, Kingsbury County, South Dakota email alerts and never miss out on a new listing again!", "- Total Users. Burlington City Hall, located at 300 N. Pine Street, provides limited County services formerly offered at the Western Racine County Service Center for residents to utilize. * Marriage License applications and issuance (County Clerk). * Certified copies of birth, death, and marriage certificates (Register of Deeds).", "Tarrant County Jail - John G Mills DO Servicing the cities of Forth Worth, Arlington, and a populace of over 1, 500, 000 people, Tarrant County Jail has taken care of thousands of Texas inmates throughout the years. We have taken advantage of that fact by contacting former inmates - individuals who have experienced life in prison and finding out first-hand what one can expect.", "- Highland Township is located on the western border of Oakland County astride M-59, the major east-west highway. The Township is a mix of rural, suburban and lake living, with State Recreation lands and more than twenty-five lakes. Click below for Current News.", "- Arlington is developing its 10-year plan for bus service in the County. Your input is needed-Join us at one of our workshops. View live traffic conditions around Arlington on the traffic cameras website.", "Arlington The city borders Kennedale, Grand Prairie, Mansfield and Fort Worth, and surrounds the smaller communities of Dalworthington Gardens and Pantego. Arlington is the headquarters of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV. Arlington is also the largest city in the state that is not a county seat.", "Highlands Highlands, TX. Online Offers. Highlands is a census-designated place (CDP) located along the Union Pacific Railroad, north of Interstate 10, and west of Farm to Market Road 2100 in an industrialized area of unincorporated Harris County, Texas, United States. The population was 7,089 at the 2000 census. Highlands is the hometown of T.J. Ford, Robert Francois, Justin Smith, Billy Gross, Brandon Sweeney, Robert Dixon, Kamran Majeed, Keely Walker, Tommy Morris, Corey Gibson, Rex Meadows, Laura Wright, Zach Brackin, Sean Matula, and Jonathan Abston.", "Farmington Hills, Michigan Farmington Hills is the second largest city in Oakland County in the U.S. state of Michigan. Its population was 79,740 at the 2010 census. It is part of the upscale northwestern suburbs of Metropolitan Detroit and is also around 20 miles (32 km) northeast of downtown Ann Arbor. Farmington Hills consistently ranks as one of the safest cities in the United States, as well as in the state of Michigan. In 2010, the area ranked as the 30th safest city in America.", "- Geography [edit]. Highland Heights is located in northern Campbell County at 39°2′24″N 84°27′21″W / 39.04000°N 84.45583°W / 39.04000; -84.45583 (39.040035, −84.455851). It is bordered to the north by Fort Thomas, to the west by Wilder, and to the south by Cold Spring.", "- These sites should be visited frequently. Legacy.com This is a really excellent site, with very a flexible search engine. To search for Carter County obits, use local keywords: Olive Hill; Grayson; Rush; Hitchins; etc. Journal-Times Newspaper.", "Rochester Hills Find Rochester Hills Activities: Play | Stay | Plan | Shop | Events | Deals. Rochester Hills is located in the east central area of Oakland County. Provides many recreational facilities such as swimming, golf, tennis and bicycling at municipal parks. Attractions include Meadow Brook Hall, Yates Cider Mill and historic Stoney Creek Village.", "Explore Arlington County has an extensive network of bicycle infrastructure, including 50 miles of shared-use off-street trails. These multi-use trails are generally 10 feet wide with a solid yellow line striped down the middle to separate users.", "Find Your Lancaster Area Home Search ALL Lancaster County Homes For Sale Here! At The Craig Hartranft Team, our primary focus is on YOU, the client. Our number one priority is providing you with excellent customer service, while representing your interests." ]
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is there food good?
[ "50 Seemingly Healthy Foods that are Bad for You Smoothies have long been the darling of the health-food world. Although some smoothies made with simple, whole-food ingredients can be healthy, don't get fooled into thinking anything with the name smoothie is good for you. Some smoothies are made with lots of added sugars, high-calorie ingredients like chocolate syrup, or even use full-fat ice cream as a base." ]
[ "Good Sugar Vs. Bad Sugar: Become More Sugar Savvy You’ve heard of good carbs and bad carbs, good fats and bad fats. Well, you could categorize sugar the same way. “Good” sugar is found in whole foods like fruits and veggies, because it’s bundled with fluid, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.", "Food Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals.eeds of plants are a good source of food for animals, including humans, because they contain the nutrients necessary for the plant's initial growth, including many healthful fats, such as Omega fats.", "- Print: This Page | Whole Article. Share: Good nutrition is one of the keys to good health. You can improve your nutrition by regularly eating foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-or nonfat dairy.", "Food to have sometimes If you eat a variety of good food, your diet will provide you with adequate nutrition.", "Junk Food That's Good For You That's good news, since high-fat foods are often the tastiest. But a bad reputation is hard to shake. And though saturated fat is the most obvious example of a bad food gone good, it's not the only one. I've run the numbers and scoured the research to determine which vilified foods have been unjustly convicted. The result: six snacks and drinks that deserve an immediate pardon.", "\"What foods have \"\"GOOD\"\" cholesterol in them?\" Best Answer: You can increase the level of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) by the following: 1. Foods that raise HDL cholesterol include onions,and omega-3 acids. soluble fibersEat half a raw onion a day raises HDL (good) cholesterol an average of 25 percent in most people with cholesterol problems.2.at at least two servings of foods high in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is found in whole grains, oats and oat bran, brown rice, fruits such as citrus fruit, apples, grapes, etc. and legumes & lentils. The soluble fiber raises HDL levels and helps lower total cholesterol.", "Top Cancer-Fighting Foods Folate-Rich Foods. This B-complex vitamin can be found in many 'good for you' foods. Plus, manufacturers of cereals, pastas, and breads often fortify their products with folate.How It Works. The thought is that when someone has low levels of folate, it's more likely for mutations in DNA to occur, Stolzenberg-Solomon says.olate-Rich Foods. This B-complex vitamin can be found in many 'good for you' foods. Plus, manufacturers of cereals, pastas, and breads often fortify their products with folate.", "List Of Carbohydrate Foods The good carbs on the list of carbohydrate foods can provide your body with energy, optimum nutrition, proper brain and organ function and a healthy, attractive appearance. But bad carbs are detrimental to a healthy diet.And consistently eating from the bad carbs list will rapidly sabotage all your health and weight management goals. So choose all of your carbohydrates from this great list of healthy carbohydrate foods.ad carbs are carbohydrate foods that have been highly refined and processed, removing most of the nutritional value and fiber. They're generally loaded with high-calorie fats, sweeteners, preservatives and other unhealthy additives. With all the processing and additives, bad carbs can be made to be temptingly tasty.", "6. The World's Healthiest Foods Taste Good The World's Healthiest Foods are common everyday foods. These include the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean meats, fish, olive oil, herbs and spices that are familiar to most people. Although there are many foods that are exceptionally nutritious, many of them are not readily available in different areas of the country.", "foodnoun [ C or U] All the shops were closed, so we couldn't buy any food. The fridge keeps food at a constant temperature. We have only a small amount of food and clothing to deal out to each refugee. I'll bring some food along and we can have a picnic. Many snack foods are high in salt, sugar and fat.", "The Daniel Plan Good Foods List The Daniel Plan Good Foods List. Food glorious food. Eating is simply one of life’s greatest pleasures. Stocking your pantry and refrigerator with healthy choices is a practical first step in your journey to better health. You will notice that some foods you can eat freely while others are still great choices, but you should plan to eat them in moderation.", "10 Reasons Why Summer Is THE Season for Eating Well But the best part by far is the amazing abundance of healthy, fresh, whole foods everywhere you look. In celebration of the richness of the season, I’ve put together my top 10 reasons why there’s no better time to eat well.", "6. The World's Healthiest Foods Taste Good Of course, there are many other nutritious foods other than those that we have included on our list that we feel are wonderful, health-promoting foods; if there are other whole foods - such as fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, whole grains, etc - that you like, by all means enjoy them.", "Marinated bavette steak 1 Exclusive Good Food offers BBC Good Food for every occasion More on this offer. 2 Exclusive Good Food offers Reader offer: Ocado More on this offer. 3 Exclusive Good Food offers Reader offer: AO.com More on this offer. 4 Exclusive Good Food offers BBC Good Food for every occasion More on this offer.", "- Good food #7: Green tea Why it's a good arthritis food: Studies show that certain antioxidant compounds in the brew lessen the incidence and severity of arthritis. ... “Green tea won't take all your pain away,” Bonci says, but it can help.our Anti-Gout Food Plan www.lifescript.com/health/centers/arthritis/articles/your_anti_gout_food_plan.aspx. Although nuts are high in fat, it's mostly the healthier unsaturated kind. And both the fat and whole grain satisfy you longer, which keeps your waistline trim.", "Howâs the Food? We also want to make sure that the food is nutritious. We feel a huge responsibility to support good eating habits. We serve whole grains whenever possible, fresh fruits and vegetables, unbleached flour, healthy oils and limit sugar as much as possible. We make much of our food from scratch and offer a daily salad bar.", "The Best Food Choices The Best Food Choices. 1 Try to make at least half the grains you eat whole grains. 2 When buying pasta, breads, tortillas, crackers, and cereal, choose those with a whole grain listed as the first ingredient. 3 Switch from sugary cereals to unsweetened whole grain cereal or oatmeal.", "List Of Carbohydrate Foods List Of Carbohydrate Foods. This list of carbohydrate foods will prove that all carbohydrates are not created equal. And it's vitally important to your health that you know the good carb bad carb difference.The good carbs on the list of carbohydrate foods can provide your body with energy, optimum nutrition, proper brain and organ function and a healthy, attractive appearance.But bad carbs are detrimental to a healthy diet.And consistently eating from the bad carbs list will rapidly sabotage all your health and weight management goals. So choose all of your carbohydrates from this great list of healthy carbohydrate foods.ut bad carbs are detrimental to a healthy diet. And consistently eating from the bad carbs list will rapidly sabotage all your health and weight management goals. So choose all of your carbohydrates from this great list of healthy carbohydrate foods.", "- Apples are an example of a convenience food that has a high nutritional value. Convenience foods, such as frozen dinners, became popular with consumers during the 20th century.Frozen meals that can be reheated in minutes are incredibly convenient.onvenience foods can also include canning foods. Canned foods like Hormel foods like chili and corn beef hash are also examples of 100 best convenience foods. A can of chili for example, offers a lot of fiber and protein and makes a hearty meal especially in the winter.", "Food Storage: Refrigerator & Freezer This does not tell how long the food will be good. These are guidelines; if a food is not properly handled, its storage life will be shortened. Follow these tips for purchasing top-quality foods that have been handled safely. 1 Look for packages of food that are not torn or broken.", "6 Foods that Contain Copper While copper is found in most foods, only a few foods are good sources of copper. Most people in the US do not get enough copper in their diet, and low levels of copper can lead to anemia, as copper is a necessary component in the uptake of iron.eans and lentils are good sources of copper. They can be included in your diet through soups and salads, as well as burritos. Some other sources of copper include black pepper, mushrooms, dark leafy vegetables, barley and prunes.", "Cheap Food Blamed for America's Obesity Crisis It's not that we don't exercise enough or spend too much time at the office, or that good, healthy food is too expensive, researchers reported Thursday. And it's not about socioeconomic status, race or geography.", "- The best place in Colchester where you can find the best milkshakes or food ! Good job Tysa and also the people who work there are the best !", "- For example, if you have, in the past, taken away privileges unrelated to food (for example, computer time) then this is the time to say you're sorry and you won't do this again. Food should be related to food and nothing else, unless you want to continue the battles. Ad.2.or example, if you have, in the past, taken away privileges unrelated to food (for example, computer time) then this is the time to say you're sorry and you won't do this again. Food should be related to food and nothing else, unless you want to continue the battles. Ad. 2.", "When Good Foods Turn Bad pt:1 vegetables If they have yellow or brown spots, remove discolored areas or leaves. The good news with all types of greens is that if they have started to go bad, then picking through them, you can typically salvage a lot of the plant. The prevailing wisdom is to not wash these veggies ahead of time, but right before you use them. I ignore this advice for everything but crisp greens.", "Living Well with Living Foods And that’s just a few of the foods with such amazing healing qualities for your body. 1 Sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. 2 The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye…and science shows that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to the function of the eyes. 3 Tomato has four chambers and is red.", "- The three types of foods are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids. Food is broken down into simpler forms which then can be used by the body. A protein is a chain of amino acids which help with cell growth and repair. Carbohydrates give the cells energy.", "List Of Carbohydrate Foods List of Carbohydrate Foods for Good Carbs Good carbohydrates have been proven over and over again through valid peer-reviewed research to be essential to good health.", "The Goods The Goods. Eating right can be tricky in today´s fast-paced world. That´s why it´s important to enjoy as many healthy food options, made with wholesome ingredients, as possible.Pizza Pizza prides itself in bringing you the best toppings possible, so that making healthy choices for you and your family is just a bit easier.1 The Goods.he Goods. Eating right can be tricky in today´s fast-paced world. That´s why it´s important to enjoy as many healthy food options, made with wholesome ingredients, as possible.", "- With the help of suggestions that have come in from our readers, we have compiled a list of the top food items and emergency supplies that you can buy at the grocery store. The list contains foods with a long shelf life, items that have multiple uses, and supplies that are great for bartering. few best foods to have are rice (number 1 choice), dried beans and canned foods (without the easy pop-top lids since they burst when stored for long periods). Salt is also handy to have as it is allows for preserving other foods such as fresh meat. A backpack that is ready to grab is extremely handy to have." ]
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what causes a sharp stabbing pain in the lower left side
[ "What Causes Burning Muscle Pain? What are some causes of a stabbing pain in your left side? A: Some of the causes of a stabbing pain in your left side could include fibromyalgia, acute pericarditis or an oncoming heart attack, according to WebMD. Sin... Full Answer >" ]
[ "What Causes Sharp Pains Under the Left Breast? 1 Injury to the chest wall. You can have a crushing injury to your chest wall from a motor vehicle accident or a fall. This can set up sharp pain under left breast that may mean you have fractured a rib or sprained the muscles of the chest wall itself. Chest wall inflammation.", "Stabbing Chest Pain: What Can Cause Stabbing Pain in Chest? Stabbing Pain in Chest Caused due to Fracture: A broken or a fractured rib is also a common cause of stabbing chest pain. When there is a break or fracture in the rib, it can lead to quite sharp intensity of chest pain. In some cases, the fractured rib can poke into the region of diaphragm and into the lungs.", "Left abdominal pain, severe bloating, stabbing pains It began with: - general feeling of nausea for one week and diarrhea. - extreme bloating- I almost look pregnant (but I am definately not!) - 1 week later stabbing pains on my left side under the bottom rib of quite a high intensity for short periods of time. -->I went on nexum for a week and it made no difference, if not worse.", "Sciatica Pain Relief ? Natural Lower Back Pain Relief What Is Sciatica. Sciatica is not a specific disease, instead it is a condition characteristic of several different diseases. Simply put, it is a mild to intense pain in the left or right leg. Sciatica is caused by a compression of one or more of the five sets of nerve roots in the lower back. These compressions are typically caused by a disc rupture or bone spur in the lumbar spine. It causes pain, numbness,...", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Sharp Pain Under Lower Right Rib Cage Lower left side has had a sharp pain, it's also occurring under my rib cage. 5. Get help from a doctor now ›. Left sided pain: Not sure why-one classic cause of left lower quadrant abdominal pain is diverticulitis or other inflammatory bowel problem. The pain under the ribs could be muscle strain.", "Pain in Left Side of the Head Another form of headache that can cause sharp pain in left side of the head is called Occipital Neuralgia. This should not be confused with Trigeminal Neuralgia which will be discussed later in this article. Occipital Neuralgia is a very specific type of headache that causes this sharp, stabbing pain.", "- Sharp pain in the left side of head are among the more common reasons people seek medical care. Headaches are a very common occurrence. The causes range from benign to life threatening. Examples include migraines, inflammation, stress and more serious causes such as stroke, brain tumor and high blood pressure.", "What Causes Shooting Pain on Head? Giant cell arteritis could a cause of sharp pain in the left side of your head. This occurs when the arterial lining in your head is inflamed, causing a severe pain. Most of the time you will notice the pain is located to the area around your temple.", "What Causes Pain Above the Navel? Throbbing pain in the lower left abdomen can be caused by appendicitis, kidney stones, ovarian cysts, Crohn's disease and cancer, according to Mayo Clinic. Other possible causes are a hernia, intestinal obstruction or torn colon.", "Pregnancy, Trying to conceive & Parenting Forum Im assuming these are def round ligament pain. so i have just begun to feel them. My pains are also sharp stabbing like pains in my left side close to my ovary area. Someone had told me that it was too early to have these but I really think this is what I experienced.", "Pain in Lower Left Side of Abdomen When Exercising But, according to MayoClinic.com, other causes of pain in the lower left abdominal area include appendicitis, cancer, endometriosis, injury, intestinal obstruction, kidney infections and a torn colon. Some of these conditions are severe, so see a doctor if you have intense abdominal pain that concerns you.", "- Sudden sharp pain in the lower left abdomen may be cause for concern. Photo Credit Igor Mojzes/iStock/Getty Images. Pain in your lower left abdomen can occur for several reasons. Because there are many organs in the abdomen, deciphering the source of this pain can be challenging.", "Pain Under Left Breast: Causes, Treatments, and When to See a Doctor A common cause of having sharp, stabbing pains under your left breast is a buildup of gas. Your stomach is located on the upper left of your abdomen just under your breast. Trapped gas in your stomach can feel like an uncomfortable ache under your left breast.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment These include: 1 Costochondritis – The cartilages that join the ribs to the breastbone can get inflamed causing pain and discomfort in the ribs. 2 Fractured Rib – An injury leading to broken rib on the left side can cause excruciating or sharp pain under the left rib cage and needs immediate medical attention.", "Why Does My Left Side Hurt Below My Ribs? One of the most common causes of left-side pain under the ribs is heartburn or acid reflux disease triggered by eating foods that cause indigestion. MedGuidance states that this pain is sometimes quite sharp and may be accompanied by a feeling of bloating.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage Broken Rib. Broken or fractured rib(s) on the left side causes pain during deep breathing and moving of the upper body. The main cause is trauma. Diagnosis is made by chest X-ray, but still some fractures can be missed since a broken rib may be only a crack in the rib, which does not necessary fall apart in two pieces.", "Discussions By Condition: Cardiovascular disease I keep getting a sharp stabbing pain in the right side of my chest directly below my breast for no apparent reason. The area isn't inflamed and the muscles around the area aren't sore. The pains started about 6 hours ago and have been intermittent ever since.", "Back Pain Pneumothorax is the spontaneous collapsing of the left or right lung which causes a stabbing and sharp pain in the area around the chest which extends to the back, arms and the torso. Back Pain Caused due to Lying Down", "What Causes Lower Left Abdominal Pain â A Simple Guide What Causes Lower Left Abdominal Pain – A Simple Guide. Sharp lower left abdominal pain is a common health disorder affecting mostly adult women, men, and elderly people in the current generation, mostly because of our lack of mobility and food quality.", "What Causes Sharp and Stabbing Pain in Your Thigh? The overproduction of the relaxin hormone as the body prepares for childbirth causes pain in the inner thighs. The over softened ligaments of the pubic bone joint loosen up causing the thigh pains. 5. Underlying Diseases. The sharp pain in the thigh could be due to other potential diseases. These include osteomyelitis, Ewing's sarcoma, septic arthritis, osteosarcoma, sciatica, compartment syndrome, among other infections. It could also be because of a tumor in the bone, thigh bone fractures and nervous disorders like tendinitis.", "Causes of Upper and Lower Left Side Pain on Abdomen Lower lobe pneumonia can cause left side abdominal pain in the form of a sharp or crushing sensation. They will also have fever and a cough which may be productive causing brown or yellow phlegm. Pneumonia is caused by an inflammation of the lower part of the lung and it can cause upper left abdomen pain.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage: Common Causes and Treatments The most worrying cause of left-sided pain under your ribs is a heart attack. Heart attacks happen when there is a lack of oxygen-rich blood that gets to the heart. This is often caused by a blockage in your coronary arteries.", "Causes of Stabbing pain List of 20 causes of Stabbing pain. This section shows a full list of all the diseases and conditions listed as a possible cause of Stabbing pain in our database from various sources. Acute pancreatitis. Anterior spinal artery syndrome - stabbing pain.", "What Causes Pain on Left Sides? There are various causes of left side pain in the left abdominal area and the following are a list of the most common causes: 1 Food poisoning. Consuming contaminated food can lead to food poisoning. This can result in vomiting and fever as well as severe pain in the left side to the abdomen. Constipation.", "Sharp inner ear pain! This causes the severe stabbing pain in the ear and cranial pain. He told me to go straight to the chiropractor from there. I did, and the chiropractor pressed on my neck, and sure enough, it does radiate from that nerve.", "Sharp stabbing pain on the left side of waist. Lasts for⦠Sharp stabbing pain on the left side of waist. Lasts for about 15 to 30 seconds. Blood and stool sample show - Answered by a verified Health Professional", "Sudden, stabbing pains in outside of ankle. Horrible stabbing pains in my ankle: Last night I woke several times to muscle spasms in right calf. This morning I had sharp, sudden stabbing pain in one spot just below & behind my right outside ankle bone. This has happened randomly throughout the day not related to movement, pressure, or temperature. No reddness.", "Pain in Left Side Under Rib Cage: Cause and Treatment Following are some of the most common attributes of pain in the left rib cage area: 1 Heartburn or acid reflux - This is a common cause of pain in the left side of the ribs. This may be triggered as a result because of over-consumption of acidic foods or drinks that generally cause heartburn.", "- Most of the causes for pain in these areas are similar. For example, when you suffer from a kidney infection, you could actually experience pain in either the left or right side depending on which side the kidney is infected. Here are some common causes for pain in the lower sides of the back: 1 Injury. 2 Lumbar Strain.", "Pain between shoulder blades: Causes, symptoms, and treatments Gallbladder disease: Often causes pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, which can be referred as stabbing pain between the shoulder blades. These symptoms often occur after eating a fatty meal." ]
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was the treaty of versailles a good idea in the long run
[ "Was the treaty of Versailles good or bad? The treaty of Versailles was a bad idea. It benefited countries like Britain, France and America as they where the top powers to come out of the war. It blamed all of the damages caused to their countries squarely on the Germans simply because Germany was the best target.t also caused the vacume in which Hitler and his party stepped... Summary: The Treaty of Versailles may have been considered 'good' by some, but in the long-run it was responsible for WWII, as well as the problems further down the road in the Middle East and Africa." ]
[ "What was the Treaty of Versailles? The Treaty Of Versailles was one of the treaties at the end of world war 1. It ended the state of war between Germany and the allied powers. The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on June 28, 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, one of the events that triggered the start of the war.", "The Treaty of Versailles -France thought the treaty was not tough enough on Germany. -Germany was unhappy it could not participate in the treaty negotiations. -Great Britain feared that the treaty was too harsh on Germany. -Japan was unhappy that its contribution to the war effort had gone unrewarded. -Germany resented the fact that it had to sign the treaty or face invasion.", "How did the Treaty of Versailles help Hitler? The Treaty of Versailles in the mind of the Germans stabbed them in the back, especially the guilt clause that made them take blame for the First World War. Hitler capaitalized on these sentiments and used them to rally the German people.", "- 1 F} DUPipeline_QISnippet_FirstGoodLong_Snippet_v1: {},{-1|-1|1|Treaty of Versailles: The failure of peace. 2 1. The Failure of Peace The Rise of Nationalism in the Colonies Chapter 28 AP World History; 3. The Meeting of the Big Four.3 France: Georges Clemenceau. The Failure of Peace The Rise of Nationalism in the Colonies Chapter 28 AP World History. 2 3. 3 4.", "World War II Many historians trace the roots of World War II to the Treaty of Versailles and other peace agreements that followed World War I. The Germans found it easy to blame the harsh Treaty of Versailles for their troubles. Germany set up a republican form of government in 1919.", "- For the Allies, the treaty had created a just peace which weakened Germany, secured the French border against attack and created an organisation to ensure future world peace, to be called the League of Nations. Yet the backlash in Germany against the Versailles ‘Diktat’ was enormous.", "- Answer: The goal of the Treaty of Versailles was to ensure that German aggression could not threaten European nations again, to that end the defeated Germans were loaded with war reparations and their economy essentially destroyed. These punitive measures, led mainly by the French, led inevitably to the rise of the Third Reich.", "The Treaty of Versailles - An Overview Summary: Signed on June 28th 1919 as an end to the First World War, The Treaty of Versailles was supposed to ensure a lasting peace by punishing Germany and setting up a League of Nations to solve diplomatic problems.", "- The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty ending war between Germany and the Allied powers in World War 1. The biggest, and most controversial, point of the treaty was t … hat Germany had to take responsibility for all damage and losses of the war.", "Treaty Of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles (1919) was a document signed between Germany and the Allied Powers following World War I that officially ended that war.he terms of the treaty are often blamed for helping create the conditions that led to World War II, a major reason that European integration, not retaliation, was the leading priority in 1940s post-war Europe.", "- Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I between Germany and the Allied Powers. Because Germany had lost the war, the treaty was very harsh against Germany. Germany was forced to accept the responsibility of the war damages suffered by the Allies.", "The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles Though nearly thirty nations participated, the representatives of the United Kingdom, France, the United States, and Italy became known as the “Big Four.” The “Big Four” dominated the proceedings that led to the formulation of the Treaty of Versailles, a treaty that ended World War I.", "Theodore Roosevelt Contrary to the Kaiser's hopes, Roosevelt upheld the treaty between England and France, leaving Germany with nothing. Years later, several historians interpreted Roosevelt's decision as the first step in aligning the United States with England and France against Germany in World War I.", "The Treaty of Versailles vs. The Treaty of Vienna. Both the Congress of Vienna, headed by Klemens von Metternich of Austria after the Napoleonic Wars, and the Paris Peace Conference, which was held after the Great War, resulted in treaties that were aimed At the end of WWI many treaties were signed with the defeated side, which was the Central Powers. Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 between Germany and the Allied Powers (representatives from France, United States, Great Britain and Italy), and was the harshest peace treaty of the war.oth the Congress of Vienna, headed by Klemens von Metternich of Austria after the Napoleonic Wars, and the Paris Peace Conference, which was held after the Great War, resulted in treaties that were aimed. Extracts from this document...", "European History/Print version Treaty of Versailles was monumental in the rise of Adolf Hitler from a struggling military officer to Fuhrer of the Third Reich. The Treaty of Versailles in the mind of the Ge … rmans stabbed them in the back, especially the guilt clause that made them take blame for the First World War.n the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was blamed for World War I, forced … to pay war debts, forced to demilitarize, and much of their original territory was distributed to the Allied Powers.", "Lodge Reservations The Treaty of Versailles posed ideological problems for many Republicans, including Henry Cabot Lodge. Most contentious of its propositions was the Covenant that called for the creation of a League of 46 nations which would arbitrate international law and maintain peace for the indefinite future.", "Was the Treaty of Versailles a good treaty? It made Germany very poor. Here are the terms of the Treaty of Versailles: Germany was to accept the blame for starting the war, under the terms of 'War guilt' cause. Germany was to reduce its army to 100,000 men. Germany could only have 6 battleships in its navy.he Treaty of Versailles was a treaty attended by all victorious nations of the Great War (Except for Russia as they were in the middle of a civil war). It was to sort out wha … t would happen to Germany as they were blamed of starting the Great War.", "- THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES CHAIRMAN: So … was the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 fair? GERMAN: No. It was a punitive peace, formed from Clemenceau’s bitterness and his will for revenge. Look at the terms: Germany was the only world power that must disarm – and they left it only with an army of 100,000 and six warships.", "Aprovocative After the French and Indian War, Britain was the premier colonial power in North America. The Treaty of Paris (1763) more than doubled British territories in North America and eliminated the French as a threat. While British power seemed more secure than ever, there were signs of trouble brewing in the colonies.", "\"\"\"Why Did The Germans Hate The Treaty Of Versailles\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" Treaty of Versailles Ends World War I. German resentment over harsh peace terms leads to a rise in nationalist sentiment and the eventual rise to power of Adolf Hitler. Introduction. World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Negotiated among the Allied powers with little participation by Germany, its 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations.", "How did the Treaty of Versailles help Hitler? The Treaty of Versailles in the mind of the Germans stabbed them in the back, especially the guilt clause that made them take blame for the First World War. Hitler capaitalized on these sentiments and used them to rally the German people. This is made obvious in his books Mein Kampf and its unamed sequel.", "45d. The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations 45d. The Big 4 of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 were (left to right) Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy, Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the United States. Literary Digest. As the war drew to a close, Woodrow Wilson set forth his plan for a just peace ..ermany was to admit guilt for the war and pay unlimited reparations. The German military was reduced to a domestic police force and its territory was truncated to benefit the new nations of Eastern Europe. The territories of Alsace and Lorraine were restored to France.", "The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles While the Treaty of Versailles did not satisfy all parties concerned, by the time President Woodrow Wilson returned to the United States in July 1919, U.S. public opinion overwhelmingly favored ratification of the Treaty, including the Covenant of the League of Nations.", "How did the Treaty of Versailles establish peace? The Treaty of Versailles, which the Allies signed with Germany at the end of the First World War, has had a bad reputation ever since. John Maynard Keynes, the great economist, thought it was stupid, vindictive and short-sighted and most writers of history and the public have followed his lead ever since.he Versailles Peace Treaty was designed to perpetuate the repartition of the capitalist world in favour of the victor countries, and to establish a system of relationships between countries aimed at strangling Soviet Russia and suppressing the revolutionary movement throughout the world.", "45d. The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations. Literary Digest. The Big 4 of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 were (left to right) Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy, Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the United States. As the war drew to a close, Woodrow Wilson set forth his plan for a just peace..", "- The Treaty of Versailles was the Treaty the Allied Powers forced Germany to sign after World War I. Not World War II. The Treaty blamed Germany for the entire war and made the … Germans pay enormous fines.Germany wasn't aloud to anex any more territory and it's Armed Forces had to stay at a certain number. On a related note, the Treaty of Versailles was not a complete aberration, in that a fair number of prior treaties had included provisions that forced restitution payments, stripped the loser of territory, and imposed military or political restrictions on the loser.", "World War II Compromise was reached through the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed between Germany and the Allies on June 28, 1919. As part of the treaty and following W. Wilson's Fourteen Points, the League of Nations was created, which aimed to keep peace among nations.", "- • 10 months ago. Not saying the pledge of allience is not right.we are Americans and that is part of our way of showing our live for out country. • 11 months ago. I personally think the way it was in the beginning was best. Without any changes. That was good enough in the beginning.", "- By looking at the way in which Hitler and the Nazis came to power, and by examining the inter-war period with respect to the Treaty of Versailles, it is clear that World War II was actually a continuation of World War I.", "- The Treaty of Versailles was a very harsh treaty but whether it was good or bad is a matter of opinion. Germany was seen as a violent, power hungry and money hungry country. The terms of the treaty reduced the size of its army and navy." ]
[ 17.015625 ]
[ 10.0546875, 8.6953125, 8.15625, 11.5390625, 8.59375, 10.2890625, 10.8828125, 10.671875, 10.375, 11.4921875, 10.1171875, 8.8984375, 5.15625, 8.53125, 10.5, 7.3203125, 12.0703125, 10.4296875, 4.58984375, 7.78125, 8.1953125, 8.21875, 10.0234375, 10.1953125, 8.5234375, 10.734375, 9.2109375, 5.20703125, 8.5234375, 13.109375 ]
meaning grief
[ "Grief Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, cultural, spiritual and philosophical dimensions. While the terms are often used interchangeably, bereavement refers to the state of loss, and grief is the reaction to that loss. Grief is a natural response to loss. It is the emotion" ]
[ "Coping with Grief and Loss Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. You may associate grief with the death of a loved one – and this type of loss does often cause the most intense grief.rief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. You may associate grief with the death of a loved one – and this type of loss does often cause the most intense grief.", "- Name ______________________________________ Date _____________________. Five Stages of Grief - Elizabeth Kübler Ross. EKR stage Interpretation. 1 - Denial. Denial is a conscious or unconscious refusal to accept facts, information, reality, etc., relating to the situation concerned. It's a. defense mechanism and perfectly natural. Some people can.", "- It took her years to get over her grief at the death of her mother. fig. I had no idea that forgetting my driver’s license would cause me so much grief (= trouble).", "- The lungs are also affected by grief as demonstrated by the heaving that occurs with crying. Grief depresses and weakens the lungs and, like anxiety, disturbs the easy and full movement of breath. According to Chinese medicine, the lungs extract qi from the air, regulating the supply of internal healing energy. When the lungs are weakened by grief, one's gen-eral health and vitality diminishes.", "- Anticipate the different stages of grief. While most people will go through each stage of grief, there is no time frame or correct way to do so. You also may find you don’t go through all the stages and that is fine, too. The stages of grief might look like: Denial- “This can’t be true.", "The 5 Stages of Grief & Loss The stages of mourning and grief are universal and are experienced by people from all walks of life. Mourning occurs in response to an individual’s own terminal illness, the loss of a close relationship, or to the death of a valued being, human or animal.. Reaching this stage of mourning is a gift not afforded to everyone. Death may be sudden and unexpected or we may never see beyond our anger or denial. It is not necessarily a mark of bravery to resist the inevitable and to deny ourselves the opportunity to make our peace.", "Coping with Grief and Loss The grieving process. Grieving is a highly individual experience; there’s no right or wrong way to grieve. How you grieve depends on many factors, including your personality and coping style, your life experience, your faith, and how significant the loss was to you. Inevitably, the grieving process takes time.", "Grief Counseling Grief is a natural reaction to the loss of someone important to you. Grief is also the name for the healing process that a person goes through after someone close has died. The grieving process takes time, and the healing usually happens gradually. Although everyone experiences grief when they lose someone, grieving affects people in different ways.", "Symptoms Of Grief Symptoms of Grief. Though each person grieves in unique ways, there are common behavioral, emotional, and physical signs and symptoms that people who are grieving typically experience. 1 Physically, persons affected by grief may experience: 2 Fatigue and exhaustion alternating with periods of high alertness and energy.", "Grief and Grieving - Cause Loss can cause feelings of grief, sometimes when you least expect it. You may find that old feelings of grief from past loss can be triggered by current experiences or anniversaries of that loss.", "Grief and Loss The reasons for grief are many, such as the loss of a loved one, the loss of health, or the letting go of a long-held dream. Dealing with a significant loss can be one of the most difficult times in a person's life. Different kinds of loss Feelings of loss are very personal, and only you know what is significant to you. People commonly associate certain losses with strong feelings of grief.", "Grief Symptoms, Causes and Effects Grief Symptoms, Causes and Effects. Grief is a normal part of coping with a loss, but for some people, it can be far more serious. In some situations, normal grief can lead to a grief disorder, which can require professional help to overcome.n some people, grief can lead to depression. Clinical depression is a serious condition that requires medical care. In fact, according to PBS, depression touches the lives of 15 million Americans each year. If you are, or a loved one is, suffering from depression, it is important to seek help as soon as possible.", "Grief, Bereavement, and Coping With Loss (PDQ®)âPatient Version This summary defines grief and bereavement and describes the different types of grief reactions, treatments for grief, important issues for grieving children, and cultural responses to grief and loss. It is intended as a resource to help caregivers of cancer patients.", "Ambiguous Grief: Grieving Someone Who Is Still Alive Though we still have a relationship with the person it has radically changed and we grieve the relationship we used to have. Our ‘ambiguous grief’ feelings may be sadness and yearning, anger and guilt, or a range of other emotions.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Grievance. In general, grievance is a wrong or hardship suffered, whether real or supposed, which forms legitimate grounds of complaint. In the past, the word meant oppressive state of things.", "Grief Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, cultural, and philosophical dimensions.", "Last name: Grief The form as Griffith and the patronymic Griffiths came to be used almost universally, as forename and surname, throughout Wales. The first element of the name Griff, is of uncertain origin, but is thought to mean strong grip, and when it occurs the second element iudd means chief or lord.", "Coping with Grief and Loss Coping with Grief and Loss Understanding the Grieving Process and Learning to Heal. Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life’s biggest challenges. Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness.", "What is Grief Grief is a painful process which Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, author of the classic On Death and Dying, divided into five stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Hundreds of books have been written about these stages, among the most accepted approaches to grief.", "Coping with Grief and Loss You may associate grieving with the death of a loved one—which is often the cause of the most intense type of grief—but any loss can cause grief, including: Divorce or relationship breakup Loss of health", "- We generally think of grief as a reaction to a death. But there is another grief that comes from loss while someone is still living. This grief is often seen when caring for someone with a chronic illness. Chronic illness, and particularly any illness that impairs a person’s cognitive ability, causes caregivers and loved ones to experience grief and loss right now. In this fact sheet, we will discuss the grief related to death and dying, and grief associated with chronic illness.", "Definitions &Translations While the terms are often used interchangeably, bereavement refers to the state of loss, and grief is the reaction to loss. Grief is a natural response to loss. It is the emotional suffering one feels when something or someone the individual loves is taken away.", "- Feelings of loss and grief can be experienced after we lose someone or something we care about like; the death of a loved one; loss of a relationship; loss of a pet; loss of a job; a change to your way of life; or loss of important possessions.eelings of loss and grief can be experienced after we lose someone or something we care about like; the death of a loved one; loss of a relationship; loss of a pet; loss of a job; a change to your way of life; or loss of important possessions.", "- with feelings of bitterness or grief ruefully accepted the fact that the drunk driver would never adequately pay for his crime Synonyms agonizingly, bitterly, dolefully, dolorously, grievously, hardly, inconsolably, lugubriously, mournfully, painfully, plaintively, regretfully, resentfully, hard, sadly, sorely, sorrowfully, unhappily, wailfully, ...", "Grief John Archer, approaching grief from an attachment theory perspective, argued that grief is a byproduct of the human attachment system. Generally, a grief-type response is adaptive because it compels a social organism to search for a lost individual (e.g., a mother or a child).", "Grief and Grieving - Symptoms 1 Physical expressions of grief often include crying and sighing, headaches, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, weakness, fatigue, feelings of heaviness, aches, pains, and other stress-related ailments.2 Emotional expressions of grief include feelings of sadness and yearning. Physical expressions of grief often include crying and sighing, headaches, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, weakness, fatigue, feelings of heaviness, aches, pains, and other stress-related ailments.", "Grief Signs and symptoms of complicated grief may include: 1 Intense sorrow and pain at the thought of your loved one. 2 Focus on little else but your loved one's death. 3 Extreme focus on reminders of the loved one or excessive avoidance of reminders.", "What Are The Magical Words? And don’t give up on them. When grief and the emotions that come with grief dominate your thoughts, your logic is clouded and you say and do things you normally would not. With that in mind, I still don’t know if I have the best “advice” for those who want to help grieving friends in their lives.", "- User: Grieving is a natural part of the process when experiencing loss. true or falseWeegy: Grieving is a natural part of the process when experiencing loss.True. User: Feeling guilty is normal when experiencing grief. true or falseWeegy: TRUE.", "grief come to grief (Informal) fail, founder, break down, come unstuck, miscarry, fall flat on your face, meet with disaster So many marriages have come to grief over lack of money. Quotations Grief is a species of idleness [Dr. Johnson letter to Mrs Thrale]" ]
[ 15.34375 ]
[ 12.3359375, 6.6171875, 11.7109375, 7.59765625, 7.78125, 8.0546875, 9.015625, 13.53125, 8.375, 8.640625, 10.0703125, 9.6875, 9, 8.21875, 4.9375, 15.6484375, 6.0546875, 8.703125, 14.078125, 9.2421875, 11.140625, 13.1484375, 9.4765625, 6.59375, 12.3671875, 9.0859375, 9.875, 6.44140625, 7.78515625, 12.6875 ]
protein should make up what % of total daily calories
[ "How Much Protein Should a Person With Diabetes Eat? Daily Protein Intake. As long as your kidneys are healthy, about 15 - 20 percent of your daily calories should come from protein, which is the same amount suggested for a regular balanced diet. About 45 to 50 percent of your caloric intake should come from carbohydrates, and the rest should come from fat. A person who needs 2,000 calories per day needs about 75 to 100 grams protein per day. Foods that are high in protein include meat, fish, fish and seafood, chicken, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For example: 1 One-half chicken breast has 29 grams protein. One cup black beans has 15 grams protein." ]
[ "- Adults in the U.S. are encouraged to get 10% to 35% of their day's calories from protein foods. That's about 46 grams of protein for women, and 56 grams of protein for men. It's not hard to get this amount if you eat two to three servings of protein-rich foods a day, according to the CDC. A small 3-ounce piece of meat has about 21 grams of protein.", "- As a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.An easier way to figure this out in your head is to take your weight, divide it in half, and subtract 10.s a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.", "How to Calculate Percent of Calories From Protein in Your Diet The result is the percentage of calories in your diet that day that came from protein. For example, if you ate a total of 2,000 calories and 700 of those calories came from protein, the resulting equation would be (700 x 100) divided by 2,000 = 35 percent of calories from protein.", "How Much Protein Should a Kid Get in a Day? The recommended percentage of protein remains the same -- 10 to 30 percent of daily calories -- for those ages 9 to 13. Moderately active girls should eat an average of 1,800 calories per day and 180 to 540 of those calories should come from protein sources.he Institute of Medicine recommends kids between the ages of one and three eat enough protein to account for 5 to 20 percent of their total calorie intake each day. For a moderately active child who averages 1,200 calories per day, between 60 and 240 of those calories should come from protein sources.", "- The US Recommended Daily Allowance for protein ranges between 46-56g for adults, depending on gender. Sometimes this number is also defined as 0.8g/kg bodyweight, if relative to weight. This is usually the lowest recommended estimate as it does not assume any extraneous conditions.", "Recommended Percentage of Carbohydrates in Your Diet Percentage of Calories. A fairly common recommendation is that carbohydrates should account for anywhere between 45 and 65 percent of your total calories. If you get a high level of activity each day, you will want to favor the higher end of the scale to help replenish depleted glycogen stores. Protein and fat, the other two macronutrients, should account for between 10 to 15 and 20 to 35 percent of your calories, respectively.", "Carbohydrates Protein or Fat. How Much of Each? When and Why? In 2003/4 a survey of the retail trades showed that weekly household food expenditure on confectionary exceeded the expenditure on fresh fruit. The MoH recommends that 50-55% of our daily energy intake should come from carbs, however at the last survey they accounted for only 46% of the average person’s diet.", "How much protein should a person eat per day? But the truth about protein is that many people don't need as much as they are taking in. Adults in the U.S. are encouraged to get 10% to 35% of their day's calories from protein foods. That's about 46 grams of protein for women, and 56 grams of protein for men. It's not hard to get this amount if you eat two to three servings of protein-rich foods a day, according to the CDC. 1 A small 3-ounce piece of meat has about 21 grams of protein. 2 One 8-ounce container of yogurt has about 11 grams of protein. 3 One cup of milk has 8 grams of protein. 4 One cup of dry beans has about 16 grams of protein.", "Proteins Nutrition Facts Quite a few programs and nutritionists quote percentage of calories, usually in the range of 10 percent to 20 percent, as a way to figure out how much protein a person needs to consume daily. This is a rough estimate of a person's minimum protein needs.", "How Much of Your Daily Caloric Intake Should Come From Carbohydrates, Fats & Protein? Fat should comprise 20 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake. If you eat 2,000 calories per day, your fat intake should range from approximately 44 g to 78 g of fat per day. Most of your fat intake should be in the form of unsaturated fats, such as nuts, seeds, fatty fish and avocados.", "Calories, Fat, Carbs & Protein Per Day As a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.s a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.", "Proteins, Fats, and Carbs: How to Balance Your Diet Once you increase your physical activity, you will need to make sure you consume enough protein to help build and repair muscles. It is recommended that you aim for 20-25% of your daily calories from protein. For a 2,000-calorie diet, this would be about 400-500 calories from protein (100-125 g) per day. Make sure to choose lean protein such as chicken, fish, beans, lentils, nuts, or non-fat milk.", "Calories, Fat, Carbs & Protein Per Day Consuming 20 percent of your total calories from protein equates to 400 calories a day based on a 2,000 calorie diet. As a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein.So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.An easier way to figure this out in your head is to take your weight, divide it in half, and subtract 10.onsuming 60 percent of your total calories from carbohydrates equates to 1,200 calories a day based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Below is an easy-to-understand explanation of how carbohydrates impact the human body and the degree to which we need them (or not) in our diet.", "- Adults in the U.S. are encouraged to get 10% to 35% of their day's calories from protein foods. That's about 46 grams of protein for women, and 56 grams of protein for men. It's not hard to get this amount if you eat two to three servings of protein-rich foods a day, according to the CDC.1 A small 3-ounce piece of meat has about 21 grams of protein.hat's about 46 grams of protein for women, and 56 grams of protein for men. It's not hard to get this amount if you eat two to three servings of protein-rich foods a day, according to the CDC. 1 A small 3-ounce piece of meat has about 21 grams of protein.", "Carbohydrates: How carbs fit into a healthy diet The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates.That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day.he Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates.", "- The acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (ADMR) state that protein should make up 10-35% of total calories. You can calculate this easily. 1) Each protein provides 4 … calories per gram, so first take the grams of protein consumed and multiply by 4. This will give you the calories provided by the protein you consume. 2) Divide this number by total calories consumed in the day and you will have the percent of calories provided by protein.", "- Adults in the U.S. are encouraged to get 10% to 35% of their day's calories from protein foods. That's about 46 grams of protein for women, and 56 grams of protein for men. It's not hard to get this amount if you eat two to three servings of protein-rich foods a day, according to the CDC.", "Normal Suggested Amount of Fat & Protein Intake for Women With more exercise, you need to take in more fat intake to provide energy. Protein should make up 10 to 35 percent of your diet, equaling between 50 and 175 g per day. Again, with increased exercise, you place greater demand on your body's metabolism and need to consume more protein. Protein is helpful for restoring damaged cellular tissue. You need about .8 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. If you exercise more than an hour a day or lift weights heavily, you need up to 1.5 g per 1 kg body weight.", "How Much Protein Should a Person With Diabetes Eat? Daily Protein Intake. As long as your kidneys are healthy, about 15 - 20 percent of your daily calories should come from protein, which is the same amount suggested for a regular balanced diet. About 45 to 50 percent of your caloric intake should come from carbohydrates, and the rest should come from fat. A person who needs 2,000 calories per day needs about 75 to 100 grams protein per day. Foods that are high in protein include meat, fish, fish and seafood, chicken, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds.", "How much protein should a person eat per day? Babies need about 10 grams a day. School-age kids need 19-34 grams a day. Teenage boys need up to 52 grams a day. Teenage girls need 46 grams a day. Adult men need about 56 grams a day. Adult women need about 46 grams a day (71 grams, if pregnant or breastfeeding) You should get at least 10% of your daily calories, but not more than 35%, from protein, according to the Institute of Medicine. Choose the Healthiest Sources of Protein Just about every type of food has protein.", "Calories, Fat, Carbs & Protein Per Day As a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.An easier way to figure this out in your head is to take your weight, divide it in half, and subtract 10.o, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound. An easier way to figure this out in your head is to take your weight, divide it in half, and subtract 10.", "What Percentage of My Daily Calories Should Come From Carbohydrates? Proteins should make up a significant amount of your daily calories. Photo Credit: Liv Friis-Larsen/iStock/Getty Images In addition to the 45 to 65 percent of your calories that come from carbohydrates, proteins should make up 10 to 35 percent of your daily calories, while fats should make up 20 to 35 percent, according to the IOM. Your age, sex, weight and activity level make a difference in how much of each nutrient you need within those guidelines.", "How Much of Your Daily Caloric Intake Should Come From Carbohydrates, Fats & Protein? Each gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories. Carbohydrates should comprise 45 to 65 percent of your daily calorie intake. Using these recommendations, if you require 2,000 calories per day, you should consume 225 g to 325 g of carbohydrates daily. When choosing carbohydrates, it is best to choose whole-grains and fruits and vegetables, which are high in fiber.", "- Ten to 35 percent of your total daily calories should come from protein. Avoid unhealthy saturated fats by choosing beans, low-fat dairy products, white meat poultry, fish and lean meat.Ninety percent lean ground beef and the chuck, sirloin, loin and round cuts of beef qualify as lean meat.our body needs some fat, so your daily intake should account for 20 to 35 percent of your calories. The type of fat you consume makes all the difference to your health: Unsaturated fats lower cholesterol, while saturated and trans fats raise cholesterol.", "- The fact is that most Americans get enough protein in their diets. Adults generally need 10 to 35 percent of their total daily calories to come from protein. Based on a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet, this amounts to about 50 to 175 grams a day. Of course, you can get protein from sources other than meat.", "- Daily Food. The calories you consume should be around 15% proteins, 50%-65% carbohydrates, and 20%-35% fats. Carbohydrates provide faster energy, fat more long-burning, and protein replenishes and keeps muscles healthy over time.Reducing protein too much will be devastating on a long-distance hike.Carbohydrates and proteins have 4 cal/gram (113 cal/oz), while fats have 9 cal/gram (255 cal/oz). It is a good goal to find calorie-dense foods so fewer pounds are carried for the same amount of energy.aily Food. The calories you consume should be around 15% proteins, 50%-65% carbohydrates, and 20%-35% fats. Carbohydrates provide faster energy, fat more long-burning, and protein replenishes and keeps muscles healthy over time.", "What 25 Grams of Protein Looks Like [INFOGRAPHIC] For instance, if you’re logging low to average amounts of exercise (less than 30 minutes a day), women should be shooting for a baseline of 46 grams of protein per day, and men should be somewhere around 56 grams, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).", "Low-carb and calories For example I weigh 78kg so my daily intake of protein should be 62.4g of protein per day. As well as have a look on the back of the packet to find out how much protein is in that piece of meat/ product.Most food products have food labels which gives you the actual contents of what is included.n the 4000 calorie diet of our 100 kilogram bodybuilder, 40% protein would be 1600 calories, equivalent to 400 grams of protein at 4 calories per gram. That's 4 grams/protein/kilogram body weight/day; over four times the RDI and twice what's scientifically defensible.", "Protein to Carb Proportion on a High Protein Diet Protein and Carb Percentages. High-protein diets usually contain between 27 percent and 68 percent protein. The exact amount of carbohydrates is determined by the total amount of calories consumed by the individual, but it is usually between 50 grams and 150 grams of carbohydrate per day.", "How Much Protein Should I Consume Per Day? Food consumption surveys show an average protein intake of approximately 100 grams per day (regardless of body type, sex, or exercise levels), with about 70% of that from high fat animal products. Most people could do with significantly less protein per day (about 45-55 grams per day is adequate for most).ood consumption surveys show an average protein intake of approximately 100 grams per day (regardless of body type, sex, or exercise levels), with about 70% of that from high fat animal products. Most people could do with significantly less protein per day (about 45-55 grams per day is adequate for most)." ]
[ 13.671875 ]
[ 13.671875, 15, 13.609375, 13.5625, 10.4453125, 12.625, 10.71875, 12.4609375, 12.4765625, 12.328125, 14.578125, 14.4375, 15.28125, 13.0625, 12.2109375, 16.25, 13.90625, 12.3828125, 13.828125, 13.1484375, 14.609375, 15.4765625, 11.921875, 15.1640625, 15.21875, 13.4140625, 9.625, 10.2734375, 11.703125, 9.96875 ]
how much caffeine is recommended while breastfeeding
[ "Is Caffeine Safe for Consumption While Breastfeeding? Caffeine is one of the most popular stimulants in the world. Though studies and opinions fall on both sides of the debate, pregnant and breastfeeding women are typically told that caffeine consumption is okay as long as caffeine is consumed in moderation. During a recent interview with Dr. Ruth Lawrence published in the Journal of Caffeine Research, caffeine is safe for breastfeeding women, but during the first few weeks of life, caffeine consumption should be limited to no more than 300mg of caffeine or about 2 small cups of coffee from all sources." ]
[ "Breastfeeding and Caffeine About 1% of the caffeine a breastfeeding mother drinks is transferred to her breast milk. So if a mother drinks coffee with 300 mg of caffeine in it about 3mg of caffeine will end up in her breast milk during the peak timeframe. That’s about the same amount of caffeine in a 4oz glass of chocolate milk.Photo credit: epSos.de via flickr.o if a mother drinks coffee with 300 mg of caffeine in it about 3mg of caffeine will end up in her breast milk during the peak timeframe.", "caffeine In humans, evidence exists that doses of more than 300 mg of caffeine a day (about the amount of caffeine in 2-3 cups of coffee) may cause miscarriage or problems with the baby's heart rhythm. Women who take more than 300 mg of caffeine a day during pregnancy are also more likely to have babies with low birth weights.", "Nutrition Tips for Breastfeeding Mothers Iron is also important for breast-feeding mothers. If you are 18 years of age or younger, you should get 10 milligrams of iron per day. For those over 19, the suggested daily intake is 9 milligrams. Good sources of iron include: Meat.", "- Make sure that it is caffeine free, if you are drinking more than three cups daily. Make sure that the specific herb is safe to take while breastfeeding. List of safe and unsafe herbs can be found below. Make sure that the specific herb in the tea does not decrease breast milk supply.", "Moderate Caffeine Consumption During Pregnancy Moderate Caffeine Consumption During Pregnancy. ABSTRACT: Moderate caffeine consumption (less than 200 mg per day) does not appear to be a major contributing factor in miscarriage or preterm birth. The relationship of caffeine to growth restriction remains undetermined.", "- Almost 20% of mothers were heavy caffeine consumers during pregnancy (300 mg/d or greater), and while the incidence of frequent night awakening in children tended to increase, the difference was not significant when compared with those consuming less than 300 mg/d (22.5% vs 13.5%, P = .114).", "Vitamin B12 and Breastfeeding Vitamin B12 and Breastfeeding Recommendations. The Recommended Dietary Intake (RDA) of vitamin B12 for breastfeeding women is 2.8 mcg per day, compared to 2.6 mcg per day for pregnant women and 2.4 mcg per day for most other adults. While the RDA is good for preventing deficiencies in most women, much higher doses are required to treat a deficiency.", "Caffeine and the nursing mom Yes, but don't overdo it. When caffeine enters your bloodstream, a small amount of it (usually less than 1 percent) ends up in your breast milk. The amount in your milk peaks a couple of hours after you consume it. Since your newborn's body can't easily break down and get rid of caffeine, it may accumulate in his system. (At about 3 months, your baby will begin to process caffeine more efficiently, and over time it'll become easier for him to excrete it.)", "Tea and Breastfeeding Precautions when Drinking Herbal Teas while Nursing. 1 Make sure that it is caffeine free, if you are drinking more than three cups daily. 2 Make sure that the specific herb is safe to take while breastfeeding. List of safe and unsafe herbs can be found below. 3 Make sure that the specific herb in the tea does not decrease breast milk supply.", "Find Out How Much Cafffeine Is Safe To Consume During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding, Including A Chart Of How Much Caffeine Is In Drinks And Foods. The magic number? Try to cap caffeine use to 200-300 mg per day. “Study results are not entirely consistent; however, most studies show that more than 300 mg/day of caffeine is associated with a 2-fold increased risk of miscarriage,” stays Dr. Murray.", "Caffeine during pregnancy Researchers continue to try to identify the exact effect of caffeine on your baby and your pregnancy. ACOG says that so far, mild caffeine intake (less than 200 mg) isn't considered to be a major cause of miscarriage or premature birth. One large study, however, found that mothers who consumed more than 300 mg of caffeine a day were more likely to give birth to babies who were small for their gestational age.", "What effect does the mother's consumption of caffeine have on the breastfeeding infant? What effect does the mother's consumption of caffeine have on the breastfeeding infant? THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING, page 225, states that the amount of caffeine in five or fewer five-ounce cups of coffee (less than 750 ml) will not cause a problem for most mothers and babies.", "Social drugs and breastfeeding A maternal dose of one or two cups of coffee (60 – 180 mg caffeine) is clinically insignificant for the infant. Newborn babies may take up to 80 hours to metabolise caffeine. Because of this long excretion time in the very young baby, caffeine may accumulate in significant amounts.", "Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Calorie Calculator Breastfeeding Calorie Calculator. It is estimated that during the first several months of breastfeeding, your body will require an additional 500 calories per day to establish and keep up your milk supply. If your milk supply begins to diminish, try increasing this number by 50-100 calories per day.f you are breastfeeding and also attempting to lose weight, and plateau at this calorie intake, simply lower your calories by 50-100 per day one week at a time until you begin to lose weight again. Read here for more detailed information on breastfeeding and weight loss.", "Coffee safety warning: Drink no more than four coffees a day - or two if you're pregnant, say experts The risk is particularly high for pregnant women - who should have a maximum of two cups a day - and young people. In its first guidelines on caffeine consumption, the EU’s food safety watchdog has advised a daily limit of 400mg. The average mug of instant coffee contains around 100mg of caffeine. Scroll down for video.", "- Avoid excess caffeine. While caffeine can cross the placenta, the effects on your baby aren't clear. To be safe, your health care provider might recommend limiting the amount of caffeine in your diet to less than 200 milligrams a day during pregnancy.", "- Caffeine is a drug found in many foods, drinks, chocolate and some medicines. It’s a stimulant, which means it can keep you awake. Most adults get caffeine mainly from coffee. The March of Dimes recommends that women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant get no more than 200 milligrams (mg) of caffeine per day.", "Should I limit caffeine during pregnancy? If you’re pregnant, you should limit the amount of caffeine you have to 200 milligrams (mg) a day – the equivalent of two mugs of instant coffee. Caffeine is found naturally in lots of foods, such as coffee, tea and chocolate. It’s also added to some soft drinks, energy drinks, and cold and flu remedies.", "The Breastfeeding Diet Here’s what to aim to consume each day to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need and offering your baby a taste for the healthy stuff early on: Protein: 3 servings. Calcium: 5 servings (or 1,500 mg—especially important since breastfeeding draws from your calcium reserves) Iron-rich foods: 1 or more servings.", "Caffeine during pregnancy ACOG says that so far, mild caffeine intake (less than 200 mg) isn't considered to be a major cause of miscarriage or premature birth. One large study, however, found that mothers who consumed more than 300 mg of caffeine a day were more likely to give birth to babies who were small for their gestational age.", "Breastfeeding and Caffeine Is baby sensitive to my caffeine intake? According to the Breastfeeding Answer Book (LLLI 2003, p. 599-600), excessive caffeine consumption by the mother (more than 750 mg per day) can result in a baby who shows signs of caffeine stimulation. “A baby who is being overstimulated by caffeine is a wide-eyed, active, alert baby who doesn’t sleep for long.", "Find Out How Much Cafffeine Is Safe To Consume During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding, Including A Chart Of How Much Caffeine Is In Drinks And Foods. Try to cap caffeine use to 200-300 mg per day. “Study results are not entirely consistent; however, most studies show that more than 300 mg/day of caffeine is associated with a 2-fold increased risk of miscarriage,” stays Dr. Murray.", "Caffeine and pregnancy: what's safe? You don't have to give up caffeine while you're pregnant (ACOG 2010, FSA 2008, Jahanfar and Jaafar 2013). However, you should try to cut down if you usually have more than 200mg of caffeine a day.", "Breast milk transmits drugs and medicines to the baby Give up smoking, do not drink more than three cups of coffee per day, do not take any kind of drug, or if you do, take it as long as possible before feeding your baby. These are some of the recommendations contained in a study produced by researchers on methods for detecting medicines and drugs in breast milk.", "Find Out How Much Cafffeine Is Safe To Consume During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding, Including A Chart Of How Much Caffeine Is In Drinks And Foods. According to our source, one regular 8 oz cup of drip coffee generally contains between 104-192 mg of caffeine, so stick to 1-2 cups per day.", "Pregnancy guide You should give up coffee. FALSE. Actually, you can enjoy a brew, but you need to watch quantity. Too much caffeine (also found in tea, cola and chocolate) can increase your risk of miscarriage. The NHS recommends a limit of 200mg a day of caffeine, the equivalent of two mugs of instant coffee. FALSE. The latest advice is not to 'eat for two'. In fact, energy needs don’t change in the first six months of pregnancy, and they increase only slightly (by around 200 calories each day) in the last three months.", "CSPI ranks the safety of food additivesâfrom acetic acid to yellow prussiate of sodaâin this definitive glossary of the chemicals used to flavor and preserve our foods. There's general agreement that pregnant women and those trying to conceive should avoid consuming large quantities of caffeine. But after decades of controversy and conflicting evidence, there's still no consensus on how much caffeine is safe during pregnancy. To err on the side of caution, the March of Dimes advises women to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams per day, which is about one 12-ounce cup of coffee.", "Caffeine intake and gestation About 97% of mothers reported caffeine consumption (average intake of 129.9 mg/day the year before pregnancy); soda was the primary source of caffeine.The proportion of mothers reporting dietary caffeine intake of more than 300 mg/day was significantly higher among those who smoked cigarettes or drank alcohol.his relationship is attributed to a stronger pregnancy signal linked to higher concentrations of pregnancy hormones in viable pregnancies. Caffeine consumption has been shown to decrease with increasing pregnancy symptoms during the early weeks of pregnancy 1.", "- With most studies indicating that the effects of caffeine are related to amount of caffeine consumed, it would seem prudent for women contemplating pregnancy to limit caffeine consumption. Thus some experts have suggested an arbitrary threshold of less than 100 mg per day.", "Caffeine During Pregnancy: How Much is Safe? 1 Some coffee resulted in a 20% increased risk for their child. 2 More than 2 cups of coffee (about 300mg of caffeine) resulted in a 60% increased risk for their child. 3 4 or more cups (about 600mg of caffeine) resulted in a 72% increased risk of leukemia." ]
[ 16.328125 ]
[ 14.8984375, 10.3984375, 6.71875, 9.6640625, 10.46875, 11.9375, 5.18359375, 11.0859375, 10.2734375, 12.84375, 9.9921875, 13.9453125, 13.1953125, 5.765625, 8.3671875, 11.6328125, 10.109375, 10.5703125, 6.65234375, 10.4140625, 14.84375, 12.6875, 10.25, 9.2578125, 12.9609375, 9.5078125, 10.65625, 9.3046875, 10.46875, 9.890625 ]
how to put a roof on your deck
[ "- Re: How To Put Roof Over Existing Deck. I think it will depend on what the local building and safety officials say about needing an engineer. I know that here in CA. I can engineer this using what is called 'conventional construction' techniques and design." ]
[ "- Nail in the first metal sheet to the wood of the roof. You should use about 20 nails per sheet. Whenever possible, nail in the valley between the ridges, where the roofing is closest to the wood. Place the second metal sheet alongside the first with an overlap of 3 to 4 inches (or 10 cm).", "Wood shakes and wood shingles Wood roofing may be attached to a roof deck with noncorroding, galvanized steel or stainless steel nails or noncorroding metal staples. A minimum of two fasteners should be used to attach each shake or shingle.", "- Re: Installing Roof Jacks. Make sure they are on the joists and not just into the sheeting. You can fastenen them with with nails or heavy deck screws, but 16p nails is what I use. When I'm done I just drive the nails down flush & tar over them with roofing cement.", "Installing a Roof Over Your Deck Categories: DIY, Home Improvement. A deck with a roof serves as the best possible outdoor living space. A roof provides shade and keeps your family dry during wet weather. It also can add to the aesthetic appeal of the space. The best time to build a roof over your deck is during the building of the deck itself. Discuss the following issues with your professional handyman during the design process.", "- I plan to put a metal roof on the retirement home that I'm building. The roof will be trusses with 2 foot spacing. Over the trusses will be Avantech Zip roofing panels.The Zip panels will have the seams taped over with Avantech's Zip panel tape.(They claim this will make the roof rain tight up to 120 days).hen putting metal over a sheathed roof, what I've seen done is to run vertical furring strips on top of the sheathing, on top of the trusses, then put purlins cross-ways.", "- Step 3--Continuing to Add Shingles. The remaining shingles are placed onto the hip roof in the same manner as the shingles you placed in Step 1. Work on one row of shingles at a time until you are finished. You will need to trim the sides to the correct angles.", "- Plumb and square up the trusses as you install using scrap 2 x 4-inch wood (5 x 10 cm). Keep checking that they remain plumb. 2. Begin installation of the roof deck once you have enough trusses in place. Lay a minimum of .75-inch (19 mm) plywood lengthwise from the bottom up to the center ridge using 12 penny nails.", "- You plan to install a shed roof over a deck that is off-center to a gable portion of your house. You cannot penetrate the eaves on one end and make it look right. The answer is a much more complex hipped roof. In other words a shed roof that is hipped on the end.", "- Go to a Truss Builder in your area, or you can probably find one thru Home Depot or Lowe's. All they would need is the length of your trailer and what pitch you want the roof to be, to determine how many trusses you will need.", "- Make sure it goes all the way in and hits the sheathing. Secure the deck boards with 2 nails or screws where each board crosses a joist. 3 nails or screws may be necessary over the rim joists. Whether you choose to use nails or screws, be sure to choose galvanized fasteners to keep them from rusting out. They should be at least 3-1/2 inches long to penetrate the framing.", "How to Attach Roof Felt on a Shed 5. Begin at the bottom of the decking, on one end, and roll the felt length way, along the lower edge of your roof. For hip type shed roofs, begin at the hip, allowing a foot or so of the felt to hang over the hip.", "how much does it cost to build a roof over a deck Re: How To Put Roof Over Existing Deck. Not sure how you build your roofs but yes, the weight of a roof does put load on beams (or, in the OP's case, 2' cantilevered joists and rim joist). Esp. when the roof has snow on it. OP, Warner has it - new posts and footings for the roof.", "How to Install a Tonneau Cover: A Guide to Truck Bed Cover Installations 1 Attach the rails that came with your tonneau cover to your bed. 2 If using an over-the-bed rail liner, you may have to cut notches in it for the tonneau’s clamps to poke through. 3 Align the tonneau cover’s rails and tighten all mounting hardware until it loosely holds the rails in place. The first thing you’ll want to do is select the tonneau cover that’s the best fit for your needs and for your truck. 2 See below for more info about which tonneau is best for you. 3 Attach the rails that came with your tonneau cover to your bed.", "- Things You'll Need. Build the frame of the roof on the ground. Frame up a box the size of the outer dimensions of your deck using 2 by 4 inch lumber. Then run joists connecting the front of your roof with the rear every two feet along the length of your roof. Tie your existing deck posts into the roof by extending your corner posts with the 4 by 4 lumber. Make the front of the roof the height of the house roof you are presumably tying into, with the rear sloping at a rate of six inches over two feet.", "How to Roof a House When you reach the top of the roof, run your last row long (Photo 6), and drape the paper over the peak (top ridge) onto the other side. When you reach the top on the other side of the roof, run that paper up and over as well. That way you'll end up with a watertight ridge.", "Above Deck Rigid Foam Insulation for Existing Roofs Install Insulating sheathing above the roof deck on existing homes. This retrofit assembly is appropriate for homes with conditioned attics or where the retrofit is intended to create a conditioned attic. Remove existing roofing and non-adhered underlayment to expose roof sheathing.", "Building a Porch Roof Place a column in the anchor on one end of the decking, plumb, and secure properly. You may need to brace the column while you continue. On this building a porch roof project, a beam is placed against the ledger board and fastened to the top of the end column.", "- 1 Lay the panels on the ground the way you want them to be on the roof. This helps in setting up the lap of the panels. Install a corrugated roofing wall connector panel to a wall with roofing sealant when installing panels for a patio cover. Follow manufacturer's instructions for the sealant application.", "- Build a frame for a raised deck Construct the frame or frames using 150mm stress-graded joists and 150mm (6) timber drive screws to join the timbers together. 1. Construct the frame It is easiest if you make up the outer deck bearer frame first (see page 2) and then use temporary legs to support it in position.2.. Fix the posts Concrete the posts into the ground adjacent to the deck, or secure them firmly to the deck frame posts. Don’t cut them off at deck base level as they won’t be stable. For a pergola on a raised deck, ensure that the pergola uprights are firmly attached to the deck frame.", "Covering a flat roof Unroll the felt 30 minutes before starting the job. This is easier to do when you have the rolls on the roof. The first layer to fix to the roof is the underlay and should be laid at right angles to the direction of the fall of the roof. Cut the underlay felt to length using a sharp craft knife.ontinue to fix the underlay in this fashion until the roof is covered. When a length of felt runs out before reaching the edge of the roof, join another length to the end allowing a 100mm (4in) overlap. Nail in place spacing the nails at 50mm (2in).", "How to Make Roof Trusses Steps. 1 1. Design your roof truss. As with any structural member, a faulty design will undermine even the most professional of installations. 2 2. Saw the truss members to size. After designing the truss, saw each member to its required length. 3 3. Lay the truss members out on the ground.", "- 1 Remove damaged or deteriorated caulking so the new application can bond to the roof or flashing surface. 2 Use a putty knife to remove the loosened old caulk. 3 Clean and dry the area. 4 Cut the tip off the caulk tube and spread a bead along the same line, working it into the crack with an applicator. 5 Let it dry.", "- Kayak Roof Rack Step 3: Bring the straps over the kayak or canoe. Photo Credit: Photo © by George E. Sayour. Once the boat is on the roof of the car and the straps are around the bars, pull the straps over the canoe or kayak to the other side of the canoe roof rack.It is quite common to see people throw the straps over the canoe to the other side.nce the boat is on the roof of the car and the straps are around the bars, pull the straps over the canoe or kayak to the other side of the canoe roof rack. It is quite common to see people throw the straps over the canoe to the other side.", "- Building the Walls and Roof. 1 1. Frame the walls of your house. 2 2. Plumb the walls and brace them securely. 3 3. Lay out the marks for setting your roof trusses. 4. Set each truss in the correct 1 location. 5. Nail a sub-facia board to connect the ends of each rafter. 6. Install roofing felt for use as a moisture barrier.", "How To Build A Deck | #3 Decking [Posts/Border/Decking] Visit http://www.House-Improvements.com for help with your deck build. In this video, Shannon shows you how to install the top decking material on the framed deck. In this case it is using pressure treated 2x6 wood.If you have questions about your deck or other home improvement projects, stop by the forum on our website, where Shannon will answer your questions in detail for free.n this video, Shannon shows you how to install the top decking material on the framed deck. In this case it is using pressure treated 2x6 wood. If you have questions about your deck or other home improvement projects, stop by the forum on our website, where Shannon will answer your questions in detail for free.", "How to Build a Deck: Composite Decking and Railings Good to Know. If you're not installing skirting, you can cut the decking flush with the joists. On the last deck board, you’ll have to rip it to fit and then cut a groove into the board with a router. To secure the board, place the start / stop clips in the groove and attach with screws.", "How to Shingle a Hip Roof Place the first shingle on the roof so that the bottom of it is even with the edge of the hip roof at the bottom. Trim the sides of the shingle so it matches the angle of the hip roof ridge it is against. If you begin on the left, the left of the shingle should be trimmed.", "How to Build a Wood Deck on Your Home The steps involved in adding a wood deck include: Layout foundation and dig holes for posts. Cut 6”x 6” foundation posts to length. Notch posts for outer band joists. Set posts in holes, and fill holes with concrete. Attach band joists to posts. Attach inner joists to band joists.", "How to add a pitched roof to a mobile home with existing flat roof? Report Abuse. Go to a Truss Builder in your area, or you can probably find one thru Home Depot or Lowe's. All they would need is the length of your trailer and what pitch you want the roof to be, to determine how many trusses you will need. ((The pitch is how many inches the roof goes UP in one foot length.", "How to Join a Metal Carport Roof to a Shingle Roof The lower edge of the flashing rests atop the final section of carport roof panels. Overlap any two adjoining pieces of flashing 12 inches. Cut a piece to length, if necessary, with sheet metal cutters. Position the flashing with the lower edges atop the carport roof panels along the transition. Nail the upper edges of the flashing to the roof sheathing where the shingles were removed with 6-penny galvanized roofing nails and a hammer or roofing hatchet." ]
[ 9.96875 ]
[ 8.640625, 8.8515625, 7.93359375, 12.046875, 6.24609375, 9.078125, 12.0234375, 8.796875, 5.55859375, 8.4921875, 10.28125, 10.109375, 2.728515625, 14.71875, 5.90234375, 9.2265625, 10.84375, 9.0703125, 7.08984375, 6.23046875, 4.9921875, 5.40625, 1.404296875, 8.5546875, 7.76171875, 6.0234375, 6.32421875, 8.390625, 4.39453125, 4.70703125 ]
what food is from sweden
[ "- Swedish food consists of a good deal of breads and meats, some dairy, and jams, cakes, and godis are big during any time of the day. Because of the “fika”, Swedes tend to eat more smaller meals multiple times during the day instead of two or three large meals." ]
