a method is provided for carrying out depolymerization of a polymer containing electrophilic linkages in the presence of a catalyst and a nucleophilic reagent , wherein production of undesirable byproducts resulting from polymer degradation is minimized . the reaction can be carried out at a temperature of 80 ° c . or less , and generally involves the use of an organic , nonmetallic catalyst , thereby ensuring that the depolymerization product are substantially free of metal contaminants . in an exemplary depolymerization method , the catalyst is a carbene compound such as an n - heterocyclic carbene , or is a precursor to a carbene compound . the method provides an important alternative to current recycling techniques such as those used in the degradation of polyesters , polyamides , and the like .
a tubular intraluminal prosthesis includes a ptfe or eptfe tubular structure such as a graft , and a tubular diametrically deformable stent circumferentially surrounding the tubular structure . the diametrically deformable stent includes a polymeric coating which allows for attachment to the tubular graft structure and enhances the biocompatibility and integrity of the composite prosthesis .
the disclosure includes a cap having a first portion made of a plastic material and forming a bottom for covering a container neck and a protective side wall for surrounding the container neck , and a second portion made of a flexible material that is compatible with the plastic material of the first portion and separate from the plastic material of the first portion , the second portion being annular and consisting of a flexible seal , which projects from the bottom toward the interior of the side wall and which is welded to the first portion . thus , the manufacture of the stopper by molding includes injecting a flexible material to produce the flexible annular seal and then the movable portions of the mold are placed such that the flexible material is in a groove that is set back from the planar surface of the mold .
substrates for cell culture and tissue engineering bioreactors consisting of polymers that change their shape over time under stimulation by temperature change , hydration , degradation , or other means . a method of controlling cell culture using a biodegradable shape memory polymer , wherein shape changes can transfer stresses , strains , or both to adherent or otherwise connected cells such that the mechanical stimulus impacts cell development and the resulting properties of tissues .
a new microsphere formulation for controlled - or sustained - release delivery of therapeutic ingredient , mainly peptides and proteins not over 10k in molecular weight , comprises at least a therapeutic ingredient , a helping agent and a biodegradable polymer . the therapeutic ingredient and the helping agent are in the form of fine particles , less than 1o um in diameter , encapsulated in the polymer which forms the microsphere matrix . a method for preparing the composition comprises a step of in - situ precipitating the therapeutic ingredient and the helping agent to the fine particles and successive steps for forming the microspheres . such a microsphere formulation offers a well - controlled release profile for prolonged period and encapsulation efficiency over 95 %.
a flexible sachet for transporting bio - pharmaceutical liquids with a volume of 50 liters or more , of the bellows type , assumes when filled a substantially parallelepiped shape . it comprises a bottom wall , a top wall and four lateral walls . it is made of a single laminated film with three or more layers , the innermost layer being a plastics material layer that can be heat welded and is biocompatible with the media transported . a method of manufacturing the sachet is also disclosed .
among the embodiments of the micro - pump herein described , the first includes an array containing a plurality of conductive elements . a plate covers the array and a controller supplies and controls current to the conductive elements in the array . in this embodiment , the plate can be , and preferably is , a photopolymer . moreover , if a photopolymer is used , it is preferable to use a thin - film photopolymer having a sub - millimeter thickness . the conductive elements can have a current individually and sequentially applied therethrough or shut - off thereto by the controller . in addition , the controller operates to temporarily apply current to substantially all of the conductive elements in the array thereby enabling a fluid disposed on the plate to be separated into positively and negatively charged fluid molecules . following this separation , the controller applies a current sequentially through selective of the conductive elements and shuts - off current thereto in a predetermined order to define a fluid flow path . a fluid disposed on the plate and separated into positively and negatively charged molecules is forced to move along the fluid flow path by a moving electromagnetic field generated by the application of current and shutting - off of current to the selective of the conductive elements . moreover , the fluid follows the direction of the moving electromagnetic field .
a transparent iridescent thermoplastic resinous laminate film having at least 10 very thin layers of substantially uniform thickness , said layers being generally parallel , the contiguous adjacent layers being of different transparent thermoplastic resinous materials of which one is a naphthalate - based polyester or copolyester resin , the contiguous adjacent layers differing in refractive index by at least about 0 . 03 .
the present invention relates to polymeric compositions useful in the manufacture of biocompatible medical devices . more particularly , the present invention relates to certain cationic random copolymers capable of polymerization to form polymeric compositions having desirable physical characteristics useful in the manufacture of ophthalmic devices . such properties include the ability to extract the polymerized medical devices with water . this avoids the use of organic solvents as is typical in the art . the polymer compositions comprise siloxane prepolymer containing pendant and end - capping cationic and polymerizable groups .
a method of bonding materials . the method comprises providing a polymer ; providing a second material ; contacting the polymer and the second material at a low contact pressure in the absence of a solvent or an adhesive ; maintaining the polymer at a temperature less than a bulk tg of the polymer ; introducing a gas at low pressure ; and bonding the polymer and the second material .
the present invention relates to a process for producing polyhydroxyalkanoate oligomers and / or polymers of reduced molecular weight , which comprises reacting at least one polyhydroxyalkanoate with at least one carbonate salt at a temperature of from 50 ° c . to 300 ° c ., preferably from 120 ° c . to 200 ° c . the above reaction allows a controlled degradation of the pha chains which yields oligomers and / or polymers having a controlled molecular weight , which can be modulated in view of the specific application for which the oligomers and / or polymers are intended . moreover , during the reaction carbon dioxide evolves which produces a foamed material which can be easily processed on an industrial scale . additionally , the above oligomers and / or polymers , having an end - group bearing a double bond c ═ c , particularly a crotonate end - group for phb , can be subjected to subsequent modifications to obtain a wide variety of functional end - groups , for instance carboxyl , carboxylate , hydroxyl , dihydroxyl , oxirane ring , halogen atom . moreover , the low molecular weight phas may be used in the area of controlled delivery systems in agro - chemistry , in the cosmetic industry , in medicine in the form of nano - or microspheres , in household products and in coating systems .
a method and apparatus for coating articles with a layer of plastic in which drippage of excess coating material onto the freshly coated articles is eliminated . a plurality of liquid plastic applicator nozzles positioned above a coating station supply coating material to an article . when the coating operation is completed , a suckback cycle is initiated creating a negative pressure inside the nozzles and drawing back into the nozzles any excess material . where different amounts of coating material may be supplied to different zones on the article , each individual zone of applicator nozzles is independently controlled , both in the flow and suck - back cycles of operation .
