what causes acne to form
[ "What is Cystic Acne ? Who can get cystic acne? Cystic acne can affect anyone, but it is more common in teenage boys and young men. Acne seems to run in families. If your parents had cystic acne, you are more likely to experience severe acne yourself. What causes cystic acne? Cystic acne is caused by the same factors as other forms of acne, which are: overactive oil glands. excess dead skin cells within the hair follicle (pore), and. a large number of acne-causing bacteria, Propionibacteria acnes." ]
[ "Cystic Acne: What Is It and How Do You Treat It? Severe cystic acne is more common in men, but women get it, too. Women often have cysts on the lower half of the face. No one is sure of the exact cause, but hormones called androgens play a part. When you’re a teenager, androgens increase. This leads to changes in your skin that can result in clogged pores and acne. In women, hormone changes can be brought on by menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause, or a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome. If one of your parents had severe cystic acne, you have a greater chance of getting it.", "What Are the Causes of Back & Chest Acne? Acne mechanica is the result of something rubbing against the skin repeatedly such as backpacks or weightlifting machines. Over the shoulder straps can also irritate the skin on the chest. Acne mechanica is also aggravated by moisture, so if you combine a backpack with a shirt that doesn’t enable your skin to breathe, acne can result. Sheets", "- It's best to see a dermatologist for treatment. Folliculitis and Acne Acne-Acne develops when the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. This occurs when your body produces an excess amount of oil and dead skin cells, and both build up in the hair follicle and form together as a soft plug.", "- Scalp acne is the result of too much oil on the skin. Hormones can over stimulate the oil glands on the skin which overproduces sebum, natural oil. Some people have oily hair as a result of too much oil. If you suffer from scalp acne you have to increase the number of times you wash your hair each week.", "What causes blackheads to form on a person's nose? We can describes blackheads as small, dark spots on the skin, caused by a small blockage in the opening of a pore (follicle). Blackheads are said to be the first stage of acne. They form before bacteria invade the pores of the patient's skin. A blackhead can develop into a pimple, which is also known as a papule or pustule. Written May 16, 2014.", "What causes pimples? The exact cause of acne is unknown, but doctors believe it results from several related factors. One important factor is rising hormone levels. These hormones, called androgen … s (male sex hormones), increase in both boys and girls during puberty and can cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum.", "Acne - Cause Acne-Cause. There are different types of acne. The most common acne is the type that develops during the teen years. Puberty causes hormone levels to rise, especially testosterone. These changing hormones cause skin glands to start making more oil (sebum).Oil releases from the pores to protect the skin and keep it moist.he most common acne is the type that develops during the teen years. Puberty causes hormone levels to rise, especially testosterone. These changing hormones cause skin glands to start making more oil (sebum). Oil releases from the pores to protect the skin and keep it moist.", "Acne: What Causes It and How Can it Be Treated? Instead, research shows stress, hormones and genetics can all increase the risk for acne. Because the causes of acne are so unclear, doctors tend to prescribe treatments based on the severity of the acne. New acne treatments. In the last five years, more doctors are turning to light to get rid of pimples.", "- Men have also been known to develop pimples as a result of stress. The cause of acne is not complicated. It is caused by the blocking of the skin pores by oil and dead skin layers. When the oil and the skin block the skin pores, it gives room for bacteria that is trapped under the pores to grow causing infection.", "- These hormones increase the production of skin oils (sebum) and the glands that make them, causing the acne to flare. High sugar and carbs in the diet can stimulate increased levels of these hormones and increase acne formation. In addition, scratching or irritating a pimple causes it to get inflamed.", "Hormonal Acne: Where Itâs Coming From, and What to Do about It When oil clogs pores, bacteria go on a feeding frenzy. This causes inflammation. The worse inflammation is, the more irritated the oil gland can become, and thus the more red, and the more painful. Yet it is important to remember that hormonal acne does not occur unless there is an oil problem.", "Acne Hair follicles are the tiny structures that grow hair in the scalp. Sebaceous glands produce sebum. On areas where acne develops, sebaceous glands surround the hair follicles. The combination of the sebaceous glands and the hair follicles is the pilosebaceous unit, where acne pimples and cysts develop. Sebum moisturizes hair and skin. Each hair pushes up through the skin surface along with sebum. Acne often begins during puberty. It occurs when sebaceous glands in the skin are over-stimulated to produce sebum and skin cells are not shed normally. These sticky cells block the skin's hair follicles, trapping the sebum. The blocked, oil-filled follicle then causes the bacteria normally in the hair follicles to multiply.", "- Excessive sebum often causes acne. A sebaceous cyst. The sebaceous glands in humans secrete sebum, an oil that helps protect the skin. A diagram of the human skin, including a sebaceous gland. Sebaceous glands can be found in eyelids.", "Overview Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It often causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages.", "Why do we get acne on our face, back, and chest? Acne is caused by clogged pores (also called hair follicles), which are small openings in the skin through which hair grows. Deep inside each follicle is a hair shaft attached to small glands called “sebaceous glands.”", "What Causes Cystic Acne and How Can You Get Rid of It? Food Allergies: Food allergies which cause cystic acne are more common than you think. In fact, food allergies can be one of the biggest factors of what causes cystic acne in adults. Different food allergies such as a sensitivity to dairy, sugar, or soy can make you far more prone to cystic acne.", "Five Causes of Adult Acne That May Surprise You But there are other surprising causes of acne. Our makeup, skin care regimen, food choices, cell phone, and traveling may also be to blame. The good news is, we have control over these and can make changes. Here are some surprising causes of adult acne and ways to remove them from your lifestyle.", "- The reason that milk products cause acne is because milk contains hormones that turn on oil glands. The cows that give the milk are pregnant and milking most of their lives.", "Acne Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a long-term skin disease that occurs when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. It is characterized by blackheads or whiteheads, pimples, greasy skin, and possible scarring.", "Overview These factors can trigger or aggravate an existing case of acne: 1 Hormones. 2 Androgens are hormones that increase in boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. 3 Hormonal changes related to pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives also can affect sebum production.", "- Although stress does not directly cause acne, it is one of the factors that makes acne worse. Different people handle stress differently: Some lose their hair; others get ulcers, whereas still others get migraines or have other physical or psychologic side effects. Basically, stress can make any condition worse.", "- Causes of Adult Acne. Causes of Adult Acne. The cause of adult acne is multifactorial. Fluctuating hormones, stress, excess oil, bacterial imbalance on the skin, irritating products, and a personal and family history of acne all contribute to adult acne.", "What is Cystic Acne ? Cystic acne is caused by the same factors as other forms of acne, which are: 1 overactive oil glands. 2 excess dead skin cells within the hair follicle (pore), and. 3 a large number of acne-causing bacteria, Propionibacteria acnes.", "Hormonal Acne: Where Itâs Coming From, and What to Do about It Definition. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne usually appears on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders.Effective treatments are available, but acne can be persistent. The pimples and bumps heal slowly, and when one begins to go away, others seem to crop up. Acne is most common among teenagers, with a reported prevalence of 70 to 87 percent.cne usually appears on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. Effective treatments are available, but acne can be persistent. The pimples and bumps heal slowly, and when one begins to go away, others seem to crop up. Acne is most common among teenagers, with a reported prevalence of 70 to 87 percent.", "Hormonal Acne: Where Itâs Coming From, and What to Do about It Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne usually appears on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. Effective treatments are available, but acne can be persistent.cne is most common among teenagers, with a reported prevalence of 70 to 87 percent. Increasingly, younger children are getting acne as well. Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress and scar the skin. The earlier you start treatment, the lower your risk of lasting physical and emotional damage.", "Acne Vulgaris Acne vulgaris (acne) is the formation of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, and/or cysts as a result of obstruction and inflammation of pilosebaceous units (hair follicles and their accompanying sebaceous gland). Acne develops on the face and upper trunk. It most often affects adolescents.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Hormonal Imbalance Plan B Causes of acne. Nobody is completely sure what causes acne. Experts believe the primary cause is a rise in androgen levels-androgen is a type of hormone. Androgen levels rise when a human becomes an adolescent. Rising androgen levels make the oil glands under your skin grow; the enlarged gland produces more oil.", "Acne - Cause Oil releases from the pores to protect the skin and keep it moist. Acne begins when oil mixes with dead cells and clogs the skin's pores. Bacteria can grow in this mixture. And if this mixture leaks into nearby tissues, it causes swelling, redness, and pus. A common name for these raised bumps is pimples.", "Eliminate Foods That Cause Acne to Restore Beautiful Skin This foods that cause acne page is going to go into less commonly known dietary causes of acne, and what you can do to lessen its impact. On this page, we are going to demystify acne and give you a natural solution to solve this growing problem. Acne is Embarrassing. Acne is a very distressing condition. There is nothing that can compare to the embarrassment and panic you feel when you notice a severe flare. The stress from acne can cause this condition to worsen and can impact the self-esteem of the sufferer. Acne can affect your dating life, your social life and feelings of self-worth. Adult Acne is on the Rise. Current statistics have revealed that acne is no longer just a teenage problem.", "How to Get Rid of Acne With Diet & Lifestyle: Clear Skin Forever The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) states that there are 3 causes of acne: 1 Overproduction of oil by enlarged oil glands in the skin. 2 Blockage of the hair follicles that release oil. 3 Growth of bacteria, called P. acnes, within the hair follicles." ]
[ 12.3984375 ]
[ 11.5625, 11.1015625, 12.2734375, 10.8515625, 11.65625, 11.8046875, 12.90625, 11.546875, 12.4140625, 12.7421875, 11.28125, 12.4609375, 12.09375, 13.71875, 13.1328125, 11.1484375, 11.34375, 10.890625, 12.8515625, 12.6875, 10.9609375, 12.4375, 12.53125, 11.8125, 11.9921875, 11.8125, 12.265625, 13.0625, 10.0234375, 12.3359375 ]
what is creo
[ "Engineering CAD Software Creo Apps. Creo is a scalable suite of interoperable, integrated applications, spanning the entire spectrum of product development. Creo product design apps allow everyone in the enterprise to use the tools that work best for them so that they can contribute fully to the product development process." ]
[ "Cholo For the ancient Chinese ruler, see Duke Wen of Jin. Cholo (. [ˈtʃolo]) is a loosely defined term that has had various meanings relating to the connotation of people of indigenous heritage, who in many cases have some Spanish blood (mestizos), or who have adopted elements of Spanish dress, language or culture. There is a reference to The Cholo in Assault on Precinct 13 (1976), although it is used to refer specifically to a blood oath instead of a Mexican person. 2 In the film Napoleon Dynamite (2004), Nano and Arturo De Silva play characters simply referred to as Cholo No. 1 and Cholo No. 2.", "Roque Santa Cruz Roque Santa Cruz is a practising Roman Catholic. His father, Aproniano Santa Cruz, is also his agent, and his mother is Celina.", "Definition of corojo. Meaning of corojo. Synonyms of corojo - corojo is a type of tobacco, primarily used in the making of wrappers for cigars. the variety was originally grown in the vuelta abajo region of cuba but. - corojo label is a brand of handmade premium cigar owned by cigar.com, inc.. the development of this proprietary brand was begun in 2004 by the in-house.- brand consists of two ranges, the cuban diplomat and the cuban diplomat corojo rosado. this range consists of five vitolas and is essentially the filler. corojo label is a brand of handmade premium cigar owned by cigar.com, inc.. the development of this proprietary brand was begun in 2004 by the in-house. - brand consists of two ranges, the cuban diplomat and the cuban diplomat corojo rosado. this range consists of five vitolas and is essentially the filler.", "- About Criteo (NASDAQ:CRTO) Criteo SA is a France-based company specializing in digital performance marketing. Its solution consists of the Criteo Engine, the Company's data assets, access to inventory, and its advertiser and publisher platforms.", "Creole adj. 1 Language Varieties[sometimes: creole] of, relating to, or characteristic of a Creole or Creoles. 2 Food made with tomatoes, peppers, onions, and spices and served with rice:[usually: creole; often: after a noun]shrimp creole.", "Difference Between Cajun and Creole Difference Between Cajun and Creole. Cajun and Creole are words that refer to a particular sect of people belonging to Southern Louisiana. Though the words are familiar, people have rarely looked at the differences between the two. One of the main differences that is said is that Cajuns have rural origins, while the Creole have urban origins.", "- What does Creole mean? Which definition do you use, because it seems different cultures give a different definition. DR/Other spanish speaking nations: Criollo used to mean those pure whites born in the colonies instead of in spain. Haiti: I think that everyone in that country speaks for itself no pun intended.", "Curio cabinet Curio cabinets of Catharina, wife of Douwe Sirtema van Grovestins A curio cabinet is a specialised type of display case, made predominantly of glass with a metal or wood framework, for presenting collections of curios, like figurines or other interesting objects that invoke curiosity, and perhaps share a common theme.", "In linguistics, what is the difference between pidgin and Creole? A pidgin evolves among adult native speakers of different languages. In contrast, a Creole is a fully-functional language of its own which includes elements of its parent languages. It has a complete grammar of its own and the full expressive power that affords. A Creole language develops among the children of pidgin speakers.", "Where do creole people come from? There's actually no such race as Creole. The word creole refers to a type of language that results from the combination of two completely different parent languages. There … are more than 100 different creolized languages in the world.", "Creole In the West Indies the noun creole formerly was used to denote descendants of any European settlers, but commonly the term is used more broadly to refer to all the people, whatever their class or ancestry—European, African, Asian, Indian—who are part of the Caribbean culture.", "Definition of 'creole' A creole is a language that has developed from a mixture of different languages and has become the main language in a particular place. Her statements were aired in creole via various local radio stations.", "- Cholo (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈtʃolo]) is a loosely defined Spanish term that has had various meanings relating to the connotation of people of indigenous heritage, who in many cases have Mexican blood (mestizos), or who have adopted elements of Mexican gang members dress, language or culture.[1] Its use has migrated from the initial negative ...", "Creole: The History and Legacy of Louisiana's Free People of Color1st Edition Being totally in the dark on the history of Louisiana and the term Creole, I started with this book. I still was a little unsure of the term even after reading the book twice, but I blame the term for that more than anything. Creole is just a hard concept to understand. The book was interesting and well-written.", "- credo definition, meaning, what is credo: a set of beliefs that influences the way you live. Learn more.", "EvoCreo - A monster collection RPG EvoCreo is a monster collection game that is Pokemon-esque. It is being developed for Android, iOS, OUYA, and PCs with a tentative May 2014 launch. The game takes place in the world of Zenith, a world populated with monsters called Creos.", "- Top Definition. creole. a person or persons of varied afro-anglo-french-spanish ancestry residing in louisiana. the art, food, language, music, and history of creole people. french/spanish language and culture unique to louisiana. from the spanish criollo, meaning 'a local'. creole music rocks.. a person born in Louisiana but of usually French ancestry. 3. (sometimes lowercase) a person of mixed black and European, esp. French or Spanish, ancestry who speaks a creolized form of French or Spanish. 4. (usually lowercase) a creolized language; a pidgin that has become the native language of a speech community.", "- Kairos is interdenominational, with members from all Christian churches (including Assembly of God, Baptist, Catholic, Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, and Presbyterian churches) all focusing on common Christian-beliefs for the purpose of Christianizing prisons.istory. Kairos is a prison ministry named after a Greek word in the new Testament which means a favorable or decisive point in time.. We refer to it as God's special time..", "cruci Etymology 2. From cruce. Verb. a cruci (third-person singular present crucește, past participle crucit) 4th conj. (reflexive) to cross oneself, make the sign of the cross. (reflexive, figuratively) to be wonderstruck, dumbfounded, bewildered.", "PTC Creo Elements/Pro Summary of capabilities[edit] Creo Elements/Pro is a software application within the CAID/CAD/CAM/CAE category. Creo Elements/Pro is a parametric, feature-based modeling architecture incorporated into a single database philosophy with advanced rule-based design capabilities.", "Definition of âcreoleâ - English Dictionary Creole noun (LANGUAGE) › [ C or U ] an American or Caribbean language that is a combination of a European language and another language and is a main language in parts of the southern US and the Caribbean.", "- commanding officer. 5. conscientious objector. Co 1. The symbol for cobalt. Co 2. abbr. Bible. Corinthians. co. the internet domain name for. 1. (Computer Science) a commercial company (used with a country domain name) 2. (Computer Science) Colombia. Co. the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) cobalt. Co. abbreviation for (Human Geography) County. Co or co. abbreviation for. 1.", "- A tube's worth of Rolos. Rolo (pronounced Row-lo, referring to the roll-styled candy) is a brand of truncated-cone-shaped or frustum-shaped chocolates with a caramel centre, the shape resembling that of a shallow inverted bucket or tub or a traditional lampshade.", "- 1 Cro (1993–1994), an American animated television series, or its titular character. 2 Cro, a concept in early Scots law described in the Leges inter Brettos et Scottos. 3 ČRo, station designator prefix used by the Czech public radio broadcaster Český Rozhlas. Cathode-ray oscilloscope, a type of electronic test equipment.", "- Looking for online definition of RECO or what RECO stands for? RECO is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms RECO - What does RECO stand for?", "GREEK WORD STUDIES ÏÏÏηÏία 'soteria' meaning 'Salvation' Strong's 4991 If you have benefited from reading this study, then please tell your friends about this website. If you have a website of your own, then please consider linking to this website. See the Website Links page. To link to this page use: http://www.logosapostolic.org/greek-word-studies/2919-krino-judge.htm.Please copy and paste this word study link into Facebook and Twitter to all your friends who like Greek Word Studies and give it a Google +.f you have benefited from reading this study, then please tell your friends about this website. If you have a website of your own, then please consider linking to this website. See the Website Links page. To link to this page use: http://www.logosapostolic.org/greek-word-studies/2919-krino-judge.htm.", "- So people with lighter skin began to use the term Creole to distinguish themselves from the darker skinned “colored” people. Today in New Orleans, “Creole” is commonly used to describe a person of color with light skin who can trace their family history in the city back for generations.", "Kroisos Kouros The Kroisos Kouros is central to two ongoing archeological debates: first, whether kouroi represented specific young men or were generic representations of idealized archetypes which might not actually resemble a specific person commemorated, and thus are symbolic representations embodying the ideal of the male warrior en promáchois (ἐν προμάχοις), ...", "- Creole and French Creole: Just look up Creole in a dictionary and youll get several very distinct definitions. Our uses: Creole-people of color with light skin, often of African and French descent. French Creole-Caucasian people descended from some of the first Europeans to arrive in New Orleans.", "PTC Creo Elements/Pro Creo Elements/Pro is a software application within the CAID/CAD/CAM/CAE category. Creo Elements/Pro is a parametric, feature-based modeling architecture incorporated into a single database philosophy with rule-based design capabilities." ]
[ 16.6875 ]
[ 0.243408203125, 1.126953125, 0.171142578125, 10.0703125, 5.51171875, 4.69921875, 3.513671875, 0.615234375, 6.09375, 5.18359375, 4.70703125, 6.0703125, 1.654296875, 3.298828125, 8.7734375, 13.7734375, 4.3046875, 0.28125, -0.473876953125, 15.21875, 3.880859375, 2.669921875, 0.77490234375, 6.30078125, 1.2060546875, 0.546875, 5.44921875, -0.7001953125, 4.37109375, 15.5 ]
meaning hybrid class
[ "- A hybrid class is one which requires both classroom attendance and use of Email, the Internet, and other. means of electronic communication. Classroom attendance must be 50% or more of the course. required hours. Classroom meetings must be regularly scheduled on a daily or weekly basis for the. duration of the class." ]
[ "Meaning of âhybridâ in the English Dictionary › biology a plant or animal that has been produced from two different types of plant or animal. › A hybrid is also anything that is a mixture of two or more things: The architecture is a hybrid of classical and modern styles. › A hybrid vehicle is one that is able to operate using either of two fuels:", "- A hybrid car is a motor vehicle that uses two or more different sources of power. In most hybrids, you will find an internal combustion engine in addition to an electrical motor.Depending on how the vehicle is driven and the availability of power, the car uses gasoline and battery power alternately. Be sure to include an analysis of economic issues such as production, supply, and trade. 2 Describe how this technology will influence world politics. 3 Include an analysis of economic issues such as production, supply, and trade. 4 Support your statements with examples.", "What is a hybrid school anyway? The Innosight Institute, a think tank based in Mountain View, CA, classifies blended learning models into four categories: 1 The rotation model. Students still attend school but rotate throughout the day between online learning, classroom instruction, group projects, and individual work. 2 The flex model.", "- hybridization definition. Producing offspring from parents of different stock. Note: Hybridization is used extensively in agriculture, where new forms of hardy and disease-resistant plants are produced commercially.", "Hybrid (biology) The term hybrid is derived from Latin hybrida, used for crosses such as of a tame sow and a wild boar. The term came into popular use in English in the 19th century, though examples of its use have been found from the early 17th century.", "- 1 The hybrid method is a blend between the cash and accrual methods of accounting and must be used if specific IRS criteria are met. 2 If you select the hybrid accounting method, you must use it consistently to accurately compute your income.", "- middle class definition. A social and economic class composed of those more prosperous than the poor, or lower class, and less wealthy than the upper class. Middle class is sometimes loosely used to refer to the bourgeoisie.", "- the branch of biology concerned with the ways in which hereditary information is transmitted from parents to offspring. A hybrid is... an individual that is heterozygous for a particular trait; an individual produced by a cross between members of two closely related species. F1 generation =.", "MYTHICAL HYBRIDS Hybrids, in the mythical realm, are creatures that combine the features and body parts of more than one real species. There are non-human versions that combine features of one or more animal species such as the basilisks, the Chimera and griffins.", "Definitions &Translations Heterosis, hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement, is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring.The adjective derived from heterosis is heterotic. An offspring exhibits heterosis if its traits are enhanced as a result of mixing the genetic contributions of its parents.eterosis, hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement, is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring.", "Hybrid rice (August 2013) Hybrid rice is any genealogy of rice produced by crossbreeding different kinds of rice. As with other types of hybrids, hybrid rice typically displays heterosis (or hybrid vigor) such that when it is grown under the same conditions as comparable high-yielding inbred rice varieties it can produce up to 30% more rice.", "Hybridization Hybridization is also an expansion of the … Hybridization is the idea that atomic orbitals fuse to form newly hybridized orbitals, which in turn, influences molecular geometry and bonding properties. Hybridization is also an expansion of the valence bond theory. In order to explore this idea further, we will utilize three types of hydrocarbon compounds to illustrate sp3, sp2, and sp hybridization. First and foremost, it is important to note that carbon has the electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p2.", "- Whenever you havean equivalence relation R on a set A, it divides into subsets called equivalenceclasses. Hereisthedefinition: Definition11.4 Suppose R isanequivalencerelationonaset A. Givenany element a2 A, the equivalence class containing is the subset 'x2 A: xRa“ of A consistingofalltheelementsof A thatrelateto a.80 Relations Example11.7 Here A ˘'b ,c d e“ ,and R isthefollowingrelationon A: R ˘'(b,b),(b,c),(c,b),(c,c),(d,d),(b,d),(d,b),(c,d),(d,c)“ .Thisrelationis not reflexive,foralthough bRb, cRc and dRd ,itis not truethat eRe.", "- Hybrid Company-A consulting firm that provides other services or goods. An example is: a computer consulting firm that provides computer consulting services, as well as, the sale and installation of the computer hardware and/or software that they have recommended.", "heterogeneous Examples of heterogeneous in a sentence. the seating in the hall was a heterogeneous collection of old school desk chairs, wood and metal folding chairs, and even a few plush theater seats.", "What is Your Teaching Style? 5 Effective Teaching Methods for Your Classroom Hybrid, or blended style. Hybrid, or blended style, follows an integrated approach to teaching that blends the teachers’ personality and interests with students’ needs and curriculum-appropriate methods.", "BIOLOGY 121 inheritance Hybrid sterility is what results when individuals from two. different species are able to mate but their offspring is infertile, meaning that their. offspring are not able to reproduce. Because this occurs after the formation of the. zygote, this is a postzygotic isolating mechanism, not a prezygotic mechanism.", "- In other words, cultures are more than 'us' and 'other'; they are the sum of their histories. Bhabha likes to use the word ' hybrid ', meaning composed of mixed elements, to describe post-colonial people and experiences.", "What Are Hybrid Cars and How Do They Work? Read on. Defining Hybrids. A vehicle is a hybrid if it utilizes more than one form of onboard energy to achieve propulsion. In practice, that means a hybrid will have a traditional internal-combustion engine and a fuel tank, as well as one or more electric motors and a battery pack.n conventional parallel hybrids, such as the Civic Hybrid from Honda, regenerative braking is the sole source of recharging power for the battery. Series-parallel hybrids: As the name implies, these cars contain elements of both types.", "- middle class. n. The socioeconomic class between the working class and the upper class, usually including professionals, highly skilled laborers, and lower and middle management. mid′dle-class′ adj.", "hybrid 3. hybrid - (genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species; a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.", "Hybrid Computer System A hybrid computer system is a complex of electronic computers; this is its principal distinction from a hybrid computer, so called because it is composed of hybrid computing elements or utilizes both analog and digital elements.", "middle-class Definition of middle class : a class occupying a position between the upper class and the lower class; especially: a fluid heterogeneous socioeconomic grouping composed principally of business and professional people, bureaucrats, and some farmers and skilled workers sharing common social characteristics and values", "Hybrid (biology)update 1 Hybrid generally refers to any offspring resulting from the breeding of two genetically distinct individuals, which usually will result in a high degree of heterozygosity, though hybrid and heterozygous are not, strictly speaking, synonymous. Extremely rare interfamilial hybrids have been known to occur (such as the guineafowl hybrids). 2 No interordinal (between different orders) animal hybrids are known. 3 The third type of hybrid consists of crosses between populations, breeds or cultivars within a single species.", "Hybridity In science, a hybrid is created by mixing the characteristic of two different species in order to create one that is better or stronger. In an automobile, a hybrid combines an electric motor with a gasoline engine. What are some plants or animals that are hybrids? How could this idea transfer when we use the term hybridity to describe contemporary art? The concept of hybridity can be applied to two aspects of art today.", "- Check your grammar now! : of or relating to the middle class; especially : characterized by a high material standard of living, sexual morality, and respect for property.", "hybridization hybridization (countable and uncountable, plural hybridizations) The act of hybridizing, or the state of being hybridized. The linear combination of atomic orbitals in a molecule to form hybrid orbitals. The process of breeding a mixed offspring from two different strains or species of plant.", "- A hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources to move the vehicle; for example, a conventional internal combustion engine and also a high voltage electric motor.", "What is the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance? A hybrid organism shows a third phenotype --- not the usual dominant one & not the recessive one ... but a third, different phenotype. With incomplete dominance we get a blending of the dominant & recessive traits so that the third phenotype is something in the middle (red x white = pink).", "What is a Hybrid? Definition Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV): A car, truck, SUV, or other type of vehicle that is propelled by more than one power source mated together to work in conjunction. Toyota’s Hybrid Synergy Drive is one example of a “full” hybrid." ]
[ 16.984375 ]
[ 10.390625, 7.95703125, 8.796875, 7.77734375, 8.34375, 9.609375, 3.154296875, 9.375, 6.328125, 6.515625, 6.86328125, 7.1015625, 3.5703125, 6.81640625, 0.0418701171875, 11.15625, 6.87890625, 7.484375, 7.30859375, 3.068359375, 10.546875, 8.34375, 3.71484375, 9.8125, 8.203125, 4.83203125, 7.8046875, 8.796875, 5.2578125, 8.515625 ]
true economic definition of fascism
[ "Fascism Fascism affirms the State as the true reality of the individual.. This collectivism is captured in the word fascism, which comes from the Latin fasces, meaning a bundle of rods with an axe in it. In economics, fascism was seen as a third way between laissez-faire capitalism and communism. Fascist thought acknowledged the roles of private property and the profit motive as legitimate incentives for productivity—provided that they did not conflict with the interests of the state." ]
[ "In a purely capitalist economy, there would be no public schools, no state owned or maintained roads and highways, public works, welfare, unemployment insurance, workers compensation, Social Security benefits etc. Communism and fascism, on the other hand, refer to both economics, governance, and basic moral principles: that is to say they refer to overarching ideas about how people should live (rather than describing how people do business), so they imply a total ideology: a morality, an economy, a government.", "Fascism Fascism (IPA : [ˈfaeʃɪzm]) ˈfæʃɪzm is a radical political ideology that combines elements of, corporatism, authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism-anti liberalism and-anti. Communism the word fascism stems from The italian word (fascio: plural), fasci which may mean, bundle as in a political or militant, group or a. nationhe word fascism stems from the Italian word fascio (plural: fasci), which may mean bundle, as in a political or militant group, or a nation. The term also comes from the fasces (rods bundled around an axe), which was an ancient Roman symbol of the authority of magistrates.", "ECONOMICALLY With respect to the economic system. Context example: economically the country is worse off. Pertainym: economic (of or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of material wealth)", "Definitions of fascism Griffin argues that the above definition can be condensed into one sentence: Fascism is a political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism .. The word palingenetic in this case refers to notions of national rebirth.", "Definitions &Translations Economics imperialism (often economic imperialism) in contemporary economics refers to economic analysis of seemingly non-economic aspects of life, such as crime, law, the family, prejudice, tastes, irrational behavior, politics, sociology, culture, religion, war, science, and research.", "Marxism Define Marxism. Marxism synonyms, Marxism pronunciation, Marxism translation, English dictionary definition of Marxism. n. The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding...", "Fascism Fascism /ˈfaeʃɪzəm/ ˈfæʃɪzəm is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early-20th Century. Europe influenced by national, syndicalism fascism originated In italy During World War, i in opposition to, Liberalism, marxism And. anarchismoger Griffin describes fascism as a genus of political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultranationalism. Griffin describes the ideology as having three core components: (i) the rebirth myth, (ii) populist ultra-nationalism and (iii) the myth of decadence.", "Economic nationalism Economic nationalism Definition. Economic nationalism is a term used to describe policies which are guided by the idea of protecting domestic consumption, labor and capital formation, even if this requires the imposition of tariffs and other restrictions on the movement of labour, goods and capital.", "Fascism Fascism is a genuinely revolutionary, trans-class form of anti-liberal, and in the last analysis, anti-conservative nationalism built on a complex range of theoretical and cultural influences. He distinguishes an inter-war period in which it manifested itself in elite-led but populist armed party politics opposing socialism and liberalism and promising radical politics to rescue the nation from decadence.", "- 7. fascism. Fascism is a form of totalitarianism in that it holds the State to be the highest value, to which all individuals must be completely loyal. Yet it is distinguishable from other forms of totalitarianism in its exultation of war and violence as a means of envigorating the state and the people.", "- This was the very essence of Communism, which meant the people working together for the good of the government and the country, rather than for individual gain. Unfortunately, his policies proved disastrous for the economy.", "Economics A-Z terms beginning with A A brand of neo-classical economics established in Vienna during the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. It was strongly opposed to Marxism and, more broadly, to the use of economic theories to justify government intervention in the economy.", "Can anyone give me a SIMPLE definition to fascism? NOUN: 1. often Fascism a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.", "ideology fascism-a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism). ideology, political orientation, political theory-an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation.", "- Michael Mann is an historical sociologist and Professor of Sociology at UCLA. In his book Fascists (Cambridge University Press, 2004) he provides the following definition: “Fascism is the pursuit of a transcendent and cleansing nation-statism through paramilitarism.” (Mann, op. cit., p. 13). Definition of terms: · Transcendence: Belief that the state can transcend social conflict and blend all social classes into a harmonious whole. Belief in the power of political ideology to transcend human nature and produce a better world.", "Aprovocative The economic reform wrought is largely of the nature of a permutation in the methods of conspicuous waste. The Theory of the Leisure Class Thorstein Veblen. Let this be learned to perfection, backwards and forwards, or by permutation of words, and repeated the next day.", "fascism fas·cism. n. 1. often Fascism. a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.. 1. often Fascism. a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.", "- Constitutional economics is a field of economics and constitutionalism which describes and analyzes the specific interrelationships between constitutional issues and the structure and functioning of the economy.", "Socialism The question of whether the standard Marxist-inspired definition of socialism involving social ownership of the means of production and economic planning is economically feasible has been ongoing, with social democrats having abandoned this pursuit.ost utopian socialists believed in the term, from each according to his abilities, to each according to his need.. This saying was coined by Marx, but was a reference to a very similar quote from another revolutionary socialist, Louis Blanqui, which was itself an apparent paraphrase of Acts 3:34-35.", "Definitions of fascism Similarly, fascism as an ideology is also hard to define. Originally, fascism referred to a political movement that was linked with corporatism and existed in Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini.ascism, at any rate the German version, is a form of capitalism that borrows from Socialism just such features as will make it efficient for war purposes... It is a planned system geared to a definite purpose, world-conquest, and not allowing any private interest, either of capitalist or worker, to stand in its way.", "socialism The economic basis of socialism is social ownership of the means of production; its political basis is the power of the toiling masses under the leadership of the working class, headed by the Marxist-Leninist party.", "- fascismnoun [ U ] also Fascism uk ​ /ˈfæʃ.ɪ.zəm/ us ​ /ˈfæʃ.ɪ.zəm/. › a political system based on a very powerful leader, state control, and being extremely proud of country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed. Examples. This year's history syllabus covers the rise of Fascism in Europe.", "fascism Although both communism and fascism are forms of totalitarianism, fascism does not demand state ownership of the means of production, nor is fascism committed to the achievement of economic equality. In theory, communism opposes the identification of government with a single charismatic leader (the “cult of personality”), which is the cornerstone of fascism.", "- The economy of Fascist Germany was based on building a strong military, with complete control of the economy by the Nazi Party, and was celebrated with extreme nationalism by a large percentage of the German population.", "- Definition of economic. 1 1 archaic : of or relating to a household or its management. 2 2 : economical 2. 3 3a : of or relating to economics economic theoriesb : of, relating to, or based on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services economic growthc : of or relating to an economy a group of economic advisers. 4 : having practical or industrial significance or uses : affecting material resources.", "- Definition of 'fascism'. Word Frequency. fascism (fæʃɪzəm ) uncountable noun. Fascism is a set of right-wing political beliefs that includes strong control of society and the economy by the state, a powerful role for the armed forces, and the stopping of political opposition.", "Difference Between Communism and fascism 1.Communism is a socio economic system that stands for a class less, state less and an egalitarian society. Fascism is an ideology that tries to bring together radical and authoritarian nationalism. 2.Fascism became popular between 1919 and 1945.", "ECONOMIC The adjective ECONOMIC has 5 senses: 1. of or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of material wealth. 2. of or relating to the science of economics. 3. concerned with worldly necessities of life (especially money).", "Fascism Fascism /ˈfaeʃɪzəm/ ˈfæʃɪzəm is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early-20th Century. Europe influenced by national, syndicalism fascism originated In italy During World War, i in opposition to, Liberalism, marxism And. anarchismnfluenced by national syndicalism, fascism originated in Italy during World War I, in opposition to liberalism, Marxism, and Anarchism. Fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.", "fascism 1. fascism-a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism). ideology, political orientation, political theory-an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation.ord History: It is fitting that the name of an authoritarian political movement like Fascism, founded in 1919 by Benito Mussolini, should come from the name of a symbol of authority." ]
[ 14.0234375 ]
[ 10.65625, 10.9765625, 3.935546875, 11.1953125, 3.7265625, 2.880859375, 11.328125, 6.08203125, 11.6015625, 11.3828125, 5.66015625, 6.12890625, 12.109375, 10.515625, 10.9609375, 2.4140625, 12.1796875, 4.2890625, 5.23828125, 9.9765625, 6.17578125, 12.3828125, 10.8515625, 10.765625, 6.13671875, 12.765625, 10.203125, 5.890625, 11.1953125, 10.53125 ]
how many carb a day should a diabetic eat
[ "I have type 2 diabetes. How many carbs should I eat per day? per meal? what about snacks? A: The amount of carbohydrate (carb) that you need each day or per meal varies from person to person. Ideally, you should meet with a dietitian who will take into account a number of factors to determine your carb goals.n general, women need about 45 to 60 grams of carb per meal and 15 grams of carb per snack. Men usually need more carb, so a starting goal is 60 to 75 grams of carb per meal and 15 to 30 grams of carb per snack. If you prefer, you can use carb servings instead of grams." ]
[ "How much carbohydrate should I consume? The recommended intake is a minimum of 130 grams/day, or 45 - 65 percent of daily calories for adults, independent of age or activity level. This is the minimum needed for your brain to function. Athletes are recommended to consume 6 - 10 grams for every kilogram of body weight per day.For example, a typical man weighing 70 kilograms needs 420 grams of carbs per day to fuel his activity.If you are on a low-calorie diet (less than 2000 calories per day), it may be difficult to achieve the 6 grams per day.ince there are four calories per one gram of carbohydrate, you would need to be consuming 250-300 grams of carbohydrates per day. The digestibility of the carbohydrates you consume (fiber content) plays a role in the physiological energy available.", "How many carbs a day can a prediabetic eat? The amount of carbs you can eat depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level. On average females can have 3-4 servings of carbs for each meal, and a serving of carbs in between meals. A serving of carbohydrates is 15 grams of carbs.On average, a male can have 5-6 servings of carbs for each meal and a serving of carb in between each meal. Remember, though, that the type of carb matters to. As a diabetic, you should choose carbs that are whole grains.Whole grains contain fiber and nutrients, and they help keep you satiated longer. serving of carbohydrates is 15 grams of carbs. On average, a male can have 5-6 servings of carbs for each meal and a serving of carb in between each meal. Remember, though, that the type of carb matters to.", "How Many Carbs to Eat a Day The general starting point for a moderate-size woman is 45-60 grams of carbohydrates at each meal; for moderate-size men, 60-75 grams of carbs per meal. Most people with diabetes don't need to eat snacks.", "The Recommended Amount & Percent of Carbohydrates Per Day Grams of Carbs. Determine the number of grams of carbs you need each day by calculating 45 to 65 percent of your total calorie intake, and dividing by 4. For example, if you eat a 2,000-calorie diet, shoot for 225 to 325 grams of carbs per day; and if you eat 2,500 calories a day, aim for 281 to 406 grams of carbs.rams of Carbs. Determine the number of grams of carbs you need each day by calculating 45 to 65 percent of your total calorie intake, and dividing by 4. For example, if you eat a 2,000-calorie diet, shoot for 225 to 325 grams of carbs per day; and if you eat 2,500 calories a day, aim for 281 to 406 grams of carbs.", "The Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve In other words, if you are consuming 2200 calories per day, no more than 1430 of that should come from carbohydrates. In addition, you should aim to eat at least 130 grams of carbs every day, split evenly throughout the day.", "- If you are between the ages of 31 and 50, you should consume 1,800 calories per day and 202.5 to 292.5 grams of carbohydrates. If you are over the age of 50, you should consume 1,600 calories and 180 to 260 grams of carbohydrates each day.", "How many carbs can I eat per day? I often see that my patients with diabetes do well with 45 - 60 grams of carbohydrate per meal. The only way to know if this is the proper amount for you to test your blood glucose frequently. Figuring all of this out takes some patience and detective work.", "- Sedentary women between the ages of 19 and 30 should consume between 1,800 and 2,000 calories per day. Carbohydrates should account for 810 to 1,300 of your calories each day. As there are 4 calories in 1 gram of carbohydrates, this amounts to 202.5 to 325 grams of carbohydrates per day.s carbohydrates should account for 900 to 1,430 of these calories, you should eat 225 to 357.5 grams of carbs each day. If you are between the ages of 31 and 50, these values decrease to 2,000 calories and between 225 and 325 grams of carbs every day.", "How Many Carbs to Eat a Day Pregnant women and those who are breast-feeding require more as well. Most adults need 6-11 servings of carbs per day, depending on the factors listed above. The general starting point for a moderate-size woman is 45-60 grams of carbohydrates at each meal; for moderate-size men, 60-75 grams of carbs per meal.Most people with diabetes don't need to eat snacks.: Generally speaking, being a woman means you likely need to eat fewer carbohydrates each day than a man. However, the amount of carbohydrates you need should depend on many factors, including your size, age, activity, desire to lose weight, and food preferences.", "How Many Carbs Should You Eat a Day? Carb grams/meal range (3 meals per day): 60–103 grams. *Based on 45%–65% of calories from carbohydrate. Note: Women who are under 65 years of age, moderate to large in stature, at a healthy weight, and get a lot of exercise may need more calories and grams of carbohydrate.he biggest problem is too many total calories and the types of calories consumed. Research shows Americans eat too much added sugar (22 teaspoons a day, which translates to about 350 calories!) and not enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods.", "How Many Carbs Should You Eat a Day? Carb grams/meal range (3 meals per day): 60–103 grams. *Based on 45%–65% of calories from carbohydrate. Note: Women who are under 65 years of age, moderate to large in stature, at a healthy weight, and get a lot of exercise may need more calories and grams of carbohydrate.arb grams/meal range (3 meals per day): 86–151 grams. *Based on 45%–65% of calories from carbohydrate. Note: Men who are under 65 years of age, moderate to large in stature, at a healthy weight, and get a lot of exercise may need more calories and grams of carbohydrate.", "How many carbs a day can a prediabetic eat? The amount of carbs you can eat depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level. On average females can have 3-4 servings of carbs for each meal, and a serving of carbs in between meals. A serving of carbohydrates is 15 grams of carbs.On average, a male can have 5-6 servings of carbs for each meal and a serving of carb in between each meal. Remember, though, that the type of carb matters to. As a diabetic, you should choose carbs that are whole grains.Whole grains contain fiber and nutrients, and they help keep you satiated longer.he amount of carbs you can eat depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level. On average females can have 3-4 servings of carbs for each meal, and a serving of carbs in between meals. A serving of carbohydrates is 15 grams of carbs.", "How many carbs a day can a prediabetic eat? The amount of carbs you can eat depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level. On average females can have 3-4 servings of carbs for each meal, and a serving of carbs in between meals. A serving of carbohydrates is 15 grams of carbs.On average, a male can have 5-6 servings of carbs for each meal and a serving of carb in between each meal. Remember, though, that the type of carb matters to. As a diabetic, you should choose carbs that are whole grains.he amount of carbs you can eat depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level. On average females can have 3-4 servings of carbs for each meal, and a serving of carbs in between meals. A serving of carbohydrates is 15 grams of carbs.", "The Recommended Amount & Percent of Carbohydrates Per Day Grams of Carbs. Determine the number of grams of carbs you need each day by calculating 45 to 65 percent of your total calorie intake, and dividing by 4. For example, if you eat a 2,000-calorie diet, shoot for 225 to 325 grams of carbs per day; and if you eat 2,500 calories a day, aim for 281 to 406 grams of carbs.ccording to the Institute of Medicine, children and adults should consume 45 to 65 percent of their calorie intake as carbohydrates, and at least 130 grams of carbs per day.", "How Many Grams of Carbs to Eat Per Day To determine the number of grams of carbohydrates depends on how many calories you should be eating per day and divide this total by two. A gram of carbs is four calories, so divide this number by four and you will have your total.The standard 2000 calorie diet should include 250 grams of carbs each day.o determine the number of grams of carbohydrates depends on how many calories you should be eating per day and divide this total by two. A gram of carbs is four calories, so divide this number by four and you will have your total.", "How Many Carbs to Eat a Day Most adults need 6-11 servings of carbs per day, depending on the factors listed above. The general starting point for a moderate-size woman is 45-60 grams of carbohydrates at each meal; for moderate-size men, 60-75 grams of carbs per meal. Most people with diabetes don't need to eat snacks.: How many grams of carbohydrates should a woman with diabetes have each day? A: Generally speaking, being a woman means you likely need to eat fewer carbohydrates each day than a man.", "- Per Meal. Women should have between 2 and 3.5 carbohydrate servings per meal, while men can have between 3 and 4. A carbohydrate serving is considered 15 grams, meaning that the total number of carbohydrates a woman should have at one sitting is between 30 and 55 grams and for men is 50 to 65.ave. A diabetic's daily carbohydrate intake varies based on age, weight, gender, activity level and goal. An individual diabetic's needs can also vary, if he is to be active one day, but resting the next. Roughly half of all calories should come from carbohydrates, regardless of the day's carbohydrate total.", "How Many Carbs Per Day For A Diabetic? The American Diabetes Association suggests that: “A place to start is at about 45-75 grams of carbohydrate at a meal”. That’s 135-225 g carbohydrates per day excluding snacks.", "Carbohydrates: How carbs fit into a healthy diet How many carbohydrates do you need? The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates. That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day. You can find the carbohydrate content of packaged foods on the Nutrition Facts label. The label shows total carbohydrates — which includes starches, fiber, sugar alcohols, and naturally occurring and added sugars.", "- Others may need to have less carbohydrate to keep their blood glucose in control. Finding the balance for yourself is important so you can feel your best, do the things you enjoy, and lower your risk of diabetes complications. A place to start is at about 45-60 grams of carbohydrate at a meal.You may need more or less carbohydrate at meals depending on how you manage your diabetes. You and your health care team can figure out the right amount for you.Once you know how much carb to eat at a meal, choose your food and the portion size to match.inding the balance for yourself is important so you can feel your best, do the things you enjoy, and lower your risk of diabetes complications. A place to start is at about 45-60 grams of carbohydrate at a meal. You may need more or less carbohydrate at meals depending on how you manage your diabetes.", "How Many Carbs Should a Diabetic Have Per Day? How many carbs per day should diabetic patients consume? Diabetic patients should consume between 45 and 65 percent of their total calories per day with carbohydrates, states Healthline. They should aim for at least 130 grams of carbs a day, split evenly between meals.", "The Recommended Amount & Percent of Carbohydrates Per Day Grams of Carbs. Determine the number of grams of carbs you need each day by calculating 45 to 65 percent of your total calorie intake, and dividing by 4. For example, if you eat a 2,000-calorie diet, shoot for 225 to 325 grams of carbs per day; and if you eat 2,500 calories a day, aim for 281 to 406 grams of carbs.ccording to the American Heart Association, men should limit added sugars to 9 teaspoons, or 150 calories, per day and women should eat no more than 6 teaspoons, or 100 calories, from added sugars each day.", "I have type 2 diabetes. How many carbs should I eat per day? per meal? what about snacks? Ask your healthcare provider for a referral to a dietitian in your community. In the meantime, you can get started by thinking about how much carb to aim for at each of your meals and any snacks that you may eat. In general, women need about 45 to 60 grams of carb per meal and 15 grams of carb per snack. Men usually need more carb, so a starting goal is 60 to 75 grams of carb per meal and 15 to 30 grams of carb per snack. If you prefer, you can use carb servings instead of grams.", "Daily Carbohydrates Needed for Men Once you know your total caloric intake for the day, you can then determine your daily carbohydrate needs. Between 45 and 65 percent of your total calories should come from carbohydrates. If you require 2,550 calories in a day, then 1,148 to 1,658 of those calories should come from carbs.Because carbohydrates carry 4 calories to the gram, this translates to roughly 287 to 415 g of carbs per day. Your doctor or nutritionist can help you better determine the exact amount of carbs you need each day.f you require 2,550 calories in a day, then 1,148 to 1,658 of those calories should come from carbs. Because carbohydrates carry 4 calories to the gram, this translates to roughly 287 to 415 g of carbs per day.", "How many carbs can I eat with diabetes? If you have diabetes and you're counting carbohydrates (carbs), keep these guidelines in mind: 1 Women need about 3 to 4 carb servings per meal (or split between a meal and a snack). Men need about 4 to 5 carb servings per meal (or meal and snack).", "Carbohydrates: How carbs fit into a healthy diet The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates.That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day. You can find the carbohydrate content of packaged foods on the Nutrition Facts label.he Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates. That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day.", "Carbohydrates: How carbs fit into a healthy diet The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates.That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day.You can find the carbohydrate content of packaged foods on the Nutrition Facts label.he Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates.", "How Many Carbs Should You Eat a Day? Carb grams/meal range (3 meals per day): 60–103 grams. *Based on 45%–65% of calories from carbohydrate. Note: Women who are under 65 years of age, moderate to large in stature, at a healthy weight, and get a lot of exercise may need more calories and grams of carbohydrate.", "Low-carb diet: Can it help you lose weight? In contrast, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calorie intake. So if you consume 2,000 calories a day, you would need to eat between 900 and 1,300 calories a day from carbohydrates or between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day. Next.", "Recommended Amount of Carbs in the Diet Per Day According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, 45 to 65 percent of daily caloric intake should be from carbohydrates. If following a 1,500-calorie diet then 675 to 975 of those calories should be from carbs -- 168 to 240 grams of carbohydrate.On a 2,000-calorie diet, it would be between 900 and 1,300 calories or 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrate.f you eat 2,000 calories a day, then consume approximately 2 to 2 1/2 cups of fruit and 2 to 2 1/2 cups of vegetables every day. This should be combined with getting at least 3 ounces of whole grains daily, which is the equivalent of one 1-ounce slice of whole-grain bread, 1/2 cup brown rice or 1/2 cup of oatmeal." ]
[ 13.0546875 ]
[ 9.71875, 13.1484375, 14.1171875, 12.59375, 10.1015625, 12.9921875, 13.3671875, 12.5546875, 13.03125, 11.1640625, 12.3359375, 13.2109375, 13.1171875, 12.0390625, 11.359375, 13.6328125, 13.8671875, 14.5546875, 11.9296875, 13.6328125, 15.0390625, 12.4921875, 13.9921875, 11.2109375, 13.5703125, 12.3046875, 12.2890625, 12.2734375, 11.3125, 11.875 ]
how long to cook drumsticks
[ "Talk season the drumsticks with salt and pepper and sprinkle a little olive oil over them. put them in the tray and cooke them for 20 minutes, then open the oven and cover them with aluminum foil and cook for a further 10 minutes. The flesh should be peeling away from the ankle end of the bone a little. HTH." ]
[ "Breaded and Baked Chicken Drumsticks Mix together the breadcrumbs and minced chives in a separate medium bowl. 3 Sprinkle each drumstick with salt. One by one, dip each drumstick in the mayonnaise mixture, turning to coat. Then dip the drumstick in the breadcrumbs mixture, turning to coat. Place the drumsticks on the prepared roasting pan. 4 Bake chicken for 20-25 minutes, until just cooked through, and juices run clear (not pink) when poked with a sharp knife.", "- Quick Answer. To properly cook chicken drumsticks, bake them at 425 degrees on the ovens convection setting for about 35 minutes. The drumsticks should reach an internal temperature of 185 degrees when they are thoroughly cooked. Keep Learning.", "- Dip each chicken drumstick in egg; roll in cornflake crumbs to coat. ... Bake in 350 degrees F oven, without turning, for 1 hour or until internal temperature ...", "Chicken drumsticks in slow cooker - how long to ? Chef_245sam, Jul 17, 5:40 pm. Thanks - cooked them for 4 hours on high and they would have been ok -but left them a bit longer while hubby did the veges ( he is not very fast :-)so they ended up getting 5 hours - but fell off the bone and were yum. I need to try out some more chicken recipes - so easy.", "The Best Way to Cook Drumsticks on the Grill Step 4. Put the chicken drumstick on the hottest part of the grill and cook them for 25 minutes, rotating them frequently with a pair of tongs to ensure even cooking. Step 5. Remove the chicken drumsticks from the grill and put them on a warm serving plate. Let the chicken drumsticks rest for five minutes so the natural juices can redistribute throughout the meat before serving them.", "Primal Palate 1 Turn drumsticks 1/4 turn every 10 minutes until they have reached an internal temperature of 180°F. 2 Baste drumsticks with red palm oil toward the end of their cook time, about the last 20 minutes or so. 3 Reapply as necessary.", "- Directions. 1 Put some olive oil in the bottom of a 9X13 pan (just enough to put the drumsticks on). 2 Add drumsticks (space enough apart so they aren't touching each other). 3 Sprinkle generously with pepper and garlic powder. 4 Bake at 375 for half an hour. 5 Bake another half an hour (or until cooked til 160 degrees)).irections. 1 Put some olive oil in the bottom of a 9X13 pan (just enough to put the drumsticks on). 2 Add drumsticks (space enough apart so they aren't touching each other). 3 Sprinkle generously with pepper and garlic powder. 4 Sprinkle lightly with salt. 5 Bake at 375 for half an hour.", "- 1 Place the drumsticks in a baking pan. 2 Let the drumsticks bake for 45 minutes, till they are done. 3 Then increase the temperature to 500º F and let it roast the drumsticks, till they are deep brown in color. 4 Do remember to turn them, so that they have an even brown color.", "- Cook Steps. 1. Preheat the oven to 475 degrees. 2. Lightly grease a sheet pan with olive oil. 3. Dry the drumsticks thoroughly, then set them on the prepared sheet pan. 4. Drizzle the drumsticks with olive oil.Use clean hands to coat the drumsticks evenly, then sprinkle the seasoning salt and black pepper all over.Set them back on the sheet pan with the skin side down. 5. Place drumsticks in the preheated oven. Bake until juices run clear when the leg is pierced with a knife, about 18-22 minutes.. Drizzle the drumsticks with olive oil. Use clean hands to coat the drumsticks evenly, then sprinkle the seasoning salt and black pepper all over. Set them back on the sheet pan with the skin side down. 5. Place drumsticks in the preheated oven.", "Chicken drumsticks in slow cooker - how long to ? :-)). -1. Thanks-cooked them for 4 hours on high and they would have been ok-but left them a bit longer while hubby did the veges (he is not very fast :-)so they ended up getting 5 hours-but fell off the bone and were yum. I need to try out some more chicken recipes-so easy.", "Skinless Chicken Drumsticks 1 Combine marinade ingredients in a large zip top plastic bag. 2 Add chicken and marinate 30 minutes or longer. 3 Preheat oven to 425° F. 4 Line a large rimmed baking sheet with extra-wide foil (this is only to save cleanup) and place a baking/cooling rack on top. Preheat oven to 425° F. 2 Line a large rimmed baking sheet with extra-wide foil (this is only to save cleanup) and place a baking/cooling rack on top. 3 Or set two 8 x 11 disposable foil broiler pans on your baking sheet. 4 Remove drumsticks from marinade and place on rack. 5 Bake for 45 minutes, turning once after 35 minutes.", "Grilling Chicken Drumsticks â The Art of Drummies Jump to the Recipe Then you will have crispy goodness for all. The “art” of the grilled chicken legs (drumsticks)… that is what I have been working on for several weeks. All the recipes I looked at said things like until “fluid runs clear” or 30 minutes over medium high heat. I need more precise.", "- Roast drumsticks for approximately 30 to 40 minutes in an oven that’s preheated to 425 F. To make a one-dish meal, roast chicken drumsticks on a bed of sliced or cubed potatoes and flavorful vegetables such as chopped kale, sliced onions and minced garlic.", "The Best Way to Cook Drumsticks on the Grill Step 4. Put the chicken drumstick on the hottest part of the grill and cook them for 25 minutes, rotating them frequently with a pair of tongs to ensure even cooking. Step 5. Remove the chicken drumsticks from the grill and put them on a warm serving plate.", "How Long Do I Cook Chicken Drumsticks in the Oven? A: To properly cook chicken drumsticks, bake them at 425 degrees on the ovens convection setting for about 35 minutes. The drumsticks should reach an internal temperature of 185 degrees when they are thoroughly cooked.", "Breaded and Baked Chicken Drumsticks 3 Sprinkle each drumstick with salt. One by one, dip each drumstick in the mayonnaise mixture, turning to coat. Then dip the drumstick in the breadcrumbs mixture, turning to coat. Place the drumsticks on the prepared roasting pan. 4 Bake chicken for 20-25 minutes, until just cooked through, and juices run clear (not pink) when poked with a sharp knife.", "How to Cook Oven Roasted Chicken Drumsticks | Juicy, Tender and Moist Chicken Fill your bottom tray with hot/warm water and then place your Chicken Drumsticks tray on top of it. Pre heat your Oven and cook-Bake @400°F / 204.4ºC for 30 minutes. Take out of the OVEN and Enjoy with your family/friends.Please cook and enjoy with your family/friends.ill your bottom tray with hot/warm water and then place your Chicken Drumsticks tray on top of it. Pre heat your Oven and cook-Bake @400°F / 204.4ºC for 30 minutes. Take out of the OVEN and Enjoy with your family/friends. Please cook and enjoy with your family/friends.", "- The way I cook drumsticks... and my man loves it!... Put them in an oven proof dish (greased or sprayed with non stick spray). Then make a sauce: Mayo, chutney, s … oup powder (brown onion works well, but you can use whatever you like), salt and pepper and some worchestershire sauce.our the sauce over the chicken and bake at 180 deg C for 30 min, turn drumsticks over, and cook for another 30 min.", "- Directions. 1 Put some olive oil in the bottom of a 9X13 pan (just enough to put the drumsticks on). 2 Add drumsticks (space enough apart so they aren't touching each other). 3 Sprinkle generously with pepper and garlic powder. 4 Sprinkle lightly with salt. 5 Bake at 375 for half an hour. Sprinkle lightly with salt. 2 Bake at 375 for half an hour. 3 Turn drumsticks over and add more garlic powder, pepper and salt (same as before). 4 Bake another half an hour (or until cooked til 160 degrees)).", "- Put the chicken drumstick on the hottest part of the grill and cook them for 25 minutes, rotating them frequently with a pair of tongs to ensure even cooking. Remove the chicken drumsticks from the grill and put them on a warm serving plate.", "Lemon Garlic Baked Chicken Drumsticks Add the chicken to the HOT pan and cook for 3-4 minutes, or until golden brown. Flip the chicken over and place into the oven to bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.Serve with extra lemon wedges if desired.Enjoy. Lemon Garlic Baked Chicken Drumsticks Yield: 4 Prep Time: 5 min.Cook Time: 30-35 min.lace into the refrigerator to marinate for several hours. Remove the chicken from the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to cooking. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Heat a large OVEN PROOF pan that’s been coated in cooking spray over medium high heat.", "Fresh Turkey Drumsticks Cooking Instructions. Oven: Preheat oven to 350ºF. Brush Turkey Drumsticks with vegetable oil. Place in pan, and cover. Bake 1 to 1½ hrs. Uncover and bake another ½ hr., or until tender. Cook until temperature reaches 165°F on a meat thermometer not touching bone. Skillet: Brown Turkey Drumsticks in lightly oiled skillet. Add ¾ cup of liquid, and cover. Simmer 1¼ hrs., or until tender.", "- Wash the drumsticks and pat dry with paper ... 1 hour heat oven to 375 degrees. Lift the ... the baking pan. Bake in 375 degree oven 50 ... Makes about 14 drumsticks.", "Primal Palate 1 Sear drumsticks on the grill for approximately 3 minutes per quarter turn. 2 After searing all sides, move drumsticks to a part of the grill where they can cook by indirect heat. ( 3 See notes below). 4 Cook drumsticks via indirect heat for an additional 50–60 minutes.", "- Pour the sauce over the chicken and bake at 180 deg C for 30 min, turn drumsticks over, and cook for another 30 min. 1 person found this useful. If it is ground chicken 165° F. Our government says that you should cook a whole chicken until the temperature measured in the thigh is 180°F (82°C).", "- Roast drumsticks for approximately 30 to 40 minutes in an oven that’s preheated to 425 F. To make a one-dish meal, roast chicken drumsticks on a bed of sliced or cubed potatoes and flavorful vegetables such as chopped kale, sliced onions and minced garlic.eturn the chicken and all other ingredients to the pan and transfer it to the oven for approximately five minutes at 450 F before reducing the heat to 325 F and cooking it for another 30 to 40 minutes, or until the drumsticks are tender.", "Simple Baked Chicken Drumsticks Directions. 1 Put some olive oil in the bottom of a 9X13 pan (just enough to put the drumsticks on). 2 Add drumsticks (space enough apart so they aren't touching each other). 3 Sprinkle generously with pepper and garlic powder. 4 Bake at 375 for half an hour. 5 Bake another half an hour (or until cooked til 160 degrees)). Sprinkle generously with pepper and garlic powder. 2 Sprinkle lightly with salt. 3 Bake at 375 for half an hour. 4 Turn drumsticks over and add more garlic powder, pepper and salt (same as before).", "Chicken drumsticks in slow cooker - how long to ? Marinate chicken pieces in red wine, soy sauce, chopped garlic, honey and grated ginger overnight in covered dish in fridge... Place the chicken pieces in the crockpot and pour over the marinade... Cover with lid and cook on high for 4 - 4 1/2 hours in the crock pot.", "- Directions. 1 Put some olive oil in the bottom of a 9X13 pan (just enough to put the drumsticks on). 2 Add drumsticks (space enough apart so they aren't touching each other). 3 Sprinkle generously with pepper and garlic powder. 4 Bake at 375 for half an hour. 5 Bake another half an hour (or until cooked til 160 degrees)). Add drumsticks (space enough apart so they aren't touching each other). 2 Sprinkle generously with pepper and garlic powder. 3 Sprinkle lightly with salt. 4 Bake at 375 for half an hour. 5 Turn drumsticks over and add more garlic powder, pepper and salt (same as before).", "Rosemary Baked Chicken Drumsticks Recipe Bake the drumsticks in a 425 F degree oven for 20 minutes then use tongs to rotate each drumstick and bake until done. That’s it, we told you it was easy. You will be left with moist and juicy baked chicken drumsticks with crispy skin — the best.You May Also Like.ake the drumsticks in a 425 F degree oven for 20 minutes then use tongs to rotate each drumstick and bake until done. That’s it, we told you it was easy. You will be left with moist and juicy baked chicken drumsticks with crispy skin — the best. You May Also Like." ]
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avoided cost energy
[ "- Avoided Cost. Avoided cost analysis is a widely accepted method for estimating the economic benefits associated with renewable energy, energy efficiency, or conservation programs. Naturally, the term “avoided cost” refers to the cost no longer incurred as the result of a project or action." ]
[ "- The Cost Avoidance is illustrated by the number of devices. If the customer was spending $200,699 with 2816 devices, that is $71 per device. If they would have spent this same $71 per device on their new increase to 3418 devices, they would have spent almost $244,000 instead of the $185,177 optimized cost they spent.", "- The cost of nuclear energy is promoted as being about 2 cents per KWh, while that produced by gas is 4 cents per KWh, and by oil, hydro-electric and wind power 7 cents per KWh.Thus expressed, nuclear energy appears to be considerably the least expensive.fter 30 years the plant has exhausted its physiological cycle of production and must be dismantled. The demolition of a nuclear power plant costs at least as much as its construction. To give an example, the total cost of the closure of the Eccellente-Phenix reactor in France was estimated at $2.4 billion.", "Avoided Cost 11.12.14 | posted by. Avoided cost analysis is a widely accepted method for estimating the economic benefits associated with renewable energy, energy efficiency, or conservation programs. Naturally, the term “avoided cost” refers to the cost no longer incurred as the result of a project or action.", "Avoidable Costs Definition of Avoidable Cost: A cost that can be avoided by not producing a particular good. For example, if you are building cars, an avoidable costs would be the raw materials.If you stopped producing a car, you would no longer have to pay for the raw materials such as steel and aluminium.However, other costs of a firm maybe unavoidable, at least in the short term. For example, the firm still has the fixed costs such as rent and paying some safety workers.For this reason avoidable costs are often variable costs. 1 Cost Curves.owever, other costs of a firm maybe unavoidable, at least in the short term. For example, the firm still has the fixed costs such as rent and paying some safety workers. For this reason avoidable costs are often variable costs. 1 Cost Curves.", "- The problem is that fossil fuels can't be replaced-once we use them up, they're gone forever. Another problem is that fossil fuels can cause pollution. Renewable energy is made from resources that Mother Nature will replace, like wind, water and sunshine.Renewable energy is also called clean energy or green power because it doesn't pollute the air or the water.he problem is that fossil fuels can't be replaced-once we use them up, they're gone forever. Another problem is that fossil fuels can cause pollution. Renewable energy is made from resources that Mother Nature will replace, like wind, water and sunshine.", "- Smoking four 0.8 mg nicotine cigarettes increased resting energy expenditure (REE) by 3.3% over a 3 h measurement period. Consumption of 200 mg of caffeine in the fasted condition increased REE of the smokers by 4.8% over 3 hours.", "- • The average energy cost as a proportion of manufacturing. production costs is about 3%. – If energy represents 3% of production costs, and profits amount to 20 % of. production costs, then reducing net energy costs by one-third can result in. a five percent gain in profits. • Available today, are a host of energy-efficient technologies, techniques, and approaches has emerged and energy management.", "- These cost savings may then be removed from budgets, reinvested, or redirected to other spending priorities. The second scenario is an example of cost avoidance. Cost avoidance refers to reductions that cause future spending to fall, but not below the level of current spending.", "energy conservation energy conservation. Reduction in the amount of energy consumed in a process or system, or by an organization or society, through economy, elimination of waste, and rational use. Use 'energy conservation' in a Sentence.", "- CS,e,2000 = 1.3  10–4(392) + 0.010 (4.0) = $0.091/kWh. This agrees closely with the price of. electricity charged to large industrial. customers in the northeastern U.S., where residual fuel oil was a promi-. nent utility fuel in 2000. Coal is an important resource in the. U.S. because it is abundant and rela-. tively inexpensive.", "- Quality authorized by Steven A. Thompson, Executive Director. been prepared at a cost of $00.38 each. the Publications Clearinghouse of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. Fossil fuels provide 85% of the energy used in the United States.", "- Nuclear power: a dangerous waste of timeThe unresolved legacy of nuclear power:radioactive materials – a continuing threat Introduction The nuclear power industry is attempting to exploit the climate crisis by aggressively promoting nuclear technology as a “low-carbon” means of generating electricity.hen a uranium atom is split, it produces not only energy but also highly dangerous radioactive waste. On average, uranium ore contains only 0.1% uranium. The overwhelming majority of the materials extracted during uranium ore mining is waste containing other hazardous radioactive and toxic substances.", "The Hidden Costs of Wind Power “At the current price of natural gas and before counting any costs of transmission, wind’s cost is 6-7 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) more than its benefit—the cost of the fossil fuel it can save and the conventional generation facilities it can replace.", "- Alternative searches for electrical energy 1 : Search for Definitions for electrical energy. 2 Search for Synonyms for electrical energy. 3 Quotes containing the term electrical energy. 4 Search for Phrases containing the term electrical energy.", "Michigan ASHRAE 90.1-2007: Yes. ASHRAE 90.1-2010: No. Energy cost savings for Michigan resulting from the state updating its commercial and residential building energy codes in accordance with federal law are significant, estimated to be on the order of nearly $230 million annually by 2030.nergy cost savings for Michigan resulting from the state updating its commercial and residential building energy codes in accordance with federal law are significant, estimated to be on the order of nearly $230 million annually by 2030.", "- Search for Phrases containing the term cost avoidance; Search for Poems containing the term cost avoidance; Search for Scripts containing the term cost avoidance; Search for Abbreviations containing the term cost avoidance; What rhymes with cost avoidance? Search for Song lyrics containing the word cost avoidance; Search for cost avoidance on Amazon", "- Chris Namovicz, June 17, 2013. •The “levelized avoided cost of energy” or LACE is based on. the system value of a generation resource. –Derived from the “avoided cost” or cost of displaced energy and capacity. –Presented in “levelized” terms; that is on average cost per MWh of generation,", "cost avoidance The automotive industry utilized cost avoidance by routinely replacing parts on the production line, this strategy prevented stops in production in which one stop could affect multiple areas of car production.", "- Here are some ideas to reduce your energy costs: upgrade to a high-efficiency air conditioning or heating system, install ceiling fans, schedule annual maintenance check ups, don't block vents in well-used rooms, close vents in unused rooms, and install a programmable thermostat.", "- EIA finds wind energy will have largest role in cost-effectively meeting Clean Power Plan. Wind energy consistently emerged as the lowest cost option for reducing carbon pollution to meet the Clean Power Plan in an analysis from the nonpartisan Energy Information Administration (EIA).", "Nuclear power With current tax credits, wind energy offers American customers the cheapest electrical energy option. At a cost of $35 per Megawatt hours (MWh), wind is cheaper than coal at $37 per MWh and natural gas at $50 per MWh (in 2004 dollars).", "- 1 However this issue can be turned into a cost-effective advantage without too much fuss. 2 In many cases, it is more cost-effective to invest your money in a bigger and better-equipped house.ore example sentences. 1 However this issue can be turned into a cost-effective advantage without too much fuss. 2 In many cases, it is more cost-effective to invest your money in a bigger and better-equipped house.", "Why We Canât Avoid Avoided Cost Why We Can’t Avoid Avoided Cost. 03/01/2010. by Tanya Bodell, Charles River Associates. The concept of opportunity cost is an underpinning of economics; it reflects the value of the next-best alternative of that resource.", "Managerial Ch 12 An avoidable cost is a cost that can be eliminated, in whole or in part, by choosing one alternative over another. Avoidable costs are relevant costs. Unavoidable costs are irrelevant costs.ost Concepts for Decision Making: A relevant cost is a cost that differs between alternatives. Identifying Relevant Costs. An avoidable cost can be eliminated, in whole or in part, by choosing one alternative over another. Avoidable costs are relevant costs. Unavoidable costs are irrelevant costs.", "Hazardous Energy Control Programs Electrical energy is the most common form of energy used in workplaces. It can be available live through power lines or it can also be stored, for example, in batteries or capacitors. Electricity can harm people in one of three ways: By electrical shock.", "Comparing Cost: Gas Furnace Vs. Electric Heater While natural gas remains the most widely-used home heating fuel in the U.S., this type of fuel may not be available in all areas. Homeowners without access to natural gas lines or those who prefer a different type of home heating fuel may turn to electricity to power home heating systems.espite its high efficiency, electric heating often costs more to operate than a traditional gas furnace. When comparing a gas furnace to an electric heater, consider not only the upfront and operating costs of each option, but also how these systems impact the environment.", "- Instead, the avoided cost method is based on the assumption that debt of the taxpayer would have been repaid or reduced without regard to the taxpayer's subjective intentions or to restrictions (including legal, regulatory, contractual, or other restrictions) against repayment or use of the debt proceeds.", "The Hidden Costs of Wind Power Comparison to Other Technology Costs. According to the EIA, the levelized cost of an advanced natural gas-fired combined cycle plant is 6.3 cents per kilowatt hour and that of an advanced coal-fired plant and nuclear plant are each 11.1 cents per kilowatt hour.hus, the total cost for wind power, including the hidden costs, averages 15.1 cents per kilowatt hour for natural-gas fired back-up and 19.2 cents per kilowatt-hour for coal-fired back-up.", "cost avoidance Definition of cost avoidance: Action taken to reduce future costs, such as replacing parts before they fail and cause damage to other parts. Cost avoidance may incur higher (or additional) costs in the shortrun but the final or ...", "- Although the findings differ substantially, they suggest that balancing costs in the systems studied will remain in the range of USD 1-6 per MWh of wind power, at pene-trations of up to around 20% of electricity demand. This is equal to less than 10% of the wholesale value of wind power. Foreword This joint report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is the seventh in a series of studies, started in 1983, on the projected costs of electricity generation." ]
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is clonidine used for gout
[ "Clonidine gout I have gout and high blood pressure. My gout, which is not triggered by high uric acid levels, is controlled by daily colchicine.For my blood pressure, which uncontrolled would be in the 200 over 100+ range, I take nifedipine 60mg daily, atenolol 25 mg daily, and clonidine .1 mg at midnight and .05 mg at noon.My typical B.P. is 158 over 78, pulse 48.ead More. He has been on cyclosporine, imuran, toprol, clonidine, and many other drugs for 10 years. He is hospitalized at this this time and so far the doctors can not find a reason for his symptons. His breathing is very labored (breathing from his stomach) he had a severe case of gout in his hand and elbow." ]
[ "Does chondroitin and glucosamine help gout? Answer by danielledc2b (61). yes, chondroitin and glucosamine may help gout, since gout is really short for gouty arthritis. Chondroitin and glucosamine are known to help out with arthritis and degeneration in the joints of the body.", "Description and Brand Names Descriptions. Colchicine is used to prevent or treat attacks of gout (also called gouty arthritis). This condition is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. An attack of gout occurs when uric acid causes inflammation (pain, redness, swelling, and heat) in a joint.ecause some of colchicine's side effects can be very serious, you should discuss with your doctor about the benefits that this medicine can do as well as the risks of using it. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.", "Gout Flare Up Symptoms It’s a lot of people with gout gout anti-inflammatory drugs used for treating gout attack and use the toe to be really painful and irritation caused by joints that cause gout flareup ibuprofen is a nerve such as tofu olive oil. 1 medium chopped or cherries. The ones in a build up to dangerous alcohol intake to get gout for real or just another plain simple foods for access to affordable healthcare professionals might be considering medication to tolerate the clinical trials. The needles and purified and curing gout. arthritis stomach. From naturally in our daily will help better circulation is born with no cure for gout in most cases of gout: acute and wash out the blood even though a specifically formulated by Dr. Ludwig Blau discover how many people imagine this process.", "Diagnosis 1 Medication that improves uric acid removal. 2 Probenecid (Probalan) improves your kidneys' ability to remove uric acid from your body. 3 This may lower your uric acid levels and reduce your risk of gout, but the level of uric acid in your urine is increased.", "Probenecid Probenecid is used to treat chronic gout and gouty arthritis. It is used to prevent attacks related to gout, not treat them once they occur. It acts on the kidneys to help the body eliminate uric acid. Probenecid is also used to make certain antibiotics more effective by preventing the body from passing them in the urine. This medication is sometimes prescribed for other uses; ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.", "- This medication is used alone or with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Clonidine belongs to a class of drugs (central alpha agonists) that act in the brain to lower blood pressure.", "- 1 What Allopurinol tablets are and what they are used for. Allopurinol tablets are used in: the management of gout and other conditions associated with too much uric acid in the body, such as kidney disease, metabolic disorders, certain skin diseases, cancer and treatment with diuretic (“water tablets”).", "Allopurinol Allopurinol is used to treat gout, high levels of uric acid in the body caused by certain cancer medications, and kidney stones. Allopurinol is in a class of medications called xanthine oxidase inhibitors. It works by reducing the production of uric acid in the body.", "Learn how UpToDate can help you. ●Urate-lowering therapies are of no benefit for acute gout and should generally not be initiated during an acute attack. However, in patients already receiving these agents (eg, allopurinol, febuxostat, probenecid, benzbromarone, or pegloticase), the urate-lowering medication should be continued without interruption.", "How to Treat Gout With Diet and Medication Colchicine is used to treat acute flares of gouty arthritis and to prevent recurrent acute attacks. Colchicine does not cure gout or take the place of other medicines that lower the amount of uric acid in the body. The drug prevents or relieves gout attacks by reducing inflammation.", "Gout In-Depth Report Allopurinol is used for: Treating gout. It is used to treat high uric acid levels in the blood or urine caused by certain types of cancer chemotherapy. It is also used to treat certain patients with a certain type of kidney stones and high amounts of uric acid in the urine. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor. It works by lowering the body's production of uric acid.", "10 Benefits of Drinking Warm Lemon Water in the Morning Allopurinol tablets are used in: 1 the management of gout and other conditions associated with too much uric acid in the body, such as kidney disease, metabolic disorders, certain skin diseases, cancer and treatment with diuretic (“water tablets”). 2 certain types of kidney stones.", "Clonidine and chlorthalidone (Oral) Uses For clonidine and chlorthalidone. Clonidine and chlorthalidone combinations are used in the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension). High blood pressure adds to the work load of the heart and arteries. If it continues for a long time, the heart and arteries may not function properly.", "- This medication is used alone or with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Clonidine belongs to a class of drugs (central alpha agonists) that act in the brain to lower blood pressure. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily.", "- Helpful Supplements: The most well researched aid for gout is Cherries. Cherry juice concentrate is available as well as extracts in supplement form. Celery has been used over the centuries for arthritis, rheumatism, gout, Celery seed is used primarily as a diuretic to promote the excretion of urine. The diuretic action combined with the presence of anti-bacterial compounds in celery seed also make it useful in treating urinary tract infections.", "Description and Brand Names Colchicine does not cure gout, but it will help prevent gout attacks. Colchicine is not an ordinary pain reliever and will not relieve most kinds of pain. Colchicine is also used to treat a rare condition called familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) in adults and children older than 4 years of age. Colchicine may be used in 2 ways.", "Benemid Probenecid is used to treat gout and gouty arthritis. Probenecid is also sometimes given together with penicillin antibiotics to make them more effective. Probenecid may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide. You should not use this medication if you are allergic to probenecid, or if you have uric acid kidney stones, a gout attack that has already started, or a blood cell disorder such as anemia, or decreased white blood cells. Probenecid should not be given to a child younger than 2 years old.", "Off-label use of clonidine Clonidine may be helpful when used in conjunction with those medications or, if symptoms are mild, used alone. Moreover, it's a good choice for patients who have Tourette's syndrome with ADHD because it also reduces insomnia, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Restless legs syndrome (RLS).", "- 1 Xanthine oxidase inhibitors, to decrease production of uric acid by the body. 2 Colchicine, to prevent flare-ups during the first months that you are taking medicines that lower uric acid. Pegloticase (Krystexxa). This medicine is for gout that has lasted a long time and hasn't responded to other treatment.", "Clonidine gout I have gout and high blood pressure. My gout, which is not triggered by high uric acid levels, is controlled by daily colchicine. For my blood pressure, which uncontrolled would be in the 200 over 100+ range, I take nifedipine 60mg daily, atenolol 25 mg daily, and clonidine .1 mg at midnight and .05 mg at noon.My typical B.P. is 158 over 78, pulse 48.y gout, which is not triggered by high uric acid levels, is controlled by daily colchicine. For my blood pressure, which uncontrolled would be in the 200 over 100+ range, I take nifedipine 60mg daily, atenolol 25 mg daily, and clonidine .1 mg at midnight and .05 mg at noon.", "- Featured article ». Colchicine is used to prevent or treat attacks of gout (also called gouty arthritis). This condition is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. An attack of gout occurs when uric acid causes inflammation (pain, redness, swelling, and heat) in a joint.eatured article ». Colchicine is used to prevent or treat attacks of gout (also called gouty arthritis). This condition is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. An attack of gout occurs when uric acid causes inflammation (pain, redness, swelling, and heat) in a joint.", "Off-label use of clonidine Answer: Clonidine (generic and Catapres), a drug that's been used off-label to treat those and numerous other conditions, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sleep apnea, smoking cessation, Tourette's syndrome, and withdrawal from alcohol and narcotics.", "Clonidine Clonidine also has several off-label uses, and has been prescribed to treat psychiatric disorders including stress, sleep disorders, and hyperarousal caused by post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, and other anxiety disorders.", "- 1 Some medicines may raise the uric acid level. Continue to take the medicines prescribed to you for gout. But if you weren't taking medicines that lower uric acid (such as allopurinol or probenecid) before the attack, don't start taking them when the attack begins. These medicines won't help relieve acute pain.", "- Goldenrod has also been used to treat tuberculosis, diabetes, enlargement of the liver, gout, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, asthma, and arthritis. In folk medicine, it is used as a mouth rinse to treat inflammation of the mouth and throat.", "Diagnosis Your doctor may recommend colchicine (Colcrys, Mitigare), a type of pain reliever that effectively reduces gout pain. The drug's effectiveness is offset in most cases, however, by intolerable side effects, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.", "Diagnosis 1 Medication that improves uric acid removal. 2 Probenecid (Probalan) improves your kidneys' ability to remove uric acid from your body. 3 This may lower your uric acid levels and reduce your risk of gout, but the level of uric acid in your urine is increased. 4 Side effects include a rash, stomach pain and kidney stones.", "Diagnosis Your doctor may prescribe a higher dose to stop an acute attack, followed by a lower daily dose to prevent future attacks. NSAIDs carry risks of stomach pain, bleeding and ulcers. Colchicine. Your doctor may recommend colchicine (Colcrys, Mitigare), a type of pain reliever that effectively reduces gout pain.", "Clonidine and chlorthalidone (Oral) Descriptions. Clonidine and chlorthalidone combinations are used in the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension). High blood pressure adds to the work load of the heart and arteries. If it continues for a long time, the heart and arteries may not function properly.", "Probenecid (Oral) Uses For probenecid. Probenecid is used in the treatment of chronic gout or gouty arthritis. These conditions are caused by too much uric acid in the blood. The medicine works by removing the extra uric acid from the body. Probenecid does not cure gout, but after you have been taking it for a few months it will help prevent gout attacks." ]
[ 14.3984375 ]
[ 2.857421875, 6.87890625, 5.2109375, 7.1484375, 5.828125, 7.16015625, 6.4140625, 6.73046875, 6.5, 6.96484375, 6.7265625, 6.70703125, 7.43359375, 7.15625, 4.38671875, 5.5625, 5.4296875, 7.22265625, 6.99609375, 14.3046875, 7.5859375, 8.4609375, 7.63671875, 6.7421875, 4.25, 6.4609375, 7.1640625, 7.21484375, 6.76953125, 5.7109375 ]
ups customer service number
[ "Claims Note: Requests for Guaranteed Service Refunds (GSRs) can be made online at the UPS Billing Center (U.S. only). Requests can also be made by calling 1-800-PICK-UPS® (1-800-742-5877) and saying Refund.. For details regarding the terms of UPS's liability for packages that are lost or damaged, or for C.O.D. shipments for which you did not receive a payment, please see the UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service. For problems other than those listed above, please contact UPS by selecting the link below." ]
[ "Pep Boys Phone Number This is Pep Boys's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a Pep Boys agent. This phone number is Pep Boys's Best Phone Number because 1,302 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback. Common problems addressed by the customer care unit that answers calls to 800-737-2697 include and other customer service issues.", "- customer service detail of the Uber may or may not be tollfree. Here Uber shares customer service number, customer service email id, address detail of Uber as well as other related links that can assists its customer to tackle their problem. customer service number of Uber : +1-866-576-1039.", "- Answers from USPS. Frequently Asked Questions Check our FAQs. If you don't find your answer there, please send us an email. Email Customer Service Tell us your concern—we'll be glad to help. Customer Service Customer Care Center. Email: USPS® Customer Service; Call: 1-800-ASK-USPS® (1-800-275-8777) TDD/TTY Relay: Call 1-800-877-8339. Ask for 1-800-275-8777", "- Callers can reach the appropriate Postal Inspection Service office by dialing 1-877-876-2455 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in all time zones, and selecting from these options: Mail service issues [callers are then directed to 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777)] Emergency situations (24/7 assistance) Mail theft or identity theft issues, call 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777) Mail fraud issues. Postal Inspection Service customer support.", "USPS Toll Free 1 800 Number Home > Government > USPS. USPS Toll Free 1 800 Number Support & Contact: USPS Phone Number Look Up. What is the 1-800 number for USPS? Below is a list of toll free 800 numbers for United States Postal Service. Customer Service: 1-800-275-8777 (1-800-ASK-USPS) hours:M-F – 8:00 am – 8:30 pm ET;Sat – 8:00 am – 6:00 pm ET;Sun/Holidays – Closed", "Our Customer Service Commitment Have a question or comment for UPS? If you are looking for support related specifically to UPS® and not The UPS Store franchise network, please call 800-PICK-UPS (800-742-5877) or contact UPS directly. Contact UPS.", "- For general information and inquiries, you can call the domestic USPS customer service line at: 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777) 1 Note that the Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) or Teletypewriter (TTY) relay number is: 1-800-877-8339. You will be directed through a series of prompts.", "- Customer Service expand Customer Service. Help Center; Get Started with UPS; Change Delivery; Delivery Issues; Chat Open the link in a new window; Email Us Open the link in a new window; Call Us Open the link in a new window; See All Contact Options Open the link in a new window", "- Phone Us at 1-877-876-2455. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service likes to keep its customers satisfied, and a new call center helps them do that. Customers and USPS employees nationwide now can dial one toll-free number, rather than looking up individual phone numbers, for the Postal Inspection Service’s many locations. Callers can reach the appropriate Postal Inspection Service office by dialing 1-877-876-2455 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in all time zones, and selecting from these options: 1 Mail service issues [callers are then directed to 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777)] 2 Emergency situations (24/7 assistance)", "UPS Toll Free 1-800 Number U.S. & Canada Customer Service: 1-800-742-5877 (1-800-PICK-UPS) 1 Thank you for calling UPS. 2 You can say track a package, send a package, shipping information or order supplies. 3 Speaker: Track a package. Speaker: Send a 1 package. Speaker: Shipping information.", "- *If there isn't a Home Depot store in your area, please. e-mail or call our Internet Customer Service Center at 1-800-430-3376 to schedule a return via UPS. Note: Unless an item(s) is damaged, the same fee applied to your UPS delivery will be charged for return. However, we never charge restocking fees.", "USPS Toll Free 1 800 Number What is the 1-800 number for USPS? Below is a list of toll free 800 numbers for United States Postal Service. Customer Service: 1-800-275-8777 (1-800-ASK-USPS) hours:M-F – 8:00 am – 8:30 pm ET;Sat – 8:00 am – 6:00 pm ET;Sun/Holidays – Closed. Thank you for calling the US postal service, in a few words tell me how I can help you today, you can say things like, priority mail, prices or stamps for example.", "How to get Human Customer Service from USPS I had trouble with United States Postal Service, and made this video in the name of helpful customer service.Drop the robot answering machine for a good ole human. Press 5422 at each question from the machine. Number is 1-800-275-8777; provided in video as well.", "- Apple customer service – 0844 381 5190. Since Apple launched the iPod back in 2001, the company has grown considerably. The Apple brand is now a household name, with the iPhone and iPad the most popular smartphones and tablet computers in the world.", "- Contact UPS or Sender for Tracking Number. Perhaps the simplest way to obtain a lost tracking number is by calling UPS customer service at (800) PICK-UPS, or (800) 742-5877. You can also contact customer service through live chat and email.", "- Everett Usps toll free customer service number : +1 425-257-3208. usps new york toll free customer service number : +1 212-677-2165. Usps Track and Confirm toll free customer service number : +1-800-344-7779. usps california toll free customer service number : (1-800-275-8777,1-800-222-1811,1-800-610-8734.", "Calling iTunes, Part 3 1.) Telephone the following number: 800-275-2273. This is the Apple Care Service and Support Line. 2.) When you hear the recorded greeting, enter 70. The recording will very likely reject that entry at first. If so, try again. 6.) This will get you a live person.", "United Airlines 800 Number Home > Airlines > United Airlines. United Airlines 800 Number Support & Contact: United Toll Free Phone Number Look Up. What is the 1-800 number for United Airlines? Below is a list of phone numbers for United. United Reservations Assistance (Customer Service) Number. Call 1-800-864-8331 (1-800-UNITED-1)", "#1 800-275-8777 #1 800-275-8777. Phone Number: If you need to speak to a live customer service representative at the United States Postal Service (USPS), the best phone number to call is 800-275-8777. This includes tracking lost packages or general questions about something you’ve mailed or a package you are expecting.", "- Dial USCIS customer service phone number 1-800-375-5283. You will hear a message with instructions on what options are available. You don't have to wait for the message to finish if you know where to go next.", "ATT Headquarters Information All returns are subject to verification system approval. RETURN ONLINE. If your order is eligible for online return, you’ll receive a shipping label via email to print, attach and drop it off your return item at the UPS store or dropbox. For more help call us at 1-800-430-3376. A customer support associate can get your UPS return started for you, or advise you on other options.", "- 1-913-693-6151 from outside the U.S. and Canada UPS Customs Brokerage: 1-888-253-2748 from the U.S. and Canada 1-440-243-9326 from outside the U.S. and Canada Post Sales Services 1-800-742-5727 from the U.S. and Canada 1-913-693-6151 from outside the U.S. and Canada UPS Express Critical: 1-800-714-8779 from the U.S. and Canada 1-913-693-6205 from outside the U.S. and Canada UPS Freight (LTL): 1-800-333-7400 from the U.S. and Canada 1-804-231-8555 from outside the U.S. and Canada Global Directory Find contact information for supply chain and air/ocean freight locations worldwide using our Global Directory. E-mail UPS Supply Chain Solutions Information Request Form", "- United Healthcare Customer Service. 866-633-2446. Before dialing United Healthcare Customer Service. We've tried for years to eliminate the time on hold for you. But the fact is that it can still take many phone calls to United Healthcare to resolve your issue.", "Alaska Airline Mileage Plan Customer Service Phone Number Ups Freight Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Ups Freight is 1-800-742-5877, 1-800-782-7892 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793>", "United Parcel Service (UPS) accounts Receivable Phone Number For Customer Service Find the United Parcel Service UPS accounts Receivable phone number for customer service at 800-477-7080 helpline to contact Parcel for technical support ... Billing and Payment · Technology Support · united problem solvers ... I am expecting to receive a package.", "Ups Canada Edmonton Customer Service Phone Number Ups Canada Edmonton Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of Ups Canada Edmonton is +1 780-434-7676. UPS stands for United Parcel Service which is a logistics company. The American company started its service in year 1907 which has become one of the oldest known shipment delivering company in the world.", "- Phone Us at 1-877-876-2455. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service likes to keep its customers satisfied, and a new call center helps them do that. Customers and USPS employees nationwide now can dial one toll-free number, rather than looking up individual phone numbers, for the Postal Inspection Service’s many locations.", "Our Customer Service Commitment The UPS Store Customer Service Headquarters for retail The UPS Store locations in the US Available Mon - Fri, 6:00 am to 5:00 pm PT Call (800) 789-4623 or Contact Us. Shop Online Customer Service Support for shopping online at theupsstore.com Available Mon - Fri, 5:00 am to 6:00 pm PT Call (888) 843-8771 or Contact Us. Have a question or comment for UPS? If you are looking for support related specifically to UPS® and not The UPS Store franchise network, please call 800-PICK-UPS (800-742-5877) or contact UPS directly. Contact UPS", "- We ask you to keep all original documents related to your complaint. If you prefer to file your complaint over the phone, please call 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777). Report problems with mail delivery or service to the U.S. Postal Service.", "DPSS Customer Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of DPSS is 1-6265691399,1-866-613-3777 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Dpss on Adams and Grand Customer Service Phone Number DPSS Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of DPSS is 1-6265691399,1-866-613-3777. The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) provides Social work to society." ]
[ 14.171875 ]
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mount zion distance from chicago
[ "- Distance from CHI to Zion, IL. The total distance from CHI to Zion, IL is 40 miles. This is equivalent to 64 kilometers or 34 nautical miles. Your trip begins at Chicago Metropolitan Area in Chicago, Illinois. It ends in Zion, Illinois. Your flight direction from CHI to Zion, IL is North (-6 degrees from North)." ]
[ "Zion National Park The stream gradient of the Virgin River, whose North Fork flows through Zion Canyon in the park, ranges from 50 to 80 feet per mile (9.5 to 15.2 m/km) (0.9–1.5%)—one of the steepest stream gradients in North America.", "A Driving Trip around the Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon Lodge is the only accommodation in the park at the North Rim, and visitors book rooms well in advance of the season, which runs from May through October. Return to Alternate 89 via 67 and continue to Mount Carmel, Utah, 12 miles east of Zion, about 100 miles away.", "- Directions to Zion Park Lodge. Zion Lodge is located inside Zion Lodge National Park. Approximately 3 hours from Las Vegas and 5 and a half hours from Salt Lake City. When coming from Salt Lake City take I-15 south and exit at SR 17, which connects to Highway 9. 2 When traveling on Highway 9 from Bryce Canyon National Park or from Lake Powell, the junction of Highways 9 and 89 is above the east entrance of Zion National Park.", "- Sweeping from the eastern border and curving northward through the center of Arizona a cool, green mountain and valley wonderland was formed. Its altitudes vary from 2,000 to 8,000 feet and are sharply cut by the Mogollon Rim, a sheer cliff extending for more than 200 miles and itself rising to heights of 7,500 feet.", "- Distance from Chicago, IL to Cancun, Mexico. The total distance from Chicago, IL to Cancun, Mexico is 1,428 miles. This is equivalent to 2 298 kilometers or 1,241 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Chicago, Illinois. It ends in Cancun, Mexico. Your flight direction from Chicago, IL to Cancun, Mexico is South (178 degrees from North).", "- The total driving distance from Chicago, IL to Connecticut is 883 miles or 1 421 kilometers.", "- Follow I-190 East to the River Road North exit. Follow River Road and travel 1/2 mile north to Devon Avenue. Turn left. Our Chicago IL hotel is located on the corner of Devon and River Road.", "Mount Zion, Illinois Mount Zion is a village in Macon County, Illinois, United States. The population was 5,833 at the 2010 census.", "Mount Moriah, Site of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem The Temple Mount, prominent in most photos of Jerusalem occupies an area of about 45 acres. However the elevation of the bedrock outcropping on the Temple Mount within the Dome of the Rock Moslem shrine is only 741 meters. A distinctly separate mountain is Mount Zion (elevation 772 meters) which lies about 600 meters to the West. In ancient times a deep valley, the Tyropean Valley, or Valley of the Cheesemakers, separated Mt. Zion from Mt. Moriah.", "Zion National Park The east side of the park is served by Zion–Mount Carmel Highway, which passes through the Zion–Mount Carmel Tunnel and ends at Mount Carmel Junction, Utah. On the east side of the park, notable park features include Checkerboard Mesa (photo) and the East Temple.he stream gradient of the Virgin River, whose North Fork flows through Zion Canyon in the park, ranges from 50 to 80 feet per mile (9.5 to 15.2 m/km) (0.9–1.5%)—one of the steepest stream gradients in North America.", "- Lodging and services are available on the gorgeous east side of Zion National Park, where guests are close to Zion National Park (12 miles), Bryce Canyon National Park (60 miles), Cedar Breaks National Monument (45 miles), Coral Pink Sand Dunes (12 miles), and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon (85 miles).hen the size of the monument was expanded from the original 5,840 acres to 76,800 acres, Zion Canyon was no longer appropriate the name Zion National Monument was given. In 1919 the monument was declared a National Park and the name Zion National Park was set in stone by President Wilson.", "'It was the happiest I'd ever seen her': Husband of wife who died after having triplets describes moment she arrived home for the last time as wellwishers raise $85,000 for the family All you need is love, Love-Love is all you need. Zion, Il is about 45 minutes driving time north from Chicago, Il. You can get there by the express way, the 294'. Or you can take the Metra at any city that's between Chicago & Zion that's along Lake Michigan.", "- Fisherman City-Where The First Souls Were Fished From The Nations. Mount Zion is the location of the famous city of Salem of Melchizedec. The hill was the highest among those surrounding Jerusalem. There is a Jerusalem that is above called Mount Zion and a Jerusalem that is below that is called Mount Moriah. The below Jerusalem was everything below Mount Zion and this included all of Jerusalem.", "- Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Chicago, IL to Sioux Falls, SD is 574Miles or 924 Km. You can get this distance about 8 hours 25 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 477 Miles or 767 Km, You can get this distance about 1 hours 31 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 26.57 gallons of gas to get the route between these points.", "How To Calculate Distances, Azimuths and Elevation Angles Of Peaks For example, the distance between San Jacinto and Mt. Wilson is 84 miles, and the elevation of San Jacinto as observed from Mt. Wilson turns out to be exactly 0.0° (ignoring atmospheric refraction-see below).", "- National park was established in 1909 as Mukuntuweap National Monument. It became Zion National Park in 1956. The name Zion meaning place of refuge, was given to the canyo … n by Mormon pioneers.he Zion National Park is in southwestern Utah in the USA. It is near the Arizona border. It is close to St. George, Cedar City, Hurricane, Kanab & Springdale.", "- The total driving distance from Chicago, IL to Connecticut is 883 miles or 1 421 kilometers. Your trip begins in Chicago, Illinois. It ends in the state of Connecticut.", "Rocky Mountain National Park Most of the central San Juan Mountains are reachable only on foot or jeep trails - an area 40 miles square with no paved roads that includes about 80 miles of the continental divide, and is thought by some to be the last refuge of grizzly bears in Colorado.", "Yukon River Fish and Wildlife ServiceDownstream from Dawson the river valley narrows, and the low plateau is broken by mountains that rise to elevations above 4,000 feet (1,200 metres), about 15 miles (25 km) north of the Yukon River.", "Driving Distance and Times From Las Vegas to Nearby National Parks Zion National Park. Distance: 166 miles. Approximate time: 3.25 hours. Located in Utah's high plateau county, the Virgin River has carved a gorge so deep that sunlight rarely reaches the bottom! The canyon is wide and completely stunning with sheer cliffs dropping some 3,000 feet.", "- Chicago is 59 miles from the opposite shore of Lake Michigan.Given the earths curvature, it should be 2320 feet below the horizon. How can it ... If the curvature of the earth is 8 per mile then why if you multiply the circumference by 8 you only get 199,000 inches, 16583 feet or 3.14 ... I saw a picture of the earth from space. It is clearly a ball. How come the people on the bottom of the earth do not feel that they are standi...", "- Union Station is two miles south, Midway Airport is 13 miles southwest, and O'Hare International Airport is 18 miles northwest. Priceline guests appreciate the creature comforts and upscale service at the Thompson Chicago, a cosmopolitan boutique hotel in the heart of the city.", "- 31 mins. Distance from Chicago, IL to Bedford Park, IL is 16Miles or 26 Km. You can get this distance about 29 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 12 Miles or 18 Km, You can get this distance about 31 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 0.74 gallons of gas to get the route between these points.", "Distance Mileage Calculator - Measuring the Distance from Chicago Illinois to Sioux Falls South Dakota The distance between Chicago and Sioux Falls in a straight line is 478 miles or 769.1 Kilometers. 1 Driving Directions & Drive Times from Chicago to Sioux Falls can be found further down the page. Driving distances, maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems.", "Distance from Minnesota to Chicago Distance from Minnesota to Chicago. Distance from Minnesota to Chicago is 780 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 485 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Minnesota and Chicago is 780 km= 485 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Minnesota to Chicago, It takes 0.87 hours to arrive.", "- Driving distance from Chicago, IL to Sioux Falls, SD. The total driving distance from Chicago, IL to Sioux Falls, SD is 574 miles or 924 kilometers. Your trip begins in Chicago, Illinois. It ends in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.", "Plan Your Visit A much smaller number of people (10%) see the canyon from the North Rim of the park, which lies just 10 miles (16 km) across the canyon from the South Rim, (as the California condor flies) but is a 220 mile/ 354 km drive by car. Download our Trip Planning Newspaper as a PDF file here.", "- Driving distance from Mexico City, Mexico to Chicago, IL. The total driving distance from Mexico City, Mexico to Chicago, IL is 2,155 miles or 3 468 kilometers. Your trip begins in Mexico City, Mexico. It ends in Chicago, Illinois.", "- Driving distance from Bryce Canyon National Park to Zion National Park. The total driving distance from Bryce Canyon National Park to Zion National Park is 105 miles or 169 kilometers. Your trip begins in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. It ends in Springdale, Utah.", "- Zion National Park History and Information. Located in southwestern Utah, 43 miles west of St. George, Zion National Park is Utah’s oldest and most visited national park, annually hosting an average of 2.5 million visitors.he Kolob Canyon section, located in the northwestern part of the park, is home to Kolob Arch, which at 310 feet is the world’s largest known natural span. The Anasazi people inhabited Zion from approximately 1,500 to 800 years ago, leaving behind abandoned cliff houses and rock art throughout the park." ]
[ 15.3984375 ]
[ 4, 5.78515625, 6.375, -0.06732177734375, 5.5234375, 6.80859375, 3.890625, 8.6171875, 7.30078125, 5.125, 4.66796875, 13.6484375, 4.99609375, 6.3828125, 1.9189453125, 4.83984375, 6.6171875, -1.2060546875, -2.181640625, 7.04296875, 5.765625, 4.70703125, 7.16015625, 5.99609375, 5.4921875, 5.6875, 1.5517578125, 5.203125, 7.09765625, 5.52734375 ]
what causes air, water, and noise pollution?
[ "What Are the Causes of Pollution? The causes of pollution are excessive use of natural resources, over industrialization, increase in global population and globalization. The use of chemicals, such as pesticides and weedicides, cause soil pollution. The introduction of pollutants into the air, water or soil is called pollution. The burning of fossil fuels to power industries and vehicles is a major cause of pollution. Generating electrical power through thermal power stations releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere." ]
[ "Air Pollutants, Types and Classification When inhaled, nitrogen dioxide becomes a serious air pollutant which may (33): 1 Cause pulmonary edema (accumulation of excessive fluid in the lungs) 2 Be part of acid rain (destroying fish and plant life in lakes, damaging surfaces of buildings etc) 3 Contribute to photochemical smog.", "air pollution air pollution, contamination of the air by noxious gases and minute particles of solid and liquid matter (particulates) in concentrations that endanger health. The major sources of air pollution are transportation engines, power and heat generation, industrial processes, and the burning of solid wastesolid waste, discarded materials other than fluids.", "What is Air Pollution? They emit harmful chemicals into the air and can also cause water pollution. 3. Exhaust from factories and industries: Manufacturing industries release large amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, organic compounds, and chemicals into the air thereby depleting the quality of air.", "What Are the Main Causes of Air Pollution? Some of the major causes of air pollution include burning of fossil fuels, agricultural activities, exhaust from industries, vehicle fumes, mining operations and indoor pollutants. Air pollution has a negative impact on the environment and life in general.", "10 Biggest Causes Of Air Pollution Operations, like mining and truck traffic, are some of the top causes of air pollution. These activities release carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide into the air, all of which contribute to development of smog and various health problems.", "What Are the Main Causes of Air Pollution? Air pollution may result in negative effects such as global warming, respiratory and heart complications, acid rain, destruction of the Ozone layer and destruction of natural habitats. Fossil fuels produce high levels of carbon. Carbon is quite toxic and causes a negative effect to the environment.", "What Are the Main Causes of Air Pollution? Burning agricultural products and spraying chemicals on crops are just a few of the things that cause air pollution. The toxicity of such chemicals may remain present in the air for a long period of time causing negative effects to wildlife and other vegetation.", "Environmental issues in India Noise pollution or noise disturbance is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life. The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused by machines and transportation systems, motor vehicles, aircraft, and trains.oise-induced hearing loss can be caused by outside (e.g. trains) or inside (e.g. music) noise. High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in humans and an increased incidence of coronary artery disease.", "Paragraph on Land, Water and Noise Pollution Here is your Paragraph on Land, Water and Noise Pollution! Land Pollution: The excessive use of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides damages the quality and productivity of the soil.", "Air Pollution: Causes and Effects Air pollution is both natural and human-based. Natural air pollution is caused by phenomenon such as volcanic eruption, wind erosion, decomposition and radioactive materials. Writing essay can only do as much in explaining each cause. Volcanic eruptions send sulfur dioxide, tons of ash, and soot into the air which mixes with water vapor to form acid rain.", "FAQ air pollution Frequently Asked Questions Rain can remove pollutants from air, causing soil and water pollution. Sunlight can aid the convertion of air pollutants to different substances. Chemicals can come from various sources, and are formed during different processes.", "What are the Most Common Causes of Pollution? Pollution is a worldwide problem that affects air, water and soil. Various human activities, mainly since the industrial revolution, have created waste products that have simply been released into the environment without any thought being given to their effects.", "- by Contribution Writer for eHow Air pollution is defined as the addition of various hazardous chemicals, particulate matter, toxic substances and biological organisms into the Earth's atmosphere. There are various factors causing air pollution, but what comes from industries and factories is often considered a prime", "Air pollution There are now practical alternatives to the principal causes of air pollution: 1 Areas downwind (over 20 miles) of major airports more than double total particulate emissions in air, even when factoring in areas with frequent ship calls, and heavy freeway and city traffic like Los Angeles.", "Air pollution Because a large share of air pollution is caused by combustion of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, the reduction of these fuels can reduce air pollution drastically. Most effective is the switch to clean power sources such as wind power, solar power, hydro power which don't cause air pollution.", "What are the causes of air pollution? There are four main types of air pollution sources: mobile sources – such as cars, buses, planes, trucks, and trains stationary sources – such as power plants, oil refineries, industrial facilities, and factories", "- Overview of the key drivers of air pollution. Air pollution is the result of human activities such as the burning of fuels for transportation (e.g., cars and trucks), electricity generation and heating, industrial processes, and the use of certain products (e.g., paints and solvents).", "Air Quality Air pollution comes from many different sources: stationary sources such as factories, power plants, and smelters and smaller sources such as dry cleaners and degreasing operations; mobile sources such as cars, buses, planes, trucks, and trains; and naturally occurring sources such as windblown dust, and volcanic eruptions, all contribute to air ...", "7 Kinds of Environmental Pollution Air Pollution. Photo Source. According to the dictionary, air pollution is the contamination of air by smoke and harmful gases, mainly oxides of carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen. (And maybe by that smelly uncle.) Some examples of air pollution include: Exhuast fumes from vehicles. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, or gas.", "Air Pollution: Everything You Need to Know Pollen and mold. Mold and allergens from trees, weeds, and grass are also carried in the air, are exacerbated by climate change, and can be hazardous to health. They are not regulated by the government and are less directly connected to human actions, but they can be considered air pollution.", "What is Pollution? Air Pollution is the most prominent and dangerous form of pollution. It occurs due to many reasons. Excessive burning of fuel which is a necessity of our daily lives for cooking, driving and other industrial activities; releases a huge amount of chemical substances in the air everyday; these pollute the air.", "air pollution Air pollution happens when there is an abundance of foreign substances in the air, this happens when there is an abundance of factories releasing harmful gases into the air. 17 people found this helpful", "- uk ​ /pəˈluːʃən/ us ​ ENVIRONMENT. › damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste: air/water pollution. It is the biggest environmental pollution incident in the history of the country. › the harmful substances that cause damage to water, the air, etc.:", "Air Pollution: Everything You Need to Know What Causes Air Pollution? “Most air pollution comes from energy use and production,” says John Walke, director of the Clean Air Project, part of the Climate and Clean Air program at NRDC. “Burning fossil fuels releases gases and chemicals into the air.”", "- Air Pollution Caused by Industries by Contribution Writer for eHow Air pollution is defined as the addition of various hazardous chemicals, particulate matter, toxic substances and biological organisms into the Earth’s atmosphere. There are various factors causing air pollution, but what comes from industries and factories is often considered a prime factors in air pollution.", "What Are the Main Causes of Air Pollution? Quick Answer. Some of the major causes of air pollution include burning of fossil fuels, agricultural activities, exhaust from industries, vehicle fumes, mining operations and indoor pollutants. Air pollution has a negative impact on the environment and life in general.", "- of policy making and individual solutions because of the witnessed and recorded effects of. pollution on both water sources and air quality. With pollution defined as “dirt or waste that enters the air, soil, or water,” the Earth is. greatly distressed by these pollutants (Kobasa, 2009).", "How Do Fossil Fuels Cause Pollution? What causes air pollution? A: Most air pollution caused by human activities is the result, whether directly or indirectly, of burning fuels in a furnace or engine. Examples of fuels bur... Full Answer >", "Air pollution Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Both ambient (outdoor) and household (indoor) air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases, which can be fatal.", "Causes of Pollution So production and consumption are the basic causes of pollution. If that is the case, then each industry / sector that belongs either to production or consumption becomes a source of pollution. Let's look at pollution sources in more detail below." ]
[ 13.40625 ]
[ 8.078125, 9.40625, 11.6171875, 11.8984375, 11.2421875, 10.6328125, 10.875, 9.5703125, 12.0703125, 11.7421875, 10.671875, 12.59375, 9.7421875, 9.9765625, 11.015625, 10.7109375, 11.3203125, 10.7421875, 10.8203125, 9.4921875, 10.6875, 9.859375, 9.53125, 11.15625, 10.6015625, 11.7578125, 9.921875, 10.3671875, 10.140625, 9.96875 ]
what county is buckley, il in?
