an iron - based powder composition for powder metallurgy excellent in flowability and compactibility is produced in accordance with a method comprising the steps of : adding to iron - based and alloying powders , for a primary mixing , a surface treatment agent , and in addition , for a secondary mixing , a fatty acid amide and at least one lubricant , wherein the lubricant has a melting point higher than that of the fatty acid amide and can be a thermoplastic resin , a thermoplastic elastomer , and inorganic or organic compounds having a layered crystal structure ; heating and stirring up a mixture after the secondary mixing at a temperature above a melting point of the fatty acid amide to melt the fatty acid amide ; cooling , while mixing , the mixture subjected to the heating and stirring process so that the alloying powder and a lubricant having a melting point higher than the fatty acid amide adhere to a surface of the iron base powder subjected to the surface treatment by an adhesive force of the melt ; and adding at the time of the cooling , for a tertiary mixing , a metallic soap and at least one thermoplastic resin or thermoplastic elastomer powders and inorganic or organic compounds having layered crystal structure . the mixture is heated to about 423k and loaded into a die for compaction .
there is disclosed a novel sandwich blister package for tablets and similar articles which generally comprises a plastic film having a plurality of heat - formed cavities which contain tablets or similar articles ; and , a plastic film / aluminum foil laminate sheet superimposed upon and heat sealed to the plastic film to form a blister card of pre - set size , each blister card being bonded to another blister card so that the aluminum foil forms the outer protective cover with the plastic film sandwiched between them .
an apparatus and process to maintain control of the temperature of low - melting compounds , high melt flow polymers , and thermally sensitive materials for the pelletization of such materials . the addition of a cooling extruder , and a second melt cooler if desired , in advance of the die plate provides for regulation of the thermal , shear , and rheological characteristics of narrow melting - range materials and polymeric mixtures , formulations , dispersions or solutions . the apparatus and process can then be highly regulated to produce consistent , uniform pellets of low moisture content for these otherwise difficult materials to pelletize .
peg and related polymer derivatives having weak , hydrolytically unstable linkages near the reactive end of the polymer are provided for conjugation to drugs , including proteins , enzymes , small molecules , and others . these derivatives provide a sufficient circulation period for a drug - peg conjugate and then for hydrolytic breakdown of the conjugate and release of the bound molecule . in some cases , drugs that previously had reduced activity when permanently coupled to peg can have therapeutically suitable activity when coupled to a degradable peg in accordance with the invention . the peg of the invention can be used to impart water solubility , size , slow rate of kidney clearance , and reduced immunogenicity to the conjugate . controlled hydrolytic release of the bound molecule in the aqueous environment can then enhance the drug delivery system .
the present invention provides a sensitive and robust analytical approach to identifying and quantifying multiple pathogens within a single complex environmental sample . numerous nucleic acid signatures may be screened and quantified within a single reaction tube using polymerase chain reaction and chromatographically analyzing the amplification products with microchannel fluidic or reverse - phase ion - pairing high - performance liquid chromatography rp ip hplc instruments . the method may be employed in a multiplex fashion to allow identification and quantification of multiple combinations of up to five different nucleic acid signatures simultaneously within a single multiplex pcr reaction tube . this approach is quantitative across a dynamic range of up to five orders of magnitude . this method is suitable for target nucleic acid analysis in medium or high - throughput contexts such as routine clinical diagnotics or environmental monitoring . the method is also suitable for pathogen monitoring or surveillance in a biodefense context .
method and apparatus for sorting plastic materials on a recycling operation wherein near and infrared energy illuminates particles of flake plastic including such as pet , pvc and ps transported along a conveyer line and the contaminant ingredients are identified and ejected from the stream of preferred particles . more accurate sorting , and thus a higher quality sort may be performed where the contaminant materials and the preferred materials are identified by comparing ratios of levels of signals of energy transmitted through or reflected from the particles , the levels of signal being obtained by filtering the energy from the particles through bandpass filters , one filter of which is centered on the absorptive peak of a contaminant and another filter is centered on a frequency exhibiting the energy level of the preferred material equal to that occurring at the center of the filter for the contaminant absorptive peak . collateral method and apparatus include placing the fiber optic energy receivers of the transmitter and received information at a distance from the receiver a factor or five or more of the ratio of the field of view of a fiber at the particle stream to the maximum offset of the receiving fibers in the faceplate , as those opposite each other on a diameter of the faceplate .
an apparatus for producing thermoplastic corrugated pipes may include an extrusion device with an extruder and an extrusion die device and a corrugator device with traveling mold jaws . the extrusion device and the corrugator device are positionally movable in relation to one another , for example for adjustment . the extrusion device is positionally movable in relation to the corrugator device in a horizontal plane , while the corrugator device is movable exclusively in height here .
this invention is a heterobifunctional artificial cornea or biomedical membrane and novel process for preparing the heterobifunctional artificial cornea . in this method , plasma induced graft polymerization is adopted to provide the surface property modification of polymer materials like silicone or polyurethane . at first , the frontal side of the material is grafted with polyacrylic acid or polymethacrylic acid and then bonded with collagen , or 2 - hydroxyethylmethacrylate is grafted alone . a surface which increases the cell attachment and growth can be then developed . another side of this membrane is grafted with acrylic acid or polymethacrylic acid and then different molecular weights of polyethylene oxide is bonded thereto . 2 - methacryloyl - oxyethyl phosphoryl chloride is grafted to the membrane . the copolymer of the 2 - methacryl - oyloxyethyl phosphoryl chloride and mpc - co - butyl methacrylate can be used in preparing a special surface which can inhibit the attachments of cells and protein molecules . thus , a heterobi - functional biomedical membrane can be developed . in this work , the surface characterization of this membrane , in vitro study and animal in vivo study are also investigated . the obtained results exhibit a very good performance . moreover , it demonstrates that the developed product has good transparency , hydrophilicity and high biocompatibility , thereby exhibiting the high potential in the application field of artificial cornea .
a method for shaping a component cast from a titanium alloy including firstly heating the component to a plastic temperature such that it becomes plastically deformable and subsequently subjecting the component to a deformation process to thereby plastically deform the component to a desired geometric shape .
a method of preparing lignocellulosic fibre aggregates from a densified mass of lignocellulosic fibre , such as densified bales , for use in manufacturing high performance , recyclable and moldable lignocellulosic fibre and thermoplastic composites , or articles made of the high performance , recyclable and moldable lignocellulosic fibre and thermoplastic composites is provided . the method includes : feeding densified forms of lignocellulosic fibre into a size reduction device ; and size reducing the lignocellulosic fibres so as to produce dense lignocellulosic fibre aggregates having an average size profile suitable for use in manufacturing high performance , recyclable and moldable lignocellulosic fibre and thermoplastic composites , or articles made of the high performance , recyclable and moldable lignocellulosic fibre and thermoplastic composites . the density of the lignocellulosic fibre is generally maintained throughout the method . a system for preparing lignocellulosic fibre in accordance with the method is also provided .
