7 values
(require "asdf") (require "uiop") Sometimes does n't seem to load the initialization file when running from ;; the command line, in which case this could be uncommented. ;; (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp") (ql:quickload "prove-asdf") (ql:quickload "cl-ppcre") (ql:quickload "prove") (ql:quickload :cl-fad) (ql:quickload :log4cl) (ql:quickload :drakma) (ql:quickload :cl-json) (ql:quickload :zpng) (ql:quickload :qbase64) (ql:quickload :html-entities) (ql:quickload :md5) (ql:quickload :quri) (ql:quickload :alexandria) (ql:quickload :trivial-garbage) (ql:quickload :cffi) (ql:quickload :zip) (defvar *boxer-project-dir* (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*))) (pushnew (cl-fad:merge-pathnames-as-directory *boxer-project-dir* "data/boxersunrise.app/Contents/Frameworks/") cffi:*foreign-library-directories* :test #'equal) (setf asdf:*central-registry* (list* '*default-pathname-defaults* *boxer-project-dir* asdf:*central-registry*)) (ql:quickload :cl-freetype2) ;; This turns off the terminal color sequences and simplifies the characters in the output so they display well in the listener . (setf prove:*enable-colors* nil) (setf prove::*default-reporter* :tap) #+lispworks (load (example-file "opengl/examples/load")) (setf *features* (cons :opengl *features*)) (setf *features* (cons :freetype-fonts *features*)) (asdf:test-system :boxer-sunrise :reporter :list)
the command line, in which case this could be uncommented. (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp") This turns off the terminal color sequences and simplifies the characters in the
(require "asdf") (require "uiop") Sometimes does n't seem to load the initialization file when running from (ql:quickload "prove-asdf") (ql:quickload "cl-ppcre") (ql:quickload "prove") (ql:quickload :cl-fad) (ql:quickload :log4cl) (ql:quickload :drakma) (ql:quickload :cl-json) (ql:quickload :zpng) (ql:quickload :qbase64) (ql:quickload :html-entities) (ql:quickload :md5) (ql:quickload :quri) (ql:quickload :alexandria) (ql:quickload :trivial-garbage) (ql:quickload :cffi) (ql:quickload :zip) (defvar *boxer-project-dir* (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*))) (pushnew (cl-fad:merge-pathnames-as-directory *boxer-project-dir* "data/boxersunrise.app/Contents/Frameworks/") cffi:*foreign-library-directories* :test #'equal) (setf asdf:*central-registry* (list* '*default-pathname-defaults* *boxer-project-dir* asdf:*central-registry*)) (ql:quickload :cl-freetype2) output so they display well in the listener . (setf prove:*enable-colors* nil) (setf prove::*default-reporter* :tap) #+lispworks (load (example-file "opengl/examples/load")) (setf *features* (cons :opengl *features*)) (setf *features* (cons :freetype-fonts *features*)) (asdf:test-system :boxer-sunrise :reporter :list)
(ns charbel-cljs.core (:require [charbel.core :refer [module-from-string build]] [reagent.core :as r] [reagent.dom :as d])) (def example (str "(module delay_line\n {:clocks [[clk]] :parameters [WIDTH 32]}\n" " [[:in data WIDTH] [:in valid 1]\n [:out data_o WIDTH] [:out valid_o 1]]\n" " (register data_d data)\n (register valid_d (init 0 valid))\n" " (assign valid_o valid_d)\n (assign data_o data_d))")) (defonce input-form (r/atom example)) (def output-form (r/atom "<empty>")) (def postprocess (r/atom true)) (defn main [] [:div {:style {:background-color "rgb(200,240,200)" :width 1280 :padding-left 20 :padding-top 1 :padding-bottom 20}} [:h1 "Charbel online"] [:div "Write synthesizable FPGA code using Clojure syntax. The code is translated to SystemVerilog."] [:div "Project source code:" [:a {:href ""} ""] "."] [:h4 "Write your code below"] [:table [:tbody [:tr [:td {:style {:vertical-align "top"}} [:textarea {:id "i" :style {:width 600 :height 400} :value @input-form :on-change #(reset! input-form (.-value (.-target %)))}]] [:td {:style {:position "relative" :left 30 :width 600 :vertical-align "top" :background-color "rgb(200,220,220)"}} [:pre @output-form]]] [:tr [:td [:div [:button {:id "run" :on-click #(reset! output-form (build (module-from-string @input-form) @postprocess))} "Convert"]] [:div [:input {:type "checkbox" :checked @postprocess :on-click #(swap! postprocess not)}] "Generate `default_nettype and `max (if necessary)."]] [:td ""]]]]]) (defn mount-root [] (d/render [main] (.getElementById js/document "main"))) (defn init! [] (mount-root)) (init!)
(ns charbel-cljs.core (:require [charbel.core :refer [module-from-string build]] [reagent.core :as r] [reagent.dom :as d])) (def example (str "(module delay_line\n {:clocks [[clk]] :parameters [WIDTH 32]}\n" " [[:in data WIDTH] [:in valid 1]\n [:out data_o WIDTH] [:out valid_o 1]]\n" " (register data_d data)\n (register valid_d (init 0 valid))\n" " (assign valid_o valid_d)\n (assign data_o data_d))")) (defonce input-form (r/atom example)) (def output-form (r/atom "<empty>")) (def postprocess (r/atom true)) (defn main [] [:div {:style {:background-color "rgb(200,240,200)" :width 1280 :padding-left 20 :padding-top 1 :padding-bottom 20}} [:h1 "Charbel online"] [:div "Write synthesizable FPGA code using Clojure syntax. The code is translated to SystemVerilog."] [:div "Project source code:" [:a {:href ""} ""] "."] [:h4 "Write your code below"] [:table [:tbody [:tr [:td {:style {:vertical-align "top"}} [:textarea {:id "i" :style {:width 600 :height 400} :value @input-form :on-change #(reset! input-form (.-value (.-target %)))}]] [:td {:style {:position "relative" :left 30 :width 600 :vertical-align "top" :background-color "rgb(200,220,220)"}} [:pre @output-form]]] [:tr [:td [:div [:button {:id "run" :on-click #(reset! output-form (build (module-from-string @input-form) @postprocess))} "Convert"]] [:div [:input {:type "checkbox" :checked @postprocess :on-click #(swap! postprocess not)}] "Generate `default_nettype and `max (if necessary)."]] [:td ""]]]]]) (defn mount-root [] (d/render [main] (.getElementById js/document "main"))) (defn init! [] (mount-root)) (init!)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * , , and * * * * Copyright ( C ) INRIA , CNRS 2000 - 2018 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * Bruno Blanchet, Vincent Cheval, and Marc Sylvestre * * * * Copyright (C) INRIA, CNRS 2000-2018 * * * *************************************************************) This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details ( in file LICENSE ) . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details (in file LICENSE). You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) val equal_terms_with_links : Types.term -> Types.term -> bool val equal_facts_with_links : Types.fact -> Types.fact -> bool val equal_closed_terms : Types.term -> Types.term -> bool val equal_tags : Types.label -> Types.label -> bool val equal_constra : Types.constraints list list -> Types.constraints list list -> bool val match_terms : Types.term -> Types.term -> unit
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * , , and * * * * Copyright ( C ) INRIA , CNRS 2000 - 2018 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * Bruno Blanchet, Vincent Cheval, and Marc Sylvestre * * * * Copyright (C) INRIA, CNRS 2000-2018 * * * *************************************************************) This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details ( in file LICENSE ) . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details (in file LICENSE). You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) val equal_terms_with_links : Types.term -> Types.term -> bool val equal_facts_with_links : Types.fact -> Types.fact -> bool val equal_closed_terms : Types.term -> Types.term -> bool val equal_tags : Types.label -> Types.label -> bool val equal_constra : Types.constraints list list -> Types.constraints list list -> bool val match_terms : Types.term -> Types.term -> unit
data FlagKind = On | OnOff | Default Int [Int] | Ignore deriving (Eq, Show) allFlags :: [(String, FlagKind)] allFlags = [ ( "case-merge" , On ) , ( "cse" , On ) , ( "dicts-strict" , OnOff ) , ( "do-eta-reduction" , On ) , ( "do-lambda-eta-expansion" , OnOff ) , ( "eager-blackholing" , OnOff ) , ( "enable-rewrite-rules" , On ) , ( "vectorise" , Ignore ) , ( "avoid-vect" , Ignore ) , ( "excess-precision" , OnOff ) , ( "float-in" , On ) , ( "full-laziness" , On ) , ( "fun-to-thunk" , OnOff ) , ( "ignore-asserts" , OnOff ) , ( "ignore-interface-pragmas" , OnOff ) , ( "loopification" , OnOff ) , ( "late-dmd-anal" , OnOff ) , ( "liberate-case" , OnOff ) , ( "liberate-case-threshold" , Default 200 [100,200..1000] ) , ( "max-relevant-bindings" , Ignore ) , ( "max-simplifier-iterations" , Default undefined [] ) , ( "max-worker-args" , Default 10 [10,20,100] ) , ( "no-opt-coercion" , OnOff ) , ( "no-pre-inlining" , OnOff ) , ( "no-state-hack" , OnOff ) , ( "pedantic-bottoms" , OnOff ) , ( "omit-interface-pragmas" , OnOff ) , ( "simplifier-phases" , Default 2 [1,2..10] ) , ( "simpl-tick-factor" , Default 100 [] ) , ( "spec-constr" , OnOff ) , ( "spec-constr-threshold" , Default 200 [] ) , ( "spec-constr-count" , Default 3 [] ) , ( "specialise" , On ) , ( "strictness" , On ) , ( "strictness-before" , Ignore ) , ( "static-argument-transformation" , OnOff ) , ( "unbox-strict-fields" , OnOff ) , ( "unbox-small-strict-fields" , OnOff ) , ( "unfolding-creation-threshold" , Ignore ) , ( "unfolding-fun-discount" , Ignore ) , ( "unfolding-keeness-factor" , Ignore ) , ( "unfolding-use-threshold" , Ignore ) ] main :: IO () main = do let allOptions = [ map (++f) ["-f", "-fno-"] | (f, OnOff) <- allFlags ] ++ [ [ "-f" ++ f ] | (f, On) <- allFlags ] mapM_ print $ sequence allOptions
data FlagKind = On | OnOff | Default Int [Int] | Ignore deriving (Eq, Show) allFlags :: [(String, FlagKind)] allFlags = [ ( "case-merge" , On ) , ( "cse" , On ) , ( "dicts-strict" , OnOff ) , ( "do-eta-reduction" , On ) , ( "do-lambda-eta-expansion" , OnOff ) , ( "eager-blackholing" , OnOff ) , ( "enable-rewrite-rules" , On ) , ( "vectorise" , Ignore ) , ( "avoid-vect" , Ignore ) , ( "excess-precision" , OnOff ) , ( "float-in" , On ) , ( "full-laziness" , On ) , ( "fun-to-thunk" , OnOff ) , ( "ignore-asserts" , OnOff ) , ( "ignore-interface-pragmas" , OnOff ) , ( "loopification" , OnOff ) , ( "late-dmd-anal" , OnOff ) , ( "liberate-case" , OnOff ) , ( "liberate-case-threshold" , Default 200 [100,200..1000] ) , ( "max-relevant-bindings" , Ignore ) , ( "max-simplifier-iterations" , Default undefined [] ) , ( "max-worker-args" , Default 10 [10,20,100] ) , ( "no-opt-coercion" , OnOff ) , ( "no-pre-inlining" , OnOff ) , ( "no-state-hack" , OnOff ) , ( "pedantic-bottoms" , OnOff ) , ( "omit-interface-pragmas" , OnOff ) , ( "simplifier-phases" , Default 2 [1,2..10] ) , ( "simpl-tick-factor" , Default 100 [] ) , ( "spec-constr" , OnOff ) , ( "spec-constr-threshold" , Default 200 [] ) , ( "spec-constr-count" , Default 3 [] ) , ( "specialise" , On ) , ( "strictness" , On ) , ( "strictness-before" , Ignore ) , ( "static-argument-transformation" , OnOff ) , ( "unbox-strict-fields" , OnOff ) , ( "unbox-small-strict-fields" , OnOff ) , ( "unfolding-creation-threshold" , Ignore ) , ( "unfolding-fun-discount" , Ignore ) , ( "unfolding-keeness-factor" , Ignore ) , ( "unfolding-use-threshold" , Ignore ) ] main :: IO () main = do let allOptions = [ map (++f) ["-f", "-fno-"] | (f, OnOff) <- allFlags ] ++ [ [ "-f" ++ f ] | (f, On) <- allFlags ] mapM_ print $ sequence allOptions
module BenchGraph.Render.Abstract ( printAbstract , printQuick , average ) where import Data.List (find, sortBy) import Text.Printf (printf) import Control.Monad (unless) import Data.Bitraversable (bisequence) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import BenchGraph.Named import BenchGraph.Render.Types import BenchGraph.Render.Common (average, getSimples) -- | Will print an abstract, comparing libraries by their average time printAbstract :: String -- ^ A comparative (like "faster") -> Grouped [Named Double] -- ^ The actual data -> IO () printAbstract comparative = printMap comparative . fmap reverse . rearrange . removeNaN . getComparison Nothing . getSimples printQuick :: String -- ^ To compare with -> Grouped [Named Double] -- ^ data -> IO () printQuick name = printQuickMap . removeNaN . getComparison (Just name) . getSimples printQuickMap :: Named [Named Double] -> IO () printQuickMap (_,(_,x):_) = putStrLn $ printf "%.2f" x ++ " (" ++ fancy ++ ")" where fancy | x < 0.9 = "good" | x >= 0.9 && x <= 1.1 = "OK" | otherwise = "bad" printQuickMap _ = putStrLn "ERROR" removeNaN :: Named [Named Double] -> Named [Named Double] removeNaN = fmap (filter (not . isNaN . snd)) -- | Sort the results, plus put the worst lib for comparison rearrange :: Named [Named Double] -> Named [Named Double] rearrange na@(n,arr) = if not $ null arr then if db >= 1 then (n,sorted) else rearrange (n',(n,recip db) : map (fmap (recip db *)) (tail sorted)) else na where sorted = sortBy compare1 arr (n',db) = head sorted printMap :: String -> Named [Named Double] -> IO () printMap superlative (ref,res) = unless (null res) $ do putStrLn $ unlines ["\nABSTRACT:","(Based on an average of the ratio between largest benchmarks)"] mapM_ (\(name,av) -> putStrLn $ unwords [" *",name,"was",printf "%.2f" av,"times",superlative,"than",ref]) res putStrLn "" | The first Name given is the reference name for comparison , the others are the comparison themselves getComparison :: Maybe String -> [[Named Double]] -> Named [Named Double] getComparison mref grp = case mref <|> getRef grp of Nothing -> ("",[]) Just ref -> let refinedRef = ref start = map fst $ filter (\(n,_) -> n /= ref) $ head grp in (refinedRef, map (\x -> (x,getComparison' grp refinedRef x)) start) | Return a " reference " : A library for there is a non-0 value getRef :: [[Named Double]] -> Maybe String getRef [] = Nothing getRef (x:xs) = maybe (getRef xs) (Just . fst) $ find (\(_,y) -> y /= 0) x getComparison' :: [[Named Double]] -> String -> String -> Double getComparison' grp ref todo = average $ map (\lst -> maybe 0 (uncurry (/)) $ bisequence (lookup ref lst,lookup todo lst)) grp
| Will print an abstract, comparing libraries by their average time ^ A comparative (like "faster") ^ The actual data ^ To compare with ^ data | Sort the results, plus put the worst lib for comparison
module BenchGraph.Render.Abstract ( printAbstract , printQuick , average ) where import Data.List (find, sortBy) import Text.Printf (printf) import Control.Monad (unless) import Data.Bitraversable (bisequence) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import BenchGraph.Named import BenchGraph.Render.Types import BenchGraph.Render.Common (average, getSimples) -> IO () printAbstract comparative = printMap comparative . fmap reverse . rearrange . removeNaN . getComparison Nothing . getSimples -> IO () printQuick name = printQuickMap . removeNaN . getComparison (Just name) . getSimples printQuickMap :: Named [Named Double] -> IO () printQuickMap (_,(_,x):_) = putStrLn $ printf "%.2f" x ++ " (" ++ fancy ++ ")" where fancy | x < 0.9 = "good" | x >= 0.9 && x <= 1.1 = "OK" | otherwise = "bad" printQuickMap _ = putStrLn "ERROR" removeNaN :: Named [Named Double] -> Named [Named Double] removeNaN = fmap (filter (not . isNaN . snd)) rearrange :: Named [Named Double] -> Named [Named Double] rearrange na@(n,arr) = if not $ null arr then if db >= 1 then (n,sorted) else rearrange (n',(n,recip db) : map (fmap (recip db *)) (tail sorted)) else na where sorted = sortBy compare1 arr (n',db) = head sorted printMap :: String -> Named [Named Double] -> IO () printMap superlative (ref,res) = unless (null res) $ do putStrLn $ unlines ["\nABSTRACT:","(Based on an average of the ratio between largest benchmarks)"] mapM_ (\(name,av) -> putStrLn $ unwords [" *",name,"was",printf "%.2f" av,"times",superlative,"than",ref]) res putStrLn "" | The first Name given is the reference name for comparison , the others are the comparison themselves getComparison :: Maybe String -> [[Named Double]] -> Named [Named Double] getComparison mref grp = case mref <|> getRef grp of Nothing -> ("",[]) Just ref -> let refinedRef = ref start = map fst $ filter (\(n,_) -> n /= ref) $ head grp in (refinedRef, map (\x -> (x,getComparison' grp refinedRef x)) start) | Return a " reference " : A library for there is a non-0 value getRef :: [[Named Double]] -> Maybe String getRef [] = Nothing getRef (x:xs) = maybe (getRef xs) (Just . fst) $ find (\(_,y) -> y /= 0) x getComparison' :: [[Named Double]] -> String -> String -> Double getComparison' grp ref todo = average $ map (\lst -> maybe 0 (uncurry (/)) $ bisequence (lookup ref lst,lookup todo lst)) grp
(** Parsing Library *) (** {1 Documentation} {{!page-parse} Introduction to Combinator Parsing} *) (** {1 API} *) module Character = Character module Token_parser = Token_parser module Parse_with_lexer = Parse_with_lexer module Generic = Generic module Position = Position module Located = Located module Indent = Indent module Error_reporter = Error_reporter module Interfaces = Interfaces
* Parsing Library * {1 Documentation} {{!page-parse} Introduction to Combinator Parsing} * {1 API}
module Character = Character module Token_parser = Token_parser module Parse_with_lexer = Parse_with_lexer module Generic = Generic module Position = Position module Located = Located module Indent = Indent module Error_reporter = Error_reporter module Interfaces = Interfaces
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell , FlexibleInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses , TypeSynonymInstances # MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-} module Main where import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax class Eq a => MyClass a data Foo = Foo deriving Eq instance MyClass Foo data Bar = Bar deriving Eq type Baz = Bar instance MyClass Baz data Quux a = Quux a deriving Eq data Quux2 a = Quux2 a deriving Eq instance Eq a => MyClass (Quux a) instance Ord a => MyClass (Quux2 a) class MyClass2 a b instance MyClass2 Int Bool $(return []) main = do putStrLn $(do { info <- reify ''MyClass; lift (pprint info) }) print $(isInstance ''Eq [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift) print $(isInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift) print $ not $(isInstance ''Show [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift) this one print $(isInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Baz] >>= lift) this one this one print $(isInstance ''MyClass2 [ConT ''Int, ConT ''Bool] >>= lift) print $(isInstance ''MyClass2 [ConT ''Bool, ConT ''Bool] >>= lift)
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell , FlexibleInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses , TypeSynonymInstances # MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-} module Main where import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax class Eq a => MyClass a data Foo = Foo deriving Eq instance MyClass Foo data Bar = Bar deriving Eq type Baz = Bar instance MyClass Baz data Quux a = Quux a deriving Eq data Quux2 a = Quux2 a deriving Eq instance Eq a => MyClass (Quux a) instance Ord a => MyClass (Quux2 a) class MyClass2 a b instance MyClass2 Int Bool $(return []) main = do putStrLn $(do { info <- reify ''MyClass; lift (pprint info) }) print $(isInstance ''Eq [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift) print $(isInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift) print $ not $(isInstance ''Show [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift) this one print $(isInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Baz] >>= lift) this one this one print $(isInstance ''MyClass2 [ConT ''Int, ConT ''Bool] >>= lift) print $(isInstance ''MyClass2 [ConT ''Bool, ConT ''Bool] >>= lift)
(ns orbitdb.eventlog (:require [orbitdb.signatures :as signatures])) (defn eventlog "Creates and opens an eventlog database. Takes an OrbitDB instance and a map with: `:name` (string): the database name or `:address` (string): and IPFS address of an existing eventlog database, `:opts`: a map of options (see `create-database`) Returns a js/Promise resolving to the instance of the database." [^js orbitdb-instance {:keys [name address opts] :or {opts {}}}] (.eventlog orbitdb-instance (or address name) (clj->js opts))) (def add-event "`(add-event database-instance data & [opts])` Returns a js/Promise that resolves to the hash of the entry (string)." signatures/add-event) (def get-event "`(get-event database-instance hash)` Takes an OrbitDB instance and a hash of the entry (string). Returns a map with the contents of that entry." signatures/get-event) (def iterator "`(iterator database-instance opts)` Returns an Array of Objects based on the map of options: `:gt` (string): Greater than, takes an item's hash. `:gte` (string): Greater than or equal to, takes an item's hash. `:lt` (string): Less than, takes an item's hash. `:lte` (string): Less than or equal to, takes an item's hash value. `:limit` (integer): Limiting the entries of result, defaults to 1, and -1 means all items. `:reverse` (boolean): If set to true will result in reversing the result." signatures/iterator) (def collect "`(collect iterator)` Takes an iterator as the argument and evaluates it, returns a vector of results." signatures/collect)
(ns orbitdb.eventlog (:require [orbitdb.signatures :as signatures])) (defn eventlog "Creates and opens an eventlog database. Takes an OrbitDB instance and a map with: `:name` (string): the database name or `:address` (string): and IPFS address of an existing eventlog database, `:opts`: a map of options (see `create-database`) Returns a js/Promise resolving to the instance of the database." [^js orbitdb-instance {:keys [name address opts] :or {opts {}}}] (.eventlog orbitdb-instance (or address name) (clj->js opts))) (def add-event "`(add-event database-instance data & [opts])` Returns a js/Promise that resolves to the hash of the entry (string)." signatures/add-event) (def get-event "`(get-event database-instance hash)` Takes an OrbitDB instance and a hash of the entry (string). Returns a map with the contents of that entry." signatures/get-event) (def iterator "`(iterator database-instance opts)` Returns an Array of Objects based on the map of options: `:gt` (string): Greater than, takes an item's hash. `:gte` (string): Greater than or equal to, takes an item's hash. `:lt` (string): Less than, takes an item's hash. `:lte` (string): Less than or equal to, takes an item's hash value. `:limit` (integer): Limiting the entries of result, defaults to 1, and -1 means all items. `:reverse` (boolean): If set to true will result in reversing the result." signatures/iterator) (def collect "`(collect iterator)` Takes an iterator as the argument and evaluates it, returns a vector of results." signatures/collect)
(ns er-cassandra.util.vector) (defn coerce [obj] (cond (nil? obj) nil (vector? obj) obj (sequential? obj) (vec obj) :else [obj]))
(ns er-cassandra.util.vector) (defn coerce [obj] (cond (nil? obj) nil (vector? obj) obj (sequential? obj) (vec obj) :else [obj]))
module Level.Room.Trigger.All.TutorialSetup ( mkTutorialSetupTrigger ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Enemy.Types import Level.Room.ArenaWalls.EnemySpawn import Level.Room.Item.Pickup.All.GunItemPickups import Level.Room.Item.RefreshStation import Level.Room.Trigger import Level.Room.Trigger.All.TutorialInstructions import Level.Room.Trigger.All.TutorialListener import Level.Room.Trigger.Util import Level.Room.Tutorial.SandbagAir import Level.Room.Tutorial.SandbagGround import Level.Room.Util import Msg import Player.EquipmentInfo import Util freeRevolverPickupPos = Pos2 967.0 3370.0 :: Pos2 refreshStationPos = Pos2 563.0 3370.0 :: Pos2 sandbagGroundPos = Pos2 1239.0 3372.0 :: Pos2 sandbagAirPos = roomArenaWallsEnemySpawnOffset (Pos2 1553.0 3370.0) FlyingEnemy :: Pos2 mkTutorialSetupTrigger :: MonadIO m => m RoomTrigger mkTutorialSetupTrigger = do trigger <- mkRoomTrigger return $ (trigger :: RoomTrigger) {_think = thinkSpawnNeededEquipment} readIsPlayerGunTypesEmpty :: MsgsRead ThinkLevelMsgsPhase m => m Bool readIsPlayerGunTypesEmpty = null . _gunTypes <$> readPlayerEquipmentInfo thinkSpawnNeededEquipment :: (MonadIO m, MsgsRead ThinkLevelMsgsPhase m) => RoomTriggerThink m thinkSpawnNeededEquipment _ trigger = readIsPlayerGunTypesEmpty <&> \case False -> [updateTriggerThinkMessage (thinkFinishSetup False) trigger] True -> [ mkMsg $ RoomMsgAddItemM (mkFreeRevolverItemPickup tutorialRoomType freeRevolverPickupPos) , updateTriggerThinkMessage (thinkFinishSetup True) trigger ] thinkFinishSetup :: (MonadIO m, MsgsRead ThinkLevelMsgsPhase m) => Bool -> RoomTriggerThink m thinkFinishSetup isGivenFreeRevolver _ trigger = readIsPlayerGunTypesEmpty <&> \case True -> [] False -> [ mkMsg $ RoomMsgAddItemM (mkRefreshStation refreshStationPos) , mkMsg $ EnemyMsgAddM (mkSandbagGround sandbagGroundPos LeftDir) , mkMsg $ EnemyMsgAddM (mkSandbagAir sandbagAirPos LeftDir) , mkMsg $ RoomMsgAddTriggerM (mkTutorialInstructionsTrigger isGivenFreeRevolver) , mkMsg $ RoomMsgAddTriggerM mkTutorialListenerTrigger , removeTriggerMessage trigger ]
module Level.Room.Trigger.All.TutorialSetup ( mkTutorialSetupTrigger ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Enemy.Types import Level.Room.ArenaWalls.EnemySpawn import Level.Room.Item.Pickup.All.GunItemPickups import Level.Room.Item.RefreshStation import Level.Room.Trigger import Level.Room.Trigger.All.TutorialInstructions import Level.Room.Trigger.All.TutorialListener import Level.Room.Trigger.Util import Level.Room.Tutorial.SandbagAir import Level.Room.Tutorial.SandbagGround import Level.Room.Util import Msg import Player.EquipmentInfo import Util freeRevolverPickupPos = Pos2 967.0 3370.0 :: Pos2 refreshStationPos = Pos2 563.0 3370.0 :: Pos2 sandbagGroundPos = Pos2 1239.0 3372.0 :: Pos2 sandbagAirPos = roomArenaWallsEnemySpawnOffset (Pos2 1553.0 3370.0) FlyingEnemy :: Pos2 mkTutorialSetupTrigger :: MonadIO m => m RoomTrigger mkTutorialSetupTrigger = do trigger <- mkRoomTrigger return $ (trigger :: RoomTrigger) {_think = thinkSpawnNeededEquipment} readIsPlayerGunTypesEmpty :: MsgsRead ThinkLevelMsgsPhase m => m Bool readIsPlayerGunTypesEmpty = null . _gunTypes <$> readPlayerEquipmentInfo thinkSpawnNeededEquipment :: (MonadIO m, MsgsRead ThinkLevelMsgsPhase m) => RoomTriggerThink m thinkSpawnNeededEquipment _ trigger = readIsPlayerGunTypesEmpty <&> \case False -> [updateTriggerThinkMessage (thinkFinishSetup False) trigger] True -> [ mkMsg $ RoomMsgAddItemM (mkFreeRevolverItemPickup tutorialRoomType freeRevolverPickupPos) , updateTriggerThinkMessage (thinkFinishSetup True) trigger ] thinkFinishSetup :: (MonadIO m, MsgsRead ThinkLevelMsgsPhase m) => Bool -> RoomTriggerThink m thinkFinishSetup isGivenFreeRevolver _ trigger = readIsPlayerGunTypesEmpty <&> \case True -> [] False -> [ mkMsg $ RoomMsgAddItemM (mkRefreshStation refreshStationPos) , mkMsg $ EnemyMsgAddM (mkSandbagGround sandbagGroundPos LeftDir) , mkMsg $ EnemyMsgAddM (mkSandbagAir sandbagAirPos LeftDir) , mkMsg $ RoomMsgAddTriggerM (mkTutorialInstructionsTrigger isGivenFreeRevolver) , mkMsg $ RoomMsgAddTriggerM mkTutorialListenerTrigger , removeTriggerMessage trigger ]
;-*- Mode: Lisp -*- Author : Created : Sat Sep 11 07:40:47 2004 ;;;; Contains: Tests for FILE-NAMESTRING (deftest file-namestring.1 (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list (file-namestring "file-namestring.txt"))) (s (first vals))) (if (and (null (cdr vals)) (stringp s) (equal (file-namestring s) s)) :good vals)) :good) (deftest file-namestring.2 (do-special-strings (s "file-namestring.txt" nil) (let ((ns (file-namestring s))) (assert (stringp ns)) (assert (string= (file-namestring ns) ns)))) nil) (deftest file-namestring.3 (let* ((name "file-namestring.txt") (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name))) (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input) (file-namestring s))) (name3 (file-namestring pn))) (or (equalt name2 name3) (list name2 name3))) t) ;;; Error tests (deftest file-namestring.error.1 (signals-error (file-namestring) program-error) t) (deftest file-namestring.error.2 (signals-error (file-namestring "file-namestring.txt" nil) program-error) t)
-*- Mode: Lisp -*- Contains: Tests for FILE-NAMESTRING Error tests
Author : Created : Sat Sep 11 07:40:47 2004 (deftest file-namestring.1 (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list (file-namestring "file-namestring.txt"))) (s (first vals))) (if (and (null (cdr vals)) (stringp s) (equal (file-namestring s) s)) :good vals)) :good) (deftest file-namestring.2 (do-special-strings (s "file-namestring.txt" nil) (let ((ns (file-namestring s))) (assert (stringp ns)) (assert (string= (file-namestring ns) ns)))) nil) (deftest file-namestring.3 (let* ((name "file-namestring.txt") (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name))) (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input) (file-namestring s))) (name3 (file-namestring pn))) (or (equalt name2 name3) (list name2 name3))) t) (deftest file-namestring.error.1 (signals-error (file-namestring) program-error) t) (deftest file-namestring.error.2 (signals-error (file-namestring "file-namestring.txt" nil) program-error) t)
%%%----------------------------------- %%% @Module : lib_mon @Author : xyao %%% @Email : @Created : 2010.05.08 %%% @Description: 怪物 %%%----------------------------------- -module(lib_mon). -include("common.hrl"). -include("record.hrl"). -export( [ get_name_by_mon_id/1, get_scene_by_mon_id/1 ] ). %% 获取MON当前场景信息 get_scene_by_mon_id(MonId) -> case ets:match(?ETS_MON, #ets_mon{mid = MonId, scene = '$1', x = '$2', y = '$3', _ = '_'}) of [] -> 0; [[Scene, X, Y]|_] -> [Scene, X, Y] end. %% 获取mon名称用mon数据库id get_name_by_mon_id(MonId)-> case data_mon:get(MonId) of [] -> <<"">>; Mon -> Mon#ets_mon.name end.
----------------------------------- @Module : lib_mon @Email : @Description: 怪物 ----------------------------------- 获取MON当前场景信息 获取mon名称用mon数据库id
@Author : xyao @Created : 2010.05.08 -module(lib_mon). -include("common.hrl"). -include("record.hrl"). -export( [ get_name_by_mon_id/1, get_scene_by_mon_id/1 ] ). get_scene_by_mon_id(MonId) -> case ets:match(?ETS_MON, #ets_mon{mid = MonId, scene = '$1', x = '$2', y = '$3', _ = '_'}) of [] -> 0; [[Scene, X, Y]|_] -> [Scene, X, Y] end. get_name_by_mon_id(MonId)-> case data_mon:get(MonId) of [] -> <<"">>; Mon -> Mon#ets_mon.name end.
(ns carica.test.core (:require [carica.core :refer :all] [clojure.test :refer :all] [clojure.tools.logging.impl :refer [write!]] [clojure.java.io :as io])) (deftest config-test (testing "config" (testing "should offer a map of settings" (is (map? (config :nested-one-clj))) (testing "with the ability to get at nested values" (is (= "test-clj" (config :nested-one-clj :test-clj))))) (testing "should merge all maps on the classpath" (is (= true (config :from-test))) (is (= true (config :from-etc))) (testing "but the first on the classpath should win" (is (= "test" (config :merged-val))))) (testing "should be overridden with override-config" (with-redefs [config (override-config {:nested-multi-json {:test-json {:test-json 21} :hello :world}})] (is (= :world (config :nested-multi-json :hello))) (is (= 21 (config :nested-multi-json :test-json :test-json))))) (testing "even if it's all made up" (with-redefs [config (override-config :common :apply :hash-map)] (is (= :hash-map (config :common :apply))))) (testing "should return nil and warn if a key isn't found" (let [called (atom false)] (with-redefs [write! (fn [& _] (do (reset! called true) nil))] (is (nil? (config :test-multi-clj :non-existent-key))) (is @called)))) (testing "should return nil and not warn if a key has a nil value" (let [called (atom false)] (with-redefs [write! (fn [& _] (do (reset! called true) nil))] (is (nil? (config :nil-val))) (is (not @called))))))) (deftest test-dynamic-config (testing "config should be dynamic, for runtime repl overrides" (is (.isDynamic #'config))) (testing "also, it should work when rebound" ;; this is the same test as 'should be overridden with ;; override-config' above, only rewritten to use binding (binding [config (override-config {:nested-multi-json {:test-json {:test-json 21} :hello :world}})] (is (= :world (config :nested-multi-json :hello))) (is (= 21 (config :nested-multi-json :test-json :test-json)))) (binding [config (override-config :common :apply :hash-map)] (is (= :hash-map (config :common :apply)))))) (deftest test-json-config (is (= 42 (config :json-only :nested)))) (deftest test-jar-json-config-loading ;; make sure we get the missing jar exception, not the exception ;; that comes from calling `file` on a jar: URL (is (thrown? java.io.IOException (load-config (java.net.URL. "jar:file!/bar.json"))))) (deftest nested-config-redefs-are-okay (with-redefs [config (override-config :foo {:baz 42 :quux :x})] (with-redefs [config (override-config :foo {:quux :y})] (is (= (config :foo) {:baz 42 :quux :y}))))) (deftest nested-missing-keys-are-acceptable (with-redefs [write! (fn [& _] nil)] (is (not (config :nested-multi-clj :missing :missing :missing :missing))))) (deftest nil-resources-are-handled (is (= (get-configs [(resources "config.clj")]) (get-configs [nil (resources "config.clj") nil [nil nil]])))) (deftest test-edn-config (is (= "test-edn" (config :test-edn)))) (deftest test-config-embedded-in-jar (let [jar (-> "uberjared.jar" io/resource str) url (java.net.URL. (str "jar:" jar "!/config.edn")) cfg (configurer [url])] (is (= true (cfg :jar-resource))))) (deftest test-configurer-with-other-io-types (let [config (configurer ["test/config.edn"])] (is (= "test-edn" (config :test-edn)))) (let [config (configurer [(io/file "test/config.edn")])] (is (= "test-edn" (config :test-edn))))) (deftest test-configurer-closes-its-stream (let [config (configurer ["test/config.edn"] [])] (try (dotimes [_ 100000] (config :test-edn)) (catch java.io.IOException e (is false "should close input stream"))))) (deftest test-clj-vs-edn (with-redefs [write! (fn [& _] nil)] (let [edn-config (configurer (resources "edn-reader-config.edn") []) clj-config (configurer (resources "config.clj") [])] (is (= '(quote [a b c]) (clj-config :quoted-vectors-work))) (is (= 42 (clj-config :read-eval-works))) ;; quoted vectors in edn aren't read as one might expect. They end up as a map like { : foo } and throw an error . Carica ;; catches the error and sends a warning to the log. (is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"^error reading config.*" (edn-config :quoted-vectors-fail))))))
this is the same test as 'should be overridden with override-config' above, only rewritten to use binding make sure we get the missing jar exception, not the exception that comes from calling `file` on a jar: URL quoted vectors in edn aren't read as one might expect. They catches the error and sends a warning to the log.
(ns carica.test.core (:require [carica.core :refer :all] [clojure.test :refer :all] [clojure.tools.logging.impl :refer [write!]] [clojure.java.io :as io])) (deftest config-test (testing "config" (testing "should offer a map of settings" (is (map? (config :nested-one-clj))) (testing "with the ability to get at nested values" (is (= "test-clj" (config :nested-one-clj :test-clj))))) (testing "should merge all maps on the classpath" (is (= true (config :from-test))) (is (= true (config :from-etc))) (testing "but the first on the classpath should win" (is (= "test" (config :merged-val))))) (testing "should be overridden with override-config" (with-redefs [config (override-config {:nested-multi-json {:test-json {:test-json 21} :hello :world}})] (is (= :world (config :nested-multi-json :hello))) (is (= 21 (config :nested-multi-json :test-json :test-json))))) (testing "even if it's all made up" (with-redefs [config (override-config :common :apply :hash-map)] (is (= :hash-map (config :common :apply))))) (testing "should return nil and warn if a key isn't found" (let [called (atom false)] (with-redefs [write! (fn [& _] (do (reset! called true) nil))] (is (nil? (config :test-multi-clj :non-existent-key))) (is @called)))) (testing "should return nil and not warn if a key has a nil value" (let [called (atom false)] (with-redefs [write! (fn [& _] (do (reset! called true) nil))] (is (nil? (config :nil-val))) (is (not @called))))))) (deftest test-dynamic-config (testing "config should be dynamic, for runtime repl overrides" (is (.isDynamic #'config))) (testing "also, it should work when rebound" (binding [config (override-config {:nested-multi-json {:test-json {:test-json 21} :hello :world}})] (is (= :world (config :nested-multi-json :hello))) (is (= 21 (config :nested-multi-json :test-json :test-json)))) (binding [config (override-config :common :apply :hash-map)] (is (= :hash-map (config :common :apply)))))) (deftest test-json-config (is (= 42 (config :json-only :nested)))) (deftest test-jar-json-config-loading (is (thrown? java.io.IOException (load-config (java.net.URL. "jar:file!/bar.json"))))) (deftest nested-config-redefs-are-okay (with-redefs [config (override-config :foo {:baz 42 :quux :x})] (with-redefs [config (override-config :foo {:quux :y})] (is (= (config :foo) {:baz 42 :quux :y}))))) (deftest nested-missing-keys-are-acceptable (with-redefs [write! (fn [& _] nil)] (is (not (config :nested-multi-clj :missing :missing :missing :missing))))) (deftest nil-resources-are-handled (is (= (get-configs [(resources "config.clj")]) (get-configs [nil (resources "config.clj") nil [nil nil]])))) (deftest test-edn-config (is (= "test-edn" (config :test-edn)))) (deftest test-config-embedded-in-jar (let [jar (-> "uberjared.jar" io/resource str) url (java.net.URL. (str "jar:" jar "!/config.edn")) cfg (configurer [url])] (is (= true (cfg :jar-resource))))) (deftest test-configurer-with-other-io-types (let [config (configurer ["test/config.edn"])] (is (= "test-edn" (config :test-edn)))) (let [config (configurer [(io/file "test/config.edn")])] (is (= "test-edn" (config :test-edn))))) (deftest test-configurer-closes-its-stream (let [config (configurer ["test/config.edn"] [])] (try (dotimes [_ 100000] (config :test-edn)) (catch java.io.IOException e (is false "should close input stream"))))) (deftest test-clj-vs-edn (with-redefs [write! (fn [& _] nil)] (let [edn-config (configurer (resources "edn-reader-config.edn") []) clj-config (configurer (resources "config.clj") [])] (is (= '(quote [a b c]) (clj-config :quoted-vectors-work))) (is (= 42 (clj-config :read-eval-works))) end up as a map like { : foo } and throw an error . Carica (is (thrown-with-msg? Exception #"^error reading config.*" (edn-config :quoted-vectors-fail))))))
module Test where import Foo.Bar import Foo.Bar.Blub import Ugah.Argh import qualified Control.Monad as M f :: Int -> Int f = (+ 3)
module Test where import Foo.Bar import Foo.Bar.Blub import Ugah.Argh import qualified Control.Monad as M f :: Int -> Int f = (+ 3)
(ns pegthing.core-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [pegthing.core :refer :all])) (deftest a-test (testing "FIXME, I fail." (is (= 0 1))))
(ns pegthing.core-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [pegthing.core :refer :all])) (deftest a-test (testing "FIXME, I fail." (is (= 0 1))))
(ns com.platypub.feat.sites (:require [com.biffweb :as biff :refer [q]] [com.platypub.middleware :as mid] [com.platypub.netlify :as netlify] [com.platypub.ui :as ui] [com.platypub.util :as util] [clj-http.client :as http] [clojure.edn :as edn] [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.tools.logging :as log] [xtdb.api :as xt] [ring.middleware.anti-forgery :as anti-forgery] [ring.util.io :as ring-io] [ring.util.mime-type :as mime] [lambdaisland.uri :as uri] [babashka.fs :as fs])) (defn edit-site [{:keys [site params] :as sys}] (biff/submit-tx sys [(into {:db/doc-type :site :xt/id (:xt/id site) :db/op :update :site/title (:title params) :site/url (:url params) :site/theme (:theme params)} (util/params->custom-fields sys))]) {:status 303 :headers {"location" (util/make-url "sites" (:xt/id site))}}) (defn new-site [{:keys [session] :as req}] (let [id (random-uuid) {:keys [ssl_url name site_id]} (:body (netlify/create! req))] (biff/submit-tx req [{:db/doc-type :site :xt/id id :site/user (:uid session) :site/url ssl_url :site/title name :site/theme "default" :site/netlify-id site_id}]) {:status 303 :headers {"location" (str "/sites/" id)}})) (defn delete-site [{:keys [path-params biff/db site] :as req}] (netlify/delete! req {:site-id (:site/netlify-id site)}) (biff/submit-tx req [{:xt/id (:xt/id site) :db/op :delete}]) {:status 303 :headers {"location" "/sites"}}) (defn export [sys] {:status 200 :headers {"content-type" "application/edn" "content-disposition" "attachment; filename=\"input.edn\""} :body (pr-str (util/get-render-opts sys))}) (defn generate! [{:keys [biff/db dir site params] :as sys}] (let [render-opts (util/get-render-opts sys) theme (:site/theme site) theme-last-modified (->> (file-seq (io/file "themes" theme)) (filter #(.isFile %)) (map ring-io/last-modified-date) (apply max-key inst-ms)) _hash (str (hash [render-opts theme-last-modified]))] (when (or (:force params) (not= (biff/catchall (slurp (io/file dir "_hash"))) _hash)) ;; preinstall npm deps (when (and (:com.platypub/copy-theme-npm-deps sys) (.exists (io/file "themes" theme "package.json")) (not (.exists (io/file "themes" theme "node_modules")))) (biff/sh "npm" "install" :dir (str (io/file "themes" theme)))) ;; copy theme code to new directory (if (fs/which "rsync") (do (io/make-parents dir) (biff/sh "rsync" "-a" "--delete" (str (io/file "themes" theme) "/") (str dir "/")) (fs/delete-tree (str dir "/public"))) (do (fs/delete-tree (str dir)) (io/make-parents dir) (fs/copy-tree (str (io/file "themes" theme)) (str dir) {:copy-attributes true}))) ;; install npm deps in new directory (when-not (:com.platypub/copy-theme-npm-deps sys) (fs/delete-tree (str dir "/node_modules")) (when (.exists (io/file dir "package.json")) (biff/sh "npm" "install" :dir (str dir)))) ;; render (spit (io/file dir "input.edn") (pr-str render-opts)) (some->> (util/run-theme-cmd (:site.config/render-site site ["./render-site"]) dir) ((juxt :out :err)) (keep not-empty) (run! #(log/info %))) (spit (io/file dir "_hash") _hash)))) (defn preview [{:keys [biff/db path-params params site] :as sys}] (let [dir (io/file "storage/previews" (str (:xt/id site))) _ (generate! (assoc sys :dir dir)) path (or (:path params) "/") file (->> (file-seq (io/file dir "public")) (filter (fn [file] (and (.isFile file) (= (str/replace (subs (.getPath file) (count (str dir "/public"))) #"/index.html$" "/") path)))) first) rewrite-url (fn [href] (let [url (uri/join (:site/url site) path href)] (if (str/starts-with? (str url) (:site/url site)) (str "/sites/" (:xt/id site) "/preview?" (uri/map->query-string {:path (:path url)})) href))) [mime body] (cond (some-> file (.getPath) (str/ends-with? ".html")) ["text/html" (str/replace (slurp file) #"(href|src)=\"([^\"]+)\"" (fn [[_ attr href]] (str attr "=\"" (rewrite-url href) "\"")))] (some-> file (.getPath) (str/ends-with? ".css")) ["text/css" (str/replace (slurp file) #"url\(([^\)]+)\)" (fn [[_ href]] (str "url(" (rewrite-url href) ")")))])] (cond body {:status 200 :headers {"content-type" mime} :body body} file (util/serve-static-file file) :else {:status 404 :headers {"content-type" "text/html"} :body "<h1>Not found.</h1>"}))) (defn publish [{:keys [biff/db path-params site] :as sys}] (let [dir (io/file "storage/deploys" (str (random-uuid)))] (generate! (assoc sys :dir dir)) (netlify/deploy! {:api-key (util/get-secret sys :netlify/api-key) :site-id (:site/netlify-id site) :dir (str dir)}) (fs/delete-tree (str dir)) {:status 303 :headers {"location" "/sites"}})) (defn custom-config [{:keys [path-params biff/db user site params] :as sys}] (let [{:keys [theme]} params site (if (contains? (set (util/installed-themes)) theme) (merge (xt/entity db (:xt/id site)) (util/select-ns-as (biff/catchall (edn/read-string (slurp (str "themes/" theme "/config.edn")))) nil 'site.config)) site)] [:div#custom-config (for [k (:site.config/site-fields site)] (list (ui/custom-field sys k) [:.h-3]))])) (defn edit-site-page [{:keys [path-params biff/db user site] :as sys}] (ui/nav-page (merge sys {:base/head [[:script (biff/unsafe (slurp (io/resource "darkmode.js")))]] :current :sites}) [:.bg-gray-100.dark:bg-stone-800.dark:text-gray-50.flex-grow [:.max-w-screen-sm (biff/form {:id "edit" :action (str "/sites/" (:xt/id site)) :class '[flex flex-col flex-grow]} (ui/text-input {:id "netlify-id" :label "Netlify ID" :value (:site/netlify-id site) :disabled true}) [:.h-3] (ui/text-input {:id "url" :label "URL" :value (:site/url site)}) [:.h-3] (ui/text-input {:id "title" :label "Title" :value (:site/title site)}) [:.h-3] (ui/select {:id "theme" :name "theme" :label "Theme" :value (:site/theme site) :options (for [t (util/installed-themes)] {:label t :value t}) :default (:site/theme site) :hx-trigger "change" :hx-get (str "/sites/" (:xt/id site) "/custom-config") :hx-target "#custom-config" :hx-swap "outerHTML"}) [:.h-3] (custom-config sys) [:.h-4] [:button.btn.w-full {:type "submit"} "Save"]) [:.h-3] (biff/form {:onSubmit "return confirm('Delete site?')" :method "POST" :action (str "/sites/" (:xt/id site) "/delete")} [:button.text-red-600.hover:text-red-700 {:type "submit"} "Delete"]) [:.h-6]]])) (defn site-list-item [{:keys [site/title site/url xt/id site.config/items]}] [:.flex.items-center.mb-4 [:div [:div [:a.link.text-lg {:href (str "/sites/" id)} (or (not-empty (str/trim title)) "[No title]")] [:span.md:hidden " " biff/emdash " " (util/join ", " (for [{:keys [slug label]} items] [:a.link.text-lg {:href (util/make-url "site" id slug)} (str label "s")]))]] [:.text-sm.text-stone-600.dark:text-stone-300 [:a.hover:underline {:href url :target "_blank"} "View"] ui/interpunct [:a.hover:underline {:href (str "/sites/" id "/preview?path=/") :target "_blank"} "Preview"] ui/interpunct [:a.hover:underline {:href (str "/sites/" id "/preview?force=true&path=/") :target "_blank"} "Force refresh"] ui/interpunct (biff/form {:method "POST" :action (str "/sites/" id "/publish") :class "inline-block"} [:button.hover:underline {:type "submit"} "Publish"]) ui/interpunct [:a.hover:underline {:href (str "/sites/" id "/export") :target "_blank"} "Export"]]]]) (defn sites-page [{:keys [sites] :as sys}] (ui/nav-page (merge sys {:current :sites}) (biff/form {:action "/sites"} (when (nil? (util/get-secret sys :netlify/api-key)) [:p "You need to enter a Netlify API key"]) [:button.btn {:type "submit" :disabled (nil? (util/get-secret sys :netlify/api-key))} "New site"]) [:.h-6] (->> sites (sort-by :site/title) (map site-list-item)))) (def features {:routes ["" {:middleware [mid/wrap-signed-in]} ["/sites" {:get sites-page :post new-site}] ["/sites/:site-id" ["" {:get edit-site-page :post edit-site}] ["/custom-config" {:get custom-config}] ["/delete" {:post delete-site}] ["/publish" {:post publish}] ["/preview" {:get preview}] ["/export" {:get export}]]]})
preinstall npm deps copy theme code to new directory install npm deps in new directory render
(ns com.platypub.feat.sites (:require [com.biffweb :as biff :refer [q]] [com.platypub.middleware :as mid] [com.platypub.netlify :as netlify] [com.platypub.ui :as ui] [com.platypub.util :as util] [clj-http.client :as http] [clojure.edn :as edn] [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.tools.logging :as log] [xtdb.api :as xt] [ring.middleware.anti-forgery :as anti-forgery] [ring.util.io :as ring-io] [ring.util.mime-type :as mime] [lambdaisland.uri :as uri] [babashka.fs :as fs])) (defn edit-site [{:keys [site params] :as sys}] (biff/submit-tx sys [(into {:db/doc-type :site :xt/id (:xt/id site) :db/op :update :site/title (:title params) :site/url (:url params) :site/theme (:theme params)} (util/params->custom-fields sys))]) {:status 303 :headers {"location" (util/make-url "sites" (:xt/id site))}}) (defn new-site [{:keys [session] :as req}] (let [id (random-uuid) {:keys [ssl_url name site_id]} (:body (netlify/create! req))] (biff/submit-tx req [{:db/doc-type :site :xt/id id :site/user (:uid session) :site/url ssl_url :site/title name :site/theme "default" :site/netlify-id site_id}]) {:status 303 :headers {"location" (str "/sites/" id)}})) (defn delete-site [{:keys [path-params biff/db site] :as req}] (netlify/delete! req {:site-id (:site/netlify-id site)}) (biff/submit-tx req [{:xt/id (:xt/id site) :db/op :delete}]) {:status 303 :headers {"location" "/sites"}}) (defn export [sys] {:status 200 :headers {"content-type" "application/edn" "content-disposition" "attachment; filename=\"input.edn\""} :body (pr-str (util/get-render-opts sys))}) (defn generate! [{:keys [biff/db dir site params] :as sys}] (let [render-opts (util/get-render-opts sys) theme (:site/theme site) theme-last-modified (->> (file-seq (io/file "themes" theme)) (filter #(.isFile %)) (map ring-io/last-modified-date) (apply max-key inst-ms)) _hash (str (hash [render-opts theme-last-modified]))] (when (or (:force params) (not= (biff/catchall (slurp (io/file dir "_hash"))) _hash)) (when (and (:com.platypub/copy-theme-npm-deps sys) (.exists (io/file "themes" theme "package.json")) (not (.exists (io/file "themes" theme "node_modules")))) (biff/sh "npm" "install" :dir (str (io/file "themes" theme)))) (if (fs/which "rsync") (do (io/make-parents dir) (biff/sh "rsync" "-a" "--delete" (str (io/file "themes" theme) "/") (str dir "/")) (fs/delete-tree (str dir "/public"))) (do (fs/delete-tree (str dir)) (io/make-parents dir) (fs/copy-tree (str (io/file "themes" theme)) (str dir) {:copy-attributes true}))) (when-not (:com.platypub/copy-theme-npm-deps sys) (fs/delete-tree (str dir "/node_modules")) (when (.exists (io/file dir "package.json")) (biff/sh "npm" "install" :dir (str dir)))) (spit (io/file dir "input.edn") (pr-str render-opts)) (some->> (util/run-theme-cmd (:site.config/render-site site ["./render-site"]) dir) ((juxt :out :err)) (keep not-empty) (run! #(log/info %))) (spit (io/file dir "_hash") _hash)))) (defn preview [{:keys [biff/db path-params params site] :as sys}] (let [dir (io/file "storage/previews" (str (:xt/id site))) _ (generate! (assoc sys :dir dir)) path (or (:path params) "/") file (->> (file-seq (io/file dir "public")) (filter (fn [file] (and (.isFile file) (= (str/replace (subs (.getPath file) (count (str dir "/public"))) #"/index.html$" "/") path)))) first) rewrite-url (fn [href] (let [url (uri/join (:site/url site) path href)] (if (str/starts-with? (str url) (:site/url site)) (str "/sites/" (:xt/id site) "/preview?" (uri/map->query-string {:path (:path url)})) href))) [mime body] (cond (some-> file (.getPath) (str/ends-with? ".html")) ["text/html" (str/replace (slurp file) #"(href|src)=\"([^\"]+)\"" (fn [[_ attr href]] (str attr "=\"" (rewrite-url href) "\"")))] (some-> file (.getPath) (str/ends-with? ".css")) ["text/css" (str/replace (slurp file) #"url\(([^\)]+)\)" (fn [[_ href]] (str "url(" (rewrite-url href) ")")))])] (cond body {:status 200 :headers {"content-type" mime} :body body} file (util/serve-static-file file) :else {:status 404 :headers {"content-type" "text/html"} :body "<h1>Not found.</h1>"}))) (defn publish [{:keys [biff/db path-params site] :as sys}] (let [dir (io/file "storage/deploys" (str (random-uuid)))] (generate! (assoc sys :dir dir)) (netlify/deploy! {:api-key (util/get-secret sys :netlify/api-key) :site-id (:site/netlify-id site) :dir (str dir)}) (fs/delete-tree (str dir)) {:status 303 :headers {"location" "/sites"}})) (defn custom-config [{:keys [path-params biff/db user site params] :as sys}] (let [{:keys [theme]} params site (if (contains? (set (util/installed-themes)) theme) (merge (xt/entity db (:xt/id site)) (util/select-ns-as (biff/catchall (edn/read-string (slurp (str "themes/" theme "/config.edn")))) nil 'site.config)) site)] [:div#custom-config (for [k (:site.config/site-fields site)] (list (ui/custom-field sys k) [:.h-3]))])) (defn edit-site-page [{:keys [path-params biff/db user site] :as sys}] (ui/nav-page (merge sys {:base/head [[:script (biff/unsafe (slurp (io/resource "darkmode.js")))]] :current :sites}) [:.bg-gray-100.dark:bg-stone-800.dark:text-gray-50.flex-grow [:.max-w-screen-sm (biff/form {:id "edit" :action (str "/sites/" (:xt/id site)) :class '[flex flex-col flex-grow]} (ui/text-input {:id "netlify-id" :label "Netlify ID" :value (:site/netlify-id site) :disabled true}) [:.h-3] (ui/text-input {:id "url" :label "URL" :value (:site/url site)}) [:.h-3] (ui/text-input {:id "title" :label "Title" :value (:site/title site)}) [:.h-3] (ui/select {:id "theme" :name "theme" :label "Theme" :value (:site/theme site) :options (for [t (util/installed-themes)] {:label t :value t}) :default (:site/theme site) :hx-trigger "change" :hx-get (str "/sites/" (:xt/id site) "/custom-config") :hx-target "#custom-config" :hx-swap "outerHTML"}) [:.h-3] (custom-config sys) [:.h-4] [:button.btn.w-full {:type "submit"} "Save"]) [:.h-3] (biff/form {:onSubmit "return confirm('Delete site?')" :method "POST" :action (str "/sites/" (:xt/id site) "/delete")} [:button.text-red-600.hover:text-red-700 {:type "submit"} "Delete"]) [:.h-6]]])) (defn site-list-item [{:keys [site/title site/url xt/id site.config/items]}] [:.flex.items-center.mb-4 [:div [:div [:a.link.text-lg {:href (str "/sites/" id)} (or (not-empty (str/trim title)) "[No title]")] [:span.md:hidden " " biff/emdash " " (util/join ", " (for [{:keys [slug label]} items] [:a.link.text-lg {:href (util/make-url "site" id slug)} (str label "s")]))]] [:.text-sm.text-stone-600.dark:text-stone-300 [:a.hover:underline {:href url :target "_blank"} "View"] ui/interpunct [:a.hover:underline {:href (str "/sites/" id "/preview?path=/") :target "_blank"} "Preview"] ui/interpunct [:a.hover:underline {:href (str "/sites/" id "/preview?force=true&path=/") :target "_blank"} "Force refresh"] ui/interpunct (biff/form {:method "POST" :action (str "/sites/" id "/publish") :class "inline-block"} [:button.hover:underline {:type "submit"} "Publish"]) ui/interpunct [:a.hover:underline {:href (str "/sites/" id "/export") :target "_blank"} "Export"]]]]) (defn sites-page [{:keys [sites] :as sys}] (ui/nav-page (merge sys {:current :sites}) (biff/form {:action "/sites"} (when (nil? (util/get-secret sys :netlify/api-key)) [:p "You need to enter a Netlify API key"]) [:button.btn {:type "submit" :disabled (nil? (util/get-secret sys :netlify/api-key))} "New site"]) [:.h-6] (->> sites (sort-by :site/title) (map site-list-item)))) (def features {:routes ["" {:middleware [mid/wrap-signed-in]} ["/sites" {:get sites-page :post new-site}] ["/sites/:site-id" ["" {:get edit-site-page :post edit-site}] ["/custom-config" {:get custom-config}] ["/delete" {:post delete-site}] ["/publish" {:post publish}] ["/preview" {:get preview}] ["/export" {:get export}]]]})
(** Type representing the label associated to each sub-expression *) type label = int [@@deriving show, eq, ord] * To make our analysis precise , we usually assume that bound variables are distinct . To achieve that we represent a variable as an identifier and a unique label . Thus , the pair ( name , i d ) are unique inside the expression to analyze . Actually , i d is the declaration site , i.e. , the label of the program point where the variable is declared . For example , { name="x";id=5 } denotes the variables x declared in the program point 5 . To make our analysis precise, we usually assume that bound variables are distinct. To achieve that we represent a variable as an identifier and a unique label. Thus, the pair (name, id) are unique inside the expression to analyze. Actually, id is the declaration site, i.e., the label of the program point where the variable is declared. For example, {name="x";id=5} denotes the variables x declared in the program point 5. *) type var = { name : string ; id : label } [@@deriving show, eq, ord] (** An annotated expression is made of a term and of a unique label *) type aexpr = { t : term ; l : label } [@@deriving show] and term = | CstI of int | CstB of bool | Var of var | Let of var * aexpr * aexpr | Prim of string * aexpr * aexpr | If of aexpr * aexpr * aexpr ( f , x , fBody , letBody ) | Call of aexpr * aexpr [@@deriving show] * [ to_aexpr e ] returns an annotated version of [to_aexpr e] returns an annotated version of e. *) let to_aexpr (e : Fun.expr) : aexpr = let counter = ref(0) in (* counter to generated unique labels *) let next_label () = incr counter; !counter in (* returns a new label *) let mk_aexpr t = { t = t ; l = next_label ()} in (* helper to build an annotated expression from a term *) (* tail recursive helper function to carry out the annotation. env is an enrivonment storing for each variable the corresponding unique id. *) let rec transform env = function | Fun.CstI(i) -> CstI(i) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.CstB(b) -> CstB(b) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Var(id) -> Var({name = id; id = Fun.lookup env id }) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Let(x, e1, e2) -> let ae1 = transform env e1 in let var_id = next_label() in let ae2 = transform ((x, var_id)::env) e2 in Let({name = x; id = var_id}, ae1, ae2) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Prim(op, e1, e2) -> let ae1 = transform env e1 in let ae2 = transform env e2 in Prim(op, ae1, ae2) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.If(e1, e2, e3) -> let ae1 = transform env e1 in let ae2 = transform env e2 in let ae3 = transform env e3 in If(ae1, ae2, ae3) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Letfun(f, x, _, body, exp) -> let fvar = { name = f; id = next_label () } in let xvar = { name = x; id = next_label () } in let abody = transform ((fvar.name, fvar.id)::(xvar.name, xvar.id)::env) body in let aexp = transform ((fvar.name, fvar.id)::env) exp in Letfun(fvar, xvar, abody, aexp) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Call(e1, e2) -> let ae1 = transform env e1 in let ae2 = transform env e2 in Call(ae1, ae2) |> mk_aexpr in transform [] e type cvar = IdVar of var [ @printer fun fmt v - > Format.fprintf fmt " r(%s:%d ) " v.name v.id ] | CacheVar of label [ @printer fun fmt c - > Format.fprintf fmt " C(%d ) " c ] [ @@deriving show { with_path = false } , eq , ord ] type token = var [ @@deriving show , eq , ord ] type cvar = IdVar of var [@printer fun fmt v -> Format.fprintf fmt "r(%s:%d)" v.name v.id] | CacheVar of label [@printer fun fmt c -> Format.fprintf fmt "C(%d)" c] [@@deriving show{ with_path = false }, eq, ord] type token = var [@@deriving show, eq, ord] *) * Our solver is parametric on the type of variables . The module Var defines a type t that express both cache entries and environment entries . The module Var defines a type t that express both cache entries and environment entries. *) module Var = struct type t = (* IdVar(v) is a variable representing the entry in the environment for the identifier v *) | IdVar of var [@printer fun fmt v -> Format.fprintf fmt "r(%s:%d)" v.name v.id] (* CacheVar(l) is a variable representing the entry in the cache for the label l *) | CacheVar of label [@printer fun fmt c -> Format.fprintf fmt "C(%d)" c] [@@deriving show{ with_path = false }, eq, ord] end (** Our solver is parametric on the type of tokens. The module Token defines a type t that represent the name and the definition site of a function. *) module Token = struct type t = var [@@deriving show, eq, ord] end * Solver is an instantiation of the CFA solver for the language fun module Solver = Cfa_solver.Make(Token)(Var) (** [lambdas e] returns a list of the all function definition occurring in e *) let lambdas e = let rec f_aux e acc = match e.t with | CstI(_) | CstB(_) | Var(_) -> acc | Let(_, e1, e2) | Prim(_, e1, e2) | Call(e1, e2) -> acc |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 | If(e1, e2, e3) -> acc |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 |> f_aux e3 | Letfun(f, x, body, exp) -> (f,x,body)::acc |> f_aux body |> f_aux exp in f_aux e [] * [ constrs_of_aexpr ae ] returns the CFA constraints for the annotated expression ae . let constrs_of_aexpr aexp = let lambda_star = lambdas aexp in let open Solver in let rec f_aux e acc = match e.t with | CstI(_) | CstB(_) -> acc | Var(v) -> (IdVar(v) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: acc | Prim(_, e1, e2) -> acc |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 | Let(x, e1, e2) -> let acc' = (CacheVar(e1.l) @< IdVar(x)) :: (CacheVar(e2.l) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: acc in acc' |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 | If(e1, e2, e3) -> let acc' = (CacheVar(e2.l) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: (CacheVar(e3.l) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: acc in acc' |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 |> f_aux e3 | Letfun(f, x, body, exp) -> let acc' = (f @^ IdVar(f)) :: (CacheVar(exp.l) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: acc in acc' |> f_aux body |> f_aux exp | Call(e1, e2) -> let acc' = List.fold_left (fun cs (f,x,e') -> ((f @^ CacheVar(e1.l)) @~~> (CacheVar(e2.l) @< IdVar(x))) :: ((f @^ CacheVar(e1.l)) @~~> (CacheVar(e'.l) @< CacheVar(e.l))) :: cs ) acc lambda_star in acc' |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 in f_aux aexp []
* Type representing the label associated to each sub-expression * An annotated expression is made of a term and of a unique label counter to generated unique labels returns a new label helper to build an annotated expression from a term tail recursive helper function to carry out the annotation. env is an enrivonment storing for each variable the corresponding unique id. IdVar(v) is a variable representing the entry in the environment for the identifier v CacheVar(l) is a variable representing the entry in the cache for the label l * Our solver is parametric on the type of tokens. The module Token defines a type t that represent the name and the definition site of a function. * [lambdas e] returns a list of the all function definition occurring in e
type label = int [@@deriving show, eq, ord] * To make our analysis precise , we usually assume that bound variables are distinct . To achieve that we represent a variable as an identifier and a unique label . Thus , the pair ( name , i d ) are unique inside the expression to analyze . Actually , i d is the declaration site , i.e. , the label of the program point where the variable is declared . For example , { name="x";id=5 } denotes the variables x declared in the program point 5 . To make our analysis precise, we usually assume that bound variables are distinct. To achieve that we represent a variable as an identifier and a unique label. Thus, the pair (name, id) are unique inside the expression to analyze. Actually, id is the declaration site, i.e., the label of the program point where the variable is declared. For example, {name="x";id=5} denotes the variables x declared in the program point 5. *) type var = { name : string ; id : label } [@@deriving show, eq, ord] type aexpr = { t : term ; l : label } [@@deriving show] and term = | CstI of int | CstB of bool | Var of var | Let of var * aexpr * aexpr | Prim of string * aexpr * aexpr | If of aexpr * aexpr * aexpr ( f , x , fBody , letBody ) | Call of aexpr * aexpr [@@deriving show] * [ to_aexpr e ] returns an annotated version of [to_aexpr e] returns an annotated version of e. *) let to_aexpr (e : Fun.expr) : aexpr = let rec transform env = function | Fun.CstI(i) -> CstI(i) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.CstB(b) -> CstB(b) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Var(id) -> Var({name = id; id = Fun.lookup env id }) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Let(x, e1, e2) -> let ae1 = transform env e1 in let var_id = next_label() in let ae2 = transform ((x, var_id)::env) e2 in Let({name = x; id = var_id}, ae1, ae2) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Prim(op, e1, e2) -> let ae1 = transform env e1 in let ae2 = transform env e2 in Prim(op, ae1, ae2) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.If(e1, e2, e3) -> let ae1 = transform env e1 in let ae2 = transform env e2 in let ae3 = transform env e3 in If(ae1, ae2, ae3) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Letfun(f, x, _, body, exp) -> let fvar = { name = f; id = next_label () } in let xvar = { name = x; id = next_label () } in let abody = transform ((fvar.name, fvar.id)::(xvar.name, xvar.id)::env) body in let aexp = transform ((fvar.name, fvar.id)::env) exp in Letfun(fvar, xvar, abody, aexp) |> mk_aexpr | Fun.Call(e1, e2) -> let ae1 = transform env e1 in let ae2 = transform env e2 in Call(ae1, ae2) |> mk_aexpr in transform [] e type cvar = IdVar of var [ @printer fun fmt v - > Format.fprintf fmt " r(%s:%d ) " v.name v.id ] | CacheVar of label [ @printer fun fmt c - > Format.fprintf fmt " C(%d ) " c ] [ @@deriving show { with_path = false } , eq , ord ] type token = var [ @@deriving show , eq , ord ] type cvar = IdVar of var [@printer fun fmt v -> Format.fprintf fmt "r(%s:%d)" v.name v.id] | CacheVar of label [@printer fun fmt c -> Format.fprintf fmt "C(%d)" c] [@@deriving show{ with_path = false }, eq, ord] type token = var [@@deriving show, eq, ord] *) * Our solver is parametric on the type of variables . The module Var defines a type t that express both cache entries and environment entries . The module Var defines a type t that express both cache entries and environment entries. *) module Var = struct type t = | IdVar of var [@printer fun fmt v -> Format.fprintf fmt "r(%s:%d)" v.name v.id] | CacheVar of label [@printer fun fmt c -> Format.fprintf fmt "C(%d)" c] [@@deriving show{ with_path = false }, eq, ord] end module Token = struct type t = var [@@deriving show, eq, ord] end * Solver is an instantiation of the CFA solver for the language fun module Solver = Cfa_solver.Make(Token)(Var) let lambdas e = let rec f_aux e acc = match e.t with | CstI(_) | CstB(_) | Var(_) -> acc | Let(_, e1, e2) | Prim(_, e1, e2) | Call(e1, e2) -> acc |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 | If(e1, e2, e3) -> acc |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 |> f_aux e3 | Letfun(f, x, body, exp) -> (f,x,body)::acc |> f_aux body |> f_aux exp in f_aux e [] * [ constrs_of_aexpr ae ] returns the CFA constraints for the annotated expression ae . let constrs_of_aexpr aexp = let lambda_star = lambdas aexp in let open Solver in let rec f_aux e acc = match e.t with | CstI(_) | CstB(_) -> acc | Var(v) -> (IdVar(v) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: acc | Prim(_, e1, e2) -> acc |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 | Let(x, e1, e2) -> let acc' = (CacheVar(e1.l) @< IdVar(x)) :: (CacheVar(e2.l) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: acc in acc' |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 | If(e1, e2, e3) -> let acc' = (CacheVar(e2.l) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: (CacheVar(e3.l) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: acc in acc' |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 |> f_aux e3 | Letfun(f, x, body, exp) -> let acc' = (f @^ IdVar(f)) :: (CacheVar(exp.l) @< CacheVar(e.l)) :: acc in acc' |> f_aux body |> f_aux exp | Call(e1, e2) -> let acc' = List.fold_left (fun cs (f,x,e') -> ((f @^ CacheVar(e1.l)) @~~> (CacheVar(e2.l) @< IdVar(x))) :: ((f @^ CacheVar(e1.l)) @~~> (CacheVar(e'.l) @< CacheVar(e.l))) :: cs ) acc lambda_star in acc' |> f_aux e1 |> f_aux e2 in f_aux aexp []
;; random.scm -*-scheme-*- ;; Use a brush to paint to paint random pixels a nominated number ;; of times to produce a "random" pattern. ;; ;; Version 2.0 ;; ;; ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 3 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (script-fu-random-br-strokes img drw margin brush brushsize color iterations) (let* ( (x1 0) (y1 0) (ctr 0) (x2 (car (gimp-image-width img))) (y2 (car (gimp-image-height img))) (*randompoint* (cons-array 2 'double)) (drw-width 0) (drw-height 0) ) ; define drawable area for the algorithm (set! x1 (+ x1 margin)) (set! x2 (- x2 margin)) (set! y1 (+ y1 margin)) (set! y2 (- y2 margin)) (set! drw-width (- x2 x1)) (set! drw-height (- y2 y1)) (gimp-context-push) (gimp-image-undo-group-start img) (gimp-context-set-foreground color) (gimp-context-set-brush (car brush)) (gimp-context-set-brush-size brushsize) (gimp-context-set-opacity (car (cdr brush))) (gimp-context-set-paint-mode (car (cdr (cdr (cdr brush))))) (gimp-context-set-brush-hardness 1.00) (gimp-context-set-brush-aspect-ratio 1.60) (gimp-context-set-dynamics "Dynamics Off") (gimp-progress-set-text "Rendering Random brush strokes") (while (< ctr iterations) (set! ctr (+ ctr 1)) (aset *randompoint* 0 (+ x1 (rand drw-width ))) (aset *randompoint* 1 (+ y1 (rand drw-height))) (gimp-pencil drw 2 *randompoint*) ) (gimp-image-undo-group-end img) (gimp-displays-flush) (gimp-context-pop) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-random-br-strokes" "Random Points using brush" "Draws a specified number of random points using a nominated brush in pencil mode. \nfile:random-br-strokes.scm" "karlhof26" "Charles Cave" "March 2020" "RGB* INDEXED* GRAY*" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0 SF-ADJUSTMENT "Margin (pixels)" '(0 0 100 1 6 0 0) SF-BRUSH "Brush" '("Circle (01)" 100 1 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Brush size" '(10 1 100 1 1 0 0) SF-COLOR "Color" "black" SF-ADJUSTMENT "Iterations" '(150 1 10000 10 100 0 0) ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-random-br-strokes" "<Image>/Script-Fu2/Artistic") ;end of script
random.scm -*-scheme-*- Use a brush to paint to paint random pixels a nominated number of times to produce a "random" pattern. Version 2.0 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or either version 3 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software define drawable area for the algorithm end of script
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA . (define (script-fu-random-br-strokes img drw margin brush brushsize color iterations) (let* ( (x1 0) (y1 0) (ctr 0) (x2 (car (gimp-image-width img))) (y2 (car (gimp-image-height img))) (*randompoint* (cons-array 2 'double)) (drw-width 0) (drw-height 0) ) (set! x1 (+ x1 margin)) (set! x2 (- x2 margin)) (set! y1 (+ y1 margin)) (set! y2 (- y2 margin)) (set! drw-width (- x2 x1)) (set! drw-height (- y2 y1)) (gimp-context-push) (gimp-image-undo-group-start img) (gimp-context-set-foreground color) (gimp-context-set-brush (car brush)) (gimp-context-set-brush-size brushsize) (gimp-context-set-opacity (car (cdr brush))) (gimp-context-set-paint-mode (car (cdr (cdr (cdr brush))))) (gimp-context-set-brush-hardness 1.00) (gimp-context-set-brush-aspect-ratio 1.60) (gimp-context-set-dynamics "Dynamics Off") (gimp-progress-set-text "Rendering Random brush strokes") (while (< ctr iterations) (set! ctr (+ ctr 1)) (aset *randompoint* 0 (+ x1 (rand drw-width ))) (aset *randompoint* 1 (+ y1 (rand drw-height))) (gimp-pencil drw 2 *randompoint*) ) (gimp-image-undo-group-end img) (gimp-displays-flush) (gimp-context-pop) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-random-br-strokes" "Random Points using brush" "Draws a specified number of random points using a nominated brush in pencil mode. \nfile:random-br-strokes.scm" "karlhof26" "Charles Cave" "March 2020" "RGB* INDEXED* GRAY*" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0 SF-ADJUSTMENT "Margin (pixels)" '(0 0 100 1 6 0 0) SF-BRUSH "Brush" '("Circle (01)" 100 1 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Brush size" '(10 1 100 1 1 0 0) SF-COLOR "Color" "black" SF-ADJUSTMENT "Iterations" '(150 1 10000 10 100 0 0) ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-random-br-strokes" "<Image>/Script-Fu2/Artistic")
(in-package :cl-user) (defpackage cmacro.macro (:use :cl :anaphora) (:import-from :trivial-types :proper-list) (:export :<macro-case> :case-match :case-template :case-toplevel-template :<macro> :macro-name :macro-cases)) (in-package :cmacro.macro) (defclass <macro-case> () ((match :reader case-match :initarg :match) (template :reader case-template :initarg :template) (toplevel-template :reader case-toplevel-template :initarg :toplevel-template))) (defclass <macro> () ((name :reader macro-name :initarg :name :type string) (cases :reader macro-cases :initarg :cases :type (proper-list <macro-case))))
(in-package :cl-user) (defpackage cmacro.macro (:use :cl :anaphora) (:import-from :trivial-types :proper-list) (:export :<macro-case> :case-match :case-template :case-toplevel-template :<macro> :macro-name :macro-cases)) (in-package :cmacro.macro) (defclass <macro-case> () ((match :reader case-match :initarg :match) (template :reader case-template :initarg :template) (toplevel-template :reader case-toplevel-template :initarg :toplevel-template))) (defclass <macro> () ((name :reader macro-name :initarg :name :type string) (cases :reader macro-cases :initarg :cases :type (proper-list <macro-case))))
# LANGUAGE BangPatterns # {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.ClientState ( FetchClientContext (..) , FetchClientPolicy (..) , FetchClientStateVars (..) , newFetchClientStateVars , readFetchClientState , PeerFetchStatus (..) , IsIdle (..) , PeerFetchInFlight (..) , initialPeerFetchInFlight , FetchRequest (..) , addNewFetchRequest , acknowledgeFetchRequest , startedFetchBatch , completeBlockDownload , completeFetchBatch , rejectedFetchBatch , TraceFetchClientState (..) , TraceLabelPeer (..) , ChainRange (..) -- * Ancillary , FromConsensus (..) , WhetherReceivingTentativeBlocks (..) ) where import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Semigroup (Last (..)) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Control.Concurrent.Class.MonadSTM.Strict import Control.Exception (assert) import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Class.MonadTime import Control.Tracer (Tracer, traceWith) import Network.Mux.Trace (TraceLabelPeer (..)) import Ouroboros.Network.AnchoredFragment (AnchoredFragment) import qualified Ouroboros.Network.AnchoredFragment as AF import Ouroboros.Network.Block (HasHeader, MaxSlotNo (..), Point, blockPoint) import Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.ConsensusInterface (FromConsensus (..), WhetherReceivingTentativeBlocks (..)) import Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.DeltaQ (PeerFetchInFlightLimits (..), PeerGSV, SizeInBytes, calculatePeerFetchInFlightLimits) import Ouroboros.Network.ControlMessage (ControlMessageSTM, timeoutWithControlMessage) import Ouroboros.Network.Point (withOriginToMaybe) import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.BlockFetch.Type (ChainRange (..)) -- | The context that is passed into the block fetch protocol client when it -- is started. -- data FetchClientContext header block m = FetchClientContext { fetchClientCtxTracer :: Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header), fetchClientCtxPolicy :: FetchClientPolicy header block m, fetchClientCtxStateVars :: FetchClientStateVars m header } -- | The policy used by the fetch clients. It is set by the central block fetch -- logic, and passed to them via the 'FetchClientRegistry'. -- data FetchClientPolicy header block m = FetchClientPolicy { blockFetchSize :: header -> SizeInBytes, blockMatchesHeader :: header -> block -> Bool, addFetchedBlock :: Point block -> block -> m (), blockForgeUTCTime :: FromConsensus block -> STM m UTCTime } -- | A set of variables shared between the block fetch logic thread and each -- thread executing the client side of the block fetch protocol. That is, these -- are the shared variables per peer. The 'FetchClientRegistry' contains the -- mapping of these for all peers. -- -- The variables are used for communicating from the protocol thread to the -- decision making thread the status of things with that peer. And in the other -- direction one shared variable is for providing new fetch requests. -- data FetchClientStateVars m header = FetchClientStateVars { -- | The current status of communication with the peer. It is written -- by the protocol thread and monitored and read by the decision logic -- thread. Changes in this state trigger re-evaluation of fetch -- decisions. -- fetchClientStatusVar :: StrictTVar m (PeerFetchStatus header), -- | The current number of requests in-flight and the amount of data -- in-flight with the peer. It is written by the protocol thread and -- read by the decision logic thread. This is used in fetch decisions -- but changes here do not trigger re-evaluation of fetch decisions. -- fetchClientInFlightVar :: StrictTVar m (PeerFetchInFlight header), -- | The shared variable used to communicate fetch requests to the thread -- running the block fetch protocol. Fetch requests are posted by the -- decision logic thread. The protocol thread accepts the requests and -- acts on them, updating the in-flight stats. While this is a 'TMVar', it is not used as a one - place queue : the requests can be updated -- before being accepted. -- fetchClientRequestVar :: TFetchRequestVar m header } newFetchClientStateVars :: MonadSTM m => STM m (FetchClientStateVars m header) newFetchClientStateVars = do fetchClientInFlightVar <- newTVar initialPeerFetchInFlight fetchClientStatusVar <- newTVar (PeerFetchStatusReady Set.empty IsIdle) fetchClientRequestVar <- newTFetchRequestVar return FetchClientStateVars {..} readFetchClientState :: MonadSTM m => FetchClientStateVars m header -> STM m (PeerFetchStatus header, PeerFetchInFlight header, FetchClientStateVars m header) readFetchClientState vars@FetchClientStateVars{..} = (,,) <$> readTVar fetchClientStatusVar <*> readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar <*> pure vars -- | The status of the block fetch communication with a peer. This is maintained -- by fetch protocol threads and used in the block fetch decision making logic. -- Changes in this status trigger re-evaluation of fetch decisions. -- data PeerFetchStatus header = -- | Communication with the peer has failed. This is a temporary status -- that may occur during the process of shutting down the thread that -- runs the block fetch protocol. The peer will promptly be removed from -- the peer registry and so will not be considered at all. -- PeerFetchStatusShutdown -- | The peer is in a potentially-temporary state in which it has not -- responded to us within a certain expected time limit. This is not -- a hard protocol timeout where the whole connection will be abandoned, -- it is simply a reply that has taken longer than expected. This status -- is used to trigger re-evaluating which peer to ask for blocks from, -- so that we can swiftly ask other peers for blocks if one unexpectedly -- responds too slowly -- -- Peers in this state may later return to normal states if communication -- resumes, or they may eventually hit a hard timeout and fail. -- | PeerFetchStatusAberrant -- | Communication with the peer is in a normal state, and the peer is -- considered too busy to accept new requests. Changing from this state -- to the ready state is used to trigger re-evaluating fetch decisions -- and may eventually result in new fetch requests. This state is used -- as part of a policy to batch new requests: instead of switching to -- the ready state the moment there is tiny bit of capacity available, -- the state is changed once the capacity reaches a certain threshold. -- | PeerFetchStatusBusy -- | Communication with the peer is in a normal state, and the peer is -- considered ready to accept new requests. -- The ' Set ' is the blocks in flight . | PeerFetchStatusReady (Set (Point header)) IsIdle deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Whether this mini protocol instance is in the @Idle@ State -- data IsIdle = IsIdle | IsNotIdle deriving (Eq, Show) idleIf :: Bool -> IsIdle idleIf b = if b then IsIdle else IsNotIdle -- | The number of requests in-flight and the amount of data in-flight with a -- peer. This is maintained by fetch protocol threads and used in the block -- fetch decision making logic. -- data PeerFetchInFlight header = PeerFetchInFlight { -- | The number of block fetch requests that are currently in-flight. -- This is the number of /requests/ not the number of blocks. Each -- request is for a range of blocks. -- -- We track this because there is a fixed maximum number of outstanding -- requests that the protocol allows. -- peerFetchReqsInFlight :: !Word, -- | The sum of the byte count of blocks expected from all in-flight -- fetch requests. This is a close approximation of the amount of data -- we expect to receive, assuming no failures. -- -- We track this because we pipeline fetch requests and we want to keep -- some but not too much data in flight at once. -- peerFetchBytesInFlight :: !SizeInBytes, -- | The points for the set of blocks that are currently in-flight. -- Note that since requests are for ranges of blocks this does not -- correspond to the number of requests in flight. -- -- We track this because as part of the decision for which blocks to -- fetch from which peers we take into account what blocks are already -- in-flight with peers. -- peerFetchBlocksInFlight :: Set (Point header), -- | The maximum slot of a block that /has ever been/ in flight for -- this peer. -- -- We track this to more efficiently remove blocks that are already -- in-flight from the candidate fragments: blocks with a slot number -- higher than this one do not have to be filtered out. peerFetchMaxSlotNo :: !MaxSlotNo } deriving (Eq, Show) initialPeerFetchInFlight :: PeerFetchInFlight header initialPeerFetchInFlight = PeerFetchInFlight { peerFetchReqsInFlight = 0, peerFetchBytesInFlight = 0, peerFetchBlocksInFlight = Set.empty, peerFetchMaxSlotNo = NoMaxSlotNo } -- | Update the 'PeerFetchInFlight' in-flight tracking numbers. -- -- Note that it takes both the existing \"old\" request, the \"added\" request and resulting \"merged\ " request . The relationship between the three is -- @old <> added = merged@. -- addHeadersInFlight :: HasHeader header => (header -> SizeInBytes) -> Maybe (FetchRequest header) -- ^ The old request (if any). -> FetchRequest header -- ^ The added request. -> FetchRequest header -- ^ The merged request. -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchInFlight header addHeadersInFlight blockFetchSize oldReq addedReq mergedReq inflight = -- This assertion checks the pre-condition 'addNewFetchRequest' that all -- requested blocks are new. This is true irrespective of fetch-request -- command merging. assert (and [ blockPoint header `Set.notMember` peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight | fragment <- fetchRequestFragments addedReq , header <- AF.toOldestFirst fragment ]) $ PeerFetchInFlight { -- Fetch request merging makes the update of the number of in-flight requests rather subtle . See the ' FetchRequest ' semigroup instance -- documentation for details. The upshot is that we have to look at the -- /difference/ in the number of fragments for the old request -- (if any) and merged request. peerFetchReqsInFlight = peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight + numFetchReqs mergedReq - maybe 0 numFetchReqs oldReq, -- For the bytes and blocks in flight however we can rely on the -- pre-condition that is asserted above. peerFetchBytesInFlight = peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight + sum [ blockFetchSize header | fragment <- fetchRequestFragments addedReq , header <- AF.toOldestFirst fragment ], peerFetchBlocksInFlight = peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight `Set.union` Set.fromList [ blockPoint header | fragment <- fetchRequestFragments addedReq , header <- AF.toOldestFirst fragment ], peerFetchMaxSlotNo = peerFetchMaxSlotNo inflight `max` fetchRequestMaxSlotNo addedReq } where numFetchReqs :: FetchRequest header -> Word numFetchReqs = fromIntegral . length . fetchRequestFragments deleteHeaderInFlight :: HasHeader header => (header -> SizeInBytes) -> header -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchInFlight header deleteHeaderInFlight blockFetchSize header inflight = assert (peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight >= blockFetchSize header) $ assert (blockPoint header `Set.member` peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight) $ inflight { peerFetchBytesInFlight = peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight - blockFetchSize header, peerFetchBlocksInFlight = blockPoint header `Set.delete` peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight } deleteHeadersInFlight :: HasHeader header => (header -> SizeInBytes) -> [header] -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchInFlight header deleteHeadersInFlight blockFetchSize headers inflight = -- Reusing 'deleteHeaderInFlight' rather than a direct impl still -- gives us O(n log m) which is fine foldl' (flip (deleteHeaderInFlight blockFetchSize)) inflight headers newtype FetchRequest header = FetchRequest { fetchRequestFragments :: [AnchoredFragment header] } deriving Show -- | We sometimes have the opportunity to merge fetch request fragments to -- reduce the number of separate range request messages that we send. We send one message per fragment . It is better to send fewer requests for bigger -- ranges, rather than lots of requests for small ranges. -- -- We never expect fetch requests to overlap (ie have blocks in common) but we do expect a common case that requests will \"touch\ " so that two ranges -- could be merged into a single contiguous range. -- -- This semigroup instance implements this merging when possible, otherwise the two lists of fragments are just appended . -- -- A consequence of merging and sending fewer request messages is that tracking -- the number of requests in-flight a bit more subtle. To track this accurately -- we have to look at the /old request/ as well a the updated request after any -- merging. We meed to account for the /difference/ in the number of fragments -- in the existing request (if any) and in new request. -- instance HasHeader header => Semigroup (FetchRequest header) where FetchRequest afs@(_:_) <> FetchRequest bfs@(_:_) | Just f <- AF.join (last afs) (head bfs) = FetchRequest (init afs ++ f : tail bfs) FetchRequest afs <> FetchRequest bfs = FetchRequest (afs ++ bfs) fetchRequestMaxSlotNo :: HasHeader header => FetchRequest header -> MaxSlotNo fetchRequestMaxSlotNo (FetchRequest afs) = foldl' max NoMaxSlotNo $ map MaxSlotNo $ mapMaybe (withOriginToMaybe . AF.headSlot) afs -- | Tracing types for the various events that change the state -- (i.e. 'FetchClientStateVars') for a block fetch client. -- -- Note that while these are all state changes, the 'AddedFetchRequest' occurs -- in the decision thread while the other state changes occur in the block -- fetch client threads. -- data TraceFetchClientState header = -- | The block fetch decision thread has added a new fetch instruction consisting of one or more individual request ranges . -- AddedFetchRequest (FetchRequest header) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) -- | Mark the point when the fetch client picks up the request added -- by the block fetch decision thread. Note that this event can happen -- fewer times than the 'AddedFetchRequest' due to fetch request merging. -- | AcknowledgedFetchRequest (FetchRequest header) -- | Mark the point when fetch request for a fragment is actually sent -- over the wire. | SendFetchRequest (AnchoredFragment header) PeerGSV | the start of receiving a streaming batch of blocks . This will be followed by one or more ' CompletedBlockFetch ' and a final -- 'CompletedFetchBatch'. -- | StartedFetchBatch (ChainRange (Point header)) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) -- | Mark the completion of of receiving a single block within a -- streaming batch of blocks. -- | CompletedBlockFetch (Point header) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) NominalDiffTime SizeInBytes -- | Mark the successful end of receiving a streaming batch of blocks -- | CompletedFetchBatch (ChainRange (Point header)) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) -- | If the other peer rejects our request then we have this event -- instead of 'StartedFetchBatch' and 'CompletedFetchBatch'. -- | RejectedFetchBatch (ChainRange (Point header)) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) -- | The client is terminating. Log the number of outstanding -- requests. -- | ClientTerminating Int deriving Show -- | Add a new fetch request for a single peer. This is used by the fetch -- decision logic thread to add new fetch requests. -- -- We have as a pre-condition that all requested blocks are new, i.e. none -- should appear in the existing 'peerFetchBlocksInFlight'. This is a -- relatively easy precondition to satisfy since the decision logic can filter -- its requests based on this in-flight blocks state, and this operation is the -- only operation that grows the in-flight blocks, and is only used by the -- fetch decision logic thread. -- addNewFetchRequest :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> (header -> SizeInBytes) -> FetchRequest header -> PeerGSV -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m (PeerFetchStatus header) addNewFetchRequest tracer blockFetchSize addedReq gsvs FetchClientStateVars{ fetchClientRequestVar, fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight', currentStatus') <- atomically $ do -- Add a new fetch request, or extend or merge with the existing -- unacknowledged one. -- -- Fetch request merging makes the update of the in-flight stats subtle. See the ' FetchRequest ' semigroup instance documentation for details . -- The upshot is that our in-flight stats update is based on the existing -- \"old\" request (if any), the \"added\" one and the resulting -- \"merged\" one. -- oldReq <- peekTFetchRequestVar fetchClientRequestVar mergedReq <- writeTFetchRequestVar fetchClientRequestVar addedReq gsvs inflightlimits -- Update our in-flight stats inflight <- readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar let !inflight' = addHeadersInFlight blockFetchSize oldReq addedReq mergedReq inflight writeTVar fetchClientInFlightVar inflight' -- Set the peer status to busy if it went over the high watermark. currentStatus' <- updateCurrentStatus (busyIfOverHighWatermark inflightlimits) fetchClientStatusVar inflight' --TODO: think about status aberrant return (inflight', currentStatus') traceWith tracer $ AddedFetchRequest addedReq inflight' inflightlimits currentStatus' return currentStatus' where inflightlimits = calculatePeerFetchInFlightLimits gsvs --TODO: if recalculating the limits here is expensive we can pass them -- along with the fetch request and the gsvs -- | This is used by the fetch client threads. -- acknowledgeFetchRequest :: MonadSTM m => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> ControlMessageSTM m -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m (Maybe ( FetchRequest header , PeerGSV , PeerFetchInFlightLimits )) acknowledgeFetchRequest tracer controlMessageSTM FetchClientStateVars {fetchClientRequestVar} = do result <- timeoutWithControlMessage controlMessageSTM (takeTFetchRequestVar fetchClientRequestVar) case result of Nothing -> return result Just (request, _, _) -> do traceWith tracer (AcknowledgedFetchRequest request) return result startedFetchBatch :: MonadSTM m => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> ChainRange (Point header) -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m () startedFetchBatch tracer inflightlimits range FetchClientStateVars { fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight, currentStatus) <- atomically $ (,) <$> readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar <*> readTVar fetchClientStatusVar traceWith tracer $ StartedFetchBatch range inflight inflightlimits currentStatus completeBlockDownload :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> (header -> SizeInBytes) -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> header -> NominalDiffTime -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m () completeBlockDownload tracer blockFetchSize inflightlimits header blockDelay FetchClientStateVars { fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight', currentStatus') <- atomically $ do inflight <- readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar let !inflight' = deleteHeaderInFlight blockFetchSize header inflight writeTVar fetchClientInFlightVar inflight' -- Set our status to ready if we're under the low watermark. currentStatus' <- updateCurrentStatus (readyIfUnderLowWatermark inflightlimits) fetchClientStatusVar inflight' -- TODO: when do we reset the status from PeerFetchStatusAberrant -- to PeerFetchStatusReady/Busy? return (inflight', currentStatus') traceWith tracer $ CompletedBlockFetch (blockPoint header) inflight' inflightlimits currentStatus' blockDelay (blockFetchSize header) completeFetchBatch :: MonadSTM m => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> ChainRange (Point header) -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m () completeFetchBatch tracer inflightlimits range FetchClientStateVars { fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight, currentStatus) <- atomically $ do inflight <- readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar let !inflight' = assert (if peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight == 1 then peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight == 0 && Set.null (peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight) else True) inflight { peerFetchReqsInFlight = peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight - 1 } writeTVar fetchClientInFlightVar inflight' currentStatus' <- readTVar fetchClientStatusVar >>= \case PeerFetchStatusReady bs IsNotIdle | Set.null bs && 0 == peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight' -> let status = PeerFetchStatusReady Set.empty IsIdle in status <$ writeTVar fetchClientStatusVar status currentStatus -> pure currentStatus return (inflight', currentStatus') traceWith tracer $ CompletedFetchBatch range inflight inflightlimits currentStatus rejectedFetchBatch :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> (header -> SizeInBytes) -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> ChainRange (Point header) -> [header] -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m () rejectedFetchBatch tracer blockFetchSize inflightlimits range headers FetchClientStateVars { fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight', currentStatus') <- atomically $ do inflight <- readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar let !inflight' = (deleteHeadersInFlight blockFetchSize headers inflight) { peerFetchReqsInFlight = peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight - 1 } writeTVar fetchClientInFlightVar inflight' -- Set our status to ready if we're under the low watermark. currentStatus' <- updateCurrentStatus (readyIfUnderLowWatermark inflightlimits) fetchClientStatusVar inflight' -- TODO: when do we reset the status from PeerFetchStatusAberrant -- to PeerFetchStatusReady/Busy? return (inflight', currentStatus') traceWith tracer $ RejectedFetchBatch range inflight' inflightlimits currentStatus' | Given a ' PeerFetchInFlight ' update the ' PeerFetchStatus ' accordingly . This can be used with one of two policies : -- -- * 'busyIfOverHighWatermark' * ' readyIfUnderLowWatermark ' -- updateCurrentStatus :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => (PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchStatus header) -> StrictTVar m (PeerFetchStatus header) -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> STM m (PeerFetchStatus header) updateCurrentStatus decideCurrentStatus fetchClientStatusVar inflight = do let currentStatus' = decideCurrentStatus inflight -- Only update the variable if it changed, to avoid spurious wakeups. currentStatus <- readTVar fetchClientStatusVar when (currentStatus' /= currentStatus) $ writeTVar fetchClientStatusVar currentStatus' return currentStatus' -- | Return 'PeerFetchStatusBusy' if we're now over the high watermark. -- busyIfOverHighWatermark :: PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchStatus header busyIfOverHighWatermark inflightlimits inflight | peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight >= inFlightBytesHighWatermark inflightlimits = PeerFetchStatusBusy | otherwise = PeerFetchStatusReady (peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight) (idleIf (0 == peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight)) -- | Return 'PeerFetchStatusReady' if we're now under the low watermark. -- readyIfUnderLowWatermark :: PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchStatus header readyIfUnderLowWatermark inflightlimits inflight | peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight <= inFlightBytesLowWatermark inflightlimits = PeerFetchStatusReady (peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight) (idleIf (0 == peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight)) | otherwise = PeerFetchStatusBusy -- STM TFetchRequestVar -- -- | The 'TFetchRequestVar' is a 'TMergeVar' for communicating the ' FetchRequest 's from the logic thread to a fetch client thread . -- -- The pattern is that the logic thread determines a current request and this -- is written to the var with 'writeTMergeVar'. The fetch client thread uses ' takeTMergeVar ' , which blocks until a value is available . On the other hand , -- 'writeTMergeVar' never blocks, if a value is already present then it -- overwrites it. This makes sense for the fetch requests because if a fetch -- client has not accepted the request yet then we can replace it with the -- request based on the more recent state. -- type TFetchRequestVar m header = TMergeVar m (FetchRequest header, Last PeerGSV, Last PeerFetchInFlightLimits) newTFetchRequestVar :: MonadSTM m => STM m (TFetchRequestVar m header) newTFetchRequestVar = newTMergeVar | Write to the underlying ' TMergeVar ' and return the updated ' FetchRequest ' -- writeTFetchRequestVar :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => TFetchRequestVar m header -> FetchRequest header -> PeerGSV -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> STM m (FetchRequest header) writeTFetchRequestVar v r g l = do (r', _, _) <- writeTMergeVar v (r, Last g, Last l) return r' peekTFetchRequestVar :: MonadSTM m => TFetchRequestVar m header -> STM m (Maybe (FetchRequest header)) peekTFetchRequestVar v = fmap (\(x, _, _) -> x) <$> tryReadTMergeVar v takeTFetchRequestVar :: MonadSTM m => TFetchRequestVar m header -> STM m (FetchRequest header, PeerGSV, PeerFetchInFlightLimits) takeTFetchRequestVar v = (\(r,g,l) -> (r, getLast g, getLast l)) <$> takeTMergeVar v -- STM TMergeVar mini - abstraction -- -- | The 'TMergeVar' is like a 'TMVar' in that we take it, leaving it empty. -- Unlike an ordinary 'TMVar' with a blocking \'put\' operation, it has a -- non-blocking combiing write operation: if a value is already present then -- the values are combined using the 'Semigroup' operator. -- This is used much like a ' TMVar ' as a one - place queue between threads but -- with the property that we can \"improve\" the current value (if any). -- newtype TMergeVar m a = TMergeVar (StrictTMVar m a) newTMergeVar :: MonadSTM m => STM m (TMergeVar m a) newTMergeVar = TMergeVar <$> newEmptyTMVar -- | Merge the current value with the given one and store it, return the updated -- value. -- writeTMergeVar :: (MonadSTM m, Semigroup a) => TMergeVar m a -> a -> STM m a writeTMergeVar (TMergeVar v) x = do mx0 <- tryTakeTMVar v case mx0 of Nothing -> x <$ putTMVar v x Just x0 -> x' <$ putTMVar v x' where !x' = x0 <> x takeTMergeVar :: MonadSTM m => TMergeVar m a -> STM m a takeTMergeVar (TMergeVar v) = takeTMVar v tryReadTMergeVar :: MonadSTM m => TMergeVar m a -> STM m (Maybe a) tryReadTMergeVar (TMergeVar v) = tryReadTMVar v
# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns # * Ancillary | The context that is passed into the block fetch protocol client when it is started. | The policy used by the fetch clients. It is set by the central block fetch logic, and passed to them via the 'FetchClientRegistry'. | A set of variables shared between the block fetch logic thread and each thread executing the client side of the block fetch protocol. That is, these are the shared variables per peer. The 'FetchClientRegistry' contains the mapping of these for all peers. The variables are used for communicating from the protocol thread to the decision making thread the status of things with that peer. And in the other direction one shared variable is for providing new fetch requests. | The current status of communication with the peer. It is written by the protocol thread and monitored and read by the decision logic thread. Changes in this state trigger re-evaluation of fetch decisions. | The current number of requests in-flight and the amount of data in-flight with the peer. It is written by the protocol thread and read by the decision logic thread. This is used in fetch decisions but changes here do not trigger re-evaluation of fetch decisions. | The shared variable used to communicate fetch requests to the thread running the block fetch protocol. Fetch requests are posted by the decision logic thread. The protocol thread accepts the requests and acts on them, updating the in-flight stats. While this is a 'TMVar', before being accepted. | The status of the block fetch communication with a peer. This is maintained by fetch protocol threads and used in the block fetch decision making logic. Changes in this status trigger re-evaluation of fetch decisions. | Communication with the peer has failed. This is a temporary status that may occur during the process of shutting down the thread that runs the block fetch protocol. The peer will promptly be removed from the peer registry and so will not be considered at all. | The peer is in a potentially-temporary state in which it has not responded to us within a certain expected time limit. This is not a hard protocol timeout where the whole connection will be abandoned, it is simply a reply that has taken longer than expected. This status is used to trigger re-evaluating which peer to ask for blocks from, so that we can swiftly ask other peers for blocks if one unexpectedly responds too slowly Peers in this state may later return to normal states if communication resumes, or they may eventually hit a hard timeout and fail. | Communication with the peer is in a normal state, and the peer is considered too busy to accept new requests. Changing from this state to the ready state is used to trigger re-evaluating fetch decisions and may eventually result in new fetch requests. This state is used as part of a policy to batch new requests: instead of switching to the ready state the moment there is tiny bit of capacity available, the state is changed once the capacity reaches a certain threshold. | Communication with the peer is in a normal state, and the peer is considered ready to accept new requests. | Whether this mini protocol instance is in the @Idle@ State | The number of requests in-flight and the amount of data in-flight with a peer. This is maintained by fetch protocol threads and used in the block fetch decision making logic. | The number of block fetch requests that are currently in-flight. This is the number of /requests/ not the number of blocks. Each request is for a range of blocks. We track this because there is a fixed maximum number of outstanding requests that the protocol allows. | The sum of the byte count of blocks expected from all in-flight fetch requests. This is a close approximation of the amount of data we expect to receive, assuming no failures. We track this because we pipeline fetch requests and we want to keep some but not too much data in flight at once. | The points for the set of blocks that are currently in-flight. Note that since requests are for ranges of blocks this does not correspond to the number of requests in flight. We track this because as part of the decision for which blocks to fetch from which peers we take into account what blocks are already in-flight with peers. | The maximum slot of a block that /has ever been/ in flight for this peer. We track this to more efficiently remove blocks that are already in-flight from the candidate fragments: blocks with a slot number higher than this one do not have to be filtered out. | Update the 'PeerFetchInFlight' in-flight tracking numbers. Note that it takes both the existing \"old\" request, the \"added\" request @old <> added = merged@. ^ The old request (if any). ^ The added request. ^ The merged request. This assertion checks the pre-condition 'addNewFetchRequest' that all requested blocks are new. This is true irrespective of fetch-request command merging. Fetch request merging makes the update of the number of in-flight documentation for details. The upshot is that we have to look at the /difference/ in the number of fragments for the old request (if any) and merged request. For the bytes and blocks in flight however we can rely on the pre-condition that is asserted above. Reusing 'deleteHeaderInFlight' rather than a direct impl still gives us O(n log m) which is fine | We sometimes have the opportunity to merge fetch request fragments to reduce the number of separate range request messages that we send. We send ranges, rather than lots of requests for small ranges. We never expect fetch requests to overlap (ie have blocks in common) but we could be merged into a single contiguous range. This semigroup instance implements this merging when possible, otherwise the A consequence of merging and sending fewer request messages is that tracking the number of requests in-flight a bit more subtle. To track this accurately we have to look at the /old request/ as well a the updated request after any merging. We meed to account for the /difference/ in the number of fragments in the existing request (if any) and in new request. | Tracing types for the various events that change the state (i.e. 'FetchClientStateVars') for a block fetch client. Note that while these are all state changes, the 'AddedFetchRequest' occurs in the decision thread while the other state changes occur in the block fetch client threads. | The block fetch decision thread has added a new fetch instruction | Mark the point when the fetch client picks up the request added by the block fetch decision thread. Note that this event can happen fewer times than the 'AddedFetchRequest' due to fetch request merging. | Mark the point when fetch request for a fragment is actually sent over the wire. 'CompletedFetchBatch'. | Mark the completion of of receiving a single block within a streaming batch of blocks. | Mark the successful end of receiving a streaming batch of blocks | If the other peer rejects our request then we have this event instead of 'StartedFetchBatch' and 'CompletedFetchBatch'. | The client is terminating. Log the number of outstanding requests. | Add a new fetch request for a single peer. This is used by the fetch decision logic thread to add new fetch requests. We have as a pre-condition that all requested blocks are new, i.e. none should appear in the existing 'peerFetchBlocksInFlight'. This is a relatively easy precondition to satisfy since the decision logic can filter its requests based on this in-flight blocks state, and this operation is the only operation that grows the in-flight blocks, and is only used by the fetch decision logic thread. Add a new fetch request, or extend or merge with the existing unacknowledged one. Fetch request merging makes the update of the in-flight stats subtle. The upshot is that our in-flight stats update is based on the existing \"old\" request (if any), the \"added\" one and the resulting \"merged\" one. Update our in-flight stats Set the peer status to busy if it went over the high watermark. TODO: think about status aberrant TODO: if recalculating the limits here is expensive we can pass them along with the fetch request and the gsvs | This is used by the fetch client threads. Set our status to ready if we're under the low watermark. TODO: when do we reset the status from PeerFetchStatusAberrant to PeerFetchStatusReady/Busy? Set our status to ready if we're under the low watermark. TODO: when do we reset the status from PeerFetchStatusAberrant to PeerFetchStatusReady/Busy? * 'busyIfOverHighWatermark' Only update the variable if it changed, to avoid spurious wakeups. | Return 'PeerFetchStatusBusy' if we're now over the high watermark. | Return 'PeerFetchStatusReady' if we're now under the low watermark. | The 'TFetchRequestVar' is a 'TMergeVar' for communicating the The pattern is that the logic thread determines a current request and this is written to the var with 'writeTMergeVar'. The fetch client thread uses 'writeTMergeVar' never blocks, if a value is already present then it overwrites it. This makes sense for the fetch requests because if a fetch client has not accepted the request yet then we can replace it with the request based on the more recent state. | The 'TMergeVar' is like a 'TMVar' in that we take it, leaving it empty. Unlike an ordinary 'TMVar' with a blocking \'put\' operation, it has a non-blocking combiing write operation: if a value is already present then the values are combined using the 'Semigroup' operator. with the property that we can \"improve\" the current value (if any). | Merge the current value with the given one and store it, return the updated value.