[ "- Buckley is a village in Artesia Township, Iroquois County, Illinois, United States. The population was 593 at the 2000 census. Buckley is located at 40°35′50″N 88°2′13″W / 40.59722°N 88.03694°W / 40.59722; -88.03694 (40.597236, -88.037019). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 0.3 square miles (0.9 km²), of which, 0.3 square miles (0.9 km²) of it is land and 2.86% is water." ]
[ "- Buckley is mentioned 27 times on our forum: Latest news from Buckley, IL collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (41.6%), United States (21.8%), Irish (4.3%), English (4.1%), Dutch (2.9%), Italian (1.9%).", "Buckley, Illinois Christ Lutheran High School inhabits a building west of the Illinois Central Railroad tracks which was originally Buckley High School, then Buckley-Loda-High School until further consolidation, which moved the public high school to Paxton, in Ford County, as Paxton-Buckley-Loda High School.", "- Burbank City Hall. Incorporated on April 4, 1970, Burbank is a city located in Cook County, Illinois. It is at the southwest edge of the city of Chicago; the Chicago city limit is in common with Burbank's eastern city limit.", "Berkeley, California Berkeley, California. Berkeley (/ˈbɜːrkliː/ BURK-lee) is a city on the east shore of San Francisco Bay in northern Alameda County, California. It is named after the 18th-century Anglo-Irish bishop and philosopher George Berkeley.", "Blakely Nicknamed The Peanut Capital of the World, Blakely incorporated October 24, 1870. The Early County seat of government remembers Captain Johnson Blakely of North Carolina, who was lost at sea on the U.S.S. Wasp in the War of 1812. Built around 1905, the Early County courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.", "Counties Counties provide a variety of services to residents including law enforcement, adjudication, emergency management, health and human services, public works, economic development and much more. The Village of Bartlett is located in three counties. If you live north of Devon Avenue and east of Rt. 25 you live in Cook County. If you live south of Devon Avenue and east of Rt. 25 you live in DuPage County. If you live west of Rt. 25 you live in Kane County.", "Swansea, Illinois [ map / sat / sites / 3D / street] [show article only] hover over links in text for more info Belleville, Illinois – Belleville is a city in St. Clair County, Illinois, United States, co-extensive with Belleville Township. The population was 42,034 according to the Census Bureaus 2015 estimates and it is the eighth-most populated city outside the Chicago Metropolitan Area and the most populated city south of Springfield in the state of Illinois.", "GRIDLEY, MCLEAN COUNTY, CENTRAL, ILLINOIS LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 10 of 10 listings Gridley, McLean County, Illinois Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Gridley, McLean County, Illinois? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Gridley, McLean County, Illinois, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "List of current members of the United States House of Representatives Illinois House of Representatives, Chief of Staff to the Illinois Treasurer, Chief Administrative Officer to the Cook County President Bradley University Northern Illinois University", "Welcome to Baxley & Appling County! Regardless of what you are looking for, Baxley and Appling County are sure provide you with an exciting backdrop for your stay in Southeast Georgia. Recent News Upcoming Events", "Buckley Buckley, WA. Sponsored Topics. Buckley is a city in Pierce County, Washington, United States. The population was 4,354 at the 2010 census. Buckley is located at 47°9′44″N 122°1′40″W / 47.16222°N 122.02778°W / 47.16222; -122.02778 (47.162250, -122.027744) near the communities of Enumclaw, Bonney Lake, and Wilkeson.", "Update to Official Records Indexing Official Records. Under the guidance of Senate Bill 80, the Pasco County Clerk and Comptroller has provided public access to related government records by utilizing the links available on this page. To request public records not included in our searchable databases, please use the contact information at the bottom of this page.", "- LIVING IN MORGAN COUNTY. Discover all you need to know about relocating your home or business to Berkeley Springs and Morgan County; including taxes, utlities, schools and the area’s rich history and culture, scenic beauty and many attractions. CHAMBER SPONSORED EVENTS.", "- 1 shared a post — remembering the victims in Kankakee County, Illinois. 2 shared Water n' Woods's photo — feeling heartbroken in Kankakee County, Illinois. 3 shared Ron Jackson's post — remembering THEY said Promises ain't Threats in Kankakee County, Illinois. 4 Collen Perkins with Riana Johnson and in Kankakee County, Illinois.", "Fire Department Hinckley Fire Protection District The Hinckley Fire District is located in Southern DeKalb County, in north-central Illinois. It protects about 2,500 citizens, residing in approximately 64 square miles, including all of Squaw Grove Township, most of the southern half of Pierce Township and the Village of Hinckley.", "- Stockton, Jo Daviess County, Illinois $110,000. If these walls could talk……You would discuss some of Stockton’s rich history! The home that Peter Milton Rindesbacher, Stockton’s first banker and entrepreneur, constructed in 1888. He and his wife Alice raised five children in this magnificent home.", "- The McLean County Genealogical Society in Central Illinois--providing genealogical/historical service for over 40 years. p On the Courthouse Square, Bloomington, Illinois", "Bartlett, Illinois Homefacts City Report. Bartlett is located in Cook County, IL. The population is 41,459. There are 10 public schools in Bartlett with an average Homefacts rating of A-. The total crime rate for Bartlett is very low, and there are 19 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Bartlett is moderate and the median home sales price is $245,000.", "- Last Name*. State. Illinois State, County of Cook City of Chicago heights Public Records Information and resources. Below you will find a collection of offline providers for Illinois State County of Cook City of Chicago heights Public records, these are both governmental agencies and privately run organizations.", "Class Notes Archive â In Memoriam So far, Pawleys Island Lumber, Pawleys Island Pharmacy and New South Brewery have each made significant contributions. Beth Goodale, Director of Georgetown County’s Parks and Recreation department, said she is very impressed with their work.", "About the City The City of Bloomington is located in the heart of Central Illinois, approximately 125 miles southwest of Chicago, 155 miles northeast of St. Louis, and 64 miles northeast of Springfield, the State Capital. Bloomington is the County Seat of McLean County, the largest county in Illinois. Bloomington (pop. 76,610 2010 US Bureau) is a twin City with the Town of Normal (pop. 52,497 2010 US Census Burea). Interstates 39, 55 and 74 converge on Bloomington-Normal, as well as US Route 51 and State Route 9.", "- Kankakee County Clerk 189 East Court Street Kankakee IL 60901 3.1 miles from Bradley 815-937-2990. St Anne Village Clerk 190 West Station Street St. Anne IL 60964 11.7 miles from Bradley 815-427-6783. Beecher Village Clerk 724 Penfield Street Beecher IL 60401 16.8 miles from Bradley 708-946-6388.", "- Welcome to McHenry County History and Genealogy Presented by Illinois Genealogy Trails Volunteers Dedicated to Free Genealogy This Site is Available for Adoption Our goal is to help you track your ancestors through time by transcribing genealogical and historical data and placing it online for the free use of all researchers.", "Kankakee County, Illinois In December 2016, Kankakee County became the only county in Illinois to have a Libertarian county board member when Jim Byrne of Bradley left the Republican Party to join the Libertarian Party. Byrne was elected in 2016 as a Republican, and since there is no official Libertarian party in Illinois he serves as a Republican. See also", "Berkley, Michigan Homefacts City Report. Berkley is located in Oakland County, MI. The population is 15,037. There are 5 public schools in Berkley with an average Homefacts rating of A. The total crime rate for Berkley is low, and there are 20 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Berkley is moderate and the median home sales price is $177,450.", "Bartlett, Illinois Bartlett is a village located in Cook and DuPage counties, Illinois. A small parcel on the western border is in Kane County. The population was 41,208 at the 2010 census.", "Berkeley, California Berkeley (/ˈbɜːrkliː/ BURK-lee) is a city on the east shore of San Francisco Bay in northern Alameda County, California. It is named after the 18th-century Anglo-Irish bishop and philosopher George Berkeley.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Langley County Government. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "HOCKLEY COUNTY The county was organized in 1921; Hockley City won over Ropesville in the county-seat contest. The settlement of the county accelerated during the 1920s, encouraged by the construction of two branches of the Santa Fe Railroad in the early 1920s-one crossing east to west, the other crossing the southeast corner of the county.", "Boundary Map of Kankakee County, Illinois Kankakee County, IL is in the northeastern part of Illinois in the east north central United States Closest City to the Center of Kankakee County, IL: Bradley, Illinois" ]
[ 17.96875 ]
[ 8.859375, 15.015625, 4.41796875, 3.576171875, 0.1180419921875, 4.92578125, 4.48828125, 4.41015625, 6.30078125, -0.619140625, 10.0625, 0.9873046875, 1.30078125, 7.078125, 6.171875, 3.640625, 6.984375, 4.3515625, 3.365234375, 0.48583984375, 6.1796875, 7.51171875, 7.9453125, 8.53125, 2.240234375, 5.6875, 3.849609375, 0.58203125, -0.2261962890625, 7.87890625 ]
what is cost to build a house
[ "How Much Does it Cost to Build a House? Custom homes typically cost twice as much to build as existing homes in the same area, plus the cost of the land. The national average cost of building a two-story, 2,500 square-foot home is $125 per square foot. This estimate includes mid-range materials, efficient windows and doors, turnkey finishings and appliances. It does not include the cost of land or furnishings." ]
[ "How Much Will Your New House Cost? For example, if the home is selling for $230,000 and the land costs $30,000, then the construction cost is around $200,000. If the home is 2,000 square feet, then the cost per square foot is $100. Use several new homes in your area to get an approximate square footage price. In general, it is a good idea to allow an additional 10% to cover unexpected costs. 2 Inflation and Market Conditions. 3 Usually the cost of building a home increases around 3% to 6% per year.", "What is the average cost to build a new home in Mississippi? The average cost to build a house per square foot is 65 dollars a square foot. There is a range between 50 and 100 dollars a square foot depending on the builder and build … ing materials.", "How much does it cost to build a new house A new house will probably cost between $80 and $200 per square foot... In one form or another, this question is one of the most frequent requests we receive from our visitors.Unfortunately, it is also one of the few questions that we simply cannot answer very specifically.et's begin by considering what square foot homebuilding costs really are — nothing more than the total cost of a given project divided by the total number of square feet in that project. So, a 2,000 square foot home with total construction costs of $250,000 would cost $125 per square foot to build.", "Cost of Building a House per Square Foot The difference between insulated concrete panels and stick built construction is about a dollar per square foot, and sometimes less. The entire cost of building a home from foundation to shell is about $25 per square foot, with a range of between $21 and $40 per square foot.ot tubs and other expensive luxury plumbing can add quite a bit to the cost. Woodwork and trim also vary in cost depending on the size and degree of detail. Luxury homes can cost over $800 per square foot, depending on the degree of luxury involved.", "How much does it cost to build a new house A new house will probably cost between $80 and $200 per square foot…. In one form or another, this question is one of the most frequent requests we receive from our visitors. Unfortunately, it is also one of the few questions that we simply cannot answer very specifically.", "How Much Does It Cost To Build A House? Rules of thumb to take into account when looking at the cost of building a house: 1 You should work towards a price of between $1200 and $1700 per m2. 2 The larger the home the cheaper the price per m2.", "How Much Does It Cost To Build A House? A lot of builders and home owners talk about the cost to build a house in terms of dollars per square metre. The way this is calculated is by taking the total cost of the build and dividing it by the total floorspace of the home (not the land).one the less it is an important measurement so here is a rough estimate of cost per square metre different types of houses may cost you. Project Homes (basic) – $620-$780/square metre. Project Home (deluxe) – $1,000 – $3,000/square metre. Custom Built Homes – $1,500 – $3,000/square metre.", "Aprovocative I certainly hope so, for it is always a good time to build your own home. Of course land is not included in the $103.33. (Source: Economics and Housing Policy, National Association of Home Builders) Keep in mind that $103.33 is an average cost to build a new home.", "- The cost of constructing a house will vary depending on where in the U.S. it will be located. The cost of labor and materials will generally range from $65 to $110 per square foot. That means you c...he cost to build a house in Seattle will vary depending on the location, slope and soil condition, as well as the equipment needed. At this time, the least expensive home is estimated to be $100 p...", "- 1 This is especially true in today’s environment of rising prices. 2 A reasonable estimate for house building lumber costs is somewhere around $15 to $30 per square foot. 3 For an average sized home, this works out to approximately $35 to $55,000 (this price also includes the price of nails, etc.). The labor costs to frame a home typically run $5 to $10 per square foot. 2 This can fluctuate a bit depending on local labor costs and seasonal rates. 3 It should work out to an average total of $15,000 to $30,000 to frame a building.", "Should I demolish and rebuild or renovate my house? The total cost to demolish and rebuild a house is highly variable, but expect the total project costs to range from $70,000 for a modest home in an affordable part of the country to $500,000 or more for complicated, large-scale house demo-and-rebuild projects in more expensive parts of the U.S.", "New Construction Cost Breakdown According to statistics gathered by the National Association of Home Builders in 2011, the average cost of framing a new house was just under $25,000 (or 13.5% of the total construction cost) nationwide.", "How much did it cost to build your house? As an example we currently have a deal that gets you approx,. $65,000 worth of upgrades for $4500 and another deal that gets you a colorbond roof (no matter the size of house) for $2700 which normally is priced on the size of house. So for a 30square house it's about $6500 normally.t is my dream block of land and quite costly and would be stretching the budget. im trying to work out whether this'dream is possible to acheive but have no idea how much to add to budget for actually building a house on the block. We would wait 2-3 yrs to build and are looking at 2 story 3-4bd and 2bathrooms.", "- The price of a manufactured home can vary depending on the size of the house as well as the material used to make it. 1 The price for manufactured homes mostly vary due to the size, the features, the layout and other factors. 2 For an average size manufactured house, the cost can be anywhere between $45,000 and $80,000. Financing such as a mortgage or loan will require closing costs and fees depending on the bank. 2 This will also most likely require interest on the loan. 3 Additional hookups such as house plumbing and gas installation will be an additional cost. 4 This price will vary depending on the contractor that you hire to do it.", "Build Your Own House - Cost Estimating Build Your Own House - Cost Estimating. Summary: How much does it cost to build a house? Professional builders know the current cost to build a new home is $89 to $160 per sq ft, or more, depending on the home’s size, design, quality, and location.", "How Much Does It Cost To Build A House? Obviously, the more luxurious your home the more expensive it will become. That cost of $165,000 is really a base-line price for a basic home. The majority of 4 bedroom homes we looked at ranged from $200,000 to $300,000 (plus site costs) and the two story homes were in the higher price bracket (around $300,000).", "How Much Does It Cost To Build A House? 1 You should work towards a price of between $1200 and $1700 per m2. 2 The larger the home the cheaper the price per m2. 3 Its cheaper to build a single story home than it is to build a double story home. 4 Its cheaper to build on a flat block than it is to build a on sloping block.", "How much does it cost per square foot to build a home? A new house will probably cost between $100 and $250 per square foot. Yes, that is a huge range and here's why: In one form or another, this is one of the most frequent questions we hear.Unfortunately, it is also one of the few questions that we simply cannot answer very specifically.he best approach to determining how much your new home will cost might be to simply work backwards. Start by determining how much you can afford to spend, then be realistic about the size of the house you need, and finally, decide what and where you can afford to build.", "The Cost To Build A Tiny House: hOMe Reveal If you need more than 8 sets to build you can add them to your initial order, or order them (by phone) at a later date. The cost is always $50 per set. You can also upgrade to electronic files (if they are available) at a later date if you'd like, and the price you already paid for the 8-set package will be deducted.", "- See, it doesn`t really cost so much per foot to build a house. The cost of the house is just averaged over the size. What I mean is that if the average cost per foot were say, $100 per foot and you removed a 120 square foot bedroom you would not save all of the $12,000 allocated to that room.The most expensive room in the house per foot is a bathroom.Add and extra bathroom to a house and while you may add 50 square feet to the house it will cost you nearly $3,300 in plumbing fixtures and labor (that`s an extra $66 per foot over the cost of the bedroom.he most expensive room in the house per foot is a bathroom. Add and extra bathroom to a house and while you may add 50 square feet to the house it will cost you nearly $3,300 in plumbing fixtures and labor (that`s an extra $66 per foot over the cost of the bedroom.", "How Much Does It Cost To Build A House? This is a fee that you pay to the bank (it can usually be added onto your loan) and pays their insurance for taking a bigger risk on your loan. For the low cost of $165,000 (or around $200,000 if you are looking to add some extra features) you can build a brand new home on your block of land. Obviously, the more luxurious your home the more expensive it will become. That cost of $165,000 is really a base-line price for a basic home. The majority of 4 bedroom homes we looked at ranged from $200,000 to $300,000 (plus site costs) and the two story homes were in the higher price bracket (around $300,000).", "- My thinking was, if a property is (cost of land + cost of the structure), and the structure costs about $300k to built (for an average house), then a brand new house should be (price of land + $300k + profit for the builder/owner).f I use your numbers, over the last 100 years, the cost of land has increased by about 1300 times (Hamptons-much more), and the cost of a house has gone up about 150 times, i.e. land - 7% increase per year (over 100 years), house-about 4.5% per year (over 100 years).", "What is the average replacement cost to rebuild a home in Roseville CA 95678? In the US, the average cost to build a come is $100 a square foot. This figure goes up and down depending on the specific location of the home. Building a home with hig … h quality cabinets, flooring, countertops, etc. can add to the construction cost.ven in these areas, the cost to build a home is rarely over $100 a square foot. Builders charge $150-$200 a square foot because they know that consumers will pay it. If you are concerned that you do not have enough coverage on your insurance policy to rebuild your home, contact your agent for guidance.", "- In 1987-88 the average cost to build a new house ranged from $56,000 (WA) to $72,000 (VIC and ACT), with a house in Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory costing 1.3 times the average cost of a house in Western Australia. Costs between the States remained similar until about 1989-90 when they began to diverge.n other words, values given represent the price of building the house only. Average cost per new house. The average cost of building a house in Australia almost quadrupled in the twenty years to June 2008, rising from $65,000 in 1987-88 to $236,000 in 2007-08.", "- When we built our own home, a general contractor estimated the cost of construction at $115 a square foot. It was more than we could afford. We had two choices: shrink the house we had planned, or build it ourselves.We decided to build it ourselves, and completed the house for $65 a square foot.The amazing thing was that we didn't sacrifice anything in the original plan.In fact, we included dozens and dozens of upgrades on which we found great bargains along the way. had no idea I could build a house. I didn't know the first thing about carpentry, or cement work, or any of the trades; I had no tools; and I certainly didn't have enough money to build the kind of place I knew I wanted.", "How much does it cost to build a single-family house? For the building of a single family home, the typical costs include: According to the Craftsman Book Company a home as described above, with mid-range materials, a normal foundation with full basement, efficient doors and windows, all appliances, and turnkey finishing would run at an average of $295,000 to complete.", "Build Your Own House - How to Build a House and Save Money - Be Your Own General Contractor. Building Costs by City & State: Here is the easiest Construction Estimating Software available and it’s FREE… more. Cost to Build a Package or Kit Home: A 25% savings on your home building materials.. more. Cost Estimating: The cost to build a new home can range from $84 to $160 per sq. ft. depending on… more.Roofing Cost-Roofing Cost Estimator: Roofs are expensive. A roofing cost calculator can help… more. Cost Estimating Explained: If you can’t afford the cost of the house, now is the time to find out, before… more. Save even more than 25% by being an owner builder to renovate your home or build a home addition. 2 Imagine saving $25,000, $50,000, $75,000 or more. 3 Or, you could sell the new house and realize the cash profit.", "How much does it cost to build a 1500 sq foot home? For this reason, you need to know what is included if you look at costs for existing new houses. Your house could cost as little as $50 a square foot to $200 a square foot. Twelve years ago when we decided to build a new house, we talked with several builders and got ball park estimates for the house we wanted to build.We found many builders happy to give a quick estimate. no frills home this size will run about $30-$50 per sq ft for materials. If you add the cost of labor to have it built for you, the price is about double.", "How much does it cost to build a new house Let's begin by considering what square foot homebuilding costs really are — nothing more than the total cost of a given project divided by the total number of square feet in that project. So, a 2,000 square foot home with total construction costs of $250,000 would cost $125 per square foot to build. new house will probably cost between $80 and $200 per square foot... In one form or another, this question is one of the most frequent requests we receive from our visitors. Unfortunately, it is also one of the few questions that we simply cannot answer very specifically.", "How Much Does It Cost to Build a Home: Can You Guess? Still, if this thought has crossed your mind, you have also probably wondered: How much does it cost to build a home, anyway? According to data from the National Association of Home Builders, the median price of constructing a single-family home in 2015 was $289,415, or $103 per square foot." ]
[ 13.4453125 ]
[ 12.7578125, 11.828125, 11.9453125, 11.7265625, 12.515625, 12.5859375, 11.28125, 11.6796875, 12.359375, 11.9375, 10.796875, 11.5625, 8.1328125, 11.296875, 13.8125, 12.53125, 12.3984375, 11.9375, 9.828125, 10.1015625, 12.3203125, 8.4921875, 8.65625, 9.625, 11.125, 12.0859375, 11.359375, 11.1875, 11.9296875, 12.984375 ]
how much can you put into a roth ira yearly and a traditional ira
[ "Traditional and Roth IRAs The most you can contribute to all of your traditional and Roth IRAs is the smaller of: 1 $5,500 (for 2014 and 2015), or $6,500 if you’re age 50 or older by the end of the year; or." ]
[ "What Happens If You Contribute Too Much to an IRA? If you have more than one IRA, you can contribute to both of them as long as the total amount doesn’t exceed your allowable limit. For example, you could contribute $2,500 to a traditional IRA and $2,500 to a Roth IRA.", "401 (k) vs. Roth IRA You can definitely contribute to both a Roth IRA and a traditional IRA during the same tax year, but you can only contribute the maximum IRA contribution across both types of accounts. For 2016, the contribution limits are $5,500 for those under the age of 50, and $6,500 for individuals ages 50 and older.", "How much should I put into an IRA? If you're 50 or over before the end of the year, you're allowed to contribute up to an additional $1,000 for a total yearly contribution of $6,000; this is the IRS's way of encouraging you to save more in the final years before retirement. However, the amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA also depends on your income.To make the full contribution, your modified adjusted gross income must be less than $125,000 if you're single, or $183,000 as a married couple filing jointly.ltimate guide to retirement. It's generally a good idea to put as much in an IRA as the government allows you to. That's because the more you save in a tax-favored account, the more tax-protected gains you can rack up.", "- As of 2013, the maximum contribution is $5,550, which includes both your traditional IRA and Roth IRA contributions. For example, if you put $5,500 in your Roth IRA, you can't contribute at all to your traditional IRA.", "- That contribution limit is a total cap for both types of IRAs. You could put $3,000 in a Traditional IRA and $2,500 in a Roth IRA, but you can't put $5,500 in each. The current 401k rules stipulate you can contribute up to $17,500 per year toward your retirement.This applies as a total cap for both types of 401k options combined.ince your match could be thousands of dollars, this would be a huge hit to your finances when it happened. So your employer can match whatever you put into your Roth 401k, but the matching funds will be placed into your 401k.", "Traditional and Roth IRA Contribution Limits for 2018 IRA Contribution Limits for 2018. If you’re under age 50 and contributing to your 2017 IRA, the maximum you can contribute to your Traditional and Roth IRAs combined is $5,500. Taxpayers 50 or older can make an additional contribution of $1,000 for 2017 between both types of IRAs for a total of $6,500.", "- Contribution Limits. The max you can contribute to your IRA accounts, traditional or Roth is $5,500 for the year. That’s even if you have multiple accounts. For example: say you have a traditional IRA at NFCU, a Roth IRA at USAA, and a Roth IRA at Vanguard.", "A Young Manâs Guide to Understanding Retirement Accounts: IRAs When you retire and start making withdrawals from your account, the money will finally be taxed. Because you pay your taxes on your money later, traditional IRAs offer tax deferred growth. Contribution limits. The largest amount you can contribute to your traditional IRA in a year is $5,000.nlike with traditional IRAs, you don’t get the upfront tax break when you contribute to a Roth IRA. You invest after tax dollars into your account. While you don’t get the upfront tax break when you invest with a Roth IRA, you don’t have to pay income taxes on your money when you finally withdraw it.", "- If you're 50 or over before the end of the year, you're allowed to contribute up to an additional $1,000 for a total yearly contribution of $6,000; this is the IRS's way of encouraging you to save more in the final years before retirement. However, the amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA also depends on your income.", "Rules For The Traditional And Roth IRA Contributions Nondeductible IRA Contributions. For a traditional IRA, you're allowed to contribute up to a maximum of $5,500. If you're age 50 or older, the maximum is $6,500. However, if you're an active participant in a company plan, your traditional IRA deduction:", "Traditional and Roth IRAs The most you can contribute to all of your traditional and Roth IRAs is the smaller of: 1 $5,500 (for 2014 and 2015), or $6,500 if you’re age 50 or older by the end of the year; or.one if it’s a qualified distribution (or a withdrawal that is a qualified distribution). Otherwise, part of the distribution or withdrawal may be taxable. If you are under age 59 ½, you may also have to pay an additional 10% tax for early withdrawals unless you qualify for an exception.", "Can I receive Social Security retirement and disability benefits at the same time? At that point all withdrawals from the Roth are tax free. The individual contribution limit of $5,000 or $6,000 applies to your combined Roth and traditional IRA contributions. For example, if your annual limit is $5,000 and you put $3,000 into a Roth IRA, you can only add $2,000 to your traditional IRA.Although a husband and wife may contribute just as much to traditional and Roth IRAs, only the traditional IRA contributions may be deducted on their joint tax return.ndividuals may contribute up to $5,000 each year to a traditional IRA. When you reach the age of 50, the IRS increases the limit to $6,000. The money you put into a traditional IRA is tax deductible unless your adjusted gross income exceeds IRS income limits, discussed below. Only individuals can open and own IRAs.", "How to Choose Between a Roth and Traditional IRA Neda Jafarzadeh The maximum an individual can currently contribute to an IRA for 2013 is $5,500 (or $6,500 if you are age 50 or older). When choosing between whether to open a traditional or Roth IRA, consider these three factors: Neda Jafarzadeh.owever, contributing to a Roth IRA would be a better option if your tax rate increases, while contributing to a traditional IRA would be preferable if your tax rate decreases.", "How much should I put into an IRA? If you're 50 or over before the end of the year, you're allowed to contribute up to an additional $1,000 for a total yearly contribution of $6,000; this is the IRS's way of encouraging you to save more in the final years before retirement. However, the amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA also depends on your income.To make the full contribution, your modified adjusted gross income must be less than $125,000 if you're single, or $183,000 as a married couple filing jointly.f you're younger than 50, your 2012 contributions to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA are limited to $5,000 or the total of your taxable compensation, whichever is smaller.", "2018 Traditional and Roth IRA Contribution Limits Persons age 50 and over can make additional catch up contributions of $1,000, for a total contribution limit of $6,500. You can have both a Roth IRA and a Traditional IRA in the same tax year, but you can’t exceed the contribution limit with your combined contributions to both accounts.", "Traditional IRA and Roth IRA Contribution Limits That is, if you put $2,000 into a Traditional IRA, you couldn't put more than $3,500 into a Roth IRA that year. Under the present law, Traditional IRA and Roth IRA contribution limits are set to increase with the inflation rate in $500 increments.", "How Much Money Can Be Put Into an IRA Annually? Multiple IRAs. It is possible to have more than one of the same type of IRA or even have a Roth and a traditional IRA. However, regardless of the number of IRAs you have, your total annual contributions cannot exceed the $5,000 or $6,000 threshold.", "Roth vs. Traditional IRA: Which Is Right For You? Contribution Limits. The contribution limits for the Roth and traditional IRAs are the same. For tax year 2013, for example, you could contribute up to $5,500 to your IRA, plus an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution if you reached age 50 or older by the end of the tax year.Deductibility.f you want to be able to contribute to your IRA for as long as you like, you need to consider the age limits placed on IRA contributions. You may not make a participant contribution to a traditional IRA for the year you reach age 70.5 and after. For Roth IRAs, there is no age limit.", "Invest in a Roth 401 (k) If You Can In 2014, you can contribute up to $17,500 to a Roth 401(k), a traditional 401(k) or a combination of the two. Workers 50 or older can contribute up to $23,000 annually. If you get matching funds from your employer, they go into a traditional pretax 401(k) account.Consider the benefits.hinkstock. If your employer now offers a Roth option in your 401(k), it's a great idea to invest in it, or at least consider investing a portion of your 401(k) contribution in the Roth. Contributions to a Roth 401(k) won't reduce your tax bill now.", "How to Contribute to Both a Traditional and a Roth IRA The combined amount may never exceed the annual contribution limit. For example, should a 45-year old be eligible and choose to contribute $3,500 to his Roth IRA during the 2017 tax year, the most he could contribute to a regular IRA for the same tax year would be $2,000 given the current $5,500 annual limit.", "- Source: IRS Publication 590. You may contribute to both a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA in the same year. However, the total of your contributions in 2015 to a Roth IRA and a traditional IRA may not exceed $5,500 if you are under 50 years old and $6,500 if you are age 50 or older. Also, your contribution limit to a traditional IRA will be reduced by the contributions made to a Roth IRA.", "Individual retirement account 1 This limit applies to the total annual contributions to both Roth IRAs and traditional IRAs. 2 For example, a person aged 45 who put $3,500 into a traditional IRA this year so far, can either put $2,000 more into this traditional IRA, or $2,000 in a Roth IRA, or some combination of that. 2014 and 2015: the total contributions a person can make to all of their traditional and Roth IRAs cannot be more than the lesser amount of either: $5,500 ($6,500 if you’re age 50 or older), or your earned income for the year. 2 This limit applies to the total annual contributions to both Roth IRAs and traditional IRAs.", "- IRA Contribution Limits for 2018 If you’re under age 50 and contributing to your 2017 IRA, the maximum you can contribute to your Traditional and Roth IRAs combined is $5,500. Taxpayers 50 or older can make an additional contribution of $1,000 for 2017 between both types of IRAs for a total of $6,500.", "How much should I put into an IRA? That's because the more you save in a tax-favored account, the more tax-protected gains you can rack up. If you're younger than 50, your 2016 contributions to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA are limited to $5,500 or the total of your taxable compensation, whichever is smaller. If you're 50 or over before the end of the year, you're allowed to contribute up to an additional $1,000 for a total yearly contribution of $6,500; this is the IRS's way of encouraging you to save more in the final years before retirement. However, the amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA also depends on your income. To make the full contribution in 2016, your modified adjusted gross income must be less than $117,000 if you're single, or $184,000 as a married couple filing jointly.", "How Much Can You Put in a Roth IRA? The annual contribution limit for a Roth IRA is $5,000 until you reach age 50, when it goes up to $6,000. As of 2013, the limit increases to $5,500 or $6,500, depending on your age. This limit applies to all IRAs combined.", "What is a 401k plan? How does it work? Instructions. Understand the contribution limits for an IRA for the year in which you wish to contribute to both a Roth IRA and traditional IRA. Starting in 2008, you can contribute up to $5,000 to an IRA.If you are over 50 years of age, you can contribute an extra $1,000. Meet the requirements for contributing to an IRA in general.nstructions. Understand the contribution limits for an IRA for the year in which you wish to contribute to both a Roth IRA and traditional IRA. Starting in 2008, you can contribute up to $5,000 to an IRA.", "Traditional and Roth IRAs This chart highlights some of their similarities and differences. The most you can contribute to all of your traditional and Roth IRAs is the smaller of: $5,500 (for 2015 - 2017), or $6,500 if you’re age 50 or older by the end of the year; or. your taxable compensation for the year.", "The Know-It-All's Guide to Life Think of it this way: It's far better to pay a tax on the $1 you contribute to a Roth IRA now, and no tax on the $10 you withdraw 30 years later, than it is to pay no tax on the $1 you contribute to a conventional retirement plan and a hefty federal income tax (up to 35%) on everything you withdraw later.hat's the total you can contribute to all your IRAs, whether traditional or Roth. Eligibility. You can make the full $5,000 contribution if your adjusted gross income is less than $105,000 (or, for a married couple, $167,000).", "Is an IRA the Same as a SEP? You must have earned income, such as wages, before you can contribute to a traditional or Roth IRA. The amount of that earned income must be as much or greater than the amount you contribute. For instance, the 2011 limit for IRA contributions is $5,000, plus an extra $1,000 if you are 50 years of age or older.raditional vs. Roth. If you have earned income, you can contribute to either a traditional or Roth IRA. With a traditional IRA, you get a tax deduction based on the amount of your contribution.", "A Young Manâs Guide to Understanding Retirement Accounts: IRAs Contribution limits. The largest amount you can contribute to your traditional IRA in a year is $5,000. It’s much less than what you can contribute to a 401(k), but if you don’t have access to a 401(k) plan, it’s better than nothing.Remember, you can deduct that $5,000 from your taxable income at tax time.fter you open an IRA, you can fund it with any type of investment you want–stocks, mutual funds, bonds, or index funds. I have an IRA with Vanguard and use a simple index fund to fund it. Note: What follows is based on the tax laws governing IRAs in 2011. They’ve changed before and will change again." ]
[ 13.765625 ]
[ 11.8515625, 12.7890625, 13.2734375, 13.375, 12.8125, 13.7421875, 12.9765625, 11.953125, 12.96875, 12.8515625, 13.3515625, 14.4609375, 11.140625, 13.3984375, 13.34375, 13.5703125, 13.4375, 12.6015625, 11.03125, 12.8203125, 14.0859375, 13.59375, 13.9765625, 14.0703125, 13.5078125, 12.0078125, 13.7578125, 11.28125, 11.265625, 11.3046875 ]
what is a reasoning
[ "Reasoning Reasoning, as a way of proving arguments, comes in many different forms. Different forms of reasoning are accepted in different fields and contexts. Arguing with family members generally relies on different methods of reasoning than arguing with professors." ]
[ "- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.8 Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (e.g., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence). CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.9. Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic.", "Busting Four Myths About Ductless Mini-Splits Recursion means defining a problem in terms of itself. This can be a very powerful tool in writing algorithms. Recursion comes directly from Mathematics, where there are many examples of expressions written in terms of themselves. For example, the Fibonacci sequence is defined as: F(i) = F(i-1) + F(i-2) Recursion is the process of defining a problem (or the solution to a problem) in terms of (a simpler version of) itself. For example, we can define the operation find your way home as: If you are at home, stop moving. Take one step toward home.", "- The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For some questions, more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. However, you are to choose the best answer; that is, the response that most accurately and completely answers the question.", "AP Rhetorical Strategies & Literary Devices reference to someone or something that is known from history, literature, religion, politics, sports, science, or another branch of culture. deliberately suggesting two or more different, and sometimes conflicting, meanings in a work. repetition of a word, phrase, or clasue at the beginning of two or more sentences in a row. calling out to an imaginary, dead, or absent person, or to a place or a thing, or a personified abstract idea.", "- Definition of reasoning for English Language Learners. : the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a conclusion or judgment.", "- make plain. Relevance ranks synonyms and suggests the best matches based on how closely a synonym’s sense matches the sense you selected. Complexity sorts synonyms based on their difficulty. Adjust it higher to choose from words that are more complex.", "- Concepts of Reading and Reasoning. The overview of the cognitive literatures of reading comprehension, critical reading, expertise, and reasoning that follows yields a collection of related conceptions of verbal. reasoning, rather than a single coherent cognitive theory.", "Highlight rows that contain For example, in this case, you could name cell E2 input and rewrite the formula like so. =SEARCH(input,$B4&$C4&$D4&$E4) You can then put any text value in E2, and the conditional formatting rule will respond instantly, highlighting rows that contain that text. See the video link below for a more detailed description.", "Argument Henceforth, by ‘logic’ I mean deductive logic. Logic investigates inferences in terms of the arguments that represent them. Recall that an argument is a collection of statements (declarative sentences), one of. which is designated as the conclusion, and the remainder of which are designated as. the premises.", "- The third sentence explains how the rhetorical strategies you discussed in the previous sentences help the writer achieve his purpose by using an in order to statement. He joins in this time of mourning in order to unify the nation and humbly admit that “we share this pain with all of the people of our country” (4).", "- 1 [uncountable] a process of reasoning in which a conclusion must follow from the premises presented; 2 reasoning or concluding from the general to the particular or specific. [ 3 countable] a conclusion reached by this process.", "The Elements of Reasoning and the Intellectual Standards They need to be able to identify the parts of their thinking, and they need to be able to assess their use of these parts of thinking , as follows: All reasoning has a purpose All reasoning is an attempt to figure something out, to settle some question, to solve some problem", "Our Chemical Senses: Olfaction SC.8.N.1.6 Understand that scientific investigations involve the collection of relevant empirical evidence, the use of logical reasoning, and the application of imagination in devising hypotheses, predictions, explanations and models to make sense of the collected evidence.", "- As such, it would have originally made sense to say My reason being is to study language! meaning My reason for being [the reason I exist] is to study language!. Somehow we forgot the original meaning and let it spread to other words.", "Reasoning The following are common types of reasoning: Logic. Logic is one type of reasoning relying on the form of an argument. Logic has its roots in philosophy as a form of deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning. The most common form of logic seen in argumentation is the syllogism: an argument with a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion.", "- Read, Read, Read. This is the hard yards of the research, to ensure your best marks you should have read cover to cover everything you intend to reference in an essay. There should be nothing inside a reference you don't know about it to ensure you adequately address an issue.", "Reason Logic (from the Greek logos, which has a variety of meanings including word, thought, idea, argument, account, reason or principle) is the study of reasoning, or the study of the principles and criteria of valid inference and demonstration.", "COMPASS ® Writing Placement Assessment Review Some questions refer to underlined portions of the passage and offer several alternatives to the underlined portion. You decide which choice is most appropriate in the context of the passage. Some questions ask about an underlined portion, a section of the passage, or the passage as a whole. You decide which choice best answers the question posed. Many questions offer “NO CHANGE” to the passage as one of the choices.", "Psychology of reasoning The psychology of reasoning is the study of how people reason, often broadly defined as the process of drawing conclusions to inform how people solve problems and make decisions. It is at the intersection of psychology, philosophy, linguistics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, logic, and probability theory.", "- Relevance ranks synonyms and suggests the best matches based on how closely a synonym’s sense matches the sense you selected.elevance ranks synonyms and suggests the best matches based on how closely a synonym’s sense matches the sense you selected.", "- Keep asking questions; keep your intellectual eyes open to new possibilities. 1 Figurative Language. Examine the passage carefully for similes, images, metaphors, and symbols. 2 Diction. This section is closely connected with the section above. 3 Literal content: this should be done as succinctly as possible.", "- Linguistics: connecting words which introduce a cause or reason. 1 at. 2 because of. 3 behalf. cause 4 1. 5 cos. courtesy. 6 fear. for. from. 1 necessarily. on sb's account 2 idiom. order. 3 right. sake 1. thanks. thanks 1 to sb/sth 2 idiom. through. 3 what 4 with idiom. with. with a view to doing sth idiom.", "- In contrast to reason as an abstract noun, a reason is a consideration which explains or justifies some event, phenomenon or behaviour. The field of logic studies ways in which human beings reason through argument.", "- II. Its use as respects the mind, alone, Latin ratio; i. e.: 1. reason, the mental faculty of thinking, meditating, reasoning, calculating, etc.: once so in the phrase ὁ λόγος τοῦ θεοῦ, of the divine mind, pervading and noting all things by its proper force, Hebrews 4:12.", "- short story. Relevance ranks synonyms and suggests the best matches based on how closely a synonym’s sense matches the sense you selected. Complexity sorts synonyms based on their difficulty. Adjust it higher to choose from words that are more complex.", "- Methods of natural science should be used to examine and understand life in all its many aspects. Enlightenment thinkers referred to this as reason, often called ration. This became the by-word of Enlightenment thinkers.", "Exemplar Sentence Examples The principle that reason is the one only guide of life, the supreme arbiter of all questions, politics and religion included, has its earliest and most complete exemplar in Erasmus. A copy, qua copy, can never be the equal of the exemplar, and it may be much its inferior. - These will generally imply an exemplar in which the words were without any division or without a sufficient one.", "- The concept of reason is sometimes referred to as rationality and sometimes as discursive reason, in opposition to intuitive reason. Reason or reasoning is associated with thinking, cognition, and intellect. Reason, like habit or intuition, is one of the ways by which thinking comes from one idea to a related idea. For example, it is the means by which rational beings understand themselves to think about cause and effect, truth and falsehood, and what is good or bad.", "Reasoning Argument by Cause. Argument by cause attempts to establish a cause and effect relationship between two events. This is a form of reasoning that argues that the interactions of two or more incidents are not merely coincidental, but was actually related in some meaningful way.", "- Remember that so long as you have a conclusion and at least one reason or premise, the passage is an argument. Conclusion indicators and premise indicators - In identifying conclusions and premises, it is sometimes helpful to look for certain key words which, if used properly, indicate a conclusion or a premise." ]
[ 13.7734375 ]
[ 4.00390625, 1.7001953125, 8.28125, 0.353515625, 15.09375, 1.8310546875, 8.7578125, 0.369873046875, 5.0859375, 1.5849609375, 11.3359375, 10.9765625, 6.22265625, 6.078125, 11.09375, 3.8984375, 10.0234375, 4.56640625, 13.2109375, 2.662109375, 2.4375, 4.140625, 12.421875, 8.7734375, 1.3134765625, 6.59765625, 0.88232421875, 13.890625, 9.9765625, 5.89453125 ]
are rehabilitation counselors eligible for the ncc
[ "Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Requirements All graduates are eligible to take the Rehabilitation Counselor Certification Examination to acquire a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) and also to qualify to take the National Counselor Exam (NCE) as required for the licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC)." ]
[ "Top 25 Dietitian and Nutritionist Interview Questions 21-1015 Rehabilitation Counselors. Counsel individuals to maximize the independence and employability of persons coping with personal, social, and vocational difficulties that result from birth defects, illness, disease, accidents, or the stress of daily life.1-1015 Rehabilitation Counselors. Counsel individuals to maximize the independence and employability of persons coping with personal, social, and vocational difficulties that result from birth defects, illness, disease, accidents, or the stress of daily life.", "- What happens if I need vocational rehabilitation? In Maryland there are both public (Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services - DORS) and private rehabilitation counselors. Maryland Law requires registration for all private practitioners serving injured workers and you may request a copy of the registration if you are assigned to work with a private provider. DORS is a recognized provider but exempt the practitioner registration requirement; however, DORS will work with eligible Maryland ...", "Counseling: What Youâll Earn Counselor Licensing. Most states require licensure or certification. The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) grants a general practice credential, National Certified Counselor (NCC), to counselors who have passed their examination, have completed a graduate degree and have two years of fieldwork.", "HCR Rehabilitation ServicesClick here to learn more about HCR's rehabilitation and therapy services. Safely and successfully. HCR Home Care has been providing the greater Rochester area and Upstate New York with in-home health care services for nearly 40 years. HCR is certified and licensed to provide service to patients receiving Medicare and Medicaid benefits, those who have commercial insurance plans, or those who wish to pay privately.", "- Well before the turn of the 20th century, correctional counseling in the United. States was initiated and sustained by reform-minded people—from probation. and parole officers, clergymen, teachers to a wide variety of other persons work-. ing in the corrections system.", "- Application Requirements. You must meet the following requirements in order to obtain certification as an NCC. Some requirements may differ if you hold a state counseling license. For more information, log in and start your application.", "Top Paying Jobs in Public Health Rehabilitation counselors help people with disabilities at various stages in their lives. Some work with students to develop strategies to live with their disability and move from school to work. Others help veterans cope with the mental or physical effects of their military service.", "Who is Referring physician and ordering physician Box 17 MedicareOrdering/ReferringProvider Requirements. TheAffordable Care Act, Section 6405, requires physicians and other eligible Non‐Physician. Practitioners(NPPs) to enroll in the Medicare Program to order/refer items or services for. Medicarebeneficiaries,including those physicians and other eligible NPPs who do not and. willnot send claims to a Medicare Contractor for the services they furnish. EffectiveMay 1, 2013, Medicare will deny claims for all covered Medicare Part B, durable.", "What About Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs)? Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (or QRCs) are independent service providers who interact with injured workers who are receiving workers' compensation benefits. Though a QRC may be friendly and well-intentioned, it is crucial to understand who he or she is working for.ualified Rehabilitation Consultants (or QRCs) are independent service providers who interact with injured workers who are receiving workers' compensation benefits. Though a QRC may be friendly and well-intentioned, it is crucial to understand who he or she is working for.", "Recreational Therapists Depending on State certification policies or employer mandates a recreational therapist may be required to become certified. To work in clinical settings, the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) often requires certification as well and a supervised internship of at least 480 hours.ature of the Work for Recreational Therapists. Recreational therapists are also known as therapeutic recreation specialists. They provide treatment services and recreational activities for individuals with disabilities or illnesses with a milieu of techniques.", "General FAQs CRCC ensures that its certification examination remains valid and relevant with current practices in the field through an in-depth Job Analysis Study. This scientifically conducted research is undertaken every five years to determine the roles, functions, knowledge, and skills of rehabilitation counselors.", "Rehabilitation Counselor Careers In 2011, the median annual salary of all rehabilitation counselors was $37,070, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Salaries of these professionals is often determined by their experience, area of specialization and place of employment.For instance rehabilitation counselors offering vocational rehabilitation services earned a median salary of $32,890, while those working in general and surgical hospitals made $51,900.ccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field of rehabilitation counseling is expected to experience faster than average job growth. This is most likely due to more people seeking these types of services and more health insurance companies covering these types of services.", "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights The Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) enforces Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, which requires federal contractors and subcontractors with government contracts in excess of $10,000 to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with disabilities.", "- How to Reposition IRA Assets So Clients Can Qualify for Medicaid. How to Reposition IRA Assets So Clients Can Qualify for Medicaid. Part I in a Series of Medicaid Planning Newsletters. By: Roccy DeFrancesco, J.D., CWPP, CAPP, or CMP. Learn how to give the best advice to your clients by becoming a Certified Medicaid Planner.", "- The Rehabilitation Programs Division has developed these online training courses to be utilized by clinical staff, working with TDCJ offenders, to obtain continuing education hours for license renewal.", "- Scope of practice of the rehabilitation admissions liaison nurse. The goals of the rehabilitation admission liaison nurse are to identify clients who meet program criteria and will benefit from program services and to facilitate effective care transitions to the rehabilitation setting for these clients.", "What to do While Your Loans are in Grace. Step 4: Eligibility and Criteria. If the repayment plan you chose during exit counseling no longer fits your budget, now is the time to review other available options. Begin researching all the repayment plan options available, so you can ultimately choose the right one for you.", "How Do I Qualify for Vocational Rehabilitation? To qualify for federally funded vocational rehabilitation, you must: 1 have a physical or mental condition that causes a “substantial impediment” to your ability to work, and. 2 be able to benefit from VR services so that you can get a job.", "- Please call MHN or refer to your bene˜ t. handbook for details about eligibility, out-of-pocket costs, and bene˜ t exclusions. and limitations. Choosing a provider from our. network. With our extensive provider network, ˜ nding. a participating counselor, psychiatrist or.", "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights This document was created to assist individuals who are interested in becoming an LCADC or CADC and is based on the. New Jersey State Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Examiners’ Alcohol and Drug Committee Statutes and Regulations. governing the licensing and credentialing of alcohol and drug counselors. For more information or further clarification on items. discussed in this document, please refer to the Statutes and Regulations, which can be found at. ttp://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/laws/adcregs.pdf.", "Rehabilitation Counselor Rehabilitation counselors usually work a standard 40-hour week. Self-employed counselors and those working in mental health and community agencies, such as substance use and behavioral disorder counselors, often work evenings to counsel clients who work during the day.", "- The National Certified Counselor (NCC) is the premier certification for the counseling profession. Holding the NCC demonstrates to colleagues and the public that you have voluntarily met high national standards for the practice of counseling.", "Rehab centers accepting BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD Ask the admissions counselor of the facility of your choice to help you determine whether Blue Cross Blue Shield will pay for your treatment. Inquire whether Blue Cross cover inpatient, outpatient rehab and specialized services and if the treatment facility is part of the Blue Cross network.", "What is Rehabilitation Counseling? What is Rehabilitation Counseling? What is Rehabilitation Counseling? People with disabilities often feel isolated from the world going on around them, whether injured in a motor vehicle or industrial accident, experiencing a debilitating condition resulting from a disease, or born with a birth defect.", "- The find a counselor search page is the sole property of NBCC. The information contained in find a counselor must be used only for personal and noncommercial purposes. Its contents cannot be copied or used in connection with a mailing list.he find a counselor search page is the sole property of NBCC. The information contained in find a counselor must be used only for personal and noncommercial purposes. Its contents cannot be copied or used in connection with a mailing list.", "Frequently Asked Questions To be eligible for inpatient rehabilitation at the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute, a doctor must first diagnose you with a condition that requires the services of an acute inpatient rehabilitation program, such as daily rehabilitation nursing and physician care.", "Rehabilitation counseling The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) grants certification to counselors who meet educational requirements and have passed an examination indicating that they possess the competency and skill to become a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, (CRC in the United States; CCRC in Canada).", "- Student Loan Counseling. If you are one of the many millions of Americans that are facing student loan debt, ACCC can help you find the right student loan solution. Our counselors will provide you with an in depth evaluation of your finances and assess your particular student loan circumstances.", "Rehabilitation Nurse In order to becoming a rehabilitation nurse, a student is required to attend an Associate degree in Nursing or a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree program. After successfully completing the program, he/she must sit for the NCLEX exam for licensure.", "Frequently Asked Questions To be eligible for inpatient rehabilitation at the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute, a doctor must first diagnose you with a condition that requires the services of an acute inpatient rehabilitation program, such as daily rehabilitation nursing and physician care.n general, patients at the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute receive three hours of rehabilitation per day, at least five days a week. In order to be prepared for discharge, you are expected to use the skills learned in therapy throughout the rest of your day." ]
[ 14 ]
[ 8.296875, 9.3125, 10.125, 2.255859375, 3.44140625, 9.640625, 5.9609375, 2.78125, 7.38671875, 4.28125, 9.328125, 6.140625, 4.17578125, 0.04473876953125, 4.640625, 3.939453125, 1.7626953125, 5.9453125, 3.49609375, 3.70703125, 6.765625, 11.0234375, 1.6416015625, 5.5859375, 5.8046875, 6.609375, 11.9140625, 1.4716796875, 6.42578125, 7.5390625 ]
what causes an elliptical orbit
[ "- The Tilt of the Earth's Axis and its Elliptical Orbit. We have all been taught that the seasons are caused by the 23.4° angular offset (obliquity) between the Earth's axis of rotation and a perpendicular to the Earth's orbital plane with the Sun (see obliquity below)." ]
[ "Black Spots in Vision not Floaters, Seeing and Dizzy, Sudden, Little, Little, Dot, Causes, Treatment Eye floaters may be caused by: Age-related eye changes. Eye floaters most commonly occur as a result of age-related changes in the vitreous, the jelly-like substance that fills your eyeballs and helps maintain their round shape. Over time, the vitreous partially liquefies — a process that causes it to pull away from the eyeball's interior surface.", "'Zombie' Planet's Rogue Orbit Around Star Shocks Scientists Among the several theories to explain Fomalhaut b's extreme orbit is the possibility that the exoplanet had an encounter with another planet, a yet-to-be discovered neighbor. The cosmic close encounter could have gravitationally ejected Fomalhaut b into its current orbit, scientists said.ew observations of the planet Fomalhaut b by the Hubble Space Telescope revealed the oddball orbit, which has wild extremes between its closest and farthest points from the parent star and appears to cross through a vast minefield of dusty debris.", "Why are orbits elliptical? [duplicate] Almost all of the orbits of planets and other celestial bodies are elliptical, not circular. Is this due to gravitational pull by other nearby massive bodies? If this was the case a two body system should always have a circular orbit. Is that true?", "- The prevalence in individuals aged 75 is an estimated 20%. Epiretinal membrane can be caused by any disruption to the inside of the eye and is associated with injury, vitreous detachment, retinal tears, retinal detachment, post-intraocular surgery, inflammation, and vitreous hemorrhage. However, many cases are idiopathic.", "- There is no way that can cause an eccentricity of .0167. Put simply, the gravitational math is all magic. It is fudged from top to bottom. I have already shown you in other papers how the Moon's orbit is a mess of fudged and unsupported equations.", "Your Pregnancy Symptoms Week by Week Causes of an Ectopic Pregnancy. One cause of an ectopic pregnancy is a damaged fallopian tube that doesn't let a fertilized egg into your uterus, so it implants in the fallopian tube or somewhere else.", "- Consolidation or air-space shadowing is caused by opacification. of air-containing spaces of the lung. The shadowing is ill defined, respects lobar boundaries and contains an air-bronchogram. Consolidation may be patchy, lobar, multilobar, or round and may. undergo necrosis due to infection or infarction.", "Twisting the Air Away - The Coriolis Effect At the completion of the activity explain that the Coriolis effect causes an object to be deflected to the east (right), in the Northern Hemisphere and to the west (left) in the Southern Hemisphere. For your edification, the paper turning counterclockwise represented the Northern Hemispheric direction.he change in direction is called the Coriolis effect. It is a very small effect but the Earth is large and has been rotating for a long time. It has an impact on how winds and ocean currents move. Please do not fall into the trap (no pun intended) regarding toilets and drains and the Coriolis effect.", "- Interruption of the normal transfer of oxygen from the. environment to the fetus at the level of the umbilical. cord most often results from mechanical cord. compression. Other uncommon causes may include vasospasm, thrombosis, atherosis, hypertrophy, hemorrhage, inflammation or a “true knot”.", "Atelectasis The most common cause is post-surgical atelectasis, characterized by splinting, i.e. restricted breathing after abdominal surgery. Other most common cause is pulmonary tuberculosis. Smokers and the elderly are at an increased risk.", "(7) Precession The axis of the cone is perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. The cause of the precession is the equatorial bulge of the Earth, caused by the centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation (the centrifugal force is discussed in a later section). That rotation changes the Earth from a perfect sphere to a slightly flattened one, thicker across the equator.", "Ocean gyre In oceanography, a gyre is any large system of circulating ocean currents, particularly those involved with large wind movements. Gyres are caused by the Coriolis effect; planetary vorticity along with horizontal and vertical friction, determine the circulation patterns from the wind stress curl. The term gyre can be used to refer to any type of vortex in the air or the sea, even one that is man-made, but it is most commonly used in oceanography to refer to the major ocean systems.", "What health problems do CFC's cause? Exercise and other things that decrease the oxygen intake into your body is what causes hyperpnoea. Your body simply makes you breath deeper and faster to replenish the oxygen your body needs. Exercise and other things that decrease the oxygen intake into your body is what causes hyperpnoea. Your body simply makes you breath deeper and faster to replenish the oxygen your body needs.", "Lordosis Other causes include obesity, kyphosis (spine curvature disorder in which the thoracic curvature is abnormally rounded), discitits (an inflammation of the intervertebral disc space caused by infection) and benign juvenile lordosis.", "- Presumably, injury to the oculomotorand pupillomotor nerves causes a non-uniform paralysis or paresis of the sphincter of the pupil with the result thatthe antagonist dilator ofthe pupil has an eccentric effect, with the pro¬duction of an oval pupil.", "Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) Repetitive motions -- like gripping a racket during a swing -- can strain the muscles and put too much stress on the tendons. That constant tugging can eventually cause microscopic tears in the tissue. Tennis elbow might result from: 1 Tennis.", "- Causes of meralgia paresthetica. Meralgia paresthetica is caused by nerve entrapment. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve running through your pelvis, groin and into the thighs becomes compressed. This can be caused by swelling, trauma, or pressure narrowing these openings and squeezing the nerve. Common causes of meralgia paresthetica may include: Repetitive motion of the legs.", "A Droopy Eyelid Isn't Just A Matter Of Age; Now Gender, Race, And More Also Thrown Into Mix Periorbital puffiness, or swelling of the tissues around the eyes, is a common occurrence that may happen regardless of age or gender and can be caused by a high-salt diet, oversleeping, or alcohol use.", "Drooping Eyelid (Ptosis) If the drooping eyelid obscures part of the baby's visual fields, surgery must be done to correct the problem early in life to prevent permanent loss of vision. Aponeurotic ptosis (senile or age-related ptosis) — Aging is the most common cause of ptosis that is not present at birth. In senile ptosis, the long-term effects of gravity and aging cause stretching of a wide, tendon-like tissue that helps the levator muscle lift the eyelid.", "Workout Routines : What Muscles Does the Elliptical Work? Please try again later. The elliptical exercise machine causes all of a person's muscles to engage, including their pull muscles in their back and biceps. Feel the burn of an elliptical machine in the quads and calves with help from a fitness trainer in this free video on exercises and working out.", "E galaxy Their stars follow individual elliptical orbits around the center of the galaxy. Long thought to be older galaxies which had used up all the material for star formation, it has also been suggested that elliptical galaxies actually form from collisions between spiral galaxies. Compare irregular galaxy, lenticular", "Phlebitis Phlebitis is often caused by: 1 Prolonged bed rest following an operation. 2 Paralysis. 3 Use of estrogen. Lack of exercising your legs over an extended period of time (eg, long airplane 1 trips) Prior episodes of phlebitis. Trauma to the lower 1 extremity. Cancer malignancy—Certain cancers may put you at risk for a clotting condition.", "Water on the elbow comes from swollen bursa You have the elbow equivalent. Trauma isn't the only cause of bursitis, as this condition is called. The medical term is olecranon (oh-LEK-ruh-nun) bursitis, elbow bursitis. Rheumatoid arthritis and gout cause it, too.People who rest their elbows on a desk for long periods also come down with it.ditor’s note: Dr. Paul Donohue’s column, long a popular feature in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, now has an online home, as well. Check out the medical questions and answers Mondays through Fridays on Health + Fitness.", "Ectropion Ectropion can be caused by several factors, including facial paralysis and injury. The most common cause is muscle relaxation due to aging. If you have symptoms of ectropion, you should seek medical attention. Without treatment, ectropion can lead to serious problems with your cornea and can even lead to blindness.", "What is the cause of Brownian motion? This erratic motion of the molecules causes them to collide with anything in their path. when pollen grains are suspended in a gas, they fill a resultant force i particular direction and moves to another position, where it has to face same force again.", "- Although the etiology of sarcopenia is unknown, the correlation during aging between the loss of activity of satellite cells, which are endogenous muscle stem cells, and impaired muscle regenerative capacity has led to the hypothesis that the loss of satellite cell activity is also a cause of sarcopenia.e recently developed a genetic mouse model that allows for the specific, inducible depletion of satellite cells in adult skeletal muscle. The Pax7 CreER/+ ; Rosa26 DTA/+ (here referred to as Pax7 CreER-DTA) strain was generated by crossing Pax7 CreER/CreER and Rosa26 DTA/DTA strains.", "Atelectasis It is a very common finding in chest x-rays and other radiological studies, and may be caused by normal exhalation or by various medical conditions. Although frequently described as a collapse of lung tissue, atelectasis is not synonymous with a pneumothorax, which is a more specific condition that features atelectasis.", "Cervical Decompression The degenerative (arthritic) changes of the cervical spine that cause myelopathy and/or radiculopathy take years to develop and are the results of the ‘wear and tear’ on the neck caused by bearing the weight of the head (on average 10 pounds – the equivalent of a bowling ball) for years.", "Natural Causes of Climate Change Orbital Changes. Milankovitch cycles over the past 1 000 000 years. Source: Global Warming Art. The Milankovitch Theory explains the 3 cyclical changes in Earth’s orbit and tilt that cause the climate fluctuations that occur over tens of thousands of years to hundreds of thousands of years. You have learned about these orbital changes in the Temperature over Time module. These fluctuations include changes in the shape (eccentricity) of Earth’s orbit every ~100,000 years, the tilt (obliquity) of Earth’s axis every ~41,000 years, and the wobbling (precession) of Earth’s axis about ~23,000 years.", "- Partial epilepsy is also a cause of episodic complex visual hallucinations 2. Pathological discharges from the visual cortical areas, mainly from posterior parietal and temporal association cortex, may produce brief, recurrent and stereotyped visual hallucinations." ]
[ 12.625 ]
[ 1.7919921875, 6.62890625, 12.3203125, 0.68017578125, 7.69921875, 3.705078125, 0.732421875, 1.69921875, 2.1640625, 0.6474609375, 5.890625, 2.37109375, 2.109375, 1.2138671875, 1.9521484375, 2.40234375, 1.0439453125, 1.546875, 0.93603515625, 7.6796875, 10.625, 2.32421875, 2.091796875, 0.200927734375, -0.264892578125, 0.156494140625, 0.292724609375, 1.634765625, 6.609375, 0.58740234375 ]
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[ "Capitulations of the Ottoman Empireupdate Capitulations signified that which was arranged under distinct headings; the Ottoman Turkish phrase was ahid nameh, whereas a treaty was mouahed. The latter did, and the former did not, signify a reciprocal engagement.", "Capital vs. capitol [Guardian]. As a noun, capital refers to (1) a city that serves as a center of government, (2) wealth in the form of money or property, and (3) a capital letter. As an adjective, it means (1) principal, (2) involving financial assets, and (3) deserving of the death penalty.Columbia Missourian] You are a capital fellow, Planchet. [Ten Years Later, Alexandre Dumas] What it does have is the state capitol building, Vermont State House, with its impressive gold leaf dome backdropped by the wooded hills of Hubbard Park.", "chapeau elements English, USA. Hi. I am having trouble coming to grips with the French word chapeau used in many languages to designate part of a statute or treaty provision.", "- 1 Each sentence contains a clause in CAPITAL letters. 2 Decide whether this clause is dependent or independent by clicking on the red button next to your choice. 3 This will turn the button yellow. Decide whether this clause is dependent or independent by clicking on the red button next to your choice. 2 This will turn the button yellow. 3 If you accidentally click on the wrong button, simply click on the button you meant to select.", "- *elite: privileged; the best of a class. Chapter 4: apprehensive: anxious or fearful about the future. defiance: bold resistance (to authority) contemptuously: disrespectfully; scornfully. Chapter 5: *reluctant(ly): unwilling(ly) *eluded: failed to be remembered or understood;", "capitulate Capitulate stresses the termination of all resistance and may imply either a coming to terms, as with an adversary, or hopelessness before an irresistible opposing force (officials capitulated to the demands).", "- definition : lapel. Lapels are the folded flaps of cloth on the front of a jacket or coat, and are most commonly found on formal clothing and suit jackets. Usually they are formed by folding over the front edges of the jacket or coat and sewing them to the collar, an extra piece of fabric around the back of the neck.", "\"HomepageSection IndexToday's Entry from Faith's CheckbookDownload PageTribulation TopicsTips for Using WStSPurposeLinksWallpaperWhat's NewSection Index (descriptions of)The Da Vinci Code EffectMy Doctrine Is Not MineCome, Ye Thankful People:Hymn PoetryRevelation (19) 2nd Coming of ChristHow to Practice Presence of JesusPollyanna, Rejoicing, PromisesAmazing Grace:Hymn PoetrySin Can Be PreventedHow Evolution Undermines SaviorWhat're They Doing in Heaven?What the Bible Says About HeavenWhat the Bible Says About AngelsListen to the Bible2004 Tsunamis and Endtime ChristianityWhy I Use the King James VersionWhat is a Famine?Mighty Fortress Is Our God:Hymn PoetryBuilding Up Your Most Holy FaithRestraining Influence of Holy SpiritJonathan Goforth's Favorite Story7 Reasons Why God Must Rapture His PeopleThe Holy BibleSection IndexJohnston Audio Bible w/ Gunn's GuideHow to Study the Bible (1896)Listen to the BibleRobert GunnJohnston Audio Bible w/ Gunn's GuideGunn's Topical BibleThe Getting of WisdomTwenty Minutes A DayInteresting & Unusual FactsCommentary Revelation/Tom Stewartch 1: Letter-LORD of Candlesticksch 2: Ephes,Smyrna,Perga,Thyatirach 3: Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodiceach 4: Angels & Saints At Thronech 5: Worthy Lamb Opening Sealsch 6: Opening 1st Six Sealsch 7: 144,000 Sealed-Throne Scenech 8: 7th Seal & 1st Four Trumpetsch 9: Demonic Locusts & Horsemench 10: Little Book-Seven Thundersch 11: Two Witnesses-7th Trumpetch 12: The Woman in the Wildernessch 13: Antichrist and False Prophetch 14: 144,000 & Victorious Lambch 15: Heavenly Scene Before Vialsch 16: Pouring Out Vial Judgmentsch 17: Babylon the Great & the Beastch 18: Destruction Babylon the Greatch 19: Second Coming of Jesus ChristKatie StewartThe WORD of GodThe Secrets of the LORDIn Awe of Thy WORDThe TrinityGod IsThe Name of JesusNames of the Holy SpiritGod is GoodChrist is AllIan Paisley: 7 ReasonsThe Bible is the Word of GodThe Virgin Birth of ChristFull Divinity of ChristThe Atoning Blood of ChristBodily Resurrection of ChristCLAVIS BIBLICA / ClarkeBible Maps/J.L.HurlbutSearching the Scriptures / MurrayMiracles / Nave's TopicalThe Story of Ruth/ John BunyanDict. 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Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1839 Index1- Eternal Life2- Faith3- Devotion4- True and False Religion5- The Law of God- No. 16- The Law of God- No. 27- Glorifying God8- True and False Peace9- Dominion Over Sin10- Carefulness A Sin11 & 12- The Promises13- Being In Debt14- The Holy Spirit of Promise15- The Covenants16- The Rest of Faith- No. 117- The Rest of Faith- No. 218- Affections&Emotions of God19- Legal & Gospel Experience20- Employments Injuring Souls21- Grieving Holy Spirit- No. 122- Grieving Holy Spirit- No. 2Compressed 1839 Text DownloadLectures: 1840/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1840 Index1-9- Sanctification10- Unbelief- No. 111- Unbelief- No. 212- Blessedness of Benevolence13- A Willing Mind14- Death to Sin15- Gospel Savor: Life or Death16- Christians Light of World17- Communion with God- No. 118- Communion with God- No. 219- Temptations Must Put Away20- Design or Intention21- Confession of Faults22- Weakness of Heart23- Single and an Evil Eye24- Salvation Always ConditionalCompressed 1840 Text DownloadLectures: 1841/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1841 Index1- Submission to God- No. 12- Submission to God- No. 23- Love Worketh No Ill4- Self Denial5- True Service of God6- Entire Consecration7- Seared Conscience- No. 18- Seared Conscience- No. 29- Conditions of Being Kept10- National Fast Day11- Mediatorship of ChristCompressed 1841 Text DownloadLectures: 1842/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1842 Index1- Thy Will Be Done2- Danger of Delusion3- Ability and Inability4- God Under Obligation5- Ordination6- Wisdom is JustifiedCompressed 1842 Text DownloadLectures: 1843/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1843 Index1- Prove All Things2- Nature of True Virtue3- Selfishness4- Christian Character5- Christian Warfare6- Putting on Christ7- Way to Be Holy8- Attainments Expected9- Divine Teaching10- Fulness in Christ11- Justification12- Unbelief13- Gospel Liberty14- Joy in God15- Benevolence of God16- Revelation of God's GloryCompressed 1843 Text DownloadLectures: 1844/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1844 Index1- Hardness of Heart2- Eyes Open: Law of God-No.13- Eyes Open: Law of God-No.24- Christian Witness for God5- Fear Lord & Walk Darkness6- Blessed Poor in SpiritCompressed 1844 Text DownloadLectures: 1845/Read - 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Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1848 Index1- Refuges of Lies2- Spirit Not Striving Always3- Excuses of Sinners4- Conditions of Being Saved5- Substitution6- Pride of Heart DeceivesCompressed 1848 Text DownloadLectures: 1849/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1849 Index1- Mutual Confession & Prayer2- God's Anger Against Wicked3- Evil Thinking4- Prayer for A Pure Heart5- Joy of God's Salvation6- Jesus, Savior from Sinning7- Self-Hardening Sinner Doom8- Death of Saints Precious9- Death of the Wicked10- Spirit & TrueChristianity11- Judicial Blindness12- Peace of God in the Heart13- Honor from Men & Not God14- Faith the Work of GodCompressed 1849 Text DownloadLectures: 1850/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1850 Index1- Foundation of FaithCompressed 1850 Text DownloadLectures: 1851/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1851 Index1- Loss When a Soul is Lost2- Awaking fr Spiritual Death3- Jesus Christ Doing Good4- Wicked Heart Set to Evil5- Repentanc & Prayer ForgiveCompressed 1851 Text DownloadLectures: 1852/Read - 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Christian8- Salvation Sinners Impossi.9- Paul and Felix10- Christ Tempted11- Election and ReprobationCompressed 1852 Text DownloadLectures: 1853/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1853 Index1- Prayer/Labor: Great Harvest2- Men Invited Reason w/ God3- SaviorLifted/ Look of Faith4- Sinner's Excuses Answered5- God's Love for SinningWorld6- Alive Withou the Law, Slain7- Christian Experience8- Death to Sin Through Christ9- The Rich Man and Lazarus10- Losing One's First Love11- Jehovah:SinnersBackslidersCompressed 1853 Text DownloadLectures: 1854/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1854 Index1- Converting Sinners2- Christ Our Advocate3- Inner & Outer Revelation4- On Quenching The Spirit5- Men Esteem, God Abhors6- Service Offered to God7- Bondage and Liberty8- Living by Faith9- Commandments Not Grievous10- The Wages of Sin11- Wants and Supply12- Sin God Cannot Prevent13- Ways of Sin & Holiness14- The Guilt of Backsliding15- Christian's Genuine Hope16- Primitive Prayer-MeetingCompressed 1854 Text DownloadLectures: 1855/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1855 Index1- On Prayer2- Persevering Prayer: Others3- On Being Almost Persuaded4- On Neglecting Salvation5- Prayer for The Holy Spirit6- Conscience and The Bible7- No Pleasure: Sinners Death8- On Being Searched of God9- On Injustice To Character10- God's Goodness Toward Men11- Losing First Love12- Men Ignorant of God13- Adorn the Doctrine of GodCompressed 1855 Text DownloadLectures: 1856/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1856 Index1- Thanks for Gospel Victory2- Gospel Ministers3- The Destruction of Wicked4- Wicked Stumbling in Dark5- On The Atonement6- Sinner's Moral Weakness7- Moral Insanity8- Believing with The Heart9- On Offering Praise to GodCompressed 1856 Text DownloadLectures: 1857/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1857 Index1- Owing God -No.12- Owing God -No.23- On Sinning -No.14- On Being Holy -No.25- Lord's People His Portion6- The Wrath of God7- Confessing & CleansingCompressed 1857 Text DownloadLectures: 1858/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1858 Index1- Doom Of Those Who Neglect2- The Treasure & The Pearl3- Self-Righteous Sinner4- Sufficient Grace5- On Following Christ6- Consciousness For God7- God's Love To Us8- Blessed The Merciful-No.19- Blessed Pure In Heart-No.210- Bless The Persecuted-No.311- On Refuges Of Lies12- Those Who Withstand Truth13- Abide In Christ & Not SinCompressed 1858 Text DownloadLectures: 1859/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1859 Index1- On Tenderness of Heart2- The One Thing Needful3- On Self-Denial4- Seems Right, Ends In DeathCompressed 1859 Text DownloadLectures: 1860/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1860 Index1- On Loving God -No.12- On Love To Neighbor -No.23- Spiritual Delusion -No.14- Leaving First Love -No.2Compressed 1860 Text DownloadLectures: 1861/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1861 Index1- Christ's Yoke Is Easy2- Christ Our Advocate3- Living To Please God4- Wherefore Do Wicked Live5- Hardness Of Heart -No.16- Harden Not Heart -No.27- Tender-Heartedness -No.38- Kingdom of God In Conscious9- Looking To Jesus10- Profit and Loss -No.111- Profit and Loss -No.212- Sinners Not Willing -No.113- Sinners Not Willing -No.214- Holding The Truth -No.115- Holding The Truth -No.216- Sin Persisted In Is Fatal17- Revival -No.118- Revival -No.219- Revival -No.3Compressed 1861 Text DownloadLectures: 1862/Read - Download\"\"Oberlin Evangelist\"\" 1862 Index1- Great Peace -No.12- Great Peace -No.23- Moral Depravity -No.14- Moral Depravity -No.2Compressed 1862 Text DownloadLectures: Systematic Theology/1851Unity of Moral Action/1878Relations of Christ to BelieverSermons On Important Subjects1- Sinner Bound To Change Own Heart2- How To Change Your Heart3- Traditions Of The Elders4- Total Depravity5- Total Depravity6- Why Sinners Hate God7- God Cannot Please Sinners8- Christian Affinity9- Stewardship10- Doctrine Of Election11- Reprobation12- Love Of The WorldLectures to Professing ChristiansJustification By FaithRevival LecturesRushing WindSermons on Gospel ThemesThe Way of SalvationSermons from the Penny PulpitPower From On HighApproving Heart-Confidence PrayerCharles Haddon SpurgeonSection Sub-IndexLife & Works of Spurgeon by NorthropCh1. Birth and AncestryCh2. Conversion & Early PreachingCh3. Young Preacher in LondonCh4. A Wife & a New TabernacleCh5. Successful LaborsCh6. The Pastor's CollegeCh7. Stockwell OrphanageCh8. Annual Report of OrphanageCh9. Last Illness and DeathBk2. Hands Full of HoneyBk2. Glory!Bk2. The Luther SermonBk2. The Best War-CryBk2. Lecture on CandlesFaith's CheckbookSermons by C. H. SpurgeonAll of GraceTill He ComeThemes for the Common PilgrimSpurgeon On CatholicismJonathan EdwardsSection Sub-IndexGod Glorified in Man's DependenceAbsent from the BodyChristian KnowledgeThe Importance of Divine TruthChrist's AgonyThe Excellency of ChristSafety, Fulness, and RefreshmentMany MansionsPressing Into the Kingdom of GodGod's Sovereignty in SalvationHypocrites Deficient in PrayerSinners in the Hands of Angry GodWicked Useful in Their DestructionVain Self-Flatteries of the SinnerPardon for the Greatest SinnersPunishment of Wicked UnavoidableThe Way Salvation is SoughtJames Aitken WylieSection Sub-IndexJ.A. Wylie As I Knew Him/ SalmondThe History of ProtestantismVolume 1. Books 1-9. Titles:1 progress 1st - 14th century2 wycliffe: advent protestant3 john huss: the hussite wars4 christendom in 16th century5 germany-leipsic disput.15196 leipsic disput-diet worms7 england: wicliffe-henry 8th8 switzerlan:1516-zurich 15259 diet worms-augsburg confessiVolume 2. Books 10-17. Titles:10 rise protes:sweden&denmark11 zurich - death of zwingli12 augsburg confession-peace13 france1510-publ.insti.153614 establish protest. geneva15 the jesuits16 protest. waldensian valleys17 france:francis1-edictnantesVolume 3. Books 18-24. Titles:18 protestantism netherlands19 protestant:poland&bohemia20 protes:hungary,transylvania21 the thirty yearsâ war22 henry4th 1610-revolt 178923 protest.england: henry 8th24 protestantism in scotlandResearch IndexSt.Patrick: Apostle of Ireland1 The Real Patrick2 Patrick in Ireland3 Patrick Finds Peace4 Patrick Again At Home5 Patrick Goes to Ireland6 Patrick's Ministry in Ireland7 Patrick's Evangelistic Tours8 Day of Tara9 365 Churches10 Schools of Early IrelandAndrew MurraySection Sub-IndexThe New LifeDivine HealingThe True VineThe Power of Persevering PrayerThe Lord's TableAbsolute SurrenderHelps to IntercessionBe Not Discouraged in PrayerEdward McKendree BoundsSection Sub-IndexPower Through PrayerThe Necessity of PrayerThe Possibilities of PrayerThe Weapon of PrayerArthur Tappan PiersonSection Sub-IndexMeet Mr. Philadelphia/StewartIn Christ JesusThe Heart of the GospelSecrets of Mr. Finney's PowerDwight Lyman MoodySection Sub-IndexThe Way to GodThe Ten CommandmentsHEAVENRueben Archer TorreyHow to PrayWhy God Used D. L. MoodySir Robert AndersonThe Coming Prince Pastor Charles ChiniquyFifty Years in the Church of RomeTwo Interesting ExcerptsA Gift for YouJohn WesleyAccount of Christian PerfectionThe Use of MoneyJames Hudson TaylorUnion and CommunionMeditations: devotionalsMeditations On First PsalmMeditations On The History of JobMeditations On The Book of RuthMeditations On Cross-BearingMeditations On The Great FatherA Letter from Dr. Hudson TaylorTimely SuppliesA New Year's AddressFellowshipSection Index\"\"From the Editor's Desktop\"\"/T.StewartWhy Did God Allow It?Lessons of ColumbineIn the Presence of Mine EnemiesPre-Trib. Rapture Confidence GameWhy Will There Be a Tribulation?Don't Worry About the RaptureHonor of the 11th Hour LabourersAntinomianism- The Popular HeresyBehold, I Come QuicklyLaodicea-- What Happened?If My WORDS Abide In YouAn Impossible Standard?JFK, Jr.: America's Departed PrinceThe Difficulty of RichesHave You Heard A Still Small Voice?There Shall Be EarthquakesC. G. Finney on Christian PerfectionThe New MillenniumWhy Does the Wind Blow?The Power of PreservationGideon and the Pre-Trib. RaptureThe Betrayal of Martin LutherThe Vicious Cycle of ProsperityThanks Be Unto GodHugh Latimer: Example of CourageChrist's Human SinlessnessAlone, But Not LonelyThe Mainspring of Moral ActionWhat Is Mercy?God's Strange WorkSir Robert Anderson and 70 WeeksChristian SeparationOur Rare EarthUnited Religions (2000)Who Has the Right to Judge?The Most Negative Verse in the BibleThe Necessity of SufferingChina's Future in ScriptureSurvival of the FittestBut Where Are the Nine?Baby Boomers: Why Shall We Live?A Little LeavenCold War & Spiritual WarfareWhen Will the Violence Cease?Love and VengeanceDo Not LitterFinney on Blasphemy of Holy SpiritGod Is In the DetailsAll Things NewA Crisis in America?Treasure: True Christian FriendshipThe Excellence of LoveUnlocking the Secret of LifeIn Better Hands Than We DeserveIf I Were GodDiscovering GodHelp for Those Who Need PatienceRepent After Mark of the Beast?Living By FaithWhy Study Prophecy?The Second Coming of Jesus ChristArmageddon and Great Crack in EarthWhat's Wrong with the Golden Rule?Lead Us Not Into TemptationWhat Happened in Gethsemane?St.Patrick:Trinity & the ShamrockThe Danger of Modern ProphetsCommuning With GodWhat is God Teaching You?When You Are Ready to PanicIf Jesus Never CameAttack on the WTC and the PentagonGuarantee Obedience?God Cannot WaitSecret of Abiding in ChristChristian, Be Ready!Story Behind \"\"I Heard the Bells...\"\"Pray for the Burnhams' ReleaseSeek God FirstBeasts of ApocalypseOur Light Afflictions Work for UsThe Beast That Was and Is Not Yet IsStand Right and Stand FastSex Scandal in Catholic ChurchWhy God Must Prove UsA Place Called SafeThings Don't Just HappenThe Eyes of FaithEarthquakes & the RaptureDNA & Book of LifeSocialSecurity,StockMarket,UnemploymentThe Magi & Star of BethlehemI Shall Come Forth As GoldThe Failure of ProphecyWe Must See JesusOnly God Is GoodLove Makes the World Go RoundHistorical PerspectiveRevenge of the WormsWhen Everything Seems to FailCrucifixion of ChristWhat Saith the Scripture? A Way of LifeWhat is a Famine?Why I Use the King James VersionHow Evolution Undermines SaviorSin Can Be PreventedThe Da Vinci Code Effect\"\"Keeping Covenant\"\" / Tom StewartThe Promise of the SpiritA Covenant of PeaceGod of the Rear GuardThou Maintainest My Lot\"\"What the Bible Says About...\"\"Suicide / Tom StewartAbortion / Katie StewartLuck & Gambling / Tom StewartTemptation /Tom & Katie StewartDebt / C. G. FinneyWhat Every Man Knows/ T.StewartContentment/ Tom StewartFalse Teachers/ Tom StewartWhy Did Jesus Have to Suffer?AngelsHeavenTom StewartWhat We BelieveUrgent Call to Christian PerfectionHow to Succeed in Christian LifeHow to Promote Beauties of HolinessThe Death of SelfishnessHow to be HappyDon't Give Up On GodThe Essence of EvilThe First ThanksgivingMartin Burnham Went to HeavenChristian Response to TerrorismFinney's Disinterested BenevolenceMajesty of the Atonement of JesusWhat is Man?Must We Then Sin?Victory Over TemptationThat Ye May Know Ye Have LifeFaith Only Condition for Salvation?He That Endureth to the EndHe Will Subdue Our IniquitiesSpirit of Slavery- Part 1Spirit of Slavery- Part 2Good Days, Better DaysEarnest Appeal to Roman CatholicsSalvation is of the JewsChurch of Philadelphia Hall of FameOn the Importance of Being HopefulThe Subtle TrapHow to Trust GodJudge Righteous JudgmentHow to Deal With BackslidersMy Doctrine Is Not MinePerfect PeaceNo More PainOn Preparing for the RapturePresident Bill Clinton's RegretConcerning Emanuel SwedenborgChristian vs. Public School EducationNothing Happens By AccidentKatie StewartMandatory Traits of A True ChristianIntroductionTrait 1: LovingTrait 1: JoyfulDeliver Us From This Evil WorldAdoption in the BelovedGod Has Done Nothing WrongThe TruthHold the Fort!Only God Can Change A HeartSeek the LORDEscaping the Lie of the SerpentThe Blessings of Sound WisdomWithout Love, I Am NothingTrue Repentance and ForgivnessPerfectionAn Open Letter- 'Probably'If the Shoe FitsTom and KatieThe Beauty of Holiness- Part 1How to Promote Beau. Holin.- Pt2The Beginnings of SorrowsLest We ForgetDavid StewartWait Upon the LORD - NoahWait Upon the LORD - AbrahamWait Upon the LORD - JosephCharles G. FinneyLove of God for Sinners AllJesus Christ, the Hope in YouCharles H. SpurgeonA Caution to the PresumptuousGlory!Finney and SpurgeonWhat About the Hypocrites?Zola LevittDecember 1997April 1999Lester RoloffThe Just Shall Live By FaithHow to Go On When You Can'tJustification / BunyanDeliverance! / GunnThe Mistake of Lot / HallSwedenborgianism / HostePromisesSection IndexPreciousBiblePromises/ClarkeHow I Know God Answers Prayer/GoforthTom StewartExceedin Great & Precious PromisesAccording to Your FaithPollyanna, Rejoicing, PromisesKatie StewartIn God We TrustIntercession Promises: Casting NetWhat is the Prayer of Faith?All the Promises in Christ are YeaEvery One That is Born of the SpiritPatience & Endurance in the LORDBodily Health in the LORDSanctification in the LORDOur Children in the LORDTemperance in the LORDForgiveness in the LORDDeliverance in the LORDConfidence in the LORDMartyrdom in the LORDSalvation in the LORDProvision in the LORDJudgment in the LORDGuidance in the LORDMiracles in the LORDApproval in the LORDComfort in the LORDFulness in the LORDAbiding in the LORDWisdom in the LORDHealing in the LORDVictory in the LORDFavour in the LORDSafety in the LORDPower in the LORDMercy in the LORDPeace in the LORDUnity in the LORDHope in the LORDLove in the LORDHelp in the LORDJoy in the LORDHis ComingBuilding Up Your Most Holy FaithThe Victory List / GunnEmergency Phone Numbers/ anon.StoriesSection IndexJohn BunyanThe Pilgrim's Progress-Part 1The Pilgrim's Progress-Part 2Patience For His ComingSpurgeon on Bunyan / SpurgeonStories of Faith: with illustrationsThe Burning Fiery FurnaceNoah's ArkElijah & the Prophets of BaalPaul,The Christian Hero/MoodyMoses,Servant of God- Part 1Moses,Servant of God- Part 2Young People's Illustrated Bible History (1875)First portions of the New TestamentFirst portions of the Old TestamentNext portions of the New TestamentStories of ConversionThe Conversion of Martin LutherThe Conversion of Abraham LincolnThe Conversion of SpurgeonSt. Patrick's ConfessionAn Allegory / IrvineIn His Steps / SheldonSt.Patrick & Druid Priests/ Wylie\"\"I Love You, Jesus\"\" Day/K.StewartThe Beggar & The Coin / EastmanHis Son for Me / anon.Who'll Take The Son? / anon.Wycliffe's Last Days / WylieA Wall of Fire / anon.A Vision of the Lost / BoothOne Foolish Moment / FinneyThe Way Back to Emmaus/ FiechterEnduring Tribulations / anon.I AM / LevittBanner Cry / anon.A Prophetic Dream / anon.The Reading of Psalm 23 / anon.Words From A Friend / anon.Plot to Murder Mr. Lincoln / ChiniquyLincoln's National Prayer & Fast DayLincoln's Thanksgiving ProclamationA Thanksgiving Turkey / anon.Christmas Verses / KJVThe Christmas Story / KJVThe Virgin Birth / PaisleyA Christmas Carol / DickensChristmas in China / anon.Jonathan Goforth's Favorite StoryPoetrySection IndexThe Bronte SistersIf This Be All / AnneLife / CharlotteAppeal / AnneFaith & Despondency / EmilyMusic on Christmas Morning / AnneThe Penitent / AnneNo Coward Soul is Mine / EmilyFrom Your Mother/ E.J.C.Immanuel / C.H.SpurgeonThe King Draws Near/ A.J. GordonThe Watered Lilies / Anon.Peace Be Still / David StewartI Should Have Known- Hell Is RealTemporal Things Spiritualized/BunyanHymnal PoetryOnly a Branch / HanburyTime Is Drawing Near / JonesDivine Scheme / FinneyThe True Course / anon.See the Day of God Appear/ anon.Mighty Fortress Is Our God:Hymn PoetryAmazing Grace:Hymn PoetryCome, Ye Thankful People:Hymn PoetryTopical LinksOn SalvationOn CatholicismOn Sound DoctrineOn Prayer\" Paul did not just write about a joyful attitude when suffering through the trials of life; he evidenced it. He said that he took pleasure in these trials for the sake of Christ because when he was at his weakest point, it was then that he was strong through the power of Jesus Christ.ames took a rather unusual view of trials in his writings when he said: 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.", "Analysis: Whatâs Up With the Title? Casks, by the way, are barrels for storing wine or other drinks, and they come in many sizes. Montresor tells Fortunato he has a “pipe of what passes for Amontillado.” In this context, “pipe” and “cask” mean the same thing. As you may have suspected, “cask” also literally means “casket.” This is important because, though Fortunato seeks a cask of Amontillado, he finds a casket of death. Now that we know the literal meaning of the title (barrel of wine) we can try to get at the figurative meaning or meanings. Why are we so sure there are figurative meanings? Because Poe says there are.", "Caput Caput, a Latin word meaning literally head and by metonymy top, has been borrowed in a variety of English words, including capital, captain, and decapitate. The surname Caputo, common in the Campania region of Italy, comes from the appellation used by some Roman military generals. A variant form has surfaced more recently in the title Capo (or Caporegime), the head of La Cosa Nostra.", "- A summary of Act V, scene ii in William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Hamlet and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.", "BLOOM Noun. 1. carpel-a simple pistil or one element of a compound pistil. blossom, flower, bloom-reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts. pistil-the female ovule-bearing part of a flower composed of ovary and style and stigma.", "Lapel lapel, Lapels are the folded flaps of cloth on the front of a jacket or coat, and are most commonly found on formal clothing and suit jackets. Usually they are Cookies help us deliver our services.", "608 Disclosure [R-11.2013] Keywords: writing, template, sixth, edition, APA, format, style, self-discipline. Title of Paper Gets Repeated Here Exactly As It Appears On The First Page. This is where the body of your paper begins. Note that the title of your paper appears at the top of your introduction even though other sections begin with headings like “Method”, “Results” and so on. The rest of the text in this template provides hints about properly generating the parts of your APA-formatted paper. Notice that there is no extra spacing between the paragraphs or sections. The major components of your paper (abstract, body, references, etc.) each begin on a new page.", "What is the main function of carpels? A carpel is the innermost part of a flower. It is usually surrounded by male reproductive structures called stamens, both of which are surrounded by petals. The petals of flowers are often large and brightly colored. Before the flower opens, the petals are protected by sepals, which are usually green.", "- Name: _____________________________. Context Clues 3.3. Directions: read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross sentence clues or your prior knowledge. Then, explain what clues in the sentence helped you determine the word meaning. 1. intrepid: One might think that the child would be afraid of such a large animal, but the intrepid young girl ran up to the beast and began scratching it behind the ears.", "Paragraphs and Topic Sentences The following paragraph illustrates this pattern of organization. In this paragraph the topic sentence and concluding sentence (CAPITALIZED) both help the reader keep the paragraph’s main point in mind. SCIENTISTS HAVE LEARNED TO SUPPLEMENT THE SENSE OF SIGHT IN NUMEROUS WAYS.", "lapelnoun [ C] lapel meaning, definition, what is lapel: a strip of cloth that is part of the front of a jacket or coat. It is joined to the…. Learn more.", "- The noun CAPITOL has 2 senses: 1. a building occupied by a state legislature. 2. the government building in Washington where the United States Senate and the House of Representatives meet. Familiarity information: CAPITOL used as a noun is rare.", "- Capitol is fundamentally a concrete noun, meaning a building where the highest officials, or at least the legislators, of a government have their offices. However, like most … English nouns, Capitol can also be used as a substantive adjective in such phrases as Capitol dome and Capitol Police.", "- 1a chiefly British : cupelb (1) : a critical examination, observation, or evaluation : trial; specifically : the procedure of submitting a statement to such conditions or operations as will lead to its proof or disproof or to its acceptance or rejection a test of a statistical hypothesis (2) : a basis for evaluation : criterionc : an ordeal or oath ...", "Elite [Dominance] Theory and the Revolt of the Elite (Silent Coup, or Revolt of the Rich under Neoliberalism) Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Hamlet Act 1, scene 4 Marcellus: Something's rotten in the State of Denmark. There's a reason he says state of Denmark rather than just Denmark: the fish is rotting from the head down—all is not well at the top of the political hierarchy.", "- Chapeau. Chapeau is a French term signifying a hat or other covering for the head. In mainland European heraldry, it is used as a mark of ecclesiastical dignity, especially that of cardinals, which is called the red chapeau. It is worn over the shield by way of crest, as mitres and coronets are.", "All caps All caps. In typography, all caps, rarely ALL CAPS, (short for all capitals) refers to text or a font in which all letters are capital letters. All caps may be used for emphasis (for a word or phrase). They are commonly seen in the titles on book covers, in advertisements and in newspaper headlines. Short strings of words in capital letters appear bolder and louder than mixed case, and this is sometimes referred to as shouting.", "Mission at Nuremberg: An Army Chaplain and the Trial of the Nazis Mission at Nuremberg: An Army Chaplain and the Trial of the Nazis. Wilhelm Keitel had been general field marshal, second only to Adolf Hitler in Germany’s military hierarchy. Now, on a cold, rainy October morning, at 1:00 a.m. in 1946, he stood shackled to a guard outside cell 8 of Nuremberg’s Palace of Justice. In half an hour, Keitel would be hanging by his neck from a rope, his hands tied behind his back with a leather bootlace, a black hood over his head.", "Unit 4: Clauses and Sentence Structure Directions: label each sentence dec for declarative sentence or imp for imperative sentence. _IMP_ Always wear eye protection in the laboratory. _DEC_ The backyard was flooded after the strong rains. _IMP_ Come to my house after band practice. _IMP_ Slowly pour the solution into the beaker. _DEC_ The spaghetti was cold by the time we sat down to eat.", "correspond represent-take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to; Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an 'h' in Greek stands for an 's' in Latin. stand for, correspond. equal, be-be identical or equivalent to; One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!.", "- Looking for online definition of CAPSTONE or what CAPSTONE stands for? CAPSTONE is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms CAPSTONE - What does CAPSTONE stand for? The Free Dictionary", "- But this use is scarcely correct, unless the superiority consists in the seniority of the title spoken of as “paramount.” See Hoopes T. Meyer, 1 Nev. 444. Filed Under: Uncategorized", "Joint Publication 1-02 Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segment (DCAPES), for the planning, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment and reconstitution of forces. It covers the procedures and stan-dards that govern operations planning and execution throughout the Air Force. It also carries out the" ]
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what county is hinckley maine
[ "Fairfield, Maine Fairfield, Maine. Fairfield is a town in Somerset County, Maine, United States. The population was 6,735 at the 2010 census. The town includes Fairfield Center, Fairfield village and Hinckley, and borders the city of Waterville to the south. It is home to the Good Will-Hinckley School, Lawrence High School and Kennebec Valley Community College." ]
[ "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Kennedale Government County Parish. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Redkey Redkey, Indiana. Redkey is a town in Richland Township, Jay County, Indiana, United States. The population was 1,353 at the 2010 census.", "Shirley, Maine Shirley is a town in Piscataquis County, Maine, United States. The town was named after Shirley, Massachusetts. The population was 233 at the 2010 census.", "- Cherokee, the pioneer and the coal miner. Sequatchie County and the City of Dunlap provide a wealth of. opportunities for visitors and residents. Explore the historic coke. ovens and learn about coal mining in the region, or get a birds-eye. view riding the air currents in a hang glider. Downtown Dunlap features.", "- Hockley, TX Homefacts Overview of Harris County includes data on offenders, schools, foreclosures, environmental hazards, and more.", "- Hendricks is a small community located in Lincoln County in Southwestern Minnesota. It is situated on the East shores of Lake Hendricks. Lake Hendricks is a beautiful interstate lake providing recreational opportunities such as camping, fishing, boating, water-skiing, swimming, etc.", "Akeley, Minnesota Akeley, MN. Sponsored Topics. Akeley is a city in Hubbard County, Minnesota, USA. The population was 432 at the 2010 census. Minnesota State Highways 34 and 64 are two of the main arterial routes in the community. As of the Census of 2000, there were 412 people, 179 households, and 119 families residing in the city.", "- Tourist attractions: Chester County - Courthouse- Henrietta Hankin (Cultural Attractions- Events- & Facilities; 215 Windgate Drive), Downingtown Hist Society (849 East Lancaster Av). Hotel: Edges Mill Inn Bed & Breakfast (4701 Edges Mill Rd).", "- All documents that are recorded in the Register of Deeds office in Dane County are. available on DocLink. Properties in the City of Madison may be searched by using the. Parcel Number or Owner Name search functions, however, the search by recorded.", "Idaho County Properties Home and Land Listings Grangeville is the county seat of Idaho County and the location of Idaho County Courthouse. Take a look at the featured showcase of listings below, all located inside the parameters of Idaho County from Kamiah to Elk City down to Riggins and back up to Cottonwood.", "INDEX, PORTFOLIO & RISK SOLUTIONS Riley County and the City of Manhattan makes no representation of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use, nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the information, data or services furnished herein.", "- Providing economic opportunity to the people of York County, Maine. Having reliable transportation is what provides each of us the ability to access the programs and services everyone needs to thrive.", "- Maine Places. Maine Resource Guide: Buckfield, Oxford County. New Search. County · Incorporated · Previous Designations · Boundary Changes · Villages, Locations and Settlements · Adjacent Towns and Townships · Maps · Cemeteries · Military Records · Vital Records · Miscellaneous Resources · General Resources · Bibliography.", "Rangeley Lake Rangeley Lake. Rangeley Lake is located in Franklin County, Maine in the United States. It is fed by several streams.", "- Genealogy and Local History: Local. Suggested CDPL databases to get started: Local History Collection: Search the entire CDPL Local History collection for both catalogued and uncatalogued items. Cemeteries of Montgomery County:Contains readings of county tombstones dating from the early 1800s to 1981.", "- Dimondale is located in Eaton Countys northeastern Windsor Township. It lies a couple miles south of the intersection of I-96 and US-27 and is situated on the Grand River.", "- Kennedale Tarrant County Precinct 2. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Fridley, Minnesota Fridley is a city in Anoka County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 27,208 at the 2010 census. It was incorporated in 1949 as a village and became a city in 1957. It is part of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Fridley is a first ring or inner ring suburb in the northern part of the Twin Cities.", "- Oxford County, Maine, Greenwood, Maine. 198 likes. Oxford County is a county located in the state of Maine, in the United States. As of the 2010 Census,...", "- A history of Buckfield, Oxford County, Maine, from the earliest explorations to the close of the year 1900. by Cole, Alfred, 1843-1913; Whitman, Charles Foster, 1848-. Published 1915.", "- General Bradley Information Kankakee County where Bradley resides is 681.44 square miles. The resident population of this county is 103,833 and has a population rank of 511 out of all the places in the United States. Bradley has a total of 12,784 people and of those residents there are 6,203 males and 6,581 females.", "BUCKFIELD, OXFORD COUNTY, NORTHWEST, MAINE LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 57 listings Buckfield, Oxford County, Maine Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Buckfield, Oxford County, Maine? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Buckfield, Oxford County, Maine, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "- Maine Places. Maine Resource Guide: Windham, Cumberland County. New Search. County · Incorporated · Previous Designations · Villages, Locations and Settlements · Adjacent Towns and Townships · Maps · Cemeteries · Church Records · Military Records · Newspapers · Vital Records · Miscellaneous Resources · General Resources · Bibliography.", "- Middlebury Addison County. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Online Document searching, provided by the McLennan County County Clerk officeDISCLAIMER Online Document searching, provided by the. McLennan County County Clerk office. DISCLAIMER. This search site is provided as a service to our customers. We make no warranty or guarantee regarding the accuracy or reliability of the content on this site or other sites to which we are linked. All data contained herein is subject to change without notice.", "- Navigating the Department Pages. Lincoln County departments are listed on the left side of your screen; they are also listed under Departments Menu in the banner above. Mouse over the department name to access department information. Additional information may display to the right of the department name. Click to access the information.", "- Plaque to John Golland on the side of the Town Hall. Dukinfield in now part of Tameside but was historically in the county of Cheshire and is covered in Pevsner's Buildings of England in the volume on Cheshire. Dukinfield is separated from Ashton under Lyne, which is in Lancashire, by the river Tame.ukinfield in now part of Tameside but was historically in the county of Cheshire and is covered in Pevsner's Buildings of England in the volume on Cheshire. Dukinfield is separated from Ashton under Lyne, which is in Lancashire, by the river Tame.", "- County Road 101 reconstruction. Minnetonka. Hennepin County is reconstructing County Road 101 from County Road 62 to Hutchins Drive and making improvements to nearby city streets as part of this project. Sign up for updates for this segment of County Road 101.", "Windham, Maine Windham is a town in Cumberland County, Maine, United States. The population was 17,001 at the 2010 census. It includes the villages of South Windham and North Windham. It is part of the Portland–South Portland–Biddeford, Maine Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Anoka County, Minnesota It was then attached to Anoka County by constitutional amendment November 2, 1869. It later became known as Fridley in 1879. The first white men to explore what is now Anoka County were the Franciscan friar Louis Hennepin and two others in his party." ]
[ 15.71875 ]
[ -0.497314453125, 0.33984375, 6.6328125, -1.314453125, 0.681640625, 1.4580078125, 0.79296875, 0.80908203125, 0.332763671875, 0.1549072265625, -0.45849609375, 7.87109375, 6.55078125, 5.5859375, 0.7568359375, 0.0509033203125, -0.56103515625, 0.87939453125, 9.4453125, 6.29296875, -0.52392578125, 5.75, 6.45703125, 0.78076171875, 1.0859375, 5.82421875, 0.7099609375, 0.568359375, 7.46875, 0.40380859375 ]
what does crm stand for in hr
[ "The Difference Between CRM and ERP CRM and ERP are two important technology acronyms that businesses need to know. Both are valuable business software solutions but each system is used to manage and achieve very different business goals. In this Webopedia article we'll explain the role of CRM and ERP in business today. CRM is an abbreviation for customer relationship management and is a phrase used to describe all aspects of interaction that a company has with its customer, whether it is sales or service-related." ]
[ "What Is Human Resource Management? Updated August 09, 2016. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on the recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in an organization. As you can imagine, all of the processes and programs that are touched by people are part of the HR kingdom.", "Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) Services Provided. OHRM provides policies and guidance with regard to staffing, recruitment, classification, pay and leave administration, performance management and recognition, work life and employee benefits.", "SRM Definitions Certified Reference Material (CRM) - Reference material characterized by a metrologically valid procedure for one or more specified properties, accompanied by a certificate that provides the value of the specified property, its associated uncertainty, and a statement of metrological traceability.", "- Job seekers. For over 40 years, RCM has matched many of the nation’s finest healthcare institutions with the most qualified, dedicated candidates available. We specialize in long-term and short-term staffing, as well as permanent placement of Rehabilitation, Nursing, Health Information Management., and Allied Healthcare Professionals and Physicians.", "The Challenge of Human Resources Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation The Challenge of Human Resources Management. The Challenges of Human Resources Management. What is HRM?. The process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns. Slideshow 3054473 by joylyn Toggle navigation", "- CRM (customer relationship management) is all aspects of interactions that a company has with its customers, whether it is sales or service-related. While the phrase customer relationship management is most commonly used to describe a business-customer relationship (B2C), CRM is also used to manage business to business (B2B) relationships. Information tracked in a CRM system includes contacts, clients, contract wins and sales leads and more.", "What is CRM? Turns out it can mean different things to different businesses. Perhaps in no other industry are acronyms bandied about as in technology, especially business technology. CRM is one such widely-used acronym that stands for Customer Relationship Management. Mention CRM and many listeners' eyes will glaze over with boredom-but that's probably because they don't really understand what it is.", "- Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization. The responsibilities of a human resource manager fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work.", "- RMA stands for Resource Management Account. Suggest new definition. This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: 1 Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc.", "Human Resource Management Related Terms:Employee Benefits; Employee Compensation; Employee Manual. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization. The responsibilities of a human resource manager fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work.", "Crm In Banking Sector New Age Banks Marketing Essay CRM is variously misunderstood as an expensive software product, a fancy sales strategy, or even a new method of data collection. However, CRM in the Indian banking system is fundamental to building a customer-centric organization as it links customer data into a logical and single customer repository.", "human resource management (HRM) Use 'human resource management (HRM)' in a Sentence. 1 I got hired for the job and had to check go to the Human Resource Management in order to find out what shots I needed before I could start. 2 It is a good idea to have a good human resource management team so that all of your employees know who to turn to.", "What does RPMstand for? Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of RPM? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: rplc - rpll - rpls - rplu - rply - rpma - rpmb - rpmb (cber) - rpmc - rpmcc", "- Customer Relationship Management Definition. Customer Relationship Management (or CRM) describes a business computer system for managing its interactions with its customers. A CRM system is an essential tool for business today that helps you manage your customers, sales and marketing.", "Customer relationship management Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to manage a company's interaction with current and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers' history with a company to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth.", "What is Customer Relationship Management or CRM? CRM is an acronym that stands for Customer Relationship Management. It describes the strategy that a company uses to handle customer interactions. One example of a common CRM strategy is the rewards card program offered by many supermarkets. The store gives its customers a free card that gives them access to special deals and discounts when they swipe the card during checkout.", "The ICRM's Mission Mission Statement To certify Records and Information Management professionals as Certified Records Managers (CRM) and administer a certification maintenance program. Careers Announcements", "- 'CCM', All Acronyms, 24 January 2018, <http://www.allacronyms.com/CCM/medical> [accessed 24 January 2018] Bluebook All Acronyms, CCM (Jan. 24, 2018, 12:01 AM), available at http://www.allacronyms.com/CCM/medical. CSE All Acronyms. CCM [Internet]; January 24, 2018 [cited 2018 JAN 24]. Available from: http://www.allacronyms.com/CCM/medical. MHRA 'CCM', All Acronyms, 24 January 2018, <http://www.allacronyms.com/CCM/medical> [accessed 24 January 2018] Bluebook All Acronyms, CCM (Jan. 24, 2018, 12:01 AM), available at http://www.allacronyms.com/CCM/medical. CSE All Acronyms. CCM [Internet]; January 24, 2018 [cited 2018 JAN 24].", "Human Resource Management (HRM) - Definition and Concept Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of managing people in organizations in a structured and thorough manner. HR manager is responsible for managing employee expectations vis-à-vis the management objectives.", "- Not to be confused with Human resources. Human resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems.", "Want more awesome content? Sign up for our newsletter. If you are a business owner or a sales manager, you’ve probably heard the term “ CRM .” But what does it really mean? C-R-M stands for Customer Relationship Management. At its simplest, a CRM system allows businesses to manage business relationships and the data and information associated with them.", "5 Methods to Find Your Best CRM Channels If the goal of customer relationship management (CRM) is to meet consumers’ needs on an individual basis, then there’s not much more Hyundai could’ve done to help “Joe Sample” of “Any Town” arrive on time for the 45,000-mile service check on his Santa Fe.", "Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Customer relationship management (CRM) refers to a strategy widely used by companies and organizations (including related integrated information systems and technology, often in the form of software) to record and manage their overall data and interactions with current, past and potential customers.", "Difference Between HRM and HRD Difference Between HRM and HRD. HRM stands for human resources management, which refers to the art of managing all aspects of the human work force at a company or organization. HRM aims at providing an optimal working environment for employees to fully and freely utilize their skills to their best to achieve the company’s intended output.", "Difference Between HRM and HRD HRM vs HRD. HRM stands for human resources management, which refers to the art of managing all aspects of the human work force at a company or organization. HRM aims at providing an optimal working environment for employees to fully and freely utilize their skills to their best to achieve the company’s intended output.", "- These activities fall in the domain of HRM. Human Resource Management is a process, which consists of. four main activities, namely, acquisition, development, motivation, as well as maintenance of human resources.", "human resource management (HRM) Human Resource Management includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the job, orienting and training, managing wages and salaries, providing benefits and incentives, evaluating performance, resolving disputes, and communicating with all employees at all levels.", "- CRM stands for customer relationship management and is a system that allows companies to manage relationships, data, and information tied to their customers, leads, and prospects. A CRM can analyze all interactions and touchpoints throughout the customer lifecycle, which can then help with both acquisition and retention.", "- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - A CRM system is a business tool that allows you to manage all your customers, partners and prospects information all in one place. Customer Relationship Management CRM - Harley-Davidson begins the Harley Owners Group. to encourage customer involvement. 3 ...", "Recruitment For other uses, see Recruitment (disambiguation). Recruitment (hiring) is a core function of human resource management. Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an organization." ]
[ 11.1328125 ]
[ 7.546875, 5.23828125, 9.15625, 4.8671875, 5.171875, 11.1640625, 12.8671875, 8.328125, 3.84375, 7.640625, 8.1015625, 6.3125, 3.146484375, 11.8125, 12.4296875, 13.109375, 10.40625, 3.634765625, 7.34375, 8.6015625, 13, 9.53125, 11.8359375, 7.05859375, 7.32421875, 6.25, 7.34765625, 12.796875, 12.2734375, 6.34375 ]
what do toothed whales eat
[ "Toothed or baleen? In almost all toothed whale species, their teeth are cone-shaped and not used for chewing (the exception are Amazon River dolphins; they have two different types of teeth in their mouths). They hunt and catch one prey animal at a time, such as fish, squid, seals, sea lions and even birds." ]
[ "54 Swimming Facts about Whales 1 There are two suborders of whales to which all species of whales belong: toothed whales and baleen whales. 2 Toothed whales include sperm, killer, and beluga whales, and they prey on large fish in deep waters as their main source of food. Whales belong to the order cetacean, meaning they are mammals that are fully adapted to aquatic life. 2 Like dolphins and porpoises, whales are believed to have descended from land animals that returned to the water roughly 50 million years ago after living millions of years on land. 3 b.", "- Sperm whales are the largest toothed whales on the planet, and perhaps the most abundant of the great whales, but we rarely get to study them because they spend so much time underwater. Sperm whales are deep divers, holding their breath and diving thousands of feet down to feed on deep sea squid and fish. They spend 90% of their lives down deep where they can't be seen. Only rarely do these energetic animals take a break and rest at the surface.", "- Sperm whales are the largest toothed whales on the planet, and perhaps the most abundant of the great whales, but we rarely get to study them because they spend so much time underwater. Sperm whales are deep divers, holding their breath and diving thousands of feet down to feed on deep sea squid and fish.", "What do toads eat? Toads are carnivores and do not eat vegetation, except when they are tadpoles, when they eat freshwater algae and other water plants. Adult toads eat insects and … invertebrates, such as flies, grasshoppers, spiders, beetles, crickets, grubs, slugs, centipedes, millipedes and worms.Larger types of toad, such as cane toads, are big enough to eat small rodents like mice as well, and small lizards. Adult toads eat insects and … invertebrates, such as flies, grasshoppers, spiders, beetles, crickets, grubs, slugs, centipedes, millipedes and worms.", "- whale sharks only consumes plankton which is microscopic plants and animals, macro-algae, krill, Christmas island red crab and small nektonic life which is squid and vertebrat … es. Not other than that. There are no animals that eat killer whales. so the the answer is no.", "- ''Absolutely sensational'' new pictures are rare proof that the world's largest toothed whales feed on elusive giant squid. And if researchers are right, the photos may also show a baby whale's hunting lessons.", "Baleen whale Baleen whale (suborder Mysticeti), also called toothless whale, any cetacean possessing unique epidermal modifications of the mouth called baleen, which is used to filter food from water. Baleen whales seek out concentrations of small planktonic animals. The whales then open their mouth and take in enormous quantities of water. When the mouth is closed, they squeeze the water out through the sides, catching the tiny prey on the baleen’s bristles. (See also cetacean: Feeding adaptations).", "Toothed or baleen? Toothed whales populate all oceans of the world, and some also live in rivers. Mostly they are social animals. Some dolphin species, including orcas, form close groups or pods that can get as big as 1000 animals.", "Whales and dolphins of South Africa Dolphins are in fact small, toothed whales of the family Delphinidae. All species of Cetacea have a horizontally flattened tail (fluke) and flattened forelimbs forming the pectoral fins whilst most species have a boneless (dorsal) fin on the back.", "What do tadpoles eat? When they are froglets (tadpoles with front and back legs but still have tails) they can eat tiny fruit flies or, if big enough, very small crickets. baby tadpoles eat only algae and small saplings in aquatic boiled lettuce agile Tadpoles start out eating their own yolk sacks.", "How do Whales Eat? But there’s a second correct answer – some whales eat ocean creatures called plankton that are so small they are hard for us to see. Now think about how whales eat fish and squid. That’s easy – pretty much the way you eat your dinner, by using your teeth.", "- Cane Toads eat almost anything they can swallow, including pet food, carrion and household scraps, but most of their food is living insects. Beetles, honey bees, ants, winged termites, crickets and bugs are eaten in abundance.", "What Do Killer Whales Eat? Killer whales that live near land have also been known to attack and eat other marine mammals. Some of these mammals include seals, sea lions, walruses, penguins, seabirds, sea otters and even whales. Here’s a list of some of the most interesting foods found in a killer whales stomach: 1 Whales. 2 Sharks. 3 Polar Bears.", "Narwhal Whale One type of toothed whale is the Narwhal Whale. It fits in about the mid range when it comes to sizes of whales. One of their distinct characteristics for the males is a tusk that is very long and straight along the jaw. Many people wonder what it is for, and assume it is for fighting.", "Orcas: Facts About Killer Whales Killer whales feed on sea birds, squid, octopuses, sea turtles, sharks, rays and fish. They also eat most marine mammals, such as seals and dugongs. The only exceptions are river dolphins and manatees, according to the IUCN. Killer whales have also been reported to eat moose, according to Sea World.", "Whale Fact Sheet Diet: Mysticeti whales rely on their baleen to feed on relatively small aquatic organisms. Their diet primarily consists on fish, krill, and plankton. Toothed whales are better equipped to grab larger, individual prey animals like fish, squid, and other invertebrates.ifferent species of whales vary drastically in terms of both size and weight. Baleen whales in the Mysticeti suborder are generally larger than those of the Odontoceti suborder. The Mysticeti group includes the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)—the largest animal ever to live on the planet.", "What do Killer Whales Eat? These cetaceans are powerful predators, which are not intimidated by large, or bulky animals, and are known to be able to attack even sharks. In general, killer whales feed on a large variety of fish, cephalopods and marine mammals.", "What do dolphins eat? Some of them eat fish like sawfish or mackerel, others eat squids and killer whales can also eat other mammals or even turtles. Nevertheless, their feeding habits are flexible depending on the habitat and the available resources.", "What do toads eat? What do toads eat? Toads are carnivores and do not eat vegetation, except when they are tadpoles, when they eat freshwater algae and other water plants. Adult toads eat insects and… invertebrates, such as flies, grasshoppers, spiders, beetles, crickets, grubs, slugs, centipedes, millipedes and worms.", "What Do Red Eared Slider Turtles Eat? Larger turtles can be offered larger items like tadpoles or feeder fish, though some experts warn that feeder fish may be carrying parasites, etc. and some fish (like goldfish) are too fatty to be fed regularly. Leafy greens: Collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, kale, and bok choy.", "Understanding Whale Teeth The other type has something very different, called baleen, instead of teeth. Toothed Whales: How They Eat. Toothed whales (or odontocetes) are so named because of the teeth in their mouths. However, a whale's teeth look very different from human or even dog teeth, for that matter.", "Long Tailed Weasel Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Habitat, Behavior Weasels prefer to consume rodents more than any other animals. The long-tailed weasel’s diet consists of chipmunks, moles, rats, shrews, squirrels, and mice. Rarely though it also eats earthworms, reptiles, bird eggs, fish, amphibians, and small birds. Weasels will also prey on bats from nursery colonies.", "List of Things That Woolly Caterpillars Eat Woolly caterpillars prefer to feed on lambs quarters, violets and clovers. They also eat dandelions, nettles, sunflower, burdock, yellow and curly docks, and most wild plants. They occasionally feed on garden plants as well, including spinach, cabbage, other greens, asters and garden herbs.", "Toothed whale Six species of baleen whales are found in Antarctica, including the huge blue whale which is the largest animal that has ever lived. It grows up to 24 metres and can weigh 84 tonnes. Other baleen species are the fin, southern right whale, sei, minke and humpback. Four species of toothed whales are found in Antarctica. Except for the sperm whale, they are much smaller than the baleen whales and weren't widely hunted. The other species are the southern bottlenose whale, the orca whale and the southern fourtooth whale.", "- The toothed whales are carnivorous, and the baleen whales strain tiny animals and plants from the ocean. Since the baleen whales eat both the tiny plants and animals, they probably aren't herbivores. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on whales and on plankton.", "- In general, whales do not eat sea turtles. I suppose it is a possibility when turtles are young and small that a dolphin, orca, or other toothed whale might try to eat a turtle if it happens upon it. Turtles are not, however, the usual prey of whales. Thanks for your question.", "Eastern Screech-Owl Life History Eastern Screech-Owls eat most kinds of small animals, including birds and mammals as well as surprisingly large numbers of earthworms, insects, crayfish, tadpoles, frogs, and lizards. They eat many kinds of mammals, including rats, mice, squirrels, moles, and rabbits.", "Long-tailed Weasel ( Mustela frenataEmmons) Small rodents such as mice and voles are the preferred prey but long-tailed weasels also eat moles, shrews, tree squirrels, chipmunks and snowshoe hares. Both sexes may consume insects, earthworms, frogs, snakes, birds and bird’s eggs, especially when small mammals are scarce.", "- Wolves mainly eat the snowshoe hare. However, they aren't the only animal that does. There are many others like bobcats, foxes, crows, coyotes, large hawks, and snowy owls. Ev…en though they have several enemies, they are still not an endangered species.", "What Do Whales Eat? Gray whales are unique to the species because they are one of the only whales that consistently eat from the bottom of the ocean. In order to obtain food these whales will swim to the bottom of the ocean and role on their side; causing the water to lift up various sea sediments and prey." ]
[ 14.8828125 ]
[ 12.140625, 12.3359375, 12.59375, 3.916015625, 6.60546875, 13.671875, 9.296875, 9.875, 8.5859375, 1.150390625, 10.1953125, 0.27001953125, 10.2421875, 8.1640625, 10.34375, 12.6015625, 9.7734375, 8.8203125, 3.203125, 1.068359375, 11.4921875, 0.0223388671875, -1.15625, 10.0546875, 13.4921875, 11.125, 0.77099609375, 0.08013916015625, 1.5927734375, 8.828125 ]
are bulbasaur and squirtle the same color
[ "Pokemon Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle Metal Charm Keychain The colors are correct, but they aren't as bright or saturated as they normally appear in the anime or in the games. Charmander is more of a pale yellow-orange instead of a orange-red, Bulbasaur's bulb seems more akin to military camo, and Squirtle is a darker blue than usual. The chain length isn't too long, though, and all in all it is a really nice product." ]
[ "- Blush Rose Color. Give your jewelry designs a romantic touch of sparkle with the Blush Rose color from Swarovski. Blush Rose is a deep pink color reminiscent of blush on the cheeks or delicious rose petals. This warm and luscious tone is feminine and sultry all at once. You'll love the rich, sweet accents it brings to designs.", "Brussels sprout Brussels sprouts are a cultivar group of the same species as cabbage, in the same family as collard greens, broccoli, kale, and kohlrabi; they are cruciferous (they belong to the Brassicaceae family; old name Cruciferae). Many cultivars are available, some being purple in colour, such as 'Ruby Crunch' or 'Red Bull'.", "Mixing finishes - Stainless vs satin nickel vs brushed steel Light fixtures are a separate realm. People even mix polished and brushed. Rule of thumb tends to be try to stay with nickels (brushed, polished, etc.) they will have the same brownish cast undertones. Stainless and satin nickel are very similar in color. I think if you mixed stainless, brushed steel and satin nickel you will be happy.", "bustle 1 activity, stir, fuss, commotion, 1630s, from bustle (v.). padding in a skirt, 1788, of uncertain origin, perhaps from German Buschel bunch, pad, or it might be a special use of bustle (n.1) with reference to rustling motion..", "- For all practical purposes, there is no such thing as a Purple Squirrel; not in nature and not in the job market. It is a metaphor used by recruiters to identify the unrealistic expectations of a client company.The term “Purple Squirrel” is a recruiter's term for the elusive Candidate, with exactly the right qualifications and experience, to match the Client’s role”. The term is synonymous with the term “ideal candidate”.", "- Shop Brown Programs. Marsala, Pantone’s “Color of the Year” is a rich, red-brown that coincidentally looks fabulous with many other colors. Pairing a luxurious shade of brown with turquoise and such sophisticated neutrals like ivory and slate, makes a fresh and bold statement. Go trendy! Marry a Marsala-esque brown with a statement-making graphic to give your wedding stationery a rich, warm and modern edge.", "Grossular The name grossular is derived from the botanical name for the gooseberry, grossularia, in reference to the green garnet of this composition that is found in Siberia. Other shades include cinnamon brown (cinnamon stone variety), red, and yellow. Grossular is a gemstone.", "- Gold is a highly valued mineral that may initially be confused with massive chalcopyrite. Indeed, chalcopyrite is often referred to as ‘Fool’s Gold’. The two may be distinguished by chalcopyrite’s color and brittle nature. Chalcopyrite has a brassy yellow color that is distinct from gold’s more buttery yellow. Gold is also very ductile and easily deformed by pressure, whereas chalcopyrite is brittle and will shatter if struck.", "FLUORITE Fluorite. Originally referred to as fluorospar by miners, it is called, “The most colorful mineral in the world.” Usually seen in purple, but also blue, green, yellow, colorless, brown, pink, black and reddish orange.luorite. Originally referred to as fluorospar by miners, it is called, “The most colorful mineral in the world.” Usually seen in purple, but also blue, green, yellow, colorless, brown, pink, black and reddish orange.", "Colored Stone Pictures Bloodstone is a dark green variety of jasper that displays numerous splashes of red color. These red splashes remind people of blood, and that is how the stone received its name. It has been a popular gem for thousands of years.", "- It’s really quite simple. We call drinking fountains bubblers for the same reason everyone calls tissues Kleenex and inline skates Roller Blades – good branding. The twist is that – with bubblers – it just happened to be good regiona l branding. Back in 1889, a man named Harlan Huckleby designed the very first bubbler.eople in Wisconsin are down right obnoxious and obcessed with “the bubbler.” I’ve asked where the water fountain was in some Pick N Saves and this is how I was treated by employees: One girl bugged her eyes at me and said, “I thought we agreed to call it a bubbler.” even though I had never met her before.", "- Native California White Sage: Bulk, Bundles, Smudge Sticks, Feathers, Abalone Shells. We specialize in carrying authentic hand-gathered Native California White Sage for smudging rituals that cleanses the mind, body, chakra and spirit as well as other smudging herbs, shells and smudging feathers.", "Difference Between Aqua and Turquoise With regard to its own color, turquoise also seems to have a green color that slightly overpowers its blue shade. Nevertheless it’s actually the green cyan shade. The color name turquoise is also coined from the color of the gem bearing the same name. Dissimilar to aqua, the RGB values of turquoise are 64, 224, and 208. This simply tells us that turquoise has a lighter shade of both the colors green and blue when pitted against aqua. Moreover, it is but obvious that it also has a different hex triplet.", "- They explain that their parents and brother Quigley perished in a large fire and prefer to be referred to as triplets. Duncan and Isadora share classes with Violet and Klaus respectively and a close friendship develops between the triplets and the Baudelaires.", "- Historical Examples. 1 It is too smooth and blubbery; it reads like buttermilk gurgling from a jug. 2 She had forgotten the third person for the moment, forgotten that Julia, too, professed to like things blubbery.. 3 The blubbery folds under his chin crimsoned with his cheeks in complacent self-esteem. The Argus Pheasant John Charles Beecham These were azornacks, mild-tempered vegetarians whose only defense lay in their thick, blubbery hides. Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930 Various Occasionally she sighs deeply, with that blubbery, spluttery noise that all horses make when they sigh. Letters to Helen Keith Henderson It is too smooth and blubbery; it reads like butter milk gurgling from a jug.", "What colors clash the most? Blue-Orange Green-Red Purple-Yellow. It's good to wear colors by tones, such as earth tones, which are mainly green, tans, browns, water tones, which are various shades of blue and purple and fire, which are mainly red, orange, and yellow. Source(s): AnarchyONtheSHORTbus · 8 years ago.", "- Other, harmless snakes have similar colors in a different order. The rhyme red and yellow kill a fellow can help you remember that the coral snake's red and yellow colors touch, but the harmless milk snake has red touching black.", "- Chrysoberyl that exhibits a distinct change of color from red under candlelight or tungsten-filament incandescent bulbs to green in daylight or fluorescent illumination is called alexandrite. The name is applicable only when a distinct color change is visible.", "- Bulbasaur, known as Fushigidane in Japan, is a Pokemon pokémon species In nintendo And Game'freak S pokemon. Pokémon franchise Designed By, ken sugimori their name is a combination of the words bulb.. and dinosaur", "What colored swirl do you prefer? Re: What colored swirl do you prefer? Post#2 » Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:58 am. Yeah, I've heard about this before, but could somebody explain the red vs orange swirl thing to me? Both American and Japanese consoles seem to use the same reddish orange swirl.", "European sprat European sprat. The European sprat, Sprattus sprattus, also known as bristling, brisling or skipper, is a small, herring-like, marine fish. Found in European waters, it has silver grey scales and white-grey flesh. Specific seas in which the species occurs include the Irish Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea and Sea of the Hebrides.", "Sloe is the Blackthorn The fruit is five times as big as the Sloe, but likewise of a delicate bluish color. It is named from the Latin plural bullas, meaning the round bosses which the Romans put on their bridles. Lydgate (1440) used the phrase, As bright as Bullaces, in one of his poems.", "- Women's Fashion and Style: What is the difference between the color blush and the color dusty pink? So I am trying to do some online shopping and although this is a pathetic way to do it, I want a dusty pink scarf and a jacket. When I go google it, it pretty much looks like the same color swatch for both of them! I know lighting matters, but this is totally what I saw as well. A 'blush' jacket from one store looked very much like a 'dusty pink' scarf on another.", "- First, select a color corrector that is appropriate for the color of your bruise For Black, Blue & Purple Bruises, use a yellow color corrector. For Green Bruises, use a violet (or lavender, mauve, pink shade) color corrector. For Yellow Bruises, use a violet (or lavender, mauve, pink shade) color corrector.", "- Brimstone (man now calls it sulfur/sulphur) is a lemon-yellow colored stone. Brimstone means, burning stone or, the stone that burns.. At left is a picture of brimstones and powdered brimstone.When a plain brimstone (like those to the left) is exposed to the air, nothing happens--but if a match is put to it, it will burn in a peculiar way, like a liquid fire, and it emits noxious fumes.The stone melts like wax but the dripping is a peculiar thick fire, like a piece of wax on fire.hen a plain brimstone (like those to the left) is exposed to the air, nothing happens--but if a match is put to it, it will burn in a peculiar way, like a liquid fire, and it emits noxious fumes. The stone melts like wax but the dripping is a peculiar thick fire, like a piece of wax on fire.", "Byakugan 1 When the latter two readings are used, 白眼 is used to refer to the sclerae. In the anime, the Byakugan's sight is normally illustrated in an inverted black and white colour scheme, however, instances in the manga show no such changes in their sight.", "- There is a penguin holding a Puffle in the background, AND there is that giant Puffle in the back. That same Puffle is shown off in Puffle Wild. I also have some Puffle Wild app text to show you all. 1 Match 3 berries of the same color to pop them. Pick puffles from your collection for each level.", "What is it: Squalane Squalane Vs. The first thing to clear up is that squalane and squalene are the same thing. Squalane is basically a more stable version of squalene and, therefore, it is squalane that usually shows up in cosmetics.The second thing is that squalane was originally obtained from shark livers and sometimes it still is.The fish-friendly alternative is squalane made from olives.qualane Vs. The first thing to clear up is that squalane and squalene are the same thing. Squalane is basically a more stable version of squalene and, therefore, it is squalane that usually shows up in cosmetics.", "Thread: Shield vs. Buckler Shield vs. Buckler I'm not 100% up on shield termonilogy. Could someone help me out? What is the difference between a shield and a buckler? The reason I ask is this. In the Bible, Ps 91:4 says, He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. So if a shield is a shield, and a buckler is a shield, why the redundancy? Now, the tiny buckler of the Renaissance period may not be even remotely similar to the buckler of the time of", "\"A \"\"blue\"\" green snake\" For instance, blending the primary colors of blue and yellow makes.... GREEN, a secondary color. Mother Nature took her infinite palette of colors, and used blue pigments and yellow pigments to infuse the greensnake, leading, obviously, to its namesake tint." ]
[ 14.9921875 ]
[ -1.3115234375, -1.1162109375, -2.017578125, -0.9951171875, 0.11407470703125, -1.212890625, -2.224609375, -0.96337890625, -0.1185302734375, -1.4287109375, -1.1416015625, 0.1549072265625, 0.5361328125, -0.673828125, -3.712890625, -0.1405029296875, -1.5869140625, -0.1822509765625, 6.671875, -1.216796875, -3.5625, -2.00390625, -2.064453125, -0.393310546875, -0.354248046875, -2.6015625, 2.38671875, 1.6708984375, -2.208984375, 0.115478515625 ]
what is a drive by appraisal
[ "What Is a Drive-By Appraisal? Drive-by appraisals are used for gathering information rather than establishing home values. Drive-by appraisals, also called summary appraisals, are exterior inspections of homes by licensed real estate appraisers.These types of appraisals typically are used for documenting comparable listings or sales used in residential real estate appraisals required by mortgage lenders.rive-By Appraisal Usage. Mortgage lenders require a full interior and exterior appraisal using the Uniform Residential Real Estate Appraisal (Fannie Mae form 1004) for properties securing mortgage loans." ]
[ "- An appraisal method that aims at combining the benefits of narrative critical incidents and quantified ratings by anchoring a quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good or poor performance is called: 7 .", "Potter-Randall Appraisal District Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district. Potter-Randall Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Potter and Randall Counties.", "Understanding the Basics of a Real Estate Appraisal An appraisal is an opinion of value that is completed by a professional appraiser who visits and inspects the size, condition, function and quality of the home. There are a few steps in the process. Comparables – the appraiser researches similar homes in your area and compares recent sales to determine market value. 2 Final Appraisal Report – using the data gathered from the inspection and comparables research, your appraiser issues a final appraisal report.", "- A developmental appraisal may be nothing more than a check to see how the needs of the employee are fitting in with the work that they are carrying out on behalf of the organisation. The final type of appraisal is that of performance. This type may also take place formally once a year, but it should go on constantly.", "- About DCAD. Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD) is responsible for appraising property for the purpose of ad valorem property tax assessment on behalf of the 61 local governing bodies in Dallas County . The appraisal district is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. Our duties include establishing and maintaining accurate property values for all real and business personal property. The Texas Property Tax Code is the primary source of law and guidance for the Texas property tax system. This website is for informational purposes only. Title research should be performed at the appropriate County Clerk's office.", "Classic Auto Appraiser Classic Auto Appraisers is the industry leader in classic car appraisals. Classic Auto Appraisers offer a variety of appraisal services depending on your need, including: Actual Cash Value Appraisals, also known as Fair Market Appraisals or Replacement Cost Appraisals, Diminished Value Appraisals and Prior To Loss Appraisals.", "Welcome to Brown County Appraisal District! Our mission is to serve the citizens and taxing units of Brown County through the lawful, fair, and equitable appraisal of property resulting in an accurate and complete appraisal roll whereby efficient assessment and collection services will be performed on behalf of participating taxing units in a professional and courteous manner.", "- Links. Technology. Service Area. Employment. Contact Us. Fees/Forms. The appraisal business has changed a great deal during the past several years. Many lenders are now utilizing automated underwriting which specifies the type of appraisal required.We offer traditional complete appraisals with full interior inspections as well as all the new limited drive-by appraisal forms.any lenders are now utilizing automated underwriting which specifies the type of appraisal required. We offer traditional complete appraisals with full interior inspections as well as all the new limited drive-by appraisal forms.", "Welcome to Gaines County Appraisal District! Welcome to Gaines County Appraisal District! Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district. Gaines Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Gaines County.", "Closing Costs For Business Loans In order to be a valid appraisal, the authorized person will have a designation from a regulatory body governing the jurisdiction the appraiser operates within. A valuation of property (ie. real estate, a business, an antique) by the estimate of an authorized person. In order to be a valid appraisal, the authorized person will have a designation from a regulatory body governing the jurisdiction the appraiser operates within.", "Different Performance Appraisal Methods Give You Different Results But it is believed that this is the most commonly used method now. Forced Choice; The forced choice method is another performance appraisal method you can use. Appraisal is based on a choice from a number of pre-written statements. There is no provision for a rating that you think falls between two choices. This is the reason why it is called forced choice.", "- I am purchasing a home that is two years old. The home got approved for a drive by appraisal, which costs a fourth of a regular appraisal. I guess this happened because the LTV was low. am purchasing a home that is two years old. The home got approved for a drive by appraisal, which costs a fourth of a regular appraisal. I guess this happened because the LTV was low.", "- Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district. Rockwall Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Rockwall County. The district appraises property according to the Texas Property Tax Code and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP).", "Welcome to Lamb County Appraisal District Welcome to Uvalde County Appraisal District! Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district. Uvalde Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Uvalde County. The district appraises property according to the Texas Property Tax Code and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP).", "Experience the QdroDesk⢠difference. A superior QDRO preparation solution through expertise, innovation, and reliable expert support. 2016 marks Pension Appraisers, Inc. twenty-six year anniversary. Since 1989, we have evolved and have proven ourselves as the standard in QDRO preparation and Pension Valuations. Our experience has allowed us to improve our industry with the technology brought to you through QdroDesk™.", "Real Estate Appraisals - Ten things most people just don't understand about them If you are buying or refinancing a home, the lender will want an appraisal done as he needs an impartial, professional opinion of value on the property to protect his equity in the property. If you default on payment, the lender can be assured of recouping the value of his loan to you.", "- Dear Consumer, The purpose of this brochure is to help you understand the residential. appraisal. After reviewing this brochure, you will understand the definition. of a credible appraisal, the appraisal process, elements of a credible. appraisal, the importance of appraiser independence, and how to. proceed if you feel that a correction needs to be made to your appraisal. report.", "appraise Definition of appraise for English Language Learners. : 1 to say how much something is worth after you have carefully examined it : to give an official opinion about the value of (something) : 2 to give your opinion about the condition, quality, or importance of (something or someone that you have studied or examined)", "- Welcome to the Duval County Property Appraiser’s website. Our office is dedicated to providing you, the public, with the information you need to understand our role in determining your property values. We are here to assist you with commercial, residential, tangible personal property and exemption questions.", "appraisal An appraisal is a judgment of something, especially an estimate of how much it's worth. Usually you need an expert to give an official appraisal. If you were selling a house, you'd need an expert in real estate to give an appraisal of how much it's worth — that's an official estimate of how much you could sell it for. But this word can also be used in other less formal situations that call for a judgment or opinion of some sort.", "What You Need to Know About Home Appraisals So it's in everyone's best interest that the appraisal is close to the price that both seller and buyer have agreed on. That said, if it turns out you're about to buy a house for a wildly inflated price, that doesn't necessarily mean you're obligated to buy the house.", "- An appraisal report is a document that: Clearly states the kind of value being determined, such as fair market (used for taxes), replacement (used for insurance coverage), liquidation (used for bankruptcy or business dissolution), etc.", "- An actuarial valuation is a type of appraisal which requires making economic and demographic assumptions in order to estimate future liabilities. The assumptions are typically based on a mix of statistical studies and experienced judgment.", "Real estate appraisal Real estate appraisal, property valuation or land valuation is the process of developing an opinion of value for real property (usually market value).", "- One of the first steps for your lender is ordering a VA appraisal on the property. The VA appraisal is an assessment of the property’s value and condition by an independent VA appraiser. It’s required for every VA purchase loan. But don’t mistake the appraisal for a home inspection. These are two different things, and appraisals aren’t as in-depth or detailed as a home inspection.", "Welcome to Cherokee County Appraisal District Cherokee County Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Cherokee County. The District appraises property according to the Texas Property Tax Code and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP). The District also collects taxes for jurisdictions within Cherokee County.", "- The Gonzales County Appraisal District appraises property for ad valorem taxation of these taxing authorities.", "What You Should Know About Home Appraisals An appraisal is an unbiased professional opinion of a home's value. Appraisals are almost always used in purchase and sale transactions and commonly used in refinance transactions. In a purchase and sale transaction, an appraisal is used to determine whether the home's contract price is appropriate given the home's condition, location, and features.", "4 smart moves to challenge a home appraisal To get a second look, you have to provide me different data — data that is different than the data I used, he says. Read your copy of the home appraisal, then consider whether you can offer the single most persuasive item: new comps. A comp, in the real estate world, is a point of comparison.", "Welcome to Gaines County Appraisal District! Welcome to Gaines County Appraisal District! Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district. Gaines Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Gaines County. The district appraises property according to the Texas Property Tax Code and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP)." ]
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spray your tag to defeat red light cameras
[ "Red Light Camera 101: Do License Plate Sprays Actually Work? The original anti-red light camera spray, Photostopper was created in an effort to defeat the red light camera’s ability to document vehicle license plate numbers. It costs $19.95 per can, and can cover six plates according to the sales information.DITOR’S NOTE: This is the second in a weekly series on avoiding red light tickets here in Chicago–soon to be the red light camera capital of the world. In the war against red light cameras, specialty aerosol sprays to coat your license plate was the initial skirmish of this long battle." ]
[ "- 2:10 PM. Checkpoint brand security tags need a really strong magnet or alternatively whack the plastic nob part with a hammer until you can break it off then take of the yellow plastic under cap and use a medium strength magnet to remove the metal cap and metal ball bearings.", "Organic Pest Control Gardening With Red Pepper Home Formulas. To create red pepper spray, combine 1/2 cup chopped red chili peppers with 2 cups water in a blender. Process briefly, then strain the plant matter from the liquid. Pour the red pepper liquid into a spray bottle. Some gardeners add 1 tbsp. liquid dish soap to help the spray adhere to the plants.", "Acid Reflux Ice Cream Acid Reflux Ice Cream. You could work higher if I was older and in a Acid Reflux Ice Cream randomized, double-blinded, placebo-managed examine of patients receiving the identical time it might protected, all right,” he sang.ow, bake the cookies flip golden-brown, Acid Reflux Ice Cream remove the combination to this concoction from her vagina. This blood-tinged mucous-like discharge, it may be a sign that it’s time period use.", "- Our most realistic vampire fangs-now with BLOODY RED TIPS! 15% Discount when you order 2 or more! Beautifully contoured fangs in a color that looks like your real teeth! These rigid canine tooth caps include a super easy customizing kit so that your fangs will look real and stay put for use after use.ur most realistic vampire fangs-now with BLOODY RED TIPS! 15% Discount when you order 2 or more! Beautifully contoured fangs in a color that looks like your real teeth! These rigid canine tooth caps include a super easy customizing kit so that your fangs will look real and stay put for use after use.", "- The product protection specialists. With over 10 years experience in working with some of the World's leading retailers, TAG is trusted to provide EAS and RFID product protection solutions for merchandise such as clothing, alcohol, CDs and DVDs, and highly desirable Health and Beauty products, to help improve shrinkage and drive profitability. Downloads.", "- Only use over the counter skin tag removal products on your eyelids or around your eyes if the formula isn’t runny. If you’re concerned, get advice from a doctor. One of the best products to use if you do have tags in a sensitive or on a highly-visible part of your body is Australian tea tree oil.", "Laser tag Laser tag. Laser tag is a tag game played with guns which fire infrared beams. Infrared-sensitive targets are commonly worn by each player and are sometimes integrated within the arena in which the game is played.", "12 Effective Home Remedies To Remove Skin Tags What You Have To Do. 1 Clean the skin tag and the surrounding area with a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide. 2 Apply the black salve on this and cover with a bandage. 3 Leave the bandage on for a few hours.", "- 11. Fight the skin tag with tea tree oil. Wash the site of your skin tag with soap and water, drying thereafter. Apply 1 to 3 drops of tea tree oil to the skin tab, rubbing it in to the skin with a Q-tip. Repeat this process three times a day until the skin tag darkens and eventually falls off.", "- Bugs, in general, including the dreaded stink bug, are easily taken out of action with the cheapest hair spray you can find at any market. we've had stink bugs in texas since the dinosaurs, and I use hair spray for any and all bugs.", "spray paint? heres what i would do if its your first tim go to a harbor freight or some thing likeit and but a cheap syphon feed spray gun not a cheap gravity feed just a syphon they spray ok get a compressor,barrow or ren at tool rental. and either spray it with a duplicor quart from auto parts shop or even use a quart of rustoleum and just thin it out 50 50.", "Red Light Camera 101: Do License Plate Sprays Actually Work? EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the second in a weekly series on avoiding red light tickets here in Chicago–soon to be the red light camera capital of the world. In the war against red light cameras, specialty aerosol sprays to coat your license plate was the initial skirmish of this long battle.According to reports, many, if not most, red light cameras employ a very strong flash to photograph your license plate.DITOR’S NOTE: This is the second in a weekly series on avoiding red light tickets here in Chicago–soon to be the red light camera capital of the world. In the war against red light cameras, specialty aerosol sprays to coat your license plate was the initial skirmish of this long battle.", "Red Light Camera 101: Do License Plate Sprays Actually Work? While Photostopper claims to be the first, PhotoBlocker spray, created in 2002, seems to be the dominant product in this product category. Phantom Plate, the manufacturer of PhotoBlocker, is based in Harrisburg, PA, and produces several different anti-red light camera products.DITOR’S NOTE: This is the second in a weekly series on avoiding red light tickets here in Chicago–soon to be the red light camera capital of the world. In the war against red light cameras, specialty aerosol sprays to coat your license plate was the initial skirmish of this long battle.", "Fighting Identity Theft with the Red Flags Rule: A How-To Guide for Business The Red Flags Rule requires many businesses and organizations to implement a written identity theft prevention program designed to detect the “red flags” of identity theft in their day-to-day operations, take steps to prevent the crime, and mitigate its damage.", "- Apply tea tree oil. This oil is well known for its anti-fungal properties. Get out a clean cotton ball. Dip it into clean water and then place three drops of tea tree oil onto the ball. Wash the area of the skin tag and the skin 1” around it using the cotton ball.", "- Vinegar and Essential Oils. For an even more effective bug repellent, fill a spray bottle with half vinegar and half water and add 10 to 15 drops of any of these essential oils: mint, tea tree, spearmint, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, clove, citronella and/or eucalyptus. Witch Hazel, Water and Herbs.", "- Still reading? It’s about to get real boring. The rest of this description has been written for robots and algorithms. This Old Spice commercial shows how Old Spice holiday packs with body wash, deodorant, shampoo, and antiperspirant, breaks down barriers between explosions and fireplaces. Terry can explode many times all while enjoying his odorless pits, thanks to his holiday pack. Moms and sons agree, holiday packs from Old Spice are the perfect gift this holiday season. Show less", "- Using Vinegar and Salt. 1. Put 1 tsp (5 g) of salt into 1/4 c (2 oz) of vinegar. For many pennies, one tablespoon (15 g) of salt in 1/2 cup (4 oz) of vinegar will get the job done. Stir the mixture to dissolve the salt. If you don't have vinegar, use lemon or even orange juice. Copper oxide (the gunk on your pennies) dissolves in weak acid, and that's just what all three of these liquids are.", "Fighting Identity Theft with the Red Flags Rule: A How-To Guide for Business That’s why it’s important to use a one-two punch in the battle against identity theft: implement data security practices that make it harder for crooks to get access to the personal information they use to open or access accounts, and pay attention to the red flags that suggest that fraud may be afoot.", "10 Tips for a Remarkable Tagline It's true that the best taglines are simple and memorable, but they're also something else: functional. A tagline should explain your product or service to potential customers or capture what it is that makes your business different than your competitors' businesses.--Brittany Hodak, 'ZinePak. 5.Communicate With Clarity. Make sure your tagline provides a picture of what you do.Branding is all about clarity. Most people try to be to cute. For example, Lexus's old tagline, Pursuit of Perfection connects with their audience of high achievers who are literally pursuing perfection.What Lexus is signaling is that their car provides the visual evidence that you as the driver are pursuing perfection. -- Raoul Davis, Ascendant Group. 6. tagline should explain your product or service to potential customers or capture what it is that makes your business different than your competitors' businesses. --Brittany Hodak, 'ZinePak. 5. Communicate With Clarity. Make sure your tagline provides a picture of what you do.", "- Thanks for The elaborate answer, my guess would be I best chose a follower, get him to be more powerful using illusion and try to find an opening for a x30 attack with self-crafted anti-dragon equipment 1 :) permalink. 2 embed. 3 save. parent. give gold.", "- You go in. At the left would be a green laser guns and on the r … ight will be red laser guns. Just click on one. If you are a member just add it to your closet and you could put on the laser gun even outside of the Laser Tag place. But if your not a member... DON'T WORRY.", "Oo Ee Oo Lyrics We can find it if we try, we can hide out 'til the time is right to ride out. We will pour our jars in reservoirs and turn the world off-paint the sky a shade of orange-cos that's how I like sunsets. Oo-. print correct.", "Quotes Ted: [Ted and Tami-Lynn grunting and moaning] Stick your finger in the loop of my tag! Frank: You had sexual intercourse with a co-worker on top of the produce that we sell to the public. Ted: I fucked her with a parsnip last week. And a sold the parsnip to a family with four small children.", "- Gotta know how to treat this. I like my dick deep dish. Don't want no dick that got foreskin. I'm a have to show you to the door man. [Chorus] The dick connected to my walls like its Spider-Man. My saliva don't dry up even by a fan. You got me caught up in your web, you my Spider-Man. Suck ramen noodles off that dick, that's my vitamin. [Post-Chorus] Taking you in private, private, private.", "\"How to \"\"Auto Flag\"\" Craigslist Ads???\" Aside from the tips mentioned above, you can also use a software that automatically flag someone's ads similar to yours. Just look around the net by searching Craigslist flagging software on Google. You will definitely find a number of apps just for this purpose.", "9 Natural Homemade Dog Repellents That are Safe and Pooch-friendly 1 You can concoct a mixture of vinegar and lime juice and spray it over the shoes. 2 It will prevent your puppy or dog from chewing it. 3 Never spray vinegar over the plants as it will kill them. 4 Instead, soak coffee filters or blotting papers in white vinegar. Soak cotton balls in vinegar and spread them over the problem areas. 2 You can concoct a mixture of vinegar and lime juice and spray it over the shoes. 3 It will prevent your puppy or dog from chewing it. 4 Never spray vinegar over the plants as it will kill them.", "1. What is PhotoBlocker Spray? How does it work? 1. A majority of red light & speed cameras utilize strong flash to photograph the license plate on your car. Once sprayed on your license plate, PhotoBlocker’s special formula produces a high-powered gloss that reflects the flash back towards the camera.hotoShield™ cover is the world’s best selling anti camera cover. It was so effective it was featured in the hit show CSI Miami. Guaranteed to work against all red light and speed cameras.", "- Related: soy wax flakes candle wax candle wicks wax block palm wax patchouli oil parrafin wax paraffin wax wax flake candle wax flakes 10 candle making supplies.ax flakes. Follow wax flakes to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow wax flakes to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following wax flakes in your eBay Feed.", "Ðнига: Fifth Business Example Sentences for badgering. But he took no notice, and went on badgering me for more stories. Coming here to be making an attack on me and badgering me and disparaging me. He had spent the better part of six weeks in badgering and bullying Sir Peter's pet candidate. She got round me, badgering me, till I didn't know where I was." ]
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thrilling cities ian fleming
[ "Thrilling Cities Thrilling Cities. Thrilling Cities is the title of a travelogue by the James Bond author and The Sunday Times journalist Ian Fleming. The book was first published in the UK in November 1963 by Jonathan Cape." ]
[ "- Touching hearts, lifting spirits. “I grew up in Staples, Minnesota. There I played king on the mountain, made igloos and snowmen, faithfully delivered the Minneapolis Star Tribune for most of the south side, rode in the back of Charlie Page’s pickup on... Specializing in innovation.", "Definition of 'enthralling' Example sentences containing 'enthralling'. Peter was finding the Bright family saga less than enthralling. SOMETHING IN THE WATER (2002)The little old woman was engaged in the enthralling pursuit of needles fencing and picking around a thread of wool. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE (2002)Once she'd got used to the motion and the fact that the temperature was at boiling point, Posy found it all enthralling.", "I am looking for a particular song, how can I find it? General CommentI agree with all of the other posts here...I think this is one of the most beautifuly sad songs of all time...I think Paul wrote this about himself too. The man that comes from his home town is him, the woman who became a wife is his first wife, once again the father with the son is him. He speaks of all of this slidin' he has done in his life and it relates to everyone who has ever wanted more, but just can't seem to find it, so they slip slide closer to death.", "- Historical Examples. 1 She sighed, and the sibilance of it echoed with a strange lingering note between those high gray walls. Stubble George Looms. 2 Her clan took the word up, and for a time the sibilance of it was like a hiss in the room. The Imitator Percival Pollard.", "- But settling a new world would be enthralling and important work. Once the subject of that book had been of an enthralling interest to him. Canaan is of those novels that centre about an enthralling idea. She has been——Well, this case of yours is a most enthralling one, Kenwick. When one discovers an enthralling mystery, one does not soon forget. This is an enthralling tale of Eastern mystery and crime in a European setting. It was a most enthralling occupation for Sid—this day dreaming. Also I think it one of the most enthralling stories in the language.", "- Dallas smith-tipping point | hear and now | country now-Read 165 reviews for revival in minneapolis and add your own review! english (165) your trust is the first thing to come out was the fried green tomatoes....", "- A gangster family epic set in 1919 Birmingham, England and centered on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss Tommy Shelby, who means to move up in the world.", "Greetings, Hero Another story was given a mention by Derek Hand in his review of These Are Our Lives, an anthology from The Stinging Fly Press: In Words Spoken Aiden O’Reilly brilliantly offers the reader a story of contemporary Dublin and the ordinary choices made in order to simply get by and survive.", "- Summary: A British ganagster saga set in 1919 post-war Birmingham. Cillian Murphy is Thomas Shelby, leader of the most feared and powerful local gang, the Peaky Blinders.Named for their practice of sewing razor blades into the peaks of their caps, they make money from illegal betting, protection and the black market.illian Murphy is Thomas Shelby, leader of the most feared and powerful local gang, the Peaky Blinders. Named for their practice of sewing razor blades into the peaks of their caps, they make money from illegal betting, protection and the black market.", "Thrilling Cities. Octavo, original half cloth. Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket with a touch of rubbing. Ian Fleming’s world travels, interests, as well as his journalism and wartime experiences, lent authority to everything he wrote. In 1959, the Sunday Times commissioned Fleming to write a series of dispatches from the world’s most beguiling locales. The result was Thrilling Cities, a masterpiece of well-observed travelogue that stands ably alongside the author’s Bond canon.", "- Historical Examples. 1 twinkling lights were all that I could see of the noted town. 2 twinkling, shining, expanding, the stars grew into a pair of eyes in the darkness. 3 twinkling eyes with red lashes shone with the utmost good-will. 4 A beacon-light far off, twinkling across the waves like a star!", "NBA D-LEAGUE WNBAEurope LiveGlobalBrasilCanadaChinaEspanolFranceGermanyHong KongJapanTaiwanUKGLOBALAtlantaBostonCharlotteChicagoClevelandDallasDenverDetroitGolden StateHoustonIndianaLA ClippersLA LakersMemphisMiamiMilwaukeeMinnesotaNew JerseyNew OrleansNew YorkOklahoma CityOrlandoPhiladelphiaPhoenixPortlandSacramentoSan AntonioTorontoUtahWashingtonTEAMS MOBILE NBA TICKETSResource CenterGame CenterStats CenterDraft CenterFANTASY NBATVSTOREJerseysApparelKidsFootwearSporting GoodsAuctionsNBA Store EuropeBe An AffiliateSTORENBA TV BroadbandNBA LEAGUE PASSVIDEO Julius Erving, the great and wondrous Dr. J, was the dominant player of his era, an innovator who changed the way the game was played. He was a wizard with the ball, performing feats never before seen: midair spins and whirls punctuated by powerful slam dunks. Erving was one of the first players to make extemporaneous individual expression an integral part of the game, setting the style of play that would prevail in the decades to follow. A gracious, dignified, and disciplined man, Erving was the epitome of class and an ideal ambassador for the game.", "Ripple (4:10) a beautiful song that brings me chills every time i hear it. mr. garcia was one of the few truly inspired composers of this century. ** Jerry wrote the music, but Robert Hunter wrote the lyrics. Great song. garcia's voice makes the song.", "City Slickers In his 2013 memoir, Still Foolin' Em, Billy Crystal writes of how the casting of City Slickers came about. Palance, he says, was the first choice from the beginning, but had a commitment to make another film.he film's screenplay was written by Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel, and the film was shot in New York City; New Mexico; Durango, Colorado; and in Spain.", "The enduring genius of The Avengers and Patrick Macnee Undoubtedly part of the enduring appeal of The Avengers lies in the fact that it features fantastical storylines and takes place in an England that seems to exist entirely separately from the real world.", "New York, NY New York, NY. Start your Carnival cruise from the city that defined “cosmopolitan”: New York City. This urban island overflows with art and architecture, lively ethnic neighborhoods, designer shops… and the best restaurants in the world, from the ultra-high-end to the comfy neighborhood hole-in-the-wall.", "- As to the clerks, he pronounced them mere pretenders, not one of whom had ever been among the Indians, nor farther to the northwest than Montreal, nor of higher rank than barkeeper of a tavern or marker of a billiard-table, excepting one, who had been a school-master, and whom he emphatically sets down for as foolish a pedant as ever lived.", "- Overcrowding, disease, hunger, long hours of work, and mindless, repetitive labor, explains Ruth Glancy in A Tale of Two Cities: Dickens's Revolutionary Novel, characterized the new life for this new class of urban poor..", "- The male melancholic par excellence seems to be Travis Bickle, a taxi driver in New York city who rarely makes significant human contact but travels through the streets in the style of what Nicholls identifies as a nineteenth-century 'flaneur': an observer of the human maelstrom.", "- Rather than relinquish her, however, he would have set Rome on fire. The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Emile Zola I determined to relinquish every advantage to Grushnitski; I wanted to test him.", "The Blueprint for Philly Soul: The Spinners Sometimes called the (Detroit) Spinners in the UK to differentiate them from a native folk group, the Spinners were nevertheless the prime architects of Philly Soul, turning lush soul into pop classics that dominated early '70s AM radio. The Spinners' best-known songs: I'll Be Around. One of a Kind (Love Affair). The Rubberband Man. Could It Be I'm Falling in Love. It's a Shame. Then Came You (with Dionne Warwick) Working My Way Back to You / Forgive Me, Girl. (They Just Can't Stop It The) Games People Play.", "- The Lincoln hills rose up around me at the extremity of a snowy plain, in which I did not remember to have stood before; and the fishermen, at an indeterminable distance over the ice, moving slowly about with their wolfish dogs, passed for sealers, or Esquimaux, or in misty weather loomed like fabulous creatures, and I did not know whether they were ...", "- Here is the list: Scream, Friday the 13th, The Shining, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist, and Poltergeist. Let us know if you are one of the thrill-seekers or not in the comment section! On Next Page you can read all about the horrendous results of these movies on normal people. Next page", "- The job had been to make a punitive expedition to a neighbouring island, and, incidentally, to recover the heads of some mutual friends of ours--a white-trader, his white wife and children, and his white clerk. Jerry of the Islands by London, Jack View in context. Passion for power: the earthquake which breaketh and upbreaketh all that is rotten and hollow; the rolling, rumbling, punitive demolisher of whited sepulchres; the flashing interrogative-sign beside premature answers. Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book For All And None by Nietzsche, Friedrich View in context.", "- Con- ducted by mailed guards bearing flaring torches, we tramped along echoing corridors, and down stone stair- ways dank and dripping, and smelling of mould and ages of imprisoned night -- a chill, uncanny journey and a long one, and not made the shorter or the cheerier by the sorceress's talk, which was about this sufferer and his crime.", "- It was 'when the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on LA.' I didn't like the way it sounded at the time. And so I just had it sitting back in the corner. Then life changed my plans once again, and I was now facing joining Journey.I love San Francisco, the bay and the whole thing.ourney released a live version of the song in 1993 for the Time³ box set. The song was the last to be played during the Top 40 era of KFRC 610, a legendary San Francisco station, before the flip to a nostalgia/adult standards format in 1986.", "- Throughout A Tale of Two Cities, there is also the dichotomy between the societal and personal wrestling with the good times and bad times. To paraphrase Dickens, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... a lot like the present in which we are torn between global and personal good and bad times.", "Gremlins (film) Plot Edit. Randall Peltzer is an inventor of very modest abilities and questionable success. From the fictional community of a New York state called Kingston Falls, he travels to Chinatown in New York City to sell his inventions and pick up a present for his son, Billy Peltzer.", "- They described the seething throng that filled the various fairs of Paris, the sea of faces, half seen in the glare of acetylene, half hidden in the darkness, and the blare of trumpets, the hooting of whistles, the hum of voices.", "- While performing in The Frozen Deep, Dickens was given a play to read called The Dead Heart by Watts Phillips which had the historical setting, the basic storyline, and the climax that Dickens used in A Tale of Two Cities. For other uses, see A Tale of Two Cities (disambiguation). A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution." ]
[ 17.15625 ]
[ 1.4931640625, -0.8623046875, 0.07037353515625, -2.662109375, 3.64453125, 1.068359375, 1.3408203125, -1.4189453125, 2.056640625, 14.875, -2.39453125, 4.734375, -1.6884765625, 0.4140625, -0.3427734375, 1.1337890625, -0.861328125, -1.0908203125, 0.374267578125, 1.458984375, -0.27392578125, 0.78271484375, 1.1435546875, 0.74755859375, 2.53125, 0.69873046875, -0.71923828125, -0.39208984375, 1.4248046875, 1.6728515625 ]
what happens physiologically to cause heart rate to increase during exercise?
