chelating ligand precursors for the preparation of olefin metathesis catalysts are disclosed . the resulting catalysts are air stable monomeric species capable of promoting various metathesis reactions efficiently , which can be recovered from the reaction mixture and reused . internal olefin compounds , specifically beta - substituted styrenes , are used as ligand precursors . compared to terminal olefin compounds such as unsubstituted styrenes , the beta - substituted styrenes are easier and less costly to prepare , and more stable since they are less prone to spontaneous polymerization . methods of preparing chelating - carbene metathesis catalysts without the use of cucl are disclosed . this eliminates the need for cucl by replacing it with organic acids , mineral acids , mild oxidants or even water , resulting in high yields of hoveyda - type metathesis catalysts . the invention provides an efficient method for preparing chelating - carbene metathesis catalysts by reacting a suitable ruthenium complex in high concentrations of the ligand precursors followed by crystallization from an organic solvent .
a method for manufacturing a fuel hose which can efficiently produce heat - resistant and flexible fuel hoses . the method for manufacturing a fuel hose forms a protector layer on an outer peripheral surface of a resinous inner layer , and includes the steps of extruding an ultraviolet crosslinking composition for a protector layer that contains the following components a to d , on the outer peripheral surface of the resinous inner layer ; and subsequently , irradiating ultraviolet rays to polymerize the ultraviolet crosslinking composition , thus forming the protector layer : ethylene - propylene - diene rubber ; acrylate - based monomer ; silica ; and photopolymerization initiator .
a power - operated tool is fitted with a drive , whose driving shaft can , by means of a connecting coupling whose actuation depends on the reaction torque , be coupled with a driven shaft . the connecting coupling first interrupts transfer of the torque to the driven shaft , so that , in spite of the running drive , no torque can be transferred to the driving shaft . immediately afterwards , the drive is disconnected . as a result of this sequence of disconnections , the motor , which continues running , can no longer have any influence on the work in progress so that the fastener being tightened does not reach the point of plastic deformation .
the present invention relates to a biodegradable paperboard - based package for various food products . the package utilizes a novel heat - sealable laminate structure wherein the exterior gloss heat - sealable layer is a degradable polymeric resin material such as a polyvinyl alcohol resin or a starch based low density polyethylene polymer resin . utilization of the material in a novel fashion accelerates the paperboard substrate &# 39 ; s degradative properties and tendencies .
an improved method of preparing vegetables intended for microwave cooking allows a hot , cooked vegetable to be easily removed from an enveloping film . the vegetables are cleaned and seasonings and cooking aids such as oils are optionally applied to the vegetable . then the prepared vegetables are enclosed by and sealed into a plastic film . the film protects the vegetable from excess desiccation and provides a “ built - in ” container for microwave cooking . the film includes an opening system for safely releasing the vegetable after cooking . a tear - strip includes an edge or tab for grasping so that the film can be opened by a simple pull .
an air freshening composition is provided in non - aqueous form for mixing with water prior to use . the composition is composed of a super - absorbent polymer , a granular preservative , fragrance and , optionally , a dye . the composition is packaged and stored in sealed containers until opened for use . the composition is particularly well suited for reusing empty slow diffuser type air freshening containers .
absorbable polyester fibers , braids , and surgical meshes with prolonged strength retention have been developed . these devices are preferably derived from biocompatible copolymers or homopolymers of 4 - hydroxybutyrate . these devices provide a wider range of in vivo strength retention properties than are currently available , and could offer additional benefits such as anti - adhesion properties , reduced risks of infection or other post - operative problems resulting from absorption and eventual elimination of the device , and competitive cost . the devices may also be particularly suitable for use in pediatric populations where their absorption should not hinder growth , and provide in all patient populations wound healing with long - term mechanical stability . the devices may additionally be combined with autologous , allogenic and / or xenogenic tissues to provide implants with improved mechanical , biological and handling properties .
a unitary , flexible , substantially noncollapsible catheter tube of biocompatible material is comprised of hard and soft regions . the hard regions can be ring shaped or helical . the hard regions provide sufficient rigidity to the tube to prevent collapse under normal usage as the interior and exterior pressures vary . the soft regions provide sufficient flexibility to allow contoured placement of the tube . the hard regions can be created by exposing a polymer in the tube to radiation . the hard regions can also be created by periodically adding a harder material to the tube .
a permselective graft polymer is disclosed that is formed by converting into intermediate reactive sites a portion of the cyano groups of a backbone polymer containing — ch 2 — ch — units , and grafting polyalkylene oxide polymer chains to the backbone polymer through the reactive sites . either the backbone polymer of a polymer resin or a permselective polymer membrane can be grafted . when a resin is used , it is formed into a permselective polymer membrane using known methods . the resulting permselective membrane can be formed into hollow fibers or flat sheets for the encapsulation of living cells . the encapsulated cells are then implanted into a patient in need of the biologically active factors produced by the cells . the permselective graft polymer membrane exhibits good molecular diffusion with minimal protein adsorption .
the invention concerns liposome vectors , in powder form , of active principles , and more particularly active principles sensitive to digestive and / or plasmatic degradation , such as proteins , and their application as medicine . said liposome vectors of active principles consist of a powder composition essentially constituted of unilamellar liposomes comprising an external lipid phase consisting of class 4 lipids , optionally associated with class 2 substances , class 3 substances and / or class 5 substances and an internal aqueous nucleus consisting of a mixture m of at least two different non - polymerisable gelling agents whereof the gel - sol phase transition is not less than 37 ° c ., g1 being selected among gelatines and carrageenans and g2 being selected among carrageenans with properties different from the carrageenans selected for g1 , and celluloses , which liposomes have a diameter ranging between 20 nm and 1 mm , preferably between 20 nm and 500 nm ; said composition having the form of particulate units with an average particle diameter between 10 mm and 1000 mm , formed by one or several of said liposomes , enclosed in a sheath selected in the group consisting of a dehydrated thermoreversible aqueous gel identical to said internal nucleus aqueous gel , dextrins or a mixture thereof , such that they contain , on an average , 10 to 10 liposomes per gram of powder ; and at least an active principle contained , as the case may be , either in the gelled internal nucleus or in the external lipid phase .
absorbable polyester fibers , braids , and surgical meshes with prolonged strength retention have been developed . these devices are preferably derived from biocompatible copolymers or homopolymers of 4 - hydroxybutyrate . these devices provide a wider range of in vivo strength retention properties than are currently available , and could offer additional benefits such as anti - adhesion properties , reduced risks of infection or other post - operative problems resulting from absorption and eventual elimination of the device , and competitive cost . the devices may also be particularly suitable for use in pediatric populations where their absorption should not hinder growth , and provide in all patient populations wound healing with long - term mechanical stability . the devices may additionally be combined with autologous , allogenic and / or xenogenic tissues to provide implants with improved mechanical , biological and handling properties .