[ "What flavor are swedish fish? Red Swedish Fish candy are soft and chewy fish-shaped candies with a strawberry flavor. These red gummi candies are favorites of not just kids, but grown ups too! wait what.... TROUT!!!!!! from http://www.answers.com/topic/swedish-fish. Swedish Fish Red is designated as trout.", "Famous Swiss Foods Switzerland is well-known for the cuisine it produces, in particular cheese and chocolate. The country's food is diverse and seasonal, carrying influences from Italy, France and Germany. Traditional Swiss food is rich, in both flavor and calories, and rarely uses herbs and spices.heese and fondue go hand in hand, but Swiss cuisine has several fondue variations. Swiss cheese, made up of raw milk, is perhaps the most famous cheese to come out of the country. Other famous cheeses are still produced by hand and include Gruyere, Gruyère, Emmentaler tete Tête, De moine Sbrinz. and vacherin", "Swiss cuisine A cart displaying food produced in Switzerland. There are many regional dishes in Switzerland. One example is Zürcher Geschnetzeltes, thin strips of veal with mushrooms in a cream sauce served with Rösti. Italian cuisine is popular in contemporary Switzerland, particularly pasta and pizza. Foods often associated with Switzerland include cheese and chocolate.", "Finnish Food Finnish Food. Finland is well-known for a wide variety of healthy foods: f rom traditional Finnish dish es to fast food to more European alternative s. So much choice is available for those who would love to get a taste of this country.Here we offer insight on the very best Finnish cafes, restaurants and exotic dishes.inns also enjoy eating various types of meat and sausages even though prices of both are rather high here. The most common kind of sausage in Finland is called Makkara. You can find it at every single market in different flavors, from cheesy to chili. Click here for more of traditional Finnish foods.", "15 Things Not to Do When You Travel to Sweden Don't Get Decaf. Learn to enjoy coffee in Sweden-do not ask for a decaf substitute, it's awful and not always available. Coffee and cinnamon buns might as well be the society glue, giving people a reason to get together and be social especially in Stockholm. The Swedes love their personal space.", "- Dutch cuisine (Dutch: Nederlandse keuken) consists of the cooking traditions and practices from the Netherlands. The country's cuisine is shaped by the practice of fishing and farming, including the cultivation of the soil for raising crops and the raising of domesticated animals, and the history of the Netherlands.he Dutch diet was relatively high in carbohydrates and fat, reflecting the dietary need of the laborers whose culture molded the country, and contains many dairy products. Without many refinements, it is best described as rustic, though many holidays are still celebrated with special foods.", "A Brief History of Swedish Fish In Sweden, the fish-shaped wine gums are called pastellfiskar (pale-colored fishes) and are distributed by Malaco; they also come in salmiak, a black salty licorice flavor that is evidently hugely popular in Sweden because it's everywhere.n Sweden, the fish-shaped wine gums are called pastellfiskar (pale-colored fishes) and are distributed by Malaco; they also come in salmiak, a black salty licorice flavor that is evidently hugely popular in Sweden because it's everywhere.", "- Learn about some of Hungary's sausages, or kolbasz, and their infinite varieties -- from fresh to smoked and from boiled to cured. Learn about some of Hungary's sausages, or kolbasz, and their infinite varieties -- from fresh to smoked and from boiled to cured.", "Scandinaviansâ Strange Holiday Lutefisk Tradition Lutefisk—codfish (fisk) preserved in lye (lut)—is both a delicacy and a tradition among Scandinavian-Americans, who serve the chemical-soaked, gelatinous fish with a warm and friendly smile. Lutefisk, or lutfisk in Swedish, is a traditional dish in Norway, Sweden, and parts of Finland.But today, Scandinavians rarely eat lutefisk. Far more lutefisk is consumed in the United States, much of it in church and lodge basements.In fact, the self-proclaimed “lutefisk capital of the world” isn’t in Norway but in Madison, Minnesota, where a fiberglass codfish named “Lou T. Fisk” welcomes visitors to this lye-fish loving town.ar more lutefisk is consumed in the United States, much of it in church and lodge basements. In fact, the self-proclaimed “lutefisk capital of the world” isn’t in Norway but in Madison, Minnesota, where a fiberglass codfish named “Lou T. Fisk” welcomes visitors to this lye-fish loving town.", "- Hot dishes a) Fish dishes b) Meat dishes 8. Dessert a) Cheeses b) Sweet desserts. Smoergasbord (smörgÃ¥sbord anglicised as) smorgasbord is A swedish term meaning an abundant buffet meal set with several hot and cold, dishes from appetizers to, desserts laid out together on the. tableot dishes a) Fish dishes b) Meat dishes 8. Dessert a) Cheeses b) Sweet desserts. Smoergasbord (smörgÃ¥sbord anglicised as) smorgasbord is A swedish term meaning an abundant buffet meal set with several hot and cold, dishes from appetizers to, desserts laid out together on the. table", "What foods should I try in Switzerland? Traditionally of course Fondue and Raclette and cheese in general and chocolate. The things Switzerland is most famous for internationally. (Is said has the best chocolate in the world (invented milk chocolate like we know it today) and some of the best cheeses).", "Christmas in Norway Many different types of cakes and biscuits are eaten over the Christmas period in Norway. One of the most popular is a special bread called 'Julekake' that has raisins, candied peel and cardamom in it. Here's a recipe for Norwegian Hole Cake.s in Finland, a sheaf of wheat is often left out for the birds to eat over Christmas. Also a type of rice porridge is sometimes left for the 'Nisse' who is believed to guard the farm animals. In some parts of Norway, children like to go carol singing.", "- Gourmet Food Store offers the finest selection of fresh truffles and truffle products from France and Italy. Our fresh truffles are imported weekly from France and Italy while they are in season.rance is most famous for its black truffle, or the Perigord Truffle, while Italy has been culinary blessed with the white truffle, also known the Piedmont or Alba Truffle. There are many names for these precious tubers, but only one place to find them: right here!", "- #5 You will squeeze food out of toothpaste tubes. To prepare you for your first visit to the cold foods section of a grocery store, understand that in Sweden, tubes are also used to package foods such as caviar, mayonnaise, mustard, and other similar condiments.", "Eating in Iceland (if you are not an Icelander) First I would like to say you one thing about Iceland's food: don't be scared ! They don't eat anything odd, except for a few national foods which are not that usual: hakari (hákari rotten shark) meat and (hrutspungar pickled ram). testicleshile you are in Iceland, don't be shy and try all types of bread you can. There are several local bread types, the ones we liked the most were the flatbrauð and the kryddbrauð. The first is a flat bread (as the name suggests) but it tastes quite different from any bread I had eaten. It is odd, but good.", "- Actually, the Swedish meatball was created with inspiration from the Ottoman Empire - after King Charles XII spend several years at Bender in present-day Moldavia, he and his followers introduced Ottoman delicacies such as the meatball, coffee, cabbage-wrapped meatballs (kÃ¥ldolmar, suffed cabbage) and other things.", "- The 5 best and 5 worst types of Icelandic food. Hangikjöt is smoked Icelandic lambs. It is reputed to be especially good because of how the sheep are farmed, which is quite old fashioned: they are free to roam around the wilderness of the unspoiled and rather barren highlands all summer long without any supervision at all.", "- Related Candies. 1 Marabou Noblesse Crisps: Original, Dark & Orange. 2 Sugarfina: The Gummis. 3 Swedish Fish Jelly Beans. 4 Sockerbit Swedish Candy Selections. 5 All Gummies Gourmet Fruity Fish (Swedish Fish knock-off) 6 Swedish Aqua Life. 7 Salted Licorices: Djungelvral and Dubbel Zout.", "- The food of the Swiss is unusual in that it has so many regional influences from the cuisine of its neighbors. This includes the French, German and Italians. Historically, Switzerland was a farming country, and the most popular crops and foods include cheese and potatoes as well as chocolate.witzerland Dishes. Swiss Dishes. 1 Zuercher Zürcher-Eintopf zurich style hot. 2 Pot vegetables and meat are served all in the same. 3 Pot-Fondue this is a Famous swiss food made of melted. 4 Cheese bread pieces or potato pieces are dipped in. 5 Cheese-Rosti this is a common swiss dish made from grated potatoes that are raw or. cooked", "- In Sweden, the dish is called schnitzel or Wienerschnitzel, and is made most commonly of pork, and is usually decorated with a caper-filled circle of either genuine anchovies or the Swedish fake ansjovis (made of brine-cured sprats).n Sweden, the dish is called schnitzel or Wienerschnitzel, and is made most commonly of pork, and is usually decorated with a caper-filled circle of either genuine anchovies or the Swedish fake ansjovis (made of brine-cured sprats).", "Dutch cuisine Breakfast and lunch differ little in Dutch cuisine and both consist of bread with a wide variety of cold cuts, cheeses and sweet toppings; such as hagelslag, vlokken, muisjes, gestampte muisjes, chocolate spread, treacle (a thick, dark brown sugar syrup called stroop), and peanut butter.he Dutch diet was relatively high in carbohydrates and fat, reflecting the dietary need of the laborers whose culture molded the country, and contains many dairy products. Without many refinements, it is best described as rustic, though many holidays are still celebrated with special foods.", "Learning to Love Denmark's National Lunch, the Smorrebrod: You Don't Have to Pronounce It, You Just have to Eat It The word smorrebrod (whose pronunciation doesn’t translate well to English—just listen to a Dane say it), derives from smør og brød, or “butter and bread,” and while the smorrebrod tends to start from those two staples, there’s far more to it than that.", "Rusk Beschuiten are also eaten as a breakfast food with a variety of toppings, most commonly butter and sprinkles in flavours such as chocolate (chocoladehagel) or fruit (vruchtenhagel), or cheese. A longtime Dutch tradition is to serve strawberries on beschuit usually topped with some sugar or whipped cream.n Norway, rusk is referred to as kavring, and is similar to the Swedish skorpor. Crushed kavring, called stroekavring, strøkavring is, used amongst other, things for making kjoettkaker kjøttkaker and in the traditional dessert. tilsloerte tilslørte bondepiker", "- Rullepoelse (. [rullepølse]), ˈʁulə̆ˌpoelsə̆ ˈʁulə̆ˌpølsə̆ meaning rolled Sausage, in danish is A traditional danish, meat food usually eaten as a cold cut and appropriate for smoerrebroed smørrebrød on. top of rugbroed rugbrødullepoelse (. [rullepølse]), ˈʁulə̆ˌpoelsə̆ ˈʁulə̆ˌpølsə̆ meaning rolled Sausage, in danish is A traditional danish, meat food usually eaten as a cold cut and appropriate for smoerrebroed smørrebrød on. top of rugbroed rugbrød", "- Switzerland. The food of the Swiss is unusual in that it has so many regional influences from the cuisine of its neighbors. This includes the French, German and Italians. Historically, Switzerland was a farming country, and the most popular crops and foods include cheese and potatoes as well as chocolate.he food in Europe can be characterized by four categories: meats, sugar, cereals, and fats. Meats include tripe, fish, blood sausages, and wild game. Brought from India and the New World, cane sugar became a necessary ingredient in European recipes and foods.", "A Brief History of Swedish Fish This past summer, with much, much ado, the Philadelphia-based icy treat chain Rita's Water Ice introduced a new flavor to their Italian ice line up. Vaguely cherry-ish and definitely red, the Swedish Fish flavor was available for only a limited time, but it made an indelible mark on the Swedish Fish-loving populace. Bloggers dedicated much virtual ink to the terrifyingly red concoction.", "- Originating in Austria, the breaded schnitzel is popular in many countries and made using either veal, mutton, chicken, beef, turkey, reindeer, or pork. It is very similar to the French dish escalope.", "- #1 Comfort Food in Sweden: Frestelse. This popular Easter and Christmas dish of potatoes, anchovies and cream was developed as a Swedish response to the French dish Gratin Dauphinois and is often served as part of a large smorgasbord of other dishes. Get the Recipe: Jansson's Frestelse.", "Deviled egg In Sweden, the deviled egg is a traditional dish for the Easter SmörgÃ¥sbord, where the yolk is mixed with caviar, cream or sour cream, optionally chopped red onion, and decorated with chopped chives or dill, perhaps with a piece of anchovy or pickled herring.", "- Some other well known Swiss dishes are: 1 Geschnetzeltes: sliced pieces of meat (pork, veal, chicken) served with a sauce and often rösti; 2 Cheese fondue: various kinds of Swiss cheese melted in a pot. 3 Raclette: various kinds of food (bread, mushrooms, meat, potatoes) covered in molten or scalloped cheese." ]
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[ 7.15625, 6.0625, 7.83984375, 4.59765625, 9.1875, 3.92578125, 9.953125, 2.607421875, 7.2421875, 10.8359375, 6.01953125, 4.375, 1.3671875, 11.03125, 2.873046875, 11.8125, 3.89453125, 9.6328125, 6.51171875, 10.328125, 3.962890625, 4.3125, 4.44921875, 6.078125, 5.65625, 8.65625, 6.3984375, 14.3359375, 9.515625, 5.92578125 ]
function of reticular layer of dermis
[ "The Skin The dermis consists of a papillary and a reticular layer which serve to protect and cushion the body from stress and strain. Differentiate among the regions of the dermis and the hypodermis. The dermis is divided into a papillary region and a reticular region." ]
[ "Dermis Apart from these cells, the dermis is also composed of matrix components such as collagen (which provides strength), elastin (which provides elasticity), and extrafibrillar matrix, an extracellular gel-like substance primarily composed of glycosaminoglycans (most notably hyaluronan), proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. graphic representation of the interface between skin epithelium and the underlying connective tissue the reticular dermis. The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the cutis) and subcutaneous tissues, that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain.", "dermis dermis, the layer of the skin just below the epidermis, consisting of papillary and reticular layers and containing blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves and nerve endings, glands, and hair follicles. Formerly called corium.", "Integumentary System Reticular Layer. Accounts for 80% of the thickness of the dermis, it is coarse, irregularly arranged, and dense fibrous connective tissue. Collagen fibers provide strength and resiliency, Elastic fibers provide stretch-recoil properties.", "- The primary function of the epidermis is to be a protective barrier. The thicker, inner layer is called the dermis. The dermis is the most important part of the skin and is some-times referred to as “true skin.” The dermis contains capillaries, sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles, and nerves.True/False) — The elderly patient has more subcutaneous fat to insulate the body.13. (True/False) — The skin layers and under-lying adipose tissue serve as a unique outer shield of protection against the environment. Complete the following: 14. List four changes that commonly occur as the integumentary system ages.a.", "What is the purpose of the hypodermis? is the deepest layer of the skin. composed of adipose and areolar connective tissue. The hypodermis is also known as the subcutaneous layer. it provides insulation and sto … res fat.", "- The reticular dermis accounts for the greater part of the dermis. On this level, the elastin and collagen fibres are multidirectional, whereas in the dermal papillae the elastin fibres are mainly oriented perpendicular to the skin surface.", "Human Physiology/Print Version A graphic representation of the interface between skin epithelium and the underlying connective tissue the reticular dermis. The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the cutis) and subcutaneous tissues, that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain. graphic representation of the interface between skin epithelium and the underlying connective tissue the reticular dermis. The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the cutis) and subcutaneous tissues, that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain.", "- The dermis is the second, or middle, layer of a person's skin. It contains fibers of collagen and elastin, which are important proteins. The collagen and elastin in this layer of skin form a durable mesh-like layer.he dermis contains fibers of collagen and elastin, which deplete as a person ages. A diagram of younger skin and older skin showing the different layers. Most anti-aging creams are too dense to penetrate to the demis. The dermis is below the epidermis, or the top layer of skin.", "dermis dermis, the layer of the skin just below the epidermis, consisting of papillary and reticular layers and containing blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves and nerve endings, glands, and hair follicles. Formerly called corium.dermal, adj.ermis. the corium; the principal layer of skin between the epidermis and the subcutaneous tissue; made up mostly of a network of collagen fibers but also containing nerves, blood vessels, cells and other fibers.", "What is the main function of the dermis in the skin? The blood vessels of the dermis provide nutrients to the skin and help regulate body temperature. Heat makes the blood vessels enlarge (dilate), allowing large amounts of blood to circulate near the skin surface, where the heat can be released. Cold makes the blood vessels narrow (constrict), retaining the body's heat.", "Do we really have seven layers of skin? The dermis has two layers within its layer. The first layer in the dermis is the dermal papillary layer. The next layer within the dermis is the dermal reticular layer; this layer is the location of a lot of structures such as the hair follicles and the blood vessels.", "Skin Health The dermis is the inner layer of skin situated between the epidermis and other tissues of the body, such as connective tissue, subcutaneous fat, muscle, and bone. The dermis can vary in depth from 0.3 mm to 4 mm depending on body location and is generally at least ten times thicker than the epidermis (7, 8) .However, nearly 75% of the weight of the dermis is a matrix of collagen, an extracellular protein that allows for both structural support and elasticity of the skin.Thus, the primary role of the dermis is a mechanical support network for the epidermis, providing integrity and flexibility to skin.uch of the role of nutrition in skin health focuses on the effects of deficiency, since the structural components of the skin are supported by a variety of nutritive factors, such as small peptides, minerals, and vitamins, which serve as enzyme cofactors, activators, or inhibitors (4) .", "What is the Dermis? The dermis is comprised of two layers: the papillary dermis and the reticular dermis. The papillary dermis is the more superficial of the two, and lies just beneath the epidermal junction. It is relatively thin and is made up of loose connective tissue, which includes: Capillaries.", "- The Dermis. The dermis is located beneath the epidermis and is the thickest of the three layers of the skin (1.5 to 4 mm thick), making up approximately 90 percent of the thickness of the skin. The main functions of the dermis are to regulate temperature and to supply the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood.", "What Is the Function of the Dermis? Structures found in the dermis include: 1 Connective tissue - Specifically collagen and elastin. 2 Blood capillaries (the smallest of blood vessels) and other small vessels. 3 Lymph vessels. 4 Sweat glands.", "What does the cuticle do in a leaf? What is the function of the epidermis and cuticle layers in a leaf? The epidermis and cuticle layer provide protection from the outside environment. The opening allow for gas and liquid exchange with the environment.", "Some facts about skin Three layers of skin: The epidermis: a thin outer portion, that is the keratinised stratified squamous epithelium of skin. The epidermis is important for the protective function of skin. The basal layers of this epithelium are folded to form dermal papillae. Thin skin contains four types of cellular layers, and thick skin contains five.", "The Skin Key Points. 1 The dermis is divided into a papillary region and a reticular region. 2 The primary function of the dermis is to cushion the body from stress and strain, and to also provide: elasticity to the skin, a sense of touch, and heat. 3 The dermis contains hair roots, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, nerves, and blood vessels.", "What is the difference between the dermis epidermis? 2nd-Dermis. 3rd-Hypodermis. The difference between the Epidermis and Dermis is the Epidermis is their functions. The Epidermis strives to: Where as the Dermis's function is respiration. The thousands of tiny blood vessels or capillaries stop here, from where they supply the outer skin layer.lrighty the epidermis, the upper or outer layer of the skin, is a tough, waterproof, protective layer. The dermis, or inner layer, is thicker than the epidermis and gives … the skin its strength and elasticity.", "Human Physiology/Print Version A graphic representation of the interface between skin epithelium and the underlying connective tissue the reticular dermis. The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the cutis) and subcutaneous tissues, that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain.", "Hypodermis layer - Function of hypodermis Its function is to supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues in the hypodermis, dermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands. The thickness of hypodermis varies considerably in respect of body area, nutritional status, age and gender of the individual. In thin areas of the skin like eyelids, genitals, and nipples, it is nearly absent.", "Sweat Glands The thick bottom layer of the dermis (the inner layer of the skin). The reticular dermis has blood vessels and connective tissue that supports the skin. Hair follicles, oil and sweat glands, and other structures are also found in the reticular dermis.", "Anatomy and Physiology Ch 5 Structure and function of the dermis in general Structure; deep part of skin; connective tissue composed of two layers function; is responsible for the structural strength and flexibility of the skin; the epidermis exchanges gases nutrients and waste products with blood vessels in the dermis", "RIXIMKA DUMARKA 1 Sensation: An important function of the skin dermis is to detect the different sensations of heat, cold, pressure, contact and pain. 2 Sensation is detected through the nerve endings in the dermis which are easily affected by wounds.3 This sensation in the skin plays a role in helping to protect us from burn wounds.he outermost or upper layer of the skin is called the epidermis (this is the part that we see, feel and touch). The epidermis, which consists of several layers, is mostly made of dead epithelial skin cells. Directly beneath the epidermis, is the other primary skin layer, which is called the dermis.", "- The Dermis. The dermis is located beneath the epidermis and is the thickest of the three layers of the skin (1.5 to 4 mm thick), making up approximately 90 percent of the thickness of the skin. The main functions of the dermis are to regulate temperature and to supply the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood.he Dermis. The dermis is located beneath the epidermis and is the thickest of the three layers of the skin (1.5 to 4 mm thick), making up approximately 90 percent of the thickness of the skin. The main functions of the dermis are to regulate temperature and to supply the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood.", "What Is the Function of the Dermis? The papillary layer, the upper layer of the dermis, contains a thin arrangement of collagen fibers. The lower, reticular layer is thicker and made of thick collagen fibers that are arranged parallel to the surface of the skin. Roles It Plays The dermis is the thickest layer of skin and arguably the most important.", "Dermis - Papillary layer of dermis Meissner's corpuscles (touch receptors) present in this region in sensitive areas make skin sensitive to touch. One of the important role of papillary layer of dermis is in formation hair, its growth and cycling.", "The Skin The upper layer is the papillary layer while the lower layer of the dermis is the reticular layer. The papillary layer helps provides the layer above it, the epidermis, with nutrients to produce our skin cells called keratinocytes. It also helps regulate the temperature of our skin and thus the body as a whole.", "Basal Lamina: Definition & Function This is known as the basal lamina. It's like padding for the epithelium above. Directly beneath the basal lamina sits the reticular lamina portion of the basement membrane, which acts as a net of collagen fibers, a type of connective tissue that provides support and structure to the overall basement membrane layers.", "- Hypodermis layer - Function of hypodermis. Hypodermis, also known as subcutaneous tissue, has important functions. Hypodermis layer lies immediately below the dermis. It is the lowermost layer of our integumentary system. Though hypodermis is not part of the skin, it is very essential for anchoring the skin to the body." ]
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what causes a sonic boom physics
[ "What Is a Sonic Boom? Did it explode? Nope! You can still see it flying. Then what was that sound? It was a sonic boom. A sonic boom is a loud sound kind of like an explosion. It's caused by shock waves created by any object that travels through the air faster than the speed of sound. Sonic booms create huge amounts of sound energy. When an object moves through the air, it makes pressure waves in front of and behind it." ]
[ "- Photo: guillermomadrid (flickr). When planes like this one exceed the speed of sound, shock waves form causing a sonic boom when they hit the ground. When a speed boat moves through water, it creates waves you can see. Planes create similar waves in the air, which you can hear.", "Can a meteor make a sonic boom? Can a meteor make a sonic boom? When an object travels faster than the speed of sound in Earth's atmosphere, a shock wave can be created that can be heard as a sonic boom. Large meteors frequently produce sonic booms which can be heard before they are slowed to below the speed of sound by Earth's atmosphere. Can a meteor make a sonic boom? | Cool Cosmos.", "Pulsatile Tinnitus - Causes and Treatments Anything that increases blood flow can cause pulsatile tinnitus. Muscle spasm in the soft palate can cause a clicking sound which is rapid (60-200 beats per minute), repetitive and intermittent. This is associated with multiple sclerosis, small vessel disease, tumor or degenerative neurological disorders. The small muscle attached to the stapes bone in the middle ear can spasm which produces a crackling or rumbling noise. There are other, mostly rare, causes of pulsatile tinnitus as well as those mentioned here. If pulsatile tinnitus is caused by turbulent flow in arteries, pressure applied to the upper neck on the side of the tinnitus should alter or reduce it. If it is venous in origin, the Valsalva maneuver may improve it.", "- These 10 animal facts will amaze you. Thunder is caused by the sudden expansion of the air around a lightning bolt's path. The deep rumbling and sharp cracks of thunder are produced as the air around the lightning bolt is superheated — up to about 54,000° Fahrenheit (about 33,000° Celsius) — and rapidly expands.", "- In turn, this expansion of air creates a sonic shock wave, similar to a sonic boom, which produces the sound of thunder, often referred to as a clap, crack, peal of thunder, or boom.", "Mystery of your fridge's strange NOISES solved: Scientists finally figure out why it makes such a racket at night The loud cracking noises from household fridges disturb up to half of households according to researchers. Using specialised sensors they found that the noises occur due to the contraction and expansion of the fridge components and panels as they change temperature. This constant shape changing creates stress in the parts and over time they start to produce different noises depending on their size, shape and location.", "Sonic boom The sound source is travelling at 1.4 times the speed of sound (Mach 1.4). Since the source is moving faster than the sound waves it creates, it leads the advancing wavefront. A sonic boom produced by an aircraft moving at M=2.92, calculated from the cone angle of 20 degrees. An observer hears nothing until the shock wave, on the edges of the cone, crosses their location.", "ELECTRIC CURRENT, VOLTAGE AND POTENTIAL [ â edit | edit source] Electric shock is the physiological reaction, sensation, or injury caused by electric current passing through the (human) body. It occurs upon contact of a (human) body part with any source of electricity that causes a sufficient current through the skin, muscles, or hair. Very small currents can be imperceptible. Stronger current passing through the body may make it impossible for a shock victim to let go of an energized object.", "- I recently heard a clap of thunder so loud it made me scream. Mark Baines, Niles, Ill. Dear Mark, Thunder is the sound generated by lightning and is the result of the shock wave initiated by the explosive expansion of a column of air as it is heated to more than 50,000 (degrees) F by a lightning stroke.", "The Causes of Internal Engine Knock, and How to Eliminate it. Abnormal combustion got the nickname knock from the noise that is transmitted from the colliding of the multiple flame fronts and the increased cylinder pressure that causes the piston, connecting rod and bearings to resonate.", "ELECTRIC CURRENT, VOLTAGE AND POTENTIAL [ â edit | edit source] Electric shock. Electric shock is the physiological reaction, sensation, or injury caused by electric current passing through the (human) body.[1] It occurs upon contact of a (human) body part with any source of electricity that causes a sufficient current through the skin, muscles, or hair.", "Which best describes when a sonic boom occurs? A. when a object travels at or above the speed of sound B. when an object travels at the speed of sound C.When an object travels below the speed of sound D. When an object travels above the speed of sound Which best describes when a sonic boom occurs? A. when a object travels at or above the speed of sound. B. when an object travels at the speed of sound. C.When an object travels below the speed of sound. D. When an object travels above the speed of sound.", "How Does Sound Travel Through the Air? The way that sound travels is an oft discussed topic in basic science for younger children. Many kids can easily identify a source of sound and understand how the ear detects it, but struggle to understand the process in between. Just like light, sound travels in waves caused by air molecules that vibrate. If a drum is banged the air molecules around the drum vibrate, and these vibrations cause air molecules slightly further away to shake in turn. The process repeats until the vibrations lessen and the sounds begin to dissipate.", "The Why Files Thunder — the cracking or rumbling you often hear — is caused by thermal expansion and contraction. Lightning bolts can get far hotter than the sun’s surface — up to 20,000° Celsius. That heats the air, causing it to expand, and starting a shock wave that moves as sound waves — thunder.", "- Mani Gandham, adtech/enterprise/software/startups. Views. Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. When a lightning bolt strikes, the air immediately around it is superheated by the pressure and temperature of the electricity. This heated air rapidly expands and creates a sonic shock wave similar to a bomb explosion or when a jet breaks the sound barrier.", "Shock wave The sound wave is heard as the familiar thud or thump of a sonic boom, commonly created by the supersonic flight of aircraft. The shock wave is one of several different ways in which a gas in a supersonic flow can be compressed.", "- That sudden breaking of the foam rubber is the earthquake. That's just what happens along a strike-slip fault. Earthquake-like seismic waves can also be caused by explosions underground.", "What Causes Thunder? These 10 animal facts will amaze you. Thunder is caused by the sudden expansion of the air around a lightning bolt's path. The deep rumbling and sharp cracks of thunder are produced as the air around the lightning bolt is superheated — up to about 54,000° Fahrenheit (about 33,000° Celsius) — and rapidly expands. This rapid expansion creates an acoustic shock wave that manifests itself as thunder. The closer the lightning is, the louder the clap of thunder will seem to be. Lightning is a discharge of electricity in the atmosphere.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Causes Of A Carotid Bruit Yes: A bruit is basically the turbulence in an artery caused by a blockage. A good analogy would be when a nice wide silently flowing river narrows and gets very turbulent and loud like a rapid. If the humming you hear is pulsatile / cyclical then it could very well be coming from your carotid arteries.", "- That sudden breaking of the foam rubber is the earthquake. That's just what happens along a strike-slip fault. Earthquake-like seismic waves can also be caused by explosions underground. These explosions may be set off to break rock while making tunnels for roads, railroads, subways, or mines. These explosions, however, don't cause very strong seismic waves.", "Electrical Hum: Causes & Solutions If you’ve tracked the buzzing sound to lights that are set on dimmers, this is likely the cause of the problem. Try switching your light bulbs to rough service bulbs, which are sturdier and vibrate less. 2. Mains hum. If you get the electrical hum from electrical wiring or equipment, this can be known as mains hum. This is normal, and usually occurs from the vibration of these appliances with motors switching on and off. Sometimes audio equipment can create and amplify a mains hum. 3. Wiring", "The Sound and the Fury A. The banging is the vibration of metal coils in the machine caused by rapid pulses of electricity, said Dr. Keith Hentel, chief of emergency/musculoskeletal imaging at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.he pulses cause not just the desired changes but undesired vibrations of the gradient coils, resulting in the banging heard during an M.R.I. examination. As stronger magnets result in stronger vibrations, the higher the field strength of the M.R.I. scanner, measured in teslas, the louder the banging, Dr. Hentel said.", "- The effects of sonic booms on humans are reviewed. The most important effects are the development of startle responses, disturbance of ongoing activities, interference with sleep and annoyance. The information available on the occurrence of these effects is reviewed with special emphasis on dose-response relationships.", "What causes the sound of thunder? Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion of the air surrounding the path of a lightning bolt. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Thunderstorms and Lightning - Facts about lightning and thunderstorms are presented, as well as information on protecting oneself during lightning and thunderstorms.", "Earthquake Booms, Seneca Guns, and Other Sounds Naval firing might explain some of the Seneca guns that occurred before jet planes were in wide use. In particular, naval gunfire might have caused some of the booms that were heard during the 1800’s and early 1900’s, when it might have been more common for ships to fire within a few miles of shore.", "sibilant rhonchus Added sound with musical pitch occurring during inspiration or expiration, heard on chest auscultation and caused by air passing through bronchi narrowed by inflammation, spasm of smooth muscle, or presence of mucus in lumen. [L. fr. G. rhenchos, a snoring].", "What causes a sonic boom? Sonic booms happen when an object moves faster than sound. See the attached picture. The moisture is squeezed out of air near the time when the boom is launched which is why you see a Vapor cone around the jet. Like many things in physics a simple mental experiment tells you all you need to know.", "- Knocking is caused by preignition, where the heat in the cylinder causes the gas to ignite before the spark plug does. The noise could also be piston slap, which is caused by … a worn cylinder wall. Try using a higher octane/grade gas and see if the noise goes away. In certain engines like the Malibu 3.1 liter and others, the knocking is caused by a piston rocking in the cylinder. This is called piston slap. Usually, a knocking engine is very bad, and requires replacement or rebuild of the engine. If the engine is going clank-clank-clank at idle, and the sound gets louder … when you get on the gas and disappears for a sec or two when you let off, that means you gotta replace the engine.", "- Historical Examples. 1 The electric waves are said to cause the filings to cohere—that is, to cling together more closely. 2 Mechanically I did the same, and wondered why filings were packed in that kind of a barrel. 3 The third method of causing the decoherence of the filings is that due to T. Tommasina.", "Sonic boom This overpressure profile is known as an N-wave because of its shape. The boom is experienced when there is a sudden change in pressure, therefore an N-wave causes two booms-one, when the initial pressure-rise reaches an observer, and another when the pressure returns to normal." ]
[ 14.4609375 ]
[ 12.5859375, 11.828125, 1.82421875, 5.57421875, 10.875, 0.1773681640625, 12.859375, 0.7783203125, 5.08984375, 0.8017578125, 1.0849609375, 9.078125, 5.109375, 6.08984375, 8.40625, 12.1875, 3.884765625, 5.3125, -0.0006060600280761719, 3.654296875, -0.358642578125, 3.671875, 9.453125, 3.84375, 8.28125, -0.211181640625, 15.6796875, 2.55078125, -1.71875, 13.2421875 ]
what are the parts of a wheel
[ "- These are the common parts found on a traditional spinning wheel. The arrangement of these parts may vary from wheel to wheel. A. Fly Wheel - The wheel that rotates when treadling and causes the other various parts to operate. B. Drive Band - A cord that goes around the fly wheel and the flyer whorl. C. Flyer - A U-shaped piece of wood with hooks lined up on one or both arms. The hooks are used to store the yarn evenly on the bobbin.", "Wheel/Rim Parts - What is the difference between a wheel and a rim The main difference between wheel and rim is that rim is not the whole wheel but only a part of the wheel. Key parts of the wheel are rim and disc. The hub may be also considered as a part of the wheel. The hub is wheel base with studs on which the wheel is attached to the suspension. The rim is a cylindrical wheel outer edge holding the tire on the wheel. Main function of the rim is supporting and sealing the tire to the wheel." ]
[ "What Are the Benefits of Alloy Wheels? While steel wheels are acceptable for use on everyday roads, some drivers prefer the better alternative. Alloy wheels refer to any wheels made from a combination of aluminum and small traces of other metals. Aluminum combined with these other metals creates a supremely strong and lightweight wheel.", "6 Kinds of Simple Machines Wheel & Axle: A wheel is a circular device that is attached to a rigid bar in its center. A force applied to the wheel causes the axle to rotate, which can be used to magnify the force (by, for example, having a rope wind around the axle).", "Wheel and Axle Examples Examples of Wheel and Axle: The large disc is the wheel, and the small cylinder or rod is the axle. There may be two wheels attached to the axle like in the image to the left, or it could be a single wheel and axle. The wheel is one of the greatest inventions in history, but it does not work without the axle.", "Brake Rotors/Discs Replacement Service & Cost A brake rotor is a smooth metal disc attached to the wheel hub. Most new cars (1999 and above) come with rotors at each wheel. Older cars may have drums instead of rotors at the rear wheels. Brake rotors play an important part in the braking system.", "- Welcome to Wheel Anatomy 201: Beads and Flanges. Today we will be reviewing the various structures located on the outer barrel of the wheel. These structures will include the drop center, beads, mounting humps and flanges.", "- A sewing machine composes several simple machines. It consists of a wheel and axle, pulley, lever & wedge(the needle). As far as I know, these are the simple machines that … form the sewing machine.", "- Motor parts: 1 back plate, center pole, front plate – these three parts are usually made of iron or a similar permeable material to form the magnet circuit with the magnet. The front plate and pole piece form the gap of the magnet circuit.", "- Wheel Repair. Classic Components, Inc. offers welding, cosmetic wheel straightening and general repair service. We use a state-of-the-art Syncrowave Tig Welder and have the ability to service most auto and motorcycle wheel repairs. Check below for retail pricing on most repairs.ith auto and motorcycle wheel repair, you can save money. Classic Components, Inc. has provided quality service for over 75 years of combined experience in the chrome plating industry.", "Wheel The earliest wheels were made of a solid piece of wood. A wheel is a circular component that is intended to rotate on an axle bearing. The wheel is one of the main components of the wheel and axle which is one of the six simple machines. Wheels, in conjunction with axles, allow heavy objects to be moved easily facilitating movement or transportation while supporting a load, or performing labor in machines.", "As good as new: how to repair alloy wheel damage DIY repairs. Everyone kerbs a wheel at some time. It’s possible to repair light damage with an over-the counter kit comprising sand papers, a filler, primer and paint. You may want to apply a lacquer on top, depending on the wheel’s finish.", "- Wheel bearing are one of the most crucial components of a car's suspension. They are usually located in the hub (the part that the brakes and wheels are attached to) or even the brake drum or rotor itself. Wheel bearings allow the wheel to rotate freely as the car travels down the road. Most cars have an inner and an outer bearing on each wheel.", "Parts of the Spinning Wheel These are the common parts found on a traditional spinning wheel. The arrangement of these parts may vary from wheel to wheel. A. Fly Wheel – The wheel that rotates when treadling and causes the other various parts to operate. B. Drive Band – A cord that goes around the fly wheel and the flyer whorl. C. Flyer – A U-shaped piece of wood with hooks lined up on one or both arms. The hooks are used to store the yarn evenly on the bobbin.", "Parts of a Car Fender: The bar at the front and back of the car the helps protects the car when it is hit. It is called the Bumper in Britain. Fuel gauge: A part of the dashboard that lets you know how much gasoline / petrol there is in the petrol tank. It usually has the letters F for Full and E for Empty.oot: The enclosed space usually at the back of a car where you can put your bags etc. It is called the Trunk in the United States. Bonnet: The metal lid at the front of the car that covers the motor. It is called the Hood in United States.", "Wheel/Rim Parts - What is the difference between a wheel and a rim The terms wheel and rim are often used as words with the same or nearly the same meaning, but technically speaking it is not really so. Many people use term wheel as a rim meaning the entire metal part to which the tire is mounted because rim and wheel are usually cast or pressed from a single piece of metal.", "Flange Thus flanged wheels are wheels with a flange on one side to keep the wheels from running off the rails. The term flange is also used for a kind of tool used to form flanges. Pipes with flanges can be assembled and disassembled easily.", "Rim (wheel) The rim is the outer edge of a wheel, holding the tire.[1] It makes up the outer circular design of the wheel on which the inside edge of the tire is mounted on vehicles such as automobiles.", "- Wheel and axle. A second variation of the lever is the simple machine known as a wheel and axle. A wheel and axle consists of two circular pieces of different sizes attached to each other. The larger circular piece is the wheel in the system, and the smaller circular piece is the axle.", "Simple Machines: Wheel and Axel Imagine moving a cart full of groceries around the supermarket in a cart with no wheels. The wheel and axel together as a working part is an example of a simple machine that makes it easier to perform tasks by using less force. You will explore the concept of mechanical advantage and how it is used to describe a factor of force required to perform tasks.", "Tire A tire (American English) or tyre (British English) is a ring-shaped vehicle component that covers the wheel's rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance.he valve stem is a tube made of metal or rubber, through which the tire is inflated, with a check valve, typically a Schrader valve on automobiles and most bicycle tires, or a Presta valve on high-performance bicycles.", "Differential Spindle Free Shipping! (on orders over $50). The Differential Spindle is a component of your automobile's suspension system. It allows the axle to rotate while keeping the wheels attached to the vehicle. The spindle acts as a surface for the wheel bearings to roll on. It is usually made of steel to withstand the heavy-weight of the vehicle. The spindle is found in automobiles with full-float axles. In some suspension systems, the spindle allows the housing of the shock absorber to turn the car's wheels.", "Tire The bead is the part of the tire that contacts the rim on the wheel. The bead is typically reinforced with steel wire and compounded of high strength, low flexibility rubber. The bead seats tightly against the two rims on the wheel to ensure that a tubeless tire holds air without leakage.", "- A tire (American English) or tyre (British English) is a ring-shaped vehicle component that covers the wheel's rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance.", "- Wheels & Tires. The Ultimate Collection. We want to make it easy for you to get the right set of wheels, which is why our online catalog covers all the bases. Custom rims and factory wheels, alloy and forged rims, wheel accessories, and tires-all that is gathered right here.", "Brake Rotors/Discs Replacement Service & Cost A brake rotor is a smooth metal disc attached to the wheel hub. Most new cars (1999 and above) come with rotors at each wheel. Older cars may have drums instead of rotors at the rear wheels . Brake rotors play an important part in the braking system. It is the friction between brake pads and rotors that cause your car to slow down and stop.", "How Trailer Spindles Work On a trailer, the spindles are located at the very ends of the axles and they definitely do serve a purpose. When you're towing, spindles are the part of the trailer axle assembly that the wheel hubs (and wheels) rotate around. Trailer spindles provide a surface for the inner and outer wheel bearings to roll on -- or rather, to roll around. The inner and outer wheel bearings keep the wheel hub and the spindle from actually contacting one another. In other words, the spindles are literally at the center of it all.", "- When you search for a part by year, make and model, you may locate an available part but you still need to verify that it is the correct part for your vehicle. You can do this by reading the recycler's description. Maybe you need a left front door for a 1990 Corolla, 4-door sedan.", "- As Cree people, we were given the gift of being named for the four parts of human beings. Nehiyawak, we were called. It means being balanced in the four parts that are found in the four directions of the Medicine Wheel. These four parts for human beings are the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental aspects of the self. We need to try and balance these four parts that were given to us, to function as people. The fire is in the centre of the Medicine Wheel. That is where the meaning of the teachings comes from. For me this fire is also the self.", "- A sewing machine composes several simple machines. It consists of a wheel and axle, pulley, lever & wedge(the needle). As far as I know, these are the simple machines that … form the sewing machine. + 9 others found this useful.", "Wheel and axle The wheel and axle is one of six simple machines identified by Renaissance scientists drawing from Greek texts on technology.[1] The wheel and axle consists of a wheel attached to a smaller axle so that these two parts rotate together in which a force is transferred from one to the other. A hinge or bearing supports the axle, allowing rotation.", "Wheel Bearing The Wheel Bearing is usually mounted in the hub or sometimes in the brake drum or rotor. It allows the wheels of the vehicle to rotate smoothly. The wheel bearing promotes smooth wheel motion. It consists of two components: the bearing and the race.The bearing has a cage which is pressed over a row of ball bearings.he Wheel Bearing is usually mounted in the hub or sometimes in the brake drum or rotor. It allows the wheels of the vehicle to rotate smoothly. The wheel bearing promotes smooth wheel motion. It consists of two components: the bearing and the race." ]
[ 12.015625, 13.9453125 ]
[ 5.6796875, 7.91015625, 8.3984375, 7.94140625, 11.6953125, 5.63671875, 4.75, 4.4765625, 10.9921875, 4.1328125, 9.90625, 13.2890625, 5.6640625, 9.703125, 5.7265625, 10.1484375, 8.5078125, 7.5234375, 10.203125, 6.8984375, 11.6875, 10.609375, 6.80859375, 7.85546875, 7.69921875, 3.0078125, 11.234375, 5.62109375, 9.4609375, 8.1484375 ]
what is alden estates of shorewood
[ "Alden Estates Of Shorewood in Shorewood, IL Alden Estates Of Shorewood in Shorewood, IL. Alden Estates Of Shorewood is a medium-sized nursing home facility in Shorewood, Illinois ( Will county ). They have 100 beds and 74 residents. Alden Estates Of Shorewood participates in Medicare and Medicaid and are classified as a For profit - Corporation ownership. They offer residential councils." ]
[ "About AEDC About AEDC. Here at the Allentown Economic Development Corporation, we believe in making things, making things happen, making things work. As a pioneer and leader in the Urban Made initiative, we consider America’s cities its strongest resource and best asset for 21st Century manufacturing. We should know. Allentown has long been home to some of the nation’s most well-known products and manufacturing remains a key element in the local economy.", "- I notice that you have profited in the past by those very labour gouges you mention, insinuated Brentwood, one of the wiliest and most astute of our corporation lawyers. The Justice meditated on this answer with an air of astute profundity. Careful, have I found all buyers, and all of them have astute eyes. A great part of the altered demeanour and popularity of Sir Pitt Crawley might have been traced to the counsels of that astute little lady of Curzon Street.", "Alden Of New Jersey Alden Of New Jersey is located at 4654 S Crescent Blvd, Pennsauken, NJ. It is categorized under Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods. Annual sales of Alden Of New Jersey is $2,720,000 & around 5 employee(s) working in this company. Alden Of New Jersey is not rated yet.", "- august 15 1991 glensheen the historic congdon estate is a mansion in duluth minnesota united states operated by the university of minnesota duluth as a historic house museum", "Pine Cliffs Resort, a unique place in the world! Pine Cliffs Resort, a unique place in the world! The Luxury Collection and Sheraton Hotel as part of Starwood is a guarantee of quality in various types of accommodation and all the services offered at Pine Cliffs Resort.The Pine Cliffs Resort for many is the best kept secret of the Algarve located in an extension of 70 hectares.he Luxury Collection and Sheraton Hotel as part of Starwood is a guarantee of quality in various types of accommodation and all the services offered at Pine Cliffs Resort.", "Palisades, NY Homes For Sale & Real Estate 25 homes available on Trulia. Palisades, NY Real Estate Insights. Palisades, formerly known as Sneden's Landing, is a hamlet in the Town of Orangetown in Rockland County, New York, located north of Rockleigh and Alpine, New Jersey; east of Tappan; south of Sparkill; and west of the Hudson River.", "VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY Aurora Loan Services, LLC Plaintiff, Civil No. CL v. The Deed of Trust provides that it secures to Lender the performance of the covenants contained in the Deed of Trust, including the repayment of the debt referenced in the Note. Compl. Exh. A, p. 1. Lender, in turn, is defined in the Deed of Trust as Aegis Wholesale Corporation and its successors and assigns. Id. at 2, 8.", "- About Us. Arcady Bay Estates is a cluster subdivision of 230 acres located on the West shore in the Northern basin of 32 mile-long Lake George about 2 miles North of the Silver Bay Association in Hague, New York.It is situated in a quiet and beautiful setting of the Adirondack Mountains.he parcel of land known today as Arcady Bay Estates has an interesting history. In 1917, a camp for adults was opened on the site for parents whose children were attending other camps along the lake. Amenities included a beach for swimming, a boat dock, and a 9-hole golf course.", "Four Estates Four Estates is a local charity working across four Runcorn housing estates. Led by a Board of Trustees who are all volunteers and most of whom live locally, our overall aim is to improve the quality of life for people living in Hallwood Park, Halton Brook, Murdishaw and Palace Fields.", "Danelaw Experts think the rediscovered site, which lies amidst the old oaks of an area known as the Birklands in Sherwood Forest, may also yield clues as to the boundary of the ancient Anglo Saxon kingdoms of Mercia and Northumbria.", "- 1960s modernism: Austin Vernon & Partners-designed property on the Dulwich Estate, London SE23. This 1960s Austin Vernon & Partners-designed modernist property on the Dulwich Estate, London SE23 is just on the market and likely to prove popular. 1950s midcentury modern: Four-bedroom property in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.", "L'Anse aux Meadows L'Anse aux Meadows (/ˈlænsi ˈmɛdoʊz/; from the French L'Anse-aux-Méduses or Jellyfish Cove) is an archaeological site on the northernmost tip of the island of Newfoundland in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.", "- Allianz SE[2] (/ˈæliənts/ AL-i-ənts; German pronunciation: [aliˈants] ( listen)) is a German financial services company headquartered in Munich, Germany. Its core businesses are insurance and asset management.", "- From the business. Specialties. Ellen Sherwood Design is a complete one stop shop for your kitchen and bath remodel. We offer a large variety of stone including both granite and quartz. Fabrication is done in house and we take pride in professional and on-time installation. We also carry unique and beautiful cabinetry and today's hottest tile trends.", "Gamble-Skogmo In 1946 the company changed its name to Aldens, Inc., and was the fourth-largest mail-order distributor in the United States. Gamble-Skogmo acquired a 46% interest in Aldens, and acquired the remaining stock in the company in 1964. The catalog operation was liquidated in 1985.", "commonwealth estate of the realm, the three estates, estate - a major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country (especially in the United Kingdom) and formerly possessing distinct political rights.", "- Meadow Lake Estates. For Real Estate in this area contact Evelyn or Alonzo, Coldwell Banker Majestic Mountain Realty, at [email protected] Meadow Lakes Estates sits at an elevation of approx 10,100 feet and is a 5 mile drive from skiing the slopes at Brian Head Ski Resort or a 10 mile drive to year round fishing at Panguitch Lake.", "- Page 4 of 13. 14. At all pertinent times Defendants engaged in trade or commerce, as defined by. § 501.203(8), Florida Statutes (2008), within the State of Florida and within Orange County. STATEMENT OF FACTS AND DEFENDANTS’ COURSE OF CONDUCT Defendants’ Loan Modification and Foreclosure-Related Rescue Services 15. At all pertinent times, Defendants marketed and continues to market loan modification", "Definition of Adenoids Definition of Adenoids. Babylon English. 1. The adenoid, also known as a pharyngeal tonsil or nasopharyngeal tonsil, is the superior-most of the tonsils. It is a mass of lymphatic tissue situated posterior to the nasal cavity, in the roof of the nasopharynx, where the nose blends into the throat.", "- Choose Town Audi of Englewood for all of your automotive needs.To learn more about our new Audi dealership's core philosophies, contact us online. Give us a ring. Or, drop by 400 South Dean Street Englewood, New Jersey, during our regular business hours.", "Fourth Estate The First Estate consisted of three hundred clergy. The Second Estate, three hundred nobles. The Third Estate, six hundred commoners. The book is a fictionalization from episodes in the lives of two real-life Press Barons, Robert Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch. See also. Fourth branch of government; Freedom of the press; Estates of the realm. First Estate", "Al-Anon/Alateen Alateen is part of the Al-Anon fellowship designed for the younger relatives and friends of alcoholics through the teen years.", "- Hans Restuccia Real Estate Lender from Miami, Florida. 4. Affiant states under oath that she does not reside in above described property, this property is not the Homestead property of the borrower, and that this loan is for the business operations of the borrower. 5.", "Alden Estates of Shorewood About Alden Estates of Shorewood. Alden Estates of Shorewood is a nursing home in Shorewood, IL that provides patients with skilled nursing care as well as private or shared accommodations. Contact Alden Estates of Shorewood for more details on housing, services, and rates. Location of Alden Estates of Shorewood.", "Briarwood The Estates of Briarwood’s main focus is to keep our neighborhood safe and beautiful while fostering close knit relationships among our homeowners. Built around 12 acres that consist of a fountained pond with ducks, parks and wooded trails, the Estates of Briarwood is an excellent community for you to call home.he Estates of Briarwood’s main focus is to keep our neighborhood safe and beautiful while fostering close knit relationships among our homeowners. Built around 12 acres that consist of a fountained pond with ducks, parks and wooded trails, the Estates of Briarwood is an excellent community for you to call home.", "- Riordan Real Estate was established in 1955, making us one of the islands oldest family-owned & operated businesses. Our trained staff is able to assist you whether you want to come for a vacation rental, second-home, or to relocate for a lifetime. Riordan Real Estate has the best selection of Sale and Rental properties in the Strathmere, Whale Beach and Northern Sea Isle City areas.", "- Welcome to Aberdeen. Nestled among long leaf pines and world renowned golf, Aberdeen is the delight of railroad buffs, historians, artists and golfers. Our National Register historic district features antiques, collectibles, art exhibits, unique gift shops and cafes. Discover the charm of another century in our quaint little railroad town steeped in history.", "Highgarden The Reach and the location of Highgarden. Highgarden is a castle which serves as the seat of House Tyrell, regional capital of the Reach and the heart of chivalry in the Seven Kingdoms. It lies on the Mander and is where the Ocean Road meets the Roseroad, making it an important crossroads. Mace Tyrell is the Lord of Highgarden.", "Allianz Allianz SE (/ ˈ æ l i ən t s / AL-i-ənts; German pronunciation: ( listen)) is a European financial services company headquartered in Munich, Germany. Its core businesses are insurance and asset management.", "Who owns our green and pleasant land? Who owns our green and pleasant land? Britain's biggest estates are falling into the hands of Russian oligarchs hankering after their own slice of Brideshead Revisited. As another £100m home is put on the market, Tim Adams wonders if the rest of us will ever see over the castle walls." ]
[ 19.21875 ]
[ 0.1751708984375, -3.556640625, 10.359375, 4.34375, 0.10772705078125, 1.57421875, 1.33984375, 6.55859375, 3.517578125, 0.59716796875, 1.611328125, -0.25439453125, 2.8984375, 3.029296875, 7.62109375, 3.166015625, 2.021484375, 2.169921875, 1.244140625, 0.56103515625, 1.509765625, 1.0107421875, 2.2265625, 19.328125, 5.921875, 2.484375, -0.88232421875, -2.498046875, 2.2109375, -0.80029296875 ]
how much do brakes cost
[ "Brakes Cost CostHelper readers report paying $23-$285 for an average of $104 for materials for brakes on one axle, and $135-$439 for all parts for both front and back brakes, for an average of $304." ]
[ "- This will be highly dependent on the quality of the material used as there is a significant difference between. The average brake pad replacement cost is $150 per axle, and can range from $100 per axle up to $300 per axle. There are a few other pieces of hardware that are found in the brake system which might need to be serviced as well, including calipers and rotors, but the most common service will be to replace brake pads. A complete brake job cost will vary from $300 up to $1,000, with the majority of our users reporting an average price of $500.", "- Quality German made after market parts pads and rotors can be found for $350 per axle. IT is very straightforward to replace as well. Anyone who spends more than $500/axle to …replace brakes is getting ripped off.", "What's the average cost of brakes and rotors? As of 2015, the nationwide average cost of replacing brake pads and rotors ranges between $296 and $404. This includes the cost of parts and labor. The actual cost varies depending on the make and model of the vehicle and the location. Keep Learning.", "What is the average cost for brake replacement? The average cost of brake repairs varies based on the type of repairs and where the repair work is done. On average, it can cost between $130 and over $900 for each axle. Brake repairs may include changing the pads and rotors, flushing brakes or adjusting the calipers.", "Help with Calculating Average Brake Repair Cost in Auto Repair. on October 7, 2013. Brake repair cost can vary from less than $100 to more than $700. It just depends on what is wrong with your brakes. Brake repairs should always be done by mechanical experts, so with this comes their time and labor, which is an added cost.", "How Much Does It Cost to Replace Car Brakes? Keep in mind, this is the repair you’ll face most of the time. If you’re going to a local repair facility you can expect to pay somewhere in the range of $150 to $200 for replacement of the pads and rotors, on average. Nearly half of this cost is in parts, so you may want to consider that if you’re a do-it-yourselfer.n a standard disc-brake repair (which is the front brake style for nearly 100% of all cars on the road today) you’ll be replacing only the brake pads and the rotors. There was a time, not so long ago, when repair facilities would simply machine the rotors instead of replacing them.", "How much does it cost to get a brake line fixed? Answer by TwoToneDodge (2204). It all depends on the kind of car you need to have the break line fixed on. If its an older car or considered to be a classic it will cost upward of $500. Anything newer around $300 but its only an educated guess. Call a few shops and tell them the make and model.", "Brake Rotors Replacement Cost As far as the cost of replacement is concerned, a single brake rotor will cost anywhere between $35 to $75, depending upon the type and material.However, it is always advised to replace them in pairs.s far as the cost of replacement is concerned, a single brake rotor will cost anywhere between $35 to $75, depending upon the type and material.", "Brakes Cost 1 CostHelper readers report paying $23-$285 for an average of $104 for materials for brakes on one axle, and $135-$439 for all parts for both front and back brakes, for an average of $304. was happy to hear that they could turn the rotors instead of replacing them. The brake fluid was black and they flushed the system and replaced with new fluid. I had a chip in the windshield and they fixed it for 30 dollars, that also included in the $408.00.", "How Much Should Replacement Brakes Cost? If you wish to replace the discs on the front an average price for a set of brake pads is approximately $60.00 - $111.00 but depending on the make and model of your car it could cost a lot more than that.ear discs and calipers can range from anything around $60.00 - $1000.00 and more. It is suggested that you find a good online catalog for your auto part needs. Alternatively, local suppliers can always offer good deals and some may be having a discount sale or two for one offer.", "How much does brake pads cost? It will cost approximately $60, per wheel, to replace your brake pads and rotors. Mechanic shops that specialize in brake replacement are usually the cheapest. The automob … ile dealership is usually the most. would say that a set of pads could cost as little or less than twenty dollars and as much as a hundred depending on the vehicle. The way to easily find out is to call your local auto parts store and give them the make model and year of the vehicle and they can answer your question in less than a minute.", "How much does it cost to change your brake pads and rotors? Typically, most dealers pay their techs 1.5 hours to replace front brake pads and brake rotors. That means at $150.00US plus $276.83US works out to about $426.83US plus taxes. That doesn't sound too far off from the $600 you were quoted if you add the taxes in.ront pads 25 bucks rear about the same rotors vary.. call any auto parts store and get a price for parts and you wil see.. most of the time a brake job just for pads start about 100 bucks which is high knowing what i know i do it all my self maybe a couple hundred but it sounds high ..", "- On a performance car like a Subaru the brake pads alone are about £60 front pads and £45 rear pads to which you must add labour costs-I do my own. On an older car with drum brakes like a Ford Escort the costs would be much less say half that. .", "- If you mean front brakes as in just PADS, the cost of material should be no more than $30. And 2 struts around $70-$90 for the materials. If you were to do it your self you wo … uld save a lot. With labor, you would be looking at perhaps $80 to $125 per hour. I just had a full brake job done (front and rear pads, plus new front rotors) for my 2004 Honda Pilot, the total for parts and labor was around $600. Labor rate was $85/ … hr so if you find a cheaper shop it may run you a little less (figure 3 hours of labor). 7 people found this useful.", "- It depends on the type of pads and rotors. A generic set of pads and rotors can typically cost $100-150 for one axle. Using those numbers, you can expect about 200-300 in part … s plus labor which could run another several hundred dollars.t will cost approximately $60, per wheel, to replace your brake pads and rotors. Mechanic shops that specialize in brake replacement are usually the cheapest. The automob … ile dealership is usually the most.", "- It depends on the type of pads and rotors. A generic set of pads and rotors can typically cost $100-150 for one axle. Using those numbers, you can expect about 200-300 in part … s plus labor which could run another several hundred dollars.Using the OEM parts or premium parts is far more expensive, for example $100 for a single rotor is not uncommon.20-$25 for most rotors, times 2 that's about $50. Pads for each side, maybe $30-$50 times 2, … that's $60-$100. This is providing that you only have disc brakes on the front. If you have 4 wheel disc, then multiply by 4 for instead of 2.", "Yelp Los Angeles The brake pads literally cost about $25-$30 a piece, I just had them replaced by a mechanic who is my dad's friend on my 05 mazda3, and he did it really quickly, as there's not much to it. So $300 is a lot.", "How Much is the Average Cost of Brake Line Repair How Much is the Average Cost of Brake Line Repair. Brake line repair can range anywhere from $15-20 (cost of the parts plus your time) to upwards of $400 at a dealership. The large fluctuation in price is largely due to the type of brake lines your vehicle has. Metal brake lines cannot be cut, removing the area that is failing, and reattached. Instead they must be completely removed and replaced. In addition, flexible brake lines tend to be cheaper. Average costs is $25 for parts and 1-2 hours of standard labor.", "Brakes Cost 1 CostHelper readers report paying $23-$285 for an average of $104 for materials for brakes on one axle, and $135-$439 for all parts for both front and back brakes, for an average of $304. CostHelper readers who bought the needed replacement parts and then paid a mobile mechanic or one at a local shop or gas station to install them report total costs of $80-$430, for an average of $251.", "Reasonable cost to replace brake pads? 2 new rotors + pads will cost you 230$, Pads them self will cost 80$ for the high end ones. 27th May 2009, 8:43 am. #22. Ok it's all done, new pads + machined rotors + brake fluids + labour $250.Way less than I understood initially. Pads cost $79. Brakes feel much smoother and a tad grippier too. new rotors + pads will cost you 230$, Pads them self will cost 80$ for the high end ones. 27th May 2009, 8:43 am. #22. Ok it's all done, new pads + machined rotors + brake fluids + labour $250.", "Brake Rotor Replacement Cost Brake Rotor Replacement Cost. The average cost for a Brake Rotor Replacement is between $406 and $559. Labor costs are estimated between $158 and $200 while parts are priced between $248 and $359.", "Average price for replacing brake pads and rotors on both front⦠The front brake pads sell for around $103 (better quality) and around $67 (economy quality). The rear brake pads sell for around $145 (better quality) and around $61 (economy quality). The front rotors sell for around $113 each (better quality) and around $65 each (economy quality).The rear rotors sell for around $92 each (better quality) and around $43 each (economy quality).The labor time guide calls for 1.2 hours to complete the front brakes and `1.2 hours to complete the rear brakes. Labor rates vary from shop to shop, so what you pay for labor will effect the botXXXXX XXXXXne.he rear rotors sell for around $92 each (better quality) and around $43 each (economy quality). The labor time guide calls for 1.2 hours to complete the front brakes and `1.2 hours to complete the rear brakes.", "- The average cost for a brake pad(s) replacement is between $179 to $264. Labor costs are estimated between $97 to $123 while parts are priced between $82 to $141.Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car.Estimate does not include taxes and fees.he brake rotors should be inspected when the pads are replaced, and depending on their condition, they may need resurfacing or replacement. We recommend braking gently for the first 40 to 50 miles of driving on new pads.", "Average price for replacing brake pads and rotors on both front⦠The front brake pads sell for around $103 (better quality) and around $67 (economy quality). The rear brake pads sell for around $145 (better quality) and around $61 (economy quality).The front rotors sell for around $113 each (better quality) and around $65 each (economy quality).The rear rotors sell for around $92 each (better quality) and around $43 each (economy quality).he front brake pads sell for around $103 (better quality) and around $67 (economy quality). The rear brake pads sell for around $145 (better quality) and around $61 (economy quality).", "How much does brake pads cost? Not much if you know what you are doing. If you don't know what you are doing, take it to Pep Boys or something and you can usually get it done for forty or fifty dollars … Front brake pads replacement cost usually cost between $20 and $35, depending on quality and the vehicle. would say that a set of pads could cost as little or less than twenty dollars and as much as a hundred depending on the vehicle. The way to easily find out is to call your local auto parts store and give them the make model and year of the vehicle and they can answer your question in less than a minute.", "How Much Should Replacement Brakes Cost? If you wish to replace the discs on the front an average price for a set of brake pads is approximately $60.00 - $111.00 but depending on the make and model of your car it could cost a lot more than that.ow often they need to be replaced will vary depending on your driving habits. The accepted lifespan of the front disc brake pads is roughly 30,000 miles. This can vary greatly though. If you drive the vehicle hard and ride the brakes, the pads may need to be replaced in only 10,000 miles.", "What is the Average Cost for Brake Rotor Replacement? What is the Average Cost for Brake Rotor Replacement? January 27, 2012 Making sure your brakes are safe is very important, so knowing brake rotors replacement cost is one thing you need to find out if you have to get it done on your car or truck. At most dealerships or other types of repair facilities, replacing your brake rotors, on average, will cost somewhere between $30 and $60 for each of the wheels. Replacing brake rotors is considered more labor intensive than just doing normal brake maintenance jobs, like replacing your brake pads.", "How much does it cost to replace front brakes? Pads should be between $25 and $75 for passenger cars Most shops charge 1 hour labor and depending where you live that should be from $40 - $80 an hour. So for pads you could look at $65 - $150 depending on the car and condition. Rotors (discs) from $50-$200 a set.Most times it is just pads unless you have a warped or damages brake disc.o for pads you could look at $65 - $150 depending on the car and condition. Rotors (discs) from $50-$200 a set. Most times it is just pads unless you have a warped or damages brake disc.", "Ask Your Question Edit Answer (for another -8 minute). It pays to shop for the repair cost; both the parts and labor. The parts prices are as follows; front or rear disc brake pads around $10.00 to around $44.00 per axle set. The front brake rotors are around $25.00 to around $100 each. Similar pricing for the rear brake rotors.", "Brakes Cost 1 For work on front and back brakes, CostHelper readers reported paying $273-$1,025 for an average of $567 at standard repair shops, or $280-$935 for an average of $578 at dealerships. Edmunds provides do-it-yourself instructions for replacing brake pads, calling it an easier-than-expected DIY project that requires standard tools and takes about an hour, for a savings of about $250 in labor costs on most cars." ]
[ 14.140625 ]
[ 14.2109375, 10.4140625, 13.28125, 13.4609375, 13.3359375, 11.1484375, 8.9140625, 10.65625, 13.09375, 11.7265625, 11.2578125, 10.3984375, 11.6171875, 10.3125, 10.9609375, 11.2890625, 11.765625, 10.9296875, 13.9296875, 8.375, 12.5625, 11.453125, 13.875, 11.640625, 11.453125, 11.7890625, 11.3359375, 11.078125, 12.40625, 13.5625 ]
commonwealth realm definition
[ "- Elizabeth II is the reigning sovereign of each of the 16 Commonwealth realms. A Commonwealth realm is a sovereign state that is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and shares the same person, currently Elizabeth II, as its head of state and reigning constitutional monarch, but retains a crown legally distinct from the other realms." ]
[ "Commonwealth 1 (in Massachusetts) Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, often referring to its government. ( 2 in Pennsylvania) Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, often referring to its government. ( in Virginia) Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia, often referring to its government.", "Realm realm - a domain in which something is dominant; the untroubled kingdom of reason; a land of make-believe; the rise of the realm of cotton in the south. 2. realm - the domain ruled by a king or queen.", "- 1 (in Kentucky) Kentucky, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, often referring to its government. ( 2 in Massachusetts) Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, often referring to its government. ( in Pennsylvania) Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, often referring to its government.", "- For the benefit of anyone brand new to World of Warcraft terminology, a realm is how World of Warcraft players are split up; they are independent copies of the game world. When you have picked a realm, certain automatic population balancing features notwithstanding, it is the one you will be playing on all the time.", "kingdom 3. A realm or sphere in which one thing is dominant: the kingdom of the imagination. 4. In the Linnean taxonomic system, the highest taxonomic category into which organisms are grouped, based on fundamental similarities and common ancestry.", "- A commonwealth company is a Corporations Act company that the Commonwealth (the legal entity of Australia) controls. For more information, see the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997, Section 34 (CAC Act). Chart of 87 bodies operating under the CAC Act (pg 2).", "What is a transition zone? Why are some larger than others? Each realm is defined in terms of a synthesis of its total human geography -- a composite of its leading cultural,, economic, historical, political, and appropriate environmental features .. A simple definition of a realm would be the largest logical regions into which we can divide the whole world.ach realm is defined in terms of a synthesis of its total human geography -- a composite of its leading cultural,, economic, historical, political, and appropriate environmental features .. A simple definition of a realm would be the largest logical regions into which we can divide the whole world.", "Commonwealth of Nations The Commonwealth of Nations (formerly the British Commonwealth), also known as simply the Commonwealth, is an intergovernmental organisation of 53 member states that are mostly former territories of the British Empire.", "Commonwealth Commitment Commonwealth Commitment what is it? The first agreement of its kind in the nation, the Commonwealth Commitment is a college affordability and completion plan that will help more students achieve the dream of a college degree.", "Dissemination and Implementation Science The mission of The Commonwealth Fund is to promote a high-performing health care system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society's most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults.", "Oliver Cromwell and the Restoration Oliver Cromwell and the Restoration. The next eleven years saw the rule of the Commonwealth (1649-60). Ostensibly Parliament was in control, but the real power lay with Cromwell and the army. It was just as well that the army was still standing, for Charles' son landed in Scotland, had himself declared Charles II, and invaded England.", "- But it's not in the interest of the commonwealth that anyone steal from anyone else--so I'm pursuing my own interest at the expense of the common good (as well as at the expense of yours). I am forced to obey the rules of the commonwealth, because I agreed to the terms when I signed up.", "Definitions &Translations To some extent Reich is comparable in meaning and development to the English word realm. In the case of the Hohenzollern Empire, the official name was Deutsches Reich, which is literally translated as German Realm, because formally the official position of its head of state, in the Constitution of the German Empire, was a presidency of a confederation of German states led by the King of Prussia.", "Commonwealth of England In 1653, after the forcible dissolution of the Rump Parliament, Oliver Cromwell was declared Lord Protector of a united Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland under the terms of the Instrument of Government, inaugurating the period now usually known as the Protectorate.", "Expecting a Surge in U.S. Medical Schools “It’s a giant sigh of relief; it secures your plans for the rest of your life really.”. The Commonwealth is one of nearly two dozen medical schools that have recently opened or might open across the country, the most at any time since the 1960s and ’70s. These new schools are seeking to address an imbalance in American medicine that has been growing for a quarter century.", "We live in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. What's the difference between a commonwealth and a regular ol' state? An official called the Secretary of the Commonwealth. There's a state seal, and it reads state of Pennsylvania.. The distinction seems to be that commonwealth refers to the land and citizens in general, while the word state is typically used to denote the government entity that presides over them.", "Definition of Encumbrance and Encumbrances in Real Estate The definition of encumbrance for real estate is slightly different than the classic explanation. Definition of Encumbrance: An encumbrance, as it pertains to real estate, means any legal thing that burdens or restricts usage or transfer of the property. A property free-and-clear from any and all encumbrances is rare.", "What is the difference between a 'commonwealth' and a 'state'? To the federal government all states are created equal. The differences come about through actions of the states (or in VA, MA, PA and KY the commonwealth). Relative to the US there is NO difference between a state and a commonwealth although there are certainly differences in how each state is governed.", "The Institute The Commonwealth itself is nothing but a war-ravaged quagmire of violence and despair. Inside the sealed environment of the Institute, however... But... the Institute's affairs are none of your concern. Your undeveloped mind couldn’t even begin to comprehend what we’ve accomplished.", "The Institute The Commonwealth itself is nothing but a war-ravaged quagmire of violence and despair. Inside the sealed environment of the Institute, however... But... the Institute's affairs are none of your concern.Your undeveloped mind couldn’t even begin to comprehend what we’ve accomplished.nce known as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the prestigious center of knowledge survived the Great War and continued its work, disregarding the mayhem and destruction occurring outside of its grounds.", "Government of Australia The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, also referred to as the Australian Government, Commonwealth Government or the Federal Government, is the federal democratic administrative authority of Australia.he third level of government after Commonwealth and State/Territory is Local government, in the form of shire, town or city.", "- The Queen is also the monarch of 16 members of the Commonwealth, known as Commonwealth realms. The other Commonwealth members have different heads of state: 32 members are republics and five are monarchies with a different monarch.", "Crown Law Crown Law. The legal system in the United Kingdom. Crown law also serves as the basis for law in many Commonwealth countries, such as Canada, Australia, and Singapore. Importantly, Crown Law serves as the basis for financial law in some organizations within countries that do not belong to the Commonwealth.", "What is the difference between a 'commonwealth' and a 'state'? However, if you're asking about Virginia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, or Pennsylvania (the four states in the US that call themselves a commonwealth), in a commonwealth landowners do not possess mineral or oil rights to their land. They don't actually own their land but own its use.", "- The evolution of the Commonwealth realms has resulted in the Crown having both a shared and a separate character, with the one individual being equally monarch of each state and acting as such in right of a particular realm as a distinct legal person guided only by the advice of the cabinet of that jurisdiction.", "Realm Realm is particularly used for those states whose name includes the word kingdom (for example, the United Kingdom), as elegant variation, to avoid clumsy repetition of the word in a sentence (for example, The Queen's realm, the United Kingdom...).", "- Commonwealth Commitment WHAT IS IT? The first agreement of its kind in the nation, the Commonwealth Commitment is a college affordability and completion plan that will help more students achieve the dream of a college degree.", "Commonwealth (U.S. state) The same term is also used by the U.S. Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, which are not states where it has a distinct legal meaning.assachusetts is officially named The Commonwealth of Massachusetts by its constitution. The name State of Massachusetts Bay was used in all acts and resolves up to 1780 and the first draft of the constitution.", "With-profits policy A with-profits policy (Commonwealth) or participating policy (U.S.) is an insurance contract that participates in the profits of a life insurance company.The company is often a mutual life insurance company, or had been one when it began its with-profits product line.he premiums paid by with-profits and non-profit policyholders are pooled within the insurance company's life fund (Commonwealth) or general account (USA). The company uses the pooled assets to pay out claims. A large part of the life fund is invested in equities, bonds, property to aim to achieve a high overall return.", "- Realm is also frequently used to refer to territories that are under a monarch, yet are not a physical part of his or her kingdom (e.g. the Realm of Sweden, or to Holstein, which until the Second War of Schleswig was an important part of the Danish King's realm stretching to the border of Hamburg, although not a part of the Danish Kingdom)." ]
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how old is ray
[ "40-year-old Ray Allen reportedly considering comeback to join Warriors 40-year-old Ray Allen reportedly considering comeback to join Warriors. Updated 9:22 am, Wednesday, July 6, 2016. In an apparent attempt to turn the Warriors into three-point shooting equivalent of the 1927 Yankees, 40-year-old Ray Allen has reportedly expressed interest in bringing his legendary jump shot to the Golden State Warriors." ]
[ "- Dollywood is bigger than Dolly Parton. But then, “Dolly Parton,” the brand, is bigger than Dolly Rebecca Parton, the 5-foot-tall, blonde-haired, brown-eyed, 69-year-old musician and actress.", "How many of the hee haw cast are still alive and how old are they How many of the hee haw cast are still alive and how old are they. 1 Roy Clark: born on 15 April 1933. He's 84 years old as of this writing. 2 Gunilla Hutton: born on 15 May 1944. She's 73 years old as of this writing. 3 Lisa Todd: born in 1994. She's 72 or 73 years old as of this writing. 4 Gailard Sartain: born on 18 September 1946.", "Jay Z & Beyonce: She Forced Him To Choose Between Rachel Roy, Rita Ora & Her Beyonce, 34, was not playing around when she gave Jay Z, 46, a set of rules for them to reconcile after he allegedly cheated on her, as she insinuated in her visual album Lemonade. A source tell HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY that she forced him to choose between her, Rachel Roy, 42, and Rita Ora, 25. Here’s the scoop! Beyonce and Jay Z stepped out together for the first time on April 27 since Lemonade dropped and painted Jay to be a cheater.", "Ray Charles: Lessons From His Life & Death Ray Charles: Life Lessons From His Death. When he was 73 years old, the legendary music icon Ray Charles died on June 10, 2004. Many regarded the blind musician as a musical genius.He received a number of awards, accolades and was the first to barter musical deals that were unheard of at the time.e even responded to the situations caused by his drug use and reform with the songs “I Don’t Need No Doctor”, “Let’s Go Get Stoned”, and the release of his first album since having kicked his heroin addiction in 1966, “Crying Time.”.", "Who is the Nanny on âThe Bachelor?â How Old is Bekah on âThe Bachelor?â Rebekah Martinez is the youngest contestant on The Bachelor 2018, which has the other contestants talking. While some feel that 22-year-old Bekah is too young for 36-year-old Arie Luyendyk Jr., the man in question doesn’t think so. He went on record claiming that age is not a factor for him as he makes his final decision.", "List of Liv and Maddie characters Parker Rooney (Tenzing Norgay Trainor) is the youngest child of the Rooney family. He is 13 years old and a sixth-grader at an undisclosed school. However, he attends Joey's robotics club at Liv and Maddie's school twice a week.", "VIDEO: Charles Ray died of multiple stab wounds “It weighed heavy on him,” Ray said. “It was something that kept getting in his way.”. Autopsy results were released Monday for Charles Ray III, known as Charlie. The results showed the 35-year-old Wilmington Island man died from multiple stab wounds. The alleged killer was a man Charlie Ray once considered a friend, his father said.", "- Trending Now. 1 Daniel M. Rooney, 84. 2 Art Rooney II on the passing of his father, Dan. 3 Steelers players show their respect. Pittsburgh pays its 1 respects. Rooney: A Retrospective. Asked and Answered: A tribute to Dan 1 Rooney. Colbert, Tomlin on the passing of Dan Rooney. Joe Greene: 'He was a special man'.", "- Our top match for Larry Roloff is an individual named Larry D Roloff, 68 years old, related to Tonya Lynn Echeverria, Darrel David Roloff, Edith M Roloff, Kathleen D Roloff, Tammera J Roloff, and Tammy J Roloff. We found Larry in Moses Lake, WA, 98837.", "- Chances are, the 8-year old Jyn is the one shown at the beginning of the third trailer, so it remains to be seen how the 4-year old version factors in. There’s still some mystery surrounding the Ersos as a whole, since it was announced last month that Valene Kane is portraying Jyn’s mother Lyra in Rogue One.", "- 1 The word ancient, for instance, suggesting a certain millennial endurance, is repeatedly applied to Yeats's habits, opinions, and friendships, often when they are no more than fifteen or twenty years old—as though Yeats were an epoch in himself and made the terminology exact in the grandeur of proportion.", "Meet Daisy Ridley, the 23-year-old who's the real star of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' â her Hollywood career is blowing up Daisy Ridley, 23, went from being relatively unknown to the name everybody was talking about when casting for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was announced in 2014. Rey, who emerges from Force Awakens as the star of the new series of films, plays a scavenger in a ship graveyard who gets involved in a mission with the original-trilogy characters. Prior to joining the film's cast, Ridley's credits consisted of a couple of guest appearances on television shows and shorts.", "- Rooney. The MEN’s Rob Dawson has had his say on Wayne Rooney’s form. Dawson feels that, while Rooney isn’t, and never will be, back to his best, the striker’s improved form is a huge boost to Van Gaal. Wayne Rooney isn’t back. At 30 years old he’ll never be back. In fact, he’s going to get steadily worse until he retires.", "Ask Dr. Math: FAQ As we can see, Karen is 24 years old. It doesn't matter which equation we use, since the the value for Karen's age must be the same in both cases. Again, it's always a good idea to check our answer. Karen is supposed to be twice as old as Lori. Karen is 24; Lori is 12.", "- Roy's store is a general store & restaurant that has been in operation for 73 years.", "Larry Ellison Bought an Island in Hawaii. Now What? One morning, nearly two years later, at the Blue Ginger Cafe, I asked Pat Reilly, a 74-year-old regular with a thin white mustache and oversize glasses who has lived on Lanai for more than 30 years, how he felt when he heard that Ellison bought the island.", "How Old Is Marco Rubio? How Old Is Marco Rubio? Senator Marco Rubio is the youngest candidate in the 2016 presidential race at 43. He was born May 28, 1971 in Miami, Florida. Rubio would be among the youngest presidents on inauguration day if elected behind only Theodore Roosevelt, who was 42, and John F. Kennedy, who was 43. Rubio would be 45, making him younger than 46-year-olds Bill Clinton and Ulysses S. Grant.", "Who is Ryan Stiles? Biography, gossip, facts? Ryan Stiles was born on the 22nd of April 1959, which was a Wednesday. Ryan Stiles will be turning 58 in only 14 days from today. Ryan Stiles is 57 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 20822 days or (even more geeky) 499728 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "'He showed no sign of depression, no sign of anything': Heartbreak and shock at Sawyer Sweeten's suicide as his manager reveals he was 'just very quiet, very shy' He was found with a gunshot wound to his head. When news of the suicide broke, actor and comedian, Ray Romano, 57, who worked with Sawyer for nine years starting from when he was just a 16-month-old baby, said he was 'terribly saddened, by the news'. He added: 'He was a wonderful and sweet kid to be around.", "- Portrait of Jeralean Talley of Inkster on Thursday, May 22, 2014. Talley turns 115 on May 23, 2014. She is the oldest living American and second-oldest person in the world on a list kept by the Gerontology Research Group, which tracks many of the world's oldest people. Elisha Anderson, Detroit Free Press.", "Who is Aishwarya Rai Bachchan? COMMENTS. New Delhi: Possibly India's best known face, and certainly it's most glamorous, 39-year-old Aishwarya Rai's tryst with destiny began 22 years ago, when she appeared in style bible American Vogue. The year was 1991 and the blue-eyed stunner was 17 and just starting out as a model.", "Flashback and Foreshadowing Rose tells the tale of the fateful voyage, when, as a 17-year old girl, she is taken back to American with her wealthy fiance. Then...you're finished!:). Now, complete the Flashback and Foreshadowing Practice on your handout! Connect your Facebook account to Prezi and publish your likes in the future.", "- In Reel Life: 13-Year-Old Rudy (Luke Massery) says he's going to play football for Notre Dame. His father is very negative, and throughout the film, he belittles Rudy and his dream.", "Who the hell does Brian May think he is? But how does Brian May, 62, choose to pass his time, these days? By shooting his mouth off before he is in full possession of the facts, that's how. It is, of course, one of the hazards of new media that we can all tweet and status-update faster than we can say: Hmmm, maybe I should think this through.", "Ray Stevenson Irish Actor Ray Stevenson is a 52 year old Irish Actor. Born George Raymond Stevenson on 24th May, 1964 in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, he is famous for Rome. Punisher: War Zone. His zodiac sign is Gemini.", "- 50-year-old Ryan Jay Ellis, arrested in Morrow, California for 133.805: FUGITIVE. Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Further information about Ellis’s status may be obtained from the following: Morrow County Law Enforcement.", "how old are the boys in mindless behavior birthday's and ages of the Mindless Behavior boys are the following: 1. Prodigy was born on December 26th 1996. He is 14 years old. 2. Ray Ray was born on January 6th 1997. He is 14 years old.", "- Rachael Ray. On 25-8-1969 Rachael Ray (nickname:) was born in Glens Falls, New York, USA. The daughter of father James Ray and mother Elsa Scuderi is as tv-personality in 2015 famous for 30 Minute Meals, Rachael Ray's Open House Cookbook and Comfort Foods. Rachael Ray’s starsign is Virgo and she is now 46 years of age.achael Ray’s starsign is Virgo and she is now 46 years of age.", "Michael Jackson Tribute: Ola Ray, âThrillerâ Actress, Dedicates Crazy Music Video To Late Singer The devotee in question is Ola Ray, the 52-year-old former Playboy model who is perhaps best known for having starred as Jackson's girlfriend in the iconic 1983 Thriller video.he devotee in question is Ola Ray, the 52-year-old former Playboy model who is perhaps best known for having starred as Jackson's girlfriend in the iconic 1983 Thriller video.", "- Dr. Daniel Hay, DO is a family medicine doctor who practices in Orlando, FL. He is 47 years old and has been practicing for 17 years." ]
