7 values
@author < > 2021 @doc All record definitions for the file uploader . Used by . Copyright 2018 %% Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% -2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. -module(z_fileuploader_recorddefs). %% ONLY include header files whose record definitions are allowed to be defined in jsxrecord . -include("../../include/fileuploader.hrl").
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ONLY include header files whose record definitions are allowed
@author < > 2021 @doc All record definitions for the file uploader . Used by . Copyright 2018 Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , -module(z_fileuploader_recorddefs). to be defined in jsxrecord . -include("../../include/fileuploader.hrl").
%%% Copyright 2008 © %%% Author : < > Created : 21 oct 2008 by < > %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or %%% (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %%% GNU General Public License for more details. %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA . %%% %%% In addition, as a special exception, you have the permission to %%% link the code of this program with any library released under the EPL license and distribute linked combinations including the two . -module(ts_os_mon_snmp). -vc('$Id: ts_os_mon_snmp.erl,v 0.0 2008/10/21 12:57:49 nniclaus Exp $ '). -author(''). -behaviour(gen_server). -include("ts_profile.hrl"). -include("ts_os_mon.hrl"). -include_lib("snmp/include/snmp_types.hrl"). -export([start/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -record(state,{ pid of mon server dnscache=[], interval, pid, % pid of snmp_mgr host, version, port, community, addr }). %% SNMP definitions FIXME : make this customizable in the XML config file ? -define(SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,11,50,0]). -define(SNMP_CPU_RAW_SYSTEM, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,11,52,0]). -define(SNMP_CPU_RAW_IDLE, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,11,53,0]). -define(SNMP_CPU_LOAD1, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,10,1,5,1]). -define(SNMP_MEM_BUFFER, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,4,14,0]). -define(SNMP_MEM_CACHED, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,4,15,0]). -define(SNMP_MEM_AVAIL, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,4,6,0]). -define(SNMP_MEM_TOTAL, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,4,5,0]). start(Args) -> ?LOGF("starting os_mon_snmp with args ~p",[Args],?NOTICE), gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, []). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: init/1 %% Description: Initiates the server %% Returns: {ok, State} | { ok , State , Timeout } | %% ignore | %% {stop, Reason} %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init({HostStr, {Port, Community, Version}, Interval, MonServer}) -> {ok, IP} = inet:getaddr(HostStr, inet), ts_utils:init_seed(), %% wait randomly a few miliseconds to avoid concurrents starts of %% the snmp_mgr (see the unregister call later) Wait = random:uniform(?INIT_WAIT), erlang:start_timer(Wait, self(), connect ), ?LOGF("Starting SNMP mgr on ~p (~p)~n", [IP,Wait], ?DEB), {ok, #state{ mon_server = MonServer, host = HostStr, port = Port, addr = IP, community = Community, version = Version, interval = Interval}}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- Function : handle_call/3 %% Description: Handling call messages %% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} | { reply , Reply , State , Timeout } | { noreply , State } | { noreply , State , Timeout } | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called) %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_cast/2 %% Description: Handling cast messages Returns : { noreply , State } | { noreply , State , Timeout } | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {stop, {unknown_message, Msg}, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_info/2 %% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages Returns : { noreply , State } | { noreply , State , Timeout } | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_info({timeout,_Ref,connect},State=#state{addr=IP,port=Port,community=Community,version=Version}) -> {ok, Pid} = snmp_mgr:start_link([{agent, IP}, {agent_udp, Port}, {community, Community}, {receive_type, msg}, Version, quiet ]), %% since snmp_mgr can handle only a single snmp server, change the %% registered name to start several smp_mgr at once ! unregister(snmp_mgr), ?LOGF("SNMP mgr started; remote node is ~p~n", [IP],?INFO), erlang:start_timer(State#state.interval, self(), send_request ), {noreply, State#state{pid=Pid}}; handle_info({timeout,_Ref,send_request},State=#state{pid=Pid, host=Host}) -> ?LOGF("SNMP mgr; get data from host ~p~n", [Host],?DEB), snmp_get(Pid, [?SNMP_CPU_RAW_SYSTEM, ?SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER, ?SNMP_MEM_AVAIL, ?SNMP_CPU_LOAD1]), erlang:start_timer(State#state.interval, self(), send_request ), {noreply,State}; handle_info({snmp_msg, Msg, Ip, _Udp}, State) -> PDU = snmp_mgr_misc:get_pdu(Msg), case PDU#pdu.type of 'get-response' -> ?LOGF("Got SNMP PDU ~p from ~p~n",[PDU, Ip],?DEB), {Hostname, NewCache} = ts_utils:resolve(Ip, State#state.dnscache), analyse_snmp_data(PDU#pdu.varbinds, Hostname, State), {noreply, State#state{dnscache=NewCache}}; _ -> ?LOGF("Got unknown SNMP data ~p from ~p~n",[PDU, Ip],?WARN), {noreply, State} end; handle_info(Message, State) -> {stop, {unknown_message, Message} , State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: terminate/2 %% Description: Shutdown the server %% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: code_change/3 %% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed %% Returns: {ok, NewState} %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: analyse_snmp_data/3 %% Returns: any (send msg to ts_mon) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- analyse_snmp_data(Args, Host, State) -> analyse_snmp_data(Args, Host, [], State). %% Function: analyse_snmp_data/4 analyse_snmp_data([], _Host, Resp, State) -> ts_os_mon:send(State#state.mon_server,Resp); analyse_snmp_data([Val=#varbind{value='NULL'}| Tail], Host, Stats, State) -> ?LOGF("SNMP: Skip void result (~p) ~n", [Val],?DEB), analyse_snmp_data(Tail, Host, Stats, State); %% FIXME: this may not be accurate: if we lost packets (the server is %% overloaded), the value will be inconsistent, since we assume a %% constant time across samples ($INTERVAL) analyse_snmp_data([#varbind{oid=?SNMP_CPU_RAW_SYSTEM, value=Val}| Tail], Host, Stats, State) -> {value, User} = lists:keysearch(?SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER, #varbind.oid, Tail), Value = Val + User#varbind.value, CountName = {cpu , Host}, NewValue = Value/(State#state.interval/1000), NewTail = lists:keydelete(?SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER, #varbind.oid, Tail), analyse_snmp_data(NewTail, Host, [{sample_counter, CountName, NewValue}| Stats], State); analyse_snmp_data([User=#varbind{oid=?SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER}| Tail], Host, Stats, State) -> %%put this entry at the end, this will be used when SYSTEM match analyse_snmp_data(Tail ++ [User], Host, Stats, State); analyse_snmp_data([#varbind{oid=OID, value=Val}| Tail], Host, Stats, State) -> {Type, Name, Value}= oid_to_statname(OID, Host, Val), ?LOGF("Analyse SNMP: ~p:~p:~p ~n", [Type, Name, Value],?DEB), analyse_snmp_data(Tail, Host, [{Type, Name, Value}| Stats], State). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- Function : oid_to_statname/3 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- oid_to_statname(?SNMP_CPU_RAW_IDLE, Name, Value) -> CountName = {cpu_idle, Name}, ?DebugF("Adding counter value for ~p~n",[CountName]), {sample_counter, CountName, Value/(?INTERVAL/1000)}; % FIXME ? Interval ?? oid_to_statname(?SNMP_MEM_AVAIL, Name, Value)-> CountName = {freemem, Name}, ?DebugF("Adding counter value for ~p~n",[CountName]), {sample,CountName, Value/1000}; oid_to_statname(?SNMP_CPU_LOAD1, Name, Value)-> CountName = {load, Name}, ?DebugF("Adding counter value for ~p~n",[CountName]), {sample,CountName, Value/100}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- Function : snmp_get/2 %% Description: ask a list of OIDs to the given snmp_mgr %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- snmp_get(Pid, Oids) -> ?DebugF("send snmp get for oid ~p to pid ~p ",[Oids,Pid]), Pid ! {get, Oids}.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software In addition, as a special exception, you have the permission to link the code of this program with any library released under gen_server callbacks pid of snmp_mgr SNMP definitions -------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: init/1 Description: Initiates the server Returns: {ok, State} | ignore | {stop, Reason} -------------------------------------------------------------------- wait randomly a few miliseconds to avoid concurrents starts of the snmp_mgr (see the unregister call later) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Handling call messages Returns: {reply, Reply, State} | {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called) {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: handle_cast/2 Description: Handling cast messages {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: handle_info/2 Description: Handling all non call/cast messages {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) -------------------------------------------------------------------- since snmp_mgr can handle only a single snmp server, change the registered name to start several smp_mgr at once ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: terminate/2 Description: Shutdown the server Returns: any (ignored by gen_server) -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Func: code_change/3 Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed Returns: {ok, NewState} -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: analyse_snmp_data/3 Returns: any (send msg to ts_mon) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: analyse_snmp_data/4 FIXME: this may not be accurate: if we lost packets (the server is overloaded), the value will be inconsistent, since we assume a constant time across samples ($INTERVAL) put this entry at the end, this will be used when SYSTEM match -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXME ? Interval ?? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: ask a list of OIDs to the given snmp_mgr --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright 2008 © Author : < > Created : 21 oct 2008 by < > it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA . the EPL license and distribute linked combinations including the two . -module(ts_os_mon_snmp). -vc('$Id: ts_os_mon_snmp.erl,v 0.0 2008/10/21 12:57:49 nniclaus Exp $ '). -author(''). -behaviour(gen_server). -include("ts_profile.hrl"). -include("ts_os_mon.hrl"). -include_lib("snmp/include/snmp_types.hrl"). -export([start/1]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -record(state,{ pid of mon server dnscache=[], interval, host, version, port, community, addr }). FIXME : make this customizable in the XML config file ? -define(SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,11,50,0]). -define(SNMP_CPU_RAW_SYSTEM, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,11,52,0]). -define(SNMP_CPU_RAW_IDLE, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,11,53,0]). -define(SNMP_CPU_LOAD1, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,10,1,5,1]). -define(SNMP_MEM_BUFFER, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,4,14,0]). -define(SNMP_MEM_CACHED, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,4,15,0]). -define(SNMP_MEM_AVAIL, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,4,6,0]). -define(SNMP_MEM_TOTAL, [1,3,6,1,4,1,2021,4,5,0]). start(Args) -> ?LOGF("starting os_mon_snmp with args ~p",[Args],?NOTICE), gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, []). { ok , State , Timeout } | init({HostStr, {Port, Community, Version}, Interval, MonServer}) -> {ok, IP} = inet:getaddr(HostStr, inet), ts_utils:init_seed(), Wait = random:uniform(?INIT_WAIT), erlang:start_timer(Wait, self(), connect ), ?LOGF("Starting SNMP mgr on ~p (~p)~n", [IP,Wait], ?DEB), {ok, #state{ mon_server = MonServer, host = HostStr, port = Port, addr = IP, community = Community, version = Version, interval = Interval}}. Function : handle_call/3 { reply , Reply , State , Timeout } | { noreply , State } | { noreply , State , Timeout } | handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, State}. Returns : { noreply , State } | { noreply , State , Timeout } | handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {stop, {unknown_message, Msg}, State}. Returns : { noreply , State } | { noreply , State , Timeout } | handle_info({timeout,_Ref,connect},State=#state{addr=IP,port=Port,community=Community,version=Version}) -> {ok, Pid} = snmp_mgr:start_link([{agent, IP}, {agent_udp, Port}, {community, Community}, {receive_type, msg}, Version, quiet ]), unregister(snmp_mgr), ?LOGF("SNMP mgr started; remote node is ~p~n", [IP],?INFO), erlang:start_timer(State#state.interval, self(), send_request ), {noreply, State#state{pid=Pid}}; handle_info({timeout,_Ref,send_request},State=#state{pid=Pid, host=Host}) -> ?LOGF("SNMP mgr; get data from host ~p~n", [Host],?DEB), snmp_get(Pid, [?SNMP_CPU_RAW_SYSTEM, ?SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER, ?SNMP_MEM_AVAIL, ?SNMP_CPU_LOAD1]), erlang:start_timer(State#state.interval, self(), send_request ), {noreply,State}; handle_info({snmp_msg, Msg, Ip, _Udp}, State) -> PDU = snmp_mgr_misc:get_pdu(Msg), case PDU#pdu.type of 'get-response' -> ?LOGF("Got SNMP PDU ~p from ~p~n",[PDU, Ip],?DEB), {Hostname, NewCache} = ts_utils:resolve(Ip, State#state.dnscache), analyse_snmp_data(PDU#pdu.varbinds, Hostname, State), {noreply, State#state{dnscache=NewCache}}; _ -> ?LOGF("Got unknown SNMP data ~p from ~p~n",[PDU, Ip],?WARN), {noreply, State} end; handle_info(Message, State) -> {stop, {unknown_message, Message} , State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. Internal functions analyse_snmp_data(Args, Host, State) -> analyse_snmp_data(Args, Host, [], State). analyse_snmp_data([], _Host, Resp, State) -> ts_os_mon:send(State#state.mon_server,Resp); analyse_snmp_data([Val=#varbind{value='NULL'}| Tail], Host, Stats, State) -> ?LOGF("SNMP: Skip void result (~p) ~n", [Val],?DEB), analyse_snmp_data(Tail, Host, Stats, State); analyse_snmp_data([#varbind{oid=?SNMP_CPU_RAW_SYSTEM, value=Val}| Tail], Host, Stats, State) -> {value, User} = lists:keysearch(?SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER, #varbind.oid, Tail), Value = Val + User#varbind.value, CountName = {cpu , Host}, NewValue = Value/(State#state.interval/1000), NewTail = lists:keydelete(?SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER, #varbind.oid, Tail), analyse_snmp_data(NewTail, Host, [{sample_counter, CountName, NewValue}| Stats], State); analyse_snmp_data([User=#varbind{oid=?SNMP_CPU_RAW_USER}| Tail], Host, Stats, State) -> analyse_snmp_data(Tail ++ [User], Host, Stats, State); analyse_snmp_data([#varbind{oid=OID, value=Val}| Tail], Host, Stats, State) -> {Type, Name, Value}= oid_to_statname(OID, Host, Val), ?LOGF("Analyse SNMP: ~p:~p:~p ~n", [Type, Name, Value],?DEB), analyse_snmp_data(Tail, Host, [{Type, Name, Value}| Stats], State). Function : oid_to_statname/3 oid_to_statname(?SNMP_CPU_RAW_IDLE, Name, Value) -> CountName = {cpu_idle, Name}, ?DebugF("Adding counter value for ~p~n",[CountName]), oid_to_statname(?SNMP_MEM_AVAIL, Name, Value)-> CountName = {freemem, Name}, ?DebugF("Adding counter value for ~p~n",[CountName]), {sample,CountName, Value/1000}; oid_to_statname(?SNMP_CPU_LOAD1, Name, Value)-> CountName = {load, Name}, ?DebugF("Adding counter value for ~p~n",[CountName]), {sample,CountName, Value/100}. Function : snmp_get/2 snmp_get(Pid, Oids) -> ?DebugF("send snmp get for oid ~p to pid ~p ",[Oids,Pid]), Pid ! {get, Oids}.
module DerivingInt where data Example = Example deriving Eq
module DerivingInt where data Example = Example deriving Eq
;-*- Mode: Lisp -*- Author : Created : Sat Apr 19 21:48:22 2003 Contains : Tests of SUBST - IF - NOT (in-package :cl-test) (compile-and-load "cons-aux.lsp") (deftest subst-if-not.1 (check-subst-if-not '(x) 'consp '(1 (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4))) ((x) ((x) (x) x) ((x) (x) (x) x) ((x) (x) (x) (x) x) x)) (deftest subst-if-not.2 (check-subst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp) '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))) a) (deftest subst-if-not.3 (check-subst-if-not 'c #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)) :key (complement #'listp)) c) (deftest subst-if-not.4 (check-subst-if-not 40 #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17))) '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54)) :key #'(lambda (x) (and (consp x) (car x)))) (40 40 40 40)) (deftest subst-if-not.5 (check-subst-if-not 'a #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b))) '((a) (b) (c) (d)) :key nil) ((a) (a) (c) (d))) (deftest subst-if-not.7 (let ((i 0) w x y z) (values (subst-if-not (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a) (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))) (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c))) :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)) i w x y z)) (1 2 a a c) 4 1 2 3 4) (def-fold-test subst-if-not.fold.1 (subst-if-not 'a #'consp '((1 . 2) 3 . 4))) ;;; Keywords tests for subst-if-not (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.1 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t) a) (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.2 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t) a) (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.3 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys nil) a) (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.4 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t) a) (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.5 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t) a) (deftest subst-if-not.keywords.6 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b)) a) ;;; error cases (deftest subst-if-not.error.1 (signals-error (subst-if-not) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.2 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.3 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.4 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :foo nil) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.5 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :test) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.6 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil 1) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.7 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.8 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons) program-error) t)
-*- Mode: Lisp -*- Keywords tests for subst-if-not error cases
Author : Created : Sat Apr 19 21:48:22 2003 Contains : Tests of SUBST - IF - NOT (in-package :cl-test) (compile-and-load "cons-aux.lsp") (deftest subst-if-not.1 (check-subst-if-not '(x) 'consp '(1 (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4))) ((x) ((x) (x) x) ((x) (x) (x) x) ((x) (x) (x) (x) x) x)) (deftest subst-if-not.2 (check-subst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp) '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))) a) (deftest subst-if-not.3 (check-subst-if-not 'c #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)) :key (complement #'listp)) c) (deftest subst-if-not.4 (check-subst-if-not 40 #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17))) '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54)) :key #'(lambda (x) (and (consp x) (car x)))) (40 40 40 40)) (deftest subst-if-not.5 (check-subst-if-not 'a #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b))) '((a) (b) (c) (d)) :key nil) ((a) (a) (c) (d))) (deftest subst-if-not.7 (let ((i 0) w x y z) (values (subst-if-not (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a) (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))) (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c))) :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)) i w x y z)) (1 2 a a c) 4 1 2 3 4) (def-fold-test subst-if-not.fold.1 (subst-if-not 'a #'consp '((1 . 2) 3 . 4))) (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.1 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t) a) (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.2 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t) a) (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.3 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys nil) a) (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.4 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t) a) (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.5 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t) a) (deftest subst-if-not.keywords.6 (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b)) a) (deftest subst-if-not.error.1 (signals-error (subst-if-not) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.2 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.3 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.4 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :foo nil) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.5 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :test) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.6 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil 1) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.7 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil) program-error) t) (deftest subst-if-not.error.8 (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons) program-error) t)
(ns config.dynamic-config (use clojure.test)) (defn config [] {:init (fn [args] (is (= args ["bloop" "blargh"])) {:more-config 42})})
(ns config.dynamic-config (use clojure.test)) (defn config [] {:init (fn [args] (is (= args ["bloop" "blargh"])) {:more-config 42})})
;;; swank-arglists.lisp --- arglist related code ?? ;; Authors : < > < > ;; and others ;; ;; License: Public Domain ;; (in-package :micros) Utilities (defun compose (&rest functions) "Compose FUNCTIONS right-associatively, returning a function" #'(lambda (x) (reduce #'funcall functions :initial-value x :from-end t))) (defun length= (seq n) "Test for whether SEQ contains N number of elements. I.e. it's equivalent to (= (LENGTH SEQ) N), but besides being more concise, it may also be more efficiently implemented." (etypecase seq (list (do ((i n (1- i)) (list seq (cdr list))) ((or (<= i 0) (null list)) (and (zerop i) (null list))))) (sequence (= (length seq) n)))) (declaim (inline memq)) (defun memq (item list) (member item list :test #'eq)) (defun exactly-one-p (&rest values) "If exactly one value in VALUES is non-NIL, this value is returned. Otherwise NIL is returned." (let ((found nil)) (dolist (v values) (when v (if found (return-from exactly-one-p nil) (setq found v)))) found)) (defun valid-operator-symbol-p (symbol) "Is SYMBOL the name of a function, a macro, or a special-operator?" (or (fboundp symbol) (macro-function symbol) (special-operator-p symbol) (member symbol '(declare declaim)))) (defun function-exists-p (form) (and (valid-function-name-p form) (fboundp form) t)) (defmacro multiple-value-or (&rest forms) (if (null forms) nil (let ((first (first forms)) (rest (rest forms))) `(let* ((values (multiple-value-list ,first)) (primary-value (first values))) (if primary-value (values-list values) (multiple-value-or ,@rest)))))) (defun arglist-available-p (arglist) (not (eql arglist :not-available))) (defmacro with-available-arglist ((var &rest more-vars) form &body body) `(multiple-value-bind (,var ,@more-vars) ,form (if (eql ,var :not-available) :not-available (progn ,@body)))) ;;;; Arglist Definition (defstruct (arglist (:conc-name arglist.) (:predicate arglist-p)) provided-args ; list of the provided actual arguments required-args ; list of the required arguments optional-args ; list of the optional arguments key-p ; whether &key appeared keyword-args ; list of the keywords name of the & rest or & body argument ( if any ) body-p ; whether the rest argument is a &body allow-other-keys-p ; whether &allow-other-keys appeared list of & aux variables any-p ; whether &any appeared any-args ; list of &any arguments [*] known-junk ; &whole, &environment unknown-junk) ; unparsed stuff ;;; ;;; [*] The &ANY lambda keyword is an extension to ANSI Common Lisp, ;;; and is only used to describe certain arglists that cannot be ;;; described in another way. ;;; ;;; &ANY is very similiar to &KEY but while &KEY is based upon ;;; the idea of a plist (key1 value1 key2 value2), &ANY is a cross between & OPTIONAL , & KEY and * FEATURES * lists : ;;; ;;; a) (&ANY :A :B :C) means that you can provide any (non-null) ;;; set consisting of the keywords `:A', `:B', or `:C' in ;;; the arglist. E.g. (:A) or (:C :B :A). ;;; ;;; (This is not restricted to keywords only, but any self-evaluating ;;; expression is allowed.) ;;; b ) ( & ANY ( key1 v1 ) ( key2 v2 ) ( key3 v3 ) ) means that you can ;;; provide any (non-null) set consisting of lists where the CAR of the list is one of ` key1 ' , ` key2 ' , or ` key3 ' . E.g. ( ( key1 100 ) ( key3 42 ) ) , or ( ( key3 66 ) ( key2 23 ) ) ;;; ;;; For example , a ) let us describe the situations of EVAL - WHEN as ;;; ;;; (EVAL-WHEN (&ANY :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) &BODY body) ;;; ;;; and b) let us describe the optimization qualifiers that are valid ;;; in the declaration specifier `OPTIMIZE': ;;; ( DECLARE ( OPTIMIZE & ANY ( compilation - speed 1 ) ( safety 1 ) ... ) ) ;;; ;; This is a wrapper object around anything that came from Slime and ;; could not reliably be read. (defstruct (arglist-dummy (:conc-name #:arglist-dummy.) (:constructor make-arglist-dummy (string-representation))) string-representation) (defun empty-arg-p (dummy) (and (arglist-dummy-p dummy) (zerop (length (arglist-dummy.string-representation dummy))))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter +lambda-list-keywords+ '(&provided &required &optional &rest &key &any))) ;; muffle warnings about using accessors prior to the definition of struct (declaim (notinline keyword-arg.keyword keyword-arg.arg-name keyword-arg.default-arg optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg.default-arg)) (defmacro do-decoded-arglist (decoded-arglist &body clauses) (assert (loop for clause in clauses thereis (member (car clause) +lambda-list-keywords+))) (flet ((parse-clauses (clauses) (let* ((size (length +lambda-list-keywords+)) (initial (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size size)) (main (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size size)) (final (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size size))) (loop for clause in clauses for lambda-list-keyword = (first clause) for clause-parameter = (second clause) do (case clause-parameter (:initially (setf (gethash lambda-list-keyword initial) clause)) (:finally (setf (gethash lambda-list-keyword final) clause)) (t (setf (gethash lambda-list-keyword main) clause))) finally (return (values initial main final))))) (generate-main-clause (clause arglist) (dcase clause ((&provided (&optional arg) . body) (let ((gensym (gensym "PROVIDED-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,gensym (arglist.provided-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,gensym)) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg ,gensym)))) ,@body)))) ((&required (&optional arg) . body) (let ((gensym (gensym "REQUIRED-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,gensym (arglist.required-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,gensym)) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg ,gensym)))) ,@body)))) ((&optional (&optional arg init) . body) (let ((optarg (gensym "OPTIONAL-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,optarg (arglist.optional-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,optarg)) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg (optional-arg.arg-name ,optarg)))) ,@(when init `((,init (optional-arg.default-arg ,optarg))))) ,@body)))) ((&key (&optional keyword arg init) . body) (let ((keyarg (gensym "KEY-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,keyarg (arglist.keyword-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,keyarg)) (let (,@(when keyword `((,keyword (keyword-arg.keyword ,keyarg)))) ,@(when arg `((,arg (keyword-arg.arg-name ,keyarg)))) ,@(when init `((,init (keyword-arg.default-arg ,keyarg))))) ,@body)))) ((&rest (&optional arg body-p) . body) `(when (arglist.rest ,arglist) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg (arglist.rest ,arglist)))) ,@(when body-p `((,body-p (arglist.body-p ,arglist))))) ,@body))) ((&any (&optional arg) . body) (let ((gensym (gensym "REQUIRED-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,gensym (arglist.any-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,gensym)) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg ,gensym)))) ,@body))))))) (let ((arglist (gensym "DECODED-ARGLIST+"))) (multiple-value-bind (initially-clauses main-clauses finally-clauses) (parse-clauses clauses) `(let ((,arglist ,decoded-arglist)) (block do-decoded-arglist ,@(loop for keyword in '(&provided &required &optional &rest &key &any) append (cddr (gethash keyword initially-clauses)) collect (let ((clause (gethash keyword main-clauses))) (when clause (generate-main-clause clause arglist))) append (cddr (gethash keyword finally-clauses))))))))) ;;;; Arglist Printing (defun undummy (x) (if (typep x 'arglist-dummy) (arglist-dummy.string-representation x) (prin1-to-string x))) (defun print-decoded-arglist (arglist &key operator provided-args highlight) (let ((first-space-after-operator (and operator t))) (macrolet ((space () : When OPERATOR is not given , we do n't want to print a space for the first argument . `(if (not operator) (setq operator t) (progn (write-char #\space) (if first-space-after-operator (setq first-space-after-operator nil) (pprint-newline :fill))))) (with-highlighting ((&key index) &body body) `(if (eql ,index (car highlight)) (progn (princ "===> ") ,@body (princ " <===")) (progn ,@body))) (print-arglist-recursively (argl &key index) `(if (eql ,index (car highlight)) (print-decoded-arglist ,argl :highlight (cdr highlight)) (print-decoded-arglist ,argl)))) (let ((index 0)) (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")") (when operator (print-arg operator) 1 due to possibly added space (do-decoded-arglist (remove-given-args arglist provided-args) (&provided (arg) (space) (print-arg arg :literal-strings t) (incf index)) (&required (arg) (space) (if (arglist-p arg) (print-arglist-recursively arg :index index) (with-highlighting (:index index) (print-arg arg))) (incf index)) (&optional :initially (when (arglist.optional-args arglist) (space) (princ '&optional))) (&optional (arg init-value) (space) (if (arglist-p arg) (print-arglist-recursively arg :index index) (with-highlighting (:index index) (if (null init-value) (print-arg arg) (format t "~:@<~A ~A~@:>" (undummy arg) (undummy init-value))))) (incf index)) (&key :initially (when (arglist.key-p arglist) (space) (princ '&key))) (&key (keyword arg init) (space) (if (arglist-p arg) (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")") (prin1 keyword) (space) (print-arglist-recursively arg :index keyword)) (with-highlighting (:index keyword) (cond ((and init (keywordp keyword)) (format t "~:@<~A ~A~@:>" keyword (undummy init))) (init (format t "~:@<(~A ..) ~A~@:>" (undummy keyword) (undummy init))) ((not (keywordp keyword)) (format t "~:@<(~S ..)~@:>" keyword)) (t (princ keyword)))))) (&key :finally (when (arglist.allow-other-keys-p arglist) (space) (princ '&allow-other-keys))) (&any :initially (when (arglist.any-p arglist) (space) (princ '&any))) (&any (arg) (space) (print-arg arg)) (&rest (args bodyp) (space) (princ (if bodyp '&body '&rest)) (space) (if (arglist-p args) (print-arglist-recursively args :index index) (with-highlighting (:index index) (print-arg args)))) ;; FIXME: add &UNKNOWN-JUNK? )))))) (defun print-arg (arg &key literal-strings) (let ((arg (if (arglist-dummy-p arg) (arglist-dummy.string-representation arg) arg))) (if (or (and literal-strings (stringp arg)) (keywordp arg)) (prin1 arg) (princ arg)))) (defun print-decoded-arglist-as-template (decoded-arglist &key (prefix "(") (suffix ")")) (let ((first-p t)) (flet ((space () (unless first-p (write-char #\space)) (setq first-p nil)) (print-arg-or-pattern (arg) (etypecase arg (symbol (if (keywordp arg) (prin1 arg) (princ arg))) (string (princ arg)) (list (princ arg)) (arglist-dummy (princ (arglist-dummy.string-representation arg))) (arglist (print-decoded-arglist-as-template arg))) (pprint-newline :fill))) (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix prefix :suffix suffix) (do-decoded-arglist decoded-arglist (&provided ()) ; do nothing; provided args are in the buffer already. (&required (arg) (space) (print-arg-or-pattern arg)) (&optional (arg) (space) (princ "[") (print-arg-or-pattern arg) (princ "]")) (&key (keyword arg) (space) (prin1 (if (keywordp keyword) keyword `',keyword)) (space) (print-arg-or-pattern arg) (pprint-newline :linear)) (&any (arg) (space) (print-arg-or-pattern arg)) (&rest (args) (when (or (not (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist)) (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist)) (space) (format t "~A..." args)))))))) (defvar *arglist-pprint-bindings* '((*print-case* . :downcase) (*print-pretty* . t) (*print-circle* . nil) (*print-readably* . nil) (*print-level* . 10) (*print-length* . 20) (*print-escape* . nil))) (defvar *arglist-show-packages* t) (defmacro with-arglist-io-syntax (&body body) (let ((package (gensym))) `(let ((,package *package*)) (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*package* (if *arglist-show-packages* *package* ,package))) (with-bindings *arglist-pprint-bindings* ,@body)))))) (defun decoded-arglist-to-string (decoded-arglist &key operator highlight print-right-margin) (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (with-arglist-io-syntax (let ((*print-right-margin* print-right-margin)) (print-decoded-arglist decoded-arglist :operator operator :highlight highlight))))) (defun decoded-arglist-to-template-string (decoded-arglist &key (prefix "(") (suffix ")")) (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (with-arglist-io-syntax (print-decoded-arglist-as-template decoded-arglist :prefix prefix :suffix suffix)))) Arglist Decoding / Encoding (defun decode-required-arg (arg) "ARG can be a symbol or a destructuring pattern." (etypecase arg (symbol arg) (arglist-dummy arg) (list (decode-arglist arg)))) (defun encode-required-arg (arg) (etypecase arg (symbol arg) (arglist (encode-arglist arg)))) (defstruct (keyword-arg (:conc-name keyword-arg.) (:constructor %make-keyword-arg)) keyword arg-name default-arg) (defun canonicalize-default-arg (form) (if (equalp ''nil form) nil form)) (defun make-keyword-arg (keyword arg-name default-arg) (%make-keyword-arg :keyword keyword :arg-name arg-name :default-arg (canonicalize-default-arg default-arg))) (defun decode-keyword-arg (arg) "Decode a keyword item of formal argument list. Return three values: keyword, argument name, default arg." (flet ((intern-as-keyword (arg) (intern (etypecase arg (symbol (symbol-name arg)) (arglist-dummy (arglist-dummy.string-representation arg))) keyword-package))) (cond ((or (symbolp arg) (arglist-dummy-p arg)) (make-keyword-arg (intern-as-keyword arg) arg nil)) ((and (consp arg) (consp (car arg))) (make-keyword-arg (caar arg) (decode-required-arg (cadar arg)) (cadr arg))) ((consp arg) (make-keyword-arg (intern-as-keyword (car arg)) (car arg) (cadr arg))) (t (error "Bad keyword item of formal argument list"))))) (defun encode-keyword-arg (arg) (cond ((arglist-p (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)) ;; Destructuring pattern (let ((keyword/name (list (keyword-arg.keyword arg) (encode-required-arg (keyword-arg.arg-name arg))))) (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg) (list keyword/name (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)) (list keyword/name)))) ((eql (intern (symbol-name (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)) keyword-package) (keyword-arg.keyword arg)) (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg) (list (keyword-arg.arg-name arg) (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)) (keyword-arg.arg-name arg))) (t (let ((keyword/name (list (keyword-arg.keyword arg) (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)))) (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg) (list keyword/name (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)) (list keyword/name)))))) (progn (assert (equalp (decode-keyword-arg 'x) (make-keyword-arg :x 'x nil))) (assert (equalp (decode-keyword-arg '(x t)) (make-keyword-arg :x 'x t))) (assert (equalp (decode-keyword-arg '((:x y))) (make-keyword-arg :x 'y nil))) (assert (equalp (decode-keyword-arg '((:x y) t)) (make-keyword-arg :x 'y t)))) ;;; FIXME suppliedp? (defstruct (optional-arg (:conc-name optional-arg.) (:constructor %make-optional-arg)) arg-name default-arg) (defun make-optional-arg (arg-name default-arg) (%make-optional-arg :arg-name arg-name :default-arg (canonicalize-default-arg default-arg))) (defun decode-optional-arg (arg) "Decode an optional item of a formal argument list. Return an OPTIONAL-ARG structure." (etypecase arg (symbol (make-optional-arg arg nil)) (arglist-dummy (make-optional-arg arg nil)) (list (make-optional-arg (decode-required-arg (car arg)) (cadr arg))))) (defun encode-optional-arg (optional-arg) (if (or (optional-arg.default-arg optional-arg) (arglist-p (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg))) (list (encode-required-arg (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg)) (optional-arg.default-arg optional-arg)) (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg))) (progn (assert (equalp (decode-optional-arg 'x) (make-optional-arg 'x nil))) (assert (equalp (decode-optional-arg '(x t)) (make-optional-arg 'x t)))) (define-modify-macro nreversef () nreverse "Reverse the list in PLACE.") (defun decode-arglist (arglist) "Parse the list ARGLIST and return an ARGLIST structure." (if (eq arglist :not-available) :not-available (loop with mode = nil with result = (make-arglist) for arg = (if (consp arglist) (pop arglist) (progn (prog1 arglist (setf mode '&rest arglist nil)))) do (cond ((eql mode '&unknown-junk) ;; don't leave this mode -- we don't know how the arglist ;; after unknown lambda-list keywords is interpreted (push arg (arglist.unknown-junk result))) ((eql arg '&allow-other-keys) (setf (arglist.allow-other-keys-p result) t)) ((eql arg '&key) (setf (arglist.key-p result) t mode arg)) ((memq arg '(&optional &rest &body &aux)) (setq mode arg)) ((memq arg '(&whole &environment)) (setq mode arg) (push arg (arglist.known-junk result))) ((and (symbolp arg) (string= (symbol-name arg) (string '#:&any))) ; may be interned (setf (arglist.any-p result) t) ; in any *package*. (setq mode '&any)) ((memq arg lambda-list-keywords) (setq mode '&unknown-junk) (push arg (arglist.unknown-junk result))) (t (ecase mode (&key (push (decode-keyword-arg arg) (arglist.keyword-args result))) (&optional (push (decode-optional-arg arg) (arglist.optional-args result))) (&body (setf (arglist.body-p result) t (arglist.rest result) arg)) (&rest (setf (arglist.rest result) arg)) (&aux (push (decode-optional-arg arg) (arglist.aux-args result))) ((nil) (push (decode-required-arg arg) (arglist.required-args result))) ((&whole &environment) (setf mode nil) (push arg (arglist.known-junk result))) (&any (push arg (arglist.any-args result)))))) until (null arglist) finally (nreversef (arglist.required-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.optional-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.keyword-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.aux-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.any-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.known-junk result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.unknown-junk result)) finally (assert (or (and (not (arglist.key-p result)) (not (arglist.any-p result))) (exactly-one-p (arglist.key-p result) (arglist.any-p result)))) finally (return result)))) (defun encode-arglist (decoded-arglist) (append (mapcar #'encode-required-arg (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist)) (when (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist) '(&optional)) (mapcar #'encode-optional-arg (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist)) (when (arglist.key-p decoded-arglist) '(&key)) (mapcar #'encode-keyword-arg (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist)) (when (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist) '(&allow-other-keys)) (when (arglist.any-args decoded-arglist) `(&any ,@(arglist.any-args decoded-arglist))) (cond ((not (arglist.rest decoded-arglist)) '()) ((arglist.body-p decoded-arglist) `(&body ,(arglist.rest decoded-arglist))) (t `(&rest ,(arglist.rest decoded-arglist)))) (when (arglist.aux-args decoded-arglist) `(&aux ,(arglist.aux-args decoded-arglist))) (arglist.known-junk decoded-arglist) (arglist.unknown-junk decoded-arglist))) Arglist Enrichment (defun arglist-keywords (lambda-list) "Return the list of keywords in ARGLIST. As a secondary value, return whether &allow-other-keys appears." (let ((decoded-arglist (decode-arglist lambda-list))) (values (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist)))) (defun methods-keywords (methods) "Collect all keywords in the arglists of METHODS. As a secondary value, return whether &allow-other-keys appears somewhere." (let ((keywords '()) (allow-other-keys nil)) (dolist (method methods) (multiple-value-bind (kw aok) (arglist-keywords (micros/mop:method-lambda-list method)) (setq keywords (remove-duplicates (append keywords kw) :key #'keyword-arg.keyword) allow-other-keys (or allow-other-keys aok)))) (values keywords allow-other-keys))) (defun generic-function-keywords (generic-function) "Collect all keywords in the methods of GENERIC-FUNCTION. As a secondary value, return whether &allow-other-keys appears somewhere." (methods-keywords (micros/mop:generic-function-methods generic-function))) (defun applicable-methods-keywords (generic-function arguments) "Collect all keywords in the methods of GENERIC-FUNCTION that are applicable for argument of CLASSES. As a secondary value, return whether &allow-other-keys appears somewhere." (methods-keywords (multiple-value-bind (amuc okp) (micros/mop:compute-applicable-methods-using-classes generic-function (mapcar #'class-of arguments)) (if okp amuc (compute-applicable-methods generic-function arguments))))) (defgeneric extra-keywords (operator args) (:documentation "Return a list of extra keywords of OPERATOR (a symbol) when applied to the (unevaluated) ARGS. As a secondary value, return whether other keys are allowed. As a tertiary value, return the initial sublist of ARGS that was needed to determine the extra keywords.")) We make sure that symbol - from - KEYWORD - using keywords come before ;;; symbol-from-arbitrary-package-using keywords. And we sort the ;;; latter according to how their home-packages relate to *PACKAGE*. ;;; Rationale is to show those key parameters first which make most ;;; sense in the current context. And in particular: to put ;;; implementation-internal stuff last. ;;; This matters tremendeously on Allegro in combination with AllegroCache as that does some evil tinkering with initargs , ;;; obfuscating the arglist of MAKE-INSTANCE. ;;; (defmethod extra-keywords :around (op args) (declare (ignorable op args)) (multiple-value-bind (keywords aok enrichments) (call-next-method) (values (sort-extra-keywords keywords) aok enrichments))) (defun make-package-comparator (reference-packages) "Returns a two-argument test function which compares packages according to their used-by relation with REFERENCE-PACKAGES. Packages will be sorted first which appear first in the PACKAGE-USE-LIST of the reference packages." (let ((package-use-table (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) ;; Walk the package dependency graph breadth-fist, and fill ;; PACKAGE-USE-TABLE accordingly. (loop with queue = (copy-list reference-packages) with bfn = 0 ; Breadth-First Number for p = (pop queue) unless (gethash p package-use-table) do (setf (gethash p package-use-table) (shiftf bfn (1+ bfn))) and do (setf queue (nconc queue (copy-list (package-use-list p)))) while queue) #'(lambda (p1 p2) (let ((bfn1 (gethash p1 package-use-table)) (bfn2 (gethash p2 package-use-table))) (cond ((and bfn1 bfn2) (<= bfn1 bfn2)) (bfn1 bfn1) (bfn2 nil) ; p2 is used, p1 not (t (string<= (package-name p1) (package-name p2)))))))) (defun sort-extra-keywords (kwds) (stable-sort kwds (make-package-comparator (list keyword-package *package*)) :key (compose #'symbol-package #'keyword-arg.keyword))) (defun keywords-of-operator (operator) "Return a list of KEYWORD-ARGs that OPERATOR accepts. This function is useful for writing EXTRA-KEYWORDS methods for user-defined functions which are declared &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS and which forward keywords to OPERATOR." (with-available-arglist (arglist) (arglist-from-form (ensure-list operator)) (values (arglist.keyword-args arglist) (arglist.allow-other-keys-p arglist)))) (defmethod extra-keywords (operator args) ;; default method (declare (ignore args)) (let ((symbol-function (symbol-function operator))) (if (typep symbol-function 'generic-function) (generic-function-keywords symbol-function) nil))) (defun class-from-class-name-form (class-name-form) (when (and (listp class-name-form) (= (length class-name-form) 2) (eq (car class-name-form) 'quote)) (let* ((class-name (cadr class-name-form)) (class (find-class class-name nil))) (when (and class (not (micros/mop:class-finalized-p class))) ;; Try to finalize the class, which can fail if ;; superclasses are not defined yet (ignore-errors (micros/mop:finalize-inheritance class))) class))) (defun extra-keywords/slots (class) (multiple-value-bind (slots allow-other-keys-p) (if (micros/mop:class-finalized-p class) (values (micros/mop:class-slots class) nil) (values (micros/mop:class-direct-slots class) t)) (let ((slot-init-keywords (loop for slot in slots append (mapcar (lambda (initarg) (make-keyword-arg initarg (micros/mop:slot-definition-name slot) (and (micros/mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot) (micros/mop:slot-definition-initform slot)))) (micros/mop:slot-definition-initargs slot))))) (values slot-init-keywords allow-other-keys-p)))) (defun extra-keywords/make-instance (operator args) (declare (ignore operator)) (unless (null args) (let* ((class-name-form (car args)) (class (class-from-class-name-form class-name-form))) (when class (multiple-value-bind (slot-init-keywords class-aokp) (extra-keywords/slots class) (multiple-value-bind (allocate-instance-keywords ai-aokp) (applicable-methods-keywords #'allocate-instance (list class)) (multiple-value-bind (initialize-instance-keywords ii-aokp) (ignore-errors (applicable-methods-keywords #'initialize-instance (list (micros/mop:class-prototype class)))) (multiple-value-bind (shared-initialize-keywords si-aokp) (ignore-errors (applicable-methods-keywords #'shared-initialize (list (micros/mop:class-prototype class) t))) (values (append slot-init-keywords allocate-instance-keywords initialize-instance-keywords shared-initialize-keywords) (or class-aokp ai-aokp ii-aokp si-aokp) (list class-name-form)))))))))) (defun extra-keywords/change-class (operator args) (declare (ignore operator)) (unless (null args) (let* ((class-name-form (car args)) (class (class-from-class-name-form class-name-form))) (when class (multiple-value-bind (slot-init-keywords class-aokp) (extra-keywords/slots class) (declare (ignore class-aokp)) (multiple-value-bind (shared-initialize-keywords si-aokp) (ignore-errors (applicable-methods-keywords #'shared-initialize (list (micros/mop:class-prototype class) t))) ;; FIXME: much as it would be nice to include the ;; applicable keywords from ;; UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-DIFFERENT-CLASS, I don't really see ;; how to do it: so we punt, always declaring ;; &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS. (declare (ignore si-aokp)) (values (append slot-init-keywords shared-initialize-keywords) t (list class-name-form)))))))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'make-instance)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'make-condition)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'error)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'signal)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'warn)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'cerror)) args) (multiple-value-bind (keywords aok determiners) (extra-keywords/make-instance operator (cdr args)) (if keywords (values keywords aok (cons (car args) determiners)) (call-next-method)))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'change-class)) args) (multiple-value-bind (keywords aok determiners) (extra-keywords/change-class operator (cdr args)) (if keywords (values keywords aok (cons (car args) determiners)) (call-next-method)))) (defun enrich-decoded-arglist-with-keywords (decoded-arglist keywords allow-other-keys-p) "Modify DECODED-ARGLIST using KEYWORDS and ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS-P." (when keywords (setf (arglist.key-p decoded-arglist) t) (setf (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) (remove-duplicates (append (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) keywords) :key #'keyword-arg.keyword))) (setf (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist) (or (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist) allow-other-keys-p))) (defun enrich-decoded-arglist-with-extra-keywords (decoded-arglist form) "Determine extra keywords from the function call FORM, and modify DECODED-ARGLIST to include them. As a secondary return value, return the initial sublist of ARGS that was needed to determine the extra keywords. As a tertiary return value, return whether any enrichment was done." (multiple-value-bind (extra-keywords extra-aok determining-args) (extra-keywords (car form) (cdr form)) ;; enrich the list of keywords with the extra keywords (enrich-decoded-arglist-with-keywords decoded-arglist extra-keywords extra-aok) (values decoded-arglist determining-args (or extra-keywords extra-aok)))) (defgeneric compute-enriched-decoded-arglist (operator-form argument-forms) (:documentation "Return three values: DECODED-ARGLIST, DETERMINING-ARGS, and ANY-ENRICHMENT, just like enrich-decoded-arglist-with-extra-keywords. If the arglist is not available, return :NOT-AVAILABLE.")) (defmethod compute-enriched-decoded-arglist (operator-form argument-forms) (with-available-arglist (decoded-arglist) (decode-arglist (arglist operator-form)) (enrich-decoded-arglist-with-extra-keywords decoded-arglist (cons operator-form argument-forms)))) (defmethod compute-enriched-decoded-arglist ((operator-form (eql 'with-open-file)) argument-forms) (declare (ignore argument-forms)) (multiple-value-bind (decoded-arglist determining-args) (call-next-method) (let ((first-arg (first (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist))) (open-arglist (compute-enriched-decoded-arglist 'open nil))) (when (and (arglist-p first-arg) (arglist-p open-arglist)) (enrich-decoded-arglist-with-keywords first-arg (arglist.keyword-args open-arglist) nil))) (values decoded-arglist determining-args t))) (defmethod compute-enriched-decoded-arglist ((operator-form (eql 'apply)) argument-forms) (let ((function-name-form (car argument-forms))) (when (and (listp function-name-form) (length= function-name-form 2) (memq (car function-name-form) '(quote function))) (let ((function-name (cadr function-name-form))) (when (valid-operator-symbol-p function-name) (let ((function-arglist (compute-enriched-decoded-arglist function-name (cdr argument-forms)))) (return-from compute-enriched-decoded-arglist (values (make-arglist :required-args (list 'function) :optional-args (append (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (make-optional-arg arg nil)) (arglist.required-args function-arglist)) (arglist.optional-args function-arglist)) :key-p (arglist.key-p function-arglist) :keyword-args (arglist.keyword-args function-arglist) :rest 'args :allow-other-keys-p (arglist.allow-other-keys-p function-arglist)) (list function-name-form) t))))))) (call-next-method)) (defmethod compute-enriched-decoded-arglist ((operator-form (eql 'multiple-value-call)) argument-forms) (compute-enriched-decoded-arglist 'apply argument-forms)) (defun delete-given-args (decoded-arglist args) "Delete given ARGS from DECODED-ARGLIST." (macrolet ((pop-or-return (list) `(if (null ,list) (return-from do-decoded-arglist) (pop ,list)))) (do-decoded-arglist decoded-arglist (&provided () (assert (eq (pop-or-return args) (pop (arglist.provided-args decoded-arglist))))) (&required () (pop-or-return args) (pop (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist))) (&optional () (pop-or-return args) (pop (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist))) (&key (keyword) ;; N.b. we consider a keyword to be given only when the keyword ;; _and_ a value has been given for it. (loop for (key value) on args by #'cddr when (and (eq keyword key) value) do (setf (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) (remove keyword (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) :key #'keyword-arg.keyword)))))) decoded-arglist) (defun remove-given-args (decoded-arglist args) ;; FIXME: We actually needa deep copy here. (delete-given-args (copy-arglist decoded-arglist) args)) ;;;; Arglist Retrieval (defun arglist-from-form (form) (if (null form) :not-available (arglist-dispatch (car form) (cdr form)))) (export 'arglist-dispatch) (defgeneric arglist-dispatch (operator arguments) ;; Default method (:method (operator arguments) (unless (and (symbolp operator) (valid-operator-symbol-p operator)) (return-from arglist-dispatch :not-available)) (when (equalp (package-name (symbol-package operator)) "closer-mop") (let ((standard-symbol (or (find-symbol (symbol-name operator) :cl) (find-symbol (symbol-name operator) :micros/mop)))) (when standard-symbol (return-from arglist-dispatch (arglist-dispatch standard-symbol arguments))))) (multiple-value-bind (decoded-arglist determining-args) (compute-enriched-decoded-arglist operator arguments) (with-available-arglist (arglist) decoded-arglist ;; replace some formal args by determining actual args (setf arglist (delete-given-args arglist determining-args)) (setf (arglist.provided-args arglist) determining-args) arglist)))) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'defmethod)) arguments) (match (cons operator arguments) (('defmethod (#'function-exists-p gf-name) . rest) (let ((gf (fdefinition gf-name))) (when (typep gf 'generic-function) (let ((lambda-list (micros/mop:generic-function-lambda-list gf))) (with-available-arglist (arglist) (decode-arglist lambda-list) (let ((qualifiers (loop for x in rest until (or (listp x) (empty-arg-p x)) collect x))) (return-from arglist-dispatch (make-arglist :provided-args (cons gf-name qualifiers) :required-args (list arglist) :rest "body" :body-p t)))))))) Fall through (call-next-method)) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'define-compiler-macro)) arguments) (match (cons operator arguments) (('define-compiler-macro (#'function-exists-p gf-name) . _) (let ((gf (fdefinition gf-name))) (with-available-arglist (arglist) (decode-arglist (arglist gf)) (return-from arglist-dispatch (make-arglist :provided-args (list gf-name) :required-args (list arglist) :rest "body" :body-p t))))) Fall through (call-next-method)) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'eval-when)) arguments) (declare (ignore arguments)) (let ((eval-when-args '(:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute))) (make-arglist :required-args (list (make-arglist :any-p t :any-args eval-when-args)) :rest '#:body :body-p t))) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'declare)) arguments) (let* ((declaration (cons operator (last arguments))) (typedecl-arglist (arglist-for-type-declaration declaration))) (if (arglist-available-p typedecl-arglist) typedecl-arglist (match declaration (('declare ((#'consp typespec) . decl-args)) (with-available-arglist (typespec-arglist) (decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier typespec) (make-arglist :required-args (list (make-arglist :required-args (list typespec-arglist) :rest '#:variables))))) (('declare (decl-identifier . decl-args)) (decoded-arglist-for-declaration decl-identifier decl-args)) (_ (make-arglist :rest '#:declaration-specifiers)))))) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'declaim)) arguments) (arglist-dispatch 'declare arguments)) (defun arglist-for-type-declaration (declaration) (flet ((%arglist-for-type-declaration (identifier typespec rest-var-name) (with-available-arglist (typespec-arglist) (decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier typespec) (make-arglist :required-args (list (make-arglist :provided-args (list identifier) :required-args (list typespec-arglist) :rest rest-var-name)))))) (match declaration (('declare ('type (#'consp typespec) . decl-args)) (%arglist-for-type-declaration 'type typespec '#:variables)) (('declare ('ftype (#'consp typespec) . decl-args)) (%arglist-for-type-declaration 'ftype typespec '#:function-names)) (('declare ((#'consp typespec) . decl-args)) (with-available-arglist (typespec-arglist) (decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier typespec) (make-arglist :required-args (list (make-arglist :required-args (list typespec-arglist) :rest '#:variables))))) (_ :not-available)))) (defun decoded-arglist-for-declaration (decl-identifier decl-args) (declare (ignore decl-args)) (with-available-arglist (arglist) (decode-arglist (declaration-arglist decl-identifier)) (setf (arglist.provided-args arglist) (list decl-identifier)) (make-arglist :required-args (list arglist)))) (defun decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier (type-specifier) (etypecase type-specifier (arglist-dummy :not-available) (cons (decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier (car type-specifier))) (symbol (with-available-arglist (arglist) (decode-arglist (type-specifier-arglist type-specifier)) (setf (arglist.provided-args arglist) (list type-specifier)) arglist)))) Slimefuns ;;; We work on a RAW-FORM, or BUFFER-FORM, which represent the form at user 's point in Emacs . A RAW - FORM looks like ;;; ( " FOO " ( " BAR " ... ) " QUUX " ( " ZURP " LSP - BACKEND::%CURSOR - MARKER% ) ) ;;; ;;; The expression before the cursor marker is the expression where ;;; user's cursor points at. An explicit marker is necessary to ;;; disambiguate between ;;; ;;; ("IF" ("PRED") ( " F " " X " " Y " % CURSOR - MARKER% ) ) ;;; ;;; and ;;; ("IF" ("PRED") ( " F " " X " " Y " ) % CURSOR - MARKER% ) Notice that for a form like ( FOO ( BAR | ) QUUX ) , where | denotes user 's point , the following should be sent ( " FOO " ( " BAR " " " % CURSOR - MARKER% ) ) . Only the forms up to point should be ;;; considered. (defun call-with-autodoc-error-handler (function print-right-margin) (handler-bind ((serious-condition #'(lambda (c) (unless (debug-on-swank-error) (let ((*print-right-margin* print-right-margin)) (return-from call-with-autodoc-error-handler (format nil "Arglist Error: \"~A\"" c))))))) (funcall function))) (defmacro with-autodoc-error-handler ((&key print-right-margin) &body body) `(call-with-autodoc-error-handler (lambda () ,@body) ,print-right-margin)) (defun autodoc-function (raw-form &key print-right-margin) (with-autodoc-error-handler (:print-right-margin print-right-margin) (with-buffer-syntax () (multiple-value-bind (form arglist obj-at-cursor form-path) (find-subform-with-arglist (parse-raw-form raw-form)) (declare (ignore obj-at-cursor)) (list (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist (decoded-arglist-to-string arglist :print-right-margin print-right-margin :operator (car form) :highlight (form-path-to-arglist-path form-path form arglist))) (let ((*package* (find-package :cl-user))) (prin1-to-string (first form)))))))) (defslimefun autodoc (raw-form &key print-right-margin) "Return a list of two elements. First, a string representing the arglist for the deepest subform in RAW-FORM that does have an arglist. The highlighted parameter is wrapped in ===> X <===. Second, a boolean value telling whether the returned string can be cached." (with-autodoc-error-handler (:print-right-margin print-right-margin) (with-buffer-syntax () (multiple-value-bind (form arglist obj-at-cursor form-path) (find-subform-with-arglist (parse-raw-form raw-form)) (cond ((boundp-and-interesting obj-at-cursor) (list (print-variable-to-string obj-at-cursor) nil)) (t (list (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist (decoded-arglist-to-string arglist :print-right-margin print-right-margin :operator (car form) :highlight (form-path-to-arglist-path form-path form arglist))) t))))))) (defun boundp-and-interesting (symbol) (and symbol (symbolp symbol) (boundp symbol) (not (memq symbol '(cl:t cl:nil))) (not (keywordp symbol)))) (defun print-variable-to-string (symbol) "Return a short description of VARIABLE-NAME, or NIL." (let ((*print-pretty* t) (*print-level* 4) (*print-length* 10) (*print-lines* 1) (*print-readably* nil) (value (symbol-value symbol))) (call/truncated-output-to-string 75 (lambda (s) (without-printing-errors (:object value :stream s) (format s "~A ~A~S" symbol *echo-area-prefix* value)))))) (defslimefun complete-form (raw-form) "Read FORM-STRING in the current buffer package, then complete it by adding a template for the missing arguments." ;; We do not catch errors here because COMPLETE-FORM is an ;; interactive command, not automatically run in the background like ARGLIST - FOR - ECHO - AREA . (with-buffer-syntax () (multiple-value-bind (arglist provided-args) (find-immediately-containing-arglist (parse-raw-form raw-form)) (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist (decoded-arglist-to-template-string (delete-given-args arglist (remove-if #'empty-arg-p provided-args :from-end t :count 1)) :prefix "" :suffix ""))))) (defslimefun completions-for-keyword (keyword-string raw-form) "Return a list of possible completions for KEYWORD-STRING relative to the context provided by RAW-FORM." (with-buffer-syntax () (let ((arglist (find-immediately-containing-arglist (parse-raw-form raw-form)))) (when (arglist-available-p arglist) ;; It would be possible to complete keywords only if we are in ;; a keyword position, but it is not clear if we want that. (let* ((keywords (append (mapcar #'keyword-arg.keyword (arglist.keyword-args arglist)) (remove-if-not #'keywordp (arglist.any-args arglist)))) (keyword-name (tokenize-symbol keyword-string)) (matching-keywords (find-matching-symbols-in-list keyword-name keywords (make-compound-prefix-matcher #\-))) (converter (completion-output-symbol-converter keyword-string)) (strings (mapcar converter (mapcar #'symbol-name matching-keywords))) (completion-set (format-completion-set strings nil ""))) (list completion-set (longest-compound-prefix completion-set))))))) (defparameter +cursor-marker+ '%cursor-marker%) (defun find-subform-with-arglist (form) "Returns four values: The appropriate subform of `form' which is closest to the +CURSOR-MARKER+ and whose operator is valid and has an arglist. The +CURSOR-MARKER+ is removed from that subform. Second value is the arglist. Local function and macro definitions appearing in `form' into account. Third value is the object in front of +CURSOR-MARKER+. Fourth value is a form path to that object." (labels ((yield-success (form local-ops) (multiple-value-bind (form obj-at-cursor form-path) (extract-cursor-marker form) (values form (let ((entry (assoc (car form) local-ops :test #'op=))) (if entry (decode-arglist (cdr entry)) (arglist-from-form form))) obj-at-cursor form-path))) (yield-failure () (values nil :not-available)) (operator-p (operator local-ops) (or (and (symbolp operator) (valid-operator-symbol-p operator)) (assoc operator local-ops :test #'op=))) (op= (op1 op2) (cond ((and (symbolp op1) (symbolp op2)) (eq op1 op2)) ((and (arglist-dummy-p op1) (arglist-dummy-p op2)) (string= (arglist-dummy.string-representation op1) (arglist-dummy.string-representation op2))))) (grovel-form (form local-ops) "Descend FORM top-down, always taking the rightest branch, until +CURSOR-MARKER+." (assert (listp form)) (destructuring-bind (operator . args) form ;; N.b. the user's cursor is at the rightmost, deepest subform right before + CURSOR - MARKER+ . (let ((last-subform (car (last form))) (new-ops)) (cond ((eq last-subform +cursor-marker+) (if (operator-p operator local-ops) (yield-success form local-ops) (yield-failure))) ((not (operator-p operator local-ops)) (grovel-form last-subform local-ops)) ;; Make sure to pick up the arglists of local ;; function/macro definitions. ((setq new-ops (extract-local-op-arglists operator args)) (multiple-value-or (grovel-form last-subform (nconc new-ops local-ops)) (yield-success form local-ops))) ;; Some typespecs clash with function names, so we make ;; sure to bail out early. ((member operator '(cl:declare cl:declaim)) (yield-success form local-ops)) ;; Mostly uninteresting, hence skip. ((memq operator '(cl:quote cl:function)) (yield-failure)) (t (multiple-value-or (grovel-form last-subform local-ops) (yield-success form local-ops)))))))) (if (null form) (yield-failure) (grovel-form form '())))) (defun extract-cursor-marker (form) "Returns three values: normalized `form' without +CURSOR-MARKER+, the object in front of +CURSOR-MARKER+, and a form path to that object." (labels ((grovel (form last path) (let ((result-form)) (loop for (car . cdr) on form do (cond ((eql car +cursor-marker+) (decf (first path)) (return-from grovel (values (nreconc result-form cdr) last (nreverse path)))) ((consp car) (multiple-value-bind (new-car new-last new-path) (grovel car last (cons 0 path)) (when new-path ; CAR contained cursor-marker? (return-from grovel (values (nreconc (cons new-car result-form) cdr) new-last new-path)))))) (push car result-form) (setq last car) (incf (first path)) finally (return-from grovel (values (nreverse result-form) nil nil)))))) (grovel form nil (list 0)))) (defgeneric extract-local-op-arglists (operator args) (:documentation "If the form `(OPERATOR ,@ARGS) is a local operator binding form, return a list of pairs (OP . ARGLIST) for each locally bound op.") (:method (operator args) (declare (ignore operator args)) nil) ;; FLET (:method ((operator (eql 'cl:flet)) args) (let ((defs (first args)) (body (rest args))) (cond ((null body) nil) ; `(flet ((foo (x) |' ((atom defs) nil) ; `(flet ,foo (|' (t (%collect-op/argl-alist defs))))) ;; LABELS (:method ((operator (eql 'cl:labels)) args) ;; Notice that we only have information to "look backward" and ;; show arglists of previously occuring local functions. (destructuring-bind (defs . body) args (unless (or (atom defs) (null body)) ; `(labels ,foo (|' (let ((current-def (car (last defs)))) (cond ((atom current-def) nil) ; `(labels ((foo (x) ...)|' ((not (null body)) (extract-local-op-arglists 'cl:flet args)) (t (let ((def.body (cddr current-def))) (when def.body (%collect-op/argl-alist defs))))))))) MACROLET (:method ((operator (eql 'cl:macrolet)) args) (extract-local-op-arglists 'cl:labels args))) (defun %collect-op/argl-alist (defs) (setq defs (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) ;; Well-formed FLET/LABELS def? (and (consp x) (second x))) defs)) (loop for (name arglist . nil) in defs collect (cons name arglist))) (defun find-immediately-containing-arglist (form) "Returns the arglist of the subform _immediately_ containing +CURSOR-MARKER+ in `form'. Notice, however, that +CURSOR-MARKER+ may be in a nested arglist \(e.g. `(WITH-OPEN-FILE (<here>'\), and the arglist of the appropriate parent form \(WITH-OPEN-FILE\) will be returned in that case." (flet ((try (form-path form arglist) (let* ((arglist-path (form-path-to-arglist-path form-path form arglist)) (argl (apply #'arglist-ref arglist arglist-path)) (args (apply #'provided-arguments-ref (cdr form) arglist arglist-path))) (when (and (arglist-p argl) (listp args)) (values argl args))))) (multiple-value-bind (form arglist obj form-path) (find-subform-with-arglist form) (declare (ignore obj)) (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist First try the form the cursor is in ( in case of a normal ;; form), then try the surrounding form (in case of a nested ;; macro form). (multiple-value-or (try form-path form arglist) (try (butlast form-path) form arglist) :not-available))))) (defun form-path-to-arglist-path (form-path form arglist) "Convert a form path to an arglist path consisting of arglist indices." (labels ((convert (path args arglist) (if (null path) nil (let* ((idx (car path)) (idx* (arglist-index idx args arglist)) (arglist* (and idx* (arglist-ref arglist idx*))) (args* (and idx* (provided-arguments-ref args arglist idx*)))) The FORM - PATH may be more detailed than ARGLIST ; ;; consider (defun foo (x y) ...), a form path may ;; point into the function's lambda-list, but the arglist of DEFUN wo n't contain as much information . ;; So we only recurse if possible. (cond ((null idx*) nil) ((arglist-p arglist*) (cons idx* (convert (cdr path) args* arglist*))) (t (list idx*))))))) (convert ;; FORM contains irrelevant operator. Adjust FORM-PATH. (cond ((null form-path) nil) ((equal form-path '(0)) nil) (t (destructuring-bind (car . cdr) form-path (cons (1- car) cdr)))) (cdr form) arglist))) (defun arglist-index (provided-argument-index provided-arguments arglist) "Return the arglist index into `arglist' for the parameter belonging to the argument (NTH `provided-argument-index' `provided-arguments')." (let ((positional-args# (positional-args-number arglist)) (arg-index provided-argument-index)) (with-struct (arglist. key-p rest) arglist (cond ((< arg-index positional-args#) ; required + optional arg-index) ((and (not key-p) (not rest)) ; more provided than allowed nil) ((not key-p) ; rest + body (assert (arglist.rest arglist)) positional-args#) (t ; key ;; Find last provided &key parameter (let* ((argument (nth arg-index provided-arguments)) (provided-keys (subseq provided-arguments positional-args#))) (loop for (key value) on provided-keys by #'cddr when (eq value argument) return (match key (('quote symbol) symbol) (_ key))))))))) (defun arglist-ref (arglist &rest indices) "Returns the parameter in ARGLIST along the INDICIES path. Numbers represent positional parameters (required, optional), keywords represent key parameters." (flet ((ref-positional-arg (arglist index) (check-type index (integer 0 *)) (with-struct (arglist. provided-args required-args optional-args rest) arglist (loop for args in (list provided-args required-args (mapcar #'optional-arg.arg-name optional-args)) for args# = (length args) if (< index args#) return (nth index args) else do (decf index args#) finally (return (or rest nil))))) (ref-keyword-arg (arglist keyword) ;; keyword argument may be any symbol, not only from the KEYWORD package . (let ((keyword (match keyword (('quote symbol) symbol) (_ keyword)))) (do-decoded-arglist arglist (&key (kw arg) (when (eq kw keyword) (return-from ref-keyword-arg arg))))) nil)) (dolist (index indices) (assert (arglist-p arglist)) (setq arglist (if (numberp index) (ref-positional-arg arglist index) (ref-keyword-arg arglist index)))) arglist)) (defun provided-arguments-ref (provided-args arglist &rest indices) "Returns the argument in PROVIDED-ARGUMENT along the INDICES path relative to ARGLIST." (check-type arglist arglist) (flet ((ref (provided-args arglist index) (if (numberp index) (nth index provided-args) (let ((provided-keys (subseq provided-args (positional-args-number arglist)))) (loop for (key value) on provided-keys when (eq key index) return value))))) (dolist (idx indices) (setq provided-args (ref provided-args arglist idx)) (setq arglist (arglist-ref arglist idx))) provided-args)) (defun positional-args-number (arglist) (+ (length (arglist.provided-args arglist)) (length (arglist.required-args arglist)) (length (arglist.optional-args arglist)))) (defun parse-raw-form (raw-form) "Parse a RAW-FORM into a Lisp form. I.e. substitute strings by symbols if already interned. For strings not already interned, use ARGLIST-DUMMY." (unless (null raw-form) (loop for element in raw-form collect (etypecase element (string (read-conversatively element)) (list (parse-raw-form element)) (symbol (prog1 element ;; Comes after list, so ELEMENT can't be NIL. (assert (eq element +cursor-marker+)))))))) (defun read-conversatively (string) "Tries to find the symbol that's represented by STRING. If it can't, this either means that STRING does not represent a symbol, or that the symbol behind STRING would have to be freshly interned. Because this function is supposed to be called from the automatic arglist display stuff from Slime, interning freshly symbols is a big no-no. In such a case (that no symbol could be found), an object of type ARGLIST-DUMMY is returned instead, which works as a placeholder datum for subsequent logics to rely on." (let* ((string (string-left-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) string)) (length (length string)) (type (cond ((zerop length) nil) ((eql (aref string 0) #\') :quoted-symbol) ((search "#'" string :end2 (min length 2)) :sharpquoted-symbol) ((char= (char string 0) (char string (1- length)) #\") :string) (t :symbol)))) (multiple-value-bind (symbol found?) (case type (:symbol (parse-symbol string)) (:quoted-symbol (parse-symbol (subseq string 1))) (:sharpquoted-symbol (parse-symbol (subseq string 2))) (:string (values string t)) (t (values string nil))) (if found? (ecase type (:symbol symbol) (:quoted-symbol `(quote ,symbol)) (:sharpquoted-symbol `(function ,symbol)) (:string (if (> length 1) (subseq string 1 (1- length)) string))) (make-arglist-dummy string))))) (defun test-print-arglist () (flet ((test (arglist &rest strings) (let* ((*package* (find-package :micros)) (actual (decoded-arglist-to-string (decode-arglist arglist) :print-right-margin 1000))) (unless (loop for string in strings thereis (string= actual string)) (warn "Test failed: ~S => ~S~% Expected: ~A" arglist actual (if (cdr strings) (format nil "One of: ~{~S~^, ~}" strings) (format nil "~S" (first strings)))))))) (test '(function cons) "(function cons)") (test '(quote cons) "(quote cons)") (test '(&key (function #'+)) "(&key (function #'+))" "(&key (function (function +)))") (test '(&whole x y z) "(y z)") (test '(x &aux y z) "(x)") (test '(x &environment env y) "(x y)") (test '(&key ((function f))) "(&key ((function ..)))") (test '(eval-when (&any :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) &body body) "(eval-when (&any :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) &body body)") (test '(declare (optimize &any (speed 1) (safety 1))) "(declare (optimize &any (speed 1) (safety 1)))"))) (defun test-arglist-ref () (macrolet ((soft-assert (form) `(unless ,form (warn "Assertion failed: ~S~%" ',form)))) (let ((sample (decode-arglist '(x &key ((:k (y z))))))) (soft-assert (eq (arglist-ref sample 0) 'x)) (soft-assert (eq (arglist-ref sample :k 0) 'y)) (soft-assert (eq (arglist-ref sample :k 1) 'z)) (soft-assert (eq (provided-arguments-ref '(a :k (b c)) sample 0) 'a)) (soft-assert (eq (provided-arguments-ref '(a :k (b c)) sample :k 0) 'b)) (soft-assert (eq (provided-arguments-ref '(a :k (b c)) sample :k 1) 'c))))) (test-print-arglist) (test-arglist-ref)
swank-arglists.lisp --- arglist related code ?? and others License: Public Domain Arglist Definition list of the provided actual arguments list of the required arguments list of the optional arguments whether &key appeared list of the keywords whether the rest argument is a &body whether &allow-other-keys appeared whether &any appeared list of &any arguments [*] &whole, &environment unparsed stuff [*] The &ANY lambda keyword is an extension to ANSI Common Lisp, and is only used to describe certain arglists that cannot be described in another way. &ANY is very similiar to &KEY but while &KEY is based upon the idea of a plist (key1 value1 key2 value2), &ANY is a a) (&ANY :A :B :C) means that you can provide any (non-null) set consisting of the keywords `:A', `:B', or `:C' in the arglist. E.g. (:A) or (:C :B :A). (This is not restricted to keywords only, but any self-evaluating expression is allowed.) provide any (non-null) set consisting of lists where (EVAL-WHEN (&ANY :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) &BODY body) and b) let us describe the optimization qualifiers that are valid in the declaration specifier `OPTIMIZE': This is a wrapper object around anything that came from Slime and could not reliably be read. muffle warnings about using accessors prior to the definition of struct Arglist Printing FIXME: add &UNKNOWN-JUNK? do nothing; provided args are in the buffer already. Destructuring pattern FIXME suppliedp? don't leave this mode -- we don't know how the arglist after unknown lambda-list keywords is interpreted may be interned in any *package*. symbol-from-arbitrary-package-using keywords. And we sort the latter according to how their home-packages relate to *PACKAGE*. sense in the current context. And in particular: to put implementation-internal stuff last. obfuscating the arglist of MAKE-INSTANCE. Walk the package dependency graph breadth-fist, and fill PACKAGE-USE-TABLE accordingly. Breadth-First Number p2 is used, p1 not default method Try to finalize the class, which can fail if superclasses are not defined yet FIXME: much as it would be nice to include the applicable keywords from UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-DIFFERENT-CLASS, I don't really see how to do it: so we punt, always declaring &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS. enrich the list of keywords with the extra keywords N.b. we consider a keyword to be given only when the keyword _and_ a value has been given for it. FIXME: We actually needa deep copy here. Arglist Retrieval Default method replace some formal args by determining actual args We work on a RAW-FORM, or BUFFER-FORM, which represent the form at The expression before the cursor marker is the expression where user's cursor points at. An explicit marker is necessary to disambiguate between ("IF" ("PRED") and ("IF" ("PRED") considered. We do not catch errors here because COMPLETE-FORM is an interactive command, not automatically run in the background like It would be possible to complete keywords only if we are in a keyword position, but it is not clear if we want that. N.b. the user's cursor is at the rightmost, deepest Make sure to pick up the arglists of local function/macro definitions. Some typespecs clash with function names, so we make sure to bail out early. Mostly uninteresting, hence skip. CAR contained cursor-marker? FLET `(flet ((foo (x) |' `(flet ,foo (|' LABELS Notice that we only have information to "look backward" and show arglists of previously occuring local functions. `(labels ,foo (|' `(labels ((foo (x) ...)|' Well-formed FLET/LABELS def? form), then try the surrounding form (in case of a nested macro form). consider (defun foo (x y) ...), a form path may point into the function's lambda-list, but the So we only recurse if possible. FORM contains irrelevant operator. Adjust FORM-PATH. required + optional more provided than allowed rest + body key Find last provided &key parameter keyword argument may be any symbol, Comes after list, so ELEMENT can't be NIL.
Authors : < > < > (in-package :micros) Utilities (defun compose (&rest functions) "Compose FUNCTIONS right-associatively, returning a function" #'(lambda (x) (reduce #'funcall functions :initial-value x :from-end t))) (defun length= (seq n) "Test for whether SEQ contains N number of elements. I.e. it's equivalent to (= (LENGTH SEQ) N), but besides being more concise, it may also be more efficiently implemented." (etypecase seq (list (do ((i n (1- i)) (list seq (cdr list))) ((or (<= i 0) (null list)) (and (zerop i) (null list))))) (sequence (= (length seq) n)))) (declaim (inline memq)) (defun memq (item list) (member item list :test #'eq)) (defun exactly-one-p (&rest values) "If exactly one value in VALUES is non-NIL, this value is returned. Otherwise NIL is returned." (let ((found nil)) (dolist (v values) (when v (if found (return-from exactly-one-p nil) (setq found v)))) found)) (defun valid-operator-symbol-p (symbol) "Is SYMBOL the name of a function, a macro, or a special-operator?" (or (fboundp symbol) (macro-function symbol) (special-operator-p symbol) (member symbol '(declare declaim)))) (defun function-exists-p (form) (and (valid-function-name-p form) (fboundp form) t)) (defmacro multiple-value-or (&rest forms) (if (null forms) nil (let ((first (first forms)) (rest (rest forms))) `(let* ((values (multiple-value-list ,first)) (primary-value (first values))) (if primary-value (values-list values) (multiple-value-or ,@rest)))))) (defun arglist-available-p (arglist) (not (eql arglist :not-available))) (defmacro with-available-arglist ((var &rest more-vars) form &body body) `(multiple-value-bind (,var ,@more-vars) ,form (if (eql ,var :not-available) :not-available (progn ,@body)))) (defstruct (arglist (:conc-name arglist.) (:predicate arglist-p)) name of the & rest or & body argument ( if any ) list of & aux variables cross between & OPTIONAL , & KEY and * FEATURES * lists : b ) ( & ANY ( key1 v1 ) ( key2 v2 ) ( key3 v3 ) ) means that you can the CAR of the list is one of ` key1 ' , ` key2 ' , or ` key3 ' . E.g. ( ( key1 100 ) ( key3 42 ) ) , or ( ( key3 66 ) ( key2 23 ) ) For example , a ) let us describe the situations of EVAL - WHEN as ( DECLARE ( OPTIMIZE & ANY ( compilation - speed 1 ) ( safety 1 ) ... ) ) (defstruct (arglist-dummy (:conc-name #:arglist-dummy.) (:constructor make-arglist-dummy (string-representation))) string-representation) (defun empty-arg-p (dummy) (and (arglist-dummy-p dummy) (zerop (length (arglist-dummy.string-representation dummy))))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter +lambda-list-keywords+ '(&provided &required &optional &rest &key &any))) (declaim (notinline keyword-arg.keyword keyword-arg.arg-name keyword-arg.default-arg optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg.default-arg)) (defmacro do-decoded-arglist (decoded-arglist &body clauses) (assert (loop for clause in clauses thereis (member (car clause) +lambda-list-keywords+))) (flet ((parse-clauses (clauses) (let* ((size (length +lambda-list-keywords+)) (initial (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size size)) (main (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size size)) (final (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size size))) (loop for clause in clauses for lambda-list-keyword = (first clause) for clause-parameter = (second clause) do (case clause-parameter (:initially (setf (gethash lambda-list-keyword initial) clause)) (:finally (setf (gethash lambda-list-keyword final) clause)) (t (setf (gethash lambda-list-keyword main) clause))) finally (return (values initial main final))))) (generate-main-clause (clause arglist) (dcase clause ((&provided (&optional arg) . body) (let ((gensym (gensym "PROVIDED-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,gensym (arglist.provided-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,gensym)) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg ,gensym)))) ,@body)))) ((&required (&optional arg) . body) (let ((gensym (gensym "REQUIRED-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,gensym (arglist.required-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,gensym)) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg ,gensym)))) ,@body)))) ((&optional (&optional arg init) . body) (let ((optarg (gensym "OPTIONAL-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,optarg (arglist.optional-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,optarg)) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg (optional-arg.arg-name ,optarg)))) ,@(when init `((,init (optional-arg.default-arg ,optarg))))) ,@body)))) ((&key (&optional keyword arg init) . body) (let ((keyarg (gensym "KEY-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,keyarg (arglist.keyword-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,keyarg)) (let (,@(when keyword `((,keyword (keyword-arg.keyword ,keyarg)))) ,@(when arg `((,arg (keyword-arg.arg-name ,keyarg)))) ,@(when init `((,init (keyword-arg.default-arg ,keyarg))))) ,@body)))) ((&rest (&optional arg body-p) . body) `(when (arglist.rest ,arglist) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg (arglist.rest ,arglist)))) ,@(when body-p `((,body-p (arglist.body-p ,arglist))))) ,@body))) ((&any (&optional arg) . body) (let ((gensym (gensym "REQUIRED-ARG+"))) `(dolist (,gensym (arglist.any-args ,arglist)) (declare (ignorable ,gensym)) (let (,@(when arg `((,arg ,gensym)))) ,@body))))))) (let ((arglist (gensym "DECODED-ARGLIST+"))) (multiple-value-bind (initially-clauses main-clauses finally-clauses) (parse-clauses clauses) `(let ((,arglist ,decoded-arglist)) (block do-decoded-arglist ,@(loop for keyword in '(&provided &required &optional &rest &key &any) append (cddr (gethash keyword initially-clauses)) collect (let ((clause (gethash keyword main-clauses))) (when clause (generate-main-clause clause arglist))) append (cddr (gethash keyword finally-clauses))))))))) (defun undummy (x) (if (typep x 'arglist-dummy) (arglist-dummy.string-representation x) (prin1-to-string x))) (defun print-decoded-arglist (arglist &key operator provided-args highlight) (let ((first-space-after-operator (and operator t))) (macrolet ((space () : When OPERATOR is not given , we do n't want to print a space for the first argument . `(if (not operator) (setq operator t) (progn (write-char #\space) (if first-space-after-operator (setq first-space-after-operator nil) (pprint-newline :fill))))) (with-highlighting ((&key index) &body body) `(if (eql ,index (car highlight)) (progn (princ "===> ") ,@body (princ " <===")) (progn ,@body))) (print-arglist-recursively (argl &key index) `(if (eql ,index (car highlight)) (print-decoded-arglist ,argl :highlight (cdr highlight)) (print-decoded-arglist ,argl)))) (let ((index 0)) (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")") (when operator (print-arg operator) 1 due to possibly added space (do-decoded-arglist (remove-given-args arglist provided-args) (&provided (arg) (space) (print-arg arg :literal-strings t) (incf index)) (&required (arg) (space) (if (arglist-p arg) (print-arglist-recursively arg :index index) (with-highlighting (:index index) (print-arg arg))) (incf index)) (&optional :initially (when (arglist.optional-args arglist) (space) (princ '&optional))) (&optional (arg init-value) (space) (if (arglist-p arg) (print-arglist-recursively arg :index index) (with-highlighting (:index index) (if (null init-value) (print-arg arg) (format t "~:@<~A ~A~@:>" (undummy arg) (undummy init-value))))) (incf index)) (&key :initially (when (arglist.key-p arglist) (space) (princ '&key))) (&key (keyword arg init) (space) (if (arglist-p arg) (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")") (prin1 keyword) (space) (print-arglist-recursively arg :index keyword)) (with-highlighting (:index keyword) (cond ((and init (keywordp keyword)) (format t "~:@<~A ~A~@:>" keyword (undummy init))) (init (format t "~:@<(~A ..) ~A~@:>" (undummy keyword) (undummy init))) ((not (keywordp keyword)) (format t "~:@<(~S ..)~@:>" keyword)) (t (princ keyword)))))) (&key :finally (when (arglist.allow-other-keys-p arglist) (space) (princ '&allow-other-keys))) (&any :initially (when (arglist.any-p arglist) (space) (princ '&any))) (&any (arg) (space) (print-arg arg)) (&rest (args bodyp) (space) (princ (if bodyp '&body '&rest)) (space) (if (arglist-p args) (print-arglist-recursively args :index index) (with-highlighting (:index index) (print-arg args)))) )))))) (defun print-arg (arg &key literal-strings) (let ((arg (if (arglist-dummy-p arg) (arglist-dummy.string-representation arg) arg))) (if (or (and literal-strings (stringp arg)) (keywordp arg)) (prin1 arg) (princ arg)))) (defun print-decoded-arglist-as-template (decoded-arglist &key (prefix "(") (suffix ")")) (let ((first-p t)) (flet ((space () (unless first-p (write-char #\space)) (setq first-p nil)) (print-arg-or-pattern (arg) (etypecase arg (symbol (if (keywordp arg) (prin1 arg) (princ arg))) (string (princ arg)) (list (princ arg)) (arglist-dummy (princ (arglist-dummy.string-representation arg))) (arglist (print-decoded-arglist-as-template arg))) (pprint-newline :fill))) (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix prefix :suffix suffix) (do-decoded-arglist decoded-arglist (&required (arg) (space) (print-arg-or-pattern arg)) (&optional (arg) (space) (princ "[") (print-arg-or-pattern arg) (princ "]")) (&key (keyword arg) (space) (prin1 (if (keywordp keyword) keyword `',keyword)) (space) (print-arg-or-pattern arg) (pprint-newline :linear)) (&any (arg) (space) (print-arg-or-pattern arg)) (&rest (args) (when (or (not (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist)) (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist)) (space) (format t "~A..." args)))))))) (defvar *arglist-pprint-bindings* '((*print-case* . :downcase) (*print-pretty* . t) (*print-circle* . nil) (*print-readably* . nil) (*print-level* . 10) (*print-length* . 20) (*print-escape* . nil))) (defvar *arglist-show-packages* t) (defmacro with-arglist-io-syntax (&body body) (let ((package (gensym))) `(let ((,package *package*)) (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*package* (if *arglist-show-packages* *package* ,package))) (with-bindings *arglist-pprint-bindings* ,@body)))))) (defun decoded-arglist-to-string (decoded-arglist &key operator highlight print-right-margin) (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (with-arglist-io-syntax (let ((*print-right-margin* print-right-margin)) (print-decoded-arglist decoded-arglist :operator operator :highlight highlight))))) (defun decoded-arglist-to-template-string (decoded-arglist &key (prefix "(") (suffix ")")) (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (with-arglist-io-syntax (print-decoded-arglist-as-template decoded-arglist :prefix prefix :suffix suffix)))) Arglist Decoding / Encoding (defun decode-required-arg (arg) "ARG can be a symbol or a destructuring pattern." (etypecase arg (symbol arg) (arglist-dummy arg) (list (decode-arglist arg)))) (defun encode-required-arg (arg) (etypecase arg (symbol arg) (arglist (encode-arglist arg)))) (defstruct (keyword-arg (:conc-name keyword-arg.) (:constructor %make-keyword-arg)) keyword arg-name default-arg) (defun canonicalize-default-arg (form) (if (equalp ''nil form) nil form)) (defun make-keyword-arg (keyword arg-name default-arg) (%make-keyword-arg :keyword keyword :arg-name arg-name :default-arg (canonicalize-default-arg default-arg))) (defun decode-keyword-arg (arg) "Decode a keyword item of formal argument list. Return three values: keyword, argument name, default arg." (flet ((intern-as-keyword (arg) (intern (etypecase arg (symbol (symbol-name arg)) (arglist-dummy (arglist-dummy.string-representation arg))) keyword-package))) (cond ((or (symbolp arg) (arglist-dummy-p arg)) (make-keyword-arg (intern-as-keyword arg) arg nil)) ((and (consp arg) (consp (car arg))) (make-keyword-arg (caar arg) (decode-required-arg (cadar arg)) (cadr arg))) ((consp arg) (make-keyword-arg (intern-as-keyword (car arg)) (car arg) (cadr arg))) (t (error "Bad keyword item of formal argument list"))))) (defun encode-keyword-arg (arg) (cond ((arglist-p (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)) (let ((keyword/name (list (keyword-arg.keyword arg) (encode-required-arg (keyword-arg.arg-name arg))))) (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg) (list keyword/name (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)) (list keyword/name)))) ((eql (intern (symbol-name (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)) keyword-package) (keyword-arg.keyword arg)) (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg) (list (keyword-arg.arg-name arg) (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)) (keyword-arg.arg-name arg))) (t (let ((keyword/name (list (keyword-arg.keyword arg) (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)))) (if (keyword-arg.default-arg arg) (list keyword/name (keyword-arg.default-arg arg)) (list keyword/name)))))) (progn (assert (equalp (decode-keyword-arg 'x) (make-keyword-arg :x 'x nil))) (assert (equalp (decode-keyword-arg '(x t)) (make-keyword-arg :x 'x t))) (assert (equalp (decode-keyword-arg '((:x y))) (make-keyword-arg :x 'y nil))) (assert (equalp (decode-keyword-arg '((:x y) t)) (make-keyword-arg :x 'y t)))) (defstruct (optional-arg (:conc-name optional-arg.) (:constructor %make-optional-arg)) arg-name default-arg) (defun make-optional-arg (arg-name default-arg) (%make-optional-arg :arg-name arg-name :default-arg (canonicalize-default-arg default-arg))) (defun decode-optional-arg (arg) "Decode an optional item of a formal argument list. Return an OPTIONAL-ARG structure." (etypecase arg (symbol (make-optional-arg arg nil)) (arglist-dummy (make-optional-arg arg nil)) (list (make-optional-arg (decode-required-arg (car arg)) (cadr arg))))) (defun encode-optional-arg (optional-arg) (if (or (optional-arg.default-arg optional-arg) (arglist-p (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg))) (list (encode-required-arg (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg)) (optional-arg.default-arg optional-arg)) (optional-arg.arg-name optional-arg))) (progn (assert (equalp (decode-optional-arg 'x) (make-optional-arg 'x nil))) (assert (equalp (decode-optional-arg '(x t)) (make-optional-arg 'x t)))) (define-modify-macro nreversef () nreverse "Reverse the list in PLACE.") (defun decode-arglist (arglist) "Parse the list ARGLIST and return an ARGLIST structure." (if (eq arglist :not-available) :not-available (loop with mode = nil with result = (make-arglist) for arg = (if (consp arglist) (pop arglist) (progn (prog1 arglist (setf mode '&rest arglist nil)))) do (cond ((eql mode '&unknown-junk) (push arg (arglist.unknown-junk result))) ((eql arg '&allow-other-keys) (setf (arglist.allow-other-keys-p result) t)) ((eql arg '&key) (setf (arglist.key-p result) t mode arg)) ((memq arg '(&optional &rest &body &aux)) (setq mode arg)) ((memq arg '(&whole &environment)) (setq mode arg) (push arg (arglist.known-junk result))) ((and (symbolp arg) (setq mode '&any)) ((memq arg lambda-list-keywords) (setq mode '&unknown-junk) (push arg (arglist.unknown-junk result))) (t (ecase mode (&key (push (decode-keyword-arg arg) (arglist.keyword-args result))) (&optional (push (decode-optional-arg arg) (arglist.optional-args result))) (&body (setf (arglist.body-p result) t (arglist.rest result) arg)) (&rest (setf (arglist.rest result) arg)) (&aux (push (decode-optional-arg arg) (arglist.aux-args result))) ((nil) (push (decode-required-arg arg) (arglist.required-args result))) ((&whole &environment) (setf mode nil) (push arg (arglist.known-junk result))) (&any (push arg (arglist.any-args result)))))) until (null arglist) finally (nreversef (arglist.required-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.optional-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.keyword-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.aux-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.any-args result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.known-junk result)) finally (nreversef (arglist.unknown-junk result)) finally (assert (or (and (not (arglist.key-p result)) (not (arglist.any-p result))) (exactly-one-p (arglist.key-p result) (arglist.any-p result)))) finally (return result)))) (defun encode-arglist (decoded-arglist) (append (mapcar #'encode-required-arg (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist)) (when (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist) '(&optional)) (mapcar #'encode-optional-arg (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist)) (when (arglist.key-p decoded-arglist) '(&key)) (mapcar #'encode-keyword-arg (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist)) (when (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist) '(&allow-other-keys)) (when (arglist.any-args decoded-arglist) `(&any ,@(arglist.any-args decoded-arglist))) (cond ((not (arglist.rest decoded-arglist)) '()) ((arglist.body-p decoded-arglist) `(&body ,(arglist.rest decoded-arglist))) (t `(&rest ,(arglist.rest decoded-arglist)))) (when (arglist.aux-args decoded-arglist) `(&aux ,(arglist.aux-args decoded-arglist))) (arglist.known-junk decoded-arglist) (arglist.unknown-junk decoded-arglist))) Arglist Enrichment (defun arglist-keywords (lambda-list) "Return the list of keywords in ARGLIST. As a secondary value, return whether &allow-other-keys appears." (let ((decoded-arglist (decode-arglist lambda-list))) (values (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist)))) (defun methods-keywords (methods) "Collect all keywords in the arglists of METHODS. As a secondary value, return whether &allow-other-keys appears somewhere." (let ((keywords '()) (allow-other-keys nil)) (dolist (method methods) (multiple-value-bind (kw aok) (arglist-keywords (micros/mop:method-lambda-list method)) (setq keywords (remove-duplicates (append keywords kw) :key #'keyword-arg.keyword) allow-other-keys (or allow-other-keys aok)))) (values keywords allow-other-keys))) (defun generic-function-keywords (generic-function) "Collect all keywords in the methods of GENERIC-FUNCTION. As a secondary value, return whether &allow-other-keys appears somewhere." (methods-keywords (micros/mop:generic-function-methods generic-function))) (defun applicable-methods-keywords (generic-function arguments) "Collect all keywords in the methods of GENERIC-FUNCTION that are applicable for argument of CLASSES. As a secondary value, return whether &allow-other-keys appears somewhere." (methods-keywords (multiple-value-bind (amuc okp) (micros/mop:compute-applicable-methods-using-classes generic-function (mapcar #'class-of arguments)) (if okp amuc (compute-applicable-methods generic-function arguments))))) (defgeneric extra-keywords (operator args) (:documentation "Return a list of extra keywords of OPERATOR (a symbol) when applied to the (unevaluated) ARGS. As a secondary value, return whether other keys are allowed. As a tertiary value, return the initial sublist of ARGS that was needed to determine the extra keywords.")) We make sure that symbol - from - KEYWORD - using keywords come before Rationale is to show those key parameters first which make most This matters tremendeously on Allegro in combination with AllegroCache as that does some evil tinkering with initargs , (defmethod extra-keywords :around (op args) (declare (ignorable op args)) (multiple-value-bind (keywords aok enrichments) (call-next-method) (values (sort-extra-keywords keywords) aok enrichments))) (defun make-package-comparator (reference-packages) "Returns a two-argument test function which compares packages according to their used-by relation with REFERENCE-PACKAGES. Packages will be sorted first which appear first in the PACKAGE-USE-LIST of the reference packages." (let ((package-use-table (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (loop with queue = (copy-list reference-packages) for p = (pop queue) unless (gethash p package-use-table) do (setf (gethash p package-use-table) (shiftf bfn (1+ bfn))) and do (setf queue (nconc queue (copy-list (package-use-list p)))) while queue) #'(lambda (p1 p2) (let ((bfn1 (gethash p1 package-use-table)) (bfn2 (gethash p2 package-use-table))) (cond ((and bfn1 bfn2) (<= bfn1 bfn2)) (bfn1 bfn1) (t (string<= (package-name p1) (package-name p2)))))))) (defun sort-extra-keywords (kwds) (stable-sort kwds (make-package-comparator (list keyword-package *package*)) :key (compose #'symbol-package #'keyword-arg.keyword))) (defun keywords-of-operator (operator) "Return a list of KEYWORD-ARGs that OPERATOR accepts. This function is useful for writing EXTRA-KEYWORDS methods for user-defined functions which are declared &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS and which forward keywords to OPERATOR." (with-available-arglist (arglist) (arglist-from-form (ensure-list operator)) (values (arglist.keyword-args arglist) (arglist.allow-other-keys-p arglist)))) (defmethod extra-keywords (operator args) (declare (ignore args)) (let ((symbol-function (symbol-function operator))) (if (typep symbol-function 'generic-function) (generic-function-keywords symbol-function) nil))) (defun class-from-class-name-form (class-name-form) (when (and (listp class-name-form) (= (length class-name-form) 2) (eq (car class-name-form) 'quote)) (let* ((class-name (cadr class-name-form)) (class (find-class class-name nil))) (when (and class (not (micros/mop:class-finalized-p class))) (ignore-errors (micros/mop:finalize-inheritance class))) class))) (defun extra-keywords/slots (class) (multiple-value-bind (slots allow-other-keys-p) (if (micros/mop:class-finalized-p class) (values (micros/mop:class-slots class) nil) (values (micros/mop:class-direct-slots class) t)) (let ((slot-init-keywords (loop for slot in slots append (mapcar (lambda (initarg) (make-keyword-arg initarg (micros/mop:slot-definition-name slot) (and (micros/mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot) (micros/mop:slot-definition-initform slot)))) (micros/mop:slot-definition-initargs slot))))) (values slot-init-keywords allow-other-keys-p)))) (defun extra-keywords/make-instance (operator args) (declare (ignore operator)) (unless (null args) (let* ((class-name-form (car args)) (class (class-from-class-name-form class-name-form))) (when class (multiple-value-bind (slot-init-keywords class-aokp) (extra-keywords/slots class) (multiple-value-bind (allocate-instance-keywords ai-aokp) (applicable-methods-keywords #'allocate-instance (list class)) (multiple-value-bind (initialize-instance-keywords ii-aokp) (ignore-errors (applicable-methods-keywords #'initialize-instance (list (micros/mop:class-prototype class)))) (multiple-value-bind (shared-initialize-keywords si-aokp) (ignore-errors (applicable-methods-keywords #'shared-initialize (list (micros/mop:class-prototype class) t))) (values (append slot-init-keywords allocate-instance-keywords initialize-instance-keywords shared-initialize-keywords) (or class-aokp ai-aokp ii-aokp si-aokp) (list class-name-form)))))))))) (defun extra-keywords/change-class (operator args) (declare (ignore operator)) (unless (null args) (let* ((class-name-form (car args)) (class (class-from-class-name-form class-name-form))) (when class (multiple-value-bind (slot-init-keywords class-aokp) (extra-keywords/slots class) (declare (ignore class-aokp)) (multiple-value-bind (shared-initialize-keywords si-aokp) (ignore-errors (applicable-methods-keywords #'shared-initialize (list (micros/mop:class-prototype class) t))) (declare (ignore si-aokp)) (values (append slot-init-keywords shared-initialize-keywords) t (list class-name-form)))))))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'make-instance)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'make-condition)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'error)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'signal)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'warn)) args) (multiple-value-or (extra-keywords/make-instance operator args) (call-next-method))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'cerror)) args) (multiple-value-bind (keywords aok determiners) (extra-keywords/make-instance operator (cdr args)) (if keywords (values keywords aok (cons (car args) determiners)) (call-next-method)))) (defmethod extra-keywords ((operator (eql 'change-class)) args) (multiple-value-bind (keywords aok determiners) (extra-keywords/change-class operator (cdr args)) (if keywords (values keywords aok (cons (car args) determiners)) (call-next-method)))) (defun enrich-decoded-arglist-with-keywords (decoded-arglist keywords allow-other-keys-p) "Modify DECODED-ARGLIST using KEYWORDS and ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS-P." (when keywords (setf (arglist.key-p decoded-arglist) t) (setf (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) (remove-duplicates (append (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) keywords) :key #'keyword-arg.keyword))) (setf (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist) (or (arglist.allow-other-keys-p decoded-arglist) allow-other-keys-p))) (defun enrich-decoded-arglist-with-extra-keywords (decoded-arglist form) "Determine extra keywords from the function call FORM, and modify DECODED-ARGLIST to include them. As a secondary return value, return the initial sublist of ARGS that was needed to determine the extra keywords. As a tertiary return value, return whether any enrichment was done." (multiple-value-bind (extra-keywords extra-aok determining-args) (extra-keywords (car form) (cdr form)) (enrich-decoded-arglist-with-keywords decoded-arglist extra-keywords extra-aok) (values decoded-arglist determining-args (or extra-keywords extra-aok)))) (defgeneric compute-enriched-decoded-arglist (operator-form argument-forms) (:documentation "Return three values: DECODED-ARGLIST, DETERMINING-ARGS, and ANY-ENRICHMENT, just like enrich-decoded-arglist-with-extra-keywords. If the arglist is not available, return :NOT-AVAILABLE.")) (defmethod compute-enriched-decoded-arglist (operator-form argument-forms) (with-available-arglist (decoded-arglist) (decode-arglist (arglist operator-form)) (enrich-decoded-arglist-with-extra-keywords decoded-arglist (cons operator-form argument-forms)))) (defmethod compute-enriched-decoded-arglist ((operator-form (eql 'with-open-file)) argument-forms) (declare (ignore argument-forms)) (multiple-value-bind (decoded-arglist determining-args) (call-next-method) (let ((first-arg (first (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist))) (open-arglist (compute-enriched-decoded-arglist 'open nil))) (when (and (arglist-p first-arg) (arglist-p open-arglist)) (enrich-decoded-arglist-with-keywords first-arg (arglist.keyword-args open-arglist) nil))) (values decoded-arglist determining-args t))) (defmethod compute-enriched-decoded-arglist ((operator-form (eql 'apply)) argument-forms) (let ((function-name-form (car argument-forms))) (when (and (listp function-name-form) (length= function-name-form 2) (memq (car function-name-form) '(quote function))) (let ((function-name (cadr function-name-form))) (when (valid-operator-symbol-p function-name) (let ((function-arglist (compute-enriched-decoded-arglist function-name (cdr argument-forms)))) (return-from compute-enriched-decoded-arglist (values (make-arglist :required-args (list 'function) :optional-args (append (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (make-optional-arg arg nil)) (arglist.required-args function-arglist)) (arglist.optional-args function-arglist)) :key-p (arglist.key-p function-arglist) :keyword-args (arglist.keyword-args function-arglist) :rest 'args :allow-other-keys-p (arglist.allow-other-keys-p function-arglist)) (list function-name-form) t))))))) (call-next-method)) (defmethod compute-enriched-decoded-arglist ((operator-form (eql 'multiple-value-call)) argument-forms) (compute-enriched-decoded-arglist 'apply argument-forms)) (defun delete-given-args (decoded-arglist args) "Delete given ARGS from DECODED-ARGLIST." (macrolet ((pop-or-return (list) `(if (null ,list) (return-from do-decoded-arglist) (pop ,list)))) (do-decoded-arglist decoded-arglist (&provided () (assert (eq (pop-or-return args) (pop (arglist.provided-args decoded-arglist))))) (&required () (pop-or-return args) (pop (arglist.required-args decoded-arglist))) (&optional () (pop-or-return args) (pop (arglist.optional-args decoded-arglist))) (&key (keyword) (loop for (key value) on args by #'cddr when (and (eq keyword key) value) do (setf (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) (remove keyword (arglist.keyword-args decoded-arglist) :key #'keyword-arg.keyword)))))) decoded-arglist) (defun remove-given-args (decoded-arglist args) (delete-given-args (copy-arglist decoded-arglist) args)) (defun arglist-from-form (form) (if (null form) :not-available (arglist-dispatch (car form) (cdr form)))) (export 'arglist-dispatch) (defgeneric arglist-dispatch (operator arguments) (:method (operator arguments) (unless (and (symbolp operator) (valid-operator-symbol-p operator)) (return-from arglist-dispatch :not-available)) (when (equalp (package-name (symbol-package operator)) "closer-mop") (let ((standard-symbol (or (find-symbol (symbol-name operator) :cl) (find-symbol (symbol-name operator) :micros/mop)))) (when standard-symbol (return-from arglist-dispatch (arglist-dispatch standard-symbol arguments))))) (multiple-value-bind (decoded-arglist determining-args) (compute-enriched-decoded-arglist operator arguments) (with-available-arglist (arglist) decoded-arglist (setf arglist (delete-given-args arglist determining-args)) (setf (arglist.provided-args arglist) determining-args) arglist)))) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'defmethod)) arguments) (match (cons operator arguments) (('defmethod (#'function-exists-p gf-name) . rest) (let ((gf (fdefinition gf-name))) (when (typep gf 'generic-function) (let ((lambda-list (micros/mop:generic-function-lambda-list gf))) (with-available-arglist (arglist) (decode-arglist lambda-list) (let ((qualifiers (loop for x in rest until (or (listp x) (empty-arg-p x)) collect x))) (return-from arglist-dispatch (make-arglist :provided-args (cons gf-name qualifiers) :required-args (list arglist) :rest "body" :body-p t)))))))) Fall through (call-next-method)) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'define-compiler-macro)) arguments) (match (cons operator arguments) (('define-compiler-macro (#'function-exists-p gf-name) . _) (let ((gf (fdefinition gf-name))) (with-available-arglist (arglist) (decode-arglist (arglist gf)) (return-from arglist-dispatch (make-arglist :provided-args (list gf-name) :required-args (list arglist) :rest "body" :body-p t))))) Fall through (call-next-method)) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'eval-when)) arguments) (declare (ignore arguments)) (let ((eval-when-args '(:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute))) (make-arglist :required-args (list (make-arglist :any-p t :any-args eval-when-args)) :rest '#:body :body-p t))) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'declare)) arguments) (let* ((declaration (cons operator (last arguments))) (typedecl-arglist (arglist-for-type-declaration declaration))) (if (arglist-available-p typedecl-arglist) typedecl-arglist (match declaration (('declare ((#'consp typespec) . decl-args)) (with-available-arglist (typespec-arglist) (decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier typespec) (make-arglist :required-args (list (make-arglist :required-args (list typespec-arglist) :rest '#:variables))))) (('declare (decl-identifier . decl-args)) (decoded-arglist-for-declaration decl-identifier decl-args)) (_ (make-arglist :rest '#:declaration-specifiers)))))) (defmethod arglist-dispatch ((operator (eql 'declaim)) arguments) (arglist-dispatch 'declare arguments)) (defun arglist-for-type-declaration (declaration) (flet ((%arglist-for-type-declaration (identifier typespec rest-var-name) (with-available-arglist (typespec-arglist) (decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier typespec) (make-arglist :required-args (list (make-arglist :provided-args (list identifier) :required-args (list typespec-arglist) :rest rest-var-name)))))) (match declaration (('declare ('type (#'consp typespec) . decl-args)) (%arglist-for-type-declaration 'type typespec '#:variables)) (('declare ('ftype (#'consp typespec) . decl-args)) (%arglist-for-type-declaration 'ftype typespec '#:function-names)) (('declare ((#'consp typespec) . decl-args)) (with-available-arglist (typespec-arglist) (decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier typespec) (make-arglist :required-args (list (make-arglist :required-args (list typespec-arglist) :rest '#:variables))))) (_ :not-available)))) (defun decoded-arglist-for-declaration (decl-identifier decl-args) (declare (ignore decl-args)) (with-available-arglist (arglist) (decode-arglist (declaration-arglist decl-identifier)) (setf (arglist.provided-args arglist) (list decl-identifier)) (make-arglist :required-args (list arglist)))) (defun decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier (type-specifier) (etypecase type-specifier (arglist-dummy :not-available) (cons (decoded-arglist-for-type-specifier (car type-specifier))) (symbol (with-available-arglist (arglist) (decode-arglist (type-specifier-arglist type-specifier)) (setf (arglist.provided-args arglist) (list type-specifier)) arglist)))) Slimefuns user 's point in Emacs . A RAW - FORM looks like ( " FOO " ( " BAR " ... ) " QUUX " ( " ZURP " LSP - BACKEND::%CURSOR - MARKER% ) ) ( " F " " X " " Y " % CURSOR - MARKER% ) ) ( " F " " X " " Y " ) % CURSOR - MARKER% ) Notice that for a form like ( FOO ( BAR | ) QUUX ) , where | denotes user 's point , the following should be sent ( " FOO " ( " BAR " " " % CURSOR - MARKER% ) ) . Only the forms up to point should be (defun call-with-autodoc-error-handler (function print-right-margin) (handler-bind ((serious-condition #'(lambda (c) (unless (debug-on-swank-error) (let ((*print-right-margin* print-right-margin)) (return-from call-with-autodoc-error-handler (format nil "Arglist Error: \"~A\"" c))))))) (funcall function))) (defmacro with-autodoc-error-handler ((&key print-right-margin) &body body) `(call-with-autodoc-error-handler (lambda () ,@body) ,print-right-margin)) (defun autodoc-function (raw-form &key print-right-margin) (with-autodoc-error-handler (:print-right-margin print-right-margin) (with-buffer-syntax () (multiple-value-bind (form arglist obj-at-cursor form-path) (find-subform-with-arglist (parse-raw-form raw-form)) (declare (ignore obj-at-cursor)) (list (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist (decoded-arglist-to-string arglist :print-right-margin print-right-margin :operator (car form) :highlight (form-path-to-arglist-path form-path form arglist))) (let ((*package* (find-package :cl-user))) (prin1-to-string (first form)))))))) (defslimefun autodoc (raw-form &key print-right-margin) "Return a list of two elements. First, a string representing the arglist for the deepest subform in RAW-FORM that does have an arglist. The highlighted parameter is wrapped in ===> X <===. Second, a boolean value telling whether the returned string can be cached." (with-autodoc-error-handler (:print-right-margin print-right-margin) (with-buffer-syntax () (multiple-value-bind (form arglist obj-at-cursor form-path) (find-subform-with-arglist (parse-raw-form raw-form)) (cond ((boundp-and-interesting obj-at-cursor) (list (print-variable-to-string obj-at-cursor) nil)) (t (list (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist (decoded-arglist-to-string arglist :print-right-margin print-right-margin :operator (car form) :highlight (form-path-to-arglist-path form-path form arglist))) t))))))) (defun boundp-and-interesting (symbol) (and symbol (symbolp symbol) (boundp symbol) (not (memq symbol '(cl:t cl:nil))) (not (keywordp symbol)))) (defun print-variable-to-string (symbol) "Return a short description of VARIABLE-NAME, or NIL." (let ((*print-pretty* t) (*print-level* 4) (*print-length* 10) (*print-lines* 1) (*print-readably* nil) (value (symbol-value symbol))) (call/truncated-output-to-string 75 (lambda (s) (without-printing-errors (:object value :stream s) (format s "~A ~A~S" symbol *echo-area-prefix* value)))))) (defslimefun complete-form (raw-form) "Read FORM-STRING in the current buffer package, then complete it by adding a template for the missing arguments." ARGLIST - FOR - ECHO - AREA . (with-buffer-syntax () (multiple-value-bind (arglist provided-args) (find-immediately-containing-arglist (parse-raw-form raw-form)) (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist (decoded-arglist-to-template-string (delete-given-args arglist (remove-if #'empty-arg-p provided-args :from-end t :count 1)) :prefix "" :suffix ""))))) (defslimefun completions-for-keyword (keyword-string raw-form) "Return a list of possible completions for KEYWORD-STRING relative to the context provided by RAW-FORM." (with-buffer-syntax () (let ((arglist (find-immediately-containing-arglist (parse-raw-form raw-form)))) (when (arglist-available-p arglist) (let* ((keywords (append (mapcar #'keyword-arg.keyword (arglist.keyword-args arglist)) (remove-if-not #'keywordp (arglist.any-args arglist)))) (keyword-name (tokenize-symbol keyword-string)) (matching-keywords (find-matching-symbols-in-list keyword-name keywords (make-compound-prefix-matcher #\-))) (converter (completion-output-symbol-converter keyword-string)) (strings (mapcar converter (mapcar #'symbol-name matching-keywords))) (completion-set (format-completion-set strings nil ""))) (list completion-set (longest-compound-prefix completion-set))))))) (defparameter +cursor-marker+ '%cursor-marker%) (defun find-subform-with-arglist (form) "Returns four values: The appropriate subform of `form' which is closest to the +CURSOR-MARKER+ and whose operator is valid and has an arglist. The +CURSOR-MARKER+ is removed from that subform. Second value is the arglist. Local function and macro definitions appearing in `form' into account. Third value is the object in front of +CURSOR-MARKER+. Fourth value is a form path to that object." (labels ((yield-success (form local-ops) (multiple-value-bind (form obj-at-cursor form-path) (extract-cursor-marker form) (values form (let ((entry (assoc (car form) local-ops :test #'op=))) (if entry (decode-arglist (cdr entry)) (arglist-from-form form))) obj-at-cursor form-path))) (yield-failure () (values nil :not-available)) (operator-p (operator local-ops) (or (and (symbolp operator) (valid-operator-symbol-p operator)) (assoc operator local-ops :test #'op=))) (op= (op1 op2) (cond ((and (symbolp op1) (symbolp op2)) (eq op1 op2)) ((and (arglist-dummy-p op1) (arglist-dummy-p op2)) (string= (arglist-dummy.string-representation op1) (arglist-dummy.string-representation op2))))) (grovel-form (form local-ops) "Descend FORM top-down, always taking the rightest branch, until +CURSOR-MARKER+." (assert (listp form)) (destructuring-bind (operator . args) form subform right before + CURSOR - MARKER+ . (let ((last-subform (car (last form))) (new-ops)) (cond ((eq last-subform +cursor-marker+) (if (operator-p operator local-ops) (yield-success form local-ops) (yield-failure))) ((not (operator-p operator local-ops)) (grovel-form last-subform local-ops)) ((setq new-ops (extract-local-op-arglists operator args)) (multiple-value-or (grovel-form last-subform (nconc new-ops local-ops)) (yield-success form local-ops))) ((member operator '(cl:declare cl:declaim)) (yield-success form local-ops)) ((memq operator '(cl:quote cl:function)) (yield-failure)) (t (multiple-value-or (grovel-form last-subform local-ops) (yield-success form local-ops)))))))) (if (null form) (yield-failure) (grovel-form form '())))) (defun extract-cursor-marker (form) "Returns three values: normalized `form' without +CURSOR-MARKER+, the object in front of +CURSOR-MARKER+, and a form path to that object." (labels ((grovel (form last path) (let ((result-form)) (loop for (car . cdr) on form do (cond ((eql car +cursor-marker+) (decf (first path)) (return-from grovel (values (nreconc result-form cdr) last (nreverse path)))) ((consp car) (multiple-value-bind (new-car new-last new-path) (grovel car last (cons 0 path)) (return-from grovel (values (nreconc (cons new-car result-form) cdr) new-last new-path)))))) (push car result-form) (setq last car) (incf (first path)) finally (return-from grovel (values (nreverse result-form) nil nil)))))) (grovel form nil (list 0)))) (defgeneric extract-local-op-arglists (operator args) (:documentation "If the form `(OPERATOR ,@ARGS) is a local operator binding form, return a list of pairs (OP . ARGLIST) for each locally bound op.") (:method (operator args) (declare (ignore operator args)) nil) (:method ((operator (eql 'cl:flet)) args) (let ((defs (first args)) (body (rest args))) (t (%collect-op/argl-alist defs))))) (:method ((operator (eql 'cl:labels)) args) (destructuring-bind (defs . body) args (let ((current-def (car (last defs)))) ((not (null body)) (extract-local-op-arglists 'cl:flet args)) (t (let ((def.body (cddr current-def))) (when def.body (%collect-op/argl-alist defs))))))))) MACROLET (:method ((operator (eql 'cl:macrolet)) args) (extract-local-op-arglists 'cl:labels args))) (defun %collect-op/argl-alist (defs) (setq defs (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (and (consp x) (second x))) defs)) (loop for (name arglist . nil) in defs collect (cons name arglist))) (defun find-immediately-containing-arglist (form) "Returns the arglist of the subform _immediately_ containing +CURSOR-MARKER+ in `form'. Notice, however, that +CURSOR-MARKER+ may be in a nested arglist \(e.g. `(WITH-OPEN-FILE (<here>'\), and the arglist of the appropriate parent form \(WITH-OPEN-FILE\) will be returned in that case." (flet ((try (form-path form arglist) (let* ((arglist-path (form-path-to-arglist-path form-path form arglist)) (argl (apply #'arglist-ref arglist arglist-path)) (args (apply #'provided-arguments-ref (cdr form) arglist arglist-path))) (when (and (arglist-p argl) (listp args)) (values argl args))))) (multiple-value-bind (form arglist obj form-path) (find-subform-with-arglist form) (declare (ignore obj)) (with-available-arglist (arglist) arglist First try the form the cursor is in ( in case of a normal (multiple-value-or (try form-path form arglist) (try (butlast form-path) form arglist) :not-available))))) (defun form-path-to-arglist-path (form-path form arglist) "Convert a form path to an arglist path consisting of arglist indices." (labels ((convert (path args arglist) (if (null path) nil (let* ((idx (car path)) (idx* (arglist-index idx args arglist)) (arglist* (and idx* (arglist-ref arglist idx*))) (args* (and idx* (provided-arguments-ref args arglist idx*)))) arglist of DEFUN wo n't contain as much information . (cond ((null idx*) nil) ((arglist-p arglist*) (cons idx* (convert (cdr path) args* arglist*))) (t (list idx*))))))) (convert (cond ((null form-path) nil) ((equal form-path '(0)) nil) (t (destructuring-bind (car . cdr) form-path (cons (1- car) cdr)))) (cdr form) arglist))) (defun arglist-index (provided-argument-index provided-arguments arglist) "Return the arglist index into `arglist' for the parameter belonging to the argument (NTH `provided-argument-index' `provided-arguments')." (let ((positional-args# (positional-args-number arglist)) (arg-index provided-argument-index)) (with-struct (arglist. key-p rest) arglist (cond arg-index) nil) (assert (arglist.rest arglist)) positional-args#) (let* ((argument (nth arg-index provided-arguments)) (provided-keys (subseq provided-arguments positional-args#))) (loop for (key value) on provided-keys by #'cddr when (eq value argument) return (match key (('quote symbol) symbol) (_ key))))))))) (defun arglist-ref (arglist &rest indices) "Returns the parameter in ARGLIST along the INDICIES path. Numbers represent positional parameters (required, optional), keywords represent key parameters." (flet ((ref-positional-arg (arglist index) (check-type index (integer 0 *)) (with-struct (arglist. provided-args required-args optional-args rest) arglist (loop for args in (list provided-args required-args (mapcar #'optional-arg.arg-name optional-args)) for args# = (length args) if (< index args#) return (nth index args) else do (decf index args#) finally (return (or rest nil))))) (ref-keyword-arg (arglist keyword) not only from the KEYWORD package . (let ((keyword (match keyword (('quote symbol) symbol) (_ keyword)))) (do-decoded-arglist arglist (&key (kw arg) (when (eq kw keyword) (return-from ref-keyword-arg arg))))) nil)) (dolist (index indices) (assert (arglist-p arglist)) (setq arglist (if (numberp index) (ref-positional-arg arglist index) (ref-keyword-arg arglist index)))) arglist)) (defun provided-arguments-ref (provided-args arglist &rest indices) "Returns the argument in PROVIDED-ARGUMENT along the INDICES path relative to ARGLIST." (check-type arglist arglist) (flet ((ref (provided-args arglist index) (if (numberp index) (nth index provided-args) (let ((provided-keys (subseq provided-args (positional-args-number arglist)))) (loop for (key value) on provided-keys when (eq key index) return value))))) (dolist (idx indices) (setq provided-args (ref provided-args arglist idx)) (setq arglist (arglist-ref arglist idx))) provided-args)) (defun positional-args-number (arglist) (+ (length (arglist.provided-args arglist)) (length (arglist.required-args arglist)) (length (arglist.optional-args arglist)))) (defun parse-raw-form (raw-form) "Parse a RAW-FORM into a Lisp form. I.e. substitute strings by symbols if already interned. For strings not already interned, use ARGLIST-DUMMY." (unless (null raw-form) (loop for element in raw-form collect (etypecase element (string (read-conversatively element)) (list (parse-raw-form element)) (symbol (prog1 element (assert (eq element +cursor-marker+)))))))) (defun read-conversatively (string) "Tries to find the symbol that's represented by STRING. If it can't, this either means that STRING does not represent a symbol, or that the symbol behind STRING would have to be freshly interned. Because this function is supposed to be called from the automatic arglist display stuff from Slime, interning freshly symbols is a big no-no. In such a case (that no symbol could be found), an object of type ARGLIST-DUMMY is returned instead, which works as a placeholder datum for subsequent logics to rely on." (let* ((string (string-left-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) string)) (length (length string)) (type (cond ((zerop length) nil) ((eql (aref string 0) #\') :quoted-symbol) ((search "#'" string :end2 (min length 2)) :sharpquoted-symbol) ((char= (char string 0) (char string (1- length)) #\") :string) (t :symbol)))) (multiple-value-bind (symbol found?) (case type (:symbol (parse-symbol string)) (:quoted-symbol (parse-symbol (subseq string 1))) (:sharpquoted-symbol (parse-symbol (subseq string 2))) (:string (values string t)) (t (values string nil))) (if found? (ecase type (:symbol symbol) (:quoted-symbol `(quote ,symbol)) (:sharpquoted-symbol `(function ,symbol)) (:string (if (> length 1) (subseq string 1 (1- length)) string))) (make-arglist-dummy string))))) (defun test-print-arglist () (flet ((test (arglist &rest strings) (let* ((*package* (find-package :micros)) (actual (decoded-arglist-to-string (decode-arglist arglist) :print-right-margin 1000))) (unless (loop for string in strings thereis (string= actual string)) (warn "Test failed: ~S => ~S~% Expected: ~A" arglist actual (if (cdr strings) (format nil "One of: ~{~S~^, ~}" strings) (format nil "~S" (first strings)))))))) (test '(function cons) "(function cons)") (test '(quote cons) "(quote cons)") (test '(&key (function #'+)) "(&key (function #'+))" "(&key (function (function +)))") (test '(&whole x y z) "(y z)") (test '(x &aux y z) "(x)") (test '(x &environment env y) "(x y)") (test '(&key ((function f))) "(&key ((function ..)))") (test '(eval-when (&any :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) &body body) "(eval-when (&any :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) &body body)") (test '(declare (optimize &any (speed 1) (safety 1))) "(declare (optimize &any (speed 1) (safety 1)))"))) (defun test-arglist-ref () (macrolet ((soft-assert (form) `(unless ,form (warn "Assertion failed: ~S~%" ',form)))) (let ((sample (decode-arglist '(x &key ((:k (y z))))))) (soft-assert (eq (arglist-ref sample 0) 'x)) (soft-assert (eq (arglist-ref sample :k 0) 'y)) (soft-assert (eq (arglist-ref sample :k 1) 'z)) (soft-assert (eq (provided-arguments-ref '(a :k (b c)) sample 0) 'a)) (soft-assert (eq (provided-arguments-ref '(a :k (b c)) sample :k 0) 'b)) (soft-assert (eq (provided-arguments-ref '(a :k (b c)) sample :k 1) 'c))))) (test-print-arglist) (test-arglist-ref)
Common Divisors -divisors Author : < > Date : June 8th , 2015 Common Divisors -divisors Author: Ray Qiu <> Date: June 8th, 2015 -} {-# OPTIONS -O2 #-} import Control.Applicative (liftA) import Control.Monad (forM_) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import System.IO divisors :: Int -> [Int] divisors n = foldr (\x xs -> if n `mod` x == 0 then if x /= n `div` x then x:(n `div` x):xs else x:xs else xs) [] [1..(floor . sqrt . fromIntegral) n] main :: IO () main = do n <- liftA (\x -> read x :: Int) getLine forM_ [1..n] $ \_ -> do [l, m] <- liftA (map (\x -> read x :: Int)) (liftA words getLine) let s1 = S.fromList (divisors l) s2 = S.fromList (divisors m) print . length . S.toList $ S.intersection s1 s2
Common Divisors -divisors Author : < > Date : June 8th , 2015 Common Divisors -divisors Author: Ray Qiu <> Date: June 8th, 2015 -} import Control.Applicative (liftA) import Control.Monad (forM_) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import System.IO divisors :: Int -> [Int] divisors n = foldr (\x xs -> if n `mod` x == 0 then if x /= n `div` x then x:(n `div` x):xs else x:xs else xs) [] [1..(floor . sqrt . fromIntegral) n] main :: IO () main = do n <- liftA (\x -> read x :: Int) getLine forM_ [1..n] $ \_ -> do [l, m] <- liftA (map (\x -> read x :: Int)) (liftA words getLine) let s1 = S.fromList (divisors l) s2 = S.fromList (divisors m) print . length . S.toList $ S.intersection s1 s2
-*- Package : frames ; mode : lisp ; base : 10 ; Syntax : Common - Lisp ; -*- (in-package :frames) ;;; +=========================================================================+ | Copyright ( c ) 2002 , 2003 , 2004 JP , , | ;;; | | ;;; | Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining | ;;; | a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the | | " Software " ) , to deal in the Software without restriction , including | ;;; | without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, | | distribute , sublicense , and/or sell copies of the Software , and to | | permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so , subject to | ;;; | the following conditions: | ;;; | | ;;; | The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included | | in all copies or substantial portions of the Software . | ;;; | | | THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , | ;;; | EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF | ;;; | MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. | ;;; | IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | | CLAIM , DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , | ;;; | TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE | ;;; | SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. | ;;; +=========================================================================+ (defslot #$putDemons :set-valued? t) (defslot #$addDemons :set-valued? t) (defslot #$getter) (defslot #$computedSlot) (defslot #$inverse :applicable-to #$Slot) (defslot #$inheritsThrough) (defslot #$instanceOf) (defslot #$HTMLGenerator) (def-computed-slot (#$accessorFn frame slot) we need to make a symbol so setf can work (let ((accessor-symbol (intern (one-string (slotv frame #$fName) "-ACCESSOR") :frames)) (accessor (lambda (target-frame) (slotv target-frame frame))) (mutator-symbol (intern (one-string (slotv frame #$fName) "-MUTATOR") :frames)) (mutator (lambda (target-frame new-val) (setf (slotv target-frame frame) new-val)))) (setf (symbol-function accessor-symbol) accessor) (setf (symbol-function mutator-symbol) mutator) necessary to use eval because defsetf is defined as a macro ;; and there is no functional equivalent (eval `(defsetf ,accessor-symbol ,mutator-symbol)) accessor-symbol)) (def-inverse-slot #$subClasses #$isA) (def-inverse-slot #$parts #$partOf) (def-transitive-slot #$allIsA #$isA) (def-transitive-slot #$allSubclasses #$subclasses) (def-transitive-slot #$allParts #$subclasses) (def-transitive-slot #$allPartOf #$partOf) ;;; Redefine fname to be a computed slot (def-computed-slot (#$fName frame slot) (gensym-and-intern frame))
mode : lisp ; base : 10 ; Syntax : Common - Lisp ; -*- +=========================================================================+ | | | Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining | | a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the | | without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, | | the following conditions: | | | | The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included | | | | EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF | | MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. | | IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | | TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE | | SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. | +=========================================================================+ and there is no functional equivalent Redefine fname to be a computed slot
(in-package :frames) | Copyright ( c ) 2002 , 2003 , 2004 JP , , | | " Software " ) , to deal in the Software without restriction , including | | distribute , sublicense , and/or sell copies of the Software , and to | | permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so , subject to | | in all copies or substantial portions of the Software . | | THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , | | CLAIM , DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , | (defslot #$putDemons :set-valued? t) (defslot #$addDemons :set-valued? t) (defslot #$getter) (defslot #$computedSlot) (defslot #$inverse :applicable-to #$Slot) (defslot #$inheritsThrough) (defslot #$instanceOf) (defslot #$HTMLGenerator) (def-computed-slot (#$accessorFn frame slot) we need to make a symbol so setf can work (let ((accessor-symbol (intern (one-string (slotv frame #$fName) "-ACCESSOR") :frames)) (accessor (lambda (target-frame) (slotv target-frame frame))) (mutator-symbol (intern (one-string (slotv frame #$fName) "-MUTATOR") :frames)) (mutator (lambda (target-frame new-val) (setf (slotv target-frame frame) new-val)))) (setf (symbol-function accessor-symbol) accessor) (setf (symbol-function mutator-symbol) mutator) necessary to use eval because defsetf is defined as a macro (eval `(defsetf ,accessor-symbol ,mutator-symbol)) accessor-symbol)) (def-inverse-slot #$subClasses #$isA) (def-inverse-slot #$parts #$partOf) (def-transitive-slot #$allIsA #$isA) (def-transitive-slot #$allSubclasses #$subclasses) (def-transitive-slot #$allParts #$subclasses) (def-transitive-slot #$allPartOf #$partOf) (def-computed-slot (#$fName frame slot) (gensym-and-intern frame))
(in-package :asdf) (let ((cg (find-system :cffi-grovel))) (unless (system-source-file cg) (%set-system-source-file (pathname (directory-namestring (merge-pathnames #P"mk-runtime/" (system-definition-pathname :cl-linux-debug)))) cg))) (in-package :elf) #| Patch the ELF library. The original implementation of the function is massively inefficient. |# (defun name-symbols (sec) "Assign names to the symbols contained in SEC." (when (member (type sec) '(:symtab :dynsym)) (with-slots (elf sh type) sec (let* ((name-sec (nth (link sh) (sections elf))) (tab (data name-sec))) (mapcar (lambda (sym) (setf (sym-name sym) (coerce (loop for idx from (name sym) for code = (aref tab idx) until (equal code 0) collect (code-char code)) 'string))) (data sec))))))
Patch the ELF library. The original implementation of the function is massively inefficient.