a molded plastic printer carriage mountable in the printer on a slider rod uses a pair of spaced sintered bronze bushings and a spring biased preload pad intermediate the bushings which engages the slider rod to compensate for and minimize rocking of the carriage during rapid movement thereof during printing without requiring expensively machined slider rods or close tolerance bushings .
micro - and nanofilters have a wide range of applications in many fields , including medical diagnostics , drug delivery , medical implants , and hemodialysis . some issues that limit commercial application of current nanofilters in medicine are low pore density , non - uniform pore size , and the use of materials that are not biocompatible . a method is described to fabricate high porosity polymer and diamond micro - and nanofilters producing smooth , uniform and straight pores of high aspect ratio . pore size , density , and shape can be predetermined with a high degree of precision by masks and controlled etch . the method combines energetic neutral atom beam lithography and a mask . this technology allows etching polymeric materials in a clean , well - controlled , and charge - free environment , making it very suitable for fabricating nanofilters and other components for biomedical applications .
a silicone containing automotive vinyl , rubber and leather protectant in the form of a solvent solution , a water dilutable emulsion , or as a &# 34 ; neat &# 34 ; fluid . the silicone is an alkylaryl silicone copolymer having long chain hydrocarbon units and aromatic units . the protectant formulation exhibits greater substantivity to organic surfaces such as vinyl , rubber and leather , and possesses enhanced penetration of organic surfaces to which it is applied resulting in an improvement in protection of such surfaces against the deterioration caused by ultraviolet radiation . treated surfaces are also rendered paintable .
the present invention relates to a multilayer structure based on polyamides and graft copolymers having polyamide blocks , comprising , in this order : a ) a first layer formed from a polyamide or else a polyamide / polyolefin blend having a polyamide matrix ; b ) optionally , a tie layer ; c ) a layer based on a graft copolymer having polyamide blocks , formed from a polyolefin backbone and from at least one polyamide graft in which : the grafts are attached to the backbone by the residues of an unsaturated monomer having a functional group capable of reacting with a polyamide having an amine end group ; the residues of the unsaturated monomer are attached to the backbone by grafting or copolymerization via its double bond ; the layers , and being successive and adhering to one another in their respective contact region . one particularly useful application relates to tubes for cooling circuits of internal combustion engines , such as the engines of cars or lorries .
an automated method is provided for selectively separating resin pellets having a gel count below a specified maximum from pellets having a gel count above the specified maximum , while the pellets are flowing in a pneumatic conveyor . the separation is based on an essentially continuous measurement in which a laser beam is utilized to detect the number of gels in a film made from pellets withdrawn as a sample stream from the main pellet stream . in response to the gel count measurement , a control signal is established that is utilized to manipulate a diverter valve located in the pneumatic conveyor , which diverts plastic pellet flow between a preferred storage means storing pellets having a low gel count and a secondary storage means for storing pellets having a higher gel count . in operation , a hold up tank is provided between the point from which the sample stream is withdrawn and the diverter valve , so that the plastic pellet flow can be delayed in the hold up tank for the amount of time required for the withdrawn sample stream to be converted into the film , whereby the gel count measurement is representative of the pellets passing through the diverter valve .
the invention provides brine based well drilling and servicing fluids which exhibit relatively thermally stable rheological and filtration characteristics . the fluids comprise a brine , an amorphous silica viscosifier , a biopolymer viscosifier , a fluid loss control additive , and a bridging agent . by utilizing both a silica viscosifier and a biopolymer viscosifier to provide the desired rheological characteristics , the fluids have enhanced thermal stability thus maintaining their suspension and hole cleaning properties over an extended temperature range .
current approaches for treating cancer are limited , in part , by the inability of drugs to affect the poorly vascularized regions of tumors . we have found that spores of anaerobic bacteria in combination with agents which interact with microtubules can cause the destruction of both the vascular and avascular compartments of tumors . two classes of microtubule inhibitors were found to exert markedly different effects . some agents that inhibited microtubule synthesis , such as vinorelbine , caused rapid , massive hemorrhagic necrosis when used in combination with spores . in contrast , agents that stabilized microtubules , such as the taxane docetaxel , resulted in slow tumor regressions that killed most neoplastic cells . remaining cells in the poorly perfused regions of tumors could be eradicated by sponzlated bacteria . mechanistic studies showed that the microtubule destabilizers , but not the microtubule stabilizers , radically reduced blood flow to tumors , thereby enlarging the hypoxic niche in which spores could germinate . a single intravenous injection of spores plus selected microtubule - interacting agents was able to cause regressions of several tumors in the absence of excessive toxicity .
the present invention provides a medical implant material comprising mammalian transglutaminase and a polymer , wherein the transglutaminase is provided in the absence of free divalent metal ions and wherein the polymer is associated with the transglutaminase binding protein . preferably , the transglutaminase is a tissue transglutaminase , which is coated on , impregnated into or covalently linked to the polymer . the polymer may be naturally occuring or synthetic , and may be biodegradable or non - biodegradable . the medical implant material may further comprise a reinforcing agent and / or one or more additional polymers . the invention further provides the use of a mammalian transglutaminase in a method for improving the biocompatibility of a medical implant material , the method comprising the steps of providing a medical implant material comprising a polymer associated with a binding protein for binding the transglutaminase , and treating said material with a mammalian transglutaminase .
a method and apparatus of making hollow plastic articles are disclosed in which the preforms or other articles are sequentially molded from a continuous stream of plasticized resin supplied by an extruder . the preforms are formed sequentially in a plurality of molds and immediately transferred from the molds to blowing apparatus where they are blown into plastic articles . the molds are disposed in sets of two or more molds each , and the number of blowing apparatus units is equal to the number of sets of molds , with at least two sets of molds being provided . after the preform is formed in one mold of a set of molds , it is transferred while it is still hot to the corresponding blowing apparatus for that set while the extruded stream of plasticized resin is fed into the other molds to form other preforms . the method continuously utilizes the stream of plasticized resin from an extruder and provides the most efficient use of blowing apparatus by providing a number of blowing stations less than the number of total preform molds . the method also results in energy efficiency and avoids plastic degradation by minimizing the length of time at which the plastic resin is at an elevated temperature .
a mushroom - type hook strip for a hook - and - loop fastener has a flexible backing of thermoplastic resin and , integral with backing , an array of upstanding stems distributed across at least one face of the backing , each having a mushroom head . the stems have a molecular orientation as evidenced by a birefringence value of at least 0 . 001 . the mushroom - type hook strip can be produced continuously by injecting resin into cavities of a cylindrical mold while evacuating and cooling the cavities so that the cooled resin becomes molecularly oriented , thus affording to the stems excellent stiffness , durability , and tensile and flexural strength .