[ 15 ]
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what hormones to check for amenorrhea
[ "Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Hormonal Studies. These blood tests measure the levels of following hormones: FSH, LH, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and prolactin. Low levels of FSH and LH may indicate hypothalamic amenorrhea. High levels of prolactin may suggest a tumor on the pituitary gland, which can lead to amenorrhea." ]
[ "What Is Progesterone (Prometrium)? What Is Progesterone (Prometrium)? Progesterone, sold under the brand name Prometrium, is used to treat overgrowth of the lining of the uterus. It's also prescribed to treat amenorrhea (a lack of menstrual periods) caused by stress, birth control, or other circumstances. Progesterone is also a naturally occuring hormone that women produce in their ovaries. As a medication, progesterone is used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to increase or replace levels of progesterone that your body may not have or make enough of to carry out certain bodily functions.", "Part 3 â Suggested foods and supplements Male Hormone Profile. The Male Hormone Profile is a hormone test for men. The hormones may include testosterone and a number of other important hormones in the metabolic pathways of male sex hormones, such as androstenedione, DHEA, LH, to name but a few.", "Diagnosis 1 Aside from providing birth control, oral contraceptives can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce episodes of excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Oral progesterone. When taken for 10 or more days of each menstrual cycle, the hormone progesterone can help correct hormone imbalance and reduce menorrhagia.", "- Some features of the Laboratory Test Directory may not be available; to take advantage of all features, please upgrade your browser. For more information, visit our browser page. Use in conjunction with free testosterone in the evaluation of suspected hyperandrogenemia in women and children.", "Amenorrhea Primary amenorrhoea can be diagnosed in women by age 14 if no secondary sex characteristics, such as enlarged breasts and body hair, are present. In the absence of secondary sex characteristics, the most common cause of amenorrhoea is low levels of FSH and LH caused by a delay in puberty.", "Safe alternatives to Estrogen replacement A number of natural compounds can slow the breakdown, and thus increase retention, of estrogen in the body. These include grapefruit, the B vitamin PABA, and the plant compound quercetin. The mineral boron has been shown to raise estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. Another consideration is the herb Black Cohosh.", "anastrozole (Arimidex) Arimidex (anastrozole) lowers estrogen levels in postmenopausal women, which may slow the growth of certain types of breast tumors that need estrogen to grow in the body. Arimidex is used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It is often given to women whose cancer has progressed even after taking tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Soltamox). Arimidex may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.", "Understanding Hormone Medications Estrogens and progesterone are the female hormones responsible for secondary sex characteristics such as development of the breasts and maintenance of the lining of the uterus. Testosterone (androgen) is the corresponding male hormone.", "History Amenorrhea may herald the onset of other autoimmune endocrine disorders such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or autoimmune lymphocytic hypophysitis. The same is true for other endocrine disorders such as Cushing syndrome or pheochromocytoma.", "What you need to know about Provera, Prempro and Premarin A: Estrogen is a female sex hormone that is produced by the ovaries and is necessary for many processes in the body. Premarin (conjugated estrogens) is a mixture of estrogen hormones used to treat symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, and vaginal dryness, burning, and irritation.", "Clinical and laboratory observationPrimary and secondary amenorrhea associated with spironolactone therapy in chronic liver disease â  She complained of amenorrhea 6 months after spironolactone therapy was begun. Spironolactone therapy was stopped and trianaterene therapy was begun. Five months Later she reported normal menstrual cycles. Patient 3. Patient 3 was seen at 14 years of age with idiopathic cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and ascites.", "Peptide Hormones For example, hormone imbalances may cause amenorrhea together with: 1 Excess body and facial hair. 2 Acne. 3 Lowering of the voice. Altered sex 1 drive. Breast milk secretions. Weight gain.", "Hormonal Imbalance Is Hard to Catch If You Miss These Symptoms Some antidepressants, such as Celexa, Pristiq or Effexor can help minimize signs of hormonal imbalance, while other medication, such as Prempro, are commonly prescribed for menopausal symptoms in women. Most commonly, synthetic progesterone and estrogen are prescribed to balance out hormones. In cases where the causes of hormonal imbalance symptoms in women are hard to pinpoint, genetic testing through urine, saliva or blood may be warranted. Once your doctor has reviewed your diagnosis, a treatment plan that may combine medication, synthetic hormones and lifestyle changes may be tailored to fit your needs.", "Norethindrone Norethindrone is used a hugely used medication for the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. This drug is made with ingredients superior quality under highly hygienic facilities. It is one of the most popular drugs used for abnormal vaginal bleeding, used by women all over the world. Be the first to review this product.", "- Amenorrhea caused by reduced estrogen levels is linked to osteopenia (loss of bone density) and osteoporosis (more severe bone loss that increases fracture risk). Conditions that are associated with low estrogen levels include eating disorders, pituitary tumors, and premature ovarian failure.", "- Gonadotropins: Luteinizing and Follicle Stimulating Hormones. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are called gonadotropins because stimulate the gonads - in males, the testes, and in females, the ovaries. They are not necessary for life, but are essential for reproduction.", "Download Our Free App! The Hormone Health Network helps you and your health care provider have more informed discussions about hormones and health. Our free, online resources come from the most advanced clinical and scientific expertise in endocrinology.", "Menstruation - amenorrhoea 1 Reproductive system - female. 2 Reproductive system - female - Menstruation and ovulation. 3 Amenorrhoea is the absence of menstrual periods. The most common cause is hormone disruption, which can be due to emotional stress, extreme weight loss, excessive exercise or certain reproductive disorders.", "- This expert forum is not accepting new questions. Please post your question in one of our medical support communities. Oral thrush and hormonal imbalances. borninquisitive. I have been experiencing perimenopausal symptoms or much of the 34 signs of menopause for about a year now. I will be going to my doctor soon about this, he is considering my taking Progesterone for 10 days each month, for 3 months...hoping to get me balanced out.", "Discussions By Condition: Endocrine conditions jenbered it sounds like your husband needs to get his tsh checked . there are meds he can get for tremors . they gave me toprol which is a high blood pressure pill but i do not have high blood pressure but a low dose helps tremors. Anonymous 42789 Replies July 10, 2009. 03:37 AM.", "Thyroid Replacement Hormones The following is a list of the thyroid replacement hormones that are available in the United States: 1 levothyroxine sodium (Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid, Tirosint, Unithroid) 2 liothyronine sodium (Cytomel, Triostat) liotrix (Thyrolar)", "Norethindrone acetate (hormone replacement) norethindrone acetate. NORETHINDRONE ACETATE is a female hormone. This medicine is used to treat endometriosis, uterine bleeding caused by abnormal hormone levels, and secondary amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhea is when a woman stops getting menstrual periods due to low levels of certain female hormones.", "Provera Uses Hormonal problems can also be a cause. Provera is approved to treat secondary amenorrhea caused by an imbalance of hormones. When this drug is given for 5 to 10 days and then stopped, the endometrium sheds and vaginal bleeding occurs. This can help restore regular menstrual periods.", "- Secondary amenorrhea: The cessation of menstruation for abnormal reasons. Causes include anorexia nervosa, disease of the female reproductive tract, and overexercise. Secondary amenorrhea can also be caused by certain medications, notably the birth control medication medroxyprogesterone (brand name: Depo-Provera); in this case, amenorrhea is an expected effect.", "Dysmenorrhea Elevated prostaglandin levels were found in the endometrial fluid of women with dysmenorrhea and correlated well with the degree of pain. A 3-fold increase in endometrial prostaglandins occurs from the follicular phase to the luteal phase, with a further increase occurring during menstruation.", "- Check out this list of signs and symptoms from the book Natural Hormone Balance for Women – Look Younger, Feel Stronger, and Live Life with Exuberance by Uzzi Reiss, MD/OB-GYN: Amenorrhea – no period at all. There is no ovulation. The ovaries are producing only a bare minimum of progesterone.", "Menopause Tests and Diagnosis Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Test. Although it’s rarely needed, your doctor may decide to do a blood test to check your hormone levels. Specifically, they’ll look at the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen. During menopause, your FSH levels increase, and estrogen levels decrease. FSH is a hormone released by the anterior pituitary gland. During the first half of your menstrual cycle, this hormone stimulates maturation of eggs as well as a hormone called estradiol.", "Aciphex Amenorrhea with normal puberty with uterus present. Obtain a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy test result is positive, refer the patient to the appropriate specialist. If the pregnancy test result is negative, obtain TSH, prolactin, FSH, and LH levels.", "- There is Relief. The above symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women can indicate any one of the conditions of menopause and her ugly sisters (perimenopause and postmenopause), surgical menopause, thyroid health and adrenal fatigue. But regardless of condition, these symptoms could mean that you have a hormone imbalance. If you are experiencing these symptoms, getting tested by a highly trained bioidentical hormone doctor in order to discover the current levels of your hormones, could be the solution you have been seeking.", "GnRH agonist versus GnRH antagonist in ovarian stimulation: an ongoing debate Abstract. The availability of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists for ovarian stimulation protocols has generated many meta-analyses comparing it to GnRH agonist long protocols." ]
[ 16.609375 ]
[ 9.6484375, 6.296875, 6.8515625, 7.44140625, 12.6328125, 3.01171875, 4.546875, 7.1796875, 10.9765625, 5.69921875, 8.09375, 11.5390625, 5.81640625, 1.955078125, 12.421875, 9.7890625, 6.08203125, 9.6484375, 3.623046875, 4.671875, 5.640625, 9.4453125, 8.4609375, 8.9296875, 4.87109375, 11.6484375, 8.796875, 14.0546875, 4.8359375, 4.625 ]
what is in synulox
[ "Synulox Synulox Palatable Tablets are presented as circular, pink tablets with a break line on one face and `Synulox' engraved on the other. Each tablet contains clavulanic acid as potassium clavulanate and amoxicillin as Amoxicillin trihydrate in a palatable base. Synulox is available in 50mg, 250mg and 500mg tablets." ]
[ "Spinal Syrinx Horrors A spinal syrinx is a potentially very serious anatomical abnormality that exists within the interior of the spinal cord itself. A syrinx is described as a fluid-filled hollow space within the cord, which sometimes expands and spreads in both length and width, slowly destroying the spinal cord.Not all syrinxes are problematic, although all present risk factors for future catastrophic health concerns if they do grow larger or longer.he spinal cord has a narrow space hollow which runs through the center. When a syrinx occurs, this cavity is abnormally filled with cerebral spinal fluid, expanding the space inside the spinal cord. A true syrinx is located at an interior location of the cord which is not lined with protective ependymal cells.", "Nerve gas Background information and notes Edit. 1 Sentox is a fictional variant of the real nerve gas known as VX. 2 Nerve gasses are clear and colorless, and they can be odorless or have a slightly sweet smell. 3 They enter the body through the air or on contact with the skin.", "sodium polystyrene sulfonate suspension - oral, rectal, SPS COMMON BRAND NAME(S): Kayexalate, Kionex, Marlexate. USES: This medication is used to treat a high level of potassium in your blood. Too much potassium in your blood can sometimes cause heart rhythm problems. Sodium polystyrene sulfonate works by helping your body get rid of extra potassium.HOW TO USE: Take this medication by mouth, or use it rectally as directed by your doctor. If you are taking this medication by mouth, take it usually 1 to 4 times a day as directed by your doctor.odium polystyrene sulfonate works by helping your body get rid of extra potassium. HOW TO USE: Take this medication by mouth, or use it rectally as directed by your doctor. If you are taking this medication by mouth, take it usually 1 to 4 times a day as directed by your doctor.", "Difference Between Seanol & Seanol-F Photo Credit Mastamak/iStock/Getty Images. Seanol is the brand name for a type of brown algae called ecklonia cava. Some products contain Seanol or Seanol-F; however, there is little difference in these extracts other than the name.Both Seanol and Seanol-F contain ecklonia cava with additional ingredients.Another form of Seanol, called Seanol-P, is designed to improve vision.Consult your physician before taking any supplements.eanol and Seanol-F are both ecklonia cava extracts sold in the United States. Different supplement manufacturers use either the name Seanol or Seanol-F to describe the ecklonia cava extract in their supplement, but the same ingredient is contained in each. Seanol is a name trademarked by the Simply Healthy Corporation.", "Syrinx (medicine) A syrinx is a rare, fluid-filled neuroglial cavity within the spinal cord (syringomyelia), in the brain stem (syringobulbia), or in the nerves of the elbow, usually in a young age. syrinx results when a watery, protective substance known as cerebrospinal fluid, that normally flows around the spinal cord and brain, transporting nutrients and waste products, collects in a small area of the spinal cord and forms a pseudocyst.", ".The larynx is composed of 3 large, unpaired cartilages (cri the part of the throat situated immediately posterior to the nasal cavity, posterior to the mouth and superior to the esophagus and larynx It is a funnel-shaped tube that is about 12.5cm long divided into 3 sectios: nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynnx", "- The LARYNX is an apparatus made up of cartilage, ligaments, muscles, and mucous membrane, which guards the entrance to the lower respiratory passages (trachea, bronchi, and lungs) and houses the vocal cords.", "- Seanol is a little known sea extract that has been found by scientists to be some of the most powerful antioxidants available.Some incredible studies have found that your cholesterol can be improved and even the protective HDL cholesterol can be raised after taking Seanol for just 8 weeks.t can improve the joints and also help your circulation and blood flow. Ecklonia Cava is the name of the unique super antioxidant that is derived from special brown seaweed. Growing near Japan and Korea 100 feet under the sea, Seanol is up to 100 times stronger than the antioxidants found on land.", "Eugenol Eugenol is sometimes called clove oil because it is the active element in cloves. It causes the aromatic smell typical of cloves and because of this property is often found in perfumes. Eugenol is an allyl chain-substituted guaiacol (2-methoxyphenol). It appears as a clear or pale yellow oily liquid. Besides cloves, it can also be extracted from cinnamon and other aromatic spices. It is slightly soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents. 1. The medical field makes use of Eugenol. Its properties make it a good local antiseptic and analgesic. It is used in dentist offices to make zinc-oxide eugenol paste for temporary fillings 2. It also makes a good local anaesthetic for temporary relief from toothache pain 3. It is used in the production of isoeugenol for the manufacture of vanillin which is an artificial substitute for vanilla.", "- Recent Examples of onyx from the Web. Bedsole said inside the wooden jewelry box was her father's wedding band, his black and gold watch, and a black onyx ring. The garment: a shiny, onyx bodysuit, ballooning a dark-skinned, full-figured black woman.", "- Synovia, more often called synovial fluid, is a viscous, non-Newtonian fluid found in the cavities of synovial joints.With its egg white –like consistency, the principal role of synovial fluid is to reduce friction between the articular cartilage of synovial joints during movement.ynovial fluid contains lubricin (also known as PRG4) as a second lubricating component, secreted by synovial fibroblasts. Chiefly, it is responsible for so-called boundary-layer lubrication, which reduces friction between opposing surfaces of cartilage.", "Salix Salix is a large genus of 300 species of deciduous trees and shrubs found worldwide, except in Australia. Willows are normally dioceious; male plants have the most striking catkins. Leaves are simple and usually alternate, while flowers are very small. Some species are cultivated for their weeping habit, others for their colorful winter shoots, still others for their colorful catkins. Size ranges from very large to dwarf.", "- SpinoFLEX consists of an aluminum frame with a power drive track and a set of four manual adjustment tracks, two on the left side and two on the right side. A set of ergonomically designed attachments can be moved along the manual or power tracks and locked at a desirable height.", "- Luminol (C 8 H 7 N 3 O 2) is a chemical that exhibits chemiluminescence, with a blue glow, when mixed with an appropriate oxidizing agent. Luminol is a white-to-pale-yellow crystalline solid that is soluble in most polar organic solvents, but insoluble in water.", "Bile esculin agar Bile salts are the selective ingredient, while esculin is the differential component. Enterococcus hydrolyze esculin to products that react with ferric citrate in the medium to produce insoluble iron salts, resulting in the blackening of the medium.Test results must be interpreted in conjunction with gram stain morphology.nterococcus hydrolyze esculin to products that react with ferric citrate in the medium to produce insoluble iron salts, resulting in the blackening of the medium. Test results must be interpreted in conjunction with gram stain morphology.", "Rhyolite An extrusive igneous rock with a very high silica content. 1 Rhyolite: A pink specimen of rhyolite with numerous very tiny vugs with some evidence of flow structures. 2 Igneous rock composition chart: This chart shows that rhyolite is typically composed of orthoclase, quartz, plagioclase, micas, and amphiboles.", "Synechococcus Synechococcus is one of the most important components of the prokaryotic autotrophic picoplankton in the temperate to tropical oceans.hylogenetic description of Synechococcus is difficult. Isolates are morphologically very similar, yet exhibit a G+C content ranging from 39% to 71%, illustrating the large genetic diversity of this provisional taxon.", "Get answers to your questions about SYNVISC. What is Synvisc-One made from? The injection contains a gel-like mixture made from a substance called hyaluronan (pronounced hy-al-u-ROE-nan) that comes from chicken combs. Hyaluronan is a natural substance found in the body and is present in very high amounts in joints.", ".The larynx is composed of 3 large, unpaired cartilages (cri production of sound Diseases of the Pharynx acid reflux laryngitis sicca: caused by inadequate hydration polyps: benign lesions on the larynx nodules: calluses on the vocal folds that occur with improper voice use or overuse TRACHEA Composed of: commonly known as the windpipe it is a tube that is 4 inches long and less than an inch in diameter", "Zooplankton Bioluminescent Noctiluca scintillans (a dinoflagellate). Plankton is composed of the phytoplankton (the plants of the sea) and zooplankton (zoh-plankton) which are typically the tiny animals found near the surface in aquatic environments.Like phytoplankton, zooplankton are usually weak swimmers and usually just drift along with the currents.lankton is composed of the phytoplankton (the plants of the sea) and zooplankton (zoh-plankton) which are typically the tiny animals found near the surface in aquatic environments.", "Hyalgan DRUG DESCRIPTION. Hyalgan® is a viscous solution consisting of a high molecular weight (500,000-730,000 daltons) fraction of purified natural sodium hyaluronate (Hyalectin®) in buffered physiological sodium chloride, having a pH of 6.8-7.5. The sodium hyaluronate is extracted from rooster combs.", "Literary Devices in Beowulf A compound expression in Old English and Old Norse poetry with metaphorical meaning. Literary devices were originally used in the poem to help the poet memorize the story. Beowulf also contains the devices Metonymy and Synecdoche. Metonymy is the use of one object or concept fo that of another to which it is related and a Synecdoche is using a part for a whole, or a whole for a part. In the novel Beowulf; literary devices are used. These literary devices are alliteration, assonance, caesura, and kenning. Each literary device contributes to the passage and what the readers interpret from reading these particular literary devices.", "- Xylene (from Greek ξύλο, xylo, wood), xylol or dimethylbenzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon mixture consisting of a benzene ring with two methyl groups at various substituted positions. The three isomers of xylene have the molecular formula C8H10, also represented by the semi-structural formula C6H4(CH3)2.", "Trintellix The inactive ingredients in TRINTELLIX tablets include mannitol, microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate and film coating which consists of hypromellose, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol 400, iron oxide red (5 mg and 20 mg) and iron oxide yellow (10 mg).", "WELCOME!Letâs Stay Connected. Sign-Up to receive breaking rare disease information, news and stories right to your inbox! (We value your privacy. Your email address will not be shared.)SIGN ME UP Syringomyelia is a condition characterized by a fluid-filled cavity or cyst known as a syrinx that forms within the spinal cord. Syringomyelia is a chronic condition and a syrinx can expand over time compressing or destroying the surrounding nerve tissue. A wide variety of symptoms can potentially be associated with syringomyelia depending upon the size and exact location of the syrinx.", "How long does synvisc last Synvisc is the only ... Stars: 86 Updated: December 15th,2017 86: December 15th,2017: Synvisc perisynovitis. Synvisc (hylan G-F 20) is a high molecular weight hyaluronan which is manufactured from chicken combs. It is currently one of the options used in the tr... Stars: 29 Updated: December 15th,2017", "- This is a practice test. Give your best answers and then look up the answer in the Text Book. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) The largest component of the coxal bone is the A) pubis. B) tibia. C) ilium. D) femur. E) ischium. 2) The lateral malleolus is found on the A) tibia.", "Anilox (October 2010) In printing, anilox is a method used to provide a measured amount of ink to a flexo printing plate An anilox roll is a hard cylinder, usually constructed of a steel or aluminum core which is coated by an industrial ceramic whose surface contains millions of very fine dimples, known as cells. 1 Usage.", "- At the end of his two hours, Kennedy returned with a string of fat partridges and the haunch of an oryx, a sort of gemsbok belonging to the most agile species of antelopes. View in context", "Anatomy Chapter 9 - Joints -contained in synovial joints-disc of fibrocartilage-occur in the temporomandibular (jaw) joint, stenoclavicular joint, knee joint, more-occurs in joints where articulating bone ends have different shapes-allow two different movements at the same time.hape of synovial joint: condyloid joint. knuckle-like -egg shapped articular surface of one bone fits into an oval concavity in another-allow 2 types of movement-back and forth (flexion-extension) -side to side (abduction-adduction) bone cannot rotate around its long axis-biaxial (movement occurs around two axes)." ]
[ 14.6953125 ]
[ 0.75390625, 1.3427734375, 5.08203125, 0.89697265625, 3.138671875, 1.7587890625, 2.04296875, 0.88623046875, 0.953125, -2.474609375, 3.650390625, 0.413818359375, 2.421875, 2.541015625, 0.50732421875, -0.546875, 1.1162109375, 3.2578125, 1.630859375, -0.01282501220703125, 2.724609375, -2.162109375, 2.765625, 2.095703125, 2.43359375, 2.30078125, 1.861328125, 2.337890625, 2.181640625, 1.095703125 ]
definition for pneumatics
[ "pneumatics Medical Definition of pneumatics. : a branch of mechanics that deals with the mechanical properties of gases." ]
[ "phlegmatic adjective. The definition of phlegmatic is not easily excited. An example of a phlegmatic person is someone who remains cool and collected during emergencies.", "Hydraulics Hydraulics (from Greek: Υδραυλική) is a technology and applied science using engineering, chemistry, and other sciences involving the mechanical properties and use of liquids. At a very basic level, hydraulics is the liquid counterpart of pneumatics, which concerns gases.", "- Definition of rheumatic. : of, relating to, characteristic of, or affected with rheumatism.", "- The definition of enigmatic is something that is like a puzzle or riddle that can’t be understood. An example of enigmatic is the mysterious ending of a complicated movie.", "isotonic isotonic (ī´sōton´ik), adj equivalence in osmotic pressure. Specifically used in reference to a solution whose osmotic pressure is equal to that of a body fluid, such as blood plasma or tears, to which the solution is compared. isotonic muscle contraction, n See contraction, muscle, isotonic.", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Neurotic (adj) of or pertaining to the nerves; seated in the nerves; nervous; as, a neurotic disease. Neurotic (adj) uself in disorders of, or affecting, the nerves. Neurotic (noun) a disease seated in the nerves. Neurotic (noun) any toxic agent whose action is mainly directed to the great nerve centers", "- Medical Definition of PERIODONTICS. : a branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the supporting and investing structures of the teeth including the gums, cementum, periodontal ligaments, and alveolar bone—called also periodontia, periodontology. a branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the supporting and investing structures of the teeth including the gums, cementum, periodontal membranes, and alveolar bone. — peri·odon·tist \\-ˈdaen-ˈdän\\ tist. noun", "pragmatics Definition of pragmatics. 1 1 : a branch of semiotics that deals with the relation between signs or linguistic expressions and their users. 2 2 : a branch of linguistics that is concerned with the relationship of sentences to the environment in which they occur.", "semantics semantics (uncountable) ( 1 linguistics) A branch of linguistics studying the meaning of words. 2 The study of the relationship between words and their meanings. 3 The individual meanings of words, as opposed to the overall meaning of a passage. The semantics of the terms used are debatable.‎. The semantics of a single preposition is a dissertation in itself.‎.", "- pneumatosis pneu·ma·to·sis (nōō'mə-tō'sĭs, nyōō'-) n. Abnormal accumulation of gas in any tissue or other part of the body.", "What is a Pneumatic Tire? A pneumatic tire is a round, rubber tire that is inflated with air. The most common example of pneumatic tires in everyday life is the tires on an automobile. The pneumatic tire can also be found on bicycles, wheelchairs and forklifts.", "- Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: pneumatology (Noun). The study of spiritual beings and phenomena, especially the interactions between humans and God. pneumatology (Noun). The study of the Holy Spirit as revealed in Scripture.", "- phlegmatic adjective. › A phlegmatic ​person does not usually get ​emotional or ​excited about things: As a ​football ​player, his ​great ​asset was his ​calm, phlegmatic ​manner. (Definition of phlegmatic from the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press).", "tenesmus tenesmus (t ·nezˑ·m s) , n a painful and persistent spasm of the bladder or rectum with an urgent desire to empty the bladder or bowel without the formation of feces; associated with irritable bowel syndrome.", "Medical Terminology Module 7 Pneumoconiosis – abnormal condition caused by dust in the lungs that usually develops after years of environmental or occupational contact. This causes cell death and fibrosis (hardening) of the lung tissues. Named for the causative agents.", "pneumatology pneumatology. n. 1. (Theology) the branch of theology concerned with the Holy Ghost and other spiritual beings. 2. (Psychology) an obsolete name for psychology 1.", "20 CFR 718.201 - Definition of pneumoconiosis. (a) For the purpose of the Act, “pneumoconiosis” means a chronic dust disease of the lung and its sequelae, including respiratory and pulmonary impairments, arising out of coal mine employment. This definition includes both medical, or “clinical”, pneumoconiosis and statutory, or “legal”, pneumoconiosis.", "rheumatic Define rheumatic. rheumatic synonyms, rheumatic pronunciation, rheumatic translation, English dictionary definition of rheumatic. adj. Of or relating to any of various diseases and disorders that chiefly affect the joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bones and are characterized by...", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Pneumocephalus is the presence of air or gas within the cranial cavity. It is usually associated with disruption of the skull: after head and facial trauma, tumors of the skull base, after neurosurgery or otorhinolaryngology, and rarely, spontaneously.", "- Definition of NEUROTICISM. : a neurotic character, condition, or trait.", "pneumatic tire radial, radial tire, radial-ply tire-pneumatic tire that has radial-ply casing. snow tire-an automobile pneumatic tire with deep tread to give traction in snow. tire, tyre-hoop that covers a wheel; automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air. tread-the grooved surface of a pneumatic tire.", "dynamics dynamics - the branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies. kinetics. mechanics - the branch of physics concerned with the motion of bodies in a frame of reference. ballistics - the science of flight dynamics. Translations.", "- Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Pulmonata. an extensive division, or sub-class, of hermaphrodite gastropods, in which the mantle cavity is modified into an air-breathing organ, as in Helix, or land snails, Limax, or garden slugs, and many pond snails, as Limnaea and Planorbis. Origin: [NL., from L. pulmo, -onis, a lung.]", "- Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Pneumatology. In Christian theology pneumatology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit. Pneuma is Greek for breath, which metaphorically describes a non-material being or influence. The English word comes from two Greek words: πνευμα and λογος.", "- Medical definition of pneumatics: a branch of mechanics that deals with the mechanical properties of gases a branch of mechanics that deals with the mechanical properties of gases… See the full definition", "- Definition of PERIODONTICS. : a branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the supporting and investing structures of the teeth including the gums, cementum, periodontal membranes, and alveolar bone.— peri·odon·tist \\-ˈdaen-ˈdän\\ tist. noun a branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the supporting and investing structures of the teeth including the gums, cementum, periodontal membranes, and alveolar bone. — peri·odon·tist \\-ˈdaen-ˈdän\\ tist. noun", "Definition of 'mechanic' Definition of 'mechanic'. mechanic (mɪkænɪk ) A mechanic is someone whose job is to repair and maintain machines and engines, especially car engines. If you smell gas fumes or burning, take the car to your mechanic. An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever.", "- Define neurotic. neurotic synonyms, neurotic pronunciation, neurotic translation, English dictionary definition of neurotic. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or affected with a neurosis. No longer used in psychiatric diagnosis. See Usage Note at neurosis. 2. Informal Overanxious: neurotic...", "Medical Dictionary Tension pneumothorax: The accumulation of air under pressure in the pleural space. An imminent danger is that the lung will collapse under the pressure.", "prismatic adj. Separated or distributed by a prism; formed by a prism. adj. Same as Orthorhombic. from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. Of or pertaining to a prism; having the form of a prism. Separated or distributed by, or as if by, a transparent prism; formed by a prism; varied in color: as, a prismatic spectrum; prismatic colors. In anatomy, noting muscles whose fibers run direct and parallel with one another from the point of origin to the point of insertion: correlative with pyramidal, 3, and rhomboidal, 2." ]
[ 17.296875 ]
[ 1.7001953125, 10.09375, 2.78515625, 1.4814453125, 2.11328125, 0.42333984375, 3.216796875, 5.4375, 2.51171875, 7.5234375, 9.7734375, 8.3125, 1.099609375, 2.857421875, 5.015625, 9.5625, 3.84765625, -0.7900390625, 5.50390625, 2.7109375, 8.9375, 4.32421875, 1.91796875, 7.58203125, 16.453125, 3.396484375, 2.798828125, 0.30517578125, 6.32421875, 1.115234375 ]
how to make plaster molds
[ "How Does One Make Homemade Plaster? To make plaster, approximately 1 1/2 cups of boiling water are salted and mixed with 4 cups of flour. The mixture is set aside until it is cool enough to handle, yet still warm to the touch. The plaster is then molded into the desired shape by hand or by using specially designed arts-and-crafts molds. An alternate plaster of Paris recipe calls for glue and water. To make this version, two parts of diluted white glue are mixed with one part warm water." ]
[ "Polyester: Not Just Your Fatherâs Leisure Suit To make polyester into fibers, the plastic is melt spun, meaning the plastic is heated and forced through spinnerets into fibers (a spinneret is essentially an industrial mechanism similar to a spider’s silk spinning organs).", "- Obtaining the proper mold for orthotics is key and can be done in a variety of ways. Historically, making a plaster cast mold has been the most common method. More recently, foam box impressions, foot pressure plates and foot imprints have been used. High tech computer aided laser technology is also now available.", "Queso Fresco Cheese Making Recipe You do this by placing the milk in a pot or sink of very warm water. If you do this in a pot on the stove, make sure you heat the milk slowly and stir it well as it heats. While heating the milk, remove 1/4 cup and add the P.roqueforti to it for re-hydration of the blue mold, set aside.", "Basic Plaster Craft Instructions Part II - Mixing Plaster Most of us will not be mixing 100 pounds at a time so it is easier to use the same ratio but in ounces - 70 ounces of water to 100 ounces of plaster. That still yields about 7 pounds which is too much for most molds so you will often need to break it down further.", "How Do You Make 'Leaf Mold'? Thanks to all the anonymous contributors. Leaf mold is the term used for a special kind of compost using only leaves that are slowly decomposed without adding any other ingredients. Making leaf mold is a COLD process.That makes it different from composting. The decomposition is mostly done by fungi whereas composting relies on bacteria.eaf mold is the term used for a special kind of compost using only leaves that are slowly decomposed without adding any other ingredients. Making leaf mold is a COLD process.", "- To make paper, you'll need a mold and a deckle. One of the frames is your deckle. The other frame will become your mold. To make your mold, cut a piece of screening to fit your frame, stretch it tightly across the frame, and attach it with duct tape.Next, rip the paper you've chosen into small pieces, and put the pieces into a blender.n one quick move, turn the mold upside down onto a piece of felt that you've placed on a pad of newspaper. Press a sponge onto the back of the mold, and squeeze it out several times to remove excess water. Lift your mold off your paper. Start in one corner and lift quickly. Leave your paper on the felt to dry.", "Marshmallow Then a printing board, made of plaster, wood, or metal trays shaped to mold the marshmallow of the final product is pressed into the starch and withdrawn. Then the space created is filled with hot creme. The first moguls were wood, but all were steel by 1911.", "- In our example of a how-to essay: 1 Your first paragraph will introduce the subject of making popcorn balls. 2 Your second paragraph will tell the reader to gather a list of supplies. 3 Your third paragraph will tell the reader how to begin the process.", "Pork Medallions with Balsamic-Honey Glaze Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Make the glaze: Put garlic and rosemary in a small bowl. Add the vinegar, honey, olive oil, mustard, and salt and pepper, to taste, and stir to combine. For the pork: Slice the tenderloin into 1-inch thick medallions (rounds).Cover the bottom of a medium skillet with a light film of canola oil and heat over medium-high heat until hot. Add the pork slices in 1 layer, season with salt and pepper, and sear for 1 minute.reheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Make the glaze: Put garlic and rosemary in a small bowl. Add the vinegar, honey, olive oil, mustard, and salt and pepper, to taste, and stir to combine. For the pork: Slice the tenderloin into 1-inch thick medallions (rounds).", "- Build your mold box. You will need to surround your model with some sort of wall to contain the liquid mold rubber. Generally you should leave 1/2 between the walls and your model, use a yogurt container, or make a custom form out of foam core and hot melt glue.", "How to Make a Statue Mold Hold the latex mold with the open end up (this is actually the bottom of the sculpture) and slowly pour in the gypsum mixture until the mold is about a third full. Tap the mold and pinch it a bit to release any trapped air bubbles. 11. Position the mother-mold pieces together around the latex mold.", "Spain 1 Preheat oven to 325°F. 2 In a saucepan, heat ½ cup of the sugar over low heat, stirring frequently until the sugar melts completely and turns amber (golden). 3 Pour it into a 1½ quart (6-cup) ring mold, tilting the mold in all directions to evenly coat the bottom and sides. 4 Set aside. 5 Break the 6 eggs into a mixing bowl.", "How To Make Soy Candles in Canning Jars 1 Prepare the jars. Gather the canning jars in one, easily accessible place. Open jars and set rings and lids aside. Melt the wax. Working in batches (1 pound — or 2 cups — at a time), melt the wax flakes in the microwave on high in 30-second intervals, stirring vigorously between each interval, until completely melted.", "How to Make Ice Molds for Punch Bowls Ice molds for punch bowls are both eye-catching and practical. And easy to make, too, with things you have around the house. Add whole strawberries, cranberries, mint leaves, citrus slices with cherries on top, etc., to an ordinary mold and it becomes decorative and very classy, indeed. First, find a mold.", "- You'll have to estimate the amount it will take to fill the cast. Make sure you follow the directions on the package. 1 Pour the powder plaster into the bucket and then add water, mixing vigorously. 2 Scrape the bottom and sides of the bucket so that all the powder is incorporated into the water and you have no lumps.", "- Making Polymer. 1 1. Assemble the right ingredients. Polymers are somewhere between a liquid and a solid, molding to the shape of their container, but stretchy and moldable like a solid. 2 1. Water. Borax powder (laundry detergent) Plastic spoon. 3 2. Dissolve borax in one of the cups.", "Making molds from Styrofoam Posted. Whaine wants to make plaster molds of the styrofoam, not use the styrofoam for making a mold. You might consider coating the pieces with a spray on polyurethane coating, giving it several layers, to seal the cracks and crevasses that styrofoam has.", "by JOHLINK, published Sep 21, 2015 You can make your own fingerboard, with this mold and wood.", "Blow molding The blow molding process begins with melting down the plastic and forming it into a parison or in the case of injection and injection stretch blow moulding (ISB) a preform. The parison is a tube-like piece of plastic with a hole in one end through which compressed air can pass.ontainers such as jars often have an excess of material due to the molding process. This is trimmed off by spinning a knife around the container which cuts the material away. This excess plastic is then recycled to create new moldings.", "- Instructions. 1 With the pencil, carefully poke a small hole in the bottom of each plastic cup. 2 Tie the paper clip to one end of the string. 3 Thread the other end of the string through the hole in the bottom of one of the cups.4 Be sure to thread it from the inside of the cup. Be sure to thread it from the inside of the cup. 2 The paperclip will keep the string from going all the way through the hole. 3 Then thread the string through the hole in the second cup, but this time do it from the outside of the cup. 4 Tie the second paper clip to the other end of the string.", "English Crumpets 1 Spray a skillet and round metal open-top cookie cutters or crumpet molds with cooking spray. 2 Heat skillet over medium-low heat, place the metal cutters or molds into the skillet, and let the molds heat up. 3 Spoon batter into the molds, filling them about halfway.", "- Wet the area first, and then apply the coarse plaster as you would a first coat of joint compound, covering the tape but taking care to avoid leaving lumps or ridges that stand beyond the plane of the wallboard. Making the Gage.", "How to Make Handmade Paper 1 Set your mold in a shallow basin or pan. 2 I used a cookie sheet. 3 You could use a sink. 4 Pour the blended mixture into the mold. 5 Sprinkle in your mix-ins (thread, flower petals, etc.). 6 Shake the mold from side to side, keeping it in the liquid, to level out your paper pulp mixture. 7 You have few different options here.", "How to Make Polystyrene Molds Carve the shape in the negative form so you can use the foam shape directly as a mold. Brush on a layer of clear sealer over the mold. Allow to dry for at least four hours. You may wish to apply several layers. Do not use an oil-based sealer as it may melt the polystyrene.", "HOW TO: Make Homemade, Healthy, Organic Popsicles To Beat the Heat! You could start first by finding a recipe in a book (try Paletas or People’s Pops) or online for recipe ideas (try Inhabitots and Growing A Green Family), and then procure ingredients to fit your recipe. Alternatively, you can do what I do, and improvise by starting with the ingredients.hen your popsicles are ready to eat, pull each popsicle out of the mold by first running hot water from the tap over the top of the plastic mold for about 1 minute, to unstick popsicle ice from plastic mold.", "Starfish polymer clay tutorial Here is a simple tutorial on how to make polymer clay starfish. You can use my mold that I have for sale on Artfire, or you can use part of the tutorial and create your own texture. (click on pictures to make larger).", "- 1 Tear the paper (feel free to mix different types) into small bits and put it into a blender. 2 Fill the blender about 2/3 full with warm water. 3 Pulse the blender until the pulp is smooth. 4 If you are going to write on the paper, blend in 2 teaspoons of liquid starch. 5 Set your mold in a shallow basin or pan.ou can use: There are many materials you can add in with the paper for a decorative effect. You may wish to add flower or vegetable seeds to the paper, which can be planted. You are going to pulp the old paper together with water, spread it out, and allow it to dry. It's that simple! By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.", "How to Make Ice Molds for Punch Bowls Add goodies to make more decorative ice molds for punch. A plain (but practical) ice mold can be turned into a work of art by adding fruit, leaves and/or edible flowers. Pour 1/2 to 1 inch of liquid into the bottom of your mold. Arrange your chosen goodies in the liquid, cover with plastic wrap, and freeze.", "How Do You Make 'Leaf Mold'? Leaf mold is the term used for a special kind of compost using only leaves that are slowly decomposed without adding any other ingredients.Making leaf mold is a COLD process. That makes it different from composting. The decomposition is mostly done by fungi whereas composting relies on bacteria.eaf mold is the term used for a special kind of compost using only leaves that are slowly decomposed without adding any other ingredients. Making leaf mold is a COLD process.", "Wax Melt Clamshell Molds Wax Melt Clamshell Molds. Our wax melt clamshell molds are made of PVC and PET film making them highly crack and heat resistant. They are very easy to use and are the perfect way to add wickless fragrance products to your candle line. Simply pour wax, let cool, snap closed, and add your own stickers or packaging design." ]
[ 13.5703125 ]
[ 0.046722412109375, 8.5078125, 2.599609375, 9.6875, 4.44921875, 5.83984375, 6.38671875, 1.1005859375, 2.2734375, 7.94921875, 10.1015625, 4.13671875, 0.798828125, 5.27734375, 11.609375, 6.23046875, 10.9609375, 4.24609375, 2.8984375, 7.58984375, 2.84765625, 5.359375, 5.6796875, 7.5078125, 1.193359375, 2.470703125, 4.58984375, 6.1875, 4.9765625, 4.625 ]
what does it cost to check an extra bag on southwest
[ "Southwest Airlines Checked Baggage Rules Southwest does not charge passengers for the first two bags that they check on a flight. Because some other airlines charge up to $25 for the first bag and as much as $35 for the second bag, travelers may be able to save a significant amount of money by flying with Southwest if they plan to check their bags. Travelers must pay $50 per bag for each additional bag." ]
[ "- Baggage fees for each piece (Carry-On bag fee, 1st checked bag fee, 2nd checked bag fee, etc.), gate check fee, oversize checked bag fee ($75), and overweight checked bag fee ($75) are cumulative and all may be assessed on one item.", "Airline fees we love to hate Now that JetBlue started charging for bags on Tuesday, Southwest Airlines will be the only major U.S. airline not tacking on additional luggage fees. All told, the major U.S. airlines made more than $2.6 billion in baggage fees in 2014, according to federal government figures.", "Checked Baggage Weight and Size Allowance. Southwest will accept the first two checked bags for free provided that the bags do not exceed 50 lbs and 62 inches (L+W+H). Overweight items from 51 to 100 pounds and oversized items in excess of 62 inches but not more than 80 inches will be accepted for a charge of $75.00 per item one-way.ize and weight limitations apply. Each piece of baggage in excess of the free baggage allowance specified above that is not in excess of 62 inches (L+W+H) and 50 lbs. or less will be accepted for a charge of $75.00 per item one-way.", "Publication 463 (2017), Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses Spirit has 24 different baggage fees, depending on when and where you pay for it. Carry-on bags will cost $26 now if you pay for them online while booking your ticket. Spirit is the only airline to charge for carry-on bags. A first checked bag will cost $21 and a second will cost $31.Remaining bags will cost $76 each to check. The new fees apply only to members of Spirit's $9 Fare Club, who get access to the lowest fares.If you are a member of the $9 Fare Club and pay for your bags while checking in online, you'll pay $36 for your carry-on. The prices for checked bags will go from $31 to $41 to $86, depending on how many you check.pirit is the only airline to charge for carry-on bags. A first checked bag will cost $21 and a second will cost $31. Remaining bags will cost $76 each to check. The new fees apply only to members of Spirit's $9 Fare Club, who get access to the lowest fares.", "Southwest Airlines Checked Baggage Rules Southwest does not charge passengers for the first two bags that they check on a flight. Because some other airlines charge up to $25 for the first bag and as much as $35 for the second bag, travelers may be able to save a significant amount of money by flying with Southwest if they plan to check their bags.f a traveler on Southwest checks 10 or more bags, each bag after the ninth costs $110. Southwest accepts luggage that is no more than 62 linear inches. This means the height, width and length of the bags you check must equal 62 inches or less.", "Southwest Airlines Checked Baggage Rules Southwest does not charge passengers for the first two bags that they check on a flight. Because some other airlines charge up to $25 for the first bag and as much as $35 for the second bag, travelers may be able to save a significant amount of money by flying with Southwest if they plan to check their bags.", "How many bags can you check in on Southwest Airlines? 1 Southwest Airlines allows two (2) checked pieces of baggage per ticketed customer. Size and weight limitations apply. Excess baggage: a 3rd through 9th bag or item may be checked for a charge of $50 per piece, and any bag or item thereafter will be $110 per piece.", "Baggage Allowance Baggage weighing more than 70 pounds (32 kg) but less than 100 pounds (45 kg) will be charged at a rate up to $400 per piece, depending on the destination. These charges are in addition to any charge assessed for additional or oversized baggage.", "How to Avoid Checked Baggage Fees on Major Domestic Carriers As of now, there are still two holdouts to the checked bag fee mania that has swept through the airline industry over the last few years: 1 Southwest: The leading carrier when it comes to checked bag fees (or lack thereof) is Southwest, as they allow all passengers to check two bags for free (up to 50 lbs apiece).", "- today most major airlines charge $ 15 each way to check one bag $ 25 each way for a second bag and as much as $ 125 each way for a third bag or any bag that weighs more than 50 poundsoday most major airlines charge $ 15 each way to check one bag $ 25 each way for a second bag and as much as $ 125 each way for a third bag or any bag that weighs more than 50 pounds", "- 1 First checked bag fee: $25. 2 Second checked bag fee: $35. 3 Additional bags fee: $125 for 3rd bag, $200 each for bags 4-9. 4 Overweight bags: $90 for 51-70 lbs, $175 for 71-100 lbs.", "Southwest: How to Book a Companion Pass Ticket As long as there’s a seat for sale on the flight, you can book your companion with you for the price of… FREE! Technically, they’ll pay taxes, a maximum of $10. Here’s how you book a Southwest Companion Pass. Book a flight for yourself. Go into My Travel and click on Add a Companion.", "- Overweight Baggage. 1 Checked baggage weighing over 50 lbs/23 kgs but not more than 70 lbs/32 kgs will be charged at the rate of $60 per piece. 2 Checked baggage weighing over 70lbs/32 kgs but not more than 100 lbs/45 kgs will be charged at the rate from $450 per piece.", "7 Smart Ways to Bypass Baggage Fees Spirit, Frontier and Allegiant now charge for carry-ons, and a single checked bag costs $50 per roundtrip flight on most major airlines. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid the industry's barrage of baggage fees -- tricks that the airlines probably don't want you to know about.ou could pay anywhere from $26 to $100 for a carry-on bag aboard Spirit Airlines if it doesn't fit under the seat in front of you, and the carrier's checked bag fees cover a similar range. Take the Train. While airlines are charging left and right for bags of any shape and size, train travel is a different story.", "How many bags can i check onto Southwest Airlines?? Excess baggage: a 3rd through 9th bag or item may be checked for a charge of $50 per piece, and any bag or item thereafter will be $110 per piece. Maximum allowed weight per item is 50 pounds and maximum size per item is 62 inches--height, width, and length combined.", "- Pets. Southwest only accepts small cats and dogs in carriers that can fit under the seat in front of passengers. The cost is $75 each way. Pets cannot be carried in the cargo hold.", "What Not to Pack Checking more than one bag, exceeding your airline's weight limit or even checking a bag at all can cost you. Most airlines charge a $25 fee each way for checking one piece of luggage on domestic and some international flights, with fees climbing into the hundreds of dollars for anything beyond two checked bags.hecking more than one bag, exceeding your airline's weight limit or even checking a bag at all can cost you. Most airlines charge a $25 fee each way for checking one piece of luggage on domestic and some international flights, with fees climbing into the hundreds of dollars for anything beyond two checked bags.", "9 secrets for outsmarting airline baggage fees Nowadays checked baggage fees of $25 are commonplace and overweight baggage fees on many carriers routinely hit $75 and up. “Baggage fees are creeping up,” says George Hobica, the founder of AirfareWatchdog.com.", "- Carry on bag fee. During 2012, Allegiant became the second U.S. airline (after Spirit) to charge for carry on bags, a remarkably dubious honor. Fees range from $10 - 35 per bag depending on flight and whether paid online or not.", "Airline Baggage Fees: What you need to know before you fly Checked baggage. For domestic flights, bag fees vary and range from free to $200. Southwest Airlines is famous for its “Bags Fly Free” policy – they allow two bags for no charge. But most airlines charge around $25 for the first bag and $35 for the second bag.", "Update: What Are Southwest Points Worth Now? But Southwest calculates the points needed by multiplying the base fare (not the total fare) by 70. That means that on a points booking, you are NOT being charged for all of the additional taxes and fees (except for the security fee of $2.50). The points needed for this booking are $72.56 x 70 = 5,079 Southwest points. But you’re getting a value of $89 – $2.50 = $86.50 for the fare. And ($86.50 cost of flight / 5,079 Southwest points) = ~1.7 cents per point! So Southwest points are still worth more than the advertised value of ~1.43 cents per point!", "7 Smart Ways to Bypass Baggage Fees The Delta flight is cheaper. But check a bag at a cost of $25 for the first checked bag each way on Delta, and your total fare climbs to $256 -- more than the cost of the Southwest flight, which includes free first and second checked bags. Add a second checked bag for $35 each way on the Delta flight, and you'll pay a whopping $326.", "Delta baggage fees go up. Here are three ways to avoid them. Here are three ways to avoid them. The trip to visit the in-laws last fall was a cheapskate's success: inexpensive but direct flights, no hotel stay, and no rental car. What I didn't count on were the baggage fees: $20 apiece for two checked bags. Round-trip, that came to an extra $80.", "- Size and weight limitations apply. Each piece of baggage in excess of the free baggage allowance specified above that is not in excess of 62 inches (L+W+H) and 50 lbs. or less will be accepted for a charge of $75.00 per item one-way.", "- For each ticketed customer, Southwest allows two (2) checked pieces of baggage per ticketed customer. Size and weight limitations apply. For travel February 13, 2013 and beyond, the 3rd checked bag and any bag or item thereafer will be charged at a rate of $75.", "Passenger forced to pay airline bag fee twice Since he already had paid a $26 carry-on fee, Boyle asked Allegiant staff for a refund. He said an agent told him he could not do that, though staff had no trouble charging his card for the $70 fee to check the bag. Boyle told me he tried calling Allegiant after returning from the trip, but he couldn't get through.", "Southwest Airline Checked Luggage Rules If you check your baggage less than 30 minutes before departure, it will be tagged Late Check-in and Southwest will not be responsible for delivery charges if the bag fails to make it onto your plane and to your final destination.", "- Search Southwest Flights. 1 When you have to change your flight, some airlines charge up to $150 on top of paying a difference in fare. 2 Unlike our competitors, we understand unexpected events may happen. 3 Our No Change Fees Policy lets our Customers know we care.", "- 1 First checked bag: $15 – $30. 2 Second checked bag: $15 – $30. 3 Additional bags fee: $50 each for 4+. 4 Overweight bags: $50 for 51 – 70 lbs., $75 for 71 – 100 lbs.", "Southwest Airline Luggage Restrictions First Two Checked Bags. Per Southwest's 2011 company policy, each passenger is allowed two checked bags per trip free of charge. All bags must not weigh more than 50 lbs. and must have a maximum size not exceeding 62 inches. As of 2011, Southwest charges $50 per extra bag, from the third checked bag until the ninth. Additional checked bags will incur a $110 fee. These bags are still restricted to the maximum 50 lbs. and 62 inches limits. Bags weighing from 51 lbs. to 100 lbs. or with a size totaling 63 inches to 80 inches are accepted for a charge of $50, according to Southwest's 2011 baggage guidelines." ]
[ 15.734375 ]
[ 10.3828125, 9.53125, 13.9375, 8.5546875, 14.6640625, 14.59375, 14.5859375, 7.3671875, 10.4921875, 9.828125, 10.90625, 5.20703125, 7.6328125, 7.03125, 13.109375, 10.765625, 9.7734375, 8.6953125, 7.56640625, 13.1953125, 5.921875, 12.921875, 6.9375, 10.6875, 14.5625, 6.71484375, 9.21875, 7.60546875, 10.4453125, 16.1875 ]
what is glucono delta lactone
[ "Glucono Delta Lactone Is an All-Vegetable Ingredient (The “lactone” part of this ingredient’s name made him suspicious.) Glucono delta lactone is an ingredient in many foods, functioning as a substitute for enzymes in cheese processing or tofu manufacturing; or as a leavening acid in bakery products.he VRG recently received an email from someone who asked us if glucono delta lactone (GDL) was derived from lactose in cow’s milk." ]
[ "- Lactose intolerance means your body can’t break down lactose (a sugar mainly found in milk). Lactose is a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. An enzyme (a type of chemical) called lactase, which is produced by your small bowel, breaks lactose down into two simpler sugars (glucose and galactose).", "- 1 Enzymes Introduction: Lactose intolerance is a condition that affects millions of individuals. It is a condition that prevents an individual from metabolizing (breaking down) lactose. Lactose is a disaccharide that is composed of the monomers beta-D-galactose and beta-D-glucose.. After ten minutes, place a glucose strip in each tube for one second, and then remove it and allow it to sit on your bench top for up to three minutes. At the end of 3 minutes compare the coloration of it to the chart provided and determine the amount of glucose in mg/dL. Record this value in Figure 2.", "Lactose Intolerance and the Major Disaccharides: Definition, Structure & Examples Maltose is a disaccharide formed from the linkage of glucose + glucose, sucrose is formed from the linkage of glucose + fructose, and lactose is formed from the linkage of glucose + galactose. Lactose is also referred to as milk sugar because it is found in milk.actose Intolerance. Because lactose is a double sugar, or disaccharide, it is too big to pass through the lining of your digestive tract when you consume it. Therefore, it must be broken down into its monosaccharide units to be absorbed out of your digestive tract and into your bloodstream.", "Glucose-galactose malabsorption Glucose-galactose malabsorption is a condition in which the cells lining the intestine cannot take in the sugars glucose and galactose, which prevents proper digestion of these molecules and larger molecules made from them.Glucose and galactose are called simple sugars, or monosaccharides.lucose-galactose malabsorption is a condition in which the cells lining the intestine cannot take in the sugars glucose and galactose, which prevents proper digestion of these molecules and larger molecules made from them.", "Lactitol Lactitol is a sugar alcohol used as a replacement bulk sweetener for low calorie foods with approximately 40% of the sweetness of sugar. It is also used medically as a laxative. Lactitol is produced by two manufacturers, Danisco and Purac Biochem.", "Definitions &Translations Glucono delta-lactone (GDL), also known as gluconolactone, is a food additive with the E number E575 used as a sequestrant, an acidifier, or a curing, pickling, or leavening agent.It is a lactone (cyclic ester) of. - gluconic acid.Pure GDL is a white odorless crystalline powder.t is metabolized to glucose; one gram of GDL yields roughly the same amount of metabolic energy as one gram of sugar. Upon addition to water, GDL is partially hydrolysed to gluconic acid, with the balance between the lactone form and the acid form established as a chemical equilibrium.", "- L-gulono-γ-lactone oxidase (GULO) is the forth and final enzyme of the metabolic pathway that converts glucose to 2-keto-gulono-γ-lactone, witch spontaneously converts into L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C); a critical vitamin in biosynthesis; acting as a cofactor, substrate, or electron donor for numerous enzymes.", "- Lacto-Relief is specifically designed to aid in the digestion of dairy products. The proprietary, multi-enzyme blend in Lacto-Relief includes lactase USP, amylases, proteases, lipase, alpha-galactosidase, HemiSEB ® (a proprietary blend of hemicellulases, beta-glucanase, xylanase, pectinase and phytase), and cellulase.actase deficiency can also be the result of damage to the small intestine from severe digestive diseases or a congenital absence of the lactase gene. In normal digestion, lactase breaks down the milk sugar lactose into glucose and galactose, two simpler forms of sugar.", "Schiff Digestive Advantage Lactose Defense Formula Capsules Because Digestive Advantage Lactose Defense Formula reaches your intestines alive, it is able to provide digestive and immune health benefits where you need them. Enjoy the benefits. Helps break down lactose and defend against digestive upset.", "Lactase deficiency Lactase deficiency (medical condition): Lactose intolerance is a difficulty properly digesting lactose (milk sugar) and the various dairy products that ...actase deficiency: The condition resulting from the absence or deficiency of LACTASE in the MUCOSA cells of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, and the inability to break down LACTOSE in milk for ABSORPTION.", "DALPAD⢠DALPAD™ A is an aromatic, slow-evaporating glycol ether with high polymer solvency and excellent coalescing abilities. This product is widely used in water-based coatings, and adheres to a tighter solution clarity specification than other similar products.", "BPI Sports Best Glutamine Muscle Recovery and Muscle Size! GLUTA ALKALINE is a combination of l-glutamine and trans-alanyl-glutamine. Research indicates that l-glutamine is involved in recovery and protein synthesis.e’ve also included the patent-pending ph-sorb, our state of the art balanced alkaline buffering system, to increase nutrient delivery and utilization. Take your results to the next level by stacking GLUTA-ALKALINE with BPI’s other innovative products, such as CREATINE ALKALINE, BETA ALKALINE, LEUCINE AGMA PH.", "Lactose Intolerance Lactose, the predominant sugar found in milk and other dairy products, is broken down by the enzyme lactase, which is produced by the cells in the inner lining of the small intestine. Lactase breaks down lactose, a complex sugar, into its two components, glucose and galactose.actose, the predominant sugar found in milk and other dairy products, is broken down by the enzyme lactase, which is produced by the cells in the inner lining of the small intestine. Lactase breaks down lactose, a complex sugar, into its two components, glucose and galactose.", "Why do whey protein supplements cause loose motion and gastric problems? Lactose intolerance is the inability of adults and children to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and to a lesser extent dairy products, causing side effects.It is due to a lactase deficiency, or hypolactasia.actose intolerance is the inability of adults and children to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and to a lesser extent dairy products, causing side effects.", "Deltasone DRUG DESCRIPTION. DELTASONE Tablets contain prednisone which is a glucocorticoid. Glucocorticoids are adrenocortical steroids, both naturally occurring and synthetic, which are readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Prednisone is a white to practically white, odorless, crystalline powder.It is very slightly soluble in water; slightly soluble in alcohol, in chloroform, in dioxane, and in methanol. The chemical name for prednisone is pregna-1,4-diene-3,11,20-trione, 17,21-dihydroxy-and its molecular weight is 358.43.The structural formula is represented below: DELTASONE (prednisone) Tablets are available in 5 strengths: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg and 50 mg.Inactive ingredients: 2.5 mg-Calcium Stearate, Corn Starch, Erythrosine Sodium, Lactose, Mineral Oil, Sorbic Acid and Sucrose. 5 mg-Calcium Stearate, Corn Starch, Lactose, Mineral Oil, Sorbic Acid and Sucrose.ELTASONE (prednisone) Tablets are available in 5 strengths: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg and 50 mg. Inactive ingredients: 2.5 mg-Calcium Stearate, Corn Starch, Erythrosine Sodium, Lactose, Mineral Oil, Sorbic Acid and Sucrose. 5 mg-Calcium Stearate, Corn Starch, Lactose, Mineral Oil, Sorbic Acid and Sucrose.", "What Is Lactulose (Generlac and Enulose)? 8 Reviews. 8 Reviews. The drug lactulose has several brand names, including Generlac and Enulose, and is used to treat constipation. Lactulose is a type of sugar that is broken down in the large intestine into mild acids that draw water into the colon.Doctors also prescribe the medicine to reduce the amount of ammonia in the blood of people with liver disease.actulose is a type of sugar that is broken down in the large intestine into mild acids that draw water into the colon.", "Definitions &Translations Arabinogalactan is a biopolymer consisting of arabinose and galactose monosaccharides. Two classes of arabinogalactans are found in nature: plant arabinogalactan and microbial arabinogalactan. In plants, it is a major component of many gums, including gum arabic and gum gutti.", "Glucose-galactose malabsorption Glucose-galactose malabsorption is a condition in which the cells lining the intestine cannot take in the sugars glucose and galactose, which prevents proper digestion of these molecules and larger molecules made from them.Glucose and galactose are called simple sugars, or monosaccharides.lucose-galactose malabsorption is a condition in which the cells lining the intestine cannot take in the sugars glucose and galactose, which prevents proper digestion of these molecules and larger molecules made from them. Glucose and galactose are called simple sugars, or monosaccharides.", "The GULO Pseudogene and Its Implications for Common Descent L-gulonolactone oxidase (GULO), the final enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), is a subject that comes up often in discussions of common ancestry.n some taxa, however, the GULO gene does not function in this capacity and is given the pseudogene label. The GULO gene is thought to be broken in humans (Nishikimi and Yagi, 1991), primates and guinea pigs (Nishikimi et al., 1994; Nishikimi et al., 1988), as well as in bats of the genus Pteropus (Cui et al., 2011).", "Soli Deo gloria A similar phrase is found in the Vulgate translation of the Bible: soli Deo honor et gloria . This is grammatically the same as the signature of Bach and Handel, but using the dative to the only God then two nominative subjects honour and glory.. similar phrase is found in the Vulgate translation of the Bible: soli Deo honor et gloria . This is grammatically the same as the signature of Bach and Handel, but using the dative to the only God then two nominative subjects honour and glory..", "- Galactose: A sugar found in milk. Galactose is a disaccharide that is made up of two sugars, galactose and glucose, that are bound together. Last Editorial Review: 5/13/2016.", "Glucuronolactone Add a new page. Glucuronolactone, also known as D-Glucuronolactone, DGL and D-Glucoronic Acid, is an organic metabolite found in the body. A metabolite is a substance that results from the metabolism of glucose in the human liver.", "- In the food industry, Glucono Delta Lactone is a GRAS ingredient (Generally Regarded as Safe) used as a food additive to lower the pH of sauces and dressings without making them sour as citric acid can do.", "Lactose intolerance lactose intolerance. Description. Lactose intolerance is an impaired ability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Lactose is normally broken down by an enzyme called lactase, which is produced by cells in the lining of the small intestine. Congenital lactase deficiency, also called congenital alactasia, is a disorder in which infants are unable to break down lactose in breast milk or formula.", "Disaccharide Lactose (milk sugar), found in the milk of all mammals, consists of glucose and galactose connected by a β-linkage. Maltose, a product of the breakdown of starches during digestion, consists of two molecules of glucose connected via an α-linkage. Another important disaccharide, trehalose, which is found in...", "- a sugar, C 6 H 12 O 6, having several optically different forms, the common dextrorotatory form (dextroglucose, or -glucose) occurring in many fruits, animal tissues and fluids, etc., and having a sweetness about one half that of ordinary sugar, and the rare levorotatory form (levoglucose, or -glucose) not naturally occurring.", "- Lactulose is a non-absorbable sugar used in the treatment of constipation and hepatic encephalopathy. It used by mouth for constipation and either by mouth or in the rectum for hepatic encephalopathy.actulose is not absorbed, does not affect the absorption of spironolactone, and may be used by diabetics. It is used in people with cirrhosis/hepatic encephalopathy to limit the proliferation of ammonia-forming gut organisms and increase the clearance of protein load in the gut.", "Why do whey protein supplements cause loose motion and gastric problems? Lactose intolerance is the inability of adults and children to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and to a lesser extent dairy products, causing side effects. It is due to a lactase deficiency, or hypolactasia.", "galactose d-galactose is found in lactose, in cerebrosides of the brain, in the sugar beet, and in many gums and seaweeds; l-galactose is found in flaxseed mucilage. galactose tolerance test a laboratory test done to determine the liver's ability to convert the sugar galactose into glycogen.Two methods may be used. The oral method requires about 5 hours to complete, and the intravenous method, which is more accurate, requires about 2 hours.alactose tolerance test a laboratory test done to determine the liver's ability to convert the sugar galactose into glycogen. Two methods may be used.", "Lactose & Galactose Galactose Defined. Galactose is a monosaccharide, meaning single sugar unit, with the chemical formula C6H12O6. This chemical composition is identical to that of the more common monosaccharide glucose, and though glucose and galactose don't have identical chemical structures, they're quite similar.actose is a disaccharide, meaning it's made up of two smaller monosaccharide units. Specifically, lactose consists of a glucose chemically bonded to a galactose, giving it the overall chemical formula C12H22O11." ]
[ 16.8125 ]
[ 4.5625, 3.62890625, 3.498046875, 5.16796875, 5.14453125, 18.5625, 8.625, 1.416015625, 3.58984375, 4.35546875, 2.50390625, 1.52734375, 5.2578125, 4.328125, 3.42578125, 4.546875, 0.12744140625, 5.12109375, 3.568359375, -0.302978515625, 3.154296875, 10.6484375, 17.28125, 4.23828125, 4.1953125, 6.1171875, 3.94921875, 3.453125, 3.123046875, 3.650390625 ]
what is emea region
[ "List of EMEA Countries EMEA is a designation given to a set of countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for business purposes.Most commonly it is used for sales and marketing purposes but it is also used for other aspects of business including production and logistics.dditional Background on the EMEA countries List. The EMEA region consists of more land mass than any of the other business regions (APAC, AMER, or LATAM). The EMEA region also spans 4 continents, Europe, Africa, Asia, and because of Greenland North America as well." ]
[ "Vermont Maine (/ˈmeɪn/ ; French: État état Du) maine is a state in The New england region of the Northeastern United, states bordered by The Atlantic ocean to the east and; South New hampshire to the; west and The canadian provinces Of quebec to the northwest And New brunswick to the. northeasto the south and east is the Atlantic Ocean and to the north and northeast is New Brunswick, a province of Canada. The Canadian province of Quebec is to the northwest. Maine is both the northernmost state in New England and the largest, accounting for almost half the region's entire land area.", "Article Mesopotamia (from the Greek, meaning 'between two rivers’) was an ancient region in the eastern Mediterranean... Sumer Sumer was the southernmost region of ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq and Kuwait) which is generally considered...", "- Cambodia (/kaemˈboʊdiə/ ; Kæmˈboʊdiə: khmer , កម្ពុជា, [kampuchea]), kɑmˈpuˈciə officially known as The kingdom Of (Cambodia: khmer , ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា Preăh Reacheanachak) réachéanachâk kampŭchea kâmpŭchéa and once Known As, the khmer empire is a country located in the southern Portion Of the Indochina Peninsula. in southeast asias Cambodia continues to grow, so does its connection to the world. In most cities, restaurants and hotels offer WiFi connections for guests, and there are numerous places where internet access is available for public use, such as coffee shops, bars, restaurants and petrol stations.", "Know Your Signature Italian Foods by Region A vast, wealthy region located in northern Italy, Emilia-Romagna is rich in meats and super-eggy pasta. The craft of curing meat is held in high esteem here — Italy's best known meat product, prosciutto di Parma, is created in Emilia, as is the king of cheeses, Parmigiano Reggiano. Tuscany. Capital city: Florence.", "- As shown on the location map of Estonia that Estonia is located in the Baltic Region of Northern Europe.", "- Brief Background on EMEA. EMEA is a designation given to a set of countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for business purposes. Most commonly it is used for sales and marketing purposes but it is also used for other aspects of business including production and logistics.dditional Background on the EMEA countries List. The EMEA region consists of more land mass than any of the other business regions (APAC, AMER, or LATAM). The EMEA region also spans 4 continents, Europe, Africa, Asia, and because of Greenland North America as well.", "- East Region Under the new regional contracts, the East Region is a merger of the North and South Regions and includes: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa (Rock Island area), Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri (St. Louis area), New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas (excluding El ...", "What is Eurasia? Southern border countries of Eurasia include Spain, Israel, Yemen, India, and continental Malaysia. Eurasia also commonly includes island countries associated with the Eurasian continent such as Sicily, Crete, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, Japan, Philippines, island Malaysia, and perhaps even Indonesia.", "- The term MENA is an acronym referring to the Middle East and North Africa region. The term MENA covers an extensive region, extending from Morocco to Iran, including all Middle Eastern and Maghreb countries.The term is roughly synonymous with the term the Greater Middle East.ccording to the Oil and Gas Journal (January 1, 2009), the MENA region has 60% of the world's oil reserves (810.98 billion barrels (128.936 km 3)) and 45% of the world's natural gas reserves (2,868,886 billion cubic feet (81,237.8 km 3)). As of 2011, 8 of the 12 OPEC nations are within the MENA region.", "- www.tricare-west.com. East Region Under the new regional contracts, the East Region is a merger of the North and South Regions and includes: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa (Rock Island area), Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri (St. Louis area), New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee ...", "Where was Bohemia originally located and where is it today? Bohemia is a region in central Europe, occupying the western two-thirds of the Czech Republic. In a broader meaning, it often refers to the entire Czech Republic, including Moravia and Czech Silesia especially in historical contexts, such as the Kingdom of Bohemia.", "- The map of eastern region shows the countries in the east Europe. The Eastern European countries include Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Bulgaria, and many others. Print.", "- [uɾuˈɣwai]), officially the Eastern Republic of Uruguay (Spanish: Republica República oriental Del), uruguay is a country in the southeastern region Of South. America it is bordered By argentina to its west And brazil to its north and, east with The Atlantic ocean to the south and. southeast", "What is EMEA Marketing What is EMEA Marketing. EMEA Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers and users in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) area. Factors affecting EMEA Marketing decisions.", "East Midlands The East Midlands is one of nine official regions of England at the first level of NUTS for statistical purposes. The eastern part of the Midlands, the region consists of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, most of Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland.he highest point in the region is Kinder Scout in the Peak District near Glossop, at 2,088 ft (636 m). The centre of the East Midlands area lies roughly between Bingham and Bottesford.", "REPUBLIC OF YEMEN Holonyms (Republic of Yemen is a part of...): Arabia; Arabian Peninsula (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf; strategically important for its oil resources) Asia (the largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eurasia; it is the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations)", "- I have metrics for global figures which have been aggregated to EMEA, US West, US East, APAC, LATAM. When creating a map i need to group the countries to their respective names, eg, Ireland, UK, France etc are EMEA countries which are in red and Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay are LATAM countries in green.", "- However, in the context of its ancient history, the term Near East was used in reference to the Eastern Mediterranean / Ottoman Empire regions, while the term Middle East was restricted to the area between the aforementioned Near— and Far East (Mesopotamia to India).", "- The Middle East is a region or area located in the continent of Asia and Africa.Egypt is the only country of The Middle East that is located in Africa. In antiquity, the area of the Middle East is known for starting the first civilizations.esopotamia. Mesopotamia is the first civilization in history. Civilization was only possible through the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Domestication of the rivers led to engineering feats like the building of levees and irrigation systems.", "- the middle east is a huge region covering west asia north africa and to some extent turkey as well the origin of the term middle east can be traced back to the early 20th century the geopolitical term middle east was first coined in 1902 by a united states naval officer alfred thayer mahan", "Chapter 4: The United States East of the Mississippi River Create a free account to save it. subregion located in the northeastern corner of the United States, between Canada and the Atlantic Ocean. states located in the north central part of the U.S. the largest subregion in the eastern United States.", "REGION 4. the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in 'in the region of'). 5. a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about. Familiarity information: REGION used as a noun is common.Dictionary entry details.yponyms (each of the following is a kind of region): erogenous zone (any area of the body especially sensitive to sexual stimulation). middle; midriff; midsection (the middle area of the human torso (usually in front)). waist; waistline (the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips).", "Mustela erminea ermine Ermine have a circumpolar distribution. They are found in the north temperate regions of Eurasia and North America. In the New World, they range from east to west in a broad belt from the Arctic Ocean and adjacent islands of the Canadian Archipelago southward into the northern United States.", "What is the 'Middle East and North Africa - MENA' Many of the 12 OPEC nations are within the MENA region. While there is no standardized list of which countries are included in the MENA region, the term typically includes the area from Morocco in northwest Africa to Iran in southwest Asia and down to Sudan in Africa.he following countries are typically included in MENA: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, West Bank and Gaza, and Yemen.", "Mesoamerica Mesoamerica is a region and cultural area in the Americas, extending approximately from central Mexico to Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica, within which pre-Columbian societies flourished before the Spanish colonization of the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries.ne of the earliest examples of the Mesoamerican writing systems, the Epi-Olmec script on the La Mojarra Stela 1 dated to around AD 150. Mesoamerica is one of the five places in the world where writing has developed independently.", "- What are the 5 region in Asia in their country? The five regions in Asia are Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southwest Asia (Middle East) and Central Asia.Russia is also sometimes referred to as North Asia, the … sixth region.3 people found this useful.hat country has the worlds largest democracy in the southeast asia and pacific regions? It depends on how the word largest is read. If it refers to population, Indonesia is the region's most populous democracy with over 200 million individuals of vo … ting age.", "Asia East Asia defines the region between Central Asia, Russia, and the Pacific Ocean roughly up to the beginning of the Tropic of Cancer. The countries of East Asia include China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Mongolia (as well as Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan).", "Melanesia Melanesia (UK: /ˌmɛləˈniːziə/; US: /ˌmɛləˈniːʒə/) is a subregion of Oceania (and occasionally Australasia) extending from the western end of the Pacific Ocean to the Arafura Sea, and eastward to Fiji. The region includes the four countries of Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea.", "GEOGRAPHICAL REGION Elam; Susiana (an ancient country in southwestern Asia east of the Tigris River (in what is modern Iran); was known for its warlike people). Levant (the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon and Syria and Israel).Macedon; Macedonia; Makedonija (the ancient kingdom of Philip II and Alexander the Great in the southeastern Balkans that is now divided among modern Macedonia and Greece and Bulgaria).atchment area; catchment basin; drainage area; drainage basin (the geographical area draining into a river or reservoir). basin; river basin (the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries). soil; territory (the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state).", "Why is the Middle East considered to be a part of Asia? The Middle East (also called the Mid East) is a transcontinental region centered on Western Asia and Egypt. The corresponding adjective is Middle-Eastern and the derived noun is Middle-Easterner." ]
[ 16.4375 ]
[ 3.40234375, 3.341796875, 1.4990234375, 5.578125, 4.30078125, 16.203125, 4.94921875, 5.28515625, 7.5625, 4.44140625, 3.146484375, 6.69140625, 4.2265625, 15.125, 7.296875, 1.5322265625, 10.3515625, 5.25390625, 6.18359375, 6.50390625, 3.87890625, 3.888671875, 1.9736328125, 7.83203125, 5.1484375, 4.3203125, 3.361328125, 3.8515625, 4.609375, 6.2578125 ]
what happens to tissues, such as the heart, or the brain, if oxygenated blood is not delivered in a timely manner?
