924 values
924 values
852 values
97 values
[ 1, 14, 49 ]
WORKERS DIG IN SNOW FOR BODIES: OF LOST AIRMEN e : Bielson sand «Bar! Borland Expected to Be Found Near Their Plane
NOMB, Alaska, Jans 28 (UP)-- Humniocks of ice and snow ‘in the deserted Siberian wastes today! held the seerct of the fate of y Ben Ejelson and burl Bari Arclie aviators - whose wreeked | rellet plane was found after it had’ seen missing since November a. | Relays of workerg-who.nad made Ahetr way-lo tha s cof the wreck jhy *‘paintul’ trek” with dog terms, ‘ increasing circles arounl the me: ot wreekage,” “seat- ered over a wide area when the itp” Strick the earth: — H “The-silence of the northiand.s was tbrokei-for: the first-time. since the wreek hy the clang of steel shovels ald pleks as they dpe tg, the Liroven sitface, ' There was little hype in the ¢ rescue’ Workers that the alenvon wore alive; Instead: they. ex pected only to come upon the bod- “Joo Grossman and Fred Ot “Melson who ery-of the smaph- ed plane,--continued today to. oper ate from, thelr base at the tee- ocked—motar ship Nanuk, taking men to. the vicinity of the wreck tc widen ihe seaqrely. os Wireless advice ; expreselons. mien: hai escaped death. - ’ An ‘spparenly - faulty. ultimete fid"atlock stopping-at: (6:10: pacific time) were brough tback by-.Crossen.. eco ed ge 31 While~ ‘the -altimater indlcatat "12000: feet, the crash. 90,1riles. gout sof Cape North Was. practically sei [the show avhile thinking. ¢{ tar above surtace.. . Mute evidence of the.. Tintouehe provisiona in the cabin’ was al most ihe final’ proof to séarches jthat Elelson “and Borland. coul 2.not have survived the crash. Bu ‘Whether they .jumped before th r{impact, or, were thrown out who he-plane-braka ap,- -only. continue dyéareh wight establislic > The thfottle-of: the Blelson, plan jwas full open. Everything Indical d oa sudden: erash,-.
[ [ 888.6875209961, 1337.1994228516, 1301.4350986328, 2778.7967929688 ], [ 889.4291381836, 881.1701660156, 1284.0776367188, 1184.2336425781 ], [ 888.8309936523, 1225.1328125, 1291.5576171875, 1324.3962402344 ] ]
[ 888.6875209961, 881.1701660156, 1301.4350986328, 2778.7967929688 ]
[ 3233, 5636, 294, 2118, 3430, 2857, 3885, 846, 500, 5844, 983, 1240, 6811, 5116, 8062 ]
[ 9, 5, 18 ]
Gov, Dern: Holds Ev: idence-in Case In- sufficient Moore Not to Be Brought — ~ To Twin Falls for Trial
SALT LAKE CUPY, date 28y. (UP) Extradition ef H. D. Moore from Sait Lake to Idaho, to stand trial on a’ chatge of “rebbing the- tore managed by 1. M. Elrod, Tain Falls, has ‘been denied y iovernar... Gearge...H ‘yeocanse tesiinony. las ind’ Moore was, in Salt Lat “the time of the robbéiy, aid his identification with the. aff was the vesult of a misizker identity. * . | William Allen, arrested with ‘itoy Kent here January 23, ade mitted thab- he and his partner. @laked ‘the ~ Twin Falls robbery, ‘obtaining loot totaling $114. ~No ‘request for extradition - of Allen and Kent ‘Wad been made. * _E Feout TE n j bearing in hehlf of Idaho ‘qne:t for Mvore’s. extradition...He ‘withdrew a vequest for the re- turn’ of, Willium Wilson, who (Was ary MG ‘Lake Jannaty 16.7"
[ [ 1296.5558681641, 1078.0480556641, 1706.9291171875, 1738.2643222656 ], [ 1297.1513671875, 888.8897705078, 1684.2257080078, 1046.5017089844 ], [ 890.1390380859, 715.4669799805, 1685.2548828125, 857.2345581055 ] ]
[ 890.1390380859, 715.4669799805, 1706.9291171875, 1738.2643222656 ]
[ 501 ]
[ 16, 21 ]
. 2 moan: VIN INES, Ind, Jan, 28 (UPS —Still weak front “hardship, many tarme ant, thelr families: -pre- “pated -to-moeve-back. totheir flood: Lswept—homes- along. the Wabash bund White rivers. Except at a few p)aces where jums chave blocked escape of wiler - “wligse ~ jevel Fédches— the houseteps, the rivers... care. wil lit helt banks ed ‘EOrges on the ttle 3 aw i JU. " territory, *iaMarenea ws ty the water level grew steadily high: ald: there: were Few, : inc-this~ “territory : Phere Maly persoL ara ‘waroaned
[ [ 1306.2917080078, 1867.1051845703, 1719.4983310547, 2271.9369296875 ], [ 1303.8205566406, 1749.1899414062, 1708.6265869141, 1857.650390625 ] ]
[ 1303.8205566406, 1749.1899414062, 1719.4983310547, 2271.9369296875 ]
[ 291, 1541, 5640, 1905, 5425, 502 ]
[ 2, 4, 0 ]
MacDonald Regime Is. ' - Safe Discord Splits Foes of Government
“ LONDON; Jan. 28,—Because the Liberal party - of Great -Britaiy fears that an ébrl¥.-xeneral _ elec-; tion might bring about, the ajmost, total. disappearance | of. its Parlia- mentary representation; because: the’ Tory: party “belieyos: that the. Jcauntr; and articularly, big busi- ness would ‘regeit ai. éiMy~ alec- tlon; ajd because: “the present. Tory. jendership.- is faced with an. attack ‘upon its. position by power- fq): noninally Tory “newajapers-- ‘the, present, Labor © governmellt, -which lacks ‘a’ majority: in’ the | House -of., Commons, ..will. probably, continue to survive. ‘for’ some. time: It is the most piquant: situation in the political history of the Unit- jed. Kingdom. For the. six months it tas? “been, in. office,” parliament- ary lite: for. i Labor *patty: bas jt had been stated that Baok of the scenes negotiations: were’ pings tarrigd-on- betwren—Lloxd George, jformer Liberal. Premier, and the |Soqlalists, so that the Labor and the” Liberal parties “could agree on La. coal. maasure...., But: then came Lioyd ans | Slashing -attack,- followed-up - | Winston. Churchill,.the Tory: | So the, rumor started thut Lloyd 'Georgé jand Churchill were in Lee pcuiietil to~bring ‘thelr respec ‘tive partias into-u union to destrox pte Labor government: and follow ‘this up with a ‘Tory-Liberal coali- tion. in which. Lipyd George, pChurehill. and = Lord.: Birkenhead; {also- a Tory, would. be the. Jeading "figures,, =, { The Labor party siivoniigly took yup the challenge its. leaders. dnd its newapaper organ proclaimed }that-if the oldes, parties early se Labor:.was..ready,... :/fhen’: fhe public” ‘got. seyéra! sharp. surprises.Befote .the Jas! action, ‘the ‘powerful | i a: bY Lord Rothermare ,, hai shed. Tories ank
[ [ 917.3196010742, 3036.5789394531, 1327.0691318359, 4259.35196875 ], [ 1325.1737880859, 3047.7884121094, 1735.5438632812, 4254.1405429687 ], [ 925.0507202148, 2793.2778320312, 1719.1263427734, 3017.5068359375 ] ]
[ 917.3196010742, 2793.2778320312, 1735.5438632812, 4259.35196875 ]
[ 503 ]
[ 46, 11 ]
Airplane Express Service Planned
7 7 a yp ea |. BUTTE, Mont, Jan: 28 (UP}— Anois Step lin te Mevelopnient rot. air, transportation has been taken wHt the announcement that phe Américan” Express company Lwould diaugurate an airplane ex- press service over the Nattonal, ‘Pars Airway line February 1.
[ [ 1314.8869228516, 2401.0359707031, 1727.3606357422, 2596.1327304687 ], [ 1314.5871582031, 2281.3967285156, 1719.470703125, 2387.9226074219 ] ]
[ 1314.5871582031, 2281.3967285156, 1727.3606357422, 2596.1327304687 ]
[ 504 ]
[ 40, 30, 56 ]
RACE WAR LEADS TC NEW ARRESTS ~ IN “CALIFORNI Youth of 20 Bélieved Respon- sible for Starting Recent Attacks —Againat——Filiginos
SAN- FRANCISCO, Jan, 28 (UP); —Race rioting betweon whitegzand, Filipinos © in Catfornia — tailay ‘threatened to’ flare itlo new hea after a, few days “al apparent: jiruee. 1 ‘ Three arrests lid been” eo Filings. patient patie the first San) Francisca. rio ‘last nglit. They were charged wit! listiirbing the peace after, being lightly beaten ‘in 4 street. battle with whites’ because they Ww ‘accompanied by while -girt [assailants escaped, phe til” arrest -waseUhat oa {Leonard Brassette, 20, San Jose. He was pelt on ‘an open chare: |for investigation, following report (lo RuTHOMes that Brassette-“had | been advecating a campaign of jLerroniam. to drive the “Filipinos trom Santa. Clara dnd Monterey | counties, where rioting cost, th ‘life .of one: Filipino and seriou idihs of “a white amu. . MANTUA, P. 5 June-28, QP) iA inass meeting of mourning ail protest” will be: held in Lineta ' Park Sunday, resulting from the bloat ‘ot Fermi Polorn; - 92; Wj, i4pino, in race riots near. Watson ville, Cal. x
[ [ 1729.0335292969, 2482.7552089844, 2141.79728125, 3322.3805332031 ], [ 1730.46875, 2014.0537109375, 2127.4013671875, 2319.0620117188 ], [ 1734.1676025391, 2351.1906738281, 2131.9982910156, 2463.607421875 ] ]
[ 1729.0335292969, 2014.0537109375, 2141.79728125, 3322.3805332031 ]
[ 505 ]
[ 31, 15 ]
Oregon Railroad Brief ig Filed
“WASHINGTON, Jan, 28, P)— Benefits accruing: to- local g com- munities trom the canstructlon at a railroad: wbetween: Keddie, Cal, and -Klgmiath’ Falls, Ore, con- itera’ Pavitte with Nortliern; were --out- ‘bylet filed. with © the commission or anita of hay- te to" the :north- with, the: pres: Sou
[ [ 1742.2249355469, 3486.8748378906, 2151.1615390625, 3917.57071875 ], [ 1744.0841064453, 3345.7375488281, 2144.6799316406, 3460.0627441406 ] ]
[ 1742.2249355469, 3345.7375488281, 2151.1615390625, 3917.57071875 ]
[ 506 ]
[ 20, 13, 60 ]
Spanish Dictator” Gives Up His Pos! Daughter of: Morgan Partner Deserts Luxur a for Stage Life
” _MADHID; Spain, Jan. efi: "B)—Proniinr D2 bw. eH # ero. civil . dictatar‘ of Spai f% since £923, resigned today % Uls 3 ution was acerpl- | od by the king. — “phe dictatorship # canie with ‘dramat suddcn- % ness after two days of uneer- ® tainty, “Whe ‘cabinet met~ Unis | % morning and at noon the % aiier met, at the -var offiee wlth important heads. :of the 4 urmy, % ‘The entire cabinet Aso, re- % dined. The cabinet will meet * later today and oft wliy ane *# nounce the. tion... Tha ° * king ‘was ¢ to ask | + Demasso Berenguer to form | + nv new. cabinet. > & ft Berenguer telus a Guabnloar:.mi dead the new cabiue er ee Caunt | ed L0-
[ [ 2144.4690761719, 2139.3982753906, 2531.1532382812, 2734.3824863281 ], [ 2144.4865722656, 2013.9526367188, 2529.73046875, 2117.3439941406 ], [ 1706.787109375, 705.6768188477, 2492.3024902344, 792.2015380859 ] ]
[ 1706.787109375, 705.6768188477, 2531.1532382812, 2734.3824863281 ]
[ 3840, 2055, 395, 5131, 1151, 290, 3236, 5558, 5436, 5313, 7620, 3146, 2123, 5841, 858, 2016, 3426, 5474, 1252, 4592, 3061, 507, 5886, 5375 ]
[ 7, 39, 44 ]
PALS OF MISSING ‘AIRMAN PROMISE ~ DILIGENT SEARCH Ti James, es, Al de, Garme “Tenth Fred “Kelly Maintaiy t for Maury. Grahan
Jan, 28.--- note every: ne ets tied af fighting the flizaards ana“ pitler eold-af southern Utah--and Neva- ida. vin. the. search for Mauries (Maury), Grajiam, bight m who has. beén missing ce ‘It, Grahan’&threge closest, pals ; Will take up ‘hie hunt und* stick to iit until the end: The «threemen who: mean -to ‘tind the. migsing. avialer if it takes ia year ate’ Jitimy “dames, Al. de Garmo "and: Fred ‘W.gKelly. They thave’ fan ingantive .: “that. no oLher ‘searchers, have-—they. are huncing j for their meat Arend. oYhese - ge; * Graiam, wera thi four: orjgjnal Dilots of thas Westar] Adres Express. | They batayted : flying: the: "Salt. Lake -Clty- Loy Angeles OULE tos jather S, Nov.
[ [ 2152.6277675781, 3210.9949550781, 2564.2164707031, 4225.8275546875 ], [ 2145.0495605469, 2765.8332519531, 2541.076171875, 3079.7912597656 ], [ 2152.2634277344, 3089.2033691406, 2551.5239257812, 3196.4704589844 ] ]
[ 2145.0495605469, 2765.8332519531, 2564.2164707031, 4225.8275546875 ]
[ 508 ]
[ 33, 32, 52 ]
FIVE PERSONS ME IN-PLANE ~ CRASH MONDA\ Motor Fails When Travelait Machine Is Near Airport Flying from Wichita, Kan
A black muak on the snow ft an open field here, anarked tie: place taday where live persans | wert crushed aid burned to death “ira there ard eyed eve | Pilot Dyke Lauteman, apparent: ty ruussiog with a failiaK motor chad made at oeffart ty land) hi ‘Traveluir sixn-paussenger car aie aotime when he could the swinging beavon and red ers .of Mairfax airport, lis wou, Just uomile away, . . i The airmlane which flew Srom “Wichita, an. late Monday, was “Helind schgduie quid darkness had slased in When “the irdupia’ de- tyeloped. -Laudomun, losing. alil: inde, aecording lo wiliresses awnik away frou a building, then went Into vertical . hank to hierash trem tout 160 Seet.. , 7 “Piss ¢rew?-of- se switele -augine sear the scene said tle craft. wets - enveloped—in-tlamnes-betore it fat Plo moter—avas-brokei—in—half pe oth™ yeclions digging Into’ “tlt wihard ground. ‘he steel frame: » work and “unilerearriage wae . (Lwisted wad charred. Lverything vise, -Including..the.vodles.5£. the ‘pilot and his four passengers _jWere burned, . : The Dend“-~ Pilot Duke Latdeman, Kansas ity, Kans. . £ Tyassengers Margaret Dice, “St” Josepli, oe MelKinnon, Chicago, re- ' cently assigned as -branch. manag: a ver of .the Robbins and- Meyers t/ Blee. Co., St. Louis. : James. Eggert, 709 Woods ee Bldg.,. Chicago. eo Willlam Flyna, manager Globe I theatre, Kansas City, Mq. _ vi ‘The iplane was: operated: hy the ye: Contral Air . Lines, a . subgidar {of the Universal Aviation corpora. vtion. Rurx} Goldsborough, vice: President of Universal wich af: | fie s in St. Louis, ‘wil arrive to Hav to investienio thea erash.