[ "Why Does Exercise Make Your Heart Rate Go Up? The hypothalamus is a part of your brain that controls body temperature. When you exercise, your body temperature increases, causing the hypothalamus to signal the brainstem to further increase your heart rate." ]
[ "- While the heart rate is supposed to increase with exercise to move the blood to and from the muscles; 200+ is too fast and with associated palpitations suggests your heart is not working well at higher levels of exercises.", "How to Begin Walking for Fitness Follow your heart and listen to your body. Your heart rate can tell you when you're working hard enough to increase your aerobic fitness. Your body lets you know how hard you are working: If it feels like too much to you, you're probably pushing too hard. Exercise physiologists have figured out a heart rate range that is safe for most people during exercise. They call this your target heart rate range.", "- The resting heart rate of those who exercise is also slower, because less effort is needed to pump blood. A person who exercises often and vigorously has the lowest risk for heart disease, but any amount of exercise is beneficial.", "This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Exercise Deep breathing and stretching can alleviate the discomfort in the middle of a workout, and preemptive strengthening in the gym can ward off future issues. Heart When you exercise, heart rate increases to circulate more oxygen (via the blood) at a quicker pace. The more you exercise, the more efficient the heart becomes at this process, so you can work out harder and longer. Eventually, this lowers resting heart rate in fit people. Exercise also stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, causing blood pressure to decrease in fit people. Stomach & Intestines Because the body is pumping more blood to the muscles, it takes some away from the systems and functions that aren't top priority at the moment, like digestion.", "- In order to increase your aerobic fitness, it is important to increase the intensity of your aerobic workouts. Depending upon how many days per week you include an aerobic workout, you may want to have one day that you spend in the 65-75% maximum heart rate range.", "pulse rate Pulse pressure, pulse rate, and the relative velocity of the blood flow are increased immediately upon the ingestion of meals. Following exercise the pulse rate increases, the systolic pressure rises greatly, the diastolic slightly or not at all.", "Heart Rate Respons to Exercise Once exercise begins, the sympathetic nervous system is activated and the heart rate rises quickly. Heart rate also rises by simply thinking about exercise, which is referred to as anticipatory heart rate response. The parasympathetic division helps to slow down heart rate and respiration.", "What happens to the respiration rate in humans when we exercise?Why? Best Answer: During exercise, the cells burn oxygen faster to produce more energy for the body, which creates more carbon dioxide as a waste product. This increased carbon dioxide level is detected by the brain, which signals for a higher respiration rate to provide more oxygen for the cells.During exercise, the body's need for oxygen increases dramatically and ventilation rate is increased.The depth of breathing also increases during exercise during exercise due to the anatomical dead space of the respiratory system.The anatomical dead space is the air in the nose, mouth, larynx, tracheas, bronchi and bronchioles.his increased carbon dioxide level is detected by the brain, which signals for a higher respiration rate to provide more oxygen for the cells. During exercise, the body's need for oxygen increases dramatically and ventilation rate is increased.", "Why Does Blood Pressure Increase After Exercise? Why does systolic blood pressure increase during exercise? Systolic blood pressure increases during exercise because the heart pumps more blood to the muscles and lungs. In a healthy person, it takes 10 to 20 minutes for systolic blood pressure to return to normal following vigorous aerobic exercise, reports PT Direct. Full Answer >.", "8 Exercise Safety Tips for Atrial Fibrillation “Secondly, sometimes the heart rate and rhythm are normal when a person with atrial fibrillation is in a relaxed or resting state, but the heart goes out of rhythm, or suddenly accelerates to a very rapid rate, when atrial fibrillation develops during exercise,” Dr. Wu says.", "Why Do Athletes Have a Lower Heart Rate? The muscles in the heart wall thicken, and the heart pumps more blood with each beat. That increased efficiency means an athlete's resting heart rate falls to a level that could indicate trouble in a nonathlete.", "Blood Pressure vs. Heart Rate (Pulse) The greater the intensity of the exercise, the more your heart rate will increase. When you stop exercising, your heart rate does not immediately return to your normal (resting) heart rate. The more fit you are, the sooner your heart rate will return to normal.", "Heart Palpitation: 8 Reasons for Your Abnormal Heartbeat Physical Exertion. Strenuous exercise can bring on a heart palpitation if the heart rate increases and is pushed to the level of strenuous physical activity (i.e., taking the stairs or shoveling) or exertion. «. Next ».", "What Causes Heart Rate to Increase? Exercise. In response to exercise, both aerobic and strength training, your heart rate increases. As the physiological demands of the activity increase, so too does heart rate. The heart beats faster during exercise to pump more blood to the working muscles.", "Physiology of aerobic training Physiology of aerobic training. Aerobic exercise uses oxygen to produce most of the body's energy needs. It also brings into play a fairly complex set of physiological events. To provide enough energy-producing oxygen to the muscles, the following events occur: Greater movement of air through the lungs. Increased movement of oxygen from the lungs into the blood stream.", "Why Do Muscles Require More Blood During Exercise? Your heart rate and blood flow increase with exercise. Photo Credit IT Stock/Polka Dot/Getty Images. There are a variety of physiological reasons why more blood travels to your muscles during exercise, which allows you to exercise at optimal levels.", "This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Exercise • Heart. As mentioned, your heart rate increases with physical activity to supply more oxygenated blood to your muscles. The fitter you are, the more efficiently your heart can do this, allowing you to work out longer and harder. As a side effect, this increased efficiency will also reduce your resting heart rate.", "Cardiovascular Respiratory System During Exercise Physical Education Essay Exercise uses up alot of energy which the cells derive from oxidizing glucose. Both glucose and oxygen have to be delivered by the blood, this means that the heart has to … work harder to pump more blood around the body. This means that it has to beat faster in order to achieve a higher throughput.", "\"\"\"Exercise Hypertension\"\" Occurs When Cells Can't \"\"Relax,\"\" Hopkins Researchers Find\" In their analysis, researchers found that higher blood pressures in response to exercise were associated with poorer blood vessel expansion in the arm following the cuff test, suggesting that the endothelial cells failed to dilate enough to handle the extra blood flow.", "Does Exercising and Running Affect the Pulse and Why? The effect of exercise on resting heart rate could have a major impact on overall health. A study published in the June 2013 issue of “Heart,” a peer-reviewed journal, showed that the risk of mortality was increased by 16 percent per every 10-beat-per-minute increase in resting heart rate over a 16-year period.uring exercise, your heart rate goes up in direct proportion to the intensity of the workout to meet the increasing demands of the body.", "Compartment Syndrome Chronic compartment syndrome occurs because of excessive exercise, where repetitive motion and muscle use cause localized swelling and irritation. Most often, symptoms in the legs are seen with runners and bicyclists and in the arms of swimmers.", "How to Begin Walking for Fitness It's just that keeping your heart rate in the target range during regular aerobic exercise has been shown to be safe and effective for increasing your aerobic fitness. Exercising above this range can be very uncomfortable and may increase your risk of injury.", "Blood Pressure vs. Heart Rate (Pulse) A rising heart rate does not cause your blood pressure to increase at the same rate. Even though your heart is beating more times a minute, healthy blood vessels dilate (get larger) to allow more blood to flow through more easily. When you exercise, your heart speeds up so more blood can reach your muscles.", "Why Does Exercise Make Your Heart Rate Go Up? SHARE SHARE TWEET EMAIL. When you exercise, your muscles use more energy. Your heart must beat faster to supply them with the oxygen they need to produce that energy. The signaling process that stimulates your heart to beat faster during exercise is complex, with inputs coming from many parts of your body and brain.", "Diastolic Blood Pressure During Exercise During aerobic exercise, systolic pressure should gradually increase as your heart beats harder and faster and your arteries contract to pump more oxygen-rich blood. However, because the arteries in your working muscles start to dilate rather than constrict, the net result is little change in your diastolic pressure.", "Why does your rate of breathing increase during exercise? While exercising, the level of carbon dioxide in the blood increases due to increased cellular respiration by the muscles, and so breathing rate increases. When carbon dioxide levels increase in the blood, it reacts with the water in blood, producing carbonic acid.arbon dioxide is produced by the body from everyday activity. If you increase that activity, your body will produce more carbon dioxide. So you body will increase the breathing rate to blow it off. Source(s): RRT, AE-C, EMT.", "Does Exercising and Running Affect the Pulse and Why? During exercise, your heart rate goes up in direct proportion to the intensity of the workout to meet the increasing demands of the body. When muscles contract repeatedly as in cardio exercises, a signal is sent to the brain to increase the number of heart contractions per minute.", "The Cardiovascular System and Exercise After the initial anticipatory response, heart rate increases in direct proportion to exercise intensity until a maximum heart rate is reached. Maximum heart rate is estimated with the formula 220-age. But this is only an estimation, and not particularly accurate.", "How Does Exercise Affect Heart Rate? Dehydration. Dehydration also increases heart rate during exercise. Sweating draws water from the blood and, over time, leaves less blood flowing through your heart and to your muscles, reducing oxygen supply to the muscles.eart rate is an indicator of metabolic needs of the muscles during exercise.", "Improve your endurance by knowing what affects your heart rate The factors that elevate resting heart rate also elevate exercise heart rate. If you’re not fully recovered from a previous workout, you might notice, for example, at your usual steady-state pace, an exercise heart rate that is 5 to 10 bpm higher than normal." ]
[ 13.171875 ]
[ 10.8515625, 10.3046875, 8.9921875, 12.6484375, 7.734375, 8.75, 13.1015625, 7.12109375, 10.46875, 9.2421875, 8.6640625, 10.6875, 8.5546875, 15.15625, 10.0546875, 11.359375, 12.71875, 9.8046875, 6.61328125, 9.2265625, 4.8984375, 8.8046875, 10.46875, 12.2265625, 10.5, 7.59375, 12.03125, 12.4140625, 11.7265625, 9.453125 ]
what is a lpo file
[ "What is the exact definition of local purchase order (LPO)? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: A Local Purchase Order (abbreviated LPO) is a commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services that the seller will provide to the buyer within the national or loacal boundaries. Source(s): swordfish · 1 decade ago." ]
[ "- Notes about the PRO file extension: The PRO file type is primarily associated with 'Configuration File (Profile)'. You are viewing 7 of 22 entries click this link to expand the remaining entries You are viewing 22 entries click this link to minimize to view 7 entries.otes about the PRO file extension: The PRO file type is primarily associated with 'Configuration File (Profile)'. You are viewing 7 of 22 entries click this link to expand the remaining entries You are viewing 22 entries click this link to minimize to view 7 entries.", "- Lenovo.Veriface.dll is a type of DLL file associated with Lenovo developed by Veriface Sdk for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Lenovo.Veriface.dll is, which was produced for Windows.ow to re-register Lenovo.Veriface.dll from an elevated command prompt (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10): 1 Click the Start button. 2 Type command in the search box... 3 DO NOT hit ENTER yet! 4 While holding CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, hit ENTER. 5 You will be prompted with a permission dialog box.", "Lophophore Lophophore is derived from the Greek lophos (crest, tuft) and -phore, -phoros (φορος) (bearing), a derivative of phérein (φέρειν) (to bear); thus crest-bearing. The lophophore can most easily be described as a ring of ciliated tentacles surrounding the mouth, but it is often horseshoe-shaped or coiled.", "File extension LPG (.LPG) information More info. You are currently viewing the detail page for LPG file extension. This page contains a detailed description of the LPG file type, software tools to help resolve file association errors in the Windows registry together with relevant system utility applications and other related information.ecommendations for file extension LPG users: 1 Performance: To optimize memory and CPU usage for LPG files run a free performance scan. 2 Stability: Fix LPG errors to make your system and applications more stable. 3 Drivers: Scan your PC for the outdated drivers which lead to system errors and slowdowns.", "10+ ways to recover a corrupted Word document 8: Use Open And Repair. Word XP and later offer an Open And Repair option, which you can use to force Word to attempt a recovery. Just select the file in the Open dialog box and choose Open And Repair from the Open drop-down list in the bottom-right corner. This isn't necessarily foolproof, but it does work on a lot of problematic documents.", "PRO file extension File type specification: Configuration file type. Settings, options, themes or skins file type. The pro file extension is often used by various program for profile and configuration files. A profile generally contains saved settings, which are used to help users to quickly change between various saved configurations.ile type specification: Configuration file type. Settings, options, themes or skins file type. The pro file extension is often used by various program for profile and configuration files. A profile generally contains saved settings, which are used to help users to quickly change between various saved configurations.", "- The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) is the Federal Government’s official, digital, secure resource for producing, procuring, cataloging, indexing, authenticating, disseminating, and preserving the official information products of the U.S. Government.", "Details of extension .lpp LPP file is a CyberLink LabelPrint Project. Cyberlink LabelPrint is a tool for printing labels for use with your disc media. Other types of files may also use the .lpp file extension. If you have helpful information about .lpp extension, write to us!", "- A. With just 1,900 employees, GPO is the Federal Government's primary centralized resource for producing, procuring, cataloging, indexing, authenticating, disseminating, and preserving the official information products of the U.S. Government in digital and tangible forms.", "- If you want to see the maximum information about a file use. ls -leO@ filename. This will display extended attributes (-@), ACLs (-e), and flags (-O), along with the standard -l options. And in agreement with etresoft, extended attributes are not your problem.", "What is File Extension PRO? Before you can open a PRO file, you'll need to figure out what kind of file the PRO file extension refers to. Tip: Incorrect PRO file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system.RO File Opener. Download ». The fastest and easiest way to open your PRO file is to double-click it. This allows the intelligence of Windows to decide the correct software application to open your PRO file.", "10 lsof Command Examples 10 lsof Command Examples. by lifeLinux on. The lsof command or “list open files” command in Linux is a powerful tool. In Linux and Unix everything behind the scenes are just files.This includes IP sockets, pipes, unix sockets, directories, devices, even inodes are just files.This means that lsof can actually tell you a lot of information of what is going on on your system.he lsof command or “list open files” command in Linux is a powerful tool.", "- About the file extension lzh. Our goal is to help you understand what a file with a *.lzh suffix is and how to open it. The LZH Compressed file type, file format description, and Mac, Windows, and Linux programs listed on this page have been individually researched and verified by the FileInfo team. We strive for 100% accuracy and do not publish any information we have not been able to verify.", "What is a release of lis pendens? It is a document that would release (undo) a previously recorded notice of lis pendens, and is in the nature of a release of lien. It is something the owner of the property against which it is recorded should insist upon at the conclusion of the litigation, regardless of who wins, but once any judgment is satisfied.", "File extension LPG (.LPG) information Appropriate program: LPG is a file extension associated with Lowrey Organ Registration files. Incorrect associations are the cause of many file extension errors. Scan your system to prevent, identify and repair LPG file extension association errors.ecommendations for file extension LPG users: 1 Performance: To optimize memory and CPU usage for LPG files run a free performance scan. 2 Stability: Fix LPG errors to make your system and applications more stable. 3 Drivers: Scan your PC for the outdated drivers which lead to system errors and slowdowns.", "SAP dms tables DMS_FILE_CP - dms: Change Documents for Originals in KPRO Cross Application - Document Management System. DMS_LODESC_CD1 - DVS: LOIO-Descirption of the main original (conv. document) Cross Application - Document Management System. DMS_PHF_HD1 - DVS: PHIOS Components of additional files (help document) Cross Application - Document Management System.", "Overview A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that lets you (the ‘donor’) appoint one or more people (known as ‘attorneys’) to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf. This gives you more control over what happens to you if you have an accident or an illness and can’t make your own decisions (you ‘lack mental capacity’).", "Lzip The lzip file format is designed for data sharing and long-term archiving, taking into account both data integrity and decoder availability: 1 The lzip format provides very safe integrity checking and some data recovery means. 2 The lzip format is as simple as possible (but not simpler).", "10 lsof command usages with example â Unix/Linux lsof command lists open files. This command has a vital role in server Administration. This command reveals the files which are opened by a process. In Linux/Unix, everything is considered as a file such as pipes,sockets,devices etc are treated as files.sof command lists open files. This command has a vital role in server Administration. This command reveals the files which are opened by a process. In Linux/Unix, everything is considered as a file such as pipes,sockets,devices etc are treated as files.", "- ABOUT GPO. The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) is the Federal Government’s official, digital, secure resource for producing, procuring, cataloging, indexing, authenticating, disseminating, and preserving the official information products of the U.S. Government.", "- Paper #9965874. There is little understanding of the expository writing task in this very brief response. Although the writer states a disliked chore (taking out the trash), the support consists of. vague details (don’t like the way it smells, looks, or anything about it).", "- Complete and submit this form to file an election to become a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) located inside of PA and authorized to do business in PA. Only existing Partnership(s) are eligible to file. LLP status provides partners a greater degree of protection from personal liability.", "What is a PRO file? These PRO files can contain references to assets, source code files, project libraries and other application resource information. PRO files are commonly used to create applications for cellular smart phones and other mobile devices.The ProPresenter software application also uses the .pro file suffix. These PRO files contain lyric presentations that often show worship songs that are used by ministries and churches.hese PRO files can contain references to assets, source code files, project libraries and other application resource information. PRO files are commonly used to create applications for cellular smart phones and other mobile devices.", "- This packet of information is provided as a summary of the Prevailing Wage guidelines and responsibilities. The Ohio. Revised Code, Chapter 4115 should be referred to for the exact wording of the law. Also included are references and forms. which should be helpful in the compliance of the Prevailing Wage Law. PACKET INFORMATION INDEX A. The Ohio Department of Commerce-Division of Industrial Compliance & Labor-Bureau of Labor & Worker Safety Investigators and their assigned counties 1. The L.A.W.S. Investigators for the State of Ohio are listed with their contact information a. If you have questions or need assistance pertaining to Prevailing Wage, you can", "LPILE v.6.0 Description. LPILE is a special-purpose program based on rational procedures for analyzing a pile under lateral loading using the p-y method.LPILE solves the differential equation for a beam-column using nonlinear lateral load-transfer (p-y) curves.The program computes deflection, bending moment, shear force and soil response over the length of the pile. As an option, components of the stiffness matrix at the pile head may be computed...PILE solves the differential equation for a beam-column using nonlinear lateral load-transfer (p-y) curves. The program computes deflection, bending moment, shear force and soil response over the length of the pile. As an option, components of the stiffness matrix at the pile head may be computed...", "- Direct Public Offering - DPO Direct Public Offering (DPO) is a type of offering where the company offers its securities directly to the public without ... CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE® Besides the FAFSA, you may need this online form to apply for nonfederal financial aid at many private colleges and universities..", "Details of extension .lpo If you want to open a .lpo file on your computer, you just need to have the appropriate program installed. To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer.", "- a combining form meaning “lacking,” “leaving,” used in the formation of compound words: lipography. Origin. < Greek, combining form of lip-, weak stem of leípein to leave, be lacking; see -o-. British Dictionary definitions for lipo-.", "DEFINITION of 'Loan Production Office - LPO' BREAKING DOWN 'Loan Production Office - LPO' Though LPOs are responsible for accepting applications and arranging financing, loans still must be approved by the lending institution. This may be done by the bank's underwriting department.", "How to Open WPS Files in Open Office Navigate to the LibreOffice website (see Resources) and download the installation file for the program. LibreOffice is a word processing program that supports opening WPS files; it can be installed alongside and coexist with OpenOffice. Step 2. Install and launch LibreOffice.Related Reading: How to Open Open Office Documents in Word. Step 3. Click File, select Open, navigate to the location of the file you wish to convert, select it and click Open to load the file in LibreOffice.avigate to the LibreOffice website (see Resources) and download the installation file for the program. LibreOffice is a word processing program that supports opening WPS files; it can be installed alongside and coexist with OpenOffice. Step 2. Install and launch LibreOffice." ]
[ 14.21875 ]
[ 3.818359375, 2.68359375, 2.1953125, 4.37890625, 2.958984375, 6.08203125, 5.92578125, 7.6015625, 3.986328125, 2.958984375, 4.03125, 3.619140625, 3.126953125, 6.1328125, 4.94140625, 2.94140625, 5.828125, 5.07421875, 2.986328125, 5.1953125, 1.2646484375, 5.0546875, 5.48046875, 3.5546875, 6.00390625, 3.96875, 10.109375, 3.82421875, 11.390625, 4.65625 ]
what is a king cake for mardi gras
[ "History of King Cakes The three colors of the sugar are Purple (representing Justice), Green (representing Faith) and Gold (representing Power). Today the King Cakes are baked with a wide assortment of fillings inside the cake. King Cake is the preferred dessert and snack in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Hundreds of thousands of King Cakes are eaten in New Orleans during the Carnival season. Many are shipped throughout the U.S. for those displaced New Orleanians longing for a taste of Mardi Gras. In fact, a Mardi Gras party wouldn’t be a Mardi Gras party without a King Cake." ]
[ "A French epiphany: the king of sociable cakes A French epiphany: the king of sociable cakes. 1 In France the traditional galette des rois is a baked expression of midwinter sociability. 2 In France the traditional galette des rois is a baked expression of midwinter sociability.", "- A “traditional” Oakmont Bakery King Cake is made from braids of rich, egg dough that is shaped into an oval before being baked. Modern King Cakes have fillings of cream cheese, cinnamon, and nut. When the King Cake is removed from the oven and cooled, it is then enrobed with icing and decorated Grand Mardi Gras Style.", "Crab cake Crab cakes topped with greens, served at a London museum. Crab cakes with sweet potato fries and cole slaw, as served at a Massachusetts restaurant. A crab cake is a variety of fishcake that is popular in the United States.", "King cake However, the most common ones include: milk, butter, yeast, water, brown and white sugar, eggs, salt, nutmeg, flour and cinnamon. The frosting is typically made from confectioner's sugar, water, lemon juice, and colored sugar crystals. The colors of the king cake originally came from the Christian Religion.", "- Manny Randazzo has some of the best filled ones. I love the Strawberry and Cream Cheese, More ». Gambino's has been around forever and no birthday around my house is complete without a Doberge cake from Gambino's. But Gambino's also makes great King Cakes and will send you a package complete with beads.", "- Buttercream Grass. Spread a thin layer of green frosting over the cake where you want to make grass. While optional, this field of green provides a background so you can't see the cake through the frosting grass blades.", "Mardi Gras King Cake Recipe by: Jo. The King Cake is a New Orleans tradition that involves a pastry, a small plastic baby, and a party. The King Cake is baked with a small plastic baby hidden inside, the person who gets the slice with baby in it has to host the next party..", "King Cake This is a wonderful King's Cake. I thought the glaze was a little to lemony, but, when on top of the wonderful King's Cake with the filling, it is perfect! I did have a little trouble getting t...", "Mardi Gras King Cake Made time s. Recipe by: Jo. The King Cake is a New Orleans tradition that involves a pastry, a small plastic baby, and a party. The King Cake is baked with a small plastic baby hidden inside, the person who gets the slice with baby in it has to host the next party.. Saved Save I Made it Rate it Share Print. Saved.", "- I used it as a base for my own marble cake recipe.just add a tsp of condensed milk,2 tbsp of hot water and 2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder to make a paste.then scoop half of the pound cake batter and mix both of them to turn into a chocolate part of the cake.it turned out to be perfect!thank you so much! Reply.", "- King's Hawaiian Bakery is my favorite store for our birthday cakes, so I always wanted to have them for my wedding cake. The wedding cake was fabulous and it was so tasty! The service, quality and cost were pretty good to so I was really happy with this vendor. I totally recommend them.", "Doberge Cake Recipe Doberge Cake Recipe. Lost classic desserts from our wide and varied past. New Orleans may be best known around these parts for beignets and King Cake, but when it comes time to celebrate your birthday in the Big Easy, it's the Doberge Cake—that's pronounced DOUGH-bash for the folks at home—that steals the show.", "King cake The king cake takes its name from the biblical three kings. In Catholic liturgical tradition, the Solemnity of Epiphany —commemorated on January 6—celebrates the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child.", "King cake Now, as part of the celebration, it is traditional to bake a cake (King Cake) in honor of the three kings.The official colors of Mardi Gras–created in 1872 by the Krewe of Rex–purple for justice, green for faith, and gold for power.", "All Hail the King Cake King Cakes range from simple coffee-cake-like affairs to giant concoctions filled with just about anything you can imagine shoving into a cakeincluding pecans, fruit, various flavors of cream cheese, and chocolate. But the secret ingredient in every King Cake is a tiny plastic or porcelain baby. The person who discovers it in his or her slice is branded as the purchaser of the next cake, and so it goes at offices, schools, and parties from Twelfth Night (12 days after Christmas) until the aptly named Fat Tuesday.", "Mardi Gras King Cake To be extra careful, use a plastic toy baby that is too large to swallow, or hide an orange wedge or 3-4 pecan halves inside the cake (avoid items that may hurt someone's teeth) and then simply place the honorable toy baby outside on the top of the cake for all to see and adore!", "Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras in the United States Traditional Mardi Gras food includes the King Cake in which a pecan or charm is hidden. The person who gets a piece of the cake with the charm or nut is dubbed the “king” of that year’s Mardi Gras. The Mobile and Baldwin counties in Alabama also celebrate Mardi Gras.", "- King's Hawaiian Bakery has the BEST cakes!! They are super affordable and they serve a good size portion during the cake tasting (always a bonus). Unlike other cake vendors we met with, the customer service is friendly and professional.", "Lemon-Vanilla Pound Cake with Lavender Glaze Recipe Pour batter into a greased (with shortening) and floured 10-inch tube pan. Bake in preheated oven until a long wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean, 1 hour, 15 minutes to 1 hour, 30 minutes. Cool in pan on a wire rack 10 minutes; remove cake from pan to wire rack, and cool completely, about 2 hours. Spoon Lavender Glaze over cake. Sprinkle with lemon zest.", "- Run for the Roses Pie. This dessert, named after the race's nickname which refers to the blanket of roses draped over the winning horse, is a unique variation on traditional Derby pie. Here, a buttery crust loaded with pecans and chocolate are mellowed by bourbon.", "Classic Maryland Crab Cakes Recipe Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 to 3 hours. Shape the crab mixture into 8 cakes about 1 inch thick. In a 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat the butter with the olive oil over medium heat. When the butter is frothy, add the cakes to the pan (8 should fit comfortably). Cook until dark golden brown on the underside, about 4 minutes.", "Mardi Gras A popular event during the parade is when the people on the parade floats throw items into the crowd of observers. These items are usually strings of colorful beads or toy coins called doubloons. Many people have or attend king cake parties. The king cake is a coffee cake with a hidden bead inside it.", "- Honolulu, HI Kings Bakery. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- 1British A sweet dense cake made from oats, golden syrup, and melted butter, served in rectangles. ‘Cakes and gateaux ranged from flapjack to fresh apple pie.’. ‘And with fairy cakes, flapjacks, fruit loaves and flans, the cookery categories offered a mouth-watering selection.’.", "- The traditional “Galette des rois” is a round cake with an almond/butter filling called “ frangipane ”. In the south of France, King’s Cake is made in the shape of a ring, representing a crown, and topped with glazed fruit and icing.", "Turtle Chocolate Layer Cake This Turtle Chocolate Layer Cake is a super moist chocolate cake filled with caramel icing, pecans and chocolate ganache. It’s delicious and the perfect cake for today. Today I’m celebrating the life of a blogging friend, Joan from Chocolate, Chocolate and More, who was taken from this world much too soon just last week.", "Cake 1 German chocolate cake is a variety of chocolate cake. Fudge cakes are chocolate cakes that contains fudge. Coffee cake is generally thought of as a cake to serve with coffee or tea at breakfast or at a coffee break. Some types use yeast as a leavening agent while others use baking soda and/or baking powder. These cakes often have a crumb topping called streusel and/or a light glaze drizzle.", "King Cakes Today, many additional varieties of King Cake are also available by adding cream cheese, or other fillings to the traditional King Cake. Enjoy a taste of New Orleans by starting the King Cake tradition in your home, classroom, or office today.", "The King Cake Tradition, Explained Some versions are split and then filled with cream or fruit; others are topped with candied fruit, icing, and colored sugar. Louisiana-style king cake is almost always decorated in the colors associated with Mardi Gras: green, gold, and purple (representing faith, power, and justice).", "Is That A Plastic Baby Jesus In My Cake? It's a frosted yeast dough cake that New Orleans bakeries churn out between King's Day, January 6 th, and Fat Tuesday, the last day of indulgence before Lent. But just how that baby got in the cake is a strange tale – featuring a crafty traveling salesman — that's worthy of the best Mardi Gras lore and ritual. First, let's talk a little king cake history." ]
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what is chewy company
[ "7 Things You Need To Know About Chewy.com 7 Things You Need to Know About Chewy.com. 1. Chewy.com is an on-line pet retailer and Where Pet Lovers Shop. Have you shopped at Chewy.com? Due to limited pet stores carrying Sugar’s Orijen 6 Fish dog food, we plan to use Chewy “autoship” services and take advantage of the discount." ]
[ "The Hershey Company The Hershey Company. The Hershey Company, known until April 2005 as the Hershey Foods Corporation[4] and commonly called Hershey's, is one of the largest chocolate manufacturers in North America. Its headquarters are in Hershey, Pennsylvania, which is also home to Hershey's Chocolate World.", "- Kavli is a Norwegian brand of soft cheese, caviar, mayonnaise and crackers. The company is owned by the Kavli Trust and based in Bergen.n 1924, Olav Kavli invented the first way to produces lasting soft cheese and launched the Primula (food) brand, quickly entering the international market. Later the corporation entered new related products.", "- High Quality Products Menchie’s yogurt franchise is a world leader in ensuring best-in-class products, and considers itself the ambassador of frozen yogurt quality worldwide. Menchie’s ensures that only the highest quality milk and flavorsare used to make its frozen yogurt.ww.menchies.com. executive summary MENCHIE’S ADVANTAGE World Class Branding and Imaging Menchie’s logo, branding, store layout and design elements, guest experience and media buzz position Menchie’s frozen yogurt franchise as the ultimate powerhouse brand.", "Livery 1 A livery company is the name used for a guild in the City of London; members of the company were allowed to dress their servants in the distinctive uniform of their trade, and the company's charters enabled them to prevent others from embarking upon the trades within the company's jurisdiction.", "- Shipshewana Rv Manufacturing. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- J. C. Penney Company, Inc. (NYSE: JCP) is a chain of American mid-range department stores based in Plano, Texas, a city north of Dallas. The company operates 1,107 department stores in all 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico.JCPenney also operates catalog sales merchant offices nationwide in many small markets.he company operates 1,107 department stores in all 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico. JCPenney also operates catalog sales merchant offices nationwide in many small markets.", "BRAND AWARENESS LIKE YOUâVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE Tiffany & Co. is a multinational luxury jewellery and specialty retailer. Overview. Tenyeah is a digital agency that specialises in Chinese advertising. We expertly adapt your campaigns to the lucrative Chinese market through WeChat, Sina Weibo, and Baidu advertising. With extensive and complex account creation methods within these platforms, we help set-up your official account.", "\"\"\"The TRUTH about Chewy.com.\"\"\" The TRUTH about Chewy.com.. Bagels and coffee on Mondays, the building where its located is very nice and its located right off I95. Ok .. Lets start from the beginning: when you start training you are required to undergo 2 weeks of lesser paid training. They cram a large volume of information that you are required to master in 2 weeks time.", "Velveeta Velveeta is the brand name of a processed cheese product first made in 1918 by Swiss immigrant Emil Frey of the Monroe Cheese Company in Monroe, New York. In 1923, The Velveeta Cheese Company was incorporated as a separate company, and was sold to Kraft Foods in 1927.The product was advertised for its nutrition.n 2002, the FDA warned Kraft that Velveeta was being sold with packaging that described it as a pasteurized processed cheese food, which the FDA claimed was false (cheese food must contain at least 51% cheese).", "Cheshire Young Cheshire is firm, crumbly and white in colour. It is mild, milky and aromatic leaving behind a slightly tangy aftertaste on the palette. Sometimes, to add a different dimension to the cheese, annatto is added to the milk, which gives Red Cheshire a deep shade of red orange.", "What is a Livery Company? The livery companies are trade associations in the City of London, almost all of which are known as the Worshipful Company of... their relevant trade, craft or profession.ormed in 1999, the Security Professionals' Company became the 108th livery company on 19 February 2008 when the Court of Aldermen approved their petition for livery.", "Terlingua Terlingua is the proud home of the historic Chisos Mining Company, the original Chili Cookoff (both of 'em), Carroll Shelby's Championship Terlingua Racing Team, and the world famous Terlingua Trading Company (that's us).", "- The Chery Automobile Company was founded in 1997 in China. It is the ninth largest automobile manufacturer in China teaming up with Fiat in 2007 to make Fiat and Alfa Romeo pr … oducts for the Chinese market.", "Chewy At Chewy, we believe in ownership and accountability and value creativity. We are makers and doers who thrive on the desire to drive results. We approach our mission to provide the best service and pet products anywhere with a dogged determination and a disposition that’s as sunny as the South Florida oceanfront we call home.", "World Through The Lens English (chiefly Manchester) occupational name for someone whose job was to steep cotton or linen in lye (a strong alkali) to cleanse it. A local term in some parts of Lancashire for a butcher or slaughterer", "Tiffany & Co Reviews Company Overview. Tiffany & Co., is also known as Tiffany's or Tiffany. They are a silverware and multinational jewelry corporation. The company takes pride in having exotic collection of crystal, sterling silver, personal accessories, fragrances and even varieties of leather goods.", "chewy chewy - (of a consistency) requiring chewing; chewy caramels. elastic - capable of resuming original shape after stretching or compression; springy; an elastic band; a youthful and elastic walk. adjective tough, fibrous, leathery, as tough as old boots The meat was too chewy and the vegetables overcooked.", "Chevrolet For the American comedian, see Chevy Chase. For other uses, see Chevrolet (disambiguation). Chevrolet (/ʃɛvrəˈleɪ/ shev-rə-LAY), colloquially referred to as Chevy and formally the Chevrolet Division of General Motors Company, is an American automobile division of the American manufacturer General Motors (GM).", "The Chandy Museum vintage breweriana advertising collecting collection collectables whitbread chandy bottling company 1 ... Welcome to 2 ... Our collection dedicated to the memory of Chandy, the sadly long gone British brand of lemonade shandy from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.", "- Chewy is proud to offer the following:. Chewy is hiring Material Handlers for our warehouse in Mechanicsburg, PA....", "- Cheshire is a British cheese produced in the English counties of Cheshire and the neighboring four counties of Denbighshire, Flintshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire. Reputed to have been made since Roman times, the cheese is also mentioned in the Domesday Book of the 11 th century.", "Chewy.com Leases 15,000 Sf in Dania March 17, 2014. Chewy.com LLC, an online retailer of pet food, treats, and supplies, has signed a long-term, 15,000-square-foot office lease at 1855 Griffin Rd. in Dania, FL. The tenant will relocate its corporate headquarters from nearby 200 SW 1st Ave. this June.", "- Chobani is a privately-held company that produces and sells Greek-style yogurt in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Chobani was formerly known as Agro-Farma, Inc. and changed its name to Chobani, Inc. in January 2012.", "- Shelby Williams is a leader in the commercial furniture industry, focusing on the hospitality and foodservice markets. See More Designs Brought to Life. The more you love a piece of furniture, the more likely you are to keep it forever and pass it on to future generations.", "7 Things You Need To Know About Chewy.com Woofs to Chewy.com! The folks in Chewy knew we moved, and they surprised Sugar with some goodies. Before we share what’s in the box, we want to share. 1. Chewy.com is an on-line pet retailer and Where Pet Lovers Shop.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Shipshewana, IN Shipshewana Pharmacy. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Chevrolet Chevrolet /ʃɛvrəˈleɪ/ , colloquially referred to as Chevy and formally the Chevrolet Division of General Motors Company, is an American automobile division of the American manufacturer General Motors (GM).rom 2005 all the mainstream models from GM Daewoo were rebranded as Chevrolet in Europe. (The ownership of the SUV models in the former Daewoo range had reverted to ownership of SsangYong Motor Company by this time.) However the Daewoo name was retained in South Korea and Vietnam until 2011.", "7 Things You Need To Know About Chewy.com 7 Things You Need to Know About Chewy.com. 1 1. Chewy.com is an on-line pet retailer and Where Pet Lovers Shop. 2 3. Chewy offers fast shipping delivery as they don’t want to waste time when your pet needs their food, treats, and goodies. 3 4. Pawsome 24/7/365 Customer Service. 1. Exciting News from Chewy.com!", "#1,602 Tiffany & Co. Tiffany & Co. engages in jewelry merchandise. The firm also sells timepieces, leather goods, sterling silverware, china, crystal, stationery, fragrances and accessories. It operates through the following geographical segments: Americas, Asia-Pacific, Japan, Europe, and Other. The company is headquartered in New York, NY.", "Gucci Translation Gucci (/É¡uːtʃi/ ; [ˈɡuttʃi]) is an Italian fashion and leather goods brand, part of the Gucci Group, which is owned by the French holding company Kering." ]
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what effect does arteriosclerosis have on bp
[ "What Are the Effects of Atherosclerosis? High blood pressure and inflammation contribute to the hardening. This process of arterial stiffening is called arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis in which fatty deposits called plaques build up in the arteries. The buildup of plaques can restrict blood flow through the arteries, causing disease in various parts of the body, including the heart and brain." ]
[ "Atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) Basic Facts. 1 Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up on the insides of your arteries. 2 Over time, plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. 3 Atherosclerosis can affect any artery in the body. 4 Coronary artery disease (CAD) occurs when plaque builds up in the coronary (heart) arteries.", "- Symptoms also depend on the location of the arteries affected by arteriosclerosis. 1 If the coronary arteries supplying the heart are affected, the person may develop chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, and anxiety.", "Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease When atherosclerosis affects arteries that carry blood to the heart muscle, it’s called coronary artery disease. That’s the No. 1 killer of Americans. Most of those deaths are from heart attacks caused by blood clots.", "Vascular Calcifications Caused By Atherosclerosis One concern of atherosclerotic vascular calcifications is the effect on the heart’s structure. The fear is that the restricted blood flow will cause the heart to work harder, resulting in an enlarged heart.", "atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is the build up of a waxy plaque on the inside of blood vessels. In Greek, athere means gruel, and skleros means hard. Atherosclerosis is often called arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis (from the Greek arteria, meaning artery) is a general term for hardening of the arteries.Arteriosclerosis can occur in several forms, including atherosclerosis.laques can rupture or crack open, causing the sudden formation of a blood clot (thrombosis). Atherosclerosis can cause a heart attack if it completely blocks the blood flow in the heart (coronary) arteries. It can cause a stroke if it completely blocks the brain (carotid) arteries.", "High Blood Pressure and Atherosclerosis People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop coronary artery disease, because high blood pressure puts added force against the artery walls. Over time, this extra pressure can damage the arteries, making them more vulnerable to the narrowing and plaque buildup associated with atherosclerosis.", "- Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: There are two components of 'blood pressure'. The first is diastolic pressure (Pd) which is essentially unrelated to heart rate directly, (that is, the heart rate does NOT affect diastolic pressure). There is no mathematical connection between heart rate and Pd.", "Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease Atherosclerosis -- sometimes called hardening of the arteries -- can slowly narrow and harden the arteries throughout the body. When atherosclerosis affects the arteries of the heart, it’s called coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans. Most of these deaths are from heart attacks caused by sudden blood clots in the heart’s arteries. Atherosclerosis can create life-threatening blockages without you ever feeling a thing.", "Arteriosclerosis Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of arteries from a build up of plaque, usually made up of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin, inside the arteries. This affects large and medium-sized arteries; however, its positioning varies person to person.", "- Atherosclerosis can occur in any medium/large artery supplying oxygenated blood under high pressure. ♦ Atherosclerosis most frequently affects the following arteries: - Aorta (largest artery) – supplies blood to all body parts; - Coronary arteries (supplying blood to heart).", "Atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Atherosclerosis? Atherosclerosis usually doesn't cause signs and symptoms until it severely narrows or totally blocks an artery. Many people don't know they have the disease until they have a medical emergency, such as a heart attack or stroke.", "Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis - Are the Terms Interchangeable? Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis caused by the buildup of plaque. slide 1 of 5. Any type of hardening of the arterial walls is called arteriosclerosis. In this disease, the arterial walls lose elasticity with age and become stiff. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for this disease, as this places excess pressure on arterial walls as the heart pumps blood through them.", "- The wall stiffening may eventually increase pulse pressure; widened pulse pressure is one possible result of advanced disease within the major arteries. Atherosclerosis is therefore a syndrome affecting arterial blood vessels due to a chronic inflammatory response of WBCs in the walls of arteries.", "Your arteries and high blood pressure How your arteries affect your blood pressure. High blood pressure can affect the ability of the arteries to open and close. If your blood pressure is too high, the muscles in the artery wall will respond by pushing back harder. This will make them grow bigger, which makes your artery walls thicker.igh blood pressure can affect the ability of the arteries to open and close. If your blood pressure is too high, the muscles in the artery wall will respond by pushing back harder. This will make them grow bigger, which makes your artery walls thicker.", "High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease This is called atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. This can limit blood flow to the heart muscle. High blood pressure increases the risk of atherosclerosis by damaging the lining of the arteries and increasing the likelihood that fatty deposits may form in them. Over time, this can lead to a heart attack.", "- Atherosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries that results from a buildup of plaque. Plaque is made up of cholesterol, fat, calcium, clotting agents, cell debris, and other substances normally found in circulating blood.These substances accumulate at specific sites along the arteries and, over time, restrict or fully block blood flow to downstream organs, such as the heart, brain, and limbs.laque in the carotid arteries (carotid artery disease), which deliver blood to the brain, can cause a stroke. A blockage in the major arteries (peripheral artery disease) causes pain and numbness in the limbs and pelvis, while blockage in the renal arteries (chronic kidney disease) affects kidney function.", "Atherosclerosis Overview. Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque. It is also called arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of your body.therosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque. It is also called arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of your body.", "Overview High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which can lead to a heart attack, stroke or other complications. Aneurysm. Increased blood pressure can cause your blood vessels to weaken and bulge, forming an aneurysm.", "- In arteriosclerosis of your leg arteries, plaques prevents an increased flow of blood to the leg muscles as the demand for more blood rises during exercise. This will cause a crampy pain (claudication) and/or muscle fatigue. The sooner the pain and cramps start, the worse your blockage is.", "The Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Blood Viscosity The relationship between BP and viscosity is such that, given a constant systolic BP, if blood viscosity increases, then the total peripheral resistance (TPR) will necessarily increase, thereby reducing blood flow. Conversely, when viscosity decreases, blood flow and perfusion will increase.", "Overview Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to: Heart attack or stroke. High blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which can lead to a heart attack, stroke or other complications. Aneurysm. Increased blood pressure can cause your blood vessels to weaken and bulge, forming an aneurysm.", "2101 Ch 10 Result of atherosclerotic plaque blocking one or more of the blood vessels that supply the heart. Can cause chest pain/angina pectoris occurring due to stress of exercise. If blockage completely impedes blood flow to the heart, a heart attack can occur.", "Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) When plaque builds up in the body's arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis (ATH-er-o-skler-O-sis). Over time, plaque can harden and narrow the arteries. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body. P.A.D. usually affects the arteries in the legs, but it also can affect the arteries that carry blood from your heart to your head, arms, kidneys, and stomach.", "- Overview. Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque. It is also called arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of your body.", "- Fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances form plaque, which builds up in arteries. Hard plaque narrows the passage that blood flows through. That causes arteries to become stiff and inflexible (atherosclerosis is also known as hardening of the arteries).lood clots may form, blocking the artery and cutting off blood supply to other organs. Some people do not have the classic risk factors of atherosclerosis (such as cigarette smoking and high blood pressure). It is possible that there may be other causes, such as an infection.", "Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is asymptomatic for decades because the arteries enlarge at all plaque locations, thus there is no effect on blood flow. Even most plaque ruptures do not produce symptoms until enough narrowing or closure of an artery, due to clots, occurs.", "What Are the Effects of Atherosclerosis? Heart Arteries. When atherosclerosis occurs in the arteries of the heart, the most common symptom that can occur is chest pain, or angina. This pain is centered in the chest, and feels like a crushing or squeezing pain. People with angina typically have episodes of pain after exercise which goes away upon resting.", "pulse rate We know that when the pulse rate is constant, vasodilatation causes a fall in diastolic pressure and a rise in pulse pressure. Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension: Louis Marshall Warfield Pulse pressure, pulse rate, and the relative velocity of the blood flow are increased immediately upon the ingestion of meals. Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension: Louis Marshall Warfield Following exercise the pulse rate increases, the systolic pressure rises greatly, the diastolic slightly or not at all.", "The Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Blood Viscosity The relationship between BP and viscosity is such that, given a constant systolic BP, if blood viscosity increases, then the total peripheral resistance (TPR) will necessarily increase, thereby reducing blood flow.Conversely, when viscosity decreases, blood flow and perfusion will increase.he relationship between blood viscosity and blood pressure in a random sample of the population aged 55 to 74 years. Eur Heart J. 1993;14:597-601. 4. Ciuffetti G, Schillaci G, et al.", "- Atherosclerosis -- sometimes called hardening of the arteries -- can slowly narrow and harden the arteries throughout the body. When atherosclerosis affects the arteries of the heart, it’s called coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans." ]
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what is Duchenne muscular dystrophy
[ "Duchenne muscular dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive X-linked form of muscular dystrophy, affecting around 1 in 3,600 boys, which results in muscle degeneration and premature death.The disorder is caused by a mutation in the gene dystrophin, located on the human X chromosome, which codes for the protein dystrophin.Dystrophin is an important component within muscle tissue that provides structural stability to the dystroglycan complex (DGC) of the cell membrane.he disorder is caused by a mutation in the gene dystrophin, located on the human X chromosome, which codes for the protein dystrophin. Dystrophin is an important component within muscle tissue that provides structural stability to the dystroglycan complex (DGC) of the cell membrane." ]
[ "- 6 Education matters: Adaptive physical education 7 Treatments for Duchenne muscular dystrophy When a student with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is placed in the PE environment, it’s important to be aware of the treatments he’s undergoing, what medications he might need during the day, and what side effects to expect.", "Duchenne muscular dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive X-linked form of muscular dystrophy, affecting around 1 in 3,600 boys, which results in muscle degeneration and premature death.The disorder is caused by a mutation in the gene dystrophin, located on the human X chromosome, which codes for the protein dystrophin.uchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is caused by a mutation of the dystrophin gene at locus Xp21, located on the short arm of the X chromosome.", "Duchenne muscular dystrophy Signs & Symptoms: The main symptom of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a progressive neuromuscular disorder, is muscle weakness associated with muscle wasting with the voluntary muscles being first affected, especially affecting the muscles of the hips, pelvic area, thighs, shoulders, and calf muscles.", "Duchenne muscular dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive X-linked form of muscular dystrophy, affecting around 1 in 3,600 boys, which results in muscle degeneration and premature death.The disorder is caused by a mutation in the gene dystrophin, located on the human X chromosome, which codes for the protein dystrophin.uchenne muscular dystrophy is a rare progressive disease which eventually affects all voluntary muscles and involves the heart and breathing muscles in later stages.", "WHAT IS DUCHENNE? The symptoms of Duchenne muscular dystrophy usually appear in early childhood, as the muscles begin to weaken. Children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy usually have difficulty going up stairs and jumping. You may also notice symptoms that include the child walking on their tiptoes, or stumbling.", "Learning About Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy? Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rapidly progressive form of muscular dystrophy that occurs primarily in boys. It is caused by an alteration (mutation) in a gene, called the DMD gene that can be inherited in families in an X-linked recessive fashion, but it often occurs in people from families without a known family history of the condition.", "Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy? Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness. It is one of nine types of muscular dystrophy. DMD is caused by an absence of dystrophin, a protein that helps keep muscle cells intact. Symptom onset is in early childhood, usually between ages 3 and 5.", "Learning About Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rapidly progressive form of muscular dystrophy that occurs primarily in boys. It is caused by an alteration (mutation) in a gene, called the DMD gene that can be inherited in families in an X-linked recessive fashion, but it often occurs in people from families without a known family history of the condition.", "- Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a condition which causes muscle weakness. It starts in childhood and may be noticed when a child has difficulty standing up, climbing or running. It is a genetic condition and can be inherited. It usually affects only boys, although girls may carry the Duchenne gene.uchenne muscular dystrophy is a condition which causes muscle weakness. It starts in childhood and may be noticed when a child has difficulty standing up, climbing or running. It is a genetic condition and can be inherited. It usually affects only boys, although girls may carry the Duchenne gene.", "- Since Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the most common lethal genetic disorder, there are over 1,000 patients affected in the state of California alone, 15,000 nationwide, and 300,000 worldwide. Duchenne muscular dystrophy has a large direct economic impact with intensive medical care with substantial disability.", "Muscular dystrophy: how could stem cells help? The muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic diseases that affect skeletal muscles and often also heart muscle. The symptoms include muscle weakness and progressive muscle wasting. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common and a very severe form of the disease.It is caused by a genetic fault which prevents the production of a protein called dystrophin. Without dystrophin, muscles are fragile and are easily damaged.uchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common and a very severe form of the disease. It is caused by a genetic fault which prevents the production of a protein called dystrophin. Without dystrophin, muscles are fragile and are easily damaged.", "- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the most common and severe form of the disease. It usually starts when a child is between ages 2 and 5. Symptoms of Duchenne muscular dystrophy include: 1 Muscle weakness that begins in the hips, pelvis, and legs.2 Difficulty standing.3 Trouble learning to sit independently and walk.4 Unsteady, waddling gait.t usually starts when a child is between ages 2 and 5. Symptoms of Duchenne muscular dystrophy include: 1 Muscle weakness that begins in the hips, pelvis, and legs. 2 Difficulty standing. 3 Trouble learning to sit independently and walk. 4 Unsteady, waddling gait.", "MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, DUCHENNE TYPE; DMD A number sign (#) is used with this entry because Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by mutation in the gene encoding dystrophin (DMD; 300377). Description. Dystrophin-associated muscular dystrophies range from the severe Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) to the milder Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD; 300376).1979) found DMD with X-1 translocation and suggested that the DMD locus is at Xp1106 or Xp2107. A number of females with X-autosome translocations with the breakpoint in the Xp21 band have shown Duchenne muscular dystrophy.", "muscular dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) — The most severe form of muscular dystrophy, DMD usually affects young boys and causes progressive muscle weakness, usually beginning in the legs.", "Duchenne muscular dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by a mutation of the dystrophin gene at locus Xp21. Dystrophin is responsible for the connection of muscle fibers to the extracellular matrix through a protein complex containing many subunits.ncidence/prevalence Edit. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by mutations in the DMD gene, which is located on the X chromosome. Due to this, DMD has an incidence of 1 in 3,500 newborn males. Mutations within the DMD gene can either be inherited or occur spontaneously during germline transmission.", "Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy Muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic conditions characterized by progressive muscle weakness and wasting (atrophy). The Duchenne and Becker types of muscular dystrophy are two related conditions that primarily affect skeletal muscles, which are used for movement, and heart (cardiac) muscle.oth the Duchenne and Becker forms of muscular dystrophy are associated with a heart condition called cardiomyopathy. This form of heart disease weakens the cardiac muscle, preventing the heart from pumping blood efficiently. In both Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, cardiomyopathy typically begins in adolescence.", "- Duchenne (pronounced: due-SHEN) muscular dystrophy (DMD), the most common type of the disease, is caused by a problem with the gene that makes a protein called dystrophin (pronounced: dis-TROH-fin). This protein helps muscle cells keep their shape and strength.", "- The main cause of the Duchenne and Becker types of muscular dystrophy is the muscle tissue's cytoskeletal impairment to properly create the functional protein dystrophin and dystrophin-associated protein complex.", "Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The main symptom of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is muscle weakness associated with muscle wasting. DMD is inherited. Females will typically be carriers for the disease while males will be affected.PubMed Health Glossary. (Source: Wikipedia).Part of: Muscular Dystrophy.About the Genes.uchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The main symptom of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is muscle weakness associated with muscle wasting. DMD is inherited. Females will typically be carriers for the disease while males will be affected. PubMed Health Glossary. (Source: Wikipedia). Part of: Muscular Dystrophy. About the Genes.", "Muscular Dystrophy â Stop the Gradual Decline in Health !! The main symptom of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a progressive neuromuscular disorder, is muscle weakness associated with muscle wasting with the voluntary muscles being first affected, especially those of the hips, pelvic area, thighs, shoulders, and calves.uchenne muscular dystrophy is a rare progressive disease which eventually affects all voluntary muscles and involves the heart and breathing muscles in later stages.", "- WebMD explains the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a rare muscle disease that mainly affects mainly boys in early childhood. Skip to main content Check Your Symptoms", "- 9 An overview of Duchenne muscular dystrophy Students with disabilities should be treated as they might become rather than as they are. © Tim Brighouse, ‘Effective schools and pupil needs’, in N.Jones and T.Southgate (eds), ‘ The managements of special needs in ordinary schools, Routledge London and New York, 1989.", "Learning About Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy is inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. Males have only one copy of the X chromosome from their mother and one copy of the Y chromosome from their father. If their X chromosome has a DMD gene mutation, they will have Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Females, on the other hand, have two copies of the X chromosomes.. Since females have two copies of this gene, if one copy does not work, they have a second back up copy to produce the dystrophin protein.", "What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)? Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited (genetic) condition which affects the muscles, causing muscle weakness. It is a serious condition which starts in early childhood. The muscle weakness is mainly in the 'proximal' muscles, which are those near the trunk of the body, around the hips and the shoulders.uchenne muscular dystrophy is a condition which causes muscle weakness. It starts in childhood and may be noticed when a child has difficulty standing up, climbing or running. It is a genetic condition and can be inherited. It usually affects only boys, although girls may carry the Duchenne gene.", "Drugs & Medications Search Considering taking medication to treat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Your search for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy returned the following treatments.", "Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease which means it is inherited. Our genes determine our traits, such as eye color and blood type. Genes are contained in the cells of our bodies on stick-like structures called chromosomes. There are normally 46 chromosomes in each cell of our body, or 23 pairs.", "Muscular Dystrophy â Stop the Gradual Decline in Health !! 1 It appears between the ages of 2 and 6. 2 Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by a defective gene for dystrophin (a protein in the muscles). 3 However, it often occurs in people without a known family history of the condition. 4 Because of the way the disease is inherited, boys are affected, not girls.", "Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The main symptom of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is muscle weakness associated with muscle wasting. DMD is inherited. Females will typically be carriers for the disease while males will be affected.PubMed Health Glossary. (Source: Wikipedia). Part of: Muscular Dystrophy.uchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The main symptom of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is muscle weakness associated with muscle wasting. DMD is inherited. Females will typically be carriers for the disease while males will be affected. PubMed Health Glossary. (Source: Wikipedia). Part of: Muscular Dystrophy.", "About Duchenne About Duchenne. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the most common fatal genetic disorder diagnosed in childhood, affecting approximately 1 in every 3,500 live male births (about 20,000 new cases each year worldwide).ecause the Duchenne gene is found on the X-chromosome, it primarily affects boys; however, it occurs across all races and cultures. Duchenne results in progressive loss of strength and is caused by a mutation in the gene that encodes for dystrophin. Because dystrophin is absent, the muscle cells are easily damaged.", "- Mutations in the human dystrophin gene cause Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a common neuromuscular disease leading to a progressive necrosis of muscle cells. The etiology of this necrosis has not been clearly established, and the cellular function of the dystrophin protein is still unknown.uchenne muscular dystrophy is a severe disorder caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. Dystrophin is required for assembly of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex and provides a mechanically strong link between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix." ]
[ 18.28125 ]
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what are the main organs in the human body
[ "What are the 9 main organs of the human body? The main organs of the human body are the skin, liver, brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, thyroid and prostate. Other important organs in healthy individuals … are the gall bladder, large intestines and small intestines.5 people found this useful.he main organs of the human body are the skin, liver, brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, thyroid and prostate. Other important organs in healthy individuals … are the gall bladder, large intestines and small intestines. 5 people found this useful." ]
[ "- __ For each of the following principal organs of the respiratory system, provide a general anatomical description, and note any distinctive features: nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchial tree, alveoli, lungs, and pleurae. __ Describe the function of each of the listed principal organs of the respiratory system.", "What are our main organs and what are their functions? The main organs/glands are the pancreas, thyroid, thymus, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries, and testes. The function of the Endocrine system is to produce hormones tha … t affect growth, sexual development, and your fight-or-flight reaction.he main functions for the circulatory system's organs are the heart,blood cells,lungs,veins,and cells.", "Internal Organs Of The Human Body Anatomical Chart This chart provides a simple and easy-to-understand overview of the location and functions of the major internal organs of the body, including: heart, lungs, stomach, kidney, diaphragm, spleen, liver, pancreas, large and small intestine, gallbladder, bladder and brain. Perfect for patients and students. Size is 20.", "What are the Major Organs of the Body, and what are Their Functions? From the top down, the first of the major organs is the brain. The brain serves as a control center for the body, handling the processes of the central nervous system as well as cognition. The complexity of the brain is extremely varied between different species.", "Largest Organs Of The Body Organs Of The Body. There are almost 78 organs in a human body which vary according to their sizes, functions or actions. An organ is a collection of millions of cells which group together to perform single functions in a our body.The cells in these body organs are highly specialized and form for all the necessary actions for some specific time.Out of these 78 organs of a male or female body, skin is the largest organ with respect to its size and weight.The major organ in the body of human beings is the brain which is primarily responsible for performing all the functions and actions of the body.n organ is a collection of millions of cells which group together to perform single functions in a our body. The cells in these body organs are highly specialized and form for all the necessary actions for some specific time.", "- The main organs involved in the digestive system are the mouth, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, and large intestine. 3 people found this useful.he main organs involved in the digestive system are the mouth, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, and large intestine. 3 people found this useful.", "- Lung. The lungs are among the hardest-working organs in the body. They expand and contract up to 20 times a minute to supply oxygen to be distributed to tissues all over the body and expel carbon dioxide that has been created throughout the body.Read More.he lungs are among the hardest-working organs in the body. They expand and contract up to 20 times a minute to supply oxygen to be distributed to tissues all over the body and expel carbon dioxide that has been created throughout the body. Read More.", "Largest Organs Of The Body the cells in these body organs are highly specialized and form for all the necessary actions for some specific time out of these 78 organs of a male or female body skin is the largest organ with respect to its size and weightthe major organ in the body of human beings is the brain which is primarily responsible for performing all the functions and actions of the bodyother major organs of the body are given in the following list with names diseases location and functionshe cells in these body organs are highly specialized and form for all the necessary actions for some specific time out of these 78 organs of a male or female body skin is the largest organ with respect to its size and weight", "Largest Organs Of The Body The cells in these body organs are highly specialized and form for all the necessary actions for some specific time. Out of these 78 organs of a male or female body, skin is the largest organ with respect to its size and weight.The major organ in the body of human beings is the brain which is primarily responsible for performing all the functions and actions of the body.Other major organs of the body are given in the following list with names, diseases, location and functions.he cells in these body organs are highly specialized and form for all the necessary actions for some specific time. Out of these 78 organs of a male or female body, skin is the largest organ with respect to its size and weight.", "Largest Organs Of The Body The major organ in the body of human beings is the brain which is primarily responsible for performing all the functions and actions of the body. Other major organs of the body are given in the following list with names, diseases, location and functions. 1 Adrenal Glands. 2 Anus.", "- The main organs of the respiratory system are the nose, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.he respiratory system … does this through breathing. When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This exchange of gases is the respiratory system's means of getting oxygen to the blood.", "Competency 046: Structure and Function of Living Things Organ systems are groups of organs that carry out a particular function. The human body has several organ systems, including: 1 The nervous system. 2 The respiratory system. 3 The reproductive system. 4 The digestive system. Organ systems are groups of organs that carry out a particular function. The human body has several organ systems, including: 1 The nervous system. 2 The respiratory system.", "What are the Major organs of the immune system? The major organs of the immune system include the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and bone marrow. These organs are responsible for the production of lymphocytes and leukocyte … s, types of white blood cells that fight infection.ymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, Peyer's patch, spleen, thymus, and tonsils are the organs in the immune system.", "- Making the world better, one answer at a time. the two main organs in our body are the heart and the lungs and the jobs they do are the heart is part of a circulatory system which means it basically pumps blood around the …body and the lungs help us breath by bringing oxygen into our body and spreading it around. 8 people found this useful.", "- The Lung: the central organ of the respiratory system in which oxygen from the air is exchanged with carbon dioxide from the blood. Lung Tissues: Muscle Tissue, Nervous Tissue, Connective tissue, and epithelial tissue. Interactions: The skeletal system works with the respiratory system by protecting your lungs.t also works with the circulartory system by forming a blood clot when you get a cut to stop the bleeding. Then, bacteria fighting cells come to the area to kill the bacteria. Fun Facts: Fact one-The skin is the largest organ of your body. Fact two-Your skin is made out of several flat, stacked cells.", "Organ Systems The human body is made up of several organ systems that all work together as a unit to make sure the body keeps functioning. There are ten major organ systems in the body, each of which plays a different role in helping the body work. This system is made up of the heart, blood, blood vessels, and lymphatics.", "- organs in the human body functions location definition of organs an organ is a structure that contains at least two different types of tissue functioning together for a common purpose there are many different organs in the body the liver kidneys heart even your skin is an organusually there is a main tissue and sporadic tissuesthe main tissue is the one that is unique for the specific organ for example main tissue in the heart is the myocardium while sporadic are the nerves blood connective etcfunctionally related organs often cooperate to form whole organ systems there are 10 major organ systems in the human bodyhere are many different organs in the body the liver kidneys heart even your skin is an organ usually there is a main tissue and sporadic tissues", "- what are organs organs are the main functions of everyone s body such as the brain stomach or heart a organ is a differentiated part of the body made up of tissues and adapted to perform a specific function or group of functionshe digestive system consists of the following organs your mouth the esophagus the stomach intestines liver and the pancreas these organs ingest and digest foods and absorb them to your blood the urinary system has the following organs the kidney bladder and associated ducts", "- Human Anatomy-Major Organ Systems. The human body is the most complicated organism on the planet. The organs in a human body are tissues that together perform at least one purpose in the body. Many serve several functions. The largest of the human organs is also the easiest to see.", "What Are the Organ Systems of the Human Body? There are 11 major organ systems in the human body, which include the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous and endocrine systems. The immune, integumentary, skeletal, muscle and reproductive systems are also part of the human body.", "The Human Body: Anatomy, Facts & Functions humans have five vital organs that are essential for survival these are the brain heart kidneys liver and lungs the human brain is the body s control center receiving and sending signals to other organs through the nervous system and through secreted hormones it is responsible for our thoughts feelings memory storage and general perception of the world the human heart is a responsible for pumping blood throughout our body", "Human Body Organ Systems: An Orientation The human body is made up of 11 organ systems that work with one another (interdependantly). These systems include the integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary system, and reproductive systems. We will briefly discuss the major functions of each organ system below.", "Functions of the Human Body Systems Some other respiratory organs are: The Vocal Cords- are the organs in the body which regulates speech and singing (latin plica vocalis). They are the two folds of the mucous membrane. The vocal cords stretch across inside cavity of the larynx. The vocal cords are essentially two bands of muscles.", "The Human Body: Anatomy, Facts & Functions Vital organs. Humans have five vital organs that are essential for survival. These are the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs. The human brain is the body's control center, receiving and sending signals to other organs through the nervous system and through secreted hormones.It is responsible for our thoughts, feelings, memory storage and general perception of the world.ital organs. Humans have five vital organs that are essential for survival. These are the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs. The human brain is the body's control center, receiving and sending signals to other organs through the nervous system and through secreted hormones.", "Largest Organs Of The Body Organs Of The Body. There are almost 78 organs in a human body which vary according to their sizes, functions or actions. An organ is a collection of millions of cells which group together to perform single functions in a our body.rgans Of The Body. There are almost 78 organs in a human body which vary according to their sizes, functions or actions. An organ is a collection of millions of cells which group together to perform single functions in a our body.", "Organ (anatomy) The main tissue is the one that is unique for the specific organ. For example, main tissue in the heart is the myocardium, while sporadic are the nerves, blood, connective etc.. Functionally related organs often cooperate to form whole organ systems. There are 10 major organ systems in the human body.List of Organs in human body: 1 Heart. 2 Brain.3 Lungs. 4 Liver.or example, main tissue in the heart is the myocardium, while sporadic are the nerves, blood, connective etc.. Functionally related organs often cooperate to form whole organ systems. There are 10 major organ systems in the human body. List of Organs in human body: 1 Heart. 2 Brain. 3 Lungs. 4 Liver.", "What Organs Make up the Respiratory System? The respiratory system is made up of the lungs, trachea, bronchi and diaphragm. These organs help people to breathe. Humans need to breathe to deliver oxygen to the body and rid the body of carbon dioxide, a waste gas that is produced by the body's cells. Continue Reading.", "Organ Systems The human body is made up of several organ systems that all work together as a unit to make sure the body keeps functioning. There are ten major organ systems in the body, each of which plays a different role in helping the body work. Circulatory System. This system is made up of the heart, blood, blood vessels, and lymphatics.", "Organs in the body? Organs are a structure composed of one or more different types of tissues; specialized to carry out specific functions. Some examples of organs are heart, vein's, arteries, an…d capillaries. it is important parts of the body that consist of the heart,intestine,kidney,lungs,stomach. There are many organs in the body. They include heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, brain, nerves, muscles, bones and many more.", "How Many Organs Are in the Human Body The body's functions are conducted by organs. Each organ is a recognizable structure (for example, the heart, lungs, liver, eyes, and stomach) that performs specific functions.An organ is made of several types of tissue and therefore several types of cells (see Cells).onnective tissue is the tough, often fibrous tissue that binds the body's structures together and provides support and elasticity. It is present in almost every organ, forming a large part of skin, tendons, joints, ligaments, blood vessels, and muscles." ]
[ 15.515625 ]
[ 7.6171875, 12.484375, 12.515625, 12.5390625, 10.4140625, 11.0703125, 10.765625, 10.2265625, 9.7734375, 12.1875, 9.515625, 11.1640625, 9.1171875, 13.1875, 9.5078125, 11.640625, 11.703125, 11.9921875, 10.4921875, 12.796875, 13.578125, 12.203125, 9.875, 13.375, 9.640625, 12.90625, 10.609375, 11.8359375, 10.9375, 11.640625 ]
how many calories in egg omelettes
[ "- Calories in Omelets. The favorite choice for the term Omelets is 1 large Egg Omelet or Scrambled Egg which has about 100 calories. Calorie and nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Omelets is shown below. Popular Sizes of Omelets." ]
[ "Calories in Omelets Calories in Scrambled Eggs. The favorite choice for the term Scrambled Eggs is 1 large Egg Omelet or Scrambled Egg which has about 100 calories. Calorie and nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Scrambled Eggs is shown below. View other nutritional values (such as Carbs or Fats) using the filter below: Calories|Total Carbs|Total Fats|Protein|Sodium|Cholesterol|Vitamins.", "How Many Calories in an Egg? One of the most popular ways that eggs are eaten is when they are scrambled, so lets look at how many calories in scrambled eggs now. A whole, cooked, hard-boiled egg - 1 whole 1.8 oz egg. 1 A 1.8 oz hard boiled egg has 78 cal. 1 oz of hard boiled egg has 44 boiled egg cal.", "- A whole, fresh and raw egg. 1 small - 1.3 oz 54 calories. 2 medium - 1.6 oz 63 calories. 3 large - 1.8 oz 72 calories. 4 extra large - 2 oz 41 calories. 5 In 1 oz there are 41 calories. 6 In 10 g there are 14 calories.", "- Calories In Lisa's one egg sausage omelet Calories: 218, Fat: 17g, Carbs: 1g, Protein: 16g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In Kodiak cakes with 1c milk and one egg white Calories: 240, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 36g, Protein: 20g, Fiber: 5g. Calories In Number one Egg salad Calories: 55, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 2g, Protein: 3g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In One Egg Veg Omelet Calories: 153, Fat: 9g, Carbs: 8g, Protein: 10g, Fiber: 3g.", "How Many Calories In 1 Egg: Raw, Boiled, And Fried While a raw egg has 72 cals, a hard-boiled egg has 78, a fried egg has 91, scrambled egg has 91, and an omelet has 94 calories. Instead of frying an egg in a lot of oil, eat it boiled or make it into an omelet stuffed with veggies to pack in more nutrients.", "The Calories in a Three-Egg Ham & Cheese Omelet Ham and Eggs. If you use a 28-gram slice of 11 percent fat ham, you're adding 46 calories to your omelet. Three large eggs contain 216 calories. You can reduce the calories in your omelet by substituting an egg white for one of the eggs. Two whole eggs plus one egg white contains 161 calories.", "- Calories per Ingredient. Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of 3 Egg Cheese Omelette. 228 calories of Cheddar Cheese, (2 slice (1 oz)) 210 calories of Egg, Omega 3, (3 serving) 25 calories of Milk, 1%, (0.25 cup) 5 calories of Tarragon, ground, (1 tsp)", "- Factory Create an Omelette. The eggs are 480 calories, ham takes it up to 550, and then you can go crazy with various non-avocado vegetable add-ins to bring it up to 600 calories or so. Lunch Soup and Salad. The trick with the Lunch Soup and Salad is to not eat the bread and butter.", "How Many Calories Are in One Egg? Quick Answer. The calories in one egg depends on its size and how it is cooked, but a small raw or boiled egg can contain about 55 calories. However, a medium egg that is hard-boiled and without additives can have 70 calories.", "- Ingredient Specific Calorie Information From Our Recipes: Calories In egg beaters omlette Calories: 176, Fat: 6g, Carbs: 10g, Protein: 20g, Fiber: 3g. Calories In Egg Beaters Scramble Calories: 119, Fat: 1g, Carbs: 12g, Protein: 16g, Fiber: 4g. Calories In Egg beaters veggie omelet Calories: 114, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 7g, Protein: 19g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In Mini Veggie Frittatas w/ Egg Beaters Calories: 33, Fat: 1g, Carbs: 2g, Protein: 4g, Fiber: 0g.", "- 1 Calories In Copycat Waffle House Waffles. 2 268 calories, 6g fat, 53g carbs, 3g protein, 0g fiber. 3 Calories In Egg White Fiesta Omelet (Waffle House Inspired). 4 235 calories, 8g fat, 9g carbs, 30g protein, 2g fiber. Calories In Egg White Fiesta Omelet (Waffle House Inspired). 2 235 calories, 8g fat, 9g carbs, 30g protein, 2g fiber. 3 Calories In Waffle House Waffles. 4 303 calories, 10g fat, 47g carbs, 6g protein, 1g fiber.", "How Many Calories Are in One Egg? One whole egg generally has about 66 calories. It also includes about 4 grams of fat, 197 milligrams of cholesterol, 58 milligrams of sodium and 6 grams of protein.", "- Calories In Cheese Omelet Calories: 120, Fat: 8g, Carbs: 6g, Protein: 13g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In Turkey Bacon & Cheese Omelet Calories: 297, Fat: 17g, Carbs: 9g, Protein: 26g, Fiber: 1g. Calories Burned For Walking: 3.15 mph (19 minutes per mile) Calories Burned For Walking: 2.85 mph (21 minutes per mile)", "How Many Calories Are in One Egg? How many calories are in one egg? The calories in one egg depends on its size and how it is cooked, but a small raw or boiled egg can contain about 55 calories. However, a medium egg that is hard-boiled and without additives can have 70 calories. Full Answer >.", "Egg Omelet or Scrambled Egg with Cheese There are 140 calories in 1 large Egg Omelet or Scrambled Egg with Cheese. Calorie breakdown: 67% fat, 6% carbs, 26% protein.", "- 1 In the egg white of a large 1.8 oz raw egg, the total of this portion weighing 1.2 oz there are 17 calories. 2 In 1 oz of raw egg white there are 15 calories. 3 In 10 g of raw egg white there are 5 calories. Size - Large serving 3.5oz / 100g - 382 calories.", "- In chicken eggs there are: 1 approx 63 calories in 1 medium size boiled egg with yolk. 2 approx 54 calories in 1 small size boiled egg with yolk. approx 90 calories in 1 jumbo size boiled egg with yolk.", "Food calories explained, What are Calories in food One medium size hard boiled egg has about 75 calories but to digest this hard boiled egg your body burns more than this 75 calories. So in effect hard boiled eggs no calorie food.If you are worried about the fact that Eggs are high in cholesterol, then leave out the egg yolk where all of the cholesterol is.Calories in one hard boiled egg white is only 17 calories but body spends more energy to digest an egg white than the calories in one hard boiled egg white.ard Boiled Eggs to Lose Weight. Hard boiled eggs for weight loss diet is not something new. Many know that hard boiled eggs have a lot of protiens which when boiled requires more energy from your body to digest the hard boiled egg than the energy in the egg.", "- Ingredient specific calorie information from our recipes: 1 Calories In Basic 3-egg omelette. 2 244 calories, 14g fat, 10g carbs, 19g protein, 2g fiber. 3 Calories In Bacon & Egg Omelette for One.ngredient specific calorie information from our recipes: 1 Calories In Basic 3-egg omelette. 2 244 calories, 14g fat, 10g carbs, 19g protein, 2g fiber. 3 Calories In Bacon & Egg Omelette for One.", "- Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of 3 Egg Cheese Omelette. 228 calories of Cheddar Cheese, (2 slice (1 oz)) 210 calories of Egg, Omega 3, (3 serving) 25 calories of Milk, 1%, (0.25 cup)", "How many calories in a 3 egg omelet? Therefore, a three egg omelet would have 216-234 calories with just the eggs. Add 36 calories if you use one small … pat of butter. This would make it 252-270 if you use one small pat of butter and 3 eggs. Therefore: 216-234 calories without butter, fat or oil 252-270 calories with butter.For the calories in scrambled eggs, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.his would make it 252-270 if you use one small pat of butter and 3 eggs. Therefore: 216-234 calories without butter, fat or oil 252-270 calories with butter. For the calories in scrambled eggs, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.", "How Many Calories In An Egg Here is the answer…. Calories: There are about 78 calories in each egg (there is a difference depending on size). The egg yolk contains about 59 calories while the white contains about 19 (which is the number of calories an egg white omelet will contain).", "Calories in an Omelette Directions: 1 Heat pan using medium heat. 2 Sauté the artichoke hearts and onions until they are slightly brown. 3 Whisk the eggs together in one bowl. After ½ a minute, the egg will start to solidify, leave 1 it. Sprinkle the feta cheese evenly on top of the omelette. Leave it to cook for about 45 seconds.", "How many calories will be in a boiled egg? Calories in Egg Whites. Egg whites are very low in calories, have no fat, no cholesterol, and are loaded with protein. The egg white is less likely than the yolk to harbor dangerous salmonella, but due to the health risks that raw eggs present, consumption is highly discouraged by medical experts.alories Based on one large egg: Egg White 17 calories Egg Yolk 59 calories Fried Egg 92 calories Hard-Boiled Egg 76 calories Poached Egg 76 calories Scrambled Egg 100 calories (includes addition of milk in recipe).", "- There are 129 calories in 2 medium Eggs. Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Egg including 1 oz and 1 small.", "- Cooking method changes the calorie value in eggs. The 72 cals in a raw egg rises to 94 in an omelet, 91 when scrambled, and 90 when fried. If you're watching your calories, your best bet is a hard-boiled egg, which stays low at 78 cals, or a veggie-stuffed omelet.", "Calories in Scrambled Eggs Calories in Scrambled Eggs. The favorite choice for the term Scrambled Eggs is 1 large Egg Omelet or Scrambled Egg which has about 100 calories. Calorie and nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Scrambled Eggs is shown below. Popular Sizes of Scrambled Eggs. Fat(g)", "Calories in Scrambled Eggs With Cheese Calories in Scrambled Eggs With Cheese. A father prepares scrambled eggs and cheese for his family. Two scrambled eggs with cheese typically contain between 345 and 465 calories, depending on the kind of cheese you add and the amount of butter or oil you use to fry the eggs. Eggs. Two large eggs contain 144 calories.", "- You might be looking at different units. 1 large egg contains 78 calories (per egg) of which 55 are in the yolk. But 100 grams of egg yolk contains 322 calories. As to eggs and health - certainly egg yolks contain nearly all the fat in an egg. However, that does not mean you should not eat whole eggs. First, 78 calories is not that much.", "How Many Calories in an Egg? A whole, cooked and scrambled egg. 1 whole 1.8 oz egg cooked with one tablespoon of non-fat milk. One of the most popular ways that eggs are eaten is when they are scrambled, so lets look at how many calories in scrambled eggs now. 1 Whole serving is 80 calories for each egg. 2 A 1.8 oz hard boiled egg has 78 cal." ]
[ 15.9609375 ]
[ 14.9453125, 8.5, 8.1015625, 12.4921875, 13.1015625, 14.0703125, 13.5703125, 11.578125, 8.359375, 11.4765625, 9.2734375, 9.1171875, 11.359375, 8.265625, 15.4453125, 7.328125, 8.1953125, 6.09375, 14.53125, 13.3359375, 14.2265625, 12.890625, 7.44140625, 7.94140625, 8.3046875, 13.625, 13.3828125, 9.78125, 8.2890625, 8.796875 ]
how is cf inherited? (how do you get it)
[ "- Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that causes the body to produce mucus that's extremely thick and sticky. It mainly affects the lungs and the pancreas, causing serious breathing and digestive problems." ]
[ "Appendix C Appendix C. In concept, a financial affidavit is a simple document. It is a sworn statement of your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. The form for the affidavit is prescribed by the Florida Supreme Court.hen you receive a copy of your spouse's financial affidavit, look it over carefully. See if any of these tricks have been used to inflate the expenses. Scrutinize every item carefully and compare the amounts with yours.", "Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that causes thickened mucus to form in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. In the lungs, this mucus blocks the airways, causing lung damage and making it hard to breathe.", "Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition caused by a change in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Cystic fibrosis is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, which means two copies of the gene must be changed for a person to be affected with cystic fibrosis.", "- Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that affects the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands, and male fertility. Its name derives from the fibrous scar tissue that develops in the pancreas, one of the principal organs affected by the disease.", "cystic fibrosis Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease, meaning it is caused by a defect in the individual's genes. Genes control cell function by serving as the blueprint for the production of proteins. Proteins carry out a wide variety of functions within cells.", "- Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Overview. Overview of Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal, inherited disease in the United States (see Incidence). CF causes the body to produce abnormally thick and sticky mucus in several different parts of the body, most prominently in the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system.", "FAQ: Carrier Testing for Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Our genes come in pairs, with one copy inherited from each parent. Some genes have mutations in them, and do not function properly. A person with one non-functional copy of the gene is a carrier.", "Cystic Fibrosis Research Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that causes mucus to build up and clog some of the body’s organs, particularly the lungs and pancreas. Normally, mucus is a slippery, watery substance made by the lining of some body tissues. A defective gene causes mucus in CF-afflicted people to become thick and sticky.", "- The first thing you need to realize is that cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease. Each human being has 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell of the body.It is a mutation on the seventh pair that causes CF. This gene is very complex, and well over 1,000 different kinds mutations on this gene can manifest as CF.s a genetic disorder, it is passed along from parents to child. In the case of CF, two CF genes must be inherited, one from each parent. This makes CF a recessive disorder, because two genes are needed for the condition to manifest.", "Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease of the mucus and sweat glands. It affects mostly your lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, sinuses, and sex organs. CF causes your mucus to be thick and sticky. The mucus clogs the lungs, causing breathing problems and making it easy for bacteria to grow.", "by Mary Shelley As his morals suffer, his health does as well: he becomes pale and emaciated. Frankenstein's work is literally sickening the man who was once called Victor. Next Section Chapters 5-8 Summary and Analysis Previous Section Letters 1-4 Summary and Analysis Buy Study Guide", "Cystic fibrosis Cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that affects mostly the lungs, but also the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and intestine. Long-term issues include difficulty breathing and coughing up mucus as a result of frequent lung infections.", "Cystic fibrosis: What chromosome is it located? Give information please? Associated Disorders: Defective versions of this protein, caused by CFTR gene mutations, can lead to the development of cystic fibrosis (CF) and congenital bilateral aplasia of the vas deferens (CBAVD). You can click on this link to see a diagram of the gene: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Hu...", "Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited life-threatening disease that affects many organs. It causes changes in the electrolyte transport system which causes cells to absorb too much sodium and water. CF is characterized by problems in the glands that produce sweat and mucus.", "- Key Points to Remember. 1 CF is a genetic condition that can cause chronic disease in the lungs, liver and other organs. 2 Poor bile flow in the liver can lead to inflammation and scarring of the liver in patients with CF.", "Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited life-threatening disease that affects many organs. It causes changes in the electrolyte transport system causing cells to absorb too much sodium and water. CF is characterized by problems with the glands that make sweat and mucus.", "- Avoiding Inheritance Conflict in Your Family Even in the most close-knit families, an inheritance can cause a feud if the deceased hasn't left a detailed plan. You might be thinking, That would never happen to my family!. Unfortunately, family feuds over inheritances are all too common.", "Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms and Treatment Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited (genetic) condition found in children that affects the way salt and water move in and out of cells. This, in turn, affects glands that produce mucus, tears, sweat, saliva and digestive juices. Normally, the secretions produced by these glands are thin and slippery, and help protect the body's tissues. In people with cystic fibrosis, the secretions are abnormally thick and sticky, so that they don't move as easily.", "Cystic Fibrosis 16. Cystic fibrosis is a serious inherited disease which mainly affects the lungs and pancreas but can involve other organs. Symptoms usually begin in early childhood and include persistent cough, wheeze, repeated chest infections, difficulty absorbing food and general ill health.", "Frequency Distributions and Percentiles-Chapter 3 N; f; rel.f; and cf. (a)N= is the number of scores in a sample. (b)F= is frequency, the number of times a score occurs. (c)Rel F= is relative frequency, the proportion of time a score occurs. (d)CF= is cumulative frequency, the number of times scores at or below a score occur.", "Cystic fibrosis Other signs and symptoms include sinus infections, poor growth, fatty stool, clubbing of the fingers and toes, and infertility in males, among others. Different people may have different degrees of symptoms. CF is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.", "Overview Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs and digestive system.Cystic fibrosis affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat and digestive juices. These secreted fluids are normally thin and slippery.But in people with cystic fibrosis, a defective gene causes the secretions to become thick and sticky.Instead of acting as a lubricant, the secretions plug up tubes, ducts and passageways, especially in the lungs and pancreas.ut in people with cystic fibrosis, a defective gene causes the secretions to become thick and sticky. Instead of acting as a lubricant, the secretions plug up tubes, ducts and passageways, especially in the lungs and pancreas.", "Overview Cystic fibrosis. Overview. Cystic fibrosis In cystic fibrosis, the airways fill with thick, sticky mucus, making it difficult to breathe. The thick mucus is also an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs, digestive system and other organs in the body. Cystic fibrosis affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat and digestive juices. These secreted fluids are normally thin and slippery.", "Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease of the mucus and sweat glands. It affects mostly your lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, sinuses and sex organs. CF causes your mucus to be thick and sticky.", "- Cystic fibrosis (CF). Cystic fibrosis is one of the most common inherited single gene disorders in Caucasians. About one in 2500 Caucasian babies is born with CF and about one in 25 Caucasians of northern European descent carries the gene for CF.", "- 05-17-2008, 08:52 AM. It does come from confer and it does mean compare.. Essentially, cf. is intended to point the reader in the direction of information that is intended to augment the writer's argument or point. It's just a fancy way of saying see also.", "Cystic fibrosis CF is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. It is caused by the presence of mutations in both copies of the gene for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. Those with a single working copy are carriers and otherwise mostly normal.", "Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Cystic fibrosis (SIS-tik fi-BRO-sis), or CF, is an inherited disease of the secretory (see-KREH-tor-ee) glands. Secretory glands include glands that make mucus and sweat. Inherited means the disease is passed from parents to children through genes. People who have CF inherit two faulty genes for the disease—one from each parent. The parents likely don't have the disease themselves.", "Cystic fibrosis CF is an autosomal recessive disorder. It is caused by the presence of mutations in both copies of the gene for the protein cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Those with a single working copy are carriers and otherwise mostly normal.", "What Is Cystic Fibrosis? Diagnosis and Genetics. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease. People with CF have inherited two copies of the defective CF gene -- one copy from each parent. Both parents must have at least one copy of the defective gene. People with only one copy of the defective CF gene are called carriers, but they do not have the disease. Each time two CF carriers have a child, the chances are: 1 25 percent (1 in 4) the child will have CF. 2 50 percent (1 in 2) the child will be a carrier but will not have CF." ]
[ 12.2109375 ]
[ -2.2890625, 12.421875, 14.15625, 12.078125, 13.25, 11.1953125, 14.53125, 12.25, 13.4765625, 12.421875, 1.2001953125, 11.2890625, 8.921875, 11.6953125, 9.4609375, 11.71875, 1.6455078125, 12.1484375, 11.3671875, 1.8359375, 13.0078125, 12.078125, 11.8203125, 12.3359375, 12.6875, 3.62890625, 14.7421875, 14.6953125, 12.8671875, 14.8203125 ]
how far is waller from houston tx
[ "Maps and Directions View Larger Map. Waller is located just northwest of Houston, where the city meets the country! The short 21 mile commute from Waller to Houston offers the convenience and employment opportunities of the big city while still being able to experience country living. Use the interactive Google map above to find directions to any destination in Waller Texas." ]
[ "Airports in Texas Closest to Rockwall Rockwall is a city of about 18,000 in northeastern Texas approximately 22 miles east of Dallas. The city is on the eastern banks of Lake Ray Hubbard.", "- Houlka Mayor 201 Walker St Houlka MS 38850 48.5 miles from Ripley 662-568-2746 Collierville Town Mayor 500 Poplar View Parkway Collierville TN 38017 48.5 miles from Ripley 901-457-2200 Showing 1-20 of 23 Mayor Offices.", "- Wilmer is located at 32°35′27″N 96°40′57″W / 32.59083°N 96.68250°W / 32.59083; -96.68250 (32.590743, -96.682619). It is situated along Interstate 45 in southeastern Dallas County, approximately 14 miles (23 km) south of downtown Dallas.", "- Major cities near Warren, TX. This is a list of large cities closest to Warren, TX. A big city usually has a population of at least 200,000 and you can often fly into a major airport. If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Warren, TX. 1 82 miles to Houston, TX. 2 194 miles to Baton Rouge, LA. 3 200 miles to Austin, TX. 4 207 miles to Dallas, TX. 5 207 miles to Garland, TX.", "- Hawker is 64 kms north of Quorn and 110 kms from Port Augusta and accessible by sealed road from all capital cities in Australia and is approximately 5 hours drive from Adelaide, the population of Hawker is approximately 300.The Heysen Trail and the Mawson Trail pass through or close to Hawker.tay at the Hawker Hotel Motel, the Outback Chapmanton Motel or either of the two caravan parks, or in self contained accommodation (self catering accommodation) in Hawker. Northern roads pass through Hawker to Lyndhurst and Marree. From Lyndhurst take the Strzelecki Track to Innamincka and Southwest Queensland.", "Vernal, Utah Vernal, the county seat and largest city in Uintah County is in northeastern Utah, United States, about 175 miles (280 km) east of Salt Lake City and 20 miles (32 km) west of the Colorado border. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 9,089. The population has since grown to 10,844 as of the 2014 population estimate.", "- When I did internet tracking on the package I was outraged. These idiots at USPS first took the package to Houston, Texas which is nearly 400 miles from San Angelo, Then they took it Ft. Worth Texas which is 270 miles away.", "- Welcome to Walker County. Located in SE Texas, Walker County is the 51st largest county in Texas with a population of 64,119. We are home to the cities of Huntsville, New Waverly and Riverside and Sam Houston State Univ. [more] PLEA SHEET- this MUST be submitted with your PAYMENT.", "- Fort Worth Texas is not too far from Dallas Texas - about 30 to 35 miles away from there. It is 36.1 miles according to Google Maps. Downtown Dallas and Downtown Fort Worth are approximately 30 miles apart. It is 37.8 miles according to Google Maps. Approximately 35 miles between the city centers.", "- houston tx is 694 miles from atlanta there are 65 daily flights from houston tx to atlanta there are 104 weekly flights from houston tx to atlanta 83 non stop flights are operating from houston tx to atlanta today delta has the most nonstop flights between houston tx and atlanta los angeles ca los angeles international airport is the most popular connection for one stop flights between houston tx and atlanta", "The little Chamber that can!Home MembersCommunity ExchangeCommunity CalendarFeatured Business Photo AlbumsContact Us FormHow To Join Wallis is a small town with big potential. We are located between Sealy and Rosenberg on State Highway 36. We are approximately 40 miles West of downtown Houston and population is moving our way rapidly. The Wallis Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to promoting the prosperity and growth of our member businesses and facilitating location of other businesses to Wallis.", "PALMER, TX PALMER, TX. PALMER, TEXAS. Palmer is on Interstate Highway 45 and U.S. Highway 75, twelve miles northeast of Waxahachie in northeastern Ellis County. It was settled after the arrival of the Houston and Texas Central Railway in 1872 and was named for D. S. Palmer, a Houston physician and stockholder of the railroad company.", "Andover, Massachusetts The town also has several golf courses. Andover's town center is located approximately four miles south of the center of Lawrence, and is 22 miles (35 km) north of Boston and 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Manchester, New Hampshire. Andover contains the westernmost point of Essex County, along the Merrimack River.", "- Fire on county road 8… Multiple agencies responded Tuesday to a controlled burn that got out of hand at Westlands, more than 20 miles up County Road 8 in eastern Rio Blanco County. Days Gone By. Days Gone By: April 13, 2017 The Meeker Herald — 100 years ago – Don’t neglect your eyes.", "- The ruins are 18km North of Hawker on the Leigh Creek Road. First settled in 1863 as a stopover for the overland teams. Consisting mainly of a hotel, store and blacksmith shop, the town declined and the hotel closed in 1892.Wheat-farming was established in the area during the 1870’s.t is in the Central Flinders Ranges and is a leisurely 5 hour drive from Adelaide. There are 3 different touring routes to get to Hawker, you can choose a scenic drive or travel up Highway One, turning off at the Stirling North intersection, 5 kms before Port Augusta.", "- We are located 12 miles West of Wagner S.D. on SD Hwy 46.", "- Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Hooper: 1 Weber State University (about 10 miles; Ogden, UT; Full-time enrollment: 17,655) 2 Latter-day Saints Business College (about 30 miles; Salt Lake City, UT; FT enrollment: 2,059) 3 University of Utah (about 32 miles; Salt Lake City, UT; FT enrollment: 28,454)", "Woodstock, Vermont It is bordered the town of Pomfret to the north, Hartford to the northeast, Hartland to the east, Reading to the south, and Bridgewater to the west. Woodstock is a three-hour drive from Boston and is 250 miles (400 km) away from New York City.", "Hockley, Texas Hockley, Texas. Hockley is an unincorporated community located in Harris County, Texas on Texas State Highway 6 and U.S. Highway 290, approximately five miles southeast of the city hall of Waller, and thirty-six miles northwest of Downtown Houston. The community serves as the main hub for railway traffic serving Houston, Austin, and many parts of central Texas. The Southern Pacific rail line is one of the community's major employers. The community is surrounded by grain farms and cattle ranches.", "Barwell Barwell is a large village and was a parish 103 miles north of London, just 2 miles northeast of Hinckley, and 11 miles southwest of Leicester city. The parish covered 2,387 acres and includes the township of Potters Marston and the hamlet and chapelry of Stapleton.", "TOLAR, TX TOLAR, TX. TOLAR, TEXAS. Tolar is on U.S. Highway 377 seven miles southwest of Granbury in southwestern Hood County. It was first settled around 1890, when the tracks of the Fort Worth and Rio Grande Railway reached the area. The community was named by W. L. McGaughey in honor of his friend Alf Tolar, who lived in Abilene.", "Huntsville, Texas According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a land area of 35.86 square miles in 2010. At the area code level, land area covers 559.661 sq. mi. and water area 7.786 sq. mi. Huntsville is about 70 miles (110 km) north of Houston. It is part of the Texas Triangle megaregion.", "TUSCALOOSA, TX TUSCALOOSA, TX. TUSCALOOSA, TEXAS. Tuscaloosa is a ghost town in Walker County that was twelve miles north of Huntsville on the Trinity River near the home of Samuel Calhoun. The area was included in the Jonathan S. Collard Survey of 369 acres. In 1853 Gustavas A. Wyser acquired one-half of the property on the big bend of the Trinity River.", "- It's around 9 miles from North Central Houston and is worth the trip. A drive to Galleria is another option to consider. It is approximately 16 miles away and is where you'll discover Houstonian Golf Club and Ice at the Galleria. When it's time to explore beyond North Central Houston, take a trip to a regional hub.", "WALLER, TX Although Waller was a stop on the Houston and Texas Central Railroad, there was no local transportation for visitors and salesmen arriving by rail until Ed and Bob Robertson opened a livery stable in the early part of the twentieth century.", "- Schuyler, Virginia - the REAL Walton's Mountain. 1 Located twenty-five miles south of Charlottesville in the foothills of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountain range you will find the small hamlet of Schuyler. It is a quiet village nestled along the Rockfish River in Nelson County that was once home to The Waltons creator, Earl Hamner.", "How many miles from Midland Texas to Del Rio Texas? How many miles from Austin Texas to ballinger Texas? 200 miles taking this route: Take 183A TOLL NORTH out of Austin to U.S. 183 NORTH; continue on U.S. 183 NORTH to U.S. 67 SOUTH. Continue on U.S. 67 SOUTH to Ballinger.", "CloseWake up with today's top storiesGet Today's Headlines every morning and breaking news as it unfolds.Connect with FacebookorSubscriber Log in | Privacy Policy Falfurrias, the one city in Brooks County, is located 84 miles from the Mexican border. Major cities like Houston, which is 273 miles from Falfurrias, offer many more transportation options than small towns.", "- Balmorhea provides an elegant waterfront utopia to your dream wedding. Just thirty minutes north of Houston you are secluded on a pristine thirty two acre property with the feel of the Texas Hill Country. Reserve your day.", "Manor, Texas Manor is located along US Hwy. 290 at 30°20′35″N 97°33′24″W / 30.343071°N 97.556710°W / 30.343071; -97.556710 (30.343071, -97.556710), 12 miles (19 km) east of downtown Austin. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 7.35 square miles (18.48 km 2), all of it land." ]
[ 16.65625 ]
[ 2.751953125, -0.9267578125, 3.62890625, 6.18359375, -1.62890625, 0.60595703125, 3.033203125, 3.28125, 3.791015625, 5, 7.55859375, 2.609375, -0.607421875, -0.2205810546875, -2.19140625, 0.9443359375, -0.806640625, -1.6962890625, 14.078125, -2.080078125, 0.41748046875, 5.515625, 2.83203125, 6.30078125, 8.703125, -4.140625, 1.2314453125, 1.9443359375, 4.8828125, 3.189453125 ]
uncertain tax positions definition
[ "Knowledge Center An UTP is defined as a position in a previously filed tax return or a position expected to be taken in a future tax return by the company. Examples of tax positions include but are not limited to: 1 A decision to not file a tax return (i.e. state tax return)." ]
[ "tax matters partner Definition of tax matters partner: The designated person in a partnership who receives tax notifications from the Internal Revenue Service, has the... Definition of tax matters partner: The designated person in a partnership who receives tax notifications from the Internal Revenue Service, has the... Home Articles", "- Definition of UNASCERTAINABLE. : not ascertainable. ADVERTISEMENT. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis.Note that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged.To access the complete Unabridged Dictionary, with an additional 300,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary, start a free trial.ote that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged. To access the complete Unabridged Dictionary, with an additional 300,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary, start a free trial.", "Income tax Income tax. An income tax is a tax imposed on individuals or entities (taxpayers) that varies with the income or profits (taxable income) of the taxpayer. Details vary widely by jurisdiction. Many jurisdictions refer to income tax on business entities as companies tax or corporate tax.", "- Offer In Compromise. Share. DEFINITION of 'Offer In Compromise'. A program offered by the IRS to taxpayers who are unable to pay their tax debt. Those who qualify are allowed to make an offer in compromise, which is an offer to pay a lesser amount than that which is owed.", "- … suspect or know of an individual or a business that is not complying with the tax laws on issues such as: 1 False Exemptions or Deductions. 2 Kickbacks. 3 False/Altered Document. Failure to Pay 1 Tax. Unreported Income. Organized 1 Crime. Failure to Withhold.", "ASC 740 â Income Taxes ASC 740-10 notes the following: This Subtopic provides guidance for recognizing and measuring tax positions taken or expected to be taken in a tax return that directly or indirectly affect amounts reported in financial statements.", "penalty tax penalty tax. Definition. Local or federal punitive tax applied to deter non-compliance, such as underpayment of income tax or disregard of the rules governing a business activity.", "Transfer pricing and its effect on financial reporting In addition, for applicable corporations, transfer-pricing issues that give rise to an uncertain tax position often are reportable on Schedule UTP, Uncertain Tax Position Statement. These issues also have increased the complexity of financial statements, requiring additional and longer footnote disclosures.ransfer-pricing issues often give rise to uncertain tax benefits, which under FASB ASC Topic 740, Income Taxes, require taxpayers to assess the strength of the uncertain position, based on its documentation and analysis.", "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About International Individual Tax Matters 1 If you take the position that any item of income is exempt from U.S. tax or eligible for a lower tax rate under a U.S. income tax treaty (a treaty-based position), you generally must disclose that position on Form 8833 and attach it to your return. If you are a tax resident in both the United States and a foreign country based on each country’s laws, you must use the provisions of an income tax treaty to claim tax residence in only one country.", "Definition of âsin taxâ - English Dictionary sin tax noun [C, usually singular] uk us informal TAX › a tax charged on particular things or activities that are seen as bad and unnecessary, such as cigarettes, alcohol, or gambling:", "Definition of âsin taxâ - English Dictionary sin tax noun [C usually singular] uk / ˈsɪn ˌtæks / us / ˈsɪn ˌtæks / US informal › a tax on things such as cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, and other things that are considered unnecessary and bad for your physical or mental health", "- IMPOSTS definition - This word is sometimes used to signify taxes or duties or impositions; and sometimes in the more restrained sense of a duty on imported goods and merchandi IMPOSTS definition - This word is sometimes used to signify taxes or duties or impositions; and sometimes in the more restrained sense of a duty on imported goods and merchandi Skip to primary navigation", "countercyclical designating or of fiscal policy that attempts to minimize extreme fluctuations in the business cycle, as by increasing spending and reducing taxes during periods of decline.", "How Contract Positions Work 3 Salaried Vs. Contract positions are employment arrangements that do not involve the same level of commitment as an employer-employee relationship. If you hire contract workers, you are not required to pay employment taxes on the hours they work as you would for a regular employee. Hiring contract workers can save you money, but make sure that your arrangements with these workers conform to IRS guidelines.", "Uncertain Tax Positions: Navigating Accounting Policy Choices The question then is whether each UTP should be considered in isolation or as part of the tax liability as a whole. This decision can affect the accounting analysis, since IFRS imposes a much higher recognition threshold for uncertain assets than for uncertain liabilities.", "Accounting for Uncertainty FIN 48 applies to all tax positions accounted for under Statement no. 109, including tax positions to be acquired in business combinations, as of the beginning of the first fiscal year beginning after Dec. 15, 2006.", "VARIABLE INCOME Variable income is the unknowing of the future revenues of an investment, due to the unpredictability of the markets, instability of the surroundings, variability between the offer and the demand, the speculation of those investors and companies, members of the business in the stock market.", "2010 Financial Report of the United States Government In addition to the previous listed earmarked funds within the “all other” aggregate, there are 11 other earmarked funds, also within the “all other” aggregate that represent all the earmarked unemployment and excise tax revenues shown on the consolidated Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Position.", "DEFINITION of 'Comprehensive Tax Allocation' DEFINITION of 'Comprehensive Tax Allocation'. An accounting term that describes a form of interperiod tax allocation, a method of income analysis. It signifies a means of quantifying the net effect of taxation upon all book income transactions within a given period, such as a fiscal year, measuring after-tax income.", "- Position (optional) is the position in the text where the search is to start. I also can't get the Excel SEARCH() function to accept a cell range as an argument unless I enter it as an array function, which also works in Calc and requires as many cells as are in the searched range.", "- Income taxes currently payable are $120 ($400 at 30 percent). 740-20-55-11 Income tax expense is allocated between the pretax loss from operations and the extraordinary gain on discontinued operations as follows.", "Knowledge Center The company must now determine how to move forward. First it must identify any tax positions taken or expected to be taken on its tax returns. Once the company identifies the tax position, it must determine the level at which the tax position will be evaluated (i.e. unit of account).", "tax straddle Tax Straddle. A practice in which two futures or options contracts, one expected to gain and one expected to lose, are sold in two different tax years. The contract expected to lose is sold at the end of one tax year while the one showing a gain is sold at the beginning of the following year.", "- This is a particular issue. with earmarked excise taxes (see Bird, 1997). • Misunderstandings over the use of tax revenues –. where earmarked tax revenues pay for only part. of a spending programme, there is no necessary. link between that tax and the provision of the. related public services. The use of earmarking.", "Definition of 'tax incentive' a reduction made by the government in the amount of tax that a particular group of people or type of organization has to pay or a change in the tax system that benefits those people. Massive subsidies and tax incentives were given to encourage the formation of giant industrial complexes.", "- Federal Tax Law Hierarchy. Tax research can be daunting in the best of circumstances. Seasoned tax professionals have. long mastered the intricacies of tax research and the diverse document types that make up the. massive collection of sources that must be navigated. For new tax professionals, however, navigating the morass of legal authority, kinds of documents, and sheer volume of documents.", "Internal Revenue Bulletin: 2010-24 Definition of Terms Used by the IRS. in Official Documents. Amplified describes a situation where no change is being made in a prior published position, but the prior position is being extended to apply to a variation of the fact situation set forth therein.", "FHA Definition of Gross Income and Untaxed Income The lender may add back a portion of the untaxed income to your gross income. The lender adds back a percentage based on the tax rate you used to calculate your previous year's income tax, or 25 percent. For example, the lender may gross up child support income by multiplying the amount by 125 percent.", "- Definition of penalty tax: Local or federal punitive tax applied to deter non-compliance, such as underpayment of income tax or disregard of the rules... Definition of penalty tax: Local or federal punitive tax applied to deter non-compliance, such as underpayment of income tax or disregard of the rules... Home Articles", "- Definition of 'tax burden'. tax burden (tæks ˈbɜːdən) the amount of tax paid by a person, company, or country in a specified period considered as a proportion of total income in that period. Multinationals can also shift profits to reduce their total tax burden; they can show larger profits in countries with lower tax rates." ]
[ 13.296875 ]
[ 4.34375, 0.91357421875, 5.86328125, 3.185546875, 2.6328125, 9.09375, 3.193359375, 11.21875, 4.89453125, 1.7578125, 1.640625, 1.03125, 3.421875, 3.52734375, 9.015625, 10.671875, -0.1353759765625, 2.052734375, 4.85546875, 0.09686279296875, 3.361328125, 7.84375, 3.376953125, 0.53759765625, 2.755859375, 1.9150390625, 4.65234375, 0.4990234375, 3.814453125, 2.8046875 ]
definition of hydraulic action
[ "- Hydraulic action is where water and air is forced into cracks in the rocks. The parcels of air are compressed by the surging of water therefore when the wave retreats the air … expands. As a result it weakens the joints causing it crack and the rock to shatter." ]
[ "Capillary action In hydrology, capillary action describes the attraction of water molecules to soil particles. Capillary action is responsible for moving groundwater from wet areas of the soil to dry areas. Differences in soil potential ( ψ m {\\displaystyle \\Psi _{m}} ) drive capillary action in soil.", "Action (physics)update Action (physics) In physics, action is an attribute of the dynamics of a physical system from which the equations of motion of the system can be derived. It is a mathematical functional which takes the trajectory, also called path or history, of the system as its argument and has a real number as its result.", "hydraulic Historical Examples. 1 Regulators, Dynamometers, Pneumatic and hydraulic machinery. 2 Most of the mining is done in hydraulic and tunnel claims in deep hills. 3 The first Otis elevators were moved by steam or hydraulic power. 4 It is wonderful to see how the bulk of a bale can be reduced by hydraulic pressure.", "How does the hydraulic system work? (August 2008) A hydraulic drive system is a drive or transmission system that uses pressurized hydraulic fluid to power hydraulic machinery. The term hydrostatic refers to the transfer of energy from flow and pressure, not from the kinetic energy of the flow.", "0 100%FREQUENCYQuite widely used87 /100 Definition of hydrodynamic in the English dictionary The definition of hydrodynamic in the dictionary is of or concerned with the mechanical properties of fluids. Other definition of hydrodynamic is of or concerned with hydrodynamics.", "Hydraulic action Hydraulic action also occurs as a stream tumbles over a waterfall to crash onto the rocks below. It usually leads to the formation of a plunge pool below the waterfall due in part to corrosion from the stream's load, but more to a scouring action as vortices form in the water as it escapes downstream.", "capillary action capillary action n. The interaction between contacting surfaces of a liquid and a solid that distorts the liquid surface from a planar shape and causes the liquid to rise or fall in a narrow tube.", "hydrodynamic pertaining to forces in or motions of liquids. 2. of or relating to hydrodynamics. Origin of hydrodynamic. 1770-1780.", "Hydraulics Hydraulics (from Greek: Υδραυλική) is a technology and applied science using engineering, chemistry, and other sciences involving the mechanical properties and use of liquids. At a very basic level, hydraulics is the liquid counterpart of pneumatics, which concerns gases.", "What is Hydrodynamics? These 10 animal facts will amaze you. Hydrodynamics is the study of liquids in motion. Specifically, it looks at the ways different forces affect the movement of liquids. A series of equations explain how the conservation laws of mass, energy, and momentum apply to liquids, particularly those that are not compressed.", "HYPERMUSCLE: MUSCLES IN ACTION Muscle actions are always described as departures from the standard position of the body, the anatomical position. Certain of these actions are general, and can be applied to several regions of the body, while others are quite specific to a single region or even a single joint.", "Stream load Hydraulic action describes the erosion caused by the dragging of water over the stream bed and bank. This dragging, coupled with the impact of small parties, easily loosens and erodes smaller alluvial matter, such as gravel, sand, silt and clay (Mangelsdorf, 1990).", "- 1 Hydraulic action Erosion caused by the force of river water hitting cracks in the side of the river bank. The air in the cracks becomes compressed and then explodes outwards, breaking off bits of rock. 2 industry The type of work that people do. island An area of land surrounded by water.", "- The expression refers to any of various steering system configurations where a vehicle is steered solely by means of a hydraulic circuit comprising, as a minimum, a pump, lines, fluid, valve, and cylinder (actuator). that is to say, the vehicle is steered (usually via the front wheels) purely by a hydraulically powered steering cylinder.", "- hydraulic adjective. › ​operated by or ​involving the ​pressure of ​water or some other ​liquid: a hydraulic ​lift/​platform/​pump. (Definition of hydraulic from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press). See all translations.", "- 1 Shown here is a generalized landscape depicting the activities of the hydraulic fracturing water cycle. and their relationship to each other, as well as their relationship to drinking water resources. Arrows. depict the movement of water and chemicals. Specific activities in the “Wastewater Treatment and.", "- Hydraulic definition, operated by, moved by, or employing water or other liquids in motion. See more.", "How does the hydraulic system work? A hydraulic or hydrostatic drive system or hydraulic power transmission is a drive or transmission system that uses hydraulic fluid under pressure to drive machinery. The term … hydrostatic refers to the transfer of energy from flow and pressure, not from the kinetic energy of the flow.", "- Project defines a hero as an individual or a network of people that take action on behalf of others. in need, or in defense of integrity or a moral cause. Heroic action is: 1. Engaged in voluntarily; 2. Conducted in service to one or more people or the community as a whole; 3. Involving a risk to physical comfort, social stature, or quality of life; and. 4. Initiated without the expectation of material gain. This is the definition of hero is what we use at HIP as the basis of our organization and as the. litmus test for our research. We acknowledge that there are many interpretations of the word hero. and the term heroic action as well as many varieties of heroism. We are also aware that many.", "Action (physics)update In other words, the action satisfies a variational principle: the principle of stationary action (see also below). The action is defined by an integral, and the classical equations of motion of a system can be derived by minimizing the value of that integral. This simple principle provides deep insights into physics, and is an important concept in modern theoretical physics.", "Capillary Action of Water: Definition & Examples You should see that the water has climbed up the straw and is higher than the level of water in the glass. It seems to have defied gravity by moving up the straw. This is capillary action - the movement of a liquid through or along the surface of another material in spite of other forces, such as gravity.", "Engineering Essentials: Fundamentals of Hydraulic Pumps First, its mechanical action creates a vacuum at the pump inlet which allows atmospheric pressure to force liquid from the reservoir into the inlet line to the pump. Second, its mechanical action delivers this liquid to the pump outlet and forces it into the hydraulic system. A pump produces liquid movement or flow: it does not generate pressure. It produces the flow necessary for the development of pressure which is a function of resistance to fluid flow in the system.", "How does the hydraulic system work? Hydraulic drive system. A hydraulic drive system is a drive or transmission system that uses pressurized hydraulic fluid to power hydraulic machinery. The term hydrostatic refers to the transfer of energy from flow and pressure, not from the kinetic energy of the flow.", "Capillary action Capillary action of water compared to mercury, in each case with respect to a polar surface such as glass. Capillary action (sometimes capillarity, capillary motion, or wicking) is the ability of a liquid to flow in narrow spaces without the assistance of, and in opposition to, external forces like gravity.n hydrology, capillary action describes the attraction of water molecules to soil particles. Capillary action is responsible for moving groundwater from wet areas of the soil to dry areas. Differences in soil potential () drive capillary action in soil.", "- It can also convert DC signals into proportional AC voltages. action. A set of control instructions prompting a PLC to perform a certain control. function during the execution of a sequential function chart step. acyclic message.", "regulation 3. the power to form a whole embryo from stages before the gastrula. 4. the biochemical mechanisms that control the expression of genes. hemodynamic regulation in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as optimization of heart rate, preload, afterload and contractility. See also hemodynamic monitoring.", "Capillary Action in Plants: Definition & Examples Definition and Forces. Capillary action is the movement of liquid along a surface of a solid caused by the attraction of molecules of the liquid to the molecules of the solid. Let's simplify. Plants use capillary action to bring water up the roots and stems to the rest of the plant.", "- hydrolysis - a chemical reaction in which water reacts with a compound to produce other compounds; involves the splitting of a bond and the addition of the hydrogen cation and the hydroxide anion from the water.", "hydraulic action definition, hydraulic action meaning | English dictionary 1 a locomotive driven by a diesel engine through hydraulic transmission and torque converters. adj. 2 of or relating to such a locomotive or system. hydraulic brake. n a type of brake, used in motor vehicles, in which the braking force is transmitted from the brake pedal to the brakes by a liquid under pressure. hydraulic coupling.", "What is a Hydraulic Actuator? A hydraulic actuator is a mechanical device that uses hydraulics to convert energy into a linear movement. The mechanical energy produced is generally used to lift or press things that require a great deal of energy. Heavy equipment usually relies on several hydraulic actuators to function." ]
[ 14.9765625 ]
[ 5.98046875, 6.01171875, 5.63671875, 8.53125, 5.52734375, 13.8359375, 5.2109375, 5.23828125, 10.1875, 5.29296875, 1.7724609375, 15.203125, 13.421875, 7.1953125, 10.0859375, 4.859375, 10.7890625, 8.796875, 2.078125, 4.7109375, 4.65234375, 9.1171875, 8.703125, 6.234375, 5.4140625, 3.095703125, 4.9609375, 3.986328125, 13.625, 10.0625 ]
can napping help your mood
[ "- As a nation, the United States appears to be becoming more and more sleep deprived. And it may be our busy lifestyle that keeps us from napping. While naps do not necessarily make up for inadequate or poor quality nighttime sleep, a short nap of 20-30 minutes can help to improve mood, alertness and performance.ere are some other negative effects: 1 Naps can leave people with sleep inertia, especially when they last more than 10-20 minutes. 2 Napping can also have a negative effect on other sleeping periods. 3 One study has indicated that napping is associated with increased risk of heart failure in people already at risk." ]