[ "Lesson 4.1 Review And.. The Semilunar Valves prevent the back flow of the blood from the arteries to the ventricles. Explain what happens to tissues, such as the heart, or the brain, if oxygenated blood is not delivered in a timely manner. The tissue of the organ starts to die." ]
[ "Can someone live with out there heart? Best Answer: No, the heart pumps the oxygen to the brain which allows the brain to function properly. However, the brain can still maintain itself for 2 minutes without flow of oxygen.", "Oxygen demand The increased blood flow delivers more oxygenated blood to the working muscle. When you begin to exercise, a remarkable diversion happens. Blood that would have gone to the stomach or the kidneys goes instead to the muscles, and the way that happens shows how the body's processes can sometimes override one another.", "- Blood carries essential nutrients and oxygen to the brain. Without a blood supply, the nerve cells in that area of the brain become damaged within minutes and die, and as a result, the part of the body controlled by the damaged section of the brain cannot function properly. Because the brain controls everything the body does, damage to the brain will affect body functions.", "- Oxygenation usually refers to the gas exchange that occurs in the lungs. For example… you can bag someone with 100% oxygen all you want, but if circulation is impaired (heart stopped, pulmonary embolism, ect) there will be no gas exchange, and thus, no oxygenation of the blood. Reply.", "- Your body has over 300 million alveoli. The alveoli are surrounded by a mesh of tiny blood vessels called capillaries. Here, oxygen from the inhaled air passes through the alveoli walls and into the blood. After absorbing oxygen, the blood leaves the lungs and is carried to your heart. Your heart then pumps it through your body to provide oxygen to the cells of your tissues and organs. As the cells use the oxygen, carbon dioxide is produced and absorbed into the blood. Your blood then carries the carbon dioxide back to your lungs, where it is removed from the body when you exhale.", "Anemia If you have anemia, your body doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood. As a result, you may feel tired or weak. You also may have other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, or headaches. Severe or long-lasting anemia can damage your heart, brain, and other organs in your body. Very severe anemia may even cause death. Blood is made up of many parts, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets (PLATE-lets), and plasma (the fluid portion of blood).", "- The flow of blood through the heart follows a very deliberate path to ensure that oxygenated blood from the lungs passes through major arteries and gets delivered to body tissues. This process occurs on an average of 70 to 75 times a minute, pumping about 2,000 gallons of blood every day.", "- “For instance, a lower volume of blood pumping from the heart might reduce blood flow to the brain, providing less oxygen and fewer nutrients needed for brain cells.”. She says it’s too early to offer advice based on the study, “but it does suggest that heart and brain health go hand in hand.”.", "- When the leaflets don’t fully open, your heart must work harder to push blood through the aortic valve to your body. Eventually, your heart gets weaker; increasing the risk of heart failure (your heart cannot supply enough blood to your body). Severe aortic stenosis is a very serious problem.", "Ch. 27 Knowledge Practice cellular waste products are not removed and cells are not supplied with nutrients and oxygen. Your patient is a 33-year-old man who has a gunshot wound to his right leg and has active, steady, dark red bleeding. He is awake, pale, and diaphoretic. breaths per minute, and a blood pressure of 122/82 mmHg.", "What does it mean if you're not getting enough blood to your brain? When the arteries become narrowed, the condition is called carotid stenosis. A blockage in your carotid artery can reduce the blood supply to your brain. A stroke can occur if your brain does not get enough blood. There are two invasive ways to treat a carotid artery that is narrowed or blocked. One is surgery called endarterectomy. The other is a procedure called carotid angioplasty with stent placement. Source(s): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebral_hy...", "Vulnerable Plaque With time, the plaque buildup would narrow the artery so much that the artery would either close off or become clogged by a blood clot (much like a clogged drain). The lack of oxygen-rich blood to the heart would then lead to a heart attack. But these types of blockages cause only about 3 out of 10 heart attacks. Researchers are now finding that many people who have heart attacks do not have arteries severely narrowed by plaque.", "Heart Attack Myocardial Infarction If you have a heart attack, a coronary artery or one of its smaller branches is suddenly blocked. The part of the heart muscle supplied by this artery loses its blood (and oxygen) supply if the vessel is blocked. This part of the heart muscle is at risk of dying unless the blockage is quickly removed.", "- Your brain is nourished by one of your body's richest networks of blood vessels. With each heartbeat, arteries carry about 20 to 25 percent of your blood to your brain, where billions of cells use about 20 percent of the oxygen and fuel your blood carries. When you are thinking hard, your brain may use up to 50 percent of the fuel and oxygen.", "Human Physiology/Print Version Respiratory (RES-pih-rah-tor-e) failure is a condition in which not enough oxygen passes from your lungs into your blood. Your body's organs, such as your heart and brain, need oxygen-rich blood to work well. Respiratory failure also can occur if your lungs can't properly remove carbon dioxide (a waste gas) from your blood. Too much carbon dioxide in your blood can harm your body's organs. Both of these problems—a low oxygen level and a high carbon dioxide level in the blood—can occur at the same time.", "Ischemia Since oxygen is carried to tissues in the blood, insufficient blood supply causes tissue to become starved of oxygen. In the highly aerobic tissues of the heart and brain, irreversible damage to tissues can occur in as little as 3–4 minutes at body temperature.", "Stroke Ischemic stroke occurs because of a loss of blood supply to part of the brain, initiating the ischemic cascade. Brain tissue ceases to function if deprived of oxygen for more than 60 to 90 seconds [citation needed], and after approximately three hours will suffer irreversible injury possibly leading to the death of the tissue, i.e., infarction.", "- When your blood has been oxygenated, it goes back to your heart and your heart transports the oxygenated blood around the body. As for carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide doesn't get transported in the blood its actually a waste product.", "Understanding Heart Attack: The Basics The heart has three coronary arteries, two of them large, branching arteries that deliver oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. If one of these arteries or branches becomes blocked suddenly, a portion of the heart is starved of oxygen, a condition called cardiac ischemia. If cardiac ischemia lasts too long, the starved heart tissue dies. This is a heart attack, otherwise known as a myocardial infarction -- literally, death of heart muscle.", "Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Understanding Stroke Stroke: Time = Brain Damage. Every second counts when seeking treatment for a stroke. When deprived of oxygen, brain cells begin dying within minutes. There are clot-busting drugs that can curb brain damage, but they need to be used within three hours -- up to 4.5 hours in some people -- of the initial stroke symptoms.Once brain tissue has died, the body parts controlled by that area won't work properly. This is why stroke is a top cause of long-term disability.here are clot-busting drugs that can curb brain damage, but they need to be used within three hours -- up to 4.5 hours in some people -- of the initial stroke symptoms. Once brain tissue has died, the body parts controlled by that area won't work properly.", "- Blood flow to tissues (perfusion) – Rapidly perfused tissues, such as the heart, liver, kidney, brain, and lung, are exposed to the drug in. the first few minutes following absorption (initial. phase of drug distribution).", "- The main problem is that the body is starved for oxygen. When the bloodstream does not receive enough oxygen from either the lungs or heart or a disease or illness is depleting the oxygen from the bloodstream, the organs and the brain suffer. Injury and blood loss will also cause low oxygen saturation.", "- The blood returning to the lungs is usually only down to about 75% oxygen, while the blood leaving your heart has about 100% oxygen. If you stop breathing but your heart keeps pumping blood to your brain, the oxygen content of your blood will decrease over time until you pass out. If your heart stops pumping, there will be no oxygen delivered to the brain and you die very quickly.", "- For example: 1 Cardiogenic shock can cause death if the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the organs isn't restored quickly. This is why emergency medical treatment is required. 2 If organs don't get enough oxygen-rich blood, they won't work well. Cells in the organs die, and the organs may never work well again.", "what is point where the blood oxygen level is damaging other organs of the body . Facts to Remember About Blood Oxygen Saturation Levels. When oxygen saturation levels fall below 92%, the pressure of the oxygen in your blood is too low to penetrate the walls of the red blood cells. So, oxygen is unable to access transportation to your cells, tissues, and organs. It is a matter of gas laws.", "Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) If blood flow to your brain is reduced or blocked, even for a few minutes, the lack of oxygen may cause damage, or even death of brain cells. If brain cells die or are damaged because of a stroke, symptoms occur in the parts of the body that these brain cells control.", "- The oxygen-rich blood is transported to capillaries, where the oxygen and nutrients are released to body tissue. The capillaries also collect waste-rich blood and channel it back into the veins. The veins carry the blood back to the heart where the circulatory process begins again.", "What happens when the carotid artery is blocked? Because the carotid arteries deliver blood to the brain, carotid artery disease can have serious implications by reducing the flow of oxygen to the brain. The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen in order to function. Even a brief interruption in blood supply can cause problems.", "Stroke - What Happens With a hemorrhagic stroke, there is bleeding in the brain. After about 4 minutes without blood and oxygen, brain cells become damaged and may die. The body tries to restore blood and oxygen to the cells by enlarging other blood vessels (arteries) near the area.", "How long can a human survive without oxygen for? Once the blood has run out of oxygen, it can no longer supply oxygen to the brain and heart, and that's when bad things can happen. After a few minutes of cerebral anoxia (no oxygen to the brain), there can be brain damage. I've heard 6-8 minutes until it's permanent, but I'm not going to test it! A lack of oxygen to the heart muscle can cause heart attacks, and even if the individual survives the anoxic event, there may be damage to the heart that proves deadly." ]
[ 16.953125 ]
[ 8.5078125, 8.7578125, 11.1875, 7.62109375, 10.40625, 10.4609375, 10.625, 9.71875, 7.7890625, 8.3828125, 8.8203125, 9.9140625, 9.65625, 9.2265625, 10.546875, 12.734375, 11.0703125, 9.21875, 11.515625, 9.4296875, 9.390625, 10.1015625, 11.3515625, 9.5390625, 8.546875, 10.6875, 9.890625, 9.96875, 11.4765625, 10.6875 ]
meaning of the name montserrat
[ "- Hello, Guest. Montserrat is a Catalan name meaning ‘serrated mountain’. That may not be the most appealing meaning, but the exceptional beauty of the Montserrat mountain range near Barcelona, Spain might change your mind. Montserrat is, unsurprisingly, most common among the Spanish community.ello, Guest. Montserrat is a Catalan name meaning ‘serrated mountain’. That may not be the most appealing meaning, but the exceptional beauty of the Montserrat mountain range near Barcelona, Spain might change your mind. Montserrat is, unsurprisingly, most common among the Spanish community.", "- The name Montserrat is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Montserrat is: Jagged mountain.A mountain in Spain: (Montserrat); a monastery.atin Meaning: The name Montserrat is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Montserrat is: Jagged mountain. A mountain in Spain: (Montserrat); a monastery. SoulUrge Number: 3. Expression Number: 8." ]
[ "Millicent Millicent is a name adopted by the English from the Norman-French after the Conquest of 1066. Introduced as Milisende, the Old French (Frankish) form of the Germanic Amalswinthe, the name is ultimately derived from the elements “amal” meaning “work, labor” and “swinth” meaning “strength”.", "Meaning of First Name of: Majorette Your name, Majorette, gives you a sense of financial and material values and a strong desire for leadership positions, status, and wealth. Self-confident and ambitious, you desire to do things in a big way and have natural organizational skills, and the ability to direct others and get the results you seek.", "All about the name Samoset Share this: The meaning of the name Samoset is He Who Walks Over Much. The origin of the name Samoset is Native American. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. Pemaquid tribe.", "Given Name MONTSERRAT Meaning & History. From the name of a mountain near Barcelona, the site of a monastery founded in the 10th century. The mountain gets its name from Latin mons serratus meaning jagged mountain.eaning & History. From the name of a mountain near Barcelona, the site of a monastery founded in the 10th century. The mountain gets its name from Latin mons serratus meaning jagged mountain.", "- Meaning: A familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's given name). Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents. Synonyms: byname; cognomen; moniker; nickname; sobriquet; soubriquet. Context examples: familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's given name). Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents. Synonyms: byname; cognomen; moniker; nickname; sobriquet; soubriquet.", "- Irish (Munster): Americanized form of O ó ‘laoghaire descendant Of’, laoghaire a byname originally ‘meaning keeper of the’, calves from ‘laogh’. Calf this was the name of a-5th century king Of. ireland'leary Name Meaning. Irish (Munster): Americanized form of O ó ‘laoghaire descendant Of’, laoghaire a byname originally ‘meaning keeper of the’, calves from ‘laogh’. calf", "- Meaning of Monte. English name. In English, the name Monte means-from the wealthy mans mountain. Other origins for the name Monte include-English, Italian, Spanish, French.The name Monte is most often used as a boy name or male name. English Name Meaning-from the wealthy mans mountain. Origin-England.", "muster Word Origin and History for muster Expand. v. c.1300, to display, reveal, appear, from Old French mostrer appear, show, reveal, also in a military sense (10c., Modern French montrer), from Latin monstrare to show, from monstrum omen, sign (see monster). Meaning to collect, assemble is early 15c.; figurative use (of qualities, etc.) is from 1580s.", "- Broussard is a French name, derived from the French brosser meaning to scrub, and was originally a nickname meaning brush, perhaps an occupational name.", "Blanchard Blanchard is a French family name. It is also used as a given name. It derives from the Old French word blanchart which meant “whitish, bordering upon white”. It is also an obsolete term for a white horse.", "All about the name Garnet The meaning of the name Garnet is A Red Semi-precious Gem. The origin of the name Garnet is English. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. Also an English surname meaning 'little Warren'. Garnett, Garnetta, Garnette.", "- While most studies of irony focus on the ironic meaning of Fortunato's name in The Cask of Amontillado, the symbolism in Montresor's name is often overlooked. In the Romance languages, Montresor's name literally means to show fate..", "Mott Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest Mott stems from the pre-seventh-century Old English word mote or a moat, which is a wide channel built to protect a castle or stronghold.Mott is a locational name for someone who lived by a moat. Spelling variations on the surname include Mote, De Mott, and Demott.Mott family history has Basilia Motte as the first recorded spelling of the name in the Hundred Rolls of Cambridgeshire, England, in 1273.ott stems from the pre-seventh-century Old English word mote or a moat, which is a wide channel built to protect a castle or stronghold.", "mount 1 Word Origin and History for mount Expand. v. c.1300, to mount a horse; mid-14c., to rise up, ascend; fly, from Old French monter to go up, ascend, climb, mount, from Vulgar Latin *montare, from Latin mons (genitive montis) mountain (see mount (n.)). Meaning to set or place in position first recorded 1530s.", "What Is The Meaning Of The Name Lamont? The Meaning Of The Name Lamont Definition of Lamont: man of law Meaning of Lamont: From a Scottish surname which was derived from the Old Norse given name Logmaðr meaning “law man”. Statistics Of The Name Lamont How many people in the U.S have the name Lamont: 23,111", "Dorset - Meaning of Dorset [ 2 syll. dor-set, do-rs-et] The baby boy name Dorset is pronounced as D AO RSihT †. Dorset's origin is English. The meaning of Dorset is of the people who live near the sea. Dorsete, Dorsett, Dorsette, Dorzet, Dorzete, Dorzett, and Dorzette are variants of Dorset. See also the related category sea. Dorset is uncommon as a baby boy name.", "- The Welsh surname is derived from the Old Welsh personal name Morcant, which is of an uncertain origin.The Irish surname is an amalgamation of this Welsh surname, which was brought to Ireland in the Middle Ages, and several Gaelic surnames, most notably O ó. Muireagain Muireagáin the scottish surname is of an. uncertain originhe Scottish surname is of an uncertain origin. It may, however, be derived from a Gaelic cognate of the Welsh Morcant already mentioned. Ultimately, Morgan's origins are Celtic.", "Montserrat Montserrat is nicknamed The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean both for its resemblance to coastal Ireland and for the Irish ancestry of many of its inhabitants. On 18 July 1995, the previously dormant Soufriere Soufrière hills, volcano in the southern part of the, island became. active", "User Contributed Dictionary An alternative derivation for the name and another one quoted by the Oxford English Dictionary, is , meaning shoe-maker — the leprechaun is known as the fairy shoemaker of Ireland and is often portrayed working on a single shoe.", "What does Millicent mean? Millicent /mil-li-cent/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced MIL-a-sent. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Millicent is brave strength. Norman name.", "Montserrat Montserrat (/mɒntsəˈraet/) mɒntsəˈræt is A caribbean—island specifically in The Leeward, islands which is part of the chain known as The Lesser, antilles in The British West. Indies it is A British Overseas. territory", "Literature Names Meaning & History. Means from Artagnan in French, Artagnan being a town in southwest France. This was the name of a character in the novel 'The Three Musketeers' (1884) by Alexandre Dumas. In the novel D'Artagnan is an aspiring musketeer who first duels with the three title characters and then becomes their friend.", "Dermot The name Dermot is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Dermot is: Free. The name Dermot is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Dermot is: Free man. The name Dermot is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Dermot is: Free from envy. From Diarmait or Diarmuid. Famous bearer: 12th century Irish king Dermot MacMurrough.", "- Meaning of Musharraf. African name. In African, the name Musharraf means-elevated honored.The name Musharraf originated as an African name. The name Musharraf is most often used as a boy name or male name. African Name Meaning-elevated honored.", "Murchison History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms The western coast of Scotland and the desolate Hebrides islands are the ancient home of the Murchison family. Their name is derived from the personal name Murchadh, which means sea warrior.The Gaelic form of the name is Mac Mhurchaidh, meaning son of Murchadh; PDF Coat of Arms. + Extended History.", "Mistral (wind) The name mistral comes from the Languedoc dialect of the Occitan and means masterly. The same wind is called mistrau in the Provençal variant of Occitan, mestral in Catalan, maestrale in Italian and Corsican, maistràle or bentu maestru in Sardinian, and majjistral in Maltese.", "Muskrat The muskrat's name probably comes by folk etymology from a word of Algonquin origin, muscascus (literally it is red, so called for its colorings), or from the Abenaki native word moskwas, mòskwas as seen in the Archaic english name for the, animal. musquashhe muskrat is found in wetlands over a wide range of climates and habitats. It has important effects on the ecology of wetlands and is a resource of food and fur for humans. The muskrat is the largest species in the subfamily Arvicolinae, which includes 142 other species of rodents, mostly voles and lemmings.", "- Melrose Name Meaning. Scottish: habitational name from a place near Galashiels in the Scottish Borders, so named from British words that were ancestors of Welsh moel ‘bare’, ‘barren’ + rhos ‘moor’, ‘heath’.lick on a circle in the chart to view Melrose birth and death records. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your ancestors lived in harsh conditions. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names.", "- While most studies of irony focus on the ironic meaning of Fortunato's name in The Cask of Amontillado, the symbolism in Montresor's name is often overlooked. In the Romance languages, Montresor's name literally means to show fate.. At the beginning of the story, Montresor states why he desires Fortunato's downfall.", "select.surnames4.website Select Barrett Surname Genealogy. Barrett origins are unclear. One line of thinking is that the word was derived from the Old French barat and barater meaning commerce or dealings and described a market trader; or possibly it could have been a nickname for someone quarrelsome." ]
[ 16.390625, 18.9375 ]
[ 2.00390625, 2.203125, 3.169921875, 14.5859375, 3.77734375, 3.5, 8.75, 1.7734375, 2.607421875, 1.296875, 2.470703125, 4.51953125, 2.4453125, 4.59765625, 3.181640625, 1.0283203125, 2.6484375, 10.421875, 4.04296875, 1.8310546875, 12.125, 3.537109375, 3.6640625, 2.607421875, 1.43359375, 1.6416015625, 0.7998046875, 2.017578125, 4.26171875, 0.98095703125 ]
How much does it cost to charge a tesla
[ "- You have some more firm facts to work from, so best to use that. Let’s use the Teslas figure at 500km, and a charge cost of $20, from easy figures to work with. Take a decently efficient petrol car that averages 5l/100km, it will require 25l of petrol to get the tesla’s 500km.esla Australia adds that it doesn’t expect its users to be filling their batteries up from absolutely empty every single night, which means that the $20 estimate is a theoretical maximum cost. Most times, it will be cheaper than that." ]
[ "What is the cost of one full battery charge for the Tesla Roadster? Report Abuse. How much it will cost you to charge, will depend on which tariff, and which utility you use. (off peak is usually a whole lot cheaper). (For me it would be between $3 - $8) Based comparisons with European fuel economy testing Tesla claim 110 watts per kilometre.o if you round it up to 50 times your utility charge that would be pretty close. At nearly $100 grand (US) for the car, the pay back time in fuel savings is still going to take a while.(The cost of style) Fortunately for me I still love riding bicycles. Dreaming costs nothing.", "- , Drives an electric car. We don’t actually know the answer, but one way to estimate it is to take representative Tesla model, and I’m going to pick the Model S 90D with a well-optioned price of $103,300. If the margin is 20%, then the manufacturing cost is $82,640. The bigger the battery and the more options, the higher the margin.", "Tesla Least Expensive: The Tesla Model 3 is aimed at competitors such as the Chevrolet Bolt and Nissan Leaf. However, unlike those other cars, the Tesla Model 3 is a more design-focused automobile, not only providing a capable electric car, but one that looks good as well, with a starting price below $40,000.", "- Let’s use the Teslas figure at 500km, and a charge cost of $20, from easy figures to work with. Take a decently efficient petrol car that averages 5l/100km, it will require 25l of petrol to get the tesla’s 500km.", "- You have some more firm facts to work from, so best to use that. Let’s use the Teslas figure at 500km, and a charge cost of $20, from easy figures to work with. Take a decently efficient petrol car that averages 5l/100km, it will require 25l of petrol to get the tesla’s 500km.ou have some more firm facts to work from, so best to use that. Let’s use the Teslas figure at 500km, and a charge cost of $20, from easy figures to work with. Take a decently efficient petrol car that averages 5l/100km, it will require 25l of petrol to get the tesla’s 500km.", "Forums Cost for most companies is $300~$600/kWh but many speculates it's less than $200 for Tesla. Nissan has just announced a $5500 replacement charge for the 24kWh battery so it's reasonable to expect to get a 85kWh battery for (way) under $20,000 in the future.", "Electric car FAQs Charging a Tesla costs much more: $2.65 to $9, but you can go about 200 miles on that charge. Overall, you can expect an electric car to cost about 4 cents a mile to charge at national average electric rates. A conventional car that gets 30 mpg would cost about 9 cents a mile to fuel.", "How Tesla Is Driving Electric Car Innovation That meant using up some passenger or cargo space. Tesla says it has passed its crash tests without its cells deforming or coolant leaking. By most estimates, the battery for the Model S that I drove should cost between $42,500 and $55,250, or half the cost of the car.But Straubel indicated that it is already much lower. “They’re way less than half, actually,” he says.hat meant using up some passenger or cargo space. Tesla says it has passed its crash tests without its cells deforming or coolant leaking. By most estimates, the battery for the Model S that I drove should cost between $42,500 and $55,250, or half the cost of the car.", "- You have some more firm facts to work from, so best to use that. Let’s use the Teslas figure at 500km, and a charge cost of $20, from easy figures to work with. Take a decently efficient petrol car that averages 5l/100km, it will require 25l of petrol to get the tesla’s 500km.hat full battery — depending on the kind of Model S you own — should get you anywhere from 420-502km before being fully empty again. Compared to a full tank of fuel which can cost up to $100 per fill-up depending on your model, that’s already considerably cheaper.", "What Does a Tesla Really Cost? Tesla describes the Model 3 on its website as: “a smaller, simpler, more affordable electric car” and “the safest car in its class.” The company requires a $1,000 reservation fee for the Model 3 and is fulfilling orders within 12 to 18 months.", "Tesla home battery: Worth the cost? Depends where you live you can hook it up to solar panels then recharge it using free energy from the sun or if your power company charges more for electricity during peak hours you can charge up the battery during cheaper hours then go all battery when electricity costs are higher to keep it simple let s tackle one at a timef you live in the south and already own solar panels it could take you just under three years to make up the cost of the $ 3000 tesla powerwall battery but if you live in the pacific northwest and don t have solar panels it could take you at least 16 years to make up the cost of buying tesla s new home battery", "What Does a Tesla Really Cost? Tesla drivers will save that money, but they’ll see an increased electric bill from charging the car overnight. Tesla estimates that driving 15,000 miles per year will cost a driver an extra $602 in electricity, so deduct that from the gas savings. Net savings: $1,648 per year.", "What are typical Tesla prices? Model S, Model X crossover and Model 3 costs explained How much does a Tesla cost? The current Tesla car line (Roadster, Model S, Model X) ranges in price from $68,000 to $138,800 before tax incentives for electric vehicles. However, the cost of Tesla’s new Model 3 (currently being rolled out this year) could be as low as $35,000. How much does a Tesla Model S cost? When wondering what the Model S will cost you, the answer depends on on the model you buy and the tax credits available. The Tesla Model S (pictured above) comes at a starting price of $68,000 in 2018, $3,000 less than a few years ago.", "Forums Tesla Model S 85kw Battery Replacement Cost. I've asked the Tesla rep several times regarding the replacement cost of a Model S battery . . . he keeps saying $12,000 . . . which IMHO is more than reasonable. However, I've noticed on various other posts that the battery cost was more like 1/2 the cost the the car.", "What Does Providing Free Charging Cost Tesla Motors, Inc.? So, strategically positioned charging locations on major highways is all most owners need to make driving a Tesla just as convenient as driving a gas-powered vehicle. How much does Supercharging cost Tesla? Offering Supercharging free of charge to Model S owners, Tesla pays for the installation and maintenance of these fast-charging stations. But is this level of service truly sustainable? Tesla Model S charging.", "The Economics Of Owning A Tesla Car (TSLA, TM) First, the biggest savings: no more expensive gas. With 100 miles using 34kWh (about 100 MPG) and electricity costing an average of $0.12/kWh, the yearly cost to drive a Tesla Model S 85D 15,000 miles is $612.", "Tesla Will Start Charging for Its Fast Charging Network With a cost of only $35,000, Tesla is working hard to cut costs for its upcoming Model 3. The company is building a huge battery factory outside of Reno, Nev. in an effort to reduce the costs of its batteries for the Model 3 by a third. Ending free charging is another way Tesla can cut costs for its Model 3 car.", "- Tesla has arguably the most compelling vehicles in the electric car business. A relatively small number of initial buyers, however, will be spread over a growing number of manufacturers. Value: Tesla is worth $2.7 billion and recently reported a quarterly loss of $34.9 million.", "- it s an easy job one that shouldn t take a pro more than a couple of hours to do to figure out how long it would take to charge the roadster s battery pack using the new outlet multiply 70 by 220 which gives you 15400 divide 53000 by 15400 and you ve got your number 3 4 hours2 hours needed to charge a tesla roadster using common electrical outlet by scott doggett contributor a connecticut newspaper reported saturday that it could take up to 32 hours to charge a tesla roadster using a standard 110 volt outlet", "- Enlarge Photo. 2013 Tesla Model S electric sport sedan [photo by owner David Noland]. At my local utility's rate of 14 cents/kWh, that works out to a total fuel cost for the year of $530, or about 3.4 cents/mile. Contrast that to about $3,000 and 20 cents/mile for a comparable car like the Mercedes S Class.But the Model S actually used more electricity than the 5,074 kWh on the car's energy meter.013 Tesla Model S electric sport sedan [photo by owner David Noland]. At my local utility's rate of 14 cents/kWh, that works out to a total fuel cost for the year of $530, or about 3.4 cents/mile.", "Forums True cost of Tesla 3 ownership in 10 years. True cost of Tesla 3 ownership in 10 years. Submitted by Vixxfromcali on April 10, 2016. Has anyone done any analysis or scenarios on the true cost of ownership for the tesla 3? Assuming $45k tesla with $7500 rebate and gas and Maintenence savings.", "Forums Was at Tesla Factory yesterday and the very helpful tech/consultant give a lot of examples of how to calculate it out. At my current rate, off peak, at prox .11 per, it will cost me $10=/- per day for a full charge, but my daily pattern of driving keeps me down to about $2.00. BTW, at the factory and two other SuperChargers I was able to get 306, 308 and 309 mile charges.", "What Does a Tesla Really Cost? Base prices for the Tesla Model S range from $69,500 to $140,000; the Model X crossover ranges from $79,500 to $145,000; the Model 3 starts at $35,000.", "- 1 The distance from the circuit box and difficulty of the installation will drive the cost. 2 A wall charger from Tesla costs about $500. It will also require a dedicated circuit and installation, so it will have similar costs to above. You can install a J1772 charging station.", "What Goes Into A Tesla Model S Battery--And What It May Cost Nevertheless, the $400-per-kWh price seems to have been widely accepted without further inquiry--perhaps because it is still much less than what competing automakers appear to be paying. 2013 Tesla Model S.", "Can Driving a Tesla Really Save You Money? Let’s be honest, that’s a lot of money. The average American car payment is $471 a month. A Tesla is $876 more a month out of the budget. Someone’s going to have to save a lot of gas money to come up with $876 a month extra.", "Superchargers As A Profit Center For Tesla There are also secondary intangible benefits to Tesla, such as Superchargers and the superbly designed Model S's standing there charging, being basically advertising billboards for their brand. Tesla charges $2000 to enable Supercharger access on its cars.For an Electric car, most charging is done at home.aking the mid-point of $225,000, so far it has cost Tesla only $14.7 million for Superchargers. Even if every car has already charged 10 times and every charge was a full charge for an 85kWh battery, it has cost Tesla $2.5 million in electricity (at $10/charge).", "Tesla home battery: Worth the cost? Depends where you live When will a Tesla home battery pay for itself? The answer depends on where you live -- and how you use it. If you live in the South and already own solar panels, it could take you just under three years to make up the cost of the $3,000 Tesla Powerwall battery.", "Electric-car battery costs: Tesla $190 per kwh for pack, GM $145 for cells More importantly, he said the battery-pack cost of the Model S today is less than $190 per kwh—which would indicate a cell cost of $128 or less using Bereisa's 48-percent increment.", "Tesla Battery In The Model S Costs âLess Than A Quarterâ Of The Car In Most Cases As a point of reference, the Model S lineup (non signature) ranges from $71,000 for the entry level 60 kWh car to $81,000 for the standard 85 kWh version and another $10,000 for the P85 (85 kWh Performance Edition).hich brings the 24kWh battery from 638/kWh or $15,312 to $383/kWh or $9,192 for a 24kWh pack. That $6,120 battery price drop is why Nissan was able to drop the Leaf price by $6k. So the 265 EV mile Tesla 85kWh pack would cost more like $32,555. But that’s not what they plan to use in the cheaper car." ]
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what is esr blood test
[ "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), also called a sedimentation rate or Westergren ESR, is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), also called a sedimentation rate or Westergren ESR, is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation." ]
[ "Overview Sed rate, or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is a blood test that can reveal inflammatory activity in your body. A sed rate test isn't a stand-alone diagnostic tool, but it may help your doctor diagnose or monitor the progress of an inflammatory disease.", "ESR â Normal Range, Low, High ESR is an abbreviated form for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is often referred to as the sedimentation rate or the sed rate. An ESR blood test is usually done to check and understand the degree of inflammation in the body such as cancers, various kinds of infections as well as autoimmune disorders and diseases.It is a non specific and an easy test which is really cost effective as compared to other blood tests.n ESR blood test is usually done to check and understand the degree of inflammation in the body such as cancers, various kinds of infections as well as autoimmune disorders and diseases. It is a non specific and an easy test which is really cost effective as compared to other blood tests.", "Sedimentation Rate (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate or ESR) A sedimentation rate is common blood test that is used to detect and monitor inflammation in the body. The sedimentation rate is also called the erythrocyte sedimentation rate because it is a measure of the red blood cells (erythrocytes) sedimenting in a tube over a given period of time. Sedimentation rate is often abbreviated as sed rate or ESR. Although this test measures a general state of inflammation, it is not specific to what causes the inflammation. It is elevated in inflammatory diseases, including arthritis as well as in autoimmune diseases such as lupus.", "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), also called a sedimentation rate or Westergren ESR, is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour.It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation.To perform the test, anticoagulated blood was traditionally placed in an upright tube, known as a Westergren tube, and the rate at which the red blood cells fall was measured and reported in mm/h.t is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation. To perform the test, anticoagulated blood was traditionally placed in an upright tube, known as a Westergren tube, and the rate at which the red blood cells fall was measured and reported in mm/h.", "- Hi Jennifer — It sounds reasonable to see a rheumatologist. The ESR and CRP are blood tests that measure levels of inflammation in the body. They are not especially specific, meaning that they could be from inflammation due to infection, injury, or a condition like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or lupus.", "- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), also called a sedimentation rate or Westergren ESR, is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation.", "What does a sedimentation rate of 9 mean on an erythrocyte sedimention rate? The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is the rate at which red blood cells in un-coagulated blood fall to the bottom of a Westergren tube in a period of 1 hour. this is a … common hematology test which is a non-specific measure of inflammation.he erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is the rate at which red blood cells in un-coagulated blood fall … to the bottom of a Westergren tube in a period of 1 hour. this is a common hematology test which is a non-specific measure of inflammation. ESR (mm/hr). 4 people found this useful.", "What is a normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate? It indicates that you have no problem with abnormal inflammation. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is the rate at which red blood cells in un-coagulated blood fall … to the bottom of a Westergren tube in a period of 1 hour. this is a common hematology test which is a non-specific measure of inflammation.ESR (mm/hr).4 people found this useful.rythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR) Westergren method An ESR of 120 indicates that you have a problem with inflammation it does not however indicate what the cause of the i … nflammation is. A sedimentation rate is blood test that can detect and monitors inflammation in the body.", "- the erythrocyte sedimentation rate esr also called a sedimentation rate or westergren esr is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hourit is a common hematology test and is a non specific measure of inflammationhe erythrocyte sedimentation rate esr also called a sedimentation rate or westergren esr is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour", "esr level 60mm is dangerous and what is mean esr level 60mm is dangerous and what is mean. my mother esr 60mm so its dangerous or not and what is mean...what kind of medical problem they have i am very worried about it... 13 Replies. Florabunda sheetal33278 • over a year ago Hi S. The erythracyte sedimentation rate sort of measures how 'sticky' the red blood cells are. It's a fairly good measure of how inflamed someone is. The esr is how many mm the cells fall in an hour. The stickier they are - the more of them fall.", "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), also called a sedimentation rate or Westergren ESR, is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation. To perform the test, anticoagulated blood was traditionally placed in an upright tube, known as a Westergren tube, and the rate at which the red blood cells fall was measured and reported in mm/h. Since the introduction of automated analyzers into the clinical laboratory, the ESR test has been automatically performed.", "ESR â Normal Range, Low, High The ESR test commences with the collection of a sample of blood that is drawn from the vein in the arm of the patient. The blood sample is then placed in a tube which is left in an upright arrangement without any further disturbance. Over the course of time the red blood cells start descending at their own pace.", "Blood Tests to Detect Inflammation Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein and plasma viscosity blood tests ESR blood test (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) A blood sample is taken and put in a tube that contains a chemical to stop the blood from clotting. The tube is left to stand upright. The red blood cells (erythrocytes) gradually fall to the bottom of the tube (as a sediment). The clear liquid plasma is left at the top. The ESR measures the rate at which the red blood cells separate from the plasma and fall to the bottom of a test tube.", "What Is ESR Count In Blood Test? Blood tests for ESR or Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate is a measure that is traditionally used to check for inflammation in the body.", "A Guide to the ESR Blood Test Normal Results. What is considered a normal ESR blood test result depends on a person's age and gender. For men under 50, the normal result is a result of less than 15 mm per hour.", "What Is an ESR Test? An abnormal ESR result doesn’t diagnose any particular disease. It just identifies any inflammation in your body. This test isn’t always reliable or meaningful. Many factors, such as age or medication use, can alter your results. Abnormal results don’t tell your doctor what is actually wrong.n erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test is sometimes called a sedimentation rate test or sed rate test. This test doesn’t diagnose one specific condition. Instead, it helps your doctor determine whether you’re experiencing inflammation.", "ESR Count In Blood Test: What Does Low & High ESR Levels Mean? ESR or Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a simple blood test performed in pathology laboratory since many years to detect inflammation or any type of infection in the body. It is frequently used test as it is cost effective for all patients.", "erythrocyte sedimentation rate Definition. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), or sedimentation rate (sed rate), is a measure of the settling of red blood cells in a tube of blood during one hour. The rate is an indication of inflammation and increases in many diseases.rythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) — The distance that red blood cells settle in a tube of blood in one hour. It is an indication of inflammation. Rouleaux — The stacking up of red blood cells, caused by extra or abnormal proteins in the blood that decrease the normal distance red cells maintain between each other.", "ESR â Normal Range, Low, High ESR is an abbreviated form for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is often referred to as the sedimentation rate or the sed rate. An ESR blood test is usually done to check and understand the degree of inflammation in the body such as cancers, various kinds of infections as well as autoimmune disorders and diseases.It is a non specific and an easy test which is really cost effective as compared to other blood tests.n ESR blood test is usually done to check and understand the degree of inflammation in the body such as cancers, various kinds of infections as well as autoimmune disorders and diseases.", "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate The ESR (sedimentation rate for short) is the rate at which red blood cells sediment to the bottom of a tube in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test. Anticoagulated blood is placed in a Westergren tube (it's an upright tube) and the rate at which the red blood cells fall is measured and reported in mm/h.", "- The enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (commonly known as the ELISA test) is used to test for infections or allergies. The test is used to detect the presence of antibodies and antigens in a sample of blood.", "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), also called a sedimentation rate or Westergren ESR, is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation. To perform the test, anticoagulated blood was traditionally placed in an upright tube, known as a Westergren tube, and the rate at which the red blood cells fall was measured and reported in mm/h.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Low Esr Blood Test ESR: This is a non-specific indicator of infection. The things that elevated the rate at which red blood cells will sediment are an increase in globulins (due to tumors or infection or other), and increase in fibrinogen, a substance released from the liver under stimulation by fibrin degradation products.", "Sedimentation Rate (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate or ESR) A sedimentation rate is performed by measuring the rate at which red blood cells (RBCs) settle in a test tube. The RBCs become sediment in the bottom of the test tube over time, leaving the blood serum visible above. The classic sedimentation rate is simply how far the top of the RBC layer has fallen (in millimeters) in one hour.", "What Is ESR Count In Blood Test? Reasons For Conducting the Test. ESR blood testing is called for when there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process underway in the body. The problem with the ESR test with blood is that it doesn't really state what exactly the cause of the inflammation is.", "erythrocyte sedimentation rate When the disease worsens, the ESR increases; when the disease improves, the ESR decreases. The ESR doesn't always follow the course of cancer. ESR is called an acute-phase reactant test, meaning that it reacts to acute conditions in the body, such as infection or trauma.", "ESR URL of this page: //medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003638.htm. ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is commonly called a sed rate.. It is a test that indirectly measures how much inflammation is in the body. A blood sample is needed. Most of the time blood is drawn from a vein located on the inside of the elbow or the back of the hand.", "What does a sedimentation rate of 9 mean on an erythrocyte sedimention rate? Answer by Robbb. Confidence votes 86.8K. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is the rate at which red blood cells in uncoagulated blood fall to the bottom of a westergren tube in a period of 1 hour. this is a common hematology test which is a non-specific measure of inflammation.he erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is the rate at which red blood cells in un-coagulated blood fall … to the bottom of a Westergren tube in a period of 1 hour. this is a common hematology test which is a non-specific measure of inflammation. ESR (mm/hr). 4 people found this useful.", "ESR Blood Test, High ESR, Normal and Low ESR ESR is also useful as a means to monitor the body’s response to treatment for some ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis. It is best to keep in mind, however, that a high ESR, without the existence of other findings, does not warrant a wide-ranging workup to find a disease.", "- The sedimentation rate (sed rate) blood test measures how quickly red blood cells (erythrocytes) settle in a test tube." ]
[ 15.9140625 ]
[ 16.8125, 16.265625, 16, 16.921875, 14.25, 16.390625, 12.1484375, 11.4921875, 15.859375, 9.78125, 16.765625, 12.484375, 15.6015625, 16.328125, 11.953125, 12.7578125, 16.03125, 15.1171875, 16.28125, 15.7421875, 6.30078125, 16.703125, 13.46875, 13.9921875, 14.8828125, 13.234375, 15.5078125, 11.5, 12.7421875, 15.3984375 ]
basic emt definitions
[ "EMT Definition of EMT for English Language Learners. : a person who is trained to provide emergency medical services to patients who are being taken to a hospital." ]
[ "- em•a•nate /ˈɛməˌneɪt/USA pronunciation v., -nat•ed, -nat•ing. em•a•na•tion, n. [countable; uncountable]. 1 to (cause to) flow out, issue forth, or come from: [~ + from + object]The brook emanates from an underground spring.[~ + object]His whole face emanates patience.", "element A material factor; a basic component. The term is used to mean one of several parts that unite to form a whole, as in elements of a criminal action or civil action. In the tort of Assault and Battery, an essential element of the offense would be unwanted physical contact.An element of the crime of rape is lack of consent on the part of the victim. material factor; a basic component. The term is used to mean one of several parts that unite to form a whole, as in elements of a criminal action or civil action. In the tort of Assault and Battery, an essential element of the offense would be unwanted physical contact.", "EMT Job Description Most emergency medical technicians (EMT) can't go a single day without making one. EMTs are first responders in the event of medical emergencies. They respond to any medical emergency, but the most common are car accidents, childbirth, violent traumas, heart attacks and accidents.", "Definitions &Translations Electret (formed of elektr-from electricity and-et from magnet ) is a dielectric material that has a quasi-permanent electric charge or dipole polarisation. An electret generates internal and external electric fields, and is the electrostatic equivalent of a permanent magnet. Oliver Heaviside coined this term in 1885. Materials with electret properties were, however, already studied since the early 18th century.", "- electromagnet definition: a soft iron or steel core surrounded by a coil of wire, that temporarily becomes a magnet when an electric current flows through the wire... Definitions", "- EMT’s scope of practice. The EMT-I, EMT-II, and EMT-III examinations for certification include questions based on. these guidelines. These guidelines are meant to serve as a framework and provide a general approach to the. trauma patient. To maximize the benefit of these guidelines on patient care, prehospital.", "Glossary of physics The electron is a subatomic particle, symbol e− or β−, with a negative elementary electric charge. Electrons belong to the first generation of the lepton particle family, and are generally thought to be elementary particles because they have no known components or substructure.", "EMT Requirements and Qualifications Overview EMT Requirements. All states require EMTs to be licensed; however, licensing requirements vary by state and EMT level. Becoming licensed entails formal training at the EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate or EMT-Paramedic level.", "- There are levels of a EMT. Some states are as followed: EMT- … Basic, EMT-Enhanced, EMT-Intermediate, and EMT-Paramedic. Most EMS agencies will have a shift medic(Intermediate or Paramedic), and one EMT(EMT-basic, or EMT-Enhanced).Shift medics are generally called shift medics, and not EMT's, whereas EMT-B's, and EMT-E's are called EMT's. Emergency Medical Technician.hift medics are generally called shift medics, and not EMT's, whereas EMT-B's, and EMT-E's are called EMT's. Emergency Medical Technician.", "Glossary of physics The electron is a subatomic particle, symbol. e−. or. β−. , with a negative elementary electric charge. Electrons belong to the first generation of the lepton particle family, and are generally thought to be elementary particles because they have no known components or substructure.", "Initial EMT Certification Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). A certified EMT is a person trained in emergency medical care and is capable of providing pre-hospital care.", "Electromagnetic pulse An electromagnetic pulse, also sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse's origination may be a natural occurrence or man-made and can occur as a radiated, electric, or magnetic field or a conducted electric current, depending on the source. EMP interference is generally disruptive or damaging to electronic equipment, and at higher energy levels a powerful EMP event such as a lightning strike can damage physical objects suc", "Contents of the English Placement Test Contents of the English Placement Test. The UW English Placement Test (EPT) consists of three subtests. These subtests are English Usage, Sentence Correction, and Reading Comprehension. The entire English Placement Test is designed to be completed in 90 minutes, which requires an average of approximately 30 seconds per test item.", "electromagnet e·lec·tro·mag·net. A bar of soft iron rendered magnetic by an electric current encircling it. /elec·tro·mag·net/ (e-lek″tro-mag´net) a temporary magnet made by passing electric current through a coil of wire surrounding a core of soft iron.", "What Is the Average Salary of an EMT? There are three levels of EMT training: EMT - Basic, EMT - Intermediate, and EMT - Paramedic (also referred to simply as paramedics). EMTs - Basic assist with respiratory, trauma, and cardiac emergencies. EMTs - Intermediate must complete basic training in addition to intermediate training and hold additional responsibilities.", "Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician. Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics respond to emergencies, from someone who may be having a heart attack in her home to multi-vehicle accidents on the highway. EMTs are most frequently found in ambulances but some may provide care for patients being transported by air as well.", "electromagnet electromagnet - Computer Definition. A magnet that is energized by electricity. A coil of wire is wrapped around an iron core. When current flows in the wire, the core generates an energy called magnetic flux..", "meat and potatoes Learner's definition of MEAT AND POTATOES. [noncount] US, informal. : the most basic or important part of something : meat. Basic conservation is still the meat and potatoes of their environmental plan. the meat and potatoes of the contract/argument.", "- The CPT descriptor for modifier -25 states: “A significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management (E/M) service is defined or substantiated by documentation that satisfies the relevant criteria for the respective E/M service to be reported.”.", "Essential Tremor Essential tremor (ET) is a progressive, neurological disorder characterized by tremor, most often of the hands or arms. A tremor is an involuntary, rhythmic, movement of a body part. Tremor may be seen as involuntary shaking or trembling of the affected area.", "What is a Paramedic? There are three general designations, each with its own training requirements and responsibilities: EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate and Paramedic. EMT-Basic and EMT-Intermediate are both expected to provide on-scene care and transport the patient to a medical facility, with the latter taking on more responsibilities.", "- AEMT Applies knowledge (fundamental depth, foundational breadth) of additional upper airway anatomy and physiology to patient assessment and management in order to assure a patent airway, adequate mechanical ventilation, and respiration for patients of all ages.", "EMT - Basic: Salary and Career Information EMT-Basics need a high school diploma and must complete a training program in emergency medical technology. After completion of an approved program, EMTs-Basic must pass an examination to earn their licenses. In most states, the required examination is given by the National Registry for Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT).", "- Start your healthcare career as an Emergency Medical Technician with our EMT program. The EMT is a front-line, entry-level healthcare provider. As an EMT, you may work in a variety of environments: transporting patients between facilities, responding to emergency calls, in a hospital emergency department, and elsewhere a first-response capability is required.", "CHEMISTRY I: ATOMS AND MOLECULES Energy is the capacity to do work. Matter has mass and occupies space. All matter is composed of basic elements that cannot be broken down to substances with different chemical or physical properties. Elements are substances consisting of one type of atom, for example Carbon atoms make up diamond, and also graphite.", "CHEMISTRY I: ATOMS AND MOLECULES Energy is the capacity to do work. Matter has mass and occupies space. All matter is composed of basic elements that cannot be broken down to substances with different chemical or physical properties. Elements are substances consisting of one type of atom, for example Carbon atoms make up diamond, and also graphite. Pure (24K) gold is composed of only one type of atom, gold atoms. Atoms are the smallest particle into which an element can be divided.", "EMT and Paramedic Information Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT). Becoming an EMT-B is the initial training for a lifelong exciting and satisfying career in healthcare and/or public safety. EMTs provide basic pre-hospital care to ill and injured patients.", "What's the Difference Between an EMT and a Paramedic? Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) are the most common type of providers in all of EMS. They are the entry-level patient care provider followed by EMT-Intermediates (in some states) and then paramedics. EMTs are sometimes referred to as EMT-Basics or EMT-1s. However, do not be fooled by the term entry-level.", "EMT - Basic: Salary and Career Information EMT-Basic: Salary and Career Information. Working as an EMT (emergency medical technician) - Basic requires some formal education. Learn about the training, job duties and certification to see if this is the right career for you. View 10 Popular Schools ».", "- Define electromagnetic. electromagnetic synonyms, electromagnetic pronunciation, electromagnetic translation, English dictionary definition of electromagnetic. adj. Of or exhibiting electromagnetism. e·lec′tro·mag·net′i·cal·ly adv. adj 1. of, containing, or operated by an electromagnet: an electromagnetic pump. Electromagnetic - definition of electromagnetic by The Free Dictionary" ]
[ 14.0625 ]
[ 1.896484375, 3.40234375, 10.0625, 0.498046875, 3.76171875, 8.8359375, 3.04296875, 9.6875, 9.7109375, 2.978515625, 12.5859375, 6.29296875, 2.296875, 3.298828125, 11.0078125, 12.4765625, 2.951171875, 2.025390625, 5.44921875, 4.8046875, 11.890625, 8.390625, 11.8125, 10.9921875, 2.2421875, 2.1484375, 13.265625, 12.1015625, 12.0390625, 1.8330078125 ]
tom baker doctor who companion list
[ "Companions of Tom Baker Companions of Tom Baker. Tom Baker's companions have been divied up into three pages. This page includes Harry, Leela and Adric. Sara Jane Smith is on Jon Pertwee's companions' page. Harry Sullivan was an army doctor, assigned to the Doctor (the defenate article, you might say) durring a regeneration crisis." ]
[ "Tom Baker In 1974, Baker took over the role of the Doctor from Jon Pertwee to become the Fourth Doctor in the BBC TV series. He was recommended to producer Barry Letts by the BBC's Head of Serials, Bill Slater, who had directed Baker in a Play of the Month production of Shaw 's play The Millionairess.he Doctor played by Tom Baker (1974–81) is often regarded as the most popular of the Doctors. In polls conducted by Doctor Who Magazine, Baker has lost the Best Doctor category only three times: once to Sylvester McCoy in 1990 (then the incumbent Doctor), and twice to incumbent David Tennant in 2006 and 2009.", "- Until his last days, Michael was a student of life and enjoyed traveling with his wife Susan, the daily New York Times crossword puzzle, his weekly New Yorker magazine, weekly viewings of Washington Week, attending the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and studying the works of Frank Lloyd Wright.", "- Tammy Barr is known for her work on A Little Christmas Business (2013), Backstabber (2011) and The Devil Is My Witness (2012).", "Burke's Law Burke's Law TV Show Watchlist. A homicide chief who just happens to be a millionaire brings a tony touch to the L.A.P.D., arriving at murder scenes in a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce.", "List of athletes who played in Major League Baseball and the National Football League The list includes two Heisman Trophy winners (Vic Janowicz and Bo Jackson) and seven members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame (Red Badgro, Paddy Driscoll, George Halas, Ernie Nevers, Ace Parker, Jim Thorpe, and Deion Sanders). However, none of the players on the list has been inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.", "- Related: burberry canvas tote oil cloth tote jonathan adler tote zebra purse waxed canvas tote th sak coated tote fossil tote michael kors shoes clava jumbo canvas tote.", "List of Monk characters List of Monk characters. The following is a list of characters of Monk, an American comedy-drama detective mystery television series, created by Andy Breckman and starring Tony Shalhoub as the titular character, Adrian Monk. Except for two changes, the principal cast of the series remained consistent.", "- Spouse: Joanna Going (m. 2004-2012), Melora Walters (m. 1996-2003) Partner: Leslie Bourque Children: Thomas Charles Walsh, Amelie Belle Walsh, Stella Haven Walsh, Hudson Walsh, Joanna Marie Walsh", "Doctor Who: Tom Baker finishes abandoned 1979 Shada serial The release of Shada follows the animation of lost 1966 Doctor Who story The Power Of The Daleks in November 2016. Footage from Shada was used in the Doctor Who 20th anniversary special, The Five Doctors, which re-united the Time Lord's past incarnations. Tom Baker did not want to reprise his role as the Fourth Doctor for the story so a scene from Shada was used and the character was said to have been trapped in the time vortex.", "Adam Sandler and Bob Barker brawl again in ill-fated âHappy Gilmoreâ reunion Bob Barker and Adam Sandler went at it again in an appearance on Comedy Central's autism benefit, 'Night of Too Many Stars.'. Adam Sandler and Bob Barker duked it out again, this time in the name of autism.", "The Double Demons of Depression and Addiction In a book he wrote to tell this story, simply titled Terry (1997), Senator McGovern provides a heart wrenching description of the life and tragic death of his beloved daughter. He wrote that Terry “was dealt a double cruel hand: the companion demons depression and alcoholism.", "List of Friends episodes The series narrative follows six friends living and working in New York City: Rachel Green, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Joey Tribbiani, Chandler Bing, and Ross Geller, played by Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, and David Schwimmer respectively.", "How Michael Kors' affordable designer bags made luxury fashionable again How Michael Kors' affordable designer bags made luxury fashionable again. Miranda Kerr, Blake Lively and Kate Hudson are all fans - with his designer bag range making waves for high street shoppers too. Get celebs news by email. Until Michael Kors came along buying a designer handbag simply wasn’t an option for most of us.", "- 2-13 30 Dec 68 with Mickey Rooney, Nancy Wilson, Emmaline Henry, Roland Winters 44. 2-14 06 Jan 69 with Tim Conway 45. 2-15 20 Jan 69 with Tim Conway, Perry Como, Sidney Omarr 46. 2-16 27 Jan 69 with Martha Raye, Mel Torme 47.", "- Related to Lori Ann Rumpke, Theodore A Rumpke, Lynn Marie Donovan, Carol Jane Rumpke, Lynn A Rogers, Theodore C Rumpke, Alan Rumpke, Samuel Rumpke May go by Alice L Rogers Show all locations and family", "Doctor Who The Doctor's Companions. They watch his back, they keep him sane, they ask the right questions, and, just sometimes, they get themselves into trouble. Without doubt, they are the Doctor’s greatest supporters. From London’s Powell Estate to the peaceful Union of Traken via Troy, San Francisco and Gallifrey, meet the Doctor’s companions:", "Mary-Louise Parker Parker starred with Kevin Kline in Grand Canyon (1991); with Kathy Bates, Mary Stuart Masterson, and Jessica Tandy in Fried Green Tomatoes (1991); with Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones in The Client (1994); with John Cusack in Bullets over Broadway (1994); and with Drew Barrymore and Whoopi Goldberg in Boys on the Side (1995), as a woman with AIDS.", "- Attorneys at This Firm 5 attorneys view all. 1 Edward J. Walters, Jr. 2 Darrel J. Papillion Member. 3 David Abboud Thomas Partner. J. E. Cullens, Jr.", "Biography In 2017, Doctor Who (1963) legend Tom Baker, who is almost always voted the best Doctor from the original run of the series, nominated French as a good choice for the Doctor in Doctor Who (2005) because she's got such a wry sense of humour and also has a way with her that faintly suggests she's got secrets.", "LAPD clarifies it cannot confirm Tom Petty's death Petty rose to fame in the 1970s with his band, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. The group put out several hits, including American Girl, Stop Draggin' My Heart Around, Breakdown, Listen to Her Heart and more. The band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002.", "- Father: Horace White (salesman, b. circa 1894, d. circa 1954) Mother: Tess (b. 1899, d. 1985) Husband: Dick Barker (chicken farmer, m. 1945, div. 1945) Husband: Lane Allen (agent, m. 1947, div. 1949, d. 1995)", "What Is Chris Tuckers Net Worth Narvel Blackstock biography with personal life, married and affair info. A collection of facts like affair, married, salary, spouse, net worth, bio, career, children, girlfriend and divorce.", "Jim Bakker Jim Bakker. James Orsen Jim Bakker (pronounced Baker; born January 2, 1940) is an American televangelist, a former Assemblies of God minister and a former host (with his then-wife Tammy Faye Bakker) of The PTL Club, an evangelical Christian television program. A sex scandal led to his resignation from the ministry.", "Brooke Tessmacher Wiki, Married, Husband or Boyfriend Brooke Tessmacher Wiki, Married, Husband or Boyfriend. Date: 03 Mar, 2016 Report This. Brooke Nichole Adams is an American pro wrestler and a former bikini model; best known as Brooke Tessmacher for her appearance in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA). A 3 time TNA Women's Knockout Champion, she has participated in over 500 different matches in TNA, and has also appeared in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) between 2006- 2007.", "- Unfollow. 1 bellamy blake bradbury blake boris blake the 100 blake triplets the blake triplets the 100 meme the 100 fanmix the 100 playlist bellarke bellamy blake defense squad the 100 season 1 the 100 season two the 100 season 3 braven the blake siblings the blakes bellamy blake edit bellamyblakedefensesquad bellamyblakeedit bellarke fandom.", "Comedians respond to news that Barry Crimmins has cancer The show, a fund-raiser for his wife’s care, included a stellar lineup of Crimmins’s contemporaries: Goldthwait, Lenny Clarke, Mike McDonald, Mike Donovan, Kenny Rogerson, Jack Gallagher, and Tony V, as well as Eugene Mirman, Jim McCue, Carolyn Plummer, and Tawanda Gona.", "Robert Blake (actor) Then known as Mickey Gubitosi, Blake began his acting career as Toto in the MGM movie Bridal Suite (1939) starring Annabella and Robert Young. Gubitosi then began appearing in MGM's Our Gang short subjects (a.k.a. The Little Rascals) under his real name, replacing Eugene Porky Lee.", "The Role of Women Nick says that he is not actually in love with Jordan Baker, but felt “a sort of tender curiosity” (62). It is difficult to understand Nick’s attraction to Jordan, who, by his own descriptions, seems like an unpleasant person.", "Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life. Watch Now. Cooper Barrett, along with his friends/roommates Barry and Neal, is figuring out his life beyond hedonistic behavior. Cooper is seriously attracted to neighbor Kelly while ignoring advice from his brother Josh and his wife Leslie.", "- THE BAKER’S DOZEN: 13 CAN’T-MISS SYNDROMES Mark J. Stephan, MD Bonnie Geneman, MD, MC Disclosure Information I have no relevant financial relationships with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider of commercial services discussed in this CME activity." ]
[ 16.890625 ]
[ 10.15625, 4.48046875, 8.1328125, -0.50732421875, -0.87744140625, 6.9296875, 0.69140625, 1.8046875, 8.234375, -2.29296875, 1.81640625, 1.1611328125, -2.041015625, 0.7783203125, -0.64697265625, 8.921875, -0.0016355514526367188, 1.880859375, 9.6796875, -0.45263671875, 3.005859375, 2.658203125, 2.19921875, -0.8525390625, 0.6171875, -2.857421875, 0.1007080078125, 1.86328125, -1.6689453125, 2.55859375 ]
what causes a toe turn black
[ "Why are my toes turning dark? Dear Kato: Darkening of the toes that hurt could result from compromised blood supply to those toes, leading to a condition called gangrene. Gangrene may occur after an injury or infection, or in people suffering from any chronic health problems, affecting blood circulation such as diabetes. It also often occurs in the toes and feet of elderly patients due to arteriosclerosis, a condition also known as senile gangrene. Arteriosclerosis occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from a particular area become thick and stiff, many times ending up restricting blood flow, in this case to the toes. Also, over a long period of time, people such as those with diabetes may have a buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in the arteries which may restrict blood flow." ]
[ "What Causes Discolored Toenails? These 10 animal facts will amaze you. The most common causes of discolored toenails are fungal and bacterial infections, but bruising and bleeding under the nail might also be to blame. In some cases discoloration is an indication of a much more serious condition, like diabetes, liver failure, or heart disease.", "Blue Toe Syndrome This limits the flow of oxygen and glucose to the toes, both of which are needed to keep cells alive. The result is destruction and death of the surrounding tissues. The toes start to turn a bluey purple colour (known as cyanosis) due to the lack of oxygen, hence the name blue toe syndrome. Trash foot is most common in men over the age of 40. Embolization and resultant blockage of the blood vessels can occur for a number of reasons:", "What Could It Mean If Your Feet Often Turn Blue-Purple and the Skin Is Dry and Cracked and the Toes Swell Slightly? Raynaud's disease is a condition that typically affects the fingers and toes as a result of blood vessel spasming that cuts off sufficient blood flow, explains Mayo Clinic. The condition is more extreme in cold weather, and often results in discolored feet and swollen toes.", "- There is disagreement among medical professionals about the cause of bunions. Some see them as primarily caused by the long-term use of shoes, particularly tight-fitting shoes with pointed toes. Others believe that the problem stems from genetic factors that are exacerbated by shoe use. Bunions occur when pressure is applied to the side of the big toe (hallux) forcing it inwards towards, and sometimes under or over, the other toes (angulation). As pressure is applied, the tissues surrounding the joint may become swollen and tender.", "Black Toe Nail Fungus When you play sports, there is a chance of having your toe stepped on which can increase the chances of fungal spores getting under your toenail. In some cases, running a lot in brand new shoes that have not been worn in can cause a black toe nail fungus to appear.", "What Causes Black Toenails? Another cause of black toenails is fungus, or onychomycosis. This common fungus begins with white spots and can advance to thick, yellow toenails. Again, ill-fitting shoes rub tiny breaks into the nail, leaving it open for infection from foot perspiration.", "- Black-and-Blue Toenail Symptoms. The big toe is most often affected. Bruised, broken blood vessels cause the black, blue, and deep purple colors under the nail. Particularly with a blood blister, the fluid buildup can irritate the toe itself causing it to redden, swell, and throb. If the black toenail is the result of a blood blister the painful symptoms should decrease within 24 hours.", "- The rest of your toe is straight. Mallet toe is commonly caused by shoes that are too tight in the toe box or shoes that possess high heels. The forces these shoes place on your feet cause unnatural bending of your toes. Adductovarus toe: Adductovarus toe is a crooked toe that tries to move under its adjacent toe. This toe problem is commonly seen in your fourth and fifth toes, and it is a direct result of wearing shoes with tapering toe boxes. This condition is seen to some degree in most shoe-wearing people.", "Black Toenail Almost everyone who runs gets a black toenail. Getting your first one is a sign that you’ve moved your training into a higher level. While most runners blame a shoe that is too small, this is often not the primary cause. Certainly toe pressure from the shoe can make the toe hurt even more, but pressure from underneath seems to produce more black nails.", "Why is my toenails turning black ?!? Symptoms of a black toenail may include: 1 Discoloration, which may be reddish, purplish, brownish, or black. 2 Pain. 3 Foul odor. Discharge from underneath nail.", "- Black-and-Blue Toenail Symptoms. The big toe is most often affected. Bruised, broken blood vessels cause the black, blue, and deep purple colors under the nail. Particularly with a blood blister, the fluid buildup can irritate the toe itself causing it to redden, swell, and throb.", "Black Toenail â Causes, Treatment, and Prevention There are several ways your toenail could turn black, including: Injury or trauma to the nail or affected toe. Fungal infection. Repeated trauma from running or athletic activities. Ill-fitting or tight shoes. Malignant melanoma (an extremely rare condition)", "- Most often that colour is black, hence the name. But the tongue can also turn brown, yellow, green or a variety of other colours. Certain lifestyle habits and conditions can make people more likely to develop black hairy tongue. They include: 1 Poor oral hygiene. 2 Smoking tobacco. 3 Drinking a lot of tea or coffee.", "Black Tonsil Stones Hence, it may be stated that tonsil stones that aggravate the tissue lying beneath it, can lead to its necrosis, causing the area to appear black in color. Removing Tonsil Stones. People who try to remove tonsil stones on their own, will have to be very careful while doing so. This is because, the tonsils are highly vascular masses of tissue that can be easily damaged or become infected if and when punctured in a non-sterile environment.", "- Toes that are numb and turn purple are extremely cold toes or the result of an underlying medical condition. If you are having recurrent problems with numb, discolored toes, this needs medical attention. If you have poor circulation, this can cause numbness in your toes, which may be accompanied by toe paresthesias. This includes sensations of tingling, burning, and pins and needles. Nerve damage, some diseases and an injury to your toe can also cause numbness, and make your toes change colors.", "Ingrown Toenail Treatment: At Home & Surgical Options Ingrown toenails are caused by a number of things such as: 1 Tight-fitting shoes or socks – The pressure from shoes or socks that are too tight can force the skin to press against the toenail, leading the nail to push into the skin.", "Blue Toe Syndrome â Why You Need To Treat It Immediately? When arteries or small capillaries that provide blood to foot gets blocked, blood flow to fingers and other part of foot get diminished and ischemia sets in. This leads to cyanosis of fingers which looks bluish in color. Blue toe syndrome is caused by reduced blood flow to the fingers due to blockage in the vessels that provides blood to the foot. It is also know as purple toe syndrome and trash foot. Atherosclerosis, aneurysm can be the leading cause of this syndrome.", "How to Prevent and Treat Black Toenails from Running Runners who are training for a marathon or do a lot of downhill running are the most likely candidates for black toenails because their toes are constantly rubbing up against the front of their shoes. You're also more likely to get black toenails if you run in warmer weather because your feet swell more when it's hot.", "- The rest of your toe is straight. Mallet toe is commonly caused by shoes that are too tight in the toe box or shoes that possess high heels. The forces these shoes place on your feet cause unnatural bending of your toes. Adductovarus toe: Adductovarus toe is a crooked toe that tries to move under its adjacent toe. This toe problem is commonly seen in your fourth and fifth toes, and it is a direct result of wearing shoes with tapering toe boxes.", "Is my black toenail caused by fungus? Don’t worry. I am here to help you with all the information you need. First off, it might not be fungus – but let’s take a look at things in more detail. There are a few things that might cause your toenail to become black (or blue, purple, brown – generally dark colors).", "What Causes Black Toenails? Black toenails are caused by trauma to the nail. Common causes of toenails turning black include ill-fitting shoes, fungus, dropping an object on the toe and cutting the nail too short. Impact to the toenail causes bleeding underneath the nail's surface. Part or all of the toenail may turn black. Subungual hematoma is the medical term for black toenail, literally meaning blood underneath a nail.. Athletes often suffer from black toenails, especially those who run on hills or play soccer.", "What to Expect With a Black Toenail Your feet also swell during a walk or run and get compressed by your socks and shoes. That pressure and impact can damage your toenail beds, or create a blister under the toenail itself. When this happens, the extra blood and fluid cause your toenail to separate from the toenail bed. The blood colors the toenail black. Your toenail will probably continue to change colors during this process.", "Black Teeth: Causes and Home Remedies for Black and Dark Teeth Stains Bacteria, dry mouth, and aging are the primary causes of black teeth. These are elaborated as follows: 1 Bacteria release acids that cause tooth decay when brushing and flossing is not done efficiently. Food debris will stay in between teeth.", "Black Hairy Tongue Other than the appearance of the tongue, most people with black hairy tongue don't have any symptoms or feel any discomfort. The exception is when there is too much growth of the yeast Candida albicans, which can cause a burning sensation on the tongue. This burning sensation is called glossopyrosis.", "How to Prevent and Treat Black Toenails from Running If you're wearing thick socks or two pairs of socks to stay warm, your running shoes may end up being too tight, putting you more at risk for black toenails. Treatment of Toenails. Once you have a black toenail, it's best to leave it alone, as long as the pain is manageable.", "Core Knowledge January 23, 2009. Runner’s toe is also called “tennis toe” or “skier’s toe” because it happens most often among runners, tennis players and skiers. Some people simply call it “black toenail” because of its ugly appearance. You’ll know you have it when you see that there has been bleeding under a toenail accompanied by pain.", "What to do about an ingrown toenail Causes. Here are some of the causes of ingrown toenails: Footwear: Shoes and socks that crowd the toes and toenails increase the chance of an ingrown toenail. Shoes can be too tight because they are too short, too narrow at the end, or too flat at the end. Tight-fitting socks, tights, or stockings may cause ingrown toenails. Cutting the toenails too short: Not cutting straight across or cutting the edges of the toenail can encourage the surrounding skin to fold over the nail.", "Black toes & poor circulation in legs (Page 1) Black toes & poor circulation in legs (Page 1) My dad has very bad circulation in his legs and feet. He has just had one of the veins in his leg replaced. However, before surgery he had an angiogram that caused the vein to close completely, because of the Holidays he had to wait to have surgery.", "- The Causes of Discolored Toenails. Discolored toe nails may be white, yellow, brown, green, or even black and all of these discolorations may be caused by a nail fungus infection of varying stages.iscolored Toenails. Having one or more discolored toenails is often a clear indicator that something is awry and in the vast majority of cases, ordinary toenail fungus is the primary culprit at work.", "Black Toenail â Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Often a black toenail will eventually fall off and regenerate on its own. If pain or signs of infection (e.g., pus, discharge, foul odor, fevers, chills) are not present, you may not need to seek medical treatment right away. Even so, keep in mind that when the nail returns it may be abnormal as a result of the trauma." ]
[ 14.125 ]
[ 11.3046875, 12.109375, 11.09375, 5.97265625, 14.09375, 14.6328125, 13.9453125, 7.1796875, 13.6875, 12.6171875, 13.796875, 15.4921875, 6.49609375, 3.857421875, 10.2578125, 7.328125, 11.2421875, 13.0234375, 7.3125, 10.7578125, 16.203125, 13.8125, 7.03515625, 5.1171875, 11.7109375, 11.640625, 7.171875, 11.703125, 12.7734375, 11.921875 ]
is asthma a genetic mutation
[ "\"Rare mutations do not explain \"\"missing heritability\"\" in asthma\" Largest study to date of rare genetic variants and asthma risk finds few associations. Despite a strong suspected link between genetics and asthma, commonly found genetic mutations account for only a small part of the risk for developing the disease -- a problem known as missing heritability." ]
[ "EDS, POTS and MCAS Linked by One Gene Mutation I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)—a trifecta of weird diseases. POTS, EDS, and MCAS are so obscure that many doctors have never even heard of them. But a study published today in Nature Genetics might help change that: Researchers have found a genetic mutation that links all three conditions. There are at least six types of EDS, all caused by defective connective tissue.", "YOGA FOR ASTHMA Asthma (AZ-ma) is a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning. Asthma affects people of all ages, but it most often starts during childhood. In the United States, more than 25 million people are known to have asthma. About 7 million of these people are children.", "THE LONGEST TEXT EVER (I think) IF -- and this is a big IF -- the symptoms you describe are due to asthma, then what is happening are changes in the immune system. Your immune system is designed to protect your body from disease, invaders and harm.", "- 1 Two novel filaggrin mutations (S1302X and Q2397X) and two recurrent mutations (3321delA and K4671X) were identified in patients with atopic asthma. 2 Copy number variation within FLG makes a significant, dose-dependent contribution to atopic dermatitis risk. Loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding FLG are linked with IV in Northern European and Japanese populations and results here demonstrate that FLG mutations are also associated with IV in a Bangladeshi population.", "- Genetic mutation responsible for 'gigantism' disease -- or acromegaly -- identified. FULL STORY. An international research team, spearheaded by scientists from the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, has identified the genetic mutation responsible for a disease known as gigantism or acromegaly.", "Ghost Ghost - Also known as Hypo or Hypomelanistic. The “Ghost” is a recessive mutation that reduces the black pigmentation. Although there are many different lines of ghosts, they generally follow the same general description. Ghosts are varying shades of yellow, brown, grey and green.", "- Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. occurs at random so it's not inherited from the parents. So the mutation is acquired during that person's lifetime. 4 people found this useful.", "AMP Patient discussion about AMP. Q. Differentiate Wheezing & Asthma My sister who is 29 years old is suffering from wheezing for the past 7 years. Its not a genetic problem. Some times she uses inhaler for temporary recovery. She tried English medicine, homeo and other treatments.", "Asthma Symptoms include episodes of wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These episodes may occur a few times a day or a few times per week. Depending on the person they may become worse at night or with exercise. Asthma is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.", "- Asthma and COPD are two diseases that lead to airflow obstruction. Asthma is typically characterized by reversible airflow obstruction meaning the obstruction comes and goes. This is why asthmatics have varying symptoms. In contrast, COPD patients have chronic airflow obstruction. For some patients with asthma, they can develop airway remodelling and persistent obstruction that looks similiar to COPD on breathing tests. This answer should not be considered medical advice...This answer should not be considered medical advice and should not take the place of a doctor’s visit.", "Mutations and Disease These are called silent mutations. But the mutations we hear about most often are the ones that cause disease. Some well-known inherited genetic disorders include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, phenylketonuria and color-blindness, among many others.", "New Gene Tied to Childhood Asthma Asthma is a complex disease that causes wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. Researchers say many factors, including genetics and environmental factors, play a role in the cause of asthma. Until now, only one gene has been associated with childhood asthma, but many genes are thought to be involved.", "Genetic Mutation Appears to Cause Asthma “In this study we found that a mutation in the YKL-40 gene is associated with YKL-40 levels in the blood, a diagnosis of asthma, and impaired lung function. Ultimately, blocking the effects of YKL-40 may prove to be a novel and effective way to treat asthma.”.", "If You Want Life Insurance, Think Twice Before Getting A Genetic Test Since 2008, with the passing of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), the federal government has barred health insurance companies from denying coverage to those with a gene mutation. But the law does not apply to life insurance companies, long-term care, or disability insurance.", "Genetic inheritance Genetic mutations. Genetic mutations occur when DNA changes, altering the genetic instructions. This may result in a genetic disorder or a change in characteristics. Mutations can be caused by exposure to specific chemicals or radiation. For example, cigarette smoke is full of chemicals that attack and damage DNA.enetic mutations occur when DNA changes, altering the genetic instructions. This may result in a genetic disorder or a change in characteristics. Mutations can be caused by exposure to specific chemicals or radiation. For example, cigarette smoke is full of chemicals that attack and damage DNA.", "- The regions on chromosomes 7 and 12 may coincide with the asthma and atopy loci on the same chromosomes. Polymorphism in the IL1 cluster on chromosome 2 has also been shown to influence the severity of the disease (95, 96).", "- A - A R T I C L E. For about 100 years it has been popular to explain the degenerative diseases as the result of mutations in the genes, a slow accumulation of somatic mutations, as opposed to the germ cell mutations that are involved in Huntington s chorea and sickle cell anemia.", "asthma Asthma (AZ-ma) is a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing.The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning.sthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways, making it hard to breathe. The disease affects people of all ages, but it most often starts in childhood. People who have asthma may wheeze, cough, feel short of breath, or have chest tightness. Asthma can't be cured, but it can be controlled.", "Genetic inheritance Genetic mutations occur when DNA changes, altering the genetic instructions. This may result in a genetic disorder or a change in characteristics. Mutations can be caused by exposure to specific chemicals or radiation. For example, cigarette smoke is full of chemicals that attack and damage DNA.This causes mutations in lung cell genes, including the ones that control growth.he chromosomes contain the genes you inherit from your parents. There may be different forms of the same gene – called alleles. For example, for the gene that determines eye colour, you may inherit a brown allele from your mother and a blue allele from your father.", "Angelman Syndrome Rarely, Angelman syndrome can also be caused by a chromosomal rearrangement called a translocation, or by a mutation or other defect in the region of DNA that controls activation of the UBE3A gene. These genetic changes can abnormally turn off (inactivate) UBE3A or other genes on the maternal copy of chromosome 15.n some people who have Angelman syndrome, the loss of a gene called OCA2 is associated with light-colored hair and fair skin. The OCA2 gene is located on the segment of chromosome 15 that is often deleted in people with this disorder.", "Nonsense mutation It differs from a missense mutation, which is a point mutation where a single nucleotide is changed to cause substitution of a different amino acid. Some genetic disorders, such as thalassemia and DMD, result from nonsense mutations.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In genetics, a nonsense mutation is a point mutation in a sequence of DNA that results in a premature stop codon, or a nonsense codon in the transcribed mRNA, and in a truncated, incomplete, and usually nonfunctional protein product.", "NCLEX - ADULT HEALTH PHARMACOLOGY - 739 Potassium chloride administered intravenously must always be diluted in IV fluid and infused • Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease. of the airways with variable or reversible. airway obstruction. • Characterized by increased sensitivity of. the airway to a variety of stimuli. • Symptoms are a varying severity of. dyspnea, wheezing, and or cough. ASTHMA.", "Asthma Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. The disease manifests as recurrent attacks of wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath. During an asthma attack, the muscles surrounding the airways contract, limiting the amount of air supply to the lungs.The lack of sufficient air supply results in a choking sensation.he disease manifests as recurrent attacks of wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath. During an asthma attack, the muscles surrounding the airways contract, limiting the amount of air supply to the lungs. The lack of sufficient air supply results in a choking sensation.", "Genetic Diseases (Inherited) Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Prognosis Most genetic diseases are the direct result of a mutation in one gene. However, one of the most difficult problems ahead is to find out how genes contribute to diseases that have a complex pattern of inheritance, such as in the cases of diabetes, asthma, cancer and mental illness.", "- Genetic mutations occur when DNA changes, altering the genetic instructions. This may result in a genetic disorder or a change in characteristics. Mutations can be caused by exposure to specific chemicals or radiation. For example, cigarette smoke is full of chemicals that attack and damage DNA.", "Mexican Genetics Study Reveals Huge Variation in Ancestry Their information was compared to genetic and lung-measurement data from two previous studies, including roughly 250 Mexican and Mexican-American children in the Genetics of Asthma in Latino Americans (GALA) study, the largest genetic study of Latino children in the United States, which Burchard leads.", "asthma A. Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing.The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning.llergen. A foreign substance, such as mites in house dust or animal dander which, when inhaled, causes the airways to narrow and produces symptoms of asthma. Atopy. A state that makes persons more likely to develop allergic reactions of any type, including the inflammation and airway narrowing typical of asthma.", "Slide show: How genetic disorders are inherited Genes are segments of DNA that determine specific traits, such as eye or hair color. You have more than 20,000 genes. You have two copies of each gene — one inherited from each of your parents. A mutation is a change in your DNA. A gene mutation is a change in or damage to a gene.A mutation can be inherited or acquired during your lifetime as cells age or are exposed to certain chemicals.These changes in your DNA can result in genetic disorders.enes are segments of DNA that determine specific traits, such as eye or hair color. You have more than 20,000 genes. You have two copies of each gene — one inherited from each of your parents. A mutation is a change in your DNA. A gene mutation is a change in or damage to a gene.", "Somatic Mutation, Genomic Variation, and Neurological Disease Genetic mutations causing human disease are conventionally thought to be inherited through the germ line from one’s parents and present in all somatic (body) cells, except for most cancer mutations, which arise somatically.", "What Is Lung Cancer? A cancer begins with an error, or mutation, in a cell’s DNA. DNA mutations can be caused by the normal aging process or through environmental factors, such as cigarette smoke, breathing in asbestos fibers, and to exposure to radon gas. Researchers have found that it takes a series of mutations to create a lung cancer cell." ]
[ 15.3828125 ]
[ 5.0390625, 7.55078125, 5.7421875, 11.515625, 6.4453125, 2.375, 7.08203125, 5.61328125, 10.09375, 6.171875, 7.2421875, 12.0078125, 14.9765625, 4.921875, 8.375, 9.5, 5.22265625, 8.2734375, 8.0703125, 5.1328125, 6.2265625, 5.0625, 8.109375, 12.046875, 7.54296875, 9.3671875, 7.53125, 8.6640625, 6.6875, 6.04296875 ]
what is albedo?