# LANGUAGE BangPatterns # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.ClientState ( FetchClientContext (..) , FetchClientPolicy (..) , FetchClientStateVars (..) , newFetchClientStateVars , readFetchClientState , PeerFetchStatus (..) , IsIdle (..) , PeerFetchInFlight (..) , initialPeerFetchInFlight , FetchRequest (..) , addNewFetchRequest , acknowledgeFetchRequest , startedFetchBatch , completeBlockDownload , completeFetchBatch , rejectedFetchBatch , TraceFetchClientState (..) , TraceLabelPeer (..) , ChainRange (..) , FromConsensus (..) , WhetherReceivingTentativeBlocks (..) ) where import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Semigroup (Last (..)) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Control.Concurrent.Class.MonadSTM.Strict import Control.Exception (assert) import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Class.MonadTime import Control.Tracer (Tracer, traceWith) import Network.Mux.Trace (TraceLabelPeer (..)) import Ouroboros.Network.AnchoredFragment (AnchoredFragment) import qualified Ouroboros.Network.AnchoredFragment as AF import Ouroboros.Network.Block (HasHeader, MaxSlotNo (..), Point, blockPoint) import Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.ConsensusInterface (FromConsensus (..), WhetherReceivingTentativeBlocks (..)) import Ouroboros.Network.BlockFetch.DeltaQ (PeerFetchInFlightLimits (..), PeerGSV, SizeInBytes, calculatePeerFetchInFlightLimits) import Ouroboros.Network.ControlMessage (ControlMessageSTM, timeoutWithControlMessage) import Ouroboros.Network.Point (withOriginToMaybe) import Ouroboros.Network.Protocol.BlockFetch.Type (ChainRange (..)) data FetchClientContext header block m = FetchClientContext { fetchClientCtxTracer :: Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header), fetchClientCtxPolicy :: FetchClientPolicy header block m, fetchClientCtxStateVars :: FetchClientStateVars m header } data FetchClientPolicy header block m = FetchClientPolicy { blockFetchSize :: header -> SizeInBytes, blockMatchesHeader :: header -> block -> Bool, addFetchedBlock :: Point block -> block -> m (), blockForgeUTCTime :: FromConsensus block -> STM m UTCTime } data FetchClientStateVars m header = FetchClientStateVars { fetchClientStatusVar :: StrictTVar m (PeerFetchStatus header), fetchClientInFlightVar :: StrictTVar m (PeerFetchInFlight header), it is not used as a one - place queue : the requests can be updated fetchClientRequestVar :: TFetchRequestVar m header } newFetchClientStateVars :: MonadSTM m => STM m (FetchClientStateVars m header) newFetchClientStateVars = do fetchClientInFlightVar <- newTVar initialPeerFetchInFlight fetchClientStatusVar <- newTVar (PeerFetchStatusReady Set.empty IsIdle) fetchClientRequestVar <- newTFetchRequestVar return FetchClientStateVars {..} readFetchClientState :: MonadSTM m => FetchClientStateVars m header -> STM m (PeerFetchStatus header, PeerFetchInFlight header, FetchClientStateVars m header) readFetchClientState vars@FetchClientStateVars{..} = (,,) <$> readTVar fetchClientStatusVar <*> readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar <*> pure vars data PeerFetchStatus header = PeerFetchStatusShutdown | PeerFetchStatusAberrant | PeerFetchStatusBusy The ' Set ' is the blocks in flight . | PeerFetchStatusReady (Set (Point header)) IsIdle deriving (Eq, Show) data IsIdle = IsIdle | IsNotIdle deriving (Eq, Show) idleIf :: Bool -> IsIdle idleIf b = if b then IsIdle else IsNotIdle data PeerFetchInFlight header = PeerFetchInFlight { peerFetchReqsInFlight :: !Word, peerFetchBytesInFlight :: !SizeInBytes, peerFetchBlocksInFlight :: Set (Point header), peerFetchMaxSlotNo :: !MaxSlotNo } deriving (Eq, Show) initialPeerFetchInFlight :: PeerFetchInFlight header initialPeerFetchInFlight = PeerFetchInFlight { peerFetchReqsInFlight = 0, peerFetchBytesInFlight = 0, peerFetchBlocksInFlight = Set.empty, peerFetchMaxSlotNo = NoMaxSlotNo } and resulting \"merged\ " request . The relationship between the three is addHeadersInFlight :: HasHeader header => (header -> SizeInBytes) -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchInFlight header addHeadersInFlight blockFetchSize oldReq addedReq mergedReq inflight = assert (and [ blockPoint header `Set.notMember` peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight | fragment <- fetchRequestFragments addedReq , header <- AF.toOldestFirst fragment ]) $ PeerFetchInFlight { requests rather subtle . See the ' FetchRequest ' semigroup instance peerFetchReqsInFlight = peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight + numFetchReqs mergedReq - maybe 0 numFetchReqs oldReq, peerFetchBytesInFlight = peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight + sum [ blockFetchSize header | fragment <- fetchRequestFragments addedReq , header <- AF.toOldestFirst fragment ], peerFetchBlocksInFlight = peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight `Set.union` Set.fromList [ blockPoint header | fragment <- fetchRequestFragments addedReq , header <- AF.toOldestFirst fragment ], peerFetchMaxSlotNo = peerFetchMaxSlotNo inflight `max` fetchRequestMaxSlotNo addedReq } where numFetchReqs :: FetchRequest header -> Word numFetchReqs = fromIntegral . length . fetchRequestFragments deleteHeaderInFlight :: HasHeader header => (header -> SizeInBytes) -> header -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchInFlight header deleteHeaderInFlight blockFetchSize header inflight = assert (peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight >= blockFetchSize header) $ assert (blockPoint header `Set.member` peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight) $ inflight { peerFetchBytesInFlight = peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight - blockFetchSize header, peerFetchBlocksInFlight = blockPoint header `Set.delete` peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight } deleteHeadersInFlight :: HasHeader header => (header -> SizeInBytes) -> [header] -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchInFlight header deleteHeadersInFlight blockFetchSize headers inflight = foldl' (flip (deleteHeaderInFlight blockFetchSize)) inflight headers newtype FetchRequest header = FetchRequest { fetchRequestFragments :: [AnchoredFragment header] } deriving Show one message per fragment . It is better to send fewer requests for bigger do expect a common case that requests will \"touch\ " so that two ranges two lists of fragments are just appended . instance HasHeader header => Semigroup (FetchRequest header) where FetchRequest afs@(_:_) <> FetchRequest bfs@(_:_) | Just f <- AF.join (last afs) (head bfs) = FetchRequest (init afs ++ f : tail bfs) FetchRequest afs <> FetchRequest bfs = FetchRequest (afs ++ bfs) fetchRequestMaxSlotNo :: HasHeader header => FetchRequest header -> MaxSlotNo fetchRequestMaxSlotNo (FetchRequest afs) = foldl' max NoMaxSlotNo $ map MaxSlotNo $ mapMaybe (withOriginToMaybe . AF.headSlot) afs data TraceFetchClientState header = consisting of one or more individual request ranges . AddedFetchRequest (FetchRequest header) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) | AcknowledgedFetchRequest (FetchRequest header) | SendFetchRequest (AnchoredFragment header) PeerGSV | the start of receiving a streaming batch of blocks . This will be followed by one or more ' CompletedBlockFetch ' and a final | StartedFetchBatch (ChainRange (Point header)) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) | CompletedBlockFetch (Point header) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) NominalDiffTime SizeInBytes | CompletedFetchBatch (ChainRange (Point header)) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) | RejectedFetchBatch (ChainRange (Point header)) (PeerFetchInFlight header) PeerFetchInFlightLimits (PeerFetchStatus header) | ClientTerminating Int deriving Show addNewFetchRequest :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> (header -> SizeInBytes) -> FetchRequest header -> PeerGSV -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m (PeerFetchStatus header) addNewFetchRequest tracer blockFetchSize addedReq gsvs FetchClientStateVars{ fetchClientRequestVar, fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight', currentStatus') <- atomically $ do See the ' FetchRequest ' semigroup instance documentation for details . oldReq <- peekTFetchRequestVar fetchClientRequestVar mergedReq <- writeTFetchRequestVar fetchClientRequestVar addedReq gsvs inflightlimits inflight <- readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar let !inflight' = addHeadersInFlight blockFetchSize oldReq addedReq mergedReq inflight writeTVar fetchClientInFlightVar inflight' currentStatus' <- updateCurrentStatus (busyIfOverHighWatermark inflightlimits) fetchClientStatusVar inflight' return (inflight', currentStatus') traceWith tracer $ AddedFetchRequest addedReq inflight' inflightlimits currentStatus' return currentStatus' where inflightlimits = calculatePeerFetchInFlightLimits gsvs acknowledgeFetchRequest :: MonadSTM m => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> ControlMessageSTM m -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m (Maybe ( FetchRequest header , PeerGSV , PeerFetchInFlightLimits )) acknowledgeFetchRequest tracer controlMessageSTM FetchClientStateVars {fetchClientRequestVar} = do result <- timeoutWithControlMessage controlMessageSTM (takeTFetchRequestVar fetchClientRequestVar) case result of Nothing -> return result Just (request, _, _) -> do traceWith tracer (AcknowledgedFetchRequest request) return result startedFetchBatch :: MonadSTM m => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> ChainRange (Point header) -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m () startedFetchBatch tracer inflightlimits range FetchClientStateVars { fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight, currentStatus) <- atomically $ (,) <$> readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar <*> readTVar fetchClientStatusVar traceWith tracer $ StartedFetchBatch range inflight inflightlimits currentStatus completeBlockDownload :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> (header -> SizeInBytes) -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> header -> NominalDiffTime -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m () completeBlockDownload tracer blockFetchSize inflightlimits header blockDelay FetchClientStateVars { fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight', currentStatus') <- atomically $ do inflight <- readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar let !inflight' = deleteHeaderInFlight blockFetchSize header inflight writeTVar fetchClientInFlightVar inflight' currentStatus' <- updateCurrentStatus (readyIfUnderLowWatermark inflightlimits) fetchClientStatusVar inflight' return (inflight', currentStatus') traceWith tracer $ CompletedBlockFetch (blockPoint header) inflight' inflightlimits currentStatus' blockDelay (blockFetchSize header) completeFetchBatch :: MonadSTM m => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> ChainRange (Point header) -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m () completeFetchBatch tracer inflightlimits range FetchClientStateVars { fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight, currentStatus) <- atomically $ do inflight <- readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar let !inflight' = assert (if peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight == 1 then peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight == 0 && Set.null (peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight) else True) inflight { peerFetchReqsInFlight = peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight - 1 } writeTVar fetchClientInFlightVar inflight' currentStatus' <- readTVar fetchClientStatusVar >>= \case PeerFetchStatusReady bs IsNotIdle | Set.null bs && 0 == peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight' -> let status = PeerFetchStatusReady Set.empty IsIdle in status <$ writeTVar fetchClientStatusVar status currentStatus -> pure currentStatus return (inflight', currentStatus') traceWith tracer $ CompletedFetchBatch range inflight inflightlimits currentStatus rejectedFetchBatch :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => Tracer m (TraceFetchClientState header) -> (header -> SizeInBytes) -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> ChainRange (Point header) -> [header] -> FetchClientStateVars m header -> m () rejectedFetchBatch tracer blockFetchSize inflightlimits range headers FetchClientStateVars { fetchClientInFlightVar, fetchClientStatusVar } = do (inflight', currentStatus') <- atomically $ do inflight <- readTVar fetchClientInFlightVar let !inflight' = (deleteHeadersInFlight blockFetchSize headers inflight) { peerFetchReqsInFlight = peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight - 1 } writeTVar fetchClientInFlightVar inflight' currentStatus' <- updateCurrentStatus (readyIfUnderLowWatermark inflightlimits) fetchClientStatusVar inflight' return (inflight', currentStatus') traceWith tracer $ RejectedFetchBatch range inflight' inflightlimits currentStatus' | Given a ' PeerFetchInFlight ' update the ' PeerFetchStatus ' accordingly . This can be used with one of two policies : * ' readyIfUnderLowWatermark ' updateCurrentStatus :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => (PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchStatus header) -> StrictTVar m (PeerFetchStatus header) -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> STM m (PeerFetchStatus header) updateCurrentStatus decideCurrentStatus fetchClientStatusVar inflight = do let currentStatus' = decideCurrentStatus inflight currentStatus <- readTVar fetchClientStatusVar when (currentStatus' /= currentStatus) $ writeTVar fetchClientStatusVar currentStatus' return currentStatus' busyIfOverHighWatermark :: PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchStatus header busyIfOverHighWatermark inflightlimits inflight | peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight >= inFlightBytesHighWatermark inflightlimits = PeerFetchStatusBusy | otherwise = PeerFetchStatusReady (peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight) (idleIf (0 == peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight)) readyIfUnderLowWatermark :: PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> PeerFetchInFlight header -> PeerFetchStatus header readyIfUnderLowWatermark inflightlimits inflight | peerFetchBytesInFlight inflight <= inFlightBytesLowWatermark inflightlimits = PeerFetchStatusReady (peerFetchBlocksInFlight inflight) (idleIf (0 == peerFetchReqsInFlight inflight)) | otherwise = PeerFetchStatusBusy STM TFetchRequestVar ' FetchRequest 's from the logic thread to a fetch client thread . ' takeTMergeVar ' , which blocks until a value is available . On the other hand , type TFetchRequestVar m header = TMergeVar m (FetchRequest header, Last PeerGSV, Last PeerFetchInFlightLimits) newTFetchRequestVar :: MonadSTM m => STM m (TFetchRequestVar m header) newTFetchRequestVar = newTMergeVar | Write to the underlying ' TMergeVar ' and return the updated ' FetchRequest ' writeTFetchRequestVar :: (MonadSTM m, HasHeader header) => TFetchRequestVar m header -> FetchRequest header -> PeerGSV -> PeerFetchInFlightLimits -> STM m (FetchRequest header) writeTFetchRequestVar v r g l = do (r', _, _) <- writeTMergeVar v (r, Last g, Last l) return r' peekTFetchRequestVar :: MonadSTM m => TFetchRequestVar m header -> STM m (Maybe (FetchRequest header)) peekTFetchRequestVar v = fmap (\(x, _, _) -> x) <$> tryReadTMergeVar v takeTFetchRequestVar :: MonadSTM m => TFetchRequestVar m header -> STM m (FetchRequest header, PeerGSV, PeerFetchInFlightLimits) takeTFetchRequestVar v = (\(r,g,l) -> (r, getLast g, getLast l)) <$> takeTMergeVar v STM TMergeVar mini - abstraction This is used much like a ' TMVar ' as a one - place queue between threads but newtype TMergeVar m a = TMergeVar (StrictTMVar m a) newTMergeVar :: MonadSTM m => STM m (TMergeVar m a) newTMergeVar = TMergeVar <$> newEmptyTMVar writeTMergeVar :: (MonadSTM m, Semigroup a) => TMergeVar m a -> a -> STM m a writeTMergeVar (TMergeVar v) x = do mx0 <- tryTakeTMVar v case mx0 of Nothing -> x <$ putTMVar v x Just x0 -> x' <$ putTMVar v x' where !x' = x0 <> x takeTMergeVar :: MonadSTM m => TMergeVar m a -> STM m a takeTMergeVar (TMergeVar v) = takeTMVar v tryReadTMergeVar :: MonadSTM m => TMergeVar m a -> STM m (Maybe a) tryReadTMergeVar (TMergeVar v) = tryReadTMVar v
#lang eopl ;; builds environment interface, using data structures defined in ;; data-structures.rkt. (require "data-structures.rkt") (provide init-env empty-env extend-env apply-env) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; initial environment ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; init-env : () -> Env usage : ( init - env ) = [ i=1 , v=5 , x=10 ] ;; (init-env) builds an environment in which i is bound to the expressed value 1 , v is bound to the expressed value 5 , and x is bound to the expressed value 10 . Page : 69 (define init-env (lambda () (extend-env 'i (num-val 1) (extend-env 'v (num-val 5) (extend-env 'x (num-val 10) (empty-env)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; environment constructors and observers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define empty-env (lambda () (empty-env-record))) (define empty-env? (lambda (x) (empty-env-record? x))) (define extend-env (lambda (sym val old-env) (extended-env-record sym val old-env))) (define apply-env (lambda (env search-sym) (if (empty-env? env) (eopl:error 'apply-env "No binding for ~s" search-sym) (let ((sym (extended-env-record->sym env)) (val (extended-env-record->val env)) (old-env (extended-env-record->old-env env))) (if (eqv? search-sym sym) val (apply-env old-env search-sym))))))
builds environment interface, using data structures defined in data-structures.rkt. initial environment ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; init-env : () -> Env (init-env) builds an environment in which i is bound to the environment constructors and observers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
#lang eopl (require "data-structures.rkt") (provide init-env empty-env extend-env apply-env) usage : ( init - env ) = [ i=1 , v=5 , x=10 ] expressed value 1 , v is bound to the expressed value 5 , and x is bound to the expressed value 10 . Page : 69 (define init-env (lambda () (extend-env 'i (num-val 1) (extend-env 'v (num-val 5) (extend-env 'x (num-val 10) (empty-env)))))) (define empty-env (lambda () (empty-env-record))) (define empty-env? (lambda (x) (empty-env-record? x))) (define extend-env (lambda (sym val old-env) (extended-env-record sym val old-env))) (define apply-env (lambda (env search-sym) (if (empty-env? env) (eopl:error 'apply-env "No binding for ~s" search-sym) (let ((sym (extended-env-record->sym env)) (val (extended-env-record->val env)) (old-env (extended-env-record->old-env env))) (if (eqv? search-sym sym) val (apply-env old-env search-sym))))))
(in-package :weblocks) (export '(yui-panel panel-on-close panel-on-end-drag)) (defwidget yui-panel (yui-widget) ((on-close :type function :accessor panel-on-close :initarg :on-close :initform (constantly t)) (on-end-drag :type function :accessor panel-on-end-drag :initarg :on-end-drag :initform (constantly t))) (:default-initargs :modules '("dragdrop" "container") :class-name |:YAHOO.widget.:Panel|)) (defmethod render-widget-body ((widget yui-panel) &rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (send-script (ps* `(with-lazy-loaded-modules (,(yui-modules widget) ,@(yui-loader-args widget)) (setf (global-variable ,(yui-widget-variable widget)) (new (,(yui-class-name widget) ,(yui-target-id widget) (keywords-to-object ,(yui-component-config widget))))) ((@ (global-variable ,(yui-widget-variable widget)) render)) ( console.log , ( format nil " rendered widget ~A. " ( yui - widget - variable widget ) ) ) )))) (defmethod with-widget-header ((widget yui-panel) body-fn &rest args) (apply body-fn widget args))
(in-package :weblocks) (export '(yui-panel panel-on-close panel-on-end-drag)) (defwidget yui-panel (yui-widget) ((on-close :type function :accessor panel-on-close :initarg :on-close :initform (constantly t)) (on-end-drag :type function :accessor panel-on-end-drag :initarg :on-end-drag :initform (constantly t))) (:default-initargs :modules '("dragdrop" "container") :class-name |:YAHOO.widget.:Panel|)) (defmethod render-widget-body ((widget yui-panel) &rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (send-script (ps* `(with-lazy-loaded-modules (,(yui-modules widget) ,@(yui-loader-args widget)) (setf (global-variable ,(yui-widget-variable widget)) (new (,(yui-class-name widget) ,(yui-target-id widget) (keywords-to-object ,(yui-component-config widget))))) ((@ (global-variable ,(yui-widget-variable widget)) render)) ( console.log , ( format nil " rendered widget ~A. " ( yui - widget - variable widget ) ) ) )))) (defmethod with-widget-header ((widget yui-panel) body-fn &rest args) (apply body-fn widget args))
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Paper *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) ---------------------------- Chebychev ----------------------------- time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. --(&1) <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> -- (&1) <= &2 * x pow 2 - &1 /\ &2 * x pow 2 - &1 <= &1`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/20 4.92 5/22 4.67 DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/20 4.92 5/22 4.67 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. --(&1) <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> -- (&1) <= &4 * x pow 3 - &3 * x /\ &4 * x pow 3 - &3 * x <= &1`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/20 14.38 5/22 13.65 DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/20 14.38 5/22 13.65 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `&1 < &2 /\ (!x. &1 < x ==> &1 < x pow 2) /\ (!x y. &1 < x /\ &1 < y ==> &1 < x * (&1 + &2 * y))`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/22 23.61 DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/22 23.61 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `&0 <= b /\ &0 <= c /\ &0 < a * c ==> ?u. &0 < u /\ u * (u * c - a * c) - (u * a * c - (a pow 2 * c + b)) < a pow 2 * c + b`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/22 8.78 DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/22 8.78 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Examples. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 + x^2 + 1 = 0 > > ; ; 0.01 let fm = ` ? x. x pow 4 + x pow 2 + & 1 = & 0 ` ; ; let vars = [ ] time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 + x^2 + 1 = 0>>;; 0.01 let fm = `?x. x pow 4 + x pow 2 + &1 = &0`;; let vars = [] *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 + x pow 2 + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 4/29/2005 3.19 5/19 2.2 5/20 1.96 5/22 1.53 DATE ------- HOL -------- 4/29/2005 3.19 5/19 2.2 5/20 1.96 5/22 1.53 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 > > ; ; 0.01 time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0>>;; 0.01 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - x pow 2 + x - &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 4/29/2005 3.83 5/22/2005 1.69 DATE ------- HOL -------- 4/29/2005 3.83 5/22/2005 1.69 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x y. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 - y^2 + y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) > > ; ; 0.23 time real_qelim <<exists x y. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 - y^2 + y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y)>>;; 0.23 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. (x pow 3 - x pow 2 + x - &1 = &0) /\ (y pow 3 - y pow 2 + y - &1 = &0) /\ ~(x = y)`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 682.85 3000 5/17/2005 345.27 5/22 269 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 682.85 3000 5/17/2005 345.27 5/22 269 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall a f k. ( forall e. k < e = = > f < a * e ) = = > f < = a * k > > ; ; 0.02 time real_qelim <<forall a f k. (forall e. k < e ==> f < a * e) ==> f <= a * k>>;; 0.02 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a f k. (!e. k < e ==> f < a * e) ==> f <= a * k`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 20.91 1000 5/15/2005 17.98 5/17/2005 15.12 5/18/2005 12.87 5/22 12.09 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 20.91 1000 5/15/2005 17.98 5/17/2005 15.12 5/18/2005 12.87 5/22 12.09 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0 > > ; ; 0.01 time real_qelim <<exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0>>;; 0.01 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 10.99 1000 5/17/2005 6.42 5/18 5.39 5/22 4.74 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 10.99 1000 5/17/2005 6.42 5/18 5.39 5/22 4.74 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall a b c. ( exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0 ) < = > b^2 > = 4 * a * c > > ; ; 0.51 time real_qelim <<forall a b c. (exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0) <=> b^2 >= 4 * a * c>>;; 0.51 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. (?x. a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0) <=> b pow 2 >= &4 * a * c`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1200.99 2400 5/17 878.25 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1200.99 2400 5/17 878.25 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall a b c. ( exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0 ) < = > a = 0 /\ ( ~(b = 0 ) \/ c = 0 ) \/ ~(a = 0 ) /\ b^2 > = 4 * a * c > > ; ; 0.51 time real_qelim <<forall a b c. (exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0) <=> a = 0 /\ (~(b = 0) \/ c = 0) \/ ~(a = 0) /\ b^2 >= 4 * a * c>>;; 0.51 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. (?x. a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0) <=> (a = &0) /\ (~(b = &0) \/ (c = &0)) \/ ~(a = &0) /\ b pow 2 >= &4 * a * c`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1173.9 2400 5/17 848.4 5/20 816 1095 during depot update DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1173.9 2400 5/17 848.4 5/20 816 1095 during depot update *) time real_qelim < < exists x. 0 < = x /\ x < = 1 /\ ( r * r * x * x - r * ( 1 + r ) * x + ( 1 + r ) = 0 ) /\ ~(2 * r * x = 1 + r ) > > time real_qelim <<exists x. 0 <= x /\ x <= 1 /\ (r * r * x * x - r * (1 + r) * x + (1 + r) = 0) /\ ~(2 * r * x = 1 + r)>> *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. &0 <= x /\ x <= &1 /\ (r pow 2 * x pow 2 - r * (&1 + r) * x + (&1 + r) = &0) /\ ~(&2 * r * x = &1 + r)`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 5/20/2005 19021 1460 4000 line output DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 5/20/2005 19021 1460 4000 line output *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Termination ordering for group theory completion. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Left this out *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* This one works better using DNF. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* And this *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Linear examples . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x - 1 > 0 > > ; ; 0 time real_qelim <<exists x. x - 1 > 0>>;; 0 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 .56 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 .56 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. 3 - x > 0 /\ x - 1 > 0 > > ; ; 0 time real_qelim <<exists x. 3 - x > 0 /\ x - 1 > 0>>;; 0 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. &3 - x > &0 /\ x - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.66 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.66 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Quadratics . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^2 = 0 > > ; ; 0 time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 = 0>>;; 0 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.12 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.12 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.11 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.11 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.54 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.54 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - 2 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - &2 * x + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.21 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.21 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - &3 * x + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.75 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.75 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Cubics . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - 1 > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.96 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.96 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - 3 * x^2 + 3 * x - 1 > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - &3 * x pow 2 + &3 * x - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.97 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.97 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - 4 * x^2 + 5 * x - 2 > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - &4 * x pow 2 + &5 * x - &2 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.89 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.89 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - 6 * x^2 + 11 * x - 6 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - &6 * x pow 2 + &11 * x - &6 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.17 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.17 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Quartics. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 - 1 > 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 - 1 > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.07 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.07 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 + 1 > 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 + 1 > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 + &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.47 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.47 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.48 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.48 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 - x^3 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 - x pow 3 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.76 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.76 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 - x^2 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 - x pow 2 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.16 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.16 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 - 2 * x^2 + 2 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 - &2 * x pow 2 + &2 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 6.87 5/16/2005 5.22 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 6.87 5/16/2005 5.22 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Quintics . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists * x^4 + 85 * x^3 - 225 * x^2 + 274 * x - 120 = 0 > > ; ; 0.03 print_timers ( ) time real_qelim <<exists x. x^5 - 15 * x^4 + 85 * x^3 - 225 * x^2 + 274 * x - 120 = 0>>;; 0.03 print_timers() *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 5 - &15 * x pow 4 + &85 * x pow 3 - &225 * x pow 2 + &274 * x - &120 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 65.64 2500 5/15/2005 55.93 5/16/2005 47.72 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 65.64 2500 5/15/2005 55.93 5/16/2005 47.72 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Sextics(?) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^6 - 21 * + 175 * x^4 - 735 * x^3 + 1624 * x^2 - 1764 * x + 720 = 0 > > ; ; 0.15 time real_qelim <<exists x. x^6 - 21 * x^5 + 175 * x^4 - 735 * x^3 + 1624 * x^2 - 1764 * x + 720 = 0>>;; 0.15 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 6 - &21 * x pow 5 + &175 * x pow 4 - &735 * x pow 3 + &1624 * x pow 2 - &1764 * x + &720 = &0`;; `?x. x pow 5 - &15 * x pow 4 + &85 * x pow 3 - &225 * x pow 2 + &274 * x - &120 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1400.4 10000 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1400.4 10000 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^6 - 12 * + 56 * x^4 - 130 * x^3 + 159 * x^2 - 98 * x + 24 = 0 > > ; ; 7.54 time real_qelim <<exists x. x^6 - 12 * x^5 + 56 * x^4 - 130 * x^3 + 159 * x^2 - 98 * x + 24 = 0>>;; 7.54 *) (* NOT YET *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV ` ? x. x pow 6 - & 12 * x pow 5 + & 56 * x pow 4 - & 130 * x pow 3 + & 159 * x pow 2 - & 98 * x + & 24 = & 0 ` ; ; time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 6 - &12 * x pow 5 + &56 * x pow 4 - &130 * x pow 3 + &159 * x pow 2 - &98 * x + &24 = &0`;; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Multiple polynomials. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^2 + 2 > 0 /\ x^3 - 11 = 0 /\ x + 131 > = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 + 2 > 0 /\ x^3 - 11 = 0 /\ x + 131 >= 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 + &2 > &0 /\ (x pow 3 - &11 = &0) /\ x + &131 >= &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 13.1 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 13.1 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* With more variables. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 10.94 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 10.94 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x. a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. a * x pow 3 + b * x pow 2 + c * x + d = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 269.17 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 269.17 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Constraint solving . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x1 x2 . x1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2 - u1 < = 0 /\ x1 ^ 2 - u2 > 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x1 x2. x1^2 + x2^2 - u1 <= 0 /\ x1^2 - u2 > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x1 x2. x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2 - u1 <= &0 /\ x1 pow 2 - u2 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 89.97 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 89.97 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Huet & Oppen (interpretation of group theory). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall x y. x > 0 /\ y > 0 ==> x * (1 + 2 * y) > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. x > &0 /\ y > &0 ==> x * (&1 + &2 * y) > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 5.03 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 5.03 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Other examples. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - x + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.19 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.19 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - &3 * x + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.65 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.65 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x > 6 /\ ( x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x > 6 /\ (x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x > &6 /\ (x pow 2 - &3 * x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.63 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.63 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. 7 * x^2 - 5 * x + 3 > 0 /\ x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. 7 * x^2 - 5 * x + 3 > 0 /\ x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. &7 * x pow 2 - &5 * x + &3 > &0 /\ (x pow 2 - &3 * x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.62 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.62 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. 11 * x^3 - 7 * x^2 - 2 * x + 1 = 0 /\ 7 * x^2 - 5 * x + 3 > 0 /\ x^2 - 8 * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. 11 * x^3 - 7 * x^2 - 2 * x + 1 = 0 /\ 7 * x^2 - 5 * x + 3 > 0 /\ x^2 - 8 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. (&11 * x pow 3 - &7 * x pow 2 - &2 * x + &1 = &0) /\ &7 * x pow 2 - &5 * x + &3 > &0 /\ (x pow 2 - &8 * x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 221.4 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 221.4 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Quadratic inequality from Liska and (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x. -(1 ) < = x /\ x < = 1 = = > C * ( x - 1 ) * ( 4 * x * a * C - x * C - 4 * a * C + C - 2 ) > = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. -(1) <= x /\ x <= 1 ==> C * (x - 1) * (4 * x * a * C - x * C - 4 * a * C + C - 2) >= 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. -- &1 <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> C * (x - &1) * (&4 * x * a * C - x * C - &4 * a * C + C - &2) >= &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1493 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1493 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Metal - milling example from Loos and (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x y. 0 < x /\ y < 0 /\ x * r - x * t + t = q * x - s * x + s /\ x * b - x * d + d = a * y - c * y + c>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. &0 < x /\ y < &0 /\ (x * r - x * t + t = q * x - s * x + s) /\ (x * b - x * d + d = a * y - c * y + c)`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Linear example from and (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists r. 0 < r /\ r < 1 /\ 0 < ( 1 - 3 * r ) * ( a^2 + b^2 ) + 2 * a * r /\ ( 2 - 3 * r ) * ( a^2 + b^2 ) + 4 * a * r - 2 * a - r < 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists r. 0 < r /\ r < 1 /\ 0 < (1 - 3 * r) * (a^2 + b^2) + 2 * a * r /\ (2 - 3 * r) * (a^2 + b^2) + 4 * a * r - 2 * a - r < 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?r. &0 < r /\ r < &1 /\ &0 < (&1 - &3 * r) * (a pow 2 + b pow 2) + &2 * a * r /\ (&2 - &3 * r) * (a pow 2 + b pow 2) + &4 * a * r - &2 * a - r < &0`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) # 4 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall x y. (1 - t) * x <= (1 + t) * y /\ (1 - t) * y <= (1 + t) * x ==> 0 <= y>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (&1 - t) * x <= (&1 + t) * y /\ (&1 - t) * y <= (&1 + t) * x ==> &0 <= y`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 893 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 893 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Some examples from " Real Quantifier Elimination in practice " . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x2 . x1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2 < = u1 /\ x1 ^ 2 > u2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x2. x1^2 + x2^2 <= u1 /\ x1^2 > u2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x2. x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2 <= u1 /\ x1 pow 2 > u2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x1 x2 . x1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2 < = u1 /\ x1 ^ 2 > u2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x1 x2. x1^2 + x2^2 <= u1 /\ x1^2 > u2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x1 x2. x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2 <= u1 /\ x1 pow 2 > u2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 90 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 90 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x1 x2 . x1 + x2 < = 2 /\ x1 < = 1 /\ x1 > = 0 /\ x2 > = 0 = = > 3 * ( x1 + 3 * x2 ^ 2 + 2 ) < = 8 * ( 2 * x1 + x2 + 1 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x1 x2. x1 + x2 <= 2 /\ x1 <= 1 /\ x1 >= 0 /\ x2 >= 0 ==> 3 * (x1 + 3 * x2^2 + 2) <= 8 * (2 * x1 + x2 + 1)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x1 x2. x1 + x2 <= &2 /\ x1 <= &1 /\ x1 >= &0 /\ x2 >= &0 ==> &3 * (x1 + &3 * x2 pow 2 + &2) <= &8 * (&2 * x1 + x2 + &1)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 18430 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 18430 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) From Collins & Johnson 's " Sign variation ... " article . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists r. 0 < r /\ r < 1 /\ ( 1 - 3 * r ) * ( a^2 + b^2 ) + 2 * a * r > 0 /\ ( 2 - 3 * r ) * ( a^2 + b^2 ) + 4 * a * r - 2 * a - r < 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists r. 0 < r /\ r < 1 /\ (1 - 3 * r) * (a^2 + b^2) + 2 * a * r > 0 /\ (2 - 3 * r) * (a^2 + b^2) + 4 * a * r - 2 * a - r < 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?r. &0 < r /\ r < &1 /\ (&1 - &3 * r) * (a pow 2 + b pow 2) + &2 * a * r > &0 /\ (&2 - &3 * r) * (a pow 2 + b pow 2) + &4 * a * r - &2 * a - r < &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4595.11 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4595.11 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) From " Parallel implementation of CAD " article . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. forall y. x^2 + y^2 > 1 /\ x * y > = 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. forall y. x^2 + y^2 > 1 /\ x * y >= 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. !y. x pow 2 + y pow 2 > &1 /\ x * y >= &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 89.51 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 89.51 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Other misc examples. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 = = > 2 * x * y < = 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 ==> 2 * x * y <= 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 = &1) ==> &2 * x * y <= &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 83.02 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 83.02 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 = = > 2 * x * y < 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 ==> 2 * x * y < 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 = &1) ==> &2 * x * y < &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 83.7 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 83.7 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x * y > 0 < = > x > 0 /\ y > 0 \/ x < 0 /\ y < 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x * y > 0 <=> x > 0 /\ y > 0 \/ x < 0 /\ y < 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. x * y > &0 <=> x > &0 /\ y > &0 \/ x < &0 /\ y < &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 27.4 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 27.4 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<exists x y. x > y /\ x^2 < y^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. x > y /\ x pow 2 < y pow 2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.19 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.19 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x < y = = > exists < z /\ z < y > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x < y ==> exists z. x < z /\ z < y>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. x < y ==> ?z. x < z /\ z < y`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.8 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.8 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x. 0 < x < = > exists y. x * y^2 = 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. 0 < x <=> exists y. x * y^2 = 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. &0 < x <=> ?y. x * y pow 2 = &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.76 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.76 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x. 0 < = x < = > exists y. x * y^2 = 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. 0 <= x <=> exists y. x * y^2 = 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. &0 <= x <=> ?y. x * y pow 2 = &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.38 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.38 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x. 0 < = x < = > exists y. x = y^2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. 0 <= x <=> exists y. x = y^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. &0 <= x <=> ?y. x = y pow 2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.38 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.38 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. 0 < x /\ x < y = = > exists < z^2 /\ z^2 < y > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. 0 < x /\ x < y ==> exists z. x < z^2 /\ z^2 < y>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. &0 < x /\ x < y ==> ?z. x < z pow 2 /\ z pow 2 < y`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 93.1 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 93.1 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x < y = = > exists < z^2 /\ z^2 < y > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x < y ==> exists z. x < z^2 /\ z^2 < y>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. x < y ==> ?z. x < z pow 2 /\ z pow 2 < y`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 93.22 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 93.22 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 0 = = > x = 0 /\ y = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 0 ==> x = 0 /\ y = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 = &0) ==> (x = &0) /\ (y = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 17.21 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 17.21 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y z. x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 0 = = > x = 0 /\ y = 0 /\ z = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y z. x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 0 ==> x = 0 /\ y = 0 /\ z = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y z. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 + z pow 2 = &0) ==> (x = &0) /\ (y = &0) /\ (z = &0)`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall w x y + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 0 = = > w = 0 /\ x = 0 /\ y = 0 /\ z = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall w x y z. w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 0 ==> w = 0 /\ x = 0 /\ y = 0 /\ z = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!w x y z. (w pow 2 + x pow 2 + y pow 2 + z pow 2 = &0) ==> (w = &0) /\ (x = &0) /\ (y = &0) /\ (z = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 596 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 596 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall 2 = = > forall x. ~(x^2 + a*x + 1 = 0 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a. a^2 = 2 ==> forall x. ~(x^2 + a*x + 1 = 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a. (a pow 2 = &2) ==> !x. ~(x pow 2 + a*x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.7 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.7 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall 2 = = > forall x. ~(x^2 - a*x + 1 = 0 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a. a^2 = 2 ==> forall x. ~(x^2 - a*x + 1 = 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a. (a pow 2 = &2) ==> !x. ~(x pow 2 - a*x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.82 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.82 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 = 2 /\ y^2 = 3 = = > ( x * y)^2 = 6 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 = 2 /\ y^2 = 3 ==> (x * y)^2 = 6>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 = &2) /\ (y pow 2 = &3) ==> ((x * y) pow 2 = &6)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 48.59 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 48.59 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x. exists y. x^2 = y^3 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. exists y. x^2 = y^3>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. ?y. x pow 2 = y pow 3`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 6.93 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 6.93 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x. exists y. x^3 = y^2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. exists y. x^3 = y^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. ?y. x pow 3 = y pow 2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 5.76 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 5.76 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall a b c. (a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0) /\ (a * y^2 + b * y + c = 0) /\ ~(x = y) ==> (a * (x + y) + b = 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. (a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0) /\ (a * y pow 2 + b * y + c = &0) /\ ~(x = y) ==> (a * (x + y) + b = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 76.5 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 76.5 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall . ( y_1 = 2 * y_3 ) /\ ( y_2 = 2 * y_4 ) /\ ( y_1 * y_3 = y_2 * y_4 ) = = > ( y_1 ^ 2 = y_2 ^ 2 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall y_1 y_2 y_3 y_4. (y_1 = 2 * y_3) /\ (y_2 = 2 * y_4) /\ (y_1 * y_3 = y_2 * y_4) ==> (y_1^2 = y_2^2)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!y_1 y_2 y_3 y_4. (y_1 = &2 * y_3) /\ (y_2 = &2 * y_4) /\ (y_1 * y_3 = y_2 * y_4) ==> (y_1 pow 2 = y_2 pow 2)`;; time real_qelim < < forall x. x^2 < 1 < = > x^4 < 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. x^2 < 1 <=> x^4 < 1>>;; *) DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1327 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1327 *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Counting roots. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - x pow 2 + x - &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.8 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.8 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x y. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 - y^2 + y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x y. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 - y^2 + y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. (x pow 3 - x pow 2 + x - &1 = &0) /\ (y pow 3 - y pow 2 + y - &1 = &0) /\ ~(x = y)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 670 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 670 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 + x^2 - 2 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 + x^2 - 2 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 + x pow 2 - &2 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.9 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.9 *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x y. x^4 + x^2 - 2 = 0 /\ y^4 + y^2 - 2 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x y. x^4 + x^2 - 2 = 0 /\ y^4 + y^2 - 2 = 0 /\ ~(x = y)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. x pow 4 + x pow 2 - &2 = &0 /\ y pow 4 + y pow 2 - &2 = &0 /\ ~(x = y)`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x y. x^3 + x^2 - x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 + y^2 - y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x y. x^3 + x^2 - x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 + y^2 - y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. (x pow 3 + x pow 2 - x - &1 = &0) /\ (y pow 3 + y pow 2 - y - &1 = &0) /\ ~(x = y)`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists x y z. x^3 + x^2 - x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 + y^2 - y - 1 = 0 /\ z^3 + z^2 - z - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) /\ ~(x = z ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x y z. x^3 + x^2 - x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 + y^2 - y - 1 = 0 /\ z^3 + z^2 - z - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y) /\ ~(x = z)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y z. (x pow 3 + x pow 2 - x - &1 = &0) /\ (y pow 3 + y pow 2 - y - &1 = &0) /\ (z pow 3 + z pow 2 - z - &1 = &0) /\ ~(x = y) /\ ~(x = z)`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Existence of tangents, so to speak. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. exists s = 1 /\ s * x + c * y = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. exists s c. s^2 + c^2 = 1 /\ s * x + c * y = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. ?s c. (s pow 2 + c pow 2 = &1) /\ s * x + c * y = &0`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Another useful thing (componentwise ==> normwise accuracy etc.) *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. ( x + y)^2 < = 2 * ( x^2 + y^2 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. (x + y)^2 <= 2 * (x^2 + y^2)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x + y) pow 2 <= &2 * (x pow 2 + y pow 2)`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Some related quantifier elimination problems. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall x y. (x + y)^2 <= c * (x^2 + y^2)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x + y) pow 2 <= c * (x pow 2 + y pow 2)`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall c. ( forall x y. ( x + y)^2 < = c * ( x^2 + y^2 ) ) < = > 2 < = c > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall c. (forall x y. (x + y)^2 <= c * (x^2 + y^2)) <=> 2 <= c>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!c. (!x y. (x + y) pow 2 <= c * (x pow 2 + y pow 2)) <=> &2 <= c`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall a b. a * b * c < = > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b. a * b * c <= a^2 + b^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. a * b * c <= a pow 2 + b pow 2`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall c. ( forall a b. a * b * c < = b^2 ) < = > c^2 < = 4 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall c. (forall a b. a * b * c <= a^2 + b^2) <=> c^2 <= 4>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!c. (!a b. a * b * c <= a pow 2 + b pow 2) <=> c pow 2 <= &4`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Tedious lemmas I once proved manually in HOL . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall a b c. 0 < a /\ 0 < b /\ 0 < c ==> 0 < a * b /\ 0 < a * c /\ 0 < b * c>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. &0 < a /\ &0 < b /\ &0 < c ==> &0 < a * b /\ &0 < a * c /\ &0 < b * c`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall a b c. a * b > 0 ==> (c * a < 0 <=> c * b < 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. a * b > &0 ==> (c * a < &0 <=> c * b < &0)`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall a b c. a * b > 0 ==> (a * c < 0 <=> b * c < 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. a * b > &0 ==> (a * c < &0 <=> b * c < &0)`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall a b. a < 0 ==> (a * b > 0 <=> b < 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. a < &0 ==> (a * b > &0 <=> b < &0)`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall a b c. a * b < 0 /\ ~(c = 0) ==> (c * a < 0 <=> ~(c * b < 0))>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. a * b < &0 /\ ~(c = &0) ==> (c * a < &0 <=> ~(c * b < &0))`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall a b. a * b < 0 < = > a > 0 /\ b < 0 \/ a < 0 /\ b > 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b. a * b < 0 <=> a > 0 /\ b < 0 \/ a < 0 /\ b > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. a * b < &0 <=> a > &0 /\ b < &0 \/ a < &0 /\ b > &0`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall a b. a * b < = 0 < = > a > = 0 /\ b < = 0 \/ a < = 0 /\ b > = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b. a * b <= 0 <=> a >= 0 /\ b <= 0 \/ a <= 0 /\ b >= 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. a * b <= &0 <=> a >= &0 /\ b <= &0 \/ a <= &0 /\ b >= &0`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Vaguely connected with reductions for arithmetic . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall a b. ~(a <= b) <=> forall d. d <= b ==> d < a>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. ~(a <= b) <=> !d. d <= b ==> d < a`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall a b. ~(a <= b) <=> forall d. d <= b ==> ~(d = a)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. ~(a <= b) <=> !d. d <= b ==> ~(d = a)`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) (* time real_qelim <<forall a b. ~(a < b) <=> forall d. d < b ==> d < a>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. ~(a < b) <=> !d. d < b ==> d < a`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Another nice problem. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 = = > ( x + y)^2 < = 2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 ==> (x + y)^2 <= 2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 = &1) ==> (x + y) pow 2 <= &2`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Some variants / intermediate steps in Cauchy - Schwartz inequality . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. 2 * x * y < = x^2 + y^2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. 2 * x * y <= x^2 + y^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. &2 * x * y <= x pow 2 + y pow 2`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall a b c d. 2 * a * b * c * d < = a^2 * b^2 + c^2 * d^2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b c d. 2 * a * b * c * d <= a^2 * b^2 + c^2 * d^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c d. &2 * a * b * c * d <= a pow 2 * b pow 2 + c pow 2 * d pow 2`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall x1 x2 y1 y2 . ( x1 * y1 + x2 * y2)^2 < = ( x1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2 ) * ( y1 ^ 2 + y2 ^ 2 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x1 x2 y1 y2. (x1 * y1 + x2 * y2)^2 <= (x1^2 + x2^2) * (y1^2 + y2^2)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x1 x2 y1 y2. (x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) pow 2 <= (x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2) * (y1 pow 2 + y2 pow 2)`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The determinant example works OK here too. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < exists w x y z. ( a * w + b * y = 1 ) /\ ( a * x + b * z = 0 ) /\ ( c * w + d * y = 0 ) /\ ( c * x + d * z = 1 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists w x y z. (a * w + b * y = 1) /\ (a * x + b * z = 0) /\ (c * w + d * y = 0) /\ (c * x + d * z = 1)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?w x y z. (a * w + b * y = &1) /\ (a * x + b * z = &0) /\ (c * w + d * y = &0) /\ (c * x + d * z = &1)`;; (* --------------------------------- --------------------------------- *) time real_qelim < < forall a b c d. ( exists w x y z. ( a * w + b * y = 1 ) /\ ( a * x + b * z = 0 ) /\ ( c * w + d * y = 0 ) /\ ( c * x + d * z = 1 ) ) < = > ~(a * d = b * c ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b c d. (exists w x y z. (a * w + b * y = 1) /\ (a * x + b * z = 0) /\ (c * w + d * y = 0) /\ (c * x + d * z = 1)) <=> ~(a * d = b * c)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c d. (?w x y z. (a * w + b * y = &1) /\ (a * x + b * z = &0) /\ (c * w + d * y = &0) /\ (c * x + d * z = &1)) <=> ~(a * d = b * c)`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) From applying . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let th = prove (`&0 <= c' /\ &0 <= c /\ &0 < h * c' ==> (?u. &0 < u /\ (!v. &0 < v /\ v <= u ==> v * (v * (h * h * c' + c) - h * c') - (v * h * c' - c') < c'))`, W(fun (asl,w) -> MAP_EVERY (fun v -> SPEC_TAC(v,v)) (frees w)) THEN CONV_TAC REAL_QELIM_CONV);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Two notions of parallelism . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x1 x2 y1 y2. (?c. (x2 = c * x1) /\ (y2 = c * y1)) <=> (x1 = &0 /\ y1 = &0 ==> x2 = &0 /\ y2 = &0) /\ x1 * y2 = x2 * y1`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) From ( takes about 300 seconds ) . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. &0 <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> &0 < &1 - x + x pow 2 / &2 - x pow 3 / &6 /\ &1 <= (&1 + x + x pow 2) * (&1 - x + x pow 2 / &2 - x pow 3 / &6)`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A natural simplification of "limit of a product" result. *) Takes about 450 seconds . (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) * * Would actually like to get rid of abs internally and state it like this : time REAL_QELIM_CONV ` ! x y e. & 0 < e = = > ? d. & 0 < d /\ ) * ( y + d ) - x * y ) < e ` ; ; * * * time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y e. &0 < e ==> ?d. &0 < d /\ abs((x + d) * (y + d) - x * y) < e`;; ****) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y e. &0 < e ==> ?d. &0 < d /\ (x + d) * (y + d) - x * y < e /\ x * y - (x + d) * (y + d) < e`;;
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Termination ordering for group theory completion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left this out ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one works better using DNF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- And this ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 + 1 = 0>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - 1 > 0>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - 3 * x^2 + 3 * x - 1 > 0>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - 4 * x^2 + 5 * x - 2 > 0>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - 6 * x^2 + 11 * x - 6 = 0>>;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quartics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 - x^3 = 0>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 - x^2 = 0>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 - 2 * x^2 + 2 = 0>>;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sextics(?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- NOT YET ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple polynomials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With more variables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x. a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d = 0>>;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Huet & Oppen (interpretation of group theory). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall x y. x > 0 /\ y > 0 ==> x * (1 + 2 * y) > 0>>;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other examples. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x y. 0 < x /\ y < 0 /\ x * r - x * t + t = q * x - s * x + s /\ x * b - x * d + d = a * y - c * y + c>>;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall x y. (1 - t) * x <= (1 + t) * y /\ (1 - t) * y <= (1 + t) * x ==> 0 <= y>>;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other misc examples. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<exists x y. x > y /\ x^2 < y^2>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall a b c. (a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0) /\ (a * y^2 + b * y + c = 0) /\ ~(x = y) ==> (a * (x + y) + b = 0)>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Counting roots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Existence of tangents, so to speak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another useful thing (componentwise ==> normwise accuracy etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some related quantifier elimination problems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall x y. (x + y)^2 <= c * (x^2 + y^2)>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall a b c. 0 < a /\ 0 < b /\ 0 < c ==> 0 < a * b /\ 0 < a * c /\ 0 < b * c>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall a b c. a * b > 0 ==> (c * a < 0 <=> c * b < 0)>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall a b c. a * b > 0 ==> (a * c < 0 <=> b * c < 0)>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall a b. a < 0 ==> (a * b > 0 <=> b < 0)>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall a b c. a * b < 0 /\ ~(c = 0) ==> (c * a < 0 <=> ~(c * b < 0))>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall a b. ~(a <= b) <=> forall d. d <= b ==> d < a>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall a b. ~(a <= b) <=> forall d. d <= b ==> ~(d = a)>>;; --------------------------------- --------------------------------- time real_qelim <<forall a b. ~(a < b) <=> forall d. d < b ==> d < a>>;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another nice problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The determinant example works OK here too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A natural simplification of "limit of a product" result. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------- Chebychev ----------------------------- time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. --(&1) <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> -- (&1) <= &2 * x pow 2 - &1 /\ &2 * x pow 2 - &1 <= &1`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/20 4.92 5/22 4.67 DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/20 4.92 5/22 4.67 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. --(&1) <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> -- (&1) <= &4 * x pow 3 - &3 * x /\ &4 * x pow 3 - &3 * x <= &1`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/20 14.38 5/22 13.65 DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/20 14.38 5/22 13.65 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `&1 < &2 /\ (!x. &1 < x ==> &1 < x pow 2) /\ (!x y. &1 < x /\ &1 < y ==> &1 < x * (&1 + &2 * y))`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/22 23.61 DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/22 23.61 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `&0 <= b /\ &0 <= c /\ &0 < a * c ==> ?u. &0 < u /\ u * (u * c - a * c) - (u * a * c - (a pow 2 * c + b)) < a pow 2 * c + b`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/22 8.78 DATE ------- HOL -------- 5/22 8.78 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 + x^2 + 1 = 0 > > ; ; 0.01 let fm = ` ? x. x pow 4 + x pow 2 + & 1 = & 0 ` ; ; let vars = [ ] time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 + x^2 + 1 = 0>>;; 0.01 let fm = `?x. x pow 4 + x pow 2 + &1 = &0`;; let vars = [] *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 + x pow 2 + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 4/29/2005 3.19 5/19 2.2 5/20 1.96 5/22 1.53 DATE ------- HOL -------- 4/29/2005 3.19 5/19 2.2 5/20 1.96 5/22 1.53 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 > > ; ; 0.01 time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0>>;; 0.01 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - x pow 2 + x - &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- 4/29/2005 3.83 5/22/2005 1.69 DATE ------- HOL -------- 4/29/2005 3.83 5/22/2005 1.69 *) time real_qelim < < exists x y. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 - y^2 + y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) > > ; ; 0.23 time real_qelim <<exists x y. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 - y^2 + y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y)>>;; 0.23 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. (x pow 3 - x pow 2 + x - &1 = &0) /\ (y pow 3 - y pow 2 + y - &1 = &0) /\ ~(x = y)`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 682.85 3000 5/17/2005 345.27 5/22 269 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 682.85 3000 5/17/2005 345.27 5/22 269 *) time real_qelim < < forall a f k. ( forall e. k < e = = > f < a * e ) = = > f < = a * k > > ; ; 0.02 time real_qelim <<forall a f k. (forall e. k < e ==> f < a * e) ==> f <= a * k>>;; 0.02 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a f k. (!e. k < e ==> f < a * e) ==> f <= a * k`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 20.91 1000 5/15/2005 17.98 5/17/2005 15.12 5/18/2005 12.87 5/22 12.09 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 20.91 1000 5/15/2005 17.98 5/17/2005 15.12 5/18/2005 12.87 5/22 12.09 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0 > > ; ; 0.01 time real_qelim <<exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0>>;; 0.01 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 10.99 1000 5/17/2005 6.42 5/18 5.39 5/22 4.74 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 10.99 1000 5/17/2005 6.42 5/18 5.39 5/22 4.74 *) time real_qelim < < forall a b c. ( exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0 ) < = > b^2 > = 4 * a * c > > ; ; 0.51 time real_qelim <<forall a b c. (exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0) <=> b^2 >= 4 * a * c>>;; 0.51 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. (?x. a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0) <=> b pow 2 >= &4 * a * c`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1200.99 2400 5/17 878.25 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1200.99 2400 5/17 878.25 *) time real_qelim < < forall a b c. ( exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0 ) < = > a = 0 /\ ( ~(b = 0 ) \/ c = 0 ) \/ ~(a = 0 ) /\ b^2 > = 4 * a * c > > ; ; 0.51 time real_qelim <<forall a b c. (exists x. a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0) <=> a = 0 /\ (~(b = 0) \/ c = 0) \/ ~(a = 0) /\ b^2 >= 4 * a * c>>;; 0.51 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. (?x. a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0) <=> (a = &0) /\ (~(b = &0) \/ (c = &0)) \/ ~(a = &0) /\ b pow 2 >= &4 * a * c`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1173.9 2400 5/17 848.4 5/20 816 1095 during depot update DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1173.9 2400 5/17 848.4 5/20 816 1095 during depot update *) time real_qelim < < exists x. 0 < = x /\ x < = 1 /\ ( r * r * x * x - r * ( 1 + r ) * x + ( 1 + r ) = 0 ) /\ ~(2 * r * x = 1 + r ) > > time real_qelim <<exists x. 0 <= x /\ x <= 1 /\ (r * r * x * x - r * (1 + r) * x + (1 + r) = 0) /\ ~(2 * r * x = 1 + r)>> *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. &0 <= x /\ x <= &1 /\ (r pow 2 * x pow 2 - r * (&1 + r) * x + (&1 + r) = &0) /\ ~(&2 * r * x = &1 + r)`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 5/20/2005 19021 1460 4000 line output DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 5/20/2005 19021 1460 4000 line output *) Linear examples . time real_qelim < < exists x. x - 1 > 0 > > ; ; 0 time real_qelim <<exists x. x - 1 > 0>>;; 0 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 .56 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 .56 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. 3 - x > 0 /\ x - 1 > 0 > > ; ; 0 time real_qelim <<exists x. 3 - x > 0 /\ x - 1 > 0>>;; 0 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. &3 - x > &0 /\ x - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.66 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.66 *) Quadratics . time real_qelim < < exists x. x^2 = 0 > > ; ; 0 time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 = 0>>;; 0 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.12 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.12 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.11 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.11 *) time real_qelim < < exists = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.54 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.54 *) time real_qelim < < exists * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - 2 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - &2 * x + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.21 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.21 *) time real_qelim < < exists * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - &3 * x + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.75 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.75 *) Cubics . time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.96 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.96 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - &3 * x pow 2 + &3 * x - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.97 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.97 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - &4 * x pow 2 + &5 * x - &2 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.89 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.89 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - &6 * x pow 2 + &11 * x - &6 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.17 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.17 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 - 1 > 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 - 1 > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 - &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.07 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.07 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 + 1 > 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 + 1 > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 + &1 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.47 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.47 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.48 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.48 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 - x pow 3 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.76 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.76 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 - x pow 2 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.16 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 2.16 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 - &2 * x pow 2 + &2 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 6.87 5/16/2005 5.22 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 6.87 5/16/2005 5.22 *) Quintics . time real_qelim < < exists * x^4 + 85 * x^3 - 225 * x^2 + 274 * x - 120 = 0 > > ; ; 0.03 print_timers ( ) time real_qelim <<exists x. x^5 - 15 * x^4 + 85 * x^3 - 225 * x^2 + 274 * x - 120 = 0>>;; 0.03 print_timers() *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 5 - &15 * x pow 4 + &85 * x pow 3 - &225 * x pow 2 + &274 * x - &120 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 65.64 2500 5/15/2005 55.93 5/16/2005 47.72 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 65.64 2500 5/15/2005 55.93 5/16/2005 47.72 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^6 - 21 * + 175 * x^4 - 735 * x^3 + 1624 * x^2 - 1764 * x + 720 = 0 > > ; ; 0.15 time real_qelim <<exists x. x^6 - 21 * x^5 + 175 * x^4 - 735 * x^3 + 1624 * x^2 - 1764 * x + 720 = 0>>;; 0.15 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 6 - &21 * x pow 5 + &175 * x pow 4 - &735 * x pow 3 + &1624 * x pow 2 - &1764 * x + &720 = &0`;; `?x. x pow 5 - &15 * x pow 4 + &85 * x pow 3 - &225 * x pow 2 + &274 * x - &120 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1400.4 10000 DATE ------- HOL -------- Factor 4/29/2005 1400.4 10000 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^6 - 12 * + 56 * x^4 - 130 * x^3 + 159 * x^2 - 98 * x + 24 = 0 > > ; ; 7.54 time real_qelim <<exists x. x^6 - 12 * x^5 + 56 * x^4 - 130 * x^3 + 159 * x^2 - 98 * x + 24 = 0>>;; 7.54 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV ` ? x. x pow 6 - & 12 * x pow 5 + & 56 * x pow 4 - & 130 * x pow 3 + & 159 * x pow 2 - & 98 * x + & 24 = & 0 ` ; ; time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 6 - &12 * x pow 5 + &56 * x pow 4 - &130 * x pow 3 + &159 * x pow 2 - &98 * x + &24 = &0`;; *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^2 + 2 > 0 /\ x^3 - 11 = 0 /\ x + 131 > = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 + 2 > 0 /\ x^3 - 11 = 0 /\ x + 131 >= 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 + &2 > &0 /\ (x pow 3 - &11 = &0) /\ x + &131 >= &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 13.1 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 13.1 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 10.94 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 10.94 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. a * x pow 3 + b * x pow 2 + c * x + d = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 269.17 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 269.17 *) Constraint solving . time real_qelim < < exists x1 x2 . x1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2 - u1 < = 0 /\ x1 ^ 2 - u2 > 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x1 x2. x1^2 + x2^2 - u1 <= 0 /\ x1^2 - u2 > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x1 x2. x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2 - u1 <= &0 /\ x1 pow 2 - u2 > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 89.97 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 89.97 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. x > &0 /\ y > &0 ==> x * (&1 + &2 * y) > &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 5.03 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 5.03 *) time real_qelim < < exists + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - x + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.19 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.19 *) time real_qelim < < exists * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 2 - &3 * x + &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.65 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.65 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x > 6 /\ ( x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x > 6 /\ (x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x > &6 /\ (x pow 2 - &3 * x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.63 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.63 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. 7 * x^2 - 5 * x + 3 > 0 /\ x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. 7 * x^2 - 5 * x + 3 > 0 /\ x^2 - 3 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. &7 * x pow 2 - &5 * x + &3 > &0 /\ (x pow 2 - &3 * x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.62 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.62 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. 11 * x^3 - 7 * x^2 - 2 * x + 1 = 0 /\ 7 * x^2 - 5 * x + 3 > 0 /\ x^2 - 8 * x + 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. 11 * x^3 - 7 * x^2 - 2 * x + 1 = 0 /\ 7 * x^2 - 5 * x + 3 > 0 /\ x^2 - 8 * x + 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. (&11 * x pow 3 - &7 * x pow 2 - &2 * x + &1 = &0) /\ &7 * x pow 2 - &5 * x + &3 > &0 /\ (x pow 2 - &8 * x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 221.4 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 221.4 *) Quadratic inequality from Liska and time real_qelim < < forall x. -(1 ) < = x /\ x < = 1 = = > C * ( x - 1 ) * ( 4 * x * a * C - x * C - 4 * a * C + C - 2 ) > = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. -(1) <= x /\ x <= 1 ==> C * (x - 1) * (4 * x * a * C - x * C - 4 * a * C + C - 2) >= 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. -- &1 <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> C * (x - &1) * (&4 * x * a * C - x * C - &4 * a * C + C - &2) >= &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1493 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1493 *) Metal - milling example from Loos and time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. &0 < x /\ y < &0 /\ (x * r - x * t + t = q * x - s * x + s) /\ (x * b - x * d + d = a * y - c * y + c)`;; Linear example from and time real_qelim < < exists r. 0 < r /\ r < 1 /\ 0 < ( 1 - 3 * r ) * ( a^2 + b^2 ) + 2 * a * r /\ ( 2 - 3 * r ) * ( a^2 + b^2 ) + 4 * a * r - 2 * a - r < 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists r. 0 < r /\ r < 1 /\ 0 < (1 - 3 * r) * (a^2 + b^2) + 2 * a * r /\ (2 - 3 * r) * (a^2 + b^2) + 4 * a * r - 2 * a - r < 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?r. &0 < r /\ r < &1 /\ &0 < (&1 - &3 * r) * (a pow 2 + b pow 2) + &2 * a * r /\ (&2 - &3 * r) * (a pow 2 + b pow 2) + &4 * a * r - &2 * a - r < &0`;; # 4 time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (&1 - t) * x <= (&1 + t) * y /\ (&1 - t) * y <= (&1 + t) * x ==> &0 <= y`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 893 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 893 *) Some examples from " Real Quantifier Elimination in practice " . time real_qelim < < exists x2 . x1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2 < = u1 /\ x1 ^ 2 > u2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x2. x1^2 + x2^2 <= u1 /\ x1^2 > u2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x2. x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2 <= u1 /\ x1 pow 2 > u2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4 *) time real_qelim < < exists x1 x2 . x1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2 < = u1 /\ x1 ^ 2 > u2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x1 x2. x1^2 + x2^2 <= u1 /\ x1^2 > u2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x1 x2. x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2 <= u1 /\ x1 pow 2 > u2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 90 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 90 *) time real_qelim < < forall x1 x2 . x1 + x2 < = 2 /\ x1 < = 1 /\ x1 > = 0 /\ x2 > = 0 = = > 3 * ( x1 + 3 * x2 ^ 2 + 2 ) < = 8 * ( 2 * x1 + x2 + 1 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x1 x2. x1 + x2 <= 2 /\ x1 <= 1 /\ x1 >= 0 /\ x2 >= 0 ==> 3 * (x1 + 3 * x2^2 + 2) <= 8 * (2 * x1 + x2 + 1)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x1 x2. x1 + x2 <= &2 /\ x1 <= &1 /\ x1 >= &0 /\ x2 >= &0 ==> &3 * (x1 + &3 * x2 pow 2 + &2) <= &8 * (&2 * x1 + x2 + &1)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 18430 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 18430 *) From Collins & Johnson 's " Sign variation ... " article . time real_qelim < < exists r. 0 < r /\ r < 1 /\ ( 1 - 3 * r ) * ( a^2 + b^2 ) + 2 * a * r > 0 /\ ( 2 - 3 * r ) * ( a^2 + b^2 ) + 4 * a * r - 2 * a - r < 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists r. 0 < r /\ r < 1 /\ (1 - 3 * r) * (a^2 + b^2) + 2 * a * r > 0 /\ (2 - 3 * r) * (a^2 + b^2) + 4 * a * r - 2 * a - r < 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?r. &0 < r /\ r < &1 /\ (&1 - &3 * r) * (a pow 2 + b pow 2) + &2 * a * r > &0 /\ (&2 - &3 * r) * (a pow 2 + b pow 2) + &4 * a * r - &2 * a - r < &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4595.11 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4595.11 *) From " Parallel implementation of CAD " article . time real_qelim < < exists x. forall y. x^2 + y^2 > 1 /\ x * y > = 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. forall y. x^2 + y^2 > 1 /\ x * y >= 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. !y. x pow 2 + y pow 2 > &1 /\ x * y >= &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 89.51 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 89.51 *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 = = > 2 * x * y < = 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 ==> 2 * x * y <= 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 = &1) ==> &2 * x * y <= &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 83.02 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 83.02 *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 = = > 2 * x * y < 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 ==> 2 * x * y < 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 = &1) ==> &2 * x * y < &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 83.7 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 83.7 *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x * y > 0 < = > x > 0 /\ y > 0 \/ x < 0 /\ y < 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x * y > 0 <=> x > 0 /\ y > 0 \/ x < 0 /\ y < 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. x * y > &0 <=> x > &0 /\ y > &0 \/ x < &0 /\ y < &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 27.4 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 27.4 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. x > y /\ x pow 2 < y pow 2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.19 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1.19 *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x < y = = > exists < z /\ z < y > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x < y ==> exists z. x < z /\ z < y>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. x < y ==> ?z. x < z /\ z < y`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.8 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.8 *) time real_qelim < < forall x. 0 < x < = > exists y. x * y^2 = 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. 0 < x <=> exists y. x * y^2 = 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. &0 < x <=> ?y. x * y pow 2 = &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.76 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.76 *) time real_qelim < < forall x. 0 < = x < = > exists y. x * y^2 = 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. 0 <= x <=> exists y. x * y^2 = 1>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. &0 <= x <=> ?y. x * y pow 2 = &1`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.38 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.38 *) time real_qelim < < forall x. 0 < = x < = > exists y. x = y^2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. 0 <= x <=> exists y. x = y^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. &0 <= x <=> ?y. x = y pow 2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.38 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.38 *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. 0 < x /\ x < y = = > exists < z^2 /\ z^2 < y > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. 0 < x /\ x < y ==> exists z. x < z^2 /\ z^2 < y>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. &0 < x /\ x < y ==> ?z. x < z pow 2 /\ z pow 2 < y`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 93.1 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 93.1 *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x < y = = > exists < z^2 /\ z^2 < y > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x < y ==> exists z. x < z^2 /\ z^2 < y>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. x < y ==> ?z. x < z pow 2 /\ z pow 2 < y`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 93.22 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 93.22 *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 0 = = > x = 0 /\ y = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 0 ==> x = 0 /\ y = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 = &0) ==> (x = &0) /\ (y = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 17.21 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 17.21 *) time real_qelim < < forall x y z. x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 0 = = > x = 0 /\ y = 0 /\ z = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y z. x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 0 ==> x = 0 /\ y = 0 /\ z = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y z. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 + z pow 2 = &0) ==> (x = &0) /\ (y = &0) /\ (z = &0)`;; time real_qelim < < forall w x y + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 0 = = > w = 0 /\ x = 0 /\ y = 0 /\ z = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall w x y z. w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 0 ==> w = 0 /\ x = 0 /\ y = 0 /\ z = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!w x y z. (w pow 2 + x pow 2 + y pow 2 + z pow 2 = &0) ==> (w = &0) /\ (x = &0) /\ (y = &0) /\ (z = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 596 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 596 *) time real_qelim < < forall 2 = = > forall x. ~(x^2 + a*x + 1 = 0 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a. a^2 = 2 ==> forall x. ~(x^2 + a*x + 1 = 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a. (a pow 2 = &2) ==> !x. ~(x pow 2 + a*x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.7 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.7 *) time real_qelim < < forall 2 = = > forall x. ~(x^2 - a*x + 1 = 0 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a. a^2 = 2 ==> forall x. ~(x^2 - a*x + 1 = 0)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a. (a pow 2 = &2) ==> !x. ~(x pow 2 - a*x + &1 = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.82 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 8.82 *) time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 = 2 /\ y^2 = 3 = = > ( x * y)^2 = 6 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 = 2 /\ y^2 = 3 ==> (x * y)^2 = 6>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 = &2) /\ (y pow 2 = &3) ==> ((x * y) pow 2 = &6)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 48.59 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 48.59 *) time real_qelim < < forall x. exists y. x^2 = y^3 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. exists y. x^2 = y^3>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. ?y. x pow 2 = y pow 3`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 6.93 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 6.93 *) time real_qelim < < forall x. exists y. x^3 = y^2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. exists y. x^3 = y^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. ?y. x pow 3 = y pow 2`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 5.76 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 5.76 *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. (a * x pow 2 + b * x + c = &0) /\ (a * y pow 2 + b * y + c = &0) /\ ~(x = y) ==> (a * (x + y) + b = &0)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 76.5 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 76.5 *) time real_qelim < < forall . ( y_1 = 2 * y_3 ) /\ ( y_2 = 2 * y_4 ) /\ ( y_1 * y_3 = y_2 * y_4 ) = = > ( y_1 ^ 2 = y_2 ^ 2 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall y_1 y_2 y_3 y_4. (y_1 = 2 * y_3) /\ (y_2 = 2 * y_4) /\ (y_1 * y_3 = y_2 * y_4) ==> (y_1^2 = y_2^2)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!y_1 y_2 y_3 y_4. (y_1 = &2 * y_3) /\ (y_2 = &2 * y_4) /\ (y_1 * y_3 = y_2 * y_4) ==> (y_1 pow 2 = y_2 pow 2)`;; time real_qelim < < forall x. x^2 < 1 < = > x^4 < 1 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x. x^2 < 1 <=> x^4 < 1>>;; *) DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1327 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 1327 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 3 - x pow 2 + x - &1 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.8 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 3.8 *) time real_qelim < < exists x y. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 - y^2 + y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x y. x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 - y^2 + y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. (x pow 3 - x pow 2 + x - &1 = &0) /\ (y pow 3 - y pow 2 + y - &1 = &0) /\ ~(x = y)`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 670 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 670 *) time real_qelim < < exists x. x^4 + x^2 - 2 = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x. x^4 + x^2 - 2 = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x. x pow 4 + x pow 2 - &2 = &0`;; DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.9 DATE ------- HOL 4/29/2005 4.9 *) time real_qelim < < exists x y. x^4 + x^2 - 2 = 0 /\ y^4 + y^2 - 2 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x y. x^4 + x^2 - 2 = 0 /\ y^4 + y^2 - 2 = 0 /\ ~(x = y)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. x pow 4 + x pow 2 - &2 = &0 /\ y pow 4 + y pow 2 - &2 = &0 /\ ~(x = y)`;; time real_qelim < < exists x y. x^3 + x^2 - x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 + y^2 - y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x y. x^3 + x^2 - x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 + y^2 - y - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y. (x pow 3 + x pow 2 - x - &1 = &0) /\ (y pow 3 + y pow 2 - y - &1 = &0) /\ ~(x = y)`;; time real_qelim < < exists x y z. x^3 + x^2 - x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 + y^2 - y - 1 = 0 /\ z^3 + z^2 - z - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y ) /\ ~(x = z ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists x y z. x^3 + x^2 - x - 1 = 0 /\ y^3 + y^2 - y - 1 = 0 /\ z^3 + z^2 - z - 1 = 0 /\ ~(x = y) /\ ~(x = z)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?x y z. (x pow 3 + x pow 2 - x - &1 = &0) /\ (y pow 3 + y pow 2 - y - &1 = &0) /\ (z pow 3 + z pow 2 - z - &1 = &0) /\ ~(x = y) /\ ~(x = z)`;; time real_qelim < < forall x y. exists s = 1 /\ s * x + c * y = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. exists s c. s^2 + c^2 = 1 /\ s * x + c * y = 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. ?s c. (s pow 2 + c pow 2 = &1) /\ s * x + c * y = &0`;; time real_qelim < < forall x y. ( x + y)^2 < = 2 * ( x^2 + y^2 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. (x + y)^2 <= 2 * (x^2 + y^2)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x + y) pow 2 <= &2 * (x pow 2 + y pow 2)`;; time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x + y) pow 2 <= c * (x pow 2 + y pow 2)`;; time real_qelim < < forall c. ( forall x y. ( x + y)^2 < = c * ( x^2 + y^2 ) ) < = > 2 < = c > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall c. (forall x y. (x + y)^2 <= c * (x^2 + y^2)) <=> 2 <= c>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!c. (!x y. (x + y) pow 2 <= c * (x pow 2 + y pow 2)) <=> &2 <= c`;; time real_qelim < < forall a b. a * b * c < = > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b. a * b * c <= a^2 + b^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. a * b * c <= a pow 2 + b pow 2`;; time real_qelim < < forall c. ( forall a b. a * b * c < = b^2 ) < = > c^2 < = 4 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall c. (forall a b. a * b * c <= a^2 + b^2) <=> c^2 <= 4>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!c. (!a b. a * b * c <= a pow 2 + b pow 2) <=> c pow 2 <= &4`;; Tedious lemmas I once proved manually in HOL . time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. &0 < a /\ &0 < b /\ &0 < c ==> &0 < a * b /\ &0 < a * c /\ &0 < b * c`;; time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. a * b > &0 ==> (c * a < &0 <=> c * b < &0)`;; time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. a * b > &0 ==> (a * c < &0 <=> b * c < &0)`;; time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. a < &0 ==> (a * b > &0 <=> b < &0)`;; time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c. a * b < &0 /\ ~(c = &0) ==> (c * a < &0 <=> ~(c * b < &0))`;; time real_qelim < < forall a b. a * b < 0 < = > a > 0 /\ b < 0 \/ a < 0 /\ b > 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b. a * b < 0 <=> a > 0 /\ b < 0 \/ a < 0 /\ b > 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. a * b < &0 <=> a > &0 /\ b < &0 \/ a < &0 /\ b > &0`;; time real_qelim < < forall a b. a * b < = 0 < = > a > = 0 /\ b < = 0 \/ a < = 0 /\ b > = 0 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b. a * b <= 0 <=> a >= 0 /\ b <= 0 \/ a <= 0 /\ b >= 0>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. a * b <= &0 <=> a >= &0 /\ b <= &0 \/ a <= &0 /\ b >= &0`;; Vaguely connected with reductions for arithmetic . time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. ~(a <= b) <=> !d. d <= b ==> d < a`;; time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. ~(a <= b) <=> !d. d <= b ==> ~(d = a)`;; time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b. ~(a < b) <=> !d. d < b ==> d < a`;; time real_qelim < < forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 = = > ( x + y)^2 < = 2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. x^2 + y^2 = 1 ==> (x + y)^2 <= 2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. (x pow 2 + y pow 2 = &1) ==> (x + y) pow 2 <= &2`;; Some variants / intermediate steps in Cauchy - Schwartz inequality . time real_qelim < < forall x y. 2 * x * y < = x^2 + y^2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x y. 2 * x * y <= x^2 + y^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y. &2 * x * y <= x pow 2 + y pow 2`;; time real_qelim < < forall a b c d. 2 * a * b * c * d < = a^2 * b^2 + c^2 * d^2 > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b c d. 2 * a * b * c * d <= a^2 * b^2 + c^2 * d^2>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c d. &2 * a * b * c * d <= a pow 2 * b pow 2 + c pow 2 * d pow 2`;; time real_qelim < < forall x1 x2 y1 y2 . ( x1 * y1 + x2 * y2)^2 < = ( x1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2 ) * ( y1 ^ 2 + y2 ^ 2 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall x1 x2 y1 y2. (x1 * y1 + x2 * y2)^2 <= (x1^2 + x2^2) * (y1^2 + y2^2)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x1 x2 y1 y2. (x1 * y1 + x2 * y2) pow 2 <= (x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2) * (y1 pow 2 + y2 pow 2)`;; time real_qelim < < exists w x y z. ( a * w + b * y = 1 ) /\ ( a * x + b * z = 0 ) /\ ( c * w + d * y = 0 ) /\ ( c * x + d * z = 1 ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<exists w x y z. (a * w + b * y = 1) /\ (a * x + b * z = 0) /\ (c * w + d * y = 0) /\ (c * x + d * z = 1)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `?w x y z. (a * w + b * y = &1) /\ (a * x + b * z = &0) /\ (c * w + d * y = &0) /\ (c * x + d * z = &1)`;; time real_qelim < < forall a b c d. ( exists w x y z. ( a * w + b * y = 1 ) /\ ( a * x + b * z = 0 ) /\ ( c * w + d * y = 0 ) /\ ( c * x + d * z = 1 ) ) < = > ~(a * d = b * c ) > > ; ; time real_qelim <<forall a b c d. (exists w x y z. (a * w + b * y = 1) /\ (a * x + b * z = 0) /\ (c * w + d * y = 0) /\ (c * x + d * z = 1)) <=> ~(a * d = b * c)>>;; *) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!a b c d. (?w x y z. (a * w + b * y = &1) /\ (a * x + b * z = &0) /\ (c * w + d * y = &0) /\ (c * x + d * z = &1)) <=> ~(a * d = b * c)`;; From applying . let th = prove (`&0 <= c' /\ &0 <= c /\ &0 < h * c' ==> (?u. &0 < u /\ (!v. &0 < v /\ v <= u ==> v * (v * (h * h * c' + c) - h * c') - (v * h * c' - c') < c'))`, W(fun (asl,w) -> MAP_EVERY (fun v -> SPEC_TAC(v,v)) (frees w)) THEN CONV_TAC REAL_QELIM_CONV);; Two notions of parallelism . time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x1 x2 y1 y2. (?c. (x2 = c * x1) /\ (y2 = c * y1)) <=> (x1 = &0 /\ y1 = &0 ==> x2 = &0 /\ y2 = &0) /\ x1 * y2 = x2 * y1`;; From ( takes about 300 seconds ) . time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x. &0 <= x /\ x <= &1 ==> &0 < &1 - x + x pow 2 / &2 - x pow 3 / &6 /\ &1 <= (&1 + x + x pow 2) * (&1 - x + x pow 2 / &2 - x pow 3 / &6)`;; Takes about 450 seconds . * * Would actually like to get rid of abs internally and state it like this : time REAL_QELIM_CONV ` ! x y e. & 0 < e = = > ? d. & 0 < d /\ ) * ( y + d ) - x * y ) < e ` ; ; * * * time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y e. &0 < e ==> ?d. &0 < d /\ abs((x + d) * (y + d) - x * y) < e`;; ****) time REAL_QELIM_CONV `!x y e. &0 < e ==> ?d. &0 < d /\ (x + d) * (y + d) - x * y < e /\ x * y - (x + d) * (y + d) < e`;;
(defpackage #:api-doc-test (:use #:CL #:lisp-unit) (:import-from #:github-api-doc #:api-doc #:make-call-parameters #:make-call-url)) (in-package #:api-doc-test) (define-test coerce-parameter-type-test (assert-equal "" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "" "string")) (assert-equal "aa" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "aa" "string")) ;; from (read-line) or keywords (assert-equal "" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "" "boolean")) (assert-equal "false" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "false" "boolean")) (assert-equal "true" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "true" "boolean")) ;; from keyword (assert-equal 1 (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type 1 "integer")) ;; from (read-line) (assert-equal 12 (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "12" "integer")) (assert-equal "" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "" "integer")) ;; empty (read-line) ) (define-test make-call-parameters-test (let ((api-doc (make-instance 'api-doc :api "POST /user/repos" :parameters '(("name" "string") ("private" "boolean") ("team_id" "integer"))))) ;; fake input from repl (assert-equal "?name=aa&private=true&team_id=1" (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* "aa true 1") (make-call-parameters api-doc))) ;; input by keywords, ignore wrong parameters (assert-equal "?private=true" (make-call-parameters api-doc :username "aa" :private "true" :integer 1)) ;; input by keywords (assert-equal "?name=aa&private=true&team_id=1" (make-call-parameters api-doc :name "aa" :private "true" :team_id 1)) )) (define-test make-call-url-test (let ((api-doc (make-instance 'api-doc :api "GET /user/:repo/:aaa/:id"))) (assert-equal "" (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* "aa bb 3") (make-call-url api-doc))) (assert-equal "" (make-call-url api-doc :repo "aa" :aaa "bb" :id 3)))) (let ((*print-errors* t) (*print-failures* t)) (run-tests :all :api-doc-test))
from (read-line) or keywords from keyword from (read-line) empty (read-line) fake input from repl input by keywords, ignore wrong parameters input by keywords
(defpackage #:api-doc-test (:use #:CL #:lisp-unit) (:import-from #:github-api-doc #:api-doc #:make-call-parameters #:make-call-url)) (in-package #:api-doc-test) (define-test coerce-parameter-type-test (assert-equal "" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "" "string")) (assert-equal "aa" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "aa" "string")) (assert-equal "" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "" "boolean")) (assert-equal "false" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "false" "boolean")) (assert-equal "true" (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "true" "boolean")) (assert-equal 1 (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type 1 "integer")) (assert-equal 12 (github-api-doc::coerce-parameter-type "12" "integer")) ) (define-test make-call-parameters-test (let ((api-doc (make-instance 'api-doc :api "POST /user/repos" :parameters '(("name" "string") ("private" "boolean") ("team_id" "integer"))))) (assert-equal "?name=aa&private=true&team_id=1" (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* "aa true 1") (make-call-parameters api-doc))) (assert-equal "?private=true" (make-call-parameters api-doc :username "aa" :private "true" :integer 1)) (assert-equal "?name=aa&private=true&team_id=1" (make-call-parameters api-doc :name "aa" :private "true" :team_id 1)) )) (define-test make-call-url-test (let ((api-doc (make-instance 'api-doc :api "GET /user/:repo/:aaa/:id"))) (assert-equal "" (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* "aa bb 3") (make-call-url api-doc))) (assert-equal "" (make-call-url api-doc :repo "aa" :aaa "bb" :id 3)))) (let ((*print-errors* t) (*print-failures* t)) (run-tests :all :api-doc-test))
(ns infosquito.es-if) (defprotocol Indexes (delete [_ index type id] "Maps to clojurewerkz.elastisch.rest.document/delete") (exists? [_ index] "Maps to clojurewerkz.elastisch.rest.index/exists?") (put [_ index type id doc-map] "Maps to clojurewerkz.elastisch.rest.document/put") (put-bulk [_ index type docs] "Bulk indexes a bunch of documents") (search-all-types [_ index params] "Maps to clojurewerkz.elastisch.rest.document/search-all-types"))
(ns infosquito.es-if) (defprotocol Indexes (delete [_ index type id] "Maps to clojurewerkz.elastisch.rest.document/delete") (exists? [_ index] "Maps to clojurewerkz.elastisch.rest.index/exists?") (put [_ index type id doc-map] "Maps to clojurewerkz.elastisch.rest.document/put") (put-bulk [_ index type docs] "Bulk indexes a bunch of documents") (search-all-types [_ index params] "Maps to clojurewerkz.elastisch.rest.document/search-all-types"))
-module(op_exch). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([behaviour_info/1]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([start_link/3, stop/1, stop/2, cast/2, call/2]). -include("openpoker.hrl"). behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [ {id, 0}, {init, 2}, {stop, 1}, {dispatch, 2}, {call, 2} ]. %%% %%% client %%% start_link(Module, Conf, Mods) -> Id = Module:id(), Pid = gen_server:start_link({global, {Module, Id}}, op_exch, [Module, Id, Conf, Mods], []), start_logger(Pid, Id). start_logger(R = {ok, Pid}, Id) -> LogGames = op_common:get_env(log_games, []), case lists:member(Id, LogGames) of true -> op_exch_event_logger:add_handler(Pid); false -> ok end, R. stop(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> gen_server:cast(Pid, stop). stop(Module, Id) when is_number(Id) -> gen_server:cast({global, {Module, Id}}, stop). call(Exch, Event) -> gen_server:call(Exch, Event). cast(Exch, Event) -> gen_server:cast(Exch, Event). %%% %%% callback %%% init([Module, Id, Conf, Mods]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Ctx = Module:init(Id, Conf), Data = #exch{ id = Id, module = Module, mods = Mods, stack = Mods, ctx = Ctx, conf = Conf }, case init(?UNDEF, Data) of {stop, _, NewData} -> {stop, NewData}; {noreply, NewData} -> {ok, NewData} end. handle_cast(stop, Data) -> {stop, normal, Data}; handle_cast(Msg, Data = #exch{stack = Stack, ctx = Ctx, state = State}) -> {Mod, _} = hd(Stack), op_exch_event:cast([{mod, Mod}, {state, State}, {msg, Msg}]), %io:format("==========================================~n"), %io:format("msg: ~p~n", [Msg]), case advance(Mod:State(Msg, Ctx), Msg, Data) of R = {noreply, #exch{stack = NewStack, state = NewState}} -> {NewMod, _} = hd(NewStack), op_exch_event:cast([{next_mod, NewMod}, {next_state, NewState}, {msg, Msg}]), R; R = {stop, normal, _} -> R end. handle_call(Msg, _From, Data = #exch{module = Module, ctx = Context}) -> {ok, Result, NewContext} = Module:call(Msg, Context), {reply, Result, Data#exch{ctx = NewContext}}. terminate(normal, #exch{module = Module, ctx = Ctx}) -> Module:stop(Ctx); terminate(_, #exch{module = Module, ctx = Ctx}) -> Module:stop(Ctx). handle_info(Msg, Data) -> handle_cast(Msg, Data). code_change(_OldVsn, Data, _Extra) -> {ok, Data}. %%% %%% private %%% init(Msg, Data = #exch{ stack = [{Mod, Params}|_], ctx = Ctx }) -> op_exch_event:init(Mod, Msg), advance(Mod:start(Params, Ctx), Msg, Data#exch{ state = ?UNDEF }). %% continue current state advance({continue, Ctx}, _Msg, Data = #exch{}) -> {noreply, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx }}; %% next new state advance({next, State, Ctx}, _Msg, Data) -> {noreply, Data#exch{ state = State, ctx = Ctx }}; %% skip mod process, post to Module:dispatch. advance({skip, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{stack = Stack, module = Module}) -> {Mod, _} = hd(Stack), op_exch_event:advance([{mod, Mod}, {state, Data#exch.state}, {skip, Msg}]), case Mod:dispatch(Msg, Ctx) of ok -> {noreply, Data#exch{ ctx = Module:dispatch(Msg, Ctx) }}; skip -> {noreply, Data} end; %% advance({stop, Ctx}, _Msg, Data = #exch{ stack = [_] }) -> {stop, normal, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx, stack = [] }}; %% stop current mod, init next mod advance({stop, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{ stack = [_|T] }) -> init(Msg, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx, stack = T }); %% repeat current mod, re init mod advance({repeat, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{}) -> init(Msg, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx }); goto first mod advance({goto, top, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{mods = Mods}) -> init(Msg, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx, stack = Mods}); %% goto specil mod advance({goto, Mod, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{stack = Stack}) -> init(Msg, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx, stack = trim_stack(Mod, Stack) }). trim_stack(_Mod, L = [{_LastMod, _}]) -> L; trim_stack(Mod, L = [{H, _}|_]) when Mod == H -> L; trim_stack(Mod, [_|T]) -> trim_stack(Mod, T).
client callback io:format("==========================================~n"), io:format("msg: ~p~n", [Msg]), private continue current state next new state skip mod process, post to Module:dispatch. stop current mod, init next mod repeat current mod, re init mod goto specil mod
-module(op_exch). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([behaviour_info/1]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([start_link/3, stop/1, stop/2, cast/2, call/2]). -include("openpoker.hrl"). behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [ {id, 0}, {init, 2}, {stop, 1}, {dispatch, 2}, {call, 2} ]. start_link(Module, Conf, Mods) -> Id = Module:id(), Pid = gen_server:start_link({global, {Module, Id}}, op_exch, [Module, Id, Conf, Mods], []), start_logger(Pid, Id). start_logger(R = {ok, Pid}, Id) -> LogGames = op_common:get_env(log_games, []), case lists:member(Id, LogGames) of true -> op_exch_event_logger:add_handler(Pid); false -> ok end, R. stop(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> gen_server:cast(Pid, stop). stop(Module, Id) when is_number(Id) -> gen_server:cast({global, {Module, Id}}, stop). call(Exch, Event) -> gen_server:call(Exch, Event). cast(Exch, Event) -> gen_server:cast(Exch, Event). init([Module, Id, Conf, Mods]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Ctx = Module:init(Id, Conf), Data = #exch{ id = Id, module = Module, mods = Mods, stack = Mods, ctx = Ctx, conf = Conf }, case init(?UNDEF, Data) of {stop, _, NewData} -> {stop, NewData}; {noreply, NewData} -> {ok, NewData} end. handle_cast(stop, Data) -> {stop, normal, Data}; handle_cast(Msg, Data = #exch{stack = Stack, ctx = Ctx, state = State}) -> {Mod, _} = hd(Stack), op_exch_event:cast([{mod, Mod}, {state, State}, {msg, Msg}]), case advance(Mod:State(Msg, Ctx), Msg, Data) of R = {noreply, #exch{stack = NewStack, state = NewState}} -> {NewMod, _} = hd(NewStack), op_exch_event:cast([{next_mod, NewMod}, {next_state, NewState}, {msg, Msg}]), R; R = {stop, normal, _} -> R end. handle_call(Msg, _From, Data = #exch{module = Module, ctx = Context}) -> {ok, Result, NewContext} = Module:call(Msg, Context), {reply, Result, Data#exch{ctx = NewContext}}. terminate(normal, #exch{module = Module, ctx = Ctx}) -> Module:stop(Ctx); terminate(_, #exch{module = Module, ctx = Ctx}) -> Module:stop(Ctx). handle_info(Msg, Data) -> handle_cast(Msg, Data). code_change(_OldVsn, Data, _Extra) -> {ok, Data}. init(Msg, Data = #exch{ stack = [{Mod, Params}|_], ctx = Ctx }) -> op_exch_event:init(Mod, Msg), advance(Mod:start(Params, Ctx), Msg, Data#exch{ state = ?UNDEF }). advance({continue, Ctx}, _Msg, Data = #exch{}) -> {noreply, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx }}; advance({next, State, Ctx}, _Msg, Data) -> {noreply, Data#exch{ state = State, ctx = Ctx }}; advance({skip, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{stack = Stack, module = Module}) -> {Mod, _} = hd(Stack), op_exch_event:advance([{mod, Mod}, {state, Data#exch.state}, {skip, Msg}]), case Mod:dispatch(Msg, Ctx) of ok -> {noreply, Data#exch{ ctx = Module:dispatch(Msg, Ctx) }}; skip -> {noreply, Data} end; advance({stop, Ctx}, _Msg, Data = #exch{ stack = [_] }) -> {stop, normal, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx, stack = [] }}; advance({stop, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{ stack = [_|T] }) -> init(Msg, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx, stack = T }); advance({repeat, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{}) -> init(Msg, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx }); goto first mod advance({goto, top, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{mods = Mods}) -> init(Msg, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx, stack = Mods}); advance({goto, Mod, Ctx}, Msg, Data = #exch{stack = Stack}) -> init(Msg, Data#exch{ ctx = Ctx, stack = trim_stack(Mod, Stack) }). trim_stack(_Mod, L = [{_LastMod, _}]) -> L; trim_stack(Mod, L = [{H, _}|_]) when Mod == H -> L; trim_stack(Mod, [_|T]) -> trim_stack(Mod, T).