[ [ 2534.946859375, 1598.6427822266, 2949.9972324219, 2837.8580722656 ], [ 2526.1643066406, 1156.2947998047, 2923.59375, 1461.0480957031 ], [ 2536.7290039062, 1481.2545166016, 2929.3254394531, 1589.6439208984 ] ]
[ 2526.1643066406, 1156.2947998047, 2949.9972324219, 2837.8580722656 ]
[ 8066, 5127, 5641, 1546, 407, 3225, 285, 3111, 5547, 5422, 7476, 3897, 4666, 572, 7624, 842, 5839, 1244, 8032, 2020, 3432, 5357, 5873, 2675, 124, 509 ]
[ 22, 17 ]
HICKMAN, TUP) Despite # rally: which allowed hh ta regain. cousgiotsuess ‘Jute last night, Joe Cantillon, one' of Dbase- ball’s niost popular figurey, still ‘was in a. serlous conditions today “pongo Joe” stftered a ‘Secont stroke of. paralysis a few days age laud has’ been near-death sinc: tbat thim. . a
[ [ 2562.6416835937, 2975.4568691406, 2961.7323398437, 3224.0423984375 ], [ 2558.2106933594, 2854.8647460938, 2952.9714355469, 2959.7976074219 ] ]
[ 2558.2106933594, 2854.8647460938, 2961.7323398437, 3224.0423984375 ]
[ 297, 5421, 510 ]
[ 24, 6 ]
HOIsh,- “Jan. 28. (UP)—The twenty- second Annual state:.con- vention. of the Idaho. State Grange opened in, Caldwell, this morning with 600 delegates’ present, “The session today, ‘igs largely. bean taken up-with oll ‘ealls’ and an- nual reports, the “annual banquet tonight heing-the day's big’ feature | Interest: is “centered. on .Wed- nesday’s sessions,- which, will: “take Jp: Amportant, resoltitons ‘of. ‘troversial nature. Revision ‘of: tax: ation “methods: in “Idahoy- piaoing | more of “the Vurien on jnduste tons + . Andtenttan:; tos, who :o Views on
[ [ 2572.1053066406, 3463.2915859375, 2972.8307285156, 4265.0731601563 ], [ 2571.203125, 3234.1831054688, 2966.2790527344, 3435.107421875 ] ]
[ 2571.203125, 3234.1831054688, 2972.8307285156, 4265.0731601563 ]
[ 511 ]
[ 43, 25, 37 ]
GEORGE PERRINE.. DEATH RESULTS ~NDAMAGE SUIT $35,000- Because - Husband. was Killed: in ‘Crash: Here
—Clalming damages of $35,000 F earge. W. rine, 25, doin an auto. collision: her : Falls’ on September LT, Evelyn .Perring, “his?” widew. and - the .administratrix: Wells and’ the j | ‘The complaint: * Frank. Stephan: aud 2. ‘the’. plaintiff's: ‘torth Gasey-Pariger tember 17, 4 ihe: compan. renue: south. Roy. ‘Wells waa ‘ southweaterly: south = “and. idrove®: f) a sollision: resuft section “of ‘Ge Second “avenue. icomplaint. ” Ag
[ [ 2973.1863613281, 2968.3523769531, 3395.21525, 4290.6517734375 ], [ 2967.7524414062, 2524.1748046875, 3374.7751464844, 2831.3686523438 ], [ 2971.6911621094, 2852.7817382812, 3376.6408691406, 2950.9216308594 ] ]
[ 2967.7524414062, 2524.1748046875, 3395.21525, 4290.6517734375 ]
[ 512 ]
[ 42, 59 ]
“Rielson Re: from Far
Jan. 27, CUP) eré to -set.oul ‘onthe frozen Wberia to unt jautenant Carl schanic- Earl --buried in ‘wreckage ot the best he “Unite
[ [ 72.531083374, 1361.9292919922, 491.6847521973, 2879.9028613281 ], [ 80.1496124268, 1231.7570800781, 481.4942626953, 1332.537109375 ] ]
[ 72.531083374, 1231.7570800781, 491.6847521973, 2879.9028613281 ]
[ 513 ]
[ 13 ]
nagi ota SC pnulare "hielt hishome. here wing. his .-at- witha erawd
[ [ 111.2120526123, 2990.1547558594, 525.4590136719, 3451.2099902344 ] ]
[ 111.2120526123, 2990.1547558594, 525.4590136719, 3451.2099902344 ]
[ 514 ]
[ 19, 15, 60 ]
“READY FOR HOP TPMINNERPOL Planes Reunited “Riter Baing aby a Snowstorm “North: -Dakota
p.fhis: mor ning {iineapol 1 ees ie -group Was for ced own: ae each where Hentenant. Bh. -Warburton © wrecked,. his. F | Warburton, was: injured sughtly. ‘put ‘his. Dlane “was salvaged” yesterday before “the? flight: here and then abandoned: 5 “One transport ‘plane. already’ Was j walting. in: Minneapolis. for; the { yest.:of-.the: planes while: y (transport? piane:: ‘por! odin Great.-Falise Hawaver, “Major Royco,, ‘however, expected’. the lag: ging: plane , to ‘cateh up soon with the” rest. ofthe group, *.: |. ‘Phe planes'..were. scheduled te er ‘fu Minneapolig for ‘luneir, an | tien proceed / to “Wausan: ‘Wiscon: Foi ‘ight stop, today, 1 have: -atioulty. 1 start rest al
[ [ 511.5173657227, 2108.1330273438, 921.8175341797, 2893.7700488281 ], [ 505.4147338867, 1651.1741943359, 899.6489868164, 1954.515625 ], [ 512.0811767578, 1975.2722167969, 907.358215332, 2085.1333007812 ] ]
[ 505.4147338867, 1651.1741943359, 921.8175341797, 2893.7700488281 ]
[ 515 ]
[ 21 ]
Wyo, Jan. 27, (UR) ing, former: -Btate jaw, enfo ent .: commissioner, ‘and: / went on f@dal:hera:today charged, with, coz splracy’. to. 2) the national prohibition ‘Head
[ [ 534.5578320312, 3385.2167675781, 942.7801806641, 4218.2331835938 ] ]
[ 534.5578320312, 3385.2167675781, 942.7801806641, 4218.2331835938 ]
[ 516 ]
[ 17, 50, 53 ]
‘Big Five’ Will Reassemble a’ St. James Palace ed- nesday ‘Morning. BATTLESHIP- HOLIDAY -- TENSION FAVOREL
TRAPINEALOON, ENED lquestion of strength -of the: Ama lean delegation at the [lve-po ar! haval conference was raised today; as the delegates met to fix the arter nl -disenssion 2: -probloms; “Beces scendicn | Opening the second, week Gf! the conference, the representatives! 1 of. the world’s great naval power lnid aside the almosphere ‘of high: hats--and..formal. clothes..and met: at No. 10! Downing street: to de Cide—witetherto-consider-Himitatlo {of auxiliary ships—cruisers, de- stroyers and -submiarings-—ahead. of battleships. . The American delegation, urging ‘Aalt ‘at attention “be given “16 auxiliary ships, believed that muci \.of..-the success of .the convention pdenended. upon the outcome of the theeting.. The eared: tat, it wW fanitation | a holiday -on Vattleship:-construction is “extended “at~the outset. there ‘would’ -be no -leverage left for | chevkinge —bullding“~ot auxilfary fleets, ..All nations, have indicated : “ot the holi: uk ler power which. Keenly desire: to: economizs #l'on’ eapital: ships, would Ye. mort -/ take a- reasonable view ‘of: the: question of Hunting: aux rT. iMary ships. aaa Pie CANON ear leteuates she j held” that the questton’ of. consid ering cruisers first-ow the agand: is*the ..most lirgent bsiness: 0 tthe ‘conferencé’ in ylew. of. the “fac i{| that there is no, limitation..on’ suc! y ships while the’ Washington treat: ni restricted battleships, ‘The. Amer ‘Mean position 1a ‘that; -aftér. auxil jeijarles are limited, the conferénc ie|-can: -procecd. to reduce Dattleship rther. Canféerences.-held-.over..the..wee ot end failed .to bring the delegation B= to a harmoniois point dE view. 0 thithe, agenda.-and. increased th ptospecta of ‘a, Lvely. session. tol” ft was announesd. that the “bi ail tive’ would —reassemble. at ‘S "+ James palace on “Wetnesday mor! ie ibe os: i | The~ following. “official comm @.-was jidsued: “Tye heads—ot--the—detegatio: Wet at No. 10: Downing sireet “continue discussion of the prégra ,of- work ta: be: submitted - tot conference. At” one. o'dlock’ >t tmeeting ~ ‘adjourned to~~ Tuesd “anorning;when it will reaasem! ti James, ‘Palace.’
[ [ 902.5583813477, 1397.2251904297, 1322.3747851563, 3074.2920214844 ], [ 909.7709350586, 1261.1185302734, 1297.2895507812, 1362.466796875 ], [ 899.833984375, 1167.1842041016, 1297.4044189453, 1245.2142333984 ] ]
[ 899.833984375, 1167.1842041016, 1322.3747851563, 3074.2920214844 ]
[ 517, 7633, 5394, 5335, 2108, 3901, 3455 ]
[ 14, 3 ]
is BAGH, -C “Calif, Jan. 27, (UP): radio: message. picked un De. an’ amaieu “glo: weve. operat- : spelled: total fears fete “Ania : The mesh Bi: jee
[ [ 943.263215332, 3268.8263867188, 1348.6748339844, 3812.7671191406 ], [ 942.6221923828, 3092.0524902344, 1336.2687988281, 3246.970703125 ] ]
[ 942.6221923828, 3092.0524902344, 1348.6748339844, 3812.7671191406 ]
[ 518 ]
[ 20, 9, 41 ]
OFFICERS BURN 7 BOATS LADEN WAT WHISKE! Mon Operating. Watercraft Es. cape,’ However; “Gasolizie Was Poured on the ‘Veasel:
DETROIT, Jan, 27 €UP)--Séven whiskey. laden boats were seized by federal. customs patrelmen ou the Detroit river this merning and burneds Twalve>men operating the ‘hoats escaped. The cargo’ of 300 ieases. of liquor.was taken off and niisticated by the “patrolmeny ~~ Po “Fhe “custome mor _said—thou. fleet jor rum bots, powered by outdoard | motors, had drawn -up, at: a dock jin. Wyandatte, where .& rum. run- ner_was shot .falally last week. At ‘the ‘approach .of~-the -two the . liquor ver, - poured; gas and...set. ‘then
[ [ 1322.6669628906, 1718.4959423828, 1729.6402880859, 2266.4638964844 ], [ 1313.6163330078, 1277.806640625, 1711.8282470703, 1586.6352539062 ], [ 1328.3656005859, 1597.0881347656, 1719.58203125, 1708.4340820312 ] ]
[ 1313.6163330078, 1277.806640625, 1729.6402880859, 2266.4638964844 ]
[ 1218, 419, 5891, 5189, 134, 519, 3367, 7234, 5101, 273, 1557, 4534, 5818, 2109 ]
[ 16, 23, 43 ]
OFFICERS ROUND ‘UP LARGE: GANG - OF GEM THIEVES Three: Month ping. Result in. Arrest: of Band. in ..City~ of > Chicago
: CHICAGO, Jan, 27, (UP)—Three | ire tipping by aolice ( ‘golve:a chain :.of sold, “danst jewel robberi ult- ed carly today in wholesale Yalay and’. 'foundup® of 23. persons, “n= Hiding- pn-agsistant state's altorn- yi a pollcenfin, and, sev “WO~ ‘Then,’ - , “Phe” assistant” slate’s attorney, ‘an. aide of John A. Swanson whe was elected’ to'the state's nttorney- ship on--a-Feform platform, Was Harry. J. Bush and ‘the policeman ‘Jolin, Lagatuttl Bush still was heing questioned nt the . detective bu “early “today by~-Patrick e, -¢higt | “investigator — for Vgwansonand Police Comiiissioner ‘| John: Stege. ‘Lagututel was Teleas- {ed later. . i. The. others, Stege aud Roche aald=-aveeanemebts’ of a jewel -Fab- bery -ring that has proyed ore weal thy Chicagoans for several months Lv Two automobiles with shotgun compartments hidden by | Zippel covers, the Jateat {i gaiiglind cam: oflage), and .sgveral sholguns anc platols ’ we éized in..the ratds in an}
[ [ 1347.1078808594, 2727.61984375, 1752.5660693359, 3458.5220019531 ], [ 1335.3516845703, 2283.0083007812, 1734.1861572266, 2591.4685058594 ], [ 1343.2678222656, 2603.7873535156, 1741.7692871094, 2710.9533691406 ] ]
[ 1335.3516845703, 2283.0083007812, 1752.5660693359, 3458.5220019531 ]
[ 520 ]
[ 56, 10 ]
Train, Grew Reports “Seeing: Plane Crash
27 (UP)--Contro- fe-here. concerning the: ‘ash-.of* a. phaufom” ait tie-desert between Botse wntain’: Home” last | night. the Union Paclije traln pd aaelng.a plane 0 thelr! story ‘is backed tro”. wera drivin
[ [ 1365.4494335937, 3590.5387890625, 1768.9394824219, 4083.7353808594 ], [ 1366.0657958984, 3461.4689941406, 1755.3836669922, 3568.4255371094 ] ]
[ 1365.4494335937, 3461.4689941406, 1768.9394824219, 4083.7353808594 ]
[ 521 ]
[ 18, 7, 6 ]
League Worried Over- Attitude of Paraguay
GENEVA, Jan, 27, (UP)—Despite ‘The assertion of the Bolivian sov- ament that Bolivla “never will guilty of dishobing the “pea of the Aiperiennvontinent,” , the vagueness of her reply to Para- note ‘of complaint 1s _dis- ing- the League of. Nations and. may call: for another explanation alleged military ‘activily ‘iolivian nots “Supplemented the previous gtntement of her del- fexate to the League, Ramon-Cort~ adellas and claimed. .that.. Para- version. in tle d. Chaco dis confinked by phe sacl in the opinion -of high’) League officlals, Dollvia’s reply. "lo! the “Serlous ac tions that she was “orenaring for war,” is imadequaic. since,it fails to contain any ex JManalion of. jnsf° what has o. - current. an. the. foelivinn Jvontiar, ‘Uniless, therefore, Boliviag send another and mare complete reply eto the-reqnest of August: Zateskt president of the League councd, ‘Toy infurniation, Zaleskl may call jpon, Che natton vor ‘specific in fo each, of Mie, Ta uy 3
[ [ 1306.0082714844, 866.7497265625, 1714.2460009766, 1256.8366992188 ], [ 1717.3799755859, 864.2254345703, 2123.1709277344, 1250.261015625 ], [ 1308.9678955078, 688.2301025391, 2102.9916992188, 847.2188720703 ] ]
[ 1306.0082714844, 688.2301025391, 2123.1709277344, 1256.8366992188 ]
[ 522, 8036 ]
[ 25, 4 ]
en Body -Names Elrod as ? New Secretar’
r er ttt @ BOISE. Jan. 27, CUR)---The * % appotntinent of George Hind 4 % of Poculetla as a field : ® tary of the Idaho StateC aie ‘ % ber of Commerce w % nounced here Friday by # Parsons, secretary. Mr. tales Une phice: of Stringtellow who resigned to * the “beara cot directors “at 2b _their-anoeling— dol in aa * tello January 16. He will start work Men * day, January 27, ‘ * > Istrod is a former surlent ' Ot the. Sombern. Branch, Wat * versity of Idaho, and a mative | ' Idahoal. «For the. past 18 ’- months~lie--has—been ‘contiues- erepresantative for ine Nation= fal’ Airways association wit headquarters in Omaha and Butte. ar a Sane Se ee ae Ce
[ [ 1734.0154736328, 1441.9345410156, 2123.5488574219, 2013.2723681641 ], [ 1723.8284912109, 1270.4429931641, 2109.6315917969, 1425.2980957031 ] ]
[ 1723.8284912109, 1270.4429931641, 2123.5488574219, 2013.2723681641 ]
[ 523 ]
[ 24 ]
din 27, (URI i Yexpress will pay trom ‘$3 30005 to" $10,000; for informa- i tion” leading. to\the ‘discovery of -Mawry- a all--pllob , lost ina BI days. ago. | Amount ‘of ithe ‘reward will be ; baped on, the: length of tint’ re- l quired to- flud the aviator after the: information. is sgiven, officials lof the company: for whieh he'tle |announced. : i ‘Only two of the-44 plates uatd din the search for Graham remain- Sf ed today in ‘the mountainous re. The’ others “had” "Feturned” Co ‘A Aan bases:
[ [ 1743.8302929687, 2274.9425976563, 2152.7917773437, 2683.6704394531 ] ]
[ 1743.8302929687, 2274.9425976563, 2152.7917773437, 2683.6704394531 ]
[ 524, 3919, 1879 ]
[ 27, 0 ]
Autos Kill Over "87.000 Persons
CHICAGO,” an: 27 (UP) Auto. mobiles, killed approximately 31, 500-—-persons— in--tho— United; State! last yeat, 18 per. ceiit more ‘thai in 1928, figures: made . public... i “the National. Siifety . Couyctl” day show:
[ [ 1759.07296875, 2823.7846386719, 2155.7812792969, 3000.5493457031 ], [ 1760.9522705078, 2703.0373535156, 2157.9423828125, 2809.6115722656 ] ]
[ 1759.07296875, 2703.0373535156, 2157.9423828125, 3000.5493457031 ]
[ 525 ]
[ 35, 49, 64 ]
Supplies-‘Have~ hy-This—Timx Been Furnished to Ma- taste af Pannla ORDER VACCINATION - & AGAINST SMALLPOX
VINCENNIOS, Indl, dau. 27, 1b Afrplanessagain pushed ont ove the fleoded and frozen tradi Lot the Wabash amt White © chy. rtya today to earry food ail nels, hlecine td Ue last of the miarganed “sufferers, Fale Uncertain a Admost gyal’ the dsulued ‘ies have heen. reachedswilht sillt-. Pplies dropped wilh parachutes hut there slill remained a few whase, falo x ancertatn. | - Tteliet cfforis were being can Peentraled an tig Claypool Hils district of the Jower here many pTeportad aman the niaraoni. ES. Smiali, disregarding clans ings of Red Cre workers went ta the lerritury, yesterday, driving this anlomobile as far as Decker rawnship aud then sturting © out Fon [bat, 4 ‘CTrdétred Vaccinated . The-sufferers’ in: Wie 1 antlited districts have ood. Cron wiridaaes. Ehirt i}ersons marouned near brivecteeciveéd—their—first supply 0! food und fuel since they were : traped - -by the. tlood., AN refugee: ay ib that distriet have been ordere: waonuatesla because Boe ae aD 2
[ [ 2133.1674511719, 1314.2156689453, 2551.8674609375, 2135.8237597656 ], [ 2136.0849609375, 1222.3431396484, 2534.3039550781, 1302.6840820312 ], [ 2129.8986816406, 1129.6121826172, 2537.8842773438, 1203.5938720703 ] ]
[ 2129.8986816406, 1129.6121826172, 2551.8674609375, 2135.8237597656 ]
[ 7491, 423, 2090, 526, 7631, 3123, 278, 5400, 1818, 1211, 1981, 2815 ]
[ 22, 2 ]
Dale for Boxing. Show Announced
POGATBLLO, fdaho,” Jan, 87 "(URJ—-Datus’ for. the Pocatello post of the: American Legion box- Ing tournament to-be held: as *a prelimiuary—tor-ati “intermountain A. A. U. meet have been: set for ‘February. 17%; 18° and 19. All win- ners willbe entered In the-:inter- mountain-Sournament to bée hetil ‘at Salt Lake cliy during the lat- ter part‘of the month, | it was an- ounced here. All .offices-of the oreunizdtion are, now. tilled, ‘wilh GO.M. ‘Dean ge. Sling nd as leaders.