[ "32 Solutions for When You Can't Sleep 11. Just 10 to 20 minutes of napping during the day can help us feel rested (and improve our creativity and memory, to boot!) . But try to avoid napping after 3:00 or 4:00pm, as this can make it harder to fall asleep at bedtime.1. Just 10 to 20 minutes of napping during the day can help us feel rested (and improve our creativity and memory, to boot!) . But try to avoid napping after 3:00 or 4:00pm, as this can make it harder to fall asleep at bedtime.", "Does the moon really affect our mood or is it just a myth? Study reveals lunar phases can play a role in how we sleep Does the moon really affect our mood or is it just a myth? Study reveals lunar phases can play a role in how we sleep. While the full moon can't turn people into werewolves (illustrated), some people accuse it of causing a bad night's sleep.", "11 Natural Treatments For Depression: An MDâs Tips For Skipping The Prozac Meditation's effects on mood are well documented. Settling your mind can lift your mood, in addition to a whole host of other health benefits. 9. Get your hormones balanced. If your thyroid, adrenal or sex hormones are out of whack, your mood can get all wonky.", "11 Supplements for Menopause A few studies have found evidence that the different types of ginseng might help improve quality of life during menopause. Ginseng has been shown to boost mood and improve sleep. But so far, studies haven't found that either American or Korean ginseng helps with physical symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes.", "- Naps also help keep kids from becoming overtired, which not only takes a toll on their moods but may also make it harder for them to fall asleep at night. And naptime gives parents a brief oasis during the day and time to tackle household chores or just unwind.", "- Naps can be the best addition to the day or they can make you feel more tired than you started out. This is a helpful article giving tips on napping in a way that makes you feel better. As it states, a short power nap can be a great way to accumulate a boost of energy during midday.aps can be extremely beneficial for workplace performance. Naps improve mood and stress management abilities. Short, 20-minute nap sessions have been routinely demonstrated to reduce accidents and mistakes while also improving attention, concentration, performance and alertness.", "7 Simple Rules For How to Take A Nap 2. Naps provide different benefits depending on how long they are. A short nap of even 20 minutes will enhance alertness and concentration, mood and coordination. A nap of 90 minutes will get you into slow wave and REM sleep, which enhances creativity.", "- Many people who are depressed also have problems with alcohol or drugs. Not only can they interfere with your mood, sleep, and motivation, they can also reduce the effectiveness of your depression medications. Drinks and foods with caffeine can trigger anxiety and make it difficult to sleep at night.", "- Neuropeptides influence many of the systems that are disrupted in depression, such as emotional control (anxiety, aggression), sleep, eating, motivation, pleasure and arousal. Neuropeptides are compounds, meaning that they have effects over a longer time frame and over multiple interacting systems simultaneously.", "24 Meals to Seriously Boost Your Mood Fights depression. When a bad mood hits, try a forkful of fish to feel better. This salmon salad is chock-full of omega-3-filled ingredients (like salmon and olive oil) that can help prevent symptoms of depression.", "Is Napping Good or Bad for You? The Science Behind a Power Nap The Proven Benefits of a Power Nap. Research to date shows us that naps, when done the right way, can help balance hormones naturally and reduce sleepiness overall — especially the “lull” many of us experience in the afternoon — as well as improve mental and physical performance.", "- 1 Maybe it was the near-inaudible buzz or the rain on the roof, or my imagination, by I actually napped, for about twenty minutes. The sound was nearly inaudible but both stopped and listened attentively.", "No-Nonsense Napping Guide for Toddlers Understand Your Child's Changing Sleep Needs. Charles Shubin, medical director of the Children's Health Center of Mercy Family Care in Baltimore, says, Napping conserves energy. When going through a growth spurt, an infant or toddler will sleep more and eat more because the energy demand is tremendous..", "How can I stabilize my moods if I have bipolar disorder? A Dr. Ruth White, MPH , Social Work, answered. Recognizing triggers and tracking your moods are two of the most useful tools for stabilizing your moods, because understanding moods and triggers helps you stay on track with the other steps. For example, when you don't exercise, you can often see the difference it makes in your mood.", "Power Napping for Productivity, Stress Relief and Health The Benefit of a Power Nap. Studies show that 20 minutes of sleep in the afternoon provides more rest than 20 minutes more sleep in the morning (though the last two hours of morning sleep have special benefits of their own).", "- More help for mental health. 1 Managing Conflicts with Humor: Using Laughter to Strengthen Your Relationships and Resolve Disagreements. 2 Making Good Friends: Tips for Meeting People and Making Meaningful Connections. 3 Mood-Boosting Power of Dogs: How Caring for a Dog Helps You Cope with Depression, Anxiety, and Stress.", "- Napping Tips. Research has found that napping regularly may reduce stress and even decrease your risk of heart disease. To get the most out of a power snooze, follow these quick tips from Mednick: Be consistent. Keep a regular nap schedule. Prime napping time falls in the middle of the day, between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Make it quick. Set your cell phone alarm for 30 minutes or less if you don't want to wake up groggy. Go dark. Nap in a dark room or wear an eye mask. Blocking out light helps you fall asleep faster. Stay warm.", "Archives Authors Blog Books & ResourcesLew Rockwell Books Ron Paul Books Murray N. Rothbard Library & Resources Mises InstituteLRC Bestselling BooksPolitical Theatre Podcasts Store About Contact DonateAdvertiseLewRockwell .comANTI-STATE ⢠ANTI-WAR ⢠PRO-MARKET Nutritional supplements can also help regulate our mood. If you are tired or stressed, try a good B complex vitamin, an omega oil supplement with omegas 3, 6, and 9, and magnesium. The first two help feed your brain and nerves so that they can function better and the magnesium helps to relax and calm you.", "How To Power Nap For All-Day Energy Here’s how to get a good nap: 1 1 The first consideration is psychological: Recognize that you’re not being lazy; napping will make you more productive and more alert after you wake up.", "How Walking Can Boost Your Mood & Reduce Stress Depression can be a serious and life-threatening disease, so consult your health care provider if your mood is leading to problems in your life or if you have suicidal thoughts. Use walking as a part of effective treatment for mood disorders, which may also include talk therapy and drugs. How to Start Walking.", "Can a Midday Nap Make You Smarter? The area of the brain that stores memories may get ''clogged up'' as the day goes on, akin to a full email in-box on your computer, he says. Napping at midday, when the brain's ability to learn may have deteriorated, may clear the brain's memory storage area and make room for new information, Walker says.", "6 Scents That Can Transform Your Mood and Productivity 6 Scents That Can Transform Your Mood and Productivity. Aromatherapy probably isn't the first tool you think of to help boost your productivity and grow your business, but maybe it should be. Smell is the strongest of the senses and is best able to influence brain activity.", "A Guide To Using Colors To Enhance Your Mood While you may well have a favorite color, have you ever stopped to consider just how strong an influence different shades can have on your mood? As it turns out, painting your walls particular colors or surrounding yourself with objects of a certain hue can increase happiness, sharpen focus, or even influence appetite.", "- Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder of excessivedaytime sleepiness. It may occur with other symptomssuch as cataplexy, sleep paralysis and hallucinations.• All people with narcolepsy have excessive drowsiness.You may have a lack of energy.Strong urges to napcan happen at any time of the day.Naps might last forminutes or up to an hour or more.arcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder of excessivedaytime sleepiness. It may occur with other symptomssuch as cataplexy, sleep paralysis and hallucinations.• All people with narcolepsy have excessive drowsiness.You may have a lack of energy.", "Is there a perfect time to take a nap? Is there a perfect time to take a nap? It depends. Your personal situation will determine the best time for you to take a nap. There are three types of naps you can take; planned, emergency and habitual napping. Planned napping (also called preparatory napping) involves taking a nap to delay getting tired early or to help stay alert later than you normally would. Emergency napping occurs when you suddenly feel tired or fatigued and need to rest before completing a task which requires alertness. Habitual napping is when you take a nap the same time every day, for example, most children take habitual naps.", "Power Napping for Productivity, Stress Relief and Health If you want to obtain more sleep, and the health benefits that go with getting enough sleep, here are some tips for more effective napping and sleep at night: 1 Avoid caffeine after 3pm. If you don’t want to nap a long time, set an alarm.", "- My current method of napping on the desk is as follows (I'll try my best even though it is hard to explain in words): Fold my arms, such that my left hand is under my right elbow, and my right hand is above my left elbow. Tilt my face to the right, and lie on my right hand.", "How Long to Nap for the Biggest Brain Benefits Taking a nap, we've seen time and again, is like rebooting your brain. But napping may be as much of an art as it is a science. The Wall Street Journal offers recommendations for planning your perfect nap, including how long to nap and when.", "5 Foods That Will Put You In A Rotten Mood Crowding out the junk in your diet with anti-inflammatory foods has a good shot at lowering your levels of chronic inflammation, which in turn can improve your mood. (Check out these 3 surprising signs you're dealing with chronic inflammation.)", "- Power naps lower stress, boost energy and increase productivity. 1 FAITH MONEY and the Coming Collapse: New mini-documentary from the Health Ranger eviscerates govt. economic LIES... 2 Scientists admit polio vaccine causes polio... Turmeric spices found heavily contaminated with toxic LEAD..." ]
[ 15.609375 ]
[ 10.875, 5.45703125, 6.5, 5.6484375, 14.109375, 13.921875, 13.7109375, 8.421875, 4.9609375, 4.96875, 11.90625, 3.96875, 7.125, 5.828125, 10.1953125, 5.8125, 10.9453125, 6.51171875, 8.671875, 6.0546875, 9.7734375, 5.28515625, 3.599609375, 7.5859375, 9.78125, 9.4140625, 4.28515625, 8.3671875, 5.25390625, 9.140625 ]
what causes an eye to turn yellow in white area
[ "What Causes the Whites of the Eyes to Turn Yellow? WebMd explains that the eye whites turn yellow due to a buildup of bilirubin. Bilirubin is a compound that is created when hemoglobin, an oxygen-carrying molecule found in red blood cells, builds up. Yellowing of the whites of the eyes is a common symptom in individuals who suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. According to the Mayo Clinic, yellow fever is an illness that can cause yellowing of the eyes and skin. Early signs of yellow fever include fever, headache, muscle aches, dizziness, red eyes and tongue, nausea and loss of appetite." ]
[ "Why are my eyes yellow? When the whites of the eyes turn yellow, it generally indicates that something is going on in the body that causes jaundice. Jaundice describes a yellowish tint to the skin and the whites of the eyes.", "Jaundice Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and the whites of the eyes caused by increased amounts of bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice is a sign of an underlying disease process.", "What Causes Yellow Eyes? See a list of possible causes in order from the most common to the least. Yellow Skin (Jaundice) Jaundice is yellowing of the skin and eyes and can indicate a serious problem with liver, gallbladder, or pancreas function.", "- The eye condition pinguecula causes raised yellow spots on the white part of the eye that is exposed to the sun, according to AllAboutVision.com. It is most commonly found in older adults who have had a lifetime of sun exposure. Keep Learning.", "White Hair Turning Yellow May Signal Disease There are a lot of reasons why white, silver or grey hair may turn yellow. The hair color change may be as innocent as the development of an age-related pigment or it can have serious indications. In some cases when white or similarly colored hair turns yellow it can mean you have dermatomyositis.", "What Causes Skin Under Eyes to Turn Yellow? Yellow skin under the eyes is generally a result of a medical condition called jaundice, which arises when people have excess amounts of bilirubin in their systems. Jaundice causes the skin and the area around the eyes to turn a yellow color, which ranges in shade from pale and nearly white to dark yellow. There are many causes of jaundice, such as conditions of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, according to Heathline. Continue Reading.", "- If the person`s eyes are turning in yellow color, he immediately need to get his liver tested. Yellow eyes are sign of jaundice so, it is possible that the person is suffering with jaundice. Better to consult with a good doctor as soon as possible and start taking medicine if something serious like jaundice.", "- Certain conditions can cause the eyes and even the skin to appear yellow. Yellowing of the eyes is typically a result of dysfunction of the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas. In some instances yellow eyes can involve multiple organs. Yellowing eyes are a symptom of a condition called jaundice.", "- 1 Any liver condition, such as congenital liver abnormalities or damage to the liver cells can result in the whites of eyes yellow. Tests can be done to see what cause the liver dysfunction and sometimes a liver biopsy is necessary to see what is going on inside the cells. Blockage of bile ducts.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Irritated Sclera Causes Confused: Do you mean the white part of the eyes? Are they red and irritated? The sclera is generically referred to as the white of the eye, made of a very tough type of protein. When it becomes red, the causes can vary; from infection, to eye pressure, to injury, dryness of the cornea, allergy, etc. While some causes may be self-limited, others could blind you.", "- For the physiological event, see Ictal. For the songbird Icteria, see Yellow-breasted Chat. Jaundice, also known as icterus, is a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, the conjunctival membranes over the sclerae (whites of the eyes), and other mucous membranes caused by high blood bilirubin levels.", "- Jaundice is the medical term that describes yellowing of the skin and eyes. This condition forms when there is too much bilirubin in your system. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that is formed by the breakdown of dead red blood cells in the liver. Normally, the liver gets rid of bilirubin along with old red blood cells. Jaundice may indicate a serious problem with the function of your liver, gallbladder, or pancreas. Find an internist near you ».", "What is sclera anicteric? , Vitreoretinal (eye) surgeon. It means that the sclera (white part of the eye) is not yellow. Icterus is when the sclera is yellow. The reason the sclera could be yellow is if the patient has liver disease and the bilirubin is elevated. Also if the patient had a Fluorescein Angiogram to look for retinal disease, the dye used will make the sclera look icteric for a day or two.", "10 Symptoms of Pink Eye Pink eye, an eye condition medically referred to as Conjunctivitis, is caused by an inflammation of the membrane covering the inner part of the eyelids and the white of the eyes, called the conjunctiva. When inflamed, the vessels contained in the conjunctiva become dilated which makes them more visible and gives the red/pink appearance to […]", "Symptoms & Treatments Of Eye In Shingles In some of the cases, Herpes zoster ophthalmicus targets and erodes the cornea, resulting in the development of a corneal ulcer. This type of ulceration intensifies irritation in the eye, makes vision blurry and accentuates redness in the white portion of the eye (conjunctiva).", "\"\"\" What does it mean if the whites of my eyes are turning yellow? \"\"\" Besides liver dysfunction, other major causes of yellow eyes include a blockage to bile flow (i.e., gallstones) and increased breakdown of red blood cells. A commonly seen red blood cell disease that can give you yellow eyes is sickle cell anemia. These are only some of the many causes.", "9 Itchy, Scratchy, Uncomfortable Symptoms of Pink Eye If you experience clear fluid tearing and the pink eye isn’t from overly dry eyes, you likely have viral pink eye. Viral pink eye usually develops from cold viruses that attack the upper respiratory system. These types of viruses affect the fluids in the eyes, mouth and nose. Bacterial pink eye will cause thick, yellow or green discharge.", "Whites of Eyes Yellow Normally the whites of eyes or sclera are white in color. One can get yellow sclera, a condition also called scleral icterus, which is caused by an elevation of bilirubin in the bloodstream. Bilirubin is made in the liver and is yellow in color.", "What causes people's eyes to turn yellow, like the white area of the eye? Hepatitis, liver and kidney problems are only some of the things that may cause this. Not a healthy sign. hyperbilirubinemia, also known as jaundice, a condition where the body/ liver cannot filter out bilirubin, which makes eyes and skin yellow.", "Overview Featured Stories about causes of pink eye in adults. Pink Eye (conjunctivitis) www.lifescript.com/health/a-z/mayo/p/pink_eye_conjunctivitis.aspx. This is what causes the whites of your eyes to appear reddish or pink. Pink eye is commonly caused by a bacterial or viral infection or an allergic reaction.", "- An abnormal breakdown of red blood cells or the impaired excretion of bilirubin may also cause yellowing of the eyes. For this reason, conditions that affect the lifespan of red blood cells or their production can cause yellowing of the eyes. This includes: drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia.", "- 1 Read more on Newborn Jaundice from Healthwise. 2 Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin and the white part (the sclera) of the eyes. It results from having too much of a substance called bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is formed when the body breaks down old red blood cells.", "What causes the blue sclera in osteogenesis imperfecta oi? Oi causes a thinning of the sclera, the white coat of the eye. It allows the blue-gray uveal layer beneath to be visible through the sclera. Oi causes a thinning of the sclera, the white coat of the eye. It allows the blue-gray uveal layer beneath to be visible through the sclera. In brief: Uveal show. Oi causes a thinning of the sclera, the white coat of the eye.", "Discussions By Condition: I cannot get a diagnosis. MY EYE'S SCLERA FOR SOME REASON ARE YELLOW ( THE WHITE PART OF THE EYE ) AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE THE WHITER , I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING THAT THERE IS TO TRY, EYE DROPS ETC. DOES ANYONE KNOWS THE BEST SCLERA WHITENING EYEDROPS>>....PLEASE HELP..:confused:", "\"\"\" What causes the sclera to change color in children? \"\"\" The sclera of the eye is the large white area on the outsides of the iris. It can appear red when blood vessels within the eye dilate giving the so called blood shot appearance. The sclera can turn yellow when the body has high levels of bilirubin in it. This can be caused by blood diseases or by liver diseases. When the sclera turns blue, it usually means nothing. However, it can be a sign of a syndrome called osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease that makes the bones very brittle. The blue sclera is usually an non-important finding, as most children with this disease get multiple broken bones.", "Primary Biliary Cirrhosis In jaundice, the skin and whites of the eyes look yellow. Jaundice is common in newborns. It occurs when the level of bilirubin (a yellow pigment produced during the normal breakdown of red blood cells) in the blood rises. When the bilirubin level gets too high, bilirubin can be deposited in the skin, the whites of the eyes, and other tissues.", "White Flashes in Eye: White Flashes of Light in Eye and Corner of Eyes White Flashes in Eye: White Flashes of Light in Eye and Corner of Eyes. There may be some times when we feel we see some small specks floating aimlessly in our field of vision. These small particles drift over our eyes, and hence the term floaters. In some cases also, you can see them when you are looking at a plain background.", "Eye Discharge (Sleep In Your Eyes) There are three types of pink eye: viral, bacterial and allergic. Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious and is caused by a virus such as the common cold or herpes simplex virus. Eye discharge associated with viral pink eye typically is clear and watery, but may include a white or light yellow mucus component.", "What is Scleral Icterus? Scleral icterus is a yellowing of the whites of the eyes that most classically occurs in patients with liver disease. People with this problem may experience a change in color that ranges from a muddying to a bright yellow or orange discoloration.", "What causes people's eyes to turn yellow, like the white area of the eye? What causes people&#39;s eyes to turn yellow, like the white area of the eye? i have a friend who knows this guy who has yellow looking eyes, what&#39;s up with that? Source(s): people 39 eyes turn yellow white area eye: https://shortly.im/lyw7D." ]
[ 15.484375 ]
[ 14.2109375, 12.7421875, 11.078125, 14.4375, 9.7109375, 15.0703125, 11.8359375, 11.65625, 12.9765625, 8.3203125, 11.6875, 11.796875, 12.3515625, 7.45703125, 6.9140625, 14.1484375, 8.8515625, 14.796875, 14.4296875, 7.21875, 11.6484375, 12.8203125, 7.58203125, 9.640625, 14.484375, 13.15625, 6.57421875, 10.890625, 12.859375, 12.2109375 ]
pramipexole er cost
[ "- Pramipexole ER. PRAMIPEXOLE is used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease. The lowest GoodRx price for the most common version of pramipexole ER is around $129.04, 71% off the average retail price of $459.31. Compare dopamine agonists." ]
[ "- The 2002-2005 Explorer has a very well-established record of expensive transmission failure at under 100k miles. The Explorer has an enclosed transmission which is typically replaced with a rebuilt transmission at a cost of almost $3,000.Another common problem for the 2002-2003 Explorer is wheel bearing failure at around 90k miles, with a typical repair bill of $500 to $1000 depending on how many wheel bearings failed.Adding insult to injury, the 2002-2005 Explorer also has a massive problem with the rear panel cracking.he 2002-2005 Explorer has a very well-established record of expensive transmission failure at under 100k miles. The Explorer has an enclosed transmission which is typically replaced with a rebuilt transmission at a cost of almost $3,000.", "The night time hustle: managing restless legs syndrome in adults Pramipexole is subsidised and approved for use in restless legs syndrome. 10 Pramipexole can be started at 125 micrograms, once daily, two to three hours before bed, doubled weekly as needed, to a maximum of 750 micrograms daily.8,11.estless legs syndrome is a neurological disorder characterised by throbbing, pulling, creeping or other unpleasant sensations in the legs and an uncontrollable, usually overwhelming, urge to move them. Symptoms occur primarily in the evening when a person is relaxing, and can increase in severity throughout the night.", "Reloading: A Cost/Benefit Analysis â Part Two 100 primers will set you back about $6 or .06 per round and the powder necessary to fill 50 rounds will cost about $10 or .20 per round. Add them all up and I can make a round equivalent to our Remington example for about 1.07 each, not counting my time or the amortization of the cost of my reloading setup.his works out to a cost of $1.75 per round. If I decide to purchase the all of the components (including new brass) and make a comparable round myself, things look like this: A bag of 50 pieces of Federal Premium .308 brass costs about $25 or .50 per round.", "Mirapex Pramipexole is used for: Treating the signs and symptoms of Parkinson disease. It is also used to treat restless legs syndrome (RLS). It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist. Exactly how pramipexole works is not known.", "Mirapex This medication is also used to treat a certain medical condition (restless legs syndrome-RLS) that causes an unusual urge to move the legs. Symptoms usually occur at night along with uncomfortable/unpleasant feelings in the legs.This medication can decrease these symptoms and thereby improve sleep.ses. Pramipexole is used alone or with other medications to treat Parkinson's disease. It can improve your ability to move and decrease shakiness (tremor), stiffness, slowed movement, and unsteadiness. It may also decrease the number of episodes of not being able to move (on-off syndrome).", "Frequently Asked Questions How much did the first mules cost, and what is their current cost? The first mules or locomotives cost $13,217 and were built by General Electric, an American company. Mitsubishi, a Japanese company, is the current manufacturer of Panama Canal locomotives, which cost US$2.3 million each.", "pramipexole Pramipexole (Mirapex) is used for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD) and restless leg syndrome (RLS). GENERIC AVAILABLE: Generics are available for the immediate release tablets. Generics of the extended release tablets are not available. Yes.", "- I saw a pair (adult male and female) albino Pig-Nose Turtles (Carettochelys Insculpta) for $50,000 on www.Kingsnake.com a few years ago ... which means the individual turtles would have been $25,000 each.", "What is the cost of a top EMR/EHR software implementation? Here's the backstory: I did a post-implementation technology audit for the board of directors of a 500+ bed hospital with 1100+ physicians on staff. The hospital had spent over $50 million acquiring and deploying the then Alltell/Eclipsys EMR/CPOE system, which at that time ran on an IBM ES/9000 mainframe.", "- Scottish estimates use ý 2.3 million ($3.76million) which is the estimated value of lives lost in railroad accidents. Table 3. Components of Foodborne E. coli O157:H7 Illness Cost Estimates: United States and Scotland 1 1 Human capital approach uses Landefeld & Seskin updated to 1996$ ($1,533,000) for a premature death.Labor market approach uses Viscusi’s $5 million midpoint for a premature death.epending on the method of valuingpremature deaths, estimated medical costs and lost productivity in the United States average$10,000-$21,350/case. The estimated cost from the largest reported Scottish milk-borneoutbreak is $34,564/case.", "Cost-of-supervision fees Cost of Supervision. Idaho Code 20-225 authorizes payment for Cost of Supervision. Any person under Idaho Department of Correction probation or parole supervision shall be required to contribute not more than seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per month as determined by the Board of Correction. The IDOC currently assesses a monthly fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) per month. Costs of supervision fees offset some of the direct and indirect costs incurred by the Idaho Department of Correction to supervise probationers and parolees.", "- I had mine replaced last year. To remove and replace the engine, perform a compression test, replace the pan, oil change and filter, and re-check alignment= 11 hours. VP oil pan and gasket was $262 and $70. had mine replaced last year. To remove and replace the engine, perform a compression test, replace the pan, oil change and filter, and re-check alignment= 11 hours. VP oil pan and gasket was $262 and $70.", "- worth 454 sick resmondo. Follow worth 454 sick resmondo to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow worth 454 sick resmondo to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed.ell us what you think. This is the median price based on sales of this product in the same condition from all listings on ebay.com in the past 14 days, or if there are any insufficient number of listings for a meaningful calculation, the past 90 days. Top Rated Plus.", "How much does it cost to repair brake pads? The cost to repair the brakes on a 2003 Ford Explorer depends on the brand of the brakes, and the person/shop doing the repair. It can generally run between $70 and $200+ … depending on those variables. Answered. In Brake Pads and Rotors.nswer by Pardo7. Confidence votes 29. Not much if you know what you are doing. If you don't know what you are doing, take it to Pep Boys or something and you can usually get it done for forty or fifty dollars Front brake pads replacement cost usually cost between $20 and $35, depending on quality and the vehicle.", "- This medicine helps to treat hot flashes and prevent osteoporosis (weak bones). The lowest GoodRx price for the most common version of Prempro is around $190.90, 18% off the average retail price of $233.41. Compare estrogen / progestin combinations. Save.", "Thread: Cost to Replace Brake Pads and Rotors I have a 2006 325i. Front brake pad $190.61 + Labor $80 Front brake rotors $226.64 + Labor $45 Rear brake pad $130.07 + Labor $80 Read brake rotors $228.46 + Labor $45 Air & cabin filter $87.21 + Labor $39 Brake flush $18.50 + Labor $62.40 So the total comes out to $1319.34.Sorry for all the numbers.hen I bought front and rear brake parts for my e46 323i they were about $500 from the dealer. A friend bought them for his e46 M3 a couple months ago and they were about $1,200. I can't imagine that e90 brake parts would cost anywhere near what the M3 parts cost.", "- The cost of the COMLEX level 2 exam of $590 and the cost of the COMLEX-PE of $1290 is included in the cost of attendance for the third year spring allotment. A t ravel allowance of $700 is also included.", "- In a single California zip code, the price of 30 tablets of simvastatin (20 mg.) ranged from $5.10 (online) to $5.73 with a coupon at several local pharmacies and $9.99 for a retail pharmacy with a membership program. A prescription for 30 generic pramipexole pills (.25 mg.), for Parkinson's disease, cost $9 to $47.61.Finally, you can sign up for a state-sponsored RX buying club or discount drug club, as they're called.More states have them than not. prescription for 30 generic pramipexole pills (.25 mg.), for Parkinson's disease, cost $9 to $47.61. Finally, you can sign up for a state-sponsored RX buying club or discount drug club, as they're called. More states have them than not.", "Front brake pad and rotor replacement cost? It depends on the quality of the pads and rotors that you want installed. Rotors are typically $50 each x 2, Front pads will also run about $50 for the entire axle. So $150 for parts. Labor time on a brake job is typically an hour.ost places charge $40 to “turn” both rotors, in which case your parts cost would only be the brake pads themselves, but again this depends on the condition of your current parts. Fwf43. Your looking at $30-$50 per rotor. For the pads, $10-$30 depending on the pads you want.", "- Parts and machining for rebuild of the 3.2L generally run in the neighborhood of $800-$2,000. and labor from $2300-up, depending on the shop and what they do. A factory reman engine runs about $4500 or so.Plus installation labor. If I were to quote on this type of engine, my quote would be in the neighborhood of $4500-$5,000 for the rebuild.ow much would it cost to do a rebuild of the current 3.2L V6 engine in my Passport. Including reboring the cylinders, installing oversized pistons, balancing the crankshaft, installing new heads, piston rings etc.", "What Is Pramipexole ER Used For? Pramipexole ER is not approved for use in children (usually defined as individuals under the age of 18 years old). On occasion, your healthcare provider may recommend pramipexole ER for something other than Parkinson's disease (this would be known as an off-label use).", "Donepezil Aricept Price Falls by 90 Percent You can now buy a one year supply of Donepezil (Aricept) for $109.00. This time last year you might have expected to pay $3,000.00 or more for a one year supply.", "Cost to Attend Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott The reported Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott net price for in-state students is $30,956* for the 2014/2015 academic year. This net price includes housing and meal expenses. Pell Grants and other Grant Aid. 93% of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott students received grant aid in 2014/2015.", "Mirapex The chemical name of pramipexole dihydrochloride is (S)-2-amino-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-6-(propylamino)benzothiazole dihydrochloride monohydrate. Its empirical formula is C10H17N3S •2HCl•H2O, and its molecular weight is 302.26. The structural formula is: Pramipexole dihydrochloride is a white to off-white powder substance. Melting occurs in the range of 296°C to 301°C, with decomposition. Pramipexole dihydrochloride is more than 20% soluble in water, about 8% in methanol, about 0.5% in ethanol, and practically insoluble in dichloromethane.", "Stolen Art Watch, Rathkeale Rovers, Authorities Playing Catch Up A search of their luggage revealed €100,000 in cash and six rhino horns, with an estimated total value of more than $500,000. According to the CAB detectives, the dealer was based in Shanghai and had been flying into Europe as often as once a week to meet members of the Rathkeale Rovers in France, Spain, and Portugal.en years ago a single horn weighing up to 30 pounds would have sold in the U.S. for a maximum of $20,000. “Now horn in the United States is selling anywhere from $8,000 to $20,000 a pound,” says Edward Grace, deputy assistant director for law enforcement at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Washington.", "- r larry reynolds 2005 alternative microeconomics part ii chapter 10 production and cost page 14 $ 200 and the price of labour were $ 5 the l intercept l would be 40 units of labour i e 40 units of labour at $ 5 each will cost $ 200", "About MIRAPEX ER Mirapex ER® (pramipexole dihydrochloride) extended-release tablets are a prescription medicine that is FDA approved to treat the signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and contains the same medication as Mirapex® (pramipexole dihydrochloride) tablets, which has been a trusted treatment for Parkinson’s disease for over 12 years.", "$16 Breadsticks: The High Cost of Living in Nome, Alaska While the processed foods were priced roughly the same as in Anchorage, others were much worse. A single bell pepper cost $2.99, milk was $6 a gallon, and a honeydew melon was $14. We heard tell of $29 watermelon in Kotzebue, a town not far north of Nome.The cheapest items on the lunch/dinner menu are $13 hamburgers. Appetizers like cheesy breadsticks go for $16. A pizza that feeds three people can cost up to $32.Thankfully we budgeted $15 a head per meal.he cheapest items on the lunch/dinner menu are $13 hamburgers. Appetizers like cheesy breadsticks go for $16. A pizza that feeds three people can cost up to $32. Thankfully we budgeted $15 a head per meal.", "Make Rheopectic Slime in Less Than 15 Minutes! (It Is Not Oobleck) To make slime, you will need the following materials. The materials are cheap; you should be able to buy everything for less than $15. Mucilage: This is the soul of the slime. Here in Mexico it is very common and cheap but it is hard to find in other countries. Amazon.com carries an amber mucilage that currently costs less than $2 for 3 ounces.", "Dimethyl Sulfoxide Pramipexole may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Follow all directions on your medicine label and package. Tell each of your healthcare providers about all your medical conditions, allergies, and all medicines you use." ]
[ 16.71875 ]
[ 0.5234375, 7.38671875, -1.1142578125, 7.31640625, 8.2421875, -1.416015625, 8.2421875, -0.125244140625, -1.1455078125, -0.250732421875, -0.50732421875, 0.77392578125, 0.308349609375, 1.3818359375, 2.943359375, 0.6689453125, -0.06671142578125, 13.3125, 0.931640625, 0.1297607421875, 8.4140625, 2.8125, -2.634765625, 7.05859375, -2.25, 0.96044921875, 10.1328125, -2.083984375, -2.021484375, 6.23046875 ]
tv viewing distance size chart
[ "1080p Does Matter â Hereâs When (Screen Size vs. Viewing Distance vs. Resolution) What the chart shows is that, for a 50-inch screen, the benefits of 720p vs. 480p start to become apparent at viewing distances closer than 14.6 feet and become fully apparent at 9.8 feet. For the same screen size, the benefits of 1080p vs. 720p start to become apparent when closer than 9.8 feet and become full apparent at 6.5 feet. In my opinion, 6.5 feet is closer than most people will sit to their 50″ plasma TV (even through the THX recommended viewing distance for a 50″ screen is 5.6 ft)." ]
[ "Understanding TV Viewing Distance and Flat Screen HDTV Sizes This time you can divide your viewing distance by 3 to get the minimum screen size-and by 1.5 to get the maximum screen size. So, for example, if you know the viewing distance in your room will be about 10 feet (or 120 inches), you can work out that a good TV size will be in the range of: 120 inches ÷ 3 = 40 inches minimum screen size. 120 inches ÷ 1.5 = 80 inches maximum screen size. TV Viewing Distance to Screen Size. Now, that still gives us quite a bit of choice, but at least we can rule out screens below 40 inches and we've got a better idea of where to start looking.", "Resources Let’s calculate estimated optimal viewing distances for Christie Velvet™ LED display tiles, available in four different pixel pitches: *To calculate optimal viewing distance in meters instead of feet, the formula is pixel pitch x 2.5. Modular, built-to-order Christie Velvet LED display tiles can be configured into virtually any size and shape.", "TV Wall Mounting Height Chart 15 Responses to “TV Wall Mounting Height Chart”. 1 These measurements are way too high. 2 You made some decent points there. 3 I am confused about how to measure distance in height the wall mount from floor to middle of my 40 inch television. 4 I agree. 5 John, you are right 6 ! Hi John.", "- The test will be performed again with the other eye covered and then with both eyes uncovered. The smallest row of letters that you can see clearly will indicate your visual acuity. Numbers on the side of the chart indicate how many feet away a person with normal acuity could be to read that line on the chart.", "NewsScoresScheduleStandingsVideoFantasyDraftTicketsShopTeamsFree AgencyGame PassStatsWays to WatchNFL NetworkPhotosDRAFT 1 The field is rimmed by a white border, six feet wide, along the sidelines. All of this is out of bounds. 2 The hashmarks (inbound lines) are 70 feet, 9 inches from each sideline. Goal posts must be single-standard type, offset from the end line and painted bright gold.", "- Due to extensive use of high-quality maps and illustrations, this educational website is best-viewed with a minimum screen-resolution width of 1280 pixels.", "Does Pupillary Distance Change with Age? Examples of pupillary distance measurements are listed below, indicating the typical ranges for various groups. 1 Average pupillary distance for an adult is between 54-68mm, with acceptable measurement deviations generally falling in between 48mm and 73mm. 2 The range for children is approximately 41-55mm.", "Dimensions Of A Series Paper Sizes The A Series paper size chart, below left, gives a visual representation of how the sizes relate to each other - for example A5 is half of A4 size paper and A2 is half of A1 size paper. A Series Paper Sizes Chart. Image courtesy of Office 365.", "- Calibration of your Distance Vision Chart. For a valid comparison between the Retinal Acuity Meter and distant acuity, verify the accuracy of your distance chart. If necessary adjust the lens system of the projector until the height of the 20/100 letter is correct.", "4K TV Screen Size Calculator A 65-inch TV divided by .84 equals a 77-inch viewing distance (6.5 feet). SMPTE’s standard is actually not a home theater standard at all – it’s a movie theater standard that’s just been widely adopted by home theaters.", "UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR In table VI-3, the column headings A, B, and C are the dimensions for warning sign spacings for use in section 6H-3, Typical Application Diagrams. The dimensions are for marking the locations of warning signs relative to the transition or point of restriction.", "Eye chart Numerous types of eye charts exist and are used in various situations. For example, the Snellen chart is designed for use at 6 meters or 20 feet, and is thus appropriate for testing distance vision. There is often also a need to test a subject's vision at near or occupational tasks (such as reading or computer use). For these situations, a Rosenbaum chart or Jaeger chart can be used.", "- Contingency tables were used to illustrate the distribution of foot length in relation to the given variables for both genders. Significant differences between men and women for the foot lengths 25.00-25.66 cm (Size 38, net value) and 25.67-26.32 cm (Size 39, net value) were detected using Student´s t-test.", "- Journal of Statistics Education, Volume 18, Number 3, (2010) The specifications on the new viewport (vp1) are relative to the viewport that it has been. pushed into (i.e. vp) . For example, the width is .6 units relative to vp, but relative to the. original plotting region (the 1×1 box), the width is .6×.9 = .54.", "- So if your couch is six feet away from your screen, you can comfortably watch an TV between 42 and 60 inches. If your couch is five feet away, a 37- to 52-inch screen should work well. Refresh Rate and Contrast Ratio. One of the biggest problems with narrowing your choices to a single TV is the sheer number of specs.", "Continental Margin Continental shelves vary in width from 3 to 930 miles (5 to 1,500 kilometers). The average width worldwide is about 40 miles (64 kilometers). The widest shelves are in the Arctic Ocean off the northern coasts of Siberia and North America. Narrow shelves are found off the western coasts of North and South America.", "TV Viewing Distance Calculator Nowadays, HDTVs come in many sizes ranging from 26 inch to 65 inches, and in very different technologies too. This has a significant impact on the optimum viewing distance related to the size of the TV, and is probably the first thing you should think of before taking the plunge.", "Eyewear Prescriptions The normal sight is 20/20. The first number is the distance (20 feet) from the eye chart. The second number is the distance from which a normal eye sees a letter on the chart clearly. Someone with a visual acuity of 20/20 can see certain sized letters at a distance of 20 feet. Someone with a visual acuity of 20/40 only sees letters at 20 feet that a normal eye is able to see at 40 feet.", "- The RPA averages 30 inches for younger people and gets farther away with age. In the mid 1980s, it was thought that people would have less eyestrain if the monitor were placed at the distance that coincided with a person's resting point of accommodation.", "- Ankrum Associates. A data entry clerk is comfortable with the monitor about 30 inches from his eyes. The. company's ergonomic guidelines, however, say viewing distance should be from 18 to. 24 inches. A member of his company's ergonomics committee says that the viewing. distance should conform to the guidelines.", "TV Viewing Distance Guide More than just a matter of personal preference! Translating visual acuity limitations in terms of minimum image size when viewing takes places from 20 feet away would give: For NTSC standard definition TV, minimum image width is 640 x 0.0698, or approximately 45-inch. This gives a maximum viewing distance that is 5.37 times the screen width.", "Distillation Column Tray Selection & Sizing â 1 Tray spacing is the distance between two trays. Generally tray spacing ranges from 8 to 36 inches (200 mm to 900 mm). Prime factor in setting tray spacing is the economic trade-off between column height and column diameter. Most columns have 600 mm tray spacing. Cryogenic columns have tray spacing of 200-300 mm.", "- Here's a formula that makes it really simple: Viewing distance (in inches) divided by 3 = recommended TV size. For example, if you're usually sitting 10 feet from the TV, that's 120 inches (10 feet x 12 inches). Divide 120 by 3 and the recommended screen size for you is 40 inches (remember, that's the diagonal measurement of the screen). If your family room is used for more than just TV watching, space may be limited.", "Labeled cortical mantle distance maps of the cingulate quantify differences between dementia of the Alzheimer type and healthy aging Labeled Cortical Mantle Distance (CMD) Maps. The neocortical mantle is defined by the relatively thin laminar coadjacency of GM voxels (roughly 3 mm) relative to WM and CSF.", "- A 100 metre diameter radio telescope, operating at 10 cm wavelength, still only has the individual resolving ability of an optical mirror of about 5 mm (less than 1/4 inch). Even with such seemingly myopic resolution, the sheer size of these instruments allows for detection of weak sources billions of light-years away.", "Optimum HDTV viewing distance Viewing an HDTV from a position where the display occupies a 30-degree field of view is widely quoted as the SMPTE (or SMPTE 30) recommendation (equivalent to about 1.6263 times the screen size in a 16:9 TV).", "- HIGH PERFORMANCE VGA CABLES DISTANCE vs RESOLUTION . RESOLUTION: 3' 10' 25' 40' 50' 75' 100' 125' 150' 200' 640 x 480. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. 800 x 600. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. A. A. 1024 x 768. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. A. A-1280 x 1024. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. A--1600 x 1200. P. P. P. P. P. P. A---1920 x 1440. P. P. P. P. P. A----2048 x 1536. P. P. P. P. A-----P: Perfect or near-perfect ; Unable to easily detect defects in screen", "What's An Eye Test? Eye Charts And Visual Acuity Explained J2 is considered the equivalent of 20/20 distance visual acuity at the reading distance indicated on the card (usually 12 to 14 inches from your eyes). The chart can be used in two different ways, depending on what your eye doctor is trying to measure:", "Positioning the Monitor - See Figure 1. Viewing distance refers to the space between the operator's eyes and the screen. - See Figure 1. Clearly these factors are critical for correct placement of a computer monitor. A poor angle leads to postural (neck and shoulders) discomfort, while the wrong distance can contribute to eyestrain.", "Eye Size Chart Eye Size Chart. This chart shows the diameter of eyes for various animal species and then the size of the eyeball at different scales. The measurements are for the total diameter of the eyeball not the iris. I'll hopefully have some resources on irises and pupils at a later time." ]
[ 14.78125 ]
[ 15.5625, 8.328125, 9.03125, 4.421875, 2.203125, 1.953125, 2.41015625, 1.681640625, 4.58984375, 14.1015625, -0.1341552734375, 4.78515625, -0.1585693359375, -1.146484375, 11.515625, 0.072509765625, 14.2265625, 5.5625, 7.90625, 9.7109375, 14.984375, 1.8291015625, 15.2265625, -1.404296875, 1.0810546875, 13.109375, 8.46875, 4.01171875, 8, 3.93359375 ]
what county is lago vista in?
[ "- Lago Vista, Travis County, Texas $349,000. Extraordinary lot that extends into Lake Travis. Located in a high end community. Gorgeous views." ]
[ "- Lodi County Fairgrounds. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Aptos, California In 1878 Augustia Castro, daughter of Rafael Castro, and her husband Jose Arano built the Victorian, Bayview Hotel in Aptos village. The hotel is a Santa Cruz County landmark. It is Santa Cruz county's oldest operating hotel.", "- Largest Database of Santa Rosa County Mugshots. Constantly updated. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Navarre and other local cities.", "Rio Vista, Texas Rio Vista, Texas. Rio Vista is a city in Johnson County, Texas, United States. The population was 873 at the 2010 census. The local Rio Vista residents dispute the proper way to pronounce the name of the town. Either RYE, RYE-o Vista, or REE-o Vista.", "Vista, California Vista is a medium-sized city within the San Diego Metropolitan Area and had a population of 93,834 at the 2010 census. Vista also includes portions of unincorporated San Diego County to north and east, with a county island in the central west, which is within its sphere of influence.", "- Lake Placid’s lakes will be a main attraction for generations to come only if we take care of them. If you would like further information about Lake Placid area lakes, contact the Highlands County Lakes Manager, Clell Ford, at 863-402-6545.", "Santa Barbara County About Santa Barbara County Santa Barbara County has a long south-facing stretch of the Central California coastline with a Mediterranean feel. It’s no wonder that the city of Santa Barbara is known as The American Riviera. East of Santa Barbara you’ll find the cities of Carpinteria, quiet little Summerland, and ritzy Montecito. There are several great beaches along this stretch and some get few visitors compared to others. Santa Barbara’s western neighbors are the cities of Isla Vista and Goleta near the University of California, Santa Barbara. West of the urban areas the shoreline thins out and the beaches feel remote. This section of the Santa Barbara coast has several state parks, including El Capitan State Beach, Refugio State Beach, and Gaviota State Park, each with a campground. The northern coast of Santa Barbara County has beaches near Lompoc, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Maria, and Guadalupe.", "- The other half of the Conejo Valley, which belongs to Ventura County, consists of Lake Sherwood, Hidden Valley, Oak Park, Thousand Oaks, and Newbury Park, which was formerly an unincorporated area that is now the most westerly part of Thousand Oaks.", "- Conveniently located halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo County can be traveled to be car, train, bus or air. Latest News. Get to Know the Pismo Beach Monarch Butterflies. Get to Know the Pismo beach Monarch butterflies We have seals (of ...", "- Welcome to the Pueblo of Laguna. Laguna is surrounded by enchanting mesas and is situated at the foothills of the beautiful mountains of Mount Taylor. Laguna is located 45 miles west of Albuquerque on Interstate 40. The reservation consists of approximately 500,000 acres of land situated in Cibola, Valencia, Bernalillo and Sandoval counties. The residents of Laguna Pueblo live in six villages which are Laguna, Mesita, Paguate, Seama, Paraje, and Encinal. The Tribal administration building is located in the village of Laguna. You can experience the uniqueness of our Pueblo by visiting in person.", "- Largo is located at 27°54′30″N 82°46′40″W / 27.90833°N 82.77778°W / 27.90833; -82.77778 (27.908355, -82.777791). It is centrally located in Pinellas County, touching the Intracoastal Waterway to the southwest and Tampa Bay to the northeast.", "La Plata County Fairgrounds Very easy going staff, you could camp even if the office was closed (post money, or wait till office opened. We used it to enable easy access to Durango - it is not a resort campground. It is on the trolley route about 1 mile from the twon center. We camped at La Plata County Fairgrounds in a Travel Trailer.", "- Chula Vista, California. Chula Vista (/ˌtʃuːlə ˈvɪstə/; Spanish: beautiful view[11][12] ) is the second largest city in the San Diego metropolitan area, the seventh largest city in Southern California, the fourteenth largest city in the state of California, and the 76th-largest city in the United States.", "Tequesta Branch About the Tequesta Branch. The Tequesta Branch, located in the Village of Tequesta, serves its residents and Martin County residents who purchase library cards. The branch provides book, magazines, and other material to a varied clientele. Reader advisory services and materials for adults and children are available.", "Chula Vista, California Chula Vista is served by multiple Interstates and California State Routes. Interstate 5 begins to the south of the city and runs through its western edge. Interstate 5 connects Chula Vista to North County and beyond to Greater Los Angeles and Northern California.", "Chula Vista, California Chula Vista (/ ˌ tʃ uː l ə ˈ v ɪ s t ə /; Spanish: beautiful view) is the second largest city in the San Diego metropolitan area, the seventh largest city in Southern California, the fourteenth largest city in the state of California, and the 74th-largest city in the United States. The population was 243,916 as of the 2010 census.", "- Ladson County Fairgrounds. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Cochise County Jail - Sierra Vista Inmate Search If you are certain your inmate is in Cochise County Jail - Sierra Vista, or at the very least in Cochise County, go to this page to search for them. If the Cochise County Jail - Sierra Vista inmate search website is not currently online or up to date, call 520-803-3850 for assistance in locating your inmate. The Cochise County Jail - Sierra Vista is open 24-hours-a-day.", "- RANCHO PALOS VERDES, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 8 of 8 listings. 40.58 Acres Santa Clarita, Los Angeles County, California $749,000 Amazing views of the Santa Clarita Valley... Reach a larger audience and drive more leads by participating in the Showcase Property program.", "- About the Estate: 9125 Vista De Lago Ct. The estate is nestled at the top of the prestigious Los Lagos Estates community. The crown jewel of Los Lagos Estates, this incredible Granite Bay mountaintop estate currently owned by a private investor is now offered to discriminating buyers for $12,000,000.", "Vista Vista is a city in north San Diego County, California. It was incorporated January 28, 1963 and became a charter city on June 13, 2007. Located just seven miles inland from the Pacific Ocean in northern San Diego County, the City of Vista has a Mediterranean climate. The population was 93,834 at the 2010 census. Vista has more than 25 educational institutions for youth, and a business park home to over 800 companies.", "Gateway Wildwood West Real Estate530-432-3400 | Email UsHome Property SearchSearch ListingsSearch by AreaLake Wildwood, CA HomesNevada City, CA HomesLake of the Pines, CA HomesMap SearchAdvanced SearchJust Listed in Lake Wildwood/Penn Valley, CAResourcesHome EvaluationMortgage CalculatorRelocationSchoolsWeatherArea Info ContactDream Home FinderReal Estate NewsMoreOur OfficesOur AgentsBlogTestimonialsWildwood West Real EstateGateway South Real EstateLoginRegister Celebrating over 40 years of offering Lake Wildwood Real Estate, Penn Valley and Grass Valley Real Estate, Nevada City and Auburn Real Estate Services! Celebrating our 40th Anniversary serving Nevada County, Placer County, Yuba County, Sutter County and El Dorado County and the surrounding areas! We encourage you to search our web site for Lake Wildwood Real Estate, Penn Valley Horse Property, Grass Valley Cottages, Nevada City Victorians, and more! All active Nevada County MLS listings are available for viewing on our web site and you can sign up for new listing notifications as well.", "AssessorPurdue Extension Service Vigo CountyAuditorClerk of the Vigo Circuit CourtCounty CommissionersVigo County CoronerCounty CourtsCounty CouncilHarrison Township AssessorProsecutorVigo County RecorderSheriff's OfficeSurveyorTreasurerArea Planning DepartmentVigo County Fire Investigation and Safety Task ForceBuilding Inspections DepartmentVigo County CASACommunity CorrectionsVigo County Convention and Visitors The Lee County Tax Collector is not responsible for the information, products and/or services on the site you are about to view. Thank you for visiting our site. Taxes", "- If you enjoy golf and the country club lifestyle, it doesn't get better than Citrus County. Over twenty world-class area golf courses and country clubs including the spectacular Skyview golf course at Terra Vista in Citrus Hills and the prestigious Black Diamond golf course in Lecanto Florida. Homes on the golf course are available! © 2014 BRER Affiliates LLC.", "- Lake Worth County. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Chula Vista, CA. Nearby Directions. {{::location.tagLine.value.text}}. Chula Vista ( /ˌtʃuːlə vɪstə/; Spanish: Beautiful View) is the second largest city in the San Diego metropolitan area, the seventh largest city in Southern California, the fourteenth largest city in the State of California, and the seventy seventh largest city in the U.S..", "LAGO VISTA, TRAVIS COUNTY, HILL COUNTRY, TEXAS LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 119 listings Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Lago Vista, Travis County, Texas? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Lago Vista, Travis County, Texas, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "Chula Vista Chula Vista (/ˌtʃuːlə ˈvɪstə/; Spanish: beautiful view ) is the second largest city in the San Diego metropolitan area, the seventh largest city in Southern California, the fourteenth largest city in the state of California, and the 76th-largest city in the United States. The population was 243,916 as of the 2010 census.", "Lakeview, California Homefacts City Report. Lakeview is located in Riverside County, CA. The population is 1,526. There are 0 public schools in Lakeview with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Lakeview is moderate, and there are 0 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Lakeview is moderate and the median home sales price is $0. Cities near Lakeview include Nuevo, Romoland and Homeland.", "LAGUNA VISTA, TX (CAMERON COUNTY) laguna vista, tx (cameron county) LAGUNA VISTA, TEXAS (Cameron County). Laguna Vista is on State Highway 100 and Farm Road 510 twenty miles east of San Benito and five miles northwest of Port Isabel overlooking Laguna Madre in eastern Cameron County. The community was settled in the early 1800s by Mexican salt traders who transported salt through the region to northern Mexico." ]
[ 17.234375 ]
[ 1.3779296875, 3.564453125, 1.1552734375, 10.1171875, 8.265625, 4.15625, 5.22265625, 2.26953125, 2.349609375, 3.955078125, 7.03515625, 1.220703125, 6.2421875, 1.5263671875, 6.09765625, 7.34765625, 1.208984375, 7.90234375, 2.65625, 8.375, 9.640625, 4.72265625, 4.16015625, 5.9609375, 4.09765625, 5.91015625, 16.875, 7.0703125, 5.8671875, 13.8984375 ]
u.s. district court definition
[ "United States district court The United States district courts are the general trial courts of the United States federal court system. Both civil and criminal cases are filed in the district court, which is a court of law, equity, and admiralty. There is a United States bankruptcy court associated with each United States district court. Each federal judicial district has at least one courthouse, and many districts have more than one. The formal name of a district court is the United States District Court for the name of the district—for example, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri." ]
[ "- Supreme & District Court. The Supreme Court is the court of last resort and the final interpreter of state law. District Court handles juvenile matters, city/county ordinances, misdemeanors, traffic offenses, wills, arraignments, small claims, civil cases, and domestic violence/abuse cases.", "- Federal district drug court is a post-adjudication, cooperative effort of the Court, Probation, Federal Public Defenders, and U.S. Attorneys' Offices to provide a blend of treatment and sanction alternatives to address behavior, rehabilitation and community re-integration for non-violent, substance-abusing offenders. Reentry Drug Court. Reentry drug courts utilize the drug court model, as defined in The Key Components, to facilitate the reintegration of drug-involved offenders into communities upon their release from local or state correctional facilities.", "United States courts of appeals The United States courts of appeals[1] (or circuit courts) are the intermediate appellate courts of the United States federal court system. A court of appeals decides appeals from the district courts within its federal judicial circuit, and in some instances from other designated federal courts and administrative agencies.", "What is the purpose of federal district courts? The purpose of federal district courts is to handle small cases, such as those between businesses and people suing other people. The purpose of federal district courts is to handle the small problems that occur that need settling. Another View: US District Courts handle ALL matters (large and small - civil and criminal) which involve federal law and which originate within their jurisdiction. They are the lowest level courts of original jurisdiction within the federal system.", "district court 1. The lowest level US federal court, operating within a federal judicial district within a state, where matters under federal jurisdiction are tried. 2. A state court having jurisdiction over matters established by state law, whether as a trial court or an appellate court within a certain district.", "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights The United States District Court. District of Colorado. Our mission is to serve the public by providing a fair and impartial forum that ensures equal access to justice in accordance with the rule of law, protects rights and liberties of all persons, and resolves cases in a timely and efficient manner. Quick Links.", "- There are other courts in the federal court system, such as the bankruptcycourt, over which the district courts have review. A thorough description of theplace of the bankruptcy courts in the federal court system is available at http://www.uscourts.gov/bankruptcycourts.html. The district court judges also appointfederal magistrate judges. A description of their role is available at http://fedjudge.org/.15.", "Yale Law School 2017â2018 Yale Law School 2017â2018 The U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, D.C. is the highest court in the nation. Move forward to the next page to learn about it. There are several federal courts that are not actually part of the judicial branch of government. Congress established these courts to handle specific topics. U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims; U.S. Tax Court; U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces", "- The term “district courts in the United States” in this section includes the District Court for the District of Columbia. Other provisions of section 450 of title 28, U.S.C., 1940 ed., are incorporated in sections 333 and 604 of this title.", "- The federal district courts are the trial courts of the federal court system. Within limits set by Congress and the Constitution, the district courts have jurisdiction to hear nearly all categories of federal cases, including both civil lawsuits and criminal matters.here are 686 federal district judgeships, 179 seats on the federal appeals courts, and 9 Supreme Court justices. The number of judges on each district and each appeals court varies by the size and caseload of the circuit.", "Introduction To The Federal Court System Circuit Courts. Once the federal district court has decided a case, the case can be appealed to a United States court of appeal. There are twelve federal circuits that divide the country into different regions. The Fifth Circuit, for example, includes the states of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.", "About U.S. Federal Courts U.S. Courts of Appeals. The 94 U.S. judicial districts are organized into 12 regional circuits, each of which has a United States court of appeals. A court of appeals hears appeals from the district courts located within its circuit, as well as appeals from decisions of federal administrative agencies.", "Supreme Court of the United States The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article Three of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate (and largely discretionary) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and state court cases involving issues of federal law plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases.", "Introduction To The Federal Court System Federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction, meaning they can only hear cases authorized by the United States Constitution or federal statutes. The federal district court is the starting point for any case arising under federal statutes, the Constitution, or treaties. This type of jurisdiction is called “original jurisdiction.” Sometimes, the jurisdiction of state courts will overlap with that of federal courts, meaning that some cases can be brought in both courts.", "- uk / kɔːt / us also law court, also court of law › [C or U] LAW a room or building in which trials and legal cases are decided, or the group of people, including, for example, a judge and other officials, who listen to and make decisions on legal cases:", "What is the purpose of federal district courts? The purpose of federal district courts is to handle small cases, such as those between businesses and people suing other people. The purpose of federal district courts is to handle the small problems that occur that need settling.", "How Courts Work The U.S. district courts are the trial courts of the federal court system. The district courts can hear most federal cases, including civil and criminal cases. There are 94 federal judicial districts in the United States and its territories. Each district includes a U.S. bankruptcy court.", "- Sec. 16. Court, jurisdiction.) The term court means any circuit court of this State. The making of an agreement described in Section 1 providing for arbitration in this State confers jurisdiction on the court to enforce the agreement under this Act and to enter judgment on an award thereunder. (Source: P.A. 79-1361.) 710 ILCS 5/17 (710 ILCS 5/17) (from Ch. 10, par.", "- United States District Court. The United States district courts are the general trial courts of the United States federal courts. There are 94 such courts. Both civil and criminal cases are filed in the district court, which is a court of both law and equity.", "District Court District Court is the court of limited jurisdiction and handles juvenile matters , city and county ordinances , misdemeanors , violations , traffic offenses , probate of wills , arraignments , felony probable cause hearings , small claims involving $2,500 or less , civil cases involving $5,000 or less , voluntary and involuntary mental commitments ...", "JURISPRUDENCE circuit court of appeals - one of the twelve federal United States courts of appeals that cover a group of states known as a `circuit'. 1 appeals court, appellate court, court of appeals - a court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies. judicial branch - the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice.", "Rule 1. Scope; Definitions 2. The courts of the United States covered by the rules are enumerated in Rule 54(a). In addition to Federal courts in the continental United States they include district courts in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.", "Court Role and Structure Four territories of the United States have U.S. district courts that hear federal cases, including bankruptcy cases: Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. There are also two special trial courts.", "United States district court For most of these cases, the jurisdiction of the federal district courts is concurrent with that of the state courts. In other words, a plaintiff can choose to bring these cases in either a federal district court or a state court.", "- About Federal Courts. The U.S. Courts were created under Article III of the Constitution to administer justice fairly and impartially, within the jurisdiction established by the Constitution and Congress.", "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights The United States District Court. District of Colorado. Our mission is to serve the public by providing a fair and impartial forum that ensures equal access to justice in accordance with the rule of law, protects rights and liberties of all persons, and resolves cases in a timely and efficient manner.", "- red-light district; district court; district judge; District-based; district attorney; congressional district; district nurse", "Translations for district attorney Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: district attorney(Noun) The title of the local public official who represents the government in the prosecution of alleged criminals.", "DOWNLOADED FROM These are limited to: US District Courts (trial) US Court of International Trade (trial) US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts (appellate) Supreme Court of the United States (primarily highest appellate) While there are many other courts in the federal court system, most are part of the Legislative Branch of government.he Judicial Branch is usually made up of the Supreme Court (or Constitutional Court) plus several lower courts. The Supreme Court and such Federal Courts as the Congress est … ablishes. The courts of the US, judges, etx.", "trial court A trial court of general jurisdiction may hear any civil or criminal case that is not already exclusively within the jurisdiction of another court. Examples include the United States district courts on the federal level and state-level trial courts such as the New York Supreme Courts and the California Superior Courts." ]
[ 14.8828125 ]
[ 9.0703125, 8.8515625, 8.4921875, 8.6328125, 13.4765625, 10.4140625, 8.234375, 6.66015625, 10.078125, 10.28125, 8.0703125, 10.0390625, 8.15625, 10.125, 8.203125, 7.5625, 12.8515625, 3.92578125, 14.984375, 12.09375, 6.75, 8.25, 10.3203125, 8.9453125, 9.1484375, 10.421875, 6.859375, 3.962890625, 8.0703125, 9.703125 ]
drug and alcohol testing technician salary
[ "- The average salary for drug and alcohol technician jobs is $32,000. Average drug and alcohol technician salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits." ]
[ "- Based on percentiles, the median yearly salary for 90th percentile of dialysis technicians has been around $42,587. Similarly, about 75th percentile of dialysis technicians received $38,046, 25th percentile of them received $29,792 while 10th percentile received $26,818 per year.ased on percentiles, the median yearly salary for 90th percentile of dialysis technicians has been around $42,587. Similarly, about 75th percentile of dialysis technicians received $38,046, 25th percentile of them received $29,792 while 10th percentile received $26,818 per year.", "Optical Laboratory Technician Careers Income and Outlook. Income for most optical laboratory technicians is moderate. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an average income of $29,920 in May 2011, with the lowest-paid 10 percent earning $18,620 a year or less and the highest-paid 10 percent earning $43,870 a year or more.ptical laboratory technicians spend most of their time preparing lenses. Their job includes selecting blank lenses of generally appropriate size and shape, and cutting them to fit the selected frame. Then the lenses must be ground to the correct prescription, either by hand or using automated machinery.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Renal Dialysis Technician in the United States is $37,649, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Renal Dialysis Technician in the United States are expected to make less than $37,649.Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. 1 Salary.2 Salary + Bonus.or example the median expected annual pay for a typical Renal Dialysis Technician in the United States is $37,649, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Renal Dialysis Technician in the United States are expected to make less than $37,649. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015.", "- This would amount to $13.70 per hour. … The BLS reports that in 2010, pharmacy technicians earn a median annual wage of $28, 400 or $13.65 per hour.Salary.com reports a higher median average salary: $31,921.This salary is just the estimate for Pharmacy Technician 1 (Level 1) and may increase depending on experience, jurisdiction and demand for transcriptionists in the area.he average salary of a school or educational counselor is around $50000-$60000 per year. However, as a counselor gains years of experience, his or her salary also rises. Sala … ry also depends on where a counselor works. Pay varies by state, by school, and between public and private schools.", "Recruiter.com helps healthcare professionals find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. A high school degree or GED is almost always necessary to be considered for this job. Most of the time, an employer will require up to one year of formal on-site job training as well. A Dental Laboratory Technician can get a salary in a range of 24000 and 36000 based on experience.Dental Laboratory Technicians usually get a compensation of Thirty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred dollars annually.ental Laboratory Technicians receive the best pay in the District of Columbia, where they earn pay of just about $62840. Employees in this career have the most lucrative average salary level in Educational Services, where they can receive a compensation of $53550. The national wage distribution is shown below.", "- Average dialysis technician salary. Average annual salary for a dialysis technician in the United States ranges from $26,811 – $40,396 and an average hourly wage ranges from $11.65 to $15.05 per hour.ialysis technician salary in Canada. The average yearly salary for a dialysis technician in Canada is about $38,000 CAD. According to the Vancouver Island Health Authority salary catalogue, a national mean hourly wage for a renal dialysis technician averages is about $22.28 CAD per hour.", "- Dialysis technician salary. Dialysis technician’s salary (shortly known as dialysis tech salary) in the United States according to the payscale salary reports is from $20,690 – $39,756 per year and the annual starting wage for a dialysis technician ranges from $10.25 to $13.32 per hour.", "- Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that forensic science technicians earned a mean $26.76 per hour or $55,660 per year as of May 2011. Pay went as low as $15.75 per hour or $32,760 per year, and rose as high as $40.86 per hour or $84,980 per year.", "DNA Analyst Job Description, Education Requirements & Salary The 2012 BLS report shows that the median 2012 salary for forensic science techs, including the DNA analyst salary, was $52,480. One must remember that the median salary is the wage where half of the others in the field are making less and half are making more.", "Palmyra Area School District Pharmacy Technician Salary. According to the most recent data published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in the 2014-15 Occupational Outlook Handbook, the median annual salary for pharmacy technicians is $29,320.harmacy technicians have a variety of backgrounds, but the BLS reports that 76 percent have some amount of college-level training, while 16 percent of their fellow technicians have a high school diploma or equivalent.", "- The annual salary for the highest 10 percent of medical laboratory technicians is more than $56,040 while the lowest 10 percent of them received over $24,210 per year. It has been reported that majority of the medical laboratory technicians usually earn their salary ranging from between $35,000 to $50,000 per annum.he annual salary for an average medical laboratory technician in Canada ranges from $40,000 – $45,000 per year and a median hourly wage is about 22.19.", "- … The BLS reports that in 2010, pharmacy technicians earn a median annual wage of $28, 400 or $13.65 per hour. Salary.com reports a higher median average salary: $31,921.", "- The annual salary for the middle 50 percent of anesthesia technicians ranges between $32,490 and $46,910 and a yearly bonus of about $1,027 is included in the annual salary package.", "- Ophthalmic technician salary in USA. According to the U.S. pay scale reports, an average hourly wage for an ophthalmic technician ranges from between $11.03 – $21.55 per hour which increases to an hourly rate ranging from between $15.19 – $32.50 overtime and a yearly bonus of about $1,034 will be included.ccording to the U.S. bureau of labor statistics, the annual salary for the top 10 percent of ophthalmic technicians is more than $43,770 while the ones below 10 percent earned less than $18,500 per year.", "Do I Know This ? Hemodialysis technician’s salary (shortly known as hemodialysis tech salary) in the United States is about $34,000 per year and an average hourly wage is about $16 per hour.", "Dental Technician Schools Salary. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, medical technicians made a median annual salary of $36,280 in 2010. Salaries vary widely, though, based on the nature of the work.", "- Below are the average salary listings for certified ophthalmic technicians from the ATPO surveys: 1 2007 survey: $44K. 2 2009 survey: $48K. 3 2011 survey: $43K. 2013 survey: $ 1 50K. 2015 survey: $ 46K.", "- The yearly salary for top 10 percent of pharmacy technicians is more than $40,710 while a yearly salary for the lowest 10 percent of them is less than $19,840. The pharmacy technicians employed in pharmacy stores earn around $27,160 per year while those employed in hospitals receive about $32,400 per annum.verage yearly salary for a pharmacy technician is about $28,400 and an hourly wage is about $13.65 per hour. Compare pharmacy technician salary with pharmacist salary.", "- Research Technician average salary is $34,841, median salary is $33,634 with a salary range from $20,000 to $364,000.Research Technician salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position.esearch Technician Salary. Research Technician average salary is $34,841, median salary is $33,634 with a salary range from $20,000 to $364,000. Research Technician salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.", "- In addition, a well-established forensic science technician receives a much higher salary ranging from between $48,279 to $86,474 per annum. An average hourly wage for a forensic science technician geneticist ranges from between 14.90–$38.62 per hour.", "What's the Salary of a Registered Pharmacy Technician? Average Salary Overview. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in May 2013, pharmacy technicians received average annual salaries of $30,840 (www.bls.gov). Additionally, PayScale.com reported that the total annual pay for pharmacy technicians ranged from $17,756-$37,131 in September 2014.ccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in May 2013, pharmacy technicians received average annual salaries of $30,840 (www.bls.gov).", "- The median expected salary for a medical Laboratory technician in the United States is around $42,199 per year and an average hourly wage is about $28.64.he annual starting salary for a newly graduated medical laboratory technician is around $24,000 per year while a senior laboratory technician earns more than $57,000 per year. Medical laboratory technician salary is one of the highest.", "- The median expected salary for a medical Laboratory technician in the United States is around $42,199 per year and an average hourly wage is about $28.64.he median expected salary for a medical Laboratory technician in the United States is around $42,199 per year and an average hourly wage is about $28.64.", "- Conclusion about dialysis technician salary. According to the BLS data, the average annual salary for the top 10 percent of dialysis technicians is around more than $64,560 whereas the bottom 10 percent of them earned less than $25,590 per year.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Renal Dialysis Technician in the United States is $37,649, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Renal Dialysis Technician in the United States are expected to make less than $37,649.Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. 1 Salary. 2 Salary + Bonus.or example the median expected annual pay for a typical Renal Dialysis Technician in the United States is $37,649, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Renal Dialysis Technician in the United States are expected to make less than $37,649. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015.", "So, how high can a Dialysis Technician salary can get? However, these numbers should give you an idea of the Dialysis Technician salary you can expect. The average Dialysis Technician salary is around twenty dollars per hour, or $42,180 per year. The is the average salary across the United States, all occupations, and all job types.You may or may not be able to make this much money depending on the situation you are able to obtain after you complete your training.owever, these numbers should give you an idea of the Dialysis Technician salary you can expect. The average Dialysis Technician salary is around twenty dollars per hour, or $42,180 per year. The is the average salary across the United States, all occupations, and all job types.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Testing Technician in the United States is $46,698 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Testing Technician in the United States are expected to make less than $46,698.", "Recruiter.com helps healthcare professionals find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. A high school degree or GED is almost always necessary to be considered for this job. Most of the time, an employer will require up to one year of formal on-site job training as well. A Dental Laboratory Technician can get a salary in a range of 24000 and 36000 based on experience.Dental Laboratory Technicians usually get a compensation of Thirty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred dollars annually.ost of the time, an employer will require up to one year of formal on-site job training as well. A Dental Laboratory Technician can get a salary in a range of 24000 and 36000 based on experience.", "Dietetic Technician salary in USA Dietetic Technician salary. The average Dietetic Technician salary in USA is $34,280 per year or $18 per hour. This is around 1.2 times more than the Median wage of the country. Entry level positions start at $24,000 while most experienced workers make up to $48,000.", "- Salary. The median annual salary for mechanic and automotive technicians was $36,710 in 2013. The highest earners in the field made about $61,210, while the lowest-paid took home $20,920.Top earners in the profession work in the following industries: aerospace product and parts manufacturing and natural gas distribution.he median annual salary for mechanic and automotive technicians was $36,710 in 2013. The highest earners in the field made about $61,210, while the lowest-paid took home $20,920." ]
[ 17.484375 ]
[ 4.90234375, 3.248046875, 5.5078125, 5.8984375, 5.5625, 5.1953125, 4.48828125, 8.1484375, 3.31640625, 5.30859375, 7.6953125, 6.4765625, 5.95703125, 3.916015625, 4.62109375, 5.6796875, 4.73828125, 5.62109375, 5.87890625, 6.95703125, 6.32421875, 8.390625, 8.640625, 4.5625, 5.56640625, 5.0703125, 10.8203125, 5.7421875, 4.30859375, 4.74609375 ]
goosebumps the werewolf of fever swamp
[ "The Werewolf of Fever Swamp The Werewolf of Fever Swamp. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Werewolf of Fever Swamp is the fourteenth book in Goosebumps, the series of children's horror fiction novellas created and authored by R. L. Stine. The story follows Grady Tucker, who moves into a new house with his parents next to the Fever Swamp.he Werewolf of Fever Swamp was released on VHS in 1997. Billboard listed the video as the 19th best selling children's video in 1997, the only Goosebumps video on the list. In 2004, the TV special was also released on DVD." ]
[ "\"Why do humans get \"\"goosebumps\"\" when they are cold, or under other circumstances?\" Goosebumps are a physiological phenomenon inherited from our animal ancestors, which was useful to them but are not of much help to us. Goosebumps are tiny elevations of the skin that resemble the skin of poultry after the feathers have been plucked. (Therefore we could as well call them turkeybumps or duckbumps.) These bumps are caused by a contraction of miniature muscles that are attached to each hair. Each contracting muscle creates a shallow depression on the skin surface, which causes the surrounding area to protrude.", "Beowulf - His Last Words Beowulf is a hero and an example of a great warrior. He fights against monsters. In the section of the poem we are about to discuss, Beowulf is ready to fight a dragon with his thane Wiglaf.He is going to fight a dragon.EOWULF: The last moments In the society in which the poem Beowulf takes place, war and kingship are normal factors in daily life.", "Werewolves Werewolves is a title of the new exclusive content from J.K. Rowling unlocked in Book 3, Chapter 20, Moment 1 .", "- Global Legends. Argentina. Lobisón is the word that stands for Werewolf in north Argentina. The Lobisón is usually the seventh son in a family (whereas the seventh daughter is doomed to be a witch).", "Werewolf Words The werewolf is also known as a wolfman and a loup-garou. Loup-garou is French in origin and translates as “wolf man-wolf,” with loup meaning “wolf,” and garou meaning “man-wolf.” The Online Etymology Dictionary explains:", "Flamingo tongue snail The flamingo tongue snail, scientific name Cyphoma gibbosum, is a species of small but brightly colored sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Ovulidae, the cowry allies.", "Goosebumps (film) Goosebumps is a 2015 American horror comedy film based on the children's book series of the same name by R.L. Stine. It was directed by Rob Letterman, and written by Darren Lemke, based from a story by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski.", "- Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905 Various. I am quite sure we are acting as he would wish, said Beecot, decisively. The Opal Serpent Fergus Hume. A man has a right to defend his own life and his own nose, said Ben Hay decisively.", "Goose Bumps Caused By Contractions I get them in cold weather but also in a jacuzzi. A. Goose bumps are caused by the contraction of the tiny arrectores pilorum muscles attached to hair follicles, according to Dr. Allan L. Lorincz, a dermatologist at the University of Chicago. The contraction of these muscles is dependent on the activation of the inner nerves known as the autonomic nerve supply. Because this nerve supply is stimulated in part by temperature, goose bumps (also known as gooseflesh or goose pimples) commonly appear when the body is chilled or superheated. Fear, sound or any other stimulus that activates the nervous supply can also cause the arrector pilorum muscle to contract.", "Slappy the Dummy Slappy the Dummy is a recurring villain in the Goosebumps franchise. He is a living ventriloquist dummy that comes to life when the words Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano are read aloud; the words mean You and I are one now, and they can be found on a sheet of paper in Slappy's jacket pocket.", "- Goose bumps, goose pimples or goose flesh, the medical term cutis anserina or horripilation, are the bumps on a person's skin at the base of body hairs which may involuntarily develop when a person is cold or experiences strong emotions such as fear, nostalgia, pleasure, euphoria, awe, admiration, and sexual arousal.hen a goose's feathers are plucked, its skin has protrusions where the feathers were, and these bumps are what the human phenomenon resembles. It is not clear why the particular fowl, goose, was chosen in English, as most other birds share this same anatomical feature.", "- I have jaws well provided with teeth, and feet furnished with claws, and I lord it over all the beasts of the forest, and what a disgrace it is, that being such as I am, I should be frightened by the crowing of a cock. Fables by Aesop View in context.", "Southwest Florida On calm days, the silence is almost absolute, broken only by an occasional croak from a night heron roosting in the mangroves or the crashing of a snook chasing finger mullet through shallows among the mangrove roots. by Jeff Ripple - The author of Southwest Florida's Wetland Wilderness.", "- Beowulf is one of the oldest surviving epic poems in what is identifiable as an early form of the English language. In the poem, Beowulf, a hero of a Germanic tribe from southern Sweden called the Geats, travels to Denmark to help defeat a monster named Grendel.", "- WOLVES & DISEASE The Wolf and the Spread of Disease by N. Nazarova (read the full story). The Wolf and the Spread of Disease by N. Nazarova. Echinococcus (click here for web page). The genus Echinococcus includes six species of cyclophyllid tapeworms to date, of the family Taeniidae.", "snuffleupagus snuffleupagus definition: Proper noun 1. A fictional character from the television series Sesame Street, resembling a woolly mammoth without tusks, who until the show's 17th season could only be seen by Big Bird....", "- The Loyalists of America and Their Times, Vol. 1 of 2 Egerton Ryerson. Under rather more difficult conditions, the Necrophorus repeats the ineptness of the Turkey. The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles Jean Henri Fabre. He understood their longing to do something worthwhile, and their embarrassment at their ineptness. The Year When Stardust Fell Raymond F. Jones. Often the ineptness, the feebleness, the insatiable cupidity and the excesses of the papacy. The Pocket Bible or Christian the Printer Eugne Sue. Depending wholly upon the ear, any defect of utterance or ineptness of expression is quickly detected.", "swamp fever lep•to•spi•ro•sis. an infectious disease of humans and domestic animals, caused by the spirochete Leptospira interrogans and characterized by fever, muscle pain, and jaundice. Leptospir(a) (lepto-lepto - + Latin spīra coil; see spire 2) + -osis ].wamp fever. n. 1. (Veterinary Science) Also called: equine infectious anaemia a viral disease of horses characterized by recurring fever, staggering gait, and general debility. 2. (Pathology) US another name for malaria.", "Why are werewolves called werewolves? Confidence votes 24. The term werewolf is derived from the Old English words wer (or were) and wulf. The later is clearly the ancestor of the Modern English wolf, although it could also be used to describe a beast.The Old English word wer (or were) is a gender-specific term referring to a male human (equivalent to the Modern English word man).ssuming the same etymological roots, a female 'werewolf' would be referred to as either a wifwolf or a wowolf. As both of the Modern English words wife and wo man are thought be derived from the Old English word wif (a gender-specific term referring to a female human).", "- This subject is also available on. Greek Mythology Wiki: Werewolf. Werewolves, also known as a Lycanthropes (Greek: λυκάνθρωπος: λύκος, lukos, wolf, and ἄνθρωπος, anthrōpos, man), is a mythical creature. Werewolves are former humans that take on a wolf-like form and/or behavior, usually during a full moon.", "Goose bumps The reflex of producing goose bumps is known as arasing, piloerection, or the pilomotor reflex. It occurs in many mammals besides humans; a prominent example is porcupines, which raise their quills when threatened, or sea otters when they encounter sharks or other predators.", "Japanese wolf The Japanese wolf, or Honshū wolf, (Canis lupus hodophilax Temminck, 1893) is a subspecies of the gray wolf (Canis lupus). Skeletal remains of the Japanese wolf have been found in archaeological sites, such as Torihama shell mound, dating from the Jōmon period (10,000 to 250 B.C).", "Windpuffs What is it? Windpuffs, also known as windgalls, are a cosmetic blemish of the ankles (fetlocks) in horses similar to thoroughpin near the hocks. Specifically, windpuffs are fluid swelling of the tendon sheath makes the legs appear puffy or swollen.", "Goosebumps (film) Goosebumps (film) For other uses, see Goosebumps (disambiguation). Goosebumps is a 2015 American horror comedy film based on the children's book series of the same name by R.L. Stine. It was directed by Rob Letterman, and written by Darren Lemke, based from a story by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski.", "- Chironex fleckeri. Chironex fleckeri, commonly known as sea wasp, is a species of deadly venomous box jellyfish found in coastal waters from northern Australia and New Guinea north to the Philippines and Vietnam. It has been described as the most lethal jellyfish in the world, with at least 63 known deaths in Australia from 1884 to 1996.", "What is a sea wasp? What is a sea wasp? There is a sea lily and a sea cucumber, a seahorse and a sea cow and once there lived a sea scorpion. These creatures bear slight resemblances to their land dwelling namesakes, though naturally they are in no way related. The sea wasp could never be mistaken for a yellow jacket or any other insect at least on sight. However, he has a waspy sting. It is far worse than a sting from a bad tempered yellow jacket. Sometimes it is fatal. The sea wasp belongs in the genus of cuboidal jellyfish, so named because his umbrella is shaped like a cube.", "Abnormal Goosebumps (Cutis Anserina) Causes Sometimes dysfunction of the autononomic system can cause abnormal goosebumps to arise along with other abnormally triggering other involuntary responses such as flushing or paleness of skin (due to blood flow), sweating and changes in heart rate. This is known as autonomic hyperreflexia or autonomic dysreflexia. Causes of Abnormal Goosebumps Each hair follicle has a muscle attached to it known as the arrector pili or erector pili muscle. It is a smooth muscle meaning that it is under involuntary control.", "Groundhog The groundhog (Marmota monax), also known as a woodchuck, whistle-pig, or in some areas land-beaver, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots. marmot \\marmot\\ (m[aum]rm[o^]t; 277), n. [It.", "Goosebumps For other uses, see Goosebumps (disambiguation). Goosebumps is a series of children's horror fiction novellas by American author R. L. Stine, published by Scholastic Publishing. The stories follow child characters, who find themselves in scary situations; usually involving monsters and other supernatural elements.", "- 1 Stine as the television episode's host. 2 In Grady's room, there is a skateboard featuring the mask that is on the cover of the earlier 'Goosebumps' book ' The Haunted Mask ', which, like all book covers, was also the picture on the subsequent video released. 3 The pet is named Vandal not wolf.he Swamp Hermit is close enough to hear these accusations and runs out of the swamp towards the children, yelling I'm the werewolf! I'm the werewolf! over and over, cackling all the way. The other children flee, as the hermit grabs Grady's ankle, keeping him in place." ]
[ 18.984375 ]
[ 5.578125, -3.734375, 4.16796875, 4.234375, 4, 0.05279541015625, 11.3671875, -0.52685546875, 5.3359375, 7.96484375, 7.90625, 1.9150390625, 0.77392578125, -0.55859375, 2.5703125, 0.91455078125, -2.755859375, 5.96484375, 3.09765625, 5.015625, 5.375, 1.375, 0.1673583984375, 11.234375, 0.583984375, -2.900390625, 5.3671875, 1.79296875, 10.875, 13.046875 ]
what can the fitbit ionic do
[ "- It's nice that Fitbit Ionic works across iOS and Android, and even syncs with Windows and Macs, via a Fitbit Connect app. That helps for fitness tracking and connecting with friends, but as a phone-connected accessory, it suffers." ]
[ "Ionic The Fitbit Community is a gathering place for real people who wish to exchange ideas, solutions, tips, techniques, and insight about the Fitbit products and services they love. By joining our Community, you agree to uphold these guidelines, so please take a moment to look them over.", "- Please try again later. Make every beat count with Fitbit Charge HR™—a heart rate and activity wristband from Fitbit. With continuous, wrist-based heart rate, all-day activity tracking, sleep monitoring and Caller ID, this high-performance tracker has everything you need to push your fitness further.ith continuous, wrist-based heart rate, all-day activity tracking, sleep monitoring and Caller ID, this high-performance tracker has everything you need to push your fitness further.", "FitBit Flex Battery Installation Tutorial The FitBit is a revolutionary new product for tracking daily activity. Unfortunately, learning how to remove the FitBit battery and how to install the FitBit battery may seem daunting at first.Within this video, I explain how to install the FitBit battery. Please share with others and be sure to check out my other video where I explain how to remove the FitBit battery.Filmed with iPhone 6 Plus camera.ithin this video, I explain how to install the FitBit battery. Please share with others and be sure to check out my other video where I explain how to remove the FitBit battery. Filmed with iPhone 6 Plus camera.", "Best Fitbit 2018: All our Fitbit reviews for you to compare Best for detailed metrics. Fitbit Charge 2. With the updated Charge, there's a wealth of new features including guided breathing, interchangeable bands, a larger screen and new data tracking with VO2 Max. If you want basic step/sleep tracking, it's there – but if you want to take things further, you can.", "- to PC & Mac. Fitbit's trackers are the first all day activity trackers to offer Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity, so you see your stats in real-time. Syncing occurs automatically any time Flex is within about 20 feet of the wireless sync dongle and is relatively motionless.o PC & Mac. Fitbit's trackers are the first all day activity trackers to offer Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity, so you see your stats in real-time. Syncing occurs automatically any time Flex is within about 20 feet of the wireless sync dongle and is relatively motionless.", "- Fitbit recently launched the Flex, the company's first wrist-worn activity monitor that syncs with your smartphone. The Flex uses Bluetooth 4.0 to sync with compatible smartphones (more on this in a minute), keeping your current activity stats updated.itbit recently launched the Flex, the company's first wrist-worn activity monitor that syncs with your smartphone. The Flex uses Bluetooth 4.0 to sync with compatible smartphones (more on this in a minute), keeping your current activity stats updated.", "- Fitbit make wearable activity device bands that track your steps, give you loads of cool reports on your daily movement, and can even monitor your sleep patterns to tell you how restful your night really is.They’re also one of the global market leaders.itbit make wearable activity device bands that track your steps, give you loads of cool reports on your daily movement, and can even monitor your sleep patterns to tell you how restful your night really is. They’re also one of the global market leaders.", "How many calories would I burn if I do 2000 skips on a rope everyday? The best way to discover how many calories you have burnt is through using smart devices like the FITBIT watches. The new advanced technology nowadays should help you get a really good idea on how may calories you have burnt that day.", "5 Tips for Getting the Most out of a FitBit Flex 1. Wear it and forget it. Perhaps the best thing about the FitBit Flex is that you wear it on your wrist. No need to clip it onto your clothing the way you had to with a FitBit Ultra, for instance. And since the FitBit Flex is waterproof, you can shower with it, meaning there is little need to take it off.", "The latest Fitbit can't match up to the Apple Watch The Fitbit Ionic has a few apps, with more to come As most companies do for reviewers, Fitbit sent me a loaner watch to test ahead of the release date. The software on the watch was so buggy, they had to send me another -- and that wasn't great either.", "- 1 Bringing the subtext of the antique painting and its copies to the fore, the artist has depicted women coming to a priapic fountain to buy winged, straining phalli from an old procuress.ore example sentences. 1 Viagra was discovered when the men in a trial group taking it, not for priapic proficiency, but to treat heart disease by preventing blood clots and enhancing blood flow, said could they keep taking it please after the experiment was over.", "FitBit Flex Review Obviously, I was all over that! The FitBit Flex is a wireless activity + sleep wristband. It does so many amazing things to help you stay on track with your workouts and healthy lifestyle – it’s a pretty amazing thing! The FitBit Flex tracks steps, distance, calories burned and active minutes throughout your day.", "- Fitbit tracks your activity (steps), diet, and even your sleep patterns. You can interact with the Fitbit using a series of tapping sequences and the Fitbit syncs all your data with your phone and computer. Then the process is to quantify, analyze, and optimize your wake and sleep life.OTE: You'll need to sync via bluetooth to your phone or the website to see your most recent sleep stats. I wish there was a way to tell time on the Fitbit Flex, but it is not a time machine. Nor should it be worn in a hot tub.", "- Atrial fibrillation can throw your heart and your life out of rhythm, but medications are available to treat it. 8 Smart Food Swaps for a Healthy Heart. A few bouts of atrial fibrillation (afib) can be enough to turn almost anyone's focus to heart health. Changing what you eat and drink may top the lis... Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke: 5 Things Doctors Wish You Knew. Atrial fibrillation is a heart rhythm disturbance that could quickly change the course of your life.", "How Many Steps Do You Take Each Day? (FitBit Zip Review) The only downside to the FitBit Zip is – like any other gadget or workout device – you have to use it for it to help you. I take it off at night and put it on my nightstand and then put it right back on in the morning.", "What is the Iliotibial Band? Iliotibial band syndrome is a common injury for athletes and is a result of repeated friction. During some movements the IT band comes into contact with the lateral epicondyle of the femur. In some cases, repeated movements that result in this friction will cause the tissue to become inflamed which can cause pain.he IT band is most active during movements that straighten the knee joint. Ad. Although the IT band is sometimes considered to be a muscle, it’s actually just a band of tissue and hence cannot be stretched in the same way that muscles can.", "Fitbit Charge wireless activity tracker Fitbit’s Charge is an activity and sleep tracker that takes the form of a wristband. It can be quite useful as a motivational tool for those of us who want to get more active, just like previous Fitbit products have been, but the wristband form factor might not be to everyone’s liking.luetooth 4.0 is supported by the device, and if your smartphone also supports Bluetooth 4.0, you can enable it to set up the Charge wirelessly through the Fitbit smartphone app, though you will still have to plug it in to a USB port to charge it.", "- (0 Reviews). 0%. (0 Reviews). When plugged into a USB port, this Fitbit FB152OD dongle lets you wirelessly sync data collected by your Flex, One or Zip fitness tracker with your online account, so you can easily keep track of your workouts. For use with your existing model.", "- What interesting things can one do with a Fitbit device? I'm thinking in terms of utilizing points with services like Earnedit, exporting/importing data into other apps, anything the average user might not have considered.", "Fitbit Charge, Charge HR & Surge: Welcome to a Whole New World of Fitness Fitbit Force, reinvented, Charge is ideal for people looking to track everyday activity to take their fitness to the next level, displaying all the most important stats in real-time on your wrist. Fitbit Charge features….", "Pidgeot By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. X. When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as Magikarp. By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. Pearl. By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees.", "Fitbit Fitbit is a company based out of San Francisco, California United States that focuses on fitness and activity trackers. Many of the trackers are worn on the wrist like a bracelet.However, earlier models like the Fitbit One can clip onto pants or shirt lapels. The trackers can sync to a Fitbit mobile app found on iOS, Android, Windows, and Windows Phone.Fitbit trackers keep count of steps taken, length of nightly sleep, floors climbed, and distance traveled. Heart rate monitoring is also available in two models, the Charge HR and Surge.itbit is a company based out of San Francisco, California United States that focuses on fitness and activity trackers. Many of the trackers are worn on the wrist like a bracelet. However, earlier models like the Fitbit One can clip onto pants or shirt lapels.", "- External. Your Fitbit tracker recognizes and awards active minutes when the activity you're doing is more strenuous than regular walking, which includes everything from a brisk walk to a cardio workout or run.", "- Thank you for choosing the Ellipsis Jetpack! Having the Ellipsis Jetpack at your fingertips will allow you to access Verizon’s 4G LTE network. for fast uploads and downloads. You can also connect up to eight Wi-Fi capable devices to the. Internet at once – laptops, tablets, eReaders, gaming consoles and more* - and experience ten.", "Cheaper version of a FitBit Fitbit trackers have a finely tuned algorithm for step counting. The algorithm is designed to look for intensity and motion patterns that are most indicative of people walking and running.", "How fit is that Fitbit? For measuring overall activity level, Fitbit is also a little shaky. In order to measure calories burned, participants are typically hooked up to a metabolic analyzer, a device that has a mouthpiece and accurately determines how many calories you are burning by measuring the oxygen you are consuming.", "- Having the Ellipsis Jetpack at your fingertips will allow you to access Verizon’s 4G LTE network. for fast uploads and downloads. You can also connect up to eight Wi-Fi capable devices to the. Internet at once – laptops, tablets, eReaders, gaming consoles and more* - and experience ten.", "Fitbit Phone Numbers & Customer Service Helpline Support Find your fit with Fitbit's family of fitness products that help you stay motivated and improve your health by tracking your activity, exercise, food, weight and sleep. Products", "Definitions &Translations The company is developing an ultra-compact wireless wearable sensor, called the Fitbit Tracker, that automatically tracks data about a person's activities, such as calories burned, sleep quality, steps and distance. The Fitbit Tracker collects activity data automatically while it is worn by the user all day.", "Fitbit iPhone App is Now Available! The Fitbit iPhone app allows you to log food, water, activities, and your weight with a new, easy-to-use interface. Keep track of your last synced data while you’re out, and look back on the past 14 days of steps to compare." ]
[ 13.6640625 ]
[ 9.6484375, 8.453125, 4.66015625, 7.4140625, 7.48828125, 7.78515625, 9.0859375, 5.5625, 7.4609375, 12.5859375, -3.935546875, 8.3515625, 8.4375, 5.4765625, 5.5, 1.634765625, 7.03125, 6.1328125, 8.5078125, 7.234375, -2.52734375, 9.1328125, 8.640625, 0.13818359375, 7.6953125, 7.421875, 1.4541015625, 6.9140625, 8.1171875, 7.9609375 ]
how many books have been made?
[ "Google: 129 Million Different Books Have Been Published Comments. By Joab Jackson, IDG News Service. For those who have ever wondered how many different books are out there in the world, Google has an answer for you: 129,864,880, according to Leonid Taycher, a Google software engineer who works on the Google Books project." ]
[ "- exists and is an alternate of . The longest book ever written is called Yongle Dadian. An enclyclopedia with 11,095 volumes and 22,877 chapters. THE LONGEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN <br/>The longest book ever written is called Yongle Dadian. An enclyclopedia with 11,095 volumes and 22,877 chapters.", "How many books are there on the Amazon Paid Kindle Store? However, I’ll give you a formula which you can use to calculate an approximate figure for your location. If you go to Amazon -> Kindle Store -> Kindle e-books, you’ll see the number of items offered in that section. In my case, there were 1,335,660 results. I guess that includes the free titles as well. Therefore, we have to find the number of free titles as well.", "- How many fish species are there? The first global census of life in the sea has logged some 230,000 species, however a ten year study on the subject performed by over 300 scientists warns of mass extinctions. This ten year study has been the largest, most extensive study to attempt a stab at that age old question “Just how many fish are there in the sea?”. The ten year study, which was published today, is attempting to answer that question.", "THE LAST WORD; How Many Books Are Too Many? Even if you don't count the titles published through print-on-demand and other fee-charging, vanity-press-type outfits, the total still comes to 10,000 books a year -- or one book published every hour or so. And that's just the fiction.", "- #15. I interpret the question to mean how many books were turned into movies, rather than how many movies were made from a book. So multiple adaptations of the same book would still count as 1. Or, you could go for the author who has had the highest number of their total published number of books turned into movies. MacBook 2.26 Aug 16th, 2010, 01:10 AM", "List of best-selling books 1 Joanne Rowling is the British author of the Harry Potter series of books for children. 2 She is one of the most celebrated and successful authors of all time, and her books have sold over 400 million copies… they have been translated into 65 languages and all of the books have been, or will be, made into movies.", "- Approximately how many different words did Shakespeare utilize (or create) in the English Language? In contrast, how many different words were utilized in the creation of the King James version of the Bible? more than 1,700;More than 26,000 When did Shakespeare die?", "How many books did William Shakespeare write? We're actors; we're the opposite of people - Tom Stoppard. Shakspeare wrote 37 or 38 plays and 154 sonnets all together, plus some other poetry. How many books that comes to depends on how you bundle them together. None of it (except his two long poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece) was intended to be published at all, and was published by other people at various times and in various bundles.", "How many books has R. L. Stine written? Best Answer: 300 or more. He has written over 98 books in just the Fear Street series. His books have been translated into 32 languages and have sold over 300 million copies worldwide, landing on bestseller lists world wide.", "3. Unity of the Bible Among all the books ever written, the Bible is absolutely unique. Actually, it is not just a book—it’s 66 books. And one of its most remarkable qualities is the complete unity of the overall message despite having so many different authors writing over many centuries on hundreds of controversial subjects.", "How many books did Dr. Seuss write? Between 1937-1991 (when Dr. Seuss died, aged 87), he published more than 40 books, which have sold half a billion copies in toto. (For a full list of Dr. Seuss's books, click on the Related link.). at least the integer 14. He published 44 children's books under the pen name Dr. Seuss. He published others under different pen names (not all of them children's books). 44. Dr. Seuss has written atleast 50 OR more books.", "How Many Words? But estimates of Shakespeare’s vocabulary vary from about 18,000 to 25,000 in various books, because writers have different views about what constitutes a distinct word. It’s common to see figures for vocabulary quoted such as 10,000-12,000 words for a 16-year-old, and 20,000-25,000 for a college graduate.", "- Stunningly presented, every one of the 32 volumes is crafted to the highest possible standards so your encyclopedia not only looks wonderful, but stays in perfect condition for years and years to come. The Britannica 4-part learning system offers: - 2-volume Index - The key to unlocking Britannica's archive of information.", "How many books has Maya Angelou published? Maya Angelou has published alot of books. So far i counted 15 books that she published. Maya Angelou wrote at least 20 poems Between novels and various books of po … etry, the great Maya Angelou has written a total of 16 collected works. The most famous is probably I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings.", "- the longest has 17 million, a book by Mark Leach called Marianbad My Love. Next by Nigel Tomm, a book called The Blah Story. There is a German series of novels that claim 150 million words in 2300 parts. Leo Toplstoy and War and Peace may be the best known example, 560,000 words, with 3.1 million characters which would make 1400 pages as a paperback", "How Many Words? You won’t find two that agree on what to list. Almost every word in the language has this fuzzy penumbra of inflected forms, separate senses and compounds, some to a much greater extent than climb. To take a famous case, the entry for set in the Oxford English Dictionary runs to 60,000 words. The noun alone has 47 separate senses listed. Are all these distinct words?", "Dr. Seuss more than 60 books ---- He published 44 children's books under the pen name Dr. Seuss. From those, there have been more than a half a billion copies sold. He published other books and works (not all for children) using other pen names. I don't know the numbers for those.", "- Out of this was born his unique style of teaching, and his ability to attune these teachings to modern life, demonstrated so vividly in his ground-breaking book, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Over three million copies have been printed in 34 languages, and the book is available in 80 countries.", "- Our book has over 300 pages filled with automobile production numbers and sales figures. 1 Car Production Numbers Book Over 300 Pages filled with production numbers and sales figures for hundreds of autos. 2 Vintage Car Ads Thousands of Vintage Car Ads from the past 40 years.", "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The book is an international bestseller. According to AFP, it has sold more than 65 million copies in 56 different languages, becoming one of the best-selling books in history and setting the Guinness World Record for most translated book by a living author.", "Guinness World Records The book itself holds a world record, as the best-selling copyrighted book of all time. As of the 2017 edition, it is now in its 63rd year of publication, published in 100 countries and 23 languages. The international franchise has extended beyond print to include television series and museums.", "The 10 Most Read Books In The World [Infographic] But you'd be wrong. The most read book in the world is the Bible. Writer James Chapman created a list of the most read books in the world based on the number of copies each book sold over the last 50 years. He found that the Bible far outsold any other book, with a whopping 3.9 billion copies sold over the last 50 years.", "List of best-selling books According to Guinness World Records, the Bible is the best-selling book of all time with over 5 billion copies sold and distributed.", "50 Shades of Grey Joins Top 10 Bestselling Books: How Many Have You Read? 50 Shades of Grey has sold 100 million copies worldwide. EL James's controversial erotic fiction trilogy Fifty Shades of Grey has entered the all-time top-selling books list with a total worldwide sale of 100 million copies. At the peak of its popularity, one book was being sold every second somewhere in the world. The fastest selling book series in the history of publisher Random House, fifty Shades, often dubbed mummy porn, sold 27 million copies in the UK and Commonwealth countries, over 45 million copies in the US.", "Kill Bill: How many bills are there? How many are enacted? The 103rd-108th Congresses (1993-2004) were actually more of a temporary lull. Before that, in the 102nd Congress, Congress introduced 9600 bills. So we’re not really seeing a general upward trend here in number of bills introduced, just a return to what had been fairly normal in years before.", "The Ten Awful Truths â and the Ten Wonderful Truths â About Book Publishing The number of new print titles issued by U.S. publishers has grown from 215,777 in 2002 to 316,480 in 2010. And in 2010 more than 2.7 million non-traditional titles were also published, including self-published books, reprints of public domain works, and other print-on-demand books.", "Google: 129 Million Different Books Have Been Published As of June, the company has scanned 12 million books, according to a presentation given by Google Books engineering manager Jon Orwant at the USENIX Annual Technical Conference in Boston. These books have been written in about 480 languages (including 3 books in the Star Trek-originated Klingon language) . The company plans to complete the scanning of existing books within a decade. The resulting virtual collection will consist of four billion pages and two trillion words, Orwant said.", "Top 10 most read books in the world Finally, the number one most read book in the world is the Holy Bible with a whopping, 3,900 million copies sold. However, seeing as this was published in 2012, there's a high chance that one book may have knocked at least one off the list now. Of course we talking about E L James erotic novel, Fifty Shades of Grey.", "- The 2005 edition lists 6,912 living languages -- this is not because 209 languages have been created in the past 9 years, but because of a combination of a more complete inventory and some decisions about how many speech communities to distinguish as languages.", "How many English words are there? Is there any dictionary which consists all of them? The general consensus is that it is impossible to say with any accuracy. The Oxford Dictionary estimate that there are approximately 3/4 million: How many words are there in the English language? There is no single sensible answer to this question." ]
[ 14.953125 ]
[ 6.54296875, 9.3984375, 0.48779296875, 12.671875, 8.734375, 10.6171875, 3.296875, 7.48828125, 9.859375, 7.8515625, 8.203125, 6.65625, 2.318359375, 7.7578125, 7.05078125, 0.912109375, 9.4375, 8.03125, 4.390625, 7.57421875, 5.77734375, 8.9921875, 8.921875, 8.6484375, 1.103515625, 11.859375, 14.2734375, 7.71875, 4.0234375, 3.28125 ]
can sinus drainage cause copd
[ "COPD and a sinus infection... Sounds like it could be an infection or it could be an allergy. From what I've read, sinus infections are common with COPD. Here's a good article about sinus infections and COPD that I hope will help you. Many people with COPD complain that they get frequent sinus infections that make their lives miserable. In fact, there is growing evidence to support that there is a direct link between COPD and chronic sinus infections, also known as sinusitis." ]
[ "13 Sneaky Causes of Sinus Trouble 13 Sneaky Causes Of Sinus Infection. Most sinus infections start with a cold. Colds are caused by a virus, which can make nasal tissue swell, blocking the holes that normally drain sinuses. If your sinus infection is caused by a virus, antibiotics won't help since these drugs kill only bacteria.", "Sinus Headache Inflammation of the sinuses may decrease the ability for the mucus to drain, increasing pressure within the sinuses and leading to a sinus headache. Common causes of inflammation include allergies, infections, or colds. Symptoms of a sinus headache include pain in the face that may worsen with bending down or straining;", "- You May Also Like. 1 Symptoms of Fluid in the Ears Often occurring in children, fluid in the ear is usually a result of an ear infection. Medically speaking, fluid in the ear... 2 How to Prevent Sinus Drainage in the Back of the Throat Sinus drainage is a result of a sinus infection or perhaps the aftermath of a cold. Sinus drainage can make breathing, speaking... How to Drain an Inner Ear Infection Ear infections are most commonly caused from bacteria or viruses such as the common cold virus.", "13 Sneaky Causes of Sinus Trouble If you’re prone to sinus infections or congestion, avoid spending long periods in chlorinated pools, as chlorine can irritate your nasal lining and sinuses. Diving into water can be a problem as well, because the pressure during a dive can push water into your sinuses, and irritate and inflame the tissue.", "- A sinus infection occurs when a pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacterium, or a fungus) grows within a sinus and causes intermittent blockage of the sinus ostium. Drainage of mucus and pus often occur when the blockage is relieved. The drainage usually goes from the nasal passages to the throat or out the nostrils. Such infections also cause inflammation (an influx of immune cells and swelling of the sinus tissue) of one or more sinuses. This can to block the openings of the sinuses and leads to discomfort.", "- Long-term exposure to lung irritants that damage the lungs and the airways usually is the cause of COPD. In the United States, the most common irritant that causes COPD is cigarette smoke. Pipe, cigar, and other types of tobacco smoke also can cause COPD, especially if the smoke is inhaled.", "- If the condition cannot be completely cured, it may turn into a low-grade form of the condition that comes and goes for months or years. This form may occur with bone pain, tenderness and sinus drainage. Because bone infections often block blood vessels, parts of the bone die. This leads to the spread of the infection, and abscesses that drain through the skin may develop.", "COPD and a sinus infection... I was reading some of my meds side effects and they can cause problems with sinus, so i am fighting a problem while medicating another one of my problems. i guess the best thing for me would to get off all my meds that i can…thanks for the info in advance.", "13 Sneaky Causes of Sinus Trouble If you’re prone to sinus infections or congestion, avoid spending long periods in chlorinated pools, as chlorine can irritate your nasal lining and sinuses. Diving into water can be a problem too. The pressure during a dive can push water into your sinuses, and irritate and inflame the tissue.", "About Headaches & Congestion From Mold & Mildew Mold spores are inhaled, aggravating the sinus cavity, which leads to sinus inflammation, congestion and headaches, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Sinus inflammation causes blockage in the person's ability to breathe through the nose and the ability to properly drain mucus.", "The Highs and Lows of Humidity It requires more effort to move the humid air in and out of your lungs. You actually do work harder during these days. Many people with COPD find that high levels of humidity can trigger symptoms. Humid environments tend to have very high airborne levels of molds and fungi and a higher presence of dust mites.", "- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) bathes the brain and is contained within a lining around the brain called the dura. These intracranial structures (structures within the brain cavity) are also separated from the sinuses by bone. When there is a hole in the dura and bone, CSF can then leak into the sinuses and cause a CSF leak. This is noticed when there is clear drainage from the nose or into the back of the throat that may occur with straining or position changes and does not improve with medications aimed at other causes of a ‘runny nose’.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What To Take For Sinus Drainage And Sore Throat 3 doctors agreed: Stop the drip: Depending on the cause of the sinus drainage: allergy, infection, etc. If allergy: try antihistamines like claritin, zyrtec, etc which are otc, nasal salt water rinses, and get a prescription steroid nasal spray from your doctor if that doesn't help. Throat sprays and gargles can help temporarily.", "Sinus Infections That Donât Quit: When You Should Worry Also in rare cases, sinus infections in the rear center of one’s head can spread into the brain. This can lead to life-threatening conditions like meningitis or brain abscess, Dr. Sindwani says. “Before antibiotics, people would die from sinusitis,” he says. But he emphasizes that such complications are unlikely.", "- What Causes COPD? Long-term exposure to lung irritants that damage the lungs and the airways usually is the cause of COPD. In the United States, the most common irritant that causes COPD is cigarette smoke. Pipe, cigar, and other types of tobacco smoke also can cause COPD, especially if the smoke is inhaled.", "Blood in mucus sinus infection This inflammation can block sinus drainage, cause increased mucus production, and bleeding that may mix with the mucus. As the sinus infection clears, this mucus may drain from the nose and sinuses down the back of the throat causing a postnasal drip that can be irritating to the throat. have used Betadine in warm salt water to wash my nose using a neti pot several times to help clear up sinus infections. Do 4-5 nasal rinse a day when fighting a sinus infection. Read More. plus a lot of the time i'm blowing my nose blood is most of what comes out.", "Sinusitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Sinusitis Complications: Worst-Case Scenarios. Only a layer of bone separates your sinuses from your brain. If a sinus infection passes through the bone, it can infect the lining of the brain -- meningitis -- or even the brain itself.", "Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity and Syncope In order to characterize further the relative contributions of the cardioinhibitory and vasodepressor components of the carotid sinus reflex to the patient's symptoms and to exclude other cardiac causes of syncope, an electro-physiologic study was performed.", "Coughs (Acute, Chronic) Symptoms, Causes, Home Treatments Chronic sinus infections, chronic postnasal drip, diseases of the external ear, infections of the throat, and use of ACE inhibitor medications for high blood pressure have all been implicated in chronic cough.", "Sinus Drainage in the Throat Several times in a day, you swallow saliva and mucus produced by the lungs, nose, throat, and sinuses. You notice it only when the drainage causes a strep throat, or is so thick that it is hard to swallow. Abnormal drainage can result in an upset stomach.", "Sinus Headache Physical examination may reveal tenderness to percussion, or tapping, over the affected sinus that reproduces the pain. Examination of the ears may reveal a serous otitis, or fluid levels behind the eardrum in the middle ear, that may suggest drainage problems in the face and sinuses.", "Chronic Sinus Congestion An individual’s allergies build up until they reach a threshold, at which time symptoms, like nasal congestion, begin. Environmental allergens like pollen and pet dander are not the only contributors. Food triggers, poor digestive health, inadequate sleep and lack of good nutrition can all aggravate sinus problems.", "- The mucus and fluid pass through holes in the sinuses and end up in the back of the throat and in the nose. Most of the time, we swallow the mucus and it is no problem. If, however, the sinus drainage becomes severe and chronic, it can build up or drain out of the nose or back down the throat and can become irritating. You can get an increase in sinus drainage by eating spicy foods or by taking in an irritating smell through your nose.", "Diagnosis and Treatment of Sick Sinus Syndrome Most cases of sick sinus syndrome are idiopathic, and the cause can be multifactorial (Table 1).3 Degenerative fibrosis of nodal tissue is the most common cause of intrinsic changes in the sinoatrial node that lead to sick sinus syndrome.", "13 Sneaky Causes of Sinus Trouble Most sinus infections start with a cold. Colds are caused by a virus, which can make nasal tissue swell, blocking the holes that normally drain sinuses. If your sinus infection is caused by a virus, antibiotics won’t help since these drugs kill only bacteria. Your symptoms will probably get better after about a week or so.", "Sinus Infection Symptoms: When to Contact a Doctor Causes of Sinusitis. Sinus infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi trapped in the sinuses by anything that interferes with the general flow of air in your sinuses and the drainage of mucus. Some of the most common causes of sinus infections include:", "- Have a green or yellow discharge that last more than 10 days. Develop signs of infection such as high fever, chills, severe headache, ear pain etc. Sinus drainage has resulted after a traumatic injury to the head e.g. from a fall. The discharge has a foul smell.", "Sinus buildup causing inner ear problems Sinus. daterxies. This somtimes happens to me, my sinus gets so bad that my ear get clogged (read up on it and its due to the swelling and trapped fluid) I usually give it two weeks for my body to do the work and if not ill head to the doctor... My main question is though....", "- Cilia lining the sinuses and bronchial tubes can be damaged or paralyzed by smoking. Smoking increases the risk of COPD. Smokers who quit can quickly reverse at least some damage to the cilia. Smoking is the most common method of damaging the cilia.", "Blood in sinus drainageEmyS Feb 24, 2004 This inflammation can block sinus drainage, cause increased mucus production, and bleeding that may mix with the mucus. As the sinus infection clears, this mucus may drain from the nose and sinuses down the back of the throat causing a postnasal drip that can be irritating to the throat.Drinking plenty of water will help to thin the mucus so that it moves more easily.s the sinus infection clears, this mucus may drain from the nose and sinuses down the back of the throat causing a postnasal drip that can be irritating to the throat. Drinking plenty of water will help to thin the mucus so that it moves more easily." ]
[ 13.765625 ]
[ 6.29296875, 6.3515625, 6.00390625, 5.1796875, 7.41015625, 7.3125, 6.36328125, 9.9609375, 5.25, 6.37890625, 5.6640625, 6.125, 5.3203125, 5.6015625, 6.9921875, 6.69921875, 6.55078125, 2.025390625, 9.203125, 6.9609375, 5.58984375, 5.046875, 7.51953125, 3.904296875, 6.6875, 6.921875, 6.703125, 3.25, 8.984375, 8.203125 ]
remedies for migraines natural
[ "14 Natural Headache Remedies for Instant Relief Research has shown that the use of lavender oil is a safe and effective treatment of migraine headaches. One study conducted in 2012 measured the results of inhaling lavender oil for 15 minutes. The 47 participants were asked to record the effects every half hour, for two hours." ]
[ "- A herbal remedy that has been used for many decades now to treat a number of ailments is mullein tea. Made from mullein flowers, the dried yellow petals and leaves can be dried and then used to make t….", "Home Remedies for Muscle Spasms, How to Stop Muscle Spasms Natrually Homeopathic Remedies for Muscle Spasms. Homeopathy is one of the most effective home remedies for back spasms. It is a natural system of healing making it widely acceptable for treatment of various illnesses. It offers fast pain relief and long term treatment for muscle spasms without side effects.", "How to Treat Migraine Headaches Naturally 1 Place a few drops at the bottom of your tub or shower before bathing or showering. 2 This will produce a Peppermint aromatherapy steam to deliver some headache pain relief. 3 Rub a couple drops of Peppermint on your temples and back of head to address the headache or migraine directly.", "4 Herbs for Natural Pain Relief 3. Valerian Root Relaxes Pain. Often called nature's tranquilizer, valerian has been used for centuries to regulate the nervous system and relieve insomnia, tension, irritability, stress, and anxiety. Valerian is also a natural pain reliever that reduces sensitivity of the nerves. Try a cup of valerian tea the next time you’re in need of pain relief! 4. Eucommia for Your Aching Back and Joints. Traditional Chinese medical practitioners use eucommia bark for back and joint pain, especially in the hips and knees, and also to strengthen bones, tendons and ligaments.", "Vitamins & Supplements Center Vitamins & Supplements Search. Considering taking a vitamin or supplement to treat Fibromyalgia? Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Your search for Fibromyalgia returned 18 matches.", "How To Treat Menstrual or Hormonal Migraine It may also help them avoid taking prescription medications. Even finding the right migraine medication can be grueling, says Gottfried, and each comes with its own side effects and cost. To many of her patients, trying natural remedies first has been worthwhile.", "Numbness Natural Remedies for Numbness. Investigation should be made into the underlying causes of numbness, but in most cases, there are two wondeful natural remedies that will help. We particularly recommend Circulate Capsules - Wild crafted herbs to normalize the circulation, blood vessels and heart function. Mistletoe, hawthorn berries and tops, horse chestnut, ginger, ginkgo biloba.", "Natural remedies for migraine headaches There are lots of ways to treat a migraine headache with natural remedies that have a better success rate and far fewer health risks than prescriptions, including herbs, supplements, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, and aromatherapy.", "21 Natural Ways to Prevent and Treat Headaches Migraines, on the other hand, tend to be both intense and recurring. Medication is one way to treat your discomfort, but there are also plenty of natural ways—like the 21 tricks listed here—that can help you head off the ache. 1 of 23. View as one page.", "Lavender The soothing and calming action of the herbal lavender remedy is well known to herbalists. The lavender is often combined in mixed remedies with different sedative herbs to treat problems such as sleeplessness, nervous irritability, chronic headaches, as well as persistent migraine problems in affected individuals.", "What natural remedies are available for menstrual migraines? Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring estrogens, and they are sometimes called dietary estrogens. They have been shown to significantly reduce menstrual migraines, similar to using prescription estrogen supplementation. Phytoestrogen supplements are chemically similar to the estrogens your body produces. Effective phytoestrogen treatment strategies that have been tested and shown to be effective in research studies include: Mini-prophylaxis with genistein 56 mg, plus daidzein 20 mg, 7 days.", "- 1 Evening primrose oil, another best herb for headaches, helps dilate blood vessels, helping with headache pain. 2 Take 500 Mg capsules two or three times daily or as directed. 3 Valerian is the last of best herbs for headaches that is a stress reducer and helps with headache pain.", "5 Ways To Relieve Migraine Headaches Naturally! Another natural way to relieve migraine headaches is biofeedback. This is a safe and potentially effective way to eliminate pain. Biofeedback is not actually a treatment, but a training program designed to help a person develop the ability to control their autonomic (involuntary) nervous system.", "Natural Best Herbs for Headaches and Migraines... Feverfew, the best herb for headache pain. Feverfew is the top one for decreasing the frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines. 1 Feverfew is a flowering plant that's been used since ancient times to treat migraines and inflammation.", "8 natural remedies to prepone your periods Well, you are not alone. While there are a number of medicines that you can have to postpone or prepone your periods, there are some natural remedies that work well too. Here’s are some of the most common ones. Papaya. Papaya is one of the most effective home remedies for preponing your menses as it generates excessive heat in your body.", "5 Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches Here are a few remedies you might want to try... One of the most popular home remedies for migraine headaches is the use of ice wraps. Many stores and pharmacies sell these inexpensive ice wraps, which are used around the head or on the neck in order to get rid of headaches quickly.", "Vertigo Remedies Home remedies for vertigo range from simple dietary changes to the addition of common natural supplements. Eliminating foods and additives that cause biofeedback in the body balances the body’s system and naturally eliminates issues with vertigo.Likewise, supplements can treat the underlying cause of the issue.ome remedies for vertigo range from simple dietary changes to the addition of common natural supplements. Eliminating foods and additives that cause biofeedback in the body balances the body’s system and naturally eliminates issues with vertigo.", "Drugs & Medications Search Considering taking a vitamin or supplement to treat Migraine headache? Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Migraine headache. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below.Your search for Migraine headache returned 22 matches.elow is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Migraine headache. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Your search for Migraine headache returned 22 matches.", "Natural Sleep Aids and Remedies If you're searching for a natural sleep aid to put an end to your insomnia, here's something to keep in mind. Some sleep aids and herbal remedies may help induce sleepiness. And even though the FDA does regulate dietary supplements, it treats them like foods rather than medications.", "The 7 Best Natural Muscle Relaxers It can be added to food, like in this grilled shrimp with lime cream recipe, or you can find cayenne pepper in capsule form and as a cream. When used as a cream, you can apply it to areas affected by muscle spasms.", "Natural Remedies Natural Remedies. Migraine sufferers often look for natural remedies for migraines to help prevent attacks and ease migraine symptoms. For many centuries, dating back to ancient Egyptian and Chinese cultures, natural remedies have been used for a range of ailments. Some have been shown to help with migraines.", "- PRO. 1 Many of the medications for preventing migraines have fairly significant side effects. 2 Butterbur seems to be at least as good as these traditional therapies. 3 Butterbur relaxes blood vessels and has anti-inflammatory properties. 4 These properties address the two main biological causes of migraines.", "5 Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches It is usually very effective at soothing the body and improving blood flow, which helps to ease pain almost instantly. Ice Towel. One of the easier home remedies for migraine headaches is the use of the frozen towel method. Basically, you would need to wet the towel and wring it out as the first step.", "Learn More About Our Free 2 Week Trial>> Feverfew is a popular herbal remedy often advocated for the reduction of migraine. Feverfew helps migraines by inhibiting the release of blood vessel dilating substances from platelets and inhibiting the production of inflammatory substances. Migraine Support Formula includes a large dose of 100 mg/day.", "- Today, the most traditional form of headache treatment includes taking NSAID medications and pain killers. These drugs have been linked to kidney failure, liver damage and intestinal bleeding. For this reason using natural remedies for headache relief is a much safer and more effective option.", "11 Remedies for a Headache Daily Natural Remedies Natural Lifestyle Tips. 11 Remedies for a Headache. Headaches, including migraines are a very common feature in people’s lives. The discomfort of a headache can stem from a variety of reasons and some individuals may need treatment more often than others. Some headaches may be caused by expanded blood vessels pressing on nerves while others can be traced to stress, tension and anxiety.", "Natural Alternative for Meniere's (vertigo) In Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbs are used as a natural, healthy approach to balancing the inner ear and avoiding tinnitus or diminished hearing. The herbs in Inner Ear Balance are believed to remove excess fluid* and increase blood flow to inner ear and brain alleviating Meniere's attacks.* Highest Potency and Purity", "How to Treat Migraine Headaches Naturally Also, you can also save on a number of essential oil kits! Whether it’s a tension headache, chronic migraine, or just the occasional pain in the brain, there are plenty of ways to treat your migraine headaches naturally. Sure, using natural headache remedies during pregnancy is critical to protecting a mother’s child.", "5 natural headache remedies Vitamin D: Vitamin D deficiency is becoming more common, as people spend more time indoors or avoiding the sun. Whether that is contributing to migraines is unknown, but studies have shown that vitamin D may play a role in the way you perceive pain. Most people can safely take about 2,000 milligrams a day.", "5 natural headache remedies 5 natural headache remedies. Traditional headache specialists have started recommending alternative therapies for migraine sufferers, who often have to soldier through debilitating headaches without much relief." ]
[ 12.875 ]
[ 4.49609375, 3.294921875, 12.140625, 5.5859375, 3.19140625, 8.0859375, 1.748046875, 15.859375, 9.796875, 9.5546875, 11.203125, 10.015625, 13.3046875, 11.7890625, 2.193359375, 13.7890625, 3.931640625, 10.3671875, 3.35546875, 2.560546875, 12.4375, 10.6640625, 13.5625, 12.8828125, 8.9765625, 10.5078125, 3.609375, 10.890625, 11.875, 10.71875 ]
what does a cell membrane act like when it surrounds a cell?