a technique for permanently joining thermoplastic parts in a single stroke converts kinetic energy into thermal energy . in this technique , one of the thermoplastic parts includes a linear shaft while the other includes a cavity having the same general shape but being slightly smaller in its cross - section . the thermoplastic parts are permanently joined when the shaft is thrust into the cavity at a velocity that exceeds a predetermined minimum value which is a function of the thermoplastic materials used and the relative dimensions of the shaft and cavity . an interference fit between the shaft and cavity causes frictional heat to be generated which melts the contacting surfaces and thus welds the parts together after a brief cooling period .
a method of producing a multilayer plastic film from resin starting material includes irradiating a batch of plastic resin material and using irradiated resin from the batch to produce at least one layer of a multilayer plastic film .
a packaging for reams of cut paper involving tear tapes made of plastic or paper maternal inserted into the ream wrap . the tear tapes may be pulled to tear off and open one end of the wrapped ream , leaving the remaining packaging intact to serve as a storage and dispenser for partial reams of paper .
this invention relates to an apparatus for effecting the uniform pre - heating of thermoplastic parisons of the type that are introduced into a blow molding machine for fabrication into a blow molded article . the invention provides a hopper which is intermittently supplied with batches of parisons and through which the parisons move by gravity . a convection heating zone is provided in the hopper to uniformly heat each parison passing therethrough , and a temperature equalization zone is provided adjacent to the heating zone . the parisons are removed from the temperature equalization zone by a continuously moving parison conveyor which forms part of the temperature equalization zone .
a tool having a combined synergistic function for users of sealed plastic bags in order to quickly and safely open and reseal them , wherein a cutting tool for cutting the bag open is connected with a clipping tool for clipping closed the opening .
a method for preparing a laminate coronary stent comprising : providing a stent framework ; and depositing a plurality of layers on said stent framework to form said laminate coronary stent ; wherein at least one of said layers comprises a bioabsorbable polymer .
the present invention comprises a method for delivering a medium such as a gas , vapor or liquid into a melted plastic in a mold via an elongated screw shaft rotatably supported in a housing , the method including the steps of providing the screw shaft with a bore longitudinally therethrough from a proximal end to a distal tip end thereof , rotating the screw shaft in the housing to move plastic therethrough , and into the mold , introducing a gas , vapor or liquid into the bore , to permit the gas , vapor or liquid to be delivered through the bore , and into the molten plastic in the mold through the distal tip end of the screw shaft .
the present invention relates generally to a collapsible shipping container utilizing standard box making equipment manufactured from material such as paper , corrugated board , and corrugated plastic , and in particular , to a package that employs a tensioned film system , that holds a product hammock style , between two layers of film and / or between a film and a wall of the package . to use the box , the formed box which has been stored in a flat configuration , is unfolded to a substantially rectangular or square configuration by folding at least one flap panel about its fold line to a position superadjacent a central panel and conforming the container to a hexagonal cross - section . in this configuration the box retains its hexagonal cross - section and can be self supporting in a vertical position , in order to facilitate the filing operation .
a method is provided for carrying out depolymerization of a polymer containing electrophilic linkages in the presence of a catalyst and a nucleophilic reagent , wherein production of undesirable byproducts resulting from polymer degradation is minimized . the reaction can be carried out at a temperature of 80 ° c . or less , and generally involves the use of an organic , nonmetallic catalyst , thereby ensuring that the depolymerization product are substantially free of metal contaminants . in an exemplary depolymerization method , the catalyst is a carbene compound such as an n - heterocyclic carbene , or is a precursor to a carbene compound . the method provides an important alternative to current recycling techniques such as those used in the degradation of polyesters , polyamides , and the like .
the present disclosure concerns biologically active materials , particularly materials that comprise a biodegradeable polymer linked to a biologically active agent . the disclosure further concerns materials known as polymer - drug conjugates that typically contain a therapeutic agent , for instance a bioactive cytotoxic drug linked to a polymer backbone . the linkage typically is a convalent linkage . however , in some embodiments the disclosure concerns other polymer conjugates including those where the biologically active agent is an imaging agent , such as a tyrosinamide , a diagnostic agent , or a targeting agent , such as biotin .
the present invention relates to a semi - aromatic polyamide and a method for preparing it with low wastewater discharge . the semi - aromatic polyamide for the present invention is obtained by introducing aromatic dicarboxylic acid , aliphatic diamine containing 4 ˜ 14 carbon atoms and the wastewater generated during the previous prepolymerization into an autoclave for prepolymerization reaction and then further polymerizing the prepolymer . in this preparation method , the wastewater generated during polymerization is recycled , thus greatly reducing the wastewater discharge ; the raw materials in the wastewater are effectively recycled , thus improving the utilization rate of raw materials ; meanwhile , the diamine in the wastewater compensates that lost along with water discharge during prepolymerization , thus ensuring the mole ratio balance between dicarboxylic acid monomer and diamine monomer .
a germ - free beverage lid system ; a protective covering specially designed for the plastic lids that are used for beverages sold in coffee house chains , fast food restaurants , convenience stores , and similar outlets . the intent is to provide a more hygienic means of offering these type of lids to consumers , helping to create a sterile cup lid to stop the spread of germs and bacteria .
a golf club head having a sole plate and hosel integral piece is disclosed herein . the integral piece may be composed of a metal material for with a golf club head having a composite body . the integral piece also improves the consistency of the loft and lie parameters of a golf club bead . the hosel may be formed with the sole plate , or the hosel may be connected to the sole plate . the integral piece may also have a polymer sleeve thereabout to assist in reducing the stress at the tip end of a shaft inserted into the hosel .
blends of polyvinyl alcohol , and ethylene - vinyl alcohol copolymer containing a processing aid such as polyamide , polyurethane or polyoxazoline are melt extrudable into paper - like films having excellent oxygen barrier and grease resistance properties .
plastic bottle including a body extending along a central axis that includes a lower portion with a substantially constant cross section ; followed by a gripping portion ; and terminated by an upper portion with a substantially constant section and arranged to correspond with the cross section of the lower portion . the gripping portion includes two globally plane gripping panels arranged to be parallel to each other and to the central axis at a distance convenient for gripping with the hands . these panels have at least one reinforcing relief extending in a transverse plane , and are connected to each other by connecting panels extending along the lower portion and the upper portion , through rounded angles located at the circumferential ends of the panels .