* nm_device.mli * ------------- * Copyright : ( c ) 2010 , < > * 2010 , < > * Licence : BSD3 * * This file is a part of obus , an ocaml implementation of D - Bus . * nm_device.mli * ------------- * Copyright : (c) 2010, Pierre Chambart <> * 2010, Jeremie Dimino <> * Licence : BSD3 * * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus. *) (** NetworkManager devices *) include OBus_proxy.Private * { 6 Common interface } (** {8 Types} *) type state = [ `Unknown (** The device is in an unknown state. *) | `Unmanaged (** The device is not managed by NetworkManager. *) | `Unavailable (** The device cannot be used (carrier off, rfkill, etc) *) | `Disconnected (** The device is not connected. *) | `Prepare (** The device is preparing to connect. *) | `Config (** The device is being configured. *) | `Need_auth (** The device is awaiting secrets necessary to continue connection. *) | `Ip_config (** The IP settings of the device are being requested and configured. *) | `Activated (** The device is active. *) | `Failed (** The device is in a failure state following an attempt to activate it. *) ] type state_reason = [ `Unknown (** The reason for the device state change is unknown. *) | `None (** The state change is normal. *) | `Now_managed (** The device is now managed. *) | `Now_unmanaged (** The device is no longer managed. *) | `Config_failed (** The device could not be readied for configuration. *) | `Config_unavailable (** IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc). *) | `Config_expired (** The IP configuration is no longer valid. *) | `No_secrets (** Secrets were required, but not provided. *) | `Supplicant_disconnect * The 802.1X supplicant disconnected from the access point or authentication server . | `Supplicant_config_failed * Configuration of the 802.1X supplicant failed . | `Supplicant_failed * The 802.1X supplicant quit or failed unexpectedly . | `Supplicant_timeout * The 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate . | `Ppp_start_failed * The PPP service failed to start within the allowed time . | `Ppp_disconnect * The PPP service disconnected unexpectedly . | `Ppp_failed * The PPP service quit or failed unexpectedly . | `Dhcp_start_failed (** The DHCP service failed to start within the allowed time. *) | `Dhcp_error (** The DHCP service reported an unexpected error. *) | `Dhcp_failed * The DHCP service quit or failed unexpectedly . | `Shared_start_failed (** The shared connection service failed to start. *) | `Shared_failed (** The shared connection service quit or failed unexpectedly. *) | `Autoip_start_failed * The AutoIP service failed to start . | `Autoip_error * The AutoIP service reported an unexpected error . | `Autoip_failed * The AutoIP service quit or failed unexpectedly . | `Modem_busy (** Dialing failed because the line was busy. *) | `Modem_no_dial_tone (** Dialing failed because there was no dial tone. *) | `Modem_no_carrier (** Dialing failed because there was carrier. *) | `Modem_dial_timeout (** Dialing timed out. *) | `Modem_dial_failed (** Dialing failed. *) | `Modem_init_failed (** Modem initialization failed. *) | `Gsm_apn_failed * Failed to select the specified GSM APN . | `Gsm_registration_not_searching (** Not searching for networks. *) | `Gsm_registration_denied (** Network registration was denied. *) | `Gsm_registration_timeout (** Network registration timed out. *) | `Gsm_registration_failed (** Failed to register with the requested GSM network. *) | `Gsm_pin_check_failed (** PIN check failed. *) | `Firmware_missing (** Necessary firmware for the device may be missing. *) | `Removed (** The device was removed. *) | `Sleeping (** NetworkManager went to sleep. *) | `Connection_removed (** The device's active connection was removed or disappeared. *) | `User_requested (** A user or client requested the disconnection. *) | `Carrier (** The device's carrier/link changed. *) | `Connection_assumed (** The device's existing connection was assumed. *) | `Supplicant_available * The 802.1x supplicant is now available . type typ = [ `Unknown (** The device type is unknown. *) | `Ethernet (** The device is wired Ethernet device. *) | `Wifi * The device is an 802.11 WiFi device . | `Gsm * The device is a GSM - based cellular WAN device . | `Cdma * The device is a CDMA / IS-95 - based cellular WAN device . type capability = [ `Nm_supported (** The device is supported by NetworkManager. *) | `Carrier_detect (** The device supports carrier detection. *) ] (** {8 Methods} *) val disconnect : t -> unit Lwt.t (** {8 Signals} *) val state_changed : t -> (state * state * state_reason) OBus_signal.t * { 8 Properties } val udi : t -> string OBus_property.r val interface : t -> string OBus_property.r val driver : t -> string OBus_property.r val capabilities : t -> capability list OBus_property.r val ip4_address : t -> int32 OBus_property.r val state : t -> state OBus_property.r val ip4_config : t -> Nm_ip4_config.t OBus_property.r val dhcp4_config : t -> Nm_dhcp4_config.t OBus_property.r val ip6_config : t -> Nm_ip6_config.t OBus_property.r val managed : t -> bool OBus_property.r val device_type : t -> typ OBus_property.r val properties : t -> OBus_property.group * { 6 Specific device interfaces } module Bluetooth : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t val hw_address : t -> string OBus_property.r val name : t -> string OBus_property.r val bt_capabilities : t -> int OBus_property.r val properties : t -> OBus_property.group end module Cdma : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t end module Gsm : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t end module Olpc_mesh : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t val hw_address : OBus_proxy.t -> (string, [ `readable ]) OBus_property.t val companion : OBus_proxy.t -> (OBus_proxy.t, [ `readable ]) OBus_property.t val active_channel : OBus_proxy.t -> (int, [ `readable ]) OBus_property.t val properties : t -> OBus_property.group end module Serial : sig val ppp_stats : t -> (int * int) OBus_signal.t end module Wired : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t val hw_address : t -> string OBus_property.r val speed : t -> int OBus_property.r val carrier : t -> bool OBus_property.r val properties : t -> OBus_property.group end module Wireless : sig type wireless_capability = [ `Cipher_wep40 * The device supports the 40 - bit WEP cipher . | `Cipher_wep104 * The device supports the 104 - bit WEP cipher . | `Cipher_tkip (** The device supports the TKIP cipher. *) | `Cipher_ccmp * The device supports the CCMP cipher . | `Wpa (** The device supports the WPA encryption/authentication protocol. *) | `Rsn * The device supports the RSN encryption / authentication protocol . type wifi_mode = [ `Unknown (** Mode is unknown. *) | `Adhoc (** Uncoordinated network without central infrastructure. *) | `Infra * Coordinated network with one or more central controllers . val get_access_points : t -> Nm_access_point.t list Lwt.t val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t val access_point_added : t -> Nm_access_point.t OBus_signal.t val access_point_removed : t -> Nm_access_point.t OBus_signal.t val hw_address : t -> string OBus_property.r val mode : t -> int OBus_property.r val bitrate : t -> int OBus_property.r val active_access_point : t -> OBus_proxy.t OBus_property.r val wireless_capabilities : t -> int OBus_property.r val properties : t -> OBus_property.group end
* NetworkManager devices * {8 Types} * The device is in an unknown state. * The device is not managed by NetworkManager. * The device cannot be used (carrier off, rfkill, etc) * The device is not connected. * The device is preparing to connect. * The device is being configured. * The device is awaiting secrets necessary to continue connection. * The IP settings of the device are being requested and configured. * The device is active. * The device is in a failure state following an attempt to activate it. * The reason for the device state change is unknown. * The state change is normal. * The device is now managed. * The device is no longer managed. * The device could not be readied for configuration. * IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc). * The IP configuration is no longer valid. * Secrets were required, but not provided. * The DHCP service failed to start within the allowed time. * The DHCP service reported an unexpected error. * The shared connection service failed to start. * The shared connection service quit or failed unexpectedly. * Dialing failed because the line was busy. * Dialing failed because there was no dial tone. * Dialing failed because there was carrier. * Dialing timed out. * Dialing failed. * Modem initialization failed. * Not searching for networks. * Network registration was denied. * Network registration timed out. * Failed to register with the requested GSM network. * PIN check failed. * Necessary firmware for the device may be missing. * The device was removed. * NetworkManager went to sleep. * The device's active connection was removed or disappeared. * A user or client requested the disconnection. * The device's carrier/link changed. * The device's existing connection was assumed. * The device type is unknown. * The device is wired Ethernet device. * The device is supported by NetworkManager. * The device supports carrier detection. * {8 Methods} * {8 Signals} * The device supports the TKIP cipher. * The device supports the WPA encryption/authentication protocol. * Mode is unknown. * Uncoordinated network without central infrastructure.
* nm_device.mli * ------------- * Copyright : ( c ) 2010 , < > * 2010 , < > * Licence : BSD3 * * This file is a part of obus , an ocaml implementation of D - Bus . * nm_device.mli * ------------- * Copyright : (c) 2010, Pierre Chambart <> * 2010, Jeremie Dimino <> * Licence : BSD3 * * This file is a part of obus, an ocaml implementation of D-Bus. *) include OBus_proxy.Private * { 6 Common interface } type state = [ `Unknown | `Unmanaged | `Unavailable | `Disconnected | `Prepare | `Config | `Need_auth | `Ip_config | `Activated | `Failed type state_reason = [ `Unknown | `None | `Now_managed | `Now_unmanaged | `Config_failed | `Config_unavailable | `Config_expired | `No_secrets | `Supplicant_disconnect * The 802.1X supplicant disconnected from the access point or authentication server . | `Supplicant_config_failed * Configuration of the 802.1X supplicant failed . | `Supplicant_failed * The 802.1X supplicant quit or failed unexpectedly . | `Supplicant_timeout * The 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate . | `Ppp_start_failed * The PPP service failed to start within the allowed time . | `Ppp_disconnect * The PPP service disconnected unexpectedly . | `Ppp_failed * The PPP service quit or failed unexpectedly . | `Dhcp_start_failed | `Dhcp_error | `Dhcp_failed * The DHCP service quit or failed unexpectedly . | `Shared_start_failed | `Shared_failed | `Autoip_start_failed * The AutoIP service failed to start . | `Autoip_error * The AutoIP service reported an unexpected error . | `Autoip_failed * The AutoIP service quit or failed unexpectedly . | `Modem_busy | `Modem_no_dial_tone | `Modem_no_carrier | `Modem_dial_timeout | `Modem_dial_failed | `Modem_init_failed | `Gsm_apn_failed * Failed to select the specified GSM APN . | `Gsm_registration_not_searching | `Gsm_registration_denied | `Gsm_registration_timeout | `Gsm_registration_failed | `Gsm_pin_check_failed | `Firmware_missing | `Removed | `Sleeping | `Connection_removed | `User_requested | `Carrier | `Connection_assumed | `Supplicant_available * The 802.1x supplicant is now available . type typ = [ `Unknown | `Ethernet | `Wifi * The device is an 802.11 WiFi device . | `Gsm * The device is a GSM - based cellular WAN device . | `Cdma * The device is a CDMA / IS-95 - based cellular WAN device . type capability = [ `Nm_supported | `Carrier_detect val disconnect : t -> unit Lwt.t val state_changed : t -> (state * state * state_reason) OBus_signal.t * { 8 Properties } val udi : t -> string OBus_property.r val interface : t -> string OBus_property.r val driver : t -> string OBus_property.r val capabilities : t -> capability list OBus_property.r val ip4_address : t -> int32 OBus_property.r val state : t -> state OBus_property.r val ip4_config : t -> Nm_ip4_config.t OBus_property.r val dhcp4_config : t -> Nm_dhcp4_config.t OBus_property.r val ip6_config : t -> Nm_ip6_config.t OBus_property.r val managed : t -> bool OBus_property.r val device_type : t -> typ OBus_property.r val properties : t -> OBus_property.group * { 6 Specific device interfaces } module Bluetooth : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t val hw_address : t -> string OBus_property.r val name : t -> string OBus_property.r val bt_capabilities : t -> int OBus_property.r val properties : t -> OBus_property.group end module Cdma : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t end module Gsm : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t end module Olpc_mesh : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t val hw_address : OBus_proxy.t -> (string, [ `readable ]) OBus_property.t val companion : OBus_proxy.t -> (OBus_proxy.t, [ `readable ]) OBus_property.t val active_channel : OBus_proxy.t -> (int, [ `readable ]) OBus_property.t val properties : t -> OBus_property.group end module Serial : sig val ppp_stats : t -> (int * int) OBus_signal.t end module Wired : sig val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t val hw_address : t -> string OBus_property.r val speed : t -> int OBus_property.r val carrier : t -> bool OBus_property.r val properties : t -> OBus_property.group end module Wireless : sig type wireless_capability = [ `Cipher_wep40 * The device supports the 40 - bit WEP cipher . | `Cipher_wep104 * The device supports the 104 - bit WEP cipher . | `Cipher_tkip | `Cipher_ccmp * The device supports the CCMP cipher . | `Wpa | `Rsn * The device supports the RSN encryption / authentication protocol . type wifi_mode = [ `Unknown | `Adhoc | `Infra * Coordinated network with one or more central controllers . val get_access_points : t -> Nm_access_point.t list Lwt.t val properties_changed : t -> (string * OBus_value.V.single) list OBus_signal.t val access_point_added : t -> Nm_access_point.t OBus_signal.t val access_point_removed : t -> Nm_access_point.t OBus_signal.t val hw_address : t -> string OBus_property.r val mode : t -> int OBus_property.r val bitrate : t -> int OBus_property.r val active_access_point : t -> OBus_proxy.t OBus_property.r val wireless_capabilities : t -> int OBus_property.r val properties : t -> OBus_property.group end
(ns jagrid.example.layout (:use [hiccup core page element])) (defn view-layout [options & content] (html5 [:head [:meta {:charset "utf-8"}] [:title (:title options)] (include-css "-1/css/simplex/bootstrap.min.css" "" "example.css") [:link#jagrid-css {:href "../css/jagrid.css" :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css"}] (include-js "" "../js/jagrid.js")] [:body [:div.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top [:div.container [:div.navbar-header [:a.navbar-brand {:href "index.html"} "jagrid"]]]] [:div.container [:div.form-group [:label "Theme"] [:select#theme.form-control {:name "theme"} [:option {:value ""} "Default (Excel 2010)"] [:option {:value "excel2000"} "Excel 2000"] [:option {:value "lotus123"} "Lotus 1-2-3"]]] content] (javascript-tag " hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad(); document.getElementById('theme').addEventListener('change', function(e) { var filename = (e.target.value != '') ? '-' + e.target.value : ''; document.getElementById('jagrid-css') .setAttribute('href', '../css/jagrid' + filename + '.css'); }); ")]))
(ns jagrid.example.layout (:use [hiccup core page element])) (defn view-layout [options & content] (html5 [:head [:meta {:charset "utf-8"}] [:title (:title options)] (include-css "-1/css/simplex/bootstrap.min.css" "" "example.css") [:link#jagrid-css {:href "../css/jagrid.css" :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css"}] (include-js "" "../js/jagrid.js")] [:body [:div.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top [:div.container [:div.navbar-header [:a.navbar-brand {:href "index.html"} "jagrid"]]]] [:div.container [:div.form-group [:label "Theme"] [:select#theme.form-control {:name "theme"} [:option {:value ""} "Default (Excel 2010)"] [:option {:value "excel2000"} "Excel 2000"] [:option {:value "lotus123"} "Lotus 1-2-3"]]] content] (javascript-tag " document.getElementById('theme').addEventListener('change', function(e) { document.getElementById('jagrid-css') ")]))
(ns user (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.tools.namespace.repl :as ctn] core2.edn [core2.util :as util] [time-literals.read-write :as time-literals]) (:import java.io.File)) (alter-var-root #'*warn-on-reflection* (constantly true)) (ctn/disable-reload!) (util/install-uncaught-exception-handler!) (apply ctn/set-refresh-dirs (cons (io/file "src/test/clojure") (for [^File dir (concat (.listFiles (io/file ".")) (.listFiles (io/file "modules"))) :when (and (.isDirectory dir) (.exists (io/file dir "deps.edn"))) sub-dir #{"src/main/clojure" "src/test/clojure"}] (io/file dir sub-dir)))) #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var]} (defn reset [] (ctn/refresh)) #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var]} (defn dev [] (require 'dev) (in-ns 'dev)) (time-literals/print-time-literals-clj!)
(ns user (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.tools.namespace.repl :as ctn] core2.edn [core2.util :as util] [time-literals.read-write :as time-literals]) (:import java.io.File)) (alter-var-root #'*warn-on-reflection* (constantly true)) (ctn/disable-reload!) (util/install-uncaught-exception-handler!) (apply ctn/set-refresh-dirs (cons (io/file "src/test/clojure") (for [^File dir (concat (.listFiles (io/file ".")) (.listFiles (io/file "modules"))) :when (and (.isDirectory dir) (.exists (io/file dir "deps.edn"))) sub-dir #{"src/main/clojure" "src/test/clojure"}] (io/file dir sub-dir)))) #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var]} (defn reset [] (ctn/refresh)) #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var]} (defn dev [] (require 'dev) (in-ns 'dev)) (time-literals/print-time-literals-clj!)
module AbelianCategoryProperties where import Data.Proxy import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck import Math.ValueCategory import Math.ValueCategory.Abelian import Math.ValueCategory.Additive spec :: forall c. ( AbelianCategory c, Eq c, Eq (Arrow c), Show c, Show (Arrow c), Arbitrary c, Arbitrary (Arrow c) ) => Proxy c -> Spec spec p = do describe "kernel" $ do it "has domain kernelObject" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> domain (kernel f) == kernelObject f it "has codomain the domain of f" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> codomain (kernel f) == domain f it "composes with f to zero" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> isZeroArrow (f <> kernel f) describe "kernelObject" $ do it "of identity is zero" $ property $ \(a :: c) -> kernelObject (vid a) == zero it "of zero map is domain" $ property $ \(a :: c, b) -> kernelObject (zeroArrow a b) == a describe "kernelMorphism" $ do it "induced by identity is identity" $ property $ \(l :: Arrow c) -> kernelArrow l l (vid $ domain l) == vid (kernelObject l) describe "cokernel" $ do it "has domain the codomain of f" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> domain (cokernel f) == codomain f it "has codomain cokernelObject" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> codomain (cokernel f) == cokernelObject f it "composes with f to zero" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> isZeroArrow (cokernel f <> f) describe "cokernelObject" $ do it "of identity is zero" $ property $ \(a :: c) -> cokernelObject (vid a) == zero it "of zero map is codomain" $ property $ \(a :: c, b) -> cokernelObject (zeroArrow a b) == b describe "cokernelMorphism" $ do it "induced by identity is identity" $ property $ \(l :: Arrow c) -> cokernelArrow l l (vid $ codomain l) == vid (cokernelObject l) describe "imageObject" $ do it "of identity is itself" $ property $ \(a :: c) -> imageObject (vid a) == a it "of zero map is zero" $ property $ \(a :: c, b) -> imageObject (zeroArrow a b) == zero describe "image == coimage" $ do it "is true" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> imageObject f == coimageObject f
module AbelianCategoryProperties where import Data.Proxy import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck import Math.ValueCategory import Math.ValueCategory.Abelian import Math.ValueCategory.Additive spec :: forall c. ( AbelianCategory c, Eq c, Eq (Arrow c), Show c, Show (Arrow c), Arbitrary c, Arbitrary (Arrow c) ) => Proxy c -> Spec spec p = do describe "kernel" $ do it "has domain kernelObject" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> domain (kernel f) == kernelObject f it "has codomain the domain of f" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> codomain (kernel f) == domain f it "composes with f to zero" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> isZeroArrow (f <> kernel f) describe "kernelObject" $ do it "of identity is zero" $ property $ \(a :: c) -> kernelObject (vid a) == zero it "of zero map is domain" $ property $ \(a :: c, b) -> kernelObject (zeroArrow a b) == a describe "kernelMorphism" $ do it "induced by identity is identity" $ property $ \(l :: Arrow c) -> kernelArrow l l (vid $ domain l) == vid (kernelObject l) describe "cokernel" $ do it "has domain the codomain of f" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> domain (cokernel f) == codomain f it "has codomain cokernelObject" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> codomain (cokernel f) == cokernelObject f it "composes with f to zero" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> isZeroArrow (cokernel f <> f) describe "cokernelObject" $ do it "of identity is zero" $ property $ \(a :: c) -> cokernelObject (vid a) == zero it "of zero map is codomain" $ property $ \(a :: c, b) -> cokernelObject (zeroArrow a b) == b describe "cokernelMorphism" $ do it "induced by identity is identity" $ property $ \(l :: Arrow c) -> cokernelArrow l l (vid $ codomain l) == vid (cokernelObject l) describe "imageObject" $ do it "of identity is itself" $ property $ \(a :: c) -> imageObject (vid a) == a it "of zero map is zero" $ property $ \(a :: c, b) -> imageObject (zeroArrow a b) == zero describe "image == coimage" $ do it "is true" $ property $ \(f :: Arrow c) -> imageObject f == coimageObject f
module ReqEq( equalReq, equalReqs, enumerateReqs ) where import Req import Path import PathCtor import PathCtorEq import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Proposition import Yhc.Core import General import Debug.Trace equalReq :: Req -> Req -> Bool equalReq (Req a1 b1@(PathCtor core _ _)) (Req a2 b2) = a1 == a2 && equalPathCtor core b1 b2 equalReq a b = a == b equalReqs :: Reqs -> Reqs -> Bool trace ( show ( a , b , normalise core $ enumerateReqs a , normalise core $ enumerateReqs b , res ) ) res where res = equalValue core (enumerateReqs a) (enumerateReqs b) PathCtor core _ _ = reqPath $ head $ propAll a ++ propAll b enumerateReqs :: Reqs -> [Val] enumerateReqs x = enumeratePathCtorProp $ (propFold folder x :: PropSimple PathCtor) where folder = PropFold {foldOr = propOrs, foldAnd = propAnds, foldNot = propNot, foldLit = f} PathCtor core _ _ = reqPath $ head $ propAll x core2 = core{coreDatas = newData : coreDatas core} newData = CoreData "#" [] [CoreCtor "#" [("",Just ('#' : show i)) | i <- [0..arity-1]]] f (Req a (PathCtor _ (Path path) ctors)) = propLit $ PathCtor core2 (Path (p:path)) ctors where p = PathAtom $ '#' : (show $ fromJust $ findIndex (== a) vars) arity = length vars vars = snub $ map reqExpr $ propAll x
module ReqEq( equalReq, equalReqs, enumerateReqs ) where import Req import Path import PathCtor import PathCtorEq import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Proposition import Yhc.Core import General import Debug.Trace equalReq :: Req -> Req -> Bool equalReq (Req a1 b1@(PathCtor core _ _)) (Req a2 b2) = a1 == a2 && equalPathCtor core b1 b2 equalReq a b = a == b equalReqs :: Reqs -> Reqs -> Bool trace ( show ( a , b , normalise core $ enumerateReqs a , normalise core $ enumerateReqs b , res ) ) res where res = equalValue core (enumerateReqs a) (enumerateReqs b) PathCtor core _ _ = reqPath $ head $ propAll a ++ propAll b enumerateReqs :: Reqs -> [Val] enumerateReqs x = enumeratePathCtorProp $ (propFold folder x :: PropSimple PathCtor) where folder = PropFold {foldOr = propOrs, foldAnd = propAnds, foldNot = propNot, foldLit = f} PathCtor core _ _ = reqPath $ head $ propAll x core2 = core{coreDatas = newData : coreDatas core} newData = CoreData "#" [] [CoreCtor "#" [("",Just ('#' : show i)) | i <- [0..arity-1]]] f (Req a (PathCtor _ (Path path) ctors)) = propLit $ PathCtor core2 (Path (p:path)) ctors where p = PathAtom $ '#' : (show $ fromJust $ findIndex (== a) vars) arity = length vars vars = snub $ map reqExpr $ propAll x
(************************************************************************) v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team < O _ _ _ , , * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999 - 2012 \VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (************************************************************************) open Names type oracle val empty : oracle * Order on section paths for unfolding . If [ oracle_order kn1 kn2 ] is true , then unfold kn1 first . Note : the oracle does not introduce incompleteness , it only tries to postpone unfolding of " opaque " constants . If [oracle_order kn1 kn2] is true, then unfold kn1 first. Note: the oracle does not introduce incompleteness, it only tries to postpone unfolding of "opaque" constants. *) val oracle_order : oracle -> bool -> constant tableKey -> constant tableKey -> bool (** Priority for the expansion of constant in the conversion test. * Higher levels means that the expansion is less prioritary. * (And Expand stands for -oo, and Opaque +oo.) * The default value (transparent constants) is [Level 0]. *) type level = Expand | Level of int | Opaque val transparent : level (** Check whether a level is transparent *) val is_transparent : level -> bool val get_strategy : oracle -> constant tableKey -> level (** Sets the level of a constant. * Level of RelKey constant cannot be set. *) val set_strategy : oracle -> constant tableKey -> level -> oracle (** Fold over the non-transparent levels of the oracle. Order unspecified. *) val fold_strategy : (constant tableKey -> level -> 'a -> 'a) -> oracle -> 'a -> 'a val get_transp_state : oracle -> transparent_state
********************************************************************** // * This file is distributed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ********************************************************************** * Priority for the expansion of constant in the conversion test. * Higher levels means that the expansion is less prioritary. * (And Expand stands for -oo, and Opaque +oo.) * The default value (transparent constants) is [Level 0]. * Check whether a level is transparent * Sets the level of a constant. * Level of RelKey constant cannot be set. * Fold over the non-transparent levels of the oracle. Order unspecified.
v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team < O _ _ _ , , * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999 - 2012 \VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * open Names type oracle val empty : oracle * Order on section paths for unfolding . If [ oracle_order kn1 kn2 ] is true , then unfold kn1 first . Note : the oracle does not introduce incompleteness , it only tries to postpone unfolding of " opaque " constants . If [oracle_order kn1 kn2] is true, then unfold kn1 first. Note: the oracle does not introduce incompleteness, it only tries to postpone unfolding of "opaque" constants. *) val oracle_order : oracle -> bool -> constant tableKey -> constant tableKey -> bool type level = Expand | Level of int | Opaque val transparent : level val is_transparent : level -> bool val get_strategy : oracle -> constant tableKey -> level val set_strategy : oracle -> constant tableKey -> level -> oracle val fold_strategy : (constant tableKey -> level -> 'a -> 'a) -> oracle -> 'a -> 'a val get_transp_state : oracle -> transparent_state
1 . What is the type of data constructor ` MakeExample ` ? What happens if you -- query the type of `Example`? data Example = MakeExample deriving Show -- Answer: Nullary. You can query the type of a data constructor but -- it makes no sense to query the type of a type constructor since itself -- is a type. 2 . What happens if you query the info on ` Example ` and can you determine -- what typeclass instances are defined for it? -- Answer: The definition is printed along with the instances it has. 3 . -- What gets printed in the REPL if you make a new datatype like `Example` but with a single type argument added to ` MakeExample ` ? data Example' = MakeExample' Int deriving Show Answer : MakeExample ' : : Int - > Example '
query the type of `Example`? Answer: Nullary. You can query the type of a data constructor but it makes no sense to query the type of a type constructor since itself is a type. what typeclass instances are defined for it? Answer: The definition is printed along with the instances it has. What gets printed in the REPL if you make a new datatype like `Example`
1 . What is the type of data constructor ` MakeExample ` ? What happens if you data Example = MakeExample deriving Show 2 . What happens if you query the info on ` Example ` and can you determine 3 . but with a single type argument added to ` MakeExample ` ? data Example' = MakeExample' Int deriving Show Answer : MakeExample ' : : Int - > Example '
(************************************************************************) v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team < O _ _ _ , , * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999 - 2012 \VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (************************************************************************) open Util open Pp open Term open Names open Environ open Univ open Evd open Conv_oracle open Closure open Esubst (**** Call by value reduction ****) The type of terms with closure . The meaning of the constructors and * the invariants of this datatype are the following : * VAL(k , c ) represents the constr c with a delayed shift of k. c must be * in normal form and neutral ( i.e. not a lambda , a construct or a * ( co)fix , because they may produce redexes by applying them , * or putting them in a case ) * STACK(k , v , ) represents an irreductible value [ v ] in the stack [ stk ] . * [ k ] is a delayed shift to be applied to both the value and * the stack . * CBN(t , S ) is the term [ S]t . It is used to delay evaluation . For * instance products are evaluated only when actually needed * ( CBN strategy ) . * LAM(n , a , b , S ) is the term [ : a]b ) where [ a ] is a list of bindings and * [ n ] is the length of [ a ] . the environment [ S ] is propagated * only when the abstraction is applied , and then we use the rule * ( [ : a]b ) c ) -- > [ S.c]b * This corresponds to the usual strategy of weak reduction * FIXP(op , bd , S , args ) is the fixpoint ( Fix or Cofix ) of bodies bd under * the bindings S , and then applied to args . Here again , * weak reduction . * CONSTR(c , args ) is the constructor [ c ] applied to [ args ] . * * the invariants of this datatype are the following: * VAL(k,c) represents the constr c with a delayed shift of k. c must be * in normal form and neutral (i.e. not a lambda, a construct or a * (co)fix, because they may produce redexes by applying them, * or putting them in a case) * STACK(k,v,stk) represents an irreductible value [v] in the stack [stk]. * [k] is a delayed shift to be applied to both the value and * the stack. * CBN(t,S) is the term [S]t. It is used to delay evaluation. For * instance products are evaluated only when actually needed * (CBN strategy). * LAM(n,a,b,S) is the term [S]([x:a]b) where [a] is a list of bindings and * [n] is the length of [a]. the environment [S] is propagated * only when the abstraction is applied, and then we use the rule * ([S]([x:a]b) c) --> [S.c]b * This corresponds to the usual strategy of weak reduction * FIXP(op,bd,S,args) is the fixpoint (Fix or Cofix) of bodies bd under * the bindings S, and then applied to args. Here again, * weak reduction. * CONSTR(c,args) is the constructor [c] applied to [args]. * *) type cbv_value = | VAL of int * constr | STACK of int * cbv_value * cbv_stack | CBN of constr * cbv_value subs | LAM of int * (name * constr) list * constr * cbv_value subs | FIXP of fixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array | COFIXP of cofixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array | CONSTR of constructor * cbv_value array type of terms with a hole . This hole can appear only under App or Case . * TOP means the term is considered without context * APP(v , stk ) means the term is applied to v , and then the context stk * ( v.0 is the first argument ) . * this corresponds to the application stack of the KAM . * The members of l are values : we evaluate arguments before calling the function . * CASE(t , br , pat , S , ) means the term is in a case ( which is himself in stk * t is the type of the case and br are the branches , all of them under * the subs S , pat is information on the patterns of the Case * ( Weak reduction : we propagate the sub only when the selected branch * is determined ) * * Important remark : the APPs should be collapsed : * ( APP ( ... ) ) ) forbidden * TOP means the term is considered without context * APP(v,stk) means the term is applied to v, and then the context stk * (v.0 is the first argument). * this corresponds to the application stack of the KAM. * The members of l are values: we evaluate arguments before calling the function. * CASE(t,br,pat,S,stk) means the term is in a case (which is himself in stk * t is the type of the case and br are the branches, all of them under * the subs S, pat is information on the patterns of the Case * (Weak reduction: we propagate the sub only when the selected branch * is determined) * * Important remark: the APPs should be collapsed: * (APP (l,(APP ...))) forbidden *) and cbv_stack = | TOP | APP of cbv_value array * cbv_stack | CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * cbv_stack les vars pourraient , cela permet de retarder les lift : utile ? ? cela permet de retarder les lift: utile ?? *) (* relocation of a value; used when a value stored in a context is expanded * in a larger context. e.g. [%k (S.t)](k+1) --> [^k]t (t is shifted of k) *) let rec shift_value n = function | VAL (k,t) -> VAL (k+n,t) | STACK(k,v,stk) -> STACK(k+n,v,stk) | CBN (t,s) -> CBN(t,subs_shft(n,s)) | LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,s) -> LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,subs_shft (n,s)) | FIXP (fix,s,args) -> FIXP (fix,subs_shft (n,s), Array.map (shift_value n) args) | COFIXP (cofix,s,args) -> COFIXP (cofix,subs_shft (n,s), Array.map (shift_value n) args) | CONSTR (c,args) -> CONSTR (c, Array.map (shift_value n) args) let shift_value n v = if n = 0 then v else shift_value n v Contracts a fixpoint : given a fixpoint and a bindings , * returns the corresponding fixpoint body , and the bindings in which * it should be evaluated : its first variables are the fixpoint bodies * ( S , ( fix Fi { F0 : = T0 .. Fn-1 : = Tn-1 } ) ) * - > ( S. [ S]F0 . [ S]F1 ... . [ S]Fn-1 , Ti ) * returns the corresponding fixpoint body, and the bindings in which * it should be evaluated: its first variables are the fixpoint bodies * (S, (fix Fi {F0 := T0 .. Fn-1 := Tn-1})) * -> (S. [S]F0 . [S]F1 ... . [S]Fn-1, Ti) *) let contract_fixp env ((reci,i),(_,_,bds as bodies)) = let make_body j = FIXP(((reci,j),bodies), env, [||]) in let n = Array.length bds in subs_cons(Array.init n make_body, env), bds.(i) let contract_cofixp env (i,(_,_,bds as bodies)) = let make_body j = COFIXP((j,bodies), env, [||]) in let n = Array.length bds in subs_cons(Array.init n make_body, env), bds.(i) let make_constr_ref n = function | RelKey p -> mkRel (n+p) | VarKey id -> mkVar id | ConstKey cst -> mkConst cst (* Adds an application list. Collapse APPs! *) let stack_app appl stack = if Array.length appl = 0 then stack else match stack with | APP(args,stk) -> APP(Array.append appl args,stk) | _ -> APP(appl, stack) let rec stack_concat stk1 stk2 = match stk1 with TOP -> stk2 | APP(v,stk1') -> APP(v,stack_concat stk1' stk2) | CASE(c,b,i,s,stk1') -> CASE(c,b,i,s,stack_concat stk1' stk2) (* merge stacks when there is no shifts in between *) let mkSTACK = function v, TOP -> v | STACK(0,v0,stk0), stk -> STACK(0,v0,stack_concat stk0 stk) | v,stk -> STACK(0,v,stk) Change : zeta reduction can not be avoided in CBV open RedFlags let red_set_ref flags = function | RelKey _ -> red_set flags fDELTA | VarKey id -> red_set flags (fVAR id) | ConstKey sp -> red_set flags (fCONST sp) (* Transfer application lists from a value to the stack * useful because fixpoints may be totally applied in several times. * On the other hand, irreductible atoms absorb the full stack. *) let strip_appl head stack = match head with | FIXP (fix,env,app) -> (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stack_app app stack) | COFIXP (cofix,env,app) -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stack_app app stack) | CONSTR (c,app) -> (CONSTR(c,[||]), stack_app app stack) | _ -> (head, stack) (* Tests if fixpoint reduction is possible. *) let fixp_reducible flgs ((reci,i),_) stk = if red_set flgs fIOTA then match stk with | APP(appl,_) -> Array.length appl > reci.(i) && (match appl.(reci.(i)) with CONSTR _ -> true | _ -> false) | _ -> false else false let cofixp_reducible flgs _ stk = if red_set flgs fIOTA then match stk with | (CASE _ | APP(_,CASE _)) -> true | _ -> false else false The main recursive functions * * Go under applications and cases ( pushed in the stack ) , expand head * constants or substitued , and try to make appear a * constructor , a lambda or a fixp in the head . If not , it is a value * and is completely computed here . The head redexes are NOT reduced : * the function returns the pair of a cbv_value and its stack . * * Invariant : if the result of is CONSTR or ( CO)FIXP , it last * argument is [ ] . Because we must put all the applied terms in the * stack . * * Go under applications and cases (pushed in the stack), expand head * constants or substitued de Bruijn, and try to make appear a * constructor, a lambda or a fixp in the head. If not, it is a value * and is completely computed here. The head redexes are NOT reduced: * the function returns the pair of a cbv_value and its stack. * * Invariant: if the result of norm_head is CONSTR or (CO)FIXP, it last * argument is []. Because we must put all the applied terms in the * stack. *) let rec norm_head info env t stack = (* no reduction under binders *) match kind_of_term t with (* stack grows (remove casts) *) Applied terms are normalized immediately ; they could be computed when getting out of the stack they could be computed when getting out of the stack *) let nargs = Array.map (cbv_stack_term info TOP env) args in norm_head info env head (stack_app nargs stack) | Case (ci,p,c,v) -> norm_head info env c (CASE(p,v,ci,env,stack)) | Cast (ct,_,_) -> norm_head info env ct stack constants , axioms * the first pattern is CRUCIAL , n=0 happens very often : * when reducing closed terms , n is always 0 * the first pattern is CRUCIAL, n=0 happens very often: * when reducing closed terms, n is always 0 *) | Rel i -> (match expand_rel i env with | Inl (0,v) -> strip_appl v stack | Inl (n,v) -> strip_appl (shift_value n v) stack | Inr (n,None) -> (VAL(0, mkRel n), stack) | Inr (n,Some p) -> norm_head_ref (n-p) info env stack (RelKey p)) | Var id -> norm_head_ref 0 info env stack (VarKey id) | Const sp -> norm_head_ref 0 info env stack (ConstKey sp) | LetIn (_, b, _, c) -> (* zeta means letin are contracted; delta without zeta means we *) (* allow bindings but leave let's in place *) if red_set (info_flags info) fZETA then New rule : for Cbv , Delta does not apply to locally bound variables or red_set ( info_flags info ) fDELTA or red_set (info_flags info) fDELTA *) let env' = subs_cons ([|cbv_stack_term info TOP env b|],env) in norm_head info env' c stack else une coupure commutative ? | Evar ev -> (match evar_value info ev with Some c -> norm_head info env c stack | None -> (VAL(0, t), stack)) (* non-neutral cases *) | Lambda _ -> let ctxt,b = decompose_lam t in (LAM(List.length ctxt, List.rev ctxt,b,env), stack) | Fix fix -> (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stack) | CoFix cofix -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stack) | Construct c -> (CONSTR(c, [||]), stack) (* neutral cases *) | (Sort _ | Meta _ | Ind _) -> (VAL(0, t), stack) | Prod _ -> (CBN(t,env), stack) and norm_head_ref k info env stack normt = if red_set_ref (info_flags info) normt then match ref_value_cache info normt with | Some body -> strip_appl (shift_value k body) stack | None -> (VAL(0,make_constr_ref k normt),stack) else (VAL(0,make_constr_ref k normt),stack) cbv_stack_term performs weak reduction on constr t under the subs * env , with context stack , i.e. ( [ env]t stack ) . First computes weak * head normal form of t and checks if a redex appears with the stack . * If so , recursive call to reach the real head normal form . If not , * we build a value . * env, with context stack, i.e. ([env]t stack). First computes weak * head normal form of t and checks if a redex appears with the stack. * If so, recursive call to reach the real head normal form. If not, * we build a value. *) and cbv_stack_term info stack env t = match norm_head info env t stack with (* a lambda meets an application -> BETA *) | (LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,env), APP (args, stk)) when red_set (info_flags info) fBETA -> let nargs = Array.length args in if nargs == nlams then cbv_stack_term info stk (subs_cons(args,env)) b else if nlams < nargs then let env' = subs_cons(Array.sub args 0 nlams, env) in let eargs = Array.sub args nlams (nargs-nlams) in cbv_stack_term info (APP(eargs,stk)) env' b else let ctxt' = list_skipn nargs ctxt in LAM(nlams-nargs,ctxt', b, subs_cons(args,env)) a Fix applied enough - > IOTA | (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stk) when fixp_reducible (info_flags info) fix stk -> let (envf,redfix) = contract_fixp env fix in cbv_stack_term info stk envf redfix constructor guard satisfied or Cofix in a Case - > IOTA | (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stk) when cofixp_reducible (info_flags info) cofix stk-> let (envf,redfix) = contract_cofixp env cofix in cbv_stack_term info stk envf redfix constructor in a Case - > IOTA | (CONSTR((sp,n),[||]), APP(args,CASE(_,br,ci,env,stk))) when red_set (info_flags info) fIOTA -> let cargs = Array.sub args ci.ci_npar (Array.length args - ci.ci_npar) in cbv_stack_term info (stack_app cargs stk) env br.(n-1) constructor of arity 0 in a Case - > IOTA | (CONSTR((_,n),[||]), CASE(_,br,_,env,stk)) when red_set (info_flags info) fIOTA -> cbv_stack_term info stk env br.(n-1) (* may be reduced later by application *) | (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), APP(appl,TOP)) -> FIXP(fix,env,appl) | (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), APP(appl,TOP)) -> COFIXP(cofix,env,appl) | (CONSTR(c,[||]), APP(appl,TOP)) -> CONSTR(c,appl) (* definitely a value *) | (head,stk) -> mkSTACK(head, stk) (* When we are sure t will never produce a redex with its stack, we * normalize (even under binders) the applied terms and we build the * final term *) let rec apply_stack info t = function | TOP -> t | APP (args,st) -> apply_stack info (mkApp(t,Array.map (cbv_norm_value info) args)) st | CASE (ty,br,ci,env,st) -> apply_stack info (mkCase (ci, cbv_norm_term info env ty, t, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) br)) st (* performs the reduction on a constr, and returns a constr *) and cbv_norm_term info env t = (* reduction under binders *) cbv_norm_value info (cbv_stack_term info TOP env t) (* reduction of a cbv_value to a constr *) and cbv_norm_value info = function (* reduction under binders *) | VAL (n,t) -> lift n t | STACK (0,v,stk) -> apply_stack info (cbv_norm_value info v) stk | STACK (n,v,stk) -> lift n (apply_stack info (cbv_norm_value info v) stk) | CBN(t,env) -> map_constr_with_binders subs_lift (cbv_norm_term info) env t | LAM (n,ctxt,b,env) -> let nctxt = list_map_i (fun i (x,ty) -> (x,cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn i env) ty)) 0 ctxt in compose_lam (List.rev nctxt) (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn n env) b) | FIXP ((lij,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) -> mkApp (mkFix (lij, (names, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)), Array.map (cbv_norm_value info) args) | COFIXP ((j,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) -> mkApp (mkCoFix (j, (names,Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)), Array.map (cbv_norm_value info) args) | CONSTR (c,args) -> mkApp(mkConstruct c, Array.map (cbv_norm_value info) args) (* with profiling *) let cbv_norm infos constr = with_stats (lazy (cbv_norm_term infos (subs_id 0) constr)) type cbv_infos = cbv_value infos constant bodies are normalized at the first expansion let create_cbv_infos flgs env sigma = create (fun old_info c -> cbv_stack_term old_info TOP (subs_id 0) c) flgs env (Reductionops.safe_evar_value sigma)
********************************************************************** // * This file is distributed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ********************************************************************** *** Call by value reduction *** relocation of a value; used when a value stored in a context is expanded * in a larger context. e.g. [%k (S.t)](k+1) --> [^k]t (t is shifted of k) Adds an application list. Collapse APPs! merge stacks when there is no shifts in between Transfer application lists from a value to the stack * useful because fixpoints may be totally applied in several times. * On the other hand, irreductible atoms absorb the full stack. Tests if fixpoint reduction is possible. no reduction under binders stack grows (remove casts) zeta means letin are contracted; delta without zeta means we allow bindings but leave let's in place non-neutral cases neutral cases a lambda meets an application -> BETA may be reduced later by application definitely a value When we are sure t will never produce a redex with its stack, we * normalize (even under binders) the applied terms and we build the * final term performs the reduction on a constr, and returns a constr reduction under binders reduction of a cbv_value to a constr reduction under binders with profiling
v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team < O _ _ _ , , * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999 - 2012 \VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * open Util open Pp open Term open Names open Environ open Univ open Evd open Conv_oracle open Closure open Esubst The type of terms with closure . The meaning of the constructors and * the invariants of this datatype are the following : * VAL(k , c ) represents the constr c with a delayed shift of k. c must be * in normal form and neutral ( i.e. not a lambda , a construct or a * ( co)fix , because they may produce redexes by applying them , * or putting them in a case ) * STACK(k , v , ) represents an irreductible value [ v ] in the stack [ stk ] . * [ k ] is a delayed shift to be applied to both the value and * the stack . * CBN(t , S ) is the term [ S]t . It is used to delay evaluation . For * instance products are evaluated only when actually needed * ( CBN strategy ) . * LAM(n , a , b , S ) is the term [ : a]b ) where [ a ] is a list of bindings and * [ n ] is the length of [ a ] . the environment [ S ] is propagated * only when the abstraction is applied , and then we use the rule * ( [ : a]b ) c ) -- > [ S.c]b * This corresponds to the usual strategy of weak reduction * FIXP(op , bd , S , args ) is the fixpoint ( Fix or Cofix ) of bodies bd under * the bindings S , and then applied to args . Here again , * weak reduction . * CONSTR(c , args ) is the constructor [ c ] applied to [ args ] . * * the invariants of this datatype are the following: * VAL(k,c) represents the constr c with a delayed shift of k. c must be * in normal form and neutral (i.e. not a lambda, a construct or a * (co)fix, because they may produce redexes by applying them, * or putting them in a case) * STACK(k,v,stk) represents an irreductible value [v] in the stack [stk]. * [k] is a delayed shift to be applied to both the value and * the stack. * CBN(t,S) is the term [S]t. It is used to delay evaluation. For * instance products are evaluated only when actually needed * (CBN strategy). * LAM(n,a,b,S) is the term [S]([x:a]b) where [a] is a list of bindings and * [n] is the length of [a]. the environment [S] is propagated * only when the abstraction is applied, and then we use the rule * ([S]([x:a]b) c) --> [S.c]b * This corresponds to the usual strategy of weak reduction * FIXP(op,bd,S,args) is the fixpoint (Fix or Cofix) of bodies bd under * the bindings S, and then applied to args. Here again, * weak reduction. * CONSTR(c,args) is the constructor [c] applied to [args]. * *) type cbv_value = | VAL of int * constr | STACK of int * cbv_value * cbv_stack | CBN of constr * cbv_value subs | LAM of int * (name * constr) list * constr * cbv_value subs | FIXP of fixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array | COFIXP of cofixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array | CONSTR of constructor * cbv_value array type of terms with a hole . This hole can appear only under App or Case . * TOP means the term is considered without context * APP(v , stk ) means the term is applied to v , and then the context stk * ( v.0 is the first argument ) . * this corresponds to the application stack of the KAM . * The members of l are values : we evaluate arguments before calling the function . * CASE(t , br , pat , S , ) means the term is in a case ( which is himself in stk * t is the type of the case and br are the branches , all of them under * the subs S , pat is information on the patterns of the Case * ( Weak reduction : we propagate the sub only when the selected branch * is determined ) * * Important remark : the APPs should be collapsed : * ( APP ( ... ) ) ) forbidden * TOP means the term is considered without context * APP(v,stk) means the term is applied to v, and then the context stk * (v.0 is the first argument). * this corresponds to the application stack of the KAM. * The members of l are values: we evaluate arguments before calling the function. * CASE(t,br,pat,S,stk) means the term is in a case (which is himself in stk * t is the type of the case and br are the branches, all of them under * the subs S, pat is information on the patterns of the Case * (Weak reduction: we propagate the sub only when the selected branch * is determined) * * Important remark: the APPs should be collapsed: * (APP (l,(APP ...))) forbidden *) and cbv_stack = | TOP | APP of cbv_value array * cbv_stack | CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * cbv_stack les vars pourraient , cela permet de retarder les lift : utile ? ? cela permet de retarder les lift: utile ?? *) let rec shift_value n = function | VAL (k,t) -> VAL (k+n,t) | STACK(k,v,stk) -> STACK(k+n,v,stk) | CBN (t,s) -> CBN(t,subs_shft(n,s)) | LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,s) -> LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,subs_shft (n,s)) | FIXP (fix,s,args) -> FIXP (fix,subs_shft (n,s), Array.map (shift_value n) args) | COFIXP (cofix,s,args) -> COFIXP (cofix,subs_shft (n,s), Array.map (shift_value n) args) | CONSTR (c,args) -> CONSTR (c, Array.map (shift_value n) args) let shift_value n v = if n = 0 then v else shift_value n v Contracts a fixpoint : given a fixpoint and a bindings , * returns the corresponding fixpoint body , and the bindings in which * it should be evaluated : its first variables are the fixpoint bodies * ( S , ( fix Fi { F0 : = T0 .. Fn-1 : = Tn-1 } ) ) * - > ( S. [ S]F0 . [ S]F1 ... . [ S]Fn-1 , Ti ) * returns the corresponding fixpoint body, and the bindings in which * it should be evaluated: its first variables are the fixpoint bodies * (S, (fix Fi {F0 := T0 .. Fn-1 := Tn-1})) * -> (S. [S]F0 . [S]F1 ... . [S]Fn-1, Ti) *) let contract_fixp env ((reci,i),(_,_,bds as bodies)) = let make_body j = FIXP(((reci,j),bodies), env, [||]) in let n = Array.length bds in subs_cons(Array.init n make_body, env), bds.(i) let contract_cofixp env (i,(_,_,bds as bodies)) = let make_body j = COFIXP((j,bodies), env, [||]) in let n = Array.length bds in subs_cons(Array.init n make_body, env), bds.(i) let make_constr_ref n = function | RelKey p -> mkRel (n+p) | VarKey id -> mkVar id | ConstKey cst -> mkConst cst let stack_app appl stack = if Array.length appl = 0 then stack else match stack with | APP(args,stk) -> APP(Array.append appl args,stk) | _ -> APP(appl, stack) let rec stack_concat stk1 stk2 = match stk1 with TOP -> stk2 | APP(v,stk1') -> APP(v,stack_concat stk1' stk2) | CASE(c,b,i,s,stk1') -> CASE(c,b,i,s,stack_concat stk1' stk2) let mkSTACK = function v, TOP -> v | STACK(0,v0,stk0), stk -> STACK(0,v0,stack_concat stk0 stk) | v,stk -> STACK(0,v,stk) Change : zeta reduction can not be avoided in CBV open RedFlags let red_set_ref flags = function | RelKey _ -> red_set flags fDELTA | VarKey id -> red_set flags (fVAR id) | ConstKey sp -> red_set flags (fCONST sp) let strip_appl head stack = match head with | FIXP (fix,env,app) -> (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stack_app app stack) | COFIXP (cofix,env,app) -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stack_app app stack) | CONSTR (c,app) -> (CONSTR(c,[||]), stack_app app stack) | _ -> (head, stack) let fixp_reducible flgs ((reci,i),_) stk = if red_set flgs fIOTA then match stk with | APP(appl,_) -> Array.length appl > reci.(i) && (match appl.(reci.(i)) with CONSTR _ -> true | _ -> false) | _ -> false else false let cofixp_reducible flgs _ stk = if red_set flgs fIOTA then match stk with | (CASE _ | APP(_,CASE _)) -> true | _ -> false else false The main recursive functions * * Go under applications and cases ( pushed in the stack ) , expand head * constants or substitued , and try to make appear a * constructor , a lambda or a fixp in the head . If not , it is a value * and is completely computed here . The head redexes are NOT reduced : * the function returns the pair of a cbv_value and its stack . * * Invariant : if the result of is CONSTR or ( CO)FIXP , it last * argument is [ ] . Because we must put all the applied terms in the * stack . * * Go under applications and cases (pushed in the stack), expand head * constants or substitued de Bruijn, and try to make appear a * constructor, a lambda or a fixp in the head. If not, it is a value * and is completely computed here. The head redexes are NOT reduced: * the function returns the pair of a cbv_value and its stack. * * Invariant: if the result of norm_head is CONSTR or (CO)FIXP, it last * argument is []. Because we must put all the applied terms in the * stack. *) let rec norm_head info env t stack = match kind_of_term t with Applied terms are normalized immediately ; they could be computed when getting out of the stack they could be computed when getting out of the stack *) let nargs = Array.map (cbv_stack_term info TOP env) args in norm_head info env head (stack_app nargs stack) | Case (ci,p,c,v) -> norm_head info env c (CASE(p,v,ci,env,stack)) | Cast (ct,_,_) -> norm_head info env ct stack constants , axioms * the first pattern is CRUCIAL , n=0 happens very often : * when reducing closed terms , n is always 0 * the first pattern is CRUCIAL, n=0 happens very often: * when reducing closed terms, n is always 0 *) | Rel i -> (match expand_rel i env with | Inl (0,v) -> strip_appl v stack | Inl (n,v) -> strip_appl (shift_value n v) stack | Inr (n,None) -> (VAL(0, mkRel n), stack) | Inr (n,Some p) -> norm_head_ref (n-p) info env stack (RelKey p)) | Var id -> norm_head_ref 0 info env stack (VarKey id) | Const sp -> norm_head_ref 0 info env stack (ConstKey sp) | LetIn (_, b, _, c) -> if red_set (info_flags info) fZETA then New rule : for Cbv , Delta does not apply to locally bound variables or red_set ( info_flags info ) fDELTA or red_set (info_flags info) fDELTA *) let env' = subs_cons ([|cbv_stack_term info TOP env b|],env) in norm_head info env' c stack else une coupure commutative ? | Evar ev -> (match evar_value info ev with Some c -> norm_head info env c stack | None -> (VAL(0, t), stack)) | Lambda _ -> let ctxt,b = decompose_lam t in (LAM(List.length ctxt, List.rev ctxt,b,env), stack) | Fix fix -> (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stack) | CoFix cofix -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stack) | Construct c -> (CONSTR(c, [||]), stack) | (Sort _ | Meta _ | Ind _) -> (VAL(0, t), stack) | Prod _ -> (CBN(t,env), stack) and norm_head_ref k info env stack normt = if red_set_ref (info_flags info) normt then match ref_value_cache info normt with | Some body -> strip_appl (shift_value k body) stack | None -> (VAL(0,make_constr_ref k normt),stack) else (VAL(0,make_constr_ref k normt),stack) cbv_stack_term performs weak reduction on constr t under the subs * env , with context stack , i.e. ( [ env]t stack ) . First computes weak * head normal form of t and checks if a redex appears with the stack . * If so , recursive call to reach the real head normal form . If not , * we build a value . * env, with context stack, i.e. ([env]t stack). First computes weak * head normal form of t and checks if a redex appears with the stack. * If so, recursive call to reach the real head normal form. If not, * we build a value. *) and cbv_stack_term info stack env t = match norm_head info env t stack with | (LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,env), APP (args, stk)) when red_set (info_flags info) fBETA -> let nargs = Array.length args in if nargs == nlams then cbv_stack_term info stk (subs_cons(args,env)) b else if nlams < nargs then let env' = subs_cons(Array.sub args 0 nlams, env) in let eargs = Array.sub args nlams (nargs-nlams) in cbv_stack_term info (APP(eargs,stk)) env' b else let ctxt' = list_skipn nargs ctxt in LAM(nlams-nargs,ctxt', b, subs_cons(args,env)) a Fix applied enough - > IOTA | (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stk) when fixp_reducible (info_flags info) fix stk -> let (envf,redfix) = contract_fixp env fix in cbv_stack_term info stk envf redfix constructor guard satisfied or Cofix in a Case - > IOTA | (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stk) when cofixp_reducible (info_flags info) cofix stk-> let (envf,redfix) = contract_cofixp env cofix in cbv_stack_term info stk envf redfix constructor in a Case - > IOTA | (CONSTR((sp,n),[||]), APP(args,CASE(_,br,ci,env,stk))) when red_set (info_flags info) fIOTA -> let cargs = Array.sub args ci.ci_npar (Array.length args - ci.ci_npar) in cbv_stack_term info (stack_app cargs stk) env br.(n-1) constructor of arity 0 in a Case - > IOTA | (CONSTR((_,n),[||]), CASE(_,br,_,env,stk)) when red_set (info_flags info) fIOTA -> cbv_stack_term info stk env br.(n-1) | (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), APP(appl,TOP)) -> FIXP(fix,env,appl) | (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), APP(appl,TOP)) -> COFIXP(cofix,env,appl) | (CONSTR(c,[||]), APP(appl,TOP)) -> CONSTR(c,appl) | (head,stk) -> mkSTACK(head, stk) let rec apply_stack info t = function | TOP -> t | APP (args,st) -> apply_stack info (mkApp(t,Array.map (cbv_norm_value info) args)) st | CASE (ty,br,ci,env,st) -> apply_stack info (mkCase (ci, cbv_norm_term info env ty, t, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) br)) st and cbv_norm_term info env t = cbv_norm_value info (cbv_stack_term info TOP env t) | VAL (n,t) -> lift n t | STACK (0,v,stk) -> apply_stack info (cbv_norm_value info v) stk | STACK (n,v,stk) -> lift n (apply_stack info (cbv_norm_value info v) stk) | CBN(t,env) -> map_constr_with_binders subs_lift (cbv_norm_term info) env t | LAM (n,ctxt,b,env) -> let nctxt = list_map_i (fun i (x,ty) -> (x,cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn i env) ty)) 0 ctxt in compose_lam (List.rev nctxt) (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn n env) b) | FIXP ((lij,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) -> mkApp (mkFix (lij, (names, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)), Array.map (cbv_norm_value info) args) | COFIXP ((j,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) -> mkApp (mkCoFix (j, (names,Array.map (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, Array.map (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)), Array.map (cbv_norm_value info) args) | CONSTR (c,args) -> mkApp(mkConstruct c, Array.map (cbv_norm_value info) args) let cbv_norm infos constr = with_stats (lazy (cbv_norm_term infos (subs_id 0) constr)) type cbv_infos = cbv_value infos constant bodies are normalized at the first expansion let create_cbv_infos flgs env sigma = create (fun old_info c -> cbv_stack_term old_info TOP (subs_id 0) c) flgs env (Reductionops.safe_evar_value sigma)
#lang s-exp rosette (require "simulator.rkt") (provide simulator-rosette%) (define simulator-rosette% (class simulator% (super-new)))
#lang s-exp rosette (require "simulator.rkt") (provide simulator-rosette%) (define simulator-rosette% (class simulator% (super-new)))
Copyright ( c ) Meta Platforms , Inc. and affiliates . All rights reserved . %%% This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license found in %%% the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. -module(as_pat). -compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]). -record(box_a, {a :: atom()}). -record(box_b, {b :: binary()}). -record(box_n, {n :: number()}). -type abn() :: atom() | binary() | number(). -type box() :: #box_a{} | #box_b{} | #box_n{}. -spec box_a(atom()) -> #box_a{}. box_a(A) -> #box_a{a = A}. -spec unbox_a(#box_a{}) -> atom(). unbox_a(#box_a{a = A}) -> A. -spec box_n(number()) -> #box_n{}. box_n(N) -> #box_n{n = N}. -spec unbox_n(#box_n{}) -> number(). unbox_n(#box_n{n = N}) -> N. -spec box_b(binary()) -> #box_b{}. box_b(B) -> #box_b{b = B}. -spec unbox_b(#box_b{}) -> binary(). unbox_b({b, B}) -> B. -spec unbox(box()) -> abn(). unbox(#box_a{a = A}) -> A; unbox(#box_b{b = B}) -> B; unbox(#box_n{n = N}) -> N. -spec unboxL(box()) -> abn(). unboxL(BA = #box_a{}) -> unbox_a(BA); unboxL(BB = #box_b{}) -> unbox_b(BB); unboxL(BN = #box_n{}) -> unbox_n(BN). -spec unboxL_neg(box()) -> abn(). unboxL_neg(BA = #box_a{}) -> unbox_a(BA); unboxL_neg(BB = #box_b{}) -> unbox_b(BB); unboxL_neg(BN = #box_n{}) -> unbox_a(BN). -spec unboxR(box()) -> abn(). unboxR(#box_a{} = BA) -> unbox_a(BA); unboxR(#box_b{} = BB) -> unbox_b(BB); unboxR(#box_n{} = BN) -> unbox_n(BN). -spec unboxR_neg(box()) -> abn(). unboxR_neg(#box_a{} = BA) -> unbox_a(BA); unboxR_neg(#box_b{} = BB) -> unbox_b(BB); unboxR_neg(#box_n{} = BN) -> unbox_b(BN).
the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
Copyright ( c ) Meta Platforms , Inc. and affiliates . All rights reserved . This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license found in -module(as_pat). -compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]). -record(box_a, {a :: atom()}). -record(box_b, {b :: binary()}). -record(box_n, {n :: number()}). -type abn() :: atom() | binary() | number(). -type box() :: #box_a{} | #box_b{} | #box_n{}. -spec box_a(atom()) -> #box_a{}. box_a(A) -> #box_a{a = A}. -spec unbox_a(#box_a{}) -> atom(). unbox_a(#box_a{a = A}) -> A. -spec box_n(number()) -> #box_n{}. box_n(N) -> #box_n{n = N}. -spec unbox_n(#box_n{}) -> number(). unbox_n(#box_n{n = N}) -> N. -spec box_b(binary()) -> #box_b{}. box_b(B) -> #box_b{b = B}. -spec unbox_b(#box_b{}) -> binary(). unbox_b({b, B}) -> B. -spec unbox(box()) -> abn(). unbox(#box_a{a = A}) -> A; unbox(#box_b{b = B}) -> B; unbox(#box_n{n = N}) -> N. -spec unboxL(box()) -> abn(). unboxL(BA = #box_a{}) -> unbox_a(BA); unboxL(BB = #box_b{}) -> unbox_b(BB); unboxL(BN = #box_n{}) -> unbox_n(BN). -spec unboxL_neg(box()) -> abn(). unboxL_neg(BA = #box_a{}) -> unbox_a(BA); unboxL_neg(BB = #box_b{}) -> unbox_b(BB); unboxL_neg(BN = #box_n{}) -> unbox_a(BN). -spec unboxR(box()) -> abn(). unboxR(#box_a{} = BA) -> unbox_a(BA); unboxR(#box_b{} = BB) -> unbox_b(BB); unboxR(#box_n{} = BN) -> unbox_n(BN). -spec unboxR_neg(box()) -> abn(). unboxR_neg(#box_a{} = BA) -> unbox_a(BA); unboxR_neg(#box_b{} = BB) -> unbox_b(BB); unboxR_neg(#box_n{} = BN) -> unbox_b(BN).
(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) , OCamlPro and , (* *) (* Copyright 2017--2019 OCamlPro SAS *) Copyright 2017 - -2019 Jane Street Group LLC (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) * Kinds and subkinds of Flambda types . module Naked_number_kind : sig type t = | Naked_immediate | Naked_float | Naked_int32 | Naked_int64 | Naked_nativeint val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end (** The kinds themselves. *) type t = private | Value (** OCaml values, either immediates or pointers. *) | Naked_number of Naked_number_kind.t (** The kind of unboxed numbers and untagged immediates. *) | Region * Values which have been introduced by Flambda and are never accessible at the source language level ( for example sets of closures ) . at the source language level (for example sets of closures). *) | Rec_info (** Recursion depths of identifiers. Like [Region], not accessible at the source level, but also not accessible at run time. *) type kind = t (** Constructors for the various kinds. *) val value : t val naked_number : Naked_number_kind.t -> t val naked_immediate : t val naked_float : t val naked_int32 : t val naked_int64 : t val naked_nativeint : t val region : t val rec_info : t val is_value : t -> bool val is_naked_float : t -> bool include Container_types.S with type t := t module Standard_int : sig * " Standard " because these correspond to the usual representations of tagged immediates , 32 - bit , 64 - bit and native integers as expected by the operations in [ Flambda_primitive ] . immediates, 32-bit, 64-bit and native integers as expected by the operations in [Flambda_primitive]. *) type t = | Tagged_immediate | Naked_immediate | Naked_int32 | Naked_int64 | Naked_nativeint val to_kind : t -> kind val print_lowercase : Format.formatter -> t -> unit include Container_types.S with type t := t end module Standard_int_or_float : sig (** The same as [Standard_int], but also permitting naked floats. *) type t = | Tagged_immediate | Naked_immediate | Naked_float | Naked_int32 | Naked_int64 | Naked_nativeint val to_kind : t -> kind val print_lowercase : Format.formatter -> t -> unit include Container_types.S with type t := t end module Boxable_number : sig (** These kinds are those of the numbers for which a tailored boxed representation exists. *) type t = | Naked_float | Naked_int32 | Naked_int64 | Naked_nativeint val unboxed_kind : t -> kind val primitive_kind : t -> Primitive.boxed_integer val print_lowercase : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val print_lowercase_short : Format.formatter -> t -> unit include Container_types.S with type t := t end module With_subkind : sig module Subkind : sig type t = | Anything | Boxed_float | Boxed_int32 | Boxed_int64 | Boxed_nativeint | Tagged_immediate | Variant of { consts : Targetint_31_63.Set.t; non_consts : t list Tag.Scannable.Map.t } | Float_block of { num_fields : int } | Float_array | Immediate_array | Value_array | Generic_array include Container_types.S with type t := t end type kind = t type t val create : kind -> Subkind.t -> t val kind : t -> kind val subkind : t -> Subkind.t val has_useful_subkind_info : t -> bool val any_value : t val naked_immediate : t val naked_float : t val naked_int32 : t val naked_int64 : t val naked_nativeint : t val region : t val boxed_float : t val boxed_int32 : t val boxed_int64 : t val boxed_nativeint : t val tagged_immediate : t val rec_info : t val float_array : t val immediate_array : t val value_array : t val generic_array : t val block : Tag.t -> t list -> t val float_block : num_fields:int -> t val of_naked_number_kind : Naked_number_kind.t -> t val from_lambda_value_kind : Lambda.value_kind -> t val from_lambda : Lambda.layout -> t val compatible : t -> when_used_at:t -> bool val erase_subkind : t -> t include Container_types.S with type t := t end
************************************************************************ OCaml Copyright 2017--2019 OCamlPro SAS All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. ************************************************************************ * The kinds themselves. * OCaml values, either immediates or pointers. * The kind of unboxed numbers and untagged immediates. * Recursion depths of identifiers. Like [Region], not accessible at the source level, but also not accessible at run time. * Constructors for the various kinds. * The same as [Standard_int], but also permitting naked floats. * These kinds are those of the numbers for which a tailored boxed representation exists.
, OCamlPro and , Copyright 2017 - -2019 Jane Street Group LLC the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the * Kinds and subkinds of Flambda types . module Naked_number_kind : sig type t = | Naked_immediate | Naked_float | Naked_int32 | Naked_int64 | Naked_nativeint val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end type t = private | Naked_number of Naked_number_kind.t | Region * Values which have been introduced by Flambda and are never accessible at the source language level ( for example sets of closures ) . at the source language level (for example sets of closures). *) | Rec_info type kind = t val value : t val naked_number : Naked_number_kind.t -> t val naked_immediate : t val naked_float : t val naked_int32 : t val naked_int64 : t val naked_nativeint : t val region : t val rec_info : t val is_value : t -> bool val is_naked_float : t -> bool include Container_types.S with type t := t module Standard_int : sig * " Standard " because these correspond to the usual representations of tagged immediates , 32 - bit , 64 - bit and native integers as expected by the operations in [ Flambda_primitive ] . immediates, 32-bit, 64-bit and native integers as expected by the operations in [Flambda_primitive]. *) type t = | Tagged_immediate | Naked_immediate | Naked_int32 | Naked_int64 | Naked_nativeint val to_kind : t -> kind val print_lowercase : Format.formatter -> t -> unit include Container_types.S with type t := t end module Standard_int_or_float : sig type t = | Tagged_immediate | Naked_immediate | Naked_float | Naked_int32 | Naked_int64 | Naked_nativeint val to_kind : t -> kind val print_lowercase : Format.formatter -> t -> unit include Container_types.S with type t := t end module Boxable_number : sig type t = | Naked_float | Naked_int32 | Naked_int64 | Naked_nativeint val unboxed_kind : t -> kind val primitive_kind : t -> Primitive.boxed_integer val print_lowercase : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val print_lowercase_short : Format.formatter -> t -> unit include Container_types.S with type t := t end module With_subkind : sig module Subkind : sig type t = | Anything | Boxed_float | Boxed_int32 | Boxed_int64 | Boxed_nativeint | Tagged_immediate | Variant of { consts : Targetint_31_63.Set.t; non_consts : t list Tag.Scannable.Map.t } | Float_block of { num_fields : int } | Float_array | Immediate_array | Value_array | Generic_array include Container_types.S with type t := t end type kind = t type t val create : kind -> Subkind.t -> t val kind : t -> kind val subkind : t -> Subkind.t val has_useful_subkind_info : t -> bool val any_value : t val naked_immediate : t val naked_float : t val naked_int32 : t val naked_int64 : t val naked_nativeint : t val region : t val boxed_float : t val boxed_int32 : t val boxed_int64 : t val boxed_nativeint : t val tagged_immediate : t val rec_info : t val float_array : t val immediate_array : t val value_array : t val generic_array : t val block : Tag.t -> t list -> t val float_block : num_fields:int -> t val of_naked_number_kind : Naked_number_kind.t -> t val from_lambda_value_kind : Lambda.value_kind -> t val from_lambda : Lambda.layout -> t val compatible : t -> when_used_at:t -> bool val erase_subkind : t -> t include Container_types.S with type t := t end
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-@ LIQUID "--no-pattern-inline" @-} module Storm.Updates ( assign , updateWhere , combine ) where import Control.Monad.Reader import Database.Persist ( PersistRecordBackend , PersistField ) import qualified Database.Persist as Persist import Storm.Core import Storm.Filters import Storm.Infrastructure {-@ data Update user record < visibility :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , update :: Entity record -> Bool , capabilities :: Entity record -> Bool , policy :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool > = Update _ @-} data Update user record = Update [Persist.Update record] {-@ data variance Update invariant invariant invariant invariant invariant invariant @-} -- For some reason the type is not exported if we use `=.` {-@ ignore assign @-} @ assume assign : : forall < policy : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , selector : : Entity record - > typ - > Bool , flippedselector : : typ - > Entity record - > Bool , r : : typ - > Bool , update : : Entity record - > Bool , : : typ - > Bool , updatepolicy : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool , capability : : Entity record - > Bool > . { row : : ( Entity record ) , value : : < r > , field : : > ) | field = = value } |- { v:(Entity < flippedselector field > record ) | True } < : { v:(Entity < update > record ) | True } } EntityFieldWrapper < policy , selector , flippedselector , capability , updatepolicy > user record typ < r > - > Update < policy , update , capability , updatepolicy > user record @ assume assign :: forall < policy :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , selector :: Entity record -> typ -> Bool , flippedselector :: typ -> Entity record -> Bool , r :: typ -> Bool , update :: Entity record -> Bool , fieldref :: typ -> Bool , updatepolicy :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool , capability :: Entity record -> Bool >. { row :: (Entity record) , value :: typ<r> , field :: {field:(typ<selector row>) | field == value} |- {v:(Entity <flippedselector field> record) | True} <: {v:(Entity <update> record) | True} } EntityFieldWrapper<policy, selector, flippedselector, capability, updatepolicy> user record typ -> typ<r> -> Update<policy, update, capability, updatepolicy> user record @-} assign :: PersistField typ => EntityFieldWrapper user record typ -> typ -> Update user record assign (EntityFieldWrapper field) val = Update [field Persist.=. val] -- TODO: It's probably important to make sure multiple updates to the same field don't happen at once {-@ ignore combine @-} @ assume combine : : forall < : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , visibility : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , update1 : : Entity record - > Bool , : : Entity record - > Bool , update : : Entity record - > Bool , cap1 : : Entity record - > Bool , cap2 : : Entity record - > Bool , cap : : Entity record - > Bool , : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool , : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool , policy : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool > . { row : : ( Entity < update > record ) |- { v:(user < row > ) | True } < : { v:(user < visibility row > ) | True } } { row : : ( Entity < update > record ) |- { v:(user < row > ) | True } < : { v:(user < visibility row > ) | True } } { { v : ( Entity < update > record ) | True } < : { v : ( Entity < update1 > record ) | True } } { { v : ( Entity < update > record ) | True } < : { v : ( Entity < update2 > record ) | True } } { row1 : : ( Entity < update1 > record ) , row2 : : ( Entity < update2 > record ) |- { v:(Entity record ) | v = = row1 & & v = = row2 } < : { v:(Entity < update > record ) | True } } { { v : ( Entity < cap > record ) | True } < : { v : ( Entity < cap1 > record ) | True } } { { v : ( Entity < cap > record ) | True } < : { v : ( Entity < cap2 > record ) | True } } { row1 : : ( Entity < cap1 > record ) , row2 : : ( Entity < cap2 > record ) |- { v:(Entity record ) | v = = row1 & & v = = row2 } < : { v:(Entity < cap > record ) | True } } { old : : Entity record , new : : Entity record |- { v : ( user < policy old new > ) | True } < : { v : ( user < policy1 old new > ) | True } } { old : : Entity record , new : : Entity record |- { v : ( user < policy old new > ) | True } < : { v : ( user < policy2 old new > ) | True } } { old : : Entity record , new : : Entity record , user1 : : ( user < policy1 old new > ) , : : ( user < policy2 old new > ) |- { v:(user ) | v = = user1 & & v = = user2 } < : { v:(user < policy old new > ) | True } } Update < visibility1 , update1 , cap1 , policy1 > user record - > Update , update2 , cap2 , policy2 > user record - > Update < visibility , update , cap , policy > user record @ assume combine :: forall < visibility1 :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , visibility2 :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , visibility :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , update1 :: Entity record -> Bool , update2 :: Entity record -> Bool , update :: Entity record -> Bool , cap1 :: Entity record -> Bool , cap2 :: Entity record -> Bool , cap :: Entity record -> Bool , policy1 :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool , policy2 :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool , policy :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool >. { row :: (Entity<update> record) |- {v:(user<visibility1 row>) | True} <: {v:(user<visibility row>) | True} } { row :: (Entity<update> record) |- {v:(user<visibility2 row>) | True} <: {v:(user<visibility row>) | True} } { {v: (Entity<update> record) | True } <: {v: (Entity<update1> record) | True}} { {v: (Entity<update> record) | True } <: {v: (Entity<update2> record) | True}} { row1 :: (Entity<update1> record) , row2 :: (Entity<update2> record) |- {v:(Entity record) | v == row1 && v == row2} <: {v:(Entity<update> record) | True} } { {v: (Entity<cap> record) | True} <: {v: (Entity<cap1> record) | True} } { {v: (Entity<cap> record) | True} <: {v: (Entity<cap2> record) | True} } { row1 :: (Entity<cap1> record) , row2 :: (Entity<cap2> record) |- {v:(Entity record) | v == row1 && v == row2} <: {v:(Entity<cap> record) | True} } { old :: Entity record , new :: Entity record |- {v: (user<policy old new>) | True } <: {v: (user<policy1 old new>) | True} } { old :: Entity record , new :: Entity record |- {v: (user<policy old new>) | True } <: {v: (user<policy2 old new>) | True} } { old :: Entity record , new :: Entity record , user1 :: (user<policy1 old new>) , user2 :: (user<policy2 old new>) |- {v:(user) | v == user1 && v == user2} <: {v:(user<policy old new>) | True} } Update<visibility1, update1, cap1, policy1> user record -> Update<visibility2, update2, cap2, policy2> user record -> Update<visibility, update, cap, policy> user record @-} combine :: Update user record -> Update user record -> Update user record combine (Update us1) (Update us2) = Update (us1 ++ us2) -- TODO: Figure out what to do with the key {-@ ignore updateWhere @-} @ assume updateWhere : : forall < visibility : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , update : : Entity record - > Bool , audience : : user - > Bool , capabilities : : Entity record - > Bool , updatepolicy : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool , querypolicy : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , filter : : Entity record - > Bool , level : : user - > Bool > . { old : : ( Entity < filter > record ) , new : : ( Entity < update > record ) , user : : { v : ( user < updatepolicy old new > ) | v = = currentUser 0 } |- { v:(Entity record ) | v = = old } < : { v:(Entity < capabilities > record ) | True } } { old : : ( Entity < filter > record ) , new : : { v : ( Entity < update > record ) | entityKey old = = entityKey v } |- { v:(user < visibility new > ) | True } < : { v:(user < audience > ) | True } } { row : : ( Entity < filter > record ) |- { v:(user < level > ) | True } < : { v:(user < querypolicy row > ) | True } } Filter < querypolicy , filter > user record - > Update < visibility , update , capabilities , updatepolicy > user record - > TaggedT < level , audience > user m ( ) @ assume updateWhere :: forall < visibility :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , update :: Entity record -> Bool , audience :: user -> Bool , capabilities :: Entity record -> Bool , updatepolicy :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool , querypolicy :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , filter :: Entity record -> Bool , level :: user -> Bool >. { old :: (Entity<filter> record) , new :: (Entity<update> record) , user :: {v: (user<updatepolicy old new>) | v == currentUser 0} |- {v:(Entity record) | v == old} <: {v:(Entity<capabilities> record) | True} } { old :: (Entity<filter> record) , new :: {v: (Entity<update> record) | entityKey old == entityKey v} |- {v:(user<visibility new>) | True} <: {v:(user<audience>) | True} } { row :: (Entity<filter> record) |- {v:(user<level>) | True} <: {v:(user<querypolicy row>) | True} } Filter<querypolicy, filter> user record -> Update<visibility, update, capabilities, updatepolicy> user record -> TaggedT<level, audience> user m () @-} updateWhere :: ( MonadTIO m , Persist.PersistQueryWrite backend , Persist.PersistRecordBackend record backend , MonadReader backend m ) => Filter user record -> Update user record -> TaggedT user m () updateWhere (Filter filters) (Update up) = do backend <- ask liftTIO (TIO $ runReaderT (Persist.updateWhere filters up) backend)
# LANGUAGE GADTs # @ LIQUID "--no-pattern-inline" @ @ data Update user record < visibility :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , update :: Entity record -> Bool , capabilities :: Entity record -> Bool , policy :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool > = Update _ @ @ data variance Update invariant invariant invariant invariant invariant invariant @ For some reason the type is not exported if we use `=.` @ ignore assign @ TODO: It's probably important to make sure multiple updates to the same field don't happen at once @ ignore combine @ TODO: Figure out what to do with the key @ ignore updateWhere @
module Storm.Updates ( assign , updateWhere , combine ) where import Control.Monad.Reader import Database.Persist ( PersistRecordBackend , PersistField ) import qualified Database.Persist as Persist import Storm.Core import Storm.Filters import Storm.Infrastructure data Update user record = Update [Persist.Update record] @ assume assign : : forall < policy : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , selector : : Entity record - > typ - > Bool , flippedselector : : typ - > Entity record - > Bool , r : : typ - > Bool , update : : Entity record - > Bool , : : typ - > Bool , updatepolicy : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool , capability : : Entity record - > Bool > . { row : : ( Entity record ) , value : : < r > , field : : > ) | field = = value } |- { v:(Entity < flippedselector field > record ) | True } < : { v:(Entity < update > record ) | True } } EntityFieldWrapper < policy , selector , flippedselector , capability , updatepolicy > user record typ < r > - > Update < policy , update , capability , updatepolicy > user record @ assume assign :: forall < policy :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , selector :: Entity record -> typ -> Bool , flippedselector :: typ -> Entity record -> Bool , r :: typ -> Bool , update :: Entity record -> Bool , fieldref :: typ -> Bool , updatepolicy :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool , capability :: Entity record -> Bool >. { row :: (Entity record) , value :: typ<r> , field :: {field:(typ<selector row>) | field == value} |- {v:(Entity <flippedselector field> record) | True} <: {v:(Entity <update> record) | True} } EntityFieldWrapper<policy, selector, flippedselector, capability, updatepolicy> user record typ -> typ<r> -> Update<policy, update, capability, updatepolicy> user record @-} assign :: PersistField typ => EntityFieldWrapper user record typ -> typ -> Update user record assign (EntityFieldWrapper field) val = Update [field Persist.=. val] @ assume combine : : forall < : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , visibility : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , update1 : : Entity record - > Bool , : : Entity record - > Bool , update : : Entity record - > Bool , cap1 : : Entity record - > Bool , cap2 : : Entity record - > Bool , cap : : Entity record - > Bool , : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool , : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool , policy : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool > . { row : : ( Entity < update > record ) |- { v:(user < row > ) | True } < : { v:(user < visibility row > ) | True } } { row : : ( Entity < update > record ) |- { v:(user < row > ) | True } < : { v:(user < visibility row > ) | True } } { { v : ( Entity < update > record ) | True } < : { v : ( Entity < update1 > record ) | True } } { { v : ( Entity < update > record ) | True } < : { v : ( Entity < update2 > record ) | True } } { row1 : : ( Entity < update1 > record ) , row2 : : ( Entity < update2 > record ) |- { v:(Entity record ) | v = = row1 & & v = = row2 } < : { v:(Entity < update > record ) | True } } { { v : ( Entity < cap > record ) | True } < : { v : ( Entity < cap1 > record ) | True } } { { v : ( Entity < cap > record ) | True } < : { v : ( Entity < cap2 > record ) | True } } { row1 : : ( Entity < cap1 > record ) , row2 : : ( Entity < cap2 > record ) |- { v:(Entity record ) | v = = row1 & & v = = row2 } < : { v:(Entity < cap > record ) | True } } { old : : Entity record , new : : Entity record |- { v : ( user < policy old new > ) | True } < : { v : ( user < policy1 old new > ) | True } } { old : : Entity record , new : : Entity record |- { v : ( user < policy old new > ) | True } < : { v : ( user < policy2 old new > ) | True } } { old : : Entity record , new : : Entity record , user1 : : ( user < policy1 old new > ) , : : ( user < policy2 old new > ) |- { v:(user ) | v = = user1 & & v = = user2 } < : { v:(user < policy old new > ) | True } } Update < visibility1 , update1 , cap1 , policy1 > user record - > Update , update2 , cap2 , policy2 > user record - > Update < visibility , update , cap , policy > user record @ assume combine :: forall < visibility1 :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , visibility2 :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , visibility :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , update1 :: Entity record -> Bool , update2 :: Entity record -> Bool , update :: Entity record -> Bool , cap1 :: Entity record -> Bool , cap2 :: Entity record -> Bool , cap :: Entity record -> Bool , policy1 :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool , policy2 :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool , policy :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool >. { row :: (Entity<update> record) |- {v:(user<visibility1 row>) | True} <: {v:(user<visibility row>) | True} } { row :: (Entity<update> record) |- {v:(user<visibility2 row>) | True} <: {v:(user<visibility row>) | True} } { {v: (Entity<update> record) | True } <: {v: (Entity<update1> record) | True}} { {v: (Entity<update> record) | True } <: {v: (Entity<update2> record) | True}} { row1 :: (Entity<update1> record) , row2 :: (Entity<update2> record) |- {v:(Entity record) | v == row1 && v == row2} <: {v:(Entity<update> record) | True} } { {v: (Entity<cap> record) | True} <: {v: (Entity<cap1> record) | True} } { {v: (Entity<cap> record) | True} <: {v: (Entity<cap2> record) | True} } { row1 :: (Entity<cap1> record) , row2 :: (Entity<cap2> record) |- {v:(Entity record) | v == row1 && v == row2} <: {v:(Entity<cap> record) | True} } { old :: Entity record , new :: Entity record |- {v: (user<policy old new>) | True } <: {v: (user<policy1 old new>) | True} } { old :: Entity record , new :: Entity record |- {v: (user<policy old new>) | True } <: {v: (user<policy2 old new>) | True} } { old :: Entity record , new :: Entity record , user1 :: (user<policy1 old new>) , user2 :: (user<policy2 old new>) |- {v:(user) | v == user1 && v == user2} <: {v:(user<policy old new>) | True} } Update<visibility1, update1, cap1, policy1> user record -> Update<visibility2, update2, cap2, policy2> user record -> Update<visibility, update, cap, policy> user record @-} combine :: Update user record -> Update user record -> Update user record combine (Update us1) (Update us2) = Update (us1 ++ us2) @ assume updateWhere : : forall < visibility : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , update : : Entity record - > Bool , audience : : user - > Bool , capabilities : : Entity record - > Bool , updatepolicy : : Entity record - > Entity record - > user - > Bool , querypolicy : : Entity record - > user - > Bool , filter : : Entity record - > Bool , level : : user - > Bool > . { old : : ( Entity < filter > record ) , new : : ( Entity < update > record ) , user : : { v : ( user < updatepolicy old new > ) | v = = currentUser 0 } |- { v:(Entity record ) | v = = old } < : { v:(Entity < capabilities > record ) | True } } { old : : ( Entity < filter > record ) , new : : { v : ( Entity < update > record ) | entityKey old = = entityKey v } |- { v:(user < visibility new > ) | True } < : { v:(user < audience > ) | True } } { row : : ( Entity < filter > record ) |- { v:(user < level > ) | True } < : { v:(user < querypolicy row > ) | True } } Filter < querypolicy , filter > user record - > Update < visibility , update , capabilities , updatepolicy > user record - > TaggedT < level , audience > user m ( ) @ assume updateWhere :: forall < visibility :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , update :: Entity record -> Bool , audience :: user -> Bool , capabilities :: Entity record -> Bool , updatepolicy :: Entity record -> Entity record -> user -> Bool , querypolicy :: Entity record -> user -> Bool , filter :: Entity record -> Bool , level :: user -> Bool >. { old :: (Entity<filter> record) , new :: (Entity<update> record) , user :: {v: (user<updatepolicy old new>) | v == currentUser 0} |- {v:(Entity record) | v == old} <: {v:(Entity<capabilities> record) | True} } { old :: (Entity<filter> record) , new :: {v: (Entity<update> record) | entityKey old == entityKey v} |- {v:(user<visibility new>) | True} <: {v:(user<audience>) | True} } { row :: (Entity<filter> record) |- {v:(user<level>) | True} <: {v:(user<querypolicy row>) | True} } Filter<querypolicy, filter> user record -> Update<visibility, update, capabilities, updatepolicy> user record -> TaggedT<level, audience> user m () @-} updateWhere :: ( MonadTIO m , Persist.PersistQueryWrite backend , Persist.PersistRecordBackend record backend , MonadReader backend m ) => Filter user record -> Update user record -> TaggedT user m () updateWhere (Filter filters) (Update up) = do backend <- ask liftTIO (TIO $ runReaderT (Persist.updateWhere filters up) backend)
(ns macchiato.test.middleware.node-middleware (:require [macchiato.middleware.node-middleware :refer [wrap-node-middleware]] [cljs.test :refer-macros [is deftest testing]])) (defn fake-node-middleware "Sets properties in the req and res js objects." [node-req node-res next] (aset node-req "user" "john") (aset node-res "param" "value") (next)) (defn error-node-middleware "Calls next with an error." [node-req node-res next] (next (js/Error "something went wrong!"))) (defn echo [req res raise] (res req)) (deftest node-middleware-modify-request-response (let [node-req (js-obj) node-res (js-obj) req {:node/request node-req :node/response node-res} res identity error-handler (fn [err] (aset node-res "error" (.-message err))) wrapped-echo (-> echo (wrap-node-middleware fake-node-middleware)) result (wrapped-echo req res error-handler)] (is (= nil (aget (:node/response req) "error"))) (is (= "john" (aget (:node/request req) "user"))) (is (= "value" (aget (:node/response req) "param"))) (is (= req result)))) (deftest node-middleware-map-request-properties (let [node-req (js-obj) node-res (js-obj) req {:node/request node-req :node/response node-res} res identity error-handler (fn [err] (aset node-res "error" (.-message err))) wrapped-echo (-> echo (wrap-node-middleware fake-node-middleware :req-map {:user "user" :other "user"})) result (wrapped-echo req res error-handler)] (is (= nil (aget (:node/response req) "error"))) (is (= "john" (:user result))) (is (= "john" (:other result))))) (deftest node-middleware-raise-error (let [node-req (js-obj) node-res (js-obj) req {:node/request node-req :node/response node-res} res identity error-handler (fn [err] (aset node-res "error" (.-message err))) wrapped-echo (-> echo (wrap-node-middleware error-node-middleware)) result (wrapped-echo req res error-handler)] (is (= "something went wrong!" (aget (:node/response req) "error")))))
(ns macchiato.test.middleware.node-middleware (:require [macchiato.middleware.node-middleware :refer [wrap-node-middleware]] [cljs.test :refer-macros [is deftest testing]])) (defn fake-node-middleware "Sets properties in the req and res js objects." [node-req node-res next] (aset node-req "user" "john") (aset node-res "param" "value") (next)) (defn error-node-middleware "Calls next with an error." [node-req node-res next] (next (js/Error "something went wrong!"))) (defn echo [req res raise] (res req)) (deftest node-middleware-modify-request-response (let [node-req (js-obj) node-res (js-obj) req {:node/request node-req :node/response node-res} res identity error-handler (fn [err] (aset node-res "error" (.-message err))) wrapped-echo (-> echo (wrap-node-middleware fake-node-middleware)) result (wrapped-echo req res error-handler)] (is (= nil (aget (:node/response req) "error"))) (is (= "john" (aget (:node/request req) "user"))) (is (= "value" (aget (:node/response req) "param"))) (is (= req result)))) (deftest node-middleware-map-request-properties (let [node-req (js-obj) node-res (js-obj) req {:node/request node-req :node/response node-res} res identity error-handler (fn [err] (aset node-res "error" (.-message err))) wrapped-echo (-> echo (wrap-node-middleware fake-node-middleware :req-map {:user "user" :other "user"})) result (wrapped-echo req res error-handler)] (is (= nil (aget (:node/response req) "error"))) (is (= "john" (:user result))) (is (= "john" (:other result))))) (deftest node-middleware-raise-error (let [node-req (js-obj) node-res (js-obj) req {:node/request node-req :node/response node-res} res identity error-handler (fn [err] (aset node-res "error" (.-message err))) wrapped-echo (-> echo (wrap-node-middleware error-node-middleware)) result (wrapped-echo req res error-handler)] (is (= "something went wrong!" (aget (:node/response req) "error")))))
(ns reagent-mui.icons.vape-free-two-tone "Imports @mui/icons-material/VapeFreeTwoTone as a Reagent component." (:require-macros [reagent-mui.util :refer [create-svg-icon e]]) (:require [react :as react] ["@mui/material/SvgIcon" :as SvgIcon] [reagent-mui.util])) (def vape-free-two-tone (create-svg-icon [(e "circle" #js {"cx" "10.5", "cy" "17.5", "r" ".5", "opacity" ".3"}) (e "path" #js {"d" "M2 16.5h1c1.33 0 2.71-.18 4-.5v3c-1.29-.32-2.67-.5-4-.5H2v-2zM16.17 19H8v-3h5.17L1.39 4.22 2.8 2.81l18.38 18.38-1.41 1.41-3.6-3.6zm2.66-3H22v3h-.17l-3-3zM11 17.5c0-.28-.22-.5-.5-.5s-.5.22-. 0 1.85-.83 1.85-1.85S17.52 3.5 16.5 3.5V2c1.85 0 3.35 1.5 3.35 3.35 0 .93-.38 1.77-1 2.38 1.87.89 3.15 2.81 3.15 5.03zM11.15 8.32V8.3c0-1.85 1.5-3.35 3.35-3.35v1.5c-1.02 0-1.85.73-1.85 1.75s.83 2 1.85 2h1.53c1.87 0 3.47 1.35 3.47 3.16V15H18v-1.3c0-1.31-.92-2.05-1.97-2.05h-1.55l-3.33-3.33z"})] "VapeFreeTwoTone"))
(ns reagent-mui.icons.vape-free-two-tone "Imports @mui/icons-material/VapeFreeTwoTone as a Reagent component." (:require-macros [reagent-mui.util :refer [create-svg-icon e]]) (:require [react :as react] ["@mui/material/SvgIcon" :as SvgIcon] [reagent-mui.util])) (def vape-free-two-tone (create-svg-icon [(e "circle" #js {"cx" "10.5", "cy" "17.5", "r" ".5", "opacity" ".3"}) (e "path" #js {"d" "M2 16.5h1c1.33 0 2.71-.18 4-.5v3c-1.29-.32-2.67-.5-4-.5H2v-2zM16.17 19H8v-3h5.17L1.39 4.22 2.8 2.81l18.38 18.38-1.41 1.41-3.6-3.6zm2.66-3H22v3h-.17l-3-3zM11 17.5c0-.28-.22-.5-.5-.5s-.5.22-. 0 1.85-.83 1.85-1.85S17.52 3.5 16.5 3.5V2c1.85 0 3.35 1.5 3.35 3.35 0 .93-.38 1.77-1 2.38 1.87.89 3.15 2.81 3.15 5.03zM11.15 8.32V8.3c0-1.85 1.5-3.35 3.35-3.35v1.5c-1.02 0-1.85.73-1.85 1.75s.83 2 1.85 2h1.53c1.87 0 3.47 1.35 3.47 3.16V15H18v-1.3c0-1.31-.92-2.05-1.97-2.05h-1.55l-3.33-3.33z"})] "VapeFreeTwoTone"))
-module(env_solver). -export([solve_envs/2]). -spec solve_envs(hm:env(), hm:env()) -> hm:env(). solve_envs(Env1, Env2) -> Env1. we have to take the two env and solve the type_var_bindings .
-module(env_solver). -export([solve_envs/2]). -spec solve_envs(hm:env(), hm:env()) -> hm:env(). solve_envs(Env1, Env2) -> Env1. we have to take the two env and solve the type_var_bindings .
;;;; Copyright 2018-Present Modern Interpreters Inc. ;;;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. (defpackage :screenshotbot/model/auto-cleanup (:use #:cl) (:import-from #:bknr.datastore #:class-instances) (:import-from #:bknr.datastore #:delete-object) (:import-from #:util/cron #:def-cron) (:local-nicknames (#:a #:alexandria)) (:export #:register-auto-cleanup)) (in-package :screenshotbot/model/auto-cleanup) (defvar *cleanups* nil) (defclass cleanup () ((type :initarg :type :reader cleanup-type) (timestamp :initarg :timestamp :reader cleanup-timestamp) (age :initarg :age :reader cleanup-age))) (defun register-auto-cleanup (obj &key (timestamp (error "must provide timestamp function")) (age 30)) (setf (a:assoc-value *cleanups* obj) (make-instance 'cleanup :type obj :timestamp timestamp :age age))) (defun process-cleanup (cleanup) (let ((threshold (- (get-universal-time) (* 24 3600 (cleanup-age cleanup)))) (objs (class-instances (cleanup-type cleanup)))) (dolist (obj objs) (when (< (funcall (cleanup-timestamp cleanup) obj) threshold) (log:info "Auto-deleting: ~s" obj) (delete-object obj))))) (defun dispatch-cleanups () (loop for (nil . cleanup) in *cleanups* do (process-cleanup cleanup))) (def-cron dispatch-cleanups (:minute 23 :hour 1) (dispatch-cleanups))
Copyright 2018-Present Modern Interpreters Inc.