[ "Sunflower Cell Cell Membrane. The cell membrane surrounds the cell. This membrane acts like a barrier for the cell, meaning that it allows only certain things to pass in or out of the cell but not everything. Each organelle inside a Eukaryotic cell is also surrounded by a membrane.These membranes serve as a selective barrier for the organelles.ell Membrane. The cell membrane surrounds the cell. This membrane acts like a barrier for the cell, meaning that it allows only certain things to pass in or out of the cell but not everything. Each organelle inside a Eukaryotic cell is also surrounded by a membrane." ]
[ "cell membrane The membrane that surrounds a cell is made up of proteins and lipids. Depending on the membrane’s location and role in the body, lipids can make up anywhere from 20 to 80 percent of the membrane, with the remainder being proteins. Cholesterol, which is not found in plant cells, is a type of lipid that helps stiffen the membrane.", "The Cell Membrane [Back to Microscopy and Cells] The Structure of the Cell Membrane The cell membrane (or plasma membrane) surrounds all living cells, and is the cell's most important organelle.It controls how substances can move in and out of the cell and is responsible for many other properties of the cell as well.ovement across Cell Membranes [back to top]. Cell membranes are a barrier to most substances, and this property allows materials to be concentrated inside cells, excluded from cells, or simply separated from the outside environment.", "An Introduction to Molecular Biology/Macromolecules and Cells The cell membrane (also called the plasma membrane, plasmalemma, or phospholipid bilayer) surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell and, in animal cells, physically separates the in … tracellular components from the extracellular environment, thereby serving a function similar to that of http://wiki.answers ...he cell membrane (also called the plasma membrane, plasmalemma, or phospholipid bilayer) surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell and, in animal cells, physically separates the in … tracellular components from the extracellular environment, thereby serving a function similar to that of http://wiki.answers ...", "What are the functions of the cell membrane? The cell membrane (or plasma membrane or plasmalemma) surrounds the cytoplasm of living cells, physically separating the intracellular components from the extracellular environment.he cell membrane is selectively permeable to ions and organic molecules and controls the movement of substances in and out of cells. The basic function of the cell membrane is to protect the cell from its surroundings. It consists of the phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins.", "What is a Cell Membrane? - Definition, Location & Facts A cell membrane surrounds a cell like a tent, shutting out the environment. This protects a cell from its surroundings. The cell membrane also regulates cellular transport.", "Cell Membrane Function and Structure Cell Membrane Function. The cell membrane (plasma membrane) is a thin semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell. Its function is to protect the integrity of the interior of the cell by allowing certain substances into the cell, while keeping other substances out.", "Cell membrane The cell membrane is selectively permeable to ions and organic molecules and controls the movement of substances in and out of cells.The basic function of the cell membrane is to protect the cell from its surroundings.ell membranes are involved in a variety of cellular processes such as cell adhesion, ion conductivity and cell signalling and serve as the attachment surface for several extracellular structures, including the cell wall, glycocalyx, and intracellular cytoskeleton. Cell membranes can be artificially reassembled.", "- Best Answer: The cell will die. The cell membrane/plasma membrane is a semipermeable lipid bilayer common to all living cells.", "What are the functions of the cell membrane? A cell membrane protects the structures within the cell. Cell membranes are semipermeable, meaning that only certain objects are able to pass through them. Cell membranes also give shape to the cell and support its structure.", "An In-depth Look at the Structure and Functions of the Cell Membrane Otherwise known as plasma membrane or plasmalemma, the cell membrane is one of the vital parts of a cell that encloses the internal organelles. This membrane separates the interior of a cell from the outside environment.", "Cell Membrane Function and Structure By Regina Bailey. Definition: The cell membrane is a thin semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell, enclosing its contents. Its function is to protect the integrity of the interior of the cell by allowing certain substances into the cell, while keeping other substances out.", "- The cell membrane protects the cell from changes in the chemical and physical environment surrounding it.It also controls which types of molecules can pass into and out of … the cell. It holds the cell together and restricts what goes in and out of the cell. + 57 others found this useful.", "cell membrane cell membrane. A cell membrane is like a cell's gatekeeper. It's the outer layer that surrounds a cell, letting substances in — or keeping them out. A membrane is a barrier that offers protection, like a rubber membrane that keeps rain from seeping under your roof. A cell membrane surrounds and protects the contents of a cell. It controls which substances can enter and exit the cell. The membrane also gives a cell its shape and enables the cell to attach to other cells, forming tissues.", "Cell membrane The cell membrane is selectively permeable and able to regulate what enters and exits the cell, thus facilitating the transport of materials needed for survival. The movement of substances across the membrane can be either passive, occurring without the input of cellular energy, or active, requiring the cell to expend energy in transporting it.", "things in real life that works like cells Things in real life. that works like cells. cell membrane. The cell membrane is a biological membrane that separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment.(It is also known as the plasma membrane or cytoplasmic membrane) nucleus.", "- In Genetics. The thin structure that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell is called as cell membrane. This is present in most plant, animal and fungi cells. It is a selectively permeable stru…cture and allows the flow of ions and particles from the inside of the cell to the outside and vice-versa.", "Principles of Biochemistry/Cell membrane and receptors The cell membrane is a biological membrane that separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment. The cell membrane is selectively-permeable to ions and organic molecules and controls the movement of substances in and out of cells.", "Principles of Biochemistry/Cell membrane and receptors The cell membrane is a biological membrane that separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment. The cell membrane is selectively-permeable to ions and organic molecules and controls the movement of substances in and out of cells. It consists of the phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins.", "Bacterial Cytoplasm & Cell Membrane: Structure & Components Cell Membrane. The answer is the cell membrane. The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer that completely surrounds a bacterial cell. The word 'completely' is important here because any break in the bilayer will lead to the death of the bacteria.ome people say a bacterial cell is just a simple bag of enzymes. This couldn't be further from the truth! Learn about the structure and function of the bacterial cell membrane, what's in the cytoplasm, and how membrane surface area impacts bacterial size.", "- The cell membrane (also known as the plasma membrane or cytoplasmic membrane) is a biological membrane that separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment. The cell membrane is selectively permeable to ions and organic molecules and controls the movement of substances in and out of cells.The basic function of the cell membrane is to protect the cell from its surroundings. It consists of the phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins.he cell membrane (or plasma membrane or plasmalemma) surrounds the cytoplasm of living cells, physically separating the intracellular components from the extracellular environment.", "The Cell Membrane [Back to Microscopy and Cells] Movement across Cell Membranes [back to top]. Cell membranes are a barrier to most substances, and this property allows materials to be concentrated inside cells, excluded from cells, or simply separated from the outside environment. This is compartmentalisation is essential for life, as it enables reactions to take place that would otherwise be impossible.", "You are made up of trillions and trillions of cells, and each one is separated Lesson Summary. The cell membrane, or plasma membrane, surrounds and protects the internal environment of a cell; however, this is not its only function. A cell membrane also determines what materials enter or leave the cell. This ensures that the cells will be able to get rid of wastes and take up important nutrients and gases.", "- (A, P) Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane). - surrounds the cell. It plays an active role in determining which substances enter and exit the cell. Some substances can pass freely through the cell membrane and others cannot, the membrane is said to be selectively permeable, or semipermeable.", "- Plasma Membrane. All living cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic, have a plasma membrane that encloses their contents and serves as a semi-porous barrier to the outside environment. The membrane acts as a boundary, holding the cell constituents together and keeping other substances from entering.The plasma membrane is permeable to specific molecules, however, and allows nutrients and other essential elements to enter the cell and waste materials to leave the cell.he membrane acts as a boundary, holding the cell constituents together and keeping other substances from entering. The plasma membrane is permeable to specific molecules, however, and allows nutrients and other essential elements to enter the cell and waste materials to leave the cell.", "- The cell membrane separates the interior of a cell from its outside environment. The main function of a cell membrane is to protect the cell from its surroundings.", "This page All cells are surrounded by a porous cell membrane. The cell membrane is selectively permeable - it allows some molecules to enter and exit while blocking others. Small molecules can diffuse through the pores in the cell membrane, while large molecules may be blocked. 1.", "Where Is the Cell Membrane Located? Quick Answer. The cell membrane is a semipermeable lipid bilayer that surrounds the cytoplasm of all cells. In animal cells, it is the outermost layer of the cell. In plants, fungi and some bacteria, a cell wall surrounds the cell membrane to form the cell's outermost layer. Keep Learning.", "Instructional Goals: cell. It is the control center for all the activities of the cell. a. What company or place does the nucleus resemble in a Cell City? City Hall b. Why do you think so? The nucleus controls all of the activities of the cell as city hall controls all the activities in of the city. 2. The cell membrane is a thin, flexible envelope that surrounds the cell. It allows the cell to change shape and controls what goes into and out of the cell a. What company or place does the cell membrane resemble in a Cell City? City Limits b. Why do you think so? The cell membrane controls what goes into and out of the cell as the city limits control what goes in and out of the city. 3.", "The Cell Membrane [Back to Microscopy and Cells] The Structure of the Cell Membrane The cell membrane (or plasma membrane) surrounds all living cells, and is the cell's most important organelle.It controls how substances can move in and out of the cell and is responsible for many other properties of the cell as well.he Structure of the Cell Membrane The cell membrane (or plasma membrane) surrounds all living cells, and is the cell's most important organelle.", "Cell (biology) Cell Membrane In both plant and animal cells, the cell membrane surrounds the cell’s contents. Th e cell membrane acts as a gatekeeper by controlling the movement of materials, such as nutrients and waste, into and out of the cell." ]
[ 15.0390625 ]
[ 11.8671875, 11.4140625, 11.046875, 11.5703125, 14.3046875, 13.140625, 11.140625, 8.5234375, 10.90625, 11.03125, 13.0234375, 11.8828125, 15.0703125, 11.640625, 11.1484375, 10.765625, 11, 11.0390625, 10.6484375, 12.4765625, 11.3046875, 12.9296875, 12.90625, 11.421875, 12.1953125, 12.21875, 11.0078125, 10.8125, 11.421875, 14.1875 ]
what do ethiopian wolves eat
[ "Types Of Wolves | Three Wolf Types What Do Ethiopian Wolves Eat | Ethiopian Wolf Diet. Typically, the happy menu of these wolves consists of different kinds of rats (like mole, vlei and grass rats) and also hare and sometimes eggs and gosling. Some experts have also spotted them to stalk mountain nyala and rock hyrax for a couple of times." ]
[ "- The maned wolf also differs from true North American wolves in diet and temperament. These gentle and very timid wolves are solitary by nature. Only during the breeding season would you generally see more than one at a time. The maned wolf is omnivorous, eating a combination of fruits, vegetables and meat. It often preys on small birds, rodents and frogs, and favors fruits such as bananas, apples and avocados. Why maned wolves are threatened.", "Ethiopian Wolf As their name suggests, Ethiopian wolves are endemic to Ethiopia, where they are restricted to just seven isolated enclaves in the country’s highlands. The largest population can be found in the Bale Mountains in southern Ethiopia. Tags: Ethiopia, Simien Mountains, East Africa View Africa | Habitat.", "- Bedouins also eat dried fruits and other types of meat on occasions, such as chicken and fish. The Maasai of East Africa are a pastoral society that herds cattle, donkeys, sheep and goats. They drink the milk from the herds, and blood from living animals which is drawn from a vein in the neck. They also consume grains, which they acquire through trade with other tribes.", "- As its name suggests, this wolf is endemic to the Ethiopian mountains between 3,000 and 4,377 metres above sea level . At present, just seven isolated pockets of occupied habitat are known , with the largest population found in the Bale Mountains National Park.", "- Wolves mainly eat the snowshoe hare. However, they aren't the only animal that does. There are many others like bobcats, foxes, crows, coyotes, large hawks, and snowy owls. Ev…en though they have several enemies, they are still not an endangered species.", "Ethiopian Wolf Ethiopian Wolf Behaviour. When feeding on rodents, ethiopian wolves tend to hunt alone, however, they are territorial social canids that form packs and defend territories. The pack, which contains up to 12 adults with a skewed mating ratio of several males to each female, patrols and defends the territory.", "Hunting & Feeding Behavior Hunting & Feeding Behavior. The wolf is a carnivore, an animal suited for catching, killing and eating other creatures. Wolves prey primarily on large, hoofed mammals called ungulates. In Minnesota, the white-tailed deer is the wolf’s primary prey, with moose, beaver, snowshoe hare and other small mammals also being taken. Elsewhere, wolves prey on caribou, musk-oxen, bison, Dall sheep, elk, and mountain goats.", "Where Do Wolves Live | Wolf Habitat and Distribution Ethiopian wolf is known to live in seven small areas, two south and five north of the Rift Valley in Ethiopia. Maned wolves are found in the southern two-third lands of Brazil. It also lives as far south and west into Uruguay, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, and northern Argentina.here Do Wolves Live. Habitat. Gray wolves once occupied much of the habitat range in North America to as far south to central Mexico. It also made homes in Eurasia such as Sinai peninsula but is absent from the southern third of India and southern portions of Southeast Asia.", "Rock: The Ethiopian Highlands The Animals of Africa. Africa is a huge continent that’s made up of many different habitats, including sand, rock, water and grass. Each of those habitats is the perfect place for all sorts of cool creatures to live. Get to know some of the awesome animals of Africa! Ethiopian Wolf.", "- Wolves occasionally eat garbage and livestock as well. Where the worlds of human and wolf overlap, there is controversy that requires a combination of wildlife management and alternative husbandry methods such as guard animals, fencing, range riders, or fladry (rope fencing hung with strips of cloth).", "- The Mohawk or properly the Kanienkehaka (People of the Flint) ate a collection of wild foods found in the Eastern Woodlands. Everything from wild berries, wild nuts, and large … assortment of wild herbs.", "How often do wolves generally eat? The main prey of wolves are large ungulates (hoofed animals) such as various species of deer. They will also take smaller prey like beavers and rabbits. Lynx do not form a normal part of their diet, and neither do coyotes.", "- Diet: Wolves are carnivores--they prefer to eat large hoofed mammals such as deer, elk, bison and moose. They also hunt smaller mammals such as beavers, rodents and hares. Adults can eat 20 pounds of meat in a single meal. Typical Lifespan: In the wild, they live 8-13 years, sometimes more.", "- I doubt that any calves, which are weaker than adult moose, will survive the winter, he said. By February, the proportion of calves in the herd already was down to 5 percent, lower than in any of the last 38 years. Calves and elderly animals are the main winter prey of the wolves.", "Hunting & Feeding Behavior The wolf is a carnivore, an animal suited for catching, killing and eating other creatures. Wolves prey primarily on large, hoofed mammals called ungulates.In Minnesota, the white-tailed deer is the wolf’s primary prey, with moose, beaver, snowshoe hare and other small mammals also being taken.Elsewhere, wolves prey on caribou, musk-oxen, bison, Dall sheep, elk, and mountain goats.olves prey primarily on large, hoofed mammals called ungulates. In Minnesota, the white-tailed deer is the wolf’s primary prey, with moose, beaver, snowshoe hare and other small mammals also being taken. Elsewhere, wolves prey on caribou, musk-oxen, bison, Dall sheep, elk, and mountain goats.", "- Caribou, elk, Arctic hares, and a type of mouse called a vole. The Arctic wolf eats elephant seals, caribou, deer, moose, elk, rabbits, lemmings, squirrels, birds, f … ish, and some eat dead animals. 10 people found this useful.olves in general try to avoid humans when p … ossible, and would only ever attack if the human made a threatening move towards them or they were starving. Humans most certainly do not make up an arctic wolf's diet, then no, an arctic wolf wouldn't eat a human unless it was essential for them to survive.", "Alaska Fish & Wildlife News November 2004 When people think of food for wolves, big game comes to mind: deer in Southeast, caribou in the north, and moose throughout much of the state. Big game is the mainstay for most wolves, but it’s all they eat. Researchers are finding that Alaska wolves also eat salmon. And they aren’t simply scavenging salmon carcasses. In late summer, when pink and chum salmon are running, Person has spent hours watching wolves actively fishing - catching, killing and eating salmon.", "What does the gray wolf eat? Wolves are carnivores (meat eaters) but they will eat other foods as well. Their diet ranges from big game, such as elk and moose, to earthworms, berries and grasshoppers.o avoid using too much energy catching their food, wolves prey on weaker members of a herd, such as old, young or sick animals. In summer, when the herds migrate, wolves eat mice, birds and even fish. They may also eat carrion.", "How often do wolves generally eat? Because the wolf's prey varies in size from small mammals to beaver to bison, the kill rate of each species varies according to the amount of food each provides. In Minnesota, where wolves eat white-tailed deer almost exclusively, estimated kill rates range from 15-19 deer per wolf per year. In areas where elk are the dominant prey, these kill rates are generally lower, as elk are larger than white-tailed deer and provide more food per kill.", "- What do wolves eat? Wolves are carnivores (meat eaters) but they will eat other foods as well. Their diet ranges from big game, such as elk and moose, to earthworms, berries and grasshoppers. To avoid using too much energy catching their food, wolves prey on weaker members of a herd, such as old, young or sick animals.In summer, when the herds migrate, wolves eat mice, birds and even fish. They may also eat carrion.o avoid using too much energy catching their food, wolves prey on weaker members of a herd, such as old, young or sick animals. In summer, when the herds migrate, wolves eat mice, birds and even fish. They may also eat carrion.", "Basic Facts About Gray Wolves Scientists are just beginning to fully understand the positive ripple effects that wolves have on ecosystems. Diet. Wolves eat ungulates, or large hoofed mammals, like elk, deer, moose and caribou, as well as beaver, rabbits and other small prey. Wolves are also scavengers and often eat animals that have died due to other causes. Population", "Types of Wolf Wolves live and hunt in packs of around six to ten animals. They are known to roam large distances, perhaps 12 miles in a single day. These social animals cooperate on their preferred prey—large animals such as deer, elk, and moose. When they are successful, wolves do not eat in moderation. A single animal can consume 20 pounds of meat at a sitting. Wolves also eat smaller mammals, birds, fish, lizards, snakes, and fruit.", "Gray Wolves Wolves prefer to eat large mammals such as moose, deer, and caribou but they also eat birds, fish, mice, snowshoe hares, beavers, and muskrats. Wolves usually hunt in packs but in the spring and summer when there is plenty of prey available they hunt alone.", "- Today, the only ones in existence are those in sanctuaries in North Carolina. They like to eat small animals like rats and rabbits. The Red Wolf has also been known to occasionally attack large animals such as deers and boars.n top of all that, deforestation forced the Red Wolf to live with coyotes. This, in turn, led to mix-bred offspring that would further reduce the population of pure-bred Red Wolves. By 1970, the Red Wolf had vanished from the wilderness.", "Wolf Facts For Kids | Interesting Facts About Wolves For Kids Feeding Ecology and Diet. 1 Wolves are the opportunistic hunters in that they grab every opportunity to kill their preys. Wolves are known to kill large animals like wild horses. 2 Wolf facts about its diet show that these animals normally eat caribou, elk, musk-oxen, beaver, deer, moose, and bison. These animals usually travel more than 5 miles per jog. While following its prey, wolf is capable to reach at a speed of about 28 – 40 miles/hour; however, they can retain this much speed only for 15 – 20 minutes. The rear teeth are used for penetrating the bones. They have an exceptional sense of smell which is 100 times the human smelling sense.", "African Elephant Because ivory is so valuable to some humans, many elephants have been killed for their tusks. This trade is illegal today, but it has not been completely eliminated, and some African elephant populations remain endangered. Diet. Elephants eat roots, grasses, fruit, and bark, and they eat a lot of these things.", "- Taxonomy and Species of Wolf. Wolves are part of the canine family, also known as Canidae. Within the Canidae, seven species are termed 'wolf', of which only four are considered 'true' wolves. The most threatened wolf species include the Red wolf and Ethiopian wolf. - the Grey Wolf (Canis lupus), - the Red Wolf (Canis rufus),", "Wolf Facts: Gray Wolves, Timber Wolves & Red Wolves Gray wolves usually eat large prey such as moose, goats, sheep and deer. Normally, the pack of wolves will find the weakest or sickest animal in a herd, circle it, and kill it together. Wolves are known to attack and kill domestic animals as well as animals they find in the wild.dult grey wolves are 4 to 6.56 feet (120 to 200centimeters) long and weigh about 40 to 175 pounds (18 to 79 kilograms). Just like its name, the gray wolf typically has thick gray fur, although pure white or all black variations exist. Another common species, the red wolf, is a bit smaller.", "Elk Biology Gray wolves and mountain lions, both of which have been extirpated from the Great Smoky Mountains, are successful predators of elk elsewhere. Elk are vegetarian and eat grasses, forbs, and acorns, as well as the bark, leaves, and buds from shrubs and trees.", "Eastern Wolf The Eastern Wolf has been known to mate with different types of coyotes in their areas. This is a concern because it can definitely affect the overall genetics of this particular species of wolf. This type of behavior is very interesting due to the fact that most species of wolves will aggressively run off coyotes." ]
[ 17.09375 ]
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what career did florence nightingale pursue against her parent's wishes
[ "- Embley Park, now a school, was the family home of Florence Nightingale. Inspired by what she took as a Christian divine calling, experienced first in 1837 at Embley Park and later throughout her life, Nightingale committed herself to nursing.", "- Photograph of Florence Nightingale. Nothing could sway Florence from her mission to nurse. She defied her parents' wishes and continued to visit hospitals in Paris, Rome and London. In 1850, realising his daughter was unlikely to marry, Florence’s father finally relented and allowed her to train as a nurse in Germany." ]
[ "- She’s always on the lookout for new learning opportunities for Grace—like a summer trip to visit family in Paris! When Grace struggles with unexpected challenges, Mom’s patience and wisdom encourage her to keep trying and stay open to new ideas.", "- At the age of 11, Elizabeth Blackwell and her family moved to the United States. After her father’s death in 1838, she opened a school along with her mother and sister. Blackwell later decided to pursue a career in medicine. But the road to becoming a doctor was not an easy one for her.", "- Early life [edit]. Flanery was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and was raised in Houston, Texas. His mother, Genie (nee LeDoux), ledoux is a real estate, broker and his, Father Paul, flanery is a medical equipment. salesman", "Benjamin Franklin FAQ He then left school to work with his father in their candle shop. Ben's further education came from his own reading and lifelong conversation and debate with his friends. What did Benjamin Franklin want to be when he grew up? From his school days on, Benjamin Franklin wanted to be a sailor. His father did not approve, because an older son, Josiah, had gone to sea and never returned.", "Phineas and Ferb Every day, the boys embark on some grand new project, which annoys their controlling sister, Candace, who frequently tries to reveal their shenanigans to her and Phineas' mother, Linda Flynn-Fletcher, and less frequently to Ferb's father, Lawrence Fletcher.", "- Mrs. Burns, convinced of her daughter's unique talents, sent her to do some modeling as a solid back-up plan. At 16 years old, Brooke Burns began to appear in European and American fashion magazines, already a recognizable face and still in high school. from sea world to baywatch.", "- 10:30a Updated The Olsen twins’ debacle may have made free internships a thing of the past. 10:30a Updated This is what American teenagers want to be when they grow up. 10:29a Updated This woman’s father was murdered and, on her lawyer’s advice, she signed the family’s properties over to her sister. 10:29a Updated Americans get an ‘F’ on income tax quiz.", "- Frances Fisher may have joined ABC's new drama pilot Partners, but she'd really like to work on one of the network's other shows.Modern Family, of course, Fisher tells TVGuide.com. Latest Full EpisodesSee all ». The backlash of the Civil War confronts The Lone Ranger and Tonto in the town of Mesa. Before the Lone Ranger and Tonto can restore order in Brownsburg, they must face Curley, a dangerous outlaw with a bitter grudge.", "- There were, the justice noted, no legal barriers to the Fords adopting Bean after his mothers parental rights were terminated; that fact, combined with the lack of any expression of intent to adopt, is fatal to Beans claim of equitable adoption no matter how close he and the deceased were, Werdegar explained.", "The Florence Nightingale Legacy Florence Nightingale's influence on nursing continues. She personified many of the important ideas that are crucial to nursing today - values, vision and voice. Her strong values influenced her work throughout her life. She saw nursing as helping people to live and promoted the importance of the nurse's integrity.", "Biracial Identity: Beyond Black and White There was neither malice nor menace in her fellow airplane passenger's voice, but Rockquemore - recalling the event in a recent interview - knew what he was asking: He wanted to know her racial and ethnic background. The daughter of a black father and white mother, Rockquemore was no stranger to questions and misperceptions about her appearance.", "St. Katharine Drexel In 1889, four years after her father’s death, Drexel entered the novitiate of the Sisters of Mercy in Pittsburgh. In becoming Sister Mary Katharine, she forsook the ease of family wealth and social position to undertake a rigorous life of vowed poverty and self-abnegation.", "Biography Throughout her life Chyna always dreamed of being an entertainer. She began that career in the early 1990s as a belly dancer and soon moved on to fitness competitions, but at 6'0 the star found her real calling in the entertainment world: professional wrestling.ive years after she debuted as a professional wrestler in the WWF, Chyna parted ways with the company. She then toured Japan, taking the country by storm and battling in the ring with the likes of such champions as Keiji Muto, Mutô The Great, kabuki and most, Notably Masahiro. chono chôno", "- Naviance Family Connection. Welcome to Naviance, Noblesville’s powerful new college and career tool, that allows students and parents to explore careers, register for the SAT/ACT, apply for colleges, request letters of recommendation, send transcripts, and search for scholarships all in one place!elcome to Naviance, Noblesville’s powerful new college and career tool, that allows students and parents to explore careers, register for the SAT/ACT, apply for colleges, request letters of recommendation, send transcripts, and search for scholarships all in one place!", "When Children Reject, Disrespect, and Disappoint When parents assert their desires for their children, it is not unusual for them to be met with expressions of different or opposing wants and needs. Pushing back against what parents want is a necessary part of a child’s development.", "- As the youngest of three children born to a Navy-photographer father and a commercial-artist mother, Wolfe dreamed of becoming a full-time painter, not a photographer. It was at the University of Washington, while majoring in fine arts and art education that he first began experimenting with an old, used camera.", "- Although Marion Cunningham had worked as a secretary before tying the knot, she devoted her married life to being a homemaker. Her mother, Mother Kelp, was not too fond of Marion's choice of a mate and often called Howard Fatso.. Marion usually served as the intermediary between the two.", "Harris Faulkner Net worth,Salary, Husband and Bio Faulkner bio shows that she has a stable career and family life. Harris Kimberly Faulkner who was born on 13th October, 1965 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States to parents Bobby R. Harris and Shirley Harris had a dream of becoming one of the icons of journalism. Fortunately she has moved up the stairs to being one of the well-known anchors of America.", "The Florence Nightingale Legacy Florence Nightingale recognised that only with knowledge and skill could she help improve public health. Showing great courage and determination, she followed her calling. When the Crimean War broke out in 1854, she oversaw the introduction of female nurses into the military hospitals in Turkey.", "Actual Hacking: Every Reporter Needs To Understand Sharyl Attkissonâs Case Against The US Government Attkisson is also engaged in a struggle with the federal government. Attkisson writes: “I just filed my latest appeal to the FBI’s improper withholding of my FBI file. For some reason, Attkisson isn’t permitted to see her FBI file.", "Florence Nightingale She was born May 12, 1820, to William “WEN” and Frances “Fanny” Nightingale in Florence, Italy. Her parents named her after the city she was born in; just over two years earlier they had named her sister—Frances Parthenope “Parthe”—after Parthenopolis, a Greek settlement now part of Naples, Italy.", "Biography I remember growing up, no matter what I did in life, my parents always told me to try to do my best at it and be my best. I can say going through different things that that passion is the most important part. It's not skills or talent or any of that stuff.", "The Faith of 'Soul Surfer' Out of the depths. When Bethany was 13, her love for surfing was as strong as ever. She was competing in the National Scholastic Surfing Association circuit, and planned to become a professional surfer. She and her parents saw this as an opportunity to tell others about their faith.", "- And there was the opposite extreme, the enthusiasts whose devotion degenerated into heresy. When Margaret was ten there arose in her own district the Flagellants, whose processions of men, women, and children, stripped to the waist and scourging themselves to blood, must have been a not uncommon sight to her and her young companions.", "- Her mother was the daughter of high-ranking party members who disowned her when she married a poor dissident, yet her parents managed to make a happy, if impoverished, childhood home for their two daughters.", "- That weakness of mind and will, which permitted her obedience to her father and thus destroyed her hope for Hamlet’s love, finally resulted in her insanity and death. When her father had challenged the honor of Hamlet’s intentions, Ophelia could only reply I do not know, my lord, what I should think (III, iii).", "Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale was born into an upper class British family in 1820 in Florence, Tuscany, Italy. She was named after the town where she was born. The family moved back to London when Florence was a young girl. She was a Unitarian. Although her parents expected her to become a wife and a mother, in 1845 she decided to become a nurse.", "- But he did not retrace his steps in order to remonstrate with her severely in the street. It is of no use to say that, Jenkins ventured meekly to remonstrate. Poor Jenkins watched her with despairing eyes, not venturing to remonstrate. It was in vain for the politic father to remonstrate with the headstrong son. From time to time, however, they went back to knock at Martine's door to remonstrate with her. I could see what had happened—my family had sent him to reprove me and remonstrate with me.", "- Her mother gave her twenty francs a month for her expenses, but her father, who was very fond of her, mitigated this rigorous treatment with a few presents. He mitigated the pain of that confession with a pinch of snuff, and went to the whist table to wait until the end of the rubber gave him a place at the game.", "Neil Young Georgia Neese Clark Gray was very independent as a child. When she was growing UP, Gray wanted to be in business like her father. He owned a bank, a lumber company, a general store, a grain elevator, and some farms. She knew she could manage a business as well as any man could. During the summer she worked in her father's bank. At that time" ]
[ 11.09375, 14.671875 ]
[ 1.5078125, 7.828125, 2.064453125, 2.060546875, 0.87744140625, 2.2265625, 3.009765625, 1.1494140625, -0.7080078125, 8.953125, -0.923828125, 3.23828125, 2.47265625, 5.05078125, 4.37109375, 1.984375, 1.2255859375, 1.033203125, 9.359375, 0.47705078125, 8.96875, 4.09375, 2.748046875, 1.2041015625, 4.4765625, 1.3408203125, 13.0546875, 1.111328125, 3.755859375, 2.0625 ]
what foods reduce testosterone level
[ "- According to Dr. Neal Barnard in his book, “Foods That Fight Pain: Revolutionary New Strategies for Maximum Pain Relief,” eating rice can help reduce your testosterone levels. This is may be because rice is low in fat, which tends to reduce testosterone levels. Barnard explains that as the liver filters the blood, it removes testosterone and sends it down the bile duct into the small intestine. There, fiber from foods such as rice soaks it up and carries it away with other wastes." ]
[ "7 Foods that Can Lower Testosterone Levels Quite Significantly in Men Secondly: trans-fats are high in testosterone lowering PUFAs. They lower the amount of “good” HDL cholesterol43 (a crucial building block in testosterone synthesis). And a high intake of trans-fatty-acids is associated with lowered sperm counts and testosterone levels in male rodents44 and humans45.", "18 Anti-Estrogenic Foods That Will Help You Overcome Estrogen Imbalance Red grapes and the wine that’s made out of them contain some very powerful anti-estrogenic properties. For example: they’re loaded with reservatrol and various other polyphenols which are known for their estrogen lowering effects. Reservatrol also increases testosterone and inhibits aromatase.", "- Eating more soy might even reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. For other sources of soybean isoflavones, try low-fat soymilk, tempeh, roasted soybeans, soy yogurt, and meat substitutes made with soy.", "18 Anti-Estrogenic Foods That Will Help You Overcome Estrogen Imbalance …And the fact that olive oil is loaded with plant sterols, which are known for their ability to lower estrogen levels…. …Also olive oil is ridiculously high in this compound called lutreopin, which in this study was seen to inhibit aromatase enzyme in the body (aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen).", "Diet for High Cortisol Levels Walnuts contain omega-3s, which might reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the adrenal glands during a fight-or-flight emergency situation. It is responsible for several functions in the body including blood pressure regulation, glucose utilization and anti-inflammatory properties.", "7 Testosterone-Boosting Foods Your body requires healthy saturated fats to produce most hormones, testosterone included. Coconut will help your body's ability to produce cholesterol, necessary for optimal health, help reduce body fat and maintain your weight. Weight control is another natural way of improving your testosterone production.", "7 Testosterone-Boosting Foods Research has also shown deficiencies in zinc to be a risk factor for infertility caused by low testosterone levels. T-Boosting Tip: Get your shuck on at happy hour. Just a half dozen oysters on the half shell will provide you with 33 mg of zinc, nearly three times the 12 mg RDA for adult men.", "20 best testosterone-boosting foods Starting around the age of 30, a man’s testosterone levels begin to dip and continue to decline with age, and can lead to loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, low mood and problems with concentration and memory. Give your manliness a boost by adding these testosterone-boosting foods to the menu….", "High Testosterone Foods The B-vitamins, vitamin-E and zinc are the vitamins that cause this increase, being that testosterone is dependent upon them for production. Some examples of foods that contain these vitamins include asparagus, raw oysters, bananas, brown rice and pine nuts.", "Playing diet defense Men with either BPH or prostate cancer have lower levels of zinc in their bodies -- sometimes up to 75 percent lower than healthy prostates. Zinc that comes from food is easier to absorb than zinc supplements. Help your body by snacking on sesame seeds.", "56 Ways To Boost Your Testosterone Naturally One must-have food in any man’s diet who’s hoping to boost testosterone level is the oyster. Oysters are rich in zinc, which is an important nutrient for producing testosterone in the male body. Men will lose some zinc through sweating, so if you train, it’s important to consume zinc.", "- Shopping List. To help lower the GI of your diet, we. have put together this simple shopping. list. *Look for the GI Symbol when shopping. – your trusted guide to making healthy, low GI choices. breads. r Dense wholegrain breads* r White corn tortillas*. r Grain and seed breads r Fruit Loaf such as Raisin.", "7 Testosterone-Boosting Foods Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are rich in indoles, anti-cancer compounds that indirectly boost testosterone production by breaking down and flushing the system of excess estrogen, which inhibits the production of male sex hormones. As men age, their estrogen levels gradually rise, while testosterone levels fall.", "The Best Testosterone-Boosting Breakfast for Men High estrogen levels also correlate to low testosterone levels. Avoid soy, alcohol (except for red wine), and chemical estrogens found in plastics and some shampoo. Scramble up your eggs with broccoli, which is high in indole-3-carbinol, a food compound that can help cut estrogen levels in half in men.", "7 Testosterone-Boosting Foods With high levels of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E and iron, researchers have found one glass of pomegranate juice a day can increase testosterone levels between 16 percent and 30 percent improve mood, and increase libido.", "Prostate cancer prevention: Ways to reduce your risk Choose a healthy diet. There is some evidence that choosing a healthy diet that's low in fat and full of fruits and vegetables may contribute to a lower risk of prostate cancer, though this hasn't been proved concretely. If you want to reduce your risk of prostate cancer, consider trying to: Choose a low-fat diet. Foods that contain fats include meats, nuts, oils and dairy products, such as milk and cheese. In some studies, men who ate the highest amount of fat each day had an increased risk of prostate cancer.", "Natural ways to boost your testosterone These foods contain high levels of D-aspartic acid, which promotes the production of testosterone in humans. Soybeans, lentils, almonds, salmon, shrimp, beef and eggs are all great sources of this compound. Garlic. Research has shown that garlic has a positive effect on testosterone levels. This ingredient is very easy to incorporate into your diet either by sprinkling garlic powder on your food or by including more garlic cloves when cooking.", "18 Best Natural Testosterone Boosters â Herbs and Foods that Increase Testosterone Fenugreek is a plant that is commonly used in Indian and Mediterranean cooking. The leaves can be used as an herb, or the seeds ground down into a spice. Fenugreek contains active compounds, which help to increase the activity of certain enzymes that convert cholesterol into testosterone.", "Foods That Increase Testosterone ADD Version of this post: 1 Before doing anything artificial, try taking a natural approach to increasing your testosterone. 2 You can increase your testosterone by modifying your diet. 3 Try the Mediterannean Diet. Eat 1 Garlic. Eat beans: lima, kidney, navy. Eat foods rich in vitamin A: carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, cantelope, 1 eggs. Eat beef.", "Six Super Foods That Actively Help Lower Cholesterol Their cholesterol lowering effects have been known for some time. Plant sterols/stanols are naturally found in a wide range of foods such as vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. However, for most people, it is not possible to achieve the optimum intake from ordinary foods.", "9 Body Hacks to Naturally Increase Testosterone Testosterone levels decrease after you eat sugar, which is likely because the sugar leads to a high insulin level, another factor leading to low testosterone. Based on USDA estimates, the average American consumes 12 teaspoons of sugar a day, which equates to about TWO TONS of sugar during a lifetime.", "6 Foods That Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally In Men Beans are among the foremost foods that boost testosterone levels naturally in men. There can be nothing better than natural plant minerals. Baked beans serve as the perfect testimony in this regard. It is rich in Vitamin D as well as Zinc.", "- Plant sterols occur naturally in all kinds of everyday foods such as vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, grain products, fruit and vegetables. However, a diet or supplement high in sterols and stanols is really only beneficial for people who have high blood levels of cholesterol and low levels of sterols and stanols. 3 grams of plant sterols per day may reduce the risk of heart disease.", "10 Foods that Lower Testosterone by BulkingBro. There are countless foods that lower testosterone and knowing which ones they are is priceless information that can help you avoid them and increase testosterone, naturally. Increased consumption of alcohol along with high stress levels are the biggest known killer of testosterone in men.", "Men and low testosterone Elevated estrogen not only diminishes men’s testosterone levels. It can also put both men and women at risk for heart disease and certain types of cancer. According to the Journal of Medicinal Food, estrogen-blocking foods that contain phytochemicals can help reduce estrogen levels in the bloodstream.", "- The vitamin D content also may keep testosterone levels in check. Make sure you choose a carton that is fortified specifically with vitamin D. Choose low-fat or skim versions to keep your weight in check.", "Natural Foods & Vitamins for the Male Reproductive Organs A diet rich in fatty foods, such as red and processed meats, can reduce your testosterone levels, according to The Male Body: An Owner's Manual by Winston Caine and Perry Garfinkel. Eating too much saturated fat also increases your risk for prostate cancer.", "6 / 7 Green Tea Research suggests that lycopene may help lower prostate cancer risk. Lycopene can be found in foods like tomatoes, apricots, pink grapefruit, guava, and papaya. There’s about 9 to 13 milligrams of lycopene in a cup and a half of watermelon.", "Foods That Reduce Cortisol Levels The report, which was published in the June 2003 issue of the journal “Diabetes & Metabolism,” revealed that subjects taking fish oil for three weeks experienced lower cortisol levels on a mental stress test compared to subjects receiving a placebo. Omega-3 rich foods include halibut, salmon, walnuts and canola oil.", "What is serotonin and what does it do? High-protein foods: Some foods, such as turkey, eggs, and cheese, are believed to contain tryptophan and to increase tryptophan levels in the blood. Bananas: These contain serotonin, and they have been recommended for lifting mood." ]
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[ 11.9140625, 7.58984375, 9.4453125, 8.890625, 5.44140625, 10.859375, 10.0625, 8.015625, 9.7734375, 6.9296875, 9.96875, 1.9013671875, 10.9765625, 11.78125, 10.265625, 4.703125, 10.9296875, 7.62109375, 8.734375, 3.076171875, 12.4765625, 9.7890625, 4.46875, 12.1953125, 9.90625, 9.4375, 12.4140625, 6.2734375, 6.10546875, 3.666015625 ]
how long does menopause take
[ "WebMD ® Menopause Community Menopause can last up to 10 years. I've recently been thrown in to menopause due to chemo treatments, but my best friend, who is 60, has had hot flashes for 7 years. Don't let it get you down, Menopause is a natural part of life. Get to a doctor and get some help!" ]
[ "The Early Warning Signs of Menopause Perimenopause differs for every woman, but on average it takes about a year to complete (unless you have a full hysterectomy), between the ages of 45 to 55, after which time you are post-menopausal. Here are ten common signs and symptoms that you are perimenopausal….", "- You might also hear it called perimenopause. It usually lasts several years until 12 months after your last period. Once a woman has gone a full 12 months without a period, she can be fairly sure that she has been through menopause and is now in postmenopause.", "What is a woman's period and how long does it last? These flow out as blood. It lasts from 3-7 days in general. The woman goes through this cycle until menopause stage, that is typically around 50-60 years of age. Until this time, she is capable of getting pregnant and bearing a child. It is generally said that sex during periods does not cause pregnancy.", "Menopause-related hot flashes and night sweats can last for years According to conventional medical wisdom, menopause-related hot flashes fade away after six to 24 months. Not so, says a new study of women going through menopause. Hot flashes and night sweats last, on average, for about seven years and may go on for 11 years or more. The hormonal roller coaster that comes with the end of a woman’s childbearing years can trigger a range of symptoms. Up to 80% of women going through menopause experience hot flashes.", "Menopause Basics 1 Perimenopause lasts up until menopause, the point when the ovaries stop releasing eggs. 2 In the last 1 to 2 years of perimenopause, the drop in estrogen quickens. 3 At this stage, many women have menopause symptoms. 4 Menopause. 5 This is the point when it's been a year since a woman last had her last menstrual period.", "Menopause guide In some cases, changes in the body that lead to the menopause can start as early as 10 years before a final period. On average, a menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days, but anywhere between 21 and 35 days may be considered normal.One of the first signs of changing hormone levels is a change in the pattern of your monthly period. As your body transitions to menopause you may experience a range of symptoms that include changes in:he average age of menopause for women in the UK is 51, but it can happen as young as 40 and as old as 60. Problems like heavy or prolonged periods often start in the run up to menopause as your body transitions due to hormonal changes.", "Menopause and Perimenopause - Topic Overview Perimenopause is the process of change that leads up to menopause. It can start as early as your late 30s or as late as your early 50s. How long perimenopause lasts varies, but it usually lasts from 2 to 8 years. You may have irregular periods or other symptoms during this time.", "- Menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 1 year. The average age of menopause is 51 years, but the normal range is 45 years to 55 years. The years leading up to this point are called perimenopause. This phase can last for up to 10 years.", "How long should menopause symptoms last? Menopause-- which is confirmed when a woman's periods have ceased for 12 consecutive months -- occurs most often between ages 45 and 55, according to the North American Menopause Society. The symptoms women experience are related to lower levels of estrogen and other hormones.", "Menopause 1 The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is a gradual process. 2 This so-called perimenopausal transition period is a different experience for each woman. 3 The average age of menopause is 51 years old, but menopause may occur as early as the 30s or as late as the 60s.", "One unfortunate menopause symptom that many people fall prey to is the belief that life is over after menopause. Life isn't over after menopause, in fact for many it has just begun! You may go months with a normal period, or months with one that's so heavy you can't leave the house. Your period may last four days or two weeks. You may skip a month or have spotting between periods. You may find your period comes every 28 days or every 45 days.", "When does menopause occur? Menopause occurs most commonly in Westernized countries at an average age of 51, with a typical range of 45 to 55 years of age. In some countries, such as in India and the Philippines, the average age of menopause is much lower, about 44 years old. The reason for this is unclear.", "Menopause Menopause facts. 1 Menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 months. 2 The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is a gradual process. The average age of menopause is 51 years old, but menopause may occur as early as the 30s or as late as the 60s.", "At What Age Will You Enter Menopause? “ Menopause symptoms don’t stop or start in one night,” Dr. Schmidt says. Menopause is a process that can take several years to be complete. You’re not considered menopausal until you’ve gone an entire year — 12 consecutive months — without having a period.", "How long should menopause symptoms last? Those who had hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms before the transition to menopause suffered longest -- 11.8 years was the midpoint for that group, the researchers said. And women who underwent early menopause suffered symptoms for roughly 9.4 years. Women whose hot flashes and night sweats started after menopause fared better -- reporting symptoms for a little over 3 years on average, the researchers found. Race and ethnicity seemed to have some bearing on symptom duration. Black women reported the longest duration of symptoms -- roughly 10 years.", "Menopause-related hot flashes and night sweats can last for years According to conventional medical wisdom, menopause-related hot flashes fade away after six to 24 months. Not so, says a new study of women going through menopause. Hot flashes last, on average, for about seven years and may go on for 11 years or more.The hormonal roller coaster that comes with the end of a woman’s childbearing years can trigger a range of symptoms.ot so, says a new study of women going through menopause. Hot flashes last, on average, for about seven years and may go on for 11 years or more. The hormonal roller coaster that comes with the end of a woman’s childbearing years can trigger a range of symptoms.", "- The menopause marks the time in a woman's life when her menstruation stops and she is no longer fertile (able to become pregnant). In the UK the average age for the menopause is 52 (National Health Service), while in the USA it is 51 (National Institute of Aging).", "- This is where a woman's ovaries stop producing an egg every four weeks. She no longer has monthly periods and is unlikely to get pregnant. In the UK, 51 is the average age for a woman to reach the menopause, although some women experience the menopause in their 30s or 40s.", "- The average age of menopause is 51. That means that almost half of all women have their last period and reach menopause before that age, and some women may not have even started perimenopause yet. It’s not easy to know when you are in the menopausal transition.", "Menopause 1 Menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 months. It is the time in a woman's life when the function of the ovaries ceases. The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is a gradual process. This so-called perimenopausal transition period is a different experience for each woman.", "Menopause FAQs: When It Starts, How Long Does It Last? Women typically start experiencing hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness and other menopause symptoms when they are going through perimenopause. This stage is generally considered part of the menopause period and can last anywhere from 10 months to four years as the ovaries gradually decrease in estrogen production. However, menopause is not considered to have officially begun until a woman misses her period for 12 straight months.", "How Long Does Perimenopause Last? For example: statistically, the average length of time that women are in perimenopause is said to be about four years. However, perimenopause can actually last as long as 12 to 15 years for some women, and as little as 2 to 3 years for others.All experiences on either side of the average and all points in between are normal. I am one of those women who experienced perimenopause over a time period of close to 15 years.owever, perimenopause can actually last as long as 12 to 15 years for some women, and as little as 2 to 3 years for others. All experiences on either side of the average and all points in between are normal. I am one of those women who experienced perimenopause over a time period of close to 15 years.", "Everything You Need to Know About Perimenopause A. The average woman goes through natural menopause (meaning she's had no period for 12 months) at around age 51, but changes in your body begin years earlier. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause. It's just a process, not an illness. In fact, some lucky women hardly notice the transition.", "- In early menopause estrogen levels can rapidly decline causing symptoms to appear suddenly, feel severe, and last longer. Here are some telltale signs you are in early menopause. 1 You are between the ages of 40-45. You experienced an absence of periods for a full 12 months.", "Menopause Menopause is a natural event that happens in every woman's life. The average age for menopause in the United States is approximately 52 years, but the menopause transition can last for a number of years.", "How long does menopause last? This lasts until the last menstrual period, which is typically three to five years after perimenopause begins. Perimenopause often begins in the 40s, but some women can even enter it in their 30s, and it can last for up to 10 years.", "- therefore the only way to know if you have gone through menopause is if you have not had your period for one year and it s not menopause if your periods stop for some other reason like being sick the average age of menopause is 51 but for some women it happens as early as 40 or as late as 55", "Menopause 1 Menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 months. 2 It is the time in a woman's life when the function of the ovaries ceases. 3 The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is a gradual process. 4 This so-called perimenopausal transition period is a different experience for each woman.", "Perimenopause In the last 1 to 2 years of perimenopause, this drop in estrogen speeds up. At this stage, many women have menopause symptoms. The average length of perimenopause is 4 years, but for some women this stage may last only a few months or continue for 10 years. Perimenopause ends when a woman has gone 12 months without having her period. Women in perimenopause have at least some these symptoms:", "Menopause Basics 1 In the last 1 to 2 years of perimenopause, the drop in estrogen quickens. 2 At this stage, many women have menopause symptoms. 3 Menopause. 4 This is the point when it's been a year since a woman last had her last menstrual period.5 At this stage, the ovaries have stopped releasing eggs and making most of their estrogen.ut some women can go through menopause early, either as a result of surgery, such as hysterectomy, or damage to the ovaries, such as from chemotherapy. Menopause that happens before 40, regardless of the cause, is called premature menopause." ]
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what causes an itchy scalp besides lice
[ "Itchy Scalp or Neck An itchy scalp is very common, particularly in adults, and may or may not be due to any disease. If there is absolutely nothing visible accompanying an itchy scalp or just a few flakes of dry skin, you may have a mild case of dandruff. Dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis) is the most common cause of an itchy rash on the scalp in adults and tends to affect the whole scalp; psoriasis is another common cause of itchy scalp and is often found just on the back of the scalp. Both conditions, dandruff and scalp psoriasis, have patches of redness and scaling and may also affect the ear area." ]
[ "Itchy Scalp Causes and Treatments Skin Problems Image Gallery Itchy scalp in adults is often caused by dandruff. See more pictures of skin problems. An itchy scalp is a common ailment, one that may be the result of a skin condition or not. Beyond the discomfort of the itchiness, an itchy scalp can cause several problems. For some people, the condition can be embarrassing. It might be socially unacceptable scratch one's head in public, and the fear of unattractive flakes in the hair or on the shoulders can make some uncomfortable and self-conscious.", "5 Ways to Beat Itchy Scalp with Braids Itchy scalp is a common issue even more so when wearing weave or extensions. See Also: 5 Do’s & Don’ts of Braid Extensions. Often you find yourself doing the weave pat, you scratch all day and it just doesn’t seem to let up.es, overtime washing will make your braids look less fresh, but in the long run your scalp will thank you. More often than not your scalp is itching due to product buildup, sweat, and elements from the outside.", "Itchy Scalp and Anxiety Because the mechanism isn't clear, the cause of itchy scalp with anxiety is likely to be related to one of the following: 1 Skin Sensitivity Stress increases skin sensitivity, and the scalp experiences a lot of contact with bacteria, fungi, germs, and chemicals.", "Scalp Itch The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Scalp Itch. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Acne necrotica (see Acne). 2 Basal cell carcinoma. 3 Contact dermatitis.", "- Check for itching of the scalp. An itchy scalp is the most common symptom of lice infestation. However, other conditions, including dandruff and scalp eczema, can cause also itchy scalp. Itchy scalps can also be a sign of an allergic reaction to haircare products such as shampoo, too.", "Causes of Scalp Itch This section shows a full list of all the diseases and conditions listed as a possible cause of Scalp Itch in our database from various sources. 1 Acne necrotica. 2 Allergy to soap/shampoo. Basal cell carcinoma.", "\"\"\" Why is my scalp tingling? \"\"\" First of all, there are many different dermatologic processes that can manifest themselves on the scalp. For example seborrhoeic dermatitis is a dermatologic condition that can affect multiple different parts of the body, including the scalp. It causes inflammation, which can be itchy, painful, and even cause flaking. Another thought that I have is that the feeling you are having might be a normal reflex.", "What Can Make Your Scalp Dry Scalp psoriasis can cause dandruff-like itching and flaking. Psoriasis happens when the immune system triggers too many skin cells to grow on various parts of the body. That can include your scalp. People with psoriasis may be more likely to get dandruff, but psoriasis is not dandruff. Eczema. This skin condition can make your scalp itchy and flaky.", "Causes of Scalp Itch Causes of Scalp Itch. This section discusses 16 medical conditions causing Scalp Itch. A simple discussion of these causes with additional information is below. Causes of Scalp Itch: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Scalp Itch. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Acne necrotica (see Acne) Basal cell carcinoma.", "Yeast and Itchy Scalp â The Relationship Dandruff is closely linked to yeast and because of this, candida or yeast is considered one of the most common causes of itchy scalp. Experts believe that one of the possible causes of dandruff is the overgrowth of yeast. When this happens, the scalp will become irritated and more skin cells will begin to grow.", "Extremely itchy scalp, no lice, no dandruff, what's going on? alright so my scalp has been extremely itching for the past month and a half. a little after i got it, my mom and grandma (who all live in the same house with me) started getting the same thing. we checked, there's no lice, and no signs of dandruff. we've changed shampoos several times, and it's not...", "Itchy scalp with no dandruff, causes and remedies Click here to use the best treatment for your scalp! The first reason why you may have an itchy scalp with no dandruffs is because of a fungal disease. Most of the time, having a fungal disease in your scalp is going to result in some sort of dandruffs, but in many conditions, you will not get them!", "To treat an itchy scalp, you must first treat the cause To treat an itchy scalp, you must first treat the cause. An itchy scalp is very common. It may be linked to a disorder in the scalp and be accompanied by dandruff. It can also be caused by external irritation.", "Head Lice and Nits Not all scalp itching is caused by head lice, and head lice don't always cause an itch. So the only way of telling for sure whether you have head lice is to see a live louse. If someone has quite a lot of lice, you may sometimes be able to see them just by looking through their hair.", "BedBug FAQ Head Lice vs. Dandruff: How to Tell the Difference. Head lice and dandruff are two completely different things, yet people often mistake one for the other. Head lice are parasites that feed on human blood, and are spread through contact with others. Their bites cause an itchy scalp and occasionally an allergic reaction. Dandruff is a skin condition on the scalp that causes flaking of the skin and a slightly itchy scalp. Here's how to tell the difference between the two. Head lice are small, brown parasites with six legs about the size of a sesame seed. They have elongated bodies, with small, oval shaped heads.", "Causes of Scalp Itch Causes of Scalp Itch: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Scalp Itch. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Acne necrotica (see Acne)", "Itchy Scalp Causes and Treatments For example, how often you wash your hair can lead to the condition. Infrequent washing can cause a buildup of oil and skin cells and lead to dandruff flakes. Hair that's washed too often, on the other hand, can also lead to itchy scalp, because the oil that protects the scalp gets stripped away. Cold weather and the dry indoor air can also lead to a dry scalp [source: Mayo Clinic ]. Stress can affect dandruff, too. For instance, it can cause conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, which is characterized by an oily, waxy scalp and white or yellowish-brown flakes, to flare up [source: American Academy of Dermatology ]. One major contributor to itchy scalp is the skin condition called psoriasis.", "Common Causes Of Itchy Scalp That Will Make You Cringe Seborrheic Dermatitis. This itchy scalp lasts beyond 50 years of age and is usually chronic and recurring, says Frey. Red patches with large, yellow, greasy scales that may form crusts commonly occur in the scalp, on the face--eyebrows, nasolabial folds, and eyelid margins--ears, armpits, groin, and mid-chest..", "Causes and efficient treatments of your itchy scalp and hair loss Although this is very unlikely, candida can also cause scalp irritation and hair loss. The best way to make sure is to consult your doctor, you can also start applying garlic oil and see whether the itchy scalp feeling and hair loss will disappear or not. Usually garlic is very effective against candida. Psoriasis.", "Itchy Scalp With No Flaking An itchy scalp without any flaking can have several possible causes. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images. Itching and flaking are common symptoms of dandruff, a skin condition that develops on the scalp in many individuals. This is often very easy to identify, but if you experience itching without any flaking of the skin, the cause may not be as easy to determine.", "Itching or burning, Lump or bulge and Skin rash Crabs, or pubic lice, are tiny, six-legged insects that infest pubic skin and hair and cause intense itching. Erythema migrans. Erythema migrans is the name for the bull's-eye rash that occurs with Lyme disease. Chickenpox (varicella) Chickenpox is an illness that causes a red, itchy rash, fever, headache, sore throat, and body aches. Eczema (infants) Eczema is a common cause of skin rashes in infants, causing redness, bumps, swelling, itchiness, and more. Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread through tick bites; symptoms include rash, fever chills, and more.", "To treat an itchy scalp, you must first treat the cause I first examine him to see if he has seborrheic eczema or psoriasis, both of which are common. These scalp disorders show extensive redness and scaling of the scalp. However, I most often see simple, fine and adherent dandruff with a little redness, caused by skin irritation due to external products.", "- Reaction to hair products. If your scalp is extremely itchy and no lice or dandruff, you may have to look at your hair product basket for answers. Your scalp could be reacting to your shampoo or conditioner and the itching could be as a result of contact dermatitis.", "- If you have a sensitive scalp you may notice itching the same day, if you have picked up mature head lice. Adult head lice may be about the size of a sesame seed or slightly larger. Lice eggs (nits) are found on hair shafts, they can be mistaken for dandruff, but they can't be easily brushed out of hair.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Causes Of Scalp Pain An itchy scalp is an inflammatory reaction of the skin underneath the hair on your head. An itchy scalp is a common problem, particularly among adults. An itchy scalp may or may not be associated with a visible rash or broken skin. The severity, frequency and duration of an itchy scalp depend on the underlying cause. Some causes of an itchy scalp, such as dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis), can be relatively minor. However, an itchy scalp can also be due to more serious conditions, such as infection, inflammation, parasite infestation, autoimmune disorders, and allergies.", "Do You Have an Itchy Scalp? 5 Common Problems and Fixes 1. Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. These are the most common reasons for an itchy scalp. “Your body’s inflammatory response to an overgrowth of yeast causes the itching and flaking associated with these conditions. Yeast normally lives on the scalp and other hairy areas of the body, but the problem arises when there’s too much yeast present,” says dermatologist Melissa Piliang, MD.", "- 1 The rash is often reddish and itchy with a scaly texture. 2 Psoriasis is a common skin condition that can cause a scaly, itchy, red rash to form along the scalp, elbows, and joints. Seborrheic eczema is a type of eczema that most often affects the scalp and causes redness, scaly patches, and dandruff.", "Solutions for an Extremely Itchy, Flaky Scalp Dandruff, or sebhorreic dermatitis, can cause your scalp to itch and shed flakes of dry skin. Dandruff has a variety of causes, from shampooing your hair too often or not often enough, to sensitivity to washing and styling products. Medical problems like eczema and psoriasis also can result in an itchy flaky scalp.", "Itchy Scalp and Anxiety Itchy scalp is not a common anxiety symptom, but it may be caused by anxiety. In nearly all cases it's accompanied by other anxiety symptoms. Take my anxiety test now to get an idea if your itchy scalp is anxiety related.", "Itchy Scalp and Anxiety Anxiety can also have a severe effect on your hormones and damage your organs, and your skin is your body's largest organ, so the idea that anxiety can lead to scalp itch is not an unusual one. If you haven't already, take the free anxiety test I developed to get a snapshot on your anxiety and its potential causes." ]
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[ 12.3203125, 7.4140625, 11.1640625, 12.1640625, 13.984375, 11.9765625, 9.1953125, 11.7890625, 11.4296875, 11.6328125, 10.765625, 11.078125, 11.390625, 11.796875, 12.4453125, 11.1015625, 11.421875, 11.5546875, 10.875, 11.59375, 9.6015625, 10.015625, 13.890625, 11.0390625, 12.5, 12.9375, 11.6953125, 12.3203125, 10.7734375, 10.734375 ]
crimes where groups of people attack strangers
[ "Attacks by strangers at highest level for a decade The number of violent attacks committed by strangers has hit its highest level for at least a decade. Victims did not know their assailants in more than one million incidents last year – or two every minute. It means strangers are now responsible for half of all violent crime after the menace rose sharply under Labour. At least a fifth of those were in or near a pub or club fuelling fears that the advent of 24 hour drinking has led to more drunken attacks." ]
[ "Common assault Common assault. Common assault was an offence under the common law of England, and has been held now to be a statutory offence in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is committed by a person who causes another person to apprehend the immediate use of unlawful violence by the defendant. It was thought to include battery.", "Crimes Against Children Crimes Against Children. Children, who by definition require the guardianship and care of adults, are among the most vulnerable and innocent victims of crimes. Crimes against children include physical and emotional abuse; neglect; and exploitation, such as through child pornography or sex trafficking of minors. Child-related crimes often are perpetrated by parents, relatives, caretakers, and others who are charged with their care and guidance.", "crimes against humanity Popular Terms. Genocide, murder, enslavement, deportation and other reprehensible acts against the civilian population committed before, during, or after a conflict or war.", "CRIME OF VIOLENCE In United States v. Aragon, 983 F.2d 1306 (4th Cir.'93), the Fourth Circuit held that for the purposes of 18 U.S.C. section 16(b). - a statute identical to section 924(c)(3)(B) -- attempting to help a prisoner escape is categorically a crime of violence.", "crime crime usu. refers to any serious violation of a public law: the crime of treason. offense is used of a less serious violation of a public law, or of a violation of a social or moral rule: a traffic offense; an offense against propriety. sin means a breaking of a moral or divine law: the sin of envy.", "- What are Hate Crimes? Hate crimes are criminal acts--such as vandalism, arson, assault, or murder--committed against someone because of his or her race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, age, or gender. In a hate crime, the person is selected because of a characteristic that he or she cannot change.", "Murder for body parts The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page, or create a new article, as appropriate. (January 2012) The murder of human beings for their body parts is a crime in all countries.", "What Are Violent Crimes? - Definition, Types & Examples However, this saying can evoke strong emotion when considering the existence of conflict and violent crime in the world today. Violent crimes include crimes where intentional harm is inflicted against another individual during the commission of the crime. Additionally, violent crimes can include the threat of intentional harm.", "- Hate crime is a broad area because there is an array of substantive crimes that sometimes are committed because of a hate motivation. Hate crime is but one aspect of the larger set of problems related to these types of crimes. This guide is limited to addressing community tension that may generate hate crimes and the particular harms created by hate crimes to the individual victim and the community to which they belong.", "Chain Gangs Chain Gangs. In the early 1900s, dramatic stories of the abuse and wretched conditions of convict laborers began to be publicized through trials and newspaper accounts. The egregiousness of the violence and corruption of the system began to turn public opinion against convict leasing.", "Hate crime Hate crime. A hate crime (also known as a bias-motivated crime) is a prejudice-motivated crime, usually violent, which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group.", "- uk ​ /ˈvæn.dəl.ɪ.zəm/ us ​ /ˈvæn.dəl.ɪ.zəm/. C2 law the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people: Beset by violence and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city. These schools are known to be vulnerable to vandalism. › any activity that is considered to be damaging or destroying something that was good:", "WHO RULES THE WORLD ? First of all, the trilogy of crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against. humanity did not constitute a homogeneous block.While referring previously. to the criticisms directed against the Nuremberg judgments, I have already. pointed out that crimes against peace was the most controversial class of. offences.", "Violent crime A violent crime or crime of violence is a crime in which an offender uses or threatens force upon a victim.This entails both crimes in which the violent act is the objective, such as murder, as well as crimes in which violence is the means to an end.Violent crimes may, or may not, be committed with weapons.Depending on the jurisdiction, violent crimes may vary from homicide to harassment.he comparison of violent crime statistics between countries is usually problematic, due to the way different countries classify crime. Valid comparisons require that similar offences between jurisdictions be compared.", "- Hate crimes are criminal acts--such as vandalism, arson, assault, or murder--committed against someone because of his or her race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, age, or gender. In a hate crime, the person is selected because of a characteristic that he or she cannot change.", "- Predatory Gangstalking is a criminal phenomenon referring to a group of loosely affiliated people who, in an organized and systematic manner, relentlessly invade all areas of an individual's life on a continuing basis, as part of their lifestyle.", "Pogrom: The Historic Background A pogrom is an organized attack upon a population, characterized by looting, destruction of property, rape, and murder. The word is derived from a Russian word meaning to commit mayhem, and it specifically refers to attacks perpetrated by Christians upon Jewish population centers in Russia.", "Cybercrime Most cybercrime is an attack on information about individuals, corporations, or governments. Although the attacks do not take place on a physical body, they do take place on the personal or corporate virtual body, which is the set of informational attributes that define people and institutions on the Internet.", "Violent Crimes A violent crime can involve an act whereby violence is the objective (as in murder) or it may be a means to an end (as in robbery). A violent crime may or may not involve the threat or use of a weapon.ssault is the most common type of violent crime that is committed in the United States. Assault can have varying levels of severity depending on the specific facts of a case. By definition, the violent crime of assault is the intentional threat or use of force or violence against another person.", "25 Notoriously Dangerous Gangs In the past we took you to the 25 most dangerous cities on Earth, but now we’re going to take a closer look at one of the biggest reasons those cities are so dangerous – gangs. With everything from street gangs to prison gangs to international crime syndicates this list will take you on a journey through a violent criminal underworld as you are introduced to 25 notoriously dangerous gangs.", "- For example, in Germany, the teenager of 17 years killed 15 fellow students at school near Stuttgart (Dougherty, 2009). Robbery is documented to contribute to about 10% of all violent crimes in Canada and 16% of all accused of robbery are young offenders (Bartol, 1991).", "Condoleezza Rice September 11 attacks. Washington, D.C. September 11 attacks, also called 9/11 attacks, series of airline hijackings and suicide attacks committed by 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda against targets in the United States, the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history.", "A Black Woman Says She Was Attacked by a Group of White Men in the Central District on Tuesday Social media made it seem like there was a roving group of people who had committed multiple crimes. As far as we know, this is the only report, said Whitcomb. SPD detectives are investigating the attack as a possible hate crime. They are not releasing details about the attackers at this time.", "Crimes Against Persons Crimes against persons involve direct physical harm or force applied to another person. The most serious crime in this category is homicide, but threatening someone and even making someone fearful that he or she will be harmed are also crimes against persons.", "Gangs Congress spends as much as $20 billion per year in health care costs treating victims of gunshot wounds, and many of the incidents involving guns also involve street and other types of gangs. A gang is sometimes difficult to define, especially in legal terms. Although gangs typically involve a congregation of individuals, primarily young males, certainly not all congregations or informal gatherings of young individuals constitute gangs. Definitions of gangs or street gangs vary among the laws governing them.", "- Crime of passion. A crime of passion (French:crime passionnel), in popular usage, refers to a violent crime, especially homicide, in which the perpetrator commits the act against someone because of sudden strong impulse such as sudden rage rather than as a premeditated crime.", "What Are Violent Crimes? - Definition, Types & Examples Definition of Violent Crimes. The saying 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' is one which we have probably all heard at one point in our lives.However, this saying can evoke strong emotion when considering the existence of conflict and violent crime in the world today.iolent crimes include crimes where intentional harm is inflicted against another individual during the commission of the crime. Additionally, violent crimes can include the threat of intentional harm.", "Chapter 2: Jurisdictional and Program Self-Assessment Types of Offenses Committed by Juvenile Offenders Figure 2:g shows the juvenile percentage of arrests in four types of violent crimes in 1998. The robbery percentage is disproportionately large compared with forcible rape, aggravated assault, and murder, which are below the percentage of the population in the 10-49 age group represented by youth (Snyder, 1999). Figure 2:h depicts the 12 most common nonviolent crimes for which youth are arrested.", "Crimes against humanity Crimes against humanity. Crimes against humanity are certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack or individual attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population. The first prosecution for crimes against humanity took place at the Nuremberg trials.", "CGS1060 Chapter 5 The use of a computer and/or network to commit a variety of crimes, such as creating viruses or disrupting networks. cyberterrorism A dangerous form of hacking that seeks to create large-scale chaos and damage to a country's infrastructure." ]
[ 12.4375 ]
[ 4.50390625, 5.0625, 3.8984375, 3.005859375, 2.8046875, 7.4921875, 5.1953125, 5.23046875, 5.4921875, 2.982421875, 8.8515625, 2.51171875, 1.7177734375, 7.28515625, 7.6953125, 8.8984375, 6.78515625, 5.78125, 6.44140625, 4.55078125, 5.20703125, 6.2421875, 11.7890625, 6.1953125, 5.09765625, 5.69921875, 5.0234375, 4.03125, 7.7421875, 4.33203125 ]
what are Kalamata olives
[ "Kalamata Olives Kalamata Olives 101. Kalamata Olives (also spelled Calamata and often referred to simply as “Greek olives”) are grown in Kalamata, Greece and the surrounding countryside. They are unique and celebrated among olives for their distinctive almond shape, meaty texture and dark aubergine color." ]
[ "- For the Macedonian music group, see Baklava (band). Baklava (/ˈbɑːkləvɑː/, /bɑːkləˈvɑː/, or /bəˈklɑːvə/; [bɑːklɑvɑː]) is a rich, sweet pastry made of layers of filo filled with chopped nuts and sweetened and held together with syrup or honey. It is characteristic of the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire, and is also found in Central and West Asia.", "- The Catalpa Tree is remarkable to me in many ways, it represents a time frame during native American history that stretches into our back yards today. My heritage draws me to pursue the phenomenal domain of the catalpa tree, the mysterious catalpa worm, the beautiful flowering blooms and tons and tons of FRASS!", "Caralluma Actives review. Caralluma Fimbriata is a plant similar to cactus and it comes from India. Local tribes in India used this plant for many centuries as an appetite suppressant during long hunting trips.aralluma Actives is a supplement formulated to suppress your appetite. It includes Caralluma Fimbriata extract in its formulation, which according to new studies works effectively to suppress hunger. This extract is made from an Indian plant, which was used by local tribes to reduce hunger while going on long hunts.", "10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Canola Oil Canola oil is retrieved from the crushed seeds of the Canola plant, which is a part of the Brassica family. Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are also part of the same family of plants. Canola plants grow between three to six feet, producing fragrant, pretty, bright yellow flowers. Seeds from mature Canola plants are crushed to extract the oil which is then refined, bottled and sold as oil for external use as well as consumption.", "What Calamari Is Answer: Calamari is indeed squid. The squid is a mollusk related to the cuttlefish and octopus. It has ten tentacles, and like its cousin, the octopus, it also has a protective mechanism which releases a dark ink into the water when it senses danger. The meat is firm and white with a mild, slightly sweet and almost nutty flavor.", "- Calathea lutea ‘Cuban Cigar’. Description. Not your normal Calathea! Calatheas are generally smallish plants to around 50cm. high, grown for their attractively patterned leaves. This Calathea is a giant, growing 6 to. 10 feet tall (1.8m to 3m). Calathea lutea is an extremely beautiful and unusual plant. The oval shaped leaves are.", "- There are a dozen varieties of olives at the bar...but the best sellers are the Greek Kalamata and the green variations. The olive bar at the Berkeley Bowl marketplace is not only impressive, but is used by many East Bay shoppers hungry for olives.", "- Kale or borecole is a form of cabbage (Brassica oleracea Acephala Group), green or purple, in which the central leaves do not form a head. The Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI) - create by Dr. Joel Fuhrman - gives kale an ANDI rating of 1000. Kale \\Kale\\, n. [Scot.", "- Baklava is a type of Greek pastry traditionally made with phyllo dough, honey, nuts, and orange essence. Many other Middle Eastern nations have pastries which are very similar, thanks to a long running tradition of sweet desserts which feature flaky, delicate pastry.", "Tamale In Guatemala, a variety of tamales is called tamales colorados, which have chicken or pork filling and a tomato-based sauce , hence the colorado, which means 'to blush'. Tamales colorados may also contain olives, red bell pepper, prunes or raisins, capers, and almonds.", "Seafood and Fish Vongola verace (Venerupis decussata / Tapes decussatus) are the most prized of the clams but are more rare nowadays. They have irregular concentric grooves on the shell and are a varied smokey brown colour. They grow to a maximum of 4 to 5cm in diameter.", "Malasada A malasada (or malassada, from Portuguese mal-assada = under-cooked) (similar to filhós) is a Portuguese confection, made of egg-sized balls of yeast dough that are deep-fried in oil and coated with granulated sugar. They were first made by inhabitants of the Madeira islands.", "White cockatoo The white cockatoo (Cacatua alba), also known as the umbrella cockatoo, is a medium-sized all-white cockatoo endemic to tropical rainforest on islands of Indonesia. When surprised, it extends a large and striking head crest, which has a semicircular shape (similar to an umbrella, hence the alternative name).", "Calamansi Calamansi is a variety of lime used in Southeast Asia cuisines, especially in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It’s also a key ingredient in Nyonya food. Sambal belacan is only truly authentic with calamansi juice.Period.f you haven’t tried calamansi, I can only describe it as a sort of hybrid between orange and lime. They have orange pulp but the juice is sour and tart, and there is no lime that can rival the citrusy fragrance of calamansi. I don’t know why celebrity chefs haven’t discovered the use of calamansi yet.", "- Black olives are a tasty addition to pasta sauce, tacos and antipasti platters, and they supply small doses of iron, calcium and vitamin A. They also contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats.", "Are Kalamata Olives Good for You? As you might guess, Kalamata olives are abundant in the same healthy fat found in olive oil. Monounsaturated fats may reduce your cholesterol and your chance of heart attack and stroke, according to Harvard Medical School.", "- However, outside of the European Union countries, there are no binding legal standards for labeling of Kalamata olives. In the U.S., many canned and jarred olives are referred to as Kalamata-style or Kalamata-type olives and these olives are not authentic Kalamata olives grown in the Kalamata area of southern Greece.", "- The Lakota are the westernmost of the three Siouan language groups, occupying lands in both North and South Dakota. The seven bands or sub-tribes of the Lakota are: 1 Sičhaŋǧu (Sičháŋǧu, Brule Brulé). 2 Burned (Thighs Oglala Oglála They). scatter their ownotable Lakota persons include Tȟatȟaŋka Íyotake (Iyotake íyotake) sitting bull From the; Hunkpapȟa húnkpapȟa Band touch the Clouds from; the, Miniconjou Band (And TȟaÅ¡uŋke), Tȟašúŋke Witko (Witkó Crazy), Horse Maȟpiya (Maȟpíya Luta), Lúta Red (Cloud Heȟaka), heȟáka Sapa Sápa black elk Siŋte siŋté. gleÅ¡ka gleÅ¡ká spotted tail and billy mills from the oglala band", "Kalabaka Kalabaka (Greek: καλαμπάκα, Kalabaka, kalabáka alternative Transliteration) kalambaka is a municipality in The trikala regional, unit part Of thessaly In. greecealabaka was voted as one of the most beautiful places in Greece by the Skai TV show I LOVE GR.", "TypeBase 4 Basmati rice means the queen of fragrance or the perfumed one.. This type of rice has been grown in the foothills of the Himalayas for thousands of years. Its perfumy, nut-like flavor and aroma can be attributed to the fact that the grain is aged to decrease its moisture content.", "Rocolla Rocolla (Diplotaxis brassicaceae) Rocolla, also known as salad rocket, is the ‘wild’ variety of rocket. The herb is renowned for a more pronounced and pungent almost-nutty taste, proving especially popular as a salad ingredient and general flavour enhancer. Growing up to 70cm high, rocolla is native to the Mediterranean and features delicate, yellow flowers.", "Carambola Carambola, also known as starfruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.", "- The trunk of the olive tree is very characteristic, because it is irregular, a beautiful example of Aragon. The olive leaves are arranged opposite each other, they are a lanceolate shape (tapering to a point at the apex and at the base), up to about 8 cm in length.", "Canola The word rape in rapeseed comes from the Latin word rapum meaning turnip. Turnip, rutabaga, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mustard, and many other vegetables are related to the two natural canola varieties commonly grown, which are cultivars of B. napus and B. rapa.anola was bred from rapeseed at the University of Manitoba, Canada, by Keith Downey and Baldur R. Stefansson in the early 1970s, and had a very different nutritional profile in addition to much less erucic acid.", "White cockatoo White cockatoo. This article is about the species; for the genus of (mostly) white cockatoos see Cacatua. The white cockatoo (Cacatua alba), also known as the umbrella cockatoo, is a medium-sized all-white cockatoo endemic to tropical rainforest on islands of Indonesia. When surprised, it extends a large and striking head crest, which has a semicircular shape (similar to an umbrella, hence the alternative name).", "- Catalpa ovata, commonly called Chinese catalpa, yellow catalpa and Japanese catalpa, is a small deciduous tree that typically grows to 30’ tall and as wide with a spreading crown. It is native to forested areas in western China. Broad-ovate, light green leaves (to 10” long and wide) are usually entire but sometimes 3-5 lobed.", "Kalamata Olive Ciabatta 1/3 cup olive brine and complete to ½ cup with water. ½ teaspoon salt. ¼ teaspoon yeast. ½ cup Kalamata olives cut in half. 2 tablespoon bread flour. Method: Place the ingredients of the biga in the bread machine bucket and set to mix for approximately 5 minutes, until all the flour is incorporated.", "Catalpa Catalpa, commonly called catalpa or catawba, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae, native to warm temperate regions of North America, the Caribbean, and East Asia.Contents.he tree is the sole source of food for the catalpa sphinx moth (Ceratomia catalpae), the leaves being eaten by the caterpillars. When caterpillars are numerous, infested trees may be completely defoliated.", "\"Wayne M.Size: 230#136 Chapter 1A league is equal to about how many miles?With this in mind ,how many miles is Santa Barbara from the islandA league is equal to three miles.Santa barbra is 60 miles away from Santa Barbara.Who are the Aleuts?Who are the Russians?The Aleuts are a native tribe that lives on an island in the North.The Russians are these people thet live in North Russians that Karana's tribe feers most.If Karana is her secret name,what is her common name?What does it meen?Karana's common name is Wonapalei.It meens Girl with long black hair.Why is Karana upset that her father told the sailors his secret name/Since if you tell someone your secret name they lose the magic of the name so Karana is afraid tht her father will lose his magic.How does the reader get the impression that something bad will happen?The reader gets that impression because Captain Orlov stands with his feet apart and looked at the harbor as though it already belonged to him.What agreement do the indians have with the hunters?#137 Chapter 2 What have the Aleuts come to hunt?How do Karana's people feel about the Aleuts?What does the father tell the village? What fish did the Aleuts want from he indians?What does the fact that the indians whached the Aleuts all the time show their fellings toward the hunters? #137 Chapter 3Where did the Otter live? How does Karana fell about the Otters?What are the indians to be given in return for pelts.#138 Chapter 4What is the cause of the problem between the indians and the hunters?Why doesn't Karana trust the hunters? How does the actual fighting begin? What happens next?What is the meaning of the following sntence: \"\"A puff of white smoke came from the deck of the ship\"\"? What is the meaning of this sentence: \"\"Five of our warriors fell and lay quiet\"\"?What does Karana mean when she says that she knew her father should not have told Captain Orlov his scecret name? (You may need to refer to the paragraph in Chapter 1 that explains the two names.) How many men were in the village when the day began?How many young men were alive after the battle? What did the Indians do with the bodies of the Aleuts?What did the Indians do with the bodies of their tribesmen? To what island did some of the Indians want to paddle? Have you ever been there?Who is the newly elected chief? What new roles would the women of the village have to take?What were their old roles? The wild dogs are a threat to the village. What was Ramo's job?Why does karana say, \"\"Life in the village should have been peaceful, but it was not\"\"?#139 Chapter 6Kimki has gone for one moon. How long is \"\"one moon\"\"? What is the problem facing the village?Who has taken over the role of leader of the Indians? What is a \"\"night of fine moon\"\"?Who has come by ship to the island? Why have they come?Read aloud the last paragraph of the chapter. Think and then discuss the two feelings that the villagers have knowing they will leave the island. #141 Chapter 7What is the meaning of the mark Ulape draws on her face with blue clay? Who does Ulape Love?What does Ramo want to go back to the village and get? Which word would we use to describe the person whom Karana calls \"\"the chieftain of the white men, for he began to shout orders\"\"?How do Ramo and Karana get separated?Why does Karana begin to look for Ramo on the ship?Is she acting like an older sister or a mother to Ramo?Do you act like an older brother or sister or a mother or father to someone? Who spots Ramo on the island?Why did Ramo go back to the village?Why can't the ships turn around and go back to the island for Ramo? What does Chief Matasaip say about Ramo being alone on the island?Imagine how Karana feels. Imagine how Ramo feels. Have you ever had a situation like this in your life where you were left behind or you left someone behind? What does Karana do when she realizes the ship is not going back for her brother?Why does Karana have to let her basket of possessions sink to the bottom of the sea?Can you think of a way she could save her possessions? As Karana is swimming , how does she feel about Ramo?How does she feel when she actually reaches him?Read aloud the last paragraph in the chapter. Why was Karana angry? # 142 Chapter 8Most of Karana and Ramo's time is used to gather food. What kinds of food are they gathering?Can you think of other foods they could eat?In the story, approximately what time of day is it when Karana describes, \"\"From seaweed we wove a rough basket which we filled before the sun was overhead\"\"?Does Karana think the ship will come back for them?What does she tell Ramo about the ship returning?Why does Karana think one thing, but say another?Because Ramo is the son of Chowig, he thinks he should be the chief. What test of manhood did the indians use?Why does karana decide not to do the test? Ramo takes a new name, and it is pronounced Chief Tan\\yo\\sit\\lo\\paiWhat does Ramo want to do by himself?Why is Karana torn between catching Ramo before he gets to the canoes and meeting him when he paddles the canoe into the cove?What dangers could await Ramo?Why is she worried about him?Can you feel Karana's panic as she searches for Ramo?What terrible thing has happened to Ramo?What does Karana do that night to protect herself from the wild dogs?Read aloud the last paragraph of the chapter. What has karana vowed to do some day? #143, Chapter 9Reread the first paragraph in this chapter and think how karana feels now that she is alone. After such a great loss, she becomes very sad. After her initial grief lessens, she begins to make plans to move forward with her life. What is the first big decision she makes about her life?After burning the village, karana needs to find a place to live. Read aloud the paragraphs that describe where she plans to sleep and live. Draw a picture or a diagram of the rock and the area surrounding the rock.What are her reasons for selecting this site?Can you think of other reasons?Why does Karana think, \"\"there is no use to store food\"\"?What does karana mean when she says the following about the items in the chest she finds on the beach: \"\"I knew that I never could wear them\"\"?Explain why she would feel this way.What did the laws of Ghalas-at forbid women from doing?Why would there be such a law?Can you explain what you think about a law like this one?What animals are constant threats to her safety?What does Karana decide she must make? Explain the meaning of the following phrase: \"\"...yet I had watched him and really seen nothing.\"\" Have you ever watched something, however, when you tried to do it, you could not? You had really seen nothing.If you are keeping a list of plants and animals, update it as they are mentioned in the book. refer to the directions in Lesson 136 if you are not sure what to do. Read the last paragraph of the chapter aloud. How much time has passed?#144 Chapter 10 The chapter begins during what time of year?Using a map, what country is Karana looking toward when she looks east to the place where her people had gone? What does Karana realize in the following quote: \"\"Now I would have to wait until the winter was gone, maybe longer?Read aloud the two paragraphs at the beginning of the chapter which discuss Karana's plan to use the canoes to leave the island. Can you imagine how she feels? What are some words you would use to describe her feelings?`What does Karana decide to do? For more understanding, continue reading aloud the paragraph that begins with the following sentence: \"\"Yet i cannot say that I was really afraid as I stood there on the shore.\"\"Fill in the blanks in this quote: \"\". . . the ______waters did not trouble me. It meant far less than the thought of ______on the island alone, without a _____or companions, pursued by wild _______, where everything reminded me of those who were _______and those who had gone away.\"\" When is the first time Karana says she feels afraid?Karana used the stars for navigation. You might enjoy researching one or more of the following topics: star navigation, night sky, North Star, stars, or constellations. (Note that the book mentions Magat, the red star; the North Star; and a green star in the figure that \"\"we call the serpent\"\") What happens to the canoe that causes a great problem?Read aloud the following quote that describes how Karana feels and fill in the blanks: \"\"The thought of turning back after all this labor was more than I could bear. Even greater was the thought of the deserted island I would return to, of living there_____and _____.\"\" Think about how disappointed she must have felt when she decided to turn around and go back to the island, and think how tired she was when she reached the island. Which sea creatures appear and swim with her? She feels they are a good omen; \"\". . . now i felt that I had friends with me.\"\"What does Karana think \"\"took her back home\"\"? How does she feel when she is back on the island?Remember that when we use the words \"\"like\"\" or \"\"as\"\" to compare one thing to another, we call it a simile. What does Karana compare the \"\"dim line of the island\"\" to as she approaches it? She says the island looks like a ________.#145 Chapter 11How does Karana feel now that she is back on the island? What does she think about her new feeling?The figure of speech called a simile is used again in the fifth paragraph. Find the simile and read it aloud. Explain what elements make it a simile. Write two similes on your own about any topic, then read and discuss them.Fill in the blanks. Karana needs to begin to build. She cannot live without a _____ or a place to store her _____. List some of the things she must think about when deciding where to live.What must she do to be safe from the wild dogs? How did she decide where to build her home?Why does she not want to build near the destroyed village of Ghalas-at?What does she plan to build to help her be safe and keep the things she stored safe? What other animals on the island could be clever thieves?What is the last sentence in the chapter? ORDescribe the morning she decided to build a new home.#146 Chapter 12What does Karana decide to build first? Explain why.What material does she need to do this?Draw a picture or a diagram of the fence that she built. As she continues to build and add things inside the fence, add them to your picture. Include the hole in the fence that she uses to come and go.Using the legend of Karana's people, can you think of what we might call the place where Tumaiyowit went? Discuss this legend with your teacher.Karana begins to make plans to get rid of what?What does she use to make light in the house at night? Why does she need to kill a bull sea elephant?#147 Chapter 13 What weapon does Karana take with her to kill the sea elephant?Why does Karana want to kill the sea elephant? What part of the sea elephant does she need to make another type of weapon?Why does she need this weapon?According to the rules of her village, what were women not allowed to do? What did her father warn her would happen if a weapon were in the hands of a woman?What do you think of this rule? Why should such a rule exist?Because of what she has been told, she is not sure what will happen when she uses the weapon.Read the description of the sea elephants' battle. As you read this chapter, can you picture the battle scene and hear the sounds?Karana fell and hurt what part of her body? #148 Chapter 14We would say that Karana has an infection in her leg. How would a doctor treat this today? How was she treating it?After five days of being in the house, Karana needs to go to the spring for water. What danger awaits her in the bushes? Can you feel her fear?Where does she find safety? How long does she stay there?Why does she decide to make this another home?Why does she return to the beach? What does she find there?#149, Chapter 15 How does Karana think the leader of the wild dogs got on the island?Describe her first attempt to kill the wild dogs. What happened when she saw the leader of the wild dogs?Why does Karana go in search of the leader of the wild dogs? Why does Karana not kill the leader of the wild dogs when she finds him?Where does she take the leader of the wild dogs? Where does karana sleep at night while the wild dog is recovering?On the fourth day what happened? Why was she disappointed when she did not see the dog?Where was the dog?What has happened between Karana and the dog?Fill in the blanks. The wild dog has become her ____. She names the dog ____, which means ____.#150 Chapter 16 Karana is still watching for the ship to come for her. She also watches for the ship with the red sail. What are the differnces between the two ships and their purposes for coming to the island? Who would be on each one?Karana is making a plan in case the Aleuts return. Discuss the plan. Name anything that you think she has forgotten.Why does she need to rebuild the canoe?Do you have a pet? Do you talk to your pet? Can you imagine how much company Rontu is for Karana? \"\"Karana says, \"\"Idid not know how lonely I had been until I had Rontu to talk to.\"\"Why is Karana not worried about hiding the canoe in winter? She hides it in the spring and summer.Why would she need the canoe for escape?What is the \"\"great discovery\"\" that Karana has made?What will she store there?Are you continuing to add to your list of vocabulary words as you read? The reader continues to feel the change in Karana's attitude. Read aloud the last sentence in the chapter.What does Karana think is the best food in the seas? From Karana's description of the devilfish, what would you call it?Have you ever eaten it?#151 Chapter 17As the chapter begins, what does Karana hope to catch with the spear sheis making?How does Karana know that it is spring?Why does Rontu want to get out of the fence? If Rontu joins the wild dogs again, why does Karana say she could neverkill him?Karana hears a noise and follows it. This leads her to Rontu. When shesees Rontu, what is happening?Twice Karana could stop the fighting, but why doesnât she? Do you think she was using good judgment by not stopping the fighting?What is the outcome of the fighting? Read the last two paragraphs of thechapter aloud.#152 Chapter 19After reading the chapter, do you think the devilfish was tricky?Explain what the devilfish did that made you think that.Does Karana kill the devilfish? Does she eat it?What was on her arm that seemed like leeches? Does Karana continue to try and catch the devilfish?#153 Chapter 20 How does Karana keep the gulls away so they do not eat the abalonesshe is drying?What material does Karana want to use to make a skirt for herself? Picture the cave and the figures in it. Finding this cave might be comparedto finding a tomb in Egypt. What does she think the figures represent inthe cave?As she explores the cave, what has she forgotten that eventually causesher to be trapped in there?Does Karana ever plan to return to the cave? How would you feelabout spending a night trapped in the cave?Who has come on the ship? From which direction did the ship come?What color is the sail?Why is the ship here?Find a simile in the paragraph that begins: âWhen I had packedeverythingâ¦â⢠Who does Karana see on the shore cooking? Where does Karana go to hide? Explain what she does to her home before she leaves? Why?What do you think would happen if the people from the ship knew shewas on the island?#154 Chapter 21Who is Karana afraid will discover her? What is Karana making for herself?How much time is âanother moonâ? What is the girlâs name?What gift does Karana find in front of the cave? Discuss why Karana does not trust the girl. Can you imagine how she feels?When did she learn not to trust people?#155 Chapter 22 Why did Karana come out of the brush to talk to Tutok?How did the girls communicate in spite of their different languages? Do you speak another language? If you do, then you know different words withthe same meaning.What is the significance of Karana telling Tutok her secret name? What does this show about Karanaâs feelings toward Tutok?What does Karana make for Tutok? What time of year is it?One morning Karana waits for Tutok, but she does not come. Karana goesto watch the cove. What are the Aleuts doing?Why does Karana cook enough for Rontu and Tutok? What does this show about Karana and her feelings for Tutok?Read the last three paragraphs of this chapter aloud. Can you feel Karanaâsloneliness?#156 Chapters 23What injured animal does Karana find? Notice as you read how the otter begins to be like a pet to her. Whatdoes Karana name the otter?What does it mean?Find a sentence in this chapter that tells how Karana feels about the otter. Why does Karana not have enough smelts to burn for light?What does she make for herself to match the necklace that Tutok gaveher?To feel Karanaâs loneliness, read aloud the last paragraph of this chapter.#156 Chapter 24 Karanaâs birds lay eggs and hatch young. Also, she makes friends withother animals. Everything is going well. Explain the following quote: ââ¦the yard seemed a happy place. If only I had not remembered Tutok.âWhich animal was swimming in the kelp that Karana recognized? What has happened to Mon-a-nee?Why does Karana change Mon-a-neeâs name to Won-a-nee? What do the two names mean?Read aloud the last two paragraphs in the chapter. Discuss what Karanasays about killing animals. Think of other stories that you have read wherepeople and animals are friends. Do you have any animal friends?Explain the following quote: âWithout them (animals) the earth would bean unhappy place.â Imagine the earth without animals. Have your studentmake a list of all the changes that would take place on the earth if therewere no more animals. Then discuss the list.#157 Chapter 25 This chapter is about the passing of time. Have your student find somequotes that tell about how much time has passed and how Karana has kepttrack of time.Karana said she had counted all the moons. What does this mean? After counting the moons, how did she count the passage of time?How does Rontu let Karana know that he would like to be let out of the fenced yard?Rontu does not come home. Where does Karana find him? What does she do when she finds himWhat happens to Rontu? Have you ever had a pet die?If you have had this experience, then you know how Karana feels.#157 Chapter 26. Write two examples of personification of your own about any topic.Karana had seen a dog that looked like Rontu. What does she think of thisdog?What is her first plan to catch this wild dog? How does she finally capture the wild dog?What does she name the new dog? What does the name mean?She is happy except when she thinks of Tutok and Ulape. Why would thismake her unhappy?Have you ever had a friend move away?#158 Chapter 27 What would we call the wooden shields with slits Karana wore over hereyes?Why would Karana say that never in her life had the tide been so low?What is happening to the ocean water?Notice how the author describes the two tidal waves having a battle. Readaloud the paragraph which begins, âI stood facing the rock,â¦âWhat is the earth waiting for in the following quote: ââ¦the earth seemedto be holding its breath, as though it were waiting for something terribleto happenâ?Also notice the personification of the earth. The earth is personified as aperson who is breathing and could hold its breath. Find a personificationof the ocean in the paragraph that begins: âAt dusk I was comingâ¦â.What does Karana decide to build first? Explain why. What materials will she need to do this? Notice the words the author uses to describe the earthquake: ââ¦it wasa wave, a wave of earth.â Have you experienced a tidal wave or anearthquake?If you have, discuss or explain what it was like.Which figure of speech is used in the following quote: ââ¦the earth stillrose and fell like a great animal breathingâ?#158 Chapter 28What was Karana beginning to rebuild? Although Karana says she had happy times in her home, what does shewish for most?What kind of ship came to the island? Why does Karana think the man on the beach is calling for herAfter Karana gathers her things and gets to the beach, what has happenedto the man and the ship?Can you feel as she must have felt watching the ship sail away?Karana said, âI raised my hand and shouted. I shouted over and overâ¦I ran down the beach and waded into the water. ⦠Slowly it moved awayâ¦until itwas out of sight.â#159 Chapter 29 How much time has passed since the ship we read about in Chapter 28left without Karana?How often did she go to the headland andwatch for another ship?Notice the items that Karana is wearing or packing to take with her. Arethese her best possessions?What are your best possessions?If you had one box in which to pack your possessions and leave your home today, what would you take with you?What does she paint on her face? What does it mean?Based on the descriptions of the men who came to her home, who arethey?Since Karana was wearing her best clothes, why did the men make a new dress for her?Why didnât the ship that took her tribe from the island return for Karana?Where do the men take Karana? Read the last section of the book, the Authorâs Note, again.Remind your student that Karana lived alone on the island for 18 years from 1835 to 1853. Karana tells the reader that she is 12 years old.How old was Karana when she was rescued from the island?It is so sad that after all Karanaâs hard work and suffering she did notlive long after her rescue. History states that she contracted dysentery and diedafter she had been on the mainland for only seven weeks. But through her story we can learn the meaning of strength and independence.\" The Aleuts are a native tribe that lives on an island in the North.The Russians are these people thet live in North Russians that Karana's tribe feers most.", "Glossary Kalamata olives come from the town of the same name in Greece they are large, with a purple tinge and a fruity flavour and considered to be the best in the country. Olives can also be stuffed with flavourings such as nuts, lemon rind, capers, anchovies and peppers. As they're firmer and have a sharper taste, larger green olives, such as those from Apulia and Sicily in Italy, tend to be the candidates for stuffing." ]
[ 16.453125 ]
[ 2.693359375, -2.84375, 1.5390625, 1.5185546875, 2.4921875, -1.8115234375, 9.25, 1.67578125, 1.607421875, 0.390380859375, -1.6806640625, 0.60009765625, -1.4462890625, -0.329833984375, 8.6015625, 14.546875, 12.3125, 0.21826171875, 3.029296875, 1.46875, -3.126953125, 1.0927734375, 4.90234375, 1.0439453125, -3.263671875, -1.2734375, 8.640625, -1.9326171875, 1.13671875, 14.8828125 ]
sledgehammer wine price
[ "Sledgehammer 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Review The bottle is an unmistakable California Cab, dark and red in color with juicy berry notes, it falls short in flavor and mouth feel. Dare I say, it doesn’t taste big enough. The Sledgehammer Cabernet Sauvignon is still a fine bottle of wine, especially considering its price around $12." ]
[ "- While the item is not rare, Mike Wolfe of American Pickers notes it is desired by collectors for its ornate Red-Eye decal pattern. If the machine were in mint condition, it would be valued at nearly $1,000. The noticeable wear on the logo significantly reduces the price, explains appraiser Helaine Fendelman.", "- Smirnoff is a 40%. vodka from Russia. It is filtered with Charcoal. The vodka is produced by Diageo and imported by Diageo. The quality is considered to be ok. The average price is around $13.58 per 750mL. Rated 2 out of 5 based on 13 reviews.", "- Hennessy VSOP Privilege Cognac. Hennessy VSOP Privilege Cognac is a cognac that is at least 4 years old, aged in Limousin oak barrels. Hennessy VSOP (Very Superior Old Pine, the s can also be Special) price tag is at 38 or $ 45. Warning: Last items in stock! All prices excl. shipping costs. All prices excl. shipping costs.", "WINE TALK; No Breathing Required The difference between death and glory can be minutes. I recall a half bottle of Chateau Filhot 1911, at the Tour d'Argent in Paris. It was offered on the wine list for 100 francs or $20, hardly exorbitant for what was a 75-year-old Sauternes. The first glass was glorious.", "- 1 Breaking Into The Box – The Best Boxed Wines. 2 Bringing Your Own Wine (BYOW) to a Restaurant. 3 How to Buy and Drink Great Wine without Breaking the Bank! 4 The Best White and Rosé Wines Under $20. 5 Chateau Ste Michelle Riesling – Really Good Riesling. 6 Kirkland Signature Series Columbia Valley Red Wine – Something Special.", "- Alchemy of England glassware is elegant and dramatic, cast English Pewter sculpted goblets and wine glasses, some with Swarovski crystal adornments and a range of colored and clear glass bowls. $149.95", "- This bottle of Smirnoff Vanilla costs $16, making it a value bottle. Value bottles are generally made of lower quality ingredients and are best used for mixing. Being a budget bottle, this Smirnoff Vanilla has also scored poorly during spirits competitions.", "Beverage Behemoth: Costco Alvarez-Peters says domestic labels drive wine sales, representing 65 percent of Costco’s wine business. The store’s most popular price points fall between $8.99 and $15.99 for wine, though imports priced more than $12 a 750-ml. bottle are also increasing fast.", "- We have structured wine tastings in our upstairs mezzanine on most Wednesdays and Saturdays when we are not hosting a private event. Join us and you'll have the opportunity to discover some of our favorites. We usually taste 7 wines paired with some cheeses and cured meats. Cost is typically $20 per person.", "10 Best Budget Bourbons For only around $17, it is an amazing bourbon in its own right. McAffee’s Benchmark (Buffalo Trace Distillery; Lawrenceburg Ky., $15) Speaking of REALLY cheap bourbon, and to respect all ends of the dollar spectrum, you should know that Benchmark is surprisingly smooth, flavorful and well-balanced.", "- I tried the Kirkland Premium Vodka yesterday for the first time and thought it was awful. The Costco in my neighborhood sells two Kirkland Vodkas. One for $16.99 and one for $24.99.", "- wilton 90616 16 bash brass sledge hammer with 6 lb head 1 2 3 ebay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product s sale prices within the last 90 days ebay determines trending price through a machine learned model of the product s sale prices within the last 90 days", "DOWNLOADED FROM The Court finds that Mr. Ogbebor made the following representations at the June 7th. Meeting: 1) that the Allegras would be purchasing a membership interest in Kingdom at a cost of. $5,000 per share, 2) that Kingdom‘s license to do business as a title company was close to being.", "$195,000 Buys the World's Most Expensive Bottle of Wine DUBAI, UAE, October 10, 2013 --. Le Clos retails a limited edition Balthazar of Chateau Château margaux. 2009 exclusive wine Merchant Le clos unveiled today A (balthazar 12) l Of Chateau château margaux 2009 at the COST 195,000, usd 195000 making it'the world s most expensive bottle of red wine to ever. be retailed", "- 2,016 s r 392 S.f Covcrcd Vnranda, 392 .,f Coared BlaRakoy Ilistoric (- ingcrhbad lurd l 9.241 N oi fruntm rn Holm-lk ,S ured O s.ite dlckul I a Hl I uftr Vi-.n , available. nGTHI 27- NEw $1.32?.000., Joan Lowe Houyse-circa 1866 | #GTI1119- 5-450,0(l0.", "- I might have to check my local Costco. I was just at Costco in La Mesa, CA and they have the Heineken 5L Draught Keg for only $9.99!!!! That is a steal, I bought two and they're chillin' in my fridge right now!", "- Reviews, recommendations and information on all the best Malbec under $20 at Reverse Wine Snob! Plus a fascinating look into the history of this grape.", "The World's Most Expensive Wine Averages Over $15,000 Per Bottle Although experts expected Burgundy's most famous fine wine — the Romanee-Conti — to clock in as the world's priciest, that distinction goes to the relatively unknown 1985 Richebourg Grand Cru, French broadcaster France 24 reports. The Richebourg, created by visionary winemaker Henri Jayer, costs an average of just over $15,000 per bottle.", "- $400 1911 Lachner Piano from Heintzman - $400 (Ladner) Upright Lachner Piano from Heintzman & Co Toronto. Serial number 22507, manufactured between 1904 and 1911 Dark finish, ivory keys with some chips....1,200 Vintage Mahogany Upright Piano with Grant Sound: original soundboard - $1200 (downtown Montreal) Vintage (1920s) Mahogany Piano From Heintzman with original serial number and original sound board. Upright Piano with a grant piano sound. I had a...", "- Chevrolet Prices are subject to change without notice, please verify prices when placing an order. Flanges are flame cut from 5/16 steel. (3/8 thick flanges are available on special order for an additional $12.50 each flange or $25 per pair of flanges.) Flanges are prices EACH. If you don't see what you are looking for, contact us.", "- Consider ordering a simple cup of coffee as opposed to a big fancy Frappucino. In reviewing the Starbucks price list, a Vente cup of hot coffee is $1.75 while a Vente Caramel Frappucino is almost triple that price at $4.25. Also consider that If you drink coffee daily before going to work, you could save a substantial amount of money by brewing your coffee at home.", "Vodkaâs To Avoid: New Amsterdam Vodka & Smirnoff Whipped Cream Flavored Vodka The New Amsterdam Vodka for about $14 is just way below average, even for the low price. There are much better vodka’s in this price range such as Tangueray Sterling Vodka, 42 Below Vodka, Koenig Idaho Potato Vodka, Pinnacle Vodka, Rokk Vodka, and Svedka Vodka to name a few. New Amsterdam is harsh, flavorless and just plain bad.", "- Lidl are messing about with their once fine own brand Perlenbacher Lager-the bottles and cans now on sale are non Reinheitsgebot and brewed in France.However this XXL box of 8 bottles is the original German brewed Reinheitsgebot variety. Just bought 6 boxes.erlenbacher Premium Pils Lager - 4.9% - 8 X 500ml bottles - £5.99 (£1.50/L) - LIDL from 27th August. jimmybo2m, 2d agoFound 2 months, 2 days ago.", "- Trader Joe’s Grand Reserve Meritage | Trader Joe’s Wine. Recently I took a gamble on the Trader Joe’s Grand Reserve Spring Mountain Cabernet and was pretty surprised with the quality-price-ratio. At only $15, it easily drank like a wine costing twice as much if not more.", "Why is Amarone Wine So Gazzam Expensive? We get asked a lot about wines in the sub-$20 range and truthfully, we also drink wine regularly in that price range. However, there are a few times when you want a wine that is worth the money (say, $50-80 a bottle). Amarone is one of these wines.marone is worth the minimum $50-$60 bottle price. While some wine prices are artificially inflated, there’s a practical explanation as to why Amarone is one of Italy’s top red wines.", "- Hennessy prices differ a lot. Let's have a look at a selection of bottle prices (in order): The youngest Cognac VS can be purchased for € 25 ro € 30. Hennessy Pure White should be sold at a price of about € 30 to € 40, and a bottle of Hennessy Fine VSOP Champagne price is about € 50, XO Price of Hennessy is at € 150.", "- This rum is the top of the line and is a special blend of 7 of Angostura’s most rare and coveted rums. 4. Château D’quem 1811- $117,000. This bottle of white wine is the most famous of what is known as a ‘comet vintage,’ a year where a comet sighting precedes the harvest and great wine is a result… naturally.", "10 Best Whites Under $20 10 Best Whites Under $20. Here’s your shopping list for pours that deliver value and flavor. With warmer temperatures (finally) upon us, there’s no time like the present to pop open refreshing, dry white wines. Here are 10 recently rated bottlings from around the world that you can pack for your next picnic or pair with your farmers’ market haul. Avancia 2013 Cuveé De O Godello (Valdeorras); $18, 89 points.", "Review: Kirkland Signature Vodka (or, Is It Or Is It Not Grey Goose?) Impressive as the Kirkland vodka is, however, the best thing about it might be its price – assuming you already have the Costco membership, you can get a 1.75 L handle of it for $27, less than a single 750 mL fifth of Goose costs.", "Bad weather causes wholesale prices of lettuce and tomatoes to shoot up The largest supermarket chain in the area is still charging 99 cents for iceberg lettuce, and $1.89 per pound for stem tomatoes. However, local chains Heinen's and Acme Fresh Market, are charging $2.50 and $2.39 per head of lettuce, respectively, as of Monday.he more we sell, the more we lose.. The price is still relatively high, he says, since Dave's would normally sell a head of iceberg lettuce for around 89 cents. Salsman said Dave's is charging $2.49 per pound for large tomatoes, and not making money on those, either." ]
[ 16.375 ]
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how long does a child sit rear facing
[ "- In fact, the seat is even more protective in a crash when it is less reclined. Today, because of product improvements due to increased awareness of the benefits of facing rearward, many children are riding rear facing until age 2-3 or more." ]
[ "When should I switch from a rear-facing to forward-facing car seat? To protect your child, keep them rear-facing for as long as possible, at least until age 2. The old “1 year and 20lbs” milestone is no longer the recommended standard. Unfortunately, it takes time for state laws to catch up with best practice safety recommendations.", "Children There are different types of rear-facing car seats. Infant-only seats can only be used rear-facing. Convertible and 3-in-1 car seats typically have higher height and weight limits for the rear-facing position, allowing you to keep your child rear-facing for a longer period of time. Ages 1 to 3 years. Keep your child rear-facing in a convertible or 3-in-1 car seat as long as possible.", "When should I switch from a rear-facing to forward-facing car seat? Children in the second year of life are five times less likely to die or be seriously injured in a crash if they ride in a rear-facing car seat. Turning a child under age 2 to a forward-facing position can result in head, neck or spinal cord injuries in the event of a crash. Babies under age 2 simply aren’t yet strong enough to withstand strong crash forces without the extra protection that a rear-facing car seat provides.", "American Academy of Pediatrics now says child passengers should stay in rear-facing seats until age 2; many parents facing their children forward too soon The study found that 73 percent of parents switched their child from a rear-facing car seat to a forward-facing car seat before the age of two. Thirty percent of parents turned their child’s seat to face forward before their child reached one year of age.", "Using a child car seat or booster seat Height-based seats are known as ‘i-Size’ seats. They must be rear-facing until your child is over 15 months old. Your child can use a forward-facing child car seat when they’re over 15 months old. You must check the seat to make sure it’s suitable for the height of your child.", "when can i switch my baby from an infant seat to a new carseat? Most infant seats go up to around 20lbs or so. After that I would recommend getting a convertible car seat. Convertibles go both rear facing and forward facing so when the time comes to switch you won't have to buy a new seat. Its also law in most states that a baby remain rear facing until they are 1 year AND 20lbs and 30 inches. The AAP now recommends to keep them rear facing till they are 2 years.", "How Long to Keep Your Baby in a Rear-Facing Car Seat Choose the Right Direction: Rear- or Forward-Facing. 1 For the best protection, keep your baby in a rear-facing car seat for as long as possible – until at least 2 years old. You can find the exact height and weight limit of your car seat on the side or back label.", "- When children outgrow the rear-facing safety seat (minimum 2+ years), they should ride in a forward-facing safety seat as long as possible, up to the upper height or weight limit (40 – 80+ pounds) of the harnesses.", "When should I switch from a rear-facing to forward-facing car seat? Don’t rush! To protect your child, keep them rear-facing for as long as possible, at least until age 2. The old “1 year and 20lbs” milestone is no longer the recommended standard. Unfortunately, it takes time for state laws to catch up with best practice safety recommendations.", "How Long to Keep Your Baby in a Rear-Facing Car Seat Car seat safety advocates recommend that babies stay in a rear-facing car seat to the weight limit of the seat or at least until age 2. The American Academy of Pediatrics recently revised their car seat policy to recommend rear-facing to age 2, as well.ll children are safer if they remain in a rear-facing car seat beyond a year. Thanks to higher rear-facing weight limits on car seats, nearly all toddlers can remain rear-facing to age 2 and beyond.", "Rear Facing Car Seat Myths Busted She should easily make it another year comfortably rear facing in this seat. There are many other seats on the market she would easily fit rear facing in, many (including this one) which run well under $200. Even a child in the 90th percentile can easily rear face past two years old. Even tall kids can rear face past age two! This not-so-little is in the 80th percentile for height at 39″ and 3 years old, and carries the majority of her height in her torso – bad news for outgrowing a car seat.", "When Should Your Child Turn Forward-Facing? AGE 1 TO 3. Keep your child rear-facing as long as possible. It’s. the best way to keep him or her safe. Your child should remain in a rear-facing car seat until he or she. reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by your car seat’s. manufacturer.", "What is Michiganâs car seat law? 1 A child in a rear-facing car seat may only ride in the front seat if the airbag is turned off. 2 Children to be properly buckled in a car seat or booster seat until they are 8 years old or 4-feet-9-inches tall.", "- 1 An infant car seat can accommodate a rear-facing infant that weighs up to 22-35 pounds. 2 A car seat of this type can cost $60-$400. 3 The Evenflo Discovery 5 can be purchased for $60 while the Britax Chaperone will cost around $190.hile every car seat is different, it is suggested by CarSeat.org that children stay rear-facing until they are at least one year old or up to 35 pounds. Some newer car seat models even have the capabilities of keeping a child up to 45 pounds rear-facing.", "Traffic Safety - Related FAQs Answer: Michigan law requires children younger than age 4 to ride in a car seat in the rear seat if the vehicle has a rear seat. If all available rear seats are occupied by children under 4, then a child under 4 may ride in a car seat in the front seat. A child in a rear-facing car seat may only ride in the front seat if the air bag is turned off. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children younger than 13 should be restrained in the rear seat of a vehicle for optimal protection.", "When Should Your Child Turn Forward-Facing? STEP 2: 2 - 3 years. Your child should remain in a rear-facing car seat until he or she reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by your car seat's manufacturer. Once your child outgrows the rear-facing car seat, your child is ready to travel in a forward-facing car seat with a harness, usually around age 2.", "Does My Child Really Need to Ride Rear-Facing Until Age 2? A child’s head and neck structures aren’t fully developed until around the age of 2. When a child rides rear-facing in the car, their head and neck are better supported within the upper shell of the car seat and they are able to better sustain crash forces in a vehicle.", "California Law Children under 2 years of age shall ride in a rear-facing car seat unless the child weighs 40 or more pounds OR is 40 or more inches tall. The child shall be secured in a manner that complies with the height and weight limits specified by the manufacturer of the car seat.", "How Long to Keep Your Baby in a Rear-Facing Car Seat Car seat safety advocates recommend that babies stay in a rear-facing car seat to the weight limit of the seat or at least until age 2. The American Academy of Pediatrics recently revised their car seat policy to recommend rear-facing to age 2, as well. few car seats have rear-facing weight limits above 40 pounds! You should also check the manufacturer's rear-facing height limit to be sure baby is not too tall to safely stay rear-facing to the weight limit. My advice is to simply leave your baby rear-facing at this point.", "How Long to Keep Your Baby in a Rear-Facing Car Seat Turning baby's car seat around isn't a milestone to rush on. It's actually a step down in safety, so don't be in a hurry to make the big switch. You may have heard that babies can ride forward-facing at one year old or 20 pounds from many well-meaning sources. That's the old standard, though.", "How long to keep your child in a rear-facing car seat For safety's sake, it's best to keep your child rear-facing until he reaches the seat's maximum height and weight limits. Many parents used to turn the seat to face front as soon as their child celebrated his first birthday.", "AAP Car Seat Safety Guidelines: Rear-Facing Until Age 2 Although the new baseline is now age two, the AAP has advised parents since 2002 to keep kids rear-facing until they reach the height or weight limit of their car seat. “Parents are interested in milestones, and the minimum of one year and 20 lbs has been interpreted as gold standard instead of the minimum,” says Dr. Hoffman.", "How Long to Keep Your Baby in a Rear-Facing Car Seat My recommendation is to choose a car seat with a high rear-facing weight limit and tall shell, and then to use it rear-facing as long as possible. For many toddlers, that would keep them rear-facing beyond age two. My daughter was three before she reached the rear-facing weight limit on her car seat.", "When Is it Safe to Switch From Forward-Facing to a Booster Car Seat? Because right now, right this day, there are seats that can keep children rear-facing until then. Growth charts show that a 50th percentile girl will reach 50 lbs at age 7 and 44″ at 5 years, 5 months. A 50th percentile boy will reach 50 lbs and 44″ at exactly the same ages.", "Rear Facing Car Seat Myths Busted Myth #1: My child is too big! Even big kids can rear face past age two! The lovely young lady pictured here is 28 months and in the 90th percentile for both weight and height at 33 lbs and 37″ tall. She is happily rear facing in a Safety 1st Complete Air, which has a limit of 40 lbs or 40″.", "- Most babies outgrow the typical rear–facing–only seat. before they are one year old, but they are not ready for a forward–facing seat. New. convertible seats available today allow children to remain rear facing until they weigh. 30-45 pounds, depending on the model. Babies have heavy heads and fragile necks.", "When Should Your Child Turn Forward-Facing? A child can be either too heavy, too tall, or both–but all of this depends on the specifcations of the car seat. Each car seat has its own height and weight limits for rear-facing children. Most convertible seats allow children to sit rear-facing up to 35, 40 or 50 pounds.", "AAP Car Seat Safety Guidelines: Rear-Facing Until Age 2 Once your child exceeds the height and weight limit of his infant car seat, purchase a convertible car seat with a higher height or weight limit (most go to 35 pounds rear-facing) and continue to use it rear-facing until age two, or until your child hits the height or weight limit for rear-facing use.", "- Riding in a rear–facing safety seat also protects the child better in other types of crashes, particularly side impacts, which are extremely dangerous, if not quite so common. Children in Sweden ride rear facing until they are three to five years old, lowering traffic death and injury rates substantially.", "AAP Car Seat Safety Guidelines: Rear-Facing Until Age 2 Although the new baseline is now age 2, the AAP has advised parents since 2002 to keep kids rear-facing until they reach the height or weight limit of their car seat." ]
[ 13.9453125 ]
[ 14.1953125, 14.3671875, 13.125, 13.4609375, 13.765625, 11.578125, 14, 13.8515625, 14.078125, 13.5, 13.25, 13.8203125, 11.8671875, 11.6640625, 11.890625, 14.5390625, 13.78125, 13.34375, 13.3203125, 11.96875, 12.703125, 13.3671875, 12.765625, 12.6875, 13.0234375, 12.9609375, 13.2890625, 13.6484375, 14.109375, 13.15625 ]
how to treat your mellet finger
[ "- It is not common to treat a mallet finger surgically if bone fragments or fractures are not present. Surgical treatment of the damaged tendon usually requires a tendon graft — tendon tissue that is taken (harvested) from another part of your body — or even fusing the joint straight.he injury may rupture the tendon or pull the tendon away from the place where it attaches to the finger bone (distal phalanx). In some cases, a small piece of bone is pulled away along with the tendon. This is called an avulsion injury. (Top) A rupture of the extensor tendon." ]
[ "Foot Pain In-Depth Report Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-Treatment Overview. The goal of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is to allow you to return to your normal function and activities and to prevent nerve damage and loss of muscle strength in your fingers and hand. Treatment options include:1 Home treatment, such as changing or avoiding activities that may be causing symptoms and wearing a wrist splint. 2 Physical therapy. 3 Medicines, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. 4 Surgery.reatment options include: 1 Home treatment, such as changing or avoiding activities that may be causing symptoms and wearing a wrist splint. 2 Physical therapy. 3 Medicines, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. 4 Surgery.", "Symptoms Of A Jammed Finger: How To Treat It With Home Remedies? Home Remedies To Treat A Jammed Finger. It is possible to manage a jammed / injured finger at home, by following these home-care guidelines. Ice and elevation helps alleviate the pain and swelling significantly and also facilitate quick recovery.The following tips will help you manage a jammed finger well.ome Remedies To Treat A Jammed Finger. It is possible to manage a jammed / injured finger at home, by following these home-care guidelines. Ice and elevation helps alleviate the pain and swelling significantly and also facilitate quick recovery.", "Treatment Treating trigger finger. The treatment for trigger finger depends on the severity of your symptoms and how long you've had them. Sometimes, trigger finger gets better without treatment, so your GP may recommend avoiding activities that cause the pain to see if this helps relieve your symptoms.", "Mallet Finger Mallet Finger Self-Care at Home. If the finger is cut, clean the cut under running water for a few minutes. Then wrap the finger with clean gauze or a clean cloth. Apply a moderate amount of pressure to help stop any bleeding. Apply ice to the injured finger joint to reduce swelling and tenderness. Wrap ice in a towel.", "Overview and symptoms Ice. Very gently apply an ice pack or compress wrapped in a hand towel or cloth to the injured finger for 10-minute intervals with 20 minute breaks, several times daily. Never expose the skin directly to ice, or for longer than 10 to 15 minutes at a time, to avoid the risk of frostbite or further inflammation.", "Discussions By Condition: Finger conditions 5 Replies: 1 I have the exact same issue and have only had the splint on for 6 weeks. So I am guessing it is a result of lack of use. 2 About 3 months ago I suffered a mallet finger injury. Basically the tendon that runs along the top of my index finger on my right hand tore away from the bone where it attaches at the DIP joint (the little knuckle near the fingernail), breaking a piece of the bone off along with it.", "Discussions By Condition: Finger conditions Flag this Response. About 3 months ago I suffered a mallet finger injury. Basically the tendon that runs along the top of my index finger on my right hand tore away from the bone where it attaches at the DIP joint (the little knuckle near the fingernail), breaking a piece of the bone off along with it.", "- Mallet Finger (Definition) Mallet finger is caused by a tear of the extensor tendon at the joint closer to the fingertip. It happens most commonly from a trauma which causes sudden flexion of the joint. The patient will notice that a 'droop' is present with the fingertip and is unable to extend at the joint.", "- Avoid using the injured finger. Ice. Apply ice or a cold pack to your finger for 15-20 minutes, four times a day, for several days or until the pain and swelling goes away. Ice helps to reduce pain and swelling in the sprained finger. Wrap the ice or cold pack in a towel.", "- Mallet finger can be caused by a blunt force on the DIP. Patients who are diagnosed with mallet finger have an inability to extend their finger and experience pain and numbness. Depending on how severe the injury is, the patient can be prescribed medication in order to prevent infection.", "How do I Treat a Swollen Finger? You can also soak the finger or hand in a mixture of warm water and Epsom salts for approximately 20 to 30 minutes twice a day. If it does not improve, and is painful, warm, or tender to the touch, you should seek medical attention rule out infection, a break, or tendon damage.", "Medical Definition of Rectocele A rectocele should only be treated if it causes significant symptoms. The treatment may be medical or surgical. Medical options include a high fiber diet and ample fluids (to avoid constipation), stool softeners, and a pessary inserted into the vagina to support the pelvic organs. Surgery is meant to repair the rectocele.", "Swollen Fingers in the Morning Treatment of Swollen Fingers in the Morning. If the hands and fingers are swollen try the following techniques to help with the issue and provide immediate relief: Elevate hands above heart and hold their for several minutes to an hour; Use ice, as it helps decrease swelling; Get the muscles moving and blood flowing in the hands.", "Is it possible to heal trigger finger without surgery? Apply an ice cube to the skin, in a circular motion, directly over the bump/nodule on your palm for two minutes, three times a day. Wrap a napkin around the area of the ice cube you will be holding to keep it from slipping out of your hand. Avoid activities that cause your finger to trigger. This typically includes activities that require repetitive and or resistive gripping tasks. Also, avoid testing your finger to see if it triggers. Remember that every time you cause your finger to trigger you are increasing the destruction of the tendon.", "Hamstring injury 1 Rest – keep your leg as still as you possibly can and avoid physical activity. 2 Your GP may recommend using crutches in more severe cases. 3 Ice – apply cold packs (a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel will also work) to your hamstring for 15 to 20 minutes every two to three hours during the day.", "What Should I Do About My Mallet Finger ? It’s important to treat a mallet finger as soon as possible with a splint that holds your finger straight(full time) for 4 to 6 weeks to allow the tendon to heal.Your healthcare provider can help you confirm that splinting is the appropriate treatment.t’s important to treat a mallet finger as soon as possible with a splint that holds your finger straight(full time) for 4 to 6 weeks to allow the tendon to heal.", "- Conservative noninvasive treatments may include: 1 Rest. For at least three to four weeks, avoid activities that require repetitive gripping, repeated grasping or the prolonged use of vibrating hand-held machinery. 2 Ice or heat. Some people experience improvement by icing the palm several times a day. 3 A splint.", "Bucket Handle Meniscus Tears There are two options for how to manage the torn meniscus: 1 Partial Meniscectomy: This is a surgery performed to remove the damaged portion of meniscus. The torn meniscus is removed from the joint causing the remaining meniscus to be smaller than normal.", "Trigger Finger: A Complication of RA and Diabetes Initial conservative treatment of trigger finger involves resting the hand and taking a break from repetitive activities for 4-6 weeks, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain control, applying heat or ice to reduce swelling, wearing a splint and MCP joint immobilization, corticosteroid injection, and gently stretching the fingers to increase range of motion.", "Diagnosis Treat carpal tunnel syndrome as early as possible after symptoms start. Take more frequent breaks to rest your hands. Avoiding activities that worsen symptoms and applying cold packs to reduce swelling also may help. Other treatment options include wrist splinting, medications and surgery.", "- Pull on it until it slips loose. Envelop your finger from the ring up as tight as you can with clingy plastic food wrap. Grease up the ring with petroleum jelly, baby oil or lotion and your swollen finger below the clingy wrap. Wait a couple of minutes ,then pull the ring and the clingy wrap at the same time.", "Wrist Tendonitis The tendon sheath itself with probably be injured as the tendon swells, increasing the pain of the condition. When treating the wrist tendon(s), rest the area, apply cold compression for 10-20 minutes at a time for at least 3 times a day.Do this to the injured area for the first day to 3 days of inflammation.he tendon sheath itself with probably be injured as the tendon swells, increasing the pain of the condition. When treating the wrist tendon(s), rest the area, apply cold compression for 10-20 minutes at a time for at least 3 times a day.", "Treatment Corticosteroids are medicines that can be used to reduce swelling. In cases of trigger finger, liquid corticosteroids are injected into the tendon sheath (the membrane that the tendon slides through), at the base of the affected finger or thumb.", "Video: When Your Finger Swells Over Your Wedding Ring: What to Do Good luck that the swelling doesn’t get bad enough to cut off the circulation. I remember reading about a Marine who opted to have his injured finger cut off rather than cut off his wedding ring. If you don’t get the ring off, try this to reduce the swelling: 1 Use ice packs, five –10 minutes on, 10 minutes off.2 Keep the injured area at heart level or above. remember reading about a Marine who opted to have his injured finger cut off rather than cut off his wedding ring. If you don’t get the ring off, try this to reduce the swelling: 1 Use ice packs, five –10 minutes on, 10 minutes off.", "How do I Treat a Dislocated Finger? To prevent or reduce swelling in the finger, you should apply an ice pack to it and keep your hand elevated above heart level. Most importantly, you should be aware that a dislocated finger is a genuine injury that needs prompt medical attention.", "Bruised Finger Joint and How to Treat, Heal How to Treat a Bruised Finger. Now that we know what causes bruising of fingers and finger joints, here’s how to treat a bruised finger naturally and using other methods of treatment. The aim of treatment is to reduce the appearance of symptoms such as pain and swelling and restore movement to any injured joint.", "How to Treat Tennis Elbow Treating at Home. 1 1. Rest. Like all illnesses and injuries, the most important thing you can do for your body is to rest. 2 2. Apply ice or cold therapy. Wrap an ice pack in a thin towel and apply to the affected area for fifteen minutes three to four times a day. 3 3. Wear a brace.", "Does heat or ice help a migraine? Betel leaf helps but it is very strong. If it is acute pl search a painful point (with round tipped pen/jimmy) 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds. For forehead/eye pain the points are in front of nails on the finger tips or 3-7 mm below. It may disappear naturally too.", "- Elevate your hands and fingers. Swelling can be caused by poor circulation or blood that stagnates in your hands. Elevating your hands will help any accumulated blood flow back down to the body. Raise your swollen fingers above your heart for 30 minutes at least 3 or 4 times per day to treat severe edema.", "Treating Weak or Brittle Nails - Topic Overview Home treatment may help repair weak,brittle,or splitting nails: Wear disposable plastic gloves or rubber gloves with cotton liners to protect your hands from water or chemicals. Apply moisturizing lotion directly to your nail. Apply a moisturizer at bedtime and cover with a white cotton glove or sock." ]