(in-package :asdf) (let ((cg (find-system :cffi-grovel))) (unless (system-source-file cg) (%set-system-source-file (pathname (directory-namestring (merge-pathnames #P"mk-runtime/" (system-definition-pathname :cl-linux-debug)))) cg))) (in-package :elf) (defun name-symbols (sec) "Assign names to the symbols contained in SEC." (when (member (type sec) '(:symtab :dynsym)) (with-slots (elf sh type) sec (let* ((name-sec (nth (link sh) (sections elf))) (tab (data name-sec))) (mapcar (lambda (sym) (setf (sym-name sym) (coerce (loop for idx from (name sym) for code = (aref tab idx) until (equal code 0) collect (code-char code)) 'string))) (data sec))))))
(ns rt4.the-next-week.ch07a.ray (:require [fastmath.vector :as v] [fastmath.core :as m])) (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed) (m/use-primitive-operators) (defprotocol RayProto (at [ray t])) (defrecord Ray [origin direction ^double time] RayProto (at [_ t] (v/add origin (v/mult direction t)))) (defn ray ([m] (map->Ray (merge {:time 0.0} m))) ([origin direction] (->Ray origin direction 0.0)) ([origin direction time] (->Ray origin direction time)))
(ns rt4.the-next-week.ch07a.ray (:require [fastmath.vector :as v] [fastmath.core :as m])) (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed) (m/use-primitive-operators) (defprotocol RayProto (at [ray t])) (defrecord Ray [origin direction ^double time] RayProto (at [_ t] (v/add origin (v/mult direction t)))) (defn ray ([m] (map->Ray (merge {:time 0.0} m))) ([origin direction] (->Ray origin direction 0.0)) ([origin direction time] (->Ray origin direction time)))
;;; -*- show-trailing-whitespace: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- ;;; -t3.html (defpackage :qt-tutorial-5 (:use :cl :qt) (:export #:main)) (in-package :qt-tutorial-5) (named-readtables:in-readtable :qt) (defvar *qapp*) (defclass my-widget () () (:metaclass qt-class) (:qt-superclass "QWidget")) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance my-widget) &key parent) (if parent (new instance parent) (new instance)) (#_setFixedSize instance 200 120) (let ((quit (#_new QPushButton "Quit" instance)) (lcd (#_new QLCDNumber 2)) (slider (#_new QSlider (#_Horizontal "Qt")))) (#_setFont quit (#_new QFont "Times" 18 (#_Bold "QFont"))) (#_setSegmentStyle lcd (#_Filled "QLCDNumber")) (#_setRange slider 0 99) (#_setValue slider 0) (#_connect "QObject" quit (QSIGNAL "clicked()") *qapp* (QSLOT "quit()")) (#_connect "QObject" slider (QSIGNAL "valueChanged(int)") lcd (QSLOT "display(int)")) (let ((layout (#_new QVBoxLayout))) (#_addWidget layout quit) (#_addWidget layout lcd) (#_addWidget layout slider) (#_setLayout instance layout)))) (defun main () (setf *qapp* (make-qapplication)) (let ((widget (make-instance 'my-widget))) (#_show widget) (unwind-protect (#_exec *qapp*) (#_hide widget))))
-*- show-trailing-whitespace: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- -t3.html
(defpackage :qt-tutorial-5 (:use :cl :qt) (:export #:main)) (in-package :qt-tutorial-5) (named-readtables:in-readtable :qt) (defvar *qapp*) (defclass my-widget () () (:metaclass qt-class) (:qt-superclass "QWidget")) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance my-widget) &key parent) (if parent (new instance parent) (new instance)) (#_setFixedSize instance 200 120) (let ((quit (#_new QPushButton "Quit" instance)) (lcd (#_new QLCDNumber 2)) (slider (#_new QSlider (#_Horizontal "Qt")))) (#_setFont quit (#_new QFont "Times" 18 (#_Bold "QFont"))) (#_setSegmentStyle lcd (#_Filled "QLCDNumber")) (#_setRange slider 0 99) (#_setValue slider 0) (#_connect "QObject" quit (QSIGNAL "clicked()") *qapp* (QSLOT "quit()")) (#_connect "QObject" slider (QSIGNAL "valueChanged(int)") lcd (QSLOT "display(int)")) (let ((layout (#_new QVBoxLayout))) (#_addWidget layout quit) (#_addWidget layout lcd) (#_addWidget layout slider) (#_setLayout instance layout)))) (defun main () (setf *qapp* (make-qapplication)) (let ((widget (make-instance 'my-widget))) (#_show widget) (unwind-protect (#_exec *qapp*) (#_hide widget))))
exception LexerError of (Src_pos.t * string) val lex_tiger : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token
exception LexerError of (Src_pos.t * string) val lex_tiger : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token
module A = struct type a = int end open A let x = (5 : a)
module A = struct type a = int end open A let x = (5 : a)
(* [x] fixed *) type t2 = int * int (* attributed to entire type not binding *) type color = | Red of int (* After red *) | Black of int (* After black *) | Green of int (* Does not remain here *) let blahCurriedX x = function | Red 10 | Black 20 | Green 10 -> 1 (* After or pattern green *) | Red x -> 0 (* After red *) | Black x -> 0 (* After black *) After second green (* On next line after blahCurriedX def *) EOL comments wrap because other elements break first ( in this example " mutable " causes breaks . We either need : 1 . To prevent wrapping of anything inside of eol comments attachments . 2 . eol comments . "mutable" causes breaks. We either need: 1. To prevent wrapping of anything inside of eol comments attachments. 2. Losslessly wrap eol comments. *) (* This example illustrates the above issue, but isn't een idempotent due to the issue. *) (* type cfg = { *) (* node_id : int ref; *) node_list : int list ref ; name_pdesc_tbl : ( int , ( int , int ) ) Hashtbl.t ; ( * * Map proc name to procdesc mutable priority_set : ( int , int ) ( * * set of function names to be analyzed first (* } *) (* *) (* *)
[x] fixed attributed to entire type not binding After red After black Does not remain here After or pattern green After red After black On next line after blahCurriedX def This example illustrates the above issue, but isn't een idempotent due to the issue. type cfg = { node_id : int ref; }
type t2 = type color = let blahCurriedX x = function | Red 10 | Black 20 After second green EOL comments wrap because other elements break first ( in this example " mutable " causes breaks . We either need : 1 . To prevent wrapping of anything inside of eol comments attachments . 2 . eol comments . "mutable" causes breaks. We either need: 1. To prevent wrapping of anything inside of eol comments attachments. 2. Losslessly wrap eol comments. *) node_list : int list ref ; name_pdesc_tbl : ( int , ( int , int ) ) Hashtbl.t ; ( * * Map proc name to procdesc mutable priority_set : ( int , int ) ( * * set of function names to be analyzed first
(in-package :cldk-internals) ;;; event handler (defclass event-handler (display-driver-callback-handler) ((cur-x :initform nil :reader event-handler-cur-x) (cur-y :initform nil :reader event-handler-cur-y) (cur-root-x :initform nil :reader event-handler-cur-root-x) (cur-root-y :initform nil :reader event-handler-cur-root-y) (modifiers :initform 0 :reader event-handler-modifiers) (pressed-buttons :initform 0 :reader event-handler-pressed-buttons))) (defgeneric handle-button-event (handler kind pointer button window timestamp) (:method ((handler event-handler) kind pointer button window timestamp) ) (:method :before ((handler event-handler) kind pointer button window timestamp) (with-slots (pressed-buttons modifiers) handler (when (eql kind :release) (setf pressed-buttons (logxor button pressed-buttons))))) (:method :after ((handler event-handler) kind pointer button window timestamp) (with-slots (pressed-buttons modifiers) handler (when (eql kind :press) (setf pressed-buttons (logior button pressed-buttons)))))) (defgeneric handle-scroll-event (handler pointer dx dy window timestamp) (:method ((handler event-handler) pointer dx dy window timestamp) )) (defgeneric handle-motion-event (handler pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) (:method ((handler event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) ) (:method :after ((handler event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) (with-slots (cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (setf cur-x x cur-y y cur-root-x root-x cur-root-y root-y)))) (defgeneric handle-key-event (handler kind keyname character modifiers window timestamp) (:method ((handler event-handler) kind keyname character modifiers window timestamp) ) (:method :before ((handler event-handler) kind keyname character mmodifiers window timestamp) (with-slots (modifiers) handler (setf modifiers mmodifiers)))) (defgeneric handle-enter-event (handler pointer x y root-x root-y win time) (:method ((handler event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) ) (:method :before ((handler event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) (with-slots (cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (setf cur-x x cur-y y cur-root-x root-x cur-root-y root-y)))) (defgeneric handle-leave-event (handler pointer win time) (:method ((handler event-handler) pointer window timestamp) ) (:method :after ((handler event-handler) pointer window timestamp) (with-slots (cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (setf cur-x nil cur-y nil cur-root-x nil cur-root-y nil)))) (defgeneric handle-configure-event (handler win x y w h time) (:method ((handler event-handler) win x y w h time) )) (defgeneric handle-repaint-event (handler win x y w h time) (:method ((handler event-handler) win x y w h time) )) (defgeneric handle-destroy-event (handler win time) (:method ((handler event-handler) win time) )) (defgeneric handle-wm-delete-event (handler win time) (:method ((handler event-handler) win time) )) ;;; ;;; pretty print ;;; (defun button2keyword (button) (let ((button-mapping #.(vector :left :middle :right :x1 :x2))) (dotimes (i 9) (when (logbitp i button) (return (aref button-mapping i)))))) (defun buttons2keywords (button) (let ((button-mapping #.(vector :left :middle :right :x1 :x2)) (ks nil)) (dotimes (i 9) (when (logbitp i button) (setf ks (cons (aref button-mapping i) ks)))) ks)) (defun modifiers2keywords (button) (let ((button-mapping #.(vector :shift :control :meta :super :hyper :alt)) (ks nil)) (dotimes (i 6) (when (logbitp (+ 8 i) button) (setf ks (cons (aref button-mapping i) ks)))) ks)) ;;; ;;; log event handler ;;; (defparameter *events-to-log-list* '(:delete :repaint :configure :enter-leave :button :scroll :motion :key :modifiers)) (defclass log-event-handler (event-handler) ((to-log :initform :all :accessor event-handler-events-to-log))) (defmethod handle-button-event ((handler log-event-handler) kind pointer button win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :button to-log)) (log:info "win:~A k:~A p:~A b:~A p:~A[~A]" win kind pointer (list button (button2keyword button)) (list cur-x cur-y) (list cur-root-x cur-root-y)) (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :modifiers to-log)) (with-slots (modifiers pressed-buttons) handler (log:info "keys:~A buts:~A" (modifiers2keywords modifiers) (buttons2keywords pressed-buttons))))))) (defmethod handle-scroll-event ((handler log-event-handler) pointer dx dy win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :scroll to-log)) (log:info "win:~A p:~A w:~A" win pointer (list dx dy)) (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :modifiers to-log)) (with-slots (modifiers pressed-buttons) handler (log:info "keys:~A buts:~A" (modifiers2keywords modifiers) (buttons2keywords pressed-buttons))))))) (defmethod handle-motion-event ((handler log-event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :motion to-log)) (log:info "win:~A p:~A p:~A[~A]" win pointer (list x y) (list root-x root-y)) (when (and (listp to-log) (member :modifiers to-log)) (with-slots (modifiers pressed-buttons) handler (log:info "keys:~A buts:~A" (modifiers2keywords modifiers) (buttons2keywords pressed-buttons))))))) (defmethod handle-key-event ((handler log-event-handler) kind keyname character modifiers win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :key to-log)) (log:info "win:~A k:~A name:~A char:~A mod:~A" win kind keyname character (list modifiers (modifiers2keywords modifiers))) (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :modifiers to-log)) (with-slots (modifiers pressed-buttons) handler (log:info "keys:~A buts:~A" (modifiers2keywords modifiers) (buttons2keywords pressed-buttons))))))) (defmethod handle-enter-event ((handler log-event-handler) pointer x y x-root y-root win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :enter-leave to-log)) (log:info "win:~A p:~A p:~A[~A]" win pointer (list cur-x cur-y) (list cur-root-x cur-root-y))))) (defmethod handle-leave-event ((handler log-event-handler) pointer win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :enter-leave to-log)) (log:info "win:~A p:~A p:~A[~A]" win pointer (list cur-x cur-y) (list cur-root-x cur-root-y))))) (defmethod handle-configure-event ((handler log-event-handler) win x y w h timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :configure to-log)) (log:info "win:~A x:~A y:~A w:~A h:~A" win x y w h)))) (defmethod handle-repaint-event ((handler log-event-handler) win x y w h timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :repaint to-log)) (log:info "win:~A x:~A y:~A w:~A h:~A" win x y w h)))) (defmethod handle-wm-delete-event ((handler log-event-handler) win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :delete to-log)) (log:info "win:~A" win)))) (setf *default-event-handler* (make-instance 'event-handler)) ;;; ;;; ;;; (defmacro <e- (kernel fn &rest args) `(within-user-mode (,kernel :block-p nil) (funcall ,fn (event-handler ,kernel) ,@args))) (defmethod driver-cb-window-configuration-event ((handler event-handler) kernel win x y width height time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-configure-event win x y width height time)) (defmethod driver-cb-repaint-event ((handler event-handler) kernel win x y width height time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-repaint-event win x y width height time)) (defmethod driver-cb-scroll-event ((handler event-handler) kernel pointer dx dy win timestamp) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-scroll-event pointer dx dy win timestamp)) (defmethod driver-cb-button-event ((handler event-handler) kernel kind pointer button win timestamp) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-button-event kind pointer button win timestamp)) (defmethod driver-cb-motion-event ((handler event-handler) kernel pointer x y root-x root-y win timestamp) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-motion-event pointer x y root-x root-y win timestamp)) (defmethod driver-cb-key-event ((handler event-handler) kernel kind keyname character modifiers win timestamp) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-key-event kind keyname character modifiers win timestamp)) (defmethod driver-cb-enter-event ((handler event-handler) kernel pointer x y root-x root-y win time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-enter-event pointer x y root-x root-y win time)) (defmethod driver-cb-leave-event ((handler event-handler) kernel pointer win time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-leave-event pointer win time)) (defmethod driver-cb-wm-delete-event ((handler event-handler) kernel win time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-wm-delete-event win time))
event handler pretty print log event handler
(in-package :cldk-internals) (defclass event-handler (display-driver-callback-handler) ((cur-x :initform nil :reader event-handler-cur-x) (cur-y :initform nil :reader event-handler-cur-y) (cur-root-x :initform nil :reader event-handler-cur-root-x) (cur-root-y :initform nil :reader event-handler-cur-root-y) (modifiers :initform 0 :reader event-handler-modifiers) (pressed-buttons :initform 0 :reader event-handler-pressed-buttons))) (defgeneric handle-button-event (handler kind pointer button window timestamp) (:method ((handler event-handler) kind pointer button window timestamp) ) (:method :before ((handler event-handler) kind pointer button window timestamp) (with-slots (pressed-buttons modifiers) handler (when (eql kind :release) (setf pressed-buttons (logxor button pressed-buttons))))) (:method :after ((handler event-handler) kind pointer button window timestamp) (with-slots (pressed-buttons modifiers) handler (when (eql kind :press) (setf pressed-buttons (logior button pressed-buttons)))))) (defgeneric handle-scroll-event (handler pointer dx dy window timestamp) (:method ((handler event-handler) pointer dx dy window timestamp) )) (defgeneric handle-motion-event (handler pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) (:method ((handler event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) ) (:method :after ((handler event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) (with-slots (cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (setf cur-x x cur-y y cur-root-x root-x cur-root-y root-y)))) (defgeneric handle-key-event (handler kind keyname character modifiers window timestamp) (:method ((handler event-handler) kind keyname character modifiers window timestamp) ) (:method :before ((handler event-handler) kind keyname character mmodifiers window timestamp) (with-slots (modifiers) handler (setf modifiers mmodifiers)))) (defgeneric handle-enter-event (handler pointer x y root-x root-y win time) (:method ((handler event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) ) (:method :before ((handler event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y window timestamp) (with-slots (cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (setf cur-x x cur-y y cur-root-x root-x cur-root-y root-y)))) (defgeneric handle-leave-event (handler pointer win time) (:method ((handler event-handler) pointer window timestamp) ) (:method :after ((handler event-handler) pointer window timestamp) (with-slots (cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (setf cur-x nil cur-y nil cur-root-x nil cur-root-y nil)))) (defgeneric handle-configure-event (handler win x y w h time) (:method ((handler event-handler) win x y w h time) )) (defgeneric handle-repaint-event (handler win x y w h time) (:method ((handler event-handler) win x y w h time) )) (defgeneric handle-destroy-event (handler win time) (:method ((handler event-handler) win time) )) (defgeneric handle-wm-delete-event (handler win time) (:method ((handler event-handler) win time) )) (defun button2keyword (button) (let ((button-mapping #.(vector :left :middle :right :x1 :x2))) (dotimes (i 9) (when (logbitp i button) (return (aref button-mapping i)))))) (defun buttons2keywords (button) (let ((button-mapping #.(vector :left :middle :right :x1 :x2)) (ks nil)) (dotimes (i 9) (when (logbitp i button) (setf ks (cons (aref button-mapping i) ks)))) ks)) (defun modifiers2keywords (button) (let ((button-mapping #.(vector :shift :control :meta :super :hyper :alt)) (ks nil)) (dotimes (i 6) (when (logbitp (+ 8 i) button) (setf ks (cons (aref button-mapping i) ks)))) ks)) (defparameter *events-to-log-list* '(:delete :repaint :configure :enter-leave :button :scroll :motion :key :modifiers)) (defclass log-event-handler (event-handler) ((to-log :initform :all :accessor event-handler-events-to-log))) (defmethod handle-button-event ((handler log-event-handler) kind pointer button win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :button to-log)) (log:info "win:~A k:~A p:~A b:~A p:~A[~A]" win kind pointer (list button (button2keyword button)) (list cur-x cur-y) (list cur-root-x cur-root-y)) (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :modifiers to-log)) (with-slots (modifiers pressed-buttons) handler (log:info "keys:~A buts:~A" (modifiers2keywords modifiers) (buttons2keywords pressed-buttons))))))) (defmethod handle-scroll-event ((handler log-event-handler) pointer dx dy win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :scroll to-log)) (log:info "win:~A p:~A w:~A" win pointer (list dx dy)) (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :modifiers to-log)) (with-slots (modifiers pressed-buttons) handler (log:info "keys:~A buts:~A" (modifiers2keywords modifiers) (buttons2keywords pressed-buttons))))))) (defmethod handle-motion-event ((handler log-event-handler) pointer x y root-x root-y win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :motion to-log)) (log:info "win:~A p:~A p:~A[~A]" win pointer (list x y) (list root-x root-y)) (when (and (listp to-log) (member :modifiers to-log)) (with-slots (modifiers pressed-buttons) handler (log:info "keys:~A buts:~A" (modifiers2keywords modifiers) (buttons2keywords pressed-buttons))))))) (defmethod handle-key-event ((handler log-event-handler) kind keyname character modifiers win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :key to-log)) (log:info "win:~A k:~A name:~A char:~A mod:~A" win kind keyname character (list modifiers (modifiers2keywords modifiers))) (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :modifiers to-log)) (with-slots (modifiers pressed-buttons) handler (log:info "keys:~A buts:~A" (modifiers2keywords modifiers) (buttons2keywords pressed-buttons))))))) (defmethod handle-enter-event ((handler log-event-handler) pointer x y x-root y-root win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :enter-leave to-log)) (log:info "win:~A p:~A p:~A[~A]" win pointer (list cur-x cur-y) (list cur-root-x cur-root-y))))) (defmethod handle-leave-event ((handler log-event-handler) pointer win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log cur-x cur-y cur-root-x cur-root-y) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :enter-leave to-log)) (log:info "win:~A p:~A p:~A[~A]" win pointer (list cur-x cur-y) (list cur-root-x cur-root-y))))) (defmethod handle-configure-event ((handler log-event-handler) win x y w h timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :configure to-log)) (log:info "win:~A x:~A y:~A w:~A h:~A" win x y w h)))) (defmethod handle-repaint-event ((handler log-event-handler) win x y w h timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :repaint to-log)) (log:info "win:~A x:~A y:~A w:~A h:~A" win x y w h)))) (defmethod handle-wm-delete-event ((handler log-event-handler) win timestamp) (with-slots (to-log) handler (when (or (eql to-log :all) (member :delete to-log)) (log:info "win:~A" win)))) (setf *default-event-handler* (make-instance 'event-handler)) (defmacro <e- (kernel fn &rest args) `(within-user-mode (,kernel :block-p nil) (funcall ,fn (event-handler ,kernel) ,@args))) (defmethod driver-cb-window-configuration-event ((handler event-handler) kernel win x y width height time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-configure-event win x y width height time)) (defmethod driver-cb-repaint-event ((handler event-handler) kernel win x y width height time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-repaint-event win x y width height time)) (defmethod driver-cb-scroll-event ((handler event-handler) kernel pointer dx dy win timestamp) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-scroll-event pointer dx dy win timestamp)) (defmethod driver-cb-button-event ((handler event-handler) kernel kind pointer button win timestamp) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-button-event kind pointer button win timestamp)) (defmethod driver-cb-motion-event ((handler event-handler) kernel pointer x y root-x root-y win timestamp) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-motion-event pointer x y root-x root-y win timestamp)) (defmethod driver-cb-key-event ((handler event-handler) kernel kind keyname character modifiers win timestamp) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-key-event kind keyname character modifiers win timestamp)) (defmethod driver-cb-enter-event ((handler event-handler) kernel pointer x y root-x root-y win time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-enter-event pointer x y root-x root-y win time)) (defmethod driver-cb-leave-event ((handler event-handler) kernel pointer win time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-leave-event pointer win time)) (defmethod driver-cb-wm-delete-event ((handler event-handler) kernel win time) (check-kernel-mode) (<e- kernel #'handle-wm-delete-event win time))
Regression test ODE for GSLL , automatically generated ;; Copyright 2009 Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see </>. (in-package :gsl) (LISP-UNIT:DEFINE-TEST ODE (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 495 1.0d0 -1.4568657425802234d0 -11.547345633897558d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK2+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 40 1.0d0 -1.4568569264026898d0 -11.547449151779395d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK4+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 35 1.0d0 -1.456874342553472d0 -11.547250693698407d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RKF45+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 27 1.0d0 -1.4568588825970334d0 -11.547432342449643d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RKCK+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 16 1.0d0 -1.4568622636249005d0 -11.547385179410822d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK8PD+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 359 1.0d0 -1.4569507371916566d0 -11.546406519788615d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK2IMP+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 40 1.0d0 -1.4568644436344684d0 -11.547361181933427d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK4IMP+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 9 1.0d0 -1.4568620806209944d0 -11.547387321938151d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-BSIMP+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 11176 1.0d0 -1.459959741392502d0 -11.510866371379606d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (LET ((*MAX-ITER* 12000)) (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-GEAR1+ NIL)))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 52 1.0d0 -1.4568645170220367d0 -11.54736019525012d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-GEAR2+ NIL))))
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. along with this program. If not, see </>.
Regression test ODE for GSLL , automatically generated Copyright 2009 Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (in-package :gsl) (LISP-UNIT:DEFINE-TEST ODE (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 495 1.0d0 -1.4568657425802234d0 -11.547345633897558d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK2+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 40 1.0d0 -1.4568569264026898d0 -11.547449151779395d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK4+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 35 1.0d0 -1.456874342553472d0 -11.547250693698407d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RKF45+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 27 1.0d0 -1.4568588825970334d0 -11.547432342449643d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RKCK+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 16 1.0d0 -1.4568622636249005d0 -11.547385179410822d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK8PD+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 359 1.0d0 -1.4569507371916566d0 -11.546406519788615d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK2IMP+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 40 1.0d0 -1.4568644436344684d0 -11.547361181933427d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-RK4IMP+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 9 1.0d0 -1.4568620806209944d0 -11.547387321938151d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-BSIMP+ NIL))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 11176 1.0d0 -1.459959741392502d0 -11.510866371379606d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (LET ((*MAX-ITER* 12000)) (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-GEAR1+ NIL)))) (LISP-UNIT::ASSERT-NUMERICAL-EQUAL (LIST 52 1.0d0 -1.4568645170220367d0 -11.54736019525012d0) (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST (INTEGRATE-VANDERPOL 1.0d0 1.d-4 +STEP-GEAR2+ NIL))))
(* TEST * expect *) let foo ?x = () [%%expect{| Line 1, characters 9-10: 1 | let foo ?x = () ^ Warning 16 [unerasable-optional-argument]: this optional argument cannot be erased. val foo : ?x:'a -> unit = <fun> |}] let foo ?x ~y = () [%%expect{| Line 1, characters 9-10: 1 | let foo ?x ~y = () ^ Warning 16 [unerasable-optional-argument]: this optional argument cannot be erased. val foo : ?x:'a -> y:'b -> unit = <fun> |}] let foo ?x () = () [%%expect{| val foo : ?x:'a -> unit -> unit = <fun> |}] let foo ?x ~y () = () [%%expect{| val foo : ?x:'a -> y:'b -> unit -> unit = <fun> |}] class bar ?x = object end [%%expect{| Line 1, characters 11-12: 1 | class bar ?x = object end ^ Warning 16 [unerasable-optional-argument]: this optional argument cannot be erased. class bar : ?x:'a -> object end |}] class bar ?x ~y = object end [%%expect{| Line 1, characters 11-12: 1 | class bar ?x ~y = object end ^ Warning 16 [unerasable-optional-argument]: this optional argument cannot be erased. class bar : ?x:'a -> y:'b -> object end |}] class bar ?x () = object end [%%expect{| class bar : ?x:'a -> unit -> object end |}] class foo ?x ~y () = object end [%%expect{| class foo : ?x:'a -> y:'b -> unit -> object end |}]
TEST * expect
let foo ?x = () [%%expect{| Line 1, characters 9-10: 1 | let foo ?x = () ^ Warning 16 [unerasable-optional-argument]: this optional argument cannot be erased. val foo : ?x:'a -> unit = <fun> |}] let foo ?x ~y = () [%%expect{| Line 1, characters 9-10: 1 | let foo ?x ~y = () ^ Warning 16 [unerasable-optional-argument]: this optional argument cannot be erased. val foo : ?x:'a -> y:'b -> unit = <fun> |}] let foo ?x () = () [%%expect{| val foo : ?x:'a -> unit -> unit = <fun> |}] let foo ?x ~y () = () [%%expect{| val foo : ?x:'a -> y:'b -> unit -> unit = <fun> |}] class bar ?x = object end [%%expect{| Line 1, characters 11-12: 1 | class bar ?x = object end ^ Warning 16 [unerasable-optional-argument]: this optional argument cannot be erased. class bar : ?x:'a -> object end |}] class bar ?x ~y = object end [%%expect{| Line 1, characters 11-12: 1 | class bar ?x ~y = object end ^ Warning 16 [unerasable-optional-argument]: this optional argument cannot be erased. class bar : ?x:'a -> y:'b -> object end |}] class bar ?x () = object end [%%expect{| class bar : ?x:'a -> unit -> object end |}] class foo ?x ~y () = object end [%%expect{| class foo : ?x:'a -> y:'b -> unit -> object end |}]
%%------------------------------------------------------------------- @author ChicagoBoss Team and contributors , see file in root directory %% @end This file is part of ChicagoBoss project . See file in root directory %% for license information, see LICENSE file in root directory %% @end %% @doc %%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(boss_env). -export([boss_env/0, setup_boss_env/0, get_env/2, get_env/3]). -export([master_node/0, is_master_node/0, is_developing_app/1]). -export([router_adapter/0, cache_adapter/0, session_adapter/0, mq_adapter/0]). -spec boss_env() -> any(). boss_env() -> case get(boss_environment) of undefined -> setup_boss_env(); Val -> Val end. -spec setup_boss_env() -> types:execution_mode(). setup_boss_env() -> case boss_load:module_is_loaded(reloader) of true -> put(boss_environment, development), development; false -> put(boss_environment, production), production end. -spec get_env(atom(),atom(),any()) -> any(). get_env(App, Key, Default) when is_atom(App), is_atom(Key) -> case application:get_env(App, Key) of {ok, Val} -> Val; _ -> Default end. -spec get_env(atom(), any()) -> any(). get_env(Key, Default) when is_atom(Key) -> get_env(boss, Key, Default). -spec master_node() -> any(). master_node() -> case boss_env:get_env(master_node, erlang:node()) of MasterNode when is_list(MasterNode) -> list_to_atom(MasterNode); MasterNode -> MasterNode end. -spec is_master_node() -> boolean(). is_master_node() -> master_node() =:= erlang:node(). -spec is_developing_app(types:application()) -> boolean(). is_developing_app(AppName) -> BossEnv = boss_env:boss_env(), DevelopingApp = boss_env:get_env(developing_app, undefined), AppName =:= DevelopingApp andalso BossEnv =:= development. -spec router_adapter() -> atom(). router_adapter() -> get_env(router_adapter, boss_router). -spec cache_adapter() -> atom(). cache_adapter() -> get_env(cache_adapter, memcached_bin). -spec session_adapter() -> atom(). session_adapter() -> get_env(session_adapter, mock). -spec mq_adapter() -> atom(). mq_adapter() -> get_env(mq_adapter, tinymq).
------------------------------------------------------------------- @end for license information, see LICENSE file in root directory @end @doc -------------------------------------------------------------------
@author ChicagoBoss Team and contributors , see file in root directory This file is part of ChicagoBoss project . See file in root directory -module(boss_env). -export([boss_env/0, setup_boss_env/0, get_env/2, get_env/3]). -export([master_node/0, is_master_node/0, is_developing_app/1]). -export([router_adapter/0, cache_adapter/0, session_adapter/0, mq_adapter/0]). -spec boss_env() -> any(). boss_env() -> case get(boss_environment) of undefined -> setup_boss_env(); Val -> Val end. -spec setup_boss_env() -> types:execution_mode(). setup_boss_env() -> case boss_load:module_is_loaded(reloader) of true -> put(boss_environment, development), development; false -> put(boss_environment, production), production end. -spec get_env(atom(),atom(),any()) -> any(). get_env(App, Key, Default) when is_atom(App), is_atom(Key) -> case application:get_env(App, Key) of {ok, Val} -> Val; _ -> Default end. -spec get_env(atom(), any()) -> any(). get_env(Key, Default) when is_atom(Key) -> get_env(boss, Key, Default). -spec master_node() -> any(). master_node() -> case boss_env:get_env(master_node, erlang:node()) of MasterNode when is_list(MasterNode) -> list_to_atom(MasterNode); MasterNode -> MasterNode end. -spec is_master_node() -> boolean(). is_master_node() -> master_node() =:= erlang:node(). -spec is_developing_app(types:application()) -> boolean(). is_developing_app(AppName) -> BossEnv = boss_env:boss_env(), DevelopingApp = boss_env:get_env(developing_app, undefined), AppName =:= DevelopingApp andalso BossEnv =:= development. -spec router_adapter() -> atom(). router_adapter() -> get_env(router_adapter, boss_router). -spec cache_adapter() -> atom(). cache_adapter() -> get_env(cache_adapter, memcached_bin). -spec session_adapter() -> atom(). session_adapter() -> get_env(session_adapter, mock). -spec mq_adapter() -> atom(). mq_adapter() -> get_env(mq_adapter, tinymq).
open Error explode - implode functions let explode s = let rec expl i l = if i < 0 then l else expl (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in expl (String.length s - 1) [] let implode l = let result = String.create (List.length l) in let rec imp i = function | [] -> result | c :: l -> result.[i] <- c; imp (i + 1) l in imp 0 l (* Functions for parsing hex characters *) let is_hex ch = ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')) let get_hex_value x = if (x>='0' && x<='9') then Char.code x - Char.code '0' else if (x>='A' && x <= 'F') then Char.code x - Char.code 'A' + 10 else Char.code x - Char.code 'a' + 10 let parse_hex str = let h1 = get_hex_value str.[2] in let h2 = get_hex_value str.[3] in Char.chr (h1*16+h2) (* Takes a string and returns it without escape characters *) let de_escape str = let length = String.length str in let rec loop i acc= if (i < length) then ( match str.[i] with |'\\' -> ( match str.[i+1] with |'n' -> loop (i+2) ('\n'::acc) |'r' -> loop (i+2) ('\r'::acc) |'t' -> loop (i+2) ('\t'::acc) |'0' -> loop (i+2) ((Char.chr 0)::acc) |'\'' -> loop (i+2) ('\''::acc) |'"' -> loop (i+2) ('"'::acc) |'x' -> if ((is_hex str.[i+2]) && (is_hex str.[i+3])) then let h1 = get_hex_value str.[i+2] in let h2 = get_hex_value str.[i+3] in loop (i+4) ((Char.chr (h1*16+h2))::acc) else ( error "Invalid escape sequence"; loop (i+5) acc ) |_ -> error "Invalid escape sequence"; loop (i+2) acc ) |_ -> loop (i+1) (str.[i]::acc) ) else implode (List.rev acc) in loop 0 [] (* Handle escape sequences for Final Code Creation *) let handle_escapes str = let char_list = explode str in let base = List.rev (explode "\tdb '") in let rec delete_empty_strings char_list acc = match char_list with | [] -> implode acc | ('\n'::'\''::'\''::' '::'b'::'d'::'\t'::t) -> delete_empty_strings t acc | (h::t) -> delete_empty_strings t (h::acc) in let rec parse_char_list acc lst = match lst with | [] -> let tail_lst = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 0\n") in delete_empty_strings (tail_lst@acc) [] | ('\\'::'t'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 9\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'n'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 10\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'r'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 13\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'0'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 0\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'\\'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb \\\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'\''::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 39\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'"'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 34\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'x'::n1::n2::t) -> let code = (get_hex_value n1 * 16 + get_hex_value n2) in let to_add_str = Printf.sprintf "'\n\tdb %d\n\tdb '" code in let to_add = List.rev (explode to_add_str) in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | (h::t) -> parse_char_list (h::acc) t in parse_char_list base char_list
Functions for parsing hex characters Takes a string and returns it without escape characters Handle escape sequences for Final Code Creation
open Error explode - implode functions let explode s = let rec expl i l = if i < 0 then l else expl (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in expl (String.length s - 1) [] let implode l = let result = String.create (List.length l) in let rec imp i = function | [] -> result | c :: l -> result.[i] <- c; imp (i + 1) l in imp 0 l let is_hex ch = ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')) let get_hex_value x = if (x>='0' && x<='9') then Char.code x - Char.code '0' else if (x>='A' && x <= 'F') then Char.code x - Char.code 'A' + 10 else Char.code x - Char.code 'a' + 10 let parse_hex str = let h1 = get_hex_value str.[2] in let h2 = get_hex_value str.[3] in Char.chr (h1*16+h2) let de_escape str = let length = String.length str in let rec loop i acc= if (i < length) then ( match str.[i] with |'\\' -> ( match str.[i+1] with |'n' -> loop (i+2) ('\n'::acc) |'r' -> loop (i+2) ('\r'::acc) |'t' -> loop (i+2) ('\t'::acc) |'0' -> loop (i+2) ((Char.chr 0)::acc) |'\'' -> loop (i+2) ('\''::acc) |'"' -> loop (i+2) ('"'::acc) |'x' -> if ((is_hex str.[i+2]) && (is_hex str.[i+3])) then let h1 = get_hex_value str.[i+2] in let h2 = get_hex_value str.[i+3] in loop (i+4) ((Char.chr (h1*16+h2))::acc) else ( error "Invalid escape sequence"; loop (i+5) acc ) |_ -> error "Invalid escape sequence"; loop (i+2) acc ) |_ -> loop (i+1) (str.[i]::acc) ) else implode (List.rev acc) in loop 0 [] let handle_escapes str = let char_list = explode str in let base = List.rev (explode "\tdb '") in let rec delete_empty_strings char_list acc = match char_list with | [] -> implode acc | ('\n'::'\''::'\''::' '::'b'::'d'::'\t'::t) -> delete_empty_strings t acc | (h::t) -> delete_empty_strings t (h::acc) in let rec parse_char_list acc lst = match lst with | [] -> let tail_lst = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 0\n") in delete_empty_strings (tail_lst@acc) [] | ('\\'::'t'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 9\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'n'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 10\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'r'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 13\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'0'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 0\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'\\'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb \\\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'\''::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 39\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'"'::t) -> let to_add = List.rev (explode "'\n\tdb 34\n\tdb '") in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | ('\\'::'x'::n1::n2::t) -> let code = (get_hex_value n1 * 16 + get_hex_value n2) in let to_add_str = Printf.sprintf "'\n\tdb %d\n\tdb '" code in let to_add = List.rev (explode to_add_str) in parse_char_list (to_add @ acc) t | (h::t) -> parse_char_list (h::acc) t in parse_char_list base char_list
#lang planet neil/sicp (define (make-accumulator value) (lambda (new-value) (begin (set! value (+ value new-value)) value))) (define A (make-accumulator 5)) (A 10) (A 10) (A -20) (define x (A 0))
#lang planet neil/sicp (define (make-accumulator value) (lambda (new-value) (begin (set! value (+ value new-value)) value))) (define A (make-accumulator 5)) (A 10) (A 10) (A -20) (define x (A 0))
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} # LANGUAGE GADTs # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Comp.Matching Copyright : ( c ) 2010 - 2011 -- License : BSD3 Maintainer : < > -- Stability : experimental Portability : non - portable ( GHC Extensions ) -- -- This module implements matching of contexts or terms with variables againts terms -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Comp.Matching ( matchCxt, matchTerm, module Data.Comp.Variables ) where import Data.Comp.Equality import Data.Comp.Term import Data.Comp.Variables import Data.Foldable import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Traversable import Prelude hiding (all, mapM, mapM_) {-| This is an auxiliary function for implementing 'matchCxt'. It behaves similarly as 'match' but is oblivious to non-linearity. Therefore, the substitution that is returned maps holes to non-empty lists of terms (resp. contexts in general). This substitution is only a matching substitution if all elements in each list of the substitution's range are equal. -} matchCxt' :: (Ord v, EqF f, Functor f, Foldable f) => Context f v -> Cxt h f a -> Maybe (Map v [Cxt h f a]) matchCxt' (Hole v) t = Just $ Map.singleton v [t] matchCxt' (Term s) (Term t) = do eqs <- eqMod s t substs <- mapM (uncurry matchCxt') eqs return $ Map.unionsWith (++) substs matchCxt' Term {} Hole {} = Nothing | This function takes a context @c@ as the first argument and tries to match it against the term @t@ ( or in general a context with holes in @a@ ) . The context @c@ matches the term @t@ if there is a /matching substitution/ @s@ that maps holes to terms ( resp . contexts in general ) such that if the holes in the context @c@ are replaced according to the substitution @s@ , the term @t@ is obtained . Note that the context @c@ might be non - linear , i.e. has multiple holes that are equal . According to the above definition this means that holes with equal holes have to be instantiated by equal terms ! to match it against the term @t@ (or in general a context with holes in @a@). The context @c@ matches the term @t@ if there is a /matching substitution/ @s@ that maps holes to terms (resp. contexts in general) such that if the holes in the context @c@ are replaced according to the substitution @s@, the term @t@ is obtained. Note that the context @c@ might be non-linear, i.e. has multiple holes that are equal. According to the above definition this means that holes with equal holes have to be instantiated by equal terms! -} matchCxt :: (Ord v,EqF f, Eq (Cxt h f a), Functor f, Foldable f) => Context f v -> Cxt h f a -> Maybe (CxtSubst h a f v) matchCxt c1 c2 = do res <- matchCxt' c1 c2 let insts = Map.elems res mapM_ checkEq insts return $ Map.map head res where checkEq [] = Nothing checkEq (c : cs) | all (== c) cs = Just () | otherwise = Nothing {-| This function is similar to 'matchCxt' but instead of a context it matches a term with variables against a context. -} matchTerm :: (Ord v, EqF f, Eq (Cxt h f a) , Traversable f, HasVars f v) => Term f -> Cxt h f a -> Maybe (CxtSubst h a f v) matchTerm t = matchCxt (varsToHoles t)
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Module : Data.Comp.Matching License : BSD3 Stability : experimental This module implements matching of contexts or terms with variables againts terms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | This is an auxiliary function for implementing 'matchCxt'. It behaves similarly as 'match' but is oblivious to non-linearity. Therefore, the substitution that is returned maps holes to non-empty lists of terms (resp. contexts in general). This substitution is only a matching substitution if all elements in each list of the substitution's range are equal. | This function is similar to 'matchCxt' but instead of a context it matches a term with variables against a context.
# LANGUAGE GADTs # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # Copyright : ( c ) 2010 - 2011 Maintainer : < > Portability : non - portable ( GHC Extensions ) module Data.Comp.Matching ( matchCxt, matchTerm, module Data.Comp.Variables ) where import Data.Comp.Equality import Data.Comp.Term import Data.Comp.Variables import Data.Foldable import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Traversable import Prelude hiding (all, mapM, mapM_) matchCxt' :: (Ord v, EqF f, Functor f, Foldable f) => Context f v -> Cxt h f a -> Maybe (Map v [Cxt h f a]) matchCxt' (Hole v) t = Just $ Map.singleton v [t] matchCxt' (Term s) (Term t) = do eqs <- eqMod s t substs <- mapM (uncurry matchCxt') eqs return $ Map.unionsWith (++) substs matchCxt' Term {} Hole {} = Nothing | This function takes a context @c@ as the first argument and tries to match it against the term @t@ ( or in general a context with holes in @a@ ) . The context @c@ matches the term @t@ if there is a /matching substitution/ @s@ that maps holes to terms ( resp . contexts in general ) such that if the holes in the context @c@ are replaced according to the substitution @s@ , the term @t@ is obtained . Note that the context @c@ might be non - linear , i.e. has multiple holes that are equal . According to the above definition this means that holes with equal holes have to be instantiated by equal terms ! to match it against the term @t@ (or in general a context with holes in @a@). The context @c@ matches the term @t@ if there is a /matching substitution/ @s@ that maps holes to terms (resp. contexts in general) such that if the holes in the context @c@ are replaced according to the substitution @s@, the term @t@ is obtained. Note that the context @c@ might be non-linear, i.e. has multiple holes that are equal. According to the above definition this means that holes with equal holes have to be instantiated by equal terms! -} matchCxt :: (Ord v,EqF f, Eq (Cxt h f a), Functor f, Foldable f) => Context f v -> Cxt h f a -> Maybe (CxtSubst h a f v) matchCxt c1 c2 = do res <- matchCxt' c1 c2 let insts = Map.elems res mapM_ checkEq insts return $ Map.map head res where checkEq [] = Nothing checkEq (c : cs) | all (== c) cs = Just () | otherwise = Nothing matchTerm :: (Ord v, EqF f, Eq (Cxt h f a) , Traversable f, HasVars f v) => Term f -> Cxt h f a -> Maybe (CxtSubst h a f v) matchTerm t = matchCxt (varsToHoles t)
module Bench.NumInstance where import Criterion numInstanceTests :: [Benchmark] numInstanceTests = []
module Bench.NumInstance where import Criterion numInstanceTests :: [Benchmark] numInstanceTests = []
# LANGUAGE CPP # # LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies # # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude # # LANGUAGE Trustworthy # {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-binds #-} -- XXX -Wno-unused-binds stops us warning about unused constructors, -- but really we should just remove them if we don't want them ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Module : Foreign . C.Types Copyright : ( c ) The FFI task force 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- Maintainer : -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- Mapping of C types to corresponding types . -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <ghcplatform.h> module Foreign.C.Types ( -- * Representations of C types $ ctypes * * # platform # Platform differences -- | This module contains platform specific information about types. -- __/As such, the types presented on this page reflect the/__ -- __/platform on which the documentation was generated and may/__ -- __/not coincide with the types on your platform./__ -- ** Integral types -- | These types are represented as @newtype@s of -- types in "Data.Int" and "Data.Word", and are instances of ' Prelude . Eq ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . Read ' , ' Prelude . Show ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Data . Typeable . ' , ' Storable ' , ' Prelude . Bounded ' , ' Prelude . Real ' , ' Prelude . Integral ' -- and 'Bits'. CChar(..), CSChar(..), CUChar(..) , CShort(..), CUShort(..), CInt(..), CUInt(..) , CLong(..), CULong(..) , CPtrdiff(..), CSize(..), CWchar(..), CSigAtomic(..) , CLLong(..), CULLong(..), CBool(..) , CIntPtr(..), CUIntPtr(..), CIntMax(..), CUIntMax(..) -- ** Numeric types -- | These types are represented as @newtype@s of basic -- foreign types, and are instances of ' Prelude . Eq ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . Read ' , ' Prelude . Show ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Data . Typeable . ' and -- 'Storable'. , CClock(..), CTime(..), CUSeconds(..), CSUSeconds(..) extracted from CTime , because we do n't want this comment in the language reports : | To convert ' CTime ' to ' Data . Time . UTCTime ' , use the following : -- -- > \t -> posixSecondsToUTCTime (realToFrac t :: POSIXTime) -- -- ** Floating types -- | These types are represented as @newtype@s of ' Prelude . Float ' and ' Prelude . Double ' , and are instances of ' Prelude . Eq ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . Read ' , ' Prelude . Show ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Data . Typeable . ' , ' ' , ' Prelude . Real ' , ' Prelude . Fractional ' , ' Prelude . Floating ' , ' Prelude . RealFrac ' and ' Prelude . RealFloat ' . That does mean that ( respectively ` CDouble ` 's ) instances of ' Prelude . Eq ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . ' and ' Prelude . Fractional ' are as badly behaved as ` Prelude . Float ` 's -- (respectively `Prelude.Double`'s). , CFloat(..), CDouble(..) XXX GHC does n't support CLDouble yet , ( .. ) -- See Note [Exporting constructors of marshallable foreign types] -- in Foreign.Ptr for why the constructors for these newtypes are -- exported. -- ** Other types Instances of : and , CFile, CFpos, CJmpBuf ) where import Foreign.Storable import Data.Bits ( Bits(..), FiniteBits(..) ) import Data.Int ( Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64 ) import Data.Word ( Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64 ) import GHC.Base import GHC.Float import GHC.Enum import GHC.Real import GHC.Show import GHC.Read import GHC.Num import GHC.Ix #include "HsBaseConfig.h" #include "CTypes.h" -- | Haskell type representing the C @char@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CChar,"char",HTYPE_CHAR) | Haskell type representing the C @signed char@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CSChar,"signed char",HTYPE_SIGNED_CHAR) -- | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned char@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUChar,"unsigned char",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_CHAR) -- | Haskell type representing the C @short@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CShort,"short",HTYPE_SHORT) -- | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned short@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUShort,"unsigned short",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT) -- | Haskell type representing the C @int@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CInt,"int",HTYPE_INT) -- | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned int@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUInt,"unsigned int",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT) -- | Haskell type representing the C @long@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CLong,"long",HTYPE_LONG) -- | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned long@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CULong,"unsigned long",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG) -- | Haskell type representing the C @long long@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CLLong,"long long",HTYPE_LONG_LONG) | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned long long@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CULLong,"unsigned long long",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG) -- | Haskell type representing the C @bool@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ -- @since INTEGRAL_TYPE(CBool,"bool",HTYPE_BOOL) -- | Haskell type representing the C @float@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ FLOATING_TYPE(CFloat,"float",HTYPE_FLOAT) -- | Haskell type representing the C @double@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ FLOATING_TYPE(CDouble,"double",HTYPE_DOUBLE) XXX GHC does n't support CLDouble yet # RULES " realToFrac / a->CFloat " realToFrac = \x - > CFloat ( realToFrac x ) " realToFrac / a->CDouble " realToFrac = \x - > CDouble ( realToFrac x ) " realToFrac / CFloat->a " realToFrac = \(CFloat x ) - > realToFrac x " realToFrac / CDouble->a " realToFrac ) - > realToFrac x # "realToFrac/a->CFloat" realToFrac = \x -> CFloat (realToFrac x) "realToFrac/a->CDouble" realToFrac = \x -> CDouble (realToFrac x) "realToFrac/CFloat->a" realToFrac = \(CFloat x) -> realToFrac x "realToFrac/CDouble->a" realToFrac = \(CDouble x) -> realToFrac x #-} GHC does n't support CLDouble yet -- "realToFrac/a->CLDouble" realToFrac = \x -> CLDouble (realToFrac x) -- "realToFrac/CLDouble->a" realToFrac = \(CLDouble x) -> realToFrac x | Haskell type representing the C @ptrdiff_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CPtrdiff,"ptrdiff_t",HTYPE_PTRDIFF_T) -- | Haskell type representing the C @size_t@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CSize,"size_t",HTYPE_SIZE_T) -- | Haskell type representing the C @wchar_t@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CWchar,"wchar_t",HTYPE_WCHAR_T) #if defined(HTYPE_SIG_ATOMIC_T) -- | Haskell type representing the C @sig_atomic_t@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ See Note [ Lack of signals on wasm32 - wasi ] . INTEGRAL_TYPE(CSigAtomic,"sig_atomic_t",HTYPE_SIG_ATOMIC_T) #else newtype CSigAtomic = CSigAtomic Int32 deriving newtype (Read, Show, ARITHMETIC_CLASSES, INTEGRAL_CLASSES, Ix) #endif | Haskell type representing the C @clock_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ ARITHMETIC_TYPE(CClock,"clock_t",HTYPE_CLOCK_T) | Haskell type representing the C @time_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ ARITHMETIC_TYPE(CTime,"time_t",HTYPE_TIME_T) | Haskell type representing the C @useconds_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ -- @since ARITHMETIC_TYPE(CUSeconds,"useconds_t",HTYPE_USECONDS_T) -- | Haskell type representing the C @suseconds_t@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ -- @since ARITHMETIC_TYPE(CSUSeconds,"suseconds_t",HTYPE_SUSECONDS_T) FIXME : Implement and provide instances for Eq and -- | Haskell type representing the C @FILE@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ data CFile = CFile | Haskell type representing the C @fpos_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ data CFpos = CFpos -- | Haskell type representing the C @jmp_buf@ type. /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ data CJmpBuf = CJmpBuf INTEGRAL_TYPE(CIntPtr,"intptr_t",HTYPE_INTPTR_T) INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUIntPtr,"uintptr_t",HTYPE_UINTPTR_T) INTEGRAL_TYPE(CIntMax,"intmax_t",HTYPE_INTMAX_T) INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUIntMax,"uintmax_t",HTYPE_UINTMAX_T) -- C99 types which are still missing include: -- wint_t, wctrans_t, wctype_t $ ctypes These types are needed to accurately represent C function prototypes , in order to access C library interfaces in Haskell . The system is not required to represent those types exactly as C does , but the following guarantees are provided concerning a type @CT@ representing a C type @t@ : * If a C function prototype has @t@ as an argument or result type , the use of @CT@ in the corresponding position in a foreign declaration permits the program to access the full range of values encoded by the C type ; and conversely , any value for @CT@ has a valid representation in C. * ' ( ' Prelude.undefined ' : : CT)@ will yield the same value as @sizeof ( t)@ in C. * @'alignment ' ( ' Prelude.undefined ' : : CT)@ matches the alignment constraint enforced by the C implementation for * The members ' peek ' and ' poke ' of the ' Storable ' class map all values of @CT@ to the corresponding value of @t@ and vice versa . * When an instance of ' Prelude . Bounded ' is defined for @CT@ , the values of ' Prelude.minBound ' and ' Prelude.maxBound ' coincide with @t_MIN@ and @t_MAX@ in C. * When an instance of ' Prelude . ' or ' Prelude . ' is defined for @CT@ , the predicates defined by the type class implement the same relation as the corresponding predicate in C on * When an instance of ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . Read ' , ' Prelude . Integral ' , ' Prelude . Fractional ' , ' Prelude . Floating ' , ' Prelude . RealFrac ' , or ' Prelude . RealFloat ' is defined for @CT@ , the arithmetic operations defined by the type class implement the same function as the corresponding arithmetic operations ( if available ) in C on * When an instance of ' Bits ' is defined for @CT@ , the bitwise operation defined by the type class implement the same function as the corresponding bitwise operation in C on These types are needed to accurately represent C function prototypes, in order to access C library interfaces in Haskell. The Haskell system is not required to represent those types exactly as C does, but the following guarantees are provided concerning a Haskell type @CT@ representing a C type @t@: * If a C function prototype has @t@ as an argument or result type, the use of @CT@ in the corresponding position in a foreign declaration permits the Haskell program to access the full range of values encoded by the C type; and conversely, any Haskell value for @CT@ has a valid representation in C. * @'sizeOf' ('Prelude.undefined' :: CT)@ will yield the same value as @sizeof (t)@ in C. * @'alignment' ('Prelude.undefined' :: CT)@ matches the alignment constraint enforced by the C implementation for @t@. * The members 'peek' and 'poke' of the 'Storable' class map all values of @CT@ to the corresponding value of @t@ and vice versa. * When an instance of 'Prelude.Bounded' is defined for @CT@, the values of 'Prelude.minBound' and 'Prelude.maxBound' coincide with @t_MIN@ and @t_MAX@ in C. * When an instance of 'Prelude.Eq' or 'Prelude.Ord' is defined for @CT@, the predicates defined by the type class implement the same relation as the corresponding predicate in C on @t@. * When an instance of 'Prelude.Num', 'Prelude.Read', 'Prelude.Integral', 'Prelude.Fractional', 'Prelude.Floating', 'Prelude.RealFrac', or 'Prelude.RealFloat' is defined for @CT@, the arithmetic operations defined by the type class implement the same function as the corresponding arithmetic operations (if available) in C on @t@. * When an instance of 'Bits' is defined for @CT@, the bitwise operation defined by the type class implement the same function as the corresponding bitwise operation in C on @t@. -}
# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-binds # XXX -Wno-unused-binds stops us warning about unused constructors, but really we should just remove them if we don't want them --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) Stability : provisional Portability : portable --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Representations of C types | This module contains platform specific information about types. __/As such, the types presented on this page reflect the/__ __/platform on which the documentation was generated and may/__ __/not coincide with the types on your platform./__ ** Integral types | These types are represented as @newtype@s of types in "Data.Int" and "Data.Word", and are instances of and 'Bits'. ** Numeric types | These types are represented as @newtype@s of basic foreign types, and are instances of 'Storable'. > \t -> posixSecondsToUTCTime (realToFrac t :: POSIXTime) ** Floating types | These types are represented as @newtype@s of (respectively `Prelude.Double`'s). See Note [Exporting constructors of marshallable foreign types] in Foreign.Ptr for why the constructors for these newtypes are exported. ** Other types | Haskell type representing the C @char@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned char@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @short@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned short@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @int@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned int@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @long@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned long@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @long long@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @bool@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @float@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @double@ type. "realToFrac/a->CLDouble" realToFrac = \x -> CLDouble (realToFrac x) "realToFrac/CLDouble->a" realToFrac = \(CLDouble x) -> realToFrac x | Haskell type representing the C @size_t@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @wchar_t@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @sig_atomic_t@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @suseconds_t@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @FILE@ type. | Haskell type representing the C @jmp_buf@ type. C99 types which are still missing include: wint_t, wctrans_t, wctype_t
# LANGUAGE CPP # # LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies # # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude # # LANGUAGE Trustworthy # Module : Foreign . C.Types Copyright : ( c ) The FFI task force 2001 Maintainer : Mapping of C types to corresponding types . #include <ghcplatform.h> module Foreign.C.Types $ ctypes * * # platform # Platform differences ' Prelude . Eq ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . Read ' , ' Prelude . Show ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Data . Typeable . ' , ' Storable ' , ' Prelude . Bounded ' , ' Prelude . Real ' , ' Prelude . Integral ' CChar(..), CSChar(..), CUChar(..) , CShort(..), CUShort(..), CInt(..), CUInt(..) , CLong(..), CULong(..) , CPtrdiff(..), CSize(..), CWchar(..), CSigAtomic(..) , CLLong(..), CULLong(..), CBool(..) , CIntPtr(..), CUIntPtr(..), CIntMax(..), CUIntMax(..) ' Prelude . Eq ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . Read ' , ' Prelude . Show ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Data . Typeable . ' and , CClock(..), CTime(..), CUSeconds(..), CSUSeconds(..) extracted from CTime , because we do n't want this comment in the language reports : | To convert ' CTime ' to ' Data . Time . UTCTime ' , use the following : ' Prelude . Float ' and ' Prelude . Double ' , and are instances of ' Prelude . Eq ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . Read ' , ' Prelude . Show ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Data . Typeable . ' , ' ' , ' Prelude . Real ' , ' Prelude . Fractional ' , ' Prelude . Floating ' , ' Prelude . RealFrac ' and ' Prelude . RealFloat ' . That does mean that ( respectively ` CDouble ` 's ) instances of ' Prelude . Eq ' , ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . ' and ' Prelude . Fractional ' are as badly behaved as ` Prelude . Float ` 's , CFloat(..), CDouble(..) XXX GHC does n't support CLDouble yet , ( .. ) Instances of : and , CFile, CFpos, CJmpBuf ) where import Foreign.Storable import Data.Bits ( Bits(..), FiniteBits(..) ) import Data.Int ( Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64 ) import Data.Word ( Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64 ) import GHC.Base import GHC.Float import GHC.Enum import GHC.Real import GHC.Show import GHC.Read import GHC.Num import GHC.Ix #include "HsBaseConfig.h" #include "CTypes.h" /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CChar,"char",HTYPE_CHAR) | Haskell type representing the C @signed char@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CSChar,"signed char",HTYPE_SIGNED_CHAR) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUChar,"unsigned char",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_CHAR) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CShort,"short",HTYPE_SHORT) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUShort,"unsigned short",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CInt,"int",HTYPE_INT) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUInt,"unsigned int",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CLong,"long",HTYPE_LONG) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CULong,"unsigned long",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CLLong,"long long",HTYPE_LONG_LONG) | Haskell type representing the C @unsigned long long@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CULLong,"unsigned long long",HTYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ @since INTEGRAL_TYPE(CBool,"bool",HTYPE_BOOL) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ FLOATING_TYPE(CFloat,"float",HTYPE_FLOAT) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ FLOATING_TYPE(CDouble,"double",HTYPE_DOUBLE) XXX GHC does n't support CLDouble yet # RULES " realToFrac / a->CFloat " realToFrac = \x - > CFloat ( realToFrac x ) " realToFrac / a->CDouble " realToFrac = \x - > CDouble ( realToFrac x ) " realToFrac / CFloat->a " realToFrac = \(CFloat x ) - > realToFrac x " realToFrac / CDouble->a " realToFrac ) - > realToFrac x # "realToFrac/a->CFloat" realToFrac = \x -> CFloat (realToFrac x) "realToFrac/a->CDouble" realToFrac = \x -> CDouble (realToFrac x) "realToFrac/CFloat->a" realToFrac = \(CFloat x) -> realToFrac x "realToFrac/CDouble->a" realToFrac = \(CDouble x) -> realToFrac x #-} GHC does n't support CLDouble yet | Haskell type representing the C @ptrdiff_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CPtrdiff,"ptrdiff_t",HTYPE_PTRDIFF_T) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CSize,"size_t",HTYPE_SIZE_T) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ INTEGRAL_TYPE(CWchar,"wchar_t",HTYPE_WCHAR_T) #if defined(HTYPE_SIG_ATOMIC_T) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ See Note [ Lack of signals on wasm32 - wasi ] . INTEGRAL_TYPE(CSigAtomic,"sig_atomic_t",HTYPE_SIG_ATOMIC_T) #else newtype CSigAtomic = CSigAtomic Int32 deriving newtype (Read, Show, ARITHMETIC_CLASSES, INTEGRAL_CLASSES, Ix) #endif | Haskell type representing the C @clock_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ ARITHMETIC_TYPE(CClock,"clock_t",HTYPE_CLOCK_T) | Haskell type representing the C @time_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ ARITHMETIC_TYPE(CTime,"time_t",HTYPE_TIME_T) | Haskell type representing the C @useconds_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ @since ARITHMETIC_TYPE(CUSeconds,"useconds_t",HTYPE_USECONDS_T) /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ @since ARITHMETIC_TYPE(CSUSeconds,"suseconds_t",HTYPE_SUSECONDS_T) FIXME : Implement and provide instances for Eq and /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ data CFile = CFile | Haskell type representing the C @fpos_t@ type . /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ data CFpos = CFpos /(The concrete types of " Foreign . C.Types#platform " are platform - specific.)/ data CJmpBuf = CJmpBuf INTEGRAL_TYPE(CIntPtr,"intptr_t",HTYPE_INTPTR_T) INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUIntPtr,"uintptr_t",HTYPE_UINTPTR_T) INTEGRAL_TYPE(CIntMax,"intmax_t",HTYPE_INTMAX_T) INTEGRAL_TYPE(CUIntMax,"uintmax_t",HTYPE_UINTMAX_T) $ ctypes These types are needed to accurately represent C function prototypes , in order to access C library interfaces in Haskell . The system is not required to represent those types exactly as C does , but the following guarantees are provided concerning a type @CT@ representing a C type @t@ : * If a C function prototype has @t@ as an argument or result type , the use of @CT@ in the corresponding position in a foreign declaration permits the program to access the full range of values encoded by the C type ; and conversely , any value for @CT@ has a valid representation in C. * ' ( ' Prelude.undefined ' : : CT)@ will yield the same value as @sizeof ( t)@ in C. * @'alignment ' ( ' Prelude.undefined ' : : CT)@ matches the alignment constraint enforced by the C implementation for * The members ' peek ' and ' poke ' of the ' Storable ' class map all values of @CT@ to the corresponding value of @t@ and vice versa . * When an instance of ' Prelude . Bounded ' is defined for @CT@ , the values of ' Prelude.minBound ' and ' Prelude.maxBound ' coincide with @t_MIN@ and @t_MAX@ in C. * When an instance of ' Prelude . ' or ' Prelude . ' is defined for @CT@ , the predicates defined by the type class implement the same relation as the corresponding predicate in C on * When an instance of ' Prelude . ' , ' Prelude . Read ' , ' Prelude . Integral ' , ' Prelude . Fractional ' , ' Prelude . Floating ' , ' Prelude . RealFrac ' , or ' Prelude . RealFloat ' is defined for @CT@ , the arithmetic operations defined by the type class implement the same function as the corresponding arithmetic operations ( if available ) in C on * When an instance of ' Bits ' is defined for @CT@ , the bitwise operation defined by the type class implement the same function as the corresponding bitwise operation in C on These types are needed to accurately represent C function prototypes, in order to access C library interfaces in Haskell. The Haskell system is not required to represent those types exactly as C does, but the following guarantees are provided concerning a Haskell type @CT@ representing a C type @t@: * If a C function prototype has @t@ as an argument or result type, the use of @CT@ in the corresponding position in a foreign declaration permits the Haskell program to access the full range of values encoded by the C type; and conversely, any Haskell value for @CT@ has a valid representation in C. * @'sizeOf' ('Prelude.undefined' :: CT)@ will yield the same value as @sizeof (t)@ in C. * @'alignment' ('Prelude.undefined' :: CT)@ matches the alignment constraint enforced by the C implementation for @t@. * The members 'peek' and 'poke' of the 'Storable' class map all values of @CT@ to the corresponding value of @t@ and vice versa. * When an instance of 'Prelude.Bounded' is defined for @CT@, the values of 'Prelude.minBound' and 'Prelude.maxBound' coincide with @t_MIN@ and @t_MAX@ in C. * When an instance of 'Prelude.Eq' or 'Prelude.Ord' is defined for @CT@, the predicates defined by the type class implement the same relation as the corresponding predicate in C on @t@. * When an instance of 'Prelude.Num', 'Prelude.Read', 'Prelude.Integral', 'Prelude.Fractional', 'Prelude.Floating', 'Prelude.RealFrac', or 'Prelude.RealFloat' is defined for @CT@, the arithmetic operations defined by the type class implement the same function as the corresponding arithmetic operations (if available) in C on @t@. * When an instance of 'Bits' is defined for @CT@, the bitwise operation defined by the type class implement the same function as the corresponding bitwise operation in C on @t@. -}
open Format (** functor can only be modules input is a type-constructor output is a module type as well *) module type Equal = sig type fst type snd module Coerce (S:sig type 'a f end) : sig val f: fst S.f -> snd S.f end end type ('a,'b)equal = (module Equal with type fst = 'a and type snd = 'b) module Refl : Equal = struct type fst type snd = fst module Coerce (S:sig type 'a f end) = struct let f x = x end end (** parameterize over type is fine parameterize over (type constructor) requires functor functor, functor also has a signature. type declaration appears both in module definition and module type definition mdoule type declaration appears both in module defintion and module type definition we can use functor to calculate types.... It's kinda type-level computation. Fw *) let refl (type a) = (module struct type fst = a type snd = a module Coerce (S:sig type 'a f end) = struct let f x = x end end : Equal with type fst = a and type snd = a) let a x = x
* functor can only be modules input is a type-constructor output is a module type as well * parameterize over type is fine parameterize over (type constructor) requires functor functor, functor also has a signature. type declaration appears both in module definition and module type definition mdoule type declaration appears both in module defintion and module type definition we can use functor to calculate types.... It's kinda type-level computation. Fw
open Format module type Equal = sig type fst type snd module Coerce (S:sig type 'a f end) : sig val f: fst S.f -> snd S.f end end type ('a,'b)equal = (module Equal with type fst = 'a and type snd = 'b) module Refl : Equal = struct type fst type snd = fst module Coerce (S:sig type 'a f end) = struct let f x = x end end let refl (type a) = (module struct type fst = a type snd = a module Coerce (S:sig type 'a f end) = struct let f x = x end end : Equal with type fst = a and type snd = a) let a x = x
(ns replumb.load-test (:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is]] [replumb.load :refer [file-paths-for-load-fn file-paths]])) (deftest paths-without-ext (is (empty? (file-paths-for-load-fn [] true "temp")) "If empty src-paths and :macros true, file-paths-for-load-fn should return empty vector") (is (empty? (file-paths-for-load-fn [] false "temp")) "If empty src-paths and :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should return empty vector") (let [src-paths ["src1/foo" "src2/" "src3/foo/bar"] file "core" cljs-files (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file ".cljs") src-paths) cljc-files (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file ".cljc") src-paths) clj-files (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file ".clj") src-paths) js-files (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file ".js") src-paths)] (let [files (into [] (file-paths-for-load-fn src-paths false file))] (is (= 9 (count files)) "With 3 paths and :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should try 9 files") (is (= cljs-files (subvec files 0 3)) "When :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .cljs files first") (is (= cljc-files (subvec files 3 6)) "When :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .cljc files second") (is (= js-files (subvec files 6)) "When :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .js files third")) (let [files (into [] (file-paths-for-load-fn src-paths true file))] (is (= 6 (count files)) "With 3 paths and :macros true, file-paths-for-load-fn should try 6 files") (is (= clj-files (subvec files 0 3)) "When :macros true, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .clj files first") (is (= cljc-files (subvec files 3)) "When :macros true, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .cljc files second")))) (deftest paths-with-ext (is (empty? (file-paths [] "temp.clj")) "If src-paths is empty, file-paths-for-load-fn should return empty vector") (let [src-paths ["src1/foo" "src2/" "src3/foo/bar"] file "baz.clj" expected-path (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file) src-paths) files (into [] (file-paths src-paths file))] (is (= expected-path files) "The fn file-paths (remember it does not add extension), should return the expected 3 files")))
(ns replumb.load-test (:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is]] [replumb.load :refer [file-paths-for-load-fn file-paths]])) (deftest paths-without-ext (is (empty? (file-paths-for-load-fn [] true "temp")) "If empty src-paths and :macros true, file-paths-for-load-fn should return empty vector") (is (empty? (file-paths-for-load-fn [] false "temp")) "If empty src-paths and :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should return empty vector") (let [src-paths ["src1/foo" "src2/" "src3/foo/bar"] file "core" cljs-files (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file ".cljs") src-paths) cljc-files (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file ".cljc") src-paths) clj-files (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file ".clj") src-paths) js-files (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file ".js") src-paths)] (let [files (into [] (file-paths-for-load-fn src-paths false file))] (is (= 9 (count files)) "With 3 paths and :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should try 9 files") (is (= cljs-files (subvec files 0 3)) "When :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .cljs files first") (is (= cljc-files (subvec files 3 6)) "When :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .cljc files second") (is (= js-files (subvec files 6)) "When :macros false, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .js files third")) (let [files (into [] (file-paths-for-load-fn src-paths true file))] (is (= 6 (count files)) "With 3 paths and :macros true, file-paths-for-load-fn should try 6 files") (is (= clj-files (subvec files 0 3)) "When :macros true, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .clj files first") (is (= cljc-files (subvec files 3)) "When :macros true, file-paths-for-load-fn should try .cljc files second")))) (deftest paths-with-ext (is (empty? (file-paths [] "temp.clj")) "If src-paths is empty, file-paths-for-load-fn should return empty vector") (let [src-paths ["src1/foo" "src2/" "src3/foo/bar"] file "baz.clj" expected-path (map #(str % (when-not (= "/" (last %)) "/") file) src-paths) files (into [] (file-paths src-paths file))] (is (= expected-path files) "The fn file-paths (remember it does not add extension), should return the expected 3 files")))
Copyright ( c ) . All rights reserved . ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file LICENSE at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. (ns calfpath.type "Type related arifacts.") (defprotocol IRouteMatcher (-parse-uri-template [this uri-template]) (-get-static-uri-template [this uri-pattern-tokens] "Return URI token(s) if static URI template, nil otherwise") (-initialize-request [this request params-key]) (-static-uri-partial-match [this request static-tokens params-key]) (-static-uri-full-match [this request static-tokens params-key]) (-dynamic-uri-partial-match [this request uri-template params-key]) (-dynamic-uri-full-match [this request uri-template params-key]))
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php) which can be found in the file LICENSE at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
Copyright ( c ) . All rights reserved . (ns calfpath.type "Type related arifacts.") (defprotocol IRouteMatcher (-parse-uri-template [this uri-template]) (-get-static-uri-template [this uri-pattern-tokens] "Return URI token(s) if static URI template, nil otherwise") (-initialize-request [this request params-key]) (-static-uri-partial-match [this request static-tokens params-key]) (-static-uri-full-match [this request static-tokens params-key]) (-dynamic-uri-partial-match [this request uri-template params-key]) (-dynamic-uri-full-match [this request uri-template params-key]))
(ns com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.core (:refer-clojure :only [require comment defn ->]) (:import )) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.CloudSchedulerStub]) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.CloudSchedulerStubSettings$Builder]) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.CloudSchedulerStubSettings]) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.GrpcCloudSchedulerCallableFactory]) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.GrpcCloudSchedulerStub])
(ns com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.core (:refer-clojure :only [require comment defn ->]) (:import )) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.CloudSchedulerStub]) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.CloudSchedulerStubSettings$Builder]) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.CloudSchedulerStubSettings]) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.GrpcCloudSchedulerCallableFactory]) (require '[com.google.cloud.scheduler.v1beta1.stub.GrpcCloudSchedulerStub])
(ns ^:no-doc lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.process (:require [clojure.set :as cset] [clojure.string :as string] [lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.amalg-ns :as amalg-ns] [lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.body-prep :as body-prep] [lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.inline-ns :as inline-ns] [lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.test-body :as test-body])) (defn- throw-with-block-context [action cause {:keys [doc-filename line-no header]}] (throw (ex-info (format (string/join "\n" ["Unable to %s" "While processing code block from:" " file: %s" " line: %d" " under header: %s"]) action doc-filename line-no header) {} cause))) (defn- reader-wrap-block-text "Return block with `:block-text` wrapped in reader conditional, if requested." [{:keys [block-text test-doc-blocks/reader-cond] :as block}] (if reader-cond (assoc block :block-text (format "#?(%s\n(do\n%s\n))" reader-cond block-text)) block)) (defn- prep-block-for-conversion-to-test "Return block with new `:prepped-block-text`" [block] (try (assoc block :prepped-block-text (body-prep/prep-block-for-conversion-to-test (:block-text block))) (catch Throwable e (throw-with-block-context "prep block for conversion to test" e block)) ) ) (defn- find-inline-ns-forms "Return block with a string vector of `:ns-forms` found in `:prepped-block-text`" [block] (try (assoc block :ns-forms (inline-ns/find-forms (:prepped-block-text block))) (catch Throwable e (throw-with-block-context "find inline namespace forms" e block)))) (defn- remove-inline-ns-forms "Return block with `:prepped-block-text` absent of inline ns forms" [block] (try (update block :prepped-block-text inline-ns/remove-forms) (catch Throwable e (throw-with-block-context "remove inline namespace forms" e block)))) (defn- create-test-body "Return block with new `:test-body`" [block] (try (assoc block :test-body (test-body/to-test-body (:prepped-block-text block))) (catch Throwable e (throw-with-block-context "create test body" e block)))) (defn- restructure-to-tests "Return blocks restructured to tests" [blocks] (->> blocks (map #(update % :test-doc-blocks/test-ns str)) (sort-by (juxt :test-doc-blocks/test-ns :test-doc-blocks/platform :doc-filename :line-no)) (group-by (juxt :test-doc-blocks/test-ns :test-doc-blocks/platform)) (map (fn [[[test-ns platform] tests]] {:test-ns test-ns :platform platform :tests tests})))) (defn- amalg-ns-refs [tests] {:imports (amalg-ns/amalg-imports (mapcat #(get-in % [:ns-forms :imports]) tests)) :requires (amalg-ns/amalg-requires (mapcat #(get-in % [:ns-forms :requires]) tests)) :refer-clojures (amalg-ns/amalg-refer-clojures (mapcat #(get-in % [:ns-forms :refer-clojures]) tests))}) (defn- amalgamate-ns-refs "Returns test def `t` with new `:ns-refs-amalg`" [t] (try (assoc t :ns-refs-amalg (amalg-ns-refs (:tests t))) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (format "unable to amalgamate inline namespace refs for test namespace %s" (:test-ns t)) {} e))))) (defn- unwrap-quoted [coll] (map #(if (and (list? %) (= 'quote (first %))) (second %) %) coll)) (defn- ensure-one-refer-clojures-per-namespace-platform "Returns `t` if valid, throws if not." [t] (let [r (-> t :ns-refs-amalg :refer-clojures) plat-refs (->> r (reduce-kv (fn [m platform refs] (if (= :default platform) (assoc m platform refs) (assoc m platform (cset/union (:default r) refs)))) {}) (sort-by key) for consistent error order reporting : default first errors (keep (fn [[platform refs]] (when (> (count refs) 1) (format "Expected only one unique refer-clojure per target test namespace per platform, but found target-ns %s, platform %s to have %d active occurrences: %s" (:test-ns t) platform (count refs) (vec refs)))) plat-refs)] (if (seq errors) fail fast on first error for now (throw (ex-info (first errors) {})) t))) (defn- summarize-refs [refs] {:default (->> refs :default vec (sort-by str) vec) :reader-cond (->> (dissoc refs :default) (map (fn [[k v]] [k v])) (sort-by first) (mapcat (fn [[platform elems]] (concat [platform] [(vec (sort-by str elems))]))))}) (defn- summarize-refer-clojures [refer-clojures] (-> (reduce-kv (fn [m platform refs] (let [refs (some->> refs first rest (concat [:refer-clojure]) unwrap-quoted seq)] (if (= :default platform) (assoc m :default refs) (assoc-in m [:reader-cond platform] refs)))) {} refer-clojures) (update :reader-cond #(->> (sort-by key %) (mapcat identity))))) (defn- massage-ns-refs "Returns `t` with new `:ns-refs` massaged for easy writing." [t] (let [arefs (:ns-refs-amalg t) ns-refs {:refer-clojures (summarize-refer-clojures (:refer-clojures arefs)) :requires (summarize-refs (:requires arefs)) :imports (summarize-refs (:imports arefs))}] (assoc t :ns-refs ns-refs))) (defn convert-to-tests "Takes parsed input [{block}...] and preps for output to [{:test-doc-blocks/test-ns ns1 :tests [{block}...] :ns-refs [[boo.ya :as ya]...]}]" [parsed] (->> parsed (remove :test-doc-blocks/skip) (map reader-wrap-block-text) (map prep-block-for-conversion-to-test) (map find-inline-ns-forms) (map remove-inline-ns-forms) (map create-test-body) restructure-to-tests (map amalgamate-ns-refs) (map ensure-one-refer-clojures-per-namespace-platform) (map massage-ns-refs))) (comment (->> (group-by (juxt :a :b) [{:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} {:a 1 :b 3 :c 4} {:a 2 :b 1 :c 5}]) (map (fn [[[test-ns platform] tests]] {:test-ns test-ns :platform platform :tests tests}))) (reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (assoc m k (count v))) {} {:a #{1 2} :b #{} :c #{}}) )
(ns ^:no-doc lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.process (:require [clojure.set :as cset] [clojure.string :as string] [lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.amalg-ns :as amalg-ns] [lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.body-prep :as body-prep] [lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.inline-ns :as inline-ns] [lread.test-doc-blocks.impl.test-body :as test-body])) (defn- throw-with-block-context [action cause {:keys [doc-filename line-no header]}] (throw (ex-info (format (string/join "\n" ["Unable to %s" "While processing code block from:" " file: %s" " line: %d" " under header: %s"]) action doc-filename line-no header) {} cause))) (defn- reader-wrap-block-text "Return block with `:block-text` wrapped in reader conditional, if requested." [{:keys [block-text test-doc-blocks/reader-cond] :as block}] (if reader-cond (assoc block :block-text (format "#?(%s\n(do\n%s\n))" reader-cond block-text)) block)) (defn- prep-block-for-conversion-to-test "Return block with new `:prepped-block-text`" [block] (try (assoc block :prepped-block-text (body-prep/prep-block-for-conversion-to-test (:block-text block))) (catch Throwable e (throw-with-block-context "prep block for conversion to test" e block)) ) ) (defn- find-inline-ns-forms "Return block with a string vector of `:ns-forms` found in `:prepped-block-text`" [block] (try (assoc block :ns-forms (inline-ns/find-forms (:prepped-block-text block))) (catch Throwable e (throw-with-block-context "find inline namespace forms" e block)))) (defn- remove-inline-ns-forms "Return block with `:prepped-block-text` absent of inline ns forms" [block] (try (update block :prepped-block-text inline-ns/remove-forms) (catch Throwable e (throw-with-block-context "remove inline namespace forms" e block)))) (defn- create-test-body "Return block with new `:test-body`" [block] (try (assoc block :test-body (test-body/to-test-body (:prepped-block-text block))) (catch Throwable e (throw-with-block-context "create test body" e block)))) (defn- restructure-to-tests "Return blocks restructured to tests" [blocks] (->> blocks (map #(update % :test-doc-blocks/test-ns str)) (sort-by (juxt :test-doc-blocks/test-ns :test-doc-blocks/platform :doc-filename :line-no)) (group-by (juxt :test-doc-blocks/test-ns :test-doc-blocks/platform)) (map (fn [[[test-ns platform] tests]] {:test-ns test-ns :platform platform :tests tests})))) (defn- amalg-ns-refs [tests] {:imports (amalg-ns/amalg-imports (mapcat #(get-in % [:ns-forms :imports]) tests)) :requires (amalg-ns/amalg-requires (mapcat #(get-in % [:ns-forms :requires]) tests)) :refer-clojures (amalg-ns/amalg-refer-clojures (mapcat #(get-in % [:ns-forms :refer-clojures]) tests))}) (defn- amalgamate-ns-refs "Returns test def `t` with new `:ns-refs-amalg`" [t] (try (assoc t :ns-refs-amalg (amalg-ns-refs (:tests t))) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (format "unable to amalgamate inline namespace refs for test namespace %s" (:test-ns t)) {} e))))) (defn- unwrap-quoted [coll] (map #(if (and (list? %) (= 'quote (first %))) (second %) %) coll)) (defn- ensure-one-refer-clojures-per-namespace-platform "Returns `t` if valid, throws if not." [t] (let [r (-> t :ns-refs-amalg :refer-clojures) plat-refs (->> r (reduce-kv (fn [m platform refs] (if (= :default platform) (assoc m platform refs) (assoc m platform (cset/union (:default r) refs)))) {}) (sort-by key) for consistent error order reporting : default first errors (keep (fn [[platform refs]] (when (> (count refs) 1) (format "Expected only one unique refer-clojure per target test namespace per platform, but found target-ns %s, platform %s to have %d active occurrences: %s" (:test-ns t) platform (count refs) (vec refs)))) plat-refs)] (if (seq errors) fail fast on first error for now (throw (ex-info (first errors) {})) t))) (defn- summarize-refs [refs] {:default (->> refs :default vec (sort-by str) vec) :reader-cond (->> (dissoc refs :default) (map (fn [[k v]] [k v])) (sort-by first) (mapcat (fn [[platform elems]] (concat [platform] [(vec (sort-by str elems))]))))}) (defn- summarize-refer-clojures [refer-clojures] (-> (reduce-kv (fn [m platform refs] (let [refs (some->> refs first rest (concat [:refer-clojure]) unwrap-quoted seq)] (if (= :default platform) (assoc m :default refs) (assoc-in m [:reader-cond platform] refs)))) {} refer-clojures) (update :reader-cond #(->> (sort-by key %) (mapcat identity))))) (defn- massage-ns-refs "Returns `t` with new `:ns-refs` massaged for easy writing." [t] (let [arefs (:ns-refs-amalg t) ns-refs {:refer-clojures (summarize-refer-clojures (:refer-clojures arefs)) :requires (summarize-refs (:requires arefs)) :imports (summarize-refs (:imports arefs))}] (assoc t :ns-refs ns-refs))) (defn convert-to-tests "Takes parsed input [{block}...] and preps for output to [{:test-doc-blocks/test-ns ns1 :tests [{block}...] :ns-refs [[boo.ya :as ya]...]}]" [parsed] (->> parsed (remove :test-doc-blocks/skip) (map reader-wrap-block-text) (map prep-block-for-conversion-to-test) (map find-inline-ns-forms) (map remove-inline-ns-forms) (map create-test-body) restructure-to-tests (map amalgamate-ns-refs) (map ensure-one-refer-clojures-per-namespace-platform) (map massage-ns-refs))) (comment (->> (group-by (juxt :a :b) [{:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} {:a 1 :b 3 :c 4} {:a 2 :b 1 :c 5}]) (map (fn [[[test-ns platform] tests]] {:test-ns test-ns :platform platform :tests tests}))) (reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (assoc m k (count v))) {} {:a #{1 2} :b #{} :c #{}}) )
-*- Mode : lisp ; Syntax : ansi - common - lisp ; Base : 10 ; Package : cl - user ; -*- (in-package "CL-USER") ;;; simplest of tests, to load the parse and parse a document #+(and mcl (not CL-HTTP)) (load "entwicklung@paz:sourceServer:lisp:xml:define-system.lisp") #+(and (not mcl) (not cl-http)) (load "d:\\Source\\Lisp\\Xml\\define-system.lisp") ;; minimum system #+mcl (register-system-definition :xparser "entwicklung@paz:sourceServer:lisp:xml:sysdcl.lisp") #-mcl (register-system-definition :xparser "d:\\Source\\Lisp\\Xml\\sysdcl.lisp") ;; utils ; (execute-system-operations :xutil '(:compile)) ;; xml parser ;(execute-system-operations :xqdm '(:load)) ;(execute-system-operations :xqdm '(:compile)) ;(execute-system-operations :xparser '(:load)) ;(execute-system-operations :xparser '(:compile)) (execute-system-operations :xparser '(:compile :load)) ;; extended to include xml paths (register-system-definition :xpath "entwicklung@paz:sourceServer:lisp:xml:sysdcl.lisp") ( execute - system - operations : ' (: load ) ) ( execute - system - operations : ' (: compile ) ) (execute-system-operations :xpath '(:compile :load)) ;; extended to include xml query (register-system-definition :xquery "entwicklung@paz:sourceServer:lisp:xml:sysdcl.lisp") ;(execute-system-operations :xquery '(:load)) ;(execute-system-operations :xquery '(:compile)) (execute-system-operations :xquery '(:compile :load)) ;; _really_ simple tests ;; w/o namespaces (xmlp:document-parser "<test attr='1234'>asdf</test>") ;; with namespaces (xmlp:document-parser "<ns:test attr='1234' xmlns:ns='ns1'>asdf</ns:test>") ;; for a simple document (time (xmlp:document-parser "file")) ;;(inspect *) :EOF
Syntax : ansi - common - lisp ; Base : 10 ; Package : cl - user ; -*- simplest of tests, to load the parse and parse a document minimum system utils (execute-system-operations :xutil '(:compile)) xml parser (execute-system-operations :xqdm '(:load)) (execute-system-operations :xqdm '(:compile)) (execute-system-operations :xparser '(:load)) (execute-system-operations :xparser '(:compile)) extended to include xml paths extended to include xml query (execute-system-operations :xquery '(:load)) (execute-system-operations :xquery '(:compile)) _really_ simple tests w/o namespaces with namespaces for a simple document (inspect *)
(in-package "CL-USER") #+(and mcl (not CL-HTTP)) (load "entwicklung@paz:sourceServer:lisp:xml:define-system.lisp") #+(and (not mcl) (not cl-http)) (load "d:\\Source\\Lisp\\Xml\\define-system.lisp") #+mcl (register-system-definition :xparser "entwicklung@paz:sourceServer:lisp:xml:sysdcl.lisp") #-mcl (register-system-definition :xparser "d:\\Source\\Lisp\\Xml\\sysdcl.lisp") (execute-system-operations :xparser '(:compile :load)) (register-system-definition :xpath "entwicklung@paz:sourceServer:lisp:xml:sysdcl.lisp") ( execute - system - operations : ' (: load ) ) ( execute - system - operations : ' (: compile ) ) (execute-system-operations :xpath '(:compile :load)) (register-system-definition :xquery "entwicklung@paz:sourceServer:lisp:xml:sysdcl.lisp") (execute-system-operations :xquery '(:compile :load)) (xmlp:document-parser "<test attr='1234'>asdf</test>") (xmlp:document-parser "<ns:test attr='1234' xmlns:ns='ns1'>asdf</ns:test>") (time (xmlp:document-parser "file")) :EOF
(ns publicator.persistence.types (:require [jdbc.proto]) (:import [org.postgresql.jdbc PgArray] [org.postgresql.util PGobject] [java.sql Timestamp] [java.time Instant] [java.util Collection])) (extend-protocol jdbc.proto/ISQLResultSetReadColumn PGobject (from-sql-type [this _conn _metadata _i] (let [type (.getType this) value (.getValue this)] (case type "xid" (bigint value) :else this))) PgArray (from-sql-type [this _conn metadata i] (let [column-name (.getColumnName metadata i) arr (.getArray this)] (cond (re-matches #".+-ids" column-name) (set arr) :else (vec arr)))) Timestamp (from-sql-type [this _conn _metadata _i] (.toInstant this))) (extend-protocol jdbc.proto/ISQLType Instant (set-stmt-parameter! [self conn stmt index] (let [sql-val (Timestamp/from self)] (.setObject stmt index sql-val))) Collection (set-stmt-parameter! [self conn stmt index] (let [scalar-type (-> stmt .getParameterMetaData (.getParameterTypeName index) (subs 1)) sql-val (.createArrayOf conn scalar-type (to-array self))] (.setObject stmt index sql-val))))
(ns publicator.persistence.types (:require [jdbc.proto]) (:import [org.postgresql.jdbc PgArray] [org.postgresql.util PGobject] [java.sql Timestamp] [java.time Instant] [java.util Collection])) (extend-protocol jdbc.proto/ISQLResultSetReadColumn PGobject (from-sql-type [this _conn _metadata _i] (let [type (.getType this) value (.getValue this)] (case type "xid" (bigint value) :else this))) PgArray (from-sql-type [this _conn metadata i] (let [column-name (.getColumnName metadata i) arr (.getArray this)] (cond (re-matches #".+-ids" column-name) (set arr) :else (vec arr)))) Timestamp (from-sql-type [this _conn _metadata _i] (.toInstant this))) (extend-protocol jdbc.proto/ISQLType Instant (set-stmt-parameter! [self conn stmt index] (let [sql-val (Timestamp/from self)] (.setObject stmt index sql-val))) Collection (set-stmt-parameter! [self conn stmt index] (let [scalar-type (-> stmt .getParameterMetaData (.getParameterTypeName index) (subs 1)) sql-val (.createArrayOf conn scalar-type (to-array self))] (.setObject stmt index sql-val))))
#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack script --resolver lts-20 --package grid,random import Import;c=putStrLn;n=4;u=pure;v z=randomRIO(0,z);main=do{let{gH= hexHexGrid n};let{aC=indices gH\\[(0,0)]};e<-(aC!!)<$>v (length aC-1);(_,_,h)<- g(gH,e)(head(centre gH),False,100);if h<=0then c"✝"else c"🪜"};m p=do{mapM_(c.( \(k,r)->([k..n]>>" ")++((mC r p)=<<[2..n+k])))(zip([1..n-1]++[n, n-1..1])[1..]) };g(w,e)(p,s,h)|p==e||h<=0=u(p,True,h)|True=do{m p;d::Int<-v 10;;let{nh=h-d}; let{mO=neighbours w p};c.show$zip[1..](map(\x->head$directionTo w p x)$mO); i<-read<$>getLine;c$"You have "++show nh++"hp";g(w,e)(mO!!(i-1),False,nh)}; mC r (a,b) c|(n-r)==b&&(if r<=n then(c-1-n)else(c-1)-n+(r-n))==a="⬢ "|True="⬡ " -- ^10 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 80> -- hackage-10 - 80 / hexescape ( nevrome ) . Copyright 2023 , SPDX - License - Identifier : CC - BY-4.0 You are in room ⬢ . Select the next , adjacent room ⬡ you want to explore with a number between 1 and 6 ( + Enter ) . Search for the exit 🪜 , before you run out of healthpoints ( hp ) and die ✝ . Uses the unicode characters ✝ , 🪜 , ⬡ and ⬢ , so it may not look right with all fonts / machines . Copyright 2023, Clemens Schmid SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 You are in room ⬢. Select the next, adjacent room ⬡ you want to explore with a number between 1 and 6 (+ Enter). Search for the exit 🪜, before you run out of healthpoints (hp) and die ✝. Uses the unicode characters ✝, 🪜, ⬡ and ⬢, so it may not look right with all fonts/machines. -}
stack script --resolver lts-20 --package grid,random ^10 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 80> --
#!/usr/bin/env stack import Import;c=putStrLn;n=4;u=pure;v z=randomRIO(0,z);main=do{let{gH= hexHexGrid n};let{aC=indices gH\\[(0,0)]};e<-(aC!!)<$>v (length aC-1);(_,_,h)<- g(gH,e)(head(centre gH),False,100);if h<=0then c"✝"else c"🪜"};m p=do{mapM_(c.( \(k,r)->([k..n]>>" ")++((mC r p)=<<[2..n+k])))(zip([1..n-1]++[n, n-1..1])[1..]) };g(w,e)(p,s,h)|p==e||h<=0=u(p,True,h)|True=do{m p;d::Int<-v 10;;let{nh=h-d}; let{mO=neighbours w p};c.show$zip[1..](map(\x->head$directionTo w p x)$mO); i<-read<$>getLine;c$"You have "++show nh++"hp";g(w,e)(mO!!(i-1),False,nh)}; mC r (a,b) c|(n-r)==b&&(if r<=n then(c-1-n)else(c-1)-n+(r-n))==a="⬢ "|True="⬡ " hackage-10 - 80 / hexescape ( nevrome ) . Copyright 2023 , SPDX - License - Identifier : CC - BY-4.0 You are in room ⬢ . Select the next , adjacent room ⬡ you want to explore with a number between 1 and 6 ( + Enter ) . Search for the exit 🪜 , before you run out of healthpoints ( hp ) and die ✝ . Uses the unicode characters ✝ , 🪜 , ⬡ and ⬢ , so it may not look right with all fonts / machines . Copyright 2023, Clemens Schmid SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 You are in room ⬢. Select the next, adjacent room ⬡ you want to explore with a number between 1 and 6 (+ Enter). Search for the exit 🪜, before you run out of healthpoints (hp) and die ✝. Uses the unicode characters ✝, 🪜, ⬡ and ⬢, so it may not look right with all fonts/machines. -}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Yesod.Auth.Message ( AuthMessage (..) , defaultMessage -- * All languages , englishMessage , portugueseMessage , swedishMessage , germanMessage , frenchMessage , norwegianBokmålMessage , japaneseMessage , finnishMessage , chineseMessage , croatianMessage , spanishMessage , czechMessage , russianMessage , dutchMessage , danishMessage , koreanMessage ) where import Data.Monoid (mappend, (<>)) import Data.Text (Text) data AuthMessage = NoOpenID | LoginOpenID | LoginGoogle | LoginYahoo | Email | UserName | IdentifierNotFound Text | Password | Register | RegisterLong | EnterEmail | ConfirmationEmailSentTitle | ConfirmationEmailSent Text | AddressVerified | EmailVerifiedChangePass | EmailVerified | InvalidKeyTitle | InvalidKey | InvalidEmailPass | BadSetPass | SetPassTitle | SetPass | NewPass | ConfirmPass | PassMismatch | PassUpdated | Facebook | LoginViaEmail | InvalidLogin | NowLoggedIn | LoginTitle | PleaseProvideUsername | PleaseProvidePassword | NoIdentifierProvided | InvalidEmailAddress | PasswordResetTitle | ProvideIdentifier | SendPasswordResetEmail | PasswordResetPrompt | CurrentPassword | InvalidUsernamePass | Logout | LogoutTitle | AuthError # DEPRECATED Logout " Please , use LogoutTitle instead . " # # DEPRECATED AddressVerified " Please , use instead . " # -- | Defaults to 'englishMessage'. defaultMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text defaultMessage = englishMessage englishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text englishMessage NoOpenID = "No OpenID identifier found" englishMessage LoginOpenID = "Log in via OpenID" englishMessage LoginGoogle = "Log in via Google" englishMessage LoginYahoo = "Log in via Yahoo" englishMessage Email = "Email" englishMessage UserName = "User name" englishMessage Password = "Password" englishMessage CurrentPassword = "Current Password" englishMessage Register = "Register" englishMessage RegisterLong = "Register a new account" englishMessage EnterEmail = "Enter your e-mail address below, and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you." englishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Confirmation e-mail sent" englishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "A confirmation e-mail has been sent to " `Data.Monoid.mappend` email `mappend` "." englishMessage AddressVerified = "Email address verified, please set a new password" englishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Email address verified, please set a new password" englishMessage EmailVerified = "Email address verified" englishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Invalid verification key" englishMessage InvalidKey = "I'm sorry, but that was an invalid verification key." englishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Invalid email/password combination" englishMessage BadSetPass = "You must be logged in to set a password" englishMessage SetPassTitle = "Set password" englishMessage SetPass = "Set a new password" englishMessage NewPass = "New password" englishMessage ConfirmPass = "Confirm" englishMessage PassMismatch = "Passwords did not match, please try again" englishMessage PassUpdated = "Password updated" englishMessage Facebook = "Log in with Facebook" englishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Log in via email" englishMessage InvalidLogin = "Invalid login" englishMessage NowLoggedIn = "You are now logged in" englishMessage LoginTitle = "Log In" englishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Please fill in your username" englishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Please fill in your password" englishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "No email/username provided" englishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Invalid email address provided" englishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Password Reset" englishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Email or Username" englishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Send password reset email" englishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Enter your e-mail address or username below, and a password reset e-mail will be sent to you." englishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Invalid username/password combination" englishMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Login not found: " `mappend` ident englishMessage Logout = "Log Out" englishMessage LogoutTitle = "Log Out" FIXME by Google Translate portugueseMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text portugueseMessage NoOpenID = "Nenhum identificador OpenID encontrado" portugueseMessage LoginOpenID = "Entrar via OpenID" portugueseMessage LoginGoogle = "Entrar via Google" portugueseMessage LoginYahoo = "Entrar via Yahoo" portugueseMessage Email = "E-mail" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " portugueseMessage Password = "Senha" portugueseMessage CurrentPassword = "Palavra de passe" portugueseMessage Register = "Registrar" portugueseMessage RegisterLong = "Registrar uma nova conta" portugueseMessage EnterEmail = "Por favor digite seu endereço de e-mail abaixo e um e-mail de confirmação será enviado para você." portugueseMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "E-mail de confirmação enviado" portugueseMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Um e-mail de confirmação foi enviado para " `mappend` email `mappend` "." portugueseMessage AddressVerified = "Endereço verificado, por favor entre com uma nova senha" portugueseMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Endereço verificado, por favor entre com uma nova senha" portugueseMessage EmailVerified = "Endereço verificado" portugueseMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Chave de verificação inválida" portugueseMessage InvalidKey = "Por favor nos desculpe, mas essa é uma chave de verificação inválida." portugueseMessage InvalidEmailPass = "E-mail e/ou senha inválidos" portugueseMessage BadSetPass = "Você deve entrar para definir uma senha" portugueseMessage SetPassTitle = "Definir senha" portugueseMessage SetPass = "Definir uma nova senha" portugueseMessage NewPass = "Nova senha" portugueseMessage ConfirmPass = "Confirmar" portugueseMessage PassMismatch = "Senhas não conferem, por favor tente novamente" portugueseMessage PassUpdated = "Senhas alteradas" portugueseMessage Facebook = "Entrar via Facebook" portugueseMessage LoginViaEmail = "Entrar via e-mail" portugueseMessage InvalidLogin = "Informações de login inválidas" portugueseMessage NowLoggedIn = "Você acaba de entrar no site com sucesso!" portugueseMessage LoginTitle = "Entrar no site" portugueseMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Por favor digite seu nome de usuário" portugueseMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Por favor digite sua senha" portugueseMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Nenhum e-mail ou nome de usuário informado" portugueseMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Endereço de e-mail inválido informado" portugueseMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Resetar senha" portugueseMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-mail ou nome de usuário" portugueseMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Enviar e-mail para resetar senha" portugueseMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Insira seu endereço de e-mail ou nome de usuário abaixo. Um e-mail para resetar sua senha será enviado para você." portugueseMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Nome de usuário ou senha inválidos" TODO portugueseMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate spanishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text spanishMessage NoOpenID = "No se encuentra el identificador OpenID" spanishMessage LoginOpenID = "Entrar utilizando OpenID" spanishMessage LoginGoogle = "Entrar utilizando Google" spanishMessage LoginYahoo = "Entrar utilizando Yahoo" spanishMessage Email = "Correo electrónico" spanishMessage UserName = "Nombre de Usuario" spanishMessage Password = "Contraseña" spanishMessage CurrentPassword = "Contraseña actual" spanishMessage Register = "Registrarse" spanishMessage RegisterLong = "Registrar una nueva cuenta" spanishMessage EnterEmail = "Coloque su dirección de correo electrónico, y un correo de confirmación le será enviado a su cuenta." spanishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "La confirmación de correo ha sido enviada" spanishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Una confirmación de correo electrónico ha sido enviada a " `mappend` email `mappend` "." spanishMessage AddressVerified = "Dirección verificada, por favor introduzca una contraseña" spanishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Dirección verificada, por favor introduzca una contraseña" spanishMessage EmailVerified = "Dirección verificada" spanishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Clave de verificación invalida" spanishMessage InvalidKey = "Lo sentimos, pero esa clave de verificación es inválida." spanishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "La combinación cuenta de correo/contraseña es inválida" spanishMessage BadSetPass = "Debe acceder a la aplicación para modificar la contraseña" spanishMessage SetPassTitle = "Modificar contraseña" spanishMessage SetPass = "Actualizar nueva contraseña" spanishMessage NewPass = "Nueva contraseña" spanishMessage ConfirmPass = "Confirmar" spanishMessage PassMismatch = "Las contraseñas no coinciden, inténtelo de nuevo" spanishMessage PassUpdated = "Contraseña actualizada" spanishMessage Facebook = "Entrar mediante Facebook" spanishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Entrar mediante una cuenta de correo" spanishMessage InvalidLogin = "Login inválido" spanishMessage NowLoggedIn = "Usted ha ingresado al sitio" spanishMessage LoginTitle = "Log In" spanishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Por favor escriba su nombre de usuario" spanishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Por favor escriba su contraseña" spanishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "No ha indicado una cuenta de correo/nombre de usuario" spanishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "La cuenta de correo es inválida" spanishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Actualización de contraseña" spanishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Cuenta de correo o nombre de usuario" spanishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Enviar correo de actualización de contraseña" spanishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Escriba su cuenta de correo o nombre de usuario, y una confirmación de actualización de contraseña será enviada a su cuenta de correo." spanishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Combinación de nombre de usuario/contraseña invalida" TODO spanishMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate swedishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text swedishMessage NoOpenID = "Fann ej OpenID identifierare" swedishMessage LoginOpenID = "Logga in via OpenID" swedishMessage LoginGoogle = "Logga in via Google" swedishMessage LoginYahoo = "Logga in via Yahoo" swedishMessage Email = "Epost" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " swedishMessage Password = "Lösenord" swedishMessage CurrentPassword = "Current password" swedishMessage Register = "Registrera" swedishMessage RegisterLong = "Registrera ett nytt konto" swedishMessage EnterEmail = "Skriv in din epost nedan så kommer ett konfirmationsmail skickas till adressen." swedishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Konfirmationsmail skickat" swedishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Ett konfirmationsmeddelande har skickats till" `mappend` email `mappend` "." swedishMessage AddressVerified = "Adress verifierad, vänligen välj nytt lösenord" swedishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adress verifierad, vänligen välj nytt lösenord" swedishMessage EmailVerified = "Adress verifierad" swedishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ogiltig verifikationsnyckel" swedishMessage InvalidKey = "Tyvärr, du angav en ogiltig verifimationsnyckel." swedishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ogiltig epost/lösenord kombination" swedishMessage BadSetPass = "Du måste vara inloggad för att ange ett lösenord" swedishMessage SetPassTitle = "Ange lösenord" swedishMessage SetPass = "Ange nytt lösenord" swedishMessage NewPass = "Nytt lösenord" swedishMessage ConfirmPass = "Godkänn" swedishMessage PassMismatch = "Lösenorden matcha ej, vänligen försök igen" swedishMessage PassUpdated = "Lösenord updaterades" swedishMessage Facebook = "Logga in med Facebook" swedishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Logga in via epost" swedishMessage InvalidLogin = "Ogiltigt login" swedishMessage NowLoggedIn = "Du är nu inloggad" swedishMessage LoginTitle = "Logga in" swedishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Vänligen fyll i användarnamn" swedishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Vänligen fyll i lösenord" swedishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Emailadress eller användarnamn saknas" swedishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Ogiltig emailadress angiven" swedishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Återställning av lösenord" swedishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Epost eller användarnamn" swedishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Skicka email för återställning av lösenord" swedishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Skriv in din emailadress eller användarnamn nedan och " `mappend` "ett email för återställning av lösenord kommmer att skickas till dig." swedishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Ogiltig kombination av användarnamn och lösenord" TODO swedishMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate germanMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text germanMessage NoOpenID = "Kein OpenID-Identifier gefunden" germanMessage LoginOpenID = "Login via OpenID" germanMessage LoginGoogle = "Login via Google" germanMessage LoginYahoo = "Login via Yahoo" germanMessage Email = "E-Mail" germanMessage UserName = "Benutzername" germanMessage Password = "Passwort" germanMessage CurrentPassword = "Aktuelles Passwort" germanMessage Register = "Registrieren" germanMessage RegisterLong = "Neuen Account registrieren" germanMessage EnterEmail = "Bitte die E-Mail Adresse angeben, eine Bestätigungsmail wird verschickt." germanMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Bestätigung verschickt." germanMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Eine Bestätigung wurde an " `mappend` email `mappend` " versandt." germanMessage AddressVerified = "Adresse bestätigt, bitte neues Passwort angeben" germanMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresse bestätigt, bitte neues Passwort angeben" germanMessage EmailVerified = "Adresse bestätigt" germanMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ungültiger Bestätigungsschlüssel" germanMessage InvalidKey = "Das war leider ein ungültiger Bestätigungsschlüssel" germanMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ungültiger Nutzername oder Passwort" germanMessage BadSetPass = "Um das Passwort zu ändern muss man eingeloggt sein" germanMessage SetPassTitle = "Passwort angeben" germanMessage SetPass = "Neues Passwort angeben" germanMessage NewPass = "Neues Passwort" germanMessage ConfirmPass = "Bestätigen" germanMessage PassMismatch = "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein" germanMessage PassUpdated = "Passwort überschrieben" germanMessage Facebook = "Login über Facebook" germanMessage LoginViaEmail = "Login via E-Mail" germanMessage InvalidLogin = "Ungültiger Login" germanMessage NowLoggedIn = "Login erfolgreich" germanMessage LoginTitle = "Anmelden" germanMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Bitte Nutzername angeben" germanMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Bitte Passwort angeben" germanMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Keine E-Mail-Adresse oder kein Nutzername angegeben" germanMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Unzulässiger E-Mail-Anbieter" germanMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Passwort zurücksetzen" germanMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-Mail-Adresse oder Nutzername" germanMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "E-Mail zusenden um Passwort zurückzusetzen" germanMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Nach Einhabe der E-Mail-Adresse oder des Nutzernamen wird eine E-Mail zugesendet mit welcher das Passwort zurückgesetzt werden kann." germanMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Ungültige Kombination aus Nutzername und Passwort" TODO germanMessage Logout = "Abmelden" germanMessage LogoutTitle = "Abmelden" germanMessage AuthError = "Fehler beim Anmelden" frenchMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text frenchMessage NoOpenID = "Aucun fournisseur OpenID n'a été trouvé" frenchMessage LoginOpenID = "Se connecter avec OpenID" frenchMessage LoginGoogle = "Se connecter avec Google" frenchMessage LoginYahoo = "Se connecter avec Yahoo" frenchMessage Email = "Adresse électronique" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " frenchMessage Password = "Mot de passe" frenchMessage CurrentPassword = "Mot de passe actuel" frenchMessage Register = "S'inscrire" frenchMessage RegisterLong = "Créer un compte" frenchMessage EnterEmail = "Entrez ci-dessous votre adresse électronique, et un message de confirmation vous sera envoyé" frenchMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Message de confirmation" frenchMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Un message de confirmation a été envoyé à " `mappend` email `mappend` "." frenchMessage AddressVerified = "Votre adresse électronique a été validée, merci de choisir un nouveau mot de passe." frenchMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Votre adresse électronique a été validée, merci de choisir un nouveau mot de passe." frenchMessage EmailVerified = "Votre adresse électronique a été validée" frenchMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Clef de validation incorrecte" frenchMessage InvalidKey = "Désolé, mais cette clef de validation est incorrecte" frenchMessage InvalidEmailPass = "La combinaison de ce mot de passe et de cette adresse électronique n'existe pas." frenchMessage BadSetPass = "Vous devez être connecté pour choisir un mot de passe" frenchMessage SetPassTitle = "Changer de mot de passe" frenchMessage SetPass = "Choisir un nouveau mot de passe" frenchMessage NewPass = "Nouveau mot de passe" frenchMessage ConfirmPass = "Confirmation du mot de passe" frenchMessage PassMismatch = "Le deux mots de passe sont différents, veuillez les corriger" frenchMessage PassUpdated = "Le mot de passe a bien été changé" frenchMessage Facebook = "Se connecter avec Facebook" frenchMessage LoginViaEmail = "Se connecter avec une adresse électronique" frenchMessage InvalidLogin = "Nom d'utilisateur incorrect" frenchMessage NowLoggedIn = "Vous êtes maintenant connecté" frenchMessage LoginTitle = "Se connecter" frenchMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Veuillez fournir votre nom d'utilisateur" frenchMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Veuillez fournir votre mot de passe" frenchMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Adresse électronique/nom d'utilisateur non spécifié" frenchMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Adresse électronique spécifiée invalide" frenchMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Réinitialisation du mot de passe" frenchMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Adresse électronique ou nom d'utilisateur" frenchMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Envoi d'un courriel pour réinitialiser le mot de passe" frenchMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Entrez votre courriel ou votre nom d'utilisateur ci-dessous, et vous recevrez un message électronique pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe." frenchMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "La combinaison de ce mot de passe et de ce nom d'utilisateur n'existe pas." frenchMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Nom d'utilisateur introuvable: " `mappend` ident frenchMessage Logout = "Déconnexion" frenchMessage LogoutTitle = "Déconnexion" FIXME by Google Translate norwegianBokmålMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text norwegianBokmålMessage NoOpenID = "Ingen OpenID-identifiserer funnet" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginOpenID = "Logg inn med OpenID" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginGoogle = "Logg inn med Google" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginYahoo = "Logg inn med Yahoo" norwegianBokmålMessage Email = "E-post" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " norwegianBokmålMessage Password = "Passord" norwegianBokmålMessage CurrentPassword = "Current password" norwegianBokmålMessage Register = "Registrer" norwegianBokmålMessage RegisterLong = "Registrer en ny konto" norwegianBokmålMessage EnterEmail = "Skriv inn e-postadressen din nedenfor og en e-postkonfirmasjon vil bli sendt." norwegianBokmålMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "E-postkonfirmasjon sendt." norwegianBokmålMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "En e-postkonfirmasjon har blitt sendt til " `mappend` email `mappend` "." norwegianBokmålMessage AddressVerified = "Adresse verifisert, vennligst sett et nytt passord." norwegianBokmålMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresse verifisert, vennligst sett et nytt passord." norwegianBokmålMessage EmailVerified = "Adresse verifisert" norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ugyldig verifiseringsnøkkel" norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidKey = "Beklager, men det var en ugyldig verifiseringsnøkkel." norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ugyldig e-post/passord-kombinasjon" norwegianBokmålMessage BadSetPass = "Du må være logget inn for å sette et passord." norwegianBokmålMessage SetPassTitle = "Sett passord" norwegianBokmålMessage SetPass = "Sett et nytt passord" norwegianBokmålMessage NewPass = "Nytt passord" norwegianBokmålMessage ConfirmPass = "Bekreft" norwegianBokmålMessage PassMismatch = "Passordene stemte ikke overens, vennligst prøv igjen" norwegianBokmålMessage PassUpdated = "Passord oppdatert" norwegianBokmålMessage Facebook = "Logg inn med Facebook" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginViaEmail = "Logg inn med e-post" norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidLogin = "Ugyldig innlogging" norwegianBokmålMessage NowLoggedIn = "Du er nå logget inn" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginTitle = "Logg inn" norwegianBokmålMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Vennligst fyll inn ditt brukernavn" norwegianBokmålMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Vennligst fyll inn ditt passord" norwegianBokmålMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "No email/username provided" norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Invalid email address provided" norwegianBokmålMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Password Reset" norwegianBokmålMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Email or Username" norwegianBokmålMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Send password reset email" norwegianBokmålMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Enter your e-mail address or username below, and a password reset e-mail will be sent to you." norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Invalid username/password combination" TODO norwegianBokmålMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate japaneseMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text japaneseMessage NoOpenID = "OpenID識別子がありません" japaneseMessage LoginOpenID = "OpenIDでログイン" japaneseMessage LoginGoogle = "Googleでログイン" japaneseMessage LoginYahoo = "Yahooでログイン" japaneseMessage Email = "Eメール" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " japaneseMessage Password = "パスワード" japaneseMessage CurrentPassword = "現在のパスワード" japaneseMessage Register = "登録" japaneseMessage RegisterLong = "新規アカウント登録" japaneseMessage EnterEmail = "メールアドレスを入力してください。確認メールが送られます" japaneseMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "確認メールを送信しました" japaneseMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "確認メールを " `mappend` email `mappend` " に送信しました" japaneseMessage AddressVerified = "アドレスは認証されました。新しいパスワードを設定してください" japaneseMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "アドレスは認証されました。新しいパスワードを設定してください" japaneseMessage EmailVerified = "アドレスは認証されました" japaneseMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "認証キーが無効です" japaneseMessage InvalidKey = "申し訳ありません。無効な認証キーです" japaneseMessage InvalidEmailPass = "メールアドレスまたはパスワードが無効です" japaneseMessage BadSetPass = "パスワードを設定するためには、ログインしてください" japaneseMessage SetPassTitle = "パスワードの設定" japaneseMessage SetPass = "新しいパスワードを設定する" japaneseMessage NewPass = "新しいパスワード" japaneseMessage ConfirmPass = "確認" japaneseMessage PassMismatch = "パスワードが合いません。もう一度試してください" japaneseMessage PassUpdated = "パスワードは更新されました" japaneseMessage Facebook = "Facebookでログイン" japaneseMessage LoginViaEmail = "Eメールでログイン" japaneseMessage InvalidLogin = "無効なログインです" japaneseMessage NowLoggedIn = "ログインしました" japaneseMessage LoginTitle = "ログイン" japaneseMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "ユーザ名を入力してください" japaneseMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "パスワードを入力してください" japaneseMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "メールアドレス/ユーザ名が入力されていません" japaneseMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "メールアドレスが無効です" japaneseMessage PasswordResetTitle = "パスワードの再設定" japaneseMessage ProvideIdentifier = "メールアドレスまたはユーザ名" japaneseMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "パスワード再設定用メールの送信" japaneseMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "以下にメールアドレスまたはユーザ名を入力してください。パスワードを再設定するためのメールが送信されます。" japaneseMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "ユーザ名とパスワードの組み合わせが間違っています" japaneseMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = ident `mappend` "は登録されていません" FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate finnishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text finnishMessage NoOpenID = "OpenID-tunnistetta ei löydy" finnishMessage LoginOpenID = "Kirjaudu OpenID-tilillä" finnishMessage LoginGoogle = "Kirjaudu Google-tilillä" finnishMessage LoginYahoo = "Kirjaudu Yahoo-tilillä" finnishMessage Email = "Sähköposti" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " finnishMessage Password = "Salasana" finnishMessage CurrentPassword = "Current password" finnishMessage Register = "Luo uusi" finnishMessage RegisterLong = "Luo uusi tili" finnishMessage EnterEmail = "Kirjoita alle sähköpostiosoitteesi, johon vahvistussähköposti lähetetään." finnishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Vahvistussähköposti lähetetty." finnishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Vahvistussähköposti on lähetty osoitteeseen " `mappend` email `mappend` "." finnishMessage AddressVerified = "Sähköpostiosoite vahvistettu. Anna uusi salasana" finnishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Sähköpostiosoite vahvistettu. Anna uusi salasana" finnishMessage EmailVerified = "Sähköpostiosoite vahvistettu" finnishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Virheellinen varmistusavain" finnishMessage InvalidKey = "Valitettavasti varmistusavain on virheellinen." finnishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Virheellinen sähköposti tai salasana." finnishMessage BadSetPass = "Kirjaudu ensin sisään asettaaksesi salasanan" finnishMessage SetPassTitle = "Salasanan asettaminen" finnishMessage SetPass = "Aseta uusi salasana" finnishMessage NewPass = "Uusi salasana" finnishMessage ConfirmPass = "Vahvista" finnishMessage PassMismatch = "Salasanat eivät täsmää" finnishMessage PassUpdated = "Salasana vaihdettu" finnishMessage Facebook = "Kirjaudu Facebook-tilillä" finnishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Kirjaudu sähköpostitilillä" finnishMessage InvalidLogin = "Kirjautuminen epäonnistui" finnishMessage NowLoggedIn = "Olet nyt kirjautunut sisään" finnishMessage LoginTitle = "Kirjautuminen" finnishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Käyttäjänimi puuttuu" finnishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Salasana puuttuu" finnishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Sähköpostiosoite/käyttäjänimi puuttuu" finnishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Annettu sähköpostiosoite ei kelpaa" finnishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Uuden salasanan tilaaminen" finnishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Sähköpostiosoite tai käyttäjänimi" finnishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Lähetä uusi salasana sähköpostitse" finnishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi tai käyttäjätunnuksesi alla, niin lähetämme uuden salasanan sähköpostitse." finnishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Virheellinen käyttäjänimi tai salasana." TODO finnishMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate chineseMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text chineseMessage NoOpenID = "无效的OpenID" chineseMessage LoginOpenID = "用OpenID登录" chineseMessage LoginGoogle = "用Google帐户登录" chineseMessage LoginYahoo = "用Yahoo帐户登录" chineseMessage Email = "邮箱" chineseMessage UserName = "用户名" chineseMessage Password = "密码" chineseMessage CurrentPassword = "当前密码" chineseMessage Register = "注册" chineseMessage RegisterLong = "注册新帐户" chineseMessage EnterEmail = "输入你的邮箱地址,你将收到一封确认邮件。" chineseMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "确认邮件已发送" chineseMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "确认邮件已发送至 " `mappend` email `mappend` "." chineseMessage AddressVerified = "地址验证成功,请设置新密码" chineseMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "地址验证成功,请设置新密码" chineseMessage EmailVerified = "地址验证成功" chineseMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "无效的验证码" chineseMessage InvalidKey = "对不起,验证码无效。" chineseMessage InvalidEmailPass = "无效的邮箱/密码组合" chineseMessage BadSetPass = "你需要登录才能设置密码" chineseMessage SetPassTitle = "设置密码" chineseMessage SetPass = "设置新密码" chineseMessage NewPass = "新密码" chineseMessage ConfirmPass = "确认" chineseMessage PassMismatch = "密码不匹配,请重新输入" chineseMessage PassUpdated = "密码更新成功" chineseMessage Facebook = "用Facebook帐户登录" chineseMessage LoginViaEmail = "用邮箱登录" chineseMessage InvalidLogin = "登录失败" chineseMessage NowLoggedIn = "登录成功" chineseMessage LoginTitle = "登录" chineseMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "请输入用户名" chineseMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "请输入密码" chineseMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "缺少邮箱/用户名" chineseMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "无效的邮箱地址" chineseMessage PasswordResetTitle = "重置密码" chineseMessage ProvideIdentifier = "邮箱或用户名" chineseMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "发送密码重置邮件" chineseMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "输入你的邮箱地址或用户名,你将收到一封密码重置邮件。" chineseMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "无效的用户名/密码组合" chineseMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "邮箱/用户名不存在: " `mappend` ident chineseMessage Logout = "注销" chineseMessage LogoutTitle = "注销" chineseMessage AuthError = "验证错误" czechMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text czechMessage NoOpenID = "Nebyl nalezen identifikátor OpenID" czechMessage LoginOpenID = "Přihlásit přes OpenID" czechMessage LoginGoogle = "Přihlásit přes Google" czechMessage LoginYahoo = "Přihlásit přes Yahoo" czechMessage Email = "E-mail" czechMessage UserName = "Uživatelské jméno" czechMessage Password = "Heslo" czechMessage CurrentPassword = "Current password" czechMessage Register = "Registrovat" czechMessage RegisterLong = "Zaregistrovat nový účet" czechMessage EnterEmail = "Níže zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu a bude vám poslán potvrzovací e-mail." czechMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Potvrzovací e-mail odeslán" czechMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Potvrzovací e-mail byl odeslán na " `mappend` email `mappend` "." czechMessage AddressVerified = "Adresa byla ověřena, prosím nastavte si nové heslo" czechMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresa byla ověřena, prosím nastavte si nové heslo" czechMessage EmailVerified = "Adresa byla ověřena" czechMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Neplatný ověřovací klíč" czechMessage InvalidKey = "Bohužel, ověřovací klíč je neplatný." czechMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Neplatná kombinace e-mail/heslo" czechMessage BadSetPass = "Pro nastavení hesla je vyžadováno přihlášení" czechMessage SetPassTitle = "Nastavit heslo" czechMessage SetPass = "Nastavit nové heslo" czechMessage NewPass = "Nové heslo" czechMessage ConfirmPass = "Potvrdit" czechMessage PassMismatch = "Hesla si neodpovídají, zkuste to znovu" czechMessage PassUpdated = "Heslo aktualizováno" czechMessage Facebook = "Přihlásit přes Facebook" czechMessage LoginViaEmail = "Přihlásit přes e-mail" czechMessage InvalidLogin = "Neplatné přihlášení" czechMessage NowLoggedIn = "Přihlášení proběhlo úspěšně" czechMessage LoginTitle = "Přihlásit" czechMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Prosím, zadejte svoje uživatelské jméno" czechMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Prosím, zadejte svoje heslo" czechMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Nebyl poskytnut žádný e-mail nebo uživatelské jméno" czechMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Zadaná e-mailová adresa je neplatná" czechMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Obnovení hesla" czechMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-mail nebo uživatelské jméno" czechMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Poslat e-mail pro obnovení hesla" czechMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu nebo uživatelské jméno a bude vám poslán email pro obnovení hesla." czechMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Neplatná kombinace uživatelského jména a hesla" TODO czechMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate - mail – это фактическое сокращение словосочетания electronic mail , для русского перевода так же использовано : эл.почта russianMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text russianMessage NoOpenID = "Идентификатор OpenID не найден" russianMessage LoginOpenID = "Вход с помощью OpenID" russianMessage LoginGoogle = "Вход с помощью Google" russianMessage LoginYahoo = "Вход с помощью Yahoo" russianMessage Email = "Эл.почта" russianMessage UserName = "Имя пользователя" russianMessage Password = "Пароль" russianMessage CurrentPassword = "Старый пароль" russianMessage Register = "Регистрация" russianMessage RegisterLong = "Создать учётную запись" russianMessage EnterEmail = "Введите свой адрес эл.почты ниже, вам будет отправлено письмо для подтверждения." russianMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Письмо для подтверждения отправлено" russianMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Письмо для подтверждения было отправлено на адрес " `mappend` email `mappend` "." russianMessage AddressVerified = "Адрес подтверждён. Пожалуйста, установите новый пароль." russianMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Адрес подтверждён. Пожалуйста, установите новый пароль." russianMessage EmailVerified = "Адрес подтверждён" russianMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Неверный ключ подтверждения" russianMessage InvalidKey = "Извините, но ключ подтверждения оказался недействительным." russianMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Неверное сочетание эл.почты и пароля" russianMessage BadSetPass = "Чтобы изменить пароль, необходимо выполнить вход" russianMessage SetPassTitle = "Установить пароль" russianMessage SetPass = "Установить новый пароль" russianMessage NewPass = "Новый пароль" russianMessage ConfirmPass = "Подтверждение пароля" russianMessage PassMismatch = "Пароли не совпадают, повторите снова" russianMessage PassUpdated = "Пароль обновлён" russianMessage Facebook = "Войти с помощью Facebook" russianMessage LoginViaEmail = "Войти по адресу эл.почты" russianMessage InvalidLogin = "Неверный логин" russianMessage NowLoggedIn = "Вход выполнен" russianMessage LoginTitle = "Войти" russianMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Пожалуйста, введите ваше имя пользователя" russianMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Пожалуйста, введите ваш пароль" russianMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Не указан адрес эл.почты/имя пользователя" russianMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Указан неверный адрес эл.почты" russianMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Сброс пароля" russianMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Имя пользователя или эл.почта" russianMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Отправить письмо для сброса пароля" russianMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Введите адрес эл.почты или ваше имя пользователя ниже, вам будет отправлено письмо для сброса пароля." russianMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Неверное сочетание имени пользователя и пароля" russianMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Логин не найден: " `mappend` ident russianMessage Logout = "Выйти" russianMessage LogoutTitle = "Выйти" russianMessage AuthError = "Ошибка аутентификации" dutchMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text dutchMessage NoOpenID = "Geen OpenID identificator gevonden" dutchMessage LoginOpenID = "Inloggen via OpenID" dutchMessage LoginGoogle = "Inloggen via Google" dutchMessage LoginYahoo = "Inloggen via Yahoo" dutchMessage Email = "E-mail" dutchMessage UserName = "Gebruikersnaam" dutchMessage Password = "Wachtwoord" dutchMessage CurrentPassword = "Huidig wachtwoord" dutchMessage Register = "Registreren" dutchMessage RegisterLong = "Registreer een nieuw account" dutchMessage EnterEmail = "Voer uw e-mailadres hieronder in, er zal een bevestigings-e-mail naar u worden verzonden." dutchMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Bevestigings-e-mail verzonden" dutchMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Een bevestigings-e-mail is verzonden naar " `mappend` email `mappend` "." dutchMessage AddressVerified = "Adres geverifieerd, stel alstublieft een nieuwe wachtwoord in" dutchMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adres geverifieerd, stel alstublieft een nieuwe wachtwoord in" dutchMessage EmailVerified = "Adres geverifieerd" dutchMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ongeldig verificatietoken" dutchMessage InvalidKey = "Dat was helaas een ongeldig verificatietoken." dutchMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ongeldige e-mailadres/wachtwoord combinatie" dutchMessage BadSetPass = "U moet ingelogd zijn om een nieuwe wachtwoord in te stellen" dutchMessage SetPassTitle = "Wachtwoord instellen" dutchMessage SetPass = "Een nieuwe wachtwoord instellen" dutchMessage NewPass = "Nieuw wachtwoord" dutchMessage ConfirmPass = "Bevestig" dutchMessage PassMismatch = "Wachtwoorden kwamen niet overeen, probeer het alstublieft nog eens" dutchMessage PassUpdated = "Wachtwoord geüpdatet" dutchMessage Facebook = "Inloggen met Facebook" dutchMessage LoginViaEmail = "Inloggen via e-mail" dutchMessage InvalidLogin = "Ongeldige inloggegevens" dutchMessage NowLoggedIn = "U bent nu ingelogd" dutchMessage LoginTitle = "Inloggen" dutchMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Voer alstublieft uw gebruikersnaam in" dutchMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Voer alstublieft uw wachtwoord in" dutchMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Geen e-mailadres/gebruikersnaam opgegeven" dutchMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Ongeldig e-mailadres opgegeven" dutchMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Wachtwoord wijzigen" dutchMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-mailadres of gebruikersnaam" dutchMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Stuur een wachtwoord reset e-mail" dutchMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Voer uw e-mailadres of gebruikersnaam hieronder in, er zal een e-mail naar u worden verzonden waarmee u uw wachtwoord kunt wijzigen." dutchMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam/wachtwoord combinatie" dutchMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Inloggegevens niet gevonden: " `mappend` ident dutchMessage Logout = "Uitloggen" dutchMessage LogoutTitle = "Uitloggen" dutchMessage AuthError = "Verificatiefout" croatianMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text croatianMessage NoOpenID = "Nije pronađen OpenID identifikator" croatianMessage LoginOpenID = "Prijava uz OpenID" croatianMessage LoginGoogle = "Prijava uz Google" croatianMessage LoginYahoo = "Prijava uz Yahoo" croatianMessage Facebook = "Prijava uz Facebook" croatianMessage LoginViaEmail = "Prijava putem e-pošte" croatianMessage Email = "E-pošta" croatianMessage UserName = "Korisničko ime" croatianMessage Password = "Lozinka" croatianMessage CurrentPassword = "Current Password" croatianMessage Register = "Registracija" croatianMessage RegisterLong = "Registracija novog računa" croatianMessage EnterEmail = "Dolje unesite adresu e-pošte, pa ćemo vam poslati e-poruku za potvrdu." croatianMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Dolje unesite adresu e-pošte ili korisničko ime, pa ćemo vam poslati e-poruku za potvrdu." croatianMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "E-poruka za potvrdu" croatianMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "E-poruka za potvrdu poslana je na adresu " <> email <> "." croatianMessage AddressVerified = "Adresa ovjerena, postavite novu lozinku" croatianMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresa ovjerena, postavite novu lozinku" croatianMessage EmailVerified = "Adresa ovjerena" croatianMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ključ za ovjeru nije valjan" croatianMessage InvalidKey = "Nažalost, taj ključ za ovjeru nije valjan." croatianMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Kombinacija e-pošte i lozinke nije valjana" croatianMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Kombinacija korisničkog imena i lozinke nije valjana" croatianMessage BadSetPass = "Za postavljanje lozinke morate biti prijavljeni" croatianMessage SetPassTitle = "Postavi lozinku" croatianMessage SetPass = "Postavite novu lozinku" croatianMessage NewPass = "Nova lozinka" croatianMessage ConfirmPass = "Potvrda lozinke" croatianMessage PassMismatch = "Lozinke se ne podudaraju, pokušajte ponovo" croatianMessage PassUpdated = "Lozinka ažurirana" croatianMessage InvalidLogin = "Prijava nije valjana" croatianMessage NowLoggedIn = "Sada ste prijavljeni u" croatianMessage LoginTitle = "Prijava" croatianMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Unesite korisničko ime" croatianMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Unesite lozinku" croatianMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Nisu dani e-pošta/korisničko ime" croatianMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Dana adresa e-pošte nije valjana" croatianMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Poništavanje lozinke" croatianMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-pošta ili korisničko ime" croatianMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Pošalji e-poruku za poništavanje lozinke" croatianMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Korisničko ime/e-pošta nisu pronađeni: " <> ident croatianMessage Logout = "Odjava" croatianMessage LogoutTitle = "Odjava" croatianMessage AuthError = "Pogreška provjere autentičnosti" danishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text danishMessage NoOpenID = "Mangler OpenID identifier" danishMessage LoginOpenID = "Login med OpenID" danishMessage LoginGoogle = "Login med Google" danishMessage LoginYahoo = "Login med Yahoo" danishMessage Email = "E-mail" danishMessage UserName = "Brugernavn" danishMessage Password = "Kodeord" danishMessage CurrentPassword = "Nuværende kodeord" danishMessage Register = "Opret" danishMessage RegisterLong = "Opret en ny konto" danishMessage EnterEmail = "Indtast din e-mailadresse nedenfor og en bekræftelsesmail vil blive sendt til dig." danishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Bekræftelsesmail sendt" danishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "En bekræftelsesmail er sendt til " `mappend` email `mappend` "." danishMessage AddressVerified = "Adresse bekræftet, sæt venligst et nyt kodeord" danishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresse bekræftet, sæt venligst et nyt kodeord" danishMessage EmailVerified = "Adresse bekræftet" danishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ugyldig verifikationsnøgle" danishMessage InvalidKey = "Beklager, det var en ugyldigt verifikationsnøgle." danishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ugyldigt e-mail/kodeord" danishMessage BadSetPass = "Du skal være logget ind for at sætte et kodeord" danishMessage SetPassTitle = "Sæt kodeord" danishMessage SetPass = "Sæt et nyt kodeord" danishMessage NewPass = "Nyt kodeord" danishMessage ConfirmPass = "Bekræft" danishMessage PassMismatch = "Kodeordne var forskellige, prøv venligst igen" danishMessage PassUpdated = "Kodeord opdateret" danishMessage Facebook = "Login med Facebook" danishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Login med e-mail" danishMessage InvalidLogin = "Ugyldigt login" danishMessage NowLoggedIn = "Du er nu logget ind" danishMessage LoginTitle = "Log ind" danishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Indtast venligst dit brugernavn" danishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Indtasy venligst dit kodeord" danishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Mangler e-mail/username" danishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Ugyldig e-mailadresse indtastet" danishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Nulstilning af kodeord" danishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-mail eller brugernavn" danishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Send kodeordsnulstillingsmail" danishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Indtast din e-mailadresse eller dit brugernavn nedenfor, så bliver en kodeordsnulstilningsmail sendt til dig." danishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Ugyldigt brugernavn/kodeord" danishMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Brugernavn findes ikke: " `mappend` ident danishMessage Logout = "Log ud" danishMessage LogoutTitle = "Log ud" danishMessage AuthError = "Fejl ved bekræftelse af identitet" koreanMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text koreanMessage NoOpenID = "OpenID ID가 없습니다" koreanMessage LoginOpenID = "OpenID로 로그인" koreanMessage LoginGoogle = "Google로 로그인" koreanMessage LoginYahoo = "Yahoo로 로그인" koreanMessage Email = "이메일" koreanMessage UserName = "사용자 이름" koreanMessage Password = "비밀번호" koreanMessage CurrentPassword = "현재 비밀번호" koreanMessage Register = "등록" koreanMessage RegisterLong = "새 계정 등록" koreanMessage EnterEmail = "이메일 주소를 아래에 입력하시면 확인 이메일이 발송됩니다." koreanMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "확인 이메일을 보냈습니다" koreanMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "확인 이메일을 " `mappend` email `mappend` "에 보냈습니다." koreanMessage AddressVerified = "주소가 인증되었습니다. 새 비밀번호를 설정하세요." koreanMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "주소가 인증되었습니다. 새 비밀번호를 설정하세요." koreanMessage EmailVerified = "주소가 인증되었습니다" koreanMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "인증키가 잘못되었습니다" koreanMessage InvalidKey = "죄송합니다. 잘못된 인증키입니다." koreanMessage InvalidEmailPass = "이메일 주소나 비밀번호가 잘못되었습니다" koreanMessage BadSetPass = "비밀번호를 설정하기 위해서는 로그인해야 합니다" koreanMessage SetPassTitle = "비밀번호 설정" koreanMessage SetPass = "새 비밀번호 설정" koreanMessage NewPass = "새 비밀번호" koreanMessage ConfirmPass = "확인" koreanMessage PassMismatch = "비밀번호가 맞지 않습니다. 다시 시도해주세요." koreanMessage PassUpdated = "비밀번호가 업데이트 되었습니다" koreanMessage Facebook = "Facebook으로 로그인" koreanMessage LoginViaEmail = "이메일로" koreanMessage InvalidLogin = "잘못된 로그인입니다" koreanMessage NowLoggedIn = "로그인했습니다" koreanMessage LoginTitle = "로그인" koreanMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "사용자 이름을 입력하세요" koreanMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "비밀번호를 입력하세요" koreanMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "이메일 주소나 사용자 이름이 입력되어 있지 않습니다" koreanMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "이메일 주소가 잘못되었습니다" koreanMessage PasswordResetTitle = "비밀번호 변경" koreanMessage ProvideIdentifier = "이메일 주소나 사용자 이름" koreanMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "비밀번호 재설정 이메일 보내기" koreanMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "이메일 주소나 사용자 이름을 아래에 입력하시면 비밀번호 재설정 이메일이 발송됩니다." koreanMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "사용자 이름이나 비밀번호가 잘못되었습니다" koreanMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = ident `mappend` "는 등록되어 있지 않습니다" koreanMessage Logout = "로그아웃" koreanMessage LogoutTitle = "로그아웃" koreanMessage AuthError = "인증오류"
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # * All languages | Defaults to 'englishMessage'.