[ [ 2160.7797558594, 2277.0021679688, 2565.1655566406, 2629.9724414063 ], [ 2148.9028320312, 2156.8937988281, 2555.8479003906, 2260.3850097656 ] ]
[ 2148.9028320312, 2156.8937988281, 2565.1655566406, 2629.9724414063 ]
[ 527 ]
[ 12, 33 ]
Gun Kills Weé Girl
. i LAS “ORUCES, N. M., Jan, 27) J artha Jane Kelley, 3, was | dead taday, vietinr of a gui caré- lessly left. sunder a ed. pillow. The Uptle- girl's playmate’ Ken- ce ‘Tuttle, found the revolver of .a-rogmer in. the Kelley. home Martha, in’. the head, killing... her instantly. °
[ [ 2165.99875, 2709.2411816406, 2576.1704394531, 2999.3496386719 ], [ 2170.4050292969, 2639.8317871094, 2567.4138183594, 2692.9060058594 ] ]
[ 2165.99875, 2639.8317871094, 2576.1704394531, 2999.3496386719 ]
[ 528, 1869 ]
[ 1, 26, 46 ]
REPORT ON FARM. OUTLOOK 1930 NOT OPTIMISTIC ‘Farmers Advised to Pursuc a | Father Conservative Policy | Durieg the Scason Ahead
WASHEINGTON, Jan. 27.0 CUPE farmers oof the COUTERY were ried fo follow a : férvative. pradnetio’ the }Bdsye ches partment todas. A ceomtplete ‘outival: report.” published by" ine acwartment,: de clared. Lle agricullaral ‘outloak for the years shows need for, fur ‘ther adjustments. It urged ‘farm: Jers to retrench,. in theiry. 190¢ ang, Sadi i “ALL ee peariaah +l id extension. & . als, of the department -gaid ndiéutiona were that crop -yields in 1990 would. be. larger: than” in j 92), put that - the fuecome from farm - products does not. appear likely ta excoed Just year’s, “Parmers must plan their. pro- duction. this “year particularly in "view of tho outiask for prices of such products during the’ next marketing season and .adjust .ex- | perditures carefully to malntain ! farm _ incomes,” the statement said, Poa : athe’ domestic mutrkét may im: tprove later in jhe pear, but it’ fs ‘unlikely the demand “for farw products: in: th i fof, 1930. avillb lthe last summer and fall. | demand for some farm product jaleeady: hag. heen affected py’ th ‘decline in iudustrial activity sin Silast June, Butter, cotton and woo ave been -noliceably vattected, ani ‘apples, potatoes aad gr hav failed thus far to make the usua Seasonal . price advances. : yi “A sorfte vhat Jarger supply ¢ "Haden - tor tat work, Will be i i able probably cat slightly “lowe yi wages during the first half .ot th byeur” usricu Lire’ ee
[ [ 2562.5666210938, 1793.4197705078, 2972.6213671875, 2987.4262988281 ], [ 2556.1604003906, 1331.1707763672, 2950.0285644531, 1640.599609375 ], [ 2553.5395507812, 1661.7110595703, 2959.7626953125, 1776.2259521484 ] ]
[ 2553.5395507812, 1331.1707763672, 2972.6213671875, 2987.4262988281 ]
[ 7233, 529, 3910, 5111 ]
[ 45, 8, 30, 47 ]
Borah, Wheeler Fire — Opening Guns in Hot Prohibition Warfare Prohibition Administrator J. F, Herber' Ig Target of Attack by :: - Montana Man
WASHINGTON, Jan: 27 (UP)-—A '‘complete breakdowit’? of prohibition enforcement because of political influen the selection: of enforcement’ aperts “was charged ‘toda, Senator Wheeler, dry Montana democrat, as the flood gate which his been holding back prohibition debate in the senate 7 a oe Dd aeler hentoa UWhaealer chare SUGGCMIY DIOR. Ye Aw Ee ee a - ed the ‘fundamental fault- with prohibition enforcement is that it has become a foot ball. ‘‘He suggested “the Jaw’ enforcement commission - call members of the. republican na- ‘jional—committee— to_ascertein” how prohibition agents are sel ected. « | “The -Montana “senator made” | his charges, while. discussing min= iar John ¥. Herbert trom the ullimure district to Montana. The Montana senator made- li es while discussing the tran i ot Prohibition, Administrator John Fy Herbert. from -the. Balti-. nord districe to Montana...aid ‘Idaho. notice--that:- unlesd raved: from...Monkina. for an investtgation: ord | a he jor the, adminis +) ask the justice’ alike. publie the report” said to have heen ‘submitted ‘by it: to. tha TOT tor —DUreaN - in rega, to Heifoert. --- Z Senator, Boral. vepul u Idaho “or. Tiof a ‘pententiary.”. 3! 5 Borah. announced later he‘ is a vestigating the. . Herbe 3a: nf through thé. justice deparimanit, ‘Rnd Is frying to loéate the agent ¢{who came.“to' see him,
[ [ 2543.1913769531, 1152.1279003906, 3386.2090136719, 1323.5030810547 ], [ 2962.7419140625, 1316.4439404297, 3389.6604296875, 2422.4389941406 ], [ 2543.9382324219, 684.5584716797, 3364.55859375, 959.5269775391 ], [ 2554.2490234375, 982.9623413086, 3349.314453125, 1138.1606445312 ] ]
[ 2543.1913769531, 684.5584716797, 3389.6604296875, 2422.4389941406 ]
[ 833, 6785, 7240, 5815, 530, 2071, 1558, 2103, 6749 ]
[ 44 ]
detent to. 7 half-brother. Clara Rankin, Falig-~ eout vmorning about: 8:45! o’ol \ Wilson, fhe -baby, hi {Clara Rawkt lot. Mraz BH, le | fires mornin.” Rankin first: ‘;show, rolling ove and then’ Tan’ back “inte; to rescue’ the baby, See carried | the - Lande was--met Dy. | neighbor, who, took Lj home, A-physiefan fe vas onlted and: after: ‘ald. he’ ‘had, ‘the: the: twin’. Fall
[ [ 2985.3395703125, 2661.8219921875, 3454.7265917969, 4268.667265625 ] ]
[ 2985.3395703125, 2661.8219921875, 3454.7265917969, 4268.667265625 ]
[ 531 ]
[ 5, 16, 48 ]
DEMONSTRATOR GOES TO HAWKINS Miss Oakley Has Done Splendi Work in Three Tennessee Counti
Harrowate, leon, —Miss ilede Oakley, Home Demonstration Agent for Claihoine, Hancock am) Uniun cauntiey las heen moved temporavily to Hawkins county in order tn organize Home femon- slraling wark there, Duting the past yoar Mi: covered more than 25,000 miles of territory. She ave Tia method de- alions, made saa home and made intividual bonw demonstrations, gave out (iui bulletins on snbiccts pertaining to improving homme eanditions. she aple wilh turkey ant (. MeFarlin of 2 Toon, cleared $103 on her ta Barred Koek zhias kens. She new has tun fey another yea kley “x werk, Miss ombley was instenmantal in clearing and beautify planting five selwai grounds acu many keme groinds were improved and planted ander her divectiag. sanilary toilets were tuild at Urea sehools where there were none andi many homes were mad. renvenien t and sanitary. Qlab meres under Mixs Gat tey’e dircelion, weit SuU0.00 in ean in canning, cooking, and sewing. Powells ¥alley givls' Clan won fourth Pistrich prize in tie National Cannisg Contest al Chi- siyeo whieh amennted «tu sun, Matic and Nell Davis won indivi- Hund priacs ab Chicago; inex bavi Georgia Shipley 2 yiatn Lav wor garden prises Miss Oatley has dane a splendid werk and it is hoped the cones , WHE appropriate fonds to have her veterned to Chix field of gorvice, ms and
[ [ 25.0922761383, 2339.5362363281, 347.4722475586, 3392.3109316406 ], [ 38.2715148926, 2158.205078125, 346.5205993652, 2237.9389648438 ], [ 38.6543655396, 2248.4743652344, 342.4895935059, 2323.6127929688 ] ]
[ 25.0922761383, 2158.205078125, 347.4722475586, 3392.3109316406 ]
[ 532 ]
[ 9, 17, 27 ]
NAVAL POWERS MAKE ‘PLANS ON PROCEDURE Big Five Meet Witl MacDonald to Dis cuss Agenda o Conference.
Lenton —The five power naval conference, enteririg its. see: aud week, wrangled politely but without making remarkable pro- press, loday un how to slart Its wark. ‘The “Hig Pive,? or the heads of the delegations, mnt ab No. 10 Downing St., the Prime Minister’ residence, and diseussed the pro- m, or igenla, of the eonferenre, The chief discussion’ was aver the i af the United ‘States that limitation af eruisers, vines aul other dealt with before bate + political problems are discussed. ‘The American propasal seemed likely to he adopted. France complicated it, lowever, hy injecting the more fundamental problem of how limitation is to he applied, whether cach class af ships shall he timited separately or a milion be allowed to hav Lo- strength of ‘so many tons, to among such classes of ships as it desires. A memirer of Ue French vleration admitted that the discussion ‘had been com- plex and suggested it reminded him of the old question of which cite firsl, the chicken or Lhe egg. He added, hopefully however, that he thought some progress had been made” , A proposal that the London Naval Conferenge consider Jim “tion of cruisers, <desirayers und submarines ahead of every other ss made hy Secretary of Late Henry 0. Stimson, Saturday, The American position, outlined after a Tong conference on the method of altacking the ‘majer problems before the vanference, is thal limite uf cruisers and ubber aux is Whe main abjec- live of the five power parley, and (hal other questions, including those raised by France, should wart until this ix setuted. ‘Mere ix no objection te this pro- cedure, at least thus far, hy the British and Japanese delevations, i, but the French ap- y have nol decided what at_ fa lake loward: Stimson
[ [ 36.4851346436, 710.8016782227, 356.3418154297, 2140.007953125 ], [ 49.3033790588, 316.4913330078, 351.7453613281, 524.2596435547 ], [ 51.8407096863, 549.6715698242, 351.3855895996, 685.0424804688 ] ]
[ 36.4851346436, 316.4913330078, 356.3418154297, 2140.007953125 ]
[ 8038, 1193, 1980, 5833, 268, 2636, 3132, 3212, 3821, 7950, 1554, 533, 5110, 828, 7231 ]
[ 14, 19, 45 ]
WILD. PARTIES OF U.S. IN BOOK ish Journalist, Alsa Comments 7 on “band of Rad Tea.’
Ashfcrd, Kent, (UP) Sip “Charles Igglesden, ane of the pa of In Brilish journalists who vi ited the Vuiled 8 in a8 has just published a book abwut the “and ef bad lew and wild pare * Lhe inited Riles, ya abmub ari ed it in the Chita State: ‘emaninns rei, yo hours of the maring the m the hotels ts ferris hottles, gl.eex and earths fall sows is hurled out cf the windows, especially hefore © s- ial. foakball contests, Hotel iT are filled with infoxieat- ed ynuap men cad women, the lal lor inostly proily girls in evening dress, but in such a stale that Uhey ice and sing in the manner of a “Lave of Ute freest kinds is said to prevail among Lhe younger pun. ple of dhe Intter clesses, and: the same ie said wudergradnates, whore (he Iwo sexe freely on the universith eens, Hp Chienn and sore the result of ta much drinking.” One comfort for Liose who fail, ed to sell their goal slacks at last Yoar’s high is Uhat they might ve pub their money back into someting such warse,
[ [ 345.4040341797, 2560.8150449219, 664.000934082, 3393.2276796875 ], [ 354.5653991699, 2402.0197753906, 665.9008178711, 2481.4741210938 ], [ 352.1512756348, 2494.03125, 664.2532958984, 2545.1384277344 ] ]
[ 345.4040341797, 2402.0197753906, 665.9008178711, 3393.2276796875 ]
[ 534 ]
[ 11, 29, 44 ]
SUPREME COURT WILL REVIEW UTILITY CASE Street Car Case to Be Reviewed During Recess Beginning Today.
Washington WiE—rhe Supreme Court decided today to review a public utility case involving the imparlant question whether n he eom- street car cominany pelled Lo continue service although it iy losing money on operations. ‘The ease was appealed by the Broad River Pawey empany, the Columbia Railway Gas and klec_ tric company and 8. Th Campbell, afley the South Caroling supreme court, ed a mandamus to com- pel continued operation of the Colmmbia South Carolina street railway syslem, "rhe supreme court recessed to- day four weeks, until February 24. The intervel will be taken up with conferences on casessuner ad ment
[ [ 357.8426633301, 1895.7335019531, 668.0622744141, 2386.7142519531 ], [ 365.2580871582, 1499.9936523438, 666.2413330078, 1716.4378662109 ], [ 363.6083374023, 1733.0134277344, 673.233215332, 1876.7072753906 ] ]
[ 357.8426633301, 1499.9936523438, 673.233215332, 2386.7142519531 ]
[ 535 ]
[ 3, 25 ]
! Jaoara, Holland, (UI —Wilhelm U, the world’s post widely know ienile since Nap leon, calebratert ni: Tist.anniversary at home in Daoray ln day is not urweleome bixthdey ivel drom Amer Tn the midst of preparations the quiet family celebration an was received af a fortheaming bev- ine eos at Veerse Washington Vniversity supporting the conten Htion that (he former kaiser w: ignilty of a desire to precipitat iworld War, ‘The news was re hy the household with gratifi fut > the Wilhelin, however, declined to coniment personally, and ‘in repiy tla ik Roran von Sell, his ehiel of archives, said: “We cau only refer you to tie slatement from bis majesty, issues jon his 7th birthday, and to in stigatjons of Lae war guilt ques- jon.” ‘The statement was given bo Lie United Press Jast January rand it it the former kaiser ui ed his Zoreign policy during 26 years: from his avcession ta the ‘throne do the cutbreak al the |vorld War. 1b was considered his mosb impocans mewspaper ut- teranes in a seer With his second wife, formr Prineess Hermine, their children and a few immediate relatives, a- bout 2b in all, the exiled manarch observed hig mmiversury wilt simplicily and wiih only the euso- mary Innchron toasl af “hoch kaiser,” (o remind him of Une Sor mal gathering al Tooru a yess ago.
[ [ 360.1489682617, 418.7532773438, 676.5067324219, 1494.9225039062 ], [ 362.7333068848, 330.3098144531, 677.7602539062, 411.3470153809 ] ]
[ 360.1489682617, 330.3098144531, 677.7602539062, 1494.9225039062 ]
[ 5541, 5396, 536, 3451, 5821 ]
[ 51, 50, 68 ]
Moh Atlompls to Tear Down nde pendence Flag an Kirst. Ane cs. 1! GH IS ORATOR
Hominy, Lad, (0 )—# tween > atin and Comnni- imisda, dissatisfied with Matutiaa ndhi’s freedoat program, featn Intie’s eelehmation of her f indenendenre slag bere. Av inass mie tended ay a seething erawd in the evening, at Fave, was broken up diy Sho mi warkers, Hwha quivanced fo the pkitform, cape : awe fora fow minutes, candi far his before thigh wert ree the ches fal? and eh lt ailemptel bo pull eogadinn flue of Reena. They eared fhrg. I The wttact down ale ue Hehits, green and ed, nnd od fe leaving i to | failed, however, to? CHIN isi Gs Ss ORATOR Poiping, (UP) AN stuidanit has eonercd all male the ammul oratorical contest at Vokdieg Natio University, i hy Chine $i, speaking on aneurin,” was ung cada l Tye de Judie
[ [ 663.61509375, 2650.3599667969, 983.4219545898, 3319.6283144531 ], [ 671.4947509766, 2551.6262207031, 976.5921630859, 2623.5634765625 ], [ 686.6817016602, 3139.4501953125, 963.4342041016, 3163.5375976562 ] ]
[ 663.61509375, 2551.6262207031, 983.4219545898, 3319.6283144531 ]
[ 537 ]
[ 23, 28, 54 ]
CONFIDENCE VOTE ASKED IN SPAIN Premier De Riviera Leaves Ques, lion Up ta Military Me
Madyid, Spain, (UTP)— Prem Prime de Riviera placed the tute of thy Spanish dictatorship in rhe hands of sevenieen military men today with the reqnest they advice him whether co cuntione in por or to resign. If the military leaders who cou trol the sume farces thay created the dictatarship in 10g2 so itdvice, the Premier said he would resiva “iy five mntnutes.” Tf both the king and lhe dictator ave si in ae cord ay governmental policies, it red certain the military was cas Jers would vote — canfiden: in the diclatorsaia, AMfanse has fallen ayn. er, thy result ws wl on whether a avable, Tn King whih his prem believed ta do Pitted
[ [ 675.0906796875, 1930.5031552734, 983.5873598633, 2444.48646875 ], [ 677.3681640625, 1771.3815917969, 984.6053466797, 1848.9150390625 ], [ 677.7483520508, 1862.9385986328, 983.8428344727, 1915.9819335938 ] ]
[ 675.0906796875, 1771.3815917969, 984.6053466797, 2444.48646875 ]
[ 2086, 7942, 2633, 1173, 281, 538, 5404 ]
[ 7, 24, 35 ]
INDUSTRIAL SURVEY LEE COUNTY REABY One of Largest .anc Most Important Counties in State ot Vireinia.