a plasma spray method capable of directing plasticized powders against a substrate for deposition of a protective coating thereon is disclosed . various structural details of the apparatus described enable the attainment of high particle velocities without melting the particles . the technical concepts employed are directed to normalizing the temperature of the plasma stream at a reduced value prior to the injection of coating particles . a general reduction in temperature and substantial elimination of a thermal spike at the core of the stream are achieved . coating particles are injected into the plasma stream only after the plasma is first cooled and then preferably accelerated . in detailed embodiments , a nozzle extension assembly having a plasma cooling zone , a plasma acceleration zone , a powder injection zone and a plasma / powder discharge zone is affixed to the downstream end of a conventional plasma generator .
advanced structural components comprising a foamed thermoplastic that can be used in virtually any application where wooden components have a use . such structural components can comprise sized lumber , shaped trim , posts , beams or shaped structural members . an advanced profile composite structural component comprising an exterior capping layer with an interior comprising a foamed thermoplastic can be used in the assembly of fenestration units adapted to residential and commercial structures . preferably the profile structural component can be used in a window or door assembly . the profile member is adapted for ease of construction of the fenestration units , can be easily installed in a rough opening to framing members , and can be trimmed and adjusted on site . the profile is structurally strong , thermally stable , shrink resistant and will accept and retain the insertion of fasteners such as staples , nails and screws permanently with substantial retention and little or no damage to the units . the profile structural components possess strength that permits the manufacture of a structurally sound fenestration unit from two or more foamed profile members or other conventional members .
this invention provides a novel process of producing magnetically responsive fluorescent polymer particles comprising polymeric core particles coated evenly with a layer of polymer containing magnetically responsive metal oxide . a wide variety of polymeric particles with sizes ranging from 1 to 100 microns can be used a core particles and transformed into magnetically responsive polymer particles . the surface of these magnetically responsive polymer particles can be coated further with another layer of functionalized polymer . these magnetically responsive fluorescent polymer particles can be used for passive or covalent coupling of biological material such as antigens , antibodies , enzymes or dna / rna hybridization and used as solid phase for various types of immunoassays , dna / rna hybridization probes assays , affinity purification , cell separation and other medical , diagnostic , and industrial applications .
an electro spinning process yields uniform , nanometer diameter polymer filaments . a thread - forming polymer is extruded through an anodically biased die orifice and drawn through an anodically biased electrostatic field . a continuous polymer filament is collected on a grounded collector . the polymer filament is linearly oriented and highly uniform in quality . the filament is particularly useful for weaving body armor , for chemical / biological protective clothing , as a biomedical tissue growth support , for fabricating micro sieves and for microelectronics fabrication .
nut or bolt head holding tweezers which are engageable with nut or bolt heads and is formed from either metallic or polymeric material and includes a pair of substantially parallel legs that extend from a proximal joint end . one of the legs of the nut or bolt head tweezers is formed with partial polygonal jaw with the other leg having an opposing partial polygonal jaw . furthermore , the tweezers are fitted with a locking slide that when moved in the distal direction , flexing said legs together and secures the nut or bolt head between said partial polygonal jaws . thereby facilitating the ability to successfully secure and position a nut or bolt in an area with difficult accessibility .
there is disclosed a polymeric container lid construction whereby the contents of a container equipped therewith can be readily accessed by means of a reclosable access strip defined between a pair of spaced apart tear impressions extending inwardly from the edge of the lid and into the central portion thereof . an improved self - forming hinge element for the access strip is described along with an improved hold - open retainer construction by which the access strip can be releasably retained in the open condition .
a method and apparatus for generating lubricant at the head / disk interface throughtout the life of a disk drive utilizing friction at the slider / disk interface to activate the polymerization of a monomer at the catalytic surface on the slider and / or the disk surface . the monomer is supplied to the catalytic surface through the vapor state from a reservoir .
fluidic methods and devices for conducting parallel chemical reactions are disclosed . the methods are based on the use of in situ photogenerated reagents such as photogenerated acids , photogenerated bases , or any other suitable chemical compounds that produce active reagents upon light radiation . the present invention describes devices and methods for performing a large number of parallel chemical reactions without the use of a large number of valves , pumps , and other complicated fluidic components . the present invention provides microfluidic devices that contain a plurality of microscopic vessels for carrying out discrete chemical reactions . other applications may include the preparation of microarrays of dna and rna oligonucleotides , peptides , oligosacchrides , phospholipids and other biopolymers on a substrate surface for assessing gene sequence information , screening for biological and chemical activities , identifying intermolecular complex formations , and determining structural features of molecular complexes .
a method of welding materials includes obtaining a first material having a first thermoplastic layer formed thereon ; obtaining a second thermoplastic layer ; positioning the first material and the second thermoplastic layer such that the first thermoplastic layer faces the second thermoplastic layer ; applying energy to the first thermoplastic layer and the second thermoplastic layer at a first location to establish a first weld ; applying energy to the first thermoplastic layer and the second thermoplastic layer at a second location , the second location being offset from the first location , a portion of the second location overlapping a portion of the first location .
the invention presents a new use for modified polypropylene films , wherein the films are cold sealable for heat sensitive packaging operations . the films comprise in the following order : a cold seal cohesive layer , a core layer , and a cold seal release layer comprising a mixture of about 1 to 80 % by weight butene - propylene copolymer and about 99 to 20 % by weight butylene - ethylene copolymer .
a liquid transfer tool allows a nearly empty plastic bottle to be emptied into another bottle that is to be saved . shampoos and other liquid like perfume are very expensive and users of these products want to save every last drop in a bottle . the handy screw on caps include a mating portion that allows a user to screw both caps onto the bottles to be joined together for salvaging the fluid of the more empty bottle into the bottle that is more full through either a snap fit or male and female mating threads .
feeding of molten plastic strands into a discharge trough . at its upper end the discharge trough includes a slidably movable segment that can be extended behind the fall line of the strands as they emerge from nozzles . in its operating position , the extended segment catches the strands , and can be moved into a fore - running or non - operating position permitting free passage of the strands at the side of the discharge trough . a separational element is associated with the movable segment . as the segment is moved through the fall line of the strands , the separational element acts upon the strands and effects the desired separation . the strands which enter the discharge trough are cooled and ultimately fed to a granulator .
a moisturizing mat , and process for making it , are disclosed . the moisturizing mat is suitable for use as a base to promote trickle watering of plants in greenhouses . the mat comprises a wood pulp / fabric layer having an impervious plastic film backing layer . the moisturizing mat is produced by a process including the steps of depositing wood pulp on a first fibrous layer , placing a second fibrous layer on top of the wood pulp , bonding the product of step , and bonding an impervious plastic film to one face of the product of step .