module Yesod.Auth.Message ( AuthMessage (..) , defaultMessage , englishMessage , portugueseMessage , swedishMessage , germanMessage , frenchMessage , norwegianBokmålMessage , japaneseMessage , finnishMessage , chineseMessage , croatianMessage , spanishMessage , czechMessage , russianMessage , dutchMessage , danishMessage , koreanMessage ) where import Data.Monoid (mappend, (<>)) import Data.Text (Text) data AuthMessage = NoOpenID | LoginOpenID | LoginGoogle | LoginYahoo | Email | UserName | IdentifierNotFound Text | Password | Register | RegisterLong | EnterEmail | ConfirmationEmailSentTitle | ConfirmationEmailSent Text | AddressVerified | EmailVerifiedChangePass | EmailVerified | InvalidKeyTitle | InvalidKey | InvalidEmailPass | BadSetPass | SetPassTitle | SetPass | NewPass | ConfirmPass | PassMismatch | PassUpdated | Facebook | LoginViaEmail | InvalidLogin | NowLoggedIn | LoginTitle | PleaseProvideUsername | PleaseProvidePassword | NoIdentifierProvided | InvalidEmailAddress | PasswordResetTitle | ProvideIdentifier | SendPasswordResetEmail | PasswordResetPrompt | CurrentPassword | InvalidUsernamePass | Logout | LogoutTitle | AuthError # DEPRECATED Logout " Please , use LogoutTitle instead . " # # DEPRECATED AddressVerified " Please , use instead . " # defaultMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text defaultMessage = englishMessage englishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text englishMessage NoOpenID = "No OpenID identifier found" englishMessage LoginOpenID = "Log in via OpenID" englishMessage LoginGoogle = "Log in via Google" englishMessage LoginYahoo = "Log in via Yahoo" englishMessage Email = "Email" englishMessage UserName = "User name" englishMessage Password = "Password" englishMessage CurrentPassword = "Current Password" englishMessage Register = "Register" englishMessage RegisterLong = "Register a new account" englishMessage EnterEmail = "Enter your e-mail address below, and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you." englishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Confirmation e-mail sent" englishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "A confirmation e-mail has been sent to " `Data.Monoid.mappend` email `mappend` "." englishMessage AddressVerified = "Email address verified, please set a new password" englishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Email address verified, please set a new password" englishMessage EmailVerified = "Email address verified" englishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Invalid verification key" englishMessage InvalidKey = "I'm sorry, but that was an invalid verification key." englishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Invalid email/password combination" englishMessage BadSetPass = "You must be logged in to set a password" englishMessage SetPassTitle = "Set password" englishMessage SetPass = "Set a new password" englishMessage NewPass = "New password" englishMessage ConfirmPass = "Confirm" englishMessage PassMismatch = "Passwords did not match, please try again" englishMessage PassUpdated = "Password updated" englishMessage Facebook = "Log in with Facebook" englishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Log in via email" englishMessage InvalidLogin = "Invalid login" englishMessage NowLoggedIn = "You are now logged in" englishMessage LoginTitle = "Log In" englishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Please fill in your username" englishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Please fill in your password" englishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "No email/username provided" englishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Invalid email address provided" englishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Password Reset" englishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Email or Username" englishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Send password reset email" englishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Enter your e-mail address or username below, and a password reset e-mail will be sent to you." englishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Invalid username/password combination" englishMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Login not found: " `mappend` ident englishMessage Logout = "Log Out" englishMessage LogoutTitle = "Log Out" FIXME by Google Translate portugueseMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text portugueseMessage NoOpenID = "Nenhum identificador OpenID encontrado" portugueseMessage LoginOpenID = "Entrar via OpenID" portugueseMessage LoginGoogle = "Entrar via Google" portugueseMessage LoginYahoo = "Entrar via Yahoo" portugueseMessage Email = "E-mail" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " portugueseMessage Password = "Senha" portugueseMessage CurrentPassword = "Palavra de passe" portugueseMessage Register = "Registrar" portugueseMessage RegisterLong = "Registrar uma nova conta" portugueseMessage EnterEmail = "Por favor digite seu endereço de e-mail abaixo e um e-mail de confirmação será enviado para você." portugueseMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "E-mail de confirmação enviado" portugueseMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Um e-mail de confirmação foi enviado para " `mappend` email `mappend` "." portugueseMessage AddressVerified = "Endereço verificado, por favor entre com uma nova senha" portugueseMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Endereço verificado, por favor entre com uma nova senha" portugueseMessage EmailVerified = "Endereço verificado" portugueseMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Chave de verificação inválida" portugueseMessage InvalidKey = "Por favor nos desculpe, mas essa é uma chave de verificação inválida." portugueseMessage InvalidEmailPass = "E-mail e/ou senha inválidos" portugueseMessage BadSetPass = "Você deve entrar para definir uma senha" portugueseMessage SetPassTitle = "Definir senha" portugueseMessage SetPass = "Definir uma nova senha" portugueseMessage NewPass = "Nova senha" portugueseMessage ConfirmPass = "Confirmar" portugueseMessage PassMismatch = "Senhas não conferem, por favor tente novamente" portugueseMessage PassUpdated = "Senhas alteradas" portugueseMessage Facebook = "Entrar via Facebook" portugueseMessage LoginViaEmail = "Entrar via e-mail" portugueseMessage InvalidLogin = "Informações de login inválidas" portugueseMessage NowLoggedIn = "Você acaba de entrar no site com sucesso!" portugueseMessage LoginTitle = "Entrar no site" portugueseMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Por favor digite seu nome de usuário" portugueseMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Por favor digite sua senha" portugueseMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Nenhum e-mail ou nome de usuário informado" portugueseMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Endereço de e-mail inválido informado" portugueseMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Resetar senha" portugueseMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-mail ou nome de usuário" portugueseMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Enviar e-mail para resetar senha" portugueseMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Insira seu endereço de e-mail ou nome de usuário abaixo. Um e-mail para resetar sua senha será enviado para você." portugueseMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Nome de usuário ou senha inválidos" TODO portugueseMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate spanishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text spanishMessage NoOpenID = "No se encuentra el identificador OpenID" spanishMessage LoginOpenID = "Entrar utilizando OpenID" spanishMessage LoginGoogle = "Entrar utilizando Google" spanishMessage LoginYahoo = "Entrar utilizando Yahoo" spanishMessage Email = "Correo electrónico" spanishMessage UserName = "Nombre de Usuario" spanishMessage Password = "Contraseña" spanishMessage CurrentPassword = "Contraseña actual" spanishMessage Register = "Registrarse" spanishMessage RegisterLong = "Registrar una nueva cuenta" spanishMessage EnterEmail = "Coloque su dirección de correo electrónico, y un correo de confirmación le será enviado a su cuenta." spanishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "La confirmación de correo ha sido enviada" spanishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Una confirmación de correo electrónico ha sido enviada a " `mappend` email `mappend` "." spanishMessage AddressVerified = "Dirección verificada, por favor introduzca una contraseña" spanishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Dirección verificada, por favor introduzca una contraseña" spanishMessage EmailVerified = "Dirección verificada" spanishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Clave de verificación invalida" spanishMessage InvalidKey = "Lo sentimos, pero esa clave de verificación es inválida." spanishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "La combinación cuenta de correo/contraseña es inválida" spanishMessage BadSetPass = "Debe acceder a la aplicación para modificar la contraseña" spanishMessage SetPassTitle = "Modificar contraseña" spanishMessage SetPass = "Actualizar nueva contraseña" spanishMessage NewPass = "Nueva contraseña" spanishMessage ConfirmPass = "Confirmar" spanishMessage PassMismatch = "Las contraseñas no coinciden, inténtelo de nuevo" spanishMessage PassUpdated = "Contraseña actualizada" spanishMessage Facebook = "Entrar mediante Facebook" spanishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Entrar mediante una cuenta de correo" spanishMessage InvalidLogin = "Login inválido" spanishMessage NowLoggedIn = "Usted ha ingresado al sitio" spanishMessage LoginTitle = "Log In" spanishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Por favor escriba su nombre de usuario" spanishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Por favor escriba su contraseña" spanishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "No ha indicado una cuenta de correo/nombre de usuario" spanishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "La cuenta de correo es inválida" spanishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Actualización de contraseña" spanishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Cuenta de correo o nombre de usuario" spanishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Enviar correo de actualización de contraseña" spanishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Escriba su cuenta de correo o nombre de usuario, y una confirmación de actualización de contraseña será enviada a su cuenta de correo." spanishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Combinación de nombre de usuario/contraseña invalida" TODO spanishMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate swedishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text swedishMessage NoOpenID = "Fann ej OpenID identifierare" swedishMessage LoginOpenID = "Logga in via OpenID" swedishMessage LoginGoogle = "Logga in via Google" swedishMessage LoginYahoo = "Logga in via Yahoo" swedishMessage Email = "Epost" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " swedishMessage Password = "Lösenord" swedishMessage CurrentPassword = "Current password" swedishMessage Register = "Registrera" swedishMessage RegisterLong = "Registrera ett nytt konto" swedishMessage EnterEmail = "Skriv in din epost nedan så kommer ett konfirmationsmail skickas till adressen." swedishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Konfirmationsmail skickat" swedishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Ett konfirmationsmeddelande har skickats till" `mappend` email `mappend` "." swedishMessage AddressVerified = "Adress verifierad, vänligen välj nytt lösenord" swedishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adress verifierad, vänligen välj nytt lösenord" swedishMessage EmailVerified = "Adress verifierad" swedishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ogiltig verifikationsnyckel" swedishMessage InvalidKey = "Tyvärr, du angav en ogiltig verifimationsnyckel." swedishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ogiltig epost/lösenord kombination" swedishMessage BadSetPass = "Du måste vara inloggad för att ange ett lösenord" swedishMessage SetPassTitle = "Ange lösenord" swedishMessage SetPass = "Ange nytt lösenord" swedishMessage NewPass = "Nytt lösenord" swedishMessage ConfirmPass = "Godkänn" swedishMessage PassMismatch = "Lösenorden matcha ej, vänligen försök igen" swedishMessage PassUpdated = "Lösenord updaterades" swedishMessage Facebook = "Logga in med Facebook" swedishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Logga in via epost" swedishMessage InvalidLogin = "Ogiltigt login" swedishMessage NowLoggedIn = "Du är nu inloggad" swedishMessage LoginTitle = "Logga in" swedishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Vänligen fyll i användarnamn" swedishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Vänligen fyll i lösenord" swedishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Emailadress eller användarnamn saknas" swedishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Ogiltig emailadress angiven" swedishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Återställning av lösenord" swedishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Epost eller användarnamn" swedishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Skicka email för återställning av lösenord" swedishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Skriv in din emailadress eller användarnamn nedan och " `mappend` "ett email för återställning av lösenord kommmer att skickas till dig." swedishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Ogiltig kombination av användarnamn och lösenord" TODO swedishMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate germanMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text germanMessage NoOpenID = "Kein OpenID-Identifier gefunden" germanMessage LoginOpenID = "Login via OpenID" germanMessage LoginGoogle = "Login via Google" germanMessage LoginYahoo = "Login via Yahoo" germanMessage Email = "E-Mail" germanMessage UserName = "Benutzername" germanMessage Password = "Passwort" germanMessage CurrentPassword = "Aktuelles Passwort" germanMessage Register = "Registrieren" germanMessage RegisterLong = "Neuen Account registrieren" germanMessage EnterEmail = "Bitte die E-Mail Adresse angeben, eine Bestätigungsmail wird verschickt." germanMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Bestätigung verschickt." germanMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Eine Bestätigung wurde an " `mappend` email `mappend` " versandt." germanMessage AddressVerified = "Adresse bestätigt, bitte neues Passwort angeben" germanMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresse bestätigt, bitte neues Passwort angeben" germanMessage EmailVerified = "Adresse bestätigt" germanMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ungültiger Bestätigungsschlüssel" germanMessage InvalidKey = "Das war leider ein ungültiger Bestätigungsschlüssel" germanMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ungültiger Nutzername oder Passwort" germanMessage BadSetPass = "Um das Passwort zu ändern muss man eingeloggt sein" germanMessage SetPassTitle = "Passwort angeben" germanMessage SetPass = "Neues Passwort angeben" germanMessage NewPass = "Neues Passwort" germanMessage ConfirmPass = "Bestätigen" germanMessage PassMismatch = "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein" germanMessage PassUpdated = "Passwort überschrieben" germanMessage Facebook = "Login über Facebook" germanMessage LoginViaEmail = "Login via E-Mail" germanMessage InvalidLogin = "Ungültiger Login" germanMessage NowLoggedIn = "Login erfolgreich" germanMessage LoginTitle = "Anmelden" germanMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Bitte Nutzername angeben" germanMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Bitte Passwort angeben" germanMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Keine E-Mail-Adresse oder kein Nutzername angegeben" germanMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Unzulässiger E-Mail-Anbieter" germanMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Passwort zurücksetzen" germanMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-Mail-Adresse oder Nutzername" germanMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "E-Mail zusenden um Passwort zurückzusetzen" germanMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Nach Einhabe der E-Mail-Adresse oder des Nutzernamen wird eine E-Mail zugesendet mit welcher das Passwort zurückgesetzt werden kann." germanMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Ungültige Kombination aus Nutzername und Passwort" TODO germanMessage Logout = "Abmelden" germanMessage LogoutTitle = "Abmelden" germanMessage AuthError = "Fehler beim Anmelden" frenchMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text frenchMessage NoOpenID = "Aucun fournisseur OpenID n'a été trouvé" frenchMessage LoginOpenID = "Se connecter avec OpenID" frenchMessage LoginGoogle = "Se connecter avec Google" frenchMessage LoginYahoo = "Se connecter avec Yahoo" frenchMessage Email = "Adresse électronique" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " frenchMessage Password = "Mot de passe" frenchMessage CurrentPassword = "Mot de passe actuel" frenchMessage Register = "S'inscrire" frenchMessage RegisterLong = "Créer un compte" frenchMessage EnterEmail = "Entrez ci-dessous votre adresse électronique, et un message de confirmation vous sera envoyé" frenchMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Message de confirmation" frenchMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Un message de confirmation a été envoyé à " `mappend` email `mappend` "." frenchMessage AddressVerified = "Votre adresse électronique a été validée, merci de choisir un nouveau mot de passe." frenchMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Votre adresse électronique a été validée, merci de choisir un nouveau mot de passe." frenchMessage EmailVerified = "Votre adresse électronique a été validée" frenchMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Clef de validation incorrecte" frenchMessage InvalidKey = "Désolé, mais cette clef de validation est incorrecte" frenchMessage InvalidEmailPass = "La combinaison de ce mot de passe et de cette adresse électronique n'existe pas." frenchMessage BadSetPass = "Vous devez être connecté pour choisir un mot de passe" frenchMessage SetPassTitle = "Changer de mot de passe" frenchMessage SetPass = "Choisir un nouveau mot de passe" frenchMessage NewPass = "Nouveau mot de passe" frenchMessage ConfirmPass = "Confirmation du mot de passe" frenchMessage PassMismatch = "Le deux mots de passe sont différents, veuillez les corriger" frenchMessage PassUpdated = "Le mot de passe a bien été changé" frenchMessage Facebook = "Se connecter avec Facebook" frenchMessage LoginViaEmail = "Se connecter avec une adresse électronique" frenchMessage InvalidLogin = "Nom d'utilisateur incorrect" frenchMessage NowLoggedIn = "Vous êtes maintenant connecté" frenchMessage LoginTitle = "Se connecter" frenchMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Veuillez fournir votre nom d'utilisateur" frenchMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Veuillez fournir votre mot de passe" frenchMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Adresse électronique/nom d'utilisateur non spécifié" frenchMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Adresse électronique spécifiée invalide" frenchMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Réinitialisation du mot de passe" frenchMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Adresse électronique ou nom d'utilisateur" frenchMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Envoi d'un courriel pour réinitialiser le mot de passe" frenchMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Entrez votre courriel ou votre nom d'utilisateur ci-dessous, et vous recevrez un message électronique pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe." frenchMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "La combinaison de ce mot de passe et de ce nom d'utilisateur n'existe pas." frenchMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Nom d'utilisateur introuvable: " `mappend` ident frenchMessage Logout = "Déconnexion" frenchMessage LogoutTitle = "Déconnexion" FIXME by Google Translate norwegianBokmålMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text norwegianBokmålMessage NoOpenID = "Ingen OpenID-identifiserer funnet" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginOpenID = "Logg inn med OpenID" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginGoogle = "Logg inn med Google" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginYahoo = "Logg inn med Yahoo" norwegianBokmålMessage Email = "E-post" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " norwegianBokmålMessage Password = "Passord" norwegianBokmålMessage CurrentPassword = "Current password" norwegianBokmålMessage Register = "Registrer" norwegianBokmålMessage RegisterLong = "Registrer en ny konto" norwegianBokmålMessage EnterEmail = "Skriv inn e-postadressen din nedenfor og en e-postkonfirmasjon vil bli sendt." norwegianBokmålMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "E-postkonfirmasjon sendt." norwegianBokmålMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "En e-postkonfirmasjon har blitt sendt til " `mappend` email `mappend` "." norwegianBokmålMessage AddressVerified = "Adresse verifisert, vennligst sett et nytt passord." norwegianBokmålMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresse verifisert, vennligst sett et nytt passord." norwegianBokmålMessage EmailVerified = "Adresse verifisert" norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ugyldig verifiseringsnøkkel" norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidKey = "Beklager, men det var en ugyldig verifiseringsnøkkel." norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ugyldig e-post/passord-kombinasjon" norwegianBokmålMessage BadSetPass = "Du må være logget inn for å sette et passord." norwegianBokmålMessage SetPassTitle = "Sett passord" norwegianBokmålMessage SetPass = "Sett et nytt passord" norwegianBokmålMessage NewPass = "Nytt passord" norwegianBokmålMessage ConfirmPass = "Bekreft" norwegianBokmålMessage PassMismatch = "Passordene stemte ikke overens, vennligst prøv igjen" norwegianBokmålMessage PassUpdated = "Passord oppdatert" norwegianBokmålMessage Facebook = "Logg inn med Facebook" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginViaEmail = "Logg inn med e-post" norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidLogin = "Ugyldig innlogging" norwegianBokmålMessage NowLoggedIn = "Du er nå logget inn" norwegianBokmålMessage LoginTitle = "Logg inn" norwegianBokmålMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Vennligst fyll inn ditt brukernavn" norwegianBokmålMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Vennligst fyll inn ditt passord" norwegianBokmålMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "No email/username provided" norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Invalid email address provided" norwegianBokmålMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Password Reset" norwegianBokmålMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Email or Username" norwegianBokmålMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Send password reset email" norwegianBokmålMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Enter your e-mail address or username below, and a password reset e-mail will be sent to you." norwegianBokmålMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Invalid username/password combination" TODO norwegianBokmålMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate japaneseMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text japaneseMessage NoOpenID = "OpenID識別子がありません" japaneseMessage LoginOpenID = "OpenIDでログイン" japaneseMessage LoginGoogle = "Googleでログイン" japaneseMessage LoginYahoo = "Yahooでログイン" japaneseMessage Email = "Eメール" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " japaneseMessage Password = "パスワード" japaneseMessage CurrentPassword = "現在のパスワード" japaneseMessage Register = "登録" japaneseMessage RegisterLong = "新規アカウント登録" japaneseMessage EnterEmail = "メールアドレスを入力してください。確認メールが送られます" japaneseMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "確認メールを送信しました" japaneseMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "確認メールを " `mappend` email `mappend` " に送信しました" japaneseMessage AddressVerified = "アドレスは認証されました。新しいパスワードを設定してください" japaneseMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "アドレスは認証されました。新しいパスワードを設定してください" japaneseMessage EmailVerified = "アドレスは認証されました" japaneseMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "認証キーが無効です" japaneseMessage InvalidKey = "申し訳ありません。無効な認証キーです" japaneseMessage InvalidEmailPass = "メールアドレスまたはパスワードが無効です" japaneseMessage BadSetPass = "パスワードを設定するためには、ログインしてください" japaneseMessage SetPassTitle = "パスワードの設定" japaneseMessage SetPass = "新しいパスワードを設定する" japaneseMessage NewPass = "新しいパスワード" japaneseMessage ConfirmPass = "確認" japaneseMessage PassMismatch = "パスワードが合いません。もう一度試してください" japaneseMessage PassUpdated = "パスワードは更新されました" japaneseMessage Facebook = "Facebookでログイン" japaneseMessage LoginViaEmail = "Eメールでログイン" japaneseMessage InvalidLogin = "無効なログインです" japaneseMessage NowLoggedIn = "ログインしました" japaneseMessage LoginTitle = "ログイン" japaneseMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "ユーザ名を入力してください" japaneseMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "パスワードを入力してください" japaneseMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "メールアドレス/ユーザ名が入力されていません" japaneseMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "メールアドレスが無効です" japaneseMessage PasswordResetTitle = "パスワードの再設定" japaneseMessage ProvideIdentifier = "メールアドレスまたはユーザ名" japaneseMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "パスワード再設定用メールの送信" japaneseMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "以下にメールアドレスまたはユーザ名を入力してください。パスワードを再設定するためのメールが送信されます。" japaneseMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "ユーザ名とパスワードの組み合わせが間違っています" japaneseMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = ident `mappend` "は登録されていません" FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate finnishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text finnishMessage NoOpenID = "OpenID-tunnistetta ei löydy" finnishMessage LoginOpenID = "Kirjaudu OpenID-tilillä" finnishMessage LoginGoogle = "Kirjaudu Google-tilillä" finnishMessage LoginYahoo = "Kirjaudu Yahoo-tilillä" finnishMessage Email = "Sähköposti" FIXME by Google Translate " user name " finnishMessage Password = "Salasana" finnishMessage CurrentPassword = "Current password" finnishMessage Register = "Luo uusi" finnishMessage RegisterLong = "Luo uusi tili" finnishMessage EnterEmail = "Kirjoita alle sähköpostiosoitteesi, johon vahvistussähköposti lähetetään." finnishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Vahvistussähköposti lähetetty." finnishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Vahvistussähköposti on lähetty osoitteeseen " `mappend` email `mappend` "." finnishMessage AddressVerified = "Sähköpostiosoite vahvistettu. Anna uusi salasana" finnishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Sähköpostiosoite vahvistettu. Anna uusi salasana" finnishMessage EmailVerified = "Sähköpostiosoite vahvistettu" finnishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Virheellinen varmistusavain" finnishMessage InvalidKey = "Valitettavasti varmistusavain on virheellinen." finnishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Virheellinen sähköposti tai salasana." finnishMessage BadSetPass = "Kirjaudu ensin sisään asettaaksesi salasanan" finnishMessage SetPassTitle = "Salasanan asettaminen" finnishMessage SetPass = "Aseta uusi salasana" finnishMessage NewPass = "Uusi salasana" finnishMessage ConfirmPass = "Vahvista" finnishMessage PassMismatch = "Salasanat eivät täsmää" finnishMessage PassUpdated = "Salasana vaihdettu" finnishMessage Facebook = "Kirjaudu Facebook-tilillä" finnishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Kirjaudu sähköpostitilillä" finnishMessage InvalidLogin = "Kirjautuminen epäonnistui" finnishMessage NowLoggedIn = "Olet nyt kirjautunut sisään" finnishMessage LoginTitle = "Kirjautuminen" finnishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Käyttäjänimi puuttuu" finnishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Salasana puuttuu" finnishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Sähköpostiosoite/käyttäjänimi puuttuu" finnishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Annettu sähköpostiosoite ei kelpaa" finnishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Uuden salasanan tilaaminen" finnishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Sähköpostiosoite tai käyttäjänimi" finnishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Lähetä uusi salasana sähköpostitse" finnishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi tai käyttäjätunnuksesi alla, niin lähetämme uuden salasanan sähköpostitse." finnishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Virheellinen käyttäjänimi tai salasana." TODO finnishMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate chineseMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text chineseMessage NoOpenID = "无效的OpenID" chineseMessage LoginOpenID = "用OpenID登录" chineseMessage LoginGoogle = "用Google帐户登录" chineseMessage LoginYahoo = "用Yahoo帐户登录" chineseMessage Email = "邮箱" chineseMessage UserName = "用户名" chineseMessage Password = "密码" chineseMessage CurrentPassword = "当前密码" chineseMessage Register = "注册" chineseMessage RegisterLong = "注册新帐户" chineseMessage EnterEmail = "输入你的邮箱地址,你将收到一封确认邮件。" chineseMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "确认邮件已发送" chineseMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "确认邮件已发送至 " `mappend` email `mappend` "." chineseMessage AddressVerified = "地址验证成功,请设置新密码" chineseMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "地址验证成功,请设置新密码" chineseMessage EmailVerified = "地址验证成功" chineseMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "无效的验证码" chineseMessage InvalidKey = "对不起,验证码无效。" chineseMessage InvalidEmailPass = "无效的邮箱/密码组合" chineseMessage BadSetPass = "你需要登录才能设置密码" chineseMessage SetPassTitle = "设置密码" chineseMessage SetPass = "设置新密码" chineseMessage NewPass = "新密码" chineseMessage ConfirmPass = "确认" chineseMessage PassMismatch = "密码不匹配,请重新输入" chineseMessage PassUpdated = "密码更新成功" chineseMessage Facebook = "用Facebook帐户登录" chineseMessage LoginViaEmail = "用邮箱登录" chineseMessage InvalidLogin = "登录失败" chineseMessage NowLoggedIn = "登录成功" chineseMessage LoginTitle = "登录" chineseMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "请输入用户名" chineseMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "请输入密码" chineseMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "缺少邮箱/用户名" chineseMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "无效的邮箱地址" chineseMessage PasswordResetTitle = "重置密码" chineseMessage ProvideIdentifier = "邮箱或用户名" chineseMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "发送密码重置邮件" chineseMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "输入你的邮箱地址或用户名,你将收到一封密码重置邮件。" chineseMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "无效的用户名/密码组合" chineseMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "邮箱/用户名不存在: " `mappend` ident chineseMessage Logout = "注销" chineseMessage LogoutTitle = "注销" chineseMessage AuthError = "验证错误" czechMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text czechMessage NoOpenID = "Nebyl nalezen identifikátor OpenID" czechMessage LoginOpenID = "Přihlásit přes OpenID" czechMessage LoginGoogle = "Přihlásit přes Google" czechMessage LoginYahoo = "Přihlásit přes Yahoo" czechMessage Email = "E-mail" czechMessage UserName = "Uživatelské jméno" czechMessage Password = "Heslo" czechMessage CurrentPassword = "Current password" czechMessage Register = "Registrovat" czechMessage RegisterLong = "Zaregistrovat nový účet" czechMessage EnterEmail = "Níže zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu a bude vám poslán potvrzovací e-mail." czechMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Potvrzovací e-mail odeslán" czechMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Potvrzovací e-mail byl odeslán na " `mappend` email `mappend` "." czechMessage AddressVerified = "Adresa byla ověřena, prosím nastavte si nové heslo" czechMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresa byla ověřena, prosím nastavte si nové heslo" czechMessage EmailVerified = "Adresa byla ověřena" czechMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Neplatný ověřovací klíč" czechMessage InvalidKey = "Bohužel, ověřovací klíč je neplatný." czechMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Neplatná kombinace e-mail/heslo" czechMessage BadSetPass = "Pro nastavení hesla je vyžadováno přihlášení" czechMessage SetPassTitle = "Nastavit heslo" czechMessage SetPass = "Nastavit nové heslo" czechMessage NewPass = "Nové heslo" czechMessage ConfirmPass = "Potvrdit" czechMessage PassMismatch = "Hesla si neodpovídají, zkuste to znovu" czechMessage PassUpdated = "Heslo aktualizováno" czechMessage Facebook = "Přihlásit přes Facebook" czechMessage LoginViaEmail = "Přihlásit přes e-mail" czechMessage InvalidLogin = "Neplatné přihlášení" czechMessage NowLoggedIn = "Přihlášení proběhlo úspěšně" czechMessage LoginTitle = "Přihlásit" czechMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Prosím, zadejte svoje uživatelské jméno" czechMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Prosím, zadejte svoje heslo" czechMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Nebyl poskytnut žádný e-mail nebo uživatelské jméno" czechMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Zadaná e-mailová adresa je neplatná" czechMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Obnovení hesla" czechMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-mail nebo uživatelské jméno" czechMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Poslat e-mail pro obnovení hesla" czechMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu nebo uživatelské jméno a bude vám poslán email pro obnovení hesla." czechMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Neplatná kombinace uživatelského jména a hesla" TODO czechMessage i@(IdentifierNotFound _) = englishMessage i FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate FIXME by Google Translate - mail – это фактическое сокращение словосочетания electronic mail , для русского перевода так же использовано : эл.почта russianMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text russianMessage NoOpenID = "Идентификатор OpenID не найден" russianMessage LoginOpenID = "Вход с помощью OpenID" russianMessage LoginGoogle = "Вход с помощью Google" russianMessage LoginYahoo = "Вход с помощью Yahoo" russianMessage Email = "Эл.почта" russianMessage UserName = "Имя пользователя" russianMessage Password = "Пароль" russianMessage CurrentPassword = "Старый пароль" russianMessage Register = "Регистрация" russianMessage RegisterLong = "Создать учётную запись" russianMessage EnterEmail = "Введите свой адрес эл.почты ниже, вам будет отправлено письмо для подтверждения." russianMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Письмо для подтверждения отправлено" russianMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Письмо для подтверждения было отправлено на адрес " `mappend` email `mappend` "." russianMessage AddressVerified = "Адрес подтверждён. Пожалуйста, установите новый пароль." russianMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Адрес подтверждён. Пожалуйста, установите новый пароль." russianMessage EmailVerified = "Адрес подтверждён" russianMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Неверный ключ подтверждения" russianMessage InvalidKey = "Извините, но ключ подтверждения оказался недействительным." russianMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Неверное сочетание эл.почты и пароля" russianMessage BadSetPass = "Чтобы изменить пароль, необходимо выполнить вход" russianMessage SetPassTitle = "Установить пароль" russianMessage SetPass = "Установить новый пароль" russianMessage NewPass = "Новый пароль" russianMessage ConfirmPass = "Подтверждение пароля" russianMessage PassMismatch = "Пароли не совпадают, повторите снова" russianMessage PassUpdated = "Пароль обновлён" russianMessage Facebook = "Войти с помощью Facebook" russianMessage LoginViaEmail = "Войти по адресу эл.почты" russianMessage InvalidLogin = "Неверный логин" russianMessage NowLoggedIn = "Вход выполнен" russianMessage LoginTitle = "Войти" russianMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Пожалуйста, введите ваше имя пользователя" russianMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Пожалуйста, введите ваш пароль" russianMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Не указан адрес эл.почты/имя пользователя" russianMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Указан неверный адрес эл.почты" russianMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Сброс пароля" russianMessage ProvideIdentifier = "Имя пользователя или эл.почта" russianMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Отправить письмо для сброса пароля" russianMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Введите адрес эл.почты или ваше имя пользователя ниже, вам будет отправлено письмо для сброса пароля." russianMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Неверное сочетание имени пользователя и пароля" russianMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Логин не найден: " `mappend` ident russianMessage Logout = "Выйти" russianMessage LogoutTitle = "Выйти" russianMessage AuthError = "Ошибка аутентификации" dutchMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text dutchMessage NoOpenID = "Geen OpenID identificator gevonden" dutchMessage LoginOpenID = "Inloggen via OpenID" dutchMessage LoginGoogle = "Inloggen via Google" dutchMessage LoginYahoo = "Inloggen via Yahoo" dutchMessage Email = "E-mail" dutchMessage UserName = "Gebruikersnaam" dutchMessage Password = "Wachtwoord" dutchMessage CurrentPassword = "Huidig wachtwoord" dutchMessage Register = "Registreren" dutchMessage RegisterLong = "Registreer een nieuw account" dutchMessage EnterEmail = "Voer uw e-mailadres hieronder in, er zal een bevestigings-e-mail naar u worden verzonden." dutchMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Bevestigings-e-mail verzonden" dutchMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "Een bevestigings-e-mail is verzonden naar " `mappend` email `mappend` "." dutchMessage AddressVerified = "Adres geverifieerd, stel alstublieft een nieuwe wachtwoord in" dutchMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adres geverifieerd, stel alstublieft een nieuwe wachtwoord in" dutchMessage EmailVerified = "Adres geverifieerd" dutchMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ongeldig verificatietoken" dutchMessage InvalidKey = "Dat was helaas een ongeldig verificatietoken." dutchMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ongeldige e-mailadres/wachtwoord combinatie" dutchMessage BadSetPass = "U moet ingelogd zijn om een nieuwe wachtwoord in te stellen" dutchMessage SetPassTitle = "Wachtwoord instellen" dutchMessage SetPass = "Een nieuwe wachtwoord instellen" dutchMessage NewPass = "Nieuw wachtwoord" dutchMessage ConfirmPass = "Bevestig" dutchMessage PassMismatch = "Wachtwoorden kwamen niet overeen, probeer het alstublieft nog eens" dutchMessage PassUpdated = "Wachtwoord geüpdatet" dutchMessage Facebook = "Inloggen met Facebook" dutchMessage LoginViaEmail = "Inloggen via e-mail" dutchMessage InvalidLogin = "Ongeldige inloggegevens" dutchMessage NowLoggedIn = "U bent nu ingelogd" dutchMessage LoginTitle = "Inloggen" dutchMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Voer alstublieft uw gebruikersnaam in" dutchMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Voer alstublieft uw wachtwoord in" dutchMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Geen e-mailadres/gebruikersnaam opgegeven" dutchMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Ongeldig e-mailadres opgegeven" dutchMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Wachtwoord wijzigen" dutchMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-mailadres of gebruikersnaam" dutchMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Stuur een wachtwoord reset e-mail" dutchMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Voer uw e-mailadres of gebruikersnaam hieronder in, er zal een e-mail naar u worden verzonden waarmee u uw wachtwoord kunt wijzigen." dutchMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam/wachtwoord combinatie" dutchMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Inloggegevens niet gevonden: " `mappend` ident dutchMessage Logout = "Uitloggen" dutchMessage LogoutTitle = "Uitloggen" dutchMessage AuthError = "Verificatiefout" croatianMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text croatianMessage NoOpenID = "Nije pronađen OpenID identifikator" croatianMessage LoginOpenID = "Prijava uz OpenID" croatianMessage LoginGoogle = "Prijava uz Google" croatianMessage LoginYahoo = "Prijava uz Yahoo" croatianMessage Facebook = "Prijava uz Facebook" croatianMessage LoginViaEmail = "Prijava putem e-pošte" croatianMessage Email = "E-pošta" croatianMessage UserName = "Korisničko ime" croatianMessage Password = "Lozinka" croatianMessage CurrentPassword = "Current Password" croatianMessage Register = "Registracija" croatianMessage RegisterLong = "Registracija novog računa" croatianMessage EnterEmail = "Dolje unesite adresu e-pošte, pa ćemo vam poslati e-poruku za potvrdu." croatianMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Dolje unesite adresu e-pošte ili korisničko ime, pa ćemo vam poslati e-poruku za potvrdu." croatianMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "E-poruka za potvrdu" croatianMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "E-poruka za potvrdu poslana je na adresu " <> email <> "." croatianMessage AddressVerified = "Adresa ovjerena, postavite novu lozinku" croatianMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresa ovjerena, postavite novu lozinku" croatianMessage EmailVerified = "Adresa ovjerena" croatianMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ključ za ovjeru nije valjan" croatianMessage InvalidKey = "Nažalost, taj ključ za ovjeru nije valjan." croatianMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Kombinacija e-pošte i lozinke nije valjana" croatianMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Kombinacija korisničkog imena i lozinke nije valjana" croatianMessage BadSetPass = "Za postavljanje lozinke morate biti prijavljeni" croatianMessage SetPassTitle = "Postavi lozinku" croatianMessage SetPass = "Postavite novu lozinku" croatianMessage NewPass = "Nova lozinka" croatianMessage ConfirmPass = "Potvrda lozinke" croatianMessage PassMismatch = "Lozinke se ne podudaraju, pokušajte ponovo" croatianMessage PassUpdated = "Lozinka ažurirana" croatianMessage InvalidLogin = "Prijava nije valjana" croatianMessage NowLoggedIn = "Sada ste prijavljeni u" croatianMessage LoginTitle = "Prijava" croatianMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Unesite korisničko ime" croatianMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Unesite lozinku" croatianMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Nisu dani e-pošta/korisničko ime" croatianMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Dana adresa e-pošte nije valjana" croatianMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Poništavanje lozinke" croatianMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-pošta ili korisničko ime" croatianMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Pošalji e-poruku za poništavanje lozinke" croatianMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Korisničko ime/e-pošta nisu pronađeni: " <> ident croatianMessage Logout = "Odjava" croatianMessage LogoutTitle = "Odjava" croatianMessage AuthError = "Pogreška provjere autentičnosti" danishMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text danishMessage NoOpenID = "Mangler OpenID identifier" danishMessage LoginOpenID = "Login med OpenID" danishMessage LoginGoogle = "Login med Google" danishMessage LoginYahoo = "Login med Yahoo" danishMessage Email = "E-mail" danishMessage UserName = "Brugernavn" danishMessage Password = "Kodeord" danishMessage CurrentPassword = "Nuværende kodeord" danishMessage Register = "Opret" danishMessage RegisterLong = "Opret en ny konto" danishMessage EnterEmail = "Indtast din e-mailadresse nedenfor og en bekræftelsesmail vil blive sendt til dig." danishMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "Bekræftelsesmail sendt" danishMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "En bekræftelsesmail er sendt til " `mappend` email `mappend` "." danishMessage AddressVerified = "Adresse bekræftet, sæt venligst et nyt kodeord" danishMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "Adresse bekræftet, sæt venligst et nyt kodeord" danishMessage EmailVerified = "Adresse bekræftet" danishMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "Ugyldig verifikationsnøgle" danishMessage InvalidKey = "Beklager, det var en ugyldigt verifikationsnøgle." danishMessage InvalidEmailPass = "Ugyldigt e-mail/kodeord" danishMessage BadSetPass = "Du skal være logget ind for at sætte et kodeord" danishMessage SetPassTitle = "Sæt kodeord" danishMessage SetPass = "Sæt et nyt kodeord" danishMessage NewPass = "Nyt kodeord" danishMessage ConfirmPass = "Bekræft" danishMessage PassMismatch = "Kodeordne var forskellige, prøv venligst igen" danishMessage PassUpdated = "Kodeord opdateret" danishMessage Facebook = "Login med Facebook" danishMessage LoginViaEmail = "Login med e-mail" danishMessage InvalidLogin = "Ugyldigt login" danishMessage NowLoggedIn = "Du er nu logget ind" danishMessage LoginTitle = "Log ind" danishMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "Indtast venligst dit brugernavn" danishMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "Indtasy venligst dit kodeord" danishMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "Mangler e-mail/username" danishMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "Ugyldig e-mailadresse indtastet" danishMessage PasswordResetTitle = "Nulstilning af kodeord" danishMessage ProvideIdentifier = "E-mail eller brugernavn" danishMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "Send kodeordsnulstillingsmail" danishMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "Indtast din e-mailadresse eller dit brugernavn nedenfor, så bliver en kodeordsnulstilningsmail sendt til dig." danishMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "Ugyldigt brugernavn/kodeord" danishMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = "Brugernavn findes ikke: " `mappend` ident danishMessage Logout = "Log ud" danishMessage LogoutTitle = "Log ud" danishMessage AuthError = "Fejl ved bekræftelse af identitet" koreanMessage :: AuthMessage -> Text koreanMessage NoOpenID = "OpenID ID가 없습니다" koreanMessage LoginOpenID = "OpenID로 로그인" koreanMessage LoginGoogle = "Google로 로그인" koreanMessage LoginYahoo = "Yahoo로 로그인" koreanMessage Email = "이메일" koreanMessage UserName = "사용자 이름" koreanMessage Password = "비밀번호" koreanMessage CurrentPassword = "현재 비밀번호" koreanMessage Register = "등록" koreanMessage RegisterLong = "새 계정 등록" koreanMessage EnterEmail = "이메일 주소를 아래에 입력하시면 확인 이메일이 발송됩니다." koreanMessage ConfirmationEmailSentTitle = "확인 이메일을 보냈습니다" koreanMessage (ConfirmationEmailSent email) = "확인 이메일을 " `mappend` email `mappend` "에 보냈습니다." koreanMessage AddressVerified = "주소가 인증되었습니다. 새 비밀번호를 설정하세요." koreanMessage EmailVerifiedChangePass = "주소가 인증되었습니다. 새 비밀번호를 설정하세요." koreanMessage EmailVerified = "주소가 인증되었습니다" koreanMessage InvalidKeyTitle = "인증키가 잘못되었습니다" koreanMessage InvalidKey = "죄송합니다. 잘못된 인증키입니다." koreanMessage InvalidEmailPass = "이메일 주소나 비밀번호가 잘못되었습니다" koreanMessage BadSetPass = "비밀번호를 설정하기 위해서는 로그인해야 합니다" koreanMessage SetPassTitle = "비밀번호 설정" koreanMessage SetPass = "새 비밀번호 설정" koreanMessage NewPass = "새 비밀번호" koreanMessage ConfirmPass = "확인" koreanMessage PassMismatch = "비밀번호가 맞지 않습니다. 다시 시도해주세요." koreanMessage PassUpdated = "비밀번호가 업데이트 되었습니다" koreanMessage Facebook = "Facebook으로 로그인" koreanMessage LoginViaEmail = "이메일로" koreanMessage InvalidLogin = "잘못된 로그인입니다" koreanMessage NowLoggedIn = "로그인했습니다" koreanMessage LoginTitle = "로그인" koreanMessage PleaseProvideUsername = "사용자 이름을 입력하세요" koreanMessage PleaseProvidePassword = "비밀번호를 입력하세요" koreanMessage NoIdentifierProvided = "이메일 주소나 사용자 이름이 입력되어 있지 않습니다" koreanMessage InvalidEmailAddress = "이메일 주소가 잘못되었습니다" koreanMessage PasswordResetTitle = "비밀번호 변경" koreanMessage ProvideIdentifier = "이메일 주소나 사용자 이름" koreanMessage SendPasswordResetEmail = "비밀번호 재설정 이메일 보내기" koreanMessage PasswordResetPrompt = "이메일 주소나 사용자 이름을 아래에 입력하시면 비밀번호 재설정 이메일이 발송됩니다." koreanMessage InvalidUsernamePass = "사용자 이름이나 비밀번호가 잘못되었습니다" koreanMessage (IdentifierNotFound ident) = ident `mappend` "는 등록되어 있지 않습니다" koreanMessage Logout = "로그아웃" koreanMessage LogoutTitle = "로그아웃" koreanMessage AuthError = "인증오류"
# LANGUAGE BlockArguments # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications , ScopedTypeVariables # {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures #-} # LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno - warn - tabs # module Shaderc where import Foreign.Storable import Control.Monad.Cont import Data.String import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Shaderc.Exception import Shaderc.EnumAuto import qualified Shaderc.Core as C import qualified Shaderc.Middle as M import qualified Shaderc.CompileOptions as CompileOptions import qualified Shaderc.CompilationResult.Core as CompilationResult newtype Spv (sknd :: ShaderKind) = Spv BS.ByteString deriving (Show, IsString) compileIntoSpv :: forall ud sknd . (Storable ud, SpvShaderKind sknd) => BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> CompileOptions.T ud -> IO (Spv sknd) compileIntoSpv src ifnm epnm opts = ($ pure) $ runContT do cmp <- lift C.compilerInitialize rslt <- M.compileIntoSpv cmp src (shaderKind @sknd) ifnm epnm opts lift $ throwUnlessSuccess rslt lift do cspv <- CompilationResult.getBytes rslt (fromIntegral -> cspvln) <- CompilationResult.getLength rslt spv <- BS.packCStringLen (cspv, cspvln) CompilationResult.release rslt C.compilerRelease cmp pure $ Spv spv defaultCompileOptions :: CompileOptions.T () defaultCompileOptions = CompileOptions.T { CompileOptions.tMacroDefinitions = [], CompileOptions.tSourceLanguage = Nothing, CompileOptions.tGenerateDebugInfo = False, CompileOptions.tOptimizationLevel = Nothing, CompileOptions.tForcedVersionProfile = Nothing, CompileOptions.tIncludeCallbacks = Nothing }
# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures #
# LANGUAGE BlockArguments # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications , ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno - warn - tabs # module Shaderc where import Foreign.Storable import Control.Monad.Cont import Data.String import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Shaderc.Exception import Shaderc.EnumAuto import qualified Shaderc.Core as C import qualified Shaderc.Middle as M import qualified Shaderc.CompileOptions as CompileOptions import qualified Shaderc.CompilationResult.Core as CompilationResult newtype Spv (sknd :: ShaderKind) = Spv BS.ByteString deriving (Show, IsString) compileIntoSpv :: forall ud sknd . (Storable ud, SpvShaderKind sknd) => BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> CompileOptions.T ud -> IO (Spv sknd) compileIntoSpv src ifnm epnm opts = ($ pure) $ runContT do cmp <- lift C.compilerInitialize rslt <- M.compileIntoSpv cmp src (shaderKind @sknd) ifnm epnm opts lift $ throwUnlessSuccess rslt lift do cspv <- CompilationResult.getBytes rslt (fromIntegral -> cspvln) <- CompilationResult.getLength rslt spv <- BS.packCStringLen (cspv, cspvln) CompilationResult.release rslt C.compilerRelease cmp pure $ Spv spv defaultCompileOptions :: CompileOptions.T () defaultCompileOptions = CompileOptions.T { CompileOptions.tMacroDefinitions = [], CompileOptions.tSourceLanguage = Nothing, CompileOptions.tGenerateDebugInfo = False, CompileOptions.tOptimizationLevel = Nothing, CompileOptions.tForcedVersionProfile = Nothing, CompileOptions.tIncludeCallbacks = Nothing }
# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Layout.Circle -- Description : An elliptical, overlapping layout. Copyright : ( c ) -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- Maintainer : < > -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- Circle is an elliptical , overlapping layout , by -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Layout.Circle ( -- * Usage -- $usage Circle (..) ) where -- actually it's an ellipse import XMonad.Prelude import XMonad import XMonad.StackSet (integrate, peek) -- $usage -- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@: -- > import XMonad . Layout . Circle -- Then edit your @layoutHook@ by adding the Circle layout : -- -- > myLayout = Circle ||| Full ||| etc.. -- > main = xmonad def { layoutHook = myLayout } -- -- For more detailed instructions on editing the layoutHook see -- <#customizing-xmonad the tutorial> and -- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_layout_hook". data Circle a = Circle deriving ( Read, Show ) instance LayoutClass Circle Window where doLayout Circle r s = do layout <- raiseFocus $ circleLayout r $ integrate s return (layout, Nothing) circleLayout :: Rectangle -> [a] -> [(a, Rectangle)] circleLayout _ [] = [] circleLayout r (w:ws) = master : rest where master = (w, center r) rest = zip ws $ map (satellite r) [0, pi * 2 / fromIntegral (length ws) ..] raiseFocus :: [(Window, Rectangle)] -> X [(Window, Rectangle)] raiseFocus xs = do focused <- withWindowSet (return . peek) return $ case find ((== focused) . Just . fst) xs of Just x -> x : delete x xs Nothing -> xs center :: Rectangle -> Rectangle center (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = Rectangle x y w h where s = sqrt 2 :: Double w = round (fromIntegral sw / s) h = round (fromIntegral sh / s) x = sx + fromIntegral (sw - w) `div` 2 y = sy + fromIntegral (sh - h) `div` 2 satellite :: Rectangle -> Double -> Rectangle satellite (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) a = Rectangle (sx + round (rx + rx * cos a)) (sy + round (ry + ry * sin a)) w h where rx = fromIntegral (sw - w) / 2 ry = fromIntegral (sh - h) / 2 w = sw * 10 `div` 25 h = sh * 10 `div` 25
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module : XMonad.Layout.Circle Description : An elliptical, overlapping layout. License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) Stability : unstable Portability : unportable --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Usage $usage actually it's an ellipse $usage You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@: > myLayout = Circle ||| Full ||| etc.. > main = xmonad def { layoutHook = myLayout } For more detailed instructions on editing the layoutHook see <#customizing-xmonad the tutorial> and "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_layout_hook".
# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses # Copyright : ( c ) Maintainer : < > Circle is an elliptical , overlapping layout , by module XMonad.Layout.Circle ( Circle (..) import XMonad.Prelude import XMonad import XMonad.StackSet (integrate, peek) > import XMonad . Layout . Circle Then edit your @layoutHook@ by adding the Circle layout : data Circle a = Circle deriving ( Read, Show ) instance LayoutClass Circle Window where doLayout Circle r s = do layout <- raiseFocus $ circleLayout r $ integrate s return (layout, Nothing) circleLayout :: Rectangle -> [a] -> [(a, Rectangle)] circleLayout _ [] = [] circleLayout r (w:ws) = master : rest where master = (w, center r) rest = zip ws $ map (satellite r) [0, pi * 2 / fromIntegral (length ws) ..] raiseFocus :: [(Window, Rectangle)] -> X [(Window, Rectangle)] raiseFocus xs = do focused <- withWindowSet (return . peek) return $ case find ((== focused) . Just . fst) xs of Just x -> x : delete x xs Nothing -> xs center :: Rectangle -> Rectangle center (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = Rectangle x y w h where s = sqrt 2 :: Double w = round (fromIntegral sw / s) h = round (fromIntegral sh / s) x = sx + fromIntegral (sw - w) `div` 2 y = sy + fromIntegral (sh - h) `div` 2 satellite :: Rectangle -> Double -> Rectangle satellite (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) a = Rectangle (sx + round (rx + rx * cos a)) (sy + round (ry + ry * sin a)) w h where rx = fromIntegral (sw - w) / 2 ry = fromIntegral (sh - h) / 2 w = sw * 10 `div` 25 h = sh * 10 `div` 25
(ns dirac-example.middleware (:require [macchiato.middleware.defaults :as defaults])) (defn wrap-defaults [handler] (defaults/wrap-defaults handler defaults/site-defaults))
(ns dirac-example.middleware (:require [macchiato.middleware.defaults :as defaults])) (defn wrap-defaults [handler] (defaults/wrap-defaults handler defaults/site-defaults))
":" ; exec cl-launch -Q -sm fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad "$0" "$@" ;; -*- lisp -*- ;; Based on #Software_toggle ;; Use the UI preferences to add a keyboard shortcut that invokes this script. ;; To avoid the slow startup time of lisp as a script, better dump an image with: ;; cl-launch -o ~/bin/x64/toggle-touchpad -d ! -l clisp \ ;; -s optima.ppcre -s inferior-shell -E toggle-touchpad::main -L toggle-touchpad.lisp ;; Or use make-multi.sh to create a multi-call binary that includes toggle-touchpad support. (uiop:define-package :fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad (:use :cl :fare-utils :uiop :inferior-shell :optima :optima.ppcre :cl-scripting) (:export #:help #:get-touchpad-id #:device-enabled-p #:toggle-device #:disable-device #:enable-device)) (in-package :fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad) (defun get-touchpad-id () (dolist (line (run/lines '(xinput list))) (match line ((ppcre "(TouchPad|\\sSYNA.*|Synaptics\\s.*|SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad)\\s+id\=([0-9]{1,2})\\s+" _ x) (return (values (parse-integer x))))))) (defun device-enabled-p (&optional (id (get-touchpad-id))) (dolist (line (run/lines `(xinput list-props ,id))) (match line ((ppcre "Device Enabled\\s+[():0-9]+\\s+([01])" x) (return (equal x "1")))))) (defun toggle-device (&optional (id (get-touchpad-id)) (on :toggle)) (let ((state (ecase on ((:toggle) (not (device-enabled-p id))) ((nil t) on)))) (run `(xinput ,(if state 'enable 'disable) ,id))) (success)) (defun enable-device (&optional (id (get-touchpad-id))) (toggle-device id t)) (defun disable-device (&optional (id (get-touchpad-id))) (toggle-device id nil)) (defun help (&optional (output *standard-output*)) (format output "toggle-touchpad functions: ~{~(~A~)~^ ~}~%" (package-functions :fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad)) (success)) TODO : use command - line - arguments , or (cond ((null argv) (toggle-device)) ((eql (first-char (first argv)) #\() (eval (first argv))) (t (if-let (fun (package-function :fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad (standard-case-symbol-name (first argv)))) (apply 'run-command fun (rest argv)) (progn (format *error-output* "Bad toggle-touchpad command: ~A~%" (first argv)) (help *error-output*) (quit 2))))))
exec cl-launch -Q -sm fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad "$0" "$@" -*- lisp -*- Based on #Software_toggle Use the UI preferences to add a keyboard shortcut that invokes this script. To avoid the slow startup time of lisp as a script, better dump an image with: cl-launch -o ~/bin/x64/toggle-touchpad -d ! -l clisp \ -s optima.ppcre -s inferior-shell -E toggle-touchpad::main -L toggle-touchpad.lisp Or use make-multi.sh to create a multi-call binary that includes toggle-touchpad support.
(uiop:define-package :fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad (:use :cl :fare-utils :uiop :inferior-shell :optima :optima.ppcre :cl-scripting) (:export #:help #:get-touchpad-id #:device-enabled-p #:toggle-device #:disable-device #:enable-device)) (in-package :fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad) (defun get-touchpad-id () (dolist (line (run/lines '(xinput list))) (match line ((ppcre "(TouchPad|\\sSYNA.*|Synaptics\\s.*|SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad)\\s+id\=([0-9]{1,2})\\s+" _ x) (return (values (parse-integer x))))))) (defun device-enabled-p (&optional (id (get-touchpad-id))) (dolist (line (run/lines `(xinput list-props ,id))) (match line ((ppcre "Device Enabled\\s+[():0-9]+\\s+([01])" x) (return (equal x "1")))))) (defun toggle-device (&optional (id (get-touchpad-id)) (on :toggle)) (let ((state (ecase on ((:toggle) (not (device-enabled-p id))) ((nil t) on)))) (run `(xinput ,(if state 'enable 'disable) ,id))) (success)) (defun enable-device (&optional (id (get-touchpad-id))) (toggle-device id t)) (defun disable-device (&optional (id (get-touchpad-id))) (toggle-device id nil)) (defun help (&optional (output *standard-output*)) (format output "toggle-touchpad functions: ~{~(~A~)~^ ~}~%" (package-functions :fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad)) (success)) TODO : use command - line - arguments , or (cond ((null argv) (toggle-device)) ((eql (first-char (first argv)) #\() (eval (first argv))) (t (if-let (fun (package-function :fare-scripts/toggle-touchpad (standard-case-symbol-name (first argv)))) (apply 'run-command fun (rest argv)) (progn (format *error-output* "Bad toggle-touchpad command: ~A~%" (first argv)) (help *error-output*) (quit 2))))))
(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) and , projet Cristal , INRIA Rocquencourt (* *) Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0 . (* *) (***********************************************************************) $ Id$ (* Printing functions *) open Misc open Ctype open Format open Longident open Path open Asttypes open Types open Btype open Outcometree (* Print a long identifier *) let rec longident ppf = function | Lident s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s | Ldot(p, s) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" longident p s | Lapply(p1, p2) -> fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" longident p1 longident p2 (* Print an identifier *) let ident ppf id = fprintf ppf "%s" (Ident.name id) (* Print a path *) let ident_pervasive = Ident.create_persistent "Pervasives" let rec tree_of_path = function | Pident id -> Oide_ident (Ident.name id) | Pdot(Pident id, s, pos) when Ident.same id ident_pervasive -> Oide_ident s | Pdot(p, s, pos) -> Oide_dot (tree_of_path p, s) | Papply(p1, p2) -> Oide_apply (tree_of_path p1, tree_of_path p2) let rec path ppf = function | Pident id -> ident ppf id | Pdot(Pident id, s, pos) when Ident.same id ident_pervasive -> fprintf ppf "%s" s | Pdot(p, s, pos) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" path p s | Papply(p1, p2) -> fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" path p1 path p2 (* Print a recursive annotation *) let tree_of_rec = function | Trec_not -> Orec_not | Trec_first -> Orec_first | Trec_next -> Orec_next (* Print a raw type expression, with sharing *) let raw_list pr ppf = function [] -> fprintf ppf "[]" | a :: l -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a%t]@]" pr a (fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf ";@,%a" pr x) l) let rec safe_kind_repr v = function Fvar {contents=Some k} -> if List.memq k v then "Fvar loop" else safe_kind_repr (k::v) k | Fvar _ -> "Fvar None" | Fpresent -> "Fpresent" | Fabsent -> "Fabsent" let rec safe_commu_repr v = function Cok -> "Cok" | Cunknown -> "Cunknown" | Clink r -> if List.memq r v then "Clink loop" else safe_commu_repr (r::v) !r let rec safe_repr v = function {desc = Tlink t} when not (List.memq t v) -> safe_repr (t::v) t | t -> t let rec list_of_memo = function Mnil -> [] | Mcons (priv, p, t1, t2, rem) -> p :: list_of_memo rem | Mlink rem -> list_of_memo !rem let visited = ref [] let rec raw_type ppf ty = let ty = safe_repr [] ty in if List.memq ty !visited then fprintf ppf "{id=%d}" ty.id else begin visited := ty :: !visited; fprintf ppf "@[<1>{id=%d;level=%d;desc=@,%a}@]" ty.id ty.level raw_type_desc ty.desc end and raw_type_list tl = raw_list raw_type tl and raw_type_desc ppf = function Tvar -> fprintf ppf "Tvar" | Tarrow(l,t1,t2,c) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tarrow(%s,@,%a,@,%a,@,%s)@]" l raw_type t1 raw_type t2 (safe_commu_repr [] c) | Ttuple tl -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Ttuple@,%a@]" raw_type_list tl | Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tconstr(@,%a,@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p raw_type_list tl (raw_list path) (list_of_memo !abbrev) | Tobject (t, nm) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tobject(@,%a,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" raw_type t (fun ppf -> match !nm with None -> fprintf ppf " None" | Some(p,tl) -> fprintf ppf "(Some(@,%a,@,%a))" path p raw_type_list tl) | Tfield (f, k, t1, t2) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tfield(@,%s,@,%s,@,%a,@;<0 -1>%a)@]" f (safe_kind_repr [] k) raw_type t1 raw_type t2 | Tnil -> fprintf ppf "Tnil" | Tlink t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tlink@,%a@]" raw_type t | Tsubst t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,%a@]" raw_type t | Tunivar -> fprintf ppf "Tunivar" | Tpoly (t, tl) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpoly(@,%a,@,%a)@]" raw_type t raw_type_list tl | Tvariant row -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>{@[%s@,%a;@]@ @[%s@,%a;@]@ %s%b;@ %s%b;@ @[<1>%s%t@]}@]" "row_fields=" (raw_list (fun ppf (l, f) -> fprintf ppf "@[%s,@ %a@]" l raw_field f)) row.row_fields "row_more=" raw_type row.row_more "row_closed=" row.row_closed "row_fixed=" row.row_fixed "row_name=" (fun ppf -> match row.row_name with None -> fprintf ppf "None" | Some(p,tl) -> fprintf ppf "Some(@,%a,@,%a)" path p raw_type_list tl) | Tpackage (p, _, tl) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpackage(@,%a@,%a)@]" path p raw_type_list tl and raw_field ppf = function Rpresent None -> fprintf ppf "Rpresent None" | Rpresent (Some t) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Rpresent(Some@,%a)@]" raw_type t | Reither (c,tl,m,e) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Reither(%b,@,%a,@,%b,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" c raw_type_list tl m (fun ppf -> match !e with None -> fprintf ppf " None" | Some f -> fprintf ppf "@,@[<1>(%a)@]" raw_field f) | Rabsent -> fprintf ppf "Rabsent" let raw_type_expr ppf t = visited := []; raw_type ppf t; visited := [] (* Print a type expression *) let names = ref ([] : (type_expr * string) list) let name_counter = ref 0 let reset_names () = names := []; name_counter := 0 let new_name () = let name = if !name_counter < 26 then String.make 1 (Char.chr(97 + !name_counter)) else String.make 1 (Char.chr(97 + !name_counter mod 26)) ^ string_of_int(!name_counter / 26) in incr name_counter; name let name_of_type t = try List.assq t !names with Not_found -> let name = new_name () in names := (t, name) :: !names; name let check_name_of_type t = ignore(name_of_type t) let non_gen_mark sch ty = if sch && ty.desc = Tvar && ty.level <> generic_level then "_" else "" let print_name_of_type sch ppf t = fprintf ppf "'%s%s" (non_gen_mark sch t) (name_of_type t) let visited_objects = ref ([] : type_expr list) let aliased = ref ([] : type_expr list) let delayed = ref ([] : type_expr list) let add_delayed t = if not (List.memq t !delayed) then delayed := t :: !delayed let is_aliased ty = List.memq (proxy ty) !aliased let add_alias ty = let px = proxy ty in if not (is_aliased px) then aliased := px :: !aliased let aliasable ty = match ty.desc with Tvar | Tunivar | Tpoly _ -> false | _ -> true let namable_row row = row.row_name <> None && List.for_all (fun (_, f) -> match row_field_repr f with | Reither(c, l, _, _) -> row.row_closed && if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1 | _ -> true) row.row_fields let rec mark_loops_rec visited ty = let ty = repr ty in let px = proxy ty in if List.memq px visited && aliasable ty then add_alias px else let visited = px :: visited in match ty.desc with | Tvar -> () | Tarrow(_, ty1, ty2, _) -> mark_loops_rec visited ty1; mark_loops_rec visited ty2 | Ttuple tyl -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl | Tconstr(_, tyl, _) | Tpackage (_, _, tyl) -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl | Tvariant row -> if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias px else begin let row = row_repr row in if not (static_row row) then visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects; match row.row_name with | Some(p, tyl) when namable_row row -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl | _ -> iter_row (mark_loops_rec visited) row end | Tobject (fi, nm) -> if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias px else begin if opened_object ty then visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects; begin match !nm with | None -> let fields, _ = flatten_fields fi in List.iter (fun (_, kind, ty) -> if field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent then mark_loops_rec visited ty) fields | Some (_, l) -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) (List.tl l) end end | Tfield(_, kind, ty1, ty2) when field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent -> mark_loops_rec visited ty1; mark_loops_rec visited ty2 | Tfield(_, _, _, ty2) -> mark_loops_rec visited ty2 | Tnil -> () | Tsubst ty -> mark_loops_rec visited ty | Tlink _ -> fatal_error "Printtyp.mark_loops_rec (2)" | Tpoly (ty, tyl) -> List.iter (fun t -> add_alias t) tyl; mark_loops_rec visited ty | Tunivar -> () let mark_loops ty = normalize_type Env.empty ty; mark_loops_rec [] ty;; let reset_loop_marks () = visited_objects := []; aliased := []; delayed := [] let reset () = reset_names (); reset_loop_marks () let reset_and_mark_loops ty = reset (); mark_loops ty let reset_and_mark_loops_list tyl = reset (); List.iter mark_loops tyl (* Disabled in classic mode when printing an unification error *) let print_labels = ref true let print_label ppf l = if !print_labels && l <> "" || is_optional l then fprintf ppf "%s:" l let rec tree_of_typexp sch ty = let ty = repr ty in let px = proxy ty in if List.mem_assq px !names && not (List.memq px !delayed) then let mark = is_non_gen sch ty in Otyp_var (mark, name_of_type px) else let pr_typ () = match ty.desc with | Tvar -> Otyp_var (is_non_gen sch ty, name_of_type ty) | Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2, _) -> let pr_arrow l ty1 ty2 = let lab = if !print_labels && l <> "" || is_optional l then l else "" in let t1 = if is_optional l then match (repr ty1).desc with | Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option -> tree_of_typexp sch ty | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>" else tree_of_typexp sch ty1 in Otyp_arrow (lab, t1, tree_of_typexp sch ty2) in pr_arrow l ty1 ty2 | Ttuple tyl -> Otyp_tuple (tree_of_typlist sch tyl) | Tconstr(p, tyl, abbrev) -> Otyp_constr (tree_of_path p, tree_of_typlist sch tyl) | Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in let fields = if row.row_closed then List.filter (fun (_, f) -> row_field_repr f <> Rabsent) row.row_fields else row.row_fields in let present = List.filter (fun (_, f) -> match row_field_repr f with | Rpresent _ -> true | _ -> false) fields in let all_present = List.length present = List.length fields in begin match row.row_name with | Some(p, tyl) when namable_row row -> let id = tree_of_path p in let args = tree_of_typlist sch tyl in if row.row_closed && all_present then Otyp_constr (id, args) else let non_gen = is_non_gen sch px in let tags = if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in Otyp_variant (non_gen, Ovar_name(tree_of_path p, args), row.row_closed, tags) | _ -> let non_gen = not (row.row_closed && all_present) && is_non_gen sch px in let fields = List.map (tree_of_row_field sch) fields in let tags = if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in Otyp_variant (non_gen, Ovar_fields fields, row.row_closed, tags) end | Tobject (fi, nm) -> tree_of_typobject sch fi nm | Tsubst ty -> tree_of_typexp sch ty | Tlink _ | Tnil | Tfield _ -> fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typexp" | Tpoly (ty, []) -> tree_of_typexp sch ty | Tpoly (ty, tyl) -> let tyl = List.map repr tyl in let tyl = List.filter is_aliased tyl in if tyl = [] then tree_of_typexp sch ty else begin let old_delayed = !delayed in List.iter add_delayed tyl; let tl = List.map name_of_type tyl in let tr = Otyp_poly (tl, tree_of_typexp sch ty) in delayed := old_delayed; tr end | Tunivar -> Otyp_var (false, name_of_type ty) | Tpackage (p, n, tyl) -> Otyp_module (Path.name p, n, tree_of_typlist sch tyl) in if List.memq px !delayed then delayed := List.filter ((!=) px) !delayed; if is_aliased px && aliasable ty then begin check_name_of_type px; Otyp_alias (pr_typ (), name_of_type px) end else pr_typ () and tree_of_row_field sch (l, f) = match row_field_repr f with | Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _, _) -> (l, false, []) | Rpresent(Some ty) -> (l, false, [tree_of_typexp sch ty]) | Reither(c, tyl, _, _) -> contradiction : un constructeur constant qui a un argument then (l, true, tree_of_typlist sch tyl) else (l, false, tree_of_typlist sch tyl) | Rabsent -> (l, false, [] (* une erreur, en fait *)) and tree_of_typlist sch tyl = List.map (tree_of_typexp sch) tyl and tree_of_typobject sch fi nm = begin match !nm with | None -> let pr_fields fi = let (fields, rest) = flatten_fields fi in let present_fields = List.fold_right (fun (n, k, t) l -> match field_kind_repr k with | Fpresent -> (n, t) :: l | _ -> l) fields [] in let sorted_fields = Sort.list (fun (n, _) (n', _) -> n <= n') present_fields in tree_of_typfields sch rest sorted_fields in let (fields, rest) = pr_fields fi in Otyp_object (fields, rest) | Some (p, ty :: tyl) -> let non_gen = is_non_gen sch (repr ty) in let args = tree_of_typlist sch tyl in Otyp_class (non_gen, tree_of_path p, args) | _ -> fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typobject" end and is_non_gen sch ty = sch && ty.desc = Tvar && ty.level <> generic_level and tree_of_typfields sch rest = function | [] -> let rest = match rest.desc with | Tvar | Tunivar -> Some (is_non_gen sch rest) | Tconstr _ -> Some false | Tnil -> None | _ -> fatal_error "typfields (1)" in ([], rest) | (s, t) :: l -> let field = (s, tree_of_typexp sch t) in let (fields, rest) = tree_of_typfields sch rest l in (field :: fields, rest) let typexp sch prio ppf ty = !Oprint.out_type ppf (tree_of_typexp sch ty) let type_expr ppf ty = typexp false 0 ppf ty and type_sch ppf ty = typexp true 0 ppf ty and type_scheme ppf ty = reset_and_mark_loops ty; typexp true 0 ppf ty (* Maxence *) let type_scheme_max ?(b_reset_names=true) ppf ty = if b_reset_names then reset_names () ; typexp true 0 ppf ty let tree_of_type_scheme ty = reset_and_mark_loops ty; tree_of_typexp true ty Print one type declaration let tree_of_constraints params = List.fold_right (fun ty list -> let ty' = unalias ty in if proxy ty != proxy ty' then let tr = tree_of_typexp true ty in (tr, tree_of_typexp true ty') :: list else list) params [] let filter_params tyl = let params = List.fold_left (fun tyl ty -> let ty = repr ty in if List.memq ty tyl then Btype.newgenty (Tsubst ty) :: tyl else ty :: tyl) [] tyl in List.rev params let string_of_mutable = function | Immutable -> "" | Mutable -> "mutable " let rec tree_of_type_decl id decl = reset(); let params = filter_params decl.type_params in List.iter add_alias params; List.iter mark_loops params; List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy params); let ty_manifest = match decl.type_manifest with | None -> None | Some ty -> let ty = (* Special hack to hide variant name *) match repr ty with {desc=Tvariant row} -> let row = row_repr row in begin match row.row_name with Some (Pident id', _) when Ident.same id id' -> newgenty (Tvariant {row with row_name = None}) | _ -> ty end | _ -> ty in mark_loops ty; Some ty in begin match decl.type_kind with | Type_abstract -> () | Type_variant [] -> () | Type_variant cstrs -> List.iter (fun (_, args) -> List.iter mark_loops args) cstrs | Type_record(l, rep) -> List.iter (fun (_, _, ty) -> mark_loops ty) l end; let type_param = function | Otyp_var (_, id) -> id | _ -> "?" in let type_defined decl = let abstr = match decl.type_kind with Type_abstract -> begin match decl.type_manifest with None -> true | Some ty -> has_constr_row ty end | Type_variant _ | Type_record(_,_) -> decl.type_private = Private in let vari = List.map2 (fun ty (co,cn,ct) -> if abstr || (repr ty).desc <> Tvar then (co,cn) else (true,true)) decl.type_params decl.type_variance in (Ident.name id, List.map2 (fun ty cocn -> type_param (tree_of_typexp false ty), cocn) params vari) in let tree_of_manifest ty1 = match ty_manifest with | None -> ty1 | Some ty -> Otyp_manifest (tree_of_typexp false ty, ty1) in let (name, args) = type_defined decl in let constraints = tree_of_constraints params in let ty, priv = match decl.type_kind with | Type_abstract -> begin match ty_manifest with | None -> (Otyp_abstract, Public) | Some ty -> tree_of_typexp false ty, decl.type_private end | Type_variant cstrs -> tree_of_manifest (Otyp_sum (List.map tree_of_constructor cstrs)), decl.type_private | Type_record(lbls, rep) -> tree_of_manifest (Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label lbls)), decl.type_private in (name, args, ty, priv, constraints) and tree_of_constructor (name, args) = (name, tree_of_typlist false args) and tree_of_label (name, mut, arg) = (name, mut = Mutable, tree_of_typexp false arg) let tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs = Osig_type (tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs) let type_declaration id ppf decl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_type_declaration id decl Trec_first) (* Print an exception declaration *) let tree_of_exception_declaration id decl = reset_and_mark_loops_list decl; let tyl = tree_of_typlist false decl in Osig_exception (Ident.name id, tyl) let exception_declaration id ppf decl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_exception_declaration id decl) (* Print a value declaration *) let tree_of_value_description id decl = let id = Ident.name id in let ty = tree_of_type_scheme decl.val_type in let prims = match decl.val_kind with | Val_prim p -> Primitive.description_list p | _ -> [] in Osig_value (id, ty, prims) let value_description id ppf decl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_value_description id decl) (* Print a class type *) let class_var sch ppf l (m, t) = fprintf ppf "@ @[<2>val %s%s :@ %a@]" (string_of_mutable m) l (typexp sch 0) t let method_type (_, kind, ty) = match field_kind_repr kind, repr ty with Fpresent, {desc=Tpoly(ty, _)} -> ty | _ , ty -> ty let tree_of_metho sch concrete csil (lab, kind, ty) = if lab <> dummy_method then begin let kind = field_kind_repr kind in let priv = kind <> Fpresent in let virt = not (Concr.mem lab concrete) in let ty = method_type (lab, kind, ty) in Ocsg_method (lab, priv, virt, tree_of_typexp sch ty) :: csil end else csil let rec prepare_class_type params = function | Tcty_constr (p, tyl, cty) -> let sty = Ctype.self_type cty in if List.memq (proxy sty) !visited_objects || List.exists (fun ty -> (repr ty).desc <> Tvar) params || List.exists (deep_occur sty) tyl then prepare_class_type params cty else List.iter mark_loops tyl | Tcty_signature sign -> let sty = repr sign.cty_self in (* Self may have a name *) let px = proxy sty in if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias sty else visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects; let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in List.iter (fun met -> mark_loops (method_type met)) fields; Vars.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> mark_loops ty) sign.cty_vars | Tcty_fun (_, ty, cty) -> mark_loops ty; prepare_class_type params cty let rec tree_of_class_type sch params = function | Tcty_constr (p', tyl, cty) -> let sty = Ctype.self_type cty in if List.memq (proxy sty) !visited_objects || List.exists (fun ty -> (repr ty).desc <> Tvar) params then tree_of_class_type sch params cty else Octy_constr (tree_of_path p', tree_of_typlist true tyl) | Tcty_signature sign -> let sty = repr sign.cty_self in let self_ty = if is_aliased sty then Some (Otyp_var (false, name_of_type (proxy sty))) else None in let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in let csil = [] in let csil = List.fold_left (fun csil (ty1, ty2) -> Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) :: csil) csil (tree_of_constraints params) in let all_vars = Vars.fold (fun l (m, v, t) all -> (l, m, v, t) :: all) sign.cty_vars [] in Consequence of PR#3607 : order of Map.fold has changed ! let all_vars = List.rev all_vars in let csil = List.fold_left (fun csil (l, m, v, t) -> Ocsg_value (l, m = Mutable, v = Virtual, tree_of_typexp sch t) :: csil) csil all_vars in let csil = List.fold_left (tree_of_metho sch sign.cty_concr) csil fields in Octy_signature (self_ty, List.rev csil) | Tcty_fun (l, ty, cty) -> let lab = if !print_labels && l <> "" || is_optional l then l else "" in let ty = if is_optional l then match (repr ty).desc with | Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option -> ty | _ -> newconstr (Path.Pident(Ident.create "<hidden>")) [] else ty in let tr = tree_of_typexp sch ty in Octy_fun (lab, tr, tree_of_class_type sch params cty) let class_type ppf cty = reset (); prepare_class_type [] cty; !Oprint.out_class_type ppf (tree_of_class_type false [] cty) let tree_of_class_param param variance = (match tree_of_typexp true param with Otyp_var (_, s) -> s | _ -> "?"), if (repr param).desc = Tvar then (true, true) else variance let tree_of_class_params params = let tyl = tree_of_typlist true params in List.map (function Otyp_var (_, s) -> s | _ -> "?") tyl let tree_of_class_declaration id cl rs = let params = filter_params cl.cty_params in reset (); List.iter add_alias params; prepare_class_type params cl.cty_type; let sty = self_type cl.cty_type in List.iter mark_loops params; List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy params); if is_aliased sty then check_name_of_type (proxy sty); let vir_flag = cl.cty_new = None in Osig_class (vir_flag, Ident.name id, List.map2 tree_of_class_param params cl.cty_variance, tree_of_class_type true params cl.cty_type, tree_of_rec rs) let class_declaration id ppf cl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_class_declaration id cl Trec_first) let tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl rs = let params = List.map repr cl.clty_params in reset (); List.iter add_alias params; prepare_class_type params cl.clty_type; let sty = self_type cl.clty_type in List.iter mark_loops params; List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy params); if is_aliased sty then check_name_of_type (proxy sty); let sign = Ctype.signature_of_class_type cl.clty_type in let virt = let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in List.exists (fun (lab, _, ty) -> not (lab = dummy_method || Concr.mem lab sign.cty_concr)) fields || Vars.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b) sign.cty_vars false in Osig_class_type (virt, Ident.name id, List.map2 tree_of_class_param params cl.clty_variance, tree_of_class_type true params cl.clty_type, tree_of_rec rs) let cltype_declaration id ppf cl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl Trec_first) (* Print a module type *) let rec tree_of_modtype = function | Tmty_ident p -> Omty_ident (tree_of_path p) | Tmty_signature sg -> Omty_signature (tree_of_signature sg) | Tmty_functor(param, ty_arg, ty_res) -> Omty_functor (Ident.name param, tree_of_modtype ty_arg, tree_of_modtype ty_res) and tree_of_signature = function | [] -> [] | Tsig_value(id, decl) :: rem -> tree_of_value_description id decl :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_type(id, _, _) :: rem when is_row_name (Ident.name id) -> tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_type(id, decl, rs) :: rem -> Osig_type(tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs) :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_exception(id, decl) :: rem -> tree_of_exception_declaration id decl :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_module(id, mty, rs) :: rem -> Osig_module (Ident.name id, tree_of_modtype mty, tree_of_rec rs) :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_modtype(id, decl) :: rem -> tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_class(id, decl, rs) :: ctydecl :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem -> tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_cltype(id, decl, rs) :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem -> tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs :: tree_of_signature rem | _ -> assert false and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl = let mty = match decl with | Tmodtype_abstract -> Omty_abstract | Tmodtype_manifest mty -> tree_of_modtype mty in Osig_modtype (Ident.name id, mty) let tree_of_module id mty rs = Osig_module (Ident.name id, tree_of_modtype mty, tree_of_rec rs) let modtype ppf mty = !Oprint.out_module_type ppf (tree_of_modtype mty) let modtype_declaration id ppf decl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl) Print a signature body ( used by -i when compiling a .ml ) let print_signature ppf tree = fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" !Oprint.out_signature tree let signature ppf sg = fprintf ppf "%a" print_signature (tree_of_signature sg) (* Print an unification error *) let type_expansion t ppf t' = if t == t' then type_expr ppf t else let t' = if proxy t == proxy t' then unalias t' else t' in fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]" type_expr t type_expr t' let rec trace fst txt ppf = function | (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem -> if not fst then fprintf ppf "@,"; fprintf ppf "@[Type@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@] %a" (type_expansion t1) t1' txt (type_expansion t2) t2' (trace false txt) rem | _ -> () let rec filter_trace = function | (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem -> let rem' = filter_trace rem in if t1 == t1' && t2 == t2' then rem' else (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem' | _ -> [] (* Hide variant name and var, to force printing the expanded type *) let hide_variant_name t = match repr t with | {desc = Tvariant row} as t when (row_repr row).row_name <> None -> newty2 t.level (Tvariant {(row_repr row) with row_name = None; row_more = newty2 (row_more row).level Tvar}) | _ -> t let prepare_expansion (t, t') = let t' = hide_variant_name t' in mark_loops t; if t != t' then mark_loops t'; (t, t') let may_prepare_expansion compact (t, t') = match (repr t').desc with Tvariant _ | Tobject _ when compact -> mark_loops t; (t, t) | _ -> prepare_expansion (t, t') let print_tags ppf fields = match fields with [] -> () | (t, _) :: fields -> fprintf ppf "`%s" t; List.iter (fun (t, _) -> fprintf ppf ",@ `%s" t) fields let has_explanation unif t3 t4 = match t3.desc, t4.desc with Tfield _, _ | _, Tfield _ | Tunivar, Tvar | Tvar, Tunivar | Tvariant _, Tvariant _ -> true | Tconstr (p, _, _), Tvar | Tvar, Tconstr (p, _, _) -> unif && min t3.level t4.level < Path.binding_time p | _ -> false let rec mismatch unif = function (_, t) :: (_, t') :: rem -> begin match mismatch unif rem with Some _ as m -> m | None -> if has_explanation unif t t' then Some(t,t') else None end | [] -> None | _ -> assert false let explanation unif t3 t4 ppf = match t3.desc, t4.desc with | Tfield _, Tvar | Tvar, Tfield _ -> fprintf ppf "@,Self type cannot escape its class" | Tconstr (p, _, _), Tvar when unif && t4.level < Path.binding_time p -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]" path p | Tvar, Tconstr (p, _, _) when unif && t3.level < Path.binding_time p -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]" path p | Tvar, Tunivar | Tunivar, Tvar -> fprintf ppf "@,The universal variable %a would escape its scope" type_expr (if t3.desc = Tunivar then t3 else t4) | Tfield (lab, _, _, _), _ | _, Tfield (lab, _, _, _) when lab = dummy_method -> fprintf ppf "@,Self type cannot be unified with a closed object type" | Tfield (l, _, _, _), Tfield (l', _, _, _) when l = l' -> fprintf ppf "@,Types for method %s are incompatible" l | _, Tfield (l, _, _, _) -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The first object type has no method %s@]" l | Tfield (l, _, _, _), _ -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The second object type has no method %s@]" l | Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2 -> let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in begin match row1.row_fields, row1.row_closed, row2.row_fields, row2.row_closed with | [], true, [], true -> fprintf ppf "@,These two variant types have no intersection" | [], true, fields, _ -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The first variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]" print_tags fields | fields, _, [], true -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The second variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]" print_tags fields | [l1,_], true, [l2,_], true when l1 = l2 -> fprintf ppf "@,Types for tag `%s are incompatible" l1 | _ -> () end | _ -> () let explanation unif mis ppf = match mis with None -> () | Some (t3, t4) -> explanation unif t3 t4 ppf let unification_error unif tr txt1 ppf txt2 = reset (); let tr = List.map (fun (t, t') -> (t, hide_variant_name t')) tr in let mis = mismatch unif tr in match tr with | [] | _ :: [] -> assert false | t1 :: t2 :: tr -> try let tr = filter_trace tr in let t1, t1' = may_prepare_expansion (tr = []) t1 and t2, t2' = may_prepare_expansion (tr = []) t2 in print_labels := not !Clflags.classic; let tr = List.map prepare_expansion tr in fprintf ppf "@[<v>\ @[%t@;<1 2>%a@ \ %t@;<1 2>%a\ @]%a%t\ @]" txt1 (type_expansion t1) t1' txt2 (type_expansion t2) t2' (trace false "is not compatible with type") tr (explanation unif mis); print_labels := true with exn -> print_labels := true; raise exn let report_unification_error ppf tr txt1 txt2 = unification_error true tr txt1 ppf txt2;; let trace fst txt ppf tr = print_labels := not !Clflags.classic; try match tr with t1 :: t2 :: tr' -> if fst then trace fst txt ppf (t1 :: t2 :: filter_trace tr') else trace fst txt ppf (filter_trace tr); print_labels := true | _ -> () with exn -> print_labels := true; raise exn let report_subtyping_error ppf tr1 txt1 tr2 = reset (); let tr1 = List.map prepare_expansion tr1 and tr2 = List.map prepare_expansion tr2 in trace true txt1 ppf tr1; if tr2 = [] then () else let mis = mismatch true tr2 in trace false "is not compatible with type" ppf tr2; explanation true mis ppf
********************************************************************* Objective Caml ********************************************************************* Printing functions Print a long identifier Print an identifier Print a path Print a recursive annotation Print a raw type expression, with sharing Print a type expression Disabled in classic mode when printing an unification error une erreur, en fait Maxence Special hack to hide variant name Print an exception declaration Print a value declaration Print a class type Self may have a name Print a module type Print an unification error Hide variant name and var, to force printing the expanded type
and , projet Cristal , INRIA Rocquencourt Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0 . $ Id$ open Misc open Ctype open Format open Longident open Path open Asttypes open Types open Btype open Outcometree let rec longident ppf = function | Lident s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s | Ldot(p, s) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" longident p s | Lapply(p1, p2) -> fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" longident p1 longident p2 let ident ppf id = fprintf ppf "%s" (Ident.name id) let ident_pervasive = Ident.create_persistent "Pervasives" let rec tree_of_path = function | Pident id -> Oide_ident (Ident.name id) | Pdot(Pident id, s, pos) when Ident.same id ident_pervasive -> Oide_ident s | Pdot(p, s, pos) -> Oide_dot (tree_of_path p, s) | Papply(p1, p2) -> Oide_apply (tree_of_path p1, tree_of_path p2) let rec path ppf = function | Pident id -> ident ppf id | Pdot(Pident id, s, pos) when Ident.same id ident_pervasive -> fprintf ppf "%s" s | Pdot(p, s, pos) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" path p s | Papply(p1, p2) -> fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" path p1 path p2 let tree_of_rec = function | Trec_not -> Orec_not | Trec_first -> Orec_first | Trec_next -> Orec_next let raw_list pr ppf = function [] -> fprintf ppf "[]" | a :: l -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a%t]@]" pr a (fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf ";@,%a" pr x) l) let rec safe_kind_repr v = function Fvar {contents=Some k} -> if List.memq k v then "Fvar loop" else safe_kind_repr (k::v) k | Fvar _ -> "Fvar None" | Fpresent -> "Fpresent" | Fabsent -> "Fabsent" let rec safe_commu_repr v = function Cok -> "Cok" | Cunknown -> "Cunknown" | Clink r -> if List.memq r v then "Clink loop" else safe_commu_repr (r::v) !r let rec safe_repr v = function {desc = Tlink t} when not (List.memq t v) -> safe_repr (t::v) t | t -> t let rec list_of_memo = function Mnil -> [] | Mcons (priv, p, t1, t2, rem) -> p :: list_of_memo rem | Mlink rem -> list_of_memo !rem let visited = ref [] let rec raw_type ppf ty = let ty = safe_repr [] ty in if List.memq ty !visited then fprintf ppf "{id=%d}" ty.id else begin visited := ty :: !visited; fprintf ppf "@[<1>{id=%d;level=%d;desc=@,%a}@]" ty.id ty.level raw_type_desc ty.desc end and raw_type_list tl = raw_list raw_type tl and raw_type_desc ppf = function Tvar -> fprintf ppf "Tvar" | Tarrow(l,t1,t2,c) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tarrow(%s,@,%a,@,%a,@,%s)@]" l raw_type t1 raw_type t2 (safe_commu_repr [] c) | Ttuple tl -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Ttuple@,%a@]" raw_type_list tl | Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tconstr(@,%a,@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p raw_type_list tl (raw_list path) (list_of_memo !abbrev) | Tobject (t, nm) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tobject(@,%a,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" raw_type t (fun ppf -> match !nm with None -> fprintf ppf " None" | Some(p,tl) -> fprintf ppf "(Some(@,%a,@,%a))" path p raw_type_list tl) | Tfield (f, k, t1, t2) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tfield(@,%s,@,%s,@,%a,@;<0 -1>%a)@]" f (safe_kind_repr [] k) raw_type t1 raw_type t2 | Tnil -> fprintf ppf "Tnil" | Tlink t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tlink@,%a@]" raw_type t | Tsubst t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,%a@]" raw_type t | Tunivar -> fprintf ppf "Tunivar" | Tpoly (t, tl) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpoly(@,%a,@,%a)@]" raw_type t raw_type_list tl | Tvariant row -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>{@[%s@,%a;@]@ @[%s@,%a;@]@ %s%b;@ %s%b;@ @[<1>%s%t@]}@]" "row_fields=" (raw_list (fun ppf (l, f) -> fprintf ppf "@[%s,@ %a@]" l raw_field f)) row.row_fields "row_more=" raw_type row.row_more "row_closed=" row.row_closed "row_fixed=" row.row_fixed "row_name=" (fun ppf -> match row.row_name with None -> fprintf ppf "None" | Some(p,tl) -> fprintf ppf "Some(@,%a,@,%a)" path p raw_type_list tl) | Tpackage (p, _, tl) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpackage(@,%a@,%a)@]" path p raw_type_list tl and raw_field ppf = function Rpresent None -> fprintf ppf "Rpresent None" | Rpresent (Some t) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Rpresent(Some@,%a)@]" raw_type t | Reither (c,tl,m,e) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Reither(%b,@,%a,@,%b,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" c raw_type_list tl m (fun ppf -> match !e with None -> fprintf ppf " None" | Some f -> fprintf ppf "@,@[<1>(%a)@]" raw_field f) | Rabsent -> fprintf ppf "Rabsent" let raw_type_expr ppf t = visited := []; raw_type ppf t; visited := [] let names = ref ([] : (type_expr * string) list) let name_counter = ref 0 let reset_names () = names := []; name_counter := 0 let new_name () = let name = if !name_counter < 26 then String.make 1 (Char.chr(97 + !name_counter)) else String.make 1 (Char.chr(97 + !name_counter mod 26)) ^ string_of_int(!name_counter / 26) in incr name_counter; name let name_of_type t = try List.assq t !names with Not_found -> let name = new_name () in names := (t, name) :: !names; name let check_name_of_type t = ignore(name_of_type t) let non_gen_mark sch ty = if sch && ty.desc = Tvar && ty.level <> generic_level then "_" else "" let print_name_of_type sch ppf t = fprintf ppf "'%s%s" (non_gen_mark sch t) (name_of_type t) let visited_objects = ref ([] : type_expr list) let aliased = ref ([] : type_expr list) let delayed = ref ([] : type_expr list) let add_delayed t = if not (List.memq t !delayed) then delayed := t :: !delayed let is_aliased ty = List.memq (proxy ty) !aliased let add_alias ty = let px = proxy ty in if not (is_aliased px) then aliased := px :: !aliased let aliasable ty = match ty.desc with Tvar | Tunivar | Tpoly _ -> false | _ -> true let namable_row row = row.row_name <> None && List.for_all (fun (_, f) -> match row_field_repr f with | Reither(c, l, _, _) -> row.row_closed && if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1 | _ -> true) row.row_fields let rec mark_loops_rec visited ty = let ty = repr ty in let px = proxy ty in if List.memq px visited && aliasable ty then add_alias px else let visited = px :: visited in match ty.desc with | Tvar -> () | Tarrow(_, ty1, ty2, _) -> mark_loops_rec visited ty1; mark_loops_rec visited ty2 | Ttuple tyl -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl | Tconstr(_, tyl, _) | Tpackage (_, _, tyl) -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl | Tvariant row -> if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias px else begin let row = row_repr row in if not (static_row row) then visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects; match row.row_name with | Some(p, tyl) when namable_row row -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl | _ -> iter_row (mark_loops_rec visited) row end | Tobject (fi, nm) -> if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias px else begin if opened_object ty then visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects; begin match !nm with | None -> let fields, _ = flatten_fields fi in List.iter (fun (_, kind, ty) -> if field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent then mark_loops_rec visited ty) fields | Some (_, l) -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) (List.tl l) end end | Tfield(_, kind, ty1, ty2) when field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent -> mark_loops_rec visited ty1; mark_loops_rec visited ty2 | Tfield(_, _, _, ty2) -> mark_loops_rec visited ty2 | Tnil -> () | Tsubst ty -> mark_loops_rec visited ty | Tlink _ -> fatal_error "Printtyp.mark_loops_rec (2)" | Tpoly (ty, tyl) -> List.iter (fun t -> add_alias t) tyl; mark_loops_rec visited ty | Tunivar -> () let mark_loops ty = normalize_type Env.empty ty; mark_loops_rec [] ty;; let reset_loop_marks () = visited_objects := []; aliased := []; delayed := [] let reset () = reset_names (); reset_loop_marks () let reset_and_mark_loops ty = reset (); mark_loops ty let reset_and_mark_loops_list tyl = reset (); List.iter mark_loops tyl let print_labels = ref true let print_label ppf l = if !print_labels && l <> "" || is_optional l then fprintf ppf "%s:" l let rec tree_of_typexp sch ty = let ty = repr ty in let px = proxy ty in if List.mem_assq px !names && not (List.memq px !delayed) then let mark = is_non_gen sch ty in Otyp_var (mark, name_of_type px) else let pr_typ () = match ty.desc with | Tvar -> Otyp_var (is_non_gen sch ty, name_of_type ty) | Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2, _) -> let pr_arrow l ty1 ty2 = let lab = if !print_labels && l <> "" || is_optional l then l else "" in let t1 = if is_optional l then match (repr ty1).desc with | Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option -> tree_of_typexp sch ty | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>" else tree_of_typexp sch ty1 in Otyp_arrow (lab, t1, tree_of_typexp sch ty2) in pr_arrow l ty1 ty2 | Ttuple tyl -> Otyp_tuple (tree_of_typlist sch tyl) | Tconstr(p, tyl, abbrev) -> Otyp_constr (tree_of_path p, tree_of_typlist sch tyl) | Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in let fields = if row.row_closed then List.filter (fun (_, f) -> row_field_repr f <> Rabsent) row.row_fields else row.row_fields in let present = List.filter (fun (_, f) -> match row_field_repr f with | Rpresent _ -> true | _ -> false) fields in let all_present = List.length present = List.length fields in begin match row.row_name with | Some(p, tyl) when namable_row row -> let id = tree_of_path p in let args = tree_of_typlist sch tyl in if row.row_closed && all_present then Otyp_constr (id, args) else let non_gen = is_non_gen sch px in let tags = if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in Otyp_variant (non_gen, Ovar_name(tree_of_path p, args), row.row_closed, tags) | _ -> let non_gen = not (row.row_closed && all_present) && is_non_gen sch px in let fields = List.map (tree_of_row_field sch) fields in let tags = if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in Otyp_variant (non_gen, Ovar_fields fields, row.row_closed, tags) end | Tobject (fi, nm) -> tree_of_typobject sch fi nm | Tsubst ty -> tree_of_typexp sch ty | Tlink _ | Tnil | Tfield _ -> fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typexp" | Tpoly (ty, []) -> tree_of_typexp sch ty | Tpoly (ty, tyl) -> let tyl = List.map repr tyl in let tyl = List.filter is_aliased tyl in if tyl = [] then tree_of_typexp sch ty else begin let old_delayed = !delayed in List.iter add_delayed tyl; let tl = List.map name_of_type tyl in let tr = Otyp_poly (tl, tree_of_typexp sch ty) in delayed := old_delayed; tr end | Tunivar -> Otyp_var (false, name_of_type ty) | Tpackage (p, n, tyl) -> Otyp_module (Path.name p, n, tree_of_typlist sch tyl) in if List.memq px !delayed then delayed := List.filter ((!=) px) !delayed; if is_aliased px && aliasable ty then begin check_name_of_type px; Otyp_alias (pr_typ (), name_of_type px) end else pr_typ () and tree_of_row_field sch (l, f) = match row_field_repr f with | Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _, _) -> (l, false, []) | Rpresent(Some ty) -> (l, false, [tree_of_typexp sch ty]) | Reither(c, tyl, _, _) -> contradiction : un constructeur constant qui a un argument then (l, true, tree_of_typlist sch tyl) else (l, false, tree_of_typlist sch tyl) and tree_of_typlist sch tyl = List.map (tree_of_typexp sch) tyl and tree_of_typobject sch fi nm = begin match !nm with | None -> let pr_fields fi = let (fields, rest) = flatten_fields fi in let present_fields = List.fold_right (fun (n, k, t) l -> match field_kind_repr k with | Fpresent -> (n, t) :: l | _ -> l) fields [] in let sorted_fields = Sort.list (fun (n, _) (n', _) -> n <= n') present_fields in tree_of_typfields sch rest sorted_fields in let (fields, rest) = pr_fields fi in Otyp_object (fields, rest) | Some (p, ty :: tyl) -> let non_gen = is_non_gen sch (repr ty) in let args = tree_of_typlist sch tyl in Otyp_class (non_gen, tree_of_path p, args) | _ -> fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typobject" end and is_non_gen sch ty = sch && ty.desc = Tvar && ty.level <> generic_level and tree_of_typfields sch rest = function | [] -> let rest = match rest.desc with | Tvar | Tunivar -> Some (is_non_gen sch rest) | Tconstr _ -> Some false | Tnil -> None | _ -> fatal_error "typfields (1)" in ([], rest) | (s, t) :: l -> let field = (s, tree_of_typexp sch t) in let (fields, rest) = tree_of_typfields sch rest l in (field :: fields, rest) let typexp sch prio ppf ty = !Oprint.out_type ppf (tree_of_typexp sch ty) let type_expr ppf ty = typexp false 0 ppf ty and type_sch ppf ty = typexp true 0 ppf ty and type_scheme ppf ty = reset_and_mark_loops ty; typexp true 0 ppf ty let type_scheme_max ?(b_reset_names=true) ppf ty = if b_reset_names then reset_names () ; typexp true 0 ppf ty let tree_of_type_scheme ty = reset_and_mark_loops ty; tree_of_typexp true ty Print one type declaration let tree_of_constraints params = List.fold_right (fun ty list -> let ty' = unalias ty in if proxy ty != proxy ty' then let tr = tree_of_typexp true ty in (tr, tree_of_typexp true ty') :: list else list) params [] let filter_params tyl = let params = List.fold_left (fun tyl ty -> let ty = repr ty in if List.memq ty tyl then Btype.newgenty (Tsubst ty) :: tyl else ty :: tyl) [] tyl in List.rev params let string_of_mutable = function | Immutable -> "" | Mutable -> "mutable " let rec tree_of_type_decl id decl = reset(); let params = filter_params decl.type_params in List.iter add_alias params; List.iter mark_loops params; List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy params); let ty_manifest = match decl.type_manifest with | None -> None | Some ty -> let ty = match repr ty with {desc=Tvariant row} -> let row = row_repr row in begin match row.row_name with Some (Pident id', _) when Ident.same id id' -> newgenty (Tvariant {row with row_name = None}) | _ -> ty end | _ -> ty in mark_loops ty; Some ty in begin match decl.type_kind with | Type_abstract -> () | Type_variant [] -> () | Type_variant cstrs -> List.iter (fun (_, args) -> List.iter mark_loops args) cstrs | Type_record(l, rep) -> List.iter (fun (_, _, ty) -> mark_loops ty) l end; let type_param = function | Otyp_var (_, id) -> id | _ -> "?" in let type_defined decl = let abstr = match decl.type_kind with Type_abstract -> begin match decl.type_manifest with None -> true | Some ty -> has_constr_row ty end | Type_variant _ | Type_record(_,_) -> decl.type_private = Private in let vari = List.map2 (fun ty (co,cn,ct) -> if abstr || (repr ty).desc <> Tvar then (co,cn) else (true,true)) decl.type_params decl.type_variance in (Ident.name id, List.map2 (fun ty cocn -> type_param (tree_of_typexp false ty), cocn) params vari) in let tree_of_manifest ty1 = match ty_manifest with | None -> ty1 | Some ty -> Otyp_manifest (tree_of_typexp false ty, ty1) in let (name, args) = type_defined decl in let constraints = tree_of_constraints params in let ty, priv = match decl.type_kind with | Type_abstract -> begin match ty_manifest with | None -> (Otyp_abstract, Public) | Some ty -> tree_of_typexp false ty, decl.type_private end | Type_variant cstrs -> tree_of_manifest (Otyp_sum (List.map tree_of_constructor cstrs)), decl.type_private | Type_record(lbls, rep) -> tree_of_manifest (Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label lbls)), decl.type_private in (name, args, ty, priv, constraints) and tree_of_constructor (name, args) = (name, tree_of_typlist false args) and tree_of_label (name, mut, arg) = (name, mut = Mutable, tree_of_typexp false arg) let tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs = Osig_type (tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs) let type_declaration id ppf decl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_type_declaration id decl Trec_first) let tree_of_exception_declaration id decl = reset_and_mark_loops_list decl; let tyl = tree_of_typlist false decl in Osig_exception (Ident.name id, tyl) let exception_declaration id ppf decl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_exception_declaration id decl) let tree_of_value_description id decl = let id = Ident.name id in let ty = tree_of_type_scheme decl.val_type in let prims = match decl.val_kind with | Val_prim p -> Primitive.description_list p | _ -> [] in Osig_value (id, ty, prims) let value_description id ppf decl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_value_description id decl) let class_var sch ppf l (m, t) = fprintf ppf "@ @[<2>val %s%s :@ %a@]" (string_of_mutable m) l (typexp sch 0) t let method_type (_, kind, ty) = match field_kind_repr kind, repr ty with Fpresent, {desc=Tpoly(ty, _)} -> ty | _ , ty -> ty let tree_of_metho sch concrete csil (lab, kind, ty) = if lab <> dummy_method then begin let kind = field_kind_repr kind in let priv = kind <> Fpresent in let virt = not (Concr.mem lab concrete) in let ty = method_type (lab, kind, ty) in Ocsg_method (lab, priv, virt, tree_of_typexp sch ty) :: csil end else csil let rec prepare_class_type params = function | Tcty_constr (p, tyl, cty) -> let sty = Ctype.self_type cty in if List.memq (proxy sty) !visited_objects || List.exists (fun ty -> (repr ty).desc <> Tvar) params || List.exists (deep_occur sty) tyl then prepare_class_type params cty else List.iter mark_loops tyl | Tcty_signature sign -> let sty = repr sign.cty_self in let px = proxy sty in if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias sty else visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects; let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in List.iter (fun met -> mark_loops (method_type met)) fields; Vars.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> mark_loops ty) sign.cty_vars | Tcty_fun (_, ty, cty) -> mark_loops ty; prepare_class_type params cty let rec tree_of_class_type sch params = function | Tcty_constr (p', tyl, cty) -> let sty = Ctype.self_type cty in if List.memq (proxy sty) !visited_objects || List.exists (fun ty -> (repr ty).desc <> Tvar) params then tree_of_class_type sch params cty else Octy_constr (tree_of_path p', tree_of_typlist true tyl) | Tcty_signature sign -> let sty = repr sign.cty_self in let self_ty = if is_aliased sty then Some (Otyp_var (false, name_of_type (proxy sty))) else None in let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in let csil = [] in let csil = List.fold_left (fun csil (ty1, ty2) -> Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) :: csil) csil (tree_of_constraints params) in let all_vars = Vars.fold (fun l (m, v, t) all -> (l, m, v, t) :: all) sign.cty_vars [] in Consequence of PR#3607 : order of Map.fold has changed ! let all_vars = List.rev all_vars in let csil = List.fold_left (fun csil (l, m, v, t) -> Ocsg_value (l, m = Mutable, v = Virtual, tree_of_typexp sch t) :: csil) csil all_vars in let csil = List.fold_left (tree_of_metho sch sign.cty_concr) csil fields in Octy_signature (self_ty, List.rev csil) | Tcty_fun (l, ty, cty) -> let lab = if !print_labels && l <> "" || is_optional l then l else "" in let ty = if is_optional l then match (repr ty).desc with | Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option -> ty | _ -> newconstr (Path.Pident(Ident.create "<hidden>")) [] else ty in let tr = tree_of_typexp sch ty in Octy_fun (lab, tr, tree_of_class_type sch params cty) let class_type ppf cty = reset (); prepare_class_type [] cty; !Oprint.out_class_type ppf (tree_of_class_type false [] cty) let tree_of_class_param param variance = (match tree_of_typexp true param with Otyp_var (_, s) -> s | _ -> "?"), if (repr param).desc = Tvar then (true, true) else variance let tree_of_class_params params = let tyl = tree_of_typlist true params in List.map (function Otyp_var (_, s) -> s | _ -> "?") tyl let tree_of_class_declaration id cl rs = let params = filter_params cl.cty_params in reset (); List.iter add_alias params; prepare_class_type params cl.cty_type; let sty = self_type cl.cty_type in List.iter mark_loops params; List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy params); if is_aliased sty then check_name_of_type (proxy sty); let vir_flag = cl.cty_new = None in Osig_class (vir_flag, Ident.name id, List.map2 tree_of_class_param params cl.cty_variance, tree_of_class_type true params cl.cty_type, tree_of_rec rs) let class_declaration id ppf cl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_class_declaration id cl Trec_first) let tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl rs = let params = List.map repr cl.clty_params in reset (); List.iter add_alias params; prepare_class_type params cl.clty_type; let sty = self_type cl.clty_type in List.iter mark_loops params; List.iter check_name_of_type (List.map proxy params); if is_aliased sty then check_name_of_type (proxy sty); let sign = Ctype.signature_of_class_type cl.clty_type in let virt = let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in List.exists (fun (lab, _, ty) -> not (lab = dummy_method || Concr.mem lab sign.cty_concr)) fields || Vars.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b) sign.cty_vars false in Osig_class_type (virt, Ident.name id, List.map2 tree_of_class_param params cl.clty_variance, tree_of_class_type true params cl.clty_type, tree_of_rec rs) let cltype_declaration id ppf cl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl Trec_first) let rec tree_of_modtype = function | Tmty_ident p -> Omty_ident (tree_of_path p) | Tmty_signature sg -> Omty_signature (tree_of_signature sg) | Tmty_functor(param, ty_arg, ty_res) -> Omty_functor (Ident.name param, tree_of_modtype ty_arg, tree_of_modtype ty_res) and tree_of_signature = function | [] -> [] | Tsig_value(id, decl) :: rem -> tree_of_value_description id decl :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_type(id, _, _) :: rem when is_row_name (Ident.name id) -> tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_type(id, decl, rs) :: rem -> Osig_type(tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs) :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_exception(id, decl) :: rem -> tree_of_exception_declaration id decl :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_module(id, mty, rs) :: rem -> Osig_module (Ident.name id, tree_of_modtype mty, tree_of_rec rs) :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_modtype(id, decl) :: rem -> tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_class(id, decl, rs) :: ctydecl :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem -> tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs :: tree_of_signature rem | Tsig_cltype(id, decl, rs) :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem -> tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs :: tree_of_signature rem | _ -> assert false and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl = let mty = match decl with | Tmodtype_abstract -> Omty_abstract | Tmodtype_manifest mty -> tree_of_modtype mty in Osig_modtype (Ident.name id, mty) let tree_of_module id mty rs = Osig_module (Ident.name id, tree_of_modtype mty, tree_of_rec rs) let modtype ppf mty = !Oprint.out_module_type ppf (tree_of_modtype mty) let modtype_declaration id ppf decl = !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl) Print a signature body ( used by -i when compiling a .ml ) let print_signature ppf tree = fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" !Oprint.out_signature tree let signature ppf sg = fprintf ppf "%a" print_signature (tree_of_signature sg) let type_expansion t ppf t' = if t == t' then type_expr ppf t else let t' = if proxy t == proxy t' then unalias t' else t' in fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]" type_expr t type_expr t' let rec trace fst txt ppf = function | (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem -> if not fst then fprintf ppf "@,"; fprintf ppf "@[Type@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@] %a" (type_expansion t1) t1' txt (type_expansion t2) t2' (trace false txt) rem | _ -> () let rec filter_trace = function | (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem -> let rem' = filter_trace rem in if t1 == t1' && t2 == t2' then rem' else (t1, t1') :: (t2, t2') :: rem' | _ -> [] let hide_variant_name t = match repr t with | {desc = Tvariant row} as t when (row_repr row).row_name <> None -> newty2 t.level (Tvariant {(row_repr row) with row_name = None; row_more = newty2 (row_more row).level Tvar}) | _ -> t let prepare_expansion (t, t') = let t' = hide_variant_name t' in mark_loops t; if t != t' then mark_loops t'; (t, t') let may_prepare_expansion compact (t, t') = match (repr t').desc with Tvariant _ | Tobject _ when compact -> mark_loops t; (t, t) | _ -> prepare_expansion (t, t') let print_tags ppf fields = match fields with [] -> () | (t, _) :: fields -> fprintf ppf "`%s" t; List.iter (fun (t, _) -> fprintf ppf ",@ `%s" t) fields let has_explanation unif t3 t4 = match t3.desc, t4.desc with Tfield _, _ | _, Tfield _ | Tunivar, Tvar | Tvar, Tunivar | Tvariant _, Tvariant _ -> true | Tconstr (p, _, _), Tvar | Tvar, Tconstr (p, _, _) -> unif && min t3.level t4.level < Path.binding_time p | _ -> false let rec mismatch unif = function (_, t) :: (_, t') :: rem -> begin match mismatch unif rem with Some _ as m -> m | None -> if has_explanation unif t t' then Some(t,t') else None end | [] -> None | _ -> assert false let explanation unif t3 t4 ppf = match t3.desc, t4.desc with | Tfield _, Tvar | Tvar, Tfield _ -> fprintf ppf "@,Self type cannot escape its class" | Tconstr (p, _, _), Tvar when unif && t4.level < Path.binding_time p -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]" path p | Tvar, Tconstr (p, _, _) when unif && t3.level < Path.binding_time p -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]" path p | Tvar, Tunivar | Tunivar, Tvar -> fprintf ppf "@,The universal variable %a would escape its scope" type_expr (if t3.desc = Tunivar then t3 else t4) | Tfield (lab, _, _, _), _ | _, Tfield (lab, _, _, _) when lab = dummy_method -> fprintf ppf "@,Self type cannot be unified with a closed object type" | Tfield (l, _, _, _), Tfield (l', _, _, _) when l = l' -> fprintf ppf "@,Types for method %s are incompatible" l | _, Tfield (l, _, _, _) -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The first object type has no method %s@]" l | Tfield (l, _, _, _), _ -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The second object type has no method %s@]" l | Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2 -> let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in begin match row1.row_fields, row1.row_closed, row2.row_fields, row2.row_closed with | [], true, [], true -> fprintf ppf "@,These two variant types have no intersection" | [], true, fields, _ -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The first variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]" print_tags fields | fields, _, [], true -> fprintf ppf "@,@[The second variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]" print_tags fields | [l1,_], true, [l2,_], true when l1 = l2 -> fprintf ppf "@,Types for tag `%s are incompatible" l1 | _ -> () end | _ -> () let explanation unif mis ppf = match mis with None -> () | Some (t3, t4) -> explanation unif t3 t4 ppf let unification_error unif tr txt1 ppf txt2 = reset (); let tr = List.map (fun (t, t') -> (t, hide_variant_name t')) tr in let mis = mismatch unif tr in match tr with | [] | _ :: [] -> assert false | t1 :: t2 :: tr -> try let tr = filter_trace tr in let t1, t1' = may_prepare_expansion (tr = []) t1 and t2, t2' = may_prepare_expansion (tr = []) t2 in print_labels := not !Clflags.classic; let tr = List.map prepare_expansion tr in fprintf ppf "@[<v>\ @[%t@;<1 2>%a@ \ %t@;<1 2>%a\ @]%a%t\ @]" txt1 (type_expansion t1) t1' txt2 (type_expansion t2) t2' (trace false "is not compatible with type") tr (explanation unif mis); print_labels := true with exn -> print_labels := true; raise exn let report_unification_error ppf tr txt1 txt2 = unification_error true tr txt1 ppf txt2;; let trace fst txt ppf tr = print_labels := not !Clflags.classic; try match tr with t1 :: t2 :: tr' -> if fst then trace fst txt ppf (t1 :: t2 :: filter_trace tr') else trace fst txt ppf (filter_trace tr); print_labels := true | _ -> () with exn -> print_labels := true; raise exn let report_subtyping_error ppf tr1 txt1 tr2 = reset (); let tr1 = List.map prepare_expansion tr1 and tr2 = List.map prepare_expansion tr2 in trace true txt1 ppf tr1; if tr2 = [] then () else let mis = mismatch true tr2 in trace false "is not compatible with type" ppf tr2; explanation true mis ppf
( c ) The University of Glasgow 2006 ( c ) The GRASP / AQUA Project , Glasgow University , 1992 - 1998 Type checking of type signatures in interface files (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 Type checking of type signatures in interface files -} # LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno - incomplete - record - updates # # LANGUAGE TupleSections # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module GHC.IfaceToCore ( tcLookupImported_maybe, importDecl, checkWiredInTyCon, tcHiBootIface, typecheckIface, typecheckWholeCoreBindings, typecheckIfacesForMerging, typecheckIfaceForInstantiate, tcIfaceDecl, tcIfaceDecls, tcIfaceInst, tcIfaceFamInst, tcIfaceRules, tcIfaceAnnotations, tcIfaceCompleteMatches, tcIfaceExpr, -- Desired by HERMIT (#7683) tcIfaceGlobal, tcIfaceOneShot, tcTopIfaceBindings, hydrateCgBreakInfo ) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.ByteCode.Types import Data.Word import GHC.Driver.Env import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Driver.Config.Core.Lint ( initLintConfig ) import GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals(typeNatCoAxiomRules) import GHC.Builtin.Types import GHC.Iface.Syntax import GHC.Iface.Load import GHC.Iface.Env import GHC.StgToCmm.Types import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types import GHC.Tc.TyCl.Build import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType import GHC.Core.Type import GHC.Core.Coercion import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom import GHC.Core.FVs import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep -- needs to build types & coercions in a knot import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst ( substTyCoVars ) import GHC.Core.InstEnv import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv import GHC.Core import GHC.Core.RoughMap( RoughMatchTc(..) ) import GHC.Core.Utils import GHC.Core.Unfold( calcUnfoldingGuidance ) import GHC.Core.Unfold.Make import GHC.Core.Lint import GHC.Core.Make import GHC.Core.Class import GHC.Core.TyCon import GHC.Core.ConLike import GHC.Core.DataCon import GHC.Core.Opt.OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseExpr ) import GHC.Core.Ppr import GHC.Unit.Env import GHC.Unit.External import GHC.Unit.Module import GHC.Unit.Module.ModDetails import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface import GHC.Unit.Home.ModInfo import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Utils.Misc import GHC.Utils.Panic import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain import GHC.Utils.Constants (debugIsOn) import GHC.Utils.Logger import GHC.Data.Bag import GHC.Data.Maybe import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC.Data.List.SetOps import GHC.Types.Annotations import GHC.Types.SourceFile import GHC.Types.SourceText import GHC.Types.Basic hiding ( SuccessFlag(..) ) import GHC.Types.CompleteMatch import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Types.TypeEnv import GHC.Types.Unique.FM import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet ( mkUniqDSet ) import GHC.Types.Unique.Set ( nonDetEltsUniqSet ) import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply import GHC.Types.Demand( isDeadEndSig ) import GHC.Types.Literal import GHC.Types.Var as Var import GHC.Types.Var.Set import GHC.Types.Name import GHC.Types.Name.Env import GHC.Types.Name.Set import GHC.Types.Id import GHC.Types.Id.Make import GHC.Types.Id.Info import GHC.Types.Tickish import GHC.Types.TyThing import GHC.Types.Error import GHC.Fingerprint import qualified GHC.Data.BooleanFormula as BF import Control.Monad import GHC.Parser.Annotation import GHC.Driver.Env.KnotVars import GHC.Unit.Module.WholeCoreBindings import Data.IORef import Data.Foldable import GHC.Builtin.Names (ioTyConName, rOOT_MAIN) This module takes IfaceDecl - > TyThing IfaceType - > Type etc An IfaceDecl is populated with RdrNames , and these are not renamed to Names before typechecking , because there should be no scope errors etc . -- For ( b ) consider : f = \$( ... h .... ) -- where h is imported , and calls f via an hi - boot file . -- This is bad ! But it is not seen as a staging error , because h -- is indeed imported . We do n't want the type - checker to black - hole -- when simplifying and compiling the splice ! -- -- Simple solution : discard any unfolding that mentions a variable -- bound in this module ( and hence not yet processed ) . -- The discarding happens when forkM finds a type error . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Type - checking a complete interface * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Suppose we discover we do n't need to recompile . Then we must type check the old interface file . This is a bit different to the incremental type checking we do as we suck in interface files . Instead we do things similarly as when we are typechecking source decls : we bring into scope the type envt for the interface all at once , using a knot . Remember , the decls are n't necessarily in dependency order -- and even if they were , the type decls might be mutually recursive . Note [ Knot - tying typecheckIface ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose we are typechecking an interface A.hi , and we come across a Name for another entity defined in A.hi . How do we get the ' ' , in this case ? There are three cases : 1 ) tcHiBootIface in GHC.IfaceToCore : We 're typechecking an hi - boot file in preparation of checking if the hs file we 're building is compatible . In this case , we want all of the internal TyCons to MATCH the ones that we just constructed during typechecking : the knot is thus tied through if_rec_types . 2 ) rehydrate in GHC.Driver . Make : We are rehydrating a mutually recursive cluster of hi files , in order to ensure that all of the references refer to each other correctly . In this case , the knot is tied through the HPT passed in , which contains all of the interfaces we are in the process of typechecking . 3 ) genModDetails in GHC.Driver . Main : We are typechecking an old interface to generate the ModDetails . In this case , we do the same thing as ( 2 ) and pass in an HPT with the HomeModInfo being generated to tie knots . The upshot is that the CLIENT of this function is responsible for making sure that the knot is tied correctly . If you do n't , then you 'll get a message saying that we could n't load the declaration you wanted . BTW , in one - shot mode we never call typecheckIface ; instead , loadInterface handles type - checking interface . In that case , knots are tied through the EPS . No problem ! This module takes IfaceDecl -> TyThing IfaceType -> Type etc An IfaceDecl is populated with RdrNames, and these are not renamed to Names before typechecking, because there should be no scope errors etc. -- For (b) consider: f = \$(...h....) -- where h is imported, and calls f via an hi-boot file. -- This is bad! But it is not seen as a staging error, because h -- is indeed imported. We don't want the type-checker to black-hole -- when simplifying and compiling the splice! -- -- Simple solution: discard any unfolding that mentions a variable -- bound in this module (and hence not yet processed). -- The discarding happens when forkM finds a type error. ************************************************************************ * * Type-checking a complete interface * * ************************************************************************ Suppose we discover we don't need to recompile. Then we must type check the old interface file. This is a bit different to the incremental type checking we do as we suck in interface files. Instead we do things similarly as when we are typechecking source decls: we bring into scope the type envt for the interface all at once, using a knot. Remember, the decls aren't necessarily in dependency order -- and even if they were, the type decls might be mutually recursive. Note [Knot-tying typecheckIface] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose we are typechecking an interface A.hi, and we come across a Name for another entity defined in A.hi. How do we get the 'TyCon', in this case? There are three cases: 1) tcHiBootIface in GHC.IfaceToCore: We're typechecking an hi-boot file in preparation of checking if the hs file we're building is compatible. In this case, we want all of the internal TyCons to MATCH the ones that we just constructed during typechecking: the knot is thus tied through if_rec_types. 2) rehydrate in GHC.Driver.Make: We are rehydrating a mutually recursive cluster of hi files, in order to ensure that all of the references refer to each other correctly. In this case, the knot is tied through the HPT passed in, which contains all of the interfaces we are in the process of typechecking. 3) genModDetails in GHC.Driver.Main: We are typechecking an old interface to generate the ModDetails. In this case, we do the same thing as (2) and pass in an HPT with the HomeModInfo being generated to tie knots. The upshot is that the CLIENT of this function is responsible for making sure that the knot is tied correctly. If you don't, then you'll get a message saying that we couldn't load the declaration you wanted. BTW, in one-shot mode we never call typecheckIface; instead, loadInterface handles type-checking interface. In that case, knots are tied through the EPS. No problem! -} -- Clients of this function be careful, see Note [Knot-tying typecheckIface] typecheckIface :: ModIface -- Get the decls from here -> IfG ModDetails typecheckIface iface = initIfaceLcl (mi_semantic_module iface) (text "typecheckIface") (mi_boot iface) $ do { -- Get the right set of decls and rules. If we are compiling without -O -- we discard pragmas before typechecking, so that we don't "see" -- information that we shouldn't. From a versioning point of view -- It's not actually *wrong* to do so, but in fact GHCi is unable -- to handle unboxed tuples, so it must not see unfoldings. ignore_prags <- goptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas the decls . This is done lazily , so that the knot - tying -- within this single module works out right. It's the callers -- job to make sure the knot is tied. ; names_w_things <- tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface) ; let type_env = mkNameEnv names_w_things -- Now do those rules, instances and annotations ; insts <- mapM tcIfaceInst (mi_insts iface) ; fam_insts <- mapM tcIfaceFamInst (mi_fam_insts iface) ; rules <- tcIfaceRules ignore_prags (mi_rules iface) ; anns <- tcIfaceAnnotations (mi_anns iface) -- Exports ; exports <- ifaceExportNames (mi_exports iface) ; complete_matches <- tcIfaceCompleteMatches (mi_complete_matches iface) -- Finished ; traceIf (vcat [text "Finished typechecking interface for" <+> ppr (mi_module iface), Careful ! If we tug on the TyThing thunks too early -- we'll infinite loop with hs-boot. See #10083 for -- an example where this would cause non-termination. text "Type envt:" <+> ppr (map fst names_w_things)]) ; return $ ModDetails { md_types = type_env , md_insts = mkInstEnv insts , md_fam_insts = fam_insts , md_rules = rules , md_anns = anns , md_exports = exports , md_complete_matches = complete_matches } } typecheckWholeCoreBindings :: IORef TypeEnv -> WholeCoreBindings -> IfG [CoreBind] typecheckWholeCoreBindings type_var (WholeCoreBindings tidy_bindings this_mod _) = initIfaceLcl this_mod (text "typecheckWholeCoreBindings") NotBoot $ do tcTopIfaceBindings type_var tidy_bindings * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * for merging * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************************ * * Typechecking for merging * * ************************************************************************ -} -- | Returns true if an 'IfaceDecl' is for @data T@ (an abstract data type) isAbstractIfaceDecl :: IfaceDecl -> Bool isAbstractIfaceDecl IfaceData{ ifCons = IfAbstractTyCon {} } = True isAbstractIfaceDecl IfaceClass{ ifBody = IfAbstractClass } = True isAbstractIfaceDecl IfaceFamily{ ifFamFlav = IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon } = True isAbstractIfaceDecl _ = False ifMaybeRoles :: IfaceDecl -> Maybe [Role] ifMaybeRoles IfaceData { ifRoles = rs } = Just rs ifMaybeRoles IfaceSynonym { ifRoles = rs } = Just rs ifMaybeRoles IfaceClass { ifRoles = rs } = Just rs ifMaybeRoles _ = Nothing | Merge two ' IfaceDecl 's together , preferring a non - abstract one . If both are non - abstract we pick one arbitrarily ( and check for consistency -- later.) mergeIfaceDecl :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl mergeIfaceDecl d1 d2 | isAbstractIfaceDecl d1 = d2 `withRolesFrom` d1 | isAbstractIfaceDecl d2 = d1 `withRolesFrom` d2 | IfaceClass{ ifBody = IfConcreteClass { ifSigs = ops1, ifMinDef = bf1 } } <- d1 , IfaceClass{ ifBody = IfConcreteClass { ifSigs = ops2, ifMinDef = bf2 } } <- d2 = let ops = nonDetNameEnvElts $ plusNameEnv_C mergeIfaceClassOp (mkNameEnv [ (n, op) | op@(IfaceClassOp n _ _) <- ops1 ]) (mkNameEnv [ (n, op) | op@(IfaceClassOp n _ _) <- ops2 ]) in d1 { ifBody = (ifBody d1) { ifSigs = ops, ifMinDef = BF.mkOr [noLocA bf1, noLocA bf2] } } `withRolesFrom` d2 -- It doesn't matter; we'll check for consistency later when -- we merge, see 'mergeSignatures' | otherwise = d1 `withRolesFrom` d2 -- Note [Role merging] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First , why might it be necessary to do a non - trivial role -- merge? It may rescue a merge that might otherwise fail: -- -- signature A where -- type role T nominal representational -- data T a b -- -- signature A where -- type role T representational nominal -- data T a b -- -- A module that defines T as representational in both arguments -- would successfully fill both signatures, so it would be better -- if we merged the roles of these types in some nontrivial -- way. -- -- However, we have to be very careful about how we go about -- doing this, because role subtyping is *conditional* on -- the supertype being NOT representationally injective, e.g., -- if we have instead: -- -- signature A where -- type role T nominal representational -- data T a b = T a b -- -- signature A where -- type role T representational nominal -- data T a b = T a b -- Should we merge the definitions of T so that the roles are R / R ( or N / N ) ? -- Absolutely not: neither resulting type is a subtype of the original -- types (see Note [Role subtyping]), because data is not representationally -- injective. -- -- Thus, merging only occurs when BOTH TyCons in question are -- representationally injective. If they're not, no merge. withRolesFrom :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl d1 `withRolesFrom` d2 | Just roles1 <- ifMaybeRoles d1 , Just roles2 <- ifMaybeRoles d2 , not (isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl d1 || isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl d2) = d1 { ifRoles = mergeRoles roles1 roles2 } | otherwise = d1 where mergeRoles roles1 roles2 = zipWithEqual "mergeRoles" max roles1 roles2 isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl :: IfaceDecl -> Bool isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl IfaceData{ ifCons = IfDataTyCon{} } = True isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl IfaceFamily{ ifFamFlav = IfaceDataFamilyTyCon } = True isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl _ = False mergeIfaceClassOp :: IfaceClassOp -> IfaceClassOp -> IfaceClassOp mergeIfaceClassOp op1@(IfaceClassOp _ _ (Just _)) _ = op1 mergeIfaceClassOp _ op2 = op2 | Merge two ' OccEnv 's of ' IfaceDecl 's by ' OccName ' . mergeIfaceDecls :: OccEnv IfaceDecl -> OccEnv IfaceDecl -> OccEnv IfaceDecl mergeIfaceDecls = plusOccEnv_C mergeIfaceDecl -- | This is a very interesting function. Like typecheckIface, we want to type check an interface file into a ModDetails . However , the use - case for these ModDetails is different : we want to compare all of the ModDetails to ensure they define compatible declarations , and then -- merge them together. So in particular, we have to take a different strategy for knot - tying : we first speculatively merge the declarations -- to get the "base" truth for what we believe the types will be -- (this is "type computation.") Then we read everything in relative -- to this truth and check for compatibility. -- -- During the merge process, we may need to nondeterministically -- pick a particular declaration to use, if multiple signatures define -- the declaration ('mergeIfaceDecl'). If, for all choices, there -- are no type synonym cycles in the resulting merged graph, then -- we can show that our choice cannot matter. Consider the -- set of entities which the declarations depend on: by assumption -- of acyclicity, we can assume that these have already been shown to be equal -- to each other (otherwise merging will fail). Then it must -- be the case that all candidate declarations here are type-equal -- (the choice doesn't matter) or there is an inequality (in which -- case merging will fail.) -- -- Unfortunately, the choice can matter if there is a cycle. Consider the -- following merge: -- -- signature H where { type A = C; type B = A; data C } -- signature H where { type A = (); data B; type C = B } -- -- If we pick @type A = C@ as our representative, there will be -- a cycle and merging will fail. But if we pick @type A = ()@ as -- our representative, no cycle occurs, and we instead conclude -- that all of the types are unit. So it seems that we either -- (a) need a stronger acyclicity check which considers *all* -- possible choices from a merge, or (b) we must find a selection -- of declarations which is acyclic, and show that this is always the " best " choice we could have made ( ezyang conjectures this -- is the case but does not have a proof). For now this is -- not implemented. -- -- It's worth noting that at the moment, a data constructor and a -- type synonym are never compatible. Consider: -- -- signature H where { type Int=C; type B = Int; data C = Int} -- signature H where { export Prelude.Int; data B; type C = B; } -- This will be rejected , because the reexported Int in the second -- signature (a proper data type) is never considered equal to a -- type synonym. Perhaps this should be relaxed, where a type synonym -- in a signature is considered implemented by a data type declaration -- which matches the reference of the type synonym. typecheckIfacesForMerging :: Module -> [ModIface] -> (KnotVars (IORef TypeEnv)) -> IfM lcl (TypeEnv, [ModDetails]) typecheckIfacesForMerging mod ifaces tc_env_vars = -- cannot be boot (False) initIfaceLcl mod (text "typecheckIfacesForMerging") NotBoot $ do ignore_prags <- goptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas -- Build the initial environment NB : Do n't include dfuns here , because we do n't want to serialize them out . See Note [ rnIfaceNeverExported ] in GHC.Iface . Rename NB : But coercions are OK , because they will have the right OccName . let mk_decl_env decls = mkOccEnv [ (getOccName decl, decl) | decl <- decls , case decl of exclude DFuns _ -> True ] decl_envs = map (mk_decl_env . map snd . mi_decls) ifaces :: [OccEnv IfaceDecl] decl_env = foldl' mergeIfaceDecls emptyOccEnv decl_envs :: OccEnv IfaceDecl -- TODO: change tcIfaceDecls to accept w/o Fingerprint names_w_things <- tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags (map (\x -> (fingerprint0, x)) (nonDetOccEnvElts decl_env)) let global_type_env = mkNameEnv names_w_things case lookupKnotVars tc_env_vars mod of Just tc_env_var -> writeMutVar tc_env_var global_type_env Nothing -> return () OK , now each ModIface using this environment details <- forM ifaces $ \iface -> do -- See Note [Resolving never-exported Names] in GHC.IfaceToCore type_env <- fixM $ \type_env -> setImplicitEnvM type_env $ do decls <- tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface) return (mkNameEnv decls) -- But note that we use this type_env to typecheck references to DFun -- in 'IfaceInst' setImplicitEnvM type_env $ do insts <- mapM tcIfaceInst (mi_insts iface) fam_insts <- mapM tcIfaceFamInst (mi_fam_insts iface) rules <- tcIfaceRules ignore_prags (mi_rules iface) anns <- tcIfaceAnnotations (mi_anns iface) exports <- ifaceExportNames (mi_exports iface) complete_matches <- tcIfaceCompleteMatches (mi_complete_matches iface) return $ ModDetails { md_types = type_env , md_insts = mkInstEnv insts , md_fam_insts = fam_insts , md_rules = rules , md_anns = anns , md_exports = exports , md_complete_matches = complete_matches } return (global_type_env, details) | a signature ' ModIface ' under the assumption that we have -- instantiated it under some implementation (recorded in 'mi_semantic_module') -- and want to check if the implementation fills the signature. -- -- This needs to operate slightly differently than 'typecheckIface' because ( 1 ) we have a ' NameShape ' , from the exports of the -- implementing module, which we will use to give our top-level -- declarations the correct 'Name's even when the implementor provided them with a reexport , and ( 2 ) we have to deal with -- DFun silliness (see Note [rnIfaceNeverExported]) typecheckIfaceForInstantiate :: NameShape -> ModIface -> IfM lcl ModDetails typecheckIfaceForInstantiate nsubst iface = initIfaceLclWithSubst (mi_semantic_module iface) (text "typecheckIfaceForInstantiate") (mi_boot iface) nsubst $ do ignore_prags <- goptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas -- See Note [Resolving never-exported Names] in GHC.IfaceToCore type_env <- fixM $ \type_env -> setImplicitEnvM type_env $ do decls <- tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface) return (mkNameEnv decls) -- See Note [rnIfaceNeverExported] setImplicitEnvM type_env $ do insts <- mapM tcIfaceInst (mi_insts iface) fam_insts <- mapM tcIfaceFamInst (mi_fam_insts iface) rules <- tcIfaceRules ignore_prags (mi_rules iface) anns <- tcIfaceAnnotations (mi_anns iface) exports <- ifaceExportNames (mi_exports iface) complete_matches <- tcIfaceCompleteMatches (mi_complete_matches iface) return $ ModDetails { md_types = type_env , md_insts = mkInstEnv insts , md_fam_insts = fam_insts , md_rules = rules , md_anns = anns , md_exports = exports , md_complete_matches = complete_matches } -- Note [Resolving never-exported Names] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- For the high-level overview, see Note [ Handling never - exported under Backpack ] -- -- As described in 'typecheckIfacesForMerging', the splendid innovation -- of signature merging is to rewrite all Names in each of the signatures -- we are merging together to a pre-merged structure; this is the key -- ingredient that lets us solve some problems when merging type -- synonyms. -- -- However, when a 'Name' refers to a NON-exported entity, as is the case with the DFun of a ClsInst , or a of a type family , this strategy causes problems : if we pick one and rewrite all -- references to a shared 'Name', we will accidentally fail to check if the DFun or CoAxioms are compatible , as they will never be -- checked--only exported entities are checked for compatibility, and a non - exported TyThing is checked WHEN we are checking the -- ClsInst or type family for compatibility in checkBootDeclM. -- By virtue of the fact that everything's been pointed to the merged -- declaration, you'll never notice there's a difference even if there -- is one. -- -- Fortunately, there are only a few places in the interface declarations -- where this can occur, so we replace those calls with 'tcIfaceImplicit', -- which will consult a local TypeEnv that records any never-exported which we should wire up with . -- -- Note that we actually knot-tie this local TypeEnv (the 'fixM'), because a type family can refer to a coercion axiom , all of which are done in one go when we typecheck ' mi_decls ' . An alternate strategy would be to coercions first before type families , but that seemed more fragile . -- {- ************************************************************************ * * Type and class declarations * * ************************************************************************ -} tcHiBootIface :: HscSource -> Module -> TcRn SelfBootInfo -- Load the hi-boot iface for the module being compiled, -- if it indeed exists in the transitive closure of imports Return the ModDetails ; Nothing if no hi - boot iface tcHiBootIface hsc_src mod | HsBootFile <- hsc_src -- Already compiling a hs-boot file = return NoSelfBoot | otherwise = do { traceIf (text "loadHiBootInterface" <+> ppr mod) ; mode <- getGhcMode ; if not (isOneShot mode) -- In --make and interactive mode, if this module has an hs-boot file we 'll have compiled it already , and it 'll be in the HPT -- -- We check whether the interface is a *boot* interface. It can happen ( when using GHC from Visual Studio ) that we -- compile a module in TypecheckOnly mode, with a stable, fully - populated HPT . In that case the boot interface is n't there -- (it's been replaced by the mother module) so we can't check it. And that 's fine , because if M 's ModInfo is in the HPT , then -- it's been compiled once, and we don't need to check the boot iface then do { (_, hug) <- getEpsAndHug ; case lookupHugByModule mod hug of Just info | mi_boot (hm_iface info) == IsBoot -> mkSelfBootInfo (hm_iface info) (hm_details info) _ -> return NoSelfBoot } else do OK , so we 're in one - shot mode . -- Re #9245, we always check if there is an hi-boot interface -- to check consistency against, rather than just when we notice -- that an hi-boot is necessary due to a circular import. { hsc_env <- getTopEnv ; read_result <- liftIO $ findAndReadIface hsc_env need (fst (getModuleInstantiation mod)) mod IsBoot -- Hi-boot file ; case read_result of { Succeeded (iface, _path) -> do { tc_iface <- initIfaceTcRn $ typecheckIface iface ; mkSelfBootInfo iface tc_iface } ; Failed err -> -- There was no hi-boot file. But if there is circularity in -- the module graph, there really should have been one. -- Since we've read all the direct imports by now, -- eps_is_boot will record if any of our imports mention the -- current module, which either means a module loop (not -- a SOURCE import) or that our hi-boot file has mysteriously -- disappeared. do { eps <- getEps ; case lookupInstalledModuleEnv (eps_is_boot eps) (toUnitId <$> mod) of -- The typical case Nothing -> return NoSelfBoot -- error cases Just (GWIB { gwib_isBoot = is_boot }) -> case is_boot of IsBoot -> failWithTc (mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints (elaborate err)) -- The hi-boot file has mysteriously disappeared. NotBoot -> failWithTc (mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints moduleLoop) -- Someone below us imported us! -- This is a loop with no hi-boot in the way }}}} where need = text "Need the hi-boot interface for" <+> ppr mod <+> text "to compare against the Real Thing" moduleLoop = text "Circular imports: module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> text "depends on itself" elaborate err = hang (text "Could not find hi-boot interface for" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <> colon) 4 err mkSelfBootInfo :: ModIface -> ModDetails -> TcRn SelfBootInfo mkSelfBootInfo iface mds NB : This is computed DIRECTLY from the ModIface rather than from the ModDetails , so that we can query ' sb_tcs ' -- WITHOUT forcing the contents of the interface. let tcs = map ifName . filter isIfaceTyCon . map snd $ mi_decls iface return $ SelfBoot { sb_mds = mds , sb_tcs = mkNameSet tcs } where Returns if , when you call ' tcIfaceDecl ' on this ' IfaceDecl ' , an ATyCon would be returned . NB : This code assumes that a can not be implicit . isIfaceTyCon IfaceId{} = False isIfaceTyCon IfaceData{} = True isIfaceTyCon IfaceSynonym{} = True isIfaceTyCon IfaceFamily{} = True isIfaceTyCon IfaceClass{} = True isIfaceTyCon IfaceAxiom{} = False isIfaceTyCon IfacePatSyn{} = False * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Type and class declarations * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * When typechecking a data type decl , we * lazily * ( via forkM ) typecheck the constructor argument types . This is in the hope that we may never poke on those argument types , and hence may never need to load the interface files for types mentioned in the arg types . E.g. data . S = MkS Baz . T Maybe we can get away without even loading the interface for ! This is not just a performance thing . Suppose we have data . S = MkS Baz . T data . T = MkT . S ( in different interface files , of course ) . Now , first we load and . S , and add it to the type envt . If we do explore MkS 's argument , we 'll load and . T. If we explore MkT 's argument we 'll find . S already in the envt . If we typechecked constructor args eagerly , when loading . S we 'd try to typecheck the type . T. So we 'd fault in . T ... and then need . S ... which is n't done yet . All very cunning . However , there is a rather subtle gotcha which bit me when developing this stuff . When we typecheck the decl for S , we extend the type envt with S , MkS , and all its implicit Ids . Suppose ( a bug , but it happened ) that the list of implicit Ids depended in turn on the constructor arg types . Then the following sequence of events takes place : * we build a thunk < t > for the constructor arg tys * we build a thunk for the extended type environment ( depends on < t > ) * we write the extended type envt into the global EPS mutvar Now we look something up in the type envt * that pulls on < t > * which reads the global type envt out of the global EPS mutvar * but that depends in turn on < t > It 's subtle , because , it 'd work fine if we typechecked the constructor args eagerly -- they do n't need the extended type envt . They just get the extended type envt by accident , because they look at it later . What this means is that the implicitTyThings MUST NOT DEPEND on any of the forkM stuff . ************************************************************************ * * Type and class declarations * * ************************************************************************ When typechecking a data type decl, we *lazily* (via forkM) typecheck the constructor argument types. This is in the hope that we may never poke on those argument types, and hence may never need to load the interface files for types mentioned in the arg types. E.g. data Foo.S = MkS Baz.T Maybe we can get away without even loading the interface for Baz! This is not just a performance thing. Suppose we have data Foo.S = MkS Baz.T data Baz.T = MkT Foo.S (in different interface files, of course). Now, first we load and typecheck Foo.S, and add it to the type envt. If we do explore MkS's argument, we'll load and typecheck Baz.T. If we explore MkT's argument we'll find Foo.S already in the envt. If we typechecked constructor args eagerly, when loading Foo.S we'd try to typecheck the type Baz.T. So we'd fault in Baz.T... and then need Foo.S... which isn't done yet. All very cunning. However, there is a rather subtle gotcha which bit me when developing this stuff. When we typecheck the decl for S, we extend the type envt with S, MkS, and all its implicit Ids. Suppose (a bug, but it happened) that the list of implicit Ids depended in turn on the constructor arg types. Then the following sequence of events takes place: * we build a thunk <t> for the constructor arg tys * we build a thunk for the extended type environment (depends on <t>) * we write the extended type envt into the global EPS mutvar Now we look something up in the type envt * that pulls on <t> * which reads the global type envt out of the global EPS mutvar * but that depends in turn on <t> It's subtle, because, it'd work fine if we typechecked the constructor args eagerly -- they don't need the extended type envt. They just get the extended type envt by accident, because they look at it later. What this means is that the implicitTyThings MUST NOT DEPEND on any of the forkM stuff. -} ^ True < = > discard IdInfo on IfaceId bindings -> IfaceDecl -> IfL TyThing tcIfaceDecl = tc_iface_decl Nothing tc_iface_decl :: Maybe Class -- ^ For associated type/data family declarations ^ True < = > discard IdInfo on IfaceId bindings -> IfaceDecl -> IfL TyThing tc_iface_decl _ ignore_prags (IfaceId {ifName = name, ifType = iface_type, ifIdDetails = details, ifIdInfo = info}) = do { ty <- tcIfaceType iface_type ; details <- tcIdDetails ty details ; info <- tcIdInfo ignore_prags TopLevel name ty info ; return (AnId (mkGlobalId details name ty info)) } tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceData {ifName = tc_name, ifCType = cType, ifBinders = binders, ifResKind = res_kind, ifRoles = roles, ifCtxt = ctxt, ifGadtSyntax = gadt_syn, ifCons = rdr_cons, ifParent = mb_parent }) = bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT binders $ \ binders' -> do { res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind ; tycon <- fixM $ \ tycon -> do { stupid_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt ctxt ; parent' <- tc_parent tc_name mb_parent ; cons <- tcIfaceDataCons tc_name tycon binders' rdr_cons ; return (mkAlgTyCon tc_name binders' res_kind' roles cType stupid_theta cons parent' gadt_syn) } ; traceIf (text "tcIfaceDecl4" <+> ppr tycon) ; return (ATyCon tycon) } where tc_parent :: Name -> IfaceTyConParent -> IfL AlgTyConFlav tc_parent tc_name IfNoParent = do { tc_rep_name <- newTyConRepName tc_name ; return (VanillaAlgTyCon tc_rep_name) } tc_parent _ (IfDataInstance ax_name _ arg_tys) = do { ax <- tcIfaceCoAxiom ax_name ; let fam_tc = coAxiomTyCon ax ax_unbr = toUnbranchedAxiom ax ; lhs_tys <- tcIfaceAppArgs arg_tys ; return (DataFamInstTyCon ax_unbr fam_tc lhs_tys) } tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceSynonym {ifName = tc_name, ifRoles = roles, ifSynRhs = rhs_ty, ifBinders = binders, ifResKind = res_kind }) = bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT binders $ \ binders' -> do { res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind -- Note [Synonym kind loop] ; rhs <- forkM (mk_doc tc_name) $ tcIfaceType rhs_ty ; let tycon = buildSynTyCon tc_name binders' res_kind' roles rhs ; return (ATyCon tycon) } where mk_doc n = text "Type synonym" <+> ppr n tc_iface_decl parent _ (IfaceFamily {ifName = tc_name, ifFamFlav = fam_flav, ifBinders = binders, ifResKind = res_kind, ifResVar = res, ifFamInj = inj }) = bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT binders $ \ binders' -> do { res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind -- Note [Synonym kind loop] ; rhs <- forkM (mk_doc