a thermoplastic resin processing machine has removably affixed onto its loading hopper a ratio loader which has a source of vacuum and two conduits leading to two different reservoirs of thermoplastic resin pellets . the ratio loader has a container having a movable internal separation wall in a vertical plane which is moved horizontally , for example , by rotation of a screwthreaded shaft having a handle at one of its ends . the ratio loader container has a bottom orifice to the thermoplastic processing machine , which orifice is coverable by a flap which is normally closed by a spring and is held closed by the vacuum .
a hydrocyclonic apparatus has been designed to separate a less dense dispersed phase from a more dense liquid phase . the cyclone separator consists of two generally cylindrical portions positioned around the longitudinal axis in a ` piggyback ` manner . a vortex finder with an orifice plate captures the dispersed particles entrained in a local secondary flow established by the unique operating and design parameters of the device . clear fluid is removed from the apparatus through an underflow tube opposite the vortex finder tube . the liquid feed containing dispersed particles is introduced into the primary cyclone around the vortex finder as a swirling annular jet . another stream , containing no dispersed phase , is introduced as a tangential flow surrounding the annular jet . a polymer stream is injected into the core of the vortex flow of the primary cyclone to increase the stability of the vortex core and to moderate the turbulence .
a method for making a self locking internally threaded fastener and an apparatus for making such fasteners , in which the self locking characteristic is derived from a patch of thermoplastic material having a circumferential extent of less than 360 Β° adhered selectively to at least a portion of the thread defining surface of the fastener .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of the biopolymer .
the present invention describes novel , cost - effective and rapid processes suitable for degradation and recycling of specially designed plastics , which are defined as instantly degradable synthetic polymeric plastics having the characteristics and properties of conventional forms of plastics . these novel plastic products are made from a variety of compositions of polymers and their compatible nontoxic modifiers . the resulting novel instant degradable plastic products retain latent solubility properties which are triggered upon mild chemical processes of the present invention , thus enabling cost effective and facile recycling of plastic refuge .
a pharmaceutical composition for parenteral administration comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a protein or polypeptide and colloidal particles . the particles comprise approximately 1 - 20 mole percent of an amphipathic lipid derivatized with a biocompatible hydrophilic polymer . the protein or polypeptide is selected from the group consisting of proteins or polypeptides capable of externally binding said colloidal particles ; proteins or polypeptides capable of binding polymers of the polyalkylether , polylactic and polyglycolic acid families ; and proteins or polypeptides that include a consensus sequence of s / t - x / i / v - i / v / q / s - s / t - x - x - x - e , where x may be any amino acid , and s , t , l , i , v , e and q have their standard meanings . the protein or polypeptide is not factor viii and is not encapsulated in the colloidal particles .
the invention is directed toward a sterile composite bone graft for use in implants comprising a central member constructed of biocompatible plastic with two end caps of cortical bone mated to opposite ends of the central member . the central member is cylindrically ring shaped with a plurality of ribs formed in the side wall of the cylinder .
the present invention refers to new microspheres including pancreatic enzymes , pharmaceutical compositions containing them , and a process to obtain them . the process here described doesn &# 39 ; t involve the use of solvents and proves to be remarkably shorter and efficient than the producing methods of the prior arts . the microspheres obtained , including one or more pancreatic enzymes , one or more hydrophilic low - melting polymers and eventual excipients , have an high enzymatic activity , bio - availability and stability .
a coated non - woven material , method of making such material , and disposable absorbent hygiene article are disclosed . the coated non - woven material comprises a base layer made of a non - woven web of fibrous material and at least one layer of a thermoplastic film . the peel strength of the material is equal to or below 98 Γ— 10 - 3 kn / m , as measured according to the nft 76 - 112 standard , wherein the peeling angle is specified at 180 Β° and the pull speed is specified at 200 mm / mn . in one embodiment , the coated non - woven material is incorporated into a disposable diaper as a liquid - impervious backsheet .
a plastic rotationally molded polyethylene buoyancy tank for boat lifts allows connection of steel to lengthwise grooves molded into each side of the buoyancy tank . preferably , a plastic bulkhead is formed within the tank during its molding process . a segment of framing steel is bracketed between a pair of inwardly tapered compressible opposed grips . the compressible grips each have outwardly tapered slots with mating tapered rigid inserts . with the inserts partially seated on the grips , the grips are slipped lengthwise or pressed laterally into their respective grooves . bolts extending through the grips into threaded holes in the inserts are tightened to pull the grips over their tapered inserts . this spreads and compresses the grips in their respective grooves , locking the brackets and connecting steel in place on top of the tanks .
a method and apparatus for molding casing halves of a magnetic tape cassette in which one or more - windows in the casing half are firmly retained by remaining portions thereof regardless of the solubility of the two plastic materials employed or other molding conditions . the window is formed with a projecting edge portion which extends well into the plastic of the remaining portions of the casing half . in one embodiment , the window is molded first and then the remaining portions are molded around the edge portions of the window . in another embodiment , the other portions are molded first using slidable cores to define the window portions , and then the windows are molded .
biocompatible microcapsules useful for transplanting foreign material into an animal body , and the method of their production , are described , wherein the microcapsules contain an outermost layer of water soluble non - ionic polymers such as peo to create resistance to cell adhesion on the surface of the microcapsules .
polymeric electrolyte complexes are prepared by reacting at least one polymer represented by one of the following formulas : ## str1 ## wherein r 1 and r 2 represent hydrogen or alkyl of 1 to 4 carbon atoms ; r 3 is -- ch 2 -- c ═ ch 2 , -- m cooc ═ ch 2 ,-- ch 2 ) m cooch 2 -- c ═ ch 2 , or -- ch 2 ) m o - c ═ ch 2 ,-- ch 2 ) m o - ch 2 - c ═ ch 2 or ## str2 ## wherein r is hydrogen or methyl , m is a number from 1 to 3 and n is 0 or 1 ; at least one of r 4 , r 5 and r 6 is -- ch 2 -- c ═ ch 2 , -- ch 2 ) m cooc ═ ch 2 , -- ch 2 ) m cooch 2 oc ═ ch 2 ,-- ch 2 ) m o -- c ═ ch 2 ,-- ch 2 ) m o -- ch 2 -- c ═ ch 2 , -- ch 2 ) m conh - c ═ ch 2 or ## str3 ## wherein r is hydrogen or methyl , m is a number from 1 to 3 and n is 0 or 1 ; the remaining r 4 , r 5 and r 6 groups represent alkyl or alkylol groups of 1 to 4 carbon atoms ; b is an integer of 10 to 20 , 000 ; a / b is in a range of 0 . 01 to 2 ; c / b is in a range of 0 to 3 ; x is halogen or hydroxyl , and m is a vinyl monomer and / or a monomer having an ethylenic double bond , with a highly electrolytic polyanion dissolved in water or a mixed solvent of water and at least one member selected from the group consisting of water - miscible acids and organic solvents .