the inventive subject matter provides kits , compositions and methods for treating or covering skin using a polymerizable formulation . the polymerizable formulation can include a first component including a siloxane polymer and a catalyst , and a second component including a siloxane polymer and a cross - linker . the first and second components , when combined , can form a film or seal having an elasticity that at least one of decreases the formation of fibroblasts , presses down blisters , decreases a biochemical cascade that promotes scar formation , compresses skin , and holds skin in a desired configuration .
a method for manufacturing a plastic fuel tank including : a ) inserting a plastic parison including two distinct parts into an open two - cavity mold ; b ) inserting a core , bearing at least part of a reinforcing element configured to create a link between the two parison parts , inside the parison ; c ) pressing the parison firmly against the mold cavities , for example by blowing through the core and / or creating suction behind the cavities ; d ) fixing the part of the reinforcing element to at least one of the parison parts using the core ; e ) withdrawing the core ; f ) closing the mold , bringing its two cavities together to grip the two parison parts around their periphery to weld them together ; g ) injecting a pressurized fluid into the mold and / or creating a vacuum behind the mold cavities to press the parison firmly against the mold cavities ; and h ) opening the mold and extracting the tank .
a hybrid rocket motor is manufactured by photopolymerizing the solid fuel grain in a stereolithography method , wherein fuel grains in a plastic matrix are deposited in layers for building a solid fuel rocket body in three dimensions for improved performance and for a compact design ,
this invention features a biomolecule - bound substrate that includes a support made of an organic polymer and having an unmodified surface ; and a plurality of unmodified biomolecules immobilized on the unmodified surface . the organic polymer is acrylic resin , polypropylene , polystyrene , polyethylene , polyvinyl chloride , polysulfone , polycarbonate , cellulose acetate , rubber , latex , polyethylene terephthalate , acrylonitrile butadiene styrene , acrylonitrile styrene , or a combination thereof . the substrate is formed by placing the unmodified biomolecules on the unmodified surface followed by ultraviolet irradiation .
in a plasticizing assembly for use in an injection molding machine , which assembly has a high - pressure chamber and a low - pressure chamber , which contains the feed screw , and a plurality of fixing screws disposed on a circular line , a connecting sleeve is provided , which partly surrounds the plasticizing cylinder or a rear section of a bipartite plasticizing cylinder and surrounds also the nozzle body or a forward section of a bipartite plasticizing cylinder in part of its length and is secured to the plasticizing cylinder or to its rear section . the fixing screws are screwed in and axially supported in tapped bores of the connecting sleeve and at their end faces bear on abutment faces of the nozzle body or of the forward section of the plasticizing cylinder . as a result , a replacement of the nozzle body or of the forward section of the plasticizing cylinder can be effected in a simpler manner and more quickly and will require lower physical forces and a simpler implement and it is possible to supply energy at a higher rate .
the instant invention relates to a training device for batting practice . more specifically , the instant invention provides a catch net in combination with an air powered ball return assembly . the ball return assembly delivers a lightweight polymeric ball to a batter in the form of a soft - toss . a hit ball is caught by the net and recycled to the batter . the ball may be hit and recycled back to the batter for a player specified length of time .
three dimensional objects are formed by scanning a liquid thermosensitive resin with a laser beam causing imagewise heating of the resin . because thermosensitive compositions do not obey the law of linear superposition , the problem of stray exposure is eliminated allowing the thermal polymerization of any point within the volume of the liquid without affecting adjacent points .
press - type apparatus for thermally bonding thermoplastic sheet material workpieces is provided with a pair of opposed platen assemblies which each include an inflatable set of compliant diaphragm members , a pair of opposed heat sources which may be brought into and retracted from contact with the diaphragm members , and a source of pressurized fluid for inflating the diaphragm sets and for cooling the heated workpieces . the method for operating the press - type apparatus basically involves both heating and cooling the assembled workpieces while they are simultaneously being retained in a condition of being clamped by the inflatable sets of the diaphragm members .
an apparatus and method for cleaning polymer film are provided and include a support assembly for supporting the polymer film to be cleaned , the support assembly being constructed and arranged to move the polymer film for cleaning , and at least one nozzle disposed adjacent the polymer film for providing co 2 to the polymer film for dislodging particulate matter from the polymer film and the at least one aperture , and for cleaning thereof .
a cost - effective , scalable technique for producing microspheres loaded with biologically active solid proteins is provided . the microspheres degrade over time and release biologically active vegf , as demonstrated by the proliferation of huvecs in vitro compared to negative controls . a defined concentration of microspheres can deliver a quantifiable level of vegf with known release kinetics . the invention can be used with other growth factors and applied to tissue engineering applications such as the regeneration of peripheral nerve , bone , adipose tissue , and solid organs . the method of the invention includes the steps of dissolving a polymer with an organic solvent to produce a polymer solution ; adding a biologically effective amount of a bioactive substance to the solution to produce a mixture of the polymer and the bioactive substance ; vibrating the mixture to produce a bioactive substance - polymer complex ; emulsifying the mixture to produce an emulsion comprising the bioactive substance - polymer complex ; and extracting the organic solvent from the emulsion to produce microspheres comprising the polymer - bioactive substance complex , wherein the bioactivity of the bioactive substance is usefully preserved .
a stampable thermoplastic fiber glass reinforced product is shown which contains immediately below the resin surface on both major surfaces spikes of glass fibers integral with a mat . utilization of the spikes with reference to the laminate surface produces laminates having improved stamping characteristics .
the block copolymer of polyesters and polycarbonates comprises at least one of each of the constituting units of and having the general formulae : ## str1 ## where the sign * indicates an asymmetric carbon atom ; r 1 , r 2 , r 3 and r 4 are either a hydrogen atom or a methyl group ; m and n are respective a natural numbers ranging from 300 to 5000 : the block copolymer is obtained by successive ring - opening and copolymerization of optically active β - butyrolactones and cyclic carbonates in the presence of a catalyst . the block polymer obtained has high molecular weight and high melting temperature , and can thus be used as a high strength material for practical use and which has bio - degradable and hydrolyzable nature .