a method is disclosed of detecting a bioelectrical signal from a subject . the method includes the steps of applying a composite material to a subject wherein the composite material includes a polymeric material and a polar material that is substantially dispersed within the polymeric material ; coupling monitoring equipment to the second side of the composite material ; permitting the polar material within the polymeric material to respond to the bioelectrical signal within the subject ; and detecting a responsive electrical signal from the composite material that is representative of the bioelectrical signal . the polar material exhibits molecular compatibility with the polymeric material such that the polar material neither blooms to a surface of the polymeric material nor crystallizes within the polymeric material , and the composite material has a first side for contacting the subject and a second side .
a method for encapsulating structures supported by a carrier substrate , includes : application , on the carrier substrate , of at least one cover supported by a mould , the mould including a catching layer , each cover being in contact with the catching layer ; then fastening of at least one cover onto the carrier substrate ; and then separation of the mould from the at least one cover . the catching layer includes a fluoropolymer . preferably , the mould is mechanically separated from the at least one cover , by pulling the mould away from the at least one cover . thus , the mould can be reused , which considerably simplifies encapsulating operations carried out on an industrial scale .
foam plastics sheet material , such as a wallcovering , has a pronounced decorative relief finish and comprises a substrate web with a foam coating some at least of which is blistered . the blistering is achieved by having two foamable coatings on the web , the lower of which is sacrificed to produce the blistering in the upper . in one method the lower coating is foamed , the upper coating is then applied in its pre - foamed state , and then heated so that the lower coating is sacrificed and the upper coating is foamed and blistered . in another method both coatings are applied in their unfoamed state with the lower coating having a lower foaming temperature than that of the upper coating . both coatings are then heated together . the lower coating foams and is then sacrificed . the upper coating foams and blisters .
the present invention relates to a hydrated , biocompatible tissue - augmentation compound and methodology for its implantation into mammalian tissue . the tissue - augmentation compound is comprised of : living tissue , optionally body derived fluids , and at least one nco - terminated hydrophilic urethane prepolymer derived from an organic polyisocyanate , and oxyethylene - containing diols or polyols in which essentially all of hydroxyl groups are capped with polyisocyanate .
the present invention relates to microorganisms for the treatment or the prevention of obesity or diabetes mellitus , which reduce the amount of monosaccharide or disaccharide which may be absorbed into human body by converting monosaccharides such as glucose , fructose , galactose et al . and disaccharides into polymeric materials which cannot be absorbed by the intestine , and relates to a pharmaceutical composition containing the said microorganisms . preferred microorganisms are lactobacillus sp . bc - y009 and acetobacter sp . bc - y058 .
disclosed herein are processes for preparing a polymeric indicator film which can be used to determine the presence of bacterial growth in fluids and substances which contact the film . in particular , in the disclosed processes , a ph indicator is incorporated into the polymeric film . the incorporated ph indicator in the film remains transparent under neutral conditions , whereas under acidic conditions , the ph indicator in the film imparts a distinguishable color to the film .
improvements in multilayer light reflecting film are effected by the use of a thermoplastic elastomer resin in a system in which two or more resinous materials form a plurality of the layers .
a method for sequence - based diagnosis of a human neoplastic tissue , blood or other body fluid sample , comprises analysing from genomic dna or cdna derived from said neoplasia the dna sequence of a gene encoding a cancer - related protein for the presence of mutations therein , determining from the presence , nature and location of any such mutation or mutations the influence thereof on the biological function of the corresponding protein and thereby on the properties of the neoplasia , and on the basis thereof prognosticating the development of the neoplasia .
a thermoforming system for carrying out a method for processing two different thermoplastic films has a thermoforming station for processing the different films , a transport device for transporting the film to the thermoforming station , and a connecting station for connecting successive blank cuts so as to form a film strip . cuts of the one or the other film are selectively and variably brought on request in a conveyor through the thermoforming system , such that different successive cuts are conveyed by the conveyor to the thermoforming station and processed therein , and two successive cuts are joined into a film strip , either edge to edge or with an overlap .
the invention relates to a reinforced fluoropolymer plate comprising a fluoropolymer layer on one of the faces thereof and a carbon fiber sheet on the other face of same , whereby at least part of the carbon fiber sheet is impregnated with fluoropolymer . the invention also relates to an acid - corrosion - resistant chemical reactor comprising said plates , the production methods thereof and the uses of same in processes in superacid media .
the invention relates to novel screw elements for multi - screw extruders with screw profiles co - rotating in pairs and being fully self - wiping in pairs , to the use of the screw elements in multi - screw extruders and to a process for extruding plastic compositions .
a trash compactor has a rotatable lead screw and stationary nut for raising and lowering the compacting ram by rotation of the screw . a housing surrounds the nut for preventing rotation of the nut with respect to the screw while permitting limited pivotal movement of the nut with respect to the housing responsive to eccentric compaction forces applied to the compacting ram . the housing is distortable for the same reason and to permit absorption of shocks arising from compaction . the nut may be formed of a self - lubricating plastic . the drive mechanism may be used in a trash compactor having an extensible linkage of the scissors jack or lazy tongs type in which the lead screw is journalled in one of the intermediate junction points of the linkage . the housing containing the nut is located at the other of the junction points so that rotation of the screw extends and retracts the linkage .
there is disclosed a process for producing a resin molded article , which comprises the steps of : molding a thermoplastic resin to obtain a resin molded article ; and flame - treating the surface of the resin molded article to obtain a flame - treated resin molded article ; wherein the process does not comprise after the step any further step of printing , adhesive - coating or painting the flame - treated surface of the flame - treated resin molded article obtained in the step .
a medical device provided with at least a partial surface coating of a thermoplastic copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkylvinylether that is free of cross - linking monomers and curing agents . the fluoropolymer coating is preferably an amorphous thermoplastic , is highly inert and biocompatible , has elastomeric characteristics that provide desirable mechanical properties such as good flexibility and durability . these characteristics allow the coating to be considered “ functionally transparent ” because it withstands mechanical deformations required for the assembly , deployment , expansion , and placement of medical devices , without any adverse effect on the mechanical and biological functionality of the coated device . further , its inertness , derived from the perfluorocarbon structure , contributes to its functionally transparent nature . the coating can be provided with various liquid or solid additives , can be loaded with large quantities of additives including a wide range of therapeutic agents , and has excellent drug elution characteristics when elutable additives are used .