an improved process for the manufacture of plastic articles such as light assemblies , and the articles made by said process , are disclosed . the disclosed process includes a step wherein one or more colors are decorated onto a single film which is then incorporated with other components in an in - mold decorating process to yield the improved articles of the invention .
a preformed web and a method of producing dunnage units from the preformed web . the web is an elongate flattened thermoplastic tube having an inflation edge and an opposite edge . the tube includes spaced transverse seals that define sides of pouches . in one embodiment , the web is configured such that a gap forms between each pair of adjacent pouches when the pouches are inflated . in one embodiment , an inflation edge of the web comprises a frangible connection that allows the inflation edge to be broken by an unsharpened object .
the invention relates to acquisition methods for fragment ion spectra of biopolymer molecules in tandem mass spectrometers which are coupled to separation devices . the invention provides a real - time method for calculating a quality coefficient for each fragment ion spectrum . the quality coefficient indicates whether the fragment ion spectrum can be used successfully for identifying the biopolymer molecule or whether it should be acquired once more , possibly with other acquisition parameters .
a method for the preparation of a bioadhesive compact matrix , which comprises the preparation of a uniform mixture of powders comprising one alkylcellulose or one hydroxy alkylcellulose and a non - water - soluble , water - swellable crosslinked polycarboxylic polymer ; the preparation of compressed units starting from such powder mixture by direct compression and finally the heating of the compressed units thus obtained to a temperature in the range of 80 - 250 Β° c . for a time of 1 - 60 minutes ; the powder mixture can also comprise at least one active substance and the compressed units thus obtained are characterized by a prolonged release , and have a release kinetics of the active substance substantially of zero order in an aqueous solution at ph 4 - 8 .
a biocompatible , human implantable apparatus and a method for fully encasing a circuit within a polymer housing . the method may include placing the circuit in a mold , injecting a formulation into the mold , and polymerizing the formulation . the formulation may include monomers and polymers . the apparatus may include a circuit in a polymerized formulation of monomers and polymers .
this invention relates to hydrolytically degradable gels of crosslinked poly glycol structures . addition of water causes these crosslinked structures to swell and become hydrogels . the hydrogels can be prepared by reacting two different peg derivatives containing functional moieties at the chain ends that react with each other to form new covalent linkages between polymer chains . the peg derivatives are chosen to provide covalent linkages within the crosslinked structure that are hydrolytically degradable . hydrolytic degradation can provide for dissolution of the gel components and for controlled release of trapped molecules , including drugs . reagents other than peg can be avoided . the hydrolysis rates can be controlled by varying atoms adjacent to the hydrolytically degradable functional groups to provide substantially precise control for drug delivery in vivo .
this invention relates to a vehicle sun roof , preferably transparent or translucent such as glass or plastic , which contains the following characteristics : 1 . a frontal bar for aligning the sun roof cover which is an integral part of the cover frame ; 2 . hingeable means for raising , sealing and locking the cover when in a closed position , and conversely hingeably lowering the cover during opening ; 3 . means for moving the cover forward and rearward with a minimum of visibility by means of a separate rear crossmember ; the crossmember having slidable control cams attached at each end to control the upward movement of the cover rear edge ; 4 . a sun roof housing with a minimum loss of vehicle headroom ; 5 . a safety switch for shutting off the motor which is activated when an increased torque is exerted on a rotatable motor housing due to resistance to motion of the cover .
a security improved credit , debit , pass , or cash card is a colorless and transparent semirigid plastic card member with non reflective faces , with no permanent imprinting on the card member to visually identify an issuer , an owner or a card number , but with temporary identification that can be removed by the owner of the card and can be visually read only when backed by an opaque sheet . the card has a bending line across a face of the card member that is a slit through the card with a hinge of flexible plastic film attached over the slit . the card has an opening cut through the card member to allow a person &# 39 ; s finger nail to engage the opening to pull the card from a wallet or to attach the card on a shirt button .
metal - containing biocides for treating swimming pool water , spas , cooling towers , or other industrial applications without staining are disclosed . the biocidal compositions include a source of metal and a polymeric sequestering agent . the polymeric sequestering agent may be a water - soluble anionic or cationic polymer . conventional sequestering agents may also be included in the composition .
a friction stir processing tool for friction stir processing includes a shoulder for pressing against a workpiece surface and a pin , which protrudes beyond the shoulder and can be driven to rotate , for plasticizing introduction into at least one workpiece to be processed . the shoulder has an interruption opening on a circumferential region , so that the shoulder is not led around the entire circumference of the pin .
an extrusion system for extruding a layer of a plastic or rubber material onto a work piece without having to continuously adjust the extrusion system during the β€œ set - up ” mode to β€œ full - run ” mode , wherein the extruded layer exhibits a predetermined cross - section size and a uniform wall gauge concentricity .
a molded - plastic storage apparatus that holds and identifies light bulbs that can vary by wattage and shape . the light bulb holding apparatus consists of a base and a plurality of custom receivers that interface to the various light bulbs . the base has uniform openings spaced apart in a matrix grid that can accept the receivers .
a method of coating an article during injection molding wherein coating material carried by a high pressure carrier gas is blasted at high velocity directly onto the internal walls of a closed mold and then a plastics substrate is injected into the coated mold to form in - situ a coated molded product .
a fire resistant structural panel is provided in form of a sandwich assembly having outer metallic skin surfaces and a core section composed of a thermal barrier layer adjoining at least one side of a layer of a foamed polymeric insulating material , said thermal barrier being a thermoset resinous composition containing homogeneously dispersed colloidal size droplets of water .
a fiber - optic tunable filter and an intensity modulator respectively includes : a fiber having a polished surface and an evanescent - field ; and a photonic crystal having plural cavities and a filler filled therein and attached to the polished surface , wherein the plural cavities and the filler decide a photonic band - gap of the photonic crystal and the photonic band - gap is adjusted to reflect a light with a specific wavelength through the evanescent interaction with the photonic crystal material . based on the fiber side - polishing technique , all kinds of fiber active and passive devices are able to be manufactured easily , especially for a high speed intensity modulator using an eo polymer as the filler .
the direct depolymerization of biogenic and other high surface area silica sources uses both simple and hindered diols to produce alkoxysilanes in one or two steps that can be separated and purified directly from the reaction mixture by distillation , extraction or filtration followed by solution modification and distillation or extraction . the alkoxysilanes can take the form of spirosiloxanes or simple alkoxysilanes or oligomers thereof . thereafter they can be treated with acid to produce colloidal or precipitated silica or aerosolized and combusted to provide fumed silica without the intervention of sicl 4 .