tc_name) $ tc_fam_flav tc_name fam_flav ; res_name <- traverse (newIfaceName . mkTyVarOccFS) res ; let tycon = mkFamilyTyCon tc_name binders' res_kind' res_name rhs parent inj ; return (ATyCon tycon) } where mk_doc n = text "Type synonym" <+> ppr n tc_fam_flav :: Name -> IfaceFamTyConFlav -> IfL FamTyConFlav tc_fam_flav tc_name IfaceDataFamilyTyCon = do { tc_rep_name <- newTyConRepName tc_name ; return (DataFamilyTyCon tc_rep_name) } tc_fam_flav _ IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon= return OpenSynFamilyTyCon tc_fam_flav _ (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon mb_ax_name_branches) = do { ax <- traverse (tcIfaceCoAxiom . fst) mb_ax_name_branches ; return (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax) } tc_fam_flav _ IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = return AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon tc_fam_flav _ IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon = pprPanic "tc_iface_decl" (text "IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon in interface file") tc_iface_decl _parent _ignore_prags (IfaceClass {ifName = tc_name, ifRoles = roles, ifBinders = binders, ifFDs = rdr_fds, ifBody = IfAbstractClass}) = bindIfaceTyConBinders binders $ \ binders' -> do { fds <- mapM tc_fd rdr_fds ; cls <- buildClass tc_name binders' roles fds Nothing ; return (ATyCon (classTyCon cls)) } tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags (IfaceClass {ifName = tc_name, ifRoles = roles, ifBinders = binders, ifFDs = rdr_fds, ifBody = IfConcreteClass { ifClassCtxt = rdr_ctxt, ifATs = rdr_ats, ifSigs = rdr_sigs, ifMinDef = mindef_occ }}) = bindIfaceTyConBinders binders $ \ binders' -> do { traceIf (text "tc-iface-class1" <+> ppr tc_name) ; ctxt <- mapM tc_sc rdr_ctxt ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class2" <+> ppr tc_name) ; sigs <- mapM tc_sig rdr_sigs ; fds <- mapM tc_fd rdr_fds ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class3" <+> ppr tc_name) ; mindef <- traverse (lookupIfaceTop . mkVarOccFS) mindef_occ ; cls <- fixM $ \ cls -> do { ats <- mapM (tc_at cls) rdr_ats ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class4" <+> ppr tc_name) ; buildClass tc_name binders' roles fds (Just (ctxt, ats, sigs, mindef)) } ; return (ATyCon (classTyCon cls)) } where tc_sc pred = forkM (mk_sc_doc pred) (tcIfaceType pred) The * length * of the superclasses is used by buildClass , and hence must -- not be inside the thunk. But the *content* maybe recursive and hence -- must be lazy (via forkM). Example: -- class C (T a) => D a where -- data T a -- Here the associated type T is knot-tied with the class, and so we must not pull on T too eagerly . See # 5970 tc_sig :: IfaceClassOp -> IfL TcMethInfo tc_sig (IfaceClassOp op_name rdr_ty dm) = do { let doc = mk_op_doc op_name rdr_ty ; op_ty <- forkM (doc <+> text "ty") $ tcIfaceType rdr_ty -- Must be done lazily for just the same reason as the -- type of a data con; to avoid sucking in types that -- it mentions unless it's necessary to do so ; dm' <- tc_dm doc dm ; return (op_name, op_ty, dm') } tc_dm :: SDoc -> Maybe (DefMethSpec IfaceType) -> IfL (Maybe (DefMethSpec (SrcSpan, Type))) tc_dm _ Nothing = return Nothing tc_dm _ (Just VanillaDM) = return (Just VanillaDM) tc_dm doc (Just (GenericDM ty)) = do { -- Must be done lazily to avoid sucking in types ; ty' <- forkM (doc <+> text "dm") $ tcIfaceType ty ; return (Just (GenericDM (noSrcSpan, ty'))) } tc_at cls (IfaceAT tc_decl if_def) = do ATyCon tc <- tc_iface_decl (Just cls) ignore_prags tc_decl mb_def <- case if_def of Nothing -> return Nothing Just def -> forkM (mk_at_doc tc) $ extendIfaceTyVarEnv (tyConTyVars tc) $ do { tc_def <- tcIfaceType def ; return (Just (tc_def, NoATVI)) } -- Must be done lazily in case the RHS of the defaults mention -- the type constructor being defined here e.g. type AT a ; type AT b = AT [ b ] # 8002 return (ATI tc mb_def) mk_sc_doc pred = text "Superclass" <+> ppr pred mk_at_doc tc = text "Associated type" <+> ppr tc mk_op_doc op_name op_ty = text "Class op" <+> sep [ppr op_name, ppr op_ty] tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceAxiom { ifName = tc_name, ifTyCon = tc , ifAxBranches = branches, ifRole = role }) = do { tc_tycon <- tcIfaceTyCon tc -- Must be done lazily, because axioms are forced when checking for family instance consistency , and the RHS may mention -- a hs-boot declared type constructor that is going to be -- defined by this module. -- e.g. type instance F Int = ToBeDefined See # 13803 ; tc_branches <- forkM (text "Axiom branches" <+> ppr tc_name) $ tc_ax_branches branches ; let axiom = CoAxiom { co_ax_unique = nameUnique tc_name , co_ax_name = tc_name , co_ax_tc = tc_tycon , co_ax_role = role , co_ax_branches = manyBranches tc_branches , co_ax_implicit = False } ; return (ACoAxiom axiom) } tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfacePatSyn{ ifName = name , ifPatMatcher = if_matcher , ifPatBuilder = if_builder , ifPatIsInfix = is_infix , ifPatUnivBndrs = univ_bndrs , ifPatExBndrs = ex_bndrs , ifPatProvCtxt = prov_ctxt , ifPatReqCtxt = req_ctxt , ifPatArgs = args , ifPatTy = pat_ty , ifFieldLabels = field_labels }) = do { traceIf (text "tc_iface_decl" <+> ppr name) ; matcher <- tc_pr if_matcher ; builder <- traverse tc_pr if_builder ; bindIfaceForAllBndrs univ_bndrs $ \univ_tvs -> do { bindIfaceForAllBndrs ex_bndrs $ \ex_tvs -> do { patsyn <- forkM (mk_doc name) $ do { prov_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt prov_ctxt ; req_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt req_ctxt ; pat_ty <- tcIfaceType pat_ty ; arg_tys <- mapM tcIfaceType args ; return $ buildPatSyn name is_infix matcher builder (univ_tvs, req_theta) (ex_tvs, prov_theta) arg_tys pat_ty field_labels } ; return $ AConLike . PatSynCon $ patsyn }}} where mk_doc n = text "Pattern synonym" <+> ppr n tc_pr :: (IfExtName, Bool) -> IfL (Name, Type, Bool) tc_pr (nm, b) = do { id <- forkM (ppr nm) (tcIfaceExtId nm) ; return (nm, idType id, b) } tcTopIfaceBindings :: IORef TypeEnv -> [IfaceBindingX IfaceMaybeRhs IfaceTopBndrInfo] -> IfL [CoreBind] tcTopIfaceBindings ty_var ver_decls = do int <- mapM tcTopBinders ver_decls let all_ids :: [Id] = concatMap toList int liftIO $ modifyIORef ty_var (flip extendTypeEnvList (map AnId all_ids)) extendIfaceIdEnv all_ids $ mapM (tc_iface_bindings) int tcTopBinders :: IfaceBindingX a IfaceTopBndrInfo -> IfL (IfaceBindingX a Id) tcTopBinders = traverse mk_top_id tc_iface_bindings :: IfaceBindingX IfaceMaybeRhs Id -> IfL CoreBind tc_iface_bindings (IfaceNonRec b rhs) = do rhs' <- tc_iface_binding b rhs return $ NonRec b rhs' tc_iface_bindings (IfaceRec bs) = do rs <- mapM (\(b, rhs) -> (b,) <$> tc_iface_binding b rhs) bs return (Rec rs) -- | See Note [Interface File with Core: Sharing RHSs] tc_iface_binding :: Id -> IfaceMaybeRhs -> IfL CoreExpr tc_iface_binding i IfUseUnfoldingRhs = case maybeUnfoldingTemplate $ realIdUnfolding i of Just e -> return e Nothing -> pprPanic "tc_iface_binding" (vcat [text "Binding" <+> quotes (ppr i) <+> text "had an unfolding when the interface file was created" , text "which has now gone missing, something has badly gone wrong." , text "Unfolding:" <+> ppr (realIdUnfolding i)]) tc_iface_binding _ (IfRhs rhs) = tcIfaceExpr rhs mk_top_id :: IfaceTopBndrInfo -> IfL Id mk_top_id (IfGblTopBndr gbl_name) -- See Note [Root-main Id] -- This special binding is actually defined in the current module -- (hence don't go looking for it externally) but the module name is rOOT_MAIN -- rather than the current module so we need this special case. -- See some similar logic in `GHC.Rename.Env`. | Just rOOT_MAIN == nameModule_maybe gbl_name = do ATyCon ioTyCon <- tcIfaceGlobal ioTyConName return $ mkExportedVanillaId gbl_name (mkTyConApp ioTyCon [unitTy]) | otherwise = tcIfaceExtId gbl_name mk_top_id (IfLclTopBndr raw_name iface_type info details) = do name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS raw_name) ty <- tcIfaceType iface_type info' <- tcIdInfo False TopLevel name ty info details' <- tcIdDetails ty details let new_id = mkGlobalId details' name ty info' return new_id tcIfaceDecls :: Bool -> [(Fingerprint, IfaceDecl)] -> IfL [(Name,TyThing)] tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags ver_decls = concatMapM (tc_iface_decl_fingerprint ignore_prags) ver_decls tc_iface_decl_fingerprint :: Bool -- Don't load pragmas into the decl pool -> (Fingerprint, IfaceDecl) -> IfL [(Name,TyThing)] -- The list can be poked eagerly, but the are forkM'd thunks tc_iface_decl_fingerprint ignore_prags (_version, decl) = do { -- Populate the name cache with final versions of all -- the names associated with the decl let main_name = ifName decl the thing , lazily NB . Firstly , the laziness is there in case we never need the declaration ( in one - shot mode ) , and secondly it is there so that we do n't look up the occurrence of a name before calling -- on the binder. This is important because we must get the right name -- which includes its nameParent. ; thing <- forkM doc $ do { bumpDeclStats main_name ; tcIfaceDecl ignore_prags decl } -- Populate the type environment with the implicitTyThings too. -- -- Note [Tricky iface loop] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Summary: The delicate point here is that 'mini-env' must be -- buildable from 'thing' without demanding any of the things ' forkM'd by . -- -- In more detail: Consider the example data T a = MkT { x : : T a } -- The implicitTyThings of T are: [ <datacon MkT>, <selector x>] -- (plus their workers, wrappers, coercions etc etc) -- -- We want to return an environment [ " MkT " - > < datacon MkT > , " x " - > < selector x > , ... ] ( where the " MkT " is the * Name * associated with MkT , etc . ) -- -- We do this by mapping the implicit_names to the associated . By the invariant on ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs and -- implicitTyThings, we can use getOccName on the implicit to make this association : each Name 's OccName should -- be the OccName of exactly one implicitTyThing. So the key is -- to define a "mini-env" -- [ ' MkT ' - > < datacon MkT > , ' x ' - > < selector x > , ... ] where the ' MkT ' here is the * OccName * associated with MkT. -- -- However, there is a subtlety: due to how type checking needs -- to be staged, we can't poke on the forkM'd thunks inside the -- implicitTyThings while building this mini-env. If we poke these thunks too early , two problems could happen : ( 1 ) When processing mutually recursive modules across -- hs-boot boundaries, poking too early will do the -- type-checking before the recursive knot has been tied, -- so things will be type-checked in the wrong -- environment, and necessary variables won't be in -- scope. -- ( 2 ) Looking up one OccName in the mini_env will cause -- others to be looked up, which might cause that -- original one to be looked up again, and hence loop. -- -- The code below works because of the following invariant: getOccName on a TyThing does not force the suspended type -- checks in order to extract the name. For example, we don't -- poke on the "T a" type of <selector x> on the way to -- extracting <selector x>'s OccName. Of course, there is no -- reason in principle why getting the OccName should force the -- thunks, but this means we need to be careful in -- implicitTyThings and its helper functions. -- -- All a bit too finely-balanced for my liking. -- This mini-env and lookup function mediates between the ' Name 's n and the map from ' OccName 's to the implicit ; let mini_env = mkOccEnv [(getOccName t, t) | t <- implicitTyThings thing] lookup n = case lookupOccEnv mini_env (getOccName n) of Just thing -> thing Nothing -> pprPanic "tc_iface_decl_fingerprint" (ppr main_name <+> ppr n $$ ppr (decl)) ; implicit_names <- mapM lookupIfaceTop (ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs decl) ; traceIf ( text " Loading decl for " < > ppr main_name $ $ ppr implicit_names ) ; return $ (main_name, thing) : -- uses the invariant that implicit_names and -- implicitTyThings are bijective [(n, lookup n) | n <- implicit_names] } where doc = text "Declaration for" <+> ppr (ifName decl) Record that one more declaration has actually been used bumpDeclStats name = do { traceIf (text "Loading decl for" <+> ppr name) ; updateEps_ (\eps -> let stats = eps_stats eps in eps { eps_stats = stats { n_decls_out = n_decls_out stats + 1 } }) } tc_fd :: FunDep IfLclName -> IfL (FunDep TyVar) tc_fd (tvs1, tvs2) = do { tvs1' <- mapM tcIfaceTyVar tvs1 ; tvs2' <- mapM tcIfaceTyVar tvs2 ; return (tvs1', tvs2') } tc_ax_branches :: [IfaceAxBranch] -> IfL [CoAxBranch] tc_ax_branches if_branches = foldlM tc_ax_branch [] if_branches tc_ax_branch :: [CoAxBranch] -> IfaceAxBranch -> IfL [CoAxBranch] tc_ax_branch prev_branches (IfaceAxBranch { ifaxbTyVars = tv_bndrs , ifaxbEtaTyVars = eta_tv_bndrs , ifaxbCoVars = cv_bndrs , ifaxbLHS = lhs, ifaxbRHS = rhs , ifaxbRoles = roles, ifaxbIncomps = incomps }) = bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT (map (\b -> Bndr (IfaceTvBndr b) (NamedTCB Inferred)) tv_bndrs) $ \ tvs -> The _ AT variant is needed here ; see Note [ CoAxBranch type variables ] in GHC.Core . Coercion . Axiom bindIfaceIds cv_bndrs $ \ cvs -> do { tc_lhs <- tcIfaceAppArgs lhs ; tc_rhs <- tcIfaceType rhs ; eta_tvs <- bindIfaceTyVars eta_tv_bndrs return ; this_mod <- getIfModule ; let loc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "module " `appendFS` moduleNameFS (moduleName this_mod)) br = CoAxBranch { cab_loc = loc , cab_tvs = binderVars tvs , cab_eta_tvs = eta_tvs , cab_cvs = cvs , cab_lhs = tc_lhs , cab_roles = roles , cab_rhs = tc_rhs , cab_incomps = map (prev_branches `getNth`) incomps } ; return (prev_branches ++ [br]) } tcIfaceDataCons :: Name -> TyCon -> [TyConBinder] -> IfaceConDecls -> IfL AlgTyConRhs tcIfaceDataCons tycon_name tycon tc_tybinders if_cons = case if_cons of IfAbstractTyCon -> return AbstractTyCon IfDataTyCon type_data cons -> do { data_cons <- mapM tc_con_decl cons ; return $ mkLevPolyDataTyConRhs (isFixedRuntimeRepKind $ tyConResKind tycon) type_data data_cons } IfNewTyCon con -> do { data_con <- tc_con_decl con ; mkNewTyConRhs tycon_name tycon data_con } where univ_tvs :: [TyVar] univ_tvs = binderVars tc_tybinders tag_map :: NameEnv ConTag tag_map = mkTyConTagMap tycon tc_con_decl (IfCon { ifConInfix = is_infix, ifConExTCvs = ex_bndrs, ifConUserTvBinders = user_bndrs, ifConName = dc_name, ifConCtxt = ctxt, ifConEqSpec = spec, ifConArgTys = args, ifConFields = lbl_names, ifConStricts = if_stricts, ifConSrcStricts = if_src_stricts}) Universally - quantified tyvars are shared with parent , and are already in scope bindIfaceBndrs ex_bndrs $ \ ex_tvs -> do { traceIf (text "Start interface-file tc_con_decl" <+> ppr dc_name) -- By this point, we have bound every universal and existential -- tyvar. Because of the dcUserTyVarBinders invariant -- (see Note [DataCon user type variable binders]), *every* tyvar in -- ifConUserTvBinders has a matching counterpart somewhere in the -- bound universals/existentials. As a result, calling tcIfaceTyVar -- below is always guaranteed to succeed. ; user_tv_bndrs <- mapM (\(Bndr bd vis) -> case bd of IfaceIdBndr (_, name, _) -> Bndr <$> tcIfaceLclId name <*> pure vis IfaceTvBndr (name, _) -> Bndr <$> tcIfaceTyVar name <*> pure vis) user_bndrs Read the context and argument types , but lazily for two reasons -- (a) to avoid looking tugging on a recursive use of -- the type itself, which is knot-tied -- (b) to avoid faulting in the component types unless -- they are really needed ; ~(eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, stricts) <- forkM (mk_doc dc_name) $ do { eq_spec <- tcIfaceEqSpec spec ; theta <- tcIfaceCtxt ctxt This fixes # 13710 . The enclosing lazy thunk gets -- forced when typechecking record wildcard pattern -- matching (it's not completely clear why this tuple is needed ) , which causes trouble if one of -- the argument types was recursively defined. -- See also Note [Tying the knot] ; arg_tys <- forkM (mk_doc dc_name <+> text "arg_tys") $ mapM (\(w, ty) -> mkScaled <$> tcIfaceType w <*> tcIfaceType ty) args ; stricts <- mapM tc_strict if_stricts The IfBang field can mention -- the type itself; hence inside forkM ; return (eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, stricts) } Remember , is the representation tycon ; let orig_res_ty = mkFamilyTyConApp tycon (substTyCoVars (mkTvSubstPrs (map eqSpecPair eq_spec)) (binderVars tc_tybinders)) ; prom_rep_name <- newTyConRepName dc_name ; let bang_opts = FixedBangOpts stricts -- Pass the HsImplBangs (i.e. final decisions) to buildDataCon; -- it'll use these to guide the construction of a worker. See Note [ Bangs on imported data constructors ] in GHC.Types . Id. Make ; con <- buildDataCon (pprPanic "tcIfaceDataCons: FamInstEnvs" (ppr dc_name)) bang_opts dc_name is_infix prom_rep_name (map src_strict if_src_stricts) lbl_names univ_tvs ex_tvs user_tv_bndrs eq_spec theta arg_tys orig_res_ty tycon tag_map ; traceIf (text "Done interface-file tc_con_decl" <+> ppr dc_name) ; return con } mk_doc con_name = text "Constructor" <+> ppr con_name tc_strict :: IfaceBang -> IfL HsImplBang tc_strict IfNoBang = return (HsLazy) tc_strict IfStrict = return (HsStrict True) tc_strict IfUnpack = return (HsUnpack Nothing) tc_strict (IfUnpackCo if_co) = do { co <- tcIfaceCo if_co ; return (HsUnpack (Just co)) } src_strict :: IfaceSrcBang -> HsSrcBang src_strict (IfSrcBang unpk bang) = HsSrcBang NoSourceText unpk bang tcIfaceEqSpec :: IfaceEqSpec -> IfL [EqSpec] tcIfaceEqSpec spec = mapM do_item spec where do_item (occ, if_ty) = do { tv <- tcIfaceTyVar occ ; ty <- tcIfaceType if_ty ; return (mkEqSpec tv ty) } Note [ Synonym kind loop ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notice that we eagerly grab the * kind * from the interface file , but build a forkM thunk for the * rhs * ( and family stuff ) . To see why , consider this ( # 2412 ) M.hs : module M where { import X ; data T = MkT S } X.hs : module X where { import { - # SOURCE # Note [Synonym kind loop] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notice that we eagerly grab the *kind* from the interface file, but build a forkM thunk for the *rhs* (and family stuff). To see why, consider this (#2412) M.hs: module M where { import X; data T = MkT S } X.hs: module X where { import {-# SOURCE #-} M; type S = T } M.hs-boot: module M where { data T } When kind-checking M.hs we need S's kind. But we do not want to find S's kind from (typeKind S-rhs), because we don't want to look at S-rhs yet! Since S is imported from X.hi, S gets just one chance to be defined, and we must not do that until we've finished with M.T. Solution: record S's kind in the interface file; now we can safely look at it. ************************************************************************ * * Instances * * ************************************************************************ -} tcRoughTyCon :: Maybe IfaceTyCon -> RoughMatchTc tcRoughTyCon (Just tc) = RM_KnownTc (ifaceTyConName tc) tcRoughTyCon Nothing = RM_WildCard tcIfaceInst :: IfaceClsInst -> IfL ClsInst tcIfaceInst (IfaceClsInst { ifDFun = dfun_name, ifOFlag = oflag , ifInstCls = cls, ifInstTys = mb_tcs , ifInstOrph = orph }) = do { dfun <- forkM (text "Dict fun" <+> ppr dfun_name) $ fmap tyThingId (tcIfaceImplicit dfun_name) ; let mb_tcs' = map tcRoughTyCon mb_tcs ; return (mkImportedClsInst cls mb_tcs' dfun_name dfun oflag orph) } tcIfaceFamInst :: IfaceFamInst -> IfL FamInst tcIfaceFamInst (IfaceFamInst { ifFamInstFam = fam, ifFamInstTys = mb_tcs , ifFamInstAxiom = axiom_name , ifFamInstOrph = orphan } ) = do { axiom' <- forkM (text "Axiom" <+> ppr axiom_name) $ tcIfaceCoAxiom axiom_name -- will panic if branched, but that's OK ; let axiom'' = toUnbranchedAxiom axiom' mb_tcs' = map tcRoughTyCon mb_tcs ; return (mkImportedFamInst fam mb_tcs' axiom'' orphan) } * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Rules * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We move a IfaceRule from eps_rules to eps_rule_base when all its LHS free vars are in the type environment . However , remember that typechecking a Rule may ( as a side effect ) augment the type envt , and so we may need to iterate the process . ************************************************************************ * * Rules * * ************************************************************************ We move a IfaceRule from eps_rules to eps_rule_base when all its LHS free vars are in the type environment. However, remember that typechecking a Rule may (as a side effect) augment the type envt, and so we may need to iterate the process. -} tcIfaceRules :: Bool -- True <=> ignore rules -> [IfaceRule] -> IfL [CoreRule] tcIfaceRules ignore_prags if_rules | ignore_prags = return [] | otherwise = mapM tcIfaceRule if_rules tcIfaceRule :: IfaceRule -> IfL CoreRule tcIfaceRule (IfaceRule {ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act, ifRuleBndrs = bndrs, ifRuleHead = fn, ifRuleArgs = args, ifRuleRhs = rhs, ifRuleAuto = auto, ifRuleOrph = orph }) = do { ~(bndrs', args', rhs') <- the payload lazily , in the hope it 'll never be looked at forkM (text "Rule" <+> pprRuleName name) $ bindIfaceBndrs bndrs $ \ bndrs' -> do { args' <- mapM tcIfaceExpr args ; rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs ; whenGOptM Opt_DoCoreLinting $ do { dflags <- getDynFlags ; (_, lcl_env) <- getEnvs ; let in_scope :: [Var] in_scope = ((nonDetEltsUFM $ if_tv_env lcl_env) ++ (nonDetEltsUFM $ if_id_env lcl_env) ++ bndrs' ++ exprsFreeIdsList args') ; case lintExpr (initLintConfig dflags in_scope) rhs' of Nothing -> return () Just errs -> do logger <- getLogger liftIO $ displayLintResults logger False doc (pprCoreExpr rhs') (emptyBag, errs) } ; return (bndrs', args', rhs') } ; let mb_tcs = map ifTopFreeName args ; this_mod <- getIfModule ; return (Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn, ru_act = act, ru_bndrs = bndrs', ru_args = args', ru_rhs = occurAnalyseExpr rhs', ru_rough = mb_tcs, ru_origin = this_mod, ru_orphan = orph, ru_auto = auto, ru_local = False }) } -- An imported RULE is never for a local Id -- or, even if it is (module loop, perhaps) -- we'll just leave it in the non-local set where -- This function *must* mirror exactly what Rules.roughTopNames does -- We could have stored the ru_rough field in the iface file -- but that would be redundant, I think. -- The only wrinkle is that we must not be deceived by -- type synonyms at the top of a type arg. Since -- we can't tell at this point, we are careful not to write them out in coreRuleToIfaceRule ifTopFreeName :: IfaceExpr -> Maybe Name ifTopFreeName (IfaceType (IfaceTyConApp tc _ )) = Just (ifaceTyConName tc) ifTopFreeName (IfaceType (IfaceTupleTy s _ ts)) = Just (tupleTyConName s (length (appArgsIfaceTypes ts))) ifTopFreeName (IfaceApp f _) = ifTopFreeName f ifTopFreeName (IfaceExt n) = Just n ifTopFreeName _ = Nothing doc = text "Unfolding of" <+> ppr name {- ************************************************************************ * * Annotations * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIfaceAnnotations :: [IfaceAnnotation] -> IfL [Annotation] tcIfaceAnnotations = mapM tcIfaceAnnotation tcIfaceAnnotation :: IfaceAnnotation -> IfL Annotation tcIfaceAnnotation (IfaceAnnotation target serialized) = do target' <- tcIfaceAnnTarget target return $ Annotation { ann_target = target', ann_value = serialized } tcIfaceAnnTarget :: IfaceAnnTarget -> IfL (AnnTarget Name) tcIfaceAnnTarget (NamedTarget occ) = NamedTarget <$> lookupIfaceTop occ tcIfaceAnnTarget (ModuleTarget mod) = return $ ModuleTarget mod {- ************************************************************************ * * Complete Match Pragmas * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIfaceCompleteMatches :: [IfaceCompleteMatch] -> IfL [CompleteMatch] tcIfaceCompleteMatches = mapM tcIfaceCompleteMatch tcIfaceCompleteMatch :: IfaceCompleteMatch -> IfL CompleteMatch tcIfaceCompleteMatch (IfaceCompleteMatch ms mtc) = forkM doc $ do -- See Note [Positioning of forkM] conlikes <- mkUniqDSet <$> mapM tcIfaceConLike ms mtc' <- traverse tcIfaceTyCon mtc return (CompleteMatch conlikes mtc') where doc = text "COMPLETE sig" <+> ppr ms Note [ Positioning of forkM ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We need to be lazy when type checking the interface , since these functions are called when the interface itself is being loaded , which means it is not in the PIT yet . In particular , the ` tcIfaceTCon ` must be inside the forkM , otherwise we 'll try to look it up the , find it 's not there , and so initiate the process ( again ) of loading the ( very same ) interface file . Result : infinite loop . See # 19744 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We need to be lazy when type checking the interface, since these functions are called when the interface itself is being loaded, which means it is not in the PIT yet. In particular, the `tcIfaceTCon` must be inside the forkM, otherwise we'll try to look it up the TyCon, find it's not there, and so initiate the process (again) of loading the (very same) interface file. Result: infinite loop. See #19744. -} {- ************************************************************************ * * Types * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIfaceType :: IfaceType -> IfL Type tcIfaceType = go where go (IfaceTyVar n) = TyVarTy <$> tcIfaceTyVar n go (IfaceFreeTyVar n) = pprPanic "tcIfaceType:IfaceFreeTyVar" (ppr n) go (IfaceLitTy l) = LitTy <$> tcIfaceTyLit l go (IfaceFunTy flag w t1 t2) = FunTy flag <$> tcIfaceType w <*> go t1 <*> go t2 go (IfaceTupleTy s i tks) = tcIfaceTupleTy s i tks go (IfaceAppTy t ts) = do { t' <- go t ; ts' <- traverse go (appArgsIfaceTypes ts) ; pure (foldl' AppTy t' ts') } go (IfaceTyConApp tc tks) = do { tc' <- tcIfaceTyCon tc ; tks' <- mapM go (appArgsIfaceTypes tks) ; return (mkTyConApp tc' tks') } go (IfaceForAllTy bndr t) = bindIfaceForAllBndr bndr $ \ tv' vis -> ForAllTy (Bndr tv' vis) <$> go t go (IfaceCastTy ty co) = CastTy <$> go ty <*> tcIfaceCo co go (IfaceCoercionTy co) = CoercionTy <$> tcIfaceCo co tcIfaceTupleTy :: TupleSort -> PromotionFlag -> IfaceAppArgs -> IfL Type tcIfaceTupleTy sort is_promoted args = do { args' <- tcIfaceAppArgs args ; let arity = length args' ; base_tc <- tcTupleTyCon True sort arity ; case is_promoted of NotPromoted -> return (mkTyConApp base_tc args') IsPromoted -> do { let tc = promoteDataCon (tyConSingleDataCon base_tc) kind_args = map typeKind args' ; return (mkTyConApp tc (kind_args ++ args')) } } See Note [ tuple RuntimeRep vars ] in GHC.Core . TyCon tcTupleTyCon :: Bool -- True <=> typechecking a *type* (vs. an expr) -> TupleSort -> Arity -- the number of args. *not* the tuple arity. -> IfL TyCon tcTupleTyCon in_type sort arity = case sort of ConstraintTuple -> return (cTupleTyCon arity) BoxedTuple -> return (tupleTyCon Boxed arity) UnboxedTuple -> return (tupleTyCon Unboxed arity') where arity' | in_type = arity `div` 2 | otherwise = arity -- in expressions, we only have term args tcIfaceAppArgs :: IfaceAppArgs -> IfL [Type] tcIfaceAppArgs = mapM tcIfaceType . appArgsIfaceTypes ----------------------------------------- tcIfaceCtxt :: IfaceContext -> IfL ThetaType tcIfaceCtxt sts = mapM tcIfaceType sts ----------------------------------------- tcIfaceTyLit :: IfaceTyLit -> IfL TyLit tcIfaceTyLit (IfaceNumTyLit n) = return (NumTyLit n) tcIfaceTyLit (IfaceStrTyLit n) = return (StrTyLit n) tcIfaceTyLit (IfaceCharTyLit n) = return (CharTyLit n) % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * %************************************************************************ %* * Coercions * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIfaceCo :: IfaceCoercion -> IfL Coercion tcIfaceCo = go where go_mco IfaceMRefl = pure MRefl go_mco (IfaceMCo co) = MCo <$> (go co) go (IfaceReflCo t) = Refl <$> tcIfaceType t go (IfaceGReflCo r t mco) = GRefl r <$> tcIfaceType t <*> go_mco mco go (IfaceFunCo r w c1 c2) = mkFunCoNoFTF r <$> go w <*> go c1 <*> go c2 go (IfaceTyConAppCo r tc cs) = TyConAppCo r <$> tcIfaceTyCon tc <*> mapM go cs go (IfaceAppCo c1 c2) = AppCo <$> go c1 <*> go c2 go (IfaceForAllCo tv k c) = do { k' <- go k ; bindIfaceBndr tv $ \ tv' -> ForAllCo tv' k' <$> go c } go (IfaceCoVarCo n) = CoVarCo <$> go_var n go (IfaceAxiomInstCo n i cs) = AxiomInstCo <$> tcIfaceCoAxiom n <*> pure i <*> mapM go cs go (IfaceUnivCo p r t1 t2) = UnivCo <$> tcIfaceUnivCoProv p <*> pure r <*> tcIfaceType t1 <*> tcIfaceType t2 go (IfaceSymCo c) = SymCo <$> go c go (IfaceTransCo c1 c2) = TransCo <$> go c1 <*> go c2 go (IfaceInstCo c1 t2) = InstCo <$> go c1 <*> go t2 go (IfaceSelCo d c) = do { c' <- go c ; return $ mkSelCo d c' } go (IfaceLRCo lr c) = LRCo lr <$> go c go (IfaceKindCo c) = KindCo <$> go c go (IfaceSubCo c) = SubCo <$> go c go (IfaceAxiomRuleCo ax cos) = AxiomRuleCo <$> tcIfaceCoAxiomRule ax <*> mapM go cos go (IfaceFreeCoVar c) = pprPanic "tcIfaceCo:IfaceFreeCoVar" (ppr c) go (IfaceHoleCo c) = pprPanic "tcIfaceCo:IfaceHoleCo" (ppr c) go_var :: FastString -> IfL CoVar go_var = tcIfaceLclId tcIfaceUnivCoProv :: IfaceUnivCoProv -> IfL UnivCoProvenance tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfacePhantomProv kco) = PhantomProv <$> tcIfaceCo kco tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfaceProofIrrelProv kco) = ProofIrrelProv <$> tcIfaceCo kco tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfacePluginProv str) = return $ PluginProv str tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfaceCorePrepProv b) = return $ CorePrepProv b * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************************ * * Core * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIfaceExpr :: IfaceExpr -> IfL CoreExpr tcIfaceExpr (IfaceType ty) = Type <$> tcIfaceType ty tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCo co) = Coercion <$> tcIfaceCo co tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCast expr co) = Cast <$> tcIfaceExpr expr <*> tcIfaceCo co tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLcl name) = Var <$> tcIfaceLclId name tcIfaceExpr (IfaceExt gbl) = Var <$> tcIfaceExtId gbl tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLitRubbish tc rep) = do rep' <- tcIfaceType rep return (Lit (LitRubbish tc rep')) tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLit lit) = do lit' <- tcIfaceLit lit return (Lit lit') tcIfaceExpr (IfaceFCall cc ty) = do ty' <- tcIfaceType ty u <- newUnique return (Var (mkFCallId u cc ty')) tcIfaceExpr (IfaceTuple sort args) = do { args' <- mapM tcIfaceExpr args ; tc <- tcTupleTyCon False sort arity ; let con_tys = map exprType args' some_con_args = map Type con_tys ++ args' con_args = case sort of UnboxedTuple -> map (Type . getRuntimeRep) con_tys ++ some_con_args _ -> some_con_args -- Put the missing type arguments back in con_id = dataConWorkId (tyConSingleDataCon tc) ; return (mkApps (Var con_id) con_args) } where arity = length args tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLam (bndr, os) body) = bindIfaceBndr bndr $ \bndr' -> Lam (tcIfaceOneShot os bndr') <$> tcIfaceExpr body where tcIfaceOneShot IfaceOneShot b = setOneShotLambda b tcIfaceOneShot _ b = b tcIfaceExpr (IfaceApp fun arg) = App <$> tcIfaceExpr fun <*> tcIfaceExpr arg tcIfaceExpr (IfaceECase scrut ty) = do { scrut' <- tcIfaceExpr scrut ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty ; return (castBottomExpr scrut' ty') } tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCase scrut case_bndr alts) = do scrut' <- tcIfaceExpr scrut case_bndr_name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS case_bndr) let scrut_ty = exprType scrut' case_mult = ManyTy case_bndr' = mkLocalIdOrCoVar case_bndr_name case_mult scrut_ty " OrCoVar " since a coercion can be a scrutinee with -fdefer - type - errors ( e.g. see test T15695 ) . Ticket # 17291 covers fixing this problem . tc_app = splitTyConApp scrut_ty NB : Wo n't always succeed ( polymorphic case ) -- but won't be demanded in those cases NB : not tcSplitTyConApp ; we are looking at Core here -- look through non-rec newtypes to find the tycon that corresponds to the datacon in this case alternative extendIfaceIdEnv [case_bndr'] $ do alts' <- mapM (tcIfaceAlt scrut' case_mult tc_app) alts return (Case scrut' case_bndr' (coreAltsType alts') alts') tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceNonRec (IfLetBndr fs ty info ji) rhs) body) = do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS fs) ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty Do n't ignore prags ; we are inside one ! NotTopLevel name ty' info ; let id = mkLocalIdWithInfo name ManyTy ty' id_info `asJoinId_maybe` tcJoinInfo ji ; rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs ; body' <- extendIfaceIdEnv [id] (tcIfaceExpr body) ; return (Let (NonRec id rhs') body') } tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceRec pairs) body) = do { ids <- mapM tc_rec_bndr (map fst pairs) ; extendIfaceIdEnv ids $ do { pairs' <- zipWithM tc_pair pairs ids ; body' <- tcIfaceExpr body ; return (Let (Rec pairs') body') } } where tc_rec_bndr (IfLetBndr fs ty _ ji) = do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS fs) ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty ; return (mkLocalId name ManyTy ty' `asJoinId_maybe` tcJoinInfo ji) } tc_pair (IfLetBndr _ _ info _, rhs) id = do { rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs Do n't ignore prags ; we are inside one ! NotTopLevel (idName id) (idType id) info ; return (setIdInfo id id_info, rhs') } tcIfaceExpr (IfaceTick tickish expr) = do expr' <- tcIfaceExpr expr -- If debug flag is not set: Ignore source notes need_notes <- needSourceNotes <$> getDynFlags case tickish of IfaceSource{} | not (need_notes) -> return expr' _otherwise -> do tickish' <- tcIfaceTickish tickish return (Tick tickish' expr') ------------------------- tcIfaceTickish :: IfaceTickish -> IfM lcl CoreTickish tcIfaceTickish (IfaceHpcTick modl ix) = return (HpcTick modl ix) tcIfaceTickish (IfaceSCC cc tick push) = return (ProfNote cc tick push) tcIfaceTickish (IfaceSource src name) = return (SourceNote src name) ------------------------- tcIfaceLit :: Literal -> IfL Literal tcIfaceLit lit = return lit ------------------------- tcIfaceAlt :: CoreExpr -> Mult -> (TyCon, [Type]) -> IfaceAlt -> IfL CoreAlt tcIfaceAlt _ _ _ (IfaceAlt IfaceDefault names rhs) = assert (null names) $ do rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs return (Alt DEFAULT [] rhs') tcIfaceAlt _ _ _ (IfaceAlt (IfaceLitAlt lit) names rhs) = assert (null names) $ do lit' <- tcIfaceLit lit rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs return (Alt (LitAlt lit') [] rhs') -- A case alternative is made quite a bit more complicated -- by the fact that we omit type annotations because we can -- work them out. True enough, but its not that easy! tcIfaceAlt scrut mult (tycon, inst_tys) (IfaceAlt (IfaceDataAlt data_occ) arg_strs rhs) = do { con <- tcIfaceDataCon data_occ ; when (debugIsOn && not (con `elem` tyConDataCons tycon)) (failIfM (ppr scrut $$ ppr con $$ ppr tycon $$ ppr (tyConDataCons tycon))) ; tcIfaceDataAlt mult con inst_tys arg_strs rhs } tcIfaceDataAlt :: Mult -> DataCon -> [Type] -> [FastString] -> IfaceExpr -> IfL CoreAlt tcIfaceDataAlt mult con inst_tys arg_strs rhs = do { uniqs <- getUniquesM ; let (ex_tvs, arg_ids) = dataConRepFSInstPat arg_strs uniqs mult con inst_tys ; rhs' <- extendIfaceEnvs ex_tvs $ extendIfaceIdEnv arg_ids $ tcIfaceExpr rhs ; return (Alt (DataAlt con) (ex_tvs ++ arg_ids) rhs') } {- ************************************************************************ * * IdInfo * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIdDetails :: Type -> IfaceIdDetails -> IfL IdDetails tcIdDetails _ IfVanillaId = return VanillaId tcIdDetails _ (IfWorkerLikeId dmds) = return $ WorkerLikeId dmds tcIdDetails ty IfDFunId = return (DFunId (isNewTyCon (classTyCon cls))) where (_, _, cls, _) = tcSplitDFunTy ty tcIdDetails _ (IfRecSelId tc naughty) = do { tc' <- either (fmap RecSelData . tcIfaceTyCon) (fmap (RecSelPatSyn . tyThingPatSyn) . tcIfaceDecl False) tc ; return (RecSelId { sel_tycon = tc', sel_naughty = naughty }) } where tyThingPatSyn (AConLike (PatSynCon ps)) = ps tyThingPatSyn _ = panic "tcIdDetails: expecting patsyn" tcIdInfo :: Bool -> TopLevelFlag -> Name -> Type -> IfaceIdInfo -> IfL IdInfo tcIdInfo ignore_prags toplvl name ty info = do lcl_env <- getLclEnv -- Set the CgInfo to something sensible but uninformative before we start ; default assumption is that it has CAFs let init_info = if if_boot lcl_env == IsBoot then vanillaIdInfo `setUnfoldingInfo` BootUnfolding else vanillaIdInfo foldlM tcPrag init_info (needed_prags info) where needed_prags :: [IfaceInfoItem] -> [IfaceInfoItem] needed_prags items | not ignore_prags = items | otherwise = filter need_prag items need_prag :: IfaceInfoItem -> Bool -- Always read in compulsory unfoldings See Note [ Always expose compulsory unfoldings ] in GHC.Iface . Tidy need_prag (HsUnfold _ (IfCoreUnfold src _ _ _)) = isCompulsorySource src need_prag _ = False tcPrag :: IdInfo -> IfaceInfoItem -> IfL IdInfo tcPrag info HsNoCafRefs = return (info `setCafInfo` NoCafRefs) tcPrag info (HsArity arity) = return (info `setArityInfo` arity) tcPrag info (HsDmdSig str) = return (info `setDmdSigInfo` str) tcPrag info (HsCprSig cpr) = return (info `setCprSigInfo` cpr) tcPrag info (HsInline prag) = return (info `setInlinePragInfo` prag) tcPrag info (HsLFInfo lf_info) = do lf_info <- tcLFInfo lf_info return (info `setLFInfo` lf_info) tcPrag info (HsTagSig sig) = do return (info `setTagSig` sig) The next two are lazy , so they do n't transitively suck stuff in tcPrag info (HsUnfold lb if_unf) = do { unf <- tcUnfolding toplvl name ty info if_unf ; let info1 | lb = info `setOccInfo` strongLoopBreaker | otherwise = info ; return (info1 `setUnfoldingInfo` unf) } tcJoinInfo :: IfaceJoinInfo -> Maybe JoinArity tcJoinInfo (IfaceJoinPoint ar) = Just ar tcJoinInfo IfaceNotJoinPoint = Nothing tcLFInfo :: IfaceLFInfo -> IfL LambdaFormInfo tcLFInfo lfi = case lfi of IfLFReEntrant rep_arity -> -- LFReEntrant closures in interface files are guaranteed to -- -- - Be top-level, as only top-level closures are exported. -- - Have no free variables, as only non-top-level closures have free -- variables - Do n't have ArgDescrs , as ArgDescr is used when generating code for -- the closure -- -- These invariants are checked when generating LFInfos in toIfaceLFInfo. return (LFReEntrant TopLevel rep_arity True ArgUnknown) IfLFThunk updatable mb_fun -> LFThunk closure in interface files are guaranteed to -- -- - Be top-level -- - No have free variables -- -- These invariants are checked when generating LFInfos in toIfaceLFInfo. return (LFThunk TopLevel True updatable NonStandardThunk mb_fun) IfLFUnlifted -> return LFUnlifted IfLFCon con_name -> LFCon <$!> tcIfaceDataCon con_name IfLFUnknown fun_flag -> return (LFUnknown fun_flag) tcUnfolding :: TopLevelFlag -> Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> IfaceUnfolding -> IfL Unfolding See Note [ Lazily checking Unfoldings ] tcUnfolding toplvl name _ info (IfCoreUnfold src cache if_guidance if_expr) = do { uf_opts <- unfoldingOpts <$> getDynFlags ; expr <- tcUnfoldingRhs (isCompulsorySource src) toplvl name if_expr ; let guidance = case if_guidance of IfWhen arity unsat_ok boring_ok -> UnfWhen arity unsat_ok boring_ok IfNoGuidance -> calcUnfoldingGuidance uf_opts is_top_bottoming expr See Note [ Tying the ' CoreUnfolding ' knot ] ; return $ mkCoreUnfolding src True expr (Just cache) guidance } where Strictness should occur before unfolding ! is_top_bottoming = isTopLevel toplvl && isDeadEndSig (dmdSigInfo info) tcUnfolding _toplvl name dfun_ty _ (IfDFunUnfold bs ops) = bindIfaceBndrs bs $ \ bs' -> do { ops1 <- forkM doc $ mapM tcIfaceExpr ops ; return $ mkDFunUnfolding bs' (classDataCon cls) ops1 } where doc = text "Class ops for dfun" <+> ppr name (_, _, cls, _) = tcSplitDFunTy dfun_ty Note [ Tying the ' CoreUnfolding ' knot ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The unfolding of recursive definitions can contain references to the I d being defined . Consider the following example : foo : : ( ) foo = foo The unfolding template of ' foo ' is , of course , ' foo ' ; so the interface file for this module contains : foo : : ( ) ; Unfolding = foo When rehydrating the interface file we are going to make an I d for ' foo ' ( in GHC.IfaceToCore ) , with an ' Unfolding ' . We used to make this ' Unfolding ' by calling ' ' , but that needs to populate , among other fields , the ' uf_is_value ' field , by computing ' exprIsValue ' of the template ( in this case , ' foo ' ) . ' exprIsValue e ' looks at the unfoldings of variables in ' e ' to see if they are evaluated ; so it consults the ` uf_is_value ` field of variables in ` e ` . Now we can see the problem : to set the ` uf_is_value ` field of ` foo ` 's unfolding , we look at its unfolding ( in this case just ` foo ` itself ! ) . Loop . This is the root cause of ticket # 22272 . The simple solution we chose is to serialise the various auxiliary fields of ` CoreUnfolding ` so that we do n't need to recreate them when rehydrating . Specifically , the following fields are moved to the ' UnfoldingCache ' , which is persisted in the interface file : * ' uf_is_conlike ' * ' uf_is_value ' * ' uf_is_work_free ' * ' uf_expandable ' These four bits make the interface files only one byte larger per unfolding ; on the other hand , this does save calls to ' exprIsValue ' , ' exprIsExpandable ' etc for every imported Id. We could choose to do this only for loop breakers . But that 's a bit more complicated and it seems good all round . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The unfolding of recursive definitions can contain references to the Id being defined. Consider the following example: foo :: () foo = foo The unfolding template of 'foo' is, of course, 'foo'; so the interface file for this module contains: foo :: (); Unfolding = foo When rehydrating the interface file we are going to make an Id for 'foo' (in GHC.IfaceToCore), with an 'Unfolding'. We used to make this 'Unfolding' by calling 'mkFinalUnfolding', but that needs to populate, among other fields, the 'uf_is_value' field, by computing 'exprIsValue' of the template (in this case, 'foo'). 'exprIsValue e' looks at the unfoldings of variables in 'e' to see if they are evaluated; so it consults the `uf_is_value` field of variables in `e`. Now we can see the problem: to set the `uf_is_value` field of `foo`'s unfolding, we look at its unfolding (in this case just `foo` itself!). Loop. This is the root cause of ticket #22272. The simple solution we chose is to serialise the various auxiliary fields of `CoreUnfolding` so that we don't need to recreate them when rehydrating. Specifically, the following fields are moved to the 'UnfoldingCache', which is persisted in the interface file: * 'uf_is_conlike' * 'uf_is_value' * 'uf_is_work_free' * 'uf_expandable' These four bits make the interface files only one byte larger per unfolding; on the other hand, this does save calls to 'exprIsValue', 'exprIsExpandable' etc for every imported Id. We could choose to do this only for loop breakers. But that's a bit more complicated and it seems good all round. -} Note [ Lazily checking Unfoldings ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For unfoldings , we try to do the job lazily , so that we never typecheck an unfolding that is n't going to be looked at . The main idea is that if M.hi has a declaration f : : Int - > Int f = \x . ... A.g ... -- The unfolding for f then we do n't even want to /read/ A.hi unless f 's unfolding is actually used ; say , if f is inlined . But we need to be careful . Even if we do n't inline f , we might ask hasNoBinding of it ( does this in GHC.Core . Lint.checkCanEtaExpand ) , and hasNoBinding looks to see if f has a compulsory unfolding . So the root Unfolding constructor must be visible : we want to be able to read the ' uf_src ' field which says whether it is a compulsory unfolding , without forcing the unfolding RHS which is stored in ' uf_tmpl ' . This matters for efficiency , but not only : if 's unfolding mentions f , we must not look at the unfolding RHS for f , as this is precisely what we are in the middle of checking ( so looking at it would cause a loop ) . Conclusion : ` tcUnfolding ` must return an ` Unfolding ` whose ` uf_src ` field is readable without forcing the ` uf_tmpl ` field . In particular , all the functions used at the end of ` tcUnfolding ` ( such as ` mkFinalUnfolding ` , ` mkCoreUnfolding ` ) must be lazy in ` expr ` . Ticket # 21139 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For unfoldings, we try to do the job lazily, so that we never typecheck an unfolding that isn't going to be looked at. The main idea is that if M.hi has a declaration f :: Int -> Int f = \x. ...A.g... -- The unfolding for f then we don't even want to /read/ A.hi unless f's unfolding is actually used; say, if f is inlined. But we need to be careful. Even if we don't inline f, we might ask hasNoBinding of it (Core Lint does this in GHC.Core.Lint.checkCanEtaExpand), and hasNoBinding looks to see if f has a compulsory unfolding. So the root Unfolding constructor must be visible: we want to be able to read the 'uf_src' field which says whether it is a compulsory unfolding, without forcing the unfolding RHS which is stored in 'uf_tmpl'. This matters for efficiency, but not only: if g's unfolding mentions f, we must not look at the unfolding RHS for f, as this is precisely what we are in the middle of checking (so looking at it would cause a loop). Conclusion: `tcUnfolding` must return an `Unfolding` whose `uf_src` field is readable without forcing the `uf_tmpl` field. In particular, all the functions used at the end of `tcUnfolding` (such as `mkFinalUnfolding`, `mkCoreUnfolding`) must be lazy in `expr`. Ticket #21139 -} tcUnfoldingRhs :: Bool -- ^ Is this unfolding compulsory? See Note [ Checking for representation polymorphism ] in GHC.Core . -> TopLevelFlag -> Name -> IfaceExpr -> IfL CoreExpr tcUnfoldingRhs is_compulsory toplvl name expr = forkM doc $ do core_expr' <- tcIfaceExpr expr -- Check for type consistency in the unfolding See Note [ Linting Unfoldings from Interfaces ] in GHC.Core . when (isTopLevel toplvl) $ whenGOptM Opt_DoCoreLinting $ do in_scope <- nonDetEltsUniqSet <$> get_in_scope dflags <- getDynFlags logger <- getLogger case lintUnfolding is_compulsory (initLintConfig dflags in_scope) noSrcLoc core_expr' of Nothing -> return () Just errs -> liftIO $ displayLintResults logger False doc (pprCoreExpr core_expr') (emptyBag, errs) return core_expr' where doc = ppWhen is_compulsory (text "Compulsory") <+> text "Unfolding of" <+> ppr name get_in_scope :: IfL VarSet -- Totally disgusting; but just for linting get_in_scope = do { (gbl_env, lcl_env) <- getEnvs ; let type_envs = knotVarElems (if_rec_types gbl_env) ; top_level_vars <- concat <$> mapM (fmap typeEnvIds . setLclEnv ()) type_envs ; return (bindingsVars (if_tv_env lcl_env) `unionVarSet` bindingsVars (if_id_env lcl_env) `unionVarSet` mkVarSet top_level_vars) } bindingsVars :: FastStringEnv Var -> VarSet bindingsVars ufm = mkVarSet $ nonDetEltsUFM ufm -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here because we immediately forget -- the ordering by creating a set tcIfaceOneShot :: IfaceOneShot -> OneShotInfo tcIfaceOneShot IfaceNoOneShot = NoOneShotInfo tcIfaceOneShot IfaceOneShot = OneShotLam * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Getting from Names to * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************************ * * Getting from Names to TyThings * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIfaceGlobal :: Name -> IfL TyThing tcIfaceGlobal name | Just thing <- wiredInNameTyThing_maybe name Wired - in things include TyCons , DataCons , and Ids -- Even though we are in an interface file, we want to make sure the instances and RULES of this thing ( particularly ) are loaded -- Imagine: f :: Double -> Double = do { ifCheckWiredInThing thing; return thing } | otherwise = do { env <- getGblEnv ; cur_mod <- if_mod <$> getLclEnv ; case lookupKnotVars (if_rec_types env) (fromMaybe cur_mod (nameModule_maybe name)) of -- Note [Tying the knot] Just get_type_env -> do -- It's defined in a module in the hs-boot loop { type_env <- setLclEnv () get_type_env -- yuk ; case lookupNameEnv type_env name of Just thing -> return thing -- See Note [Knot-tying fallback on boot] Nothing -> via_external } _ -> via_external } where via_external = do { hsc_env <- getTopEnv ; mb_thing <- liftIO (lookupType hsc_env name) ; case mb_thing of { Just thing -> return thing ; Nothing -> do { mb_thing <- importDecl name -- It's imported; go get it ; case mb_thing of Failed err -> failIfM (ppr name <+> err) Succeeded thing -> return thing }}} -- Note [Tying the knot] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The if_rec_types field is used when we are compiling M.hs , which indirectly imports Foo.hi , which mentions Then we look up M.T in M 's type environment , which is splatted into if_rec_types after we 've built M 's type envt . -- This is a dark and complicated part of GHC type checking , with a lot of moving parts . Interested readers should also look at : -- -- * Note [Knot-tying typecheckIface] -- * Note [DFun knot-tying] -- * Note [hsc_type_env_var hack] -- * Note [Knot-tying fallback on boot] -- * Note [Hydrating Modules] -- -- There is also a wiki page on the subject, see: -- -- -the-knot -- Note [Knot-tying fallback on boot] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose that you are typechecking A.hs , which transitively imports , via B.hs , A.hs - boot . When we poke on and discover that it has a reference to a type T from A , what TyThing should we wire -- it up with? Clearly, if we have already typechecked T and -- added it into the type environment, we should go ahead and use that -- type. But what if we haven't typechecked it yet? -- For the longest time , GHC adopted the policy that this was * an error condition * ; that you MUST NEVER poke on B.hs 's reference to a T defined in A.hs until A.hs has gotten around to kind - checking -- T and adding it to the env. However, actually ensuring this is the -- case has proven to be a bug farm, because it's really difficult to -- actually ensure this never happens. The problem was especially poignant -- with type family consistency checks, which eagerly happen before any -- typechecking takes place. -- Today , we take a different strategy : if we ever try to access -- an entity from A which doesn't exist, we just fall back on the -- definition of A from the hs-boot file. This is complicated in its own way : it means that you may end up with a mix of A.hs and A.hs - boot during the course of typechecking . We do n't -- think (and have not observed) any cases where this would cause -- problems, but the hypothetical situation one might worry about is something along these lines in Core : -- -- case x of -- A -> e1 -- B -> e2 -- -- If, when typechecking this, we find x :: T, and the T we are hooked -- up with is the abstract one from the hs-boot file, rather than the -- one defined in this module with constructors A and B. But it's hard -- to see how this could happen, especially because the reference to the constructor ( A and B ) means that GHC will always -- this expression *after* typechecking T. tcIfaceTyCon :: IfaceTyCon -> IfL TyCon tcIfaceTyCon (IfaceTyCon name _info) = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name ; case thing of ATyCon tc -> return tc AConLike (RealDataCon dc) -> return (promoteDataCon dc) _ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceTyCon" (ppr thing) } tcIfaceCoAxiom :: Name -> IfL (CoAxiom Branched) tcIfaceCoAxiom name = do { thing <- tcIfaceImplicit name ; return (tyThingCoAxiom thing) } tcIfaceCoAxiomRule :: IfLclName -> IfL CoAxiomRule Unlike CoAxioms , which arise from user ' type instance ' declarations , there are a fixed set of CoAxiomRules : - axioms for type - level literals ( and Symbol ) , -- enumerated in typeNatCoAxiomRules tcIfaceCoAxiomRule n | Just ax <- lookupUFM typeNatCoAxiomRules n = return ax | otherwise = pprPanic "tcIfaceCoAxiomRule" (ppr n) tcIfaceDataCon :: Name -> IfL DataCon tcIfaceDataCon name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name ; case thing of AConLike (RealDataCon dc) -> return dc _ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceDataCon" (ppr name$$ ppr thing) } tcIfaceConLike :: Name -> IfL ConLike tcIfaceConLike name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name ; case thing of AConLike cl -> return cl _ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceConLike" (ppr name$$ ppr thing) } tcIfaceExtId :: Name -> IfL Id tcIfaceExtId name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name ; case thing of AnId id -> return id _ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceExtId" (ppr name$$ ppr thing) } -- See Note [Resolving never-exported Names] in GHC.IfaceToCore tcIfaceImplicit :: Name -> IfL TyThing tcIfaceImplicit n = do lcl_env <- getLclEnv case if_implicits_env lcl_env of Nothing -> tcIfaceGlobal n Just tenv -> case lookupTypeEnv tenv n of Nothing -> pprPanic "tcIfaceInst" (ppr n $$ ppr tenv) Just tything -> return tything {- ************************************************************************ * * Bindings * * ************************************************************************ -} bindIfaceId :: IfaceIdBndr -> (Id -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceId (w, fs, ty) thing_inside = do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS fs) ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty ; w' <- tcIfaceType w ; let id = mkLocalIdOrCoVar name w' ty' We should not have " OrCoVar " here , this is a bug ( # 17545 ) ; extendIfaceIdEnv [id] (thing_inside id) } bindIfaceIds :: [IfaceIdBndr] -> ([Id] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceIds [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceIds (b:bs) thing_inside = bindIfaceId b $ \b' -> bindIfaceIds bs $ \bs' -> thing_inside (b':bs') bindIfaceBndr :: IfaceBndr -> (CoreBndr -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceBndr (IfaceIdBndr bndr) thing_inside = bindIfaceId bndr thing_inside bindIfaceBndr (IfaceTvBndr bndr) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyVar bndr thing_inside bindIfaceBndrs :: [IfaceBndr] -> ([CoreBndr] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceBndrs [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceBndrs (b:bs) thing_inside = bindIfaceBndr b $ \ b' -> bindIfaceBndrs bs $ \ bs' -> thing_inside (b':bs') ----------------------- bindIfaceForAllBndrs :: [VarBndr IfaceBndr vis] -> ([VarBndr TyCoVar vis] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceForAllBndrs [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceForAllBndrs (bndr:bndrs) thing_inside = bindIfaceForAllBndr bndr $ \tv vis -> bindIfaceForAllBndrs bndrs $ \bndrs' -> thing_inside (Bndr tv vis : bndrs') bindIfaceForAllBndr :: (VarBndr IfaceBndr vis) -> (TyCoVar -> vis -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceForAllBndr (Bndr (IfaceTvBndr tv) vis) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyVar tv $ \tv' -> thing_inside tv' vis bindIfaceForAllBndr (Bndr (IfaceIdBndr tv) vis) thing_inside = bindIfaceId tv $ \tv' -> thing_inside tv' vis bindIfaceTyVar :: IfaceTvBndr -> (TyVar -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceTyVar (occ,kind) thing_inside = do { name <- newIfaceName (mkTyVarOccFS occ) ; tyvar <- mk_iface_tyvar name kind ; extendIfaceTyVarEnv [tyvar] (thing_inside tyvar) } bindIfaceTyVars :: [IfaceTvBndr] -> ([TyVar] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceTyVars [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceTyVars (bndr:bndrs) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyVar bndr $ \tv -> bindIfaceTyVars bndrs $ \tvs -> thing_inside (tv : tvs) mk_iface_tyvar :: Name -> IfaceKind -> IfL TyVar mk_iface_tyvar name ifKind = do { kind <- tcIfaceType ifKind ; return (Var.mkTyVar name kind) } bindIfaceTyConBinders :: [IfaceTyConBinder] -> ([TyConBinder] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceTyConBinders [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceTyConBinders (b:bs) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyConBinderX bindIfaceBndr b $ \ b' -> bindIfaceTyConBinders bs $ \ bs' -> thing_inside (b':bs') bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT :: [IfaceTyConBinder] -> ([TyConBinder] -> IfL a) -> IfL a -- Used for type variable in nested associated data/type declarations -- where some of the type variables are already in scope -- class C a where { data T a b } -- Here 'a' is in scope when we look at the 'data T' bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT (b : bs) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyConBinderX bind_tv b $ \b' -> bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT bs $ \bs' -> thing_inside (b':bs') where bind_tv tv thing = do { mb_tv <- lookupIfaceVar tv ; case mb_tv of Just b' -> thing b' Nothing -> bindIfaceBndr tv thing } bindIfaceTyConBinderX :: (IfaceBndr -> (TyCoVar -> IfL a) -> IfL a) -> IfaceTyConBinder -> (TyConBinder -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceTyConBinderX bind_tv (Bndr tv vis) thing_inside = bind_tv tv $ \tv' -> thing_inside (Bndr tv' vis) -- CgBreakInfo hydrateCgBreakInfo :: CgBreakInfo -> IfL ([Maybe (Id, Word16)], Type) hydrateCgBreakInfo CgBreakInfo{..} = do bindIfaceTyVars cgb_tyvars $ \_ -> do result_ty <- tcIfaceType cgb_resty mbVars <- mapM (traverse (\(if_gbl, offset) -> (,offset) <$> bindIfaceId if_gbl return)) cgb_vars return (mbVars, result_ty)
Desired by HERMIT (#7683) needs to build types & coercions in a knot For ( b ) consider : f = \$( ... h .... ) where h is imported , and calls f via an hi - boot file . This is bad ! But it is not seen as a staging error , because h is indeed imported . We do n't want the type - checker to black - hole when simplifying and compiling the splice ! Simple solution : discard any unfolding that mentions a variable bound in this module ( and hence not yet processed ) . The discarding happens when forkM finds a type error . For (b) consider: f = \$(...h....) where h is imported, and calls f via an hi-boot file. This is bad! But it is not seen as a staging error, because h is indeed imported. We don't want the type-checker to black-hole when simplifying and compiling the splice! Simple solution: discard any unfolding that mentions a variable bound in this module (and hence not yet processed). The discarding happens when forkM finds a type error. Clients of this function be careful, see Note [Knot-tying typecheckIface] Get the decls from here Get the right set of decls and rules. If we are compiling without -O we discard pragmas before typechecking, so that we don't "see" information that we shouldn't. From a versioning point of view It's not actually *wrong* to do so, but in fact GHCi is unable to handle unboxed tuples, so it must not see unfoldings. within this single module works out right. It's the callers job to make sure the knot is tied. Now do those rules, instances and annotations Exports Finished we'll infinite loop with hs-boot. See #10083 for an example where this would cause non-termination. | Returns true if an 'IfaceDecl' is for @data T@ (an abstract data type) later.) It doesn't matter; we'll check for consistency later when we merge, see 'mergeSignatures' Note [Role merging] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ merge? It may rescue a merge that might otherwise fail: signature A where type role T nominal representational data T a b signature A where type role T representational nominal data T a b A module that defines T as representational in both arguments would successfully fill both signatures, so it would be better if we merged the roles of these types in some nontrivial way. However, we have to be very careful about how we go about doing this, because role subtyping is *conditional* on the supertype being NOT representationally injective, e.g., if we have instead: signature A where type role T nominal representational data T a b = T a b signature A where type role T representational nominal data T a b = T a b Absolutely not: neither resulting type is a subtype of the original types (see Note [Role subtyping]), because data is not representationally injective. Thus, merging only occurs when BOTH TyCons in question are representationally injective. If they're not, no merge. | This is a very interesting function. Like typecheckIface, we want merge them together. So in particular, we have to take a different to get the "base" truth for what we believe the types will be (this is "type computation.") Then we read everything in relative to this truth and check for compatibility. During the merge process, we may need to nondeterministically pick a particular declaration to use, if multiple signatures define the declaration ('mergeIfaceDecl'). If, for all choices, there are no type synonym cycles in the resulting merged graph, then we can show that our choice cannot matter. Consider the set of entities which the declarations depend on: by assumption of acyclicity, we can assume that these have already been shown to be equal to each other (otherwise merging will fail). Then it must be the case that all candidate declarations here are type-equal (the choice doesn't matter) or there is an inequality (in which case merging will fail.) Unfortunately, the choice can matter if there is a cycle. Consider the following merge: signature H where { type A = C; type B = A; data C } signature H where { type A = (); data B; type C = B } If we pick @type A = C@ as our representative, there will be a cycle and merging will fail. But if we pick @type A = ()@ as our representative, no cycle occurs, and we instead conclude that all of the types are unit. So it seems that we either (a) need a stronger acyclicity check which considers *all* possible choices from a merge, or (b) we must find a selection of declarations which is acyclic, and show that this is always is the case but does not have a proof). For now this is not implemented. It's worth noting that at the moment, a data constructor and a type synonym are never compatible. Consider: signature H where { type Int=C; type B = Int; data C = Int} signature H where { export Prelude.Int; data B; type C = B; } signature (a proper data type) is never considered equal to a type synonym. Perhaps this should be relaxed, where a type synonym in a signature is considered implemented by a data type declaration which matches the reference of the type synonym. cannot be boot (False) Build the initial environment TODO: change tcIfaceDecls to accept w/o Fingerprint See Note [Resolving never-exported Names] in GHC.IfaceToCore But note that we use this type_env to typecheck references to DFun in 'IfaceInst' instantiated it under some implementation (recorded in 'mi_semantic_module') and want to check if the implementation fills the signature. This needs to operate slightly differently than 'typecheckIface' implementing module, which we will use to give our top-level declarations the correct 'Name's even when the implementor DFun silliness (see Note [rnIfaceNeverExported]) See Note [Resolving never-exported Names] in GHC.IfaceToCore See Note [rnIfaceNeverExported] Note [Resolving never-exported Names] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the high-level overview, see As described in 'typecheckIfacesForMerging', the splendid innovation of signature merging is to rewrite all Names in each of the signatures we are merging together to a pre-merged structure; this is the key ingredient that lets us solve some problems when merging type synonyms. However, when a 'Name' refers to a NON-exported entity, as is the references to a shared 'Name', we will accidentally fail to check checked--only exported entities are checked for compatibility, ClsInst or type family for compatibility in checkBootDeclM. By virtue of the fact that everything's been pointed to the merged declaration, you'll never notice there's a difference even if there is one. Fortunately, there are only a few places in the interface declarations where this can occur, so we replace those calls with 'tcIfaceImplicit', which will consult a local TypeEnv that records any never-exported Note that we actually knot-tie this local TypeEnv (the 'fixM'), because a ************************************************************************ * * Type and class declarations * * ************************************************************************ Load the hi-boot iface for the module being compiled, if it indeed exists in the transitive closure of imports Already compiling a hs-boot file In --make and interactive mode, if this module has an hs-boot file We check whether the interface is a *boot* interface. compile a module in TypecheckOnly mode, with a stable, (it's been replaced by the mother module) so we can't check it. it's been compiled once, and we don't need to check the boot iface Re #9245, we always check if there is an hi-boot interface to check consistency against, rather than just when we notice that an hi-boot is necessary due to a circular import. Hi-boot file There was no hi-boot file. But if there is circularity in the module graph, there really should have been one. Since we've read all the direct imports by now, eps_is_boot will record if any of our imports mention the current module, which either means a module loop (not a SOURCE import) or that our hi-boot file has mysteriously disappeared. The typical case error cases The hi-boot file has mysteriously disappeared. Someone below us imported us! This is a loop with no hi-boot in the way WITHOUT forcing the contents of the interface. they do n't need the extended type envt . They just get the extended they don't need the extended type envt. They just get the extended ^ For associated type/data family declarations Note [Synonym kind loop] Note [Synonym kind loop] not be inside the thunk. But the *content* maybe recursive and hence must be lazy (via forkM). Example: class C (T a) => D a where data T a Here the associated type T is knot-tied with the class, and Must be done lazily for just the same reason as the type of a data con; to avoid sucking in types that it mentions unless it's necessary to do so Must be done lazily to avoid sucking in types Must be done lazily in case the RHS of the defaults mention the type constructor being defined here Must be done lazily, because axioms are forced when checking a hs-boot declared type constructor that is going to be defined by this module. e.g. type instance F Int = ToBeDefined | See Note [Interface File with Core: Sharing RHSs] See Note [Root-main Id] This special binding is actually defined in the current module (hence don't go looking for it externally) but the module name is rOOT_MAIN rather than the current module so we need this special case. See some similar logic in `GHC.Rename.Env`. Don't load pragmas into the decl pool The list can be poked eagerly, but the Populate the name cache with final versions of all the names associated with the decl on the binder. This is important because we must get the right name which includes its nameParent. Populate the type environment with the implicitTyThings too. Note [Tricky iface loop] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary: The delicate point here is that 'mini-env' must be buildable from 'thing' without demanding any of the things In more detail: Consider the example The implicitTyThings of T are: [ <datacon MkT>, <selector x>] (plus their workers, wrappers, coercions etc etc) We want to return an environment We do this by mapping the implicit_names to the associated implicitTyThings, we can use getOccName on the implicit be the OccName of exactly one implicitTyThing. So the key is to define a "mini-env" However, there is a subtlety: due to how type checking needs to be staged, we can't poke on the forkM'd thunks inside the implicitTyThings while building this mini-env. hs-boot boundaries, poking too early will do the type-checking before the recursive knot has been tied, so things will be type-checked in the wrong environment, and necessary variables won't be in scope. others to be looked up, which might cause that original one to be looked up again, and hence loop. The code below works because of the following invariant: checks in order to extract the name. For example, we don't poke on the "T a" type of <selector x> on the way to extracting <selector x>'s OccName. Of course, there is no reason in principle why getting the OccName should force the thunks, but this means we need to be careful in implicitTyThings and its helper functions. All a bit too finely-balanced for my liking. This mini-env and lookup function mediates between the uses the invariant that implicit_names and implicitTyThings are bijective By this point, we have bound every universal and existential tyvar. Because of the dcUserTyVarBinders invariant (see Note [DataCon user type variable binders]), *every* tyvar in ifConUserTvBinders has a matching counterpart somewhere in the bound universals/existentials. As a result, calling tcIfaceTyVar below is always guaranteed to succeed. (a) to avoid looking tugging on a recursive use of the type itself, which is knot-tied (b) to avoid faulting in the component types unless they are really needed forced when typechecking record wildcard pattern matching (it's not completely clear why this the argument types was recursively defined. See also Note [Tying the knot] the type itself; hence inside forkM Pass the HsImplBangs (i.e. final decisions) to buildDataCon; it'll use these to guide the construction of a worker. # SOURCE # will panic if branched, but that's OK True <=> ignore rules An imported RULE is never for a local Id or, even if it is (module loop, perhaps) we'll just leave it in the non-local set This function *must* mirror exactly what Rules.roughTopNames does We could have stored the ru_rough field in the iface file but that would be redundant, I think. The only wrinkle is that we must not be deceived by type synonyms at the top of a type arg. Since we can't tell at this point, we are careful not ************************************************************************ * * Annotations * * ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * * Complete Match Pragmas * * ************************************************************************ See Note [Positioning of forkM] ************************************************************************ * * Types * * ************************************************************************ True <=> typechecking a *type* (vs. an expr) the number of args. *not* the tuple arity. in expressions, we only have term args --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Put the missing type arguments back in but won't be demanded in those cases look through non-rec newtypes to find the tycon that If debug flag is not set: Ignore source notes ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- A case alternative is made quite a bit more complicated by the fact that we omit type annotations because we can work them out. True enough, but its not that easy! ************************************************************************ * * IdInfo * * ************************************************************************ Set the CgInfo to something sensible but uninformative before Always read in compulsory unfoldings LFReEntrant closures in interface files are guaranteed to - Be top-level, as only top-level closures are exported. - Have no free variables, as only non-top-level closures have free variables the closure These invariants are checked when generating LFInfos in toIfaceLFInfo. - Be top-level - No have free variables These invariants are checked when generating LFInfos in toIfaceLFInfo. The unfolding for f The unfolding for f ^ Is this unfolding compulsory? Check for type consistency in the unfolding Totally disgusting; but just for linting It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here because we immediately forget the ordering by creating a set Even though we are in an interface file, we want to make Imagine: f :: Double -> Double Note [Tying the knot] It's defined in a module in the hs-boot loop yuk See Note [Knot-tying fallback on boot] It's imported; go get it Note [Tying the knot] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Note [Knot-tying typecheckIface] * Note [DFun knot-tying] * Note [hsc_type_env_var hack] * Note [Knot-tying fallback on boot] * Note [Hydrating Modules] There is also a wiki page on the subject, see: -the-knot Note [Knot-tying fallback on boot] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it up with? Clearly, if we have already typechecked T and added it into the type environment, we should go ahead and use that type. But what if we haven't typechecked it yet? T and adding it to the env. However, actually ensuring this is the case has proven to be a bug farm, because it's really difficult to actually ensure this never happens. The problem was especially poignant with type family consistency checks, which eagerly happen before any typechecking takes place. an entity from A which doesn't exist, we just fall back on the definition of A from the hs-boot file. This is complicated in think (and have not observed) any cases where this would cause problems, but the hypothetical situation one might worry about case x of A -> e1 B -> e2 If, when typechecking this, we find x :: T, and the T we are hooked up with is the abstract one from the hs-boot file, rather than the one defined in this module with constructors A and B. But it's hard to see how this could happen, especially because the reference to this expression *after* typechecking T. enumerated in typeNatCoAxiomRules See Note [Resolving never-exported Names] in GHC.IfaceToCore ************************************************************************ * * Bindings * * ************************************************************************ --------------------- Used for type variable in nested associated data/type declarations where some of the type variables are already in scope class C a where { data T a b } Here 'a' is in scope when we look at the 'data T' CgBreakInfo
( c ) The University of Glasgow 2006 ( c ) The GRASP / AQUA Project , Glasgow University , 1992 - 1998 Type checking of type signatures in interface files (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 Type checking of type signatures in interface files -} # LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno - incomplete - record - updates # # LANGUAGE TupleSections # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module GHC.IfaceToCore ( tcLookupImported_maybe, importDecl, checkWiredInTyCon, tcHiBootIface, typecheckIface, typecheckWholeCoreBindings, typecheckIfacesForMerging, typecheckIfaceForInstantiate, tcIfaceDecl, tcIfaceDecls, tcIfaceInst, tcIfaceFamInst, tcIfaceRules, tcIfaceAnnotations, tcIfaceCompleteMatches, tcIfaceGlobal, tcIfaceOneShot, tcTopIfaceBindings, hydrateCgBreakInfo ) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.ByteCode.Types import Data.Word import GHC.Driver.Env import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Driver.Config.Core.Lint ( initLintConfig ) import GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals(typeNatCoAxiomRules) import GHC.Builtin.Types import GHC.Iface.Syntax import GHC.Iface.Load import GHC.Iface.Env import GHC.StgToCmm.Types import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types import GHC.Tc.TyCl.Build import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType import GHC.Core.Type import GHC.Core.Coercion import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom import GHC.Core.FVs import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst ( substTyCoVars ) import GHC.Core.InstEnv import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv import GHC.Core import GHC.Core.RoughMap( RoughMatchTc(..) ) import GHC.Core.Utils import GHC.Core.Unfold( calcUnfoldingGuidance ) import GHC.Core.Unfold.Make import GHC.Core.Lint import GHC.Core.Make import GHC.Core.Class import GHC.Core.TyCon import GHC.Core.ConLike import GHC.Core.DataCon import GHC.Core.Opt.OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseExpr ) import GHC.Core.Ppr import GHC.Unit.Env import GHC.Unit.External import GHC.Unit.Module import GHC.Unit.Module.ModDetails import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface import GHC.Unit.Home.ModInfo import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Utils.Misc import GHC.Utils.Panic import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain import GHC.Utils.Constants (debugIsOn) import GHC.Utils.Logger import GHC.Data.Bag import GHC.Data.Maybe import GHC.Data.FastString import GHC.Data.List.SetOps import GHC.Types.Annotations import GHC.Types.SourceFile import GHC.Types.SourceText import GHC.Types.Basic hiding ( SuccessFlag(..) ) import GHC.Types.CompleteMatch import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Types.TypeEnv import GHC.Types.Unique.FM import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet ( mkUniqDSet ) import GHC.Types.Unique.Set ( nonDetEltsUniqSet ) import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply import GHC.Types.Demand( isDeadEndSig ) import GHC.Types.Literal import GHC.Types.Var as Var import GHC.Types.Var.Set import GHC.Types.Name import GHC.Types.Name.Env import GHC.Types.Name.Set import GHC.Types.Id import GHC.Types.Id.Make import GHC.Types.Id.Info import GHC.Types.Tickish import GHC.Types.TyThing import GHC.Types.Error import GHC.Fingerprint import qualified GHC.Data.BooleanFormula as BF import Control.Monad import GHC.Parser.Annotation import GHC.Driver.Env.KnotVars import GHC.Unit.Module.WholeCoreBindings import Data.IORef import Data.Foldable import GHC.Builtin.Names (ioTyConName, rOOT_MAIN) This module takes IfaceDecl - > TyThing IfaceType - > Type etc An IfaceDecl is populated with RdrNames , and these are not renamed to Names before typechecking , because there should be no scope errors etc . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Type - checking a complete interface * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Suppose we discover we do n't need to recompile . Then we must type check the old interface file . This is a bit different to the incremental type checking we do as we suck in interface files . Instead we do things similarly as when we are typechecking source decls : we bring into scope the type envt for the interface all at once , using a and even if they were , the type decls might be mutually recursive . Note [ Knot - tying typecheckIface ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose we are typechecking an interface A.hi , and we come across a Name for another entity defined in A.hi . How do we get the ' ' , in this case ? There are three cases : 1 ) tcHiBootIface in GHC.IfaceToCore : We 're typechecking an hi - boot file in preparation of checking if the hs file we 're building is compatible . In this case , we want all of the internal TyCons to MATCH the ones that we just constructed during typechecking : the knot is thus tied through if_rec_types . 2 ) rehydrate in GHC.Driver . Make : We are rehydrating a mutually recursive cluster of hi files , in order to ensure that all of the references refer to each other correctly . In this case , the knot is tied through the HPT passed in , which contains all of the interfaces we are in the process of typechecking . 3 ) genModDetails in GHC.Driver . Main : We are typechecking an old interface to generate the ModDetails . In this case , we do the same thing as ( 2 ) and pass in an HPT with the HomeModInfo being generated to tie knots . The upshot is that the CLIENT of this function is responsible for making sure that the knot is tied correctly . If you do n't , then you 'll get a message saying that we could n't load the declaration you wanted . BTW , in one - shot mode we never call typecheckIface ; instead , loadInterface handles type - checking interface . In that case , knots are tied through the EPS . No problem ! This module takes IfaceDecl -> TyThing IfaceType -> Type etc An IfaceDecl is populated with RdrNames, and these are not renamed to Names before typechecking, because there should be no scope errors etc. ************************************************************************ * * Type-checking a complete interface * * ************************************************************************ Suppose we discover we don't need to recompile. Then we must type check the old interface file. This is a bit different to the incremental type checking we do as we suck in interface files. Instead we do things similarly as when we are typechecking source decls: we bring into scope the type envt for the interface all at once, using a and even if they were, the type decls might be mutually recursive. Note [Knot-tying typecheckIface] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose we are typechecking an interface A.hi, and we come across a Name for another entity defined in A.hi. How do we get the 'TyCon', in this case? There are three cases: 1) tcHiBootIface in GHC.IfaceToCore: We're typechecking an hi-boot file in preparation of checking if the hs file we're building is compatible. In this case, we want all of the internal TyCons to MATCH the ones that we just constructed during typechecking: the knot is thus tied through if_rec_types. 2) rehydrate in GHC.Driver.Make: We are rehydrating a mutually recursive cluster of hi files, in order to ensure that all of the references refer to each other correctly. In this case, the knot is tied through the HPT passed in, which contains all of the interfaces we are in the process of typechecking. 3) genModDetails in GHC.Driver.Main: We are typechecking an old interface to generate the ModDetails. In this case, we do the same thing as (2) and pass in an HPT with the HomeModInfo being generated to tie knots. The upshot is that the CLIENT of this function is responsible for making sure that the knot is tied correctly. If you don't, then you'll get a message saying that we couldn't load the declaration you wanted. BTW, in one-shot mode we never call typecheckIface; instead, loadInterface handles type-checking interface. In that case, knots are tied through the EPS. No problem! -} -> IfG ModDetails typecheckIface iface = initIfaceLcl (mi_semantic_module iface) (text "typecheckIface") (mi_boot iface) $ do ignore_prags <- goptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas the decls . This is done lazily , so that the knot - tying ; names_w_things <- tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface) ; let type_env = mkNameEnv names_w_things ; insts <- mapM tcIfaceInst (mi_insts iface) ; fam_insts <- mapM tcIfaceFamInst (mi_fam_insts iface) ; rules <- tcIfaceRules ignore_prags (mi_rules iface) ; anns <- tcIfaceAnnotations (mi_anns iface) ; exports <- ifaceExportNames (mi_exports iface) ; complete_matches <- tcIfaceCompleteMatches (mi_complete_matches iface) ; traceIf (vcat [text "Finished typechecking interface for" <+> ppr (mi_module iface), Careful ! If we tug on the TyThing thunks too early text "Type envt:" <+> ppr (map fst names_w_things)]) ; return $ ModDetails { md_types = type_env , md_insts = mkInstEnv insts , md_fam_insts = fam_insts , md_rules = rules , md_anns = anns , md_exports = exports , md_complete_matches = complete_matches } } typecheckWholeCoreBindings :: IORef TypeEnv -> WholeCoreBindings -> IfG [CoreBind] typecheckWholeCoreBindings type_var (WholeCoreBindings tidy_bindings this_mod _) = initIfaceLcl this_mod (text "typecheckWholeCoreBindings") NotBoot $ do tcTopIfaceBindings type_var tidy_bindings * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * for merging * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************************ * * Typechecking for merging * * ************************************************************************ -} isAbstractIfaceDecl :: IfaceDecl -> Bool isAbstractIfaceDecl IfaceData{ ifCons = IfAbstractTyCon {} } = True isAbstractIfaceDecl IfaceClass{ ifBody = IfAbstractClass } = True isAbstractIfaceDecl IfaceFamily{ ifFamFlav = IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon } = True isAbstractIfaceDecl _ = False ifMaybeRoles :: IfaceDecl -> Maybe [Role] ifMaybeRoles IfaceData { ifRoles = rs } = Just rs ifMaybeRoles IfaceSynonym { ifRoles = rs } = Just rs ifMaybeRoles IfaceClass { ifRoles = rs } = Just rs ifMaybeRoles _ = Nothing | Merge two ' IfaceDecl 's together , preferring a non - abstract one . If both are non - abstract we pick one arbitrarily ( and check for consistency mergeIfaceDecl :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl mergeIfaceDecl d1 d2 | isAbstractIfaceDecl d1 = d2 `withRolesFrom` d1 | isAbstractIfaceDecl d2 = d1 `withRolesFrom` d2 | IfaceClass{ ifBody = IfConcreteClass { ifSigs = ops1, ifMinDef = bf1 } } <- d1 , IfaceClass{ ifBody = IfConcreteClass { ifSigs = ops2, ifMinDef = bf2 } } <- d2 = let ops = nonDetNameEnvElts $ plusNameEnv_C mergeIfaceClassOp (mkNameEnv [ (n, op) | op@(IfaceClassOp n _ _) <- ops1 ]) (mkNameEnv [ (n, op) | op@(IfaceClassOp n _ _) <- ops2 ]) in d1 { ifBody = (ifBody d1) { ifSigs = ops, ifMinDef = BF.mkOr [noLocA bf1, noLocA bf2] } } `withRolesFrom` d2 | otherwise = d1 `withRolesFrom` d2 First , why might it be necessary to do a non - trivial role Should we merge the definitions of T so that the roles are R / R ( or N / N ) ? withRolesFrom :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl d1 `withRolesFrom` d2 | Just roles1 <- ifMaybeRoles d1 , Just roles2 <- ifMaybeRoles d2 , not (isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl d1 || isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl d2) = d1 { ifRoles = mergeRoles roles1 roles2 } | otherwise = d1 where mergeRoles roles1 roles2 = zipWithEqual "mergeRoles" max roles1 roles2 isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl :: IfaceDecl -> Bool isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl IfaceData{ ifCons = IfDataTyCon{} } = True isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl IfaceFamily{ ifFamFlav = IfaceDataFamilyTyCon } = True isRepInjectiveIfaceDecl _ = False mergeIfaceClassOp :: IfaceClassOp -> IfaceClassOp -> IfaceClassOp mergeIfaceClassOp op1@(IfaceClassOp _ _ (Just _)) _ = op1 mergeIfaceClassOp _ op2 = op2 | Merge two ' OccEnv 's of ' IfaceDecl 's by ' OccName ' . mergeIfaceDecls :: OccEnv IfaceDecl -> OccEnv IfaceDecl -> OccEnv IfaceDecl mergeIfaceDecls = plusOccEnv_C mergeIfaceDecl to type check an interface file into a ModDetails . However , the use - case for these ModDetails is different : we want to compare all of the ModDetails to ensure they define compatible declarations , and then strategy for knot - tying : we first speculatively merge the declarations the " best " choice we could have made ( ezyang conjectures this This will be rejected , because the reexported Int in the second typecheckIfacesForMerging :: Module -> [ModIface] -> (KnotVars (IORef TypeEnv)) -> IfM lcl (TypeEnv, [ModDetails]) typecheckIfacesForMerging mod ifaces tc_env_vars = initIfaceLcl mod (text "typecheckIfacesForMerging") NotBoot $ do ignore_prags <- goptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas NB : Do n't include dfuns here , because we do n't want to serialize them out . See Note [ rnIfaceNeverExported ] in GHC.Iface . Rename NB : But coercions are OK , because they will have the right OccName . let mk_decl_env decls = mkOccEnv [ (getOccName decl, decl) | decl <- decls , case decl of exclude DFuns _ -> True ] decl_envs = map (mk_decl_env . map snd . mi_decls) ifaces :: [OccEnv IfaceDecl] decl_env = foldl' mergeIfaceDecls emptyOccEnv decl_envs :: OccEnv IfaceDecl names_w_things <- tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags (map (\x -> (fingerprint0, x)) (nonDetOccEnvElts decl_env)) let global_type_env = mkNameEnv names_w_things case lookupKnotVars tc_env_vars mod of Just tc_env_var -> writeMutVar tc_env_var global_type_env Nothing -> return () OK , now each ModIface using this environment details <- forM ifaces $ \iface -> do type_env <- fixM $ \type_env -> setImplicitEnvM type_env $ do decls <- tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface) return (mkNameEnv decls) setImplicitEnvM type_env $ do insts <- mapM tcIfaceInst (mi_insts iface) fam_insts <- mapM tcIfaceFamInst (mi_fam_insts iface) rules <- tcIfaceRules ignore_prags (mi_rules iface) anns <- tcIfaceAnnotations (mi_anns iface) exports <- ifaceExportNames (mi_exports iface) complete_matches <- tcIfaceCompleteMatches (mi_complete_matches iface) return $ ModDetails { md_types = type_env , md_insts = mkInstEnv insts , md_fam_insts = fam_insts , md_rules = rules , md_anns = anns , md_exports = exports , md_complete_matches = complete_matches } return (global_type_env, details) | a signature ' ModIface ' under the assumption that we have because ( 1 ) we have a ' NameShape ' , from the exports of the provided them with a reexport , and ( 2 ) we have to deal with typecheckIfaceForInstantiate :: NameShape -> ModIface -> IfM lcl ModDetails typecheckIfaceForInstantiate nsubst iface = initIfaceLclWithSubst (mi_semantic_module iface) (text "typecheckIfaceForInstantiate") (mi_boot iface) nsubst $ do ignore_prags <- goptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas type_env <- fixM $ \type_env -> setImplicitEnvM type_env $ do decls <- tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface) return (mkNameEnv decls) setImplicitEnvM type_env $ do insts <- mapM tcIfaceInst (mi_insts iface) fam_insts <- mapM tcIfaceFamInst (mi_fam_insts iface) rules <- tcIfaceRules ignore_prags (mi_rules iface) anns <- tcIfaceAnnotations (mi_anns iface) exports <- ifaceExportNames (mi_exports iface) complete_matches <- tcIfaceCompleteMatches (mi_complete_matches iface) return $ ModDetails { md_types = type_env , md_insts = mkInstEnv insts , md_fam_insts = fam_insts , md_rules = rules , md_anns = anns , md_exports = exports , md_complete_matches = complete_matches } Note [ Handling never - exported under Backpack ] case with the DFun of a ClsInst , or a of a type family , this strategy causes problems : if we pick one and rewrite all if the DFun or CoAxioms are compatible , as they will never be and a non - exported TyThing is checked WHEN we are checking the which we should wire up with . type family can refer to a coercion axiom , all of which are done in one go when we typecheck ' mi_decls ' . An alternate strategy would be to coercions first before type families , but that seemed more fragile . tcHiBootIface :: HscSource -> Module -> TcRn SelfBootInfo Return the ModDetails ; Nothing if no hi - boot iface tcHiBootIface hsc_src mod = return NoSelfBoot | otherwise = do { traceIf (text "loadHiBootInterface" <+> ppr mod) ; mode <- getGhcMode ; if not (isOneShot mode) we 'll have compiled it already , and it 'll be in the HPT It can happen ( when using GHC from Visual Studio ) that we fully - populated HPT . In that case the boot interface is n't there And that 's fine , because if M 's ModInfo is in the HPT , then then do { (_, hug) <- getEpsAndHug ; case lookupHugByModule mod hug of Just info | mi_boot (hm_iface info) == IsBoot -> mkSelfBootInfo (hm_iface info) (hm_details info) _ -> return NoSelfBoot } else do OK , so we 're in one - shot mode . { hsc_env <- getTopEnv ; read_result <- liftIO $ findAndReadIface hsc_env need (fst (getModuleInstantiation mod)) mod ; case read_result of { Succeeded (iface, _path) -> do { tc_iface <- initIfaceTcRn $ typecheckIface iface ; mkSelfBootInfo iface tc_iface } ; Failed err -> do { eps <- getEps ; case lookupInstalledModuleEnv (eps_is_boot eps) (toUnitId <$> mod) of Nothing -> return NoSelfBoot Just (GWIB { gwib_isBoot = is_boot }) -> case is_boot of IsBoot -> failWithTc (mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints (elaborate err)) NotBoot -> failWithTc (mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints moduleLoop) }}}} where need = text "Need the hi-boot interface for" <+> ppr mod <+> text "to compare against the Real Thing" moduleLoop = text "Circular imports: module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> text "depends on itself" elaborate err = hang (text "Could not find hi-boot interface for" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <> colon) 4 err mkSelfBootInfo :: ModIface -> ModDetails -> TcRn SelfBootInfo mkSelfBootInfo iface mds NB : This is computed DIRECTLY from the ModIface rather than from the ModDetails , so that we can query ' sb_tcs ' let tcs = map ifName . filter isIfaceTyCon . map snd $ mi_decls iface return $ SelfBoot { sb_mds = mds , sb_tcs = mkNameSet tcs } where Returns if , when you call ' tcIfaceDecl ' on this ' IfaceDecl ' , an ATyCon would be returned . NB : This code assumes that a can not be implicit . isIfaceTyCon IfaceId{} = False isIfaceTyCon IfaceData{} = True isIfaceTyCon IfaceSynonym{} = True isIfaceTyCon IfaceFamily{} = True isIfaceTyCon IfaceClass{} = True isIfaceTyCon IfaceAxiom{} = False isIfaceTyCon IfacePatSyn{} = False * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Type and class declarations * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * When typechecking a data type decl , we * lazily * ( via forkM ) typecheck the constructor argument types . This is in the hope that we may never poke on those argument types , and hence may never need to load the interface files for types mentioned in the arg types . E.g. data . S = MkS Baz . T Maybe we can get away without even loading the interface for ! This is not just a performance thing . Suppose we have data . S = MkS Baz . T data . T = MkT . S ( in different interface files , of course ) . Now , first we load and . S , and add it to the type envt . If we do explore MkS 's argument , we 'll load and . T. If we explore MkT 's argument we 'll find . S already in the envt . If we typechecked constructor args eagerly , when loading . S we 'd try to typecheck the type . T. So we 'd fault in . T ... and then need . S ... which is n't done yet . All very cunning . However , there is a rather subtle gotcha which bit me when developing this stuff . When we typecheck the decl for S , we extend the type envt with S , MkS , and all its implicit Ids . Suppose ( a bug , but it happened ) that the list of implicit Ids depended in turn on the constructor arg types . Then the following sequence of events takes place : * we build a thunk < t > for the constructor arg tys * we build a thunk for the extended type environment ( depends on < t > ) * we write the extended type envt into the global EPS mutvar Now we look something up in the type envt * that pulls on < t > * which reads the global type envt out of the global EPS mutvar * but that depends in turn on < t > It 's subtle , because , it 'd work fine if we typechecked the constructor args type envt by accident , because they look at it later . What this means is that the implicitTyThings MUST NOT DEPEND on any of the forkM stuff . ************************************************************************ * * Type and class declarations * * ************************************************************************ When typechecking a data type decl, we *lazily* (via forkM) typecheck the constructor argument types. This is in the hope that we may never poke on those argument types, and hence may never need to load the interface files for types mentioned in the arg types. E.g. data Foo.S = MkS Baz.T Maybe we can get away without even loading the interface for Baz! This is not just a performance thing. Suppose we have data Foo.S = MkS Baz.T data Baz.T = MkT Foo.S (in different interface files, of course). Now, first we load and typecheck Foo.S, and add it to the type envt. If we do explore MkS's argument, we'll load and typecheck Baz.T. If we explore MkT's argument we'll find Foo.S already in the envt. If we typechecked constructor args eagerly, when loading Foo.S we'd try to typecheck the type Baz.T. So we'd fault in Baz.T... and then need Foo.S... which isn't done yet. All very cunning. However, there is a rather subtle gotcha which bit me when developing this stuff. When we typecheck the decl for S, we extend the type envt with S, MkS, and all its implicit Ids. Suppose (a bug, but it happened) that the list of implicit Ids depended in turn on the constructor arg types. Then the following sequence of events takes place: * we build a thunk <t> for the constructor arg tys * we build a thunk for the extended type environment (depends on <t>) * we write the extended type envt into the global EPS mutvar Now we look something up in the type envt * that pulls on <t> * which reads the global type envt out of the global EPS mutvar * but that depends in turn on <t> It's subtle, because, it'd work fine if we typechecked the constructor args type envt by accident, because they look at it later. What this means is that the implicitTyThings MUST NOT DEPEND on any of the forkM stuff. -} ^ True < = > discard IdInfo on IfaceId bindings -> IfaceDecl -> IfL TyThing tcIfaceDecl = tc_iface_decl Nothing ^ True < = > discard IdInfo on IfaceId bindings -> IfaceDecl -> IfL TyThing tc_iface_decl _ ignore_prags (IfaceId {ifName = name, ifType = iface_type, ifIdDetails = details, ifIdInfo = info}) = do { ty <- tcIfaceType iface_type ; details <- tcIdDetails ty details ; info <- tcIdInfo ignore_prags TopLevel name ty info ; return (AnId (mkGlobalId details name ty info)) } tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceData {ifName = tc_name, ifCType = cType, ifBinders = binders, ifResKind = res_kind, ifRoles = roles, ifCtxt = ctxt, ifGadtSyntax = gadt_syn, ifCons = rdr_cons, ifParent = mb_parent }) = bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT binders $ \ binders' -> do { res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind ; tycon <- fixM $ \ tycon -> do { stupid_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt ctxt ; parent' <- tc_parent tc_name mb_parent ; cons <- tcIfaceDataCons tc_name tycon binders' rdr_cons ; return (mkAlgTyCon tc_name binders' res_kind' roles cType stupid_theta cons parent' gadt_syn) } ; traceIf (text "tcIfaceDecl4" <+> ppr tycon) ; return (ATyCon tycon) } where tc_parent :: Name -> IfaceTyConParent -> IfL AlgTyConFlav tc_parent tc_name IfNoParent = do { tc_rep_name <- newTyConRepName tc_name ; return (VanillaAlgTyCon tc_rep_name) } tc_parent _ (IfDataInstance ax_name _ arg_tys) = do { ax <- tcIfaceCoAxiom ax_name ; let fam_tc = coAxiomTyCon ax ax_unbr = toUnbranchedAxiom ax ; lhs_tys <- tcIfaceAppArgs arg_tys ; return (DataFamInstTyCon ax_unbr fam_tc lhs_tys) } tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceSynonym {ifName = tc_name, ifRoles = roles, ifSynRhs = rhs_ty, ifBinders = binders, ifResKind = res_kind }) = bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT binders $ \ binders' -> do ; rhs <- forkM (mk_doc tc_name) $ tcIfaceType rhs_ty ; let tycon = buildSynTyCon tc_name binders' res_kind' roles rhs ; return (ATyCon tycon) } where mk_doc n = text "Type synonym" <+> ppr n tc_iface_decl parent _ (IfaceFamily {ifName = tc_name, ifFamFlav = fam_flav, ifBinders = binders, ifResKind = res_kind, ifResVar = res, ifFamInj = inj }) = bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT binders $ \ binders' -> do ; rhs <- forkM (mk_doc tc_name) $ tc_fam_flav tc_name fam_flav ; res_name <- traverse (newIfaceName . mkTyVarOccFS) res ; let tycon = mkFamilyTyCon tc_name binders' res_kind' res_name rhs parent inj ; return (ATyCon tycon) } where mk_doc n = text "Type synonym" <+> ppr n tc_fam_flav :: Name -> IfaceFamTyConFlav -> IfL FamTyConFlav tc_fam_flav tc_name IfaceDataFamilyTyCon = do { tc_rep_name <- newTyConRepName tc_name ; return (DataFamilyTyCon tc_rep_name) } tc_fam_flav _ IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon= return OpenSynFamilyTyCon tc_fam_flav _ (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon mb_ax_name_branches) = do { ax <- traverse (tcIfaceCoAxiom . fst) mb_ax_name_branches ; return (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax) } tc_fam_flav _ IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = return AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon tc_fam_flav _ IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon = pprPanic "tc_iface_decl" (text "IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon in interface file") tc_iface_decl _parent _ignore_prags (IfaceClass {ifName = tc_name, ifRoles = roles, ifBinders = binders, ifFDs = rdr_fds, ifBody = IfAbstractClass}) = bindIfaceTyConBinders binders $ \ binders' -> do { fds <- mapM tc_fd rdr_fds ; cls <- buildClass tc_name binders' roles fds Nothing ; return (ATyCon (classTyCon cls)) } tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags (IfaceClass {ifName = tc_name, ifRoles = roles, ifBinders = binders, ifFDs = rdr_fds, ifBody = IfConcreteClass { ifClassCtxt = rdr_ctxt, ifATs = rdr_ats, ifSigs = rdr_sigs, ifMinDef = mindef_occ }}) = bindIfaceTyConBinders binders $ \ binders' -> do { traceIf (text "tc-iface-class1" <+> ppr tc_name) ; ctxt <- mapM tc_sc rdr_ctxt ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class2" <+> ppr tc_name) ; sigs <- mapM tc_sig rdr_sigs ; fds <- mapM tc_fd rdr_fds ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class3" <+> ppr tc_name) ; mindef <- traverse (lookupIfaceTop . mkVarOccFS) mindef_occ ; cls <- fixM $ \ cls -> do { ats <- mapM (tc_at cls) rdr_ats ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class4" <+> ppr tc_name) ; buildClass tc_name binders' roles fds (Just (ctxt, ats, sigs, mindef)) } ; return (ATyCon (classTyCon cls)) } where tc_sc pred = forkM (mk_sc_doc pred) (tcIfaceType pred) The * length * of the superclasses is used by buildClass , and hence must so we must not pull on T too eagerly . See # 5970 tc_sig :: IfaceClassOp -> IfL TcMethInfo tc_sig (IfaceClassOp op_name rdr_ty dm) = do { let doc = mk_op_doc op_name rdr_ty ; op_ty <- forkM (doc <+> text "ty") $ tcIfaceType rdr_ty ; dm' <- tc_dm doc dm ; return (op_name, op_ty, dm') } tc_dm :: SDoc -> Maybe (DefMethSpec IfaceType) -> IfL (Maybe (DefMethSpec (SrcSpan, Type))) tc_dm _ Nothing = return Nothing tc_dm _ (Just VanillaDM) = return (Just VanillaDM) tc_dm doc (Just (GenericDM ty)) ; ty' <- forkM (doc <+> text "dm") $ tcIfaceType ty ; return (Just (GenericDM (noSrcSpan, ty'))) } tc_at cls (IfaceAT tc_decl if_def) = do ATyCon tc <- tc_iface_decl (Just cls) ignore_prags tc_decl mb_def <- case if_def of Nothing -> return Nothing Just def -> forkM (mk_at_doc tc) $ extendIfaceTyVarEnv (tyConTyVars tc) $ do { tc_def <- tcIfaceType def ; return (Just (tc_def, NoATVI)) } e.g. type AT a ; type AT b = AT [ b ] # 8002 return (ATI tc mb_def) mk_sc_doc pred = text "Superclass" <+> ppr pred mk_at_doc tc = text "Associated type" <+> ppr tc mk_op_doc op_name op_ty = text "Class op" <+> sep [ppr op_name, ppr op_ty] tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceAxiom { ifName = tc_name, ifTyCon = tc , ifAxBranches = branches, ifRole = role }) = do { tc_tycon <- tcIfaceTyCon tc for family instance consistency , and the RHS may mention See # 13803 ; tc_branches <- forkM (text "Axiom branches" <+> ppr tc_name) $ tc_ax_branches branches ; let axiom = CoAxiom { co_ax_unique = nameUnique tc_name , co_ax_name = tc_name , co_ax_tc = tc_tycon , co_ax_role = role , co_ax_branches = manyBranches tc_branches , co_ax_implicit = False } ; return (ACoAxiom axiom) } tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfacePatSyn{ ifName = name , ifPatMatcher = if_matcher , ifPatBuilder = if_builder , ifPatIsInfix = is_infix , ifPatUnivBndrs = univ_bndrs , ifPatExBndrs = ex_bndrs , ifPatProvCtxt = prov_ctxt , ifPatReqCtxt = req_ctxt , ifPatArgs = args , ifPatTy = pat_ty , ifFieldLabels = field_labels }) = do { traceIf (text "tc_iface_decl" <+> ppr name) ; matcher <- tc_pr if_matcher ; builder <- traverse tc_pr if_builder ; bindIfaceForAllBndrs univ_bndrs $ \univ_tvs -> do { bindIfaceForAllBndrs ex_bndrs $ \ex_tvs -> do { patsyn <- forkM (mk_doc name) $ do { prov_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt prov_ctxt ; req_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt req_ctxt ; pat_ty <- tcIfaceType pat_ty ; arg_tys <- mapM tcIfaceType args ; return $ buildPatSyn name is_infix matcher builder (univ_tvs, req_theta) (ex_tvs, prov_theta) arg_tys pat_ty field_labels } ; return $ AConLike . PatSynCon $ patsyn }}} where mk_doc n = text "Pattern synonym" <+> ppr n tc_pr :: (IfExtName, Bool) -> IfL (Name, Type, Bool) tc_pr (nm, b) = do { id <- forkM (ppr nm) (tcIfaceExtId nm) ; return (nm, idType id, b) } tcTopIfaceBindings :: IORef TypeEnv -> [IfaceBindingX IfaceMaybeRhs IfaceTopBndrInfo] -> IfL [CoreBind] tcTopIfaceBindings ty_var ver_decls = do int <- mapM tcTopBinders ver_decls let all_ids :: [Id] = concatMap toList int liftIO $ modifyIORef ty_var (flip extendTypeEnvList (map AnId all_ids)) extendIfaceIdEnv all_ids $ mapM (tc_iface_bindings) int tcTopBinders :: IfaceBindingX a IfaceTopBndrInfo -> IfL (IfaceBindingX a Id) tcTopBinders = traverse mk_top_id tc_iface_bindings :: IfaceBindingX IfaceMaybeRhs Id -> IfL CoreBind tc_iface_bindings (IfaceNonRec b rhs) = do rhs' <- tc_iface_binding b rhs return $ NonRec b rhs' tc_iface_bindings (IfaceRec bs) = do rs <- mapM (\(b, rhs) -> (b,) <$> tc_iface_binding b rhs) bs return (Rec rs) tc_iface_binding :: Id -> IfaceMaybeRhs -> IfL CoreExpr tc_iface_binding i IfUseUnfoldingRhs = case maybeUnfoldingTemplate $ realIdUnfolding i of Just e -> return e Nothing -> pprPanic "tc_iface_binding" (vcat [text "Binding" <+> quotes (ppr i) <+> text "had an unfolding when the interface file was created" , text "which has now gone missing, something has badly gone wrong." , text "Unfolding:" <+> ppr (realIdUnfolding i)]) tc_iface_binding _ (IfRhs rhs) = tcIfaceExpr rhs mk_top_id :: IfaceTopBndrInfo -> IfL Id mk_top_id (IfGblTopBndr gbl_name) | Just rOOT_MAIN == nameModule_maybe gbl_name = do ATyCon ioTyCon <- tcIfaceGlobal ioTyConName return $ mkExportedVanillaId gbl_name (mkTyConApp ioTyCon [unitTy]) | otherwise = tcIfaceExtId gbl_name mk_top_id (IfLclTopBndr raw_name iface_type info details) = do name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS raw_name) ty <- tcIfaceType iface_type info' <- tcIdInfo False TopLevel name ty info details' <- tcIdDetails ty details let new_id = mkGlobalId details' name ty info' return new_id tcIfaceDecls :: Bool -> [(Fingerprint, IfaceDecl)] -> IfL [(Name,TyThing)] tcIfaceDecls ignore_prags ver_decls = concatMapM (tc_iface_decl_fingerprint ignore_prags) ver_decls -> (Fingerprint, IfaceDecl) are forkM'd thunks tc_iface_decl_fingerprint ignore_prags (_version, decl) let main_name = ifName decl the thing , lazily NB . Firstly , the laziness is there in case we never need the declaration ( in one - shot mode ) , and secondly it is there so that we do n't look up the occurrence of a name before calling ; thing <- forkM doc $ do { bumpDeclStats main_name ; tcIfaceDecl ignore_prags decl } ' forkM'd by . data T a = MkT { x : : T a } [ " MkT " - > < datacon MkT > , " x " - > < selector x > , ... ] ( where the " MkT " is the * Name * associated with MkT , etc . ) . By the invariant on ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs and to make this association : each Name 's OccName should [ ' MkT ' - > < datacon MkT > , ' x ' - > < selector x > , ... ] where the ' MkT ' here is the * OccName * associated with MkT. If we poke these thunks too early , two problems could happen : ( 1 ) When processing mutually recursive modules across ( 2 ) Looking up one OccName in the mini_env will cause getOccName on a TyThing does not force the suspended type ' Name 's n and the map from ' OccName 's to the implicit ; let mini_env = mkOccEnv [(getOccName t, t) | t <- implicitTyThings thing] lookup n = case lookupOccEnv mini_env (getOccName n) of Just thing -> thing Nothing -> pprPanic "tc_iface_decl_fingerprint" (ppr main_name <+> ppr n $$ ppr (decl)) ; implicit_names <- mapM lookupIfaceTop (ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs decl) ; traceIf ( text " Loading decl for " < > ppr main_name $ $ ppr implicit_names ) ; return $ (main_name, thing) : [(n, lookup n) | n <- implicit_names] } where doc = text "Declaration for" <+> ppr (ifName decl) Record that one more declaration has actually been used bumpDeclStats name = do { traceIf (text "Loading decl for" <+> ppr name) ; updateEps_ (\eps -> let stats = eps_stats eps in eps { eps_stats = stats { n_decls_out = n_decls_out stats + 1 } }) } tc_fd :: FunDep IfLclName -> IfL (FunDep TyVar) tc_fd (tvs1, tvs2) = do { tvs1' <- mapM tcIfaceTyVar tvs1 ; tvs2' <- mapM tcIfaceTyVar tvs2 ; return (tvs1', tvs2') } tc_ax_branches :: [IfaceAxBranch] -> IfL [CoAxBranch] tc_ax_branches if_branches = foldlM tc_ax_branch [] if_branches tc_ax_branch :: [CoAxBranch] -> IfaceAxBranch -> IfL [CoAxBranch] tc_ax_branch prev_branches (IfaceAxBranch { ifaxbTyVars = tv_bndrs , ifaxbEtaTyVars = eta_tv_bndrs , ifaxbCoVars = cv_bndrs , ifaxbLHS = lhs, ifaxbRHS = rhs , ifaxbRoles = roles, ifaxbIncomps = incomps }) = bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT (map (\b -> Bndr (IfaceTvBndr b) (NamedTCB Inferred)) tv_bndrs) $ \ tvs -> The _ AT variant is needed here ; see Note [ CoAxBranch type variables ] in GHC.Core . Coercion . Axiom bindIfaceIds cv_bndrs $ \ cvs -> do { tc_lhs <- tcIfaceAppArgs lhs ; tc_rhs <- tcIfaceType rhs ; eta_tvs <- bindIfaceTyVars eta_tv_bndrs return ; this_mod <- getIfModule ; let loc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "module " `appendFS` moduleNameFS (moduleName this_mod)) br = CoAxBranch { cab_loc = loc , cab_tvs = binderVars tvs , cab_eta_tvs = eta_tvs , cab_cvs = cvs , cab_lhs = tc_lhs , cab_roles = roles , cab_rhs = tc_rhs , cab_incomps = map (prev_branches `getNth`) incomps } ; return (prev_branches ++ [br]) } tcIfaceDataCons :: Name -> TyCon -> [TyConBinder] -> IfaceConDecls -> IfL AlgTyConRhs tcIfaceDataCons tycon_name tycon tc_tybinders if_cons = case if_cons of IfAbstractTyCon -> return AbstractTyCon IfDataTyCon type_data cons -> do { data_cons <- mapM tc_con_decl cons ; return $ mkLevPolyDataTyConRhs (isFixedRuntimeRepKind $ tyConResKind tycon) type_data data_cons } IfNewTyCon con -> do { data_con <- tc_con_decl con ; mkNewTyConRhs tycon_name tycon data_con } where univ_tvs :: [TyVar] univ_tvs = binderVars tc_tybinders tag_map :: NameEnv ConTag tag_map = mkTyConTagMap tycon tc_con_decl (IfCon { ifConInfix = is_infix, ifConExTCvs = ex_bndrs, ifConUserTvBinders = user_bndrs, ifConName = dc_name, ifConCtxt = ctxt, ifConEqSpec = spec, ifConArgTys = args, ifConFields = lbl_names, ifConStricts = if_stricts, ifConSrcStricts = if_src_stricts}) Universally - quantified tyvars are shared with parent , and are already in scope bindIfaceBndrs ex_bndrs $ \ ex_tvs -> do { traceIf (text "Start interface-file tc_con_decl" <+> ppr dc_name) ; user_tv_bndrs <- mapM (\(Bndr bd vis) -> case bd of IfaceIdBndr (_, name, _) -> Bndr <$> tcIfaceLclId name <*> pure vis IfaceTvBndr (name, _) -> Bndr <$> tcIfaceTyVar name <*> pure vis) user_bndrs Read the context and argument types , but lazily for two reasons ; ~(eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, stricts) <- forkM (mk_doc dc_name) $ do { eq_spec <- tcIfaceEqSpec spec ; theta <- tcIfaceCtxt ctxt This fixes # 13710 . The enclosing lazy thunk gets tuple is needed ) , which causes trouble if one of ; arg_tys <- forkM (mk_doc dc_name <+> text "arg_tys") $ mapM (\(w, ty) -> mkScaled <$> tcIfaceType w <*> tcIfaceType ty) args ; stricts <- mapM tc_strict if_stricts The IfBang field can mention ; return (eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, stricts) } Remember , is the representation tycon ; let orig_res_ty = mkFamilyTyConApp tycon (substTyCoVars (mkTvSubstPrs (map eqSpecPair eq_spec)) (binderVars tc_tybinders)) ; prom_rep_name <- newTyConRepName dc_name ; let bang_opts = FixedBangOpts stricts See Note [ Bangs on imported data constructors ] in GHC.Types . Id. Make ; con <- buildDataCon (pprPanic "tcIfaceDataCons: FamInstEnvs" (ppr dc_name)) bang_opts dc_name is_infix prom_rep_name (map src_strict if_src_stricts) lbl_names univ_tvs ex_tvs user_tv_bndrs eq_spec theta arg_tys orig_res_ty tycon tag_map ; traceIf (text "Done interface-file tc_con_decl" <+> ppr dc_name) ; return con } mk_doc con_name = text "Constructor" <+> ppr con_name tc_strict :: IfaceBang -> IfL HsImplBang tc_strict IfNoBang = return (HsLazy) tc_strict IfStrict = return (HsStrict True) tc_strict IfUnpack = return (HsUnpack Nothing) tc_strict (IfUnpackCo if_co) = do { co <- tcIfaceCo if_co ; return (HsUnpack (Just co)) } src_strict :: IfaceSrcBang -> HsSrcBang src_strict (IfSrcBang unpk bang) = HsSrcBang NoSourceText unpk bang tcIfaceEqSpec :: IfaceEqSpec -> IfL [EqSpec] tcIfaceEqSpec spec = mapM do_item spec where do_item (occ, if_ty) = do { tv <- tcIfaceTyVar occ ; ty <- tcIfaceType if_ty ; return (mkEqSpec tv ty) } Note [ Synonym kind loop ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notice that we eagerly grab the * kind * from the interface file , but build a forkM thunk for the * rhs * ( and family stuff ) . To see why , consider this ( # 2412 ) M.hs : module M where { import X ; data T = MkT S } X.hs : module X where { import { - # SOURCE # Note [Synonym kind loop] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notice that we eagerly grab the *kind* from the interface file, but build a forkM thunk for the *rhs* (and family stuff). To see why, consider this (#2412) M.hs: module M where { import X; data T = MkT S } M.hs-boot: module M where { data T } When kind-checking M.hs we need S's kind. But we do not want to find S's kind from (typeKind S-rhs), because we don't want to look at S-rhs yet! Since S is imported from X.hi, S gets just one chance to be defined, and we must not do that until we've finished with M.T. Solution: record S's kind in the interface file; now we can safely look at it. ************************************************************************ * * Instances * * ************************************************************************ -} tcRoughTyCon :: Maybe IfaceTyCon -> RoughMatchTc tcRoughTyCon (Just tc) = RM_KnownTc (ifaceTyConName tc) tcRoughTyCon Nothing = RM_WildCard tcIfaceInst :: IfaceClsInst -> IfL ClsInst tcIfaceInst (IfaceClsInst { ifDFun = dfun_name, ifOFlag = oflag , ifInstCls = cls, ifInstTys = mb_tcs , ifInstOrph = orph }) = do { dfun <- forkM (text "Dict fun" <+> ppr dfun_name) $ fmap tyThingId (tcIfaceImplicit dfun_name) ; let mb_tcs' = map tcRoughTyCon mb_tcs ; return (mkImportedClsInst cls mb_tcs' dfun_name dfun oflag orph) } tcIfaceFamInst :: IfaceFamInst -> IfL FamInst tcIfaceFamInst (IfaceFamInst { ifFamInstFam = fam, ifFamInstTys = mb_tcs , ifFamInstAxiom = axiom_name , ifFamInstOrph = orphan } ) = do { axiom' <- forkM (text "Axiom" <+> ppr axiom_name) $ tcIfaceCoAxiom axiom_name ; let axiom'' = toUnbranchedAxiom axiom' mb_tcs' = map tcRoughTyCon mb_tcs ; return (mkImportedFamInst fam mb_tcs' axiom'' orphan) } * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Rules * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We move a IfaceRule from eps_rules to eps_rule_base when all its LHS free vars are in the type environment . However , remember that typechecking a Rule may ( as a side effect ) augment the type envt , and so we may need to iterate the process . ************************************************************************ * * Rules * * ************************************************************************ We move a IfaceRule from eps_rules to eps_rule_base when all its LHS free vars are in the type environment. However, remember that typechecking a Rule may (as a side effect) augment the type envt, and so we may need to iterate the process. -} -> [IfaceRule] -> IfL [CoreRule] tcIfaceRules ignore_prags if_rules | ignore_prags = return [] | otherwise = mapM tcIfaceRule if_rules tcIfaceRule :: IfaceRule -> IfL CoreRule tcIfaceRule (IfaceRule {ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act, ifRuleBndrs = bndrs, ifRuleHead = fn, ifRuleArgs = args, ifRuleRhs = rhs, ifRuleAuto = auto, ifRuleOrph = orph }) = do { ~(bndrs', args', rhs') <- the payload lazily , in the hope it 'll never be looked at forkM (text "Rule" <+> pprRuleName name) $ bindIfaceBndrs bndrs $ \ bndrs' -> do { args' <- mapM tcIfaceExpr args ; rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs ; whenGOptM Opt_DoCoreLinting $ do { dflags <- getDynFlags ; (_, lcl_env) <- getEnvs ; let in_scope :: [Var] in_scope = ((nonDetEltsUFM $ if_tv_env lcl_env) ++ (nonDetEltsUFM $ if_id_env lcl_env) ++ bndrs' ++ exprsFreeIdsList args') ; case lintExpr (initLintConfig dflags in_scope) rhs' of Nothing -> return () Just errs -> do logger <- getLogger liftIO $ displayLintResults logger False doc (pprCoreExpr rhs') (emptyBag, errs) } ; return (bndrs', args', rhs') } ; let mb_tcs = map ifTopFreeName args ; this_mod <- getIfModule ; return (Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn, ru_act = act, ru_bndrs = bndrs', ru_args = args', ru_rhs = occurAnalyseExpr rhs', ru_rough = mb_tcs, ru_origin = this_mod, ru_orphan = orph, ru_auto = auto, where to write them out in coreRuleToIfaceRule ifTopFreeName :: IfaceExpr -> Maybe Name ifTopFreeName (IfaceType (IfaceTyConApp tc _ )) = Just (ifaceTyConName tc) ifTopFreeName (IfaceType (IfaceTupleTy s _ ts)) = Just (tupleTyConName s (length (appArgsIfaceTypes ts))) ifTopFreeName (IfaceApp f _) = ifTopFreeName f ifTopFreeName (IfaceExt n) = Just n ifTopFreeName _ = Nothing doc = text "Unfolding of" <+> ppr name tcIfaceAnnotations :: [IfaceAnnotation] -> IfL [Annotation] tcIfaceAnnotations = mapM tcIfaceAnnotation tcIfaceAnnotation :: IfaceAnnotation -> IfL Annotation tcIfaceAnnotation (IfaceAnnotation target serialized) = do target' <- tcIfaceAnnTarget target return $ Annotation { ann_target = target', ann_value = serialized } tcIfaceAnnTarget :: IfaceAnnTarget -> IfL (AnnTarget Name) tcIfaceAnnTarget (NamedTarget occ) = NamedTarget <$> lookupIfaceTop occ tcIfaceAnnTarget (ModuleTarget mod) = return $ ModuleTarget mod tcIfaceCompleteMatches :: [IfaceCompleteMatch] -> IfL [CompleteMatch] tcIfaceCompleteMatches = mapM tcIfaceCompleteMatch tcIfaceCompleteMatch :: IfaceCompleteMatch -> IfL CompleteMatch conlikes <- mkUniqDSet <$> mapM tcIfaceConLike ms mtc' <- traverse tcIfaceTyCon mtc return (CompleteMatch conlikes mtc') where doc = text "COMPLETE sig" <+> ppr ms Note [ Positioning of forkM ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We need to be lazy when type checking the interface , since these functions are called when the interface itself is being loaded , which means it is not in the PIT yet . In particular , the ` tcIfaceTCon ` must be inside the forkM , otherwise we 'll try to look it up the , find it 's not there , and so initiate the process ( again ) of loading the ( very same ) interface file . Result : infinite loop . See # 19744 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We need to be lazy when type checking the interface, since these functions are called when the interface itself is being loaded, which means it is not in the PIT yet. In particular, the `tcIfaceTCon` must be inside the forkM, otherwise we'll try to look it up the TyCon, find it's not there, and so initiate the process (again) of loading the (very same) interface file. Result: infinite loop. See #19744. -} tcIfaceType :: IfaceType -> IfL Type tcIfaceType = go where go (IfaceTyVar n) = TyVarTy <$> tcIfaceTyVar n go (IfaceFreeTyVar n) = pprPanic "tcIfaceType:IfaceFreeTyVar" (ppr n) go (IfaceLitTy l) = LitTy <$> tcIfaceTyLit l go (IfaceFunTy flag w t1 t2) = FunTy flag <$> tcIfaceType w <*> go t1 <*> go t2 go (IfaceTupleTy s i tks) = tcIfaceTupleTy s i tks go (IfaceAppTy t ts) = do { t' <- go t ; ts' <- traverse go (appArgsIfaceTypes ts) ; pure (foldl' AppTy t' ts') } go (IfaceTyConApp tc tks) = do { tc' <- tcIfaceTyCon tc ; tks' <- mapM go (appArgsIfaceTypes tks) ; return (mkTyConApp tc' tks') } go (IfaceForAllTy bndr t) = bindIfaceForAllBndr bndr $ \ tv' vis -> ForAllTy (Bndr tv' vis) <$> go t go (IfaceCastTy ty co) = CastTy <$> go ty <*> tcIfaceCo co go (IfaceCoercionTy co) = CoercionTy <$> tcIfaceCo co tcIfaceTupleTy :: TupleSort -> PromotionFlag -> IfaceAppArgs -> IfL Type tcIfaceTupleTy sort is_promoted args = do { args' <- tcIfaceAppArgs args ; let arity = length args' ; base_tc <- tcTupleTyCon True sort arity ; case is_promoted of NotPromoted -> return (mkTyConApp base_tc args') IsPromoted -> do { let tc = promoteDataCon (tyConSingleDataCon base_tc) kind_args = map typeKind args' ; return (mkTyConApp tc (kind_args ++ args')) } } See Note [ tuple RuntimeRep vars ] in GHC.Core . TyCon -> TupleSort -> IfL TyCon tcTupleTyCon in_type sort arity = case sort of ConstraintTuple -> return (cTupleTyCon arity) BoxedTuple -> return (tupleTyCon Boxed arity) UnboxedTuple -> return (tupleTyCon Unboxed arity') where arity' | in_type = arity `div` 2 | otherwise = arity tcIfaceAppArgs :: IfaceAppArgs -> IfL [Type] tcIfaceAppArgs = mapM tcIfaceType . appArgsIfaceTypes tcIfaceCtxt :: IfaceContext -> IfL ThetaType tcIfaceCtxt sts = mapM tcIfaceType sts tcIfaceTyLit :: IfaceTyLit -> IfL TyLit tcIfaceTyLit (IfaceNumTyLit n) = return (NumTyLit n) tcIfaceTyLit (IfaceStrTyLit n) = return (StrTyLit n) tcIfaceTyLit (IfaceCharTyLit n) = return (CharTyLit n) % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * %************************************************************************ %* * Coercions * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIfaceCo :: IfaceCoercion -> IfL Coercion tcIfaceCo = go where go_mco IfaceMRefl = pure MRefl go_mco (IfaceMCo co) = MCo <$> (go co) go (IfaceReflCo t) = Refl <$> tcIfaceType t go (IfaceGReflCo r t mco) = GRefl r <$> tcIfaceType t <*> go_mco mco go (IfaceFunCo r w c1 c2) = mkFunCoNoFTF r <$> go w <*> go c1 <*> go c2 go (IfaceTyConAppCo r tc cs) = TyConAppCo r <$> tcIfaceTyCon tc <*> mapM go cs go (IfaceAppCo c1 c2) = AppCo <$> go c1 <*> go c2 go (IfaceForAllCo tv k c) = do { k' <- go k ; bindIfaceBndr tv $ \ tv' -> ForAllCo tv' k' <$> go c } go (IfaceCoVarCo n) = CoVarCo <$> go_var n go (IfaceAxiomInstCo n i cs) = AxiomInstCo <$> tcIfaceCoAxiom n <*> pure i <*> mapM go cs go (IfaceUnivCo p r t1 t2) = UnivCo <$> tcIfaceUnivCoProv p <*> pure r <*> tcIfaceType t1 <*> tcIfaceType t2 go (IfaceSymCo c) = SymCo <$> go c go (IfaceTransCo c1 c2) = TransCo <$> go c1 <*> go c2 go (IfaceInstCo c1 t2) = InstCo <$> go c1 <*> go t2 go (IfaceSelCo d c) = do { c' <- go c ; return $ mkSelCo d c' } go (IfaceLRCo lr c) = LRCo lr <$> go c go (IfaceKindCo c) = KindCo <$> go c go (IfaceSubCo c) = SubCo <$> go c go (IfaceAxiomRuleCo ax cos) = AxiomRuleCo <$> tcIfaceCoAxiomRule ax <*> mapM go cos go (IfaceFreeCoVar c) = pprPanic "tcIfaceCo:IfaceFreeCoVar" (ppr c) go (IfaceHoleCo c) = pprPanic "tcIfaceCo:IfaceHoleCo" (ppr c) go_var :: FastString -> IfL CoVar go_var = tcIfaceLclId tcIfaceUnivCoProv :: IfaceUnivCoProv -> IfL UnivCoProvenance tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfacePhantomProv kco) = PhantomProv <$> tcIfaceCo kco tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfaceProofIrrelProv kco) = ProofIrrelProv <$> tcIfaceCo kco tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfacePluginProv str) = return $ PluginProv str tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfaceCorePrepProv b) = return $ CorePrepProv b * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************************ * * Core * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIfaceExpr :: IfaceExpr -> IfL CoreExpr tcIfaceExpr (IfaceType ty) = Type <$> tcIfaceType ty tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCo co) = Coercion <$> tcIfaceCo co tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCast expr co) = Cast <$> tcIfaceExpr expr <*> tcIfaceCo co tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLcl name) = Var <$> tcIfaceLclId name tcIfaceExpr (IfaceExt gbl) = Var <$> tcIfaceExtId gbl tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLitRubbish tc rep) = do rep' <- tcIfaceType rep return (Lit (LitRubbish tc rep')) tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLit lit) = do lit' <- tcIfaceLit lit return (Lit lit') tcIfaceExpr (IfaceFCall cc ty) = do ty' <- tcIfaceType ty u <- newUnique return (Var (mkFCallId u cc ty')) tcIfaceExpr (IfaceTuple sort args) = do { args' <- mapM tcIfaceExpr args ; tc <- tcTupleTyCon False sort arity ; let con_tys = map exprType args' some_con_args = map Type con_tys ++ args' con_args = case sort of UnboxedTuple -> map (Type . getRuntimeRep) con_tys ++ some_con_args _ -> some_con_args con_id = dataConWorkId (tyConSingleDataCon tc) ; return (mkApps (Var con_id) con_args) } where arity = length args tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLam (bndr, os) body) = bindIfaceBndr bndr $ \bndr' -> Lam (tcIfaceOneShot os bndr') <$> tcIfaceExpr body where tcIfaceOneShot IfaceOneShot b = setOneShotLambda b tcIfaceOneShot _ b = b tcIfaceExpr (IfaceApp fun arg) = App <$> tcIfaceExpr fun <*> tcIfaceExpr arg tcIfaceExpr (IfaceECase scrut ty) = do { scrut' <- tcIfaceExpr scrut ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty ; return (castBottomExpr scrut' ty') } tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCase scrut case_bndr alts) = do scrut' <- tcIfaceExpr scrut case_bndr_name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS case_bndr) let scrut_ty = exprType scrut' case_mult = ManyTy case_bndr' = mkLocalIdOrCoVar case_bndr_name case_mult scrut_ty " OrCoVar " since a coercion can be a scrutinee with -fdefer - type - errors ( e.g. see test T15695 ) . Ticket # 17291 covers fixing this problem . tc_app = splitTyConApp scrut_ty NB : Wo n't always succeed ( polymorphic case ) NB : not tcSplitTyConApp ; we are looking at Core here corresponds to the datacon in this case alternative extendIfaceIdEnv [case_bndr'] $ do alts' <- mapM (tcIfaceAlt scrut' case_mult tc_app) alts return (Case scrut' case_bndr' (coreAltsType alts') alts') tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceNonRec (IfLetBndr fs ty info ji) rhs) body) = do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS fs) ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty Do n't ignore prags ; we are inside one ! NotTopLevel name ty' info ; let id = mkLocalIdWithInfo name ManyTy ty' id_info `asJoinId_maybe` tcJoinInfo ji ; rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs ; body' <- extendIfaceIdEnv [id] (tcIfaceExpr body) ; return (Let (NonRec id rhs') body') } tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceRec pairs) body) = do { ids <- mapM tc_rec_bndr (map fst pairs) ; extendIfaceIdEnv ids $ do { pairs' <- zipWithM tc_pair pairs ids ; body' <- tcIfaceExpr body ; return (Let (Rec pairs') body') } } where tc_rec_bndr (IfLetBndr fs ty _ ji) = do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS fs) ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty ; return (mkLocalId name ManyTy ty' `asJoinId_maybe` tcJoinInfo ji) } tc_pair (IfLetBndr _ _ info _, rhs) id = do { rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs Do n't ignore prags ; we are inside one ! NotTopLevel (idName id) (idType id) info ; return (setIdInfo id id_info, rhs') } tcIfaceExpr (IfaceTick tickish expr) = do expr' <- tcIfaceExpr expr need_notes <- needSourceNotes <$> getDynFlags case tickish of IfaceSource{} | not (need_notes) -> return expr' _otherwise -> do tickish' <- tcIfaceTickish tickish return (Tick tickish' expr') tcIfaceTickish :: IfaceTickish -> IfM lcl CoreTickish tcIfaceTickish (IfaceHpcTick modl ix) = return (HpcTick modl ix) tcIfaceTickish (IfaceSCC cc tick push) = return (ProfNote cc tick push) tcIfaceTickish (IfaceSource src name) = return (SourceNote src name) tcIfaceLit :: Literal -> IfL Literal tcIfaceLit lit = return lit tcIfaceAlt :: CoreExpr -> Mult -> (TyCon, [Type]) -> IfaceAlt -> IfL CoreAlt tcIfaceAlt _ _ _ (IfaceAlt IfaceDefault names rhs) = assert (null names) $ do rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs return (Alt DEFAULT [] rhs') tcIfaceAlt _ _ _ (IfaceAlt (IfaceLitAlt lit) names rhs) = assert (null names) $ do lit' <- tcIfaceLit lit rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs return (Alt (LitAlt lit') [] rhs') tcIfaceAlt scrut mult (tycon, inst_tys) (IfaceAlt (IfaceDataAlt data_occ) arg_strs rhs) = do { con <- tcIfaceDataCon data_occ ; when (debugIsOn && not (con `elem` tyConDataCons tycon)) (failIfM (ppr scrut $$ ppr con $$ ppr tycon $$ ppr (tyConDataCons tycon))) ; tcIfaceDataAlt mult con inst_tys arg_strs rhs } tcIfaceDataAlt :: Mult -> DataCon -> [Type] -> [FastString] -> IfaceExpr -> IfL CoreAlt tcIfaceDataAlt mult con inst_tys arg_strs rhs = do { uniqs <- getUniquesM ; let (ex_tvs, arg_ids) = dataConRepFSInstPat arg_strs uniqs mult con inst_tys ; rhs' <- extendIfaceEnvs ex_tvs $ extendIfaceIdEnv arg_ids $ tcIfaceExpr rhs ; return (Alt (DataAlt con) (ex_tvs ++ arg_ids) rhs') } tcIdDetails :: Type -> IfaceIdDetails -> IfL IdDetails tcIdDetails _ IfVanillaId = return VanillaId tcIdDetails _ (IfWorkerLikeId dmds) = return $ WorkerLikeId dmds tcIdDetails ty IfDFunId = return (DFunId (isNewTyCon (classTyCon cls))) where (_, _, cls, _) = tcSplitDFunTy ty tcIdDetails _ (IfRecSelId tc naughty) = do { tc' <- either (fmap RecSelData . tcIfaceTyCon) (fmap (RecSelPatSyn . tyThingPatSyn) . tcIfaceDecl False) tc ; return (RecSelId { sel_tycon = tc', sel_naughty = naughty }) } where tyThingPatSyn (AConLike (PatSynCon ps)) = ps tyThingPatSyn _ = panic "tcIdDetails: expecting patsyn" tcIdInfo :: Bool -> TopLevelFlag -> Name -> Type -> IfaceIdInfo -> IfL IdInfo tcIdInfo ignore_prags toplvl name ty info = do lcl_env <- getLclEnv we start ; default assumption is that it has CAFs let init_info = if if_boot lcl_env == IsBoot then vanillaIdInfo `setUnfoldingInfo` BootUnfolding else vanillaIdInfo foldlM tcPrag init_info (needed_prags info) where needed_prags :: [IfaceInfoItem] -> [IfaceInfoItem] needed_prags items | not ignore_prags = items | otherwise = filter need_prag items need_prag :: IfaceInfoItem -> Bool See Note [ Always expose compulsory unfoldings ] in GHC.Iface . Tidy need_prag (HsUnfold _ (IfCoreUnfold src _ _ _)) = isCompulsorySource src need_prag _ = False tcPrag :: IdInfo -> IfaceInfoItem -> IfL IdInfo tcPrag info HsNoCafRefs = return (info `setCafInfo` NoCafRefs) tcPrag info (HsArity arity) = return (info `setArityInfo` arity) tcPrag info (HsDmdSig str) = return (info `setDmdSigInfo` str) tcPrag info (HsCprSig cpr) = return (info `setCprSigInfo` cpr) tcPrag info (HsInline prag) = return (info `setInlinePragInfo` prag) tcPrag info (HsLFInfo lf_info) = do lf_info <- tcLFInfo lf_info return (info `setLFInfo` lf_info) tcPrag info (HsTagSig sig) = do return (info `setTagSig` sig) The next two are lazy , so they do n't transitively suck stuff in tcPrag info (HsUnfold lb if_unf) = do { unf <- tcUnfolding toplvl name ty info if_unf ; let info1 | lb = info `setOccInfo` strongLoopBreaker | otherwise = info ; return (info1 `setUnfoldingInfo` unf) } tcJoinInfo :: IfaceJoinInfo -> Maybe JoinArity tcJoinInfo (IfaceJoinPoint ar) = Just ar tcJoinInfo IfaceNotJoinPoint = Nothing tcLFInfo :: IfaceLFInfo -> IfL LambdaFormInfo tcLFInfo lfi = case lfi of IfLFReEntrant rep_arity -> - Do n't have ArgDescrs , as ArgDescr is used when generating code for return (LFReEntrant TopLevel rep_arity True ArgUnknown) IfLFThunk updatable mb_fun -> LFThunk closure in interface files are guaranteed to return (LFThunk TopLevel True updatable NonStandardThunk mb_fun) IfLFUnlifted -> return LFUnlifted IfLFCon con_name -> LFCon <$!> tcIfaceDataCon con_name IfLFUnknown fun_flag -> return (LFUnknown fun_flag) tcUnfolding :: TopLevelFlag -> Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> IfaceUnfolding -> IfL Unfolding See Note [ Lazily checking Unfoldings ] tcUnfolding toplvl name _ info (IfCoreUnfold src cache if_guidance if_expr) = do { uf_opts <- unfoldingOpts <$> getDynFlags ; expr <- tcUnfoldingRhs (isCompulsorySource src) toplvl name if_expr ; let guidance = case if_guidance of IfWhen arity unsat_ok boring_ok -> UnfWhen arity unsat_ok boring_ok IfNoGuidance -> calcUnfoldingGuidance uf_opts is_top_bottoming expr See Note [ Tying the ' CoreUnfolding ' knot ] ; return $ mkCoreUnfolding src True expr (Just cache) guidance } where Strictness should occur before unfolding ! is_top_bottoming = isTopLevel toplvl && isDeadEndSig (dmdSigInfo info) tcUnfolding _toplvl name dfun_ty _ (IfDFunUnfold bs ops) = bindIfaceBndrs bs $ \ bs' -> do { ops1 <- forkM doc $ mapM tcIfaceExpr ops ; return $ mkDFunUnfolding bs' (classDataCon cls) ops1 } where doc = text "Class ops for dfun" <+> ppr name (_, _, cls, _) = tcSplitDFunTy dfun_ty Note [ Tying the ' CoreUnfolding ' knot ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The unfolding of recursive definitions can contain references to the I d being defined . Consider the following example : foo : : ( ) foo = foo The unfolding template of ' foo ' is , of course , ' foo ' ; so the interface file for this module contains : foo : : ( ) ; Unfolding = foo When rehydrating the interface file we are going to make an I d for ' foo ' ( in GHC.IfaceToCore ) , with an ' Unfolding ' . We used to make this ' Unfolding ' by calling ' ' , but that needs to populate , among other fields , the ' uf_is_value ' field , by computing ' exprIsValue ' of the template ( in this case , ' foo ' ) . ' exprIsValue e ' looks at the unfoldings of variables in ' e ' to see if they are evaluated ; so it consults the ` uf_is_value ` field of variables in ` e ` . Now we can see the problem : to set the ` uf_is_value ` field of ` foo ` 's unfolding , we look at its unfolding ( in this case just ` foo ` itself ! ) . Loop . This is the root cause of ticket # 22272 . The simple solution we chose is to serialise the various auxiliary fields of ` CoreUnfolding ` so that we do n't need to recreate them when rehydrating . Specifically , the following fields are moved to the ' UnfoldingCache ' , which is persisted in the interface file : * ' uf_is_conlike ' * ' uf_is_value ' * ' uf_is_work_free ' * ' uf_expandable ' These four bits make the interface files only one byte larger per unfolding ; on the other hand , this does save calls to ' exprIsValue ' , ' exprIsExpandable ' etc for every imported Id. We could choose to do this only for loop breakers . But that 's a bit more complicated and it seems good all round . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The unfolding of recursive definitions can contain references to the Id being defined. Consider the following example: foo :: () foo = foo The unfolding template of 'foo' is, of course, 'foo'; so the interface file for this module contains: foo :: (); Unfolding = foo When rehydrating the interface file we are going to make an Id for 'foo' (in GHC.IfaceToCore), with an 'Unfolding'. We used to make this 'Unfolding' by calling 'mkFinalUnfolding', but that needs to populate, among other fields, the 'uf_is_value' field, by computing 'exprIsValue' of the template (in this case, 'foo'). 'exprIsValue e' looks at the unfoldings of variables in 'e' to see if they are evaluated; so it consults the `uf_is_value` field of variables in `e`. Now we can see the problem: to set the `uf_is_value` field of `foo`'s unfolding, we look at its unfolding (in this case just `foo` itself!). Loop. This is the root cause of ticket #22272. The simple solution we chose is to serialise the various auxiliary fields of `CoreUnfolding` so that we don't need to recreate them when rehydrating. Specifically, the following fields are moved to the 'UnfoldingCache', which is persisted in the interface file: * 'uf_is_conlike' * 'uf_is_value' * 'uf_is_work_free' * 'uf_expandable' These four bits make the interface files only one byte larger per unfolding; on the other hand, this does save calls to 'exprIsValue', 'exprIsExpandable' etc for every imported Id. We could choose to do this only for loop breakers. But that's a bit more complicated and it seems good all round. -} Note [ Lazily checking Unfoldings ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For unfoldings , we try to do the job lazily , so that we never typecheck an unfolding that is n't going to be looked at . The main idea is that if M.hi has a declaration f : : Int - > Int then we do n't even want to /read/ A.hi unless f 's unfolding is actually used ; say , if f is inlined . But we need to be careful . Even if we do n't inline f , we might ask hasNoBinding of it ( does this in GHC.Core . Lint.checkCanEtaExpand ) , and hasNoBinding looks to see if f has a compulsory unfolding . So the root Unfolding constructor must be visible : we want to be able to read the ' uf_src ' field which says whether it is a compulsory unfolding , without forcing the unfolding RHS which is stored in ' uf_tmpl ' . This matters for efficiency , but not only : if 's unfolding mentions f , we must not look at the unfolding RHS for f , as this is precisely what we are in the middle of checking ( so looking at it would cause a loop ) . Conclusion : ` tcUnfolding ` must return an ` Unfolding ` whose ` uf_src ` field is readable without forcing the ` uf_tmpl ` field . In particular , all the functions used at the end of ` tcUnfolding ` ( such as ` mkFinalUnfolding ` , ` mkCoreUnfolding ` ) must be lazy in ` expr ` . Ticket # 21139 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For unfoldings, we try to do the job lazily, so that we never typecheck an unfolding that isn't going to be looked at. The main idea is that if M.hi has a declaration f :: Int -> Int then we don't even want to /read/ A.hi unless f's unfolding is actually used; say, if f is inlined. But we need to be careful. Even if we don't inline f, we might ask hasNoBinding of it (Core Lint does this in GHC.Core.Lint.checkCanEtaExpand), and hasNoBinding looks to see if f has a compulsory unfolding. So the root Unfolding constructor must be visible: we want to be able to read the 'uf_src' field which says whether it is a compulsory unfolding, without forcing the unfolding RHS which is stored in 'uf_tmpl'. This matters for efficiency, but not only: if g's unfolding mentions f, we must not look at the unfolding RHS for f, as this is precisely what we are in the middle of checking (so looking at it would cause a loop). Conclusion: `tcUnfolding` must return an `Unfolding` whose `uf_src` field is readable without forcing the `uf_tmpl` field. In particular, all the functions used at the end of `tcUnfolding` (such as `mkFinalUnfolding`, `mkCoreUnfolding`) must be lazy in `expr`. Ticket #21139 -} See Note [ Checking for representation polymorphism ] in GHC.Core . -> TopLevelFlag -> Name -> IfaceExpr -> IfL CoreExpr tcUnfoldingRhs is_compulsory toplvl name expr = forkM doc $ do core_expr' <- tcIfaceExpr expr See Note [ Linting Unfoldings from Interfaces ] in GHC.Core . when (isTopLevel toplvl) $ whenGOptM Opt_DoCoreLinting $ do in_scope <- nonDetEltsUniqSet <$> get_in_scope dflags <- getDynFlags logger <- getLogger case lintUnfolding is_compulsory (initLintConfig dflags in_scope) noSrcLoc core_expr' of Nothing -> return () Just errs -> liftIO $ displayLintResults logger False doc (pprCoreExpr core_expr') (emptyBag, errs) return core_expr' where doc = ppWhen is_compulsory (text "Compulsory") <+> text "Unfolding of" <+> ppr name get_in_scope = do { (gbl_env, lcl_env) <- getEnvs ; let type_envs = knotVarElems (if_rec_types gbl_env) ; top_level_vars <- concat <$> mapM (fmap typeEnvIds . setLclEnv ()) type_envs ; return (bindingsVars (if_tv_env lcl_env) `unionVarSet` bindingsVars (if_id_env lcl_env) `unionVarSet` mkVarSet top_level_vars) } bindingsVars :: FastStringEnv Var -> VarSet bindingsVars ufm = mkVarSet $ nonDetEltsUFM ufm tcIfaceOneShot :: IfaceOneShot -> OneShotInfo tcIfaceOneShot IfaceNoOneShot = NoOneShotInfo tcIfaceOneShot IfaceOneShot = OneShotLam * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Getting from Names to * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************************ * * Getting from Names to TyThings * * ************************************************************************ -} tcIfaceGlobal :: Name -> IfL TyThing tcIfaceGlobal name | Just thing <- wiredInNameTyThing_maybe name Wired - in things include TyCons , DataCons , and Ids sure the instances and RULES of this thing ( particularly ) are loaded = do { ifCheckWiredInThing thing; return thing } | otherwise = do { env <- getGblEnv ; cur_mod <- if_mod <$> getLclEnv Just get_type_env ; case lookupNameEnv type_env name of Just thing -> return thing Nothing -> via_external } _ -> via_external } where via_external = do { hsc_env <- getTopEnv ; mb_thing <- liftIO (lookupType hsc_env name) ; case mb_thing of { Just thing -> return thing ; Nothing -> do ; case mb_thing of Failed err -> failIfM (ppr name <+> err) Succeeded thing -> return thing }}} The if_rec_types field is used when we are compiling M.hs , which indirectly imports Foo.hi , which mentions Then we look up M.T in M 's type environment , which is splatted into if_rec_types after we 've built M 's type envt . This is a dark and complicated part of GHC type checking , with a lot of moving parts . Interested readers should also look at : Suppose that you are typechecking A.hs , which transitively imports , via B.hs , A.hs - boot . When we poke on and discover that it has a reference to a type T from A , what TyThing should we wire For the longest time , GHC adopted the policy that this was * an error condition * ; that you MUST NEVER poke on B.hs 's reference to a T defined in A.hs until A.hs has gotten around to kind - checking Today , we take a different strategy : if we ever try to access its own way : it means that you may end up with a mix of A.hs and A.hs - boot during the course of typechecking . We do n't is something along these lines in Core : the constructor ( A and B ) means that GHC will always tcIfaceTyCon :: IfaceTyCon -> IfL TyCon tcIfaceTyCon (IfaceTyCon name _info) = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name ; case thing of ATyCon tc -> return tc AConLike (RealDataCon dc) -> return (promoteDataCon dc) _ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceTyCon" (ppr thing) } tcIfaceCoAxiom :: Name -> IfL (CoAxiom Branched) tcIfaceCoAxiom name = do { thing <- tcIfaceImplicit name ; return (tyThingCoAxiom thing) } tcIfaceCoAxiomRule :: IfLclName -> IfL CoAxiomRule Unlike CoAxioms , which arise from user ' type instance ' declarations , there are a fixed set of CoAxiomRules : - axioms for type - level literals ( and Symbol ) , tcIfaceCoAxiomRule n | Just ax <- lookupUFM typeNatCoAxiomRules n = return ax | otherwise = pprPanic "tcIfaceCoAxiomRule" (ppr n) tcIfaceDataCon :: Name -> IfL DataCon tcIfaceDataCon name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name ; case thing of AConLike (RealDataCon dc) -> return dc _ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceDataCon" (ppr name$$ ppr thing) } tcIfaceConLike :: Name -> IfL ConLike tcIfaceConLike name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name ; case thing of AConLike cl -> return cl _ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceConLike" (ppr name$$ ppr thing) } tcIfaceExtId :: Name -> IfL Id tcIfaceExtId name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name ; case thing of AnId id -> return id _ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceExtId" (ppr name$$ ppr thing) } tcIfaceImplicit :: Name -> IfL TyThing tcIfaceImplicit n = do lcl_env <- getLclEnv case if_implicits_env lcl_env of Nothing -> tcIfaceGlobal n Just tenv -> case lookupTypeEnv tenv n of Nothing -> pprPanic "tcIfaceInst" (ppr n $$ ppr tenv) Just tything -> return tything bindIfaceId :: IfaceIdBndr -> (Id -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceId (w, fs, ty) thing_inside = do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS fs) ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty ; w' <- tcIfaceType w ; let id = mkLocalIdOrCoVar name w' ty' We should not have " OrCoVar " here , this is a bug ( # 17545 ) ; extendIfaceIdEnv [id] (thing_inside id) } bindIfaceIds :: [IfaceIdBndr] -> ([Id] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceIds [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceIds (b:bs) thing_inside = bindIfaceId b $ \b' -> bindIfaceIds bs $ \bs' -> thing_inside (b':bs') bindIfaceBndr :: IfaceBndr -> (CoreBndr -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceBndr (IfaceIdBndr bndr) thing_inside = bindIfaceId bndr thing_inside bindIfaceBndr (IfaceTvBndr bndr) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyVar bndr thing_inside bindIfaceBndrs :: [IfaceBndr] -> ([CoreBndr] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceBndrs [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceBndrs (b:bs) thing_inside = bindIfaceBndr b $ \ b' -> bindIfaceBndrs bs $ \ bs' -> thing_inside (b':bs') bindIfaceForAllBndrs :: [VarBndr IfaceBndr vis] -> ([VarBndr TyCoVar vis] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceForAllBndrs [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceForAllBndrs (bndr:bndrs) thing_inside = bindIfaceForAllBndr bndr $ \tv vis -> bindIfaceForAllBndrs bndrs $ \bndrs' -> thing_inside (Bndr tv vis : bndrs') bindIfaceForAllBndr :: (VarBndr IfaceBndr vis) -> (TyCoVar -> vis -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceForAllBndr (Bndr (IfaceTvBndr tv) vis) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyVar tv $ \tv' -> thing_inside tv' vis bindIfaceForAllBndr (Bndr (IfaceIdBndr tv) vis) thing_inside = bindIfaceId tv $ \tv' -> thing_inside tv' vis bindIfaceTyVar :: IfaceTvBndr -> (TyVar -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceTyVar (occ,kind) thing_inside = do { name <- newIfaceName (mkTyVarOccFS occ) ; tyvar <- mk_iface_tyvar name kind ; extendIfaceTyVarEnv [tyvar] (thing_inside tyvar) } bindIfaceTyVars :: [IfaceTvBndr] -> ([TyVar] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceTyVars [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceTyVars (bndr:bndrs) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyVar bndr $ \tv -> bindIfaceTyVars bndrs $ \tvs -> thing_inside (tv : tvs) mk_iface_tyvar :: Name -> IfaceKind -> IfL TyVar mk_iface_tyvar name ifKind = do { kind <- tcIfaceType ifKind ; return (Var.mkTyVar name kind) } bindIfaceTyConBinders :: [IfaceTyConBinder] -> ([TyConBinder] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceTyConBinders [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceTyConBinders (b:bs) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyConBinderX bindIfaceBndr b $ \ b' -> bindIfaceTyConBinders bs $ \ bs' -> thing_inside (b':bs') bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT :: [IfaceTyConBinder] -> ([TyConBinder] -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT [] thing_inside = thing_inside [] bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT (b : bs) thing_inside = bindIfaceTyConBinderX bind_tv b $ \b' -> bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT bs $ \bs' -> thing_inside (b':bs') where bind_tv tv thing = do { mb_tv <- lookupIfaceVar tv ; case mb_tv of Just b' -> thing b' Nothing -> bindIfaceBndr tv thing } bindIfaceTyConBinderX :: (IfaceBndr -> (TyCoVar -> IfL a) -> IfL a) -> IfaceTyConBinder -> (TyConBinder -> IfL a) -> IfL a bindIfaceTyConBinderX bind_tv (Bndr tv vis) thing_inside = bind_tv tv $ \tv' -> thing_inside (Bndr tv' vis) hydrateCgBreakInfo :: CgBreakInfo -> IfL ([Maybe (Id, Word16)], Type) hydrateCgBreakInfo CgBreakInfo{..} = do bindIfaceTyVars cgb_tyvars $ \_ -> do result_ty <- tcIfaceType cgb_resty mbVars <- mapM (traverse (\(if_gbl, offset) -> (,offset) <$> bindIfaceId if_gbl return)) cgb_vars return (mbVars, result_ty)