a polyalkylenepolyamine main chain having pendant substituted 2 - oxo - piperazinyl - triazines attached to the n atoms of the papa main chain are novel compounds which have highly desirable uv - light stabilizing activity coupled with unexpectedly good thermal stability . these compounds , referred to as &# 34 ; pendant piperazinyl triazines &# 34 ; or p for brevity , are used in polymer recipes to formulate a stabilized polymeric composition comprising a light - degradable organic polymer containing an effective amount of a p sufficient to stabilize the polymer . a p is especially effective in a polyolefin in which there is from about 0 . 1 percent by weight , to about 5 % by wt , and is also effective in a wide variety of pastel colored and / or transparent commercially significant polymers .
a method for recycling polymeric materials , including a mechanical separation step , a first density separation step , an intensive cleaning step , and a second density separation step is described . additional separation steps , such as a third density separation step , and optionally a fourth density separation step . further less essential steps such as wetting , grinding , air flow separation , drying , electrostatic sorting and optional sorting steps may also be carried out to achieve optimized and refined separation . polymeric materials from refuse or crushed motor vehicles may thus be separated , and polyethylene , polypropylene , polystyrene and acrylonitrile - butadiene - styrene resins may be recycled .
yieldable load release connector comprising a coil of resilient plastic rod extending for 400 ° to 800 ° and having two free ends , and fastening means attached to the coil at a point spaced substantially equidistant from each said end for fastening said coil to a first object and the coil encircles a second object thereby connecting the two .
a method for creating a simulated brick surface or the like on a surface area which utilizes an adhesive tape provided with two series of marks for demarking the positions of a plurality of such tapes to delineate simulated mortar line areas . a plurality of the tapes are applied in a desired pattern to a surface area , a plastic settable composition is coated over the tapes and surface area , and the tapes are removed together with the coating on the tapes prior to final setting of the composition .
a process for recycling polyester / cotton blends by reducing the polyester to a lower dialkyl ester of terephthalic acid and reducing the cotton to cellulose acetate . the novel process to recycle the polyester / cotton blends includes the steps of providing a blend of polyester and cotton fibers ; subjecting the polyester / cotton blend to a first alcoholysis in a bath containing an alcohol and an effective catalyst at a suitable temperature until the polyester is depolymerized to a lower molecular weight polyester oligomer ; remove the cotton fibers from the alcoholic solution of oligomers and process the recovered cotton fibers by pulping and acetylyzing processes to recover the cellulose acetate ; and alcoholyze the low molecular weight polyester oligomers to produce the lower dialkyl ester of terephthalic acid .
the present invention discloses a new type of high selectivity uv - cross - linked tetrazole group functionalized polymer nanosieve membranes , their preparation , as well as their use for gas and liquid separations . the uv - cross - linked tzpim membrane showed more than 50 % improvement in co 2 / ch 4 selectivity and more than 30 % improvement in co 2 / n 2 selectivity compared to the uncross - linked tzpim membrane for co 2 / ch 4 and co 2 / n 2 separations , respectively .
a machine for making plastic tubing including a plurality of separate carriages for carrying mold blocks about the continuous path . first and second wheel pairs on opposite sides of each carriage ride on first and second tracks respectively through a molding section of the path . an offset wheel is disposed between the wheels of each pair and rides on guide tracks associated with and facing oppositely to the first and second tracks respectively through the molding section .
a method for manufacturing a fibre composite component includes providing a semi - finished textile product ; injecting a matrix material into the semi - finished textile product so as to form an infiltrated semi - finished product , wherein the matrix material includes a thermoplastic film having particles dispersed therein ; and curing the infiltrated semi - finished product .
the efficient production of ethanol from low - cost biomass has become increasingly important in making ethanol competitive with gasoline and decreasing the united states &# 39 ; dependence on foreign oil . for example , to reduce the cost of transporting biomass to ethanol production facilities , mobile systems for producing ethanol from biomass are provided . also provided are small - scale ethanol production facilities . for example , instead of transporting biomass to the production facility , the facility is transported to the biomass or is located nearby the source of the biomass . the ethanol production facilities or components thereof may be transported via land , water , or air . production of other products , such as hydrocarbons , natural gas , hydrogen gas , plastics , polymers , and proteins , can also be made by the methods and facilities . any product described herein can be made in finished form or un - finished form and moved , e . g ., to a fixed facility , e . g ., fixed production facility .
novel photoresist materials , which can be photolithographically processed in biocompatible conditions are presented in this invention . suitable lithographic scheme for the use of these and analogous resists for biomolecule layer patterning on solid substrates are also described . the processes described enable micropatterning of more than two different proteins on solid substrates without denaturation of the proteins . the preferred resist materials are based on acrylate copolymers that contain at least one acid cleavable ester group and at least one hydrophilic group such as an alcoholic or a carboxylic group .
skin friction reduction on a surface moving relative to a fluid can be obtained by conditioning and ejecting a drag - reducing material , such as a polymer or other high molecular weight material , into the boundary layer . the efficacy of the ejected material is closely related to the hydration and shear stretching of the drag - reducing molecules immediately before ejection . the invention is a method and apparatus for creating a mixture / solution with optimal drag reduction characteristics . the device mixes a drag - reducing substance such as polymer powder , paste , solution or emulsion with a water flow , stretches the polymer molecules to improve hydration , and provides uniform vorticity to the mixture / solution before it is passed into an ejection system . by creating a mixture / solution with improved drag - reduction performance from any of several forms of drag - reducing material , the mixer can improve the performance and reduce the volume and storage requirements of a drag - reduction system .
a power tool has a housing , a tool , in particular a metal - cutting tool , and a guard embracing the tool that is coupleable to the housing and axially adjustable relative , so that it is safer to handle because the guard is designed as a support foot and on its outside has a jacket piece of plastic with a nonslip , rough outer surface .
an improved plastic seal valve for the bottom of the chamber of a dispensing device in which a valve stem operates . the valve stem is hollow and contains a cross hole which is normally located just above an annular plastic seal made between the housing and the stem at the bottom of the tank , the cross hole porting the hollow stem , with the plastic seal allowing closer tolerances in manufacture of the stem and allowing greater accommodation for such distortions as may still occur in molding through flexibility in the bottom stem portion the stem having a taper that just release the sealing pressure and functions on the bottom seal as the upper seal closes . in addition a weaker spring may be used , thus , making it easier to operate the valve while at the same time obtaining improved sealing over the life of the valve .
a fibre reinforced plastic structure comprising a matrix of thermoplastic material and conductive fibres provides effective emi shielding . process for making the structure permits the employ of relatively long conductive fibres which reduce the fibre loading required for effective shielding .