polymers which degrade hydrolytically into biologically active compounds are provided . methods of producing these polymers , intermediates useful for - preparing these polymers , and methods of using these polymers to deliver biologically active compounds to a host are also provided .
novel photoresist materials , which can be photolithographically processed in biocompatible conditions are presented in this invention . suitable lithographic scheme for the use of these and analogous resists for biomolecule layer patterning on solid substrates are also described . the processes described enable micropatterning of more than two different proteins on solid substrates without denaturation of the proteins . the preferred resist materials are based on acrylate copolymers that contain at least one acid cleavable ester group and at least one hydrophilic group such as an alcoholic or a carboxylic group .
graft copolymers of hydrophobic polymers and hydrophilic polymers , a method for their preparation , and their use in membranes for medical treatments such as hemodialysis , hemodiafiltration and hemofiltration , in membranes for water purification , and in membranes for bioprocessing .
the invention concerns au complexes of the type ] which are able to both maintain the antitumor properties and the lack of nephrotoxic side - effects of the previously reported au - dithiocarbamato complexes , together with an improved bioavailability through the peptide - mediated cellular internalization . the au complexes described have shown a significant biological activity on human tumor cell lines and , thus , they can be advantageously used as antineoplastic agents . the preparation method and use for the treatment of tumor pathologies of the au complexes of the invention are further described .
the present invention relates to the delivery of drug , peptide and protein pharmaceuticals using a biotin - mediated uptake system . more particularly the invention relates to the amplification of active substance delivery with the biotin uptake system using a biotin - active substance - polymer conjugate or a biotin - nanoparticle conjugate . the invention also relates to processes for preparing the conjugates , pharmaceutical and diagnostic compositions containing same and methods of diagnosis and treatment involving the conjugates .
in order to save energy and reduce the exhaust air volume in the production of wood fibers from wood chips , it is proposed to add unsaturated hot steam to the saturated steam used to plasticize the timber binders and soften the wood fibers in a closed - cycle process .
spherically shaped polyvinyl alcohol polymer particles are prepared encapsulating a magnetic colloid that provides the particles with magnetic properties for use in binding biomolecules . the particles have a size of 1 - 10 ΞΌm that makes them particularly suitable for use in cell separation / sorting , cleaning biosubstances in suspension and diagnostic assays . the particles are prepared by dispersing a magnetic colloid containing a magnetic material such as a ferromagnetic or superparamagnetic substance in an aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol containing reactive hydroxyl groups , adding the resultant mixture to an organic phase containing a mixture of at least two emulsifiers , and adding a water - soluble cross - linking agent such as a dialdehyde that reacts with the hydroxyl groups of polyvinyl alcohol to form the polymer particles . the emulsifiers are miscible in the polyvinyl alcohol solution , and at least one emulsifier is semi - hydrophilic and at least one emulsifier is lipophilic . the cross - linking agent may be used in combination with a water - soluble diamine . the polymer particles contain reactive hydroxyl groups and can be provided with spacer molecules to which biomolecules such as antibodies , peptides , proteins , enzymes , streptavidin , avidin , oligonucleotides , oligosaccharides or dna can be coupled . vinyl monomers having one or more functional groups such as carboxyl , hydroxyl , amino , aldehyde or oxirane may be grafted to the polymer particles by radical polymerization under the catalytic effect of cerium .
an apparatus and method of thermal inkjet printing is provided . the apparatus is adapted to be used with an inkjet ink including a pigment , an aqueous vehicle , and a sufficient amount of polymeric binder and / or humectant to wet and directly adhere to non - porous , uncoated , untreated , hydrophobic media . the ink is adapted to be ejected through a thermal inkjet head with consistent image quality and no kogation . the concentration of binder and / or humectant raises the viscosity of the ink at room temperature . as such , the apparatus is adapted to lower the viscosity of the ink prior to the ink being ejected through the thermal inkjet printhead . additionally , the apparatus is adapted to prepare the media for receiving the ink , and dry the ink after the ink is deposited on the media . this can be accomplished by providing heat to the media and / or the ink during the printing process .
the invention provides a vehicle suspension system , comprising a jounce bumper made of elastomeric thermoplastic material , having improved design to maximize energy absorption .
a cushioned shipping assembly includes a carton and foam inserts to support a product shipped by a supplier , which elements are successively returned by an end user to be re - used in the same or other shipping assembly , while various components are recycled as they become spent . in some embodiments , the carton collapses to a diminished size for return . a resource center re - routes or refurbishes the components , recycling aged or spent pieces . preferably polyolefin foams , olefin - based adhesives and coatings , and wood fiber - based corrugated material make up the cushioned system , and one component is compatible with recycling processes of others . on - premises pelletizing of reclaimed polymer provides a more efficient , environmentally clean system . spent inserts of identified polymer may be diverted to users of specifc resins .
a method and apparatus are provided for performing light - directed reactions in spatially addressable channels within a plurality of channels . one aspect of the invention employs photoactivatable reagents in solutions disposed into spatially addressable flow streams to control the parallel synthesis of molecules immobilized within the channels . the reagents may be photoactivated within a subset of channels at the site of immobilized substrate molecules or at a light - addressable site upstream from the substrate molecules . the method and apparatus of the invention find particularly utility in the synthesis of biopolymer arrays , e . g ., oligonucleotides , peptides and carbohydrates , and in the combinatorial synthesis of small molecule arrays for drug discovery .
a process for manufacturing hollow handled toothbrushes is disclosed . the process includes ; a ) providing a toothbrush mold having a head portion , a base portion , a toothbrush cavity located between said head and end portions and having walls , an injection port for molten plastic , and a gas injection port , wherein the gas injection port is positioned in the end of the base portion of the mold so that gas is injected into the mold cavity substantially centrally thereof and in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the mold ; b ) injecting a predetermined amount of a molten plastic into the mold cavity to partially fill the cavity ; and c ) injecting at least one gas through the gas injection port into the cavity to direct the molten plastic against the walls of the mold cavity .
a method for separating large - sized film - like plastics , such as polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride , which comprises placing the plastics in a separation tank containing an aqueous liquid medium and introducing gas bubbles into the tank thereby to cause the gas bubbles to adhere to the surface of the plastics . the buoyancy of the gas bubbles causes the plastics to rise to the medium surface . addition of a flotation agent and / or a wetting agent further promotes the floating of the plastics .