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. (defpackage :screenshotbot/model/auto-cleanup (:use #:cl) (:import-from #:bknr.datastore #:class-instances) (:import-from #:bknr.datastore #:delete-object) (:import-from #:util/cron #:def-cron) (:local-nicknames (#:a #:alexandria)) (:export #:register-auto-cleanup)) (in-package :screenshotbot/model/auto-cleanup) (defvar *cleanups* nil) (defclass cleanup () ((type :initarg :type :reader cleanup-type) (timestamp :initarg :timestamp :reader cleanup-timestamp) (age :initarg :age :reader cleanup-age))) (defun register-auto-cleanup (obj &key (timestamp (error "must provide timestamp function")) (age 30)) (setf (a:assoc-value *cleanups* obj) (make-instance 'cleanup :type obj :timestamp timestamp :age age))) (defun process-cleanup (cleanup) (let ((threshold (- (get-universal-time) (* 24 3600 (cleanup-age cleanup)))) (objs (class-instances (cleanup-type cleanup)))) (dolist (obj objs) (when (< (funcall (cleanup-timestamp cleanup) obj) threshold) (log:info "Auto-deleting: ~s" obj) (delete-object obj))))) (defun dispatch-cleanups () (loop for (nil . cleanup) in *cleanups* do (process-cleanup cleanup))) (def-cron dispatch-cleanups (:minute 23 :hour 1) (dispatch-cleanups))
(in-package :randist) (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 0))) ;; /* The binomial distribution has the form, prob(k ) = n!/(k!(n - k ) ! ) * p^k ( 1 - p)^(n - k ) for k = 0 , 1 , ... , n This is the algorithm from Knuth * / ;; /* Default binomial generator is now in binomial_tpe.c */ ;; unsigned int gsl_ran_binomial_knuth ( const gsl_rng * r , double p , unsigned int n ) ;; { unsigned int i , a , b , k = 0 ; while ( n > 10 ) / * This parameter is tunable * / ;; { ;; double X; ;; a = 1 + (n / 2); b = 1 + n - a ; ;; X = gsl_ran_beta (r, (double) a, (double) b); ;; if (X >= p) ;; { ;; n = a - 1; ;; p /= X; ;; } ;; else ;; { ;; k += a; n = b - 1 ; p = ( ) / ( 1 - X ) ; ;; } ;; } for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) ;; { ;; double u = gsl_rng_uniform (r); ;; if (u < p) ; ;; } ;; return k; ;; } (declaim (ftype (function (double-float integer) integer) random-binomial)) (defun random-binomial (p n) "The binomial distribution has the form, prob(k) = n!/(k!(n-k)!) * p^k (1-p)^(n-k) for k = 0, 1, ..., n This is the algorithm from Knuth" (let ((a 0) (b 0) (k 0) (X 0d0) (p p) (n n)) ;; (declaim (integer i a b k) ;; (double-float X)) (declare (type integer n a b k) (type double-float p X)) (tagbody start (when (<= n 10) (go end)) (setf a (+ 1 (floor n 2))) (setf b (+ 1 (- n a))) (setf X (random-beta (coerce a 'double-float) (coerce b 'double-float))) (if (>= X p) (progn (setf n (- a 1)) (setf p (/ p X))) (progn (incf k a) (setf n (- b 1)) (setf p (/ (- p X) (- 1d0 X))))) (go start) end) (loop for i of-type integer from 0 to (- n 1) for u of-type double-float = (random-uniform) when (< u p) do (incf k)) k))
/* The binomial distribution has the form, /* Default binomial generator is now in binomial_tpe.c */ unsigned int { { double X; a = 1 + (n / 2); X = gsl_ran_beta (r, (double) a, (double) b); if (X >= p) { n = a - 1; p /= X; } else { k += a; } } i < n ; i++ ) { double u = gsl_rng_uniform (r); if (u < p) } return k; } (declaim (integer i a b k) (double-float X))
(in-package :randist) (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 0))) prob(k ) = n!/(k!(n - k ) ! ) * p^k ( 1 - p)^(n - k ) for k = 0 , 1 , ... , n This is the algorithm from Knuth * / gsl_ran_binomial_knuth ( const gsl_rng * r , double p , unsigned int n ) while ( n > 10 ) / * This parameter is tunable * / (declaim (ftype (function (double-float integer) integer) random-binomial)) (defun random-binomial (p n) "The binomial distribution has the form, prob(k) = n!/(k!(n-k)!) * p^k (1-p)^(n-k) for k = 0, 1, ..., n This is the algorithm from Knuth" (let ((a 0) (b 0) (k 0) (X 0d0) (p p) (n n)) (declare (type integer n a b k) (type double-float p X)) (tagbody start (when (<= n 10) (go end)) (setf a (+ 1 (floor n 2))) (setf b (+ 1 (- n a))) (setf X (random-beta (coerce a 'double-float) (coerce b 'double-float))) (if (>= X p) (progn (setf n (- a 1)) (setf p (/ p X))) (progn (incf k a) (setf n (- b 1)) (setf p (/ (- p X) (- 1d0 X))))) (go start) end) (loop for i of-type integer from 0 to (- n 1) for u of-type double-float = (random-uniform) when (< u p) do (incf k)) k))
open Eio.Std A publisher keeps updating a counter and signalling a condition . Two consumers read the counter whenever they get a signal . The producer stops after signalling [ target ] , and the consumers stop after seeing it . Two consumers read the counter whenever they get a signal. The producer stops after signalling [target], and the consumers stop after seeing it. *) let n_iters = 100 let target = 100000 let run_publisher cond v = for i = 1 to target do Atomic.set v i; (* traceln "set %d" i; *) Eio.Condition.broadcast cond done let run_consumer cond v = try while true do Fiber.both (fun () -> Eio.Condition.await_no_mutex cond) (fun () -> let current = Atomic.get v in (* traceln "saw %d" current; *) if current = target then raise Exit ) done with Exit -> () let run_bench ?domain_mgr ~clock () = let cond = Eio.Condition.create () in let v = Atomic.make 0 in let run_consumer () = match domain_mgr with | Some dm -> Eio.Domain_manager.run dm (fun () -> run_consumer cond v) | None -> run_consumer cond v in Gc.full_major (); let _minor0, prom0, _major0 = Gc.counters () in let t0 = Eio.Time.now clock in for _ = 1 to n_iters do Fiber.all [ run_consumer; run_consumer; (fun () -> run_publisher cond v); ]; done; let t1 = Eio.Time.now clock in let time_total = t1 -. t0 in let time_per_iter = time_total /. float n_iters in let _minor1, prom1, _major1 = Gc.counters () in let prom = prom1 -. prom0 in Printf.printf "%11b, %7.2f, %13.4f\n%!" (domain_mgr <> None) (1e3 *. time_per_iter) (prom /. float n_iters) let main ~domain_mgr ~clock = Printf.printf "use_domains, ms/iter, promoted/iter\n%!"; run_bench ~clock (); run_bench ~domain_mgr ~clock () let () = Eio_main.run @@ fun env -> main ~domain_mgr:(Eio.Stdenv.domain_mgr env) ~clock:(Eio.Stdenv.clock env)
traceln "set %d" i; traceln "saw %d" current;
open Eio.Std A publisher keeps updating a counter and signalling a condition . Two consumers read the counter whenever they get a signal . The producer stops after signalling [ target ] , and the consumers stop after seeing it . Two consumers read the counter whenever they get a signal. The producer stops after signalling [target], and the consumers stop after seeing it. *) let n_iters = 100 let target = 100000 let run_publisher cond v = for i = 1 to target do Atomic.set v i; Eio.Condition.broadcast cond done let run_consumer cond v = try while true do Fiber.both (fun () -> Eio.Condition.await_no_mutex cond) (fun () -> let current = Atomic.get v in if current = target then raise Exit ) done with Exit -> () let run_bench ?domain_mgr ~clock () = let cond = Eio.Condition.create () in let v = Atomic.make 0 in let run_consumer () = match domain_mgr with | Some dm -> Eio.Domain_manager.run dm (fun () -> run_consumer cond v) | None -> run_consumer cond v in Gc.full_major (); let _minor0, prom0, _major0 = Gc.counters () in let t0 = Eio.Time.now clock in for _ = 1 to n_iters do Fiber.all [ run_consumer; run_consumer; (fun () -> run_publisher cond v); ]; done; let t1 = Eio.Time.now clock in let time_total = t1 -. t0 in let time_per_iter = time_total /. float n_iters in let _minor1, prom1, _major1 = Gc.counters () in let prom = prom1 -. prom0 in Printf.printf "%11b, %7.2f, %13.4f\n%!" (domain_mgr <> None) (1e3 *. time_per_iter) (prom /. float n_iters) let main ~domain_mgr ~clock = Printf.printf "use_domains, ms/iter, promoted/iter\n%!"; run_bench ~clock (); run_bench ~domain_mgr ~clock () let () = Eio_main.run @@ fun env -> main ~domain_mgr:(Eio.Stdenv.domain_mgr env) ~clock:(Eio.Stdenv.clock env)
Data / Metrology / Combinators.hs The units Package Copyright ( c ) 2013 This file defines combinators to build more complex units and dimensions from simpler ones . The units Package Copyright (c) 2013 Richard Eisenberg This file defines combinators to build more complex units and dimensions from simpler ones. -} # LANGUAGE TypeOperators , TypeFamilies , UndecidableInstances , ScopedTypeVariables , DataKinds , FlexibleInstances , ConstraintKinds , CPP # ScopedTypeVariables, DataKinds, FlexibleInstances, ConstraintKinds, CPP #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} #endif module Data.Metrology.Combinators where import Data.Singletons ( SingI, sing ) import Data.Metrology.Dimensions import Data.Metrology.Units import Data.Metrology.Factor import Data.Metrology.Z import Data.Type.Equality import Data.Metrology.LCSU infixl 7 :* | Multiply two units to get another unit . -- For example: @type MetersSquared = Meter :* Meter@ data u1 :* u2 = u1 :* u2 instance (Dimension d1, Dimension d2) => Dimension (d1 :* d2) where type DimFactorsOf (d1 :* d2) = Normalize ((DimFactorsOf d1) @+ (DimFactorsOf d2)) instance (Unit u1, Unit u2) => Unit (u1 :* u2) where -- we override the default conversion lookup behavior type BaseUnit (u1 :* u2) = Canonical type DimOfUnit (u1 :* u2) = DimOfUnit u1 :* DimOfUnit u2 conversionRatio _ = undefined -- this should never be called type UnitFactorsOf (u1 :* u2) = Normalize ((UnitFactorsOf u1) @+ (UnitFactorsOf u2)) canonicalConvRatio _ = canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: u1) * canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: u2) type instance DefaultUnitOfDim (d1 :* d2) = DefaultUnitOfDim d1 :* DefaultUnitOfDim d2 instance (Show u1, Show u2) => Show (u1 :* u2) where show _ = show (undefined :: u1) ++ " " ++ show (undefined :: u2) infixl 7 :/ | Divide two units to get another unit data u1 :/ u2 = u1 :/ u2 instance (Dimension d1, Dimension d2) => Dimension (d1 :/ d2) where type DimFactorsOf (d1 :/ d2) = Normalize ((DimFactorsOf d1) @- (DimFactorsOf d2)) instance (Unit u1, Unit u2) => Unit (u1 :/ u2) where type BaseUnit (u1 :/ u2) = Canonical type DimOfUnit (u1 :/ u2) = DimOfUnit u1 :/ DimOfUnit u2 conversionRatio _ = undefined -- this should never be called type UnitFactorsOf (u1 :/ u2) = Normalize ((UnitFactorsOf u1) @- (UnitFactorsOf u2)) canonicalConvRatio _ = canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: u1) / canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: u2) type instance DefaultUnitOfDim (d1 :/ d2) = DefaultUnitOfDim d1 :/ DefaultUnitOfDim d2 instance (Show u1, Show u2) => Show (u1 :/ u2) where show _ = show (undefined :: u1) ++ "/" ++ show (undefined :: u2) infixr 8 :^ -- | Raise a unit to a power, known at compile time data unit :^ (power :: Z) = unit :^ Sing power instance Dimension dim => Dimension (dim :^ power) where type DimFactorsOf (dim :^ power) = Normalize ((DimFactorsOf dim) @* power) instance (Unit unit, SingI power) => Unit (unit :^ power) where type BaseUnit (unit :^ power) = Canonical type DimOfUnit (unit :^ power) = DimOfUnit unit :^ power conversionRatio _ = undefined type UnitFactorsOf (unit :^ power) = Normalize ((UnitFactorsOf unit) @* power) canonicalConvRatio _ = canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: unit) ^^ (szToInt (sing :: Sing power)) type instance DefaultUnitOfDim (d :^ z) = DefaultUnitOfDim d :^ z instance (Show u1, SingI power) => Show (u1 :^ (power :: Z)) where show _ = show (undefined :: u1) ++ "^" ++ show (szToInt (sing :: Sing power)) infixr 9 :@ -- | Multiply a conversion ratio by some constant. Used for defining prefixes. data prefix :@ unit = prefix :@ unit -- | A class for user-defined prefixes class UnitPrefix prefix where -- | This should return the desired multiplier for the prefix being defined. This function must /not/ inspect its argument . multiplier :: Fractional f => prefix -> f instance ( (unit == Canonical) ~ False , Unit unit , UnitPrefix prefix ) => Unit (prefix :@ unit) where type BaseUnit (prefix :@ unit) = unit conversionRatio _ = multiplier (undefined :: prefix) instance (Show prefix, Show unit) => Show (prefix :@ unit) where show _ = show (undefined :: prefix) ++ show (undefined :: unit)
# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints # For example: @type MetersSquared = Meter :* Meter@ we override the default conversion lookup behavior this should never be called this should never be called | Raise a unit to a power, known at compile time | Multiply a conversion ratio by some constant. Used for defining prefixes. | A class for user-defined prefixes | This should return the desired multiplier for the prefix being defined.
Data / Metrology / Combinators.hs The units Package Copyright ( c ) 2013 This file defines combinators to build more complex units and dimensions from simpler ones . The units Package Copyright (c) 2013 Richard Eisenberg This file defines combinators to build more complex units and dimensions from simpler ones. -} # LANGUAGE TypeOperators , TypeFamilies , UndecidableInstances , ScopedTypeVariables , DataKinds , FlexibleInstances , ConstraintKinds , CPP # ScopedTypeVariables, DataKinds, FlexibleInstances, ConstraintKinds, CPP #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711 #endif module Data.Metrology.Combinators where import Data.Singletons ( SingI, sing ) import Data.Metrology.Dimensions import Data.Metrology.Units import Data.Metrology.Factor import Data.Metrology.Z import Data.Type.Equality import Data.Metrology.LCSU infixl 7 :* | Multiply two units to get another unit . data u1 :* u2 = u1 :* u2 instance (Dimension d1, Dimension d2) => Dimension (d1 :* d2) where type DimFactorsOf (d1 :* d2) = Normalize ((DimFactorsOf d1) @+ (DimFactorsOf d2)) instance (Unit u1, Unit u2) => Unit (u1 :* u2) where type BaseUnit (u1 :* u2) = Canonical type DimOfUnit (u1 :* u2) = DimOfUnit u1 :* DimOfUnit u2 type UnitFactorsOf (u1 :* u2) = Normalize ((UnitFactorsOf u1) @+ (UnitFactorsOf u2)) canonicalConvRatio _ = canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: u1) * canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: u2) type instance DefaultUnitOfDim (d1 :* d2) = DefaultUnitOfDim d1 :* DefaultUnitOfDim d2 instance (Show u1, Show u2) => Show (u1 :* u2) where show _ = show (undefined :: u1) ++ " " ++ show (undefined :: u2) infixl 7 :/ | Divide two units to get another unit data u1 :/ u2 = u1 :/ u2 instance (Dimension d1, Dimension d2) => Dimension (d1 :/ d2) where type DimFactorsOf (d1 :/ d2) = Normalize ((DimFactorsOf d1) @- (DimFactorsOf d2)) instance (Unit u1, Unit u2) => Unit (u1 :/ u2) where type BaseUnit (u1 :/ u2) = Canonical type DimOfUnit (u1 :/ u2) = DimOfUnit u1 :/ DimOfUnit u2 type UnitFactorsOf (u1 :/ u2) = Normalize ((UnitFactorsOf u1) @- (UnitFactorsOf u2)) canonicalConvRatio _ = canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: u1) / canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: u2) type instance DefaultUnitOfDim (d1 :/ d2) = DefaultUnitOfDim d1 :/ DefaultUnitOfDim d2 instance (Show u1, Show u2) => Show (u1 :/ u2) where show _ = show (undefined :: u1) ++ "/" ++ show (undefined :: u2) infixr 8 :^ data unit :^ (power :: Z) = unit :^ Sing power instance Dimension dim => Dimension (dim :^ power) where type DimFactorsOf (dim :^ power) = Normalize ((DimFactorsOf dim) @* power) instance (Unit unit, SingI power) => Unit (unit :^ power) where type BaseUnit (unit :^ power) = Canonical type DimOfUnit (unit :^ power) = DimOfUnit unit :^ power conversionRatio _ = undefined type UnitFactorsOf (unit :^ power) = Normalize ((UnitFactorsOf unit) @* power) canonicalConvRatio _ = canonicalConvRatio (undefined :: unit) ^^ (szToInt (sing :: Sing power)) type instance DefaultUnitOfDim (d :^ z) = DefaultUnitOfDim d :^ z instance (Show u1, SingI power) => Show (u1 :^ (power :: Z)) where show _ = show (undefined :: u1) ++ "^" ++ show (szToInt (sing :: Sing power)) infixr 9 :@ data prefix :@ unit = prefix :@ unit class UnitPrefix prefix where This function must /not/ inspect its argument . multiplier :: Fractional f => prefix -> f instance ( (unit == Canonical) ~ False , Unit unit , UnitPrefix prefix ) => Unit (prefix :@ unit) where type BaseUnit (prefix :@ unit) = unit conversionRatio _ = multiplier (undefined :: prefix) instance (Show prefix, Show unit) => Show (prefix :@ unit) where show _ = show (undefined :: prefix) ++ show (undefined :: unit)
open! Core val of_json_command : Command.t val to_json_command : Command.t
open! Core val of_json_command : Command.t val to_json_command : Command.t
module Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Tuple ( tup2, tup3, tup4 ) where import Data.Array.Parallel.Lifted.Closure import Data.Array.Parallel.Lifted.PArray import Data.Array.Parallel.PArray.PDataInstances tup2 :: (PA a, PA b) => a :-> b :-> (a,b) # INLINE tup2 # tup2 = closure2 (,) zipPA# tup3 :: (PA a, PA b, PA c) => a :-> b :-> c :-> (a,b,c) # INLINE tup3 # tup3 = closure3 (,,) zip3PA# tup4 :: (PA a, PA b, PA c, PA d) => a :-> b :-> c :-> d :-> (a,b,c,d) # INLINE tup4 # tup4 = closure4 (,,,) zip4PA#
module Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Tuple ( tup2, tup3, tup4 ) where import Data.Array.Parallel.Lifted.Closure import Data.Array.Parallel.Lifted.PArray import Data.Array.Parallel.PArray.PDataInstances tup2 :: (PA a, PA b) => a :-> b :-> (a,b) # INLINE tup2 # tup2 = closure2 (,) zipPA# tup3 :: (PA a, PA b, PA c) => a :-> b :-> c :-> (a,b,c) # INLINE tup3 # tup3 = closure3 (,,) zip3PA# tup4 :: (PA a, PA b, PA c, PA d) => a :-> b :-> c :-> d :-> (a,b,c,d) # INLINE tup4 # tup4 = closure4 (,,,) zip4PA#
(in-ns 'webdriver.core) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Functions for Actions Class ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TODO: test coverage (defmacro ->build-composite-action "Create a composite chain of actions, then call `.build()`. This does **not** execute the actions; it simply sets up an 'action chain' which can later by executed using `.perform()`. Unless you need to wait to execute your composite actions, you should prefer `->actions` to this macro." [driver & body] `(let [acts# (doto (Actions. (.webdriver ~driver)) ~@body)] (.build acts#))) ;; TODO: test coverage (defmacro ->actions [driver & body] `(let [act# (Actions. (.webdriver ~driver))] (doto act# ~@body .perform) ~driver)) ;; e.g. Action dragAndDrop = builder.clickAndHold(someElement ) ;; .moveToElement(otherElement) ;; .release(otherElement) ( )
Functions for Actions Class ;; TODO: test coverage it simply sets up an 'action chain' which can later by executed using `.perform()`. TODO: test coverage e.g. .moveToElement(otherElement) .release(otherElement)
(in-ns 'webdriver.core) (defmacro ->build-composite-action Unless you need to wait to execute your composite actions, you should prefer `->actions` to this macro." [driver & body] `(let [acts# (doto (Actions. (.webdriver ~driver)) ~@body)] (.build acts#))) (defmacro ->actions [driver & body] `(let [act# (Actions. (.webdriver ~driver))] (doto act# ~@body .perform) ~driver)) Action dragAndDrop = builder.clickAndHold(someElement ) ( )
module Scout ( module Scout.Node , module Scout.Program , module Scout.Evaluation , module Scout.Error , module Control.Limited , module Scout.PrettyPrinting , module Scout.Unbound , module Scout.Truncatable ) where import Control.Limited import Scout.Error import Scout.Evaluation import Scout.Node hiding ( EvaluationOutput(..) ) import Scout.PrettyPrinting import Scout.Program import Scout.Truncatable import Scout.Unbound
module Scout ( module Scout.Node , module Scout.Program , module Scout.Evaluation , module Scout.Error , module Control.Limited , module Scout.PrettyPrinting , module Scout.Unbound , module Scout.Truncatable ) where import Control.Limited import Scout.Error import Scout.Evaluation import Scout.Node hiding ( EvaluationOutput(..) ) import Scout.PrettyPrinting import Scout.Program import Scout.Truncatable import Scout.Unbound
(in-package :lassie.assembler) Interface (defgeneric assemble-co-occurrence-matrix (assembler lister) (:documentation "Assemble MATRIX and remember how to perform the same kind of activity on subsequent calls to ASSEMBLE-TERM-VECTOR and ASSEMBLE-DOCUMENT-VECTOR.")) (defgeneric assemble-term-vector (assembler lister) (:documentation "Iterate over documents of LISTER and assemble a term vector in the same way as the matrix was assembled previously.")) (defgeneric assemble-document-vector (assembler lister) (:documentation "Iterate over terms of LISTER and assemble a document vector in the same way as the matrix was assembled previously.")) ;;; (defclass lsa-assembler () ((n-terms :initarg :n-terms :reader n-terms) (n-documents :initarg :n-documents :reader n-documents)) (:documentation "The standard assembler that adds ...")) (defun make-lsa-assembler (&key n-terms n-documents) (make-instance 'lsa-assembler :n-terms n-terms :n-documents n-documents)) (defmethod print-object :around ((assembler lsa-assembler) stream) (if *print-readably* (format stream "#.~S" `(make-lsa-assembler :n-terms ,(n-terms assembler) :n-documents ,(n-documents assembler))) (call-next-method))) (defun incf-and-maybe-grow (matrix delta &rest indices) (assert (adjustable-array-p matrix)) (unless (every #'< indices (array-dimensions matrix)) (adjust-array matrix (mapcar (lambda (i d) (if (< i d) d (print (max (1+ i) (* 2 d))))) indices (array-dimensions matrix)) :initial-element 0.0)) (incf (apply #'aref matrix indices) delta)) (defmethod assemble-co-occurrence-matrix ((assembler lsa-assembler) lister) (let ((matrix (make-array '(0 0) :element-type 'single-float :initial-element 0.0 :adjustable t)) (max-row -1) (max-column -1)) (funcall lister (lambda (row column &optional (delta 1.0)) (setf max-row (max row max-row)) (setf max-column (max column max-column)) (incf-and-maybe-grow matrix delta row column))) (setf (slot-value assembler 'n-terms) (1+ max-row)) (setf (slot-value assembler 'n-documents) (1+ max-column)) We are going to work with this matrix a lot , make a new one ;; that's not adjustable. (let ((m (make-array (list (1+ max-row) (1+ max-column)) :element-type 'single-float))) (dotimes (row (1+ max-row)) (dotimes (column (1+ max-column)) (setf (aref m row column) (aref matrix row column)))) m))) (defun assemble-occurence-vector (lister size) "Return a vector of SIZE whose elements represent the frequency with which their indices were listed by LISTER." (let ((v (make-array size :element-type 'single-float :initial-element 0.0))) (funcall lister (lambda (index &optional (delta 1.0)) (incf (aref v index) delta))) v)) (defmethod assemble-term-vector ((assembler lsa-assembler) lister) (declare (ignore lister)) (error "Don't know how to assemble term vectors. Giving up.")) (defmethod assemble-document-vector ((assembler lsa-assembler) lister) (assemble-occurence-vector lister (n-terms assembler))) ;;; (defclass ri-term-assembler (lsa-assembler) () (:documentation "Terms are random indexed, documents are not.")) (defun make-ri-term-assembler () (make-instance 'ri-term-assembler)) (defmethod print-object :around ((assembler ri-term-assembler) stream) (if *print-readably* (format stream "#.~S" '(make-ri-term-assembler)) (call-next-method))) (defmethod assemble-co-occurrence-matrix ((assembler ri-term-assembler) lister) (call-next-method assembler (lassie::compose-mappers lister (lambda (fn rows column) (loop with l = (/ (length rows) 2) for i below (* l 2) for weight = (if (< i l) 1.0 -1.0) do (funcall fn (aref rows i) column weight)))))) (defmethod assemble-document-vector ((assembler ri-term-assembler) lister) (assemble-occurence-vector (lassie::compose-mappers lister (lambda (fn rows) (loop with l = (/ (length rows) 2) for i below (* l 2) for weight = (if (< i l) 1.0 -1.0) do (funcall fn (aref rows i) weight)))) (n-terms assembler)))
that's not adjustable.
(in-package :lassie.assembler) Interface (defgeneric assemble-co-occurrence-matrix (assembler lister) (:documentation "Assemble MATRIX and remember how to perform the same kind of activity on subsequent calls to ASSEMBLE-TERM-VECTOR and ASSEMBLE-DOCUMENT-VECTOR.")) (defgeneric assemble-term-vector (assembler lister) (:documentation "Iterate over documents of LISTER and assemble a term vector in the same way as the matrix was assembled previously.")) (defgeneric assemble-document-vector (assembler lister) (:documentation "Iterate over terms of LISTER and assemble a document vector in the same way as the matrix was assembled previously.")) (defclass lsa-assembler () ((n-terms :initarg :n-terms :reader n-terms) (n-documents :initarg :n-documents :reader n-documents)) (:documentation "The standard assembler that adds ...")) (defun make-lsa-assembler (&key n-terms n-documents) (make-instance 'lsa-assembler :n-terms n-terms :n-documents n-documents)) (defmethod print-object :around ((assembler lsa-assembler) stream) (if *print-readably* (format stream "#.~S" `(make-lsa-assembler :n-terms ,(n-terms assembler) :n-documents ,(n-documents assembler))) (call-next-method))) (defun incf-and-maybe-grow (matrix delta &rest indices) (assert (adjustable-array-p matrix)) (unless (every #'< indices (array-dimensions matrix)) (adjust-array matrix (mapcar (lambda (i d) (if (< i d) d (print (max (1+ i) (* 2 d))))) indices (array-dimensions matrix)) :initial-element 0.0)) (incf (apply #'aref matrix indices) delta)) (defmethod assemble-co-occurrence-matrix ((assembler lsa-assembler) lister) (let ((matrix (make-array '(0 0) :element-type 'single-float :initial-element 0.0 :adjustable t)) (max-row -1) (max-column -1)) (funcall lister (lambda (row column &optional (delta 1.0)) (setf max-row (max row max-row)) (setf max-column (max column max-column)) (incf-and-maybe-grow matrix delta row column))) (setf (slot-value assembler 'n-terms) (1+ max-row)) (setf (slot-value assembler 'n-documents) (1+ max-column)) We are going to work with this matrix a lot , make a new one (let ((m (make-array (list (1+ max-row) (1+ max-column)) :element-type 'single-float))) (dotimes (row (1+ max-row)) (dotimes (column (1+ max-column)) (setf (aref m row column) (aref matrix row column)))) m))) (defun assemble-occurence-vector (lister size) "Return a vector of SIZE whose elements represent the frequency with which their indices were listed by LISTER." (let ((v (make-array size :element-type 'single-float :initial-element 0.0))) (funcall lister (lambda (index &optional (delta 1.0)) (incf (aref v index) delta))) v)) (defmethod assemble-term-vector ((assembler lsa-assembler) lister) (declare (ignore lister)) (error "Don't know how to assemble term vectors. Giving up.")) (defmethod assemble-document-vector ((assembler lsa-assembler) lister) (assemble-occurence-vector lister (n-terms assembler))) (defclass ri-term-assembler (lsa-assembler) () (:documentation "Terms are random indexed, documents are not.")) (defun make-ri-term-assembler () (make-instance 'ri-term-assembler)) (defmethod print-object :around ((assembler ri-term-assembler) stream) (if *print-readably* (format stream "#.~S" '(make-ri-term-assembler)) (call-next-method))) (defmethod assemble-co-occurrence-matrix ((assembler ri-term-assembler) lister) (call-next-method assembler (lassie::compose-mappers lister (lambda (fn rows column) (loop with l = (/ (length rows) 2) for i below (* l 2) for weight = (if (< i l) 1.0 -1.0) do (funcall fn (aref rows i) column weight)))))) (defmethod assemble-document-vector ((assembler ri-term-assembler) lister) (assemble-occurence-vector (lassie::compose-mappers lister (lambda (fn rows) (loop with l = (/ (length rows) 2) for i below (* l 2) for weight = (if (< i l) 1.0 -1.0) do (funcall fn (aref rows i) weight)))) (n-terms assembler)))
Antique Metal_02a.scm
Antique Metal rel 0.03 Created by Graechan ; You will need to install GMIC to run this Scipt ; GMIC can be downloaded from Thanks to Draconian for his Antique - metal tutorial ; that I followed to write this script. ; Comments directed to ; License : ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; To view a copy of the GNU General Public License ; visit: ; ; ; ------------ ;| Change Log | ; ------------ Rel 0.01 - Initial Release Rel 0.02 - Added text options Justify , Letter Spacing , Line Spacing and option controls for ' Drop Shadow ' ' Grunge ' ' Vignette ' ' Frame ' ; Rel 0.03 - Bugfix for typo in script Rel 0.04 - Update by karlhof26 to remove Gmic dependency and messages on 27/02/2022 ; (define (script-fu-antique-metal-logo text justify letter-spacing line-spacing font-in font-size grow ds-apply ds-offset ds-blur opacity bev-width depth metal apply-grunge grunge-color grunge-opacity apply-vignette apply-frame vig-size frame-in conserve) (let* ( (image (car (gimp-image-new 256 256 RGB))) (border (/ font-size 4)) (font (if (> (string-length font-in) 0) font-in (car (gimp-context-get-font)))) (text-layer (car (gimp-text-fontname image -1 0 0 text border TRUE font-size PIXELS font))) (justify (cond ((= justify 0) 2) ((= justify 1) 0) ((= justify 2) 1))) (width (car (gimp-drawable-width text-layer))) (height (car (gimp-drawable-height text-layer))) (text-channel 0) (bkg-layer 0) (inner-shadow 0) (inner-glow 0) (inner-shadow-mask 0) (inner-glow-mask 0) (overlay-mode 0) (add-shadow TRUE) (add-canvas TRUE) (add-mottling TRUE) (nominal-burn-size 30) (inner-bevel-layer 0) (azimuth 135) (elevation 35) (postblur 3.0) (texture-layer 0) (red (car grunge-color)) (green (cadr grunge-color)) (blue (caddr grunge-color)) (frame-layer 0) (frame frame-in) ) (gimp-context-push) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) ;;;;adjust text (gimp-text-layer-set-justification text-layer justify) (gimp-text-layer-set-letter-spacing text-layer letter-spacing) (gimp-text-layer-set-line-spacing text-layer line-spacing) (gimp-image-resize-to-layers image) ;;;;set the text clolor (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-selection-layer-alpha text-layer) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill text-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) ( gimp - message " line 103 " ) ;;;;Expand the font if needed (if (> grow 0) (begin (gimp-message "line 108 - grow") (gimp-selection-layer-alpha text-layer) (gimp-edit-clear text-layer) (gimp-selection-grow image grow) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill text-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) ) ) (gimp-selection-none image) (gimp-display-new image) (gimp-image-undo-group-start image) ( gimp - message " line 120 " ) (gimp-progress-pulse) (script-fu-antique-metal-alpha image text-layer metal ds-apply ds-offset ds-blur opacity bev-width depth apply-grunge grunge-color grunge-opacity apply-vignette apply-frame vig-size frame TRUE ; Was F conserve) (gimp-image-undo-group-end image) (gimp-context-pop) ( gimp - message " good end line 137 " ) (gimp-progress-pulse) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-antique-metal-logo" "Antique Metal Logo" "Antque metal logo with optional metal types. \nfile:Antique Metal_02a.scm" "Graechan" "Graechan - " "Aug 2012" "" SF-TEXT "Text" "Gimp" SF-OPTION "Justify" '("Centered" "Left" "Right") SF-ADJUSTMENT "Letter Spacing" '(0 -100 100 1 5 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Line Spacing" '(0 -100 100 1 5 0 0) SF-FONT "Font" "JasmineUPC Bold" SF-ADJUSTMENT "Font size (pixels)" '(350 100 1000 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Expand the Font if needed" '(0 0 10 1 1 0 1) SF-TOGGLE "Apply Drop Shadow" TRUE SF-ADJUSTMENT "Drop shadow offset" '(10 0 100 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Drop shadow blur radius" '(30 0 255 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Inner Shadow and Glow Opacity" '(70 0 100 1 10 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Bevel Width" '(10 1 100 1 10 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Bevel Depth" '(3 1 60 1 10 0 0) SF-OPTION "Metal Finish Type" '("Iron" "Gold" "Silver" "Copper" "Bronze" "Brass") SF-TOGGLE "Apply Grunge background" TRUE SF-COLOR "Background Grunge Color" '(153 153 184) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Background Grunge Darkness" '(70 0 100 1 10 0 0) SF-TOGGLE "Apply Vignette" TRUE SF-TOGGLE "Apply Frame" TRUE SF-ADJUSTMENT "Background Vignette Size" '(5 0 50 1 5 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Frame Size %" '(5 0 20 1 5 0 0) SF-TOGGLE "Keep the Layers" TRUE ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-antique-metal-logo" "<Image>/Script-Fu/Logos") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (script-fu-antique-metal-alpha image drawable metal ds-apply ds-offset ds-blur opacity bev-width depth apply-grunge grunge-color grunge-opacity apply-vignette apply-frame vig-size frame-in keep-selection-in conserve) (let* ( (image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (width (car (gimp-image-width image))) (height (car (gimp-image-height image))) (alpha (car (gimp-drawable-has-alpha image-layer))) (sel (car (gimp-selection-is-empty image))) (layer-name (car (gimp-drawable-get-name image-layer))) (keep-selection keep-selection-in) (text "Antique Metal") (selection-channel 0) (bkg-layer 0) (inner-shadow 0) (inner-glow 0) (inner-shadow-mask 0) (inner-glow-mask 0) (overlay-mode 0) (add-shadow TRUE) (add-canvas TRUE) (add-mottling TRUE) (nominal-burn-size 30) (inner-bevel-layer 0) (azimuth 135) (elevation 35) (postblur 3.0) (texture-layer 0) (red (car grunge-color)) (green (cadr grunge-color)) (blue (caddr grunge-color)) (frame-layer 0) (frame frame-in) (offset-x 0) (offset-y 0) (offsets 0) (metal-layer 0) ) ( gimp - message " line 239 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.10) (gimp-context-push) (gimp-image-undo-group-start image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) (if (= alpha FALSE) (gimp-layer-add-alpha image-layer)) check that a selection was made if not make one (if (= sel TRUE) (set! keep-selection FALSE)) (if (= sel TRUE) (gimp-selection-layer-alpha image-layer)) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear image-layer) (gimp-selection-invert image) ( gimp - message " line 256 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.15) ;;;;create selection-channel (gimp-selection-save image) (set! selection-channel (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))) (gimp-channel-set-opacity selection-channel 100) (gimp-drawable-set-name selection-channel "selection-channel") (gimp-image-set-active-layer image image-layer) (gimp-selection-none image) ;;;;create the background layer (set! bkg-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Background" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) was 0 1 ( gimp - message " line 269 " ) (if (= apply-grunge TRUE) (begin ( gimp - message " line 273 " ) ;(gimp-message "going to the antique metal background") (the-antique-metal-background image bkg-layer grunge-color grunge-opacity) (set! bkg-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (set! bkg-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image bkg-layer EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) (gimp-drawable-set-name bkg-layer "Background") ) ) ( gimp - message " line 281 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.20) ;;;;fill image with grey (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(123 123 123)) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill image-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) (set! width (car (gimp-image-width image))) (set! height (car (gimp-image-height image))) (gimp-selection-none image) (gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size bkg-layer) (gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size image-layer) ( gimp - message " line 293 " ) ;;;;create inner-shadow and inner-glow layers (set! inner-shadow (car (gimp-layer-copy image-layer TRUE))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image inner-shadow 0 -1) (gimp-drawable-set-name inner-shadow "Inner shadow") (gimp-layer-set-mode inner-shadow LAYER-MODE-MULTIPLY-LEGACY) (gimp-layer-set-opacity inner-shadow opacity) (gimp-progress-update 0.25) ( gimp - message " line 303 " ) (set! inner-glow (car (gimp-layer-copy image-layer TRUE))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image inner-glow 0 -1) (gimp-drawable-set-name inner-glow "Inner glow") (gimp-layer-set-mode inner-glow LAYER-MODE-MULTIPLY-LEGACY) (gimp-layer-set-opacity inner-glow opacity) ;;;;create the inner shadow (gimp-image-set-active-layer image inner-shadow) (gimp-drawable-set-visible inner-shadow TRUE) ( gimp - message " line 313 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.30) (set! inner-shadow-mask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask inner-shadow ADD-MASK-ALPHA))) (gimp-layer-add-mask inner-shadow inner-shadow-mask) (gimp-layer-set-edit-mask inner-shadow FALSE) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-selection-shrink image (* bev-width 1.5)) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(99 78 56)) ( gimp - message " line 324 " ) was LAYER - MODE - NORMAL opacity 15.0 TRUE 0 0 (gimp-selection-none image) (plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image inner-shadow (* bev-width 3) TRUE TRUE) ( gimp - message " line 329 " ) ;;;;create the inner glow (gimp-image-set-active-layer image inner-glow) (gimp-drawable-set-visible inner-glow TRUE) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-edit-clear inner-glow) (set! inner-glow-mask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask inner-glow ADD-MASK-SELECTION))) (gimp-layer-add-mask inner-glow inner-glow-mask) (gimp-layer-set-edit-mask inner-glow FALSE) ( gimp - message " line 340 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.40) (gimp-selection-shrink image bev-width) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(120 100 80)) was FG - BUCKET - FILL NORMAL - MODE opacity 15.0 TRUE 0 0 (gimp-selection-none image) ( gimp - message " line 348 " ) (plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image inner-glow (* bev-width 2) TRUE TRUE) (gimp-image-raise-layer-to-top image bkg-layer) (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) (if (= apply-grunge FALSE) (begin ( gimp - message " line 355 " ) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-selection-translate image -3 -2) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear image-layer) (gimp-selection-none image) ) ) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) ( gimp - message " line 364 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.50) ;;;;Add new layer with Bevel (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (set! inner-bevel-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Inner bevel" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image inner-bevel-layer 0 -1) (gimp-image-set-active-layer image inner-bevel-layer) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) ( gimp - message " line 373 " ) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill inner-bevel-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) (gimp-selection-shrink image 1) (gimp-selection-feather image bev-width) (gimp-selection-shrink image (- (/ bev-width 2) 1)) ( gimp - message " line 379 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.60) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill inner-bevel-layer FILL-BACKGROUND) (gimp-selection-all image) ( gimp - message " line 383 " ) (if (= ds-apply TRUE) (gimp-invert inner-bevel-layer)) (plug-in-emboss RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image inner-bevel-layer azimuth elevation depth 1);Emboss ;;;;gloss the bevel-layer ( gimp - curves - spline inner - bevel - layer 0 18 # ( 0 0 32 158 62 30 96 223 126 96 159 255 189 160 222 255 255 255 ) ) (gimp-drawable-curves-spline inner-bevel-layer HISTOGRAM-VALUE 18 #(0.0 0.0 0.15 0.7 0.23 0.145 0.38 0.88 0.5 0.38 0.88 1.0 0.75 0.65 0.92 1.0 1.0 1.0)) (plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image inner-bevel-layer postblur 1 1) ( gimp - message " line 392 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.70) ;;;;Clean up the layers (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear inner-bevel-layer) ;;;;create the texture-layer (set! texture-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Texture" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image texture-layer 0 -1) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(123 123 123)) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill texture-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) ( gimp - progress - update 0.81 ) ( gimp - message " line 407 " ) drawing using G'MIC . ;(gimp-message "whirl start") (if (defined? 'plug-in-gmic-qt) ; (defined? 'gimp-context-set-brush-size) (begin ( gimp - message " line413 " ) (plug-in-gmic-qt 1 image texture-layer 1 0 (string-append "-v - " ; To have a silent output. Remove it to display errors from the G'MIC interpreter on stderr. "-fx_draw_whirl " "74.70" ) ) ) (begin ( gimp - message " No whirl Gmic is required ( from http;//gmic.eu ) " ) (plug-in-hsv-noise 1 image texture-layer 1 4 16 (rand 200)) ) ) ( gimp - message " line 429 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.85) (plug-in-mblur 1 image texture-layer 0 4 90 (/ width 2) (/ height 2)) ( gimp - curves - spline texture - layer 0 18 # ( 0 255 31 0 62 255 91 0 127 255 159 0 190 255 223 0 255 255 ) ) (gimp-drawable-curves-spline texture-layer 0 18 #(0.0 1.0 0.12 0.0 0.24 1.0 0.35 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.61 0.0 0.74 1.0 0.87 0.0 1.0 1.0)) (plug-in-unsharp-mask 1 image texture-layer 10 1 0) (gimp-selection-none image) ;(gimp-image-remove-channel image selection-channel) (plug-in-bump-map 1 image inner-bevel-layer texture-layer 135 45 5 0 0 0 0 TRUE FALSE 2) (gimp-image-remove-layer image texture-layer) ( gimp - message " line 440 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.87) was ( gimp - color - balance inner - bevel - layer 0 TRUE 40 0 0);shadows (gimp-drawable-color-balance inner-bevel-layer TRANSFER-SHADOWS TRUE 50 0 0);shadows (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-selection-translate image -3 -2) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear inner-bevel-layer) (gimp-selection-none image) (if (= ds-apply TRUE) (begin (script-fu-drop-shadow image inner-bevel-layer ds-offset ds-offset 30 '(0 0 0) 100 FALSE) ) ) (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image 1))) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) ( gimp - message " line 458 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.90) was 1 1 grunge - color 0 (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image 1))) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) ;;;;set the different metal types was COLOR - MODE (gimp-image-insert-layer image metal-layer 0 -1) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-progress-update 0.92) (if (= metal 1) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(253 208 23)));gold (if (= metal 2) (begin (gimp-layer-set-mode metal-layer LAYER-MODE-GRAIN-MERGE-LEGACY) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(192 192 192)) ) );silver copper was 183 115 51 (if (= metal 4) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(140 120 83)));bronze (if (= metal 5) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(181 166 66)));brass (if (> metal 0) (begin (gimp-drawable-edit-fill metal-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) ) ) (gimp-progress-update 0.94) (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image metal-layer EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) ;(if (> metal 0) ; (begin ; (gimp-message "off to shine") ( the - antique - metal - shine image image - layer 8 50 TRUE TRUE ) ; ; was F for conserve(last one) ; ) ;) (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (gimp-selection-none image) ( gimp - message " line 502 " ) (if (= frame 0) (begin ( gimp - message " frame already zero " ) ) (begin ( gimp - message " frame above zero " ) ) ) (if (= apply-vignette FALSE) (begin ;(gimp-message "apply vignette is FALSE") (set! vig-size 0) ) ) (if (= apply-frame FALSE) (begin ;(gimp-message "apply vignettre is FALSE") (set! frame 0) ) ) (if (and (> vig-size 0) (= frame 0)) (begin ( gimp - message " size with zero frame " ) was 0.1 ) ) (gimp-progress-update 0.96) ( gimp - message " line 536 " ) (if (> frame 0) (begin ( gimp - message " line 539 " ) ;;;; Render Picture Frame using G'MIC. ;(gimp-message "frame start") ;(gimp-message (number->string frame)) (if (defined? 'plug-in-gmic-qt) (begin (plug-in-gmic-qt 1 image image-layer 1 0 (string-append "-v - " ; To have a silent output. Remove it to display errors from the G'MIC interpreter on stderr. "-fx_frame_painting " (number->string frame) ",0.4,1.5," (number->string red) "," (number->string green) "," (number->string blue) "," (number->string vig-size) ",400,98.5,62.61,6.2,0.5,117517,1") was 98.5,70.61,6.2,0.5,123456,1 (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) (set! frame-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Frame" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image frame-layer 0 -1) removed by karlhof26 as it gives error (set! frame-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image frame-layer EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) ;(gimp-message "frame end") ) (begin (gimp-message "no Gmic means - Frame using color") (set! frame-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Frame" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image frame-layer 0 -1) (script-fu-addborder image frame-layer (* (/ frame 100) width) (* (/ frame 100) height) grunge-color (* frame 3)) ) ) ) ) (gimp-progress-update 0.98) (if (and (> vig-size 0) (= apply-frame FALSE)) (gimp-drawable-set-name frame-layer "Vignette") ) (if (= apply-frame TRUE) (gimp-drawable-set-name frame-layer "Frame")) (if (and (> vig-size 0) (= apply-frame TRUE)) (gimp-drawable-set-name frame-layer "Frame with Vignette") ) (if (= frame-in 0) (plug-in-autocrop 1 image image-layer)) (gimp-progress-update 0.97) removed by karlhof26 - no need for it ;(gimp-image-set-active-layer image image-layer) ( plug - in - autocrop - layer 1 image image - layer ) ;(set! offset-x (car (gimp-drawable-offsets image-layer))) ( set ! offset - y ( cadr ( gimp - drawable - offsets image - layer ) ) ) ;(gimp-drawable-offset selection-channel TRUE 0 offset-x offset-y) ( gimp - message " line 540 " ) ; ;;;;scale image to its original size and re-load selection ( gimp - image - scale - full image width height 2 ) ;(gimp-selection-load selection-channel) ( gimp - message " line 539 " ) ; ;(if (or (> vig-size 0) (> frame-in 0)) ; (begin ; (gimp-image-lower-layer image image-layer) ; ) ;) ;;;;finish the script (if (= conserve FALSE) (begin (if (or (> vig-size 0) (= apply-frame TRUE)) (begin (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image frame-layer EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) ) ) ) ) (gimp-progress-update 1.0) ( gimp - message " line 622 " ) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) (if (= keep-selection FALSE) (begin (gimp-selection-none image) ) ) (if (= conserve FALSE) (gimp-image-remove-channel image selection-channel) ) (if (and (= conserve FALSE) (= alpha FALSE)) (begin (gimp-layer-flatten image-layer) ) ) ;(gimp-message "Good finish OK") (gimp-displays-flush) (gimp-image-undo-group-end image) (gimp-context-pop) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-antique-metal-alpha" "Antique Metal Alpha" "Creates an antique metal finish on an alpha image. \nfile:Antique Metal_02a.scm" "Graechan" "Graechan - " "Aug 2012" "RGB*" SF-IMAGE "image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "drawable" 0 SF-OPTION "Metal Finish Type" '("Iron" "Gold" "Silver" "Copper" "Bronze" "Brass") SF-TOGGLE "Apply Drop Shadow" TRUE SF-ADJUSTMENT "Drop shadow offset" '(10 0 100 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Drop shadow blur radius" '(30 0 255 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Inner Shadow and Glow Opacity" '(70 0 100 1 10 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Bevel Width" '(10 1 100 1 10 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Bevel Depth" '(3 1 60 1 10 0 0) SF-TOGGLE "Apply Grunge background" TRUE SF-COLOR "Background Grunge Color" '(153 153 186) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Background Grunge Darkness" '(70 0 100 1 10 0 0) SF-TOGGLE "Apply Vignette" TRUE SF-TOGGLE "Apply Frame" TRUE SF-ADJUSTMENT "Background Vignette Size" '(5 0 50 1 5 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Frame Size" '(5 0 25 .1 5 1 0) SF-TOGGLE "Keep selection" FALSE SF-TOGGLE "Keep the Layers" FALSE ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-antique-metal-alpha" "<Image>/Script-Fu/Alpha-to-Logo") (define (the-antique-metal-background image drawable grunge-color opacity) (let* ( (image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (width (car (gimp-image-width image))) (height (car (gimp-image-height image))) (paper-layer 0) (mottle-layer 0) (nominal-burn-size 30) (burn-size 0) ) ;(gimp-message "inside metal background") (set! burn-size (/ (* nominal-burn-size (max width height 1)))) (gimp-context-push) (gimp-image-undo-group-start image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) ( gimp - message " line 690 " ) (set! paper-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Paper Layer" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image paper-layer 0 -1) (gimp-context-set-background grunge-color) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill paper-layer FILL-BACKGROUND) (plug-in-apply-canvas RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image paper-layer 0 1) (set! mottle-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Mottle Layer" opacity 21))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image mottle-layer 0 -1) (plug-in-solid-noise RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image mottle-layer 0 0 (rand 65536) 1 2 2) (set! paper-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image mottle-layer CLIP-TO-IMAGE))) (plug-in-spread 1 image paper-layer 5 5) ( gimp - message " line 703 " ) ;(gimp-message "end background") (gimp-displays-flush) (gimp-image-undo-group-end image) (gimp-context-pop) ) ) (define (the-antique-metal-shine image drawable shadow-size shadow-opacity keep-selection-in conserve) (let* ( (image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (width (car (gimp-image-width image))) (height (car (gimp-image-height image))) (sel (car (gimp-selection-is-empty image))) (alpha (car (gimp-drawable-has-alpha image-layer))) (keep-selection keep-selection-in) (layer-name (car (gimp-drawable-get-name image-layer))) (img-layer 0) (img-channel 0) (bkg-layer 0) (shadow-layer 0) (tmp-layer 0) ) ;(gimp-message "inside metal shine") (gimp-context-push) ;;(gimp-image-undo-group-start image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) ( gimp - message " line 740 " ) (if (= alpha FALSE) (gimp-layer-add-alpha image-layer) ) (if (= sel TRUE) (begin (set! keep-selection FALSE) (gimp-selection-layer-alpha image-layer) ) ) (if (= sel TRUE) (gimp-selection-layer-alpha image-layer)) (set! img-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "img-layer" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image img-layer 0 -1) (gimp-drawable-fill img-layer FILL-BACKGROUND) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill img-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) ;;;;create channel (gimp-selection-save image) (set! img-channel (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))) was 100 (gimp-drawable-set-name img-channel "img-channel") (gimp-image-set-active-layer image img-layer) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer "Original Image") ( gimp - message " line 767 " ) ;;;;create the background layer (set! bkg-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Background" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image bkg-layer 0 1) ;;;;apply the image effects (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) (plug-in-gauss-rle2 RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image img-layer 12 12) (plug-in-emboss RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image img-layer 225 84 10 TRUE) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear img-layer) ( gimp - message " line 780 " ) (gimp-selection-invert image) (plug-in-gauss-rle2 RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image img-channel 15 15) (plug-in-blur RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image img-layer) (gimp-image-set-active-layer image bkg-layer) (plug-in-displace RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image bkg-layer 8 8 TRUE TRUE img-channel img-channel 2) ;(gimp-image-remove-layer image bkg-layer) ( gimp - message " line 789 " ) ;;;;create the shadow ;(if (> shadow-size 0) ; (begin ( gimp - message " line 721 " ) ; ;;was (script-fu-drop-shadow image img-layer shadow-size shadow-size shadow-size '(0 0 0) shadow-opacity FALSE) ( script - fu - drop - shadow image img - layer shadow - size shadow - size 3 ' ( 0 0 0 ) shadow - opacity TRUE ) ( set ! tmp - layer ( car ( gimp - layer - new image width height RGBA - IMAGE " temp " 100 LAYER - MODE - NORMAL ) ) ) ( gimp - image - insert - layer image tmp - layer 0 -1 ) ; (gimp-image-raise-layer image tmp-layer) ; ; ( gimp - image - merge - down image tmp - layer CLIP - TO - IMAGE ) ; (set! shadow-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))) ; (gimp-image-lower-layer image shadow-layer) ; ; ) ;) ;(if (= conserve FALSE) ; (begin ( set ! ( car ( gimp - image - merge - down image img - layer EXPAND - AS - NECESSARY ) ) ) ( set ! ( car ( gimp - image - merge - down image img - layer EXPAND - AS - NECESSARY ) ) ) ; (gimp-drawable-set-name img-layer layer-name) ; ) ;) ; ; (if (= keep-selection FALSE) (gimp-selection-none image)) ; (gimp-image-remove-channel image img-channel) ; (if (and (= conserve FALSE) (= alpha FALSE) (gimp-layer-flatten img-layer))) ;;(gimp-image-undo-group-end image) ;(gimp-context-pop) ;(gimp-display-new image) (gimp-displays-flush) ;(gimp-message "end shine") ) ) ; end of script
You will need to install GMIC to run this Scipt GMIC can be downloaded from that I followed to write this script. Comments directed to This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. visit: ------------ | Change Log | ------------ Rel 0.03 - Bugfix for typo in script adjust text set the text clolor Expand the font if needed Was F create selection-channel create the background layer (gimp-message "going to the antique metal background") fill image with grey create inner-shadow and inner-glow layers create the inner shadow create the inner glow Add new layer with Bevel Emboss gloss the bevel-layer Clean up the layers create the texture-layer (gimp-message "whirl start") (defined? 'gimp-context-set-brush-size) To have a silent output. Remove it to display errors from the G'MIC interpreter on stderr. (gimp-image-remove-channel image selection-channel) shadows shadows set the different metal types gold silver bronze brass (if (> metal 0) (begin (gimp-message "off to shine") ; was F for conserve(last one) ) ) (gimp-message "apply vignette is FALSE") (gimp-message "apply vignettre is FALSE") Render Picture Frame using G'MIC. (gimp-message "frame start") (gimp-message (number->string frame)) To have a silent output. Remove it to display errors from the G'MIC interpreter on stderr. (gimp-message "frame end") (gimp-image-set-active-layer image image-layer) (set! offset-x (car (gimp-drawable-offsets image-layer))) (gimp-drawable-offset selection-channel TRUE 0 offset-x offset-y) scale image to its original size and re-load selection (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (if (or (> vig-size 0) (> frame-in 0)) (begin (gimp-image-lower-layer image image-layer) ) ) finish the script (gimp-message "Good finish OK") (gimp-message "inside metal background") (gimp-message "end background") (gimp-message "inside metal shine") (gimp-image-undo-group-start image) create channel create the background layer apply the image effects (gimp-image-remove-layer image bkg-layer) create the shadow (if (> shadow-size 0) (begin ;;was (script-fu-drop-shadow image img-layer shadow-size shadow-size shadow-size '(0 0 0) shadow-opacity FALSE) (gimp-image-raise-layer image tmp-layer) ; ( gimp - image - merge - down image tmp - layer CLIP - TO - IMAGE ) (set! shadow-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))) (gimp-image-lower-layer image shadow-layer) ) ) (if (= conserve FALSE) (begin (gimp-drawable-set-name img-layer layer-name) ) ) (if (= keep-selection FALSE) (gimp-selection-none image)) (gimp-image-remove-channel image img-channel) (if (and (= conserve FALSE) (= alpha FALSE) (gimp-layer-flatten img-layer))) (gimp-image-undo-group-end image) (gimp-context-pop) (gimp-display-new image) (gimp-message "end shine") end of script
Antique Metal rel 0.03 Created by Graechan Thanks to Draconian for his Antique - metal tutorial License : it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or To view a copy of the GNU General Public License Rel 0.01 - Initial Release Rel 0.02 - Added text options Justify , Letter Spacing , Line Spacing and option controls for ' Drop Shadow ' ' Grunge ' ' Vignette ' ' Frame ' Rel 0.04 - Update by karlhof26 to remove Gmic dependency and messages on 27/02/2022 (define (script-fu-antique-metal-logo text justify letter-spacing line-spacing font-in font-size grow ds-apply ds-offset ds-blur opacity bev-width depth metal apply-grunge grunge-color grunge-opacity apply-vignette apply-frame vig-size frame-in conserve) (let* ( (image (car (gimp-image-new 256 256 RGB))) (border (/ font-size 4)) (font (if (> (string-length font-in) 0) font-in (car (gimp-context-get-font)))) (text-layer (car (gimp-text-fontname image -1 0 0 text border TRUE font-size PIXELS font))) (justify (cond ((= justify 0) 2) ((= justify 1) 0) ((= justify 2) 1))) (width (car (gimp-drawable-width text-layer))) (height (car (gimp-drawable-height text-layer))) (text-channel 0) (bkg-layer 0) (inner-shadow 0) (inner-glow 0) (inner-shadow-mask 0) (inner-glow-mask 0) (overlay-mode 0) (add-shadow TRUE) (add-canvas TRUE) (add-mottling TRUE) (nominal-burn-size 30) (inner-bevel-layer 0) (azimuth 135) (elevation 35) (postblur 3.0) (texture-layer 0) (red (car grunge-color)) (green (cadr grunge-color)) (blue (caddr grunge-color)) (frame-layer 0) (frame frame-in) ) (gimp-context-push) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) (gimp-text-layer-set-justification text-layer justify) (gimp-text-layer-set-letter-spacing text-layer letter-spacing) (gimp-text-layer-set-line-spacing text-layer line-spacing) (gimp-image-resize-to-layers image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-selection-layer-alpha text-layer) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill text-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) ( gimp - message " line 103 " ) (if (> grow 0) (begin (gimp-message "line 108 - grow") (gimp-selection-layer-alpha text-layer) (gimp-edit-clear text-layer) (gimp-selection-grow image grow) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill text-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) ) ) (gimp-selection-none image) (gimp-display-new image) (gimp-image-undo-group-start image) ( gimp - message " line 120 " ) (gimp-progress-pulse) (script-fu-antique-metal-alpha image text-layer metal ds-apply ds-offset ds-blur opacity bev-width depth apply-grunge grunge-color grunge-opacity apply-vignette apply-frame vig-size frame conserve) (gimp-image-undo-group-end image) (gimp-context-pop) ( gimp - message " good end line 137 " ) (gimp-progress-pulse) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-antique-metal-logo" "Antique Metal Logo" "Antque metal logo with optional metal types. \nfile:Antique Metal_02a.scm" "Graechan" "Graechan - " "Aug 2012" "" SF-TEXT "Text" "Gimp" SF-OPTION "Justify" '("Centered" "Left" "Right") SF-ADJUSTMENT "Letter Spacing" '(0 -100 100 1 5 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Line Spacing" '(0 -100 100 1 5 0 0) SF-FONT "Font" "JasmineUPC Bold" SF-ADJUSTMENT "Font size (pixels)" '(350 100 1000 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Expand the Font if needed" '(0 0 10 1 1 0 1) SF-TOGGLE "Apply Drop Shadow" TRUE SF-ADJUSTMENT "Drop shadow offset" '(10 0 100 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Drop shadow blur radius" '(30 0 255 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Inner Shadow and Glow Opacity" '(70 0 100 1 10 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Bevel Width" '(10 1 100 1 10 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Bevel Depth" '(3 1 60 1 10 0 0) SF-OPTION "Metal Finish Type" '("Iron" "Gold" "Silver" "Copper" "Bronze" "Brass") SF-TOGGLE "Apply Grunge background" TRUE SF-COLOR "Background Grunge Color" '(153 153 184) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Background Grunge Darkness" '(70 0 100 1 10 0 0) SF-TOGGLE "Apply Vignette" TRUE SF-TOGGLE "Apply Frame" TRUE SF-ADJUSTMENT "Background Vignette Size" '(5 0 50 1 5 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Frame Size %" '(5 0 20 1 5 0 0) SF-TOGGLE "Keep the Layers" TRUE ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-antique-metal-logo" "<Image>/Script-Fu/Logos") (define (script-fu-antique-metal-alpha image drawable metal ds-apply ds-offset ds-blur opacity bev-width depth apply-grunge grunge-color grunge-opacity apply-vignette apply-frame vig-size frame-in keep-selection-in conserve) (let* ( (image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (width (car (gimp-image-width image))) (height (car (gimp-image-height image))) (alpha (car (gimp-drawable-has-alpha image-layer))) (sel (car (gimp-selection-is-empty image))) (layer-name (car (gimp-drawable-get-name image-layer))) (keep-selection keep-selection-in) (text "Antique Metal") (selection-channel 0) (bkg-layer 0) (inner-shadow 0) (inner-glow 0) (inner-shadow-mask 0) (inner-glow-mask 0) (overlay-mode 0) (add-shadow TRUE) (add-canvas TRUE) (add-mottling TRUE) (nominal-burn-size 30) (inner-bevel-layer 0) (azimuth 135) (elevation 35) (postblur 3.0) (texture-layer 0) (red (car grunge-color)) (green (cadr grunge-color)) (blue (caddr grunge-color)) (frame-layer 0) (frame frame-in) (offset-x 0) (offset-y 0) (offsets 0) (metal-layer 0) ) ( gimp - message " line 239 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.10) (gimp-context-push) (gimp-image-undo-group-start image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) (if (= alpha FALSE) (gimp-layer-add-alpha image-layer)) check that a selection was made if not make one (if (= sel TRUE) (set! keep-selection FALSE)) (if (= sel TRUE) (gimp-selection-layer-alpha image-layer)) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear image-layer) (gimp-selection-invert image) ( gimp - message " line 256 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.15) (gimp-selection-save image) (set! selection-channel (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))) (gimp-channel-set-opacity selection-channel 100) (gimp-drawable-set-name selection-channel "selection-channel") (gimp-image-set-active-layer image image-layer) (gimp-selection-none image) (set! bkg-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Background" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) was 0 1 ( gimp - message " line 269 " ) (if (= apply-grunge TRUE) (begin ( gimp - message " line 273 " ) (the-antique-metal-background image bkg-layer grunge-color grunge-opacity) (set! bkg-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (set! bkg-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image bkg-layer EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) (gimp-drawable-set-name bkg-layer "Background") ) ) ( gimp - message " line 281 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.20) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(123 123 123)) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill image-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) (set! width (car (gimp-image-width image))) (set! height (car (gimp-image-height image))) (gimp-selection-none image) (gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size bkg-layer) (gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size image-layer) ( gimp - message " line 293 " ) (set! inner-shadow (car (gimp-layer-copy image-layer TRUE))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image inner-shadow 0 -1) (gimp-drawable-set-name inner-shadow "Inner shadow") (gimp-layer-set-mode inner-shadow LAYER-MODE-MULTIPLY-LEGACY) (gimp-layer-set-opacity inner-shadow opacity) (gimp-progress-update 0.25) ( gimp - message " line 303 " ) (set! inner-glow (car (gimp-layer-copy image-layer TRUE))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image inner-glow 0 -1) (gimp-drawable-set-name inner-glow "Inner glow") (gimp-layer-set-mode inner-glow LAYER-MODE-MULTIPLY-LEGACY) (gimp-layer-set-opacity inner-glow opacity) (gimp-image-set-active-layer image inner-shadow) (gimp-drawable-set-visible inner-shadow TRUE) ( gimp - message " line 313 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.30) (set! inner-shadow-mask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask inner-shadow ADD-MASK-ALPHA))) (gimp-layer-add-mask inner-shadow inner-shadow-mask) (gimp-layer-set-edit-mask inner-shadow FALSE) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-selection-shrink image (* bev-width 1.5)) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(99 78 56)) ( gimp - message " line 324 " ) was LAYER - MODE - NORMAL opacity 15.0 TRUE 0 0 (gimp-selection-none image) (plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image inner-shadow (* bev-width 3) TRUE TRUE) ( gimp - message " line 329 " ) (gimp-image-set-active-layer image inner-glow) (gimp-drawable-set-visible inner-glow TRUE) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-edit-clear inner-glow) (set! inner-glow-mask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask inner-glow ADD-MASK-SELECTION))) (gimp-layer-add-mask inner-glow inner-glow-mask) (gimp-layer-set-edit-mask inner-glow FALSE) ( gimp - message " line 340 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.40) (gimp-selection-shrink image bev-width) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(120 100 80)) was FG - BUCKET - FILL NORMAL - MODE opacity 15.0 TRUE 0 0 (gimp-selection-none image) ( gimp - message " line 348 " ) (plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image inner-glow (* bev-width 2) TRUE TRUE) (gimp-image-raise-layer-to-top image bkg-layer) (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) (if (= apply-grunge FALSE) (begin ( gimp - message " line 355 " ) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-selection-translate image -3 -2) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear image-layer) (gimp-selection-none image) ) ) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) ( gimp - message " line 364 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.50) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (set! inner-bevel-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Inner bevel" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image inner-bevel-layer 0 -1) (gimp-image-set-active-layer image inner-bevel-layer) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) ( gimp - message " line 373 " ) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill inner-bevel-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) (gimp-selection-shrink image 1) (gimp-selection-feather image bev-width) (gimp-selection-shrink image (- (/ bev-width 2) 1)) ( gimp - message " line 379 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.60) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill inner-bevel-layer FILL-BACKGROUND) (gimp-selection-all image) ( gimp - message " line 383 " ) (if (= ds-apply TRUE) (gimp-invert inner-bevel-layer)) ( gimp - curves - spline inner - bevel - layer 0 18 # ( 0 0 32 158 62 30 96 223 126 96 159 255 189 160 222 255 255 255 ) ) (gimp-drawable-curves-spline inner-bevel-layer HISTOGRAM-VALUE 18 #(0.0 0.0 0.15 0.7 0.23 0.145 0.38 0.88 0.5 0.38 0.88 1.0 0.75 0.65 0.92 1.0 1.0 1.0)) (plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image inner-bevel-layer postblur 1 1) ( gimp - message " line 392 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.70) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear inner-bevel-layer) (set! texture-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Texture" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image texture-layer 0 -1) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(123 123 123)) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill texture-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) ( gimp - progress - update 0.81 ) ( gimp - message " line 407 " ) drawing using G'MIC . (begin ( gimp - message " line413 " ) (plug-in-gmic-qt 1 image texture-layer 1 0 (string-append "-fx_draw_whirl " "74.70" ) ) ) (begin ( gimp - message " No whirl Gmic is required ( from http;//gmic.eu ) " ) (plug-in-hsv-noise 1 image texture-layer 1 4 16 (rand 200)) ) ) ( gimp - message " line 429 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.85) (plug-in-mblur 1 image texture-layer 0 4 90 (/ width 2) (/ height 2)) ( gimp - curves - spline texture - layer 0 18 # ( 0 255 31 0 62 255 91 0 127 255 159 0 190 255 223 0 255 255 ) ) (gimp-drawable-curves-spline texture-layer 0 18 #(0.0 1.0 0.12 0.0 0.24 1.0 0.35 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.61 0.0 0.74 1.0 0.87 0.0 1.0 1.0)) (plug-in-unsharp-mask 1 image texture-layer 10 1 0) (gimp-selection-none image) (plug-in-bump-map 1 image inner-bevel-layer texture-layer 135 45 5 0 0 0 0 TRUE FALSE 2) (gimp-image-remove-layer image texture-layer) ( gimp - message " line 440 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.87) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-selection-translate image -3 -2) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear inner-bevel-layer) (gimp-selection-none image) (if (= ds-apply TRUE) (begin (script-fu-drop-shadow image inner-bevel-layer ds-offset ds-offset 30 '(0 0 0) 100 FALSE) ) ) (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image 1))) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) ( gimp - message " line 458 " ) (gimp-progress-update 0.90) was 1 1 grunge - color 0 (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image 1))) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) was COLOR - MODE (gimp-image-insert-layer image metal-layer 0 -1) (gimp-selection-load selection-channel) (gimp-progress-update 0.92) (if (= metal 2) (begin (gimp-layer-set-mode metal-layer LAYER-MODE-GRAIN-MERGE-LEGACY) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(192 192 192)) ) copper was 183 115 51 (if (> metal 0) (begin (gimp-drawable-edit-fill metal-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) ) ) (gimp-progress-update 0.94) (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image metal-layer EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) ( the - antique - metal - shine image image - layer 8 50 TRUE TRUE ) (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (gimp-selection-none image) ( gimp - message " line 502 " ) (if (= frame 0) (begin ( gimp - message " frame already zero " ) ) (begin ( gimp - message " frame above zero " ) ) ) (if (= apply-vignette FALSE) (begin (set! vig-size 0) ) ) (if (= apply-frame FALSE) (begin (set! frame 0) ) ) (if (and (> vig-size 0) (= frame 0)) (begin ( gimp - message " size with zero frame " ) was 0.1 ) ) (gimp-progress-update 0.96) ( gimp - message " line 536 " ) (if (> frame 0) (begin ( gimp - message " line 539 " ) (if (defined? 'plug-in-gmic-qt) (begin (plug-in-gmic-qt 1 image image-layer 1 0 (string-append "-fx_frame_painting " (number->string frame) ",0.4,1.5," (number->string red) "," (number->string green) "," (number->string blue) "," (number->string vig-size) ",400,98.5,62.61,6.2,0.5,117517,1") was 98.5,70.61,6.2,0.5,123456,1 (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) (set! frame-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Frame" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image frame-layer 0 -1) removed by karlhof26 as it gives error (set! frame-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image frame-layer EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) ) (begin (gimp-message "no Gmic means - Frame using color") (set! frame-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Frame" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image frame-layer 0 -1) (script-fu-addborder image frame-layer (* (/ frame 100) width) (* (/ frame 100) height) grunge-color (* frame 3)) ) ) ) ) (gimp-progress-update 0.98) (if (and (> vig-size 0) (= apply-frame FALSE)) (gimp-drawable-set-name frame-layer "Vignette") ) (if (= apply-frame TRUE) (gimp-drawable-set-name frame-layer "Frame")) (if (and (> vig-size 0) (= apply-frame TRUE)) (gimp-drawable-set-name frame-layer "Frame with Vignette") ) (if (= frame-in 0) (plug-in-autocrop 1 image image-layer)) (gimp-progress-update 0.97) removed by karlhof26 - no need for it ( plug - in - autocrop - layer 1 image image - layer ) ( set ! offset - y ( cadr ( gimp - drawable - offsets image - layer ) ) ) ( gimp - message " line 540 " ) ( gimp - image - scale - full image width height 2 ) ( gimp - message " line 539 " ) (if (= conserve FALSE) (begin (if (or (> vig-size 0) (= apply-frame TRUE)) (begin (set! image-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image frame-layer EXPAND-AS-NECESSARY))) ) ) ) ) (gimp-progress-update 1.0) ( gimp - message " line 622 " ) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer text) (if (= keep-selection FALSE) (begin (gimp-selection-none image) ) ) (if (= conserve FALSE) (gimp-image-remove-channel image selection-channel) ) (if (and (= conserve FALSE) (= alpha FALSE)) (begin (gimp-layer-flatten image-layer) ) ) (gimp-displays-flush) (gimp-image-undo-group-end image) (gimp-context-pop) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-antique-metal-alpha" "Antique Metal Alpha" "Creates an antique metal finish on an alpha image. \nfile:Antique Metal_02a.scm" "Graechan" "Graechan - " "Aug 2012" "RGB*" SF-IMAGE "image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "drawable" 0 SF-OPTION "Metal Finish Type" '("Iron" "Gold" "Silver" "Copper" "Bronze" "Brass") SF-TOGGLE "Apply Drop Shadow" TRUE SF-ADJUSTMENT "Drop shadow offset" '(10 0 100 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Drop shadow blur radius" '(30 0 255 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Inner Shadow and Glow Opacity" '(70 0 100 1 10 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Bevel Width" '(10 1 100 1 10 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Bevel Depth" '(3 1 60 1 10 0 0) SF-TOGGLE "Apply Grunge background" TRUE SF-COLOR "Background Grunge Color" '(153 153 186) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Background Grunge Darkness" '(70 0 100 1 10 0 0) SF-TOGGLE "Apply Vignette" TRUE SF-TOGGLE "Apply Frame" TRUE SF-ADJUSTMENT "Background Vignette Size" '(5 0 50 1 5 0 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Frame Size" '(5 0 25 .1 5 1 0) SF-TOGGLE "Keep selection" FALSE SF-TOGGLE "Keep the Layers" FALSE ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-antique-metal-alpha" "<Image>/Script-Fu/Alpha-to-Logo") (define (the-antique-metal-background image drawable grunge-color opacity) (let* ( (image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (width (car (gimp-image-width image))) (height (car (gimp-image-height image))) (paper-layer 0) (mottle-layer 0) (nominal-burn-size 30) (burn-size 0) ) (set! burn-size (/ (* nominal-burn-size (max width height 1)))) (gimp-context-push) (gimp-image-undo-group-start image) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) ( gimp - message " line 690 " ) (set! paper-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Paper Layer" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image paper-layer 0 -1) (gimp-context-set-background grunge-color) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill paper-layer FILL-BACKGROUND) (plug-in-apply-canvas RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image paper-layer 0 1) (set! mottle-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Mottle Layer" opacity 21))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image mottle-layer 0 -1) (plug-in-solid-noise RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image mottle-layer 0 0 (rand 65536) 1 2 2) (set! paper-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-down image mottle-layer CLIP-TO-IMAGE))) (plug-in-spread 1 image paper-layer 5 5) ( gimp - message " line 703 " ) (gimp-displays-flush) (gimp-image-undo-group-end image) (gimp-context-pop) ) ) (define (the-antique-metal-shine image drawable shadow-size shadow-opacity keep-selection-in conserve) (let* ( (image-layer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))) (width (car (gimp-image-width image))) (height (car (gimp-image-height image))) (sel (car (gimp-selection-is-empty image))) (alpha (car (gimp-drawable-has-alpha image-layer))) (keep-selection keep-selection-in) (layer-name (car (gimp-drawable-get-name image-layer))) (img-layer 0) (img-channel 0) (bkg-layer 0) (shadow-layer 0) (tmp-layer 0) ) (gimp-context-push) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) ( gimp - message " line 740 " ) (if (= alpha FALSE) (gimp-layer-add-alpha image-layer) ) (if (= sel TRUE) (begin (set! keep-selection FALSE) (gimp-selection-layer-alpha image-layer) ) ) (if (= sel TRUE) (gimp-selection-layer-alpha image-layer)) (set! img-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "img-layer" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image img-layer 0 -1) (gimp-drawable-fill img-layer FILL-BACKGROUND) (gimp-drawable-edit-fill img-layer FILL-FOREGROUND) (gimp-selection-save image) (set! img-channel (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))) was 100 (gimp-drawable-set-name img-channel "img-channel") (gimp-image-set-active-layer image img-layer) (gimp-drawable-set-name image-layer "Original Image") ( gimp - message " line 767 " ) (set! bkg-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Background" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL-LEGACY))) (gimp-image-insert-layer image bkg-layer 0 1) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255)) (plug-in-gauss-rle2 RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image img-layer 12 12) (plug-in-emboss RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image img-layer 225 84 10 TRUE) (gimp-selection-invert image) (gimp-edit-clear img-layer) ( gimp - message " line 780 " ) (gimp-selection-invert image) (plug-in-gauss-rle2 RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image img-channel 15 15) (plug-in-blur RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image img-layer) (gimp-image-set-active-layer image bkg-layer) (plug-in-displace RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image bkg-layer 8 8 TRUE TRUE img-channel img-channel 2) ( gimp - message " line 789 " ) ( gimp - message " line 721 " ) ( script - fu - drop - shadow image img - layer shadow - size shadow - size 3 ' ( 0 0 0 ) shadow - opacity TRUE ) ( set ! tmp - layer ( car ( gimp - layer - new image width height RGBA - IMAGE " temp " 100 LAYER - MODE - NORMAL ) ) ) ( gimp - image - insert - layer image tmp - layer 0 -1 ) ( set ! ( car ( gimp - image - merge - down image img - layer EXPAND - AS - NECESSARY ) ) ) ( set ! ( car ( gimp - image - merge - down image img - layer EXPAND - AS - NECESSARY ) ) ) (gimp-displays-flush) ) )
-module(nova_cors_plugin). -behaviour(nova_plugin). -export([ pre_request/2, post_request/2, plugin_info/0 ]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% Pre-request callback %% @end %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec pre_request(Req :: cowboy_req:req(), Options :: map()) -> {ok, Req0 :: cowboy_req:req()}. pre_request(Req, Options) -> ParsedOptions = nova_plugin_utilities:parse_options(Options), ReqWithOptions = set_headers(Req, ParsedOptions), continue(ReqWithOptions). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% Post-request callback %% @end %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec post_request(Req :: cowboy_req:req(), Options :: map()) -> {ok, Req0 :: cowboy_req:req()}. post_request(Req, _) -> {ok, Req}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% nova_plugin callback. Returns information about the plugin. %% @end %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec plugin_info() -> {Title :: binary(), Version :: binary(), Author :: binary(), Description :: binary(), Options :: [{Key :: atom(), OptionDescription :: binary()}]}. plugin_info() -> { <<"nova_cors_plugin">>, <<"0.2.0">>, <<"Nova team <">>, <<"Add CORS headers to request">>, [ { allow_origins, <<"Specifies which origins to insert into Access-Control-Allow-Origin">> } ]}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Private functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% continue(#{method := <<"OPTIONS">>} = Req) -> Reply = cowboy_req:reply(200, Req), {stop, Reply}; continue(Req) -> {ok, Req}. set_headers(Req, []) -> Req; set_headers(Req, [{allow_origins, Origins}|T]) -> CorsReq = add_cors_headers(Req, Origins), set_headers(CorsReq, T); set_headers(Req, [_H|T]) -> set_headers(Req, T). add_cors_headers(Req, Origins) -> OriginsReq = cowboy_req:set_resp_header( <<"Access-Control-Allow-Origin">>, Origins, Req), HeadersReq = cowboy_req:set_resp_header( <<"Access-Control-Allow-Headers">>, <<"*">>, OriginsReq), cowboy_req:set_resp_header( <<"Access-Control-Allow-Methods">>, <<"*">>, HeadersReq).
-------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc Pre-request callback @end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc Post-request callback @end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc nova_plugin callback. Returns information about the plugin. @end -------------------------------------------------------------------- Private functions
-module(nova_cors_plugin). -behaviour(nova_plugin). -export([ pre_request/2, post_request/2, plugin_info/0 ]). -spec pre_request(Req :: cowboy_req:req(), Options :: map()) -> {ok, Req0 :: cowboy_req:req()}. pre_request(Req, Options) -> ParsedOptions = nova_plugin_utilities:parse_options(Options), ReqWithOptions = set_headers(Req, ParsedOptions), continue(ReqWithOptions). -spec post_request(Req :: cowboy_req:req(), Options :: map()) -> {ok, Req0 :: cowboy_req:req()}. post_request(Req, _) -> {ok, Req}. -spec plugin_info() -> {Title :: binary(), Version :: binary(), Author :: binary(), Description :: binary(), Options :: [{Key :: atom(), OptionDescription :: binary()}]}. plugin_info() -> { <<"nova_cors_plugin">>, <<"0.2.0">>, <<"Nova team <">>, <<"Add CORS headers to request">>, [ { allow_origins, <<"Specifies which origins to insert into Access-Control-Allow-Origin">> } ]}. continue(#{method := <<"OPTIONS">>} = Req) -> Reply = cowboy_req:reply(200, Req), {stop, Reply}; continue(Req) -> {ok, Req}. set_headers(Req, []) -> Req; set_headers(Req, [{allow_origins, Origins}|T]) -> CorsReq = add_cors_headers(Req, Origins), set_headers(CorsReq, T); set_headers(Req, [_H|T]) -> set_headers(Req, T). add_cors_headers(Req, Origins) -> OriginsReq = cowboy_req:set_resp_header( <<"Access-Control-Allow-Origin">>, Origins, Req), HeadersReq = cowboy_req:set_resp_header( <<"Access-Control-Allow-Headers">>, <<"*">>, OriginsReq), cowboy_req:set_resp_header( <<"Access-Control-Allow-Methods">>, <<"*">>, HeadersReq).
Generated with ' v0.2.0 ' %% Revision 1 of the exercises generator was used %% -specifications/raw/a7576988aa2dafb38544c041c104603d39ac41bc/exercises/run-length-encoding/canonical-data.json %% This file is automatically generated from the exercises canonical data. -module(run_length_encoding_tests). -include_lib("erl_exercism/include/exercism.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). '1_empty_string_test_'() -> {"empty string", ?_assertEqual([], run_length_encoding:encode([]))}. '2_single_characters_only_are_encoded_without_count_test_'() -> {"single characters only are encoded without " "count", ?_assertEqual("XYZ", run_length_encoding:encode("XYZ"))}. '3_string_with_no_single_characters_test_'() -> {"string with no single characters", ?_assertEqual("2A3B4C", run_length_encoding:encode("AABBBCCCC"))}. '4_single_characters_mixed_with_repeated_characters_test_'() -> {"single characters mixed with repeated " "characters", ?_assertEqual("12WB12W3B24WB", run_length_encoding:encode("WWWWWWWWWWWWBWWWWWWWWWWWWBBBWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" "WWWWWWWB"))}. '5_multiple_whitespace_mixed_in_string_test_'() -> {"multiple whitespace mixed in string", ?_assertEqual("2 hs2q q2w2 ", run_length_encoding:encode(" hsqq qww "))}. '6_lowercase_characters_test_'() -> {"lowercase characters", ?_assertEqual("2a3b4c", run_length_encoding:encode("aabbbcccc"))}. '7_empty_string_test_'() -> {"empty string", ?_assertEqual([], run_length_encoding:decode([]))}. '8_single_characters_only_test_'() -> {"single characters only", ?_assertEqual("XYZ", run_length_encoding:decode("XYZ"))}. '9_string_with_no_single_characters_test_'() -> {"string with no single characters", ?_assertEqual("AABBBCCCC", run_length_encoding:decode("2A3B4C"))}. '10_single_characters_with_repeated_characters_test_'() -> {"single characters with repeated characters", ?_assertEqual("WWWWWWWWWWWWBWWWWWWWWWWWWBBBWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" "WWWWWWWB", run_length_encoding:decode("12WB12W3B24WB"))}. '11_multiple_whitespace_mixed_in_string_test_'() -> {"multiple whitespace mixed in string", ?_assertEqual(" hsqq qww ", run_length_encoding:decode("2 hs2q q2w2 "))}. '12_lowercase_string_test_'() -> {"lowercase string", ?_assertEqual("aabbbcccc", run_length_encoding:decode("2a3b4c"))}. '13_encode_followed_by_decode_gives_original_string_test_'() -> {"encode followed by decode gives original " "string", ?_assertEqual("zzz ZZ zZ", run_length_encoding:decode(run_length_encoding:encode("zzz ZZ zZ")))}.
Revision 1 of the exercises generator was used -specifications/raw/a7576988aa2dafb38544c041c104603d39ac41bc/exercises/run-length-encoding/canonical-data.json This file is automatically generated from the exercises canonical data.
Generated with ' v0.2.0 ' -module(run_length_encoding_tests). -include_lib("erl_exercism/include/exercism.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). '1_empty_string_test_'() -> {"empty string", ?_assertEqual([], run_length_encoding:encode([]))}. '2_single_characters_only_are_encoded_without_count_test_'() -> {"single characters only are encoded without " "count", ?_assertEqual("XYZ", run_length_encoding:encode("XYZ"))}. '3_string_with_no_single_characters_test_'() -> {"string with no single characters", ?_assertEqual("2A3B4C", run_length_encoding:encode("AABBBCCCC"))}. '4_single_characters_mixed_with_repeated_characters_test_'() -> {"single characters mixed with repeated " "characters", ?_assertEqual("12WB12W3B24WB", run_length_encoding:encode("WWWWWWWWWWWWBWWWWWWWWWWWWBBBWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" "WWWWWWWB"))}. '5_multiple_whitespace_mixed_in_string_test_'() -> {"multiple whitespace mixed in string", ?_assertEqual("2 hs2q q2w2 ", run_length_encoding:encode(" hsqq qww "))}. '6_lowercase_characters_test_'() -> {"lowercase characters", ?_assertEqual("2a3b4c", run_length_encoding:encode("aabbbcccc"))}. '7_empty_string_test_'() -> {"empty string", ?_assertEqual([], run_length_encoding:decode([]))}. '8_single_characters_only_test_'() -> {"single characters only", ?_assertEqual("XYZ", run_length_encoding:decode("XYZ"))}. '9_string_with_no_single_characters_test_'() -> {"string with no single characters", ?_assertEqual("AABBBCCCC", run_length_encoding:decode("2A3B4C"))}. '10_single_characters_with_repeated_characters_test_'() -> {"single characters with repeated characters", ?_assertEqual("WWWWWWWWWWWWBWWWWWWWWWWWWBBBWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" "WWWWWWWB", run_length_encoding:decode("12WB12W3B24WB"))}. '11_multiple_whitespace_mixed_in_string_test_'() -> {"multiple whitespace mixed in string", ?_assertEqual(" hsqq qww ", run_length_encoding:decode("2 hs2q q2w2 "))}. '12_lowercase_string_test_'() -> {"lowercase string", ?_assertEqual("aabbbcccc", run_length_encoding:decode("2a3b4c"))}. '13_encode_followed_by_decode_gives_original_string_test_'() -> {"encode followed by decode gives original " "string", ?_assertEqual("zzz ZZ zZ", run_length_encoding:decode(run_length_encoding:encode("zzz ZZ zZ")))}.
foo = case v of _ | False -> x
foo = case v of _ | False -> x
(in-package :serapeum.tests) (def-suite clos :in serapeum) (in-suite clos) (defclass clos-example () ((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :reader clos-example-slot))) (defmethods clos-example (self slot1) (declare (symbol slot1)) (:method clos-example-1 (self) slot1)) (defmethods clos-example (self (slot slot1)) (declare (symbol slot)) (:method clos-example-2 (self) slot)) (defmethods clos-example (self (slot #'clos-example-slot)) (declare (symbol slot)) (:method clos-example-3 (self) slot)) (test defmethods (let ((object (make 'clos-example :slot1 'x))) (is (eql 'x (clos-example-1 object))) (is (eql 'x (clos-example-2 object))) (is (eql 'x (clos-example-3 object))))) (defclass has-no-slots () ()) (defclass has-count-slot () ((count))) (defclass has-foo-slot () ((foo :initarg :foo))) (defclass has-foo-slot/default () ((foo :initarg :foo))) (defmethod slot-unbound ((class t) (instance has-foo-slot/default) (slot-name (eql 'foo))) (setf (slot-value instance 'foo) :foo)) (test slot-value-safe (is (equal '(nil nil nil) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-no-slots) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(0 nil nil) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-no-slots) 'foo 0)))) (is (equal '(nil nil t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(0 nil t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot) 'foo 0)))) (is (equal '(nil t t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot :foo nil) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(:foo t t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot :foo :foo) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(:foo t t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot/default :foo :foo) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(:foo nil t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot/default) 'foo))))) (test setf-slot-value-safe (let ((c (make 'has-count-slot))) (incf (slot-value-safe c 'count 0)) (is (eql (slot-value c 'count) 1)))) (defclass a-foo () ()) (defun make-foo () (make 'a-foo)) #+sbcl (test reject-implausible-function (signals warning (compile nil '(lambda () (first (make-foo)))))) (defgeneric ctx-fn (x &key keyword) (:method-combination standard/context) (:method :context ((x t) &key (keyword nil keyword-supplied?)) (list* keyword keyword-supplied? (call-next-method))) (:method ((x number) &key (keyword 'other)) (list x keyword))) (defgeneric ard-fn (x &key keyword) (:method :around ((x t) &key (keyword nil keyword-supplied?)) (list* keyword keyword-supplied? (call-next-method))) (:method ((x number) &key (keyword 'other)) (list x keyword))) (test context-keyword-defaults (is (equal* (ctx-fn 1) (ard-fn 1) '(list other nil 1 other))) (is (equal* (ctx-fn 1 :keyword 'given) (ard-fn 1 :keyword 'given) '(list given t 1 given)))) (test find-class-safe (is (null (find-class-safe 'this-class-does-not-exist))))
(in-package :serapeum.tests) (def-suite clos :in serapeum) (in-suite clos) (defclass clos-example () ((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :reader clos-example-slot))) (defmethods clos-example (self slot1) (declare (symbol slot1)) (:method clos-example-1 (self) slot1)) (defmethods clos-example (self (slot slot1)) (declare (symbol slot)) (:method clos-example-2 (self) slot)) (defmethods clos-example (self (slot #'clos-example-slot)) (declare (symbol slot)) (:method clos-example-3 (self) slot)) (test defmethods (let ((object (make 'clos-example :slot1 'x))) (is (eql 'x (clos-example-1 object))) (is (eql 'x (clos-example-2 object))) (is (eql 'x (clos-example-3 object))))) (defclass has-no-slots () ()) (defclass has-count-slot () ((count))) (defclass has-foo-slot () ((foo :initarg :foo))) (defclass has-foo-slot/default () ((foo :initarg :foo))) (defmethod slot-unbound ((class t) (instance has-foo-slot/default) (slot-name (eql 'foo))) (setf (slot-value instance 'foo) :foo)) (test slot-value-safe (is (equal '(nil nil nil) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-no-slots) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(0 nil nil) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-no-slots) 'foo 0)))) (is (equal '(nil nil t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(0 nil t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot) 'foo 0)))) (is (equal '(nil t t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot :foo nil) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(:foo t t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot :foo :foo) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(:foo t t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot/default :foo :foo) 'foo)))) (is (equal '(:foo nil t) (multiple-value-list (slot-value-safe (make 'has-foo-slot/default) 'foo))))) (test setf-slot-value-safe (let ((c (make 'has-count-slot))) (incf (slot-value-safe c 'count 0)) (is (eql (slot-value c 'count) 1)))) (defclass a-foo () ()) (defun make-foo () (make 'a-foo)) #+sbcl (test reject-implausible-function (signals warning (compile nil '(lambda () (first (make-foo)))))) (defgeneric ctx-fn (x &key keyword) (:method-combination standard/context) (:method :context ((x t) &key (keyword nil keyword-supplied?)) (list* keyword keyword-supplied? (call-next-method))) (:method ((x number) &key (keyword 'other)) (list x keyword))) (defgeneric ard-fn (x &key keyword) (:method :around ((x t) &key (keyword nil keyword-supplied?)) (list* keyword keyword-supplied? (call-next-method))) (:method ((x number) &key (keyword 'other)) (list x keyword))) (test context-keyword-defaults (is (equal* (ctx-fn 1) (ard-fn 1) '(list other nil 1 other))) (is (equal* (ctx-fn 1 :keyword 'given) (ard-fn 1 :keyword 'given) '(list given t 1 given)))) (test find-class-safe (is (null (find-class-safe 'this-class-does-not-exist))))
(in-package :common-doc) (make-document "My Document" :children (list (make-section (list (make-text "Introduction")) :children (list (make-paragraph (list (make-text "..."))))))) COMMON-DOC> (dump my-doc) document section paragraph text-node "..." CL-USER> (in-package :common-doc) #<PACKAGE "COMMON-DOC"> COMMON-DOC> (text (make-text "Hello, world!")) "Hello, world!" COMMON-DOC> (children (make-paragraph (list (make-text "This is ") (make-text "a test")))) (#<TEXT-NODE text: This is > #<TEXT-NODE text: a test>) COMMON-DOC> (children (make-paragraph (list (make-text "This is ") (make-text "a test")))) (#<TEXT-NODE text: This is > #<TEXT-NODE text: a test>) COMMON-DOC> (make-code-block "lisp" (list (make-text "(progn ...)"))) #<CODE-BLOCK children: TEXT-NODE> COMMON-DOC> (language *) "lisp" COMMON-DOC> (children **) (#<TEXT-NODE text: (progn ...)>)
(in-package :common-doc) (make-document "My Document" :children (list (make-section (list (make-text "Introduction")) :children (list (make-paragraph (list (make-text "..."))))))) COMMON-DOC> (dump my-doc) document section paragraph text-node "..." CL-USER> (in-package :common-doc) #<PACKAGE "COMMON-DOC"> COMMON-DOC> (text (make-text "Hello, world!")) "Hello, world!" COMMON-DOC> (children (make-paragraph (list (make-text "This is ") (make-text "a test")))) (#<TEXT-NODE text: This is > #<TEXT-NODE text: a test>) COMMON-DOC> (children (make-paragraph (list (make-text "This is ") (make-text "a test")))) (#<TEXT-NODE text: This is > #<TEXT-NODE text: a test>) COMMON-DOC> (make-code-block "lisp" (list (make-text "(progn ...)"))) #<CODE-BLOCK children: TEXT-NODE> COMMON-DOC> (language *) "lisp" COMMON-DOC> (children **) (#<TEXT-NODE text: (progn ...)>)
open Virtualdom_events type ('a, 'b) handler = 'a Dom.event_like -> 'b option type 'a t = Attached of 'a vnode | Attribute of string option * string * string | Component : ( ('b -> 'c t) * (('c -> unit) -> 'c -> 'a) * 'b * ('c t * EventSet.t * EventSet.t) option ) -> 'a t | ClassName of string | Detached of string option * string * (Dom.element -> 'a option) option * (Dom.element -> Dom.element -> unit) option * 'a t array | EventListener : EventSet.t * bool * ('event, 'a) handler -> 'a t | Index of (Js.Dict.key * 'a t) array | Property of string * string | RemoveTransition of string option * 'a t array * bool | Skip | Style of string * string * bool | Text of Dom.text option * string | Thunk : ('c * ('c -> 'a t) * ('a t * EventSet.t * EventSet.t) option ) -> 'a t | Wedge of ('a t array * (EventSet.t * EventSet.t) option) and 'a vnode = { element : Dom.element; namespace : string option; selector : string; directives : 'a t array; detached : 'a t option; enabledEvents : EventSet.t; passiveEvents : EventSet.t; onRemove : (Dom.element -> Dom.element -> unit) option; } type ('a, 'b) listener = ?passive:bool -> ('b -> 'a option) -> 'a t
open Virtualdom_events type ('a, 'b) handler = 'a Dom.event_like -> 'b option type 'a t = Attached of 'a vnode | Attribute of string option * string * string | Component : ( ('b -> 'c t) * (('c -> unit) -> 'c -> 'a) * 'b * ('c t * EventSet.t * EventSet.t) option ) -> 'a t | ClassName of string | Detached of string option * string * (Dom.element -> 'a option) option * (Dom.element -> Dom.element -> unit) option * 'a t array | EventListener : EventSet.t * bool * ('event, 'a) handler -> 'a t | Index of (Js.Dict.key * 'a t) array | Property of string * string | RemoveTransition of string option * 'a t array * bool | Skip | Style of string * string * bool | Text of Dom.text option * string | Thunk : ('c * ('c -> 'a t) * ('a t * EventSet.t * EventSet.t) option ) -> 'a t | Wedge of ('a t array * (EventSet.t * EventSet.t) option) and 'a vnode = { element : Dom.element; namespace : string option; selector : string; directives : 'a t array; detached : 'a t option; enabledEvents : EventSet.t; passiveEvents : EventSet.t; onRemove : (Dom.element -> Dom.element -> unit) option; } type ('a, 'b) listener = ?passive:bool -> ('b -> 'a option) -> 'a t
; Changes: * removed : 0 * added : 1 * swaps : 0 * negated predicates : 1 * swapped branches : 1 * calls to i d fun : 8 (letrec ((foldr (lambda (f base lst) (letrec ((foldr-aux (lambda (lst) (if (null? lst) base (f (car lst) (foldr-aux (cdr lst))))))) (foldr-aux lst)))) (foldl (lambda (f base lst) (<change> (letrec ((foldl-aux (lambda (base lst) (if (null? lst) base (foldl-aux (f base (car lst)) (cdr lst)))))) (foldl-aux base lst)) ((lambda (x) x) (letrec ((foldl-aux (lambda (base lst) (if (null? lst) base (foldl-aux (f base (car lst)) (cdr lst)))))) (<change> (foldl-aux base lst) ((lambda (x) x) (foldl-aux base lst)))))))) (for (lambda (lo hi f) (<change> (letrec ((for-aux (lambda (lo) (if (< lo hi) (cons (f lo) (for-aux (+ lo 1))) ())))) (for-aux lo)) ((lambda (x) x) (letrec ((for-aux (lambda (lo) (if (< lo hi) (cons (f lo) (for-aux (+ lo 1))) ())))) (for-aux lo)))))) (concat (lambda (lists) (foldr append () lists))) (list-read (lambda (lst i) (if (= i 0) (car lst) (list-read (cdr lst) (- i 1))))) (list-write (lambda (lst i val) (if (= i 0) (cons val (cdr lst)) (cons (car lst) (list-write (cdr lst) (- i 1) val))))) (list-remove-pos (lambda (lst i) (if (= i 0) (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) (list-remove-pos (cdr lst) (- i 1)))))) (duplicates? (lambda (lst) (if (null? lst) #f (let ((__or_res (member (car lst) (cdr lst)))) (if __or_res __or_res (duplicates? (cdr lst))))))) (make-matrix (lambda (n m init) (for 0 n (lambda (i) (for 0 m (lambda (j) (init i j))))))) (matrix-read (lambda (mat i j) (<change> (list-read (list-read mat i) j) ((lambda (x) x) (list-read (list-read mat i) j))))) (matrix-write (lambda (mat i j val) (<change> () i) (list-write mat i (list-write (list-read mat i) j val)))) (matrix-size (lambda (mat) (cons (length mat) (length (car mat))))) (matrix-map (lambda (f mat) (map (lambda (lst) (map f lst)) mat))) (initial-random 0) (next-random (lambda (current-random) (remainder (+ (* current-random 3581) 12751) 131072))) (shuffle (lambda (lst) (shuffle-aux lst initial-random))) (shuffle-aux (lambda (lst current-random) (<change> (if (null? lst) () (let ((new-random (next-random current-random))) (let ((i (modulo new-random (length lst)))) (cons (list-read lst i) (shuffle-aux (list-remove-pos lst i) new-random))))) ((lambda (x) x) (if (null? lst) () (let ((new-random (next-random current-random))) (let ((i (modulo new-random (length lst)))) (cons (list-read lst i) (shuffle-aux (list-remove-pos lst i) new-random))))))))) (make-maze (lambda (n m) (if (not (if (odd? n) (odd? m) #f)) 'error (let ((cave (make-matrix n m (lambda (i j) (if (if (<change> (even? i) (not (even? i))) (even? j) #f) (cons i j) #f)))) (possible-holes (concat (for 0 n (lambda (i) (<change> (concat (for 0 m (lambda (j) (if (equal? (even? i) (even? j)) () (list (cons i j)))))) ((lambda (x) x) (concat (for 0 m (lambda (j) (if (equal? (even? i) (even? j)) () (list (cons i j))))))))))))) (cave-to-maze (pierce-randomly (shuffle possible-holes) cave)))))) (cave-to-maze (lambda (cave) (matrix-map (lambda (x) (if x (<change> '_ '*) (<change> '* '_))) cave))) (pierce (lambda (pos cave) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (matrix-write cave i j pos)))) (pierce-randomly (lambda (possible-holes cave) (if (null? possible-holes) cave (let ((hole (car possible-holes))) (<change> (pierce-randomly (cdr possible-holes) (try-to-pierce hole cave)) ((lambda (x) x) (pierce-randomly (cdr possible-holes) (try-to-pierce hole cave)))))))) (try-to-pierce (lambda (pos cave) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (let ((ncs (neighboring-cavities pos cave))) (if (duplicates? (map (lambda (nc) (matrix-read cave (car nc) (cdr nc))) ncs)) cave (pierce pos (foldl (lambda (c nc) (change-cavity c nc pos)) cave ncs))))))) (change-cavity (lambda (cave pos new-cavity-id) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (<change> (change-cavity-aux cave pos new-cavity-id (matrix-read cave i j)) ((lambda (x) x) (change-cavity-aux cave pos new-cavity-id (matrix-read cave i j))))))) (change-cavity-aux (lambda (cave pos new-cavity-id old-cavity-id) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (let ((cavity-id (matrix-read cave i j))) (if (equal? cavity-id old-cavity-id) (foldl (lambda (c nc) (change-cavity-aux c nc new-cavity-id old-cavity-id)) (matrix-write cave i j new-cavity-id) (neighboring-cavities pos cave)) cave))))) (neighboring-cavities (lambda (pos cave) (let ((size (matrix-size cave))) (let ((n (car size)) (m (cdr size))) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (append (if (if (> i 0) (matrix-read cave (- i 1) j) #f) (list (cons (- i 1) j)) ()) (append (if (if (< i (- n 1)) (matrix-read cave (+ i 1) j) #f) (list (cons (+ i 1) j)) ()) (append (if (if (> j 0) (matrix-read cave i (- j 1)) #f) (list (cons i (- j 1))) ()) (if (if (< j (- m 1)) (matrix-read cave i (+ j 1)) #f) (list (cons i (+ j 1))) ()))))))))) (expected-result (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) ()))))))))))))) (equal? (make-maze 11 11) expected-result))
* removed : 0 * added : 1 * swaps : 0 * negated predicates : 1 * swapped branches : 1 * calls to i d fun : 8 (letrec ((foldr (lambda (f base lst) (letrec ((foldr-aux (lambda (lst) (if (null? lst) base (f (car lst) (foldr-aux (cdr lst))))))) (foldr-aux lst)))) (foldl (lambda (f base lst) (<change> (letrec ((foldl-aux (lambda (base lst) (if (null? lst) base (foldl-aux (f base (car lst)) (cdr lst)))))) (foldl-aux base lst)) ((lambda (x) x) (letrec ((foldl-aux (lambda (base lst) (if (null? lst) base (foldl-aux (f base (car lst)) (cdr lst)))))) (<change> (foldl-aux base lst) ((lambda (x) x) (foldl-aux base lst)))))))) (for (lambda (lo hi f) (<change> (letrec ((for-aux (lambda (lo) (if (< lo hi) (cons (f lo) (for-aux (+ lo 1))) ())))) (for-aux lo)) ((lambda (x) x) (letrec ((for-aux (lambda (lo) (if (< lo hi) (cons (f lo) (for-aux (+ lo 1))) ())))) (for-aux lo)))))) (concat (lambda (lists) (foldr append () lists))) (list-read (lambda (lst i) (if (= i 0) (car lst) (list-read (cdr lst) (- i 1))))) (list-write (lambda (lst i val) (if (= i 0) (cons val (cdr lst)) (cons (car lst) (list-write (cdr lst) (- i 1) val))))) (list-remove-pos (lambda (lst i) (if (= i 0) (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) (list-remove-pos (cdr lst) (- i 1)))))) (duplicates? (lambda (lst) (if (null? lst) #f (let ((__or_res (member (car lst) (cdr lst)))) (if __or_res __or_res (duplicates? (cdr lst))))))) (make-matrix (lambda (n m init) (for 0 n (lambda (i) (for 0 m (lambda (j) (init i j))))))) (matrix-read (lambda (mat i j) (<change> (list-read (list-read mat i) j) ((lambda (x) x) (list-read (list-read mat i) j))))) (matrix-write (lambda (mat i j val) (<change> () i) (list-write mat i (list-write (list-read mat i) j val)))) (matrix-size (lambda (mat) (cons (length mat) (length (car mat))))) (matrix-map (lambda (f mat) (map (lambda (lst) (map f lst)) mat))) (initial-random 0) (next-random (lambda (current-random) (remainder (+ (* current-random 3581) 12751) 131072))) (shuffle (lambda (lst) (shuffle-aux lst initial-random))) (shuffle-aux (lambda (lst current-random) (<change> (if (null? lst) () (let ((new-random (next-random current-random))) (let ((i (modulo new-random (length lst)))) (cons (list-read lst i) (shuffle-aux (list-remove-pos lst i) new-random))))) ((lambda (x) x) (if (null? lst) () (let ((new-random (next-random current-random))) (let ((i (modulo new-random (length lst)))) (cons (list-read lst i) (shuffle-aux (list-remove-pos lst i) new-random))))))))) (make-maze (lambda (n m) (if (not (if (odd? n) (odd? m) #f)) 'error (let ((cave (make-matrix n m (lambda (i j) (if (if (<change> (even? i) (not (even? i))) (even? j) #f) (cons i j) #f)))) (possible-holes (concat (for 0 n (lambda (i) (<change> (concat (for 0 m (lambda (j) (if (equal? (even? i) (even? j)) () (list (cons i j)))))) ((lambda (x) x) (concat (for 0 m (lambda (j) (if (equal? (even? i) (even? j)) () (list (cons i j))))))))))))) (cave-to-maze (pierce-randomly (shuffle possible-holes) cave)))))) (cave-to-maze (lambda (cave) (matrix-map (lambda (x) (if x (<change> '_ '*) (<change> '* '_))) cave))) (pierce (lambda (pos cave) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (matrix-write cave i j pos)))) (pierce-randomly (lambda (possible-holes cave) (if (null? possible-holes) cave (let ((hole (car possible-holes))) (<change> (pierce-randomly (cdr possible-holes) (try-to-pierce hole cave)) ((lambda (x) x) (pierce-randomly (cdr possible-holes) (try-to-pierce hole cave)))))))) (try-to-pierce (lambda (pos cave) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (let ((ncs (neighboring-cavities pos cave))) (if (duplicates? (map (lambda (nc) (matrix-read cave (car nc) (cdr nc))) ncs)) cave (pierce pos (foldl (lambda (c nc) (change-cavity c nc pos)) cave ncs))))))) (change-cavity (lambda (cave pos new-cavity-id) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (<change> (change-cavity-aux cave pos new-cavity-id (matrix-read cave i j)) ((lambda (x) x) (change-cavity-aux cave pos new-cavity-id (matrix-read cave i j))))))) (change-cavity-aux (lambda (cave pos new-cavity-id old-cavity-id) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (let ((cavity-id (matrix-read cave i j))) (if (equal? cavity-id old-cavity-id) (foldl (lambda (c nc) (change-cavity-aux c nc new-cavity-id old-cavity-id)) (matrix-write cave i j new-cavity-id) (neighboring-cavities pos cave)) cave))))) (neighboring-cavities (lambda (pos cave) (let ((size (matrix-size cave))) (let ((n (car size)) (m (cdr size))) (let ((i (car pos)) (j (cdr pos))) (append (if (if (> i 0) (matrix-read cave (- i 1) j) #f) (list (cons (- i 1) j)) ()) (append (if (if (< i (- n 1)) (matrix-read cave (+ i 1) j) #f) (list (cons (+ i 1) j)) ()) (append (if (if (> j 0) (matrix-read cave i (- j 1)) #f) (list (cons i (- j 1))) ()) (if (if (< j (- m 1)) (matrix-read cave i (+ j 1)) #f) (list (cons i (+ j 1))) ()))))))))) (expected-result (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '* ()))))))))))) (__toplevel_cons (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '* (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ (__toplevel_cons '_ ()))))))))))) ()))))))))))))) (equal? (make-maze 11 11) expected-result))
(ns zentaur.models.users-test "Business logic in models test" (:require [clojure.test :as ct] [zentaur.factories.user-factory :as ufac] [zentaur.db.core :as db] [zentaur.models.users :as mu])) ;; (deftest ^:business-logic eg-tests (is (= 1 1))) ( defn destroy [ i d ] ( let [ int - id ( Integer / parseInt i d ) ] ;; (db/delete-post! {:id int-id}))) ;; (ct/deftest create ;; (ct/testing "With valid input" ;; (ct/testing "it should returns an empty map" ( ct / is (= 1 ( mu / create ( ftime / build : admin { : fname " " } ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ct/ run - tests )
(deftest ^:business-logic eg-tests (is (= 1 1))) (db/delete-post! {:id int-id}))) (ct/deftest create (ct/testing "With valid input" (ct/testing "it should returns an empty map"
(ns zentaur.models.users-test "Business logic in models test" (:require [clojure.test :as ct] [zentaur.factories.user-factory :as ufac] [zentaur.db.core :as db] [zentaur.models.users :as mu])) ( defn destroy [ i d ] ( let [ int - id ( Integer / parseInt i d ) ] ( ct / is (= 1 ( mu / create ( ftime / build : admin { : fname " " } ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ct/ run - tests )
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Heavily inspired by %%% -erlang-chapter-23/blob/7434c2eedce8b93b41ef4c68dd1690cbca5c8374/lib_tester_db.erl %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(lib_tester_db). %% API -export([init/2, get_state/0, update_state/1]). -define(TABLE, state). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== init(Nodes, Fields) -> ok = mnesia:start(), case mnesia:wait_for_tables([?TABLE], 1000) of ok -> io:format("Loaded tables~n"), ok; {timeout, _Time} -> io:format("Creating tables...~n"), mnesia:stop(), ok = mnesia:delete_schema(Nodes), ok = mnesia:create_schema(Nodes), {_, _} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, application,start,[mnesia]), {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(?TABLE, [{disc_copies, Nodes}, {record_name, state}, {attributes, Fields}, {type, ordered_set}]), io:format("Created mnesia table on ~p nodes~n", [Nodes]), ok end. get_state() -> {atomic, Result} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> case mnesia:read(?TABLE, mnesia:first(?TABLE)) of [State|_] -> State; [] -> false end end), Result. update_state(NewState) -> ID = element(2, NewState), {atomic, Result} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> ok = mnesia:delete(?TABLE, ID, sticky_write), mnesia:write(?TABLE, NewState, sticky_write) end), Result.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavily inspired by -erlang-chapter-23/blob/7434c2eedce8b93b41ef4c68dd1690cbca5c8374/lib_tester_db.erl ------------------------------------------------------------------- API =================================================================== API ===================================================================
-module(lib_tester_db). -export([init/2, get_state/0, update_state/1]). -define(TABLE, state). init(Nodes, Fields) -> ok = mnesia:start(), case mnesia:wait_for_tables([?TABLE], 1000) of ok -> io:format("Loaded tables~n"), ok; {timeout, _Time} -> io:format("Creating tables...~n"), mnesia:stop(), ok = mnesia:delete_schema(Nodes), ok = mnesia:create_schema(Nodes), {_, _} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, application,start,[mnesia]), {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(?TABLE, [{disc_copies, Nodes}, {record_name, state}, {attributes, Fields}, {type, ordered_set}]), io:format("Created mnesia table on ~p nodes~n", [Nodes]), ok end. get_state() -> {atomic, Result} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> case mnesia:read(?TABLE, mnesia:first(?TABLE)) of [State|_] -> State; [] -> false end end), Result. update_state(NewState) -> ID = element(2, NewState), {atomic, Result} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> ok = mnesia:delete(?TABLE, ID, sticky_write), mnesia:write(?TABLE, NewState, sticky_write) end), Result.