the inventive subject matter provides kits , compositions and methods for treating or covering skin using a polymerizable formulation . the polymerizable formulation can include a first component including a siloxane polymer and a catalyst , and a second component including a siloxane polymer and a cross - linker . the first and second components , when combined , can form a film or seal having an elasticity that at least one of decreases the formation of fibroblasts , presses down blisters , decreases a biochemical cascade that promotes scar formation , compresses skin , and holds skin in a desired configuration .
compositions having shear - gelling and shear - thickening properties are based on an amphiphilic polymer combined with hydrophilic particles and polyethyleneoxide . the hydrophilic particles preferably consist of a hydrous sodium lithium magnesium silicate . the amphiphilic polymer may be a synthetic polymer , a hydrophobically modified biopolymer , or both . the compositions may be employed in enhanced oil recovery operations .
apparatus for sealing a vascular wall penetration disposed at the end of the tissue tract comprises a shaft , an occlusion element , a hemostatic implant , and a protective sleeve . the apparatus is deployed through the tissue tract with the occlusion element temporarily occluding the vascular wall penetration and inhibiting backbleeding therethrough . the hemostatic implant , which will typically be a biodegradable polymer such as collagen carrying an anti - proliferative agent or coagulation promoter , will then be deployed from the sealing apparatus and left in place to enhance closure of the vascular wall penetration with minimum scarring . the implant may be radiopaque to allow observation before release .
application of radiation curable coatings to a flexible vinyl web , which is usually printed with a decorative pattern . this printed vinyl may be laminated to a backing for support and is often embossed . the actinically irradiated coated vinyl surface has improved stain resistance and is resistant to chemical attack by common as well as aggressive household cleaning solvents such as pine oil cleaners and nail polish remover . the coating is essentially free of hazardous volatile organic compounds and does not pose a toxicological threat to humans nor does it contaminate the atmosphere . these surface coated , actinically crosslinked vinyl laminates can be used in the manufacture of wallcoverings , automotive interiors , upholstery , tablecloths and other such applications especially where heat sensitive plastics are employed .
recycling spent hydrophobic polymeric media can beneficially utilize waste oil to dissolve the media . the method employs simple equipment and materials , many or all of which are already on location in various industrial operations such as fracking operations or food production factories . the method does not call for landfilling spent media , thus reducing the environmental impact and reducing expense . transport costs for spent media and disposal fees can likely decrease . the resulting product can be sold to refineries for further processing and repurposing , thus generating additional revenue .
a concrete building block containing portland cement , a filler , water , and a quantity of particularly sized plastic particles , such as spent abrasive particles of a thermoset plastic . the associated method of producing such blocks eliminates the need of curing the blocks in a heated humidity controlled environment in order for the blocks to attain the required water content for hydration of the cement .
the object to be identified is affixed with an identification medium comprising a reflective layer consisting of a reflective hologram or diffraction grating . the high polymer cholesteric liquid crystal provides an inexpensive identification medium , and the use of the second light receiving unit for providing a reference signal provides a high s / n output signal which is highly distinct and resistant to the contamination of the identification medium . also , the elimination of the need for expensive optical elements such as beam splitters also contributes to the reduction of cost .
a sterile method for preparing stable thrombin component from a single donor &# 39 ; s plasma in which the thrombin component is harvested simultaneously from the clotting and adhesive proteins component from the same donor plasma in less than one hour . the combined components provide an improved biological hemostatic agent and tissue sealant by virtue of its freedom from the risk of contaminating viruses or bacteria from allogenic human or bovine blood sources . the thrombin provides polymerization of the clotting and adhesive proteins in less than five seconds , and is sufficiently stable to provide that fast clotting over a six hour period . further , the clotting times can be predictably lengthened by diluting the thrombin with saline .
the invention provides a method and formulation for cleaning a soiled substrate , the method comprising the treatment of the moistened substrate with a formulation comprising a multiplicity of polymeric particles , wherein the polymeric particles comprise at least one antimicrobial agent . preferably , the substrate is wetted so as to achieve a substrate to water ratio of between 1 : 0 . 1 to 1 : 5 w / w . optionally , the formulation additionally comprises at least one additional cleaning agent , and in this embodiment , it is preferred that the polymeric particles are mixed with the at least one additional cleaning agent . preferably , the additional cleaning material comprises a surfactant , which most preferably has detergent properties . most preferably , the substrate comprises a textile fiber . typically , the polymeric particles comprise particles of polyester or nylon , most preferably in the form of beads . the results obtained are very line with those observed when carrying out conventional aqueous cleaning processes and the method provides the significant advantage that the use of antimicrobial agents in or on the polymer bead greatly improves the overall hygiene in the washing machine by preventing mold and bacterial growth on the polymer particle surfaces , particularly at low temperatures .
a system for recycling post - industrial - use plastic waste based on coloring an object , which will become post - industrial - use plastic waste , a user - specified color , said color correlated with a system for identifying plastic based on the resin content of the object . said object , in the user - specified color , provided to the end user to protect a part shipped by a parts manufacturer , with sorting of the objects into homogenous resin groups being done by the end user based on color .
provided herein are drug delivery systems comprising nanosuspension formulations suitable for parenteral delivery to a subject . the nanosuspension formulations may comprise a benzimidazole derivative , e . g ., mebendazole , and surface stabilizers , such as block copolymer , e . g ., pluronic f108 , and surfactant , e . g ., tween 80 , and , optionally , water . provided are methods for defining nanosuspensions of a benzimidazole derivative as having maximum therapeutic efficacy for a treatment regimen by adjusting and / or selecting particles size based on pharmacokinetic parameters of the derivative in the tissue . also provided are methods for improving the bioavailability of a benzimidazole derivative during treatment of a pathophysiological condition and for treating a cancer by using formulation combining particle diameters whereby the retention of the benzimidazole derivative within the particles increases as the diameter increases such that , upon administration , release of the benzimidazole derivative from the particles into tissue is continuous over a range of time as determined by the particle diameters .
the invention provides an injection molding method of stone - based composite material and equipment thereof , wherein the method comprises the following steps : a . putting raw materials into a charging device and then pushing the raw materials into a preforming machine barrel of a preforming device by a pressing component in the charging device ; b . keeping the temperature being between 15 ° c . and 55 ° c . and compacting the raw materials with the rotation of a preforming screw and transporting the raw materials into a collecting block ; c . injecting the raw materials into a mold through a mold gate under the injection force of 50 mpa to 180 mpa ; d . keeping the temperature of the mold between 140 ° c . and 200 ° c . and curing time between 40 seconds and 300 seconds ; and e . opening the mold to get the product . the invention has the advantages of simple production process , high acceptance rate of products manufactured , high production efficiency and low production cost . the product has the advantages of high mechanical strength , good fire resistance , thermal stability , corrosion resistance and electrical property , low cost and the like . the product is capable of substituting the majority of thermoset plastics and thermoplastics , thus reducing the usage amount of plastic products and providing powerful support and safeguard for creating resource - conservation and environment - friendly industry .