with respect to molecular biology , medicine , and biotechnology , provided is a method related to the performance of polymerase chain reaction . the method includes using the device for identification of nucleic acids containing a microchip with at least one reaction zone on its surface . the microchip contains a heat - conducting substrate made of aluminum while each reaction zone is separated from the heat - conducting substrate by a layer of the passivating material covalently bound to the surface of the heat - conducting substrate while over the layer of the passivating material one or several dried components of the polymerase chain reaction is placed . in this method the ratio of the aggregate thermal mass of the microchip to thermal conductance of the microchip substrate does not exceeding 0 . 04 s . the technical result is reduced duration of the analysis , higher reliability , accuracy , efficiency and cost - effectiveness of the analysis .
a method for forming a laminated product includes providing a film having a first surface embossed with optical structures and an opposite second surface ; guiding the film to a nip point of a pair of lamination rolls ; feeding a polymer sheet to the nip point , wherein the polymer sheet has a surface temperature effective to enable thermal bonding between the polymer sheet and the film ; and laminating the polymer sheet to the second surface of the film . the present process reduces the cost and environmental impact associated with laminating fresnel lens film to acrylic sheet versus existing industry technology .
compositions having shear - gelling and shear - thickening properties are based on an amphiphilic polymer combined with hydrophilic particles and polyethyleneoxide . the hydrophilic particles preferably consist of a hydrous sodium lithium magnesium silicate . the amphiphilic polymer may be a synthetic polymer , a hydrophobically modified biopolymer , or both . the compositions may be employed in enhanced oil recovery operations .
a porous membrane assembly includes , in an exemplary embodiment , a porous membrane substrate having hydrophobic properties . the membrane substrate includes a first side , an opposing second side and a plurality of pores extending therethrough . the membrane substrate also includes a discontinuous layer of an oleophobic coating applied to the first side so that the plurality of pores in the first side are substantially free of the oleophobic coating , and a continuous layer of an amine containing hydrophilic polymer coating applied to the second side of the membrane substrate .
a welding system having a welding implement . the welding implement having a neck , a handle and a retaining nut for securing the neck to the handle . the neck being operable to convey electrode wire therethrough . the retaining nut being adapted for wrench - tightening to a threaded portion of the welding implement . an optional retaining nut operator . the optional retaining nut operator being adapted to secure to the retaining nut . the optional retaining nut operator being adapted for manual rotation to thread the retaining nut to the threaded portion of the welding implement . the optional retaining nut operator may be adapted to snap - fit onto the retaining nut . the optional retaining nut operator may comprise an electrically insulating material . the electrically insulating material may comprise a polymer .
an improved plastic seal valve for the bottom of the chamber of a dispensing device in which a valve stem operates . the valve stem is hollow and contains a cross hole which is normally located just above an annular plastic seal made between the housing and the stem at the bottom of the tank , the cross hole porting the hollow stem , with the plastic seal allowing closer tolerances in manufacture of the stem and allowing greater accommodation for such distortions as may still occur in molding through flexibility in the bottom stem portion the stem having a taper that just release the sealing pressure and functions on the bottom seal as the upper seal closes . in addition a weaker spring may be used , thus , making it easier to operate the valve while at the same time obtaining improved sealing over the life of the valve .
a method of shaping plastics material pre - forms into plastics material containers with the steps : introducing a plastics material pre - form into a blow mold ; conveying the blow mold with the plastics material pre - form along a pre - set conveying path ; acting upon the plastics material pre - form with a gaseous medium during a pre - set period of time for the expansion thereof , wherein the supply of the gaseous medium is carried out in a controlled manner ; and releasing the container from pressure at a pre - set point in time . according to the invention the pre - set point in time is variable .
the present invention relates to a process for preparation of polyester resin in the presence of a novel catalyst system comprising an antimony compound and inorganic tin compound . the present invention also relates to a catalyst system for the preparation of polyester comprising an antimony compound and inorganic tin compound which reduces the polymerization time at all stages of polyester synthesis and reduces the generation of degradation product . this invention further relates to polyester resin with improved l color having significant importance in end - use applications .
an electro spinning process yields uniform , nanometer diameter polymer filaments . a thread - forming polymer is extruded through an anodically biased die orifice and drawn through an anodically biased electrostatic field . a continuous polymer filament is collected on a grounded collector . the polymer filament is linearly oriented and highly uniform in quality . the filament is particularly useful for weaving body armor , for chemical / biological protective clothing , as a biomedical tissue growth support , for fabricating micro sieves and for microelectronics fabrication .
a process for preparing solid perfluorocarbon polymer supports permitting uniform and secure attachment of perfluorocarbon - substituted ligands or binders to carriers is provided utilizing pretreatment of the carriers with water miscible organic solvents .
an insert - molded suture anchor has a biodegradable polymer body molded around a loop of suture . a tapered end disposed on the proximal end of the body is received into a recess in the distal end of a hand driver . anchoring ribs are formed along the remaining length of the anchor . the suture is held securely within the anchor body during the insert molding process . the anchor is produced by placing the braided suture within an injection mold , and injecting biodegradable polymer into the mold . using a preferred plication driver , the suture anchor can be utilized for capsular plication procedures .
a compacting apparatus for recyclable waste materials is particularly adapted to be mounted on a recycling collection vehicle to allow the additional collection of large volume recyclable containers , such as large plastic beverage bottles and the like . the compactor apparatus occupies a very small total volume , but provides a highly efficient compaction of the recyclable materials thereby allowing it to be added to existing vehicles without significantly increasing the overall size . the appartus utilizes a flow - through arrangement including an inlet hopper on one end of the housing and a serially connected payload chamber having an outlet on the opposite end of the housing . a hopper platen is rotatably mounted on one end of a slide panel for sequential rotary and linear movement to sweep uncompacted materials from the hopper and compact them into the payload chamber . a load ejection panel is rotatably mounted in the payload chamber to cooperate with the slide panel in one position to establish the front wall of the chamber and to rotate to a second position to eject the compacted mass through a rear door in the housing . the payload chamber has a unique forwardly divergent interior shape to help prevent reverse movement of compacted material from the payload chamber back into the hopper . the rear ejection door in the housing is preferably connected with a direct mechanical link to the load ejection panel so that the two operate in unison for load discharge , thereby eliminating the potential problem of the rear door inadvertently springing open under the pressure of the compacted material .
a traversed package is formed from a tape which is slit from a laminate composed of a metallic foil layer and a dielectric insulating layer of plastic film , with a longitudinal edge or edges thereof folded back against the surface of the tape . the packaged tape can be applied to twisting conductors in a cabling process either helically or longitudinally with the folded edge or edges preventing the foil layer from electrical contact with adjacent conductors or shields .