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml #directory "pkg" #use "topkg.ml" let () = Pkg.describe "operf-macro" ~builder:`OCamlbuild [ Pkg.lib "pkg/META"; Pkg.lib ~exts:Exts.module_library "lib/macroperf"; Pkg.bin ~dst:"operf-macro" ~auto:true "src/macrorun"; Pkg.bin ~auto:true "src/injector"; Pkg.man ~dst:"man1/operf-macro.1" "operf-macro.1" ]
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml #directory "pkg" #use "topkg.ml" let () = Pkg.describe "operf-macro" ~builder:`OCamlbuild [ Pkg.lib "pkg/META"; Pkg.lib ~exts:Exts.module_library "lib/macroperf"; Pkg.bin ~dst:"operf-macro" ~auto:true "src/macrorun"; Pkg.bin ~auto:true "src/injector"; Pkg.man ~dst:"man1/operf-macro.1" "operf-macro.1" ]
%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005 - 2009 . All Rights Reserved . %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License , Version 1.1 , ( the " License " ) ; you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at /. %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %%% Description: SFTP protocol front-end -module(ssh_sftp). -behaviour(ssh_channel). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -include("ssh.hrl"). -include("ssh_xfer.hrl"). %% API -export([start_channel/1, start_channel/2, start_channel/3, stop_channel/1]). -export([open/3, opendir/2, close/2, readdir/2, pread/4, read/3, open/4, opendir/3, close/3, readdir/3, pread/5, read/4, apread/4, aread/3, pwrite/4, write/3, apwrite/4, awrite/3, pwrite/5, write/4, position/3, real_path/2, read_file_info/2, get_file_info/2, position/4, real_path/3, read_file_info/3, get_file_info/3, write_file_info/3, read_link_info/2, read_link/2, make_symlink/3, write_file_info/4, read_link_info/3, read_link/3, make_symlink/4, rename/3, delete/2, make_dir/2, del_dir/2, send_window/1, rename/4, delete/3, make_dir/3, del_dir/3, send_window/2, recv_window/1, list_dir/2, read_file/2, write_file/3, recv_window/2, list_dir/3, read_file/3, write_file/4]). %% Deprecated -export([connect/1, connect/2, connect/3, stop/1]). -deprecated({connect, 1, next_major_release}). -deprecated({connect, 2, next_major_release}). -deprecated({connect, 3, next_major_release}). -deprecated({stop, 1, next_major_release}). %% ssh_channel callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_msg/2, handle_ssh_msg/2, terminate/2]). TODO : Should be placed elsewhere ssh_sftpd should not call functions in ssh_sftp ! -export([info_to_attr/1, attr_to_info/1]). -record(state, { xf, rep_buf = <<>>, req_id, req_list = [], %% {ReqId, Fun} inf %% list of fileinf }). -record(fileinf, { handle, offset, size, mode }). -define(FILEOP_TIMEOUT, infinity). -define(NEXT_REQID(S), S#state { req_id = (S#state.req_id + 1) band 16#ffffffff}). -define(XF(S), S#state.xf). -define(REQID(S), S#state.req_id). %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== start_channel(Cm) when is_pid(Cm) -> start_channel(Cm, []); start_channel(Host) when is_list(Host) -> start_channel(Host, []). start_channel(Cm, Opts) when is_pid(Cm) -> Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), case ssh_xfer:attach(Cm, []) of {ok, ChannelId, Cm} -> {ok, Pid} = ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]), case wait_for_version_negotiation(Pid, Timeout) of ok -> {ok, Pid}; TimeOut -> TimeOut end; Error -> Error end; start_channel(Host, Opts) -> start_channel(Host, 22, Opts). start_channel(Host, Port, Opts) -> Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), case ssh_xfer:connect(Host, Port, proplists:delete(timeout, Opts)) of {ok, ChannelId, Cm} -> {ok, Pid} = ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]), case wait_for_version_negotiation(Pid, Timeout) of ok -> {ok, Pid, Cm}; TimeOut -> TimeOut end; Error -> Error end. stop_channel(Pid) -> case process_info(Pid, [trap_exit]) of [{trap_exit, Bool}] -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), link(Pid), exit(Pid, ssh_sftp_stop_channel), receive {'EXIT', Pid, normal} -> ok after 5000 -> exit(Pid, kill), receive {'EXIT', Pid, killed} -> ok end end, process_flag(trap_exit, Bool), ok; undefined -> ok end. wait_for_version_negotiation(Pid, Timeout) -> call(Pid, wait_for_version_negotiation, Timeout). open(Pid, File, Mode) -> open(Pid, File, Mode, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). open(Pid, File, Mode, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {open, false, File, Mode}, FileOpTimeout). opendir(Pid, Path) -> opendir(Pid, Path, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). opendir(Pid, Path, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {opendir, false, Path}, FileOpTimeout). close(Pid, Handle) -> close(Pid, Handle, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). close(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {close,false,Handle}, FileOpTimeout). readdir(Pid,Handle) -> readdir(Pid,Handle, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). readdir(Pid,Handle, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {readdir,false,Handle}, FileOpTimeout). pread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len) -> pread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). pread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {pread,false,Handle, Offset, Len}, FileOpTimeout). read(Pid, Handle, Len) -> read(Pid, Handle, Len, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read(Pid, Handle, Len, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {read,false,Handle, Len}, FileOpTimeout). TODO this ought to be a cast ! Is so in all practial meaning %% even if it is obscure! apread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len) -> call(Pid, {pread,true,Handle, Offset, Len}, infinity). TODO this ought to be a cast ! aread(Pid, Handle, Len) -> call(Pid, {read,true,Handle, Len}, infinity). pwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data) -> pwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). pwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {pwrite,false,Handle,Offset,Data}, FileOpTimeout). write(Pid, Handle, Data) -> write(Pid, Handle, Data, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). write(Pid, Handle, Data, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {write,false,Handle,Data}, FileOpTimeout). TODO this ought to be a cast ! Is so in all practial meaning %% even if it is obscure! apwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data) -> call(Pid, {pwrite,true,Handle,Offset,Data}, infinity). TODO this ought to be a cast ! Is so in all practial meaning %% even if it is obscure! awrite(Pid, Handle, Data) -> call(Pid, {write,true,Handle,Data}, infinity). position(Pid, Handle, Pos) -> position(Pid, Handle, Pos, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). position(Pid, Handle, Pos, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {position, Handle, Pos}, FileOpTimeout). real_path(Pid, Path) -> real_path(Pid, Path, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). real_path(Pid, Path, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {real_path, false, Path}, FileOpTimeout). read_file_info(Pid, Name) -> read_file_info(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read_file_info(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {read_file_info,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). get_file_info(Pid, Handle) -> get_file_info(Pid, Handle, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). get_file_info(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {get_file_info,false,Handle}, FileOpTimeout). write_file_info(Pid, Name, Info) -> write_file_info(Pid, Name, Info, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). write_file_info(Pid, Name, Info, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {write_file_info,false,Name, Info}, FileOpTimeout). read_link_info(Pid, Name) -> read_link_info(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read_link_info(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {read_link_info,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). read_link(Pid, LinkName) -> read_link(Pid, LinkName, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read_link(Pid, LinkName, FileOpTimeout) -> case call(Pid, {read_link,false,LinkName}, FileOpTimeout) of {ok, [{Name, _Attrs}]} -> {ok, Name}; ErrMsg -> ErrMsg end. make_symlink(Pid, Name, Target) -> make_symlink(Pid, Name, Target, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). make_symlink(Pid, Name, Target, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {make_symlink,false, Name, Target}, FileOpTimeout). rename(Pid, FromFile, ToFile) -> rename(Pid, FromFile, ToFile, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). rename(Pid, FromFile, ToFile, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {rename,false,FromFile, ToFile}, FileOpTimeout). delete(Pid, Name) -> delete(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). delete(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {delete,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). make_dir(Pid, Name) -> make_dir(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). make_dir(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {make_dir,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). del_dir(Pid, Name) -> del_dir(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). del_dir(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {del_dir,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). %% TODO : send_window and recv_window - Really needed? Not documented! %% internal use maybe should be handled in other way! send_window(Pid) -> send_window(Pid, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). send_window(Pid, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, send_window, FileOpTimeout). recv_window(Pid) -> recv_window(Pid, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). recv_window(Pid, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, recv_window, FileOpTimeout). list_dir(Pid, Name) -> list_dir(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). list_dir(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> case opendir(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) of {ok,Handle} -> Res = do_list_dir(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout, []), close(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout), case Res of {ok, List} -> NList = lists:foldl(fun({Nm, _Info},Acc) -> [Nm|Acc] end, [], List), {ok,NList}; Error -> Error end; Error -> Error end. do_list_dir(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout, Acc) -> case readdir(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout) of {ok, Names} -> do_list_dir(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout, Acc ++ Names); eof -> {ok, Acc}; Error -> Error end. read_file(Pid, Name) -> read_file(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read_file(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> case open(Pid, Name, [read, binary], FileOpTimeout) of {ok, Handle} -> {ok,{_WindowSz,PacketSz}} = recv_window(Pid, FileOpTimeout), Res = read_file_loop(Pid, Handle, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout, []), close(Pid, Handle), Res; Error -> Error end. read_file_loop(Pid, Handle, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout, Acc) -> case read(Pid, Handle, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout) of {ok, Data} -> read_file_loop(Pid, Handle, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout, [Data|Acc]); eof -> {ok, list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc))}; Error -> Error end. write_file(Pid, Name, List) -> write_file(Pid, Name, List, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). write_file(Pid, Name, List, FileOpTimeout) when is_list(List) -> write_file(Pid, Name, list_to_binary(List), FileOpTimeout); write_file(Pid, Name, Bin, FileOpTimeout) -> case open(Pid, Name, [write, binary], FileOpTimeout) of {ok, Handle} -> {ok,{_Window,Packet}} = send_window(Pid, FileOpTimeout), Res = write_file_loop(Pid, Handle, 0, Bin, size(Bin), Packet, FileOpTimeout), close(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout), Res; Error -> Error end. write_file_loop(_Pid, _Handle, _Pos, _Bin, 0, _PacketSz,_FileOpTimeout) -> ok; write_file_loop(Pid, Handle, Pos, Bin, Remain, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout) -> if Remain >= PacketSz -> <<_:Pos/binary, Data:PacketSz/binary, _/binary>> = Bin, case write(Pid, Handle, Data, FileOpTimeout) of ok -> write_file_loop(Pid, Handle, Pos+PacketSz, Bin, Remain-PacketSz, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout); Error -> Error end; true -> <<_:Pos/binary, Data/binary>> = Bin, write(Pid, Handle, Data, FileOpTimeout) end. %%==================================================================== SSh channel callbacks %%==================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: init(Args) -> {ok, State} %% %% Description: %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init([Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]) -> erlang:monitor(process, Cm), case ssh_connection:subsystem(Cm, ChannelId, "sftp", Timeout) of success -> Xf = #ssh_xfer{cm = Cm, channel = ChannelId}, {ok, #state{xf = Xf, req_id = 0, rep_buf = <<>>, inf = new_inf()}}; failure -> {stop, {error, "server failed to start sftp subsystem"}}; Error -> {stop, Error} end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- Function : handle_call/3 %% Description: Handling call messages %% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} | { reply , Reply , State , Timeout } | { noreply , State } | { noreply , State , Timeout } | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called) %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_call({{timeout, infinity}, wait_for_version_negotiation}, From, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{vsn = undefined} = Xf} = State) -> {noreply, State#state{xf = Xf#ssh_xfer{vsn = From}}}; handle_call({{timeout, Timeout}, wait_for_version_negotiation}, From, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{vsn = undefined} = Xf} = State) -> timer:send_after(Timeout, {timeout, undefined, From}), {noreply, State#state{xf = Xf#ssh_xfer{vsn = From}}}; handle_call({_, wait_for_version_negotiation}, _, State) -> {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({{timeout, infinity}, Msg}, From, State) -> do_handle_call(Msg, From, State); handle_call({{timeout, Timeout}, Msg}, From, #state{req_id = Id} = State) -> timer:send_after(Timeout, {timeout, Id, From}), do_handle_call(Msg, From, State). do_handle_call({open, Async,FileName,Mode}, From, #state{xf = XF} = State) -> {Access,Flags,Attrs} = open_mode(XF#ssh_xfer.vsn, Mode), ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:open(XF, ReqID, FileName, Access, Flags, Attrs), case Async of true -> {reply, {async,ReqID}, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun({ok,Handle},State1) -> open2(ReqID,FileName,Handle,Mode,Async, From,State1); (Rep,State1) -> async_reply(ReqID, Rep, From, State1) end)}; false -> {noreply, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun({ok,Handle},State1) -> open2(ReqID,FileName,Handle,Mode,Async, From,State1); (Rep,State1) -> sync_reply(Rep, From, State1) end)} end; do_handle_call({opendir,Async,Path}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:opendir(?XF(State), ReqID, Path), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({readdir,Async,Handle}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:readdir(?XF(State), ReqID, Handle), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({close,_Async,Handle}, From, State) -> %% wait until all operations on handle are done case get_size(Handle, State) of undefined -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:close(?XF(State), ReqID, Handle), make_reply_post(ReqID, false, From, State, fun(Rep, State1) -> {Rep, erase_handle(Handle, State1)} end); _ -> case lseek_position(Handle, cur, State) of {ok,_} -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:close(?XF(State), ReqID, Handle), make_reply_post(ReqID, false, From, State, fun(Rep, State1) -> {Rep, erase_handle(Handle, State1)} end); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end end; do_handle_call({pread,Async,Handle,At,Length}, From, State) -> case lseek_position(Handle, At, State) of {ok,Offset} -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:read(?XF(State),ReqID,Handle,Offset,Length), %% To get multiple async read to work we must update the offset %% before the operation begins State1 = update_offset(Handle, Offset+Length, State), make_reply_post(ReqID,Async,From,State1, fun({ok,Data}, State2) -> case get_mode(Handle, State2) of binary -> {{ok,Data}, State2}; text -> {{ok,binary_to_list(Data)}, State2} end; (Rep, State2) -> {Rep, State2} end); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({read,Async,Handle,Length}, From, State) -> case lseek_position(Handle, cur, State) of {ok,Offset} -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:read(?XF(State),ReqID,Handle,Offset,Length), %% To get multiple async read to work we must update the offset %% before the operation begins State1 = update_offset(Handle, Offset+Length, State), make_reply_post(ReqID,Async,From,State1, fun({ok,Data}, State2) -> case get_mode(Handle, State2) of binary -> {{ok,Data}, State2}; text -> {{ok,binary_to_list(Data)}, State2} end; (Rep, State2) -> {Rep, State2} end); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({pwrite,Async,Handle,At,Data0}, From, State) -> case lseek_position(Handle, At, State) of {ok,Offset} -> Data = if is_binary(Data0) -> Data0; is_list(Data0) -> list_to_binary(Data0) end, ReqID = State#state.req_id, Size = size(Data), ssh_xfer:write(?XF(State),ReqID,Handle,Offset,Data), State1 = update_size(Handle, Offset+Size, State), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State1); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({write,Async,Handle,Data0}, From, State) -> case lseek_position(Handle, cur, State) of {ok,Offset} -> Data = if is_binary(Data0) -> Data0; is_list(Data0) -> list_to_binary(Data0) end, ReqID = State#state.req_id, Size = size(Data), ssh_xfer:write(?XF(State),ReqID,Handle,Offset,Data), State1 = update_offset(Handle, Offset+Size, State), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State1); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({position,Handle,At}, _From, State) -> %% We could make this auto sync when all request to Handle is done? case lseek_position(Handle, At, State) of {ok,Offset} -> {reply, {ok, Offset}, update_offset(Handle, Offset, State)}; Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({rename,Async,FromFile,ToFile}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:rename(?XF(State),ReqID,FromFile,ToFile,[overwrite]), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({delete,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:remove(?XF(State), ReqID, Name), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({make_dir,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:mkdir(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, #ssh_xfer_attr{ type = directory }), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({del_dir,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:rmdir(?XF(State), ReqID, Name), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({real_path,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:realpath(?XF(State), ReqID, Name), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({read_file_info,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:stat(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, all), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({get_file_info,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:fstat(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, all), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({read_link_info,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:lstat(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, all), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({read_link,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:readlink(?XF(State), ReqID, Name), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({make_symlink, Async, Path, TargetPath}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:symlink(?XF(State), ReqID, Path, TargetPath), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({write_file_info,Async,Name,Info}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, A = info_to_attr(Info), ssh_xfer:setstat(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, A), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); %% TODO: Do we really want this format? Function send_window %% is not documented and seems to be used only inernaly! %% It is backwards compatible for now. do_handle_call(send_window, _From, State) -> XF = State#state.xf, [{send_window,{{win_size, Size0},{packet_size, Size1}}}] = ssh:channel_info(XF#ssh_xfer.cm, XF#ssh_xfer.channel, [send_window]), {reply, {ok, {Size0, Size1}}, State}; %% TODO: Do we really want this format? Function recv_window %% is not documented and seems to be used only inernaly! %% It is backwards compatible for now. do_handle_call(recv_window, _From, State) -> XF = State#state.xf, [{recv_window,{{win_size, Size0},{packet_size, Size1}}}] = ssh:channel_info(XF#ssh_xfer.cm, XF#ssh_xfer.channel, [recv_window]), {reply, {ok, {Size0, Size1}}, State}; %% Backwards compatible do_handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> {stop, shutdown, ok, State}; do_handle_call(Call, _From, State) -> {reply, {error, bad_call, Call, State}, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- Function : ) - > { ok , State } | { stop , ChannelId , State } %% %% Description: Handles channel messages %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager, {data, _ChannelId, 0, Data}}, #state{rep_buf = Data0} = State0) -> State = handle_reply(State0, <<Data0/binary,Data/binary>>), {ok, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager, {data, _ChannelId, 1, Data}}, State) -> error_logger:format("ssh: STDERR: ~s\n", [binary_to_list(Data)]), {ok, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager, {eof, _ChannelId}}, State) -> {ok, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {signal, _, _}}, State) -> Ignore signals according to RFC 4254 section 6.9 . {ok, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {exit_signal, ChannelId, _, Error, _}}, State0) -> State = reply_all(State0, {error, Error}), {stop, ChannelId, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {exit_status, ChannelId, Status}}, State0) -> State = reply_all(State0, {error, {exit_status, Status}}), {stop, ChannelId, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- Function : handle_msg(Args ) - > { ok , State } | { stop , ChannelId , State } %% %% Description: Handles channel messages %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_msg({ssh_channel_up, _, _}, #state{xf = Xf} = State) -> ssh_xfer:protocol_version_request(Xf), {ok, State}; %% Version negotiation timed out handle_msg({timeout, undefined, From}, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{channel = ChannelId}} = State) -> ssh_channel:reply(From, {error, timeout}), {stop, ChannelId, State}; handle_msg({timeout, Id, From}, #state{req_list = ReqList0} = State) -> case lists:keysearch(Id, 1, ReqList0) of false -> {ok, State}; _ -> ReqList = lists:keydelete(Id, 1, ReqList0), ssh_channel:reply(From, {error, timeout}), {ok, State#state{req_list = ReqList}} end; Connection manager goes down handle_msg({'DOWN', _Ref, _Type, _Process, _}, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{channel = ChannelId}} = State) -> {stop, ChannelId, State}; %% Stopped by user handle_msg({'EXIT', _, ssh_sftp_stop_channel}, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{channel = ChannelId}} = State) -> {stop, ChannelId, State}; handle_msg(_, State) -> {ok, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> void() %% Description: Called when the channel process is terminated %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Backwards compatible terminate(shutdown, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{cm = Cm}} = State) -> reply_all(State, {error, closed}), ssh:close(Cm); terminate(_Reason, State) -> reply_all(State, {error, closed}). %%==================================================================== Internal functions %%==================================================================== call(Pid, Msg, TimeOut) -> ssh_channel:call(Pid, {{timeout, TimeOut}, Msg}, infinity). handle_reply(State, <<?UINT32(Len),Reply:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>) -> do_handle_reply(State, Reply, Rest); handle_reply(State, Data) -> State#state{rep_buf = Data}. do_handle_reply(#state{xf = Xf} = State, <<?SSH_FXP_VERSION, ?UINT32(Version), BinExt/binary>>, Rest) -> Ext = ssh_xfer:decode_ext(BinExt), case Xf#ssh_xfer.vsn of undefined -> ok; From -> ssh_channel:reply(From, ok) end, State#state{xf = Xf#ssh_xfer{vsn = Version, ext = Ext}, rep_buf = Rest}; do_handle_reply(State0, Data, Rest) -> case catch ssh_xfer:xf_reply(?XF(State0), Data) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> handle_reply(State0, Rest); XfReply -> State = handle_req_reply(State0, XfReply), handle_reply(State, Rest) end. handle_req_reply(State0, {_, ReqID, _} = XfReply) -> case lists:keysearch(ReqID, 1, State0#state.req_list) of false -> State0; {value,{_,Fun}} -> List = lists:keydelete(ReqID, 1, State0#state.req_list), State1 = State0#state { req_list = List }, case catch Fun(xreply(XfReply),State1) of {'EXIT', _} -> State1; State -> State end end. xreply({handle,_,H}) -> {ok, H}; xreply({data,_,Data}) -> {ok, Data}; xreply({name,_,Names}) -> {ok, Names}; xreply({attrs, _, A}) -> {ok, attr_to_info(A)}; xreply({extended_reply,_,X}) -> {ok, X}; xreply({status,_,{ok, _Err, _Lang, _Rep}}) -> ok; xreply({status,_,{eof, _Err, _Lang, _Rep}}) -> eof; xreply({status,_,{Stat, _Err, _Lang, _Rep}}) -> {error, Stat}; xreply({Code, _, Reply}) -> {Code, Reply}. update_request_info(ReqID, State, Fun) -> List = [{ReqID,Fun} | State#state.req_list], ID = (State#state.req_id + 1) band 16#ffffffff, State#state { req_list = List, req_id = ID }. async_reply(ReqID, Reply, _From={To,_}, State) -> To ! {async_reply, ReqID, Reply}, State. sync_reply(Reply, From, State) -> catch (ssh_channel:reply(From, Reply)), State. open2(OrigReqID,FileName,Handle,Mode,Async,From,State) -> I0 = State#state.inf, FileMode = case lists:member(binary, Mode) orelse lists:member(raw, Mode) of true -> binary; false -> text end, I1 = add_new_handle(Handle, FileMode, I0), State0 = State#state{inf = I1}, ReqID = State0#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:stat(State0#state.xf, ReqID, FileName, [size]), case Async of true -> update_request_info(ReqID, State0, fun({ok,FI},State1) -> Size = FI#file_info.size, State2 = if is_integer(Size) -> put_size(Handle, Size, State1); true -> State1 end, async_reply(OrigReqID, {ok,Handle}, From, State2); (_, State1) -> async_reply(OrigReqID, {ok,Handle}, From, State1) end); false -> update_request_info(ReqID, State0, fun({ok,FI},State1) -> Size = FI#file_info.size, State2 = if is_integer(Size) -> put_size(Handle, Size, State1); true -> State1 end, sync_reply({ok,Handle}, From, State2); (_, State1) -> sync_reply({ok,Handle}, From, State1) end) end. reply_all(State, Reply) -> List = State#state.req_list, lists:foreach(fun({_ReqID,Fun}) -> catch Fun(Reply,State) end, List), State#state {req_list = []}. make_reply(ReqID, true, From, State) -> {reply, {async, ReqID}, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun(Reply,State1) -> async_reply(ReqID,Reply,From,State1) end)}; make_reply(ReqID, false, From, State) -> {noreply, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun(Reply,State1) -> sync_reply(Reply, From, State1) end)}. make_reply_post(ReqID, true, From, State, PostFun) -> {reply, {async, ReqID}, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun(Reply,State1) -> case catch PostFun(Reply, State1) of {'EXIT',_} -> async_reply(ReqID,Reply, From, State1); {Reply1, State2} -> async_reply(ReqID,Reply1, From, State2) end end)}; make_reply_post(ReqID, false, From, State, PostFun) -> {noreply, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun(Reply,State1) -> case catch PostFun(Reply, State1) of {'EXIT',_} -> sync_reply(Reply, From, State1); {Reply1, State2} -> sync_reply(Reply1, From, State2) end end)}. %% convert: file_info -> ssh_xfer_attr info_to_attr(I) when is_record(I, file_info) -> #ssh_xfer_attr { permissions = I#file_info.mode, size = I#file_info.size, type = I#file_info.type, owner = I#file_info.uid, group = I#file_info.gid, atime = datetime_to_unix(I#file_info.atime), mtime = datetime_to_unix(I#file_info.mtime), createtime = datetime_to_unix(I#file_info.ctime)}. %% convert: ssh_xfer_attr -> file_info attr_to_info(A) when is_record(A, ssh_xfer_attr) -> #file_info{ size = A#ssh_xfer_attr.size, type = A#ssh_xfer_attr.type, access = read_write, %% FIXME: read/write/read_write/none atime = unix_to_datetime(A#ssh_xfer_attr.atime), mtime = unix_to_datetime(A#ssh_xfer_attr.mtime), ctime = unix_to_datetime(A#ssh_xfer_attr.createtime), mode = A#ssh_xfer_attr.permissions, links = 1, major_device = 0, minor_device = 0, inode = 0, uid = A#ssh_xfer_attr.owner, gid = A#ssh_xfer_attr.group}. Added workaround for sftp timestam problem . ( Timestamps should be %% in UTC but they where not) . The workaround uses a deprecated %% function i calandar. This will work as expected most of the time %% but has problems for the same reason as %% calendar:local_time_to_universal_time/1. We consider it better that %% the timestamps work as expected most of the time instead of none of the time . the file - api will be updated so that we can %% solve this problem in a better way in the future. unix_to_datetime(undefined) -> undefined; unix_to_datetime(UTCSecs) -> UTCDateTime = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(UTCSecs + 62167219200), erlang:universaltime_to_localtime(UTCDateTime). datetime_to_unix(undefined) -> undefined; datetime_to_unix(LocalDateTime) -> UTCDateTime = erlang:localtime_to_universaltime(LocalDateTime), calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(UTCDateTime) - 62167219200. open_mode(Vsn,Modes) when Vsn >= 5 -> open_mode5(Modes); open_mode(_Vsn, Modes) -> open_mode3(Modes). open_mode5(Modes) -> A = #ssh_xfer_attr{type = regular}, {Fl, Ac} = case {lists:member(write, Modes), lists:member(read, Modes), lists:member(append, Modes)} of {_, _, true} -> {[append_data], [read_attributes, append_data, write_attributes]}; {true, false, false} -> {[create_truncate], [write_data, write_attributes]}; {true, true, _} -> {[open_or_create], [read_data, read_attributes, write_data, write_attributes]}; {false, true, _} -> {[open_existing], [read_data, read_attributes]} end, {Ac, Fl, A}. open_mode3(Modes) -> A = #ssh_xfer_attr{type = regular}, Fl = case {lists:member(write, Modes), lists:member(read, Modes), lists:member(append, Modes)} of {_, _, true} -> [append]; {true, false, false} -> [write, creat, trunc]; {true, true, _} -> [read, write]; {false, true, _} -> [read] end, {[], Fl, A}. %% accessors for inf dict new_inf() -> dict:new(). add_new_handle(Handle, FileMode, Inf) -> dict:store(Handle, #fileinf{offset=0, size=0, mode=FileMode}, Inf). update_size(Handle, NewSize, State) -> OldSize = get_size(Handle, State), if NewSize > OldSize -> put_size(Handle, NewSize, State); true -> State end. set_offset(Handle , NewOffset ) - > put({offset , Handle } , NewOffset ) . update_offset(Handle, NewOffset, State0) -> State1 = put_offset(Handle, NewOffset, State0), update_size(Handle, NewOffset, State1). %% access size and offset for handle put_size(Handle, Size, State) -> Inf0 = State#state.inf, case dict:find(Handle, Inf0) of {ok, FI} -> State#state{inf=dict:store(Handle, FI#fileinf{size=Size}, Inf0)}; _ -> State#state{inf=dict:store(Handle, #fileinf{size=Size,offset=0}, Inf0)} end. put_offset(Handle, Offset, State) -> Inf0 = State#state.inf, case dict:find(Handle, Inf0) of {ok, FI} -> State#state{inf=dict:store(Handle, FI#fileinf{offset=Offset}, Inf0)}; _ -> State#state{inf=dict:store(Handle, #fileinf{size=Offset, offset=Offset}, Inf0)} end. get_size(Handle, State) -> case dict:find(Handle, State#state.inf) of {ok, FI} -> FI#fileinf.size; _ -> undefined end. %% get_offset(Handle, State) -> %% {ok, FI} = dict:find(Handle, State#state.inf), %% FI#fileinf.offset. get_mode(Handle, State) -> case dict:find(Handle, State#state.inf) of {ok, FI} -> FI#fileinf.mode; _ -> undefined end. erase_handle(Handle, State) -> FI = dict:erase(Handle, State#state.inf), State#state{inf = FI}. %% Caluclate a integer offset %% lseek_position(Handle, Pos, State) -> case dict:find(Handle, State#state.inf) of {ok, #fileinf{offset=O, size=S}} -> lseek_pos(Pos, O, S); _ -> {error, einval} end. lseek_pos(_Pos, undefined, _) -> {error, einval}; lseek_pos(Pos, _CurOffset, _CurSize) when is_integer(Pos) andalso 0 =< Pos andalso Pos < ?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE -> {ok,Pos}; lseek_pos(bof, _CurOffset, _CurSize) -> {ok,0}; lseek_pos(cur, CurOffset, _CurSize) -> {ok,CurOffset}; lseek_pos(eof, _CurOffset, CurSize) -> {ok,CurSize}; lseek_pos({bof, Offset}, _CurOffset, _CurSize) when is_integer(Offset) andalso 0 =< Offset andalso Offset < ?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE -> {ok, Offset}; lseek_pos({cur, Offset}, CurOffset, _CurSize) when is_integer(Offset) andalso -(?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE) =< Offset andalso Offset < ?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE -> NewOffset = CurOffset + Offset, if NewOffset < 0 -> {ok, 0}; true -> {ok, NewOffset} end; lseek_pos({eof, Offset}, _CurOffset, CurSize) when is_integer(Offset) andalso -(?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE) =< Offset andalso Offset < ?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE -> NewOffset = CurSize + Offset, if NewOffset < 0 -> {ok, 0}; true -> {ok, NewOffset} end; lseek_pos(_, _, _) -> {error, einval}. %%%%%% Deprecated %%%% connect(Cm) when is_pid(Cm) -> connect(Cm, []); connect(Host) when is_list(Host) -> connect(Host, []). connect(Cm, Opts) when is_pid(Cm) -> Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), case ssh_xfer:attach(Cm, []) of {ok, ChannelId, Cm} -> ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]); Error -> Error end; connect(Host, Opts) -> connect(Host, 22, Opts). connect(Host, Port, Opts) -> Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), case ssh_xfer:connect(Host, Port, proplists:delete(timeout, Opts)) of {ok, ChannelId, Cm} -> ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]); Error -> Error end. stop(Pid) -> call(Pid, stop, infinity).
%CopyrightBegin% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be retrieved online at /. basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. %CopyrightEnd% Description: SFTP protocol front-end API Deprecated ssh_channel callbacks {ReqId, Fun} list of fileinf ==================================================================== API ==================================================================== even if it is obscure! even if it is obscure! even if it is obscure! TODO : send_window and recv_window - Really needed? Not documented! internal use maybe should be handled in other way! ==================================================================== ==================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: init(Args) -> {ok, State} Description: -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Handling call messages Returns: {reply, Reply, State} | {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called) {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) -------------------------------------------------------------------- wait until all operations on handle are done To get multiple async read to work we must update the offset before the operation begins To get multiple async read to work we must update the offset before the operation begins We could make this auto sync when all request to Handle is done? TODO: Do we really want this format? Function send_window is not documented and seems to be used only inernaly! It is backwards compatible for now. TODO: Do we really want this format? Function recv_window is not documented and seems to be used only inernaly! It is backwards compatible for now. Backwards compatible -------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Handles channel messages -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Handles channel messages -------------------------------------------------------------------- Version negotiation timed out Stopped by user -------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> void() Description: Called when the channel process is terminated -------------------------------------------------------------------- Backwards compatible ==================================================================== ==================================================================== convert: file_info -> ssh_xfer_attr convert: ssh_xfer_attr -> file_info FIXME: read/write/read_write/none in UTC but they where not) . The workaround uses a deprecated function i calandar. This will work as expected most of the time but has problems for the same reason as calendar:local_time_to_universal_time/1. We consider it better that the timestamps work as expected most of the time instead of none of solve this problem in a better way in the future. accessors for inf dict access size and offset for handle get_offset(Handle, State) -> {ok, FI} = dict:find(Handle, State#state.inf), FI#fileinf.offset. Deprecated %%%%
Copyright Ericsson AB 2005 - 2009 . All Rights Reserved . The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License , Version 1.1 , ( the " License " ) ; you may not use this file except in Software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " -module(ssh_sftp). -behaviour(ssh_channel). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -include("ssh.hrl"). -include("ssh_xfer.hrl"). -export([start_channel/1, start_channel/2, start_channel/3, stop_channel/1]). -export([open/3, opendir/2, close/2, readdir/2, pread/4, read/3, open/4, opendir/3, close/3, readdir/3, pread/5, read/4, apread/4, aread/3, pwrite/4, write/3, apwrite/4, awrite/3, pwrite/5, write/4, position/3, real_path/2, read_file_info/2, get_file_info/2, position/4, real_path/3, read_file_info/3, get_file_info/3, write_file_info/3, read_link_info/2, read_link/2, make_symlink/3, write_file_info/4, read_link_info/3, read_link/3, make_symlink/4, rename/3, delete/2, make_dir/2, del_dir/2, send_window/1, rename/4, delete/3, make_dir/3, del_dir/3, send_window/2, recv_window/1, list_dir/2, read_file/2, write_file/3, recv_window/2, list_dir/3, read_file/3, write_file/4]). -export([connect/1, connect/2, connect/3, stop/1]). -deprecated({connect, 1, next_major_release}). -deprecated({connect, 2, next_major_release}). -deprecated({connect, 3, next_major_release}). -deprecated({stop, 1, next_major_release}). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_msg/2, handle_ssh_msg/2, terminate/2]). TODO : Should be placed elsewhere ssh_sftpd should not call functions in ssh_sftp ! -export([info_to_attr/1, attr_to_info/1]). -record(state, { xf, rep_buf = <<>>, req_id, }). -record(fileinf, { handle, offset, size, mode }). -define(FILEOP_TIMEOUT, infinity). -define(NEXT_REQID(S), S#state { req_id = (S#state.req_id + 1) band 16#ffffffff}). -define(XF(S), S#state.xf). -define(REQID(S), S#state.req_id). start_channel(Cm) when is_pid(Cm) -> start_channel(Cm, []); start_channel(Host) when is_list(Host) -> start_channel(Host, []). start_channel(Cm, Opts) when is_pid(Cm) -> Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), case ssh_xfer:attach(Cm, []) of {ok, ChannelId, Cm} -> {ok, Pid} = ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]), case wait_for_version_negotiation(Pid, Timeout) of ok -> {ok, Pid}; TimeOut -> TimeOut end; Error -> Error end; start_channel(Host, Opts) -> start_channel(Host, 22, Opts). start_channel(Host, Port, Opts) -> Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), case ssh_xfer:connect(Host, Port, proplists:delete(timeout, Opts)) of {ok, ChannelId, Cm} -> {ok, Pid} = ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]), case wait_for_version_negotiation(Pid, Timeout) of ok -> {ok, Pid, Cm}; TimeOut -> TimeOut end; Error -> Error end. stop_channel(Pid) -> case process_info(Pid, [trap_exit]) of [{trap_exit, Bool}] -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), link(Pid), exit(Pid, ssh_sftp_stop_channel), receive {'EXIT', Pid, normal} -> ok after 5000 -> exit(Pid, kill), receive {'EXIT', Pid, killed} -> ok end end, process_flag(trap_exit, Bool), ok; undefined -> ok end. wait_for_version_negotiation(Pid, Timeout) -> call(Pid, wait_for_version_negotiation, Timeout). open(Pid, File, Mode) -> open(Pid, File, Mode, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). open(Pid, File, Mode, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {open, false, File, Mode}, FileOpTimeout). opendir(Pid, Path) -> opendir(Pid, Path, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). opendir(Pid, Path, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {opendir, false, Path}, FileOpTimeout). close(Pid, Handle) -> close(Pid, Handle, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). close(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {close,false,Handle}, FileOpTimeout). readdir(Pid,Handle) -> readdir(Pid,Handle, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). readdir(Pid,Handle, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {readdir,false,Handle}, FileOpTimeout). pread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len) -> pread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). pread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {pread,false,Handle, Offset, Len}, FileOpTimeout). read(Pid, Handle, Len) -> read(Pid, Handle, Len, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read(Pid, Handle, Len, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {read,false,Handle, Len}, FileOpTimeout). TODO this ought to be a cast ! Is so in all practial meaning apread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len) -> call(Pid, {pread,true,Handle, Offset, Len}, infinity). TODO this ought to be a cast ! aread(Pid, Handle, Len) -> call(Pid, {read,true,Handle, Len}, infinity). pwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data) -> pwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). pwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {pwrite,false,Handle,Offset,Data}, FileOpTimeout). write(Pid, Handle, Data) -> write(Pid, Handle, Data, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). write(Pid, Handle, Data, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {write,false,Handle,Data}, FileOpTimeout). TODO this ought to be a cast ! Is so in all practial meaning apwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data) -> call(Pid, {pwrite,true,Handle,Offset,Data}, infinity). TODO this ought to be a cast ! Is so in all practial meaning awrite(Pid, Handle, Data) -> call(Pid, {write,true,Handle,Data}, infinity). position(Pid, Handle, Pos) -> position(Pid, Handle, Pos, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). position(Pid, Handle, Pos, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {position, Handle, Pos}, FileOpTimeout). real_path(Pid, Path) -> real_path(Pid, Path, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). real_path(Pid, Path, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {real_path, false, Path}, FileOpTimeout). read_file_info(Pid, Name) -> read_file_info(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read_file_info(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {read_file_info,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). get_file_info(Pid, Handle) -> get_file_info(Pid, Handle, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). get_file_info(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {get_file_info,false,Handle}, FileOpTimeout). write_file_info(Pid, Name, Info) -> write_file_info(Pid, Name, Info, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). write_file_info(Pid, Name, Info, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {write_file_info,false,Name, Info}, FileOpTimeout). read_link_info(Pid, Name) -> read_link_info(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read_link_info(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {read_link_info,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). read_link(Pid, LinkName) -> read_link(Pid, LinkName, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read_link(Pid, LinkName, FileOpTimeout) -> case call(Pid, {read_link,false,LinkName}, FileOpTimeout) of {ok, [{Name, _Attrs}]} -> {ok, Name}; ErrMsg -> ErrMsg end. make_symlink(Pid, Name, Target) -> make_symlink(Pid, Name, Target, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). make_symlink(Pid, Name, Target, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {make_symlink,false, Name, Target}, FileOpTimeout). rename(Pid, FromFile, ToFile) -> rename(Pid, FromFile, ToFile, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). rename(Pid, FromFile, ToFile, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {rename,false,FromFile, ToFile}, FileOpTimeout). delete(Pid, Name) -> delete(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). delete(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {delete,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). make_dir(Pid, Name) -> make_dir(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). make_dir(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {make_dir,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). del_dir(Pid, Name) -> del_dir(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). del_dir(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, {del_dir,false,Name}, FileOpTimeout). send_window(Pid) -> send_window(Pid, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). send_window(Pid, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, send_window, FileOpTimeout). recv_window(Pid) -> recv_window(Pid, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). recv_window(Pid, FileOpTimeout) -> call(Pid, recv_window, FileOpTimeout). list_dir(Pid, Name) -> list_dir(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). list_dir(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> case opendir(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) of {ok,Handle} -> Res = do_list_dir(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout, []), close(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout), case Res of {ok, List} -> NList = lists:foldl(fun({Nm, _Info},Acc) -> [Nm|Acc] end, [], List), {ok,NList}; Error -> Error end; Error -> Error end. do_list_dir(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout, Acc) -> case readdir(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout) of {ok, Names} -> do_list_dir(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout, Acc ++ Names); eof -> {ok, Acc}; Error -> Error end. read_file(Pid, Name) -> read_file(Pid, Name, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). read_file(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) -> case open(Pid, Name, [read, binary], FileOpTimeout) of {ok, Handle} -> {ok,{_WindowSz,PacketSz}} = recv_window(Pid, FileOpTimeout), Res = read_file_loop(Pid, Handle, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout, []), close(Pid, Handle), Res; Error -> Error end. read_file_loop(Pid, Handle, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout, Acc) -> case read(Pid, Handle, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout) of {ok, Data} -> read_file_loop(Pid, Handle, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout, [Data|Acc]); eof -> {ok, list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc))}; Error -> Error end. write_file(Pid, Name, List) -> write_file(Pid, Name, List, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT). write_file(Pid, Name, List, FileOpTimeout) when is_list(List) -> write_file(Pid, Name, list_to_binary(List), FileOpTimeout); write_file(Pid, Name, Bin, FileOpTimeout) -> case open(Pid, Name, [write, binary], FileOpTimeout) of {ok, Handle} -> {ok,{_Window,Packet}} = send_window(Pid, FileOpTimeout), Res = write_file_loop(Pid, Handle, 0, Bin, size(Bin), Packet, FileOpTimeout), close(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout), Res; Error -> Error end. write_file_loop(_Pid, _Handle, _Pos, _Bin, 0, _PacketSz,_FileOpTimeout) -> ok; write_file_loop(Pid, Handle, Pos, Bin, Remain, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout) -> if Remain >= PacketSz -> <<_:Pos/binary, Data:PacketSz/binary, _/binary>> = Bin, case write(Pid, Handle, Data, FileOpTimeout) of ok -> write_file_loop(Pid, Handle, Pos+PacketSz, Bin, Remain-PacketSz, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout); Error -> Error end; true -> <<_:Pos/binary, Data/binary>> = Bin, write(Pid, Handle, Data, FileOpTimeout) end. SSh channel callbacks init([Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]) -> erlang:monitor(process, Cm), case ssh_connection:subsystem(Cm, ChannelId, "sftp", Timeout) of success -> Xf = #ssh_xfer{cm = Cm, channel = ChannelId}, {ok, #state{xf = Xf, req_id = 0, rep_buf = <<>>, inf = new_inf()}}; failure -> {stop, {error, "server failed to start sftp subsystem"}}; Error -> {stop, Error} end. Function : handle_call/3 { reply , Reply , State , Timeout } | { noreply , State } | { noreply , State , Timeout } | handle_call({{timeout, infinity}, wait_for_version_negotiation}, From, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{vsn = undefined} = Xf} = State) -> {noreply, State#state{xf = Xf#ssh_xfer{vsn = From}}}; handle_call({{timeout, Timeout}, wait_for_version_negotiation}, From, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{vsn = undefined} = Xf} = State) -> timer:send_after(Timeout, {timeout, undefined, From}), {noreply, State#state{xf = Xf#ssh_xfer{vsn = From}}}; handle_call({_, wait_for_version_negotiation}, _, State) -> {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({{timeout, infinity}, Msg}, From, State) -> do_handle_call(Msg, From, State); handle_call({{timeout, Timeout}, Msg}, From, #state{req_id = Id} = State) -> timer:send_after(Timeout, {timeout, Id, From}), do_handle_call(Msg, From, State). do_handle_call({open, Async,FileName,Mode}, From, #state{xf = XF} = State) -> {Access,Flags,Attrs} = open_mode(XF#ssh_xfer.vsn, Mode), ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:open(XF, ReqID, FileName, Access, Flags, Attrs), case Async of true -> {reply, {async,ReqID}, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun({ok,Handle},State1) -> open2(ReqID,FileName,Handle,Mode,Async, From,State1); (Rep,State1) -> async_reply(ReqID, Rep, From, State1) end)}; false -> {noreply, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun({ok,Handle},State1) -> open2(ReqID,FileName,Handle,Mode,Async, From,State1); (Rep,State1) -> sync_reply(Rep, From, State1) end)} end; do_handle_call({opendir,Async,Path}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:opendir(?XF(State), ReqID, Path), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({readdir,Async,Handle}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:readdir(?XF(State), ReqID, Handle), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({close,_Async,Handle}, From, State) -> case get_size(Handle, State) of undefined -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:close(?XF(State), ReqID, Handle), make_reply_post(ReqID, false, From, State, fun(Rep, State1) -> {Rep, erase_handle(Handle, State1)} end); _ -> case lseek_position(Handle, cur, State) of {ok,_} -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:close(?XF(State), ReqID, Handle), make_reply_post(ReqID, false, From, State, fun(Rep, State1) -> {Rep, erase_handle(Handle, State1)} end); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end end; do_handle_call({pread,Async,Handle,At,Length}, From, State) -> case lseek_position(Handle, At, State) of {ok,Offset} -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:read(?XF(State),ReqID,Handle,Offset,Length), State1 = update_offset(Handle, Offset+Length, State), make_reply_post(ReqID,Async,From,State1, fun({ok,Data}, State2) -> case get_mode(Handle, State2) of binary -> {{ok,Data}, State2}; text -> {{ok,binary_to_list(Data)}, State2} end; (Rep, State2) -> {Rep, State2} end); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({read,Async,Handle,Length}, From, State) -> case lseek_position(Handle, cur, State) of {ok,Offset} -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:read(?XF(State),ReqID,Handle,Offset,Length), State1 = update_offset(Handle, Offset+Length, State), make_reply_post(ReqID,Async,From,State1, fun({ok,Data}, State2) -> case get_mode(Handle, State2) of binary -> {{ok,Data}, State2}; text -> {{ok,binary_to_list(Data)}, State2} end; (Rep, State2) -> {Rep, State2} end); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({pwrite,Async,Handle,At,Data0}, From, State) -> case lseek_position(Handle, At, State) of {ok,Offset} -> Data = if is_binary(Data0) -> Data0; is_list(Data0) -> list_to_binary(Data0) end, ReqID = State#state.req_id, Size = size(Data), ssh_xfer:write(?XF(State),ReqID,Handle,Offset,Data), State1 = update_size(Handle, Offset+Size, State), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State1); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({write,Async,Handle,Data0}, From, State) -> case lseek_position(Handle, cur, State) of {ok,Offset} -> Data = if is_binary(Data0) -> Data0; is_list(Data0) -> list_to_binary(Data0) end, ReqID = State#state.req_id, Size = size(Data), ssh_xfer:write(?XF(State),ReqID,Handle,Offset,Data), State1 = update_offset(Handle, Offset+Size, State), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State1); Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({position,Handle,At}, _From, State) -> case lseek_position(Handle, At, State) of {ok,Offset} -> {reply, {ok, Offset}, update_offset(Handle, Offset, State)}; Error -> {reply, Error, State} end; do_handle_call({rename,Async,FromFile,ToFile}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:rename(?XF(State),ReqID,FromFile,ToFile,[overwrite]), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({delete,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:remove(?XF(State), ReqID, Name), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({make_dir,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:mkdir(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, #ssh_xfer_attr{ type = directory }), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({del_dir,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:rmdir(?XF(State), ReqID, Name), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({real_path,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:realpath(?XF(State), ReqID, Name), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({read_file_info,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:stat(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, all), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({get_file_info,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:fstat(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, all), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({read_link_info,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:lstat(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, all), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({read_link,Async,Name}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:readlink(?XF(State), ReqID, Name), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({make_symlink, Async, Path, TargetPath}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:symlink(?XF(State), ReqID, Path, TargetPath), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call({write_file_info,Async,Name,Info}, From, State) -> ReqID = State#state.req_id, A = info_to_attr(Info), ssh_xfer:setstat(?XF(State), ReqID, Name, A), make_reply(ReqID, Async, From, State); do_handle_call(send_window, _From, State) -> XF = State#state.xf, [{send_window,{{win_size, Size0},{packet_size, Size1}}}] = ssh:channel_info(XF#ssh_xfer.cm, XF#ssh_xfer.channel, [send_window]), {reply, {ok, {Size0, Size1}}, State}; do_handle_call(recv_window, _From, State) -> XF = State#state.xf, [{recv_window,{{win_size, Size0},{packet_size, Size1}}}] = ssh:channel_info(XF#ssh_xfer.cm, XF#ssh_xfer.channel, [recv_window]), {reply, {ok, {Size0, Size1}}, State}; do_handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> {stop, shutdown, ok, State}; do_handle_call(Call, _From, State) -> {reply, {error, bad_call, Call, State}, State}. Function : ) - > { ok , State } | { stop , ChannelId , State } handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager, {data, _ChannelId, 0, Data}}, #state{rep_buf = Data0} = State0) -> State = handle_reply(State0, <<Data0/binary,Data/binary>>), {ok, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager, {data, _ChannelId, 1, Data}}, State) -> error_logger:format("ssh: STDERR: ~s\n", [binary_to_list(Data)]), {ok, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager, {eof, _ChannelId}}, State) -> {ok, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {signal, _, _}}, State) -> Ignore signals according to RFC 4254 section 6.9 . {ok, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {exit_signal, ChannelId, _, Error, _}}, State0) -> State = reply_all(State0, {error, Error}), {stop, ChannelId, State}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {exit_status, ChannelId, Status}}, State0) -> State = reply_all(State0, {error, {exit_status, Status}}), {stop, ChannelId, State}. Function : handle_msg(Args ) - > { ok , State } | { stop , ChannelId , State } handle_msg({ssh_channel_up, _, _}, #state{xf = Xf} = State) -> ssh_xfer:protocol_version_request(Xf), {ok, State}; handle_msg({timeout, undefined, From}, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{channel = ChannelId}} = State) -> ssh_channel:reply(From, {error, timeout}), {stop, ChannelId, State}; handle_msg({timeout, Id, From}, #state{req_list = ReqList0} = State) -> case lists:keysearch(Id, 1, ReqList0) of false -> {ok, State}; _ -> ReqList = lists:keydelete(Id, 1, ReqList0), ssh_channel:reply(From, {error, timeout}), {ok, State#state{req_list = ReqList}} end; Connection manager goes down handle_msg({'DOWN', _Ref, _Type, _Process, _}, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{channel = ChannelId}} = State) -> {stop, ChannelId, State}; handle_msg({'EXIT', _, ssh_sftp_stop_channel}, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{channel = ChannelId}} = State) -> {stop, ChannelId, State}; handle_msg(_, State) -> {ok, State}. terminate(shutdown, #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{cm = Cm}} = State) -> reply_all(State, {error, closed}), ssh:close(Cm); terminate(_Reason, State) -> reply_all(State, {error, closed}). Internal functions call(Pid, Msg, TimeOut) -> ssh_channel:call(Pid, {{timeout, TimeOut}, Msg}, infinity). handle_reply(State, <<?UINT32(Len),Reply:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>) -> do_handle_reply(State, Reply, Rest); handle_reply(State, Data) -> State#state{rep_buf = Data}. do_handle_reply(#state{xf = Xf} = State, <<?SSH_FXP_VERSION, ?UINT32(Version), BinExt/binary>>, Rest) -> Ext = ssh_xfer:decode_ext(BinExt), case Xf#ssh_xfer.vsn of undefined -> ok; From -> ssh_channel:reply(From, ok) end, State#state{xf = Xf#ssh_xfer{vsn = Version, ext = Ext}, rep_buf = Rest}; do_handle_reply(State0, Data, Rest) -> case catch ssh_xfer:xf_reply(?XF(State0), Data) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> handle_reply(State0, Rest); XfReply -> State = handle_req_reply(State0, XfReply), handle_reply(State, Rest) end. handle_req_reply(State0, {_, ReqID, _} = XfReply) -> case lists:keysearch(ReqID, 1, State0#state.req_list) of false -> State0; {value,{_,Fun}} -> List = lists:keydelete(ReqID, 1, State0#state.req_list), State1 = State0#state { req_list = List }, case catch Fun(xreply(XfReply),State1) of {'EXIT', _} -> State1; State -> State end end. xreply({handle,_,H}) -> {ok, H}; xreply({data,_,Data}) -> {ok, Data}; xreply({name,_,Names}) -> {ok, Names}; xreply({attrs, _, A}) -> {ok, attr_to_info(A)}; xreply({extended_reply,_,X}) -> {ok, X}; xreply({status,_,{ok, _Err, _Lang, _Rep}}) -> ok; xreply({status,_,{eof, _Err, _Lang, _Rep}}) -> eof; xreply({status,_,{Stat, _Err, _Lang, _Rep}}) -> {error, Stat}; xreply({Code, _, Reply}) -> {Code, Reply}. update_request_info(ReqID, State, Fun) -> List = [{ReqID,Fun} | State#state.req_list], ID = (State#state.req_id + 1) band 16#ffffffff, State#state { req_list = List, req_id = ID }. async_reply(ReqID, Reply, _From={To,_}, State) -> To ! {async_reply, ReqID, Reply}, State. sync_reply(Reply, From, State) -> catch (ssh_channel:reply(From, Reply)), State. open2(OrigReqID,FileName,Handle,Mode,Async,From,State) -> I0 = State#state.inf, FileMode = case lists:member(binary, Mode) orelse lists:member(raw, Mode) of true -> binary; false -> text end, I1 = add_new_handle(Handle, FileMode, I0), State0 = State#state{inf = I1}, ReqID = State0#state.req_id, ssh_xfer:stat(State0#state.xf, ReqID, FileName, [size]), case Async of true -> update_request_info(ReqID, State0, fun({ok,FI},State1) -> Size = FI#file_info.size, State2 = if is_integer(Size) -> put_size(Handle, Size, State1); true -> State1 end, async_reply(OrigReqID, {ok,Handle}, From, State2); (_, State1) -> async_reply(OrigReqID, {ok,Handle}, From, State1) end); false -> update_request_info(ReqID, State0, fun({ok,FI},State1) -> Size = FI#file_info.size, State2 = if is_integer(Size) -> put_size(Handle, Size, State1); true -> State1 end, sync_reply({ok,Handle}, From, State2); (_, State1) -> sync_reply({ok,Handle}, From, State1) end) end. reply_all(State, Reply) -> List = State#state.req_list, lists:foreach(fun({_ReqID,Fun}) -> catch Fun(Reply,State) end, List), State#state {req_list = []}. make_reply(ReqID, true, From, State) -> {reply, {async, ReqID}, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun(Reply,State1) -> async_reply(ReqID,Reply,From,State1) end)}; make_reply(ReqID, false, From, State) -> {noreply, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun(Reply,State1) -> sync_reply(Reply, From, State1) end)}. make_reply_post(ReqID, true, From, State, PostFun) -> {reply, {async, ReqID}, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun(Reply,State1) -> case catch PostFun(Reply, State1) of {'EXIT',_} -> async_reply(ReqID,Reply, From, State1); {Reply1, State2} -> async_reply(ReqID,Reply1, From, State2) end end)}; make_reply_post(ReqID, false, From, State, PostFun) -> {noreply, update_request_info(ReqID, State, fun(Reply,State1) -> case catch PostFun(Reply, State1) of {'EXIT',_} -> sync_reply(Reply, From, State1); {Reply1, State2} -> sync_reply(Reply1, From, State2) end end)}. info_to_attr(I) when is_record(I, file_info) -> #ssh_xfer_attr { permissions = I#file_info.mode, size = I#file_info.size, type = I#file_info.type, owner = I#file_info.uid, group = I#file_info.gid, atime = datetime_to_unix(I#file_info.atime), mtime = datetime_to_unix(I#file_info.mtime), createtime = datetime_to_unix(I#file_info.ctime)}. attr_to_info(A) when is_record(A, ssh_xfer_attr) -> #file_info{ size = A#ssh_xfer_attr.size, type = A#ssh_xfer_attr.type, atime = unix_to_datetime(A#ssh_xfer_attr.atime), mtime = unix_to_datetime(A#ssh_xfer_attr.mtime), ctime = unix_to_datetime(A#ssh_xfer_attr.createtime), mode = A#ssh_xfer_attr.permissions, links = 1, major_device = 0, minor_device = 0, inode = 0, uid = A#ssh_xfer_attr.owner, gid = A#ssh_xfer_attr.group}. Added workaround for sftp timestam problem . ( Timestamps should be the time . the file - api will be updated so that we can unix_to_datetime(undefined) -> undefined; unix_to_datetime(UTCSecs) -> UTCDateTime = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(UTCSecs + 62167219200), erlang:universaltime_to_localtime(UTCDateTime). datetime_to_unix(undefined) -> undefined; datetime_to_unix(LocalDateTime) -> UTCDateTime = erlang:localtime_to_universaltime(LocalDateTime), calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(UTCDateTime) - 62167219200. open_mode(Vsn,Modes) when Vsn >= 5 -> open_mode5(Modes); open_mode(_Vsn, Modes) -> open_mode3(Modes). open_mode5(Modes) -> A = #ssh_xfer_attr{type = regular}, {Fl, Ac} = case {lists:member(write, Modes), lists:member(read, Modes), lists:member(append, Modes)} of {_, _, true} -> {[append_data], [read_attributes, append_data, write_attributes]}; {true, false, false} -> {[create_truncate], [write_data, write_attributes]}; {true, true, _} -> {[open_or_create], [read_data, read_attributes, write_data, write_attributes]}; {false, true, _} -> {[open_existing], [read_data, read_attributes]} end, {Ac, Fl, A}. open_mode3(Modes) -> A = #ssh_xfer_attr{type = regular}, Fl = case {lists:member(write, Modes), lists:member(read, Modes), lists:member(append, Modes)} of {_, _, true} -> [append]; {true, false, false} -> [write, creat, trunc]; {true, true, _} -> [read, write]; {false, true, _} -> [read] end, {[], Fl, A}. new_inf() -> dict:new(). add_new_handle(Handle, FileMode, Inf) -> dict:store(Handle, #fileinf{offset=0, size=0, mode=FileMode}, Inf). update_size(Handle, NewSize, State) -> OldSize = get_size(Handle, State), if NewSize > OldSize -> put_size(Handle, NewSize, State); true -> State end. set_offset(Handle , NewOffset ) - > put({offset , Handle } , NewOffset ) . update_offset(Handle, NewOffset, State0) -> State1 = put_offset(Handle, NewOffset, State0), update_size(Handle, NewOffset, State1). put_size(Handle, Size, State) -> Inf0 = State#state.inf, case dict:find(Handle, Inf0) of {ok, FI} -> State#state{inf=dict:store(Handle, FI#fileinf{size=Size}, Inf0)}; _ -> State#state{inf=dict:store(Handle, #fileinf{size=Size,offset=0}, Inf0)} end. put_offset(Handle, Offset, State) -> Inf0 = State#state.inf, case dict:find(Handle, Inf0) of {ok, FI} -> State#state{inf=dict:store(Handle, FI#fileinf{offset=Offset}, Inf0)}; _ -> State#state{inf=dict:store(Handle, #fileinf{size=Offset, offset=Offset}, Inf0)} end. get_size(Handle, State) -> case dict:find(Handle, State#state.inf) of {ok, FI} -> FI#fileinf.size; _ -> undefined end. get_mode(Handle, State) -> case dict:find(Handle, State#state.inf) of {ok, FI} -> FI#fileinf.mode; _ -> undefined end. erase_handle(Handle, State) -> FI = dict:erase(Handle, State#state.inf), State#state{inf = FI}. Caluclate a integer offset lseek_position(Handle, Pos, State) -> case dict:find(Handle, State#state.inf) of {ok, #fileinf{offset=O, size=S}} -> lseek_pos(Pos, O, S); _ -> {error, einval} end. lseek_pos(_Pos, undefined, _) -> {error, einval}; lseek_pos(Pos, _CurOffset, _CurSize) when is_integer(Pos) andalso 0 =< Pos andalso Pos < ?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE -> {ok,Pos}; lseek_pos(bof, _CurOffset, _CurSize) -> {ok,0}; lseek_pos(cur, CurOffset, _CurSize) -> {ok,CurOffset}; lseek_pos(eof, _CurOffset, CurSize) -> {ok,CurSize}; lseek_pos({bof, Offset}, _CurOffset, _CurSize) when is_integer(Offset) andalso 0 =< Offset andalso Offset < ?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE -> {ok, Offset}; lseek_pos({cur, Offset}, CurOffset, _CurSize) when is_integer(Offset) andalso -(?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE) =< Offset andalso Offset < ?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE -> NewOffset = CurOffset + Offset, if NewOffset < 0 -> {ok, 0}; true -> {ok, NewOffset} end; lseek_pos({eof, Offset}, _CurOffset, CurSize) when is_integer(Offset) andalso -(?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE) =< Offset andalso Offset < ?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE -> NewOffset = CurSize + Offset, if NewOffset < 0 -> {ok, 0}; true -> {ok, NewOffset} end; lseek_pos(_, _, _) -> {error, einval}. connect(Cm) when is_pid(Cm) -> connect(Cm, []); connect(Host) when is_list(Host) -> connect(Host, []). connect(Cm, Opts) when is_pid(Cm) -> Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), case ssh_xfer:attach(Cm, []) of {ok, ChannelId, Cm} -> ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]); Error -> Error end; connect(Host, Opts) -> connect(Host, 22, Opts). connect(Host, Port, Opts) -> Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), case ssh_xfer:connect(Host, Port, proplists:delete(timeout, Opts)) of {ok, ChannelId, Cm} -> ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm, ChannelId, Timeout]); Error -> Error end. stop(Pid) -> call(Pid, stop, infinity).
(ns clojure-gl.particle (:use (clojure-gl primitive))) (defn random-between [min max] (let [range (- max min) rand (Math/random)] (+ min (* rand range)))) (defn random-angle [] (random-between 0 360)) (defn fire-particle [pt] {:center pt :rotation (random-angle) :scale (random-between 0.1 0.2) :spin-rate (random-between -18.0 18.0) :scale-rate (random-between 0.1 1.0) :time 0 :max-time (random-between 0.25 8.25)}) (defn normalized-time [particle] (/ (particle :time) (particle :max-time))) (defn exp-to-one [v] (Math/exp (- v 1))) (defn exp-alpha [particle] (let [offset (normalized-time particle)] (- 1 (exp-to-one offset)))) (defn updated-value [obj property delta-property dt] (+ (obj property) (* (obj delta-property) dt))) (defn update-particle [particle dt] (let [new-time (+ (particle :time) dt)] (if (< new-time (particle :max-time)) (conj particle {:rotation (updated-value particle :rotation :spin-rate dt) :scale (updated-value particle :scale :scale-rate dt) :time new-time}))))
(ns clojure-gl.particle (:use (clojure-gl primitive))) (defn random-between [min max] (let [range (- max min) rand (Math/random)] (+ min (* rand range)))) (defn random-angle [] (random-between 0 360)) (defn fire-particle [pt] {:center pt :rotation (random-angle) :scale (random-between 0.1 0.2) :spin-rate (random-between -18.0 18.0) :scale-rate (random-between 0.1 1.0) :time 0 :max-time (random-between 0.25 8.25)}) (defn normalized-time [particle] (/ (particle :time) (particle :max-time))) (defn exp-to-one [v] (Math/exp (- v 1))) (defn exp-alpha [particle] (let [offset (normalized-time particle)] (- 1 (exp-to-one offset)))) (defn updated-value [obj property delta-property dt] (+ (obj property) (* (obj delta-property) dt))) (defn update-particle [particle dt] (let [new-time (+ (particle :time) dt)] (if (< new-time (particle :max-time)) (conj particle {:rotation (updated-value particle :rotation :spin-rate dt) :scale (updated-value particle :scale :scale-rate dt) :time new-time}))))
-module(carotene_api_authorization). -export([authorize/1]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). authorize(Ip) -> case application:get_env(carotene, restrict_api_access_to) of undefined -> true; {ok, Ip} -> true; _SomeIp -> false end.
-module(carotene_api_authorization). -export([authorize/1]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). authorize(Ip) -> case application:get_env(carotene, restrict_api_access_to) of undefined -> true; {ok, Ip} -> true; _SomeIp -> false end.
module HelVM.HelMA.Automata.BrainFuck.Common.Symbol ( inc, compare0, def, next, prev, toInteger, fromChar, toChar, Symbol, ) where import Data.Default (Default) import qualified Data.Default as Default import qualified Relude.Extra as Extra inc :: Symbol e => e -> e -> e inc = flip (+) compare0 :: Integer -> Ordering compare0 = compare 0 -- def :: Symbol e => e def = Default.def next :: Symbol e => e -> e next = Extra.next prev :: Symbol e => e -> e prev = Extra.prev class (Bounded e , Default e , Enum e , Eq e , Integral e , Show e) => Symbol e where -- toInteger :: e -> Integer fromChar :: Char -> e toChar :: e -> Char -- instance Symbol Int where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = ord toChar = chr instance Symbol Word where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral instance Symbol Int8 where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . normalizeMod . fromIntegral instance Symbol Word8 where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral instance Symbol Int16 where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . normalizeMod . fromIntegral instance Symbol Word16 where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral instance Symbol Int32 where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . normalizeMod . fromIntegral instance Symbol Word32 where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral instance Symbol Int64 where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . normalizeMod . fromIntegral instance Symbol Word64 where -- toInteger = fromIntegral fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral -- countSymbols :: (Integral e) => e countSymbols = 256 modifyMod :: (Integral e) => (e -> e) -> e -> e modifyMod f i = f (i + countSymbols) `mod` countSymbols normalizeMod :: (Integral e) => e -> e normalizeMod = modifyMod id
toInteger :: e -> Integer toInteger = fromIntegral toInteger = fromIntegral toInteger = fromIntegral toInteger = fromIntegral toInteger = fromIntegral toInteger = fromIntegral toInteger = fromIntegral toInteger = fromIntegral toInteger = fromIntegral toInteger = fromIntegral
module HelVM.HelMA.Automata.BrainFuck.Common.Symbol ( inc, compare0, def, next, prev, toInteger, fromChar, toChar, Symbol, ) where import Data.Default (Default) import qualified Data.Default as Default import qualified Relude.Extra as Extra inc :: Symbol e => e -> e -> e inc = flip (+) compare0 :: Integer -> Ordering compare0 = compare 0 def :: Symbol e => e def = Default.def next :: Symbol e => e -> e next = Extra.next prev :: Symbol e => e -> e prev = Extra.prev class (Bounded e , Default e , Enum e , Eq e , Integral e , Show e) => Symbol e where fromChar :: Char -> e toChar :: e -> Char instance Symbol Int where fromChar = ord toChar = chr instance Symbol Word where fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral instance Symbol Int8 where fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . normalizeMod . fromIntegral instance Symbol Word8 where fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral instance Symbol Int16 where fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . normalizeMod . fromIntegral instance Symbol Word16 where fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral instance Symbol Int32 where fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . normalizeMod . fromIntegral instance Symbol Word32 where fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral instance Symbol Int64 where fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . normalizeMod . fromIntegral instance Symbol Word64 where fromChar = fromIntegral . ord toChar = chr . fromIntegral countSymbols :: (Integral e) => e countSymbols = 256 modifyMod :: (Integral e) => (e -> e) -> e -> e modifyMod f i = f (i + countSymbols) `mod` countSymbols normalizeMod :: (Integral e) => e -> e normalizeMod = modifyMod id
(ns aoc.2015.d12-test (:require [aoc.2015.d12 :as sut] [clojure.test :refer :all])) (deftest part-1-examples (are [output input] (= output (sut/part-1 input)) 6 "[1,2,3]" 6 "{\"a\":2, \"b\":4}" 3 "[[[3]]]" 3 "{\"a\":{\"b\":4},\"c\":-1}" 0 "{\"a\":[-1,1]}" 0 "[-1,{\"a\":1}]" 0 "[]" 0 "{}")) (deftest part-2-examples (are [output input] (= output (sut/part-2 input)) 6 "[1,2,3]" 4 "[1,{\"c\":\"red\",\"b\":2},3]" 0 "{\"d\":\"red\",\"e\":[1,2,3,4],\"f\":5}" 6 "[1,\"red\",5]")) (deftest challenge (is (= 119433 (sut/part-1 sut/input))) (is (= 68466 (sut/part-2 sut/input))))
(ns aoc.2015.d12-test (:require [aoc.2015.d12 :as sut] [clojure.test :refer :all])) (deftest part-1-examples (are [output input] (= output (sut/part-1 input)) 6 "[1,2,3]" 6 "{\"a\":2, \"b\":4}" 3 "[[[3]]]" 3 "{\"a\":{\"b\":4},\"c\":-1}" 0 "{\"a\":[-1,1]}" 0 "[-1,{\"a\":1}]" 0 "[]" 0 "{}")) (deftest part-2-examples (are [output input] (= output (sut/part-2 input)) 6 "[1,2,3]" 4 "[1,{\"c\":\"red\",\"b\":2},3]" 0 "{\"d\":\"red\",\"e\":[1,2,3,4],\"f\":5}" 6 "[1,\"red\",5]")) (deftest challenge (is (= 119433 (sut/part-1 sut/input))) (is (= 68466 (sut/part-2 sut/input))))
(ns yetibot.core.util (:require [clojure.string :as s] [cemerick.url :refer [url]])) (defn filter-nil-vals "Takes a map and returns all of its non-nil values" [m] (into {} (remove (comp nil? second) m))) (defn map-to-strs "takes a hash-map and parses it to a map-like sequence" [m] (map (fn [[k v]] (str (name k) ": " v)) m)) (def env (let [e (into {} (System/getenv))] (zipmap (map keyword (keys e)) (vals e)))) (defn make-config ^{:deprecated "0.1.0"} [required-keys] (into {} (map (fn [k] [k (env k)]) required-keys))) (defn conf-valid? ^{:deprecated "0.1.0"} [c] (every? identity (vals c))) (defmacro ensure-config ^{:deprecated "0.1.0"} [& body] `(when (every? identity ~'config) ~@body)) (defn psuedo-format "DEPRECATED: use yetibot.core.util.format/pseudo-format instead Similar to clojure.core/format, except it only supports %s, and it will replace all occurances of %s with the single arg. If there is no %s found, it appends the arg to the end of the string instead." ^{:deprecated "0.1.0"} [s arg] (if (re-find #"\%s" s) (s/replace s "%s" arg) (str s " " arg))) (defn indices "Indices of elements of a collection matching pred" [pred coll] (keep-indexed #(when (pred %2) %1) coll)) ;;; collection parsing ; helpers for all collection cmds (defn ensure-items-collection "Ensures items is a collection. If not but is a string, will split on newlines, else will return nil" [items] (cond (map? items) (map-to-strs items) (coll? items) items (instance? String items) (s/split items #"\n") :else nil)) (comment (ensure-items-collection '(1 2 3)) (ensure-items-collection [1 2 3]) (ensure-items-collection {"one" 1 "two" 2}) (ensure-items-collection "one: 1\ntwo: 2") (ensure-items-collection 123) ) (defn ensure-items-seqential "Ensures items is Sequential. If it's not, such as a map, it will transform it to a sequence of k: v strings." [items] (cond (sequential? items) items (map? items) (map-to-strs items) :else (seq items))) (comment (ensure-items-seqential `(1 2 3)) (ensure-items-seqential #{1 2 3}) (ensure-items-seqential {"one" 1 "two" 2}) ) ; keys / vals helpers (defn map-like? "determines if collection is a hash-map or map-like; map-like is when every collection item has a ':' delimiter" [items] (or (map? items) (every? #(re-find #".+:.+" %) items))) (comment (map-like? {:easy 1}) (map-like? ["key1:value1" "key2:value2"]) (map-like? '("key1:value1" "key2:value2")) (map-like? ["is" "not" "map" "like"]) ) (defn split-kvs "if collection is map-like?, split into a nested list [[k v]] instead of a map so as to maintain the order, else return nil" [items] (cond (map? items) (map vector (keys items) (vals items)) (map-like? items) (map #(s/split % #":") items) :else nil)) (comment (split-kvs {:easy 1 :to "see"}) (split-kvs ["key1:value1" "key2:value2"]) (split-kvs ["is" "not" "map" "like"]) ) (defn split-kvs-with "if collection is map-like?, accepts a function to map over the split keys from `split-kvs`, else returns original collection" [f items] (if-let [kvs (split-kvs items)] (map (comp s/trim f) kvs) items)) (comment (split-kvs-with first {"first" "is first" "second" "is second"}) (split-kvs-with first ["is" "not" "map" "like"]) ) ;; image detection (def image-pattern #"\.(png|jpe?g|gif|webp|svg)$") (defn image? "Simple utility to detect if a URL represents an image purely by looking at the file extension (i.e. not too smart)." [possible-url] (try (let [{:keys [query path]} (url possible-url)] (or (re-find image-pattern path) we indicate images from are jpgs by tossing a & t=.jpg on it (= ".jpg" (get query "t")))) (catch Exception _ false))) (comment (image? "") (image? "") (image? "") )
collection parsing helpers for all collection cmds keys / vals helpers image detection
(ns yetibot.core.util (:require [clojure.string :as s] [cemerick.url :refer [url]])) (defn filter-nil-vals "Takes a map and returns all of its non-nil values" [m] (into {} (remove (comp nil? second) m))) (defn map-to-strs "takes a hash-map and parses it to a map-like sequence" [m] (map (fn [[k v]] (str (name k) ": " v)) m)) (def env (let [e (into {} (System/getenv))] (zipmap (map keyword (keys e)) (vals e)))) (defn make-config ^{:deprecated "0.1.0"} [required-keys] (into {} (map (fn [k] [k (env k)]) required-keys))) (defn conf-valid? ^{:deprecated "0.1.0"} [c] (every? identity (vals c))) (defmacro ensure-config ^{:deprecated "0.1.0"} [& body] `(when (every? identity ~'config) ~@body)) (defn psuedo-format "DEPRECATED: use yetibot.core.util.format/pseudo-format instead Similar to clojure.core/format, except it only supports %s, and it will replace all occurances of %s with the single arg. If there is no %s found, it appends the arg to the end of the string instead." ^{:deprecated "0.1.0"} [s arg] (if (re-find #"\%s" s) (s/replace s "%s" arg) (str s " " arg))) (defn indices "Indices of elements of a collection matching pred" [pred coll] (keep-indexed #(when (pred %2) %1) coll)) (defn ensure-items-collection "Ensures items is a collection. If not but is a string, will split on newlines, else will return nil" [items] (cond (map? items) (map-to-strs items) (coll? items) items (instance? String items) (s/split items #"\n") :else nil)) (comment (ensure-items-collection '(1 2 3)) (ensure-items-collection [1 2 3]) (ensure-items-collection {"one" 1 "two" 2}) (ensure-items-collection "one: 1\ntwo: 2") (ensure-items-collection 123) ) (defn ensure-items-seqential "Ensures items is Sequential. If it's not, such as a map, it will transform it to a sequence of k: v strings." [items] (cond (sequential? items) items (map? items) (map-to-strs items) :else (seq items))) (comment (ensure-items-seqential `(1 2 3)) (ensure-items-seqential #{1 2 3}) (ensure-items-seqential {"one" 1 "two" 2}) ) (defn map-like? map-like is when every collection item has a ':' delimiter" [items] (or (map? items) (every? #(re-find #".+:.+" %) items))) (comment (map-like? {:easy 1}) (map-like? ["key1:value1" "key2:value2"]) (map-like? '("key1:value1" "key2:value2")) (map-like? ["is" "not" "map" "like"]) ) (defn split-kvs "if collection is map-like?, split into a nested list [[k v]] instead of a map so as to maintain the order, else return nil" [items] (cond (map? items) (map vector (keys items) (vals items)) (map-like? items) (map #(s/split % #":") items) :else nil)) (comment (split-kvs {:easy 1 :to "see"}) (split-kvs ["key1:value1" "key2:value2"]) (split-kvs ["is" "not" "map" "like"]) ) (defn split-kvs-with "if collection is map-like?, accepts a function to map over the split keys from `split-kvs`, else returns original collection" [f items] (if-let [kvs (split-kvs items)] (map (comp s/trim f) kvs) items)) (comment (split-kvs-with first {"first" "is first" "second" "is second"}) (split-kvs-with first ["is" "not" "map" "like"]) ) (def image-pattern #"\.(png|jpe?g|gif|webp|svg)$") (defn image? "Simple utility to detect if a URL represents an image purely by looking at the file extension (i.e. not too smart)." [possible-url] (try (let [{:keys [query path]} (url possible-url)] (or (re-find image-pattern path) we indicate images from are jpgs by tossing a & t=.jpg on it (= ".jpg" (get query "t")))) (catch Exception _ false))) (comment (image? "") (image? "") (image? "") )
| Module : ./GUI / GtkProverGUI.hs Description : Gtk GUI for the prover Copyright : ( c ) , Uni Bremen 2008 License : GPLv2 or higher , see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : Stability : provisional Portability : portable This module provides a GUI for the prover . Module : ./GUI/GtkProverGUI.hs Description : Gtk GUI for the prover Copyright : (c) Thiemo Wiedemeyer, Uni Bremen 2008 License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : Stability : provisional Portability : portable This module provides a GUI for the prover. -} module GUI.GtkProverGUI ( showProverGUI ) where import Graphics.UI.Gtk import GUI.GtkUtils import qualified GUI.Glade.ProverGUI as ProverGUI not implemented in Gtk import Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno import qualified Common.Doc as Pretty import Common.Result import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap import Common.ExtSign import Common.GtkGoal import Common.Utils import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Proofs.AbstractState import Logic.Comorphism import Logic.Logic import Logic.Prover import qualified Comorphisms.KnownProvers as KnownProvers import Static.GTheory import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust ) data GProver = GProver { pName :: String , comorphism :: [AnyComorphism] , selected :: Int } ProverGUI -- | Displays the consistency checker window showProverGUI :: ProofActions -- ^ record of possible GUI actions -> String -- ^ theory name -> String -- ^ warning information -> G_theory -- ^ theory -> KnownProvers.KnownProversMap -- ^ map of known provers -> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)] -- ^ list of suitable comorphisms to provers for sublogic of G_theory -> IO (Result G_theory) showProverGUI prGuiAcs thName warn th knownProvers comorphList = do initState <- recalculateSublogicF prGuiAcs (initialState thName th knownProvers) { comorphismsToProvers = comorphList } state <- newMVar initState wait <- newEmptyMVar postGUIAsync $ do builder <- getGTKBuilder ProverGUI.get -- get objects window <- builderGetObject builder castToWindow "ProverGUI" -- buttons at buttom btnShowTheory <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnShowTheory" btnShowSelectedTheory <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnShowSelected" btnClose <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnClose" -- goals view trvGoals <- builderGetObject builder castToTreeView "trvGoals" btnGoalsAll <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnGoalsAll" btnGoalsNone <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnGoalsNone" btnGoalsInvert <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnGoalsInvert" btnGoalsSelectOpen <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnGoalsSelectOpen" -- axioms view trvAxioms <- builderGetObject builder castToTreeView "trvAxioms" btnAxiomsAll <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnAxiomsAll" btnAxiomsNone <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnAxiomsNone" btnAxiomsInvert <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnAxiomsInvert" btnAxiomsFormer <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnAxiomsFormer" -- theorems view trvTheorems <- builderGetObject builder castToTreeView "trvTheorems" btnTheoremsAll <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnTheoremsAll" btnTheoremsNone <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnTheoremsNone" btnTheoremsInvert <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnTheoremsInvert" -- status btnDisplay <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnDisplay" btnProofDetails <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnProofDetails" btnProve <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnProve" cbComorphism <- builderGetObject builder castToComboBox "cbComorphism" lblSublogic <- builderGetObject builder castToLabel "lblSublogic" -- prover trvProvers <- builderGetObject builder castToTreeView "trvProvers" windowSetTitle window $ "Prove: " ++ thName -- set list data listProvers <- setListData trvProvers pName [] listGoals <- setListData trvGoals showGoal $ toGoals initState listAxioms <- setListData trvAxioms id $ toAxioms initState listTheorems <- setListData trvTheorems id $ selectedGoals initState -- setup comorphism combobox comboBoxSetModelText cbComorphism shC <- after cbComorphism changed $ modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedComorphism trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism -- setup provers list shP <- setListSelectorSingle trvProvers $ modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedProver trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism shC -- setup axioms list shA <- setListSelectorMultiple trvAxioms btnAxiomsAll btnAxiomsNone btnAxiomsInvert $ modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedAxioms trvAxioms listAxioms onClicked btnAxiomsFormer $ do signalBlock shA sel <- treeViewGetSelection trvAxioms treeSelectionSelectAll sel rs <- treeSelectionGetSelectedRows sel mapM_ ( \ ~p@(row : []) -> do i <- listStoreGetValue listAxioms row (if wasATheorem initState (stripPrefixAxiom i) then treeSelectionUnselectPath else treeSelectionSelectPath) sel p) rs signalUnblock shA modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedAxioms trvAxioms listAxioms -- setup theorems list setListSelectorMultiple trvTheorems btnTheoremsAll btnTheoremsNone btnTheoremsInvert $ modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedTheorems trvTheorems listTheorems let noProver = [ toWidget btnProve , toWidget cbComorphism , toWidget lblSublogic ] noAxiom = [ toWidget btnAxiomsAll , toWidget btnAxiomsNone , toWidget btnAxiomsInvert , toWidget btnAxiomsFormer ] noTheory = [ toWidget btnTheoremsAll , toWidget btnTheoremsNone , toWidget btnTheoremsInvert ] noGoal = [ toWidget btnGoalsAll , toWidget btnGoalsNone , toWidget btnGoalsInvert , toWidget btnGoalsSelectOpen ] prove = [toWidget window] update s' = do signalBlock shP s <- setSelectedProver trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism shC =<< updateProver trvProvers listProvers =<< updateSublogic lblSublogic prGuiAcs knownProvers =<< setSelectedGoals trvGoals listGoals s' signalUnblock shP activate noProver (isJust (selectedProver s) && not (null $ selectedGoals s)) return s hasGoals = not . null $ selectedGoals initState activate noGoal hasGoals activate noAxiom (not . null $ includedAxioms initState) activate noTheory hasGoals -- setup goal list shG <- setListSelectorMultiple trvGoals btnGoalsAll btnGoalsNone btnGoalsInvert $ modifyMVar_ state update onClicked btnGoalsSelectOpen $ do signalBlock shG sel <- treeViewGetSelection trvGoals treeSelectionSelectAll sel rs <- treeSelectionGetSelectedRows sel mapM_ ( \ ~p@(row : []) -> do g <- listStoreGetValue listGoals row (if gStatus g `elem` [GOpen, GTimeout] then treeSelectionSelectPath else treeSelectionUnselectPath) sel p) rs signalUnblock shG modifyMVar_ state update -- button bindings onClicked btnClose $ widgetDestroy window onClicked btnShowTheory $ displayTheoryWithWarning "Theory" thName warn th onClicked btnShowSelectedTheory $ readMVar state >>= displayTheoryWithWarning "Selected Theory" thName warn . selectedTheory onClicked btnDisplay $ readMVar state >>= displayGoals onClicked btnProofDetails $ forkIO_ $ readMVar state >>= doShowProofDetails onClicked btnProve $ do modifyMVar_ state update s' <- takeMVar state activate prove False forkIOWithPostProcessing (proveF prGuiAcs s') $ \ (Result ds ms) -> do s <- case ms of Nothing -> errorDialog "Error" (showRelDiags 2 ds) >> return s' Just res -> return res activate prove True signalBlock shG updateGoals trvGoals listGoals s signalUnblock shG putMVar state =<< update s { proverRunning = False , accDiags = accDiags s ++ ds } onDestroy window $ putMVar wait () selectAllRows trvTheorems selectAllRows trvAxioms selectAllRows trvGoals widgetShow window _ <- takeMVar wait s <- takeMVar state return Result { diags = accDiags s , maybeResult = Just $ currentTheory s } -- | Called whenever the button "Display" is clicked. displayGoals :: ProofState -> IO () displayGoals s = case currentTheory s of G_theory lid1 _ (ExtSign sig1 _) _ sens1 _ -> do let thName = theoryName s goalsText = show . Pretty.vsep . map (print_named lid1 . AS_Anno.mapNamed (simplify_sen lid1 sig1)) . toNamedList $ filterMapWithList (selectedGoals s) sens1 textView ("Selected Goals from Theory " ++ thName) goalsText $ Just (thName ++ "-goals.txt") updateComorphism :: TreeView -> ListStore GProver -> ComboBox -> ConnectId ComboBox -> IO () updateComorphism view list cbComorphism sh = do signalBlock sh model <- comboBoxGetModelText cbComorphism listStoreClear model mfinder <- getSelectedSingle view list case mfinder of Just (_, f) -> do mapM_ (comboBoxAppendText cbComorphism) $ expand f comboBoxSetActive cbComorphism $ selected f Nothing -> return () signalUnblock sh expand :: GProver -> [ComboBoxText] expand = toComboBoxText . comorphism setSelectedComorphism :: TreeView -> ListStore GProver -> ComboBox -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedComorphism view list cbComorphism s = do mfinder <- getSelectedSingle view list case mfinder of Just (i, f) -> do sel <- comboBoxGetActive cbComorphism let nf = f { selected = sel } listStoreSetValue list i nf return $ setGProver nf s Nothing -> return s setGProver :: GProver -> ProofState -> ProofState setGProver f s = let pn = pName f c = comorphism f !! selected f in s { selectedProver = Just pn , proversMap = Map.insert pn [c] $ proversMap s} updateSublogic :: Label -> ProofActions -> KnownProvers.KnownProversMap -> ProofState -> IO ProofState updateSublogic lbl prGuiAcs knownProvers s' = do s <- recalculateSublogicF prGuiAcs s' { proversMap = Map.unionWith (++) (proversMap s') knownProvers } labelSetLabel lbl $ show $ sublogicOfTheory s return s updateProver :: TreeView -> ListStore GProver -> ProofState -> IO ProofState updateProver trvProvers listProvers s = do let new = toProvers s old <- listStoreToList listProvers let prvs = map (\ p -> case find ((pName p ==) . pName) old of Nothing -> p Just p' -> let oldC = comorphism p' !! selected p' in p { selected = fromMaybe 0 $ elemIndex oldC $ comorphism p } ) new updateListData listProvers prvs case selectedProver s of Just p -> case findIndex ((p ==) . pName) prvs of Just i -> do sel <- treeViewGetSelection trvProvers treeSelectionSelectPath sel [i] Nothing -> selectFirst trvProvers Nothing -> selectFirst trvProvers return s updateGoals :: TreeView -> ListStore Goal -> ProofState -> IO () updateGoals trvGoals listGoals s = do let ng = toGoals s sel <- getSelectedMultiple trvGoals listGoals updateListData listGoals ng selector <- treeViewGetSelection trvGoals mapM_ (\ (_, Goal { gName = n }) -> treeSelectionSelectPath selector [fromMaybe (error "Goal not found!") $ findIndex ((n ==) . gName) ng] ) sel setSelectedGoals :: TreeView -> ListStore Goal -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedGoals trvGoals listGoals s = do goals <- getSelectedMultiple trvGoals listGoals return s { selectedGoals = map (gName . snd) goals } setSelectedAxioms :: TreeView -> ListStore String -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedAxioms axs listAxs s = do axioms <- getSelectedMultiple axs listAxs return s { includedAxioms = map (stripPrefixAxiom . snd) axioms } setSelectedTheorems :: TreeView -> ListStore String -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedTheorems ths listThs s = do theorems <- getSelectedMultiple ths listThs return s { includedTheorems = map snd theorems } stripPrefixAxiom :: String -> String stripPrefixAxiom a = tryToStripPrefix "(Th) " a | Called whenever a prover is selected from the " Pick Theorem Prover " list . setSelectedProver :: TreeView -> ListStore GProver -> ComboBox -> ConnectId ComboBox -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedProver trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism shC s = do mprover <- getSelectedSingle trvProvers listProvers updateComorphism trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism shC return $ case mprover of Nothing -> s { selectedProver = Nothing } Just (_, gp) -> setGProver gp s wasATheorem :: ProofState -> String -> Bool wasATheorem st i = case currentTheory st of G_theory _ _ _ _ sens _ -> maybe False wasTheorem $ OMap.lookup i sens toGoals :: ProofState -> [Goal] toGoals = sort . map toGtkGoal . getGoals toProvers :: ProofState -> [GProver] toProvers = Map.elems . foldr (\ (p', c) m -> let n = getProverName p' p = Map.findWithDefault (GProver n [] 0) n m in Map.insert n (p { comorphism = c : comorphism p}) m ) Map.empty . comorphismsToProvers
| Displays the consistency checker window ^ record of possible GUI actions ^ theory name ^ warning information ^ theory ^ map of known provers ^ list of suitable comorphisms to provers for sublogic of G_theory get objects buttons at buttom goals view axioms view theorems view status prover set list data setup comorphism combobox setup provers list setup axioms list setup theorems list setup goal list button bindings | Called whenever the button "Display" is clicked.