essentially linear polyethylenepolyamines are prepared by reacting monoethanolamine with ethylenediamine in the presence of an intercalatively catalytically active tetravalent zirconium polymeric reaction product of an organo phosphonic acid or an ester thereof with a compound of tetravalent zirconium reactive therewith , such as zirconium trimethylene diphosphonate prepared by reacting trimethylenediphosphonic acid wth zirconyl chloride .
a method for coating a golf ball comprising the steps of providing a golf ball component ; providing a polymer material ; creating a polymer particulate ; fluidizing the polymer particulate ; placing the golf ball component within the fluidized particulate ; and fluidized coating the golf ball component with a thin layer of the polymer material .
a bimodal spinneret system including the bimodal spinneret and method for making a surgical buttress having improved characteristics are disclosed . the bimodal spinneret includes at least a distribution of hole diameters to create fibers with a more heterogeneous shear history and die swell . the system and method of using the bimodal spinneret creates a melt blown non - woven fiber mat that is cut into a surgical buttress having unique fabric properties such as differentiated load deflection behavior , flexural stiffness , polymer fiber alignment , fiber crystallinity and subsequent strength retention during in vitro degradation not attainable with unimodal spinneret hole diameters .
in the fabrication of a plastic sleeve by heat sealing overlapped ends of a plastic film blank wrapped around a mandrel , a part of the underlying overlapped end is often melted inadvertently and adheres to the mandrel , obstructing easy stripping of the sleeve off the mandrel . accordingly , a tensioning groove is formed in the mandrel surface , and a pressing - in bar is pressed thereinto over the sleeve while a part of the sleeve is held stationary against the mandrel by a holding plate to pull the sleeve part thus adhering sidewise in the peripheral direction of the mandrel and thereby to peel away and free the same .
a heavy duty rotary concrete mixing drum capable of attachment to a vehicle . the drum comprises a first end which engages a vehicle powered drive assembly which rotates the drum for mixing of said concrete and a second end from which mixed concrete is discharged . the drum is manufactured from at least one layer of plastics material ; wherein the drum includes a wall having integral internal formations which promote mixing and discharge of said concrete and an inner surface which promotes mixing of the concrete .
high - precision , fine - detail forgings are formed from a workpiece material having superplastic forming characteristics by utilizing high strain rate forming to impart the bulk of the total deformation required and superplastic relatively low strain rate forming to impart detail and approach final tolerances in the product .
hydrophilic semipermeable membranes based on copolymers of acrylonitrile and hydroxy - c 2 - c 4 - alkyl esters of acrylic acid are provided . the membranes have a substantial water regain at equilibrium , a wide range of ultrafiltration rates , and low solute adsorption by ion - exchange or hydrophobic interaction mechanisms . the membranes are particularly suitable for processing protein containing fluids , especially biological fluids such as blood or plasmas .
sand mold for shaping molten metal cast into the mold . the mold includes sand , a thermally oxidizable polymer amongst the grains of the sand , and a catalyst coating on the gains for promoting the thermal oxidation and breakdown of the polymer in the course of removing the sand from the casting and / or reclaiming the sand for reuse . the catalyst coating adheres so tenaciously to the grains of sand that the sand can withstand repeated casting and sand reclamation cycles without the need to replenish the catalyst .
this invention describes a bioerodible fibrin material which is obtained by mixing fibrinogen and thrombin reconstituted or diluted with a particular high tonic strength medium , free of calcium . such a fibrin - based biomaterial develops a tight structure with thin fibers and small pore size suitable for use as an anti - adhesion barrier . in this invention , thrombin is no longer the variable which governs the tightness and the porosity of the fibrin material obtained , but still controls the clotting time . the mechanical behavior , high - water capacity , and releasable retention properties for therapeutic agents of this fibrin structure causes the fibrin material to be ideally suited for use as a drug delivery device , capable of delivering proteins , hormones , enzymes , antibiotics , antineoplastic agents and even cells for local and systemic treatment of human and non - human patients .
this invention is related to the use of polyurethane - based polymer as a drug delivery device to deliver biologically active histrelin at a constant rate for an extended period of time and methods of manufactures thereof . the device is very biocompatible and biostable , and is useful as an implant in patients for the delivery of histrelin to tissues or organs .
provided is a method for enhancing the production of polyhydroxyalkanoic acid from microorganism strains by disrupting a gene associated with the production of an exobiopolymer in the pseudomonas strain to redirect the carbon flux toward the production of the polyhydroxyalkanoic acid , thereby enhancing the production of the polyhydroxyalkanoic acid .
a method of forming a preform having crystallized thermoplastic material from a blank of orientable thermoplastic material , such as polyethylene terephthalate , which comprises laterally displacing first and second regions of a blank , preferably tubular , of orientable thermoplastic material to form an intermediate region between the displaced regions having outer surfaces facing in opposite directions . pressure is applied to the outer surfaces of the intermediate region to relatively displace these outer surfaces longitudinally of the blank while concurrently reducing the thickness of one of the first and second regions to the value of the thickness that the material would obtain if freely stretched to flow to achieve crystallization of the material in the aforesaid one region . the material in the one region , during the reduction of thickness thereof flowing from the orientable material thereof to a transition zone to form the one region which is reduced in thickness and is elongated in length .
a stent - valve device includes a non - collapsible valve component and a stent component having a first ring connected to a second ring . the first ring has a characteristic first diameter and a valve support for supporting the valve component . the second ring is contractible and expandable between a second diameter less than a third diameter . the second diameter is less than the first diameter and the third diameter is greater than the first diameter . the first ring preferably includes a plurality of elements that extend downward to feet that project radially inward . the valve component rests on the feet for support . a seal is preferably disposed about the first ring . the valve component may be mechanical valve prosthesis , a bio - prosthesis or a polymer - based prosthesis . in another aspect of the invention , a deployment catheter is provided for effectively deploying the stent - valve device described herein .
a hot - melt adhesive contains a non - pressure - sensitive adhesive that is fluid at application temperatures and that is removable , residue - free , by peeling at small peel angles . the adhesive contains additives selected from the group consisting of fillers , stabilizers , dyes , carbon black , and moisture absorbents . the adhesive also containing the following : a ) thermoplastic elastomers that may be grafted , b ) grafted and poly - α - olefins , c ) polyisobutylene or a softening oil , d ) adhesive resin , and e ) end block resin .