Wytheville, Va. - sonlhwestert Just. re of the industrial of Lee Comily. These sar ceived? no supply surveys veys, ay with ethers which have been pr. paren, wwe products of the Inviust rice Hiepartment nf Vor. L, of which aie Renben Hombert ig director, Lee County is one of Uhe barged and most important cuties in the sliie, ang is the mast remate fram thy Slate capitol The indus survey ix Ue most complote of anc of the nineteen sivveys now being riaLiliou to assist Southw ginia, Ine, and reveals finer pos sibilities {or developrent tb most of the other Mountain Empire eounbies, ors of approp- ‘The Hoanl of Supere Lee County made a special Hoard of Superv af the following members: «- Graham, Ch R. Torlin- son, Fo) 1 Sewell, and M.W estersan, Mr. J: A, Weston i IBUTEN, Copies for loval distribution will be left with the County Board aad Clery the mayors of the various towns in thy cvnuly, and willl the Lee Ceunty diveelars of Souvh- westera Va. lie, Dr, Vo Me Venee and Mrs, W. 2B. Moore Pennings lon Gap, These, surveys are being the contral office of mai panding: indusivies in the Vuited Slates und spestal requests for Ube booklets are inereusing conslantly. |
[ [ 678.3107724609, 707.2533383789, 995.9004702148, 1764.1936220703 ], [ 690.443359375, 326.6086425781, 992.1058959961, 534.7008666992 ], [ 689.873840332, 562.4400024414, 991.4300537109, 694.1995849609 ] ]
[ 678.3107724609, 326.6086425781, 995.9004702148, 1764.1936220703 ]
[ 539 ]
[ 40, 39, 56 ]
STRANGE MALADY CLOSES SCHGGLS Clinch surg, Va. Pat Vader Quar aiding Until Ca Mound,
tal, TenieVa, 8 Py Deets were sill wond vine Lice: 21, i ef fous monies aout Ue iTertor family at An antapsy om the t ‘Helen ct the lust te [formed hy Dy, t lr We ian, = rid. ! mye. OF thee mils, iy “se8tl ather fools. tn tke were taken by pie ter hen, pre of the Virginia Healt bennett, who went la insrtivate. Bhs yu ows pul aber quarantine teh sow sehen! faced at Clined bares Twin si-ters bod fina fhen Ye gayennbiest get fy am aun and Death ya adl eaer follies lwelve hours at diay eal) se Phe to bine the madudy.
[ [ 985.2524228516, 2499.5147519531, 1303.0321230469, 3085.9093203125 ], [ 996.5595092773, 2332.1528320312, 1297.0770263672, 2411.8522949219 ], [ 992.1611328125, 2421.5869140625, 1295.2520751953, 2480.6340332031 ] ]
[ 985.2524228516, 2332.1528320312, 1303.0321230469, 3085.9093203125 ]
[ 540 ]
[ 49, 66 ]
PRRIN RED Sine, ONON Bs Moscow WA pequest a1 Comtauni do Arelsatygec! Pak the ined Suulinpert ates WH meet with appre ernment here," Phe: sagggen tint Wits math: pn the oer hirthday Siu v ised Ay Saarkt jon ot tar Alin Of Joseph Sliling The or: erlebrateal wil eae vor in Sialingerad (fecmerly Md, Stalinbod ¢forned)
[ [ 987.651409668, 3133.8575253906, 1297.8960146484, 3403.5494570313 ], [ 990.5594482422, 3093.3718261719, 1299.1495361328, 3138.3041992188 ] ]
[ 987.651409668, 3093.3718261719, 1299.1495361328, 3403.5494570313 ]
[ 541 ]
[ 22, 57 ]
ADs, Penn, di. Ietus Ker england, es Fined Uday seven lack bs an rntonalile driven by Mari Bart, Chatlanenyay iuaite: a ta Bart was retaraine trom Kaos yelle, where be wis farmesy! : Merehapt. Pushantioy and other phiees ae nanicd In honag af Lae Cammiunis lender, .
[ [ 1301.5273251953, 3125.7078671875, 1610.2342714844, 3410.9168886719 ], [ 1357.8751220703, 3095.9919433594, 1567.8190917969, 3123.060546875 ] ]
[ 1301.5273251953, 3095.9919433594, 1610.2342714844, 3410.9168886719 ]
[ 542 ]
[ 10, 34, 58 ]
TEXAN FINDS —_ NEW METEOR sor Ean { Pragment. vig UL Caunenal Miaer Pennsyly inv
Philadelphia 1h. A skrangge cndneral feagsueui, whieh fs seid te Chuve fable as a meleorite at Peaunont, oa bein ror fessor Charles Vaiversitn of Penngalvania, pre i Cenk of the Aewtean Melony So ciety, Phe predic cer tarduined (hat dy Tunpartod ptesy be dissintibur (3 any previnued= found and is “ind ! Col prgstalline structine, rain tt diinend, bein eles su This Dee. Ho chealerits that Professer GHoer it nat dati nitely daaured baat foe tene da he Masses fun da toe etentite, tle explsinet? Gude bite be Sail je Che torter, Apt coneries Phe diab Che finder ai ced the cod meteorite aul be by une tere Westrial erystabl iy +
[ [ 1304.4733701172, 2495.6102109375, 1620.1861757812, 3067.9596132813 ], [ 1309.3411865234, 2333.8095703125, 1614.0471191406, 2415.4384765625 ], [ 1309.1960449219, 2425.3435058594, 1613.6751708984, 2480.1564941406 ] ]
[ 1304.4733701172, 2333.8095703125, 1620.1861757812, 3067.9596132813 ]
[ 543 ]
[ 12, 8, 41, 52 ]
BELL'S REPRESENTATIVE iS MOST _ BISTINGUISHED MEMBER OF HOUSE A. Campbell Makes Picturesque Figure on Capitol After Unasual Cireamstanees Place Him ‘Phere,
| Ly & queer. twist ef fale, He ‘county, in avowelly Republi jtrongholt in Kentucky, hos 2 {representative in the HLapivtature, This is the seeant po tistasy that the Roost ent at man from this distri I is worthy ef note that eet Denioeval presented an brual ap. pearance, Hon, Terry ownrd, 2 teu fn the bile of tilhs was a short, squat person, ueayly us hyo The was dang, Wend. A. Campbotl, the resent. Ingislater from tis county, is over and as straighe as an, arrow, Makes Pictiresque Figuee re Campbell, 74 years ohl, Tay heen a farmer in Bell comnty ial his life, He fsa heen a Der erat all his Wie. Vis ton ward has casily distinguis! as he mingle lors on Capital HW in Vrankfork He presruts a dignified appearan Ub ik Wi Pius and quiek manner, Vpan being sworn in as mem lee af the House, Mr Cumpacdt was tho object cf many congralula- tions and felieitsttons from friend both wilhin and eut of his narky, To each he replied wilh a quivé “dhank you Peculiar Giretin: The vireumstanes miler write! Mr. Campbell happened to mae ihe race for representative ane worthy of nate. ‘The Democrat emavention in Vinevitie dast sim. mer uppairted a committee to suet vey the county and golirit mea ta make the + fop various offi under (he party's eniblem. Tt was a hard matter to f wer, willing mike lows feet, slender, yer hires pid omen we to run what wes considered a hops luss race. So the vonventian at a Jaloy date deeided to. support viv Tudependeat Geket. Patil ie ve last, Mr Campbell, the patriir of Demoe in Bell eouniy, het “onl fox the party's emblem, Lor ever, die hawerl tu dhe will af fis ‘convention, i ‘The vammitter submitted a nam: for the legislature, aud the party solectod asked not ta he He esplained ‘that the rater Hepeless one, and ik ¥ nol of saveifies in au (The name of Mr Campbell was jested into the couvention, ‘and be BH La IMuke the Tacs, *Homagreril ta do se, { Se he ram el ane Lefure the elion, Hoe went up and down lie and hollers’’ af Hell county, preaching the doetriug ef clea: polities in Le vounly. ‘Phe eleelian day, amd othe counk of votes, Me. Canpboll's apponenb won by 2,b00 rity. The other Independent candidates were de- al, and Uhes filed sail. so Mer Ganpbeil, Ie chose iu da carry his ¢ lo the tare. Ite did, and by a fochin- eality in bow, he was seabed. Oldest Member of House The Colmar levishitar we of the ariinal so) Demoern ‘Bell connty. Hed hered (w the priceip Tntens way, | | eat Che past nl it ne in a con the olde E chelminigdy Democ Me ig well known and ti throughout the eaunty, and loo up la with respect soul admiration iby all, Me laid Patriaze) raf the Hil
[ [ 994.2114072266, 1256.5442929687, 1305.2132753906, 2335.9666933594 ], [ 1305.6045957031, 1257.5876279297, 1621.8200869141, 2325.2203554687 ], [ 999.2916870117, 1086.6650390625, 1619.5773925781, 1176.1099853516 ], [ 1000.5183105469, 1175.6159667969, 1626.4956054688, 1233.9539794922 ] ]
[ 994.2114072266, 1086.6650390625, 1626.4956054688, 2335.9666933594 ]
[ 544 ]
[ 31, 30, 33 ]
Both Wales and George Are Ardent Speed Addicts in QOnen Country. PRINCES FAVOR FASTER BRITISH MOTOR TRAFFIC
Tanton, (UL)—The propo: tahalish the speed limit for sulamo- jbiles In Unis eounbry, 4 is believed, ‘will hape royal support. Both thy Prinse of Wales an bis brother, Priuce George, ne a iMent molorists, °: nd in commian jwith pra ally every other me- Ltorist in Livitain have at some thew ar ather Wrote the present lind fot un aniles an tour, Ty, slary ia told that the Tvinee of Wales quired a naw spec) model, and anxious 2 any new owner to see “what il eouhk de look the wheel ab night on a rim bak fron: -Maidenhea tL. The speedometar registered well over fd niles per how: befere Ie ified Unt the engine liver pucenlly TH is Pines Ceur however, twho ia thy, “speed demon of he royal fun Ne is a first-cla seg ab vary fas Lt is an Jow-slun: brie salacn, pht-cight mator and is Titled with vin carburetor: Tt has ximem epeed of 1000 1nil hom, and on his First ran Uriace George cavered 7 miles jm an how and a half, Hy, has put up Bet fetter diverges en Subenyuen vii, {The Prings af Wades has a simt- lar cur, In fact, if was tinea _hoerrow his hvothee’s gqed giodel au night, tart be eam te Tye verte sa pleased formance that he fa ire a its pe pil in an ror ip mein det hia brother that ithe royal heir he Peo veel: and upliedetery + japeurentitly le colar of TARDE, site hist inpla: iy the same red Lobe ie fitted withe a Pour-e glide iiotor ge. conspmrerd with Geer wh yet hi bn idermediate asain aired nf yrennd Sintec at ia Hie 4 vil personal 4 sypile of vs node ata dary A tecda] Sentence hie fw cwehick extend: at raed the Sailer dh. haw fat di diet ane re Meare thee wee Una Vint Qofoumin ben Tha fe eeatibeat dee er tanly When Hie Behe boom cy fn graves our neys de Led lil noe ie dl i) thee wad ey steer AML the Decne peer hae geen ef oa Taper debe rine} sont ies: sank web foe ¢brar far extremes peed iy tewa he has Fou! the ne the sperts rath Fees Saves epiat, he i cee Tate Bete marked tea fricvd, Sehe tae be her ta Che eommtiy, whet ite +
[ [ 1623.8187070312, 1463.9878964844, 1942.6316103516, 3224.3114199219 ], [ 1636.5095214844, 1301.3057861328, 1941.5163574219, 1439.0876464844 ], [ 1632.5981445312, 1070.9477539062, 1946.263671875, 1276.8984375 ] ]
[ 1623.8187070312, 1070.9477539062, 1946.263671875, 3224.3114199219 ]
[ 545 ]
[ 61, 63 ]
Cromnville, ona 00 Raye Kim 7, af burny fered when her clobidny fire ak iy open Fireplace Sunday. flor father, Grover ius, today fos ina hospital with sevfoga | burns, Fs A je ce
[ [ 1943.4532285156, 3238.5237851563, 2264.0721621094, 3415.7887148438 ], [ 2013.6759033203, 3221.4094238281, 2192.2683105469, 3240.689453125 ] ]
[ 1943.4532285156, 3221.4094238281, 2264.0721621094, 3415.7887148438 ]
[ 546 ]
[ 6, 15, 62 ]
JACKETS AND DRAGONS. CLASH Tuesday “Night Will Wad Confer: ence Games of Juekets at Hone.
! ‘Tomorrow night (he Yellow wilt play Uneir last cone mnce foe on the hone court, ‘om up in the Jara country nies Lae Dragons lo mateh their lism with the stinge Inne and hardwood artists in the Jackel camp. Aflar sa handily trimming BB. i. and Barbourville, a new it hag descended on the Mar of the Yellow J. and the nest of Middleshara’s conferenee hopes. They've got te win this tourna- ment fo make up Tor the deadlock in gridirua honors. ‘Che Yellow Jackels are ready now for any- hady's: I Absit loam, go let the la sses from JTatlan came on. In the last two games the Yel- line dackels havy developed into a regular whirlwind of goals, pusses, end an oceasiona «ribble, Friday night they had the Barbourville lads rnaning around jn civeles and bandsprings Lrying to gt a few slimpses of the Mather, ‘They made aur points, on fouls, the de_, fense that the dJackels displayed wis tighh as a drum. ‘They're really snétled dawn to busi and are ready to hit Ui day Cuds them in Barbourville a Ui, will those dads and lasses ad Tuesday week the baskethell eyes of the conference wilh le! turned an Pineville when the dite tLe aad Lions hook up for Ube scheduled: aUbTetie contest. in yr: This game will no doubt finish more Lhrils and breathe that all ihe previous op fulure frags: Jail ina heap,
[ [ 1948.9365048828, 1732.0919003906, 2270.9144472656, 2753.6026796875 ], [ 1955.0936279297, 1577.0428466797, 2266.390625, 1656.4024658203 ], [ 1953.4906005859, 1664.3774414062, 2263.96875, 1726.1932373047 ] ]
[ 1948.9365048828, 1577.0428466797, 2270.9144472656, 2753.6026796875 ]
[ 547 ]
[ 38, 2 ]
Scouts and Leaders To Meet Tonight
AIL Kay wits oad SNeuwt beads fh Mid desbore will have a gen bis omeetung oat Ren tensa Gadi tonizht, accarding to A aimounreineak This marnins frum Seout Bxcmutive Aeutt ‘Phe jae wilt Ln (he va ney m savclses, br ande» aie Lraop. Lime ba age Their ov 1 mertngn. before ib tending: Che ani. puthes nig. plans for ad by Werk with dias seal fowarked out 1 hapoel (iat atk scouts cord | ee catherm) che an et. (his pie venpine Mintver Blt Que REPNS
[ [ 1941.8056455078, 2857.1815, 2266.3289980469, 3240.5672792969 ], [ 1947.7254638672, 2765.1306152344, 2265.4543457031, 2835.5842285156 ] ]
[ 1941.8056455078, 2765.1306152344, 2266.3289980469, 3240.5672792969 ]
[ 548 ]
[ 1, 18, 21 ]
BIG BUSINESS WILE DICTATE CHS BUDGE] Outside Dictation Wil Say How to Admin- ister City’s Money.
cu WPMD Is appeared tnday, will die and how the red ink on Ch ledgers is erased. Canfronted willl the “reseuc 7 take ibordeave-it at_ urd to the $20,000,000 ave the bantaupl con, dition of the city, county and sepals, politicians foresaw thi: probably this work, when thoy will nequicsce to outside dictation on how to administer the money af- Sains of Che cily. wopmilte tituste in re poof tore Just one coanlormoye to Lhe res cue committer, headed hy Silex Strawn, was underway. JE Walluce Caldwell, president of Lhe achaol hoard and an ap- yointea of Mayor William Tale Thompsan, advanced plan to oust dhe Slvawn commit with one made ‘up of four public officials, Timself incluiled, and the same number vf citizens “to supervise expenditure of the Strnwn commmit- toe." Caldwell nominated Janiés Simp_ son, hnad af Marshall Pield & com- pany, as chairman. Simpson, al- ready a inember of the Strawn comnittet, refused ta comment, Cakhvell gave ag his reason Tor Lhe ousler comiltea that public of- Ticials will never c..,. 7” any the Strawn committ
[ [ 1950.6597714844, 681.1525083008, 2272.6139101562, 1568.3376650391 ], [ 1956.6239013672, 327.5353393555, 2267.7456054688, 536.2386474609 ], [ 1959.6942138672, 560.9159545898, 2267.4543457031, 668.3494262695 ] ]
[ 1950.6597714844, 327.5353393555, 2272.6139101562, 1568.3376650391 ]
[ 8001, 549 ]
[ 47 ]
BANTER BR Pk PURPA Ly Supt R, @. Smith, superintend- nL of the Maryville, Tennesses, thools, Prof. HL i. Orr member of the school hoard, Mrs, A. BE. Me: Uolloch, secretary of the Road of 4 Miss Mary God- sax of schools, all of They were inspect- ind interview.