biocidal branched quaternary ammonium polymers are made by condensing a difunctional halide with a trifunctional tertiary amine and optionally with a difunctional amine . the branched quaternary ammonium polymers have 2 - dimensional conformation that provides better coverage over the surfaces of microorganisms and enhances efficacy as biocides as compared to most commercially available linear quaternary ammonium polymers . the bulkier 2 - dimensional conformation of this invention limits the uptake , accumulation and release of these branched polymers to and from contact lenses . therefore , these branched quaternary ammonium polymers can reduce the cytotoxicity , enhance compatibility and suitable for ophthalmic use . the highly branched polymers can be prepared with minimum or no difunctional tertiary amines . the lightly branched polymers can be prepared with of a minimum ratio of trifunctional tertiary amines / difunctional tertiary amines .
a container comprising , a body portion comprising a plastic material including , an inner cavity operative to store a sheet product , an outer surface having a storage portion partially defined by a shape of a tool operative to retain the tool .
a utility box for storing and / or carrying articles to a remote site has a base and a cover with a clamping vise incorporated as an integral portion of the cover . the base is a box - like structure defining a chamber for holding the articles and having a set of four pedestals which provide a supporting structure for the integral vise . the base further includes an integral pair of clamping feet which extend from two of the pedestals to form a surface which can be used to clamp the utility box to a relatively stationary surface . the cover is hingedly secured to the base and mates with a positioning rib extending from the base in order to locate and position the cover with respect to the base . the integral vise defines a worksurface and includes a stationary jaw and a movable jaw . the movable jaw is movable via a pair of threaded rods which are rotatably mounted to the cover . additional features of the utility box include and externally accessed parts tray having a clear plastic cover and an internally nested auxiliary parts tray to facilitate the internal organization of the utility box . additional embodiments of the invention include a plurality of support legs to position the utility box at a predetermined height and a drawer support to provide additional storage and to also position the tool box at a predetermined height .
a method is provided for carrying out depolymerization of a polymer containing electrophilic linkages in the presence of a catalyst and a nucleophilic reagent , wherein production of undesirable byproducts resulting from polymer degradation is minimized . the reaction can be carried out at a temperature of 80 Β° c . or less , and generally involves the use of an organic , nonmetallic catalyst , thereby ensuring that the depolymerization product are substantially free of metal contaminants . in an exemplary depolymerization method , the catalyst is a carbene compound such as an n - heterocyclic carbene , or is a precursor to a carbene compound . the method provides an important alternative to current recycling techniques such as those used in the degradation of polyesters , polyamides , and the like .
a impact resistant rim is configured to soften or minimize an impact , thereby reducing the risk of pinching or otherwise flattening the tire and / or damaging the rim . this impact resistant rim further reduces the effects of an impact by maintaining the integrity of the rim during and following the impact . in this rim design , a shock absorbing cord is inlaid , molded , an / or otherwise embedded inside opposing leading edges of the rim . the shock absorbing cord is designed to elastically and / or plastically deform during an impact .
an apparatus for pre - processing and subsequent plastification or agglomeration of synthetic plastic materials , in particular thermoplastic waste plastics for recycling purposes , has a receptacle in which at least one comminuting tool circulates . the housing of a screw is connected to the receptacle . the diameter of the receptacle has the following relationship to the screw diameter : d = 10 . }, wherein d is the inner diameter of the receptacle in mm , d is the screw diameter in mm and k is a dimension - less constant which amounts to at least 190 . thereby the dwell times of the synthetic plastic material within the receptacle are kept at optimal values .
flat bottom bags are formed from a supply of substantially endless plastic tubing , gusseted along two sides to form a flat reel . a sleeve of predetermined length is withdrawn from the reel and allowed to hang along a vertical plane between two foraminous plenum chambers which are then moved toward each other to squeeze the length therebetween . simultaneously a sealing and shearing mechanism forms a transverse seal and cuts the sleeve length from the reel , the gussets being at the same time sealed in the seam . the plenum chambers are then subject to vacuum and are moved apart , causing the sides of the now formed bag to separate opening the same . upon opening of the bag , a forming mandrel is inserted therein and moved through the length of the bag until it reaches the sealed end . simultaneously a presser member is moved across the outside surface of the bag folding over the seam , and pressing the gusset portions into flat flaps and in addition forming simultaneously the flat bottom to the bag . the mandrel or the presser plate is provided with heat sealing means sealing the flaps to the sleeve sides .
a method of and an apparatus for shaping a hollow blank member by a forging operation is provided . the interior of a hollow blank member is filled with a liquid pressure medium which is enclosed therein in sealed condition . an external pressure is applied to the hollow blank member , and the pressure of the pressure medium is maintained as an internal pressure which opposes the external pressure , and part of the pressure medium is discharged externally while applying a desired plastic deformation to the hollow blank member .
a biodegradable injection mouldable polymer composition including on a dry weight basis from 45 - 85 % w / w by weight of a starch and / or a modified high amylose starch , from 2 - 15 % w / w by weight of a water soluble polymer preferably selected from polyvinyl alcohol , polyvinyl acetate and copolymers of ethylene and vinyl alcohol which have a melting point compatible with the molten state of the starch components , and from 5 - 45 % w / w by weight of one or more polyol plasticizers having a molecular weight in the range of 50 - 6000 , more preferably 50 - 2500 , and still more preferably 100 - 400 and preferably selected from the group consisting of sorbitol , glycerol , maltitol , xylitol , mannitol , erythritol , polyglycerol , glycerol trioleate , tributyl citrate , acetyl tri - ethyl citrate , glyceryl triacetate , 2 , 2 , 4 - trimethyl - 1 , 3 - pentanediol diisobutyrate , polyethylene oxide , ethylene glycol , diethylene glycol or polyethylene glycol ; more preferably glycerol , maltitol , sorbitol , erythritol and xylitol . the composition is preferably substantially soluble in water .
the present disclosure generally relates to biocompatible polymers for coating or fabricating implantable medical devices and to implantable medical devices having the present biocompatible polymers . the disclosed biocompatible polymers exhibit superior biocompatibility and therefore minimize unwanted immune reaction from a patient into whom a medical device is implanted .
a container for receiving frangible items comprises a sheet of polymer formed into a base portion having a plurality of item - receiving cavities for supporting frangible items . a cover portion has an item - covering concavity for covering the frangible items . a first hinge portion is positioned between a first longitudinal edge of the base portion and the cover portion for rotating the cover portion onto the base portion to hold the frangible items captive in the item - receiving cavities . the first hinge portion comprises a pair of longitudinal grooves formed into the first hinge portion and extending parallel to the first longitudinal edge of the base portion , with a web defined between the longitudinal grooves , and a hinge - reinforcement wall at at least one end of the longitudinal grooves . a fold line is formed in the web and in the hinge - reinforcement wall when the cover portion is rotated onto the base portion .