the present invention relates to a temperature - sensitive thermogelling emulsion system for bioactive substances , consisting of a biodegradable temperature - sensitive aqueous phase polymer solution , and a pharmaceutically acceptable oil phase carrier , which embeds the bioactive substance . the oil phase carrier and the temperature - sensitive polymer solution are mixed mutually to produce the emulsion , and the emulsion is a liquid while the temperature is below the lower critical solution temperature and reversibly transforms into a gel while the temperature is above said lower critical solution temperature . the emulsions are able to offer the controlled release without burst effect and afterward in a near zero order manner , as well as be non - invasively monitored post - implantation . the design of entrapment of the bioactive substances in the oily phase is also beneficial to preserve the bioactivity of the environment - sensitive substances .
the proposal is for novel polymer dyestuffs obtained by condensing cationic biopolymers , e . g . chitosame , with dyestuffs which have a basic group , preferably a halogen function . the dyestuffs spread as a film on the fibers and can easily be washed out .
there is described a recording medium and related ink jet printing method which comprises the steps of : 1 ) printing onto a receiving medium which comprises a substrate coated with at least one ink receiving layer comprising polymeric particles having film forming temperatures between 60 ° to 140 ° c . and a binder , and 2 ) heating the printed image to form a stable image - protecting coating . preferably the printed image is heated by passing through a laminator . alternatively the printed image is heated by passing through a laminator in conjunction with a second , inert releasing sheet which is held against the top surface of the print material . the second sheet may be used to produce a particular appearance to the final image such as high gloss or a security pattern . the receiving layers of the invention provide bright images after printing and fusing which show a high level of scratch and rub resistance even when wet .
a sustained release parenteral composition comprising an admixture of at least one drug to be delivered in a therapeutically effective amount and a bioabsorbable lactone polymer containing one or more lactone monomers that is a liquid at body temperature , provided in an amount effective to sustain or extend the release rate of the drug and a method for administering said composition to an animal .
the invention relates to a composition comprising a polymer and wood fiber composite that can be used in the form of a linear extrudate or thermoplastic pellet to manufacture structural members . the polymer and wood fiber composite structural members can be manufactured in an extrusion process or an injection molding process . the linear extrudate or pellet can have a cross - section of any arbitrary shape , or can be a regular geometric . the pellet can have a cross - section shape having a volume of at least about 12 mm 3 . preferably the pellet is a right cylindrical pellet having a minimum radius of about 1 . 5 mm and a minimum length of 1 mm weighing at least 14 mg . the invention also relates to an environmentally sensitive recycle of waste streams . the polymer and wood fiber composite contains an intentional recycle of a waste stream comprising polymer flakes or particles or wood fiber . the waste stream can comprise , in addition to polymer such as polyvinyl chloride or wood fiber , adhesive , paint , preservative , or other chemical stream common in the wood - window or door manufacturing process , or mixtures thereof . the initial mixing step before extrusion of the composite material insures substantial mixing and melt contact between molten polymer and wood fiber . the extruded pellet comprises a consistent proportion of polymer , wood fiber and water . during the extrusion , water is removed intentionally to dry the material to a maximum water content of less than about 10 wt -% based on the pellet weight . to make a structural unit , the pellet is introduced into an extruder or injection molding apparatus wherein , under conditions of temperature and pressure , the composite pellet material is shaped into a useful cross - section . alternatively , the extruded thermoplastic mass , in the form of an elongated linear extrudate without a pelletizing step , can be immediately directed after formation into an extruder or injection molding apparatus .
the present invention relates to amphiphilic drug - oligomer conjugates capable of traversing the blood - brain barrier and to methods of making and using such conjugates . an amphiphilic drug - oligomer conjugate comprises a therapeutic compound conjugated to an oligomer , wherein the oligomer comprises a lipophilic moiety coupled to a hydrophilic moiety . the conjugates of the invention further comprise therapeutic agents such as proteins , peptides , nucleosides , nucleotides , antiviral agents , antineoplastic agents , antibiotics , etc ., and prodrugs , precursors , derivatives and intermediates thereof , chemically coupled to amphiphilic oligomers .
semisolid mucoadhesive formulations for vaginal application , with improved technical and organoleptic characteristics , which contain at least two bioadhesive gelling polymers and an active ingredient , useful in the prevention and / or treatment of various pathologies and disorders in human beings or animals .
a bioelectronic device and method of making is disclosed . the device includes a scaffold formed via 3d printing . the device also includes a biologic and an electronic device formed via 3d printing , the biologic and electronic device being interweaved with or coupled to the scaffold . the electronic component may e . g ., include at least one of hard conductors , soft conductors , insulators and semiconductors . the scaffold may be formed of at least one of synthetic polymers and natural biological polymers . the biologic may include at least one of animal cells , plant cells , cellular organelles , proteins and dna .
a pipe joint for plastic pipe includes a bell member and a spigot member . the bell member includes a tubular plastic body wall having a radially outer side including a pair of spaced apart circumferentially extending ribs and a metal reinforcement ring located between the ribs . the tubular plastic body wall includes a circumferential plastic ring portion extending between the ribs and radially exterior of the metal reinforcement ring to encase the metal reinforcement ring within the tubular plastic body wall . a radial gap may be provided between the plastic ring portion and the metal reinforcement ring to accommodate differing thermal shrinkage rates as between the two different materials . the spigot member , which is insertable into the bell member , includes a tubular plastic body wall having an internal surface and an external surface and a longitudinal axis and metal reinforcement encased within the tubular plastic body wall . a plurality of plastic ribs extend from the external surface of the tubular plastic body wall and forming a gasket channel .
disclosed herein is a cross - linked polymeric system comprising thiolated hyaluronic acid , thiolated chondroitin sulfate , and functionalized polyethylene glycol , wherein said functionalized peg cross - links thiolated ha and thiolated cs . methods of fabrication and utilization of the same are also claimed . this polymeric system may be used as an engineered biocompatible cellular matrix for 3d cell culture , tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications .
this disclosure describes a plastic container with a bottom portion , having a base , a lower stand - on - edge and an upper rim , and with a cover portion having a peripheral vertical wall which engages the upper rim of the base . parts designed to engage lockingly with one another are present on the portions in the form of projections and in the form of indentations at regular intervals about the circumference of the portions . guide surfaces are positioned about one of the portions and extend towards the locking elements of the other portion for guiding the locking elements of the portions to converge for engagement .
a plastic rotationally molded polyethylene buoyancy tank for boat lifts allows connection of steel to lengthwise grooves molded into each side of the buoyancy tank . preferably , a plastic bulkhead is formed within the tank during its molding process . a segment of framing steel is bracketed between a pair of inwardly tapered compressible opposed grips . the compressible grips each have outwardly tapered slots with mating tapered rigid inserts . with the inserts partially seated on the grips , the grips are slipped lengthwise or pressed laterally into their respective grooves . bolts extending through the grips into threaded holes in the inserts are tightened to pull the grips over their tapered inserts . this spreads and compresses the grips in their respective grooves , locking the brackets and connecting steel in place on top of the tanks .