[ [ 2271.4366269531, 2376.7723203125, 2586.2589296875, 2640.6444277344 ] ]
[ 2271.4366269531, 2376.7723203125, 2586.2589296875, 2640.6444277344 ]
[ 550 ]
[ 60, 67 ]
Unele &hen Says: his foto Pia Shas
Rain in east and ywin oy snow ju west portion tonight and Tuas day; sxamewhas solder In napthweat totlglit.”
[ [ 2263.160015625, 3299.2601132813, 2579.9693789063, 3412.5555605469 ], [ 2291.1909179688, 2662.7958984375, 2558.1472167969, 2733.5871582031 ] ]
[ 2263.160015625, 2662.7958984375, 2579.9693789063, 3412.5555605469 ]
[ 551 ]
[ 43, 4, 55 ]
LIQUOR FOUND - ON CAPTIVE.TUG Coust Cuarda Get 850 Gallows on Cecile S Near New Orleans.
New Qeleans, GP)— More than, SHO ¢ of assorted Liquors, satel hy prohibition agents to he wart more than $100,000, were eonfiseat- ed Laday when coastgeuards eaptur- cil the Cecile 3, a 45 knot gasoline tug, In Chandetur Sound, near hera: ‘Two men, whose names were not ealed, were turned ayey to eus- toms authorities, The le § was recently oui- Vitted with hich epeed motors at Biloxi, Miss, and coastguard offi- clals came suspicious. The boa: aul her crew were under wateh at several d hefore the seizure.
[ [ 2274.3116269531, 1973.3498349609, 2587.4132265625, 2350.5892519531 ], [ 2280.7631835938, 1801.6968994141, 2588.900390625, 1893.2136230469 ], [ 2278.1782226562, 1902.5499267578, 2587.4201660156, 1959.830078125 ] ]
[ 2274.3116269531, 1801.6968994141, 2588.900390625, 2350.5892519531 ]
[ 552 ]
[ 0, 20, 37 ]
ABANDON HOPE FOR BORLAND. "AND EIELSON Parents Give Up ‘a Sons Fail to Returi From -Plane Crash in North.
" Seatlle, Wash, @2I-—A> father. ‘and mother, who for weeks hac | kept’ Christmas tree lighted £ the boy they thought would geturh | from the frozen notih, today. J ubandoned hope that Earl: Boland and. Cart: Ben’ Eielson inight have survived their alrploue erash jn, Siberia, After a single message “oni the fice bound fur ship... ‘Nanuckt, ads vising . thein, . tint’ the wrecked lane had been found, Mr, and“ Mrs. W, E. Borland; parents ‘of, the: ‘jie chanic, had, received "no word © : Lhe tung - being” condiscted: for: the: bodies, ‘The . father. and: “moth famoug pilot t from the “pliné sind “made the’ way to an’ fskimo camp, bit, the houré passed ' ard’ réaliza’ dawned of the terrible odds. ag: them, the parents accepted the -be: lief held hby-the rest of the world: that the icy wastes had claimed’ thelr son, Rorland today told the - United Press that te and’ Mrs, Borland. had given up all hopes. He added, that Mrs, Borlan was bearing. OD well undoy the shock. Dog sled parties werg sent atk tolay for.n point on the frozen.” <oReneviyorn. Sthoria. to hunt. Gielson atid, sinarunisith: tha dec furehip Nanivel. The ship was found by itwa searvh pilols, Joe Crosson and Fred Gillam, 10 miles south of ‘the | No anle
[ [ 2275.6636777344, 717.3328671875, 2611.871234375, 1782.8791689453 ], [ 2291.8559570312, 320.8583068848, 2593.869140625, 531.522644043 ], [ 2285.638671875, 556.2274169922, 2592.20703125, 690.3858032227 ] ]
[ 2275.6636777344, 320.8583068848, 2611.871234375, 1782.8791689453 ]
[ 3208, 553, 1177, 3444 ]
[ 6, 28, 36 ]
WHOLE FAMILY 1S WIPED OUT “AS HOWE BURN: Seven Persons Die as / use in Mining Camp Is Destroyed.
Gracicy, Colo. «iP P) — Seven song perished today in an fire rose the home af Pant Marliney at Mrederiek, a small mining eamp southwest of areel The dead wer. Mrs. Martinez, ber five childven, ranging in ¢ from ‘a’ few months la twe years, and a mar kiown as New lan, Why altempted ta thers. Marlines was al work ab the tim Newlon, whore first name was unknown la persons in Frederis Was ope: rating the pamp at a mine near the utines, Tome when he saw Lhe hous, on fire, He ran te the building aml shortal and catt- el invan ¢cHort to awaken the slecping waman and li ehiliren, ailing tv gel amy response, he van to the back of ihe honse, smashed (he glass in a window and Jeaned :inta Ue biraing. binilding, lis heroic attemyt cast his ows life. : Other residents of — the Vitte Amingine vamp ran to the scone, nat they werr powerless tn give i by assistance, EThe camp is wilhaut fire appay; he
[ [ 12.2258248215, 2499.8523554687, 328.5729985352, 3223.4157109375 ], [ 23.8915042877, 2139.0739746094, 321.9108276367, 2344.9899902344 ], [ 21.6713085175, 2369.2124023438, 326.9624023438, 2474.8071289062 ] ]
[ 12.2258248215, 2139.0739746094, 328.5729985352, 3223.4157109375 ]
[ 4675, 5639, 106, 554, 5847, 6730, 3439, 2001, 1527, 8056, 857 ]
[ 11, 42, 48 ]
NEW HIGHWAY BILL REPORTED BY COMMITTEE Power of Appointing | Highway Commis- | sion Taken From Sampson,
HL Feankfort, by. — Demoeratic Rmembers of the Senate rules cam- fnittee yesterday made a Favorable ee on the hit of Senator Allie AW. Young Le take from Gov, Mem B®, Sampson the right io uppein ie. four members vf the’ State fighway Commission and vest it Bn tho president pro lem af the Benate. Tn, general form the bill carries out the proposal of Senator Allie PW. Young, of Morehead, who in Hroduecd the reorganization bill, Licut. Gov, James Breathitt, Jr, py Senator Young and a majority of pth Democratic members af the pasenale are umlerstood to be in ac- ee The measure will be enacted as Fa dumpaniry imeasure, the commi sioners to be aeinted for eoncur- reamuiiy, 1982. F Aflor February, 1982, appoint. | ‘ments will he made by the gover- nar, ° The emergeney two-year up- | Wointments are to be made unde provisions of the muasure lo be in- A traducerd in the senate hy the pre: qidont pra tempore ag the scuate, ul purty niembers rom, ur the number of com- joners tg le’members of cither. thus removing the bi-parti- Lure, the office of high: will not be created as a statutory | office, so that Ue commission may | PERKURE, as an employe, a higlnway | bn inecr and not be bound hy the! 000 salary limit governing. con- Hulional and statutory offic ¥ ‘Che appointments must |: ‘initted to thevsenate for confi linn, If the presitent pro Lempnre af the senale fails to make appoint: ments in time for confirmation by the senate, then the ointive | power will pass Crom his hands and into other hands whieh will be! designated, y engineer
[ [ 17.9373717194, 725.2319331055, 342.4145512695, 2129.4013066406 ], [ 34.4898910522, 346.5519104004, 344.3479003906, 550.1452636719 ], [ 36.3510055542, 578.4185180664, 339.690246582, 711.2551879883 ] ]
[ 17.9373717194, 346.5519104004, 344.3479003906, 2129.4013066406 ]
[ 555 ]
[ 52, 18, 50 ]
HARLAN DRAGONS TO PLAY JACKET. Game Promises ty Be Mast lxeit- ing of Season, Is Last Home Game,
The Harlan Dragans will offer Lie opposition tonight in the b lkotball pume of the season in the hissh school yeym. Girls and tufys will be on the menu and a great ame is expected in both stints, Fdwards, Ball et al, are in -finest shape of Lhe season and give the best shew of passing and hooting that they lave ever dighel ap, if the appositiog does not ine tefere Loo much, Any it will be a wame worth ahy man's tine to see. ‘The fins game is murded for. Welock and the boys game will Cal low. this, s (he last same with a conference for at home. ven- thirty MEETS TROT Troop 3h Boy Scouts held they egular meeting at the First Rap-. tist Chureh Monday evening. Drill «Robert Smith, lant scoutmaster, Alleysiance Lo the flag was pledge: (alk was given hy Guy terly an behavior of boys, remerdless of whether Chey are sconts ot not, © Games were played and thes the a:
[ [ 329.0521235352, 2637.0396113281, 647.1322636719, 3343.2167363281 ], [ 337.9816589355, 2443.6667480469, 633.6166381836, 2523.7456054688 ], [ 339.2696228027, 2535.4543457031, 641.8477172852, 2609.865234375 ] ]
[ 329.0521235352, 2443.6667480469, 647.1322636719, 3343.2167363281 ]
[ 556 ]
[ 26, 39, 44 ]
Young Archaeologist and Wife Find Evi- denee of Early Life. FRENCH PAST REVEALED BY GROTTO HUNT
» Par storie France i: giving uy fragment atler fragment buried past to Lhe ox nad courage of a and his i Down in the geologically ancient }fouthills of the Pyrenes, M. Nor- \bert Gasteret far mare than 1 : has been exploring eaves, ‘yvottos and underground rivers, Lilis witiring search for braces of Fan extinet civilization, tas by ne imeans been barren af resuils, [is riiost recent success, aided by his ‘wife, was the diseyvery uf a grot- fo, anee ihe home of prehistor ‘amen, not far from his carlior dis- ‘coveries at Manlespan, in the de- !wartment of Haute-Caronne, | ‘The grotto, to whieh access is Pe difficult, is 1,200 metres ong, [and inchides many spacious ca -dors, According to M. Custeret, "the most important vestige of an- cient life which he discovered is a ‘primitive staircase. While wurk- ing his way ite the remotest cor- ‘ners of Une cavern, he eneountered ha wall of clay wheh spemed to ren- dev further progress impossible, In- vestigation showed thab deen holes chad heen cut into dhe barrier, al- fording, hand and foot-holds some- hat on tae principle of a madera bstairway, and making ib easy ta Lpass ta Gie othe, side. : | He alsa found numerous byonze nul iron instruments, carved ant-| Jers of deer, and potlery made | dyam the clay which comprised most of the walls, of the grotto. | Many sheletons were. foond in. ane of the galleries, which had evi- dently been used as the regular burial chamber of the cave dwel-! Jers, Iade mounds of day had! heen hastily piled up over the corpses, 26 is shown by the ime, pressions still left in the mounds. Scholar: are awaiting with in-| Aerest, the detailed deseription of his findines, which M. Gasleret is expeeted to publish, ‘This latest. discavery of the young scholar-ad- | ventures is considered equally as! important as his new famous ¢ ploration and discereries, in tt! underground tiver-caverns af Mone lesan, Shripned to hathing trunks, andes in hand and, mall package of matehes in his! mouth, M. Castereé planged into j the stream al Ue point where it] dropped ito subterranean —re- cesses, Coming again to the sur-j onder the rim of the rave,! he found himself, hy the ail of! matches and candle, iy a series of: elay-walied caverns. Hig enb-: sequent discoveries, which made him famous were similar bo thes of his latest Find,
[ [ 339.8016047363, 717.3372797852, 657.0599370117, 2436.3400273438 ], [ 362.6799621582, 583.1158447266, 659.3568725586, 688.1936645508 ], [ 358.1435852051, 349.8592529297, 658.4353027344, 563.7872314453 ] ]
[ 339.8016047363, 349.8592529297, 659.3568725586, 2436.3400273438 ]
[ 557 ]
[ 10, 17, 41 ]
SPAIN’S CABINET HAS RESIGNEL King Expected to Appoint New Premier Who Will Form New Cabinet,
Aandi Riviera, bu ¢ entire met also resimed, but will mest later today iv annonnee their resignation off Spain (Prima ete remier of Spain, has re- must and the king hag a resignation, The king was © so Berongner to form a new © If Berenguer refuse Count Guaboloar may be asked Lo brad the new rabinet, The meeting al the War Office ttendend by Gen, dulin Ar: “respo, Minister of War, tose n diurjo, director of the Civil Guard, and Gen, Rrilin ‘ vera, aptnin general af Catalonia, who arrived his morning from Pareo- Font. Ho the new eshinet headed hy Gen, Berengues, it will probally be omilit in eharacter, Count Guaheloar, menloned 2s alte live far premier, is a civilian and the present Minister of Publie Works,
[ [ 653.2741083984, 2346.7920527344, 962.5925908203, 3005.6786503906 ], [ 662.7890014648, 2125.6345214844, 957.858215332, 2226.7575683594 ], [ 658.6995849609, 2242.2253417969, 960.4694213867, 2322.1086425781 ] ]
[ 653.2741083984, 2125.6345214844, 962.5925908203, 3005.6786503906 ]
[ 558 ]
[ 14 ]
Pr: an eecnomie vonstitution, uevard. ing ta Riehard Riedl, representa. tive of the Austrian seetian of the nals IED -Kurupe must hve Interaational Chamber of Cam- mere, heal oes the chambers jan ta the Intemational conference far the Preataent of. ‘Poreiyeness, believes: Ueak ver the iiffleuitics, ie movement in favor of pu Reanamig Union of ‘Kurope ed Into the realm pt fi 7
[ [ 647.2000117188, 3085.9067988281, 962.7536625977, 3419.8554082031 ] ]
[ 647.2000117188, 3085.9067988281, 962.7536625977, 3419.8554082031 ]
[ 559 ]
[ 61, 63 ]
Weyment, lnglad, (680 ‘Pa only eal) recived ty the Joel firs heigade darhye a month was vs A burning motorcar.