a ski rack for supporting water skis in a position outboard one side of a water ski tow boat . a pair of support members are held in sockets which can be clamped to portions of the hull of the boat on the inboard side of the gunwale . arms which are part of the support members extend at a downward slope outside the hull of the boat , and pairs of fingers which are coated with a protective plastic layer extend upwardly generally vertically from the arms , to hold water skis securely between the fingers , out of the way of passengers in the boat and out of the line of sight between the operator of the boat and a water skier being towed .
anti - adherent material for coming into contact with the epidermis such as sheets , surgical dressings , various kinds of bandages and the like are disclosed which comprise a homopolymer or copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene containing at least about 50 % tetrafluoroethylene deposited upon a support material which is resistant to the fritting temperature of the homopolymer or copolymer , the support material containing from about 25 to 90 % homopolymer or copolymer and from 10 to 75 % support material and possessing regularly disposed perforations for from about 0 . 1 to 10 % of the surface thereof .
a heat - sensitive recording material comprises a sheet substrate applied thereon with a heat - sensitive , color - developing layer containing as the main components a colorless or light - colored leuco dye , a developer for permitting said dye to develop a color by heating and a binder , in which the binder used is an ammonium salt of a diisobutylene / maleic anhydride copolymer is expressed in terms of the following general formula : ## str1 ## wherein r stands for a diisobutylene group a part of said ammonium salt being substituted and modified by an ammonium salt comprising a primary , secondary or tertiary ethanol amine .
a process for preparing polymers and copolymers based on vinyl chloride by mass polymerization of a monomer composition based on vinyl chloride , comprising carrying out at least part of the polymerization reaction in a polymerization zone defined by an essentially spherical wall by effecting in the said polymerization zone a controlled and regulated circulation of the polymerization reaction mixture by means of a rotated blade - type turbine assembly , where the said blades pass by in the vicinity of the said wall over 10 % to 60 % of its surface , the reaction mixture being caused by the centrifugal force of said rotated blade - type turbine assembly to perform an at least partially ascending movement over at least part of the spherical wall and falling back , essentially under the action of gravity in the central part of the spherical polymerization zone , thus ensuring intensive mixing without dead space .
there is disclosed a printing apparatus for printing on tags and labels . the apparatus includes a compact housing which is comprised essentially of plastics material . the housing includes a self - storing sliding cover , end plates and a base forming track structure for the cover , and a shelf for mounting a thermal printing mechanism . the printing mechanism is a compact module that is suitably secured in the housing . the printing mechanism includes structure for maintaining tension in a label - carrying web , for adjusting the orientation of the printing mechanism &# 39 ; s thermal print head , and for applying controlled rewinding .
polymeric carpet and a method of making and recycling such carpet , the carpet having fibers , backing and extruded adhesive all of completely recyclable materials , the recycling being accomplished in one melting step , without a separation step .
β€œ threedimensional ” polymers of very small size can be used in the context of synthesis . these polymers provide simple isolation routes by avoiding the need for workup following the reactions , preworkup characterization , high yield , high capacity and reusability . of equal importance , these polymers provide a more efficient route to combinatorial synthesis of small molecules . this provides greatly enhanced efficiency for making and screening molecules for physical / biological properties .
a device for connecting components made of fusible plastic , especially pipes of a fuel pipeline or a fuel line to a fuel tank of a vehicle . the device includes a heating element having ends which are used to supply electrical energy . the device is easy to use , simple to mount , and produces a functionally reliable welded joint between the components . to achieve this , one component includes a retaining body for a retaining tool , and the two ends of the heating element extend onto the retaining body where they can engage contact elements on the retaining tool .
therapeutic particles contain metal ions and are characterized by the use of unique ligand sets capable of making the metal ion complex soluble in biological media to induce selective toxicity in diseased cells . the particles may comprise a polymeric base particle , at least one pharmaceutically active metal ion , including metal ions from more than one metal element , a ligand that is covalently attached to the polymeric base particle and attached to the metal ion via a stimuli - responsive bond , and a cell targeting component . when the metal ion - containing particle enters a pre - defined environment , the ligands binding the metal to the particle are broken , triggering release of the free metal ion while the original ligands remain covalently bound to the particle .
a process for preparing polyvalent , physiologically degradable carbohydrate - containing polymers by enzymatic glycosylation reactions is described . the carbohydrate - containing polymers thus prepared may be used for preparing carbohydrate building blocks . the polyvalent carbohydrate - containing polymers of the invention cause no intolerance reactions in vivo , either in their intact form or in the form of degradation products . the carbohydrate side chain of the carbohydrate - containing polymer is assembled by enzymatic glycosylation reactions in homogeneous aqueous buffer systems directly on a biodegradable polymer . the yields of the glycosylation reaction are significantly improved over known processes , and are often quantitative . this also provides a significant increase in the loading densities . a process for preparing free oligosaccharides by means of the carbohydrate - containing polymers of the invention is also described .
a photosensitive medium , normally a diazo printing plate or photopolymer - based proof , is exposed in a series of exposures each of a small rectangular area . typically several linearly - arrayed deformable mirror devices each spatially encode a light beam in order to expose corresponding pixels within corresponding regions of the medium . between successive exposures , the several dmd &# 39 ; s are moved to a new position relative to the medium along a first , x , axis so that new exposures of new regions can be made . normally the arrayed dmd &# 39 ; s are moved relative to the imager &# 39 ; s frame by a screw drive . there is an additional , separate relative movement between the dmd &# 39 ; s and the medium along another , perpendicular , y , axis . normally the medium is moved relative to the imager &# 39 ; s frame by nip rollers . in order to provide a required precision in registering successively imaged regions of the medium along either or both axis , reference marks are exposed directly on the medium . after each movement of the medium along either or both axis , these reference marks are sensed , typically by four - quadrant photodetectors , and errors in the repositioning of the medium are determined . to compensate for these errors , the nip rollers are adjusted by a servomechanism . the medium is held by a cyclic pressure pad while it is imaged . so proceeding , the entirety of a large photosensitive medium is imaged in successive regions along two perpendicular axis while errors in image alignment and registration are substantially reduced .
apparatus and method for sterilizing and encapsulating contaminated waste particularly medical implement waste in which a volume of thermoplastic compound having a melting point temperature - calibrated at a value which corresponds substantially to the temperature at which all biological contamination is rendered sterile substantially on contact , and impregnating a space containing contaminated waste items with the liquid compound and thereafter cooling the mass to its solidified phase while containing it against protrusion of any waste item .