| Module : ./GUI / GtkProverGUI.hs Description : Gtk GUI for the prover Copyright : ( c ) , Uni Bremen 2008 License : GPLv2 or higher , see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : Stability : provisional Portability : portable This module provides a GUI for the prover . Module : ./GUI/GtkProverGUI.hs Description : Gtk GUI for the prover Copyright : (c) Thiemo Wiedemeyer, Uni Bremen 2008 License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : Stability : provisional Portability : portable This module provides a GUI for the prover. -} module GUI.GtkProverGUI ( showProverGUI ) where import Graphics.UI.Gtk import GUI.GtkUtils import qualified GUI.Glade.ProverGUI as ProverGUI not implemented in Gtk import Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno import qualified Common.Doc as Pretty import Common.Result import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap import Common.ExtSign import Common.GtkGoal import Common.Utils import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Proofs.AbstractState import Logic.Comorphism import Logic.Logic import Logic.Prover import qualified Comorphisms.KnownProvers as KnownProvers import Static.GTheory import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust ) data GProver = GProver { pName :: String , comorphism :: [AnyComorphism] , selected :: Int } ProverGUI -> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)] -> IO (Result G_theory) showProverGUI prGuiAcs thName warn th knownProvers comorphList = do initState <- recalculateSublogicF prGuiAcs (initialState thName th knownProvers) { comorphismsToProvers = comorphList } state <- newMVar initState wait <- newEmptyMVar postGUIAsync $ do builder <- getGTKBuilder ProverGUI.get window <- builderGetObject builder castToWindow "ProverGUI" btnShowTheory <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnShowTheory" btnShowSelectedTheory <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnShowSelected" btnClose <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnClose" trvGoals <- builderGetObject builder castToTreeView "trvGoals" btnGoalsAll <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnGoalsAll" btnGoalsNone <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnGoalsNone" btnGoalsInvert <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnGoalsInvert" btnGoalsSelectOpen <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnGoalsSelectOpen" trvAxioms <- builderGetObject builder castToTreeView "trvAxioms" btnAxiomsAll <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnAxiomsAll" btnAxiomsNone <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnAxiomsNone" btnAxiomsInvert <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnAxiomsInvert" btnAxiomsFormer <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnAxiomsFormer" trvTheorems <- builderGetObject builder castToTreeView "trvTheorems" btnTheoremsAll <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnTheoremsAll" btnTheoremsNone <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnTheoremsNone" btnTheoremsInvert <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnTheoremsInvert" btnDisplay <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnDisplay" btnProofDetails <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnProofDetails" btnProve <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "btnProve" cbComorphism <- builderGetObject builder castToComboBox "cbComorphism" lblSublogic <- builderGetObject builder castToLabel "lblSublogic" trvProvers <- builderGetObject builder castToTreeView "trvProvers" windowSetTitle window $ "Prove: " ++ thName listProvers <- setListData trvProvers pName [] listGoals <- setListData trvGoals showGoal $ toGoals initState listAxioms <- setListData trvAxioms id $ toAxioms initState listTheorems <- setListData trvTheorems id $ selectedGoals initState comboBoxSetModelText cbComorphism shC <- after cbComorphism changed $ modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedComorphism trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism shP <- setListSelectorSingle trvProvers $ modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedProver trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism shC shA <- setListSelectorMultiple trvAxioms btnAxiomsAll btnAxiomsNone btnAxiomsInvert $ modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedAxioms trvAxioms listAxioms onClicked btnAxiomsFormer $ do signalBlock shA sel <- treeViewGetSelection trvAxioms treeSelectionSelectAll sel rs <- treeSelectionGetSelectedRows sel mapM_ ( \ ~p@(row : []) -> do i <- listStoreGetValue listAxioms row (if wasATheorem initState (stripPrefixAxiom i) then treeSelectionUnselectPath else treeSelectionSelectPath) sel p) rs signalUnblock shA modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedAxioms trvAxioms listAxioms setListSelectorMultiple trvTheorems btnTheoremsAll btnTheoremsNone btnTheoremsInvert $ modifyMVar_ state $ setSelectedTheorems trvTheorems listTheorems let noProver = [ toWidget btnProve , toWidget cbComorphism , toWidget lblSublogic ] noAxiom = [ toWidget btnAxiomsAll , toWidget btnAxiomsNone , toWidget btnAxiomsInvert , toWidget btnAxiomsFormer ] noTheory = [ toWidget btnTheoremsAll , toWidget btnTheoremsNone , toWidget btnTheoremsInvert ] noGoal = [ toWidget btnGoalsAll , toWidget btnGoalsNone , toWidget btnGoalsInvert , toWidget btnGoalsSelectOpen ] prove = [toWidget window] update s' = do signalBlock shP s <- setSelectedProver trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism shC =<< updateProver trvProvers listProvers =<< updateSublogic lblSublogic prGuiAcs knownProvers =<< setSelectedGoals trvGoals listGoals s' signalUnblock shP activate noProver (isJust (selectedProver s) && not (null $ selectedGoals s)) return s hasGoals = not . null $ selectedGoals initState activate noGoal hasGoals activate noAxiom (not . null $ includedAxioms initState) activate noTheory hasGoals shG <- setListSelectorMultiple trvGoals btnGoalsAll btnGoalsNone btnGoalsInvert $ modifyMVar_ state update onClicked btnGoalsSelectOpen $ do signalBlock shG sel <- treeViewGetSelection trvGoals treeSelectionSelectAll sel rs <- treeSelectionGetSelectedRows sel mapM_ ( \ ~p@(row : []) -> do g <- listStoreGetValue listGoals row (if gStatus g `elem` [GOpen, GTimeout] then treeSelectionSelectPath else treeSelectionUnselectPath) sel p) rs signalUnblock shG modifyMVar_ state update onClicked btnClose $ widgetDestroy window onClicked btnShowTheory $ displayTheoryWithWarning "Theory" thName warn th onClicked btnShowSelectedTheory $ readMVar state >>= displayTheoryWithWarning "Selected Theory" thName warn . selectedTheory onClicked btnDisplay $ readMVar state >>= displayGoals onClicked btnProofDetails $ forkIO_ $ readMVar state >>= doShowProofDetails onClicked btnProve $ do modifyMVar_ state update s' <- takeMVar state activate prove False forkIOWithPostProcessing (proveF prGuiAcs s') $ \ (Result ds ms) -> do s <- case ms of Nothing -> errorDialog "Error" (showRelDiags 2 ds) >> return s' Just res -> return res activate prove True signalBlock shG updateGoals trvGoals listGoals s signalUnblock shG putMVar state =<< update s { proverRunning = False , accDiags = accDiags s ++ ds } onDestroy window $ putMVar wait () selectAllRows trvTheorems selectAllRows trvAxioms selectAllRows trvGoals widgetShow window _ <- takeMVar wait s <- takeMVar state return Result { diags = accDiags s , maybeResult = Just $ currentTheory s } displayGoals :: ProofState -> IO () displayGoals s = case currentTheory s of G_theory lid1 _ (ExtSign sig1 _) _ sens1 _ -> do let thName = theoryName s goalsText = show . Pretty.vsep . map (print_named lid1 . AS_Anno.mapNamed (simplify_sen lid1 sig1)) . toNamedList $ filterMapWithList (selectedGoals s) sens1 textView ("Selected Goals from Theory " ++ thName) goalsText $ Just (thName ++ "-goals.txt") updateComorphism :: TreeView -> ListStore GProver -> ComboBox -> ConnectId ComboBox -> IO () updateComorphism view list cbComorphism sh = do signalBlock sh model <- comboBoxGetModelText cbComorphism listStoreClear model mfinder <- getSelectedSingle view list case mfinder of Just (_, f) -> do mapM_ (comboBoxAppendText cbComorphism) $ expand f comboBoxSetActive cbComorphism $ selected f Nothing -> return () signalUnblock sh expand :: GProver -> [ComboBoxText] expand = toComboBoxText . comorphism setSelectedComorphism :: TreeView -> ListStore GProver -> ComboBox -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedComorphism view list cbComorphism s = do mfinder <- getSelectedSingle view list case mfinder of Just (i, f) -> do sel <- comboBoxGetActive cbComorphism let nf = f { selected = sel } listStoreSetValue list i nf return $ setGProver nf s Nothing -> return s setGProver :: GProver -> ProofState -> ProofState setGProver f s = let pn = pName f c = comorphism f !! selected f in s { selectedProver = Just pn , proversMap = Map.insert pn [c] $ proversMap s} updateSublogic :: Label -> ProofActions -> KnownProvers.KnownProversMap -> ProofState -> IO ProofState updateSublogic lbl prGuiAcs knownProvers s' = do s <- recalculateSublogicF prGuiAcs s' { proversMap = Map.unionWith (++) (proversMap s') knownProvers } labelSetLabel lbl $ show $ sublogicOfTheory s return s updateProver :: TreeView -> ListStore GProver -> ProofState -> IO ProofState updateProver trvProvers listProvers s = do let new = toProvers s old <- listStoreToList listProvers let prvs = map (\ p -> case find ((pName p ==) . pName) old of Nothing -> p Just p' -> let oldC = comorphism p' !! selected p' in p { selected = fromMaybe 0 $ elemIndex oldC $ comorphism p } ) new updateListData listProvers prvs case selectedProver s of Just p -> case findIndex ((p ==) . pName) prvs of Just i -> do sel <- treeViewGetSelection trvProvers treeSelectionSelectPath sel [i] Nothing -> selectFirst trvProvers Nothing -> selectFirst trvProvers return s updateGoals :: TreeView -> ListStore Goal -> ProofState -> IO () updateGoals trvGoals listGoals s = do let ng = toGoals s sel <- getSelectedMultiple trvGoals listGoals updateListData listGoals ng selector <- treeViewGetSelection trvGoals mapM_ (\ (_, Goal { gName = n }) -> treeSelectionSelectPath selector [fromMaybe (error "Goal not found!") $ findIndex ((n ==) . gName) ng] ) sel setSelectedGoals :: TreeView -> ListStore Goal -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedGoals trvGoals listGoals s = do goals <- getSelectedMultiple trvGoals listGoals return s { selectedGoals = map (gName . snd) goals } setSelectedAxioms :: TreeView -> ListStore String -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedAxioms axs listAxs s = do axioms <- getSelectedMultiple axs listAxs return s { includedAxioms = map (stripPrefixAxiom . snd) axioms } setSelectedTheorems :: TreeView -> ListStore String -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedTheorems ths listThs s = do theorems <- getSelectedMultiple ths listThs return s { includedTheorems = map snd theorems } stripPrefixAxiom :: String -> String stripPrefixAxiom a = tryToStripPrefix "(Th) " a | Called whenever a prover is selected from the " Pick Theorem Prover " list . setSelectedProver :: TreeView -> ListStore GProver -> ComboBox -> ConnectId ComboBox -> ProofState -> IO ProofState setSelectedProver trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism shC s = do mprover <- getSelectedSingle trvProvers listProvers updateComorphism trvProvers listProvers cbComorphism shC return $ case mprover of Nothing -> s { selectedProver = Nothing } Just (_, gp) -> setGProver gp s wasATheorem :: ProofState -> String -> Bool wasATheorem st i = case currentTheory st of G_theory _ _ _ _ sens _ -> maybe False wasTheorem $ OMap.lookup i sens toGoals :: ProofState -> [Goal] toGoals = sort . map toGtkGoal . getGoals toProvers :: ProofState -> [GProver] toProvers = Map.elems . foldr (\ (p', c) m -> let n = getProverName p' p = Map.findWithDefault (GProver n [] 0) n m in Map.insert n (p { comorphism = c : comorphism p}) m ) Map.empty . comorphismsToProvers
open Async open Core open Error_handler type city = { name : string } [@@deriving of_jsonaf] [@@jsonaf.allow_extra_fields] type data = { city : city ; dominentpol : string ; aqi : int } [@@deriving of_jsonaf] [@@jsonaf.allow_extra_fields] type response = { status : string ; data : data } [@@deriving of_jsonaf] [@@jsonaf.allow_extra_fields] let api_token = lazy (Sys.getenv_exn "AQI_TOKEN") let uri path = let token = Lazy.force api_token in Uri.make ~scheme:"https" ~host:"api.waqi.info" ~path ~query:[ "token", [ token ] ] () ;; let string_of_aqi = function | x when x <= 50 -> "Good" | x when x <= 100 -> "Moderate" | x when x <= 150 -> "Unhealthy-ish" | x when x <= 200 -> "*Unhealthy*" | x when x <= 300 -> "*Very Unhealthy*" | _ -> "*Hazardous, RUN*" ;; let description_of_concern = function | "p2" -> "pm2.5" | "p1" -> "pm10" | "o3" -> "Ozone, O3" | "n2" -> "Nitrogen dioxide, NO2" | "s2" -> "Sulfur dioxide, SO2" | "co" -> "Carbon monoxide, CO" | x -> x ;; let handle_success chat_id body = let result = Result.try_with (fun () -> body |> Jsonaf.of_string |> response_of_jsonaf) in match result with | Ok { status = _; data } -> let main = data.dominentpol in let aqi = data.aqi in let text = sprintf "Air quality in %s\nAQI: *%d*, *%s*\nMain pollutant: *%s*" data.city.name aqi (string_of_aqi aqi) (description_of_concern main) in Telegram.send_message_don't_wait ~chat_id ~text () | Error err -> handle_module_error chat_id (`Exn err) ;; let get_air_quality ~chat_id ~city = Http.request `GET (uri ("/feed/" ^ Uri.pct_encode ~component:`Path city)) () >>=? (fun (_, body) -> Http.string_of_body body >>| Result.return) >>> function | Ok body -> handle_success chat_id body | Error err -> handle_module_error chat_id err ;; (* Bot module *) let register () = () let help () = "*Air quality*\n`aq [city] [state] [country]`" let on_update update = match Telegram.parse_update update with | `Command ("aq", [ city ], chat_id, _) -> get_air_quality ~chat_id ~city; true | _ -> false ;;
Bot module
open Async open Core open Error_handler type city = { name : string } [@@deriving of_jsonaf] [@@jsonaf.allow_extra_fields] type data = { city : city ; dominentpol : string ; aqi : int } [@@deriving of_jsonaf] [@@jsonaf.allow_extra_fields] type response = { status : string ; data : data } [@@deriving of_jsonaf] [@@jsonaf.allow_extra_fields] let api_token = lazy (Sys.getenv_exn "AQI_TOKEN") let uri path = let token = Lazy.force api_token in Uri.make ~scheme:"https" ~host:"api.waqi.info" ~path ~query:[ "token", [ token ] ] () ;; let string_of_aqi = function | x when x <= 50 -> "Good" | x when x <= 100 -> "Moderate" | x when x <= 150 -> "Unhealthy-ish" | x when x <= 200 -> "*Unhealthy*" | x when x <= 300 -> "*Very Unhealthy*" | _ -> "*Hazardous, RUN*" ;; let description_of_concern = function | "p2" -> "pm2.5" | "p1" -> "pm10" | "o3" -> "Ozone, O3" | "n2" -> "Nitrogen dioxide, NO2" | "s2" -> "Sulfur dioxide, SO2" | "co" -> "Carbon monoxide, CO" | x -> x ;; let handle_success chat_id body = let result = Result.try_with (fun () -> body |> Jsonaf.of_string |> response_of_jsonaf) in match result with | Ok { status = _; data } -> let main = data.dominentpol in let aqi = data.aqi in let text = sprintf "Air quality in %s\nAQI: *%d*, *%s*\nMain pollutant: *%s*" data.city.name aqi (string_of_aqi aqi) (description_of_concern main) in Telegram.send_message_don't_wait ~chat_id ~text () | Error err -> handle_module_error chat_id (`Exn err) ;; let get_air_quality ~chat_id ~city = Http.request `GET (uri ("/feed/" ^ Uri.pct_encode ~component:`Path city)) () >>=? (fun (_, body) -> Http.string_of_body body >>| Result.return) >>> function | Ok body -> handle_success chat_id body | Error err -> handle_module_error chat_id err ;; let register () = () let help () = "*Air quality*\n`aq [city] [state] [country]`" let on_update update = match Telegram.parse_update update with | `Command ("aq", [ city ], chat_id, _) -> get_air_quality ~chat_id ~city; true | _ -> false ;;
(**************************************************************************) (* *) Copyright ( c ) 2021 OCamlPro SAS (* *) (* All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General *) Public License version 2.1 , with the special exception on linking (* described in the LICENSE.md file in the root directory. *) (* *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Ezcmd.V2 open EZCMD.TYPES open Types let action ~switch ~url ~image ~force ?(toolchain="") () = match switch with | None -> Error.raise "You must specify the name of the switch to create" | Some net_name -> let config = Config.config () in if List.exists (fun net -> net.net_name = net_name ) config.networks then Error.raise "Network %S already exists" net_name ; let add_network ?(net_keys=[]) ?(net_deployer="deployer") node = let net = { net_name ; net_nodes = [ node ] ; current_node = node.node_name ; current_account = None ; net_keys ; net_deployer ; net_toolchain = toolchain; } in config.networks <- config.networks @ [ net ]; config.current_network <- net_name ; config.modified <- true in match url, EzString.chop_prefix ~prefix:"sandbox" net_name with | Some node_url, None -> add_network { node_name = "node" ; node_url ; node_local = None ; } | Some _node_url, Some _ -> Error.raise "sandbox network %S URL cannot be specified" net_name | None, None -> List.iter (fun net -> if net_name = net.net_name then begin config.networks <- config.networks @ [ net ] ; config.current_network <- net_name ; config.modified <- true ; end ) Config.known_networks ; if not config.modified then Error.raise "New network %S must either be sandboxed 'sandboxN', remote (--url) or known (%s)" net_name (String.concat ", " ( List.map (fun net -> net.net_name ) Config.known_networks )) | None, Some n -> let n = int_of_string n in let local_port = 7080+n in let node_local = { local_port } in let container = CommandNodeStart.container_of_node node_local in let docker_start () = Misc.call [ "docker"; "create"; "--name"; container ; "-e" ; "USER_AGREEMENT=yes" ; Printf.sprintf "-p%d:80" local_port ; image ]; in begin try docker_start () with exn -> if force then begin Misc.call [ "docker" ; "rm" ; container ]; docker_start () end else raise exn end; add_network ~net_keys:Config.sandbox_keys ~net_deployer:"user1" { node_name = "node" ; node_url = Printf.sprintf ":%d" local_port ; node_local = Some node_local; } let cmd = let switch = ref None in let url = ref None in let toolchain = ref None in let image = ref "tonlabs/local-node" in let force = ref false in EZCMD.sub "switch create" (fun () -> action ~switch:!switch ~url:!url ~image:!image ?toolchain:!toolchain ~force:!force () ) ~args: ( [ [], Arg.Anon (0, fun s -> switch := Some s), EZCMD.info ~docv:"NETWORK" "Name of network switch to create" ; [ "url" ], Arg.String ( fun s -> url := Some s ), EZCMD.info ~docv:"URL" "URL of the default node in this network" ; [ "image" ], Arg.String ( fun s -> image := s ), EZCMD.info ~docv:"DOCKER" "Docker image to use for sandboxes" ; [ "force" ], Arg.Set force, EZCMD.info "Force switch creation, killing docker container if needed" ; [ "toolchain" ], Arg.String ( fun s -> toolchain := Some s ), EZCMD.info ~docv:"TOOLCHAIN" "Toolchain to use" ; ] ) ~doc: "Create a new switch for an existing network, or create a sandbox local network" ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION"; `Blocks [ `P "This command is used to create new switches, either for \ existing remote networks (mainnet, testnet, etc.) by \ providing their URL with --url, or to create new local \ networks running TONOS SE (such switches must be called \ 'sandboxNN' where NN is a number). Each switch includes \ its own set of accounts and nodes."; `P "When a new switch is created, it immediately becomes the \ current switch." ]; `S "EXAMPLES"; `Blocks [ `P "Display current network and other existing networks:"; `Pre {|$ ft switch list|}; `P "Change current network to an existing network NETWORK:"; `Pre {|$ ft switch to NETWORK|}; `P "Create a new network with name NETWORK and url URL, and switch to that network:"; `Pre {|$ ft switch create NETWORK --url URL|}; `P "Removing a created network:"; `Pre {|$ ft switch remove NETWORK|}; ]; `S "SANDBOXING"; `Blocks [ `P "As a specific feature, ft can create networks based on TONOS SE to run on the local computer. Such networks are automatically created by naming the network 'sandboxN` where N is a number. The corresponding node will run on port 7080+N."; `P "Example of session (create network, start node, give user1 1000 TONs):"; `Pre {|$ ft switch create sandbox1|}; `Pre {|$ ft node start|}; `Pre {|$ ft node give user1 --amount 1000|}; `P "When a local network is created, it is initialized with:"; `I ("1.", "An account 'giver' corresponding to the Giver contract holding 5 billion TONS"); `I ("2.", "A set of 10 accounts 'user0' to 'user9'. These accounts always have the same secret keys, so it is possible to define test scripts that will work on different instances of local networks."); `P "The 10 accounts are not deployed, but it is possible to use 'ft node give ACCOUNT' to automatically deploy the account." ]; ]
************************************************************************ All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General described in the LICENSE.md file in the root directory. ************************************************************************
Copyright ( c ) 2021 OCamlPro SAS Public License version 2.1 , with the special exception on linking open Ezcmd.V2 open EZCMD.TYPES open Types let action ~switch ~url ~image ~force ?(toolchain="") () = match switch with | None -> Error.raise "You must specify the name of the switch to create" | Some net_name -> let config = Config.config () in if List.exists (fun net -> net.net_name = net_name ) config.networks then Error.raise "Network %S already exists" net_name ; let add_network ?(net_keys=[]) ?(net_deployer="deployer") node = let net = { net_name ; net_nodes = [ node ] ; current_node = node.node_name ; current_account = None ; net_keys ; net_deployer ; net_toolchain = toolchain; } in config.networks <- config.networks @ [ net ]; config.current_network <- net_name ; config.modified <- true in match url, EzString.chop_prefix ~prefix:"sandbox" net_name with | Some node_url, None -> add_network { node_name = "node" ; node_url ; node_local = None ; } | Some _node_url, Some _ -> Error.raise "sandbox network %S URL cannot be specified" net_name | None, None -> List.iter (fun net -> if net_name = net.net_name then begin config.networks <- config.networks @ [ net ] ; config.current_network <- net_name ; config.modified <- true ; end ) Config.known_networks ; if not config.modified then Error.raise "New network %S must either be sandboxed 'sandboxN', remote (--url) or known (%s)" net_name (String.concat ", " ( List.map (fun net -> net.net_name ) Config.known_networks )) | None, Some n -> let n = int_of_string n in let local_port = 7080+n in let node_local = { local_port } in let container = CommandNodeStart.container_of_node node_local in let docker_start () = Misc.call [ "docker"; "create"; "--name"; container ; "-e" ; "USER_AGREEMENT=yes" ; Printf.sprintf "-p%d:80" local_port ; image ]; in begin try docker_start () with exn -> if force then begin Misc.call [ "docker" ; "rm" ; container ]; docker_start () end else raise exn end; add_network ~net_keys:Config.sandbox_keys ~net_deployer:"user1" { node_name = "node" ; node_url = Printf.sprintf ":%d" local_port ; node_local = Some node_local; } let cmd = let switch = ref None in let url = ref None in let toolchain = ref None in let image = ref "tonlabs/local-node" in let force = ref false in EZCMD.sub "switch create" (fun () -> action ~switch:!switch ~url:!url ~image:!image ?toolchain:!toolchain ~force:!force () ) ~args: ( [ [], Arg.Anon (0, fun s -> switch := Some s), EZCMD.info ~docv:"NETWORK" "Name of network switch to create" ; [ "url" ], Arg.String ( fun s -> url := Some s ), EZCMD.info ~docv:"URL" "URL of the default node in this network" ; [ "image" ], Arg.String ( fun s -> image := s ), EZCMD.info ~docv:"DOCKER" "Docker image to use for sandboxes" ; [ "force" ], Arg.Set force, EZCMD.info "Force switch creation, killing docker container if needed" ; [ "toolchain" ], Arg.String ( fun s -> toolchain := Some s ), EZCMD.info ~docv:"TOOLCHAIN" "Toolchain to use" ; ] ) ~doc: "Create a new switch for an existing network, or create a sandbox local network" ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION"; `Blocks [ `P "This command is used to create new switches, either for \ existing remote networks (mainnet, testnet, etc.) by \ providing their URL with --url, or to create new local \ networks running TONOS SE (such switches must be called \ 'sandboxNN' where NN is a number). Each switch includes \ its own set of accounts and nodes."; `P "When a new switch is created, it immediately becomes the \ current switch." ]; `S "EXAMPLES"; `Blocks [ `P "Display current network and other existing networks:"; `Pre {|$ ft switch list|}; `P "Change current network to an existing network NETWORK:"; `Pre {|$ ft switch to NETWORK|}; `P "Create a new network with name NETWORK and url URL, and switch to that network:"; `Pre {|$ ft switch create NETWORK --url URL|}; `P "Removing a created network:"; `Pre {|$ ft switch remove NETWORK|}; ]; `S "SANDBOXING"; `Blocks [ `P "As a specific feature, ft can create networks based on TONOS SE to run on the local computer. Such networks are automatically created by naming the network 'sandboxN` where N is a number. The corresponding node will run on port 7080+N."; `P "Example of session (create network, start node, give user1 1000 TONs):"; `Pre {|$ ft switch create sandbox1|}; `Pre {|$ ft node start|}; `Pre {|$ ft node give user1 --amount 1000|}; `P "When a local network is created, it is initialized with:"; `I ("1.", "An account 'giver' corresponding to the Giver contract holding 5 billion TONS"); `I ("2.", "A set of 10 accounts 'user0' to 'user9'. These accounts always have the same secret keys, so it is possible to define test scripts that will work on different instances of local networks."); `P "The 10 accounts are not deployed, but it is possible to use 'ft node give ACCOUNT' to automatically deploy the account." ]; ]
(MAKE-LAYOUT :NAME "rnst02" :MATRIX (APPLY #'KEY-MATRIX '("xblmvgpuo," "rnstdyceai" "zhjkqwf;'.")) :SHIFT-MATRIX NIL :KEYBOARD NIL)
(MAKE-LAYOUT :NAME "rnst02" :MATRIX (APPLY #'KEY-MATRIX '("xblmvgpuo," "rnstdyceai" "zhjkqwf;'.")) :SHIFT-MATRIX NIL :KEYBOARD NIL)
#lang racket/base (provide current-dssl-test-points setup-rte) (require (only-in racket/port relocate-input-port) "parser.rkt" "printer.rkt") (define current-dssl-test-points (make-parameter #t)) (define (setup-rte) (global-port-print-handler (λ (value port) (dssl-print value port))) (current-read-interaction (λ (src in) (let loop () (define-values (line column position) (port-next-location in)) (define the-line (read-line in)) (cond [(eof-object? the-line) the-line] [(regexp-match #rx"^ *$" the-line) (loop)] [else (define line-port (open-input-string the-line)) (port-count-lines! line-port) (define relocated (relocate-input-port line-port line column position #true #:name src)) (parse-dssl2 src relocated #t)])))))
#lang racket/base (provide current-dssl-test-points setup-rte) (require (only-in racket/port relocate-input-port) "parser.rkt" "printer.rkt") (define current-dssl-test-points (make-parameter #t)) (define (setup-rte) (global-port-print-handler (λ (value port) (dssl-print value port))) (current-read-interaction (λ (src in) (let loop () (define-values (line column position) (port-next-location in)) (define the-line (read-line in)) (cond [(eof-object? the-line) the-line] [(regexp-match #rx"^ *$" the-line) (loop)] [else (define line-port (open-input-string the-line)) (port-count-lines! line-port) (define relocated (relocate-input-port line-port line column position #true #:name src)) (parse-dssl2 src relocated #t)])))))
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase # {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Docker.Image Copyright : ( C ) 2016 Awake Networks -- License : Apache-2.0 Maintainer : Awake Networks < > -- Stability : stable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Tests.Data.Docker.Image where import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C8L import Data.Docker.Image.Types import Data.HashMap.Strict as H import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Hocker.Lib ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- unitTests = testGroup "V1.2 Image Tests" [ testCase "ImageManifest golden encoding" testImageManifestGoldenEncoding , testCase "ImageManifest two-way encoding" testImageManifestTwoWayEncoding , testCase "ImageRepositories golden encoding" testImageRepositoriesGoldenEncoding , testCase "ImageRepositories two-way encoding" testImageRepositoriesTwoWayEncoding ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TESTS testImageManifestGoldenEncoding = let goldenStr = "[{\"Config\":\"3e83c23dba6a16cd936a3dc044df71b26706c5a4c28181bc3ca4a4af9f5f38ee.json\",\"Layers\":[\"10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9/layer.tar\"],\"RepoTags\":[\"library/debian:jessie\"]}]" imgManifest = [ImageManifest "3e83c23dba6a16cd936a3dc044df71b26706c5a4c28181bc3ca4a4af9f5f38ee.json" [ "library/debian:jessie" ] [ "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9/layer.tar" ] ] in (Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical imgManifest) @?= (C8L.pack goldenStr) testImageManifestTwoWayEncoding = let imgManifest = [ImageManifest "3e83c23dba6a16cd936a3dc044df71b26706c5a4c28181bc3ca4a4af9f5f38ee.json" [ "library/debian:jessie" ] [ "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9/layer.tar" ] ] encoded = Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical imgManifest in decode encoded @?= (Just imgManifest) testImageRepositoriesGoldenEncoding = let goldenStr = "{\"library/debian\":{\"jessie\":\"10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9\"}}" imgRepos = ImageRepositories [ImageRepo "library/debian" (H.singleton "jessie" "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9")] in (Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical imgRepos) @?= (C8L.pack goldenStr) testImageRepositoriesTwoWayEncoding = let imgRepos = ImageRepositories [ImageRepo "library/debian" (H.singleton "jessie" "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9")] encoded = Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical imgRepos in decode encoded @?= (Just imgRepos)
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module : Data.Docker.Image License : Apache-2.0 Stability : stable -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESTS
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # Copyright : ( C ) 2016 Awake Networks Maintainer : Awake Networks < > module Tests.Data.Docker.Image where import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C8L import Data.Docker.Image.Types import Data.HashMap.Strict as H import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Hocker.Lib unitTests = testGroup "V1.2 Image Tests" [ testCase "ImageManifest golden encoding" testImageManifestGoldenEncoding , testCase "ImageManifest two-way encoding" testImageManifestTwoWayEncoding , testCase "ImageRepositories golden encoding" testImageRepositoriesGoldenEncoding , testCase "ImageRepositories two-way encoding" testImageRepositoriesTwoWayEncoding ] testImageManifestGoldenEncoding = let goldenStr = "[{\"Config\":\"3e83c23dba6a16cd936a3dc044df71b26706c5a4c28181bc3ca4a4af9f5f38ee.json\",\"Layers\":[\"10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9/layer.tar\"],\"RepoTags\":[\"library/debian:jessie\"]}]" imgManifest = [ImageManifest "3e83c23dba6a16cd936a3dc044df71b26706c5a4c28181bc3ca4a4af9f5f38ee.json" [ "library/debian:jessie" ] [ "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9/layer.tar" ] ] in (Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical imgManifest) @?= (C8L.pack goldenStr) testImageManifestTwoWayEncoding = let imgManifest = [ImageManifest "3e83c23dba6a16cd936a3dc044df71b26706c5a4c28181bc3ca4a4af9f5f38ee.json" [ "library/debian:jessie" ] [ "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9/layer.tar" ] ] encoded = Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical imgManifest in decode encoded @?= (Just imgManifest) testImageRepositoriesGoldenEncoding = let goldenStr = "{\"library/debian\":{\"jessie\":\"10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9\"}}" imgRepos = ImageRepositories [ImageRepo "library/debian" (H.singleton "jessie" "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9")] in (Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical imgRepos) @?= (C8L.pack goldenStr) testImageRepositoriesTwoWayEncoding = let imgRepos = ImageRepositories [ImageRepo "library/debian" (H.singleton "jessie" "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9")] encoded = Hocker.Lib.encodeCanonical imgRepos in decode encoded @?= (Just imgRepos)
(**************************************************************************) (* *) This file is part of WP plug - in of Frama - C. (* *) Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2019 CEA ( Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies (* alternatives) *) (* *) (* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *) Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.1 . (* *) (* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *) (* *) See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) . (* *) (**************************************************************************) let dkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "strategy" (* debugging key *) let debug fmt = Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey fmt open Cil_types open LogicUsage (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (** An annotation can be used for different purpose. *) type annot_kind = annotation is an hypothesis , but not a goal ( see ) : A = > ... but not a goal (see Aboth) : A => ...*) annotation is a goal , but not an hypothesis ( see ): A /\ ... but not an hypothesis (see Aboth): A /\ ...*) | Aboth of bool (* annotation can be used as both hypothesis and goal : - with true : considered as both : A /\ A=>.. - with false : we just want to use it as hyp right now. *) | AcutB of bool (* annotation is use as a cut : - with true (A is also a goal) -> A (+ proof obligation A => ...) - with false (A is an hyp only) -> True (+ proof obligation A => ...) *) | AcallHyp of kernel_function (* annotation is a called function property to consider as an Hyp. * The pre are not here but in AcallPre since they can also * be considered as goals. *) | AcallPre of bool * kernel_function (* annotation is a called function precondition : to be considered as hyp, and goal if bool=true *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) --- Annotations for one program point . --- (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module ForCall = Kernel_function.Map * Some elements can be used as both and Goal : because of the selection * mechanism , we need to add a boolean [ as_goal ] to tell if the element is to be * considered as a goal . If [ false ] , the element can still be used as hypothesis . * mechanism, we need to add a boolean [as_goal] to tell if the element is to be * considered as a goal. If [false], the element can still be used as hypothesis. *) type annots = { p_hyp : WpPropId.pred_info list; p_goal : WpPropId.pred_info list; p_both : (bool * WpPropId.pred_info) list; p_cut : (bool * WpPropId.pred_info) list; call_hyp : WpPropId.pred_info list ForCall.t; (* post and pre *) call_pre : (bool * WpPropId.pred_info) list ForCall.t; (* goal only *) call_asgn : WpPropId.assigns_full_info ForCall.t; a_goal : WpPropId.assigns_full_info; a_hyp : WpPropId.assigns_full_info; a_call : WpPropId.assigns_full_info; (* dynamic calls *) } type t_annots = { has_asgn_goal : bool; has_prop_goal : bool; info: annots } (* --- Add annotations --- *) let empty_acc = let a = { p_hyp = []; p_goal = []; p_both = []; p_cut = []; call_hyp = ForCall.empty; call_pre = ForCall.empty; call_asgn = ForCall.empty; a_goal = WpPropId.empty_assigns_info; a_hyp = WpPropId.empty_assigns_info; a_call = WpPropId.empty_assigns_info; } in { has_asgn_goal = false; has_prop_goal = false; info = a; } let normalize id ?assumes labels p = try let p = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot labels p in match assumes with | None -> Some p | Some a -> let a = Logic_const.pat(a,Logic_const.pre_label) in let a = NormAtLabels.(preproc_annot labels_fct_pre a) in Some(Logic_const.pimplies(a,p)) with e -> let pid = WpPropId.get_propid id in NormAtLabels.catch_label_error e pid "annotation" ; None let add_prop acc kind id p = let get_p = match p with None -> None | Some p -> Some(WpPropId.mk_pred_info id p) in let add_hyp l = match get_p with None -> l | Some p -> p::l in let add_goal l = match get_p with None -> l | Some p -> p::l in let add_both goal l = match get_p with | None -> l | Some p -> (goal, p)::l in let add_hyp_call fct calls = let l = try ForCall.find fct calls with Not_found -> [] in ForCall.add fct (add_hyp l) calls in let add_both_call fct goal calls = let l = try ForCall.find fct calls with Not_found -> [] in ForCall.add fct (add_both goal l) calls in let info = acc.info in let goal, info = match kind with | Ahyp -> false, { info with p_hyp = add_hyp info.p_hyp } | Agoal -> true, { info with p_goal = add_goal info.p_goal } | Aboth goal -> goal, { info with p_both = add_both goal info.p_both } | AcutB goal -> goal, { info with p_cut = add_both goal info.p_cut } | AcallHyp fct -> false, { info with call_hyp = add_hyp_call fct info.call_hyp } | AcallPre (goal,fct) -> goal, { info with call_pre = add_both_call fct goal info.call_pre } in let acc = { acc with info = info } in if goal then { acc with has_prop_goal = true} else acc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* adding some specific properties. *) let add_prop_fct_pre_bhv acc kind kf bhv = let norm_pred pred = let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred pred in Logic_const.(pat (p,pre_label)) in let requires = Logic_const.pands (List.map norm_pred bhv.b_requires) in let assumes = Logic_const.pands (List.map norm_pred bhv.b_assumes) in let precond = Logic_const.pimplies (assumes, requires) in let precond_id = Logic_const.new_predicate precond in let id = WpPropId.mk_pre_id kf Kglobal bhv precond_id in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_pre in let p = normalize id labels precond in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_fct_pre acc kind kf bhv ~assumes pre = let id = WpPropId.mk_pre_id kf Kglobal bhv pre in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_pre in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred pre in let p = Logic_const.(pat (p,pre_label)) in let p = normalize id ?assumes labels p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_fct_post acc kind kf bhv tkind post = let id = WpPropId.mk_fct_post_id kf bhv (tkind, post) in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_post in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred post in let p = normalize id labels p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_fct_bhv_pre acc kind kf bhv ~impl_assumes = let assumes = if impl_assumes then Some (Ast_info.behavior_assumes bhv) else None in let add acc p = add_prop_fct_pre acc kind kf bhv ~assumes p in let acc = List.fold_left add acc bhv.b_requires in if impl_assumes then acc else List.fold_left add acc bhv.b_assumes let add_prop_stmt_pre acc kind kf s bhv ~assumes pre = let id = WpPropId.mk_pre_id kf (Kstmt s) bhv pre in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_pre ~kf s in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred pre in let p = normalize id labels ?assumes p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_stmt_bhv_requires acc kind kf s bhv ~with_assumes = let assumes = if with_assumes then Some (Ast_info.behavior_assumes bhv) else None in let add acc pre = add_prop_stmt_pre acc kind kf s bhv ~assumes pre in List.fold_left add acc bhv.b_requires * Process the stmt spec precondition as an hypothesis for external properties . * Add [ assumes = > requires ] for all the behaviors . * Add [assumes => requires] for all the behaviors. *) let add_prop_stmt_spec_pre acc kind kf s spec = let add_bhv_pre acc bhv = add_prop_stmt_bhv_requires acc kind kf s bhv ~with_assumes:true in List.fold_left add_bhv_pre acc spec.spec_behavior let add_prop_stmt_post acc kind kf s bhv tkind l_post ~assumes post = let id = WpPropId.mk_stmt_post_id kf s bhv (tkind, post) in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_post ~kf s l_post in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred post in let p = normalize id labels ?assumes p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_call_pre acc kind id ~assumes pre = let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_pre in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred pre in (* assumes can be normalized in the same time *) let p = Logic_const.pimplies (assumes, p) in let p = normalize id labels p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_call_post acc kind called_kf bhv tkind ~assumes post = let id = WpPropId.mk_fct_post_id called_kf bhv (tkind, post) in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_post in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred post in let p = normalize id labels ~assumes p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_assert acc kind kf s ca p = let id = WpPropId.mk_assert_id kf s ca in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_assert_before ~kf s in let p = normalize id labels p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_loop_inv acc kind s ~established id p = let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_loop_inv ~established s in let p = normalize id labels p in add_prop acc kind id p (** apply [f_normal] on the [Normal] postconditions, * [f_exits] on the [Exits] postconditions, and warn on the others. *) let fold_bhv_post_cond ~warn f_normal f_exits acc b = let add (p_acc, e_acc) ((termination_kind, pe) as e) = match termination_kind with | Normal -> f_normal p_acc pe, e_acc | Exits -> p_acc, f_exits e_acc pe HANDLED by an ASSERT from CIL TODO begin if warn then Wp_parameters.warning "Abrupt statement termination property ignored:@, %a" Printer.pp_post_cond e; p_acc, e_acc end in List.fold_left add acc b.b_post_cond (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let add_assigns acc kind id a_desc = let take_assigns () = debug "take %a %a" WpPropId.pp_propid id WpPropId.pp_assigns_desc a_desc; WpPropId.mk_assigns_info id a_desc in let take_assigns_call fct info = let asgn = take_assigns () in { info with call_asgn = ForCall.add fct asgn info.call_asgn } in let info = acc.info in let goal, info = match kind with | Ahyp -> false, {info with a_hyp = take_assigns ()} | AcallHyp fct -> false, take_assigns_call fct info | Agoal -> true, {info with a_goal = take_assigns ()} | _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Assigns prop can only be Hyp or Goal" in let acc = { acc with info = info } in if goal then { acc with has_asgn_goal = true} else acc let add_assigns_any acc kind asgn = let take_call fct asgn info = { info with call_asgn = ForCall.add fct asgn info.call_asgn } in match kind with | Ahyp -> {acc with info = { acc.info with a_hyp = asgn}} | AcallHyp fct -> {acc with info = take_call fct asgn acc.info} | _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Assigns Any prop can only be Hyp" let assigns_upper_bound spec = let bhvs = spec.spec_behavior in let upper a b = match a, b.b_assigns with | None, Writes a when Cil.is_default_behavior b -> Some (b,a) (* default behavior always applies. *) WritesAny U X - > WritesAny | Some (b,_), _ when Cil.is_default_behavior b -> a (* default behavior prevails over other behaviors. *) | Some _, WritesAny -> No default behavior and one behavior assigns everything . | Some(b,a1), Writes a2 -> Some (b,a1 @ a2) (* take the whole list of assigns. *) in match bhvs with | [] -> None | bhv::bhvs -> [ VP 2011 - 02 - 04 ] Note that if there is no default and each behavior has a proper assigns clause we put dependencies only to the assigns of a more or less randomly selected behavior , but the datatypes above ca n't handle anything better . behavior has a proper assigns clause we put dependencies only to the assigns of a more or less randomly selected behavior, but the datatypes above can't handle anything better. *) let acc = match bhv.b_assigns with WritesAny -> None | Writes a -> Some(bhv,a) in List.fold_left upper acc bhvs [ VP 2011 - 02 - 04 ] These two functions below mix all the assigns of a function regardless of the behavior . At least now that we take WritesAny as soon as at least one behavior has no assigns clause , this is correct , but still imprecise . Needs refactoring of t_annots to go further , though . [ AP 2011 - 03 - 11 ] I think that the merge of all assigns properties is intended because we are using it as an hypothesis to skip the statement or the function call . a function regardless of the behavior. At least now that we take WritesAny as soon as at least one behavior has no assigns clause, this is correct, but still imprecise. Needs refactoring of t_annots to go further, though. [AP 2011-03-11] I think that the merge of all assigns properties is intended because we are using it as an hypothesis to skip the statement or the function call. *) let add_stmt_spec_assigns_hyp acc kf s l_post spec = match assigns_upper_bound spec with | None -> add_assigns_any acc Ahyp (WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s) | Some(bhv, assigns) -> (* We are always using the spec covering all possible parent behaviors. *) let id = WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_id kf s [] bhv assigns in match id with | None -> add_assigns_any acc Ahyp (WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s) | Some id -> let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_assigns ~kf s l_post in let assigns = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels assigns in let a_desc = WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_desc s assigns in add_assigns acc Ahyp id a_desc let add_call_assigns_any acc s = let asgn = WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s in {acc with info = { acc.info with a_call = asgn }} let add_call_assigns_hyp acc kf_caller s ~called_kf l_post spec_opt = match spec_opt with | None -> let pid = WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc (AcallHyp called_kf) pid | Some spec -> match assigns_upper_bound spec with | None -> let asgn = WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc (AcallHyp called_kf) asgn | Some(bhv, assigns) -> (* we're taking assigns from a function contract. They're not subject to any active behavior. *) let id = WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_id kf_caller s [] bhv assigns in match id with | None -> let asgn = WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc (AcallHyp called_kf) asgn | Some pid -> let kf = kf_caller in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_assigns ~kf s l_post in let assigns = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels assigns in let a_desc = WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_desc s assigns in add_assigns acc (AcallHyp called_kf) pid a_desc [ VP 2011 - 01 - 28 ] following old behavior , not sure it is correct : why should we give to add_assigns the assigns with unnormalized labels ? [ AP 2011 - 03 - 11 ] to answer VP question , the source assigns are only used to build an identifier for the property which is use later to update its status and dependencies so we need to have the original one . why should we give to add_assigns the assigns with unnormalized labels? [AP 2011-03-11] to answer VP question, the source assigns are only used to build an identifier for the property which is use later to update its status and dependencies so we need to have the original one. *) let add_loop_assigns_hyp acc kf s asgn_opt = match asgn_opt with | None -> let asgn = WpPropId.mk_loop_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc Ahyp asgn | Some (ca, assigns) -> let id = WpPropId.mk_loop_assigns_id kf s ca assigns in match id with | None -> let asgn = WpPropId.mk_loop_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc Ahyp asgn | Some id -> let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_loop_assigns s in let assigns' = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels assigns in let a_desc = WpPropId.mk_loop_assigns_desc s assigns' in add_assigns acc Ahyp id a_desc let add_fct_bhv_assigns_hyp acc kf tkind b = match b.b_assigns with | WritesAny -> let id = WpPropId.mk_kf_any_assigns_info () in add_assigns_any acc Ahyp id | Writes assigns -> let id = WpPropId.mk_fct_assigns_id kf b tkind assigns in match id with | None -> let id = WpPropId.mk_kf_any_assigns_info () in add_assigns_any acc Ahyp id | Some id -> let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_assigns in let assigns' = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels assigns in let a_desc = WpPropId.mk_kf_assigns_desc assigns' in add_assigns acc Ahyp id a_desc (* --- Get annotations --- *) let get_goal_only annots = annots.info.p_goal let get_hyp_only annots = annots.info.p_hyp let filter_both l = let add (h_acc, g_acc) (goal, p) = p::h_acc, if goal then p::g_acc else g_acc in List.fold_left add ([], []) l let get_both_hyp_goals annots = filter_both annots.info.p_both let get_call_hyp annots fct = try ForCall.find fct annots.info.call_hyp with Not_found -> [] let get_call_pre annots fct = try filter_both (ForCall.find fct annots.info.call_pre) with Not_found -> [],[] let get_call_asgn annots = function | None -> annots.info.a_call | Some fct -> try ForCall.find fct annots.info.call_asgn with Not_found -> WpPropId.empty_assigns_info let get_cut annots = annots.info.p_cut let get_asgn_hyp annots = annots.info.a_hyp let get_asgn_goal annots = annots.info.a_goal (* --- Print annotations --- *) let pp_annots fmt acc = let acc = acc.info in let pp_pred k b p = Format.fprintf fmt "%s%s: %a@." k (if b then "" else " (h)") WpPropId.pp_pred_of_pred_info p in let pp_pred_list k l = List.iter (fun p -> pp_pred k true p) l in let pp_pred_b_list k l = List.iter (fun (b, p) -> pp_pred k b p) l in begin pp_pred_list "H" acc.p_hyp; pp_pred_list "G" acc.p_goal; pp_pred_b_list "H+G" acc.p_both; pp_pred_b_list "C" acc.p_cut; ForCall.iter (fun kf hs -> let name = "CallHyp:" ^ (Kernel_function.get_name kf) in pp_pred_list name hs) acc.call_hyp; ForCall.iter (fun kf bhs -> let name = "CallPre:" ^ (Kernel_function.get_name kf) in pp_pred_b_list name bhs) acc.call_pre; ForCall.iter (fun kf asgn -> let name = "CallAsgn:" ^ (Kernel_function.get_name kf) in WpPropId.pp_assign_info name fmt asgn) acc.call_asgn; WpPropId.pp_assign_info "DC" fmt acc.a_call; WpPropId.pp_assign_info "HA" fmt acc.a_hyp; WpPropId.pp_assign_info "GA" fmt acc.a_goal; end let merge_calls f call1 call2 = ForCall.merge (fun _fct a b -> match a,b with | None,c | c,None -> c | Some a,Some b -> Some (f a b) ) call1 call2 (* TODO: it should be possible to do without this, but needs a big refactoring*) let merge_acc acc1 acc2 = { p_hyp = acc1.p_hyp @ acc2.p_hyp; p_goal = acc1.p_goal @ acc2.p_goal; p_both = acc1.p_both @ acc2.p_both; p_cut = acc1.p_cut @ acc2.p_cut; call_hyp = merge_calls (@) acc1.call_hyp acc2.call_hyp; call_pre = merge_calls (@) acc1.call_pre acc2.call_pre; call_asgn = merge_calls WpPropId.merge_assign_info acc1.call_asgn acc2.call_asgn; a_goal = WpPropId.merge_assign_info acc1.a_goal acc2.a_goal; a_hyp = WpPropId.merge_assign_info acc1.a_hyp acc2.a_hyp; a_call = WpPropId.merge_assign_info acc1.a_call acc2.a_call; } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --- Annotation table --- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) * This is an where some predicates are stored on CFG edges . * On each edge , we store hypotheses and goals . * On each edge, we store hypotheses and goals. *) module Hannots = Cil2cfg.HE (struct type t = annots end) type annots_tbl = { tbl_annots : Hannots.t; mutable tbl_axioms : WpPropId.axiom_info list; mutable tbl_has_prop_goal : bool; mutable tbl_has_asgn_goal : bool; } let create_tbl () = { tbl_annots = Hannots.create 7; tbl_axioms = []; tbl_has_prop_goal = false; tbl_has_asgn_goal = false; } let add_on_edges tbl new_acc edges = if new_acc.has_prop_goal then tbl.tbl_has_prop_goal <- true; if new_acc.has_asgn_goal then tbl.tbl_has_asgn_goal <- true; let add_on_edge e = let acc = try let acc = Hannots.find tbl.tbl_annots e in merge_acc new_acc.info acc with Not_found -> new_acc.info in Hannots.replace tbl.tbl_annots e acc; in List.iter add_on_edge edges let add_node_annots tbl cfg v (before, (post, exits)) = debug "[add_node_annots] on %a@." Cil2cfg.pp_node v; add_on_edges tbl before (Cil2cfg.get_pre_edges cfg v); if post <> empty_acc then begin let edges_after = Cil2cfg.get_post_edges cfg v in if edges_after = [] then (* unreachable (see [process_unreached_annots]) *) () else add_on_edges tbl post edges_after end; if exits <> empty_acc then begin let edges_exits = Cil2cfg.get_exit_edges cfg v in if edges_exits = [] then (* unreachable (see [process_unreached_annots]) *) () else add_on_edges tbl exits edges_exits end let add_loop_annots tbl cfg vloop ~entry ~back ~core = debug "[add_loop_annots] on %a@."Cil2cfg.pp_node vloop; let edges_to_head = Cil2cfg.succ_e cfg vloop in debug "[add_loop_annots] %d edges_to_head" (List.length edges_to_head); let edges_to_loop = Cil2cfg.pred_e cfg vloop in debug "[add_loop_annots] %d edges_to_loop" (List.length edges_to_loop); let back_edges, entry_edges = List.partition Cil2cfg.is_back_edge edges_to_loop in debug "[add_loop_annots] %d back_edges + %d entry_edges" (List.length back_edges) (List.length entry_edges); add_on_edges tbl entry entry_edges; debug "[add_loop_annots on entry_edges ok]@."; add_on_edges tbl back back_edges; debug "[add_loop_annots on back_edges ok]@."; add_on_edges tbl core edges_to_head; debug "[add_loop_annots on edges_to_head ok]@." let add_axiom tbl lemma = try (* Labels does not need normalization *) let axiom = WpPropId.mk_axiom_info lemma in debug "take %a@." WpPropId.pp_axiom_info axiom; tbl.tbl_axioms <- axiom::tbl.tbl_axioms with e -> NormAtLabels.catch_label_error e ("axiom "^lemma.lem_name) "axiom" let add_all_axioms tbl = let rec do_g g = match g with | Daxiomatic (_ax_name, globs,_,_) -> do_globs globs | Dlemma (name,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> let lem = LogicUsage.logic_lemma name in add_axiom tbl lem | _ -> () and do_globs globs = List.iter do_g globs in Annotations.iter_global (fun _ -> do_g) let get_annots tbl e = TODO clean : this is not very nice ! let info = Hannots.find tbl.tbl_annots e in { empty_acc with info = info} with Not_found -> empty_acc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --- Strategy --- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type strategy_for_froms = { get_pre : unit -> t_annots; more_vars : logic_var list } type strategy_kind = | SKannots (* normal mode for annotations *) | SKfroms of strategy_for_froms (* an object of this type is the only access to annotations * from the rest of the application. * The idea is to be able to tune which properties to use for a computation. *) type strategy = { desc : string ; cfg : Cil2cfg.t; behavior_name : string option ; strategy_kind : strategy_kind; annots : annots_tbl; } let get_kf s = Cil2cfg.cfg_kf s.cfg let get_bhv s = s.behavior_name let is_default_behavior s = match s.behavior_name with None -> true | Some _ -> false let mk_strategy desc cfg bhv_name kind tbl = { desc = desc; cfg = cfg; behavior_name = bhv_name; strategy_kind = kind; annots = tbl; } let cfg_of_strategy strat = strat.cfg let behavior_name_of_strategy strat = strat.behavior_name let global_axioms strat = strat.annots.tbl_axioms let strategy_kind strat = strat.strategy_kind let strategy_has_prop_goal strat = strat.annots.tbl_has_prop_goal let strategy_has_asgn_goal strat = strat.annots.tbl_has_asgn_goal let get_annots strat = get_annots strat.annots let pp_info_of_strategy fmt strat = Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s@]" strat.desc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --- Helpers --- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_main_init kf = if Kernel.LibEntry.get () then false else let is_main = try let main, _ = Globals.entry_point () in Kernel_function.equal kf main with Globals.No_such_entry_point _ -> false in debug "'%a' is %sthe main entry point@." Kernel_function.pretty kf (if is_main then "" else "NOT "); is_main let isInitConst () = Wp_parameters.Init.get () let isGlobalInitConst var = var.vglob && var.vstorage <> Extern && Cil.typeHasQualifier "const" var.vtype let mk_variant_properties kf s ca v = let vpos_id = WpPropId.mk_var_pos_id kf s ca in let vdecr_id = WpPropId.mk_var_decr_id kf s ca in let loc = v.term_loc in let lcurr = Clabels.to_logic (Clabels.loop_current s) in let vcurr = Logic_const.tat ~loc (v, lcurr) in let zero = Cil.lzero ~loc () in let vpos = Logic_const.prel ~loc (Rle, zero, vcurr) in let vdecr = Logic_const.prel ~loc (Rlt, v, vcurr) in (vpos_id, vpos), (vdecr_id, vdecr) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
************************************************************************ alternatives) you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ************************************************************************ debugging key -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * An annotation can be used for different purpose. annotation can be used as both hypothesis and goal : - with true : considered as both : A /\ A=>.. - with false : we just want to use it as hyp right now. annotation is use as a cut : - with true (A is also a goal) -> A (+ proof obligation A => ...) - with false (A is an hyp only) -> True (+ proof obligation A => ...) annotation is a called function property to consider as an Hyp. * The pre are not here but in AcallPre since they can also * be considered as goals. annotation is a called function precondition : to be considered as hyp, and goal if bool=true -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- post and pre goal only dynamic calls --- Add annotations --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- adding some specific properties. assumes can be normalized in the same time * apply [f_normal] on the [Normal] postconditions, * [f_exits] on the [Exits] postconditions, and warn on the others. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- default behavior always applies. default behavior prevails over other behaviors. take the whole list of assigns. We are always using the spec covering all possible parent behaviors. we're taking assigns from a function contract. They're not subject to any active behavior. --- Get annotations --- --- Print annotations --- TODO: it should be possible to do without this, but needs a big refactoring -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Annotation table --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- unreachable (see [process_unreached_annots]) unreachable (see [process_unreached_annots]) Labels does not need normalization -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Strategy --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- normal mode for annotations an object of this type is the only access to annotations * from the rest of the application. * The idea is to be able to tune which properties to use for a computation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Helpers --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
This file is part of WP plug - in of Frama - C. Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2019 CEA ( Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.1 . See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) . let debug fmt = Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey fmt open Cil_types open LogicUsage type annot_kind = annotation is an hypothesis , but not a goal ( see ) : A = > ... but not a goal (see Aboth) : A => ...*) annotation is a goal , but not an hypothesis ( see ): A /\ ... but not an hypothesis (see Aboth): A /\ ...*) | Aboth of bool | AcutB of bool | AcallHyp of kernel_function | AcallPre of bool * kernel_function --- Annotations for one program point . --- module ForCall = Kernel_function.Map * Some elements can be used as both and Goal : because of the selection * mechanism , we need to add a boolean [ as_goal ] to tell if the element is to be * considered as a goal . If [ false ] , the element can still be used as hypothesis . * mechanism, we need to add a boolean [as_goal] to tell if the element is to be * considered as a goal. If [false], the element can still be used as hypothesis. *) type annots = { p_hyp : WpPropId.pred_info list; p_goal : WpPropId.pred_info list; p_both : (bool * WpPropId.pred_info) list; p_cut : (bool * WpPropId.pred_info) list; call_asgn : WpPropId.assigns_full_info ForCall.t; a_goal : WpPropId.assigns_full_info; a_hyp : WpPropId.assigns_full_info; } type t_annots = { has_asgn_goal : bool; has_prop_goal : bool; info: annots } let empty_acc = let a = { p_hyp = []; p_goal = []; p_both = []; p_cut = []; call_hyp = ForCall.empty; call_pre = ForCall.empty; call_asgn = ForCall.empty; a_goal = WpPropId.empty_assigns_info; a_hyp = WpPropId.empty_assigns_info; a_call = WpPropId.empty_assigns_info; } in { has_asgn_goal = false; has_prop_goal = false; info = a; } let normalize id ?assumes labels p = try let p = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot labels p in match assumes with | None -> Some p | Some a -> let a = Logic_const.pat(a,Logic_const.pre_label) in let a = NormAtLabels.(preproc_annot labels_fct_pre a) in Some(Logic_const.pimplies(a,p)) with e -> let pid = WpPropId.get_propid id in NormAtLabels.catch_label_error e pid "annotation" ; None let add_prop acc kind id p = let get_p = match p with None -> None | Some p -> Some(WpPropId.mk_pred_info id p) in let add_hyp l = match get_p with None -> l | Some p -> p::l in let add_goal l = match get_p with None -> l | Some p -> p::l in let add_both goal l = match get_p with | None -> l | Some p -> (goal, p)::l in let add_hyp_call fct calls = let l = try ForCall.find fct calls with Not_found -> [] in ForCall.add fct (add_hyp l) calls in let add_both_call fct goal calls = let l = try ForCall.find fct calls with Not_found -> [] in ForCall.add fct (add_both goal l) calls in let info = acc.info in let goal, info = match kind with | Ahyp -> false, { info with p_hyp = add_hyp info.p_hyp } | Agoal -> true, { info with p_goal = add_goal info.p_goal } | Aboth goal -> goal, { info with p_both = add_both goal info.p_both } | AcutB goal -> goal, { info with p_cut = add_both goal info.p_cut } | AcallHyp fct -> false, { info with call_hyp = add_hyp_call fct info.call_hyp } | AcallPre (goal,fct) -> goal, { info with call_pre = add_both_call fct goal info.call_pre } in let acc = { acc with info = info } in if goal then { acc with has_prop_goal = true} else acc let add_prop_fct_pre_bhv acc kind kf bhv = let norm_pred pred = let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred pred in Logic_const.(pat (p,pre_label)) in let requires = Logic_const.pands (List.map norm_pred bhv.b_requires) in let assumes = Logic_const.pands (List.map norm_pred bhv.b_assumes) in let precond = Logic_const.pimplies (assumes, requires) in let precond_id = Logic_const.new_predicate precond in let id = WpPropId.mk_pre_id kf Kglobal bhv precond_id in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_pre in let p = normalize id labels precond in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_fct_pre acc kind kf bhv ~assumes pre = let id = WpPropId.mk_pre_id kf Kglobal bhv pre in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_pre in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred pre in let p = Logic_const.(pat (p,pre_label)) in let p = normalize id ?assumes labels p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_fct_post acc kind kf bhv tkind post = let id = WpPropId.mk_fct_post_id kf bhv (tkind, post) in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_post in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred post in let p = normalize id labels p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_fct_bhv_pre acc kind kf bhv ~impl_assumes = let assumes = if impl_assumes then Some (Ast_info.behavior_assumes bhv) else None in let add acc p = add_prop_fct_pre acc kind kf bhv ~assumes p in let acc = List.fold_left add acc bhv.b_requires in if impl_assumes then acc else List.fold_left add acc bhv.b_assumes let add_prop_stmt_pre acc kind kf s bhv ~assumes pre = let id = WpPropId.mk_pre_id kf (Kstmt s) bhv pre in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_pre ~kf s in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred pre in let p = normalize id labels ?assumes p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_stmt_bhv_requires acc kind kf s bhv ~with_assumes = let assumes = if with_assumes then Some (Ast_info.behavior_assumes bhv) else None in let add acc pre = add_prop_stmt_pre acc kind kf s bhv ~assumes pre in List.fold_left add acc bhv.b_requires * Process the stmt spec precondition as an hypothesis for external properties . * Add [ assumes = > requires ] for all the behaviors . * Add [assumes => requires] for all the behaviors. *) let add_prop_stmt_spec_pre acc kind kf s spec = let add_bhv_pre acc bhv = add_prop_stmt_bhv_requires acc kind kf s bhv ~with_assumes:true in List.fold_left add_bhv_pre acc spec.spec_behavior let add_prop_stmt_post acc kind kf s bhv tkind l_post ~assumes post = let id = WpPropId.mk_stmt_post_id kf s bhv (tkind, post) in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_post ~kf s l_post in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred post in let p = normalize id labels ?assumes p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_call_pre acc kind id ~assumes pre = let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_pre in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred pre in let p = Logic_const.pimplies (assumes, p) in let p = normalize id labels p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_call_post acc kind called_kf bhv tkind ~assumes post = let id = WpPropId.mk_fct_post_id called_kf bhv (tkind, post) in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_post in let p = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred post in let p = normalize id labels ~assumes p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_assert acc kind kf s ca p = let id = WpPropId.mk_assert_id kf s ca in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_assert_before ~kf s in let p = normalize id labels p in add_prop acc kind id p let add_prop_loop_inv acc kind s ~established id p = let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_loop_inv ~established s in let p = normalize id labels p in add_prop acc kind id p let fold_bhv_post_cond ~warn f_normal f_exits acc b = let add (p_acc, e_acc) ((termination_kind, pe) as e) = match termination_kind with | Normal -> f_normal p_acc pe, e_acc | Exits -> p_acc, f_exits e_acc pe HANDLED by an ASSERT from CIL TODO begin if warn then Wp_parameters.warning "Abrupt statement termination property ignored:@, %a" Printer.pp_post_cond e; p_acc, e_acc end in List.fold_left add acc b.b_post_cond let add_assigns acc kind id a_desc = let take_assigns () = debug "take %a %a" WpPropId.pp_propid id WpPropId.pp_assigns_desc a_desc; WpPropId.mk_assigns_info id a_desc in let take_assigns_call fct info = let asgn = take_assigns () in { info with call_asgn = ForCall.add fct asgn info.call_asgn } in let info = acc.info in let goal, info = match kind with | Ahyp -> false, {info with a_hyp = take_assigns ()} | AcallHyp fct -> false, take_assigns_call fct info | Agoal -> true, {info with a_goal = take_assigns ()} | _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Assigns prop can only be Hyp or Goal" in let acc = { acc with info = info } in if goal then { acc with has_asgn_goal = true} else acc let add_assigns_any acc kind asgn = let take_call fct asgn info = { info with call_asgn = ForCall.add fct asgn info.call_asgn } in match kind with | Ahyp -> {acc with info = { acc.info with a_hyp = asgn}} | AcallHyp fct -> {acc with info = take_call fct asgn acc.info} | _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Assigns Any prop can only be Hyp" let assigns_upper_bound spec = let bhvs = spec.spec_behavior in let upper a b = match a, b.b_assigns with | None, Writes a when Cil.is_default_behavior b -> WritesAny U X - > WritesAny | Some (b,_), _ when Cil.is_default_behavior b -> | Some _, WritesAny -> No default behavior and one behavior assigns everything . | Some(b,a1), Writes a2 -> Some (b,a1 @ a2) in match bhvs with | [] -> None | bhv::bhvs -> [ VP 2011 - 02 - 04 ] Note that if there is no default and each behavior has a proper assigns clause we put dependencies only to the assigns of a more or less randomly selected behavior , but the datatypes above ca n't handle anything better . behavior has a proper assigns clause we put dependencies only to the assigns of a more or less randomly selected behavior, but the datatypes above can't handle anything better. *) let acc = match bhv.b_assigns with WritesAny -> None | Writes a -> Some(bhv,a) in List.fold_left upper acc bhvs [ VP 2011 - 02 - 04 ] These two functions below mix all the assigns of a function regardless of the behavior . At least now that we take WritesAny as soon as at least one behavior has no assigns clause , this is correct , but still imprecise . Needs refactoring of t_annots to go further , though . [ AP 2011 - 03 - 11 ] I think that the merge of all assigns properties is intended because we are using it as an hypothesis to skip the statement or the function call . a function regardless of the behavior. At least now that we take WritesAny as soon as at least one behavior has no assigns clause, this is correct, but still imprecise. Needs refactoring of t_annots to go further, though. [AP 2011-03-11] I think that the merge of all assigns properties is intended because we are using it as an hypothesis to skip the statement or the function call. *) let add_stmt_spec_assigns_hyp acc kf s l_post spec = match assigns_upper_bound spec with | None -> add_assigns_any acc Ahyp (WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s) | Some(bhv, assigns) -> let id = WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_id kf s [] bhv assigns in match id with | None -> add_assigns_any acc Ahyp (WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s) | Some id -> let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_assigns ~kf s l_post in let assigns = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels assigns in let a_desc = WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_desc s assigns in add_assigns acc Ahyp id a_desc let add_call_assigns_any acc s = let asgn = WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s in {acc with info = { acc.info with a_call = asgn }} let add_call_assigns_hyp acc kf_caller s ~called_kf l_post spec_opt = match spec_opt with | None -> let pid = WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc (AcallHyp called_kf) pid | Some spec -> match assigns_upper_bound spec with | None -> let asgn = WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc (AcallHyp called_kf) asgn | Some(bhv, assigns) -> let id = WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_id kf_caller s [] bhv assigns in match id with | None -> let asgn = WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc (AcallHyp called_kf) asgn | Some pid -> let kf = kf_caller in let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_assigns ~kf s l_post in let assigns = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels assigns in let a_desc = WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_desc s assigns in add_assigns acc (AcallHyp called_kf) pid a_desc [ VP 2011 - 01 - 28 ] following old behavior , not sure it is correct : why should we give to add_assigns the assigns with unnormalized labels ? [ AP 2011 - 03 - 11 ] to answer VP question , the source assigns are only used to build an identifier for the property which is use later to update its status and dependencies so we need to have the original one . why should we give to add_assigns the assigns with unnormalized labels? [AP 2011-03-11] to answer VP question, the source assigns are only used to build an identifier for the property which is use later to update its status and dependencies so we need to have the original one. *) let add_loop_assigns_hyp acc kf s asgn_opt = match asgn_opt with | None -> let asgn = WpPropId.mk_loop_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc Ahyp asgn | Some (ca, assigns) -> let id = WpPropId.mk_loop_assigns_id kf s ca assigns in match id with | None -> let asgn = WpPropId.mk_loop_any_assigns_info s in add_assigns_any acc Ahyp asgn | Some id -> let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_loop_assigns s in let assigns' = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels assigns in let a_desc = WpPropId.mk_loop_assigns_desc s assigns' in add_assigns acc Ahyp id a_desc let add_fct_bhv_assigns_hyp acc kf tkind b = match b.b_assigns with | WritesAny -> let id = WpPropId.mk_kf_any_assigns_info () in add_assigns_any acc Ahyp id | Writes assigns -> let id = WpPropId.mk_fct_assigns_id kf b tkind assigns in match id with | None -> let id = WpPropId.mk_kf_any_assigns_info () in add_assigns_any acc Ahyp id | Some id -> let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_assigns in let assigns' = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels assigns in let a_desc = WpPropId.mk_kf_assigns_desc assigns' in add_assigns acc Ahyp id a_desc let get_goal_only annots = annots.info.p_goal let get_hyp_only annots = annots.info.p_hyp let filter_both l = let add (h_acc, g_acc) (goal, p) = p::h_acc, if goal then p::g_acc else g_acc in List.fold_left add ([], []) l let get_both_hyp_goals annots = filter_both annots.info.p_both let get_call_hyp annots fct = try ForCall.find fct annots.info.call_hyp with Not_found -> [] let get_call_pre annots fct = try filter_both (ForCall.find fct annots.info.call_pre) with Not_found -> [],[] let get_call_asgn annots = function | None -> annots.info.a_call | Some fct -> try ForCall.find fct annots.info.call_asgn with Not_found -> WpPropId.empty_assigns_info let get_cut annots = annots.info.p_cut let get_asgn_hyp annots = annots.info.a_hyp let get_asgn_goal annots = annots.info.a_goal let pp_annots fmt acc = let acc = acc.info in let pp_pred k b p = Format.fprintf fmt "%s%s: %a@." k (if b then "" else " (h)") WpPropId.pp_pred_of_pred_info p in let pp_pred_list k l = List.iter (fun p -> pp_pred k true p) l in let pp_pred_b_list k l = List.iter (fun (b, p) -> pp_pred k b p) l in begin pp_pred_list "H" acc.p_hyp; pp_pred_list "G" acc.p_goal; pp_pred_b_list "H+G" acc.p_both; pp_pred_b_list "C" acc.p_cut; ForCall.iter (fun kf hs -> let name = "CallHyp:" ^ (Kernel_function.get_name kf) in pp_pred_list name hs) acc.call_hyp; ForCall.iter (fun kf bhs -> let name = "CallPre:" ^ (Kernel_function.get_name kf) in pp_pred_b_list name bhs) acc.call_pre; ForCall.iter (fun kf asgn -> let name = "CallAsgn:" ^ (Kernel_function.get_name kf) in WpPropId.pp_assign_info name fmt asgn) acc.call_asgn; WpPropId.pp_assign_info "DC" fmt acc.a_call; WpPropId.pp_assign_info "HA" fmt acc.a_hyp; WpPropId.pp_assign_info "GA" fmt acc.a_goal; end let merge_calls f call1 call2 = ForCall.merge (fun _fct a b -> match a,b with | None,c | c,None -> c | Some a,Some b -> Some (f a b) ) call1 call2 let merge_acc acc1 acc2 = { p_hyp = acc1.p_hyp @ acc2.p_hyp; p_goal = acc1.p_goal @ acc2.p_goal; p_both = acc1.p_both @ acc2.p_both; p_cut = acc1.p_cut @ acc2.p_cut; call_hyp = merge_calls (@) acc1.call_hyp acc2.call_hyp; call_pre = merge_calls (@) acc1.call_pre acc2.call_pre; call_asgn = merge_calls WpPropId.merge_assign_info acc1.call_asgn acc2.call_asgn; a_goal = WpPropId.merge_assign_info acc1.a_goal acc2.a_goal; a_hyp = WpPropId.merge_assign_info acc1.a_hyp acc2.a_hyp; a_call = WpPropId.merge_assign_info acc1.a_call acc2.a_call; } * This is an where some predicates are stored on CFG edges . * On each edge , we store hypotheses and goals . * On each edge, we store hypotheses and goals. *) module Hannots = Cil2cfg.HE (struct type t = annots end) type annots_tbl = { tbl_annots : Hannots.t; mutable tbl_axioms : WpPropId.axiom_info list; mutable tbl_has_prop_goal : bool; mutable tbl_has_asgn_goal : bool; } let create_tbl () = { tbl_annots = Hannots.create 7; tbl_axioms = []; tbl_has_prop_goal = false; tbl_has_asgn_goal = false; } let add_on_edges tbl new_acc edges = if new_acc.has_prop_goal then tbl.tbl_has_prop_goal <- true; if new_acc.has_asgn_goal then tbl.tbl_has_asgn_goal <- true; let add_on_edge e = let acc = try let acc = Hannots.find tbl.tbl_annots e in merge_acc new_acc.info acc with Not_found -> new_acc.info in Hannots.replace tbl.tbl_annots e acc; in List.iter add_on_edge edges let add_node_annots tbl cfg v (before, (post, exits)) = debug "[add_node_annots] on %a@." Cil2cfg.pp_node v; add_on_edges tbl before (Cil2cfg.get_pre_edges cfg v); if post <> empty_acc then begin let edges_after = Cil2cfg.get_post_edges cfg v in if edges_after = [] else add_on_edges tbl post edges_after end; if exits <> empty_acc then begin let edges_exits = Cil2cfg.get_exit_edges cfg v in if edges_exits = [] else add_on_edges tbl exits edges_exits end let add_loop_annots tbl cfg vloop ~entry ~back ~core = debug "[add_loop_annots] on %a@."Cil2cfg.pp_node vloop; let edges_to_head = Cil2cfg.succ_e cfg vloop in debug "[add_loop_annots] %d edges_to_head" (List.length edges_to_head); let edges_to_loop = Cil2cfg.pred_e cfg vloop in debug "[add_loop_annots] %d edges_to_loop" (List.length edges_to_loop); let back_edges, entry_edges = List.partition Cil2cfg.is_back_edge edges_to_loop in debug "[add_loop_annots] %d back_edges + %d entry_edges" (List.length back_edges) (List.length entry_edges); add_on_edges tbl entry entry_edges; debug "[add_loop_annots on entry_edges ok]@."; add_on_edges tbl back back_edges; debug "[add_loop_annots on back_edges ok]@."; add_on_edges tbl core edges_to_head; debug "[add_loop_annots on edges_to_head ok]@." let add_axiom tbl lemma = try let axiom = WpPropId.mk_axiom_info lemma in debug "take %a@." WpPropId.pp_axiom_info axiom; tbl.tbl_axioms <- axiom::tbl.tbl_axioms with e -> NormAtLabels.catch_label_error e ("axiom "^lemma.lem_name) "axiom" let add_all_axioms tbl = let rec do_g g = match g with | Daxiomatic (_ax_name, globs,_,_) -> do_globs globs | Dlemma (name,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> let lem = LogicUsage.logic_lemma name in add_axiom tbl lem | _ -> () and do_globs globs = List.iter do_g globs in Annotations.iter_global (fun _ -> do_g) let get_annots tbl e = TODO clean : this is not very nice ! let info = Hannots.find tbl.tbl_annots e in { empty_acc with info = info} with Not_found -> empty_acc type strategy_for_froms = { get_pre : unit -> t_annots; more_vars : logic_var list } type strategy_kind = | SKfroms of strategy_for_froms type strategy = { desc : string ; cfg : Cil2cfg.t; behavior_name : string option ; strategy_kind : strategy_kind; annots : annots_tbl; } let get_kf s = Cil2cfg.cfg_kf s.cfg let get_bhv s = s.behavior_name let is_default_behavior s = match s.behavior_name with None -> true | Some _ -> false let mk_strategy desc cfg bhv_name kind tbl = { desc = desc; cfg = cfg; behavior_name = bhv_name; strategy_kind = kind; annots = tbl; } let cfg_of_strategy strat = strat.cfg let behavior_name_of_strategy strat = strat.behavior_name let global_axioms strat = strat.annots.tbl_axioms let strategy_kind strat = strat.strategy_kind let strategy_has_prop_goal strat = strat.annots.tbl_has_prop_goal let strategy_has_asgn_goal strat = strat.annots.tbl_has_asgn_goal let get_annots strat = get_annots strat.annots let pp_info_of_strategy fmt strat = Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s@]" strat.desc let is_main_init kf = if Kernel.LibEntry.get () then false else let is_main = try let main, _ = Globals.entry_point () in Kernel_function.equal kf main with Globals.No_such_entry_point _ -> false in debug "'%a' is %sthe main entry point@." Kernel_function.pretty kf (if is_main then "" else "NOT "); is_main let isInitConst () = Wp_parameters.Init.get () let isGlobalInitConst var = var.vglob && var.vstorage <> Extern && Cil.typeHasQualifier "const" var.vtype let mk_variant_properties kf s ca v = let vpos_id = WpPropId.mk_var_pos_id kf s ca in let vdecr_id = WpPropId.mk_var_decr_id kf s ca in let loc = v.term_loc in let lcurr = Clabels.to_logic (Clabels.loop_current s) in let vcurr = Logic_const.tat ~loc (v, lcurr) in let zero = Cil.lzero ~loc () in let vpos = Logic_const.prel ~loc (Rle, zero, vcurr) in let vdecr = Logic_const.prel ~loc (Rlt, v, vcurr) in (vpos_id, vpos), (vdecr_id, vdecr)
(ns test.string-ops (:use clojure.test) (:use string-ops)) (deftest test-lines (are [description split-lines some-text] (= split-lines (lines some-text)) "splitting lines" [" _ _ _ _ _ _ _", "| _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|", "||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _|"] " _ _ _ _ _ _ _\n| _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|\n||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _|")) (deftest test-tip (is (= "t" (tip "tip")))) (deftest test-tail (is (= "ail" (tail "tail"))))
(ns test.string-ops (:use clojure.test) (:use string-ops)) (deftest test-lines (are [description split-lines some-text] (= split-lines (lines some-text)) "splitting lines" [" _ _ _ _ _ _ _", "| _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|", "||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _|"] " _ _ _ _ _ _ _\n| _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|\n||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _|")) (deftest test-tip (is (= "t" (tip "tip")))) (deftest test-tail (is (= "ail" (tail "tail"))))
(ns learn.chapter04 (:require [clojure.algo.generic.math-functions :as math :refer :all])) (defn ad-hoc-type-name [thing] (condp = (type thing) java.lang.String "String" clojure.lang.PersistentVector "Vector")) (def type-name-implementations {java.lang.String (fn [thing] "String") clojure.lang.PersistentVector (fn [thing] "Vector")}) (defn open-ad-hoc-type-name [thing] (let [dispatch-value (type thing)] (if-let [implementation (get type-name-implementations dispatch-value)] (implementation thing) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "No implementation found for " dispatch-value)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; POLYMORPHISM AND MULTIMETHODS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (def example-user {:login "rob" :referrer "mint.com" :salary 100000}) (defn fee-amount "Calculates the fee you pay to affiliates based on their annual salary" [percentage user] (with-precision 16 :rounding HALF_EVEN (* 0.01M percentage (:salary user)))) (comment (defn affiliate-fee "Calculates the fee for an affiliate user based on their referrer and annual salary" [user] ;;this is an example of close dispatch ;;where the referrer is the dispatch criteria ;;the problem is that adding referrers requires code changes (case (:referrer user) "google.com" (fee-amount 0.01M user) "mint.com" (fee-amount 0.03M user) (fee-amount 0.02M user)))) ;;MULTIMETHODS TO THE RESCUE! (comment multimethod defines dispatch criteria (defmulti affiliate-fee (fn [user] (:referrer user))) ;;this is equivalent to just using :referrer ;; implementation of the multimethod (defmethod affiliate-fee "mint.com" [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod affiliate-fee "google.com" [user] (fee-amount 0.01M user)) (defmethod affiliate-fee :default [user] (fee-amount 0.02M user))) ;;the default method can also be defined in the dispatch (defmulti affiliate-fee :referrer :default "*") (defmethod affiliate-fee "mint.com" [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod affiliate-fee "google.com" [user] (fee-amount 0.01M user)) (defmethod affiliate-fee "*" [user] (fee-amount 0.02M user)) ;;MULTIPLE DISPATCH (def user-1 {:login "rob" :referrer "mint.com" :salary 100000 :rating :rating/bronze}) (def user-2 {:login "gordon" :referrer "mint.com" :salary 80000 :rating :rating/silver}) (def user-3 {:login "kyle" :referrer "google.com" :salary 90000 :rating :rating/gold}) (def user-4 {:login "celeste" :referrer "yahoo.com" :salary 70000 :rating :rating/platinum}) ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Affiliate Profit Rating Fee (% of salary) ;----------------------------------------------------- mint.com Bronze 0.03 mint.com Silver 0.04 mint.com Gold / Platinum 0.05 google.com Gold / Platinum 0.03 ;----------------------------------------------------- (comment) ;; the fee category will be our new dispatch function (defn fee-category [user] [(:referrer user) (:rating user)]) (defmulti profit-based-affiliate-fee fee-category) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/bronze] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/silver] [user] (fee-amount 0.04M user)) notice that these two methods are the same thing ;; this looks like ad hoc polymorphism a hint that these two are the same ;; perhaps this a job for subtype polymorphism (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/gold] [user] (fee-amount 0.05M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/platinum] [user] (fee-amount 0.05M user)) notice that these two other methods are the same thing ;; this looks like ad hoc polymorphism a hint that these two are the same ;; perhaps this a job for subtype polymorphism (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["google.com" :rating/gold] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["google.com" :rating/platinum] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee :default [user] (fee-amount 0.02M user)) MULTIPLE DISPATCH AND SUBTYPE POLYMORPHISM ; ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ; │ Profit │ ; │ Rating │ ; └────────┘ ; ^ ; | ; +------------+------------+ ; | | ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ; │ Basic │ │Premier │ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ; ^ ^ ; | | ; +------+-----+ +-----+------+ ; | | | | ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ Bronze │ │ Silver │ │ Gold │ │ Platinum │ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ USING DERIVE TO CREATE THE HIERARCHY ;; derive x from y (i.e. x is a kind of y) (derive :rating/bronze :rating/basic) (derive :rating/silver :rating/basic) (derive :rating/gold :rating/premier) (derive :rating/platinum :rating/premier) (derive :rating/basic :rating/ANY) (derive :rating/premier :rating/ANY) (isa? :rating/bronze :rating/basic) ;;yields true (parents :rating/god) ;;yields :rating/premier (ancestors :rating/bronze) ;; yields #{:rating/ANY :rating/basic} (descendants :rating/basic) ;;yields #{:rating/bronze :rating/silver} (defmulti greet-user :rating) (defmethod greet-user :rating/basic [user] (str "Hello " (:login user) ".")) (defmethod greet-user :rating/premier [user] (str "Welcome, " (:login user) ", valued affiliate member!")) (comment ;;if now we do this, we can see the the multimethod criteria ;;takes into accout the hierarchical aspect to determine dispatch method (map c4/greet-user [c4/user-1 c4/user-2 c4/user-3 c4/user-4])) ;; the fee category will be our new dispatch function (defn fee-category [user] [(:referrer user) (:rating user)]) (defmulti profit-based-affiliate-fee fee-category) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/bronze] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/silver] [user] (fee-amount 0.04M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/premier] [user] (fee-amount 0.05M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["google.com" :rating/premier] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (comment ;;this default would not work now (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee :default [user] (fee-amount 0.02M user))) (defmulti size-up (fn [observer observed] [(:rating observer) (:rating observed)])) (defmethod size-up [:rating/platinum :rating/ANY] [_ observed] (str (:login observed) " seems scrawny.")) (defmethod size-up [:rating/ANY :rating/platinum] [_ observed] (str (:login observed) " shimmers with unearthly light.")) (comment ;;the following invocation would cause ambiguties unless we use a prefer method (size-up {:rating :rating/platinum} user-4) prefer the first dispatch over the second one (prefer-method size-up [:rating/ANY :rating/platinum] [:rating/platinum :rating/ANY])) (comment since the clojure generic math function uses multimethods for its definitions ;; I can take their pow function that works on doubles and make an implementation ;; that works on longs, and voila, it now works pefectly (defmethod math/pow [java.lang.Long java.lang.Long] [x y] (long (Math/pow x y))) ;;just testing imports and dependencies (defn my-pow [x y] (math/pow x y))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; USER-DEFINED HIERARCHIES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (def my-hierarchy (make-hierarchy)) (derive my-hierarchy :a :letter) ;; Meaning :a is a :letter (def my-hierarchy (-> my-hierarchy (derive :a :letter) (derive :b :letter) (derive :c :letter))) (isa? my-hierarchy :a :letter) ;;yields true (isa? my-hierarchy :d :letter) ;;yields false (parents my-hierarchy :a) ;; yields #{:letter} (descendants my-hierarchy :letter) ;;yields #{:a :b :c} (defmulti letter? identity :hierarchy #'my-hierarchy) (defmethod letter? :letter [_] true)
POLYMORPHISM AND MULTIMETHODS this is an example of close dispatch where the referrer is the dispatch criteria the problem is that adding referrers requires code changes MULTIMETHODS TO THE RESCUE! this is equivalent to just using :referrer implementation of the multimethod the default method can also be defined in the dispatch MULTIPLE DISPATCH ----------------------------------------------------- Affiliate Profit Rating Fee (% of salary) ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- the fee category will be our new dispatch function this looks like ad hoc polymorphism perhaps this a job for subtype polymorphism this looks like ad hoc polymorphism perhaps this a job for subtype polymorphism │ Profit │ │ Rating │ └────────┘ ^ | +------------+------------+ | | │ Basic │ │Premier │ ^ ^ | | +------+-----+ +-----+------+ | | | | derive x from y (i.e. x is a kind of y) yields true yields :rating/premier yields #{:rating/ANY :rating/basic} yields #{:rating/bronze :rating/silver} if now we do this, we can see the the multimethod criteria takes into accout the hierarchical aspect to determine dispatch method the fee category will be our new dispatch function this default would not work now the following invocation would cause ambiguties unless we use a prefer method I can take their pow function that works on doubles and make an implementation that works on longs, and voila, it now works pefectly just testing imports and dependencies USER-DEFINED HIERARCHIES Meaning :a is a :letter yields true yields false yields #{:letter} yields #{:a :b :c}
(ns learn.chapter04 (:require [clojure.algo.generic.math-functions :as math :refer :all])) (defn ad-hoc-type-name [thing] (condp = (type thing) java.lang.String "String" clojure.lang.PersistentVector "Vector")) (def type-name-implementations {java.lang.String (fn [thing] "String") clojure.lang.PersistentVector (fn [thing] "Vector")}) (defn open-ad-hoc-type-name [thing] (let [dispatch-value (type thing)] (if-let [implementation (get type-name-implementations dispatch-value)] (implementation thing) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "No implementation found for " dispatch-value)))))) (def example-user {:login "rob" :referrer "mint.com" :salary 100000}) (defn fee-amount "Calculates the fee you pay to affiliates based on their annual salary" [percentage user] (with-precision 16 :rounding HALF_EVEN (* 0.01M percentage (:salary user)))) (comment (defn affiliate-fee "Calculates the fee for an affiliate user based on their referrer and annual salary" [user] (case (:referrer user) "google.com" (fee-amount 0.01M user) "mint.com" (fee-amount 0.03M user) (fee-amount 0.02M user)))) (comment multimethod defines dispatch criteria (defmulti affiliate-fee (defmethod affiliate-fee "mint.com" [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod affiliate-fee "google.com" [user] (fee-amount 0.01M user)) (defmethod affiliate-fee :default [user] (fee-amount 0.02M user))) (defmulti affiliate-fee :referrer :default "*") (defmethod affiliate-fee "mint.com" [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod affiliate-fee "google.com" [user] (fee-amount 0.01M user)) (defmethod affiliate-fee "*" [user] (fee-amount 0.02M user)) (def user-1 {:login "rob" :referrer "mint.com" :salary 100000 :rating :rating/bronze}) (def user-2 {:login "gordon" :referrer "mint.com" :salary 80000 :rating :rating/silver}) (def user-3 {:login "kyle" :referrer "google.com" :salary 90000 :rating :rating/gold}) (def user-4 {:login "celeste" :referrer "yahoo.com" :salary 70000 :rating :rating/platinum}) mint.com Bronze 0.03 mint.com Silver 0.04 mint.com Gold / Platinum 0.05 google.com Gold / Platinum 0.03 (comment) (defn fee-category [user] [(:referrer user) (:rating user)]) (defmulti profit-based-affiliate-fee fee-category) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/bronze] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/silver] [user] (fee-amount 0.04M user)) notice that these two methods are the same thing a hint that these two are the same (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/gold] [user] (fee-amount 0.05M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/platinum] [user] (fee-amount 0.05M user)) notice that these two other methods are the same thing a hint that these two are the same (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["google.com" :rating/gold] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["google.com" :rating/platinum] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee :default [user] (fee-amount 0.02M user)) MULTIPLE DISPATCH AND SUBTYPE POLYMORPHISM ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ Bronze │ │ Silver │ │ Gold │ │ Platinum │ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ USING DERIVE TO CREATE THE HIERARCHY (derive :rating/bronze :rating/basic) (derive :rating/silver :rating/basic) (derive :rating/gold :rating/premier) (derive :rating/platinum :rating/premier) (derive :rating/basic :rating/ANY) (derive :rating/premier :rating/ANY) (defmulti greet-user :rating) (defmethod greet-user :rating/basic [user] (str "Hello " (:login user) ".")) (defmethod greet-user :rating/premier [user] (str "Welcome, " (:login user) ", valued affiliate member!")) (comment (map c4/greet-user [c4/user-1 c4/user-2 c4/user-3 c4/user-4])) (defn fee-category [user] [(:referrer user) (:rating user)]) (defmulti profit-based-affiliate-fee fee-category) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/bronze] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/silver] [user] (fee-amount 0.04M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["mint.com" :rating/premier] [user] (fee-amount 0.05M user)) (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee ["google.com" :rating/premier] [user] (fee-amount 0.03M user)) (comment (defmethod profit-based-affiliate-fee :default [user] (fee-amount 0.02M user))) (defmulti size-up (fn [observer observed] [(:rating observer) (:rating observed)])) (defmethod size-up [:rating/platinum :rating/ANY] [_ observed] (str (:login observed) " seems scrawny.")) (defmethod size-up [:rating/ANY :rating/platinum] [_ observed] (str (:login observed) " shimmers with unearthly light.")) (comment (size-up {:rating :rating/platinum} user-4) prefer the first dispatch over the second one (prefer-method size-up [:rating/ANY :rating/platinum] [:rating/platinum :rating/ANY])) (comment since the clojure generic math function uses multimethods for its definitions (defmethod math/pow [java.lang.Long java.lang.Long] [x y] (long (Math/pow x y))) (defn my-pow [x y] (math/pow x y))) (def my-hierarchy (make-hierarchy)) (def my-hierarchy (-> my-hierarchy (derive :a :letter) (derive :b :letter) (derive :c :letter))) (defmulti letter? identity :hierarchy #'my-hierarchy) (defmethod letter? :letter [_] true)
* 4 . binary search tree dictionary Write a module BstDict that implements the Dictionary module type using the tree type . Write a module BstDict that implements the Dictionary module type using the tree type.*) module type Dictionary = sig type ('k, 'v) t val empty : ('k, 'v) t val insert : 'k -> 'v -> ('k, 'v) t -> ('k, 'v) t val lookup : 'k -> ('k, 'v) t -> 'v end type ('k, 'v) tree = Leaf | Node of ('k * 'v) * ('k, 'v) tree * ('k, 'v) tree * a BstDict that takes keys of primitive types module BstDict : Dictionary = struct type ('k, 'v) t = Leaf | Node of ('k * 'v) * ('k, 'v) t * ('k, 'v) t (** tricky!! *) let empty = Leaf let rec insert k v t = match t with | Leaf -> Node((k,v), Leaf, Leaf) | Node((k1,v1), l, r) -> if k = k1 then Node((k1,v), l, r) else if Pervasives.compare k k1 <0 then Node((k1,v1), insert k v l, r) else Node((k1,v1), l, insert k v r) let rec lookup k t = match t with | Leaf -> failwith "Not found" | Node((k1,v1), l, r) -> if k = k1 then v1 else if Pervasives.compare k k1 <0 then lookup k l else lookup k r end (** tests *) open BstDict let d = empty |> insert 3 "apple" |> insert 1 "grapes" |> insert 2 "kiwi" |> insert 4 "pineapple" let () = print_endline(lookup 1 d); print_endline(lookup 2 d); print_endline(lookup 3 d); print_endline(lookup 4 d) * SOL2 : writing a functor that turns a Tree module into a Dictionary , where is an OrderedType that wrapes around tree type module type OrderedTree = sig type ( ' k , ' v ) t type ( ' k , ' v ) tree = Leaf | Node of ( ' k * ' v ) * ( ' k , ' v ) tree * ( ' k , ' v ) tree ( * * note when to use asteriks , and when " , " module type OrderedTree = sig type ('k, 'v) t type ('k, 'v) tree = Leaf | Node of ('k * 'v) * ('k, 'v) tree * ('k, 'v) tree (** note when to use asteriks, and when "," *) val compare : 'k -> 'v -> ('k, 'v) tree -> int end module BstTree = struct type ('k, 'v) t type ('k, 'v) tree = Leaf | Node of ('k * 'v) * ('k, 'v) tree * ('k, 'v) tree (** note when to use asteriks, and when "," *) let compare k v tree = match tree with | Leaf -> failwith "Empty tree" | Node ((k1, v1), l, r) -> Pervasives.compare k k1 end module Make_BstDict(T: OrderedTree) : Dictionary = struct type ('k, 'v) t = ('k,) T.tree type end *)
* tricky!! * tests * note when to use asteriks, and when "," * note when to use asteriks, and when ","
* 4 . binary search tree dictionary Write a module BstDict that implements the Dictionary module type using the tree type . Write a module BstDict that implements the Dictionary module type using the tree type.*) module type Dictionary = sig type ('k, 'v) t val empty : ('k, 'v) t val insert : 'k -> 'v -> ('k, 'v) t -> ('k, 'v) t val lookup : 'k -> ('k, 'v) t -> 'v end type ('k, 'v) tree = Leaf | Node of ('k * 'v) * ('k, 'v) tree * ('k, 'v) tree * a BstDict that takes keys of primitive types module BstDict : Dictionary = struct let empty = Leaf let rec insert k v t = match t with | Leaf -> Node((k,v), Leaf, Leaf) | Node((k1,v1), l, r) -> if k = k1 then Node((k1,v), l, r) else if Pervasives.compare k k1 <0 then Node((k1,v1), insert k v l, r) else Node((k1,v1), l, insert k v r) let rec lookup k t = match t with | Leaf -> failwith "Not found" | Node((k1,v1), l, r) -> if k = k1 then v1 else if Pervasives.compare k k1 <0 then lookup k l else lookup k r end open BstDict let d = empty |> insert 3 "apple" |> insert 1 "grapes" |> insert 2 "kiwi" |> insert 4 "pineapple" let () = print_endline(lookup 1 d); print_endline(lookup 2 d); print_endline(lookup 3 d); print_endline(lookup 4 d) * SOL2 : writing a functor that turns a Tree module into a Dictionary , where is an OrderedType that wrapes around tree type module type OrderedTree = sig type ( ' k , ' v ) t type ( ' k , ' v ) tree = Leaf | Node of ( ' k * ' v ) * ( ' k , ' v ) tree * ( ' k , ' v ) tree ( * * note when to use asteriks , and when " , " module type OrderedTree = sig type ('k, 'v) t val compare : 'k -> 'v -> ('k, 'v) tree -> int end module BstTree = struct type ('k, 'v) t let compare k v tree = match tree with | Leaf -> failwith "Empty tree" | Node ((k1, v1), l, r) -> Pervasives.compare k k1 end module Make_BstDict(T: OrderedTree) : Dictionary = struct type ('k, 'v) t = ('k,) T.tree type end *)
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: SPARSER -*- Copyright ( c ) 2016 - 2022 SIFT LLC . All Rights Reserved . ;;; ;;; File: "session" ;;; Module: "init;" Version : January 2022 (in-package :sparser) Finalize the load . (when *load-the-grammar* (when *include-model-facilities* (load-delayed-dossiers) ;; This call announces the # of individuals in all the defined categories ;; that have instances (see *referential-categories*) (postprocess-grammar-indexes) ;;---------- the very last thing to do ---------- (declare-all-existing-individuals-permanent))) ;; Final session setup. (setup-session-globals/parser) (setup-session-globals/grammar) (stop-timer '*time-to-load-everything*) (report-time-to-load-system) (when cl-user::location-of-text-corpora (push :full-corpus *features*)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (setq *sparser-loaded* t)) ;; Finally, print a salutation to the REPL. (format t "~%Welcome to the Sparser natural language analysis system.~ ~%Copyright (c) David D. McDonald 1991-2005,2010-2022.~ ~%Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.~ ~%~ ~%Type (in-package :sparser) to use Sparser symbols directly.~ ~%~%")
-*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: SPARSER -*- File: "session" Module: "init;" This call announces the # of individuals in all the defined categories that have instances (see *referential-categories*) ---------- the very last thing to do ---------- Final session setup. Finally, print a salutation to the REPL.