a portable object prepared by casting a substantially transparent , water insoluble , chemically setting plastic into a shaped mold . while in the liquid state , items of the following types are embedded : mummified tissue from a deceased or living biological subject , an epitaph , memorabilia , and a label describing the biological content and purpose of the tissue . the four types of embedded items enclosed together in a single object accord with the definition of a tomb . mummified tissue protected from water , air , illumination , and bacterial action preserve the genome of the subject and provide a potential for resurrection of a biological subject by anticipating future innovation in genetic engineering and somatic cell cloning . portable tombs may be prepared ante mortem as well as post mortem . multiple equivalent tombs may be made for one individual . multiple individuals may be entombed in a single portable object . a portable tomb consumes no land , makes visitation travel unnecessary , and may multiply entomb a single individual , or singly entomb multiple individuals .
the present invention discloses an enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay to quantitate fluid phase terminal complement activation . upon activation to form c5b - 9 , terminal complement components express neoantigens not present in the unassembled individual components . rabbit antiserum to polymerized c9 was rendered specific for c9 neoantigenic determinants by serial immunosorbtion with human serum , human c9 , and other terminal complement components bound to sepharose . using the igg from this antiserum , a sandwich elisa was devised to bind sc5b - 9 from solution onto polystyrene plates . the elisa plates were developed with the use of goat antiserum to native c9 epitopes followed by a swine anti - goat igg alkaline phosphatase conjugate . quantitation of sc5b - 9 in solution was performed by comparing sample od to a standard curve generated with human sc5b - 9 that was purified from zymosan - activated serum . the assay is sensitive to as little as 100 ng of sc5b - 9 / ml and is useful for screening plasma , serum , cerebrospinal fluid , or other biological fluids for the presence of terminal complement cascade activation .
apparatus similar to a weed - eater ® weed trimmer , but instead of monofilament line , it uses recycled coat hangers to cut weeds . there are two plates , the lower one having grooves within which to fit the coat - hangers after they are prepared using a special tool to bend them to the proper shape . aside from the cutting part , the rest of the machine can be like a weed - eater ® brand weed trimmer . the two plates are held together with a retaining nut . hardwire , wire cable , nails , or heavy duty plastic cord can also be used as blades .
there is disclosed a novel mixture of polyhydroxy phenolic curing agents , such as novolac resins blended with a mixture of mono , bis and tris hydroxyaryl phosphine oxides for co - curing epoxy resins and imparting flame resistance thereto . a preferred composition includes a mixture of monohydroxyaryl , bishydroxyaryl and trishydroxyaryl phosphine oxide and a benzoguanamine / phenol / formaldehyde terpolymer which is used along with an epoxy resin to produce flame - resistant printed wiring boards without the use of halogens .
microspheres , having a size lower than 1μ and comprising a biocompatible polysaccharidic polymer , are prepared with a process comprising the precipitation of polymer induced by means of a supercritical antisolvent . these microspheres are used as vehicling agents or carriers in the preparation of pharmaceutical compositions administrable by oral , nasal , pulmonary , vaginal or rectal route . these microspheres can also be advantageously used as vehicling agent or carriers in the preparation of pharmaceutical compositions for the treatment of human diseases associated with genic defects , for the preparation of diagnostics and in the agro - alimentary industry .
the invention is a truck bed cover made from thermoplastic material . the top of the truck bed cover has a relatively smooth appearance . the underside of the bed cover comprises a support structure utilizing at least one “ x ”- type support . in the preferred embodiment , four “ x ”- type supports are utilized . a typical bed cover typically weighs less than 75 pounds for greater ease of handling , without loss of structural support strength over fiberglass covers from loads placed on the top of the bed cover .
the invention relates to a method for selectively separating mixed synthetic organic materials such as filled or non - filled polymers and / or copolymers that are wastes , particularly used , for recycling in order to upgrade them . these synthetic organic materials result from the destruction by crushing of automobiles and durable consumer goods that have reached the end of their serviceable lives . said selective separation method acts by separating these materials with regard to a density threshold selected in a dense medium consisting of separating fluid liquid suspensions composed of powdery particles dispersed in an aqueous phase . these suspensions are stabilized by using a dynamic stabilizing means at a density threshold value selected for causing the selective separation of a determined fraction from the mixture of the used materials to be separated .
bioprosthetic devices include an exterior biological tissue member which at least partly defines a cavity , and a proteinaceous biopolymer which fills the cavity , and intercalates and is chemically bound to the tissue of the surrounding biological tissue member . in preferred forms , the bioprosthetic device is a bioprosthetic vertebral disc having a fibrillar outer annulus which surrounds and defines an interior cavity and is formed by removal of at least a substantial portion of the natural gelatinous core therefrom . the cavity defined by the fibrillar outer annulus may then be filled with a flowable proteinaceous biopolymer . preferably , the proteinaceous biopolymer is a liquid mixture comprised of human or animal - derived protein material and a di - or polyaldehyde , which are allowed to react in situ to form a cross - linked biopolymer within the cavity . the liquid mixture may be formed in advance of being introduced into the cavity , or may be formed simultaneously during introduction into the cavity .
a biocompatible medical composition including a polymeric carrier , a protective chain linked to the polymeric carrier , and a reporter group linked to the carrier or to the carrier and the protective chain . the invention also relates to a method of treating a disease in a patient by administering to the patient a therapeutically effective amount of the composition , and may include scanning the patient using an imaging technique which can detect the reporter group to obtain a visible image of the distribution of the composition .
an inkjet printing method having the steps of : i ) providing an ink jet printer that is responsive to digital data signals ; ii ) loading the printer with a porous ink jet recording element having a substrate having thereon a porous image - receiving layer having a ) inorganic particles encapsulated with an organic polymer having a tg of less than about 100 ° c . ; and b ) particles having a mean particle size of up to about 5 μm ; iii ) loading the printer with an inkjet ink composition ; and iv ) printing on the image - receiving layer using the ink jet ink composition in response to the digital data signals .
biologically active heteropolymeric protein composed of a plurality of subunits , each subunit being synthesized by a cell having an expression vector heterologous dna encoding the subunit .
apparatus for forming and installing underground drainpipe in subterranean passages . the pipe is formed from a web of porous or non - porous sheet plastic which is drawn from a dispensing roll through curling and shaping devices protected by a transparent shield to provide a tube , these devices being mounted on a frame positionable in a trench or other depression in the soil . the end of the tube is attached to a mole at the end of a power driven blade , with the mole forming an underground passage for the following tube . tensioning and positioning rollers are carried on the frame to feed the web to the tube forming devices at a predetermined angle and tension . a pressor roller and its support bracket interengage complimentary tongues and slots formed along the edges of the web for holding the web in its tubular form .