a system for filtering and treating waste generated or collected in the water of a fish pond . the system includes a pump , pre - filter , piping , a valve assembly , and a filter media container enclosing a plurality of discrete filter media . the filter media are generally hollow , plastic structures with a plurality of external ribs and internal dividing walls . the filter media has a high surface area - to - volume ratio and can support a high volumetric density of naturally occurring heterotrophic bacteria . the heterotrophic bacteria establish colonies on the internal and external surfaces of the filter media and biologically metabolize waste that is trapped on the media . the bacterial metabolization transforms much of the waste to an aesthetically and biologically neutral form thereby reducing the need for chemical treatment of the pond water . the system includes a backwashing mode to agitate and remove unreacted waste from the system and direct the waste stream out of the system , preferably to be used as fertilizer .
the present invention provides a frame having variable dimensions , comprising a plurality of telescoping legs arranged in first and second pairs , with each leg of said first pair being rotatably coupled together and each leg of said second pair being rotatably coupled together ; and a scissor link mechanism coupled between the legs of said first and second pairs to vary a length of said plurality of legs in response to a distance between said first and second pairs varying . in one embodiment one end of each of said legs of said first pair is rotatably coupled together and one end of each of said legs of said second pair are rotatably coupled together . in this manner , the dimensions of the frame may be varied to accommodate support of a flexible body , such as a plastic bag , paper sack , fabric sack and the like to provide the same with a desired volume and / or an opening of the same with desired dimensions . specifically , the length of the legs , the angle therebetween and the distance between the first and second pairs may be such as to provide a desired volume of structure support to the flexible membrane from amongst range of volumes that the flexible material can support .
films are formed from liquid polymeric material passed through an elongate exit slit of a die and drawn to a solidification region . a condition of flow of liquid through the slit is established to enforce a controlled ratio of extensional strain rate to shear strain rate on the material leaving the slit by providing a predetermined slit profile to maintain that ratio above a minimum throughout the width of the film .
an automotive instrument panel includes a molded plastic retainer formed with an integral airbag deployment door surrounded by a channel defining a tear seam enabling the door to separate and hinge outwardly upon deployment of the airbag . a foam - backed cover of flexible plastic material is applied over the outer surface of the panel and is severed along the length of the channel to eliminate any influence that the cover may have on resisting the opening of the door . the severed cover portion can either be removed to expose the door or else be left in tact and bonded to the door .
composite fibrous constructs are made of combinations of inorganic - organic hybrid monofilament or multifilament yarns containing at least 6 weight percent of inorganic micro -/ nanoparticles and organic monofilament or multifilament yarn with typical examples of the hybrid yarn matrix made of absorbable or non - absorbable thermoplastic polymers and final constructs being in the form of knitted or woven meshes and braided ligatures intended to perform under specific mechanically , biologically , and / or radiologically related functions .
the present disclosure relates to nucleic acid molecules comprising the genome of the citrus sudden death virus , the causative agent of citrus sudden death disease . the cloned csdv nucleic acid molecules can be used as probes or can be used to design oligonucleotide primers useful in assays , such as a polymerase chain reaction , for detecting the presence of csdv in biological samples , particularly leaves , roots and other tissues or organs of plants , such as plants from the genera citrus and poncirus . the disclosure also comprises the nucleic csdv nucleic acid molecules , in whole or part , as well as transgenic plants , such as monocots and dicots , containing the csdv nucleic acid molecules , in any kind of combination , so that expression increases resistance to csd disease .
a reusable flower bouquet arranging apparatus is presented for creating a hand - held bouquet with a hand tied appearance as would be used for a wedding bouquet or nosegay . made from plastic with a plurality of spaced apart apertures , it can be used to make arrangements having an overall shape that is domed , cascading , crescent - shaped , heart - shaped , oval or several other configurations .
a champagne type base for a molded polymeric container has an annular step immediately inside an annular contact ring . a push - up area is a central portion of the base immediately surrounding the container longitudinal axis . a transition region between the push - up area and the annular step provides for outstanding base stabilization . the transition region includes an upwardly arching surface extending between the annular step and the push - up area with a plurality of integrally molded , spaced apart , radially extending and downwardly projecting hollow ribs . each of the ribs has a lower curved surface extending substantially continuously from the push - up area to the inner margin of the annular step .
a conveyor suspension idler mold apparatus for molding a one - piece , elongated , flexible , polymer idler is disclosed along with a method of molding the conveyor idler and the conveyor idler apparatus . a vertical mold has specially shaped cavities for molding the idler without entrapping air , along with shafts positioning and support brackets at each end of the mold for molding a metal shaft into each end of the polymer idler . the shafts positioning and supporting brackets utilize the groove for the bearing retaining ring for locking each shaft into position .
a container assembly provided with an antibacterial agent against β€œ slow - leak ” bacteria , comprising a container such as a plastic bottle which has a mouth portion having a rim ; and a seal member such as a crown cap fitted to the mouth portion at the rim , wherein at least either a surface portion of the rim or the rim - contacting surface portion of the seal member includes an antibacterial agent such as silver zeolite in the form of a coating or a liner , thereby effectively blocking the entry of unwanted live bacteria and eumycetes which may enter the interior of the container assembly due to slow - leak .
a method for processing liquid cip media used in plants for treating containers includes promoting adsorption of aromatic substances from said cip media by exposing the cip media to a polymeric adsorbent material .
honeycomb extrudate is made by extruding a plasticized ceramic - forming batch material to form a length of wet honeycomb extrudate , transferring the extrudate to a support tray , and transferring the tray and extrudate to a dryer , the tray being capable of contactingly supporting greater than one - third of the circumferential surface of the wet extrudate . the extrudate is subject to reduced handling damage , e . g . from forces of gravitational and / or lateral acceleration arising during transfer .
a measurement cell for an injection machine has a cavity formed between two removable and exchangeable internal metallic blocks equipped with a cooling and heating system . the internal metallic blocks are laterally isolated from bodies that hold the blocks by a space of air that restricts transversal heat transfer in the cavity due to the presence of two polymeric bars installed on its lateral edges edges to generate a one - dimensional heat transfer regime on the central zone of a plate of material to be analyzed . the measurement cell also has a set of fixed pressure and temperature sensors on the bodies connected to a data acquisition system to store signals therefrom and a removable and reusable unit of temperature sensors that possesses ceramic or metallic tubes assembled in a block carrier to guide and fix a group of at least three temperature sensors on the cavity also connected to the same data acquisition system . the tubes are supported by bodies that enable the reuse of the plate formed as such with the temperature sensors inside to measure the heating curves when the measurement cell is operated at high temperature with its heating system .