[ "Thermodynamics: Albedo Albedo is a non-dimensional, unitless quantity that indicates how well a surface reflects solar energy. Albedo (î±) varies between 0 and 1. Albedo commonly refers to the whiteness of a surface, with 0 meaning black and 1 meaning white. A value of 0 means the surface is a perfect absorber that absorbs all incoming energy. Absorbed solar energy can be used to heat the surface or, when sea ice is present, melt the surface." ]
[ "- Example: A small cross by the dangerous curve on the road reminded all of Johnny’s death. Synecdoche: Indicating a person, object, etc. by letting only a certain part represent the whole. Example: All hands on deck. Arranging the wordsW ords follow each other in a sequence determined by the poet.", "Adobado Pork Tenderloin The Spanish term adobado refers to a dish that has been marinated and that generally contains chiles. In this dish, anchos (AHN-chohs), dried poblano chiles, are used to give the dish some mild heat. Serve with salsa and corn tortillas. Cooking Tips Judging Temperature of Coals.", "- Spanish Sentences using hubiera. The Sentence Maker allows you to enter a word or phrase in the text box below and retrieve translated sentence pairs (English and Spanish) containing that word/phrase. This tool is great for seeing how words are used in a natural context.", "- The recapitulation is a repeat of the two themes from the exposition, and it ends with a coda. - A rondo is a form where the piece moves from one theme to the next. For example, it could be ABCDE... It could also repeat the A theme throughout, thus ABACADA...", "LG GW-L207FLQK SERVICE MANUAL AND REPAIR GUIDE An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, determiner, noun phrase, clause, or sentence. Adverbs typically express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, level of certainty, etc., answering questions such as how?, in what way?, when?, where?, and to what extent?.", "- Adobe (US: /əˈdoʊbi/ ( listen), UK: /əˈdoʊb/; Spanish: ) is a building material made from earth and often organic material. Adobe means mudbrick in Spanish, but in some English speaking regions of Spanish heritage it refers to any kind of earth construction, as most adobe buildings are similar in appearance to cob and rammed earth buildings. Adobe is among the earliest building materials, and is used throughout the world.", "- These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'desperado.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.", "Geometric albedo Geometric albedo. In astronomy, the geometric albedo of a celestial body is the ratio of its actual brightness as seen from the light source (i.e. at zero phase angle) to that of an idealized flat, fully reflecting, diffusively scattering (Lambertian) disk with the same cross-section.", "Corona Renderer Helpdesk for 3ds Max plugin Simply put, albedo is the overall brightness of an object. Albedo is the reflecting power of a material. In Corona, it is the sum of material's diffuse, reflective, refractive and translucent components. Emission does not count into it. In reality, almost no materials have near-white albedo.", "Literary Devices in Beowulf A compound expression in Old English and Old Norse poetry with metaphorical meaning. Literary devices were originally used in the poem to help the poet memorize the story. Beowulf also contains the devices Metonymy and Synecdoche. Metonymy is the use of one object or concept fo that of another to which it is related and a Synecdoche is using a part for a whole, or a whole for a part. In the novel Beowulf; literary devices are used. These literary devices are alliteration, assonance, caesura, and kenning. Each literary device contributes to the passage and what the readers interpret from reading these particular literary devices.", "Asyndeton (April 2013). Asyndeton (from the Greek: ἀσύνδετον, unconnected, sometimes called asyndetism) is a figure of speech in which one or several conjunctions are omitted from a series of related clauses. Examples are veni, vidi, vici and its English translation I came, I saw, I conquered.", "Albedo - Albedo's Introduction. Albedo (アルベド) is the Overseer of the Floor Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. She is in charge of the general management and supervises the activities of the seven Floor Guardians, meaning that she ranks above all the other NPCs in Nazarick. She is the sister of Nigredo and Rubedo.", "adobe Definition of adobe. 1 : a brick or building material of sun-dried earth and straw. 2 : a structure made of adobe bricks. 3 : a heavy clay used in making adobe bricks; broadly : alluvial or playa clay in desert or arid regions.", "Aledo, Texas Aledo, Texas. Aledo (pronunciation: /əˈlidoʊ/, ə-LEE-doh) is a city in Parker County, Texas, United States. The population was 2,716 at the 2010 census. The city is served by the Aledo Independent School District.", "COMPOSITION allegro - a musical composition or musical passage to be performed quickly in a brisk lively manner musical composition, opus, piece of music, composition, piece - a musical work that has been created; the composition is written in four movements", "- Archipelagos may be found isolated in bodies of water or neighboring a large land mass. For example, Scotland has more than 700 islands surrounding its mainland which constitute an archipelago.he largest archipelagic state in the world by area and population is Indonesia. The archipelago with the most islands is the Swedish East Coast Archipelago, which contains the Stockholm Archipelago, which, in turn, connects to the world's second largest archipelago, the Archipelago Sea in Finland.", "Rubedo Rubedo is an uncommon component that can be found on Phobos, Earth, Pluto, Europa, Sedna and the Orokin Void regions. It is usually found in quantities of 15 to 25, and is a key ingredient in the...", "Pronunciation of Iberian Hidden deep in the plain of the Iberian Plateau, and for a length of 112 kilometres,... .....with old traditional stuff and also the breakfast here is made with typical products from the region Alentejo.", "- In Spain or Latin America, Spanish is the second-most-spoken language in the world! The culture of Don Quixote, flamenco, tortillas and margarita brings in the naming tradition of hot-blooded temperament! Abelardo Breathing. Adalberto Aristocratic and bright. Adelmo Strong and persistent. Ademar Strong and famous.", "Global Climate Change: Albedo The Earth as a system is driven by the Sun's energy; and as the Sun's rays hit the Earth, a certain percentage of the energy is reflected back into space. The amount of radiation reflected by a surface is referred to as its albedo. Albedo can range from a value of 0 (no reflection) to a value of 1 (100% reflection). It is important to know how much of the Sun's energy at the poles is reflected, absorbed, or radiated back to into space.", "Exemplar Sentence Examples The Exemplar folded his hands, contemplating the request, then turned and walked to the front of the dais. The principle that reason is the one only guide of life, the supreme arbiter of all questions, politics and religion included, has its earliest and most complete exemplar in Erasmus.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Is Bibasal Atelectasis In brief: Ligula. The ligula is the equivalent of the middle lobe of the lung on the left-hand side. There is no true middle lobe but it is an area of the left lung. Atelectasis refers to an area of the lung where there is no good gas exchange due to either obstruction or filling in with fluid. This is often seen with an infection.", "- Sentence Examples. 1 Loreto Plaza Shopping Center up on State Street isn't a large 2 ... West of the Plaza Mayor, covers an area of 40 acres, and occupies the site of the old Indian market and place of execution, where occurred the first auto-dafe in Mexico in 1574. 3 The elevation of this plaza is 9343 ft. West of the Plaza Mayor, covers an area of 40 acres, and occupies the site of the old Indian market and place of execution, where occurred the first auto-dafe in Mexico in 1574. The city is laid out regularly, with broad streets, a large central plaza and a public garden, or promenade, called the prado. »", "Definitions &Translations Used loosely, the term bardo refers to the state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth. According to Tibetan tradition, after death and before one's next birth, when one's consciousness is not connected with a physical body, one experiences a variety of phenomena.", "- Albedo is a physical value that indicates the quantity of incident sunlight reflected by a given surface. In relation to the climate, this is an important variable because it expresses the proportion of solar radiation reflected into space by the Earth's surface and atmosphere, which therefore does not heat the planet.", "albedo The fraction of the total light striking a surface that gets reflected from that surface. An object that has a high albedo (near 1) is very bright; an object that has a low albedo (near 0) is dark. The Earth's albedo is about 0.37. The Moon's is about 0.12.", "- Adverbs and Adjectives #3 Directions: For each of the following sentences, identify the underlined word as either an adjective or an adverb. 1. Music has accompanied drama since old times. 2. Beethoven, a composer, tirelessly devoted himself to his music.", "- Abuelito actually means grandfather, not grandmother. . . just a slight correction. This poem is a nostalgic remembrance of a person who was special to the narrator, and t…he person (the grandfather) seems to be failing in health. She is remembering the times she had with him...", "Synecdoche Figure of Speech Updated April 19, 2017. Synecdoche (pronounced si-NEK-di-key) is a trope or figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole (for example, ABCs for alphabet) or (less commonly) the whole is used to represent a part (England won the World Cup in 1966). Adjective: synecdochic, synecdochical, or synecdochal.", "Beowulf Beowulf is an Old English epic poem consisting of 3,182 alliterative lines. It may be the oldest surviving long poem in Old English and is commonly cited as one of the most important works of Old English literature. A date of composition is a matter of contention among scholars; the only certain dating pertains to the manuscript, which was produced between 975 and 1025. The author was an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet, referred to by scholars as the Beowulf poet. The poem is set in Scandinavia. Be" ]
[ 17.03125 ]
[ -1.6435546875, 1.064453125, -0.58154296875, 0.97607421875, 1.5400390625, 5.3671875, 0.95068359375, 14.0234375, 15.7578125, -1.98046875, -1.9033203125, 15.953125, 6.55859375, 6.171875, 2.037109375, -0.3759765625, 3.0078125, -0.01239013671875, 1.927734375, 14.9296875, -5.8828125, -0.79736328125, 0.52490234375, 1.498046875, 17.1875, 14.375, -1.25390625, 2.861328125, -1.87109375, 1.2109375 ]
what fascism
[ "What is Fascism ? 1. Fascism is the unchecked rule of a class of the privileged, or relatively rich, in power--a full-scale assault on poor and working people." ]
[ "Fascism: History, Ideology, and Influence Fascism is a political ideology that developed after World War I in Italy and Germany. Fascism is characterized by strong nationalism, an extreme level of authoritarianism, corporatism, militarization and hostility towards both liberalism and Marxism.", "Nazism National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/ˈnaːtsɪzᵊm/), is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi state as well as other far-right groups.", "- Definition of fascism for English Language Learners. : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.", "What is Fascism ? Hence, while fascism may not be the dominant form of capitalist government, elements of fascist ideology (biological determinism, rabid nationalism, etc.) and fascist organizations (sectors of the police, KKK, skinheads, etc.) are always present.", "Fascism Fascism is a form of statist, authoritarian government that promotes a nationalist, militaristic political ideology. Fascism is commonly misunderstood by those not versed on its history. While most do understand that fascism is a form of totalitarian government, there is a common misconception that all forms of totalitarian governments are fascist.", "- Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe, influenced by national syndicalism. Fascism originated in Italy during World War I and spread to other European countries.", "Anti-Federalism The Articles of Confederation: predecessor to the U.S. Constitution and drafted from Anti-Federalist principles. Anti-Federalism refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the Constitution of 1788.The previous constitution, called the Articles of Confederation, gave state governments more authority.en of these amendments were immediately ratified and became known as the Bill of Rights, with one of the other two becoming the 27th Amendment —almost 200 years later. Thus, while the Anti-Federalists were unsuccessful in their quest to prevent the adoption of the Constitution, their efforts were not totally in vain.", "fascism any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism.", "- fascismnoun [ U ] also Fascism uk ​ /ˈfæʃ.ɪ.zəm/ us ​ /ˈfæʃ.ɪ.zəm/. › a political system based on a very powerful leader, state control, and being extremely proud of country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed. Examples. This year's history syllabus covers the rise of Fascism in Europe.", "Fascism Fascism is a political system in which the state has all the power. All citizens must work for the country and the government. A dictator or another powerful person is the head of such a state. He uses a strong army and a police force to keep law and order. He is often a strong, authoritarian leader who is, at the beginning, admired by many people. Fascism first appeared after World War I when Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy.", "fascism fascism [(fash-iz-uhm)] A system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states.", "Fascism Fascism is a genuinely revolutionary, trans-class form of anti-liberal, and in the last analysis, anti-conservative nationalism built on a complex range of theoretical and cultural influences. He distinguishes an inter-war period in which it manifested itself in elite-led but populist armed party politics opposing socialism and liberalism and promising radical politics to rescue the nation from decadence.", "fascism Definition of fascism for Students. : a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted.", "- The best definitions of fascism come from the recent writings of scholars who have devoted years to the study of fascist movements and have identified the key attributes that distinguish fascism from simple authoritarianism. 1. Michael Mann. Michael Mann is an historical sociologist and Professor of Sociology at UCLA. In his book Fascists (Cambridge University Press, 2004) he provides the following definition: “Fascism is the pursuit of a transcendent and cleansing nation-statism through paramilitarism.” (Mann, op. cit., p. 13)", "Anti-fascism Anti-fascism is opposition to fascist ideologies, groups and individuals. The anti-fascist movement began in a few European countries in the 1920s, and eventually spread to other countries around the world.", "- In a vulgar attempt to distort Rosa Luxemburg’s writings, the German Left Party resorts to interpreting passages out of context in order to justify their own opportunism.", "- Communism vs. Fascism Diffen › Social Sciences › History While communism is a system based around a theory of economic equality and advocates for a classless society, fascism is a nationalistic, top-down system with rigid class roles that is ruled by an all-powerful dictator.", "Nazi Party Nazi Party. The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (help·info), abbreviated NSDAP), commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party (/ˈnɑːtsi/), was a far-right political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and practised the ideology of Nazism.", "Fascism The ideological roots of fascism have been traced back to the 1880s, and in particular to the fin de siècle theme of that time. The theme was based on a revolt against materialism, rationalism, positivism, bourgeois society and democracy.", "What is the difference between fascism and nazism? The political ideology of fascism can be briefly described as a right-wing dictatorship. However, when spelled as Fascism with a capital F, it refers to the specific regime in 20th century Italy under Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.Nazism, which was the predominant ideology in Germany from the 1930s to the 1940s, can be viewed as a more specific type of fascism (with a lower-case f).Not all fascists are Nazis, but it would be all but required to support fascist ideology in order to be a true Nazi.azism, which was the predominant ideology in Germany from the 1930s to the 1940s, can be viewed as a more specific type of fascism (with a lower-case f).", "WHAT IS FASCISM? First and foremost, Fascism is an economic system in which a nation's government plays a central role in monitoring all banking, trade, production, and labor activity which takes place within the nation. Such monitoring is done for the sole purpose of safeguarding & advancing the nation and its people.", "Top five beliefs of a fascist? Source(s): by the way Jpenergy.. Next time you copy and paste a liberal, false representation, try to put it into your own words or something.. Roxy, just type in fascism in yahoo search and it will come up with this 14 points of facsim. It misinterprets the real principles of fascism by taking the core values and making them more easily relateable to america. Its completely ridiculous and if you use it in your paper, you will get an F. Jpenergy has no clue what Fascism really is or he wouldnt be copy and pasting his way through the question. wph00...", "fascism fascism. noun fas·cism \\ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\\. Tweet. : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.: very harsh control or authority.xamples of FASCISM. 1 the rise of Fascism in Europe before World War II. 2 From the first hours of Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union, the propagandists on both sides of the conflict portrayed the struggle in stark, Manichaean language. 3 The totalitarian nature of both regimes made this inevitable.", "Fascism Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before it spread to other European countries.", "- Fascism /ˈfaeʃɪzəm/ ˈfæʃɪzəm is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early-20th Century. Europe influenced by national, syndicalism fascism originated In italy During World War, i in opposition to, Liberalism, marxism And. anarchismnfluenced by national syndicalism, fascism originated in Italy during World War I, in opposition to liberalism, Marxism, and Anarchism. Fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum. Fascists saw World War I as a revolution.", "Nazi Party The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei , abbreviated NSDAP), commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party (/ˈnɑːtsi/), was a political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and practised the ideology of Nazism.", "Definitions of fascism Fascism, at any rate the German version, is a form of capitalism that borrows from Socialism just such features as will make it efficient for war purposes... It is a planned system geared to a definite purpose, world-conquest, and not allowing any private interest, either of capitalist or worker, to stand in its way.ascism, at any rate the German version, is a form of capitalism that borrows from Socialism just such features as will make it efficient for war purposes... It is a planned system geared to a definite purpose, world-conquest, and not allowing any private interest, either of capitalist or worker, to stand in its way.", "Fascism Fascism in the early 1920s was influenced by both left and right, conservative and anti-conservative, national and supranational, rational and anti-rational. Fascism was founded during World War I by Italian national syndicalists who drew upon left-wing organizational tactics and right-wing political views.", "- 1. Form small groups and review the characteristics of fascism at the beginning of the article. 2. Each group should discuss and decide each of the hypothetical cases below whether each is an example of a totally, mostly, somewhat, or non fascist state. 3.", "Federalist Papers No. 10 Federalist No. 10 (1787) Written by James Madison, this essay defended the form of republican government proposed by the Constitution. Critics of the Constitution argued that the proposed federal government was too large and would be unresponsive to the people. In response, Madison explored majority rule v. minority rights in this essay. He countered that it was exactly the great number of factions and diversity that would avoid tyranny." ]
[ 15.6484375 ]
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what is beach sand formed from
[ "What Is Sand? Sand is a loose granular material blanketing the beaches, riverbeds and deserts of the world. Composed of different materials that vary depending on location, sand comes in an array of colors including white, black, green and even pink. The most common component of sand is silicon dioxide in the form of quartz.The Earth's landmasses are made up of rocks and minerals, including quartz, feldspar and mica. Weathering processes — such as wind, rain and freezing/thawing cycles — break down these rocks and minerals into smaller grains.omposed of different materials that vary depending on location, sand comes in an array of colors including white, black, green and even pink. The most common component of sand is silicon dioxide in the form of quartz.", "What is Sand Made of? History. Sand is typically made mostly of varying amounts of material weathered from inland rocks (or seacliff material) and transported to the beach on the wind or in rivers, and/or shells and other hard parts precipitated out of the ocean water by marine organisms.and is typically made mostly of varying amounts of material weathered from inland rocks (or seacliff material) and transported to the beach on the wind or in rivers, and/or shells and other hard parts precipitated out of the ocean water by marine organisms." ]
[ "Black sand Since a black sand beach is made by a lava flow in a one time event, they tend to be rather short lived since sands do not get replenished if currents or storms wash sand into deeper water. For this reason, the state of Hawaii has made it illegal to remove black sand from its beaches.", "Science of Summer: Where Does Beach Sand Come From? Some beaches on Hawaii's Big Island even have a greenish tint, thanks to the presence of the mineral olivine. Old beach, new beach. As a final sandy thought, consider the fact that the sand on most of our beaches, especially on the East and Gulf Coasts, is rather old: some 5,000 years or so, Williams said.Very little new sand reaches the coast nowadays from the continental interior as it once did.s a final sandy thought, consider the fact that the sand on most of our beaches, especially on the East and Gulf Coasts, is rather old: some 5,000 years or so, Williams said.", "Coasts: Headlands and Bays 1 3. Textbook p. 144 Headlands and baysHeadlands and bays form along a coast that is made up of bands of rock with v a r y ing r e s i s t a n c e to erosion.2 This means that, the rate at which a coast is eroded depends partly on rock resistance. 3. Textbook p. 144 Headlands and baysHeadlands and bays form along a coast that is made up of bands of rock with v a r y ing r e s i s t a n c e to erosion.", "- Headlands and bays. Bay and headland in New Zealand. Headlands are formed when the sea attacks a section of coast with alternating bands of hard and soft rock. The bands of soft rock, such as sand and clay, erode more quickly than those of more resistant rock, such as chalk.This leaves a section of land jutting out into the sea called a headland.The areas where the soft rock has eroded away, next to the headland, are called bays. Geology is the study of the types of rocks that make up the Earth's crust.his leaves a section of land jutting out into the sea called a headland. The areas where the soft rock has eroded away, next to the headland, are called bays. Geology is the study of the types of rocks that make up the Earth's crust.", "- Sand on a beach is covered by other layers of sand over time. The extra layers compress the first layer, packing it tighter and tighter. Over time, the bottom layers of sand have formed into sandstone, with colored bands showing the different layers.", "- sand (usually uncountable, plural sands) (uncountable) Rock that is ground more finely than gravel, but is not as fine as silt (more formally, see grain sizes chart), forming beaches and deserts and also used in construction.", "List of beaches This is a list of beaches of the world, sorted by country. A beach is a landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea, lake, or river. It usually consists of loose particles, which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobblestones.", "Science of Summer: Where Does Beach Sand Come From? These estuaries trap would-be sand before it reaches the coast, Williams explained. As a tie-in, the erosion of beaches especially after major storms often requires beach nourishment, or replenishment projects. Sand is dredged up from offshore and deposited on the shoreline to rebuild lost real estate.", "Sand Tar Sands are sediments or sedimentary rocks composed of sand, clay minerals, water and bitumen. The bitumen is a very heavy oil or tar with a low melting temperature. Bitumen typically makes up about 5% to 15% of the deposit.", "List of beaches A beach is a landform along the coast of an ocean or sea, or the edge of a lake or river.It usually consists of loose particles, which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobblestones.The particles comprising a beach are occasionally biological in origin, such as mollusc shells or coralline algae. beach is a landform along the coast of an ocean or sea, or the edge of a lake or river.", "What is sand made of What is sand made of. Sand is usually composed of mineral grains. You’ll find a post about the sand-forming minerals here. Sand itself is not a mineral. It is a sediment just like clay, gravel and silt.Most common sand-forming mineral is quartz. There are two good reasons for that.First, quartz is very important rock-forming mineral.and is usually composed of mineral grains. You’ll find a post about the sand-forming minerals here. Sand itself is not a mineral. It is a sediment just like clay, gravel and silt. Most common sand-forming mineral is quartz. There are two good reasons for that. First, quartz is very important rock-forming mineral.", "- Black sand beaches are not a common occurrence throughout the world, but do exist in areas with volcanic activity. The sand found on black sand beaches originated from ground lava that has evolved over centuries. Black sand found on the beaches varies in size from larger coarse pieces to finer granules.hough black sand beaches are a rare occurrence throughout the world, there are several regions where they are common. Islands that have black sand beaches include Iceland, Hawaii, Indonesia and Polynesia.", "Bermuda's Gorgeous Pink Sand Beaches Bermuda Pink beach - photo Bermuda Tourism. Bermuda has some magnificent large and small beaches. Beach sand is not volcanic but from finely pulverized remains of calcium carbonate shells and skeletons of invertebrates such as corals, clams, forams and other shells.", "- Beach sand originates mainly from rivers and streams which carry it directly to the ocean. Sand also comes from the gradual weathering of exposed rock formations and cliffs along the shore, and from the deterioration of shell, coral, and other skeletal fragments. Wave action, wind, and currents move sand up and down the coast.", "Top 10 Island Beaches for Perfect Sand Besides its crystal clear waters, it’s known for its white sand, consisting of 98% pure silica which gives it a bright white color. Unlike regular sand, the sand on Whitehaven Beach doesn’t retain any heat—making it comfortable to walk on barefoot, even on a hot day. It’s also one of the largest beaches in the Whitsundays, stretching over four long, gorgeous miles.", "- Sydney sand has a great textures, like the sand at the beach. It is commonly used for tiling, rendering and is great for kids sand pits.", "What is Sand Made of? History. Basalt makes up the ocean crust, and hot-spot islands like Hawaii, which is precisely where this sample is from. The sand in the middle is purple-ish due to a high concentration of garnet crystals-commonly found in metamorphic rocks.", "Sand Sand is a naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. It is defined by size, being finer than gravel and coarser than silt. Sand can also refer to a textural class of soil or soil type; i.e., a soil containing more than 85 percent sand-sized particles by mass. The composition of sand varies, depending on the local rock sources and conditions, but the most common constituent of sand in inland continental settings and non-tropical coastal settings i", "Oil sands Oil sands are either loose sands or partially consolidated sandstone containing a naturally occurring mixture of sand, clay, and water, saturated with a dense and extremely viscous form of petroleum technically referred to as bitumen (or colloquially tar due to its similar appearance, odour, and colour).", "Landforms of deposition Sand dunes only form where the rate of beach deposition is greater than erosion (positive sediment budget). Sand Dunes on Flamborough Head. When the dried sand reaches the top of the beach it can be trapped by debris such as driftwood, dead seaweed or rocks and pebbles.idge and runnel systems are formed due to the interaction of tides, currents, sediments and the beach topography. They only form on beaches with a shallow gradient. They form as a simple drainage route for tides. Water flows in and out via the runnel.", "How Quicksand Works and How to Escape its clutches In this semi-liquid state, the sand shifts fast, hence “quick sand” and stops supporting weight. Most often than not, clay and salt can be found in the composition. What quicksand is and how it’s made Quicksand can appear virtually anywhere in the world if an area of loose sand is saturated by water and becomes agitated. One of the following situations can lead to the formation of quicksand:", "Dunes A sand dune is an accumulation of loose sand grains piled up by the wind. Dunes are most likely to form where winds are strong and generally blow from the same direction. Some of the most extensive dune fields are found in the world's great deserts like the Sahara.", "Beach berm Notes. 1 There may be several beach berms and in some cases no berms. 2 Under normal conditions a beach berm is formed on the upper part of the foreshore, and over the backshore during severe events.efinition of Beach berm: A nearly horizontal plateau on the beach face or backshore, formed by the deposition of beach material by wave action, or by means of a mechanical plant as part of a beach recharge scheme.", "What is Frac Sand? It is used in the hydraulic fracturing process (known as fracking) to produce petroleum fluids, such as oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids from rock units that lack adequate pore space for these fluids to flow to a well. Most frac sand is a natural material made from high purity sandstone.", "- Sand is a natural unconsolidated granular material. Sand is composed of sand grains which range in size from 1/16 to 2 mm (62.5…2000 micrometers). Sand grains are either mineral particles, rock fragments or biogenic in origin.", "What causes Bermuda pink sand? In the islands of the Bahamas, Pink Sands Beach on Harbour Island in the Bahamas was, on May 24, 2008 declared by Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper to be the most beautiful beach in the world. There, and to some extent in Bermuda too, the pink sands turn salmon-colored in the setting sun.", "Punalu'u Black Sand Beach This beach is easily accessible and boasts a shore of shiny, jet black sand, made up of ground lava rocks. It was created by a'a lava flowing into the ocean. The area is a well-known nesting place for hawksbill and green sea turtles, both endangered species and the target of many conservation efforts.", "Did you know white beach sand is fish poop? Of course, this doesn’t mean that all the white sand to be found on tropical beaches comes from the back end of this fish: scientists confirm that these fish are responsible for about 70 per cent of all the sand on the tropical beaches.", "- Coral Sand Under a Microscope. Coral sand is aptly named: it's sand made up of tiny bits of coral and other ocean animals such as foraminifera, molluscs, and crustaceans. This image, taken at 100x zoom, took 18th place in the 2012 Nikon Small World photomicrography competition.", "- Tides and ocean currents in the Bahamas sculpted the sand and seaweed beds into these multicolored, fluted patterns in much the same way that winds sculpted the vast sand dunes in the Sahara Desert.Image courtesy Serge Andrefouet, University of South Florida.ides and ocean currents in the Bahamas sculpted the sand and seaweed beds into these multicolored, fluted patterns in much the same way that winds sculpted the vast sand dunes in the Sahara Desert." ]
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longest and shortest things
[ "Longest and Shortest This is an old British riddle from 1300-1900 AD. What is the longest and yet shortest thing in the world, The swiftest and yet the slowest, the most divisible and the most extended, The least valued and the most regretted, without which nothing can be done, Which devours everything, however small, and yet opens the life and spirit." ]
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Available in beautiful solid colors, this heavyweight woven 100% cotton utility fabric can be used as an upholstery material for cushions, chairs, sofas and more. It also makes for a great choice to create accessories like duffle bags, totes and camping gear.", "- Here is the compiled list of the smallest things in the work both natural and man-made which should fascinate you for sure. The world’s smallest working revolver. The world’s smallest fish. The world’s smallest teddy bear. The world’s smallest horse. The world’s smallest dog. The world’s smallest burger.", "Difficult Questions â Easy Answers â How many can you solve ? The more you take the more you leave behind. 16. Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the strongest man can’t hold it for much more than a minute. 17. As I walked along the path I saw something with four fingers and one thumb, but it was not flesh, fish, bone, or fowl.", "- This search will find all words using these letters, and only these letters, in our enable censored word list (170,707 words). Use the buttons above the word list to sort the words by length, and then reverse the list to place the longest words first.his word tool will find all words containing only these letters (if the word is in the word list). The resulting words will have some or all of the letters, and only these letters. This search is sensitive to the frequency of occurrence of letters in the requested set.", "Quicksand 1 Making the best of things is … a damn poor way of dealing with them.... My whole life has been a series of escapes from that quicksand. Rose Wilder Lane, letters to Guy Moyston, (25 August 1924 and 11 Jul 1925).", "- and revise things Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound to move around to get open and encourage the passer to switch up Dabs: The World’s Most Powerful and Sought After Weed Product – ANIMALThe Patriots offense was on fire, Avoid getting caught up in the small stuffcoach.", "- The English Renaissance: Help and Review. 1 Baron De Montesquieu: Ideas, Accomplishments & Facts 5:14. 2 17:03 Next Lesson. Hamlet: Beyond the Famous Soliloquy. 3 Romeo and Juliet: Shakespeare's Famous Star-Crossed Lovers 17:41. 4 Macbeth: Themes and Quotes from the Scottish Play 16:35.", "The undercover story: A briefs history of Y fronts At this point, the only serious challenge to the hegemony of long johns had come from the boxer short, a cotton version of the trunks worn by boxers, and first designed in 1925 by a Joseph Golomb, founder of the Everlast company that still makes boxing equipment.", "- Time, Others, Behavior. The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings-words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out.Stephen King. Living, Words, Head. I've actually apologized to some people I was a real jerk to, because I feel ashamed.he most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings-words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. Stephen King. Living, Words, Head.", "Chapters VâVI He compares the glowing flint to the crack in the walls of a prison. Equality 7-2521 realizes the meaning of the lightbulb—that he can provide clean and bright light for all the cities in the world—and he determines that his discovery is too important not to be shared with the world.", "Contents of the English Placement Test Directions: This part consists of selections from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and questions. on their content, form, and style. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Note: Pay particular attention to the requirement of questions that contain the word NOT, LEAST, or. EXCEPT.", "- (By the way, if you want to know what I think of Logos . . . here’s my honest take.) You can check out the Web versions, or just download the spreadsheet and play with the numbers all you want: 1 Book of the Bible word counts (longest to shortest) 2 Book of the Bible word counts (beginning to end) Download the spreadsheet.", "Catch Me If You Can 1 Catch me if you can - Jet thinks he is the fastest thing alive (on his gear) while Sonic thinks otherwise. 2 Jet the Bird - Jet the Hawk. 3 Hawk tail, wing, claw - Jet. Your chance, don't stand/Not on near my class of heat - The Babylon Rogues believing they are the best.", "- A TEACHER’S GUIDE TO THORNTON WILDER’S THE BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REY 4. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and. shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.", "- (29 letters; an estimation of something as worthless) is the longest word in the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. The OED2 shows a use of this word in a 1741 letter by William Shenstone (1714-1763), a British poet and essayist.", "Patience Spell Earth and Water, Air and Fire,I mold thy power to my desire.Let my fire be doused by pure water, and my spirit as sweet as a preachers daughter.May these words ring through my mind Until the very end of time.By the power of 3 times 3,As I wish it so mote it be. You will need the following items for this spell:", "- Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate (one) word. Choose 10 out of 12 only. 1. Body parts, such as muscles and glands, that are capable of responding to nerve impulses are called _____________.2. The adjustment of the thickness of the lens to make close vision possible is called _____________.ILL-INS (@2 points): Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate (one) word. Choose 10 out of 12 only. 1. Body parts, such as muscles and glands, that are capable of responding to nerve impulses are called _____________. 2.", "CROSSHATCH The best things in life are free.. Do not wrong or hate your neighbor for it is not he that you wrong but yourself.. The morning rainbow reaches the fountains; the evening rainbow fills the sails..", "- A.“Long have I known a glory in it all” B.“Thou’st made the world too beautiful this year” C.“To lift the lean of that black bluff!” D.“My soul is all but out of me” Closest thing I can think of is C. Delete Cancel Submit. 1 Share. Tweet.", "- The Articles of Confederation and the Northwest Ordinance 5:06 Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and Shays Rebellion 3:07 The Constitutional Convention: The Great Compromise 5:00 The Ratification of the Constitution and the New U.S. Government 5:22", "The VERY odd couple: Shortest man ever (21.5ins) meets tallest living person (8ft 1in) outside the Houses of Parliament for Guinness World Record Day The world's tallest and shortest men met for the first time this morning to commemorate Guinness World Record Day. Sultan Koesen, kösen who is 8ft. 1in, tall And Chandra, dangi who measures just.21., 5ins posed for photos outside The houses Of parliament to mark the'book s 60th. anniversaryhe VERY odd couple: Shortest man ever (21.5ins) meets tallest living person (8ft 1in) outside the Houses of Parliament for Guinness World Record Day. 1 Part-time farmer Sultan Koesen, kösen From, Ankara, turkey measures 8ft. 2 1in Chandra, dangi who is just.21 5ins, tall lives in Remote nepalese. village", "AboutTHE PHRONTISTERYHomeUpdates and NewsFAQMission StatementA Phront-HistoryForthright's BiographyContributorsSottisierArchivesPrivacy PolicyDictionary of Obscure WordsINTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF LOGORRHEAMain MenuNewly added wordsDictionary statisticsABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZGlossariesTOPICAL WORD LISTSAdjectives of RelationBearing and CarryingCarriages and ChariotsCausation and FormationColour TermsContour LinesDance StylesDivination and Fortune-TellingEcclesiastical TermsFabric and ClothFeeding and EatingFighting and CombatForms and ShapesForms of GovernmentForms of WorshipForthright's ForsootheryGrammatical CasesIsmsKillers and KillingLatin Adverbs and PrepositionsLove and AttractionManias and ObsessionMusical InstrumentsNames for NamesNautical TermsNonsense WordsPhobiasPretenders and DabblersRhetorical DevicesSciences and StudiesScientific InstrumentsSesquipedalian WordsSigns, Symbols, and AccentsStones and RocksStyles of SpeechThree-Letter Rare WordsUnits of MeasurementUnusual AnimalsWords about WordsWords of WisdomNumeralsNUMERALS AND NUMERATIONIntroductionNumerical PrefixesNumeration LinksNumeration BooksNumerical Notation BibliographyPaleolithic Notation BibliographyLost WordsCOMPENDIUM OF LOST WORDSIntroductionLost Words A-ELost Words F-MLost Words N-RLost Words S-ZWhat is a Lost Word?FAQDedication: Thomas BlountLanguage ResourcesENGLISH LANGUAGE RESOURCESLanguage LinksMy Favourite WordsPronunciation PollsHow to Find WordsShort Scrabble WordsLanguage BooksLIPOGRAMSA Loquacious Location of LipogramsEtymology of 'Lipogram'List of LipogramsLipogram LinksLipogram CompositionsBookstoreBOOKSTOREReference ShelfFilmsNumeration BooksFiction and NonfictionContactTweets by @schrisomalisWelcome to the Phrontistery! Since 1996, I have compiled word lists and language resources to spread the joy of the English language in all its variety through time and space. A phrontistery (from the Greek phrontistes 'thinker') is meant to be a thinking-place for reflection and intellectual stimulation. I invite you to explore the various site features relating to language and lexicography, find that half-remembered rare or obscure word you've been looking for, or to read and explore essays on language, linguistics, and culture. Have a look around, and enjoy!International House of Logorrhea Compendium of Lost WordsA 17,000-word dictionary of rare, cool, and unusual words 400 of the rarest words on the internetShort Scrabble Words A Loquacious Location of LipogramsFrom AA to ZUZ You'll want to click on this link - do it and find out why!Glossographia Numerals and NumerationA blog about linguistics, anthropology, and writing systems Quirky facts and features about number systemsGlossaries ContactOver 30 topic-specific word lists Email, Twitter, carrier pigeonI hope you have found this site to be useful. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Please consult a major dictionary before e-mailing your query. All material on this page © 1996-2014 Stephen Chrisomalis. Links to this page may be made without permission.Top of pageReturn to the Phrontistery Tweets by @schrisomalis. Welcome to the Phrontistery! Since 1996, I have compiled word lists and language resources to spread the joy of the English language in all its variety through time and space. A phrontistery (from the Greek phrontistes 'thinker') is meant to be a thinking-place for reflection and intellectual stimulation.", "- What two things are being compared in this example? Invent your own similes comparing the following items with something from your imagination:a) the screech of a street carb) the noise made by a tiny field mouse Bonus: Keep your eye open for another example of a simile as you read the novel.", "What is the longest non-scientific word in the English language? Honorificabilitudinitatibus - the state of being able to achieve honours. Though not longest, but it's the longest word in English having alternating consonants and vowels. Source: Honorificabilitudinitatibus.", "ALL ORDERS SHIP FREE (no min)! 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Line dry, Iron wrong side only and Steam only.", "Donald Trump Will See You in Court...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Heâs the worst. 12 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Youâre disgusting. 16 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Heâs the worst. 12 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Youâre disgusting. 16 Heâs the worst. 12 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Heâs the worst. 12 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 Heâs the worst. 12 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Heâs the worst. 12 Youâre disgusting. 16 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Heâs the worst. 12 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Heâs the worst. 12 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Youâre disgusting. 16 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Youâre disgusting. 16 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Heâs the worst. 12 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Youâre disgusting. 16 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Heâs the worst. 12 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Heâs the worst. 12 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Heâs the worst. 12 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 Heâs the worst. 12 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 Youâre disgusting. 16 Heâs the worst. 12 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Heâs the worst. 12 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 Youâre disgusting. 16 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 Heâs the worst. 12 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Heâs the worst. 12 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Youâre disgusting. 16 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Heâs the worst. 12 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 Heâs the worst. 12 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Heâs the worst. 12 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Youâre disgusting. 16 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Heâs the worst. 12 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 Youâre disgusting. 16 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 Heâs the worst. 12 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 Heâs the worst. 12 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 Heâs the worst. 12 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Youâre disgusting. 16 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 This would have been really successful, and they donât want that. It would have helped everybody. 13 Probably should have settled it, but I just canât do that. Mentally I canât do it. Iâd rather spend a lot more money and fight it. 5 The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself. 1 ...thereâs a hostility towards me by the judgeâtremendous hostilityâbeyond beliefâI believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fineâheâs Hispanic, which is fine, and we havenât asked for recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge whoâs very hostile. 7 Heâs the worst. 12 Theyâre fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history. 2 Rosieâs a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie. 18 Do you even know what youâre doing? 17 [The lawyer] did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her, she was easy. 15 ...classic case of buyerâs remorse. 10 ...she is a horrible, horrible, witness. 6 Youâre disgusting. 16 ...it was fantastic, it was wonderful, it was beautiful. 3 ...itâs a sleazebag law firm that does these class action cases... 8 We have complaints. It looks cheap and tacky and lousy. Weâre very unhappy. 11 This is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the state of New York. 14 She suffers from a thing called loserâs remorse. She lost. 9 Iâve won much of it, itâs a peanut case. [...] This is just people wanting to get their money back. 4 Since 2000, Trump has been sued 72 times in federal court, more than some of his high-profile peers, in cases both serious and frivolous. Casino magnates Stephen Wynn and Sheldon Adelson have been named in 20 and 11 federal suits during that time, respectively.", "- “Amigo Brothers,” note similarities and differences between Felix and Antonio in a Venn diagram like the one shown. vocabulary in context The boldfaced terms help tell this story about competition. Restate each sentence, using a different word or words. 1. He received a barrage of criticism for his comments. 2.", "- L'andera parte, che fatto venite dimane mattina il Podesta di quella Terra al Tribunal di li Capi di questo Cons. The short, lascivious lives of two Venetian theaters, 1580-85 * BUSINESS: Prod Mfgr SVCS: Full service DM CHARGE: Per M SPEC: Cons, B-to-B, Cat, Fund, Fin Svcs, Publ, Cont Progs Specimen collection for electron microscopy Warwick & Leamington: Con 7996, Lab 4747, Lib Dem 2449.", "- All existing things are really one. We regard those that are beautiful and rare as valuable, and those that are ugly as foul and rotten The foul and rotten may come to be transformed into what is rare and valuable, and the rare and valuable into what is foul and rotten. Zhuangzi.", "- Science and his love of Liberty 5-3000 are the two things which make Equality 7-2521 feel that the earth is good and that it is not a burden to live (2.11). And they have nothing to do with serving others. If you notice in that passage, though, Equality 7-2521's still sounds a little uncertain (i.e., he wonders).his passage also reveals the extent to which Equality 7-2521 sees himself in his inventions. They are extensions of him. He's able to see his own mind physically present in the world beyond his body, through the objects he's created. He's also able to make the world look more as he wants it to look." ]
[ 11.46875 ]
[ 6.78125, 8.90625, 3.5859375, 2.0703125, 3.251953125, 3.99609375, 2.6640625, 4.08203125, 3.435546875, -0.1329345703125, 1.71484375, 8.5625, 3.455078125, 1.7265625, 6.6484375, 1.6513671875, 2.10546875, 2.396484375, 3.22265625, 4.6796875, 9.59375, 4.79296875, -0.269287109375, 5.09765625, 6.953125, 3.14453125, 0.845703125, 3.240234375, 2.689453125, 0.49072265625 ]
abiogenesis is the scientific name for
[ "Origin of Life: Spontaneous Generation It was once believed that life could come from nonliving things, such as mice from corn, flies from bovine manure, maggots from rotting meat, and fish from the mud of previously dry lakes. Spontaneous generation is the incorrect hypothesis that nonliving things are capable of producing life." ]
[ "Morphogenesis Morphogenesis (from the Greek morphe morphê shape and genesis, creation, literally beginning of the) shape is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its. Shape it is one of three fundamental aspects of developmental biology along with the control of cell growth and cellular. differentiationorphogenesis arises because of changes in the cellular structure or how cells interact in tissues. These changes can result in tissue elongation, thinning, folding or separation of one tissue into distinct layers. The latter case is often referred as cell sorting.", "Candida Albicans, And The Symptoms And Treatments Of Intestinal Yeast Infections (Candidiasis) The most common species is Candida albicans, also referred to scientifically as C. albicans. (Sometimes the period is left off, as in “c albicans”, and Internet users occasionally mistype the name, so sometimes is appears as “C. albican”.) The next most common pathogenic Candida species is Candida glabrata.he scientific name is normally shown in italics, and will appear as “ C. albicans ”, or “ C. glabrata ”. The term for a systemic Candida infection, most commonly from Candida albicans, but from other species of Candida as well, is Candidiasis (kan-da-deye’-a-sis).", "- T he genus name Phalaenopsis is from two Greek words : Phalaena and Opsis, meaning moth-likeness. The type-species of the genus is Phalaenopsis amabilis, described by Blume in 1825. Phalaenopsis species is a Phalaenopsis found in the wild in its native habitat. A Phalaenopsis primary hybrid is the result of crossing two Phalaenopsis species. To add a bit of confusion, some Phalaenopsis primary hybrids occur naturally.", "Macroevolution, Microevolution, Speciation Cladogenesis. Branching evolution, is the splitting of a gene pool into two or more separate pools, which each give rise to one or more new species. Can promote biological diversity by increasing the number of species. Divergent.", "Life Another theory is that life is the property of ecological systems, and yet another is elaborated in complex systems biology, a branch or subfield of mathematical biology. Abiogenesis describes the natural process of life arising from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds.", "Epigenomics For the peer-reviewed journal, see Epigenomics (journal). Epigenomics is the study of the complete set of epigenetic modifications on the genetic material of a cell, known as the epigenome. The field is analogous to genomics and proteomics, which are the study of the genome and proteome of a cell.", "Pycnogenol Pycnogenol Pycnogenol (pronounced pick-nah-geh-nol), is a trademarked name for proanthocyanidin, a bioflavanoid complex extracted from the bark of the European coastal pine, Pinus Maritima.", "- 1 Cytogenetics -- the study of chromosomes in health and disease. 2 Biochemical genetics -- the biochemistry of nucleic acids and proteins including enzymes. 3 Pharmacogenetics -- how genes govern the absorption, metabolism and disposal of drugs and untoward reactions to them.", "biogenesis also bio-genesis, 1870, theory that living organisms arise only from pre-existing living matter, coined by English biologist T.H. Huxley (1825-1895) from Greek bios life (see bio-) + genesis (q.v.). Related: Biogenetic; biogenetical.", "Difference Between Abiogenesis and Biogenesis Abiogenesis vs Biogenesis. The origin of life is a controversial topic and also it has a long history. Ancient people believed that the origin of life is a spontaneous mechanism and occurs due to nonliving substances. This opinion was known as “Abiogenesis”.", "Abiogenesis? Abiogenesis means ‘no biologic origin’, in simple parlance, life from non-life … and thus we’re back to spontaneous generation, but in new guise … given the right conditions and precursors, life will arise spontaneously. And this despite attempts by advocates to differentiate between the terms.", "Parasites â Naegleria fowleri â Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) â Amebic Encephalitis In U.S. English, the single-celled living organism described here is an ameba. The word amoeba, with an “o”, is used as part of a scientific genus name (such as Amoeba or Acanthamoeba). In British English, both the generic organism term and genera names are spelled amoeba with an “o”.", "Pseudomonas Aeruginosa It is a Gram-negative, aerobic, bacillus bacterium with unipolar motility. An opportunistic human pathogen, P. aeruginosa is also an opportunistic pathogen of plants. P. aeruginosa is the type species of the genus Pseudomonas (Migula). P. aeruginosa secretes a variety of pigments, including pyocyanin (blue-green), pyoverdine (yellow-green and fluorescent), and pyorubin (red-brown).", "- In animals, parthenogenesis means development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg cell and is a component process of apomixis. Gynogenesis and pseudogamy are closely related phenomena in which a sperm or pollen triggers the development of the egg cell into an embryo but makes no genetic contribution to the embryo.", "- 1 Epigenetics is the study of mechanisms that switch genes on or off. 2 As it is believed that epigenetics holds the key to many of life's mysteries, our intiative is to bring awareness and knowledge of epigenetics to a broader audience without neglecting the important, scientific aspects. We break down the science and present it in a way that a regular person can understand.", "- Angiogenesis literally means creation of new blood vessels. The word “angio” means blood vessels while “genesis” means creation. Angiogenesis is an important process that occurs both during health and disease.ormation of new tissues involves formation of new blood vessels. Some of the normal situations where angiogenesis is important and necessary include those for repair of wounds and the formation of the placenta during pregnancy. The normal body has controls over the process of angiogenesis.", "- 1 Epigenetics is the study of mechanisms that switch genes on or off. 2 As it is believed that epigenetics holds the key to many of life's mysteries, our intiative is to bring awareness and knowledge of epigenetics to a broader audience without neglecting the important, scientific aspects.", "- Alternation of generations. Alternation of generations (also known as metagenesis) is a term primarily used to describe the life cycle of plants (taken here to mean the Archaeplastida).", "Career Profiles Cytogenetics is the study of chromosomes, their structure, and their inheritance. This is a lab-based science that involves processing and analyzing chromosomes in order to detect and interpret chromosome abnormalities. This field combines the studies of chromosome morphology and genetic disease.", "Abiogenesis The study of abiogenesis involves three main types of considerations: the geophysical, the chemical, and the biological, with more recent approaches attempting a synthesis of all three. Many approaches investigate how self-replicating molecules, or their components, came into existence.elief in spontaneous generation of certain forms of life from non-living matter goes back to Aristotle and ancient Greek philosophy and continued to have support in Western scholarship until the 19th century.", "nom-, nomen-, nomin-, -nomia, -nomic The present system of binomial nomenclature identifies each species by a scientific name of two words, Latin in form and usually derived from Greek or Latin roots. The first name (capitalized) is the genus of the organism, the second (not capitalized) is its species.", "- Oogenesis is the name of the process by which female egg cells or oocytes develop to create an ovum, or egg cell. These cells go through a three step process; oogonium t … o a primary oocyte, secondary oocyte, and finally an ovum. The whole process occurs in the female ovaries.", "scientific name the recognized Latin name given to an organism, consisting of a genus and species, according to a taxonomy; also called binomial name. Examples. The scientific name is usually printed in italics, with the genus capitalized.", "- Abiogenesis is the idea that life originally rose from nonliving matter. This is in contrast to the biogenesis or theogenesis concepts that are also commonly believed. Let's compare them: Abiogenesis claims that nonliving molecules somehow combined in some fashion to form living beings.", "What does the medical abbreviation AGE mean? Acute Gastroenteritis which means food poisoning! =D. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis is a method used in biochemistry and molecular biology to separate DNA, RNA, or protein molecules by size. This is achieved by moving negatively charged nucleic acid molecules through an agarose matrix with an electric field (electrophoresis).", "- Confidence votes 163. The naming of an organism as a scientific name is called binomial nomenclature. In this system, the two parts that are used to identify an organism is the genus and the species. For example, Homo sapiens is a scientific name for humans. Homo is the genus and sapiens is the species.", "- Rhodophyta is the scientific name for algae. They are mainly aquatic and photosynthetic organisms, which range in size from single-celled form to multicellular forms. Blue green algae is otherwise called cyanobacteria (bacterial classification-prokaryote), green algae is eukaryotic. The pigment present in blue green algae is phycocya … nin and chlorophyll in case of green algae Blue green algaes kingdom is moneran and green algae is not moneran.", "taxon The last specialization is seen in at least one taxon of Orthogeomys (Orthogeomys cherriei costaricensis). The second entry is the name-combination herein applied to the taxon. Taxol′ogy, the science of classification; taxon′omer, a taxonomist. Other entries are first usages, in chronological order, of other names (synonyms) that have been applied to the taxon in question.", "- The term neurogenesis is made up of the words “neuro” meaning “relating to nerves” and “genesis” meaning the formation of something.", "Abiogenesis Nonetheless, Earth remains the only place in the Universe known to harbour life, and fossil evidence from the Earth informs most studies of abiogenesis." ]
[ 9.28125 ]
[ 4.9453125, 4.80078125, 1.0390625, 4.40234375, 11.1640625, 4.296875, 2.544921875, 5.3359375, 8.3125, 10.8671875, 12.1875, 5.671875, 4.05859375, 6.25390625, 5.68359375, 5.55078125, 6.1796875, 4.34765625, 5.375, 10.6171875, 5.21875, 6.3828125, 5.6484375, 12.453125, 5.82421875, 6.8203125, 6.26953125, 2.244140625, 5.0625, 10.109375 ]
what causes a tooth with a crown to bleed
[ "Gums Bleed when I Floss in the Middle of New Permanent Crowns? +1. You mentioned you just had these crowns done so a little bleeding when you floss may occur if you floss too hard while the gums are healing after the procedure. It seems a little odd that it is only bleeding in the middle and if it continues make an appointment and go back and see you dentist." ]
[ "Tooth crown sensitive I was advised to have a root canal by a specialist which I did two weeks ago. Still the tooth with the crown is so painfull it cant be touched and is sensitive to being brushed. After a round of antibotics and then a round of steriods, I dont know what to do next.", "Would a Porcelain Crown Cause my Gums to Darken? '+' + (voteCount + 1) : (voteCount + 1) }}. Dark gums are usually due to Porcelain fused to metal crowns, where the metal margin of the crown shows through the gums. An all porcelain crown will not cause the gums to darken, especially if the margin of the crown is tucked slightly under the gums. However, if the tooth under the crown is dark or stained due to a root canal treatment, then it needs to be bleached internally before the crown is fabricated and cemented.", "Worn Teeth Overview : When the top coat (enamel) of a tooth is worn away, the tooth becomes more sensitive and is more easily damaged by decay. Advanced cases often require a procedure involving crowns to save the teeth. Causes : There are several ways that tooth enamel may be worn away.", "Why does my clarinet squeak? If your reed is too light or too hard for you and your mouthpiece, it will force you into bad habits that can produce a squeak. Don't be mislead by the belief that if you play a harder reed, you will be a better clarinetist. Clarinet mouthpieces are made with specific reed strengths in mind.", "13 Awful Things That Happen If You Don't Brush And Floss Your Teeth Most people don’t realize this, but your gums are not supposed to bleed when you brush and floss. If yours do, you probably have gum disease — or are at least well on your way. Gingivitis, the milder form of gum disease, makes gums red, swollen, and quick-to-bleed — part of a response to the bacteria in the plaque that builds up between your teeth and gums. More than half of Americans have gingivitis.", "Abscess (Toothache) Abscess (Toothache). An abscessed tooth is an infection caused by tooth decay, periodontal disease or a cracked tooth. These problems can let bacteria enter the pulp (the soft tissue of a tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue) and can lead to pulp death.", "- Some porcelain crowns have metal inside which gives strength and support to the porcelain. This acts as a barrier for light and gives the crown a dull colour. On posterior teeth this won't be noticed but in the front of the mouth it can occasionally be a problem as the tooth looks duller than the natural teeth.", "- 1 Irregular brushing or flossing, or performing these actions incorrectly, can lead to gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which are common causes of bleeding gums. 2 Brushing too hard. 3 Being too vigorous with your brushing can inflame delicate gum tissue and cause it to bleed. 4 Hormonal changes.", "- You May Like. 8 thoughts on “Crown Keeps Falling Off?”. The most likely situation is a mix of the following, A poorly designed abutment, a poorly executed crown and an inadecuate occlusion(THE WAY YOU BITE ON THE CROWN). So the most likely solution is to get a new abutment, crown and dentist.", "Bleeding under toe nail Anatomy: The nail is attached to the outermost part of the toe for protection. Cause: Bleeding under the toe nail (especially the big toe or the toe adjacent) most often occurs due to the toe repeatedly jolting against the inside of the shoe, or by the athlete having his toes trodden on. Injuries to the toe and nail are extremely frequent in sport (article).", "Caring for Teeth ⺠Caring for my teeth Gum disease (gingivitis) will usually show itself as red, swollen gums that bleed when you brush or clean between your teeth. Many people are worried when they notice their gums are bleeding and then brush more gently, or stop altogether. In fact, it is important that you continue to clean regularly and thoroughly if you are to fight the gum disease.", "Dental crown pain â tooth crown pain A tooth crown is usually put on a tooth after a tooth root canal is performed on it, in case that treatment is performed in the wrong way, the affected person might sense dental crown pain. Occasionally a little bit of the root pulp could be remained in the canal.", "- 1 Irregular brushing or flossing, or performing these actions incorrectly, can lead to gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which are common causes of bleeding gums. 2 Brushing too hard. 3 Being too vigorous with your brushing can inflame delicate gum tissue and cause it to bleed. 4 Hormonal changes. This helps to slow the blood flow to the area, resulting in less blood loss. 2 Make a cold compress by wrapping an ice cube in a clean piece of paper towel. 3 Hold it against the bleeding gum, applying gentle pressure.", "- If your gums don’t bleed during a brushing session, just rinse with plain water. Eating healthy can also help. You also need to see your dentist and have him or her examine your teeth and give you some deep cleanings to remove all the plaque and tartar. Your dentist should decide what else to do. He or she may end up referring you to a gum disease specialist. Of course, there can be other causes of bleeding gums.", "- You can replace the crown temporarily using dental adhesive or temporary tooth cement that is sold in stores for this purpose. Contact your dentist's office immediately. He or she will give you specific instructions on how to care for the tooth and crown for the day or so until you can be seen for an evaluation.", "- 1 Poor oral hygiene. 2 Irregular brushing or flossing, or performing these actions incorrectly, can lead to gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which are common causes of bleeding gums. 3 Brushing too hard. 4 Being too vigorous with your brushing can inflame delicate gum tissue and cause it to bleed.", "Toxic ToothâHow a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick The presence of oral bacteria from root canal teeth and gum disease in the arterial plaque and blood clots of heart attack patients points to direct causation, rather than correlation between oral infection and cardiovascular disease. All Root Canal Teeth Will Become More Infected Over Time Because root canal teeth no longer have a blood supply, the bacteria remaining inside all root canal teeth are effectively hidden from the immune system.", "Causes and Natural Remedies for Treating Bleeding from Ear Poking the ear canal with any hard or sharp object like a hair clip can cause trauma that leads to bleeding ears. Accidents that cause trauma to the head and fracture to the base of the skull can also cause bleeding ears. Otitis Externa or commonly known as swimmer’s ear.", "- Wine. If a food or drink can stain a tablecloth, it has the potential to stain your teeth. Red wine, an acidic drink with intensely pigmented molecules called tannins and chromogens, is notorious for tooth discoloration. White wine is even more acidic and can lead to stains, too.", "Dental Questions A crown is required after a root canal because the tooth no longer has blood supply. The tooth can become brittle and break at the gum line. The purpose of a crown is to prevent the tooth from fracturing. When a tooth is prepared for a filling, onlay, or crown slight trauma can occur at the supporting enamel dentin.", "Crown vs. Cap? We remove a significant portion of the tooth to make room for the material the crown is made of. If we simply added material, the gum doesn’t know that the crown isn’t tartar or calculus on the tooth and will recede or move away from the crown and this could create a gum or periodontal disease situation.", "anemia Sometimes crohn's disease can be associated with occult bleeding (that is the bleeding is not noticed but happens internally). In severe disease, bleeding is often serious and ongoing. This bleeding leads to severe iron deficiency and reduced RBCs in you blood and is the cause of anemia in crohn's disease. low hemoglobin level may indicate Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and is quite often seen in crohn's disease. If the CBC results confirm that you have anemia, your doctor may order additional tests to determine the cause, severity, and correct treatment for your condition.", "6 Natural Treatments for Tendonitis And in some cases older people can form tendonitis after bracing themselves during a fall, which triggers inflammation in the joints or tendons. Because tendons are chords of “fibrous” tissue, really any type of stressful movement or internal infection or cause of swelling can strain them to the point of injury.", "Bacterial Endocarditis Any dental work that makes you bleed, including teeth cleaning, can lead to endocarditis. Other common opportunities for the infection include tonsillectomies, examination with a bronchoscope, prostate or gallbladder surgery, and other operations in the respiratory airways, digestive tract, or urinary tract.", "- If your tooth is damaged but not lost, a crown can be used to restore its shape, appearance and function. You may need a crown if you have a root canal, a large filling in a tooth or a broken tooth. A crown, also called a cap, is a hollow, artificial tooth used to cover a damaged or decayed tooth.", "Home Remedies for Pyorrhea What is Pyorrhea? Pyorrhea is a condition characterized by bleeding gums. Pyorrhea is the cause of an attack of a bacillus upon the gums and teeth. The bacillus thrives and multiplies on the deposits of food that gets accumulated within the gaps of the teeth. The accumulation leads to lack of proper exercise of the gums, which lowers the resistance of the gums.", "Nosebleeds: Why they start and how to stop them This part of the nose, known as Little's area, contains many delicate blood vessels that can be easily damaged. The cause of anterior nosebleeds is sometimes unknown, but they can be caused by a number of things, including: picking your nose, particularly if you scratch the inside of your nose with a sharp fingernail.", "OVERVIEW If so, you or your child may be among the millions of Americans who now have a condition called dental fluorosis. Fluorosis is a defect of tooth enamel caused by too much fluoride intake during the first 8 years of life. Although fluorosis can be cosmetically treated, the damage to the enamel is permanent. Common causes of fluorosis include: fluoridated drinking water (particularly during infancy), ingestion of fluoride toothpaste, use of fluoride tablets, and consumption of processed foods made with fluoridated water.", "Bleeding Gums Bleeding gums could be a sign of a number of dental problems, but it's usually a symptom of gum disease. In some cases, the causes of bleeding gums may be the result of injuries or infections of the teeth. Gum disease usually isn't painful, so many people don't know they have it until it advances. Being aware of the symptoms can help you catch gum disease early -- and possibly reverse it through gum disease treatment.", "- Most people don't realize this, but your gums are not supposed to bleed when you brush and floss. If yours do, you probably have gum disease — or are at least well on your way. Gingivitis, the milder form of gum disease, makes gums red, swollen, and quick-to-bleed — part of a response to the bacteria in the plaque that builds up between your teeth and gums. More than half of Americans have gingivitis." ]
[ 13.34375 ]
[ 6.6796875, 9.6875, 6.35546875, -0.9765625, 8.203125, 7.328125, 7.2890625, 10.0625, 5.4453125, 3.408203125, 8.984375, 7.93359375, 9.5234375, 8.578125, 9.0078125, 9.953125, 6.078125, 3.10546875, 5.58984375, 9.0390625, 7.34765625, 4.10546875, 0.1800537109375, 7.4375, 8.515625, 5.2265625, 3.36328125, 4.609375, 9.8828125, 9 ]
what does paralysis do
[ "Definitions &Translations Paralysis. Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. A study conducted by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, suggests that about 1 in 50 people have been diagnosed with paralysis.aralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. A study conducted by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, suggests that about 1 in 50 people have been diagnosed with paralysis." ]
[ "What is Paraplegia: Paraplegic Facts and Definition Paraplegia is an impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities. The word comes from Ionic Greek: παραπληγίη half-striking. It is usually caused by spinal cord injury or a congenital condition such as spina bifida that affects the neural elements of the spinal canal.The area of the spinal canal that is affected in paraplegia is either the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral regions.s paraplegia is most often the result of a traumatic injury to the spinal cord tissue and the resulting inflammation, other nerve-related complications can and do occur. Cases of chronic nerve pain in the areas surrounding the point of injury are not uncommon.", "What Causes Paralysis? The brain controls all voluntary muscle contraction. 1 Diseases of the brain which result in paralysis include: 2 Stroke, which is due to an interruption of the blood supply to part of the brain, either because of a leak or rupture of a blood vessel, or due to a block in a vessel by a clot. 3 Traumatic brain injury.", "Paralysis Paralysis is usually on the side of the body opposite the side of the brain damaged by stroke, and may affect any part of the body. You may experience one-sided paralysis, known as hemiplegia, or one-sided weakness, known as hemiparesis.", "- It used to be paralyzed meant totally dependent on others for life and way back bedridden, it's so much better now than then. Usually, you get that kind of paralysis from a spine injury, particularly one around the waist area.", "Definition of 'paralysis' Definition of 'paralysis'. Word Frequency. paralysis (pəræləsɪs ) 1. uncountable noun. Paralysis is the loss of the ability to move and feel in all or part of your body. ...paralysis of the leg. 2. uncountable noun. Paralysis is the state of being unable to act or function properly. The paralysis of the leadership leaves the army without its supreme command. ...a kind of mental paralysis.", "Tetraplegia Not to be confused with Spastic quadriplegia. Tetraplegia, also known as quadriplegia, is paralysis caused by illness or injury that results in the partial or total loss of use of all their limbs and torso; paraplegia is similar but does not affect the arms.The loss is usually sensory and motor, which means that both sensation and control are lost.ot to be confused with Spastic quadriplegia. Tetraplegia, also known as quadriplegia, is paralysis caused by illness or injury that results in the partial or total loss of use of all their limbs and torso; paraplegia is similar but does not affect the arms.", "- Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which an individual, either during falling asleep or awakening, briefly experiences an inability to move, speak, or react. This is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep, characterized by an inability to move muscles. It is often accompanied by terrifying hallucinations to which one is unable to react due to paralysis, and physical experiences (such as strong current running through the upper body).", "- Paralysis is a loss or impairment of motor function in one or more muscle groups as a result of a lesion of the neuromuscular mechanism. When applied to motor function, paralysis is the loss of voluntary movement, precluding the use of muscles, tendons, or joints that normally control body movements. Paralysis is a sign of an underlying condition such as paraplegia or quadriplegia.", "What is Paraplegia: Paraplegic Facts and Definition Brief Synopsis: Facts and definition regarding Paraplegia a paralysis of the lower half of the body including both leg, usually caused by damage to the spinal cord.", "Laryngeal Paralysis Is Not a Death Sentence Laryngeal paralysis is a condition that severely affects a pet’s breathing. The larynx is the medical name for the voice box. Please note, it is larynx and not “lar-nynx” as many people call it. If you've ever had a sore throat or laryngitis, then your very own larynx was irritated.", "paralysis The nerve damage that causes paralysis may be in the brain or spinal cord (the central nervous system) or it may be in the nerves outside the spinal cord (the peripheral nervous system).The most common causes of damage to the brain are: 1 stroke.amage to the spinal cord is most often caused by trauma, such as a fall or a car crash. Other conditions that may damage nerves within or immediately adjacent to the spine include: 1 tumor. ( 2 also called a ruptured or). 3 spondylosis (a disease that causes stiffness in the joints of the spine).", "- For the upcoming film, see The Old Hag Syndrome (film) . Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which a person either during falling asleep (Hypnagogia) or awakening (Hypnopompia), temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak, or react.", "Sleep paralysis This usually occurs as you're waking up, but can happen when falling asleep. During an episode of sleep paralysis you may: find it difficult to take deep breaths, as if your chest is being crushed or restricted. be able to move your eyes – some people can also open their eyes but others find they can't.", "- In paralysis, this term is used to describe findings on the same side of the body as the. brain or spinal cord lesions producing them. On the opposite side; o riginating in or affecting the opposite side of the body, the. opposite of homolateral and ipsilateral.", "Paresis Not to be confused with Paruresis. Paresis is a condition typified by a weakness of voluntary movement, or partial loss of voluntary movement or by impaired movement.hen used without qualifiers, it usually refers to the limbs, but it can also be used to describe the muscles of the eyes (ophthalmoparesis), the stomach (gastroparesis), and also the vocal cords (Vocal cord paresis).", "- By Yolanda Smith, BPharm. Paraplegia is a medical condition involving impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities, which is a classification of paralysis, the universal term to describe the loss of movement or sensation following damage to a nerve in the body.", "- Head injury. A severe head injury can cause brain damage. The brain's surface can tear or bruise as it bumps against the skull, damaging blood vessels and nerves. Paralysis can occur if a part of the brain that controls specific muscles is damaged during a severe head injury.Damage to the left side of the brain can cause paralysis on the right side of the body, and damage to the right side of the brain can cause paralysis on the left side of the body.Read more about severe head injury. severe head injury can cause brain damage. The brain's surface can tear or bruise as it bumps against the skull, damaging blood vessels and nerves. Paralysis can occur if a part of the brain that controls specific muscles is damaged during a severe head injury.", "- Medical Definition of PARAPARESIS. : partial paralysis affecting the lower limbs. What made you want to look up paraparesis? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). View Seen & Heard Highlights from Around the Site.Test Your Vocabulary! Test Your Vocabulary!edical Definition of PARAPARESIS. : partial paralysis affecting the lower limbs. What made you want to look up paraparesis? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). View Seen & Heard Highlights from Around the Site. Test Your Vocabulary!", "Dialysis Dialysis. Dialysis is a treatment that does some of the things done by healthy kidneys. It is needed when your own kidneys can no longer take care of your body's needs.ialysis does the following: 1 removes waste, salt, and extra water to prevent them from building up in the body. 2 keeps a safe level of certain chemicals in your blood, such as potassium, sodium, and bicarbonate. 3 helps to control blood pressure.", "What Are The Effects of Paralysis? Paralysis is the loss of muscle movement in the body. Our sense of movement is controlled by communication between the sensory nerves (which are part of the peripheral nervous system) and the central nervous system (comprised of the brain and spinal cord).", "- Palsy is an old term for a paralysis in any part of the body. Sometimes it is accompanied by shaking or trembling. Very often we are talking about a chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system characterized by tremors, muscular rigidity, weakness, and a masklike expression.", "Definitions &Translations Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor.", "What does a paralytic drug do? What are the names of some of them? A paralytic drug disables the junction between the nerve and the muscle. They do it in different ways. Succinylcholine is a short acting drug that depolarizes the muscles, and renders them incapable of contracting for a short period of time (few minutes). Drugs of the curarae class are non-depolarizing muscular blocking agents. They block the binding of neurotransmitters to muscle tissue.", "- There is a specific listing for those with spinal cord injuries or paralysis. The listing, Listing 1.04- Disorders of the Spine, requires you to prove the following. injury to the spine that has affected the spinal cord, and.", "paralysis The line between weakness and paralysis is not absolute. A condition causing weakness may progress to paralysis. On the other hand, strength may be restored to a paralyzed limb. Nerve regeneration or regrowth is one way in which strength can return to a paralyzed muscle. Paralysis almost always causes a change in muscle tone. Paralyzed muscle may be flaccid, flabby, and without appreciable tone, or it may be spastic, tight, and with abnormally high tone that increases when the muscle is moved.", "PARAPLEGIC Familiarity information: PARAPLEGIC used as a noun is very rare. • PARAPLEGIC (adjective). The adjective PARAPLEGIC has 1 sense: 1. suffering complete paralysis of the lower half of the body usually resulting from damage to the spinal cord. Familiarity information: PARAPLEGIC used as an adjective is very rare.", "- What is Paraplegia? Paraplegia is a medical condition involving impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities, which is a classification of paralysis, the universal term to describe the loss of movement or sensation following damage to a nerve in the body.", "paralysis a. impairment or loss of voluntary muscle function or of sensation (sensory paralysis) in a part or area of the body, usually caused by a lesion or disorder of the muscles or the nerves supplying them. b. a disease characterized by such impairment or loss; palsy.", "paraplegia Paraplegia is a form of central nervous system paralysis, in which the paralysis affects all the muscles of the parts involved. In the majority of cases, paraplegia results from disease or injury of the spinal cord that causes interference with nerve paths connecting the brain and the muscles.", "Sleep Paralysis: Medical Condition, Spiritual Experience, or Both? If you've ever experienced sleep paralysis, you know just how frightening it can be. For those of you who have never experienced it, imagine that you're asleep and you're having a nightmare. In your nightmare, you find that you can't move-- your body is frozen, paralyzed, and you're completely helpless.piritual people don’t believe the visions commonly associated with sleep paralysis are false; they believe that sleep paralysis is in fact something brought on by an encounter with some kind of entity. This entity is seen as some kind of malevolent force." ]
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do papaya enzymes help upset stomach
[ "How Papaya Enzyme Benefits Digestion Additionally, since papaya as a soft fruit doesn’t require much digestion itself, some of its enzymes may move into the small intestine before large amounts of stomach acid is produced. Once in our intestines, papain and other papaya enzymes can help clear undigested protein-based debris and waste products.", "7 Home Remedies for Upset Stomach to Soothe Indigestion Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #3 – Papaya. Papaya fruit or papaya enzyme capsules are both effective at assisting with digestion. Papaya contains the enzymes papain and chymopapain, which are similar to digestive enzymes. Papain is used in many commercial meat tenderizers because it helps break down proteins." ]
[ "- Rate/pH for an enzyme catalysed reaction. 6.2 How enzymes work (continued) Enzymes are very sensitive to their environment. For example small changes in pH may alter the effectiveness of an enzyme without denaturing it. Most enzymes have a pH range at which they work best, their optimum pH (Investigations 6a). This often matches the pH of the environment where they operate. Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that works in the stomach; it has an optimum activity at pH2 ¾ roughly the pH of the stomach juices.", "Do Digestive Enzymes help with reduction of Gas? I'm one with leaky gas and digestive enzymes did nothing at all for the odor of gas. I don't know if they would help someone who feels gassy, cause I never feel it. However, just taking one a day made me extremely constipated. So did pancreatic enzymes, so did pepto bismol, as well as soluble fiber diets.", "Vitalzym Digest Bromelain and Papain-Bromelain and papain are the proteolytic enzymes that assist in breaking down a wide variety of protein molecules in a range of both acidic and alkaline environments. They are used to minimize or prevent bloating, gas, and other digestive symptoms.he digestive enzymes in Vitalzym Digest are a naturally-derived, drug-free alternative to harsh prescription medications, and act as catalysts to boost the breakdown of complex of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Vitalzym Digest allows for this process and the absorption of nutrients as a healthy source of energy.", "Missed Menstruation: Can Papaya Really Induce A Period? These vitamins and minerals make papaya a superfood, which controls and prevents several illnesses. Papaya also contains a good amount of fibre, which helps prevent constipation and helps in digestion. You can also include papaya in your weight loss diet as it is low in calories, high in fibre and rich in vitamins.", "- Unripe papaya contains an enzyme called papain. Even the leaves of the papaya tree contains this enzyme. Papain works as a meat tenderizer by breaking down the connective tissues of the meat that it comes into contact with. This works on all types of meat such as chicken, beef, lamb, and pork.", "What Are the Benefits of Papaya Enzyme Supplements? Fat Digestion. Carica papaya lipase is an enzyme found in the papaya fruit that may help digestion. A 2009 study published in the journal Food Chemistry found that this enzyme digested dietary fats called triacylglycerols in a lab environment.", "Bromelain and Papain: Unbeatable Digestive Enzymes It is known as Vegetable Pepsin because it contains similar proteolytic enzymes to pepsin. Papain is extracted from the tropical fruit of the papaya tree, referred to as 'The Tree of Good Health'. Papain stimulates the digestion of fats and proteins, and is useful to improve overall food absorption.", "- Uses of fruit enzymes. Fruit enzymes that break down proteins have many potential uses. For example, papain, the protease enzyme from papaya, is used for tenderising meat, treating wounds, dietary supplements and removing particles from cold beers.Plant.Protease.ruit enzymes that break down proteins have many potential uses. For example, papain, the protease enzyme from papaya, is used for tenderising meat, treating wounds, dietary supplements and removing particles from cold beers. Plant. Protease.", "Pepsin Albumen and pepsin-Pepsin is a protease enzyme, which is found in your stomach. It digests protein like albumen egg. The effect of temperature on an enzyme reaction. The effect of pH on an enzyme reaction. PDB Molecular illustrations-Pepsin uses a pair of aspartate residues to perform the protein cleavage reaction.", "Papaya Good for GERD? The Jury's Still Out You can also buy a papaya enzyme supplement. My family uses this to get our papain and it comes with a mint taste. Papaya: If you have access to fresh papaya, eat half of one for breakfast every morning with half a cup of yogurt and you will see a huge improvement in the amount of acid your body is producing.ou can also buy a papaya enzyme supplement. My family uses this to get our papain and it comes with a mint taste. Papaya: If you have access to fresh papaya, eat half of one for breakfast every morning with half a cup of yogurt and you will see a huge improvement in the amount of acid your body is producing.", "6 of the Best Foods for an Upset Stomach Traditionally used for ulcers, upset stomach, heartburn and diarrhea, papaya contains papain, a natural digestive enzyme that helps break up foods that may be irritating the stomach. Getty.", "Proteolytic Enzymes Reduce Inflammation and Boost Immunity The nutrients in papaya have also been shown to be helpful in the prevention of colon cancer. Papaya's fiber is able to bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keep them away from the healthy colon cells.In addition, papaya's folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin E have each been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer.he nutrients in papaya have also been shown to be helpful in the prevention of colon cancer. Papaya's fiber is able to bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keep them away from the healthy colon cells.", "Papain Papain, also known as papaya proteinase I, is a cysteine protease (EC enzyme present in papaya (Carica papaya) and mountain papaya (Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis).apain belongs to a family of related proteins with a wide variety of activities, including endopeptidases, aminopeptidases, dipeptidyl peptidases and enzymes with both exo-and endo-peptidase activity.", "- In the event those responsible for cooking and preparing the food are less than capable in doing so, and the hamburgers are over- or under-cooked, and the potato salad a bit too gamy, and your resulting upset stomach is further aggravated by a parade of insufferable relatives, bring a sufficient supply of Pepto-Bismol.", "PAPAYA AND PAPAIN: THE DIGESTIVE ENZYMES The black seeds are edible but bitter peppery flavor. Most parts of papaya has enzyme that assists in digesting proteins. It is called papain, concentrated specifically in unripe fruit. It is commercially extracted for making digestive enzyme dietary supplement proven to have benefits in digestion. Papain is a whitish juice, an enzyme that breaks up protein.", "- The most common meat tenderizer used in India is raw (un-ripened) papaya. The leaves, and green skin of raw papaya contain an enzyme called Papain. The connective tissue in the meat breaks down when it comes in contact with Papain.Papaya is preferred tenderizer for red meat (Lamb, Mutton, Goat, Beef).It can be used for fowl.ou do not need to add salt. Adolph's meat tenderizer already has the salt. Add one teaspoon to 1 Tablespoon of water to make Papaya paste. You need 2 Tablespoon of Papaya paste for one pound of meat, it only hast 2 teaspoons of the Adolph's meat tenderizer.", "Papaya Seeds For Liver, Gut, And Kidney Detox Both unripe papaya and papaya seeds are high in the enzyme papain. Papain is a beneficial aid to protein digestion but best avoided for women currently or trying to get pregnant. For males, eating one teaspoon of Papaya Seeds every day for 3 months can greatly reduce sperm production without affecting libido.", "Digestive enzymes: Do you really need them? Papaya and pineapple are packed with digestive enzymes. When it comes to the ingredients in digestive enzyme supplements, Glassman notes that ones derived from papaya fruit and pineapple are popular choices and known to aid in digestion.", "- Papayas contain white milk like sap (latex) substance which can cause irritation to skin and provoke allergic reaction in some sensitized persons. Ripe papaya fruit can be safely used by pregnant women. Unripe, green papaya should be avoided in them since it contains high levels of papain, a proteolytic enzyme. Additionally, unripe-papaya, its seeds, latex, and leaves also contain carpaine, an alkaloid which could be dangerous when eaten in high doses.", "What Fruits Contain Papain or Bromelain? Papaya, which is the fruit of the Carica papaya plant, contains the enzyme papain, as do the leaves, roots and latex sap. The richest source of active papain is the immature fruit of the female plant.romelain and papain are two natural enzymes that break down proteins and are found in pineapple and papaya, respectively. When you consume either of these fruits, you also ingest the enzyme, which then acts in your body.", "What is Papain What is Papain. Papain is an enzyme that is found in green papaya (papaya that is not quite ripe). It has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years because of its many health benefits which include treating wounds and cuts, stings and burns and internal illnesses.apain is often combined with bromelain, which is the enzyme found in pineapple; bromelain & papain together are like a super cocktail of health. It is also often used by people who have recently had to take a course of antibiotics, as the enzymes help to restore healthy gut flora.", "- Papaya's seeds are edible, although their peppery flavor is somewhat bitter. The fruit, as well as the other parts of the papaya tree, contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. This enzyme is especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe.Papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums.he fruit, as well as the other parts of the papaya tree, contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. This enzyme is especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe. Papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums.", "Benefits of Papaya Enzymes Benefits Of Papaya Enzymes. The benefits of papaya enzymes for medicinal purposes are diverse and this makes papain an extremely valuable enzyme. Papaya enzymes can be used to treat ulcers, dissolve membranes in diphtheria and help to reduce swelling and fever after surgery. Papain has also been used to treat cold sores and food allergies.", "Proteolytic Enzymes Reduce Inflammation and Boost Immunity The fruit, as well as the other parts of the papaya tree, contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. This enzyme is especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe. Papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums.", "7 Papaya Enzyme Side Effects and Warnings There are mixed reports from health resources regarding papaya enzyme and ulcers. On the one hand, people suffering from severe stomach ulcers are sometimes advised to avoid the fruit, particularly when it’s green, as well as any digestive enzymes with papain.", "Can Tea Help Calm an Upset Stomach? He has a B.A. in English from George Mason University, as well as a master's degree in traditional Chinese medicine. A cup of tea Photo Credit zirconicusso/iStock/Getty Images. Having an upset stomach can be a mild, temporary distraction or a very painful experience, depending on the severity of the symptoms. While some teas, such as those containing caffeine, can cause or exacerbate the symptoms, many herbal teas can offer relief.", "- Enzymes Help Break Down Food for Easier Digestion Papaya (Carica papaya) has long been enjoyed as a delicious food, but now it is also recognized as a safe and natural digestive aid. For thousands of years, South American natives have used papaya because of its ability to break down tough meat fibers.", "7 Papaya Enzyme Side Effects and Warnings There may be other side effects of a papaya or latex allergies so seek medical advice as soon as possible if you have any unusual reactions after eating any of the fruit listed above.", "What happens when you swallow fruit seeds? Like green papaya, the seeds contain high levels of proteolytic enzymes like papain which can help rid your body of parasites. In the same way that papain breaks down undigested protein waste in your food, it may also break down parasites and their eggs.", "The Health Benefits of Papain Share. Papain is a powerful digestive enzyme commonly found and extracted from the papaya fruit (Carica papaya) , it is also referred to as papaya proteinase.The papaya-enzyme papain plays a key role in digestive processes involving breaking down tough protein fibers.hare. Papain is a powerful digestive enzyme commonly found and extracted from the papaya fruit (Carica papaya) , it is also referred to as papaya proteinase." ]
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[ 3.388671875, 5.046875, 7.5859375, 6.828125, 7.60546875, 12.0625, 9.5390625, 6.953125, 2.642578125, 10.6484375, 14.96875, 7.515625, 8.1875, 4.12109375, 10.4453125, 6.02734375, 8.4296875, 10.40625, 7.21875, 8.03125, 9.484375, 10.5625, 11.6015625, 10.09375, 13.375, 3.82421875, 10.7109375, 7.32421875, 8.5625, 10.3046875 ]
what does pureblood born mean
[ "pureblood pureblood. 1 an individual, especially an animal, whose ancestry consists of a single strain or type unmixed with any other. 2 of or relating to a pureblood. 3 purebred (def 1)." ]