an all weather amphibious carrier and method for manufacturing thereof , for use on land and in water , which includes an adjustable strap system for wearing by a person ; a foldable body or member adjustably attachable to the strap system and capable of supporting an infant or child upon folding the member and attaching the member to the strap system ; the strap system being made of weather - resistant , synthetic , polymerized rubber , a high - strength , resilient synthetic polymer , and a polymer containing polyurethane ; and the foldable body member being made of a weather - resistant , synthetic , polymerized rubber , a synthetic fabric made from a polymer containing polyurethane ; and a flexible polyurethane open - cell antimicrobial - coated foam . the unique combination of materials keeps the baby / toddler from becoming sweaty when used for land activities , because the materials breathe . when used in water , rain , and snow , it dries quickly , because the water can pass through the through the body if conventional stitching is used or the body can be completely water - tight by using flatlock , breathable seams . the special quilted design also adds extra support , comfort and security for both care - giver / parent and baby , making this carrier ergonomically sound , both on land and in water .
polymers made up of chains , which contain and / or are cross - linked by carbamoyl hydroxamate groups , are prepared by the interaction of hydroxamic acid and isocyanate groups contained in monomeric or polymeric molecules . the resulting polymers are thermally degradable and have utility for the preparation of foamed polymers such as polyurethanes or polyureas . upon heating , the carbamoyl hydroxamate links evolve co 2 and cleave to produce amine and isocyanate groups . the isocyanate groups may be allowed to react with the amine groups , to form n , n &# 39 ; -- disubstituted urea groups , or caused to react with other active hydrogen functions , such as hydroxyls , to form a variety of products , such as polyurethanes .
a valve for diluting and activating polymer molecules used in wastewater treatment is designed to divert a desired amount of dilution water around the primary dilution and activation apparatus to the inlet of the secondary dilution apparatus . water in the valve passes through a slot which extends through about 180 degrees . the ends of the slots have square corners , so that the total volume of water which passes through the valve and the relative proportion of water which passes through the primary and secondary activation apparatus can be adjusted independently of each other . in this manner , a control system can be used which only requires information regarding the total amount of water supplied to the system in order to execute operator instructions as to the total volume of water required and the proportions of water to be supplied to the primary and secondary dilution apparatus .
the invention provides biodegradable vinyl ester copolymers of one or more monomers selected from the group of vinyl esters of unbranched or branched alkylcarboxylic acids having from 1 to 18 carbon atoms , which contain from 0 . 1 to 40 % by weight , based on the total weight of the copolymer , of one or more cyclic ketene acetals selected from the group consisting of 2 - methylene - 1 , 3 - dioxepane , 2 - methylene - 1 , 3 - dioxolane , 2 - methylene - 1 , 3 - dioxane and have a molecular weight & gt ; 50 , 000 .
disclosed is a composite adsorbent material comprising three components , including a porous media , a hygroscopic material , and graphite flakes . among the many different possibility considered , it may be advantageous for the porous media to be mesoporous silica or the hygroscopic materials to be calcium chloride , lithium bromide , or lithium chloride . it is considered that the graphite flakes may comprise 50 percent or less of the graphite flake - hygroscopic material composition , and certain embodiments may utilize between 15 and 30 percent graphite in the graphite flake - hygroscopic material composition . it is still further considered that the graphite flakes may advantageously be less than 300 microns in size , or may have an average number of carbon planes that is 100 or less . additional materials may also be incorporated , including biologics , polymers , and catalysts .
a method for post - mold attachment of a handle to a strain - oriented plastic container body . the method utilizes thermal shrinkage of the oriented container body to engage the handle ; for example , a highly - oriented recess is molded in the container body and then shrunk to engage a complimentary - shaped lug on the handle . the method is useful for both hot - fillable and pasteurizable containers , and is particularly useful for making larger - sized containers , wherein the weight of the product and size of the container make handling and pouring difficult .
a method for finishing a repaired surface is described . the method includes wiping a sealer on the repaired surface to seal microporosity in the repaired surface , the sealer consisting essentially of a mixture of polymer , at least one filler , solvent , and optionally microspheres ; and applying a top coat to the sealed surface without sanding the sealed surface , the top coat being free of visible pinholes . sealers and tools for applying surface sealers are also described .
there is disclosed an improved spray tip particularly suited for airless pressured spraying utilizing a spray orifice member in a removeable turret member that can be rotated to reverse the orifice for cleaning . the design overcomes difficulties with prior art spray tips of this construction by the use of a thin resilient seal which is located between the turret member and a seal support which is compressed in the assembly . the use of the thin seal achieves a fluid tight seal that prevents leaking even of low viscosity liquids while avoiding the seizure problems which have characterized plastic seals of prior devices . the turret member is removeable without disassembly of the spray tip or its guard , thereby permitting facile interchanging of turret members with differently sized orifices .
a method of forming on a substrate an adhesive region that includes an adhesive composition employs steps of : a ) applying a dispersion of the adhesive composition in a solvent to an anilox roller on a flexographic press , said adhesive composition comprising an adhesive polymer ; b ) contacting the anilox roller with a flexographic plate to transfer a portion of the dispersion thereto , said flexographic plate comprising an adhesive application region having a shape substantially matching that of the adhesive region on the substrate ; c ) contacting the flexographic plate with the substrate to transfer the dispersion to the substrate ; and d ) drying the dispersion on the substrate to form the adhesive region .
a method of manufacturing a thermoplastic microfilter is presented . the method includes structuring a thermoplastic film to have a plurality of micro - indentations in which each indentation defines a cavity on a bottom side of the film and a thinned film layer on a top side of the film and removing the thinned film layer to form filter apertures in the thermoplastic film .
a lipid or other hydrophobic or amphiphilic compound is integrated into a polymeric matrix for drug delivery to alter drug release kinetics . in embodiments where the drug is water soluble , the drug is released over longer periods of time as compared to release from the polymeric matrix not incorporating the hydrophobic compound into the polymeric material . in contrast to methods in which a surfactant or lipid is added as an excipient , the hydrophobic compound is actually integrated into the polymeric matrix , thereby modifying the diffusion of water into the microparticle and diffusion of solubilized drug out of the matrix . the integrated hydrophobic compound also prolongs degradation of hydrolytically unstable polymers forming the matrix , further delaying release of encapsulated drug .