the invention aims at providing an oxygen - absorbing resin which has excellent oxygen absorption performance and which can dispense with the addition of a transition metal catalyst or the irradiation with a radiation . the invention provides an oxygen - absorbing resin which is obtained by polymerizing a raw material containing a monomer having an unsaturated alicyclic structure bearing a carbon - carbon double bond wherein one carbon atom adjacent to the carbon - carbon double bond is bonded to an electron - donating substituent and a hydrogen atom and another carbon atom adjacent to the carbon atom is bonded to a heteroatom - containing functional group or a bonding group derived from the functional group with the electron - donating substituent and the functional or bonding group taking cis - configuration and which contains the unsaturated alicyclic structure in an amount of 0 . 5 to 10 meq / g ; oxygen - absorbing resin compositions containing the above oxygen - absorbing resin ; and oxygen - absorbing containers , characterized by having an oxygen - absorbing layer made from the resin or the compositions .
the invention relates to a method of purifying contaminated degreasing liquids including adding a collection polymer or polymer mixture forming two phases to the degreasing liquid ; mixing the collection polymer with the degreasing liquid ; separating the collection polymer and the degreasing liquid gravimetrically , whereby the collection polymer and the major part of the contaminants form a hydrophobic bottom phase and the degreasing agent forms a hydrophilic top phase ; removing the bottom phase ; and reusing the top phase directly or for further processing .
a thermoforming system for carrying out a method for processing two different thermoplastic films has a thermoforming station for processing the different films , a transport device for transporting the film to the thermoforming station , and a connecting station for connecting successive blank cuts so as to form a film strip . cuts of the one or the other film are selectively and variably brought on request in a conveyor through the thermoforming system , such that different successive cuts are conveyed by the conveyor to the thermoforming station and processed therein , and two successive cuts are joined into a film strip , either edge to edge or with an overlap .
a deck plank is co - extruded from an extrusion die which receives molten plastics materials supplied from three separate plastic extruders to provide the plank with opposite sides having different colors . preferably , the base plank is extruded from a lower cost material such as reground scrap polyvinylchloride , and thin pvc cap layers are co - extruded on opposite sides of the base plank in different colors . opposite edges of each plank have longitudinally extending grooves for receiving hidden fasteners in the form of screws extending through short flat tie pieces or a continuous sealing tie strip projecting into the opposing grooves of adjacent planks .
biodegradable anionic polymers are disclosed which include recurring polymeric subunits preferably made up of dicarboxylic monomers such as maleic anhydride , itaconic anhydride or citraconic anhydride . free radical polymerization is used in the synthesis of the polymers . the polymers may be complexed with ions and / or mixed with fertilizers or seeds to yield agriculturally useful compositions . the preferred products of the invention may be applied foliarly or to the earth adjacent growing plants in order to enhance nutrient uptake by the plants .
a method to produce aqueous droplets in oil and to manipulate the droplets for storage in the microfluidic device for certain amount of time to accumulate detectable amount of product produced by a single copy or plural copies of enzyme enclosed in the droplets , and to detect and measure the biomarkers in the antibody binding assay is disclosed . the method comprises : generation of droplets in the microfluidic device , storage of droplets in the microfluidic device , measurement of activity of a single copy or plural copies of enzyme in the droplets , individual molecule - counting immunoassay using the droplets . applications can include the single molecule counting immunoassay , a platform for extremely high through digital pcr , a platform for directed evolution at individual molecule resolutions , nanoparticles synthesis , biodegradable polymer particle production and single molecule analysis .
a carbon to liquids system comprising : a source of syngas ; a first reactor coupled in flow communication with said syngas source and configured to receive a flow of syngas therein , said first reactor comprising a polymeric material , wherein said first reactor reacts the syngas and a catalyst in a fischer - tropsch reaction that produces a product comprising steam , wherein the polymeric material is configured to permit the permeation of the steam therethrough ; and a recycle path coupled in flow communication with said first reactor , wherein said recycle path is configured to channel the permeated steam to a vessel positioned upstream from said first reactor . a method of operating a carbon to liquids system includes receiving a flow of syngas and reacting the syngas and a catalyst to produce a product including steam . the method also includes recycling the permeated steam to a vessel positioned upstream from the reactor .
a process of dewatering primary - treated sewage which includes mixing the sewage with a coagulant or flocculant aid , usually activated polymer . the sewage is then mixed and flocculated at conditions which involve extensive mixing turbulence of the sewage and whereby part of the sewage is recycled so as to be again subjected to such mixing and flocculating . flocks form the solid particles in the sewage . the ph of the sewage is chemically adjusted into the basic ph range or to a higher basic ph . the sewage is applied to a sand bed whereby the flocculated solids in the sewage are separated from the liquid in the sewage , by collecting on the top of the sand bed . the flocculated solids located on the top of the sand bed are air dried . the dried flocculated solids are removed from the top of the sand bed .
methods of creating particulates coated with acid - releasing degradable material comprising the steps of : combining an acid - releasing degradable material with a solvent or a plasticizer to create a coating solution ; providing a first flowing stream comprising the coating solution ; providing a second flowing stream comprising particulates ; and , combining the first and second flowing streams to create a third flowing stream comprising particulates coated with the coating solution . wherein the acid - releasing degradable material comprises at least one acid - releasing degradable material selected from the group consisting of : poly ; a lactide , a poly ; a glycolide ; a poly ; a poly ; a poly ; a substantially water insoluble anhydride ; a poly ; a poly ; a copolymer of two or more of the above - listed compounds ; and any combination thereof .
a method for heat processing of multilayered ceramic articles containing internal conductive metal patterns that have been formed from multiple ceramic green sheets individually coated with inks or pastes containing conductor metal / metal oxide material , and thereafter assembled in registry with each other and laminated . the heat treating method to convert the laminate to the final ceramic article includes a first heating stage under conditions to promote burn - out of the organic polymeric binder present , a second stage performed under conditions to reduce the metallic conductor , and a third stage to sinter the multilayered composite to form the final ceramic article . the invention is characterized by the presence of moisture in an amount of from about 0 . 5 % to about 3 % of the gaseous atmosphere in at least the sintering stage , and preferably at both the binder burnout stage and the sintering stage . multilayered articles heat treated under these conditions exhibit a combination of improved properties , including little or no staining in combination with improved conductivity and dielectric properties . in a preferred embodiment , the present method may be performed as a continuous process without the need for cool - down and heat - up of the laminate , in a continuous furnace with an atmosphere that is microprocessor - controlled . optional catalytic generation of the moisture containing heating atmosphere may be utilized to further reduce cost and processing time while increasing process efficiency and productivity .