Copyright ( c ) 2016 - 2022 SIFT LLC . All Rights Reserved . Version : January 2022 (in-package :sparser) Finalize the load . (when *load-the-grammar* (when *include-model-facilities* (load-delayed-dossiers) (postprocess-grammar-indexes) (declare-all-existing-individuals-permanent))) (setup-session-globals/parser) (setup-session-globals/grammar) (stop-timer '*time-to-load-everything*) (report-time-to-load-system) (when cl-user::location-of-text-corpora (push :full-corpus *features*)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (setq *sparser-loaded* t)) (format t "~%Welcome to the Sparser natural language analysis system.~ ~%Copyright (c) David D. McDonald 1991-2005,2010-2022.~ ~%Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.~ ~%~ ~%Type (in-package :sparser) to use Sparser symbols directly.~ ~%~%")
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall # module Test.CongruenceClosure (ccTestGroup) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Data.Array import Data.Graph import qualified Data.Tree as Tree import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import qualified Data.Set as Set import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.TH import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Monadic as QM import ToySolver.EUF.CongruenceClosure import qualified ToySolver.EUF.EUFSolver as EUF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test cases case_Example_1 :: Assertion case_Example_1 = do solver <- newSolver a <- newFSym solver b <- newFSym solver c <- newFSym solver d <- newFSym solver merge solver (TApp a []) (TApp c []) ret <- areCongruent solver (TApp a [TApp b []]) (TApp c [TApp d []]) ret @?= False merge solver (TApp b []) (TApp d []) ret <- areCongruent solver (TApp a [TApp b []]) (TApp c [TApp d []]) ret @?= True case_Example_1_FlatTerm :: Assertion case_Example_1_FlatTerm = do solver <- newSolver a <- newFSym solver b <- newFSym solver c <- newFSym solver d <- newFSym solver mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst a) c ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a b) (FTApp c d) ret @?= False mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst b) d ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a b) (FTApp c d) ret @?= True case_Example_2 :: Assertion case_Example_2 = do solver <- newSolver a <- newConst solver b <- newConst solver c <- newConst solver f <- newFun solver g <- newFun solver h <- newFun solver merge solver (f b) c merge solver (f c) a merge solver (g a) (h a a) ret <- areCongruent solver (g b) (h c b) ret @?= False merge solver b c ret <- areCongruent solver (g b) (h c b) ret @?= True case_NO2007_Example_11 :: Assertion case_NO2007_Example_11 = do solver <- newSolver replicateM_ 15 $ newFSym solver let xs = [(1,8),(7,2),(3,13),(7,1),(6,7),(6,7),(9,5),(9,3),(14,11),(10,4),(12,9),(4,11),(10,7)] forM_ (zip [0..] xs) $ \(i,(a,b)) -> mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst a) b (Just i) m <- explainConst solver 1 4 fmap (Set.fromList . map (xs!!) . IntSet.toList) m @?= Just (Set.fromList [(7,1), (10,4), (10,7)]) f(g , h)=d , c = d , , d)=a , e = c , e = b , b = h case_NO2007_Example_16 :: Assertion case_NO2007_Example_16 = do solver <- newSolver a <- newFSym solver b <- newFSym solver c <- newFSym solver d <- newFSym solver e <- newFSym solver g <- newFSym solver h <- newFSym solver mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTApp g h) d (Just 0) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst c) d (Just 1) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTApp g d) a (Just 2) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst e) c (Just 3) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst e) b (Just 4) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst b) h (Just 5) m <- explainConst solver a b m @?= Just (IntSet.fromList [1,3,4,5,0,2]) -- d = c = e = b = h a = f(g , d ) = f(g , h ) = d = c = e = b case_backtracking_1 :: Assertion case_backtracking_1 = do solver <- newSolver a1 <- newFSym solver a2 <- newFSym solver b1 <- newFSym solver b2 <- newFSym solver mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst a1) b1 pushBacktrackPoint solver mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst a2) b2 ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a1 a2) (FTApp b1 b2) ret @?= True popBacktrackPoint solver ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTConst a2) (FTConst b2) ret @?= False ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a1 a2) (FTApp b1 b2) ret @?= False pushBacktrackPoint solver ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTConst a2) (FTConst b2) ret @?= False ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a1 a2) (FTApp b1 b2) ret @?= False popBacktrackPoint solver case_backtracking_preserve_definition :: Assertion case_backtracking_preserve_definition = do solver <- newSolver a1 <- newFSym solver a2 <- newFSym solver b1 <- newFSym solver b2 <- newFSym solver pushBacktrackPoint solver a <- flatTermToFSym solver (FTApp a1 a2) b <- flatTermToFSym solver (FTApp b1 b2) popBacktrackPoint solver c <- newFSym solver mergeFlatTerm solver (FTApp a1 a2) c mergeFlatTerm solver (FTApp b1 b2) c ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTConst a) (FTConst b) ret @?= True prop_components :: Property prop_components = QM.monadicIO $ do nv <- QM.pick $ choose (1, 10) ne <- QM.pick $ choose (1, 100) edges <- QM.pick $ replicateM ne $ do s <- choose (0,nv-1) t <- choose (0,nv-1) return (s,t) let g = buildG (0,nv-1) edges repr = array (0,nv-1) [(c, Tree.rootLabel comp) | comp <- components g, c <- Tree.flatten comp] solver <- QM.run $ newSolver QM.run $ do replicateM_ nv $ newFSym solver forM_ edges $ \(s,t) -> mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst s) t forM_ [0..(nv-1)] $ \c -> forM_ [0..(nv-1)] $ \d -> do b <- QM.run $ areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTConst c) (FTConst d) QM.assert $ b == (repr ! c == repr ! d) case_fsymToTerm_termToSym :: Assertion case_fsymToTerm_termToSym = do solver <- newSolver f <- liftM (\f x y -> TApp f [x,y]) $ newFSym solver g <- liftM (\f x -> TApp f [x]) $ newFSym solver a <- newConst solver let t = f (g a) (g (g a)) c <- termToFSym solver t t2 <- fsymToTerm solver c t2 @?= t case_getModel_test1 :: Assertion case_getModel_test1 = do solver <- newSolver a <- newConst solver b <- newConst solver c <- newConst solver _d <- newConst solver f <- newFun solver g <- newFun solver h <- newFun solver merge solver (f b) c merge solver (f c) a merge solver (g a) (h a a) m1 <- getModel solver (eval m1 (f b) == eval m1 c) @?= True (eval m1 (f c) == eval m1 a) @?= True (eval m1 (g a) == eval m1 (h a a)) @?= True (eval m1 (f b) == eval m1 (f c)) @?= False merge solver b c m2 <- getModel solver (eval m2 (f b) == eval m2 c) @?= True (eval m2 (f c) == eval m2 a) @?= True (eval m2 (g a) == eval m2 (h a a)) @?= True (eval m2 (f b) == eval m2 (f c)) @?= True (eval m2 (g b) == eval m2 (g c)) @?= True case_EUF_getModel_test1 :: Assertion case_EUF_getModel_test1 = do solver <- EUF.newSolver 0 1 2 3 4 5 EUF.assertEqual solver (f b) c EUF.assertEqual solver (f c) a EUF.assertEqual solver (g a) (h a a) True <- EUF.check solver m1 <- EUF.getModel solver (eval m1 (g b) == eval m1 (h c b)) @?= True EUF.assertNotEqual solver (g b) (h c b) True <- EUF.check solver m2 <- EUF.getModel solver (eval m2 (g b) == eval m2 (h c b)) @?= False prop_getModel_eval_1 :: Property prop_getModel_eval_1 = QM.monadicIO $ do solver <- QM.run newSolver a <- QM.run $ newConst solver b <- QM.run $ newConst solver c <- QM.run $ newConst solver f <- QM.run $ newFun solver g <- QM.run $ newFun solver h <- QM.run $ newFun solver let genExpr :: Gen Term genExpr = evalStateT genExpr' 10 genExpr' :: StateT Int Gen Term genExpr' = do budget <- get modify (subtract 1) join $ lift $ elements $ concat $ [ map return [a,b,c] , [ liftM f genExpr' | budget >= 2 ] , [ liftM g genExpr' | budget >= 2 ] , [ liftM2 h genExpr' genExpr' | budget >= 3 ] ] es <- QM.pick $ do n <- choose (0, 20) replicateM n $ do lhs <- genExpr rhs <- genExpr return (lhs,rhs) join $ QM.run $ do forM_ es $ \(lhs,rhs) -> merge solver lhs rhs m <- getModel solver return $ forM_ es $ \(lhs,rhs) -> do QM.assert (eval m lhs == eval m rhs) prop_getModel_eval_2 :: Property prop_getModel_eval_2 = QM.monadicIO $ do solver <- QM.run newSolver a <- QM.run $ newConst solver b <- QM.run $ newConst solver c <- QM.run $ newConst solver f <- QM.run $ newFun solver g <- QM.run $ newFun solver h <- QM.run $ newFun solver let genExpr :: Gen Term genExpr = evalStateT genExpr' 10 genExpr' :: StateT Int Gen Term genExpr' = do budget <- get modify (subtract 1) join $ lift $ elements $ concat $ [ map return [a,b,c] , [ liftM f genExpr' | budget >= 2 ] , [ liftM g genExpr' | budget >= 2 ] , [ liftM2 h genExpr' genExpr' | budget >= 3 ] ] es <- QM.pick $ do n <- choose (0, 20) replicateM n $ do lhs <- genExpr rhs <- genExpr return (lhs,rhs) (lhs,rhs) <- QM.pick $ do lhs <- genExpr rhs <- genExpr return (lhs,rhs) join $ QM.run $ do forM_ es $ \(lhs,rhs) -> do merge solver lhs rhs b <- areCongruent solver lhs rhs if b then do m <- getModel solver return $ QM.assert (eval m lhs == eval m rhs) else return $ return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test harness ccTestGroup :: TestTree ccTestGroup = $(testGroupGenerator)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Test cases d = c = e = b = h ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Test harness
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall # module Test.CongruenceClosure (ccTestGroup) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Data.Array import Data.Graph import qualified Data.Tree as Tree import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import qualified Data.Set as Set import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.TH import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Monadic as QM import ToySolver.EUF.CongruenceClosure import qualified ToySolver.EUF.EUFSolver as EUF case_Example_1 :: Assertion case_Example_1 = do solver <- newSolver a <- newFSym solver b <- newFSym solver c <- newFSym solver d <- newFSym solver merge solver (TApp a []) (TApp c []) ret <- areCongruent solver (TApp a [TApp b []]) (TApp c [TApp d []]) ret @?= False merge solver (TApp b []) (TApp d []) ret <- areCongruent solver (TApp a [TApp b []]) (TApp c [TApp d []]) ret @?= True case_Example_1_FlatTerm :: Assertion case_Example_1_FlatTerm = do solver <- newSolver a <- newFSym solver b <- newFSym solver c <- newFSym solver d <- newFSym solver mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst a) c ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a b) (FTApp c d) ret @?= False mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst b) d ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a b) (FTApp c d) ret @?= True case_Example_2 :: Assertion case_Example_2 = do solver <- newSolver a <- newConst solver b <- newConst solver c <- newConst solver f <- newFun solver g <- newFun solver h <- newFun solver merge solver (f b) c merge solver (f c) a merge solver (g a) (h a a) ret <- areCongruent solver (g b) (h c b) ret @?= False merge solver b c ret <- areCongruent solver (g b) (h c b) ret @?= True case_NO2007_Example_11 :: Assertion case_NO2007_Example_11 = do solver <- newSolver replicateM_ 15 $ newFSym solver let xs = [(1,8),(7,2),(3,13),(7,1),(6,7),(6,7),(9,5),(9,3),(14,11),(10,4),(12,9),(4,11),(10,7)] forM_ (zip [0..] xs) $ \(i,(a,b)) -> mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst a) b (Just i) m <- explainConst solver 1 4 fmap (Set.fromList . map (xs!!) . IntSet.toList) m @?= Just (Set.fromList [(7,1), (10,4), (10,7)]) f(g , h)=d , c = d , , d)=a , e = c , e = b , b = h case_NO2007_Example_16 :: Assertion case_NO2007_Example_16 = do solver <- newSolver a <- newFSym solver b <- newFSym solver c <- newFSym solver d <- newFSym solver e <- newFSym solver g <- newFSym solver h <- newFSym solver mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTApp g h) d (Just 0) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst c) d (Just 1) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTApp g d) a (Just 2) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst e) c (Just 3) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst e) b (Just 4) mergeFlatTerm' solver (FTConst b) h (Just 5) m <- explainConst solver a b m @?= Just (IntSet.fromList [1,3,4,5,0,2]) a = f(g , d ) = f(g , h ) = d = c = e = b case_backtracking_1 :: Assertion case_backtracking_1 = do solver <- newSolver a1 <- newFSym solver a2 <- newFSym solver b1 <- newFSym solver b2 <- newFSym solver mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst a1) b1 pushBacktrackPoint solver mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst a2) b2 ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a1 a2) (FTApp b1 b2) ret @?= True popBacktrackPoint solver ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTConst a2) (FTConst b2) ret @?= False ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a1 a2) (FTApp b1 b2) ret @?= False pushBacktrackPoint solver ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTConst a2) (FTConst b2) ret @?= False ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTApp a1 a2) (FTApp b1 b2) ret @?= False popBacktrackPoint solver case_backtracking_preserve_definition :: Assertion case_backtracking_preserve_definition = do solver <- newSolver a1 <- newFSym solver a2 <- newFSym solver b1 <- newFSym solver b2 <- newFSym solver pushBacktrackPoint solver a <- flatTermToFSym solver (FTApp a1 a2) b <- flatTermToFSym solver (FTApp b1 b2) popBacktrackPoint solver c <- newFSym solver mergeFlatTerm solver (FTApp a1 a2) c mergeFlatTerm solver (FTApp b1 b2) c ret <- areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTConst a) (FTConst b) ret @?= True prop_components :: Property prop_components = QM.monadicIO $ do nv <- QM.pick $ choose (1, 10) ne <- QM.pick $ choose (1, 100) edges <- QM.pick $ replicateM ne $ do s <- choose (0,nv-1) t <- choose (0,nv-1) return (s,t) let g = buildG (0,nv-1) edges repr = array (0,nv-1) [(c, Tree.rootLabel comp) | comp <- components g, c <- Tree.flatten comp] solver <- QM.run $ newSolver QM.run $ do replicateM_ nv $ newFSym solver forM_ edges $ \(s,t) -> mergeFlatTerm solver (FTConst s) t forM_ [0..(nv-1)] $ \c -> forM_ [0..(nv-1)] $ \d -> do b <- QM.run $ areCongruentFlatTerm solver (FTConst c) (FTConst d) QM.assert $ b == (repr ! c == repr ! d) case_fsymToTerm_termToSym :: Assertion case_fsymToTerm_termToSym = do solver <- newSolver f <- liftM (\f x y -> TApp f [x,y]) $ newFSym solver g <- liftM (\f x -> TApp f [x]) $ newFSym solver a <- newConst solver let t = f (g a) (g (g a)) c <- termToFSym solver t t2 <- fsymToTerm solver c t2 @?= t case_getModel_test1 :: Assertion case_getModel_test1 = do solver <- newSolver a <- newConst solver b <- newConst solver c <- newConst solver _d <- newConst solver f <- newFun solver g <- newFun solver h <- newFun solver merge solver (f b) c merge solver (f c) a merge solver (g a) (h a a) m1 <- getModel solver (eval m1 (f b) == eval m1 c) @?= True (eval m1 (f c) == eval m1 a) @?= True (eval m1 (g a) == eval m1 (h a a)) @?= True (eval m1 (f b) == eval m1 (f c)) @?= False merge solver b c m2 <- getModel solver (eval m2 (f b) == eval m2 c) @?= True (eval m2 (f c) == eval m2 a) @?= True (eval m2 (g a) == eval m2 (h a a)) @?= True (eval m2 (f b) == eval m2 (f c)) @?= True (eval m2 (g b) == eval m2 (g c)) @?= True case_EUF_getModel_test1 :: Assertion case_EUF_getModel_test1 = do solver <- EUF.newSolver 0 1 2 3 4 5 EUF.assertEqual solver (f b) c EUF.assertEqual solver (f c) a EUF.assertEqual solver (g a) (h a a) True <- EUF.check solver m1 <- EUF.getModel solver (eval m1 (g b) == eval m1 (h c b)) @?= True EUF.assertNotEqual solver (g b) (h c b) True <- EUF.check solver m2 <- EUF.getModel solver (eval m2 (g b) == eval m2 (h c b)) @?= False prop_getModel_eval_1 :: Property prop_getModel_eval_1 = QM.monadicIO $ do solver <- QM.run newSolver a <- QM.run $ newConst solver b <- QM.run $ newConst solver c <- QM.run $ newConst solver f <- QM.run $ newFun solver g <- QM.run $ newFun solver h <- QM.run $ newFun solver let genExpr :: Gen Term genExpr = evalStateT genExpr' 10 genExpr' :: StateT Int Gen Term genExpr' = do budget <- get modify (subtract 1) join $ lift $ elements $ concat $ [ map return [a,b,c] , [ liftM f genExpr' | budget >= 2 ] , [ liftM g genExpr' | budget >= 2 ] , [ liftM2 h genExpr' genExpr' | budget >= 3 ] ] es <- QM.pick $ do n <- choose (0, 20) replicateM n $ do lhs <- genExpr rhs <- genExpr return (lhs,rhs) join $ QM.run $ do forM_ es $ \(lhs,rhs) -> merge solver lhs rhs m <- getModel solver return $ forM_ es $ \(lhs,rhs) -> do QM.assert (eval m lhs == eval m rhs) prop_getModel_eval_2 :: Property prop_getModel_eval_2 = QM.monadicIO $ do solver <- QM.run newSolver a <- QM.run $ newConst solver b <- QM.run $ newConst solver c <- QM.run $ newConst solver f <- QM.run $ newFun solver g <- QM.run $ newFun solver h <- QM.run $ newFun solver let genExpr :: Gen Term genExpr = evalStateT genExpr' 10 genExpr' :: StateT Int Gen Term genExpr' = do budget <- get modify (subtract 1) join $ lift $ elements $ concat $ [ map return [a,b,c] , [ liftM f genExpr' | budget >= 2 ] , [ liftM g genExpr' | budget >= 2 ] , [ liftM2 h genExpr' genExpr' | budget >= 3 ] ] es <- QM.pick $ do n <- choose (0, 20) replicateM n $ do lhs <- genExpr rhs <- genExpr return (lhs,rhs) (lhs,rhs) <- QM.pick $ do lhs <- genExpr rhs <- genExpr return (lhs,rhs) join $ QM.run $ do forM_ es $ \(lhs,rhs) -> do merge solver lhs rhs b <- areCongruent solver lhs rhs if b then do m <- getModel solver return $ QM.assert (eval m lhs == eval m rhs) else return $ return () ccTestGroup :: TestTree ccTestGroup = $(testGroupGenerator)
;;;; This file is for testing backtraces, using test machinery which might have side effects ( e.g. executing DEFUN ) . This software is part of the SBCL system . See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system , the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork from CMU CL . ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (cl:in-package :cl-user) ;;; The following objects should be EQUALP to the respective markers ;;; produced by the backtrace machinery. (defvar *unused-argument* (sb-debug::make-unprintable-object "unused argument")) (defvar *unavailable-argument* (sb-debug::make-unprintable-object "unavailable argument")) (defvar *unavailable-lambda-list* (sb-debug::make-unprintable-object "unavailable lambda list")) ;;; TEST-FUNCTION is called and has to signal an error at which point ;;; the backtrace will be captured. ;;; ;;; If DETAILS is true, the returned backtrace description is of the ;;; form: ;;; ( ( ( NAME1 . ARGS1 ) INFO1 ) ( ( NAME2 . ) INFO2 ) ;;; ...) ;;; ;;; Otherwise it is of the form ;;; ( ( NAME1 . ARGS1 ) ( NAME2 . ) ;;; ...) ;;; (defun call-with-backtrace (cont test-function &key details) (flet ((capture-it (condition) (let (backtrace) (sb-debug::map-backtrace (lambda (frame) (multiple-value-bind (name args info) (sb-debug::frame-call frame) (push (if details (list (cons name args) info) (cons name args)) backtrace)))) (funcall cont (nreverse backtrace) condition)))) (handler-bind ((error #'capture-it)) (funcall test-function)))) Check the backtrace FRAMES against the list of frame ;;; specifications EXPECTED signaling an error if they do not match. ;;; ;;; If DETAILS is true, EXPECTED is a list with elements of the form ;;; ;;; ((FUNCTION ARGS) INFO) ;;; ;;; Otherwise elements are of the form ;;; ;;; (FUNCTION ARGS) ;;; ;;; ARGS is a list of expected argument values, but can also contain ;;; the following symbols ;;; & REST The corresponding frame in FRAMES can contain an arbitrary ;;; number of arguments starting at the corresponding ;;; position. ;;; ? The corresponding frame in FRAMES can have an arbitrary ;;; argument at the corresponding position. (defun check-backtrace (frames expected &key details) (labels ((args-equal (want actual) (cond ((eq want *unavailable-lambda-list*) (equalp want actual)) ((eq '&rest (car want)) t) ((endp want) (endp actual)) ((or (eq '? (car want)) (equal (car want) (car actual))) (args-equal (cdr want) (cdr actual))) ((typep (car want) 'sb-impl::unprintable-object) (equalp (car want) (car actual))) (t nil))) (fail (datum &rest arguments) (return-from check-backtrace (values nil (sb-kernel:coerce-to-condition datum arguments 'simple-error 'error))))) (mapc (lambda (frame spec) (unless (cond ((not spec) t) (details (and (args-equal (car spec) (car frame)) (equal (cdr spec) (cdr frame)))) (t (and (equal (car spec) (car frame)) (args-equal (cdr spec) (cdr frame))))) (fail "~@<Unexpected frame during ~ ~:[non-detailed~:;detailed~] check: wanted ~S, got ~ ~S~@:>" details spec frame))) frames expected)) t) ;;; Check for backtraces generally being correct. Ensure that the ;;; actual backtrace finishes (doesn't signal any errors on its own), ;;; and that it contains the frames we expect, doesn't contain any ;;; "bogus stack frame"s, and contains the appropriate toplevel call ;;; and hasn't been cut off anywhere. ;;; ;;; See CHECK-BACKTRACE for an explanation of the structure ;;; EXPECTED-FRAMES. (defun verify-backtrace (test-function expected-frames &key details) (labels ((find-frame (function-name frames) (member function-name frames :key (if details #'caar #'car) :test #'equal)) (fail (datum &rest arguments) (return-from verify-backtrace (values nil (sb-kernel:coerce-to-condition datum arguments 'simple-error 'error))))) (call-with-backtrace (lambda (backtrace condition) (declare (ignore condition)) (let* ((test-function-name (if details (caaar expected-frames) (caar expected-frames))) (frames (or (find-frame test-function-name backtrace) (fail "~@<~S (expected name ~S) not found in ~ backtrace:~@:_~S~@:>" test-function test-function-name backtrace)))) ;; Check that we have all the frames we wanted. (multiple-value-bind (successp condition) (check-backtrace frames expected-frames :details details) (unless successp (fail condition))) ;; Make sure the backtrace isn't stunted in any way. ;; (Depends on running in the main thread.) FIXME: On Windows we get two extra foreign frames below regular frames . (unless (find-frame 'sb-impl::toplevel-init frames) (fail "~@<Backtrace stunted:~@:_~S~@:>" backtrace))) (return-from verify-backtrace t)) test-function :details details))) (defun assert-backtrace (test-function expected-frames &key details) (multiple-value-bind (successp condition) (verify-backtrace test-function expected-frames :details details) (or successp (error condition)))) (defvar *p* (namestring *load-truename*)) (defvar *undefined-function-frame* '("undefined function")) (defun oops () (error "oops")) ;;; Test for "undefined function" (undefined_tramp) working properly. ;;; Try it with and without tail call elimination, since they can have ;;; different effects. (Specifically, if undefined_tramp is incorrect ;;; a stunted stack can result from the tail call variant.) (flet ((optimized () (declare (optimize (speed 2) (debug 1))) ; tail call elimination (#:undefined-function 42)) (not-optimized () (declare (optimize (speed 1) (debug 3))) ; no tail call elimination (#:undefined-function 42)) (test (fun) (declare (optimize (speed 1) (debug 3))) ; no tail call elimination (funcall fun))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :undefined-function :bug-346) :skipped-on :interpreter Failures on SPARC , and probably HPPA are due to ;; not having a full and valid stack frame for the ;; undefined function frame. See PPC ;; undefined_tramp for details. :fails-on '(or :sparc)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (test #'optimized)) (list *undefined-function-frame* (list `(flet test :in ,*p*) #'optimized)))) bug 353 : This test fails at least most of the time for x86 / linux ca . . -- WHN (with-test (:name (:backtrace :undefined-function :bug-353) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (test #'not-optimized)) (list *undefined-function-frame* (list `(flet not-optimized :in ,*p*)) (list `(flet test :in ,*p*) #'not-optimized))))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :interrupted-condition-wait) :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread)) (let ((m (sb-thread:make-mutex)) (q (sb-thread:make-waitqueue))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (sb-thread:with-mutex (m) (handler-bind ((timeout (lambda (condition) (declare (ignore condition)) (error "foo")))) (with-timeout 0.1 (sb-thread:condition-wait q m))))) `((sb-thread:condition-wait ,q ,m :timeout nil))))) Division by zero was a common error on PPC . It depended on the return function either being before INTEGER-/-INTEGER in memory , ;;; or more than MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM bytes ahead. It also depends on INTEGER-/-INTEGER calling SIGNED - TRUNCATE . I believe says that the Sparc backend ( at least for CMUCL ) inlines this , so if SBCL does the same this test is probably not good for the Sparc . ;;; ;;; Disabling tail call elimination on this will probably ensure that ;;; the return value (to the flet or the enclosing top level form) is ;;; more than MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM with the current spaces on OS X. ;;; Enabling it might catch other problems, so do it anyway. (flet ((optimized () (declare (optimize (speed 2) (debug 1))) ; tail call elimination (/ 42 0)) (not-optimized () (declare (optimize (speed 1) (debug 3))) ; no tail call elimination (/ 42 0)) (test (fun) (declare (optimize (speed 1) (debug 3))) ; no tail call elimination (funcall fun))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :divide-by-zero :bug-346) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (test #'optimized)) `((/ 42 &rest) ((flet test :in ,*p*) ,#'optimized)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :divide-by-zero :bug-356) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (test #'not-optimized)) `((/ 42 &rest) ((flet not-optimized :in ,*p*)) ((flet test :in ,*p*) ,#'not-optimized))))) (defun throw-test () (throw 'no-such-tag t)) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :throw :no-such-tag) :fails-on '(and :sparc :linux)) (assert-backtrace #'throw-test '((throw-test)))) (funcall (checked-compile '(lambda () (defun bug-308926 (x) (let ((v "foo")) (flet ((bar (z) (oops v z) (oops z v))) (bar x) (bar v))))) :allow-style-warnings t)) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :bug-308926) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bug-308926 13)) '(((flet bar :in bug-308926) 13) (bug-308926 &rest t)))) ;;; Test backtrace through assembly routines ;;; :bug-800343 (macrolet ((test (predicate fun &optional (two-arg (find-symbol (format nil "TWO-ARG-~A" fun) "SB-KERNEL"))) (let ((test-name (make-symbol (format nil "TEST-~A" fun)))) `(flet ((,test-name (x y) ;; make sure it's not in tail position (list (,fun x y)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :bug-800343 ,fun) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (eval `(funcall ,#',test-name 42 t))) '((,two-arg 42 t) #+(or x86 x86-64) ,@(and predicate `((,(find-symbol (format nil "GENERIC-~A" fun) "SB-VM")))) ((flet ,test-name :in ,*p*) 42 t))))))) (test-predicates (&rest functions) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (function) `(test t ,@(sb-int:ensure-list function))) functions))) (test-functions (&rest functions) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (function) `(test nil ,@(sb-int:ensure-list function))) functions)))) (test-predicates = < >) (test-functions + - * / gcd lcm (logand sb-kernel:two-arg-and) (logior sb-kernel:two-arg-ior) (logxor sb-kernel:two-arg-xor))) ;;; test entry point handling in backtraces (with-test (:name (:backtrace :xep-too-many-arguments) :skipped-on :interpreter) ;; CHECKED-COMPILE avoids STYLE-WARNING noise. (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (oops 1 2 3 4 5 6)) :allow-style-warnings t) '((oops ? ? ? ? ? ?)))) (defmacro defbt (n ll &body body) ;; WTF is this? This is a way to make these tests not depend so much on the details of LOAD / EVAL . Around 1.0.57 we changed % SIMPLE - EVAL to be ;; slightly smarter, which meant that things which used to have xeps ;; suddently had tl-xeps, etc. This takes care of that. `(funcall (checked-compile '(lambda () (progn ;; normal debug info (defun ,(intern (format nil "BT.~A.1" n)) ,ll ,@body) ;; no arguments saved (defun ,(intern (format nil "BT.~A.2" n)) ,ll (declare (optimize (debug 1) (speed 3))) ,@body) ;; no lambda-list saved (defun ,(intern (format nil "BT.~A.3" n)) ,ll (declare (optimize (debug 0))) ,@body))) :allow-style-warnings t))) (defbt 1 (&key key) (list key)) (defbt 2 (x) (list x)) (defbt 3 (&key (key (oops))) (list key)) ;;; ERROR instead of OOPS so that tail call elimination doesn't happen (defbt 4 (&optional opt) (list (error "error"))) (defbt 5 (&optional (opt (oops))) (list opt)) (defbt 6 (&optional (opt nil opt-p)) (declare (ignore opt)) (list (error "error ~A" opt-p))) ; use OPT-P (defbt 7 (&key (key nil key-p)) (declare (ignore key)) (list (error "error ~A" key-p))) ; use KEY-P (defun bug-354 (x) (error "XEPs in backtraces: ~S" x)) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :bug-354)) (assert (not (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bug-354 354)) '((bug-354 354) (((bug-354 &rest) (:tl :external)) 354))))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bug-354 354)) '((bug-354 354)))) ;;; FIXME: This test really should be broken into smaller pieces (with-test (:name (:backtrace :tl-xep)) (assert-backtrace #'namestring '(((namestring) (:tl :external))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'namestring '((namestring)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :more-processor)) ;; CHECKED-COMPILE avoids STYLE-WARNING noise. (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (bt.1.1 :key)) :allow-style-warnings t) '(((bt.1.1 :key) (:more :optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (bt.1.2 :key)) :allow-style-warnings t) '(((bt.1.2 ?) (:more :optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key)) `(((bt.1.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*) (:more :optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (bt.1.1 :key)) :allow-style-warnings t) '((bt.1.1 :key))) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (bt.1.2 :key)) :allow-style-warnings t) '((bt.1.2 &rest))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key)) '((bt.1.3 &rest)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :xep)) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.1 '(((bt.2.1) (:external))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.2 '(((bt.2.2) (:external))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.3 `(((bt.2.3) (:external))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.1 '((bt.2.1))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.2 '((bt.2.2))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.3 `((bt.2.3)))) ;;; This test is somewhat deceptively named. Due to confusion in debug ;;; naming these functions used to have sb-c::varargs-entry debug ;;; names for their main lambda. (with-test (:name (:backtrace :varargs-entry)) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.1 '((bt.3.1 :key nil))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.2 '((bt.3.2 :key ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.3 `((bt.3.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.1 '((bt.3.1 :key nil))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.2 '((bt.3.2 :key ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.3 `((bt.3.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) ;;; This test is somewhat deceptively named. Due to confusion in debug naming ;;; these functions used to have sb-c::hairy-args-processor debug names for ;;; their main lambda. (with-test (:name (:backtrace :hairy-args-processor)) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.1 '((bt.4.1 ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.2 '((bt.4.2 ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.3 `((bt.4.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.1 '((bt.4.1 ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.2 '((bt.4.2 ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.3 `((bt.4.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :optional-processor)) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.1 '(((bt.5.1) (:optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.2 '(((bt.5.2) (:optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.3 `(((bt.5.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*) (:optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.1 '((bt.5.1))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.2 '((bt.5.2))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.3 `((bt.5.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :unused-optinoal-with-supplied-p :bug-1498644)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.1 :opt)) `(((bt.6.1 ,*unused-argument*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.2 :opt)) `(((bt.6.2 ,*unused-argument*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.3 :opt)) `(((bt.6.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.1 :opt)) `((bt.6.1 ,*unused-argument*))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.2 :opt)) `((bt.6.2 ,*unused-argument*))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.3 :opt)) `((bt.6.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :unused-key-with-supplied-p)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.1 :key :value)) `(((bt.7.1 :key ,*unused-argument*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.2 :key :value)) `(((bt.7.2 :key ,*unused-argument*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.3 :key :value)) `(((bt.7.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.1 :key :value)) `((bt.7.1 :key ,*unused-argument*))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.2 :key :value)) `((bt.7.2 :key ,*unused-argument*))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.3 :key :value)) `((bt.7.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) (defvar *compile-nil-error* (checked-compile '(lambda (x) (cons (when x (error "oops")) nil)))) (defvar *compile-nil-non-tc* (checked-compile '(lambda (y) (cons (funcall *compile-nil-error* y) nil)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace compile nil)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall *compile-nil-non-tc* 13)) `(((lambda (x) :in ,*p*) 13) ((lambda (y) :in ,*p*) 13)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :clos-slot-typecheckfun-named)) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile `(lambda () (locally (declare (optimize safety)) (defclass clos-typecheck-test () ((slot :type fixnum))) (setf (slot-value (make-instance 'clos-typecheck-test) 'slot) t)))) '(((sb-pcl::slot-typecheck fixnum) t)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :clos-emf-named)) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile `(lambda () (progn (defgeneric clos-emf-named-test (x) (:method ((x symbol)) x) (:method :before (x) (assert x))) (clos-emf-named-test nil))) :allow-style-warnings t) '(((sb-pcl::emf clos-emf-named-test) ? ? nil)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :bug-310173)) (flet ((make-fun (n) (let* ((names '(a b)) (req (loop repeat n collect (pop names)))) (checked-compile `(lambda (,@req &rest rest) (let ((* *)) ; no tail-call (apply '/ ,@req rest))))))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (make-fun 0) 10 11 0)) `((sb-kernel:two-arg-/ 10/11 0) (/ 10 11 0) ((lambda (&rest rest) :in ,*p*) 10 11 0))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (make-fun 1) 10 11 0)) `((sb-kernel:two-arg-/ 10/11 0) (/ 10 11 0) ((lambda (a &rest rest) :in ,*p*) 10 11 0))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (make-fun 2) 10 11 0)) `((sb-kernel:two-arg-/ 10/11 0) (/ 10 11 0) ((lambda (a b &rest rest) :in ,*p*) 10 11 0))))) (defgeneric gf-dispatch-test/gf (x y) (:method (x y) (+ x y))) (defun gf-dispatch-test/f (z) (gf-dispatch-test/gf z)) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :gf-dispatch)) ;; Fill the cache (gf-dispatch-test/gf 1 1) ;; Wrong argument count (assert-backtrace (lambda () (gf-dispatch-test/f 42)) '(((sb-pcl::gf-dispatch gf-dispatch-test/gf) 42)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :local-tail-call)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (compile nil `(sb-int:named-lambda test () (signal 'error) (flet ((tail ())) (declare (notinline tail)) (tail)))))) '((test)))) (defun fact (n) (if (zerop n) (error "nope") (* n (fact (1- n))))) #+sb-fasteval (with-test (:name (:backtrace :interpreted-factorial) :skipped-on '(not :interpreter)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (fact 5)) '((fact 0) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 1) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 2) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 3) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 4) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 5))))
This file is for testing backtraces, using test machinery which more information. files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork This software is in the public domain and is provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more information. The following objects should be EQUALP to the respective markers produced by the backtrace machinery. TEST-FUNCTION is called and has to signal an error at which point the backtrace will be captured. If DETAILS is true, the returned backtrace description is of the form: ...) Otherwise it is of the form ...) specifications EXPECTED signaling an error if they do not match. If DETAILS is true, EXPECTED is a list with elements of the form ((FUNCTION ARGS) INFO) Otherwise elements are of the form (FUNCTION ARGS) ARGS is a list of expected argument values, but can also contain the following symbols number of arguments starting at the corresponding position. argument at the corresponding position. detailed~] check: wanted ~S, got ~ Check for backtraces generally being correct. Ensure that the actual backtrace finishes (doesn't signal any errors on its own), and that it contains the frames we expect, doesn't contain any "bogus stack frame"s, and contains the appropriate toplevel call and hasn't been cut off anywhere. See CHECK-BACKTRACE for an explanation of the structure EXPECTED-FRAMES. Check that we have all the frames we wanted. Make sure the backtrace isn't stunted in any way. (Depends on running in the main thread.) FIXME: On Windows Test for "undefined function" (undefined_tramp) working properly. Try it with and without tail call elimination, since they can have different effects. (Specifically, if undefined_tramp is incorrect a stunted stack can result from the tail call variant.) tail call elimination no tail call elimination no tail call elimination not having a full and valid stack frame for the undefined function frame. See PPC undefined_tramp for details. or more than MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM bytes ahead. It also depends on Disabling tail call elimination on this will probably ensure that the return value (to the flet or the enclosing top level form) is more than MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM with the current spaces on OS X. Enabling it might catch other problems, so do it anyway. tail call elimination no tail call elimination no tail call elimination Test backtrace through assembly routines :bug-800343 make sure it's not in tail position test entry point handling in backtraces CHECKED-COMPILE avoids STYLE-WARNING noise. WTF is this? This is a way to make these tests not depend so much on the slightly smarter, which meant that things which used to have xeps suddently had tl-xeps, etc. This takes care of that. normal debug info no arguments saved no lambda-list saved ERROR instead of OOPS so that tail call elimination doesn't happen use OPT-P use KEY-P FIXME: This test really should be broken into smaller pieces CHECKED-COMPILE avoids STYLE-WARNING noise. This test is somewhat deceptively named. Due to confusion in debug naming these functions used to have sb-c::varargs-entry debug names for their main lambda. This test is somewhat deceptively named. Due to confusion in debug naming these functions used to have sb-c::hairy-args-processor debug names for their main lambda. no tail-call Fill the cache Wrong argument count
might have side effects ( e.g. executing DEFUN ) . This software is part of the SBCL system . See the README file for While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system , the test from CMU CL . (cl:in-package :cl-user) (defvar *unused-argument* (sb-debug::make-unprintable-object "unused argument")) (defvar *unavailable-argument* (sb-debug::make-unprintable-object "unavailable argument")) (defvar *unavailable-lambda-list* (sb-debug::make-unprintable-object "unavailable lambda list")) ( ( ( NAME1 . ARGS1 ) INFO1 ) ( ( NAME2 . ) INFO2 ) ( ( NAME1 . ARGS1 ) ( NAME2 . ) (defun call-with-backtrace (cont test-function &key details) (flet ((capture-it (condition) (let (backtrace) (sb-debug::map-backtrace (lambda (frame) (multiple-value-bind (name args info) (sb-debug::frame-call frame) (push (if details (list (cons name args) info) (cons name args)) backtrace)))) (funcall cont (nreverse backtrace) condition)))) (handler-bind ((error #'capture-it)) (funcall test-function)))) Check the backtrace FRAMES against the list of frame & REST The corresponding frame in FRAMES can contain an arbitrary ? The corresponding frame in FRAMES can have an arbitrary (defun check-backtrace (frames expected &key details) (labels ((args-equal (want actual) (cond ((eq want *unavailable-lambda-list*) (equalp want actual)) ((eq '&rest (car want)) t) ((endp want) (endp actual)) ((or (eq '? (car want)) (equal (car want) (car actual))) (args-equal (cdr want) (cdr actual))) ((typep (car want) 'sb-impl::unprintable-object) (equalp (car want) (car actual))) (t nil))) (fail (datum &rest arguments) (return-from check-backtrace (values nil (sb-kernel:coerce-to-condition datum arguments 'simple-error 'error))))) (mapc (lambda (frame spec) (unless (cond ((not spec) t) (details (and (args-equal (car spec) (car frame)) (equal (cdr spec) (cdr frame)))) (t (and (equal (car spec) (car frame)) (args-equal (cdr spec) (cdr frame))))) (fail "~@<Unexpected frame during ~ ~S~@:>" details spec frame))) frames expected)) t) (defun verify-backtrace (test-function expected-frames &key details) (labels ((find-frame (function-name frames) (member function-name frames :key (if details #'caar #'car) :test #'equal)) (fail (datum &rest arguments) (return-from verify-backtrace (values nil (sb-kernel:coerce-to-condition datum arguments 'simple-error 'error))))) (call-with-backtrace (lambda (backtrace condition) (declare (ignore condition)) (let* ((test-function-name (if details (caaar expected-frames) (caar expected-frames))) (frames (or (find-frame test-function-name backtrace) (fail "~@<~S (expected name ~S) not found in ~ backtrace:~@:_~S~@:>" test-function test-function-name backtrace)))) (multiple-value-bind (successp condition) (check-backtrace frames expected-frames :details details) (unless successp (fail condition))) we get two extra foreign frames below regular frames . (unless (find-frame 'sb-impl::toplevel-init frames) (fail "~@<Backtrace stunted:~@:_~S~@:>" backtrace))) (return-from verify-backtrace t)) test-function :details details))) (defun assert-backtrace (test-function expected-frames &key details) (multiple-value-bind (successp condition) (verify-backtrace test-function expected-frames :details details) (or successp (error condition)))) (defvar *p* (namestring *load-truename*)) (defvar *undefined-function-frame* '("undefined function")) (defun oops () (error "oops")) (flet ((optimized () (#:undefined-function 42)) (not-optimized () (#:undefined-function 42)) (test (fun) (funcall fun))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :undefined-function :bug-346) :skipped-on :interpreter Failures on SPARC , and probably HPPA are due to :fails-on '(or :sparc)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (test #'optimized)) (list *undefined-function-frame* (list `(flet test :in ,*p*) #'optimized)))) bug 353 : This test fails at least most of the time for x86 / linux ca . . -- WHN (with-test (:name (:backtrace :undefined-function :bug-353) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (test #'not-optimized)) (list *undefined-function-frame* (list `(flet not-optimized :in ,*p*)) (list `(flet test :in ,*p*) #'not-optimized))))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :interrupted-condition-wait) :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread)) (let ((m (sb-thread:make-mutex)) (q (sb-thread:make-waitqueue))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (sb-thread:with-mutex (m) (handler-bind ((timeout (lambda (condition) (declare (ignore condition)) (error "foo")))) (with-timeout 0.1 (sb-thread:condition-wait q m))))) `((sb-thread:condition-wait ,q ,m :timeout nil))))) Division by zero was a common error on PPC . It depended on the return function either being before INTEGER-/-INTEGER in memory , INTEGER-/-INTEGER calling SIGNED - TRUNCATE . I believe says that the Sparc backend ( at least for CMUCL ) inlines this , so if SBCL does the same this test is probably not good for the Sparc . (flet ((optimized () (/ 42 0)) (not-optimized () (/ 42 0)) (test (fun) (funcall fun))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :divide-by-zero :bug-346) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (test #'optimized)) `((/ 42 &rest) ((flet test :in ,*p*) ,#'optimized)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :divide-by-zero :bug-356) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (test #'not-optimized)) `((/ 42 &rest) ((flet not-optimized :in ,*p*)) ((flet test :in ,*p*) ,#'not-optimized))))) (defun throw-test () (throw 'no-such-tag t)) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :throw :no-such-tag) :fails-on '(and :sparc :linux)) (assert-backtrace #'throw-test '((throw-test)))) (funcall (checked-compile '(lambda () (defun bug-308926 (x) (let ((v "foo")) (flet ((bar (z) (oops v z) (oops z v))) (bar x) (bar v))))) :allow-style-warnings t)) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :bug-308926) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bug-308926 13)) '(((flet bar :in bug-308926) 13) (bug-308926 &rest t)))) (macrolet ((test (predicate fun &optional (two-arg (find-symbol (format nil "TWO-ARG-~A" fun) "SB-KERNEL"))) (let ((test-name (make-symbol (format nil "TEST-~A" fun)))) `(flet ((,test-name (x y) (list (,fun x y)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :bug-800343 ,fun) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (eval `(funcall ,#',test-name 42 t))) '((,two-arg 42 t) #+(or x86 x86-64) ,@(and predicate `((,(find-symbol (format nil "GENERIC-~A" fun) "SB-VM")))) ((flet ,test-name :in ,*p*) 42 t))))))) (test-predicates (&rest functions) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (function) `(test t ,@(sb-int:ensure-list function))) functions))) (test-functions (&rest functions) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (function) `(test nil ,@(sb-int:ensure-list function))) functions)))) (test-predicates = < >) (test-functions + - * / gcd lcm (logand sb-kernel:two-arg-and) (logior sb-kernel:two-arg-ior) (logxor sb-kernel:two-arg-xor))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :xep-too-many-arguments) :skipped-on :interpreter) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (oops 1 2 3 4 5 6)) :allow-style-warnings t) '((oops ? ? ? ? ? ?)))) (defmacro defbt (n ll &body body) details of LOAD / EVAL . Around 1.0.57 we changed % SIMPLE - EVAL to be `(funcall (checked-compile '(lambda () (progn (defun ,(intern (format nil "BT.~A.1" n)) ,ll ,@body) (defun ,(intern (format nil "BT.~A.2" n)) ,ll (declare (optimize (debug 1) (speed 3))) ,@body) (defun ,(intern (format nil "BT.~A.3" n)) ,ll (declare (optimize (debug 0))) ,@body))) :allow-style-warnings t))) (defbt 1 (&key key) (list key)) (defbt 2 (x) (list x)) (defbt 3 (&key (key (oops))) (list key)) (defbt 4 (&optional opt) (list (error "error"))) (defbt 5 (&optional (opt (oops))) (list opt)) (defbt 6 (&optional (opt nil opt-p)) (declare (ignore opt)) (defbt 7 (&key (key nil key-p)) (declare (ignore key)) (defun bug-354 (x) (error "XEPs in backtraces: ~S" x)) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :bug-354)) (assert (not (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bug-354 354)) '((bug-354 354) (((bug-354 &rest) (:tl :external)) 354))))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bug-354 354)) '((bug-354 354)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :tl-xep)) (assert-backtrace #'namestring '(((namestring) (:tl :external))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'namestring '((namestring)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :more-processor)) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (bt.1.1 :key)) :allow-style-warnings t) '(((bt.1.1 :key) (:more :optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (bt.1.2 :key)) :allow-style-warnings t) '(((bt.1.2 ?) (:more :optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key)) `(((bt.1.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*) (:more :optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (bt.1.1 :key)) :allow-style-warnings t) '((bt.1.1 :key))) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile '(lambda () (bt.1.2 :key)) :allow-style-warnings t) '((bt.1.2 &rest))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key)) '((bt.1.3 &rest)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :xep)) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.1 '(((bt.2.1) (:external))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.2 '(((bt.2.2) (:external))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.3 `(((bt.2.3) (:external))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.1 '((bt.2.1))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.2 '((bt.2.2))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.2.3 `((bt.2.3)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :varargs-entry)) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.1 '((bt.3.1 :key nil))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.2 '((bt.3.2 :key ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.3 `((bt.3.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.1 '((bt.3.1 :key nil))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.2 '((bt.3.2 :key ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.3.3 `((bt.3.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :hairy-args-processor)) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.1 '((bt.4.1 ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.2 '((bt.4.2 ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.3 `((bt.4.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.1 '((bt.4.1 ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.2 '((bt.4.2 ?))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.4.3 `((bt.4.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :optional-processor)) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.1 '(((bt.5.1) (:optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.2 '(((bt.5.2) (:optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.3 `(((bt.5.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*) (:optional))) :details t) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.1 '((bt.5.1))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.2 '((bt.5.2))) (assert-backtrace #'bt.5.3 `((bt.5.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :unused-optinoal-with-supplied-p :bug-1498644)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.1 :opt)) `(((bt.6.1 ,*unused-argument*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.2 :opt)) `(((bt.6.2 ,*unused-argument*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.3 :opt)) `(((bt.6.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.1 :opt)) `((bt.6.1 ,*unused-argument*))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.2 :opt)) `((bt.6.2 ,*unused-argument*))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.6.3 :opt)) `((bt.6.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :unused-key-with-supplied-p)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.1 :key :value)) `(((bt.7.1 :key ,*unused-argument*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.2 :key :value)) `(((bt.7.2 :key ,*unused-argument*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.3 :key :value)) `(((bt.7.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*) ())) :details t) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.1 :key :value)) `((bt.7.1 :key ,*unused-argument*))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.2 :key :value)) `((bt.7.2 :key ,*unused-argument*))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (bt.7.3 :key :value)) `((bt.7.3 . ,*unavailable-lambda-list*)))) (defvar *compile-nil-error* (checked-compile '(lambda (x) (cons (when x (error "oops")) nil)))) (defvar *compile-nil-non-tc* (checked-compile '(lambda (y) (cons (funcall *compile-nil-error* y) nil)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace compile nil)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall *compile-nil-non-tc* 13)) `(((lambda (x) :in ,*p*) 13) ((lambda (y) :in ,*p*) 13)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :clos-slot-typecheckfun-named)) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile `(lambda () (locally (declare (optimize safety)) (defclass clos-typecheck-test () ((slot :type fixnum))) (setf (slot-value (make-instance 'clos-typecheck-test) 'slot) t)))) '(((sb-pcl::slot-typecheck fixnum) t)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :clos-emf-named)) (assert-backtrace (checked-compile `(lambda () (progn (defgeneric clos-emf-named-test (x) (:method ((x symbol)) x) (:method :before (x) (assert x))) (clos-emf-named-test nil))) :allow-style-warnings t) '(((sb-pcl::emf clos-emf-named-test) ? ? nil)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :bug-310173)) (flet ((make-fun (n) (let* ((names '(a b)) (req (loop repeat n collect (pop names)))) (checked-compile `(lambda (,@req &rest rest) (apply '/ ,@req rest))))))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (make-fun 0) 10 11 0)) `((sb-kernel:two-arg-/ 10/11 0) (/ 10 11 0) ((lambda (&rest rest) :in ,*p*) 10 11 0))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (make-fun 1) 10 11 0)) `((sb-kernel:two-arg-/ 10/11 0) (/ 10 11 0) ((lambda (a &rest rest) :in ,*p*) 10 11 0))) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (make-fun 2) 10 11 0)) `((sb-kernel:two-arg-/ 10/11 0) (/ 10 11 0) ((lambda (a b &rest rest) :in ,*p*) 10 11 0))))) (defgeneric gf-dispatch-test/gf (x y) (:method (x y) (+ x y))) (defun gf-dispatch-test/f (z) (gf-dispatch-test/gf z)) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :gf-dispatch)) (gf-dispatch-test/gf 1 1) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (gf-dispatch-test/f 42)) '(((sb-pcl::gf-dispatch gf-dispatch-test/gf) 42)))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :local-tail-call)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (compile nil `(sb-int:named-lambda test () (signal 'error) (flet ((tail ())) (declare (notinline tail)) (tail)))))) '((test)))) (defun fact (n) (if (zerop n) (error "nope") (* n (fact (1- n))))) #+sb-fasteval (with-test (:name (:backtrace :interpreted-factorial) :skipped-on '(not :interpreter)) (assert-backtrace (lambda () (fact 5)) '((fact 0) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 1) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 2) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 3) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 4) (sb-interpreter::2-arg-* &rest) (fact 5))))
* Copyright ( C ) 2023 * Permission to use , copy , modify , and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies . * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL , DIRECT , INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE , DATA OR PROFITS , WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT , NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION , ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE . * Copyright (C) 2023 Thomas Leonard * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. *) module Suspended = Eio_utils.Suspended module Zzz = Eio_utils.Zzz module Lf_queue = Eio_utils.Lf_queue module Fiber_context = Eio.Private.Fiber_context module Ctf = Eio.Private.Ctf module Rcfd = Eio_unix.Private.Rcfd module Poll = Iomux.Poll type exit = [`Exit_scheduler] let system_thread = Ctf.mint_id () (* The type of items in the run queue. *) type runnable = Reminder to check for IO | Thread : 'a Suspended.t * 'a -> runnable (* Resume a fiber with a result value *) | Failed_thread : 'a Suspended.t * exn -> runnable (* Resume a fiber with an exception *) For each FD we track which fibers are waiting for it to become readable / writeable . type fd_event_waiters = { read : unit Suspended.t Lwt_dllist.t; write : unit Suspended.t Lwt_dllist.t; } type t = { (* The queue of runnable fibers ready to be resumed. Note: other domains can also add work items here. *) run_q : runnable Lf_queue.t; poll : Poll.t; mutable poll_maxi : int; (* The highest index ever used in [poll]. *) fd_map : (Unix.file_descr, fd_event_waiters) Hashtbl.t; (* When adding to [run_q] from another domain, this domain may be sleeping and so won't see the event. In that case, [need_wakeup = true] and you must signal using [eventfd]. *) eventfd : Rcfd.t; (* For sending events. *) eventfd_r : Unix.file_descr; (* For reading events. *) Exit when this is zero and [ run_q ] and [ sleep_q ] are empty . (* If [false], the main thread will check [run_q] before sleeping again (possibly because an event has been or will be sent to [eventfd]). It can therefore be set to [false] in either of these cases: - By the receiving thread because it will check [run_q] before sleeping, or - By the sending thread because it will signal the main thread later *) need_wakeup : bool Atomic.t; sleep_q: Zzz.t; (* Fibers waiting for timers. *) } (* The message to send to [eventfd] (any character would do). *) let wake_buffer = Bytes.of_string "!" This can be called from any systhread ( including ones not running Eio ) , and also from signal handlers or GC finalizers . It must not take any locks . and also from signal handlers or GC finalizers. It must not take any locks. *) let wakeup t = Atomic.set t.need_wakeup false; (* [t] will check [run_q] after getting the event below *) Rcfd.use t.eventfd ~if_closed:ignore (* Domain has shut down (presumably after handling the event) *) (fun fd -> (* This can fail if the pipe is full, but then a wake up is pending anyway. *) ignore (Unix.single_write fd wake_buffer 0 1 : int); ) Safe to call from anywhere ( other systhreads , domains , signal handlers , GC finalizers ) let enqueue_thread t k x = Lf_queue.push t.run_q (Thread (k, x)); if Atomic.get t.need_wakeup then wakeup t Safe to call from anywhere ( other systhreads , domains , signal handlers , GC finalizers ) let enqueue_failed_thread t k ex = Lf_queue.push t.run_q (Failed_thread (k, ex)); if Atomic.get t.need_wakeup then wakeup t Can only be called from our own domain , so no need to check for wakeup . let enqueue_at_head t k = Lf_queue.push_head t.run_q (Thread (k, ())) let get_waiters t fd = match Hashtbl.find_opt t.fd_map fd with | Some x -> x | None -> let x = { read = Lwt_dllist.create (); write = Lwt_dllist.create () } in Hashtbl.add t.fd_map fd x; x (* The OS told us that the event pipe is ready. Remove events. *) let clear_event_fd t = Read up to 8 events at a time let got = Unix.read t.eventfd_r buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) in assert (got > 0) (* Update [t.poll]'s entry for [fd] to match [waiters]. *) let update t waiters fd = let fdi = Iomux.Util.fd_of_unix fd in let flags = match not (Lwt_dllist.is_empty waiters.read), not (Lwt_dllist.is_empty waiters.write) with | false, false -> Poll.Flags.empty | true, false -> Poll.Flags.pollin | false, true -> Poll.Flags.pollout | true, true -> Poll.Flags.(pollin + pollout) in if flags = Poll.Flags.empty then ( Poll.invalidate_index t.poll fdi; (* Try to find the new maxi, go back on index until we find the next used slot, -1 means none in use. *) let rec lower_maxi = function | -1 -> t.poll_maxi <- -1 | index -> if Poll.((get_fd t.poll index) <> invalid_fd) then t.poll_maxi <- index else lower_maxi (pred index) in if fdi = t.poll_maxi then lower_maxi (pred fdi); Hashtbl.remove t.fd_map fd ) else ( Poll.set_index t.poll fdi fd flags; if fdi > t.poll_maxi then t.poll_maxi <- fdi ) let resume t node = t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; let k : unit Suspended.t = Lwt_dllist.get node in Fiber_context.clear_cancel_fn k.fiber; enqueue_thread t k () (* Called when poll indicates that an event we requested for [fd] is ready. *) let ready t _index fd revents = if fd == t.eventfd_r then ( clear_event_fd t (* The scheduler will now look at the run queue again and notice any new items. *) ) else ( let waiters = Hashtbl.find t.fd_map fd in let pending = Lwt_dllist.create () in if Poll.Flags.(mem revents (pollout + pollhup + pollerr)) then Lwt_dllist.transfer_l waiters.write pending; if Poll.Flags.(mem revents (pollin + pollhup + pollerr)) then Lwt_dllist.transfer_l waiters.read pending; (* If pending has things, it means we modified the waiters, refresh our view *) if not (Lwt_dllist.is_empty pending) then update t waiters fd; Lwt_dllist.iter_node_r (resume t) pending ) Switch control to the next ready continuation . If none is ready , wait until we get an event to wake one and then switch . Returns only if there is nothing to do and no active operations . If none is ready, wait until we get an event to wake one and then switch. Returns only if there is nothing to do and no active operations. *) let rec next t : [`Exit_scheduler] = Wakeup any paused fibers match Lf_queue.pop t.run_q with | None -> assert false (* We should always have an IO job, at least *) | Some Thread (k, v) -> (* We already have a runnable task *) Fiber_context.clear_cancel_fn k.fiber; Suspended.continue k v | Some Failed_thread (k, ex) -> Fiber_context.clear_cancel_fn k.fiber; Suspended.discontinue k ex Note : be sure to re - inject the IO task before continuing ! (* This is not a fair scheduler: timers always run before all other IO *) let now = Mtime_clock.now () in match Zzz.pop ~now t.sleep_q with | `Due k -> Re - inject IO job in the run queue Suspended.continue k () (* A sleeping task is now due *) | `Wait_until _ | `Nothing as next_due -> let timeout = match next_due with | `Wait_until time -> let time = Mtime.to_uint64_ns time in let now = Mtime.to_uint64_ns now in let diff_ns = Int64.sub time now in Poll.Nanoseconds diff_ns | `Nothing -> Poll.Infinite in if timeout = Infinite && t.active_ops = 0 then ( (* Nothing further can happen at this point. *) Lf_queue.close t.run_q; (* Just to catch bugs if something tries to enqueue later *) `Exit_scheduler ) else ( Atomic.set t.need_wakeup true; if Lf_queue.is_empty t.run_q then ( (* At this point we're not going to check [run_q] again before sleeping. If [need_wakeup] is still [true], this is fine because we don't promise to do that. If [need_wakeup = false], a wake-up event will arrive and wake us up soon. *) Ctf.(note_hiatus Wait_for_work); let nready = try Poll.ppoll_or_poll t.poll (t.poll_maxi + 1) timeout with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, "") -> 0 in Ctf.note_resume system_thread; Atomic.set t.need_wakeup false; Re - inject IO job in the run queue Poll.iter_ready t.poll nready (ready t); next t ) else ( (* Someone added a new job while we were setting [need_wakeup] to [true]. They might or might not have seen that, so we can't be sure they'll send an event. *) Atomic.set t.need_wakeup false; Re - inject IO job in the run queue next t ) ) let with_sched fn = let run_q = Lf_queue.create () in Lf_queue.push run_q IO; let sleep_q = Zzz.create () in let eventfd_r, eventfd_w = Unix.pipe ~cloexec:true () in Unix.set_nonblock eventfd_r; Unix.set_nonblock eventfd_w; let eventfd = Rcfd.make eventfd_w in let cleanup () = Unix.close eventfd_r; let was_open = Rcfd.close eventfd in assert was_open in let poll = Poll.create () in let fd_map = Hashtbl.create 10 in let t = { run_q; poll; poll_maxi = (-1); fd_map; eventfd; eventfd_r; active_ops = 0; need_wakeup = Atomic.make false; sleep_q } in let eventfd_ri = Iomux.Util.fd_of_unix eventfd_r in Poll.set_index t.poll eventfd_ri eventfd_r Poll.Flags.pollin; if eventfd_ri > t.poll_maxi then t.poll_maxi <- eventfd_ri; match fn t with | x -> cleanup (); x | exception ex -> let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in cleanup (); Printexc.raise_with_backtrace ex bt let await_readable t (k : unit Suspended.t) fd = match Fiber_context.get_error k.fiber with | Some e -> Suspended.discontinue k e | None -> t.active_ops <- t.active_ops + 1; let waiters = get_waiters t fd in let was_empty = Lwt_dllist.is_empty waiters.read in let node = Lwt_dllist.add_l k waiters.read in if was_empty then update t waiters fd; Fiber_context.set_cancel_fn k.fiber (fun ex -> Lwt_dllist.remove node; t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; enqueue_failed_thread t k ex ); next t let await_writable t (k : unit Suspended.t) fd = match Fiber_context.get_error k.fiber with | Some e -> Suspended.discontinue k e | None -> t.active_ops <- t.active_ops + 1; let waiters = get_waiters t fd in let was_empty = Lwt_dllist.is_empty waiters.write in let node = Lwt_dllist.add_l k waiters.write in if was_empty then update t waiters fd; Fiber_context.set_cancel_fn k.fiber (fun ex -> Lwt_dllist.remove node; t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; enqueue_failed_thread t k ex ); next t let get_enqueue t k = function | Ok v -> enqueue_thread t k v | Error ex -> enqueue_failed_thread t k ex let await_timeout t (k : unit Suspended.t) time = match Fiber_context.get_error k.fiber with | Some e -> Suspended.discontinue k e | None -> let node = Zzz.add t.sleep_q time k in Fiber_context.set_cancel_fn k.fiber (fun ex -> Zzz.remove t.sleep_q node; enqueue_failed_thread t k ex ); next t let with_op t fn x = t.active_ops <- t.active_ops + 1; match fn x with | r -> t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; r | exception ex -> t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; raise ex [@@@alert "-unstable"] type _ Effect.t += Enter : (t -> 'a Eio_utils.Suspended.t -> [`Exit_scheduler]) -> 'a Effect.t let enter fn = Effect.perform (Enter fn) let run ~extra_effects t main x = let rec fork ~new_fiber:fiber fn = let open Effect.Deep in Ctf.note_switch (Fiber_context.tid fiber); match_with fn () { retc = (fun () -> Fiber_context.destroy fiber; next t); exnc = (fun ex -> Fiber_context.destroy fiber; Printexc.raise_with_backtrace ex (Printexc.get_raw_backtrace ()) ); effc = fun (type a) (e : a Effect.t) -> match e with | Enter fn -> Some (fun k -> match Fiber_context.get_error fiber with | Some e -> discontinue k e | None -> fn t { Suspended.k; fiber } ) | Eio.Private.Effects.Get_context -> Some (fun k -> continue k fiber) | Eio.Private.Effects.Suspend f -> Some (fun k -> let k = { Suspended.k; fiber } in let enqueue = get_enqueue t k in f fiber enqueue; next t ) | Eio.Private.Effects.Fork (new_fiber, f) -> Some (fun k -> let k = { Suspended.k; fiber } in enqueue_at_head t k; fork ~new_fiber f ) | Eio_unix.Private.Await_readable fd -> Some (fun k -> await_readable t { Suspended.k; fiber } fd ) | Eio_unix.Private.Await_writable fd -> Some (fun k -> await_writable t { Suspended.k; fiber } fd ) | e -> extra_effects.Effect.Deep.effc e } in let result = ref None in let `Exit_scheduler = let new_fiber = Fiber_context.make_root () in fork ~new_fiber (fun () -> result := Some (with_op t main x); ) in match !result with | Some x -> x | None -> failwith "BUG in scheduler: deadlock detected"
The type of items in the run queue. Resume a fiber with a result value Resume a fiber with an exception The queue of runnable fibers ready to be resumed. Note: other domains can also add work items here. The highest index ever used in [poll]. When adding to [run_q] from another domain, this domain may be sleeping and so won't see the event. In that case, [need_wakeup = true] and you must signal using [eventfd]. For sending events. For reading events. If [false], the main thread will check [run_q] before sleeping again (possibly because an event has been or will be sent to [eventfd]). It can therefore be set to [false] in either of these cases: - By the receiving thread because it will check [run_q] before sleeping, or - By the sending thread because it will signal the main thread later Fibers waiting for timers. The message to send to [eventfd] (any character would do). [t] will check [run_q] after getting the event below Domain has shut down (presumably after handling the event) This can fail if the pipe is full, but then a wake up is pending anyway. The OS told us that the event pipe is ready. Remove events. Update [t.poll]'s entry for [fd] to match [waiters]. Try to find the new maxi, go back on index until we find the next used slot, -1 means none in use. Called when poll indicates that an event we requested for [fd] is ready. The scheduler will now look at the run queue again and notice any new items. If pending has things, it means we modified the waiters, refresh our view We should always have an IO job, at least We already have a runnable task This is not a fair scheduler: timers always run before all other IO A sleeping task is now due Nothing further can happen at this point. Just to catch bugs if something tries to enqueue later At this point we're not going to check [run_q] again before sleeping. If [need_wakeup] is still [true], this is fine because we don't promise to do that. If [need_wakeup = false], a wake-up event will arrive and wake us up soon. Someone added a new job while we were setting [need_wakeup] to [true]. They might or might not have seen that, so we can't be sure they'll send an event.
* Copyright ( C ) 2023 * Permission to use , copy , modify , and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies . * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL , DIRECT , INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE , DATA OR PROFITS , WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT , NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION , ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE . * Copyright (C) 2023 Thomas Leonard * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. *) module Suspended = Eio_utils.Suspended module Zzz = Eio_utils.Zzz module Lf_queue = Eio_utils.Lf_queue module Fiber_context = Eio.Private.Fiber_context module Ctf = Eio.Private.Ctf module Rcfd = Eio_unix.Private.Rcfd module Poll = Iomux.Poll type exit = [`Exit_scheduler] let system_thread = Ctf.mint_id () type runnable = Reminder to check for IO For each FD we track which fibers are waiting for it to become readable / writeable . type fd_event_waiters = { read : unit Suspended.t Lwt_dllist.t; write : unit Suspended.t Lwt_dllist.t; } type t = { run_q : runnable Lf_queue.t; poll : Poll.t; fd_map : (Unix.file_descr, fd_event_waiters) Hashtbl.t; Exit when this is zero and [ run_q ] and [ sleep_q ] are empty . need_wakeup : bool Atomic.t; } let wake_buffer = Bytes.of_string "!" This can be called from any systhread ( including ones not running Eio ) , and also from signal handlers or GC finalizers . It must not take any locks . and also from signal handlers or GC finalizers. It must not take any locks. *) let wakeup t = Rcfd.use t.eventfd (fun fd -> ignore (Unix.single_write fd wake_buffer 0 1 : int); ) Safe to call from anywhere ( other systhreads , domains , signal handlers , GC finalizers ) let enqueue_thread t k x = Lf_queue.push t.run_q (Thread (k, x)); if Atomic.get t.need_wakeup then wakeup t Safe to call from anywhere ( other systhreads , domains , signal handlers , GC finalizers ) let enqueue_failed_thread t k ex = Lf_queue.push t.run_q (Failed_thread (k, ex)); if Atomic.get t.need_wakeup then wakeup t Can only be called from our own domain , so no need to check for wakeup . let enqueue_at_head t k = Lf_queue.push_head t.run_q (Thread (k, ())) let get_waiters t fd = match Hashtbl.find_opt t.fd_map fd with | Some x -> x | None -> let x = { read = Lwt_dllist.create (); write = Lwt_dllist.create () } in Hashtbl.add t.fd_map fd x; x let clear_event_fd t = Read up to 8 events at a time let got = Unix.read t.eventfd_r buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) in assert (got > 0) let update t waiters fd = let fdi = Iomux.Util.fd_of_unix fd in let flags = match not (Lwt_dllist.is_empty waiters.read), not (Lwt_dllist.is_empty waiters.write) with | false, false -> Poll.Flags.empty | true, false -> Poll.Flags.pollin | false, true -> Poll.Flags.pollout | true, true -> Poll.Flags.(pollin + pollout) in if flags = Poll.Flags.empty then ( Poll.invalidate_index t.poll fdi; let rec lower_maxi = function | -1 -> t.poll_maxi <- -1 | index -> if Poll.((get_fd t.poll index) <> invalid_fd) then t.poll_maxi <- index else lower_maxi (pred index) in if fdi = t.poll_maxi then lower_maxi (pred fdi); Hashtbl.remove t.fd_map fd ) else ( Poll.set_index t.poll fdi fd flags; if fdi > t.poll_maxi then t.poll_maxi <- fdi ) let resume t node = t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; let k : unit Suspended.t = Lwt_dllist.get node in Fiber_context.clear_cancel_fn k.fiber; enqueue_thread t k () let ready t _index fd revents = if fd == t.eventfd_r then ( clear_event_fd t ) else ( let waiters = Hashtbl.find t.fd_map fd in let pending = Lwt_dllist.create () in if Poll.Flags.(mem revents (pollout + pollhup + pollerr)) then Lwt_dllist.transfer_l waiters.write pending; if Poll.Flags.(mem revents (pollin + pollhup + pollerr)) then Lwt_dllist.transfer_l waiters.read pending; if not (Lwt_dllist.is_empty pending) then update t waiters fd; Lwt_dllist.iter_node_r (resume t) pending ) Switch control to the next ready continuation . If none is ready , wait until we get an event to wake one and then switch . Returns only if there is nothing to do and no active operations . If none is ready, wait until we get an event to wake one and then switch. Returns only if there is nothing to do and no active operations. *) let rec next t : [`Exit_scheduler] = Wakeup any paused fibers match Lf_queue.pop t.run_q with Fiber_context.clear_cancel_fn k.fiber; Suspended.continue k v | Some Failed_thread (k, ex) -> Fiber_context.clear_cancel_fn k.fiber; Suspended.discontinue k ex Note : be sure to re - inject the IO task before continuing ! let now = Mtime_clock.now () in match Zzz.pop ~now t.sleep_q with | `Due k -> Re - inject IO job in the run queue | `Wait_until _ | `Nothing as next_due -> let timeout = match next_due with | `Wait_until time -> let time = Mtime.to_uint64_ns time in let now = Mtime.to_uint64_ns now in let diff_ns = Int64.sub time now in Poll.Nanoseconds diff_ns | `Nothing -> Poll.Infinite in if timeout = Infinite && t.active_ops = 0 then ( `Exit_scheduler ) else ( Atomic.set t.need_wakeup true; if Lf_queue.is_empty t.run_q then ( Ctf.(note_hiatus Wait_for_work); let nready = try Poll.ppoll_or_poll t.poll (t.poll_maxi + 1) timeout with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, "") -> 0 in Ctf.note_resume system_thread; Atomic.set t.need_wakeup false; Re - inject IO job in the run queue Poll.iter_ready t.poll nready (ready t); next t ) else ( Atomic.set t.need_wakeup false; Re - inject IO job in the run queue next t ) ) let with_sched fn = let run_q = Lf_queue.create () in Lf_queue.push run_q IO; let sleep_q = Zzz.create () in let eventfd_r, eventfd_w = Unix.pipe ~cloexec:true () in Unix.set_nonblock eventfd_r; Unix.set_nonblock eventfd_w; let eventfd = Rcfd.make eventfd_w in let cleanup () = Unix.close eventfd_r; let was_open = Rcfd.close eventfd in assert was_open in let poll = Poll.create () in let fd_map = Hashtbl.create 10 in let t = { run_q; poll; poll_maxi = (-1); fd_map; eventfd; eventfd_r; active_ops = 0; need_wakeup = Atomic.make false; sleep_q } in let eventfd_ri = Iomux.Util.fd_of_unix eventfd_r in Poll.set_index t.poll eventfd_ri eventfd_r Poll.Flags.pollin; if eventfd_ri > t.poll_maxi then t.poll_maxi <- eventfd_ri; match fn t with | x -> cleanup (); x | exception ex -> let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in cleanup (); Printexc.raise_with_backtrace ex bt let await_readable t (k : unit Suspended.t) fd = match Fiber_context.get_error k.fiber with | Some e -> Suspended.discontinue k e | None -> t.active_ops <- t.active_ops + 1; let waiters = get_waiters t fd in let was_empty = Lwt_dllist.is_empty waiters.read in let node = Lwt_dllist.add_l k waiters.read in if was_empty then update t waiters fd; Fiber_context.set_cancel_fn k.fiber (fun ex -> Lwt_dllist.remove node; t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; enqueue_failed_thread t k ex ); next t let await_writable t (k : unit Suspended.t) fd = match Fiber_context.get_error k.fiber with | Some e -> Suspended.discontinue k e | None -> t.active_ops <- t.active_ops + 1; let waiters = get_waiters t fd in let was_empty = Lwt_dllist.is_empty waiters.write in let node = Lwt_dllist.add_l k waiters.write in if was_empty then update t waiters fd; Fiber_context.set_cancel_fn k.fiber (fun ex -> Lwt_dllist.remove node; t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; enqueue_failed_thread t k ex ); next t let get_enqueue t k = function | Ok v -> enqueue_thread t k v | Error ex -> enqueue_failed_thread t k ex let await_timeout t (k : unit Suspended.t) time = match Fiber_context.get_error k.fiber with | Some e -> Suspended.discontinue k e | None -> let node = Zzz.add t.sleep_q time k in Fiber_context.set_cancel_fn k.fiber (fun ex -> Zzz.remove t.sleep_q node; enqueue_failed_thread t k ex ); next t let with_op t fn x = t.active_ops <- t.active_ops + 1; match fn x with | r -> t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; r | exception ex -> t.active_ops <- t.active_ops - 1; raise ex [@@@alert "-unstable"] type _ Effect.t += Enter : (t -> 'a Eio_utils.Suspended.t -> [`Exit_scheduler]) -> 'a Effect.t let enter fn = Effect.perform (Enter fn) let run ~extra_effects t main x = let rec fork ~new_fiber:fiber fn = let open Effect.Deep in Ctf.note_switch (Fiber_context.tid fiber); match_with fn () { retc = (fun () -> Fiber_context.destroy fiber; next t); exnc = (fun ex -> Fiber_context.destroy fiber; Printexc.raise_with_backtrace ex (Printexc.get_raw_backtrace ()) ); effc = fun (type a) (e : a Effect.t) -> match e with | Enter fn -> Some (fun k -> match Fiber_context.get_error fiber with | Some e -> discontinue k e | None -> fn t { Suspended.k; fiber } ) | Eio.Private.Effects.Get_context -> Some (fun k -> continue k fiber) | Eio.Private.Effects.Suspend f -> Some (fun k -> let k = { Suspended.k; fiber } in let enqueue = get_enqueue t k in f fiber enqueue; next t ) | Eio.Private.Effects.Fork (new_fiber, f) -> Some (fun k -> let k = { Suspended.k; fiber } in enqueue_at_head t k; fork ~new_fiber f ) | Eio_unix.Private.Await_readable fd -> Some (fun k -> await_readable t { Suspended.k; fiber } fd ) | Eio_unix.Private.Await_writable fd -> Some (fun k -> await_writable t { Suspended.k; fiber } fd ) | e -> extra_effects.Effect.Deep.effc e } in let result = ref None in let `Exit_scheduler = let new_fiber = Fiber_context.make_root () in fork ~new_fiber (fun () -> result := Some (with_op t main x); ) in match !result with | Some x -> x | None -> failwith "BUG in scheduler: deadlock detected"
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # module Gonimo.Client.Invite.Internal where import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Default (Default (..)) import Data.Monoid import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Language.Javascript.JSaddle import Network.HTTP.Types (urlEncode) import Reflex.Dom.Core import qualified Gonimo.Client.Environment as Env import qualified Gonimo.SocketAPI as API import Gonimo.SocketAPI.Types (FamilyId, InvitationId) import qualified Gonimo.SocketAPI.Types as API invitationQueryParam :: Text invitationQueryParam = "acceptInvitation" data Config t = Config { _configResponse :: Event t API.ServerResponse , _configSelectedFamily :: Dynamic t FamilyId , _configAuthenticated :: Event t () , _configCreateInvitation :: Event t () } data Invite t = Invite { _invitation :: Dynamic t (Maybe (InvitationId, API.Invitation)) , _request :: Event t [ API.ServerRequest ] , _uiGoBack :: Event t () , _uiDone :: Event t() } data InvitationSent = SentWhatsApp | SentTelegram | SentCopy | SentRefresh | SentEmail | SentShare type HasModel model = Env.HasEnvironment model invite :: forall model t m. (MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Reflex t, HasModel model) => model t -> Config t -> m (Invite t) invite model config = mdo let currentSelected = current (config^.configSelectedFamily) createOnAuth = push (\() -> do cInv <- sample $ current inv case cInv of Nothing -> pure $ Just () Just _ -> pure Nothing ) (config^.configAuthenticated) createInvReq = (:[]) . API.ReqCreateInvitation <$> leftmost [ updated (config^.configSelectedFamily) , tag currentSelected (config^.configCreateInvitation) , tag currentSelected createOnAuth ] invEv = push (\res -> case res of API.ResCreatedInvitation invTuple -> pure $ Just invTuple _ -> pure Nothing ) (config^.configResponse) inv <- holdDyn Nothing $ Just <$> invEv pure Invite { _invitation = inv , _request = createInvReq , _uiGoBack = never , _uiDone = never } getBaseLink :: HasModel model => model t -> Text getBaseLink model = model ^. Env.httpProtocol <> model ^. Env.frontendHost <> model ^. Env.frontendPath makeInvitationLink :: Text -> API.Invitation -> Text makeInvitationLink baseURL inv = let encodedSecret = T.decodeUtf8 . urlEncode True . BL.toStrict . Aeson.encode . API.invitationSecret $ inv in baseURL <> "?" <> invitationQueryParam <> "=" <> encodedSecret -- Not used currently : encodeURIComponent : : ( ToJSVal i , o , MonadIO m ) = > i - > MaybeT m o encodeURIComponent = do -- jsVal <- liftIO $ toJSVal val -- let jsOut = jsEncodeURIComponent jsVal -- MaybeT . liftIO $ fromJSVal jsOut -- foreign import javascript unsafe " encodeURIComponent $ 1 " -- jsEncodeURIComponent :: JSVal -> JSVal instance Reflex t => Default (Invite t) where def = Invite { _invitation = constDyn Nothing , _request = never , _uiGoBack = never , _uiDone = never } inviteSwitchPromptlyDyn :: Reflex t => Dynamic t (Invite t) -> Invite t inviteSwitchPromptlyDyn dynInvite = Invite { _invitation = join (_invitation <$> dynInvite) , _request = switchPromptlyDyn (_request <$> dynInvite) , _uiGoBack = switchPromptlyDyn (_uiGoBack <$> dynInvite) , _uiDone = switchPromptlyDyn (_uiDone <$> dynInvite) } -- Lenses for Config t: configResponse :: Lens' (Config t) (Event t API.ServerResponse) configResponse f config' = (\configResponse' -> config' { _configResponse = configResponse' }) <$> f (_configResponse config') configSelectedFamily :: Lens' (Config t) (Dynamic t FamilyId) configSelectedFamily f config' = (\configSelectedFamily' -> config' { _configSelectedFamily = configSelectedFamily' }) <$> f (_configSelectedFamily config') configAuthenticated :: Lens' (Config t) (Event t ()) configAuthenticated f config' = (\configAuthenticated' -> config' { _configAuthenticated = configAuthenticated' }) <$> f (_configAuthenticated config') configCreateInvitation :: Lens' (Config t) (Event t ()) configCreateInvitation f config' = (\configCreateInvitation' -> config' { _configCreateInvitation = configCreateInvitation' }) <$> f (_configCreateInvitation config') -- Lenses for Invite t: invitation :: Lens' (Invite t) (Dynamic t (Maybe (InvitationId, API.Invitation))) invitation f invite' = (\invitation' -> invite' { _invitation = invitation' }) <$> f (_invitation invite') request :: Lens' (Invite t) (Event t [ API.ServerRequest ]) request f invite' = (\request' -> invite' { _request = request' }) <$> f (_request invite') uiGoBack :: Lens' (Invite t) (Event t ()) uiGoBack f invite' = (\uiGoBack' -> invite' { _uiGoBack = uiGoBack' }) <$> f (_uiGoBack invite') uiDone :: Lens' (Invite t) (Event t ()) uiDone f invite' = (\uiDone' -> invite' { _uiDone = uiDone' }) <$> f (_uiDone invite') -- Browser capabilities shareLink :: (MonadJSM m, MonadPlus m, MonadJSM m') => m (Text -> m' ()) shareLink = do nav <- liftJSM $ jsg ("navigator" :: Text) win <- liftJSM $ jsg ("window" :: Text) mNativeShare <- liftJSM $ maybeNullOrUndefined =<< nav ! ("share" :: Text) mAndroidShare <- liftJSM $ maybeNullOrUndefined =<< win ! ("nativeHost" :: Text) case (mNativeShare, mAndroidShare) of (Just _share, _) -> let shareFunc linkUrl = void $ liftJSM $ do url <- obj (url <# ("url" :: Text)) linkUrl nav ^. js1 ("share" :: Text) url in pure shareFunc (_, Just share) -> let shareFunc linkUrl = void $ liftJSM $ share ^. js1 ("share" :: Text) linkUrl in pure shareFunc _ -> mzero
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # # LANGUAGE RankNTypes # # LANGUAGE RecursiveDo # Not used currently : jsVal <- liftIO $ toJSVal val let jsOut = jsEncodeURIComponent jsVal MaybeT . liftIO $ fromJSVal jsOut foreign import javascript unsafe jsEncodeURIComponent :: JSVal -> JSVal Lenses for Config t: Lenses for Invite t: Browser capabilities
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # module Gonimo.Client.Invite.Internal where import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Default (Default (..)) import Data.Monoid import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Language.Javascript.JSaddle import Network.HTTP.Types (urlEncode) import Reflex.Dom.Core import qualified Gonimo.Client.Environment as Env import qualified Gonimo.SocketAPI as API import Gonimo.SocketAPI.Types (FamilyId, InvitationId) import qualified Gonimo.SocketAPI.Types as API invitationQueryParam :: Text invitationQueryParam = "acceptInvitation" data Config t = Config { _configResponse :: Event t API.ServerResponse , _configSelectedFamily :: Dynamic t FamilyId , _configAuthenticated :: Event t () , _configCreateInvitation :: Event t () } data Invite t = Invite { _invitation :: Dynamic t (Maybe (InvitationId, API.Invitation)) , _request :: Event t [ API.ServerRequest ] , _uiGoBack :: Event t () , _uiDone :: Event t() } data InvitationSent = SentWhatsApp | SentTelegram | SentCopy | SentRefresh | SentEmail | SentShare type HasModel model = Env.HasEnvironment model invite :: forall model t m. (MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Reflex t, HasModel model) => model t -> Config t -> m (Invite t) invite model config = mdo let currentSelected = current (config^.configSelectedFamily) createOnAuth = push (\() -> do cInv <- sample $ current inv case cInv of Nothing -> pure $ Just () Just _ -> pure Nothing ) (config^.configAuthenticated) createInvReq = (:[]) . API.ReqCreateInvitation <$> leftmost [ updated (config^.configSelectedFamily) , tag currentSelected (config^.configCreateInvitation) , tag currentSelected createOnAuth ] invEv = push (\res -> case res of API.ResCreatedInvitation invTuple -> pure $ Just invTuple _ -> pure Nothing ) (config^.configResponse) inv <- holdDyn Nothing $ Just <$> invEv pure Invite { _invitation = inv , _request = createInvReq , _uiGoBack = never , _uiDone = never } getBaseLink :: HasModel model => model t -> Text getBaseLink model = model ^. Env.httpProtocol <> model ^. Env.frontendHost <> model ^. Env.frontendPath makeInvitationLink :: Text -> API.Invitation -> Text makeInvitationLink baseURL inv = let encodedSecret = T.decodeUtf8 . urlEncode True . BL.toStrict . Aeson.encode . API.invitationSecret $ inv in baseURL <> "?" <> invitationQueryParam <> "=" <> encodedSecret encodeURIComponent : : ( ToJSVal i , o , MonadIO m ) = > i - > MaybeT m o encodeURIComponent = do " encodeURIComponent $ 1 " instance Reflex t => Default (Invite t) where def = Invite { _invitation = constDyn Nothing , _request = never , _uiGoBack = never , _uiDone = never } inviteSwitchPromptlyDyn :: Reflex t => Dynamic t (Invite t) -> Invite t inviteSwitchPromptlyDyn dynInvite = Invite { _invitation = join (_invitation <$> dynInvite) , _request = switchPromptlyDyn (_request <$> dynInvite) , _uiGoBack = switchPromptlyDyn (_uiGoBack <$> dynInvite) , _uiDone = switchPromptlyDyn (_uiDone <$> dynInvite) } configResponse :: Lens' (Config t) (Event t API.ServerResponse) configResponse f config' = (\configResponse' -> config' { _configResponse = configResponse' }) <$> f (_configResponse config') configSelectedFamily :: Lens' (Config t) (Dynamic t FamilyId) configSelectedFamily f config' = (\configSelectedFamily' -> config' { _configSelectedFamily = configSelectedFamily' }) <$> f (_configSelectedFamily config') configAuthenticated :: Lens' (Config t) (Event t ()) configAuthenticated f config' = (\configAuthenticated' -> config' { _configAuthenticated = configAuthenticated' }) <$> f (_configAuthenticated config') configCreateInvitation :: Lens' (Config t) (Event t ()) configCreateInvitation f config' = (\configCreateInvitation' -> config' { _configCreateInvitation = configCreateInvitation' }) <$> f (_configCreateInvitation config') invitation :: Lens' (Invite t) (Dynamic t (Maybe (InvitationId, API.Invitation))) invitation f invite' = (\invitation' -> invite' { _invitation = invitation' }) <$> f (_invitation invite') request :: Lens' (Invite t) (Event t [ API.ServerRequest ]) request f invite' = (\request' -> invite' { _request = request' }) <$> f (_request invite') uiGoBack :: Lens' (Invite t) (Event t ()) uiGoBack f invite' = (\uiGoBack' -> invite' { _uiGoBack = uiGoBack' }) <$> f (_uiGoBack invite') uiDone :: Lens' (Invite t) (Event t ()) uiDone f invite' = (\uiDone' -> invite' { _uiDone = uiDone' }) <$> f (_uiDone invite') shareLink :: (MonadJSM m, MonadPlus m, MonadJSM m') => m (Text -> m' ()) shareLink = do nav <- liftJSM $ jsg ("navigator" :: Text) win <- liftJSM $ jsg ("window" :: Text) mNativeShare <- liftJSM $ maybeNullOrUndefined =<< nav ! ("share" :: Text) mAndroidShare <- liftJSM $ maybeNullOrUndefined =<< win ! ("nativeHost" :: Text) case (mNativeShare, mAndroidShare) of (Just _share, _) -> let shareFunc linkUrl = void $ liftJSM $ do url <- obj (url <# ("url" :: Text)) linkUrl nav ^. js1 ("share" :: Text) url in pure shareFunc (_, Just share) -> let shareFunc linkUrl = void $ liftJSM $ share ^. js1 ("share" :: Text) linkUrl in pure shareFunc _ -> mzero
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} # LANGUAGE KindSignatures # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # -- | State extensions for the brick UI module Surveyor.Brick.Extension ( BrickUIState(..), BrickUIExtension(..), BrickUIEvent(..), updateMinibufferCompletions, -- * Lenses minibufferL, minibufferG, echoAreaL, functionSelectorL, functionSelectorG, blockSelectorL, blockSelectorG, blockViewersL, blockViewerG, functionViewersL, functionViewerG, symbolicExecutionStateL, symbolicExecutionStateG ) where import Control.Lens ( (^.), (&), (%~) ) import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Control.NF as NF import Data.Kind ( Type ) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF import qualified Data.Parameterized.Nonce as PN import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) import qualified Prettyprinter as PP import qualified Surveyor.Core as C import qualified Brick.Widget.Minibuffer as MBW import qualified Surveyor.Brick.EchoArea as SBEA import Surveyor.Brick.Names ( Names(..) ) import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.BlockSelector as BS import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.BlockViewer as BV import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.FunctionSelector as FS import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.FunctionViewer as FV import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.Minibuffer as MB import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.SymbolicExecution as SEM | Extra UI extensions for the Brick UI -- -- This differs from 'BrickUIState' in that it is not parameterized by the -- architecture (@arch@). That is important, as there is not always an active -- architecture. Objects in this extension state can always be available (e.g., -- the minibuffer). data BrickUIExtension s = BrickUIExtension { sMinibuffer :: !(MB.Minibuffer (C.SurveyorCommand s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) T.Text Names) -- ^ The persistent state of the minibuffer , sEchoArea :: SBEA.EchoArea } deriving (Generic) | State specific to the Brick UI -- -- This is mostly storage for widgets data BrickUIState arch s = BrickUIState { sFunctionSelector :: !(FS.FunctionSelector arch s) -- ^ Functions available in the function selector , sBlockSelector :: !(BS.BlockSelector arch s) , sBlockViewers :: !(MapF.MapF (C.IRRepr arch) (BV.BlockViewer arch s)) , sFunctionViewer :: !(MapF.MapF (C.IRRepr arch) (FV.FunctionViewer arch s)) , sSymbolicExecutionState :: !(Map.Map (C.SessionID s) (SEM.SymbolicExecutionManager (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) arch s)) } deriving (Generic) L.makeLensesFor [ ("sMinibuffer", "minibufferL") , ("sEchoArea", "echoAreaL") ] ''BrickUIExtension L.makeLensesFor [ ("sFunctionSelector", "functionSelectorL") , ("sBlockSelector", "blockSelectorL") , ("sBlockViewers", "blockViewersL") , ("sFunctionViewer", "functionViewersL") , ("sSymbolicExecutionState", "symbolicExecutionStateL") ] ''BrickUIState type instance C.EventExtension (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState) = BrickUIEvent | Events specific to the Brick UI -- -- Note that it isn't parameterized by the @st@ type like the base event because -- we can actually mention the full state type here, so it doesn't need to be a -- parameter. data BrickUIEvent s (st :: Type -> Type -> Type) where ShowSummary :: BrickUIEvent s st ShowDiagnostics :: BrickUIEvent s st OpenMinibuffer :: BrickUIEvent s st ShowSymbolicExecution :: BrickUIEvent s st -- | Display a transient message to the user EchoText :: !(PP.Doc ()) -> BrickUIEvent s st -- | A message sent by the system (after a time delay) to reset the transient -- message area ResetEchoArea :: BrickUIEvent s st ListBlocks :: PN.Nonce s arch -> [C.Block arch s] -> BrickUIEvent s st ListFunctions :: PN.Nonce s arch -> [C.FunctionHandle arch s] -> BrickUIEvent s st FindFunctionsContaining :: PN.Nonce s arch -> Maybe (C.Address arch s) -> BrickUIEvent s st FindBlockContaining :: PN.Nonce s arch -> C.Address arch s -> BrickUIEvent s st PromptValueName :: PN.Nonce s arch -> BrickUIEvent s st instance C.ToEvent s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState) BrickUIEvent where toEvent = C.ExtensionEvent updateMinibufferCompletions :: (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState) -> IO ()) -> PN.Nonce s arch -> (T.Text -> V.Vector T.Text -> IO ()) updateMinibufferCompletions emitEvent archNonce = \t matches -> do let stateTransformer matches' state | mb <- state ^. C.lUIExtension . minibufferL , MBW.activeCompletionTarget mb == Just t = state & C.lUIExtension . minibufferL %~ MBW.setCompletions matches' | otherwise = state emitEvent (C.AsyncStateUpdate archNonce (NF.nf matches) stateTransformer) minibufferG :: L.Getter (BrickUIExtension s) (MB.Minibuffer (C.SurveyorCommand s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) T.Text Names) minibufferG = L.to (^. minibufferL) functionSelectorG :: L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (FS.FunctionSelector arch s) functionSelectorG = L.to (^. C.lUIState . functionSelectorL) blockSelectorG :: L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (BS.BlockSelector arch s) blockSelectorG = L.to (^. C.lUIState . blockSelectorL) blockViewerG :: C.IRRepr arch ir -> L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (Maybe (BV.BlockViewer arch s ir)) blockViewerG rep = L.to (\as -> MapF.lookup rep (as ^. C.lUIState . blockViewersL)) functionViewerG :: C.IRRepr arch ir -> L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (Maybe (FV.FunctionViewer arch s ir)) functionViewerG rep = L.to (\as -> MapF.lookup rep (as ^. C.lUIState . functionViewersL)) symbolicExecutionStateG :: L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (Map.Map (C.SessionID s) (SEM.SymbolicExecutionManager (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) arch s)) symbolicExecutionStateG = L.to (^. C.lUIState . symbolicExecutionStateL)
# LANGUAGE GADTs # # LANGUAGE RankNTypes # | State extensions for the brick UI * Lenses This differs from 'BrickUIState' in that it is not parameterized by the architecture (@arch@). That is important, as there is not always an active architecture. Objects in this extension state can always be available (e.g., the minibuffer). ^ The persistent state of the minibuffer This is mostly storage for widgets ^ Functions available in the function selector Note that it isn't parameterized by the @st@ type like the base event because we can actually mention the full state type here, so it doesn't need to be a parameter. | Display a transient message to the user | A message sent by the system (after a time delay) to reset the transient message area
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE KindSignatures # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # module Surveyor.Brick.Extension ( BrickUIState(..), BrickUIExtension(..), BrickUIEvent(..), updateMinibufferCompletions, minibufferL, minibufferG, echoAreaL, functionSelectorL, functionSelectorG, blockSelectorL, blockSelectorG, blockViewersL, blockViewerG, functionViewersL, functionViewerG, symbolicExecutionStateL, symbolicExecutionStateG ) where import Control.Lens ( (^.), (&), (%~) ) import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Control.NF as NF import Data.Kind ( Type ) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF import qualified Data.Parameterized.Nonce as PN import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) import qualified Prettyprinter as PP import qualified Surveyor.Core as C import qualified Brick.Widget.Minibuffer as MBW import qualified Surveyor.Brick.EchoArea as SBEA import Surveyor.Brick.Names ( Names(..) ) import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.BlockSelector as BS import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.BlockViewer as BV import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.FunctionSelector as FS import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.FunctionViewer as FV import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.Minibuffer as MB import qualified Surveyor.Brick.Widget.SymbolicExecution as SEM | Extra UI extensions for the Brick UI data BrickUIExtension s = BrickUIExtension { sMinibuffer :: !(MB.Minibuffer (C.SurveyorCommand s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) T.Text Names) , sEchoArea :: SBEA.EchoArea } deriving (Generic) | State specific to the Brick UI data BrickUIState arch s = BrickUIState { sFunctionSelector :: !(FS.FunctionSelector arch s) , sBlockSelector :: !(BS.BlockSelector arch s) , sBlockViewers :: !(MapF.MapF (C.IRRepr arch) (BV.BlockViewer arch s)) , sFunctionViewer :: !(MapF.MapF (C.IRRepr arch) (FV.FunctionViewer arch s)) , sSymbolicExecutionState :: !(Map.Map (C.SessionID s) (SEM.SymbolicExecutionManager (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) arch s)) } deriving (Generic) L.makeLensesFor [ ("sMinibuffer", "minibufferL") , ("sEchoArea", "echoAreaL") ] ''BrickUIExtension L.makeLensesFor [ ("sFunctionSelector", "functionSelectorL") , ("sBlockSelector", "blockSelectorL") , ("sBlockViewers", "blockViewersL") , ("sFunctionViewer", "functionViewersL") , ("sSymbolicExecutionState", "symbolicExecutionStateL") ] ''BrickUIState type instance C.EventExtension (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState) = BrickUIEvent | Events specific to the Brick UI data BrickUIEvent s (st :: Type -> Type -> Type) where ShowSummary :: BrickUIEvent s st ShowDiagnostics :: BrickUIEvent s st OpenMinibuffer :: BrickUIEvent s st ShowSymbolicExecution :: BrickUIEvent s st EchoText :: !(PP.Doc ()) -> BrickUIEvent s st ResetEchoArea :: BrickUIEvent s st ListBlocks :: PN.Nonce s arch -> [C.Block arch s] -> BrickUIEvent s st ListFunctions :: PN.Nonce s arch -> [C.FunctionHandle arch s] -> BrickUIEvent s st FindFunctionsContaining :: PN.Nonce s arch -> Maybe (C.Address arch s) -> BrickUIEvent s st FindBlockContaining :: PN.Nonce s arch -> C.Address arch s -> BrickUIEvent s st PromptValueName :: PN.Nonce s arch -> BrickUIEvent s st instance C.ToEvent s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState) BrickUIEvent where toEvent = C.ExtensionEvent updateMinibufferCompletions :: (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState) -> IO ()) -> PN.Nonce s arch -> (T.Text -> V.Vector T.Text -> IO ()) updateMinibufferCompletions emitEvent archNonce = \t matches -> do let stateTransformer matches' state | mb <- state ^. C.lUIExtension . minibufferL , MBW.activeCompletionTarget mb == Just t = state & C.lUIExtension . minibufferL %~ MBW.setCompletions matches' | otherwise = state emitEvent (C.AsyncStateUpdate archNonce (NF.nf matches) stateTransformer) minibufferG :: L.Getter (BrickUIExtension s) (MB.Minibuffer (C.SurveyorCommand s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) T.Text Names) minibufferG = L.to (^. minibufferL) functionSelectorG :: L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (FS.FunctionSelector arch s) functionSelectorG = L.to (^. C.lUIState . functionSelectorL) blockSelectorG :: L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (BS.BlockSelector arch s) blockSelectorG = L.to (^. C.lUIState . blockSelectorL) blockViewerG :: C.IRRepr arch ir -> L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (Maybe (BV.BlockViewer arch s ir)) blockViewerG rep = L.to (\as -> MapF.lookup rep (as ^. C.lUIState . blockViewersL)) functionViewerG :: C.IRRepr arch ir -> L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (Maybe (FV.FunctionViewer arch s ir)) functionViewerG rep = L.to (\as -> MapF.lookup rep (as ^. C.lUIState . functionViewersL)) symbolicExecutionStateG :: L.Getter (C.ArchState BrickUIState arch s) (Map.Map (C.SessionID s) (SEM.SymbolicExecutionManager (C.Events s (C.S BrickUIExtension BrickUIState)) arch s)) symbolicExecutionStateG = L.to (^. C.lUIState . symbolicExecutionStateL)
open! Basis.Rudiments open! Basis open Zint let test () = let rec test_pairs = function | [] -> () | (x, y) :: pairs' -> begin let quotient = x / y in let remainder = x % y in File.Fmt.stdout |> fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex x |> Fmt.fmt " /,% " |> fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex y |> Fmt.fmt " -> " |> fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex quotient |> Fmt.fmt ", " |> fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex remainder |> Fmt.fmt "\n" |> ignore; assert (x = (y * quotient + remainder)); assert (x >= y || remainder = x); test_pairs pairs' end in let pairs = [ < 1 (of_string "0", of_string "1"); (of_string "1", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xfffe", of_string "0xffff"); (of_string "0xffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xf_ffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xf_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); Single - digit ( base 2 ^ 32 ) divisor . (of_string "1", of_string "1"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "1"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "2"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "3"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "7"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff"); Multi - digit ( base 2 ^ 32 ) divisor . (of_string "0x1_0000_0000", of_string "0x1_0000_0000"); (of_string "0x1_ffff_ffff", of_string "0x1_0000_0000"); (of_string "0x2_ffff_ffff", of_string "0x1_0000_0000"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); ] in test_pairs pairs let _ = test ()
open! Basis.Rudiments open! Basis open Zint let test () = let rec test_pairs = function | [] -> () | (x, y) :: pairs' -> begin let quotient = x / y in let remainder = x % y in File.Fmt.stdout |> fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex x |> Fmt.fmt " /,% " |> fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex y |> Fmt.fmt " -> " |> fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex quotient |> Fmt.fmt ", " |> fmt ~alt:true ~radix:Radix.Hex remainder |> Fmt.fmt "\n" |> ignore; assert (x = (y * quotient + remainder)); assert (x >= y || remainder = x); test_pairs pairs' end in let pairs = [ < 1 (of_string "0", of_string "1"); (of_string "1", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xfffe", of_string "0xffff"); (of_string "0xffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xf_ffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xf_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_fffe", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); Single - digit ( base 2 ^ 32 ) divisor . (of_string "1", of_string "1"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "1"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "2"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "3"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "7"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff"); Multi - digit ( base 2 ^ 32 ) divisor . (of_string "0x1_0000_0000", of_string "0x1_0000_0000"); (of_string "0x1_ffff_ffff", of_string "0x1_0000_0000"); (of_string "0x2_ffff_ffff", of_string "0x1_0000_0000"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); (of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff", of_string "0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff"); ] in test_pairs pairs let _ = test ()
(* Build adder circuits using NAND as the base gate. Demonstrates the use of the [Comb.Make_primitives] functor. *) open! Import module Make_nand_gates (X : sig module Bits : Comb.S val nand : Bits.t -> Bits.t -> Bits.t end) : Comb.Gates with type t = X.Bits.t = struct include X.Bits let ( ~: ) a = X.nand a a let ( &: ) a b = ~:(X.nand a b) let ( |: ) a b = X.nand ~:a ~:b let ( ^: ) a b = let c = X.nand a b in X.nand (X.nand a c) (X.nand b c) ;; end module Bits_nand = Comb.Make (Comb.Make_primitives (Make_nand_gates (struct module Bits = Bits let nand a b = Bits.(~:(a &: b)) end))) let%expect_test "3 bit adder, bits" = for a = 0 to 7 do print_s [%message "" ~_: (List.init 8 ~f:(fun b -> Bits_nand.(of_int ~width:3 a +: of_int ~width:3 b)) : Bits.t list)] done; [%expect {| (000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111) (001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000) (010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001) (011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010) (100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011) (101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100) (110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101) (111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110) |}] ;; module Asic_nand = Comb.Make (Comb.Make_primitives (Make_nand_gates (struct module Bits = Signal let nand a b = assert (Bits.width a = Bits.width b); Map.find_exn (Instantiation.create () ~name:"nand" ~inputs:[ "a", a; "b", b ] ~outputs:[ "c", Bits.width a ]) "c" ;; end))) let%expect_test "3 bit adder, ASIC style, verilog" = let open Signal in let a, b = input "a" 3, input "b" 3 in let c = output "c" Asic_nand.(a +: b) in let circuit = Circuit.create_exn ~name:"adder_nand" [ c ] in Rtl.print Verilog circuit; [%expect {| module adder_nand ( b, a, c ); input [2:0] b; input [2:0] a; output [2:0] c; /* signal declarations */ wire _54; wire _1; wire _56; wire _2; wire _59; wire _3; wire _62; wire _4; wire _64; wire _5; wire _66; wire _6; wire _68; wire _7; wire _70; wire _8; wire _72; wire _9; wire _74; wire _10; wire _77; wire _11; wire _80; wire _12; wire _82; wire _13; wire _84; wire _14; wire _86; wire _15; wire _88; wire _16; wire _90; wire _17; wire _92; wire _18; wire _94; wire _19; wire _96; wire _20; wire _98; wire _21; wire _100; wire _22; wire _102; wire _23; wire _52 = 1'b0; wire _104; wire _24; wire _106; wire _25; wire _108; wire _26; wire _57; wire _60; wire _110; wire _27; wire _112; wire _28; wire _114; wire _29; wire _116; wire _30; wire _118; wire _31; wire _120; wire _32; wire _122; wire _33; wire _124; wire _34; wire _126; wire _35; wire _75; wire _78; wire _128; wire _36; wire _130; wire _37; wire _132; wire _38; wire _134; wire _39; wire _136; wire _40; wire _138; wire _41; wire _140; wire _42; wire _143; wire _43; wire _141; wire _146; wire _45; wire _144; wire _148; wire _47; wire _150; wire _48; wire _152; wire _49; wire _154; wire _50; wire [2:0] _155; /* logic */ nand the_nand ( .a(_52), .b(_2), .c(_54) ); assign _1 = _54; nand the_nand_0 ( .a(_6), .b(_52), .c(_56) ); assign _2 = _56; nand the_nand_1 ( .a(_57), .b(_4), .c(_59) ); assign _3 = _59; nand the_nand_2 ( .a(_60), .b(_57), .c(_62) ); assign _4 = _62; nand the_nand_3 ( .a(_60), .b(_4), .c(_64) ); assign _5 = _64; nand the_nand_4 ( .a(_5), .b(_3), .c(_66) ); assign _6 = _66; nand the_nand_5 ( .a(_6), .b(_2), .c(_68) ); assign _7 = _68; nand the_nand_6 ( .a(_7), .b(_1), .c(_70) ); assign _8 = _70; nand the_nand_7 ( .a(_32), .b(_10), .c(_72) ); assign _9 = _72; nand the_nand_8 ( .a(_14), .b(_32), .c(_74) ); assign _10 = _74; nand the_nand_9 ( .a(_75), .b(_12), .c(_77) ); assign _11 = _77; nand the_nand_10 ( .a(_78), .b(_75), .c(_80) ); assign _12 = _80; nand the_nand_11 ( .a(_78), .b(_12), .c(_82) ); assign _13 = _82; nand the_nand_12 ( .a(_13), .b(_11), .c(_84) ); assign _14 = _84; nand the_nand_13 ( .a(_14), .b(_10), .c(_86) ); assign _15 = _86; nand the_nand_14 ( .a(_15), .b(_9), .c(_88) ); assign _16 = _88; nand the_nand_15 ( .a(_41), .b(_42), .c(_90) ); assign _17 = _90; nand the_nand_16 ( .a(_32), .b(_78), .c(_92) ); assign _18 = _92; nand the_nand_17 ( .a(_18), .b(_18), .c(_94) ); assign _19 = _94; nand the_nand_18 ( .a(_19), .b(_19), .c(_96) ); assign _20 = _96; nand the_nand_19 ( .a(_52), .b(_60), .c(_98) ); assign _21 = _98; nand the_nand_20 ( .a(_21), .b(_21), .c(_100) ); assign _22 = _100; nand the_nand_21 ( .a(_22), .b(_22), .c(_102) ); assign _23 = _102; nand the_nand_22 ( .a(_57), .b(_52), .c(_104) ); assign _24 = _104; nand the_nand_23 ( .a(_24), .b(_24), .c(_106) ); assign _25 = _106; nand the_nand_24 ( .a(_25), .b(_25), .c(_108) ); assign _26 = _108; assign _57 = b[0:0]; assign _60 = a[0:0]; nand the_nand_25 ( .a(_60), .b(_57), .c(_110) ); assign _27 = _110; nand the_nand_26 ( .a(_27), .b(_27), .c(_112) ); assign _28 = _112; nand the_nand_27 ( .a(_28), .b(_28), .c(_114) ); assign _29 = _114; nand the_nand_28 ( .a(_29), .b(_26), .c(_116) ); assign _30 = _116; nand the_nand_29 ( .a(_30), .b(_30), .c(_118) ); assign _31 = _118; nand the_nand_30 ( .a(_31), .b(_23), .c(_120) ); assign _32 = _120; nand the_nand_31 ( .a(_75), .b(_32), .c(_122) ); assign _33 = _122; nand the_nand_32 ( .a(_33), .b(_33), .c(_124) ); assign _34 = _124; nand the_nand_33 ( .a(_34), .b(_34), .c(_126) ); assign _35 = _126; assign _75 = b[1:1]; assign _78 = a[1:1]; nand the_nand_34 ( .a(_78), .b(_75), .c(_128) ); assign _36 = _128; nand the_nand_35 ( .a(_36), .b(_36), .c(_130) ); assign _37 = _130; nand the_nand_36 ( .a(_37), .b(_37), .c(_132) ); assign _38 = _132; nand the_nand_37 ( .a(_38), .b(_35), .c(_134) ); assign _39 = _134; nand the_nand_38 ( .a(_39), .b(_39), .c(_136) ); assign _40 = _136; nand the_nand_39 ( .a(_40), .b(_20), .c(_138) ); assign _41 = _138; nand the_nand_40 ( .a(_48), .b(_41), .c(_140) ); assign _42 = _140; nand the_nand_41 ( .a(_141), .b(_45), .c(_143) ); assign _43 = _143; assign _141 = b[2:2]; nand the_nand_42 ( .a(_144), .b(_141), .c(_146) ); assign _45 = _146; assign _144 = a[2:2]; nand the_nand_43 ( .a(_144), .b(_45), .c(_148) ); assign _47 = _148; nand the_nand_44 ( .a(_47), .b(_43), .c(_150) ); assign _48 = _150; nand the_nand_45 ( .a(_48), .b(_42), .c(_152) ); assign _49 = _152; nand the_nand_46 ( .a(_49), .b(_17), .c(_154) ); assign _50 = _154; assign _155 = { _50, _16, _8 }; /* aliases */ /* output assignments */ assign c = _155; endmodule |}] ;; module Fpga_nand = Comb.Make (Comb.Make_primitives (Make_nand_gates (struct module Bits = Signal open Signal let nand_lut a b = Map.find_exn (Instantiation.create () ~name:"LUT2" ~parameters:[ Parameter.create ~name:"INIT" ~value:(String "1110") ] ~inputs:[ "I", a @: b ] ~outputs:[ "O", 1 ]) "O" ;; let nand a b = assert (width a = width b); concat_msb (List.map2_exn (bits_msb a) (bits_msb b) ~f:nand_lut) ;; end))) let%expect_test "3 bit adder, FPGA style, verilog" = (* Not sayin' this is an efficient way to go about this... *) let open Signal in let a, b = input "a" 3, input "b" 3 in let c = output "c" Fpga_nand.(a +: b) in let circuit = Circuit.create_exn ~name:"adder_nand" [ c ] in Rtl.print Verilog circuit; [%expect {| module adder_nand ( b, a, c ); input [2:0] b; input [2:0] a; output [2:0] c; /* signal declarations */ wire [1:0] _53; wire _55; wire _1; wire [1:0] _56; wire _58; wire _2; wire [1:0] _60; wire _62; wire _3; wire [1:0] _64; wire _66; wire _4; wire [1:0] _67; wire _69; wire _5; wire [1:0] _70; wire _72; wire _6; wire [1:0] _73; wire _75; wire _7; wire [1:0] _76; wire _78; wire _8; wire [1:0] _79; wire _81; wire _9; wire [1:0] _82; wire _84; wire _10; wire [1:0] _86; wire _88; wire _11; wire [1:0] _90; wire _92; wire _12; wire [1:0] _93; wire _95; wire _13; wire [1:0] _96; wire _98; wire _14; wire [1:0] _99; wire _101; wire _15; wire [1:0] _102; wire _104; wire _16; wire [1:0] _105; wire _107; wire _17; wire [1:0] _108; wire _110; wire _18; wire [1:0] _111; wire _113; wire _19; wire [1:0] _114; wire _116; wire _20; wire [1:0] _117; wire _119; wire _21; wire [1:0] _120; wire _122; wire _22; wire [1:0] _123; wire _125; wire _23; wire _52 = 1'b0; wire [1:0] _126; wire _128; wire _24; wire [1:0] _129; wire _131; wire _25; wire [1:0] _132; wire _134; wire _26; wire _59; wire _63; wire [1:0] _135; wire _137; wire _27; wire [1:0] _138; wire _140; wire _28; wire [1:0] _141; wire _143; wire _29; wire [1:0] _144; wire _146; wire _30; wire [1:0] _147; wire _149; wire _31; wire [1:0] _150; wire _152; wire _32; wire [1:0] _153; wire _155; wire _33; wire [1:0] _156; wire _158; wire _34; wire [1:0] _159; wire _161; wire _35; wire _85; wire _89; wire [1:0] _162; wire _164; wire _36; wire [1:0] _165; wire _167; wire _37; wire [1:0] _168; wire _170; wire _38; wire [1:0] _171; wire _173; wire _39; wire [1:0] _174; wire _176; wire _40; wire [1:0] _177; wire _179; wire _41; wire [1:0] _180; wire _182; wire _42; wire [1:0] _184; wire _186; wire _43; wire _183; wire [1:0] _188; wire _190; wire _45; wire _187; wire [1:0] _191; wire _193; wire _47; wire [1:0] _194; wire _196; wire _48; wire [1:0] _197; wire _199; wire _49; wire [1:0] _200; wire _202; wire _50; wire [2:0] _203; /* logic */ assign _53 = { _52, _2 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2 ( .I(_53), .O(_55) ); assign _1 = _55; assign _56 = { _6, _52 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_0 ( .I(_56), .O(_58) ); assign _2 = _58; assign _60 = { _59, _4 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_1 ( .I(_60), .O(_62) ); assign _3 = _62; assign _64 = { _63, _59 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_2 ( .I(_64), .O(_66) ); assign _4 = _66; assign _67 = { _63, _4 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_3 ( .I(_67), .O(_69) ); assign _5 = _69; assign _70 = { _5, _3 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_4 ( .I(_70), .O(_72) ); assign _6 = _72; assign _73 = { _6, _2 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_5 ( .I(_73), .O(_75) ); assign _7 = _75; assign _76 = { _7, _1 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_6 ( .I(_76), .O(_78) ); assign _8 = _78; assign _79 = { _32, _10 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_7 ( .I(_79), .O(_81) ); assign _9 = _81; assign _82 = { _14, _32 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_8 ( .I(_82), .O(_84) ); assign _10 = _84; assign _86 = { _85, _12 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_9 ( .I(_86), .O(_88) ); assign _11 = _88; assign _90 = { _89, _85 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_10 ( .I(_90), .O(_92) ); assign _12 = _92; assign _93 = { _89, _12 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_11 ( .I(_93), .O(_95) ); assign _13 = _95; assign _96 = { _13, _11 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_12 ( .I(_96), .O(_98) ); assign _14 = _98; assign _99 = { _14, _10 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_13 ( .I(_99), .O(_101) ); assign _15 = _101; assign _102 = { _15, _9 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_14 ( .I(_102), .O(_104) ); assign _16 = _104; assign _105 = { _41, _42 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_15 ( .I(_105), .O(_107) ); assign _17 = _107; assign _108 = { _32, _89 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_16 ( .I(_108), .O(_110) ); assign _18 = _110; assign _111 = { _18, _18 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_17 ( .I(_111), .O(_113) ); assign _19 = _113; assign _114 = { _19, _19 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_18 ( .I(_114), .O(_116) ); assign _20 = _116; assign _117 = { _52, _63 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_19 ( .I(_117), .O(_119) ); assign _21 = _119; assign _120 = { _21, _21 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_20 ( .I(_120), .O(_122) ); assign _22 = _122; assign _123 = { _22, _22 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_21 ( .I(_123), .O(_125) ); assign _23 = _125; assign _126 = { _59, _52 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_22 ( .I(_126), .O(_128) ); assign _24 = _128; assign _129 = { _24, _24 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_23 ( .I(_129), .O(_131) ); assign _25 = _131; assign _132 = { _25, _25 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_24 ( .I(_132), .O(_134) ); assign _26 = _134; assign _59 = b[0:0]; assign _63 = a[0:0]; assign _135 = { _63, _59 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_25 ( .I(_135), .O(_137) ); assign _27 = _137; assign _138 = { _27, _27 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_26 ( .I(_138), .O(_140) ); assign _28 = _140; assign _141 = { _28, _28 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_27 ( .I(_141), .O(_143) ); assign _29 = _143; assign _144 = { _29, _26 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_28 ( .I(_144), .O(_146) ); assign _30 = _146; assign _147 = { _30, _30 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_29 ( .I(_147), .O(_149) ); assign _31 = _149; assign _150 = { _31, _23 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_30 ( .I(_150), .O(_152) ); assign _32 = _152; assign _153 = { _85, _32 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_31 ( .I(_153), .O(_155) ); assign _33 = _155; assign _156 = { _33, _33 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_32 ( .I(_156), .O(_158) ); assign _34 = _158; assign _159 = { _34, _34 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_33 ( .I(_159), .O(_161) ); assign _35 = _161; assign _85 = b[1:1]; assign _89 = a[1:1]; assign _162 = { _89, _85 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_34 ( .I(_162), .O(_164) ); assign _36 = _164; assign _165 = { _36, _36 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_35 ( .I(_165), .O(_167) ); assign _37 = _167; assign _168 = { _37, _37 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_36 ( .I(_168), .O(_170) ); assign _38 = _170; assign _171 = { _38, _35 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_37 ( .I(_171), .O(_173) ); assign _39 = _173; assign _174 = { _39, _39 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_38 ( .I(_174), .O(_176) ); assign _40 = _176; assign _177 = { _40, _20 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_39 ( .I(_177), .O(_179) ); assign _41 = _179; assign _180 = { _48, _41 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_40 ( .I(_180), .O(_182) ); assign _42 = _182; assign _184 = { _183, _45 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_41 ( .I(_184), .O(_186) ); assign _43 = _186; assign _183 = b[2:2]; assign _188 = { _187, _183 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_42 ( .I(_188), .O(_190) ); assign _45 = _190; assign _187 = a[2:2]; assign _191 = { _187, _45 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_43 ( .I(_191), .O(_193) ); assign _47 = _193; assign _194 = { _47, _43 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_44 ( .I(_194), .O(_196) ); assign _48 = _196; assign _197 = { _48, _42 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_45 ( .I(_197), .O(_199) ); assign _49 = _199; assign _200 = { _49, _17 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_46 ( .I(_200), .O(_202) ); assign _50 = _202; assign _203 = { _50, _16, _8 }; /* aliases */ /* output assignments */ assign c = _203; endmodule |}] ;;
Build adder circuits using NAND as the base gate. Demonstrates the use of the [Comb.Make_primitives] functor. Not sayin' this is an efficient way to go about this...