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # module Main where import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Concurrent.Utils (Lock, Exclusive(..), Synchronised(..)) import Control.Distributed.Process import Control.Distributed.Process.Node import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform ( awaitExit , spawnSignalled , Killable(..) ) import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Service.Registry ( Registry(..) , KeyUpdateEvent(..) , RegistryKeyMonitorNotification(..) , addName , addProperty , giveAwayName , registerName , registerValue , unregisterName , lookupName , lookupProperty , registeredNames , foldNames , queryNames , findByProperty , findByPropertyValue , awaitTimeout , await , SearchHandle , AwaitResult(..) , RegisterKeyReply(..) , UnregisterKeyReply(..) ) import qualified Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Service.Registry as Registry import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Test import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Time import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Timer (sleep) import Control.Monad (void, forM_, forM) import Control.Rematch ( equalTo ) import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.List as List #if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) import Prelude hiding (catch) #endif import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertFailure) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import TestUtils import qualified Network.Transport as NT myRegistry :: Process (Registry String ()) myRegistry = Registry.start counterReg :: Process (Registry String Int) counterReg = Registry.start withRegistry :: LocalNode -> (Registry String () -> Process ()) -> Assertion withRegistry node proc = do runProcess node $ do reg' <- myRegistry (proc reg') `finally` (killProc reg' "goodbye") testAddLocalName :: TestResult RegisterKeyReply -> Process () testAddLocalName result = do reg <- myRegistry stash result =<< addName reg "foobar" testAddLocalProperty :: TestResult (Maybe Int) -> Process () testAddLocalProperty result = do reg <- counterReg addProperty reg "chickens" (42 :: Int) stash result =<< lookupProperty reg "chickens" testAddRemoteProperty :: TestResult Int -> Process () testAddRemoteProperty result = do reg <- counterReg p <- spawnLocal $ do pid <- expect Just i <- lookupProperty reg "ducks" :: Process (Maybe Int) send pid i RegisteredOk <- registerValue reg p "ducks" (39 :: Int) getSelfPid >>= send p expect >>= stash result testFindByPropertySet :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testFindByPropertySet result = do reg <- counterReg p1 <- spawnLocal $ addProperty reg "animals" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return p2 <- spawnLocal $ addProperty reg "animals" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return sleep $ seconds 1 found <- findByProperty reg "animals" found `shouldContain` p1 found `shouldContain` p2 notFound <- findByProperty reg "foobar" stash result $ length notFound == 0 testFindByPropertyValueSet :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testFindByPropertyValueSet result = do us <- getSelfPid reg <- counterReg p1 <- spawnLocal $ link us >> addProperty reg "animals" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return _ <- spawnLocal $ link us >> addProperty reg "animals" (2 :: Int) >> expect >>= return p3 <- spawnLocal $ link us >> addProperty reg "animals" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return _ <- spawnLocal $ link us >> addProperty reg "ducks" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return sleep $ seconds 1 found <- findByPropertyValue reg "animals" (1 :: Int) found `shouldContain` p1 found `shouldContain` p3 stash result $ length found == 2 testCheckLocalName :: Registry String () -> Process () testCheckLocalName reg = do void $ addName reg "fwibble" fwibble <- lookupName reg "fwibble" selfPid <- getSelfPid fwibble `shouldBe` equalTo (Just selfPid) testGiveAwayName :: Registry String () -> Process () testGiveAwayName reg = do testPid <- getSelfPid void $ addName reg "cat" pid <- spawnLocal $ link testPid >> (expect :: Process ()) giveAwayName reg "cat" pid cat <- lookupName reg "cat" cat `shouldBe` equalTo (Just pid) testMultipleRegistrations :: Registry String () -> Process () testMultipleRegistrations reg = do self <- getSelfPid forM_ names (addName reg) forM_ names $ \name -> do found <- lookupName reg name found `shouldBe` equalTo (Just self) where names = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] testDuplicateRegistrations :: Registry String () -> Process () testDuplicateRegistrations reg = do void $ addName reg "foobar" RegisteredOk <- addName reg "foobar" pid <- spawnLocal $ (expect :: Process ()) >>= return result <- registerName reg "foobar" pid result `shouldBe` equalTo AlreadyRegistered testUnregisterName :: Registry String () -> Process () testUnregisterName reg = do self <- getSelfPid void $ addName reg "fwibble" void $ addName reg "fwobble" Just self' <- lookupName reg "fwibble" self' `shouldBe` equalTo self unreg <- unregisterName reg "fwibble" unregFwibble <- lookupName reg "fwibble" unreg `shouldBe` equalTo UnregisterOk -- fwibble is gone... unregFwibble `shouldBe` equalTo Nothing -- but fwobble is still registered fwobble <- lookupName reg "fwobble" fwobble `shouldBe` equalTo (Just self) testUnregisterUnknownName :: Registry String () -> Process () testUnregisterUnknownName reg = do result <- unregisterName reg "no.such.name" result `shouldBe` equalTo UnregisterKeyNotFound testUnregisterAnothersName :: Registry String () -> Process () testUnregisterAnothersName reg = do (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "proc.name" sendChan sp () (expect :: Process ()) >>= return () <- receiveChan rp found <- lookupName reg "proc.name" found `shouldBe` equalTo (Just pid) unreg <- unregisterName reg "proc.name" unreg `shouldBe` equalTo UnregisterInvalidKey testProcessDeathHandling :: Registry String () -> Process () testProcessDeathHandling reg = do (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "proc.name.1" void $ addName reg "proc.name.2" sendChan sp () (expect :: Process ()) >>= return () <- receiveChan rp void $ monitor pid regNames <- registeredNames reg pid regNames `shouldContain` "proc.name.1" regNames `shouldContain` "proc.name.2" send pid () receiveWait [ match (\(ProcessMonitorNotification _ _ _) -> return ()) ] forM_ [1..2 :: Int] $ \n -> do let name = "proc.name." ++ (show n) found <- lookupName reg name found `shouldBe` equalTo Nothing regNames' <- registeredNames reg pid regNames' `shouldBe` equalTo ([] :: [String]) testLocalRegNamesFold :: Registry String () -> Process () testLocalRegNamesFold reg = do parent <- getSelfPid forM_ [1..1000] $ \(i :: Int) -> spawnLocal $ do send parent i addName reg (show i) >> expect :: Process () waitForTestRegistrations ns <- foldNames reg [] $ \acc (n, _) -> return ((read n :: Int):acc) (List.sort ns) `shouldBe` equalTo [1..1000] where waitForTestRegistrations = do void $ receiveWait [ matchIf (\(i :: Int) -> i == 1000) (\_ -> return ()) ] sleep $ milliSeconds 150 testLocalQueryNamesFold :: Registry String () -> Process () testLocalQueryNamesFold reg = do pids <- forM [1..1000] $ \(i :: Int) -> spawnLocal $ do addName reg (show i) >> expect :: Process () waitRegs reg 1000 ns <- queryNames reg $ \(sh :: SearchHandle String ProcessId) -> do return $ Foldable.foldl (\acc pid -> (pid:acc)) [] sh (List.sort ns) `shouldBe` equalTo pids where waitRegs :: Registry String () -> Int -> Process () waitRegs _ 0 = return () waitRegs reg' n = await reg' (show n) >> waitRegs reg' (n - 1) testMonitorName :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorName reg = do (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "proc.name.1" void $ addName reg "proc.name.2" sendChan sp () (expect :: Process ()) >>= return () <- receiveChan rp mRef <- Registry.monitorName reg "proc.name.2" send pid () res <- receiveTimeout (after 2 Seconds) [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k ref _ _) -> k == "proc.name.2" && ref == mRef) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev _) -> return ev) ] res `shouldBe` equalTo (Just (KeyOwnerDied DiedNormal)) testMonitorNameChange :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorNameChange reg = do let k = "proc.name.foo" lock <- liftIO $ new :: Process Lock acquire lock testPid <- getSelfPid pid <- spawnSignalled (addName reg k) $ const $ do link testPid synchronised lock $ giveAwayName reg k testPid expect >>= return -- at this point, we know the child has grabbed the name k for itself mRef <- Registry.monitorName reg k release lock ev <- receiveWait [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref _ _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev' _) -> return ev') ] ev `shouldBe` equalTo (KeyOwnerChanged pid testPid) testUnmonitor :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testUnmonitor result = do let k = "chickens" let name = "poultry" reg <- counterReg (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addProperty reg k (42 :: Int) addName reg name sendChan sp () expect >>= return () <- receiveChan rp mRef <- Registry.monitorProp reg k pid void $ receiveWait [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev == (KeyRegistered pid)) return ] Registry.unmonitor reg mRef kill pid "goodbye!" awaitExit pid Nothing <- lookupName reg name t <- receiveTimeout (after 1 Seconds) [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev == (KeyRegistered pid)) return ] t `shouldBe` (equalTo Nothing) stash result True testMonitorPropertyChanged :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testMonitorPropertyChanged result = do let k = "chickens" let name = "poultry" lock <- liftIO $ new :: Process Lock reg <- counterReg -- yes, using the lock here without exception handling is risky... acquire lock pid <- spawnSignalled (addProperty reg k (42 :: Int)) $ const $ do addName reg name synchronised lock $ addProperty reg k (45 :: Int) expect >>= return at this point , the worker has already registered 42 ( since we used -- spawnSignalled to start it) and is waiting for us to unlock... mRef <- Registry.monitorProp reg k pid we /must/ receive a monitor notification first , for the pre - existing -- key and only then will we let the worker move on and update the value void $ receiveWait [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev == (KeyRegistered pid)) return ] release lock kr <- receiveTimeout 1000000 [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev == (KeyRegistered pid)) return ] stash result (kr /= Nothing) testMonitorPropertyOwnerDied :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorPropertyOwnerDied reg = do let k = "foo.bar" pid <- spawnSignalled (addProperty reg k ()) $ const $ do expect >>= return mRef <- Registry.monitorProp reg k pid kill pid "goodbye!" we /must/ receive a monitor notification first , for the pre - existing -- key and only then will we let the worker move on and update the value r <- receiveTimeout 1000000 [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev /= (KeyRegistered pid)) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev _) -> return ev) ] case r of Just (KeyOwnerDied (DiedException _)) -> return () _ -> (liftIO $ putStrLn (show r)) >> return () -- testMonitorLeaseExpired :: ProcessId -> Process () -- testMonitorPropertyLeaseExpired :: ProcessId -> Process () testMonitorUnregistration :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorUnregistration reg = do (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "proc.1" sendChan sp () expect :: Process () void $ unregisterName reg "proc.1" sendChan sp () (expect :: Process ()) >>= return () <- receiveChan rp mRef <- Registry.monitorName reg "proc.1" send pid () () <- receiveChan rp res <- receiveTimeout (after 2 Seconds) [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k ref _ _) -> k == "proc.1" && ref == mRef) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev _) -> return ev) ] res `shouldBe` equalTo (Just KeyUnregistered) testMonitorRegistration :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorRegistration reg = do kRef <- Registry.monitorName reg "my.proc" pid <- spawnSignalled (addName reg "my.proc") $ const expect res <- receiveTimeout (after 5 Seconds) [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k ref _ _) -> k == "my.proc" && ref == kRef) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev _) -> return ev) ] res `shouldBe` equalTo (Just (KeyRegistered pid)) testAwaitRegistration :: Registry String () -> Process () testAwaitRegistration reg = do pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "foo.bar" expect :: Process () res <- awaitTimeout reg (Delay $ within 5 Seconds) "foo.bar" res `shouldBe` equalTo (RegisteredName pid "foo.bar") testAwaitRegistrationNoTimeout :: Registry String () -> Process () testAwaitRegistrationNoTimeout reg = do parent <- getSelfPid barrier <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar void $ spawnLocal $ do res <- await reg "baz.bog" case res of RegisteredName _ "baz.bog" -> stash barrier () _ -> kill parent "BANG!" void $ addName reg "baz.bog" liftIO $ takeMVar barrier >>= return testAwaitServerDied :: Registry String () -> Process () testAwaitServerDied reg = do result <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar _ <- spawnLocal $ await reg "bobobob" >>= stash result sleep $ milliSeconds 250 killProc reg "bye!" res <- liftIO $ takeMVar result case res of ServerUnreachable (DiedException _) -> return () _ -> liftIO $ assertFailure (show res) tests :: NT.Transport -> IO [Test] tests transport = do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable let testProc = withRegistry localNode return [ testGroup "Name Registration/Unregistration" [ testCase "Simple Registration" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return the incremented state as 7" localNode RegisteredOk testAddLocalName) , testCase "Give Away Name" (testProc testGiveAwayName) , testCase "Verified Registration" (testProc testCheckLocalName) , testCase "Single Process, Multiple Registered Names" (testProc testMultipleRegistrations) , testCase "Duplicate Registration Fails" (testProc testDuplicateRegistrations) , testCase "Unregister Own Name" (testProc testUnregisterName) , testCase "Unregister Unknown Name" (testProc testUnregisterUnknownName) , testCase "Unregister Someone Else's Name" (testProc testUnregisterAnothersName) ] , testGroup "Properties" [ testCase "Simple Property Registration" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return the property value 42" localNode (Just 42) testAddLocalProperty) , testCase "Remote Property Registration" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return the property value 39" localNode 39 testAddRemoteProperty) ] , testGroup "Queries" [ testCase "Folding Over Registered Names (Locally)" (testProc testLocalRegNamesFold) , testCase "Querying Registered Names (Locally)" (testProc testLocalQueryNamesFold) , testCase "Querying Process Where Property Exists (Locally)" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return only the relevant processes" localNode True testFindByPropertySet) , testCase "Querying Process Where Property Is Set To Specific Value (Locally)" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return only the relevant processes" localNode True testFindByPropertyValueSet) ] , testGroup "Named Process Monitoring/Tracking" [ testCase "Process Death Results In Unregistration" (testProc testProcessDeathHandling) , testCase "Monitoring Name Changes" (testProc testMonitorName) , testCase "Monitoring Name Changes (KeyOwnerChanged)" (testProc testMonitorNameChange) , testCase "Unmonitoring (Ignoring) Changes" (delayedAssertion "expected no further notifications after 'unmonitor' was called" localNode True testUnmonitor) , testCase "Monitoring Property Changes/Updates" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to send additional notifications for each change" localNode True testMonitorPropertyChanged) , testCase "Monitoring Property Owner Death" (testProc testMonitorPropertyOwnerDied) , testCase "Monitoring Registration" (testProc testMonitorRegistration) , testCase "Awaiting Registration" (testProc testAwaitRegistration) , testCase "Await without timeout" (testProc testAwaitRegistrationNoTimeout) , testCase "Server Died During Await" (testProc testAwaitServerDied) , testCase "Monitoring Unregistration" (testProc testMonitorUnregistration) ] ] main :: IO () main = testMain $ tests
# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable # # LANGUAGE BangPatterns # fwibble is gone... but fwobble is still registered at this point, we know the child has grabbed the name k for itself yes, using the lock here without exception handling is risky... spawnSignalled to start it) and is waiting for us to unlock... key and only then will we let the worker move on and update the value key and only then will we let the worker move on and update the value testMonitorLeaseExpired :: ProcessId -> Process () testMonitorPropertyLeaseExpired :: ProcessId -> Process ()
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # module Main where import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Concurrent.Utils (Lock, Exclusive(..), Synchronised(..)) import Control.Distributed.Process import Control.Distributed.Process.Node import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform ( awaitExit , spawnSignalled , Killable(..) ) import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Service.Registry ( Registry(..) , KeyUpdateEvent(..) , RegistryKeyMonitorNotification(..) , addName , addProperty , giveAwayName , registerName , registerValue , unregisterName , lookupName , lookupProperty , registeredNames , foldNames , queryNames , findByProperty , findByPropertyValue , awaitTimeout , await , SearchHandle , AwaitResult(..) , RegisterKeyReply(..) , UnregisterKeyReply(..) ) import qualified Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Service.Registry as Registry import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Test import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Time import Control.Distributed.Process.Platform.Timer (sleep) import Control.Monad (void, forM_, forM) import Control.Rematch ( equalTo ) import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.List as List #if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) import Prelude hiding (catch) #endif import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertFailure) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import TestUtils import qualified Network.Transport as NT myRegistry :: Process (Registry String ()) myRegistry = Registry.start counterReg :: Process (Registry String Int) counterReg = Registry.start withRegistry :: LocalNode -> (Registry String () -> Process ()) -> Assertion withRegistry node proc = do runProcess node $ do reg' <- myRegistry (proc reg') `finally` (killProc reg' "goodbye") testAddLocalName :: TestResult RegisterKeyReply -> Process () testAddLocalName result = do reg <- myRegistry stash result =<< addName reg "foobar" testAddLocalProperty :: TestResult (Maybe Int) -> Process () testAddLocalProperty result = do reg <- counterReg addProperty reg "chickens" (42 :: Int) stash result =<< lookupProperty reg "chickens" testAddRemoteProperty :: TestResult Int -> Process () testAddRemoteProperty result = do reg <- counterReg p <- spawnLocal $ do pid <- expect Just i <- lookupProperty reg "ducks" :: Process (Maybe Int) send pid i RegisteredOk <- registerValue reg p "ducks" (39 :: Int) getSelfPid >>= send p expect >>= stash result testFindByPropertySet :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testFindByPropertySet result = do reg <- counterReg p1 <- spawnLocal $ addProperty reg "animals" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return p2 <- spawnLocal $ addProperty reg "animals" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return sleep $ seconds 1 found <- findByProperty reg "animals" found `shouldContain` p1 found `shouldContain` p2 notFound <- findByProperty reg "foobar" stash result $ length notFound == 0 testFindByPropertyValueSet :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testFindByPropertyValueSet result = do us <- getSelfPid reg <- counterReg p1 <- spawnLocal $ link us >> addProperty reg "animals" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return _ <- spawnLocal $ link us >> addProperty reg "animals" (2 :: Int) >> expect >>= return p3 <- spawnLocal $ link us >> addProperty reg "animals" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return _ <- spawnLocal $ link us >> addProperty reg "ducks" (1 :: Int) >> expect >>= return sleep $ seconds 1 found <- findByPropertyValue reg "animals" (1 :: Int) found `shouldContain` p1 found `shouldContain` p3 stash result $ length found == 2 testCheckLocalName :: Registry String () -> Process () testCheckLocalName reg = do void $ addName reg "fwibble" fwibble <- lookupName reg "fwibble" selfPid <- getSelfPid fwibble `shouldBe` equalTo (Just selfPid) testGiveAwayName :: Registry String () -> Process () testGiveAwayName reg = do testPid <- getSelfPid void $ addName reg "cat" pid <- spawnLocal $ link testPid >> (expect :: Process ()) giveAwayName reg "cat" pid cat <- lookupName reg "cat" cat `shouldBe` equalTo (Just pid) testMultipleRegistrations :: Registry String () -> Process () testMultipleRegistrations reg = do self <- getSelfPid forM_ names (addName reg) forM_ names $ \name -> do found <- lookupName reg name found `shouldBe` equalTo (Just self) where names = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] testDuplicateRegistrations :: Registry String () -> Process () testDuplicateRegistrations reg = do void $ addName reg "foobar" RegisteredOk <- addName reg "foobar" pid <- spawnLocal $ (expect :: Process ()) >>= return result <- registerName reg "foobar" pid result `shouldBe` equalTo AlreadyRegistered testUnregisterName :: Registry String () -> Process () testUnregisterName reg = do self <- getSelfPid void $ addName reg "fwibble" void $ addName reg "fwobble" Just self' <- lookupName reg "fwibble" self' `shouldBe` equalTo self unreg <- unregisterName reg "fwibble" unregFwibble <- lookupName reg "fwibble" unreg `shouldBe` equalTo UnregisterOk unregFwibble `shouldBe` equalTo Nothing fwobble <- lookupName reg "fwobble" fwobble `shouldBe` equalTo (Just self) testUnregisterUnknownName :: Registry String () -> Process () testUnregisterUnknownName reg = do result <- unregisterName reg "no.such.name" result `shouldBe` equalTo UnregisterKeyNotFound testUnregisterAnothersName :: Registry String () -> Process () testUnregisterAnothersName reg = do (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "proc.name" sendChan sp () (expect :: Process ()) >>= return () <- receiveChan rp found <- lookupName reg "proc.name" found `shouldBe` equalTo (Just pid) unreg <- unregisterName reg "proc.name" unreg `shouldBe` equalTo UnregisterInvalidKey testProcessDeathHandling :: Registry String () -> Process () testProcessDeathHandling reg = do (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "proc.name.1" void $ addName reg "proc.name.2" sendChan sp () (expect :: Process ()) >>= return () <- receiveChan rp void $ monitor pid regNames <- registeredNames reg pid regNames `shouldContain` "proc.name.1" regNames `shouldContain` "proc.name.2" send pid () receiveWait [ match (\(ProcessMonitorNotification _ _ _) -> return ()) ] forM_ [1..2 :: Int] $ \n -> do let name = "proc.name." ++ (show n) found <- lookupName reg name found `shouldBe` equalTo Nothing regNames' <- registeredNames reg pid regNames' `shouldBe` equalTo ([] :: [String]) testLocalRegNamesFold :: Registry String () -> Process () testLocalRegNamesFold reg = do parent <- getSelfPid forM_ [1..1000] $ \(i :: Int) -> spawnLocal $ do send parent i addName reg (show i) >> expect :: Process () waitForTestRegistrations ns <- foldNames reg [] $ \acc (n, _) -> return ((read n :: Int):acc) (List.sort ns) `shouldBe` equalTo [1..1000] where waitForTestRegistrations = do void $ receiveWait [ matchIf (\(i :: Int) -> i == 1000) (\_ -> return ()) ] sleep $ milliSeconds 150 testLocalQueryNamesFold :: Registry String () -> Process () testLocalQueryNamesFold reg = do pids <- forM [1..1000] $ \(i :: Int) -> spawnLocal $ do addName reg (show i) >> expect :: Process () waitRegs reg 1000 ns <- queryNames reg $ \(sh :: SearchHandle String ProcessId) -> do return $ Foldable.foldl (\acc pid -> (pid:acc)) [] sh (List.sort ns) `shouldBe` equalTo pids where waitRegs :: Registry String () -> Int -> Process () waitRegs _ 0 = return () waitRegs reg' n = await reg' (show n) >> waitRegs reg' (n - 1) testMonitorName :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorName reg = do (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "proc.name.1" void $ addName reg "proc.name.2" sendChan sp () (expect :: Process ()) >>= return () <- receiveChan rp mRef <- Registry.monitorName reg "proc.name.2" send pid () res <- receiveTimeout (after 2 Seconds) [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k ref _ _) -> k == "proc.name.2" && ref == mRef) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev _) -> return ev) ] res `shouldBe` equalTo (Just (KeyOwnerDied DiedNormal)) testMonitorNameChange :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorNameChange reg = do let k = "proc.name.foo" lock <- liftIO $ new :: Process Lock acquire lock testPid <- getSelfPid pid <- spawnSignalled (addName reg k) $ const $ do link testPid synchronised lock $ giveAwayName reg k testPid expect >>= return mRef <- Registry.monitorName reg k release lock ev <- receiveWait [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref _ _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev' _) -> return ev') ] ev `shouldBe` equalTo (KeyOwnerChanged pid testPid) testUnmonitor :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testUnmonitor result = do let k = "chickens" let name = "poultry" reg <- counterReg (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addProperty reg k (42 :: Int) addName reg name sendChan sp () expect >>= return () <- receiveChan rp mRef <- Registry.monitorProp reg k pid void $ receiveWait [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev == (KeyRegistered pid)) return ] Registry.unmonitor reg mRef kill pid "goodbye!" awaitExit pid Nothing <- lookupName reg name t <- receiveTimeout (after 1 Seconds) [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev == (KeyRegistered pid)) return ] t `shouldBe` (equalTo Nothing) stash result True testMonitorPropertyChanged :: TestResult Bool -> Process () testMonitorPropertyChanged result = do let k = "chickens" let name = "poultry" lock <- liftIO $ new :: Process Lock reg <- counterReg acquire lock pid <- spawnSignalled (addProperty reg k (42 :: Int)) $ const $ do addName reg name synchronised lock $ addProperty reg k (45 :: Int) expect >>= return at this point , the worker has already registered 42 ( since we used mRef <- Registry.monitorProp reg k pid we /must/ receive a monitor notification first , for the pre - existing void $ receiveWait [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev == (KeyRegistered pid)) return ] release lock kr <- receiveTimeout 1000000 [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev == (KeyRegistered pid)) return ] stash result (kr /= Nothing) testMonitorPropertyOwnerDied :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorPropertyOwnerDied reg = do let k = "foo.bar" pid <- spawnSignalled (addProperty reg k ()) $ const $ do expect >>= return mRef <- Registry.monitorProp reg k pid kill pid "goodbye!" we /must/ receive a monitor notification first , for the pre - existing r <- receiveTimeout 1000000 [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k' ref ev _) -> k' == k && ref == mRef && ev /= (KeyRegistered pid)) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev _) -> return ev) ] case r of Just (KeyOwnerDied (DiedException _)) -> return () _ -> (liftIO $ putStrLn (show r)) >> return () testMonitorUnregistration :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorUnregistration reg = do (sp, rp) <- newChan pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "proc.1" sendChan sp () expect :: Process () void $ unregisterName reg "proc.1" sendChan sp () (expect :: Process ()) >>= return () <- receiveChan rp mRef <- Registry.monitorName reg "proc.1" send pid () () <- receiveChan rp res <- receiveTimeout (after 2 Seconds) [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k ref _ _) -> k == "proc.1" && ref == mRef) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev _) -> return ev) ] res `shouldBe` equalTo (Just KeyUnregistered) testMonitorRegistration :: Registry String () -> Process () testMonitorRegistration reg = do kRef <- Registry.monitorName reg "my.proc" pid <- spawnSignalled (addName reg "my.proc") $ const expect res <- receiveTimeout (after 5 Seconds) [ matchIf (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification k ref _ _) -> k == "my.proc" && ref == kRef) (\(RegistryKeyMonitorNotification _ _ ev _) -> return ev) ] res `shouldBe` equalTo (Just (KeyRegistered pid)) testAwaitRegistration :: Registry String () -> Process () testAwaitRegistration reg = do pid <- spawnLocal $ do void $ addName reg "foo.bar" expect :: Process () res <- awaitTimeout reg (Delay $ within 5 Seconds) "foo.bar" res `shouldBe` equalTo (RegisteredName pid "foo.bar") testAwaitRegistrationNoTimeout :: Registry String () -> Process () testAwaitRegistrationNoTimeout reg = do parent <- getSelfPid barrier <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar void $ spawnLocal $ do res <- await reg "baz.bog" case res of RegisteredName _ "baz.bog" -> stash barrier () _ -> kill parent "BANG!" void $ addName reg "baz.bog" liftIO $ takeMVar barrier >>= return testAwaitServerDied :: Registry String () -> Process () testAwaitServerDied reg = do result <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar _ <- spawnLocal $ await reg "bobobob" >>= stash result sleep $ milliSeconds 250 killProc reg "bye!" res <- liftIO $ takeMVar result case res of ServerUnreachable (DiedException _) -> return () _ -> liftIO $ assertFailure (show res) tests :: NT.Transport -> IO [Test] tests transport = do localNode <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable let testProc = withRegistry localNode return [ testGroup "Name Registration/Unregistration" [ testCase "Simple Registration" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return the incremented state as 7" localNode RegisteredOk testAddLocalName) , testCase "Give Away Name" (testProc testGiveAwayName) , testCase "Verified Registration" (testProc testCheckLocalName) , testCase "Single Process, Multiple Registered Names" (testProc testMultipleRegistrations) , testCase "Duplicate Registration Fails" (testProc testDuplicateRegistrations) , testCase "Unregister Own Name" (testProc testUnregisterName) , testCase "Unregister Unknown Name" (testProc testUnregisterUnknownName) , testCase "Unregister Someone Else's Name" (testProc testUnregisterAnothersName) ] , testGroup "Properties" [ testCase "Simple Property Registration" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return the property value 42" localNode (Just 42) testAddLocalProperty) , testCase "Remote Property Registration" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return the property value 39" localNode 39 testAddRemoteProperty) ] , testGroup "Queries" [ testCase "Folding Over Registered Names (Locally)" (testProc testLocalRegNamesFold) , testCase "Querying Registered Names (Locally)" (testProc testLocalQueryNamesFold) , testCase "Querying Process Where Property Exists (Locally)" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return only the relevant processes" localNode True testFindByPropertySet) , testCase "Querying Process Where Property Is Set To Specific Value (Locally)" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to return only the relevant processes" localNode True testFindByPropertyValueSet) ] , testGroup "Named Process Monitoring/Tracking" [ testCase "Process Death Results In Unregistration" (testProc testProcessDeathHandling) , testCase "Monitoring Name Changes" (testProc testMonitorName) , testCase "Monitoring Name Changes (KeyOwnerChanged)" (testProc testMonitorNameChange) , testCase "Unmonitoring (Ignoring) Changes" (delayedAssertion "expected no further notifications after 'unmonitor' was called" localNode True testUnmonitor) , testCase "Monitoring Property Changes/Updates" (delayedAssertion "expected the server to send additional notifications for each change" localNode True testMonitorPropertyChanged) , testCase "Monitoring Property Owner Death" (testProc testMonitorPropertyOwnerDied) , testCase "Monitoring Registration" (testProc testMonitorRegistration) , testCase "Awaiting Registration" (testProc testAwaitRegistration) , testCase "Await without timeout" (testProc testAwaitRegistrationNoTimeout) , testCase "Server Died During Await" (testProc testAwaitServerDied) , testCase "Monitoring Unregistration" (testProc testMonitorUnregistration) ] ] main :: IO () main = testMain $ tests
module CountingChange where import Data.List countchange :: Int -> [Int] -> Int countchange m c = countChange m $ (reverse . sort) c countChange :: Int -> [Int] -> Int countChange _ [] = 0 countChange 0 _ = 1 countChange m c@(x:xs) = if m < 0 then 0 else countChange m xs + countChange (m - x) c * CountingChange > countchange 300 [ 5,10,20,50,100,200,500 ] -- 1022 1022 * CountingChange > countchange 301 [ 5,10,20,50,100,200,500 ] -- 1022 0 * CountingChange > countchange 4 [ 5,10,20,50,100,200,500 ] -- 1022 0 * CountingChange > countchange 4 [ 1,2 ] -- 1022 3 * CountingChange > countchange 4 [ ] -- 1022 0 * CountingChange > countchange 0 [ 1,2 ] -- 1022 1 * CountingChange > countchange 100 [ 50,25,10,5,1 ] 292
1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022
module CountingChange where import Data.List countchange :: Int -> [Int] -> Int countchange m c = countChange m $ (reverse . sort) c countChange :: Int -> [Int] -> Int countChange _ [] = 0 countChange 0 _ = 1 countChange m c@(x:xs) = if m < 0 then 0 else countChange m xs + countChange (m - x) c 1022 0 0 3 0 1 * CountingChange > countchange 100 [ 50,25,10,5,1 ] 292
(* ========================================================================= *) (* Intuitionistic theorem prover (complete for propositional fragment). *) (* *) , University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory (* *) ( c ) Copyright , University of Cambridge 1998 ( c ) Copyright , 1998 - 2007 (* ========================================================================= *) open Parser include Tactics (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Accept a theorem modulo unification. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let UNIFY_ACCEPT_TAC mvs th (asl,w) = let insts = term_unify mvs (concl th) w in ([],insts),[], let th' = INSTANTIATE insts th in fun i [] -> INSTANTIATE i th';; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The actual prover, as a tactic. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let ITAUT_TAC = let CONJUNCTS_THEN' ttac cth = ttac(CONJUNCT1 cth) THEN ttac(CONJUNCT2 cth) in let IMPLICATE t = let th1 = AP_THM NOT_DEF (dest_neg t) in CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) th1 in let RIGHT_REVERSIBLE_TAC = FIRST [CONJ_TAC; (* and *) GEN_TAC; (* forall *) DISCH_TAC; (* implies *) (fun gl -> CONV_TAC(K(IMPLICATE(snd gl))) gl); (* not *) EQ_TAC] (* iff *) and LEFT_REVERSIBLE_TAC th gl = tryfind (fun ttac -> ttac th gl) [CONJUNCTS_THEN' ASSUME_TAC; (* and *) DISJ_CASES_TAC; (* or *) CHOOSE_TAC; (* exists *) (fun th -> ASSUME_TAC (EQ_MP (IMPLICATE (concl th)) th)); (* not *) (CONJUNCTS_THEN' MP_TAC o uncurry CONJ o EQ_IMP_RULE)] (* iff *) in let rec ITAUT_TAC mvs n gl = if n <= 0 then failwith "ITAUT_TAC: Too deep" else ((FIRST_ASSUM (UNIFY_ACCEPT_TAC mvs)) ORELSE (ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH) ORELSE (FIRST_ASSUM CONTR_TAC) ORELSE (RIGHT_REVERSIBLE_TAC THEN TRY (ITAUT_TAC mvs n)) ORELSE (FIRST_X_ASSUM LEFT_REVERSIBLE_TAC THEN TRY(ITAUT_TAC mvs n)) ORELSE (FIRST_X_ASSUM(fun th -> ASSUME_TAC th THEN (let gv = genvar(type_of(fst(dest_forall(concl th)))) in META_SPEC_TAC gv th THEN ITAUT_TAC (gv::mvs) (n - 2) THEN NO_TAC))) ORELSE (DISJ1_TAC THEN ITAUT_TAC mvs n THEN NO_TAC) ORELSE (DISJ2_TAC THEN ITAUT_TAC mvs n THEN NO_TAC) ORELSE (fun gl -> let gv = genvar(type_of(fst(dest_exists(snd gl)))) in (X_META_EXISTS_TAC gv THEN ITAUT_TAC (gv::mvs) (n - 2) THEN NO_TAC) gl) ORELSE (FIRST_ASSUM(fun th -> SUBGOAL_THEN (fst(dest_imp(concl th))) (fun ath -> ASSUME_TAC (MP th ath)) THEN ITAUT_TAC mvs (n - 1) THEN NO_TAC))) gl in let rec ITAUT_ITERDEEP_TAC n gl = remark ("Searching with limit "^(string_of_int n)); ((ITAUT_TAC [] n THEN NO_TAC) ORELSE ITAUT_ITERDEEP_TAC (n + 1)) gl in ITAUT_ITERDEEP_TAC 0;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Alternative interface. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let ITAUT tm = prove(tm,ITAUT_TAC);; print_endline "itab.ml loaded"
========================================================================= Intuitionistic theorem prover (complete for propositional fragment). ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accept a theorem modulo unification. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The actual prover, as a tactic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- and forall implies not iff and or exists not iff ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternative interface. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory ( c ) Copyright , University of Cambridge 1998 ( c ) Copyright , 1998 - 2007 open Parser include Tactics let UNIFY_ACCEPT_TAC mvs th (asl,w) = let insts = term_unify mvs (concl th) w in ([],insts),[], let th' = INSTANTIATE insts th in fun i [] -> INSTANTIATE i th';; let ITAUT_TAC = let CONJUNCTS_THEN' ttac cth = ttac(CONJUNCT1 cth) THEN ttac(CONJUNCT2 cth) in let IMPLICATE t = let th1 = AP_THM NOT_DEF (dest_neg t) in CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) th1 in let RIGHT_REVERSIBLE_TAC = FIRST and LEFT_REVERSIBLE_TAC th gl = tryfind (fun ttac -> ttac th gl) in let rec ITAUT_TAC mvs n gl = if n <= 0 then failwith "ITAUT_TAC: Too deep" else ((FIRST_ASSUM (UNIFY_ACCEPT_TAC mvs)) ORELSE (ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH) ORELSE (FIRST_ASSUM CONTR_TAC) ORELSE (RIGHT_REVERSIBLE_TAC THEN TRY (ITAUT_TAC mvs n)) ORELSE (FIRST_X_ASSUM LEFT_REVERSIBLE_TAC THEN TRY(ITAUT_TAC mvs n)) ORELSE (FIRST_X_ASSUM(fun th -> ASSUME_TAC th THEN (let gv = genvar(type_of(fst(dest_forall(concl th)))) in META_SPEC_TAC gv th THEN ITAUT_TAC (gv::mvs) (n - 2) THEN NO_TAC))) ORELSE (DISJ1_TAC THEN ITAUT_TAC mvs n THEN NO_TAC) ORELSE (DISJ2_TAC THEN ITAUT_TAC mvs n THEN NO_TAC) ORELSE (fun gl -> let gv = genvar(type_of(fst(dest_exists(snd gl)))) in (X_META_EXISTS_TAC gv THEN ITAUT_TAC (gv::mvs) (n - 2) THEN NO_TAC) gl) ORELSE (FIRST_ASSUM(fun th -> SUBGOAL_THEN (fst(dest_imp(concl th))) (fun ath -> ASSUME_TAC (MP th ath)) THEN ITAUT_TAC mvs (n - 1) THEN NO_TAC))) gl in let rec ITAUT_ITERDEEP_TAC n gl = remark ("Searching with limit "^(string_of_int n)); ((ITAUT_TAC [] n THEN NO_TAC) ORELSE ITAUT_ITERDEEP_TAC (n + 1)) gl in ITAUT_ITERDEEP_TAC 0;; let ITAUT tm = prove(tm,ITAUT_TAC);; print_endline "itab.ml loaded"
# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # | Module : Kore . Builtin . AssociativeCommutative Description : Handles built - in operations which are associative , commutative , with neutral elements , key - based , with unique keys , and which return bottom when applied to unique keys . Copyright : ( c ) Runtime Verification , 2019 - 2021 License : BSD-3 - Clause Maintainer : This module is intended to be imported qualified , to avoid collision with other builtin modules . @ import qualified Kore . Builtin . AssociativeCommutative as Ac @ Module : Kore.Builtin.AssociativeCommutative Description : Handles built-in operations which are associative, commutative, with neutral elements, key-based, with unique keys, and which return bottom when applied to unique keys. Copyright : (c) Runtime Verification, 2019-2021 License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : This module is intended to be imported qualified, to avoid collision with other builtin modules. @ import qualified Kore.Builtin.AssociativeCommutative as Ac @ -} module Kore.Builtin.AssociativeCommutative ( asInternalConcrete, asPattern, ConcatSymbol (..), ConcreteElements (..), evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom, NormalizedOrBottom (..), Opaque (..), returnAc, returnConcreteAc, TermWrapper (..), renormalize, TermNormalizedAc, unifyEqualsNormalized, matchUnifyEqualsNormalizedAc, UnitSymbol (..), VariableElements (..), UnifyEqualsNormAc (..), ) where import Control.Error ( MaybeT, ) import Control.Monad qualified as Monad import Data.HashMap.Strict ( HashMap, ) import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.HashSet ( HashSet, ) import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet import Data.Kind ( Type, ) import Data.List qualified import Data.List qualified as List import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Generics qualified as GHC import Generics.SOP qualified as SOP import Kore.Attribute.Pattern.Simplified qualified as Attribute ( Simplified, ) import Kore.Attribute.Symbol qualified as Attribute ( Symbol, ) import Kore.Builtin.Builtin qualified as Builtin import Kore.Builtin.Map.Map qualified as Map import Kore.Builtin.Set.Set qualified as Set import Kore.Debug import Kore.IndexedModule.MetadataTools ( SmtMetadataTools, ) import Kore.Internal.Condition ( Condition, ) import Kore.Internal.Condition qualified as Condition import Kore.Internal.Conditional ( Conditional, andCondition, withCondition, ) import Kore.Internal.Conditional qualified as Conditional import Kore.Internal.InternalMap import Kore.Internal.InternalSet import Kore.Internal.Pattern ( Pattern, ) import Kore.Internal.Pattern qualified as Pattern import Kore.Internal.SideCondition qualified as SideCondition ( topTODO, ) import Kore.Internal.Symbol ( Symbol, ) import Kore.Internal.TermLike ( Key, TermLike, mkElemVar, termLikeSort, pattern App_, pattern ElemVar_, pattern InternalMap_, pattern InternalSet_, ) import Kore.Internal.TermLike qualified as TermLike import Kore.Log.DebugUnifyBottom ( debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom, ) import Kore.Rewrite.RewritingVariable ( RewritingVariableName, ) import Kore.Simplify.Simplify as Simplifier import Kore.Sort ( Sort, sameSort, ) import Kore.Syntax.Variable import Kore.Unification.Unify ( MonadUnify, ) import Kore.Unparser ( unparse, unparseToString, ) import Kore.Unparser qualified as Unparser import Logic import Prelude.Kore import Pretty qualified -- | Any @TermWrapper@ may be inside of an 'InternalAc'. class AcWrapper (normalized :: Type -> Type -> Type) => TermWrapper normalized where | Render a normalized value ( e.g. ' NormalizedSet ' ) as an ' InternalAc ' . -- The result sort must be hooked to the builtin normalized sort ( e.g. ) . asInternalBuiltin :: SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> normalized Key child -> InternalAc Key normalized child TODO ( thomas.tuegel ): Use From . | Render a normalized value ( e.g. ' NormalizedSet ' ) as a ' TermLike ' . -- The result sort must be hooked to the builtin normalized sort ( e.g. ) . asInternal :: InternalVariable variable => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> TermLike variable |Transforms a @TermLike@ representation into a @NormalizedOrBottom@. -- -- The term may become bottom if we had conflicts between elements that were -- not detected before, e.g. -- -- @ -- concat({1}, concat(X:Set, {1})) -- concat(elem(Y:Int), concat({1}, elem(Y:Int))) -- concat(X:Set, concat({1}, X:Set)) -- @ toNormalized :: HasCallStack => Ord variable => Hashable variable => TermLike variable -> NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable | Pattern match on a ' TermLike ' to return a ' normalized ' . -- -- @matchBuiltin@ returns 'Nothing' if the 'TermLike' does not wrap a -- 'normalized' value. matchBuiltin :: TermLike variable -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) simplifiedAttributeValue :: Value normalized (TermLike variable) -> Attribute.Simplified instance TermWrapper NormalizedMap where asInternalBuiltin tools builtinAcSort builtinAcChild = InternalAc { builtinAcSort , builtinAcUnit = Builtin.lookupSymbolUnit tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcElement = Builtin.lookupSymbolElement tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcConcat = Builtin.lookupSymbolConcat tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcChild } asInternal tools sort child = TermLike.mkInternalMap (asInternalBuiltin tools sort child) matchBuiltin (InternalMap_ internalMap) = Just (builtinAcChild internalMap) matchBuiltin _ = Nothing toNormalized (InternalMap_ InternalAc{builtinAcChild}) = maybe Bottom Normalized (renormalize builtinAcChild) toNormalized (App_ symbol args) | Map.isSymbolUnit symbol = case args of [] -> (Normalized . wrapAc) emptyNormalizedAc _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "MAP.unit" | Map.isSymbolElement symbol = case args of [key, value] | Just key' <- TermLike.retractKey key -> (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = HashMap.singleton key' (MapValue value) , opaque = [] } | otherwise -> (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [MapElement (key, value)] , concreteElements = HashMap.empty , opaque = [] } _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "MAP.element" | Map.isSymbolConcat symbol = case args of [map1, map2] -> toNormalized map1 <> toNormalized map2 _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "MAP.concat" toNormalized patt = (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = HashMap.empty , opaque = [patt] } simplifiedAttributeValue = TermLike.simplifiedAttribute . getMapValue instance TermWrapper NormalizedSet where asInternalBuiltin tools builtinAcSort builtinAcChild = InternalAc { builtinAcSort , builtinAcUnit = Builtin.lookupSymbolUnit tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcElement = Builtin.lookupSymbolElement tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcConcat = Builtin.lookupSymbolConcat tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcChild } asInternal tools sort child = TermLike.mkInternalSet (asInternalBuiltin tools sort child) matchBuiltin (InternalSet_ internalSet) = Just (builtinAcChild internalSet) matchBuiltin _ = Nothing toNormalized (InternalSet_ InternalAc{builtinAcChild}) = maybe Bottom Normalized (renormalize builtinAcChild) toNormalized (App_ symbol args) | Set.isSymbolUnit symbol = case args of [] -> (Normalized . wrapAc) emptyNormalizedAc _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "SET.unit" | Set.isSymbolElement symbol = case args of [elem1] | Just elem1' <- TermLike.retractKey elem1 -> (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = HashMap.singleton elem1' SetValue , opaque = [] } | otherwise -> (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [SetElement elem1] , concreteElements = HashMap.empty , opaque = [] } _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "SET.element" | Set.isSymbolConcat symbol = case args of [set1, set2] -> toNormalized set1 <> toNormalized set2 _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "SET.concat" toNormalized patt = (Normalized . wrapAc) emptyNormalizedAc{opaque = [patt]} simplifiedAttributeValue SetValue = mempty | Wrapper for terms that keeps the " concrete " vs " with variable " distinction after converting @TermLike Concrete@ to @TermLike variable@. after converting @TermLike Concrete@ to @TermLike variable@. -} data ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable = ConcretePat (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) | WithVariablePat (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) instance From (ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable) (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) where from = \case ConcretePat result -> result WithVariablePat result -> result fromConcreteOrWithVariable :: ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable -> (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) fromConcreteOrWithVariable = from -- | Particularizes @NormalizedAc@ to the most common types. type TermNormalizedAc normalized variable = normalized Key (TermLike variable) {- | A normalized representation of an associative-commutative structure that also allows bottom values. -} data NormalizedOrBottom collection variable = Normalized (TermNormalizedAc collection variable) | Bottom deriving stock (GHC.Generic) deriving stock instance Eq (TermNormalizedAc collection variable) => Eq (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) deriving stock instance Ord (TermNormalizedAc collection variable) => Ord (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) deriving stock instance Show (TermNormalizedAc collection variable) => Show (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) instance SOP.Generic (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) instance Debug (collection Key (TermLike variable)) => Debug (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) instance ( Debug (collection Key (TermLike variable)) , Diff (collection Key (TermLike variable)) ) => Diff (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) -- | The semigroup defined by the `concat` operation. instance (Ord variable, TermWrapper normalized, Hashable variable) => Semigroup (NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable) where Bottom <> _ = Bottom _ <> Bottom = Bottom Normalized normalized1 <> Normalized normalized2 = maybe Bottom Normalized $ concatNormalized normalized1 normalized2 concatNormalized :: forall normalized variable. (TermWrapper normalized, Ord variable, Hashable variable) => normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) concatNormalized normalized1 normalized2 = do Monad.guard disjointConcreteElements abstract' <- updateAbstractElements $ onBoth (++) elementsWithVariables let concrete' = onBoth HashMap.union concreteElements opaque' = Data.List.sort $ onBoth (++) opaque renormalize $ wrapAc NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = abstract' , concreteElements = concrete' , opaque = opaque' } where onBoth :: (a -> a -> r) -> ( NormalizedAc normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> a ) -> r onBoth f g = on f (g . unwrapAc) normalized1 normalized2 disjointConcreteElements = null $ onBoth HashMap.intersection concreteElements | Take a ( possibly de - normalized ) internal representation to its normal form . @renormalize@ returns ' Nothing ' if the normal form is @\\bottom@. First , abstract elements are converted to concrete elements wherever possible . Second , any opaque terms which are actually builtins are combined with the top - level term , so that the normal form never has children which are internal representations themselves ; this " flattening " step also recurses to @renormalize@ the previously - opaque children . @renormalize@ returns 'Nothing' if the normal form is @\\bottom@. First, abstract elements are converted to concrete elements wherever possible. Second, any opaque terms which are actually builtins are combined with the top-level term, so that the normal form never has children which are internal representations themselves; this "flattening" step also recurses to @renormalize@ the previously-opaque children. -} renormalize :: (TermWrapper normalized, Ord variable, Hashable variable) => normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) renormalize = normalizeAbstractElements >=> flattenOpaque -- | Insert the @key@-@value@ pair if it is missing from the 'Map'. insertMissing :: Ord key => Hashable key => key -> value -> HashMap key value -> Maybe (HashMap key value) insertMissing k v m | HashMap.member k m = Nothing | otherwise = Just (HashMap.insert k v m) {- | Insert the new concrete elements into the 'Map'. Return 'Nothing' if there are any duplicate keys. -} updateConcreteElements :: HashMap Key value -> [(Key, value)] -> Maybe (HashMap Key value) updateConcreteElements elems newElems = foldrM (uncurry insertMissing) elems newElems {- | Sort the abstract elements. Return 'Nothing' if there are any duplicate keys. -} updateAbstractElements :: (AcWrapper collection, Ord child, Hashable child) => [Element collection child] -> Maybe [Element collection child] updateAbstractElements elements = fmap (map wrapElement . HashMap.toList) $ foldrM (uncurry insertMissing) HashMap.empty $ map unwrapElement elements {- | Make any abstract elements into concrete elements if possible. Return 'Nothing' if there are any duplicate (concrete or abstract) keys. -} normalizeAbstractElements :: (TermWrapper normalized, Ord variable) => normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) normalizeAbstractElements (unwrapAc -> normalized) = do concrete' <- updateConcreteElements concrete newConcrete abstract' <- updateAbstractElements newAbstract return $ wrapAc NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = abstract' , concreteElements = concrete' , opaque = opaque normalized } where abstract = elementsWithVariables normalized concrete = concreteElements normalized (newConcrete, newAbstract) = partitionEithers (extractConcreteElement <$> abstract) {- | 'Left' if the element's key can be concretized, or 'Right' if it remains abstract. -} extractConcreteElement :: AcWrapper collection => Element collection (TermLike variable) -> Either (Key, Value collection (TermLike variable)) (Element collection (TermLike variable)) extractConcreteElement element = maybe (Right element) (Left . flip (,) value) (TermLike.retractKey key) where (key, value) = unwrapElement element {- | Move any @normalized@ children to the top-level by concatenation. @flattenOpaque@ recursively flattens the children of children, and so on. -} flattenOpaque :: (TermWrapper normalized, Ord variable, Hashable variable) => normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) flattenOpaque (unwrapAc -> normalized) = do let NormalizedAc{opaque} = normalized (builtin, opaque') = partitionEithers (extractBuiltin <$> opaque) transparent = wrapAc normalized{opaque = opaque'} foldrM concatNormalized transparent builtin where extractBuiltin termLike = maybe (Right termLike) Left (matchBuiltin termLike) -- | The monoid defined by the `concat` and `unit` operations. instance (Ord variable, TermWrapper normalized, Hashable variable) => Monoid (NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable) where mempty = Normalized $ wrapAc emptyNormalizedAc | Computes the union of two maps if they are disjoint . Returns @Nothing@ otherwise . otherwise. -} addToMapDisjoint :: (Ord a, Foldable t, Hashable a) => HashMap a b -> t (a, b) -> Maybe (HashMap a b) addToMapDisjoint = Monad.foldM addElementDisjoint addElementDisjoint :: Ord a => Hashable a => HashMap a b -> (a, b) -> Maybe (HashMap a b) addElementDisjoint existing (key, value) = if key `HashMap.member` existing then Nothing else return (HashMap.insert key value existing) -- | Given a @NormalizedAc@, returns it as a function result. returnAc :: ( InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => Sort -> TermNormalizedAc normalized variable -> Simplifier (Pattern variable) returnAc resultSort ac = do tools <- Simplifier.askMetadataTools asInternal tools resultSort ac & Pattern.fromTermLike & return {- | Converts an Ac of concrete elements to a @NormalizedAc@ and returns it as a function result. -} returnConcreteAc :: ( InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => Sort -> HashMap Key (Value normalized (TermLike variable)) -> Simplifier (Pattern variable) returnConcreteAc resultSort concrete = (returnAc resultSort . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = concrete , opaque = [] } | The same as ' asInternal ' , but for ac structures made only of concrete elements . elements. -} asInternalConcrete :: (InternalVariable variable, TermWrapper normalized) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> HashMap Key (Value normalized (TermLike variable)) -> TermLike variable asInternalConcrete tools sort1 concreteAc = asInternal tools sort1 $ wrapAc NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = concreteAc , opaque = [] } elementListAsInternal :: forall normalized variable. (InternalVariable variable, TermWrapper normalized) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] -> Maybe (TermLike variable) elementListAsInternal tools sort1 terms = asInternal tools sort1 . wrapAc <$> elementListAsNormalized terms elementListAsNormalized :: forall normalized variable. (InternalVariable variable, TermWrapper normalized) => [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] -> Maybe (NormalizedAc normalized Key (TermLike variable)) elementListAsNormalized terms = do let (withVariables, concrete) = splitVariableConcrete terms _checkDisjoinVariables <- disjointMap withVariables concreteAc <- disjointMap concrete return NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = wrapElement <$> withVariables , concreteElements = concreteAc , opaque = [] } | Render a ' NormalizedAc ' as an extended domain value pattern . asPattern :: ( InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> TermNormalizedAc normalized variable -> Pattern variable asPattern tools resultSort = Pattern.fromTermLike . asInternal tools resultSort | Evaluates a concatenation of two AC structures represented as NormalizedOrBottom , providind the result in the form of a function result . NormalizedOrBottom, providind the result in the form of a function result. -} evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom :: forall normalized variable. ( InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => Sort -> NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable -> NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable -> MaybeT Simplifier (Pattern variable) evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom resultSort Bottom _ = return (Pattern.bottomOf resultSort) evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom resultSort _ Bottom = return (Pattern.bottomOf resultSort) evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom resultSort (Normalized normalized1) (Normalized normalized2) = maybe (return $ Pattern.bottomOf resultSort) (lift . returnAc resultSort) $ concatNormalized normalized1 normalized2 disjointMap :: Ord a => Hashable a => [(a, b)] -> Maybe (HashMap a b) disjointMap = addToMapDisjoint HashMap.empty splitVariableConcrete :: forall variable a. [(TermLike variable, a)] -> ([(TermLike variable, a)], [(Key, a)]) splitVariableConcrete terms = partitionEithers (map toConcreteEither terms) where toConcreteEither :: (TermLike variable, a) -> Either (TermLike variable, a) (Key, a) toConcreteEither (term, a) = case TermLike.retractKey term of Nothing -> Left (term, a) Just result -> Right (result, a) | Simplify the conjunction or equality of two Ac domain values in their normalized form . When it is used for simplifying equality , one should separately solve the case ⊥ = ⊥. One should also throw away the term in the returned pattern . The domain values are assumed to have the same sort , but this is not checked . If multiple sorts are hooked to the same builtin domain , the verifier should reject the definition . normalized form. When it is used for simplifying equality, one should separately solve the case ⊥ = ⊥. One should also throw away the term in the returned pattern. The domain values are assumed to have the same sort, but this is not checked. If multiple sorts are hooked to the same builtin domain, the verifier should reject the definition. -} unifyEqualsNormalized :: forall normalized unifier. ( Traversable (Value normalized) , TermWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier ) => HasCallStack => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> ( TermLike RewritingVariableName -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) ) -> InternalAc Key normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) -> InternalAc Key normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) -> UnifyEqualsNormAc normalized RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) unifyEqualsNormalized tools first second unifyEqualsChildren normalized1 normalized2 unifyData = do let InternalAc{builtinAcChild = firstNormalized} = normalized1 InternalAc{builtinAcChild = secondNormalized} = normalized2 unifierNormalized <- unifyEqualsNormalizedAc tools first second unifyEqualsChildren firstNormalized secondNormalized unifyData let unifierNormalizedTerm :: TermNormalizedAc normalized RewritingVariableName unifierCondition :: Condition RewritingVariableName (unifierNormalizedTerm, unifierCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm unifierNormalized normalizedTerm :: TermLike RewritingVariableName normalizedTerm = asInternal tools sort1 unifierNormalizedTerm -- TODO(virgil): Check whether this normalization is still needed -- (the normalizedTerm may already be re-normalized) and remove it if not. renormalized <- normalize1 normalizedTerm let unifierTerm :: TermLike RewritingVariableName unifierTerm = markSimplified $ asInternal tools sort1 renormalized markSimplified = TermLike.setSimplified ( foldMap TermLike.simplifiedAttribute opaque <> foldMap TermLike.simplifiedAttribute abstractKeys <> foldMap simplifiedAttributeValue abstractValues <> foldMap simplifiedAttributeValue concreteValues ) where unwrapped = unwrapAc renormalized NormalizedAc{opaque} = unwrapped (abstractKeys, abstractValues) = (unzip . map unwrapElement) (elementsWithVariables unwrapped) (_, concreteValues) = (unzip . HashMap.toList) (concreteElements unwrapped) return (unifierTerm `Pattern.withCondition` unifierCondition) where sort1 = termLikeSort first normalize1 :: HasCallStack => InternalVariable variable => TermLike variable -> unifier (TermNormalizedAc normalized variable) normalize1 patt = case toNormalized patt of Bottom -> debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom "Duplicated elements in normalization." first second Normalized n -> return n data UnifyEqualsElementListsData normalized = UnifyEqualsElementListsData Given normalized data norm1 , norm2 , norm1 - norm2 and norm2 - norm1 allElements1, allElements2 :: ![ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized RewritingVariableName] Is Just v if v is the sole opaque in norm1 - norm2 , else Nothing maybeVar :: !(Maybe (ElementVariable RewritingVariableName)) } data UnifyEqualsNormAc normalized variable = UnifyEqualsElementLists !(UnifyEqualsElementListsData normalized) | UnifyOpaqueVar !(UnifyOpVarResult variable) matchUnifyEqualsNormalizedAc :: forall normalized. TermWrapper normalized => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> InternalAc Key normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) -> InternalAc Key normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) -> Maybe (UnifyEqualsNormAc normalized RewritingVariableName) matchUnifyEqualsNormalizedAc tools normalized1 normalized2 = case (opaqueDifference1, opaqueDifference2) of ([], []) -> Just $ UnifyEqualsElementLists $ UnifyEqualsElementListsData allElements1 allElements2 Nothing ([ElemVar_ v1], _) | null opaqueDifference2 -> Just $ UnifyEqualsElementLists $ UnifyEqualsElementListsData allElements1 allElements2 (Just v1) | null allElements1 -> fmap UnifyOpaqueVar $ matchUnifyOpaqueVariable' v1 allElements2 opaqueDifference2 _ -> Nothing where matchUnifyOpaqueVariable' = matchUnifyOpaqueVariable tools listToMap :: Hashable a => [a] -> HashMap a Int listToMap keys = HashMap.fromListWith (+) [(k, 1) | k <- keys] mapToList :: HashMap a Int -> [a] mapToList = HashMap.foldrWithKey (\key count result -> replicate count key ++ result) [] NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preElementsWithVariables1 , concreteElements = concreteElements1 , opaque = opaque1 } = unwrapAc firstNormalized NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preElementsWithVariables2 , concreteElements = concreteElements2 , opaque = opaque2 } = unwrapAc secondNormalized InternalAc{builtinAcChild = firstNormalized} = normalized1 InternalAc{builtinAcChild = secondNormalized} = normalized2 opaque1Map = listToMap opaque1 opaque2Map = listToMap opaque2 elementsWithVariables1 = unwrapElement <$> preElementsWithVariables1 elementsWithVariables2 = unwrapElement <$> preElementsWithVariables2 elementsWithVariables1Map = HashMap.fromList elementsWithVariables1 elementsWithVariables2Map = HashMap.fromList elementsWithVariables2 commonElements = HashMap.intersectionWith (,) concreteElements1 concreteElements2 commonVariables = HashMap.intersectionWith (,) elementsWithVariables1Map elementsWithVariables2Map -- Duplicates must be kept in case any of the opaque terms turns out to be non - empty , in which case one of the terms is bottom , which -- means that the unification result is bottom. commonOpaqueMap = HashMap.intersectionWith max opaque1Map opaque2Map commonOpaqueKeys = HashMap.keysSet commonOpaqueMap elementDifference1 = HashMap.toList (HashMap.difference concreteElements1 commonElements) elementDifference2 = HashMap.toList (HashMap.difference concreteElements2 commonElements) elementVariableDifference1 = HashMap.toList (HashMap.difference elementsWithVariables1Map commonVariables) elementVariableDifference2 = HashMap.toList (HashMap.difference elementsWithVariables2Map commonVariables) opaqueDifference1 = mapToList (withoutKeys opaque1Map commonOpaqueKeys) opaqueDifference2 = mapToList (withoutKeys opaque2Map commonOpaqueKeys) withoutKeys :: Hashable k => HashMap k v -> HashSet k -> HashMap k v withoutKeys hmap hset = hmap `HashMap.difference` (HashSet.toMap hset) allElements1 = map WithVariablePat elementVariableDifference1 ++ map toConcretePat elementDifference1 allElements2 = map WithVariablePat elementVariableDifference2 ++ map toConcretePat elementDifference2 toConcretePat :: (Key, Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName)) -> ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized RewritingVariableName toConcretePat (a, b) = ConcretePat (from @Key @(TermLike RewritingVariableName) a, b) | two AC structs represented as @NormalizedAc@. Currently allows at most one opaque term in the two arguments taken together . Currently allows at most one opaque term in the two arguments taken together. -} unifyEqualsNormalizedAc :: forall normalized unifier. ( Traversable (Value normalized) , TermWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier ) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> ( TermLike RewritingVariableName -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) ) -> TermNormalizedAc normalized RewritingVariableName -> TermNormalizedAc normalized RewritingVariableName -> UnifyEqualsNormAc normalized RewritingVariableName -> unifier ( Conditional RewritingVariableName (TermNormalizedAc normalized RewritingVariableName) ) unifyEqualsNormalizedAc tools first second unifyEqualsChildren normalized1 normalized2 unifyData = do (simpleUnifier, opaques) <- case unifyData of UnifyEqualsElementLists unifyData' -> unifyEqualsElementLists' allElements1 allElements2 maybeVar where UnifyEqualsElementListsData{allElements1, allElements2, maybeVar} = unifyData' UnifyOpaqueVar unifyData' -> unifyOpaqueVariable bottomWithExplanation unifyEqualsChildren unifyData' let (unifiedElements, unifierCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm simpleUnifier do -- unifier monad -- unify the parts not sent to unifyEqualsNormalizedElements. (commonElementsTerms, commonElementsCondition) <- unifyElementList (HashMap.toList commonElements) (commonVariablesTerms, commonVariablesCondition) <- unifyElementList (HashMap.toList commonVariables) -- simplify results so that things like inj applications that -- may have been broken into smaller pieces are being put -- back together. unifiedSimplified <- mapM simplifyPair unifiedElements opaquesSimplified <- mapM simplify opaques buildResultFromUnifiers bottomWithExplanation commonElementsTerms commonVariablesTerms commonOpaque unifiedSimplified opaquesSimplified [ unifierCondition , commonElementsCondition , commonVariablesCondition ] where listToMap :: Hashable a => [a] -> HashMap a Int listToMap keys = HashMap.fromListWith (+) [(k, 1) | k <- keys] mapToList :: HashMap a Int -> [a] mapToList = HashMap.foldrWithKey (\key count result -> replicate count key ++ result) [] bottomWithExplanation :: Text -> unifier a bottomWithExplanation explanation = debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom explanation first second unifyEqualsElementLists' = unifyEqualsElementLists tools first second unifyEqualsChildren NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preElementsWithVariables1 , concreteElements = concreteElements1 , opaque = opaque1 } = unwrapAc normalized1 NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preElementsWithVariables2 , concreteElements = concreteElements2 , opaque = opaque2 } = unwrapAc normalized2 opaque1Map = listToMap opaque1 opaque2Map = listToMap opaque2 elementsWithVariables1 = unwrapElement <$> preElementsWithVariables1 elementsWithVariables2 = unwrapElement <$> preElementsWithVariables2 elementsWithVariables1Map = HashMap.fromList elementsWithVariables1 elementsWithVariables2Map = HashMap.fromList elementsWithVariables2 commonElements = HashMap.intersectionWith (,) concreteElements1 concreteElements2 commonVariables = HashMap.intersectionWith (,) elementsWithVariables1Map elementsWithVariables2Map -- Duplicates must be kept in case any of the opaque terms turns out to be non - empty , in which case one of the terms is bottom , which -- means that the unification result is bottom. commonOpaqueMap = HashMap.intersectionWith max opaque1Map opaque2Map commonOpaque = mapToList commonOpaqueMap unifyElementList :: forall key. [ ( key , ( Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) , Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) ) ) ] -> unifier ( [(key, Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName))] , Condition RewritingVariableName ) unifyElementList elements = do result <- mapM (unifyCommonElements unifyEqualsChildren) elements let terms :: [(key, Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName))] predicates :: [Condition RewritingVariableName] (terms, predicates) = unzip (map Conditional.splitTerm result) predicate :: Condition RewritingVariableName predicate = List.foldl' andCondition Condition.top predicates return (terms, predicate) simplify :: TermLike RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) simplify term = mapLogicT liftSimplifier (simplifyPatternScatter SideCondition.topTODO (Pattern.fromTermLike term)) & lowerLogicT simplifyPair :: ( TermLike RewritingVariableName , Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) ) -> unifier ( Conditional RewritingVariableName ( TermLike RewritingVariableName , Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) ) ) simplifyPair (key, value) = do simplifiedKey <- simplifyTermLike' key let (keyTerm, keyCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm simplifiedKey simplifiedValue <- traverse simplifyTermLike' value let splitSimplifiedValue :: Value normalized ( TermLike RewritingVariableName , Condition RewritingVariableName ) splitSimplifiedValue = fmap Conditional.splitTerm simplifiedValue simplifiedValueTerm :: Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) simplifiedValueTerm = fmap fst splitSimplifiedValue simplifiedValueConditions :: Value normalized (Condition RewritingVariableName) simplifiedValueConditions = fmap snd splitSimplifiedValue simplifiedValueCondition :: Condition RewritingVariableName simplifiedValueCondition = foldr andCondition Condition.top simplifiedValueConditions return ( (keyTerm, simplifiedValueTerm) `withCondition` keyCondition `andCondition` simplifiedValueCondition ) where -- TODO: can this be rewritten? simplifyTermLike' :: TermLike RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) simplifyTermLike' term = mapLogicT liftSimplifier (simplifyPatternScatter SideCondition.topTODO (Pattern.fromTermLike term)) & lowerLogicT buildResultFromUnifiers :: forall normalized unifier variable. ( Monad unifier , InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => (forall result. Text -> unifier result) -> [(Key, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] -> [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] -> [TermLike variable] -> [ Conditional variable (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) ] -> [Pattern variable] -> [Condition variable] -> unifier (Conditional variable (TermNormalizedAc normalized variable)) buildResultFromUnifiers bottomWithExplanation commonElementsTerms commonVariablesTerms commonOpaque unifiedElementsSimplified opaquesSimplified predicates = do -- unifier monad let almostResultTerms :: [ ( TermLike variable , Value normalized (TermLike variable) ) ] almostResultConditions :: [Condition variable] (almostResultTerms, almostResultConditions) = unzip (map Conditional.splitTerm unifiedElementsSimplified) (withVariableTerms, concreteTerms) = splitVariableConcrete almostResultTerms (opaquesTerms, opaquesConditions) = unzip (map Conditional.splitTerm opaquesSimplified) opaquesNormalized :: NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable opaquesNormalized = foldMap toNormalized opaquesTerms NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preOpaquesElementsWithVariables , concreteElements = opaquesConcreteTerms , opaque = opaquesOpaque } <- case opaquesNormalized of Bottom -> bottomWithExplanation "Duplicated elements after unification." Normalized result -> return (unwrapAc result) let opaquesElementsWithVariables = unwrapElement <$> preOpaquesElementsWithVariables -- Add back all the common objects that were removed before -- unification. withVariableMap <- addAllDisjoint bottomWithExplanation HashMap.empty ( commonVariablesTerms ++ withVariableTerms ++ opaquesElementsWithVariables ) concreteMap <- addAllDisjoint bottomWithExplanation HashMap.empty ( commonElementsTerms ++ concreteTerms ++ HashMap.toList opaquesConcreteTerms ) let allOpaque = Data.List.sort (commonOpaque ++ opaquesOpaque) -- Merge all unification predicates. predicate = List.foldl' andCondition Condition.top (almostResultConditions ++ opaquesConditions ++ predicates) result :: Conditional variable (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) result = wrapAc NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = wrapElement <$> HashMap.toList withVariableMap , concreteElements = concreteMap , opaque = allOpaque } `Conditional.withCondition` predicate return result addAllDisjoint :: (Monad unifier, Ord a, Hashable a) => (forall result. Text -> unifier result) -> HashMap a b -> [(a, b)] -> unifier (HashMap a b) addAllDisjoint bottomWithExplanation existing elements = case addToMapDisjoint existing elements of Nothing -> bottomWithExplanation "Duplicated elements after AC unification." Just result -> return result unifyCommonElements :: forall key normalized unifier variable. ( AcWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable , Traversable (Value normalized) ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> ( key , ( Value normalized (TermLike variable) , Value normalized (TermLike variable) ) ) -> unifier ( Conditional variable (key, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) ) unifyCommonElements unifier (key, (firstValue, secondValue)) = do valuesUnifier <- unifyWrappedValues unifier firstValue secondValue let (valuesTerm, valueCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm valuesUnifier return ((key, valuesTerm) `withCondition` valueCondition) unifyWrappedValues :: forall normalized unifier variable. ( AcWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable , Traversable (Value normalized) ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> Value normalized (TermLike variable) -> Value normalized (TermLike variable) -> unifier (Conditional variable (Value normalized (TermLike variable))) unifyWrappedValues unifier firstValue secondValue = do let aligned = alignValues firstValue secondValue unifiedValues <- traverse (uncurry unifier) aligned let splitValues :: Value normalized (TermLike variable, Condition variable) splitValues = fmap Pattern.splitTerm unifiedValues valueUnifierTerm :: Value normalized (TermLike variable) valueUnifierTerm = fmap fst splitValues valueConditions :: Value normalized (Condition variable) valueConditions = fmap snd splitValues valueUnifierCondition :: Condition variable valueUnifierCondition = foldr Conditional.andCondition Condition.top valueConditions return (valueUnifierTerm `withCondition` valueUnifierCondition) | two ac structures given their representation as a list of @ConcreteOrWithVariable@ , with the first structure being allowed an additional opaque chunk ( e.g. a variable ) that will be sent to the unifier function together with some part of the second structure . The keys of the two structures are assumend to be disjoint . @ConcreteOrWithVariable@, with the first structure being allowed an additional opaque chunk (e.g. a variable) that will be sent to the unifier function together with some part of the second structure. The keys of the two structures are assumend to be disjoint. -} unifyEqualsElementLists :: forall normalized variable unifier. ( InternalVariable variable , MonadUnify unifier , TermWrapper normalized , Traversable (Value normalized) ) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> -- | unifier function (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> | First structure elements [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> | Second structure elements [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> | Opaque element variable of the first structure Maybe (ElementVariable variable) -> unifier ( Conditional variable [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] , [TermLike variable] ) unifyEqualsElementLists _tools first second unifyEqualsChildren firstElements secondElements Nothing | length firstElements /= length secondElements = Neither the first , not the second ac structure include an opaque term , so the listed elements form the two structures . -- Since the two lists have different counts , their structures can -- never unify. debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom "Cannot unify ac structures with different sizes." first second | otherwise = do (result, remainder1, remainder2) <- unifyWithPermutations firstElements secondElements The second structure does not include an opaque term so there is nothing to match whatever is left in remainder1 . This should have been caught by -- the "length" check above so, most likely, this can be an assertion. unless (null remainder1) (remainderError firstElements secondElements remainder1) The first structure does not include an opaque term so there is nothing to match whatever is left in remainder2 . This should have been caught by -- the "length" check above so, most likely, this can be an assertion. unless (null remainder2) (remainderError firstElements secondElements remainder2) return (result, []) where unifyWithPermutations :: First structure elements [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> Second structure elements [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> unifier ( Conditional variable [ ( TermLike variable , Value normalized (TermLike variable) ) ] , [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] , [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] ) unifyWithPermutations = unifyEqualsElementPermutations (unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifyEqualsChildren) remainderError = nonEmptyRemainderError first second unifyEqualsElementLists tools first second unifyEqualsChildren firstElements secondElements (Just opaqueElemVar) | length firstElements > length secondElements = The second structure does not include an opaque term , so all the elements in the first structure must be matched by elements in the second -- one. Since we don't have enough, we return bottom. debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom "Cannot unify ac structures with different sizes." first second | otherwise = do (unifier, remainder1, remainder2) <- unifyWithPermutations firstElements secondElements The second structure does not include an opaque term so there is nothing to match whatever is left in remainder1 . This should have been caught by -- the "length" check above so, most likely, this can be an assertion. unless (null remainder1) (remainderError firstElements secondElements remainder1) let remainder2Terms = map fromConcreteOrWithVariable remainder2 case elementListAsInternal tools (sameSort (termLikeSort first) (termLikeSort second)) remainder2Terms of Nothing -> debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom "Duplicated element in unification results" first second Just remainderTerm | TermLike.isFunctionPattern remainderTerm -> do opaqueUnifier <- unifyEqualsChildren (mkElemVar opaqueElemVar) remainderTerm let (opaqueTerm, opaqueCondition) = Pattern.splitTerm opaqueUnifier result = unifier `andCondition` opaqueCondition return (result, [opaqueTerm]) _ -> error . show . Pretty.vsep $ [ "Unification case that should be handled somewhere else: \ \attempting normalized unification with \ \non-function maps could lead to infinite loops." , Pretty.indent 2 "first=" , Pretty.indent 4 (unparse first) , Pretty.indent 2 "second=" , Pretty.indent 4 (unparse second) ] where unifyWithPermutations = unifyEqualsElementPermutations (unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifyEqualsChildren) remainderError = nonEmptyRemainderError first second data NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData variable = NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData Given normalized data norm1 , , the sole opaque variable in norm1 - norm2 v1 :: !(TermLike.ElementVariable variable) , -- The term to unify against v1 second :: !(TermLike variable) } data UnifyOpVarResult variable = NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren !(NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData variable) | BottomWithExplanation matchUnifyOpaqueVariable :: ( TermWrapper normalized , InternalVariable variable ) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> TermLike.ElementVariable variable -> [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> [TermLike variable] -> Maybe (UnifyOpVarResult variable) matchUnifyOpaqueVariable _ v1 [] [second@(ElemVar_ _)] = Just $ NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData{v1, second} matchUnifyOpaqueVariable tools v1 concreteOrVariableTerms opaqueTerms = case elementListAsNormalized pairs of Nothing -> Just BottomWithExplanation Just elementTerm -> let secondTerm = asInternal tools sort ( wrapAc elementTerm{opaque = opaqueTerms} ) in if TermLike.isFunctionPattern secondTerm then Just $ NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren $ NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData v1 secondTerm else Nothing where sort = variableSort v1 pairs = map fromConcreteOrWithVariable concreteOrVariableTerms unifyOpaqueVariable :: ( MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable ) => (forall a. Text -> unifier a) -> -- | unifier function (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> UnifyOpVarResult variable -> unifier ( Conditional variable [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] , [TermLike variable] ) unifyOpaqueVariable bottomWithExplanation unifyChildren unifyData = case unifyData of NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren unifyData' -> noCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren unifyChildren v1 second where NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData{v1, second} = unifyData' _ -> bottomWithExplanation "Duplicated element in unification results" noCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren :: ( MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> TermLike.ElementVariable variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier ( Conditional variable [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] , [TermLike variable] ) noCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren unifyChildren v1 second = do unifier <- unifyChildren (mkElemVar v1) second let (opaque, predicate) = Conditional.splitTerm unifier return ([] `Conditional.withCondition` predicate, [opaque]) |Unifies two patterns represented as @ConcreteOrWithVariable@ , making sure that a concrete pattern ( if any ) is sent on the first position of the unify function . We prefer having a concrete pattern on the first position because the unifier prefers returning it when it does not know what to use , e.g. @ unify 10 ( f A ) = = > 10 and ( 10 = = f A ) unify ( f A ) 10 = = > ( f A ) and ( 10 = = f A ) @ and it would probably be more useful to have a concrete term as the unification term . Also , tests are easier to write . that a concrete pattern (if any) is sent on the first position of the unify function. We prefer having a concrete pattern on the first position because the unifier prefers returning it when it does not know what to use, e.g. @ unify 10 (f A) ==> 10 and (10 == f A) unify (f A) 10 ==> (f A) and (10 == f A) @ and it would probably be more useful to have a concrete term as the unification term. Also, tests are easier to write. -} unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable :: ( AcWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier , Traversable (Value normalized) , InternalVariable variable ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable -> ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable -> unifier ( Conditional variable (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) ) unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifier (ConcretePat concrete1) (ConcretePat concrete2) = unifyEqualsPair unifier concrete1 concrete2 unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifier (ConcretePat concrete1) (WithVariablePat withVariable2) = unifyEqualsPair unifier concrete1 withVariable2 unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifier (WithVariablePat withVariable) (ConcretePat concrete2) = unifyEqualsPair unifier concrete2 withVariable unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifier (WithVariablePat withVariable) (WithVariablePat withVariable2) = unifyEqualsPair unifier withVariable withVariable2 unifyEqualsPair :: forall normalized unifier variable. ( AcWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable , Traversable (Value normalized) ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) -> (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) -> unifier ( Conditional variable (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) ) unifyEqualsPair unifier (firstKey, firstValue) (secondKey, secondValue) = do keyUnifier <- unifier firstKey secondKey valueUnifier <- unifyWrappedValues unifier firstValue secondValue let valueUnifierTerm :: Value normalized (TermLike variable) valueUnifierCondition :: Condition variable (valueUnifierTerm, valueUnifierCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm valueUnifier let (keyUnifierTerm, keyUnifierCondition) = Pattern.splitTerm keyUnifier return ( (keyUnifierTerm, valueUnifierTerm) `withCondition` keyUnifierCondition `andCondition` valueUnifierCondition ) | Given a unify function and two lists of unifiable things , returns all possible ways to unify disjoint pairs of the two that use all items from at least one of the lists . Also returns the non - unified part os the lists ( one of the two will be empty ) . all possible ways to unify disjoint pairs of the two that use all items from at least one of the lists. Also returns the non-unified part os the lists (one of the two will be empty). -} unifyEqualsElementPermutations :: ( Alternative unifier , Monad unifier , InternalVariable variable ) => (a -> b -> unifier (Conditional variable c)) -> [a] -> [b] -> unifier ( Conditional variable [c] , [a] , [b] ) unifyEqualsElementPermutations unifier firsts seconds = do (unifiers, remainderFirst, remainderSecond) <- if length firsts < length seconds then do (u, r) <- kPermutationsBacktracking (flip unifier) seconds firsts return (u, [], r) else do (u, r) <- kPermutationsBacktracking unifier firsts seconds return (u, r, []) let (terms, predicates) = unzip (map Conditional.splitTerm unifiers) predicate = foldr andCondition Condition.top predicates return (terms `withCondition` predicate, remainderFirst, remainderSecond) |Given two lists generates k - permutation pairings and merges them using the provided merge function . k is the length of the second list , which means that , if the @[b]@ list is longer than the @[a]@ list , this will not generate any k - permutations . However , it will probably take a long time to generate nothing . If the pairing function fails ( i.e. returns empty ) , the entire function will stop exploring future branches that would include the given pair . Note that this does not mean that we wo n't try a failing pair again with a different set of previous choices , so this function could be optimized to at least cache pairing results . provided merge function. k is the length of the second list, which means that, if the @[b]@ list is longer than the @[a]@ list, this will not generate any k-permutations. However, it will probably take a long time to generate nothing. If the pairing function fails (i.e. returns empty), the entire function will stop exploring future branches that would include the given pair. Note that this does not mean that we won't try a failing pair again with a different set of previous choices, so this function could be optimized to at least cache pairing results. -} kPermutationsBacktracking :: forall a b c m. Alternative m => (a -> b -> m c) -> [a] -> [b] -> m ([c], [a]) kPermutationsBacktracking _ first [] = pure ([], first) kPermutationsBacktracking transform firstList secondList = generateKPermutationsWorker firstList [] secondList where generateKPermutationsWorker :: [a] -> [a] -> [b] -> m ([c], [a]) generateKPermutationsWorker _ (_ : _) [] = error "Unexpected non-empty skipped list with empty pair opportunities" generateKPermutationsWorker [] [] [] = pure ([], []) generateKPermutationsWorker [] _ _ = empty generateKPermutationsWorker first [] [] = pure ([], first) generateKPermutationsWorker (first : firsts) skipped (second : seconds) = pickElement <|> skipElement where pickElement = addToFirst <$> transform first second <*> generateKPermutationsWorker (skipped ++ firsts) [] seconds addToFirst :: x -> ([x], y) -> ([x], y) addToFirst x (xs, y) = (x : xs, y) skipElement = generateKPermutationsWorker firsts (first : skipped) (second : seconds) nonEmptyRemainderError :: forall a normalized variable. ( HasCallStack , InternalVariable variable , AcWrapper normalized ) => TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> a nonEmptyRemainderError first second input1 input2 remainder = (error . unlines) [ "Unexpected unused elements, should have been caught" , "by checks above:" , "first=" ++ unparseToString first , "second=" ++ unparseToString second , "input1=" ++ unlines (map unparseWrapped input1) , "input2=" ++ unlines (map unparseWrapped input2) , "remainder=" ++ unlines (map unparseWrapped remainder) ] where unparseWrapped = Unparser.renderDefault . unparsePair . fromConcreteOrWithVariable unparsePair = unparseElement unparse . wrapElement -- | Wrapper for giving names to arguments. newtype UnitSymbol = UnitSymbol {getUnitSymbol :: Symbol} -- | Wrapper for giving names to arguments. newtype ConcatSymbol = ConcatSymbol {getConcatSymbol :: Symbol} -- | Wrapper for giving names to arguments. newtype ConcreteElements variable = ConcreteElements {getConcreteElements :: [TermLike variable]} -- | Wrapper for giving names to arguments. newtype VariableElements variable = VariableElements {getVariableElements :: [TermLike variable]} -- | Wrapper for giving names to arguments. newtype Opaque variable = Opaque {getOpaque :: [TermLike variable]}
| Any @TermWrapper@ may be inside of an 'InternalAc'. The term may become bottom if we had conflicts between elements that were not detected before, e.g. @ concat({1}, concat(X:Set, {1})) concat(elem(Y:Int), concat({1}, elem(Y:Int))) concat(X:Set, concat({1}, X:Set)) @ @matchBuiltin@ returns 'Nothing' if the 'TermLike' does not wrap a 'normalized' value. | Particularizes @NormalizedAc@ to the most common types. | A normalized representation of an associative-commutative structure that also allows bottom values. | The semigroup defined by the `concat` operation. | Insert the @key@-@value@ pair if it is missing from the 'Map'. | Insert the new concrete elements into the 'Map'. Return 'Nothing' if there are any duplicate keys. | Sort the abstract elements. Return 'Nothing' if there are any duplicate keys. | Make any abstract elements into concrete elements if possible. Return 'Nothing' if there are any duplicate (concrete or abstract) keys. | 'Left' if the element's key can be concretized, or 'Right' if it remains abstract. | Move any @normalized@ children to the top-level by concatenation. @flattenOpaque@ recursively flattens the children of children, and so on. | The monoid defined by the `concat` and `unit` operations. | Given a @NormalizedAc@, returns it as a function result. | Converts an Ac of concrete elements to a @NormalizedAc@ and returns it as a function result. TODO(virgil): Check whether this normalization is still needed (the normalizedTerm may already be re-normalized) and remove it if not. Duplicates must be kept in case any of the opaque terms turns out to be means that the unification result is bottom. unifier monad unify the parts not sent to unifyEqualsNormalizedElements. simplify results so that things like inj applications that may have been broken into smaller pieces are being put back together. Duplicates must be kept in case any of the opaque terms turns out to be means that the unification result is bottom. TODO: can this be rewritten? unifier monad Add back all the common objects that were removed before unification. Merge all unification predicates. | unifier function never unify. the "length" check above so, most likely, this can be an assertion. the "length" check above so, most likely, this can be an assertion. one. Since we don't have enough, we return bottom. the "length" check above so, most likely, this can be an assertion. The term to unify against v1 | unifier function | Wrapper for giving names to arguments. | Wrapper for giving names to arguments. | Wrapper for giving names to arguments. | Wrapper for giving names to arguments. | Wrapper for giving names to arguments.
# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # | Module : Kore . Builtin . AssociativeCommutative Description : Handles built - in operations which are associative , commutative , with neutral elements , key - based , with unique keys , and which return bottom when applied to unique keys . Copyright : ( c ) Runtime Verification , 2019 - 2021 License : BSD-3 - Clause Maintainer : This module is intended to be imported qualified , to avoid collision with other builtin modules . @ import qualified Kore . Builtin . AssociativeCommutative as Ac @ Module : Kore.Builtin.AssociativeCommutative Description : Handles built-in operations which are associative, commutative, with neutral elements, key-based, with unique keys, and which return bottom when applied to unique keys. Copyright : (c) Runtime Verification, 2019-2021 License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : This module is intended to be imported qualified, to avoid collision with other builtin modules. @ import qualified Kore.Builtin.AssociativeCommutative as Ac @ -} module Kore.Builtin.AssociativeCommutative ( asInternalConcrete, asPattern, ConcatSymbol (..), ConcreteElements (..), evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom, NormalizedOrBottom (..), Opaque (..), returnAc, returnConcreteAc, TermWrapper (..), renormalize, TermNormalizedAc, unifyEqualsNormalized, matchUnifyEqualsNormalizedAc, UnitSymbol (..), VariableElements (..), UnifyEqualsNormAc (..), ) where import Control.Error ( MaybeT, ) import Control.Monad qualified as Monad import Data.HashMap.Strict ( HashMap, ) import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.HashSet ( HashSet, ) import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet import Data.Kind ( Type, ) import Data.List qualified import Data.List qualified as List import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Generics qualified as GHC import Generics.SOP qualified as SOP import Kore.Attribute.Pattern.Simplified qualified as Attribute ( Simplified, ) import Kore.Attribute.Symbol qualified as Attribute ( Symbol, ) import Kore.Builtin.Builtin qualified as Builtin import Kore.Builtin.Map.Map qualified as Map import Kore.Builtin.Set.Set qualified as Set import Kore.Debug import Kore.IndexedModule.MetadataTools ( SmtMetadataTools, ) import Kore.Internal.Condition ( Condition, ) import Kore.Internal.Condition qualified as Condition import Kore.Internal.Conditional ( Conditional, andCondition, withCondition, ) import Kore.Internal.Conditional qualified as Conditional import Kore.Internal.InternalMap import Kore.Internal.InternalSet import Kore.Internal.Pattern ( Pattern, ) import Kore.Internal.Pattern qualified as Pattern import Kore.Internal.SideCondition qualified as SideCondition ( topTODO, ) import Kore.Internal.Symbol ( Symbol, ) import Kore.Internal.TermLike ( Key, TermLike, mkElemVar, termLikeSort, pattern App_, pattern ElemVar_, pattern InternalMap_, pattern InternalSet_, ) import Kore.Internal.TermLike qualified as TermLike import Kore.Log.DebugUnifyBottom ( debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom, ) import Kore.Rewrite.RewritingVariable ( RewritingVariableName, ) import Kore.Simplify.Simplify as Simplifier import Kore.Sort ( Sort, sameSort, ) import Kore.Syntax.Variable import Kore.Unification.Unify ( MonadUnify, ) import Kore.Unparser ( unparse, unparseToString, ) import Kore.Unparser qualified as Unparser import Logic import Prelude.Kore import Pretty qualified class AcWrapper (normalized :: Type -> Type -> Type) => TermWrapper normalized where | Render a normalized value ( e.g. ' NormalizedSet ' ) as an ' InternalAc ' . The result sort must be hooked to the builtin normalized sort ( e.g. ) . asInternalBuiltin :: SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> normalized Key child -> InternalAc Key normalized child TODO ( thomas.tuegel ): Use From . | Render a normalized value ( e.g. ' NormalizedSet ' ) as a ' TermLike ' . The result sort must be hooked to the builtin normalized sort ( e.g. ) . asInternal :: InternalVariable variable => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> TermLike variable |Transforms a @TermLike@ representation into a @NormalizedOrBottom@. toNormalized :: HasCallStack => Ord variable => Hashable variable => TermLike variable -> NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable | Pattern match on a ' TermLike ' to return a ' normalized ' . matchBuiltin :: TermLike variable -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) simplifiedAttributeValue :: Value normalized (TermLike variable) -> Attribute.Simplified instance TermWrapper NormalizedMap where asInternalBuiltin tools builtinAcSort builtinAcChild = InternalAc { builtinAcSort , builtinAcUnit = Builtin.lookupSymbolUnit tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcElement = Builtin.lookupSymbolElement tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcConcat = Builtin.lookupSymbolConcat tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcChild } asInternal tools sort child = TermLike.mkInternalMap (asInternalBuiltin tools sort child) matchBuiltin (InternalMap_ internalMap) = Just (builtinAcChild internalMap) matchBuiltin _ = Nothing toNormalized (InternalMap_ InternalAc{builtinAcChild}) = maybe Bottom Normalized (renormalize builtinAcChild) toNormalized (App_ symbol args) | Map.isSymbolUnit symbol = case args of [] -> (Normalized . wrapAc) emptyNormalizedAc _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "MAP.unit" | Map.isSymbolElement symbol = case args of [key, value] | Just key' <- TermLike.retractKey key -> (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = HashMap.singleton key' (MapValue value) , opaque = [] } | otherwise -> (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [MapElement (key, value)] , concreteElements = HashMap.empty , opaque = [] } _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "MAP.element" | Map.isSymbolConcat symbol = case args of [map1, map2] -> toNormalized map1 <> toNormalized map2 _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "MAP.concat" toNormalized patt = (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = HashMap.empty , opaque = [patt] } simplifiedAttributeValue = TermLike.simplifiedAttribute . getMapValue instance TermWrapper NormalizedSet where asInternalBuiltin tools builtinAcSort builtinAcChild = InternalAc { builtinAcSort , builtinAcUnit = Builtin.lookupSymbolUnit tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcElement = Builtin.lookupSymbolElement tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcConcat = Builtin.lookupSymbolConcat tools builtinAcSort , builtinAcChild } asInternal tools sort child = TermLike.mkInternalSet (asInternalBuiltin tools sort child) matchBuiltin (InternalSet_ internalSet) = Just (builtinAcChild internalSet) matchBuiltin _ = Nothing toNormalized (InternalSet_ InternalAc{builtinAcChild}) = maybe Bottom Normalized (renormalize builtinAcChild) toNormalized (App_ symbol args) | Set.isSymbolUnit symbol = case args of [] -> (Normalized . wrapAc) emptyNormalizedAc _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "SET.unit" | Set.isSymbolElement symbol = case args of [elem1] | Just elem1' <- TermLike.retractKey elem1 -> (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = HashMap.singleton elem1' SetValue , opaque = [] } | otherwise -> (Normalized . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [SetElement elem1] , concreteElements = HashMap.empty , opaque = [] } _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "SET.element" | Set.isSymbolConcat symbol = case args of [set1, set2] -> toNormalized set1 <> toNormalized set2 _ -> Builtin.wrongArity "SET.concat" toNormalized patt = (Normalized . wrapAc) emptyNormalizedAc{opaque = [patt]} simplifiedAttributeValue SetValue = mempty | Wrapper for terms that keeps the " concrete " vs " with variable " distinction after converting @TermLike Concrete@ to @TermLike variable@. after converting @TermLike Concrete@ to @TermLike variable@. -} data ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable = ConcretePat (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) | WithVariablePat (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) instance From (ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable) (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) where from = \case ConcretePat result -> result WithVariablePat result -> result fromConcreteOrWithVariable :: ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable -> (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) fromConcreteOrWithVariable = from type TermNormalizedAc normalized variable = normalized Key (TermLike variable) data NormalizedOrBottom collection variable = Normalized (TermNormalizedAc collection variable) | Bottom deriving stock (GHC.Generic) deriving stock instance Eq (TermNormalizedAc collection variable) => Eq (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) deriving stock instance Ord (TermNormalizedAc collection variable) => Ord (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) deriving stock instance Show (TermNormalizedAc collection variable) => Show (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) instance SOP.Generic (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) instance Debug (collection Key (TermLike variable)) => Debug (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) instance ( Debug (collection Key (TermLike variable)) , Diff (collection Key (TermLike variable)) ) => Diff (NormalizedOrBottom collection variable) instance (Ord variable, TermWrapper normalized, Hashable variable) => Semigroup (NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable) where Bottom <> _ = Bottom _ <> Bottom = Bottom Normalized normalized1 <> Normalized normalized2 = maybe Bottom Normalized $ concatNormalized normalized1 normalized2 concatNormalized :: forall normalized variable. (TermWrapper normalized, Ord variable, Hashable variable) => normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) concatNormalized normalized1 normalized2 = do Monad.guard disjointConcreteElements abstract' <- updateAbstractElements $ onBoth (++) elementsWithVariables let concrete' = onBoth HashMap.union concreteElements opaque' = Data.List.sort $ onBoth (++) opaque renormalize $ wrapAc NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = abstract' , concreteElements = concrete' , opaque = opaque' } where onBoth :: (a -> a -> r) -> ( NormalizedAc normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> a ) -> r onBoth f g = on f (g . unwrapAc) normalized1 normalized2 disjointConcreteElements = null $ onBoth HashMap.intersection concreteElements | Take a ( possibly de - normalized ) internal representation to its normal form . @renormalize@ returns ' Nothing ' if the normal form is @\\bottom@. First , abstract elements are converted to concrete elements wherever possible . Second , any opaque terms which are actually builtins are combined with the top - level term , so that the normal form never has children which are internal representations themselves ; this " flattening " step also recurses to @renormalize@ the previously - opaque children . @renormalize@ returns 'Nothing' if the normal form is @\\bottom@. First, abstract elements are converted to concrete elements wherever possible. Second, any opaque terms which are actually builtins are combined with the top-level term, so that the normal form never has children which are internal representations themselves; this "flattening" step also recurses to @renormalize@ the previously-opaque children. -} renormalize :: (TermWrapper normalized, Ord variable, Hashable variable) => normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) renormalize = normalizeAbstractElements >=> flattenOpaque insertMissing :: Ord key => Hashable key => key -> value -> HashMap key value -> Maybe (HashMap key value) insertMissing k v m | HashMap.member k m = Nothing | otherwise = Just (HashMap.insert k v m) updateConcreteElements :: HashMap Key value -> [(Key, value)] -> Maybe (HashMap Key value) updateConcreteElements elems newElems = foldrM (uncurry insertMissing) elems newElems updateAbstractElements :: (AcWrapper collection, Ord child, Hashable child) => [Element collection child] -> Maybe [Element collection child] updateAbstractElements elements = fmap (map wrapElement . HashMap.toList) $ foldrM (uncurry insertMissing) HashMap.empty $ map unwrapElement elements normalizeAbstractElements :: (TermWrapper normalized, Ord variable) => normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) normalizeAbstractElements (unwrapAc -> normalized) = do concrete' <- updateConcreteElements concrete newConcrete abstract' <- updateAbstractElements newAbstract return $ wrapAc NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = abstract' , concreteElements = concrete' , opaque = opaque normalized } where abstract = elementsWithVariables normalized concrete = concreteElements normalized (newConcrete, newAbstract) = partitionEithers (extractConcreteElement <$> abstract) extractConcreteElement :: AcWrapper collection => Element collection (TermLike variable) -> Either (Key, Value collection (TermLike variable)) (Element collection (TermLike variable)) extractConcreteElement element = maybe (Right element) (Left . flip (,) value) (TermLike.retractKey key) where (key, value) = unwrapElement element flattenOpaque :: (TermWrapper normalized, Ord variable, Hashable variable) => normalized Key (TermLike variable) -> Maybe (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) flattenOpaque (unwrapAc -> normalized) = do let NormalizedAc{opaque} = normalized (builtin, opaque') = partitionEithers (extractBuiltin <$> opaque) transparent = wrapAc normalized{opaque = opaque'} foldrM concatNormalized transparent builtin where extractBuiltin termLike = maybe (Right termLike) Left (matchBuiltin termLike) instance (Ord variable, TermWrapper normalized, Hashable variable) => Monoid (NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable) where mempty = Normalized $ wrapAc emptyNormalizedAc | Computes the union of two maps if they are disjoint . Returns @Nothing@ otherwise . otherwise. -} addToMapDisjoint :: (Ord a, Foldable t, Hashable a) => HashMap a b -> t (a, b) -> Maybe (HashMap a b) addToMapDisjoint = Monad.foldM addElementDisjoint addElementDisjoint :: Ord a => Hashable a => HashMap a b -> (a, b) -> Maybe (HashMap a b) addElementDisjoint existing (key, value) = if key `HashMap.member` existing then Nothing else return (HashMap.insert key value existing) returnAc :: ( InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => Sort -> TermNormalizedAc normalized variable -> Simplifier (Pattern variable) returnAc resultSort ac = do tools <- Simplifier.askMetadataTools asInternal tools resultSort ac & Pattern.fromTermLike & return returnConcreteAc :: ( InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => Sort -> HashMap Key (Value normalized (TermLike variable)) -> Simplifier (Pattern variable) returnConcreteAc resultSort concrete = (returnAc resultSort . wrapAc) NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = concrete , opaque = [] } | The same as ' asInternal ' , but for ac structures made only of concrete elements . elements. -} asInternalConcrete :: (InternalVariable variable, TermWrapper normalized) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> HashMap Key (Value normalized (TermLike variable)) -> TermLike variable asInternalConcrete tools sort1 concreteAc = asInternal tools sort1 $ wrapAc NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = [] , concreteElements = concreteAc , opaque = [] } elementListAsInternal :: forall normalized variable. (InternalVariable variable, TermWrapper normalized) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] -> Maybe (TermLike variable) elementListAsInternal tools sort1 terms = asInternal tools sort1 . wrapAc <$> elementListAsNormalized terms elementListAsNormalized :: forall normalized variable. (InternalVariable variable, TermWrapper normalized) => [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] -> Maybe (NormalizedAc normalized Key (TermLike variable)) elementListAsNormalized terms = do let (withVariables, concrete) = splitVariableConcrete terms _checkDisjoinVariables <- disjointMap withVariables concreteAc <- disjointMap concrete return NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = wrapElement <$> withVariables , concreteElements = concreteAc , opaque = [] } | Render a ' NormalizedAc ' as an extended domain value pattern . asPattern :: ( InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> Sort -> TermNormalizedAc normalized variable -> Pattern variable asPattern tools resultSort = Pattern.fromTermLike . asInternal tools resultSort | Evaluates a concatenation of two AC structures represented as NormalizedOrBottom , providind the result in the form of a function result . NormalizedOrBottom, providind the result in the form of a function result. -} evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom :: forall normalized variable. ( InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => Sort -> NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable -> NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable -> MaybeT Simplifier (Pattern variable) evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom resultSort Bottom _ = return (Pattern.bottomOf resultSort) evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom resultSort _ Bottom = return (Pattern.bottomOf resultSort) evalConcatNormalizedOrBottom resultSort (Normalized normalized1) (Normalized normalized2) = maybe (return $ Pattern.bottomOf resultSort) (lift . returnAc resultSort) $ concatNormalized normalized1 normalized2 disjointMap :: Ord a => Hashable a => [(a, b)] -> Maybe (HashMap a b) disjointMap = addToMapDisjoint HashMap.empty splitVariableConcrete :: forall variable a. [(TermLike variable, a)] -> ([(TermLike variable, a)], [(Key, a)]) splitVariableConcrete terms = partitionEithers (map toConcreteEither terms) where toConcreteEither :: (TermLike variable, a) -> Either (TermLike variable, a) (Key, a) toConcreteEither (term, a) = case TermLike.retractKey term of Nothing -> Left (term, a) Just result -> Right (result, a) | Simplify the conjunction or equality of two Ac domain values in their normalized form . When it is used for simplifying equality , one should separately solve the case ⊥ = ⊥. One should also throw away the term in the returned pattern . The domain values are assumed to have the same sort , but this is not checked . If multiple sorts are hooked to the same builtin domain , the verifier should reject the definition . normalized form. When it is used for simplifying equality, one should separately solve the case ⊥ = ⊥. One should also throw away the term in the returned pattern. The domain values are assumed to have the same sort, but this is not checked. If multiple sorts are hooked to the same builtin domain, the verifier should reject the definition. -} unifyEqualsNormalized :: forall normalized unifier. ( Traversable (Value normalized) , TermWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier ) => HasCallStack => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> ( TermLike RewritingVariableName -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) ) -> InternalAc Key normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) -> InternalAc Key normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) -> UnifyEqualsNormAc normalized RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) unifyEqualsNormalized tools first second unifyEqualsChildren normalized1 normalized2 unifyData = do let InternalAc{builtinAcChild = firstNormalized} = normalized1 InternalAc{builtinAcChild = secondNormalized} = normalized2 unifierNormalized <- unifyEqualsNormalizedAc tools first second unifyEqualsChildren firstNormalized secondNormalized unifyData let unifierNormalizedTerm :: TermNormalizedAc normalized RewritingVariableName unifierCondition :: Condition RewritingVariableName (unifierNormalizedTerm, unifierCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm unifierNormalized normalizedTerm :: TermLike RewritingVariableName normalizedTerm = asInternal tools sort1 unifierNormalizedTerm renormalized <- normalize1 normalizedTerm let unifierTerm :: TermLike RewritingVariableName unifierTerm = markSimplified $ asInternal tools sort1 renormalized markSimplified = TermLike.setSimplified ( foldMap TermLike.simplifiedAttribute opaque <> foldMap TermLike.simplifiedAttribute abstractKeys <> foldMap simplifiedAttributeValue abstractValues <> foldMap simplifiedAttributeValue concreteValues ) where unwrapped = unwrapAc renormalized NormalizedAc{opaque} = unwrapped (abstractKeys, abstractValues) = (unzip . map unwrapElement) (elementsWithVariables unwrapped) (_, concreteValues) = (unzip . HashMap.toList) (concreteElements unwrapped) return (unifierTerm `Pattern.withCondition` unifierCondition) where sort1 = termLikeSort first normalize1 :: HasCallStack => InternalVariable variable => TermLike variable -> unifier (TermNormalizedAc normalized variable) normalize1 patt = case toNormalized patt of Bottom -> debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom "Duplicated elements in normalization." first second Normalized n -> return n data UnifyEqualsElementListsData normalized = UnifyEqualsElementListsData Given normalized data norm1 , norm2 , norm1 - norm2 and norm2 - norm1 allElements1, allElements2 :: ![ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized RewritingVariableName] Is Just v if v is the sole opaque in norm1 - norm2 , else Nothing maybeVar :: !(Maybe (ElementVariable RewritingVariableName)) } data UnifyEqualsNormAc normalized variable = UnifyEqualsElementLists !(UnifyEqualsElementListsData normalized) | UnifyOpaqueVar !(UnifyOpVarResult variable) matchUnifyEqualsNormalizedAc :: forall normalized. TermWrapper normalized => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> InternalAc Key normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) -> InternalAc Key normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) -> Maybe (UnifyEqualsNormAc normalized RewritingVariableName) matchUnifyEqualsNormalizedAc tools normalized1 normalized2 = case (opaqueDifference1, opaqueDifference2) of ([], []) -> Just $ UnifyEqualsElementLists $ UnifyEqualsElementListsData allElements1 allElements2 Nothing ([ElemVar_ v1], _) | null opaqueDifference2 -> Just $ UnifyEqualsElementLists $ UnifyEqualsElementListsData allElements1 allElements2 (Just v1) | null allElements1 -> fmap UnifyOpaqueVar $ matchUnifyOpaqueVariable' v1 allElements2 opaqueDifference2 _ -> Nothing where matchUnifyOpaqueVariable' = matchUnifyOpaqueVariable tools listToMap :: Hashable a => [a] -> HashMap a Int listToMap keys = HashMap.fromListWith (+) [(k, 1) | k <- keys] mapToList :: HashMap a Int -> [a] mapToList = HashMap.foldrWithKey (\key count result -> replicate count key ++ result) [] NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preElementsWithVariables1 , concreteElements = concreteElements1 , opaque = opaque1 } = unwrapAc firstNormalized NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preElementsWithVariables2 , concreteElements = concreteElements2 , opaque = opaque2 } = unwrapAc secondNormalized InternalAc{builtinAcChild = firstNormalized} = normalized1 InternalAc{builtinAcChild = secondNormalized} = normalized2 opaque1Map = listToMap opaque1 opaque2Map = listToMap opaque2 elementsWithVariables1 = unwrapElement <$> preElementsWithVariables1 elementsWithVariables2 = unwrapElement <$> preElementsWithVariables2 elementsWithVariables1Map = HashMap.fromList elementsWithVariables1 elementsWithVariables2Map = HashMap.fromList elementsWithVariables2 commonElements = HashMap.intersectionWith (,) concreteElements1 concreteElements2 commonVariables = HashMap.intersectionWith (,) elementsWithVariables1Map elementsWithVariables2Map non - empty , in which case one of the terms is bottom , which commonOpaqueMap = HashMap.intersectionWith max opaque1Map opaque2Map commonOpaqueKeys = HashMap.keysSet commonOpaqueMap elementDifference1 = HashMap.toList (HashMap.difference concreteElements1 commonElements) elementDifference2 = HashMap.toList (HashMap.difference concreteElements2 commonElements) elementVariableDifference1 = HashMap.toList (HashMap.difference elementsWithVariables1Map commonVariables) elementVariableDifference2 = HashMap.toList (HashMap.difference elementsWithVariables2Map commonVariables) opaqueDifference1 = mapToList (withoutKeys opaque1Map commonOpaqueKeys) opaqueDifference2 = mapToList (withoutKeys opaque2Map commonOpaqueKeys) withoutKeys :: Hashable k => HashMap k v -> HashSet k -> HashMap k v withoutKeys hmap hset = hmap `HashMap.difference` (HashSet.toMap hset) allElements1 = map WithVariablePat elementVariableDifference1 ++ map toConcretePat elementDifference1 allElements2 = map WithVariablePat elementVariableDifference2 ++ map toConcretePat elementDifference2 toConcretePat :: (Key, Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName)) -> ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized RewritingVariableName toConcretePat (a, b) = ConcretePat (from @Key @(TermLike RewritingVariableName) a, b) | two AC structs represented as @NormalizedAc@. Currently allows at most one opaque term in the two arguments taken together . Currently allows at most one opaque term in the two arguments taken together. -} unifyEqualsNormalizedAc :: forall normalized unifier. ( Traversable (Value normalized) , TermWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier ) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> ( TermLike RewritingVariableName -> TermLike RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) ) -> TermNormalizedAc normalized RewritingVariableName -> TermNormalizedAc normalized RewritingVariableName -> UnifyEqualsNormAc normalized RewritingVariableName -> unifier ( Conditional RewritingVariableName (TermNormalizedAc normalized RewritingVariableName) ) unifyEqualsNormalizedAc tools first second unifyEqualsChildren normalized1 normalized2 unifyData = do (simpleUnifier, opaques) <- case unifyData of UnifyEqualsElementLists unifyData' -> unifyEqualsElementLists' allElements1 allElements2 maybeVar where UnifyEqualsElementListsData{allElements1, allElements2, maybeVar} = unifyData' UnifyOpaqueVar unifyData' -> unifyOpaqueVariable bottomWithExplanation unifyEqualsChildren unifyData' let (unifiedElements, unifierCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm simpleUnifier do (commonElementsTerms, commonElementsCondition) <- unifyElementList (HashMap.toList commonElements) (commonVariablesTerms, commonVariablesCondition) <- unifyElementList (HashMap.toList commonVariables) unifiedSimplified <- mapM simplifyPair unifiedElements opaquesSimplified <- mapM simplify opaques buildResultFromUnifiers bottomWithExplanation commonElementsTerms commonVariablesTerms commonOpaque unifiedSimplified opaquesSimplified [ unifierCondition , commonElementsCondition , commonVariablesCondition ] where listToMap :: Hashable a => [a] -> HashMap a Int listToMap keys = HashMap.fromListWith (+) [(k, 1) | k <- keys] mapToList :: HashMap a Int -> [a] mapToList = HashMap.foldrWithKey (\key count result -> replicate count key ++ result) [] bottomWithExplanation :: Text -> unifier a bottomWithExplanation explanation = debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom explanation first second unifyEqualsElementLists' = unifyEqualsElementLists tools first second unifyEqualsChildren NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preElementsWithVariables1 , concreteElements = concreteElements1 , opaque = opaque1 } = unwrapAc normalized1 NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preElementsWithVariables2 , concreteElements = concreteElements2 , opaque = opaque2 } = unwrapAc normalized2 opaque1Map = listToMap opaque1 opaque2Map = listToMap opaque2 elementsWithVariables1 = unwrapElement <$> preElementsWithVariables1 elementsWithVariables2 = unwrapElement <$> preElementsWithVariables2 elementsWithVariables1Map = HashMap.fromList elementsWithVariables1 elementsWithVariables2Map = HashMap.fromList elementsWithVariables2 commonElements = HashMap.intersectionWith (,) concreteElements1 concreteElements2 commonVariables = HashMap.intersectionWith (,) elementsWithVariables1Map elementsWithVariables2Map non - empty , in which case one of the terms is bottom , which commonOpaqueMap = HashMap.intersectionWith max opaque1Map opaque2Map commonOpaque = mapToList commonOpaqueMap unifyElementList :: forall key. [ ( key , ( Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) , Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) ) ) ] -> unifier ( [(key, Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName))] , Condition RewritingVariableName ) unifyElementList elements = do result <- mapM (unifyCommonElements unifyEqualsChildren) elements let terms :: [(key, Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName))] predicates :: [Condition RewritingVariableName] (terms, predicates) = unzip (map Conditional.splitTerm result) predicate :: Condition RewritingVariableName predicate = List.foldl' andCondition Condition.top predicates return (terms, predicate) simplify :: TermLike RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) simplify term = mapLogicT liftSimplifier (simplifyPatternScatter SideCondition.topTODO (Pattern.fromTermLike term)) & lowerLogicT simplifyPair :: ( TermLike RewritingVariableName , Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) ) -> unifier ( Conditional RewritingVariableName ( TermLike RewritingVariableName , Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) ) ) simplifyPair (key, value) = do simplifiedKey <- simplifyTermLike' key let (keyTerm, keyCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm simplifiedKey simplifiedValue <- traverse simplifyTermLike' value let splitSimplifiedValue :: Value normalized ( TermLike RewritingVariableName , Condition RewritingVariableName ) splitSimplifiedValue = fmap Conditional.splitTerm simplifiedValue simplifiedValueTerm :: Value normalized (TermLike RewritingVariableName) simplifiedValueTerm = fmap fst splitSimplifiedValue simplifiedValueConditions :: Value normalized (Condition RewritingVariableName) simplifiedValueConditions = fmap snd splitSimplifiedValue simplifiedValueCondition :: Condition RewritingVariableName simplifiedValueCondition = foldr andCondition Condition.top simplifiedValueConditions return ( (keyTerm, simplifiedValueTerm) `withCondition` keyCondition `andCondition` simplifiedValueCondition ) where simplifyTermLike' :: TermLike RewritingVariableName -> unifier (Pattern RewritingVariableName) simplifyTermLike' term = mapLogicT liftSimplifier (simplifyPatternScatter SideCondition.topTODO (Pattern.fromTermLike term)) & lowerLogicT buildResultFromUnifiers :: forall normalized unifier variable. ( Monad unifier , InternalVariable variable , TermWrapper normalized ) => (forall result. Text -> unifier result) -> [(Key, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] -> [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] -> [TermLike variable] -> [ Conditional variable (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) ] -> [Pattern variable] -> [Condition variable] -> unifier (Conditional variable (TermNormalizedAc normalized variable)) buildResultFromUnifiers bottomWithExplanation commonElementsTerms commonVariablesTerms commonOpaque unifiedElementsSimplified opaquesSimplified predicates = do let almostResultTerms :: [ ( TermLike variable , Value normalized (TermLike variable) ) ] almostResultConditions :: [Condition variable] (almostResultTerms, almostResultConditions) = unzip (map Conditional.splitTerm unifiedElementsSimplified) (withVariableTerms, concreteTerms) = splitVariableConcrete almostResultTerms (opaquesTerms, opaquesConditions) = unzip (map Conditional.splitTerm opaquesSimplified) opaquesNormalized :: NormalizedOrBottom normalized variable opaquesNormalized = foldMap toNormalized opaquesTerms NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = preOpaquesElementsWithVariables , concreteElements = opaquesConcreteTerms , opaque = opaquesOpaque } <- case opaquesNormalized of Bottom -> bottomWithExplanation "Duplicated elements after unification." Normalized result -> return (unwrapAc result) let opaquesElementsWithVariables = unwrapElement <$> preOpaquesElementsWithVariables withVariableMap <- addAllDisjoint bottomWithExplanation HashMap.empty ( commonVariablesTerms ++ withVariableTerms ++ opaquesElementsWithVariables ) concreteMap <- addAllDisjoint bottomWithExplanation HashMap.empty ( commonElementsTerms ++ concreteTerms ++ HashMap.toList opaquesConcreteTerms ) let allOpaque = Data.List.sort (commonOpaque ++ opaquesOpaque) predicate = List.foldl' andCondition Condition.top (almostResultConditions ++ opaquesConditions ++ predicates) result :: Conditional variable (normalized Key (TermLike variable)) result = wrapAc NormalizedAc { elementsWithVariables = wrapElement <$> HashMap.toList withVariableMap , concreteElements = concreteMap , opaque = allOpaque } `Conditional.withCondition` predicate return result addAllDisjoint :: (Monad unifier, Ord a, Hashable a) => (forall result. Text -> unifier result) -> HashMap a b -> [(a, b)] -> unifier (HashMap a b) addAllDisjoint bottomWithExplanation existing elements = case addToMapDisjoint existing elements of Nothing -> bottomWithExplanation "Duplicated elements after AC unification." Just result -> return result unifyCommonElements :: forall key normalized unifier variable. ( AcWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable , Traversable (Value normalized) ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> ( key , ( Value normalized (TermLike variable) , Value normalized (TermLike variable) ) ) -> unifier ( Conditional variable (key, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) ) unifyCommonElements unifier (key, (firstValue, secondValue)) = do valuesUnifier <- unifyWrappedValues unifier firstValue secondValue let (valuesTerm, valueCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm valuesUnifier return ((key, valuesTerm) `withCondition` valueCondition) unifyWrappedValues :: forall normalized unifier variable. ( AcWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable , Traversable (Value normalized) ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> Value normalized (TermLike variable) -> Value normalized (TermLike variable) -> unifier (Conditional variable (Value normalized (TermLike variable))) unifyWrappedValues unifier firstValue secondValue = do let aligned = alignValues firstValue secondValue unifiedValues <- traverse (uncurry unifier) aligned let splitValues :: Value normalized (TermLike variable, Condition variable) splitValues = fmap Pattern.splitTerm unifiedValues valueUnifierTerm :: Value normalized (TermLike variable) valueUnifierTerm = fmap fst splitValues valueConditions :: Value normalized (Condition variable) valueConditions = fmap snd splitValues valueUnifierCondition :: Condition variable valueUnifierCondition = foldr Conditional.andCondition Condition.top valueConditions return (valueUnifierTerm `withCondition` valueUnifierCondition) | two ac structures given their representation as a list of @ConcreteOrWithVariable@ , with the first structure being allowed an additional opaque chunk ( e.g. a variable ) that will be sent to the unifier function together with some part of the second structure . The keys of the two structures are assumend to be disjoint . @ConcreteOrWithVariable@, with the first structure being allowed an additional opaque chunk (e.g. a variable) that will be sent to the unifier function together with some part of the second structure. The keys of the two structures are assumend to be disjoint. -} unifyEqualsElementLists :: forall normalized variable unifier. ( InternalVariable variable , MonadUnify unifier , TermWrapper normalized , Traversable (Value normalized) ) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> | First structure elements [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> | Second structure elements [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> | Opaque element variable of the first structure Maybe (ElementVariable variable) -> unifier ( Conditional variable [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] , [TermLike variable] ) unifyEqualsElementLists _tools first second unifyEqualsChildren firstElements secondElements Nothing | length firstElements /= length secondElements = Neither the first , not the second ac structure include an opaque term , so the listed elements form the two structures . Since the two lists have different counts , their structures can debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom "Cannot unify ac structures with different sizes." first second | otherwise = do (result, remainder1, remainder2) <- unifyWithPermutations firstElements secondElements The second structure does not include an opaque term so there is nothing to match whatever is left in remainder1 . This should have been caught by unless (null remainder1) (remainderError firstElements secondElements remainder1) The first structure does not include an opaque term so there is nothing to match whatever is left in remainder2 . This should have been caught by unless (null remainder2) (remainderError firstElements secondElements remainder2) return (result, []) where unifyWithPermutations :: First structure elements [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> Second structure elements [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> unifier ( Conditional variable [ ( TermLike variable , Value normalized (TermLike variable) ) ] , [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] , [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] ) unifyWithPermutations = unifyEqualsElementPermutations (unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifyEqualsChildren) remainderError = nonEmptyRemainderError first second unifyEqualsElementLists tools first second unifyEqualsChildren firstElements secondElements (Just opaqueElemVar) | length firstElements > length secondElements = The second structure does not include an opaque term , so all the elements in the first structure must be matched by elements in the second debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom "Cannot unify ac structures with different sizes." first second | otherwise = do (unifier, remainder1, remainder2) <- unifyWithPermutations firstElements secondElements The second structure does not include an opaque term so there is nothing to match whatever is left in remainder1 . This should have been caught by unless (null remainder1) (remainderError firstElements secondElements remainder1) let remainder2Terms = map fromConcreteOrWithVariable remainder2 case elementListAsInternal tools (sameSort (termLikeSort first) (termLikeSort second)) remainder2Terms of Nothing -> debugUnifyBottomAndReturnBottom "Duplicated element in unification results" first second Just remainderTerm | TermLike.isFunctionPattern remainderTerm -> do opaqueUnifier <- unifyEqualsChildren (mkElemVar opaqueElemVar) remainderTerm let (opaqueTerm, opaqueCondition) = Pattern.splitTerm opaqueUnifier result = unifier `andCondition` opaqueCondition return (result, [opaqueTerm]) _ -> error . show . Pretty.vsep $ [ "Unification case that should be handled somewhere else: \ \attempting normalized unification with \ \non-function maps could lead to infinite loops." , Pretty.indent 2 "first=" , Pretty.indent 4 (unparse first) , Pretty.indent 2 "second=" , Pretty.indent 4 (unparse second) ] where unifyWithPermutations = unifyEqualsElementPermutations (unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifyEqualsChildren) remainderError = nonEmptyRemainderError first second data NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData variable = NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData Given normalized data norm1 , , the sole opaque variable in norm1 - norm2 v1 :: !(TermLike.ElementVariable variable) second :: !(TermLike variable) } data UnifyOpVarResult variable = NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren !(NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData variable) | BottomWithExplanation matchUnifyOpaqueVariable :: ( TermWrapper normalized , InternalVariable variable ) => SmtMetadataTools Attribute.Symbol -> TermLike.ElementVariable variable -> [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> [TermLike variable] -> Maybe (UnifyOpVarResult variable) matchUnifyOpaqueVariable _ v1 [] [second@(ElemVar_ _)] = Just $ NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData{v1, second} matchUnifyOpaqueVariable tools v1 concreteOrVariableTerms opaqueTerms = case elementListAsNormalized pairs of Nothing -> Just BottomWithExplanation Just elementTerm -> let secondTerm = asInternal tools sort ( wrapAc elementTerm{opaque = opaqueTerms} ) in if TermLike.isFunctionPattern secondTerm then Just $ NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren $ NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData v1 secondTerm else Nothing where sort = variableSort v1 pairs = map fromConcreteOrWithVariable concreteOrVariableTerms unifyOpaqueVariable :: ( MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable ) => (forall a. Text -> unifier a) -> (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> UnifyOpVarResult variable -> unifier ( Conditional variable [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] , [TermLike variable] ) unifyOpaqueVariable bottomWithExplanation unifyChildren unifyData = case unifyData of NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren unifyData' -> noCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren unifyChildren v1 second where NoCheckUnifyOpaqueChildrenData{v1, second} = unifyData' _ -> bottomWithExplanation "Duplicated element in unification results" noCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren :: ( MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> TermLike.ElementVariable variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier ( Conditional variable [(TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable))] , [TermLike variable] ) noCheckUnifyOpaqueChildren unifyChildren v1 second = do unifier <- unifyChildren (mkElemVar v1) second let (opaque, predicate) = Conditional.splitTerm unifier return ([] `Conditional.withCondition` predicate, [opaque]) |Unifies two patterns represented as @ConcreteOrWithVariable@ , making sure that a concrete pattern ( if any ) is sent on the first position of the unify function . We prefer having a concrete pattern on the first position because the unifier prefers returning it when it does not know what to use , e.g. @ unify 10 ( f A ) = = > 10 and ( 10 = = f A ) unify ( f A ) 10 = = > ( f A ) and ( 10 = = f A ) @ and it would probably be more useful to have a concrete term as the unification term . Also , tests are easier to write . that a concrete pattern (if any) is sent on the first position of the unify function. We prefer having a concrete pattern on the first position because the unifier prefers returning it when it does not know what to use, e.g. @ unify 10 (f A) ==> 10 and (10 == f A) unify (f A) 10 ==> (f A) and (10 == f A) @ and it would probably be more useful to have a concrete term as the unification term. Also, tests are easier to write. -} unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable :: ( AcWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier , Traversable (Value normalized) , InternalVariable variable ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable -> ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable -> unifier ( Conditional variable (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) ) unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifier (ConcretePat concrete1) (ConcretePat concrete2) = unifyEqualsPair unifier concrete1 concrete2 unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifier (ConcretePat concrete1) (WithVariablePat withVariable2) = unifyEqualsPair unifier concrete1 withVariable2 unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifier (WithVariablePat withVariable) (ConcretePat concrete2) = unifyEqualsPair unifier concrete2 withVariable unifyEqualsConcreteOrWithVariable unifier (WithVariablePat withVariable) (WithVariablePat withVariable2) = unifyEqualsPair unifier withVariable withVariable2 unifyEqualsPair :: forall normalized unifier variable. ( AcWrapper normalized , MonadUnify unifier , InternalVariable variable , Traversable (Value normalized) ) => (TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> unifier (Pattern variable)) -> (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) -> (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) -> unifier ( Conditional variable (TermLike variable, Value normalized (TermLike variable)) ) unifyEqualsPair unifier (firstKey, firstValue) (secondKey, secondValue) = do keyUnifier <- unifier firstKey secondKey valueUnifier <- unifyWrappedValues unifier firstValue secondValue let valueUnifierTerm :: Value normalized (TermLike variable) valueUnifierCondition :: Condition variable (valueUnifierTerm, valueUnifierCondition) = Conditional.splitTerm valueUnifier let (keyUnifierTerm, keyUnifierCondition) = Pattern.splitTerm keyUnifier return ( (keyUnifierTerm, valueUnifierTerm) `withCondition` keyUnifierCondition `andCondition` valueUnifierCondition ) | Given a unify function and two lists of unifiable things , returns all possible ways to unify disjoint pairs of the two that use all items from at least one of the lists . Also returns the non - unified part os the lists ( one of the two will be empty ) . all possible ways to unify disjoint pairs of the two that use all items from at least one of the lists. Also returns the non-unified part os the lists (one of the two will be empty). -} unifyEqualsElementPermutations :: ( Alternative unifier , Monad unifier , InternalVariable variable ) => (a -> b -> unifier (Conditional variable c)) -> [a] -> [b] -> unifier ( Conditional variable [c] , [a] , [b] ) unifyEqualsElementPermutations unifier firsts seconds = do (unifiers, remainderFirst, remainderSecond) <- if length firsts < length seconds then do (u, r) <- kPermutationsBacktracking (flip unifier) seconds firsts return (u, [], r) else do (u, r) <- kPermutationsBacktracking unifier firsts seconds return (u, r, []) let (terms, predicates) = unzip (map Conditional.splitTerm unifiers) predicate = foldr andCondition Condition.top predicates return (terms `withCondition` predicate, remainderFirst, remainderSecond) |Given two lists generates k - permutation pairings and merges them using the provided merge function . k is the length of the second list , which means that , if the @[b]@ list is longer than the @[a]@ list , this will not generate any k - permutations . However , it will probably take a long time to generate nothing . If the pairing function fails ( i.e. returns empty ) , the entire function will stop exploring future branches that would include the given pair . Note that this does not mean that we wo n't try a failing pair again with a different set of previous choices , so this function could be optimized to at least cache pairing results . provided merge function. k is the length of the second list, which means that, if the @[b]@ list is longer than the @[a]@ list, this will not generate any k-permutations. However, it will probably take a long time to generate nothing. If the pairing function fails (i.e. returns empty), the entire function will stop exploring future branches that would include the given pair. Note that this does not mean that we won't try a failing pair again with a different set of previous choices, so this function could be optimized to at least cache pairing results. -} kPermutationsBacktracking :: forall a b c m. Alternative m => (a -> b -> m c) -> [a] -> [b] -> m ([c], [a]) kPermutationsBacktracking _ first [] = pure ([], first) kPermutationsBacktracking transform firstList secondList = generateKPermutationsWorker firstList [] secondList where generateKPermutationsWorker :: [a] -> [a] -> [b] -> m ([c], [a]) generateKPermutationsWorker _ (_ : _) [] = error "Unexpected non-empty skipped list with empty pair opportunities" generateKPermutationsWorker [] [] [] = pure ([], []) generateKPermutationsWorker [] _ _ = empty generateKPermutationsWorker first [] [] = pure ([], first) generateKPermutationsWorker (first : firsts) skipped (second : seconds) = pickElement <|> skipElement where pickElement = addToFirst <$> transform first second <*> generateKPermutationsWorker (skipped ++ firsts) [] seconds addToFirst :: x -> ([x], y) -> ([x], y) addToFirst x (xs, y) = (x : xs, y) skipElement = generateKPermutationsWorker firsts (first : skipped) (second : seconds) nonEmptyRemainderError :: forall a normalized variable. ( HasCallStack , InternalVariable variable , AcWrapper normalized ) => TermLike variable -> TermLike variable -> [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> [ConcreteOrWithVariable normalized variable] -> a nonEmptyRemainderError first second input1 input2 remainder = (error . unlines) [ "Unexpected unused elements, should have been caught" , "by checks above:" , "first=" ++ unparseToString first , "second=" ++ unparseToString second , "input1=" ++ unlines (map unparseWrapped input1) , "input2=" ++ unlines (map unparseWrapped input2) , "remainder=" ++ unlines (map unparseWrapped remainder) ] where unparseWrapped = Unparser.renderDefault . unparsePair . fromConcreteOrWithVariable unparsePair = unparseElement unparse . wrapElement newtype UnitSymbol = UnitSymbol {getUnitSymbol :: Symbol} newtype ConcatSymbol = ConcatSymbol {getConcatSymbol :: Symbol} newtype ConcreteElements variable = ConcreteElements {getConcreteElements :: [TermLike variable]} newtype VariableElements variable = VariableElements {getVariableElements :: [TermLike variable]} newtype Opaque variable = Opaque {getOpaque :: [TermLike variable]}
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings , ScopedTypeVariables # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- | ---- Module : Main ---- -- ` connmatch ' parses the file that maps local IPs to hostnames and -- a directory of lsof outputs where files are named exactly as ---- hostnames. `lsof' outputs are connected into a list of connections -- which are used as graphviz edges . ---- The current implementation doesn't take any outgoing connections into ---- account yet. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- module Main where import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents) import Control.Monad (join) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Word (Word8) newtype Process = Process BS.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq) newtype Host = Host BS.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq) newtype Addr = Addr (IP, BS.ByteString) deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) -- | 'lsof' entry data OpenFile = Connection Host Process Addr Addr | Listen Host Process Addr deriving (Show, Eq) data IP = IP BS.ByteString | Any deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) type IPMap = M.Map IP Host -- | How an OpenFile links to the network: locally, connects somewhere else -- or does not link at all (listening socket). data Link = Link OpenFile | External | Empty deriving (Show) sIP :: BS.ByteString -> IP sIP "*" = Any sIP s = IP s sAddr :: BS.ByteString -> Addr sAddr s = Addr (sIP ip, port) where [ip, port] = C.split ':' s -- | Extract a source address from an 'OpenFile'. openFileSrc :: OpenFile -> Addr openFileSrc (Connection _ _ src _) = src openFileSrc (Listen _ _ src) = src -- | Checks if an address is IPv6, which is not supported. addrNotIp6 :: BS.ByteString -> Bool addrNotIp6 a = (BS.head a) /= (BS.head "[") matchAddr :: IPMap -> Host -> Addr -> Addr matchAddr ipmap (Host defaultHost) addr@(Addr (ip, port)) = maybe addr toAddr $ M.lookup ip ipmap where toAddr (Host host) = Addr (IP host, port) sOpenFile :: IPMap -> String -- ^ hostname that will turn into a 'Host' -> [BS.ByteString] -- ^ tokenized line of lsof: COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME (STATE) -> Maybe OpenFile sOpenFile ipmap hostname [comm, _, _, _, _, _, _, "TCP", name, state] | addrNotIp6 name = let hostS = C.pack hostname host = Host hostS addr s = case sAddr s of -- cleanup ambiguous addresses Addr (IP "", port) -> Addr (IP hostS, port) Addr (Any, port) -> Addr (IP hostS, port) a -> matchAddr ipmap host a in case state of "(LISTEN)" -> Just $ Listen host (Process comm) (addr name) _ -> Just $ Connection host (Process comm) (addr src) (addr dst) where dst = C.drop 2 dst' (src, dst') = C.breakSubstring "->" name | otherwise = Nothing sOpenFile _ _ _ = Nothing srcMap :: [OpenFile] -> M.Map Addr OpenFile srcMap = M.fromList . map (\c -> (openFileSrc c, c)) linkFiles :: [OpenFile] -> M.Map Addr OpenFile -> [(OpenFile, Link)] linkFiles conns srcmap = [(c, pair c) | c <- conns] where pair (Listen _ _ _) = Empty pair conn@(Connection _ _ _ dst) = case M.lookup dst srcmap of Just f -> Link f Nothing -> External mapFromIpaddrs :: BS.ByteString -> IPMap mapFromIpaddrs = M.fromList . map ((\[a,b] -> (sIP b, Host a)) . C.words) . C.lines lsofOpenFiles :: IPMap -> String -> BS.ByteString -> [OpenFile] lsofOpenFiles ipmap h = catMaybes . map (sOpenFile ipmap h . C.words) . drop 1 . C.lines data Stream = Stream Process Addr Process Addr deriving (Show, Eq) stream :: IPMap -> (OpenFile, Link) -> Maybe Stream stream ipmap connpair = uncurry link connpair where link c Empty = Nothing link c (Link l) = Just $ streamLink c l link (Connection h p src dst@(Addr (IP ipD, portD))) External = Just $ Stream p src (Process portD) dst streamLink (Connection hA pA srcA dstA) (Connection hB pB srcB dstB) = Stream pA srcA pB srcB streamLink (Connection hA pA srcA dstA) (Listen hB pB srcB) = Stream pA srcA pB srcB streamLink (Listen hA pA srcA) (Connection hB pB srcB dstB) = Stream pA srcA pB srcB data Edge = Edge BS.ByteString BS.ByteString deriving (Show) instance Eq Edge where (Edge a1 a2) == (Edge b1 b2) = (a1 == b1 && a2 == b2) || (a1 == b2 && a2 == b1) edge (Stream (Process commA) (Addr (IP addrA, _)) (Process commB) (Addr (IP addrB, _))) = Edge (C.concat [addrA, ":", commA]) (C.concat [addrB, ":", commB]) isJustListen (Just (Listen _ _ _)) = True isJustListen _ = False inputs :: String -> String -> IO (IPMap, [OpenFile]) inputs ipaddrPairsFile lsofPath = do ipmap <- BS.readFile ipaddrPairsFile >>= return . mapFromIpaddrs _:_:lsofs <- getDirectoryContents lsofPath connections <- mapM (\f -> BS.readFile (lsofPath ++ "/" ++ f) >>= return . lsofOpenFiles ipmap f) lsofs >>= return . concat return (ipmap, connections) graph :: IPMap -> [OpenFile] -> [Edge] graph ipaddrs connections = L.nub $ map edge $ catMaybes $ map (stream ipaddrs) pairs where srcmap = srcMap connections pairs = linkFiles connections srcmap -- nice to have: actually show lonely nodes (i.e. daemons that -- nobody's connected to) and connections that go outside graphStr edges = iolist [["graph G {\n"], map render edges, ["}\n"]] where iolist = C.concat . join render (Edge a b) = C.concat ["\"", a, "\" -- \"", b, "\";\n"] main :: IO () main = do [ipaddrPairsFile, lsofPath] <- getArgs (ipaddrs, connections) <- inputs ipaddrPairsFile lsofPath C.putStrLn $ graphStr $ graph ipaddrs connections
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Main -- ` connmatch ' parses the file that maps local IPs to hostnames and a directory of lsof outputs where files are named exactly as -- hostnames. `lsof' outputs are connected into a list of connections which are used as graphviz edges . -- The current implementation doesn't take any outgoing connections into -- account yet. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 'lsof' entry | How an OpenFile links to the network: locally, connects somewhere else or does not link at all (listening socket). | Extract a source address from an 'OpenFile'. | Checks if an address is IPv6, which is not supported. ^ hostname that will turn into a 'Host' ^ tokenized line of lsof: COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME (STATE) cleanup ambiguous addresses nice to have: actually show lonely nodes (i.e. daemons that nobody's connected to) and connections that go outside
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings , ScopedTypeVariables # module Main where import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents) import Control.Monad (join) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Word (Word8) newtype Process = Process BS.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq) newtype Host = Host BS.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq) newtype Addr = Addr (IP, BS.ByteString) deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) data OpenFile = Connection Host Process Addr Addr | Listen Host Process Addr deriving (Show, Eq) data IP = IP BS.ByteString | Any deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) type IPMap = M.Map IP Host data Link = Link OpenFile | External | Empty deriving (Show) sIP :: BS.ByteString -> IP sIP "*" = Any sIP s = IP s sAddr :: BS.ByteString -> Addr sAddr s = Addr (sIP ip, port) where [ip, port] = C.split ':' s openFileSrc :: OpenFile -> Addr openFileSrc (Connection _ _ src _) = src openFileSrc (Listen _ _ src) = src addrNotIp6 :: BS.ByteString -> Bool addrNotIp6 a = (BS.head a) /= (BS.head "[") matchAddr :: IPMap -> Host -> Addr -> Addr matchAddr ipmap (Host defaultHost) addr@(Addr (ip, port)) = maybe addr toAddr $ M.lookup ip ipmap where toAddr (Host host) = Addr (IP host, port) sOpenFile :: IPMap -> Maybe OpenFile sOpenFile ipmap hostname [comm, _, _, _, _, _, _, "TCP", name, state] | addrNotIp6 name = let hostS = C.pack hostname host = Host hostS Addr (IP "", port) -> Addr (IP hostS, port) Addr (Any, port) -> Addr (IP hostS, port) a -> matchAddr ipmap host a in case state of "(LISTEN)" -> Just $ Listen host (Process comm) (addr name) _ -> Just $ Connection host (Process comm) (addr src) (addr dst) where dst = C.drop 2 dst' (src, dst') = C.breakSubstring "->" name | otherwise = Nothing sOpenFile _ _ _ = Nothing srcMap :: [OpenFile] -> M.Map Addr OpenFile srcMap = M.fromList . map (\c -> (openFileSrc c, c)) linkFiles :: [OpenFile] -> M.Map Addr OpenFile -> [(OpenFile, Link)] linkFiles conns srcmap = [(c, pair c) | c <- conns] where pair (Listen _ _ _) = Empty pair conn@(Connection _ _ _ dst) = case M.lookup dst srcmap of Just f -> Link f Nothing -> External mapFromIpaddrs :: BS.ByteString -> IPMap mapFromIpaddrs = M.fromList . map ((\[a,b] -> (sIP b, Host a)) . C.words) . C.lines lsofOpenFiles :: IPMap -> String -> BS.ByteString -> [OpenFile] lsofOpenFiles ipmap h = catMaybes . map (sOpenFile ipmap h . C.words) . drop 1 . C.lines data Stream = Stream Process Addr Process Addr deriving (Show, Eq) stream :: IPMap -> (OpenFile, Link) -> Maybe Stream stream ipmap connpair = uncurry link connpair where link c Empty = Nothing link c (Link l) = Just $ streamLink c l link (Connection h p src dst@(Addr (IP ipD, portD))) External = Just $ Stream p src (Process portD) dst streamLink (Connection hA pA srcA dstA) (Connection hB pB srcB dstB) = Stream pA srcA pB srcB streamLink (Connection hA pA srcA dstA) (Listen hB pB srcB) = Stream pA srcA pB srcB streamLink (Listen hA pA srcA) (Connection hB pB srcB dstB) = Stream pA srcA pB srcB data Edge = Edge BS.ByteString BS.ByteString deriving (Show) instance Eq Edge where (Edge a1 a2) == (Edge b1 b2) = (a1 == b1 && a2 == b2) || (a1 == b2 && a2 == b1) edge (Stream (Process commA) (Addr (IP addrA, _)) (Process commB) (Addr (IP addrB, _))) = Edge (C.concat [addrA, ":", commA]) (C.concat [addrB, ":", commB]) isJustListen (Just (Listen _ _ _)) = True isJustListen _ = False inputs :: String -> String -> IO (IPMap, [OpenFile]) inputs ipaddrPairsFile lsofPath = do ipmap <- BS.readFile ipaddrPairsFile >>= return . mapFromIpaddrs _:_:lsofs <- getDirectoryContents lsofPath connections <- mapM (\f -> BS.readFile (lsofPath ++ "/" ++ f) >>= return . lsofOpenFiles ipmap f) lsofs >>= return . concat return (ipmap, connections) graph :: IPMap -> [OpenFile] -> [Edge] graph ipaddrs connections = L.nub $ map edge $ catMaybes $ map (stream ipaddrs) pairs where srcmap = srcMap connections pairs = linkFiles connections srcmap graphStr edges = iolist [["graph G {\n"], map render edges, ["}\n"]] where iolist = C.concat . join render (Edge a b) = C.concat ["\"", a, "\" -- \"", b, "\";\n"] main :: IO () main = do [ipaddrPairsFile, lsofPath] <- getArgs (ipaddrs, connections) <- inputs ipaddrPairsFile lsofPath C.putStrLn $ graphStr $ graph ipaddrs connections
| Copyright 2022 Juspay Technologies Pvt Ltd Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License . You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License . Module : Product . RideAPI.Handlers . StartRide Copyright : ( C ) Juspay Technologies Pvt Ltd 2019 - 2022 License : Apache 2.0 ( see the file LICENSE ) Maintainer : Stability : experimental Portability : non - portable Copyright 2022 Juspay Technologies Pvt Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Module : Product.RideAPI.Handlers.StartRide Copyright : (C) Juspay Technologies Pvt Ltd 2019-2022 License : Apache 2.0 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable -} module Product.RideAPI.Handlers.StartRide where import qualified Beckn.Types.APISuccess as APISuccess import Beckn.Types.Common import Beckn.Types.Id import qualified Domain.Types.Person as Person import qualified Domain.Types.Ride as SRide import qualified Domain.Types.RideBooking as SRB import EulerHS.Prelude import Types.Error import Utils.Common data ServiceHandle m = ServiceHandle { findById :: Id Person.Person -> m (Maybe Person.Person), findRideBookingById :: Id SRB.RideBooking -> m (Maybe SRB.RideBooking), findRideById :: Id SRide.Ride -> m (Maybe SRide.Ride), startRide :: Id SRide.Ride -> Id SRB.RideBooking -> Id Person.Person -> m (), notifyBAPRideStarted :: SRB.RideBooking -> SRide.Ride -> m (), rateLimitStartRide :: Id Person.Person -> Id SRide.Ride -> m () } startRideHandler :: (MonadThrow m, Log m) => ServiceHandle m -> Id Person.Person -> Id SRide.Ride -> Text -> m APISuccess.APISuccess startRideHandler ServiceHandle {..} requestorId rideId otp = do rateLimitStartRide requestorId rideId requestor <- findById requestorId >>= fromMaybeM (PersonNotFound requestorId.getId) ride <- findRideById rideId >>= fromMaybeM (RideDoesNotExist rideId.getId) case requestor.role of Person.DRIVER -> do let rideDriver = ride.driverId unless (rideDriver == requestorId) $ throwError NotAnExecutor _ -> throwError AccessDenied unless (isValidRideStatus (ride.status)) $ throwError $ RideInvalidStatus "This ride cannot be started" rideBooking <- findRideBookingById ride.bookingId >>= fromMaybeM (RideBookingNotFound ride.bookingId.getId) let inAppOtp = ride.otp when (otp /= inAppOtp) $ throwError IncorrectOTP logTagInfo "startRide" ("DriverId " <> getId requestorId <> ", RideId " <> getId rideId) startRide ride.id rideBooking.id requestorId notifyBAPRideStarted rideBooking ride pure APISuccess.Success where isValidRideStatus status = status == SRide.NEW
| Copyright 2022 Juspay Technologies Pvt Ltd Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License . You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License . Module : Product . RideAPI.Handlers . StartRide Copyright : ( C ) Juspay Technologies Pvt Ltd 2019 - 2022 License : Apache 2.0 ( see the file LICENSE ) Maintainer : Stability : experimental Portability : non - portable Copyright 2022 Juspay Technologies Pvt Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Module : Product.RideAPI.Handlers.StartRide Copyright : (C) Juspay Technologies Pvt Ltd 2019-2022 License : Apache 2.0 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable -} module Product.RideAPI.Handlers.StartRide where import qualified Beckn.Types.APISuccess as APISuccess import Beckn.Types.Common import Beckn.Types.Id import qualified Domain.Types.Person as Person import qualified Domain.Types.Ride as SRide import qualified Domain.Types.RideBooking as SRB import EulerHS.Prelude import Types.Error import Utils.Common data ServiceHandle m = ServiceHandle { findById :: Id Person.Person -> m (Maybe Person.Person), findRideBookingById :: Id SRB.RideBooking -> m (Maybe SRB.RideBooking), findRideById :: Id SRide.Ride -> m (Maybe SRide.Ride), startRide :: Id SRide.Ride -> Id SRB.RideBooking -> Id Person.Person -> m (), notifyBAPRideStarted :: SRB.RideBooking -> SRide.Ride -> m (), rateLimitStartRide :: Id Person.Person -> Id SRide.Ride -> m () } startRideHandler :: (MonadThrow m, Log m) => ServiceHandle m -> Id Person.Person -> Id SRide.Ride -> Text -> m APISuccess.APISuccess startRideHandler ServiceHandle {..} requestorId rideId otp = do rateLimitStartRide requestorId rideId requestor <- findById requestorId >>= fromMaybeM (PersonNotFound requestorId.getId) ride <- findRideById rideId >>= fromMaybeM (RideDoesNotExist rideId.getId) case requestor.role of Person.DRIVER -> do let rideDriver = ride.driverId unless (rideDriver == requestorId) $ throwError NotAnExecutor _ -> throwError AccessDenied unless (isValidRideStatus (ride.status)) $ throwError $ RideInvalidStatus "This ride cannot be started" rideBooking <- findRideBookingById ride.bookingId >>= fromMaybeM (RideBookingNotFound ride.bookingId.getId) let inAppOtp = ride.otp when (otp /= inAppOtp) $ throwError IncorrectOTP logTagInfo "startRide" ("DriverId " <> getId requestorId <> ", RideId " <> getId rideId) startRide ride.id rideBooking.id requestorId notifyBAPRideStarted rideBooking ride pure APISuccess.Success where isValidRideStatus status = status == SRide.NEW