by using an existing ball nut and ball nut screw of a ball nut screw assembly as master models , imprint molds can be molded from a silicone rubber material which positively profiles the threading of the ball nut and ball nut screw with the crossover channel in the master model of the ball nut . a thermoset resin is added to the imprint molds and cured to form unitized all plastic ball nuts and ball nut screws with the helical grooving for accommodating the train of balls including the crossover channel in the ball nut molded therein to thereby provide an easily reproducable ball nut and screw assembly .
a machine for sealing epoxy sticks has a conveyor belt system and a heating chamber . the speed of the conveyor belt is adjustable . the heating chamber has heating elements which can be spatially adjusted to be nearer to or farther from the sticks to be sealed . the temperature of the heating elements can also be adjusted . a method of using the machine includes a step of the orienting the grain of plastic wrapping used to wrap the epoxy sticks .
heavy metal - free compostable polymers , composites and articles anaerobically biodegrade in landfills in a relatively short time . heavy metal - free composite polymeric articles and sheets such as indoor or outdoor signs , billboards , banners , images , protective barriers , backdrops and wall coverings have very useful service durations and yet are landfill biodegradable .
the polymeric implant is obtained from a renewable source , comprising a body formed by at least one biodegradable polymer selected from the group consisting of polyhydroxyalcanoates and copolymers thereof , said body incorporating , in its micro - structure , an active ingredient in a sufficient quantity to control at least one oestrus cycle of mammal animals . the invention further refers to a process for obtaining a polymeric implant comprising the steps of : mixing progesterone or progestogen , at least one polymer of the group of phas , one polymeric additive defined by poly , and at least one dispersant additive and / or solvent , to obtain a colloidal solution ; evaporating the solvent of the colloidal solution , and forming a paste with the components dispersed therein ; drying the paste to remove the residual solvents and control the granulometry of the polymer composite ; extruding the polymeric composite and moulding the latter in an implant body .
the present invention includes compositions and methods of making an activated polymeric nanoparticle for targeted drug delivery that includes a biocompatible polymer and an amphiphilic stabilizing agent non - covalently associated with a spacer compound that includes at least one electrophile that selectively reacts with any nucleophilic on a targeting agent and places the targeting agent on the exterior surface of a biodegradable nanoparticle , wherein an active agent is encapsulated in or about the nanoparticle .
a slick water fracturing fluid including a brine , an inorganic nitrate , a nitrogen reducing bacteria , a scale inhibitor selected from the group consisting of a polyacrylate polymer , a polyacrylate copolymer , a polyacrylate terpolymer , and mixtures thereof , and a friction reducer , wherein the friction reducer is a polyacrylamide .
a degradable polymer composition essentially consisting of a mixture of a thermoplastic polymer composition primarily comprising polylactic acid or lactic acid - hydroxycarboxylic acid copolymer and one or more substance selected from starch and modified starch , and is a degradable polymer which does not cause problems such as environmental pollution and can be used for films , filaments and packaging materials , food packaging materials in particular .
a portable typewriter particularly adapted for juvenile use comprises a plurality of types , a plurality of key levers each of which has a key and arm , an universal plate actuated by any one of the poeration key levers , a carriage in which a platen is provided for supporting paper , a ribbon cartridge in which a typewriter ribbon is loaded , and ribbon cartridge actuating means connected to the universal plate and adapted to shift the typewriter ribbon cartridge in a direction parallel to the axis of the platen to a typing position and , at the same time , to advance the typewriter ribbon when one of the keys is operated . the cartridge actuating mechanism is arranged to be shiftable vertically independently of its movement parallel to the axis of the platen . the typewriter ribbon cartridge and the actuating means are adapted to easy manufacture , and to allow the extensive use of plastics in the construction .
a hinged closure lid made of plastic for placing onto a container , has a main part which has a dispenser opening , a lid which is mounted pivotably on the main part and , in a closure position resting on the main part , closes the dispenser opening , and an actuating part which is mounted on the main part so as to be adjustable between an inoperative position and an actuating position . the lid can be adjusted from the closure position in the direction of an open position when the actuating part is actuated . the actuating part here is connected to the lid via at least one flexible web serving as a predetermined breaking point . the web is destroyed when the actuating part is first adjusted into the actuating position .
a method and apparatus of foam molding packaging using a positive vertical mold is provided in which a vertical mold with sides having channeled vertical flap areas is automatically covered with a plastic sheet . brushes , assisted by a vacuum assure the plastic sheet conforms to the mold including the flap areas . an open - ended carton having upper and lower flaps is placed over the mold so that the lower flaps are disposed vertically and cover the vertical flap areas . foam precursors are dispensed into the carton and its top sealed to allow foaming within the carton . the carton is then removed from the mold with the foam cushioning fully formed therein including the carton flaps which cover the top of the article to be packaged therein .
the invention provides compounds of formula : and salts thereof , wherein x and y have any of the values defined herein . the compounds inhibit bacterial rna polymerase , inhibit bacterial growth , and have applications in , analysis of rna polymerase structure and function , control of bacterial gene expression , control of bacterial growth , antibacterial chemistry , antibacterial therapy , and drug discovery .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
an abrasive tool comprising of a base portion , having a foam layer affixed to the abrasive tool base portion , and a plastic film layer affixed , bonded or glued to the foam layer . this tool is adapted to receive an abrasive material layer or sand paper or other abrasive material having a pressure sensitive adhesive applied to one side of the abrasive material , to allow said abrasive material to be stuck and affixed to the abrasive tool . the abrasive tool may be hand operated , or operated by electric power , air power , or other motive power .
one embodiment of the present invention is a composition for use in making edible biodegradable containers comprising water , pregelatinized and native starch , a first protein or natural polymeric compound , natural fibers , a wax emulsion , a mold release agent , a flavoring agent , and a coloring agent , wherein the composing consisting essentially of food grade materials .
the present invention provides a novel method for forming hook elements directly on a fabric substrate . in the method of present invention , melted plastic material is injected into cavities of a molding roll ; excessive plastic material is scraped from a peripheral surface of the molding roll with a scrapper ; a web of fabric substrate is bonded to the hooks molded in the cavities through a thermo - pressing process by using a thermo - pressing roll ; and the combined hooks and fabric substrate is cooled and removed from the molding roll to form a fabric material with a hook strap . the present invention also provides an apparatus for performing the method of the present invention .