[ "- After a baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut, some blood remains in the blood vessels of the placenta and the portion of the umbilical cord that remains attached to it. After birth, the baby no longer needs this extra blood. This blood is called placental blood or umbilical cord blood: 'cord blood' for short.", "Normal White Blood Count in Newborns Significance. White blood cells are counted to determine whether a patient has an infection or a disorder of white blood cell production. White blood cell count is a part of a standard complete blood count. When counted, both the total number and breakdown of types of white cells are counted.ypes. White blood cells consist of lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils. Each of these have normal ranges within the total count. In newborns, the total number of lymphocytes and neutrophils can be greatly expanded.", "Breeding The result of the breeding of purebred (buck) and ordinary (doe). The result of a breeding using parents of unknown, unimproved or grade ancestry. A daughter is bred back to her father or a son back to his mother. A doe is bred to a buck that is more closely related to her than the average buck.", "What is hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)? During that pregnancy, the mother's antibodies cross the placenta to fight the Rh positive cells in the baby's body. As the antibodies destroy the red blood cells, the baby can become sick. This is called erythroblastosis fetalis during pregnancy. In the newborn, the condition is called hemolytic disease of the newborn.emolytic disease of the newborn is also called erythroblastosis fetalis. This condition occurs when there is an incompatibility between the blood types of the mother and baby.", "Jaundice in Healthy Newborns en españolIctericia en recién nacidos sanos. Jaundice, a common condition in newborns, refers to the yellow color of the skin and whites of the eyes that happens when there is too much bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin (bill-uh-ROO-bin) is produced by the normal breakdown of red blood cells.", "- Collection is fast, simple and painless. The collection of your baby’s cord blood happens the day your baby is born. It won't harm mom or baby and it won't disrupt your birth plan. After delivery it’s standard procedure for your doctor or midwife to clamp and cut the umbilical cord.early half of all pediatric transplants worldwide now involve cord blood. 3a To date, over 30,000 transplants have been performed using these amazing healing cells, but it only takes one happy ending to understand why cord blood is so special. 4. 1 Baby Harlow at 3 months used her own cord blood to treat a tumor.", "What is Wrong with MAD MAXâs War Boys? The “war boys” of warlord Immortan Joe – bald and brilliantly white against the desert sand – are particularly evocative and disturbing. They are soldiers born to die dreaming of Valhalla. Also leukemia. Within the first five minutes of Mad Max we’re introduced to Joe’s ghostly army, whose ferocity comes with a price.The war boys are born with a “half-life,” presumably meaning a seriously shortened lifespan.he “war boys” of warlord Immortan Joe – bald and brilliantly white against the desert sand – are particularly evocative and disturbing. They are soldiers born to die dreaming of Valhalla. Also leukemia. Within the first five minutes of Mad Max we’re introduced to Joe’s ghostly army, whose ferocity comes with a price.", "- of high birth, rank, or station came from a patrician family Synonyms aristocratic, blue-blooded, genteel, gentle, grand, great, highborn, highbred, noble, silk-stocking, upper-class, upper-crust, wellbornRelated Words high, lofty, superior; elevated, ennobled, exalted; gentlemanly, kingly, knightly, ladylike, lordly, princely, queenly, regal, royal ...", "Is Cord Blood Banking Worth the Cost? Here's What the Experts Say Increasingly among them, what to do with baby's cord blood. Cord blood is a hot commodity. Taken from a newborn's umbilical cord shortly after birth, it's a rich source of stem cells that can be used to treat dozens of disorders, including several forms of leukemia, lymphoma and anemia.", "Using Blood Types as a Cheap Paternity Test For example, if the child is A and the mother is O, the father MUST be A or AB. It is biologically impossible for a man with B or O blood to have fathered this child. NOTE: The two blank cells represent impossible combinations between mother and child, regardless of the father.", "Jaundice in Newborns (Hyperbilirubinemia) - Topic Overview Jaundice is a yellow tint to a newborn's skin and the white part of the eyes. It is a sign that there's too much bilirubin in the baby's blood. The word for having too much bilirubin in the blood is hyperbilirubinemia (say hy-per-bil-ih-roo-bih-NEE-mee-uh).aundice is a yellow tint to a newborn's skin and the white part of the eyes. It is a sign that there's too much bilirubin in the baby's blood. The word for having too much bilirubin in the blood is hyperbilirubinemia (say hy-per-bil-ih-roo-bih-NEE-mee-uh).", "Dark Urine?kirk8 Apr 18, 2014 Bilirubin is a brownish yellow substance found in bile. It is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal color. Bilirubin circulates in the bloodstream in two forms: 1 Indirect (or unconjugated) bilirubin.2 This form of bilirubin does not dissolve in water (it is insoluble). 3 Indirect bilirubin travels through the bloodstream to the liver, where it is changed into a soluble form (direct or conjugated).t is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal color. Bilirubin circulates in the bloodstream in two forms: 1 Indirect (or unconjugated) bilirubin.", "- What is Cord Blood? After a baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut, some blood remains in the blood vessels of the placenta and the portion of the umbilical cord that remains attached to it. After birth, the baby no longer needs this extra blood. This blood is called placental blood or umbilical cord blood: cord blood for short. Cord blood contains all the normal elements of blood - red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. But it is also rich in hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells, similar to those found in bone marrow.", "Bilirubin Bilirubin (formerly referred to as haematoidin) is the yellow breakdown product of normal heme catabolism, caused by the body's clearance of aged red blood cells which contain hemoglobin. Bilirubin is excreted in bile and urine, and elevated levels may indicate certain diseases.he bilirubin level found in the body reflects the balance between production and excretion. Blood test results should always be interpreted using the reference range provided by the laboratory that performed the test, but typical [0.3 to 1.9 mg/dL]s for adults and [340 µmol/L] for new borns:", "Mudblood Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who is Muggle-born — you know, non-magic parents. There are some wizards — like Malfoy's family — who think they're better than everyone else because they're what people call pure-blood.. —Hagrid explaining the term to Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.", "Bilirubin Blood Test Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that is in everyone’s blood and stool. If you notice a yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes, this is called jaundice, and it may be caused by high levels of bilirubin. Bilirubin is made in the body when old red blood cells are broken down.The breakdown of old cells is a normal, healthy process.After circulating in your blood, bilirubin then travels to your liver. In the liver, bilirubin is excreted into the bile duct and stored in your gall bladder.esting for bilirubin in the blood is therefore a good test of damage to your liver. Newborn infants often have some jaundice, and bilirubin in the blood may be tested several times in the first few days of an infant’s life to check that the liver is starting to work properly.", "- 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh - Mere flesh, void of the Spirit, yea, at enmity with it; And that which is born of the Spirit is spirit - Is spiritual, heavenly, divine, like its Author.", "Definitions &Translations It can also refer to the inauthentic materials used by those reenactors. Also called polyester soldiers , farbs are reenactors who spend relatively little of their time or money maintaining authenticity with regard to uniforms, accessories, objects or period behavior.The 'Good Enough' attitude is pervasive among farbs, although even casual observers may be able to point out flaws.lso called polyester soldiers , farbs are reenactors who spend relatively little of their time or money maintaining authenticity with regard to uniforms, accessories, objects or period behavior. The 'Good Enough' attitude is pervasive among farbs, although even casual observers may be able to point out flaws.", "Is Blood Ever Blue? Science Teachers Want to Know! Blood is very bright red when it is in the pulmonary vein in the lungs, when it is highly oxygenated. During it’s journey back to the heart after circulating through the body, it is a little blue when it is deoxygenated, but more of a maroon-blue mix. … This is the truth.", "- Nearby words of 'born to the purple'. 1 born in/out of wedlock. 2 born on the wrong side of the blanket. 3 born out of wedlock. born to the 1 purple. born with a silver spoon in one's mouth. born- 1 again. born- 2 free. All ENGLISH words that begin with 'B'.", "whole blood donor blood that is unmodified except for the presence of an anticoagulant. Whole blood is rarely used for transfusion because it is typically separated into red cells, plasma, or other components after collection.", "What does high absolute monocytes mean on your blool results? A monocyte count is part of a complete blood count and is expressed either as a ratio of monocytes to the total number of white blood cells counted, or by absolute numbers.onocytes are the largest corpuscles in the blood. Monocytes which migrate from the bloodstream to other tissues will then differentiate into tissue resident macrophages or dendritic cells.", "Jaundice in Newborns (Hyperbilirubinemia) - Topic Overview Jaundice is a yellow tint to a newborn's skin and the white part of the eyes. It is a sign that there's too much bilirubin in the baby's blood. The word for having too much bilirubin in the blood is hyperbilirubinemia (say hy-per-bil-ih-roo-bih-NEE-mee-uh).Jaundice usually appears in the first 5 days of life.Many babies have left the hospital by the time jaundice starts. So your doctor may want to do a follow-up exam when your baby is 3 to 5 days old. Most babies have mild jaundice.t is a sign that there's too much bilirubin in the baby's blood. The word for having too much bilirubin in the blood is hyperbilirubinemia (say hy-per-bil-ih-roo-bih-NEE-mee-uh). Jaundice usually appears in the first 5 days of life.", "Mudblood There does not appear to be any difference in the magical power of Muggle-borns compared to those who are pure-blood or half-blood, but those prejudiced against Muggle-borns consider them to be of lower breeding or worth, and undeserving of magic.", "- Cold-blooded means that at rest, the animals body temperature …is the same as that of its surroundings. Cold-blooded animals have to warm themselves up (usually by sunning them selves or by vibrating their muscles) before they become active while warmblooded animals are already warm and ready for action. Also warmblooded animals can operate at temperatures where cold-blooded animals can not (eg polar bears).", "Does Rh Negative Blood Type Equal Alien Heritage? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant.", "Newborn Jaundice Jaundice is a condition that can occur in newborns within 2-3 days of birth. Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes. This is caused by elevated bilirubin levels in the newborn’s blood. Jaundice normally appears first on the face and then will move down the body to the chest, abdomen, arms, and legs.ilirubin is a substance created by the normal breakdown of red blood cells. It is processed and removed by the liver. Jaundice will develop when a baby’s liver is not efficient enough to remove the bilirubin from the bloodstream.", "- Normal urine does not contain any red blood cells, except females’ urine during menstruation. Occult blood in someone’s urine can indicate kidney, bladder, prostate, or vaginal infections. UROBILINOGEN Urobilinogen is a breakdown product of the hemoglobin in red blood cells.It is not found in normal urine! Urobilinogen in a urine specimen may indicate the rapid destruction of red blood cells.ed urine may indicate the presence of red blood cells or a diet high in red beets. Orange urine may be the result of bile in the urine and usually suggests liver disease. It may also indicate dehydration, or excess beta carotene from some vitamin B combinations and/or carrot juice.", "An Introduction to Normal Bone Marrow Bone marrow is the soft, sponge-like tissue that fills the hollow center of bones. There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow and yellow marrow. Red Marrow-Consisting mainly of hematopoietic tissue, or tissue involved in the formation of red blood cells, all bone marrow is red at birth.About 50% of red marrow converts to yellow marrow over time.one marrow is the soft, sponge-like tissue that fills the hollow center of bones. There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow and yellow marrow. Red Marrow-Consisting mainly of hematopoietic tissue, or tissue involved in the formation of red blood cells, all bone marrow is red at birth.", "What Does It Mean to âCrave Pure Spiritual Milkâ? 1 Peter 2:2 Bible Verse: Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation . . . -1 Peter 2:2. If you’ve ever been around a newborn baby, you know that the one thing they need above everything else is there mother’s milk." ]
[ 13.3984375 ]
[ 6.4296875, 4.5234375, 6.11328125, 6.3046875, 4.7734375, 6.58203125, 1.876953125, 4.734375, 3.84375, 4.17578125, 6.09765625, 5.44921875, 6.296875, 3.677734375, 10.1640625, 6.20703125, 4.37890625, 1.9462890625, 3.630859375, 5.25390625, 4.9921875, 2.603515625, 6.234375, 10.2734375, 4.58984375, 4.62109375, 5.2421875, 4.0859375, 4.1171875, 4.390625 ]
types of measurements system
[ "Metric system Metric System: The metric system is an internationally agreed decimal system of measurement created in France in 1799. The International System of Units (SI), the official system of measurement in almost every country in the world, is based upon the metric system. In the metric system, each basic type of measurement (length, weight, capacity) has one basic unit of measure (meter, gram, liter). Conversions are quickly made by multiplying or dividing by factors of 10." ]
[ "System of measurement The other units of length and mass, and all units of area, volume, and derived units such as density were derived from these two base units. Mesures usuelles (French for customary measurements) were a system of measurement introduced as a compromise between the metric system and traditional measurements.", "- In this chapter only the basic descriptives will be covered. Review: Measurement Scales. Understanding descriptive statistics requires paying attention to the type of data. that are being described. As a review, recall that we distinguish among four types. of measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal scales simply place numeric labels on otherwise non-quantitative concepts, such as giving males a value of “1” and females “2”. Many category schemes are. essentially nominal variables, such as religion, nationality, and ethnic group.", "Types Of Lightning Protection Systems LPS Types Of Lightning Protection Systems LPS. In Article Introduction to Lightning System Design- Part One , I listed all terms, abbreviations and Symbols used in lightning field and which will be used throughout Course EE-5: Lightning Protection Systems Design Calculations.", "- There are five types of tire pressure monitoring. systems that are capable of directly reading the. pressure of the air contained in individual tires of a. heavy vehicle. The types are: rim mount (inside tire. envelope), tire patch (mounted to tire inside tire.", "- As noted earlier, measurement is the process of assigning numbers to objects and events in accordance with a set of rules. To grasp the full impact of measurement, we need to understand the concept of a measurement scale. There are several different kinds of scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. The distinction among scales becomes of particular importance when we conduct statistical analyses of data.", "What are the Different Types of Communication Systems? There are a great many different types of communication systems, due to the fact that each one has the potential to contain a vast array of components. There are, however, several categories that each type of system can usually be placed into.", "- None of these are part of the SI system, except for units such as the centimeter defined in both systems (Taylor 1995, p. 11). The cgs Gaussian system is nonetheless commonly used in theoretical physics, while the MKS system (based on the meter, kilogram, and second) is commonly used in engineering and physics instruction.", "- Levels of measurement. What a scale actually means and what we can do with it depends on what its numbers represent. Numbers can be grouped into 4 types or levels: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal is the most simple, and ratio the most sophisticated. Each level possesses the characteristics of the preceding level, plus an additional quality. Nominal. Nominal is hardly measurement.", "- In addition to the classification of measurement scales, other related terms are used to describe types of data: 1 CATEGORICAL vs. NUMERICAL (quantitative vs. qualitative) 2 DISCRETE vs. ORDERED CATEGORICAL. 3 CONTINUOUS. PERCENTAGES and RATIOS.", "Metric system Three of the objects, a tape measure calibrated in centimeters, a thermometer calibrated in degrees Celsius and a kilogram weight are for domestic use while the fourth, an electrical multimeter which measures volts, amps and ohms, is for normal use by tradesmen. The metric system is an international decimalized system of measurement that was originally based on the mètre des archives and the kilogramme des archives introduced by France in 1799. Over the...", "metric system metric system. A decimal system of weights and measures based on the meter as a unit of length, the kilogram as a unit of mass, and the liter as a unit of volume.", "System of measurement System of measurement. (Redirected from Systems of measurement) A system of measurement is a collection of units of measurement and rules relating them to each other. Systems of measurement have historically been important, regulated and defined for the purposes of science and commerce.", "Introduction to Measurement and Statistics The four scales of measurement are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal: Categorical data and numbers that are simply used as identifiers or names represent a nominal scale of measurement. Numbers on the back of a baseball jersey and your social security number are examples of nominal data.", "- The fourth and highest level of measurement is the ratio level. Data at the ratio level possess all of the features of the interval level, in addition to a zero value. Due to the presence of a zero, it now makes sense to compare the ratios of measurements.", "- 183 Chapter 7 Measurement There are two main systems for measuring distance, weight, and liquidcapacity. The United States and parts of the former British Empire use customary, or standard, units of measure. This system includes inches, feet,and miles for distance, and ounces, pounds, and tons for weight.", "Electrical Units of Measure Multiples and Sub-multiples. There is a huge range of values encountered in electrical and electronic engineering between a maximum value and a minimum value of a standard electrical unit. For example, resistance can be lower than 0.01ω’s or higher than 1,000,000ω’s.", "- The metric system is an alternative system of measurement used in most countries, as well as in the United States. The metric system is based on joining one of a series of prefixes, including kilo-, hecto-, deka-, deci-, centi-, and milli-, with a base unit of measurement, such as meter, liter, or gram.", "Types of Data & Measurement Scales: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio Continue reading about types of data and measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio…. Ordinal With ordinal scales, it is the order of the values is what’s important and significant, but the differences between each one is not really known. Take a look at the example below.", "How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement © Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel HillTable of ContentsAbout the DictionaryUsing the DictionaryThe Metric System This is not true. The metric system has been the customary measurement system in France for almost two centuries, in the rest of continental Europe for at least one century, and in the rest of the world for a least a generation or two.", "- Numbers can be grouped into 4 types or levels: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal is the most simple, and ratio the most sophisticated. Each level possesses the characteristics of the preceding level, plus an additional quality. Nominal is hardly measurement.", "- ( Cr-C) systems have been reported in the literature (refs. 1 to 5). Two of these studies suggest or present evidence for the existence of gaseous metal-carbon molecular species.", "Types of Data & Measurement Scales: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio There are four measurement scales (or types of data): nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. ways to categorize different types of variables. psychologist researcher named Stanley Stevens for coming up with these terms. (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) are best understood with example, as you’ll see below.", "- measurement of pressure. INSTRUMENTS FOR MEASURING PRESSURE. [1]. U TUBE MANOMETER. Although probably the oldest method of measuring low pressures, the simple U tube has much to commend it. If a U shaped glass tube is half filled with a liquid, e.g. water, and a pressure is applied to one end of the limb, the other being open to", "- Although some SI units are the same as in the old. metric system, SI has many new features and simplifications. Thus, SI is an. improved metric system. Length, time, mass, and force are the basic concepts of mechanics for. which units of measurement are needed.", "- Level of measurement or scale of measure is a classification that describes the nature of information within the numbers assigned to variables.he best known classification is that developed by the psychologist Stanley Smith Stevens, who proposed four levels, or scales, of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.", "Metric system The metric system is an internationally adopted decimal system of measurement. It is in widespread use, and where it is used, it is the only or most common system of weights and measures. It is now known as the International system of units (SI).", "Level of measurement Level of measurement or scale of measure is a classification that describes the nature of information within the numbers assigned to variables. Psychologist Stanley Smith Stevens developed the best known classification with four levels, or scales, of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.", "Dictionary Definition The metric system is a decimal systems of measurement based on its units for length, the metre and for mass, the kilogram. It exists in several variations, with different choices of base units, though these do not affect its day-to-day use.", "Economic System Types The world’s economic systems fall into one of four main categories: traditional economy, market economy, command economy and mixed economy; however, there are unlimited variations of each type. An economic system must define what to produce, how to produce it and for whom to produced it.", "System of measurement Historically a wide range of units was used for the same type of quantity: in different contexts, length was measured in inches, feet, yards, fathoms, rods, chains, furlongs, miles, nautical miles, stadia, leagues, with conversion factors which were not powers of ten." ]
[ 13.0546875 ]
[ 12.5, 10.2421875, 4.71875, 5.75390625, 10.203125, 5.37890625, 10.890625, 10.9453125, 9.015625, 10.7421875, 10.5078125, 11.8203125, 11.0078125, 8.3828125, 11.484375, 7.453125, 11.9296875, 11.1875, 9.9609375, 9.0625, 3.5859375, 12.0859375, 6.74609375, 10.9140625, 10.2890625, 11.890625, 10.625, 11.203125, 5, 12.546875 ]
how can you get coronary heart disease from an unbalanced diet
[ "Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) CHD is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply your heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood.When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis. CHD is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply your heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood." ]
[ "- The same high-fat diet associated with heart disease also may increase the risk of developing certain cancers, including two that frequently strike Americans: colon cancer, the leading life-threatening cancer in the United States.", "Nutrition and healthy eating Sodium nitrate, a preservative that's used in some processed meats, such as bacon, jerky and luncheon meats, could increase your heart disease risk.It's thought that sodium nitrate may damage your blood vessels, making your arteries more likely to harden and narrow, leading to heart disease.Nitrates may also affect the way your body uses sugar, making you more likely to develop diabetes.nd you already know that most processed meats are high in sodium and some are high in saturated fat, which can disrupt a heart-healthy diet. If you eat meat, it's best to limit processed meat and instead choose lean, fresh meat and poultry, and keep serving sizes small.", "Wellness Glossary â Health and Wellness Definitions You need some fat in the food you eat, but choose sensibly. Some kinds of fat, especially saturated fats, increase the risk for coronary heart disease by raising the blood cholesterol (see box 15). In contrast, unsaturated fats (found mainly in vegetable oils) do not increase blood cholesterol.", "- In fact, a heart-healthy diet can reduce your risk of heart disease or stroke by 80%. By understanding which foods are healthiest for your heart, you may be able to lower cholesterol, prevent or manage heart disease and high blood pressure, and take greater control over the quality and length of your life.ne of the most important improvements you can make to your diet is to limit saturated fats and entirely cut out trans fats. Both types of fat raise your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol level, which can increase your risk for heart attack and stroke.", "What happens if you have an unbalanced diet? One of the ma … in effects of an unbalanced diet is loosing or gaining weight, this will effect the body. It can also cause osteoporosis which makes the bones weak. Not only will the bones be weak, the body will feel drained. The brain may also not function as well as it could.nswer by TogoodUse. Confidence votes 63. ooh there are many many effects. It would depend on how unbalanced the diet is, of course, but assuming it wasn't too severe, you could begin to crave things that aren't food because they have certain minerals in them, especially things like paint.", "Heart Healthy Eating: Cholesterol, Fat, Fiber, & Sodium High cholesterol is usually made worse by eating too many unhealthy foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats. Examples of foods that contribute to high cholesterol include: 1 red meat. 2 liver and other organ meats. 3 full fat dairy products like cheese, milk, ice cream, and butter.4 eggs (the yolk). 5 deep fried foods, like potato chips, french fries, fried chicken, and onion rings.6 peanut butter.7 some baked goods, like muffins.xamples of foods that contribute to high cholesterol include: 1 red meat. 2 liver and other organ meats. 3 full fat dairy products like cheese, milk, ice cream, and butter. 4 eggs (the yolk). 5 deep fried foods, like potato chips, french fries, fried chicken, and onion rings. 6 peanut butter. 7 some baked goods, like muffins.", "- 1 High Blood Cholesterol: As LDL rises, so does risk of coronary heart disease. 2 High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure increases the heart's workload, causing the arteries to thicken and become stiffer. Physical Inactivity: An inactive lifestyle is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.", "- Heart disease, or coronary artery disease, occurs when the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the heart narrow and stiffen. Smoking, an unhealthy diet, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle all increase the risk of heart disease.A heart attack or stroke can occur if the condition is untreated.he blood vessels transport blood to and from the heart, the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the body, and the oxygen, gases, and nutrients exchange in the capillaries. Anything that affects the integrity of the tubing can impair the health of the circulatory system.", "7 High-Cholesterol Foods to Avoid (Plus 3 to Eat) People who have high blood cholesterol have a greater chance of getting coronary heart disease, also called coronary artery disease. (In this article, the term “heart disease” refers to coronary heart disease.). The higher the level of LDL cholesterol in your blood, the GREATER your chance is of getting heart disease.our body makes all the cholesterol it needs. However, cholesterol also is found in some of the foods you eat. Cholesterol travels through your bloodstream in small packages called lipoproteins (lip-o-PRO-teens). These packages are made of fat (lipid) on the inside and proteins on the outside.", "Common Diseases of the Circulatory System Heart Disease. Heart disease, or coronary artery disease, occurs when the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the heart narrow and stiffen. Smoking, an unhealthy diet, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle all increase the risk of heart disease. A heart attack or stroke can occur if the condition is untreated.", "The truth about carbs Low-carb diets. Low-carbohydrate (low-carb) diets usually involve cutting out most starchy foods. These diets tend to be high in fat, and eating a high-fat diet (especially saturated fat from foods such as meat, cheese and butter) could increase your risk of heart disease.tarchy foods such as potatoes, bread, cereals, rice and pasta should make up about a third of the food you eat, as shown by the eatwell plate. Where you can, choose wholegrain varieties, or eat potatoes with their skins on for more fibre.", "Food and Diet Part of the problem with low-fat diets is that they are often high in carbohydrate, especially from rapidly digested sources, such as white bread and white rice. And diets high in such foods increase the risk of weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. (See Carbohydrates and Weight, below.)", "Heart-healthy diet: 8 steps to prevent heart disease Although you might know that eating certain foods can increase your heart disease risk, it's often tough to change your eating habits. Whether you have years of unhealthy eating under your belt or you simply want to fine-tune your diet, here are eight heart-healthy diet tips.egetables and fruits are also low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. Vegetables and fruits contain substances found in plants that may help prevent cardiovascular disease. Eating more fruits and vegetables may help you eat less high-fat foods, such as meat, cheese and snack foods.", "Food and Diet Part of the problem with low-fat diets is that they are often high in carbohydrate, especially from rapidly digested sources, such as white bread and white rice. And diets high in such foods increase the risk of weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. (See Carbohydrates and Weight, below.) For good health, the type of fat people eat is far more important that the amount (see box), and there’s some evidence that the same may be true for weight control.", "What Is the Differencee Between a Balanced Diet & an Unbalanced Diet? Eating a diet heavy in carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice, bread and pasta, with little protein is unbalanced and can lead to malnutrition, loss of muscle mass, decreased immune function and a weakened respiratory system, according to Harvard School of Public Health.", "Crohnâs Disease Diet & Natural Treatment Plan 1 Eating a poor diet: Processed foods, spicy foods, fried foods, dairy products, sugar, alcohol and/or caffeine can all contribute to inflammation and Crohn’s disease. High amounts of stress: Stress has been shown to make IBD (and also IBS) symptoms worse and trigger flare-ups.", "Your Diet and Heart Disease: Rethinking Butter, Beef and Bacon High-levels of cholesterol in the blood are strongly associated with coronary artery disease in patients of all types and ages. If you have a high level of cholesterol in your blood, you need to work with your doctor to make it lower, or face a higher risk of heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular event.", "What Types of Food Are Bad for Your Heart? Trans-fats and saturated fats also increase inflammation, which is also associated with heart disease. To cut back on unhealthy fats, choose broiled, baked and grilled items. Choose a baked potato instead of french fries, for example, and poached or grilled fish instead of a batter-fried varieties.ertain foods can also contribute, particularly if you consume them in excess or in place of nutritious foods. Gaining knowledge of heart-damaging foods may inspire you to make wise lifestyle decisions. For best results, seek guidance from a registered dietitian before altering your diet.", "- There are other major risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease: diet, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and even lack of sleep or poor sleep quality can contribute to the development of heart disease. With proper knowledge, changes in diet and lifestyle can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.", "Heart disease and food Diet is an important risk factor in coronary heart disease. Food-related risk factors include obesity, high blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes and a diet high in saturated fats. A low-saturated fat, high-fibre, high plant food diet can substantially reduce the risk of developing heart disease.", "Heart-healthy diet: 8 steps to prevent heart disease Use a small plate or bowl to help control your portions. Eat larger portions of low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and smaller portions of high-calorie, high-sodium foods, such as refined, processed or fast foods. This strategy can shape up your diet as well as your heart and waistline.hether you have years of unhealthy eating under your belt or you simply want to fine-tune your diet, here are eight heart-healthy diet tips. Once you know which foods to eat more of and which foods to limit, you'll be on your way toward a heart-healthy diet.", "How to Eat a Mediterranean Diet for Heart Health See More: news, recipes, healthy cooking, heart health, For years, the Mediterranean diet has been touted by many nutrition experts as a way to reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and more, but the advice had been loosely based on the results of observational studies.. A low-fat diet plan. 2 Top a salad with a small handful of walnuts or slivered almonds. 3 Switch from beef to a fish in your tacos, and use a corn tortilla packed with romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes and onions, and topped with mango salsa.", "Reverse Your Heart Disease in 28 Days Incorporate heart-healthy foods into your diet that contain protective and preventive nutrients. A plant-based diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and soy products in their natural, unrefined forms not only helps to reverse heart disease, but also possesses anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.", "- 'You can base your energy in your diet on either on carbohydrates or fat. Fatty foods such as cheese, butter, and cream are often considered culprits of heart disease – but according to a new study, a diet high in saturated fat could in fact bring significant health benefits.", "Diabetes diet: Create your healthy-eating plan Diabetes increases your risk of heart disease and stroke by accelerating the development of clogged and hardened arteries. Foods containing the following can work against your goal of a heart-healthy diet. 1 Saturated fats.", "Heart-Healthy Diet Tips If you are concerned about your cardiovascular health or have already been diagnosed with high cholesterol or heart disease, the food you eat can be just as critical for your heart as controlling your weight and exercising. In fact, a heart-healthy diet can reduce your risk of heart disease or stroke by 80%.By understanding which foods are healthiest for your heart, you may be able to lower cholesterol, prevent or manage heart disease and high blood pressure, and take greater control over the quality and length of your life.eart healthy diet tip 1: Reduce saturated and trans fats. One of the most important improvements you can make to your diet is to limit saturated fats and entirely cut out trans fats. Both types of fat raise your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol level, which can increase your risk for heart attack and stroke.", "Healthy eating Reduce the amount of salt you use in cooking. You could use more spices, fresh herbs, garlic and lemon to add flavour, for example. Ready-made meals and other convenience foods are often high in salt, sugar and fat. Eating these too often can make it hard to have a healthy and balanced diet. You can find out more about eating a balanced diet on the NHS Choices website at: www.nhs.uk/livewell/goodfood.", "Heart-healthy diet: 8 steps to prevent heart disease Use a small plate or bowl to help control your portions. Eat larger portions of low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and smaller portions of high-calorie, high-sodium foods, such as refined, processed or fast foods. This strategy can shape up your diet as well as your heart and waistline.Keep track of the number of servings you eat.ating more fruits and vegetables may help you eat less high-fat foods, such as meat, cheese and snack foods. Featuring vegetables and fruits in your diet can be easy. Keep vegetables washed and cut in your refrigerator for quick snacks.", "Heart-healthy diet: 8 steps to prevent heart disease Vegetables and fruits are also low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. Vegetables and fruits contain substances found in plants that may help prevent cardiovascular disease. Eating more fruits and vegetables may help you eat less high-fat foods, such as meat, cheese and snack foods. Featuring vegetables and fruits in your diet can be easy. Keep vegetables washed and cut in your refrigerator for quick snacks.", "What happens if you have an unbalanced diet? Confidence votes 114. There are many effects of having an unbalanced diet both, long term and short term. It can effect the body physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially.One of the main effects of an unbalanced diet is loosing or gaining weight, this will effect the body. It can also cause osteoporosis which makes the bones weak.Not only will the bones be weak, the body will feel drained.n unbalanced diet is when you don't get (at least) the minimum amounts of each food group every day (based on the latest food chart.) It can also be a diet that has too muc … h of some nutrients and not enough of others." ]
[ 9.9609375 ]
[ 7.41796875, 8.21875, 9.125, 9.46875, 10.8046875, 8.796875, 9.6328125, 10.2421875, 9.5546875, 9.1015625, 8.296875, 7.46875, 9.71875, 7.24609375, 9.546875, 4.98828125, 9.390625, 7.59765625, 8.4453125, 12.1171875, 9.90625, 6.171875, 7.5, 7.078125, 7.2421875, 9.4765625, 7.6796875, 9.78125, 8.4765625, 11.640625 ]
atd customer service number
[ "ADT Toll Free 1 800 Number ADT Customer Service: 1-800-588-2159. 1 Thank you for calling ADT security services, calls maybe monitored for quality purposes. 2 For home security systems press 1 If you are an existing ADT customer press 1 If your alarm is going off now press 0 Your call maybe monitored for quality assurance." ]
[ "Amtrak Customer Service Phone Number Amtrak Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of Amtrak is +1 800-872-7245. Amtrak is a rail service in the United States originally known as the National Railroad Passenger Corporation that takes people of the country from one part to other part.", "- If you do not have an ID card or cannot log in to your secure site, you may call our Corporate Contact Center at 1-800-US-AETNA (1-800-872-3862). This is not a Member Services phone number. You will be transferred to the Member Services group that handles your Aetna coverage.", "How to Score a Better Deal With AT&T U-verse; $28/Mo for 18Mbps, $33/Mo for 24Mbps Have paper and pen ready to take notes. You will want to write down the name and extension of the representative and details about the types of retention plans being offered, especially if AT&T manages to ‘lose the paperwork.’. Do -not- call AT&T’s regular customer service number. Instead, call 1-800-288-2020. You will be prompted to select your state, asked for the phone number associated with your account, and offered a menu of choices to proceed.", "Adidas.com Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of Adidas.com is 1- (800) 982-9337 . Adidas.com is an official website of the Germany based company 'Adidas AG'. Through Adidas.com, the company offers online shopping facility to the customers. Adidas AG is a multinational clothing company that was incorporated in 1924 under the leadership of Adolf Dassler.", "AT&T Customer Service Contact an AT&T customer service representative through the phone numbers given below, including a toll-free 800 number for customer support.", "- Aetna's dedicated team of trained service professionals is ready to assist you if you have questions regarding your coverage or a claim, or if you need help finding a dentist. Log on to Aetna Navigator, or call the toll-free Member Services number located on your ID card.", "- AT&T Customer Service Phone Numbers Residential: 1-800-308-4156 Products & Services 1-800-244-4444 General Assistance (Billing) 1-800-621-4533 Bilingual (Spanish) 1-800-611-4466 Repair http://www.att.com/gen/landing-pages?pid=3308 Business: 1-800-660-0407 Products & Services 1-800-324-8622 General Assistance (Billing) 1-800-727-2273 Repair http://www.att.com/gen/landing-pages?pid=9213 DSL—Residential and Business: 1-877-722-3755 Standard Free Support Services 1-866-294-3464 AT&T Support + Fee Based Support Services Or make one call to FORWARD for all of your business’ Network Services Products moves adds and changes, Billing questions and Repair requests.", "Amtrak Reservations Customer Service Number Amtrak Reservations has shown its customer service address detail for its customers that are shown below. Address detail : 8006 Lorton Road, Virginia 22079, United States. customer service number : 1-800-872-7245. Below, we are showing a complaint box, where you can post your experiences, complaints, queries, feedback or any type of problem related to the products and services of the Amtrak Reservations. Name :", "AT&T ï ï ï ï ï 5 / 5 ( 1 ) Description. AT&T Customer Service Number: 1-800-288-2747. AT&T is a communications giant that is the largest provider of mobile phone service and home phone service. AT&T's brands include Uverse, AT&T Wireless, Pre-Paid Calling Cards and GoPhone Mobile.", "- Locate and call the AT&T customer service number listed on your receipt. If you don't have a receipt or can't find the number, either dial 611 from your cell phone or dial 1-800-331-0500 from any phone. Ask to cancel your wireless service.", "- Please contact ADT Security on 131 ADT (238) or visit our website for more information regarding our home security and business security solutions.", "Aetna Customer Service Phone Number Aetna Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Aetna is +1-800-872-3862, +1-860-273-0123 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Aetna Service Center and Aetna customer service phone number is given below.", "- The customer support phone number of ADOT is 602-712-7412 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> ADOT Traffic Customer Service Phone Number ADOT AZ Customer Service Phone Number ADOT Page AZ Customer Service Phone Number ADOT MVD Customer Service Phone Number ADOT Sierra Vista Customer Service Phone Number ADOT Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of ADOT is 602-712-7412. Arizona Department of Transportation, also known as ADOT is a government body that is responsible to look after the roadways across the region.", "- Referral #: 800-222-3000. AT&T is responsible for the toll free number, and their contact number for troubles associated with the number is 800-222-3000. If you enter a toll free number you may see this message: No information found for this number.", "- We have a few other tricks to try if you're calling ADT, and if you are already viewing this on a phone or call-capable device, then you can click or tap below to just start a call. Have ADT call you insteadCall ADT using our web-phoneDial 800-252-0158 now.", "AT&T Connect Customer Care AT&T Connect Customer Care. AT&T Connect provides 24/7 technical support for our customers. We offer several avenues for our end-users to reach our Customer Care group for even the most basic of questions. If you have a question, encounter a problem, or require immediate assistance with an AT&T Connect conference, please do not hesitate to contact AT&T Connect Customer Care.", "- Td Canada Trust Canada toll free customer service number : 0001-866-222-3456. Adt Home Security toll free customer service number : +1 888.323.3121, +1 800.588.2159. Adt New South Wales toll free customer service number : +61 2 9947 7300. ADT Las Vegas toll free customer service number : +1 877-693-2002.", "- No it will be just like at&t 1-800-ATT(288)-2020. Instead of having a billion numbers to call, u just call the one number, and go through the prompts to direct you to the right dept. So it wont be easyer in terms of navigation, just in rembering one number.", "Contact Us AT&T Tech Support 360SM Customer Service. Call us: 1-866-442-2827. Send an email*: [email protected]. Live Chat: Tech Support 360 representatives are available almost anytime – so let us know how we can help. *Please add our email address to your address book to ensure you receive AT&T Tech Support 360 emails.", "AT&T Toll Free 1-800 Number AT&T Toll Free 1-800 Number. Support & Contact: 1 800 AT&T Phone Number Look Up. What is the 1-800 number for AT&T? Below is a list of toll free 800 numbers for AT&T.", "- We have a few other tricks to try if you're calling AT&T, and if you are already viewing this on a phone or call-capable device, then you can click or tap below to just start a call. Have AT&T call you insteadCall AT&T using our web-phoneDial 800-331-0500 now.", "AT&T Corporate Office Headquarters HQ AT&T is one of the premier wireless providers for smart phones in the US. AT&T's main competitor is Verizon. AT&T's toll-free customer service number is 1-800-331-0500 for wireless services. For Landline customer service the number is 1-800-288-2747. The company does encourage users to use their technical support system and help forums on their website.", "Contact Atlantic Broadband Customer Service Customers have the ability to contact the customer service department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone, email or by traditional mail. Customer service: 1-888-536-9600.", "ATT Customer Service Note the ATT Customer Service Number, or look for a specific one here. Main ATT phone number: 1-800-331-0500 or 611 from your wireless phone. ATT Customer Service Hours:", "Contact Us We’re Available 24/7. Call now for your NEW home security system with ADT Monitoring Services. If you would like to obtain more information about how the ADT monitored home security system can help protect your home and family, call our always available security experts 24/7 at 1-800-580-1342 or click here to get started.", "AT&T ï ï ï ï ï 5 / 5 ( 1 ) AT&T Customer Service Number: 1-800-288-2747 AT&T is a communications giant that is the largest provider of mobile phone service and home phone service. AT&T's brands include Uverse, AT&T Wireless, Pre-Paid Calling Cards and GoPhone Mobile.", "Find out how an ADT Security System can help protect your home and family Contact ADT To contact ADT regarding our products and services, ask for assistance, change account & contact details or to obtain general information about ADT. Phone: 131 ADT (238)", "TD Bank Customer Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of TD Bank is +1-800-430-6095 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of TD Bank Service Center and TD Bank customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of TD Bank customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View TD Bank Customer Service Phone Numbers What was the response after calling on specified numbers?", "- Other taxes, surcharges and fees apply on top of refill denominations. Free calls: 611 calls to AT&T automated customer service, calls to inquire about balances, and 911 emergency calls are free. 611 calls to AT&T automated customer service may not work in all areas.", "- AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. AT&T Billing Glossary. # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. #. 411. An information/Directory Assistance service provided by operators who assist customers in obtaining the telephone. number(s) they wish to call. 911 Service Fee." ]
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what is aluminium fabrication
[ "aluminium fabrication aluminium fabrication. Aluminium Fabrication is a non-ferrous metal as it didn't consist of iron and due to non-ferrous metal which is more difficult to do fabrication as well as TIG welding on it compare to ferrous metal.Aluminum needs three times more heating power than ferrous metal like stainless steel.luminium fabrication. Aluminium Fabrication is a non-ferrous metal as it didn't consist of iron and due to non-ferrous metal which is more difficult to do fabrication as well as TIG welding on it compare to ferrous metal." ]
[ "ALUMINIUM HISTORY Aluminium was one of the newest metals to be discovered by humans. Aluminium does not occur naturally in its purest form so it was not discovered until the 19th century with developments in chemistry and the advent of electricity.", "- Uses of Aluminum. 1 Aluminum metal is very useful for packaging. 2 Aluminum borohydride is added to jet fuel. 3 Electrical wiring is sometimes made from aluminum or a combination of aluminum and copper. 4 Lots of normal household items are made out of aluminum.", "Tin, Aluminum, Chromium Now, about aluminum foil. Aluminum foil is made by rolling sheets of 98.5 percent pure aluminum metal between pairs of polished, lubricated steel rollers. Successive passes through the rollers squeeze the foil thinner. Household aluminum foil is so thin (0.0005 of an inch) that the rollers can't handle it without tearing it.", "Aluminum Fabrication Specialists Aluminum Fabrication Specialists. Northern has extensive experience with welding aluminum alloys. We have invested in the right welding technology to improve weld quality and cosmetics.", "Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication at ART isn't just in our name; it's in everything we do. We take pride in our reputation for leadership in contract manufacturing, engineering and assembly of fabricated sheet metal in any alloy.", "- Item Code: M-01. Leveraging on our expertise of our professionals, we have been able to manufacture and export an extensive collection of Aluminum. These are available in different specifications as laid down by our valued clients. Our collection has excellent capability to resist corrosion and rust.", "Aluminium: historical information Aluminium is one of the elements which as alum or alumen, KAl(SO4)2, has an alchemical symbol (the symbol to the right shows Scheele's symbol, alchemy is an ancient pursuit concerned with, for instance, the transformation of other metals into gold).", "Learn About Aluminum Production and Its Best Producers The Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd. (also known as Chalco or Chinalco) is China's largest refined aluminum producer. The company increased output 12 percent over 2011 to 3.5 million metric tons. Chalco is a state-owned enterprise that is listed on the Shanghai, Hong Kong, ​and New York Stock Exchanges.", "- Aluminium or aluminum (in North American English) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, ductile metal.", "- Bauxite. Aluminium is the third most abundant element in the earth’s crust. There are various different minerals. Bauxite is the most common raw material used to produce alumina for aluminium metal production. Bauxite deposits are mainly found in a wide belt around the equator.Hydro’s bauxite mines are located in the state of Para, pará in the northernmost part Of. brazilauxite. Aluminium is the third most abundant element in the earth’s crust. There are various different minerals. Bauxite is the most common raw material used to produce alumina for aluminium metal production. Bauxite deposits are mainly found in a wide belt around the equator.", "- Confidence votes 23.9K. Aluminum is used as a basic metal or as an alloy for utensils, engineering, electrical equipment, cooking foil, and canning; where lightness, cheapness, tensile strength or conductivity are factors in design.Aluminum (aluminium) is used in a variety of industrial, structural, and consumer applications.he ancient Greeks used alumina as a medicine, and alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) still has some use as an astrigent, along with aluminum sulfate. Aluminum hydroxide is an antacid. Aluminum phosphate is used in some cosmetics as an anti-perspirant.", "- Confidence votes 77.6K. Aluminum comes mostly from an aluminum ore called bauxite. It is mined out of the ground in large geological formations found in Ghana, Indonesia, Jamaica, Russia and Surinam, but it is also abundantly deposited in Australia and Brazil.t has the symbol Al; its atomic number is 13. It is not soluble in water under normal … circumstances. Aluminium is too reactive chemically to occur in nature as the free metal. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different minerals. The chief source of aluminum is bauxite ore.", "- Industry Report - Industry SWOT Analysis Chapter. The Aluminum Manufacturing industry is in the mature stage of its life cycle. Over the 10 years to 2022, industry value added (IVA), or its contribution to the overall economy, is projected to decline at an annualized rate of 0.6%.", "Period 3 element Aluminium (or aluminum; see different endings) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13.It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, ductile metal. Aluminium is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon) in the Earth 's crust, and the most abundant metal there.luminium (or aluminum; see different endings) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13.", "Aluminium Aluminium is remarkable for the metal's low density and its ability to resist corrosion through the phenomenon of passivation. Aluminium and its alloys are vital to the aerospace industry and important in transportation and structures, such as building facades and window frames.", "- Aluminium, also spelt aluminum, is the most common metal in the world, and the third most common element (after oxygen and silicon). It is durable and lightweight, and is a very important metal for making planes out of. Aluminium is highly reactive and you cannot find pure aluminium in the same way you can find pure gold or copper, so it was once considered a rare precious metal.", "ALUMINUM Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust, falling behind oxygen and silicon. It is the most abundant metal. It is somewhat surprising, then, that aluminum was not discovered until relatively late in human history. Aluminum occurs naturally only in compounds, never as a pure metal.luminum is found in Row 2, Group 13 of the periodic table. The periodic table is a chart that shows how the chemical elements are related to each other. Elements in the same column usually have similar chemical properties. The first element in this group is boron.", "Aluminium: the essentials It is light, nontoxic (as the metal), nonmagnetic and nonsparking. It is somewhat decorative. It is easily formed, machined, and cast. Pure aluminium is soft and lacks strength, but alloys with small amounts of copper, magnesium, silicon, manganese, and other elements have very useful properties. Aluminium is an abundant element in the earth's crust, but it is not found free in nature.", "Low-carbon aluminium About Hydro. Hydro is a global aluminium company with production, sales and trading activities throughout the value chain, from bauxite, alumina and energy generation to the production of primary aluminium and rolled products as well as recycling.ooted in more than a century of experience in renewable energy production, technology development and progressive partnerships, Hydro is committed to strengthening the viability of the customers and communities we serve.", "Aluminium oxide Aluminium oxide is a chemical compound of aluminium and oxygen with the chemical formula Al 2 O 3.It is the most commonly occurring of several aluminium oxides, and specifically identified as aluminium(III) oxide.l 2 O 3 is significant in its use to produce aluminium metal, as an abrasive owing to its hardness, and as a refractory material owing to its high melting point.", "What is the Element Aluminium Definition of the Aluminium Element. Aluminium is a silvery-white, ductile metallic element, the most abundant in the earth's crust but found only in combination, chiefly in bauxite. Aluminum occurs naturally in many foods in low concentrations and is also present in many pharmaceuticals and drinking water.", "Aluminum The metallic element aluminum is the third most plentiful element in the earth's crust, comprising 8% of the planet's soil and rocks (oxygen and silicon make up 47% and 28%, respectively). In nature, aluminum is found only in chemical compounds with other elements such as sulphur, silicon, and oxygen. Pure, metallic aluminum can be economically produced only from aluminum oxide ore. Metallic aluminum has many properties that make it useful in a wide range of applications.", "What is the Element Aluminium Definition of the Aluminium Element. Aluminium is a silvery-white, ductile metallic element, the most abundant in the earth's crust but found only in combination, chiefly in bauxite.", "Aluminium carbide Aluminium carbide, chemical formula Al 4 C 3, is a carbide of aluminium. It has the appearance of pale yellow to brown crystals. It is stable up to 1400 °C.", "Alumina The chief uses for alumina are for the production of aluminum metal and for abrasives, but it is also used for ceramics, refractories, pigments, catalyst carriers, and in chemicals. Aluminum oxide crystals are normally hexagonal, and are minute in size. For abrasives, the grain sizes are usually from 100 to 600 mesh.", "It's Elemental Aluminum is pronounced as ah-LOO-men-em. History and Uses: Although aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust, it is never found free in nature. All of the earth's aluminum has combined with other elements to form compounds. Two of the most common compounds are alum, such as potassium aluminum sulfate (KAl(SO 4) 2 ·12H 2 O), and aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3). About 8.2% of the earth's crust is composed of aluminum.", "Quick Read Forging is a manufacturing process where metal is pressed, pounded or squeezed under great pressure to produce high-strength parts. Forged aluminum is ideal for applications where performance and safety are critical but a lighter-weight metal is needed for speed or energy efficiency. The forged aluminum wheels on Daytona racecars are a perfect example.", "- Aluminium Profiles. Jinlan is the world's leading aluminium profiles suppliers in China. Our aluminium profiles are used in virtually all industries, and we also provide design solutions for you.JinLan aluminium manufacturers exporting high quality extruded aluminium profile, All of our extruded aluminum profiles can be customized.ur aluminium profiles are used in virtually all industries, and we also provide design solutions for you.", "Advantages of Aluminium Aluminium has many advantages over other materials; besides its high strength to weight properties, it does not corrode in the same way as steel and can be recycled in a more efficient manner that is less detrimental to the environment.hen a product that has traditionally been made from steel or plastic is compared over its entire product life cycle also taking into account reduced machining and assembly times, aluminium extrusions will often prove to be the most cost effective and environmentally friendly solution.", "- Salt can be found in rocks that formed a long time ago by the evaporation of ancient lakes. Aluminium is used to make drinks and food cans along with steel. Cars are made from metals such as steel and aluminium. In every car there are over 15000 components made from minerals.Electricity can be made by burning coal, lots of the world’s power stations work this way. Paint is coloured using ground up minerals found naturally on the earth.Cutlery is made from metals, usually aluminium or steel.n every car there are over 15000 components made from minerals. Electricity can be made by burning coal, lots of the world’s power stations work this way. Paint is coloured using ground up minerals found naturally on the earth. Cutlery is made from metals, usually aluminium or steel." ]
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how much caffeine do people consume
[ "How Much Caffeine is Consumed by the Average Person? The breakdown of how much caffeine children consume on average is usually in the range of 150 to 200 mg per day. Along with soft drinks and sweets, other beverages such as sports drinks appear to be driving up the daily average of how much caffeine our children are taking in each and every day." ]
[ "How much caffeine is it REALLY OK to drink in a day? These findings may shock you Cup of coffee. If you thought Red Bull was bad, you might be surprised about how much caffeine is really in your favourite drinks. The amount of caffeine the healthy adult should consume a day is up to 400mg and the normal amount in 12-ounce coffee cups contains 90 to 120mg. But one 12-ounce 'tall' or small cup of Starbucks actually has as much as 260mg of caffeine per cup, Business Insider reports.", "- Caffeine is the most commonly used drug in the world. Although the consumption of low to moderate doses of caffeine is generally safe and has many proven health benefits, caffeine is causing quite a stir as a potential source for certain health problems with continued use. It is believed that some 3 out of 4 regular caffeine users are addicted to the substance. 2 Consuming as little as 200 mg of caffeine a day can lead to addiction and altered chemistry in the brain. 3 Around 5 grams of caffeine can be fatal.", "Caffeine: How Much Is Too Much? Pick any American at random, and odds are that person had caffeine today. One study found 98 percent of people in North America consume some kind of caffeine every day. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that comes in all shapes and sizes, including coffee, tea, chocolate, soda and energy drinks.", "The buzz on energy-drink caffeine Safe limits of caffeine consumption are still being studied, but data suggest that most healthy adults can safely consume up to 400 milligrams per day; pregnant women, up to 200 milligrams; and children, up to 45 to 85 milligrams depending on weight. An occasional energy drink is probably fine for most adults.", "How I Quit Caffeine and Became a Better Man Doctors and scientists recommend that folks consume no more than about 300-400 mg of caffeine a day. I didn’t know it, but I was averaging over a 1,000 mg a day. I never noticed any overt signs that the caffeine was having any ill-effects on my health.", "- How caffeine affects people varies with their size, their sex, and how sensitive they are to caffeine’s effects. Experts agree that 600 mg (four to seven cups of coffee) of caffeine or more each day is too much.", "A Bit About Caffeine For an adult, a moderate daily caffeine intake is generally understood to be about 300 mg a day, which is approximately 6 cups of brewed, hot tea or 3 cups of coffee a day. No decaffeinated tea or coffee is completely caffeine free.", "- The AMA and the ADA suggest that one to two cups of coffee per day is a safe amount (approximately 100–200 mg of caffeine), but in reality you may be sensitive to less or able to safely tolerate more.", "Caffeine: How much is too much? 400 milligrams Up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. That's roughly the amount of caffeine in four cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola or two energy shot drinks. Keep in mind that the actual caffeine content in beverages varies widely, especially among energy drinks. Although caffeine use may be safe for adults, it's not a good idea for children.", "- Average caffeine consumption from all sources is approximately 76 mg/person/day but reaches 210-238 mg/person/day in the United States and Canada and exceeds 400 mg/person/day in Sweden and Finland, where 80-100% of the caffeine intake is from coffee alone.", "- How much is too much? Up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. That's roughly the amount of caffeine in four cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola or two energy shot drinks. Although caffeine use may be safe for adults, it's not a good idea for children.", "25 Shocking Caffeine Addiction Statistics 1 Consuming as little as 200 mg of caffeine a day can lead to addiction and altered chemistry in the brain. 2 Around 5 grams of caffeine can be fatal. 3 This is the equivalent of some 30-40 cups of regular coffee. 4 Some 50% of people who quit using caffeine experience severe headaches that typically last between 2-9 days. It is believed that some 3 out of 4 regular caffeine users are addicted to the substance. 2 Consuming as little as 200 mg of caffeine a day can lead to addiction and altered chemistry in the brain. 3 Around 5 grams of caffeine can be fatal.", "What's the buzz?Where does caffeine come from?Why does caffeine wake you up?Why do I have a need for caffeine?How can I cut my caffeine intake?A Red Light for Energy Drinks and Alcohol! About 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine in one form or another every single day. More than half of all American adults consume more than 300 milligrams (mg) of caffeine every day, making it by far America's most popular drug.any studies have evaluated the effects of caffeine on health. The studies are controversial and inconclusive. Remember, whether caffeine affects you depends on your diet, size, type of exercise you do and amount of caffeine you ingest regularly. Your reaction to caffeine is highly individual.", "Caffeine Coffee Statistics 2016. Specialty coffee sales are increasing by 20% per year and account for nearly 8% of the 18 billion dollar U.S. coffee market. Coffee statistics show that among coffee drinkers the average consumption in the United States is 3.1 cups of coffee per day.", "Caffeine: How much is too much? That's roughly the amount of caffeine in four cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola or two energy shot drinks. Although caffeine use may be safe for adults, it's not a good idea for children. And adolescents should limit themselves to no more than 100 mg of caffeine a day.Even among adults, heavy caffeine use can cause unpleasant side effects. And caffeine may not be a good choice for people who are highly sensitive to its effects or who take certain medications.nd adolescents should limit themselves to no more than 100 mg of caffeine a day. Even among adults, heavy caffeine use can cause unpleasant side effects.", "- 1 It is believed that some 3 out of 4 regular caffeine users are addicted to the substance. 2 Consuming as little as 200 mg of caffeine a day can lead to addiction and altered chemistry in the brain. 3 Around 5 grams of caffeine can be fatal.4 This is the equivalent of some 30-40 cups of regular coffee.affeine is the most commonly used drug in the world. Although the consumption of low to moderate doses of caffeine is generally safe and has many proven health benefits, caffeine is causing quite a stir as a potential source for certain health problems with continued use.", "How much coffee is safe? Some people react strongly to caffeine, some don't. It's a question of knowing your own limit and knowing your own body. The general advice is that four or five cups of coffee a day is safe, around 400mg of caffeine. The Food Standards Agency says there is no limit set for healthy individuals. They recommend a balance of drinks and a sensible, moderate approach to coffee-drinking.", "- Caffeine occurs naturally in more than 60 plants including coffee beans, tea. leaves, kola nuts used to flavor soft drink colas, and cacao pods used to make. chocolate products. Man-made caffeine is sometimes added to foods, drinks, and. medicines. Ninety percent of people in the world use caffeine in one form or. another. In the U.S., 80 percent of adults consume caffeine every day – the. average adult has an intake of 200 mg per day, the amount in two 5-ounce cups. of coffee or four sodas. A study of 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students in Ohio found. that students took in an average of 53 mg of caffeine per day, but almost one in.", "9 Things You Should Know About Your Caffeine Habit When doctors talk about moderate caffeine use, they talk about somewhere in the range of 300 to 400 milligrams. Most coffee drinkers tend to be in that range. Beyond that: 300 milligrams to one person might be perfect, but it might send another one through the roof. It varies so much, depending on your size, if you're a smoker, if you have a genetic predisposition to metabolize caffeine slowly.", "Caffeine: how does it affect our health? This is considered to be a moderate caffeine intake, which according to many studies, can promote a variety of health benefits. But some studies claim otherwise, even suggesting that one or two cups of coffee a day may negatively impact our health.", "How much caffeine is it okay to consume in a day? The answer. Health Canada contends that a maximum intake of 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is safe for healthy adults – an amount found in about three small (8 ounce) cups of coffee.", "Are You Suffering from a Caffeine Overdose? What qualifies as “excessive intake” of caffeine varies depending on whom you ask and the person’s individual tolerance. For example, when it comes to coffee, some sources define it as drinking more than eight to 10 eight-ounce cups at once. But for some people, much less than this can have similar effects. A “moderate amount” of coffee for healthy adults that is correlated with health benefits would max out at 500 milligrams of caffeine per day, which is about five cups of home-brewed regular coffee.", "- How much coffee does the average person drink? Coffee Cup Consumption Per Day: Men drink as much coffee as women; each consuming an average of 1.6 cups per day. Women seem to be more concerned about the price than men. Among coffee drinkers, the average consumption in the United States is 3.2 cups of coffee per day. The average coffee cup size is 9 ounces.", "How Much Caffeine Should You Really Be Having? Is it bad for us or not? How much is too much? And how, exactly, does caffeine interfere with sleep? In terms of how much caffeine you should have, the general consensus is that up to 500 milligrams per day—or roughly the equivalent of four eight-ounce cups of brewed coffee—is safe for adults. Children, on the other hand, should have no more than 100 milligrams of caffeine a day. Drinking more than the recommended amount of caffeine per day can cause adverse side effects, many of which interfere with proper sleep cycles.", "Caffeine Specialty coffee sales are increasing by 20% per year and account for nearly 8% of the 18 billion dollar U.S. coffee market. Coffee statistics show that among coffee drinkers the average consumption in the United States is 3.1 cups of coffee per day. Coffee Statistics: 50% of the population, equivalent to 150 million Americans, drink espresso, cappuccino, latte, or iced/cold coffees.", "- 1 Consuming as little as 200 mg of caffeine a day can lead to addiction and altered chemistry in the brain. 2 Around 5 grams of caffeine can be fatal. 3 This is the equivalent of some 30-40 cups of regular coffee. 4 Some 50% of people who quit using caffeine experience severe headaches that typically last between 2-9 days.affeine is the most commonly used drug in the world. Although the consumption of low to moderate doses of caffeine is generally safe and has many proven health benefits, caffeine is causing quite a stir as a potential source for certain health problems with continued use.", "- Moderate amounts of caffeine -- about 300 milligrams, or three cups of coffee -- apparently cause no harm in most healthy adults. Some people are... View Full Answer", "How Much Coffee Do You Drink Every Day? A recent review of over 200 studies found that about 400mg of caffeine per day—about three 8oz cups of coffee—is a safe dose for most adults to avoid these problems (though it would probably take nearly 75 cups over a few hours to truly overdose). How much caffeine do you drink in a day?", "Caffeine Tolerance varies for daily, regular caffeine users and high caffeine users. High doses of caffeine (750 to 1200 mg/day spread throughout the day) have been shown to produce complete tolerance to some, but not all of the effects of caffeine.", "Caffeine-related disorders Coffee Cup Consumption Per Day: Men drink as much coffee as women; each consuming an average of 1.6 cups per day. Women seem to be more concerned about the price than men. Among coffee drinkers, the average consumption in the United States is 3.2 cups of coffee per day. Average Cup Size." ]
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[ 13.53125, 11.0546875, 11.53125, 13.28125, 13.9296875, 12.625, 12.8515625, 12.53125, 13.8125, 14.7734375, 13.8046875, 12.375, 12.4921875, 10.3125, 12.328125, 11.3046875, 13.0859375, 14.0625, 13.3046875, 9.03125, 13.8046875, 12.2109375, 10.3984375, 12.5859375, 10.65625, 12.0078125, 11.859375, 12.8203125, 11.5546875, 11.4140625 ]
outline in writing definition
[ "outline outline. 1. A line marking and shaping the outer form of an object: contour, delineation, profile, silhouette. 2. A preliminary plan or version, as of a written work: draft, rough, skeleton, sketch. To draw up a preliminary plan or version of: adumbrate, block in (or out), draft, rough in (or out), sketch." ]
[ "How to Write an Outline After you have researched your topic, you can then determine your thesis, or the main idea or point that you want to argue in your document. After deciding on a thesis statement, you need to identify several supporting points that substantiate your thesis. These supporting points will be the main ideas of your outline. At the top of the page, write your thesis statement, and then below that, organize the supporting points in a logical order that best supports the thesis of your document (you can always change the order later if you need to). These supporting points are the main categories or topics of your document.", "CSS Outline An outline is a line that is drawn around elements (outside the borders) to make the element stand out. However, the outline property is different from the border property - The outline is NOT a part of an element's dimensions; the element's total width and height is not affected by the width of the outline. This element has a thin black border and an outline that is 10px wide and green.", "2.2: Parts of the Essay, Outlining Finally, it is a good idea to compose a short outline you can follow while writing your essay. Using the idea map and list you created in Lesson 1, practice choosing a main idea and three subpoints that develop and support it. Then, choose a method for ordering your subpoints and write an outline like the one above.", "- All points must relate to the same major topic that you first mentioned in your capital Roman numeral. Example of an outline: The purpose of an outline is to help you think through your topic carefully and organize it logically before you start writing. A good outline is the most important step in writing a good paper.", "Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Making an Outline Definition. An outline is a formal system used to develop a framework for thinking about what the eventual contents and organization of your paper should be. An outline helps you predict the overall structure and flow of a paper.", "outline outline. n. 1. a preliminary or schematic plan, draft, account, etc. 2. (usually plural) the important features of an argument, theory, work, etc. 3. the line by which an object or figure is or appears to be bounded.", "Why and How to Create a Useful Outline Below are the primary reasons for creating an outline. Aids in the process of writing; Helps you organize your ideas; Presents your material in a logical form; Shows the relationships among ideas in your writing; Constructs an ordered overview of your writing; Defines boundaries and groups; How do I create an outline? Determine the purpose of your paper.", "- Writing an outline for a research paper can seem like a time consuming task, and you may not understand the value of it if you have never written one before. Outlines can help you structure your research and your final paper in much more efficient ways, though, so it is a good idea that you learn how to write one.", "- The purpose of an outline is to help you organize your paper by checking to see if and how your ideas connect to each other, or whether you need to flesh out a point or two. No matter the length of the paper, from a three-page weekly assignment to a 50-page senior thesis, outlines can help you see the overall picture. Besides the basic structure (Roman numerals followed by capital letters followed by Arabic numerals, etc.), there is no right or wrong way to make an outline.", "Types of Outlines and Samples The main difference (as the title suggests) is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline. This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay. Select the Sample Outlines PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline.", "- Writing your outline might help you narrow it down to a specific argument. 1 For example, your history paper topic could be French life during German occupation in World War II. 2 As you write your outline, you might narrow this down to the resistance fighters called maquisards.", "Good Ways to Start a Comparison and Contrast Essay Outlining. Before actually writing the essay, you may want to construct an outline. There are a couple of common ways to do this. Prewriting is a great way figure out the best way to lay out your ideas, and to organize your thoughts into the logical pattern of your essay. First, the standard outline, would construct the body of the essay like this: A. How Z is different from Y 1. Subtopic 2.", "outline These nouns refer to a line that defines the boundary and shape of an object, mass, or figure: the outline of the mountains against the sunset; saw the island's contour from the airplane; a monarch's profile on an ancient coin; saw the dark silhouette of the family waving farewell. (ˈaʊtˌlaɪn).", "Underline An underline may refer to any of the following: 1. An underline is a section of text in a document where the words have a line running beneath them. For example, this text should be underlined. Underlined text is commonly used to help draw attention to text. Today, underlines are commonly used to represent a hyperlink on a web page. Create underline text in HTML. To create an underline in HTML you can use the <u> tag or CSS. However, as mentioned earlier keep in mind that most people relate an underline to a hyperlink and any other text that is underlined may be confusing. <u>This text should be underlined</u>. Creating a link without an underline in HTML.", "How to Write the Perfect Outline Part of discovering the perfect outline, however, is trying different approaches and using what works best for you as well as for the script you are writing at the time. The more formulaic the genre (e.g. rom-coms), the more useful a detailed outline can be.", "- WRITING A DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY. The aim of description is to make sensory details vividly present to the reader. Although it may be only in school that you are asked to write a specifically descriptive essay, description is an important element in many kinds of writing. Description embedded in an argument paper, for example, may be intended to make a position more persuasive. However, in this TIP Sheet we will discuss the descriptive essay as it is commonly assigned by instructors as an exercise in organizing sensory information and choosing vivid details. Sensory details are details of smell, taste, texture, and sound as well as sight.", "English 102 The basic idea of a formal outline is that different types of letters or numbers (I, A, 1, a, i) represent different levels of the hierarchy of your paper, and sub-levels are indented below main levels. In addition to the elements of a formal outline, please also: 1 Include a thesis statement at the start.2 Cite your sources: list all authors used in each section in parentheses at the end of that section. 3 Attach a list of sources that includes all the sources used for the outline and no others. This is the thesis for that section of the paper. 2 Make a list of the points you have to prove to prove that point. 3 Just as with the main points, these should be complete, declarative sentencesstatements you can prove or disprove. 4 These are your sub-points for that section.", "Outline Formatfor a Five-Paragraph Essay (or piece of writing) Christine Bauer-Ramazani Outline Format for a Five-Paragraph Essay (or piece of writing) Christine Bauer-Ramazani NOTE: Outline points is usually in phrase form, e.g. ____________________________________________. Title of Essay. I. Introduction. A. Background information (interesting facts, statistics, rhetorical questions). 1. _________________________________. 2. _________________________________.", "Definition of 'outline' SYNONYMY NOTE: outline is used of the line bounding the limits of an object [the sketch shows only the outline of the skyscrapers]; contour, specifically applied to the configuration of a land mass, in extension stresses the shape of an object or mass as determined by its outline [the soft contour of her waist]; profile is used of the outline or ...", "Write a Winning Research Report Make an outline. An outline is a roadmap to keep you from getting lost when you start to write. It's where you organize the questions you'll answer and the information and subtopics you'll cover in your paper. It's a tool to help you, not another assignment to check off the list.", "- Outline (list) An outline, also called a hierarchical outline, is a list arranged to show hierarchical relationships and is a type of tree structure. It is used to present the main points or topics of a given subject, often used as a rough draft or summary of the content of a document.", "- Underline. 1. An underline is a section of text in a document where the words have a line running beneath them. For example, . Underlined text is commonly used to help draw attention to text.", "How to Write a Research Paper All points must relate to the same major topic that you first mentioned in your capital Roman numeral. Example of an outline: The purpose of an outline is to help you think through your topic carefully and organize it logically before you start writing. A good outline is the most important step in writing a good paper. Check your outline to make sure that the points covered flow logically from one to the other. Include in your outline an INTRODUCTION, a BODY, and a CONCLUSION. Make the first outline tentative.", "Types of Outlines and Samples This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay. Select the Sample Outlines PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline. Decimal Outlines. The decimal outline is similar in format to the alphanumeric outline. The added benefit is a system of decimal notation that clearly shows how every level of the outline relates to the larger whole. Select the Sample Outlines PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline. The sample PDF in the Media Box above is an example of an outline that a student might create before writing an essay. In order to organize her thoughts and make sure that she has not forgotten any key points that she wants to address, she creates the outline as a framework for her essay.", "How to Write an Outline Example of an alphanumeric outline. Think of the outline for an essay like the blueprints for a house. Thought and groundwork is needed to plan a dream home, and the same is true for a successful essay. Jumping right in to the first draft without a blueprint will leave you with an essay that crumbles like the house.", "- • The introduction and conclusion of the paper are not included in the outline—the outline is a blueprint of the argument in the paper itself, not a diagram of the paper’s paragraphs. • Outlines should be typed using double spacing; examples in this document are single spaced to conserve space and reduce printing costs.", "- An outline is a great way to organize your thoughts and research if you’re preparing a speech, an essay, a novel, or even a study guide. See step 1 to get started writing your outline!", "- All rights reserved. I. Purpose A. Guiding Writing a. Outlining is an important stage in writing a scholarly paper because it helps writers move from the research-gathering and idea-forming step to the organization step or a preliminary outline can help writers move from a hypothesis to guide research. b.ll rights reserved. I. Purpose A. Guiding Writing a. Outlining is an important stage in writing a scholarly paper because it helps writers move from the research-gathering and idea-forming step to the organization step or a preliminary outline can help writers move from a hypothesis to guide research. b.", "- DEFINITION OF EXPOSITORY WRITING. EXPOSITORY WRITING is defined as presenting reasons, explanations, or. steps in a process. Logical order should be used with appropriate sequencing of. ideas or steps in a process. Effective expository writing should contain a main. idea, supporting details, and a conclusion.", "Writing Definitions The primary reason to include definitions in your writing is to avoid misunderstanding with your audience. A formal definition consists of three parts. The term (word or phrase) to be defined; The class of object or concept to which the term belongs. The differentiating characteristics that distinguish it from all others of its class; For example: Water (term) is a liquid (class) made up of molecules of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of 2 to 1 (differentiating characteristics)." ]
[ 14.125 ]
[ 9.7265625, 10.828125, 8.7421875, 11.5546875, 14.3984375, 13.25, 11.09375, 10.3515625, 11.0703125, 8.5234375, 9.4921875, 7.9765625, 10.34375, 4.296875, 9.03125, 3.505859375, 7.96875, 9.296875, 10.65625, 12.203125, 13.5625, 5.140625, 10.8671875, 9.1953125, 9.1015625, 10.25, 12.8359375, 10.9375, 6.62109375, 7.49609375 ]
what causes abdominal pain that wakes you up
[ "\"\"\" Why does my stomach hurt every morning when I wake up? \"\"\" However, the pain being in your lower abdomen is a little strange for a stomach ulcer. It is possible that the pain is coming from your colon. Diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease can cause pain in the lower abdomen, but this is usually associated with diarrhea." ]
[ "Upper Central Abdominal Pain Pain in the upper central abdomen is often caused by conditions that do not pose an immediate threat to life. However, it is important to exclude life threatening conditions which can cause pain in this region first. These conditions include: Heart attack.", "When to Worry About Abdominal Pain The stomach and first part of the small intestine: Ulcers can form in these organs, causing bleeding, pain, and less commonly a perforation, leaking stomach acid into the abdominal cavity. Ulcers usually cause burning or cramping pain of variable severity in the middle of the stomach, above the belly button.", "- nerves such as diabetes, herpes zoster, trauma, and rarely cancer may also cause symptoms of. CAWP (1). Occasionally abdominal wall hematomas (blood filled collections), hernias and painful. rib (slipped rib) may account for abdominal wall pain (7).", "I have excruciating abdominal pain that wakes me up at night⦠I have excruciating abdominal pain that wakes me up at night between midnite and two am, for several days a month. - Answered by a verified Health Professional Health", "Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ) Pain: Common Causes & Treatments 1 Pain in your upper left abdominal area can also mean that you are suffering from an enlarged spleen, also known as splenomegaly. 2 Viral, bacterial and other parasitic infections are direct causes of splenomegaly. 3 Leukemia and liver cirrhosis can cause an enlarged spleen as well.reatment for upper left abdominal pain depends on cause, and visit a doctor if pain and other symptoms persist. Abdominal pain occurs in the area between your chest and your pelvis, and is something that everyone has experienced.", "- Abdominal pain can be difficult to diagnose. There are a variety of causes and locations of abdominal pain. Examples of causes include gallstones, food poisoning, GERD, liver disease, SIBO, pancreatitis, appendicitis, colon cancer, and abdominal (scar tissue from previous surgeries).", "Stomach Cramps: Symptoms & Signs Some typical causes of abdominal pain and associated symptoms that arise from the gastrointestinal tract include. 1 food poisoning, 2 gas, 3 indigestion, infections, lactose intolerance, 1 and. inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis).", "\"\"\" Why does my stomach hurt every morning when I wake up? \"\"\" However, the pain being in your lower abdomen is a little strange for a stomach ulcer. It is possible that the pain is coming from your colon. Diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease can cause pain in the lower abdomen, but this is usually associated with diarrhea.I suggest that you schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. He or she can take a more detailed history of your stomach pain and perform an abdominal exam. stomach ulcer will feel like gnawing pain in your mid to upper abdomen that can be quite excruciating. If you do have an ulcer, I would be willing to bet that it is a stomach and not a small intestine ulcer because the stomach ulcers sometimes can be worse in the morning (though not always).", "- If your abdominal pain is severe or recurrent or if it is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, contact your health care provider as soon as possible: 1 Fever. 2 Inability to keep food down for more than 2 days. 3 Any signs of dehydration. 4 Inability to pass stool, especially if you are also vomiting.", "- Other causes of pain in the upper part of the abdomen include: 1 Costochondritis. 2 Peptic ulcer. 3 Gastritis from alcohol consumption. 4 Medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, calcium channel blockers, anti-inflammatory medications etc. 5 Liver disease. 6 Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome. 7 Infection involving the liver, kidney or spleen.", "Chest Pain 1 Myocardial infarction of the inferior or lower portion of the heart can present as indigestion. 2 Pneumonia can present as upper abdominal pain, especially if the lung inflammation is next to the diaphragm. Aortic dissection can present with chest pain, abdominal pain, or both, depending upon where the dissection occurs.", "- Liver problems often cause right upper quadrant abdominal pain. The liver helps remove toxins from the blood and when the liver becomes infected or diseased, abdominal pain is often the first symptom. An infection may also cause abdominal swelling and jaundice (yellow or sallow colored eyes and skin).", "What Are the Causes of Pain on the Right Side Under the Bottom Rib? According to the Merck Manuals Online Medical Library, pain that manifests in the abdomen, including the right upper abdominal quadrant, can be caused by the viscera or abdominal organs, structures outside the abdomen or the parietal peritoneum -- the membrane that lines the abdominal wall.", "\"\"\" Why does my stomach hurt every morning when I wake up? \"\"\" Why does my stomach hurt every morning when I wake up? I am a 26 year old male, 245lbs and approximately 6'1 tall. I am currently taking 7.5mg of coumadin per day and 10mg of Aciphex. I do not eat well normally. In fact, because I work second shift, I often find myself eating dinner as late as 12:00am. I then go to sleep around 2:00am and every morning when I wake up, I am very nauseous and my stomach hurts very badly. I do not have the urge to make a bowel movement, it is just a sharp pain in my lower abdominal area.", "- If your GP suspects you have one of these conditions, they may refer you to hospital immediately. Sudden and severe pain in your abdomen can also sometimes be caused by an infection of the stomach and bowel (gastroenteritis). It may also be caused by a pulled muscle in your abdomen or by an injury.", "Pulled Abdominal Muscle or a Hernia? Pain in your abdomen can be caused by many things, including a pulled muscle or hernia. Both conditions may cause pain that increases with activity and subsides with rest.", "20 Reasons Why Your Stomach Hurts Peptic ulcer disease, or ulcers in the stomach and duodenum (the first part of the small intestine), is a common source of abdominal pain, says Dr. Alaradi. Pain usually strikes the mid-upper abdominal area and sometimes occurs after meals, he adds. People with duodenal ulcers can wake in the middle of the night due to pain.", "- Severe pain that comes in waves may be caused by kidney stones. Trauma to the body wall, hernias, and shingles can also cause lower abdominal pain. A hernia is a weakening of muscle or tissue that allows organs or other tissues to protrude through it.", "Abdominal Pain (Adults) 1 Causes of symptoms of abdominal pain vary and may include gallbladder disease, ulcers of the stomach, food poisoning, diverticulitis, appendicitis, cancers, female diseases or problems (for example, fibroids, cysts, STDs), and vascular problems. Some women experience abdominal pain during pregnancy.", "Abdominal pain that occurs only at nightBullylover Apr 09, 2004 I have never experienced this problem before until a couple of months ago. I work nights and sleep during the day. This problem never occurs while sleeping during the day. Every 2 weeks or so, on a night that I am not working, I will awaken with an upper abdominal pain just below the breast bone.", "Upper abdominal pain Upper abdominal pain: Introduction. Upper abdominal pain: The occurrence of abdominal pain which occurs in the upper abdoment. See detailed information below for a list of 47 causes of Upper abdominal pain, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes. » Review Causes of Upper abdominal pain: Causes | Symptom Checker ».", "Stomach ache or abdominal pain Some of the possible causes of sudden, severe abdominal pain include: appendicitis – swelling of the appendix that causes agonising pain in the lower right-hand side of your abdomen a bleeding or perforated stomach ulcer – a bleeding, open sore in the lining of your stomach", "260 comments on âProbiotic Side Effects Come From Cleansingâ -Click here to write your comment 1 Constipation is one of the most common reasons for abdominal pain. If you haven't had a bowel movement (poop) for a while or if it hurts to go to the bathroom or your bowel movements are hard, you are probably constipated. Diarrhea is often caused by an infection that some people call the stomach flu..", "- Sudden and severe pain in your abdomen can also sometimes be caused by an infection of the stomach and bowel (gastroenteritis). It may also be caused by a pulled muscle in your abdomen or by an injury. See your GP if you or your child have persistent or repeated abdominal pain.", "Right Side Abdominal Pain Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment In order to understand the possible cause of a 'right side stomach pain', it may be helpful to know the organs and structures that exist in this region of the body. Diseases, infections, or irritation of any of these organs will lead to a right side abdominal pain. Also note that pain in the right side of the abdomen can be referred from an injury or disease originating from a nearby organ which may not necessarily be within the abdomen. An example of this is a right sided abdominal pain arising from a lower right lung infection.", "Swelling or pain in the abdomen Swelling or pain in the abdomen. Swelling or pain in the upper abdomen (stomach area) can occur due to fluid build-up (congestion) in the body, which is a sign of worsening heart failure. The discomfort is due to fluid retention and congestion in the liver and gut. Some people who develop swelling in their abdomen notice their clothes feeling tighter around their stomach area.", "What Could Cause Upper Stomach Pain? These conditions are typically associated with a change in the form or frequency of your stool, and having a bowel movement usually changes the character of the pain. Because the “tail” of your pancreas stretches toward your left side, pancreatitis can cause left upper abdominal pain.", "stomach ache and breathing difficulty The pain in my stomach does wakes me up at night. I have difficulty breathing sometimes. One night I called the ambulance as I had terrbele pain in my chest. The did everything in hospital but did not came up with enything but I am still not feeling well. Sometime the pain moves from the stomach to the chest.", "Pain or discomfort (Chest), Pain or discomfort (Back), Shortness of breath and Tightness Asthma is a lung condition that makes it hard to breathe, an asthma attack can be life threatening. Peptic ulcers, sores in the lining of the stomach or upper intestine, cause abdominal pain, gas, and more. Some heart rhythm disorders can cause a fluttering in the chest, shortness of breath, chest pain or dizziness.", "- But, when the pain is localized to a specific region of the abdomen, recurs or does not go away, or is severe, there may be underlying causes that require medical attention. Causes of right upper quadrant abdominal pain may be due to something as simple as increased stomach acid or involve infection or organ damage." ]
[ 12.890625 ]
[ 8.71875, 10.2265625, 8.3828125, 12.15625, 7.65625, 9.9140625, 9.8203125, 11.859375, 9.8046875, 9.5234375, 8.9375, 9.90625, 7.40625, 11.6015625, 9.7265625, 7.96875, 12.6796875, 10.3515625, 10.2890625, 11.28125, 7.953125, 9.609375, 9.671875, 9.8515625, 7.64453125, 8.828125, 9.1484375, 9.09375, 9.7890625, 8.6953125 ]
what does mons mean
[ "- 1. mons veneris-a mound of fatty tissue covering the pubic area in women. mons, mons pubis. adipose tissue, fatty tissue, fat-a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs; fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold.ons ve·ne·ris. n. pl. montes veneris. The female mons pubis. [New Latin." ]