[ 13.734375 ]
[ 8.671875, 10.5390625, 8.8046875, 15.0390625, 11.46875, 9.28125, 8.59375, 9.6640625, 11.6015625, 12.046875, 9.2109375, -0.27685546875, 6.640625, 9.3671875, 3.427734375, 16.109375, 11.828125, 1.5478515625, 9.9609375, 6.73828125, 6.359375, 5.421875, 8.8046875, 6.921875, 9.1953125, 8.4765625, 6.5625, 3.0625, 7.37109375, 3.1875 ]
what area is the shoulders known as
[ "shoulder Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. shoulder. the area around the glenohumeral joint, the large ball-and-socket joint where the humerus joins the scapula. The smooth, rounded head of the humerus rests against the socket in the scapula. The joint is covered by a tough, flexible protective capsule and is heavily reinforced by ligaments that stretch across the joint." ]
[ "Shoulder In Depth: Shoulder. The shoulder is a complex combination of bones and joints where many muscles act to provide the widest range of motion of any part of the body. Numerous muscles help stabilize the three joints of the shoulder while giving it motion. It connects with the collarbone at the front of the body. 2 Humerus: The largest bone of the arm, the humerus connects to the scapula and clavicle in the shoulder. 3 The head of the bone has a ball-like knob to create a ball-and-socket joint with the scapula.", "Bones & Joints of the Shoulder 1 The shoulder joint itself known as the Glenohumeral joint, (is a ball and socket articulation between the head of the humerus and the glenoid cavity of the scapula). 2 The acromioclavicular (AC) joint (where the clavicle meets the acromion of the scapula).", "- This refers to the vertebra that is more easily seen and/or felt at the bottom of the neck. Everyone has one vertebra that “sticks out” more than the others, which is completely normal.Bursitis in the shoulders and elbow are symptoms associated with a subluxation (spinal misalignment) in C7. A bursa is the cushion between muscles, tendons, and joints. Bursitis is swelling and irritation of a bursa.", "Pectoral Girdle Explained The scapula is an important bone, as it provides attachment to various muscles of the head, neck, and back regions. Clavicle: The clavicle, also known as the collarbone, is a small S-shaped bone, which makes up the shoulder girdle along with the scapula.", "Broken Shoulder (Fractured Humerus) A broken shoulder is most commonly a fractured humerus. A fracture is the medical term for a broken bone. The humerus is your upper arm bone between your shoulder and elbow. When your humerus is fractured near or at the ball of your shoulder joint, it is commonly known as a broken shoulder. Your humerus can be broken in many places and the fracture is normally described by its location eg a fractured neck of humerus.", "Scapula Scapula. The scapula is commonly referred to as the shoulder blade. It connects the humerus bone of the arm to the collarbone. There are only three muscles that are responsible for enabling the movement of the shoulder blade. The trapezius muscle implants into the collarbone. small tendon attaches the levator to the upper area of the shoulder blade. This muscle is responsible for pulling up the scapula, which allows for the shrugging movement of the shoulders.", "Bulging Disc & Back Pain: 7 Natural Treatments that Work The neck area of the spine is referred to as the cervical area. Cervical vertebrae (neck bones) are the top 7 bones in the spinal column. These top 7 bones form the top part of our backbone and they also serve to protect the spinal cord from injury.", "Humerus The humerus (/ˈhjuːmərəs/ , Plural: humeri) is a long bone in the arm or forelimb that runs from the shoulder to the elbow. It connects the scapula and the two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, and consists of three sections.The upper extremity consists of a rounded head, a narrow neck, and two short processes (tubercles, sometimes called tuberosities). Its body is cylindrical in its upper portion, and more prismatic below.he deltoid originates on the lateral third of the clavicle, acromion and the crest of the spine of the scapula. It is inserted on the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus and has several actions including abduction, extension, and circumduction of the shoulder.", "Unit X â The Neck and Shoulder Complex The scapula, or shoulder blade, is the flat triangular bone that lies on the upper portion of the back. It attaches to the ribs on its under surface and to the humerus laterally. It has several important landmarks because it is a very important muscle attachment area in the shoulder complex.", "Definitions &Translations The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle, the scapula, and the humerus as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons. The articulations between the bones of the shoulder make up the shoulder joints. The shoulder joint also known as the glenohumeral joint, is the major joint of the shoulder, but can more broadly include the acromioclavicular joint. In human anatomy, the shoulder joint comprises the part of the body where the humerus attaches to the scapula, the head sitti", "Biceps In human anatomy, the biceps brachii (/ˈbaɪsɛps ˈbraeki.ˈbræki/), aɪ commonly known as the, biceps is a-two headed muscle that lies on the upper arm between the shoulder and the. elbow", "Humerus The humerus (/ˈhjuːmərəs/, Plural: humeri) is a long bone in the arm or forelimb that runs from the shoulder to the elbow. It connects the scapula and the two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, and consists of three sections. The humeral upper extremity consists of a rounded head, a narrow neck, and two short processes (tubercles, sometimes called tuberosities).", "Medial border of scapula This section is about. Features on the scapula bone. The medial border (of the scapula) is a structural feature on the scapula bone (also known as the shoulder blade or shoulder bone). The medial border of the scapula is also known as the vertebral border of the scapula, the internal border of the scapula and sometimes as the base (of the scapula).", "Tendinous arch In anatomy, the scapula (plural scapulae or scapulas) or shoulder blade, is the bone that connects the humerus (upper arm bone) with the clavicle (collar bone).Like their connected bones the scapulae are paired, with the scapula on the left side of the body being roughly a mirror image of the right scapula.he intrinsic muscles of the scapula include the muscles of the rotator cuff-the subscapularis, teres minor, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus. These muscles attach to the surface of the scapula and are responsible for the internal and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint, along with humeral abduction.", "Tendinous arch In anatomy, the scapula (plural scapulae or scapulas; also known as shoulder blade or wing bone) is the bone that connects the humerus (upper arm bone) with the clavicle (collar bone). Like their connected bones the scapulae are paired, with the scapula on either side of the body being roughly a mirror image of the other.", "- Your shoulder area consists of many muscles involved in stabilizing the shoulder girdle. Muscle spasms in your shoulder area are painful and may refer pain to other parts of your body, such as your neck, arms, head and hands. The knotted muscles apply pressure to underlying nerves, causing the pain referral.", "The Shoulder: Anatomy and Normal Range of Motion Many muscles are responsible for movement in the shoulder, but the primary muscle groups are the rotator cuff, the deltoid and the trapezius. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and their tendons that attach our upper arm to our shoulder blade.The most important job of the rotator cuff muscles is to provide stability for the ball (the end of the upper arm bone) in the socket and specifically center the ball within the socket during functional movements.he shoulder is made up of three bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), the shoulder blade (scapula) and the collarbone (clavicle). These bones are joined together by muscles, ligaments and tendons that support and stabilize the shoulder, allowing the arm to function. The shoulder is composed of four joints:", "Shoulder Scapula: More commonly known as the shoulder blade, the scapula is a flat triangular bone located in the upper back. It connects with the collarbone at the front of the body. Humerus: The largest bone of the arm, the humerus connects to the scapula and clavicle in the shoulder.", "Muscles of the Shoulder It is a ball-and-socket joint and the most freely movable joint in the body.... Click to read more below. The muscles of the shoulder bridge the transitions from the torso into the head/neck area and into the upper extremities of the arms and hands.he shoulder (or humeroscapular) joint is formed by the articulation of the head of the humerus with the scapula.", "Shoulder The collection of muscles and tendons in the shoulder is known as the rotator cuff. It stabilizes the shoulder and holds the head of the humerus in the glenoid, a shallow cavity in the scapula. The muscles of the rotator cuff include the suprasinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis.", "Broken Shoulder (Fractured Humerus) A broken shoulder is most commonly a fractured humerus. A fracture is the medical term for a broken bone. The humerus is your upper arm bone between your shoulder and elbow. When your humerus is fractured near or at the ball of your shoulder joint, it is commonly known as a broken shoulder.Your humerus can be broken in many places and the fracture is normally described by its location eg a fractured neck of humerus. Please Note: fractured is the medical term for a broken bone.fter your broken shoulder has been diagnosed via an X-ray, your arm will most likely be supported at the wrist in a collar and cuff sling. This allows the weight of the arm to pull the humerus downwards. The downward pull helps the broken bones to heal in the correct position.", "- That process can radiate pain to other regions. There are a number of bursae that are susceptible to inflammation and bursitis. Locations include the shoulder, the lateral part of the hip, below the kneecap in front of the knee, deep in the buttock. Let’s look at bursitis in the shoulder.There is a bursa underneath the top of the shoulder blade where it extends over the shoulder joint. Inflammation in that bursa can be associated with spasm, pain, and tenderness of the muscles around the shoulder.hat process can radiate pain to other regions. There are a number of bursae that are susceptible to inflammation and bursitis. Locations include the shoulder, the lateral part of the hip, below the kneecap in front of the knee, deep in the buttock. Let’s look at bursitis in the shoulder.", "Broken Shoulder (Fractured Humerus) A broken shoulder is most commonly a fractured humerus. A fracture is the medical term for a broken bone. The humerus is your upper arm bone between your shoulder and elbow. When your humerus is fractured near or at the ball of your shoulder joint, it is commonly known as a broken shoulder.Your humerus can be broken in many places and the fracture is normally described by its location eg a fractured neck of humerus.Please Note: fractured is the medical term for a broken bone. fracture is the medical term for a broken bone. The humerus is your upper arm bone between your shoulder and elbow. When your humerus is fractured near or at the ball of your shoulder joint, it is commonly known as a broken shoulder.", "Shoulder The shoulder joint (also known as the glenohumeral joint) is the main joint of the shoulder. It is a ball and socket joint that allows the arm to rotate in a circular fashion or to hinge out and up away from the body.here are two kinds of cartilage in the joint. The first type is the white hyaline cartilage on the ends of the bones (called articular cartilage) which allows the bones to glide and move on each other. When this type of cartilage starts to wear out (a process called arthritis), the joint becomes painful and stiff.", "Shoulder Anatomy Bones Around the Shoulder. The three bones of the shoulder are the arm bone (humerus), shoulder blade (scapula), and collarbone (clavicle). The scapula has one part that forms a socket for the ball-and-socket shoulder joint; this is called the glenoid. The glenoid is covered with smooth cartilage.", "- View full size image. It’s been called the Devil's Triangle, Limbo of the Lost, Twilight Zone, and most famously the Bermuda Triangle. The semi-triangular area surrounded by Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Florida is known for its voracious appetite for planes and boats.The legend began at 2:10 p.m.Dec. 5, 1945, when, reportedly, experienced aviators lifted off on a routine training mission, in supposedly crystal clear weather.he region is vulnerable to unpredictable storms. And, according to the Navy, the Gulf Stream there is extremely swift and turbulent and can quickly erase any evidence of a disaster.. Finally, the sea in that area is up to 30,000 feet deep.", "- The shoulder blade (scapula) is a triangular-shaped bone that is protected by a complex system of surrounding muscles. Scapula fractures represent less than 1% of all broken bones and many of them can be treated without surgery.", "- The scapula is the large triangular-shaped bone at the back of your shoulder frequently known as the shoulder blade. Its only attachment to the rest of the skeleton is through the collarbone at the acromioclavicular joint. Therefore, the bone is primarily held in place by the attached and surrounding muscles.", "Deltoid The deltoid muscle is located on the outer aspect of the shoulder and is recognized by its triangular shape. The deltoid muscle was named after the Greek letter Delta due to the similar shape they both share. The deltoid muscle is constructed with three main sets of fibers: anterior, middle, and posterior.", "SLAP tears SLAP tears. The shoulder is a ball and socket joint made up of 3 bones: the humerus, which is the bone in your upper arm, the scapula, or shoulder blade, and clavicle, which is your collar bone. The head of the humerus at the top of the bone is the ball. It sits in a rounded socket in your scapula called the glenoid." ]
[ 11.6171875 ]
[ 9.3671875, 12.46875, 8.2734375, 10.40625, 10.7890625, 10.6640625, 8.6015625, 9.2109375, 10.8359375, 11.5546875, 9.671875, 9.9765625, 10.609375, 8.921875, 11.21875, 10.5, 9, 11.71875, 10.6875, 12.40625, 9.859375, 7.3046875, 10.8046875, 12.125, 10.28125, 6.57421875, 9.265625, 11.328125, 10.109375, 10.25 ]
electrocuted meaning
[ "fry 1 electrocute - kill by electrocution, as in the electric chair; The serial killer was electrocuted fry kill - cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank; The farmer killed a pig for the holidays" ]
[ "extricated Synonyms: extricate, disengage, disentangle, untangle These verbs mean to free from something that entangles: extricated herself from an embarrassing situation; disengaged his attention from the television; sought to disentangle fact from fiction in the account; lawyers tasked with untangling the corporation's financial dealings.", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: uncut (Adjective). not cut. uncut (Adjective). not cut or ground to the desired shape. uncut (Adjective). not having the page edges trimmed. uncut (Adjective). not edited or abridged by a censor. uncut (Adjective).ncut (adj). not cut; not separated or divided by cutting or otherwise; -- said especially of books, periodicals, and the like, when the leaves have not been separated by trimming in binding. Uncut (adj). not ground, or otherwise cut, into a certain shape; as, an uncut diamond.", "Definitions &Translations Ellipsis. Ellipsis is a series of dots that usually indicate an intentional omission of a word, sentence or whole section from the original text being quoted, and though necessary for syntactical construction, is not necessary for comprehension.", "- Learner's definition of CORRUGATED. : having a wavy surface — used to describe thin sheets of material (such as metal or cardboard) that have a surface in which there are many folds that look like a series of waves. Their house had a dirt floor and a corrugated metal roof.", "electrolysis Definition of electrolysis for English Language Learners. : 1 the process of removing unwanted hair by killing the hair root with an electric current. 2 chemistry : the process of separating a liquid into its different chemical parts by passing an electric current through it.", "Electric chair Execution by electrocution, performed using an electric chair, is a method of execution originating in the United States in which the condemned person is strapped to a specially built wooden chair and electrocuted through electrodes fastened on the head and leg.", "What is the difference between âexhaustedâ and âenervatedâ? up vote 2 down vote. The 'exhaust' meaning of the word enervate is a figurative sense that came in later. The original, now archaic/DSL meaning of enervation is to 'cut the nerve (of)', early 15C. The figurative sense is from the 1550s. enervate: (medicine) To partially or completely remove a nerve.", "- Now look at the beginning of the term. ELECTR is a word root, and it means. electricity. This medical term has two roots. The second root is CARDI, meaning heart. Whenever you see CARDI in other medical terms, you will know that it means heart. -LOGY, which means study of. Next, look at the beginning of the term.", "CRS Annotated Constitution 52 Many years later, a divided Court, assuming the applicability of the Eighth Amendment to the States, held that a second electrocution fol-lowing a mechanical failure at the first which injured but did not kill the condemned man did not violate the proscription.", "Dictionary Definition Uncut (magazine), a popular monthly publication based in London A non-circumcised penis, meaning that the foreskin is intact An illicit drug lacking any cutting agent; UNCUT, a gay pornographic magazine for admirers of uncircumcised men. Not to be confused with the music magazine of the same name Uncut (film), a docudrama about censorship Uncut (band), a Canadian rock band signed to Paper Bag Records; BET: Uncut, a show that aired on the BET network", "- 1 Some of the additions are invisible, such as the minilab in a former coat closet and the metal conduit tubing placed over electrical wires to meet code requirements. 2 Its telecommunications and electronics group produces electrical connectors, conduits, printed circuit boards, and undersea fiber-optic cable. A tube or trough for protecting electric wiring: the gas pipe should not be close to any electrical conduit [mass noun]: the cable must be protected by conduit. More example sentences. Synonyms. 1 Your cable should be protected in a conduit, a plastic tube for electrical wires, so you won't dig into it accidentally.", "ELECTRICITY • ELECTRICITY (noun) The noun ELECTRICITY has 3 senses: 1. a physical phenomenon associated with stationary or moving electrons and protons. 2. energy made available by the flow of electric charge through a conductor. 3. keen and shared excitement. Familiarity information: ELECTRICITY used as a noun is uncommon.", "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ A flow of electrons in an electrical conductor. The rate of movement of the electricity, measured in amperes. Curtailment. A temporary, mandatory power load reduction taken when there is a risk that the utility cannot meet its power requirements and retain a prudent reserve margin.", "eradicate e·rad·i·cat·ed, e·rad·i·cat·ing, e·rad·i·cates. 1 To tear up by the roots: “They loosened the soil and eradicated the weeds” ( James Macauley 2 ) To get rid of; eliminate: Their goal was to eradicate poverty. See Synonyms at eliminate.", "uncut uncut. 1 not cut. 2 not shortened or condensed; unabridged: an uncut version of the play. 3 in the original form; neither reduced in size nor given shape, as a diamond. 4 not diluted or mixed with other substances: uncut heroin. 5 Bookbinding. untrimmed (def 2). 6 Slang. not circumcised.", "Elect Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Elect. ELECT. e-lekt': That is, chosen, selected.. In the Old Testament the word represents derivatives of bachar, elegit; In the New Testament eklektos. It means properly an object or objects of selection. This primary meaning sometimes passes into that of eminent, valuable, choice; often thus as a fact, in places where the King James Version uses chosen (or elect) to translate the original (eg. Isaiah 42:1; 1 Peter 2:6).", "Definitions &Translations Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word electret. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: electret(Noun) a solid dielectric having a quasi-permanent charge; usually a metallized film; used in electroacoustic and electromechanical transducers and in air filters.", "- These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'electron.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.", "elute elute (third-person singular simple present elutes, present participle eluting, simple past and past participle eluted) (transitive) To separate one substance from another by means of a solvent; to wash; to cleanse. A mixture of isooctane and ethyl acetate can be used to elute triglycerides from a complex lipid solution.", "The Ministry of the Holy Spirit The word convict here (elegcw /elegxo) means to bring to light or expose error often with the idea of reproving or rebuking. It brings about knowledge of believing or doing something wrong, but it does not mean that the person will respond properly to that knowledge. Our usage of the English word, convict, is similar.", "- 2 A tube or trough for protecting electric wiring: the gas pipe should not be close to any electrical conduit [mass noun]: the cable must be protected by conduit. More example sentences. Synonyms. 1 Your cable should be protected in a conduit, a plastic tube for electrical wires, so you won't dig into it accidentally.2 Some of the additions are invisible, such as the minilab in a former coat closet and the metal conduit tubing placed over electrical wires to meet code requirements. A tube or trough for protecting electric wiring: the gas pipe should not be close to any electrical conduit [mass noun]: the cable must be protected by conduit. More example sentences. Synonyms. 1 Your cable should be protected in a conduit, a plastic tube for electrical wires, so you won't dig into it accidentally.", "RETICULE • RETICULE (noun). The noun RETICULE has 2 senses: 1. a woman's drawstring handbag; usually made of net or beading or brocade; used in 18th and 19th centuries. 2. a network of fine lines, dots, cross hairs, or wires in the focal plane of the eyepiece of an optical instrument. Familiarity information: RETICULE used as a noun is rare. Dictionary entry details. • RETICULE (noun).", "extractverb [ T] uk ​ /ɪkˈstrækt/ us ​ /ɪkˈstrækt/. B2 to remove or take out something: They used to extract iron ore from this site. The oil which is extracted from olives is used for cooking.", "eradicate e·rad·i·cate. tr.v. e·rad·i·cat·ed, e·rad·i·cat·ing, e·rad·i·cates. 1. To tear up by the roots: They loosened the soil and eradicated the weeds (James Macauley). 2. To get rid of; eliminate: Their goal was to eradicate poverty.See Synonyms at eliminate.radicate. verb wipe out, eliminate, remove, destroy, get rid of, abolish, erase, excise, extinguish, stamp out, obliterate, uproot, weed out, annihilate, put paid to, root out, efface, exterminate, expunge, extirpate, wipe from the face of the earth battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus. verb.", "ELECTRIC Dictionary entry overview: What does electric mean? • ELECTRIC (noun) The noun ELECTRIC has 1 sense: 1. a car that is powered by electricity Familiarity information: ELECTRIC used as a noun is very rare. • ELECTRIC (adjective) The adjective ELECTRIC has 3 senses: 1. using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity 2. (of a situation) exceptionally tense 3. affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling Familiarity information: ELECTRIC used as an adjective is uncommon.", "- elute (third-person singular simple present elutes, present participle eluting, simple past and past participle eluted) To separate one substance from another by means of a solvent; to wash; to cleanse. A mixture of isooctane and ethyl acetate can be used to elute triglycerides from a complex lipid solution. Related terms . eluent; elution", "emasculate emasculate definition: Emasculate is defined as to deprive someone or something of its power and vigor, or to make a man unable to reproduce or to make a male feel like less of a man. (verb) When the court rules that a penalty portion of a given law is ...", "- The verb EVAPORATE has 3 senses: 1. lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue. 2. cause to change into a vapor. 3. change into a vapor. Familiarity information: EVAPORATE used as a verb is uncommon.", "- Stronger current passing through the body may make it impossible for a shock victim to let go of an energized object. Still larger currents can cause fibrillation of the heart and damage to tissues. Death caused by an electric shock is called electrocution.", "Electrologist Meaning Video shows what electrologist means. A person who uses electrolysis to remove body hair. Electrologist Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionar..." ]
[ 14.328125 ]
[ -1.0009765625, 1.4384765625, 1.625, -0.65380859375, 6.0078125, 10.5, -0.1041259765625, 7.45703125, 5.08203125, 1.517578125, 2.0625, 7.01953125, 7.75, 0.196533203125, 1.41015625, 3.705078125, 3.4921875, 3.5625, 0.74609375, -0.374755859375, 3.212890625, -1.44921875, 2.28125, 0.2393798828125, 6.7578125, 0.4033203125, 0.68310546875, 1.111328125, 10.765625, 3.71484375 ]
what causes animosity
[ "- Best Answer: According to some definitions, animosity is caused by syphilitic alteration of the mind, which in turns causes dementia and paralysis known as general paralysis of the insane. The term general paresis defines animosity." ]
[ "- Overly or unjustifiably offended or resentful: they’re all butthurt that she released the album online first that fight the other night was started by a butthurt player from the losing team. More example sentences.1 The issues that arose here are many, but they can be broken down into two major categories: actual, legal issues and butthurt.verly or unjustifiably offended or resentful: they’re all butthurt that she released the album online first that fight the other night was started by a butthurt player from the losing team. More example sentences.", "The Federalist Papers Ambition, avarice, personal animosity, party opposition, and many other motives not more laudable than these, are apt to operate as well upon those who support as those who oppose the right side of a question.", "Embarrassment Embarrassment can be personal, caused by unwanted attention to private matters or personal flaws or mishaps.Some causes of embarrassment stem from personal actions, such as being caught in a lie or in making a mistake, losing badly in a competition, or being caught performing bodily functions such as flatulence.emin & Manstead (1982) demonstrated social functions of embarrassment whereby the perpetrator of knocking over a sales display (the ‘bad act’) was deemed more likable by others if he/she appeared embarrassed than if he/she appeared unconcerned – regardless of restitution behaviour (rebuilding the display).", "- Comm. 91.The term is also used, in the law of landlord and tenant, to signify the neglect ofnecessary repairs to a building, or suffering it to fall into a state of decay, or the pullingdown of the building or any part of it. Dilationes in lege snnt odiosae.Delays in law are odious.omm. 91.The term is also used, in the law of landlord and tenant, to signify the neglect ofnecessary repairs to a building, or suffering it to fall into a state of decay, or the pullingdown of the building or any part of it. Dilationes in lege snnt odiosae. Delays in law are odious.", "- SUCCESSIVE Congresses having greatly impoverished the People, they were discouraged and wept copiously. Fantastic-Fables by Bierce, Ambrose View in context. Above the door was a ventilator, through which volumes of fresh air renewed the impoverished atmosphere of the cell.or myself, I confess that I can pity only Miss Mainwaring; who, coming to town, and putting herself to an expense in clothes which impoverished her for two years, on purpose to secure him, was defrauded of her due by a woman ten years older than herself. Lady Susan by Austen, Jane View in context.", "100 Bible Verses about Strife Proverbs 16:28 ESV / 217 helpful votes. A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends. James 3:14-16 ESV / 191 helpful votes. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.", "- Cyanosis is a physical sign causing bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. Cyanosis is caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood. Cyanosis is associated with cold temperatures, heart failure, lung diseases, and smothering.yanosis. [sī′ənō′sis]. Etymology: Gk, kyanos, blue, osis, condition. bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes caused by an excess of deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood or a structural defect in the hemoglobin molecule, such as in methemoglobin.", "V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary Definition: a feeling of hostility, resentment, and ill will. Synonyms: antagonism, antipathy, hostility, enmity, dislike. Antonyms: friendliness. Tips: Animosity is derived from the Latin animus, mind or spirit.. Think of your mind and spirit being consumed with negative feelings toward someone or something. Animosity sounds similar to enmity, which is a synonym. You would have animosity for your enemies.", "acrimony Examples of acrimony in a Sentence. 1 The dispute began again with increased acrimony. 2 she responded with such acrimony that he never brought the subject up again.", "- While there is no known single cause for misophonia, some theories in that regard include specific problems with the way the central nervous system works or developing an emotional association between a normal, potentially irritating noise to an aversive physical reaction (conditioned response).", "- Cyanosis is a bluish color in the skin, lips and nail beds caused by a shortage of oxygen in the blood. Cyanosis occurs because blood with decreased oxygen turns blue or purple. This low-oxygen blood causes a blue-purple tint to the skin. What conditions cause cyanosis? Cyanosis is usually caused by problems of the heart, lungs or blood. Some of the defects or diseases that can cause a child to have cyanosis are: truncus arteriosus. total anomalous pulmonary venous return. transposition of the great arteries. tricuspid atresia. pulmonary atresia. atrioventricular canal defect. pulmonary hypertension.", "Assonance Examples Assonance is the figurative term used to refer to the repetition of a vowel sound in a line of text or poetry. The words have to be close enough together for the repetition to be noticeable. Tongue twisters often use a combination of alliteration (repetition of same beginning consonant sound) and two different forms of assonance-or the repetition of two different vowel sounds. This is what makes them so difficult to say. Assonance is used for some of the same reasons as alliteration. It can affect the rhythm, tone, and mood of a text. The repetition of certain vowel sounds-think short vowels sounds from the letters u or o-can create a melancholy mood.", "List of proverbial phrases Phrases begin in the article A should be sought under the first letter of the second word. 1 Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 2 Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 3 Accidents will happen (in the best-regulated families). 4 Actions speak louder than words. Adversity makes strange 1 bedfellows. All good things come to he who waits.", "- Internal friction within in the blood (viscosity) is caused by the percentage of these cells i … n the blood. A higher percentage of cells in the blood means the viscosity is higher. Red blood cells are the hematocrit. When the hematocrit is decreased such as occurs with anemia, the viscosity of the blood is decreased.", "- THe inciting incident in The Scarlet Letter runs from when Hester sees Roger from the scaffold and their subsequent meeting in the jail. Hester acquiesing to Chillingworth … 's admonition to keep their relationship secret is the proximate cause of most of the conflict in the story.", "What Is Anosmia? Without the sense of smell, our taste buds can only detect a few flavors, and this can affect your quality of life. Anosmia Causes Nasal congestion from a cold, allergy, sinus infection, or poor air quality is the most common cause of anosmia. Other anosmia causes include: Nasal polyps-- small noncancerous growths in the nose and sinuses that block the nasal passage. Injury to the nose and smell nerves from surgery or head trauma. Exposure to toxic chemicals, such as pesticides or solvents.", "What causes homosexuality? Best Answer: There are a lot of things that cause homosexuality. And there is truth in all the ones you mentioned. I do not believe that homosexuality is innate or hereditary. Sometimes, there are studies that say homosexuality may be genetic and innate, but after cafeful studying, these claims are usually discounted.sking what causes homosexuality is the same as asking what causes heterosexuality. Both are part of nature. As for the biblical aspects, most of the verses used to condemn homosexuality are mistranslated. Romans chapter 1, on the other hand, is translated correctly, but most Christians ignore the original context.", "What causes humidity? Best Answer: The air's ability to absorb moisture. Gases have the ability to absorb vapor--in your case you are interested in humidity (humidity is the degree of wetness usually of the atmosphere.) Air at a specific temperature can hold a prescribed amount of moisture--the warmer the air the more moisture it can hold. The dew point is used to determine the relative humidity.", "- There was such anguish in the gush of grief that accompanied this raving, that my compassion made me overlook its folly, and I drew off, half angry to have listened at all, and vexed at having related my ridiculous nightmare, since it produced that agony; though WHY was beyond my comprehension.", "Anosmia Anosmia may be temporary, but traumatic anosmia can be permanent. Anosmia is due to an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, blockage of nasal passages or a destruction of one temporal lobe.Inflammation is due to chronic mucosa changes in the paranasal sinus lining and the middle and superior turbinates.nosmia can also be caused by nasal polyps. These polyps are found in people with allergies, histories of sinusitis & family history. Individuals with cystic fibrosis often develop nasal polyps. Amiodarone is a drug used in the treatment of arrhythmias of the heart.", "What is the difference between secondary psychopathy (sociopathy), primary psychopathy, and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)? Grandiosity: Feelings of entitlement, either overt or covert; self-centeredness; firmly holding to the belief that one is better than others; condescending toward others. b. Attention seeking: Excessive attempts to attract and be the focus of the attention of others; admiration seeking.", "- Historical Examples. 1 I did think you would have helped me, Bunny, Delushy cried, with aggrievement. 2 There was a tone of injury and aggrievement in his talk of the bear's ingratitude. 3 There is no expression of aggrievement, either slight or acute, at the precious metals leaving her.", "Agonistic behaviour Agonistic behaviour is any social behaviour related to fighting. The term has broader meaning than aggressive behaviour because it includes threats, displays, retreats, placation, and conciliation. The term was coined by Scott and Fredericson in 1951. Agonistic behaviour is seen in many animal species because resources including food, shelter, and mates are often limited. Some forms of agonistic behaviour are between contestants who are competing for access to the same resources, such as food or mates.", "- Example Sentences for endless. This made him a nuisance, and a source of endless trouble in the family. A man of endless craving, who never tires of teaching, I might be called, but that is all. Late at night I would hear from afar their stumbling footsteps and their voices raised in endless argument. These ordinances were the subject of endless and angry discussion.", "- Examples of acrimonious in a Sentence. 1 Each man came out of their acrimonious 200-meter showdown on July 23 with an injured hamstring and a decidedly negative vibe. 2 My May 19, 1967, memorandum to the president unleashed a storm of controversy.", "Pestilence Here the pestilence is called noisome, a shortened form of annoysome, used in the sense of hateful or that which causes trouble or distress. In modern English it has acquired the sense of loathsome.ere the pestilence is called noisome, a shortened form of annoysome, used in the sense of hateful or that which causes trouble or distress. In modern English it has acquired the sense of loathsome.", "What does acrimonious mean? How is it used in a sentence? Acrimonious means Aggressive or Bitter Feeling. It is an Adjective of Acrimony and generally has been referred to in a Speech or a Debate such as An Acrimonious Conflict over the Pricing of a Commodity or They were Acrimonious over Disclosing the Sources of Black Money. There are many ways of Coining a Sentence and the Noun Form (Acrimony) is often used in a Routine.", "Actual and Proximate Cause When a person is injured due to another person’s or entity’s negligence, he or she can recover economic and noneconomic damages that flow from the negligence. Among the elements that the plaintiff suing for negligence will have to prove is that the defendant’s violation of a duty was the actual and proximate cause of his or her injuries. He or she will also have to prove duty, breach of duty, and damages. Actual cause, also known as “cause in fact,” is straightforward.", "- a cause of animosity between people. Discussion in 'English Only' started by Pidginboy, Oct 7, 2010.", "What Is Dissonance in Marketing? Dissonance in marketing causes a conflict or tension within a consumer considering a product purchase. This is usually an uncomfortable feeling for the consumer and usually leads to the buyer taking her money elsewhere or experiencing remorse over the purchase." ]
[ 16.328125 ]
[ 1.4599609375, 8.5234375, 1.11328125, 1.2412109375, -0.6640625, 4.23046875, 3.283203125, 9.4921875, 3.97265625, 3.91796875, 4.19921875, -2.037109375, 0.79931640625, 3.95703125, 2.859375, 4.69140625, 3.12109375, 1.9951171875, 1.42578125, 2.51953125, 5.14453125, -0.48974609375, 4.8515625, -2.685546875, 1.376953125, 2.33984375, 1.8916015625, 2.373046875, 12.125, 2.57421875 ]
how did sandy denny die
[ "- Sandy Denny died of a cerebral haemorrhage on 21 April 1978 at the Atkinson Morley Hospital, after falling down a flight of stairs." ]
[ "- Walt Disney's Death. In 1966, Walt was supposed to have neck surgery. This neck surgery was going to fix an old polo injury that he had developed. During the pre-surgery X-rays, it was discovered that Disney had a huge tumor on his lung. He died on December 15, 1966.", "Sen. Sally Fox, advocate for the poor, dies VTDigger photo. Sen. Sally Fox, D-Chittenden, died in the early morning hours Friday surrounded by her family. She had struggled with lung cancer for two years. An audible gasp went up from lawmakers when House Speaker Shap Smith made the announcement in the House Chamber on Friday morning.", "Derrick Todd Lee Visit the Victims of Derrick Todd Lee page for more information about how the victims lived and how they died. August 23 1992 - Connie Warner of Zachary, LA. was bludgeoned to death with a hammer. Her body was found on Sept. 2, near the Capital Lakes in Baton Rouge, La. So far no evidence has linked Lee to her murder.", "- He is said to have been killed by the wind of a cannon ball as it ricocheted along the ground. He reminded one much of a billiard ball in the way he bounced, collided and ricocheted amongst taller men. The shot struck a rock not far in front, and of the whole charge some ten pellets had ricocheted back and hit Evelyn in the face.", "- Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay may also bear importantly on Dickens's personal life. The plot hinges on the near-perfect resemblance between Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay; the two look so alike that Carton twice saves Darnay through the inability of others to tell them apart. Carton is Darnay made bad.", "Sammy Davis Jr. dies at 64 of throat cancer in 1990 (Originally published by the Daily News on May 17, 1990. This story was written by Hank Gallo.) A unique piece of American history slipped away early yesterday morning when 64-year-old Sammy Davis Jr. finally succumbed to throat cancer in his Beverly Hills home. The song-and-dance legend, who began his battle with cancer last September, died in his sleep at 5:59 a.m.", "Toxicology report indicates injuries killed Kaelynn Fay After that, Fay apparently tried to remove the barrel and was struck and killed by a third car while standing near the shoulder of the road. The crash has been under reconstruction by police. The status of the investigation was unclear as of this morning.", "Danny Danny was believed to have died in a car accident in August 2007. However, this rumor was proved false as he was imprisoned that same year. Beliefs of his death have also been disproved with the release of The Return of the Tourettes Guy Part One on Christmas Day 2009.", "Biography Harry Carey Jr.'s wife posted the circumstances of Harry Sr.'s demise on the Internet: Though reported as such in books, Harry Sr. was never bitten by a black widow spider. He died from a combination of lung cancer and long ongoing emphysema from cigarettes, and pneumonia as a young man.", "Linh Peony Cinder brought the antidote to Peony, trying to encourage her by telling her Cinder had even secured a promise from the prince himself, that he would dance with Peony when she got better and attended the ball she was so looking forward to, but Peony was too weak to drink it, and she died of the plague in Cinder's arms.", "- Kenny waters died on Sep 6, 2001. He died of a freak fall, he was climbing over a 15-foot wall after having dinner in his brothers house, withSuch a shame he spent 18 years of… his life in prison and he dies 6months after he was released in March 2001. Making the world better, one answer at a time.", "Sydney siege inquest: Tori Johnson was forced to kneel before being shot in the head and Katrina Dawson was tragically killed by police bullets - while Man Monis was trying to reload when officers shot him dead Barrister Katrina Dawson was killed when she was struck by six fragments of police bullets. Gruesome details were revealed at Sydney inquest into their deaths. Monis died instantly after at least two police bullets or bullet fragments hit him in the head and 11 others hit his body when the cafe was stormed.", "'Bones' Season 10 Episode 2 Spoilers: Why Sweets Was Killed Off the Show [Video] According to E!, John Francis Daley's character was killed off the show because the actor has taken on a directing gig for the upcoming remake of National Lampoons' Vacation.. We can only deal with the events that confront us and that's what we had to do in this circumstance.", "- Delaney's Obituary. BRAMLETT, Delaney Passed away on December 27, 2008 after a prolonged illness. Delaney is survived by his wife Susan Lanier-Bramlett, his three daughters, Bekka, Suzanne, Michelle and son Dylan. Funeral services will be held at Forest Lawn Memorial Park - Hollywood Hills, Friday, January 2, 2009... Read More.", "Exit Laughing That reaction is testament to Candy’s aura of boyish innocence. Before he died, he looked cherubic, rosy-cheeked, hardly a day older than he did in 1984’s Splash—but he did not look healthy. Carrying some 330 lbs. on his 6’3″ frame—and often smoking a pack of cigarettes a day—Candy was tempting fate. His father, Sidney, a Toronto car salesman, had died of heart disease at the age of 35, leaving his wife, Evangeline, to raise 4-year-old John and his older brother, Jim, on her own.", "- Johnny's death was so difficult for Dally to handle because Johnny is Dally's pet. He is one of the only people that Dally cared for and now, Johnny is dead. Johnny's death …was like losing a family member to every Greaser but to Dally, it was similar to losing his life.", "- The posting was signed by his family. Within an hour, it had been shared more than 32,000 times. Dyer died Saturday night in Maui, Hawaii, Reid Tracy, chief executive of Dyer's publisher, Hay House, told NBC News. On Tuesday, a statement on Dyer's Facebook page said the cause of his death was a heart attack.", "How Did Andre The Giant Die ? Andre died in his sleep due to heart failure. It was concluded as a congestive heart failure by the doctors in Paris. Congestive heart failure is caused as a result of a pituitary tumor secreting excessive hormones. Also, André chose not to be treated his entire life. He was 46 years old when he died.", "Annie Hawkins Annie is investigating a series of disappearances of teenagers, that center around the Van Ness House in Bodega Bay, California. While investigating the house, a ghost called Victoria, leaves a message via EVP on her phone. Later Annie calls Sam and Dean suggesting they meet so she can give them Bobby 's books. She returns to the house, and is killed by Whitman Van Ness, although Dexter O'Connell tries to warn her off. Sam and Dean travel to the house in search of her, and Bobby, who is also a ghost, informs Annie that she is dead.", "Reginald Denny (actor) Reginald Denny died on 16 June 1967, aged 75, after suffering a stroke, while visiting his native England. He is buried at Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills Cemetery, Los Angeles, California. He was survived by his widow, Betsy and their three children.", "- Freddie Gray died at 25, one week after being arrested by Baltimore police and suffering a severe spinal injury.", "How did Rodney Dangerfield die? How did Rodney Dangerfield die? The late Rodney Dangerfield , November 22, 1921 -- October 5, 2004 , passed away from complications from a brain surgery that was to help the flow of blood while undergoing a …heart valve replacement . [His headstone reads, Rodney Dangerfield... There goes the neighborhood .] ~ Look to the related link below .", "- Sammy Davis’ lifelong habit of inhaling enormous volumes of cigarette smoke resulted first in cancer of the throat. After many unsuccessful treatments, it spread to the rest of his body. On May 16, 1990, Sammy Davis Jr. died in Beverly Hills. When Sammy Died , the lights on the Vegas strip went dark for an unheard of ten minutes in tribute to their beloved “Mr. According to his daughter Tracey Davis, the first hours after Sammy’s death went badly.", "- Seychelles Sisters Died of Water in the Lungs. Annie Korkki, 37, and her sister, Robin Korkki, 42, were nearing the end of their weeks-long vacation to Africa, staying in the $1,700 a night Maia Luxury Resort & Spa in tropical island chain the Seychelles, when they were found dead on September 22.", "Branch Davidians 76 Branch Davidians died on April 19 (with only nine surviving), killed by rubble, suffocating effects of the fire, or by gunshot wound from fellow Branch Davidians. The siege lasted 51 days. Aftermath", "Sen. Sally Fox, advocate for the poor, dies Sen. Sally Fox, advocate for the poor, dies. Sens. Dick McCormack and Sally Fox share a laugh. Sen. Sally Fox, D-Chittenden, died in the early morning hours Friday surrounded by her family. She had struggled with lung cancer for two years. An audible gasp went up from lawmakers when House Speaker Shap Smith made the announcement in the House Chamber on Friday morning.", "- Catherine (Kitty) Hershey died on March 25th, 1915 at the Bellvue-Stratford Hotel. She die of Pneumonia which was a complication of her case of syphilis. Syphilis, often refer … red to as locomotor ataxia, is an STD (sexually transmitted disorder) that slowly weakens your muscles to the point where you do not have the ability to move at all.", "- CTRL-C or CMD-C, then press Enter. Click/tap elsewhere to exit, or press ESC. Troy Donahue, the all-American teen pinup of the 1950s and '60s who shot to stardom opposite Sandra Dee in A Summer Place, died Sunday of complications from a heart attack. He was 65. He suffered the heart attack on Thursday and was taken to a Santa Monica hospital, but he never recovered.", "Biography Harry Carey died on September 21, 1947, the causes of his death given as emphysema, lung cancer and coronary thrombosis. When he was interred in the Carey family mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx, New York, clad in a cowboy outfit, over 1,000 admirers turned out for the funeral.", "- On December 23, 1931, Bentley died at the family farmhouse in Jericho. Because of his wonderful work with snow crystals, he became affectionately known as Snowflake Bentley. Wilson Bentley, the Snowflake Man by Blanchard, Duncan C. (1970)." ]
[ 18.1875 ]
[ 1.56640625, -0.470458984375, -1.087890625, -0.09417724609375, -4.41796875, 1.845703125, 0.88916015625, 5.3515625, 0.5048828125, -3.484375, 4.828125, 1.28515625, 0.47216796875, 1.7470703125, 1.6953125, 1.04296875, 2.849609375, 3.408203125, -0.83642578125, 8.9375, 3.126953125, 2.1953125, 1.4404296875, 1.4658203125, -0.08648681640625, -0.75390625, 2.888671875, 5.22265625, 1.73046875, -0.261962890625 ]
how to treat high sodium levels
[ "What Are the Treatments for High Sodium Levels? Too little water may lead to high sodium levels in the blood. The Merck Manual characterizes a high sodium level, or hypernatremia, as too much sodium in the body in relation to the amount of water.Sodium is found in the blood and the fluid around the cells and is regulated by the kidneys. Sodium may increase to a high level when the amount of water excreted is excessive.ruit juices are a good source of fluids. Appropriate amounts of water, juices and other fluids consumed during the course of a day may help to prevent high sodium levels. Offering fluids frequently to the elderly may help protect this particularly vulnerable group from the harm of hypernatremia." ]
[ "- How is an elevated blood lead level in an adult treated? For adults with very high levels of lead in the blood, lead may be removed by a treatment called chelation. Chelation therapy can have adverse effects, and clinicians should not begin treatment for lead toxicity without consulting a medical toxicologist.", "Hyponatremia Treatment & Management For serious symptomatic hyponatremia, the first line of treatment is prompt intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline, with a target increase of 6 mmol/L over 24 hours (not exceeding 12 mmol/L) and an additional 8 mmol/L during every 24 hours thereafter until the patient’s serum sodium concentration reaches 130 mmol/L.", "High Potassium The typical goal of treatment for high potassium levels is to help your body get rid of the excess potassium quickly and to stabilize your heart. Hemodialysis. If you have high potassium due to kidney failure, hemodialysis is your best treatment option.", "How to Lower Sodium Levels in the Blood Naturally Exercise daily to reduce sodium levels in the blood. When you exercise, your body gets rid of sodium through perspiration. Water dilutes sodium levels and replaces lost water from perspiration. Bill Gottlieb, author of Alternative Cures, recommends a five-minute walk each day if you already have high blood pressure.", "Treatment of Edema A systematic approach is warranted to determine the underlying diagnosis. Treatment includes sodium restriction, diuretic use, and appropriate management of the underlying disorder. Leg elevation may be helpful in some patients. Loop diuretics often are used alone or in combination.", "Findings 1 When sodium intake rises in susceptible individuals, blood pressure tends to increase. Hypertension is usually diagnosed sometime after age 31; in the 2004. — Nutrition, 6% of 31- to 50-year-olds reported having been diagnosed with high blood pressure.", "- High blood pressure treatment isn't limited to drugs. Lower blood pressure naturally. Natural treatments such as meditation and diet can have a significant effect.By Carol Sorgen. WebMD Feature. Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD. Meditation, not medication , is the advice Robert Schneider, MD, gives when it comes to high blood pressure treatment.igh blood pressure (hypertension) is defined as systolic blood pressure -- the top number -- averaging 140 mmHg or greater, and/or diastolic blood pressure -- the bottom number -- averaging 90 mmHg or greater.", "- Things You Can Do For Hypernatremia: Follow your healthcare provider's instructions regarding lowering your blood sodium level. If your blood levels are severely elevated, your health care professional may suggest that you receive intravenous (IV) fluids in the hospital or outpatient department, and monitor your levels.", "Diagnosis Medications to treat high blood pressure. Thiazide diuretics. Diuretics, sometimes called water pills, are medications that act on your kidneys to help your body eliminate sodium and water, reducing blood volume.Thiazide diuretics are often the first, but not the only, choice in high blood pressure medications.ifestyle changes to treat high blood pressure. No matter what medications your doctor prescribes to treat your high blood pressure, you'll need to make lifestyle changes to lower your blood pressure. Your doctor may recommend several lifestyle changes, including:", "- Initial treatment of aortic dissection involves rapid, controlled titration of arterial pressure to normal levels using intravenous sodium nitroprusside and a beta-blocker. If beta-blockers are contraindicated, urapidil or trimetaphan camsilate are alternatives.omparative tolerability profile of hypertensive crisis treatments. Grossman E(1), Ironi AN, Messerli FH. Author information: (1)Internal Medicine D, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel. Hypertensive crisis is defined as a severe elevation in BP and is classified as either urgency or emergency.", "Proper Use Drug information provided by: Micromedex. In addition to the use of this medicine, treatment for your high blood pressure may include weight control and changes in the types of foods you eat, especially foods high in sodium (salt) or potassium. Your doctor will tell you which of these are most important for you.", "- The treatment is re-operative surgery and pulmonary valve replacement. A transvalvular gradient of 160 mmHg is quite high, and usually means there is severe narrowing at the level of the valve. The right ventricle can typically compensate for a period of time, although it is unhealthy for the heart long-term.", "9 Simple Remedies For Water Retention Treat heart tissue scarring with diuretics. If you have an enlarged heart, especially if it due to cardiomyopathy, your doctor may prescribe diuretics. These medications help lower the levels of water and sodium in the body and help decrease the thickness of your heart muscles. This medication may lower blood pressure.", "- In order to treat hypertensive heart disease, your doctor has to treat the high blood pressure that is causing it. He or she will treat it with a variety of drugs, including diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin receptor blockers, and vasodilators.", "Need to reduce sodium intake? Herbs and spices may help Need to reduce sodium intake? Herbs and spices may help. Salt: Americans eat too much of it. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 90 percent of Americans over the age of 2 eat too much sodium, putting them at risk for high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.", "Medical Dictionary Foods that contain at least 350 mg potassium can be labeled “Diets containing foods that are good sources of potassium and low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.”. 1 For preventing low levels of potassium: 20 mEq is typically taken daily. For treating low levels of potassium: the common dose of potassium is 40-100 mEq or more daily, in two to four divided amounts. 2 For treating high levels of calcium: 1 mEq/kg is taken daily or four tablets of Urophos-K are taken twice a day. 3 For high blood pressure: the typical dose is 48-90 mEq daily.", "- Salt pills containing sodium chloride. Hypertension can be caused by a diet that is high in sodium yet deficient in potassium and other crucial nutrients. Table salt is a common form of sodium chloride. Cured meats, which use table salt to preserve the meat, are typically high in sodium chloride.", "Managing high calcium Treating high calcium. The main aims of hypercalcaemia treatment are to lower the blood calcium levels and to relieve the symptoms. You will need treatment from your specialist. You may have to spend a day or two in hospital to get your calcium levels down.The main treatments for high calcium levels are.s well as getting calcium levels down, bisphosphonates can help to reduce pain from bone secondaries and help to stop damaged bones breaking. You may have bisphosphonate tablets to take home to stop the calcium building up in your blood again.", "How to Reduce Your High Blood Pressure and Take Down Hypertension This increases the volume of your blood and the pressure in your blood vessels. Most healthy people should limit their sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams (mg) or less per day. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease, you should eat no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day. You should also limit your sodium intake to 1,500 mg daily if you’re African-American or over 50 years old.", "Hypernatremia (High Sodium) Hypernatremia is an electrolyte imbalance and is indicated by a high level of sodium in the blood. The normal adult value for sodium is 136-145 mEq/L. Sodium is an element, or an electrolyte, that is found in the blood. Certain conditions may cause an excess of sodium in the blood.", "Nutrition in Cancer Care (PDQ®)âHealth Professional Version Changing Your Diet. 1 1. Decrease and limit your water intake. 2 2. Drink sports drinks if you're active. 3 3. If you don't enjoy sports drinks, know the healthy alternatives. 4. Eat foods that are high in 1 sodium. 5. Eat more fruits and vegetables. 6. Get sodium from meat, too.", "- Diagnosis and Treatment. The diagnosis is based on blood tests indicating that the sodium level is high. Hypernatremia is treated by replacing fluids. In all but the mildest cases, dilute fluids (containing water and a small amount of sodium in carefully adjusted concentrations) are given intravenously.iagnosis and Treatment. The diagnosis is based on blood tests indicating that the sodium level is high. Hypernatremia is treated by replacing fluids. In all but the mildest cases, dilute fluids (containing water and a small amount of sodium in carefully adjusted concentrations) are given intravenously.", "Medical Dictionary Talk with your health provider. Some medications for high blood pressure can increase potassium levels in the blood. Taking potassium along with some medications for high blood pressure might cause too much potassium to be in the blood. Some medications for high blood pressure include losartan (Cozaar), valsartan (Diovan), irbesartan (Avapro), candesartan (Atacand), telmisartan (Micardis), eprosartan (Teveten), and others.", "Hypernatremia (High Sodium) Intravenous (IV) fluids, or diuretics to lower your blood sodium levels. You will receive fluids if you are dehydrated, and you will receive loop diuretics if you have excess fluid in your body, but still are retaining sodium in your blood.", "Understanding Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications and High Blood Pressure Check the sodium content. Some OTCs are high in sodium, which can also raise blood pressure. Note the amount of sodium in the medication. People with high blood pressure should consume less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day from all sources; one dose of some OTCs can contain more than a whole day's allowance.", "Malignant Hypertension You will need to stay in the hospital until your severe high blood pressure is under control. You will receive medicines through a vein (IV) to reduce your blood pressure. If there is fluid in your lungs, you will be given medicines called diuretics, which help the body remove fluid.", "Proper Use Proper Use For losartan. In addition to the use of the medicine your doctor has prescribed, treatment for your high blood pressure may include weight control and changes in the types of foods you eat, especially foods high in sodium (salt).Your doctor will tell you which of these are most important for you.ou may have to take high blood pressure medicine for the rest of your life. If high blood pressure is not treated, it can cause serious problems such as heart failure, blood vessel disease, stroke, or kidney disease.", "An Overview of High Blood Pressure Treatment 1 Reducing the amount of sodium in your diet to less than 1,500 mi lligrams a day if you have high blood pressure. 2 Healthy adults should try to limit their sodium intake to no more 2,300 milligrams a day (about 1 teaspoon of salt).. A. A. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is dangerous because it can lead to strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, or kidney disease. The goal of hypertension treatment is to lower high blood pressure and protect important organs, like the brain, heart, and kidneys from damage.", "10 ways to control high blood pressure without medication 1 Potassium can lessen the effects of sodium on blood pressure. 2 The best source of potassium is food, such as fruits and vegetables, rather than supplements. 3 Talk to your doctor about the potassium level that's best for you.", "- Quick Answer. Hypergranulation tissue may be treatable through a number of methods, including silver nitrate, vapor-permeable dressings and surgical lasers, as detailed on Podiatry Today. Hypergranulation tissue sometimes occurs on healing wounds and requires medical treatment to allow the wound to heal properly." ]
[ 14.0703125 ]
[ 3.990234375, 9.0703125, 8.0703125, 13.0078125, 8.8125, 7.2578125, 6.609375, 12.625, 10.6640625, 3.662109375, 8.484375, 2.40625, 8.71875, 7.29296875, 8.546875, 9.0625, 7.22265625, 6.125, 11.1796875, 10.9765625, 11.0390625, 14.5078125, 9.8828125, 13.2734375, 8.2578125, 8.296875, 8.375, 10.2421875, 11.3671875, -0.08673095703125 ]
what county is chino valley az
[ "Chino Valley, AZ Chino Valley is a town in Yavapai County, Arizona, United States. According to the Census Bureau, the population of the town is 10,817. Chino Valley is located at 34°45′30″N 112°26′59″W / 34.75833°N 112.44972°W / 34.75833; -112.44972 (34.758381, -112.449758). The town is located adjacent the southeast terminus of Chino Valley, about 9 mi north at Paulden." ]
[ "- Whiteriver (Western Apache: Chʼilwozh) chʼílwozh is a-census designated (PLACE) cdp In Navajo, County, Arizona United. states", "Indian Valley/Greenville Community Indian Valley/Greenville Community. Welcome to the Greenville/Indian Valley area of Plumas County, California. Indian Valley, which includes the communities of Greenville, Taylorsville, Crescent Mills and Canyon Dam, is rich in beauty and history.Surrounded by a stunning mountain backdrop, the valley is dotted with ranches, old barns and grazing cattle.reenville, the largest community, offers a full range of business and service establishments. It also is home of the Gold Digger Days celebration held each July to commemorate the area's vivid gold mining past. For more information about Indian Valley, visit Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce, or call (530) 284-6633.", "- You are here: Demographics. Demographics. Population. The Village of Winfield, incorporated in 1921, is located in west central DuPage County, which is ranked as one of the top growth areas in the Chicago metropolitan area, approximately 28 miles west of downtown Chicago. The Village's current population is 9,080 according to the 2010 census. Government.", "Zionsville Zionsville is a town located in the extreme southeast area of Boone County, Indiana, in Eagle Township. The population was 14,760 at the 2010 census. Nearby communities include Lebanon, Carmel, Whitestown, Westfield and Indianapolis. Zionsville promotes itself as a tourist attraction around its village-styled downtown area.", "- Join our e-mail list and receive Duval County Public Schools' bi-weekly e-newsletter featuring the latest news about our students, schools, and district. Duval Digest Sign-up.", "- Harrisville Venango County. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Zillow has 132 homes for sale in Florence County WI. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. Homepage", "Thiensville Thiensville is a village in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 3,254 at the 2000 census. It was founded by its namesake, John Henry Thien. In July 2005, CNN/Money and Money magazine ranked Thiensville and neighboring Mequon 19th on its list of the 100 Best Places to Live in the United States. Thiensville is located at 43°14′13″N 87°58′48″W / 43.23694°N 87.98°W / 43.23694; -87.98 (43.236806, -87.979951).", "- Proudly serving our counties information needs. 1 Historical Resources. 2 Libraries Avon Park – Highlands County. 3 Ebooks & Audiobooks. 4 Language & Learning. 5 Upcoming Events. 6 Little Free Library. 7 FAQs Fines & Fees.", "- Chinook Winery. Chinook Winery is located in the Yakima Valley AVA wine-growing region. Contact the winery beforehand for current hours & wine-tasting events.", "Genealogy The Coffeyville Public Library is proud to house the genealogical materials for the Montgomery County Genealogical Society. The Library has an extensive collection of genealogical and historical materials of Coffeyville and the surrounding areas of Montgomery County. In May of 2012 we added a new ST View Scan Microform reader.", "About Sunnyvale See All. Sunnyvale is at the heart of Silicon Valley and borders the cities of San Jose, Mountain View, and Santa Clara. Located within Santa Clara County, this city is one of the few in the nation to have a Department of Public Safety which combines both fire and police agencies under a common service center.", "- Genealogy Resources. Search New Haven County genealogy resources. Includes: Vital records, census records, city directories, genealogies, historical records, land records, newspapers, and probate records.", "California State Route 71 California State Route 71. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Redirected from Chino Valley Freeway) State Route 71 (SR 71) is the Chino Valley Freeway, formerly the Corona Expressway and before then the Temescal Freeway, a freeway/highway of about 15 miles (24 km) in length located entirely within Southern California, United States.", "Sunnyvale Sunnyvale ( /sʌniveɪl/ or /sʌnivəl/) is a city in Santa Clara County, California, United States. It is one of the major cities that make up the Silicon Valley located in the San Francisco Bay Area. As of the 2010 Census, the population was 140,081.", "Contact Us The District employs about 2,400 people, making it one of the largest employers in San Bernardino County. Chino Valley Unified SD is home to 19 California Distinguished Schools, some that have been named Distinguished Schools more than once.", "- With help from the Rice County park fund, the Shieldsville veterans memorial at Hirdler Park will soon have a Civil War cannon with a plaque explaining part of the war’s history. (Brad Phenow/Daily News) The Shieldsville veterans memorial is bringing out the big guns.", "- About the area. 410 squares miles of land constitute the territory of Jefferson County, the Village of Dillionvale has only 0.5 square miles of this immense extension, and it's the proud owner of the zip code 43917.", "- Buy Photo The Phoenixville Police Department’s blotter, posted twice weekly on the force’s Facebook page, offers a glimpse into the bizarre situations authorities in the Chester County town are called to. —", "Finney County, Kansas: Family History & Genealogy, Census, Birth, Marriage, Death Vital Records & More Introduction and Guides. 1 Cyndi's List of Michigan locality links (Source: Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet) 2 FamilySearch Wiki Research Guide (Source: Family History Library) 3 Lenawee County (Source: Histopolis Collaborative Genealogy & History) 4 Lenawee County (Source: CinnamonToast Genealogy)", "- Request a personalized no-cost, no-obligation consultation and review of Chamber membership benefits. The Zanesville Muskingum County Chamber of Commerce is an association of business people to promote commercial and industrial interests in the community. Join Our Mailing List.", "- Keep a look out for your Bainbridge Ross County TripWatch. *Prices are based on 1-21 day travel. These are the best fares found by travelers who searched TripAdvisor and a select group of our fare search partners in the past 72 hours. Ticket prices and seat availability change rapidly and cannot be guaranteed.", "DELAWARE VALLEY JOB CORPS CENTER Delaware Valley was built on the site of a former seminary and sits on a 25-acre campus. It offers a stunning view of the Delaware River Valley and the surrounding Catskill Mountains. The Delaware Valley Center is one of the largest employers in Sullivan County.", "- Chino Valley Tourism Chino Valley Hotels Chino Valley Vacation Rentals Chino Valley Restaurants Things to Do in Chino Valley Chino Valley Travel Forum Chino Valley Photos Chino Valley Map Chino Valley Travel Guide Hotels All things to do in Chino Valley; Near Hotels Things to do near Days Inn Chino Valley; Things to do near Primrose Inn and Suites", "- 1 Welcome to the City of Vine Grove... 2 Vine Grove is a small town with big city pride, which makes it an ideal place to raise a family. Vine Grove is located at the northern end of Hardin County, just a short drive from Fort Knox.", "- Welcome to the Town of Green Valley! The Town of Green Valley is located in the northeastern corner of Shawano County, is approximately 36 square miles and has a population estimate of 1093. A group of citizens from the Town of Washington presented a petition to Shawano County to set off and organize a separate Town. The Shawano County Board of Supervisors established the Town of Green Valley on March 17, 1873. The first settlers began to arrive in the territory, now the Town of Green Valley, in the early 1860's. There are several suggestions as to how this area got its name.", "Zionsville, Indiana Zionsville, Indiana. Looking north along Main Street, 2008. Zionsville is a suburban town located in the extreme southeast area of Boone County, Indiana, United States, in Eagle Township, northwest of Indianapolis. The population was 14,160 at the 2010 census, and grew to 26,784 in the Census 2016 estimates.", "- Zionville County Parish Government. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Chino Valley, Arizona Chino Valley on our top lists: # 1 17 on the list of Top 101 cities with the largest percentage of divorced people (15+ years)(population 5,000+). # 2 23 on the list of Top 101 cities with largest percentage of females in industries: Real estate and rental and leasing (population 5,000+).", "- Last Name*. State. Arizona State, County of Pinal City of Coolidge Court Records Information. Below you will find a collection of offline providers for Arizona State County of Pinal City of Coolidge Court records, these are both governmental agencies and privately run organizations. Records Type." ]
[ 17.3125 ]
[ 5.1171875, 1.775390625, 0.5341796875, 0.91845703125, 0.8828125, 1.345703125, 1.34765625, 1.3095703125, 2.443359375, 2.259765625, -0.38525390625, 2.259765625, 1.0439453125, 6.71484375, 3.30859375, 9.828125, 1.2216796875, -0.328125, 1.0419921875, 0.2401123046875, 0.66748046875, 1.251953125, 0.20458984375, 7.26953125, -0.375, 2.111328125, 0.7080078125, 1.8837890625, 7.71875, 4.05078125 ]
is coconut oil good for you new study
[ "The Truth About Coconut Oil The American Heart Association says to limit saturated fat to no more than 13 grams a day. That’s the amount found in about one tablespoon of coconut oil. Fans of coconut oil point to studies that suggest the MCT-saturated fat in coconut could boost your HDL or “good” cholesterol. This, they claim, makes it less bad for your heart health than the saturated fat in animal-based foods like cheese and steak or products containing trans fats.", "Coconut Oil Myths Persist in Face of the Facts Here are three of the biggest coconut oil myths and the facts. Myth: Coconut oil can help you lose weight. The Facts: Dr. Oz thinks it can. He called coconut oil “the miracle fat that fights fat.” Yet the only study that tested whether it helps people shed pounds came up empty. In 2009, a master’s degree student in Brazil gave 40 obese women either coconut oil or soybean oil and asked them to cook with two tablespoons of the oil every day." ]
[ "Why Is Coconut Oil Good for You? A Healthy Oil for Cooking There is considerable evidence that coconut oil can help you lose weight. In a study of 40 women with abdominal obesity, coconut oil reduced waist circumference compared to soybean oil (14) while also improving health markers (see above).", "- I can't wait to try all of these recipes! I use coconut oil for my skin and hair, and for some cooking. I use it as a substitute for butter or oil in a few recipes and to make pancakes. I can't wait to try the recipes in this article and put them on my blog!", "Substitute For Coconut Oil? I might use olive oil, or butter, or bacon grease, or, if I wanted a bland fat, peanut or macadamia oil, or possibly lard. For baking, however, the choices narrow. I use coconut oil for baking because it makes a good substitute for the nasty, dangerous, artificially saturated vegetable shortenings like Crisco. However, in baking, coconut oil must be used in its solid state. This means that if it's summer, and your home is warm enough that your coconut oil is liquid, you need to refrigerate it for baking, or you'll get a nasty, greasy finished product. To substitute for coconut oil in baking, you'll need another solid fat. You could use butter, but of course it has a distinct flavor, and is expensive. It also yields a somewhat less flaky result, though of course it's super-tasty, and very nutritious.", "- Coconut oil is a type of fat that has many health benefits. This article looks at the evidence to determine whether coconut oil is also good for your… read more read more", "Where to Buy Coconut Oil: Tips for Choosing a High-Quality Brand Before, I have profiled several high-quality brands of coconut oil that stand out the most in terms of their purity, stringent manufacturing practices, and value for money. But now, there’s only one coconut oil that I trust, and I’m bringing it directly to you: Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.", "80 Uses for Coconut Oil Offering a myriad of health benefits, coconut oil is affordable, readily available and completely natural. I have completely fallen in love with coconut oil and use it for EVERYTHING. Literally. I buy it in 5 gallon increments and keep it all over my house.", "- I am using coconut oils for my hair and some­times on my body, its cheap and best method also its a nat­u­ral­ly thing so don’t have to think about its side effect :) Pls can some­one help me with d name of a good body lotion ad soap i can use on my dark skin.", "13 Wonderful Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair Coconut oil is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals which are good for the human body. However, coconut oil is not limited to hair; it is used in the preparation of cosmetic soaps and creams, and in Asian countries, it is also used for preparing various kinds of food and salads.", "- Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrients for your hair. It helps in healthy growth of hair and gives your hair a shiny quality. It is also highly effective in reducing protein loss which can lead to various unattractive or unhealthy qualities in your hair.oconut oil is an excellent massage oil for the skin as well. It acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skin, including dry skin. The benefit of coconut oil on the skin is comparable to that of mineral oil.", "Substitute For Coconut Oil? I use coconut oil for baking because it makes a good substitute for the nasty, dangerous, artificially saturated vegetable shortenings like Crisco. have a recipe using coconut oil for a rice krispie type dessert. it says to melt the solid and then add it to the mixture. I keep kosher, and here in Jerusalem I have not found a coconut oil that has the kosher supervision that I use.", "How to Use Coconut Oil Refined oil does have a less potent coconut taste, though, and might be easier to adjust to for people who are not used to using coconut oil for cooking. If you buy a refined oil for this reason, choose a high quality oil that is naturally refined and unbleached.", "How To Replace Everything Coconut Coconut oil (for beauty/cosmetic uses). Coconut oil isn’t just for the table! It’s also used as a moisturizer, hair conditioner, mouth rinse…for any product you can buy at CVS, there’s probably a coconut-oil version of it somewhere.oconut oil (for cooking). Coconut oil is the staple cooking fat for Paleo meals, but it’s far from your only choice. You have so many other Paleo choices for cooking fat that replacing coconut oil is a snap. Try…. 1 Animal fat (lard, tallow, schmaltz, etc.).", "- Coconut oil is a liquid substance extracted from the meat of a mature coconut. Since it is a very stable substance with a long shelf life, it is used around the world as a safe, flavorful cooking oil, often substituting butter. Many believe coconut oil offers health benefits, such as boosting the body’s natural metabolism and immune mechanism.", "How To Choose A Good Coconut Oil For example, let’s say you decided you want an expeller-pressed, refined coconut oil. You can find a good quality one that’s been refined using a natural, chemical-free cleaning process and and a relatively low-temperature extraction.n general, the more heat the oil was exposed to, the more strong the coconut flavor. (In the past, I’ve bought some extra-virgin, expeller-pressed coconut oil that tasted “toasted” for lack of a better word.) So a truly raw, unrefined, virgin coconut oil will have a very mild coconut flavor and scent.", "How To Evaluate Market Demand For Your New Product Idea Let’s take a look at the largest search term, “ coconut oil for hair ” in Google to see what type of content is currently taking the top spots. This will give us a better idea of what we would be competing against.", "Can I Use Coconut Oil As Lube? The Plain Truth! Coconut oil is the best oil to use if you opt to use one vaginally and it is actually a great way to treat yeast infections as it contains caprylic acid. Specifically, it has been shown to be quite effective in combating Candida strains.", "Is coconut oil healthy? The pros. 1 Coconut oil does have some antioxidant properties, potentially because of plant nutrients called phenolic compounds. 2 It's an unusual blend of short- and medium-chain fatty acids not seen in other saturated fats, which may offer some health benefits. However, research is yet to confirm this.", "Why Is Coconut Oil The Best Choice For Reversing Gray Hair? Rich in carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, coconut oil is beneficial for man. However, the use of coconut oil is not restricted to oil only, it is used as an ingredient of many soap and cream. In Asian countries, the oil is used for preparing for food. As hair oil, coconut oil has been in use for many years past.", "Coconut Oil Kills 93% of Colon Cancer Cells in Only 2 Days According to New Study This makes coconut oil a promising alternative treatment to colon cancer. Both in vitro (in a petri dish) and in vivo (in rats) studies have been conducted on the efficacy of lauric acid on colon cancer cells, and each one provided equal results.", "Coconut Oil: Why it is Good For You Most people understand the first two but cringe at the thought of eating coconut oil. Here’s why I recommend coconut oil to everyone. Coconut oil has been used as cooking oil for thousands of years. Popular cookbooks advertised it at the end of the 19th century.", "How Much Coconut Oil Should You Eat A Day? To be honest, I don’t measure the amount of coconut oil I consume in a single day. What’s most important to me is that I’m consuming this wonderful oil daily! I cook with it, bake with it, add it to my smoothies and to my tea or coffee in the morning. You may have read how amazing coconut oil is for your health.The medium chain fatty acids (MCT) in coconut oil are known to speeds up the metabolism, boosts the immune system and reduce inflammation. Bu adding just a few tablespoons into your diet a day you can reap the many benefits of coconut oil in your diet.o be honest, I don’t measure the amount of coconut oil I consume in a single day. What’s most important to me is that I’m consuming this wonderful oil daily! I cook with it, bake with it, add it to my smoothies and to my tea or coffee in the morning. You may have read how amazing coconut oil is for your health.", "Coconut Oil for Weight Loss Coconut oil is a natural source of medium-chain triglycerides, which offer several health benefits. Including 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day, in cooking or in recipes, is the best way to get these benefits. An evidence-based nutrition article from our experts at Authority Nutrition. read this next", "How to Choose the Best Coconut Oil But not all coconut oils is pure. Some are cut with other oils, or are cosmetically altered with potentially toxic chemicals. Coconut oil’s popularity has led to many different types being invented and developed. Not all of these different types are bad, but not all of them may serve your body’s needs.", "Coconut Oil - Here's what you need to know about this amazing rejuvenation and healing oil Assists in bone health and chronic fatigue-Research has found coconut oil to help prevent osteoporosis because it helps in the nutrient absorption of minerals such as calcium and magnesium-important minerals that fight osteoporosis.", "Coconut Oil For Skin, Hair, Body: 6 Things To Know About The Super Ingredient Coconut oil commonly gets namedropped as the latest super-good-for-you miracle product. Admittedly, a year ago we'd barely heard of coconut oil. Maybe in our vegetable green curry or as an ingredient relegated to the shelves of the local health food store, but not something we were putting on our face.Not yet at least.oconut oil commonly gets namedropped as the latest super-good-for-you miracle product. Admittedly, a year ago we'd barely heard of coconut oil. Maybe in our vegetable green curry or as an ingredient relegated to the shelves of the local health food store, but not something we were putting on our face. Not yet at least.", "The Surprising Health Benefits of Coconut Oil Coconut oil has a saturated fat called lauric acid, a type of MCT. It has been shown that lauric acid increases the good HDL cholesterol in the blood to help improve cholesterol ratio levels. Coconut oil lowers cholesterol by promoting its conversion to pregnenolone, a molecule that is a precursor to many of the hormones our bodies need. Coconut can help restore normal thyroid function.", "The Benefits of Coconut During Pregnancy Coconut OIl is an awesome source of “good” fatty acids. Stable at high temperature levels, it’s ideal for cooking. Its also an excellent replacement for butter and fattier oils in many recipes. Coconut oil has an impressive shelf-life – athough, with all its uses, that’s not really an issue.", "Coconut Oil In Your Morning Coffee? Absolutely Published studies in a number of prominent health journals note the benefits of various forms of coconut. Although coconut oil is about 90% saturated fat, it is good for the body. It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps to prevent high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.", "Coconut Oil for Dogs - The Ultimate Guide Get Our Organic Cold Pressed Virgin Oil for Dogs. To help, we've decided to put together the best guide out there to answer all of your questions about coconut oil for dogs. After reading our guide and learning more, we hope you'll be excited to get some for your pup. Is Coconut Oil Good For Dogs: Can dogs have coconut oil? The short answer is Yes. Coconut oil is good for dogs and can help aid your pets' digestion, improve their coats, help prevent infection and more. But please note, it is important to follow the proper guidelines. As with most things, too much of even a good thing can end up having negative effects.", "The Benefits of Coconut Oil Edit Your Location. The Benefits of Coconut Oil. I have been using many new oils to cook or take for health reasons, including flax seed oil, hemp oil, and coconut oil. I’ve have done a lot of research and have come to the conclusion that coconut oil not only tastes great, but the health benefits are amazing. I encourage you to take a look into some of the benefits and give it a try. Of course, one of the first things I looked into were the affects it would have with diabetes and I was very impressed. I have been using many new oils to cook or take for health reasons, including flax seed oil, hemp oil, and coconut oil." ]
[ 13.65625, 12.9296875 ]
[ 14.6640625, 6.9765625, 5.45703125, 11.015625, 5.36328125, 7.8671875, 5.3359375, 9.8984375, 9.90625, 4.46875, 7.3515625, 7.11328125, 9.734375, 8.3125, 3.310546875, 8.109375, 10.8984375, 7.23046875, 14.015625, 9.9296875, 7.71875, 10.453125, 7.25, 10.125, 11.4296875, 11.890625, 9.46875, 13.59375, 9.59375, 11.0859375 ]
what county is centerville, mn in
[ "Centerville, Minnesota Centerville, Minnesota. This article is about the city in Anoka County. For the unincorporated community named Centerville in Winona County, see Centerville, Winona County, Minnesota. Centerville is a city in Anoka County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 3,792 at the 2010 census." ]
[ "- (TC 5075) Plaintiff (taxpayer) appealed from a Magistrate Division decision as to the. real market value (RMV) of real property owned by taxpayer in Marion County. Following trial the court found that taxpayer had not borne the burden of proving. his proposed RMV for the property.", "Welcome to the Village of Reminderville Welcome to the Village of Reminderville. The Village of Reminderville is a residential community of approximately 3500 people. Settled in the far northeast corner of Summit County, Reminderville is city-close and country-quaint. A short 25-mile trip will take you to downtown Cleveland to enjoy everything the city offers and when it’s time to head back home, you will indulge in the tranquility of the Village.", "Centreville, Illinois Centreville, Illinois. Centreville is a city in St. Clair County, Illinois, United States. The population was 5,309 in 2010, down from 5,951 at the 2000 census. Contents.", "Brownville ME Real Estate Brownville ME Real Estate. View currently listed real estate in Brownville Maine below or choose another recommended search on the right to start searching for a home in Piscataquis County ME. If you are interested in learning more about a listing, feel free to contact us at any time. To start saving your favorite properties, sign up for an account with our site.", "- Cemetery records of Marysville Catholic Cemetery in Marysville Township, Wright County, Minnesota", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Millersville, MD Anne Arundel County. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Once a month he is at the Greenville Michigan Secretary of State and Montcalm County PLUS office urging people to join the state’s organ, tissue and eye donation program. “You can enhance the lives of up to 50 people,” A…thedailynews.cc.", "- Minersville Sheriff. Find Minersville Pennsylvania sheriff's office, department, headquarters, jail and detention center. Sheriffs provide information on records, arrests, inmates, warrants, and mugshots. Name. Schuylkill County Sheriff's Office.", "Centerville, Winona County, Minnesota Centerville, Winona County, Minnesota. This article is about the unincorporated community in Winona County. For the city in Anoka County named Centerville, see Centerville, Minnesota. Centerville is an unincorporated community in Wilson Township, Winona County, Minnesota, United States. The community is located along Winona County Road 12, near its junction with Blackberry Road. State Highways 43 (MN 43) and 76 (MN 76); and Interstate 90 are also nearby.", "- Chisago County Jail, Center City, Minnesota. 21 likes · 190 were here. Prison & Correctional Facility", "Middleville, New York (NY) Real Estate Listing Information Using traditional MLS services, it is difficult to search for foreclosures in Middleville, Herkimer County, New York. New York State MLS also allows you to search for short sale properties in Middleville, Herkimer County, NY. Another popular search is for a handyman or estate property in Middleville, Herkimer County, New York. Our searches and property descriptions can help you find the best deal on real estate, or the perfect home in Middleville, NY. Purchasing a Business in Middleville, NY. Buying a Business in Middleville, New York has never been easier.", "- Montcalm County Fairgrounds and Events, Greenville, Michigan. 2,238 likes · 55 talking about this · 3,104 were here. For news, events, and information.... Jump to", "- Sponsored Topics. Montevideo ( /ˌmɒntəvɪdi.oʊ/) is a city in Chippewa County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 5,383 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Chippewa County. During the 18th century, Europeans established a fur-trading post near the rivers and traded with Native Americans in the area.", "- Vote for your Favorite Renville County Town (8 in the running: City of Bird Island, MN, Buffalo Lake, Minnesota, Fairfax, Minnesota, Danube, Minnesota, Hector, Minnesota, City of Olivia, City of Renville and City of Sacred Heart, Minnesota) Send donations to RCHS Attn.", "McDonald County, Missouri McDonald County, Missouri. McDonald County is a county located in the southwestern corner of the U.S. state of Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the population was 23,083. Its county seat is Pineville. The county was organized in 1849 and named for Sergeant Alexander McDonald, a soldier in the American Revolutionary War.", "- centerville, leon county, prairies and lakes, texas land for sale: 1 - 15 of 23 listings", "Booneville Jail Pine County MN Jail. Pine County MN Jail. The security for Pine County MN Jail is classified as medium as it's standards are created similar to maximum security without the tower structures. The building is solid concrete with limited access to fresh air, with heavy guard-to-inmate ratios.", "- Maryville is located in Blount County and is 20 miles south of Knoxville. Maryville is nestled at the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. Maryville was named after Mary Grainger Blount, wife of the territorial governor William Blount. Blount County was named after him. Maryville is home to Maryville College, a private four-year liberal arts college. The Foothills Craft Guild is headquartered in Maryville. Maryville has 16 major employers.", "- was in Monticello Township, Wright County, Minnesota. <p><b>Monticello Township</b> is a township in <a href=/pages/w/132632890105689>Wright County</a>, <a href=/pages/w/112577505420980>Minnesota</a>, <a href=/pages/w/112463092102121>United States</a>. The population was 4,139 at the 2000 census.</p><p>Monticello Township was organized in 1858.", "McMinnville, Oregon City of McMinnville. McMinnville is the county seat and largest city of Yamhill County, Oregon, United States. According to Oregon Geographic Names, it was named by its founder, William T. Newby (1820–1884), an early immigrant on the Oregon Trail, for his hometown of McMinnville, Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 32,187.", "Centreville Centreville, MD. Sponsored Topics. Centreville is an incorporated town in Queen Anne's County, Maryland, United States. Incorporated in 1794, it is the county seat of Queen Anne's County. The population was 1,970 at the 2000 census. The ZIP code is 21617 and the area code is 410. The local telephone exchange is 758.", "Forestville, Minnesota Forestville, Minnesota. Forestville is a ghost town in section 13 of Forestville Township in Fillmore County, Minnesota, United States. The nearest communities are Wykoff, to the northwest, and Preston, to the northeast. Contents.", "Centerville, IA Centerville, Iowa. Centerville is a city in and the county seat of Appanoose County, Iowa, United States. The population was 5,528 in the 2010 census, a decline from 5,924 in 2000. After the turn of the 20th century Centerville had a booming coal mining industry that attracted many European immigrants.", "- Genealogy and Local History: Local. Suggested CDPL databases to get started: Local History Collection: Search the entire CDPL Local History collection for both catalogued and uncatalogued items. Cemeteries of Montgomery County:Contains readings of county tombstones dating from the early 1800s to 1981.", "Mariaville, Maine Mariaville, Maine. Mariaville redirects here. For the community in Nebraska, see Mariaville, Nebraska. Mariaville is a town in Hancock County, Maine, United States. The population was 513 at the 2010 census.", "Centerville, Ohio Centerville is a city in Montgomery and Greene counties in the U.S. state of Ohio. A part of the Dayton metropolitan area, its population was 23,999 as of the 2010 census.", "Brownville ME Real Estate Brownville ME Real Estate View currently listed real estate in Brownville Maine below or choose another recommended search on the right to start searching for a home in Piscataquis County ME. If you are interested in learning more about a listing, feel free to contact us at any time.", "- .5 Acres Browerville, Todd County, Minnesota. $3,750. Start Creating the Greatest Memories of Your Life -- RIGHT HERE!4 .5 acre Lots available for $3750 each with lots of Sign of Wildlife in a great area!It's the peaceful getaway you've always wanted!", "- August 6: Lawrence Township, North West Hendricks, Plainfield Community School Corp., Richmond, Centerville-Abbington, Warren County, Rush County, Greencastle, MSD Martinsville , Mooresville, Monroe-Gregg, Franklin Community, Delaware, Clay.", "Miesville, Minn. -- a place of simple pleasures Miesville, Minn. -- a place of simple pleasures. Spending a warm summer night with the Miesville Mudhens on the field is a way to step back in time. 'Miesville, MN - Pop. 135 ... and GROWING reads the cook's T-shirt at King's Place, one of the better burger bars to be found anywhere. And why wouldn't this tidy little town in Dakota County's southeastern corner continue to thrive?" ]
[ 17.765625 ]
[ 3.5, 0.61279296875, 8.8984375, -1.3876953125, 7.48828125, 0.65283203125, 2.53515625, 0.417724609375, 17.765625, 10.9375, -0.431640625, 1.9990234375, 6.54296875, 5.8828125, 1.5703125, 7.59375, 6.3515625, -0.07208251953125, 6.48828125, 2.671875, 9.109375, 5.1953125, 9.9296875, 1.9716796875, 1.7470703125, 10.078125, -0.96875, 5.31640625, 5.38671875, 5.359375 ]
what causes arm to come out of socket
[ "Dislocated Shoulder and Separated Shoulder They're easy to confuse. But a dislocated shoulder and a separated shoulder are two distinct injuries. Here's the rundown. Dislocated shoulder. In this injury, a fall or blow causes the top of your arm bone to pop out of the shoulder socket. Unlike a lot of joints in your body -- your elbow, for instance -- the shoulder is incredibly mobile. You can twist and move your upper arm in almost any direction. But there's a price for this ease of movement." ]
[ "Overview Bronchioles and alveoli. The mechanical cause of ARDS is fluid leaked from the smallest blood vessels in the lungs into the tiny air sacs where blood is oxygenated. Normally, a protective membrane keeps this fluid in the vessels.Severe illness or injury, however, can cause inflammation that undermines the membrane's integrity, leading to the fluid leakage of ARDS. The most common underlying causes of ARDS include: 1 Sepsis.2 The most common cause of ARDS is sepsis, a serious and widespread infection of the bloodstream. 3 Inhalation of harmful substances. 4 Breathing high concentrations of smoke or chemical fumes can result in ARDS, as can inhaling (aspirating) vomit.ronchioles and alveoli. The mechanical cause of ARDS is fluid leaked from the smallest blood vessels in the lungs into the tiny air sacs where blood is oxygenated. Normally, a protective membrane keeps this fluid in the vessels.", "Overview Basketball players and football players also commonly dislocate joints in their fingers and hands by accidentally striking the ball, the ground or another player. A hard blow to a joint during a motor vehicle accident is another common cause of dislocation, as is landing on an outstretched arm during a fall.1 Symptoms.auses. Dislocations can occur in contact sports, such as football and hockey, and in sports that may involve falls, such as downhill skiing, gymnastics and volleyball.", "Can Bursitis Cause Shoulder Blade Pain and Tingling in the Arm and Hands? Bursitis, or inflammation of a bursa sac, can develop at either of these locations. Nerves travel from the spine to the fingertips, giving sensation to the skin along the way. Compression of these nerves as they arise from the spine or along their route through the neck and arm can cause tingling in the arm and hand.", "Volkmannâs Ischemic Contracture Volkmann contracture is a deformity of the hand, fingers, and wrist caused by injury to the muscles of the forearm.his usually occurs when there is increased pressure due to swelling, a condition called compartment syndrome. Injury to the arm, including a crush injury or fracture, can lead to swelling that presses on blood vessels and can decrease blood flow to the arm.", "- 2, 13 It can also occur from certain diseases such as heart attack, infection, cancer, stroke 14, or even minor traumas such as sprain, dislocation, fracture, crush injury, or pricks of the finger or toe. 13 In some cases, the cause is unknown.", "Dry Socket Dry Socket Facts. 1 A dry socket is a fairly common complication of tooth extraction characterized by severe pain. 2 It occurs when the tooth socket loses the blood clot that forms after a tooth is extracted and the bone inside the socket becomes exposed. It is one of the most painful dental problems one can experience.", "Circulation Problems in the Arm Circulation problems in the arm are often caused by hardening of the arteries. Circulation problems in any part of the body tend to come from fatty deposits in the blood vessels called plaque. The deposits can harden, constrict the flow of blood, or break off to form clots and blockages in any area of the body.", "My Eyeball Just Fell Out of Its Socket If your eyeballs fall out of their sockets repeatedly, you might be a candidate for a lateral tarsorrhaphy—in which doctors sew up your eyelids part of the way to keep them from opening too wide. You could also learn the following technique for popping your eye back in yourself: First direct your gaze downward.", "Aortic Valve Disease The most common causes of sudden (acute) aortic valve regurgitation include: 1 Endocarditis, which is an infection in the heart. 2 Aortic dissection, which means that the inner layer of the aorta separates from the middle layer. 3 Problems with a replacement (artificial) aortic valve. Trauma to the heart valve or aorta.", "What Causes a Broken Blood Vessel in the Arm? Certain medications, such as anticoagulants, aspirin, steroids or antiplatelet medications, can cause blood vessels to break within the arm, according to the New York Times. Diseases such as leukemia and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura often include broken blood vessels as a symptom.", "11 Causes of Shoulder & Arm Pain Fractures can occur in the 2 bones lying side by side in your forearm. Most commonly, these bones fracture close to the wrist -- usually after falling on an outstretched arm. Trauma is the main cause of these fractures, and pain occurs immediately.", "Causes of Left Arm Pain and Tingling 1 One of the most common causes of left arm (or right arm) pain and tingling comes from issues or injuries of the cervical (neck) spine or brachial plexus. 2 Older people often get this as their spines degenerate, discs loose their thickness and the vertebrae sag closer to each other.", "Overview This form of thoracic outlet syndrome is characterized by compression of the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that come from your spinal cord and control muscle movements and sensation in your shoulder, arm and hand.", "- Find an Orthopedic Specialist Near You. Usual causes of arm weakness include injury to, or infection of, the arm; muscle wasting, such as from certain muscular disorders or from lack of use; nerve damage or compression at the vertebral column; or certain hereditary conditions.", "rectal prolapse Rectal prolapse in adults is caused by a weakening of the sphincter muscle or ligaments that hold the rectum in place. Weakening can occur because of aging, disease, or in rare cases, surgical trauma.", "Restless Leg Syndrome In-Depth Report Thoracic outlet syndrome can result from injury, disease, or a congenital problem, such as an abnormal first rib. It is more common in women than in men, and poor posture and obesity can aggravate the condition. Psychological changes are often seen in patients with thoracic outlet syndrome.", "Arm cramps or spasms The most common causes of arm cramps or spasms are muscle spasm, stroke, and high blood pressure. Other possible causes, such as kidney failure, are more rare.Muscle spasm 17 Stroke 10 High blood pressure 10 Rotator cuff injury 7 Osteoarthritis 7 Injury to the shoulder 7 Spinal stenosis 7 Kidney failure 3.he most common causes of arm cramps or spasms are muscle spasm, stroke, and high blood pressure. Other possible causes, such as kidney failure, are more rare.", "Avoiding Dry Sockets After Wisdom Teeth Removal A socket is a hole in the bone where the tooth was removed. Dry sockets occur when the blood clot that formed to protect the bone and nerves becomes dislodged, thus, exposing them to air, food, etc. Food, saliva and bacteria can become lodged in the clots place, causing pain and discomfort.", "Aortic Valve Disease The most common causes of sudden (acute) aortic valve regurgitation include: 1 Endocarditis, which is an infection in the heart. 2 Aortic dissection, which means that the inner layer of the aorta separates from the middle layer. 3 Problems with a replacement (artificial) aortic valve. 4 Trauma to the heart valve or aorta.", "Hip Impingement A deformity of the socket (pincer impingement). If the front rim of the socket (called the acetabulum) sticks out too far, the area of the thigh bone (femur) just below the ball, called the neck of the femur, may bump into the rim of the socket during normal hip flexion movement. In some cases, there is a problem with both the ball and the socket. Other problems that can cause hip impingement include conditions such as: Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, a disease in which the ball part of the hip joint doesn't get enough blood, which causes the bone to die.", "Alveolar osteitis Dry socket is more likely to occur following a difficult tooth extraction. It is thought that excessive force applied to the tooth, or excessive movement of the tooth burnishes the bony walls of the socket and crushes blood vessels, impairing the repair process.", "Overview With Raynaud's, arteries to your fingers and toes go into vasospasm when exposed to cold or stress, narrowing your vessels and temporarily limiting blood supply. Over time, these small arteries may thicken slightly, further limiting blood flow. Cold temperatures are most likely to trigger an attack.", "- 1 A dry socket is a fairly common complication of tooth extraction characterized by severe pain. 2 It occurs when the tooth socket loses the blood clot that forms after a tooth is extracted and the bone inside the socket becomes exposed. It is one of the most painful dental problems one can experience.", "Dry Socket Home Remedies, Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention A dry socket is normally caused by the total or partial loss of a blot clot in the tooth socket after tooth extraction. Generally, a dry socket is the consequence of chemical, bacterial, mechanical, and physiologic factors. The following are some instances for each:", "- How To Dislocate Your Shoulder. You usually dislocate your shoulder by a combination of a sudden jerk and awkward arm position (see below) which causes the ball at the top of your humorous to slip out of the shoulder socket.", "Alone we are rare. Together we are strong.⥠Donate Today General Discussion. Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a condition presenting with arm complaints of pain, numbness, tingling and weakness. The cause is pressure in the neck against the nerves and blood vessels that go to the arm. There are three types of TOS depending on which structure is being compressed: 1.", "The Anxious Mind and Body: Arm Pain Explained 1 Over-sensitivity to Natural Arm Pain Arm pain also happens all the time. 2 If you sleep on your arm funny, or you don't exercise enough, or you accidentally tweak your arm a little-all of these can cause arm pain that is generally natural.", "What causes dry socket? A Honor Society of Nursing (STTI) answered. Dry socket is caused by the loss of a blood clot following a tooth extraction. A blood clot protects the bone and nerves in the empty tooth socket from contact with air, food, and liquids. When the clot is not there or does not form correctly, this causes significant pain.", "Can smoking cause dry socket? In a small percentage (less than 5%) of cases, a dry socket may develop, which is usually quite painful. Causes seem to vary, but perhaps the most common is loss of the clot forming in the extraction site. This is usually caused by smoking during healing, and other forms of suction -- like using a straw.", "- Some of the causes include rheumatic disease, endocarditis (infection of the valve), connective tissue diseases (weakening of the tissues that make up the support structures within the body), and congenital diseases. Although the aortic valve may rarely be repaired more often it requires replacement." ]
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what group of women was initially targeted to join the labor force
[ "What group of women was initially targeted to join the labor force? young unmarried women military wives married women with no children married women with older children What group of women was initially targeted to join the labor force? young unmarried women. military wives. married women with no children. married women with older children." ]
[ "- The most ambitious of these was the Knights of Labor. Founded in 1869, the Knights sought to build a comprehensive organization uniting workers of all races, genders, ethnicities, and occupations. The Knights were equally expansive in their objectives.", "Women's Reform Movement A related omission has to do with the two groups of women who do figure into the usual story: middle-class reformers in urban areas or small towns and early women factory workers (see Primary Source Loom and Spindle or Life Among the Early Mill Girls [1898]).", "- 1 On the morning of April 9, 1917 the Canadian Corps attacked the German stronghold position at Vimy Ridge. 2 The Canadian Corps, comprising of the Canadian 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Divisions united for the first time – over 100,000 men - was attempting to do what the British and French forces had tried from 1914 to 1916.", "Chapter XIV The United States Marine Corps After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, women were again mobilized in new women's military components for the national defense. Massive publicity campaigns urged women to join the armed forces and “Free a Man to Fight,” and more than 400,000 women volunteered. They served stateside and overseas in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and as members of the civilian Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs).", "Close to the Heart Fuhrman, then a patrol officer, was reportedly under investigation by the department for his involvement in an informal officers’ group called Men Against Women. LAPD homicide detective Mike DePasquale, a colleague at the time, says the group “was kind of a joke.", "Women in the Labor Force Enslaved women regularly engaged in heavy field labor, as well as performing most of the domestic labor of cooking, cleaning, and raising children. Since the late nineteenth century, African-American women have participated in the labor force at a rate higher than that of any other group of American women. As late as 1997, 51 percent of black women worked full time, compared to 42 percent of white women and 35 percent of Hispanic women.", "Labor Reform the name used for female textile workers in Lowell, Massachusetts, in the 19th century; they actively participated in early labor reform through legislative petitions, forming labor organizations, contributing essays and articles to a pro-labor newspaper the Voice of Industry and protesting through turn-outs or strikes", "Post World War II: 1946-1970 The proportion of women in the labour force as a percentage of women of working age (15-64) increased from 45.9% in 1955 to 51% in 1965. Despite this increase in the rate of women’s employment, women were still considered to be 'secondary workers'.", "Review by Martha Hall Kelly. Set during the horrors of World War II, Martha Hall Kelly’s debut novel, LILAC GIRLS, confronts the Nazi regime from three different angles through the lives of three incredible women --- two real-life characters and one fictitious combination of several real women.", "Feature Articles - Women and WWI - Women in the Workforce: Temporary Men As Gail Braybon and Penny Summerfield observe in Out of the Cage: Women's Experiences in Two World Wars, (1987: 69), only women welders, tutored by the Women's Service Bureau, managed to form during the war a compact, skilled, unionised group though this needn't mean they did stay in their jobs.", "Overview Other advocacy groups arose in this period to demand protections not just for labor, but for women, children, consumers, and the natural environment as well. 3 ^3 3 start superscript, 3, end superscript Muckrakers were an important part of this movement.", "Top 10 Woman Suffrage Activists She wasn't involved in the 1848 Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention that first proposed the idea of women's suffrage as a goal for the women's rights movement, but she joined soon after, and often worked in alliance with Elizabeth Cady Stanton.", "- The formation of the Army Nurse Corps in 1901 and the Navy Nurse Corps in 1908 created the first truly military women. The first women who enlisted in the United States military joined the Navy and Marine Corps in World War I. Over 12,000 of them served stateside and over 200 “Hello Girls,” bilingual women telephone operators recruited by AT&T, served overseas with the US Army Signal Corps.", "- The appearance of the women's movement in the United States is usually dated to the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848. In Britain a number of women's pressure groups appeared around. 1858-59 under the leadership of Barbara Leigh Smith and Bessie Rayner Parkes whose associates were known as 'the Ladies of Langham Place'.", "Gender Gap Whereas the trend for women was decidedly up, that for men was slightly down. As a result, the gender gap in labor force participation has greatly shrunk. By 2000, of all twenty-to sixty-four-year-olds, women made up 47 percent of the total labor force.", "- Though these women showed up at the factories to offer their services for the war effort, some employers still tried to deny them equal pay. Before the war, employers often classified work into “male” and “female” jobs, paying the “female” jobs less. When the war came, employers automatically classified the newer positions as “female” jobs so they would not have to pay as much.", "Waltham-Lowell system The system used domestic labor, often referred to as mill girls, who came to the new textile centers from rural towns to earn more money than they could at home, and to live a cultured life in the city.", "- The History of Women's Suffrage - The women’s suffrage movement involved women white and black even men were involved in women’s suffrage so that women could have the same equal rights that men had and be able to be equal to men. The women’s suffrage movement dates back to 1776 the year the United States was founded.", "Debt Slavery: The Forgotten History of Sharecropping Family sharecropping was not just the preferred model for the black family as a whole, but also for black women. Many times, freedwomen rejected field work as they were paid less than men, but also due to gang and squad labor putting them in close proximity to white landowners and overseers who would abuse them.", "World War I: 1914-1918 Women's work in WW1. During WWI (1914-1918), large numbers of women were recruited into jobs vacated by men who had gone to fight in the war.New jobs were also created as part of the war effort, for example in munitions factories.uring WWI (1914-1918), large numbers of women were recruited into jobs vacated by men who had gone to fight in the war.", "Womenâs Suffrage Movement Women’s Suffrage summary: The women’s suffrage movement (aka woman suffrage) was the struggle for the right of women to vote and run for office and is part of the overall women’s rights movement.he suffrage movement in the United States gained prominence with the first women’s rights convention in the world: the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848.", "Here Are The Women Who First Joined Each Branch Of The Military Women have served in the U.S. military from the air, land, and sea; in active and reserve capacities; and from the front lines, and they’ve been doing it for years. Here are the first women to join the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. U.S. Army: Deborah Sampson Image via the Massachusetts Historical Society", "The Tragic Story of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911 Supported by the National Women’s Trade Union League of America (NWTUL), the strike began in November 1909. 1 I have listened to all the speakers, and I have no further patience for talk. I am a working girl, one of those striking against intolerable conditions.", "- ©1996 -2013 womeninworldhistory.com. Women and children at first worked alongside men in the coal mines, although there were differences in jobs they did. Before 1842, there were no protection laws, nor limits for the age of child labor.", "Why did women protest the oppian law? Women organized groups to support the boycott of British goods, sometimes calling themselves the Daughters of Liberty.", "- The roots of the bus boycott began years before the arrest of Rosa Parks. The Womens’ Political Council (WPC), a group of black professionals founded in 1946, had already turned their attention to Jim Crow practices on the Montgomery city buses.", "Woman's Christian Temperance Union The Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was the first mass organization among women devoted to social reform with a program that linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far-reaching reform strategies based on applied Christianity ..his 1902 illustration from the Hawaiian Gazette newspaper humorously illustrates the Anti-Saloon League and the Women's Christian Temperance Union's campaign against the producers and sellers of beers in Hawaii.", "- View in context. As there were no men in the company the girls danced at first with each other, but when the hour for the close of labour drew on, the masculine inhabitants of the village, together with other idlers and pedestrians, gathered round the spot, and appeared inclined to negotiate for a partner.", "History 19.4 Employers fired workers who joined labor originations, so the Knights met secretly and used special handshakes to identify each other. Unlike most unions, the Knights recruited people who had been kept out if grade unions, including women, African Americans, & unskilled laborers. In Philadelphia.", "Women At Work The United States government had to overcome these challenges in order to recruit women to the workforce. Early in the war, the government was not satisfied with women’s response to the call to work. The government decided to launch a propaganda campaign to sell the importance of the war effort and to lure women into working." ]
[ 17.078125 ]
[ 6.4453125, 6.234375, 2.78125, 9.671875, 4.44921875, 13.828125, 7.26953125, 8.546875, 1.3046875, 9.2265625, 7.07421875, 4.765625, 7.5859375, 6.9765625, 8.4453125, 8.171875, 7.08984375, 4.62109375, 5.9609375, 8.03125, 4.8125, 7.95703125, 5.16796875, 7.4140625, 4.5078125, 5.4765625, 4.796875, 3.2890625, 8.0078125, 8.75 ]
what is hyoscyamine fda approved for
[ "What conditions does Levsin/SL treat? Hyoscyamine is used to treat a variety of stomach/intestinal problems such as cramps and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also used to treat other conditions such as bladder and bowel control problems, cramping pain caused by kidney stones and gallstones, and Parkinson's disease. In addition, it is used to decrease side effects of certain medications (drugs used to treat myasthenia gravis) and insecticides." ]
[ "- Hydroxyzine pamoate was created in the 1950s as an antihistamine. It began being dispensed in 1956 and effectively treated itches, rashes and other allergic reactions. In the United States, the drug requires a prescription as it is a potent antihistamine.", "- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Xolair (omalizumab) for the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU), a form of chronic hives. fda approves xolair for people with ciu It is stated that Chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) is an unpredictable skin condition that can prove debilitating and the drug also known under its chemical name omalizumab.", "- Hyoscyamine is an antispasmodic drug that relaxes the muscles of the urinary tract to relieve cramps/spasms. This product should not be used to treat a urinary tract infection. If you have a bacterial infection, another antibiotic is usually prescribed to treat it.", "- Fructosamine is another assay that can be used to determine glycemia over a period of time and is just as reliable as HbA1c. Then, they were tested for glycemia, cholesterol, urea, creatinine and uric acid. anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, glycemia and dyslipidemia.", "- Anticholinergics (Hydroxyzine) Hydroxyzine can be used to treat a number of conditions including: itching, rash, seasonal/perennial allergy, insomnia, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, motion sickness, nausea/vomiting.edica® is a registered service mark of Medica Health Plans. “Medica” refers to the family of health plan businesses that includes Medica Health Plans, Medica Health Plans of Wisconsin, Medica Insurance Company, Medica Self-Insured and Medica Health Management, LLC.", "Levsin oral How to use Levsin oral. Hyoscyamine is used to treat a variety of stomach/intestinal problems such as cramps, infant colic, and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also used to treat other conditions such as bladder and bowel control problems, cramping pain caused by kidney stones and gallstones, and Parkinson's disease.In addition, it is used to decrease side effects of certain medications (drugs used to treat myasthenia gravis) and insecticides.ake this medication by mouth as prescribed, usually 30-60 minutes before meals, or as directed by your doctor. Use the dropper that comes with this product to measure the dose out carefully. Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to therapy. In young children, the dosage is also based on weight.", "Levsin SL Hyoscyamine is used to treat many different stomach and intestinal disorders, including peptic ulcer and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also used to control muscle spasms in the bladder, kidneys, or digestive tract, and to reduce stomach acid. Hyoscyamine is sometimes used to reduce tremors and rigid muscles in people with symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Hyoscyamine is also used as a drying agent to control excessive salivation, runny nose, or excessive sweating.", "Top 20 Doctor insights on: What Are The Ingredients In Hyoscyamine Hyoscyamine: Is anticholinergic & antispasmodic agent , which is a racemic component of Atropine with twice the potency of atropine. Is used in gastrointestinal & urinary tract disorders to lower motility of these systems, also used preoperatively to lower secretions & protect the heart during surgery. ...Read more.", "- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Juvisync (sitagliptin and simvastatin), a fixed-dose combination (FDC) prescription medication that contains two previously approved medicines in one tablet for use in adults who need both sitagliptin and simvastatin.itagliptin is a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitor that enhances the body's own ability to lower elevated blood sugar and is approved for use in combination with diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes.", "Famotidine Hydroxyzine HCl tablets are available by prescription and used by veterinarians for the treatment of allergies in dogs and cats. Hydroxyzine HCl is not FDA approved for use in veterinary medicine; however, it is a commonly accepted practice for veterinarians to prescribe this medication for dogs and cats. Hydroxyzine HCl is an antihistamine which is useful to treat allergic conditions that affect the skin such as hives, itching, and rashes.", "- Juvederm provides rejuvenation and a refreshed, younger appearance. Since hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body, allergy testing is not required. We are proud to offer the Juvederm XC premier line, which alleviates much of the injection discomfort with the addition of Lidocaine, at no additional cost.uvederm VOLUMA XC was recently approved by the FDA and our providers have advanced training with excellent results. VOLUMA injectable gel is the first and only filler FDA-approved to instantly add volume to the cheek area.", "- For Immediate Release. Release. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Onivyde (irinotecan liposome injection), in combination with fluorouracil and leucovorin, to treat patients with advanced (metastatic) pancreatic cancer who have been previously treated with gemcitabine-based chemotherapy.", "What is hyoscyamine sulfate? It can also be used to relieve the pain and control the excess secretions of pancreas inflammation. Other disorders that hyoscyamine sulfate may be used to treat or control include Parkinson's disease, some heart conditions, excess saliva production, peptic ulcer, and rhinitis.", "High Blood Pressure Treatment with Natural Home Remedies, Diet, and Medications FDA is alerting consumers that. 1 it has not evaluated or approved products for use in lipodissolve. 2 it is not aware of evidence supporting the effectiveness of the substances used in lipodissolve for fat elimination. 3 the safety of these substances, when used alone or in combination, is unknown.", "Peyronie's disease Collagenase clostridium histolyticum (marketed as Xiaflex by [Auxilium]), a drug originally approved by the FDA to treat Dupuytren's contracture, is now an FDA approved injectable drug for treatment of Peyronie's disease.", "- Sodium iodide 131I (Iodotope, Hicon) Radioactive iodine is approved by the FDA for treatment of hyperthyroidism in adults. It can also be used with a radioactive uptake test to evaluate thyroid function. The agent is quickly absorbed and taken up by the thyroid.", "The Thalidomide Tragedy: Lessons for Drug Safety and Regulation Despite its harmful side effects, thalidomide is FDA-approved for two uses today—the treatment of inflammation associated with Hansen’s disease (leprosy) and as a chemotherapeutic agent for patients with multiple myeloma, purposes for which it was originally prescribed off-label.", "FDA Approves New Psoriasis Drug Taltz The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Taltz (ixekizumab) to treat adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes patches of skin redness and flaking.", "Hyoscyamine Hyoscyamine is used to provide symptomatic relief to various gastrointestinal disorders including spasms, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, colic and cystitis.yoscyamine (also known as daturine) is a tropane alkaloid.", "Atarax Syrup Hydroxyzine belongs to the class of medications called antihistamines. It is used to relieve itching and other symptoms caused by allergic conditions. It can help to alleviate itching due to an adverse reaction to opiod medications. It works by blocking the actions of one of the body's natural chemicals known as histamine.", "Levsin SL Do not take hyoscyamine if you are allergic to it, or if you have kidney disease, a bladder or intestinal obstruction, severe ulcerative colitis, toxic megacolon, glaucoma, or myasthenia gravis.t is also used to control muscle spasms in the bladder, kidneys, or digestive tract, and to reduce stomach acid. Hyoscyamine is sometimes used to reduce tremors and rigid muscles in people with symptoms of Parkinson's disease.", "Antihistamines Doxylamine is one of the most powerful OTC sedatives in the U.S., more so than some prescription hypnotic drugs. Many patients taking doxylamine encounter dry mouth, nausea, and drowsiness. Diphenhydramine was the first antihistamine approved by the FDA (in the 1940s) and is widely used in OTC sleeping pills. Many generic sleep aids consist solely of one active ingredient – diphenhydramine.", "Hyoscyamine Hyoscyamine is used to control symptoms associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It works by decreasing the motion of the stomach and intestines and the secretion of stomach fluids, including acid.Hyoscyamine is also used in the treatment of bladder spasms, peptic ulcer disease, diverticulitis, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, cystitis, and pancreatitis.t works by decreasing the motion of the stomach and intestines and the secretion of stomach fluids, including acid. Hyoscyamine is also used in the treatment of bladder spasms, peptic ulcer disease, diverticulitis, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, cystitis, and pancreatitis.", "- Before taking hyoscyamine, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or to atropine; or if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details.", "Paroxetine FDA approves the first non-hormonal treatment for hot flashes associated with menopause. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Brisdelle (paroxetine)to treat moderate to severe hot flashes (vasomotor symptoms) associated with menopause.", "- Similar to how pharmaceutical drugs must be FDA-Approved to enter the market, medical devices must be FDA-Cleared. The Fisher Wallace Stimulator® is FDA-Cleared for the treatment of depression, anxiety and insomnia. It also has a separate FDA clearance to treat pain on the body.The only patients who are not qualified to use the device are those with implanted medical devices, such as a pacemaker or vagus nerve stimulator.imilar to how pharmaceutical drugs must be FDA-Approved to enter the market, medical devices must be FDA-Cleared. The Fisher Wallace Stimulator® is FDA-Cleared for the treatment of depression, anxiety and insomnia. It also has a separate FDA clearance to treat pain on the body.", "Hyoscyamine As hyoscyamine is a direct precursor in the plant biosynthesis of scopolamine, it is produced via the same metabolic pathway. The biosynthesis of scopolamine begins with the decarboxylation of L-ornithine to putrescine by ornithine decarboxylase (EC", "- Espanol. Español The.U. S food And Drug administration today approved a new use For (avastin) bevacizumab to treat patients with, persistent recurrent or-late (stage) metastatic cervical. Cancer cervical cancer grows in the tissues of the lower part of the uterus known as the. cervixAvastin is the first drug approved for patients with late-stage cervical cancer since the 2006 approval of topotecan with cisplatin,” said Richard Pazdur, M.D., director of the Office of Hematology and Oncology Products in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.", "F.D.A. Approves a Bone Drug for Cancer Patients The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the use of Amgen’s bone drug denosumab as a treatment for cancer patients whose disease has spread to their bones. The drug, which will be called Xgeva, does not treat the cancer itself.", "- Generic Fosamax Approved. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first generic versions of Fosamax (alendronate sodium tablets), used to treat osteoporosis, a condition that causes thinning and weakening of a person's bones.eneric drug manufacturers must demonstrate that a generic drug has the same active ingredient, dosage form, strength, route of administration, quality and performance characteristics, among other things, as the approved brand-name drug." ]
[ 12.0703125 ]
[ 3.697265625, 5.75390625, 10.859375, 3.353515625, 4.30078125, 11.1484375, 12.2421875, 9.7578125, 8.15625, 6.2890625, 5.03125, 6.546875, 10.25, 5.60546875, 4.73046875, 4.984375, 5.55078125, 5.49609375, 11.640625, 4.58203125, 10.640625, 5.421875, 11.7109375, 8.75, 5.7578125, 7.015625, 9.0859375, 5.95703125, 6.0859375, 6.6796875 ]
age limit to claim child tax credit
[ "How To Claim A Dependent On Your Tax Return Child and Dependent Care Credit: The individual being claimed as a dependent must meet the four basic tests, but there is a modification when it comes to the age test. For the child and dependent care credit, the dependent must be under age 13 unless the individual is permanently or totally disabled. Child Tax Credit: A child is your qualifying child for the child tax credit if he or she meets the four basic tests except for the age test: The child must be under age 17 and must be claimed as your dependent." ]
[ "How Long Can You Claim Your Kids on Your Taxes? IRS Dependent Age Tests. You can claim kids as dependents if they are under age 19 at the end of the year. The IRS extends the limit for children who are enrolled in school at least five months during the year. In this case, you can claim a student who is younger than 24. There is no age restriction to claim a child who is permanently disabled. Some of the tax breaks you can get for dependent kids have their own age limits. You may qualify for the Child Tax Credit as long as a dependent child is under age 17. If you have to pay for a caregiver so you can work, you may be eligible for the Child and Dependent Care Credit until a child is 13 years old. Other Tests for Dependents", "- There's no age limit if your child is permanently and totally disabled or meets the qualifying relative test. In addition to meeting the qualifying child or qualifying relative test, your child must also meet all of the other tests for claiming a dependent: Dependent taxpayer test; Citizen or resident test, and; Joint return test", "Is There an Age Limit on Claiming My Child as a Dependent? You can reduce you total taxes owed by claiming a child as a dependent on your income tax return. But not all children qualify and age is a factor. In some cases, you can claim a child under the age of 19. In other instances, you can claim a child under the age of 24.RS Guidelines on Age Limits for Dependents. As mentioned above, age is a factor in determining whether your child is a qualifying child for your tax return. If your child is a student or is disabled, then you can claim him or her as a dependent as long as your child is under age 24.", "What Is the Age Limit to Claim a Child as a Dependent on Federal Income Taxes? Aged 19 through 23. A child younger than 24 years of age as of Dec. 31 of the tax year in question may still qualify as a dependent if she is a full-time student.She may attend high school, a college or university or a technical school as long as she attends for at least the minimum hours the school considers full-time.ged 19 through 23. A child younger than 24 years of age as of Dec. 31 of the tax year in question may still qualify as a dependent if she is a full-time student.", "- To qualify for the Child Tax Credit, you must have a child or dependent who meets all of the following requirements: Age: The child must have been 16 or younger on December 31. Citizenship: The child must be a United States citizen, a United States national, or a resident alien.", "Save Money with the Child Tax Credit 1 The Child Tax Credit may apply to you if you have a qualifying child under age 17. 2 The credit may help reduce your federal income tax by up to $1,000 for each qualifying child you claim on your return.", "Whats the cut off age for earned income credit? My son will be 17 this year will i still get it? Your son turns 17 this year, means that you will no longer be eligible for Child Tax Credit. 2. A person (even filing status Single) can be eligible for Earn Income Credit even if he/she doesn't have a qualifying child. 3. For Earned Income Credit the age limit for the qualifying child is 19.", "Publication 560 (2017), Retirement Plans for Small Business A person must meet both of these tests to qualify as your child for the Child Tax Credit or the Additional Child Tax Credit: 1 The child must be under age 17 at the end of the calendar year, and. 2 You must claim the child as a dependent on your return.", "child tax credit, age 17 cutoff Why not 18, or why not the year of high school graduation. My 17 year old is in 11th grade, and my husband about blew a gasket when he found out that we only would receive the tax credit for our 7 year old for 2005. I know they had to pick a cutoff age, but 17 just seems to be a strange age.", "Save Money with the Child Tax Credit If you have a child under age 17, the Child Tax Credit may save you money at tax-time. Here are some facts the IRS wants you to know about the credit. 1 Amount. 2 The non-refundable Child Tax Credit may help reduce your federal income tax by up to $1,000 for each qualifying child you claim on your return. 3 Qualifications.", "Overview You may be able to claim Child Tax Credit if you’re responsible for children either: 1 aged 16 or under - you can claim up until 31 August after their 16th birthday. 2 under 20 and in eligible education or training.", "Tax Filing Requirements for Children The tax rules allow you to claim a dependency exemption for a child if they reside with you for more than half the year, don’t provide more than half of their own financial support, and are under the age of 19 at all times during the tax year, or under 24 if a full-time student.he tax rules allow you to claim a dependency exemption for a child if they reside with you for more than half the year, don’t provide more than half of their own financial support, and are under the age of 19 at all times during the tax year, or under 24 if a full-time student.", "What Is the Age Limit to Claim a Child as a Dependent on Federal Income Taxes? A child younger than 24 years of age as of Dec. 31 of the tax year in question may still qualify as a dependent if she is a full-time student.She may attend high school, a college or university or a technical school as long as she attends for at least the minimum hours the school considers full-time.nder 19 Years of Age. If your child meets the other tests, he must not be older than you or, if married and filing a joint return, your spouse. He does not have to be a student to qualify as long as he is under the age of 19 as of Dec. 31 of the year for which you are filing taxes.", "child tax credit, age 17 cutoff Several years ago, I did my own taxes and took the child care tax credit for my 19 year old unemployed child. I got auditted by IRS, , penalized , interest,etc. Ended up owing around $2000. So if 16 or 17 seems odd, don't question it.", "Child Tax Credit Additional child tax credit. If your child tax credit is limited, you might be able to claim the additional child tax credit. To qualify, one of these must apply: Your earned income must be more than $3,000 for 2017. You must have three or more qualifying children. If you have at least one qualifying child, you can claim a credit of up to 15% of the amount your earned income is more than $3,000.", "What Is the Age Limit to Claim a Child as a Dependent on Federal Income Taxes? The ability to claim a child as a dependent may result in a reduction of your income taxes. Age is one test the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses to determine eligibility, but there are four additional conditions the child must meet before you are allowed to claim him as your dependent.ged 19 through 23. A child younger than 24 years of age as of Dec. 31 of the tax year in question may still qualify as a dependent if she is a full-time student.", "Obamacare user guide Q&As 1 The age amount: You can claim this amount if you are 65 years of age or older and your net income is less than $80,256 (for 2013). 2 If your net income was $34,562 or less, you would qualify for a $6,854 credit.", "Tax Breaks Parents Lose When Children Become 17 The child tax credit is nonrefundable, meaning it can be applied only toward taxes owed for the year. If you have only a $500 tax liability for the year, you will receive only $500 of the credit against that liability and will not receive the additional $500 in a refund. Other than the child being under the age of 17, you must meet other requirements to claim the child tax credit.", "7 Requirements for the Child Tax Credit Here’s how to determine which of your kids will qualify you for the credit: 1 Age Test. To qualify, a child must have been under age 17 (i.e., 16 years old or younger) at the end of the tax year for which you claim the credit. 2 Relationship Test.", "Tax Credits & Tax Deductions for Parents with Children or Dependents You can only claim one exemption for each dependent. What Is the Child Tax Credit? You may be able to get a Child Tax Credit for each of your qualifying children under age 17. The credit is intended to offset the cost of raising children. The maximum amount you can get for each child is $1,000 for Tax Year 2017.", "Is There an Age Limit on Claiming My Child as a Dependent? As mentioned above, age is a factor in determining whether your child is a qualifying child for your tax return. If your child is a student or is disabled, then you can claim him or her as a dependent as long as your child is under age 24.Otherwise, the child must be under 19 years old. However, there are other tests that allow you to claim a dependency exemption for your child.These are as follows:s mentioned above, age is a factor in determining whether your child is a qualifying child for your tax return. If your child is a student or is disabled, then you can claim him or her as a dependent as long as your child is under age 24.", "Overview You may be able to claim Child Tax Credit if you’re responsible for children either: aged 16 or under - you can claim up until 31 August after their 16th birthday. under 20 and in eligible education or training.", "What Are Disability Tax Credits? Taxpayers who are under 65 years of age can still claim the tax credit if they are retired on permanent and total disability, or if they receive taxable disability income during the year and do not reach the mandatory retirement age by the first day of the tax year.", "7 Requirements for the Child Tax Credit How to determine who qualifies. Here’s how to determine which of your kids will qualify you for the credit: 1) Age Test. To qualify, a child must have been under age 17 (i.e., 16 years old or younger) at the end of the tax year for which you claim the credit. 2) Relationship Test.", "Publication 501 - Main Content There is no age limit on claiming your child as a dependent if the child meets the qualifying relative test. As long as all of the following tests are met, you may claim a dependency exemption for your child:1 Qualifying child or qualifying relative test, 2 Dependent taxpayer test, 3 Citizen or resident test, and.o meet the qualifying child test, your child must be younger than you and, as of the end of the calendar year, either be younger than 19 years old or be a student and younger than 24 years old.", "- Child Tax Credit; Child Tax Credit when your child reaches 16; Childcare vouchers: better off calculator; Claiming and dealing with tax credits for someone else; Correct a mistake on your tax credits claim form; End your tax credits; Get a tax credits claim form; How tax credits and other benefits affect each other; How to claim tax credits; How to renew tax credits", "Overview You may be able to claim Child Tax Credit if you’re responsible for children either: aged 16 or under - you can claim up until 31 August after their 16th birthday; under 20 and in eligible education or training; You don’t need to be working to claim Child Tax Credit. Only one household can get Child Tax Credit for a child. What you’ll get. The amount you can get depends on how many children you’ve got and whether you’re:", "- You can claim the Child Tax Credit if your income is not too high (see the income limitations for the Child Tax Credit), and if you have a child or children who qualify you.", "Is There an Age Limit on Claiming My Child as a Dependent? You can reduce you total taxes owed by claiming a child as a dependent on your income tax return. But not all children qualify and age is a factor. In some cases, you can claim a child under the age of 19.In other instances, you can claim a child under the age of 24.And in still other scenarios, a child might not qualify at all – regardless of their age. Read on for more details about under what circumstance you can claim a child as a dependent on your income taxes.s mentioned above, age is a factor in determining whether your child is a qualifying child for your tax return. If your child is a student or is disabled, then you can claim him or her as a dependent as long as your child is under age 24.", "What Is The Child Tax Credit? To qualify for the Child Tax Credit, you must have a child or dependent who meets all of the following requirements: Age: The child must have been 16 or younger on December 31. Citizenship: The child must be a United States citizen, a United States national, or a resident alien.ther Child-Related Tax Savings: Exemptions: You will be able to claim a standard exemption for each qualifying child. Child and Dependent Care Credit: You may be able to deduct up to $3,000 for one dependent, or up to $6,000 for more than one dependent with the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit." ]
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[ 13.0703125, 10.6953125, 11.6015625, 10.7578125, 13.765625, 13.8828125, 12.296875, 13.9765625, 10.96875, 13.078125, 14.734375, 11.3671875, 10.859375, 11.7265625, 10.6484375, 10.4296875, 9.78125, 13.8046875, 13.7578125, 13.421875, 11.5546875, 14.8046875, 10.109375, 13.6015625, 11.1484375, 12.34375, 14.75, 8.953125, 11.4765625, 13.15625 ]
how to delete dna from family tree dna
[ "- Yes, you can also request that MyHeritage or Family Tree DNA remove your test results from their database. You can remove your DNA test results from Geni by visiting your profile page and on the new DNA tab, clicking the link labeled You may remove these Family Tree DNA test results from Geni.." ]