a high strength plastic bag is formed from two sheets of polymeric material . the sheets are folded , machined , and heat sealed to form a receptacle portion , a flap for covering an opening to the receptacle portion , and a handle having three layers of polymeric material for improved strength . the bag includes a tamper - indicating closure and has a high friction coefficient to prevent sliding of stacked bags .
j - 1 which is a strain of cyanobacteria is used to form and excrete a material useful as an emulsifying agent for forming emulsions of hydrocarbons and oils in liquids such as water . method of separating and culturing the cyanobacteria under conditions necessary to achieve a maximum formation and excretion of the emulsifying agent into solution . method of purifying and separating excreted as well as intracellular material from cyanobacteria . method of removing stains with a material excreted by cyanobacteria , and particularly strain j - 1 . method of effecting the secondary recovery of petroleum through the use of a material excreted by cyanobacteria , and particularly strain j - 1 . extracellular polymeric material which is greater than 200 , 000 daltons in molecular weight , and contains sugar , fatty acid , and protein moieties , and amide , carboxylic and amino groups .
a support for a tire tread band comprising an outer portion for contacting a tread and a base , wherein the base comprises a reinforcement framework having at least two plies of reinforcement elements . each of the plies has mutually parallel reinforcement elements , and said elements are crossed from one ply to a next ply . the support further comprising a polymer material having a modulus greater than 30 mpa .
a new ultrasonic aided laser joining method for bonding dissimilar materials has been developed . the method is capable of eliminating the laser - induced bubbles at the bonding faces and to improve the joint strength over that of the conventional laser - assisted metal and plastic joining method . some experiments on joining titanium to polyethylene terephthalate have been conducted to show the superiority of ual over lamp . the results showed that the joint strength , measured in terms of failure load , was significantly increased when ultrasonic vibration was employed during laser joining . for the lamp joined specimens , fracture normally occurred at the metal - plastic interface , whereas for the ual joined specimens , fracture normally occurred in the parent plastic part . the improvement in joint strength is mainly due to the elimination of pores in the resolidified plastic . in addition , ultrasound vibration promotes chemical bonding between the plastic and metal parts , and this is supported by the xps results .
a composite article having large scale predictable dimensional stability comprises a metal foil backing having adhered thereto a layer of cured polymer having an exposed surface bearing a three - dimensional microstructure of precisely shaped and located functional discontinuities . the article is made by depositing a layer of a radiation curable composition onto a metal foil backing , contacting a master with a pattern capable of imparting a three - dimensional microstructure of precisely shaped and located functional discontinuities into the layer of radiation curable composition , while the layer of radiation curable composition is in contact with the master , exposing the curable composition to radiation to cure the composition , and separating the cured polymer layer on the metal foil backing from the surface of the master . either the metal foil backing or the master may be radiation transmissive .
bituminous asphalt binder materials which are modified by the addition of crumb rubber or ground tire rubber and a cross - linking agent are described . in addition , methods are provided for producing a modified asphalt binder containing crumb rubber or ground tire rubber and a cross - linking agent . the modified asphalt binders comprise neat asphalt , crumb rubber , one or more acids and a cross - linking agent . optionally , the modified asphalt binder may include one or more polymer additives . the crumb rubber may be obtained from recycled truck and / or automobile tires . the addition of crumb rubber in asphalt binders can improve the consistency and properties of the asphalt binders at high and low temperatures . in particular , the modified asphalt binders of the present invention exhibit improved elastic behavior , resulting in improved performance of roads or other surfaces paved using the modified asphalt binder . road resistance to permanent deformation , fatigue cracking and thermal cracking is improved by use of the modified asphalt binder .
a thermal cycling device consisting of a plate containing a plurality of wells to hold liquid and a lid that covers the plate and contains a number of β€œ pins ” that insert into the wells of the plate to control the temperature of the sample in the well . biological , chemical or other samples are placed into the wells of the plate and the lid is placed on the plate with the pins inserted into or in the proximity of the sample . the lid , the outer surface of which may be copper clad and in direct contract with the pins , is heated or cooled , rapidly and uniformly heating or cooling the biological samples . the temperature of the sample can be rapidly and uniformly cycled and is particularly useful for the amplification of dna via the polymerase chain reaction .
the use of matrix metalloproteinases , mutated and not mutated , for the preparation of pharmaceutical compositions useful in the treatment of pathologies associated with an accumulation of matrix bio - polymers and / or an excess of timps is described ; mutated matrix metalloproteinases , in which at least an aminoacid residue in a definite position in the protein , has been mutated into a hydrophilic and / or charged aminoacidic residue , obtaining an increased stability toward autoproteolysis are also described .
a method and apparatus for the spatial distribution of a filler component within the matrix of a composite material . an electric field is applied to a mixture consisting of two or more components that have different dielectric permittivities , at least one of which is initially in the form of a liquid polymer or pre - polymer . an alternating electric field is established between a pair of electrical conductors or electrodes that are moved relative to each other , so as to alter the spatial intensity of the electric field in a controlled manner . polarized particles or elements of the filler component that are coupled to a moving electrode by a dielectrophoretic force can consequently be dragged into a predetermined spatial configuration . as the size of the inter - electrode gap is changed , the applied voltage can be adjusted in order to maintain electrically induced polarization of the filler component .
in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells and electrolyzes , attaining and maintaining high membrane conductivity and durability is crucial for performance and efficiency . the use of low equivalent weight perfluorinated ionomers is one of the few options available to improve membrane conductivity . however , excessive dimensional changes of low ew ionomers upon application of wet / dry or freeze / thaw cycles yield catastrophic losses in membrane integrity . incorporation of ionomers within porous , dimensionally - stable perforated polymer electrolyte membrane substrates provides improved pem performance and longevity . the present invention provides novel methods using micromolds to fabricate the perforated polymer electrolyte membrane substrates . these novel methods using micromolds create uniform and well - defined pore structures . in addition , these novel methods using micromolds described herein may be used in batch or continuous processing .
an aerosol container having a propellant means and a flexible product bag enclosed within a flexible deformable plastic container such as polyethylene . the propellant causes the product in the bag to discharge which reduces the volume of the product in the enclosing container thus reducing the pressure of the gas within the container to subatmospheric pressure . this collapses the container and is an indication that the contents have been used .
a bio - inspired device is provided designed to scale smooth vertical surfaces using anisotropic frictional materials . the device draws its inspiration from geckos and other climbing lizards and employs similar compliance and force control strategies to climb smooth vertical surfaces including glass , tile and plastic panels . foremost among the design features embodied in the device are multiple levels of compliance , at length scales ranging from centimeters to micrometers , to allow the device to conform to surfaces and maintain large real areas of contact so that adhesive forces can support it . structures within the feet ensure even stress distributions over each toe and facilitate engagement and disengagement of the adhesive materials . a force control strategy works in conjunction with the anisotropic adhesive materials to obtain sufficient levels of friction and adhesion for climbing with low attachment and detachment forces .