[ "CONCRETE IMAGE a vision that is recollected with respect to certain sense factors, like the smell of a specific perfume. CONCRETE IMAGE: Marion could still recall the concrete image of her elementary school's morning bell.. No related posts. vision that is recollected with respect to certain sense factors, like the smell of a specific perfume. CONCRETE IMAGE: Marion could still recall the concrete image of her elementary school's morning bell.. No related posts.", "Monism Monism is a philosophical term which, in its various meanings, is opposed to Dualism or Pluralism. Wherever pluralistic philosophy distinguishes a multiplicity of things, Monism denies that the manifoldness is real, and holds that the apparently many are phases, or phenomena, of a one.pistemological monism identifies that which is immediately present to the knowing mind with the real object known. Either the content of the mind is equated with the object known (epistemological realism), or the object known is equated with the knowing mind (epistemological idealism).", "mons pubis Definition of mons pubis. plural. montes pubis. play \\ˈmän-tēz-\\. : a rounded eminence of fatty tissue on the pubic symphysis especially of the human female.", "Bone up on Early citations of the phrase in print, of which there are very few, don't support either idea. Bone was used as a verb meaning 'to study' from the early 19th century onward.The first known citation that explicitly use 'bone up' is in Tenting on Plains by Elizabeth Custer (wife of General George Custer), 1887:arly citations of the phrase in print, of which there are very few, don't support either idea. Bone was used as a verb meaning 'to study' from the early 19th century onward.", "What is the function of Mons Pubis? The mons pubis is also termed as mons, mons veneris, or pubic mound. It is the fat pad covering on the pubic bone which segments to create labia majora.he mons pubis segments into labia majora also known as larger lips on both the sides of furrow and is termed as cleft of venus which also encircles labia minor, vaginal opening and clitoris along with other parts of the vulval vestibule.", "MOLASSES • MOLASSES (noun). The noun MOLASSES has 1 sense: 1. thick dark syrup produced by boiling down juice from sugar cane; especially during sugar refining. Familiarity information: MOLASSES used as a noun is very rare. MOLASSES (noun). The noun MOLASSES has 1 sense: 1. thick dark syrup produced by boiling down juice from sugar cane; especially during sugar refining. Familiarity information: MOLASSES used as a noun is very rare.", "Monism Metaphysical monism allows that only one being or type of being exists. A substantial metaphysical monism asserts that the variety in our phenomenal experience is due to the different states of a single all-encompassing substance, for example, Parmenides' Plenum or Baruch Spinoza's God or Nature.pistemological monism identifies that which is immediately present to the knowing mind with the real object known. Either the content of the mind is equated with the object known (epistemological realism), or the object known is equated with the knowing mind (epistemological idealism).", "SUMMONS The noun SUMMONS has 3 senses: 1. a request to be present. 2. an order to appear in person at a given place and time. 3. a writ issued by authority of law; usually compels the defendant's attendance in a civil suit; failure to appear results in a default judgment against the defendant. Familiarity information: SUMMONS used as a noun is uncommon. • SUMMONS (verb) The verb SUMMONS has 1 sense: 1. call in an official matter, such as to attend court. Familiarity information: SUMMONS used as a verb is very rare.", "Mogons The field aspect is related to Indo-European *meg(h)- (palatal g), big, giving rise to the translation the great one and the conclusion that Mogons might be a mountain god. Under *meg(h)- Pokorny includes Gallic names such as Maginus, Magiorix, Aremagios and Old Welsh maon.", "- One of my colleagues says “Mawn (rhymes with dawn) treaaaal.” I say “Mun (rhymes with sun) treall.” My Italian immigrant parents referred to the city as something like “Mont-Reaale.” Reaalé some anglos “Say,” Montreal-montréal french style With an. English accent purists would probably Say the french version is the. most accuraten a 1992 article (PDF) in the Revue d’histoire de l’Amerique amérique, Francaise Française jean poirier Of the commission de Toponymie du quebec québec dismissed suggestions the name has anything to Do with The archbishop Of monreale of Sicily or With, claude de pontbriand fils Du (Seigneur) . de montreal montréal france", "- an area of the body that is higher than neighboring areas. 2. mons pubis. 3. mons veneris. Origin of mons. Latin.", "- mon·o·graph. n. A scholarly piece of writing of essay or book length on a specific, often limited subject. tr.v. mon·o·graphed, mon·o·graph·ing, mon·o·graphs. To write a monograph on.mo·nog′ra·pher (mə-nŏg′rə-fər) n. mon′o·graph′ic adj. mon′o·graph′i·cal·ly adv. scholarly piece of writing of essay or book length on a specific, often limited subject. tr.v. mon·o·graphed, mon·o·graph·ing, mon·o·graphs. To write a monograph on. mo·nog′ra·pher (mə-nŏg′rə-fər) n. mon′o·graph′ic adj. mon′o·graph′i·cal·ly adv.", "- Mona. A girl who is sensitive and easily hurt, but never stays mad long since she is full of love. She cannot be disloyal and will not put up with people who are fake or think they are better than someone else. Monas will sometimes do things that you don't understand but will never act like someone she is not.", "- #66 mono → one, single. Quick Summary. The prefix mono- and its variant mon-, which both mean “one,” are important prefixes in the English language. For instance, the prefix mono- gave rise to the words monologue and monotonous, whereas we find its variant mon- in words such as monarchy and monk.", "- a chamor a donkey represents physicality materialism and the very word for a completely physical entity is the word chomer the donkey is a beast of burden that exists for little reason other than to function in this way and thus symbolize materialism", "- 1 Mon = masculine singular, ma = feminine singular, mes = plural. 2 Use French dictionaries for further vocabulary. 3 If you are unsure, ask a family member or get some French classes! If you want to extend your French, then go further by telling the person what your, for example, sister is like.", "- - either it's menage ménage a: à trois household-of three-or mange tout-literally eat, everything.peas. i e small young. Pea pods note-that mange out peas are also called, pois.gourmands. i e gluttonous peas because you eat the peas and... The Pod · french m 7. Years ago. thumbs up either it's menage ménage a: à trois household-of three-or mange tout-literally eat, everything.peas. i e small young. Pea pods note-that mange out peas are also called, pois.gourmands. i e gluttonous peas because you eat the peas and... The Pod · french m 7. Years ago. thumbs up", "- to live within one's means → vivre selon ses moyens means test, means-testmeans of transport n → moyen m de transport mean-spirited [ˌmiːnˈspɪrɪtɪd] adj → mesquin(e) means test n → contrôle m des conditions de ressources means-test [ˈmiːnztɛst] vt", "- Full Definition of MORON. 1. usually offensive: a person affected with mild mental retardation. 2. : a very stupid person. — mo·ron·ic \\mə-ˈrae-ˈrä, nik-\\ mȯ. — adjective·mo·ron·i·cal \\-ly-ni(k-)ə\\ lē. adverb", "atom Noun. 1. monad - (chemistry) an atom having a valence of one. chemical science, chemistry-the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions.. monad - (chemistry) an atom having a valence of one. chemical science, chemistry-the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions.", "Rebus A rebus is an allusional device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words. It was a favourite form of heraldic expression used in the Middle Ages to denote surnames. For example, in its basic form, three salmon (fish) are used to denote the surname Salmon . A more sophisticated example was the rebus of Bishop Walter Lyhart (d.1472) of Norwich, consisting of a stag (or hart) lying down in a conventional representation of water.", "What does M.O.S mean in the army? MOS means military occupational specialty....basically it is a description of what the job involves...but some advice...dont believe what you read not all of it is true...i would talk to someone who is or has been in that MOS before i signed up for it...if you get that MOS and you hate it you could have to wait 2 years to reclass...depending on the needs of your company and unit and the army...", "- From Middle English mone, alteration (affected by monien (“ to admonish ”)) of *mine (“ mind ”), from Middle English minen, mynen, munen, from Old English ġemynan, ġemunan (“ to remember ”). More at mind. Noun . mone (plural mones) Mind; preference. Anagrams . Emon, NEMO, Nome, meno-, meon, nome, omen", "Monism Monism is a philosophical term which, in its various meanings, is opposed to Dualism or Pluralism. Wherever pluralistic philosophy distinguishes a multiplicity of things, Monism denies that the manifoldness is real, and holds that the apparently many are phases, or phenomena, of a one.he term Monism is not much used in theology because of the confusion to which its use would lead. Polytheism, the doctrine that there are many gods, has for its opposite Monotheism, the doctrine that there is but one God.", "- Somos is the first person plural of the verb meaning 'to be'. It means 'we are'. Fb100002348848857.", "In honour of the first and last to fall for Britain In honour of the first and last to fall for Britain. Aside from its rich architecture and culture, the tiny city of Mons is sacred for British soldiers too. Charming, cobbled and rising gracefully to its 17th-century bell tower, Mons, in western Wallonia, seems a serene and contented town.", "Monism Home Religion Monistic Religion. Monism is the metaphysical view that all is of one essential essence, substance or energy. Monism is to be distinguished from dualism, which holds that ultimately there are two kinds of substance, and from pluralism, which holds that ultimately there are many kinds of substance.Monism is often seen in relation to pantheism, panentheism, and an immanent God. subcategory of eliminativism is radical behaviourism, a view held by B. F. Skinner.) Anomalous monism, a position proposed by Donald Davidson in the 1970s as a way to resolve the Mind-body problem. It could be considered (by the above definitions) either physicalism or neutral monism.", "BRONZE 1. of the color of bronze. 2. made from or consisting of bronze. Familiarity information: BRONZE used as an adjective is rare. • BRONZE (verb). The verb BRONZE has 2 senses: 1. give the color and appearance of bronze to something. 2. get a tan, from wind or sun. Familiarity information: BRONZE used as a verb is rare.. of the color of bronze. 2. made from or consisting of bronze. Familiarity information: BRONZE used as an adjective is rare. • BRONZE (verb). The verb BRONZE has 2 senses: 1. give the color and appearance of bronze to something. 2. get a tan, from wind or sun. Familiarity information: BRONZE used as a verb is rare.", "Definitions &Translations Adj. 1. morose-showing a brooding ill humor; a dark scowl; the proverbially dour New England Puritan; a glum, hopeless shrug; he sat in moody silence; a morose and unsociable manner; a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius- Bruce Bliven; a sour temper; a sullen crowd.orose-showing a brooding ill humor; a dark scowl; the proverbially dour New England Puritan; a glum, hopeless shrug; he sat in moody silence; a morose and unsociable manner; a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius- Bruce Bliven; a sour temper; a sullen crowd.", "\"What does the term \"\"pros and cons\"\" mean? Where did it come from?\" Pros and cons is a noun expression that means the advantages and the disadvantages -- the favourable and the unfavourable, the benefits and the drawbacks. It's a shortening of the Latin phrase pro et contra (for and against) and in use for centu..." ]
[ 12.453125 ]
[ 1.7978515625, 5.5703125, 12.6484375, 2.802734375, 11.0859375, 2.583984375, 4.3125, 3.82421875, 3.62890625, 1.5859375, 12.6328125, 4.625, 6.23828125, 6.4296875, 2.3515625, 8.4140625, 3.431640625, 4.7265625, 4.1171875, 4.31640625, 2.79296875, 6.49609375, 8.9765625, 5.984375, 3.947265625, 9.828125, 5.58203125, 2.22265625, 2.908203125, 2.7578125 ]
how many people have been killed by police since kaepernick took a knee
[ "Did You Know: 67 People (And Counting) Have Been Killed By Cops Since Colin Kaepernick Began Anthem Protest Overall, police have killed at least 67 people since Kaepernick’s protest began, according to The Guardian’s database. Roughly 22 percent of the victims have been black. Police have killed more than 780 people so far in 2016, according to The Guardian’s numbers. At least 193 of those people ― or about 25 percent ― were black." ]
[ "White Supremacists Have Killed More People Than Islamic Terrorists in the U.S. Since 9/11 In the span of 15 years, anti-government radicals and white supremacists have reportedly killed 48 Americans, according to a count by New America. The number by far exceeded the 26 deaths caused by Muslim radicals in the same period.", "Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee Colin Kaepernick, right, and Eric Reid kneeling during the national anthem before an N.F.L. game last year. Credit Marcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press In early 2016, I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police.", "- exists and is an alternate of . At least 1,836 people lost their lives in Hurricane Katrina and in the subsequent floods, making it the deadliest US hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane. It should be noted that officially, 1464 of these deaths took place within New Orleans.", "A Timeline Of Mass Shootings In The US Since Columbine According to sources, 18 of these casualties were children. This is the second mass shooting in the US this week, after a gunman opened fire in an Oregon shopping mall on Tuesday, killing 2. ABC News reports that there have been 31 school shootings in the US since Columbine in 1999, when 13 people were killed. The rate of people killed by guns in the US is 19.5 times higher than similar high-income countries in the world. In the last 30 years since 1982, America has mourned at least 61 mass murders.", "- At least 1,836 people lost their lives in Hurricane Katrina and in the subsequent floods, making it the deadliest US hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane. <br /> It should be noted that officially, 1464 of these deaths took place within New Orleans. At least 1,836 people lost their lives in Hurricane Katrina and in the subsequent floods, making it the deadliest US hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane. It should be noted that officially, 1464 of these deaths took place within New Orleans.", "Officers warned about more bikers possibly heading to Texas after brawl According to a law enforcement source, preliminary information indicates that four of the bikers killed were killed by police gunfire. The investigation continues and the ballistics will be analyzed to determine for certain who was responsible for each shooting.", "About the project The FBI system counted 461 justifiable homicides by law enforcement in 2013, the latest year for which data is available. Crowdsourced counts found almost 300 additional fatalities during that year. The Counted, upon its launch on June 1, 2015, had already found close to that number of killings in just the first five months of this year.", "Law enforcement in the United States 1 List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2011 (listed: 8889). 2 List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2010 (listed: 7787). 3 List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2009 (listed: 9767).", "- David White : Well, if you include people killed in a traffic accident with police, police officers who commit suicide, people who overdose and die while police are transporting them, and other such incidents, I guess the number WOULD be higher.", "Police killed more than twice as many people as reported by US government Police killed more than twice as many people as reported by US government. As Obama calls for better data and Justice Department exposes Ferguson, trusted FBI count of ‘justifiable homicides’ omits 545 people per year in study. This article is 2 years old. Tom McCarthy in New York.", "Distraction, On Street And Sidewalk, Helps Cause Record Pedestrian Deaths But there's new evidence today that even walking across the street is getting more dangerous. A report released today by the Governors Highway Safety Association shows that the number of pedestrians killed in traffic jumped 11 percent last year, to nearly 6,000. That's the biggest single-year increase in pedestrian fatalities ever, and the highest number in more than two decades.", "The Counted: number of people killed by police this year reaches 500 Tuesday 16 June 2015 21.48 EDT First published on Wednesday 10 June 2015 16.47 EDT. The number of people killed by police in the United States during 2015 reached 500 on Wednesday, according to a Guardian investigation, after two young black men were shot dead in New York City and Cincinnati.", "- Including the attack in San Bernardino, Calif., 462 people have died and 1,314 have been wounded this year in shootings that left four or more injured or dead.", "U.S. Traffic Fatalities Rising Fast â Especially Pedestrian and Cyclist Deaths Last year, 35,200 people were killed in traffic — a 7.7 percent increase over 2014 and the worst death toll since 2008. The number of people killed while walking or biking is rising even faster. Last year pedestrian and cyclist deaths increased more than overall traffic deaths.", "Special Reports news ›. Homicides in Philadelphia. Since 1988, over 9,000 people have been slain on the streets of Philadelphia, affecting every neighborhood in the city. To put that deadly toll in perspective, during the length of U.S. combat operations in the Iraq war, 3,517 American troops were killed in action - and 3,113 people were killed in Philadelphia.", "Fallen officers: Separated by thousands of miles, united by similar dangers Add in the officers who died in the line of duty from other causes -- traffic accidents, for example -- and the figure rises to 102 so far this year, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. That's more than in the same January-October stretch of last year, when 87 officers were killed.", "But, just 25 police officers have died from firearms-related violence in the same period. Shooting was the most common cause of police-related death, at 680. Of the 161 unarmed individuals, 71 were shot by police. The second most common cause of death found in the study were Tasers, which led to the deaths of 39 people, followed by being struck by police vehicles (26).", "- 1 000 000 000 people have died since genocide since the 1900. I know that's a lot of people but it's not my fault it's other people's fault. so shame on u!!!! Actually, one billion people to genocide is a bit of an overestimate. By a lot.", "LAW ENFORCEMENT FACTS September 11, 2001. The deadliest day in U.S. law enforcement history, 72 officers were killed as a result of the terrorist attacks on America. Seventy-one of the officers died while responding to the attacks on the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, including 37 members of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department.", "Nobody Knows How Many Americans The Police Kill Each Year One reasonably reliable statistic we do have is the number of Americans who die in homicides each year. This data can be found in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) and is based on death certificates.he shooting and the response have reignited concerns about racial profiling, police brutality and police militarization. The incident has also drawn attention to a remarkable lack of knowledge about a seemingly basic fact: how often people are killed by the police.", "But, just 25 police officers have died from firearms-related violence in the same period. St. Louis County Police arrest people along West Florissant Avenue, Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, in Ferguson, Mo. MINNEAPOLIS — So far in 2015, U.S. police killed 776 people, 161 of whom were completely unarmed at the time of their death. The data was compiled by The Guardian for a project called “ The Counted ,” a continuously updated, interactive database of police killings in the United States.", "Mass shootings toll exceeds 900 in past seven years USA TODAY combed through FBI records and news accounts to identify 146 mass shootings since 2006 that matched the FBI definition of mass shooting, where four or more people were killed. A separate analysis of 56 mass shootings since 2009 provided to USA TODAY by a group of mayors promoting gun control reaches similar conclusions.", "- 128806 128823 128823 How should U.S. regulate powerful painkillers? Forty-six people die every day in the U.S. after overdosing on prescription painkillers, causing some states to crack down.", "Olympic and Paralympic deaths (Redirected from Olympic deaths) At the modern Olympic Games, up to and including the 2016 Summer Paralympics, nine athletes have died while either competing in or practicing their sport. In addition, another 14 participants have died at the Olympics from other causes; 11 of these deaths resulted from the Munich massacre of 1972.", "- Following your heart will kill you, as it killed young Kennedy, and thousands of other pilots over the years who have failed to recover from a graveyard spiral. [ See also Frontiers: Last, Lost, and Found and The Government Spiral, by Eric Nolte].", "Fallen officers: Separated by thousands of miles, united by similar dangers (CNN)The death of a decorated New Mexico police officer has brought the number of U.S. law enforcement officers shot to death this year to 30. Albuquerque Police officer Daniel Webster who was shot multiple times on the night of October 21, 2015.", "- Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1369 men, women, children, and mentally ill people have been shot, hanged, asphyxiated, lethally injected, and electrocuted by States and the federal government.", "Joint Replacement Surgery on the Rise March 24, 2006 (Chicago) -- The number of total knee replacements performed in the U.S. will leap by 673% -- reaching 3.48 million -- by the year 2030, according to a new study presented Friday at the 73rd annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery in Chicago.", "US police shootings: How many die each year? At the same time the number of police officers has increased in the US. There are a quarter of a million more police officers working today than there were three decades ago. So when you consider the number of officers killed per 100,000, there has been a dramatic decrease. The annual per capita number of officers killed has dropped from 24 per 100,000 in the 10 years to 1980 to 7.3 per 100,000 in the 10 years to 2013 (the last year for which there is good data).", "One Year After Ferguson: Why Nobody Knows How Many People Are Killed by Police What it cannot tell you, at least not reliably, is how many people are killed or injured by police. For a year, the country has focused on the conduct of police officers, particularly in their encounters with black men — men like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray and Samuel DuBose.But nobody knows how many others there are.or a year, the country has focused on the conduct of police officers, particularly in their encounters with black men — men like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray and Samuel DuBose. But nobody knows how many others there are." ]
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westheimer airport
[ "Max Westheimer Airport Services Max Westheimer Airport Services. Westheimer Airport is a general aviation Reliever airport capable of handling aircraft through and including executive class jet aircraft. The Reliever category, as specified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), is given to two airports servicing the Oklahoma City Metropolitan area. These airports are Wiley Post Airport (owned and operated by the City of Oklahoma City Airport Trust) and The University of Oklahoma's Max Westheimer Airport." ]
[ "- How to arrive to. From the Munich Airport you can catch the S8 train heading towards the Munich city center, and get off at the Munich East stop. From there, take the S3 train in the direction of Holzkirchen and get off at the Unterhaching stop. The hotel is just two minutes walking distance from there.", "Waterloo Regional Airport Waterloo Regional Airport. Waterloo Regional Airport is served by American Airlines with two daily flights to and from Chicago. Our airport offers easy access, fast security, and a comfortable passenger waiting area. We are conveniently located on the northwest side of the city of Waterloo with access off of highway 218. Waterloo Regional Airport is operated as a Department of the City of Waterloo. We also have a seven-member advisory board. Please feel free to browse our contact information and reach out to us with any concerns or questions you may have.", "- Duesseldorf Düsseldorf airport is the largest and primary airport for The-Rhine ruhr metropolitan – region the largest metropolitan region In germany and among the largest metropolitan areas of the. worldhe airport is located in Duesseldorf-Düsseldorf. Lohausen the largest nearby business centres Are duesseldorf Düsseldorf; and essen other cities within-a (20 kilometre) 12 mi Radius, Are, Duisburg krefeld muelheim Mülheim, An, der Ruhr. neuss and wuppertal", "- Ride Uber atWestchester County Airport. Whether an early morning flight or late-night red-eye, ride Uber on-demand at HPN any hour of the day, every day of the year. Ride Uber atWestchester County Airport. Whether an early morning flight or late-night red-eye, ride Uber on-demand at HPN any hour of the day, every day of the year.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Bentonville Airports. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "The Westin Detroit Metropolitan Airport Ready for takeoff. This quiet, ultramodern Westin Hotel is located on-site at Detroit Metropolitan Airport with a private entrance into the McNamara Terminal, as well as complimentary 24-hour shuttle to the North Terminal; Ford World Headquarters is 8 miles away.", "- Example Sentences for wayfarer. 1 The wayfarer opened his mouth and closed it suddenly on a half-spoken and indignant refusal of this honor. 2 At last, to our wayfarer's unspeakable joy, deliverance came. 3 It looked a wayfarer, like its patrons the river-drivers, with whom it was most popular.", "Zurich ( ZRH ) AirportTerminal Map Main Terminal / Concourses at Zurich ZRH Airport. Zurich Airport: Checking in, Day Rooms/ Rest Area; Terminal Layout; Terminal Details; Amenities/Services & Airline Lounges; Transfer Flights and Schengen/non-Schengen regulations: Checking in: On-line Check-in: print out your boarding pass at home, and simply head straight to your terminal's Baggage Drop desk.", "- WestJet Encore. WestJet Encore is a Canadian regional airline based at Calgary International Airport and is a wholly owned subsidiary of WestJet.", "- Most commented. 1 1Fading echoesEast Germany’s population is shrinking. 2 2Turkey’s referendum: Turkey is sliding into dictatorship. 3 3When a ticket is not enough: United Airlines forcibly removes a man from an overbooked flight. 4Air rage: Police drag a man from a United Airlines plane.", "- MANCHESTER AIRPORT (Grenier Field) HAERNo. NH-32 (Page 2) PART I. DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION The historic Manchester Airport (Grenier Field) Complex is located within a sprawling airport and light industrial area currently known as Manchester Airport/Grenier Industrial Airpark. This facility is located", "- Advanced Search. Welcome to Erfurt-Weimar Airport. Your guide to airport information services at Erfurt-Weimar Airport-We offer information on hotels, rental cars, airport facilities, parking, transportation, maps, and other services for your arrival to Erfurt-Weimar Airport.irport Data: International, Heliport, Erfurt 5km (3miles), Position 50°58´50N, 010°57´49E, Elevation 1m (3ft), Operating hours 06:00-22:00 and on request, 2 Passenger Terminals, 1 Cargo Terminal, 33 Aircraft Stands.", "David Bowie Lyrics Well he just can't go on. Throws his nose to the sky. And he aims it up above. And he pisses like I cry. On the unfaithful love. In the port of Amsterdam. In the port of Amsterdam. Submit Corrections. Visit www.azlyrics.com for these lyrics.", "- Search for hotels close to GTR airport on Expedia.com. You can easily find Columbus airport hotels using one of the methods below: View our selection of featured hotels near Columbus Airport.", "Stewart International Airport Recommended Reviews for Key West International Airport - EYW. Your trust is our top concern, so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Learn more. Start your review of Key West International Airport - EYW.", "Why is Newark Liberty Int'l Airport called EWR? From ABC (Albacete, Spain) to ZRH (Zurich, Switzerland), airports around the world are universally known by a unique three-letter code: the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Location Identifier in aviation-speak.", "- Example Sentences. 1 There is no air conditioning, so on days when Wilshire Boulevard Temple is filled, Leder says, it is more like a schvitz, a steam bath, than a synagogue. (from an article in the LA Times).2 It was so hot in shul that everyone was shvitsing.xample Sentences. 1 There is no air conditioning, so on days when Wilshire Boulevard Temple is filled, Leder says, it is more like a schvitz, a steam bath, than a synagogue. (from an article in the LA Times).", "Full Service 24/7 Our parking service is available to you around the clock with someone to pick you up from the airport whether it’s late at night or your flight is delayed, your car will be ready to drive off the lot at any time. PP2F is the best parking facility serving the Westchester County Airport. At PP2F, we offer guaranteed economic parking for the Westchester County Airport. Drive to our spacious lot located on the Purchase College campus, and we'll do the rest. No hassle to find parking, no worries about missing a flight.", "- Example Sentences for weltschmerz. The work which is presented in the following pages is intended to be a modest contribution to the natural history of Weltschmerz. Well, it is a form of Weltschmerz, and only afflicts the well-fed. And it is in this light only that Werther's malady deserves in any comprehensive sense the term Weltschmerz. Weltschmerz is essentially a symptom of a period of conflict, of transition.", "Waiblingen Map â Satellite Images of Waiblingen detailed map of Waiblingen and near places. Welcome to the Waiblingen google satellite map! This place is situated in Rems-Murr-Kreis, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, its geographical coordinates are 48° 50' 0 North, 9° 18' 0 East and its original name (with diacritics) is Waiblingen.See Waiblingen photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Waiblingen in Germany.Waiblingen hotels map is available on the target page linked above.irports nearest to Waiblingen are sorted by the distance to the airport from the city centre. Follow relate airport hotel guides for accommodation booking. 1 Backnang Heiningen Airport (distanced approximately 14 km) – airport hotels. 2 Stuttgart Airport (distanced approximately 17 km) – airport hotels.", "- orn. to court [of a male bird to attract a mate] balzen: orn. stoop [of a bird of prey] Niederstoßen {n} [eines Raubvogels] orn. pinions [literary] [of a bird with a large wingspan] Schwingen {pl} [geh.] to cheep [of a bird] fiepen: perch [of a bird] Ast {m} [auf dem Vögel sitzen] zool. eye stripe [of a fish, bird, donkey, etc.] Augenstreif {m} upperpart [part lying on the upper side (as of a bird)] Oberseite {f} orn. to sharpen its beak [of a bird] seinen Schnabel wetzen [auch: sich den Schnabel wetzen] [Vogel] to come true [of a wish] sich erfüllen: lifer [birdwatching jargon for the first-ever personal sighting of a bird species]", "- The largest gateway for air travel is Frankfurt Main airport in central Germany, which offers connections to all continents and to most airports in Europe. Zurich, Munich, Vienna and Warsaw airports are a lot smaller but provide good connections to selected regional and intl.", "- West Michigan Regional Airport is a simple, fast resource we use to make sure we delight our customer. GARY VANDERVEEN, PILOT, METAL FLOW, AND WINGS OF MERCY PATIENT, EMILY. Our airport allows us to have a national and international impact, propelling our manufacturing business forward to excel in the global economy.", "- Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (Dutch: Luchthaven Schiphol, Dutch pronunciation: [ˈlʏxtˌɦaːvə(n) ˌsxɪpˈɦɔl]) (IATA: AMS, ICAO: EHAM) is the main international airport of both Holland and the entire country of the Netherlands, located 9 kilometres (5.6 mi)[4] southwest of Amsterdam, in the municipality of Haarlemmermeer, province of North Holland.", "Major airports near Weesp, Netherlands: Major airports near Weesp, Netherlands: The nearest major airport is Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS / EHAM). This airport has international flights from Amsterdam, Netherlands and is 32 km from the center of Weesp, Netherlands. Another major airport is Rotterdam The Hague Airport (RTM / EHRD), which has international and domestic flights from Rotterdam, Netherlands and is 82 km from Weesp, Netherlands. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Weesp, Netherlands, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports.", "- Waco Airport Taxi Services. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Local Attractions The Westin Detroit Metropolitan Airport Local Area. Our location adjacent to the Edward H. McNamara/Northwest World Gateway Terminal in the Detroit Metropolitan International Airport surrounds you with countless shops and restaurants, while providing easy access to all of the Motor City’s most exciting destinations.", "- You can easily find Zurich airport hotels using one of the methods below: 1 View our selection of featured hotels near Zurich Airport. 2 Use the map to find hotels in the Zurich neighborhood you prefer. 3 Enter your departure and arrival dates to view the best deals on hotels nearby ZRH Airport - while they last.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Wilmington Airports. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Vienna International Airport is the doorway to the heart of Vienna. Booking.com has luxury hotels, charming bed & breakfasts and modern apartments to meet any accommodation needs for your stay in Austria’s capital." ]
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[ "- independent living. The cost for this machine is: $62,000. The ELECTRO EQUISCOPE is a complete, rehabilitation and peak performance system equipped with outstanding capabilities to relieve pain. It utilizes artificial intelligence to detect impendence and deliver a corrective signal promoting healing and accelerating recovery time at the cellular level. The cost for this machine is: $35,000." ]
[ "Nationwide Colonoscopy Program for the Uninsured please read this page in its entirety for additional details if you have health insurance such as a high deductible insurance plan please visit the program details for colonoscopy program for the insured note as of jan 1 2015 there are 13 cities where the cost of colonoscopy has been revised to $ 1175 or $ 1275", "Echocardiogram Cost Typical costs: 1 For patients covered by health insurance, out-of-pocket cost for an echocardiogram typically consists of a copay or coinsurance of 10%-50%. For patients not covered by health insurance, an echocardiogram typically costs $1,000-$3,000 or more, including a $200-$300 fee for interpretation by a cardiologist.", "- Equinox.com provides a list of the membership options and the corresponding fees. For example, signing up to access the Equinox Wall St. location only requires a monthly rate of $160 and an initiation fee of $100.", "Eliquis Coupon With this Eliquis Rebates,Eligible patients pay no more than $10 per 30-day supply (up to 60 tablets)for upto 24 months. maximum annual benefit of $3400. Offer not applicable to co-pays of $10 or less. Any question regarding this Eliquis Savings program,Please call 1-866-279-4730.", "How Much Does a Video Capsule Endoscopy Cost? How much is it? On average, a capsule endoscopy can cost anywhere from $900 to $2,625 without insurance. The capsule alone costs anywhere from $600 to $1,300. The NCBI says the cost of an inpatient capsule endoscopy is about €1775.90 or about $1,900 in USD.", "EEG Cost 1 If a standard EEG does not provide sufficient information, an extended EEG might be required at a typical cost of $1,000-$3,000 or more.", "Electrocardiogram How Much Does An ECG Cost? The average cost of a routine ECG is between $150 and $200. An exercise stress test is more expensive, and averages between $250 and $300. An echocardiogram costs on average about $1400.All these costs should include the test itself and the cost of the technician's reading and interpretation of the results.n exercise stress test is more expensive, and averages between $250 and $300. An echocardiogram costs on average about $1400. All these costs should include the test itself and the cost of the technician's reading and interpretation of the results.", "Cost of LASIK LASIK Eye Surgery Cost (the Elephant in the Eye Exam Room). The LASIK eye surgery cost in North America varies drastically, from less than $1,000 to more than $4,000 per eye. That can be a dizzying figure to interpret, but knowing what you should expect to pay shouldn’t be a mystery.", "Typical Cost of Echocardiogram If for some reason your insurance company does not cover the cost of your echocardiogram, expect to pay between $500 and $1,000 for the procedure. This cost varies due to your location and the setting of where you are having the test done---in a hospital or in an outpatient clinic.f for some reason your insurance company does not cover the cost of your echocardiogram, expect to pay between $500 and $1,000 for the procedure. This cost varies due to your location and the setting of where you are having the test done---in a hospital or in an outpatient clinic.", "- It can be replaced for around $1,500. I spoke to Peter at Evakool and was basically told to bad to sad the warranty is only two years on the compressor and one year on the electronics. I said to Peter I cannot believe how Evakool could be making any money as they must only be making about $50 to $100 per fridge. put the thermometer in it the other day and when full of beer the temp is about 4degC, perfect!!! AS for the evakool, my inlaws have a freind who has had one for ages and its a great unit. Uses the same compressor as the waeco, so if the evakool is crap then so is the waeco.", "ERCP This includes an ERCP, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography, which is a procedure that uses endoscopy to evaluate the bile duct and gallbladder. Read more. Compare local prices, save money, and book your procedure — all in one place with MDsave. On MDsave, the cost of an ERCP ranges from $3,060 to $4,896. Read more about how it works.", "How Much Does a Dog Endoscopy Cost? 1 On average, a dog endoscopy is going to cost anywhere from $800 to as much as $2,000. 2 At Avcnh.com, the cost of an endoscopy costs $850. An initial cost of $70 to $100 for the vet examination fee of your dog will probably be charged. 2 An x-ray and/or ultrasound is also necessary to check out if there is any abnormality. 3 These two things will determine if your dog needs an endoscopy.", "Cost of LASIK LASIK Eye Surgery Cost (the Elephant in the Eye Exam Room). The LASIK eye surgery cost in North America varies drastically, from less than $1,000 to more than $4,000 per eye.That can be a dizzying figure to interpret, but knowing what you should expect to pay shouldn’t be a mystery.ASIK Eye Surgery Cost (the Elephant in the Eye Exam Room). The LASIK eye surgery cost in North America varies drastically, from less than $1,000 to more than $4,000 per eye.", "How Much Does an Echocardiogram Cost? An echo with a doppler will usually cost $500 to $800 extra. A transesophageal echocardiogram can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $1,700 and possibly more due to prescriptions used for anesthesia. This process will be required if the standard echocardiogram doesn’t show enough images of the heart. A transthoracic echocardiogram will range anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500.", "- DIY installation ranges roughly from $250 to $650. Neither of these egress window prices includes the cost of the window itself. A 20 by 24 casement (the smallest sized window that will meet code will cost $200 to $750).", "How Much Does a Canine Echocardiogram Cost? The test is not used to find lung abnormalities, as it will only focus on the heart. The average costs of an echocardiogram are between $250 and $350, but you may expect to pay even more in certain geographical areas.You should also know that this is the cost of the actual procedure and doesn’t cover the veterinarian examination.he costs of the echocardiogram test will be influenced by several factors including: 1 Your geographical location – if you live in certain metropolitan areas such as New York, the cost may be higher.", "- The total additional hospital costs of 200 pediatric endoscopies amount to about 43,000 ECU. If the number of procedures is doubled these costs increase with 47%, to about 63,000 ECU. With 600 procedures, the additional costs amount to 90,700 ECU.", "Polygraph Information - Accuracy, Cost, and Questions If you select a polygraph examiner solely on the basis of rates, you should understand that shortcuts in time and service may lead to errors and future legal problems. The average cost for a specific issue polygraph examination will be $450-$900.The average cost for a pre-employment examination is $295-$350. If you are interested in obtaining specific costs, please contact us for a free initial consultation to evaluate your polygraph needs.f you select a polygraph examiner solely on the basis of rates, you should understand that shortcuts in time and service may lead to errors and future legal problems. The average cost for a specific issue polygraph examination will be $450-$900.", "Norwegian Elkhound Prices Norwegian Elkhound Prices. You may be surprised to learn the true cost of owning a Norwegian Elkhound. We help you determine the real price after factoring in food, vet visits, accessories, health needs, and much more.ome breeds follow Hollywood trends, and some are rarely bred at all driving up their prices. The lowest price we've ever had advertised for the Norwegian Elkhound is $0; the most expensive price is $0. Generally the average Norwegian Elkhound costs around $500 to purchase.", "- 1 Generally, echoes in the U.S. may cost $800 to $2,000 depending on what’s covered. 2 An Echocardiogram is frequently coalesced with Doppler ultrasounds and the color Doppler to evaluate the blood flow across the heart’s valves. 3 An Echo with a Doppler will usually cost $500 – $800 extra.", "Echocardiograms for Heart Valve Disease An echocardiogram can cost you a lot. A standard echocardiogram can cost $1,000 to $2,000, and a TEE can cost $2,000 or more, according to costhelper.com. If you do not have health insurance, you may have to pay the whole cost yourself.", "- The additional variable cost for each procedure, including labor time and materials, varies between 100 and about 170 ECU ($130 and $221 U.S.), depending on the type of endoscopy (upper or lower, diagnostic or therapeutic).", "Nationwide Colonoscopy Program for the Uninsured If you have health insurance such as a high-deductible insurance plan, please visit the Program Details for Colonoscopy Program for the Insured. Note: As of Jan 1 2015, there are 13 cities where the cost of colonoscopy has been revised to $1175 or $1275. ColonoscopyAssist offers the procedure at select healthcare facilities across the nation. At this time, colonoscopies are available at the fixed rate of $1075 in 70+ metropolitan areas in 33 states.", "Choose the Right Video Laryngoscope The Easy View Laryngoscope is registered with the FDA and carries a 1 year warranty. All these features and a price point that is a fraction of competing devices. Retail pricing is $2200 for the complete system. Compare this price to the $5000 to $15000 for other systems. The Easy View battery life is 10 hours, and is rechargeable using any standard USB charger, or the standard USB port of any computer (Apple or Windows). You do not need to worry about limited 30 to 60 minute battery life with other systems.", "- 1 According to eHow.com, the cost of your electrolysis is determined by the number of treatments and by the time needed for the procedure. 2 However, the average cost is $15 to $35 for 20 minutes.", "How Much Does a Dog Endoscopy Cost? 1 At Avcnh.com, the cost of an endoscopy costs $850. 2 On the other hand, a rhinoscopy will cost around $975. 3 According to one veterinarian that answered a question on Justanswer.com, the price of an endoscopy can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $1,800. An initial cost of $70 to $100 for the vet examination fee of your dog will probably be charged. 2 An x-ray and/or ultrasound is also necessary to check out if there is any abnormality. 3 These two things will determine if your dog needs an endoscopy.", "- 1 Data at Racked NY shows that the startup cost at Equinox is $200 for a single club and $300 for all access. 2 The site adds that monthly rates vary by location and may cost $160 to $175 for one location or $195 to $250 for global access. 3 Equinox has different membership options. When necessary, a member may apply for a freeze of their membership once per contractual year for up to 3 months. 2 This means that you will be able to stop going to the gym and stop paying the monthly fee without having to sign back up and pay another initiation fee. 3 Equinox is primarily a gym for health and fitness.", "EEG Cost Typical costs: 1 For patients covered by health insurance, typical out-of-pocket costs for an EEG would consist of a copay or coinsurance of 10%-50%. 2 For patients not covered by health insurance, an EEG typically costs $200-$700 or more for a standard EEG -- or up to $3,000 or more if extended monitoring is required. For example, Garden City Hospital in Michigan charges $749 for an EEG, but offers the test for $199 through a special program for uninsured patients.", "How Much Does an Echocardiogram Cost? 1 An Echo with a Doppler will usually cost $500 – $800 extra. 2 A transesophageal echocardiogram cost is anywhere from $1000-$1,700, possibly more due to prescriptions used for anesthesia. 3 A transthoracic echocardiogram will range from $1,000 to $1,500.4 Depending on the geographical location, the costs can vary as well. A transesophageal echocardiogram cost is anywhere from $1000-$1,700, possibly more due to prescriptions used for anesthesia. 2 A transthoracic echocardiogram will range from $1,000 to $1,500. 3 Depending on the geographical location, the costs can vary as well.", "Upper Endoscopy (Gastroscopy) Procedure, Video, Pictures, Cost Upper GI Endoscopy = Esophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy (EGD). Upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy is a diagnostic procedure enabling your doctor to see inside your esophagus, stomach and duodenum (the first part of the small intestine), using a flexible viewing tube – gastroscope.he cost of upper endoscopy (without insurance) may range from $800 to $1,800 and depends on country, hospital, procedures performed during investigation and the cost of sedatives and anesthetics. Related Articles: 1 Colonoscopy. 2 Gallbladder Tests." ]
[ 16.8125 ]
[ 0.162353515625, 3.490234375, 1.1474609375, 1.65234375, 2.34375, 4.27734375, 6.171875, 1.8310546875, 4.01171875, -0.64892578125, 1.4326171875, 3.951171875, 2.990234375, 3.728515625, 1.984375, 3.07421875, 1.6064453125, 3.34375, -1.076171875, 3.4453125, 2.974609375, 2.78515625, -0.54052734375, 1.923828125, 5.234375, 3.529296875, 3.708984375, 4.3515625, 4.05859375, 2.62890625 ]
what do the quilts symbolize
[ "\"What do the quilts symbolize in \"\"Everyday Use\"\"?\" The quilts are pieces of living history, documents in fabric that chronicle the lives of the various generations and the trials, such as war and poverty, that they faced. The quilts serve as a testament to a family’s history of pride and struggle. With the limitations that poverty and lack of education placed on her life, Mama considers her personal history one of her few treasures. Her house contains the handicrafts of her extended family." ]
[ "quilting (countable and uncountable, plural quiltings). 1 A layer or layers of quilted padding. ( 2 nautical, archaic) A coating of strands of rope for a water vessel. 3 The practice of creating quilts.", "How to Tell if a Quilt Is Vintage or Antique Woven Patterns. A quilt's weaving pattern, or the way it was sewn, is a clue to age; plain weave is the most common type. With this weave, warp and filler threads pass over one another in alternating rows. Plain weave is found in both vintage and modern quilts, so it's not ideal for aging a piece.ook closely at the stitching throughout the whole quilt. If the stitches appear a bit unevenly spaced or different in size, the quilt was likely handmade. If the stitches are precisely uniform in size and spacing, the quilt was probably machine-stitched.", "- 2. The quilts that were made during the first decades of the 20th century were not reproductions of quilts made 100 years earlier but rather a popularization of the quilt patterns that designers and publishers imagined that colonial women made.", "Khata The khata symbolizes purity and compassion and are worn or presented with incense at many ceremonial occasions, including births, weddings, funerals, graduations and the arrival or departure of guests.he khata symbolizes purity and compassion and are worn or presented with incense at many ceremonial occasions, including births, weddings, funerals, graduations and the arrival or departure of guests.", "\"What symbolism is represented in \"\"The Yellow Wallpaper\"\"?\" The yellow wallpaper itself is the most obvious symbol in this story. The wallpaper represents the protagonist's mind set during this time. It further symbolizes the way women were perceived during the 19th century. The wallpaper cannot be categorized into any particular type.", "- ANSWER. You're right. These two words means different things. It's easy to confuse the two, because they're used so interchangeably. Patchwork is the act of sewing patches or pieces of fabric together to make a larger project, like a quilt. Quilting is the act of sewing the quilt layers together.The word quilting is also used as a general reference to the hobby, for example, quilting fabric or quilting friends..NSWER. You're right. These two words means different things. It's easy to confuse the two, because they're used so interchangeably. Patchwork is the act of sewing patches or pieces of fabric together to make a larger project, like a quilt. Quilting is the act of sewing the quilt layers together.", "\"Literacy Analysis of Symbolism in \"\"The Necklaceâ\" Overall, the necklace can be used to symbolize the idea of appearances can be deceiving because appearances usually do not represent the reality. The diamond necklace in the story can represent many different ideas both directly and indirectly. Out of the many ideas discussed in this essay, the best is the idea of appearances being deceiving. All of the other ideas - wealth, high social class, ambition leading to doom, can also apply to the story without the final line where Madame Forestier reveals that the necklace is actually imitation.", "What do feathers symbolize? Best Answer: Symbol meaning of feathers deal with ascension and spiritual evolution to a higher plane. Feathers were worn by Native American Chiefs to symbolize their communication with Spirit, and to express their celestial wisdom.nother symbol meaning of feathers also revolves around prayer, and the Pueblo use feather sticks as they dance in prayer for rain during solstice rituals. As a Celtic symbol meaning, the feather was worn by Druids in the form of ornate feathered robes.", "The Three Symbols in Trifles by Susan Glaspell The three symbols in Trifles allows the audience to understand how dark and miserable the setting was. Since Glaspell's story takes place in 1916 when women had few rights, and divorce wasn't an option, Mrs. Wright had to kill her husband to get out of a horrible marriage.he three symbols in Trifles allows the audience to understand how dark and miserable the setting was. Since Glaspell's story takes place in 1916 when women had few rights, and divorce wasn't an option, Mrs. Wright had to kill her husband to get out of a horrible marriage.", "- 1 I have no fucking clue what the rest of these symbolize, except that it's a ranking structure. 2 The alb is supposed to be symbolical of purity, and the priest, when putting it on, prays: Make me white and purify my heart, 0 Lord, &c.", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Culottes is a word that originated in the French language. Historically, culottes referred to the knee-breeches commonly worn by gentlemen of the European upper-classes from the late Middle Ages or Renaissance through the early nineteenth century.", "What do elephants symbolize? exists and is an alternate of . Elephants can represent good luck, strength, honor, stability, reliability, patience, dignity, power, royalty, and pride.", "What Does the Celtic Knot Symbolize? Quick Answer. The Celtic knot, which is sometimes referred to as the mystic or endless knot, is a symbol that represents the interconnection of all things and the continuous cycle of existence that is created from this connection. There are many versions of the Celtic knot, and each has its own meaning.", "The Symbolism of the Handmade Quilt in Everyday Use by Alice Walker In Everyday Use by Alice Walker, two sisters want the handmade quilt that is a symbol of the family heritage. Alice Expresses what her feeling are about her heritage through this story. It means everything to her. Something such as a quilt that was hand made makes it special.Only dedication and years of work can represent a quilt. A symbol is when the author uses an object in the story to represent a greater meaning. The quilt is a symbol of the family heritage that can only be appreciated by certain people.It symbolizes a long line of relatives. symbol is when the author uses an object in the story to represent a greater meaning. The quilt is a symbol of the family heritage that can only be appreciated by certain people.", "- Coats of arms contained colors and symbols that were important to. their families. These symbols made them recognizable to the people in the crowd, many of. whom were poor and could not read a knight’s name. 3. Display the blank shield outline.", "Symbols and Motifs Kurtz represents the dark side of mankind, and what it transforms you into if it encases you completely. His constant and prolonged exposures to the untamed regions of the Congo cause him to lose grip with civilization, and the morals associated with it.", "- This was done to help them remember how sacred and holy this garment is. It holds the Tzitzit which represents the WORD of God and through the word brings healing in our body. In the New Testament 1John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..", "Symbolism of the Cloud, Lightning, and Thunder In the literature, clouds represent a world that is detached and different from ours. Living in the clouds, or having one's head in the clouds means living in a world of fantasy or becoming detached from the reality of earthly life. A clouded mind portends delusion, sorrow, afflictions, or stormy period.", "What do turtles symbolize? Answer Turtles symbolize begginngs and endings. The tops of their shells represent heaven and the bottom part earth. Turtle people feel their home is where the … y are for the moment.Represent shifting of life circumstances. Need to let go of something to move on. Answer Turtles symbolize begginngs and endings. The tops of their shells represent heaven and the bottom part earth. Turtle people feel their home is where the … y are for the moment.", "\"What do the quilts symbolize in \"\"Everyday Use\"\"?\" “Everyday Use” focuses on the bonds between women of different generations and their enduring legacy, as symbolized in the quilts they fashion together. This connection between generations is strong, yet Dee’s arrival and lack of understanding of her history shows that those bonds are vulnerable as well.", "- Boutis quilts, as they are known today evolved in the 19th century from the earlier Provencal provençal quilting. Techniques they represent a simplification of The marseilles technique where the motifs in the quilting are larger and the stuffing. bulkier", "Words from the Heart Welcome Linda as she give us a glimpse at The Meaning Behind Quilts.. Don't forget to add a comment for the Ebook Giveaway (Kindle copy of the ebook: Trail of Thread).", "- Their jewels, their feathers, their silks, and their furbelows, would have sunk into utter insignificance beside the exquisite simplicity of attire adopted by the nymphs of the vale on this festive occasion.", "quilt 1. A coverlet or blanket made of two layers of fabric with a layer of cotton, wool, feathers, or down in between, all stitched firmly together, usually in a decorative design. 2. A thick protective cover similar to or suggestive of a quilt.", "How to Tell if a Quilt Is Vintage or Antique Identify Handmade Quilts. Most antique and vintage quilts were made by hand with no help from a sewing machine. Look closely at the stitching throughout the whole quilt. If the stitches appear a bit unevenly spaced or different in size, the quilt was likely handmade.If the stitches are precisely uniform in size and spacing, the quilt was probably machine-stitched.ook closely at the stitching throughout the whole quilt. If the stitches appear a bit unevenly spaced or different in size, the quilt was likely handmade. If the stitches are precisely uniform in size and spacing, the quilt was probably machine-stitched.", "\"Literacy Analysis of Symbolism in \"\"The Necklaceâ\" Throughout the story, the diamond necklace, the centerpiece of the story, is shown by the author to symbolize and represent many themes, such as wealth and high social status along with the idea that ambition can lead to doom and most importantly, the idea that appearances can be deceiving.", "Celtic Knot Symbolism Celtic knots with more than a single path interwoven, can be seen as metaphors for life, and are frequently referred to as “love knots.”. Celtic knots started appearing in history after about 450 AD; the Celtic knots meaning is often hard to determine, because there is little written history on their purpose.", "Celtic Knot Symbolism The Celtic knot symbol, is also referred to as the mystic knot, or the endless knot. The more spiritual meaning of this symbol points towards beginnings and endings.When viewing these beautiful knots, we cannot see a beginning or the end, reminding us of the timeless nature of our spirit. less spiritual representation also relates to the knots endless nature. Because of it's never ending path, the Celtic knot can represent an uninterrupted life cycle. Some may use this symbol as a charm of sorts – warding against sickness or setbacks that might interfere with an otherwise calm and stable life.", "The meaning of Celtic Knot Symbols In Celtic Art, Celtic knots (also known as 'endless knots' or 'mystic knots') are series of overlappying or interwoven knots which have no clear start or end. They started to appear in Celtic Art in the second half of the 5th Century whereas Celtic spirals appeared much earlier, as early as 600 BC.", "Leaf Symbolism The symbolism of trees and leaves is apparent in common metaphors such as the Tree of Life, our ancestral heritage depicted in ‘family trees’, how we ‘put down roots’ when we create lasting relationships, and in the phrase ‘turning over a new leaf’ when we experience significant change for the better.orests are the abode of the nature spirits, leprechauns and sasquatches. Forests are a refuge from danger, a source of food and ancient healing roots, home to wild animals and singing birds. Forests provide us with wood and paper and oxygen." ]
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percentage blood types in population
[ "- Answer: The approximate distribution of blood types in the U.S. population is as follows: 1 O-positive: 38 percent. 2 O-negative: 7 percent. 3 A-positive: 34 percent. 4 A-negative: 6 percent. 5 B-positive: 9 percent. 6 B-negative: 2 percent. 7 AB-positive: 3 percent." ]
[ "- 1 Type O Positive Donors: Approximately 84% of the U.S. population has Rh positive blood. This means that your RBCs can be given to 84% of those in need if their exact blood type is unavailable. Type A Positive/Negative Donors: Your blood type is the second most common U.S. blood type.", "Blood type distribution by country ABO and distribution by country[edit] 50.0% and above 40.0–49.9% 30.0–39.9% 20.0–29.9% 10.0–19.9% 5.0–9.9%. Blood group B has its highest frequency in Northern Asia and neighboring Central Asia, and its incidence diminishes both towards the west and the east, falling to single digit percentages in Spain.", "blood Key Points. 1 Plasma, the liquid component of blood, comprises 55 percent of the total blood volume. 2 Plasma is composed of 90 percent water with antibodies, coagulation factors, and other substances such as electrolytes, lipids, and proteins required for maintaining the body.", "What percentage of the world population are redheaded? In the U.S., natural blonds comprise 12% to 13% of the population. As redheads are fewer than blondes, I'm will offer a calculated guess that in the world redheads comprise about 1% to 1.4% of the population and in the U.S. around 7% to 8% of the population. Volusian · 9 years ago.", "Blood Type AB The Blood Type AB Individualized Lifestyle. Type AB blood is rare – it’s found in less than five percent of the population. And it is the 'newest' of the blood types. Until ten or twelve centuries ago, there was little to no Type AB blood type.", "Medical Dictionary 1 Your plasma has antibodies that attack both type A and type B blood. 2 About 44% of people (44 in 100) in the U.S. have type O blood, with 7% having O-negative (O-) blood and 37% having O-positive (O+) blood. 3 Both the A and B antigens, you have type AB blood.he ABO test shows that people have one of four blood types: A, B, AB, or O. If your red blood cells have: 1 The A antigen, you have type A blood. 2 The liquid portion of your blood (plasma) has antibodies that attack type B blood.", "Three Types of Blood Cells and Their Functions The volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood (hematocrit) is measured by centrifuge or flow cytometry and is 45% of cells to total volume in males and 40% in females.", "- When broken down further between the A, B, AB and O blood types, it becomes even more individually rare. 1 Only 6% of the US Population is Type A-. 2 Only 1% of the US Population is Type B-. 3 Only 1% of the US Population is Type AB-. 4 Only 7% of the US Population is Type O-.", "- 1 Your plasma has antibodies that attack type A blood. 2 About 10% of people (10 in 100) in the U.S. have type B blood, with 2% having B-negative (B-) blood and 8% having B-positive (B+) blood. 3 Neither the A nor B antigen, you have type O blood. 4 Your plasma has antibodies that attack both type A and type B blood.", "SCIENTIFIC FACTS Negative blood types: Only 18% of people in the U.S. have a negative blood type. Yet, when someone with a negative blood type needs blood, only another person with a negative type can save his or her life. O-negative is the universal blood type. This means anyone can receive O-negative blood.", "- Blood volume is composed of approximately 50% red blood cells in an average man and 40% in an average woman.ematocrit The hematocrit is the percentage of red blood cells by volume. A hematocrit is the term that describes the percentage by volume of a blood sample occupied by red bl … ood cells. It is usually about 45%. Hematocrit.", "- tube method respectively. Finally bleeding time and clotting time of different blood groups were compared and statistical analysis was done. Results: In present study population O group was found in more number of cases (37.8%) than A, B and AB. Clotting time was found to be prolonged more than", "blood volume THE IMPORTANCE OF BLOOD TESTS. 1 There are more than 100 types of blood tests available. 2 The liquid portion of blood, plasma, constitutes 50-55% of the total blood volume. 3 Some of today’s automated diagnostic blood systems can process about 3,600 tests per hour.", "Urbanology In the beginning of the twentieth century, it was discovered that all blood was one of three types: A, B, or O. Basques have the highest concentration of type O in the world-more than 50 percent of the population-with an even higher percentage in remote areas where the language is best preserved, such as Soule.", "How Blood Works When the number of WBCs in your blood increases, this is a sign of an infection somewhere in your body. Here are the six main types of WBCs and the average percentage of each type in the blood: 1 Neutrophils - 58 percent. 2 Eosinophils - 2 percent. 3 Basophils - 1 percent.", "Granulocyte Neutrophils are normally found in the bloodstream and are the most abundant type of phagocyte, constituting 50% to 60% of the total circulating white blood cells. One litre of human blood contains about five billion (5x109) neutrophils, which are about 12–15 micrometers in diameter.", "- and 7). Distribution of systolic and diastolic blood pressure Tables 8–13 present estimated percentiles of systolic and diastolic blood pressure for sex, race or ethnicity, age, and hypertension status categories.For treated hypertensive persons, the 75th percentile estimates were above the hypertension cutpoint of 140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure for non-Hispanic white adults aged 60 and over and for non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American adults aged 40–59 and aged 60 and over.ge, and hypertension status categories. For treated hypertensive persons, the 75th percentile estimates were above the hypertension cutpoint of 140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure for non-Hispanic white adults aged 60 and over and for non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American adults aged 40–59 and aged 60 and over.", "- Only about 15% of the United States Population have the Rh- Negative Blood and the number of compatible donors gets smaller when you separate that into blood type. I have read we are only about 7% of the World's population, but have yet to confirm it with a current source.", "- The 4 blood types are known as A, B, AB and O. Blood type O (persons with neither A or B antigens) is the most common in the United States (45% of the population).Type A is found in 39% of the population.Type B is 12% of the population, and type AB is found in only 4% of the population.he 4 blood types are known as A, B, AB and O. Blood type O (persons with neither A or B antigens) is the most common in the United States (45% of the population).", "Blood Groups and the History of Peoples Interestingly, among the Asiatics, they and the Japanese are the only areas that show high frequencies of blood group A as well. The northern Chinese and Koreans have high rates of blood group B, and lower rates of blood group A. Nowadays, blood group B accounts for about ten percent of the world's population.", "How rare is ab negative blood? This is due to the fact that type AB blood is the least common type of blood in virtually all populations and, furthermore, Rh negative blood is typically found in only 15% or less of any population. The exact percentage of AB negative blood varies among different ethnic groups and in different geographic regions.", "Blood Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density of approximately 1060 kg/m 3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m 3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells.", "Blood Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density of approximately 1060 kg/m3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells. These blood cells (which are also called corpuscles or formed elements) consist of erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBCs), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes (platelets).", "Why is the AB negative blood so rare? 37 % of the population has O+ blood 7 % of the population has O – blood. 36 % of the population has A + blood 6 % of the population has A – blood. 9 % of the population has B + blood 1 % of the population has B – blood. 3 % of the population has AB + blood 1 % of the population has AB – blood. A+ A- AB+ AB-.", "- One can estimate degrees of relatedness by subtracting the percentage of Rh-negative individuals among, say, the English (16%) from that of the Basques (25%) to find a difference of nine percentage points. The highest percentage of people with rh- blood is found in the Atlas mountains of Morocco(40%). The next highest are the Basques, reported in different publications as having 25 and 32%, depending on location.", "- Answer: The approximate distribution of blood types in the U.S. population is as follows: 1 O-positive: 38 percent. 2 O-negative: 7 percent. 3 A-positive: 34 percent.4 A-negative: 6 percent. 5 B-positive: 9 percent. 6 B-negative: 2 percent. 7 AB-positive: 3 percent.nswer: The approximate distribution of blood types in the U.S. population is as follows: 1 O-positive: 38 percent. 2 O-negative: 7 percent. 3 A-positive: 34 percent.", "Medical Dictionary 1 The A antigen, you have type A blood. 2 The liquid portion of your blood (plasma) has antibodies that attack type B blood. 3 About 42% of people (42 in 100) in the United States have type A blood, with 6% having A-negative (A-) blood and 36% having A-positive (A+) blood. 4 The B antigen, you have type B blood.he ABO test shows that people have one of four blood types: A, B, AB, or O. If your red blood cells have: 1 The A antigen, you have type A blood. 2 The B antigen, you have type B blood. 3 Neither the A nor B antigen, you have type O blood. 4 Both the A and B antigens, you have type AB blood.", "World's blood percentage? RE: world&#39;s blood percentage? what is the percentage of the world&#39;s population&#39;s blood type in each blood type such as A, B, etc...? also can anyone give me the united states&#39; percentage of different types of blood? please enter your source on where u got the information...thnks.", "About Plasma Proteins What is plasma? Human blood plasma is the pale yellow liquid portion of blood that is devoid of cellular components such as red and white blood cells. Plasma accounts for about 55% of the total blood volume and is a rich source material for a variety of proteins (plasma proteins) that are used for the treatment of many diseases and medical traumas.", "- Other Blood Type Systems. The majority of the people in the world have the Rh+ blood type. However, it is more common in some regions. Native Americans and Australian Aborigines were very likely 99-100% Rh+ before they began interbreeding with people from other parts of the world." ]
[ 15.859375 ]
[ 12.6015625, 13.0703125, 8.3359375, 4.32421875, 11.3671875, 11.4375, 8.8359375, 13.984375, 11.65625, 11.7265625, 8.546875, 10.7890625, 7.1796875, 13.0859375, 9.2421875, 7.94140625, 4.359375, 11.6796875, 14.8671875, 11.9921875, 11.1484375, 8.9609375, 8.734375, 14.7890625, 10.8203125, 15.6796875, 11.3828125, 9.640625, 8.078125, 11.203125 ]
what are artificial tears?
[ "- Artificial tears. Artificial tears are lubricant eye drops used to treat the dryness and irritation associated with deficient tear production in keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes).[1] They are also used to moisten contact lenses and in eye examinations." ]
[ "Cataract Surgery As the natural lens plays a vital role in focusing light for clear vision, artificial lens implantation at the time of cataract surgery is necessary as a replacement for the natural lens to yield the best visual results.", "- Epiphora, or excessive tearing, is defined as the overflow of tears from one or both eyes. Epiphora can occur continuously (be present all the time), or it can occur intermittently (be present only sometimes). Epiphora is subdivided into two main categories: overproduction of tears or inadequate drainage of tears. In this article, we will be discussing inadequate drainage as a cause of epiphora. Anatomy.", "TempoBridge® Temporary Bridges A Flipper is a false tooth to temporarily take the place of a missing tooth before the permanent bridge is placed. A Flipper can be attached via either a wire or a plastic piece that fits in the roof of your mouth. Flippers are meant to be a temporary solution while awaiting the permanent bridge.", "Dentures (false teeth) Dentures are removable false teeth made of acrylic (plastic), nylon or metal. They fit snugly over the gums to replace missing teeth and eliminate potential problems caused by gaps.", "How Invisalign® Works Invisalign® takes a modern approach to straightening teeth, using a custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place, based on the exact movements your dentist or orthodontist plans out for you. There are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. You just pop in a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks, until your treatment is complete.", "Metronidazole by Watson Labs Storage and Warnings: 1 Artificial tears should be stored in a childproof container in a cool, dry place at room temperature away from heat and direct sunlight. 2 Keep this and all medication out of reach of children and pets. 3 Call your physician immediately if you accidentally take this product.", "Tears Lacrimation, or lachrymation, (from Latin lacrima, meaning tear) is the secretion of tears, which often serves to clean and lubricate the eyes in response to an irritation of the eyes.ears brought about by emotions have a different chemical make-up than those for lubrication; emotional tears contain more of the protein-based hormones prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and Leu-enkephalin (a natural painkiller) than basal or reflex tears.", "What is artificial lighting? exists and is an alternate of . Artificial lighting is any lighting that is not sunlight. Generally speaking, artificial lighting is lighting which is man made, such as fluorescent, tungsten, mercury vapor, sodium vapor, halogen, compact fluorescent, et cetera. It can be turned on and off at a flick of a switch.", "Artificial heart An artificial heart is distinct from a ventricular assist device designed to support a failing heart. It is also distinct from a cardiopulmonary bypass machine, which is an external device used to provide the functions of both the heart and lungs and are used only for a few hours at a time, most commonly during cardiac surgery.", "Ask the Dry Eye Doctor Q. Why can’t I use artificial tears with my contacts?A. Some solutions contain certain preservatives the lenses might absorb, resulting in a toxic reaction. Others may be too thick and cause blurriness if they build up on the lens. If you have dry eye, there are similar products for lens wearers that are safe to use.. Why can’t I use artificial tears with my contacts?A. Some solutions contain certain preservatives the lenses might absorb, resulting in a toxic reaction. Others may be too thick and cause blurriness if they build up on the lens. If you have dry eye, there are similar products for lens wearers that are safe to use.", "- Decongestants. Contact lens rewetting solutions. No. Artificial tears (lubricating drops) are specifically used to treat dry eye, and are different from decongestants, contact lens rewetting solutions, or prescription eye drops.asis TEARS is a preservative-free, viscoadaptive, lubricating eye drop formulation with the active ingredient, glycerin, to keep tears on the eye surface for a long time. This unique combination lubricates and moisturizes the surface of the eye for instant comfort.", "Annular tear at the L4âL5 level Annular tear at the L4–L5 level. By Michael Perry, M.D. An annular tear at the L4–L5 vertebral level is an extremely common form of spinal degeneration. As the spine ages, the pressure of increased body weight and years of repetitive motions begin to wear down the components of the spine, placing pressure on the vertebrae and compressing the discs.", "Floaters The floaters are aggregates of protein which have formed in the vitreous during the liquefaction process. When the vitreous collapses, it begins to separate from the retina. The mechanical pull of the vitreous on the retina during this separation causes light flashes. Sometimes during this separation process a retinal tear develops and can lead to a retinal detachment. Often when a retinal tear occurs, at least a small amount of bleeding is present in the vitreous and may be noted by the patient as a multitude of black dots or a hazy decrease in vision.", "When will my vision be normal again? The natural lens has a cellophane-like outer lining called the capsule. During cataract surgery the back membrane of the natural lens (posterior capsule) is left in place to support the artificial lens implant.", "- Click here for an alphabetical listing of artificial tears, gels, ointments and sprays including active ingredients, preservatives (if any), approximate costs, and links for more information. Click here to browse the same products by type or active ingredient.", "13 Things You Probably Donât Know About Tears There's more than one type of tear. Not all tears are created equal. The second type of tears, called reflex tears, form to protect the eyes from irritants, such as wind, smoke or onions. And there's some evidence to suggest that these two kinds of tears are chemically different from each other.", "Pinkeye (Conjunctivitis) Are Over-the-Counter Eyedrops or Medications Effective for Pinkeye? Artificial tears (particularly those that are preservative-free) are generally safe, and although they may not cure the pinkeye, they often help alleviate the symptoms somewhat.", "Pseudophakia Pseudophakia: Introduction. Pseudophakia: The presence of an artificial intraocular lens - usually after cataract surgery. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Pseudophakia is available below.", "AFLAS ®Fluoroelastomer AFLAS ® Fluoroelastomer AFLAS ® fluoroelastomers are the material of choice for parts and components that need to perform reliably in the world’s harshest environments. AGC formulated AFLAS resins from alternating polymers of tetrafluoroethylene and propylene to achieve unique properties over a conventional FKM-type fluoroelastomer.", "Artificial fly Artificial fly. An artificial fly or fly lure is a type of fishing lure, usually used in the sport of fly fishing (although they may also be used in other forms of angling). In general, artificial flies are an imitation of natural food sources which fly fishers present to their target species of fish while fly fishing. Artificial flies are constructed by fly tying, in which furs, feathers, thread or any of very many other materials are tied onto a fish hook.", "Ask an Expert Starting at$24.95 There are two types of labral tears. A primary or type 1 tear occurs due to a fraying or detachment of the labrum from the rim of the acetabulum. A type 2 tear is a tear within the substance of the labrum, typically caused crushing of the labrum against the neck of the femur by an overhanging rim of the acetabulum (pincer lesion). Code 29916 (Arthroscopy, hip, surgical; with labral repair) describes arthroscopic repair of the torn labrum.", "contour Illusory contour's (subjective contours) are contours perceived in the absence of a lightness or colour difference as in the Kanizsa figure. They are thought to be processed in area V2 of the visual cortex. See visual association areas; parvocellular visual system.", "Dentures A maxillary denture. Occlusal view of the same maxillary denture. Dentures, (also known as false teeth), are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth; they are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. Conventional dentures are removable (removable partial denture or complete denture).", "How your eyes can reveal youâve got high blood pressure: If you're worried about your health hereâs where to look for an instant diagnosis If you need eye drops for dry eyes — known as artificial tears — choose a brand without the preservative benzalkonium chloride, which can cause irritation, says Andrew Lotery, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Southampton. ‘You tend to find it in eye drops that come in bottles,’ he says.", "TEARS Vocabulary. Lacrimal Gland --The glands which produce tears. Reflex Tears --Also called irritant tears, these are extra tears which the tear glands produce when your eyes are irritated. Emotional Tears --Extra tears that the tear glands produce in response to an emotional reaction.ocabulary. Lacrimal Gland --The glands which produce tears. Reflex Tears --Also called irritant tears, these are extra tears which the tear glands produce when your eyes are irritated. Emotional Tears --Extra tears that the tear glands produce in response to an emotional reaction.", "Artificial Tears (polyvinyl alcohol) Eye lubricants keep the eye moist, help to protect the eye from injury and infection, and decrease symptoms of dry eyes such as burning, itching, and feeling as if something is in the eye. How to use Artificial Tears (polyvinyl alcohol) Uses. This medication is used to relieve dry, irritated eyes. Common causes for dry eyes include wind, sun, heating/air conditioning, computer use/reading, and certain medications.", "Leaders in Pharmaceutical Business Intelligence (LPBI) Group The donut-shaped artificial cells, ErythroMer are one-fiftieth the size of human red blood cells. ErythroMer is a novel blood substitute composed of a patented nanobialys nanoparticle. A special lining and control system tied to changes in blood Ph allows Erythromer to grab onto oxygen in the lungs and then dispense the oxygen in tissues where it is needed.", "- Apache tears are rounded nodules of obsidian (volcanic black glass) with diameter from about 0.5 to 5 cm. An Apache tear looks opaque by reflected light, but translucent when held up to light.Apache tears are usually black, but can range from black to red to brown.They are often found embedded in a greyish-white perlite matrix. In the 1950s Apache tears could easily be found on the Arizona desert-near main highways.n Apache tear looks opaque by reflected light, but translucent when held up to light. Apache tears are usually black, but can range from black to red to brown. They are often found embedded in a greyish-white perlite matrix. In the 1950s Apache tears could easily be found on the Arizona desert-near main highways.", "Labral Tears What are labral tears? The labrum is a rim of soft tissue or fibrocartilage that surrounds the acetabulum (hip socket). The labrum adds to the stability of the hip by deepening the socket and protects the joint surface. The labrum can tear as the result of an injury, but is more often related to FAI.", "- These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'ancillary.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback." ]
[ 17.03125 ]
[ 4.41015625, 6.109375, 3.05859375, 4.7578125, 6.49609375, 11.515625, 8.15625, 3.8359375, 5.1328125, 8.9921875, 11.2890625, 1.921875, 2.962890625, 4.796875, 10.6953125, 7.37109375, 11.4765625, 3.173828125, 0.87939453125, 2.732421875, 2.240234375, -1.41015625, 3.8359375, 11.625, 5.9453125, 12.8125, 1.6787109375, 3.42578125, 3.283203125, -1.2294921875 ]
what foods contain lectins list
[ "- Fruits and Vegetables. Tomatoes contain lectin, and so do potatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini, carrots, rhubarb, beets, mushrooms, asparagus, turnips, cucumbers, pumpkin, sweet peppers and radishes.Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit, provide lectin.hoto Credit Tharakorn/iStock/Getty Images. Lectins, a type of protein found in many plant foods, can cause damage to the lining of your gastrointestinal tract or your organs and interfere with metabolism when consumed in large amounts, according to a study published in Toxicon in September 2004.", "Lectins: The Anti-Nutrient The five food groups containing the most lectins are: 1 Grains: Especially those containing gluten, such as wheat. 2 Legumes: Beans, including soy and peanuts. 3 Dairy: If a dairy animal is fed grain rather than grass fed. 4 Nightshades: Common ones are tomato, potato, eggplant, and pepper. 5 GMO foods: Lectins are durable and toxic. Remove all five high-lectin food groups for a minimum of 2 weeks, ideally for at least 3 weeks. 2 After 3 weeks, introduce one food at a time from one food group. 3 Wait 72 hours before adding another food. 4 During the 72-hour waiting period, document any changes in mind, body, or spirit." ]
[ "- 1. Seeds of Fruits or Kernels: These have the highest concentration of B17 in nature apart from bitter almonds. Seeds of apricot, cherry, apple, peach, nectarine, plum, pear & prune contain good amounts of laetrile. 2. Nuts: Macadamia, Bitter Almond and Walnuts.itamin B17 also called Laetrile or Amygdalin is among the main components of food in cultures like Hunzas, Eskimos, Abkasians etc. No wonder these tribes have never ever reported a cancer case.", "- Legumes: all dried beans, including soy and peanuts (yup, peanuts are not nuts at all..they are a bean!) Dairy: more so when cows are fed grains instead of grass. Research does show transference of Lectins into breast milk and dairy. Nightshades: includes potato, tomato, eggplant and peppers. One of the biggest issues I have with these foods, apart from the damage they inflict on the body, is that foods containing Lectins are something our ancestors just didn't evolve eating.", "How to Reduce Lectins in Your Diet Aside from eliminating the worst offenders and cooking certain high-lectin foods properly, other ways to reduce lectins in your diet include: • Peeling and deseeding your fruits and vegetables, as the skin or hull and seeds tend to contain the highest amounts.", "- 3. Green tea: Quercetin is a compound found in green tea. It’s a source of polyphenols, which can reduce inflammation, like that caused by joint pain. 4. Citrus fruits: Also a source of polyphenols, which lowers inflammation in your body. These healing foods are definitely ones to add to your list!5.. Green tea: Quercetin is a compound found in green tea. It’s a source of polyphenols, which can reduce inflammation, like that caused by joint pain. 4. Citrus fruits: Also a source of polyphenols, which lowers inflammation in your body. These healing foods are definitely ones to add to your list!", "- Detailed Alkaline Foods A more in-depth look at the foods that have an alkalising effect on the body. Includes vegetables, nuts, seeds, pulses, grains, fats, oils, fruits and more! Detailed Acid Foods A more in-depth look at the foods that have an acidifying effect on the body.etailed Alkaline Foods A more in-depth look at the foods that have an alkalising effect on the body. Includes vegetables, nuts, seeds, pulses, grains, fats, oils, fruits and more! Detailed Acid Foods A more in-depth look at the foods that have an acidifying effect on the body.", "The Cancer Diet Use this list as a guide. Best Choices. 1 Whole-grain flours, such as whole wheat flour. 2 Whole grains, such as brown rice. 3 Cereals containing whole-grain ingredients and little added sugar. 4 Whole-grain bread. 5 Baked sweet or white potato or baked steak fries.6 Whole-grain flour or corn tortillas.7 Corn, popcorn or products made from corn.tarchy vegetables, such as potatoes and corn, aren't included in this category. They are considered part of the breads, grains, and other starches group. Best Choices: 1 Fresh vegetables, eaten raw or lightly steamed, roasted, or grilled. 2 Plain frozen vegetables, lightly steamed. 3 Low sodium or unsalted canned vegetables.", "- save to your list™». ADVERTISEMENT. Various food items contain antioxidants, but it is possible to supplement your diet to get the best protection possible. Antioxidant substances include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-carotene, Lycopene, Selenium, and Lutein.ave to your list™». ADVERTISEMENT. Various food items contain antioxidants, but it is possible to supplement your diet to get the best protection possible. Antioxidant substances include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-carotene, Lycopene, Selenium, and Lutein.", "- Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and any foods made with these grains. Avoiding wheat can be especially hard because this means you should avoid all wheat-based flours and ingredients. These include but are not limited to: 1 White Flour.2 Whole Wheat Flour. 3 Durum Wheat. 4 Graham Flour. 5 Triticale. 6 Kamut.7 Semolina.luten is found in wheat, rye, barley and any foods made with these grains. Avoiding wheat can be especially hard because this means you should avoid all wheat-based flours and ingredients. These include but are not limited to: 1 White Flour. 2 Whole Wheat Flour. 3 Durum Wheat.", "- They are found in Dairy products, eggs, liver, vegetables, Yeast, wheatgerm, nuts, red meat, cereals, fruit, fish, wholemeal bread and sunflower seeds.ango contains diverse essential vitamins and dietary minerals, many of which are particularly high in content. The antioxidant vitamins A, C and E comprise 25%, 76% and 9%, r … espectively, of the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) in a 165 g serving.", "Top 6 Foods High in Lectins (List) â The Anti-Nutrient Here are top 6 foods high in lectins: #1 Grains – such as corn, barley, rice and wheat, especially wheat germ (gluten), as do cereals and other baked goods made with these grains.", "Lectin Avoidance Diet To reduce your lectin intake, avoid all types of grains, especially wheat, corn, barley, oats, rye and rice, according to a paper published in 1999 in World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, which include breads, crackers, buns, pizza dough, breakfast cereals, tortillas, muffins, cakes and cookies.ow-Lectin Foods. Bok choy is a low lectin food. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images. Your low-lectin diet should be based on low-lectin foods. All vegetables and fruits contain some lectins, but most vegetables contain low levels compared to some nightshades, vegetables and fruits.", "Top 6 Foods High in Lectins (List) â The Anti-Nutrient Top 6 Foods High in Lectins: The Anti-Nutrient. Lectins are ubiquitous, being found in plants, animals, and microorganisms, but the highest amounts are found in legumes and grains. The word ”lectin” comes from the same etymological root as the word “select” and literally translates as “to choose.”.", "- The lectin contents in some parts of plants are higher, e.g., 390 and 75 mg of the purified lectin was recovered from 100 g Remusatia vivipara tubers (Bhat et al. 2010) and Astragalus mongholicus roots (Yan et al. 2005), respectively. Lectins are also found in seeds.", "- Other food sources of riboflavin are oysters, lean meat, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, asparagus, broccoli, avocados, Brussels sprouts and salmon. Oily fish, such as mackerel, trout, eel, herring, and shad, have substantial levels of riboflavin, too. Nori seaweed is a fine source.Vitamin B3 (niacin) can be found in nuts, dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, and eggs.itamin A comes from animal sources such as eggs and meat. Vitamin A, in the form of retinyl palmitate, is found in beef, calf, chicken liver; eggs, and fish liver oils as well as dairy products including whole milk, whole milk yogurt, whole milk cottage cheese, butter, and cheese.", "THE LECTIN REPORT The most common potentially 'toxic' lectin containing food groups are. 1 grains, especially wheat and wheat germ but also quinoa, rice, buckwheat, oats, rye, barley, millet and corn. 2 legumes (all dried beans, including soy and peanuts),", "Diet Tidbit As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Lecithins are oily substances that occur naturally in plants (soybeans) and animals (egg yolks). Soy lecithin (E322) is extracted from soybeans either mechanically or chemically. It’s actually a byproduct of the soybean oil production.", "The Lowdown On Lectins Foods with the highest lectin activity include: grains of all kinds (especially wheat), legumes (especially soy), nuts, dairy, and nightshade plants (e.g. eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, etc.).ectin sensitivity must be a great for soda companies! Well for foods like Beans, and Legumes it appears that 90% of the active Lectins and offending complex sugars are eliminated by soaking, and heating above 100 degrees Celcius for approximatley 10 minutes.", "- The types of lectins that are often found in foods and can produce sensitivity include (R, R2): 1 Legume lectins such as white kidney beans. On average, 15% percent of a bean’s proteins are lectins. 2 Cucurbitaceae lectins, found in the sap or juice of cucumber, melon, and squash.", "What are five foods containing lipids? Lipids are fats. Many foods contain fats. Most meat, poultry, seafood, and even fish. Most dairy products contain fats unless stated nonfat.In their natural state dairy … contains fat. Cooking and salad oils contain fat. Eggs also contain fat-only the yolk. also junk food like chips, soda and cakes ect.any foods contain fats. Most meat, poultry, seafood, and even fish. Most dairy products contain fats unless stated nonfat. In their natural state dairy … contains fat. Cooking and salad oils contain fat. Eggs also contain fat-only the yolk. also junk food like chips, soda and cakes ect.", "- Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and any foods made with these grains. Avoiding wheat can be especially hard because this means you should avoid all wheat-based flours and ingredients.These include but are not limited to: 1 White Flour.2 Whole Wheat Flour.3 Durum Wheat.4 Graham Flour. 5 Triticale. 6 Kamut.luten is found in wheat, rye, barley and any foods made with these grains. Avoiding wheat can be especially hard because this means you should avoid all wheat-based flours and ingredients. These include but are not limited to: 1 White Flour. 2 Whole Wheat Flour. 3 Durum Wheat. 4 Graham Flour. 5 Triticale. 6 Kamut.", "Lectin Avoidance Diet Bok choy is a low lectin food. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images. Your low-lectin diet should be based on low-lectin foods. All vegetables and fruits contain some lectins, but most vegetables contain low levels compared to some nightshades, vegetables and fruits.", "Top 6 Foods High in Lectins (List) â The Anti-Nutrient #5 Nightshade vegetables – eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers. #6 GMO foods – Lectins are toxic and durable. They are usually spliced into GMO foods to improve fungal and pest resistance. Remove GMO foods from your diet, as these are purposely created to harbor foreign, high-lectin insecticidal material.", "- Legumes. 1 Pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, ground nut or peanuts, sunflower seeds contain good amount of antioxidants. 2 Roasted peanuts are far richer in antioxidants than apples, beets and carrots and comparable to the antioxidant content of strawberries and blackberries.1 Barley, millet, oats, corn are rich in antioxidants.oasted peanuts are far richer in antioxidants than apples, beets and carrots and comparable to the antioxidant content of strawberries and blackberries. 1 Barley, millet, oats, corn are rich in antioxidants.", "- These fats are liquid at room temperature and found mainly in fatty fish, nuts, seeds and oils from plants. Examples of foods that contain these fats include salmon, trout, herring, avocados, olives, walnuts and liquid vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, safflower, canola, olive and sunflower.ecause butter is rich in both saturated fat and cholesterol, it's potentially a highly atherogenic food (a food that causes the arteries to be blocked). Most margarine is made from vegetable fat and provides no dietary cholesterol but they contain Trans-fatty acids (TFA).", "Beans, other Legumes and their Anti-Nutrient Properties It’s not just legumes-nuts, seeds and beans, that contain high amounts of lectins and phytates, but also grains. Grains with these anti-nutrients wreck a lot of havic on the digestive tract, immune system, reproductive organs, the heart, kidneys, brain and joints. Beans. 2 The most common varieties of legumes are beans. 3 These include adzuki beans, black beans, soybeans, anasazi beans, fava beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas or hummus), kidney beans and lima beans. 4 Nuts.", "Natural Toxins in Food 1 Lectin toxins in food are found in: 2 Grains, especially wheat and wheat germ but also quinoa, rice, buckwheat, oats, rye, barley, millet and corn, and all products made from them (oils, vinegars, alcohols, flours, etc..). 3 Legumes (all dried beans, including soy and peanuts and the products made from them). Lectin toxins in food are found in: 2 Grains, especially wheat and wheat germ but also quinoa, rice, buckwheat, oats, rye, barley, millet and corn, and all products made from them (oils, vinegars, alcohols, flours, etc..). 3 Legumes (all dried beans, including soy and peanuts and the products made from them).", "List of Foods that Contain Lectin Beans are among the main sources of lectins. Soy, kidney, navy, pinto, lima, fava, wax, castor, jack, string and field beans all contain lectins. Sweet peas, green peas, cow peas and horse grams are other sources of these proteins, as are lentil, mung bean or soybean sprouts.", "- This is an alphabetical list of Foods containing Lectins, from edible Plant and. Animal sources. Most lectins, in plant species, are NOT ABO blood type specific. Even fewer EDIBLE plants have lectins that are ABO type specific. This list does conflict with the information of the various. incarnations of 'blood type diets', as far as specific foods agglutinating. certain of the ABO blood types only.", "Foods Containing Lutein & Zeaxanthin Cooked spinach contains both lutein and zeaxanthin, which may prevent age-related macular degeneration. Lutein and zeaxanthin, found in colorful fruits and vegetables, belong to the group of carotenoids classified as xanthophylls.ther Food Sources. Among fruits and fruit juices, canned tangerine juice and canned mandarin oranges provide about 0.4 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are present in small amounts in most other fruits such as raspberries, papayas, oranges, peaches, cherries and blueberries.", "Which Foods Are High in Indoles? Other Phytochemicals. If you are looking to increase the amount of phytochemicals in your diet, there are others that you should know about. Allicin, a phytochemical with antimicrobial properties, is found in garlic and onions. Carotenoids function as antioxidants, which protect your cells." ]
[ 14.96875, 14.2578125 ]
[ 2.125, 13.421875, 9.5234375, 3.498046875, 3.01953125, 5.14453125, 3.5234375, 6.77734375, 4.1171875, 14.71875, 12, 12.1171875, 8.734375, 2.830078125, 14.3359375, 5.1015625, 12.96875, 12.3671875, 3.419921875, 7.00390625, 10.796875, 13.765625, 3.23046875, 3.373046875, 10.765625, 12.859375, 15.3203125, 10.1015625, 2.39453125, 1.5361328125 ]
population in sandoval county nm
[ "- The town of Bernalillo is located in Sandoval County. The 2010 Census gave Sandoval County a population of 131,561 people. This means that Bernalillo had 6.32% of the county's total population, making it Sandoval's most populous community. At the same time, New Mexico had a population of 2,059,179 people, meaning that Bernalillo had 0.4% of the total population of New Mexico - making it the state's 24th most populous community." ]
[ "- Compared to the rest of the country, Savannah's cost of living is 1.30% Lower than the U.S. average. population As of 2014, Savannah's population is 4,115 people.", "- Total: 73,059. 63.6% of the Barrow County population resides in the unincorporated area. Barrow County experienced a 50.33% increase in population from 2000 to 2010. Barrow County experienced a 5.6% increase in population from 2010 to 2014.", "Stonewall County, Texas (TX) Stonewall County, Texas (TX) County population in 2014: 1,403 (all rural); it was 1,693 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 135. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 363. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 560.", "Map of Population by Tract in Broomfield County Population by County in the United States There are 3,143 counties in the United States. This section compares Broomfield County to the 50 most populous counties in the United States. The least populous of the compared counties has a population of 929,214.", "- Since 2010, population growth has increased in. the Shelby County submarket to an. average 5,825 people, or 0.6 percent, a year, and slowed in the Remainder. submarket to an average of 1,675. people, or 0.4 percent, a year.", "- At the 2000 census, there were 458,614 people, 172,403 households, and 112,406 families in Sonoma County. The population density was 291/sq mi (112/km 2). There were 183,153 housing units at an average density of 116/sq mi (45/km 2).", "- Kandiyohi County, Minnesota (MN) County population in 2014: 42,285 (55% urban, 45% rural); it was 41,203 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 8,131. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 4,141.", "Map of Population by County Subdivision in Sandoval County This page reports on the population distribution in Sandoval County, both in terms of raw head counts, and in terms of population density per square mile. Population: count of all residents of the given entity at the time of the survey, excluding visitors", "Fountain Inn The stage coach drivers called the stop Fountain Inn and it stuck. The fountain remains at city hall and there is a marker on the north side of town showing the former location of the old inn. The population was 7,206 in the 2008 demographic survey from Greenville County.", "Elko Countyâs population grows Elko County’s population grows. ELKO — State Demographer Jeff Hardcastle is estimating Elko County’s population at 49,861, up 2.1 percent from the 2010 census, and Elko alone has a population of 19,209, up from 18,297. “The City of Elko had the lion’s share of growth in Elko County,” Hardcastle said Tuesday, attributing much of the growth to the mining industry.", "Population Growth The majority of new residents, 69 percent, live within the boundaries of Sonoma County’s nine cities. The City of Santa Rosa has led this growth in total population, adding 15,841 residents, or 10.7 percent, over ten years to attain its current population of 163,436 people. Between 1990 and 2000, Sonoma County’s population increased by 70,392 persons, with an average annual growth rate of 1.9 percent.", "- Seminole County (/ ˈ s ɛ m ɪ n oʊ l /, SEM-i-nohl) is a county in the state of Florida. As of the 2010 census, the population was 422,718. Its county seat and largest city is Sanford. Seminole County is part of the Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, Florida Metropolitan Statisticial Area", "- San Bernardino County, California (CA) County population in 2016: 2,140,096 (95% urban, 5% rural); it was 1,709,434 in 2000 County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 308,012", "- The county had a population of 131,561 people at the 2010 Census. With it's population of 8,320 people, Bernalillo represented 6.32% of the county's total. In addition, where the town of Bernalillo has a population density of 1,683 people per square mile [650 people/km²], Sandoval County averages 35.45 people per square mile [13.69 people/km²].", "Orange County Jurisdiction Demographics For additional products and information, visit our Products page. Orange County Jurisdiction Highlights (PDF) U.S. Census 2010 with errata and 1/1/2014 and 1/1/2015 Dept. of Finance. Total population: 2010.", "NACOGDOCHES COUNTY In the last decades of the twentieth century Nacogdoches County's economy continued to grow and develop. The census counted 54,793 people living in the county in 1990, 59,203 by 2000, and 65,301 by 2014.", "Randall County Population 2018 Randall County Population 2018 Randall County's estimated population is 132,501 with a growth rate of 1.70% in the past year according to the most recent United States census data. Randall County is the 32nd largest county in Texas.", "CALDWELL COUNTY Immigrants from Mexico began arriving in Caldwell County in large numbers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The 1890 census reported 477 native Mexicans, representing 3 percent of the county's population; by 1910 the number totalled 4,113, or 17 percent of the population.", "- As of the census of 2000, there were 102,979 people, 38,852 households, and 27,351 families residing in the county. The population density was 59 people per square mile (23/km²). There were 42,681 housing units at an average density of 25 per square mile (10/km²).", "Map of Population by County Subdivision in Swain County Population by County in the United States There are 3,143 counties in the United States. This section compares Swain County to the 50 most populous counties in the United States. The least populous of the compared counties has a population of 929,214.", "NACOGDOCHES COUNTY The population of Nacogdoches County grew steadily during the first four decades of the twentieth century, reaching 35,392 in 1940. After World War II the population began a long slow decline, as numerous residents left to take advantage of opportunities elsewhere. By 1960 the county's population had declined to 28,046.", "- <p>The <b>Canton of Nidwalden</b> is a <a href=/pages/w/102333123155254>canton</a> of <a href=/pages/w/106292996069444>Switzerland</a>. It is located in the centre of Switzerland. The population is 40,287 (in 2007) of which 4,046 (or 10%) are foreigners. The capital is <a href=/pages/w/111998138817513>Stans</a>.</p>", "- Ravalli County, Montana (MT) County population in 2014: 41,030 (15% urban, 85% rural); it was 36,070 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 8,008. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 4,599. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 10,815.", "- Sandpoint, the county seat, has a population of 7,760 in 2014. Surrounding populations include 1,136 in Ponderay, 770 in Kootenai and 607 in Dover. The largest city west of Sandpoint, Priest River, has 1,751 residents.", "What Is the Largest County in Colorado? The city and county of Denver is the second largest county by population, home to 600,158 people as of the 2010 U.S. census. It is followed by Arapahoe County, with 572,003 people; Jefferson County, with 534,543 people; and Adams county, with 441,603 people. The smallest county by population is San Juan County, with a population of 699.", "Population of El Salvador San Salvador, the capital of EL Salvador has a population of 1.4million inhabitants. 48% of the population dwells in the rural areas of the country. Over the years a significant increase in the growth of population in EL Salvador has been recorded. In 2006 the population of El Salvador was 6,822,378 people and in 2000 it was 6,435,600 people. It has been recorded that the annual growth of population in the country between 1991 to 1997 was 2.2%. According to an estimation of 2005 the annual growth rate of population is 1.7%. The percentage of different ethnic groups residing in EL Salvador are:", "Seminole County, Florida For the city, see Seminole, Florida. Seminole County (/ˈsɛmáµ»noʊl/, SEM-i-nohl) is a county in the state of Florida. As of the 2010 census, the population was 422,718. Its county seat and largest city is Sanford. Seminole County is part of the Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Map of Population by County Subdivision in Sandoval County Population by Place in Sandoval County There are 25 places that are fully or partially contained within Sandoval County (23 fully and 2 partially). This section compares all 25 of those to each other.", "Map of Population by County Subdivision in Delaware County Population by County in the United States There are 3,143 counties in the United States. This section compares Delaware County to the 50 most populous counties in the United States. The least populous of the compared counties has a population of 929,214.", "Sunnyvale, CA Sunnyvale is located close to the center of California. Sunnyvale is part of Santa Clara County. Sunnyvale has 21.99 square miles of land area and 0.70 square miles of water area. As of 2010, the total Sunnyvale population is 140,081, which has grown 6.32% since 2000. The population growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 9.99% and is lower than the national average rate of 9.71%. Sunnyvale median household income is $96,884 in 2008-2012 and has grown by 30.20% since 2000." ]