[ [ 961.4285883789, 3329.968078125, 1280.0099492188, 3431.8214726563 ], [ 1024.8077392578, 3297.1042480469, 1223.6011962891, 3321.255859375 ] ]
[ 961.4285883789, 3297.1042480469, 1280.0099492188, 3431.8214726563 ]
[ 560 ]
[ 55, 57 ]
New York (fie. Precidieart WE iam Green, of the Amorienn Ped Lien of Lathor, Nhere today due tacariie a tinueuuds uf garment worl Humight and teuareew ona etiihe eal which ix expeeted (ope ult in a watkent of 18,000 works Tan wall vey
[ [ 965.2677607422, 3082.0628046875, 1277.488953125, 3282.8641972656 ], [ 1010.584777832, 3054.2429199219, 1237.0594482422, 3079.9252929688 ] ]
[ 965.2677607422, 3054.2429199219, 1277.488953125, 3282.8641972656 ]
[ 561 ]
[ 35, 23, 40 ]
NANCY HANKS PROGRAM GIVE? 's Clu Benefits Through orts of University Organi Fain
PRPOUR the efforts af the Nancy Hanks orsanization of L. Moor. the Wantan’s Chil iret rucets wee permitted to hear anah real Gilsal. al the meting Monday alteruoen, Mik wave a Rosiniry Havngedier aling "Phe Watelmen,” which was a purtrayap af ibe lie of Christ. Miss Tommie Stevens winner af Une ies prize prem in the Monthly nuggandie read 2 group uf bor produetints. Miss Wave Coleman sume whi: Sings,” whieh iad a aden rppeal to her Misses Ls ‘speich apd Culepau preved then selves to be artist's when thoy ace “Roses of Phe $ogroup on songs from the mast ors the h af all whe san by Mise Veri,. Gatun Adan atnl Hhalls, wha is assacisted wit Hee de Joven, fern i aisseciate of Metropolitan Qpera ta, Aves entitled “A xt Was presented by) a grunp of iis matic students af Le Mera vioea wasn eredit. to ab wha ter! nest The Cheme of te play way it really is. of Twa Pace
[ [ 965.8659052734, 2353.3543085937, 1281.0933232422, 3042.813171875 ], [ 970.0345458984, 2128.1459960938, 1272.5251464844, 2229.9831542969 ], [ 972.1524658203, 2249.1481933594, 1279.7976074219, 2322.4152832031 ] ]
[ 965.8659052734, 2128.1459960938, 1281.0933232422, 3042.813171875 ]
[ 562 ]
[ 1, 2, 25, 45 ]
SCIENCE WINNING GREAT FIGHT ON MALARIA IN NORTH RHODESIA Methods of Fighting Scourage Have No# Been Diselosed, Bur Great City Expected 'to Spring Up in Area,
Cape ‘Town !CP—She Willian Simpson, Director of ‘ropieal Hy- iene at the Ross Institute, lon- don, who recently velurned here from Northern Rhodesia, slated Lat in a few y litng mala will have practically disappeared from thab part of Northern Rhode. ia in whieh the vast copper fields are situated. Willian has made a thorough investigation of ihis area-—which many believe will in the next few ¥ develop a jereater ity than Hit whith has sprung np around the It quities are to be followed var! next year by a visil fran Sir Mi colm Waison of the Ross Institute whu is to see how by taal Gare the awark of er q The omelhads hy ‘scourge is ta he dete closed but Sir Willism ted bluntly +h great deal of the malaria ex today js due to Lhe carelessn or ignorance of the peuple, pare tieultrly af the nati Both are undoubtedly theve but a inere sig- Dilficunt f wick he has per haps evetlooked has hean brought out this week hy Dr, d, He Mik- chell, the Chief Medical Officer of the Unien—lhe pawer of the w in persnading: the primi rs that the white man’s sige ietite is not joed far him, This pawer af Wie wileh nti rwas revealed during: the recent fepidemic in Natal and Zatuland /Whey £oven Europeans, (51 Indians and nm ves and 26,000 natives died, [Thera y me outery at Wie time a fack 1,900,- (000 quinine lallets ware issued dnt [the natives were persuaded not ty plake thea, The witeh doctors Jwent so fir as to persuade Lhe ‘tives, Haat the “povernment's: medi- “cine 3 Iniended to kiIE them, jhut as dmprevement and rerover usunily fullowed its wae they fell phavis on the story that it would -causey impotenee sav sterility, for more quinine, w ‘The use of effective remedies was thus seriously delayed and na- tives dived daily iy the -hyndred. | So seriously is the position re- ardel today hat a special vection of the Department of Public Health hax hee appointed to Womafaria for it dias now ape parently been rccagnized the uuining is merely a palliative, wbiil wu effective ane. What is wanted, Dr. Mitehett! , is a special and adequate permanent organization Vor dual ine with malar’ uy; —for continuous Iy carrying on educative preven- e and fivki experimental work and research aun for givin vial assi ance daring opidemics,
[ [ 657.492309082, 1221.8348994141, 971.92840625, 2108.8285527344 ], [ 973.4411005859, 1213.9451289062, 1289.5452275391, 2123.942078125 ], [ 668.2211303711, 1028.1063232422, 1292.0440673828, 1126.9064941406 ], [ 669.3076171875, 1134.1025390625, 1282.6506347656, 1190.5347900391 ] ]
[ 657.492309082, 1028.1063232422, 1292.0440673828, 2123.942078125 ]
[ 563 ]
[ 33, 53 ]
New Yorke (Rie) duit Mirvar in i copyrighted stare te day said Chat Cal, Chay, A. Lind: hence oad his wife, 4 1 Aane Morrow, expoch te herr Parents on ar about April 1 In view af Chat antici afory afin, the vontiunert, Gbadhe rich tens re served a suite Cor his wife ine tlie Hlirkaess Pavilion of the Plesby- teria Hagpilal here,
[ [ 1286.4423212891, 3150.1533808594, 1602.3258671875, 3432.8378300781 ], [ 1303.5485839844, 3115.1479492188, 1587.4205322266, 3146.2116699219 ] ]
[ 1286.4423212891, 3115.1479492188, 1602.3258671875, 3432.8378300781 ]
[ 3489, 7270, 3850, 4590, 564, 2332, 2134, 4500, 8057, 2012 ]
[ 34, 22, 32 ]
CORNWELL IN SAME STUDIO SARGENT USED Murals for Los An geles Public Library Near Completion.
London, 01 "tall Corre deeny he Ehe Paited Pre: sponcient's Ime imsal tins whith will adom Lhe Los Angeles Publie Library sae uearing campletinn, in a Ch. Tena stndio which, duriously enough, one of the richest in dle painting tradidian af Ameri » Ht is in dhetsanie sttinlie which Joh singer Sargent and idwin Austin Abbey weed in everuting their irmmortal decorations for th: toston Mollie. Library that, 2ran Cornwell celebtleed American ay tist ia finishing his. se ies of pau. iniwht be called “The Vageant of tind California? Carnwell alreaay his soon his calossat song of whieh PM feed ln height and ein deneth, He stilt has a yours wark te do an then, rs vpsarderl one of Uh great colori: Ameriea, Cary well, in his prosent labor of love, displayed anatbes side ie pls genius in ereuting the designs fer th. decorations. fy this commis jon Cornwell is the historian; well p fol Lhe panels will diepkiy an armlivs history ef off Southern ta ifernia, ils early winbitis arel gradual develore ment. Rar yen sont the pai ter The panels show the setlement of Southern Cafifornia in the when Cle Mesi (|) dominal the Jand, Tr show haw the monks tanght settlers, wha heeunse of the ideal climate and uinimdance of will food never the carly know what toll omnes, how senve and spins end manufacture all sorts af things from cloth So poltery Fven the svatfalding fied by th. came which Save yen aimd Abbey worked au and there ae om in | whith (hase yereat Amen cam oiiisters anes owned ant iseL Cornwell ar stil As ole the ressan why Hie creat Amey iean aidear rather than ta ni onigghit. die infers pr ferred toowork in Anueriv, Found in the rersak ance made ty Vielay Hag, inet af tiekary, nity. at tnaded hip aee di! could be dane ayer ccuniately: arnt mere digparsionaleds she rea Feo a gteak Gietiiae, hth ses te ime: and spiee. Cornwell raaintane. Le cam fee the purpas, af hideny bee beter fron a distance ed oe oeeal thea: sural miles. Me Forks in cian eet! olaure areurate: percpertive af it. incite here thats doe roubd if de core tno elas fa dds cayiah sit.
[ [ 1288.9583125, 1402.6459345703, 1606.2040410156, 3100.0409550781 ], [ 1298.8472900391, 1016.0520019531, 1606.3560791016, 1237.8380126953 ], [ 1297.5552978516, 1243.4462890625, 1599.9233398438, 1354.8586425781 ] ]
[ 1288.9583125, 1016.0520019531, 1606.3560791016, 3100.0409550781 ]
[ 565 ]
[ 51, 60 ]
Uncle Ghen Says: Ay Gorton Beane Scheibel
“Tol tik beta spe yeolels Gor yoone'ns ter in? gal wat Gade wie spend Mest elonidy aed colter, nies cubier ay west ation inh pre bahly Light snowy in ev kreime eres portion tonight. Wednesday far and colder,
[ [ 1613.1004023437, 3208.3345332031, 1919.4208378906, 3433.6378789063 ], [ 1627.0615234375, 2651.5366210938, 1906.5700683594, 2722.2126464844 ] ]
[ 1613.1004023437, 2651.5366210938, 1919.4208378906, 3433.6378789063 ]
[ 566 ]
[ 12, 24, 47 ]
JOKE ENDS IN TRAGED' Policeman Palally Wounded Whe: Cain Is Playtully Pointed ay Hin.
NOVICE (eile EU booed TEA ing vheir rounds KL. imnieutt hight policeme rage of Frei ab 220 a nn, Weanientt waukl have a Jitth: upooyery hands," he tol sugghingly. Pract i Tohe Vragiv [mt his pistal trom a drawer. POST den playfuliy paked thes me ind suns ture) sn wes leeddentaliy : The bullet bil Larnnientt abave Ge righh eye. Titunieutti. 9 haspitel wit live. eotaken te Nevin i hoje far bin be
[ [ 1603.7713007812, 2172.2842402344, 1923.4684453125, 2631.6561894531 ], [ 1611.9876708984, 1997.1440429688, 1917.8011474609, 2075.5451660156 ], [ 1614.3604736328, 2087.9990234375, 1918.7581787109, 2146.8044433594 ] ]
[ 1603.7713007812, 1997.1440429688, 1923.4684453125, 2631.6561894531 ]
[ 567 ]
[ 16, 30, 31 ]
WOULD MAKE DRY AGENTS ENFORCE LAY Enforeers Should Be Strong Believers: 0 Volstead Act, Mitehell.
Wrsddnglan, — 1% Atk eral Mitehell tas his way, probs tion erfrermen. offivers wilh not be drinkura bat-sto Che emeinry wilt be sincere believers in the Eyotetaa Lael, PPhe hel ef Use ju mint, wha worki bear ts burden ine depart uf dey enforcement resporsibility under the Wilansen bi heine peamsidercd: by he Neuse ey per ti “unex commilter, revaled his v a lengli ielter mule public toe Ne endorsed the bi ia! ewe before Lhe hose eo tifare conelusivn oF Ihonrings, and Surwarded theo oression oft hiv persomal upinions Ha fow Laure later. owe apt Frail just Qheslionel By Ci (OM, Mitehells views: were van ver to a priv tained in an ans \ citizen who had called attention to inquiries beinge nade by w jus+ tice deperimeny agent eoneering candidales to a Uniled: Slates netr- Ishulship The ¢cHiven’s anime a8 withheld. ving the investigation wag mitey his nirsetlon, the attern Heraeval defined his purpase ait ‘obliig all Lhe information thal i available abuul any eatulidd which bears on his qualifications for the post and his probable effi+ jones.” entalives und. AL th, hearing, iepres Vochraa, Denoerat, M slong, Republican Oklahoma, nad inquired whether dry agents should nab wedga Lhomselyes : to obstain Srom— liquer | driniing., Mitehell wrote (hat he believed “that ne man whe makes [racliee of drinking intovieating Hyver ar who has definite or pranennced viv my opposition do prohibition bye Iona, daring (his administratios, in any park having direetly to cn dec thy aational prohibition a with Lie prosecution of ur
[ [ 1612.3269648437, 749.0292353516, 1931.1950078125, 1981.9116826172 ], [ 1621.6987304688, 358.8682861328, 1919.3612060547, 570.655456543 ], [ 1621.7202148438, 590.2022705078, 1921.3372802734, 722.9426879883 ] ]
[ 1612.3269648437, 358.8682861328, 1931.1950078125, 1981.9116826172 ]
[ 5511, 2700, 1057, 8101, 6572, 6321, 8881, 4792, 568, 1478, 8140, 2255, 8528, 3665, 2520, 6882, 8418, 229, 2026, 626, 754, 7672, 6393, 1274, 8702 ]
[ 49 ]
District feputy Jodnsap of Ash Tard vieited thee loeul wind. Mtr Ehelr resus enn! eee tae exe und addresses, a ba was served fe the uf members: pen nt. Anrouncemel was nid (hat Ue anual Elk y | Ministest show would be singed an March
[ [ 1925.6303095703, 3201.2603144531, 2243.9130253906, 3418.5621953125 ] ]
[ 1925.6303095703, 3201.2603144531, 2243.9130253906, 3418.5621953125 ]
[ 569 ]
[ 46, 8 ]
Facts of Disasters Would Be Made Public
Washington, eb a Tegislatiet to foree publication of Cammerce Departmenk invent iertions inta at disasters HL bre taken op by the Stent, Commnerse Conmimiths Thursday, Chairman oir the Sey mn i aie daday dorine di-cus- Men ot yeuds day ertsh at Kan < CHL where fhe persans we up is
[ [ 1923.7463984375, 2925.9771113281, 2242.9796757813, 3150.4242558594 ], [ 1928.2995605469, 2831.6198730469, 2243.431640625, 2910.9909667969 ] ]
[ 1923.7463984375, 2831.6198730469, 2243.431640625, 3150.4242558594 ]
[ 570, 1539, 5836 ]
[ 4, 38 ]
(Washington, C1. The british anouncement that vonstruclion of wo erulsers has been cuiezled as pH friendly disarmament qustur jiaklertash aol chute, desi Au mislead our people,” Senator MeKetlir, Dom, Tenn, told the peeuute tuduy. MeBellir said work vided on 1h erntiss Mure rey uid Norionvbertind, wheat Peonder Macbuusld visited the ‘Pnited ytales last summer He fart valsa red a dispaleh fran beet Hon stating work had never been hegin oon either af the cruises
[ [ 1931.7465205078, 462.4596247559, 2252.6488652344, 836.0427861328 ], [ 1939.6372070312, 372.8641662598, 2246.875, 449.7545471191 ] ]
[ 1931.7465205078, 372.8641662598, 2252.6488652344, 836.0427861328 ]
[ 5858, 571 ]
[ 21, 27, 37 ]
FIVE DIE IN PLANE CRASH NEAR AIRPORT Accident Occurs as Plane Almost Reaches Airport.
Kansas Cily (M9—A, black mark in the snow in an apen field bere j marked the pluee toduy where five {persons were crushed and burned j to death in a flaming airplane. or Pilot Dyke Laudenan, apparent- Hy struggling with a Gelling: motor, Had anade an effort ta Tand his Travellaiy G passenger carrigy at a time when he could sec lie swinging: | on aind red qnarkers of Fairfax, Airport, his goal, just aomile awny, Pho airplane whieh’ flew, fram Wichila, Kansas, late Monday was j behind sehedule and darkness had closed iq when the trouble de- velapod, , Laudcman, losing altitude, 2 cording to with Heron aa hulle telert eau kbs vertical baule Lo crush from about itn engine y id the exatl Hwas enveloped in fumes before it Hfell. ‘Tho motor was broken in Hhalt, bath sections digging inte the hard gsound. ‘The sla, framework: amd undercarriage was bwisted and char Everything else, includ=| ing: the bodies of the pitol and his: 160 feet. ‘The eruw of a four passengers, Was berned. ‘Phe dead were Pilot Myles Larue: | man, City, Miss, Margaret! Dien, Sl dsepa, Ma, C. RL Mes! Kinnen, Chicarg, cof Ui Globe Mn, : Vlw plane was aperated by hel Central Airline, a subsidiary of! Une Universal Aviation Corp. | ’aul Golisharough, view pr dent of Universal, with offices in St, Louis, will arrive today do in- yale the erash, Attendants Fairfux airport, were preparing: Le fielt fap a dunding, and the reaminyy a8 the ole hee a atlowing spol apainst Lhe night: I, was Plyiayg low and roared onl Lae fied Gram Ue sauthy HO: McKinnon, Egwerl,' ser ‘ily, map Heatre, Kauss iren was ame vn, an 3 Lond inthe Univers: and watehed Une ap: ing ran ch fram a windew, Suddenly hin verred and went From Urol, Te struck the ground witi terrific impaet, There was lis ayereomoent as fo whether it slarted tou burn before er after the erush. Witn. said there ¥ at deryde ble moment when the craft started downwind, ‘There wick a eras ial ver quickly, leay- fo explain the Tham fh veas ine thei pore on Wee,
[ [ 1931.2218623047, 1207.6051630859, 2253.6950078125, 2824.5687871094 ], [ 1940.1270751953, 848.3048706055, 2247.4633789062, 1068.8745117188 ], [ 1942.77734375, 1088.9400634766, 2248.9140625, 1196.3250732422 ] ]
[ 1931.2218623047, 848.3048706055, 2253.6950078125, 2824.5687871094 ]
[ 8066, 5127, 5641, 1546, 407, 3225, 285, 3111, 5547, 5422, 7476, 3897, 4666, 572, 7624, 842, 5839, 1244, 8032, 2020, 3432, 5357, 5873, 2675, 124, 509 ]
[ 0, 7, 13 ]
SEC. STIMSON SPEAKS TODAY TO AMERICANS Statement of Chief American Delegate to Conference Is Broadcast.
i Weeretary of State Menary 7 IStimson, chief of the American di Hlegation to this Tamiton Ny: Arms Conference, addressed the people af Americu today over the ivadio, 12:00, Secrelary Stim. son reviewed the progress of th conference to the present time, and stated put Lhe chief discussion in ithe various conferences aud con- jversetions which have heen heid Lsince the opening of the confe “eve abaul a weole ae had been ideveted mostly to a defining of each of the positions of the ‘five powers affiliating in, the The effort this far 8 been to hava cach of tie Ling powers, Amerina, Great Bribain, France, Italy, and Japan, uderstanding the corferenes woul then jiroceed to the next step. Seeratury Stimson reiterated that only the friendliest fecling and the moat genuine desire, ‘for success existed smong all the delegation He said that frequently he had been sought out by some reparter who jhad beat some gumou of wvcat dissension or of some. im: pending difficuily which migut ‘wreck Lhe conference. He said Lhut thus far there had nat been the alighlesb estrangement in Ue iscussions and that everything Was sding orderly. “We uve here to succeed,” sald Seerntary Stimson, “and. we are'go- ing’ la slay until the purpore pf | ihis ean ference has -heen o¢hie regardless. of what might, be they | difficuttivs-to: bi
[ [ 2252.495421875, 757.8703608398, 2579.4462285156, 1735.315125 ], [ 2264.8698730469, 358.3177490234, 2570.2775878906, 566.0004882812 ], [ 2259.9855957031, 593.5498046875, 2571.2160644531, 728.841003418 ] ]
[ 2252.495421875, 358.3177490234, 2579.4462285156, 1735.315125 ]
[ 573 ]
[ 11, 57, 72 ]
Celebration of Independence Day in That City and Elsewhere. Ory “Down With the Union Jack’’—Communists Raise a Disturbance, But. Dispersed.