a method for reducing passivation of a lithium electrode used in a cell having a thionyl chloride liquid cathode is disclosed , the method comprising providing on the surface of the electrode a polymer film selected from the group of alkyl acrylate and alkyl substituted acrylate polymers , the film containing a salt in the polymer matrix .
biodegradable polymeric composition and method for producing a biodegradable polymeric composition , comprising poly or copolymers thereof , a plasticizer obtained from a renewable source , a nucleant additive , a flow aid additive , and a thermal stabilizer additive . the process of obtention comprises the steps of mixing to a load of phb or phbv in powder , from about 2 % to 30 % of a plasticizer based on vegetable oils of natural origin and fatty acids of animal and vegetable origin , distilled and hydrogenated ; mixing to the biopolymer already containing the plasticizer a thermal stabilizer additive , a nucleant additive ; and a flow aid additive ; and extruding the composition obtained in the previous step to promote , in the melt state , the incorporation of the additives in the matrix of phb or phbv and its subsequent granulation .
method for producing tilled containers from parisons made from a thermoplastic material , wherein the respective parison is at least conditioned thermally and is subsequently shaped during a shaping and filling phase in a mold by the action of the pressure of the supplied filling substance into the respective container at a shaping and filling pressure , wherein , during the shaping and filling phase , the parison is guided at least temporarily through a stretching rod and / or is stretched in the axial direction , and wherein , at least at the end of the shaping and tilling phase , the respective container has an internal pressure which corresponds to the shaping and filling pressure .
the invention relates to a process aid for use in rigid thermoplastic compositions , and especially in rigid polyvinylchloride compositions . the process aid is an acrylic terpolymer of methylmethacrylate , butyl acrylate and styrene at an optimal ratio to produce a significant reduction in melt process viscosity . the resulting reduction in extrusion melt torques enables manufacturers of rigid pvc products to have higher throughput production rates .
provided is a composite sheet for food containers which comprises an aroma proof resin layer comprising a saturated polyester resin , a polycarbonate resin and a copolymer comprising three components of bisphenol a , diphenyl carbonate and 1 , 10 - decanedicarboxylic acid or a mixture of at least two of these three resins , a polyamide resin layer , a water vapor barrier resin layer , a gas barrier resin layer and a thermoplastic support resin layer , these layers being laminated in succession in order of a - b - c - d - e . this composite sheet for food container has remarkable aroma proof and low - temperature impact resistance with having the performances of synthetic resin containers having gas barrier properties and capable of being subjected to high - temperature sterilization .
a flexible pressure vessel is constructed from at least one pair of upper and mating lower dome shaped cell portions . the dome portions are molded from sheets of resilient material and joined together by radio frequency welding or high - strength adhesives . upper and lower passageway portions extend outwardly from each cell portion to the surrounding sheet material . when the cell portions are joined the passageway portions are joined to form a passageway for connection to a valve or another cell . upper and lower rings surround the upper and lower cell portions to provide reinforcement for the cells . first and second blankets of heavy - duty fiber reinforced material are attached over the upper and lower cell portions and stitched in place with heavy - duty stitching extending through the resilient material surrounding the cell portions . cell shaped sponges impregnated with absorbent materials are encased in liquid and gas impermeable plastic tubing and inserted into the cells prior to joining of the cell portions . heat - reflecting plastic film or metal foil is inserted between blankets and the cell portions . the heavy duty stitching is high - pressure loop and lock braiding . the passageway has a cross - section of between 0 . 050 and 0 . 100 inches . an apparatus and method are described for constructing the flexible pressure vessel .
highly crystalline polymers containing recurring vinylidene fluoride units are disclosed . such polymers , including homopoly , have a degree of crystallinity greater than 70 %. also disclosed is a method for enhancing the crystallinity of polymers containing recurring vinylidene fluoride units .
a molded plastic container including at least one frontal wall , a top wall having at one end thereof a capped neck extending upwardly therefrom and which meets the at least one frontal wall at a vertex portion at an end opposite to the neck , a bottom wall , and a generally horseshoe - shaped , concave recess in the vertex portion . the recess has dimensions sufficient to receive an inverted capped neck of an adjacent molded plastic container , thereby enabling nesting of the containers .
this invention relates to macromolecule modifiers containing biologically active drugs / biomolecules , or precursors thereof , and fluoroligomers ; compositions comprising the macromolecules containing the drugs and fluoroligomers in admixture with polymers , particularly biomedical polymers ; articles made from the admixtures , particularly medical devices . specifically , the modifier has the general formula comprising an oligomeric polymeric segment having a theoretical molecular weight of less than 15 , 000 , and being compatible with said base polymer ; wherein is a first oligomeric segment ; is a second coupling segment linking one to another within said central portion ; n is 0 to 20 ; is a polyfluoro oligomeric group ; and is a first coupling segment linking said central portion to said through said first coupling segment ; and coupled to a bioactive moiety or precursor thereof ; and m is 1 to 20 .
a manipulative laboratory device for transferring biological fluid from one or more primary containers to an associated secondary set of containers through a disposable closed compartment system . the compartment system allows for greatly simplified decanting procedures , for example , in pouring off serum samples in blood analyses . the transfer device is preferably of transparent plastic material , and allows for complete isolation among respective samples and selective transfer of controlled volumes of biological fluid when combined with a pump , through means to apply equal volumes of pressurized gas to each of the compartments . the transfer device allows , serum , for example , to be held and filtered during transfer , while maintaining the serum within a closed compartment to reduce the risk of hepatitis and similar infectious transmissions to operating personnel . in combinations with the disposable transfer device , a pressurization device and rack constructions are provided to facilitate gang handling of a plurality of biological fluid specimens , in one operation .
a method for treating at least a portion of an interior surface of a container comprises the steps of : heating the interior surface of the container to a temperature suitable for melting a primer composition ; applying the primer to at least a portion of the interior surface of the container ; heating the treated portion of the container to the temperature suitable for melting the primer composition to facilitate bonding of the primer to the treated surface of the container ; delivering the thermoplastic material to the treated portion of the container ; and bonding the thermoplastic material by heating the treated portion of the container to a temperature suitable for melting the thermoplastic material . the application of the primer and the thermoplastic material are preferably applied to the portion of the interior surface of the container by electrostatic powder deposition and / or liquid dispersion . in addition , the method of the present invention may further include one or more of the following steps : smoothing and cleaning the interior surface of the container prior to preheating the container before application of the primer composition and delivering and bonding one or more additional applications of the thermoplastic material to the treated portion of the interior surface of the container .