[ 15.7265625 ]
[ 1.396484375, 1.8134765625, 1.28125, 1.28515625, 1.3662109375, 3.4375, 2.30859375, 9.109375, -0.7890625, 0.6982421875, 1.564453125, 2.544921875, 2.52734375, 14.5390625, 1.71875, 0.380859375, 1.255859375, 1.484375, 10.234375, 1.4892578125, 0.031707763671875, -0.398681640625, 2.0703125, 3.20703125, 0.99169921875, -0.007305145263671875, 2.5390625, 9.1015625, 1.9599609375, 1.6201171875 ]
what is data analysis
[ "data analysis Definition of data analysis: The process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. This form of analysis is just one of the many steps that must be completed when ..." ]
[ "Numerical analysis 1 + 24/60 + 51/602 + 10/603 = 1.41421296... Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation (as opposed to general symbolic manipulations) for the problems of mathematical analysis (as distinguished from discrete mathematics). One of the earliest mathematical writings is a Babylonian tablet from the Yale Babylonian Collection (YBC 7289), which gives a sexagesimal numerical approximation of the square root of 2, the length of the diagonal in a unit square. Being able to compute the sides of a triangle (and he", "- Content Analysis. T his guide provides an introduction to content analysis, a research methodology that examines words or phrases within a wide range of texts. 1 Introduction to Content Analysis: Read about the history and uses of content analysis. his guide provides an introduction to content analysis, a research methodology that examines words or phrases within a wide range of texts.", "Data Analytics Definition - What does Data Analytics mean? Data analytics refers to qualitative and quantitative techniques and processes used to enhance productivity and business gain. Data is extracted and categorized to identify and analyze behavioral data and patterns, and techniques vary according to organizational requirements. Data analytics is also known as data analysis.", "analysis A systematic examination and evaluation of data or information, by breaking it into its component parts to uncover their interrelationships. Opposite of synthesis. 2. An examination of data and facts to uncover and understand cause-effect relationships, thus providing basis for problem solving and decision making.", "Data Analysis Data Analysis. Taking quantitative data and analyzing it is an important part of a science fair project and scientific research in general. Use these guide to help you make sense of your data and organize it in a clear, readable format so that you can reach a conclusion from your experiment.aking quantitative data and analyzing it is an important part of a science fair project and scientific research in general. Use these guide to help you make sense of your data and organize it in a clear, readable format so that you can reach a conclusion from your experiment.", "statistical analysis Use 'statistical analysis' in a Sentence. The statistical analysis revealed an element of our new marketing plan that was not effective so we used that information to alter our business plan.", "Data Analysis and Interpretation Data analysis is at the heart of any scientific investigation. Using weather as an example, this module takes readers through the steps of data collection, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. The module explores how scientists collect and record data, find patterns in data, explain those patterns, and share their research with the larger scientific community.", "- While data analysis in qualitative research can include statistical procedures, many times analysis becomes an ongoing iterative process where data is continuously collected and analyzed almost simultaneously.", "What is Statistical Analysis? In an effort to organize their data and predict future trends based on the information, many businesses rely on statistical analysis. While organizations have lots of options on what to do with their big data, statistical analysis is a way for it to be examined as a whole, as well as broken down into individual samples.", "Regression Analysis -Regression analysis is a predictive analysis technique in which one or more variables are used to predict the level of another by use of the STRAIGHT-LINE FORMULA. y=a+bx, Sales($)=$10,000+1.3*Advertisement ($) 1. for each dollar amount spent in advertisement, sales increase by $1.3.", "CORRELATION correlational analysis - the use of statistical correlation to evaluate the strength of the relations between variables. 1 statistics - a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters.", "data analytics (DA) Data analytics (DA) is the process of examining data sets in order to draw conclusions about the information they contain, increasingly with the aid of specialized systems and software.", "Data Analysis for Advanced Science Projects None of these things could be further from the truth. Data analysis is an ongoing process in a research project. Planning what kinds of analyses you're going to perform with your data is a critical part of designing your experiments.one of these things could be further from the truth. Data analysis is an ongoing process in a research project. Planning what kinds of analyses you're going to perform with your data is a critical part of designing your experiments.", "- Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.", "Regression Analysis Regression analysis is a predictive analysis technique in which one or more variables are used to predict the level of another by use of the straight-line formula, y=a+bx.", "Statistical Analysis Tools Statistical Analysis Tools. Statistics are mathematical computations used to analyze data. Tools of statistical analysis can describe, summarize and compare data. There are various tools that can analyze statistical data. These range from relatively simple computations to advanced analysis.", "Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis encompasses the whole range of techniques used in quantitative studies, as all such studies are concerned with the examination of discrete data, with describing this data using quantifiable measures, and with comparing this data to theoretical models or to other experimental results.", "- Data analytics is the science of collecting, organizing, and analyzing very large sets of data in order to identify patterns and draw conclusions.", "- Statistical Analysis. Manipulation, interpretation and presentation of quantitative data. Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, examination, summarization, manipulation, interpretation and presentation of quantitative data. It deals with all aspects of data including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.", "Data Analyst Job Description Data analysts translate numbers into plain English Every business collects data, whether it's sales figures, market research, logistics, or transportation costs. A data analyst's job is to take that data and use it to help companies make better business decisions.", "Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis is prevalent in the field of education research today, specifically in policy research and in studies of school management, funding, staffing, and student retention rates.", "Data analysis The Process of Data Analysis. Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data analysis is a process, within which several phases can be distinguished.", "- DEFINITION of 'Statistics'. A type of mathematical analysis involving the use of quantified representations, models and summaries for a given set of empirical data or real world observations. Statistical analysis involves the process of collecting and analyzing data and then summarizing the data into a numerical form.Next Up.EFINITION of 'Statistics'. A type of mathematical analysis involving the use of quantified representations, models and summaries for a given set of empirical data or real world observations. Statistical analysis involves the process of collecting and analyzing data and then summarizing the data into a numerical form. Next Up.", "Regression analysis In statistics, regression analysis is a statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables. It includes many techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables (or 'predictors').n statistics, regression analysis is a statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables. It includes many techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables (or 'predictors').", "analysis analysis. 1 the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2 this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations: the grammatical analysis of a sentence.", "- Predictive analysis is about predicting the future: data mining information from data sets and analyzing it in order to find patterns and predict future events or trends. It is a forecasting tool. There are many examples of it being used today: In fact, the Oakland A's used it (long before it was cool) in the early 2000s to improve team performance.", "analysis Definition of analysis: A systematic examination and evaluation of data or information, by breaking it into its component parts to uncover their interrelationships. Opposite of synthesis. 2. An examination of data and facts to uncover and understand cause-effect relationships, thus providing basis for problem solving and decision making.", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary (5.00 / 2 votes) Rate this definition: analysis (Noun). A process of dismantling or separating into constituent elements in order to study the nature, function, or meaning. analysis (Noun). The result of such a process.", "- People often think of “data analysis,” especially when the data come from surveys, as “number crunching.”. Although you will need to crunch of few numbers to analyze your survey data, we mean by “analysis” something. less esoteric.", "Quality measures in qualitative analysis Unquestionably, data analysis is the most complex and mysterious of all of the phases of a qualitative project, and the one that receives the least thoughtful discussion in the literature." ]
[ 16.703125 ]
[ 4.3984375, 6.0546875, 13.53125, 11.59375, 13.8359375, 5.79296875, 13.984375, 12.6640625, 11.03125, 6.9921875, 7.0625, 14.5859375, 14.5859375, 17.296875, 7.35546875, 8.671875, 8.9609375, 13.640625, 9.453125, 11.1015625, 7.1796875, 16.5, 7.640625, 7.578125, 9.109375, 9.0859375, 11.7578125, 7.1328125, 12.0546875, 13.1796875 ]
what causes acne that isn't from bacteria
[ "What you need to know about acne Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples,especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules are all types of acne. It is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans yearly." ]
[ "- In rare cases, other bacteria can cause cellulitis. When this does occur, it is usually the result of a medical condition such as diabetes, HIV, or AIDS, or because the cellulitis is in a very specific place. Group B streptococcus.", "Overview The causes of this increase may include: 1 Aging population. Americans are living longer, which is swelling the ranks of the highest risk age group — people older than 65. 2 Drug-resistant bacteria. Many types of bacteria can resist the effects of antibiotics that once killed them. 3 Weakened immune systems.", "- Acne occurs when the pores on your skin become blocked with oil, dead skin, or bacteria. Each pore on your skin is the opening to a follicle. The follicle is made up of a hair and a sebaceous (oil) gland. The oil gland releases sebum (oil), which travels up the hair, out of the pore, and onto your skin.cne can be found anywhere on your body. It most commonly develops on the face, back, neck, chest, and shoulders. If you have acne, you will typically notice pimples that are white or black in appearance. Both blackheads and whiteheads are known as comedones.", "Acne (Pimples) No one factor causes acne. Acne occurs when sebaceous (oil) glands attached to the hair follicles are stimulated at the time of puberty by circulating male hormones. Sebum (oil) is a natural substance that lubricates and protects the skin. Dirt: Blackheads are oxidized oil, not dirt. 2 Sweat does not cause acne and is produced by entirely separate glands in the skin. 3 On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin.", "Different Strains of Acne Bacteria Cause Different Diseases Even though the strains of acne bacteria that cause acne symptoms are not the same strains that cause so many serious problems in the eyes, in the mouth, and in the interior of the body, they live alongside other strains of bacteria in the pores.", "BAD BACTERIA â HOW TO KILL ACNEâS BAD BACTERIA So, acne can be an infection of the middle layer of the skin, the dermis, caused by several strains of bacteria. 8. The dermis since it is the middle layer of the skin is very hard to access with products that can kill p. acnes, even though p. acnes is normally fairly easy to kill with over-the-counter products. 9.", "Abscess Skin abscesses are typically caused by either an inflammatory reaction to an infectious process (bacteria or parasite) or, less commonly, to a foreign substance within the body (a needle or a splinter, for example).", "Different Strains of Acne Bacteria Cause Different Diseases However, usually each strain of acne bacteria keeps to itself and behaves in relatively predictable ways. Most strains of acne bacteria don’t actually cause acne. These “commensal” bacteria provide a very basic form of skin cleansing that works from the inside out.", "Everything you need to know about cystic acne More detail and supporting information is in the body of this article. 1 Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne. 2 While acne is very common, cystic acne is relatively uncommon. 3 Cystic acne is. 4 caused by chocolate, nuts or greasy foods, nor by poor hygiene or masturbation.", "Acne Products While the exact cause of acne is unknown, excess sebum production, inefficient desquamation, hormones and stress are contributing factors.", "- Why does it occur. Acne occurs when glands (called sebaceous glands) in the follicles of the skin become overactive. These glands produce sebum, an oily substance that helps to stop the skin drying out.Someone with acne produces too much sebum, which forms a plug with dead skin cells and blocks the follicle.If the blocked follicle is close to the skin surface, it balloons outwards and forms a whitehead.everal factors can cause acne to get worse: 1 Changing levels of hormones in teenage girls and women, usually two to seven days before their period starts. 2 Oil from skin products, such as moisturisers and make-up, or grease in the workplace (such as a kitchen with fryers).", "- There are other hormonal disorders whose symptoms can include acne, but these are much more unusual. For example, people affected by a group of inherited disorders known collectively as congenital adrenal hyperplasia often produce either too much or too little of certain sex hormones, including testosterone.", "- Eczema facts. 1 Eczema is not a single disease but a reaction pattern of the skin produced by a number conditions. 2 Atopic dermatitis, a common causes of eczema, is more prevalent in those with asthma and hay fever. Eczema appears as small blisters that can weep and ooze, or as crusted, thickened plaques of skin.", "- Diagnosis This could be ERYTHEMA NODOSUM, possibly caused by an infection or reaction to a medicine. Self Care This condition usually isn't serious, but see your doctor to check for other diseases or causes of your symptoms. Diagnosis This could be PSORIASIS, a condition caused by the overproduction of skin cells.", "- Food allergies are the number one cause of acne, and the worse the acne the more likely food allergies are involved. Eating a food to which the body is allergic leads to a continuous toxic reaction. In such a case the immune system fights the food as if it were an invading organism.", "- Some causes of non-allergic hives are: 1 Cold - cold water, cold weather, ice cubes. 2 Heat - having a fever, taking warm baths, or using a hot tub. 3 Sunlight - sunlamps or direct sunlight. Pressure - skin that is rubbed very hard; tight-fitting 1 clothes. Emotions - stress. Viruses.", "- Acne, medically known as Acne Vulgaris, is a skin disease that involves the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. It commonly occurs during puberty when the sebaceous (oil) glands come to life-the glands are stimulated by male hormones produced by the adrenal glands of both males and females.obody is completely sure what causes acne. Experts believe the primary cause is a rise in androgen levels-androgen is a type of hormone. Androgen levels rise when a human becomes an adolescent. Rising androgen levels make the oil glands under your skin grow; the enlarged gland produces more oil.", "Boils (Skin Abscesses) Some boils can be caused by an ingrown hair. Others can form as the result of a splinter or other foreign material that has become lodged in the skin. Others boil, such as those of acne, are caused by plugged sweat glands that become infected. Often the exact cause of a boil cannot be determined.", "Complications Acne scarring can sometimes develop as a complication of acne. Any type of acne spot can lead to scarring, but it is more common when the most serious types of spots (nodules and cysts) burst and damage nearby skin. Scarring can also occur if you pick or squeeze your spots, so it is important not to do this.ee your GP if you are considering having cosmetic surgery. They will be able to discuss your options with you and advise you about the likelihood of having the procedure carried out on the NHS. Many private clinics offer treatment for acne scarring.", "Understanding Acne Basics Acne lesions are most common on the face, but they can also occur on the neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. Contrary to popular belief, acne isn't caused by a harmful diet, poor hygiene, or an uncontrolled sex drive. The simple truth is that heredity and hormones are behind most forms of acne.", "Bacterial skin infections Some bacteria live on normal skin and cause no harm, such as some Staphylococcus species, Corynebacterium spp., Brevibacterium spp and Acinetobacter. Propionibacteria live in the hair follicles of adult skin and contribute to acne.", "Acne (Pimples) 1 Dirt: Blackheads are oxidized oil, not dirt. 2 Sweat does not cause acne and is produced by entirely separate glands in the skin. 3 On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin.4 Stress: Some people get so upset by their pimples that they pick at them and make them last longer. Dirt: Blackheads are oxidized oil, not dirt. 2 Sweat does not cause acne and is produced by entirely separate glands in the skin. 3 On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin.", "- However, along with the above factors and genetics, which plays a role in how your body reacts to different hormones in your body and can cause acne, there are certain patterns you could be repeating on a daily basis that can cause you to break out or can even exacerbate your already annoying issue.", "Virus Fights Acne Sept. 25, 2012 -- Viruses that kill acne-causing bacteria might make a powerful acne treatment, new research suggests. A specific species of bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, is a major cause of the unpleasant, sometimes disfiguring disease doctors call acne vulgaris.The bacteria live inside the pits in the skin that contain hair follicles and sweat glands. specific species of bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, is a major cause of the unpleasant, sometimes disfiguring disease doctors call acne vulgaris. The bacteria live inside the pits in the skin that contain hair follicles and sweat glands.", "- Bacterial vaginosis also is referred to as nonspecific vaginitis, is a vaginal condition that can produce vaginal discharge and results from an overgrowth of certain kinds of bacteria in the vagina. In the past, the condition was called Gardnerella vaginitis, after the bacteria that were thought to cause the condition.", "Five Causes of Adult Acne That May Surprise You But there are other surprising causes of acne. Our makeup, skin care regimen, food choices, cell phone, and traveling may also be to blame. The good news is, we have control over these and can make changes. Here are some surprising causes of adult acne and ways to remove them from your lifestyle.", "Rosacea Rosacea has different causes than acne, however, and adults with rosacea do not have the whiteheads or blackheads (called comedones) commonly seen in acne. Red lines (telangiectasias) — Facial blushing or flushing causes small blood vessels to expand and eventually to show through the skin.", "Saccharomyces Boulardii S boulardii is completely unrelated to Candida albicans, C. tropicalas, C. kruise and other Candida species that cause disease and overgrowth species decrease the acidity of the gastrointestinal mucosal membrane susceptible to invasion by disease-causing bacteria and yeast. S boulardii exerts the opposite effect.", "Bumps on elbows, and Knees, Pimples, White, Red, Not Itchy, Skin Colored, Rough, How to Get Rid of and Pictures The flakes associated with dandruff sometimes can be caused by conditions other than seborrhea, including: 1 dry skin, such as the kind caused by cold, dry winter air. other skin conditions like eczema, acne, or psoriasis that can cause dead skin cells to build up on the scalp.", "Overview These areas of skin have the most oil (sebaceous) glands. Acne occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Hair follicles are connected to oil glands. These glands secrete an oily substance (sebum) to lubricate your hair and skin. Acne isn't caused by dirt. 2 In fact, scrubbing the skin too hard or cleansing with harsh soaps or chemicals irritates the skin and can make acne worse. 3 Though it does help to gently remove oil, dead skin and other substances. 4 Cosmetics." ]
[ 11.0078125 ]
[ 6.171875, 5.3046875, 11.703125, 11.40625, 11.515625, 11.515625, 6.1484375, 11.59375, 9.3984375, 10.1875, 10.515625, 11.171875, 7.85546875, 6.48046875, 11.046875, 6.76171875, 10.5703125, 9.390625, 6.82421875, 12.625, 10.109375, 10.75, 10.3046875, 11.90625, 6.6171875, 11.8984375, 9.421875, 3.6328125, 7.7890625, 12.453125 ]
are urinary tract infections painful
[ "Overview Male urinary system. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men are. Infection limited to your bladder can be painful and annoying. However, serious consequences can occur if a UTI spreads to your kidneys. Doctors typically treat urinary tract infections with antibiotics. But you can take steps to reduce your chances of getting a UTI in the first place." ]
[ "Urinary Tract Infection: Bladder Infection If you have a urinary tract infection, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms: 1 Pain or burning (discomfort) when urinating. 2 The need to urinate more often than usual. 3 A feeling of urgency when you urinate. Blood or mucus in the 1 urine. Cramps or pain in the lower abdomen. Pain during sexual intercourse.", "Candida Urinary Tract Infection - what are the symptoms of UTI? Urinary tract infections don't always cause signs and symptoms, but when they do they may include: 1 A strong, persistent urge to urinate. 2 A burning sensation when urinating. 3 Passing frequent, small amounts of urine. 4 Urine that appears cloudy. 5 Urine that appears red, bright pink or cola-colored — a sign of blood in the urine.", "Painful urination Article Excerpts about Painful urination. Interstitial cystitis (IC), one of the chronic pelvic pain disorders, is a condition resulting in recurring discomfort or pain in the bladder and the surrounding pelvic region. (Source: excerpt from Interstitial Cystitis: NIDDK)", "Bladder Spasms 1 Urinary tract infection (UTI): Bladder pain and burning are a common symptom of a UTI. 2 Interstitial cystitis (IC), also called painful bladder syndrome: This condition refers to bladder and urinary pain that is not due to other causes, such as a urinary tract infection.3 Pain is recurring and often severe.ome common causes of bladder spasms are: 1 Urinary tract infection (UTI): Bladder pain and burning are a common symptom of a UTI. 2 Interstitial cystitis (IC), also called painful bladder syndrome: This condition refers to bladder and urinary pain that is not due to other causes, such as a urinary tract infection.", "1 / 7 Foods You Shouldn't Eat When Treating a Bladder Infection A urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract. The bacteria cause irritation, which often results in painful urination and even abdominal pain. Though antibiotics can treat a UTI, it's important to also take steps to help your body heal — and to prevent further bladder irritation.", "Urinary Tract Infections in Teens and Adults - Symptoms Symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) may include: Pain or burning when you urinate. An urge to urinate frequently but usually passing only small amounts of urine. Pain in the lower belly. Urine that looks cloudy, is pink or red, or smells bad. Pain in the flank, which is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the back. Fever and chills.", "Convenia Long-Acting Antibiotic Injection Introduction. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common. They can be painful and uncomfortable, but they usually pass within a few days or can be easily treated with a course of antibiotics. UTIs are more common in women than in men.ifferent types of UTI. You can get an infection in the lower (bladder and urethra) or upper (kidney and ureters) part of the urinary tract, and doctors often describe them as lower or upper UTIs.", "- Painful urination is very common. The pain, burning, or stinging can indicate a number of medical conditions. Painful urination is a common sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs can be caused by bacterial infection or inflammation of the urinary tract. Your urinary tract is made up of the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. The ureters are tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.", "- These include drinking alcohol, smoking and drinking caffeinated beverages. 3. ... A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection in the... A urinary tract infection in any of these can be painful, and possibly dangerous.", "Urinary tract infection Symptoms from a lower urinary tract include painful urination and either frequent urination or urge to urinate (or both); while the symptoms of pyelonephritis include fever and flank pain in addition to the symptoms of a lower UTI.n young children, the only symptom of a urinary tract infection (UTI) may be a fever. Because of the lack of more obvious symptoms, when females under the age of two or uncircumcised males less than a year exhibit a fever, a culture of the urine is recommended by many medical associations.", "Are Gallbladder Attacks Misdiagnosed As Heart Attacks? Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): UTI is a painful infection but you can follow some effective home remedies to ease the discomfort naturally without the usage of any antibiotics and other medicines to clear the infection.", "Signs & Symptoms of a Staph Infection UTI Staph urinary tract infections can be painful. Depending on the parts of your urinary system that are inflamed by the staph bacteria, you may feel cramping, burning or pain in your vulva, pelvis or lower back. Pain in your vulva is from an inflamed urethra, while the symptoms in your pelvis are caused by an inflamed bladder.", "Overview Overview. An ear infection occurs when a bacterial or viral infection affects the middle ear—the sections of your ear just behind the eardrum. Ear infections can be painful because of inflammation and fluid build up in the middle ear. Ear infections can be chronic or acute. Acute ear infections are painful but short in duration. Chronic ear infections do not clear up, or they recur many times.", "Urinary Tract Infections It includes two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the second most common type of infection in the body. You may have a UTI if you notice. 1 Pain or burning when you urinate. 2 Fever, tiredness, or shakiness. An urge to urinate often.", "Acute Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections Urinary tract infections are an extremely common diagnosis in women. The UTI incidence ratio in middle-aged women to men is 30:1; yet, during later decades of life, the ratio of infection in women to men with bacteriuria progressively decreases.he term uncomplicated urinary tract infection refers to the invasion of a structurally and functionally normal urinary tract by a nonresident infectious organism. Complicated UTI refers to the occurrence of infection in patients with an abnormal structural or functional urinary tract, or both (Box 1).", "Chronic Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) are infections of the urinary tract that either don’t respond to treatment or keep recurring. They may either continue to affect your urinary tract despite getting the right treatment, or they may recur after treatment.", "That Burning Feeling: Urinary Tract Infection The most common symptom of a urinary tract infection is burning pain when you pee. You may also feel like you need to pee very often, even if only a little pee is in your bladder.t's also called a UTI or a bladder infection. Urine is made by the kidneys and stored in the bladder until you pee it out. Bacteria can get into the bladder and cause an infection. Bladder infections are very common in girls and women. One in 20 girls will have at least one bladder infection before the age of 18.", "- Your urinary tract is made up of the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. The ureters are tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Inflammation in any of these organs can cause pain during urination. Women and girls are more likely to develop urinary tract infections than men or boys.", "Organs in the Excretory System and Their Functions Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the infection of the urethra or the bladder. The symptoms include abdominal pain, painful or difficult urination and fever. The best way to avoid UTI is by drinking loads of water.", "EXTREMELY painful UTI infection...please help? I seem to get extremely painful UTI/cystitis!!! It is recurrent and seems to always be triggered by sexual intercourse with my boyfriend. I feel like crying and can hardly walk. I have it all the time :( Last week i got antibiotics for 3 days and it made me ill and very sick but the UTI did go...", "Urinary Tract Infection in Women Lower and upper tract infections can cause one or more of the following symptoms: 1 Unusually frequent urination. 2 An intense urge to urinate. 3 Pain, discomfort or a burning sensation during urination. 4 Pain, pressure or tenderness in the area of the bladder (midline, above or near the pubic area)", "Elderly UrinaryTract Infections If a 30-year-old woman experiences painful burning when she urinates, it's almost certain she has a urinary tract infection (UTI). But an elderly urinary tract infection rarely causes such clear symptoms and might not involve pain or discomfort at all.", "Overview A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men are. Infection limited to your bladder can be painful and annoying.", "Health Tip: What Causes Urinary Tract Infections in Women? Health Tip: What Causes Urinary Tract Infections in Women? (HealthDay News) -- A urinary tract infection occurs when certain bacteria invade the urinary tract. Symptoms may include itching, burning, and painful urination.", "Bladder Infection (Cystitis) Symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) are similar in men, women, and children. Early symptoms and signs are usually easy to recognize and primarily involve pain, discomfort, or burning when trying to urinate.", "What's to know about urinary tract infections? Abdominal pains are a common symptom of urinary tract infections. Common symptoms of urinary tract infection include: 1 Strong and frequent urge to urinate. 2 Cloudy, bloody or strong smelling urine. 3 Pain or burning sensation when urinating. 4 Nausea and vomiting.", "Symptoms of Urinary tract infections Urinary Tract Infections: NWHIC (Excerpt). Not everyone with a UTI has symptoms, but most people do. Symptoms may include a frequent urge to urinate and a painful, burning feeling in the area of the bladder or urethra during urination.", "- By Mayo Clinic Staff. Urinary tract infections can be painful, but you can take steps to ease your discomfort until antibiotics treat the infection. Follow these tips: 1 Drink plenty of water. Water helps to dilute your urine and flush out bacteria. Avoid drinks that may irritate your bladder.", "Uterus Infection If you have a pain in the abdominal area and a discharge that is foul smelling, you may be suffering with a uterus infection. These types of infections are usually associated with sexually transmitted diseases but in some cases the cause may be from pathogens.Women who have just given birth are open to these types of problems and they can acquire a uterus infection from placenta that is left over from being pregnant.There are many different things that can cause a uterus infection, so it might be a good idea to learn about the causes of this painful condition.n most cases, the disease is a result of either a gonorrhea or Chlamydia infection. The bacterium travels from the vagina and cervix to the reproductive areas. But sometimes it is caused by douching too much, using an intrauterine device for birth control or having too many sexual partners.", "How do you know if you have a urinary tract infection and if you do, how do you treat it? UTI symptoms are usually painful urination, frequent urination without passing a lot of urine, pain above the pubic bone or in the lower back (kidney infection), bloody urine or foul-smelling urine. But you didn't say how frequent you go or how much. The thirst is a little odd, and the 2 symptoms sound diabetes-like.est Answer: A urinary tract infection-also called UTI-is usually a result of bacterial colonization in the urethra (part or the urinary tract through which urine exits the body)." ]
[ 14.3125 ]
[ 13.390625, 12.25, 9.0078125, 11.4921875, 12.9765625, 13.6953125, 14.1953125, 13.9453125, 13.609375, 13.5546875, 13.2265625, 13.609375, 7.37890625, 12.875, 8.6484375, 10.375, 12.765625, 13.09375, 11.703125, 11.28125, 12.234375, 13.2109375, 14.1953125, 12.7421875, 13.3515625, 13.3203125, 13.6015625, 15.4765625, 6.27734375, 11.3203125 ]
skydiving when they open the door to the plane, are you already strapped to the person
[ "- Tandem skydiving allows the first time jumper to experience freefall from approximately two miles in the sky with the use of a parachute harness built for two people. You will be jumping with a certified tandem instructor.This allows the student/passenger to relax and enjoy the freefall and canopy ride with minimal ground training. Tandem students are required to complete a brief ground class.or Tandem jumping, plan to spend one to two hours onsite, although this time is very weather dependent. There will be lots of things to watch and participate in. We encourage you to bring coolers with food and beverages, and make a day out of it if you'd like." ]
[ "- How old do you have to be to skydive? In the US, jumpers must be 18 years or older - NO EXCEPTIONS! Minimum age requirements are due to the fact that minors are not able to sign legal documents and parents and/or legal guardians are not allowed by law to sign the rights of a minor away.", "How Old Do You Have To Be To Go Skydiving? There are various regulations which may vary depending on where you live and the dropzone you have chosen. In most cases you will need to be 18 years old to start skydiving. If you are 16-18 years old, your parents may give the agreement for you. But again, it depends on the dropzone and country.Some countries may have no regulations, but I would advice you to stay away from the drop zones in them.Photo by gynti_46.n most cases you will need to be 18 years old to start skydiving. If you are 16-18 years old, your parents may give the agreement for you. But again, it depends on the dropzone and country. Some countries may have no regulations, but I would advice you to stay away from the drop zones in them. Photo by gynti_46.", "- More example sentences. 1 Though this was kind of a good thing, meaning that she wouldn't be falling over and tripping the other people that were also in the car. 2 Well anyway, Mandy and I were both running after the ball, and I guess I tripped her or she fell on her own, but she went down..2 (trip up) Make a mistake: taxpayers often trip up by not declaring taxable income. More example sentences. Synonyms. 1 The only time the film trips up is in casting the Scottish comedian Billy Connolly as an Irishman, his grating Scots accent unsuccessfully modulated to try and make it resemble an Irish brogue.", "- It wasn't until the dust turned toward the house, like a fired locomotive, and I fled, barefoot and breathless, back inside, it wasn't until the dust. hissed against the windows, until it ratcheted the roof, that Daddy woke. He ran into the storm, his overalls half-hooked over his union suit.", "- Also, fun fact: If you're stuck inside a car and need to break a window (for instance, if you're in water) then you can take the headrest out of the seat, but the metal spike down between the window and interior of the door, and yank on it hard.h, and roadside assistance, so I won't need to break a window to get into it. In a preview for the show Hacking the System, one of the guys tries to smash one of the side windows on a Jeep Grand Cherokee with a mallet. It doesn't work. So the other guy dismantles a spark plug.", "- often relevant to tiny cheap resorts with two fold bedrooms, certainly one of that will be very near a side wall.You yell crevasse and press an unexpected buddy in to the gap between your bed in addition to wall surface and then every body put on that child watching him experience. by Elissa Report definition", "Tandem Jumping Frequently Asked Questions How old do I have to be? You must be at least 18 years of age with a valid photo ID. FEDERAL REGULATION- Sorry your parents can not sign for you. What do I need to wear? Comfortable clothing for temperatures and sneakers (no boots or sandals, please). Can I get pictures and video of my skydive?", "- In most cases you will need to be 18 years old to start skydiving. If you are 16-18 years old, your parents may give the agreement for you.But again, it depends on the dropzone and country. Some countries may have no regulations, but I would advice you to stay away from the drop zones in them.Photo by gynti_46.n most cases you will need to be 18 years old to start skydiving. If you are 16-18 years old, your parents may give the agreement for you. But again, it depends on the dropzone and country. Some countries may have no regulations, but I would advice you to stay away from the drop zones in them. Photo by gynti_46.", "- The song was written on the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. This song is covered by many artists over the years but the best version came out of Heaviest band of all time Led Zeppelin in their best selling unnamed fourth album in 1971. This album also share other legendary songs like Stairway to heaven (Which is arguably the most requested song on Radio).", "- I reattached the old strapping to the large floor joists with screws. I would like to put up drywall but the ceiling is visibly not level. In addition, the old strapping is very dry and prone to cracking. I'd like to change the strapping but am not sure how to do that given the placement of the joists.For example, the old strapping is attached between the wall and the joist.eave the strapping where it is. You can use this to level the ceiling. You need to set a level plane. You can use string levels or a laser. Shim the strapping down to the level plane, joist by joist.", "- Leave the strapping where it is. You can use this to level the ceiling. You need to set a level plane. You can use string levels or a laser. Shim the strapping down to the level plane, joist by joist.When you're done with the leveling process, proceed with the rest of the job.eave the strapping where it is. You can use this to level the ceiling. You need to set a level plane. You can use string levels or a laser. Shim the strapping down to the level plane, joist by joist.", "Definitions &Translations Sample Sentences & Example Usage. Mike Gold: I would caution anyone from popping the champagne quite yet, this matter is rife with the opportunity for misperception and misunderstanding. Bijan Khajehpour: They connect dual citizens like Siamak who are active in business and society as 'agents of infiltration', which is a complete misperception.", "- He took you to your town's regional airport to see small private planes whiz down the runway and soar into the clear blue sky. You pressed your nose against the fence to see the occasional private jet swoop in to refuel its tanks. Something began to click in your head. You loved planes, loved to watch them fly.", "- Quite unconscious that his master was looking on from the dark corner by the parlour door, Sim threw off the paper cap, sprang from his seat, and in two extraordinary steps, something between skating and minuet dancing, bounded to a washing place at the other end of the shop, and there removed from his face and hands all traces of his previous ...", "Day Thirty Nine Like, really good. Like, get-all-sweaty, put-it-in-the-spank-bank, think-about-it-while-riding-the-subway good. I felt a bit stripper-ish when I first straddled D. on one of his kitchen chairs. (We dragged it into his room. Hope his roommate just assumes we were using it to stand on to hang something on the wall.", "- Then with the wisp he rubbed all over the jamb of the door, above, below, and at each side, and round the fireplace in the same way. View in context He returned to Musqueton, but the steward had sold the last wisp.", "- The History of Skydiving. Skydiving has an interesting history that can take up a whole volume, but this article will attempt to give a brief synopsis of that history. Most people consider skydiving a product of the twentieth century, but its history actually goes further back than that.", "Parachuting (video) Skydivers practicing formations. Parachuting, or skydiving, is a method of transiting from a high point to Earth with the aid of gravity, involving the control of speed during the descent with the use of a parachute. It may involve more or less free-falling which is a period during the parachute has not been deployed and the body gradually accelerates to terminal velocity. The first parachute jump in history was made by André-Jacques Garnerin, the inventor of the parachute, on 22 October 1797. Garnerin tested his ...", "- See more of The awkward moment when you get in the van and there's no candy. by logging into Facebook. Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page.", "You want to commit suicide, but have no cyanide capsules. Wut do? WulfgarEntreri said: The only thing I thought when I was skydiving was HOLY CRAP THIS IS AWESOME. Not HOLY CRAP MY HEART IS STOPPING. Although I did read in a skydiving magazine they had there that some experienced skydiver was solo-diving and died mid-air, came smashing down into the landing zone at full speed.", "Become a licensed skydiver so you can jump with friends. Your instructors will be at your side throughout freefall, coaching you during the skydive, until you deploy your parachute. After opening, you will fly the parachute to landing with back-up assistance via radio from the ground. You will jump with two instructors for the first three levels of the AFF program.", "- When one door is closed, don't you know, another is open. Bob Marley. Open, Closed. A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push. Ludwig Wittgenstein. Rather, Room, Push. Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole.ork, Good, Since. I tell my students, it's not difficult to identify with somebody like yourself, somebody next door who looks like you. What's more difficult is to identify with someone you don't see, who's very far away, who's a different color, who eats a different kind of food.", "Crisper Drawers... How Do They Work? September 10, 2014. You can learn a lot about a person by peeking inside their fridge. You're snacking at an acquaintance's home, the refrigerator door swings open, and you think someone's on a diet or they must really like hunting, or I guess nobody here likes to cook..", "Definitions &Translations Sydney Harris: When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what'. Henry Louis Mencken: Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.", "Parallel Structure Capped and zipped are both simple past tense verbs, but were closing is past progressive, wrecking the parallelism. Parallel structure, the correct way to write, looks like this: Students , , and . Students , , and .", "What does the phrase ' Jumping on a bandwagon ' mean? The phrase Jump/climb on the bandwagon means to start doing something because other people are doing it. For example, your hometown team finally starts winning, after being mediocre. They are getting alot of attention for it, so people will then start jumping on the bandwagon.", "Parachuting Parachuting, or skydiving, is a method of transiting from a high point to Earth with the aid of gravity, involving the control of speed during the descent with the use of a parachute.", "- Historical Examples. 1 All she could do was lean against the doorjamb and try to catch her breath. 2 A tiny device on the doorjamb, down near the floor, went zzzt! 3 His hand, resting against the doorjamb, began to quiver and jerk. 4 Major Connel was leaning against the doorjamb, a wide grin on his face. The Revolt on Venus Carey Rockwell Something came twisting forward to hit the doorframe, it dropped just inside the doorjamb.", "- they'll storm the gates and then just watch what happens when they do. *scream*. Picture a handsome, heroically charismatic--. plain spoken, know nothing, skirt-chasing, cocky little son of a--. lie down with dogs and you wake up with a raise and a promotion.ive those kids and me the brand new century and watch what happens. It's David and Goliath do or die. the fight is on and I can't watch what happens.", "- TIP: When deciding where you want to skydive, you should ask the dropzone how long the airplane ride will take and what altitude you will jump from. You could be paying the same price to sit in a plane for 30 minutes and jump out at 10,000ft or jump at CSC and be in the plane 15 minutes and jump from 14,000ft." ]
[ 9.2265625 ]
[ 6.484375, 5.7421875, -2.5234375, -0.297119140625, -0.43212890625, 1.421875, 7.140625, 7.8203125, -0.89599609375, 1.3759765625, 4.90625, -4.078125, 2.5078125, -0.2744140625, 0.25537109375, -1.01953125, 4.66796875, 6.66015625, 2.904296875, 6.0078125, 7.40625, 2.07421875, 1.5234375, -1.498046875, -3.68359375, -2.1796875, 6.9765625, -2.27734375, 1.638671875, 7.69140625 ]
camisole shirt definition
[ "Camisole A camisole is a sleeveless undergarment for women, normally extending to the waist. The camisole is usually made of satin, nylon, or cotton." ]
[ "semblancenoun [ U] us â / Ësem·blÉns / They also arranged a semblance of uniform; camouflage overalls, trousers, basketball shoes, and a t-shirt.", "- Charmeuse (. [ʃaʁmoeːz]) ʃaʁmøːz is a lightweight fabric woven with a satin, weave in which the warp threads cross over three or more of the (backing) weft. Threads the front of the fabric has a satin—finish lustrous and—reflective whereas the back has a dull. finishridal gowns sometime use charmeuse; however, the fabric does not hold a shape well, so it is not used for full, flared skirts; the charmeuse tends to cling and hang against the body. It is best suited to a more fluid, slinky bias cut, and is too fragile and flimsy for more tailored clothing.", "- in english orale is an old name for the white silk shoulder cape worn by the pope also known as a fanon in french orale is the feminine form of the adjective oral which means oralin latin orale is an alternate form the usual is orali of neo latin third declension adjective oralis oral in the ablative singularn latin orale is an alternate form the usual is orali of neo latin third declension adjective oralis oral in the ablative singular", "- Ghillie suit. For the traditional Scottish clothing, see Ghillie shirt. A ghillie suit (called a yowie suit by the Australian Army) is a type of camouflage clothing designed to resemble the background environment such as foliage, snow or sand.", "chamois Noun. 1. chamois-a soft suede leather formerly from the skin of the chamois antelope but now from sheepskin. chammy, chammy leather, chamois leather, shammy, shammy leather. leather-an animal skin made smooth and flexible by removing the hair and then tanning.", "- The Fleur't Lace Camisole w/ Shelf Bra 383LU is perfect to wear under jackets and shirts as a layering piece! Made of rayon/spandex, in basic and fashion colors. Fleur't's Lace Camisole w/ Shelf Bra is designed to match Fleur't LuLu's Delites Boyshort Panties 205 and Fleur't LuLu's Delites Low Rise Thong 103.", "cuirass cui·rass. Use cuirass in a sentence. a piece of closefitting armor for protecting the breast and back, orig. made of leather. the breastplate of such armor. Zool. a protective structure of bony plates.", "- Use corset in a sentence. a closefitting undergarment, often tightened with laces and reinforced with stays, worn, chiefly by women, to give support or a desired figure to the body from the hips to or including the breast.", "- Definition: A cami or camisole is a tank top or undergarment with thin shoulder straps that can sometimes be adjusted for a more precise fit. As an undergarment piece, camis work well under sheer or low-cut blouses to provide coverage. These tank tops are usually fabricated in cotton, satin, silk, spandex or nylon. Pronunciation: cam-ee. Also Known As: Camisole", "Black Period As mentioned above, to Picasso African art represented exorcism, but also masculinity. As such, Les Demoisselles is a quaint combination of stylistic and sexual extremes. Masculinity and femininity, as well as painterly refinement and crudeness.", "Corselet The corselet was originally a piece of armor, covering the torso; the origin of the English word comes from cors, an Old French word meaning bodice. The corselet as an item of women's clothing began to gain traction in 1914, as a substitute for wearing two separate pieces (a bra with either a girdle or a corset).", "- Highlights Kiss Camisole: Inspired by 1940s Hollywood styles, the Hanro Kiss Collection features sleek satin and seductive lace. This camisole can both both day and nighttime wear, and works well as a sensual layering piece. From the Kiss Collection. Choose capture rose (pink) or natural satin.", "- Baby Doll is a 1956 American black comedy and drama film directed by Elia Kazan, and starring Carroll Baker, Karl Malden and Eli Wallach. Additional data for baby-doll may be on the way. A camisole is a sleeveless undergarment for women, normally extending to the waist. The camisole is usually made of satin, nylon, or cotton. camisole n 1: a short sleeveless undergarment for women [syn: {underbodice}] 2: a short negligee. Camisole \\Cami*sole\\, n. [F.", "- Camisole Bra Ideal under low cut blouses and dresses, a camisole bra is designed to look beautiful as well as offer support. A camisole can also add a touch of femininity to tailored blazers for wearing to the office. This undergarment comes in several designs, including spaghetti straps, wide straps and strapless.", "Grisette (person) It derives from gris, (French for grey), and refers to the cheap grey fabric of the dresses these women originally wore. The 1694 edition of the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française described a grisette as simply a woman of lowly condition.", "Definition of Gossamer [oe. gossomer, gossummer, gosesomer, perh. for goose summer, from its downy appearance, or perh. for god's summer, cf. g. mariengarr gossamer, properly mary's yarn, in allusion to the virgin mary. perhaps the e. word alluded to a legend that the gossamer was the remnant of the virgin mary's winding sheet, which dropped from her when she was taken up to heaven. for the use of summer in the sense of film or threads, cf. g. m?dchensommer, altweibersommer, fliegender sommer, all meaning, gossamer.]", "BLOUSE Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of blouse): garibaldi (a loose high-necked blouse with long sleeves; styled after the red flannel shirts worn by Garibaldi's soldiers). guimpe (a short blouse with sleeves that is worn under a jumper or pinafore dress). middy; middy blouse (blouse with a sailor collar).", "- girasol (ˈdʒɪrəˌsɒl; -ˌsəʊl) , girosol or girasole n (Jewellery) a type of opal that has a red or pink glow in bright light; fire opal [C16: from Italian, from girare to revolve (see gyrate) + sole the sun, from Latin sōl] gir•a•sol (ˈdʒɪr əˌsɔl, -ˌsɒl) also gir•a•sole (-ˌsoʊl) n. 1. an opal that reflects light in a bright luminous glow.", "- camouflage: The use of natural or artificial material on personnel, objects, or positions (e.g., tactical) in order to confuse, mislead, or evade the enemy/adversary (DOD JP 1997a). case officer: A professional employee of an intelligence organization who is responsible for providing direction for an agent operation.", "- I have many customers who ask me about the origin of the Guayabera shirt. I think the first thing to say, and what I say, is that it is a mystery. There is the Wikipedia definition, which describes it as a peasant creation for use in the country side, with all the pockets used to hold fruits and other items.", "- Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: caesura /sɪˈzjʊərə/. n ( pl -ras, -rae / -riː/) ( 1 in modern prosody) a pause, esp for sense, usually near the middle of a verse line. ( in classical prosody) a break between words within a metrical foot, usually in the third or fourth foot of the line.", "Carabineros de Chilein English If the danger is caused by a member of the child’s family or by guardians, the public prosecutor may immediately order the Carabineros de Chile (the uniformed police) to take the child to the home of blood relations or other persons with whom the child has a relationship of trust, or to a transit and distribution centre, and to inform the juvenile judge accordingly.", "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z CLOTHED, PROPERLY: With white gloves and apron, and the jewel of his Masonic rank. Today the gloves are usually dispensed with. COLUMNS: From the Latin culmen meaning a pillar to support or adorn a building.. In Masonry the symbolic Significance pertains to the supports of a lodge: Wisdom, Strength and Beauty.", "- While it is unclear under what circumstance the term moose knuckle originated, it's definition is very clear. A moose knuckle is when a male's testicular outline can be seen t … hrough one's pants or jeans. It is the equivalent to the the female's camel toe.he other is an alliteration to the labia of an obese woman when she is wearing tight clothes that accentuate her labia.. It is cameltoe's ugly sister. See the links and the related questions, both of which you'll find below.", "- rosette. noun ro·sette \\rō-ˈzet\\. Tweet. : a badge or ornament that is made of ribbon and folded in the shape of a rose. : a design shaped like a rose that is used as a decoration.ull Definition of ROSETTE. 1. : an ornament usually made of material gathered or pleated so as to resemble a rose and worn as a badge of office, as evidence of having won a decoration (as the Medal of Honor), or as trimming.", "calico 1. a plain-woven cotton cloth printed with a figured pattern, usu. on one side. 2. Brit. plain white cotton cloth. 3. an animal having a spotted or particolored coat. 4. made of calico. 5. mottled or variegated in color.", "- Full Definition of CALICO. 1. a: cotton cloth imported from India b British: a plain white cotton fabric that is heavier than muslin c: any of various cheap cotton fabrics with figured patterns. 2. : a blotched or spotted animal; especially: one that is predominantly white with red and black patches. — calico adjective.", "parasol A light, usually small umbrella carried as protection from the sun. [French, from Italian parasole : parare, to shield (from Latin parāre, to prepare; see perə- in Indo-European roots) + sole, sun (from Latin sōl; see sāwel- in Indo-European roots).] par′a·soled′ adj.", "- gazelle noun [C]. › an ​African or ​Asian ​mammal with ​hoofs and ​large ​eyes that ​moves ​quickly and ​lightly. (Definition of gazelle from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press).", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Caisson (noun) a chest to hold ammunition. Caisson (noun) a four-wheeled carriage for conveying ammunition, consisting of two parts, a body and a limber. In light field batteries there is one caisson to each piece, having two ammunition boxes on the body, and one on the limber. Caisson (noun)" ]
[ 15.71875 ]
[ 0.5791015625, 3.283203125, -1.1220703125, 2.923828125, 3.935546875, 7.61328125, 0.11309814453125, 3.779296875, 15.875, -0.96337890625, 4.69921875, 6.1875, 14.578125, 9.578125, -0.01947021484375, 0.50048828125, 5.46484375, -1.26953125, 0.9775390625, 0.35888671875, -1.8681640625, -0.72314453125, -0.44873046875, 2.505859375, -0.281005859375, 3.123046875, 0.96484375, 1.37890625, 0.09698486328125, -0.2169189453125 ]
how many tiers is the federal government
[ "State & Local Government Under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved for the states and the people. All state governments are modeled after the federal government and consist of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial." ]
[ "The Territories of the United States The Territories of the United States are administrative divisions of the US federal government. The territories are either incorporated into the U.S. or have an organized government through an Organic Act passed by the Congress. The U.S. has a total of 16 territories, five of which are permanently inhabited.", "The 3 Levels of the Federal Court System: Structure and Organization Video: The 3 Levels of the Federal Court System: Structure and Organization. The federal court system has three main levels: U.S. District Court, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court. Each level of court serves a different legal function for both civil and criminal cases. The 3 Levels of the Federal Court System: Structure and Organization.", "U.S. Government & Legal System -- Introduction Levels of U.S. Government. Government in the United States is organized into three levels: federal, state, and local (e.g. county and municipalities). Each level of government has unique responsibilities. For example, the federal government is responsible for national matters, such as international affairs and national defense.", "Canadaâs Electoral System: Introduction to Federal and Provincial Elections Canadian citizens elect political representatives at all three levels of government: federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal to: 1 the federal House of Commons; 2 the provincial and territorial legislatures; and. their city council.", "- Federal government of the United States. The Federal Government of the United States is the national government of the United States, a republic in North America, composed of 50 states, one district, Washington, D.C. (the nation's capital), and several territories.", "What Are the Three Levels of State Courts in the United States? The structure of state courts varies from state to state, with each state operating on a number of state court tiers. The tiers are differentiated by the amount of money at stake or the type of case filed. Although these state court levels differ from state to state, the minimum levels should be three in all states.", "THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENTPrinter Friendly (PDF) THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT Printer Friendly (PDF) Our federal government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). The President of the United States administers the Executive Branch of our government. The President enforces the laws that the Legislative Branch (Congress) makes. The President is elected by United States citizens, 18 years of age and older, who vote in the presidential elections in their states.", "How many branches of government are there? I was taught 4. In the United States, the Constitution outlines our three branches of government: -Legislative. -Executive. -Judicial. However, although it is not listed in the Constitution and is not a branch of government, the Press (or the Media) is often referred to as the Fourth Estate.", "Bureaucracy: Definition • 15 departments which serve as the major service organizations of federal government. – State, Treasury, Defense, Justice, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, HHS, HUD, Transportation, Energy, Education, Vet.", "Branches of Government To ensure a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. To ensure the government is effective and citizens’ rights are protected, each branch has its own powers and responsibilities, including working with the other branches. Learn About:", "- The federal court system consists of three tiers. At the bottom are the federal district courts, also called trial courts.here are 686 federal district judgeships, 179 seats on the federal appeals courts, and 9 Supreme Court justices. The number of judges on each district and each appeals court varies by the size and caseload of the circuit.", "The 4th Estate as the 4th Branch The Phrase 4th Branch of Government. The 4th branch of government is a phrase that appears to have first surfaced among critics of FDR's New Deal in the 1930s. It referred not to the press, but to the collection of new Federal regulatory agencies with top officials appointed by the Executive Branch.", "\"\"\"Most Powerful Branch Of Government\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" Three Branches Of Government. Download or order a poster. Constitution. The Founding Fathers, the framers of the Constitution, wanted to form a government that did not allow one person to have too much control. With this in mind, the framers wrote the Constitution to provide for a separation of powers, or three separate branches of government.", "Fourth branch of government Fourth branch of government. In the American political system, the fourth branch of government refers to a group that influences the three branches of government defined in the American Constitution (legislative, executive and judicial). Such groups can include the press (an analogy for the Fourth Estate), the people, and interest groups.", "We Do NOT Have a Federal Government Nearly all of us use the word federal to refer to the United States national government, as distinct from the state governments. This has been an error on our part. Federal was a description, not a name.he national government rode on top of the federal arrangement – when and where it moved, the national government automatically followed – like the surface of the ocean moving with a wave. There was nothing else it could do or be. Madison did this on purpose.", "Introduction To The Federal Court System Introduction To The Federal Court System The federal court system has three main levels: district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States, the final level of appeal in the federal system. There are 94 district courts, 13 circuit courts, and one Supreme Court throughout the country. Courts in the federal system work differently in many ways than state courts. The primary difference for civil cases (as opposed to criminal cases) is the types of cases that can be heard in the federal system.", "United States The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America (/əˈmɛrɪkə/), is a federal republic[19][20] composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.[fn 6] Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America ...", "- There are three branches in the U.S. Government. 1 Executive-Presidency. 2 Judicial-Supreme Court & Federal Courts. 3 Legislative-Congress (House of Representatives & Senate). 4 3 branches. 5 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.", "The Federal Court System of the United States: Definition, Structure & Levels Like the state court systems, the federal court system has three tiers, or levels. The lower level is made up of the district courts. Cases appealed from this level are heard in the circuit courts, and cases appealed from the circuit courts can be heard in the United States Supreme Court.", "Government Pay Scale The federal government pay scale is presented in the General Schedule (G.S) . Designed to establish salaries for all position levels throughout all Federal agencies, the General Schedule is divided into 15 grades, which each have 10 levels.The table however doesn't include SES (Senior Executive Service) positions, which used to be listed as GS-16, GS-17 and GS-18.esigned to establish salaries for all position levels throughout all Federal agencies, the General Schedule is divided into 15 grades, which each have 10 levels. The table however doesn't include SES (Senior Executive Service) positions, which used to be listed as GS-16, GS-17 and GS-18.", "Oregon See also. 1 List of people who have served in all three branches of a U.S. state government. 2 Local government in the United States. 3 Federal government of the United States. 4 Article Four of the United States Constitution. 5 Seals of the U.S. states. 6 Political divisions of the United States.", "The Canadian Federal Government Canadian Federal Government Employees. Another valuable piece of information on the Web is the Canadian federal government telephone directory. You can search for individual federal government employees, by department if you like, and it also provides useful inquiry numbers, as well as organization information. Continue: How the Federal Government Works.", "What is the difference between state and federal courts? State courts operate fairly similarly to federal courts. Each state constitution establishes the types of courts. Most states will have a three tier system that roughly mirrors the federal court system. Typically there is a trial level court, an intermediate appellate court and a supreme court. Each state will name these courts different things.", "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights The Founding Fathers designed our Government with 3 branches to ensure equal and fair representation for all. Congress, and the House of Representatives, plays a very specific role in maintaining this balance.", "What is Federal Court? The Federal court system consists of three different levels. The first or lowest level in the Federal court system consists of the U.S. District Court.The District Courts are the trial courts of the Federal judicial system and most Federal court cases originate in a District Court.he Federal court system consists of three different levels. The first or lowest level in the Federal court system consists of the U.S. District Court.", "The Three Branches of US Government The United States has three branches of government: the executive, the legislative and the judicial. Each of these branches has a distinct and essential role in the function of the government, and they were established in Articles 1 (legislative), 2 (executive) and 3 (judicial) of the U.S. Constitution.he United States has three branches of government: the executive, the legislative and the judicial. Each of these branches has a distinct and essential role in the function of the government, and they were established in Articles 1 (legislative), 2 (executive) and 3 (judicial) of the U.S. Constitution.", "Meeting the Third Branch of U.S. Government: The Supreme Court The party ultimately responsible for maintaining the government’s checks and balances, assuring that none of the branches abuses its authority, is the Supreme Court. The three-part structure of federal government results in what is also confusingly called the separation of powers.", "Branches of Government Branches of Government To ensure a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. To ensure the government is effective and citizens’ rights are protected, each branch has its own powers and responsibilities, including working with the other branches. Learn About:", "THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENTPrinter Friendly (PDF) Our federal government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). The President of the United States administers the Executive Branch of our government.He enforces the laws that the Legislative Branch (Congress) makes.he Judicial part of our federal government includes the Supreme Court and 9 Justices. They are special judges who interpret laws according to the Constitution. These justices only hear cases that pertain to issues related to the Constitution.", "Government 101: State Governments All state governments are modeled after the federal government and consist of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The U.S. Constitution mandates that all states uphold a republican form of government, although the three­-branch structure is not required." ]
[ 9.109375 ]
[ 6.33984375, 9.1171875, 9.921875, 6.91015625, 8.1015625, 6.6953125, 7.2578125, 6.3984375, 5.98046875, 8.7109375, 11.765625, 2.857421875, 5.3046875, 4.21484375, 3.94140625, 7.51171875, 7.84765625, 8.7265625, 12.3203125, 6.5859375, 6.3984375, 3.6015625, 9.546875, 6.984375, 7.47265625, 7.6171875, 6.87890625, 8.546875, 6.8984375, 9.2265625 ]
what do thymus do in the immune system
[ "What is the function of the thymus gland? The thymus gland is located in the neck above the heart. The function of the thymus gland is to generate mature T lymphocytes (white blood cels that help the immune system fight off illness).he function of the thymus gland is to generate mature T lymphocytes (white blood cels that help the immune system fight off illness)." ]
[ "Immune System and Disorders Your immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend against germs. It helps your body to recognize these foreign invaders. Then its job is to keep them out, or if it can't, to find and destroy them. If your immune system cannot do its job, the results can be serious.", "- The bone marrow, the lymph nodes, the spleen, and the thymus are the organs that are part of the immune system, all of which work together to produce the different types of wh … ite blood cells which keep you alive. 2 people found this useful.he bone marrow, the lymph nodes, the spleen, and the thymus are the organs that are part of the immune system, all of which work together to produce the different types of wh … ite blood cells which keep you alive. 2 people found this useful.", "What is the Thymus Gland? The thymus gland is an organ in the upper chest cavity that processes lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that fights infections in the body. This organ is part of both the lymphatic system, which makes up a major part of the immune system, and the endocrine system, which includes all glands that produce hormones.he thymus gland is an organ in the upper chest cavity that processes lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that fights infections in the body. This organ is part of both the lymphatic system, which makes up a major part of the immune system, and the endocrine system, which includes all glands that produce hormones.", "Thymus Gland The thymus gland, despite containing glandular tissue and producing several hormones, is much more closely associated with the immune system than with the endocrine system.The thymus serves a vital role in the training and development of T-lymphocytes or T cells, an extremely important type of white blood cell. cells defend the body from potentially deadly pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The thymus is a soft, roughly triangular organ located in the mediastinum of the thoracic cavity anterior and superior to the heart and posterior to the sternum....", "What Is Thymus Cancer? T lymphocytes develop in the thymus and then travel to lymph nodes (bean-sized collections of immune system cells) throughout the body. There they help the immune system protect the body from viruses, fungus, and other types of infections.", "STNA Vocabulary A system (including the thymus and bone marrow and lymphoid tissues) that protects the body from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing the immune response.A system that provides a defense mechanism to organism, providing defensive measures against antigens which would prove harmful to the organism.", "- What the Immune System Does. The immune (pronounced: ih-MYOON) system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms every day. In most cases, the immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections. But sometimes, problems with the immune system can lead to illness and infection. The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders.", "- 2. thymus-a ductless glandular organ at the base of the neck that produces lymphocytes and aids in producing immunity; atrophies with age. thymus gland. ductless gland, endocrine gland, endocrine-any of the glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.. thymus-a ductless glandular organ at the base of the neck that produces lymphocytes and aids in producing immunity; atrophies with age. thymus gland. ductless gland, endocrine gland, endocrine-any of the glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.", "The Immune System: Information about Lymphocytes, Dendritic Cells, Macrophages, and White Blood Cells The Immune system is a complex network of cells (such as lymphocytes) and organs that work together to defend the body against foreign substances (antigens) such as bacteria, a virus or tumor cell.When the body discovers such a substance several kinds of cells go into action in what is called an immune response.Below is a description of some of the cells that are part of the immune system. Lymphocytes Lymphocytes are one of the main types of immune cells.hen the body discovers such a substance several kinds of cells go into action in what is called an immune response. Below is a description of some of the cells that are part of the immune system. Lymphocytes Lymphocytes are one of the main types of immune cells.", "An Overview of the Thymus 1 The thymus gland, located behind your sternum and between your lungs, is only active until puberty. 2 After puberty, the thymus starts to slowly shrink and become replaced by fat. 3 Thymosin is the hormone of the thymus, and it stimulates the development of disease-fighting T cells.hroughout your childhood years, white blood cells called lymphocytes pass through the thymus, where they are transformed into T cells. Once T cells have fully matured in the thymus, they migrate to the lymph nodes (groups of immune system cells) throughout the body, where they aid the immune system in fighting disease.", "TREATING MASTITIS WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS Another danger they face is a weak immune system. The immune system is the body’s form of defense. It is comprised of organs, tissues, cells and cell products that all work together to fight harmful substances like the pathogens that cause infection and disease.There are two main ways that stress has a direct, negative effect on the immune system:he immune system is the body’s form of defense. It is comprised of organs, tissues, cells and cell products that all work together to fight harmful substances like the pathogens that cause infection and disease. There are two main ways that stress has a direct, negative effect on the immune system:", "In what organ system does the THYMUS belong to? When you look at what body system a organ belongs you look at its main function. Its main function is to produce hormones that produce white blood cells, therefore in my opinion the thymus as apart of the endocrine system.Source(s):Zulu Warrior · 7 years ago.ts main function is to produce hormones that produce white blood cells, therefore in my opinion the thymus as apart of the endocrine system.", "Immune System The immune system is made up of a complex network of cells and organs that protect the body from infection. The Immune System-Click to Enlarge. Lymph nodes are part of the immune system. They release lymphocytes, a certain type of white blood cell that fights infection.The blood vessels and lymph vessels carry the lymphocytes to and from different areas in the body. Each lymphoid organ plays a role in the production and activation of lymphocytes.ymph nodes are part of the immune system. They release lymphocytes, a certain type of white blood cell that fights infection. The blood vessels and lymph vessels carry the lymphocytes to and from different areas in the body.", "Immune system The immune system is a system of many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. To function properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety of agents, known as pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, and distinguish them from the organism's own healthy tissue.he main response of the immune system to tumors is to destroy the abnormal cells using killer T cells, sometimes with the assistance of helper T cells. Tumor antigens are presented on MHC class I molecules in a similar way to viral antigens. This allows killer T cells to recognize the tumor cell as abnormal.", "- The thymus gland is an organ in the upper chest cavity that processes lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that fights infections in the body. This organ is part of both the lymphatic system, which makes up a major part of the immune system, and the endocrine system, which includes all glands that produce hormones.he thymus gland is most important to children and young adults as it programs white blood cells to attack antigens. Different types of white blood cells programmed within the thymus gland.", "Immune system The immune system is a system of many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. To function properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety of agents, known as pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, and distinguish them from the organism's own healthy tissue. cells and T cells are the major types of lymphocytes and are derived from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. B cells are involved in the humoral immune response, whereas T cells are involved in cell-mediated immune response. Both B cells and T cells carry receptor molecules that recognize specific targets.", "thymus thymus. a primary lymphoid organ lying in the cranial mediastinum or in the neck or throat, (depending on the species), which reaches its maximum development during puberty and continues to play an immunological role throughout life, even though its function declines with age. primary lymphoid organ lying in the cranial mediastinum or in the neck or throat, (depending on the species), which reaches its maximum development during puberty and continues to play an immunological role throughout life, even though its function declines with age.", "Function and Role of Immune System The body’s defense against various microorganisms that cause disease and illness is the immune system. The immune system attacks these disease causing organisms through a sequence of steps referred to as the immune response.The immune system is composed of a number of cells, tissues and organs that work in association and attacks the disease causing microorganisms and protect the human body.The cells of the immune system are the leukocytes or the white blood cells.ence, the functioning of the immune system occurs in a coordinated manner, thereby, monitoring the body against disease causing germs and microorganisms. Leukocytes are divided into two main types as: phagocytes and lymphocytes. 1 Phagocytes.", "What are your lymph nodes and what do they do? Lymph nodes are found all through the body, and act as filters or traps for foreign particles. They contain white blood cells that use oxygen to process and they are important in the proper functioning of the immune system. Germs, can set up infections anywhere in the body.ymph nodes are found all through the body, and act as filters or traps for foreign particles. They contain white blood cells that use oxygen to process and they are important in the proper functioning of the immune system. Germs, can set up infections anywhere in the body.", "An Overview of the Thymus Before birth and throughout childhood, the thymus is instrumental in the production and maturation of T-lymphocytes or T cells, a specific type of white blood cell that protects the body from certain threats, including viruses and infections.ortunately, the thymus produces all of your T cells by the time you reach puberty. Anatomy of the Thymus. The thymus is located in the upper anterior (front) part of your chest directly behind your sternum and between your lungs.", "- Lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, Peyer's patch, spleen, thymus, and tonsils are the organs in the immune system. Specifically, lymph nodes contain lymphocytes (white blood ce … lls) which fight infection.Lymphatic vessels have fluid which circulates and detects the presence of a foreign micro-organism's cells.he bone marrow, the lymph nodes, the spleen, and the thymus are the organs that are part of the immune system, all of which work together to produce the different types of wh … ite blood cells which keep you alive. 2 people found this useful.", "Learn About the Thymus Gland Thymus. The thymus gland is the main organ of the lymphatic system. Located in the upper chest region, the primary function of this gland is to promote the development of specific cells of the immune system called T lymphocytes.ummary. The thymus gland acts to regulate the immune system through the development of immune cells responsible for cell mediated immunity. In addition to immune function, the thymus also produces hormones that promote growth and maturation.", "Immune System: Diseases, Disorders & Function Killer T-cells are a subgroup of T-cells that kill cells that are infected with viruses and other pathogens or are otherwise damaged. Helper T-cells help determine which immune responses the body makes to a particular pathogen. Thymus: This small organ is where T-cells mature.This often-overlooked part of the immune system, which is situated beneath the breastbone (and is shaped like a thyme leaf, hence the name), can trigger or maintain the production of antibodies that can result in muscle weakness, the Mayo Clinic said.hymus: This small organ is where T-cells mature. This often-overlooked part of the immune system, which is situated beneath the breastbone (and is shaped like a thyme leaf, hence the name), can trigger or maintain the production of antibodies that can result in muscle weakness, the Mayo Clinic said.", "- What the Immune System Does. The immune (pronounced: ih-MYOON) system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms every day. In most cases, the immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections.", "How Your Immune System Works The thymus seems to be much less important in adults-for example, you can remove it and an adult will live because other parts of the immune system can handle the load. However, the thymus is important, especially to T cell maturation (as we will see in the section on white blood cells below).The spleen filters the blood looking for foreign cells (the spleen is also looking for old red blood cells in need of replacement).t is responsible for producing T-cells (see the next section), and is especially important in newborn babies-without a thymus a baby's immune system collapses and the baby will die.", "- The tonsils function as the first outpost of the body's immune defense system at the portal of easiest entry for germs into the body-the mouth. They lie just below and behin … d the soft palate, with a pillar of tissue just in front of (anterior to) them.hey are located in the back of the throat. They function to guard against inhaled and ingested pathogens. They have deep pits … that catch bacteria and food debris. This is then circulated by the circulatory system and eaten by macrophages.", "In what organ system does the THYMUS belong to? Alot of these functions overlap into different body systems The thymus converts lymphocytes into T-cells so it can look at is as apart of the immune system. Online medical dictionaries see the the thymus as part of the lymphatic system because it is made up of lymphatic tissue.", "Autoimmune disorders When you have an autoimmune disorder, your immune system does not distinguish between healthy tissue and antigens. As a result, the body sets off a reaction that destroys normal tissues.he white blood cells in the body’s immune system help protect against harmful substances. Examples include bacteria, viruses, toxins, cancer cells, and blood and tissue from outside the body. These substances contain antigens.", "A Kid's Guide to Life Sciences: The Human Body Systems The immune system is made up of cells, organs, proteins and tissues that fight together to guard the human body against diseases. The skin is an organ of the immune system that keeps harmful substances out of the body and holds beneficial substances in.irculatory System. The primary job of the circulatory system is transporting materials through the body. It carries nutrients, oxygen and water to different cells in the body and removes wastes the cells create. The main parts of the circulatory system are the heart, blood, and blood vessels.", "- Another danger they face is a weak immune system. The immune system is the body’s form of defense. It is comprised of organs, tissues, cells and cell products that all work together to fight harmful substances like the pathogens that cause infection and disease.he immune system is the body’s form of defense. It is comprised of organs, tissues, cells and cell products that all work together to fight harmful substances like the pathogens that cause infection and disease." ]
[ 13.5078125 ]
[ 8.59375, 10.8828125, 13.8203125, 14.4140625, 13.5, 9.40625, 8.3984375, 9.6796875, 7.26953125, 12.8203125, 7.91015625, 8.6328125, 8.8828125, 9.1484375, 14.4609375, 9.03125, 10, 6.0625, 7.32421875, 12.578125, 9.703125, 15.109375, 12.4453125, 8.2890625, 12.625, 6.07421875, 11.8671875, 6.67578125, 7.52734375, 8.734375 ]
what does it mean when your plant leaves turn yellow
[ "Why are my plants turning yellow? Moisture Stress. The most common reason that plants’ leaves turn yellow is because of moisture stress, which can be from either over watering or under watering. If you have a plant that has yellow leaves, check the soil in the pot to see if the soil is dry." ]
[ "- There are many reasons why leaves turn yellow. This is a common question that we receive. Orchids like all other plants age and during that aging process the older leaves will turn yellow and die. Remember we are saying the older leaves of the orchid plant, those toward the bottom.", "Fiddle fig leaves turned yellow after i watered. Then leaves turned brown and had a crumbled feel.? Ignore simple rules that say yellow leaves mean whatever. Yellow leaves on any plant can mean lots of different things. There is also no connection between your watering and then the leaves turning yellow - purely coincidental. Plants do not react that quickly to watering. I am a bit confused by the big planter that you referred to so I cannot be sure how it is planted.", "Help! Why are the leaves on my peace lily plant turning yellow? The leaves have started turning yellow. More toward the base of... show more I have it sitting on top of my filing cabinet at work in the corner. I have two windows, so my office is very well lit during the day. It is so well lit that I don't even have to turn on the light on sunny days.", "Why is my Lemon Tree turning yellow? I have lemons on it...? Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: There are two possible reasons why the leaves on your lemon tree are turning yellow; 1) TOO MUCH WATER-the tips of your roots might be rotten and can no longer uptake nutrients.You may have poor drainage around the roots or an extremely heavy soil.elevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: There are two possible reasons why the leaves on your lemon tree are turning yellow; 1) TOO MUCH WATER-the tips of your roots might be rotten and can no longer uptake nutrients.", "Why are my cucumber leaves turning yellow? What you have is classic Chlorosis. Leaves dark near the veins, yellowing in the areas between. Basically, it's the equivalent of anemia. The chlorophyll in plants is related to hemoglobin in blood in that it requires iron.", "- Now the leaves on my kale containers are continuing to yellow. From what I've heard and read there a bunch of causes for the leaves of kale to yellow. The most important thing is that kales are a decent size, so I am gonna harvest and eat them before the end of the week.", "Are Yellow Leaves From a Lack of Water or Too Much? Few things destroy the look of a houseplants or a lush garden quite as unassumingly as yellow leaves. A number of problems can cause a plant's leaves to turn yellow, such as too much sun, lack of nitrogen, iron chlorosis or pest infestations, depending on the type of plant and its current habitat.", "Why Are My Houseplant's Leaves Turning Brown? Keep in mind that it might be perfectly natural for lower leaves on your plant to first turn pale yellow, then brown and then drop off. This happens on many kinds of tropical plants as they grow. Over time, the plant will form a bare stem. However, in some cases, brown leaves are a sign of cultural problems.", "What Is Causing Yellow Leaves on My Plants? Normal aging. As many plants age, the lower leaves will turn yellow and drop off as a normal part of growth. This is especially true of foliage plants like dieffenbachia and dracaena. In this case, don't worry. If the plant becomes too leggy, consider trimming back the main stem to promote new growth and bushiness.", "Bay Laurel Has Yellow Leaves: Why Is My Bay Laurel Turning Yellow Nutrient deficiency – Lastly, if your bay laurel has yellow leaves, the root of the problem may be either an iron or a nitrogen deficiency. A deficiency in iron is also called iron chlorosis and is a major issue in the garden that is caused by several problems, most often overly alkaline soil or damaged roots.", "- Regardless of the issue, whenever there are yellow leaves on tomato plants, it warrants a thorough check as to what the problem could be. You never know what you will run across, and it could be detrimental not only to your tomato plants with their yellow tomato leaves, but to the rest of your garden as well.", "Causes Of Yellow Leaves On A Pepper Plant If you suspect that the yellow leaves on your pepper plant is caused by pests, treat the plant with an insecticide. Neem oil is a good choice, as it only kills harmful pests and does not affect people, animals and beneficial insects. While pepper plants with yellow leaves are frustrating, they do not need to be.ellow Leaves on a Pepper Plant Caused by Pests. Pests can also cause pepper plants with yellow leaves. Pests like mites, aphids and psyllids will suck on the plant and divert nutrients and water. This will cause the pepper plant leaves to turn yellow.", "Why Do Rhododendron Leaves Turn Yellow? Full Answer. The Victoria Rhododendron Society adds that older leaves naturally turn yellow, and they are replaced every one to three years. When the leaves are yellow but the region along the veins remains dark green, the plant likely suffers from chlorosis, which is caused by a magnesium, nitrogen or iron deficiency.", "What Is Causing Yellow Leaves on My Plants? 1 Normal aging. 2 As many plants age, the lower leaves will turn yellow and drop off as a normal part of growth. 3 This is especially true of foliage plants like dieffenbachia and dracaena. 4 In this case, don't worry. 5 If the plant becomes too leggy, consider trimming back the main stem to promote new growth and bushiness.ere are the most common reasons for yellowing leaves: 1 Normal aging. 2 As many plants age, the lower leaves will turn yellow and drop off as a normal part of growth. 3 This is especially true of foliage plants like dieffenbachia and dracaena. 4 In this case, don't worry.", "What Are the Causes of Hibiscus Leaves Turning Yellow & Falling Off? Hibiscus needs full sun for higher fungal disease resistance. When plants endure stress, which can be from pests, diseases or the environment, they react in different ways. Hibiscus plants (Hibiscus spp.) may give telltale signs of their discomfort with leaves that turn yellow and drop from the plants. Sometimes the source of their stress is hard at work, munching on plants, and other times the culprit may be lurking underground, attacking root systems.", "Why is curly parsley turning yellow? Over watering is the biggest cause for plants death. A good indication is 'chlorosis' that makes leaves turn yellow and drop off. Self watering pots might be fine for flower baskets and things that are difficult to keep well watered, but most herbs do not like to be soaking wet all the time.ello. This is my first attempt to grow herbs and it's not going so well. I have put five types in one self watering container, planted 1 week ago. The curly parsley is dying fast-turning yellow from the bottom up, more every day.", "Reasons For Rose Leaves Turning Yellow Heat stress – Another reason for rose leaves turning yellow is the rose bush is under some sort of stress. A common cause of stress is heat stress. The rose bush turns yellow and drops its foliage in an effort to cool down in the case of heat stress.", "Grass Turning Yellow: Chlorosis This is why you see yellow and red leaves. The same thing happened to your grass in the dark. Grass turning yellow can be explained this way: when the grass was no longer exposed to sunlight, chlorophyll production slowed and pigments like xanthophylls became visible. This loss of green is called chlorosis. During photosynthesis, plants also absorb carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen.", "our house palm plant some leaves are turning yellow and some of the leaves... 1 Response. Any number of things could be causing the leaves to turn yellow. It's hard to know without knowing the species of palm what the exact problem might be. Some of the palms sold as houseplants aren't particularly well-suited for growing indoors and decline in health (some more quickly than others).", "Yellow Hosta Leaves â Why Are Hosta Plant Leaves Turning Yellow Hosta leaves turn yellow for a wide variety of reasons, and it is important for you to figure out the particular reason that applies to your plant. Perhaps the easiest situation to remedy is when yellow hosta leaves indicate too much sun. Hosta are plants that grow best in partial shade or even full shade.", "Tiny Yellow Spots on Apple Tree Leaves Problems such as yellow leaf spots can be indicators of disease or insect infestations. Mites can cause damage to foliage when they are present in large numbers. Signs of mites include pale dots on the leaves, distorted leaf shape, leaf drop and occasionally visible webbing on the undersides of leaves.", "What Can Cause a Yew Shrub to Turn Yellowish? While some yews (Taxus spp.) have greenish-yellow foliage, a straight yellow is not in the color palette for these evergreen shrubs unless something is wrong. The yellowing of a yew shrub's foliage indicates that the plant is suffering from water problems, mineral deficiencies, an insect attack or an unwelcome pathogen.", "What Causes Yellow on Your Leaves of Your Squash Plants? Bacterial wilt is common in squash plants, which also causes yellowing in the leaves. To determine if your plant does in fact have bacterial wilt, cut off just a small piece of vine and split it open. If the &ldquo;juice&rdquo; inside seems more slimy than watery, it is indeed bacterial wilt.", "Yellow Plant Leaves: Find Out Why Plant Leaves Turn Yellow Age is another cause when plant leaves are yellow. It is quite usual for many types of plants to lose the older leaves as the new ones arrive. Older foliage will turn yellow and often wither before it drops off. Winter dormancy is another condition with which most are", "Yellowing Squash Leaves: Why Squash Leaves Turn Yellow Reasons and Fixes for Yellow Squash Leaves. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but chances are, if your squash plants leaves are turning yellow, something is wrong. The hard part is figuring out exactly what is wrong. The leaves on a squash plant will start to turn yellow any time the plant is stressed.Below, I have listed a few reasons why a squash plant may be stressed. Lack of Water. Advertisement. While squash plants are pretty hardy plants, as far as vegetable plants go, they do need about two inches of water a week.he hard part is figuring out exactly what is wrong. The leaves on a squash plant will start to turn yellow any time the plant is stressed. Below, I have listed a few reasons why a squash plant may be stressed.", "Yellow Rhododendron Leaves: Why Are Leaves Turning Yellow On Rhododendron You may baby your rhododendron, but the popular shrubs can’t cry if they are not happy. Instead, they signal distress with yellow rhododendron leaves. When you ask, “Why does my rhododendron have yellow leaves,” the answer could be anything from improper irrigation to incorrect planting to inappropriate soil.", "Ask Mavis â Help! My Tomato Leaves are Turning Yellow Are the plants getting enough sunshine. If just the lower leaves are turning yellow, the top might be shading the plant from getting enough sun. You can try trimming back some of the top leaves–if your plant is big enough. Finally, if none of those seem to be the issue, you could have a fungal or bacterial issue.", "Chapter 39 Nitrogen deficiency usually causes plant leaves to turn yellow. Nitrogen is a component of starches. Nitrogen deficiency usually causes plant leaves to turn purple. Nitrogen is a micronutrient in plants. Plant root hairs can only absorb nitrogen in the form of ammonium ions (NH4+) or nitrate ions (NO3−).", "- You have a rose that’s susceptible to black spot, a fungus disease. Yellow leaves and spots on a roses can be a disheartening sight. It can ruin the overall effect of the rose bush when the leaves turn yellow.", "yellowing leaves help? I have a couple plants that the leaves are starting to yellow and some have fallen off. I think this has been restricted to mainly one (maybe two but i can't remember) varieties. In the pictures i will post cherry peppers are the ones its affecting. I really don't know what in the world i could be doing wrong here." ]
[ 15.390625 ]
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