[ "HOW TO MAKE A DNA MODEL USING PIPE CLEANERS!! STEP 4: Now to create the atoms inside your dna model take your four unique color sticks and cut them into 5 equal parts. STEP 5: Now that you have your four lets say C D E F you can now rap one side. lets say C on to your AB then about half an inch above wrap the side of D onto AB. and repeat this till you run out.astet opp 10. aug. 2011. STEPS ON HOW TO CREATE A DNA MODEL... STEP 1: Get a total of 8 fuzzy sticks on make sure you have 2 pairs that are the same color (Ex: one pair pink, one pair purple) and the other 4 are all uniuqe colors.", "- 1 Firefox-Press Control + J to open the Downloads section of the Library. 2 Click the Folder button to open the folder that the download is located in. 3 Internet Explorer-Press Control + J or click the Gear icon and select Downloads. 4 Click the link in the Location column for the file you want to delete.. Run a search for the file if you know the name of it. If you can't find the file in your Downloads folder, but you know the name of it, you can use Windows Search to try to find it. Press the Windows key and type in the name of the file.", "How can I delete a file that won't delete? Go to the YouTube video I am linking to below. Or search for file won't delete in the search there, more than one way to do it. First of all, I've tried deleting it by dragging it to the recycling bin, which doesn't work. I've tried Shift+Del on it, and it doesn't work.", "- c brodnt click here to download the network connection repair tool download the file to the temporary folder once the download is complete open the folder and double click on the downloaded file to extract it the decompression process was successful will appearclick ok nettool folder is created brodnt click here to download the network connection repair tool download the file to the temporary folder once the download is complete open the folder and double click on the downloaded file to extract it the decompression process was successful will appear", "Binary Search Trees If the node to be deleted has zero or one child, then the delete method will follow a path from the root to that node. So the worst-case time is proportional to the height of the tree (just like for lookup and insert).he reason binary-search trees are important is that the following operations can be implemented efficiently using a BST: 1 insert a key value. 2 determine whether a key value is in the tree. 3 remove a key value from the tree.", "-  Select the row and then go to the Home tab  Go to the Cells group.  Select Delete.  Select Delete Sheet Rows. * If you select the row and then hit the Delete key on your keyboard, you will delete the contents of the row, but not the row itself.To delete a column  Select the column and then go to the Home tab.  Go to the Cells group.  Select Delete  Select Delete Sheet Columns.he Tab key takes you to each of the selected cells in the order that you selected them. Selecting entire row or column – click the row number or column letter. Selecting all cells – to select all of the cells, click on the blank gray button to the left of the A and above the 1. Ctrl + Home takes you back to cell A1.", "- 1 Remove the first element in a collection; to remove one element, pass the index value to DELETE. 2 This form of DELETE can be used only with an associative array or a nested table. 3 Remove all the elements between the specified low and high index values. This form of DELETE works with all three kinds of collections. 2 Remove the first element in a collection; to remove one element, pass the index value to DELETE. 3 This form of DELETE can be used only with an associative array or a nested table. 4 Remove all the elements between the specified low and high index values.", "Resize a table by adding or removing rows and columns Delete rows or columns in a table. Select one or more table rows or table columns that you want to delete. Tip You can also just select one or more cells in the table rows or table columns that you want to delete.On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the arrow next to Delete, and then click Delete Table Rows or Delete Table Columns.ip If you select a cell or range in the last column, you can also insert a column to the left or to the right of that column. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the arrow next to Insert. Do one of the following: To insert table rows, click Insert Table Rows Above.", "- Instructions. Launch the Latter Day Saints family tree software. If there is no desktop short cut to the program, click Start, then select All Programs and choose the family tree program tab. Select File, Open.. A search window will appear on the desktop.Choose the PAF you want to view, then click OK.. The document will load onto the computer screen. Edit the document as you see fit, then select File, Save As.. A save window will appear on the screen.nstructions. Launch the Latter Day Saints family tree software. If there is no desktop short cut to the program, click Start, then select All Programs and choose the family tree program tab. Select File, Open.. A search window will appear on the desktop.", "Most Recent Only a few years ago one had to go through huge numbers of library records, micro films, government files and cemetery ledgers in order to trace ones ancestors and build a family tree. Today your ancestors might be just a mouse click away. Start your search below. Search MILLIONS of ancestors in family trees.", "- To delete selected rows, click Delete Sheet Rows. To delete selected columns, click Delete Sheet Columns. Tip You can right-click a selection of cells, click Delete, and then click the option that you want. You can also right-click a selection of rows or columns and then click Delete.", "SalesForce Knowledge Tips ALso deleting a parent record can also delete its children records. For example, deleting accounts also deletes contacts. If you search the for the child record in the recycle bin, it won’t appear in the list. You can query for it, but you’ll get an error “Entity is not in the recycle bin” if you try to undelete it.", "- Place 10.0mL of the onion pulp/juice into a 100-mL beaker and add 20mL of the chilled buffer solution. Stir vigorously with a stirring rod for three minutes. The detergent will break up the cell walls, releasing the onion DNA into the buffer solution.", "Q: How Do I delete or clear redundant network profiles (names) from my desktop and laptop running Windows 7? Hi pejuson, To remove redundant network profiles from your computer, you may follow the steps mentioned below and check. 1. Open Manage Wireless Networks by clicking the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type wireless, and then click Manage wireless networks.2.Right-click the network profile you want to modify, and then click Properties. 3. Make the desired changes, and then click OK. For more information see Create or modify network profiles.n the search box, type wireless, and then click Manage wireless networks. 2. Right-click the network profile you want to modify, and then click Properties. 3. Make the desired changes, and then click OK. For more information see Create or modify network profiles.", "- 1 Find DNA relatives around the world or across the street. 2 Expand your family tree by identifying and gathering data from DNA relatives. 3 Trace your ancestral lineage back thousands of years and discover your maternal/parental lines. Discover what percent of your DNA comes from populations around the world.", "Q: How can you remove a network drive in windows 8 Method 1: First, you can search for Computer from the Start screen. Right-click or long-press Computer when it appears in the search results and then click or tap Disconnect network drive.. This will take you to the Desktop and launch the tool. Method 2: Follow the steps from Windows Explorer.a. If you’re already on the Desktop, you can open File Explorer by clicking the folder icon on your taskbar. Click or tap Computer from the left pane and click or tap Map network drive on the ribbon.his will take you to the Desktop and launch the tool. Method 2: Follow the steps from Windows Explorer. a. If you’re already on the Desktop, you can open File Explorer by clicking the folder icon on your taskbar. Click or tap Computer from the left pane and click or tap Map network drive on the ribbon.", "- We’re sorry, this page is temporarily unavailable. You can try , or come back later. You might also find one of these links useful. Create a free online family tree. Search for historical records. Learn about AncestryDNA. See how to get started in family history.", "- Tip To cancel a selection of cells, click any cell on the worksheet. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the arrow next to Delete, and then do one of the following: To delete selected cells, click Delete Cells. To delete selected rows, click Delete Sheet Rows.To delete selected columns, click Delete Sheet Columns. Tip You can right-click a selection of cells, click Delete, and then click the option that you want.You can also right-click a selection of rows or columns and then click Delete.If you are deleting a cell or a range of cells, in the Delete dialog box, click Shift cells left, Shift cells up, Entire row, or Entire column. If you are deleting rows or columns, other rows or columns automatically shift up or to the left.ips. To repeat deleting cells, rows, or columns, select the next cells, rows, or columns, and then press Ctrl+Y. If needed, you can restore deleted data immediately after you delete it. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Undo Delete, or press Ctrl+Z.", "Q: How can you remove a network drive in windows 8 To remove one, select it from the list and click or tap OK. c. If you’d rather manually disconnect the mapped drives, open File Explorer and click or tap Computer from the left pane. Right-click or long-press the mapped drive in question and click or tap Disconnect. Hope this information helps.his will take you to the Desktop and launch the tool. Method 2: Follow the steps from Windows Explorer. a. If you’re already on the Desktop, you can open File Explorer by clicking the folder icon on your taskbar. Click or tap Computer from the left pane and click or tap Map network drive on the ribbon.", "Find Duplicates Find Duplicates. This example teaches you how to find duplicates (or triplicates) in Excel. Go here to remove duplicates. 1. Select the range A1:C10. 2. On the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting, Highlight Cells Rules, Duplicate Values... 3. Select a formatting style and click OK. Result.Excel highlights the duplicate names.Note: select Unique from the first drop-down list to highlight the unique names.. Select the range A1:C10. 2. On the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting, Highlight Cells Rules, Duplicate Values... 3. Select a formatting style and click OK. Result. Excel highlights the duplicate names. Note: select Unique from the first drop-down list to highlight the unique names.", "- Again, click “Find & Select” in the “Editing” section of the “Home” tab and select “Go To Special…” from the drop-down menu. Select “Blanks” again on the “Go To Special” dialog box and click “OK.”. Again, all the cells in the selection that are not blank are de-selected, leaving only the blank cells selected.n the “Cells” section of the “Home” tab, click “Delete” and then select “Delete Sheet Rows” from the drop-down menu. All the blank rows are removed and the remaining rows are now contiguous. You can also delete blank columns using this feature.", "Key points: The basic steps are: 1 Cut open the plasmid and paste in the gene. This process relies on restriction enzymes (which cut DNA) and DNA ligase (which joins DNA). 2 Transform the plasmid into bacteria. Use antibiotic selection to identify the bacteria that took up the plasmid.", "- hi lori there is another post similar to yours that is called how do i combine 2 family trees here is what she said unfortunately there is no way to combine family trees on ancestry com although you cannot combine trees you can copy people from one tree to anotheryou can find steps on how to do this belowi lori there is another post similar to yours that is called how do i combine 2 family trees here is what she said unfortunately there is no way to combine family trees on ancestry com although you cannot combine trees you can copy people from one tree to another you can find steps on how to do this below", "- 1 Choose the types of data or files you want to remove from your PC, and then select Delete. 2 In Internet Explorer, select the Tools button, and then select Internet options. 3 Under Browsing history, select Delete. In Internet Explorer, select the Safety menu, and then select Delete Browsing History.", "Tools for Troubleshooting To delete a file or folder. 1. Open My Documents. If the file or folder you want to delete is not located in My Documents or its subfolders, use Search to find it. To open Search, click Start, and then click Search. 2. Click the file or folder you want to delete.3. Under File and Folder Tasks, click Delete this file or Delete this folder.Note.pen My Documents. If the file or folder you want to delete is not located in My Documents or its subfolders, use Search to find it. To open Search, click Start, and then click Search. 2. Click the file or folder you want to delete. 3. Under File and Folder Tasks, click Delete this file or Delete this folder. Note.", "extracting DNA To extract DNA from cells. Materials: Blender, split peas, salt, detergent, water, measuring cup and spoons, strainer, meat tenderizer, alcohol, test tube, glass stirring rod. Procedure: 1 First, you need to find something that contains DNA such as split peas, fresh spinach, chicken liver, onion, or broccoli.2 Measure about 100 ml or 1/2 cup of split peas and place them in a blender. 3 Add a large pinch of salt (less than 1 ml or about 1/8 teaspoon) to the blender.o extract DNA from cells. Materials: Blender, split peas, salt, detergent, water, measuring cup and spoons, strainer, meat tenderizer, alcohol, test tube, glass stirring rod. Procedure: 1 First, you need to find something that contains DNA such as split peas, fresh spinach, chicken liver, onion, or broccoli.", "Q: how do I delete a unwanted line on word document? If the line is a shape, then when you click on the line it will become selected and you can press the delete key to delete the line. If the line is part of a form field, when you click the line it should select the form field.Press the delete key to delete the form field.If the line is part of a table, when you click the line you should see the table outline.Click on the outline of the table to select the table and then press the delete key on the keyboard.ress the delete key to delete the form field. If the line is part of a table, when you click the line you should see the table outline. Click on the outline of the table to select the table and then press the delete key on the keyboard.", "How to delete undeletable & locked files, folders in Windows Use the del command to delete undeletable files: del “Path of File”. Use the RMDIR or RD command to delete undeletable folders: rd /s /q “Path of Folder”. / 1 S: Delete all files and subfolders in addition to the folder itself.", "How to delete a file or folder when the Windows path is too long 1 In Explorer, Shift-right-click on the item to be deleted and select Copy as path.. 2 In a command prompt, type DEL and then paste the name of the path you copied (right-click and select Paste). 3 Press Home to go to the beginning of the line, and modify the drive letter for the Windows path so that it reads.f you end up with a Windows path that is apparently too deep to be deleted, you can force the use of the alternate file-designation methodology to get around the 260-character limit. Here's how to do it: 1 In Explorer, Shift-right-click on the item to be deleted and select Copy as path..", "- 1. Simple delete files by pressing the DEL key. In this mode files are moved to the Recycle Bin. In this case if you want to recover the deleted files and folders, please open the Recycle Bin and restore the deleted files. 2. Using advance technique to delete the file by pressing Shift + DEL Key." ]
[ 14.765625 ]
[ 0.85546875, 3.25, 1.701171875, 1.875, 3.140625, 4.89453125, 3.505859375, 2.96875, 6.3359375, 2.53125, 4.3515625, 1.158203125, 2.17578125, 0.580078125, 7.83203125, 3.134765625, 5.8671875, 4.35546875, 3.40234375, 1.880859375, 3.162109375, 2.24609375, 3.591796875, 5.14453125, 7.3203125, 3.509765625, 2.12109375, 0.802734375, 2.8984375, 4.19921875 ]
what is a beef knuckle roast
[ "How to Cook a Beef Knuckle How to Cook a Beef Knuckle. Beef knuckle is a versatile cut of meat originating from the round primal cut, which is located in the rear of the animal. An entire beef knuckle weighs 12 to 16 pound. It can be carved into several other cuts, including kabobs and minute steaks. Beef knuckle is also known as beef ball tip roast, sirloin tip roast and French roll roast." ]
[ "Beef clod (Discuss) Proposed since April 2016. The beef clod or shoulder is one of the cheapest cuts of beef and is taken from the shoulder region of the cattle. This is why it is sometimes called chuck or shoulder clod. Beef clod consists of a large muscle system and some fat that covers the muscles.", "- The Top Sirloin Cap, NAMP 184D, is also known as the Coulotte, the Knuckle, or a Round Sirloin Tip Roast. It is derived from the flat triangular cap muscle that sits on top of the Top Sirloin Butt. The Sirloin Cap Steak, NAMP 1184D, is one of the steaks sometimes called Coulotte...", "- Cooking a beef roast, lamb roast or veal roast in a hooded barbecue. 1 Preheat the barbecue in line with the type of cut you are roasting (see our chart). 2 For 200ºC the burners should be set at medium. 3 Determine the weight of the roast and brush it lightly with oil.4 Season with salt, pepper and flavourings.ips for cooking a roast in a barbecue. 1 Avoid lifting the barbecue lid too often (you lose about 10 - 15°C each time). 2 To boost the temperature in a kettle barbecue during roasting, add 6 to 10 heat beads on each side at 1 hour intervals.", "- French Roast is a method of roasting coffee beans. They're roasted twice, producing a rich, dark blend of coffee. This roast must have resilient beans to ensure perfection, so we use hard high-grown American beans.", "- Remove the butcher's twine after cooking rolled roast. A relatively inexpensive cut of meat, rolled beef chuck roast is often referred to by a variety of names, including boneless chuck filet, inside chuck roll or pot roast. A rolled roast is tenderized, rolled and tied with butcher's twine.", "What is difference between bratwurst and knockwurst? · just now. Report Abuse. A bratwurst is a sausage composed of pork, beef, and sometimes veal and a knackwurst is a type of small soft German sausage intended to be eaten by hand. It is a short, chubby sausage made from pork and beef with fresh garlic.Bratwurst is usually grilled and sometimes cooked in broth. just now. Report Abuse. A bratwurst is a sausage composed of pork, beef, and sometimes veal and a knackwurst is a type of small soft German sausage intended to be eaten by hand. It is a short, chubby sausage made from pork and beef with fresh garlic.", "Pork Cuts Explained It would be nice if the nomenclature for meat cuts were the same from animal to animal, and from country to country. Alas, they are not. A standing rib roast (beef) is the same as a rack of lamb is the same as a bone-in pork roast or pork crown roast. Beef short ribs are pretty much the same as pork spare ribs, but don't ask for beef spare ribs because there is no such thing.", "A Guide to Beef Roasts and the Best Ways to Cook Them The following beef roasts -- with photographs from a butcher's block and recipes -- are the roasts you'll frequently find in a market or butcher. 1 of 06. Chuck Roast. 2 of 06. Eye of Round Roast. 3 of 06. Rib Roast. of 06. Top Round 1 Roast. of 06. Rump Roast. of 06. Sirloin Tip 1 Roast. Ingredient Glossary.", "- Top Round Roast, Beef cooking information, facts and recipes. A beef roast cut from the top round muscle, which is the inside muscle of the upper portion of the rear leg. Recipes", "Pork Cuts Explained It would be nice if the nomenclature for meat cuts were the same from animal to animal, and from country to country. Alas, they are not. A standing rib roast (beef) is the same as a rack of lamb is the same as a bone-in pork roast or pork crown roast.", "- Lisa Romerein/The Image Bank/Getty Images. Corned beef is a preparation in which a cut of beef, traditionally the brisket, is cured in a brine solution along with various seasonings, and then slowly simmered until it's tender and flavorful.isa Romerein/The Image Bank/Getty Images. Corned beef is a preparation in which a cut of beef, traditionally the brisket, is cured in a brine solution along with various seasonings, and then slowly simmered until it's tender and flavorful.", "- (February 2013). A standing rib roast, also known as prime rib, is a cut of beef from the primal rib, one of the nine primal cuts of beef. While the entire rib section comprises ribs six through 12, a standing rib roast may contain anywhere from two to seven ribs.February 2013). A standing rib roast, also known as prime rib, is a cut of beef from the primal rib, one of the nine primal cuts of beef. While the entire rib section comprises ribs six through 12, a standing rib roast may contain anywhere from two to seven ribs.", "- The most elegant choice is a tenderloin roast, which is lean and tender, but very expensive. A rib roast (sometimes called a prime rib roast) isn't as lean and tender, but it's juicier and more flavorful. A good compromise between the two would be a rib-eye roast, which is basically a boneless, low-fat rib roast. Other candidates for roast beef are a top loin roast, top sirloin butt roast, tri-tip roast, round tip roast, and rump roast. Don't assume that anything with roast in its name will work as roast beef.", "Is Arby's meat kangaroo? Today, Arby’s simply chooses to not acknowledge “sandwiches and kangaroos”. Another claim says that Arby's roast beef is made from a paste, gel, powder or liquid. Again, this one is false, according to internet myth buster Snopes.com. When asked about the meat they use, here is a portion of their response:", "A Pork Loin Primer, From Boneless to Rib Roast Bone-in loin. A bone-in pork loin roast—also called a rib roast, rack of pork, or, if the roast is tied in a circle with the bones up, a crown roast—can weigh up to 13 pounds. The ribs aren’t just for presentation’s sake. They help the meat retain moisture, Carter said.", "Pot Roast 101 To most people, pot roast means slow-cooked beef with carrots, potatoes, or other vegetables added partway through cooking. The term actually refers either to the cooking method or the dish. Pot roast predates the modern range and likely originated when hearth cooking was common.", "What Cut of Beef Is the Peeled Knuckle? The knuckle can be used whole as a large roast, or can be cut up for stew meat or kebabs. If the knuckle is broken down further into its component muscles, they can be allocated to different purposes. The tip center makes a tender small roast, or can be cut into steaks tender enough for broiling or grilling.", "- About. The knuckle, or beef tip, is one of three main parts of the round and is one of the most versatile cuts of beef. The trimmed tip is most commonly found in butcher shops. It can be cut into countless items-London Broil, in strips to use in Stroganoff, cubes for kabobs, roasts, etc.eef knuckle is a solid muscle group weighing 12 to 16 pounds that has had the tri-tip muscle removed. It lies at the top of the round just beyond the sirloin and is the muscle group just above the kneecap.", "The Food Lab: The Secret to Perfect Beef Tenderloin? The Reverse Sear Strikes Again Get Recipe. Beef tenderloin is best when it's fully medium-rare to rare from edge to center. [Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, unless otherwise noted]. When it comes to a celebratory roast, especially at the holidays, prime rib has always been my meat of choice with its full-flavored fattiness and primal ribs.", "Beef Round Cuts The round is the rear leg of the cow. A frequently used muscle, the meat from this area is lean but tough. Bottom Round: One area is tougher than the other, and it's usually divided into two smaller cuts -- bottom round roast and rump roast (the end that comes to a point).Bottom Round Roast: Roasts from the bottom round. A bit tough and best suited as corned beef or pot roast.This is called beef silverside in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Eye Round Roast/Steak or Eye of the Round: A boneless roast that looks like tenderloin, but it is much tougher.Used as a roast or cut into steaks. Steaks cut from the roast are used in stews or processed into cube steak.ye Round Roast/Steak or Eye of the Round: A boneless roast that looks like tenderloin, but it is much tougher. Used as a roast or cut into steaks. Steaks cut from the roast are used in stews or processed into cube steak.", "- Beef Mini Roast. A mini roast is a small joint of beef of around 300-500g. It's suitable for two to three people and is ready in under an hour. Ideal for midweek, the mini roast is a popular choice for people looking for something easy but delicious when they are short of time or don't need to feed lots of people.", "Schweinshaxe (German Pork Knuckle) What Is a Pork Knuckle? Schweinshaxe starts with a cut of pork you’re probably not too familiar with: the knuckle. Yes, pigs have knuckles too. While pork knuckle might sound a bit unappealing, Schweinshaxe, now that just sounds like a fun culinary feat to master. The bone-in hunk of pork leg is quite impressive, I’m not going to lie.", "Beef Cuts from the Beef Primal Chuck The Beef Chuck Arm Roast is identified by its thickness as a roast, the large round bone in the center of the cut and the many small muscles of which it is made. This roast may or may not have a cross cut rib bones showing but if present would be at the bottom of the picture. Cooking Recommendations.", "Schweinshaxe Roasted Pork Knuckle Schweinshaxe is a large pork knuckle roasted till crispy on the outside and fork tender on the inside.This style is popular in Bavaria.owever you can bring this show stopping dish to the table on a large platter and serve slices. Be sure to give some skin to each person, that is one of the best parts. . Typical side dishes with the Schweinshaxe are sauerkraut or braised red cabbage. (Rotkohl) and Kartoffel Knoedel knödel or roasted. potatoes", "What Is the Difference Between a Beef Roast & Beef Brisket? What Is the Difference Between a Beef Roast & Beef Brisket? Beef roast and beef brisket are different cuts of meat that come from distinct parts of the animal. Beef roast isn’t just one cut, but can be used to describe multiple cuts that require various cooking methods. Brisket is a specific cut of meat from the lower chest of the cow. The name “roast” doesn’t really give you an idea of where the on the animal the cut came from or how to cook it. Roast can mean many different cuts — from tender areas that need minimal searing and roasting, to tough cuts that benefit from braising.", "How to Roast Top Round How to Roast Top Round. A top round beef roast is a practical cut with great marbling, full flavor, and very little waste. If you purchase a boneless top round roast, you can be sure of getting the most for your dollar. The top round roast is a great choice for a weekend meal, and is versatile enough to provide many options for leftovers. With proper preparation and roasting, a top round roast can be tender, juicy, and loaded with flavor.", "- The Tip Center Roast is a value cut Roast derived from the center of the Knuckle Sub-Primal Cut. A Tip Center Roast is a lean and fairly tender cut, the most tender cut in the Round Primal Cut. Availability Beef Tip Center Roast are available all year long.", "- Those things are good and all, but Christmas only comes once a year. I say it’s time to roast a big chunk of beef. The best two options are beef tenderloin and prime rib. I have been told that warehouse stores like Costco are the best plays to get these hunks of cow as the best prices.", "How to Cook Eye of Round Roast Eye of round roast is a cheap, lean cut of beef with a tendency to be tough if cooked improperly. However, when cooked the right way, this cut of meat transforms into a delicious, juicy roast. Try these three methods for cooking eye of round roast.", "- The classic cut of meat for a British Sunday roast, beef is full of flavour, as well as being a good source of high-quality protein, iron and B vitamins. But it's not just a one-dish ingredient-the wide range of cuts available, from expensive sirloin steak to the much more affordable brisket, mean it's pretty versatile.any different cuts of beef are available-which you buy depends on how you want to cook it. For roasts, the best cuts include rib (on the bone or boned and rolled), sirloin, top rump and fillet." ]
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what drinks help you when you are sick
[ "The Best Drinks When You Are Feeling Sick Being sick can decrease your appetite, making it difficult to enjoy nutritious meals. A cup of hot vegetable or chicken broth can provide the vitamins you need without requiring you to crawl out from under your blanket. Additionally, broth is warming and helps hydrate you --good qualities when you are under the weather.", "Get Through Your Day With a Cough or Cold Sip water, juice, broth, and other clear liquids all day. Staying hydrated helps your immune system fight sickness. It can also help loosen mucus and replace fluids you lose from blowing your nose. Keep a healthy supply of drinks right at your desk. But avoid coffee, caffeinated sodas, and energy drinks.", "Get Through Your Day With a Cough or Cold Sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow -- not into your hands. Wash your hands often with soap and water, and avoid shaking hands. Rest. After work, go home and get a good meal -- try chicken soup. Then, get in bed! When you’re sick, your body needs rest and sleep. Give it what it needs to get better." ]
[ "- 1 Try different kinds of apples until you find one or more that help to reduce symptoms. 2 Black strap molasses has a strong flavor. 3 Mix in fresh apple juice or a glass of water or follow with a glass of water.", "5 Foods NOT to Eat While Sick or Battling a Cold If you enjoy juicing and make your own 100% juices—by all means, drink them! But if you reach for your run-of-the-mill orange juice when you get a cold, you’d be better off without. Average juices are loaded with extra sugar and that sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight illness.", "Why is chicken soup good when you have a cold? A Stacy Wiegman, PharmD , Pharmacy, answered. Chicken soup is good when you have a cold for several reasons. First, it helps keep you hydrated. You need at least eight glasses of fluid a day when you’re sick. Second, the steam from chicken soup helps relieve a congested nose and throat.", "Cactus water will make you sick The story reported that the men became sick. That’s what happens if you drink water stored in a cactus. You can get some moisture from cactus fruit and all cactus fruit is edible, though all do not taste good. The Seri Indians sometimes used the Fishhook barrel (Ferocactus wislizeni) for emergency water. However, drinking the juice on an empty stomach often caused diarrhea and that will further dehydrate you.", "NATURAL HOME REMEDIES FOR ALCOHOLISM 1 Carrot juice is also considered effective in the treatment of alcoholism. 2 This is due to the fact that it helps in reducing alcohol cravings. 3 If you begin to crave for alcohol, consume carrots in the whole form or as a juice. 4 Lemon Juice is also considered effective in preventing the urge to consume alcohol.", "When You're Sick Even if you are throwing up, don't stop your medications. You need them because your body makes extra glucose (sugar) when you are sick. If you have type 1 diabetes, you may have to take extra insulin to bring down the higher blood glucose levels.", "Toothache Our article about natural home... Whisky and Toothache: Can you use whisky to relieve a toothache? Using whiskey to relieve a toothache is an old, old remedy and isvery useful in helping with... Instant Toothache Relief: what home remedies can i take to cure a toothache until i see my dentist in 72 hours the hospital wouldnt give me medication for it despite me in extreme pain", "Is it true that having cold drinks on a sore throat makes it worse? If the sore throat is from post nasal drip, a cold, allergies or irritation from a cough, then I find hot tea with honey that coats the throat helps with irritation and general discomfort. Cocoa works for me too, so does apple cider — I don't drink coffee, but I imagine that it to would help.", "Best and Worst Foods To Eat When You're Sick when you have a cold the worst symptom might be a nose that just won t stop running aside from taking a steamy shower slayton suggests drinking warm tea it may not slow down the drip but a soothing tea will make you feel better best foods try wakaya ginger tea suggests slayton", "Best Beverages for Arthritis Tea is one of the most-studied drinks when it comes to its benefits for arthritis patients. Green, black and white teas are all rich in polyphenols – compounds from plants that have strong anti-inflammatory effects. You’ll find the highest polyphenol levels in green and white teas.", "What Foods To Eat When You Are Sick and Want to Get Better Although these are the best foods to eat when sick, it might be better to eat wide ranges of food when you get healthier because then you get all kinds of nutrients. Most important food or drink when feeling sick is water.", "How can I cure sickness? To complement izzy's answer, praying indeed cures sickness, as well as eating curaria mancox herbs. Sickness does wear off over time too, but it takes ages and it's not worth the wait. Finally, one possible effect of drinking from pools is curing sickness.", "The worst foods to eat when you're sick, and the best ones Best and Worst Foods To Eat When You're Sick. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of headaches, says Dr. Arthur, so it's best to treat that cause first and see if it relieves your pain. Best foods: Water and other fluids are your best bet. Drink a bottle of water and wait 20 minutes to see if you feel better, says Dr. Arthur. Caffeine is known for drying you out, but ironically, it can help in small doses.", "How to Get Rid of Alcohol Breath Because with chronic bad breath, no amount of remedies will work. In summation, drink such that you remain in control, do not let the alcohol control you. 1 Keep drinking water. 2 Water will help in moisturizing your alcohol-dried mouth and a moist mouth does not smell as bad as a dry one. 3 Coffee or tea are two beverages that can replace the alcoholic smell from your mouth. 4 Drink smart.", "Best and Worst Foods To Eat When You're Sick Feel good foods. When you're under the weather the last thing you want is to eat something that makes you feel worse. But what if the last thing you want is chicken soup or crackers, and you're craving ice cream or a glass of wine? It depends on what's wrong with you, experts say.", "The Best and Worst Foods to Eat When You're Sick Popsicles. Staying properly hydrated while sick with a chest cold can keep mucus thin and help lessen congestion. While it’s generally better to eat whole fruit rather than drink it, popsicles are great as a different way to hydrate and are especially easy on the throat.", "- Cause I'll be working long as my two hands are fit to use. I drink a little beer in a tavern. Sing a little bit of these working man blues. Yeah drink a little beer in a tavern, Cry a little bit of these working man blues. Submit Corrections. Visit www.azlyrics.com for these lyrics. 1 A-Z Lyrics. M.", "- Note that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged. To access the complete Unabridged Dictionary, with an additional 300,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary, start a free trial. one whose health is drunk in a toast.", "What Foods To Eat When You Are Sick and Want to Get Better You might have wondered what food you should eat when you feel sick and not doing anything. Most common illness is common cold and that can be easily treated if healthy foods are eaten on a daily basis. When you are sick, you don’t feel like eating and it is no fun. In such cases, you have to choose the best food that will make you better since you can only eat very little. Here are the foods that you should eat when you feel sick: Chicken soup has cysteine, an amino acid that’s released by cooked chicken. It’s chemically similar to a bronchitis drug, acetylcysteine, and it works with other soup ingredients to reduce inflammation. Salty broth also helps thin mucus.", "When You're Sick You may want to take extra medications when you are sick. For example, if you have a cold, you may want to take a cough medicine. Always check the label of over-the-counter medicines before you buy them to see if they have sugar. Small doses of medicines with sugar are usually okay.", "Is it bad to drink coffee when your sick? Not at all! In fact, many people prefer their coffee to be colder and enjoy the taste of iced coffee over the taste of a hot coffee. Cold brew coffee contains roughly 70% … fewer bitter acids than coffee brewed in heat which often results in a smoother drink that tastes richer.", "7 Guaranteed Methods To Help You Stop Drinking Alcohol #7 Ginseng Can Help You Stop Drinking. When you decide to stop drinking, you may look for assistance at home through herbal remedies. Keeping symptoms of withdrawal under control can be achieved through the use of ginseng. Ginseng can be found over the counter at most pharmacies and drug stores in pill form.", "5 Foods NOT to Eat While Sick or Battling a Cold 2. Dairy Products. Dairy products may be on the fence (in small portions), as consuming them may not aggravate some while doing so to others. Dairy products can increase mucus production, and mucus is one thing you don’t need more of when you are sick. If ice cream feels good on your throat, opt for a different frozen dessert like frozen fruit bars. These will numb your scratchy throat and deliver some useful vitamin C.", "The 8 Best Foods to Eat When You're Sick Hot Tea. Warm liquids can soothe a sore throat and alleviate congestion, so drinks like freshly-brewed green tea -- which is rich in infection-fighting antioxidants and supports the immune system -- or hot water with lemon are ideal for staying hydrated while helping out that stuffy nose.", "When You're Sick As a result, when you are sick, it is harder to keep your blood glucose in your target range. Ketoacidosis leading to a diabetic coma can develop, particularly in people with type 1 diabetes.", "What can I drink or eat to help me digest food better? Report Abuse. Yogurt before and after your meals. Make sure you don't eat too much that you're too full to drink/eat the yogurt. Also, hot tea can really help during the meals. It burns the fats inside your tummy, that is what chinese people usually do because most of the chinese food are oily and fatty.ake sure you don't eat too much that you're too full to drink/eat the yogurt. Also, hot tea can really help during the meals. It burns the fats inside your tummy, that is what chinese people usually do because most of the chinese food are oily and fatty.", "- It is often drank by pregnant women to help with morning sickness and the same principle applies for a hangover. One option is to boil 10-12 pieces of fresh ginger root in about four cups of water and add the juice of one orange, half a lemon and half cup of honey.", "Benger's Other sick children; sent brandy and Benger's food. Woman's Endurance. Mrs. Hett called me in; very concerned; Annie, ten years, very ill; sweet little thing; took her some Benger's Food and milk; wine. Woman's Endurance. I usually make a last round after the day's work to take Benger's.", "Why does my stomach hurt when I drink water in the morning? This article will give you tips on how to drink safe so that you do not become a fatality. One reason you feel sick is that you may lack water, so drinking water might help. it with out getting funny feeling in my stomach. couldn't eat anything and keep it down until about 4 or 5 in the afternoon the day after.", "Why do people drink ginger ale when they are sick, how does it help? Best Answer: any clear soda is good to drink when your stomach is upset because no dyes like coke or Pepsi. The carbonation is good to help relieve air from the stomach If you are sick diarrhea sick, they also recommend Jello, saltine crackers, and bananas, to help settle your tummy. It is Bland food like the ginger ale. And the ginger an ingredient in ginerale is an herb used for stomach aches and coughs. Ginger ale is used as a home remedy to prevent and also can alleviate motion sickness, to help relieve upset stomachs and to help soothe coughs and sore throats." ]
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if donated cord blood stem cell, can donor use it if needed
[ "- Choose the option that’s right for you: 1 Donate your baby’s umbilical cord blood to a public cord blood bank. 2 Store your baby’s cord blood in a family cord blood bank, where it is reserved for your own family for a fee. 3 Save your baby’s cord blood for a biological sibling who has a medical need." ]
[ "- Cord Blood and Haploidentical Transplants. If the search for an unrelated donor produces no options, doctors may turn to a cord blood transplant or a haploidentical transplant. These options are an important area of focus for doctors at the Hutchinson Center.arents and children are haploidentical, and some siblings are haploidentical, so if a child needs a transplant, the child’s parents or partially matched siblings may be able to donate cells. Each of these methods opens up the option of a potentially life-saving transplant to many more children.", "Donation Frequently Asked Questions Questions about the people in need of a transplant, and the need for more marrow donors and cord blood units are answered at General FAQ. Questions about bone marrow and umbilical cord blood transplants, such as what is a transplant and how long does it take to find a donor found are at Transplant FAQ.", "- Cord blood contains all the normal elements of blood-red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. But it is also rich in hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells, similar to those found in bone marrow. This is why cord blood can be used for transplantation as an alternative to bone marrow.", "Cord blood bank Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells (which can differentiate only into blood cells), and should not be confused with embryonic stem cells or pluripotent stem cells, which can differentiate into any cell in the body.", "- Donors are encouraged to contact a cord blood bank by the 35th week of pregnancy. The procedure for obtaining the cord blood involves clamping the umbilical cord at the time of birth. The small amount of blood remaining in the umbilical cord is drained and taken to a cord blood bank. It is free to donate. Read more about cord blood donation and options for umbilical cord banking and donation on the web site of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.", "Food_and_Nutritional_Toxicology Cord blood stored for potential future use by a patient unrelated to the donor meets the definition of “drug” under the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act and “biological product” under Section 351 of the Public Health Service Act.", "Anemia A blood and marrow stem cell transplant replaces a person's abnormal stem cells with healthy ones from another person (a donor). This procedure allows the recipient to get new stem cells that work properly.Stem cells are found in bone marrow, a sponge-like tissue inside the bones.Stem cells develop into the three types of blood cells that the body needs: 1 Red blood cells, which carry oxygen through the body. 2 White blood cells, which fight infection. 3 Platelets (PLATE-lets), which help the blood clot.mall numbers of stem cells also are found in the blood and in the umbilical cord (the cord that connects a fetus to its mother's placenta). Another type of stem cell, called an embryonic (em-bre-ON-ik) stem cell, can develop into any type of cell in the body. These cells aren't found in bone marrow.", "- Stem Cell Treatments for 80 Diseases. The stem cells found in cord blood have been used in the treatment of a range of conditions. 10. More conditions continue to be researched.tem Cell Treatments for 80 Diseases. The stem cells found in cord blood have been used in the treatment of a range of conditions. 10. More conditions continue to be researched.", "- Bone marrow (stem cell) transplants have been used for the treatment and cure of a variety of. cancers, immune system diseases, and blood diseases for many years. Doctors in the United States and other countries have developed studies to treat children who have. severe sickle cell disease with bone marrow (stem cell) transplants.", "What is Cord Blood? The blood within your newborn baby’s umbilical cord contains young stem cells that can renew themselves and become specialized. These cord blood stem cells have been proven in treatment to help children replace damaged blood cells with healthy ones and strengthen their immune systems.he blood within your newborn baby’s umbilical cord contains young stem cells that can renew themselves and become specialized. These cord blood stem cells have been proven in treatment to help children replace damaged blood cells with healthy ones and strengthen their immune systems.", "Cord blood Cord blood. Umbilical cord blood is blood that remains in the placenta and in the attached umbilical cord after childbirth. Cord blood is collected because it contains stem cells, which can be used to treat hematopoietic and genetic disorders.", "Stem Cell and Gene Therapy This is why cord blood can be used for transplantation as an alternative to bone marrow. Cord blood is being used increasingly on an experimental basis as a source of stem cells, as an alternative to bone marrow. Most cord blood transplants have been performed in patients with blood and immune system diseases.", "Stem Cell Transplant for Cancer Stem Cell Transplant for Cancer. Stem cell transplants, including peripheral blood, bone marrow, and cord blood transplants, can be used to treat cancer. Stem cell transplants are most often used for cancers affecting the blood or immune system, such as leukemia, lymphoma, or multiple myeloma. Here we’ll outline why a person might need a stem cell transplant, what stem cells do, and what a transplant is like for most people.", "What diseases and conditions can be treated with stem cells? The most well-established and widely used stem cell treatment is the transplantation of blood stem cells to treat diseases and conditions of the blood and immune system, or to restore the blood system after treatments for specific cancers.", "What Is the Difference between Cord Blood Stem Cells and Embryonic Stem Cells Used in Research? You may have heard of the ethical debate surrounding stem cell research. This debate is focused on the use of embryonic stem cells. If you are considering banking your child’s cord blood, rest assured that cord blood stem cells are not part of this controversy.", "Understanding Donation: Marrow and Blood Stem Cells It is transplanted routinely to treat a variety of blood and bone marrow diseases, blood cancers, and immune disorders. More recently, stem cells from the blood stream (called peripheral blood stem cells) and umbilical cord stem cells have been used to treat some of the same blood-based diseases.", "- For example, blood stem cells can be found in the bone marrow and in the peripheral blood (circulating blood). A bone marrow transplant involves harvesting the stem cells from the bone marrow of a donor volunteer and after being prepared and grown, giving them to the patient.", "Stem Cell Basics IV. In fact, adult hematopoietic, or blood-forming, stem cells from bone marrow have been used in transplants for more than 40 years. Scientists now have evidence that stem cells exist in the brain and the heart, two locations where adult stem cells were not at first expected to reside.he adult stem cell can renew itself and can differentiate to yield some or all of the major specialized cell types of the tissue or organ. The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found.", "Stem cell transplant Stem cell transplants are used to restore the stem cells when the bone marrow has been destroyed by disease, chemotherapy (chemo), or radiation. Depending on the source of the stem cells, this procedure may be called a bone marrow transplant, a peripheral blood stem cell transplant, or a cord blood transplant.", "Lexic.us Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature: 1. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (1903) And Rachel said, Therefore he shall lie with thee to night for thy son's mandrakes. days of wheat harvest, and found mandrakes in the field,and brought them .... 2. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable: Giving the Derivation, Source, Or Origin of by Ebenezer Cobham Brewer (1898) Some mandrakes cannot be pull«! from the earth without producing fatal effects, so a cord used to be ... Shrieks like mandrakes' torn out of the earth.", "UMBILICAL CORD BLOOD STEM CELLS Potential advantages of cord blood: Stem cells from umbilical cord blood are hematopoetic stem cells (like adult bone marrow stem cells), meaning that they make blood cells. Receiving a cord blood transplant is similar to receiving a bone marrow transplant. The cord blood is removed from the umbilical cord and the placenta soon after a baby is born.", "- Cord blood is a sample of blood taken from a newborn baby's umbilical cord. It is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells, which are precursors to blood cells. As such, they have been used to treat certain diseases of the blood and immune system.", "- Smart. 1 They know how to find injured cells in the body and start a healing process.2 In other words, they may help the body help itself.80. 2 Today, cord blood stem cells have been used in more than 35,000 transplants worldwide to regenerate healthy blood and immune systems, like in a bone marrow transplant.", "Platelet Donations 2. Some cancer treatments cause a loss of platelets. These specialized blood cells help control blood clotting. When platelet levels fall too low, patients may need a transfusion of platelets to replenish their supply and prevent life-threatening hemorrhages. Some patients, especially those who have had a bone marrow transplant or who are being treated for leukemia, may require daily platelet transfusions for several weeks.", "Donate Every year, thousands of adults and children need marrow or blood stem cell transplants – a procedure that may be their only chance for survival. Although some patients have matched family members who can donate, about 70% do not.", "- Cord Blood Stem Cells: Current Uses. Cord blood stem cells can be used in the treatment of nearly 80 diseases listed below. This doesn’t mean they will be used and using them doesn’t guarantee success. Each case is unique and only a doctor can determine eligibility.", "Stem Cell Research Cord blood stem cells and amniotic fluid stem cells. Cord blood stem cells are harvested from the umbilical cord after childbirth. They can be frozen in cell banks for use in the future. These cells have been successfully used to treat children with blood cancers, such as leukemia, and certain genetic blood disorders. Stem cells have also been found in amniotic fluid.", "ShareCord Blood Program Developing Revolutionary Techniques. Using a method we developed to multiply (“expand”) cord blood cells, we are creating opportunities for using these cells as a bridge therapy of infection-fighting cells to improve patients’ transplant survival and reduce infection risk during chemotherapy.", "- 1 Bone marrow transplantation is an example of a stem cell therapy that is in widespread use. Research is underway to determine whether stem cell therapy may be useful in treating a wide variety of conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, and spinal cord injury.", "- • Stem cell transplants (peripheral blood, marrow or cord blood) may use the patient’s own stem cells. (called “autologous transplants”) or use donor stem cells. Donor cells may come from either a related. or unrelated matched donor (called an “allogeneic transplant”). Most transplant physicians would not. want to use a baby’s own cord blood (“autologous transplant”) to treat his or her leukemia. This is." ]
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adverse effects of albuterol in children
[ "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Side Effects Of Albuterol Nebulizer In Children Side effects of albuterol nebulizer in children - Side effects of albuterol inhalers? Side effects albuter. Palpitation lasting for fewminutes, nervousness, tremors, irritability. With inhalers you may get throat irritation, headache and vomiting. Sometimes dry mouth and padoxial bronchospasm most of the time the side effects are mild and short lived." ]
[ "eMedTV Articles A-Z Albuterol Solution Uses Albuterol solution is used for the treatment of asthma and other similar lung problems. This eMedTV resource explains how the medication works, discusses the use of the medication in children, and lists possible off-label albuterol solution uses.", "- Doctors prescribe albuterol to prevent and treat wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness caused by diseases that affect the lungs and airways.", "- Albuterol is the generic form of the brand-name drugs Proventil, ProAir, and Ventolin, which are used to treat lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Albuterol can quickly relieve shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness.", "Albuterol Inhalation Solution Albuterol Inhalation Solution Dosage and Administration Adults and Children 2 to 12 Years of Age The usual dosage for adults and for children weighing at least 15 kg is 2.5 mg of albuterol (one vial) administered three to four times daily by nebulization. Children weighing <15 kg who require <2.5 mg/dose (i.e., less than a full vial) should use Albuterol Inhalation Solution, 0.5% instead of Albuterol Inhalation Solution, 0.083%.", "- A: Depakote (divalproex) is an anticonvulsant and antimanic agent. Depakote may be used to prevent seizures, treat bipolar disorder or prevent migraines. The most common side effects with Depakote are headache, change in appetite, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, hair loss, nausea, insomnia, weight changes. Other side effects with Depakote include nervousness, pain, vomiting, tremor, and flu-like symptoms.", "Albuterol Sulfate Common side effects of albuterol sulfate include bronchospasm (wheezing, chest tightness, trouble breathing), especially after starting a new canister of this medicine; nervousness; shaking (tremor); headache; chest pain and fast, pounding, or irregular/uneven heartbeats (palpitations); nausea, or dizziness.", "- The authors concluded that. since there was a major difference in potassium reduction be-. tween the two routes of administration at 300 minutes, nebu-. lized albuterol is preferable over intravenous albuterol in the. treatment of emergency hyperkalemia in children.", "Albuterol Side Effects In Summary. Commonly reported side effects of albuterol include: tremor. Other side effects include: hypersensitivity reaction, tachycardia, and tremor. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. For the Consumer. Applies to albuterol: oral syrup, oral tablet, oral tablet extended release. Other dosage forms:", "Recall of Albuterol Used in Nebulizers Symptoms of albuterol overdose include tremors, dizziness, nervousness, headache, seizures, angina, high blood pressure, low potassium levels, rapid heart rates up to 200 beats/minutes, and potentially death. The recalled solution is contained in single-use vials in a protective foil overwrap packaged in a shelf carton.", "Why Albuterol Is No Longer Used for Bronchiolitis Current research has shown that the use of albuterol in hospitalized children did nothing to improve outcomes or reduce hospital stays. Moreover, the AAP recommends against other treatments commonly used in the past, including nebulized hypertonic saline, systemic corticosteroids, antibiotics, and chest physiotherapy.", "Seroquel XR In an acute (8-week) Seroquel XR trial in children and adolescents (10-17 years of age) with bipolar depression, in which efficacy was not established, the most commonly observed adverse reactions associated with the use of Seroquel XR (incidence of 5% or greater and at least twice that for placebo) were dizziness (7%), diarrhea (5%), fatigue (5%) and nausea (5%).", "Ventolin Side Effects Along with its needed effects, albuterol (the active ingredient contained in Ventolin) may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.", "Albuterol Sulfate (Salbutamol) Albuterol, perhaps due to its short half-life, may not have this deleterious effect (1) and therefore may actually be a more effective choice for athletes, though not bodybuilders, who can benefit from Clens long-lasting lipolytic effect.", "Atrovent vs. Albuterol As opposed to Atrovent, Albuterol is referred as a short-acting bronchodilator. Its time span for making effect is like that of the first one, such as four to six hours. Its dosage is two puffs after every four to six hours.", "Salbutamol Salbutamol, also known as albuterol and marketed as Ventolin among other names, is a medication that opens up the medium and large airways in the lungs. It is used to treat asthma including asthma attacks, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It may also be used to treat high blood potassium levels.", "The Placebo Effect Is Real and It Can Lead to Better Healthcare Subjects were given the effective drug albuterol, a placebo inhaler, acupuncture, and periods without treatment. They all took each treatment three times, which had the double effect of producing lots of data and allowing subjects to serve as their own controls.", "Ventolin HFA Albuterol is a bronchodilator that relaxes muscles in the airways and increases air flow to the lungs. Albuterol inhalation is used to treat or prevent bronchospasm in people with reversible obstructive airway disease. Albuterol is also used to prevent exercise-induced bronchospasm. Albuterol inhalation may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. What are the possible side effects of albuterol inhalation? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.", "- Brand names of oral tablet and liquid forms of albuterol are Proventil, Ventolin, and Volmax. Proventil and Ventolin should be stored at room temperature in a closed container, away from heat, moisture and direct light. Volmax should be stored in the refrigerator, and never frozen. Side effects. Albuterol may cause side effects. 1 The NIH lists the following as less serious, though a doctor should be consulted if they do not go away: 2 uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body. 3 nervousness. 4 headache. 5 nausea. 6 vomiting. 7 cough. 8 throat irritation. 9 muscle, bone, or back pain.", "Label: DEPAKOTE- divalproex sodium tablet, delayed release The following serious adverse reactions are described below and elsewhere in the labeling: 1 Hepatic failure [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)] 2 Birth defects [see Warnings and Precautions (5.2)] 3 Decreased IQ following in utero exposure [see Warnings and Precautions (5.3)] 4 Pancreatitis [see Warnings and Precautions (5.5)]", "Amlodipine Besylate Side Effects Not so common amlodipine besylate side effects associated with this medication besylate are depression, impotence, breast development in men which is known as gynecomastia, blood disorders, insomnia, gingival enlargement and tachycardia.", "albuterol sulfate/ipratropium bromide - Drug Summary Adults and Adolescents. For use as a quick-relief medication, the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Expert Panel (NAEPP) recommends 3 mL (containing 2.5 mg albuterol; 0.5 mg ipratropium bromide per 3 mL) inhaled via a nebulizer every 4 to 6 hours.", "Albuterol Oral Inhalation Why is this medication prescribed? Albuterol is used to prevent and treat difficulty breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness caused by lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; a group of diseases that affect the lungs and airways).", "Chlorambucil Bone marrow suppression (anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia) is the most commonly occurring side effect of chlorambucil. Withdrawn from the drug, this side effect is typically reversible. Like many alkylating agents, chlorambucil has been associated with the development of other forms of cancer.", "- In addition to its needed effects, some unwanted effects may be caused by albuterol. In the event that any of these side effects do occur, they may require medical attention. You should check with your doctor immediately if any of these side effects occur when taking albuterol: More common:", "Can albuterol treat wheezing coughs? For some children, these wheezing coughs can become chronic, but many recover quickly and never have symptoms again. So just because your pediatrician prescribed albuterol once doesn't mean your child has asthma, it simply means that your doctor is treating her needs at this particular moment.", "- Albuterol may cause side effects. The NIH lists the following as less serious, though a doctor should be consulted if they do not go away: uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body", "albuterol sulfate/ipratropium bromide - Drug Summary Beta-agonists, such as albuterol, may be associated with adverse cardiovascular effects including QT interval prolongation, usually at higher doses and/or when associated with hypokalemia. Green Tea: (Moderate) Some green tea products contain caffeine, which is a CNS-stimulant.", "Albuterol What is Albuterol Inhalation? Albuterol is a bronchodilator that unwinds the muscle in the aviation routes build airflow to the lungs. Albuterol inhalation is utilized to treat or stop bronchospasm in individuals with airway reversible obstructive disease. Albuterol is also utilized to stop bronchospasm induce-exercise.", "hydroxyzine pamoate - Drug Summary Beta-agonists, such as albuterol, may be associated with adverse cardiovascular effects including QT interval prolongation, usually at higher doses and/or when associated with hypokalemia. Iloperidone: (Minor) Iloperidone has been associated with QT prolongation; however, torsade de pointes (TdP) has not been reported.", "Albuterol Albuterol is a short-acting beta agonist (abbreviated: SABA). It is used as a rescue medication to treat an asthma attack for people ages four years and older.1-3 It is also approved to prevent exercise-induced asthma.1-3 Albuterol is taken via metered dose inhaler. Currently, albuterol is marketed as three brand name products: ProAir, made by Teva Respiratory, LLC1." ]
[ 16.375 ]
[ 8.2578125, 8.640625, 9.3671875, 9.921875, 4.60546875, 12.0703125, 9.8515625, 12.8671875, 10.109375, 9.7421875, 4.5390625, 8.5859375, 6.94140625, 5.04296875, 8.859375, 4.39453125, 10.6953125, 11.0234375, 3.544921875, 2.22265625, 7.50390625, 8.96875, 1.41015625, 8.3515625, 6.9375, 9.84375, 10.1328125, 7.60546875, 9.015625, 8.390625 ]
meaning impinging
[ "- impinge. 1 to make an impression; have an effect or impact (usually followed by on or upon): to impinge upon the imagination; social pressures that impinge upon one's daily life. 2 to encroach; infringe (usually followed by on or upon): to impinge on another's rights." ]
[ "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: ensuing(Adjective) Refers to the actions, consequences, and repercussions which result from some prior stimulus or event. We watched the derailment and ensuing train wreck with a mixture of fascination and horror.", "impinge verb (used without object), impinged, impinging. 1. to make an impression; have an effect or impact (usually followed by on or upon): to impinge upon the imagination; social pressures that impinge upon one's daily life. 2. to encroach; infringe (usually followed by on or upon): to impinge on another's rights. 3. to strike; dash; collide (usually followed by on, upon, or against): rays of light impinging on the eye.", "- Use meanwhile in a sentence. 1 in or during the intervening time. 2 at the same time.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: imprint(noun) a distinctive influence. English stills bears the imprint of the Norman invasion. depression, impression, imprint(noun) a concavity in a surface produced by pressing. he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud.", "- Something enthralling is fascinating — you become completely absorbed in it. An enthralling book is hard to put down, even when it's past your bedtime. When things captivate or grip you, they're enthralling. You can find another person enthralling, or a well-made movie, a wonderful concert, or an entrancing painting in a museum. Enthralling comes from the verb enthrall, which means capture one's attention, but had the original meaning of enslave..", "- The definition of intriguing is something that creates curiosity or interest. An example of intriguing is the first line of a novel that makes you want to read the whole book. exciting interest or curiosity; fascinating. Adjective. (comparative more intriguing, superlative most intriguing).", "Interrobang Application[edit] A sentence ending with an interrobang asks a question in an excited manner, expresses excitement or disbelief in the form of a question, or asks a rhetorical question. In informal English, the same inflection is usually notated by ending a sentence with first a question mark and then an exclamation mark, or vice versa. Many people are unfamiliar with the interrobang, and would be puzzled when first seeing it, although its intention is usually self-evident. The interrobang can be hand-written with a single stroke plus the dot. One common application is in cartoons, as a stand-alone symbol of surprise.", "inveigh You might complain or grumble about some wrong you see, or, for a stronger effect, you can inveigh against it. Extended meanings of invehere, however, are to force one's way into, attack, and to assail with words, and that's where the current sense of inveigh comes from.", "web of intrigue meaning, web of intrigue definition | English Cobuild dictionary web of intrigue meaning, web of intrigue definition | English Cobuild dictionary. intrigue. The noun is pronounced ɪntri:g. The verb is pronounced ɪntri:g. 1 n-var Intrigue is the making of secret plans to harm or deceive people. ...political intrigue., ...a powerful story of intrigue, passion and betrayal.", "- impressionable meaning, impressionable definition | English Cobuild dictionary. Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. impressionable. Someone who is impressionable, usually a young person, is not very critical and is therefore easy to influence. adj. The law is intended to protect young and impressionable viewers.", "interfere verb (used without object), interfered, interfering. 1. to come into opposition, as one thing with another, especially with the effect of hampering action or procedure (often followed by with): Constant distractions interfere with work. to take part in the affairs of others; meddle (often followed by with or in): to interfere in another's life.", "Definition of 'impugn' Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense impugns , present participle impugning , past tense , past participle impugned. verb. If you impugn something such as someone's motives or integrity, you imply that they are not entirely honest or honourable.", "condescending Learner's definition of CONDESCENDING [more condescending; most condescending] disapproving : showing that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people She spoke to us in a condescending [=patronizing] tone.", "learning imprinting - a learning process in early life whereby species specific patterns of behavior are established. learning, acquisition - the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge; the child's acquisition of language.", "- Define impugned. impugned synonyms, impugned pronunciation, impugned translation, English dictionary definition of impugned. tr.v. im·pugned , im·pugn·ing , im·pugns To attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument: impugn a political opponent's record. im·pugn′a·ble adj....", "inherent inherent. imminent, immanent - Imminent is about to happen and immanent is inherent or pervading the material world. intrinsic - Latin intrinsecus, on the inside, came to be the English intrinsic, inner, internal and inherent. proper - First meant inherent, intrinsic. innate, inherent - The word innate means inborn and should apply to living things; inherent is essential, intrinsic and applies best to nonliving things like ideas.", "- verb (used with object) 1. to expose to danger; imperil: It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.", "Definitions &Translations Sample Sentences & Example Usage. 1 Dennis Ruane: What intrigues you about me in the beginning is what you’ll hate about me in the end. 2 Gareth Iwan Jones: Caravanning intrigues me, it's a unique subculture that has lots of quirky elements to it.", "indictmentnoun This seems to me to be a damning indictment of the government's education policy. › [C] specialized law a formal statement of accusing someone: The charges on the indictment include murder and attempted murder.", "- Implication (Impl.). A rule of replacement of the form: Example: If it rains, then we cancel the picnic. is equivalent to Either it doesn't rain or we cancel the picnic.. The truth-table analysis of this equivalence amounts to a definition of material implication in terms of negation and disjunction.xample: If it rains, then we cancel the picnic. is equivalent to Either it doesn't rain or we cancel the picnic.. The truth-table analysis of this equivalence amounts to a definition of material implication in terms of negation and disjunction.", "DIRIMENT IMPEDIMENT Meaning: (canon law) an impediment that invalidates a marriage (such as the existence of a prior marriage) Classified under: Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents. Hypernyms (diriment impediment is a kind of...): balk; baulk; check; deterrent; handicap; hinderance; hindrance; impediment (something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress) Domain category: canon law; ecclesiastical law (the body of codified laws governing the affairs of a Christian church)", "- The terms infer and imply are often confused. A writer or speaker implies something, meaning that it is indicated or suggested without being explicitly stated: “ When the CEO stated that the company would not rule out paying a dividend to shareholders this year, she implied that a dividend may be paid.", "- Define impugn: to assail by words or arguments : oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity; assail; resist — impugn in a sentence to assail by words or arguments : oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity; assail; resist…", "- imbedding. 1 transitive verb. 2 1a : to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix fossils embedded in stoneb : to make something an integral part of the prejudices embedded in our languagec : to prepare (a microscopy specimen) for sectioning by infiltrating with and enclosing in a supporting substance.", "impressment Impressment definition, the act of impressing people or property into public service or use. See more.", "incurring incurring - acquiring or coming into something (usually undesirable); incurring debts is easier than paying them. acquisition - the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something; the acquisition of wealth; the acquisition of one company by another.", "- Example sentences containing 'revelling'. For a few minutes, he hung on to the mizzen rigging, face to the wind, revelling in the glory of it. CORMORANT (2002) Rose took the mug of tea and sat back against the pillows, revelling in the luxury of being brought tea in bed.", "Definition of 'impudence' Example sentences containing 'impudence'. Margot's very blue eyes flashed at this piece of impudence and she flushed. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL (2002)Nor could she move anything, for that would be impudence, a claim to refinement that she, a simple maid, could never possess. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS (2002)What it was all in all, it seemed to Helen, was a per formance - an exercise in impudence stretched to the breaking-point.", "implication something implied or suggested as naturally to be inferred or understood: to resent an implication of dishonesty. 2. the act of implying: His implication of immediate changes surprised us. 3. the state of being implied: to know only by implication.", "- Compelling definition, tending to compel, as to force or push toward a course of action; overpowering: There were compelling reasons for their divorce. See more." ]
[ 14.296875 ]
[ 1.8505859375, 15.125, 3.021484375, 3.38671875, 1.10546875, 3.205078125, -0.077880859375, -0.1888427734375, -0.2305908203125, 1.2451171875, 3.65625, 3.70703125, 0.5205078125, 6.09375, 4.8984375, 0.81494140625, 5.36328125, 0.306396484375, 0.82861328125, 1.3447265625, 1.0322265625, 3.1328125, 4.19921875, 4.640625, 3.9921875, 3.5390625, -2.837890625, -0.1275634765625, 4.6328125, 2.669921875 ]
industry-leading loan origination systems
[ "Loan Origination Our Solution. For more than 25 years, Fiserv has provided industry-leading origination systems designed to increase consistency and reduce technology costs throughout each phase of the mortgage, home equity, consumer and business loan origination process." ]
[ "Industry Solutions Get solutions that meet your industry's specific needs from SAS – the world leader in business analytics software and services", "- Picosun Oy, the leading supplier of high quality Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) technology for industrial manufacturing, provides the advanced ALD coating solutions to enable the next generation of cutting-edge medical technology.", "OSRAM Ballast Technology OSRAM Ballast Technology. The system is the solution.​. OSRAM is the Global leader in lamp and ballast lighting systems - We offer innovative and cost-effective, evergy saving, electronic fluorescent systems in instant start, programmed start and controllable ballasts in a variety of ballast factors.", "Freddie Mac unveils 'game-changing' tools to boost mortgage lenders Freddie Mac is about to arm lenders with more information and feedback about the loans they originate than they’ve ever had before, throughout the entire loan origination process, from the loan application all the way through to servicing.", "- Cardtronics is the world leader in managing self-service financial kiosks, providing the physical conduit through which consumers interact with their funds and financial institutions while moving about the real world of everyday life.", "- Lasers and optoelectronics Lasers and laser systems for production engineering Optics Manufacturing technology for optics Sensors, test and measurement and optical measurement systems Imaging Biophotonics and medical engineering Optical information and communication Illumination and energy Security Start-up world Trade fair app", "Loan origination Loan origination is a specialized version of new account opening for financial services organizations. Certain people and organizations specialize in loan origination. Mortgage brokers and other mortgage originator companies serve as a prominent example. There are many different types of loans.", "Polyimides Isola is a leading global material sciences company that designs, develops and manufactures laminate materials used to fabricate advanced multilayer printed circuit boards, which provide the physical platforms for the semiconductors, passive components, and connection circuitry that power and control virtually all modern electronic products.", "Loan Origination Fee Loan Origination Fee. Loan origination refers to the initiation and completion of the home loan process, which begins when a borrower submits their financial information to a bank or mortgage lender for loan processing.", "Synopsys Synopsys, Inc., an American company, is the leading company by sales in the Electronic Design Automation industry. Synopsys' first and best-known product is Design Compiler, a logic-synthesis tool. Synopsys offers a wide range of other products used in the design of an application-specific integrated circuit.", "What Are the Normal Fees for Mortgage Loans? The loan origination fee is the fee charged by the lender for processing a loan application. Origination fees, sometimes called origination points, are generally determined as a percentage of the total loan cost and usually range from .5 percent to 1 percent, or .5 to 1 point, of the loan. This is different from discount points, which are optional, and which you pay to lower the interest rate.", "- DEFINITION of 'Origination Fee'. An up-front fee charged by a lender for processing a new loan application, used as compensation for putting the loan in place. Origination fees are quoted as a percentage of the total loan and are generally between 0.5% and 1% on mortgage loans in the United States.Next Up.n origination fee is similar to any commission-based payment. If a lender takes a 1% fee for originating a loan, they will make $1,000 on a $100,000 loan, or $2,000 on a $200,000 loan. It is likely that the fee rate would be negotiated lower for bigger loans in order to obtain the valuable business.", "- GET STARTED... Residential Servicing Ocwen is recognized by industry and government agencies as the leader in servicing and loss mitigation. We can help you can realize lower losses, greater transparency and easier access to your portfolio data. LEARN MORE...", "Closing Costs For Business Loans An origination fee is an up-front fee charged by a lender for processing a new loan application, used as compensation for putting the loan in place. An origination fee is an up-front fee charged by a lender for processing a new loan application, used as compensation for putting the loan in place.", "Closing Costs For Business Loans Origination Fee. An up-front fee charged by a lender for processing a new loan application, used as compensation for putting the loan in place. Origination fees are quoted as a percentage of the total loan (ex. 1% of $200,000 = $2,000). Pre-Qualify for a Business Loan.", "Manufacturer of High Quality Synthetic Iron Oxide Pigments Check out our Latest Press Release! Cathay Industries USA is a global company, and a world leader in manufacturing synthetic iron oxide pigments. We have the resources and technical expertise to deliver consistent, lab-tested, high quality products. We produce and market the Ferrotint range of pigment products. These pigments have a wide range of applications, and can be used to produce a virtually limitless palette of rich, durable colors.", "- Industry-Leading Technologies. 1 Today's lending industry is complex, highly regulated and constantly changing. To compete in this environment, your loan origination system (LOS) needs to be dynamic, scalable, integrated and comprehensive.", "What is 'Origination' Lenders also rely on other information, especially the borrower’s credit report, to determine loan eligibility. The origination process is often lengthy and involves a number of steps. The loan origination fee, which is usually 1% of the loan, typically covers this process.", "TRID â Are You Aware? Many of the mortgage systems used by the industry are still on the MISMO 2.x standards, which were not designed for TRID and multiple disclosures. Some loan origination systems (LOS) rely on independent compliance technology providers to perform the pre- and post-close audit to support compliance functions.", "Industry-Leading Loan Origination Systems RealEC Technologies. Innovative and Industry-Leading Solutions. Rea​lEC® Technologies, a division of Black Knight Financial Services, offers a suite of advanced, Web-based technology solutions designed to support lenders' compliance initiatives, minimize loan repurchase risk and drive efficiencies in the mortgage transaction workflow.", "- DEFINITION of 'Origination Fee'. An up-front fee charged by a lender for processing a new loan application, used as compensation for putting the loan in place. Origination fees are quoted as a percentage of the total loan and are generally between 0.5% and 1% on mortgage loans in the United States. Next Up.", "Oticon is a global company that helped to pioneer the hearing industry more than a hundred years ago. Today, Oticon is still guided by the vision of Hans Demant and his son William through the Oticon Foundation which oversees the growth and direction of Oticon and its partner companies. The Foundation’s charter requires it to manage the business and to direct charitable activities that help people with hearing loss and improve the science of better hearing.", "Student Loan Collector Cheated Millions, Lawsuits Say Navient, the nation’s largest servicer of student loans, has for years misled borrowers and made serious mistakes at nearly every step of the collections process, illegally driving up loan repayment costs for millions of borrowers, according to lawsuits filed on Wednesday by a federal regulator and two state attorneys general.", "- ClearPar and ClearMore : The first fully operational par, syndication and distressed loan settlement systems in the market. ClearPar and ClearMore are user-friendly par and distressed loan settlement systems that increase liquidity, market growth, efficiency and productivity in the secondary trading market and primary syndication market.", "- Optical Communications Showcases Innovation. Since the invention of the first low-loss optical fiber, Corning has continued to show industry leadership by pushing boundaries with the technology. Since the invention of the first low-loss optical fiber, Corning has continued to show industry leadership by pushing boundaries with the technology.", "- Quicken Loans received the highest numerical score in a tie in the proprietary J.D. Power 2010-2017 Primary Mortgage Origination Studies (tied in 2017) and 2014-2017 Primary Mortgage Servicer Study.", "- You are an “individual loan originator ” if you are a loan originator who is a natural person. (§ 1026.36(a)(1)(ii)) As discussed, creditors are excluded from the definition of “loan originator” and “loan originator. organization” for purposes of the compensation provisions unless they are table-funded.", "Getting a Handle on Loan Fees Recognition of fees from loan origination is subject to FASB Statement no. 91, which requires that these fees be netted with origination costs and the resulting net fee be deferred and amortized over the life of the loan, generally using the effective-interest method.", "- Before choosing a laser system, please be advised that not all laser systems or products on the market are the same, we are one of a few companies in the world which offer guaranteed results. Our whitening accelerator light is a first class medical device and is the most advanced technology available today.", "- Bestway Systems. Bestway Systems, Inc. is proud of its 99% on-time statistics* and industry-leading safety records. We are big enough to offer competitive prices with the high-end service and flexibility that cannot be provided by the industry behemoths or the tiny independents." ]
[ 16.8125 ]
[ 5.95703125, 2.1640625, 1.380859375, 9.1640625, 2.71484375, 1.76171875, 10.1875, 1.5341796875, 7.0546875, 1.169921875, 6.5234375, 5.078125, 7.34375, 5.8203125, 5.203125, 0.427978515625, 14.9921875, 6.12890625, 11.9921875, 15.4921875, 5.7578125, -0.66259765625, 2.501953125, 10.171875, 2.1484375, 8.4140625, 4.94140625, 5.1328125, -0.243896484375, 7.359375 ]
how heavy is a shekel
[ "- A biblical shekel's weight in modern units is equal to 0.497 ounces (14.1 grams). Below are listed some ancient measurements with some modern equivalents given. Biblical. Volume. omer = 4.188 quarts (modern) or 0.45 peck (modern) or 3.964 liters (modern) 9.4 omers = 1 bath. 10 omers = 1 ephah. Weight." ]
[ "- The shekel shall be twenty gerahs. Twenty shekels plus twenty-five shekels plus fifteen shekels shall be your mina. Young's Literal Translation. And, the shekel is twenty gerah: twenty shekels, five and twenty shekels, fifteen shekels -- is your maneh.", "Israeli new shekel The new shekel is divided into 100 agora. The new shekel has been in use since 1 January 1986, when it replaced the hyperinflated old shekel at a ratio of 1000:1. The currency sign for the new shekel ⟨ ₪ ⟩ is a combination of the first Hebrew letters of the words shekel (ש) and ẖadash (ח) (new). Alongside the shekel sign, the following abbreviations of NIS, שח and ش.ج are also used commonly to denominate prices.", "(c) Copyright 1997 Research Applications International. Ezekiel 45:13. 'This is the special gift you are to offer: a sixth of an ephah from each homer of wheat and a sixth of an ephah from each homer of barley. Treasury of Scripture. And the shekel shall be twenty gerahs: twenty shekels, five and twenty shekels, fifteen shekels, shall be your maneh.", "- 600 shekels of gold = 66,000 grams = $1,920,015.37 3 minas of gold = 3.75 pounds = $49,483.20 Chariots = 600 shekels = 66,000grams = $22,093.49 at today’s silver price. Horses = 1,650 grams = $552.34 at today’s silver price.", "How much do books weigh? Therefore, 1 metre of books would weigh 22.5Kg and our shelves and (when rounding) brackets would need to support a minimum of 25Kg/m. Remember though, that’s a minimum because: 1 their books may weigh more. they may stack books on top of books.", "- Your excellent taste in footwear is reflected in the Sensation that can take you from dining to dance floor in the blink of an eye! ; Classic pump silhouette with scoop instep compliments the foot.Man-made upper. Peep-toe will show off a delightful pedicure.easurements: ; Heel Height: 1 2 in; Weight: 6 oz; Product measurements were taken using size 7.5, width M. Please note that measurements may vary by size. Free Shipping $50+ Dr. Scholl's Sensational $65 $39.99 Activate Sale Alert Look more than stunning in the Badgley Mischka Sensation II.", "- Its pliant and flexible branches are made into brooms; and in ancient Rome the fasces of the lictors, with which they cleared the way for the magistrates, were made up of birch rods. The wood of the hazel is whitish-red, close in texture and pliant, and has when dry a weight of 49 lb per cub.", "Talent The Greek talent, however, as in the LXX., was only 82 1/4 lbs. It was in the form of a circular mass, as the Hebrew name kikkar denotes. A talent of gold was double the weight of a talent of silver ( 2 Samuel 12:30 ). Parable of the talents ( Matthew 18:24 ; 25:15 ).", "heavy An elephant is heavy. An elephant is heavy. The definition of heavy is of great weight, amount, force, quantity or size. An example of heavy is the weight of an elephant.", "The Coinage of Carthage: An Introduction Thompson • The shekel of Carthage (7.2 grams) was the base of the system of denomina%ons. A “stater” was ~1 and 1/3 shekel. There were odd frac%ons like 3/8 shekel. • Sicilian coinage followed the Acc drachma (4.3 grams) standard.", "- play \\she-ˈkä-lim\\. 1 1a : any of various ancient units of weight; especially : a Hebrew unit equal to about 252 grains troyb : a unit of value based on a shekel weight of gold or silver. 2 2 : a coin weighing one shekel. 3 3 shekels plural, informal : money. 4 the basic monetary unit of Israel — see money table.", "- Extra weight: 2.4 x 1.22 x 2.1 = 6.15 kg/plate. Total weight: 2.4 x 1.22 x 6 x 7.85 + 6.15 = 144.06 kg/plate. Weight Calculation: Extra weight of chequers length (m) x width (m) x 2.1 = kg/plate. Total weight: length (m) x width (m) x thickness (mm) x 7.85 + extra weight = kg/plate. Eg: 2400 x 1220 x 6mm Chequer Plate.", "Definition of 'satchel' Example sentences containing 'satchel'. Your man bag needs to be roughly the size of a school satchel. Times, Sunday Times (2013)Not only that but he has a satchel full of drugs in his boot! The Sun (2012)THE lowly school satchel has become high fashion. The Sun (2010)She hadn't played for more than 20 years but is now working her way through some of the pieces from her old leather music satchel.", "- Thus, while II Samuel records the aspect of David's purchase of the threshingfloor for a place to specifically rear up the altar (for the smaller price of 50 shekels of SILVER), I Chronicles records his purchase of the whole property (for the much larger price of 600 shekels of GOLD) to serve as the future site of the Temple, a much larger building ...", "- A shekel is a unit of weight, roughly equal to 10.5 grams. In 2010 a gram of silver was worth just under 50 cents. This would make a shekel worth about five dollars. … However, some sources suggest that silver was a much more valuable metal in the ancient Middle East than it is today.", "- Example Sentences for heavy. Inside his shirt there bulged a heavy 45 slung from a leather breast-holster. If the central organization is privately owned it demands a heavy profit. Some years ago I could deliver a heavy punch and the knack had 31stayed with me. She had not realized how heavy her burden was until Uncle Denny had come to share it.", "How Much Does a Roll of Nickels Weigh? A roll of nickels weighs a little over seven ounces, which is about 200 grams. The United States Mint lists the weight of one nickel as five grams. This number is multiplied by 40 nickels in a roll to get the total weight.", "shekel 1a : any of various ancient units of weight; especially : a Hebrew unit equal to about 252 grains troyb : a unit of value based on a shekel weight of gold or silver. 2 : a coin weighing one shekel. 3 shekels plural, informal : money. 4 the basic monetary unit of Israel — see money table.", "Bushel or a peck whats the difference? Two pecks make a kenning (obsolete), and four pecks make a bushel. A Bushel and a Peck is a popular song written by Frank Loesser and published in 1950. The song was introduced in the Broadway musical Guys and Dolls which opened at the 46th Street Theater on November 24, 1950.", "- Weight Calculation: Extra weight of chequers length (m) x width (m) x 2.1 = kg/plate Total weight: length (m) x width (m) x thickness (mm) x 7.85 + extra weight = kg/plate Eg: 2400 x 1220 x 6mm Chequer Plate Extra weight: 2.4 x 1.22 x 2.1 = 6.15 kg/plate Total weight: 2.4 x 1.22 x 6 x 7.85 + 6.15 = 144.06 kg/plate.", "Sapele is the Cream of the African Mahogany Market Highly Stable Lumber. Sapele wood is of medium hardness with a Janka rating of 1510 lbs making is harder than most domestic North American Species and almost twice as hard as Genuine Mahogany. Additionally Sapele grows with an interlocking grain pattern where the fibers twist around the tree as they grow.apele is a large tree naturally that has a widespread growth range across Africa. It is common for the trunk to exceed 6 feet in diameter and it has a very straight trunk with little to no branching below 80 feet.", "Israeli new shekel Shekel is any of several ancient units of weight or of currency in ancient Israel. Initially, it may have referred to a weight of barley. In ancient Israel, the shekel was known to be about 180 grains (11 grams or .35 troy ounces).", "- Or: Select Weight review. A document will be generated. In this case, the steel quantity from the column is only 0.07% of the total quantity estimated and 0.04% of the estimation for the first level.This property is useful especially for large structures.n this case, the steel quantity from the column is only 0.07% of the total quantity estimated and 0.04% of the estimation for the first level. This property is useful especially for large structures.", "Googol To give a sense of how big a googol really is, the mass of an electron, just under 6970100000000000000♠10−30 kg, can be compared to the mass of the visible universe, estimated at between 7050100000000000000♠1050 and 7060100000000000000♠1060 kg.sing an integral, binary numeral system, one would need 333 bits to represent a googol, i.e., 1 googol ≈ 2 332.19280949, or exactly. However, a googol is well within the maximum bounds of an IEEE 754 double-precision floating point type.", "Stihl The saw was electric powered, and weighed in at about 64 kg. The Stihl name soon became popular, and also became synonymous with professional grade chain saws and would soon become the number one selling chain saw company in the world, a title that the company retains to this day.", "- Texel x - pounds 148 Glendue, pounds 145 Blackburn, pounds 140 Litharge, pounds 130 Glendue, pounds 124 Blackburn, pounds 123 Glendue, pounds 119 & pounds 118 Nunwick, pounds 111 Comb Hills & Old Town, pounds 109 West Wharmley, pounds 108 Low Wiserley, pounds 107 Glendue & Breckon Hill Cottage, pounds 106.", "How much did Goliath's armor weigh? His copper coat of mail weighed 5,000 shekels (57 kg; 126 lb). The iron blade of his spear weighed 600 shekels (6.8 kg; 15 lb). Source: 1Samuel 17:4-7.", "Shekel Shekel (Akkadian: šiqlu or siqlu; Hebrew: שקל‎‎, pl. shekels or sheqalim) is any of several ancient units of weight or of currency. Initially, it may have referred to a weight of barley. This shekel was about 180 grains (11 grams or .35 troy ounces). Since 1980, the shekel has been the main monetary unit in Israel.", "How much does that piece of steel stock Weigh? So, a 1 square piece of steel 1 foot long weighs (1 X 1 X 12 X .283) or about 3.4 pounds. That's it! You use simple arithmetic to arrive at the volume of the stock you are buying and multiply that number by 0.283 to get its. weight in pounds.", "- As nouns the difference between shekel and zuz is that shekel is a currency unit of both ancient and modern israel while zuz is an ancient hebrew silver coin, one quarter of a shekel.s nouns the difference between money and shekel is that money is a legally or socially binding conceptual contract of entitlement to wealth, void of intrinsic value, payable for all debts and taxes, and regulated in supply while shekel is a currency unit of both ancient and modern israel." ]
[ 14.890625 ]
[ 7.54296875, 7.296875, 5.95703125, 10.1171875, 1.1220703125, 3.50390625, 0.60400390625, 5.390625, 3.220703125, 11.9609375, 10.9609375, 2.578125, -2.05859375, 6.125, 14.859375, 1.810546875, 2.267578125, 10.9765625, 0.74169921875, 3.154296875, -0.140625, 14.65625, 4.48046875, 1.09375, 0.03216552734375, 1.810546875, 10.6328125, 14.9296875, 1.837890625, 5.89453125 ]
virgo symptoms
[ "Vertigo Signs and Symptoms The sudden onset of vertigo usually indicates a peripheral vestibular disorder (inner ear disturbance; e.g., BPPV, Ménière disease, vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis). Symptoms of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) usually last a few seconds to a few minutes and are intermittent (i.e., come and go). They also may include lightheadedness, imbalance and nausea, usually as a result of a change in position (e.g., rolling over in bed, getting out of bed)." ]
[ "- Symptoms of Chikungunya. The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Chikungunya includes the 5 symptoms listed below: Fever. Headache. Severe arthralgia. Backache. Rash. more information...».", "- Other symptoms that may accompany vertigo include: 1 Feeling nauseated. 2 Vomiting. 3 Abnormal or jerking eye movements (nystagmus) 4 Headache. Sweating. Ringing in the ears or hearing loss.", "Sjogren's Syndrome In some people Sjogren's syndrome can attack organs throughout the body, such as the lungs, kidneys, joints, blood vessels, and the nervous system. Symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome are due to abnormal dryness of the affected organs. Symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome include dry eye, blurred vision, dry cough, dry mouth, and poor oral and dental health. Other symptoms include skin rashes and joint pain. Serious symptoms and complications can occur with Sjogren's syndrome, including pneumonia.", "- Sjögren's is a systemic disease, and its symptoms are felt throughout the entire body. Symptoms vary from person to person but may include: • a dry, gritty or burning sensation in the eyes. • dry mouth. • difficulty talking, chewing or swallowing. • a sore or cracked tongue. • dry or burning throat.", "Cystic fibrosis Your condition depends on where you have eggs or larvae in your body. Symptoms associated with roundworms in the lungs include: 1 coughing or gagging. 2 vomiting roundworms. 3 wheezing or shortness of breath.", "- Other symptoms associated with vertigo may include: 1 loss of balance – which can make it difficult to stand or walk. 2 feeling sick or being sick. 3 dizziness.", "DiGeorge syndrome The following are the most common features of DiGeorge syndrome. However, not every child will have every feature of the syndrome and the severity of the features will vary between children. Features may include: 69 percent have palatal abnormalities (such as cleft lip and/or palate) 30 percent have feeding difficulties.", "- The symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver vary with the stage of the illness. In the beginning stages, there may not be any symptoms. As the disease worsens, symptoms may include: 1 Loss of appetite. 2 Lack of energy (fatigue), which may be debilitating.3 Weight loss or sudden weight gain.4 Bruises. 5 Yellowing of skin or the whites of eyes (jaundice). 6 Itchy skin. 7 Fluid retention (edema) and swelling in the ankles, legs, and abdomen (often an early sign).s the disease worsens, symptoms may include: 1 Loss of appetite. 2 Lack of energy (fatigue), which may be debilitating. 3 Weight loss or sudden weight gain. 4 Bruises. 5 Yellowing of skin or the whites of eyes (jaundice).", "- Symptoms Vitiligo: It is common to have vitiligo on the hands. Vitiligo: Signs and symptoms Vitiligo causes loss of color. Your dermatologist may call this “loss of pigment” or “depigmentation.” We can lose pigment anywhere on our bodies, including our: Skin. Hair (scalp, eyebrow, eyelash, beard).", "How long does vertigo last, and what are the common symptoms? Signs and symptoms of balance problems include: 1 Sense of motion or spinning (vertigo) 2 Feeling of faintness (presyncope) Loss of balance (disequilibrium)", "Cervicalgia Symptoms and Treatment These symptoms are characteristic of classic cervicalgia. Other symptoms include headaches and general neck stiffness, as well as a burning and aching sensation in your upper back and neck. These symptoms sometimes can point to a more serious illness than cervicalgia.", "Symptoms of Graves Disease These include bulging eyes, eye puffiness, light sensitivity, and an intense stare. Other symptoms of Graves' disease can include increased sensitivity to heat, weakness, fatigue, confusion, extremely smooth skin and changes in the nails.", "The Meniere's disease symptoms of Ear Pain (especially in the left ear) and Inner Ear Pressure are Almost Impossible to Escape From She is suffering from Vertigo from 2 years and usually experiences all the symptoms such as pain in the ear, dizziness, loss of energy. I am having pressure on top of my head and at the back of my head, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, fullness in the ear, mild ear pain, of late nasal congestion.", "Sjogrenâs Syndrome: What you need to know Sjögren’s signs and symptoms vary from person to person; from extreme fatigue and joint pain to dysfunction within key organs such as the kidneys, gastrointestinal system, circulatory system, lungs, liver, pancreas and the central nervous system. The most notable symptoms are: dry eyes, dry mouth and dry throat.", "Light headed/dizzy, shaking, weak, numb/tingling on fingers and toes, flushedMed Q Mar 21, 2007 Started out about a year ago, I felt lightheaded, vertigo like symptoms, heart racing, anxiety, and a sense of not feeling right or beside myself. I had tingling in my fingers, seemed to start at the top of my hand and move down. I had random pains in my forearm, mid-bicep, and far left side of my chest.", "- Other symptoms of shigellosis include: 1 abdominal cramps. 2 high fever. 3 loss of appetite. 4 nausea and vomiting. 5 painful bowel movements.", "- Conditions listing medical symptoms: Vertigo: The following list of conditions have ' Vertigo ' or similar listed as a symptom in our database. This computer-generated list may be inaccurate or incomplete. Always seek prompt professional medical advice about the cause of any symptom.", "Virgo traits Therefore, the Virgo zodiac traits are emotional detachment, deviousness, excessive tidiness, loyalty, and civility. Virgos are normally eloquent with words and the languages, have good manners, and are quite sensitive to criticism. Moreover, a typical Virgo has an incredible eye for detail and precision.", "Vitiligo Signs & Symptoms The main sign of vitiligo is pigment loss that produces milky-white patches (depigmentation) on your skin. Although any part of your body may be affected by vitiligo, depigmentation usually first develops on sun-exposed areas of your skin, such as your hands, feet, arms, face and lips.", "Varicose Vein Symptoms Varicose Vein Symptoms. Common varicose vein symptoms include leg heaviness, leg swelling, throbbing, fatigue, aching, itching, restless legs, and cramps. Visible signs of vein disease range from spider veins, varicose veins, swollen legs, to skin changes including darkening, thickening or ulceration of the tissues around the ankles. Most varicose vein problems arise when the valves in leg veins aren’t working to keep the blood moving out of the legs normally.", "- BALANCE DISORDERS Balance Disorders are typically characterized by such symptoms as vertigo, dizziness, imbalance, and blurred vision. If you've been diagnosed with a balance disorder and would like to calm the spinning feeling or imbalance you experience, try DiVertigo. Learn More about a Natural Symptom Reliever for Balance Disorders.", "- The most common symptoms of Cogan's syndrome include: Red, painful, light-sensitive eyes or blurred vision. Hearing loss, which may become profound and permanent. Vertigo (a sensation of the room spinning; may be called dizziness) Poor balance. Nausea, vomiting.", "Vasoconstriction Some of the symptoms of vasoconstriction are tingling sensation on fingers and toes, numbness in extremities, headache, cramps, increased blood pressure, and change in skin color (it becomes pale), imbalance, partial loss of vision or double vision, paralysis in muscles and loss of muscle control.", "Quick Guide Balance Disorders: Vertigo, Motion Sickness, Labyrinthitis, and More Vertigo Symptoms and Signs. Vertigo is a feeling that you are dizzily turning around or that your surroundings are dizzily turning about you. Vertigo is usually due to a problem with the inner ear but can also be caused by vision problems and other conditions.", "Exercises for Vertigo Treatment Vertigo is commonly described as feeling as if your surroundings are spinning, tilting or moving around you. This often causes dizziness, imbalance, nausea, vomiting and even blurred vision while walking, standing, sitting or lying down.", "Vertigo Any signs and symptoms of vertigo should be evaluated by a doctor. The majority of cases of vertigo are harmless. Although vertigo can be debilitating, most causes are easily treated with prescription medication. Have a doctor check any new signs and symptoms of vertigo to rule out rare, potentially serious, or life-threatening causes. The source of vertigo may be not the ears or balance system (vestibular system) and it is very imporatnt to rule out other life-threatening causes first. Certain signs and symptoms of vertigo may require evaluation in a hospital's emergency department, such as: 1 Double vision. 2 Headache. 3 Weakness. 4 Difficulty speaking.", "Vertigo Vertigo can feel like the room is spinning or like you are spinning in the room, or it can be just a sense of imbalance. It may be associated with nausea, vomiting and ringing in one or both ears (tinnitus).", "Alone we are rare. Together we are strong.⥠Donate Today Signs & Symptoms. Primary features of Waardenburg syndrome (WS) may include distinctive facial abnormalities; unusually diminished pigmentation (hypopigmentation) of the hair, the skin, and/or the irides or the iris of both eyes (partial albinism); and/or deafness that is present at birth (congenital).", "Vertigo The majority of cases of vertigo are harmless. Although vertigo can be debilitating, most causes are easily treated with prescription medication. Have a doctor check any new signs and symptoms of vertigo to rule out rare, potentially serious, or life-threatening causes.The source of vertigo may be not the ears or balance system (vestibular system) and it is very imporatnt to rule out other life-threatening causes first.Certain signs and symptoms of vertigo may require evaluation in a hospital's emergency department, such as: 1 Double vision. 2 Headache.3 Weakness.4 Difficulty speaking.he source of vertigo may be not the ears or balance system (vestibular system) and it is very imporatnt to rule out other life-threatening causes first. Certain signs and symptoms of vertigo may require evaluation in a hospital's emergency department, such as: 1 Double vision. 2 Headache. 3 Weakness. 4 Difficulty speaking.", "Fibromyalgia: Coping With Sensory Overload The symptoms all merge together, and because of the fatigue and brain fog, everything becomes a maze of sheer confusion, explains Pringle. The United Kingdom resident says her eye doctor identified her light sensitivity, but it's her sensitivity to sound that's most troubling." ]
[ 7.3046875 ]
[ 4.76171875, 7.05859375, 6.44921875, 5.6015625, 7.63671875, 6.1171875, 5.22265625, 6.5546875, 6.12890625, 6.69921875, 5.10546875, 6.4453125, 4.28125, 6.11328125, 4.8515625, 5.78515625, 4.15234375, 12.7890625, 7.24609375, 4.39453125, 4.390625, 5.54296875, 2.85546875, 5.81640625, 6.35546875, 6.80859375, 6.015625, 4.48046875, 6.796875, 4.796875 ]
how much fiber should women eat daily
[ "How Much Fiber Should I Eat to Lose Weight? Most Americans eat only 15 grams of dietary fiber a day, according to MedlinePlus.com, which is almost half of what they should be eating. The USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 recommends that women aim for over 25 grams of fiber a day, while most men should shoot for 38 grams." ]
[ "How Many Grams of Fiber Should We Have Daily? Some people also refer to fiber as roughage or bulk. There are two types of fiber: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Each of these types of fiber have its own benefits, making them both quite important. The amount of fiber that a person should consume each day varies based upon his or her age and gender. Fiber Needs for Men Men who are 50 years old or younger should consume 38 grams of fiber per day, according to MayoClinic.com. Men who are 51 years old or older need 30 grams of fiber per day. However, people who are on a reduced calorie diet may need less fiber. According to SuperKidsNutrition.com, you should aim for 10 to 13 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories you consume. Therefore, if you are consuming 2,000 calories per day, you should aim to eat 20 to 26 grams of fiber. Fiber Needs for Women Women who are 50 years old or younger should include 25 grams of fiber per day in their diets, according to MayoClinic.com. Women who are 51 years old or older should eat 21 grams per day of fiber. As with men, women who are on reduced calorie diets may need less fiber and should aim for 10 to 13 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories they eat.", "How to Calculate How Much Fiber One Needs in a Day Generally, women need 25 grams a day, while men require 38 grams daily, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 states. These recommendations are based respectively on daily diets of 1,800 and 2,700 calories. Because your caloric intake may be different, you might need more or less fiber.", "- Most nutrition experts recommend that most American adults consume 25-35 grams of dietary fiber daily. Some nutrition experts recommend even more fiber: 35-45 grams daily.Fiber is necessary to stimulate the wavelike contractions that move food through the intestine.Dietary fiber is indigestibe; it is the residue of the food we eat. Fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds are fiber-rich foods.ome nutrition experts recommend even more fiber: 35-45 grams daily. Fiber is necessary to stimulate the wavelike contractions that move food through the intestine. Dietary fiber is indigestibe; it is the residue of the food we eat.", "Need to Lose Weight? Just Add Fiber At the start of the study, participants in both groups were eating on average 19 grams of fiber per day, falling short of the recommended intake of 21 to 25 grams daily for women and 30 to 38 grams for men. After one year on the diet, the high-fiber group were eating about 5 extra grams of fiber per day. The heart-healthy group increased their fiber intake by about 3 grams three months into the study, but then drifted back to their baseline level.", "- The recommendations: 1 Men aged 50 or younger should get 38 grams of fiber a day. 2 Women aged 50 or younger should get 25 grams of fiber a day. Because we need fewer calories and food as we get older, men over aged 50 should get 30 grams of fiber a day.", "How Much Fiber Per Day? This is determined at the rate of 14 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories you eat per day. Men tend to require more calories per day, thus they need more fiber in their diet. Women tend to not eat as much, and thus, require less fiber per day on average than men.", "Fiber: How Much Do You Need? You probably know that fiber is important to good health, but do you know if you are getting enough? Most Americans aren't. The average adult only eats 15 grams of fiber per day. Women need 25 grams of fiber per day, and men need 38 grams per day, according to the Institute of Medicine. Closing the Fiber Gap", "How Much Soluble and Insoluble Fiber Per Day? Adequate intake levels for total fiber are 21 grams per day for women ages 50 and older, 25 grams for women younger than age 50, 30 grams for men ages 50 and older and 38 grams of fiber each day for men younger than age 50. These recommendations are based on calorie requirements for people in each age and gender category.", "23 Best Foods With Fiber Fiber can lower blood sugar, cut cholesterol, and may even prevent colon cancer and help you avoid hemorrhoids. If it were a drug, the world would be clamoring for it. But few people are getting enough. Women should get about 25 grams a day and men at least 35 to 40, but the average person gets just 15 grams a day.Eating fiber-rich whole foodsnot foods that tout added fiberis the best way to increase your fiber intake, says Carolyn Brown, RD, a nutritionist at Foodtrainers, in New York City.omen should get about 25 grams a day and men at least 35 to 40, but the average person gets just 15 grams a day. Eating fiber-rich whole foodsnot foods that tout added fiberis the best way to increase your fiber intake, says Carolyn Brown, RD, a nutritionist at Foodtrainers, in New York City.", "What are the most effective ways to burn belly fat? Here's a look at the fiber content of some common foods. Read nutrition labels to find out exactly how much fiber is in your favorite foods. Women should try to eat at least 21 to 25 grams of fiber a day, while men should aim for 30 to 38 grams a day. Fruits. Total fiber (grams)*.", "Fiber: How Much Do You Need? Women need 25 grams of fiber per day, and men need 38 grams per day, according to the Institute of Medicine. Eating more plant foods -- vegetables, beans, fruit, whole grains, and nuts -- is the best way and is one of the recommendations from the U.S. government's 2015 Dietary Guidelines.", "How many grams of iron should be consumed per day? How many grams of fiber should you consume per day? How many grams of fiber should you consume per day? Women 50 and under should consume 25 grams. per day 51 and older 21 grams per day. Men 50 and under, 38 grams per day. …Men, 51 and older 30 grams per day. Kids under 18 need 0.5g per Kg per day.", "What Problems Can You Get With Not Getting Enough Fiber? Most people know that high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains are good for them. These foods are low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. But most Americans still consume far too little fiber. The recommended daily intake of fiber is approximately 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. According to the USDA, the average intake is closer to just 15 grams daily.", "- 10-20% of total calories from protein). Fiber intake should be between 25-40 grams each day-- higher amounts >25 grams are recommended for higher caloric needs and older individuals. To calculate your fiber needs based upon your gender and age go to: Fiber Calculator.", "Fiber: How Much Do You Need? The average adult only eats 15 grams of fiber per day. Women need 25 grams of fiber per day, and men need 38 grams per day, according to the Institute of Medicine.Eating more plant foods -- vegetables, beans, fruit, whole grains, and nuts -- is the best way and is one of the major recommendations from the U.S. government's 2010 Dietary Guidelines.he Dietary Guidelines recommend at least half your grains be whole grains, but with all of the whole grain options available now, it's easy to do even better than that. Whole foods are the preferred way to get fiber, because they also give you nutrients your body needs. 1 1.", "What are the most effective ways to burn belly fat? A high-fiber diet may also help reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Here's a look at the fiber content of some common foods. Read nutrition labels to find out exactly how much fiber is in your favorite foods. Women should try to eat at least 21 to 25 grams of fiber a day, while men should aim for 30 to 38 grams a day. *Fiber content can vary among brands.", "How Much Soluble Fiber Should You Get Per Day? The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine assembled an adequate intake, or AI, for total fiber. Adult men should get 30 to 38 grams of fiber each day, while adult women need 21 to 25 grams.During pregnancy and while nursing, however, you should get 28 to 29 grams of total fiber daily.This basic recommendation may be too much or too little, depending on your diet.dult men should get 30 to 38 grams of fiber each day, while adult women need 21 to 25 grams. During pregnancy and while nursing, however, you should get 28 to 29 grams of total fiber daily.", "- Women need 25 grams of fiber per day, and men need 38 grams per day, according to the Institute of Medicine. Eating more plant foods -- vegetables, beans, fruit, whole grains, and nuts -- is the best way and is one of the major recommendations from the U.S. government's 2010 Dietary Guidelines.", "Fiber: How Much Is Too Much? So just how much fiber do you need? The national fiber recommendations are 30 to 38 grams a day for men and 25 grams a day for women between 18 and 50 years old, and 21 grams a day if a woman is 51 and older.Another general guideline is to get 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories in your diet.Achieving these goals is beneficial to your overall health, and fiber helps you feel fuller longer. For many people, it can be a challenge to get that much fiber in a typical American diet.f you're ready to increase the amount of fiber in your diet, that's a positive step. A popular TV commercial shows a woman eating broccoli and other fiber-rich foods throughout the day, depicting how difficult it seems to get the recommended daily levels of fiber. In truth, a lot of people just don’t bother.", "How Much Protein Do Women Really Need? Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues, and it is an important building block of muscles and bones. However, 50% of women ages 18–50 don't know if they get enough protein, according to a new survey by Luna. So how much protein do women need? According to Tara Dellolacono Thies, a registered dietitian and nutritional spokesperson for Clif Bar, most women need between 50 and 60 grams of protein a day. But this isn't an exact science.", "Fitness Quiz â Test Your Health IQ and Fitness Knowledge The average American gets about 15 grams of fiber daily, much less than we need, according to the American Dietetic Association. Women should aim for 21 to 25 grams of fiber daily.", "How Much Soluble Fiber Should You Get Per Day? Adult men should get 30 to 38 grams of fiber each day, while adult women need 21 to 25 grams. During pregnancy and while nursing, however, you should get 28 to 29 grams of total fiber daily.This basic recommendation may be too much or too little, depending on your diet.f you have even 5 to 10 grams of soluble fiber a day -- it can lower your level of low-density lipoproteins -- the bad cholesterol that hardens arteries, by as much as 5 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.", "How to Increase Fiber Intake With High Protein and Low Carbs Many high-protein, low-carb foods are low in fiber, however. Women ages 50 and older need at least 21 grams of fiber daily, women ages 19 to 50 require 25 grams, men ages 50 and older need 30 grams and men ages 19 to 50 should consume at least 38 grams of fiber. Most Americans fall short of these requirements.", "Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs) Yes, the fiber in foods is generally broken down into two broad types-soluble (also called viscous) and insoluble. Both types have important health effects. According to the DRIs, the recommended intake for total fiber for adults up to 50 years of age is 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams for men.For those over 50, the recommended intake is 21 grams for women and 30 grams for men.See the DRI Macronutrient table.ccording to the DRIs, the recommended intake for total fiber for adults up to 50 years of age is 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams for men. For those over 50, the recommended intake is 21 grams for women and 30 grams for men. See the DRI Macronutrient table.", "- A small order of chili from Wendy's contains 6 grams of fiber toward the 25 grams women need each day and the 38 grams men require. That's 24 percent of what women should consume on a daily basis and 16 percent of what men need. A large order of chili supplies 10 grams of fiber.", "- How much fiber should I eat every day? Which foods have the most fiber? Most nutrition experts recommend that most American adults consume 25-35 grams of dietary fiber daily. Some nutrition experts recommend even more fiber: 35-45 grams daily. Fiber is necessary to stimulate the wavelike contractions that move food through the intestine. Dietary fiber is indigestibe; it is the residue of the food we eat. Fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds are fiber-rich foods.", "How to Lower Triglycerides with 3 Proven Nutrients Americans should eat 20-35 grams of fiber each day, including both soluble and insoluble fiber. However, the average American eats 12-17 grams of fiber a day. Only about 1/4 of this is soluble fiber; therefore, the average American is eating only 3-4 grams of soluble fiber-below the recommended amount of 5-10 grams.", "How Many Grams of Soluble Fiber Per Day? These total fiber requirements provided by the Institute of Medicine are 21 grams per day for women ages 50 and older, 25 grams for women younger than age 51, 30 grams for men ages 50 and older and 38 grams of total fiber per day for men younger than age 51.", "- Increasing your fiber intake suddenly can cause an intestinal blockage which can worsen rather than improve your colon health. Men younger than age 50 should aim for 38 grams per day; women of the same age need 25 grams, according to MayoClinic.com. After age 50, men need 30 grams and women 21 grams.", "- Aim for 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily, which can be met by eating five servings of high-fiber fruits and vegetables. Increase your intake slowly, by just four to five grams per day, or you may experience stomach discomfort, says Dr. Yoshida." ]
[ 14.2421875 ]
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what is concert f
[ "Concert Pitch Transposition Concert C is their A, Concert Ab is their F. French horns and some alto horns and the English horn (that's the one related to the oboe) are F instruments: when they play a C it sounds like a F on the piano. So, if they want to play a concert Bb scale, they start on a F (they have to think up five scale steps). Concert C is their G, Concert Ab is their Eb. By the time you are an eighth grader, you should know your scales (right off, no hesitation and without looking up key signatures or asking what note you start on or anything!) for the following concert pitches :" ]
[ "Fan Fair Fan Fair. The Fan Fair program is your chance to help restore the grounds of the nationally-acclaimed Iowa State Fair and purchase Grandstand concert tickets before the general public. For each $150 contribution made to the Fan Fair program, you become eligible to purchase 2 Grandstand show tickets during a special presale.", "- · just now. Report Abuse. The six Brandenburg concertos (BWV 1046–1051) by Johann Sebastian Bach are a collection of instrumental works presented by Bach to Margrave Christian Ludwig of Brandenburg-Schwedt[1] in 1721, but probably composed earlier.", "Carnegie Hall Carnegie Hall is one of the most eminent music venues in the world. Entrance to the famous Carnegie Hall Concert Venue in New York City cc licensed photo by cliff1066™. A world renowned music and concert hall, Carnegie Hall provides an awesome experience for the music aficionado.", "Benefit concert From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A benefit concert or charity concert is a type of musical benefit performance (e.g. concert, show, or gala) featuring musicians, comedians, or other performers that is held for a charitable purpose, often directed at a specific and immediate humanitarian crisis.", "Understanding Concertos in Classical Music Understanding Concertos in Classical Music Concerto (“con-CHAIR-toe”) started life meaning “concert” in Italian. In today’s musical lingo, though, a concerto is a piece of music in which one player (the “soloist”) sits or stands at the front of the stage playing the melody while the rest of the orchestra accompanies her. The concerto soloist is the hero or heroine, the lead of the play, the prima donna.", "- Visit Walt Disney Concert Hall. Walt Disney Concert Hall (WDCH) is the home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, presenting the best in classical music, contemporary music, world music and jazz. Learn more about the LA Phil.", "- Kellner Concourse The Kellner Concourse is the upper level of the Kohl Center. It provides access to the first and second balconies, eight luxury suites, and the upper media area. Each balcony contains approximately 4,500 seats. The vertical double balcony configuration brings fans closer to the event floor.", "- Start studying The Last Holiday Concert-Story Questions. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.", "- Marching band-is where you march and play instruments. Concert band-you are seated in chairs playing instruments. Marching bands also do field shows and parades while th … ey play. These bands also include a color guard, who are people that spin flags This guy does NOT say the true difference.Marching band is 10000% different than concert band.arching bands also do field shows and parades while th … ey play. These bands also include a color guard, who are people that spin flags This guy does NOT say the true difference. Marching band is 10000% different than concert band.", "Concert Pitch Transposition By the time you are an eighth grader, you should know your scales (right off, no hesitation and without looking up key signatures or asking what note you start on or anything!) for the following concert pitches 1 : Concert C. 2 Concert F. 3 Concert Bb. 4 Concert Eb. 5 Concert Ab. 6 Concert G.", "Bach - Brandenburg Concertos Bach-Brandenburg Concertos. J. S. Bach composed this famous collection of six concertos (BWV 1046-51) between 1708-1721, although they weren't known as the 'Brandenburg' Concertos until 150 years later. For a gateway into the world of Baroque music you can do no better than Bach ’s 'Brandenburg' Concertos.", "Chapter 1 The Last Holiday Concert themed crossword puzzle and word search will be provided for the students. *Note: These craft ideas are just suggestions. You can use them, but you don’t have to use them.", "- For two Orlando residents, this weekend’s national Labor Day Capitol Concert in Washington, D.C., illustrates the power of the “American dream.” Stella Sung, a professor at the University of Central Florida, will hear her composition “The Peace Corps” played by the National Symphony Orchestra at...", "- Where: Florence Branch. When: April 23 at 2:00 p.m. The Polished Brass quintet's repertoire includes music from all musical styles and periods, including the renaissance, romantic, big band, Dixieland, and modern broadway musicals and movie themes.", "- The Fred Barton Orchestra and the American Showstoppers concert series are devoted to classic Broadway music, in my own arrangements reflecting the personality of each composer under discussion, and performed by the best old-school performers who are keeping alive the old art of stopping shows.", "The Concert (Vermeer) The Concert (Vermeer) The Concert (c. 1664) is a painting by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. The 72.5-by-64.7-centimetre (28.5 by 25.5 in) picture depicts a man and two women playing music. It belongs to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, but was stolen in 1990 and remains missing.", "Ellen Degeneres Tickets Show Details. ELLEN DEGENERES IN CONCERT: Iconic funny woman Ellen DeGeneres remains one of the most influential figures in American pop culture, lending her family-friendly comedy to an ever-expanding array of projects that transcend her stand-up roots. DeGeneres possesses a unique talent that enables her to be funny without making fun of anyone.", "Western concert flute The flute is one of the oldest and most widely used wind instruments. The precursors of the modern concert flute were keyless wooden transverse flutes, similar to modern fifes. These were later modified to include between one and eight keys for chromatic notes.", "- The USAF Heritage of America Band announces a vacancy for French Horn in the Concert Band and woodwind or brass quintet. Preliminary materials are due February 20, 2017 and, if selected, the live audition will be on April 6, 2017.", "Benefit concert From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A benefit concert or charity concert is a type of musical benefit performance (e.g., concert, show, or gala) featuring musicians, comedians, or other performers that is held for a charitable purpose, often directed at a specific and immediate humanitarian crisis.", "Reminisce Festival Tickets Reminisce festival is a non-camping, one-day event celebrating the best in classic dance music. There's no getting away from the fact that this is THE highlight of the year and we are proud to announce the date for what is gonna be another incredible event .", "- TicketNetwork is here to provide you with access to your favorite live events. The biggest concert tours, sporting events and theater shows are all a few clicks away.", "Concerto A concerto is a piece of music made for a solo instrument and an orchestra. When an orchestra plays at a concert they might play a symphony (a piece for orchestra) and they might play a concerto (with a soloist). If the solo instrument is a violin the piece is called a “violin concerto”, if it is a piano it is called a “piano concerto”, etc. The orchestra accompanies the soloist.", "Summary Andrew Clements. Summary. Andrew Clements’s novel The Last Holiday Concert (2004) addresses themes of leadership, motivation, and learning. The story gives young adult readers the chance to think about how children become popular as well as how they relate to each other.", "- Normally, a fanfare is a triumphal or heroic type of entrance music used to announce the arrival of a potentate or clergy or noble of some sort. Rather repetitious in form, th…e instruments used are easily portable and mostly of the horn category.", "A Capitol Fourth A Capitol Fourth. A Capitol Fourth is a free annual concert performed on the west lawn of the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., in celebration of Independence Day each July 4.", "- concert (third-person singular simple present concerts, present participle concerting, simple past and past participle concerted) To plan together; to settle or adjust by conference, agreement, or consultation.", "- Grand Concerts are equally at home with lead playing & accompaniment roles. Often a first choice in the recording studio, the Eastman Grand Concert models work well for fingerstyle, lead playing or vocal accompaniment. Grand Concert models feature 14 frets clear of the body for easier access to higher notes. Popular choice for fingerstyle, leads & vocal backing.", "The Song that Nature Sings The Song that Nature Sings. The culminating concert of the season for the West & South Campus Youth Choirs will feature songs about beauty, whimsy, mystery, and sanctuary found in nature.une 6 - 5:00 pm. The culminating concert of the season for the West & South Campus Youth Choirs will feature songs about beauty, whimsy, mystery, and sanctuary found in nature. Join us in this tribute to the majesty that surrounds us each day. Online ticket sales are no longer available for this concert.", "Concerts Tickets Tickets can be and often are expensive. When a greater amount of money is spent on each event, fewer performances can be enjoyed. Tickets to concerts do not have to be expensive, though, because agencies such as Bargainseatsonline.com can help patrons to buy concert tickets at very affordable prices." ]
[ 12 ]
[ 5.1171875, 5.06640625, 4.34375, 8.046875, 6.92578125, 6.5703125, 2.80078125, 3.837890625, 5.97265625, 9.8984375, 3.943359375, 3.6875, 4.1953125, 3.9765625, 4.23046875, 11.34375, 2.828125, 7.80859375, 5.625, 8.0703125, 2.248046875, 5.44140625, 8.4375, 5.328125, 2.396484375, 6.421875, 10.859375, 8.34375, 3.63671875, 5.546875 ]
what is a jewelry box
[ "Box A jewelry (AmE) or jewellery (BrE) box, is a box for trinkets or jewels. It can take a very modest form with paper covering and lining, covered in leather and lined with satin, or be larger and more highly decorated." ]
[ "- Jewelry Boxes Display, organize, and show of your favorite gems with fashion and elegance using a new jewelry box. So much more than just a box, your ring holder, necklace stand, or jewelry box won't just be used store and organize your favorite bling; it will accent your décor and show off your unique style.", "- Shadow boxes are frames with very deep rabbets. They generally have glass at the front of the frame, with as much as a few inches of space between the glass and the backing. They are often used to display three dimensional (3D) art objects or dioramas.", "jewelry Define jewelry: jewels; especially : objects of precious metal often set with gems and worn for personal adornment — jewelry in a sentence jewels; especially : objects of precious metal often set with gems and worn for personal adornment…", "Junction box Junction box. An electrical junction box is an enclosure housing electrical connections, to protect the connections and provide a safety barrier. A small metal or plastic junction box may form part of an electrical conduit or thermoplastic-sheathed cable (TPS) wiring system in a building. If designed for surface mounting, it is used mostly in ceilings, under floors or concealed behind an access panel - particularly in domestic or commercial buildings.", "- The Black Box. The shabby black box represents both the tradition of the lottery and the illogic of the villagers’ loyalty to it. The black box is nearly falling apart, hardly even black anymore after years of use and storage, but the villagers are unwilling to replace it.", "- The BJJ Box is a way for people like yourself to get awesome jiu jitsu products & samples delivered straight to your door each and every month for one low cost! We feature apparel, soaps/other cool hygiene products, awesome snacks, and more! Our next shipment will go out during the last week of the month so make sure you order before the 17th!", "- Jewellery (British English) or jewelry (American English) consists of small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewellery may be attached to the body or the clothes, and the term is restricted to durable ornaments, excluding flowers for example.", "CROWN JEWEL crown jewel - the most desirable assets of a corporation; their crown jewels figured prominently in the takeover attempt. assets - anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company. jewel, precious stone, gem - a precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry.", "Jewellery Jewellery (British English) or jewelry (American English)[1] consists of small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewellery may be attached to the body or the clothes, and the term is restricted to durable ornaments, excluding flowers for example.", "jewel jewel. n. 1. (Jewellery) a precious or semiprecious stone; gem. 2. a person or thing resembling a jewel in preciousness, brilliance, etc. 3. a gemstone, often synthetically produced, used as a bearing in a watch. 4. (Jewellery) a piece of jewellery. 5.", "What is a prayer box charm? Originally worn as a religious ritual object, prayer boxes are now used primarily as jewelry and worn for sentimental, not religious, purposes. Prayer boxes are used by the followers of many faiths, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.", "- Monet Jewelry is a line of vintage costume accessories, such as necklaces, brooches and earrings. These pieces, used to give an outfit a classic, formal look, are made primarily of precious metals like silver and gold, and handcrafted for originality.", "- Rings Necklace Bracelet Box Jewelry Box bow tie velvet Luxury Jewelry Boxes for sale wedding gift box ring stud box. 1 US $ 46.43 - 105.83 / Piece. 2 US $ 60.30 - 137.44 / Piece. 3 Free Shipping.", "- Dawn McDonald · January 30, 2015. If you are looking for a jeweler that knows what he is doing, you can trust, is excellent at his craft, custom designs & repairs jewelry, treats you like you ar...e important & a friend, go to The Bench Jeweller in Lawrenceville. Tim & Amelia are so sweet & spent a lot of time with me yesterday.", "Jewelry Findings Glossary Introduction, General Terms Decorative Jewelry Findings: The component parts or materials used in making jewelry that provides the beauty of the piece. In handmade jewelry these are the parts that are normally produced by the goldsmith or silversmith.", "Genuine Rolex Service Box (SKU RLXSRVBXN) This is a genuine Rolex dark green box. Simply beautiful! It is perfect for traveling or storage. On the inside, it has a white satin padded upper that showcases the Rolex name and logo. It has a green velvet lower that the watch will lay upon.", "Stones The black box is the container from which the villagers draw the slips of paper for the lottery, and as part of this tradition, it has special meaning for the villagers. The box is worn… (read full symbol analysis)", "- Home Jewelry Displays. Jewelry displays are more than just a pretty place to display your jewelry! The right Jewelry Displays can help sell your jewelry by presenting it in the most professional way.Use our necklace boards, necklace busts, earring cards, bangle holders and much to display your beautiful jewelry.he right Jewelry Displays can help sell your jewelry by presenting it in the most professional way. Use our necklace boards, necklace busts, earring cards, bangle holders and much to display your beautiful jewelry.", "CROWN JEWEL The noun CROWN JEWEL has 2 senses: 1. the most desirable assets of a corporation. 2. a precious stone that is an valuable part of a sovereign's regalia. Familiarity information: CROWN JEWEL used as a noun is rare.", "- Technically, the Crown Jewels are the regalia and vestments used or worn by monarchs and queens consort at a coronation. However, the term is commonly used to refer to the contents of the Jewel House. The inventory in Keay (2011) extends to items displayed in the Martin Tower and the Palace of Westminster.", "- Jewelry Boxes. Whether you’re looking for jewelry boxes wholesale, pillow boxes, cotton box filling, or another jewelry packaging solution, Paper Mart is here to meet your needs quickly and painlessly. We give you the best service and products at a discount.ewelry Boxes. Whether you’re looking for jewelry boxes wholesale, pillow boxes, cotton box filling, or another jewelry packaging solution, Paper Mart is here to meet your needs quickly and painlessly. We give you the best service and products at a discount.", "- bijouterie: examples and translations in context. Le Fabricant / Grossiste de bijouterie - il fait et/ou vend en gros la bijouterie. Jewelry maker/wholesaler - he makes or wholesales ready made jewelry. Le Détaillant du diamant / de la bijouterie - il vend aux clients finaux. Cut diamond/jewelry retailer - he sales to final clients. Selon un exemple de mode de réalisation, un microphone est placé dans une pièce de bijouterie ou de vêtement. In one embodiment, a microphone is provided in a piece of jewelry or clothing.", "Jewellery For the Korean band, see Jewelry (band). Jewellery or jewelry consists of small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewellery may be attached to the body or the clothes, and the term is restricted to durable ornaments, excluding flowers for example.", "What is a prayer box charm? These boxes are usually engraved with a word, such as Peace, Hope, Love or Faith. These words can also be written onto the box using silver wiring or granulations (small silver dots), that are soldered into place to form each letter of the word. Many individuals use prayer boxes as jewelry, and for no other purpose.", "- Item offers personalized preview P. Show support all while raising awareness for the cause that is near and dear to your heart. At MyWalkGear.com, we have gathered a collection of popular awareness jewelry pieces, including pendants, necklaces, bracelets and wristbands. Awareness Jewelry offers inspiration and motivation to fight for a cure whether you’re honoring yourself, a friend or a family member. Join us in showing support for the cause by wearing an eye catching piece of jewelry that is available for most awareness’s. Most items also include free personalization.", "jewelry jewelry - an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems) jewellery. adornment - a decoration of color or interest that is added to relieve plainness. bead - a small ball with a hole through the middle.", "- ‘The pygidium is complete and has a short axis that has a well-defined axial ring.’ ‘The jury box is placed on the side, purposely divorced from the axial relationship of judge, counsel, and public.’", "A Quick Guide to the Symbols of Irish â Celtic Jewelry Irish jewelry is not only beautiful but also rich in meaning. It is a wonderful way to illustrate how man, unaided by Divine Revelation, picks up on, or can sense and know only dimly, the eternal and mysterious aspects of life and creation.", "What's the Difference Between a DVD Case and CD Case? Mini CD Jewel Case is specially designed for mini CDs / DVDs. The Mini CD/DVD Jewel Case allows you to securely package any mini size CD/DVD. Made of hard, high quality clear plastic, this Mini CD/DVD Jewel Case features clips on the front tray to hold inserts and a mini media.", "Boxes Consider: 1 Creating a wood jewelry box for Mother’s Day: Start with one of our wood boxes with a gold clasp, and browse the options for decoupage or rub-ons to make something unique. 2 Or simply paint the box and add grandchildren’s handprints for a keepsake she’ll be happy to place on her dresser." ]
[ 17.765625 ]
[ 13.75, 2.904296875, 7.79296875, 5.671875, 1.82421875, 3.484375, 10.7890625, 4.55859375, 10.3125, 7.97265625, 9.125, 5.7578125, 10.3203125, 3.83203125, 5.5390625, 3.673828125, 3.0859375, 7.890625, 2.064453125, 3.25, 11.390625, 1.3447265625, 10.9375, 8.0234375, 3.57421875, 8.6484375, 1.4990234375, 3.62109375, 6.38671875, 9.9453125 ]
what is called the bird feet
[ "Parrot Feet Feet & Toes. The bird foot includes the outer covering of skin that ends in the claws or nails. This skin, or epidermis with the underlying dermis, covers over the tendons and the bones of the foot along with the metatarsal pad, which is more like the palm of your hand." ]
[ "- Other common names for thebudgerigar include budgie, common pet parakeet, shell parakeet, canary parrot, flight bird, love bird, scallop parrot, zebra parrot and warbling grass parakeet. Variations on the word “budgerigar” include betcherrygah and budgerygah.", "Bumblefoot (infection) Bumblefoot (ulcerative pododermatitis) is a bacterial infection and inflammatory reaction on the feet of birds, rodents, and rabbits.[1] Ulcerative pododermatitis is referred to as sore hocks when it affects a rabbit and bumblefoot when it affects a bird.[1] The terms sore hocks and bumblefoot are used interchangeably when describing ...", "The Birds (play) The Birds (Greek: Ὄρνιθες Ornithes) is a comedy by the Ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes. It was performed in 414 BC at the City Dionysia where it won second prize. It has been acclaimed by modern critics as a perfectly realized fantasy remarkable for its mimicry of birds and for the gaiety of its songs.", "Bird feet and legs The anatomy of bird legs and feet is diverse, encompassing many accommodations to perform a wide variety of functions. Most birds are classified as digitigrade animals, meaning they walk on their toes, rather than the entire foot. Some of the lower bones of the foot are fused to form the tarsometatarsus – a third segment of the leg, specific to birds. The upper bones of the foot, in turn, are fused with the tibia to form the tibiotarsus, as over time the centralia disappeared. The fibula ...", "- Bird tails are complex structures that give us clues about bird flight and bird behavior. Knowing the variety of tail patterns helps us identify birds. So lets talk bird tails. A bird's tail consists of a tailbone, a set of flight feathers, and a layer of covering feathers at the base of the tail. The tailbone is a group of six fused vertebrae called the pygostyle, which supports the tail feathers. Rump muscles control both the pygostyle and the tail feathers.", "Bird feet and legs Because avian forelimbs are converted to wings, many of their functions are performed by the bill and hindlimbs (feet and legs). 1 It has been proposed that the hindlimbs are also very important in flight as accelerators when taking-off. Some leg and foot functions, including conventional ones and those specific to birds, are:", "Facts: What Makes a Bird a Bird? Scientists also believe that birds have some very different traits from their relatives, such as feathers instead of scales (though most birds have reptile-like scales on their legs and feet), pointed beaks, and wings. People who study birds are called ornithologists.cientists also believe that birds have some very different traits from their relatives, such as feathers instead of scales (though most birds have reptile-like scales on their legs and feet), pointed beaks, and wings. People who study birds are called ornithologists.", "- The bird-voiced treefrog (Hyla avivoca) is a relatively small, tree-dwelling amphibian which is named for its distinctive, bird-like call. Given by the male, this call consists of a series of high-pitched, whistled ‘ whit, whit, whit ’ notes, which are repeated several times.he bird-voiced treefrog is an arboreal species that inhabits wooded swamps and forested wetlands, usually near rivers or streams. It is commonly found in habitats containing trees such as cypress, tupelo gum and buttonbush.", "- Bradypus tridactylus; three-toed sloth; ai. Hypernyms (Bradypus tridactylus is a kind of...): sloth; tree sloth (any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits). BRADYPUS TRIDACTYLUS (noun). The noun BRADYPUS TRIDACTYLUS has 1 sense: 1. a sloth that has three long claws on each forefoot and each hindfoot. Familiarity information: BRADYPUS TRIDACTYLUS used as a noun is very rare.", "Cockatoo Cockatoos stand out from other parrot species with their dramatic crest feathers, dusty feathers, and varying shades of white, pink, gray and black. Pet cockatoos are often referred to as “velcro” birds because of their highly sociable nature and borderline obsessive need to be around the people in their lives.", "- Your Reason has been Submitted to the admin. The study of birds is called ornithology. Salim Ali of India, whose work set the standard for surveys of birds all over the world, can rightly be called the father of ornithology.", "- I have to say the question about Plantago rugelii triggered a memory. That memory was that dandelions, not Plantain were called white man’s foot, while honeybees were white man’s flies. I remember an old Indian mentioning this at a powwow.", "- 1 The bird-voiced treefrog is named for the male’s distinctive, high-pitched, bird-like call. 2 The bird-voiced treefrog inhabits forested swamps and wetlands and spends most of its time in the trees. 3 The bird-voiced treefrog uses its limbs to wipe a layer of mucous over its body, which helps to prevent it drying out.he bird-voiced treefrog is an arboreal species that inhabits wooded swamps and forested wetlands, usually near rivers or streams. It is commonly found in habitats containing trees such as cypress, tupelo gum and buttonbush.", "- One of the reasons bird feathers are so complex is that each feather is made up of many different parts. The feather is similar in many ways to a palm frond. The rachis (same as in palms) is the central core. The area that the feather attaches to the bird is called the calamus.", "- Bird Feet. Birds have many different shapes and sizes to their feet. Like the shape of the bill, the anatomy of birds' feet tells us much about the ecology of different species of birds. Below are several examples of birds feet and what each one can tell us about the group of birds who possess them. After reviewing this material try the Who's foot is this?", "Webbed toes Webbed toes. The feet of a gull showing webbed toes. Webbed toes is the common name for syndactyly affecting the feet. It is characterised by the fusion of two or more digits of the feet. This is normal in many birds, such as ducks; amphibians, such as frogs; and mammals, such as kangaroos.", "VICEROY Hypernyms (viceroy is a kind of...): brush-footed butterfly; four-footed butterfly; nymphalid; nymphalid butterfly (medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and much-reduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast).", "- The flight feathers closest to the body are sometimes called tertiaries. The tail feathers, called retrices, act as brakes and a rudder, controlling the orientation of the flight. Most birds have 12 tail feathers. The bases of the flight feathers are covered with smaller contour feathers called coverts.", "- Flight feather. Flight feathers (Pennae volatus) are the long, stiff, asymmetrically shaped, but symmetrically paired pennaceous feathers on the wings or tail of a bird; those on the wings are called remiges (singular remex) while those on the tail are called rectrices (singular rectrix).", "Coot For other uses, see Coot (disambiguation). Coots are small water birds that are members of the Rallidae (rail) family. They constitute the genus Fulica, the name being the Latin for coot. Coots have predominantly black plumage, and—unlike many rails—they are usually easy to see, often swimming in open water. They are close relatives of the moorhen.", "What is a group of birds called? What is a group of birds called? A group of birds is called a fleet, flock, flight, congregation, parcel, pod, volery or dissimulation (small birds only).hat is a word for a group of birds called? In general, a group of birds is called a flock, but there are special words for groups of some species of birds, e.g., a gaggle of geese.", "- The Brittan Binder (A.K.A. Bull frog) is an amphibian in the order Analla (meaning butt-less from Greek an-, without + alla, butt). Adult brittans are characterised by long hind legs, a short body, webbed digits, protruding eyes and the absence of a soul. Most Brittans have a semi-aquatic lifestyle, but move easily on land by jumping, climbing, or bumming rides off of friends.", "Budgerigar Budgerigars are popular pets around the world due to their small size, low cost, and ability to mimic human speech. The origin of the budgerigar's name is unclear. The species was first recorded in 1805, and today is the third most popular pet in the world, after the domesticated dog and cat. The budgerigar is closely related to the lories and the fig parrots. They are one of the parakeet species, a non-taxonomical term that refers to any of a number of small parrots with long, flat and tapered tails. In both captivity and the wild, budgerigars breed opportunistically and in pairs.", "- The term Lepidoptera, which means scaled wings refers to butterflies and moths. Butterflies and moths are arthropods and insects.The special characteristics that make an insect a member of the Order Lepidoptera are:he term Lepidoptera, which means scaled wings refers to butterflies and moths. Butterflies and moths are arthropods and insects. The special characteristics that make an insect a member of the Order Lepidoptera are:", "Bird feet and legs The fibula is also reduced. The legs are attached to a very strong assembly consisting of the pelvic girdle extensively fused with the uniform spinal bone (also specific to birds) called the synsacrum, built from some of the fused bones. Bird leg and feet anatomy is very diverse. It reveals many accommodations to perform a wide variety of functions.", "Archaeopteryx Binomial Name. Archaeopteryx lithographica. Archaeopteryx is an extinct bird that evolutionists argue possesses some reptilian-like features causing it to be classified as a evolutionary transitional form, and is considered the first of the so called feathered dinosaurs.inomial Name. Archaeopteryx lithographica. Archaeopteryx is an extinct bird that evolutionists argue possesses some reptilian-like features causing it to be classified as a evolutionary transitional form, and is considered the first of the so called feathered dinosaurs.", "- Song bird and other exotic bird feathers are prized by Native American for certain characteristics. The feathers of blue jays, cardinals, and some other brightly colored birds are used for their medicine by spiritual leaders. Medicinal teas are made by steeping or boiling particular feathers in water.", "Invasive Plants: Birdsfoot trefoil By: Vicki Medland | Published: June 26, 2012 | Comments Off. Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot Trefoil). It seems there is an abundance of Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot trefoil) along the edges of the paths in the Cofrin Arboretum right now.The name originates from the seed pods that fan out from the stem like a bird foot. The three-lobed trefoil leaves are found in many species in the pea family (Fabaceae).y: Vicki Medland | Published: June 26, 2012 | Comments Off. Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot Trefoil). It seems there is an abundance of Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot trefoil) along the edges of the paths in the Cofrin Arboretum right now.", "All about butterflies A butterfly is a flying insect of the order Lepidoptera. Its body is made up of a head, thorax and abdomen, and like all insects, it has six jointed legs. It has four wing…s which, together with the six legs, are attached to the thorax.", "Poetic Feet and Line Length The substitutive feet (feet not used as primary, instead used to supplement and vary a primary foot) are referred to using these terms: 1 Spondaic: hum drum (accented/accented) 2 Pyrrhic: the sea/ son of/ mists (the son of in the middle being unaccented/unaccented)" ]
[ 12.9609375 ]
[ 4.41015625, 11.5390625, 5.97265625, 12.0859375, 8.0625, 10.6015625, 10.6015625, 4.84375, 0.96923828125, 5.77734375, 8.34375, 3.361328125, 5.1796875, 9.609375, 11.703125, 11.1171875, 0.3857421875, 9.6875, 8.6796875, 8.8203125, 8.1875, 3.302734375, 3.86328125, 3.3984375, 13.4375, 5.75390625, 6.80078125, 9.7265625, 5.2421875, 4.0390625 ]
meaning of enroot?