a process for inhibiting symptoms of a subject with celiac disease is provided that includes administration of monoclonal -, or polyclonal -, monomeric , dimeric , or polymeric iga . joining secretory component to the iga limits oral administration degradation . formulating agents are mixed with the monomeric , dimeric , or polymeric iga to yield a dosing form of a capsule , tablet , and a suppository . the therapeutic is amenable to enrobement directly through microencapsulation or the dosing form is coated with an enteric coating .
a foamed solid product characterized in that said product is produced and prepared by a continuos process comprising mixing water permeated municipal solid waste with a solidification reagent , wherein said solidification reagent initiates a polymerization reaction with the waste and the polymerization reaction forms a rigid polymer matrix therein . in addition , the polymer matrix also expands in volume during the polymerization reaction to form a foamed , environmentally stable , recycled solid product .
methods and apparatus for the micro - scale , dielectrophoretic separation of particles are provided . fluid suspensions of particles are sorted and separated by dielectrophoretic separation chambers that have at least two consecutive , electrically coupled planar electrodes separated by a gap in a fluid flow channel . the gap distance as well as applied potential can be used to control the dielectrophoretic forces generated . using consecutive , electrically coupled electrodes rather than electrically coupled opposing electrodes facilitates higher flow volumes and rates . the methods and apparatus can be used , for example , to sort living , damaged , diseased , and / or dead cells and functionalized or ligand - bound polymer beads for subsequent identification and / or analysis .
a flexible inramedullary fixation rod for fractured bones is provided having a length sufficient to extend a substantial distance on either side of a diaphyseal fracture site and a substantially circular core with radially disposed fins extending substantially along the full length thereof . the radii of the core and fins are such that the rod can pass through the bone &# 39 ; s medullary canal and engage the inner , or endosteal , surface of the bone along line contacts , thereby allowing normal endosteal healing and intramedullary revascularization . the rod is constructed of a flexible , bio - compatible material , such as titanium , stainless steel , resorbable polymers or carbon fiber - polysulfone . the radii of the fins are selected to be substantially equal to the minimum radius of the medullary canal . the core radius is selected in accordance with the young &# 39 ; s and shear moduli associated with the bio - compatible material to provide a rod structural rigidity preferably between 0 . 1 % and 10 % of the inherent bone rigidity with the relationship between the rod bending and torsional rigidities preferably being substantially the same as the corresponding relationship for the intact bone . this causes natural stresses to be maintained at the fracture site , thereby promoting natural and therefore stronger healing of the fractured bone .
a plastic container includes a plastic body having a polygonal sidewall contour with rounded corners on a cylinder of revolution and flat panels extending between the corners chordally of the cylinder of revolution . in the preferred embodiments of the invention , a label is disposed on an exterior surface of at least one of the flat panels , and most preferably extends circumferentially around the exterior surface of the container sidewall . upon filling the container with hot liquid and capping the container , the flat panels bow radially inwardly as the liquid cools . however , any labeling placed on the container , either before or after cooling , is secured to the panels as well as the rounded corners , and does not wrinkle or crinkle during storage or use .
methods are disclosed for preparing novel biodegradable cross - linked nanoparticles based on covalently cross - linking modifications of hyaluronic acid . the final products of the present invention are stable in aqueous media , and may be used as detergents and as additives for pharmaceutical compositions for drug delivery , dna carrier system and other applications . the nanoparticles made from the biopolymers of the present invention may also be used in controlled release applications , super - absorbent materials as well as biomaterials like enzyme immobilization .
manufacture of nanoparticles on the basis of methyl vinyl ether and maleic acid for the administration of pharmaceuticals of an hydrophilic nature , in particular analogs of puric and pyrimidinic bases . the nanoparticles are obtained by desolvation with an hydroalcoholic phase of a methyl vinyl ether and maleic acid copolymer solution in acetone . the particles obtained are next treated with cross - linking agents for the purpose of prolonging their useful life and are , possibly , incubated with a pharmaceutical which will be transported on the surface . the nanoparticles can carry the pharmaceutical likewise encapsulated which would then be added during the desolvation . in the case of the nanoparticle - ligand conjugates , the nanoparticles previously obtained and containing inside the pharmaceutical to be transported are incubated with the ligand or molecule which will contribute the property of specifically recognising a particular receptor of the organism . these pharmaceutical forms have as objective to improve the transport of the pharmaceutical or biologically active molecule to its site of action and / or absorption . this property improves the specificity and effectiveness of said pharmaceuticals .
matrix basalt reinforcing member constructed and arrange to provide lateral support for the longitudinal bar steel or frp tendons that provide tensile strength to cementitious material or plastics to reduce bending moment by reducing the onset of shear . the reinforcement members are formed from basalt fibers treated with a thermoplastic thermoset polymer and formed into structures to provide structural resistance to bending - moment forces , compression forces , and torsional forces acting on the structure .
a multi - layered thermoplastic polyolefin film having an improved combination of physical characteristics is disclosed . in particular , the multi - layered film evidences an improved combination of elongation , oxygen transmission and heat shrinkability . preferred five layer embodiments of the film comprises a core layer of either a low density polyethylene homopolymer or an ethylene acetate copolymer or a blend of an ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer with a linear low density polyethylene ; two adjacent intermediate layers of a very low density polyethylene with a density of less than 0 . 900 gms / ccm , and two surface layers of an ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer .
this invention relates to semi - batch type copolymerization processes . more specifically , the processes of the present invention are directed to the production of compositionally uniform copolymers , including the production of such copolymers from dissimilar monomers , e . g ., from monomers with significantly different reactivity ratios .
the invention relates to a laminated fabric heater element , heater and a process for manufacturing the heater element and heater . the heater comprises an electrically conductive fabric layer attached to bus bars , is sandwiched between two thermoplastic films forming a heater assembly . in the process making the heater element or heater , the layers of the heater assembly by consolidating the layers of films and fabric into a single sheet heater without the use of adhesive resins . the heater can be made of variable geometry , electrical supply voltage and power , and can withstand more mechanical , chemical , ultraviolet radiation and other environmental stresses than prior art heaters .
flexible plastic pipe is reeled onto a reel mounted on a truck and is temporarily laid on a field site by driving the truck along , permitting the flexible pipe to unreel . a brake on the reel puts tension on the flexible pipe as it is being unreeled . to retrieve the flexible pipe , it is cut into segments , each segment being of a shorter length than the total amount of flexible pipe reeled onto the reel . then , each segment is reeled onto the reel with the truck stationary and the reel driven through a transmission from the truck .