a packing material for liquid chromatography comprising monovinyl aromatic monomer and divinyl or polyvinyl aromatic monomer is disclosed , wherein , in gel permeation chromatography , exclusion limit molecular weight is not less than 1 Γ— 10 3 in terms of standard polystyrene , average particle diameter lies within a rage of 0 . 5 to 50 ΞΌm and the constitution rate of divinyl or polyvinyl aromatic monomer in copolymer particles is not less than 60 % by weight , and a method for the preparation thereof is claimed , wherein suspension polymerization is carried out in a mixed aqueous solution containing organic colvent which dissolves whole monomer containing not less than 60 % by weight of divinyl or polyvinyl aromatic monomer in whole monomer by amounts of 50 to 300 % by weight of the solvent to both monomers and does not dissolve the copolymer of these monomers and radical polymerization initiator .
disclosed is a closed - cell polyisocyanurate foam composition capable of high compressive strength at temperatures up to 200 Β° c . the new composition further exhibits no loss or degradation in conventional mechanical properties β€” less than that which impacts the intended use . the formulation of the present invention is based on the reaction product of a isocyanate and an epoxide resin catalyzed by a mixture of a tertiary amine and a cyclic amine . compressive strength is augmented by incorporating a large fraction of a non - reactive bulk filler into the precursor polymer gel .
the storage device is a device used in pickup truck beds , for the purpose of protecting items from the outside elements . the two main elements are the compartment , and the lid . the compartment and lid are made of materials such as sturdy lightweight injection molded plastics . the lid is ribbed across the top to add strength . the capacity of the compartment is approximately the same as the trunk of most small to medium size cars . it has a metal security tube system with locks , and rubber boot suction cups in the front and back of the device , to prevent theft or unauthorized removal from the bed . the lid has a front end locking mechanism that secures the contents . the lid is hinged at the rear end , allowing the lid to be opened and closed , from the tailgate area of the truck bed . a metal rod in the lid , allows the lid element to be raised to various positions as desired , when putting items into or taking items out of the compartment . the storage device is a portable device .
the invention provides biocompatible resorbable polymers , comprising monomer units having formula , formula , formula or formula . the polymers degrade over time when implanted in the body , and are useful as components of implantable medical devices .
a energy absorbing structure is disclosed for the purpose of protecting human occupants of a vehicle from the damaging effects of sudden accelerative or decelerative forces by means of plastic deformation of the structure . the structure consists of a generally rectangular sheet of a stranded material , preferably expanded metal , which has nonisotropic properties and which is employed in the construction of the bottom or back of a seating structure for the vehicle occupant . the nonisotropic properties of the sheet allow it to be designed in such a way that it resists deformation when exposed to any force below a specified threshold ; beyond the specified threshold , the sheet absorbs the force through plastic deformation , thus attenuating damaging force to which the occupant may be exposed . such a device may be used in the seating apparatus of various vehicles , including aircraft , automobiles , space vehicles , helicopters , heavy machinery , tractors , military vehicles , and the like .
a mobile irrigator with a ribbon of plastic wound on a drum which is frictionally driven by wheels engaged with the ribbon , the wheels being adapted to slide on the plastic to compensate for varying diameters of the drum resulting from more or less windings of the ribbon , the drive for the drum being designed to hold the ribbon taught for passing through guides which shape the ribbon from flat to tube and vice versa . a control is provided for the pump to prevent loss of prime by limited feeding of air into the pump . a supply source of water has an electronic monitoring receiver operating a supply pump discharging into the tube to provide sufficient pressure and attendant fluid level to hold the prime in the irrigator or discharge pump . a pressure sensitive sending command unit is provided at the inlet of the irrigator pump for actuating the supply pump at the water source .
a composite hose for use in automotive air conditioning systems employing &# 34 ; refrigerant 12 &# 34 ; including an innermost three - ply tube having an elastomer inner tube ply , a middle tube ply of a thermoplastic polymer bonded to the inner tube ply , and an outer tube ply of an elastomer bonded to the middle tube ply . at least one textile yarn , cord or fabric reinforcement layer surrounds the three - ply tube and a specially compounded elastomer cover overlies the textile reinforcement . suitable adhesives maybe applied between the inner and middle tube and between the middle and outer tube to provide a consolidated , co - acting tube element . a hose fitting is attached to an end of the composite hose to form a hose assembly .
a roller body having a shaft formed from a first thermoplastic material and defining at least one roller . the shaft is a single component injection - molded shaft . a casing at least partially encases the roller and is formed from a second thermoplastic material different from the first thermoplastic material . the casing is bonded to the roller by an injection - molding process .
a process to obtain linear double - stranded covalently closed dna β€œ dumbbell ” constructs from plasmids by restriction digest , subsequent ligation with hairpin oligodesoxyribonucleotides , optionally in the presence of restriction enzyme , and a final digestion with endo - and exonucleolytic enzymes that degrade all contaminating polymeric dna molecules but the desired construct . the invention also provides a process to obtain said dumbbell constructs employing endonuclease class ii enzymes . furthermore , the invention provides a process to obtain linear , covalently closed dna molecules , such as plasmids , free from contamination by genomic dna , by submitting the dna preparation to a facultative endonucleolytic degradation step and an obligatory exonucleolytic degradation step .
a method of using fluorinated - nanostructured poss chemicals as alloying agents for the reinforcement of polymer microstructures , including polymer coils , domains , chains , and segments , at the molecular level . because of their tailorable compatibility with nonfluorinated polymers , nanostructured chemicals can be readily and selectively incorporated into polymers by direct blending processes . the incorporation of a nanostructured chemical into a polymer favorably impacts a multitude of polymer physical properties . properties most favorably improved are surface properties , such as lubricity , contact angle , water repellency , deicing , surface tension , and abrasion resistance . improved surface properties may be useful for applications such as anti - icing surfaces , non - wetting surfaces , low friction surfaces , self cleaning . other properties improved include time dependent mechanical and thermal properties such as heat distortion , creep , compression set , shrinkage , modulus , hardness and biological compatibility . in addition to mechanical properties , other physical properties are favorably improved , including lower thermal conductivity , dielectric properties , fire resistance , gas permeability and separation . these improved properties may be useful in a number of applications , including space - survivable materials and seals , gaskets , cosmetics , and personal care .
a pneumatic parallel or radial gripper or air gun having two or more gripping jaws , wherein at least the gripping jaws their connection to the controlling piston are pre - assembled on a support that is made of plastic material . this allows for the subsequent assembly en bloc on the body in correlation with the piston . the support also acts as a device of protection .