a device and method for chemicals to be fed into a water system , treating the water system as it enters , for example , a fire protection mains and / or fire protection systems to protect and maintain the longevity of the water system preventing damages to the water system or enhancing the operation characteristics of the system . this device is a treatment system that may be installed as a portable or permanent device with chemicals such as , corrosion inhibitors , wetting agents , polymeric dispersants , biocides , biostats or other water chemical enhancing effects with means for injecting the chemicals into the fire protection system or a bypass feed system utilizing the fluid means without the need for any electricity . activation of the pump occurs when water enters the fps mains and fps sprinkler system from an outside source . valving is included to isolate the pump and drums , storage tank to prevent backflow from the fps .
thermoforming , utilized for making articles from sheets of thermoplastic ins , does not always yield articles having desired strength properties . it has been suggested that both thermoplastic and thermosetting layers be used to making the articles stronger . however it was virtually impossible to bond the layers together . a process is provided herein for obtaining that bond .
the present invention provides a plurality of injection molded plastic panels having integrated connectors which are capable of being packaged and shipped in a knock - down state and constructed to form an aesthetically pleasing preparation station for use in outdoor food service . the integrated connection of the side walls , front , back , cover and bottom panel components simplifies the preparation station assembly construction . the panels are formed of injection molded plastic to interlock with one another without the need for fasteners or connectors . the system incorporates a minimum number of components by integrally forming the connectors into the panels which are snapped together to complete the assembly .
the present invention refers to a process and apparatus for manufacturing plastic articles through the rotational molding method , and is more particularly addressed to a process and apparatus of rotomoulding in furnace for manufacturing containers with multiple layers . the apparatus of the present invention uses a series of bins for the introduction of the materials to be molten on the molds , which are controlled by a computerized control panel .
a plastic film fluid storage bag and dispensing spike assembly and method wherein the spike punctures the film and forms a fluid tight seal with the film surrounding a hole formed by the puncture . the film has no separate port structure for dispensing its contents . the spike may include a bulbous body with a sharpened tip at one end , an enlarged central portion , and a reduced diameter portion at its opposite end , adjacent a radially extending skirt . when seated , a seal is created around the smaller diameter portion of the body and against the skirt . the spike may alternatively include a cylindrical body with a slightly rounded point at one end and a radially extending skirt intermediate its ends . finally , the cylindrical body spike may be used without a skirt . in all cases , a fluid passage extends through the body .
in a blown film process for manufacturing plastic film bags , the shape of the film bag being formed is dynamically controlled by sensors provided at specific locations . at these locations , any deviation of the bag shape from the ideal shape will result in significant differences in quality of the produced film bag , or may result in a break of the film bag . such deviation in shape is prevented by using the output signals from the sensors to control various process parameters .
a bio - compatible and bioresorbable stent is disclosed that is intended to restore or maintain patency following surgical procedures , traumatic injury or stricture formation . the stent is composed of a blend of at least two polymers that is either extruded as a monofilament then woven into a braid - like embodiment , or injection molded or extruded as a tube with fenestrations in the wall . methods for manufacturing the stent are also disclosed .
folded paperboard food cartons having a polymer coating only on the interior surface and sales graphics on a substantially unplasticized clay coated exterior surface are heat sealed at contiguous areas of overlapping flaps wherein the polymer coated interior surface is in direct contact with a small portion of the clay coated exterior surface or , where it is desired to secure together two portions of the clay coated exterior surface . in such heat sealing areas , small and accurately located exterior clay coated carton surface areas are primed with a water based polymer emulsion such as ethylene vinyl acetate that is precisely applied to such areas by a printing press .
a cationic group 3 or lanthanide metal complex for coordination polymerization of olefins is disclosed . the precursor metal complex is stabilized by an anionic multidentate ancillary ligand and two monoanionic ligands . the ancillary ligand and the transition metal form a metallocycle having at least five primary atoms , counting any π - bound cyclopentadienyl group in the metallocycle as two primary atoms . olefin polymerization is exemplified .
the present invention discloses new nanoassembled complexes consisting of a central nucleus formed by a high - affinity interaction from nucleic acids and avidin , wherein said nucleus is stabilized in aqueous solutions , even saline , and protected from further unspecific unwanted interactions by means of suitable polymeric agents capable to mask totally or partially the nucleus itself . the nanocomplexes obtained have been shown to be stable in aqueous solutions and to have nanoparticle features . in addition , the nano - complexes have shown characteristics useful for use in biotechnological field and in nanomedicine .
the invention relates to microcapsules , and a continuous micro - encapsulation water - in - oil - in - water microencapsulation process through in situ and interfacial polymerization of the emulsion . the formulation comprises a continuous water phase having a dispersion of microcapsules which contain oil drops and wherein the inside of each oil phase drop — containing optionally oil - soluble materials — there is a dispersion of water , or aqueous extract or water dispersible material or water soluble material . the oil drops are encapsulated with a polymerisable material of natural origin . such microcapsules are appropriated for spray - dry processes , to be used as dry powder , lyophilised , self - emulsifiable powder , gel , cream and any liquid form . the active compounds included in the microcapsules are beneficial to the health and other biological purposes . such formulations are appropriate to be incorporated in any class of food , specially for the production of nutraceuticals , as well as cosmetic products . the preparations are adequate to stabilise compounds added to the food , media for cultivating microbes and nutraceuticals , specially those which are easily degradable or oxidizable .
a composition for a method of sustained delivery of a biologically active material . the composition provides a biologically active material in a pharmaceutically acceptable hydrophobic phase for mixture with the biologically active material . an emulsifier emulsifies the hydrophobic phase in water for the mixture . the composition further includes a sorbent and a water absorbent polymer , the latter providing sustained release of the biologically active material in the emulsion .
the present invention provides a reinforced plastic laminate structure comprising an elongated reinforcing material that is encapsulated by an extruded plastic material that forms a continuous structure around the reinforcing material . the present invention contemplates methods of extruding a tube of plastic material while simultaneously introducing a reinforcing material within the interior of the tube . thereafter , the tube is flattened so that the interior wall of the tube comes in contact with the reinforcing material to encapsulate the reinforcing material in a continuous structure . the reinforced plastic laminate sheet is made from an apparatus an extruding machine for extruding plastic with an annular die and opening for the extruding tubing . attached to the extruding machine is a mandrel which feeds a reinforcing material into the center of the annular opening . pressure rollers flatten the tubing after it exits from the annular die . the reinforcing plastic material may be formed into a variety of useful products where increased strength is required . the ease of manufacture provides a cost advantage over conventional construction materials .