BOMBAY.—UP)—Three hundred communist millworkers rushed the platform at Chowpathy sea face Sunday while a great crowd was holding an independence day meet- ing, pulled down the independence flags and sought to hoist the red flag in its . A disorderly scene followed. Communists de- nounced Mahatma Ghandi for his “lukewarm congressional pro- gram.” Eventually the communists were ejected. A number of women seated around the platform, among them the wife of Jawaharlal Nehru, president of the national congress, were rescued from their precarious position by adherents of their faction. This clash was the only serious one reported up to late Sunday. British officials had awaited the independence day celebration with some trepidation and police every- where had been greatly reinforced as a preventive of trouble. Huge processions were held bere and in New Delhi, Calcutta, Lahore and Ahmadabad, but the police had a comparatively easy task in = con- fining the demonstrations to rais- ing the national flag and shouts of “down with the union jack.” Made Independence Day. Sunday was celebrated in var- jous parts of India as “independ- ence day” in accordance with the decision of the all-India congress at Lahore last Christmas. A great meeting at the Bombay headquarters of the congressional committee opened the independence day program by hoisting the na- tional flag amid cries of “Long live the revolution,” “up with the na- tional flag,” and “down with the union jack.’ Speakers urged the crowd to carry on an unceasing but non-violent campaign to free the country from foreign domina. i(tantinviiaA on Pace ?® (nl 72 3}
[ [ 182.883458252, 2835.2550097656, 1049.6713818359, 5275.1666210938 ], [ 186.3679962158, 2186.9431152344, 1024.0837402344, 2456.7602539062 ], [ 180.592086792, 2516.4038085938, 1030.3361816406, 2803.849609375 ] ]
[ 180.592086792, 2186.9431152344, 1049.6713818359, 5275.1666210938 ]
[ 8167, 8556, 1358, 1464, 2235, 574 ]
[ 8, 96 ]
College View Girl, Promi. nent in Dramatic Cir- riee Succumbs
Miss Tillie Roth, well known in Lincoln dramatic circles, died Sun- day after a short illness. She was twenty-six years old. First showing talent when she took part in plays presented by College iVew high school, Miss Roth continued her studies in the dramtic department of the uni- versity school of music and soon gained recognition as an actress and entertainer. Last summer she took the lead- ing role in two plays presented on a chautauqua tour of the Rocky Mountain circuit under direction of C. Kk, Jones of Beatrice. She was to have taken the lead agai this summer with the same troupe. As an entertainer Miss Roth was much in demand, being called upon for many club and church functions. She was the daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. S. Roth, with whon she made her home at 6526 NJ street, College View
[ [ 233.9886676025, 5698.0960742187, 1073.6525830078, 7008.4346875 ], [ 244.8061065674, 5477.93359375, 1048.0290527344, 5672.4384765625 ] ]
[ 233.9886676025, 5477.93359375, 1073.6525830078, 7008.4346875 ]
[ 575 ]
[ 18, 93 ]
Los Angeles | Makes a Test Mooring Before Flying Northward
PARRIS ISLAND, 8S. C.-L?) The navy dirigible Los Angeles, returning from a cruise to Florida, made a test mooring at sunrise Sunday morning to the newly- erected mooring mast at the ma- rine corps base here and then left at 9:30 a. m. for the Lakehurst, N, J., pBaval air base. At 3:15 p. m, the dirigible was reported over Greensboro, N. C., heading north- east. The mooring Sunday morning was the second made by the Los Angeles at the mooring mast re- cently constructed here by navy engineers. The initial test for the new mast was made Friday night when the ship completed a twen- ty-four hour flight from Lake- hurst.
[ [ 252.8602038574, 7400.6825, 1102.9139355469, 8395.7579296875 ], [ 249.7282714844, 7173.5302734375, 1083.9197998047, 7382.9169921875 ] ]
[ 249.7282714844, 7173.5302734375, 1102.9139355469, 8395.7579296875 ]
[ 576, 3692 ]
[ 29, 2 ]
NEW YORK.—.?--James W. Garside, president of the De Forest radio company, Sunday night said the receivership action recently brought against the company in New Jersey was a “well devised plan to embarrass the corporation at a time when it is assuming a dominating position in the radiv tube industry.” Garside said the pending application for a receiver- sbip would be “vigorously con- tested.”
[ [ 276.9792834473, 8599.6483203125, 1121.0494335938, 9222.8878125 ], [ 283.2060241699, 8423.5927734375, 1107.6804199219, 8595.234375 ] ]
[ 276.9792834473, 8423.5927734375, 1121.0494335938, 9222.8878125 ]
[ 577 ]
[ 7, 44, 67 ]
Dead Broke and Hands Out But Unwilling to Concede How Money Shall Be Spent. BIG CITY TEMPTED, BUT MAY NOT TAKE IT.
CHICAGO--L?)—A_ — $20,000,000 rescue offer dangled before the eyes of Chicago's impoverished governments Sunday, but there was no asurance they would grab it. It was not that the money would not be welcome. Even to a community $290,000,000 in debt, as Chicago is reported to be, $20,- 000,000 is a considerable sum. It would at least pay off some of the back salaries and keep up neces- sary expenses for awhile. But the conditions that came with the offer by the citizens’ re- diet committee were what alarmed some of the public officials. These conditions were that the officials must agree to a rigid economy program, and that this must be under the supervision of the citi- zens’ committee. The money is to be raised thru the sale of tax an- ticipation warrants to heavy tax- payers. | Alderman Oscar Nelson, admin- istration leader in the city coun- | cil, declared the “elected public of- | ficials should not submit to the dictates of outsiders in the conduct of governmental business.” Altho not adverse to accepting help from the citizens’ committee, | Nelson said the committee's de- ciding how the money should be spent would “weaken, if not de- stroy, the confidence of the peo- ple in their elected officials." The school board likewise failed to rush in with a request for part ' of the $20,000,000, President Wal- iCantinuaead on Pawea A Ctol Ai
[ [ 1071.8533984375, 3938.5091601562, 1931.0639599609, 6058.9966992188 ], [ 1063.2829589844, 3604.6889648438, 1895.8797607422, 3896.8920898438 ], [ 1080.2390136719, 3353.8344726562, 1903.3455810547, 3551.7001953125 ] ]
[ 1063.2829589844, 3353.8344726562, 1931.0639599609, 6058.9966992188 ]
[ 578, 7654, 6410, 1259, 8148, 214, 3703, 8441, 4922, 8091, 8535 ]
[ 10, 40, 90 ]
DISASTER BEFALLS ARCTIC FLIERS Association “Opposed to Dry Enactment Makes Public Ite Findings
WASHINGTON .—(?)—A = study of the Swedish system of handling alcoholic beverages was made pub- lic Sunday by the association against the prohibition amend- ment, with the contention that Sweden during its operation had reduced by half the number of ar- rests for drunkeness and crimes of violence. In addition, the state- ment said, Sweden had reduced per capita consumption of liquor by 35 per cent and was deriving revenues of more than $30,000,000 yearly from the trade. Under the system, the statement explained, monopolies were set up whose dividends were so held down that there was no incentive to push the sale of intoxicants. The quan- tity of liquor purchasable was re- stricted to conform to the habits ‘of the buyer, with that allowed persons who used it with injuri- ous effects greatly reduced or en- tirely cut off.
[ [ 1054.2177783203, 1707.2866259766, 1902.3797558594, 2937.1029003906 ], [ 127.0446395874, 811.2525024414, 7137.2001953125, 1261.8021240234 ], [ 1059.9626464844, 1471.2674560547, 1899.8820800781, 1679.0789794922 ] ]
[ 127.0446395874, 811.2525024414, 7137.2001953125, 2937.1029003906 ]
[ 579 ]
[ 13, 76 ]
Fourteen States to Be Rep. resented at Irrigation Powwow.
M'COOK, Neb.-—1— Delegates have begun to arrive here for the conference of fourteen middle western state governors, or their representatives, concerning water conservation and irrigation. The meeting will open Monday. It is the purpose of the meeting to form a permanent organization to pro- mote the interests of water con- ‘servation and irrigation. South Dakota, North Dakota and Wyoming are already repre- sented. Each of the fourteen states will have two delegates in attend- ance. These are to form the per- manent interstate organization thru which proponents of the ‘league expect to prevent waste ot! water in western rivers and thei: tributaries by the erection of a series of dams, with the water now wasted to be used for irrigation.
[ [ 1101.9182177734, 6442.0272265625, 1949.6832226562, 7539.8375195313 ], [ 1093.9638671875, 6243.9248046875, 1926.1690673828, 6436.5 ] ]
[ 1093.9638671875, 6243.9248046875, 1949.6832226562, 7539.8375195313 ]
[ 580 ]
[ 41, 64 ]
Violent Upheaval in a Gre. cian Island in the Ae- gean Sea
ATHENS.--L? Reports from the islands of Psara and Anti- Psara, in the Aegean sea, said many houses had collapsed Sunday in a violent earthquake. Other buildings showed big cracks. The inhabitants were panic stricken and deserted their homes for the open country. No loss of life was reported. The shocks were con- tinuing when the report was dis- patched, | Psara, also Known as Ipsara, ia about five miles in length and nearly that broad. Anti-Psara, an adjacent inlet, is much smaller Psara, the seaport of the island of that name, is a considerable town.
[ [ 1129.2002001953, 7913.282109375, 1974.0085400391, 8775.4473828125 ], [ 1133.5521240234, 7697.1938476562, 1950.2130126953, 7901.2412109375 ] ]
[ 1129.2002001953, 7697.1938476562, 1974.0085400391, 8775.4473828125 ]
[ 5569, 8162, 8547, 581, 4934, 3695, 6833, 8087, 8443, 4766 ]
[ 53, 63 ]
HOLLY W OO D—CY?-Grant Withers, screen actor, and Lo- retta Young, also of the films, Sunday chartered an airplane, flew to Yuma, Ariz., and were married, The couple returned here by plane.
[ [ 1141.99890625, 8880.4100390625, 1987.2525585937, 9226.1133984375 ], [ 1140.86328125, 8789.541015625, 1963.609375, 8868.701171875 ] ]
[ 1140.86328125, 8789.541015625, 1987.2525585937, 9226.1133984375 ]
[ 6834, 582 ]
[ 34, 42 ]
Republican Member House Judiciary Committee Dis- cusses the Proposal With Hoover.
WASHINGTON.—(7—The wet ‘and dry controversy on capitol hill again is pointing toward President | Hoover and his law enforcement commission, some house wets de- termining Sunday to seek a show- down from the commission on pro- posals for 2.75 beer. Representative Dyer, republican, Missouri, author of a 2.75 percent beverage measure, called Saturday on Mr. Hoover to discuss this pro- posal, and announced he would in- vite members of the law enforce- ment commission before the house judiciary committee to express themselves on the modification fs- sue. The Missourian is ranking republican on the judiciary com- mittee and therefore in a position to speak with some authority. He ) expressed confidence that the com- | mittee would take up his bill some- /time this week. He was confident 'members of the commission would accept an invitation to appear be- fore the committee. He was cer- tain he would ask them, if they did, their views on 2.75 beer. Showdown Faces President. Mr. Hoover and the treasury chiefs also face another prohibition showdown this week in filling the | office of comptroller of customs | for the port of New York. Over the protest of the Anti-Saloon league, the two senators from New _ Jersey, both republicans, have rec- ,|ommended the reappointment of | Arthur F. Foran. The Anti-Saloon league Foran with lax pro- _hibition enforcement. Foran has | replied with a complaint that the opposition to him is “political and religious.” He is a Catholic. The New Jersey senators have de- _manded a report from the prohibi- tion service of a mysterious raid A title atin, oe ee: Se te ee. ee A
[ [ 1926.5219775391, 2833.9432421875, 2786.749140625, 5167.9962109375 ], [ 1936.4606933594, 2515.0424804688, 2769.2658691406, 2805.0637207031 ] ]
[ 1926.5219775391, 2515.0424804688, 2786.749140625, 5167.9962109375 ]
[ 4768, 7648, 8449, 8548, 583, 3687, 3338, 1355, 5708, 205, 1454, 6396, 1270, 8086, 6842, 2234, 4924 ]
[ 15, 86, 95 ]
Holdup Man an Takes $25 From Mrs. W. Cummings Sunday Nicht. BY NEGRO
airs, William Cummings, 1/150 M, reported to the police Sunday night that she had been held up at 8:30p m_ by a negro, who took —=$25 between Sitxeenth and Seven- teenth on M. According to her story she was walking home from work when the man approached her from be- hind and seized her pocketbook. | Brandishing a small automatic re- volver he threatened to shoot if ) she did not release the purse. She | pleaded with him, saying that the | purse was a gift but that he could | have the money. The negro ther removed the money, threw the | purse at her and left. | Mrs, Cummings described the /negro as young, small and very |dark and well dressed with s | brown overcoat and brown stripec cap.
[ [ 1949.2650195312, 5588.53796875, 2798.592890625, 6676.2779492188 ], [ 1954.9284667969, 5345.783203125, 2789.3305664062, 5557.7734375 ], [ 1961.4904785156, 5219.2016601562, 2803.3937988281, 5327.1977539062 ] ]
[ 1949.2650195312, 5219.2016601562, 2803.3937988281, 6676.2779492188 ]
[ 584 ]
[ 27 ]
ASHLAND, Neb.--Arch Ledger- wood of Omaha was severely in- jured Sunday afternoon when he was caught in the conveying chain at the Swift ice house bere. His right leg was broken in two places and muscles of his left leg were badly torn, Ledgerwood and Frank Drodda also of Omaha, were repairing the chain in the east end of the ice house when a workman at _ the west end of the plant put the con. veyer in motion, Both his leg: caught and Ledgerwood was car. ried several yards before fellow _workers could stop the conveye: jand extricate him. ) He was attended here by Dr. C _F. Kirkpatrick and then taken t¢ 'a hospital at Omaha.
[ [ 1977.1943408203, 7031.76453125, 2814.2723339844, 8033.2857617188 ] ]
[ 1977.1943408203, 7031.76453125, 2814.2723339844, 8033.2857617188 ]
[ 585 ]
[ 21, 75, 89 ]
LOSE MONEY AND JEWELRY Chicago Man, Wife and Sister-in-Law Robbed aft @0 000
CHICA GO,—4#-—Returning home from a party early Sunday Nathan Freed, Chicago cap man- ufacturer, his wife and sister-in- law, Mrs. Rose Diamond of Kan. sas City, Mo., were robbed of $9,- 000 in cash and jewelry. The robbery occurred in a garage in the rear of the Freed home. Freed reported to police he lost $50 ir cash and a wrist watch while bis wife lost two diamond rings, 4 wrist watch and diamond bracelet valued collectively at $5,800. Mra Diamond, here on a visit, said she lost four rings and a wrist watch of $3,200 total worth.
[ [ 1997.4974414062, 8400.0584765625, 2832.6534375, 9225.0626171875 ], [ 2001.4916992188, 8054.1977539062, 2841.5678710938, 8169.7041015625 ], [ 1995.1865234375, 8193.32421875, 2828.3159179688, 8390.42578125 ] ]
[ 1995.1865234375, 8054.1977539062, 2841.5678710938, 9225.0626171875 ]
[ 586 ]
[ 3, 36, 39 ]
KILLING OF BOY GUARD CAUSE OF COMMOTION Youth of Sixteen Is Shot bj a Sergeant at Detroit While Fleeing From His Slaver.
ee . DETROIT.—(?—The killing Saturday night of a young 1ia- tional guardsman as he was flee ing from a sergeant who had gone to his home to arrest him promises to result in an intensive investiga- tion by state authorities. From Governor Green down officials of the state militia were unanimous in expressing a desire for getting at all the facts im the case. Adju- tant General John 8. Bersey de- clared that, on the baris of first. re- ports, the killing was unwarranted. Major Frank Rine, commander of the battalion of the 125th infan- try, to which the victim, Stanley Prusinowski, belonged, would make no official statement other than to say that the slayer, Ser- geant Joseph Poggione, twenty- eight, apparently had conformed to regulations by firing a warning shot before he directed a bullet at the fleeing youth. | Members of Prusinowski's fam- ily said he was sixteen years old, but Major Rine pointed out that he must have represented his age at eighteen or more in order to enlist in the national guard which he ‘Joined last August. Poggione was not arrested. He was questioned by police, who released him on in- structions of Assistant Prosecutor Van H. Ring. | ‘The charges against Prusin- owski, according to Major Rine, "were absence from drill and theft of government property. He gave no specifications on which the lat- ter count was based, but said that numerous pieces of property had disappeared from the armory and | (Continued on Page 2. Col. 6.) ’ :
[ [ 2813.4361621094, 4091.907109375, 3661.5511425781, 6244.4644726563 ], [ 2811.7971191406, 3403.9221191406, 3638.5395507812, 3760.8159179688 ], [ 2807.095703125, 3812.1779785156, 3629.2211914062, 4092.2192382812 ] ]
[ 2807.095703125, 3403.9221191406, 3661.5511425781, 6244.4644726563 ]
[ 6404, 2245, 199, 3690, 587, 8146, 8532, 7642 ]
[ 19, 59, 60 ]
ROBBER KILLED IN A DUEL Shot to Death in Attempt to Hold Up a Chicago Rutrhoar
| CHICAGO—4—Merrill Me- Mann, thirty-two, a former resi- dent of Dubuque, la, was killed ‘Saturday night in a gun duel with a Cicero butcher whom he at- tempted to rob. Carrying the day's cash receipts in one hand and a revolver in the other, the butcher, Charles Borowiak, was climbing |the back steps to his apartment \above the shop when accosted by McMann. Borowiak opened fire, wounding his assailant three times. McMann retreated thru an ‘alley but had run only 100 yards |when he fell dead. McMann had |made his home in Cicero since leaving Dubuque several months oor
[ [ 2830.1182910156, 6610.0042773437, 3675.3616894531, 7507.3560742188 ], [ 2829.416015625, 6260.6938476562, 3672.9323730469, 6373.6674804688 ], [ 2834.2885742188, 6392.0400390625, 3671.4768066406, 6592.5747070312 ] ]
[ 2829.416015625, 6260.6938476562, 3675.3616894531, 7507.3560742188 ]
[ 588 ]
[ 6, 82, 88 ]
SOON OUT OF COLD STORAGE Members of Byrd Expedition Not Alarmed at Being Teahound.