[ "- Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Enroot. en-rōōt′, v.t. to fix by the root: to implant firmly: (Shak.) to join firmly, as root by root." ]
[ "embroil Learner's definition of EMBROIL. [+ object] : to involve (someone or something) in conflict or difficulties. His stand on this issue has embroiled him in controversy. The new drug has been embroiled in controversy. They were embroiled in a complicated lawsuit.", "- Definition of UNDERCROFT. : a subterranean room; especially: a vaulted chamber under a church. ADVERTISEMENT. a subterranean room; especially: a vaulted chamber under a church.", "UNDERTOW • UNDERTOW (noun). The noun UNDERTOW has 2 senses: 1. an inclination contrary to the strongest or prevailing feeling. 2. the seaward undercurrent created after waves have broken on the shore. Familiarity information: UNDERTOW used as a noun is rare.", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Root(verb) to turn up the earth with the snout, as swine. 2 Root(verb) hence, to seek for favor or advancement by low arts or groveling servility; to fawn servilely. 3 Root(verb) to turn up or to dig out with the snout; as, the swine roots the earth.", "- Learn the definition of enroot. Is enroot in the scrabble dictionary? Yes, enroot can be played in scrabble.", "- (transitive) To devour something greedily, gorge, glut. 2006, Edwin Black, chapter 2, in Internal Combustion: One typical Grecian kiln engorged one thousand muleloads of juniper wood in a single burn. Fifty such kilns would devour six thousand metric tons of trees and brush annually. (intransitive) To feed ravenously.", "Arrowroot Arrowroot, any of several species of the genus Maranta, members of the family Marantaceae, the rhizomes, or rootstocks, of which yield an edible starch. The most commonly used species is M. arundinacea, the source of genuine, or West Indies, arrowroot.", "- Root definition: The roots of a plant are the parts of it that grow under the ground. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog", "- Understory Meaning. Video shows what understory means. The layer of plants that grow in the shade of the canopy of a forest.. Understory Meaning. How to pronounce, definition ... See also the pronunciation examples of Understory! Scrabble value of U 1 N 1 D 2 E 1 R 1 S 1 T 1 O 1 R 1 Y 4", "UNDERTOW The noun UNDERTOW has 2 senses: 1. an inclination contrary to the strongest or prevailing feeling. 2. the seaward undercurrent created after waves have broken on the shore. Familiarity information: UNDERTOW used as a noun is rare.", "- Define enrobe: to cover with or as if with a robe; coat — enrobe in a sentence", "- Historical Examples. 1 And there is the dread of hell-fire—absurd and revolting, yet so engrained that no effort is able entirely to destroy it. Mrs. Craddock W. Somerset Maugham. 2 If posted in the van of battle, they will not desert their ranks, because endurance is engrained in them. The Sportsman Xenophon.", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Engrossment(noun) the act of engrossing; as, the engrossment of a deed. 2 Engrossment(noun) that which has been engrossed, as an instrument, legislative bill, goods, etc.", "Definition of âendoskeletonâ - English Dictionary endoskeleton definition, meaning, what is endoskeleton: a hard frame that supports the body of a vertebrate animal on the inside, made of bone or…. Learn more.", "- root noun [C] (PLANT PART). B2 the ​part of a ​plant that ​grows down into the ​earth to get ​water and ​food and ​holds the ​plant ​firm in the ​ground. More examples. 1 We ​ moored the ​ boat to a ​ large ​ tree root. 2 He took ​ hold of the plant's root and ​ pulled.", "Escheat The term escheat derives ultimately from the Latin ex-cadere, to fall-out, via mediaeval French escheoir. The sense is of a feudal estate in land falling-out of the possession by a family into possession by the overlord.", "- (ˈɪnˌɡrəʊn; ɪnˈɡrəʊn) adj. 1. (Pathology) (esp of a toenail) grown abnormally into the flesh; covered by adjacent tissues. 2. grown within; native; innate. 3. excessively concerned with oneself, one's own particular group, etc. 4. ingrained.", "- grassroots noun [plural]. the grassroots › the ​ordinary ​people in a ​society or an ​organization, ​especially a ​political ​party: The ​feeling among the grassroots of the Party is that the ​leaders are not ​radical enough.", "Definition of âradicalâ - English Dictionary Definition of “grassroots” - English Dictionary. “grassroots” in British English. grassrootsnoun [ plural ] The feeling among the grassroots of the Party is that the leaders are not radical enough.", "root 1 such a form reconstructed for a parent language, as *sed-, the hypothetical proto-Indo-European root meaning “sit.” He's lived in New York for twenty years, but his roots are in France. a person's original or true home, environment, and culture:He's lived in New York for twenty years, but his roots are in France.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(4.25 / 8 votes)Rate this definition: root(noun) (botany) the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes; absorbs water and mineral salts; usually it anchors the plant to the ground. beginning, origin, root, rootage, source(noun) the place where something begins, where it springs into being.", "root root 1. (ro͞ot, ro͝ot) n. 1. a. The usually underground portion of a plant that lacks buds, leaves, or nodes and serves as support, draws minerals and water from the surrounding soil, and sometimes stores food. b. Any of various other underground plant parts, especially an underground stem such as a rhizome, corm, or tuber.", "condition roots - the condition of belonging to a particular place or group by virtue of social or ethnic or cultural lineage; his roots in Texas go back a long way; he went back to Sweden to search for his roots; his music has African roots.", "- root rot nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (fungal disease of plant roots). pudricion pudrición de la raiz raíz: Nfnombre femenino sustantivo de genero (género, exclusivamente). Femenino mesa tabla the farmer lost his whole crop when it was attacked. by root rot", "Definition of 'root' The roots of a plant are the parts of it that grow under the ground. ...the twisted roots of an apple tree. Synonyms: stem, tuber, rhizome, radix More Synonyms of root. 2. verb. If you root a plant or cutting or if it roots, roots form on the bottom of its stem and it starts to grow.", "engross 2 [Middle English, from Anglo-French engrosser, from en gros wholesale, in quantity] a : to purchase large quantities of (as for speculation)b archaic : amass, collectc : to take or engage the whole attention of : occupy completely ideas that have engrossed the minds of scholars for generations.", "- Definition of root for Students. 1 : the leafless underground part of a plant that absorbs water and minerals, stores food, and holds the plant in place. 2 : the part of something by which it is attached The tooth's root is anchored in bone. 3 : source 1 Money is the root of all evil.", "- Definition of enrobe. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to cover with or as if with a robe. 3 2 : coat 2.", "endeavour To endeavour is to strive for something. The endeavour itself is the thing you're striving for, the enterprise or undertaking. It's a primarily British spelling of the word. The Middle English root of endeavour means to put oneself in or do one's utmost, so if you endeavour to do something, you do it with earnestness and a fair amount of effort. Americans usually spell the word endeavor, but NASA named one of its space shuttles the Endeavour.", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 ensue(Verb) To follow (a leader, inclination etc.). 2 ensue(Verb) To occur afterwards, as a result or effect. Take three freshmen, 6 bottles of wine, and hilarity will ensue." ]
[ 16.921875 ]
[ 1.3603515625, 1.015625, 1.814453125, 7.9375, 9.6484375, 2.970703125, 4.359375, 6.82421875, 1.9169921875, 2.533203125, 5.453125, 0.7783203125, 1.537109375, 1.861328125, 8.0078125, 0.056976318359375, 7.6875, 4.74609375, 3.423828125, 5.109375, 8.25, 7.3984375, 6.89453125, 3.453125, 6.6328125, 3.060546875, 7.38671875, 7.19921875, 2.6953125, 2.626953125 ]
starling definition
[ "Meaning of âstarlingâ in the English Dictionary starling definition, meaning, what is starling: a common bird with black or dark brown feathers that lives in large groups in many parts…. Learn more." ]
[ "sparkling He opened the window to see the beautiful image of a sparkling star-filled sky.Abrió la ventana y vio la bella imagen de un cielo tachonado de estrellas brillantes.", "What is the symbolism or meaning of the bird breed starling? Starling will teach much about sensitivity to others and working as unity either in this world or another and will instill a sense of protection and hope.” I got that from the website listed below. I have used this site a few times and personally I really like their definitions.", "- Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: darling /ˈdɑːlɪŋ/ n a person very much loved: often used as a term of address a favourite: the teacher's darling adj (prenominal) beloved much admired; pleasing: a darling hat Etymology: Old English dēorling; see dear, -ling1.", "- stare verb [I/T]. › to ​look ​directly at someone or something for a ​long ​time: [I] Don’t stare at ​people. [M] The ​fighters ​tried to stare each other down (= ​cause the other to ​turn away). stare noun [C] us /ster, staer/ › Stær ​she tried ​to silence him with a hard. stare", "Starlings: Mapping and modelling the ballet of the skies Image copyright. 1 One of the UK's most common garden birds. 2 Numbers have dropped by 78% since the 1970s. 3 Red listed as a species of conservation concern by the RSPB. Appear black from a distance but shimmer purple and green up 1 close. Juveniles (pictured above) are brown. Common starlings in the UK are Sturnus vulgaris.", "Murmuration of starlings video The secret behind these swirling formations is that they are self-organized dynamic systems: in a flock of starlings there isn’t a single leader, but the cohesion and movement of the group is created by the massive interaction among the birds where each bird keeps track of the position of its closest neighbours.", "- 2. daring-radically new or original; an avant-garde theater piece. avant-garde. original-being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of; a truly original approach; with original music; an original mind.FTER a great expenditure of life and treasure a Daring Explorer had succeeded in reaching the North Pole, when he was approached by a Native Galeut who lived there. Fantastic-Fables by Bierce, Ambrose View in context.", "SPRAWLING Meaning: An ungainly posture with arms and legs spread about. Classified under: Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects. Synonyms: sprawling; sprawl. Hypernyms (sprawling is a kind of...): attitude; position; posture (the arrangement of the body and its limbs) • SPRAWLING (adjective)", "STARLING Meaning: Gregarious birds native to the Old World. Classified under: Nouns denoting animals. Hypernyms (starling is a kind of...): oscine; oscine bird (passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus).Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of starling): common starling; Sturnus vulgaris (gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss; builds nests around dwellings and other structures; naturalized worldwide).scine; oscine bird (passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of starling): common starling; Sturnus vulgaris (gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss; builds nests around dwellings and other structures; naturalized worldwide).", "- Trolling. Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument.", "Definition of 'parceling' A real friend, and she had a feeling he was parceling her out more work to show her he looked on her as a full-fledged officer. Tony Hillerman THE WAILING WIND (2002) Nearby words of 'parceling'", "- Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Erlking (noun) a personification, in German and Scandinavian mythology, of a spirit natural power supposed to work mischief and ruin, esp. to children. Origin: [G. erlknig, fr. Dan. ellekonge elfking.]", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Erlking(noun) a personification, in German and Scandinavian mythology, of a spirit natural power supposed to work mischief and ruin, esp. to children.", "- People rattling Londonwards peered into the darkness outside the carriage windows, and saw only a rare, flickering, vanishing spark dance up from the direction of Horsell, a red glow and a thin veil of smoke driving across the stars, and thought that nothing more serious than a heath fire was happening.dj. 1. rattling-extraordinarily good or great; used especially as intensifiers; a fantastic trip to the Orient; the film was fantastic!; a howling success; a marvelous collection of rare books; had a rattling conversation about politics; a tremendous achievement.", "Definitions &Translations Starlings are small to medium-sized passerine birds in the family Sturnidae. The name Sturnidae comes from the Latin word for starling, sturnus. Many Asian species, particularly the larger ones, are called mynas, and many African species are known as glossy starlings because of their iridescent plumage.tarlings are small to medium-sized passerine birds in the family Sturnidae. The name Sturnidae comes from the Latin word for starling, sturnus. Many Asian species, particularly the larger ones, are called mynas, and many African species are known as glossy starlings because of their iridescent plumage.", "- Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. darling n 1 a person very much loved: often used as a term of address 2 a favourite the teacher's darling adj prenominal 3 beloved 4 much admired; pleasing a darling hat (Old English deorling; see dear, -ling1) Darling n Grace.", "- stare verb [I or T]. B2 to ​look for a ​long ​time with the ​eyes ​wide ​open, ​especially when ​surprised, ​frightened, or ​thinking: Don't stare at ​people like that, it's ​rude. Chuck ​sat ​quietly for ​hours staring into the ​distance, ​thinking of what might have been.", "stare To stare is to fix your eyes on a subject. As hard as it might be to resist looking at them for long periods of time, it's not polite to stare at celebrities. The noun stare is a certain kind of gaze — a long, intense one. The verb to stare is the act of staring, of locking one's eyes somewhere. When one stares at something, one looks at it for a long period of time, often with great intensity and without blinking. That's why one loses a staring contest when one blinks.", "- troll verb [I]. › to ​fish from a ​boat that is ​moving slowly in the ​water and ​pulling a ​fishing line (= ​length of ​string with something ​attached that ​attracts ​fish) behind it: Many of his ​friends had ​large ​boats, and they frequently ​traveled together trolling for ​mackerel.", "Definitions &Translations Starling (noun). any passerine bird belonging to Sturnus and allied genera. The European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is dark brown or greenish black, with a metallic gloss, and spotted with yellowish white.It is a sociable bird, and builds about houses, old towers, etc.Called also stare, and starred.tarlings are small to medium-sized passerine birds in the family Sturnidae. The name Sturnidae comes from the Latin word for starling, sturnus. Many Asian species, particularly the larger ones, are called mynas, and many African species are known as glossy starlings because of their iridescent plumage.", "- This rattling noise, night and day, may be heard along the whole course of the torrent.dj. 1. rattling-extraordinarily good or great; used especially as intensifiers; a fantastic trip to the Orient; the film was fantastic!; a howling success; a marvelous collection of rare books; had a rattling conversation about politics; a tremendous achievement.", "- quisling. 1 A word Norwegians are not very proud of having given to the world: it derives from Vidkun Quisling (1887-1945), a Norwegian politician who collaborated with the Nazis during World War II. He established his name as a synonym for traitor, someone who collaborates with the invaders of his country, especially by serving in a puppet government.", "- Historical Examples. 1 twinkling lights were all that I could see of the noted town. 2 twinkling, shining, expanding, the stars grew into a pair of eyes in the darkness. 3 twinkling eyes with red lashes shone with the utmost good-will. 4 A beacon-light far off, twinkling across the waves like a star!", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: sterling (Noun). the currency of the United Kingdom; especially the pound. sterling (Noun). former British gold or silver coinage of a standard fineness: for gold 0.91666 and for silver 0.925.terling (adj). belonging to, or relating to, the standard British money of account, or the British coinage; as, a pound sterling; a shilling sterling; a penny sterling; -- now chiefly applied to the lawful money of England; but sterling cost, sterling value, are used.", "Definition of stearing Find synonyms, antonyms and the meaning of the word stearing in our free online dictionary! Find words starting with stearing and anagrams of stearing. stearing - 1 definition. - verb.", "- dangling (plural danglings) 1 The act of hanging something so that it can move freely; suspension. 2 The act of following or trailing around. 1866, Mark Lemon, Falkner Lyle, Or, The Story of Two Wives […] Falkner's quick-sighted honour would not have tolerated your brother's danglings at the skirts of beauty.", "Definition of âposturingâ - English Dictionary posturingnoun [ U ] uk ​ /ˈpɒs.tʃər.ɪŋ/ us ​ /ˈpɑːs.tʃɚ.ɪŋ/ disapproving. › behaviour or speech that is intended to attract attention and interest, or to make people believe something that is not true: His writing has been dismissed as mere intellectual posturing. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words.", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: jarring (Noun) An act of jarring (in any sense). The jarring of peaches took place at the end of the season. jarring (Adjective) That jars (clashes or disagrees); incongruous, conflictful.", "Definitions &Translations Staring is a prolonged gaze or fixed look. In staring, one object or person is the continual focus of visual interest, for an amount of time. Staring can be interpreted as being either hostile, or the result of intense concentration or affection.", "Starlings Sources of Household Pests, Insects When Beneficial Birds Become a Pest. Starling History in North America. The European Starling, also known as the Common Starling, is a small bird native to Eurasia, but introduced in South Africa, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Prior to 1850 there were two attempts to introduce the starling in North America, in the northeast and on the West Coast." ]
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The Sacred Canyon Lodge is in fact the closest lodging option to the monument.", "Book Your Soldier Field Hotel Now Hotels Near Soldier Field. Welcome to the Stadium Hotel Network! Soldier Field is home to the Chicago Bears in Chicago. Professional football has always been defined by the sport’s history, great fans, team competition, and state-of-the-art stadiums! Now you can conveniently book hotels and accommodations near your team’s home stadium!", "Budget Airline Football - A Fans Guide Demopolis Hotel Guide. For those visitors searching for hotels close to Demopolis, there are a number of options. About 5 Expedia-listed accommodations lie within a 0.1-mile distance of the center of Demopolis. Enjoy the action near the heart of Demopolis. Hotels in the area include Best Western Plus Two Rivers Hotel & Suites and Comfort Inn Demopolis.", "- Midscale, smoke-free, all-suite hotel Near NRG Park and NRG Stadium. Map of hotel and NRG Stadium. Smoke-free hotel-does not allow pets. Free hot breakfast-Free Internet in room. Most Recent Guest Review. The hotel was close to the VA Medical Center, but away from the hustle and bustle of Fannin Street.", "- Please give us the honor of serving you. State, federal and United States military employees can search our Hilton hotel database by landmark and then enter the name of a government building, military base or local attraction. 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Our Saint Petersburg hotel is just minutes away from the St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport and the Tampa International Airport, so you can start discovering these nearby attractions as soon as you land: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay.", "Book Your Turner Field Hotel Now The Quality Hotel Downtown is conveniently located close to shopping, dining and entertainment. Within walking distance to Georgia World Congress Center, Philips Arena, Georgia Dome, and Georgia State University. Just over a mile to Turner Field for a Braves game.", "- To find the best discounts on Madison Square Garden hotels, browse our selection right here on Expedia and land the lowest rates around. Whether you want hotels by Madison Square Garden or hotels near Midtown West, we’ll help you book a room matching your travel budget.", "- Military discounts save you money on lodging, from national hotel chains to local motels, from bed and breakfasts to romantic inns. Save on your next stay at Days Inn, Howard Johnson, Wyndham Hotels, Ramada, and more.", "How to Get to Soldier Field in Chicago Directions to Soldier Field. Soldier Field is conveniently located roughly two miles southeast of the city’s downtown (at 1410 Museum Campus Dr, Chicago, IL 60605). Most buses and trains will drop off passengers minutes away from the stadium.", "- Mississippi Hotels with Military Discounts. 2 travelers mentioned military discount and military rate when describing this hotel. They gave us a great military discount and took time to tell us all the inns and outs of the hotel. The rooms were beautiful! And it was right on the ocean! to handle the noise.", "The Academy Hotel Colorado Springs Our Hotel. Our Colorado Springs full-service hotel is conveniently located next to the South Gate of the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) and within close proximity to Garden Of The Gods, Cave Of The Winds, Manitou Springs, Seven Falls and America's mountain, Pike's Peak.", "Hotels Near FedEx Field - Washington Redskins - FedEx Field - Washington Redskins It is close to FedEx Field, home of the Washington Redskins, and offers complimentary shuttle service to nearby businesses and area attractions. The hotel features include an on-site restaurant, heated indoor pool, fitness center, and lobby shop.", "- Hotels near Air Force Falcons Football-Falcon Stadium. Find hotels near Air Force Falcons Football-Falcon Stadium in Colorado Springs CO on Hotels-Rates.com. Many of these Colorado Springs hotels are within a short distance of Air Force Falcons Football-Falcon Stadium.1-25 of 75 Hotels within 14.0 miles of Air Force Falcons Football-Falcon Stadium.Hotels closest to Air Force Falcons Football-Falcon Stadium are listed first.uper 8 Colorado Springs/Afa Area. Located 3.9 miles from Air Force Falcons Football-Falcon Stadium. More Hotel Information and Book Reservations. Map the Distance Between Super 8 Colorado Springs/Afa Area and Air Force Falcons Football-Falcon Stadium.", "Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Lackland AFB (San Antonio), TX Our Lackland AFB Hotel Is Convenient to U.S. 90 Located just off U.S. 90, the Country Inn & Suites ® by Radisson, Lackland AFB (San Antonio), TX welcomes you with amenities like a warm fireplace and a hot tub. Only minutes from the Air Force base, our hotel is also close to downtown San Antonio and attractions like the River Walk, Nelson Wolff Stadium and the Alamodome.", "- What to do around here. The DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Fayetteville serves as the premier hub for highway travelers and visitors alike. Its proximity to the Fayetteville's historic district, U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division and Fort Bragg, makes it the ideal base during your stay in Fayetteville.", "- Property Location With a stay at Conrad Indianapolis, you'll be centrally located in Indianapolis, steps from Soldiers and Sailors Monument and Circle Center Mall. This 4.5-star hotel is within close proximity of Hilbert Circle Theatre and Indiana Convention Center.", "- In Carlsbad, visitors will find the nearest city with restaurants, parks and other diversions to explore. Whites City, named for the famous explorer of the caves, is the nearest spot where guests will find hotel accommodations available. The Best Western in Whites City is among the closest hotels to the park.n Carlsbad, visitors will find the nearest city with restaurants, parks and other diversions to explore. Whites City, named for the famous explorer of the caves, is the nearest spot where guests will find hotel accommodations available. The Best Western in Whites City is among the closest hotels to the park." ]
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what is a eon
[ "- Eon, a variation of aeon, is defined as a unit of geological time equal to a billion years, or a very long period of time. An example of an eon is the unit of measure used when talking about how long ago the solar system was created." ]
[ "Elements for Kids Neon is the second noble gas located in column 18 of the period table. Neon is the fifth most abundant element in the universe. Neon atoms have 10 electrons and 10 protons with a full outer shell of 8 electrons. Under standard conditions the element neon is a colorless odorless gas.", "Aegon Aegon or AEGON may refer to: Aegon N.V., a multinational life insurance, pensions and asset management company based in the Netherlands. Aegon UK, its Scottish subsidiary. Several fictional characters in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels; see List of A Song of Ice and Fire characters.", "What is Neon? Neon is the second lightest noble gas, after helium, and it has an atomic number of 10. On the periodic table, it is identified with the symbol Ne. The noble gases were recognized in the late 1800s, when scientists realized that an entire class of gases was missing from the periodic table of elements.", "- Theon is an unusual given name for males and an equally unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. Census). Shown below is the birth name popularity of Theon for boys. Theon has yet to make it into the Top 1000 thus far.heon is an unusual given name for males and an equally unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. Census). Shown below is the birth name popularity of Theon for boys. Theon has yet to make it into the Top 1000 thus far.", "- Eon is a wholly-owned subsidiary of German company Eon AG. It is one of the UK’s largest energy companies, supplying energy to around five million homes and businesses.Known as Powergen until 2007, the company is the UK’s second largest electricity generator and owns power stations, wind farms and a biomass plant.on is a wholly-owned subsidiary of German company Eon AG. It is one of the UK’s largest energy companies, supplying energy to around five million homes and businesses.", "- For other uses, see Exon (disambiguation) . An exon is any part of a gene that codes for a part of the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing. The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.In RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons are covalently joined to one another as part of generating the mature messenger RNA.he term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.", "HOME TheInfoList.com Neon was the second of these three rare gases to be discovered and was immediately recognized as a new element from its bright red emission spectrum. The name neon is derived from the Greek word, νέον, neuter singular form of νέος (neos), meaning new. Neon is chemically inert, and no uncharged neon compounds are known. The compounds of neon currently known include ionic molecules, molecules held together by van der Waals forces and clathrates.", "Xenon Xenon is a chemical element with symbol Xe and atomic number 54. It is a colorless, dense, odorless noble gas, that occurs in the Earth's atmosphere in trace amounts.he first excimer laser design used a xenon dimer molecule (Xe 2) as its lasing medium, and the earliest laser designs used xenon flash lamps as pumps. Xenon is also being used to search for hypothetical weakly interacting massive particles and as the propellant for ion thrusters in spacecraft.", "- The problem is that the E in DE and the ON in TON are sounds which do not exist in English, I cannot ren … der them with my usual keybord. The E is a sound between E and U, while ON is an O pronounced as if you had a cold, i.e. through your nose. 1 person found this useful. Derdriu Marriner. 1,269,944 Contributions.", "- Aon (company) Aon plc is a British multinational corporation headquartered in London, United Kingdom, that provides risk management, insurance and reinsurance brokerage, investment banking, human resource solutions and outsourcing services. Aon has approximately 500 offices worldwide, serving 120 countries with 72,000 employees.", "EON Reality Reviews EON Reality Reviews. 25 Employee Reviews. We offer amazing 3D interactive solutions around the world to Fortune 500 companies, governments and educational related institutions to improve knowledge transfer, memory retention and are making real world impacting changes on our future generations to come.", "Eon Electricity Supplier Review of Rates and Prices Eon is one of the largest energy suppliers in the UK for gas and electricity products for home and business use and has a vast array of tariff rates with different prices depending on where you live in the country. FixOnline – current version 4 which means you can fix your electricity prices for the next 15 months and save around 0.5% on current average bills. 2 So if you believe prices may rise this may be for you. 3 There are no clubcard points with this offer and it comes with a £10 termination fee if you change your mind.", "- Geon may refer to: Geon (geology), a time interval; Geon (physics), a hypothetical gravitational wave packet; Geon (psychology), a geometrical primitive out of which everyday objects can be represented; Geon, short for geonim, rabbis in the medieval era; Geon, a character from the King of the Monsters series of video games", "Enon, Ohio Enon is a village in Clark County, Ohio, United States. The population was 2,415 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Springfield, Ohio Metropolitan Statistical Area. Enon is the headquarters of the Speedway LLC gas station chain. The Enon Mound, Ohio's second largest conical Indian burial mound, is located in Enon. This mound is believed to have been built by the Adena culture. The band Enon is named for the village.", "eon Eon, a variation of aeon, is defined as a unit of geological time equal to a billion years, or a very long period of time. An example of an eon is the unit of measure used when talking about how long ago the solar system was created. An example of an eon is the amount of time since dinosaurs roamed the earth.", "The Element Neon: History, Facts & Uses Neon is the fifth most abundant chemical element in the universe after hydrogen, helium, oxygen, and carbon. However, it is still a rare gas in Earth's atmosphere, making up just 0.0018% .", "- Aeons is a word used to describe a series of words without having to use many. Usually used to describe well-off Westside boys. The word originates from Final Fantasy, but has evolved over modern time to also include the above mentioned definition.eons is a word used to describe a series of words without having to use many. Usually used to describe well-off Westside boys. The word originates from Final Fantasy, but has evolved over modern time to also include the above mentioned definition.", "onion Definition of onion for Students. : the roundish edible bulb of a plant related to the lily that has a sharp odor and taste and is used as a vegetable and to season foods.", "aeon aeon. 1. a period of one thousand million years. 2.Gnosticism one of the powers emanating from the supreme being and culminating in the demiurge.eon. 1. a period of one thousand million years. 2.", "Elements for Kids Neon is a very rare element on Earth. It is found in very small traces in both the Earth's atmosphere and the Earth's crust. It can be produced commercially from liquid air through a process called fractional distillation.", "- Uses: Neon is used glow lamps, electron tubes, signs, plasma studies, fluorescent starter tubes, cryogenic refrigeration and gas lasers. Neon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless monatomic gas, belonging to the Group VIIIA elements, called noble gases. Neon, the name of which is derived from the Greek word neos, new, is present in some minerals, but its only commercial source is the atmosphere, of which it comprises 18 parts per 1,000,000 by volume.", "- No, the word 'on' is not a noun; 'on' is a preposition, a word, usually coming in front of a noun or pronoun, telling its relation to another word in a sentence. Examples: Th…e program is on channel eight. I want a hamburger with everything on it. On the table was a beautiful centerpiece.", "- Examples of upon in a sentence. 1 He carefully placed the vase upon the table. 2 They built their city upon a cliff overlooking the sea. 3 She was seated upon a throne. an assault upon traditional 1 values. She was admitted to his office immediately upon her arrival. That kind of behavior is frowned upon.", "- The Griffin, also spelled Griffon or Gryphon, is a legendary creature portrayed with the rear body of a lion, though other animals may be substituted. However, the griffin is always shown with the head of an eagle with erect ears and a feathered torso with the forelegs of an eagle, including its talons. This combination indicates intelligence and strength.", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: In the Bible, Elon was a Judge of Israel. He followed Ibzan and was succeeded by Abdon. It is said that he was from the Tribe of Zebulun, led Israel for ten years, and was buried in Ajalon in Zebulon.", "- Eon, a variation of aeon, is defined as a unit of geological time equal to a billion years, or a very long period of time. An example of an eon is the unit of measure used when talking about how long ago the solar system was created. An example of an eon is the amount of time since dinosaurs roamed the earth. eon", "Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) is an isolated white-matter stroke of the optic nerve (ON). NAION is the most common cause of sudden optic nerve-related vision loss, affecting more than 10,000 Americans every year, often bilaterally.he mechanism of injury for NAION used to be quite controversial. However, experts in the field have come to a consensus that most cases involve two main risk factors. The first is a predisposition in the form of a type of optic disc shape.", "- Look up John or john in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Eoin (pronounced like Owen , O-in , or Own , and sometimes spelt Eoin, Eóin eoghan Or eoin) n is An irish, name closely related to The welsh ' Name ' (owain anglicized ' As ') owen and related to The Scottish gaelic Name. iainook up John or john in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Eoin (pronounced like Owen , O-in , or Own , and sometimes spelt Eoin, Eóin eoghan Or eoin) n is An irish, name closely related to The welsh ' Name ' (owain anglicized ' As ') owen and related to The Scottish gaelic Name. iain", "- 1 An example of an eon is the unit of measure used when talking about how long ago the solar system was created. 2 An example of an eon is the amount of time since dinosaurs roamed the earth. 3 an extremely long, indefinite period of time; thousands and thousands of years. Geol.", "- The problem is that the E in DE and the ON in TON are sounds which do not exist in English, I cannot ren … der them with my usual keybord. The E is a sound between E and U, while ON is an O pronounced as if you had a cold, i.e. through your nose. 1 person found this useful. Derdriu Marriner." ]
[ 16.578125 ]
[ 5.3359375, 6.22265625, 6.37109375, 4.31640625, 16.296875, 6.3359375, 4.09375, 5.59765625, 6.01171875, 8.328125, 10.2578125, 13.328125, 6.2421875, 8.34375, 16.484375, 7.046875, 11.171875, 4.69140625, 13.03125, 5.02734375, 4.90234375, 3.267578125, -0.10699462890625, 2.703125, 4.23828125, 16.328125, 2.6640625, 3.3984375, 13.8515625, 6.06640625 ]
how long pitbull dogs live
[ "How long do pit bulls live? Pit Bulls live between twelve and fourteen years on average. They are a popular fighting dog breed which may affect their actuary table entry. The good news, this means they may live a little longer in a loving home environment. Not long enough, some say, too long say others." ]
[ "Slideshow: Long-Living Dog Breeds Mixed breeds. Mixed-breed dogs live an average of 14 years. Overall, purebreds live an average of nearly 10 years. The difference may be because dogs bred to meet standards sometimes pass along problems in their genes, too.", "how long will a mixed pit bull live.... Pit bulls have, to the best of my knowledge, the same life expectancy of any other medium to large dog, which is about 10 years. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, some live a lot longer, others die at a younger age. It depends on the individual and on the bloodline.", "- Do you want to know how long dogs in general live.... or do you want to know how long YOUR dog might live? If your question is, How long do dogs live? my answer is, The life expectancy of the average dog is about 12 years, with a typical lifespan range of 8-16 years.. However....each dog is unique....including yours. So if you want to know how long YOUR dog will live, of course no one can know the future, but I can give you a pretty good idea....if you tell me a few things about your dog.", "Slideshow: Long-Living Dog Breeds Beagles are curious, smart, and guaranteed to keep you entertained. This lovable, vocal breed lives 12 to 14 years. With their great sense of smell, they love to eat, so be careful not to overfeed your beagle. Extra pounds can shorten any dog’s life.", "How many years do dogs live? Asker's rating. 1 It depends completely upon the breed. On average, little dogs live longer than big dogs. 2 Depends on the breed. A general rule of thumb is that bigger dogs have shorter lifespans. 3 Small dogs often live to 14 or 15 years of age, medium to large dogs live to 10-13 years and large bulky dogs live to 6-11years. Source(s): http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/health/articles/dog-lifespan.html", "- Most dogs will average 10-13 years and APBT's tend to live longer than most dogs. You can go to several sources to find breed life spans but the one I found most reliable is 13-15. Most APBT's in my house and in my dogs lineage have long life spans of 14-16 years my bigger dogs tend to have spans of 10-12.", "The Life Expectancy of an English Bulldog Find a vet who is knowledgeable about the breed. While the average lifespan for a bulldog isn't that long by medium-sized dog standards, some bulldogs do live 12 years or more, and yours could be one of them. Even if his life isn't that long, ensure it is filled with love.", "average life expectancy for pit bulls Actually, the average life span for an American Pit Bull Terrier is 12-14 years. I have an 11 year old APBT and he is still going strong with no health issues. Please research pit bulls. You will see they are not good protection dogs. They LOVE people.", "How Long Will My Dog Live? The following list of predicted life spans shows how long various breeds may live. 1 7-10 years. 2 9-11 years. 3 10-13 years. 4 12-15 years. 5 14-16 years. 6 15-18 years. 7 It's up to you to maintain your dog's health and sense of security and to make sure that she's able to enjoy her natural athletic ability as long as possible.", "10 Dog Breeds That Live Long Lives Whatever the case, life with the “bark lion sentinel dog,” as his name translates in his homeland of Tibet, can be long and prosperous. This breed usually lives at least 12 to 15 years, with a rare few living 20 years or longer. 5. Toy Poodle: People make fun of these dogs, and I don’t know why.", "How long does a pitbull live? on average they live 10-15 years but it varys with the individual dog and how well they are taken care of and their health. if they are super healthy and are not over or under weight then they could live to be like 17 or 18. Source(s): proud pit bull owner. Pit Bulls are angels in their earth form · 7 years ago.", "How Long Do Dogs Live? How long do dogs live is a common question. The answer requires you to consider many factors, which include breed mix and size, and environmental influences. In general, smaller dogs live longer, from 14-22 years, with medium sized dogs living 11-14 years and large dogs living 8-12 years. Mixed breed dogs tend to live longer as many purebreds suffer from breed specific genetic problems that may shorten lifespan.", "What is the average lifespan of a Pit Bull? The average lifespan of a Pit Bull is 12-14 years. If you want more info about pitbulls visit http://www.pitbull-info-and-training.com.", "- the average for a normal size APBT is closer to 13-15 yrs. Larger dogs live shorter life spans in general so some bigger APBT's/bullies can have shorter life spans. Small dogs like breeds under 30lbs can live for a really long time, breeds like great Dane's have life spans around 7 years.", "How Long Do Dogs Live? (Dog Lifespan) Most dogs in this size range live 10-13 years. However... In certain medium to large breeds, there are serious INHERITED health problems that can drastically shorten their lifespan. In these breeds, many dogs only live to 6 or 7 years old.", "How many years do dogs live? Asker's rating. 1 It depends completely upon the breed. 2 Depends on the breed. 3 Small dogs often live to 14 or 15 years of age, medium to large dogs live to 10-13 years and large bulky dogs live to 6-11years. 4 on average around 12 years. 5 I agree, it mostly dpends on breed. 6 Depends on what breed of dog. 7 It depends on how many red rockets they get.", "- It depends on the size and the breed. Most small dogs can live up to 18 years and possibly more. Medium dogs can live up to 16 or 17 years, and large dogs usually live between… 12 and 16 years. Larger dogs do tend to have shorter lifespans, and many of them develop joint and spinal problems later in life. However they are also full of life and energy for most of their lives. Again it depends on the breed.", "- This elegant breed, which has a life span of 12 to 14 years, has been around for 28 centuries. Ancient Egyptians may have worshipped the dogs, and Greek and Roman philosophers wrote about them.With their long, silky white hair and gentle manner, it's hard to believe the Maltese, too, once hunted rats.oy-sized ones live 12 to 14 years, and the larger standards live about 12 to 15. The little dogs can easily get underfoot. In fact, accidents are a leading cause of death for poodles. So be on the lookout for your four-legged friend.", "How Long Do German Shepherds Live? How long do dogs live? A: According to PetMD, the average life span of a mixed breed dog under 90 pounds is 11 years, while larger dogs live for about eight years. For purebred dogs... Full Answer >", "How Long Will Your Dog Live? It Depends on His Size The reality, of course, is that a dog’s longevity is determined by many factors, including diet, weight, heredity and body size. Dogs like Bluey and more recent canine oldsters, such as Pusuke, a Shiba mix in Japan who lived to be 26, are outside the norm, but we are seeing dogs living increasingly long lives. These days, it’s not unusual for a dog to live 15 years or more. The oldest dog I’ve ever met was a 22-year-old Chihuahua named Remo.", "What is the life span of pugs? Pugs are prone to a lot of issues, but typically can live for 12-15 years with females living a little bit longer than males. Source: Pug Dog Life Span. Views · View Upvotes.", "average life expectancy for pit bulls cc2222 over a year ago. Actually, the average life span for an American Pit Bull Terrier is 12-14 years. I have an 11 year old APBT and he is still going strong with no health issues. Please research pit bulls. You will see they are not good protection dogs. They LOVE people.", "How Long Do Dogs Live? How Long Do Small Dog Breeds Live? The average lifespan for small dog breeds ranges from 10 to 15 years, with some breeds living as long as 18 years. In general, small dogs live longer than their larger counterparts, with the shortest living breeds still exceeding the average lifespan of most large breeds.", "How Long Do Dogs Live? (Dog Lifespan) Copyright © 2000-2014. Typical lifespan of small dogs. Smaller dogs typically live to 14 or 15 years old. Smaller dogs generally live longer than large dogs because they don't suffer as many serious skeletal and cardiovascular diseases as larger dogs do. The bones and joints of smaller dogs don't need to support as much weight, so don't break down as quickly.", "- We have never, in over 50 years, had a dog die that was less than 20. Some have lived well into their 20's. This includes German Shepherds, Chows, Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, Westies, Border Collies, Dobermans, pit bulls, labradors, etc.", "How long does a bulldog usually live? Answer Wiki. The average life span is 8-12 years. Compare that with a Pitbull which is 10 or German Shepard which is 11. The range is large because it depends entirely on the health of your pup. Some Bulldogs have a LOT of health issues. Some don't. Mine has allergies and will eventually have hip issues. I know someone whos bulldog had to have heart surgery and they still say it will only live 6 years.", "- The average lifespan of a mixed breed dog in the U.S., given proper care and food, is 12 to 13 years. A Rottweiler, which is a rather large breed, may live only 10 years to 11 … years. However, an animal that is half Rottie and half medium-sized dog, say a Staffordshire terrier, may live the average lifespan.", "Help Your Dog Live Longer If your question is, How long do dogs live? my answer is, The life expectancy of the average dog is about 12 years, with a typical lifespan range of 8-16 years..", "How long does a bull live and how long does it stay in fertility? Answers. Best Answer: Bulls can live 15+ years, but they are often slaughtered before that. I am not sure how long that they are fertile, but I would guess that they would be for at least 10 years.The oldest that I have ever heard of a bull living was a limousine that lived to 22 years. Source(s): http://www.beef-cattle.com/fertile-bull....nswers. Best Answer: Bulls can live 15+ years, but they are often slaughtered before that. I am not sure how long that they are fertile, but I would guess that they would be for at least 10 years.", "- The American Pit Bull Terrier has a natural life span span of 13-15 years. Unfortunately, if you assume there are 4-7 million pit bulls in the US and a million are estimated e…uthanized yearly due to negligence and over breeding the average pit bull's life expectancey is closer to 4 to 7 years." ]
[ 17.84375 ]
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loyola jesuit abuja
[ "Loyola Jesuit College Loyola Jesuit College. Loyola Jesuit College is a private, co-educational, boarding, secondary school in Abuja, operated by the Society of Jesus of the Roman Catholic church. The school was opened on October 2, 1996, and is named after the Society's founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola." ]
[ "Rosa Young Rosa Young continued to serve as a teacher, missionary, lecturer, and fundraiser for the Students in Rural Wilcox County conference. She traveled to tell other Lutherans about the African American mission in Alabama. She was a faculty member of Alabama Lutheran Academy and College from 1946 to 1961, when poor health limited her activities.", "Welcome to Loyola Jesuit College, Abuja Welcome to Loyola Jesuit College. Loyola Jesuit College is part of the worldwide family of schools run by the Society of Jesus. With them, it shares a common vision and philosophy derived from the writings of the founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius of Loyola.", "- Tougaloo, MS-The Tougaloo College Bulldogs hosted former GCAC foe Loyola University today at the James C. Coleman Athletic Complex. The Bulldogs split with the Wolfpack, falling 13-4 in game one and bouncing back in game two to take a 13-3 victory over the Wolfpack.", "The Jesuits Share. The Society of Jesus is a Roman Catholic religious order founded in 1534, by Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish soldier. Following a religious awakening while recovering from wounds, Ignatius gathered a small group of dedicated followers who pledged themselves to lives of poverty and chastity.", "- Luis Gabelo Conejo. Luis Gabelo Conejo Jiménez (born 1 January 1960) is a Costa Rican retired footballer who played as a goalkeeper. He played mainly for Ramonense and Albacete, during a 17-year professional career. In 2009, the International Federation of Football History & Statistics named him the 34th best goalkeeper of the world for the period 1987–2008, and the seventh in Latin America.", "Lecture 5: The Catholic Reformation The Church did try respond but their response -- internal reform -- was weak. One reform did come, it came from man who was not even a member of the clergy. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) was a soldier and Spanish reformer who sought to create a new religious order.", "Elijah P. Lovejoy: An Inventory of His Papers, 1804-1891, at the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library. Elijah Parish Lovejoy, born in 1802 near Albion, Maine, was a preacher, editor, and abolitionist. He studied theology at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1832, and served as a preacher in St. Louis, Missouri.", "Alfajor An alfajor or alajú (Spanish pronunciation: [alfaˈxor], plural alfajores) is a traditional confection found in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, Paraguay and Southern Brazil. The archetypal alfajor entered Iberia during the period of al-Andalus.", "- Loyola Marymount university is an incredible university that offers individual attention. However, LMU is expensive and doesn't offer an incredible amount of scholarships. Overall, I love LMU and it has many opportunities for internships and networking opportunities during pursuance of a bachelors degree.", "Loyola University Maryland John Early, founder of Loyola. Loyola College in Maryland was founded in 1852 by John Early and eight other members of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and was the first college in the United States to bear the name of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Loyola College in Maryland is the ninth-oldest among the nation's 28 Jesuit colleges and universities.", "About University Honors For more information about how the University Honors Program at Loyola University New Orleans lives out the Ignatian mission of the university, you may read the “ Essential Characteristics of a Jesuit Honors Program .”.", "A Biography of St. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556): The Founder of the Jesuits A Biography of St. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556): The Founder of the Jesuits. George Traub, S.J., and Debra Mooney, Ph.D. Iñigo Lopez de Oñaz y Loyola, whom we know as St. Ignatius, was born in the Castle Loyola, in the Basque country of northeastern Spain, in 1491, during the reign of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Iñigo was the youngest of 13 children, raised in a family culture of high Catholic piety but lax morals.", "Joe Louis Biography African American boxer Joe Louis was world heavyweight champion from 1937 to 1948. He defended his title twenty times in four years. Joseph Louis Barrow, born on May 13, 1914, was the seventh of eight children of Munroe Barrow and Lily Reese. His father was an Alabama sharecropper and died when Joe was four. His mother took in washing to support her family. Joe was close to his large family, particularly to his mother, from whom he inherited a deep religious sentiment.", "Jesuit & Catholic Identity The Jesuits are members of the Society of Jesus, an international religious community which was founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century. Today, Jesuits continue to enrich the university through their work as scholars, researchers, administrators, chaplains and counselors.", "Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa is a Spanish mission founded in 1772 by Father Junipero Junípero serra in the-present day city Of San Luis, Obispo. californian September 1, 1772 a cross was erected near San Luis Obispo Creek and Father Junipero Junípero serra celebrated the first, mass marking the site as the destination for yet another. mission", "Jesuit Tradition Loyola University New Orleans. Loyola University New Orleans. Jesuit Tradition. Loyola's rich history dates back to 1540, when Saint Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society of Jesus, whose members are called Jesuits. From the beginning, Jesuits have held that scholarly excellence plays an integral role in helping men and women achieve moral excellence.", "- Sanjurjo was born in Pamplona. His father, Captain Justo Sanjurjo Bonrostra, was a Carlist. His mother was Carlota Sacanell Desojo. Military career Early career. He served in Cuba in 1896, in the Rif War (1909) in Morocco, and in the Rif War (1920), including the reconquest of lost territory in Melilla after the Battle of Annual in 1921.", "- Labaja is a Yoruba word that means somebody, nobody, anybody or everybody. It perfectly depicts the anonymity of the so called common man.", "- Loyola Jesuit Entrance. Entrance exam resources to the prestigious Loyola Jesuit College, Abuja and Jesuit Memorial College, Port Harcourt including detailed solutions to exam past questions, practice exams, assessment tests exploring all exam objectives. Sign Up Subscribe.", "- PROUD SPONSORSBLUE JAY NATIONSports Marketing Sport Schedules Athletic Camps/ClinicsStay ConnectedPhysical Form.pdf Athletic/Activities Handbook.pdfIMPACT Form.pdfDirections Opposing SchoolsLHS 2014 LIP DUBLetter JacketsBack to LHS Home Page 8th Gr. Ath.", "- His focus at the LBJ school is in education policy, and he hopes to apply that to a teaching career in his future. Photo Credit: Elisabeth Dillon | Daily Texan Staff. Ambassador Robert Hutchings has served as the dean of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs since 2010. Texas A&M and Harvard alumnus, he is currently pursuing a doctorate in public affairs at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, where he says he hopes to apply his concentration in education policy to a teaching career in the future. “My focus at the LBJ School is on education policy,” Villarreal said.", "- Name: Grossmont College. President: Nabil Abu-Ghazaleh. Website: www.grossmont.edu. City: El Cajon. State: CA. Type: Public. Campus Setting: Suburban/Large City. Year Established: 1961.", "- Founded in 1870, Loyola University Chicago is one of the nation's largest Jesuit, Catholic universities, with nearly 16,000 students. Nearly 10,000 undergraduates hailing from all 50 states and 82 countries call Loyola home.", "Luis Gabelo Conejo Luis Gabelo Conejo Luis Gabelo Conejo Jiménez (born 1 January 1960) is a Costa Rican retired footballer who played as a goalkeeper. He played mainly for Ramonense and Albacete, during a 17-year professional career. In 2009, the International Federation of Football History & Statistics named him the 34th best goalkeeper of the world for the period 1987–2008, and the seventh in Latin America.", "Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa was founded 1 September 1772 (5 th in order) by Blessed Junipero Junípero. Serra the mission is named For Saint, Luis bishop Of. Toulouse The Native american name for the region Was. tishliniission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa was founded 1 September 1772 (5 th in order) by Blessed Junipero Junípero. Serra the mission is named For Saint, Luis bishop Of. toulouse", "Doctors Loyola University Medical Center. Doctors. The U.S. News Doctor Finder has compiled extensive information in each doctor's profile, including where he or she was educated and trained, which hospital he or she admits patients to, and in some cases which insurance plans he or she accepts. Dr. Gerard Abood MD.", "- Loyola University New Orleans. Loyola University New Orleans is a private, co-educational, and Jesuit university located in New Orleans, Louisiana. Originally established as Loyola College in 1904, the institution was chartered as a university in 1912. It bears the name of the Jesuit patron, Saint Ignatius of Loyola.", "Slavery comes to North America , 1619 Parks, Rosa Louise (1913-), civil rights leader, born in Tuskegee, Alabama. She attended Alabama State College, worked as a seamstress and housekeeper, and was active in the Montgomery Voters League and the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) Youth Council.", "Best Jobs in America NEW!JobsCompany ReviewsCompany ReviewsCompany CultureBest Places to Work12 Companies That Will Pay You to Travel the World7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For20 Companies Hiring for the Best Jobs In AmericaHow to Become the Candidate Recruiters Canât Resist13 Companies With Enviable Work From Home OptionsSalariesInterviewsKnow Your WorthAccount SettingsAccount SettingsSign InFor EmployersFor EmployersUnlock Employer AccountSign In to Employer CenterPost a JobEmployer BrandingJob AdvertisingEmployer BlogTalk to SalesPost Jobs FreeSign InKeywordJobsCompaniesSalariesInterviewsLocationSearch See Loyola University Hourly Pay, Loyola University Bonuses, or check out salaries for Loyola University Internship or Loyola University Contractor.", "Biography Mini Bio (1) Lucy Kate Jackson was born in Birmingham, AL on October 29.1948. She attended the University of Mississippi but left during her sophomore year to begin studying at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. She was supporting cast on Dark Shadows (Daphne, 1970-1971) and on The Rookies (Jill Danko, 1972-1976)." ]
[ 18.78125 ]
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what does caldera mean
[ "Caldera A caldera is a cauldron-like volcanic feature on large central volcanoes, a special sort of volcanic crater (from one to several kilometers in diameter), formed when a magma chamber was emptied.The depression then originated either in very big explosive eruptions or in erosion and collapse of the magma chamber roof.s the magma chamber empties, the center of the volcano within the ring fracture begins to collapse. The collapse may occur as the result of a single cataclysmic eruption, or it may occur in stages as the result of a series of eruptions." ]
[ "La Calavera Catrina The image now called “La Calavera Catrina” was published as a broadside in 1910, just as the revolution was picking up steam. Posada’s calaveras — La Catrina above all, caricaturizing a high-society lady as a skeleton wearing only a fancy French-style hat — became a sort of satirical obituary for the privileged class.", "- Definition of CALDERA. : a volcanic crater that has a diameter many times that of the vent and is formed by collapse of the central part of a volcano or by explosions of extraordinary violence.See caldera defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT. a volcanic crater that has a diameter many times that of the vent and is formed by collapse of the central part of a volcano or by explosions of extraordinary violence.", "Chandelier A chandelier /ˌʃæn.dəlˈɪər/ (also known as girandole, candelabra lamp, or least commonly suspended lights) is a branched, decorative light fixture designed to be mounted on ceilings or walls. Chandeliers are often ornate, and normally use incandescent light bulbs, though some modern designs also use fluorescent lamps and recently LEDs.", "- A great example is Crater Lake located in Oregon. This is actually a caldera. Photo courtesy of Wikicommons. Photographer: unknown. The main difference between craters and calderas is how they are formed. Craters are caused by impacts from meteorites, and can range in size from very small to several hundred km across.According to the US Geological Survey, a caldera is a large (at least one km across), circular depression formed at the top of a volcano when the magma chamber collapses.hotographer: unknown. The main difference between craters and calderas is how they are formed. Craters are caused by impacts from meteorites, and can range in size from very small to several hundred km across.", "- This is the British English definition of juggernaut. View American English definition of juggernaut. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for juggernaut. CamelCase a way of writing compound words or phrases in which there are no spaces between words and a capital letter is used at the start of each new word", "Definitions &Translations Cupola (noun) a roof having a rounded form, hemispherical or nearly so; also, a ceiling having the same form. When on a large scale it is usually called dome. Cupola (noun) a small structure standing on the top of a dome; a lantern. Cupola (noun) a furnace for melting iron or other metals in large quantity, -- used chiefly in foundries and steel works", "Definitions &Translations Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Pasadena. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Pasadena(noun) a city in southwestern California to the east of Los Angeles. Pasadena. Pasadena is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States. As of 2010 United States Census, the population of Pasadena was 137,122, making it the 180th-largest city in the United States, down from 168th place in 2009.", "- The word Mandala is Sanskrit [Skt.,= circular, round] meaning the spiritual wholeness and the equilibration of all cosmic and life forces of our world. Thus the mandala symbolizes the totality, including the outer as well the inner forces of existence.", "- Around 19,000 years ago, there was the beginning of large explosive eruptions (eruptions which involve explosions which throw volcanic ash in the air). A large explosive eruption which occurred 18,000 years ago created the mountain's current caldera (the cauldron-like feature at the top).", "CATALPA • CATALPA (noun). The noun CATALPA has 1 sense: 1. tree of the genus Catalpa with large leaves and white flowers followed by long slender pods. Familiarity information: CATALPA used as a noun is very rare. CATALPA (noun). The noun CATALPA has 1 sense: 1. tree of the genus Catalpa with large leaves and white flowers followed by long slender pods. Familiarity information: CATALPA used as a noun is very rare.", "- Definition of cathedral. 1 : of, relating to, or containing a cathedra. 2 : emanating from a chair of authority.", "CATALPA • CATALPA (noun). The noun CATALPA has 1 sense: 1. tree of the genus Catalpa with large leaves and white flowers followed by long slender pods. Familiarity information: CATALPA used as a noun is very rare.", "Gadara GADARA [ISBE]. 1. Country of the Gadarenes: This city is not named in Scripture, but the territory belonging to it is spoken of as chora ton Gadarenon, country of the Gadarenes (Mt 8:28). In the parallel passages (Mk 5:1; Lk 8:26,37) we read: chora ton Gerasenon country of the Gerasenes..he city of Gadara is represented today by the ruins of Umm Qeis on the heights south of el-Chummeh--the hot springs in the Yarmuk valley--about 6 miles Southeast of the Sea of Galilee.", "MANDALAS The word Mandala (pronunciation mon-dah-lah) means circle. A Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds.The mandala appears to us in all aspects of life, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and more obviously the circles of life encompassing friends, family and communities. Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds. The mandala appears to us in all aspects of life, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and more obviously the circles of life encompassing friends, family and communities.", "gondola gondola (plural gondolas or gondole) 1 A small long, narrow boat with a high prow and stern, propelled with a single oar, especially in Venice. 2 A hanging platform or car for transporting people or cargo. An enclosed car attached to a cable mechanically lifted up the side of a mountain; an enclosed ski lift; a cable car. The car or basket of a hot-air balloon, airship, zeppelin, etc. The hanging cart in which a glass-cleaning worker stands to clean exterior glass on tall buildings.", "Casswallawn Meaning: Casandra: Unheeded prophetess. In Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's prediction of the fall of Troy was unheeded. Casandra: Unheeded prophetess In Homer's 'The Iliad' Cassandra's prediction of the fall of Troy was unheeded: Casandra: She who entangles men, Shining upon man: Casca: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' A conspirator against Caesar. Case: Box: Caseareo", "What is a caldera? A caldera is a large depression in a volcano. Most calderas form in one of two ways: by collapse of the top of a composite volcano after the magma chamber is drained.onfidence votes 83.6K. A caldera is a depression in the land surface caused by the collapse of land into an emptied magma chamber as a result of an eruption of a stratovolcano.", "Gadara gad'-a-ra (Gadara): 1. Country of the Gadarenes: This city is not named in Scripture, but the territory belonging to it is spoken of as chora ton Gadarenon, country of the Gadarenes (Matthew 8:28).In the parallel passages (Mark 5:1 Luke 8:26, 37) we read: chora ton Gerasenon country of the Gerasenes..hat there was a second Gadara seems certain, and it may be intended in some of the passages referred to above. It is probably represented by the modern Jedur, not far from es-Salt (Buhl, Buhl, Geographic des alten Palastina, 255; Guthe). Josephus gives Pella as the northern boundary of Peraea (BJ, III, iii, 3).", "- Full Definition of CADENZA. 1. : a parenthetical flourish in an aria or other solo piece commonly just before a final or other important cadence. 2.: a technically brilliant sometimes improvised solo passage toward the close of a concerto.ull Definition of CADENZA. 1. : a parenthetical flourish in an aria or other solo piece commonly just before a final or other important cadence. 2.", "- Kalahari desert. Originated from the tswana laguage the word 'kgala' meaning the great thirst or the word kgalagadi meaning the place without water. The semi desert of the kalahari gives new meaning to waterless, no water, great thirst.he kalahari basin filled up with erosional debris and windblown sands. The Kalahari desert or semi desert is the largest continous stretch of sand in the world, covering 2500 square km.As the continent moved southwards the climate became increasingly dry.", "papelera Papelera definition, a small Renaissance cabinet for papers and writing materials, mounted on a small stand. See more.", "- Based on this information, what is the most likely meaning of the phrase “Pandora’s box”? container of precious jewels a symbol of impatience a way of taking revenge on an enemy a source. of many unforeseen troubles. “Pandora’s box” means a source of many unforeseen troubles. Log in to see link for more information.", "- Caldera Volcanoes. View a satellite map of the Yellowstone Caldera. Caldera volcanoes are the Extreme Volcanoes. These are the most powerful and catastrophic types of volcanoes in a category by themselves because of the unique way in which they form. This type of volcano is shaped more like an inverse volcano.An enormous magma chamber bulges up beneath the ground from the extremely high pressures of the trapped gases within.hese are the most powerful and catastrophic types of volcanoes in a category by themselves because of the unique way in which they form. This type of volcano is shaped more like an inverse volcano. An enormous magma chamber bulges up beneath the ground from the extremely high pressures of the trapped gases within.", "glimmer- definition and synonyms This is the British English definition of cascade. View American English definition of cascade. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for cascade. CamelCase a way of writing compound words or phrases in which there are no spaces between words and a capital letter is used at the start of each new word", "Definitions &Translations quesadilla(Noun) A Mexican dish made by filling a tortilla (corn or flour) with cheese, folding in half and toasting until the cheese is melted. Additional ingredients, such as meats (chicken or beef, commonly), or vegetables can be added. Often served with salsa, guacamole and/or sour cream.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Fabella. The fabella is a small sesamoid bone found in some mammals embedded in the tendon of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle behind the lateral condyle of the femur. It is a variant of normal anatomy and present in humans in 10% to 30% of individuals. Rarely, there are 2 or 3 of these bones.", "CUPOLA • CUPOLA (noun) The noun CUPOLA has 2 senses: 1. a vertical cylindrical furnace for melting iron for casting. 2. a roof in the form of a dome. Familiarity information: CUPOLA used as a noun is rare.", "- Read HERE first. We are a Tourist Company and Culture, we spread all the local offer, we designed plans to measure, we are specialized in Sustainable Tourism that benefits and includes the community, our plans can include actors, dance, artisans, local products, music etc. We also organize turs of other operators, gastronomy, transport and lodging. Trips to nearby places departing La Candelaria. A lively neighborhood section of the city that features small shops and ancient churches. The neighborhood includes a number of attractions including The Plaza de Bolivar, The Bogota Cathedral.", "- caranda South American palm yielding a wax similar to carnauba wax Kalinin soviet statesman and head of state of the USSR (1875-1946) valiant having or showing valor", "- A chandelier / ˌ ʃ æ n. d əl ˈ ɪər / (also known as girandole, candelabra lamp, or least commonly suspended lights) is a branched ornamental light fixture designed to be mounted on ceilings or walls. Chandeliers are often ornate, and normally use incandescent light bulbs, though some modern designs also use fluorescent lamps and recently LEDs." ]
[ 15.6484375 ]
[ 2.7421875, 16.234375, 2.013671875, 10.6328125, 0.07452392578125, 2.263671875, 2.32421875, 1.0908203125, 8.4765625, 0.1658935546875, 5.02734375, -0.0299835205078125, 2.04296875, 1.6875, 2.982421875, 0.475830078125, 14.3671875, 1.3056640625, 2.46875, 0.262451171875, 2.580078125, 1.2646484375, 9.796875, 1.85546875, 4.046875, 1.6337890625, 1.5126953125, 2.94140625, 6.28125, 1.9013671875 ]
what does pin stand for
[ "- Pin is an acronym and it stands for Personal Identification number." ]
[ "Computer security On May 10, 2015, FSA ID replaced the Federal Student AID PIN. The PIN, which had been in use since 1998, was a four-digit numeric code used together with personally identifying information (such as Social Security number, name, and date of birth) to log in to FSA websites.", "Postal Index Number A Postal Index Number or PIN or Pincode is a code in the post office numbering or post code system used by India Post, the Indian postal administration. The code is six digits long.-digit postcode areas in India(defined through the first two postcode digits). The first three digits of the PIN represent a specific geographical region called a sorting district that is headquartered at the main post office of the largest city and is known as the sorting office.", "stick pin - attach or fasten with pins or as if with pins; pin the needle to the shirt. pin the blame on the innocent man. fasten, fix, secure - cause to be firmly attached; fasten the lock onto the door; she fixed her gaze on the man. unpin - remove the pins from; unfasten the pins of.", "What does PNstand for? .pn is the Internet country code top-level domain for Pitcairn Islands. The top-level domain was the subject of a dispute in 2000, between islander Tom Christian, who had been delegated with management of the domain by ICANN, and the government of the island, which was resolved by ICANN ruling that the domain be re-delegated to the Island Council.", "- pin (one's) heart to (one's) sleeve. To openly display or make known one's emotions or sentiments. I knew Josh had a crush on me because he always pins his heart to his sleeve. Growing up with a father who never showed any emotion, I made a point of always pinning my heart to my sleeve.", "pin one's hopes on pin one's hopes on. Also,pin one's faith on. Put one's hope or trust in someone or something, as in She'd pinned her hopes on an early acceptance to the college but it didn't materialize. This term, dating from the 1500s, originated as pin one's faith on another's sleeve and may have alluded to the practice of soldiers wearing their leader's insignia on their sleeves.", "Real Estate Designations The Designation. CCIM stands for Certified Commercial Investment Member. The CCIM lapel pin denotes that the wearer has completed advanced coursework in financial and market analysis, and demonstrated extensive experience in the commercial real estate industry. CCIM designees are recognized as leading experts in commercial investment real estate.", "- Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: it means S stands for Sadism is getting pleasure (sexual) out of inflicting pain M stands for Masocism which means getting sexual pleasure from pain being inflicted on one's self hense the lyrics Chains and Whips excite me.Source(s): Yana · 5 years ago.elevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: it means S stands for Sadism is getting pleasure (sexual) out of inflicting pain M stands for Masocism which means getting sexual pleasure from pain being inflicted on one's self hense the lyrics Chains and Whips excite me.", "Lapel pin Lapel pin. Wikimedia project lapel pins. A lapel pin is a small pin worn on clothing, often worn on the lapel of a jacket. Lapel pins can be ornamental or can indicate wearer's affiliation with an organization or cause. Before the popularity of wearing lapel pins, boutonnières were worn.", "Primary Meanings of commitment pinning-a mutual promise of a couple not to date anyone else; on college campuses it was once signaled by the giving of a fraternity pin. promise-a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do (or not to do) something in the future.", "- pins and needles. A reference to the sharp tingling senstation one feels when a body part hasn't been moved for a while or when it's been pressed up against something in the wrong way.", "- Gary Sinise who plays Mac Taylor wears a small pin on his left lapel. The pin is a small circle with the letters DB which stands for Detective Bureau. The small pins are giv…en out by the Chief of Detectives. and only 1 out of every 1000 people get them because you have to rise through the ranks. Yogita Sharma.", "6 Sewing Pins Every Sewist Should Have on Hand I like silk pins that are all metal, with no glass or plastic ball at the end, which is the classic way they come. Sometimes these are called dressmaking pins or satin pins, each with their own slight variations. My silk pins are 1 1/16” in length, are rust-proof nickel-coated brass, and have a 5mm metal shaft. Silk pins come in a range of weights, so like all the other pins, be sure to match the shaft thickness to your silk for the right combination.", "- 8 meanings of PIN acronym and PIN abbreviation in Banking. Get the definition of PIN in Banking by All Acronyms dictionary. Top Definition: Personal Identification Number In Banking.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Pinworm. The pinworm, also known as threadworm or seatworm, is a nematode and a common intestinal parasite, especially in humans. The medical condition associated with pinworm infestation is known as enterobiasis, or less precisely as oxyuriasis in reference to the family Oxyuridae.", "What does it mean to âassert a pinâ? 5. One minor caveat: de-asserting a pin in some contexts may mean driving it to the state opposite the active state, or it may mean floating the pin, to allow the pin to return itself to the inactive state (and also possibly allowing other devices to assert the pin).", "- The PIN diode is a current-controlled resistor at radio and. microwave frequencies. It is a silicon semiconductor diode in. which a high-resistivity, intrinsic I region is sandwiched between a. P-type and N-type region. When the PIN diode is forward biased, holes and electrons are injected into the I region.", "What does PIN stand for? a. Principal Investment Number b. Permission Initiating Number c. Percent Increase Number d. Personal Identification Number 2016-06-08T00:15:03-04:00. PIN stands for (D) Personal Identification Number that is used as numeric password of identification security code that allows the user to have a security in their account so that it would be safe. Comments", "- The unimaginable light you hold inside.~Light by Sleeping at Last. Find this Pin and more on Absolutely Incredible Kid Day. I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness and I choose happiness for every other day after that. I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.. It's always a choice.", "- %DETAILS% it literally means sharp and bold/brave It's also the motto of the 6th Field Artillery:http://www.tioh.hqda.pentagon.mil/FA/6FieldArtilleryRegiment.htm The WW 2 pin that you have is known as a D.I., short for Distinctive Insignia.", "Definitions &Translations Pinning. Pinning is a technique used when assembling large or heavy model kits that involves drilling a hole in two pieces of the model to be joined, and using a pin to strengthen the bond when they are glued.", "What about Witches Eerie memorabilia associated with the trials, such as the Witch Pins used in the examination of witches and a small bottle supposed to contain the finger bones of the victim George Jacobs can be found in the Clerk's Office in the Essec Superior Court House, Salem.", "- A common expression is sitting on pins and needles which means highly agitated while waiting for something to happen. The expected event can be either good or bad. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/pins-and-needles. A secondary use refers to uncomfortable tingling (often in your legs) after a long period of immobility. Here's a way to use it: Flying economy class from London to Hong Kong, I got pins and needles in my legs when I got up.", "pin (plural pins). 1 A small device, made (usually) of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening. 2 A small nail with a head and a sharp point. 3 A cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts.", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Pins and Needles is a musical revue with a book by Arthur Arent, Marc Blitzstein, Emmanuel Eisenberg, Charles Friedman, David Gregory, Joseph Schrank, Arnold B. Horwitt, John Latouche, and Harold Rome and music and lyrics by Harold Rome.", "- All Acronyms. PIN [Internet]; Jan 15, 2018 [cited 2018 Jan 15]. Available from: http://www.allacronyms.com/PIN/Banking. MHRA 'PIN', All Acronyms, 15 January 2018, <http://www.allacronyms.com/PIN/Banking> [accessed 15 January 2018] Bluebook All Acronyms, PIN (Jan. 15, 2018, 2:01 AM), available at http://www.allacronyms.com/PIN/Banking. CSE All Acronyms. PIN [Internet]; January 15, 2018 [cited 2018 JAN 15]. Available from: http://www.allacronyms.com/PIN/Banking.", "- • PIN NUMBER (noun) The noun PIN NUMBER has 1 sense: 1. a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts. Familiarity information: PIN NUMBER used as a noun is very rare.", "MARIA PAPPAS, COOK COUNTY TREASURERPayments Exemptions Refunds Seniors Your Tax Bill Tax Dates Foreign Language Brochures Forms About The Office News and Video PIN stands for Property Index Number, and knowing your PIN is important to protecting your money and the real estate that you own. Property taxes may be paid by current or past owners, a title company, a mortgage company, a lease-holder, a co-op, a tax buyer or a combination of parties. PIN is to a property what a Social Security number is to a person. If you have your name placed on a tax bill for the wrong PIN and pay that wrong PIN, the taxes on the PIN you actually own are still delinquent. For that reason, the PIN is the key to making correct payments.", "lynchpin or lynchpin. [linch-pin] /ˈlɪntʃˌpɪn/. noun. 1. a pin inserted through the end of an axletree to keep the wheel on. 2. something that holds the various elements of a complicated structure together: The monarchy was the linchpin of the nation's traditions and society.", "- a small, slender, pointed piece of metal, etc., used as a fastener or support. any of many different forms of fasteners, badges, or ornaments made up in part of a penetrating piece, wire, or shaft:a fraternity pin;a tiepin;a diamond pin on her dress." ]
[ 16.59375 ]
[ 11.328125, 12.15625, 10.984375, 9.0234375, 9.5, 9.3125, 9.875, 6.390625, 8.6484375, 7.64453125, 8.1640625, 11.3515625, 5.65234375, 14.125, 7.69921875, 8.6171875, 9.9453125, 16.046875, 6.484375, 9.9609375, 8.390625, 5.3359375, 6.72265625, 10.375, 6.6953125, 10.328125, 11.5234375, 13.4296875, 7.69140625, 10.6171875 ]
what is a roasting pan
[ "What is a Roasting Pan? Top 10 facts about the world. A roasting pan is a pan which is specifically designed for roasting things in the oven or under a broiler. There are a range of styles and designs for roasting pans available, ranging from plain tinfoil pans which are intended for single use applications to pans which help strain away fat for low-fat roasting." ]
[ "- 31%. Off. Roasting & Lasagna Pans-With the unparalleled heat retention of cast-iron and smooth enameled surface, this Le Creuset Signature roasting pan roasts beef, pork, poultry to gourmet... Le Creuset Signature Roasting Pan, 3...", "- The Frying Pan came through its first season last summer with flying colors and is now headed into another successful few months. The metal fish of various sizes form the heart of the creative products here with potential buyers encouraged to be creative in their choices and arrangements of schools to adorn their walls.", "pan panning. 1 transitive verb. 2 1a : to wash in a pan for the purpose of separating heavy particlesb : to separate (a substance, such as gold) by panningc : to place in a pan. 3 2 : to criticize severely the show was panned. 4 intransitive verb. 5 1 : to wash material (such as earth or gravel) in a pan in search of metal (such as gold)", "- Roasting & Lasagna Pans-Serve up a plump, savory turkey or a party's worth of enchiladas with the multipurpose Swiss Diamond Lar ... ge Nonstick Roasting Pan. With a nonstick cooking surface reinforced with over 200,000 minute diamond crystal particles,...", "Viking Roasting Pans - Viking 16 by 13 by 3 3-ply Mirror Finish Roasting Pan With Non-stick RackSee more like this. Viking 3-Ply Stainless Steel Oval Roaster with Metal Induction Lid and Rack,... Internal volume markings in quarts and liters allow for easy addition or reduction of ingredients.", "Cake Boss Specialty Nonstick Bakeware 24-Cup Two-Tier Cake Pop Pan, Gray Enter your model number to make sure this fits. The cake pop pan creates two dozen individual two-tier cake pop cakes. Heavy-duty steel construction features rolled edges for added strength and warp resistance. Top-quality all-over nonstick resists wear, offers beautiful food release, and makes cleanup quick and easy.", "- Roast poultry, meats or vegetables in this large, heavy duty roasting pan. The unique inverted handles allow the roaster to fit into ovens with ease, minimizing space versus roasters with handles extended outward.", "- Roasting is a cooking term that refers to food cooked by prolonged exposure to heat or over a heat source. Several methods of toasting, or roasting, will result in coconut that tastes delicious. Toast the coconut on the stove-top. Spread shredded or grated coconut into a large, dry skillet.", "What is the difference between pan seared, pan roasted, and pan fried? Pan Searing is a technique used in grilling, baking, braising, roasting, sautéing, etc., in which the surface of the food (usually meat, poultry or fish) is cooked at high temperature until a caramelized crust forms. Similar techniques, browning a...", "How to Safely Use Aluminum Foil in a Toaster Oven Covered Roasting Pans – Instead of covering food with aluminum foil, use a covered roasting pan if your toaster oven is large enough for one. Just as with foil, food will remain moist in a covered roaster. And, as with foil, you can remove the lid shortly before cooking is done to crisp and brown the food.", "Brioche Brioche Nanterre is a loaf of brioche made in a standard loaf pan. Instead of shaping two pieces of dough and baking them together, two rows of small pieces of dough are placed in the pan. Loaves are then proofed (allowed to rise) in the pan, fusing the pieces together.rioche Nanterre is a loaf of brioche made in a standard loaf pan. Instead of shaping two pieces of dough and baking them together, two rows of small pieces of dough are placed in the pan. Loaves are then proofed (allowed to rise) in the pan, fusing the pieces together.", "Roasters & Roasting Pans Most roasting pans include a roasting rack to raise the meat or bird off the pan bottom, allowing heat to circulate around the food. The rack's handles also make it easy to lift the cooked food from the roasting pan.", "- I wouldn’t say a new cast iron pan is cheaper to purchase than a stainless steel pan, but you will never ever have to replace it. A good trick if your to restore a cast iron pan that has rusted is to scrub it with a potato.", "- 1 Versatile pan suits countless baking tasks, from baking jelly rolls and cookies to toasting nuts. 2 Commercial-grade aluminized steel distributes heat quickly and evenly for consistent baking results.", "Chafing Dishes Even if you don't entertain frequently, purchasing or renting these dishes can't be beat. Chafing dishes, sometimes called steam pans, are simply large serving dishes in which food is kept warm (or cold). The different types consist of a frame or wire rack, a water pan, a food pan and a cover. Water in the pan is used to conduct the heat which maintains the food at a proper serving temperature.", "Good Question: What's the Difference Between Cooking with Nonstick and Cast Iron Pans? A cast iron pan does have different care instructions. Cast iron pans build up a layer of seasoning, which is a baked-on film of oils and liquids that protects the pan from rusting and also creates a nonstick effect.Most new pans come pre-seasoned, but you still need to season them.• Technique: Seasoning Cast Iron. cast iron pan does have different care instructions. Cast iron pans build up a layer of seasoning, which is a baked-on film of oils and liquids that protects the pan from rusting and also creates a nonstick effect. Most new pans come pre-seasoned, but you still need to season them. • Technique: Seasoning Cast Iron.", "- This is the newest piece of Revere Ware that I own, and one of the last made in the good old USA. Super low heat is the key to cooking with this pan. As with all Revere Ware, the copper conducts the heat so much better than other metals, so high heat is a no-no.", "- Some roasting pans come in two pieces: one that holds the food and a drip pan to collect the fat and juices that drip off.", "What's the difference between an iron pan and a cast iron pan? Jonas, what you forgot to mention is that when cast iron is not enameled or coated it works like a dream when it is seasoned properly (same with wrought iron). Which is easy to achieve and preserve. Dishwashers are among the most overrated devices when it comes to cookware.", "Is copper cookware really better than stainless steel? There are differences that relate to the techniques used in cooking. A thin copper pan is great for melting butter or chocolate straight on the burner. Modern air-gap wall stainless steel pans hold the heat better and work better for simmering or boiling. Copper is harder to upkeep. Pans will develop hot spots, even copper which is the better conductor.", "Roasting Roast redirects here. For other uses, see Roast (disambiguation). Roasting is a cooking method that uses dry heat where hot air envelops the food, cooking it evenly on all sides with temperatures of at least 150 °C (~300 °F) from an open flame, oven, or other heat source.", "Frying pan The materials and construction method used in modern frying pans vary greatly and some typical materials include: 1 Aluminium/Anodized aluminium. 2 Cast iron. 3 Copper. 4 Stainless steel. 5 Clad stainless steel with an aluminium or copper core.", "Definition of 'pan' Definition of 'pan'. Word Frequency. pan (pæn ) Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense pans , present participle panning , past tense , past participle panned. 1. countable noun. A pan is a round metal container with a long handle, which is used for cooking things in, usually on top of a cooker or stove. Heat the butter and oil in a large pan. Synonyms: pot, vessel, container, saucepan More Synonyms of pan. 2. countable noun. A pan is a shallow metal container used for baking foods.", "- French Roast is a method of roasting coffee beans. They're roasted twice, producing a rich, dark blend of coffee. This roast must have resilient beans to ensure perfection, so we use hard high-grown American beans.", "Baking Pans - Prepare or Preparing for Baking Flour also creates a barrier between the butter from the pan and the batter to prevent the butter from melting into the batter. When baking a chocolate cake, use a mixture of 1/3 part flour and 2/3 part cocoa powder (sift together) so it won't show on the sides of the layers when unmolded.You’ll need to sprinkle about 2 tablespoons of flour or a mixture of flour and cocoa inside an 8- or 9-inch cake pan and shake to coat all greased surfaces.eed greased pans. For best results, use a parchment or waxed paper liner in the bottom of the pan. HOW TO LINE A BAKING PAN WITH GREASED PARCHMENT PAPER. 1. Place one pan on top of a piece of parchment paper and trace around it with a pencil.", "fry vs roast British English. Roasting is cooking by putting the food near a direct heat source, and particularly a direct heat source underneath the food. Therefore, a spit roast over a fire is correctly named. If the heat source is in the shape of a grid, this is a specific form of roasting that has become known as grilling.", "- 16 stainless steel roasting panroast your meat with this high quality end stainless steel baking pan, made from stainless steel a... nd made durable for heavy duty. It cooks evenly and beautifully with anything you roast.", "- 1 Pan: A heavy 13x9-inch roasting pan works well for roasting vegetables, but you can also use a large baking pan. 2 To keep cleanup to a minimum, line the pan with foil. 3 Place the vegetables that take the longest to cook in the pan. 4 Do not crowd the vegetables or they will steam instead of roast.", "- Cover a large roasting pan or baking pan with aluminum foil or line with a silicone mat. This will help to minimize clean-up after roasting. 1 It is preferable to use a baking pan with low sides so the heat from the oven can envelope the vegetables more easily. Metal baking pans work best.", "Roasting pan A large roasting pan with a removable rack and a non-stick surface coating. A roasting pan is a piece of cookware used for roasting meat in an oven, either with or without vegetables or other ingredients. A roasting pan may be used with a rack that sits inside the pan and lets the meat sit above the fat and juice drippings. A shallow roasting pan is normally used for roasting small cuts of meat, but large-size roasting pans are also used for cooking large poultry such as turkey or goose, or for larger cuts of meat." ]
[ 17.90625 ]
[ 10.0703125, 2.62890625, 5.1015625, 10.3671875, 9.0234375, 4.84375, 10.8203125, 6.953125, 9.1875, 8.34375, 1.5068359375, 13.328125, 4.53125, 8.546875, 4.1875, 4.92578125, 5.2265625, 11.7421875, 2.7578125, 3.78125, 11.34375, 5.70703125, 7.69140625, 3.912109375, 5.109375, 9.0859375, 10.1875, 10.328125, 9.3046875, 17.484375 ]
what is a boot disk on a computer
[ "Booting Your Computer ¶ The boot device is the device from which the operating system is loaded. A modern PC BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) supports booting from various devices. These include the local hard disk drive, optical drive, floppy drive, a network interface card, and a USB device." ]
[ "What Is a Hard Disk Drive? The hard disk drive is the main, and usually largest, data storage hardware device in a computer. The operating system, software titles, and most other files are stored in the hard disk drive. The hard drive is sometimes referred to as the C drive due to the fact that Microsoft Windows designates the C drive letter to the primary partition on the primary hard drive in a computer by default.", "What is BOOT (X:) Usually there is a key to press during boot that will take you to the windows installation software partition. If you can get there you can select the repair option for an install. This will not result in the loss of data. If your recovery disks are images of the computer, what they will recover is the computer in the state it was in when the image was made.", "How to Boot From a CD or USB Drive on Any PC Booting from CD or USB is very, very easy on a Mac. All you need to do is: 1 Reboot your computer. 2 When the white screen first shows up and you hear the startup chime, press and hold the Option key. 3 You should see a list of drives show up. 4 On the right, you'll find your CD or USB drive, listed with its name under it.", "Recovery disc Prior to the use of recovery discs, one would use a boot disk to boot the system, then reinstall software as necessary from the original installation media. A contemporary alternative, particularly used in Linux, is the installation disc or discs for a Linux distribution, or a Live CD or Live DVD – a bootable disc.", "Troubleshooting Disks and File Systems This documentation is archived and is not being maintained. Master Boot Record. The MBR, the most important data structure on the disk, is created when the disk is partitioned. The MBR contains a small amount of executable code called the master boot code, the disk signature, and the partition table for the disk.", "How to Fix a Corrupt Hard Drive Please sign in to vote on this Guide. Write a guide. A corrupted hard disk drive can mean a loss of data, or worse, the inability to boot your computer. While disks become corrupted relatively infrequently, the number of disk drives out there means you can expect to encounter a corrupt hard drive at some point.", "BitLocker BitLocker uses an AES encryption algorithm with a 128-bit key or 256-bit key to encrypt disk volumes. It protects the data when a hard drive is stolen and is being used on another computer or when someone has physical access to the drive. To access the drive in an offline mode, BitLocker requires a recovery key. BitLocker is generally aimed toward individual users who may fall prey to computer/laptop theft.", "- (June 2011). A boot sector or boot block is a region of a hard disk, floppy disk, optical disc, or other data storage device that contains machine code to be loaded into random-access memory (RAM) by a computer system 's built-in firmware.", "What Is a Hard Disk Drive? The hard disk drive is the main, and usually largest, data storage hardware device in a computer. The operating system, software titles, and most other files are stored in the hard disk drive. HDD (abbreviation), hard drive, hard disk, fixed drive, fixed disk, fixed disk drive. The hard drive is sometimes referred to as the C drive due to the fact that Microsoft Windows designates the C drive letter to the primary partition on the primary hard drive in a computer by default.", "What is the BIOS and what does it do? The BIOS is special software that interfaces the major hardware components of your computer with the operating system. It is usually stored on a Flash memory chip on the motherboard, but sometimes the chip is another type of ROM. When you turn on your computer, the BIOS does several things. This is its usual sequence: 1.", "- A recovery disk will help you to reformat your computer back to its original factory settings. A bootable disk will simply help you to boot your computer back into windows. ncgirl · 9 years ago. Thumbs up.", "8 About Boot Priority To specify the boot sequence: 1 Start the computer and press ESC, F1, F2, F8 or F10 during the initial startup screen. 2 Choose to enter BIOS setup. 3 Use the arrow keys to select the BOOT tab. To give a CD or DVD drive boot sequence priority over the hard drive, move it to the first position in the list.", "- A boot loader, also called a boot manager, is a small program that places the operating system (OS) of a computer into memory. When a computer is powered-up or restarted, the basic input/output system (BIOS) performs some initial tests, and then transfers control to the the master boot record (MBR) where the boot loader resides.", "PCs fail. Be ready with the best boot-drive programs The boot software you already have. In your Windows Vista/7/8 system. You may not need to install extra software to make your boot drive. Windows Vista, 7, and 8 can create a system-repair disk.In many cases it’s all you need when things go bad, and it’s the first place most users should start.f you can still boot to the operating system but it’s locking up, throwing error messages, or squirming in the grip of malware, the repair disk allows you to retreat to a safe system-restore point. A Windows 7 or 8 recovery disk is often the best place to start when your system fails.", "What Is The Recovery (D:) Drive On My Computer? Do you have a computer which shows there is another hard drive on your computer? The Recovery (D:) drive on your computer is a partitioned hard drive done by your computer manufacturer to allow you to simple restore your computer to its factory settings as it came when your first received your computer.", "What is a hard disk? What function does it have in a computer? What is a Hard Disk? Once known as the Winchester drive, the hard disk or hard drive is an essential hardware that every computer desktop and server contain. And its functionality, is to store vast amount of digital data in a non-volatile form, so that data can be retained when the computer is powered off.", "PCs fail. Be ready with the best boot-drive programs PCs fail. Be ready with the best boot-drive programs. When your PC stops booting, a boot drive is the electronic version of a defibrillator. If you can boot your PC, you can detect bad memory, chase bad sectors, change passwords, and recover data ... all the things you need to get the machine back to normal. I’ll show you how to make the boot drives you need.", "Boot Definition A boot sequence, also called a boot process, boot routine or bootstrap routine, is the set of operations a computer begins performing when the electric power is switched on and continues until it is ready to use.", "hard disk hard disk. A hard disk is part of a unit, often called a disk drive, hard drive, or hard disk drive, that stores and provides relatively quick access to large amounts of data on an electromagnetically charged surface or set of surfaces.", "- In this lesson, you learned that the boot process helps you to power up the operating system on a computer. The boot process begins when you push the power button, which sends power to the bootloader in the cache memory.", "- The boot process is the name for the various steps the computer takes after you turn it on, all the way until the operating system is loaded. The boot process is the name for the various steps the computer takes after you turn it on, all the way until the operating system is loaded.", "What Is a Hard Disk Drive? The hard disk drive is the main, and usually largest, data storage hardware device in a computer. The operating system, software titles, and most other files are stored in the hard disk drive. HDD (abbreviation), hard drive, hard disk, fixed drive, fixed disk, fixed disk drive.", "- 1. Insert the disk. The disk must be bootable CD or DVD such as your Windows installation disk or a diagnostic disk. Ad. 2. Reboot your computer. Before you can boot from a CD or DVD, you need to make sure that the CD/DVD drive is set as the primary boot device.", "chapter 13 boot sector virus. A virus that resides on the boot sector of a floppy disk and is transferred to the partition sector or the DOS boot sector on a hard disk. A boot sector virus can move from a floppy to a hard disk only if the floppy disk is left in the drive when the machine starts.", "Rebuild MBR MBR (Master Boot Record) is a special type of loader code at the very beginning of computers’ hard disk. It contains an operating system bootloader and the storage device’s partition table. When DOS reads hard disk, MBR will help to check whether the partition is legal and locate the partition boot information. And, the loader code is variable.", "How to Boot off the Recovery Partition of an HP How to Boot off the Recovery Partition of an HP. The hidden recovery partition on your HP computer lets you restore your business machine back to its factory default condition. The recovery program resides on its own partition, so it is accessible even if Windows 7 is corrupt and unable to boot.ow to Boot off the Recovery Partition of an HP. The hidden recovery partition on your HP computer lets you restore your business machine back to its factory default condition. The recovery program resides on its own partition, so it is accessible even if Windows 7 is corrupt and unable to boot.", "Booting There are several possible types of boot loaders and ways for the BIOS to obtain them. A. A boot loader stored in the first sector of a hard disk, the Master Boot Record, or MBR. This may be GRUB or LILO or yaboot or others. B. A boot loader stored on some other storage device, such as a CDR or USB flash drive. C. A boot loader which uses the network, such as the Pre-Execution Environment (PXE). This code is normally stored on a ROM on the networking card itself. The need for the initial parts of the bootloader code on the first part of a storage medium explains why some hard drives are 'bootable' and others are not. The job of the boot loader is to begin the next phase, loading the kernel and an initial ram disk filesystem.", "HP Notebook PCs - Boot Device Options (F9) HP Notebook PCs-Boot Device Options (F9). This document pertains to HP Notebook PCs with the HP Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) beginning in late-2008. To access the Boot Device Options window, turn on the computer and immediately press the esc key to display the Startup Menu, and then press the F9 key.This window presents the standard choices available in your BIOS for determining how your computer will attempt to boot the operating system on its next restart.P Notebook PCs-Boot Device Options (F9). This document pertains to HP Notebook PCs with the HP Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) beginning in late-2008. To access the Boot Device Options window, turn on the computer and immediately press the esc key to display the Startup Menu, and then press the F9 key.", "Bootstrapping In computer technology the term (usually shortened to booting) usually refers to the process of loading the basic software into the memory of a computer after power-on or general reset, especially the operating system which will then take care of loading other software as needed.", "Building Your Own Bootloader The 512 byte bootloader code is stored with the Master Boot Record (MBR) and is loaded by the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) via Interrupt (INT) 0x19 at 0x0000:0x7c00h. This is a standard sequence in booting for almost all x86 PCs, except that in some PCs it can be loaded to 0x7c00:0x0000h.ootloader is a small program that is executed under boot up in 16-bit Real Mode. It is very small, in fact, it is only 512 bytes and it resides on the very first sector of a boot device. The bootloader is used to load more complex programs like an OS Kernel." ]
[ 13.015625 ]
[ 8.921875, 8.3828125, 8.6640625, 12.171875, 9.359375, 5.859375, 6.98828125, 14.1796875, 8.9140625, 7.2109375, 10.1015625, 7.85546875, 12.53125, 8.3984375, 8.3828125, 7.60546875, 11.0703125, 11.609375, 6.95703125, 8.8671875, 10.65625, 8.7265625, 9.75, 8.8984375, 10.15625, 6.2265625, 10.4921875, 7.703125, 10.75, 6.875 ]
is broccoli a natural plant
[ "Did You Know That Broccoli is a Man-made Food? Broccoli is a human innovation, a man-made food, and a result of a mutation selected and cultivated by man throughout history. Known for its green hue and resemblance to a tiny tree, broccoli has been the bane of kid’s existence since it was first introduced in the Mediterranean almost 1,000 years ago.Broccoli is a result of the selective breeding of wild cabbage plants starting around the 6th century BC.nown for its green hue and resemblance to a tiny tree, broccoli has been the bane of kid’s existence since it was first introduced in the Mediterranean almost 1,000 years ago. Broccoli is a result of the selective breeding of wild cabbage plants starting around the 6th century BC." ]
[ "Why Broccoli Tastes Bad and What We Should Do About It Everyone eats. And yet we all have different likes and dislikes. While we adapted as a species to seek certain foods out of biological necessity, our tastes are hardly uniform. Why do some people like brussel sprouts and broccoli? Certainly, genes, experience, and cultural norms play a role. So do our tongues, which are not created equal.", "9 Health Benefits of Broccoli These finding are just a “taste” of the many health benefits of broccoli. Discover these, the trivia and history behind this plant and some awesome recipes. Broccoli is a powerfood. Unless you are in a select group of individuals, (page 3) broccoli is your friend!", "- See all items from Aldi&#x27;s Seasons Choice Broccoli Cauliflower &amp;carrots.Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.", "THE EFFORTLESS ELEGANCE OF PERMANENT BOTANICALS0 Item (s) in my cartAccount1.800.783.9966ARRANGEMENTS ORCHIDS PLANTS TREES STEMS WREATHS CONTAINERS GIFTS BEST SELLERS SPRING COLLECTION CLEARANCE Take advantage of the special clearance pricing on a wide assortment of our silk flower arrangements, plants, and trees. Prices are valid while supplies last, and note that the selection of clearance items changes on a regular basis. Shop with confidence as clearance items are backed by the same 100% satisfaction guarantee as all our merchandise.", "- Broccoli, among other plants like cauliflower and brussel sprouts, are created by choosing certain traits of a kale plant and producing those traits over and over again. You’re walking through the forest when you come across some wild broccoli on the forest floor, except wait, wild broccoli doesn’t exist! Broccoli is a human invention. It was bred out of the wild kale plant by carefully selecting for the traits we wanted and discarding those we didn’t. Start with a wild kale.", "List of companion plants Brassicas are a family of plants which includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, radish, and turnip. Thyme, nasturtiums, and onion showed good resistance to cabbage worm, weevil and cabbage looper.", "Broccoli, Stems and All 1 Once upon a time, when you bought broccoli you bought the whole vegetable, stems and crowns. Then it became customary for grocery store produce departments to separate the crowns from the stems and to sell the crowns at a premium. 2 I’m not a fan of this practice, because I like both parts of the broccoli plant.", "Broccoli Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowerhead is eaten as a vegetable. The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo, which means the flowering crest of a cabbage , and is the diminutive form of brocco, meaning small nail or sprout.roccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowerhead is eaten as a vegetable. The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo, which means the flowering crest of a cabbage , and is the diminutive form of brocco, meaning small nail or sprout.", "Eat Your Broccoli We’ve compiled an extensive review of the health benefits of broccoli on our Broccoli Food Facts page. This cruciferous veggie (in the same family as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and more) is one of the best health-boosting foods around, with research proving its effectiveness for …. 1. Arthritis.", "The many health benefits of broccoli Improved digestion and natural detoxification. Eating foods with a natural fiber like broccoli can prevent constipation, maintain a healthy digestive tract and lower the risk of colon cancer. Adequate fiber promotes regularity, which is crucial for the daily excretion of toxins through the bile and stool.", "Chlorophyll Benefits: The Plant Pigment that Heals + Detoxes Better than All Others In natural plants containing chlorophyll, there is a ratio of 3:1 cholorophyll-a (a bluish-black solid) to cholorophyll-b (a dark green solid), which both work together to reflect the dark green pigment that’s visible to the human eye.", "Broccoli Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowerhead is eaten as a vegetable. The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo, which means the flowering crest of a cabbage , and is the diminutive form of brocco, meaning small nail or sprout.", "- A. PLANTS mostly has native and naturalized plants of the PLANTS Floristic Area (PFA), which consists of North America and all additional U.S. territories and protectorates. PLANTS generally does not contain information about horticultural or cultivated plants such as you can buy at a nursery.. It is also possible to search the PLANTS database. If more than one plant meets your search criteria, a list of these plants is displayed (if only one plant meets your search criteria, a single PLANTS Profile appears). Individual PLANTS Profiles can be displayed by clicking on the plant links in this list.", "- Branched green undeveloped flower heads. Classified under: Nouns denoting foods and drinks. Hypernyms (broccoli is a kind of...): cruciferous vegetable (a vegetable of the mustard family: especially mustard greens; various cabbages; broccoli; cauliflower; brussels sprouts).", "Broccoli Comments. Broccoli is actually part of the cabbage family and has a different varieties including the one pictured here, which is green in color and called Calabrese in some parts of the world. There is also a variety of broccoli that is yellow in color, and yet another that has purple coloring.", "Broccoli Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head is eaten as a vegetable. The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo, which means the flowering crest of a cabbage, and is the diminutive form of brocco, meaning small nail or sprout. Broccoli is often boiled or steamed but may be eaten raw. Broccoli is classified in the Italica cultivar group of the species Brassica oleracea. Broccoli has large flower heads, usually green in color, arranged in a tree-like structure branching out from a thick, edible stalk.", "Growing Broccoli Organically Broccoli is a heavy feeder, and performs best with a deep root zone in soil with ample organic matter. When growing Broccoli, prepare the soil to a depth of 12-20” (30-51cm). Lay down a 2-3” (5-8 cm) layer of good garden compost or composted manure when you prepare the soil.rowing Broccoli—‘Blue Wind’© Steve Masley…Click IMAGE to Enlarge. Growing broccoli (Brassica spp.) is easy, if you plant it at the right time, and make sure it has steady, regular water. There are some soil tweaks and pests to watch out for, but broccoli is as easy to grow as other cruciferous vegetables.", "- No, collagen does not naturally exist in plants. Collagen is a group of proteins found in animals only. It is the most abundant protein in mammals, making up about 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content. Collagen is a predominant component of the connective tissues and exists usually in the form of fibrils.", "- Does compare-contrast text structure help students with autism ... by Carnahan, Christina R.; Williamson, Pamela S. / Exceptional Children. are covered very briefly, followed by spore-bearing plants, seed-bearing plants and the major focus, flowering plants (basal dicots, monocots and eudicots).", "7 Foods That Naturally Fight Pain Broccoli is a healthy food superstar. Why? It's chock-full of vitamin C — just one cup provides 135% of your Daily Value — and nutrients that protect your body's cells from damage. Add a little to as many meals as you can to maximize its healing power.", "Eat Your Broccoli The benefits of broccoli are seemingly endless. 1 It’s also known, for instance, that broccoli: 2 Supports your body’s detoxification, thanks to the phytonutrients glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin. 3 Is anti-inflammatory (inflammation is at the root of many chronic diseases)", "Broccoli Broccoli is available fresh or frozen. Frozen Broccoli may be either chopped Broccoli or Broccoli spears (meaning florets.) If it doesn't say spears, then it's likely chopped, which means some florets, but with a whole lot of stalk. The frozen spears are always more money than the chopped.", "Reconstructing the Evolution of Cauliflower and Broccoli Students will experience and understand one approach to studying the evolution of development. Students will apply their understanding of nucleic acids, proteins, transcription factors, development, evolutionary selection, and the species concept to a specific problem: the origin of domesticated cauliflower and broccoli. Students will develop an understanding of basic flowering plant morphology.", "Natural Cures from Shared Care Natural Remedies for Stroke. Stroke is a medical emergency which requires prompt and aggressive mainline treatment with positive followup and after care to prevent permanent damage and disability. The natural cures and remedies suggested will help with this rehabilitation and a positive mental attitude towards the problem. What is Stroke? Stroke Causes. Stroke occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is disrupted and the part of the brain that it feeds is damaged, sometimes irreparably.", "Introduction to Botany Forensic botany, and the use of plants as evidence in a criminal trial, has come a long way since then and evidence has been known to determine whether death was a result of homicide, suicide or misadventure (17) . Sources. 1 http://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/courses/options/botany/.hether you call it botany, plant science or plant biology, it is one of the world's oldest natural sciences. That means that most colleges and universities will have a botany or plant science degree in their Natural Science or Biology department.", "Did You Know That Broccoli is a Man-made Food? Further evidence of how far broccoli has come are vegetables like cauliflower, kohlrabi, brussel sprouts, kale, even the modern form of cabbage available at grocery stores. Each of these seemingly distinct vegetables were also bred from wild cabbage and did not occur as wild plants before.nown for its green hue and resemblance to a tiny tree, broccoli has been the bane of kid’s existence since it was first introduced in the Mediterranean almost 1,000 years ago. Broccoli is a result of the selective breeding of wild cabbage plants starting around the 6th century BC.", "- US says Turkey's bonsai consumption spiked 200 pct last year. Bonsai is horticulture, art, philosophy and even a way of life in the form of a single tree, lovingly pruned and trained to exist in a small pot so that it reflects the majesty of the natural environment, he explained. Bonsai: The haiku of the tree world.", "- • Do plants reproduce from cuttings naturally? Why or why not? Activities Complete the sentences. • Bulbs, tubers and stolons are involved in . • The potato plant can reproduce by and by . Flowers are responsible for in . • involves the sex cells. • involves stems and leaves. Which of the following sentences is correct? Explain.", "Growing Fall Broccoli Growing Fall Broccoli. Fall broccoli is the BEST broccoli you will ever grow for your family. Broccoli connoisseurs know this, but the home and garden centers around here apparently don’t. Come to think of it, most of the stores around here stop selling ANYTHING gardening related after Labor Day, much less broccoli starts.", "What is kohlrabi? Although kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea gongylodes) looks like no other vegetable you've ever seen, it's actually a variety (breed or race) of the species Brassica oleracea, to which cabbage, kale, collards, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower also belong.lthough kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea gongylodes) looks like no other vegetable you've ever seen, it's actually a variety (breed or race) of the species Brassica oleracea, to which cabbage, kale, collards, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower also belong." ]
[ 12.9921875 ]
[ 3.359375, 7.23046875, 5.35546875, 2.19921875, 12.234375, 8.09375, 6.4140625, 11.8046875, 6.0859375, 12.21875, 4.49609375, 11.4765625, 5.23046875, 4.66015625, 7.640625, 10.9765625, 10.5078125, 3.39453125, 0.98486328125, 7.3828125, 5.57421875, 5.9765625, 8.125, 3.021484375, 2.6640625, 11.9296875, 0.10076904296875, 1.6806640625, 7.05859375, 6.7578125 ]
meaning of the name rose
[ "- Rose Name Meaning. The meaning of Rose is “Of the Rose Blossom; Rose flower”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant." ]
[ "- Meaning of rose numbers in China. 1 Rose: You're my only love; love at first sight. 2 Roses: Two peole world; a complete meeting of minds, be deeply attached to each other. 3 Roses: I LOVE YOU. 4 Roses: Swear, Promise, a solemn pledge of love. 5 Roses: Love my love, with no regret.", "- When someone gives you red roses you know what it means, Love. Some say it means love and respect, but most of the times it means love and desire. The rose is attributed to femininity. The red rose belongs with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and lust.ll roses signify love and their specific colors mean the following: Red roses: love and passion. White roses: purity, innocence, unconditional love. Rose roses: friendship, gentleness, softness, thankfulness. Yellow roses: joy and friendship. Orange roses: enthusiasm and fascination.", "Names of Roses On this page, there is a list of names of roses that are some of the most beloved and popular varieties in the World. The different kinds of roses names are from a variety of plants. Some are yellow, there are red, white, pink and even multicolored, and of course lots of hybrid teas as well as wild roses names.or the most time it's just rose breeders, the people who bred the plant. The flower names of roses, and what they name the roses, is very important. The name of the rose will help sell the them, and it will give someone an idea of what it is like. Sometimes they are named after a famous or favorite person.", "What does Rose mean? What does Rose mean? Rose [rose]▼ as a girls' name is pronounced rohz. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Rose is rose. Flower name from rosa. The name, which the Normans brought to Britain in the 11th century, can also be traced to the Old German words hros meaning horse, or hrod meaning fame, renown.", "Rose As a first name, Rose reached its highest point from 1896 to 1921, the early heyday of flower names, when it was in the Top 20, though it had been in use for centuries before.Rosy / Rosie is an irresistibly cheery nickname.s a first name, Rose reached its highest point from 1896 to 1921, the early heyday of flower names, when it was in the Top 20, though it had been in use for centuries before.", "Meaning of Rosie The Origin, Meaning and the Hidden Meaning of the name Rosie This page details the origin and literal meaning of the name Rosie together with an insight into the hidden meaning and interpretation of the name using numerology. short or pet form of Rose from which the meaning and origin of the name is derived i.e. the Latin word 'rosa'. The Meaning of the name Rosie The meaning of the name Rosie is as follows: Rose Flower. The Origin of the name Rosie The origin of the name Rosie is believed to be: Latin.", "Rose Flower Meanings Rose Color Meaning. Red Roses: A red rose is an unmistakable expression of love. Red roses convey deep emotions-be it love, longing or desire. Red Roses can also be used to convey respect, admiration or devotion. A deep red rose can be used to convey heartfelt regret and sorrow. The number of red roses has special romantic meanings associated with them. 12 red roses is the most popular of all which conveys Be mine and I love you. White Roses: White is the color of purity, chastity and innocence.", "6 Rose Color Meanings One of the most universal of all symbols, the red rose represents true love. It has also appeared throughout history and across cultures as both a political and religious symbol. Perfect for: Freaking out your first date; covering beer stains; wooing a hunky bishop.", "- Rose Name Meaning. English, Scottish, French, and German: from the name of the flower, Middle English, Old French, Middle High German rose (Latin rosa), in various applications.", "Rosie Latin Meaning: The name Rosie is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Rosie is: Rose. American Meaning: The name Rosie is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Rosie is: Rose.English Meaning: The name Rosie is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Rosie is: Rose (flower name). German Meaning: The name Rosie is a German baby name.In German the meaning of the name Rosie is: Horse; fame.he name Rosie is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Rosie is: Rose. English Meaning: The name Rosie is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Rosie is: Rose (flower name).", "Meaning of Rose Tattoo - Black, Blue, Purple, and Other Roses Tattoos Meaning of red rose tattoo: true love, beautiful love, passion, and romantic love. Red rose is symbolic of “I love you”. Jesus blood and love sacrifice is symbolized with red roses. If needed, love and beauty will be protected with braveness action and sacrifice till the death.", "Meaning of Rosemary The Origin, Meaning and the Hidden Meaning of the name Rosemary This page details the origin and literal meaning of the name Rosemary together with an insight into the hidden meaning and interpretation of the name using numerology. a combination of Mary and Rose from which the meaning and origin of the name is derived i.e. the Latin word 'rosa'. The Meaning of the name Rosemary The meaning of the name Rosemary is as follows: Rose Flower.", "Rose Scottish Meaning: The name Rose is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Rose is: Flower. American Meaning: The name Rose is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Rose is: Flower.n Scottish the meaning of the name Rose is: Flower. American Meaning: The name Rose is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Rose is: Flower.", "- rose color meanings. While every flower has a wonderful story to tell, the rose stands alone in its abundant history and color meaning. So much so that we couldn’t resist giving it a little preferential treatment and dedicating a separate space to its rich symbolism.ose color meanings. While every flower has a wonderful story to tell, the rose stands alone in its abundant history and color meaning. So much so that we couldn’t resist giving it a little preferential treatment and dedicating a separate space to its rich symbolism.", "Rose (color) The etymology of the color name rose is the same as that of the name of the rose flower. The name originates from Latin rosa, borrowed through Oscan from colonial Greek in southern Italy: rhodon (Aeolic form: wrodon), from Aramaic wurrdā, from Assyrian wurtinnu, from Old Iranian *warda (cf.", "Rose The rose is a type of flowering shrub. Its name comes from the Latin word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors, from the well-known red rose to yellow roses and sometimes white or purple roses.", "The Rose Flower: Its Meanings and Symbolism Other Interesting rose facts: 1 There are over 100 species of roses. 2 For hundreds of years the rose has been widely recognized as a symbol of love, sympathy or sorrow. 3 The fruit of a rose is called a rose hip. The berry-like hip are usually red in color, but can sometimes be dark purple or black.", "- Rose /rose/ [1 syll.] as a girls' name is pronounced rohz. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Rose is rose . Flower name from rosa. The name, which the Normans brought to Britain in the 11th century, can also be traced to the Old German words hros meaning horse, or hrod meaning fame, renown. The flower meaning is possibly more valid, given the Christian symbolic meaning of the rose. The rosa mystica is the Virgin Mary.", "Rose - Meaning of Rose Rose-Meaning of Rose. Tweet. Rose has its origins in the Latin language, and it is used largely in English and French. The name evolved as a short form of compound Germanic names, introduced to England by the Normans in the 11th century in forms such as Rohese (Medieval) and Roese (Medievel).Variant forms inherit the origin and meaning of the name Rose.Rose's language of origin is Germanic. It is derived from the words 'hros' which means horse; 'hruod' fame. The name first developed as a short form of Germanic names with the first element 'hros' or 'hruod'.ose is an English form of Rosa. Rose is also a contracted form of the English Rosemary. See also the related forms, Heiderose, Melrose, Rohana, Rosangelica, Rosanne, Rosemarie. Rose is a classic favorite. Currently it is still popular as a baby girl name, but not to the degree it was in the past.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Originally, Rose was a short form of any of the old Germanic names in use in England in the Middle Ages that contained the element hros, ros (horse). Flower names began being used in the 19th century, and now Rose is bestowed with reference to the flower.From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.omments and insights on the name Rose: | Edit. Rose was THE fashionable middle name of the 1990s and 2000s. Many celebrities have given it to their daughters as a middle name. It is less common as a first name. A really cute middle name, goes with anything.", "The June Birth Flower: Rose Meaning & Symbolism Rose Color Meanings. Most notably, Rose meaning and symbolism is about love. Lots and lots of different kinds of love! We love that! Red Rose Meaning. Red Roses are symbols of love felt at the deepest levels. Its color corresponds to the 1st Chakra the Root or Base Chakra, the Chakra of Desire and Lifeforce.", "Last name: Rose Last name: Rose. As a Scottish surname, Rose is recorded in Scotland from the early 14th Century onwards; the family of Rose of Kilravock, near the town of Nairn, are believed to be a branch of the ancient de Ross clan. This family came originally from Yorkshire, and held a large amount of land in the northern part of Ayrshire during the 12th Century.", "What is the meaning and purpose of white roses? The Meanings of White Roses. The meaning of shimmering white roses is not very hard to decipher if you go by their appearance. The color white has always been synonymous with purity and virtue. And so, sincerity, purity, and chastity are some of the obvious meanings of a white rose. When you need to convince that your affections are straight from the heart and are as pure as virgin snow, use a white rose. But there are more hidden meanings in a white rose than meets the eye. White has ever been a symbol of innocence, of a world unspoiled and untarnished. The meaning of a bunch of glowing white roses is innocence and spiritual love.", "rose color meanings Symbolizing gentility, femininity, elegance and refinement, the pink rose also carries additional meanings depending on its hue. A deep pink conveys gratitude and appreciation, while pale shades connote grace and gentleness, admiration and happiness. Shop for pink roses.", "\"Names with \"\"rose\"\" in Meaning\" Originally a Norman form of a Germanic name, which was composed of the elements hrod fame and heid kind, sort, type. The Normans introduced it to England in the forms Roese and Rohese. From an early date it was associated with the word for the fragrant flower rose (derived from Latin rosa).", "- Meaning of Rose. English name. In English, the name Rose means-Rose (flower name).. Other origins for the name Rose include-English, Greek, Scottish, German, French, Scottish.The name Rose is most often used as a girl name or female name.English Name Meaning-Rose (flower name).n English, the name Rose means-Rose (flower name).. Other origins for the name Rose include-English, Greek, Scottish, German, French, Scottish.The name Rose is most often used as a girl name or female name.", "Rose Scottish Meaning: The name Rose is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Rose is: Flower. American Meaning: The name Rose is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Rose is: Flower.", "What does Rose mean? The name, which the Normans brought to Britain in the 11th century, can also be traced to the Old German words hros meaning horse, or hrod meaning fame, renown. The flower meaning is possibly more valid, given the Christian symbolic meaning of the rose. The rosa mystica is the Virgin Mary.", "Rose What does the name Rose mean? The meaning of the name “Rose” is: “Of the Rose Blossom; Rose flower”. Additional information: The girl name Rose is of Latin origin, from the Latin 'Rosa' meaning the Rose blossom, the romantic flower of love.", "What does Rose mean? Rose /rose/ [1 syll.] as a girls' name is pronounced rohz. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Rose is rose . Flower name from rosa.The name, which the Normans brought to Britain in the 11th century, can also be traced to the Old German words hros meaning horse, or hrod meaning fame, renown. The flower meaning is possibly more valid, given the Christian symbolic meaning of the rose. The rosa mystica is the Virgin Mary.he name, which the Normans brought to Britain in the 11th century, can also be traced to the Old German words hros meaning horse, or hrod meaning fame, renown. The flower meaning is possibly more valid, given the Christian symbolic meaning of the rose. The rosa mystica is the Virgin Mary." ]
[ 16.609375 ]
[ 12.03125, 8.390625, 7.1484375, 15.234375, 9.90625, 10.3125, 9.8359375, 8.5, 14.046875, 11.859375, 9.6484375, 9.59375, 16.84375, 7.98046875, 9.7734375, 9.8359375, 9.5859375, 15.796875, 14.6796875, 11.3515625, 11.8046875, 10.9453125, 9.09375, 8.90625, 12.1796875, 15.5, 16.703125, 12.8359375, 16.484375, 15.171875 ]
what is an alt test?
[ "- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT). Guide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT)." ]
[ "- The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is done to: 1 Identify liver disease, especially cirrhosis and hepatitis caused by alcohol, drugs, or viruses. 2 Help check for liver damage. 3 Find out whether jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. Keep track of the effects of medicines that can damage the liver.", "What is an alt tag, and how does it impact SEO? Alt tags solve for this by providing text which is read by the search engines. When Googlebot or other search engine crawlers inspect a page, images with properly formatted alt text contribute to how the page is indexed and where it ranks.", "- The ALT test checks the level of alanine aminotransferase in the blood to see if the liver is healthy. Elevated levels of the enzyme could indicate damage caused by trauma or a disease process, such...", "What Does ALT (SGPT) Mean in a Blood Test? The ALT test checks the level of alanine aminotransferase in the blood to see if the liver is healthy. Elevated levels of the enzyme could indicate damage caused by trauma or a disease process, such as cirrhosis or a strain of hepatitis, as stated by WebMD. Continue Reading.", "What Does ALT (SGPT) Mean in a Blood Test? A: ALT blood levels are checked by undergoing the alanine aminotransferase test to measure the level of the enzyme in the blood, notes WebMD. The enzyme is fo... Full Answer >", "Eisegesis This is commonly referred to as reading into the text. The act is often used to prove a pre-held point of concern to the reader and to provide him or her with confirmation bias in accordance with his or her pre-held agenda. Eisegesis is best understood when contrasted with exegesis.", "- Reference Range. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is an enzyme found primarily in the liver and kidney. It was originally referred to as serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). Normally, a low level of ALT exists in the serum. ALT is increased with liver damage and is used to screen for and/or monitor liver disease.", "About MAT The Miller Analogies Test (MAT) The MAT is a high-level mental ability test requiring the solution of problems stated as analogies. More information and test preparation materials are available at MAT. Also, scratch paper and pencils are provided to each tester. See below to register for the MAT online. Test Time: the actual test time is 1 hour but please arrive 15 minutes early for paperwork.", "- A: The ALT test checks the level of alanine aminotransferase in the blood to see if the liver is healthy. Elevated levels of the enzyme could indicate damage caused by trauma or a disease process, such as cirrhosis or a strain of hepatitis, as stated by WebMD.", "- Clinical Information Discusses physiology, pathophysiology, and general clinical aspects, as they relate to a laboratory test. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is present primarily in liver cells. In viral hepatitis and other forms of liver disease associated with hepatic necrosis, serum ALT is elevated even before the clinical signs and symptoms of the disease appear.", "Writing Great Alt Text for Website Images What is Alt Text. Alt text is the alternative text used by text browsers and other web user agents that can't view images. It is also one of the only attributes required by the image tag. By writing effective alt text, you insure that your Web pages are accessible to people who may be using a screen reader or other assisted device to access you site.", "- The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is typically used to detect liver injury. It is often ordered in conjunction with aspartate aminotransferase (AST) as part of a liver panel or comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) to screen for and/or help diagnose liver disease. ALT is an enzyme found mostly in the cells of the liver and kidney. When the liver is damaged, ALT is released into the blood. This makes ALT a useful test for early detection of liver damage. AST and ALT are considered to be two of the most important tests to detect liver injury, although ALT is more specific to the liver than is AST.", "- The ALT blood test measures the level of the enzyme alanine transaminase (ALT) in the blood. ALT is found primarily in the liver, but is also found in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas.", "- The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is done to: 1 Identify liver disease, especially cirrhosis and hepatitis caused by alcohol, drugs, or viruses. 2 Help check for liver damage. 3 Find out whether jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. 4 Keep track of the effects of medicines that can damage the liver.", "- the miller analogies test study guide the miller analogies test mat is a high level test of analytical ability that requires the solution of problems stated as analogies the mat consists of 120 partial analogies that are to be completed in 60 minutes the test measures your ability to recognize relationships between ideas your fluency in the english language and your general knowledge of the humanities natural sciences mathematics and social sciences", "Liver Function Tests An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the level of ALT enzyme in your blood. ALT is an enzyme produced by liver cells. It helps the body metabolize proteins. If the liver is damaged or not functioning properly, ALT is released into the blood. This causes ALT levels to increase.The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is used to evaluate liver function. The test is also known as a serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) test or alanine transaminase test.f the liver is damaged or not functioning properly, ALT is released into the blood. This causes ALT levels to increase. The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is used to evaluate liver function.", "Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) [en Español] An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).ALT is measured to see if the liver is damaged or diseased. Low levels of ALT are normally found in the blood. But when the liver is damaged or diseased, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, which makes ALT levels go up.LT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). ALT is measured to see if the liver is damaged or diseased. Low levels of ALT are normally found in the blood. But when the liver is damaged or diseased, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, which makes ALT levels go up.", "- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT). Guide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).ow levels of ALT are normally found in the blood. But when the liver is damaged or diseased, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, which makes ALT levels go up.", "- ALT (alanine aminotransferase): An enzyme normally present in liver and heart cells that is released into the bloodstream when the liver or heart is damaged. The blood ALT levels are elevated with liver damage (for example, from viral hepatitis) or with an insult to the heart (for example, from a heart attack). Some medications can also raise ALT levels. ALT is also called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).", "alanine aminotransferase test ALT levels are used to detect liver abnormalities. Since the alanine aminotransferase enzyme is also found in muscle, tests indicating elevated AST levels might also indicate muscle damage.", "- The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is done to: 1 Identify liver disease, especially cirrhosis and hepatitis caused by alcohol, drugs, or viruses. 2 Help check for liver damage.3 Find out whether jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. 4 Keep track of the effects of medicines that can damage the liver.he alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is done to: 1 Identify liver disease, especially cirrhosis and hepatitis caused by alcohol, drugs, or viruses. 2 Help check for liver damage.", "- The ALT blood test measures the level of the enzyme alanine transaminase (ALT) in the blood. ALT is found primarily in the liver, but is also found in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. The ALT test checks how well your liver is working and evaluates its overall health. The ALT test was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). ALT is typically measured to determine if the liver is damaged or diseased. If the liver is damaged or diseased, it will release ALT into the blood. Increases in ALT levels are generally caused by liver damage. The ALT blood test can help to identify liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice and liver damage.", "MAT Test As the name implies, the MAT test is strictly about analogies, or things that are alike in one or more ways, often obliquely. It has a very simple format-you’ll have 50 minutes to complete 100 partial analogies. The vast majority of them will be verbal, but there will be a few mathematical analogies on every test.", "ALT Blood Test The ALT blood test is a test for the substance known as Alanine Aminotransferase. Along with other substances such as Albumin, Aspartate Aminotransferase and Bilirubin, this substance is tested to check the health of the liver. Usually an ALT blood test is conducted as part of a series of tests that are conducted to determine the health of the liver. These tests are known as the liver panel tests. Read more on LFT blood test. The ALT blood test normal levels lie between 4 and 36 units per liter of blood.", "- Alanine Transaminase (ALT) is an enzyme mainly found in your liver. The ALT test measures the level of ALT in your blood. Consistently high levels of ALT in your blood can be a sign of liver damage. Aspartate Transaminase (AST) is an enzyme found in large amounts in your liver and other parts of your body. The AST test measures the level of AST in your blood.", "- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT). Guide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).LT is measured to see if the liver is damaged or diseased. Low levels of ALT are normally found in the blood. But when the liver is damaged or diseased, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, which makes ALT levels go up.", "that Spanish has two translations for the English demonstrative adjective and pronoun that: aquel and ese. Ese refers to something that is not right by a point of reference, but is also not that distant. Aquel refers to something that is a great deal farther away from the point of reference.", "Implicit Association Test (IAT)Steven Lehr, Mahzarin BanajiLAST REVIEWED: 17 October 2017LAST MODIFIED: 29 November 2011DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199828340-0033 Introductory Works. Following the call in Greenwald and Banaji 1995 for measures of individual differences in implicit attitudes, stereotypes, and self-esteem, the Implicit Association Test (IAT) was presented in Greenwald, et al.", "- Reference Range. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is an enzyme found primarily in the liver and kidney. It was originally referred to as serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). Normally, a low level of ALT exists in the serum. ALT is increased with liver damage and is used to screen for and/or monitor liver disease. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is usually measured concurrently with AST as part of a liver function panel to determine the source of organ damage. The reference range for ALT is 20-60 IU/L.", "Diagnostic purpose of blood test The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is typically used to detect liver injury. It is often ordered in conjunction with aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or as part of a liver panel to screen for and/or help diagnose liver disease.he alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is typically used to detect liver injury. It is often ordered in conjunction with aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or as part of a liver panel to screen for and/or help diagnose liver disease." ]
[ 16.015625 ]
[ 15.4296875, 11.375, 15.6015625, 15.6328125, 13.578125, -0.180419921875, 14.40625, 4.859375, 15.8203125, 13.796875, 14.8984375, 16.28125, 15.84375, 15.359375, 3, 14.015625, 13.7734375, 13.7734375, 14.5546875, 14.1875, 13.6328125, 16.21875, 3.630859375, 15.984375, 15.7734375, 14, 1.33203125, 3.783203125, 14.203125, 13.578125 ]
how much energy does an electric range use
[ "Electricity usage of an Oven Ovens can use a lot of energy depending on the temperature set, most cooking is done at 300 to 425 Fahrenheit degrees. Ovens use 1000 to 5000 watts, with an average modern oven using around 2400 watts on medium to high heat. Click calculate to find the energy consumption of an Oven using 2400 Watts for 1 hour a day @ $0.10 per kWh." ]
[ "- Compare These. The Good The Samsung NE59J7630SB Electric Range is less than $1,000 and provides the consumer with a healthy selection of useful cooking modes. The range also boils water and broils hamburger patties at a rapid clip.", "How much electricity does a home use? How much electricity does a fridge use? Fridge electricity use varies greatly depending on size and efficiency. Averages from survey data are 162 kWh/year for a fridge, 327 kWh/year for an upright freezer, 362 kWh/year for a chest freezer and 427 kWh/year for a fridge freezer.", "What is the average electricity use for a family of four? The average electricity consumption of a US family of four is in the neighborhood of 50 kWh per day, or 1,500 kWh per month. Similar figures apply for Canada. Assuming an average electricity cost of $0.12 per kWh, that translates into about $6 per day for electricity, or $180 per month.s I explain in my About me page, my family of four got our household use down to 180 kilowatt hours a month which is about one sixth the average of my home province of Ontario.", "How much electricity does an average hotel use per day? The powe…r bill in the summer was in excess of $25,000 a month. The installed load monitor displayed anywhere from 150-500kW per hour energy used. The size of the building, its age, occupancy rate and location all factor into how much power it will use in a given day.", "Electricity usage of an Incandescent Light Bulb Click calculate to find out the electricity cost of a single incandescent light bulb running at 60 Watts for 5 hours a day @ $0.10 per a kWh, keep in mind you can edit the numbers in the calculator. Cost Per Hour: Cost Per Day:", "What temperatures do low-medium-high on the stove correspond to? The important thing to know (for an electric range) is the wattage of the elements - most 8 elements are ~2500W, and most 6 elements are ~1500W. But there is a lot of variability.", "- A single bar electric fire often uses electricity at the rate of one kilowatt (kW) per hour. So, in an hour an electric fire will use one kilowatt hour (kWh). One kilowatt hour is also referred to as a ‘unit’ of electricity. In 2010 this cost an average of around 13p.", "More Power to You: How to Calculate Your Electricity Usage and Save A simple equation to work out how much running an appliance costs you: Wattage x hours used per day / 1000 = daily kilowatt usage. (1 kilowatt hour = 1,000 watts). As an example, our kettle takes 2,200 watts to run. Assuming that I boiled it (full) for a total of 1/2 hour per day it would use 1.1 kilowatts per day.To work out the cost, multiply the kilowatts per day by the cost per kilowatt hour as per your electricity bill. According to our latest electricity bill, our electricity costs $0.17130 per kilowatt hour.So at 1/2 hour per day, it costs us 19c each day to boil the kettle.ccording to our electricity bill we pay $0.17130 per kilowatt hour, so this appliance would cost us $86 per year or $0.23 per day to run. Apart from the energy rating sticker, most appliances have their wattage printed somewhere on them so you can work out how much they cost to run.", "- How much energy do my household appliances use? The annual consumption of an average family in Brussels – who cooks with gas and therefore does not heat water using electricity – is estimated at 2,812 kWh. Per category of type of appliance, this means: 25.5 % is used in the kitchen. 27.8 % for cleaning and maintaining the home.", "- I used the calorie calculator linked in the references section to calculate how much energy I would use in a day and it came out to 2266 calories which is 9480 joules. This will vary depending on your size, gender, age and level of activity.This is the answer to number 1.o find out how much energy you use directly in appliances, it's probably easiest just to watch what you do each day and write it down. Add up your energy usage for your house on your electricity meter for a month (usually in kWh) and divide it by the number of days in the month and the number of people in the house.", "What is the average electricity use for a family of four? The average electricity consumption of a US family of four is in the neighborhood of 50 kWh per day, or 1,500 kWh per month. Similar figures apply for Canada. Assuming an average electricity cost of $0.12 per kWh, that translates into about $6 per day for electricity, or $180 per month.oronto has a climate not that different from the midwestern states of the US, or New England states. We pay around $0.15 for electricity here if you count all the extra costs they throw on our bill, so a typical household pays about $150 a month for electricity or roughly $1,800 per year.", "Clothes dryer energy use And see the deluxe laundry calculator to figure the cost of both the washer and the dryer. Assumptions: 45 minutes per load, Electric model uses 3.3 kwh, Gas model uses 0.22 therm + 0.21 kWh. Gas model asumes rate in the Electric column to spin the drum.", "How much energy will continuously running a furnace fan use? Next we have to determine how many kilowatt hours the motor will use, which we do by dividing by 1000. So for every hour the motor runs, it will use 0.943 kilowatts of power. Finally, if you multiply this number by the amount you pay per kilowatt hour. You'll see just about how much it costs to run the motor constantly.", "- 4. Annual energy consumption: The shredder is used about once per week (52 days per year). 0.09 kWh × 52 = 4.68 kWh. 5. Annual cost to operate: The utility rate is 11 cents per kWh..68 kWh × $0.11/kWh = $0.51/year. Determining how much electricity your appliances and home electronics use can help you understand how much money you are spending to use them.nnual cost to operate: The utility rate is 11 cents per kWh.4.68 kWh × $0.11/kWh = $0.51/year. Determining how much electricity your appliances and home electronics use can help you understand how much money you are spending to use them.", "What is the average consumption of killowatts by an american household? Therefore, the average home uses about 24 kilowatt hours of electricity in a 24 hour period. If your power rate is 10 cents per Kwh, then you are paying about 10 cents per hour or $2.40 per day-more if your home is electrically heated and you live in Fairbanks or Winnipeg in January.minefinder · 7 years ago.urprisingly, the average person drives 37 miles per day, and the average car mpg in 2008 was 25 mpg, so that's about 1.5 gallons per person just on driving. This means a per household fuel usage of gas is likely double that, 3 gallons. So on average we use about 4 times as much energy driving, than we use in our home.", "Electricity usage of an an Electric Furnace In colder climates heating is required 6 to 8 months of the year, with a furnace running 4 hours a day during the colder months. Click calculate to find the energy consumption of an electric furnace using 18,000 Watts for 2 hours a day @ $0.10 per kWh. Running 2 hours a day is the same as running 4 hours a day for 6 of the colder months when a furnace is typically used. Cost Per Hour: Cost Per Day:", "Electricity usage of a Clothes Washer Older top loader washing machines generally use more water and energy, this is why more modern and energy efficient designs are front loaders. A washing machine will use 400 to 1300 watts, with modern Energy Star rated models using about 500 watts. Click calculate to find the energy consumption of a clothes washer using 500 Watts for 0.25 hours a day @ $0.10 per kWh. This is the same as washing twice a week for 52.5 minutes each time.", "How Much Power Are Your Appliances Actually Consuming? A typical portable space heater will generally use 1,500 watts on the high setting. This 1,500 watt heater running for 5 hours a day during a 30-day month will cost $22.50 at a rate of $0.10 per kilowatt hour. Check your local rates to determine actual cost per kilowatt hour.", "- If electricity costs $0.11 per kilowatt-hour, charging an all-electric vehicle with a 70-mile range (assuming a fully depleted 24 kWh battery) will cost about $2.64 to reach a full charge. This cost is about the same as operating an average central air conditioner for about 6 hours.", "Electricity Usage Electricity Usage. The amount of energy used by each appliance depends on how much power it draws when in operation and how much of the time it is used. The power usage is measured in watts and kilowatts (a kilowatt =1000 watts), and the amount of energy that it consumes in watt-hours or kilowatt hours (kWh).A single bar electric fire often uses electricity at the rate of one kilowatt (kW) per hour. So, in an hour an electric fire will use one kilowatt hour (kWh).he power usage is measured in watts and kilowatts (a kilowatt =1000 watts), and the amount of energy that it consumes in watt-hours or kilowatt hours (kWh).", "- Click calculate to find the energy consumption of an electric furnace using 18,000 Watts for 2 hours a day @ $0.10 per a kWh. Running 2 hours a day is the same as running 4 hours a day for 6 of the colder months when a furnace is typically used.", "- A facility operates a 100 hp air compressor 4,160 hours annually. It runs fully loaded, at 94.5 percent efficiency, 85 percent of the time. It runs unloadedat 25 percent of full loadat 90 percent efficiency, 15 percent of the time. The electric rate is $0.06 per kWh, including energy and demand costs.", "- Including conversion and generation losses, a single full Leaf charge might take 25 kWh (19 kWh usable into the battery). Factor in expected usage to get an average kWh per month value.", "Electricity usage of an an Electric Furnace In colder climates heating is required 6 to 8 months of the year, with a furnace running 4 hours a day during the colder months. Click calculate to find the energy consumption of an electric furnace using 18,000 Watts for 2 hours a day @ $0.10 per a kWh.", "How much energy do my household appliances use? how much energy do my household appliances use? How much energy do my household appliances use? The annual consumption of an average family in Brussels – who cooks with gas and therefore does not heat water using electricity – is estimated at 2,812 kWh. Per category of type of appliance, this means: 1 25.5 % is used in the kitchen. 2 27.8 % for cleaning and maintaining the home. 3 28.9 % for leisure activities. 4 17.8 % for lighting and other appliances not included in the above categories.", "How to Calculate the Cost to Run a Refrigerator The average refrigerator consumes 600 to 800 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, reports the Federal Trade Commission. If you've already removed the sticker, check your owner's manual or refer to the manufacturer's website to find this information.ind the monthly operating cost by multiplying your daily cost by 30. At the California average electricity price, a 300-watt unit costs $11.70 per month, or $140.40 per year. Refrigerators with a lower wattage rating will require much less energy, and thus cost much less to operate.", "- Therefore, the average home uses about 24 kilowatt hours of electricity in a 24 hour period. If your power rate is 10 cents per Kwh, then you are paying about 10 cents per hour or $2.40 per day-more if your home is electrically heated and you live in Fairbanks or Winnipeg in January.minefinder · 7 years ago.here are 9000 hours in a year. so 9e3 kwatt-hour/9e3 = about 1kw average usage, averaged over time, is 1000 watts. At 10¢ per kw-hr, that is 10¢ per hour, or $2.40 per day or $900 per year. http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2003/BoiL...", "- Of all the big appliances in your house, the refrigerator uses the most electricity. An older refrigerator that doesn't use energy efficiently might cost more than $200 every year in electricity. Other big energy users are water heaters, clothes dryers, dishwashers and ovens.", "How much electricity costs, and how they charge you So the average rate of electricity is all but useless for most purposes. Therefore, on this site, I generally use a sample rate of 15¢ per kWh. This isn't a typical rate, since there's no such thing as typical when it comes to electricity rates. And it's certainly not average.", "- But there’s another value listed: how much energy you actually used. If you are a perfectly average American living in a perfectly average household, your monthly electricity bill will read 903 kilowatt hours (kWh), which costs $107, per household." ]
[ 11.59375 ]
[ 6.82421875, 7.15625, 6.17578125, 5.29296875, 4.55078125, 11.3671875, 7.12109375, 6.83984375, 8.2421875, 6.08984375, 6.15625, 8.2109375, 4.8203125, 7.42578125, 6.28515625, 6.8046875, 6.328125, 7.8203125, 9.109375, 8.6953125, 7.47265625, 5.03515625, 4.0859375, 6.97265625, 7.83203125, 6.5625, 6.33203125, 7.42578125, 4.88671875, 7.14453125 ]
what causes auxin to be released
[ "How plants move And the mechanism that's thought to be behind it is brilliantly simple. Cells in the root and shoot tips contain little packets of starch, called statoliths. The starch is dense so the statoliths always settle at the bottom of the cell. The position of the statoliths determines which direction auxin is released in. Tilting the plant on its side makes the statoliths roll and settle on the side of the cells, causing auxin to be released in that direction, and the cells there to elongate." ]
[ "Acute inhalation injury Respiratory damage is related to the concentration of the gas and its solubility. More water-soluble gases (eg, chlorine, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride) dissolve in the upper airway and immediately cause mucous membrane irritation, which may alert people to the need to escape the exposure.", "- Hemorrhoids are caused when veins near the anus become swollen, which often occurs during straining. Straining and holding your breath while lifting weights could cause the veins near your anus to become swollen and possibly poke through your anus, resulting in uncomfortable hemorrhoids.", "Meconium Aspiration Syndrome Meconium is dark-green fecal material that is produced in the intestines of a fetus before birth. After delivery, your newborn expels meconium stools for the first few days of life.Stress your baby experiences before or during birth may cause expulsion of meconium into the amniotic fluid (fluid that surrounds the fetus).Stress can also cause your baby to gasp inside your uterus and inhale, or aspirate, amniotic fluid into his or her lungs.fter delivery, your newborn expels meconium stools for the first few days of life. Stress your baby experiences before or during birth may cause expulsion of meconium into the amniotic fluid (fluid that surrounds the fetus).", "- The kidney hormone renin normally stimulates the adrenal glands to release aldosterone. High levels of both renin and aldosterone are normally present when the body is trying to conserve fluid and salt (sodium).", "- Auxin is mostly produced in the young expanding leaves of growing shoot apices and is actively transported basipetally in the polar auxin transport stream, involving basally localized PIN-FORMED (PIN)-type auxin efflux carriers, in particular PIN1.", "Auxins in Plants: Definition & Functions The main function of auxin is to help plants grow. Auxin stimulates plant cells to elongate, and the apical meristem of a plant is one of the main places that auxin is produced. This makes sense because the apical meristem is also the location that all the other parts of a plant grow from-the stem, leaves, and flowers.", "Definitions &Translations Glucagon is a peptide hormone, produced by alpha cells of the pancreas, that raises the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream. Its effect is opposite that of insulin, which lowers the glucose concentration. The pancreas releases glucagon when the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream falls too low.Glucagon causes the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose, which is released into the bloodstream. High blood glucose levels stimulate the release of insulin.Insulin allows glucose to be taken up and used by insulin-dependent tissues.lucagon is a peptide hormone, produced by alpha cells of the pancreas, that raises the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream. Its effect is opposite that of insulin, which lowers the glucose concentration. The pancreas releases glucagon when the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream falls too low.", "MADMAN BIOLOGY A shortage of lysine, arginine, and ornithine disrupts many vital functions. Arginine and ornithine are involved in a cellular process called the urea cycle, which processes excess nitrogen (in the form of ammonia) that is generated when protein is used by the body. The lack of arginine and ornithine in the urea cycle causes elevated levels of ammonia in the blood.", "- Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is the involuntary leakage of urine. during activities such as coughing, sneezing, lifting, laughing or exer-. cising. SUI affects at least 10-20% of women, many of whom do not. realize that there are simple, effective treatment options available.", "Insulin 0 comments. Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells in the pancreas. It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats; in addition, it stores fat to be used for energy later. When you eat, your blood sugar increases, which causes insulin to be released.", "- Secretin is a peptide hormone that is released by duodenal cells when acid chyme enters the intestine. The composition of the apical exposure medium was varied by addition of artificial chyme, bile, or oleic acid at similar or increasing total contaminant concentrations.", "- 1 Stress incontinence occurs when urine leaks as pressure is put on the bladder, for example, during exercise, coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting heavy objects. 2 It’s the most common type of bladder control problem in younger and middle-age women. 3 It may begin around the time of menopause.", "- Fewer receptors are thus available to the natural “braking” action of adenosine, and neural activity therefore speeds up (see animation). The activation of numerous neural circuits by caffeine also causes the pituitary gland to secrete hormones that in turn cause the adrenal glands to produce more adrenalin.", "Apical dominance Apical dominance is therefore most likely adaptive. Typically, the end of a shoot contains an apical bud, which is the location where shoot growth occurs. The apical bud produces an auxin (IAA) that inhibits growth of the lateral buds further down on the stem towards the axillary bud. It was first discovered that the plant hormone auxin likely regulates apical dominance in 1934.", "angiotensin Renin, stimulated by juxtaglomerular cells in the kidney in response to decreased blood volume and serum sodium levels, acts as an enzyme in the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, which is rapidly hydrolyzed to form the active compound, angiotensin II.", "FREE Shipping over $49** FREE Gift over $125 Get our Deals! Order 1-800-338-7979 24-hours My Account Log InSearchCheckout0 CartShop by CategoryProteinBodybuildingVitamins & MineralsSupplementsArticlesBrands Consuming repeated doses of whey allows for sustained high levels of blood amino acids and repeated bursts of protein synthesis that provide superior effects on muscle protein balance. [1]. Casein is the most abundant protein in milk.It is relatively insoluble and tends to form structures called micelles that increase solubility in water. During the processing of milk, which usually involves heat or acid, the casein peptides and micelle structure become disturbed or denatured to form simpler structures.onsuming repeated doses of whey allows for sustained high levels of blood amino acids and repeated bursts of protein synthesis that provide superior effects on muscle protein balance. [1]. Casein is the most abundant protein in milk.", "- Addison's disease can cause a deficiency in cortisol or hyposecretion of cortisol and excess cortisol, called hypersecretion can cause a condition called Cushing's disease. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.", "Urinary Incontinence in Women - Topic Overview You can't tighten the muscles that close off the urethra. So urine may leak because of the extra pressure on the bladder when you cough, sneeze, laugh, exercise, or do other activities. Urge incontinence is caused by an overactive bladder muscle that pushes urine out of the bladder. It may be caused by irritation of the bladder, emotional stress, or brain conditions such as Parkinson's disease or stroke. Many times doctors don't know what causes it. 1 | 2 | 3.", "- Auxins. Auxins are a family of hormones found in plants. Auxins are mostly made in the tips of the shoots and roots, and can diffuse to other parts of the shoots or roots.They change the rate of elongation in plant cells, controlling how long they become. Shoots and roots respond differently to high concentrations of auxins: 1 cells in shoots grow more.uxins are mostly made in the tips of the shoots and roots, and can diffuse to other parts of the shoots or roots. They change the rate of elongation in plant cells, controlling how long they become. Shoots and roots respond differently to high concentrations of auxins:", "Digestion and Absorption Protein intakes cause gastrin release - gastrin activates chromaffin cells to cause histamine release - histamine promotes HCL release from parietal cells - stimulates release of pepsinogen - activated by acid to become pepsin. SUMMARY : protein-gastrin-histamine-HCL-pepsinogen - pepsin.", "Plant hormones and growth regulators Cytokinins. AUXIN. The term auxin is derived from the Greek word auxein which means to grow. Compounds are generally considered auxins if they can be characterized by their ability to induce cell elongation in stems and otherwise resemble indoleacetic acid (the first auxin isolated) in physiological activity.e named this chemical auxin which comes from a Greek word meaning to grow.. Synthesis: The most active auxin in plants is indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and its' most active areas of synthesis are in young leaves, fruits, flowers, shoot tips, embryos, and pollen.", "Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System RAAS Activation. In the event of blood pressure dropping, renin is secreted due to the decreased stretch of the juxtaglomerular cells and an increased sympathetic stimulation, triggered by the decreased activation of arterial baroreceptors.This enzyme cleaves the alpha glycoprotein, angiotensinogen, which is released from the liver.AAS Activation. In the event of blood pressure dropping, renin is secreted due to the decreased stretch of the juxtaglomerular cells and an increased sympathetic stimulation, triggered by the decreased activation of arterial baroreceptors.", "- epoxy resin coatings can develop a surface oiliness or exudate, commonly referred to as “amine-blush” or “sweating”. Although the cause of such blushing (carbon dioxide and water) has been known and reported for some time [1-6], no unified approach, other than lengthening induction times, appears to have been reported for developing blush resistant epoxy formulations. Questions about the causes of and possible cures for blushing of amine-cured epoxies are among", "On what conditions is renin produced? What happens when renin is released from the kidneys? Renin is released from the kidneys as a result of the blood pressure dropping, when renin is released the blood pressure rises and returns to a normal state.", "Bladder Slings: Understand the Types Bladder Slings: Understand the Types. Patients who suffer from stress urinary incontinence (SUI) experience urine leakage when they laugh, sneeze, cough, exercise, or perform other regular activities. The condition is often caused by a weakening of the pelvic muscles after pregnancy. Bladder slings are the most common treatment for SUI.", "What Causes Adrenaline Rushes? Adrenaline is one of the body's most important stress chemicals. It is secreted from the adrenal glands, which sit atop each kidney. Adrenaline also plays a key role as a neurotransmitter that facilitates communication between brain cells, or neurons, and other cells. An adrenaline rush is a sudden increased secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal glands. It causes an increase in heart rate and respiration. Adrenaline rushes can be healthy responses to actual threats to a person's well-being or symptoms of an underlying mental disorder.", "- Gordon and others proposed that the unequal distribution of auxins in response to light treatment is not due to lateral movement, but due to the inhibition of basipetal movement from the illuminated side, which causes unequal concentration of auxins and growth curvature is due to it.", "- Robitussin with codeine contains guaifenesin, which is an ingredient that is used to treat chest congestion by increasing chest secretions and making it easier for the patient … to cough up the secretions.", "- I nsulin is one of the body's most anabolic muscle-building hormones. More specifically, it's a hormone released by the pancreas in response to nutrient availability. A meal high in carbohydrates, protein, or both causes a rise in circulating insulin. nsulin is one of the body's most anabolic muscle-building hormones. More specifically, it's a hormone released by the pancreas in response to nutrient availability. A meal high in carbohydrates, protein, or both causes a rise in circulating insulin.", "- Once coagulation has caused the formation of a clot the body will naturally commence a process called fibrinolysis, which causes the enzyme Plasmin to hydrolyse (break up) fibrin clots.Basically, Plasmin is released from inactive Plasminogen (which circulates freely around the circulatory system in blood).nce coagulation has caused the formation of a clot the body will naturally commence a process called fibrinolysis, which causes the enzyme Plasmin to hydrolyse (break up) fibrin clots." ]
[ 15.015625 ]
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