a method for manufacturing reclosable plastic bags or packages , wherein sections of zipper profiles are pre - softened at intervals equal in length to the width of the bags or packages to be manufactured . the pre - softening enables the zipper profiles to be fused together and completely flattened when a seal bar clamps thereacross to form a side seal area transverse to the zipper .
the invention relates to a novel method for the in - vivo labeling of biopolymers such as proteins , nucleic acids , lipids , carbohydrates and biodegradable plastic using isotopes , especially stabile isotopes . the invention also relates to the use of chemolithotrophic bacteria for the in - vivo isotopic labeling of biopolymers . in particular , the invention relates to the use of co 2 - fixing bacteria , such as ralstonia eurtropha and related methanogenic bacteria for the in - vivo isotopic labeling , especially for labeling using the stable isotope 13 c alone and in combination with other isotopes . in addition , the invention relates to the use of isotropically labeled biomolecules in therapeutic and diagnostic applications , especially in spectroscopic methods and generally as tracers .
hot melt adhesive compositions are prepared from 20 to 98 % by weight of a polylactide homo - or copolymer containing at least 20 molar percent of the lactide component ; 2 to 80 % by weight of a polar tackifier having a ring and ball softening point greater than about 60 ° c . ; 0 to 50 % by weight of a plasticizer ; 0 to 30 % by weight of a wax diluent ; 0 - 3 % by weight of a stabilizer ; and 0 - 20 % of starch . by utilizing a naturally occurring , thermoplastic , biodegradable copolymer as the base polymer , these adhesives advance the state of the art of hot melt adhesives by alleviating the dependence on petroleum based materials and by allowing for the development of hot melt adhesives which either degrade naturally after coming in contact with the soil or which can be composted .
a resealable can end is provided including a neck and a cooperating cap member which can be sealed onto and removed from the neck , and is capable of containing product under pressure or vacuum if desired . this end may be added , by convention seaming methods , such as roll seaming or by appropriate adhesive , to a container body , or may be formed integrally with container bodies . the venting feature of the end will achieve a controlled release of differential internal - to - ambient pressure upon initial opening of the cap , and may also provide resealed containment of partial contents retained in the container , although the contents will no longer be under pressure or vacuum , as the case may be . the end may be applied to , or incorporated in , containers made of various material , such as aluminum , coated steel , or selected plastics .
a binder slurry for a continuous filament mat used in a phenolic pultrusion system comprising a phenolic compatible silane , a non - ionic surfactant , a defoamer , water , an organic acid and a polyvinyl acetate copolymer binder . the binder slurry resin is unique in that the polyvinyl acetate copolymer binder is compatible with presently available phenolic resins , and as such pultruded parts made have improved surface and mechanical properties as compared with traditional polyester type binder slurries which are not compatible with phenolic resins .
a method for removing ink - accepting areas of a lithographic printing master is disclosed which enables to recycle the lithographic substrate of the printing master . the method comprises the following step which is preferably carried out on - press : applying a cleaning liquid to the printing master , the cleaning liquid being an emulsion of an organic compound in water , further comprising a compound according to formula : wherein x = oh , o − , a polymer backbone .
a mandrel for use in a crosshead extrusion process for manufacturing hose . the mandrel includes a core composed of a high tensile strength material ; a tie layer disposed around and adhering to the core and an elongated cylindrical body disposed around the tie layer . the body is composed of a first thermoplastic material . an outer layer is disposed over the body . the outer layer has a predetermined thickness which is less than that of the body the outer layer is composed of a second thermoplastic material which is dissimilar to that of the first thermoplastic material . methods of making and using the mandrel are also disclosed .
the present invention involves a method for manufacturing an article of clothing with a permanently embedded protective covering over at least one predetermined portion of the clothing that can be worn by infants , children and adults . the protective covering is made from a thermoplastic material that is applied to and thermally bonds or co - mingles with the outermost fabric fibers of the clothing article creating a permanently embedded liquid impermeable , non - porous protective covering that retains the same flexibility as the underlying fabric of the clothing article . the protective covering can be positioned across the top front portion of the clothing article and extend downward to a lower portion of the front of the clothing article creating an easy to clean particle and dirt resistant covering for the clothing article .
in a method of connecting a multiplicity of optical elements to a basic body , in particular for producing a faceted mirror , for example for beam mixing and field imaging for an euv lighting system , the individual optical elements are positioned on the basic body and subsequently connected to one another by an galvanoplastic process . alternatively , the multiplicity of optical elements are aligned on an auxiliary structure and the optical elements are subsequently made to grow up galvanoplastically on their rear sides , forming a supporting structure as the basic body .
this invention relates to novel macromolecular compositions having oxidation inhibition characteristics that are exhibited when added to organic material normally susceptible to oxidative degradation in the presence of air or oxygen , such a petroleum products , synthetic polymers , and elastomeric substances .
an enhanced recovery method that optimizes the stages of pumping , transport and surface treatment of the production effluent , during which a sweep fluid having at least one polymer so as to displace hydrocarbons towards a production well is injected into a reservoir , the resulting production effluent having hydrocarbons is collected through the production well , and a degradation agent for a polymer within the sweep fluid is injected into the effluent .
this invention relates to biocompatible , biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane or polyurethane / ureas comprising isocyanate , polyol and a conventional chain extender and / or a chain extender having a hydrolysable linking group and their use in tissue engineering and repair applications , particularly as stents and stent coating .
a host matrix — normally a binder such as cellulose acetate propionate in a solvent such as acetone — contains a radiation - polymerizable photopolymer — normally a monomer like dipentaerythritol pentaacrylate in combination with a crosslinker like 1 - vinyl - 2 - pyrrolidinone , an initiator like n - phenyl glycine , and / or a photosensitizer like camphor quinine — that is initially uniformly doped with a stable dye — typically rhodamine b and / or bodipy red — that photoinitiates photopolymerization . upon selective exposure of certain regions of the matrix by radiation , most normally laser light radiation , the dye will initially migrate and redistribute itself to radiatively - exposed regions until , dye migration being substantially complete , photopolymerization will occur , locking the migrated dye in place at a relatively higher concentration at the selectively exposed regions . the dye therein stably located can be optically detected by , preferably , light - radiation - stimulated fluorescence . the medium thus serves as an optical memory , including of the volume type , that can be reliably permanently written quickly and inexpensively at high density .