a plastic container having curved surfaces and digital printing is disclosed . an embodiment of the container provides a hollow plastic container including a multiple color , single - cured digital image on a first curved surface having a non - constant radius of curvature , and a second curved surface having a non - constant radius of curvature that is spaced from the first curved surface , such that the first and second curved surfaces are on opposed surfaces .
a molding apparatus for making molded plastic skins includes a housing shell , and a mold shell which is movably supported on the housing shell for movement thereto and has a wall which is determinative for shaping the contour of a plastic skin . the mold shell and the housing shell define together a hollow space for throughflow of a heat - transfer medium . flow passageways for heat transfer medium may be provided by subdividing the hollow space between the mold shell and the housing shell by means of partition walls to thereby force the heat - transfer medium to flow along a predetermined path .
the invention provides a composition that significantly shortens the time necessary to produce a ceramic shell mold . the composition of the invention is used to produce a shell - mold for the investment casting process , providing decreased processing times by reducing the number of shell dips , and better handling and dewaxing through increased green strength . the invention provides a method of forming a shell mold , comprising providing an investment casting shell - mold composition comprising 0 . 1 to 70 percent by weight inorganic fibers , a binder composition comprising a mixture of 20 - 98 percent by weight of a colloidal sol comprising particles , and 1 - 20 percent by weight organic latex polymer .
this invention relates to a method of compressing ceramic refractory bodies which can be designated as &# 34 ; hot forging &# 34 ;, as distinguished from &# 34 ; hot pressing &# 34 ;, although both processes involve the compressing of formed porous bodies of ceramic refractory material to decrease their porosity and increase their strength . the hot forging process utilizes a breakaway mold having cooled die members . the porous ceramic body has been prepared for the compression by being heated to a pyroplastic temperature . it is rapidly compressed within the cold mold , a temperature gradient of the order of 1000 ° c . being maintained from the cooled inner die surfaces to a depth of not over 5 milliliters into the body from the die - contacted outer surfaces . while a thin porous skin is formed around the body , its thickness is limited to not over the depth of the temperature gradient . the body is released from the mold by separating the die members in directions perpendicular to the contacted sides of the body so as to limit abrasion of the outer surfaces of the body .
hydroxyapatite - polymer nanocomposites , which are nanoparticles / microparticles , methods for making them , and articles made from them are disclosed . these methods are capable of preparing nanocomposites exhibiting more homogeneous dispersion of nanoparticles than is seen using previous methods . such nanocomposites and articles are useful for a wide variety of applications , such as biological , medical , biochemical , biosensor , fuel cell , and aerospace applications .
a bottle cap remover includes a pair of axially nested socket sections of different diameters depending axially from a larger - diameter grasping section . each of the socket sections includes frictional gripping members along their inner walls that are adapted to frictionally engage different sizes and types of metal and plastic bottle caps , thereby to enable the user to twist off and remove the bottle caps by applying a relatively small twisting force to the grasping section .
a process for producing a thermoplastic material including the steps of molecularly orienting a thermoplastic material , grinding the oriented material to a particle size between about 0 . 01 to 10 mm and fusing the ground particulate material to substantially mutually adhere the particles thereby producing a sintered thermoplastic material . the fused product includes discrete fused particles of one or more anisotropically oriented thermoplastic polymers and exhibits isotropic increases in flexural modulus .
the open end of a substantially cylindrical injection molded resilient plastic container , such as a paint pail , has a rim system integrally molded to the container wall to rigidify the open end of the container to facilitate filling the container using standard automatic filling equipment . an outer continuous rim and an inner discontinuous rim concentric with the outer rim are joined by a bridge member to form a substantially rigid rim system at the open end of the container . the rim system coacts with a closure lid to form a removable and resealable end closure on the container . drainage or expulsion of fluid from between the inner and outer rims is provided for by drain openings or slots which make the inner rim discontinuous .
a method is provided for the solderless electrical connection of two contact elements by using a laser light beam attached to a fiber optic system which directs the light to the spot to be bonded . by using a fiber optic system the laser beam is optimally converted into thermal energy and bad connections due to underheating or destruction of the contacts due to overheating does not occur . the method and apparatus provides rapid , reproducible bonding even for the smallest of contact geometries . for example , the method of the invention results in solderless gold to gold compression bonding of conductive leads contained in a polymer flex circuit tape , such as a polyimide , without damaging the tape . a strong solderless gold to gold bond can be formed between the gold plated copper lead on the flex circuit tape and a gold plated pad on a semiconductor chip without the need for a window in the flex circuit and without any damage to the tape . in the application of the present invention to the bonding of conductive leads on a tab circuit to the silicon substrate of an inkjet printhead the need for a window in the tab circuits is eliminated . the elimination of the window results in elimination of the need for an encapsulation material to cover the conductive leads in the tab circuit . this in turn results in die size reduction , or increased number of nozzles with the same die size , ease of assembly , higher yields , improved reliability , ease of nozzle serviceability , and overall material and manufacturing cost reduction .
small , round , bio - compatible microspheres capable of covalently bonding proteins and having a uniform diameter below about 3500 a are prepared by substantially instantaneously initiating polymerization of an aqueous emulsion containing no more than 35 % total monomer including an acrylic monomer substituted with a covalently bondable group such as hydroxyl , amino or carboxyl and a minor amount of a cross - linking agent .
this relates to filter columns for isolating nucleic acids . the filter column is adapted for stable placement within the upper portion of standard plastic collection tubes of various sizes . the body of the filter column has a number of surfaces to accommodate placement within variously sized collection tubes . the filter column contains nucleic acid - specific filter which can be located at alternate regions within the filter column , providing different filter surface areas and loading volume capacities using the same column body . the filter column has an opening on an upper end adapted to be sealed by a cap . a method for recovering nucleic acids using such filter column is also provided .
a method and system are disclosed for manipulating the flow of gases into and out of a microfluidic circuit to regulate pressure within the circuit or to provide for the delivery of gases to or removal of gases from the circuit . pressure within the microfluidic circuit may be increased or decreased to modify physical or chemical properties of fluid within the circuit , or to modify reaction kinetics . gaseous reactants may be added to the circuit , and reaction products or excess reactant gases may be removed the circuit according to the invention . warm or cool air or other gas may be flowed over liquid reactants within the circuit to perform a warming or cooling function . various biochemical reactions or processes , including for example polymerase chain reaction and ligand - receptor binding , may be performed with the use of the inventive method and system .