(ns cayenne.api.transform (:require [cayenne.util :as util] [cayenne.conf :as conf] [cayenne.formats.rdf :as rdf] [cayenne.formats.ris :as ris] [cayenne.formats.citation :as citation] [cayenne.formats.bibtex :as bibtex] [clojure.data.json :as json] [org.httpkit.client :as hc])) (def legacy-styles {"mla" "modern-language-association" "harvard3" "harvard1"}) (def csl-type {:journal-article :article-journal :book-chapter :chapter :posted-conent :manuscript :proceedings-article :paper-conference}) (defmulti ->format :media-type) (defmethod ->format "text/turtle" [representation metadata] (rdf/->turtle metadata)) (defmethod ->format "text/n3" [representation metadata] (rdf/->n3 metadata)) (defmethod ->format "text/n-triples" [representation metadata] (rdf/->n-triples metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/rdf+xml" [representation metadata] (rdf/->xml metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json" [representation metadata] (json/write-str (cond-> metadata (-> metadata :type csl-type) (assoc :type (csl-type (:type metadata))) (seq (:title metadata)) (assoc :title (first (:title metadata))) (seq (:container-title metadata)) (assoc :container-title (first (:container-title metadata))) (seq (:short-container-title metadata)) (assoc :container-title-short (first (:short-container-title metadata))) (seq (:event metadata)) (assoc :event (get-in metadata [:event :name])) :always (dissoc :short-container-title :archive :issn-type)))) (defmethod ->format "application/x-research-info-systems" [representation metadata] (ris/->ris metadata)) (defmethod ->format "text/x-bibliography" [representation metadata] (let [args (concat (when-let [style (get-in representation [:parameters :style])] [:style (or (legacy-styles style) style)]) (when-let [lang (get-in representation [:parameters :locale])] [:language lang]) (when-let [format (get-in representation [:parameters :format])] [:format format]))] (apply citation/->citation metadata args))) (defmethod ->format "application/x-bibtex" [representation metadata] (bibtex/->bibtex metadata)) ;; legacy formats (defmethod ->format "text/bibliography" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "text/x-bibliography") metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/citeproc+json" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json") metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/json" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json") metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/unixref+xml" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "application/vnd.crossref.unixref+xml") metadata)) (defmethod ->format "text/plain" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "text/x-bibliography") metadata)) ;; for now we retrieve original unixref and unixsd, but in future perhaps we will generate from citeproc (defmethod ->format "application/vnd.crossref.unixref+xml" [representation metadata] (-> (str (conf/get-param [:upstream :unixref-url]) (:DOI metadata)) (hc/get {:timeout 4000}) (deref) (:body))) (defmethod ->format "application/vnd.crossref.unixsd+xml" [representation metadata] (-> (str (conf/get-param [:upstream :unixsd-url]) (:DOI metadata)) (hc/get {:timeout 4000}) (deref) (:body)))
legacy formats for now we retrieve original unixref and unixsd, but in future perhaps we
(ns cayenne.api.transform (:require [cayenne.util :as util] [cayenne.conf :as conf] [cayenne.formats.rdf :as rdf] [cayenne.formats.ris :as ris] [cayenne.formats.citation :as citation] [cayenne.formats.bibtex :as bibtex] [clojure.data.json :as json] [org.httpkit.client :as hc])) (def legacy-styles {"mla" "modern-language-association" "harvard3" "harvard1"}) (def csl-type {:journal-article :article-journal :book-chapter :chapter :posted-conent :manuscript :proceedings-article :paper-conference}) (defmulti ->format :media-type) (defmethod ->format "text/turtle" [representation metadata] (rdf/->turtle metadata)) (defmethod ->format "text/n3" [representation metadata] (rdf/->n3 metadata)) (defmethod ->format "text/n-triples" [representation metadata] (rdf/->n-triples metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/rdf+xml" [representation metadata] (rdf/->xml metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json" [representation metadata] (json/write-str (cond-> metadata (-> metadata :type csl-type) (assoc :type (csl-type (:type metadata))) (seq (:title metadata)) (assoc :title (first (:title metadata))) (seq (:container-title metadata)) (assoc :container-title (first (:container-title metadata))) (seq (:short-container-title metadata)) (assoc :container-title-short (first (:short-container-title metadata))) (seq (:event metadata)) (assoc :event (get-in metadata [:event :name])) :always (dissoc :short-container-title :archive :issn-type)))) (defmethod ->format "application/x-research-info-systems" [representation metadata] (ris/->ris metadata)) (defmethod ->format "text/x-bibliography" [representation metadata] (let [args (concat (when-let [style (get-in representation [:parameters :style])] [:style (or (legacy-styles style) style)]) (when-let [lang (get-in representation [:parameters :locale])] [:language lang]) (when-let [format (get-in representation [:parameters :format])] [:format format]))] (apply citation/->citation metadata args))) (defmethod ->format "application/x-bibtex" [representation metadata] (bibtex/->bibtex metadata)) (defmethod ->format "text/bibliography" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "text/x-bibliography") metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/citeproc+json" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json") metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/json" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json") metadata)) (defmethod ->format "application/unixref+xml" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "application/vnd.crossref.unixref+xml") metadata)) (defmethod ->format "text/plain" [representation metadata] (->format (assoc representation :media-type "text/x-bibliography") metadata)) will generate from citeproc (defmethod ->format "application/vnd.crossref.unixref+xml" [representation metadata] (-> (str (conf/get-param [:upstream :unixref-url]) (:DOI metadata)) (hc/get {:timeout 4000}) (deref) (:body))) (defmethod ->format "application/vnd.crossref.unixsd+xml" [representation metadata] (-> (str (conf/get-param [:upstream :unixsd-url]) (:DOI metadata)) (hc/get {:timeout 4000}) (deref) (:body)))
module Main where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip main = B.interact GZip.decompress
module Main where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip main = B.interact GZip.decompress
showPs env ((n, _, Let _ t v):bs) = " " ++ show n ++ " : " ++ showEnv env ({- normalise ctxt env -} t) ++ " = " ++ showEnv env ({- normalise ctxt env -} v) ++ "\n" ++ showPs env bs showPs env ((n, _, b):bs) = " " ++ show n ++ " : " ++ showEnv env ({- normalise ctxt env -} (binderTy b)) ++ "\n" ++ showPs env bs
normalise ctxt env normalise ctxt env normalise ctxt env
showPs env ((n, _, Let _ t v):bs) = " " ++ show n ++ " : " ++ "\n" ++ showPs env bs showPs env ((n, _, b):bs) = " " ++ show n ++ " : " ++ "\n" ++ showPs env bs
# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # module Slacker.Blocks.Section ( SectionBlock(..) , SectionAccessory(..) , SectionAccessoryTypes , SectionFields(..) , field , asAccessory , defaultSection ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Text (Text) import Data.WorldPeace import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Slacker.Blocks.Fields import Slacker.Blocks.Elements.Button import Slacker.Blocks.Elements.Image import Slacker.Blocks.Elements.TextObject import Slacker.Util (toJSONWithTypeField) data SectionBlock = SectionBlock { text :: !TextObject , block_id :: !(Maybe Text) , fields :: !(Maybe SectionFields) , accessory :: !(Maybe SectionAccessory) } deriving stock (Generic) defaultSection :: TextObject -> SectionBlock defaultSection txt = SectionBlock { text = txt , block_id = Nothing , fields = Nothing , accessory = Nothing } instance Aeson.ToJSON SectionBlock where toJSON = toJSONWithTypeField "section" . Aeson.genericToJSON Aeson.defaultOptions { Aeson.omitNothingFields = True } type SectionAccessoryTypes = '[ ButtonElement , ImageElement ] newtype SectionAccessory = SectionAccessory { unSectionAccessory :: OpenUnion SectionAccessoryTypes } deriving newtype (Aeson.ToJSON) instance HasButton SectionAccessory where button = asAccessory instance HasImage ImageElement SectionAccessory where image = asAccessory image_ url alt = image $ defaultImage url alt asAccessory :: forall a. IsMember a SectionAccessoryTypes => a -> SectionAccessory asAccessory = SectionAccessory . openUnionLift
# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # module Slacker.Blocks.Section ( SectionBlock(..) , SectionAccessory(..) , SectionAccessoryTypes , SectionFields(..) , field , asAccessory , defaultSection ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Text (Text) import Data.WorldPeace import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Slacker.Blocks.Fields import Slacker.Blocks.Elements.Button import Slacker.Blocks.Elements.Image import Slacker.Blocks.Elements.TextObject import Slacker.Util (toJSONWithTypeField) data SectionBlock = SectionBlock { text :: !TextObject , block_id :: !(Maybe Text) , fields :: !(Maybe SectionFields) , accessory :: !(Maybe SectionAccessory) } deriving stock (Generic) defaultSection :: TextObject -> SectionBlock defaultSection txt = SectionBlock { text = txt , block_id = Nothing , fields = Nothing , accessory = Nothing } instance Aeson.ToJSON SectionBlock where toJSON = toJSONWithTypeField "section" . Aeson.genericToJSON Aeson.defaultOptions { Aeson.omitNothingFields = True } type SectionAccessoryTypes = '[ ButtonElement , ImageElement ] newtype SectionAccessory = SectionAccessory { unSectionAccessory :: OpenUnion SectionAccessoryTypes } deriving newtype (Aeson.ToJSON) instance HasButton SectionAccessory where button = asAccessory instance HasImage ImageElement SectionAccessory where image = asAccessory image_ url alt = image $ defaultImage url alt asAccessory :: forall a. IsMember a SectionAccessoryTypes => a -> SectionAccessory asAccessory = SectionAccessory . openUnionLift
The prime factors of 13195 are 5 , 7 , 13 and 29 . What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? (defn any? [l] (reduce #(or %1 %2) l)) (defn prime? [n known] (loop [cnt (dec (count known)) acc []] (if (< cnt 0) (not (any? acc)) (recur (dec cnt) (concat acc [(zero? (mod n (nth known cnt)))]))))) (defn next-prime [primes] (let [n (inc (count primes))] (let [lk (if (even? (inc (last primes))) (+ 2 (last primes)) (inc (last primes)))] (loop [cnt lk p primes] (if (>= (count p) n) (last p) (recur (+ cnt 2) (if (prime? cnt p) (concat p [cnt]) p))))))) (memoize next-prime) (defn n-primes [n] (loop [cnt 1 p [2]] (if (>= cnt n) p (recur (inc cnt) (concat p [(next-prime p)]))))) (defn factor [n factors primes] (if (== n 1) factors (loop [p primes] (if (== 0 (mod n (last p))) (factor (/ n (last p)) (concat [(last p)] factors) p) (recur (concat p [(next-prime p)])))))) (println (factor 600851475143 [] (n-primes 1)))
The prime factors of 13195 are 5 , 7 , 13 and 29 . What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? (defn any? [l] (reduce #(or %1 %2) l)) (defn prime? [n known] (loop [cnt (dec (count known)) acc []] (if (< cnt 0) (not (any? acc)) (recur (dec cnt) (concat acc [(zero? (mod n (nth known cnt)))]))))) (defn next-prime [primes] (let [n (inc (count primes))] (let [lk (if (even? (inc (last primes))) (+ 2 (last primes)) (inc (last primes)))] (loop [cnt lk p primes] (if (>= (count p) n) (last p) (recur (+ cnt 2) (if (prime? cnt p) (concat p [cnt]) p))))))) (memoize next-prime) (defn n-primes [n] (loop [cnt 1 p [2]] (if (>= cnt n) p (recur (inc cnt) (concat p [(next-prime p)]))))) (defn factor [n factors primes] (if (== n 1) factors (loop [p primes] (if (== 0 (mod n (last p))) (factor (/ n (last p)) (concat [(last p)] factors) p) (recur (concat p [(next-prime p)])))))) (println (factor 600851475143 [] (n-primes 1)))
module SimpPatMatchProp where import SimpPatMatch import Recursive(struct) import PropSyntaxRec(HsExpI) import ) HasDef [ HsDeclI i ] ( HsDeclI i ) import PrettyPrint(PrintableOp) instance (Eq i,PrintableOp i, HasSrcLoc i,ValueId i,HasIdTy n i,HasOrig i,HasOrig n) => SimpPatMatch i (HsExpI i) where simpPatMatch ids = simpPatMatchE ids . struct
module SimpPatMatchProp where import SimpPatMatch import Recursive(struct) import PropSyntaxRec(HsExpI) import ) HasDef [ HsDeclI i ] ( HsDeclI i ) import PrettyPrint(PrintableOp) instance (Eq i,PrintableOp i, HasSrcLoc i,ValueId i,HasIdTy n i,HasOrig i,HasOrig n) => SimpPatMatch i (HsExpI i) where simpPatMatch ids = simpPatMatchE ids . struct
#lang racket (require soft-contract/fake-contract) (define (map f xs) (if (empty? xs) empty (cons (f (car xs)) (map f (cdr xs))))) (provide/contract [map (->i ([_ (any/c . -> . any/c)] [l (listof any/c)]) (res (_ l) (and/c (listof any/c) (λ (r) (equal? (empty? l) (empty? r))))))])
#lang racket (require soft-contract/fake-contract) (define (map f xs) (if (empty? xs) empty (cons (f (car xs)) (map f (cdr xs))))) (provide/contract [map (->i ([_ (any/c . -> . any/c)] [l (listof any/c)]) (res (_ l) (and/c (listof any/c) (λ (r) (equal? (empty? l) (empty? r))))))])
(in-package :cl-user) (defpackage datafly.util (:use :cl)) (in-package :datafly.util) (syntax:use-syntax :annot) @export (defun partition-if (pred sequence &key from-end (start 0) end (key #'identity)) (let ((yes nil) (no nil) (sequence (if (or (not (zerop start)) end) (subseq sequence start end) sequence))) (map nil #'(lambda (x) (if (funcall pred (funcall key x)) (push x yes) (push x no))) (if from-end (nreverse sequence) sequence)) (values yes no))) @export (defun partition (item sequence &key from-end (start 0) end (key #'identity) (test #'eql)) (partition-if (lambda (x) (funcall test x item)) sequence :from-end from-end :start start :end end :key key))
(in-package :cl-user) (defpackage datafly.util (:use :cl)) (in-package :datafly.util) (syntax:use-syntax :annot) @export (defun partition-if (pred sequence &key from-end (start 0) end (key #'identity)) (let ((yes nil) (no nil) (sequence (if (or (not (zerop start)) end) (subseq sequence start end) sequence))) (map nil #'(lambda (x) (if (funcall pred (funcall key x)) (push x yes) (push x no))) (if from-end (nreverse sequence) sequence)) (values yes no))) @export (defun partition (item sequence &key from-end (start 0) end (key #'identity) (test #'eql)) (partition-if (lambda (x) (funcall test x item)) sequence :from-end from-end :start start :end end :key key))
(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) , projet Cristal , INRIA Rocquencourt OCaml port by and (* *) Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Format val max_printer_depth : int ref val max_printer_steps : int ref val print_exception: formatter -> Debugcom.Remote_value.t -> unit val print_named_value : int -> Parser_aux.expression -> Env.t -> Debugcom.Remote_value.t -> formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit val reset_named_values : unit -> unit val find_named_value : int -> Debugcom.Remote_value.t * Types.type_expr val install_printer : Path.t -> Types.type_expr -> formatter -> (formatter -> Obj.t -> unit) -> unit val remove_printer : Path.t -> unit
************************************************************************ OCaml en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. ************************************************************************
, projet Cristal , INRIA Rocquencourt OCaml port by and Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the open Format val max_printer_depth : int ref val max_printer_steps : int ref val print_exception: formatter -> Debugcom.Remote_value.t -> unit val print_named_value : int -> Parser_aux.expression -> Env.t -> Debugcom.Remote_value.t -> formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit val reset_named_values : unit -> unit val find_named_value : int -> Debugcom.Remote_value.t * Types.type_expr val install_printer : Path.t -> Types.type_expr -> formatter -> (formatter -> Obj.t -> unit) -> unit val remove_printer : Path.t -> unit
type valeur = Inconnue | Ent of int | Bool of bool | Tableau of int * valeur vect;; value ent_val: valeur -> int and bool_val: valeur -> bool and tableau_val: valeur -> int * valeur vect and affiche_valeur: valeur -> unit and lire_valeur: unit -> valeur;;
type valeur = Inconnue | Ent of int | Bool of bool | Tableau of int * valeur vect;; value ent_val: valeur -> int and bool_val: valeur -> bool and tableau_val: valeur -> int * valeur vect and affiche_valeur: valeur -> unit and lire_valeur: unit -> valeur;;
[%%versioned module Stable = struct module V1 = struct type 'challenge t = 'challenge Mina_wire_types.Pickles_bulletproof_challenge.V1.t = { prechallenge : 'challenge } [@@deriving sexp, compare, yojson, hash, equal] end end] let pack { prechallenge } = prechallenge let unpack prechallenge = { prechallenge } let map { prechallenge } ~f = { prechallenge = f prechallenge } let typ chal = let there = pack in let back = unpack in let open Snarky_backendless in Typ.transport ~there ~back (Kimchi_backend_common.Scalar_challenge.typ chal) |> Typ.transport_var ~there ~back
[%%versioned module Stable = struct module V1 = struct type 'challenge t = 'challenge Mina_wire_types.Pickles_bulletproof_challenge.V1.t = { prechallenge : 'challenge } [@@deriving sexp, compare, yojson, hash, equal] end end] let pack { prechallenge } = prechallenge let unpack prechallenge = { prechallenge } let map { prechallenge } ~f = { prechallenge = f prechallenge } let typ chal = let there = pack in let back = unpack in let open Snarky_backendless in Typ.transport ~there ~back (Kimchi_backend_common.Scalar_challenge.typ chal) |> Typ.transport_var ~there ~back
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} # LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # module Main where import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import Control.Monad(when) import Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO) import Control.Concurrent(forkIO) import Data.Text(Text) import HTVM import MNIST printFunction :: LoweredFunc -> IO () printFunction f = Text.putStrLn =<< withLineNumbers <$> showLoweredFuncCpp defaultConfig f demo1 :: StmtT IO LModule demo1 = do sa <- shapevar [5] a <- assign $ placeholder "A" float32 sa c <- compute sa $ \i -> (a![i])*(a![i]) f1 <- lower "asquare" (schedule [c]) [a,c] liftIO $ putStrLn "asquare" >> printFunction f1 dc <- assign $ (differentiate c [a]) ! 0 f2 <- lower "d_asquare" (schedule [dc]) [a,dc] liftIO $ putStrLn "d_asquare" >> printFunction f2 lmodul [f1,f2] model : : IO ( ModuleLib LModule ) model = do buildLModule CPU defaultConfig " demo1.so " > > = do withLModule sa < - shapevar [ 1 ] function " difftest " [ ( " A",float32,sa ) ] $ \[a ] - > do c < - compute sa $ \i - > ( a![i])*(a![i ] ) dc < - assign $ differentiate c [ a ] return ( dc!0 ) conv2d : : IO ( ModuleLib LModule ) conv2d = do stageBuildFunction defaultConfig " model.so " $ let num_classes = 10 batch_size = 10 img_h = 28 img_w = 28 img_c = 1 f1_c = 4 -- f2_c = 5 -- f3_units = 16 in do x_shape < - shapevar [ batch_size , img_h , img_w , img_c ] y_shape < - shapevar [ batch_size , num_classes ] function " demo " [ ( " X " , float32 , x_shape ) , ( " y " , float32 , y_shape ) , ( " w1 " , float32 , shp [ 3,3,img_c , f1_c ] ) , ( " b1 " , float32 , shp [ f1_c ] ) ] $ \[x , y , w1,b1 ] - > do t < - assign $ conv2d_nchw x w1 def t < - assign $ t + broadcast_to b1 ( shp [ batch_size,1,1,f1_c ] ) t < - assign $ relu t t < - assign $ flatten t return t model :: IO (ModuleLib LModule) model = do buildLModule CPU defaultConfig "demo1.so" demo1 >>= do withLModule sa <- shapevar [1] function "difftest" [("A",float32,sa) ] $ \[a] -> do c <- compute sa $ \i -> (a![i])*(a![i]) dc <- assign $ differentiate c [a] return (dc!0) conv2d :: IO (ModuleLib LModule) conv2d = do stageBuildFunction defaultConfig "model.so" $ let num_classes = 10 batch_size = 10 img_h = 28 img_w = 28 img_c = 1 f1_c = 4 -- f2_c = 5 -- f3_units = 16 in do x_shape <- shapevar [batch_size, img_h, img_w, img_c] y_shape <- shapevar [batch_size, num_classes] function "demo" [("X", float32, x_shape) ,("y", float32, y_shape) ,("w1", float32, shp [3,3,img_c,f1_c]) ,("b1", float32, shp [f1_c]) ] $ \[x,y,w1,b1] -> do t <- assign $ conv2d_nchw x w1 def t <- assign $ t + broadcast_to b1 (shp [batch_size,1,1,f1_c]) t <- assign $ relu t t <- assign $ flatten t return t -} main :: IO () main = do smod <- stageStmtT demo1 bmod <- buildLModule defaultBackend defaultConfig "demo" smod hmod <- loadModule bmod a <- newTensor BackendLLVM 0 TD_Float32L1 [1..5 :: Word32] c <- newEmptyTensor BackendLLVM 0 TD_Float32L1 [5] callModule hmod "asquare" [a,c] putStrLn . show =<< getTensor @[Float] c return ()
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # f2_c = 5 f3_units = 16 f2_c = 5 f3_units = 16
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # module Main where import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import Control.Monad(when) import Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO) import Control.Concurrent(forkIO) import Data.Text(Text) import HTVM import MNIST printFunction :: LoweredFunc -> IO () printFunction f = Text.putStrLn =<< withLineNumbers <$> showLoweredFuncCpp defaultConfig f demo1 :: StmtT IO LModule demo1 = do sa <- shapevar [5] a <- assign $ placeholder "A" float32 sa c <- compute sa $ \i -> (a![i])*(a![i]) f1 <- lower "asquare" (schedule [c]) [a,c] liftIO $ putStrLn "asquare" >> printFunction f1 dc <- assign $ (differentiate c [a]) ! 0 f2 <- lower "d_asquare" (schedule [dc]) [a,dc] liftIO $ putStrLn "d_asquare" >> printFunction f2 lmodul [f1,f2] model : : IO ( ModuleLib LModule ) model = do buildLModule CPU defaultConfig " demo1.so " > > = do withLModule sa < - shapevar [ 1 ] function " difftest " [ ( " A",float32,sa ) ] $ \[a ] - > do c < - compute sa $ \i - > ( a![i])*(a![i ] ) dc < - assign $ differentiate c [ a ] return ( dc!0 ) conv2d : : IO ( ModuleLib LModule ) conv2d = do stageBuildFunction defaultConfig " model.so " $ let num_classes = 10 batch_size = 10 img_h = 28 img_w = 28 img_c = 1 f1_c = 4 in do x_shape < - shapevar [ batch_size , img_h , img_w , img_c ] y_shape < - shapevar [ batch_size , num_classes ] function " demo " [ ( " X " , float32 , x_shape ) , ( " y " , float32 , y_shape ) , ( " w1 " , float32 , shp [ 3,3,img_c , f1_c ] ) , ( " b1 " , float32 , shp [ f1_c ] ) ] $ \[x , y , w1,b1 ] - > do t < - assign $ conv2d_nchw x w1 def t < - assign $ t + broadcast_to b1 ( shp [ batch_size,1,1,f1_c ] ) t < - assign $ relu t t < - assign $ flatten t return t model :: IO (ModuleLib LModule) model = do buildLModule CPU defaultConfig "demo1.so" demo1 >>= do withLModule sa <- shapevar [1] function "difftest" [("A",float32,sa) ] $ \[a] -> do c <- compute sa $ \i -> (a![i])*(a![i]) dc <- assign $ differentiate c [a] return (dc!0) conv2d :: IO (ModuleLib LModule) conv2d = do stageBuildFunction defaultConfig "model.so" $ let num_classes = 10 batch_size = 10 img_h = 28 img_w = 28 img_c = 1 f1_c = 4 in do x_shape <- shapevar [batch_size, img_h, img_w, img_c] y_shape <- shapevar [batch_size, num_classes] function "demo" [("X", float32, x_shape) ,("y", float32, y_shape) ,("w1", float32, shp [3,3,img_c,f1_c]) ,("b1", float32, shp [f1_c]) ] $ \[x,y,w1,b1] -> do t <- assign $ conv2d_nchw x w1 def t <- assign $ t + broadcast_to b1 (shp [batch_size,1,1,f1_c]) t <- assign $ relu t t <- assign $ flatten t return t -} main :: IO () main = do smod <- stageStmtT demo1 bmod <- buildLModule defaultBackend defaultConfig "demo" smod hmod <- loadModule bmod a <- newTensor BackendLLVM 0 TD_Float32L1 [1..5 :: Word32] c <- newEmptyTensor BackendLLVM 0 TD_Float32L1 [5] callModule hmod "asquare" [a,c] putStrLn . show =<< getTensor @[Float] c return ()
-*- Mode : Lisp ; Package : CLIO - OPEN ; ; Lowercase : T ; Fonts:(CPTFONT ) ; Syntax : Common - Lisp -*- ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | ;;; TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED | ;;; P.O. BOX 149149 | , TEXAS 78714 | ;;; | Copyright ( C ) 1989 , 1990 Texas Instruments Incorporated . | ;;; | ;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify, and | ;;; distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and permission | ;;; notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting documentation. | ;;; | Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software " as is " without express or | ;;; implied warranty. | ;;; | ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (in-package "CLIO-OPEN") (export '( make-scroller scale-increment scale-indicator-size scale-maximum scale-minimum scale-orientation scale-update scale-update-delay scale-value scroller ) 'clio-open) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | ;;; Scroller | ;;; | ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Implementation Strategy: ;; ;; Elevator and anchor controls are implemented as non-contact subwindows (i.e. ;; scroller is NOT a composite). Overall, this strategy simplifies the tasks ;; of determining which control is receiving input and of confining the pointer ;; cursor to controls during continuous scrolling, without unnecessarily ;; incurring the full cost of a sub-contact. ;; The elevator is represented as an :input-output subwindow; the imagery of all ;; elevator controls is drawn to this subwindow. The less/more arrow and drag ;; area controls are represented as :input-only subwindows of the elevator ;; subwindow. Subwindows are used for these controls only for use as :confine-to ;; windows while the pointer is grabbed. All control subwindows are recorded in the regions vector of the scroller . ;; The scroller subwindow receiving a :button-press is determined from the child ;; slot of the button event. During event handling, the regions vector is ;; searched to look up the vector index of the event window (see FIND-REGION). ;; If the event child is the elevator, then a further search based on elevator ;; geometry is necessary to determine which elevator subwindow is the event ;; window. The resulting vector index is used to select an element from a ;; vector of functions to handle the :button-press (see PRESS-HANDLERS). (defcontact scroller (core contact) ((increment :type number setf defined below :initarg :increment :initform 1) (indicator-size :type (or number (member :off)) setf defined below :initarg :indicator-size :initform 0) (maximum :type number setf defined below :initarg :maximum :initform 1) (minimum :type number setf defined below :initarg :minimum :initform 0) (orientation :type (member :horizontal :vertical) setf defined below :initarg :orientation :initform :vertical) (update-delay :type (or number (member :until-done)) setf defined below :initarg :update-delay :initform 0) (value :type number setf defined below :initarg :value :initform 0) (compress-exposures :initform :on :type (member :off :on) :reader contact-compress-exposures :allocation :class) (regions :type (vector window) :initform (make-array 6))) (:resources increment indicator-size maximum minimum orientation update-delay value (border-width :initform 0) (event-mask :initform #.(make-event-mask :pointer-motion-hint :exposure)))) ;; Index values for accessing region vector and press handler vector (defconstant *elevator-region* 0) (defconstant *min-anchor-region* 1) (defconstant *max-anchor-region* 2) (defconstant *less-arrow-region* 3) (defconstant *drag-area-region* 4) (defconstant *more-arrow-region* 5) (defconstant *cable-region* 6) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | ;;; Initialization | ;;; | ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (defun make-scroller (&rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys) (apply #'make-contact 'scroller initargs)) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self scroller) &key &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (width height) self Initialize required geometry (multiple-value-setq (width height) (preferred-size self)))) (labels ((min-anchor-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore scroller)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values (pixel-round (- width anchor-width) 2) 0 (- anchor-width 2) (- anchor-height 2)) (values 0 (pixel-round (- height anchor-width) 2) (- anchor-height 2) (- anchor-width 2))))) (max-anchor-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore scroller)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values (pixel-round (- width anchor-width) 2) (- height anchor-height) (- anchor-width 2) (- anchor-height 2)) (values (- width anchor-height) (pixel-round (- height anchor-width) 2) (- anchor-height 2) (- anchor-width 2))))) (elevator-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values (pixel-round (- width anchor-width) 2) (scroller-value-position scroller) anchor-width (scrollbar-elevator-size scroller)) (values (scroller-value-position scroller) (pixel-round (- height anchor-width) 2) (scrollbar-elevator-size scroller) anchor-width)))) (less-arrow-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore scroller orientation width height)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions))) (values 0 0 anchor-width anchor-width))) (more-arrow-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore width height)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (abbreviated-p (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values 0 (+ anchor-width (if abbreviated-p 0 anchor-width)) anchor-width anchor-width) (values (+ anchor-width (if abbreviated-p 0 anchor-width)) 0 anchor-width anchor-width)))) (drag-area-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore scroller width height)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values 0 anchor-width anchor-width anchor-width) (values anchor-width 0 anchor-width anchor-width)))) (reconfigure-controls (self) (declare (type scroller self)) (with-slots (regions width height orientation) (the scroller self) (let ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale self)))) (let ((window (svref regions *min-anchor-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (min-anchor-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *max-anchor-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (max-anchor-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *elevator-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (elevator-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *drag-area-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (drag-area-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *less-arrow-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (less-arrow-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *more-arrow-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (more-arrow-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))))))) (defmethod realize :after ((self scroller)) ;; Create control region windows (with-slots (regions width height orientation foreground) self (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale self))) (min-anchor (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (min-anchor-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent self :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :background :parent-relative :border-width 1 :border foreground :gravity (if (eq orientation :vertical) :north :west)))) (max-anchor (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (max-anchor-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent self :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :background :parent-relative :border-width 1 :border foreground :gravity (if (eq orientation :vertical) :north :west)))) (elevator (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (elevator-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent self :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :border-width 0 :gravity (if (eq orientation :vertical) :north :west)))) (drag-area (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (drag-area-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent elevator :class :input-only :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :border-width 0))) (less-arrow (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (less-arrow-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent elevator :class :input-only :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :border-width 0))) (more-arrow (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (more-arrow-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent elevator :class :input-only :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :border-width 0)))) (setf (svref regions *min-anchor-region*) min-anchor) (setf (svref regions *max-anchor-region*) max-anchor) (setf (svref regions *elevator-region*) elevator) (setf (svref regions *drag-area-region*) drag-area) (setf (svref regions *less-arrow-region*) less-arrow) (setf (svref regions *more-arrow-region*) more-arrow) (map-subwindows self) (map-subwindows elevator)))) (defmethod rescale ((self scroller)) (with-slots (orientation) self ;; Request change to preferred width/height, depending on orientation. (multiple-value-bind (rw rh) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (values 0 nil) (values nil 0)) (multiple-value-bind (pw ph) (preferred-size self :width rw :height rh) (change-geometry self :width pw :height ph :accept-p t)))) (when (realized-p self) (reconfigure-controls self))) (defmethod (setf scale-orientation) (new-orientation (scroller scroller)) (with-slots (orientation width height) scroller (unless (eq orientation new-orientation) (check-type new-orientation (member :horizontal :vertical)) (setf orientation new-orientation) (multiple-value-bind (new-width new-height) (preferred-size scroller :width height :height width) (change-geometry scroller :width new-width :height new-height)) (reconfigure-controls scroller))) new-orientation)) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | ;;; Accessors | ;;; | ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (defmethod (setf scale-update-delay) (new-update-delay (scroller scroller)) (with-slots (update-delay) scroller (assert (or (eq new-update-delay :until-done) (and (numberp new-update-delay) (not (minusp new-update-delay)))) () "~a is neither :UNTIL-DONE or a non-negative number." new-update-delay) (setf update-delay new-update-delay))) (defmethod (setf scale-value) (new-value (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :value new-value) new-value) (defmethod (setf scale-minimum) (new-minimum (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :minimum new-minimum) new-minimum) (defmethod (setf scale-maximum) (new-maximum (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :maximum new-maximum) new-maximum) (defmethod (setf scale-increment) (new-increment (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :increment new-increment) new-increment) (defmethod (setf scale-indicator-size) (new-indicator-size (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :indicator-size new-indicator-size) new-indicator-size) (defmacro true-indicator-size (size) `(if (eq ,size :off) 0 ,size)) (defmethod scale-update ((scroller scroller) &key value minimum maximum indicator-size increment) (with-slots ((current-val value) (current-min minimum) (current-max maximum) (current-ind indicator-size) (current-inc increment) regions orientation) scroller (setf minimum (or minimum current-min) maximum (or maximum current-max) value (or value current-val) indicator-size (or indicator-size current-ind) increment (or increment current-inc)) (assert (numberp value) () "~s for :value is not a number" value) (assert (numberp minimum) () "~s for :minimum is not a number" minimum) (assert (numberp maximum) () "~s for :maximum is not a number" maximum) (assert (and (numberp increment) (not (minusp increment))) () "~s for :increment is not a number" increment) (assert (or (and (numberp indicator-size) (not (minusp indicator-size))) (eq indicator-size :off)) () "~s for :indicator-size is not :off or a non-negative-number)" indicator-size) (assert (<= minimum maximum) () "Minimum (~a) is greater than maximum (~a)." minimum maximum) (assert (<= minimum value maximum) () "Value (~a) must be in the range [~a, ~a]." value minimum maximum) (let* ((insensitive-p (not (sensitive-p scroller))) (less-arrow-dim-p (or insensitive-p (= current-val current-min))) (more-arrow-dim-p (or insensitive-p (= current-val current-max))) (prev-min current-min) (prev-max current-max) (prev-ind current-ind) (prev-val current-val)) (setf current-min minimum current-max maximum current-val value current-ind indicator-size current-inc increment) ;; Update display (when (realized-p scroller) (cond ((not (and (eql current-min prev-min) (eql current-max prev-max) (eql current-ind prev-ind))) (display scroller)) ((not (eql current-val prev-val)) ;; Position elevator (let ((position (scroller-value-position scroller)) (elevator (svref regions *elevator-region*))) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (setf (drawable-y elevator) position) (setf (drawable-x elevator) position))) ;; Dim arrows, if necessary (scrollbar-update-less-arrow scroller less-arrow-dim-p insensitive-p) (scrollbar-update-more-arrow scroller more-arrow-dim-p insensitive-p))))))) (defmethod (setf contact-foreground) :after (new-fg (self scroller)) (declare (ignore new-fg)) (with-slots (foreground regions) self (setf (window-border (svref regions *min-anchor-region*)) foreground) (setf (window-border (svref regions *max-anchor-region*)) foreground))) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | Geometry Management | ;;; | ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (defmethod preferred-size ((self scroller) &key width height border-width) (declare (ignore border-width)) (with-slots (orientation (current-height height) (current-width width)) self (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale self))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) ;; Calculate geometry assuming :vertical orientation (preferred-width (+ margin anchor-width margin)) (preferred-height (max ;; Suggested or current height (or (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) (if (eq orientation :vertical) current-height current-width)) ;; Size of abbreviated scrollbar (no drag area) (+ anchor-height margin anchor-width anchor-width margin anchor-height)))) ;; Return preferred geometry according to actual orientation (values (if (eq orientation :vertical) preferred-width preferred-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) preferred-height preferred-width) 0)))) (defmethod resize :around ((self scroller) new-width new-height new-border-width) (if (realized-p self) Reconfigure subwindows (let* ((abbreviated-before-p (scrollbar-abbreviated-p self)) (resized-p (call-next-method))) (with-slots (width height orientation regions) self (let* ((scale (contact-scale self)) (max-anchor (svref regions *max-anchor-region*)) (dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* scale)) (anchor-position (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions) 1)) (elevator (svref regions *elevator-region*)) (elevator-position (scroller-value-position self))) ;; Reposition max anchor (if (eq orientation :vertical) (setf (drawable-y max-anchor) anchor-position) (setf (drawable-x max-anchor) anchor-position)) ;; Reconfigure elevator (multiple-value-bind (elevator-size abbreviated-after-p) (scrollbar-elevator-size self) (with-state (elevator) (case orientation (:vertical (setf (drawable-y elevator) elevator-position) (setf (drawable-height elevator) elevator-size)) (:horizontal (setf (drawable-x elevator) elevator-position) (setf (drawable-width elevator) elevator-size)))) ;; Changing abbreviation? (unless (eq abbreviated-before-p abbreviated-after-p) ;; Reposition more-arrow region (let* ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (more-arrow-pos (+ anchor-width (if abbreviated-after-p 0 anchor-width)))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (setf (drawable-y (svref regions *more-arrow-region*)) more-arrow-pos) (setf (drawable-x (svref regions *more-arrow-region*)) more-arrow-pos))) ;; Redisplay elevator image (scrollbar-display-elevator self scale))))) resized-p) ;; If not yet realized, just do it (call-next-method))) (defun scrollbar-abbreviated-p (scroller) (with-slots (width height orientation) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions))) (<= (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) (+ anchor-height margin anchor-width anchor-width anchor-width margin anchor-height))))) (defun scrollbar-elevator-size (scroller) (let ((abbreviated-p (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller))) (values (+ (* (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (if abbreviated-p 2 3)) 2) abbreviated-p))) (defun scrollbar-less-arrow-geometry (scroller) (let ((arrow-size (1- (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller)))))) (if (eq :vertical (scale-orientation scroller)) (values 1 1 (- arrow-size 2) arrow-size) (values 1 1 arrow-size (- arrow-size 2))))) (defun scrollbar-drag-area-geometry (scroller) (let* ((area-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller)))) (area-position (1+ area-size))) (if (eq :vertical (scale-orientation scroller)) (values 1 area-position (- area-size 3) (1- area-size)) (values area-position 1 (1- area-size) (- area-size 3))))) (defun scrollbar-more-arrow-geometry (scroller) (let* ((arrow-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller)))) (arrow-position (1+ (+ arrow-size (if (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller) 0 arrow-size))))) (if (eq :vertical (scale-orientation scroller)) (values 1 arrow-position (- arrow-size 3) (1- arrow-size)) (values arrow-position 1 (1- arrow-size) (- arrow-size 3))))) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | Display | ;;; | ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (defmethod display ((self scroller) &optional at-x at-y at-width at-height &key) (with-slots (width height foreground regions orientation) self ;; Default exposed rectangle, if necessary (setf at-x (or at-x 0) at-y (or at-y 0) at-width (or at-width (- width at-x)) at-height (or at-height (- height at-y))) (let* ((scale (contact-scale self)) (dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* scale)) (anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (cable-margin (scrollbar-cable-margin dimensions)) (cable-width (scrollbar-cable-width dimensions)) (elevator-position (scroller-value-position self)) (elevator-size (scrollbar-elevator-size self)) (elevator-end (+ elevator-position elevator-size))) ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | ;; Draw cable. | ;; | ;; Stipple fill is relatively slow, so redrawing entire cable can cause | ;; annoying flicker. But computing the minimal cable area to redraw is | ;; complicated, because the display method is expected to update the image | ;; when the elevator moves (thus exposing a small region of the scroller | ;; previously obscured by the elevator). In this case, we must redraw the | ;; cable not only in the area exposed, but also elsewhere to cover up the | ;; previous gaps between elevator/proportion indicator/cable. | ;; | ;; The following algorithm is a compromise. If the exposed area is entirely | on one side of the elevator ( as it is in the case of an elevator move ) , | ;; then we redraw the cable only on that side. | ;; | ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (flet ((exposed-cable-segment (exposed-position exposed-size scroller-size) (let ((min (+ anchor-height margin)) (max (- scroller-size margin anchor-height))) (cond ;; Exposed area before elevator? ((>= elevator-position (+ exposed-position exposed-size)) Redraw only first part of cable . (values min (- elevator-position min))) ;; Exposed area behind elevator? ((>= exposed-position elevator-end) ;; Redraw only last part of cable. (values elevator-end (- max elevator-end))) (t ;; Redraw all of cable. (values min (- max min))))))) (multiple-value-bind (cable-x cable-y cable-width cable-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (multiple-value-bind (cy ch) (exposed-cable-segment at-y at-height height) (values (pixel-round (- width cable-width) 2) cy cable-width ch)) (multiple-value-bind (cx cw) (exposed-cable-segment at-x at-width width) (values cx (pixel-round (- height cable-width) 2) cw cable-width))) ;; Draw exposed cable area (using-gcontext (gc :drawable self :fill-style :stippled :foreground foreground :stipple (contact-image-mask self 50%gray :depth 1)) (clear-area self :x cable-x :y cable-y :width cable-width :height cable-height) (draw-rectangle self gc cable-x cable-y cable-width cable-height :fill-p)) ;; Draw proportion indicator (let* ((pi-size (scroller-indicator-size self)) (pi-pos (scroller-indicator-position self pi-size))) (multiple-value-bind (pi-x pi-y pi-width pi-height margin-x margin-y margin-width margin-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values cable-x pi-pos cable-width pi-size cable-x (- pi-pos margin) cable-width (+ pi-size margin margin)) (values pi-pos cable-y pi-size cable-height (- pi-pos margin) cable-y (+ pi-size margin margin) cable-height)) (clear-area self :x margin-x :y margin-y :width margin-width :height margin-height) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable self :fill-style :solid :foreground foreground) (draw-rectangle self gc pi-x pi-y pi-width pi-height :fill-p)))))) Clear cable margin around elevator (multiple-value-bind (gap-x gap-y gap-width gap-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values 0 (- elevator-position cable-margin) nil (+ cable-margin elevator-size cable-margin)) (values (- elevator-position cable-margin) 0 (+ cable-margin elevator-size cable-margin) nil)) (clear-area self :x gap-x :y gap-y :width gap-width :height gap-height)) ;; Compute elevator geometry (multiple-value-bind (elevator-x elevator-y elevator-width elevator-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values (scrollbar-margin dimensions) elevator-position anchor-width elevator-size) (values elevator-position (scrollbar-margin dimensions) elevator-size anchor-width)) (when ;; Exposed area intersects elevator? (and (< elevator-x (+ at-x at-width)) (< elevator-y (+ at-y at-height)) (> (+ elevator-x elevator-width) at-x) (> (+ elevator-y elevator-height) at-y)) (scrollbar-display-elevator self scale)))))) (defun scrollbar-display-elevator (scroller &optional scale) (setf scale (or scale (contact-scale scroller))) (with-slots (orientation regions foreground) (the scroller scroller) ;; Draw elevator image (let* ((image (getf (getf *scrollbar-images* orientation) scale)) (mask (contact-image-mask scroller image :foreground foreground :background (contact-current-background-pixel scroller))) (elevator (svref regions *elevator-region*))) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :exposures :off) (copy-area mask gc 0 0 (image-width image) (image-height image) elevator 0 0) (when (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller) (let ((copy-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* scale)))) (multiple-value-bind (from-x from-y copy-width copy-height) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (values 0 (+ copy-size copy-size) copy-size (+ copy-size 2)) (values (+ copy-size copy-size) 0 (+ copy-size 2) copy-size)) (multiple-value-bind (to-x to-y) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (values 0 copy-size) (values copy-size 0)) (copy-area mask gc from-x from-y copy-width copy-height elevator to-x to-y)))))))) ;; Dim arrows, if necessary (let ((insensitive-p (not (sensitive-p scroller)))) (scrollbar-update-less-arrow scroller nil insensitive-p) (scrollbar-update-more-arrow scroller nil insensitive-p))) (defun scrollbar-update-less-arrow (scroller dim-p insensitive-p) (with-slots (value minimum foreground regions) (the scroller scroller) (unless (eq dim-p (or insensitive-p (= value minimum))) (multiple-value-bind (arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height) (scrollbar-less-arrow-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :fill-style :stippled :foreground (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller)) :stipple (contact-image-mask scroller 25%gray :depth 1)) (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p)))))) (defun scrollbar-update-more-arrow (scroller dim-p insensitive-p) (with-slots (value maximum foreground regions) (the scroller scroller) (unless (eq dim-p (or insensitive-p (= value maximum))) (multiple-value-bind (arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height) (scrollbar-more-arrow-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :fill-style :stippled :foreground (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller)) :stipple (contact-image-mask scroller 25%gray :depth 1)) (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p)))))) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | ;;; Event Translations | ;;; | ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (defevent scroller (:motion-notify :button-1) scroller-handle-motion) (defevent scroller (:timer :update-delay) scroller-report-new-value) (defevent scroller (:timer :click) (throw-action :click-timeout)) (defevent scroller (:button-release :button-1) scroller-handle-release) (defevent scroller (:button-press :button-1) scroller-handle-press) (defparameter *scroller-click-timeout* 0.2 "Number of seconds to wait before starting continuous scrolling") (defparameter *scroller-hold-timeout* 0.05 "Number of seconds to wait during continuous scrolling before updating value") (let ((press-handlers (make-array 7))) (flet ((find-region (scroller) ;; Return index of scroller region containing the current event (with-slots (regions orientation) scroller (with-event (child x y) (if child ;; Look up event child window among scroller regions (let ((region (position child regions :test #'eq))) (if (= region *elevator-region*) ;; Which part of elevator got the press: less-arrow, drag-area, or more-arrow? (let ((region (+ *less-arrow-region* (floor (- (if (eq :vertical orientation) y x) (scroller-value-position scroller)) (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))))))) (if (and (= region *drag-area-region*) (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller)) *more-arrow-region* region)) ;; Min/max anchor press region)) ;; Event occurred on non-child area of scroller *cable-region*)))) (press-cable (scroller) (with-slots (orientation increment width height indicator-size update-delay display value) scroller (with-event (x y) (multiple-value-bind (event-position max-position) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (values y height) (values x width)) (let* ((anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller)))) (min-position anchor-height) (max-position (- max-position anchor-height)) (pane-size (let ((size (true-indicator-size indicator-size))) (if (plusp size) size increment))) (pane-increment (if (< event-position (scroller-value-position scroller)) ;; Decrement by pane? (when (>= event-position min-position) (- pane-size)) ;; Increment by pane? (when (<= event-position max-position) pane-size)))) (unless pane-increment ;; Just wait for release and do nothing (catch :release (loop (process-next-event display))) (return-from press-cable)) (if (catch :release ;; If user is clicking fast on cable, then we can arrive here ;; before all :exposure's from previous clicks have been processed. ;; Therefore, must use a timer, so we can continue processing :exposure's ;; while waiting for click release. (add-timer scroller :click *scroller-click-timeout*) (unwind-protect (catch :click-timeout (loop (process-next-event display))) (delete-timer scroller :click)) t) ;; Perform continuous pane scrolling... (let ((current-x x) (current-y y)) ;; Set timer for update (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (add-timer scroller :update-delay update-delay)) ;; Increment and warp pointer as needed, until release event (apply-callback scroller :begin-continuous) (catch :release (loop (scroller-increment-value scroller pane-increment) (multiple-value-setq (current-x current-y) (scrollbar-cable-warp scroller pane-increment current-x current-y min-position max-position)) ;; Wait for timeout to elapse (do () ((not (process-next-event display *scroller-hold-timeout*)))))) (apply-callback scroller :end-continuous)) ;; Single click -- increment value (progn (scroller-increment-value scroller pane-increment) ;; Warp pointer to keep it between elevator and anchor (scrollbar-cable-warp scroller pane-increment x y min-position max-position))) ;; Report final value, if necessary (unless (eql 0 update-delay) (delete-timer scroller :update-delay) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value))))))) (press-drag-area (scroller) (with-slots (display regions value update-delay foreground orientation) scroller (let ((highlight-pixel (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller))) (elevator (svref regions *elevator-region*))) (multiple-value-bind (drag-x drag-y drag-width drag-height) (scrollbar-drag-area-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :foreground highlight-pixel) ;; Highlight drag area (draw-rectangle elevator gc drag-x drag-y drag-width drag-height :fill-p) (with-event (x y) (let ((*previous-position* (if (eq :vertical orientation) y x)) (*drag-motion* t)) (declare (special *previous-position* *drag-motion*)) ;; Set timer for update (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (add-timer scroller :update-delay update-delay)) ;; Handle motion events until release. (catch :release (loop (process-next-event display))))) ;; Report final value. (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (delete-timer scroller :update-delay)) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value) Unhighlight drag area (draw-rectangle elevator gc drag-x drag-y drag-width drag-height :fill-p)))))) (press-less-arrow (scroller) (with-slots (display regions value maximum increment update-delay foreground orientation) scroller (let ((highlight-pixel (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller)))) (multiple-value-bind (arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height) (scrollbar-less-arrow-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :foreground highlight-pixel) ;; Highlight arrow (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p) Force pointer to stay within arrow window (grab-pointer scroller #.(make-event-mask :button-press :button-release) :confine-to (svref regions *less-arrow-region*)) (if (catch :release (not (process-next-event display *scroller-click-timeout*))) ;; Perform continuous scrolling... (progn ;; Set timer for update (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (add-timer scroller :update-delay update-delay)) ;; Increment until release event (apply-callback scroller :begin-continuous) (catch :release (loop (scroller-increment-value scroller (- increment)) (do () ((not (process-next-event display *scroller-hold-timeout*)))))) (apply-callback scroller :end-continuous)) ;; Single click -- increment value. (scroller-increment-value scroller (- increment))) ;; Report final value, if necessary (unless (eql 0 update-delay) (delete-timer scroller :update-delay) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value)) ;; Release grab (ungrab-pointer display) Unhighlight arrow (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p)))))) (press-more-arrow (scroller) (with-slots (display regions value maximum increment update-delay foreground orientation) scroller (let ((highlight-pixel (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller)))) (multiple-value-bind (arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height) (scrollbar-more-arrow-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :foreground highlight-pixel) ;; Highlight arrow (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p) Force pointer to stay within arrow window (grab-pointer scroller #.(make-event-mask :button-press :button-release) :confine-to (svref regions *more-arrow-region*)) (if (catch :release (not (process-next-event display *scroller-click-timeout*))) ;; Perform continuous scrolling... (progn ;; Set timer for update (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (add-timer scroller :update-delay update-delay)) ;; Increment until release event (apply-callback scroller :begin-continuous) (catch :release (loop (scroller-increment-value scroller increment) (do () ((not (process-next-event display *scroller-hold-timeout*)))))) (apply-callback scroller :end-continuous)) ;; Single click -- increment value. (scroller-increment-value scroller increment)) ;; Report final value, if necessary (unless (eql 0 update-delay) (delete-timer scroller :update-delay) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value)) ;; Release grab (ungrab-pointer display) Unhighlight arrow (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p)))))) (press-max-anchor (scroller) (with-slots (display regions foreground maximum value) scroller ;; Highlight max anchor (let ((max-anchor (svref regions *max-anchor-region*)) (highlight-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))))) ;; This rectangle size is "too big", but we let the server clip it (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :foreground foreground) (draw-rectangle max-anchor gc 0 0 highlight-size highlight-size :fill-p)) ;; Wait for release event (catch :release (loop (process-next-event display))) Unhighlight max anchor (clear-area max-anchor) ;; Go to maximum position (unless (= value maximum) (setf (scale-value scroller) maximum) (apply-callback scroller :new-value maximum))))) (press-min-anchor (scroller) (with-slots (display regions foreground minimum value) scroller ;; Highlight min anchor (let ((min-anchor (svref regions *min-anchor-region*)) (highlight-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))))) ;; This rectangle size is "too big", but we let the server clip it (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :foreground foreground) (draw-rectangle min-anchor gc 0 0 highlight-size highlight-size :fill-p)) ;; Wait for release event (catch :release (loop (process-next-event display))) Unhighlight min anchor (clear-area min-anchor) ;; Go to minimum position (unless (= value minimum) (setf (scale-value scroller) minimum) (apply-callback scroller :new-value minimum)))))) Initialize press - handlers dispatch vector (setf (svref press-handlers *elevator-region*) nil) ; should never be used!! (setf (svref press-handlers *min-anchor-region*) #'press-min-anchor) (setf (svref press-handlers *max-anchor-region*) #'press-max-anchor) (setf (svref press-handlers *less-arrow-region*) #'press-less-arrow) (setf (svref press-handlers *drag-area-region*) #'press-drag-area) (setf (svref press-handlers *more-arrow-region*) #'press-more-arrow) (setf (svref press-handlers *cable-region*) #'press-cable) ;; Define press action function (defun scroller-handle-press (scroller) (let ((*scroller-pressed-p* t)) (declare (special *scroller-pressed-p*)) (funcall (svref press-handlers (find-region scroller)) scroller))))) (defun scroller-handle-release (scroller) (declare (ignore scroller)) (declare (special *scroller-pressed-p*)) (when (boundp '*scroller-pressed-p*) (throw :release nil))) (defun scroller-handle-motion (scroller) (declare (special *previous-position* *drag-motion*)) (when (boundp '*drag-motion*) (with-slots (orientation) (the scroller scroller) (with-event (state x y) (multiple-value-bind (ptr-x ptr-y) ;; Is :button-1 still down? (if (plusp (logand state #.(make-state-mask :button-1))) ;; Yes, query current pointer position (query-pointer scroller) ;; No, use final x,y returned for button transition (values x y)) (let* ((new-position (if (eq :vertical orientation) ptr-y ptr-x)) (increment (scroller-pixel-value scroller (- new-position *previous-position*)))) (unless (zerop increment) (scroller-increment-value scroller increment) (setf *previous-position* new-position)))))))) (defun scroller-report-new-value (scroller) (with-slots (value) (the scroller scroller) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value))) (defun scroller-increment-value (scroller increment) (with-slots (value minimum maximum update-delay) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((new-value (+ value increment)) (adjusted (min (max (or (apply-callback scroller :adjust-value new-value) new-value) minimum) maximum))) (unless (= adjusted value) (setf (scale-value scroller) adjusted) (when (eql 0 update-delay) (apply-callback scroller :new-value adjusted)))))) (defun scrollbar-cable-warp (scroller pane-increment current-x current-y min-position max-position) (with-slots (orientation) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((current-position (if (eq :vertical orientation) current-y current-x)) (new-pointer-position (if (plusp pane-increment) (when (< current-position (setf min-position (+ (scroller-value-position scroller) (scrollbar-elevator-size scroller)))) (1+ min-position)) (when (> current-position (setf max-position (scroller-value-position scroller))) (1- max-position))))) (when new-pointer-position (if (eq :vertical orientation) (setf current-y new-pointer-position) (setf current-x new-pointer-position)) (warp-pointer scroller current-x current-y)) (values current-x current-y)))) (defun scroller-value-position (scroller) (with-slots (width height orientation value minimum maximum) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) (range (- maximum minimum))) (+ anchor-height margin (if (zerop range) 0 (pixel-round (* (- value minimum) Pixels per value unit (/ (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) anchor-height margin (* (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions) (if (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller) 2 3)) 2 margin anchor-height) range)))))))) (defun scroller-pixel-value (scroller pixels) (with-slots (width height orientation minimum maximum increment) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions))) ;; pixels times value-units-per-pixel, rounded to nearest multiple of increment (* (pixel-round (/ (* pixels (- maximum minimum)) (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) anchor-height margin (* (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions) (if (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller) 2 3)) 2 margin anchor-height)) increment) increment)))) (defun scroller-indicator-position (scroller &optional size) (setf size (or size (scroller-indicator-size scroller))) (with-slots (width height orientation value minimum maximum) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) (range (- maximum minimum))) (+ anchor-height margin (if (zerop range) 0 (pixel-round (* (- value minimum) Pixels per value unit for indicator position (/ (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) anchor-height margin size margin anchor-height) range)))))))) (defun scroller-indicator-size (scroller) (with-slots (width height orientation minimum maximum indicator-size) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) (range (- maximum minimum))) (pixel-round (* (min (true-indicator-size indicator-size) range) ; "clip" displayed size to cable range (if (zerop range) 0 Pixels per value unit for indicator size (/ (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) anchor-height margin margin anchor-height) range)))))))
Package : CLIO - OPEN ; ; Lowercase : T ; Fonts:(CPTFONT ) ; Syntax : Common - Lisp -*- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED | P.O. BOX 149149 | | | Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify, and | distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and permission | notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting documentation. | | implied warranty. | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Scroller | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Implementation Strategy: Elevator and anchor controls are implemented as non-contact subwindows (i.e. scroller is NOT a composite). Overall, this strategy simplifies the tasks of determining which control is receiving input and of confining the pointer cursor to controls during continuous scrolling, without unnecessarily incurring the full cost of a sub-contact. The elevator is represented as an :input-output subwindow; the imagery of all elevator controls is drawn to this subwindow. The less/more arrow and drag area controls are represented as :input-only subwindows of the elevator subwindow. Subwindows are used for these controls only for use as :confine-to windows while the pointer is grabbed. The scroller subwindow receiving a :button-press is determined from the child slot of the button event. During event handling, the regions vector is searched to look up the vector index of the event window (see FIND-REGION). If the event child is the elevator, then a further search based on elevator geometry is necessary to determine which elevator subwindow is the event window. The resulting vector index is used to select an element from a vector of functions to handle the :button-press (see PRESS-HANDLERS). Index values for accessing region vector and press handler vector ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Initialization | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Create control region windows Request change to preferred width/height, depending on orientation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Accessors | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Update display Position elevator Dim arrows, if necessary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Calculate geometry assuming :vertical orientation Suggested or current height Size of abbreviated scrollbar (no drag area) Return preferred geometry according to actual orientation Reposition max anchor Reconfigure elevator Changing abbreviation? Reposition more-arrow region Redisplay elevator image If not yet realized, just do it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Default exposed rectangle, if necessary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Draw cable. | | Stipple fill is relatively slow, so redrawing entire cable can cause | annoying flicker. But computing the minimal cable area to redraw is | complicated, because the display method is expected to update the image | when the elevator moves (thus exposing a small region of the scroller | previously obscured by the elevator). In this case, we must redraw the | cable not only in the area exposed, but also elsewhere to cover up the | previous gaps between elevator/proportion indicator/cable. | | The following algorithm is a compromise. If the exposed area is entirely | then we redraw the cable only on that side. | | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Exposed area before elevator? Exposed area behind elevator? Redraw only last part of cable. Redraw all of cable. Draw exposed cable area Draw proportion indicator Compute elevator geometry Exposed area intersects elevator? Draw elevator image Dim arrows, if necessary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Event Translations | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Return index of scroller region containing the current event Look up event child window among scroller regions Which part of elevator got the press: less-arrow, drag-area, or more-arrow? Min/max anchor press Event occurred on non-child area of scroller Decrement by pane? Increment by pane? Just wait for release and do nothing If user is clicking fast on cable, then we can arrive here before all :exposure's from previous clicks have been processed. Therefore, must use a timer, so we can continue processing :exposure's while waiting for click release. Perform continuous pane scrolling... Set timer for update Increment and warp pointer as needed, until release event Wait for timeout to elapse Single click -- increment value Warp pointer to keep it between elevator and anchor Report final value, if necessary Highlight drag area Set timer for update Handle motion events until release. Report final value. Highlight arrow Perform continuous scrolling... Set timer for update Increment until release event Single click -- increment value. Report final value, if necessary Release grab Highlight arrow Perform continuous scrolling... Set timer for update Increment until release event Single click -- increment value. Report final value, if necessary Release grab Highlight max anchor This rectangle size is "too big", but we let the server clip it Wait for release event Go to maximum position Highlight min anchor This rectangle size is "too big", but we let the server clip it Wait for release event Go to minimum position should never be used!! Define press action function Is :button-1 still down? Yes, query current pointer position No, use final x,y returned for button transition pixels times value-units-per-pixel, rounded to nearest multiple of increment "clip" displayed size to cable range
, TEXAS 78714 | Copyright ( C ) 1989 , 1990 Texas Instruments Incorporated . | Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software " as is " without express or | (in-package "CLIO-OPEN") (export '( make-scroller scale-increment scale-indicator-size scale-maximum scale-minimum scale-orientation scale-update scale-update-delay scale-value scroller ) 'clio-open) All control subwindows are recorded in the regions vector of the scroller . (defcontact scroller (core contact) ((increment :type number setf defined below :initarg :increment :initform 1) (indicator-size :type (or number (member :off)) setf defined below :initarg :indicator-size :initform 0) (maximum :type number setf defined below :initarg :maximum :initform 1) (minimum :type number setf defined below :initarg :minimum :initform 0) (orientation :type (member :horizontal :vertical) setf defined below :initarg :orientation :initform :vertical) (update-delay :type (or number (member :until-done)) setf defined below :initarg :update-delay :initform 0) (value :type number setf defined below :initarg :value :initform 0) (compress-exposures :initform :on :type (member :off :on) :reader contact-compress-exposures :allocation :class) (regions :type (vector window) :initform (make-array 6))) (:resources increment indicator-size maximum minimum orientation update-delay value (border-width :initform 0) (event-mask :initform #.(make-event-mask :pointer-motion-hint :exposure)))) (defconstant *elevator-region* 0) (defconstant *min-anchor-region* 1) (defconstant *max-anchor-region* 2) (defconstant *less-arrow-region* 3) (defconstant *drag-area-region* 4) (defconstant *more-arrow-region* 5) (defconstant *cable-region* 6) (defun make-scroller (&rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys) (apply #'make-contact 'scroller initargs)) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self scroller) &key &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (width height) self Initialize required geometry (multiple-value-setq (width height) (preferred-size self)))) (labels ((min-anchor-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore scroller)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values (pixel-round (- width anchor-width) 2) 0 (- anchor-width 2) (- anchor-height 2)) (values 0 (pixel-round (- height anchor-width) 2) (- anchor-height 2) (- anchor-width 2))))) (max-anchor-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore scroller)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values (pixel-round (- width anchor-width) 2) (- height anchor-height) (- anchor-width 2) (- anchor-height 2)) (values (- width anchor-height) (pixel-round (- height anchor-width) 2) (- anchor-height 2) (- anchor-width 2))))) (elevator-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values (pixel-round (- width anchor-width) 2) (scroller-value-position scroller) anchor-width (scrollbar-elevator-size scroller)) (values (scroller-value-position scroller) (pixel-round (- height anchor-width) 2) (scrollbar-elevator-size scroller) anchor-width)))) (less-arrow-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore scroller orientation width height)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions))) (values 0 0 anchor-width anchor-width))) (more-arrow-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore width height)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (abbreviated-p (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values 0 (+ anchor-width (if abbreviated-p 0 anchor-width)) anchor-width anchor-width) (values (+ anchor-width (if abbreviated-p 0 anchor-width)) 0 anchor-width anchor-width)))) (drag-area-geometry (dimensions scroller orientation width height) (declare (ignore scroller width height)) (let ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values 0 anchor-width anchor-width anchor-width) (values anchor-width 0 anchor-width anchor-width)))) (reconfigure-controls (self) (declare (type scroller self)) (with-slots (regions width height orientation) (the scroller self) (let ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale self)))) (let ((window (svref regions *min-anchor-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (min-anchor-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *max-anchor-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (max-anchor-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *elevator-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (elevator-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *drag-area-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (drag-area-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *less-arrow-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (less-arrow-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))) (let ((window (svref regions *more-arrow-region*))) (with-state (window) (multiple-value-bind (window-x window-y window-width window-height) (more-arrow-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (setf (drawable-x window) window-x (drawable-y window) window-y (drawable-width window) window-width (drawable-height window) window-height)))))))) (defmethod realize :after ((self scroller)) (with-slots (regions width height orientation foreground) self (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale self))) (min-anchor (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (min-anchor-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent self :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :background :parent-relative :border-width 1 :border foreground :gravity (if (eq orientation :vertical) :north :west)))) (max-anchor (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (max-anchor-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent self :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :background :parent-relative :border-width 1 :border foreground :gravity (if (eq orientation :vertical) :north :west)))) (elevator (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (elevator-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent self :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :border-width 0 :gravity (if (eq orientation :vertical) :north :west)))) (drag-area (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (drag-area-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent elevator :class :input-only :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :border-width 0))) (less-arrow (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (less-arrow-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent elevator :class :input-only :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :border-width 0))) (more-arrow (multiple-value-bind (region-x region-y region-width region-height) (more-arrow-geometry dimensions self orientation width height) (create-window :parent elevator :class :input-only :x region-x :y region-y :width region-width :height region-height :border-width 0)))) (setf (svref regions *min-anchor-region*) min-anchor) (setf (svref regions *max-anchor-region*) max-anchor) (setf (svref regions *elevator-region*) elevator) (setf (svref regions *drag-area-region*) drag-area) (setf (svref regions *less-arrow-region*) less-arrow) (setf (svref regions *more-arrow-region*) more-arrow) (map-subwindows self) (map-subwindows elevator)))) (defmethod rescale ((self scroller)) (with-slots (orientation) self (multiple-value-bind (rw rh) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (values 0 nil) (values nil 0)) (multiple-value-bind (pw ph) (preferred-size self :width rw :height rh) (change-geometry self :width pw :height ph :accept-p t)))) (when (realized-p self) (reconfigure-controls self))) (defmethod (setf scale-orientation) (new-orientation (scroller scroller)) (with-slots (orientation width height) scroller (unless (eq orientation new-orientation) (check-type new-orientation (member :horizontal :vertical)) (setf orientation new-orientation) (multiple-value-bind (new-width new-height) (preferred-size scroller :width height :height width) (change-geometry scroller :width new-width :height new-height)) (reconfigure-controls scroller))) new-orientation)) (defmethod (setf scale-update-delay) (new-update-delay (scroller scroller)) (with-slots (update-delay) scroller (assert (or (eq new-update-delay :until-done) (and (numberp new-update-delay) (not (minusp new-update-delay)))) () "~a is neither :UNTIL-DONE or a non-negative number." new-update-delay) (setf update-delay new-update-delay))) (defmethod (setf scale-value) (new-value (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :value new-value) new-value) (defmethod (setf scale-minimum) (new-minimum (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :minimum new-minimum) new-minimum) (defmethod (setf scale-maximum) (new-maximum (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :maximum new-maximum) new-maximum) (defmethod (setf scale-increment) (new-increment (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :increment new-increment) new-increment) (defmethod (setf scale-indicator-size) (new-indicator-size (scroller scroller)) (scale-update scroller :indicator-size new-indicator-size) new-indicator-size) (defmacro true-indicator-size (size) `(if (eq ,size :off) 0 ,size)) (defmethod scale-update ((scroller scroller) &key value minimum maximum indicator-size increment) (with-slots ((current-val value) (current-min minimum) (current-max maximum) (current-ind indicator-size) (current-inc increment) regions orientation) scroller (setf minimum (or minimum current-min) maximum (or maximum current-max) value (or value current-val) indicator-size (or indicator-size current-ind) increment (or increment current-inc)) (assert (numberp value) () "~s for :value is not a number" value) (assert (numberp minimum) () "~s for :minimum is not a number" minimum) (assert (numberp maximum) () "~s for :maximum is not a number" maximum) (assert (and (numberp increment) (not (minusp increment))) () "~s for :increment is not a number" increment) (assert (or (and (numberp indicator-size) (not (minusp indicator-size))) (eq indicator-size :off)) () "~s for :indicator-size is not :off or a non-negative-number)" indicator-size) (assert (<= minimum maximum) () "Minimum (~a) is greater than maximum (~a)." minimum maximum) (assert (<= minimum value maximum) () "Value (~a) must be in the range [~a, ~a]." value minimum maximum) (let* ((insensitive-p (not (sensitive-p scroller))) (less-arrow-dim-p (or insensitive-p (= current-val current-min))) (more-arrow-dim-p (or insensitive-p (= current-val current-max))) (prev-min current-min) (prev-max current-max) (prev-ind current-ind) (prev-val current-val)) (setf current-min minimum current-max maximum current-val value current-ind indicator-size current-inc increment) (when (realized-p scroller) (cond ((not (and (eql current-min prev-min) (eql current-max prev-max) (eql current-ind prev-ind))) (display scroller)) ((not (eql current-val prev-val)) (let ((position (scroller-value-position scroller)) (elevator (svref regions *elevator-region*))) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (setf (drawable-y elevator) position) (setf (drawable-x elevator) position))) (scrollbar-update-less-arrow scroller less-arrow-dim-p insensitive-p) (scrollbar-update-more-arrow scroller more-arrow-dim-p insensitive-p))))))) (defmethod (setf contact-foreground) :after (new-fg (self scroller)) (declare (ignore new-fg)) (with-slots (foreground regions) self (setf (window-border (svref regions *min-anchor-region*)) foreground) (setf (window-border (svref regions *max-anchor-region*)) foreground))) Geometry Management | (defmethod preferred-size ((self scroller) &key width height border-width) (declare (ignore border-width)) (with-slots (orientation (current-height height) (current-width width)) self (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale self))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) (preferred-width (+ margin anchor-width margin)) (preferred-height (max (or (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) (if (eq orientation :vertical) current-height current-width)) (+ anchor-height margin anchor-width anchor-width margin anchor-height)))) (values (if (eq orientation :vertical) preferred-width preferred-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) preferred-height preferred-width) 0)))) (defmethod resize :around ((self scroller) new-width new-height new-border-width) (if (realized-p self) Reconfigure subwindows (let* ((abbreviated-before-p (scrollbar-abbreviated-p self)) (resized-p (call-next-method))) (with-slots (width height orientation regions) self (let* ((scale (contact-scale self)) (max-anchor (svref regions *max-anchor-region*)) (dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* scale)) (anchor-position (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions) 1)) (elevator (svref regions *elevator-region*)) (elevator-position (scroller-value-position self))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (setf (drawable-y max-anchor) anchor-position) (setf (drawable-x max-anchor) anchor-position)) (multiple-value-bind (elevator-size abbreviated-after-p) (scrollbar-elevator-size self) (with-state (elevator) (case orientation (:vertical (setf (drawable-y elevator) elevator-position) (setf (drawable-height elevator) elevator-size)) (:horizontal (setf (drawable-x elevator) elevator-position) (setf (drawable-width elevator) elevator-size)))) (unless (eq abbreviated-before-p abbreviated-after-p) (let* ((anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (more-arrow-pos (+ anchor-width (if abbreviated-after-p 0 anchor-width)))) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (setf (drawable-y (svref regions *more-arrow-region*)) more-arrow-pos) (setf (drawable-x (svref regions *more-arrow-region*)) more-arrow-pos))) (scrollbar-display-elevator self scale))))) resized-p) (call-next-method))) (defun scrollbar-abbreviated-p (scroller) (with-slots (width height orientation) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions))) (<= (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) (+ anchor-height margin anchor-width anchor-width anchor-width margin anchor-height))))) (defun scrollbar-elevator-size (scroller) (let ((abbreviated-p (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller))) (values (+ (* (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (if abbreviated-p 2 3)) 2) abbreviated-p))) (defun scrollbar-less-arrow-geometry (scroller) (let ((arrow-size (1- (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller)))))) (if (eq :vertical (scale-orientation scroller)) (values 1 1 (- arrow-size 2) arrow-size) (values 1 1 arrow-size (- arrow-size 2))))) (defun scrollbar-drag-area-geometry (scroller) (let* ((area-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller)))) (area-position (1+ area-size))) (if (eq :vertical (scale-orientation scroller)) (values 1 area-position (- area-size 3) (1- area-size)) (values area-position 1 (1- area-size) (- area-size 3))))) (defun scrollbar-more-arrow-geometry (scroller) (let* ((arrow-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller)))) (arrow-position (1+ (+ arrow-size (if (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller) 0 arrow-size))))) (if (eq :vertical (scale-orientation scroller)) (values 1 arrow-position (- arrow-size 3) (1- arrow-size)) (values arrow-position 1 (1- arrow-size) (- arrow-size 3))))) Display | (defmethod display ((self scroller) &optional at-x at-y at-width at-height &key) (with-slots (width height foreground regions orientation) self (setf at-x (or at-x 0) at-y (or at-y 0) at-width (or at-width (- width at-x)) at-height (or at-height (- height at-y))) (let* ((scale (contact-scale self)) (dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* scale)) (anchor-width (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (cable-margin (scrollbar-cable-margin dimensions)) (cable-width (scrollbar-cable-width dimensions)) (elevator-position (scroller-value-position self)) (elevator-size (scrollbar-elevator-size self)) (elevator-end (+ elevator-position elevator-size))) on one side of the elevator ( as it is in the case of an elevator move ) , | (flet ((exposed-cable-segment (exposed-position exposed-size scroller-size) (let ((min (+ anchor-height margin)) (max (- scroller-size margin anchor-height))) (cond ((>= elevator-position (+ exposed-position exposed-size)) Redraw only first part of cable . (values min (- elevator-position min))) ((>= exposed-position elevator-end) (values elevator-end (- max elevator-end))) (t (values min (- max min))))))) (multiple-value-bind (cable-x cable-y cable-width cable-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (multiple-value-bind (cy ch) (exposed-cable-segment at-y at-height height) (values (pixel-round (- width cable-width) 2) cy cable-width ch)) (multiple-value-bind (cx cw) (exposed-cable-segment at-x at-width width) (values cx (pixel-round (- height cable-width) 2) cw cable-width))) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable self :fill-style :stippled :foreground foreground :stipple (contact-image-mask self 50%gray :depth 1)) (clear-area self :x cable-x :y cable-y :width cable-width :height cable-height) (draw-rectangle self gc cable-x cable-y cable-width cable-height :fill-p)) (let* ((pi-size (scroller-indicator-size self)) (pi-pos (scroller-indicator-position self pi-size))) (multiple-value-bind (pi-x pi-y pi-width pi-height margin-x margin-y margin-width margin-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values cable-x pi-pos cable-width pi-size cable-x (- pi-pos margin) cable-width (+ pi-size margin margin)) (values pi-pos cable-y pi-size cable-height (- pi-pos margin) cable-y (+ pi-size margin margin) cable-height)) (clear-area self :x margin-x :y margin-y :width margin-width :height margin-height) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable self :fill-style :solid :foreground foreground) (draw-rectangle self gc pi-x pi-y pi-width pi-height :fill-p)))))) Clear cable margin around elevator (multiple-value-bind (gap-x gap-y gap-width gap-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values 0 (- elevator-position cable-margin) nil (+ cable-margin elevator-size cable-margin)) (values (- elevator-position cable-margin) 0 (+ cable-margin elevator-size cable-margin) nil)) (clear-area self :x gap-x :y gap-y :width gap-width :height gap-height)) (multiple-value-bind (elevator-x elevator-y elevator-width elevator-height) (if (eq orientation :vertical) (values (scrollbar-margin dimensions) elevator-position anchor-width elevator-size) (values elevator-position (scrollbar-margin dimensions) elevator-size anchor-width)) (when (and (< elevator-x (+ at-x at-width)) (< elevator-y (+ at-y at-height)) (> (+ elevator-x elevator-width) at-x) (> (+ elevator-y elevator-height) at-y)) (scrollbar-display-elevator self scale)))))) (defun scrollbar-display-elevator (scroller &optional scale) (setf scale (or scale (contact-scale scroller))) (with-slots (orientation regions foreground) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((image (getf (getf *scrollbar-images* orientation) scale)) (mask (contact-image-mask scroller image :foreground foreground :background (contact-current-background-pixel scroller))) (elevator (svref regions *elevator-region*))) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :exposures :off) (copy-area mask gc 0 0 (image-width image) (image-height image) elevator 0 0) (when (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller) (let ((copy-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* scale)))) (multiple-value-bind (from-x from-y copy-width copy-height) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (values 0 (+ copy-size copy-size) copy-size (+ copy-size 2)) (values (+ copy-size copy-size) 0 (+ copy-size 2) copy-size)) (multiple-value-bind (to-x to-y) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (values 0 copy-size) (values copy-size 0)) (copy-area mask gc from-x from-y copy-width copy-height elevator to-x to-y)))))))) (let ((insensitive-p (not (sensitive-p scroller)))) (scrollbar-update-less-arrow scroller nil insensitive-p) (scrollbar-update-more-arrow scroller nil insensitive-p))) (defun scrollbar-update-less-arrow (scroller dim-p insensitive-p) (with-slots (value minimum foreground regions) (the scroller scroller) (unless (eq dim-p (or insensitive-p (= value minimum))) (multiple-value-bind (arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height) (scrollbar-less-arrow-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :fill-style :stippled :foreground (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller)) :stipple (contact-image-mask scroller 25%gray :depth 1)) (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p)))))) (defun scrollbar-update-more-arrow (scroller dim-p insensitive-p) (with-slots (value maximum foreground regions) (the scroller scroller) (unless (eq dim-p (or insensitive-p (= value maximum))) (multiple-value-bind (arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height) (scrollbar-more-arrow-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :fill-style :stippled :foreground (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller)) :stipple (contact-image-mask scroller 25%gray :depth 1)) (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p)))))) (defevent scroller (:motion-notify :button-1) scroller-handle-motion) (defevent scroller (:timer :update-delay) scroller-report-new-value) (defevent scroller (:timer :click) (throw-action :click-timeout)) (defevent scroller (:button-release :button-1) scroller-handle-release) (defevent scroller (:button-press :button-1) scroller-handle-press) (defparameter *scroller-click-timeout* 0.2 "Number of seconds to wait before starting continuous scrolling") (defparameter *scroller-hold-timeout* 0.05 "Number of seconds to wait during continuous scrolling before updating value") (let ((press-handlers (make-array 7))) (flet ((find-region (scroller) (with-slots (regions orientation) scroller (with-event (child x y) (if child (let ((region (position child regions :test #'eq))) (if (= region *elevator-region*) (let ((region (+ *less-arrow-region* (floor (- (if (eq :vertical orientation) y x) (scroller-value-position scroller)) (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))))))) (if (and (= region *drag-area-region*) (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller)) *more-arrow-region* region)) region)) *cable-region*)))) (press-cable (scroller) (with-slots (orientation increment width height indicator-size update-delay display value) scroller (with-event (x y) (multiple-value-bind (event-position max-position) (if (eq :vertical orientation) (values y height) (values x width)) (let* ((anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller)))) (min-position anchor-height) (max-position (- max-position anchor-height)) (pane-size (let ((size (true-indicator-size indicator-size))) (if (plusp size) size increment))) (pane-increment (if (< event-position (scroller-value-position scroller)) (when (>= event-position min-position) (- pane-size)) (when (<= event-position max-position) pane-size)))) (unless pane-increment (catch :release (loop (process-next-event display))) (return-from press-cable)) (if (catch :release (add-timer scroller :click *scroller-click-timeout*) (unwind-protect (catch :click-timeout (loop (process-next-event display))) (delete-timer scroller :click)) t) (let ((current-x x) (current-y y)) (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (add-timer scroller :update-delay update-delay)) (apply-callback scroller :begin-continuous) (catch :release (loop (scroller-increment-value scroller pane-increment) (multiple-value-setq (current-x current-y) (scrollbar-cable-warp scroller pane-increment current-x current-y min-position max-position)) (do () ((not (process-next-event display *scroller-hold-timeout*)))))) (apply-callback scroller :end-continuous)) (progn (scroller-increment-value scroller pane-increment) (scrollbar-cable-warp scroller pane-increment x y min-position max-position))) (unless (eql 0 update-delay) (delete-timer scroller :update-delay) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value))))))) (press-drag-area (scroller) (with-slots (display regions value update-delay foreground orientation) scroller (let ((highlight-pixel (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller))) (elevator (svref regions *elevator-region*))) (multiple-value-bind (drag-x drag-y drag-width drag-height) (scrollbar-drag-area-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :foreground highlight-pixel) (draw-rectangle elevator gc drag-x drag-y drag-width drag-height :fill-p) (with-event (x y) (let ((*previous-position* (if (eq :vertical orientation) y x)) (*drag-motion* t)) (declare (special *previous-position* *drag-motion*)) (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (add-timer scroller :update-delay update-delay)) (catch :release (loop (process-next-event display))))) (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (delete-timer scroller :update-delay)) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value) Unhighlight drag area (draw-rectangle elevator gc drag-x drag-y drag-width drag-height :fill-p)))))) (press-less-arrow (scroller) (with-slots (display regions value maximum increment update-delay foreground orientation) scroller (let ((highlight-pixel (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller)))) (multiple-value-bind (arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height) (scrollbar-less-arrow-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :foreground highlight-pixel) (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p) Force pointer to stay within arrow window (grab-pointer scroller #.(make-event-mask :button-press :button-release) :confine-to (svref regions *less-arrow-region*)) (if (catch :release (not (process-next-event display *scroller-click-timeout*))) (progn (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (add-timer scroller :update-delay update-delay)) (apply-callback scroller :begin-continuous) (catch :release (loop (scroller-increment-value scroller (- increment)) (do () ((not (process-next-event display *scroller-hold-timeout*)))))) (apply-callback scroller :end-continuous)) (scroller-increment-value scroller (- increment))) (unless (eql 0 update-delay) (delete-timer scroller :update-delay) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value)) (ungrab-pointer display) Unhighlight arrow (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p)))))) (press-more-arrow (scroller) (with-slots (display regions value maximum increment update-delay foreground orientation) scroller (let ((highlight-pixel (logxor foreground (contact-current-background-pixel scroller)))) (multiple-value-bind (arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height) (scrollbar-more-arrow-geometry scroller) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :function boole-xor :foreground highlight-pixel) (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p) Force pointer to stay within arrow window (grab-pointer scroller #.(make-event-mask :button-press :button-release) :confine-to (svref regions *more-arrow-region*)) (if (catch :release (not (process-next-event display *scroller-click-timeout*))) (progn (when (and (numberp update-delay) (plusp update-delay)) (add-timer scroller :update-delay update-delay)) (apply-callback scroller :begin-continuous) (catch :release (loop (scroller-increment-value scroller increment) (do () ((not (process-next-event display *scroller-hold-timeout*)))))) (apply-callback scroller :end-continuous)) (scroller-increment-value scroller increment)) (unless (eql 0 update-delay) (delete-timer scroller :update-delay) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value)) (ungrab-pointer display) Unhighlight arrow (draw-rectangle (svref regions *elevator-region*) gc arrow-x arrow-y arrow-width arrow-height :fill-p)))))) (press-max-anchor (scroller) (with-slots (display regions foreground maximum value) scroller (let ((max-anchor (svref regions *max-anchor-region*)) (highlight-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))))) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :foreground foreground) (draw-rectangle max-anchor gc 0 0 highlight-size highlight-size :fill-p)) (catch :release (loop (process-next-event display))) Unhighlight max anchor (clear-area max-anchor) (unless (= value maximum) (setf (scale-value scroller) maximum) (apply-callback scroller :new-value maximum))))) (press-min-anchor (scroller) (with-slots (display regions foreground minimum value) scroller (let ((min-anchor (svref regions *min-anchor-region*)) (highlight-size (scrollbar-anchor-width (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))))) (using-gcontext (gc :drawable scroller :foreground foreground) (draw-rectangle min-anchor gc 0 0 highlight-size highlight-size :fill-p)) (catch :release (loop (process-next-event display))) Unhighlight min anchor (clear-area min-anchor) (unless (= value minimum) (setf (scale-value scroller) minimum) (apply-callback scroller :new-value minimum)))))) Initialize press - handlers dispatch vector (setf (svref press-handlers *min-anchor-region*) #'press-min-anchor) (setf (svref press-handlers *max-anchor-region*) #'press-max-anchor) (setf (svref press-handlers *less-arrow-region*) #'press-less-arrow) (setf (svref press-handlers *drag-area-region*) #'press-drag-area) (setf (svref press-handlers *more-arrow-region*) #'press-more-arrow) (setf (svref press-handlers *cable-region*) #'press-cable) (defun scroller-handle-press (scroller) (let ((*scroller-pressed-p* t)) (declare (special *scroller-pressed-p*)) (funcall (svref press-handlers (find-region scroller)) scroller))))) (defun scroller-handle-release (scroller) (declare (ignore scroller)) (declare (special *scroller-pressed-p*)) (when (boundp '*scroller-pressed-p*) (throw :release nil))) (defun scroller-handle-motion (scroller) (declare (special *previous-position* *drag-motion*)) (when (boundp '*drag-motion*) (with-slots (orientation) (the scroller scroller) (with-event (state x y) (multiple-value-bind (ptr-x ptr-y) (if (plusp (logand state #.(make-state-mask :button-1))) (query-pointer scroller) (values x y)) (let* ((new-position (if (eq :vertical orientation) ptr-y ptr-x)) (increment (scroller-pixel-value scroller (- new-position *previous-position*)))) (unless (zerop increment) (scroller-increment-value scroller increment) (setf *previous-position* new-position)))))))) (defun scroller-report-new-value (scroller) (with-slots (value) (the scroller scroller) (apply-callback scroller :new-value value))) (defun scroller-increment-value (scroller increment) (with-slots (value minimum maximum update-delay) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((new-value (+ value increment)) (adjusted (min (max (or (apply-callback scroller :adjust-value new-value) new-value) minimum) maximum))) (unless (= adjusted value) (setf (scale-value scroller) adjusted) (when (eql 0 update-delay) (apply-callback scroller :new-value adjusted)))))) (defun scrollbar-cable-warp (scroller pane-increment current-x current-y min-position max-position) (with-slots (orientation) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((current-position (if (eq :vertical orientation) current-y current-x)) (new-pointer-position (if (plusp pane-increment) (when (< current-position (setf min-position (+ (scroller-value-position scroller) (scrollbar-elevator-size scroller)))) (1+ min-position)) (when (> current-position (setf max-position (scroller-value-position scroller))) (1- max-position))))) (when new-pointer-position (if (eq :vertical orientation) (setf current-y new-pointer-position) (setf current-x new-pointer-position)) (warp-pointer scroller current-x current-y)) (values current-x current-y)))) (defun scroller-value-position (scroller) (with-slots (width height orientation value minimum maximum) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) (range (- maximum minimum))) (+ anchor-height margin (if (zerop range) 0 (pixel-round (* (- value minimum) Pixels per value unit (/ (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) anchor-height margin (* (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions) (if (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller) 2 3)) 2 margin anchor-height) range)))))))) (defun scroller-pixel-value (scroller pixels) (with-slots (width height orientation minimum maximum increment) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions))) (* (pixel-round (/ (* pixels (- maximum minimum)) (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) anchor-height margin (* (scrollbar-anchor-width dimensions) (if (scrollbar-abbreviated-p scroller) 2 3)) 2 margin anchor-height)) increment) increment)))) (defun scroller-indicator-position (scroller &optional size) (setf size (or size (scroller-indicator-size scroller))) (with-slots (width height orientation value minimum maximum) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) (range (- maximum minimum))) (+ anchor-height margin (if (zerop range) 0 (pixel-round (* (- value minimum) Pixels per value unit for indicator position (/ (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) anchor-height margin size margin anchor-height) range)))))))) (defun scroller-indicator-size (scroller) (with-slots (width height orientation minimum maximum indicator-size) (the scroller scroller) (let* ((dimensions (getf *scrollbar-dimensions* (contact-scale scroller))) (margin (scrollbar-margin dimensions)) (anchor-height (scrollbar-anchor-height dimensions)) (range (- maximum minimum))) (pixel-round (* (if (zerop range) 0 Pixels per value unit for indicator size (/ (- (if (eq orientation :vertical) height width) anchor-height margin margin anchor-height) range)))))))
module Engine.Graphics.Loading ( loadStaticSprite, loadAnimatedSprite, loadStaticSpriteFile ) where import Text.Printf import Graphics.Gloss.Game import Graphics.Gloss (Picture(..)) import Engine.Graphics.Sprite import Engine.Graphics.Animation import Constants -- | Loads creates filenames for given resource by identifier and amount of sprites spriteFileNames :: String -> Int -> [String] spriteFileNames identifier n = (\i -> resourceDir ++ identifier ++ "/" ++ printf "%02d" i ++ ".png") <$> [0.. n] -- | Loads an image from file. If failed, then throws errors loadImage :: String -> Picture loadImage file = case img of Bitmap{} -> Scale spriteScale spriteScale img _ -> error ("Cannot load " ++ file) where img = png file -- | Load Sprites loadStaticSpriteFromPath :: String -> Sprite loadStaticSpriteFromPath path = createStaticSprite (loadImage path) path loadStaticSprite :: String -> Sprite loadStaticSprite identifier = loadStaticSpriteFromPath source where source = head (spriteFileNames identifier 0) loadStaticSpriteFile :: String -> Sprite loadStaticSpriteFile identifier = loadStaticSpriteFromPath (resourceDir ++ identifier ++ ".png") loadAnimatedSprite :: String -> Int -> AnimationType -> Float -> Sprite loadAnimatedSprite identifier n animType interval = createAnimatedSprite animType frames interval where frames = map loadStaticSpriteFromPath (spriteFileNames identifier n)
| Loads creates filenames for given resource by identifier and amount of sprites | Loads an image from file. If failed, then throws errors | Load Sprites
module Engine.Graphics.Loading ( loadStaticSprite, loadAnimatedSprite, loadStaticSpriteFile ) where import Text.Printf import Graphics.Gloss.Game import Graphics.Gloss (Picture(..)) import Engine.Graphics.Sprite import Engine.Graphics.Animation import Constants spriteFileNames :: String -> Int -> [String] spriteFileNames identifier n = (\i -> resourceDir ++ identifier ++ "/" ++ printf "%02d" i ++ ".png") <$> [0.. n] loadImage :: String -> Picture loadImage file = case img of Bitmap{} -> Scale spriteScale spriteScale img _ -> error ("Cannot load " ++ file) where img = png file loadStaticSpriteFromPath :: String -> Sprite loadStaticSpriteFromPath path = createStaticSprite (loadImage path) path loadStaticSprite :: String -> Sprite loadStaticSprite identifier = loadStaticSpriteFromPath source where source = head (spriteFileNames identifier 0) loadStaticSpriteFile :: String -> Sprite loadStaticSpriteFile identifier = loadStaticSpriteFromPath (resourceDir ++ identifier ++ ".png") loadAnimatedSprite :: String -> Int -> AnimationType -> Float -> Sprite loadAnimatedSprite identifier n animType interval = createAnimatedSprite animType frames interval where frames = map loadStaticSpriteFromPath (spriteFileNames identifier n)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * , , and * * * * Copyright ( C ) INRIA , CNRS 2000 - 2018 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * Bruno Blanchet, Vincent Cheval, and Marc Sylvestre * * * * Copyright (C) INRIA, CNRS 2000-2018 * * * *************************************************************) This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details ( in file LICENSE ) . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details (in file LICENSE). You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) open Types val max_proc_nb: int val do_one_reduction_step : term Pitypes.reduc_state -> int -> (unit -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> term Pitypes.reduc_state val do_all_auto_reduction: term Pitypes.reduc_state -> term Pitypes.reduc_state val up_proc_nb: int -> unit val get_proc_nb: unit -> int
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * , , and * * * * Copyright ( C ) INRIA , CNRS 2000 - 2018 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * Bruno Blanchet, Vincent Cheval, and Marc Sylvestre * * * * Copyright (C) INRIA, CNRS 2000-2018 * * * *************************************************************) This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details ( in file LICENSE ) . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details (in file LICENSE). You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) open Types val max_proc_nb: int val do_one_reduction_step : term Pitypes.reduc_state -> int -> (unit -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> term Pitypes.reduc_state val do_all_auto_reduction: term Pitypes.reduc_state -> term Pitypes.reduc_state val up_proc_nb: int -> unit val get_proc_nb: unit -> int
# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not - home # | These are functions and types that in Elm are in scope by default , without needing to import anything . In we refer to such imports as a " Prelude " . module NriPrelude * Elm - like Prelude Platform.Internal.Task, module Basics, module Internal.Shortcut, List.List, Maybe.Maybe (..), Result.Result (..), Text.Text, Char.Char, -- * Other essentials Prelude.Show, GHC.Generics.Generic, fmap, (<*>), (>>=), ) where import Basics import qualified Char import qualified GHC.Generics import Internal.Shortcut import qualified List import qualified Maybe import qualified Platform.Internal import qualified Result import qualified Text import Prelude ( fmap, (<*>), (>>=), ) import qualified Prelude
* Other essentials
# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not - home # | These are functions and types that in Elm are in scope by default , without needing to import anything . In we refer to such imports as a " Prelude " . module NriPrelude * Elm - like Prelude Platform.Internal.Task, module Basics, module Internal.Shortcut, List.List, Maybe.Maybe (..), Result.Result (..), Text.Text, Char.Char, Prelude.Show, GHC.Generics.Generic, fmap, (<*>), (>>=), ) where import Basics import qualified Char import qualified GHC.Generics import Internal.Shortcut import qualified List import qualified Maybe import qualified Platform.Internal import qualified Result import qualified Text import Prelude ( fmap, (<*>), (>>=), ) import qualified Prelude
module Refactor.GenerateTypeSignature.PolymorphSub where f :: Num a => a -> a f a = g a where g :: Num a => a -> a g a = a + 1
module Refactor.GenerateTypeSignature.PolymorphSub where f :: Num a => a -> a f a = g a where g :: Num a => a -> a g a = a + 1
import Data.List data Result = Inserted | Found | Full | Or Result Result deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) data TestCase = TestCase { name :: String , table :: [Int] , probeMax :: Int , threads :: [(Int,Result)] } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) data Config = Config { clangBin :: String , liptonBin :: String , optBin :: String , vvtInclude :: String , optPre :: String , optPost :: String , simplification :: String , runs :: Int , flags :: [Maybe String] , timeout :: Maybe String } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = Config { clangBin = "clang-3.5" , optBin = "opt-3.5" , liptonBin = "/home/eq/repos/Liptonizer/LiptonPass" , vvtInclude = "../../../include" , optPre = "-mem2reg -loops -loop-simplify -loop-rotate -lcssa" , optPost = "-mem2reg -constprop -instsimplify -correlated-propagation -die -simplifycfg -globaldce -instnamer" , simplification = " simplify inline slice value-set=2 simplify inline" , runs = 4 , flags = [Nothing,Just "n"] , timeout = Just "15m" } mkCLang :: TestCase -> String mkCLang tc = "$(CLANG) -I$(VVT_INCLUDE) -O0 -emit-llvm -c ht.cpp -o - -DTABLE_INIT=\"{"++ intercalate "," (fmap show (table tc))++ "}\" -DPROBE_MAX="++ show (probeMax tc)++ " -DSEQUENCE=\""++ foldl (\seq (val,res) -> "SPAWN("++show val++",("++renderResult res++"),"++seq++")" ) "0" (threads tc)++ "\"" renderResult :: Result -> String renderResult Inserted = "IsInserted" renderResult Found = "IsFound" renderResult Full = "IsFull" renderResult (Or r1 r2) = "IsOr<"++renderResult r1++","++renderResult r2++">" mkVars :: Config -> String mkVars cfg = unlines ["CLANG="++clangBin cfg ,"OPT="++optBin cfg ,"LIPTON="++liptonBin cfg ,"VVT_INCLUDE="++vvtInclude cfg ,"OPT_PRE="++optPre cfg ,"OPT_POST="++optPost cfg ,"SIMPLIFICATION="++simplification cfg] flagName :: Maybe String -> TestCase -> String -> String flagName flag tc post = name tc++"."++ (case flag of Nothing -> "" Just f -> f++".")++post mkCompile :: Maybe String -> TestCase -> String mkCompile flag tc = unlines [flagName flag tc "l"++": ht.cpp" ,"\t"++mkCLang tc++" |\\" ,"\t vvt-svcomp inline |\\" ,"\t $(OPT) $(OPT_PRE) |\\" ,"\t $(LIPTON)"++ (case flag of Nothing -> "" Just f -> " -"++f)++ " |\\" ,"\t $(OPT) $(OPT_POST) |\\" ,"\t vvt-enc |\\" ,"\t vvt-opt $(SIMPLIFICATION) |\\" ,"\t vvt-predicates -ioff -bon |\\" ,"\t vvt-pp > "++flagName flag tc "l"] allLisp :: [TestCase] -> String allLisp cases = unwords [ flagName flag tc "l" | tc <- cases , flag <- [Nothing,Just "n"]] allOutputIC3 :: Int -> [TestCase] -> String allOutputIC3 runs cases = unwords [ flagName flag tc (show run++".output-ic3") | tc <- cases , flag <- [Nothing,Just "n"] , run <- [0..runs-1]] allOutputBMC :: Int -> [TestCase] -> String allOutputBMC runs cases = unwords [ flagName flag tc (show run++".output-bmc") | tc <- cases , flag <- [Nothing,Just "n"] , run <- [0..runs-1]] mkIC3 :: Config -> Int -> Maybe String -> TestCase -> String mkIC3 cfg run flag tc = unlines [oname++": "++flagName flag tc "l" ,"\tvvt-verify --stats"++ (case timeout cfg of Nothing -> "" Just to -> " --timeout="++to)++ " < "++flagName flag tc "l"++" > "++oname] where oname = flagName flag tc (show run++".output-ic3") mkBMC :: Config -> Int -> Maybe String -> TestCase -> String mkBMC cfg run flag tc = unlines [oname++": "++flagName flag tc "l" ,"\tvvt-bmc -d -1 -i -t -c"++ (case timeout cfg of Nothing -> "" Just to -> " --timeout="++to)++ " < "++flagName flag tc "l"++" > "++oname] where oname = flagName flag tc (show run++".output-bmc") mkResults :: Config -> Maybe String -> String -> [TestCase] -> String mkResults cfg flag post cases = unlines [fn++": "++files ,"\t./extracts.sh "++show (runs cfg)++" "++post++" "++ intercalate " " [ name tc++(case flag of Nothing -> "" Just f -> "."++f) | tc <- cases ]++" > "++fn ] where sflag = case flag of Nothing -> "" Just f -> "-"++f fn = "results-"++post++sflag files = intercalate " " [ flagName flag tc (show run++".output-"++post) | tc <- cases , run <- [0..runs cfg-1] ] mkMake :: Config -> [TestCase] -> IO () mkMake cfg cases = do putStrLn $ mkVars cfg putStrLn $ "ALL: "++allLisp cases putStrLn $ "output-ic3: "++allOutputIC3 (runs cfg) cases putStrLn $ "output-bmc: "++allOutputBMC (runs cfg) cases putStrLn "include extra.mk" putStrLn "" putStrLn "clean:" putStrLn $ "\trm -f "++allLisp cases++" "++ allOutputIC3 (runs cfg) cases++" "++ allOutputBMC (runs cfg) cases putStrLn "" mapM_ (\flag -> do putStrLn $ mkResults cfg flag "ic3" cases putStrLn "" putStrLn $ mkResults cfg flag "bmc" cases putStrLn "" ) (flags cfg) mapM_ (\tc -> mapM_ (\flag -> do putStrLn $ mkCompile flag tc mapM_ (\n -> putStrLn $ mkIC3 cfg n flag tc ) [0..runs cfg] mapM_ (\n -> putStrLn $ mkBMC cfg n flag tc ) [0..runs cfg] ) (flags cfg) ) cases cases :: [TestCase] cases = [TestCase { name = "t"++show n++"-empty"++show n++"-p1" , table = take n (repeat 0) , probeMax = 1 , threads = [ (i,Inserted) | i <- [1..n] ] } | n <- [1..5] ]++ [TestCase { name = "t"++show n++"-full"++show l++"-p"++show p , table = take l [1..] , probeMax = p , threads = [ (i,Full) | i <- [1..n] ] } | n <- [1..5] , l <- [7] , p <- [1..6] ]++ [TestCase { name = "t"++show n++"-mixed"++show l++"-p"++show p , table = take l [0,0,13,29,0,4,0,10] , probeMax = p , threads = take n [ (1,Or Inserted Full) , (9,Or Inserted Full) , (33,Or Inserted Full) , (7,Or Inserted Full) , (14,Or Inserted Full) ] } | n <- [1..5] , l <- [5] , p <- [4] ] main = mkMake defaultConfig cases
import Data.List data Result = Inserted | Found | Full | Or Result Result deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) data TestCase = TestCase { name :: String , table :: [Int] , probeMax :: Int , threads :: [(Int,Result)] } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) data Config = Config { clangBin :: String , liptonBin :: String , optBin :: String , vvtInclude :: String , optPre :: String , optPost :: String , simplification :: String , runs :: Int , flags :: [Maybe String] , timeout :: Maybe String } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = Config { clangBin = "clang-3.5" , optBin = "opt-3.5" , liptonBin = "/home/eq/repos/Liptonizer/LiptonPass" , vvtInclude = "../../../include" , optPre = "-mem2reg -loops -loop-simplify -loop-rotate -lcssa" , optPost = "-mem2reg -constprop -instsimplify -correlated-propagation -die -simplifycfg -globaldce -instnamer" , simplification = " simplify inline slice value-set=2 simplify inline" , runs = 4 , flags = [Nothing,Just "n"] , timeout = Just "15m" } mkCLang :: TestCase -> String mkCLang tc = "$(CLANG) -I$(VVT_INCLUDE) -O0 -emit-llvm -c ht.cpp -o - -DTABLE_INIT=\"{"++ intercalate "," (fmap show (table tc))++ "}\" -DPROBE_MAX="++ show (probeMax tc)++ " -DSEQUENCE=\""++ foldl (\seq (val,res) -> "SPAWN("++show val++",("++renderResult res++"),"++seq++")" ) "0" (threads tc)++ "\"" renderResult :: Result -> String renderResult Inserted = "IsInserted" renderResult Found = "IsFound" renderResult Full = "IsFull" renderResult (Or r1 r2) = "IsOr<"++renderResult r1++","++renderResult r2++">" mkVars :: Config -> String mkVars cfg = unlines ["CLANG="++clangBin cfg ,"OPT="++optBin cfg ,"LIPTON="++liptonBin cfg ,"VVT_INCLUDE="++vvtInclude cfg ,"OPT_PRE="++optPre cfg ,"OPT_POST="++optPost cfg ,"SIMPLIFICATION="++simplification cfg] flagName :: Maybe String -> TestCase -> String -> String flagName flag tc post = name tc++"."++ (case flag of Nothing -> "" Just f -> f++".")++post mkCompile :: Maybe String -> TestCase -> String mkCompile flag tc = unlines [flagName flag tc "l"++": ht.cpp" ,"\t"++mkCLang tc++" |\\" ,"\t vvt-svcomp inline |\\" ,"\t $(OPT) $(OPT_PRE) |\\" ,"\t $(LIPTON)"++ (case flag of Nothing -> "" Just f -> " -"++f)++ " |\\" ,"\t $(OPT) $(OPT_POST) |\\" ,"\t vvt-enc |\\" ,"\t vvt-opt $(SIMPLIFICATION) |\\" ,"\t vvt-predicates -ioff -bon |\\" ,"\t vvt-pp > "++flagName flag tc "l"] allLisp :: [TestCase] -> String allLisp cases = unwords [ flagName flag tc "l" | tc <- cases , flag <- [Nothing,Just "n"]] allOutputIC3 :: Int -> [TestCase] -> String allOutputIC3 runs cases = unwords [ flagName flag tc (show run++".output-ic3") | tc <- cases , flag <- [Nothing,Just "n"] , run <- [0..runs-1]] allOutputBMC :: Int -> [TestCase] -> String allOutputBMC runs cases = unwords [ flagName flag tc (show run++".output-bmc") | tc <- cases , flag <- [Nothing,Just "n"] , run <- [0..runs-1]] mkIC3 :: Config -> Int -> Maybe String -> TestCase -> String mkIC3 cfg run flag tc = unlines [oname++": "++flagName flag tc "l" ,"\tvvt-verify --stats"++ (case timeout cfg of Nothing -> "" Just to -> " --timeout="++to)++ " < "++flagName flag tc "l"++" > "++oname] where oname = flagName flag tc (show run++".output-ic3") mkBMC :: Config -> Int -> Maybe String -> TestCase -> String mkBMC cfg run flag tc = unlines [oname++": "++flagName flag tc "l" ,"\tvvt-bmc -d -1 -i -t -c"++ (case timeout cfg of Nothing -> "" Just to -> " --timeout="++to)++ " < "++flagName flag tc "l"++" > "++oname] where oname = flagName flag tc (show run++".output-bmc") mkResults :: Config -> Maybe String -> String -> [TestCase] -> String mkResults cfg flag post cases = unlines [fn++": "++files ,"\t./extracts.sh "++show (runs cfg)++" "++post++" "++ intercalate " " [ name tc++(case flag of Nothing -> "" Just f -> "."++f) | tc <- cases ]++" > "++fn ] where sflag = case flag of Nothing -> "" Just f -> "-"++f fn = "results-"++post++sflag files = intercalate " " [ flagName flag tc (show run++".output-"++post) | tc <- cases , run <- [0..runs cfg-1] ] mkMake :: Config -> [TestCase] -> IO () mkMake cfg cases = do putStrLn $ mkVars cfg putStrLn $ "ALL: "++allLisp cases putStrLn $ "output-ic3: "++allOutputIC3 (runs cfg) cases putStrLn $ "output-bmc: "++allOutputBMC (runs cfg) cases putStrLn "include extra.mk" putStrLn "" putStrLn "clean:" putStrLn $ "\trm -f "++allLisp cases++" "++ allOutputIC3 (runs cfg) cases++" "++ allOutputBMC (runs cfg) cases putStrLn "" mapM_ (\flag -> do putStrLn $ mkResults cfg flag "ic3" cases putStrLn "" putStrLn $ mkResults cfg flag "bmc" cases putStrLn "" ) (flags cfg) mapM_ (\tc -> mapM_ (\flag -> do putStrLn $ mkCompile flag tc mapM_ (\n -> putStrLn $ mkIC3 cfg n flag tc ) [0..runs cfg] mapM_ (\n -> putStrLn $ mkBMC cfg n flag tc ) [0..runs cfg] ) (flags cfg) ) cases cases :: [TestCase] cases = [TestCase { name = "t"++show n++"-empty"++show n++"-p1" , table = take n (repeat 0) , probeMax = 1 , threads = [ (i,Inserted) | i <- [1..n] ] } | n <- [1..5] ]++ [TestCase { name = "t"++show n++"-full"++show l++"-p"++show p , table = take l [1..] , probeMax = p , threads = [ (i,Full) | i <- [1..n] ] } | n <- [1..5] , l <- [7] , p <- [1..6] ]++ [TestCase { name = "t"++show n++"-mixed"++show l++"-p"++show p , table = take l [0,0,13,29,0,4,0,10] , probeMax = p , threads = take n [ (1,Or Inserted Full) , (9,Or Inserted Full) , (33,Or Inserted Full) , (7,Or Inserted Full) , (14,Or Inserted Full) ] } | n <- [1..5] , l <- [5] , p <- [4] ] main = mkMake defaultConfig cases
(ns untangled.ui.server.image-library.parser (:require [untangled.ui.server.image-library.storage :as storage]) (:import (java.util Base64))) (defn decode-base64 [data] (.decode (Base64/getDecoder) data)) (defn build-mutate [{:keys [owner-fn auth-fn] :as this}] (fn [env k params] (case k 'untangled.component.image-library/store {:action (fn [] (let [params (update params :content/data decode-base64) im (owner-fn env (storage/make-image-meta params))] (auth-fn env im :store) (let [img-meta (storage/save (::storage/meta env) im)] (storage/store (::storage/blob env) img-meta (:content/data params)) {:tempids {(:db/id params) (:id img-meta)}})))} nil))) (defn build-read [{:keys [auth-fn owner-fn] :as this}] (fn [env k params] (case k :images (let [im (owner-fn env (storage/make-image-meta params))] (auth-fn env im :read-all) {:value (mapv storage/unravel-image-meta (storage/grab (::storage/meta env) im))}) nil)))
(ns untangled.ui.server.image-library.parser (:require [untangled.ui.server.image-library.storage :as storage]) (:import (java.util Base64))) (defn decode-base64 [data] (.decode (Base64/getDecoder) data)) (defn build-mutate [{:keys [owner-fn auth-fn] :as this}] (fn [env k params] (case k 'untangled.component.image-library/store {:action (fn [] (let [params (update params :content/data decode-base64) im (owner-fn env (storage/make-image-meta params))] (auth-fn env im :store) (let [img-meta (storage/save (::storage/meta env) im)] (storage/store (::storage/blob env) img-meta (:content/data params)) {:tempids {(:db/id params) (:id img-meta)}})))} nil))) (defn build-read [{:keys [auth-fn owner-fn] :as this}] (fn [env k params] (case k :images (let [im (owner-fn env (storage/make-image-meta params))] (auth-fn env im :read-all) {:value (mapv storage/unravel-image-meta (storage/grab (::storage/meta env) im))}) nil)))
(ns dustin.missionary.missionary (:require [missionary.core :as m] [hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests tap %]])) (tests (def hello-task (m/sp (println "Hello"))) (hello-task #(print ::success %) #(print ::failure %)) (def sleep-task (m/sleep 1000)) (def async-hello-task (m/sp ; async Sequential Process (m/? hello-task) (m/? sleep-task) (println "World") (m/? sleep-task) (println "!"))) (async-hello-task #(print ::success %) #(print ::failure %)) ( ? - world ) (def chatty-hello-world (join vector slowmo-hello-world slowmo-hello-world)) (? chatty-hello-world) (? (m/join vector (m/sp (inc (m/? (m/sleep 1000 1)))) (m/sp (inc (m/? (m/sleep 100 2)))))) (? (join vector (m/sleep 1000 1) (m/sleep 100 2))) (def unreliable-hello-world (sp (println "hello") (? (m/sleep 300)) (throw (ex-info "Something went wrong." {})))) (? (sp (try (? unreliable-hello-world) (catch Exception e e)))) ? outside sp blocks on jvm (try (? unreliable-hello-world) (catch Exception e :caught)) (def t (sp (try (println "hello") (? (m/sleep 100)) (println "world") (? (m/sleep 100)) (finally (println "!"))))) (t prn prn) (? (m/absolve t)) ;? ; flow (def input (enumerate (range 10))) (? (aggregate + input)) (? (aggregate conj '() input)) (? (aggregate conj [] (m/zip vector input input))) (? (->> (m/zip vector (enumerate [1 2 3]) (enumerate [:a :b :c])) (aggregate conj))) ;(? input) (? (aggregate conj (m/transform (partition-all 4) input))) (def >s (ap (let [x (?? (enumerate [1 2 3]))] (println x) (inc (? (m/sleep 300 x)))))) (? (aggregate conj >s)) (defn debounce [n >a] (ap (let [a (?! >a)] (? (m/sleep n a)) #_(try (? (m/sleep n a)) (catch Exception _ (?? m/none)))))) (defn clock [intervals] (ap (let [n (?? (enumerate intervals))] (? (m/sleep n n))))) (? (aggregate (constantly :done) (clock [100 200 100 200]))) (? (->> (clock [24 79 67 34 18 9 99 37]) (debounce 50) (aggregate conj))) (def >as (clock [100 200 100 200])) (>as prn prn) (? (->> (ap (let [x (?= (enumerate [19 57 28 6 87]))] ; fork in a way that will emit asap, out of order (? (m/sleep x x)))) (aggregate conj))) (? (aggregate conj (ap (?= (enumerate [19 57 28 6 87]))))) ) (comment (defn sleep-emit [delays] (ap (let [n (?? (enumerate delays))] (? (m/sleep n n))))) (? (aggregate conj (m/sample vector (sleep-emit [24 79 67 34]) (sleep-emit [86 12 37 93]) #_(m/watch r) ))) (? (->> (m/sample vector (sleep-emit [24 79 67 34]) (sleep-emit [86 12 37 93])) (aggregate conj))) )
async Sequential Process ? flow (? input) fork in a way that will emit asap, out of order
(ns dustin.missionary.missionary (:require [missionary.core :as m] [hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests tap %]])) (tests (def hello-task (m/sp (println "Hello"))) (hello-task #(print ::success %) #(print ::failure %)) (def sleep-task (m/sleep 1000)) (def async-hello-task (m/? hello-task) (m/? sleep-task) (println "World") (m/? sleep-task) (println "!"))) (async-hello-task #(print ::success %) #(print ::failure %)) ( ? - world ) (def chatty-hello-world (join vector slowmo-hello-world slowmo-hello-world)) (? chatty-hello-world) (? (m/join vector (m/sp (inc (m/? (m/sleep 1000 1)))) (m/sp (inc (m/? (m/sleep 100 2)))))) (? (join vector (m/sleep 1000 1) (m/sleep 100 2))) (def unreliable-hello-world (sp (println "hello") (? (m/sleep 300)) (throw (ex-info "Something went wrong." {})))) (? (sp (try (? unreliable-hello-world) (catch Exception e e)))) ? outside sp blocks on jvm (try (? unreliable-hello-world) (catch Exception e :caught)) (def t (sp (try (println "hello") (? (m/sleep 100)) (println "world") (? (m/sleep 100)) (finally (println "!"))))) (t prn prn) (def input (enumerate (range 10))) (? (aggregate + input)) (? (aggregate conj '() input)) (? (aggregate conj [] (m/zip vector input input))) (? (->> (m/zip vector (enumerate [1 2 3]) (enumerate [:a :b :c])) (aggregate conj))) (? (aggregate conj (m/transform (partition-all 4) input))) (def >s (ap (let [x (?? (enumerate [1 2 3]))] (println x) (inc (? (m/sleep 300 x)))))) (? (aggregate conj >s)) (defn debounce [n >a] (ap (let [a (?! >a)] (? (m/sleep n a)) #_(try (? (m/sleep n a)) (catch Exception _ (?? m/none)))))) (defn clock [intervals] (ap (let [n (?? (enumerate intervals))] (? (m/sleep n n))))) (? (aggregate (constantly :done) (clock [100 200 100 200]))) (? (->> (clock [24 79 67 34 18 9 99 37]) (debounce 50) (aggregate conj))) (def >as (clock [100 200 100 200])) (>as prn prn) (? (->> (ap (? (m/sleep x x)))) (aggregate conj))) (? (aggregate conj (ap (?= (enumerate [19 57 28 6 87]))))) ) (comment (defn sleep-emit [delays] (ap (let [n (?? (enumerate delays))] (? (m/sleep n n))))) (? (aggregate conj (m/sample vector (sleep-emit [24 79 67 34]) (sleep-emit [86 12 37 93]) #_(m/watch r) ))) (? (->> (m/sample vector (sleep-emit [24 79 67 34]) (sleep-emit [86 12 37 93])) (aggregate conj))) )
(ns re-frame.fx-test (:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [is deftest async use-fixtures]] [re-frame.core :as re-frame] [re-frame.fx] [re-frame.interop :refer [set-timeout!]] [re-frame.loggers :as log] [clojure.string :as str])) ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- ;; This fixture uses the re-frame.core/make-restore-fn to checkpoint and reset ;; to cleanup any dynamically registered handlers from our tests. (defn fixture-re-frame [] (let [restore-re-frame (atom nil)] {:before #(reset! restore-re-frame (re-frame.core/make-restore-fn)) :after #(@restore-re-frame)})) (use-fixtures :each (fixture-re-frame)) ;; ---- TESTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ (deftest dispatch-later (let [seen-events (atom [])] ;; Setup and exercise effects handler with :dispatch-later. (re-frame/reg-event-fx ::later-test (fn [_world _event-v] (re-frame/reg-event-db ::watcher (fn [db [_ token]] (is (#{:event1 :event2 :event3} token) "unexpected: token passed through") (swap! seen-events #(conj % token)) db)) {:dispatch-later [{:ms 100 :dispatch [::watcher :event1]} {:ms 200 :dispatch [::watcher :event2]} {:ms 200 :dispatch [::watcher :event3]}]})) (async done (set-timeout! (fn [] (is (= @seen-events [:event1 :event2 :event3]) "All 3 events should have fired in order") (done)) 1000) ;; kick off main handler (re-frame/dispatch [::later-test])))) (re-frame/reg-event-fx ::missing-handler-test (fn [_world _event-v] {:fx-not-exist [:nothing :here]})) (deftest report-missing-handler (let [logs (atom []) log-fn (fn [& args] (swap! logs conj (str/join args))) original-loggers (log/get-loggers)] (try (log/set-loggers! {:error log-fn}) (re-frame/dispatch-sync [::missing-handler-test]) (is (re-matches #"re-frame: no handler registered for effect::fx-not-exist. Ignoring." (first @logs))) (is (= (count @logs) 1)) (finally (log/set-loggers! original-loggers)))))
This fixture uses the re-frame.core/make-restore-fn to checkpoint and reset to cleanup any dynamically registered handlers from our tests. ---- TESTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ Setup and exercise effects handler with :dispatch-later. kick off main handler
(ns re-frame.fx-test (:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [is deftest async use-fixtures]] [re-frame.core :as re-frame] [re-frame.fx] [re-frame.interop :refer [set-timeout!]] [re-frame.loggers :as log] [clojure.string :as str])) ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- (defn fixture-re-frame [] (let [restore-re-frame (atom nil)] {:before #(reset! restore-re-frame (re-frame.core/make-restore-fn)) :after #(@restore-re-frame)})) (use-fixtures :each (fixture-re-frame)) (deftest dispatch-later (let [seen-events (atom [])] (re-frame/reg-event-fx ::later-test (fn [_world _event-v] (re-frame/reg-event-db ::watcher (fn [db [_ token]] (is (#{:event1 :event2 :event3} token) "unexpected: token passed through") (swap! seen-events #(conj % token)) db)) {:dispatch-later [{:ms 100 :dispatch [::watcher :event1]} {:ms 200 :dispatch [::watcher :event2]} {:ms 200 :dispatch [::watcher :event3]}]})) (async done (set-timeout! (fn [] (is (= @seen-events [:event1 :event2 :event3]) "All 3 events should have fired in order") (done)) 1000) (re-frame/dispatch [::later-test])))) (re-frame/reg-event-fx ::missing-handler-test (fn [_world _event-v] {:fx-not-exist [:nothing :here]})) (deftest report-missing-handler (let [logs (atom []) log-fn (fn [& args] (swap! logs conj (str/join args))) original-loggers (log/get-loggers)] (try (log/set-loggers! {:error log-fn}) (re-frame/dispatch-sync [::missing-handler-test]) (is (re-matches #"re-frame: no handler registered for effect::fx-not-exist. Ignoring." (first @logs))) (is (= (count @logs) 1)) (finally (log/set-loggers! original-loggers)))))
#lang rosette (require "diffusion3d-baseline.rkt" "../../lang.rkt" (rename-in rosette/lib/synthax [choose ?]) racket/hash) (current-bitwidth #f) (define switch 0) (define switch-seq #f) (define switch-w #t);(or (eq? switch 0) (eq? switch-seq #f))) ( or ( eq ? switch 1 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 2 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 3 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 4 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 5 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 6 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 7 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) (define switch-w2 #f);(or (eq? switch 8) (eq? switch-seq #f))) ( or ( eq ? switch 9 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 10 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 11 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) (define (diffusion-kernel in out nx ny nz ce cw cn cs ct cb cc) (:= int BLOCKSIZE (*/LS (block-dim 0) (block-dim 1))) (:= int tid-x (thread-idx 0)) (:= int tid-y (thread-idx 1)) ; Shared memory (:shared float [smem BLOCKSIZE]) (:= int i (+/LS (*/LS (block-dim 0) (block-idx 0)) tid-x)) (:= int j (+/LS (*/LS (block-dim 1) (block-idx 1)) tid-y)) ; Index of a element to be updated on a global memory (:= int c (+/LS (*/LS j nx) i)) ; Index of a element to be updated on a shared memory (:= int c2 (+/LS (*/LS tid-y (block-dim 0)) tid-x)) (:= int xy (*/LS nx ny)) (: int tb tc tt) ; Variables for register blocking (= tt [in (+/LS c xy)]) (= tc [in c]) (= tb tc) ;(? (syncthreads) (void)) (= [smem c2] tc) (syncthreads) ;(? (syncthreads) (void)) (:= bool bw (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (:= bool be (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (:= bool bn (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (:= bool bs (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (:= int sw (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (:= int se (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (:= int sn (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (:= int ss (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) ; (define w ; (if switch-w ; (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) ( * /LS cw ( ? : ( & & /LS ( eq?/LS tid - x 0 ) ( ! /LS ( eq?/LS i 0 ) ) ) [ in ( -/LS c 1 ) ] [ smem ( ? : ( eq?/LS i 0 ) c2 ( -/LS c2 1 ) ) ] ) ) ) ) ; (define e ; (if switch-e ; (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) ( * /LS ce ( ? : ( & & /LS ( eq?/LS ( -/LS ( block - dim 0 ) 1 ) ) ( ! /LS ( eq?/LS i ( -/LS nx 1 ) ) ) ) [ in ( + /LS c 1 ) ] [ smem ( ? : ( eq?/LS i ( -/LS nx 1 ) ) c2 ( + /LS c2 1 ) ) ] ) ) ) ) ; (define n ; (if switch-n ; (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) ( * /LS cn ( ? : ( & & /LS ( eq?/LS tid - y 0 ) ( ! /LS ( eq?/LS j 0 ) ) ) [ in ( -/LS c nx ) ] [ smem ( ? : ( eq?/LS j 0 ) c2 ( -/LS c2 ( block - dim 0 ) ) ) ] ) ) ) ) ; (define s ; (if switch-s ; (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) ( * /LS cs ( ? : ( & & /LS ( eq?/LS tid - y ( -/LS ( block - dim 1 ) 1 ) ) ( ! /LS ( eq?/LS j ( -/LS ny 1 ) ) ) ) [ in ( + /LS c nx ) ] [ smem ( ? : ( eq?/LS j ( -/LS ny 1 ) ) c2 ( + /LS c2 ( block - dim 0 ) ) ) ] ) ) ) ) ; (? (syncthreads) (void)) (= [out c] (+/LS (*/LS cc tc) ;(*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) ;(*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) ;(*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) ;(*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (if switch-w (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c (? 1 0))] [smem sw])) (*/LS cw (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS i 0))) [in (-/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i 0) c2 (-/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-e (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (*/LS ce (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)))) [in (+/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-n (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (*/LS cn (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS j 0))) [in (-/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j 0) c2 (-/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (if switch-s (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (*/LS cs (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)))) [in (+/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (*/LS cb tb) (*/LS ct tt))) (+=/LS c xy) (:= int k 1) (for- [: (</LS k (-/LS nz 1)): (++ k)] (= tb tc) (= tc tt) ;(? (syncthreads) (void)) (syncthreads) (= [smem c2] tt) (= tt [in (+/LS c xy)]) (syncthreads) ;(? (syncthreads) (void)) (= bw (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (= be (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (= bn (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (= bs (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (= sw (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= se (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= sn (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= ss (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= [out c] (+/LS (*/LS cc tc) ;(*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) ;(*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) ;(*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) ;(*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (if switch-w1 (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) (*/LS cw (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS i 0))) [in (-/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i 0) c2 (-/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-e1 (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (*/LS ce (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)))) [in (+/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-n1 (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (*/LS cn (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS j 0))) [in (-/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j 0) c2 (-/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (if switch-s1 (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (*/LS cs (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)))) [in (+/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (*/LS cb tb) (*/LS ct tt))) (syncthreads) ;(? (syncthreads) (void)) (+=/LS c xy)) (= tb tc) (= tc tt) ;(? (syncthreads) (void)) (= [smem c2] tt) (syncthreads) ;(? (syncthreads) (void)) (= bw (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (= be (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (= bn (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (= bs (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (= sw (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= se (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= sn (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= ss (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= [out c] (+/LS (*/LS cc tc) ;(*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) ;(*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) ;(*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) ;(*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (if switch-w2 (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) (*/LS cw (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS i 0))) [in (-/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i 0) c2 (-/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-e2 (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (*/LS ce (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)))) [in (+/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-n2 (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (*/LS cn (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS j 0))) [in (-/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j 0) c2 (-/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (if switch-s2 (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (*/LS cs (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)))) [in (+/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (*/LS cb tb) (*/LS ct tt)))) (define (diffusion-run-kernel grid block count in out nx ny nz ce cw cn cs ct cb cc) (for ([i (in-range count)]) (invoke-kernel diffusion-kernel grid block in out nx ny nz ce cw cn cs ct cb cc) (define temp in) (set! in out) (set! out temp))) ;; Add a constraint that it is equal to each of the elements of two arrays , arr1 and arr2 , to asserts . (define (array-eq-verify arr1 arr2 len) (for ([i (in-range len)]) (assert (eq? (array-ref-host arr1 i) (array-ref-host arr2 i))))) (define (r) (define-symbolic* r real?) r) (define-values (SIZEX SIZEY SIZEZ) (values 12 9 3)) (define SIZE (* SIZEX SIZEY SIZEZ)) (define-values (BLOCKSIZEX BLOCKSIZEY) (values 4 3)) ;; Input array on CPU (define CPU-in (make-array (for/vector ([i SIZE]) (make-element (r))) SIZE)) ;; Input array on GPU (define GPU-in (make-array (for/vector ([i SIZE]) (make-element (array-ref-host CPU-in i))) SIZE)) ;; Output array on CPU (define CPU-out (make-array (for/vector ([i SIZE]) (make-element i)) SIZE)) ;; Output array on GPU (define GPU-out (make-array (for/vector ([i SIZE]) (make-element i)) SIZE)) (define-symbolic e w n s t b c real?) ( define - values ( e w n s t b c ) ( values 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) ) (define lst (for/list ([i SIZE]) (array-ref-host CPU-in i))) (define (synth-stencil) (time (synthesize #:forall (append lst (list e w n s t b c)) #:guarantee (begin ;; Execute a diffusion program on CPU (time (diffusion3d-baseline 1 CPU-in CPU-out SIZEX SIZEY SIZEZ e w n s t b c) ;; Execute a diffusion program on GPU (diffusion-run-kernel (list (quotient SIZEX BLOCKSIZEX) (quotient SIZEY BLOCKSIZEY)) (list BLOCKSIZEX BLOCKSIZEY) 1 GPU-in GPU-out SIZEX SIZEY SIZEZ e w n s t b c) (array-eq-verify CPU-out GPU-out SIZE)))))) ;(println (length (asserts))))))) 409 484 599 764 836 908 1016 1160 1233 1308 1387 ;(map syntax->datum (generate-forms (synth-stencil))) (define (seq-synth-stencil n) (time (define ans (model (synth-stencil))) (for ([i (- n 1)]) (set! switch (+ i 1)) (set! ans (hash-union ans (model (synth-stencil)) #:combine/key (lambda (k v1 v2) (and v1 v2)))) ) (map syntax->datum (generate-forms (sat ans))))) (generate-forms (synth-stencil)) ( seq - synth - stencil 4 )
(or (eq? switch 0) (eq? switch-seq #f))) (or (eq? switch 8) (eq? switch-seq #f))) Shared memory Index of a element to be updated on a global memory Index of a element to be updated on a shared memory Variables for register blocking (? (syncthreads) (void)) (? (syncthreads) (void)) (define w (if switch-w (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) (define e (if switch-e (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (define n (if switch-n (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (define s (if switch-s (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (? (syncthreads) (void)) (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (? (syncthreads) (void)) (? (syncthreads) (void)) (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (? (syncthreads) (void)) (? (syncthreads) (void)) (? (syncthreads) (void)) (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) Add a constraint that it is equal to each of the elements of Input array on CPU Input array on GPU Output array on CPU Output array on GPU Execute a diffusion program on CPU Execute a diffusion program on GPU (println (length (asserts))))))) (map syntax->datum (generate-forms (synth-stencil)))
#lang rosette (require "diffusion3d-baseline.rkt" "../../lang.rkt" (rename-in rosette/lib/synthax [choose ?]) racket/hash) (current-bitwidth #f) (define switch 0) (define switch-seq #f) ( or ( eq ? switch 1 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 2 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 3 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 4 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 5 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 6 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 7 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 9 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 10 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) ( or ( eq ? switch 11 ) ( eq ? switch - seq # f ) ) ) (define (diffusion-kernel in out nx ny nz ce cw cn cs ct cb cc) (:= int BLOCKSIZE (*/LS (block-dim 0) (block-dim 1))) (:= int tid-x (thread-idx 0)) (:= int tid-y (thread-idx 1)) (:shared float [smem BLOCKSIZE]) (:= int i (+/LS (*/LS (block-dim 0) (block-idx 0)) tid-x)) (:= int j (+/LS (*/LS (block-dim 1) (block-idx 1)) tid-y)) (:= int c (+/LS (*/LS j nx) i)) (:= int c2 (+/LS (*/LS tid-y (block-dim 0)) tid-x)) (:= int xy (*/LS nx ny)) (: int tb tc tt) (= tt [in (+/LS c xy)]) (= tc [in c]) (= tb tc) (= [smem c2] tc) (syncthreads) (:= bool bw (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (:= bool be (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (:= bool bn (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (:= bool bs (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (:= int sw (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (:= int se (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (:= int sn (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (:= int ss (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) ( * /LS cw ( ? : ( & & /LS ( eq?/LS tid - x 0 ) ( ! /LS ( eq?/LS i 0 ) ) ) [ in ( -/LS c 1 ) ] [ smem ( ? : ( eq?/LS i 0 ) c2 ( -/LS c2 1 ) ) ] ) ) ) ) ( * /LS ce ( ? : ( & & /LS ( eq?/LS ( -/LS ( block - dim 0 ) 1 ) ) ( ! /LS ( eq?/LS i ( -/LS nx 1 ) ) ) ) [ in ( + /LS c 1 ) ] [ smem ( ? : ( eq?/LS i ( -/LS nx 1 ) ) c2 ( + /LS c2 1 ) ) ] ) ) ) ) ( * /LS cn ( ? : ( & & /LS ( eq?/LS tid - y 0 ) ( ! /LS ( eq?/LS j 0 ) ) ) [ in ( -/LS c nx ) ] [ smem ( ? : ( eq?/LS j 0 ) c2 ( -/LS c2 ( block - dim 0 ) ) ) ] ) ) ) ) ( * /LS cs ( ? : ( & & /LS ( eq?/LS tid - y ( -/LS ( block - dim 1 ) 1 ) ) ( ! /LS ( eq?/LS j ( -/LS ny 1 ) ) ) ) [ in ( + /LS c nx ) ] [ smem ( ? : ( eq?/LS j ( -/LS ny 1 ) ) c2 ( + /LS c2 ( block - dim 0 ) ) ) ] ) ) ) ) (= [out c] (+/LS (*/LS cc tc) (if switch-w (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c (? 1 0))] [smem sw])) (*/LS cw (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS i 0))) [in (-/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i 0) c2 (-/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-e (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (*/LS ce (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)))) [in (+/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-n (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (*/LS cn (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS j 0))) [in (-/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j 0) c2 (-/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (if switch-s (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (*/LS cs (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)))) [in (+/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (*/LS cb tb) (*/LS ct tt))) (+=/LS c xy) (:= int k 1) (for- [: (</LS k (-/LS nz 1)): (++ k)] (= tb tc) (= tc tt) (syncthreads) (= [smem c2] tt) (= tt [in (+/LS c xy)]) (syncthreads) (= bw (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (= be (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (= bn (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (= bs (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (= sw (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= se (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= sn (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= ss (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= [out c] (+/LS (*/LS cc tc) (if switch-w1 (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) (*/LS cw (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS i 0))) [in (-/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i 0) c2 (-/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-e1 (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (*/LS ce (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)))) [in (+/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-n1 (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (*/LS cn (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS j 0))) [in (-/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j 0) c2 (-/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (if switch-s1 (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (*/LS cs (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)))) [in (+/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (*/LS cb tb) (*/LS ct tt))) (syncthreads) (+=/LS c xy)) (= tb tc) (= tc tt) (= [smem c2] tt) (syncthreads) (= bw (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (= be (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (? 0 (-/LS nx 1)))))) (= bn (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (= bs (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (? 0 (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1))) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (? 0 (-/LS ny 1)))))) (= sw (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= se (?: (eq?/LS i (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= sn (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= ss (?: (eq?/LS j (? 0 ((? +/LS -/LS) (? nx ny nz) 1))) c2 ((? +/LS -/LS) c2 (? 1 (block-dim 0) SIZE)))) (= [out c] (+/LS (*/LS cc tc) (if switch-w2 (*/LS cw (?: bw [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem sw])) (*/LS cw (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS i 0))) [in (-/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i 0) c2 (-/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-e2 (*/LS ce (?: be [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c 1)] [smem se])) (*/LS ce (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-x (-/LS (block-dim 0) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)))) [in (+/LS c 1)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS i (-/LS nx 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 1))]))) (if switch-n2 (*/LS cn (?: bn [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem sn])) (*/LS cn (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y 0) (!/LS (eq?/LS j 0))) [in (-/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j 0) c2 (-/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (if switch-s2 (*/LS cs (?: bs [in ((? +/LS -/LS) c nx)] [smem ss])) (*/LS cs (?: (&&/LS (eq?/LS tid-y (-/LS (block-dim 1) 1)) (!/LS (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)))) [in (+/LS c nx)] [smem (?: (eq?/LS j (-/LS ny 1)) c2 (+/LS c2 (block-dim 0)))]))) (*/LS cb tb) (*/LS ct tt)))) (define (diffusion-run-kernel grid block count in out nx ny nz ce cw cn cs ct cb cc) (for ([i (in-range count)]) (invoke-kernel diffusion-kernel grid block in out nx ny nz ce cw cn cs ct cb cc) (define temp in) (set! in out) (set! out temp))) two arrays , arr1 and arr2 , to asserts . (define (array-eq-verify arr1 arr2 len) (for ([i (in-range len)]) (assert (eq? (array-ref-host arr1 i) (array-ref-host arr2 i))))) (define (r) (define-symbolic* r real?) r) (define-values (SIZEX SIZEY SIZEZ) (values 12 9 3)) (define SIZE (* SIZEX SIZEY SIZEZ)) (define-values (BLOCKSIZEX BLOCKSIZEY) (values 4 3)) (define CPU-in (make-array (for/vector ([i SIZE]) (make-element (r))) SIZE)) (define GPU-in (make-array (for/vector ([i SIZE]) (make-element (array-ref-host CPU-in i))) SIZE)) (define CPU-out (make-array (for/vector ([i SIZE]) (make-element i)) SIZE)) (define GPU-out (make-array (for/vector ([i SIZE]) (make-element i)) SIZE)) (define-symbolic e w n s t b c real?) ( define - values ( e w n s t b c ) ( values 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) ) (define lst (for/list ([i SIZE]) (array-ref-host CPU-in i))) (define (synth-stencil) (time (synthesize #:forall (append lst (list e w n s t b c)) #:guarantee (begin (time (diffusion3d-baseline 1 CPU-in CPU-out SIZEX SIZEY SIZEZ e w n s t b c) (diffusion-run-kernel (list (quotient SIZEX BLOCKSIZEX) (quotient SIZEY BLOCKSIZEY)) (list BLOCKSIZEX BLOCKSIZEY) 1 GPU-in GPU-out SIZEX SIZEY SIZEZ e w n s t b c) (array-eq-verify CPU-out GPU-out SIZE)))))) 409 484 599 764 836 908 1016 1160 1233 1308 1387 (define (seq-synth-stencil n) (time (define ans (model (synth-stencil))) (for ([i (- n 1)]) (set! switch (+ i 1)) (set! ans (hash-union ans (model (synth-stencil)) #:combine/key (lambda (k v1 v2) (and v1 v2)))) ) (map syntax->datum (generate-forms (sat ans))))) (generate-forms (synth-stencil)) ( seq - synth - stencil 4 )
2008 - 2018 Zuse Institute Berlin Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % -2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License. @author < > @doc Implementation of an optimized OR - Set state - based CRDT as specified by %% @end %% @version $Id$ -module(optorset). -author(''). -vsn('Id$'). -include("scalaris.hrl"). -define(R, config:read(replication_factor)). -define(SET, ordsets). -export([lteq2/2]). -export([update_add/3]). -export([update_remove/2]). -export([query_contains/2]). -export([query_elements/1]). -behaviour(crdt_beh). -type vector() :: [non_neg_integer()]. -type element() :: {Element::term(), TimeStamp::term(), ReplicaID::term()}. -opaque crdt() :: {E::?SET:ordset(element()), V::vector()}. -include("crdt_beh.hrl"). -spec new() -> crdt(). new() -> {?SET:new(), [0 || _ <- lists:seq(1, ?R)]}. -spec merge(crdt(), crdt()) -> crdt(). merge(_CRDT1={E1, V1}, _CRDT2={E2, V2}) -> %% TODO: make this more efficient? M = ?SET:union(E1, E2), T2 = ?SET:subtract(E1, E2), M2 = ?SET:filter(fun({_E, C, I}) -> C > vector_get(I, V2) end, T2), T3 = ?SET:subtract(E2, E1), M3 = ?SET:filter(fun({_E, C, I}) -> C > vector_get(I, V1) end, T3), U = ?SET:union([M, M2, M3]), % find the largest C of all {E, _, I} tripples in linear time D = ?SET:fold(fun({E, C, I}, DictAcc) -> dict:update({E,I}, fun(A) -> max(A, C) end, C, DictAcc) end, dict:new(), U), % from dict to set again... NewE = dict:fold(fun({E, I}, C, SetAcc) -> ?SET:add_element({E, C, I}, SetAcc) end, ?SET:new(), D), NewV = vector_max(V1, V2), {NewE, NewV}. -spec eq(crdt(), crdt()) -> boolean(). eq(_CRDT1={E1, V1}, _CRDT2={E2, V2}) -> vector_eq(V1, V2) andalso ?SET:is_subset(E1, E2) andalso ?SET:is_subset(E2, E1). -spec lteq(crdt(), crdt()) -> boolean(). lteq(_CRDT1={E1, V1}, _CRDT2={E2, V2}) -> case vector_lteq(V1, V2) of false -> false; true -> %% optimized implementation compared to paper exploiting the fact that V1 = < V2 Fun = fun({_, C, I}, SetAcc) -> case C =< vector_get(I, V1) of true -> ?SET:add_element({C, I}, SetAcc); false -> SetAcc end end, X = ?SET:fold(Fun, ?SET:new(), E1), X2 = ?SET:fold(Fun, ?SET:new(), E2), %% Is the same as is_subset(D - X,D - X2) with %% D = set of all possible (C,I) pairs ?SET:is_subset(X2, X) end. lteq implementation as specified in paper ... used for testing purposes -spec lteq2(crdt(), crdt()) -> boolean(). lteq2(_CRDT1={E1, V1}, _CRDT2={E2, V2}) -> case vector_lteq(V1, V2) of false -> false; true -> TFun = fun({_, C, I}, SetAcc) -> ?SET:add_element({C,I}, SetAcc) end, X1 = ?SET:fold(TFun, ?SET:new(), E1), X2 = ?SET:fold(TFun, ?SET:new(), E2), Possible1 = [{B, A} || A <- lists:seq(1, ?R), B <- lists:seq(1, vector_get(A, V1))], Possible2 = [{B, A} || A <- lists:seq(1, ?R), B <- lists:seq(1, vector_get(A, V2))], R1 = lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> case ?SET:is_element(E, X1) of true -> Acc; false -> ?SET:add_element(E, Acc) end end, ?SET:new(), Possible1), R2 = lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> case ?SET:is_element(E, X2) of true -> Acc; false -> ?SET:add_element(E, Acc) end end, ?SET:new(), Possible2), ?SET:is_subset(R1, R2) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Update and Query functions -spec update_add(ReplicaId::non_neg_integer(), Element::term(), CRDT::crdt()) -> crdt(). update_add(ReplicaId, Element, _CRDT={E, V}) -> {TimeStamp, V2} = vector_inc_and_get(ReplicaId, V), E2 = ?SET:add_element({Element, TimeStamp, ReplicaId}, E), E3 = ?SET:filter(fun({TE, TC, _TI}) -> not (TE =:= Element andalso TC < TimeStamp) end, E2), {E3, V2}. -spec update_remove(Element::term(), C::crdt()) -> crdt(). update_remove(Element, _CRDT={E, V}) -> E2 = ?SET:filter(fun({TE, _TC, _TI}) -> Element =/= TE end, E), {E2, V}. -spec query_elements(crdt()) -> ?SET:ordset(element()). query_elements(_CRDT={Elements, _V}) -> ?SET:fold(fun({E, _C, _I}, AccSet) -> ?SET:add_element(E, AccSet) end, ?SET:new(), Elements). -spec query_contains(term(), crdt()) -> boolean(). query_contains(Element, _CRDT={Elements, _V}) -> ?SET:fold(fun({E, _C, _I}, _Acc) when Element =:= E -> true; (_C, Acc) -> Acc end, false, Elements). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Some helper funcitons for vector manipulation TODO use dict instead of list ? -spec vector_max(vector(), vector()) -> vector(). vector_max([], []) -> []; vector_max([H1 | T1], [H2 | T2]) -> [max(H1, H2) | vector_max(T1, T2)]. -spec vector_get(non_neg_integer(), vector()) -> non_neg_integer(). vector_get(Idx, V) -> lists:nth(Idx, V). -spec vector_inc_and_get(non_neg_integer(), vector()) -> {non_neg_integer(), vector()}. vector_inc_and_get(Idx, V) -> TimeStamp = lists:nth(Idx, V) + 1, V2 = lists:sublist(V, Idx - 1) ++ [TimeStamp] ++ lists:nthtail(Idx, V), {TimeStamp, V2}. -spec vector_eq(vector(), vector()) -> boolean(). vector_eq(V1, V2) -> V1 =:= V2. -spec vector_lteq(vector(), vector()) -> boolean(). vector_lteq([], []) -> true; vector_lteq([H1 | _T1], [H2 | _T2]) when H1 > H2 -> false; vector_lteq([_H1 | T1], [_H2 | T2]) -> vector_lteq(T1, T2).