the invention relates to a plastic closure for dispensing thixotrope fluids from a flexible bottle . said closure has a bottom part comprising a cover surface with a spout opening . beneath the cover surface a support surface is provided , in which several axially extending through - passages are disposed , which are radially offset relative to the spout opening . the support surface comprises partial elements in the form of tongues , which are integrally formed on an annular jacket wall by way of integral hinges , which engage in a pin in the installed state . this results in a closure that can be manufactured particularly inexpensively , is simple to install , and can be produced in one piece .
described herein is injecto - compression moulding of articles made of plastic material with two components by means of a press of the stack - mould type in which the moulding cavity of the second component is maintained in a position of partial opening during the injection and compression of the first component within the first moulding cavity . there is moreover provided a retention system , which is associated to at least one of said first and second cavities .
a container treatment machine with a tank and spaced - apart valve housings , wherein a pressure - resistant delivery pipe having a curved section is provided between the tank and each valve housing directly or via an intermediate flow regulator , the delivery pipe being composed , at least in its curved section , of a hard plastic which is pressure - and temperature - resistant , and is acid - and alkali - resistant and permissible for foodstuffs , in particular polytetrafluoroethylene .
an object of the invention is to provide a method and an apparatus for recycling plastics which is improved with respect to operation efficiency , operation environment , lowering degradation of plastics , recycling cost and environment load including saving energy . the recycling is made as follows : coarse - crushing used - up plastic products , separating plastic materials from other foreign matters by air blow separation , fine - crushing the separated plastics , washing the fine - crushed plastics by the process using a circulation flow including a spiral flow in which interaction between crushed plastics helps themselves clean without washing agents , dewatering the washed plastics , drying them , removing metallic matters by using metal detector , then feeding them directly without pelletizing to an injection molding machine of which nozzle part is equipped with filter and flow - switching mechanism for cleaning the filter by backwash reverse filtration .
the invention provides novel polyesters , fibers and films , nonwovens from the fibers and disposable products of the polyesters such as diapers . the products are degradable under the conditions typically existing in waste compositing processes , have low ingredient costs and yet provide strength and toughness properties adequate for end uses such as in disposable diapers . the polyesters are based upon polyester ingredients , such as polyethylene terephthalate , copolymerized with an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal 4 - sulfophthalic acid derivative , and other ingredients , such as polyethylene ether glycols and / or non - aromatic diacids , such as adipic and glutaric acids .
a lift for a watercraft has plastic reinforcing brackets which engage in pockets in the thin - walled plastic floatation tanks of the lift and which provide mounting flanges at the top surfaces of the floatation tanks for abutment with mounting pads which connect to the watercraft support frame . the brackets are engaged on the floatation tanks and the pads overlap and are bolted to the plastic brackets , so that the pads are locked against but not bolted to the floatation tanks . thus , the integrity of the tanks is not compromised by assembly - associated openings through the tank walls . furthermore , the bolts are above the tank waterlines so that no corrosive material is disposed below the waterlines .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer , predict disease risk assessment , and develop therapeutic avenues against said disease .
an adhesive suitable for bonding wood is both heat curable and radio frequency curable . this adhesive is composed of an isocyanate - terminated prepolymer and hydrolyzed soy protein having a ph of at least about 9 and advantageously from about 9 to 11 . 5 . the weight ratio of prepolymer to soy protein hydrolyzate ranges from about 70 : 30 to 90 : 10 .
a capsular bag for artificial vitreous body is made up of one selected from the group comprising polysiloxane , polyurethane , styrene triblock copolymer thermoplastic elastomers , hydroxyethyl methacrylate , polyvinyl alcohol , poly and hyaluronic acid ester . a method for manufacturing the capsular bag for artificial vitreous body is performed with dip - molding , effectively improving the smoothness of inner surface of the capsule , comprising : an eye die is dipped into gel solution until the surface adsorbs gel and then lifted , repeating the step 3 - 6 times ; the dipped eye is hardened into shape ; a shaped spherical outer capsule is peeled out of the eye die . the capsular bag for artificial vitreous body had high biocompatibility and excellent flexibility .
modular microfluidic systems includes a plurality of microfluidic modules , each capable of performing fluidic operations including , but not limited to , filtering , splitting , regulating pressure , mixing , metering , reacting , diverting , heating , cooling , and condensing are provided . the microfluidic modules are polymeric , stencil - based structures adapted to be coupled in sequence for performing biological or chemical synthesis , including , but not limited to , chemical and biological syntheses of organic , polymer , inorganic , oligonucleotide , peptide , protein , bacteria , and enzymatic products .
the present invention provides a vehicle for use in tissue engineering and / or surgical procedures comprising a melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor ligand : the vehicle may be a prosthesis , implant , matrix , stent , gauze , bandage , plaster , biodegradable matrix , or polymeric film the invention also provides a method of forming a vehicle of the invention .
an improved method of cast molding contact lenses , wherein a lens forming mixture is cured in the lens - shaped cavity formed between molding surfaces of a male and female mold sections , wherein the improvement comprises at least one of sections is injection molded from a copolymer of propylene and ethylene .
an apparatus for transforming plastic preforms into containers , includes at least one blow mould which forms a cavity , inside which the plastic preforms can be transformed into containers . the apparatus includes an opening and closing mechanism for opening and closing the blow mould , and a cleaning device for cleaning regions of the blow mould . the cleaning device includes at least a first cleaning element for cleaning an inner wall of the blow mould , which cleaning element is arranged at least at times outside the blow mould .
a surgical device for endoscopic surgical procedures capable of preventing injuries to internal organs during insertion . the surgical device can include one or more of the following : a multiple system of sharp blade edges , a mechanical tissue protection device that includes a series of thin plastic guards sliding along the sides of the planar knives and having an angle between their edges smaller than that of the cutting knife edges , one or more fixed conical deflectors to expand the cut tissue passage leaving the guards to contact tissue contact only at their tips , an insufflation passage configured to transport fluid into the body cavity during penetration , a locking system for the guards that prevents accidental reuse of the cutting features , and / or an ergonomic design which facilitates handling .
stable , concentrated aqueous suspensions of 2 , 2 - dibromo - 3 - nitrilopropionamide which contribute minimal chemical oxygen demand to systems treated therewith and methods of preparing and using said suspensions in biocidal applications have been discovered . the formulations comprise from about 3 to about 70 weight percent 2 , 2 - dibromo - 3 - nitrilopropionamide suspended in about 30 to about 97 weight percent water in the presence of a suspending amount of a thixotrope that exhibits ellis - plastic behavior , such as xantham gum and locust bean gum , at a ph of from about 1 to about 4 .