the present invention discloses a bacteriorhodopsin - containing bioactive gel and a method for fabricating the same , wherein a thickening polymeric compound is suspended in water to form a base gel having appropriate glutinosity and suitable for skin , and wherein a bacteriorhodopsin - containing culture fluid , which is obtained via culturing halobacteria in a spent culture fluid , is integrated with the glutinous base gel to form the bacteriorhodopsin - containing bioactive gel . the bioactive gel of the present invention is abundant of vitamins , minerals , amino acids , etc . and thus very useful in beauty treatment and dermatological treatment . the present invention is also expected to have high commercial potential in many other fields .
a thermal storage system and related method , comprising : a thermal collector ; a thermal storage sink ; at least one thermal storage transport conduit for transporting thermal energy from the thermal collector to the thermal storage sink for storage therein ; at least one thermal delivery conduit for transporting the thermal energy from the thermal storage sink to an indoor - air space for use therein ; a thermal storage liquid within the thermal storage sink ; and baled waste tires for enhancing thermal storage . also , a thermal storage sink and related method comprising : a sink ; liquid within the sink ; and at least one recyclable material comprising baled tires for at least one of the following functions : providing insulation , providing a free flow of liquid therethrough , providing thermal mass , providing structural support to a said sink , resisting settling of a surface above said sink , buffering shock to said sink , protecting pipes or conduits located within or serving said sink , averting deflection , eliminating or reducing costly drilling , reducing a need for plastic tubing , eliminating casing , reducing thermal sink construction costs .
a method for manufacturing a carrier for large objects includes forming a bag from a sheet of plastic film material . the bag is sized to receive a large object and has an opening for placing the object into the bag . an extension is formed on at least one side or end of the bag . the extension comprises a plurality of layers of the plastic film material . handles are formed as openings in the extension .
plugging of reservoirs with high molecular weight polymers , e . g . partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide , is overcome by chemically treating a polymer having an excessively high average molecular weight prior to injection into a reservoir with an oxidizing chemical , e . g . sodium hypochlorite , and thereafter incorporating a reducing chemical , e . g ., sodium sulfite , to stop degradation of the polymer when a desired lower average molecular weight and flooding characteristics are attained .
a resilient pneumatic tire which is reinforced by a radially stabilized compression element such that the vehicle on which the tire is mounted can be operated safely in an essentially normal manner regardless of the state of pressurization of the tire . the compression element can be a solid flexible band of high - strength metal or plastic , or can comprise a layered construction having at least a pair of concentric metal bands which have a resilient material sandwiched therebetween . the compression element is stabilized by radial means such as plies comprising radial cords or wires . the radial elements have freedom in shear with respect to one another and they share radial loads imposed on the compression element and tire such that they reinforce and stabilize the compression element and tire . alternately , the radial stabilizing means can be radial rib - like elements cast or formed integrally in the sidewall of the tire . the radially stabilized band behaves as a supple tensile element when the tire is operated in a pressurized condition , but acts as a stabilized structural compressive element for unpressurized operation .
apparatus and method for digitally building up flexographic plates by ink jetting plate pre - cursor material onto a substrate via an offset blanket and forming the plates by successively polymerizing the ink jet fluid .
the present invention relates to improved covalent coupling of two or more entities such as biomolecules , polymer compositions , organic / inorganic molecules / materials , and the like , including their combinations , through one or more novel reactive groups attached to linker groups of 2 - 1000 atoms length . the present invention also contemplates the use of bifunctional bridge molecules to link two or more entities , wherein the functional groups of the bridge molecules are the novel reactive groups of the present invention .
composite fibrous constructs are made of combinations of inorganic - organic hybrid monofilament or multifilament yarns containing at least 6 weight percent of inorganic micro -/ nanoparticles and organic monofilament or multifilament yarn with typical examples of the hybrid yarn matrix made of absorbable or non - absorbable thermoplastic polymers and final constructs being in the form of knitted or woven meshes and braided ligatures intended to perform under specific mechanically , biologically , and / or radiologically related functions .
new anti - reflective or fill compositions having improved flow properties are provided . the compositions comprise a dendritic polymer dispersed or dissolved in a solvent system , and preferably a light attenuating compound , a crosslinking agent , and a catalyst . the inventive compositions can be used to protect contact or via holes from degradation during subsequent etching in the dual damascene process . the inventive compositions can also be applied to substrates to form anti - reflective coating layers having high etch rates which minimize or prevent reflection during subsequent photoresist exposure and developing .
1 . an ester copolymer resin having a general formula i !. ho . paren open - st . coarcooro . paren close - st .. sub . n h i ! wherein ar represents 2 , 6 - naphthalene group or phenylene group , r represents ethylene group or 1 , 4 - cyclohexylene group , and n is a number of 100 to 1000 and a polymer alloy having a solubility parameter of 10 . 8 to 11 . 9 consisting essentialy of the ester copolymer and a polycarbonate resin are provided . the ester resin and the alloy are transparent and has a heat resistance and a hot water resistance resisting sterilization of food , a good heat sealebility to aluminum closure , and recycling ability with pet resin .
a manually operated dispensing device for a container holding a quantity of liquid is disclosed . the device has a variable volume pump chamber within a component retaining body . the chamber is defined by a bellows having a closed end or bottom , an open end or top , and corrugated sidewalls characterized by their resilience or elastic memory , and fabricated of any of the various thermoplastics . the bellows is associated with a movable member in the form of a trigger which when actuated compressively stresses the bellows in a direction significantly to reduce its length and the volume of the chamber therewithin . when the compression stress applied by the actuating member or trigger is relieved or removed , the bellows regains its original size and shape and returns the actuating member to its initial position . associated inlet and outlet valves and respective conduits are also incorporated in the device whereby liquid in the liquid container is drawn into the chamber and pumped through a discharge nozzle in the form of a spray , as desired . the alternate application and relief of compressive stress by the trigger or operating member also opens and closes the valves so that liquid can be drawn into the chamber and dispensed therefrom .
this invention pertains to compact synaptic circuits and networks comprising compact synaptic circuits that exhibit functional characteristics of biological synapses and networks of synapses including , but not limited to , spike timing dependent plasticity . temporal coincidence of pre - and post - synaptic action potentials across the synapses of the present invention induces proportional hebbian synaptic weight updates . networks of the synapses of the present invention operated according to the methods of this invention are designed to implement biological learning functions , such as stdp .
methods and compositions for improving the angiogenesis - inhibitory effect of an anti - angiogenic serpin , or anti - angiogenic fragment thereof , by covalently linking a polymer moiety to the serpin such that the biological half - life of the serpin is extended for inhibition of diseases having a pathological angiogenic component including diabetic retinopathy , age - related macular degeneration , rheumatoid arthritis , endometriosis , psoriasis , juvenile hemangioma , and cancer .