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. @end @version $Id$ TODO: make this more efficient? find the largest C of all {E, _, I} tripples in linear time from dict to set again... optimized implementation compared to paper exploiting the fact Is the same as is_subset(D - X,D - X2) with D = set of all possible (C,I) pairs Update and Query functions Some helper funcitons for vector manipulation
2008 - 2018 Zuse Institute Berlin Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , @author < > @doc Implementation of an optimized OR - Set state - based CRDT as specified by -module(optorset). -author(''). -vsn('Id$'). -include("scalaris.hrl"). -define(R, config:read(replication_factor)). -define(SET, ordsets). -export([lteq2/2]). -export([update_add/3]). -export([update_remove/2]). -export([query_contains/2]). -export([query_elements/1]). -behaviour(crdt_beh). -type vector() :: [non_neg_integer()]. -type element() :: {Element::term(), TimeStamp::term(), ReplicaID::term()}. -opaque crdt() :: {E::?SET:ordset(element()), V::vector()}. -include("crdt_beh.hrl"). -spec new() -> crdt(). new() -> {?SET:new(), [0 || _ <- lists:seq(1, ?R)]}. -spec merge(crdt(), crdt()) -> crdt(). merge(_CRDT1={E1, V1}, _CRDT2={E2, V2}) -> M = ?SET:union(E1, E2), T2 = ?SET:subtract(E1, E2), M2 = ?SET:filter(fun({_E, C, I}) -> C > vector_get(I, V2) end, T2), T3 = ?SET:subtract(E2, E1), M3 = ?SET:filter(fun({_E, C, I}) -> C > vector_get(I, V1) end, T3), U = ?SET:union([M, M2, M3]), D = ?SET:fold(fun({E, C, I}, DictAcc) -> dict:update({E,I}, fun(A) -> max(A, C) end, C, DictAcc) end, dict:new(), U), NewE = dict:fold(fun({E, I}, C, SetAcc) -> ?SET:add_element({E, C, I}, SetAcc) end, ?SET:new(), D), NewV = vector_max(V1, V2), {NewE, NewV}. -spec eq(crdt(), crdt()) -> boolean(). eq(_CRDT1={E1, V1}, _CRDT2={E2, V2}) -> vector_eq(V1, V2) andalso ?SET:is_subset(E1, E2) andalso ?SET:is_subset(E2, E1). -spec lteq(crdt(), crdt()) -> boolean(). lteq(_CRDT1={E1, V1}, _CRDT2={E2, V2}) -> case vector_lteq(V1, V2) of false -> false; true -> that V1 = < V2 Fun = fun({_, C, I}, SetAcc) -> case C =< vector_get(I, V1) of true -> ?SET:add_element({C, I}, SetAcc); false -> SetAcc end end, X = ?SET:fold(Fun, ?SET:new(), E1), X2 = ?SET:fold(Fun, ?SET:new(), E2), ?SET:is_subset(X2, X) end. lteq implementation as specified in paper ... used for testing purposes -spec lteq2(crdt(), crdt()) -> boolean(). lteq2(_CRDT1={E1, V1}, _CRDT2={E2, V2}) -> case vector_lteq(V1, V2) of false -> false; true -> TFun = fun({_, C, I}, SetAcc) -> ?SET:add_element({C,I}, SetAcc) end, X1 = ?SET:fold(TFun, ?SET:new(), E1), X2 = ?SET:fold(TFun, ?SET:new(), E2), Possible1 = [{B, A} || A <- lists:seq(1, ?R), B <- lists:seq(1, vector_get(A, V1))], Possible2 = [{B, A} || A <- lists:seq(1, ?R), B <- lists:seq(1, vector_get(A, V2))], R1 = lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> case ?SET:is_element(E, X1) of true -> Acc; false -> ?SET:add_element(E, Acc) end end, ?SET:new(), Possible1), R2 = lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> case ?SET:is_element(E, X2) of true -> Acc; false -> ?SET:add_element(E, Acc) end end, ?SET:new(), Possible2), ?SET:is_subset(R1, R2) end. -spec update_add(ReplicaId::non_neg_integer(), Element::term(), CRDT::crdt()) -> crdt(). update_add(ReplicaId, Element, _CRDT={E, V}) -> {TimeStamp, V2} = vector_inc_and_get(ReplicaId, V), E2 = ?SET:add_element({Element, TimeStamp, ReplicaId}, E), E3 = ?SET:filter(fun({TE, TC, _TI}) -> not (TE =:= Element andalso TC < TimeStamp) end, E2), {E3, V2}. -spec update_remove(Element::term(), C::crdt()) -> crdt(). update_remove(Element, _CRDT={E, V}) -> E2 = ?SET:filter(fun({TE, _TC, _TI}) -> Element =/= TE end, E), {E2, V}. -spec query_elements(crdt()) -> ?SET:ordset(element()). query_elements(_CRDT={Elements, _V}) -> ?SET:fold(fun({E, _C, _I}, AccSet) -> ?SET:add_element(E, AccSet) end, ?SET:new(), Elements). -spec query_contains(term(), crdt()) -> boolean(). query_contains(Element, _CRDT={Elements, _V}) -> ?SET:fold(fun({E, _C, _I}, _Acc) when Element =:= E -> true; (_C, Acc) -> Acc end, false, Elements). TODO use dict instead of list ? -spec vector_max(vector(), vector()) -> vector(). vector_max([], []) -> []; vector_max([H1 | T1], [H2 | T2]) -> [max(H1, H2) | vector_max(T1, T2)]. -spec vector_get(non_neg_integer(), vector()) -> non_neg_integer(). vector_get(Idx, V) -> lists:nth(Idx, V). -spec vector_inc_and_get(non_neg_integer(), vector()) -> {non_neg_integer(), vector()}. vector_inc_and_get(Idx, V) -> TimeStamp = lists:nth(Idx, V) + 1, V2 = lists:sublist(V, Idx - 1) ++ [TimeStamp] ++ lists:nthtail(Idx, V), {TimeStamp, V2}. -spec vector_eq(vector(), vector()) -> boolean(). vector_eq(V1, V2) -> V1 =:= V2. -spec vector_lteq(vector(), vector()) -> boolean(). vector_lteq([], []) -> true; vector_lteq([H1 | _T1], [H2 | _T2]) when H1 > H2 -> false; vector_lteq([_H1 | T1], [_H2 | T2]) -> vector_lteq(T1, T2).
let pp_chr = Fmt.using (function '\032' .. '\126' as x -> x | _ -> '.') Fmt.char let pp_scalar : type buffer. get:(buffer -> int -> char) -> length:(buffer -> int) -> buffer Fmt.t = fun ~get ~length ppf b -> let l = length b in for i = 0 to l / 16 do Fmt.pf ppf "%08x: " (i * 16) ; let j = ref 0 in while !j < 16 do if (i * 16) + !j < l then Fmt.pf ppf "%02x" (Char.code @@ get b ((i * 16) + !j)) else Fmt.pf ppf " " ; if !j mod 2 <> 0 then Fmt.pf ppf " " ; incr j done ; Fmt.pf ppf " " ; j := 0 ; while !j < 16 do if (i * 16) + !j < l then Fmt.pf ppf "%a" pp_chr (get b ((i * 16) + !j)) else Fmt.pf ppf " " ; incr j done ; Fmt.pf ppf "@\n" done let pp_raw = pp_scalar ~get:String.get ~length:String.length exception Bigger_than_80_column of string exception Malformed of string let pp_value ppf = function | `Line_break -> Fmt.string ppf "`Line_break" | `Char chr -> Fmt.pf ppf "(`Char @[%02X@])" (Char.code chr) | `End -> Fmt.string ppf "`End" let iso input = let encoder = Pecu.encoder `Manual in let decoder = Pecu.decoder `Manual in let tmp = Bytes.create 0x8000 in let res = Bytes.create (String.length input) in let buf = Buffer.create (String.length input * 2) in let rec decode dpos epos = if Pecu.decoder_dangerous decoder then raise (Bigger_than_80_column (Buffer.contents buf)) ; match Pecu.decode decoder with | `Await -> encode dpos epos (Pecu.encode encoder `Await) | `Data data -> Bytes.blit_string data 0 res dpos (String.length data) ; decode (dpos + String.length data) epos | `Line line -> Bytes.blit_string line 0 res dpos (String.length line) ; Bytes.set res (dpos + String.length line) '\n' ; decode (dpos + String.length line + 1) epos | `End -> (Bytes.sub_string res 0 dpos, Buffer.contents buf) | `Malformed s -> raise (Malformed s) and encode dpos epos = function | `Ok -> if epos > String.length input then ( Pecu.src decoder tmp 0 0 ; decode dpos epos ) else let cmd = if epos >= String.length input then `End else if input.[epos] = '\n' then `Line_break else `Char input.[epos] in encode dpos (succ epos) (Pecu.encode encoder cmd) | `Partial -> Buffer.add_subbytes buf tmp 0 (0x8000 - Pecu.dst_rem encoder) ; Pecu.src decoder tmp 0 (0x8000 - Pecu.dst_rem encoder) ; Pecu.dst encoder tmp 0 0x8000 ; decode dpos epos in Pecu.dst encoder tmp 0 0x8000 ; let cmd = if String.length input > 0 then `Char input.[0] else `End in encode 0 1 (Pecu.encode encoder cmd) let ensure str = Astring.String.cuts ~sep:"\r\n" str |> List.iter (fun line -> if String.length line > 76 then raise (Bigger_than_80_column line) ) let load_file file = let ic = open_in file in let ln = in_channel_length ic in let rs = Bytes.create ln in really_input ic rs 0 ln ; close_in ic ; Bytes.unsafe_to_string rs let raw = Alcotest.testable pp_raw String.equal let walk directory = let rec go acc = function | [] -> acc | dir :: rest -> let contents = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir) in let contents = List.rev_map (Filename.concat dir) contents in let dirs, files = List.fold_left (fun (dirs, files) kind -> match (Unix.stat kind).Unix.st_kind with | Unix.S_REG -> (dirs, kind :: files) | Unix.S_DIR -> (kind :: dirs, files) | Unix.S_BLK | Unix.S_CHR | Unix.S_FIFO | Unix.S_LNK |Unix.S_SOCK -> (dirs, files) | exception Unix.Unix_error _ -> (dirs, files) ) ([], []) contents in go (files @ acc) (dirs @ rest) in go [] [directory] let test file = Alcotest.test_case file `Quick @@ fun () -> let u = load_file file in let v, o = iso u in let () = ensure o in Alcotest.(check raw) "iso" u v let rfc2047 = let make i (value, expect) = Alcotest.test_case (Fmt.strf "rfc2047:%d" i) `Quick @@ fun () -> let decoder = Pecu.Inline.decoder (`String value) in let buffer = Buffer.create (String.length value) in let rec go () = match Pecu.Inline.decode decoder with | `Await -> assert false | `Char chr -> Buffer.add_char buffer chr ; go () | `Malformed s -> raise (Malformed s) | `End -> () in go () ; let result0 = Buffer.contents buffer in Buffer.clear buffer ; let encoder = Pecu.Inline.encoder (`Buffer buffer) in String.iter (fun chr -> match Pecu.Inline.encode encoder (`Char chr) with | `Ok -> () | `Partial -> assert false) result0 ; let () = ignore @@ Pecu.Inline.encode encoder `End in let result1 = Buffer.contents buffer in Alcotest.(check string) (Fmt.strf "compare %s with %s" result0 expect) result0 expect ; Alcotest.(check string) (Fmt.strf "compare %s with %s" result1 value) result1 value ; in List.mapi make [ ("a", "a") ; ("a_b", "a b") ; ("Keith_Moore", "Keith Moore") ; ("Keld_J=F8rn_Simonsen", "Keld J\xf8rn Simonsen") ; ("Andr=E9", "Andr\xe9") ; ("Olle_J=E4rnefors", "Olle J\xe4rnefors") ; ("Patrick_F=E4ltstr=F6m", "Patrick F\xe4ltstr\xf6m") ] let qp = {qp|J'interdis aux marchands de vanter trop leurs marchandises. Car ils se font= vite p=C3=A9dagogues et t'enseignent comme but ce qui n'est par essence qu= 'un moyen, et te trompant ainsi sur la route =C3=A0 suivre les voil=C3=A0 = bient=C3=B4t qui te d=C3=A9gradent, car si leur musique est vulgaire il= s te fabriquent pour te la vendre une =C3=A2me vulgaire. =E2=80=94=E2=80=89Antoine de Saint-Exup=C3=A9ry, Citadelle (1948) |qp} let citadelle = {unicode|J'interdis aux marchands de vanter trop leurs marchandises. Car ils se font vite pédagogues et t'enseignent comme but ce qui n'est par essence qu'un moyen, et te trompant ainsi sur la route à suivre les voilà bientôt qui te dégradent, car si leur musique est vulgaire ils te fabriquent pour te la vendre une âme vulgaire. — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Citadelle (1948) |unicode} let simple = Alcotest.test_case "simple example" `Quick @@ fun () -> let decoder = Pecu.decoder (`String qp) in let rec fill decoder buf = match Pecu.decode decoder with | `Await -> assert false | `Line line -> Buffer.add_string buf line ; Buffer.add_char buf '\n' ; fill decoder buf | `Data str -> Buffer.add_string buf str ; fill decoder buf | `Malformed err -> Alcotest.fail err | `End -> Buffer.contents buf in let result = fill decoder (Buffer.create 0x100) in Alcotest.(check string) "contents" result citadelle type pecu = [ `Await | `Data of string | `Line of string | `Malformed of string | `End ] let print_and_return v = match v with | `Await -> Fmt.pr "`Await.\n%!" ; v | `Data data -> Fmt.pr "`Data %S.\n%!" data ; v | `Line line -> Fmt.pr "`Line %S.\n%!" line ; v | `Malformed err -> Fmt.pr "`Malformed %S.\n%!" err ; v | `End -> Fmt.pr "`End.\n%!" ; v [@@@warning "-8"] let split_at_cr = Alcotest.test_case "split at cr" `Quick @@ fun () -> let decoder = Pecu.decoder `Manual in let[@warning "-8"] `Await : pecu = Pecu.decode decoder in Pecu.src decoder (Bytes.of_string "Hello=20World!\r") 0 15 ; let[@warning "-8"] `Await : pecu = Pecu.decode decoder in Pecu.src decoder (Bytes.of_string "\n") 0 1 ; let[@warning "-8"] (`Line line : pecu) = print_and_return (Pecu.decode decoder) in Alcotest.(check string) "Hello World!" line "Hello World!" ; let[@warning "-8"] `Await : pecu = Pecu.decode decoder in Pecu.src decoder Bytes.empty 0 0 ; let[@warning "-8"] (`Data str : pecu) = Pecu.decode decoder in Alcotest.(check string) "trailer" str "" ; let[@warning "-8"] `End : pecu = print_and_return (Pecu.decode decoder) in Alcotest.(check pass) "end of input" () () [@@@warning "+8"] let tests () = Alcotest.run "pecu" [("input fuzz", List.map test (walk "contents")); ("simple", [ simple; split_at_cr ]); ("rfc2047", rfc2047)] let () = tests ()
let pp_chr = Fmt.using (function '\032' .. '\126' as x -> x | _ -> '.') Fmt.char let pp_scalar : type buffer. get:(buffer -> int -> char) -> length:(buffer -> int) -> buffer Fmt.t = fun ~get ~length ppf b -> let l = length b in for i = 0 to l / 16 do Fmt.pf ppf "%08x: " (i * 16) ; let j = ref 0 in while !j < 16 do if (i * 16) + !j < l then Fmt.pf ppf "%02x" (Char.code @@ get b ((i * 16) + !j)) else Fmt.pf ppf " " ; if !j mod 2 <> 0 then Fmt.pf ppf " " ; incr j done ; Fmt.pf ppf " " ; j := 0 ; while !j < 16 do if (i * 16) + !j < l then Fmt.pf ppf "%a" pp_chr (get b ((i * 16) + !j)) else Fmt.pf ppf " " ; incr j done ; Fmt.pf ppf "@\n" done let pp_raw = pp_scalar ~get:String.get ~length:String.length exception Bigger_than_80_column of string exception Malformed of string let pp_value ppf = function | `Line_break -> Fmt.string ppf "`Line_break" | `Char chr -> Fmt.pf ppf "(`Char @[%02X@])" (Char.code chr) | `End -> Fmt.string ppf "`End" let iso input = let encoder = Pecu.encoder `Manual in let decoder = Pecu.decoder `Manual in let tmp = Bytes.create 0x8000 in let res = Bytes.create (String.length input) in let buf = Buffer.create (String.length input * 2) in let rec decode dpos epos = if Pecu.decoder_dangerous decoder then raise (Bigger_than_80_column (Buffer.contents buf)) ; match Pecu.decode decoder with | `Await -> encode dpos epos (Pecu.encode encoder `Await) | `Data data -> Bytes.blit_string data 0 res dpos (String.length data) ; decode (dpos + String.length data) epos | `Line line -> Bytes.blit_string line 0 res dpos (String.length line) ; Bytes.set res (dpos + String.length line) '\n' ; decode (dpos + String.length line + 1) epos | `End -> (Bytes.sub_string res 0 dpos, Buffer.contents buf) | `Malformed s -> raise (Malformed s) and encode dpos epos = function | `Ok -> if epos > String.length input then ( Pecu.src decoder tmp 0 0 ; decode dpos epos ) else let cmd = if epos >= String.length input then `End else if input.[epos] = '\n' then `Line_break else `Char input.[epos] in encode dpos (succ epos) (Pecu.encode encoder cmd) | `Partial -> Buffer.add_subbytes buf tmp 0 (0x8000 - Pecu.dst_rem encoder) ; Pecu.src decoder tmp 0 (0x8000 - Pecu.dst_rem encoder) ; Pecu.dst encoder tmp 0 0x8000 ; decode dpos epos in Pecu.dst encoder tmp 0 0x8000 ; let cmd = if String.length input > 0 then `Char input.[0] else `End in encode 0 1 (Pecu.encode encoder cmd) let ensure str = Astring.String.cuts ~sep:"\r\n" str |> List.iter (fun line -> if String.length line > 76 then raise (Bigger_than_80_column line) ) let load_file file = let ic = open_in file in let ln = in_channel_length ic in let rs = Bytes.create ln in really_input ic rs 0 ln ; close_in ic ; Bytes.unsafe_to_string rs let raw = Alcotest.testable pp_raw String.equal let walk directory = let rec go acc = function | [] -> acc | dir :: rest -> let contents = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir) in let contents = List.rev_map (Filename.concat dir) contents in let dirs, files = List.fold_left (fun (dirs, files) kind -> match (Unix.stat kind).Unix.st_kind with | Unix.S_REG -> (dirs, kind :: files) | Unix.S_DIR -> (kind :: dirs, files) | Unix.S_BLK | Unix.S_CHR | Unix.S_FIFO | Unix.S_LNK |Unix.S_SOCK -> (dirs, files) | exception Unix.Unix_error _ -> (dirs, files) ) ([], []) contents in go (files @ acc) (dirs @ rest) in go [] [directory] let test file = Alcotest.test_case file `Quick @@ fun () -> let u = load_file file in let v, o = iso u in let () = ensure o in Alcotest.(check raw) "iso" u v let rfc2047 = let make i (value, expect) = Alcotest.test_case (Fmt.strf "rfc2047:%d" i) `Quick @@ fun () -> let decoder = Pecu.Inline.decoder (`String value) in let buffer = Buffer.create (String.length value) in let rec go () = match Pecu.Inline.decode decoder with | `Await -> assert false | `Char chr -> Buffer.add_char buffer chr ; go () | `Malformed s -> raise (Malformed s) | `End -> () in go () ; let result0 = Buffer.contents buffer in Buffer.clear buffer ; let encoder = Pecu.Inline.encoder (`Buffer buffer) in String.iter (fun chr -> match Pecu.Inline.encode encoder (`Char chr) with | `Ok -> () | `Partial -> assert false) result0 ; let () = ignore @@ Pecu.Inline.encode encoder `End in let result1 = Buffer.contents buffer in Alcotest.(check string) (Fmt.strf "compare %s with %s" result0 expect) result0 expect ; Alcotest.(check string) (Fmt.strf "compare %s with %s" result1 value) result1 value ; in List.mapi make [ ("a", "a") ; ("a_b", "a b") ; ("Keith_Moore", "Keith Moore") ; ("Keld_J=F8rn_Simonsen", "Keld J\xf8rn Simonsen") ; ("Andr=E9", "Andr\xe9") ; ("Olle_J=E4rnefors", "Olle J\xe4rnefors") ; ("Patrick_F=E4ltstr=F6m", "Patrick F\xe4ltstr\xf6m") ] let qp = {qp|J'interdis aux marchands de vanter trop leurs marchandises. Car ils se font= vite p=C3=A9dagogues et t'enseignent comme but ce qui n'est par essence qu= 'un moyen, et te trompant ainsi sur la route =C3=A0 suivre les voil=C3=A0 = bient=C3=B4t qui te d=C3=A9gradent, car si leur musique est vulgaire il= s te fabriquent pour te la vendre une =C3=A2me vulgaire. =E2=80=94=E2=80=89Antoine de Saint-Exup=C3=A9ry, Citadelle (1948) |qp} let citadelle = {unicode|J'interdis aux marchands de vanter trop leurs marchandises. Car ils se font vite pédagogues et t'enseignent comme but ce qui n'est par essence qu'un moyen, et te trompant ainsi sur la route à suivre les voilà bientôt qui te dégradent, car si leur musique est vulgaire ils te fabriquent pour te la vendre une âme vulgaire. — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Citadelle (1948) |unicode} let simple = Alcotest.test_case "simple example" `Quick @@ fun () -> let decoder = Pecu.decoder (`String qp) in let rec fill decoder buf = match Pecu.decode decoder with | `Await -> assert false | `Line line -> Buffer.add_string buf line ; Buffer.add_char buf '\n' ; fill decoder buf | `Data str -> Buffer.add_string buf str ; fill decoder buf | `Malformed err -> Alcotest.fail err | `End -> Buffer.contents buf in let result = fill decoder (Buffer.create 0x100) in Alcotest.(check string) "contents" result citadelle type pecu = [ `Await | `Data of string | `Line of string | `Malformed of string | `End ] let print_and_return v = match v with | `Await -> Fmt.pr "`Await.\n%!" ; v | `Data data -> Fmt.pr "`Data %S.\n%!" data ; v | `Line line -> Fmt.pr "`Line %S.\n%!" line ; v | `Malformed err -> Fmt.pr "`Malformed %S.\n%!" err ; v | `End -> Fmt.pr "`End.\n%!" ; v [@@@warning "-8"] let split_at_cr = Alcotest.test_case "split at cr" `Quick @@ fun () -> let decoder = Pecu.decoder `Manual in let[@warning "-8"] `Await : pecu = Pecu.decode decoder in Pecu.src decoder (Bytes.of_string "Hello=20World!\r") 0 15 ; let[@warning "-8"] `Await : pecu = Pecu.decode decoder in Pecu.src decoder (Bytes.of_string "\n") 0 1 ; let[@warning "-8"] (`Line line : pecu) = print_and_return (Pecu.decode decoder) in Alcotest.(check string) "Hello World!" line "Hello World!" ; let[@warning "-8"] `Await : pecu = Pecu.decode decoder in Pecu.src decoder Bytes.empty 0 0 ; let[@warning "-8"] (`Data str : pecu) = Pecu.decode decoder in Alcotest.(check string) "trailer" str "" ; let[@warning "-8"] `End : pecu = print_and_return (Pecu.decode decoder) in Alcotest.(check pass) "end of input" () () [@@@warning "+8"] let tests () = Alcotest.run "pecu" [("input fuzz", List.map test (walk "contents")); ("simple", [ simple; split_at_cr ]); ("rfc2047", rfc2047)] let () = tests ()
* Represents the history of AST grammars in the OCaml compiler . type t (** Produces an association list of grammars, paired with their version numbers. *) val versioned_grammars : t -> (Version.t * Grammar.t) list (** Produces the grammar corresponding to a given version number. Raises if there is no such version in the history. *) val find_grammar : t -> version:Version.t -> Grammar.t (** Converts the given AST from [src_version]'s grammar to [dst_version]'s grammar, using the conversion functions stored in [t]. Converts ['node] to traverse and/or construct subtrees using [unwrap] and [wrap], which may themselves call [convert] as appropriate. *) val convert : t -> 'node Ast.t -> src_version:Version.t -> dst_version:Version.t -> unwrap:(version:Version.t -> 'node -> 'node Ast.t option) -> wrap:(version:Version.t -> 'node Ast.t -> 'node) -> Version.t * 'node Ast.t (**/**) (** Constructors for internal use and for testing. *) type 'node conversion_function = 'node Ast.t -> unwrap:('node -> 'node Ast.t option) -> wrap:('node Ast.t -> 'node) -> 'node Ast.t option type conversion = { src_version : Version.t ; dst_version : Version.t ; f : 'node . 'node conversion_function } * It is expected that [ versioned_grammars ] are provided consecutively in order , and that [ conversions ] contains exactly one up - conversion and one down - conversion for each consecutive pair of versions . Raises otherwise . [conversions] contains exactly one up-conversion and one down-conversion for each consecutive pair of versions. Raises otherwise. *) val create : versioned_grammars : (Version.t * Grammar.t) list -> conversions : conversion list -> t
* Produces an association list of grammars, paired with their version numbers. * Produces the grammar corresponding to a given version number. Raises if there is no such version in the history. * Converts the given AST from [src_version]'s grammar to [dst_version]'s grammar, using the conversion functions stored in [t]. Converts ['node] to traverse and/or construct subtrees using [unwrap] and [wrap], which may themselves call [convert] as appropriate. */* * Constructors for internal use and for testing.
* Represents the history of AST grammars in the OCaml compiler . type t val versioned_grammars : t -> (Version.t * Grammar.t) list val find_grammar : t -> version:Version.t -> Grammar.t val convert : t -> 'node Ast.t -> src_version:Version.t -> dst_version:Version.t -> unwrap:(version:Version.t -> 'node -> 'node Ast.t option) -> wrap:(version:Version.t -> 'node Ast.t -> 'node) -> Version.t * 'node Ast.t type 'node conversion_function = 'node Ast.t -> unwrap:('node -> 'node Ast.t option) -> wrap:('node Ast.t -> 'node) -> 'node Ast.t option type conversion = { src_version : Version.t ; dst_version : Version.t ; f : 'node . 'node conversion_function } * It is expected that [ versioned_grammars ] are provided consecutively in order , and that [ conversions ] contains exactly one up - conversion and one down - conversion for each consecutive pair of versions . Raises otherwise . [conversions] contains exactly one up-conversion and one down-conversion for each consecutive pair of versions. Raises otherwise. *) val create : versioned_grammars : (Version.t * Grammar.t) list -> conversions : conversion list -> t
(in-package :cl-user) (defparameter light0 nil) (defparameter light0-pos (make-array 3 :initial-contents '(5.0 3.0 0.0) ;; default to distant light source :element-type 'single-float)) (defparameter diffuse0 (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0) :element-type 'single-float)) (defparameter ambient0 (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0) :element-type 'single-float)) (defparameter specular0 (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0) :element-type 'single-float)) (defparameter global-ambient (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0) :element-type 'single-float)) ;; really really dim grey light (defclass rubix-opengl-view (ns:ns-opengl-view) () (:metaclass ns:+ns-object)) (objc:defmethod (#/prepareOpenGL :void) ((self rubix-opengl-view)) (declare (special *the-origin* *y-axis*)) default is (#_glLoadIdentity) (#_glFrustum -0.6d0 0.6d0 -0.6d0 0.6d0 10.0d0 20.0d0)) (#_glLoadIdentity) (mylookat *camera-pos* *the-origin* *y-axis*) (#_glShadeModel #$GL_SMOOTH) (#_glClearColor 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.0) these next three are all needed to enable the z - buffer (#_glClearDepth 1.0d0) (#_glEnable #$GL_DEPTH_TEST) (#_glDepthFunc #$GL_LEQUAL) (#_glHint #$GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT #$GL_NICEST) (setf *cube* (make-instance 'rubix-cube)) (#_glEnable #$GL_LIGHTING) (setf light0 (make-instance 'light :lightid #$GL_LIGHT0)) (setpointsource light0 t) (setlocation light0 light0-pos) (setdiffuse light0 diffuse0) (setambient light0 ambient0) (setspecular light0 specular0) (on light0) make room for 4 single - floats (ccl::%copy-ivector-to-ptr global-ambient ; source offset to first element ( alignment padding ) foreign-float-vector ; destination 0 ; byte offset in destination (* 4 4)) ; number of bytes to copy (#_glLightModelfv #$GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT foreign-float-vector)) ;; <- coersion issue (#_glFlush)) (objc:defmethod (#/drawRect: :void) ((self rubix-opengl-view) (a-rect :ns-rect)) (declare (ignorable a-rect)) ;; drawing callback (#_glClear (logior #$GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT #$GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)) (render *cube*) (#_glFlush)) ;; want to be able to send keystrokes to the rubix cube #+ignore (objc:defmethod (#/acceptsFirstResponder :<BOOL>) ((self rubix-opengl-view)) t) ;; want to be able to click and start dragging (without moving the window) (objc:defmethod (#/acceptsFirstMouse: :<BOOL>) ((self rubix-opengl-view) event) (declare (ignore event)) t) (defparameter *rubix-face-snap* 8.0) ; degrees (objc:defmethod (#/mouseDown: :void) ((self rubix-opengl-view) the-event) ;; this makes dragging spin the cube (cond ((zerop (logand #$NSControlKeyMask (#/modifierFlags the-event))) ; not ctrl-click (let ((dragging-p t)) (let ((last-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event))) (loop while dragging-p do (let ((the-event (#/nextEventMatchingMask: (#/window self) (logior #$NSLeftMouseUpMask #$NSLeftMouseDraggedMask)))) (let ((mouse-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event))) (cond ((eq #$NSLeftMouseDragged (#/type the-event)) (let ((deltax (float (- (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref last-loc :<NSP>oint.x)) 0.0f0)) (deltay (float (- (pref last-loc :<NSP>oint.y) (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.y)) 0.0f0)) (vert-rot-axis (cross *y-axis* *camera-pos*))) (setf (pref last-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref last-loc :<NSP>oint.y) (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.y)) (rotate-relative *cube* (mulquats (axis-angle->quat vert-rot-axis deltay) (axis-angle->quat *y-axis* deltax)))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)) (t (setf dragging-p nil)))))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)))) (t;; ctrl-click, do what right-click does... note that once ;; ctrl-click is done dragging will not require ctrl be held down ;; NOTE THE GRATUITOUS CUT-AND-PASTE, debug the right-mouse-down ;; version preferentially and update this one with fixes as needed (let* ((first-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event)) (pick-loc (#/convertPoint:fromView: self first-loc +null-ptr+))) (let ((dragging-p t) (reference-snap 0)) (setf (turning-face *cube*) (render-for-selection *cube* (opengl:unproject (pref pick-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref pick-loc :<NSP>oint.y))) (face-turning-p *cube*) (when (numberp (turning-face *cube*)) t) (face-theta *cube*) 0.0) (loop while (and dragging-p (face-turning-p *cube*)) do (let ((the-event (#/nextEventMatchingMask: (#/window self) (logior #$NSLeftMouseUpMask #$NSLeftMouseDraggedMask)))) (let ((mouse-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event))) (cond ((eq #$NSLeftMouseDragged (#/type the-event)) (let ((deltax (float (- (ns:ns-point-x mouse-loc) (ns:ns-point-x first-loc)) 0.0f0))) (multiple-value-bind (snap-to snap-dist) (round deltax 90.0) (cond ((>= *rubix-face-snap* (abs snap-dist)) ; snap ;; update cube structure (let ((rotations (- snap-to reference-snap))) (cond ((zerop rotations) nil) ((< 0 rotations) (dotimes (i rotations) (turnfaceclockwise *cube* (turning-face *cube*))) (setf reference-snap snap-to)) ((> 0 rotations) (dotimes (i (abs rotations)) (turnfacecounterclockwise *cube* (turning-face *cube*))) (setf reference-snap snap-to)))) ;; determine where face will be drawn (setf (face-theta *cube*) 0.0)) (t ; no snap (setf (face-theta *cube*) (- deltax (* 90.0 reference-snap)))) ))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)) (t (setf (face-turning-p *cube*) nil (turning-face *cube*) nil (face-theta *cube*) nil dragging-p nil)))))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t))) ))) (objc:defmethod (#/rightMouseDown: :void) ((self rubix-opengl-view) the-event) ;; this makes dragging left/right turn a face counterclockwise/clockwise ;; ... clicked-on face determines face turned ;; ... with an n-degree "snap" ;; ... with the snap updating the data structure ;; ... releasing the mouse clears rotation angle (face will snap to last position) (let* ((first-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event)) (pick-loc (#/convertPoint:fromView: self first-loc +null-ptr+))) (let ((dragging-p t) (reference-snap 0)) (setf (turning-face *cube*) (render-for-selection *cube* (opengl:unproject (pref pick-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref pick-loc :<NSP>oint.y))) (face-turning-p *cube*) (when (numberp (turning-face *cube*)) t) (face-theta *cube*) 0.0) (loop while (and dragging-p (face-turning-p *cube*)) do (let ((the-event (#/nextEventMatchingMask: (#/window self) (logior #$NSRightMouseUpMask #$NSRightMouseDraggedMask)))) (let ((mouse-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event))) (cond ((eq #$NSRightMouseDragged (#/type the-event)) (let ((deltax (float (- (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref first-loc :<NSP>oint.x)) 0.0f0))) (multiple-value-bind (snap-to snap-dist) (round deltax 90.0) (cond ((>= *rubix-face-snap* (abs snap-dist)) ; snap ;; update cube structure (let ((rotations (- snap-to reference-snap))) (cond ((zerop rotations) nil) ((< 0 rotations) (dotimes (i rotations) (turnfaceclockwise *cube* (turning-face *cube*))) (setf reference-snap snap-to)) ((> 0 rotations) (dotimes (i (abs rotations)) (turnfacecounterclockwise *cube* (turning-face *cube*))) (setf reference-snap snap-to)))) ;; determine where face will be drawn (setf (face-theta *cube*) 0.0)) (t ; no snap (setf (face-theta *cube*) (- deltax (* 90.0 reference-snap)))) ))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)) (t (setf (face-turning-p *cube*) nil (turning-face *cube*) nil (face-theta *cube*) nil dragging-p nil)))))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)))) (defclass rubix-window (ns:ns-window) () (:metaclass ns:+ns-object)) (defparameter *aluminum-margin* 5.0f0) (defun run-rubix-demo () (let* ((w (gui::new-cocoa-window :class (find-class 'rubix-window) :title "Rubix Cube" :height 250 :width 250 :expandable nil)) (w-content-view (#/contentView w))) (let ((w-frame (#/frame w-content-view))) (ns:with-ns-rect (glview-rect *aluminum-margin* *aluminum-margin* (- (pref w-frame :<NSR>ect.size.width) (* 2 *aluminum-margin*)) (- (pref w-frame :<NSR>ect.size.height) *aluminum-margin*)) ;; Q: why make-objc-instance here? (let ((glview (make-instance 'rubix-opengl-view :with-frame glview-rect :pixel-format #+ignore (#/defaultPixelFormat nsLns-opengl-view) # $ NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer #$NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated #$NSOpenGLPFAColorSize 32 #$NSOpenGLPFADepthSize 32)))) (#/addSubview: w-content-view glview) w)))))
default to distant light source really really dim grey light source destination byte offset in destination number of bytes to copy <- coersion issue drawing callback want to be able to send keystrokes to the rubix cube want to be able to click and start dragging (without moving the window) degrees this makes dragging spin the cube not ctrl-click ctrl-click, do what right-click does... note that once ctrl-click is done dragging will not require ctrl be held down NOTE THE GRATUITOUS CUT-AND-PASTE, debug the right-mouse-down version preferentially and update this one with fixes as needed snap update cube structure determine where face will be drawn no snap this makes dragging left/right turn a face counterclockwise/clockwise ... clicked-on face determines face turned ... with an n-degree "snap" ... with the snap updating the data structure ... releasing the mouse clears rotation angle (face will snap to last position) snap update cube structure determine where face will be drawn no snap Q: why make-objc-instance here?
(in-package :cl-user) (defparameter light0 nil) :element-type 'single-float)) (defparameter diffuse0 (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0) :element-type 'single-float)) (defparameter ambient0 (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0) :element-type 'single-float)) (defparameter specular0 (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0) :element-type 'single-float)) (defclass rubix-opengl-view (ns:ns-opengl-view) () (:metaclass ns:+ns-object)) (objc:defmethod (#/prepareOpenGL :void) ((self rubix-opengl-view)) (declare (special *the-origin* *y-axis*)) default is (#_glLoadIdentity) (#_glFrustum -0.6d0 0.6d0 -0.6d0 0.6d0 10.0d0 20.0d0)) (#_glLoadIdentity) (mylookat *camera-pos* *the-origin* *y-axis*) (#_glShadeModel #$GL_SMOOTH) (#_glClearColor 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.0) these next three are all needed to enable the z - buffer (#_glClearDepth 1.0d0) (#_glEnable #$GL_DEPTH_TEST) (#_glDepthFunc #$GL_LEQUAL) (#_glHint #$GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT #$GL_NICEST) (setf *cube* (make-instance 'rubix-cube)) (#_glEnable #$GL_LIGHTING) (setf light0 (make-instance 'light :lightid #$GL_LIGHT0)) (setpointsource light0 t) (setlocation light0 light0-pos) (setdiffuse light0 diffuse0) (setambient light0 ambient0) (setspecular light0 specular0) (on light0) make room for 4 single - floats offset to first element ( alignment padding ) (#_glFlush)) (objc:defmethod (#/drawRect: :void) ((self rubix-opengl-view) (a-rect :ns-rect)) (declare (ignorable a-rect)) (#_glClear (logior #$GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT #$GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)) (render *cube*) (#_glFlush)) #+ignore (objc:defmethod (#/acceptsFirstResponder :<BOOL>) ((self rubix-opengl-view)) t) (objc:defmethod (#/acceptsFirstMouse: :<BOOL>) ((self rubix-opengl-view) event) (declare (ignore event)) t) (objc:defmethod (#/mouseDown: :void) ((self rubix-opengl-view) the-event) (let ((dragging-p t)) (let ((last-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event))) (loop while dragging-p do (let ((the-event (#/nextEventMatchingMask: (#/window self) (logior #$NSLeftMouseUpMask #$NSLeftMouseDraggedMask)))) (let ((mouse-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event))) (cond ((eq #$NSLeftMouseDragged (#/type the-event)) (let ((deltax (float (- (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref last-loc :<NSP>oint.x)) 0.0f0)) (deltay (float (- (pref last-loc :<NSP>oint.y) (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.y)) 0.0f0)) (vert-rot-axis (cross *y-axis* *camera-pos*))) (setf (pref last-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref last-loc :<NSP>oint.y) (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.y)) (rotate-relative *cube* (mulquats (axis-angle->quat vert-rot-axis deltay) (axis-angle->quat *y-axis* deltax)))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)) (t (setf dragging-p nil)))))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)))) (let* ((first-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event)) (pick-loc (#/convertPoint:fromView: self first-loc +null-ptr+))) (let ((dragging-p t) (reference-snap 0)) (setf (turning-face *cube*) (render-for-selection *cube* (opengl:unproject (pref pick-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref pick-loc :<NSP>oint.y))) (face-turning-p *cube*) (when (numberp (turning-face *cube*)) t) (face-theta *cube*) 0.0) (loop while (and dragging-p (face-turning-p *cube*)) do (let ((the-event (#/nextEventMatchingMask: (#/window self) (logior #$NSLeftMouseUpMask #$NSLeftMouseDraggedMask)))) (let ((mouse-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event))) (cond ((eq #$NSLeftMouseDragged (#/type the-event)) (let ((deltax (float (- (ns:ns-point-x mouse-loc) (ns:ns-point-x first-loc)) 0.0f0))) (multiple-value-bind (snap-to snap-dist) (round deltax 90.0) (let ((rotations (- snap-to reference-snap))) (cond ((zerop rotations) nil) ((< 0 rotations) (dotimes (i rotations) (turnfaceclockwise *cube* (turning-face *cube*))) (setf reference-snap snap-to)) ((> 0 rotations) (dotimes (i (abs rotations)) (turnfacecounterclockwise *cube* (turning-face *cube*))) (setf reference-snap snap-to)))) (setf (face-theta *cube*) 0.0)) (setf (face-theta *cube*) (- deltax (* 90.0 reference-snap)))) ))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)) (t (setf (face-turning-p *cube*) nil (turning-face *cube*) nil (face-theta *cube*) nil dragging-p nil)))))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t))) ))) (objc:defmethod (#/rightMouseDown: :void) ((self rubix-opengl-view) the-event) (let* ((first-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event)) (pick-loc (#/convertPoint:fromView: self first-loc +null-ptr+))) (let ((dragging-p t) (reference-snap 0)) (setf (turning-face *cube*) (render-for-selection *cube* (opengl:unproject (pref pick-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref pick-loc :<NSP>oint.y))) (face-turning-p *cube*) (when (numberp (turning-face *cube*)) t) (face-theta *cube*) 0.0) (loop while (and dragging-p (face-turning-p *cube*)) do (let ((the-event (#/nextEventMatchingMask: (#/window self) (logior #$NSRightMouseUpMask #$NSRightMouseDraggedMask)))) (let ((mouse-loc (#/locationInWindow the-event))) (cond ((eq #$NSRightMouseDragged (#/type the-event)) (let ((deltax (float (- (pref mouse-loc :<NSP>oint.x) (pref first-loc :<NSP>oint.x)) 0.0f0))) (multiple-value-bind (snap-to snap-dist) (round deltax 90.0) (let ((rotations (- snap-to reference-snap))) (cond ((zerop rotations) nil) ((< 0 rotations) (dotimes (i rotations) (turnfaceclockwise *cube* (turning-face *cube*))) (setf reference-snap snap-to)) ((> 0 rotations) (dotimes (i (abs rotations)) (turnfacecounterclockwise *cube* (turning-face *cube*))) (setf reference-snap snap-to)))) (setf (face-theta *cube*) 0.0)) (setf (face-theta *cube*) (- deltax (* 90.0 reference-snap)))) ))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)) (t (setf (face-turning-p *cube*) nil (turning-face *cube*) nil (face-theta *cube*) nil dragging-p nil)))))) (#/setNeedsDisplay: self t)))) (defclass rubix-window (ns:ns-window) () (:metaclass ns:+ns-object)) (defparameter *aluminum-margin* 5.0f0) (defun run-rubix-demo () (let* ((w (gui::new-cocoa-window :class (find-class 'rubix-window) :title "Rubix Cube" :height 250 :width 250 :expandable nil)) (w-content-view (#/contentView w))) (let ((w-frame (#/frame w-content-view))) (ns:with-ns-rect (glview-rect *aluminum-margin* *aluminum-margin* (- (pref w-frame :<NSR>ect.size.width) (* 2 *aluminum-margin*)) (- (pref w-frame :<NSR>ect.size.height) *aluminum-margin*)) (let ((glview (make-instance 'rubix-opengl-view :with-frame glview-rect :pixel-format #+ignore (#/defaultPixelFormat nsLns-opengl-view) # $ NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer #$NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated #$NSOpenGLPFAColorSize 32 #$NSOpenGLPFADepthSize 32)))) (#/addSubview: w-content-view glview) w)))))
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} # LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} | SAX parser and API for XML . module Xeno.SAX.CPS ( cps ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Control.Monad.ST.Strict import Control.Spork import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as SU import Data.Char(isSpace) import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Monoid import Data.Word import Xeno.Types import Data . Mutable import Data.STRef import Data . Vector . ( ( ! ) ) import qualified Data . Vector . as UV import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV -} import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UMV import Xeno.SAX cps :: Process (ST s b) -- initial processor -> ST s (Process (ST s b), -- mutable processor Process (ST s b) -> ST s () -- assign next processor ) cps p = do current <- newSTRef p let next anotherProcess = writeSTRef current anotherProcess return (Process { openF = wrap1 current openF , endOpenF = wrap1 current endOpenF , closeF = wrap1 current closeF , textF = wrap1 current textF , cdataF = wrap1 current cdataF , attrF = wrap2 current attrF }, next) : : ( t - > a - > ST s b ) - > a - > ST s b wrap1 current aField arg = do rec <- readSTRef current aField rec arg --wrap2 :: (t -> a -> b -> ST s c) -> a -> b -> ST s c wrap2 current aField arg1 arg2 = do rec <- readSTRef current aField rec arg1 arg2 pushdown p = do ( proc , next ) < - cps p stackSize < - newSTRef 0 stackAlloc < - newSTRef 16 stack < - let call aProc = do pushdown p = do (proc, next) <- cps p stackSize <- newSTRef 0 stackAlloc <- newSTRef 16 stack <- let call aProc = do -}
# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf # # LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # # LANGUAGE BangPatterns # # LANGUAGE GADTs # initial processor mutable processor assign next processor wrap2 :: (t -> a -> b -> ST s c) -> a -> b -> ST s c
# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # | SAX parser and API for XML . module Xeno.SAX.CPS ( cps ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Control.Monad.ST.Strict import Control.Spork import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as SU import Data.Char(isSpace) import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Monoid import Data.Word import Xeno.Types import Data . Mutable import Data.STRef import Data . Vector . ( ( ! ) ) import qualified Data . Vector . as UV import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV -} import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UMV import Xeno.SAX ) cps p = do current <- newSTRef p let next anotherProcess = writeSTRef current anotherProcess return (Process { openF = wrap1 current openF , endOpenF = wrap1 current endOpenF , closeF = wrap1 current closeF , textF = wrap1 current textF , cdataF = wrap1 current cdataF , attrF = wrap2 current attrF }, next) : : ( t - > a - > ST s b ) - > a - > ST s b wrap1 current aField arg = do rec <- readSTRef current aField rec arg wrap2 current aField arg1 arg2 = do rec <- readSTRef current aField rec arg1 arg2 pushdown p = do ( proc , next ) < - cps p stackSize < - newSTRef 0 stackAlloc < - newSTRef 16 stack < - let call aProc = do pushdown p = do (proc, next) <- cps p stackSize <- newSTRef 0 stackAlloc <- newSTRef 16 stack <- let call aProc = do -}
# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances , ScopedTypeVariables # {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} | Reading and writing arrays as binary files . module Data.Array.Repa.IO.Binary ( readArrayFromStorableFile , writeArrayToStorableFile) where import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import System.IO import Data.Array.Repa as R import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.ForeignPtr as R import Prelude as P import Control.Monad -- | Read an array from a file. Data appears in host byte order . -- If the file size does match the provided shape then `error`. readArrayFromStorableFile :: forall a sh . (Shape sh, Storable a) => FilePath -> sh -> IO (Array F sh a) readArrayFromStorableFile filePath sh = do -- Determine number of bytes per element. let (fake :: a) = undefined let (bytes1 :: Integer) = fromIntegral $ sizeOf fake -- Determine how many elements the whole file will give us. h :: Handle <- openBinaryFile filePath ReadMode bytesTotal <- hFileSize h let lenTotal = bytesTotal `div` bytes1 let bytesExpected = bytes1 * lenTotal when (bytesTotal /= bytesExpected) $ error $ unlines ["Data.Array.Repa.IO.Binary.readArrayFromStorableFile: not a whole number of elements in file" , "element length = " P.++ show bytes1 , "file size = " P.++ show bytesTotal , "slack space = " P.++ show (bytesTotal `mod` bytes1) ] let bytesTotal' = fromIntegral bytesTotal buf :: Ptr a <- mallocBytes bytesTotal' bytesRead <- hGetBuf h buf bytesTotal' when (bytesTotal' /= bytesRead) $ error "Data.Array.Repa.IO.Binary.readArrayFromStorableFile: read failed" hClose h fptr <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree buf -- Converting the foreign ptr like this means that the array -- elements are used directly from the buffer, and not copied. let arr = R.fromForeignPtr sh fptr return $ arr -- | Write an array to a file. Data appears in host byte order . writeArrayToStorableFile :: forall sh a r . (Shape sh, Source r a, Storable a) => FilePath -> Array r sh a -> IO () writeArrayToStorableFile filePath arr = do let bytes1 = sizeOf (arr R.! R.zeroDim) let bytesTotal = bytes1 * (R.size $ R.extent arr) buf :: Ptr a <- mallocBytes bytesTotal fptr <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree buf R.computeIntoP fptr (delay arr) h <- openBinaryFile filePath WriteMode hPutBuf h buf bytesTotal hClose h
# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans # | Read an array from a file. If the file size does match the provided shape then `error`. Determine number of bytes per element. Determine how many elements the whole file will give us. Converting the foreign ptr like this means that the array elements are used directly from the buffer, and not copied. | Write an array to a file.
# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances , ScopedTypeVariables # | Reading and writing arrays as binary files . module Data.Array.Repa.IO.Binary ( readArrayFromStorableFile , writeArrayToStorableFile) where import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import System.IO import Data.Array.Repa as R import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.ForeignPtr as R import Prelude as P import Control.Monad Data appears in host byte order . readArrayFromStorableFile :: forall a sh . (Shape sh, Storable a) => FilePath -> sh -> IO (Array F sh a) readArrayFromStorableFile filePath sh = do let (fake :: a) = undefined let (bytes1 :: Integer) = fromIntegral $ sizeOf fake h :: Handle <- openBinaryFile filePath ReadMode bytesTotal <- hFileSize h let lenTotal = bytesTotal `div` bytes1 let bytesExpected = bytes1 * lenTotal when (bytesTotal /= bytesExpected) $ error $ unlines ["Data.Array.Repa.IO.Binary.readArrayFromStorableFile: not a whole number of elements in file" , "element length = " P.++ show bytes1 , "file size = " P.++ show bytesTotal , "slack space = " P.++ show (bytesTotal `mod` bytes1) ] let bytesTotal' = fromIntegral bytesTotal buf :: Ptr a <- mallocBytes bytesTotal' bytesRead <- hGetBuf h buf bytesTotal' when (bytesTotal' /= bytesRead) $ error "Data.Array.Repa.IO.Binary.readArrayFromStorableFile: read failed" hClose h fptr <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree buf let arr = R.fromForeignPtr sh fptr return $ arr Data appears in host byte order . writeArrayToStorableFile :: forall sh a r . (Shape sh, Source r a, Storable a) => FilePath -> Array r sh a -> IO () writeArrayToStorableFile filePath arr = do let bytes1 = sizeOf (arr R.! R.zeroDim) let bytesTotal = bytes1 * (R.size $ R.extent arr) buf :: Ptr a <- mallocBytes bytesTotal fptr <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree buf R.computeIntoP fptr (delay arr) h <- openBinaryFile filePath WriteMode hPutBuf h buf bytesTotal hClose h
(ns duct.scheduler.simple (:require [integrant.core :as ig]) (:import [java.util.concurrent Executors ExecutorService TimeUnit])) (defmethod ig/init-key :duct.scheduler/simple [_ {:keys [thread-pool-size jobs] :or {thread-pool-size 32}}] (let [executor (Executors/newScheduledThreadPool thread-pool-size)] (doseq [{:keys [delay interval run]} jobs] (let [delay-ms (long (* 1000 (or delay interval))) interval-ms (long (* 1000 interval))] (.scheduleAtFixedRate executor ^Runnable run delay-ms interval-ms TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS))) executor)) (defmethod ig/halt-key! :duct.scheduler/simple [_ ^ExecutorService service] (.shutdownNow service))
(ns duct.scheduler.simple (:require [integrant.core :as ig]) (:import [java.util.concurrent Executors ExecutorService TimeUnit])) (defmethod ig/init-key :duct.scheduler/simple [_ {:keys [thread-pool-size jobs] :or {thread-pool-size 32}}] (let [executor (Executors/newScheduledThreadPool thread-pool-size)] (doseq [{:keys [delay interval run]} jobs] (let [delay-ms (long (* 1000 (or delay interval))) interval-ms (long (* 1000 interval))] (.scheduleAtFixedRate executor ^Runnable run delay-ms interval-ms TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS))) executor)) (defmethod ig/halt-key! :duct.scheduler/simple [_ ^ExecutorService service] (.shutdownNow service))
;; antecedent is "pronoun" ;; Example: ;; "He is good at math. She is good at math as well." ;; "She" cannot refer to "He". (define filter-#2 (BindLink (VariableList (TypedVariableLink (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") (TypeNode "WordInstanceNode") ) (TypedVariableLink (VariableNode "$word-inst-anaphor") (TypeNode "WordInstanceNode") ) ) (AndLink Connection between two clauses (ListLink (AnchorNode "CurrentResolution") (VariableNode "$word-inst-anaphor") (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") ) (ListLink (AnchorNode "CurrentPronoun") (VariableNode "$word-inst-anaphor") ) (ListLink (AnchorNode "CurrentProposal") (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") ) ;; filter (InheritanceLink (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") (DefinedLinguisticConceptNode "pronoun") ) ) (ListLink (AnchorNode "CurrentResult") (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") ) ) )
antecedent is "pronoun" Example: "He is good at math. She is good at math as well." "She" cannot refer to "He". filter
(define filter-#2 (BindLink (VariableList (TypedVariableLink (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") (TypeNode "WordInstanceNode") ) (TypedVariableLink (VariableNode "$word-inst-anaphor") (TypeNode "WordInstanceNode") ) ) (AndLink Connection between two clauses (ListLink (AnchorNode "CurrentResolution") (VariableNode "$word-inst-anaphor") (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") ) (ListLink (AnchorNode "CurrentPronoun") (VariableNode "$word-inst-anaphor") ) (ListLink (AnchorNode "CurrentProposal") (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") ) (InheritanceLink (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") (DefinedLinguisticConceptNode "pronoun") ) ) (ListLink (AnchorNode "CurrentResult") (VariableNode "$word-inst-antecedent") ) ) )
| Copyright : ( C ) 2015 - 2016 , University of Twente , 2017 , Google Inc. License : BSD2 ( see the file LICENSE ) Maintainer : < > ROMs Copyright : (C) 2015-2016, University of Twente, 2017 , Google Inc. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : Christiaan Baaij <> ROMs -} # LANGUAGE DataKinds # {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} # LANGUAGE MagicHash # # LANGUAGE TypeOperators # # LANGUAGE Trustworthy # # OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits . KnownNat . Solver # {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} module Clash.Explicit.ROM ( -- * Synchronous ROM synchronised to an arbitrary clock rom , romPow2 -- * Internal , rom# ) where import Data.Array ((!),listArray) import GHC.Stack (withFrozenCallStack) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, type (^)) import Prelude hiding (length) import Clash.Signal.Internal (Clock (..), Signal (..)) import Clash.Sized.Unsigned (Unsigned) import Clash.Sized.Vector (Vec, length, toList) import Clash.XException (errorX, seqX) | A ROM with a synchronous read port , with space for 2^@n@ elements -- * _ _ NB _ _ : Read value is delayed by 1 cycle -- * __NB__: Initial output value is 'undefined' -- -- Additional helpful information: -- * See " Clash . Sized . Fixed#creatingdatafiles " and " Clash . Explicit . BlockRam#usingrams " -- for ideas on how to use ROMs and RAMs romPow2 :: KnownNat n => Clock domain gated -- ^ 'Clock' to synchronize to -> Vec (2^n) a -- ^ ROM content -- -- __NB:__ must be a constant -> Signal domain (Unsigned n) -- ^ Read address @rd@ -> Signal domain a -- ^ The value of the ROM at address @rd@ romPow2 = rom # INLINE romPow2 # | A ROM with a synchronous read port , with space for @n@ elements -- * _ _ NB _ _ : Read value is delayed by 1 cycle -- * __NB__: Initial output value is 'undefined' -- -- Additional helpful information: -- * See " Clash . Sized . Fixed#creatingdatafiles " and " Clash . Explicit . BlockRam#usingrams " -- for ideas on how to use ROMs and RAMs rom :: (KnownNat n, Enum addr) => Clock domain gated -- ^ 'Clock' to synchronize to -> Vec n a -- ^ ROM content -- -- __NB:__ must be a constant -> Signal domain addr -- ^ Read address @rd@ -> Signal domain a -- ^ The value of the ROM at address @rd@ from the previous clock cycle rom = \clk content rd -> rom# clk content (fromEnum <$> rd) # INLINE rom # -- | ROM primitive rom# :: KnownNat n => Clock domain gated -- ^ 'Clock' to synchronize to -> Vec n a -- ^ ROM content -- -- __NB:__ must be a constant -> Signal domain Int -- ^ Read address @rd@ -> Signal domain a -- ^ The value of the ROM at address @rd@ from the previous clock cycle rom# clk content rd = go clk ((arr !) <$> rd) where szI = length content arr = listArray (0,szI-1) (toList content) go :: Clock domain gated -> Signal domain a -> Signal domain a go Clock {} = \s -> withFrozenCallStack (errorX "rom: initial value undefined") :- s go (GatedClock _ _ en) = go' (withFrozenCallStack (errorX "rom: initial value undefined")) en go' o (e :- es) as@(~(x :- xs)) = -- See [Note: register strictness annotations] o `seqX` o :- (as `seq` if e then go' x es xs else go' o es xs) # NOINLINE rom # #
# LANGUAGE GADTs # # OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions # * Synchronous ROM synchronised to an arbitrary clock * Internal * __NB__: Initial output value is 'undefined' Additional helpful information: for ideas on how to use ROMs and RAMs ^ 'Clock' to synchronize to ^ ROM content __NB:__ must be a constant ^ Read address @rd@ ^ The value of the ROM at address @rd@ * __NB__: Initial output value is 'undefined' Additional helpful information: for ideas on how to use ROMs and RAMs ^ 'Clock' to synchronize to ^ ROM content __NB:__ must be a constant ^ Read address @rd@ ^ The value of the ROM at address @rd@ from the previous clock cycle | ROM primitive ^ 'Clock' to synchronize to ^ ROM content __NB:__ must be a constant ^ Read address @rd@ ^ The value of the ROM at address @rd@ from the previous clock cycle See [Note: register strictness annotations]
| Copyright : ( C ) 2015 - 2016 , University of Twente , 2017 , Google Inc. License : BSD2 ( see the file LICENSE ) Maintainer : < > ROMs Copyright : (C) 2015-2016, University of Twente, 2017 , Google Inc. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : Christiaan Baaij <> ROMs -} # LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE MagicHash # # LANGUAGE TypeOperators # # LANGUAGE Trustworthy # # OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits . KnownNat . Solver # module Clash.Explicit.ROM rom , romPow2 , rom# ) where import Data.Array ((!),listArray) import GHC.Stack (withFrozenCallStack) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, type (^)) import Prelude hiding (length) import Clash.Signal.Internal (Clock (..), Signal (..)) import Clash.Sized.Unsigned (Unsigned) import Clash.Sized.Vector (Vec, length, toList) import Clash.XException (errorX, seqX) | A ROM with a synchronous read port , with space for 2^@n@ elements * _ _ NB _ _ : Read value is delayed by 1 cycle * See " Clash . Sized . Fixed#creatingdatafiles " and " Clash . Explicit . BlockRam#usingrams " romPow2 :: KnownNat n romPow2 = rom # INLINE romPow2 # | A ROM with a synchronous read port , with space for @n@ elements * _ _ NB _ _ : Read value is delayed by 1 cycle * See " Clash . Sized . Fixed#creatingdatafiles " and " Clash . Explicit . BlockRam#usingrams " rom :: (KnownNat n, Enum addr) -> Signal domain a rom = \clk content rd -> rom# clk content (fromEnum <$> rd) # INLINE rom # rom# :: KnownNat n -> Signal domain a rom# clk content rd = go clk ((arr !) <$> rd) where szI = length content arr = listArray (0,szI-1) (toList content) go :: Clock domain gated -> Signal domain a -> Signal domain a go Clock {} = \s -> withFrozenCallStack (errorX "rom: initial value undefined") :- s go (GatedClock _ _ en) = go' (withFrozenCallStack (errorX "rom: initial value undefined")) en go' o (e :- es) as@(~(x :- xs)) = o `seqX` o :- (as `seq` if e then go' x es xs else go' o es xs) # NOINLINE rom # #
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp, TransformListComp, RecordWildCards #-} module Test10312 where -- From -- -posts/2014-12-07-list-comprehensions.html import GHC.Exts import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.List (sortBy) -- Let’s look at a simple, normal list comprehension to start: regularListComp :: [Int] regularListComp = [ x + y * z | x <- [0..10] , y <- [10..20] , z <- [20..30] ] parallelListComp :: [Int] parallelListComp = [ x + y * z | x <- [0..10] | y <- [10..20] | z <- [20..30] ] fibs : : [ Int ] fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith ( + ) fibs ( tail fibs ) fibs :: [Int] fibs = 0 : 1 : [ x + y | x <- fibs | y <- tail fibs ] fiblikes :: [Int] fiblikes = 0 : 1 : [ x + y + z | x <- fibs | y <- tail fibs | z <- tail (tail fibs) ] -- TransformListComp data Character = Character { firstName :: String , lastName :: String , birthYear :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) friends :: [Character] friends = [ Character "Phoebe" "Buffay" 1963 , Character "Chandler" "Bing" 1969 , Character "Rachel" "Green" 1969 , Character "Joey" "Tribbiani" 1967 , Character "Monica" "Geller" 1964 , Character "Ross" "Geller" 1966 ] oldest :: Int -> [Character] -> [String] oldest k tbl = [ firstName ++ " " ++ lastName | Character{..} <- tbl , then sortWith by birthYear , then take k ] groupByLargest :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupByLargest f = sortBy (comparing (negate . length)) . groupWith f bestBirthYears :: [Character] -> [(Int, [String])] bestBirthYears tbl = [ (the birthYear, firstName) | Character{..} <- tbl , then group by birthYear using groupByLargest ] uniq_fs = [ (n, the p, the d') | (n, Fixity p d) <- fs , let d' = ppDir d , then group by Down (p,d') using groupWith ]
# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp, TransformListComp, RecordWildCards # From -posts/2014-12-07-list-comprehensions.html Let’s look at a simple, normal list comprehension to start: TransformListComp
module Test10312 where import GHC.Exts import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.List (sortBy) regularListComp :: [Int] regularListComp = [ x + y * z | x <- [0..10] , y <- [10..20] , z <- [20..30] ] parallelListComp :: [Int] parallelListComp = [ x + y * z | x <- [0..10] | y <- [10..20] | z <- [20..30] ] fibs : : [ Int ] fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith ( + ) fibs ( tail fibs ) fibs :: [Int] fibs = 0 : 1 : [ x + y | x <- fibs | y <- tail fibs ] fiblikes :: [Int] fiblikes = 0 : 1 : [ x + y + z | x <- fibs | y <- tail fibs | z <- tail (tail fibs) ] data Character = Character { firstName :: String , lastName :: String , birthYear :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) friends :: [Character] friends = [ Character "Phoebe" "Buffay" 1963 , Character "Chandler" "Bing" 1969 , Character "Rachel" "Green" 1969 , Character "Joey" "Tribbiani" 1967 , Character "Monica" "Geller" 1964 , Character "Ross" "Geller" 1966 ] oldest :: Int -> [Character] -> [String] oldest k tbl = [ firstName ++ " " ++ lastName | Character{..} <- tbl , then sortWith by birthYear , then take k ] groupByLargest :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupByLargest f = sortBy (comparing (negate . length)) . groupWith f bestBirthYears :: [Character] -> [(Int, [String])] bestBirthYears tbl = [ (the birthYear, firstName) | Character{..} <- tbl , then group by birthYear using groupByLargest ] uniq_fs = [ (n, the p, the d') | (n, Fixity p d) <- fs , let d' = ppDir d , then group by Down (p,d') using groupWith ]
-- | Re-exports of Pos.Communication.* module Pos.Communication ( module M ) where import Pos.Communication.Limits as M import Pos.Communication.Server as M import Pos.Communication.Types as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.BiP as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.Listener as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.Protocol as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.Relay as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.Specs as M
| Re-exports of Pos.Communication.*
module Pos.Communication ( module M ) where import Pos.Communication.Limits as M import Pos.Communication.Server as M import Pos.Communication.Types as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.BiP as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.Listener as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.Protocol as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.Relay as M import Pos.Infra.Communication.Specs as M
(ns webchange.ui.components.icon.system.icon-duplicate) (def data [:svg {:xmlns "" :width "24" :height "24" :viewBox "0 0 24 24" :class-name "stroke-colored" :fill "none" :stroke "#3453A1" :stroke-width "2" :stroke-linecap "round" :stroke-linejoin "round"} [:path {:d "M15 15H16.3125H18V6H9V9"}] [:path {:d "M15 9H6V18H15V9Z"}]])
(ns webchange.ui.components.icon.system.icon-duplicate) (def data [:svg {:xmlns "" :width "24" :height "24" :viewBox "0 0 24 24" :class-name "stroke-colored" :fill "none" :stroke "#3453A1" :stroke-width "2" :stroke-linecap "round" :stroke-linejoin "round"} [:path {:d "M15 15H16.3125H18V6H9V9"}] [:path {:d "M15 9H6V18H15V9Z"}]])
(**************************************************************************) (* *) Cubicle (* *) Copyright ( C ) 2011 - 2014 (* *) and Universite Paris - Sud 11 (* *) (* *) This file is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software (* License version 2.0 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Hash-consed strings Hash-consing is a technique to share values that are structurally equal. More details on {{:} Wikipedia} and {{:/~filliatr/ftp/publis/hash-consing2.pdf} here}. This module provides an easy way to use hash-consing for strings. *) open Hashcons type t = string hash_consed (** The type of Hash-consed string *) val make : string -> t (** [make s] builds ans returns a hash-consed string from [s].*) val view : t -> string (** [view hs] returns the string corresponding to [hs].*) val equal : t -> t -> bool (** [equal x y] returns [true] if [x] and [y] are the same hash-consed string (constant time).*) val compare : t -> t -> int (** [compares x y] returns [0] if [x] and [y] are equal, and is unspecified otherwise but provides a total ordering on hash-consed strings.*) val hash : t -> int (** [hash x] returns the integer (hash) associated to [x].*) val empty : t (** the empty ([""]) hash-consed string.*) val list_assoc : t -> (t * 'a) list -> 'a (** [list_assoc x l] returns the element associated with [x] in the list of pairs [l]. @raise Not_found if there is no value associated with [x] in the list [l].*) val list_assoc_inv : t -> ('a * t) list -> 'a * [ list_assoc_inv x l ] returns the first element which is associated to [ x ] in the list of pairs [ l ] . @raise Not_found if there is no value associated to [ x ] in the list [ l ] . in the list of pairs [l]. @raise Not_found if there is no value associated to [x] in the list [l].*) val list_mem_assoc : t -> (t * 'a) list -> bool (** Same as {! list_assoc}, but simply returns [true] if a binding exists, and [false] if no bindings exist for the given key.*) val list_mem : t -> t list -> bool (** [list_mem x l] is [true] if and only if [x] is equal to an element of [l].*) val list_mem_couple : t * t -> (t * t) list -> bool (** [list_mem_couple (x,y) l] is [true] if and only if [(x,y)] is equal to an element of [l].*) val compare_list : t list -> t list -> int (** [compare_list l1 l2] returns [0] if and only if [l1] is equal to [l2].*) val list_equal : t list -> t list -> bool (** [list_equal l1 l2] returns [true] if and only if [l1] is equal to [l2].*) val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit (** Prints a hash-consed strings on a formatter. *) val print_list : string -> Format.formatter -> t list -> unit (** Prints a list of hash-consed strings on a formatter. *) module H : Hashtbl.S with type key = t (** Hash-tables indexed by hash-consed strings *) module HSet : Set.S with type elt = t (** Sets of hash-consed strings *) module HMap : Map.S with type key = t (** Maps indexed by hash-consed strings *)
************************************************************************ License version 2.0 ************************************************************************ * Hash-consed strings Hash-consing is a technique to share values that are structurally equal. More details on {{:} Wikipedia} and {{:/~filliatr/ftp/publis/hash-consing2.pdf} here}. This module provides an easy way to use hash-consing for strings. * The type of Hash-consed string * [make s] builds ans returns a hash-consed string from [s]. * [view hs] returns the string corresponding to [hs]. * [equal x y] returns [true] if [x] and [y] are the same hash-consed string (constant time). * [compares x y] returns [0] if [x] and [y] are equal, and is unspecified otherwise but provides a total ordering on hash-consed strings. * [hash x] returns the integer (hash) associated to [x]. * the empty ([""]) hash-consed string. * [list_assoc x l] returns the element associated with [x] in the list of pairs [l]. @raise Not_found if there is no value associated with [x] in the list [l]. * Same as {! list_assoc}, but simply returns [true] if a binding exists, and [false] if no bindings exist for the given key. * [list_mem x l] is [true] if and only if [x] is equal to an element of [l]. * [list_mem_couple (x,y) l] is [true] if and only if [(x,y)] is equal to an element of [l]. * [compare_list l1 l2] returns [0] if and only if [l1] is equal to [l2]. * [list_equal l1 l2] returns [true] if and only if [l1] is equal to [l2]. * Prints a hash-consed strings on a formatter. * Prints a list of hash-consed strings on a formatter. * Hash-tables indexed by hash-consed strings * Sets of hash-consed strings * Maps indexed by hash-consed strings
Cubicle Copyright ( C ) 2011 - 2014 and Universite Paris - Sud 11 This file is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software open Hashcons type t = string hash_consed val make : string -> t val view : t -> string val equal : t -> t -> bool val compare : t -> t -> int val hash : t -> int val empty : t val list_assoc : t -> (t * 'a) list -> 'a val list_assoc_inv : t -> ('a * t) list -> 'a * [ list_assoc_inv x l ] returns the first element which is associated to [ x ] in the list of pairs [ l ] . @raise Not_found if there is no value associated to [ x ] in the list [ l ] . in the list of pairs [l]. @raise Not_found if there is no value associated to [x] in the list [l].*) val list_mem_assoc : t -> (t * 'a) list -> bool val list_mem : t -> t list -> bool val list_mem_couple : t * t -> (t * t) list -> bool val compare_list : t list -> t list -> int val list_equal : t list -> t list -> bool val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val print_list : string -> Format.formatter -> t list -> unit module H : Hashtbl.S with type key = t module HSet : Set.S with type elt = t module HMap : Map.S with type key = t
module E.Eta( ArityType(ATop,ABottom), etaExpandAp, annotateArity, deleteArity, etaExpandDef, etaExpandDef', etaExpandProgram, getArityInfo, etaAnnotateProgram, etaReduce ) where import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.Typeable import DataConstructors import E.Annotate import E.E import E.Inline import E.Program import E.Subst import E.TypeCheck import E.Values import GenUtil hiding(replicateM_) import Info.Types import Name.Id import Support.FreeVars import Util.NameMonad import Util.SetLike import qualified Info.Info as Info import qualified Stats data ArityType = AFun Bool ArityType | ABottom | ATop deriving(Eq,Ord,Typeable) instance Show ArityType where showsPrec _ ATop = ("ArT" ++) showsPrec _ ABottom = ("ArB" ++) showsPrec _ (AFun False r) = ('\\':) . shows r showsPrec _ (AFun True r) = ("\\o" ++) . shows r arity at = f at 0 where f (AFun _ a) n = f a $! (1 + n) f x n | n `seq` x `seq` True = (x,n) f _ _ = error "Eta.arity: bad." getArityInfo tvr | Just at <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo tvr) = arity at | otherwise = (ATop,0) isOneShot x = getProperty prop_ONESHOT x arityType :: E -> ArityType arityType e = f e where f EError {} = ABottom f (ELam x e) = AFun (isOneShot x) (f e) f (EAp a b) = case f a of AFun _ xs | isCheap b -> xs _ -> ATop f ec@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = scrut } = case foldr1 andArityType (map f $ caseBodies ec) of xs@(AFun True _) -> xs xs | isCheap scrut -> xs _ -> ATop f (ELetRec ds e) = case f e of xs@(AFun True _) -> xs xs | all isCheap (snds ds) -> xs _ -> ATop f (EVar tvr) | Just at <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo tvr) = at f _ = ATop andArityType ABottom at2 = at2 andArityType ATop at2 = ATop andArityType (AFun t1 at1) (AFun t2 at2) = AFun (t1 && t2) (andArityType at1 at2) andArityType at1 at2 = andArityType at2 at1 annotateArity e nfo = annotateArity' (arityType e) nfo annotateArity' at nfo = Info.insert (Arity n (b == ABottom)) $ Info.insert at nfo where (b,n) = arity at -- delety any arity information deleteArity nfo = Info.delete (undefined :: Arity) $ Info.delete (undefined :: Arity) nfo expandPis :: DataTable -> E -> E expandPis dataTable e = f (followAliases dataTable e) where f (EPi v r) = EPi v (f (followAliases dataTable r)) f e = e fromPi ' : : DataTable - > E - > ( E,[TVr ] ) fromPi ' dataTable e = f [ ] ( followAliases dataTable e ) where f as ( EPi v e ) = f ( v : as ) ( followAliases dataTable e ) f as e = ( e , reverse as ) fromPi' :: DataTable -> E -> (E,[TVr]) fromPi' dataTable e = f [] (followAliases dataTable e) where f as (EPi v e) = f (v:as) (followAliases dataTable e) f as e = (e,reverse as) -} -- this annotates, but only expands top-level definitions etaExpandProgram :: Stats.MonadStats m => Program -> m Program --etaExpandProgram prog = runNameMT (programMapDs f (etaAnnotateProgram prog)) where etaExpandProgram prog = runNameMT (programMapDs f prog) where f (t,e) = do etaExpandDef' (progDataTable prog) 0 t e -- this annotates a program with its arity information, iterating until a fixpoint is reached. etaAnnotateProgram :: Program -> Program etaAnnotateProgram prog = runIdentity $ programMapRecGroups mempty pass iletann pass f prog where pass _ = return iletann e nfo = return $ annotateArity e nfo letann e nfo = case Info.lookup nfo of Nothing -> put True >> return (annotateArity e nfo) Just at -> do let at' = arityType e when (at /= at') (put True) return $ annotateArity' at' nfo f (rg,ts) = do let (ts',fs) = runState (annotateCombs mempty pass letann pass ts) False if fs then f (rg,ts') else return ts' -- | eta reduce as much as possible etaReduce :: E -> E etaReduce e = f e where f (ELam t (EAp x (EVar t'))) | t == t' && (tvrIdent t `notMember` (freeVars x :: IdSet)) = f x f e = e -- | only reduce if all lambdas can be discarded. otherwise leave them in place etaReduce ' : : E - > ( E , Int ) etaReduce ' e = case f e 0 of ( ELam { } , _ ) - > ( e,0 ) x - > x where f ( ELam t ( EAp x ( EVar t ' ) ) ) n | n ` seq ` True , t = = t ' & & ( tvrIdent t ` notMember ` ( freeVars x : : IdSet ) ) = f x ( n + 1 ) f e n = ( e , n ) etaReduce' :: E -> (E,Int) etaReduce' e = case f e 0 of (ELam {},_) -> (e,0) x -> x where f (ELam t (EAp x (EVar t'))) n | n `seq` True, t == t' && (tvrIdent t `notMember` (freeVars x :: IdSet)) = f x (n + 1) f e n = (e,n) -} etaExpandDef' dataTable n t e = etaExpandDef dataTable n t e >>= \x -> case x of Nothing -> return (tvrInfo_u (annotateArity e) t,e) Just x -> return x --collectIds :: E -> IdSet collectIds e = execWriter $ annotate mempty ( \id nfo - > tell ( singleton i d ) > > return nfo ) ( \ _ - > return ) ( \ _ - > return ) e -- | eta expand a definition etaExpandDef :: (NameMonad Id m,Stats.MonadStats m) => DataTable -> Int -- ^ eta expand at least this far, independent of calculated amount -> TVr -> E -> m (Maybe (TVr,E)) etaExpandDef _ _ _ e | isAtomic e = return Nothing -- will be inlined etaExpandDef dataTable min t e = ans where fvs = foldr insert ( freeVars ( b , map getType rs,(tvrType t , e ) ) ) ( map tvrIdent rs ) ` mappend ` collectIds e --(b,rs) = fromLam e at = arityType e zeroName = case fromAp e of (EVar v,_) -> "use.{" ++ tvrShowName v _ -> "random" nameSupply = [ n | n < - [ 2,4 : : Int .. ] , n ` notMember ` fvs ] nameSupply = undefined ans = do -- note that we can't use the type in the tvr, because it will not have the right free typevars. (ne,flag) <- f min at e (expandPis dataTable $ infertype dataTable e) nameSupply if flag then return (Just (tvrInfo_u (annotateArity' at) t,ne)) else return Nothing f min (AFun _ a) (ELam tvr e) (EPi tvr' rt) _ns = do (ne,flag) <- f (min - 1) a e (subst tvr' (EVar tvr) rt) _ns return (ELam tvr ne,flag) f min (AFun _ a) e (EPi tt rt) _nns = do if tvrIdent t == emptyId then Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand." ++ zeroName) else Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand.def.{" ++ tvrShowName t) n <- newName let nv = tt { tvrIdent = n } eb = EAp e (EVar nv) (ne,_) <- f (min - 1) a eb (subst tt (EVar nv) rt) _nns return (ELam nv ne,True) f min a e (EPi tt rt) _nns | min > 0 = do if tvrIdent t == emptyId then Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand.min." ++ zeroName) else Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand.min.def.{" ++ tvrShowName t) n <- newName let nv = tt { tvrIdent = n } eb = EAp e (EVar nv) (ne,_) <- f (min - 1) a eb (subst tt (EVar nv) rt) _nns return (ELam nv ne,True) f _ _ e _ _ = do return (e,False) -- | eta expand a use of a value etaExpandAp :: (NameMonad Id m,Stats.MonadStats m) => DataTable -> TVr -> [E] -> m (Maybe E) etaExpandAp dataTable tvr xs = do r <- etaExpandDef dataTable 0 tvr { tvrIdent = emptyId} (foldl EAp (EVar tvr) xs) return (fmap snd r) etaExpandAp _ _ [ ] = return Nothing -- so simple renames do n't get eta - expanded etaExpandAp dataTable t as | Just ( Arity n err ) < - Info.lookup ( tvrInfo t ) = case ( ) of ( ) | n > length as - > do let e = foldl EAp ( EVar t ) as let ( _ , ts ) = fromPi ' dataTable ( infertype dataTable e ) ets = ( take ( n - length as ) ts ) mticks ( length ets ) ( " EtaExpand.use . { " + + tvrShowName t ) let = f [ ( tvrIdent t , t { tvrIdent = n } ) | n < - [ 2,4 : : Int .. ] , not $ n ` Set.member ` freeVars ( e , ets ) | t < - ets ] f map ( ( n , t):rs ) = t { tvrType = substMap map ( tvrType t ) } : f ( Map.insert n ( EVar t ) map ) rs f _ [ ] = [ ] return ( Just $ foldr ELam ( foldl EAp e ( map EVar tvrs ) ) tvrs ) | err & & length as > n - > do let ot = ( foldl EAp ( EVar t ) as ) mticks ( length as - n ) ( " EtaExpand.bottoming . { " + + tvrShowName t ) return $ Just ( prim_unsafeCoerce ot ( foldl EAp ( EVar t ) ( take n as ) ) ) -- we can drop any extra arguments applied to something that bottoms out . | otherwise - > return Nothing etaExpandAp _ t as = return Nothing etaExpandAp _ _ [] = return Nothing -- so simple renames don't get eta-expanded etaExpandAp dataTable t as | Just (Arity n err) <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo t) = case () of () | n > length as -> do let e = foldl EAp (EVar t) as let (_,ts) = fromPi' dataTable (infertype dataTable e) ets = (take (n - length as) ts) mticks (length ets) ("EtaExpand.use.{" ++ tvrShowName t) let tvrs = f mempty [ (tvrIdent t,t { tvrIdent = n }) | n <- [2,4 :: Int ..], not $ n `Set.member` freeVars (e,ets) | t <- ets ] f map ((n,t):rs) = t { tvrType = substMap map (tvrType t)} : f (Map.insert n (EVar t) map) rs f _ [] = [] return (Just $ foldr ELam (foldl EAp e (map EVar tvrs)) tvrs) | err && length as > n -> do let ot = infertype dataTable (foldl EAp (EVar t) as) mticks (length as - n) ("EtaExpand.bottoming.{" ++ tvrShowName t) return $ Just (prim_unsafeCoerce ot (foldl EAp (EVar t) (take n as))) -- we can drop any extra arguments applied to something that bottoms out. | otherwise -> return Nothing etaExpandAp _ t as = return Nothing -}
delety any arity information this annotates, but only expands top-level definitions etaExpandProgram prog = runNameMT (programMapDs f (etaAnnotateProgram prog)) where this annotates a program with its arity information, iterating until a fixpoint is reached. | eta reduce as much as possible | only reduce if all lambdas can be discarded. otherwise leave them in place collectIds :: E -> IdSet | eta expand a definition ^ eta expand at least this far, independent of calculated amount will be inlined (b,rs) = fromLam e note that we can't use the type in the tvr, because it will not have the right free typevars. | eta expand a use of a value so simple renames do n't get eta - expanded we can drop any extra arguments applied to something that bottoms out . so simple renames don't get eta-expanded we can drop any extra arguments applied to something that bottoms out.
module E.Eta( ArityType(ATop,ABottom), etaExpandAp, annotateArity, deleteArity, etaExpandDef, etaExpandDef', etaExpandProgram, getArityInfo, etaAnnotateProgram, etaReduce ) where import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.Typeable import DataConstructors import E.Annotate import E.E import E.Inline import E.Program import E.Subst import E.TypeCheck import E.Values import GenUtil hiding(replicateM_) import Info.Types import Name.Id import Support.FreeVars import Util.NameMonad import Util.SetLike import qualified Info.Info as Info import qualified Stats data ArityType = AFun Bool ArityType | ABottom | ATop deriving(Eq,Ord,Typeable) instance Show ArityType where showsPrec _ ATop = ("ArT" ++) showsPrec _ ABottom = ("ArB" ++) showsPrec _ (AFun False r) = ('\\':) . shows r showsPrec _ (AFun True r) = ("\\o" ++) . shows r arity at = f at 0 where f (AFun _ a) n = f a $! (1 + n) f x n | n `seq` x `seq` True = (x,n) f _ _ = error "Eta.arity: bad." getArityInfo tvr | Just at <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo tvr) = arity at | otherwise = (ATop,0) isOneShot x = getProperty prop_ONESHOT x arityType :: E -> ArityType arityType e = f e where f EError {} = ABottom f (ELam x e) = AFun (isOneShot x) (f e) f (EAp a b) = case f a of AFun _ xs | isCheap b -> xs _ -> ATop f ec@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = scrut } = case foldr1 andArityType (map f $ caseBodies ec) of xs@(AFun True _) -> xs xs | isCheap scrut -> xs _ -> ATop f (ELetRec ds e) = case f e of xs@(AFun True _) -> xs xs | all isCheap (snds ds) -> xs _ -> ATop f (EVar tvr) | Just at <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo tvr) = at f _ = ATop andArityType ABottom at2 = at2 andArityType ATop at2 = ATop andArityType (AFun t1 at1) (AFun t2 at2) = AFun (t1 && t2) (andArityType at1 at2) andArityType at1 at2 = andArityType at2 at1 annotateArity e nfo = annotateArity' (arityType e) nfo annotateArity' at nfo = Info.insert (Arity n (b == ABottom)) $ Info.insert at nfo where (b,n) = arity at deleteArity nfo = Info.delete (undefined :: Arity) $ Info.delete (undefined :: Arity) nfo expandPis :: DataTable -> E -> E expandPis dataTable e = f (followAliases dataTable e) where f (EPi v r) = EPi v (f (followAliases dataTable r)) f e = e fromPi ' : : DataTable - > E - > ( E,[TVr ] ) fromPi ' dataTable e = f [ ] ( followAliases dataTable e ) where f as ( EPi v e ) = f ( v : as ) ( followAliases dataTable e ) f as e = ( e , reverse as ) fromPi' :: DataTable -> E -> (E,[TVr]) fromPi' dataTable e = f [] (followAliases dataTable e) where f as (EPi v e) = f (v:as) (followAliases dataTable e) f as e = (e,reverse as) -} etaExpandProgram :: Stats.MonadStats m => Program -> m Program etaExpandProgram prog = runNameMT (programMapDs f prog) where f (t,e) = do etaExpandDef' (progDataTable prog) 0 t e etaAnnotateProgram :: Program -> Program etaAnnotateProgram prog = runIdentity $ programMapRecGroups mempty pass iletann pass f prog where pass _ = return iletann e nfo = return $ annotateArity e nfo letann e nfo = case Info.lookup nfo of Nothing -> put True >> return (annotateArity e nfo) Just at -> do let at' = arityType e when (at /= at') (put True) return $ annotateArity' at' nfo f (rg,ts) = do let (ts',fs) = runState (annotateCombs mempty pass letann pass ts) False if fs then f (rg,ts') else return ts' etaReduce :: E -> E etaReduce e = f e where f (ELam t (EAp x (EVar t'))) | t == t' && (tvrIdent t `notMember` (freeVars x :: IdSet)) = f x f e = e etaReduce ' : : E - > ( E , Int ) etaReduce ' e = case f e 0 of ( ELam { } , _ ) - > ( e,0 ) x - > x where f ( ELam t ( EAp x ( EVar t ' ) ) ) n | n ` seq ` True , t = = t ' & & ( tvrIdent t ` notMember ` ( freeVars x : : IdSet ) ) = f x ( n + 1 ) f e n = ( e , n ) etaReduce' :: E -> (E,Int) etaReduce' e = case f e 0 of (ELam {},_) -> (e,0) x -> x where f (ELam t (EAp x (EVar t'))) n | n `seq` True, t == t' && (tvrIdent t `notMember` (freeVars x :: IdSet)) = f x (n + 1) f e n = (e,n) -} etaExpandDef' dataTable n t e = etaExpandDef dataTable n t e >>= \x -> case x of Nothing -> return (tvrInfo_u (annotateArity e) t,e) Just x -> return x collectIds e = execWriter $ annotate mempty ( \id nfo - > tell ( singleton i d ) > > return nfo ) ( \ _ - > return ) ( \ _ - > return ) e etaExpandDef :: (NameMonad Id m,Stats.MonadStats m) => DataTable -> TVr -> E -> m (Maybe (TVr,E)) etaExpandDef dataTable min t e = ans where fvs = foldr insert ( freeVars ( b , map getType rs,(tvrType t , e ) ) ) ( map tvrIdent rs ) ` mappend ` collectIds e at = arityType e zeroName = case fromAp e of (EVar v,_) -> "use.{" ++ tvrShowName v _ -> "random" nameSupply = [ n | n < - [ 2,4 : : Int .. ] , n ` notMember ` fvs ] nameSupply = undefined ans = do (ne,flag) <- f min at e (expandPis dataTable $ infertype dataTable e) nameSupply if flag then return (Just (tvrInfo_u (annotateArity' at) t,ne)) else return Nothing f min (AFun _ a) (ELam tvr e) (EPi tvr' rt) _ns = do (ne,flag) <- f (min - 1) a e (subst tvr' (EVar tvr) rt) _ns return (ELam tvr ne,flag) f min (AFun _ a) e (EPi tt rt) _nns = do if tvrIdent t == emptyId then Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand." ++ zeroName) else Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand.def.{" ++ tvrShowName t) n <- newName let nv = tt { tvrIdent = n } eb = EAp e (EVar nv) (ne,_) <- f (min - 1) a eb (subst tt (EVar nv) rt) _nns return (ELam nv ne,True) f min a e (EPi tt rt) _nns | min > 0 = do if tvrIdent t == emptyId then Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand.min." ++ zeroName) else Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand.min.def.{" ++ tvrShowName t) n <- newName let nv = tt { tvrIdent = n } eb = EAp e (EVar nv) (ne,_) <- f (min - 1) a eb (subst tt (EVar nv) rt) _nns return (ELam nv ne,True) f _ _ e _ _ = do return (e,False) etaExpandAp :: (NameMonad Id m,Stats.MonadStats m) => DataTable -> TVr -> [E] -> m (Maybe E) etaExpandAp dataTable tvr xs = do r <- etaExpandDef dataTable 0 tvr { tvrIdent = emptyId} (foldl EAp (EVar tvr) xs) return (fmap snd r) etaExpandAp dataTable t as | Just ( Arity n err ) < - Info.lookup ( tvrInfo t ) = case ( ) of ( ) | n > length as - > do let e = foldl EAp ( EVar t ) as let ( _ , ts ) = fromPi ' dataTable ( infertype dataTable e ) ets = ( take ( n - length as ) ts ) mticks ( length ets ) ( " EtaExpand.use . { " + + tvrShowName t ) let = f [ ( tvrIdent t , t { tvrIdent = n } ) | n < - [ 2,4 : : Int .. ] , not $ n ` Set.member ` freeVars ( e , ets ) | t < - ets ] f map ( ( n , t):rs ) = t { tvrType = substMap map ( tvrType t ) } : f ( Map.insert n ( EVar t ) map ) rs f _ [ ] = [ ] return ( Just $ foldr ELam ( foldl EAp e ( map EVar tvrs ) ) tvrs ) | err & & length as > n - > do let ot = ( foldl EAp ( EVar t ) as ) mticks ( length as - n ) ( " EtaExpand.bottoming . { " + + tvrShowName t ) | otherwise - > return Nothing etaExpandAp _ t as = return Nothing etaExpandAp dataTable t as | Just (Arity n err) <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo t) = case () of () | n > length as -> do let e = foldl EAp (EVar t) as let (_,ts) = fromPi' dataTable (infertype dataTable e) ets = (take (n - length as) ts) mticks (length ets) ("EtaExpand.use.{" ++ tvrShowName t) let tvrs = f mempty [ (tvrIdent t,t { tvrIdent = n }) | n <- [2,4 :: Int ..], not $ n `Set.member` freeVars (e,ets) | t <- ets ] f map ((n,t):rs) = t { tvrType = substMap map (tvrType t)} : f (Map.insert n (EVar t) map) rs f _ [] = [] return (Just $ foldr ELam (foldl EAp e (map EVar tvrs)) tvrs) | err && length as > n -> do let ot = infertype dataTable (foldl EAp (EVar t) as) mticks (length as - n) ("EtaExpand.bottoming.{" ++ tvrShowName t) | otherwise -> return Nothing etaExpandAp _ t as = return Nothing -}
%%% Copyright ( c ) 2018 , 2020 Dmitry Poroh %%% All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT License . See the LICENSE file . %%% SIP Via header %%% -module(ersip_hdr_via). -export([new/3, new/4, topmost_via/1, take_topmost/1, sent_protocol/1, branch/1, set_branch/2, received/1, set_received/2, has_rport/1, rport/1, set_rport/2, maddr/1, set_maddr/2, ttl/1, set_ttl/2, raw_param/2, all_raw_params/1, set_param/3, sent_by/1, sent_by_key/1, make_key/1, assemble/1, assemble_bin/1, make/1, parse/1, raw/1 ]). -export_type([via/0, via_key/0, sent_by/0, raw/0 ]). %%=================================================================== %% Types %%=================================================================== -record(via, {sent_protocol :: sent_protocol(), sent_by :: internal_sent_by(), hparams :: ersip_hparams:hparams() }). -type via() :: #via{}. -type sent_protocol() :: {sent_protocol, Protocol :: binary(), ProtocolVersion :: binary(), ersip_transport:transport()}. -type sent_by() :: {sent_by, ersip_host:host(), Port :: inet:port_number()}. -type internal_sent_by() :: {sent_by, ersip_host:host(), Port :: inet:port_number() | default_port}. -type known_via_params() :: branch | maddr | received | ttl | rport. -type rport_value() :: inet:port_number() | true. -type ttl_value() :: 0..255. -type via_key() :: {sent_protocol(), sent_by(), via_params_key()}. -type via_params_key() :: #{branch => ersip_branch:branch(), maddr => ersip_host:host(), received => ersip_host:host(), ttl => non_neg_integer(), rport => inet:port_number() | true, binary() => binary() }. -type raw() :: #{protocol := binary(), version := binary(), transport := binary(), host := binary(), port := inet:port_number(), params := ersip_hparams:raw(), branch => binary(), maddr => binary(), received => binary(), ttl => non_neg_integer(), rport => rport_value() }. %%=================================================================== %% API %%=================================================================== @doc Create new Via haeder by Host , Port and SIP transport . -spec new(ersip_host:host(), inet:port_number(), ersip_transport:transport()) -> via(). new(Address, Port, Transport) -> #via{sent_protocol = {sent_protocol, <<"SIP">>, <<"2.0">>, Transport}, sent_by = {sent_by, Address, Port}, hparams = ersip_hparams:new() }. @doc Create new Via haeder by Host , Port , SIP transport and branch parameter . -spec new(ersip_host:host(), inet:port_number(), ersip_transport:transport(), ersip_branch:branch()) -> via(). new(Address, Port, Transport, Branch) -> HParams0 = ersip_hparams:new(), HParams = ersip_hparams:set(branch, Branch, <<"branch">>, ersip_branch:assemble(Branch), HParams0), #via{sent_protocol = {sent_protocol, <<"SIP">>, <<"2.0">>, Transport}, sent_by = {sent_by, Address, Port}, hparams = HParams }. %% @doc Get topmost Via from SIP raw headers. -spec topmost_via(ersip_hdr:header()) -> {ok, via()} | {error, no_via}. topmost_via(Header) -> case ersip_hdr:raw_values(Header) of [] -> {error, no_via}; [TopVia | _] -> case parse_via_with_rest(iolist_to_binary(TopVia)) of {error, _} = Error -> Error; {ok, Via, Rest} -> case validate_topmost_via(Via, Rest) of ok -> {ok, Via}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end end end. -spec take_topmost(iolist() | binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(via()). take_topmost(IOList) -> Bin = iolist_to_binary(IOList), case parse_via_with_rest(Bin) of {ok, Via, <<",", Rest/binary>>} -> case validate_topmost_via(Via) of ok -> {ok, Via, Rest}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end; {ok, Via, <<>>} -> case validate_topmost_via(Via) of ok -> {ok, Via, <<>>}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end; {ok, _, Rest} -> {error, {invalid_via, {invalid_via, {garbage_at_the_end, Rest}}}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end. %% @doc Get sent protocol. -spec sent_protocol(via()) -> sent_protocol(). sent_protocol(#via{sent_protocol = Sp}) -> Sp. %% @doc Get Via parametr by it's name. -spec raw_param(ParamName :: binary(), via()) -> {ok, ParamValue :: binary()} | not_found. raw_param(ParamName, #via{hparams = HParams}) when is_binary(ParamName) -> ersip_hparams:find_raw(ParamName, HParams). %% @doc Get all Via parameters. -spec all_raw_params(via()) -> [{binary(), binary()} | binary()]. all_raw_params(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> ersip_hparams:to_raw_list(HParams). @doc Get Via parameter . This function supports known paramters %% (deprecated) and binary parameters. -spec set_param(known_via_params() | binary(), term(), via()) -> via(). set_param(received, Value, Via) when is_binary(Value) -> case ersip_host:parse(Value) of {ok, Host, <<>>} -> set_param(received, Host, Via); {ok, _, _} -> error({invalid_received, Value}); {error, Reason} -> error({invalid_received, Reason}) end; set_param(received, {Type, _} = Value , #via{hparams = HP} = Via) when Type =:= ipv4 orelse Type =:= ipv6 -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(received, Value, <<"received">>, assemble_received(Value), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(received, Value, _) -> error({invalid_received, Value}); set_param(rport, Value, #via{hparams = HP} = Via) when is_integer(Value) andalso Value >= 1 andalso Value =< 65535 orelse Value == true -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(rport, Value, <<"rport">>, assemble_rport(Value), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(maddr, Host , #via{hparams = HP} = Via) -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(maddr, Host, <<"maddr">>, assemble_maddr(Host), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(ttl, Value, #via{hparams = HP} = Via) when is_integer(Value) andalso Value >= 0 andalso Value =< 255 -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(ttl, Value, <<"ttl">>, assemble_ttl(Value), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(branch, {branch, _} = Value, #via{hparams = HP} = Via) -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(branch, Value, <<"branch">>, ersip_branch:assemble_bin(Value), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(rport, Value, _) -> error({invalid_rport, Value}). %% @doc Get Host and port from Via header. -spec sent_by(via()) -> sent_by(). sent_by(#via{sent_by = {sent_by,Host,default_port}} = Via) -> {sent_protocol, _, _, Transport} = sent_protocol(Via), {sent_by, Host, ersip_transport:default_port(Transport)}; sent_by(#via{sent_by = SentBy}) -> SentBy. @doc Make comparable sent_by ( adjusted to be comparable as erlang %% terms). -spec sent_by_key(via()) -> sent_by(). sent_by_key(#via{} = Via) -> sent_by_make_key(sent_by(Via)). %% @doc Get branch parameter. -spec branch(via()) -> {ok, ersip_branch:branch()} | undefined. branch(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(branch, HParams) of {ok, BranchValue} -> {ok, BranchValue}; not_found -> undefined end. %% @doc Set branch parameter. -spec set_branch(ersip_branch:branch(), via()) -> via(). set_branch(Branch, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(branch, Branch, Via). %% @doc Get received parameter. -spec received(via()) -> {ok, ersip_host:host()} | undefined. received(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(received, HParams) of {ok, Host} -> {ok, Host}; not_found -> undefined end. %% @doc Set received parameter. -spec set_received(ersip_host:host(), via()) -> via(). set_received(Host, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(received, Host, Via). %% @doc Check if Via has rport parameter. -spec has_rport(via()) -> boolean(). has_rport(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(rport, HParams) of {ok, _} -> true; not_found -> false end. %% @doc Get rport parameter value. If rport parameter is set without %% port number than functio returns {ok, true}. -spec rport(via()) -> {ok, rport_value()} | undefined. rport(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(rport, HParams) of {ok, RPortVal} -> {ok, RPortVal}; not_found -> undefined end. %% @doc Set rport parameter value. -spec set_rport(rport_value(), via()) -> via(). set_rport(RPort, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(rport, RPort, Via). %% @doc Get maddr parameter. -spec maddr(via()) -> {ok, ersip_host:host()} | undefined. maddr(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(maddr, HParams) of {ok, Host} -> {ok, Host}; not_found -> undefined end. %% @doc Set maddr parameter. -spec set_maddr(ersip_host:host(), via()) -> via(). set_maddr(Host, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(maddr, Host, Via). @doc Get parameter . -spec ttl(via()) -> {ok, ttl_value()} | undefined. ttl(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(ttl, HParams) of {ok, TTL} -> {ok, TTL}; not_found -> undefined end. @doc Set parameter . -spec set_ttl(ttl_value(), via()) -> via(). set_ttl(TTLValue, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(ttl, TTLValue, Via). %% @doc Make key that can be used to match transaction. -spec make_key(via()) -> via_key(). make_key(#via{hparams = HParams} = Via) -> {sent_protocol_make_key(sent_protocol(Via)), sent_by_make_key(sent_by(Via)), via_params_make_key(HParams)}. %% @doc Assemble Via as iolist(). -spec assemble(via()) -> iolist(). assemble(#via{} = Via) -> #via{ sent_protocol = {sent_protocol, Protocol, ProtocolVersion, Transport}, sent_by = {sent_by, Host, Port}, hparams = HParams } = Via, [Protocol, $/, ProtocolVersion, $/, ersip_transport:assemble_upper(Transport), <<" ">>, ersip_host:assemble(Host), case Port of default_port -> []; Port -> [$:, integer_to_binary(Port)] end, assemble_params(HParams) ]. %% @doc Assemble Via as binary(). -spec assemble_bin(via()) -> binary(). assemble_bin(#via{} = Via) -> iolist_to_binary(assemble(Via)). @doc Parse single Via header -spec parse(iolist() | binary()) -> {ok, via()} | {error, term()}. parse(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) -> parse_via(Binary); parse(IOList) -> parse_via(iolist_to_binary(IOList)). %% @doc Make Via header from binary. -spec make(binary() | raw()) -> via(). make(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case parse_via(Bin) of {ok, Via} -> Via; {error, Reason} -> error(Reason) end. %% @doc Represent via as raw SIP header. -spec raw(via()) -> raw(). raw(#via{} = Via) -> {sent_protocol, Proto, Ver, Transp} = Via#via.sent_protocol, {sent_by, H, Prt} = Via#via.sent_by, Raw = #{protocol => Proto, version => Ver, transport => ersip_transport:assemble_upper(Transp), host => ersip_host:assemble_bin(H), port => Prt, params => ersip_hparams:raw(Via#via.hparams) }, Opts = [{branch, branch(Via), fun(X) -> ersip_branch:assemble_bin(X) end}, {maddr, maddr(Via), fun(X) -> ersip_host:assemble_bin(X) end}, {received, received(Via), fun(X) -> ersip_host:assemble_bin(X) end}, {ttl, ttl(Via), fun(X) -> X end}, {rport, rport(Via), fun(X) -> X end} ], OptsKVP = [{K, F(V)} || {K, {ok, V}, F} <- Opts], maps:merge(maps:from_list(OptsKVP), Raw). %%=================================================================== Internal implementation %%=================================================================== -spec parse_via(binary()) -> {ok,via()} | {error, term()}. parse_via(ViaBinary) -> case parse_via_with_rest(ViaBinary) of {ok, Via, <<>>} -> {ok, Via}; {ok, _, _} -> {error, {invalid_via, ViaBinary}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end. -spec parse_via_with_rest(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(via()). parse_via_with_rest(ViaBinary) -> Parsers = [fun parse_sent_protocol/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_lws/1, fun parse_sent_by/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:trim_lws/1, fun parse_params/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:trim_lws/1 ], case ersip_parser_aux:parse_all(ViaBinary, Parsers) of {ok, [SentProtocol, _, SentBy, _, HParams, _], Rest} -> Via = #via{sent_protocol = SentProtocol, sent_by = SentBy, hparams = HParams}, {ok, Via, Rest}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end. %% sent-protocol = protocol-name SLASH protocol-version %% SLASH transport %% protocol-name = "SIP" / token %% protocol-version = token transport = " UDP " / " TCP " / " TLS " / " SCTP " %% / other-transport -spec parse_sent_protocol(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(). parse_sent_protocol(Binary) -> Parsers = [fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_token/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_slash/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_token/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_slash/1, fun parse_transport/1 ], case ersip_parser_aux:parse_all(Binary, Parsers) of {ok, [ProtocolName, _, ProtocolVersion, _, Transport], Rest} -> {ok, {sent_protocol, ProtocolName, ProtocolVersion, Transport}, Rest}; {error, _} = Error -> Error end. %% sent-by = host [COLON port] %% this implementation is not pure. It uses sent-by context in via header ( expects that either EOL or SEMI occur after sent - by ) . -spec parse_sent_by(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(). parse_sent_by(Binary) -> case binary:match(Binary, <<";">>) of {Pos, 1} -> <<HostPort:Pos/binary, Rest/binary>> = Binary, parse_sent_by_host_port(ersip_bin:trim_lws(HostPort), host, #{rest => Rest}); nomatch -> case binary:match(Binary, <<",">>) of {Pos, 1} -> <<HostPort:Pos/binary, Rest/binary>> = Binary, parse_sent_by_host_port(ersip_bin:trim_lws(HostPort), host, #{rest => Rest}); nomatch -> parse_sent_by_host_port(ersip_bin:trim_lws(Binary), host, #{rest => <<>>}) end end. -spec parse_sent_by_host_port(binary() | [binary()], host | port | result, map()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(). parse_sent_by_host_port(<<$[, _/binary>> = IPv6RefPort, host, Acc) -> case binary:match(IPv6RefPort, <<"]">>) of nomatch -> {error, {invalid_ipv6_reference, IPv6RefPort}}; {Pos, 1} -> Size = Pos+1, <<HostBin:Size/binary, Rest/binary>> = IPv6RefPort, case ersip_host:parse(HostBin) of {ok, Host, <<>>} -> parse_sent_by_host_port(Rest, port, Acc#{host => Host}); {error, _} = Err -> Err end end; parse_sent_by_host_port(Binary, host, Acc) -> [HostBin | MayBePort] = binary:split(Binary, <<":">>), case ersip_host:parse(HostBin) of {ok, Host, <<>>} -> parse_sent_by_host_port(MayBePort, port, Acc#{host => Host}); {ok, _Host, _Rest} -> {error, {invalid_host, HostBin}}; {error, _} = Err -> Err end; parse_sent_by_host_port([], port, Acc) -> parse_sent_by_host_port(<<>>, result, Acc); parse_sent_by_host_port(<<>>, port, Acc) -> parse_sent_by_host_port(<<>>, result, Acc); parse_sent_by_host_port(<<":", Rest/binary>>, port, Acc) -> parse_sent_by_host_port([Rest], port, Acc); parse_sent_by_host_port(Bin, port, _Acc) when is_binary(Bin) -> {error, {invalid_port, Bin}}; parse_sent_by_host_port([Bin], port, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) -> case parse_port_number(ersip_bin:trim_lws(Bin)) of {ok, PortNumber} -> parse_sent_by_host_port(<<>>, result, Acc#{port => PortNumber}); {error, _} = Error -> Error end; parse_sent_by_host_port(_, result, #{rest := Rest, host := Host} = Acc) -> Port = maps:get(port, Acc, default_port), {ok, {sent_by, Host, Port}, Rest}. -spec parse_transport(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(ersip_transport:transport()). parse_transport(Binary) -> case ersip_parser_aux:parse_token(Binary) of {ok, Transp, Rest} -> {ok, T} = ersip_transport:parse(Transp), {ok, T, Rest}; {error, _} = Error -> Error end. @private -spec parse_params(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(ersip_parser_aux:gen_param_list()). parse_params(<<$;, Bin/binary>>) -> ersip_hparams:parse(fun parse_known/2, Bin); parse_params(Bin) -> {ok, ersip_hparams:new(), Bin}. %% via-params = via-ttl / via-maddr %% / via-received / via-branch %% / via-extension -spec parse_known(binary(), binary()) -> ersip_hparams:parse_known_fun_result(). parse_known(<<"ttl">>, Value) -> 1 * 3DIGIT ; 0 to 255 case ersip_parser_aux:parse_non_neg_int(Value) of {ok, TTL, <<>>} when TTL >= 0 andalso TTL =< 255 -> {ok, {ttl, TTL}}; {ok, _, _} -> {error, {invalid_ttl, Value}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_ttl, Reason}} end; parse_known(<<"received">>, Value) -> " received " EQUAL ( IPv4address / IPv6address ) case ersip_host:parse(Value) of {ok, {ipv4, _} = Host, <<>>} -> {ok, {received, Host}}; {ok, {ipv6, _} = Host, <<>>} -> {ok, {received, Host}}; {ok, _, _} -> {error, {invalid_received, Value}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_received, Reason}} end; parse_known(<<"maddr">>, Value) -> %% "maddr" EQUAL host case ersip_host:parse(Value) of {ok, Host, <<>>} -> {ok, {maddr, Host}}; {ok, _, _} -> {error, {invalid_maddr, Value}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_maddr, Reason}} end; parse_known(<<"branch">>, Value) -> %% "branch" EQUAL token case ersip_parser_aux:check_token(Value) of true -> {ok, {branch, ersip_branch:make(Value)}}; false -> {error, {invalid_branch, Value}} end; parse_known(<<"rport">>, <<>>) -> {ok, {rport, true}}; parse_known(<<"rport">>, Value) -> %% response-port = "rport" [EQUAL 1*DIGIT] case parse_port_number(Value) of {ok, Port} -> {ok, {rport, Port}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_rport, Reason}} end; parse_known(_, _) -> {ok, unknown}. -spec sent_protocol_make_key(sent_protocol()) -> sent_protocol(). sent_protocol_make_key(Protocol) -> Protocol. -spec sent_by_make_key(sent_by()) -> sent_by(). sent_by_make_key({sent_by, Host, Port}) -> {sent_by, ersip_host:make_key(Host), Port}. -spec via_params_make_key(ersip_hparams:hparams()) -> via_params_key(). via_params_make_key(Params) -> L = ersip_hparams:to_list(Params), LKeys = lists:map(fun({Key, Value}) -> via_param_make_key(Key, Value) end, L), maps:from_list(LKeys). -spec via_param_make_key(Key, Value) -> {NewKey, NewValue} when Key :: known_via_params() | binary(), Value :: term(), NewKey :: known_via_params() | binary(), NewValue :: term(). via_param_make_key(ttl, V) -> {ttl, V}; via_param_make_key(branch, B) -> {branch, ersip_branch:make_key(B)}; via_param_make_key(maddr, Maddr) -> {maddr, ersip_host:make_key(Maddr)}; via_param_make_key(received, R) -> {received, R}; via_param_make_key(rport, R) -> {rport, R}; via_param_make_key(OtherKey, OtherValue) when is_binary(OtherKey) -> {ersip_bin:to_lower(OtherKey), OtherValue}. -spec assemble_params(ersip_hparams:hparams()) -> [iolist()]. assemble_params(HParams) -> HParamsIO0 = ersip_hparams:assemble(HParams), case ersip_iolist:is_empty(HParamsIO0) of true -> []; false -> [$; | HParamsIO0] end. -spec assemble_received(ersip_host:host()) -> binary(). assemble_received(Value) -> iolist_to_binary(ersip_host:assemble_received(Value)). -spec assemble_rport(rport_value()) -> binary(). assemble_rport(true) -> <<>>; assemble_rport(Value) -> integer_to_binary(Value). -spec assemble_ttl(ttl_value()) -> binary(). assemble_ttl(Value) -> integer_to_binary(Value). -spec assemble_maddr(ersip_host:host()) -> binary(). assemble_maddr(Value) -> iolist_to_binary(ersip_host:assemble(Value)). -spec validate_topmost_via(via(), binary()) -> ok | {error, term()}. validate_topmost_via(#via{} = Via, <<>>) -> validate_topmost_via(Via); validate_topmost_via(#via{} = Via, <<",", _/binary>>) -> validate_topmost_via(Via); validate_topmost_via(#via{}, Rest) -> {error, {garbage_at_the_end, Rest}}. -spec validate_topmost_via(via()) -> ok | {error, term()}. validate_topmost_via(#via{sent_protocol = SentProtocol}) -> case SentProtocol of {sent_protocol, <<"SIP">>, <<"2.0">>, T} -> case ersip_transport:is_known_transport(T) of true -> ok; false -> {error, {unknown_transport, T}} end; {sent_protocol, Proto, Version, _} -> {error, {unknown_protocol, Proto, Version}} end. -spec parse_port_number(binary()) -> {ok, inet:port_number()} | {error, term()}. parse_port_number(Bin) -> case ersip_parser_aux:parse_non_neg_int(Bin) of {ok, Int, <<>>} when Int > 0 andalso Int =< 65535 -> {ok, Int}; _ -> {error, {invalid_port, Bin}} end.