LONG BEACH.— ?)—Don Wal- lace, amateur operator of radio station KGAM here, said he was in touch with the Byrd expedition near the south pole between 1 and 2 o'clock Sunday morning, and that the expedition is showing no concern over the possibility of be- ing icebound thru the winter. In- aes by Wallace of newspaper wee that there was some alarm fe for the exploration in the United States and that other na- tions had been asked to aid in reaching the group near the south Pan the operator answered: “Much ado about nothing. We ex- pect to be out of cold storage soon, Evidently there is more worrying ‘in *he United States than here at ‘the pole. We are taking all pre- |cautions, [t is true we are not larmed.,” | Wallace said the message sent by the operator was dictated per- sonaily by Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, in command of the expedi- tion,
[ [ 2855.3575488281, 7908.1131640625, 3698.4258984375, 9224.60265625 ], [ 2864.0329589844, 7543.5473632812, 3677.0573730469, 7658.796875 ], [ 2861.48828125, 7687.2846679688, 3690.1833496094, 7882.5639648438 ] ]
[ 2855.3575488281, 7543.5473632812, 3698.4258984375, 9224.60265625 ]
[ 7521, 6852, 6409, 202, 1516, 589, 3696, 8082, 3347, 6774, 8439, 7644, 4764 ]
[ 20, 35, 25, 33 ]
PRACTICAL JOKE HAS. A FATAL TERMINATION Woman Shot to Death anc Man Companion Wounded in Attempting a Fake Holdup.
ATLANTA.—CP) Police sought in vain Sunday for some explana- tion of the alleged blackmail tele- phone calls to the wife of Otis C. ‘Waller, which were made the basis Saturday night of an attempted “practical joke” that turned into tragedy with the death of a giri and the probable fatal shooting of her man companion. Confronted at his apartment door by & woman and man who commanded him to “stick ‘em up; we've got you,” Waller believed the blackmailers had come to carry out threats against his wife, and opened fire. When the smoke cleared he found a couple whom he knew as “William Warren” and his wife, Cora Belle, lying in the hallway ‘he girl dead and the mar wounded. The couple rented an /apartment from Waller. Officers said they had learned 'the victims of Waller's bullets were T, A, Watts, thirty-five, who has a wife and child living here. (Continued on Page 2. Col. 4.) So engrossed was Governor Weaver Sunday in a proposition which he hopes will help solve the state banking muddle that he worked all day at the capitol, even foregoing dinner at the executive mansion, The proposition the governor is working on has to do, at least in part, with the South Dakota bank- ing plan which he studied last week at Huron, The governor is expected to make his plan known Wednesday or Thursdady.
[ [ 3682.0565234375, 5646.1068164062, 4532.44640625, 6969.3326367188 ], [ 3706.4244433594, 7354.8695117187, 4554.5176953125, 8021.3751171875 ], [ 3696.701171875, 4937.7553710938, 4501.2319335938, 5278.5288085938 ], [ 3699.1516113281, 5344.4985351562, 4510.3115234375, 5631.9541015625 ] ]
[ 3682.0565234375, 4937.7553710938, 4554.5176953125, 8021.3751171875 ]
[ 2535, 1262, 590, 1360, 3699, 6838, 728, 2233, 8090, 8444, 4765, 4926, 6399 ]
[ 24, 68, 74 ]
AUTOMOBILE Three Springfield, 0., Youn; Men Crushed to Death Under Wheels.
WILMINGTON, O,—(?)—Three young m@i, identified by papers in their pockets as residents of Springfield, O., were crushed ta death beneath the wheels of a Ba)- timore & Ohio train which struck their automobile at RKeesville, ten miles from here, late Sunday. Papers indicated the men were James Gossett, twenty-five, Far! Gossett, twenty-four, and ©, J Smithson, twenty-five. The ap- proach of the crossing was coatec with snow and ice. Witnesses said the road was too slippery, and the car skidded into the path of the | train,
[ [ 3724.9027148437, 8389.059453125, 4559.1363476563, 9229.745234375 ], [ 3733.6716308594, 8045.3759765625, 4561.4165039062, 8148.740234375 ], [ 3726.59375, 8176.7436523438, 4546.5444335938, 8387.5732421875 ] ]
[ 3724.9027148437, 8045.3759765625, 4561.4165039062, 9229.745234375 ]
[ 4928, 4769, 8448, 8898, 1351, 715, 1582, 591, 8142, 8529, 2522, 2238 ]
[ 12, 52, 85 ]
That Controversy, However Allowed to Cool Off a * Bit—Stimson Visits MacDonald. FRANCE AND ITALY APART
LON DON—(LV-—Secretary of State Stimson, who thus far has been able to win the delegates of the other four powers to all his main points of procedure for the naval conference, Sunday con- ferred with Prime Minister Mac- Donald preparatory to the big five meeting Monday. The American secretary of state motored twenty miles from his country home to Cheequers to have his talk, and perhaps another cup of tea with the prime minister. The meeting Monday of the chiefs of the five delegations at 10 Downing Street will start the London parley on the second week of its work. The American delegation circles Sunday night tended to point to things accomplished thus far rather than to the unproductive situations, such as exists between ‘France and Italy. Thruout last week the Americans were able to win the delegations on all the main points of procedure put for- ward by Mr. Stimson in discus- ‘sions amore delegations and in the committee of the chief dele- gates. Avoia Cumbersome Committees. These points included one that the delegations should operate as units and not refer too much work to cumbersome technical commit- tees. Another favored interchange 4 between delegations by direct con- /vergations rather than in full meetings. A third sought con- struction of a thoro = ground- | work of confidence in the place of a bulwark of figures of needs and requirements. Still another was |that the conference should ap- | proach all questions conservatively | without consideration of radical changes in navies, such as aboli- tion of any special category, until _after thoro investigation had been made. The coming week sbould see the full couference program decided upon, this being the principal pur- pose of the big five meeting Mon- day. It is likely that Mr. Stim- son will preas for consideration first on the cruiser problem, which (Continued on Page 6. Col. 5.)
[ [ 4523.1741992187, 2843.4849902344, 5383.60265625, 5671.905390625 ], [ 4535.7456054688, 2518.6162109375, 5347.513671875, 2812.4489746094 ], [ 4528.16015625, 2345.59375, 5379.5190429688, 2468.5329589844 ] ]
[ 4523.1741992187, 2345.59375, 5383.60265625, 5671.905390625 ]
[ 6850, 200, 8461, 4783, 592, 1265, 1362, 3697, 8884, 2230, 4918, 5720, 7641, 1594, 1467, 8092 ]
[ 14, 99 ]
New York Department Store Cashier Retracts Hold- mn @tearw
NEW YORK.—(4) A Cashier in a department store who re- ported Saturday night he had been robbed of $5,500 of the store's cash by a lone holdup man Sunday con- fessed, police said, that he had taken the money himself. The cashier, John Blanchard, forty, told police a man approached his cage in the subbasement of Gimbel brothers store and robbed him of the money at gunpoint. Thru long hours of questioning he stuck to hist story. He even went to police headquarters Sunday morning and “pointed out two photographs as those of men resembling the holdup man. Both men were found to be in prison. Finally, police said, he confessed he made three trips out of the store during the day, each time handing over part of the stolen money to an alleged accomplice, Andrew Leone, thirty-one. Police searched Leone's house and found $4,566, They arrested him. The resi of the money was not found.
[ [ 4552.594609375, 6057.1307421875, 5409.4215039063, 7369.1754101563 ], [ 4556.4521484375, 5829.6005859375, 5385.6591796875, 6019.8901367188 ] ]
[ 4552.594609375, 5829.6005859375, 5409.4215039063, 7369.1754101563 ]
[ 8456, 4777, 5578, 593, 3698, 6395 ]
[ 30, 56, 70 ]
WOMAN IS KILLED BY TRAIN Husband Injured When Their Automobile in a Col. Heian
ES eS FRANKFORT, Ind.-(4)—Mrs. Harold Howard was killed, and her husband, president of the Hayes Body corporation of Indian- apolis, was seriously injured Sun- day when their automobile was struck by a@ train near Colfax, Ind. southwest of here. The couple was driving to Chicago to attend the automobile show. Howard came to Indianapolis severa! months ago from York, Pa., after the Hayes corporation acquired the Parry Boddy company. He formerly was advertising manager of a wire whee) corporation at Buffalo, N. Y.
[ [ 4579.0208789062, 7722.7840625, 5419.7222851563, 8550.487421875 ], [ 4573.1787109375, 7394.0361328125, 5423.3872070312, 7499.9169921875 ], [ 4574.3959960938, 7530.140625, 5412.7709960938, 7717.0146484375 ] ]
[ 4573.1787109375, 7394.0361328125, 5423.3872070312, 8550.487421875 ]
[ 594, 1349, 5574 ]
[ 17, 4 ]
Mrs. Katherine D. Joers, a resi- dent of Lincoln’ for over fifty years, died Sunday afternoon at her home, 1733 South Sixteenth street. She was seventy-seven years old. Mrs. Joers was the wi- dow of Charles F. Joers, pioneer Lincoln furniture dealer. She is survived by three sons and a daughter.
[ [ 4589.5662890625, 8733.5545703125, 5431.77453125, 9228.471796875 ], [ 4596.5336914062, 8570.669921875, 5432.041015625, 8738.578125 ] ]
[ 4589.5662890625, 8570.669921875, 5432.041015625, 9228.471796875 ]
[ 595 ]
[ 0, 51, 91 ]
Designer of Many of New. est Buildings in the Lin. coln School System. ARCHITECT HERE FORTY YEARS.
Ferd C, Fiske, seventy-three, architect in Lincoln forty years, died suddenly late Sunday night at bis home, 1600 South Twenty- first street. A heart attack was named by his physician as cause of death, He was the designer of many of the school buildings erected recently as part of the city’s expansion program. He had returned only a few weeks ago from a vacation trip to Havana. Born in New York state Seventy-two years ago, Mr. Fiske was graduated in architecture from Cornell university. He moved to Jows, but a short time later came to Lincoln and had resided here continuously since. He had offices in the Bankers Life build- ing and, according to a sister-in- Jaw, Mrs. H. C. M. Burgess, had several important projects on hand. Mr. Fiske is survived by his wife, Katherine; a brother, Louis Dunbar, Seattle; a sister, Mrs. R. J. Fleming, Des Moines, A daugh- ter, Helen, died several years ago. He was a member of Rotary, chamber of commerce, First Ply- /mouth Congregational church and a charter member of the Lincoln Country club. The body is at Cas- | tle, Roper & Matthews’. :
[ [ 5405.8929492187, 4101.153203125, 6256.7003125, 5899.8267773438 ], [ 5396.4985351562, 3783.4514160156, 6225.9428710938, 4059.3718261719 ], [ 5399.87890625, 3530.9865722656, 6233.623046875, 3730.4230957031 ] ]
[ 5396.4985351562, 3530.9865722656, 6256.7003125, 5899.8267773438 ]
[ 596 ]
[ 9, 61, 87 ]
FLIERS HEADING EASTWARD Army's Arctic Patrol Becom. ing Bunched on Home- ward Flicht.
BISMARCK.-~.?)—The army's Arctic patrol fliers, some of whose members have been widely separated on their long test flights, drew closer together Sunday as the main body got under way again on their homeward flight to Self- ridge field, Mich. Six planes which arrived here Saturday night left late Sunday for Fargo, and the nine ships at Beach, N. D., reached here later and also departed for Fargo. Major Royce, commanding the flight, brought his and eight other ‘pursuit planes into Bismarck, from Beach just after the first six mem- bers of the group Lopped for Far- go. After refueling, Mapor Royce started his charges for Fargo. A | short time later two pursuit planes | which had been stranded near | Great Falls, Mont., for more than a& week, reached here, and they, too, took off after the main flight, _as did a transport plane, which | came in from Sidney, Mont. Oc- _casional snow flurries were en- ) countered on the flight from Beach _to Bismarck Major Royce said, /He had expected to get away be- ‘fore noon but it was nearly 2 | o'clock before they took to the air. FARGO—(P—Seventeen planes | of the army’s Arctic patrol snow- | birds had reached Fargo airport | Sunday night after flights from various parts of North Dakota anc | Montana. An _ eighteenth shiy | Stayed at Bismarck WN. D., for the | night.
[ [ 5424.6273242187, 6260.4427539062, 6281.6226757813, 8212.8575390625 ], [ 5421.7670898438, 5911.154296875, 6271.9624023438, 6024.2456054688 ], [ 5433.2241210938, 6054.208984375, 6256.6728515625, 6250.2231445312 ] ]
[ 5421.7670898438, 5911.154296875, 6281.6226757813, 8212.8575390625 ]
[ 3701, 1357, 597, 2231 ]
[ 37, 71, 73 ]
JOHN G. BOWERS IS DEAD Contractor in Lincoln Many Years—Active in Dahtire
Death Sunday claimed John G. Bowers, seventy-two, retired con- tractor and a resident of Lincoln for forty-five years. He was long an active worker for the repub- lican party, especially in city poli- tics. Before coming to Lincoln Mr. Bowers was a contractor at Friend, Neb, He was a member of Lancaster lodge No. 54, A. F. & A. M. Sirviving are two sons, Hal J. of Lincoln and Nels J. of Boston. .
[ [ 5463.1053515625, 8574.6131640625, 6306.3160351563, 9232.585078125 ], [ 5454.2114257812, 8228.8544921875, 6312.5830078125, 8345.626953125 ], [ 5452.7177734375, 8373.091796875, 6286.826171875, 8560.4755859375 ] ]
[ 5452.7177734375, 8228.8544921875, 6312.5830078125, 9232.585078125 ]
[ 598 ]
[ 16, 47, 65 ]
Machine Practically Demol- ished, and Bodics Be-. lieved to Be Buried in the Snow. HAD FALLEN FROM A HEIGHT
SEATTLE....4.——On an island in a lagoon near the coast of Si- beria, ninety miles east of North Cape, two fliers Saturday found the scattered wreckage of the alr- plane of Carl Ben Fielson and hie mechanic, Farl Borland, missing since Nov. ¥. With its cabin split wide the wreckage of the plane was strewn over a wide area. The craft bad fallen apparently from a high al titude. The motor bad been torn from the fuselage and hurled more than 100 feet from the ship. The right wing was demolished and the tail was torn off. A search of the deep snow, which was drifted over the wreckage, revenled no trace of the fliers Think Both Men Killed. Pilots Joe Crosson and Harvid Gillam, who made _ the discovery, said Fielson and Borland muat have been killed at the moment of impact Details of the fiud were com- municated to the Seattle Times Sunday in radio messages from Marion Swenson, marvoned on the fur trading ship Nanuk at North | Cape. Kielson and Borland left | Teller, Alaska, Nov. 9 for North , Cape to transport passengers and furs from the Nanuk to Nome. They were never seen again. Crosson first sighted the Eielsus | plane, the dispatches said. His at- tention was attracted to l by the exposed cabin of the which glistened in the sunli . He |signailed to Gillam and both ‘alighted on the snow. The two mea found a supply of provisiuns in the |; cabin, untouched, A slab of bacon fell out of the cockpit when Cros- son opened one of the doors which had escaped jamming in the crash. | Crosson and Gillam planned an- other flight to the island, taking men with them to clear away the | snow in @ search for bodies. Dog | teams from the Nanuk led by na- | tive drivers left for the wreck Sat- (Continued on Page 2. Col, 1.)
[ [ 6258.2249804687, 2845.8831835937, 7128.5601757813, 5517.5504101563 ], [ 6267.1850585938, 2518.5788574219, 7091.4780273438, 2811.9250488281 ], [ 6262.74609375, 2339.7143554688, 7096.6201171875, 2478.7404785156 ] ]
[ 6258.2249804687, 2339.7143554688, 7128.5601757813, 5517.5504101563 ]
[ 5888, 7296, 8073, 3469, 4110, 6415, 1299, 3604, 4756, 3862, 5143, 5017, 5914, 3355, 8602, 1322, 4266, 2476, 5037, 6954, 5679, 6832, 7727, 7092, 3517, 958, 324, 69, 5702, 2248, 4938, 5070, 4176, 3705, 1365, 7894, 599, 8794, 8667, 2396, 733, 6748, 6750, 224, 5985, 3939, 6246, 4327, 7782, 2538, 6636, 1517, 7665, 8434, 1267, 372, 6264, 633, 6013, 4479 ]