All rights reserved. =================================================================== Types =================================================================== =================================================================== API =================================================================== @doc Get topmost Via from SIP raw headers. @doc Get sent protocol. @doc Get Via parametr by it's name. @doc Get all Via parameters. (deprecated) and binary parameters. @doc Get Host and port from Via header. terms). @doc Get branch parameter. @doc Set branch parameter. @doc Get received parameter. @doc Set received parameter. @doc Check if Via has rport parameter. @doc Get rport parameter value. If rport parameter is set without port number than functio returns {ok, true}. @doc Set rport parameter value. @doc Get maddr parameter. @doc Set maddr parameter. @doc Make key that can be used to match transaction. @doc Assemble Via as iolist(). @doc Assemble Via as binary(). @doc Make Via header from binary. @doc Represent via as raw SIP header. =================================================================== =================================================================== sent-protocol = protocol-name SLASH protocol-version SLASH transport protocol-name = "SIP" / token protocol-version = token / other-transport sent-by = host [COLON port] this implementation is not pure. It uses sent-by context in via via-params = via-ttl / via-maddr / via-received / via-branch / via-extension "maddr" EQUAL host "branch" EQUAL token response-port = "rport" [EQUAL 1*DIGIT]
Copyright ( c ) 2018 , 2020 Dmitry Poroh Distributed under the terms of the MIT License . See the LICENSE file . SIP Via header -module(ersip_hdr_via). -export([new/3, new/4, topmost_via/1, take_topmost/1, sent_protocol/1, branch/1, set_branch/2, received/1, set_received/2, has_rport/1, rport/1, set_rport/2, maddr/1, set_maddr/2, ttl/1, set_ttl/2, raw_param/2, all_raw_params/1, set_param/3, sent_by/1, sent_by_key/1, make_key/1, assemble/1, assemble_bin/1, make/1, parse/1, raw/1 ]). -export_type([via/0, via_key/0, sent_by/0, raw/0 ]). -record(via, {sent_protocol :: sent_protocol(), sent_by :: internal_sent_by(), hparams :: ersip_hparams:hparams() }). -type via() :: #via{}. -type sent_protocol() :: {sent_protocol, Protocol :: binary(), ProtocolVersion :: binary(), ersip_transport:transport()}. -type sent_by() :: {sent_by, ersip_host:host(), Port :: inet:port_number()}. -type internal_sent_by() :: {sent_by, ersip_host:host(), Port :: inet:port_number() | default_port}. -type known_via_params() :: branch | maddr | received | ttl | rport. -type rport_value() :: inet:port_number() | true. -type ttl_value() :: 0..255. -type via_key() :: {sent_protocol(), sent_by(), via_params_key()}. -type via_params_key() :: #{branch => ersip_branch:branch(), maddr => ersip_host:host(), received => ersip_host:host(), ttl => non_neg_integer(), rport => inet:port_number() | true, binary() => binary() }. -type raw() :: #{protocol := binary(), version := binary(), transport := binary(), host := binary(), port := inet:port_number(), params := ersip_hparams:raw(), branch => binary(), maddr => binary(), received => binary(), ttl => non_neg_integer(), rport => rport_value() }. @doc Create new Via haeder by Host , Port and SIP transport . -spec new(ersip_host:host(), inet:port_number(), ersip_transport:transport()) -> via(). new(Address, Port, Transport) -> #via{sent_protocol = {sent_protocol, <<"SIP">>, <<"2.0">>, Transport}, sent_by = {sent_by, Address, Port}, hparams = ersip_hparams:new() }. @doc Create new Via haeder by Host , Port , SIP transport and branch parameter . -spec new(ersip_host:host(), inet:port_number(), ersip_transport:transport(), ersip_branch:branch()) -> via(). new(Address, Port, Transport, Branch) -> HParams0 = ersip_hparams:new(), HParams = ersip_hparams:set(branch, Branch, <<"branch">>, ersip_branch:assemble(Branch), HParams0), #via{sent_protocol = {sent_protocol, <<"SIP">>, <<"2.0">>, Transport}, sent_by = {sent_by, Address, Port}, hparams = HParams }. -spec topmost_via(ersip_hdr:header()) -> {ok, via()} | {error, no_via}. topmost_via(Header) -> case ersip_hdr:raw_values(Header) of [] -> {error, no_via}; [TopVia | _] -> case parse_via_with_rest(iolist_to_binary(TopVia)) of {error, _} = Error -> Error; {ok, Via, Rest} -> case validate_topmost_via(Via, Rest) of ok -> {ok, Via}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end end end. -spec take_topmost(iolist() | binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(via()). take_topmost(IOList) -> Bin = iolist_to_binary(IOList), case parse_via_with_rest(Bin) of {ok, Via, <<",", Rest/binary>>} -> case validate_topmost_via(Via) of ok -> {ok, Via, Rest}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end; {ok, Via, <<>>} -> case validate_topmost_via(Via) of ok -> {ok, Via, <<>>}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end; {ok, _, Rest} -> {error, {invalid_via, {invalid_via, {garbage_at_the_end, Rest}}}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end. -spec sent_protocol(via()) -> sent_protocol(). sent_protocol(#via{sent_protocol = Sp}) -> Sp. -spec raw_param(ParamName :: binary(), via()) -> {ok, ParamValue :: binary()} | not_found. raw_param(ParamName, #via{hparams = HParams}) when is_binary(ParamName) -> ersip_hparams:find_raw(ParamName, HParams). -spec all_raw_params(via()) -> [{binary(), binary()} | binary()]. all_raw_params(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> ersip_hparams:to_raw_list(HParams). @doc Get Via parameter . This function supports known paramters -spec set_param(known_via_params() | binary(), term(), via()) -> via(). set_param(received, Value, Via) when is_binary(Value) -> case ersip_host:parse(Value) of {ok, Host, <<>>} -> set_param(received, Host, Via); {ok, _, _} -> error({invalid_received, Value}); {error, Reason} -> error({invalid_received, Reason}) end; set_param(received, {Type, _} = Value , #via{hparams = HP} = Via) when Type =:= ipv4 orelse Type =:= ipv6 -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(received, Value, <<"received">>, assemble_received(Value), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(received, Value, _) -> error({invalid_received, Value}); set_param(rport, Value, #via{hparams = HP} = Via) when is_integer(Value) andalso Value >= 1 andalso Value =< 65535 orelse Value == true -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(rport, Value, <<"rport">>, assemble_rport(Value), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(maddr, Host , #via{hparams = HP} = Via) -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(maddr, Host, <<"maddr">>, assemble_maddr(Host), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(ttl, Value, #via{hparams = HP} = Via) when is_integer(Value) andalso Value >= 0 andalso Value =< 255 -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(ttl, Value, <<"ttl">>, assemble_ttl(Value), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(branch, {branch, _} = Value, #via{hparams = HP} = Via) -> HPNew = ersip_hparams:set(branch, Value, <<"branch">>, ersip_branch:assemble_bin(Value), HP), Via#via{hparams = HPNew}; set_param(rport, Value, _) -> error({invalid_rport, Value}). -spec sent_by(via()) -> sent_by(). sent_by(#via{sent_by = {sent_by,Host,default_port}} = Via) -> {sent_protocol, _, _, Transport} = sent_protocol(Via), {sent_by, Host, ersip_transport:default_port(Transport)}; sent_by(#via{sent_by = SentBy}) -> SentBy. @doc Make comparable sent_by ( adjusted to be comparable as erlang -spec sent_by_key(via()) -> sent_by(). sent_by_key(#via{} = Via) -> sent_by_make_key(sent_by(Via)). -spec branch(via()) -> {ok, ersip_branch:branch()} | undefined. branch(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(branch, HParams) of {ok, BranchValue} -> {ok, BranchValue}; not_found -> undefined end. -spec set_branch(ersip_branch:branch(), via()) -> via(). set_branch(Branch, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(branch, Branch, Via). -spec received(via()) -> {ok, ersip_host:host()} | undefined. received(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(received, HParams) of {ok, Host} -> {ok, Host}; not_found -> undefined end. -spec set_received(ersip_host:host(), via()) -> via(). set_received(Host, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(received, Host, Via). -spec has_rport(via()) -> boolean(). has_rport(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(rport, HParams) of {ok, _} -> true; not_found -> false end. -spec rport(via()) -> {ok, rport_value()} | undefined. rport(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(rport, HParams) of {ok, RPortVal} -> {ok, RPortVal}; not_found -> undefined end. -spec set_rport(rport_value(), via()) -> via(). set_rport(RPort, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(rport, RPort, Via). -spec maddr(via()) -> {ok, ersip_host:host()} | undefined. maddr(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(maddr, HParams) of {ok, Host} -> {ok, Host}; not_found -> undefined end. -spec set_maddr(ersip_host:host(), via()) -> via(). set_maddr(Host, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(maddr, Host, Via). @doc Get parameter . -spec ttl(via()) -> {ok, ttl_value()} | undefined. ttl(#via{hparams = HParams}) -> case ersip_hparams:find(ttl, HParams) of {ok, TTL} -> {ok, TTL}; not_found -> undefined end. @doc Set parameter . -spec set_ttl(ttl_value(), via()) -> via(). set_ttl(TTLValue, #via{} = Via) -> set_param(ttl, TTLValue, Via). -spec make_key(via()) -> via_key(). make_key(#via{hparams = HParams} = Via) -> {sent_protocol_make_key(sent_protocol(Via)), sent_by_make_key(sent_by(Via)), via_params_make_key(HParams)}. -spec assemble(via()) -> iolist(). assemble(#via{} = Via) -> #via{ sent_protocol = {sent_protocol, Protocol, ProtocolVersion, Transport}, sent_by = {sent_by, Host, Port}, hparams = HParams } = Via, [Protocol, $/, ProtocolVersion, $/, ersip_transport:assemble_upper(Transport), <<" ">>, ersip_host:assemble(Host), case Port of default_port -> []; Port -> [$:, integer_to_binary(Port)] end, assemble_params(HParams) ]. -spec assemble_bin(via()) -> binary(). assemble_bin(#via{} = Via) -> iolist_to_binary(assemble(Via)). @doc Parse single Via header -spec parse(iolist() | binary()) -> {ok, via()} | {error, term()}. parse(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) -> parse_via(Binary); parse(IOList) -> parse_via(iolist_to_binary(IOList)). -spec make(binary() | raw()) -> via(). make(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case parse_via(Bin) of {ok, Via} -> Via; {error, Reason} -> error(Reason) end. -spec raw(via()) -> raw(). raw(#via{} = Via) -> {sent_protocol, Proto, Ver, Transp} = Via#via.sent_protocol, {sent_by, H, Prt} = Via#via.sent_by, Raw = #{protocol => Proto, version => Ver, transport => ersip_transport:assemble_upper(Transp), host => ersip_host:assemble_bin(H), port => Prt, params => ersip_hparams:raw(Via#via.hparams) }, Opts = [{branch, branch(Via), fun(X) -> ersip_branch:assemble_bin(X) end}, {maddr, maddr(Via), fun(X) -> ersip_host:assemble_bin(X) end}, {received, received(Via), fun(X) -> ersip_host:assemble_bin(X) end}, {ttl, ttl(Via), fun(X) -> X end}, {rport, rport(Via), fun(X) -> X end} ], OptsKVP = [{K, F(V)} || {K, {ok, V}, F} <- Opts], maps:merge(maps:from_list(OptsKVP), Raw). Internal implementation -spec parse_via(binary()) -> {ok,via()} | {error, term()}. parse_via(ViaBinary) -> case parse_via_with_rest(ViaBinary) of {ok, Via, <<>>} -> {ok, Via}; {ok, _, _} -> {error, {invalid_via, ViaBinary}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end. -spec parse_via_with_rest(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(via()). parse_via_with_rest(ViaBinary) -> Parsers = [fun parse_sent_protocol/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_lws/1, fun parse_sent_by/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:trim_lws/1, fun parse_params/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:trim_lws/1 ], case ersip_parser_aux:parse_all(ViaBinary, Parsers) of {ok, [SentProtocol, _, SentBy, _, HParams, _], Rest} -> Via = #via{sent_protocol = SentProtocol, sent_by = SentBy, hparams = HParams}, {ok, Via, Rest}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_via, Reason}} end. transport = " UDP " / " TCP " / " TLS " / " SCTP " -spec parse_sent_protocol(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(). parse_sent_protocol(Binary) -> Parsers = [fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_token/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_slash/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_token/1, fun ersip_parser_aux:parse_slash/1, fun parse_transport/1 ], case ersip_parser_aux:parse_all(Binary, Parsers) of {ok, [ProtocolName, _, ProtocolVersion, _, Transport], Rest} -> {ok, {sent_protocol, ProtocolName, ProtocolVersion, Transport}, Rest}; {error, _} = Error -> Error end. header ( expects that either EOL or SEMI occur after sent - by ) . -spec parse_sent_by(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(). parse_sent_by(Binary) -> case binary:match(Binary, <<";">>) of {Pos, 1} -> <<HostPort:Pos/binary, Rest/binary>> = Binary, parse_sent_by_host_port(ersip_bin:trim_lws(HostPort), host, #{rest => Rest}); nomatch -> case binary:match(Binary, <<",">>) of {Pos, 1} -> <<HostPort:Pos/binary, Rest/binary>> = Binary, parse_sent_by_host_port(ersip_bin:trim_lws(HostPort), host, #{rest => Rest}); nomatch -> parse_sent_by_host_port(ersip_bin:trim_lws(Binary), host, #{rest => <<>>}) end end. -spec parse_sent_by_host_port(binary() | [binary()], host | port | result, map()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(). parse_sent_by_host_port(<<$[, _/binary>> = IPv6RefPort, host, Acc) -> case binary:match(IPv6RefPort, <<"]">>) of nomatch -> {error, {invalid_ipv6_reference, IPv6RefPort}}; {Pos, 1} -> Size = Pos+1, <<HostBin:Size/binary, Rest/binary>> = IPv6RefPort, case ersip_host:parse(HostBin) of {ok, Host, <<>>} -> parse_sent_by_host_port(Rest, port, Acc#{host => Host}); {error, _} = Err -> Err end end; parse_sent_by_host_port(Binary, host, Acc) -> [HostBin | MayBePort] = binary:split(Binary, <<":">>), case ersip_host:parse(HostBin) of {ok, Host, <<>>} -> parse_sent_by_host_port(MayBePort, port, Acc#{host => Host}); {ok, _Host, _Rest} -> {error, {invalid_host, HostBin}}; {error, _} = Err -> Err end; parse_sent_by_host_port([], port, Acc) -> parse_sent_by_host_port(<<>>, result, Acc); parse_sent_by_host_port(<<>>, port, Acc) -> parse_sent_by_host_port(<<>>, result, Acc); parse_sent_by_host_port(<<":", Rest/binary>>, port, Acc) -> parse_sent_by_host_port([Rest], port, Acc); parse_sent_by_host_port(Bin, port, _Acc) when is_binary(Bin) -> {error, {invalid_port, Bin}}; parse_sent_by_host_port([Bin], port, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) -> case parse_port_number(ersip_bin:trim_lws(Bin)) of {ok, PortNumber} -> parse_sent_by_host_port(<<>>, result, Acc#{port => PortNumber}); {error, _} = Error -> Error end; parse_sent_by_host_port(_, result, #{rest := Rest, host := Host} = Acc) -> Port = maps:get(port, Acc, default_port), {ok, {sent_by, Host, Port}, Rest}. -spec parse_transport(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(ersip_transport:transport()). parse_transport(Binary) -> case ersip_parser_aux:parse_token(Binary) of {ok, Transp, Rest} -> {ok, T} = ersip_transport:parse(Transp), {ok, T, Rest}; {error, _} = Error -> Error end. @private -spec parse_params(binary()) -> ersip_parser_aux:parse_result(ersip_parser_aux:gen_param_list()). parse_params(<<$;, Bin/binary>>) -> ersip_hparams:parse(fun parse_known/2, Bin); parse_params(Bin) -> {ok, ersip_hparams:new(), Bin}. -spec parse_known(binary(), binary()) -> ersip_hparams:parse_known_fun_result(). parse_known(<<"ttl">>, Value) -> 1 * 3DIGIT ; 0 to 255 case ersip_parser_aux:parse_non_neg_int(Value) of {ok, TTL, <<>>} when TTL >= 0 andalso TTL =< 255 -> {ok, {ttl, TTL}}; {ok, _, _} -> {error, {invalid_ttl, Value}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_ttl, Reason}} end; parse_known(<<"received">>, Value) -> " received " EQUAL ( IPv4address / IPv6address ) case ersip_host:parse(Value) of {ok, {ipv4, _} = Host, <<>>} -> {ok, {received, Host}}; {ok, {ipv6, _} = Host, <<>>} -> {ok, {received, Host}}; {ok, _, _} -> {error, {invalid_received, Value}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_received, Reason}} end; parse_known(<<"maddr">>, Value) -> case ersip_host:parse(Value) of {ok, Host, <<>>} -> {ok, {maddr, Host}}; {ok, _, _} -> {error, {invalid_maddr, Value}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_maddr, Reason}} end; parse_known(<<"branch">>, Value) -> case ersip_parser_aux:check_token(Value) of true -> {ok, {branch, ersip_branch:make(Value)}}; false -> {error, {invalid_branch, Value}} end; parse_known(<<"rport">>, <<>>) -> {ok, {rport, true}}; parse_known(<<"rport">>, Value) -> case parse_port_number(Value) of {ok, Port} -> {ok, {rport, Port}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {invalid_rport, Reason}} end; parse_known(_, _) -> {ok, unknown}. -spec sent_protocol_make_key(sent_protocol()) -> sent_protocol(). sent_protocol_make_key(Protocol) -> Protocol. -spec sent_by_make_key(sent_by()) -> sent_by(). sent_by_make_key({sent_by, Host, Port}) -> {sent_by, ersip_host:make_key(Host), Port}. -spec via_params_make_key(ersip_hparams:hparams()) -> via_params_key(). via_params_make_key(Params) -> L = ersip_hparams:to_list(Params), LKeys = lists:map(fun({Key, Value}) -> via_param_make_key(Key, Value) end, L), maps:from_list(LKeys). -spec via_param_make_key(Key, Value) -> {NewKey, NewValue} when Key :: known_via_params() | binary(), Value :: term(), NewKey :: known_via_params() | binary(), NewValue :: term(). via_param_make_key(ttl, V) -> {ttl, V}; via_param_make_key(branch, B) -> {branch, ersip_branch:make_key(B)}; via_param_make_key(maddr, Maddr) -> {maddr, ersip_host:make_key(Maddr)}; via_param_make_key(received, R) -> {received, R}; via_param_make_key(rport, R) -> {rport, R}; via_param_make_key(OtherKey, OtherValue) when is_binary(OtherKey) -> {ersip_bin:to_lower(OtherKey), OtherValue}. -spec assemble_params(ersip_hparams:hparams()) -> [iolist()]. assemble_params(HParams) -> HParamsIO0 = ersip_hparams:assemble(HParams), case ersip_iolist:is_empty(HParamsIO0) of true -> []; false -> [$; | HParamsIO0] end. -spec assemble_received(ersip_host:host()) -> binary(). assemble_received(Value) -> iolist_to_binary(ersip_host:assemble_received(Value)). -spec assemble_rport(rport_value()) -> binary(). assemble_rport(true) -> <<>>; assemble_rport(Value) -> integer_to_binary(Value). -spec assemble_ttl(ttl_value()) -> binary(). assemble_ttl(Value) -> integer_to_binary(Value). -spec assemble_maddr(ersip_host:host()) -> binary(). assemble_maddr(Value) -> iolist_to_binary(ersip_host:assemble(Value)). -spec validate_topmost_via(via(), binary()) -> ok | {error, term()}. validate_topmost_via(#via{} = Via, <<>>) -> validate_topmost_via(Via); validate_topmost_via(#via{} = Via, <<",", _/binary>>) -> validate_topmost_via(Via); validate_topmost_via(#via{}, Rest) -> {error, {garbage_at_the_end, Rest}}. -spec validate_topmost_via(via()) -> ok | {error, term()}. validate_topmost_via(#via{sent_protocol = SentProtocol}) -> case SentProtocol of {sent_protocol, <<"SIP">>, <<"2.0">>, T} -> case ersip_transport:is_known_transport(T) of true -> ok; false -> {error, {unknown_transport, T}} end; {sent_protocol, Proto, Version, _} -> {error, {unknown_protocol, Proto, Version}} end. -spec parse_port_number(binary()) -> {ok, inet:port_number()} | {error, term()}. parse_port_number(Bin) -> case ersip_parser_aux:parse_non_neg_int(Bin) of {ok, Int, <<>>} when Int > 0 andalso Int =< 65535 -> {ok, Int}; _ -> {error, {invalid_port, Bin}} end.
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU Copyright © 2015 < > ;;; ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix. ;;; GNU is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 3 of the License , or ( at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU . If not , see < / > . (define-module (gnu packages pv) #:use-module (guix licenses) #:use-module (guix packages) #:use-module (guix download) #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)) (define-public pv (package (name "pv") (version "1.6.0") (source (origin (method url-fetch) (uri (string-append "-" version ".tar.bz2")) (sha256 (base32 "13gg6r84pkvznpd1l11qw1jw9yna40gkgpni256khyx21m785khf")))) (build-system gnu-build-system) (home-page "") (synopsis "Pipeline progress indicator") (description "pv (Pipe Viewer) is a terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. It can be inserted into any normal pipeline between two processes to give a visual indication of how quickly data is passing through, how long it has taken, how near to completion it is, and an estimate of how long it will be until completion.") (license artistic2.0)))
GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU This file is part of GNU Guix. you can redistribute it and/or modify it either version 3 of the License , or ( at your option) any later version. GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Copyright © 2015 < > under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU . If not , see < / > . (define-module (gnu packages pv) #:use-module (guix licenses) #:use-module (guix packages) #:use-module (guix download) #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)) (define-public pv (package (name "pv") (version "1.6.0") (source (origin (method url-fetch) (uri (string-append "-" version ".tar.bz2")) (sha256 (base32 "13gg6r84pkvznpd1l11qw1jw9yna40gkgpni256khyx21m785khf")))) (build-system gnu-build-system) (home-page "") (synopsis "Pipeline progress indicator") (description "pv (Pipe Viewer) is a terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. It can be inserted into any normal pipeline between two processes to give a visual indication of how quickly data is passing through, how long it has taken, how near to completion it is, and an estimate of how long it will be until completion.") (license artistic2.0)))
(******************************************************************************) oasis2debian : Create and maintain Debian package for an OASIS package (* *) Copyright ( C ) 2013 , (* *) (* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *) (* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *) the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2.1 of the License , or ( at (* your option) any later version, with the OCaml static compilation *) (* exception. *) (* *) (* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *) (* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *) (* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the file COPYING for more *) (* details. *) (* *) You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 51 Franklin St , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 USA (******************************************************************************) open OASISMessage open Common let backtrace = let b = ref false in Conf.create_full ~cli:"--backtrace" (function | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | str -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unable to parse %S as a boolean (true or false)." str)) "true|false Print backtrace if program exits with an error." (Conf.Value !b) let () = let () = (* Clean ENV *) Unix.putenv "OCAMLPATH" ""; Unix.putenv "LC_ALL" "C" in let ctxt = {(!OASISContext.default) with OASISContext.ignore_plugins = true} in try if Array.length Sys.argv >= 2 then begin let args = Array.sub Sys.argv 1 ((Array.length Sys.argv) - 1) in let run = match Sys.argv.(1) with | "init" -> ActInit.run | "get" -> ActGet.run | "update" -> ActUpdate.run | "help" -> ActHelp.run | str -> ActHelp.display ~ctxt stderr; error ~ctxt "No action %s defined. Try \"help\"." str; exit 2 in run ~ctxt args end else begin ActHelp.display ~ctxt stderr; error ~ctxt "Not enough arguments"; exit 2 end with | Failure str -> error ~ctxt "%s" str; if Conf.get ~ctxt backtrace then Printexc.print_backtrace stderr; exit 1 | ExitCode i -> exit i
**************************************************************************** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by your option) any later version, with the OCaml static compilation exception. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the file COPYING for more details. **************************************************************************** Clean ENV
oasis2debian : Create and maintain Debian package for an OASIS package Copyright ( C ) 2013 , the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2.1 of the License , or ( at You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 51 Franklin St , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 USA open OASISMessage open Common let backtrace = let b = ref false in Conf.create_full ~cli:"--backtrace" (function | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | str -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unable to parse %S as a boolean (true or false)." str)) "true|false Print backtrace if program exits with an error." (Conf.Value !b) let () = let () = Unix.putenv "OCAMLPATH" ""; Unix.putenv "LC_ALL" "C" in let ctxt = {(!OASISContext.default) with OASISContext.ignore_plugins = true} in try if Array.length Sys.argv >= 2 then begin let args = Array.sub Sys.argv 1 ((Array.length Sys.argv) - 1) in let run = match Sys.argv.(1) with | "init" -> ActInit.run | "get" -> ActGet.run | "update" -> ActUpdate.run | "help" -> ActHelp.run | str -> ActHelp.display ~ctxt stderr; error ~ctxt "No action %s defined. Try \"help\"." str; exit 2 in run ~ctxt args end else begin ActHelp.display ~ctxt stderr; error ~ctxt "Not enough arguments"; exit 2 end with | Failure str -> error ~ctxt "%s" str; if Conf.get ~ctxt backtrace then Printexc.print_backtrace stderr; exit 1 | ExitCode i -> exit i
(ns space-age) (def year-seconds (* 365.25 24 60 60)) (defmacro defperiod [planet ratio] `(defn ~(symbol (str "on-" planet)) [seconds#] (/ seconds# (* ~ratio year-seconds)))) (defperiod "earth" 1.0) (defperiod "mercury" 0.2408467) (defperiod "venus" 0.61519726) (defperiod "mars" 1.8808158) (defperiod "jupiter" 11.862615) (defperiod "saturn" 29.447498) (defperiod "uranus" 84.016846) (defperiod "neptune" 164.79132)
(ns space-age) (def year-seconds (* 365.25 24 60 60)) (defmacro defperiod [planet ratio] `(defn ~(symbol (str "on-" planet)) [seconds#] (/ seconds# (* ~ratio year-seconds)))) (defperiod "earth" 1.0) (defperiod "mercury" 0.2408467) (defperiod "venus" 0.61519726) (defperiod "mars" 1.8808158) (defperiod "jupiter" 11.862615) (defperiod "saturn" 29.447498) (defperiod "uranus" 84.016846) (defperiod "neptune" 164.79132)
# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # module Run where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import System.Environment import System.FileLock import System.FilePath import System.Process import Data.Version (showVersion) import Paths_tinc (version) import Tinc.Install import Tinc.Facts import Tinc.Types import Tinc.Nix import Tinc.RecentCheck unsetEnvVars :: IO () unsetEnvVars = do unsetEnv "CABAL_SANDBOX_CONFIG" unsetEnv "CABAL_SANDBOX_PACKAGE_PATH" unsetEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH" tinc :: [String] -> IO () tinc args = do unsetEnvVars facts@Facts{..} <- getExecutablePath >>= discoverFacts case args of [] -> do withCacheLock factsCache $ do installDependencies False facts ["--fast"] -> do recent <- tincEnvCreationTime facts >>= isRecent unless recent $ do withCacheLock factsCache $ do installDependencies False facts ["--dry-run"] -> withCacheLock factsCache $ installDependencies True facts ["--version"] -> putStrLn $ showVersion version "exec" : name : rest -> callExec facts name rest name : rest | Just plugin <- lookup name factsPlugins -> callPlugin plugin rest _ -> throwIO (ErrorCall $ "unrecognized arguments: " ++ show args) callExec :: Facts -> String -> [String] -> IO () callExec Facts{..} name args = do let cmd | factsUseNix = nixShell name args | otherwise = ("cabal", "v1-exec" : "--" : name : args) uncurry rawSystemExit cmd callPlugin :: String -> [String] -> IO () callPlugin = rawSystemExit rawSystemExit :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO () rawSystemExit path args = rawSystem path args >>= throwIO withCacheLock :: Path CacheDir -> IO a -> IO a withCacheLock cache action = do putStrLn $ "Acquiring " ++ lock withFileLock lock Exclusive $ \ _ -> action where lock = path cache </> "tinc.lock"
# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # module Run where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import System.Environment import System.FileLock import System.FilePath import System.Process import Data.Version (showVersion) import Paths_tinc (version) import Tinc.Install import Tinc.Facts import Tinc.Types import Tinc.Nix import Tinc.RecentCheck unsetEnvVars :: IO () unsetEnvVars = do unsetEnv "CABAL_SANDBOX_CONFIG" unsetEnv "CABAL_SANDBOX_PACKAGE_PATH" unsetEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH" tinc :: [String] -> IO () tinc args = do unsetEnvVars facts@Facts{..} <- getExecutablePath >>= discoverFacts case args of [] -> do withCacheLock factsCache $ do installDependencies False facts ["--fast"] -> do recent <- tincEnvCreationTime facts >>= isRecent unless recent $ do withCacheLock factsCache $ do installDependencies False facts ["--dry-run"] -> withCacheLock factsCache $ installDependencies True facts ["--version"] -> putStrLn $ showVersion version "exec" : name : rest -> callExec facts name rest name : rest | Just plugin <- lookup name factsPlugins -> callPlugin plugin rest _ -> throwIO (ErrorCall $ "unrecognized arguments: " ++ show args) callExec :: Facts -> String -> [String] -> IO () callExec Facts{..} name args = do let cmd | factsUseNix = nixShell name args | otherwise = ("cabal", "v1-exec" : "--" : name : args) uncurry rawSystemExit cmd callPlugin :: String -> [String] -> IO () callPlugin = rawSystemExit rawSystemExit :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO () rawSystemExit path args = rawSystem path args >>= throwIO withCacheLock :: Path CacheDir -> IO a -> IO a withCacheLock cache action = do putStrLn $ "Acquiring " ++ lock withFileLock lock Exclusive $ \ _ -> action where lock = path cache </> "tinc.lock"
type t = | Int of int | Cons of int * int let cells = Array.make 100000 (Int 0) let s = ref 0; let e = ref 0; let c = ref 0; let d = ref 0; let f = ref 1; let makeInt i = let n = !f in (cells.(n) <- Int i; f := n + 1; n) let makeCons i j = let n = !f in (cells.(n) <- Cons (i, j); f := n + 1; n) let getn i = match cells.(i) with | Int n -> n | _ -> failwith "Getting number from cons cell" let car i = match cells.(i) with | Cons (i, _) -> i | _ -> failwith "Taking car of non-cons cell" let cdr i = match cells.(i) with | Cons (_, j) -> j | _ -> failwith "Taking cdr of non-cons cell" let popR r = match cells.(!r) with | Cons (i, j) -> (r := j; i) | _ -> failwith "Register points to a non-cons cell" let pushR r i = r := makeCons i !r let rec locate i j = let rec locatej j env = if j = 0 then car env else locatej (j - 1) (cdr env) in let rec locatei i j env = if i = 0 then locatej j (car env) else locatei (i - 1) j (cdr env) in locatei i j !e let binOp r op = let a = popR r in let b = popR r in pushR r (op a b) let rplaca x y = (cells.(x) := Cons (y, cdr x); x) let load_simple_command i n = makeCons (makeInt n) i let rec load_commands' i = function | [] -> i | x :: xs -> load_commands' (load_command i x) xs and load_command i = function | Compile.Stop -> load_simple_command i 0 | Compile.Nil -> load_simple_command i 1 | Compile.Ldc n -> let j = makeCons (makeInt n) i in load_simple_command 2 j | Compile.Ld (n, m) -> let j = makeCons (makeInt n) (makeInt m) in load_simple_command 3 j | Compile.Car -> load_simple_command i 4 | Compile.Cdr -> load_simple_command i 5 | Compile.Atom -> load_simple_command i 6 | Compile.Cons -> load_simple_command i 7 | Compile.Eq -> load_simple_command i 8 | Compile.Leq -> load_simple_command i 9 | Compile.Add -> load_simple_command i 10 | Compile.Sub -> load_simple_command i 11 | Compile.Mul -> load_simple_command i 12 | Compile.Div -> load_simple_command i 13 | Compile.Rem -> load_simple_command i 14 | Compile.Sel (ts, fs) -> let j = load_commands' i (List.rev fs) in let k = load_commands' j (List.rev ts) in load_simple_command 15 k | Compile.Join -> load_simple_command i 16 | Compile.Ldf cs -> let j = load_commands' i (List.rev cs) in load_simple_command 17 j | Compile.Ap -> load_simple_command i 18 | Compile.Rtn -> load_simple_command i 19 | Compile.Dum -> load_simple_command i 20 | Compile.Rap -> load_simple_command i 21 let load_commands commands = c := load_commands' (List.rev commands) let runOneStep () = match cells.(popR c) with | Int 0 (* STOP *) -> c := 0 NIL | Int 2 (* LDC *) -> pushR s (popR c) | Int 3 (* LD *) -> let ij = popR c in let i = getn (car ij) in let j = getn (cdr ij) in pushR s (locate i j) | Int 4 (* CAR *) -> pushR s (car (popR s)) | Int 5 (* CDR *) -> pushR s (cdr (popR s)) | Int 6 (* ATOM *) -> (match cells.(popR s) with | Int _ -> pushR s (makeInt 1) | _ -> pushR s (makeInt 0)) | Int 7 (* CONS *) -> binOp s (fun car_, cdr_ -> makeCons car_ cdr_) EQ LEQ | Int 10 (* ADD *) -> binOp s (fun a, b -> makeInt (getn a + getn b)) | Int 11 (* SUB *) -> binOp s (fun a, b -> makeInt (getn a - getn b)) | Int 12 (* MUL *) -> binOp s (fun a, b -> makeInt (getn a * getn b)) DIV | Int 14 (* REM *) -> binOp s (fun a, b -> makeInt (getn a mod getn b)) SEL let cond = match cells.(popR s) with | Int 0 -> false | _ -> true in let true_branch = popR c in let false_branch = popR c in (pushR d !c; c := if cond then true_branch else false_branch) | Int 16 (* JOIN *) -> c := popR d LDF let func = popR c in pushR s (makeCons func !e) AP ( f.e ' a).s e AP.c d - > nil a.e ' f ( s e c).d let fe = popR s in let func = car fe in let env = cdr fe in let arg = popR s in begin pushR d !c; c := func; pushR d !e; e := makeCons arg env; pushR d !s; s := 0; end; () | Int 19 (* RTN *) -> let retv = popR s in begin s := makeCons retv (popR d); e := (popR d); c := (popR d); end; () DUM RAP (* ((f.(nil.e)) v.s) (nil.e) (RAP.c) d -> nil rplaca((nil.e),v) f (s e c.d) *) ( rplaca((nil.e),v).e ) according to AoSC ? ? let fe = popR s in let func = car fe in let nenv = cdr fe in let arg = popR s in begin pushR d !c; c := func; pushR d (cdr !e); e := rplaca nenv arg; pushR d !s; s := 0; end; () | Int _ -> failwith "Unknown command" | _ -> failwith "Cons cell found in place of command" let rec run () = if !c = 0 then () else (runOneStep (); run ())
STOP LDC LD CAR CDR ATOM CONS ADD SUB MUL REM JOIN RTN ((f.(nil.e)) v.s) (nil.e) (RAP.c) d -> nil rplaca((nil.e),v) f (s e c.d)
type t = | Int of int | Cons of int * int let cells = Array.make 100000 (Int 0) let s = ref 0; let e = ref 0; let c = ref 0; let d = ref 0; let f = ref 1; let makeInt i = let n = !f in (cells.(n) <- Int i; f := n + 1; n) let makeCons i j = let n = !f in (cells.(n) <- Cons (i, j); f := n + 1; n) let getn i = match cells.(i) with | Int n -> n | _ -> failwith "Getting number from cons cell" let car i = match cells.(i) with | Cons (i, _) -> i | _ -> failwith "Taking car of non-cons cell" let cdr i = match cells.(i) with | Cons (_, j) -> j | _ -> failwith "Taking cdr of non-cons cell" let popR r = match cells.(!r) with | Cons (i, j) -> (r := j; i) | _ -> failwith "Register points to a non-cons cell" let pushR r i = r := makeCons i !r let rec locate i j = let rec locatej j env = if j = 0 then car env else locatej (j - 1) (cdr env) in let rec locatei i j env = if i = 0 then locatej j (car env) else locatei (i - 1) j (cdr env) in locatei i j !e let binOp r op = let a = popR r in let b = popR r in pushR r (op a b) let rplaca x y = (cells.(x) := Cons (y, cdr x); x) let load_simple_command i n = makeCons (makeInt n) i let rec load_commands' i = function | [] -> i | x :: xs -> load_commands' (load_command i x) xs and load_command i = function | Compile.Stop -> load_simple_command i 0 | Compile.Nil -> load_simple_command i 1 | Compile.Ldc n -> let j = makeCons (makeInt n) i in load_simple_command 2 j | Compile.Ld (n, m) -> let j = makeCons (makeInt n) (makeInt m) in load_simple_command 3 j | Compile.Car -> load_simple_command i 4 | Compile.Cdr -> load_simple_command i 5 | Compile.Atom -> load_simple_command i 6 | Compile.Cons -> load_simple_command i 7 | Compile.Eq -> load_simple_command i 8 | Compile.Leq -> load_simple_command i 9 | Compile.Add -> load_simple_command i 10 | Compile.Sub -> load_simple_command i 11 | Compile.Mul -> load_simple_command i 12 | Compile.Div -> load_simple_command i 13 | Compile.Rem -> load_simple_command i 14 | Compile.Sel (ts, fs) -> let j = load_commands' i (List.rev fs) in let k = load_commands' j (List.rev ts) in load_simple_command 15 k | Compile.Join -> load_simple_command i 16 | Compile.Ldf cs -> let j = load_commands' i (List.rev cs) in load_simple_command 17 j | Compile.Ap -> load_simple_command i 18 | Compile.Rtn -> load_simple_command i 19 | Compile.Dum -> load_simple_command i 20 | Compile.Rap -> load_simple_command i 21 let load_commands commands = c := load_commands' (List.rev commands) let runOneStep () = match cells.(popR c) with NIL let ij = popR c in let i = getn (car ij) in let j = getn (cdr ij) in pushR s (locate i j) (match cells.(popR s) with | Int _ -> pushR s (makeInt 1) | _ -> pushR s (makeInt 0)) EQ LEQ DIV SEL let cond = match cells.(popR s) with | Int 0 -> false | _ -> true in let true_branch = popR c in let false_branch = popR c in (pushR d !c; c := if cond then true_branch else false_branch) LDF let func = popR c in pushR s (makeCons func !e) AP ( f.e ' a).s e AP.c d - > nil a.e ' f ( s e c).d let fe = popR s in let func = car fe in let env = cdr fe in let arg = popR s in begin pushR d !c; c := func; pushR d !e; e := makeCons arg env; pushR d !s; s := 0; end; () let retv = popR s in begin s := makeCons retv (popR d); e := (popR d); c := (popR d); end; () DUM RAP ( rplaca((nil.e),v).e ) according to AoSC ? ? let fe = popR s in let func = car fe in let nenv = cdr fe in let arg = popR s in begin pushR d !c; c := func; pushR d (cdr !e); e := rplaca nenv arg; pushR d !s; s := 0; end; () | Int _ -> failwith "Unknown command" | _ -> failwith "Cons cell found in place of command" let rec run () = if !c = 0 then () else (runOneStep (); run ())
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} # LANGUAGE GADTs # # LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns # # LANGUAGE PolyKinds # {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalStateQuery.Codec ( codecLocalStateQuery , codecLocalStateQueryId , Some (..) ) where import Control.Monad.Class.MonadST import qualified Codec.CBOR.Decoding as CBOR import qualified Codec.CBOR.Encoding as CBOR import qualified Codec.CBOR.Read as CBOR import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:) (..)) import Text.Printf import Network.TypedProtocol.Codec.CBOR import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalStateQuery.Type data Some (f :: k -> Type) where Some :: f a -> Some f codecLocalStateQuery :: forall block point query m. ( MonadST m , ShowQuery query ) => (point -> CBOR.Encoding) -> (forall s . CBOR.Decoder s point) -> (forall result . query result -> CBOR.Encoding) -> (forall s . CBOR.Decoder s (Some query)) -> (forall result . query result -> result -> CBOR.Encoding) -> (forall result . query result -> forall s . CBOR.Decoder s result) -> Codec (LocalStateQuery block point query) CBOR.DeserialiseFailure m ByteString codecLocalStateQuery encodePoint decodePoint encodeQuery decodeQuery encodeResult decodeResult = mkCodecCborLazyBS encode decode where encodeFailure :: AcquireFailure -> CBOR.Encoding encodeFailure AcquireFailurePointTooOld = CBOR.encodeWord8 0 encodeFailure AcquireFailurePointNotOnChain = CBOR.encodeWord8 1 decodeFailure :: forall s. CBOR.Decoder s AcquireFailure decodeFailure = do tag <- CBOR.decodeWord8 case tag of 0 -> return AcquireFailurePointTooOld 1 -> return AcquireFailurePointNotOnChain _ -> fail $ "decodeFailure: invalid tag " <> show tag encode :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: LocalStateQuery block point query) (st' :: LocalStateQuery block point query). PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message (LocalStateQuery block point query) st st' -> CBOR.Encoding encode (ClientAgency TokIdle) (MsgAcquire (Just pt)) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 0 <> encodePoint pt encode (ClientAgency TokIdle) (MsgAcquire Nothing) = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 8 encode (ServerAgency TokAcquiring) MsgAcquired = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 1 encode (ServerAgency TokAcquiring) (MsgFailure failure) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 2 <> encodeFailure failure encode (ClientAgency TokAcquired) (MsgQuery query) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 3 <> encodeQuery query encode (ServerAgency (TokQuerying _query)) (MsgResult query result) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 4 <> encodeResult query result encode (ClientAgency TokAcquired) MsgRelease = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 5 encode (ClientAgency TokAcquired) (MsgReAcquire (Just pt)) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 6 <> encodePoint pt encode (ClientAgency TokAcquired) (MsgReAcquire Nothing) = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 9 encode (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgDone = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 7 decode :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) s (st :: LocalStateQuery block point query). PeerHasAgency pr st -> CBOR.Decoder s (SomeMessage st) decode stok = do len <- CBOR.decodeListLen key <- CBOR.decodeWord case (stok, len, key) of (ClientAgency TokIdle, 2, 0) -> do pt <- decodePoint return (SomeMessage (MsgAcquire (Just pt))) (ClientAgency TokIdle, 1, 8) -> do return (SomeMessage (MsgAcquire Nothing)) (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, 1, 1) -> return (SomeMessage MsgAcquired) (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, 2, 2) -> do failure <- decodeFailure return (SomeMessage (MsgFailure failure)) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, 2, 3) -> do Some query <- decodeQuery return (SomeMessage (MsgQuery query)) (ServerAgency (TokQuerying query), 2, 4) -> do result <- decodeResult query return (SomeMessage (MsgResult query result)) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, 1, 5) -> return (SomeMessage MsgRelease) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, 2, 6) -> do pt <- decodePoint return (SomeMessage (MsgReAcquire (Just pt))) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, 1, 9) -> do return (SomeMessage (MsgReAcquire Nothing)) (ClientAgency TokIdle, 1, 7) -> return (SomeMessage MsgDone) -- -- failures per protocol state -- (ClientAgency TokIdle, _, _) -> fail (printf "codecLocalStateQuery (%s) unexpected key (%d, %d)" (show stok) key len) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, _, _) -> fail (printf "codecLocalStateQuery (%s) unexpected key (%d, %d)" (show stok) key len) (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, _, _) -> fail (printf "codecLocalStateQuery (%s) unexpected key (%d, %d)" (show stok) key len) (ServerAgency (TokQuerying _), _, _) -> fail (printf "codecLocalStateQuery (%s) unexpected key (%d, %d)" (show stok) key len) -- | An identity 'Codec' for the 'LocalStateQuery' protocol. It does not do any serialisation . It keeps the typed messages , wrapped in ' AnyMessage ' . -- codecLocalStateQueryId :: forall block point (query :: Type -> Type) m. Monad m => (forall result1 result2. query result1 -> query result2 -> Maybe (result1 :~: result2) ) -> Codec (LocalStateQuery block point query) CodecFailure m (AnyMessage (LocalStateQuery block point query)) codecLocalStateQueryId eqQuery = Codec encode decode where encode :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) st st'. PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message (LocalStateQuery block point query) st st' -> AnyMessage (LocalStateQuery block point query) encode _ = AnyMessage decode :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: LocalStateQuery block point query). PeerHasAgency pr st -> m (DecodeStep (AnyMessage (LocalStateQuery block point query)) CodecFailure m (SomeMessage st)) decode stok = return $ DecodePartial $ \bytes -> case (stok, bytes) of (ClientAgency TokIdle, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgAcquire{}))) -> res msg (ClientAgency TokIdle, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgDone{}))) -> res msg (ClientAgency TokAcquired, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgQuery{}))) -> res msg (ClientAgency TokAcquired, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgReAcquire{}))) -> res msg (ClientAgency TokAcquired, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgRelease{}))) -> res msg (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgAcquired{}))) -> res msg (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgFailure{}))) -> res msg (ServerAgency (TokQuerying q), Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgResult query _))) | Just Refl <- eqQuery q query -> res msg (_, Nothing) -> return (DecodeFail CodecFailureOutOfInput) (_, _) -> return (DecodeFail (CodecFailure failmsg)) res :: Message (LocalStateQuery block point query) st st' -> m (DecodeStep bytes failure m (SomeMessage st)) res msg = return (DecodeDone (SomeMessage msg) Nothing) failmsg = "codecLocalStateQueryId: no matching message"
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE RankNTypes # # LANGUAGE TypeOperators # failures per protocol state | An identity 'Codec' for the 'LocalStateQuery' protocol. It does not do
# LANGUAGE GADTs # # LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns # # LANGUAGE PolyKinds # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # module Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalStateQuery.Codec ( codecLocalStateQuery , codecLocalStateQueryId , Some (..) ) where import Control.Monad.Class.MonadST import qualified Codec.CBOR.Decoding as CBOR import qualified Codec.CBOR.Encoding as CBOR import qualified Codec.CBOR.Read as CBOR import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:) (..)) import Text.Printf import Network.TypedProtocol.Codec.CBOR import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.LocalStateQuery.Type data Some (f :: k -> Type) where Some :: f a -> Some f codecLocalStateQuery :: forall block point query m. ( MonadST m , ShowQuery query ) => (point -> CBOR.Encoding) -> (forall s . CBOR.Decoder s point) -> (forall result . query result -> CBOR.Encoding) -> (forall s . CBOR.Decoder s (Some query)) -> (forall result . query result -> result -> CBOR.Encoding) -> (forall result . query result -> forall s . CBOR.Decoder s result) -> Codec (LocalStateQuery block point query) CBOR.DeserialiseFailure m ByteString codecLocalStateQuery encodePoint decodePoint encodeQuery decodeQuery encodeResult decodeResult = mkCodecCborLazyBS encode decode where encodeFailure :: AcquireFailure -> CBOR.Encoding encodeFailure AcquireFailurePointTooOld = CBOR.encodeWord8 0 encodeFailure AcquireFailurePointNotOnChain = CBOR.encodeWord8 1 decodeFailure :: forall s. CBOR.Decoder s AcquireFailure decodeFailure = do tag <- CBOR.decodeWord8 case tag of 0 -> return AcquireFailurePointTooOld 1 -> return AcquireFailurePointNotOnChain _ -> fail $ "decodeFailure: invalid tag " <> show tag encode :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: LocalStateQuery block point query) (st' :: LocalStateQuery block point query). PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message (LocalStateQuery block point query) st st' -> CBOR.Encoding encode (ClientAgency TokIdle) (MsgAcquire (Just pt)) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 0 <> encodePoint pt encode (ClientAgency TokIdle) (MsgAcquire Nothing) = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 8 encode (ServerAgency TokAcquiring) MsgAcquired = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 1 encode (ServerAgency TokAcquiring) (MsgFailure failure) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 2 <> encodeFailure failure encode (ClientAgency TokAcquired) (MsgQuery query) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 3 <> encodeQuery query encode (ServerAgency (TokQuerying _query)) (MsgResult query result) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 4 <> encodeResult query result encode (ClientAgency TokAcquired) MsgRelease = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 5 encode (ClientAgency TokAcquired) (MsgReAcquire (Just pt)) = CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> CBOR.encodeWord 6 <> encodePoint pt encode (ClientAgency TokAcquired) (MsgReAcquire Nothing) = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 9 encode (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgDone = CBOR.encodeListLen 1 <> CBOR.encodeWord 7 decode :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) s (st :: LocalStateQuery block point query). PeerHasAgency pr st -> CBOR.Decoder s (SomeMessage st) decode stok = do len <- CBOR.decodeListLen key <- CBOR.decodeWord case (stok, len, key) of (ClientAgency TokIdle, 2, 0) -> do pt <- decodePoint return (SomeMessage (MsgAcquire (Just pt))) (ClientAgency TokIdle, 1, 8) -> do return (SomeMessage (MsgAcquire Nothing)) (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, 1, 1) -> return (SomeMessage MsgAcquired) (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, 2, 2) -> do failure <- decodeFailure return (SomeMessage (MsgFailure failure)) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, 2, 3) -> do Some query <- decodeQuery return (SomeMessage (MsgQuery query)) (ServerAgency (TokQuerying query), 2, 4) -> do result <- decodeResult query return (SomeMessage (MsgResult query result)) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, 1, 5) -> return (SomeMessage MsgRelease) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, 2, 6) -> do pt <- decodePoint return (SomeMessage (MsgReAcquire (Just pt))) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, 1, 9) -> do return (SomeMessage (MsgReAcquire Nothing)) (ClientAgency TokIdle, 1, 7) -> return (SomeMessage MsgDone) (ClientAgency TokIdle, _, _) -> fail (printf "codecLocalStateQuery (%s) unexpected key (%d, %d)" (show stok) key len) (ClientAgency TokAcquired, _, _) -> fail (printf "codecLocalStateQuery (%s) unexpected key (%d, %d)" (show stok) key len) (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, _, _) -> fail (printf "codecLocalStateQuery (%s) unexpected key (%d, %d)" (show stok) key len) (ServerAgency (TokQuerying _), _, _) -> fail (printf "codecLocalStateQuery (%s) unexpected key (%d, %d)" (show stok) key len) any serialisation . It keeps the typed messages , wrapped in ' AnyMessage ' . codecLocalStateQueryId :: forall block point (query :: Type -> Type) m. Monad m => (forall result1 result2. query result1 -> query result2 -> Maybe (result1 :~: result2) ) -> Codec (LocalStateQuery block point query) CodecFailure m (AnyMessage (LocalStateQuery block point query)) codecLocalStateQueryId eqQuery = Codec encode decode where encode :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) st st'. PeerHasAgency pr st -> Message (LocalStateQuery block point query) st st' -> AnyMessage (LocalStateQuery block point query) encode _ = AnyMessage decode :: forall (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: LocalStateQuery block point query). PeerHasAgency pr st -> m (DecodeStep (AnyMessage (LocalStateQuery block point query)) CodecFailure m (SomeMessage st)) decode stok = return $ DecodePartial $ \bytes -> case (stok, bytes) of (ClientAgency TokIdle, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgAcquire{}))) -> res msg (ClientAgency TokIdle, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgDone{}))) -> res msg (ClientAgency TokAcquired, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgQuery{}))) -> res msg (ClientAgency TokAcquired, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgReAcquire{}))) -> res msg (ClientAgency TokAcquired, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgRelease{}))) -> res msg (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgAcquired{}))) -> res msg (ServerAgency TokAcquiring, Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgFailure{}))) -> res msg (ServerAgency (TokQuerying q), Just (AnyMessage msg@(MsgResult query _))) | Just Refl <- eqQuery q query -> res msg (_, Nothing) -> return (DecodeFail CodecFailureOutOfInput) (_, _) -> return (DecodeFail (CodecFailure failmsg)) res :: Message (LocalStateQuery block point query) st st' -> m (DecodeStep bytes failure m (SomeMessage st)) res msg = return (DecodeDone (SomeMessage msg) Nothing) failmsg = "codecLocalStateQueryId: no matching message"
#lang whalesong (current-print-mode "constructor") '(1 2 3) (list "hello" "world") (list 'hello 'world) (cons 1 2) (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 empty))) (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 4))) '() 'hello (box 'hello) (vector 'hello 'world) (define-struct person (name age)) (person 'danny 32) (person "jerry" 32) This is slightly broken : we should follow shared printing ;; notation. (shared ([a (cons 1 a)]) a)
#lang whalesong (current-print-mode "constructor") '(1 2 3) (list "hello" "world") (list 'hello 'world) (cons 1 2) (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 empty))) (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 4))) '() 'hello (box 'hello) (vector 'hello 'world) (define-struct person (name age)) (person 'danny 32) (person "jerry" 32) This is slightly broken : we should follow shared printing (shared ([a (cons 1 a)]) a)
(ns earthquakes.db (:require [clojure.spec :as s])) ;; spec of app-db (s/def ::magnitude number?) (s/def ::longitude number?) (s/def ::latitude number?) (s/def ::depth number?) (s/def ::quake-description string?) (s/def ::earthquake (s/keys :req-un [::magnitude ::longitude ::latitude ::depth ::quake-description])) (s/def ::greeting string?) (s/def ::loading boolean?) (s/def ::earthquakes (s/* ::earthquake)) (s/def ::app-db (s/keys :req-un [::greeting ::loading ::earthquakes])) ;; initial state of app-db (def app-db {:greeting "Hello Clojure in iOS and Android!" :loading false :earthquakes [{:magnitude 3.4 :latitude 35.713765 :longitude 139.704039 :depth 0 :quake-description "Oh no"} {:magnitude 3.4 :latitude 37.713765 :longitude 139.704039 :depth 0 :quake-description "Hey"}]})
spec of app-db initial state of app-db
(ns earthquakes.db (:require [clojure.spec :as s])) (s/def ::magnitude number?) (s/def ::longitude number?) (s/def ::latitude number?) (s/def ::depth number?) (s/def ::quake-description string?) (s/def ::earthquake (s/keys :req-un [::magnitude ::longitude ::latitude ::depth ::quake-description])) (s/def ::greeting string?) (s/def ::loading boolean?) (s/def ::earthquakes (s/* ::earthquake)) (s/def ::app-db (s/keys :req-un [::greeting ::loading ::earthquakes])) (def app-db {:greeting "Hello Clojure in iOS and Android!" :loading false :earthquakes [{:magnitude 3.4 :latitude 35.713765 :longitude 139.704039 :depth 0 :quake-description "Oh no"} {:magnitude 3.4 :latitude 37.713765 :longitude 139.704039 :depth 0 :quake-description "Hey"}]})
-module(kuberl_v1_volume_attachment_list). -export([encode/1]). -export_type([kuberl_v1_volume_attachment_list/0]). -type kuberl_v1_volume_attachment_list() :: #{ 'apiVersion' => binary(), 'items' := list(), 'kind' => binary(), 'metadata' => kuberl_v1_list_meta:kuberl_v1_list_meta() }. encode(#{ 'apiVersion' := ApiVersion, 'items' := Items, 'kind' := Kind, 'metadata' := Metadata }) -> #{ 'apiVersion' => ApiVersion, 'items' => Items, 'kind' => Kind, 'metadata' => Metadata }.
-module(kuberl_v1_volume_attachment_list). -export([encode/1]). -export_type([kuberl_v1_volume_attachment_list/0]). -type kuberl_v1_volume_attachment_list() :: #{ 'apiVersion' => binary(), 'items' := list(), 'kind' => binary(), 'metadata' => kuberl_v1_list_meta:kuberl_v1_list_meta() }. encode(#{ 'apiVersion' := ApiVersion, 'items' := Items, 'kind' := Kind, 'metadata' := Metadata }) -> #{ 'apiVersion' => ApiVersion, 'items' => Items, 'kind' => Kind, 'metadata' => Metadata }.
(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) Copyright ( c ) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions , Inc. < > Copyright ( c ) 2020 Metastate AG < > (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (** Convert a list to a Script IR set. If the list contains duplicates, the last occurence is used. *) val of_list : 'a Protocol.Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> 'a list -> 'a Protocol.Script_typed_ir.set
*************************************************************************** Open Source License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *************************************************************************** * Convert a list to a Script IR set. If the list contains duplicates, the last occurence is used.
Copyright ( c ) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions , Inc. < > Copyright ( c ) 2020 Metastate AG < > to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING val of_list : 'a Protocol.Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty -> 'a list -> 'a Protocol.Script_typed_ir.set
(module system racket/base (require racket/string "../../packet.scm") (provide game-server-packet/ask-be-friends) (define (game-server-packet/ask-be-friends buffer) (let ((s (open-input-bytes buffer))) (list (cons 'id (read-byte s)) (cons 'name (string-trim (read-utf16 s))) ) ) ) )
(module system racket/base (require racket/string "../../packet.scm") (provide game-server-packet/ask-be-friends) (define (game-server-packet/ask-be-friends buffer) (let ((s (open-input-bytes buffer))) (list (cons 'id (read-byte s)) (cons 'name (string-trim (read-utf16 s))) ) ) ) )
(ns cuma.extension.layout (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [filemodc.core :as fm]) (:import [java.io FileNotFoundException])) (def ^:private tmpl-cache (fm/init)) (defn- slurp-template [^java.io.File f & [default-value]] (try (slurp f) (catch FileNotFoundException e default-value))) (defn- slurp-template* [^java.io.File f] (if (fm/modified? tmpl-cache f) (when-let [tmpl (slurp-template f)] (fm/register! tmpl-cache f :optional {:content tmpl}) tmpl) (-> (fm/lookup tmpl-cache f) :optional :content))) (defn- block [local-var data body block-name] (let [render (:render data) content (render body data)] (swap! local-var assoc block-name content) "")) (defn layout-file [data body filename] (let [render (:render data) layout-body (slurp-template* (io/file filename)) local-var (atom {}) data* (merge {:block (partial block local-var)} data) content (render body data*)] (if layout-body (render layout-body (merge data @local-var {:. content})) content)))
(ns cuma.extension.layout (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [filemodc.core :as fm]) (:import [java.io FileNotFoundException])) (def ^:private tmpl-cache (fm/init)) (defn- slurp-template [^java.io.File f & [default-value]] (try (slurp f) (catch FileNotFoundException e default-value))) (defn- slurp-template* [^java.io.File f] (if (fm/modified? tmpl-cache f) (when-let [tmpl (slurp-template f)] (fm/register! tmpl-cache f :optional {:content tmpl}) tmpl) (-> (fm/lookup tmpl-cache f) :optional :content))) (defn- block [local-var data body block-name] (let [render (:render data) content (render body data)] (swap! local-var assoc block-name content) "")) (defn layout-file [data body filename] (let [render (:render data) layout-body (slurp-template* (io/file filename)) local-var (atom {}) data* (merge {:block (partial block local-var)} data) content (render body data*)] (if layout-body (render layout-body (merge data @local-var {:. content})) content)))
module Test ( module Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed , module Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Parallel , module Data.Array.Parallel.Pretty , module Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Types , usegd , upssegd , pdatas , results) where import Data.Array.Parallel.Pretty hiding (empty) import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Parallel import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Types import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.USegd import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Parallel.UPSegd as UPSegd import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Parallel.UPSSegd as UPSSegd import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.Combinators as Seq import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import qualified Data.Vector as V usegd = lengthsToUSegd (U.fromList [80, 10, 20, 40, 50, 10]) upssegd = UPSSegd.mkUPSSegd (U.fromList [100, 190, 200, 300, 450, 490]) (U.fromList [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3]) usegd pdatas :: V.Vector (U.Vector Int) pdatas = V.fromList [ U.enumFromTo 0 499 , U.enumFromTo 1000 1499 , U.enumFromTo 2000 2499 , U.enumFromTo 3000 3499 ] results = UPSSegd.foldSegsWith (+) (Seq.foldSSU (+) 0) upssegd pdatas
module Test ( module Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed , module Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Parallel , module Data.Array.Parallel.Pretty , module Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Types , usegd , upssegd , pdatas , results) where import Data.Array.Parallel.Pretty hiding (empty) import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Parallel import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Types import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.USegd import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Parallel.UPSegd as UPSegd import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Parallel.UPSSegd as UPSSegd import qualified Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential.Combinators as Seq import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import qualified Data.Vector as V usegd = lengthsToUSegd (U.fromList [80, 10, 20, 40, 50, 10]) upssegd = UPSSegd.mkUPSSegd (U.fromList [100, 190, 200, 300, 450, 490]) (U.fromList [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3]) usegd pdatas :: V.Vector (U.Vector Int) pdatas = V.fromList [ U.enumFromTo 0 499 , U.enumFromTo 1000 1499 , U.enumFromTo 2000 2499 , U.enumFromTo 3000 3499 ] results = UPSSegd.foldSegsWith (+) (Seq.foldSSU (+) 0) upssegd pdatas
(****************************************************************************) (* the diy toolsuite *) (* *) , University College London , UK . , INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt , France . (* *) Copyright 2010 - present Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et (* en Automatique and the authors. All rights reserved. *) (* *) This software is governed by the CeCILL - B license under French law and (* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, *) modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL - B license as circulated by CEA , CNRS and INRIA at the following URL " " . We also give a copy in LICENSE.txt . (****************************************************************************) (** Tests for the Log module. *) module Fun = Base.Fun module LogList = struct let compare = Base.List.compare Log.compare let to_ocaml_string = Base.List.to_ocaml_string Log.to_ocaml_string end let tests = [ "Log.of_string_list", (fun () -> let tests = [ [ "Test A4 Allowed" ; "States 1" ; "0:X0=0;" ; "Ok" ; "Witnesses" ; "Positive: 1 Negative: 0" ; "Condition exists (0:X0=0)" ; "Observation A4 Always 1 0" ; "Time A4 0.00" ; "Hash=b0a348f458429140b16552cc100cdc7c" ; ], [ { Log.name = "A4" ; Log.kind = Some ConstrGen.Allow ; } ; ] ; [ "Test A4 Allowed" ; "States 1" ; "0:X0=0;" ; "Ok" ; "Witnesses" ; "Positive: 1 Negative: 0" ; "Condition exists (0:X0=0)" ; "Observation A4 Always 1 0" ; "Time A4 0.00" ; "Hash=b0a348f458429140b16552cc100cdc7c" ; "" ; "Test A8 Forbid" ; "States 1" ; "0:X0=0; 0:X1=x+44;" ; "Ok" ; "Witnesses" ; "Positive: 1 Negative: 0" ; "Condition exists (0:X0=0 /\ not (0:X1=x))" ; "Observation A8 Always 1 0" ; "Time A8 0.00" ; "Hash=d1591baf0ba882a97685e1fa37c64e74" ; ], [ { Log.name = "A4" ; Log.kind = Some ConstrGen.Allow ; } ; { Log.name = "A8" ; Log.kind = Some ConstrGen.Allow ; } ; ] ; ] in List.iteri (fun i (log, expected) -> let actual = Log.of_string_list log in if LogList.compare actual expected <> 0 then Test.fail (Printf.sprintf "[%i] expected %s, got %s" i (LogList.to_ocaml_string expected) (LogList.to_ocaml_string actual)) ) tests ); ] let () = Test.run tests
************************************************************************** the diy toolsuite en Automatique and the authors. All rights reserved. abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, ************************************************************************** * Tests for the Log module.
, University College London , UK . , INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt , France . Copyright 2010 - present Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et This software is governed by the CeCILL - B license under French law and modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL - B license as circulated by CEA , CNRS and INRIA at the following URL " " . We also give a copy in LICENSE.txt . module Fun = Base.Fun module LogList = struct let compare = Base.List.compare Log.compare let to_ocaml_string = Base.List.to_ocaml_string Log.to_ocaml_string end let tests = [ "Log.of_string_list", (fun () -> let tests = [ [ "Test A4 Allowed" ; "States 1" ; "0:X0=0;" ; "Ok" ; "Witnesses" ; "Positive: 1 Negative: 0" ; "Condition exists (0:X0=0)" ; "Observation A4 Always 1 0" ; "Time A4 0.00" ; "Hash=b0a348f458429140b16552cc100cdc7c" ; ], [ { Log.name = "A4" ; Log.kind = Some ConstrGen.Allow ; } ; ] ; [ "Test A4 Allowed" ; "States 1" ; "0:X0=0;" ; "Ok" ; "Witnesses" ; "Positive: 1 Negative: 0" ; "Condition exists (0:X0=0)" ; "Observation A4 Always 1 0" ; "Time A4 0.00" ; "Hash=b0a348f458429140b16552cc100cdc7c" ; "" ; "Test A8 Forbid" ; "States 1" ; "0:X0=0; 0:X1=x+44;" ; "Ok" ; "Witnesses" ; "Positive: 1 Negative: 0" ; "Condition exists (0:X0=0 /\ not (0:X1=x))" ; "Observation A8 Always 1 0" ; "Time A8 0.00" ; "Hash=d1591baf0ba882a97685e1fa37c64e74" ; ], [ { Log.name = "A4" ; Log.kind = Some ConstrGen.Allow ; } ; { Log.name = "A8" ; Log.kind = Some ConstrGen.Allow ; } ; ] ; ] in List.iteri (fun i (log, expected) -> let actual = Log.of_string_list log in if LogList.compare actual expected <> 0 then Test.fail (Printf.sprintf "[%i] expected %s, got %s" i (LogList.to_ocaml_string expected) (LogList.to_ocaml_string actual)) ) tests ); ] let () = Test.run tests
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at / %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% The Original Code is Erlando . %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware , Inc. Copyright ( c ) 2011 - 2013 VMware , Inc. All rights reserved . %% -module(error_t). -compile({parse_transform, do}). -export_type([error_t/2]). -behaviour(monad_trans). -export([new/1, '>>='/3, return/2, fail/2, run/2, lift/2]). -opaque error_t(M, A) :: monad:monadic(M, ok | {ok, A} | {error, any()}). -spec new(M) -> TM when TM :: monad:monad(), M :: monad:monad(). new(M) -> {?MODULE, M}. -spec '>>='(error_t(M, A), fun( (A) -> error_t(M, B) ), M) -> error_t(M, B). '>>='(X, Fun, {?MODULE, M}) -> do([M || R <- X, case R of {error, _Err} = Error -> return(Error); {ok, Result} -> Fun(Result); ok -> Fun(ok) end ]). -spec return(A, M) -> error_t(M, A). return(ok, {?MODULE, M}) -> M:return(ok); return(X , {?MODULE, M}) -> M:return({ok, X}). %% This is the equivalent of %% fail msg = ErrorT $ return (Left (strMsg msg)) from the instance ( , Error e ) = > Monad ( ErrorT e m ) %% %% -Monad-Error.html#ErrorT %% %% I.e. note that calling fail on the outer monad is not a failure of %% the inner monad: it is success of the inner monad, but the failure %% is encapsulated. -spec fail(any(), M) -> error_t(M, _A). fail(E, {?MODULE, M}) -> M:return({error, E}). -spec run(error_t(M, A), M) -> monad:monadic(M, ok | {ok, A} | {error, any()}). run(EM, _M) -> EM. -spec lift(monad:monadic(M, A), M) -> error_t(M, A). lift(X, {?MODULE, M}) -> do([M || A <- X, return({ok, A})]).
Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at / basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. This is the equivalent of fail msg = ErrorT $ return (Left (strMsg msg)) -Monad-Error.html#ErrorT I.e. note that calling fail on the outer monad is not a failure of the inner monad: it is success of the inner monad, but the failure is encapsulated.
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " The Original Code is Erlando . The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware , Inc. Copyright ( c ) 2011 - 2013 VMware , Inc. All rights reserved . -module(error_t). -compile({parse_transform, do}). -export_type([error_t/2]). -behaviour(monad_trans). -export([new/1, '>>='/3, return/2, fail/2, run/2, lift/2]). -opaque error_t(M, A) :: monad:monadic(M, ok | {ok, A} | {error, any()}). -spec new(M) -> TM when TM :: monad:monad(), M :: monad:monad(). new(M) -> {?MODULE, M}. -spec '>>='(error_t(M, A), fun( (A) -> error_t(M, B) ), M) -> error_t(M, B). '>>='(X, Fun, {?MODULE, M}) -> do([M || R <- X, case R of {error, _Err} = Error -> return(Error); {ok, Result} -> Fun(Result); ok -> Fun(ok) end ]). -spec return(A, M) -> error_t(M, A). return(ok, {?MODULE, M}) -> M:return(ok); return(X , {?MODULE, M}) -> M:return({ok, X}). from the instance ( , Error e ) = > Monad ( ErrorT e m ) -spec fail(any(), M) -> error_t(M, _A). fail(E, {?MODULE, M}) -> M:return({error, E}). -spec run(error_t(M, A), M) -> monad:monadic(M, ok | {ok, A} | {error, any()}). run(EM, _M) -> EM. -spec lift(monad:monadic(M, A), M) -> error_t(M, A). lift(X, {?MODULE, M}) -> do([M || A <- X, return({ok, A})]).
%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Copyright ( c ) 2016 , < > %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License , %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% -2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(sregulator_statem2_valve). -behaviour(sregulator_valve). %% sregulator_valve_api -export([init/3]). -export([handle_ask/4]). -export([handle_done/3]). -export([handle_continue/3]). -export([handle_update/3]). -export([handle_info/3]). -export([handle_timeout/2]). -export([code_change/4]). -export([config_change/3]). -export([size/1]). -export([open_time/1]). -export([terminate/2]). %% sregulator_valve api init(Map, Time, Opens) -> sregulator_statem_valve:init(Map, Time, Opens). handle_ask(Pid, Ref, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_ask(Pid, Ref, Time, State). handle_done(Ref, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_done(Ref, Time, State). handle_continue(Ref, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_continue(Ref, Time, State). handle_update(Value, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_update(Value, Time, State). handle_info(Msg, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_info(Msg, Time, State). handle_timeout(Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_timeout(Time, State). code_change(OldVsn, Time, State, Extra) -> sregulator_statem_valve:code_change(OldVsn, Time, State, Extra). config_change(Opens, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:config_change(Opens, Time, State). size(State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:size(State). open_time(State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:open_time(State). terminate(Reason, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:terminate(Reason, State).
------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ------------------------------------------------------------------- sregulator_valve_api sregulator_valve api
Copyright ( c ) 2016 , < > This file is provided to you under the Apache License , software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY -module(sregulator_statem2_valve). -behaviour(sregulator_valve). -export([init/3]). -export([handle_ask/4]). -export([handle_done/3]). -export([handle_continue/3]). -export([handle_update/3]). -export([handle_info/3]). -export([handle_timeout/2]). -export([code_change/4]). -export([config_change/3]). -export([size/1]). -export([open_time/1]). -export([terminate/2]). init(Map, Time, Opens) -> sregulator_statem_valve:init(Map, Time, Opens). handle_ask(Pid, Ref, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_ask(Pid, Ref, Time, State). handle_done(Ref, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_done(Ref, Time, State). handle_continue(Ref, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_continue(Ref, Time, State). handle_update(Value, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_update(Value, Time, State). handle_info(Msg, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_info(Msg, Time, State). handle_timeout(Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:handle_timeout(Time, State). code_change(OldVsn, Time, State, Extra) -> sregulator_statem_valve:code_change(OldVsn, Time, State, Extra). config_change(Opens, Time, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:config_change(Opens, Time, State). size(State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:size(State). open_time(State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:open_time(State). terminate(Reason, State) -> sregulator_statem_valve:terminate(Reason, State).
(ns webchange.student.pages.index (:require [webchange.student.pages.sign-in.views :as sign-in])) (def pages {:sign-in sign-in/page})
(ns webchange.student.pages.index (:require [webchange.student.pages.sign-in.views :as sign-in])) (def pages {:sign-in sign-in/page})
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} # LANGUAGE BlockArguments # # LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies # # LANGUAGE DerivingVia # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE TupleSections # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall # module C.Generate (generate) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Data.Bifunctor import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder) import Data.Coerce import Data.Foldable import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe import Data.Proxy import Data.Semigroup as S import Data.Set (Set) import Data.String import Data.Version import Kinds (Multiplicity(..)) import C.MonadStack import Numeric import C.CPS import Validation import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B import qualified Data.Char as C import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Paths_ldgv import qualified Syntax as S -- | Type level tag for values. -- -- @ -- union LDST_val { -- int val_int; -- LDST_t *val_pair; -- LDST_chan_t *val_chan; val_lam ; -- const char *val_label; -- }; -- @ data V -- | Type level tag for lambdas. -- -- @ -- struct LDST_lam { LDST_fp fp ; -- LDST_t *closure; -- }; -- @ data L -- | Type level tag for channels. data C -- | Type level tag for continuations. -- -- @ -- struct LDST_cont { LDST_fp fp ; -- LDST_t *closure; -- LDST_cont_t *cont; -- }; -- @ data K -- | Type level tag for @LDST_ctxt_t@. data T -- | Type level tag for @LDST_res_t@. -- -- @ -- enum LDST_res { LDST_OK , LDST_NO_MEM , -- LDST_DEADLOCK, LDST_UNMATCHED_LABEL , -- }; -- @ data R | Type level tag for a pointer to data Pointer a | Represents an expression of type newtype CExp t = CExp { unCExp :: Builder } TODO : By using an ADT to differentiate what the expression might represent -- we could generate more idiomatic code. This isn't terribly necessary though, -- the common C compilers are able to understand and optimize our intentions -- quite well. | Represents a variable reference of type newtype CVar t = CVar { unCVar :: Builder } newtype CStmt = CStmt Builder deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid) data Tag a where TagInt :: Tag Int TagDouble :: Tag Double TagString :: Tag String TagLabel :: Tag String TagPair :: Tag (CExp V, CExp V) TagLam :: Tag (CExp L) TagChan :: Tag (CExp (Pointer C)) data FunctionArgs = FunctionArgs { funClosure :: [Maybe Ident] -- ^ Variables accessible through the closure argument at the corresponding -- index. The identifiers must be in ascending order. @Nothing@ slots -- shouldn't be accessed. , funArgIdent :: Ident , funRecIdent :: Maybe Ident -- ^ @Just ident@ if this function can call itself recursively with -- identifier @ident@. } data FunctionHeader = FunctionHeader { funName :: !Builder , funArgs :: !(Maybe FunctionArgs) -- ^ A pair of the identifiers carried by the closure parameter and the -- functions argument. , funInternal :: !Bool ^ @True@ if this function is only used internally and should get -- @static@ linkage. -- Internal functions originate from lambda expressions while the nullary -- top level functions correspond to non-internal functions. } data Function = Function { funHeader :: !FunctionHeader , funHint :: !NameHint -- ^ See '_infoNameHint'. , funNestPrefix :: !NameHint -- ^ See '_infoNestPrefix'. , funBody :: !Exp } data Closure = Closure { _closureVars :: ![Maybe Ident] -- ^ List of captured identifiers. The order corresponds to the order in -- the C code in 'closureExpr', the identifiers must be in ascending order. -- -- @Nothing@ values should not be accessed, these are slots indicating a -- closure is reused but only with a subset of captured values. , _closureExpr :: !(CExp (Pointer V)) -- ^ An expression of type @union LDST_t*@. } | A mapping from locally bound variables to their corresponding ' CVar ' . type Env = Map Ident (CVar V) -- | A newtype wrapping a builder to highlight the expected usage of the -- wrapped value. newtype NameHint = NameHint Builder deriving newtype (IsString) data Info = Info { _infoBindings :: !Env -- ^ Mapping from bound variables to the corresponding identifiers in the -- generated C code. , _infoContinuation :: !(CVar (Pointer K)) -- ^ The current continuation. , _infoNameHint :: !NameHint ^ Prepended to all fresh variables , helps with understandability of the -- generated C code and tracking to which expression the variables belong. , _infoNestPrefix :: !NameHint ^ Prepended to all functions originating from splitting lambdas and -- continuations out of their enclosing function. This is necessary to be -- unique per function, otherwise the generated function names might clash. , _infoIndent :: !Int -- ^ Current indent level. } data GenSt = GenSt { _stUnique :: !Word , _stClosures :: ![Closure] } makeLenses ''Info makeLenses ''GenSt makeLenses ''Closure class ExpLike e where toCExp :: e t -> CExp t instance ExpLike CExp where toCExp = id instance ExpLike CVar where toCExp = coerce class CType t where typeName :: proxy t -> Builder instance CType V where typeName _ = "LDST_t" instance CType L where typeName _ = "LDST_lam_t" instance CType C where typeName _ = "LDST_chan_t" instance CType K where typeName _ = "LDST_cont_t" instance CType T where typeName _ = "LDST_ctxt_t" instance CType R where typeName _ = "LDST_res_t" instance CType () where typeName _ = "void" instance CType a => CType (Pointer a) where typeName _ = typeName @a Proxy <> B.char7 '*' newtype GenM a = GenM { unGenM :: RWST Info CStmt GenSt (StackT Function Identity) a } deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Ap GenM a deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad) deriving newtype (MonadReader Info, MonadWriter CStmt, MonadState GenSt, MonadStack Function) data GenMonoid = GenMonoid { genSigs :: !(Map Ident (Maybe (S.Last Type))) , genDecls :: !Builder , genDefs :: !Builder } instance Semigroup GenMonoid where GenMonoid a1 b1 c1 <> GenMonoid a2 b2 c2 = GenMonoid (Map.unionWith (<>) a1 a2) (b1 <> b2) (c1 <> c2) instance Monoid GenMonoid where mempty = GenMonoid mempty mempty mempty generate :: Maybe Ident -> [S.Decl] -> Either String Builder generate entryPoint = joinParts . first concatErrors . validationToEither . foldMap \case S.DFun name args body _ -> do -- Curry the function. let lambdaBody = foldr (\(m, idn, ty) -> S.Lam m idn ty) body args let header = topLevelHeader name root = Function { funHeader = header , funHint = localIdentForC 'l' name , funBody = toCPS lambdaBody -- Appending a single 'q' to all top-level names makes it -- impossible to write a top-level function in the source language -- which gets the same name as an internal function. , funNestPrefix = NameHint $ funName header <> B.char7 'q' } let addContext err = "in function ‘" ++ name ++ "’:\n" ++ err let identMap = Map.singleton name Nothing eitherToValidation $ bimap (pure . addContext) (uncurry $ GenMonoid identMap) $ generateFunction root S.DSig name _ typ -> do -- When we encounter a signature we also have to emit this functions -- top-level reference declaration, otherwise it will be missing when the -- function is used but no definition is given. let sig = functionSignature (topLevelHeader name) [] let gen = mempty { genSigs = Map.singleton name $ Just $ S.Last typ , genDecls = sig <> ";\n" } pure gen _ -> -- Nothing to generate for this kind of top level thingy. mempty where joinParts errOrGM = errOrGM >>= \gm -> let gm' = case entryPoint of Nothing -> pure gm Just ep -> genMainFunction ep gm in glueCode <$> fmap genDecls gm' <*> fmap genDefs gm' concatErrors :: NonEmpty String -> String concatErrors = intercalate "\n\n" . toList topLevelHeader :: Ident -> FunctionHeader topLevelHeader funIdent = FunctionHeader { funName = functionForC funIdent , funArgs = Nothing , funInternal = False } genMainFunction :: Ident -> GenMonoid -> Either String GenMonoid genMainFunction mainId gm = case Map.lookup mainId (genSigs gm) of Nothing -> Left $ "entry point: unknown identifier ‘" <> mainId <> "’" Just Nothing -> Left $ "entry point: no type signature for identifier ‘" <> mainId <> "’" Just (Just (S.Last ty)) -> let mainBody = do resultVar <- declareFresh $ callExp "LDST_main" [functionForC mainId] silenceUnused resultVar tellStmt $ explainExpression ty resultVar info = baseInfo "result" "main" (_, (_, mainFunction)) = evalRWST (unGenM mainBody) info (GenSt 0 []) & evalStack [] & second (functionDeclDef "int main(void)") in Right $ gm <> mempty{ genDefs = mainFunction } -- | Generates a call to @printf@ which tries to output the value of the given -- variable according to the given type. In case the type has non-printable -- values (e.g. a function type) only the type is printed. explainExpression :: Type -> CVar V -> CStmt explainExpression ty0 v0 = let format :: Type -> CVar V -> (Endo String, Endo [Builder]) format ty v = case ty of TUnit -> literal "()" TInt -> formatted "Int %d" $ access TagInt v TNat -> formatted "Nat %d" $ access TagInt v TDouble -> formatted "Double %.6f" $ access TagDouble v TString -> formatted "String %s" $ access TagString v TLab _ -> formatted "Label %s" $ access TagLabel v TPair _ t1 t2 -> let (v1, v2) = accessPair v in mconcat [ literal "<" , format t1 v1 , literal ", " , format t2 v2 , literal ">" ] _ -> (Endo $ showsPrec 11 ty, mempty) literal s = (Endo (showString s), mempty) formatted s val = (Endo (showString s), Endo (val :)) (Endo fmt, Endo args) = format ty0 v0 fmt' = (showString "result: " . fmt) "\n" in terminate $ callExp "printf" (escapedCString fmt' : args []) -- | Builds a function signature, an 'Env' binding the arguments to the -- function (including variables bound through the closure), and the variable -- containing the continuation. -- -- The function signature convention is -- -- @ -- LDST_res_t /function-name/( -- LDST_cont_t *continuation, -- LDST_ctxt_t *context, -- void *closure, -- LDST_t argument) -- @ -- where @closure@ and @argument@ are only present for non - top - level bindings , -- including the curried forms of toplevel bindings. functionSignatureM :: FunctionHeader -> GenM (Builder, Env) functionSignatureM fun = first (functionSignature fun) <$> argsEnv where -- List of parameters and environment corresponding to @funArgs fun@. If -- 'fun' is a top-level function 'funArgs' will be 'Nothing' and we use an -- empty parameter list and environment here. argsEnv = foldMap (signatureParameters (funName fun)) (funArgs fun) functionSignature :: FunctionHeader -> [Builder] -> Builder functionSignature fun localArgs = functionHeader retType (funName fun) args where -- Adds the parameters which every function gets to the ones for -- non-top-level functions passed to this function. args = varDeclaration cContVar : varDeclaration cCtxtVar : localArgs -- The return type for all generated functions is the same. Internal -- functions get static linkage. retType = mconcat [ if funInternal fun then "static " else mempty , typeName @R Proxy ] -- | The parameter name for the continuation argument. cContVar :: CVar (Pointer K) cContVar = CVar "_ldst_k" -- | The parameter name for the closure argument. cClosureVar :: CVar (Pointer ()) cClosureVar = CVar "_ldst_closure" | The variable which will be bound to the passed @LDST_ctxt_t*@. Since this -- value is a essentially a black box for the generated code and only passed to other functions we use one global variable name . cCtxtVar :: CVar (Pointer T) cCtxtVar = CVar "_ldst_ctxt" -- | Builds a list of function parameters for the function signatures together with an ' Env ' mapping identifiers from the source language to ' CVar 's , -- including values captured via the closure. signatureParameters :: Builder -> FunctionArgs -> GenM ([Builder], Env) signatureParameters name args = do let hint = localIdentForC 'a' $ funArgIdent args argVar <- CVar @V <$> nameHint hint (fresh Nothing) let params = [varDeclaration cClosureVar, varDeclaration argVar] let closure = cast @(Pointer V) cClosureVar vars <- ifor (funClosure args) \i -> traverse \ident -> nameHint (localIdentForC 'c' ident) do var <- storeVar (accessI i closure) -- If the closure is reused it might happen that the captured -- variables won't be referenced directly. silenceUnused var pure (ident, var) insertRecArg <- case funRecIdent args of Nothing -> pure id Just recId -> do -- It is possible that the recursion name recId shadows the functions -- argument name, but this follows the typechecker rules! -- -- Use the following code to doublecheck: -- check = rec x ( x : Int ) : Int = x -- -- If it typechecks 'recId' should *not* shadow an existing variable, -- if it fails to typecheck, it *should* shadow the variable. -- There exists a test case for this in " / name shadowing / in the source language " . recVal <- mkValue TagLam . toCExp =<< mkLambda' name (unCVar cClosureVar) pure $ Map.insert recId recVal let bindings = catMaybes vars & Map.fromList & Map.insert (funArgIdent args) argVar & insertRecArg pure (params, bindings) | @functionDeclDef signature body@ returns a pair of @(declaration , definition)@. -- -- The @signature@ should be built by 'functionSignature'. functionDeclDef :: Builder -> CStmt -> (Builder, Builder) functionDeclDef signature (CStmt body) = let function = mconcat [ signature , "\n{\n" , body , "}\n\n" ] in (signature <> ";\n", function) generateFunction :: Function -> Either String (Builder, Builder) generateFunction topLevelFun = evalStackT [topLevelFun] $ execWriterT go where go = popStack >>= \case Nothing -> pure () Just fun -> lift (generateFunction' fun) >>= tell >> go generateFunction' :: Applicative m => Function -> StackT Function m (Builder, Builder) generateFunction' fun = do let genBody = do (sig, bindings) <- functionSignatureM (funHeader fun) local (infoBindings <>~ bindings) do generateExp (funBody fun) pure sig let captured = funHeader fun & funArgs & fmap \args -> Closure (funClosure args) (toCExp $ cast cClosureVar) genst = GenSt { _stUnique = 0 , _stClosures = maybeToList captured } let info = baseInfo (funHint fun) (funNestPrefix fun) evalRWST (unGenM genBody) info genst & fmap (uncurry functionDeclDef) & generalizeStack baseInfo :: NameHint -> NameHint -> Info baseInfo nameH nestH = Info { _infoBindings = mempty , _infoContinuation = cContVar , _infoNameHint = nameH , _infoNestPrefix = nestH , _infoIndent = 1 } generateVal :: Val -> GenM (CVar V) generateVal = \case Lit l -> generateLiteral l Var name -> -- The unsafe operator (^?!) is "safe" here because if the variable is not locally bound the CPS transformation should have generated a ' TLCall ' -- node. asks \env -> env ^?! infoBindings . ix name e@(Lam _ argId _ body) -> do lam <- pushFunction 'l' (fv e) Nothing argId body mkValue TagLam lam e@(Rec recId argId _ _ body) -> do lam <- nameHint (localIdentForC 'r' recId) do pushFunction 'r' (fv e) (Just recId) argId body mkValue TagLam lam Math m -> generateMath m Succ e -> do e' <- generateVal e liftValue TagInt $ access TagInt e' <> " + 1" Pair a b -> do a' <- generateVal a b' <- generateVal b mkValue TagPair (toCExp a', toCExp b') Fork e -> do let free = fv e lam <- pushFunction 'f' free Nothing (S.freshvar "unit" free) e forkLambda lam New _ -> do chan <- mkValue TagChan . toCExp =<< newChannel mkValue TagPair (toCExp chan, toCExp chan) Send e -> do chan <- accessValChannel <$> generateVal e mkValue TagLam . toCExp =<< chanSendLambda chan generateExp :: Exp -> GenM () generateExp = \case Return val -> generateVal val >>= invokeContinuation Let v a b -> do a' <- nameHint (localIdentForC 'l' v) $ generateVal a local (infoBindings . at v ?~ a') $ generateExp b LetPair idnFst idnSnd pairExp body -> do pairVar <- nameHint "letpair" $ generateVal pairExp let (valFst, valSnd) = accessPair pairVar let insert idn val = infoBindings . at idn ?~ val -- In case idnFst and idnSnd are the same (should probably be diagnosed at -- some earlier point) we follow the interpreter: idnSnd should shadow -- idnFst. -- This is verified in " / name shadowing / in the source language " . local (insert idnSnd valSnd . insert idnFst valFst) do generateExp body LetCont k e -> do k' <- generateContinuationM $ Just k local (infoContinuation .~ k') $ generateExp e Call funExp argExp mk -> do lam <- generateVal funExp arg <- generateVal argExp k <- generateContinuationM mk invoke (accessValLambda lam) k arg TLCall funId mk -> do k <- generateContinuationM mk invoke' (functionForC funId) k [] Case e cs -> do -- TODO: It is possible to arrange the comparisons to find the correct branch in O(log n ) steps . -- -- TODO: Should we assume that the matching branch always exists? Or check -- all branches and panic, in case none matches? label <- access TagLabel <$> generateVal e let buildBranch :: (String, Exp) -> StateT Builder GenM () buildBranch (branchLabel, branchExp) = do ifB <- get <* put "else if " let cmpExp = callExp funStrcmp [label, labelForC branchLabel] <+> " == 0" lift $ tellStmt $ CStmt $ callExp ifB [cmpExp] <> " {" lift $ local (infoIndent +~ 1) $ generateExp branchExp lift $ tellStmt $ CStmt "}" evalStateT (traverse_ buildBranch cs) ("if " :: Builder) tellStmt $ cReturn "LDST_UNMATCHED_LABEL" NatRec e z n _ x t s -> do e' <- generateVal e z' <- generateVal z let vars = Set.delete n $ Set.delete x $ fv s s' <- pushFunction 'n' vars Nothing n $ Return $ Lam MMany x t s f <- mkValue TagLam s' Create the closure for LDST_nat_fold 1 . f (= s ' ) 2 . n (= e ' ) 3 . i i <- mkValue TagInt 0 closure <- cloneAll [f, e', i] -- Call into `LDST_nat_fold`. k <- view infoContinuation natFold <- mkLambda' "LDST_nat_fold" $ unCVar closure invoke natFold k z' Recv e mk -> do c <- accessValChannel <$> generateVal e k <- generateContinuationM mk chanReceive k c pushFunction :: Char -> Set Ident -> Maybe Ident -> Ident -> Exp -> GenM (CExp L) pushFunction c freevars mRecId argId body = do name <- fresh (Just c) closure <- mkClosure freevars hint <- view infoNameHint pushStack $ Function { funHeader = FunctionHeader { funName = name , funArgs = Just FunctionArgs { funClosure = closure^.closureVars , funArgIdent = argId , funRecIdent = mRecId } , funInternal = True } , funHint = hint , funNestPrefix = NameHint name , funBody = body } mkLambda name closure generateMath :: MathOp Val -> GenM (CVar V) generateMath = liftValue TagInt <=< \case Add a b -> math '+' a b Sub a b -> math '-' a b Mul a b -> math '*' a b Div a b -> math '/' a b Neg a -> do a' <- generateVal a pure $ B.char7 '-' <> access TagInt a' where math c a b = do a' <- generateVal a b' <- generateVal b pure $ bunwords [ access TagInt a', B.char7 c, access TagInt b' ] generateLiteral :: Literal -> GenM (CVar V) generateLiteral = \case LInt i -> mkValue TagInt i LNat n -> mkValue TagInt n LDouble d -> mkValue TagDouble d LString s -> mkValue TagString s LLab l -> mkValue TagLabel l LUnit -> newUnitVar generateContinuationM :: Maybe Continuation -> GenM (CVar (Pointer K)) generateContinuationM Nothing = view infoContinuation generateContinuationM (Just (resId, kbody)) = nameHint "k" $ clone =<< join do mkContinuation <$> pushFunction 'k' (fv kbody) Nothing resId kbody <*> view infoContinuation invokeContinuation :: ExpLike e => e V -> GenM () invokeContinuation e = do k <- view infoContinuation invoke' "LDST_invoke" k [unCExp (toCExp e)] invoke :: (ExpLike e1, ExpLike e2) => CVar L -> e1 (Pointer K) -> e2 V -> GenM () invoke lam k val = do let (fun, closure) = accessLambda lam invoke' fun k [closure, unCExp (toCExp val)] invoke' :: ExpLike e => Builder -> e (Pointer K) -> [Builder] -> GenM () invoke' fun k args = let allArgs = [unCExp (toCExp k), unCExp (toCExp cCtxtVar)] ++ args in tellStmt $ cReturn $ callExp fun allArgs -- | Adjusts 'infoNameHint'. nameHint :: NameHint -> GenM a -> GenM a nameHint h = local (infoNameHint .~ h) functionHeader :: Builder -> Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder functionHeader ret name args = ret <> B.char7 ' ' <> callExp name args -- | Generates a guaranteed fresh name for the current function. The returned -- identifier is suitable for use in C code provided that 'infoNameHint' and -- 'infoFuncHint' are never an invalid prefix. -- If the first argument is @Just /funKind/@ the name is guaranteed to be fresh -- for the whole module and @fresh@ uses 'infoFuncHint' instead of -- 'infoNameHint' with @/funKind/@ appended before the unique id. fresh :: Maybe Char -> GenM Builder fresh funKind = do n <- stUnique <<+= 1 hint <- case funKind of Nothing -> (\(NameHint h) -> h <> B.char7 '_') <$> view infoNameHint Just c -> (\(NameHint h) -> h <> B.char7 '_' <> B.char7 c) <$> view infoNestPrefix pure $ hint <> B.wordHex n declareFresh :: forall t. CType t => Builder -> GenM (CVar t) declareFresh initExp = do name <- fresh Nothing let var = CVar name tellStmt $ terminate $ varDeclaration var <+> B.char7 '=' <+> initExp pure var varDeclaration :: forall t. CType t => CVar t -> Builder varDeclaration (CVar v) = typeName @t Proxy <+> v newUnitVar :: GenM (CVar V) newUnitVar = storeVar (CExp "{ 0 }") silenceUnused :: CVar t -> GenM () silenceUnused (CVar v) = tellStmt $ terminate $ "(void)" <> v -- | Writes the result of the given expression into a fresh variable. storeVar :: (CType t, ExpLike e) => e t -> GenM (CVar t) storeVar = declareFresh . unCExp . toCExp mkClosure :: Set Ident -> GenM Closure mkClosure vars = do knownVars <- view infoBindings let captured = Map.restrictKeys knownVars vars mclosure <- runMaybeT (nullClosure captured <|> reuseClosure captured) maybe (allocateNewClosure captured) pure mclosure nullClosure :: Env -> MaybeT GenM Closure nullClosure vars = if Map.null vars then pure Closure{ _closureVars = [], _closureExpr = nullPointer } else empty reuseClosure :: Env -> MaybeT GenM Closure reuseClosure (Map.keys -> vars) = MaybeT do allocated <- use stClosures pure $ allocated & mapMaybe (closureVars %%~ tryClosureReuse vars) & preview _head tryClosureReuse :: [Ident] -> [Maybe Ident] -> Maybe [Maybe Ident] tryClosureReuse = go id where go f (x:xs) (Just y:ys) | x == y = go (f . (Just y:)) xs ys go f xs@(_:_) (_:ys) = go (f . (Nothing:)) xs ys go f [] ys = Just $ f (Nothing <$ ys) go _ _ [] = Nothing allocateNewClosure :: Env -> GenM Closure allocateNewClosure (Map.toAscList -> unzip -> (ids, exprs)) = do expr <- toCExp <$> cloneAll exprs let closure = Closure (Just <$> ids) expr stClosures %= cons closure pure closure mkLambda :: Builder -> Closure -> GenM (CExp L) mkLambda fun = fmap toCExp . mkLambda' fun . unCExp . view closureExpr mkLambda' :: Builder -> Builder -> GenM (CVar L) mkLambda' fun closure = declareFresh $ braceList [fun, closure] accessLambda :: CVar L -> (Builder, Builder) accessLambda v = (accessRaw v "lam_fp", accessRaw v "lam_closure") mkContinuation :: (ExpLike e1, ExpLike e2) => e1 L -> e2 (Pointer K) -> GenM (CVar K) mkContinuation lambda next = declareFresh $ braceList [unCExp $ toCExp lambda, unCExp $ toCExp next] accessI :: Int -> CVar (Pointer t) -> CVar t accessI i (CVar v) = CVar $ v <> brackets (B.intDec i) cast :: forall t' t. CType t' => CVar t -> CVar t' cast (CVar v) = CVar $ parens $ parens (typeName @t' Proxy) <> v takeAddress :: (ExpLike e, CType t) => e t -> GenM (CVar (Pointer t)) takeAddress = declareFresh . (B.char7 '&' <>) . unCExp . toCExp mkValue :: Tag a -> a -> GenM (CVar V) mkValue tag a = liftValue tag =<< case tag of TagInt -> pure $ B.intDec a TagDouble -> pure $ B.doubleDec a TagString -> pure $ B.stringUtf8 a TagLabel -> pure $ labelForC a TagPair -> do let (x, y) = a unCExp . toCExp <$> cloneAll [x, y] TagLam -> pure $ unCExp a TagChan -> pure $ unCExp a liftValue :: Tag a -> Builder -> GenM (CVar V) liftValue tag a = storeVar $ CExp $ braceList $ pure $ bunwords [ B.char7 '.' <> tagAccessor tag , B.char7 '=' , a ] -- | Clones the result of the given expression into a fresh variable which -- lives on the heap instead of the stack. clone :: forall t e. (CType t, ExpLike e) => e t -> GenM (CVar (Pointer t)) clone = cloneAll . pure -- | Clones a list of values, if the list is empty the null pointer is used. cloneAll :: forall t e. (CType t, ExpLike e) => [e t] -> GenM (CVar (Pointer t)) cloneAll [] = storeVar nullPointer cloneAll exprs = do let n = length exprs var <- declareFresh $ callExp "malloc" [B.intDec n <+> B.char7 '*' <+> cSizeof @t Proxy] tellStmt $ terminate $ callExp "if " [B.char7 '!' <> unCVar var] <> " return LDST_NO_MEM" itraverse_ (tellAssignI var) exprs pure var nullPointer :: CExp (Pointer t) nullPointer = CExp $ B.char7 '0' -- | Glues the parts together to yield something looking like a function call. -- It is also used to generate function headers and control structures. callExp :: Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder callExp f args = f <> parens (intercalate ", " args) tellAssign :: ExpLike e => CVar t -> e t -> GenM () tellAssign (CVar v) val = tellStmt $ terminate $ bunwords [v, B.char7 '=', unCExp (toCExp val)] tellAssignI :: ExpLike e => CVar (Pointer t) -> Int -> e t -> GenM () tellAssignI v idx = tellAssign (accessI idx v) funStrcmp :: Builder funStrcmp = "strcmp" cSizeof :: CType t => proxy t -> Builder cSizeof = callExp "sizeof" . pure . typeName -- | Adds some generated code to the output. -- -- /Note:/ It is the callers job to include the trailing semicolon. tellStmt :: CStmt -> GenM () tellStmt (CStmt s) = do lvl <- view infoIndent let !indent = stimes (lvl * 2) (B.char7 ' ') tell $ CStmt $ indent <> s <> B.char7 '\n' cCodeHeader :: Builder cCodeHeader = bunlines [ "//" , "// Generated by ldgv v" <> fromString (showVersion Paths_ldgv.version) , "//" , "" , "#include <stdio.h>" , "#include <stdlib.h> // malloc" , "#include <string.h> // strcmp" , "#include \"LDST.h\"" ] | Concatenates a builder containing the function signatures and a builder -- containing the function definitions with the 'header' containing the type -- definitions. glueCode :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder glueCode decls defs = bunlines [ cCodeHeader , "" , "// Generated code - forward declarations" , decls , "// Generated code - function definitions" , defs ] newChannel :: GenM (CVar (Pointer C)) newChannel = do chan <- storeVar nullPointer chanAddress <- takeAddress chan callChecked "LDST_chan_new" [unCVar cCtxtVar, unCVar chanAddress] pure chan chanSendLambda :: ExpLike e => e (Pointer C) -> GenM (CVar L) chanSendLambda = mkLambda' "LDST_chan_send" . unCExp . toCExp chanReceive :: (ExpLike e1, ExpLike e2) => e1 (Pointer K) -> e2 (Pointer C) -> GenM () chanReceive (toCExp -> CExp k) (toCExp -> CExp chan) = tellStmt $ cReturn $ callExp "LDST_chan_recv" [k, unCExp (toCExp cCtxtVar), chan] forkLambda :: ExpLike e => e L -> GenM (CVar V) forkLambda (toCExp -> CExp l) = do unit <- newUnitVar callChecked "LDST_fork" [unCExp (toCExp cCtxtVar), l, unCVar unit] pure unit callChecked :: Builder -> [Builder] -> GenM () callChecked fun args = do resVar <- nameHint "res" do declareFresh @R $ callExp fun args returnNotOk resVar returnNotOk :: CVar R -> GenM () returnNotOk (CVar res) = do tellStmt $ CStmt $ callExp "if " $ pure $ res <> " != LDST_OK" local (infoIndent +~ 1) $ tellStmt $ cReturn res braceList :: [Builder] -> Builder braceList bs = braces (intercalate ", " bs) accessRaw :: CVar t -> Builder -> Builder accessRaw (CVar v) x = v <> B.char7 '.' <> x access :: Tag a -> CVar V -> Builder access tag v = accessRaw v (tagAccessor tag) accessPair :: CVar V -> (CVar V, CVar V) accessPair v = let b = CVar $ access TagPair v :: CVar (Pointer V) in (accessI 0 b, accessI 1 b) accessValLambda :: CVar V -> CVar L accessValLambda = CVar . access TagLam accessValChannel :: CVar V -> CVar (Pointer C) accessValChannel = CVar . access TagChan tagAccessor :: Tag a -> Builder tagAccessor = \case TagInt -> "val_int" TagDouble -> "val_double" TagString -> "val_string" TagLabel -> "val_label" TagPair -> "val_pair" TagLam -> "val_lam" TagChan -> "val_chan" (<+>) :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder a <+> b = a <> B.char7 ' ' <> b infixr 6 <+> -- | Concatenate a list of builders using a single space character. bunwords :: [Builder] -> Builder bunwords = intercalate (B.char7 ' ') -- | Concatenate a list of builders using a single newline character. -- -- This differs from 'unlines' which also appends a trailing newline. bunlines :: [Builder] -> Builder bunlines = intercalate (B.char7 '\n') -- | @"Data.List".'List.intercalate'@ generalized to arbitrary monoids. -- -- >>> intercalate "a" ["x", "y", "z"] -- "xayaz" -- >>> getDual $ intercalate (Dual "a") (Dual <$> ["x", "y", "z"]) -- "zayax" intercalate :: Monoid a => a -> [a] -> a intercalate a = mconcat . List.intersperse a | @surround l r a@ adds @l@ to the left of @a@ and @r@ to the right . -- > > > surround " ( " " ) " " abc " " ( abc ) " surround :: Semigroup a => a -> a -> a -> a surround l r a = l <> a <> r -- | Wraps the given builder in parentheses. -- -- @ -- parens b === surround "(" ")" b -- @ parens :: Builder -> Builder parens = surround (B.char7 '(') (B.char7 ')') -- | Wraps the given builder in parentheses. -- -- @ -- braces b === surround "{" "}" b -- @ braces :: Builder -> Builder braces = surround (B.char7 '{') (B.char7 '}') -- | Wraps the given builder in brackets. -- -- @ -- brackets b === surround "[" "]" b -- @ brackets :: Builder -> Builder brackets = surround (B.char7 '[') (B.char7 ']') -- | Appends a semicolon to the given builder -- -- @ -- terminate b === b <> ";" -- @ terminate :: Builder -> CStmt terminate b = CStmt $ b <> B.char7 ';' cReturn :: Builder -> CStmt cReturn b = terminate $ "return " <> b | @localIdentForC kindChar identifier@ turns @identifier@ into a valid C -- identifier which won't shadow any stdlib identifiers or generated functions. -- -- @kindChar@ can be used to highlight the origin of the identifier. See the uses of this function to observe @'a'@ for arguments , @'l'@ for local -- identifiers etc. -- -- @kindChar@ must be an ASCII letter otherwise the result of this function is -- guaranteed to be a valid identifier. localIdentForC :: Char -> Ident -> NameHint localIdentForC c idn = NameHint $ B.char7 c <> B.char7 '_' <> escapeIdentifier idn -- | Turns an identifier into a function name suitable in the generated C code. It uses the encoding from ' escapeIdentifier ' and prepends @"ldst_"@. functionForC :: Ident -> Builder functionForC idn = "ldst_" <> escapeIdentifier idn | Escapes an LDST / LDGV identifier which may contain primes into a valid C identifier using @q@ as an escape character : -- * is replaced by @qq@ -- * primes/single quotes are replaced by @qQ@ -- -- This function should only be used through 'localIdentForC'/'functionForC' escapeIdentifier :: Ident -> Builder escapeIdentifier = foldMap \case '\'' -> "qQ" 'q' -> "qq" c -> B.charUtf8 c labelForC :: String -> Builder labelForC = escapedCString -- Labels are represented as C strings. -- | Escapes a string value as a string literal in C, including the surrounding -- quotes. -- -- If the string contains non-ASCII characters the resulting C code requires compilation with C11 as the @\\Unnnnnnnn@ escape sequence is used . escapedCString :: String -> Builder escapedCString = surround (B.char7 '"') (B.char7 '"') . B.string7 . concatMap \c -> let hex = showHex (C.ord c) "" hexPadded n = replicate (n - length hex) '0' ++ hex in if | c == '"' -> ['\\', '"'] | c == '\\' -> ['\\', '\\'] | c == '\n' -> ['\\', 'n'] -- Not strictly necessary. | C.isAscii c && C.isPrint c -> [c] | C.isAscii c -> '\\':'x':hexPadded 2 | otherwise -> '\\':'U':hexPadded 8
# LANGUAGE BangPatterns # # LANGUAGE GADTs # # LANGUAGE MultiWayIf # # LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # # LANGUAGE RankNTypes # | Type level tag for values. @ union LDST_val { int val_int; LDST_t *val_pair; LDST_chan_t *val_chan; const char *val_label; }; @ | Type level tag for lambdas. @ struct LDST_lam { LDST_t *closure; }; @ | Type level tag for channels. | Type level tag for continuations. @ struct LDST_cont { LDST_t *closure; LDST_cont_t *cont; }; @ | Type level tag for @LDST_ctxt_t@. | Type level tag for @LDST_res_t@. @ enum LDST_res { LDST_DEADLOCK, }; @ we could generate more idiomatic code. This isn't terribly necessary though, the common C compilers are able to understand and optimize our intentions quite well. ^ Variables accessible through the closure argument at the corresponding index. The identifiers must be in ascending order. @Nothing@ slots shouldn't be accessed. ^ @Just ident@ if this function can call itself recursively with identifier @ident@. ^ A pair of the identifiers carried by the closure parameter and the functions argument. @static@ linkage. top level functions correspond to non-internal functions. ^ See '_infoNameHint'. ^ See '_infoNestPrefix'. ^ List of captured identifiers. The order corresponds to the order in the C code in 'closureExpr', the identifiers must be in ascending order. @Nothing@ values should not be accessed, these are slots indicating a closure is reused but only with a subset of captured values. ^ An expression of type @union LDST_t*@. | A newtype wrapping a builder to highlight the expected usage of the wrapped value. ^ Mapping from bound variables to the corresponding identifiers in the generated C code. ^ The current continuation. generated C code and tracking to which expression the variables belong. continuations out of their enclosing function. This is necessary to be unique per function, otherwise the generated function names might clash. ^ Current indent level. Curry the function. Appending a single 'q' to all top-level names makes it impossible to write a top-level function in the source language which gets the same name as an internal function. When we encounter a signature we also have to emit this functions top-level reference declaration, otherwise it will be missing when the function is used but no definition is given. Nothing to generate for this kind of top level thingy. | Generates a call to @printf@ which tries to output the value of the given variable according to the given type. In case the type has non-printable values (e.g. a function type) only the type is printed. | Builds a function signature, an 'Env' binding the arguments to the function (including variables bound through the closure), and the variable containing the continuation. The function signature convention is @ LDST_res_t /function-name/( LDST_cont_t *continuation, LDST_ctxt_t *context, void *closure, LDST_t argument) @ including the curried forms of toplevel bindings. List of parameters and environment corresponding to @funArgs fun@. If 'fun' is a top-level function 'funArgs' will be 'Nothing' and we use an empty parameter list and environment here. Adds the parameters which every function gets to the ones for non-top-level functions passed to this function. The return type for all generated functions is the same. Internal functions get static linkage. | The parameter name for the continuation argument. | The parameter name for the closure argument. value is a essentially a black box for the generated code and only passed to | Builds a list of function parameters for the function signatures together including values captured via the closure. If the closure is reused it might happen that the captured variables won't be referenced directly. It is possible that the recursion name recId shadows the functions argument name, but this follows the typechecker rules! Use the following code to doublecheck: If it typechecks 'recId' should *not* shadow an existing variable, if it fails to typecheck, it *should* shadow the variable. The @signature@ should be built by 'functionSignature'. The unsafe operator (^?!) is "safe" here because if the variable is not node. In case idnFst and idnSnd are the same (should probably be diagnosed at some earlier point) we follow the interpreter: idnSnd should shadow idnFst. TODO: It is possible to arrange the comparisons to find the correct TODO: Should we assume that the matching branch always exists? Or check all branches and panic, in case none matches? Call into `LDST_nat_fold`. | Adjusts 'infoNameHint'. | Generates a guaranteed fresh name for the current function. The returned identifier is suitable for use in C code provided that 'infoNameHint' and 'infoFuncHint' are never an invalid prefix. for the whole module and @fresh@ uses 'infoFuncHint' instead of 'infoNameHint' with @/funKind/@ appended before the unique id. | Writes the result of the given expression into a fresh variable. | Clones the result of the given expression into a fresh variable which lives on the heap instead of the stack. | Clones a list of values, if the list is empty the null pointer is used. | Glues the parts together to yield something looking like a function call. It is also used to generate function headers and control structures. | Adds some generated code to the output. /Note:/ It is the callers job to include the trailing semicolon. containing the function definitions with the 'header' containing the type definitions. | Concatenate a list of builders using a single space character. | Concatenate a list of builders using a single newline character. This differs from 'unlines' which also appends a trailing newline. | @"Data.List".'List.intercalate'@ generalized to arbitrary monoids. >>> intercalate "a" ["x", "y", "z"] "xayaz" >>> getDual $ intercalate (Dual "a") (Dual <$> ["x", "y", "z"]) "zayax" | Wraps the given builder in parentheses. @ parens b === surround "(" ")" b @ | Wraps the given builder in parentheses. @ braces b === surround "{" "}" b @ | Wraps the given builder in brackets. @ brackets b === surround "[" "]" b @ | Appends a semicolon to the given builder @ terminate b === b <> ";" @ identifier which won't shadow any stdlib identifiers or generated functions. @kindChar@ can be used to highlight the origin of the identifier. See the identifiers etc. @kindChar@ must be an ASCII letter otherwise the result of this function is guaranteed to be a valid identifier. | Turns an identifier into a function name suitable in the generated C code. * primes/single quotes are replaced by @qQ@ This function should only be used through 'localIdentForC'/'functionForC' Labels are represented as C strings. | Escapes a string value as a string literal in C, including the surrounding quotes. If the string contains non-ASCII characters the resulting C code requires Not strictly necessary.
# LANGUAGE BlockArguments # # LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies # # LANGUAGE DerivingVia # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE TupleSections # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall # module C.Generate (generate) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Data.Bifunctor import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder) import Data.Coerce import Data.Foldable import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe import Data.Proxy import Data.Semigroup as S import Data.Set (Set) import Data.String import Data.Version import Kinds (Multiplicity(..)) import C.MonadStack import Numeric import C.CPS import Validation import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B import qualified Data.Char as C import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Paths_ldgv import qualified Syntax as S val_lam ; data V LDST_fp fp ; data L data C LDST_fp fp ; data K data T LDST_OK , LDST_NO_MEM , LDST_UNMATCHED_LABEL , data R | Type level tag for a pointer to data Pointer a | Represents an expression of type newtype CExp t = CExp { unCExp :: Builder } TODO : By using an ADT to differentiate what the expression might represent | Represents a variable reference of type newtype CVar t = CVar { unCVar :: Builder } newtype CStmt = CStmt Builder deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid) data Tag a where TagInt :: Tag Int TagDouble :: Tag Double TagString :: Tag String TagLabel :: Tag String TagPair :: Tag (CExp V, CExp V) TagLam :: Tag (CExp L) TagChan :: Tag (CExp (Pointer C)) data FunctionArgs = FunctionArgs { funClosure :: [Maybe Ident] , funArgIdent :: Ident , funRecIdent :: Maybe Ident } data FunctionHeader = FunctionHeader { funName :: !Builder , funArgs :: !(Maybe FunctionArgs) , funInternal :: !Bool ^ @True@ if this function is only used internally and should get Internal functions originate from lambda expressions while the nullary } data Function = Function { funHeader :: !FunctionHeader , funHint :: !NameHint , funNestPrefix :: !NameHint , funBody :: !Exp } data Closure = Closure { _closureVars :: ![Maybe Ident] , _closureExpr :: !(CExp (Pointer V)) } | A mapping from locally bound variables to their corresponding ' CVar ' . type Env = Map Ident (CVar V) newtype NameHint = NameHint Builder deriving newtype (IsString) data Info = Info { _infoBindings :: !Env , _infoContinuation :: !(CVar (Pointer K)) , _infoNameHint :: !NameHint ^ Prepended to all fresh variables , helps with understandability of the , _infoNestPrefix :: !NameHint ^ Prepended to all functions originating from splitting lambdas and , _infoIndent :: !Int } data GenSt = GenSt { _stUnique :: !Word , _stClosures :: ![Closure] } makeLenses ''Info makeLenses ''GenSt makeLenses ''Closure class ExpLike e where toCExp :: e t -> CExp t instance ExpLike CExp where toCExp = id instance ExpLike CVar where toCExp = coerce class CType t where typeName :: proxy t -> Builder instance CType V where typeName _ = "LDST_t" instance CType L where typeName _ = "LDST_lam_t" instance CType C where typeName _ = "LDST_chan_t" instance CType K where typeName _ = "LDST_cont_t" instance CType T where typeName _ = "LDST_ctxt_t" instance CType R where typeName _ = "LDST_res_t" instance CType () where typeName _ = "void" instance CType a => CType (Pointer a) where typeName _ = typeName @a Proxy <> B.char7 '*' newtype GenM a = GenM { unGenM :: RWST Info CStmt GenSt (StackT Function Identity) a } deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Ap GenM a deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad) deriving newtype (MonadReader Info, MonadWriter CStmt, MonadState GenSt, MonadStack Function) data GenMonoid = GenMonoid { genSigs :: !(Map Ident (Maybe (S.Last Type))) , genDecls :: !Builder , genDefs :: !Builder } instance Semigroup GenMonoid where GenMonoid a1 b1 c1 <> GenMonoid a2 b2 c2 = GenMonoid (Map.unionWith (<>) a1 a2) (b1 <> b2) (c1 <> c2) instance Monoid GenMonoid where mempty = GenMonoid mempty mempty mempty generate :: Maybe Ident -> [S.Decl] -> Either String Builder generate entryPoint = joinParts . first concatErrors . validationToEither . foldMap \case S.DFun name args body _ -> do let lambdaBody = foldr (\(m, idn, ty) -> S.Lam m idn ty) body args let header = topLevelHeader name root = Function { funHeader = header , funHint = localIdentForC 'l' name , funBody = toCPS lambdaBody , funNestPrefix = NameHint $ funName header <> B.char7 'q' } let addContext err = "in function ‘" ++ name ++ "’:\n" ++ err let identMap = Map.singleton name Nothing eitherToValidation $ bimap (pure . addContext) (uncurry $ GenMonoid identMap) $ generateFunction root S.DSig name _ typ -> do let sig = functionSignature (topLevelHeader name) [] let gen = mempty { genSigs = Map.singleton name $ Just $ S.Last typ , genDecls = sig <> ";\n" } pure gen _ -> mempty where joinParts errOrGM = errOrGM >>= \gm -> let gm' = case entryPoint of Nothing -> pure gm Just ep -> genMainFunction ep gm in glueCode <$> fmap genDecls gm' <*> fmap genDefs gm' concatErrors :: NonEmpty String -> String concatErrors = intercalate "\n\n" . toList topLevelHeader :: Ident -> FunctionHeader topLevelHeader funIdent = FunctionHeader { funName = functionForC funIdent , funArgs = Nothing , funInternal = False } genMainFunction :: Ident -> GenMonoid -> Either String GenMonoid genMainFunction mainId gm = case Map.lookup mainId (genSigs gm) of Nothing -> Left $ "entry point: unknown identifier ‘" <> mainId <> "’" Just Nothing -> Left $ "entry point: no type signature for identifier ‘" <> mainId <> "’" Just (Just (S.Last ty)) -> let mainBody = do resultVar <- declareFresh $ callExp "LDST_main" [functionForC mainId] silenceUnused resultVar tellStmt $ explainExpression ty resultVar info = baseInfo "result" "main" (_, (_, mainFunction)) = evalRWST (unGenM mainBody) info (GenSt 0 []) & evalStack [] & second (functionDeclDef "int main(void)") in Right $ gm <> mempty{ genDefs = mainFunction } explainExpression :: Type -> CVar V -> CStmt explainExpression ty0 v0 = let format :: Type -> CVar V -> (Endo String, Endo [Builder]) format ty v = case ty of TUnit -> literal "()" TInt -> formatted "Int %d" $ access TagInt v TNat -> formatted "Nat %d" $ access TagInt v TDouble -> formatted "Double %.6f" $ access TagDouble v TString -> formatted "String %s" $ access TagString v TLab _ -> formatted "Label %s" $ access TagLabel v TPair _ t1 t2 -> let (v1, v2) = accessPair v in mconcat [ literal "<" , format t1 v1 , literal ", " , format t2 v2 , literal ">" ] _ -> (Endo $ showsPrec 11 ty, mempty) literal s = (Endo (showString s), mempty) formatted s val = (Endo (showString s), Endo (val :)) (Endo fmt, Endo args) = format ty0 v0 fmt' = (showString "result: " . fmt) "\n" in terminate $ callExp "printf" (escapedCString fmt' : args []) where @closure@ and @argument@ are only present for non - top - level bindings , functionSignatureM :: FunctionHeader -> GenM (Builder, Env) functionSignatureM fun = first (functionSignature fun) <$> argsEnv where argsEnv = foldMap (signatureParameters (funName fun)) (funArgs fun) functionSignature :: FunctionHeader -> [Builder] -> Builder functionSignature fun localArgs = functionHeader retType (funName fun) args where args = varDeclaration cContVar : varDeclaration cCtxtVar : localArgs retType = mconcat [ if funInternal fun then "static " else mempty , typeName @R Proxy ] cContVar :: CVar (Pointer K) cContVar = CVar "_ldst_k" cClosureVar :: CVar (Pointer ()) cClosureVar = CVar "_ldst_closure" | The variable which will be bound to the passed @LDST_ctxt_t*@. Since this other functions we use one global variable name . cCtxtVar :: CVar (Pointer T) cCtxtVar = CVar "_ldst_ctxt" with an ' Env ' mapping identifiers from the source language to ' CVar 's , signatureParameters :: Builder -> FunctionArgs -> GenM ([Builder], Env) signatureParameters name args = do let hint = localIdentForC 'a' $ funArgIdent args argVar <- CVar @V <$> nameHint hint (fresh Nothing) let params = [varDeclaration cClosureVar, varDeclaration argVar] let closure = cast @(Pointer V) cClosureVar vars <- ifor (funClosure args) \i -> traverse \ident -> nameHint (localIdentForC 'c' ident) do var <- storeVar (accessI i closure) silenceUnused var pure (ident, var) insertRecArg <- case funRecIdent args of Nothing -> pure id Just recId -> do check = rec x ( x : Int ) : Int = x There exists a test case for this in " / name shadowing / in the source language " . recVal <- mkValue TagLam . toCExp =<< mkLambda' name (unCVar cClosureVar) pure $ Map.insert recId recVal let bindings = catMaybes vars & Map.fromList & Map.insert (funArgIdent args) argVar & insertRecArg pure (params, bindings) | @functionDeclDef signature body@ returns a pair of @(declaration , definition)@. functionDeclDef :: Builder -> CStmt -> (Builder, Builder) functionDeclDef signature (CStmt body) = let function = mconcat [ signature , "\n{\n" , body , "}\n\n" ] in (signature <> ";\n", function) generateFunction :: Function -> Either String (Builder, Builder) generateFunction topLevelFun = evalStackT [topLevelFun] $ execWriterT go where go = popStack >>= \case Nothing -> pure () Just fun -> lift (generateFunction' fun) >>= tell >> go generateFunction' :: Applicative m => Function -> StackT Function m (Builder, Builder) generateFunction' fun = do let genBody = do (sig, bindings) <- functionSignatureM (funHeader fun) local (infoBindings <>~ bindings) do generateExp (funBody fun) pure sig let captured = funHeader fun & funArgs & fmap \args -> Closure (funClosure args) (toCExp $ cast cClosureVar) genst = GenSt { _stUnique = 0 , _stClosures = maybeToList captured } let info = baseInfo (funHint fun) (funNestPrefix fun) evalRWST (unGenM genBody) info genst & fmap (uncurry functionDeclDef) & generalizeStack baseInfo :: NameHint -> NameHint -> Info baseInfo nameH nestH = Info { _infoBindings = mempty , _infoContinuation = cContVar , _infoNameHint = nameH , _infoNestPrefix = nestH , _infoIndent = 1 } generateVal :: Val -> GenM (CVar V) generateVal = \case Lit l -> generateLiteral l Var name -> locally bound the CPS transformation should have generated a ' TLCall ' asks \env -> env ^?! infoBindings . ix name e@(Lam _ argId _ body) -> do lam <- pushFunction 'l' (fv e) Nothing argId body mkValue TagLam lam e@(Rec recId argId _ _ body) -> do lam <- nameHint (localIdentForC 'r' recId) do pushFunction 'r' (fv e) (Just recId) argId body mkValue TagLam lam Math m -> generateMath m Succ e -> do e' <- generateVal e liftValue TagInt $ access TagInt e' <> " + 1" Pair a b -> do a' <- generateVal a b' <- generateVal b mkValue TagPair (toCExp a', toCExp b') Fork e -> do let free = fv e lam <- pushFunction 'f' free Nothing (S.freshvar "unit" free) e forkLambda lam New _ -> do chan <- mkValue TagChan . toCExp =<< newChannel mkValue TagPair (toCExp chan, toCExp chan) Send e -> do chan <- accessValChannel <$> generateVal e mkValue TagLam . toCExp =<< chanSendLambda chan generateExp :: Exp -> GenM () generateExp = \case Return val -> generateVal val >>= invokeContinuation Let v a b -> do a' <- nameHint (localIdentForC 'l' v) $ generateVal a local (infoBindings . at v ?~ a') $ generateExp b LetPair idnFst idnSnd pairExp body -> do pairVar <- nameHint "letpair" $ generateVal pairExp let (valFst, valSnd) = accessPair pairVar let insert idn val = infoBindings . at idn ?~ val This is verified in " / name shadowing / in the source language " . local (insert idnSnd valSnd . insert idnFst valFst) do generateExp body LetCont k e -> do k' <- generateContinuationM $ Just k local (infoContinuation .~ k') $ generateExp e Call funExp argExp mk -> do lam <- generateVal funExp arg <- generateVal argExp k <- generateContinuationM mk invoke (accessValLambda lam) k arg TLCall funId mk -> do k <- generateContinuationM mk invoke' (functionForC funId) k [] Case e cs -> do branch in O(log n ) steps . label <- access TagLabel <$> generateVal e let buildBranch :: (String, Exp) -> StateT Builder GenM () buildBranch (branchLabel, branchExp) = do ifB <- get <* put "else if " let cmpExp = callExp funStrcmp [label, labelForC branchLabel] <+> " == 0" lift $ tellStmt $ CStmt $ callExp ifB [cmpExp] <> " {" lift $ local (infoIndent +~ 1) $ generateExp branchExp lift $ tellStmt $ CStmt "}" evalStateT (traverse_ buildBranch cs) ("if " :: Builder) tellStmt $ cReturn "LDST_UNMATCHED_LABEL" NatRec e z n _ x t s -> do e' <- generateVal e z' <- generateVal z let vars = Set.delete n $ Set.delete x $ fv s s' <- pushFunction 'n' vars Nothing n $ Return $ Lam MMany x t s f <- mkValue TagLam s' Create the closure for LDST_nat_fold 1 . f (= s ' ) 2 . n (= e ' ) 3 . i i <- mkValue TagInt 0 closure <- cloneAll [f, e', i] k <- view infoContinuation natFold <- mkLambda' "LDST_nat_fold" $ unCVar closure invoke natFold k z' Recv e mk -> do c <- accessValChannel <$> generateVal e k <- generateContinuationM mk chanReceive k c pushFunction :: Char -> Set Ident -> Maybe Ident -> Ident -> Exp -> GenM (CExp L) pushFunction c freevars mRecId argId body = do name <- fresh (Just c) closure <- mkClosure freevars hint <- view infoNameHint pushStack $ Function { funHeader = FunctionHeader { funName = name , funArgs = Just FunctionArgs { funClosure = closure^.closureVars , funArgIdent = argId , funRecIdent = mRecId } , funInternal = True } , funHint = hint , funNestPrefix = NameHint name , funBody = body } mkLambda name closure generateMath :: MathOp Val -> GenM (CVar V) generateMath = liftValue TagInt <=< \case Add a b -> math '+' a b Sub a b -> math '-' a b Mul a b -> math '*' a b Div a b -> math '/' a b Neg a -> do a' <- generateVal a pure $ B.char7 '-' <> access TagInt a' where math c a b = do a' <- generateVal a b' <- generateVal b pure $ bunwords [ access TagInt a', B.char7 c, access TagInt b' ] generateLiteral :: Literal -> GenM (CVar V) generateLiteral = \case LInt i -> mkValue TagInt i LNat n -> mkValue TagInt n LDouble d -> mkValue TagDouble d LString s -> mkValue TagString s LLab l -> mkValue TagLabel l LUnit -> newUnitVar generateContinuationM :: Maybe Continuation -> GenM (CVar (Pointer K)) generateContinuationM Nothing = view infoContinuation generateContinuationM (Just (resId, kbody)) = nameHint "k" $ clone =<< join do mkContinuation <$> pushFunction 'k' (fv kbody) Nothing resId kbody <*> view infoContinuation invokeContinuation :: ExpLike e => e V -> GenM () invokeContinuation e = do k <- view infoContinuation invoke' "LDST_invoke" k [unCExp (toCExp e)] invoke :: (ExpLike e1, ExpLike e2) => CVar L -> e1 (Pointer K) -> e2 V -> GenM () invoke lam k val = do let (fun, closure) = accessLambda lam invoke' fun k [closure, unCExp (toCExp val)] invoke' :: ExpLike e => Builder -> e (Pointer K) -> [Builder] -> GenM () invoke' fun k args = let allArgs = [unCExp (toCExp k), unCExp (toCExp cCtxtVar)] ++ args in tellStmt $ cReturn $ callExp fun allArgs nameHint :: NameHint -> GenM a -> GenM a nameHint h = local (infoNameHint .~ h) functionHeader :: Builder -> Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder functionHeader ret name args = ret <> B.char7 ' ' <> callExp name args If the first argument is @Just /funKind/@ the name is guaranteed to be fresh fresh :: Maybe Char -> GenM Builder fresh funKind = do n <- stUnique <<+= 1 hint <- case funKind of Nothing -> (\(NameHint h) -> h <> B.char7 '_') <$> view infoNameHint Just c -> (\(NameHint h) -> h <> B.char7 '_' <> B.char7 c) <$> view infoNestPrefix pure $ hint <> B.wordHex n declareFresh :: forall t. CType t => Builder -> GenM (CVar t) declareFresh initExp = do name <- fresh Nothing let var = CVar name tellStmt $ terminate $ varDeclaration var <+> B.char7 '=' <+> initExp pure var varDeclaration :: forall t. CType t => CVar t -> Builder varDeclaration (CVar v) = typeName @t Proxy <+> v newUnitVar :: GenM (CVar V) newUnitVar = storeVar (CExp "{ 0 }") silenceUnused :: CVar t -> GenM () silenceUnused (CVar v) = tellStmt $ terminate $ "(void)" <> v storeVar :: (CType t, ExpLike e) => e t -> GenM (CVar t) storeVar = declareFresh . unCExp . toCExp mkClosure :: Set Ident -> GenM Closure mkClosure vars = do knownVars <- view infoBindings let captured = Map.restrictKeys knownVars vars mclosure <- runMaybeT (nullClosure captured <|> reuseClosure captured) maybe (allocateNewClosure captured) pure mclosure nullClosure :: Env -> MaybeT GenM Closure nullClosure vars = if Map.null vars then pure Closure{ _closureVars = [], _closureExpr = nullPointer } else empty reuseClosure :: Env -> MaybeT GenM Closure reuseClosure (Map.keys -> vars) = MaybeT do allocated <- use stClosures pure $ allocated & mapMaybe (closureVars %%~ tryClosureReuse vars) & preview _head tryClosureReuse :: [Ident] -> [Maybe Ident] -> Maybe [Maybe Ident] tryClosureReuse = go id where go f (x:xs) (Just y:ys) | x == y = go (f . (Just y:)) xs ys go f xs@(_:_) (_:ys) = go (f . (Nothing:)) xs ys go f [] ys = Just $ f (Nothing <$ ys) go _ _ [] = Nothing allocateNewClosure :: Env -> GenM Closure allocateNewClosure (Map.toAscList -> unzip -> (ids, exprs)) = do expr <- toCExp <$> cloneAll exprs let closure = Closure (Just <$> ids) expr stClosures %= cons closure pure closure mkLambda :: Builder -> Closure -> GenM (CExp L) mkLambda fun = fmap toCExp . mkLambda' fun . unCExp . view closureExpr mkLambda' :: Builder -> Builder -> GenM (CVar L) mkLambda' fun closure = declareFresh $ braceList [fun, closure] accessLambda :: CVar L -> (Builder, Builder) accessLambda v = (accessRaw v "lam_fp", accessRaw v "lam_closure") mkContinuation :: (ExpLike e1, ExpLike e2) => e1 L -> e2 (Pointer K) -> GenM (CVar K) mkContinuation lambda next = declareFresh $ braceList [unCExp $ toCExp lambda, unCExp $ toCExp next] accessI :: Int -> CVar (Pointer t) -> CVar t accessI i (CVar v) = CVar $ v <> brackets (B.intDec i) cast :: forall t' t. CType t' => CVar t -> CVar t' cast (CVar v) = CVar $ parens $ parens (typeName @t' Proxy) <> v takeAddress :: (ExpLike e, CType t) => e t -> GenM (CVar (Pointer t)) takeAddress = declareFresh . (B.char7 '&' <>) . unCExp . toCExp mkValue :: Tag a -> a -> GenM (CVar V) mkValue tag a = liftValue tag =<< case tag of TagInt -> pure $ B.intDec a TagDouble -> pure $ B.doubleDec a TagString -> pure $ B.stringUtf8 a TagLabel -> pure $ labelForC a TagPair -> do let (x, y) = a unCExp . toCExp <$> cloneAll [x, y] TagLam -> pure $ unCExp a TagChan -> pure $ unCExp a liftValue :: Tag a -> Builder -> GenM (CVar V) liftValue tag a = storeVar $ CExp $ braceList $ pure $ bunwords [ B.char7 '.' <> tagAccessor tag , B.char7 '=' , a ] clone :: forall t e. (CType t, ExpLike e) => e t -> GenM (CVar (Pointer t)) clone = cloneAll . pure cloneAll :: forall t e. (CType t, ExpLike e) => [e t] -> GenM (CVar (Pointer t)) cloneAll [] = storeVar nullPointer cloneAll exprs = do let n = length exprs var <- declareFresh $ callExp "malloc" [B.intDec n <+> B.char7 '*' <+> cSizeof @t Proxy] tellStmt $ terminate $ callExp "if " [B.char7 '!' <> unCVar var] <> " return LDST_NO_MEM" itraverse_ (tellAssignI var) exprs pure var nullPointer :: CExp (Pointer t) nullPointer = CExp $ B.char7 '0' callExp :: Builder -> [Builder] -> Builder callExp f args = f <> parens (intercalate ", " args) tellAssign :: ExpLike e => CVar t -> e t -> GenM () tellAssign (CVar v) val = tellStmt $ terminate $ bunwords [v, B.char7 '=', unCExp (toCExp val)] tellAssignI :: ExpLike e => CVar (Pointer t) -> Int -> e t -> GenM () tellAssignI v idx = tellAssign (accessI idx v) funStrcmp :: Builder funStrcmp = "strcmp" cSizeof :: CType t => proxy t -> Builder cSizeof = callExp "sizeof" . pure . typeName tellStmt :: CStmt -> GenM () tellStmt (CStmt s) = do lvl <- view infoIndent let !indent = stimes (lvl * 2) (B.char7 ' ') tell $ CStmt $ indent <> s <> B.char7 '\n' cCodeHeader :: Builder cCodeHeader = bunlines [ "//" , "// Generated by ldgv v" <> fromString (showVersion Paths_ldgv.version) , "//" , "" , "#include <stdio.h>" , "#include <stdlib.h> // malloc" , "#include <string.h> // strcmp" , "#include \"LDST.h\"" ] | Concatenates a builder containing the function signatures and a builder glueCode :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder glueCode decls defs = bunlines [ cCodeHeader , "" , "// Generated code - forward declarations" , decls , "// Generated code - function definitions" , defs ] newChannel :: GenM (CVar (Pointer C)) newChannel = do chan <- storeVar nullPointer chanAddress <- takeAddress chan callChecked "LDST_chan_new" [unCVar cCtxtVar, unCVar chanAddress] pure chan chanSendLambda :: ExpLike e => e (Pointer C) -> GenM (CVar L) chanSendLambda = mkLambda' "LDST_chan_send" . unCExp . toCExp chanReceive :: (ExpLike e1, ExpLike e2) => e1 (Pointer K) -> e2 (Pointer C) -> GenM () chanReceive (toCExp -> CExp k) (toCExp -> CExp chan) = tellStmt $ cReturn $ callExp "LDST_chan_recv" [k, unCExp (toCExp cCtxtVar), chan] forkLambda :: ExpLike e => e L -> GenM (CVar V) forkLambda (toCExp -> CExp l) = do unit <- newUnitVar callChecked "LDST_fork" [unCExp (toCExp cCtxtVar), l, unCVar unit] pure unit callChecked :: Builder -> [Builder] -> GenM () callChecked fun args = do resVar <- nameHint "res" do declareFresh @R $ callExp fun args returnNotOk resVar returnNotOk :: CVar R -> GenM () returnNotOk (CVar res) = do tellStmt $ CStmt $ callExp "if " $ pure $ res <> " != LDST_OK" local (infoIndent +~ 1) $ tellStmt $ cReturn res braceList :: [Builder] -> Builder braceList bs = braces (intercalate ", " bs) accessRaw :: CVar t -> Builder -> Builder accessRaw (CVar v) x = v <> B.char7 '.' <> x access :: Tag a -> CVar V -> Builder access tag v = accessRaw v (tagAccessor tag) accessPair :: CVar V -> (CVar V, CVar V) accessPair v = let b = CVar $ access TagPair v :: CVar (Pointer V) in (accessI 0 b, accessI 1 b) accessValLambda :: CVar V -> CVar L accessValLambda = CVar . access TagLam accessValChannel :: CVar V -> CVar (Pointer C) accessValChannel = CVar . access TagChan tagAccessor :: Tag a -> Builder tagAccessor = \case TagInt -> "val_int" TagDouble -> "val_double" TagString -> "val_string" TagLabel -> "val_label" TagPair -> "val_pair" TagLam -> "val_lam" TagChan -> "val_chan" (<+>) :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder a <+> b = a <> B.char7 ' ' <> b infixr 6 <+> bunwords :: [Builder] -> Builder bunwords = intercalate (B.char7 ' ') bunlines :: [Builder] -> Builder bunlines = intercalate (B.char7 '\n') intercalate :: Monoid a => a -> [a] -> a intercalate a = mconcat . List.intersperse a | @surround l r a@ adds @l@ to the left of @a@ and @r@ to the right . > > > surround " ( " " ) " " abc " " ( abc ) " surround :: Semigroup a => a -> a -> a -> a surround l r a = l <> a <> r parens :: Builder -> Builder parens = surround (B.char7 '(') (B.char7 ')') braces :: Builder -> Builder braces = surround (B.char7 '{') (B.char7 '}') brackets :: Builder -> Builder brackets = surround (B.char7 '[') (B.char7 ']') terminate :: Builder -> CStmt terminate b = CStmt $ b <> B.char7 ';' cReturn :: Builder -> CStmt cReturn b = terminate $ "return " <> b | @localIdentForC kindChar identifier@ turns @identifier@ into a valid C uses of this function to observe @'a'@ for arguments , @'l'@ for local localIdentForC :: Char -> Ident -> NameHint localIdentForC c idn = NameHint $ B.char7 c <> B.char7 '_' <> escapeIdentifier idn It uses the encoding from ' escapeIdentifier ' and prepends @"ldst_"@. functionForC :: Ident -> Builder functionForC idn = "ldst_" <> escapeIdentifier idn | Escapes an LDST / LDGV identifier which may contain primes into a valid C identifier using @q@ as an escape character : * is replaced by @qq@ escapeIdentifier :: Ident -> Builder escapeIdentifier = foldMap \case '\'' -> "qQ" 'q' -> "qq" c -> B.charUtf8 c labelForC :: String -> Builder compilation with C11 as the @\\Unnnnnnnn@ escape sequence is used . escapedCString :: String -> Builder escapedCString = surround (B.char7 '"') (B.char7 '"') . B.string7 . concatMap \c -> let hex = showHex (C.ord c) "" hexPadded n = replicate (n - length hex) '0' ++ hex in if | c == '"' -> ['\\', '"'] | c == '\\' -> ['\\', '\\'] | C.isAscii c && C.isPrint c -> [c] | C.isAscii c -> '\\':'x':hexPadded 2 | otherwise -> '\\':'U':hexPadded 8