open! Import module Make_nand_gates (X : sig module Bits : Comb.S val nand : Bits.t -> Bits.t -> Bits.t end) : Comb.Gates with type t = X.Bits.t = struct include X.Bits let ( ~: ) a = X.nand a a let ( &: ) a b = ~:(X.nand a b) let ( |: ) a b = X.nand ~:a ~:b let ( ^: ) a b = let c = X.nand a b in X.nand (X.nand a c) (X.nand b c) ;; end module Bits_nand = Comb.Make (Comb.Make_primitives (Make_nand_gates (struct module Bits = Bits let nand a b = Bits.(~:(a &: b)) end))) let%expect_test "3 bit adder, bits" = for a = 0 to 7 do print_s [%message "" ~_: (List.init 8 ~f:(fun b -> Bits_nand.(of_int ~width:3 a +: of_int ~width:3 b)) : Bits.t list)] done; [%expect {| (000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111) (001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000) (010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001) (011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010) (100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011) (101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100) (110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101) (111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110) |}] ;; module Asic_nand = Comb.Make (Comb.Make_primitives (Make_nand_gates (struct module Bits = Signal let nand a b = assert (Bits.width a = Bits.width b); Map.find_exn (Instantiation.create () ~name:"nand" ~inputs:[ "a", a; "b", b ] ~outputs:[ "c", Bits.width a ]) "c" ;; end))) let%expect_test "3 bit adder, ASIC style, verilog" = let open Signal in let a, b = input "a" 3, input "b" 3 in let c = output "c" Asic_nand.(a +: b) in let circuit = Circuit.create_exn ~name:"adder_nand" [ c ] in Rtl.print Verilog circuit; [%expect {| module adder_nand ( b, a, c ); input [2:0] b; input [2:0] a; output [2:0] c; /* signal declarations */ wire _54; wire _1; wire _56; wire _2; wire _59; wire _3; wire _62; wire _4; wire _64; wire _5; wire _66; wire _6; wire _68; wire _7; wire _70; wire _8; wire _72; wire _9; wire _74; wire _10; wire _77; wire _11; wire _80; wire _12; wire _82; wire _13; wire _84; wire _14; wire _86; wire _15; wire _88; wire _16; wire _90; wire _17; wire _92; wire _18; wire _94; wire _19; wire _96; wire _20; wire _98; wire _21; wire _100; wire _22; wire _102; wire _23; wire _52 = 1'b0; wire _104; wire _24; wire _106; wire _25; wire _108; wire _26; wire _57; wire _60; wire _110; wire _27; wire _112; wire _28; wire _114; wire _29; wire _116; wire _30; wire _118; wire _31; wire _120; wire _32; wire _122; wire _33; wire _124; wire _34; wire _126; wire _35; wire _75; wire _78; wire _128; wire _36; wire _130; wire _37; wire _132; wire _38; wire _134; wire _39; wire _136; wire _40; wire _138; wire _41; wire _140; wire _42; wire _143; wire _43; wire _141; wire _146; wire _45; wire _144; wire _148; wire _47; wire _150; wire _48; wire _152; wire _49; wire _154; wire _50; wire [2:0] _155; /* logic */ nand the_nand ( .a(_52), .b(_2), .c(_54) ); assign _1 = _54; nand the_nand_0 ( .a(_6), .b(_52), .c(_56) ); assign _2 = _56; nand the_nand_1 ( .a(_57), .b(_4), .c(_59) ); assign _3 = _59; nand the_nand_2 ( .a(_60), .b(_57), .c(_62) ); assign _4 = _62; nand the_nand_3 ( .a(_60), .b(_4), .c(_64) ); assign _5 = _64; nand the_nand_4 ( .a(_5), .b(_3), .c(_66) ); assign _6 = _66; nand the_nand_5 ( .a(_6), .b(_2), .c(_68) ); assign _7 = _68; nand the_nand_6 ( .a(_7), .b(_1), .c(_70) ); assign _8 = _70; nand the_nand_7 ( .a(_32), .b(_10), .c(_72) ); assign _9 = _72; nand the_nand_8 ( .a(_14), .b(_32), .c(_74) ); assign _10 = _74; nand the_nand_9 ( .a(_75), .b(_12), .c(_77) ); assign _11 = _77; nand the_nand_10 ( .a(_78), .b(_75), .c(_80) ); assign _12 = _80; nand the_nand_11 ( .a(_78), .b(_12), .c(_82) ); assign _13 = _82; nand the_nand_12 ( .a(_13), .b(_11), .c(_84) ); assign _14 = _84; nand the_nand_13 ( .a(_14), .b(_10), .c(_86) ); assign _15 = _86; nand the_nand_14 ( .a(_15), .b(_9), .c(_88) ); assign _16 = _88; nand the_nand_15 ( .a(_41), .b(_42), .c(_90) ); assign _17 = _90; nand the_nand_16 ( .a(_32), .b(_78), .c(_92) ); assign _18 = _92; nand the_nand_17 ( .a(_18), .b(_18), .c(_94) ); assign _19 = _94; nand the_nand_18 ( .a(_19), .b(_19), .c(_96) ); assign _20 = _96; nand the_nand_19 ( .a(_52), .b(_60), .c(_98) ); assign _21 = _98; nand the_nand_20 ( .a(_21), .b(_21), .c(_100) ); assign _22 = _100; nand the_nand_21 ( .a(_22), .b(_22), .c(_102) ); assign _23 = _102; nand the_nand_22 ( .a(_57), .b(_52), .c(_104) ); assign _24 = _104; nand the_nand_23 ( .a(_24), .b(_24), .c(_106) ); assign _25 = _106; nand the_nand_24 ( .a(_25), .b(_25), .c(_108) ); assign _26 = _108; assign _57 = b[0:0]; assign _60 = a[0:0]; nand the_nand_25 ( .a(_60), .b(_57), .c(_110) ); assign _27 = _110; nand the_nand_26 ( .a(_27), .b(_27), .c(_112) ); assign _28 = _112; nand the_nand_27 ( .a(_28), .b(_28), .c(_114) ); assign _29 = _114; nand the_nand_28 ( .a(_29), .b(_26), .c(_116) ); assign _30 = _116; nand the_nand_29 ( .a(_30), .b(_30), .c(_118) ); assign _31 = _118; nand the_nand_30 ( .a(_31), .b(_23), .c(_120) ); assign _32 = _120; nand the_nand_31 ( .a(_75), .b(_32), .c(_122) ); assign _33 = _122; nand the_nand_32 ( .a(_33), .b(_33), .c(_124) ); assign _34 = _124; nand the_nand_33 ( .a(_34), .b(_34), .c(_126) ); assign _35 = _126; assign _75 = b[1:1]; assign _78 = a[1:1]; nand the_nand_34 ( .a(_78), .b(_75), .c(_128) ); assign _36 = _128; nand the_nand_35 ( .a(_36), .b(_36), .c(_130) ); assign _37 = _130; nand the_nand_36 ( .a(_37), .b(_37), .c(_132) ); assign _38 = _132; nand the_nand_37 ( .a(_38), .b(_35), .c(_134) ); assign _39 = _134; nand the_nand_38 ( .a(_39), .b(_39), .c(_136) ); assign _40 = _136; nand the_nand_39 ( .a(_40), .b(_20), .c(_138) ); assign _41 = _138; nand the_nand_40 ( .a(_48), .b(_41), .c(_140) ); assign _42 = _140; nand the_nand_41 ( .a(_141), .b(_45), .c(_143) ); assign _43 = _143; assign _141 = b[2:2]; nand the_nand_42 ( .a(_144), .b(_141), .c(_146) ); assign _45 = _146; assign _144 = a[2:2]; nand the_nand_43 ( .a(_144), .b(_45), .c(_148) ); assign _47 = _148; nand the_nand_44 ( .a(_47), .b(_43), .c(_150) ); assign _48 = _150; nand the_nand_45 ( .a(_48), .b(_42), .c(_152) ); assign _49 = _152; nand the_nand_46 ( .a(_49), .b(_17), .c(_154) ); assign _50 = _154; assign _155 = { _50, _16, _8 }; /* aliases */ /* output assignments */ assign c = _155; endmodule |}] ;; module Fpga_nand = Comb.Make (Comb.Make_primitives (Make_nand_gates (struct module Bits = Signal open Signal let nand_lut a b = Map.find_exn (Instantiation.create () ~name:"LUT2" ~parameters:[ Parameter.create ~name:"INIT" ~value:(String "1110") ] ~inputs:[ "I", a @: b ] ~outputs:[ "O", 1 ]) "O" ;; let nand a b = assert (width a = width b); concat_msb (List.map2_exn (bits_msb a) (bits_msb b) ~f:nand_lut) ;; end))) let%expect_test "3 bit adder, FPGA style, verilog" = let open Signal in let a, b = input "a" 3, input "b" 3 in let c = output "c" Fpga_nand.(a +: b) in let circuit = Circuit.create_exn ~name:"adder_nand" [ c ] in Rtl.print Verilog circuit; [%expect {| module adder_nand ( b, a, c ); input [2:0] b; input [2:0] a; output [2:0] c; /* signal declarations */ wire [1:0] _53; wire _55; wire _1; wire [1:0] _56; wire _58; wire _2; wire [1:0] _60; wire _62; wire _3; wire [1:0] _64; wire _66; wire _4; wire [1:0] _67; wire _69; wire _5; wire [1:0] _70; wire _72; wire _6; wire [1:0] _73; wire _75; wire _7; wire [1:0] _76; wire _78; wire _8; wire [1:0] _79; wire _81; wire _9; wire [1:0] _82; wire _84; wire _10; wire [1:0] _86; wire _88; wire _11; wire [1:0] _90; wire _92; wire _12; wire [1:0] _93; wire _95; wire _13; wire [1:0] _96; wire _98; wire _14; wire [1:0] _99; wire _101; wire _15; wire [1:0] _102; wire _104; wire _16; wire [1:0] _105; wire _107; wire _17; wire [1:0] _108; wire _110; wire _18; wire [1:0] _111; wire _113; wire _19; wire [1:0] _114; wire _116; wire _20; wire [1:0] _117; wire _119; wire _21; wire [1:0] _120; wire _122; wire _22; wire [1:0] _123; wire _125; wire _23; wire _52 = 1'b0; wire [1:0] _126; wire _128; wire _24; wire [1:0] _129; wire _131; wire _25; wire [1:0] _132; wire _134; wire _26; wire _59; wire _63; wire [1:0] _135; wire _137; wire _27; wire [1:0] _138; wire _140; wire _28; wire [1:0] _141; wire _143; wire _29; wire [1:0] _144; wire _146; wire _30; wire [1:0] _147; wire _149; wire _31; wire [1:0] _150; wire _152; wire _32; wire [1:0] _153; wire _155; wire _33; wire [1:0] _156; wire _158; wire _34; wire [1:0] _159; wire _161; wire _35; wire _85; wire _89; wire [1:0] _162; wire _164; wire _36; wire [1:0] _165; wire _167; wire _37; wire [1:0] _168; wire _170; wire _38; wire [1:0] _171; wire _173; wire _39; wire [1:0] _174; wire _176; wire _40; wire [1:0] _177; wire _179; wire _41; wire [1:0] _180; wire _182; wire _42; wire [1:0] _184; wire _186; wire _43; wire _183; wire [1:0] _188; wire _190; wire _45; wire _187; wire [1:0] _191; wire _193; wire _47; wire [1:0] _194; wire _196; wire _48; wire [1:0] _197; wire _199; wire _49; wire [1:0] _200; wire _202; wire _50; wire [2:0] _203; /* logic */ assign _53 = { _52, _2 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2 ( .I(_53), .O(_55) ); assign _1 = _55; assign _56 = { _6, _52 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_0 ( .I(_56), .O(_58) ); assign _2 = _58; assign _60 = { _59, _4 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_1 ( .I(_60), .O(_62) ); assign _3 = _62; assign _64 = { _63, _59 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_2 ( .I(_64), .O(_66) ); assign _4 = _66; assign _67 = { _63, _4 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_3 ( .I(_67), .O(_69) ); assign _5 = _69; assign _70 = { _5, _3 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_4 ( .I(_70), .O(_72) ); assign _6 = _72; assign _73 = { _6, _2 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_5 ( .I(_73), .O(_75) ); assign _7 = _75; assign _76 = { _7, _1 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_6 ( .I(_76), .O(_78) ); assign _8 = _78; assign _79 = { _32, _10 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_7 ( .I(_79), .O(_81) ); assign _9 = _81; assign _82 = { _14, _32 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_8 ( .I(_82), .O(_84) ); assign _10 = _84; assign _86 = { _85, _12 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_9 ( .I(_86), .O(_88) ); assign _11 = _88; assign _90 = { _89, _85 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_10 ( .I(_90), .O(_92) ); assign _12 = _92; assign _93 = { _89, _12 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_11 ( .I(_93), .O(_95) ); assign _13 = _95; assign _96 = { _13, _11 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_12 ( .I(_96), .O(_98) ); assign _14 = _98; assign _99 = { _14, _10 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_13 ( .I(_99), .O(_101) ); assign _15 = _101; assign _102 = { _15, _9 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_14 ( .I(_102), .O(_104) ); assign _16 = _104; assign _105 = { _41, _42 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_15 ( .I(_105), .O(_107) ); assign _17 = _107; assign _108 = { _32, _89 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_16 ( .I(_108), .O(_110) ); assign _18 = _110; assign _111 = { _18, _18 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_17 ( .I(_111), .O(_113) ); assign _19 = _113; assign _114 = { _19, _19 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_18 ( .I(_114), .O(_116) ); assign _20 = _116; assign _117 = { _52, _63 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_19 ( .I(_117), .O(_119) ); assign _21 = _119; assign _120 = { _21, _21 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_20 ( .I(_120), .O(_122) ); assign _22 = _122; assign _123 = { _22, _22 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_21 ( .I(_123), .O(_125) ); assign _23 = _125; assign _126 = { _59, _52 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_22 ( .I(_126), .O(_128) ); assign _24 = _128; assign _129 = { _24, _24 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_23 ( .I(_129), .O(_131) ); assign _25 = _131; assign _132 = { _25, _25 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_24 ( .I(_132), .O(_134) ); assign _26 = _134; assign _59 = b[0:0]; assign _63 = a[0:0]; assign _135 = { _63, _59 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_25 ( .I(_135), .O(_137) ); assign _27 = _137; assign _138 = { _27, _27 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_26 ( .I(_138), .O(_140) ); assign _28 = _140; assign _141 = { _28, _28 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_27 ( .I(_141), .O(_143) ); assign _29 = _143; assign _144 = { _29, _26 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_28 ( .I(_144), .O(_146) ); assign _30 = _146; assign _147 = { _30, _30 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_29 ( .I(_147), .O(_149) ); assign _31 = _149; assign _150 = { _31, _23 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_30 ( .I(_150), .O(_152) ); assign _32 = _152; assign _153 = { _85, _32 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_31 ( .I(_153), .O(_155) ); assign _33 = _155; assign _156 = { _33, _33 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_32 ( .I(_156), .O(_158) ); assign _34 = _158; assign _159 = { _34, _34 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_33 ( .I(_159), .O(_161) ); assign _35 = _161; assign _85 = b[1:1]; assign _89 = a[1:1]; assign _162 = { _89, _85 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_34 ( .I(_162), .O(_164) ); assign _36 = _164; assign _165 = { _36, _36 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_35 ( .I(_165), .O(_167) ); assign _37 = _167; assign _168 = { _37, _37 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_36 ( .I(_168), .O(_170) ); assign _38 = _170; assign _171 = { _38, _35 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_37 ( .I(_171), .O(_173) ); assign _39 = _173; assign _174 = { _39, _39 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_38 ( .I(_174), .O(_176) ); assign _40 = _176; assign _177 = { _40, _20 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_39 ( .I(_177), .O(_179) ); assign _41 = _179; assign _180 = { _48, _41 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_40 ( .I(_180), .O(_182) ); assign _42 = _182; assign _184 = { _183, _45 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_41 ( .I(_184), .O(_186) ); assign _43 = _186; assign _183 = b[2:2]; assign _188 = { _187, _183 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_42 ( .I(_188), .O(_190) ); assign _45 = _190; assign _187 = a[2:2]; assign _191 = { _187, _45 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_43 ( .I(_191), .O(_193) ); assign _47 = _193; assign _194 = { _47, _43 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_44 ( .I(_194), .O(_196) ); assign _48 = _196; assign _197 = { _48, _42 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_45 ( .I(_197), .O(_199) ); assign _49 = _199; assign _200 = { _49, _17 }; LUT2 #( .INIT("1110") ) the_LUT2_46 ( .I(_200), .O(_202) ); assign _50 = _202; assign _203 = { _50, _16, _8 }; /* aliases */ /* output assignments */ assign c = _203; endmodule |}] ;;
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # module Gfx.PostProcessing ( createPostProcessing , renderPostProcessing , usePostProcessing , deletePostProcessing , createTextDisplaybuffer , deleteSavebuffer , filterVars , PostProcessingConfig(..) , Savebuffer(..) , AnimationStyle(..) ) where import Configuration.Shaders import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Either ( partitionEithers ) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL import Lens.Simple ( (^.) , makeLenses , use , uses ) import qualified Util.SettingMap as SM import Foreign.Marshal.Array ( withArray ) import Foreign.Ptr ( nullPtr ) import Foreign.Storable ( sizeOf ) import Data.FileEmbed ( embedStringFile ) import Gfx.LoadShaders ( ShaderInfo(..) , ShaderSource(..) , loadShaders ) import Gfx.OpenGL ( valueToUniform ) import Gfx.Shaders ( getAttribLoc , getUniformLoc ) import Gfx.VertexBuffers ( VBO , createVBO , deleteVBO , drawVBO , setAttribPointer ) import Language.Ast ( Value ) import Logging ( logError , logInfo ) data AnimationStyle = NormalStyle | UserFilter String deriving (Eq, Show) type PostProcessing v = StateT PostProcessingConfig IO v runPostProcessing :: PostProcessingConfig -> PostProcessing v -> IO v runPostProcessing post f = evalStateT f post -- Simple Framebuffer with a texture that can be rendered to and then drawn out to a quad data Savebuffer = Savebuffer FramebufferObject TextureObject TextureObject Program VBO instance Show Savebuffer where show _ = "Savebuffer" data PostFilter = PostFilter FramebufferObject TextureObject TextureObject PostProcessingShader VBO data PostProcessingShader = PostProcessingShader { ppName :: String , ppProgram :: GL.Program , ppUniforms :: [(String, GL.VariableType, GL.UniformLocation)] , ppAttributes :: [(String, GL.VariableType, GL.AttribLocation)] } deriving (Show, Eq) type FilterVars = SM.SettingMap String Value data PostProcessingConfig = PostProcessingConfig { _input :: Savebuffer , _output :: Savebuffer , _userFilters :: M.Map String PostFilter , _filterVars :: FilterVars } makeLenses ''PostProcessingConfig instance Show PostProcessingConfig where show _ = "PostProcessingConfig" loadPostProcessingShader :: ShaderData -> IO PostProcessingShader loadPostProcessingShader (ShaderData name vertShader fragShader) = do program <- loadShaders [ ShaderInfo GL.VertexShader (StringSource vertShader) , ShaderInfo GL.FragmentShader (StringSource fragShader) ] GL.currentProgram $= Just program uniformInfo <- GL.get $ GL.activeUniforms program uniforms <- mapM (getUniformLoc program) uniformInfo attribInfo <- GL.get $ GL.activeAttribs program attributes <- mapM (getAttribLoc program) attribInfo return $ PostProcessingShader name program uniforms attributes -- 2D positions and texture coordinates -- brittany-disable-next-binding ordinaryQuadVertices :: [GLfloat] ordinaryQuadVertices = [ -1, 1, 0, 1 -- v1 , 1, 1, 1, 1 -- v2 , -1, -1, 0, 0 -- v3 , -1, -1, 0, 0 -- v4 , 1, 1, 1, 1 -- v5 v6 ] -- brittany-disable-next-binding textQuadVertices :: [GLfloat] textQuadVertices = [ -1, 1, 0, 0 -- v1 , 1, 1, 1, 0 -- v2 , -1, -1, 0, 1 -- v3 , -1, -1, 0, 1 -- v4 , 1, 1, 1, 0 -- v5 v6 ] createQuadVBO :: [GLfloat] -> IO VBO createQuadVBO quadVertices = let vertexSize = fromIntegral $ sizeOf (head quadVertices) posVSize = 2 texVSize = 2 firstPosIndex = 0 firstTexIndex = posVSize * vertexSize vPosition = AttribLocation 0 vTexCoord = AttribLocation 1 numVertices = fromIntegral $ length quadVertices size = fromIntegral (numVertices * vertexSize) stride = fromIntegral ((posVSize + texVSize) * vertexSize) numArrIdx = 6 quadConfig = do withArray quadVertices $ \ptr -> GL.bufferData ArrayBuffer $= (size, ptr, StaticDraw) setAttribPointer vPosition posVSize stride firstPosIndex setAttribPointer vTexCoord texVSize stride firstTexIndex in createVBO [quadConfig] Triangles firstPosIndex numArrIdx create2DTexture :: GLint -> GLint -> IO TextureObject create2DTexture width height = do text <- genObjectName GL.textureBinding GL.Texture2D $= Just text GL.textureFilter GL.Texture2D $= ((GL.Linear', Nothing), GL.Linear') let pd = PixelData RGBA UnsignedByte nullPtr GL.texImage2D Texture2D NoProxy 0 RGBA' (TextureSize2D width height) 0 pd GL.textureBinding Texture2D $= Nothing return text createDepthbuffer :: GLint -> GLint -> IO TextureObject createDepthbuffer width height = do depth <- genObjectName GL.textureBinding Texture2D $= Just depth GL.textureFilter GL.Texture2D $= ((GL.Linear', Nothing), GL.Linear') let pd = PixelData DepthComponent UnsignedByte nullPtr GL.texImage2D Texture2D NoProxy 0 DepthComponent24 (TextureSize2D width height) 0 pd GL.framebufferTexture2D Framebuffer DepthAttachment Texture2D depth 0 GL.textureBinding Texture2D $= Nothing return depth createPostProcessing :: [FilePath] -> Int -> Int -> IO PostProcessingConfig createPostProcessing filterDirectories w h = let width = fromIntegral w height = fromIntegral h in do inputBuffer <- createSaveBuffer width height ordinaryQuadVertices $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.vert") $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.frag") outputBuffer <- createSaveBuffer width height ordinaryQuadVertices $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.vert") $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.frag") (loadedFilters, varDefaults) <- loadFilterDirectories filterDirectories userFilters <- mapM (createPostProcessingFilter width height ordinaryQuadVertices) loadedFilters return $ PostProcessingConfig inputBuffer outputBuffer userFilters varDefaults deletePostProcessing :: PostProcessingConfig -> IO () deletePostProcessing post = do deleteSavebuffer $ post ^. input deleteSavebuffer $ post ^. output mapM_ deletePostFilter $ post ^. userFilters createTextDisplaybuffer :: GLint -> GLint -> IO Savebuffer createTextDisplaybuffer width height = createSaveBuffer width height textQuadVertices $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.vert") $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.frag") createSaveBuffer :: GLint -> GLint -> [GLfloat] -> String -> String -> IO Savebuffer createSaveBuffer width height vertices vertShader fragShader = do fbo <- genObjectName GL.bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= fbo text <- create2DTexture width height GL.framebufferTexture2D Framebuffer (ColorAttachment 0) Texture2D text 0 depth <- createDepthbuffer width height qvbo <- createQuadVBO vertices program <- loadShaders [ ShaderInfo VertexShader (StringSource vertShader) , ShaderInfo FragmentShader (StringSource fragShader) ] return $ Savebuffer fbo text depth program qvbo deleteSavebuffer :: Savebuffer -> IO () deleteSavebuffer (Savebuffer sbfbo sbtext sbdepth sbprogram sbvbo) = do deleteObjectName sbtext deleteObjectName sbdepth deleteObjectName sbprogram deleteVBO sbvbo deleteObjectName sbfbo deletePostFilter :: PostFilter -> IO () deletePostFilter (PostFilter mfbo mtext depth shader mbvbo) = do deleteObjectName mtext deleteObjectName depth deleteObjectName (ppProgram shader) deleteVBO mbvbo deleteObjectName mfbo createPostProcessingFilter :: GLint -> GLint -> [GLfloat] -> PostProcessingShader -> IO PostFilter createPostProcessingFilter width height vertices shader = do fbo <- genObjectName bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= fbo text <- create2DTexture width height framebufferTexture2D Framebuffer (ColorAttachment 0) Texture2D text 0 depth <- createDepthbuffer width height qvbo <- createQuadVBO vertices return $ PostFilter fbo text depth shader qvbo usePostProcessing :: PostProcessingConfig -> IO () usePostProcessing post = runPostProcessing post usePostProcessingST usePostProcessingST :: PostProcessing () usePostProcessingST = do (Savebuffer fbo _ _ _ _) <- use input liftIO $ bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= fbo renderPostProcessing :: PostProcessingConfig -> FilterVars -> AnimationStyle -> IO () renderPostProcessing post postVars animStyle = runPostProcessing post (renderPostProcessingST postVars animStyle) renderPostProcessingST :: FilterVars -> AnimationStyle -> PostProcessing () renderPostProcessingST postVars animStyle = do outbuffer@(Savebuffer outFBO previousFrame _ _ _) <- use output liftIO $ do depthFunc $= Nothing bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= outFBO case animStyle of NormalStyle -> use input >>= renderSavebuffer UserFilter name -> do maybeFilter <- uses userFilters (M.lookup name) case maybeFilter of Nothing -> use input >>= renderSavebuffer Just filterBuffer -> renderPostProcessingFilter postVars filterBuffer liftIO (bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= defaultFramebufferObject) renderSavebuffer outbuffer renderSavebuffer :: Savebuffer -> PostProcessing () renderSavebuffer (Savebuffer _ text _ program quadVBO) = liftIO $ do currentProgram $= Just program activeTexture $= TextureUnit 0 textureBinding Texture2D $= Just text drawVBO quadVBO setUniform :: FilterVars -> (String, GL.VariableType, UniformLocation) -> PostProcessing () setUniform _ ("texFramebuffer", _, uniformLoc) = do (Savebuffer _ sceneFrame _ _ _) <- use input liftIO $ do activeTexture $= TextureUnit 0 textureBinding Texture2D $= Just sceneFrame uniform uniformLoc $= TextureUnit 0 setUniform _ ("lastFrame", _, uniformLoc) = do (Savebuffer _ lastFrame _ _ _) <- use output liftIO $ do activeTexture $= TextureUnit 1 textureBinding Texture2D $= Just lastFrame uniform uniformLoc $= TextureUnit 1 setUniform _ ("depth", _, uniformLoc) = do (Savebuffer _ _ depth _ _) <- use input liftIO $ do activeTexture $= TextureUnit 2 textureBinding Texture2D $= Just depth uniform uniformLoc $= TextureUnit 2 setUniform filterVars (name, uniformType, uniformLoc) = do let filtVar = filterVars ^. SM.value name liftIO $ case filtVar of Nothing -> logError $ name ++ " is not a known uniform" Just v -> valueToUniform v uniformType uniformLoc renderPostProcessingFilter :: FilterVars -> PostFilter -> PostProcessing () renderPostProcessingFilter postVars (PostFilter _ _ _ shader quadVBO) = do liftIO (currentProgram $= (Just $ ppProgram shader)) mapM_ (setUniform postVars) (ppUniforms shader) liftIO $ drawVBO quadVBO loadFilterDirectories :: [FilePath] -> IO (M.Map String PostProcessingShader, FilterVars) loadFilterDirectories folders = do loadedFolders <- mapM loadShaderFolder folders let (folderLoadingErrs, parsedShaders) = partitionEithers $ concat $ fmap fst loadedFolders mapM_ logError folderLoadingErrs loadedFilters <- mapM loadPostProcessingShader parsedShaders --let (shaderLoadingErrs, ppShaders) = partitionEithers loadedFilters mapM _ logError shaderLoadingErrs let varDefaults = concat $ fmap snd loadedFolders logInfo $ "Loaded " ++ show (length varDefaults) ++ " post processing defaults" logInfo $ "Loaded " ++ show (length loadedFilters) ++ " post processing filter files" return $ ( M.fromList $ (\ps -> (ppName ps, ps)) <$> loadedFilters , SM.create varDefaults )
Simple Framebuffer with a texture that can be rendered to and then drawn out to a quad 2D positions and texture coordinates brittany-disable-next-binding v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 brittany-disable-next-binding v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 let (shaderLoadingErrs, ppShaders) = partitionEithers loadedFilters
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # module Gfx.PostProcessing ( createPostProcessing , renderPostProcessing , usePostProcessing , deletePostProcessing , createTextDisplaybuffer , deleteSavebuffer , filterVars , PostProcessingConfig(..) , Savebuffer(..) , AnimationStyle(..) ) where import Configuration.Shaders import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Either ( partitionEithers ) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL import Lens.Simple ( (^.) , makeLenses , use , uses ) import qualified Util.SettingMap as SM import Foreign.Marshal.Array ( withArray ) import Foreign.Ptr ( nullPtr ) import Foreign.Storable ( sizeOf ) import Data.FileEmbed ( embedStringFile ) import Gfx.LoadShaders ( ShaderInfo(..) , ShaderSource(..) , loadShaders ) import Gfx.OpenGL ( valueToUniform ) import Gfx.Shaders ( getAttribLoc , getUniformLoc ) import Gfx.VertexBuffers ( VBO , createVBO , deleteVBO , drawVBO , setAttribPointer ) import Language.Ast ( Value ) import Logging ( logError , logInfo ) data AnimationStyle = NormalStyle | UserFilter String deriving (Eq, Show) type PostProcessing v = StateT PostProcessingConfig IO v runPostProcessing :: PostProcessingConfig -> PostProcessing v -> IO v runPostProcessing post f = evalStateT f post data Savebuffer = Savebuffer FramebufferObject TextureObject TextureObject Program VBO instance Show Savebuffer where show _ = "Savebuffer" data PostFilter = PostFilter FramebufferObject TextureObject TextureObject PostProcessingShader VBO data PostProcessingShader = PostProcessingShader { ppName :: String , ppProgram :: GL.Program , ppUniforms :: [(String, GL.VariableType, GL.UniformLocation)] , ppAttributes :: [(String, GL.VariableType, GL.AttribLocation)] } deriving (Show, Eq) type FilterVars = SM.SettingMap String Value data PostProcessingConfig = PostProcessingConfig { _input :: Savebuffer , _output :: Savebuffer , _userFilters :: M.Map String PostFilter , _filterVars :: FilterVars } makeLenses ''PostProcessingConfig instance Show PostProcessingConfig where show _ = "PostProcessingConfig" loadPostProcessingShader :: ShaderData -> IO PostProcessingShader loadPostProcessingShader (ShaderData name vertShader fragShader) = do program <- loadShaders [ ShaderInfo GL.VertexShader (StringSource vertShader) , ShaderInfo GL.FragmentShader (StringSource fragShader) ] GL.currentProgram $= Just program uniformInfo <- GL.get $ GL.activeUniforms program uniforms <- mapM (getUniformLoc program) uniformInfo attribInfo <- GL.get $ GL.activeAttribs program attributes <- mapM (getAttribLoc program) attribInfo return $ PostProcessingShader name program uniforms attributes ordinaryQuadVertices :: [GLfloat] v6 ] textQuadVertices :: [GLfloat] v6 ] createQuadVBO :: [GLfloat] -> IO VBO createQuadVBO quadVertices = let vertexSize = fromIntegral $ sizeOf (head quadVertices) posVSize = 2 texVSize = 2 firstPosIndex = 0 firstTexIndex = posVSize * vertexSize vPosition = AttribLocation 0 vTexCoord = AttribLocation 1 numVertices = fromIntegral $ length quadVertices size = fromIntegral (numVertices * vertexSize) stride = fromIntegral ((posVSize + texVSize) * vertexSize) numArrIdx = 6 quadConfig = do withArray quadVertices $ \ptr -> GL.bufferData ArrayBuffer $= (size, ptr, StaticDraw) setAttribPointer vPosition posVSize stride firstPosIndex setAttribPointer vTexCoord texVSize stride firstTexIndex in createVBO [quadConfig] Triangles firstPosIndex numArrIdx create2DTexture :: GLint -> GLint -> IO TextureObject create2DTexture width height = do text <- genObjectName GL.textureBinding GL.Texture2D $= Just text GL.textureFilter GL.Texture2D $= ((GL.Linear', Nothing), GL.Linear') let pd = PixelData RGBA UnsignedByte nullPtr GL.texImage2D Texture2D NoProxy 0 RGBA' (TextureSize2D width height) 0 pd GL.textureBinding Texture2D $= Nothing return text createDepthbuffer :: GLint -> GLint -> IO TextureObject createDepthbuffer width height = do depth <- genObjectName GL.textureBinding Texture2D $= Just depth GL.textureFilter GL.Texture2D $= ((GL.Linear', Nothing), GL.Linear') let pd = PixelData DepthComponent UnsignedByte nullPtr GL.texImage2D Texture2D NoProxy 0 DepthComponent24 (TextureSize2D width height) 0 pd GL.framebufferTexture2D Framebuffer DepthAttachment Texture2D depth 0 GL.textureBinding Texture2D $= Nothing return depth createPostProcessing :: [FilePath] -> Int -> Int -> IO PostProcessingConfig createPostProcessing filterDirectories w h = let width = fromIntegral w height = fromIntegral h in do inputBuffer <- createSaveBuffer width height ordinaryQuadVertices $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.vert") $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.frag") outputBuffer <- createSaveBuffer width height ordinaryQuadVertices $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.vert") $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.frag") (loadedFilters, varDefaults) <- loadFilterDirectories filterDirectories userFilters <- mapM (createPostProcessingFilter width height ordinaryQuadVertices) loadedFilters return $ PostProcessingConfig inputBuffer outputBuffer userFilters varDefaults deletePostProcessing :: PostProcessingConfig -> IO () deletePostProcessing post = do deleteSavebuffer $ post ^. input deleteSavebuffer $ post ^. output mapM_ deletePostFilter $ post ^. userFilters createTextDisplaybuffer :: GLint -> GLint -> IO Savebuffer createTextDisplaybuffer width height = createSaveBuffer width height textQuadVertices $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.vert") $(embedStringFile "src/assets/shaders/savebuffer.frag") createSaveBuffer :: GLint -> GLint -> [GLfloat] -> String -> String -> IO Savebuffer createSaveBuffer width height vertices vertShader fragShader = do fbo <- genObjectName GL.bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= fbo text <- create2DTexture width height GL.framebufferTexture2D Framebuffer (ColorAttachment 0) Texture2D text 0 depth <- createDepthbuffer width height qvbo <- createQuadVBO vertices program <- loadShaders [ ShaderInfo VertexShader (StringSource vertShader) , ShaderInfo FragmentShader (StringSource fragShader) ] return $ Savebuffer fbo text depth program qvbo deleteSavebuffer :: Savebuffer -> IO () deleteSavebuffer (Savebuffer sbfbo sbtext sbdepth sbprogram sbvbo) = do deleteObjectName sbtext deleteObjectName sbdepth deleteObjectName sbprogram deleteVBO sbvbo deleteObjectName sbfbo deletePostFilter :: PostFilter -> IO () deletePostFilter (PostFilter mfbo mtext depth shader mbvbo) = do deleteObjectName mtext deleteObjectName depth deleteObjectName (ppProgram shader) deleteVBO mbvbo deleteObjectName mfbo createPostProcessingFilter :: GLint -> GLint -> [GLfloat] -> PostProcessingShader -> IO PostFilter createPostProcessingFilter width height vertices shader = do fbo <- genObjectName bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= fbo text <- create2DTexture width height framebufferTexture2D Framebuffer (ColorAttachment 0) Texture2D text 0 depth <- createDepthbuffer width height qvbo <- createQuadVBO vertices return $ PostFilter fbo text depth shader qvbo usePostProcessing :: PostProcessingConfig -> IO () usePostProcessing post = runPostProcessing post usePostProcessingST usePostProcessingST :: PostProcessing () usePostProcessingST = do (Savebuffer fbo _ _ _ _) <- use input liftIO $ bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= fbo renderPostProcessing :: PostProcessingConfig -> FilterVars -> AnimationStyle -> IO () renderPostProcessing post postVars animStyle = runPostProcessing post (renderPostProcessingST postVars animStyle) renderPostProcessingST :: FilterVars -> AnimationStyle -> PostProcessing () renderPostProcessingST postVars animStyle = do outbuffer@(Savebuffer outFBO previousFrame _ _ _) <- use output liftIO $ do depthFunc $= Nothing bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= outFBO case animStyle of NormalStyle -> use input >>= renderSavebuffer UserFilter name -> do maybeFilter <- uses userFilters (M.lookup name) case maybeFilter of Nothing -> use input >>= renderSavebuffer Just filterBuffer -> renderPostProcessingFilter postVars filterBuffer liftIO (bindFramebuffer Framebuffer $= defaultFramebufferObject) renderSavebuffer outbuffer renderSavebuffer :: Savebuffer -> PostProcessing () renderSavebuffer (Savebuffer _ text _ program quadVBO) = liftIO $ do currentProgram $= Just program activeTexture $= TextureUnit 0 textureBinding Texture2D $= Just text drawVBO quadVBO setUniform :: FilterVars -> (String, GL.VariableType, UniformLocation) -> PostProcessing () setUniform _ ("texFramebuffer", _, uniformLoc) = do (Savebuffer _ sceneFrame _ _ _) <- use input liftIO $ do activeTexture $= TextureUnit 0 textureBinding Texture2D $= Just sceneFrame uniform uniformLoc $= TextureUnit 0 setUniform _ ("lastFrame", _, uniformLoc) = do (Savebuffer _ lastFrame _ _ _) <- use output liftIO $ do activeTexture $= TextureUnit 1 textureBinding Texture2D $= Just lastFrame uniform uniformLoc $= TextureUnit 1 setUniform _ ("depth", _, uniformLoc) = do (Savebuffer _ _ depth _ _) <- use input liftIO $ do activeTexture $= TextureUnit 2 textureBinding Texture2D $= Just depth uniform uniformLoc $= TextureUnit 2 setUniform filterVars (name, uniformType, uniformLoc) = do let filtVar = filterVars ^. SM.value name liftIO $ case filtVar of Nothing -> logError $ name ++ " is not a known uniform" Just v -> valueToUniform v uniformType uniformLoc renderPostProcessingFilter :: FilterVars -> PostFilter -> PostProcessing () renderPostProcessingFilter postVars (PostFilter _ _ _ shader quadVBO) = do liftIO (currentProgram $= (Just $ ppProgram shader)) mapM_ (setUniform postVars) (ppUniforms shader) liftIO $ drawVBO quadVBO loadFilterDirectories :: [FilePath] -> IO (M.Map String PostProcessingShader, FilterVars) loadFilterDirectories folders = do loadedFolders <- mapM loadShaderFolder folders let (folderLoadingErrs, parsedShaders) = partitionEithers $ concat $ fmap fst loadedFolders mapM_ logError folderLoadingErrs loadedFilters <- mapM loadPostProcessingShader parsedShaders mapM _ logError shaderLoadingErrs let varDefaults = concat $ fmap snd loadedFolders logInfo $ "Loaded " ++ show (length varDefaults) ++ " post processing defaults" logInfo $ "Loaded " ++ show (length loadedFilters) ++ " post processing filter files" return $ ( M.fromList $ (\ps -> (ppName ps, ps)) <$> loadedFilters , SM.create varDefaults )
;;; Copyright ( c ) 2009 - 2010 ;;; All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ;;; ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS " AS IS " ;;; AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT , INDIRECT , INCIDENTAL , SPECIAL , EXEMPLARY , OR ;;; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ;;; SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION ) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY , WHETHER IN ;;; CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ;;; ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ;;; POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;; (in-package :cram-execution-trace) When saving a TASK - TREE , we do n't save the real TASK objects , but only the ;;; information we really need in offline knowledge. At the time of writing ;;; this is only the name of the status fluent and the result. So while ;;; reloading we create some fake objects that only support the part of the ;;; task / fluent API that we need. This might not be the most beautiful ;;; solution, but for now it works. (defclass offline-fluent () ((cpl-impl:name :initarg :name :reader cpl-impl:name :type symbol))) (defclass offline-task () ((cpl-impl:status :initarg :status :reader cpl-impl:status :type offline-fluent) (cpl-impl:result :initarg :result :reader cpl-impl:result :type (or list (member nil) condition))))
All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. information we really need in offline knowledge. At the time of writing this is only the name of the status fluent and the result. So while reloading we create some fake objects that only support the part of the task / fluent API that we need. This might not be the most beautiful solution, but for now it works.
Copyright ( c ) 2009 - 2010 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS " AS IS " IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT , INDIRECT , INCIDENTAL , SPECIAL , EXEMPLARY , OR INTERRUPTION ) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY , WHETHER IN (in-package :cram-execution-trace) When saving a TASK - TREE , we do n't save the real TASK objects , but only the (defclass offline-fluent () ((cpl-impl:name :initarg :name :reader cpl-impl:name :type symbol))) (defclass offline-task () ((cpl-impl:status :initarg :status :reader cpl-impl:status :type offline-fluent) (cpl-impl:result :initarg :result :reader cpl-impl:result :type (or list (member nil) condition))))
newMArray :: Int -> (MArray a -o !b) -o b; write :: MArray a -o (Int * a) -> MArray a; freeze :: MArray a -o !(Array a); foldl :: (a -o b -o a) -> a -o (List b) -o a; synth array :: Int -> List (!(Int * a)) -> Array a | using (foldl) | depth 3;
newMArray :: Int -> (MArray a -o !b) -o b; write :: MArray a -o (Int * a) -> MArray a; freeze :: MArray a -o !(Array a); foldl :: (a -o b -o a) -> a -o (List b) -o a; synth array :: Int -> List (!(Int * a)) -> Array a | using (foldl) | depth 3;
(ns eponai.common.ui.store (:require [eponai.common.ui.elements.css :as css] [eponai.common.ui.chat :as chat] [eponai.common.ui.common :as common] [eponai.common.ui.product :as item] [eponai.common.ui.stream :as stream] [eponai.common.ui.om-quill :as quill] [eponai.common.ui.router :as router] [eponai.common.format :as f] [eponai.client.routes :as routes] [eponai.common.ui.dom :as dom] [om.next :as om :refer [defui]] [taoensso.timbre :refer [debug]] [eponai.common.ui.elements.menu :as menu] [eponai.common.ui.elements.grid :as grid] [eponai.web.ui.photo :as photo] [eponai.web.social :as social] [eponai.common.photos :as photos] [eponai.common.mixpanel :as mixpanel] [eponai.common.ui.elements.callout :as callout] [eponai.web.ui.button :as button] #?(:cljs [eponai.web.firebase :as firebase]) [eponai.common.shared :as shared] [eponai.common.ui.product :as product] [eponai.common.database :as db] [eponai.client.auth :as client.auth] [eponai.web.ui.content-item :as ci] [eponai.common :as c])) (defn about-section [component] (let [{:query/keys [store]} (om/props component) {:store.profile/keys [description name]} (:store/profile store)] (grid/row-column nil (dom/div (css/callout) (quill/->QuillRenderer {:html (f/bytes->str description)}))))) (defn policies-section [component] (let [{:query/keys [store]} (om/props component) {:store.profile/keys [return-policy]} (:store/profile store) {shipping-policy :shipping/policy} (:store/shipping store)] (grid/row-column nil (dom/div (css/callout) (dom/p nil (dom/strong nil "Returns")) (quill/->QuillRenderer {:html (f/bytes->str return-policy)})) (dom/div (css/callout) (dom/p nil (dom/strong nil "Shipping")) (quill/->QuillRenderer {:html (f/bytes->str shipping-policy)}))))) (defn videos-section [component] (let [{:query/keys [store-vods current-route store]} (om/props component) {:keys [route route-params query-params]} current-route] (grid/row (grid/columns-in-row {:small 2 :medium 3}) (map (fn [vod] (grid/column nil (ci/->StoreVod (om/computed vod {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :vod-timestamp (:vod/timestamp vod)))})))) store-vods)))) (defn store-not-found [component] (let [{:query/keys [store featured-stores]} (om/props component)] [ (grid/row-column (css/add-class :store-not-found (css/text-align :center)) (dom/div (css/add-classes [:not-found-code]) (dom/p (css/add-class :stat) "404")) (dom/h1 nil "Store not found") (dom/div (css/add-class :empty-container) (dom/p (css/add-class :shoutout) "Oops, that store doesn't seem to exist.")) (button/store-navigation-default {:href (routes/url :live)} (dom/span nil "Browse stores"))) (grid/row-column nil (dom/hr nil) (dom/div (css/add-class :section-title) (dom/h3 nil "New stores"))) (grid/row (grid/columns-in-row {:small 2 :medium 5}) (map (fn [store] (let [store-name (get-in store [:store/profile :store.profile/name])] (grid/column nil (dom/div (->> (css/add-class :content-item) (css/add-class :stream-item)) (dom/a {:href (routes/url :store {:store-id (:db/id store)})} (photo/store-photo store {:transformation :transformation/thumbnail-large})) (dom/div (->> (css/add-class :text) (css/add-class :header)) (dom/a {:href (routes/url :store {:store-id (:db/id store)})} (dom/strong nil store-name))))))) (take 5 featured-stores))) ])) (defn store-url [store-id] #?(:cljs (str js/window.location.origin (routes/url :store {:store-id store-id})) :clj nil)) (defui Store static om/IQuery (query [_] [ {:proxy/chat (om/get-query chat/StreamChat)} {:query/store [:db/id {:store/locality [:sulo-locality/path]} {:store/sections [:store.section/label :store.section/path :db/id]} :store/visitor-count :store/username {:store/geolocation [:geolocation/title]} :store/not-found? {:store/status [:status/type]} {:stream/_store [:stream/state :stream/title]} {:store/profile [:store.profile/name :store.profile/description :store.profile/tagline :store.profile/return-policy {:store.profile/photo [:photo/path :photo/id]} {:store.profile/cover [:photo/path :photo/id]}]} {:store/owners [{:store.owner/user [:user/online?]}]} {:store/shipping [:shipping/policy]}]} {:query/featured-items [:db/id :store.item/name :store.item/price :store.item/created-at {:store.item/photos [{:store.item.photo/photo [:photo/path :photo/id]} :store.item.photo/index]} {:store/_items [{:store/profile [:store.profile/name]}]}]} {:query/featured-stores [:db/id {:store/profile [:store.profile/name {:store.profile/photo [:photo/path :photo/id]}]} :store/created-at :store/featured {:store/items [:db/id {:store.item/photos [{:store.item.photo/photo [:photo/path :photo/id]} :store.item.photo/index]}]}]} {:query/store-vods (om/get-query ci/StoreVod)} {:query/store-items (om/get-query ci/ProductItem)} :query/current-route]) Object (initLocalState [this] {:selected-navigation :all-items}) (render [this] (let [{:keys [fullscreen? ] :as st} (om/get-state this) {:query/keys [store store-items current-route] :as props} (om/props this) {:store/keys [profile visitor-count owners geolocation] stream :stream/_store} store {:store.profile/keys [photo cover tagline description] store-name :store.profile/name} profile stream (first stream) is-live? (= :stream.state/live (:stream/state stream)) {:keys [route route-params query-params]} current-route vod-timestamp (-> query-params :vod-timestamp c/parse-long-safe) is-vod? (some? vod-timestamp) show-chat? (:show-chat? st true) store-status (get-in store [:store/status :status/type]) store-owner-online? (-> owners :store.owner/user :user/online?) selected-navigation (:nav query-params)] (debug "Store vods: " (:query/store-vods props)) (dom/div {:id "sulo-store"} (if (:store/not-found? store) (store-not-found this) [ (dom/h1 (css/show-for-sr) store-name) (when (or (nil? store-status) (= :status.type/closed store-status)) (callout/callout-small (->> (css/text-align :center {:id "store-closed-banner"}) (css/add-classes [:alert :store-closed])) (dom/div (css/add-class :sl-tooltip) (dom/h3 (css/add-class :closed) (dom/strong nil "Closed - ")) (dom/span (css/add-class :sl-tooltip-text) "Only you can see your store. Customers who try to view your store will see a not found page.")) (dom/a {:href (routes/url :store-dashboard/profile#options route-params)} (dom/span nil "Go to options")))) (grid/row (->> (grid/columns-in-row {:small 1}) (css/add-class :collapse) (css/add-class :expanded)) (grid/column (grid/column-order {:small 3 :medium 1}) (dom/div (cond->> (css/add-class :stream-container) show-chat? (css/add-class :sulo-show-chat) fullscreen? (css/add-class :fullscreen)) (cond (or is-live? is-vod?) [ (stream/->Stream (om/computed {:stream stream} {:stream-title (:stream/title stream) :widescreen? true :store store :vod-timestamp vod-timestamp :on-fullscreen-change #(om/update-state! this assoc :fullscreen? %)})) (chat/->StreamChat (om/computed (:proxy/chat props) {:on-toggle-chat (fn [show?] (om/update-state! this assoc :show-chat? show?)) :is-vod? is-vod? :store store :stream-overlay? true :visitor-count visitor-count :show? show-chat? :store-online-status store-owner-online?}))] (some? cover) (photo/store-cover store {:alt (str store-name " cover photo")})))) (grid/column (->> (grid/column-order {:small 1 :medium 3}) (css/add-class :store-container)) (grid/row (->> (css/align :middle) (css/align :center)) (grid/column (grid/column-size {:small 12 :medium 2}) (photo/store-photo store {:transformation :transformation/thumbnail})) (grid/column (css/add-class :shrink) (dom/p nil (dom/strong nil store-name) (when (not-empty (:geolocation/title geolocation)) [(dom/br nil) (dom/small nil (:geolocation/title geolocation))]) (when (not-empty tagline) [(dom/br nil) (dom/i (css/add-class :tagline) tagline)]))) (grid/column (->> (grid/column-size {:small 12 :medium 4 :large 3}) (css/text-align :center) (css/add-class :follow-section)) (dom/div nil (common/follow-button nil) ;(common/contact-button nil) ))) )) (grid/row (css/add-class :collapse) (grid/column (css/add-class :store-submenu) (let [store-url (store-url (:store-id route-params))] (menu/horizontal (->> (css/align :right) (css/add-class :share-menu)) (menu/item nil (social/share-button {:on-click #(mixpanel/track "Share on social media" {:platform "facebook" :object "store"}) :platform :social/facebook :href store-url})) (menu/item nil (social/share-button {:on-click #(mixpanel/track "Share on social media" {:platform "twitter" :object "store"}) :platform :social/twitter :description (:store.profile/name profile) :href store-url})) (menu/item nil (social/share-button {:on-click #(mixpanel/track "Share on social media" {:platform "pinterest" :object "store"}) :platform :social/pinterest :href store-url :description (:store.profile/name profile) :media (photos/transform (:photo/id (:store.profile/photo profile)) :transformation/thumbnail)})) )))) (dom/div {:id "shop"} (grid/row (->> (css/add-class :collapse) (css/add-class :menu-container)) (grid/column nil (menu/horizontal (css/add-class :navigation) (menu/item (cond->> (css/add-class :about) (= selected-navigation "videos") (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :nav "videos"))} (dom/span nil "Videos"))) (menu/item (cond->> (css/add-class :about) (= selected-navigation "about") (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :nav "about"))} (dom/span nil "About"))) (menu/item (cond->> (css/add-class :about) (= selected-navigation "policies") (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :nav "policies"))} (dom/span nil "Policies"))) (menu/item (when (and (= route :store) (nil? selected-navigation)) (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (dissoc query-params :nav))} (dom/span nil "All Items"))) (map-indexed (fn [i s] (let [{:store.section/keys [label]} s is-active? (and (= route :store) (= selected-navigation (str (:db/id s))))] (menu/item (cond->> {:key (+ 10 i)} is-active? (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :nav (:db/id s)))} (dom/span nil label))))) (:store/sections store))))) (cond (= selected-navigation "about") (about-section this) (= selected-navigation "videos") (videos-section this) (= selected-navigation "policies") (policies-section this) :else (let [selected-section (c/parse-long-safe selected-navigation) products (sort-by :store.item/index (if (and (= route :store) (number? selected-section)) (filter #(= (get-in % [:store.item/section :db/id]) selected-section) store-items) store-items))] (grid/products products (fn [p] (ci/->ProductItem (om/computed p {:current-route current-route :show-caption? true})))))))]))))) (def ->Store (om/factory Store)) (router/register-component :store Store)
(common/contact-button nil)
(ns eponai.common.ui.store (:require [eponai.common.ui.elements.css :as css] [eponai.common.ui.chat :as chat] [eponai.common.ui.common :as common] [eponai.common.ui.product :as item] [eponai.common.ui.stream :as stream] [eponai.common.ui.om-quill :as quill] [eponai.common.ui.router :as router] [eponai.common.format :as f] [eponai.client.routes :as routes] [eponai.common.ui.dom :as dom] [om.next :as om :refer [defui]] [taoensso.timbre :refer [debug]] [eponai.common.ui.elements.menu :as menu] [eponai.common.ui.elements.grid :as grid] [eponai.web.ui.photo :as photo] [eponai.web.social :as social] [eponai.common.photos :as photos] [eponai.common.mixpanel :as mixpanel] [eponai.common.ui.elements.callout :as callout] [eponai.web.ui.button :as button] #?(:cljs [eponai.web.firebase :as firebase]) [eponai.common.shared :as shared] [eponai.common.ui.product :as product] [eponai.common.database :as db] [eponai.client.auth :as client.auth] [eponai.web.ui.content-item :as ci] [eponai.common :as c])) (defn about-section [component] (let [{:query/keys [store]} (om/props component) {:store.profile/keys [description name]} (:store/profile store)] (grid/row-column nil (dom/div (css/callout) (quill/->QuillRenderer {:html (f/bytes->str description)}))))) (defn policies-section [component] (let [{:query/keys [store]} (om/props component) {:store.profile/keys [return-policy]} (:store/profile store) {shipping-policy :shipping/policy} (:store/shipping store)] (grid/row-column nil (dom/div (css/callout) (dom/p nil (dom/strong nil "Returns")) (quill/->QuillRenderer {:html (f/bytes->str return-policy)})) (dom/div (css/callout) (dom/p nil (dom/strong nil "Shipping")) (quill/->QuillRenderer {:html (f/bytes->str shipping-policy)}))))) (defn videos-section [component] (let [{:query/keys [store-vods current-route store]} (om/props component) {:keys [route route-params query-params]} current-route] (grid/row (grid/columns-in-row {:small 2 :medium 3}) (map (fn [vod] (grid/column nil (ci/->StoreVod (om/computed vod {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :vod-timestamp (:vod/timestamp vod)))})))) store-vods)))) (defn store-not-found [component] (let [{:query/keys [store featured-stores]} (om/props component)] [ (grid/row-column (css/add-class :store-not-found (css/text-align :center)) (dom/div (css/add-classes [:not-found-code]) (dom/p (css/add-class :stat) "404")) (dom/h1 nil "Store not found") (dom/div (css/add-class :empty-container) (dom/p (css/add-class :shoutout) "Oops, that store doesn't seem to exist.")) (button/store-navigation-default {:href (routes/url :live)} (dom/span nil "Browse stores"))) (grid/row-column nil (dom/hr nil) (dom/div (css/add-class :section-title) (dom/h3 nil "New stores"))) (grid/row (grid/columns-in-row {:small 2 :medium 5}) (map (fn [store] (let [store-name (get-in store [:store/profile :store.profile/name])] (grid/column nil (dom/div (->> (css/add-class :content-item) (css/add-class :stream-item)) (dom/a {:href (routes/url :store {:store-id (:db/id store)})} (photo/store-photo store {:transformation :transformation/thumbnail-large})) (dom/div (->> (css/add-class :text) (css/add-class :header)) (dom/a {:href (routes/url :store {:store-id (:db/id store)})} (dom/strong nil store-name))))))) (take 5 featured-stores))) ])) (defn store-url [store-id] #?(:cljs (str js/window.location.origin (routes/url :store {:store-id store-id})) :clj nil)) (defui Store static om/IQuery (query [_] [ {:proxy/chat (om/get-query chat/StreamChat)} {:query/store [:db/id {:store/locality [:sulo-locality/path]} {:store/sections [:store.section/label :store.section/path :db/id]} :store/visitor-count :store/username {:store/geolocation [:geolocation/title]} :store/not-found? {:store/status [:status/type]} {:stream/_store [:stream/state :stream/title]} {:store/profile [:store.profile/name :store.profile/description :store.profile/tagline :store.profile/return-policy {:store.profile/photo [:photo/path :photo/id]} {:store.profile/cover [:photo/path :photo/id]}]} {:store/owners [{:store.owner/user [:user/online?]}]} {:store/shipping [:shipping/policy]}]} {:query/featured-items [:db/id :store.item/name :store.item/price :store.item/created-at {:store.item/photos [{:store.item.photo/photo [:photo/path :photo/id]} :store.item.photo/index]} {:store/_items [{:store/profile [:store.profile/name]}]}]} {:query/featured-stores [:db/id {:store/profile [:store.profile/name {:store.profile/photo [:photo/path :photo/id]}]} :store/created-at :store/featured {:store/items [:db/id {:store.item/photos [{:store.item.photo/photo [:photo/path :photo/id]} :store.item.photo/index]}]}]} {:query/store-vods (om/get-query ci/StoreVod)} {:query/store-items (om/get-query ci/ProductItem)} :query/current-route]) Object (initLocalState [this] {:selected-navigation :all-items}) (render [this] (let [{:keys [fullscreen? ] :as st} (om/get-state this) {:query/keys [store store-items current-route] :as props} (om/props this) {:store/keys [profile visitor-count owners geolocation] stream :stream/_store} store {:store.profile/keys [photo cover tagline description] store-name :store.profile/name} profile stream (first stream) is-live? (= :stream.state/live (:stream/state stream)) {:keys [route route-params query-params]} current-route vod-timestamp (-> query-params :vod-timestamp c/parse-long-safe) is-vod? (some? vod-timestamp) show-chat? (:show-chat? st true) store-status (get-in store [:store/status :status/type]) store-owner-online? (-> owners :store.owner/user :user/online?) selected-navigation (:nav query-params)] (debug "Store vods: " (:query/store-vods props)) (dom/div {:id "sulo-store"} (if (:store/not-found? store) (store-not-found this) [ (dom/h1 (css/show-for-sr) store-name) (when (or (nil? store-status) (= :status.type/closed store-status)) (callout/callout-small (->> (css/text-align :center {:id "store-closed-banner"}) (css/add-classes [:alert :store-closed])) (dom/div (css/add-class :sl-tooltip) (dom/h3 (css/add-class :closed) (dom/strong nil "Closed - ")) (dom/span (css/add-class :sl-tooltip-text) "Only you can see your store. Customers who try to view your store will see a not found page.")) (dom/a {:href (routes/url :store-dashboard/profile#options route-params)} (dom/span nil "Go to options")))) (grid/row (->> (grid/columns-in-row {:small 1}) (css/add-class :collapse) (css/add-class :expanded)) (grid/column (grid/column-order {:small 3 :medium 1}) (dom/div (cond->> (css/add-class :stream-container) show-chat? (css/add-class :sulo-show-chat) fullscreen? (css/add-class :fullscreen)) (cond (or is-live? is-vod?) [ (stream/->Stream (om/computed {:stream stream} {:stream-title (:stream/title stream) :widescreen? true :store store :vod-timestamp vod-timestamp :on-fullscreen-change #(om/update-state! this assoc :fullscreen? %)})) (chat/->StreamChat (om/computed (:proxy/chat props) {:on-toggle-chat (fn [show?] (om/update-state! this assoc :show-chat? show?)) :is-vod? is-vod? :store store :stream-overlay? true :visitor-count visitor-count :show? show-chat? :store-online-status store-owner-online?}))] (some? cover) (photo/store-cover store {:alt (str store-name " cover photo")})))) (grid/column (->> (grid/column-order {:small 1 :medium 3}) (css/add-class :store-container)) (grid/row (->> (css/align :middle) (css/align :center)) (grid/column (grid/column-size {:small 12 :medium 2}) (photo/store-photo store {:transformation :transformation/thumbnail})) (grid/column (css/add-class :shrink) (dom/p nil (dom/strong nil store-name) (when (not-empty (:geolocation/title geolocation)) [(dom/br nil) (dom/small nil (:geolocation/title geolocation))]) (when (not-empty tagline) [(dom/br nil) (dom/i (css/add-class :tagline) tagline)]))) (grid/column (->> (grid/column-size {:small 12 :medium 4 :large 3}) (css/text-align :center) (css/add-class :follow-section)) (dom/div nil (common/follow-button nil) ))) )) (grid/row (css/add-class :collapse) (grid/column (css/add-class :store-submenu) (let [store-url (store-url (:store-id route-params))] (menu/horizontal (->> (css/align :right) (css/add-class :share-menu)) (menu/item nil (social/share-button {:on-click #(mixpanel/track "Share on social media" {:platform "facebook" :object "store"}) :platform :social/facebook :href store-url})) (menu/item nil (social/share-button {:on-click #(mixpanel/track "Share on social media" {:platform "twitter" :object "store"}) :platform :social/twitter :description (:store.profile/name profile) :href store-url})) (menu/item nil (social/share-button {:on-click #(mixpanel/track "Share on social media" {:platform "pinterest" :object "store"}) :platform :social/pinterest :href store-url :description (:store.profile/name profile) :media (photos/transform (:photo/id (:store.profile/photo profile)) :transformation/thumbnail)})) )))) (dom/div {:id "shop"} (grid/row (->> (css/add-class :collapse) (css/add-class :menu-container)) (grid/column nil (menu/horizontal (css/add-class :navigation) (menu/item (cond->> (css/add-class :about) (= selected-navigation "videos") (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :nav "videos"))} (dom/span nil "Videos"))) (menu/item (cond->> (css/add-class :about) (= selected-navigation "about") (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :nav "about"))} (dom/span nil "About"))) (menu/item (cond->> (css/add-class :about) (= selected-navigation "policies") (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :nav "policies"))} (dom/span nil "Policies"))) (menu/item (when (and (= route :store) (nil? selected-navigation)) (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (dissoc query-params :nav))} (dom/span nil "All Items"))) (map-indexed (fn [i s] (let [{:store.section/keys [label]} s is-active? (and (= route :store) (= selected-navigation (str (:db/id s))))] (menu/item (cond->> {:key (+ 10 i)} is-active? (css/add-class ::css/is-active)) (dom/a {:href (routes/store-url store :store route-params (assoc query-params :nav (:db/id s)))} (dom/span nil label))))) (:store/sections store))))) (cond (= selected-navigation "about") (about-section this) (= selected-navigation "videos") (videos-section this) (= selected-navigation "policies") (policies-section this) :else (let [selected-section (c/parse-long-safe selected-navigation) products (sort-by :store.item/index (if (and (= route :store) (number? selected-section)) (filter #(= (get-in % [:store.item/section :db/id]) selected-section) store-items) store-items))] (grid/products products (fn [p] (ci/->ProductItem (om/computed p {:current-route current-route :show-caption? true})))))))]))))) (def ->Store (om/factory Store)) (router/register-component :store Store)
open TmkStruct (**************************************************************************************** * La classe Container ****************************************************************************************) let real_class_container = Class.create "Container" [TmkWidget.real_class_widget] class virtual container = object (self) inherit TmkWidget.widget as super val mutable redrawing_children = ([] : TmkWidget.widget list) method is_container = true method queue_redraw () = if not need_redraw then ( super#queue_redraw (); redrawing_children <- []; List.iter (fun c -> c#queue_redraw ()) (self#children ()) ) method redraw_register (w : TmkWidget.widget) = if not need_redraw then ( redrawing_children <- w :: redrawing_children; try self#parent#redraw_register self#coerce with Not_found -> Queue.add self#redraw_deliver self#terminal#event_queue ) method redraw_deliver () = if geometry.Geom.w > 0 && geometry.Geom.h > 0 then ( if need_redraw then super#redraw_deliver () else ( List.iter (fun c -> c#redraw_deliver ()) redrawing_children; redrawing_children <- [] ) ) method add w = self#signal_add_descendant#emit w method remove w = TmkWidget.full_tree_do_post (fun d -> self#signal_remove_descendant#emit d) (w :> TmkWidget.widget) method class_map w = super#class_map w; List.iter (fun c -> c#signal_map#emit w) (self#children ()) method class_set_state s = super#class_set_state s; List.iter (fun c -> c#signal_set_state#emit s) (self#children ()) method class_draw () = super#class_draw (); List.iter (fun c -> c#signal_draw#emit ()) (self#children ()) method class_add_descendant (w : TmkWidget.widget) = try self#parent#signal_add_descendant#emit w with Not_found -> assert false method class_remove_descendant (w : TmkWidget.widget) = try self#parent#signal_remove_descendant#emit w with Not_found -> assert false end (**************************************************************************************** * La classe Bin ****************************************************************************************) let real_class_bin = Class.create "Bin" [real_class_container] class virtual bin = object (self) inherit container as super val mutable child : TmkWidget.widget option = None method children () = match child with | Some w -> [w] | None -> [] method add (w : TmkWidget.widget) = match child with | Some _ -> failwith "bin has already a child" | None -> child <- Some w; self#signal_add_descendant#emit w method remove w = match child with | Some c when c == w -> super#remove w; child <- None | _ -> raise Not_found end * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * La classe utilitaire Toplevel * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * La classe utilitaire Toplevel ****************************************************************************************) let real_class_toplevel = Class.create "Toplevel" [] class virtual toplevel (term : TmkWidget.terminal) = object (self) val mutable focus = (None : TmkWidget.widget option) method toplevel_pass = function | Toplevel.Give_focus (w : TmkWidget.widget) -> assert w#can_focus; let f = match focus with | None -> assert false | Some f -> f in f#signal_lost_focus#emit (); w#signal_got_focus#emit (); focus <- Some w method set_cursor c = term#set_cursor c method class_add_descendant (w : TmkWidget.widget) = if w#can_focus then ( match focus with | Some _ -> () | None -> focus <- Some w ); term#queue_resize () method class_remove_descendant (w : TmkWidget.widget) = let () = match focus with | Some f when f == w -> focus <- TmkWidget.find_first_focusable w self#coerce; (match focus with | Some f -> w#signal_got_focus#emit () | None -> ()) | _ -> () in term#queue_resize () method class_toplevel_event = function | Toplevel.Activate -> let () = match focus with | None -> () | Some w -> w#signal_got_focus#emit () in () | Toplevel.Desactivate -> () | Toplevel.Key k -> let () = match focus with | None -> () | Some w -> ignore (w#signal_key_event#emit k) in () end (**************************************************************************************** * La classe Window ****************************************************************************************) let real_class_window = Class.create "Window" [real_class_bin; real_class_toplevel] class window (term : TmkWidget.terminal) = object (self) inherit bin as super inherit toplevel term as super_toplevel val mutable child_size = (0,0) val mutable child_scroll = false val mutable child_window = TmkArea.null_window val child_geometry = Geom.null () val mutable left_glue = 0 val mutable right_glue = 0 val mutable top_glue = 0 val mutable bottom_glue = 0 method real_class = real_class_window method parent = raise Not_found method terminal = term method set_glue l r t b = if l < 0 || r < 0 || t < 0 || b < 0 || l + r > 100 || t + b > 100 then invalid_arg "Window#set_glue"; left_glue <- l; right_glue <- r; top_glue <- t; bottom_glue <- b method set_cursor ((x,y) as c) = child_window#set_center x y; super_toplevel#set_cursor (child_window#real_position c) method class_map w = super#class_map w; child_window <- w; let s = self#signal_get_size#emit (0,0) in child_size <- s method class_get_size t = match child with | None -> t | Some c -> c#signal_get_size#emit t method class_set_geometry g = super#class_set_geometry g; match child with | None -> () | Some c -> let (w, h) = child_size in let center g1 g2 ew iw = if iw > ew then (0, ew, iw) else let gt = g1 + g2 in let gc = 100 - gt in let rw = iw + gc * (ew - iw) / 100 in let rx = if gt = 0 then 0 else g1 * (ew - rw) / gt in (rx, rw, rw) in let (vx, vw, cw) = center left_glue right_glue geometry.Geom.w w and (vy, vh, ch) = center top_glue bottom_glue geometry.Geom.h h in let cs = w > geometry.Geom.w || h > geometry.Geom.h in let cg = if cs then ( if child_scroll then ( child_window#set_view vx vy vw vh; child_window#resize cw ch ) else ( let pad = Curses.newpad ch cw in child_window <- new TmkArea.pad pad cw ch; child_window#set_view vx vy vw vh; c#signal_map#emit child_window ); (0, 0, cw, ch) ) else ( if child_scroll then ( child_window#destroy (); child_window <- window_info; c#signal_map#emit child_window ); (vx, vy, cw, ch) ) in Geom.record cg child_geometry; c#signal_set_geometry#emit cg; child_scroll <- cs method class_draw () = Curses.wattrset child_window#window attribute; let y = child_geometry.Geom.y in for i = y to y + child_geometry.Geom.h - 1 do ignore (Curses.wmove child_window#window i child_geometry.Geom.x); Curses.whline child_window#window (32 lor attribute) child_geometry.Geom.w done; super#class_draw () initializer term#add_toplevel self#coerce; attributes.(0) <- Curses.A.standout; attribute <- Curses.A.standout end
*************************************************************************************** * La classe Container *************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************** * La classe Bin *************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************** * La classe Window ***************************************************************************************
open TmkStruct let real_class_container = Class.create "Container" [TmkWidget.real_class_widget] class virtual container = object (self) inherit TmkWidget.widget as super val mutable redrawing_children = ([] : TmkWidget.widget list) method is_container = true method queue_redraw () = if not need_redraw then ( super#queue_redraw (); redrawing_children <- []; List.iter (fun c -> c#queue_redraw ()) (self#children ()) ) method redraw_register (w : TmkWidget.widget) = if not need_redraw then ( redrawing_children <- w :: redrawing_children; try self#parent#redraw_register self#coerce with Not_found -> Queue.add self#redraw_deliver self#terminal#event_queue ) method redraw_deliver () = if geometry.Geom.w > 0 && geometry.Geom.h > 0 then ( if need_redraw then super#redraw_deliver () else ( List.iter (fun c -> c#redraw_deliver ()) redrawing_children; redrawing_children <- [] ) ) method add w = self#signal_add_descendant#emit w method remove w = TmkWidget.full_tree_do_post (fun d -> self#signal_remove_descendant#emit d) (w :> TmkWidget.widget) method class_map w = super#class_map w; List.iter (fun c -> c#signal_map#emit w) (self#children ()) method class_set_state s = super#class_set_state s; List.iter (fun c -> c#signal_set_state#emit s) (self#children ()) method class_draw () = super#class_draw (); List.iter (fun c -> c#signal_draw#emit ()) (self#children ()) method class_add_descendant (w : TmkWidget.widget) = try self#parent#signal_add_descendant#emit w with Not_found -> assert false method class_remove_descendant (w : TmkWidget.widget) = try self#parent#signal_remove_descendant#emit w with Not_found -> assert false end let real_class_bin = Class.create "Bin" [real_class_container] class virtual bin = object (self) inherit container as super val mutable child : TmkWidget.widget option = None method children () = match child with | Some w -> [w] | None -> [] method add (w : TmkWidget.widget) = match child with | Some _ -> failwith "bin has already a child" | None -> child <- Some w; self#signal_add_descendant#emit w method remove w = match child with | Some c when c == w -> super#remove w; child <- None | _ -> raise Not_found end * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * La classe utilitaire Toplevel * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * La classe utilitaire Toplevel ****************************************************************************************) let real_class_toplevel = Class.create "Toplevel" [] class virtual toplevel (term : TmkWidget.terminal) = object (self) val mutable focus = (None : TmkWidget.widget option) method toplevel_pass = function | Toplevel.Give_focus (w : TmkWidget.widget) -> assert w#can_focus; let f = match focus with | None -> assert false | Some f -> f in f#signal_lost_focus#emit (); w#signal_got_focus#emit (); focus <- Some w method set_cursor c = term#set_cursor c method class_add_descendant (w : TmkWidget.widget) = if w#can_focus then ( match focus with | Some _ -> () | None -> focus <- Some w ); term#queue_resize () method class_remove_descendant (w : TmkWidget.widget) = let () = match focus with | Some f when f == w -> focus <- TmkWidget.find_first_focusable w self#coerce; (match focus with | Some f -> w#signal_got_focus#emit () | None -> ()) | _ -> () in term#queue_resize () method class_toplevel_event = function | Toplevel.Activate -> let () = match focus with | None -> () | Some w -> w#signal_got_focus#emit () in () | Toplevel.Desactivate -> () | Toplevel.Key k -> let () = match focus with | None -> () | Some w -> ignore (w#signal_key_event#emit k) in () end let real_class_window = Class.create "Window" [real_class_bin; real_class_toplevel] class window (term : TmkWidget.terminal) = object (self) inherit bin as super inherit toplevel term as super_toplevel val mutable child_size = (0,0) val mutable child_scroll = false val mutable child_window = TmkArea.null_window val child_geometry = Geom.null () val mutable left_glue = 0 val mutable right_glue = 0 val mutable top_glue = 0 val mutable bottom_glue = 0 method real_class = real_class_window method parent = raise Not_found method terminal = term method set_glue l r t b = if l < 0 || r < 0 || t < 0 || b < 0 || l + r > 100 || t + b > 100 then invalid_arg "Window#set_glue"; left_glue <- l; right_glue <- r; top_glue <- t; bottom_glue <- b method set_cursor ((x,y) as c) = child_window#set_center x y; super_toplevel#set_cursor (child_window#real_position c) method class_map w = super#class_map w; child_window <- w; let s = self#signal_get_size#emit (0,0) in child_size <- s method class_get_size t = match child with | None -> t | Some c -> c#signal_get_size#emit t method class_set_geometry g = super#class_set_geometry g; match child with | None -> () | Some c -> let (w, h) = child_size in let center g1 g2 ew iw = if iw > ew then (0, ew, iw) else let gt = g1 + g2 in let gc = 100 - gt in let rw = iw + gc * (ew - iw) / 100 in let rx = if gt = 0 then 0 else g1 * (ew - rw) / gt in (rx, rw, rw) in let (vx, vw, cw) = center left_glue right_glue geometry.Geom.w w and (vy, vh, ch) = center top_glue bottom_glue geometry.Geom.h h in let cs = w > geometry.Geom.w || h > geometry.Geom.h in let cg = if cs then ( if child_scroll then ( child_window#set_view vx vy vw vh; child_window#resize cw ch ) else ( let pad = Curses.newpad ch cw in child_window <- new TmkArea.pad pad cw ch; child_window#set_view vx vy vw vh; c#signal_map#emit child_window ); (0, 0, cw, ch) ) else ( if child_scroll then ( child_window#destroy (); child_window <- window_info; c#signal_map#emit child_window ); (vx, vy, cw, ch) ) in Geom.record cg child_geometry; c#signal_set_geometry#emit cg; child_scroll <- cs method class_draw () = Curses.wattrset child_window#window attribute; let y = child_geometry.Geom.y in for i = y to y + child_geometry.Geom.h - 1 do ignore (Curses.wmove child_window#window i child_geometry.Geom.x); Curses.whline child_window#window (32 lor attribute) child_geometry.Geom.w done; super#class_draw () initializer term#add_toplevel self#coerce; attributes.(0) <- Curses.A.standout; attribute <- Curses.A.standout end
-module(router_SUITE). -compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]). -include_lib("exml/include/exml.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include("mongoose.hrl"). %% --------------------------------------------------------------- %% Common Test callbacks %% --------------------------------------------------------------- all() -> [ {group, routing}, {group, schema} ]. groups() -> [ {routing, [], [ basic_routing, do_not_reroute_errors ]}, {schema, [], [ update_tables_hidden_components, update_tables_hidden_components_idempotent ]} ]. init_per_suite(C) -> {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(jid), ok = mnesia:create_schema([node()]), ok = mnesia:start(), {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(exometer_core), C. end_per_suite(_C) -> meck:unload(), mnesia:stop(), mnesia:delete_schema([node()]), application:stop(exometer_core), ok. init_per_group(routing, Config) -> mongoose_config:set_opt(routing_modules, [xmpp_router_a, xmpp_router_b, xmpp_router_c]), gen_hook:start_link(), ejabberd_router:start_link(), Config; init_per_group(schema, Config) -> remove_component_tables(), Config. end_per_group(routing, _Config) -> mongoose_config:unset_opt(routing_modules); end_per_group(schema, _Config) -> ok. init_per_testcase(_CaseName, Config) -> Config. end_per_testcase(HiddenComponent, _Config) when HiddenComponent == update_tables_hidden_components; HiddenComponent == update_tables_hidden_components_idempotent -> remove_component_tables(); end_per_testcase(_CaseName, _Config) -> ok. %% --------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test cases %% --------------------------------------------------------------- basic_routing(_C) -> module ' a ' drops message 1 , routes message 2 , passes on everything else setup_routing_module(xmpp_router_a, 1, 2), module ' b ' drops message 3 , routes message 4 , passes on everything else setup_routing_module(xmpp_router_b, 3, 4), %% module 'c' routes everything setup_routing_module(xmpp_router_c, none, all), send messages from 1 to 5 lists:map(fun(I) -> route(msg(I)) end, [1,2,3,4,5]), meck:validate(xmpp_router_a), meck:unload(xmpp_router_a), meck:validate(xmpp_router_b), meck:unload(xmpp_router_b), meck:validate(xmpp_router_c), meck:unload(xmpp_router_c), we know that 1 and 3 should be dropped , and 2 , 4 and 5 handled by a , b and c respectively verify([{a, 2}, {b, 4}, {c, 5}]), ok. %% This test makes sure that if we try to respond to an error message by routing error message we do not enter an infinite loop ; it has been fixed in d3941e33453c95ca78561144182712cc4f1d6c72 %% without the fix this tests gets stuck in a loop. do_not_reroute_errors(_) -> From = <<"ja@localhost">>, To = <<"ty@localhost">>, Stanza = #xmlel{name = <<"iq">>, attrs = [{<<"from">>, From}, {<<"to">>, To}, {<<"type">>, <<"get">>} ] }, Acc = mongoose_acc:new(#{ location => ?LOCATION, lserver => <<"localhost">>, host_type => <<"localhost">>, element => Stanza }), meck:new(xmpp_router_a, [non_strict]), meck:expect(xmpp_router_a, filter, fun(From0, To0, Acc0, Packet0) -> {From0, To0, Acc0, Packet0} end), meck:expect(xmpp_router_a, route, fun resend_as_error/4), ejabberd_router:route(From, To, Acc, Stanza), ok. update_tables_hidden_components(_C) -> %% Tables as of b076e4a62a8b21188245f13c42f9cfd93e06e6b7 create_component_tables([domain, handler, node]), ejabberd_router:update_tables(), %% Local table is removed and the distributed one has a new list of attributes false = lists:member(external_component, mnesia:system_info(tables)), [domain, handler, node, is_hidden] = mnesia:table_info(external_component_global, attributes). update_tables_hidden_components_idempotent(_C) -> AttrsWithHidden = [domain, handler, node, is_hidden], create_component_tables(AttrsWithHidden), ejabberd_router:update_tables(), %% Local table is not removed and the attribute list of the distributed one is not changed true = lists:member(external_component, mnesia:system_info(tables)), AttrsWithHidden = mnesia:table_info(external_component_global, attributes). %% --------------------------------------------------------------- %% Helpers %% --------------------------------------------------------------- setup_routing_module(Name, PacketToDrop, PacketToRoute) -> meck:new(Name, [non_strict]), meck:expect(Name, filter, fun(From, To, Acc, Packet) -> case msg_to_id(Packet) of PacketToDrop -> drop; _ -> {From, To, Acc, Packet} end end), meck:expect(Name, route, make_routing_fun(Name, PacketToRoute)), ok. make_routing_fun(Name, all) -> Self = self(), Marker = list_to_atom([lists:last(atom_to_list(Name))]), fun(_From, _To, Acc, Packet) -> Self ! {Marker, Packet}, {done, Acc} end; make_routing_fun(Name, PacketToRoute) -> Self = self(), Marker = list_to_atom([lists:last(atom_to_list(Name))]), fun(From, To, Acc, Packet) -> case msg_to_id(Packet) of PacketToRoute -> Self ! {Marker, Packet}, {done, Acc}; _ -> {From, To, Acc, Packet} end end. msg(I) -> IBin = integer_to_binary(I), #xmlel{ name = <<"message">>, children = [ #xmlel{ name = <<"body">>, children = [#xmlcdata{ content = IBin }] } ] }. msg_to_id(Msg) -> binary_to_integer(exml_query:path(Msg, [{element, <<"body">>}, cdata])). route(I) -> FromJID = jid:from_binary(<<"ala@localhost">>), ToJID = jid:from_binary(<<"bob@localhost">>), Acc = mongoose_acc:new(#{ location => ?LOCATION, lserver => <<"localhost">>, host_type => <<"localhost">>, element => I, from_jid => FromJID, to_jid => ToJID }), #{} = ejabberd_router:route(FromJID, ToJID, Acc, I). verify(L) -> receive {RouterID, XML} -> X = msg_to_id(XML), ct:pal("{RouterID, X, L}: ~p", [{RouterID, X, L}]), Item = {RouterID, X}, ?assert(lists:member(Item, L)), verify(lists:delete(Item, L)) after 1000 -> ?assertEqual(L, []), ct:pal("all messages routed correctly") end. create_component_tables(AttrList) -> {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(external_component, [{attributes, AttrList}, {local_content, true}]), {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(external_component_global, [{attributes, AttrList}, {type, bag}, {record_name, external_component}]). remove_component_tables() -> mnesia:delete_table(external_component), mnesia:delete_table(external_component_global). resend_as_error(From0, To0, Acc0, Packet0) -> {Acc1, Packet1} = jlib:make_error_reply(Acc0, Packet0, #xmlel{}), Acc2 = ejabberd_router:route(To0, From0, Acc1, Packet1), {done, Acc2}.
--------------------------------------------------------------- Common Test callbacks --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Test cases --------------------------------------------------------------- module 'c' routes everything This test makes sure that if we try to respond to an error message by routing error message without the fix this tests gets stuck in a loop. Tables as of b076e4a62a8b21188245f13c42f9cfd93e06e6b7 Local table is removed and the distributed one has a new list of attributes Local table is not removed and the attribute list of the distributed one is not changed --------------------------------------------------------------- Helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------
-module(router_SUITE). -compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]). -include_lib("exml/include/exml.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include("mongoose.hrl"). all() -> [ {group, routing}, {group, schema} ]. groups() -> [ {routing, [], [ basic_routing, do_not_reroute_errors ]}, {schema, [], [ update_tables_hidden_components, update_tables_hidden_components_idempotent ]} ]. init_per_suite(C) -> {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(jid), ok = mnesia:create_schema([node()]), ok = mnesia:start(), {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(exometer_core), C. end_per_suite(_C) -> meck:unload(), mnesia:stop(), mnesia:delete_schema([node()]), application:stop(exometer_core), ok. init_per_group(routing, Config) -> mongoose_config:set_opt(routing_modules, [xmpp_router_a, xmpp_router_b, xmpp_router_c]), gen_hook:start_link(), ejabberd_router:start_link(), Config; init_per_group(schema, Config) -> remove_component_tables(), Config. end_per_group(routing, _Config) -> mongoose_config:unset_opt(routing_modules); end_per_group(schema, _Config) -> ok. init_per_testcase(_CaseName, Config) -> Config. end_per_testcase(HiddenComponent, _Config) when HiddenComponent == update_tables_hidden_components; HiddenComponent == update_tables_hidden_components_idempotent -> remove_component_tables(); end_per_testcase(_CaseName, _Config) -> ok. basic_routing(_C) -> module ' a ' drops message 1 , routes message 2 , passes on everything else setup_routing_module(xmpp_router_a, 1, 2), module ' b ' drops message 3 , routes message 4 , passes on everything else setup_routing_module(xmpp_router_b, 3, 4), setup_routing_module(xmpp_router_c, none, all), send messages from 1 to 5 lists:map(fun(I) -> route(msg(I)) end, [1,2,3,4,5]), meck:validate(xmpp_router_a), meck:unload(xmpp_router_a), meck:validate(xmpp_router_b), meck:unload(xmpp_router_b), meck:validate(xmpp_router_c), meck:unload(xmpp_router_c), we know that 1 and 3 should be dropped , and 2 , 4 and 5 handled by a , b and c respectively verify([{a, 2}, {b, 4}, {c, 5}]), ok. we do not enter an infinite loop ; it has been fixed in d3941e33453c95ca78561144182712cc4f1d6c72 do_not_reroute_errors(_) -> From = <<"ja@localhost">>, To = <<"ty@localhost">>, Stanza = #xmlel{name = <<"iq">>, attrs = [{<<"from">>, From}, {<<"to">>, To}, {<<"type">>, <<"get">>} ] }, Acc = mongoose_acc:new(#{ location => ?LOCATION, lserver => <<"localhost">>, host_type => <<"localhost">>, element => Stanza }), meck:new(xmpp_router_a, [non_strict]), meck:expect(xmpp_router_a, filter, fun(From0, To0, Acc0, Packet0) -> {From0, To0, Acc0, Packet0} end), meck:expect(xmpp_router_a, route, fun resend_as_error/4), ejabberd_router:route(From, To, Acc, Stanza), ok. update_tables_hidden_components(_C) -> create_component_tables([domain, handler, node]), ejabberd_router:update_tables(), false = lists:member(external_component, mnesia:system_info(tables)), [domain, handler, node, is_hidden] = mnesia:table_info(external_component_global, attributes). update_tables_hidden_components_idempotent(_C) -> AttrsWithHidden = [domain, handler, node, is_hidden], create_component_tables(AttrsWithHidden), ejabberd_router:update_tables(), true = lists:member(external_component, mnesia:system_info(tables)), AttrsWithHidden = mnesia:table_info(external_component_global, attributes). setup_routing_module(Name, PacketToDrop, PacketToRoute) -> meck:new(Name, [non_strict]), meck:expect(Name, filter, fun(From, To, Acc, Packet) -> case msg_to_id(Packet) of PacketToDrop -> drop; _ -> {From, To, Acc, Packet} end end), meck:expect(Name, route, make_routing_fun(Name, PacketToRoute)), ok. make_routing_fun(Name, all) -> Self = self(), Marker = list_to_atom([lists:last(atom_to_list(Name))]), fun(_From, _To, Acc, Packet) -> Self ! {Marker, Packet}, {done, Acc} end; make_routing_fun(Name, PacketToRoute) -> Self = self(), Marker = list_to_atom([lists:last(atom_to_list(Name))]), fun(From, To, Acc, Packet) -> case msg_to_id(Packet) of PacketToRoute -> Self ! {Marker, Packet}, {done, Acc}; _ -> {From, To, Acc, Packet} end end. msg(I) -> IBin = integer_to_binary(I), #xmlel{ name = <<"message">>, children = [ #xmlel{ name = <<"body">>, children = [#xmlcdata{ content = IBin }] } ] }. msg_to_id(Msg) -> binary_to_integer(exml_query:path(Msg, [{element, <<"body">>}, cdata])). route(I) -> FromJID = jid:from_binary(<<"ala@localhost">>), ToJID = jid:from_binary(<<"bob@localhost">>), Acc = mongoose_acc:new(#{ location => ?LOCATION, lserver => <<"localhost">>, host_type => <<"localhost">>, element => I, from_jid => FromJID, to_jid => ToJID }), #{} = ejabberd_router:route(FromJID, ToJID, Acc, I). verify(L) -> receive {RouterID, XML} -> X = msg_to_id(XML), ct:pal("{RouterID, X, L}: ~p", [{RouterID, X, L}]), Item = {RouterID, X}, ?assert(lists:member(Item, L)), verify(lists:delete(Item, L)) after 1000 -> ?assertEqual(L, []), ct:pal("all messages routed correctly") end. create_component_tables(AttrList) -> {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(external_component, [{attributes, AttrList}, {local_content, true}]), {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(external_component_global, [{attributes, AttrList}, {type, bag}, {record_name, external_component}]). remove_component_tables() -> mnesia:delete_table(external_component), mnesia:delete_table(external_component_global). resend_as_error(From0, To0, Acc0, Packet0) -> {Acc1, Packet1} = jlib:make_error_reply(Acc0, Packet0, #xmlel{}), Acc2 = ejabberd_router:route(To0, From0, Acc1, Packet1), {done, Acc2}.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Install.Fetch (everything) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Chan as Chan import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local (withPool, parallel) import Control.Monad.Except (liftIO, throwError) import qualified Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as Text import GHC.IO.Handle (hIsTerminalDevice) import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Client import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist , getDirectoryContents, renameDirectory ) import System.FilePath ((</>)) import System.IO (stdout) import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen ( Doc, (<+>), displayIO, green, plain, red, renderPretty, text ) import qualified Elm.Package as Pkg import qualified Elm.Package.Paths as Path import qualified CommandLine.Helpers as Cmd import qualified Manager import qualified Reporting.Error as Error import qualified Utils.Http as Http -- PARALLEL FETCHING everything :: [(Pkg.Name, Pkg.Version)] -> Manager.Manager () everything packages = if null packages then return () else everythingHelp packages everythingHelp :: [(Pkg.Name, Pkg.Version)] -> Manager.Manager () everythingHelp packages = Cmd.inDir Path.packagesDirectory $ do eithers <- liftIO $ do startMessage (length packages) isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout resultChan <- Chan.newChan forkIO (printLoop isTerminal resultChan) withPool 4 $ \pool -> parallel pool (map (prettyFetch resultChan) packages) case sequence eithers of Right _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "" Left err -> throwError err data Result = Result { _name :: Pkg.Name , _vsn :: Pkg.Version , _either :: Either Error.Error () } printLoop :: Bool -> Chan.Chan Result -> IO () printLoop isTerminal resultChan = do result <- Chan.readChan resultChan let doc = toDoc result displayIO stdout $ renderPretty 1 80 $ if isTerminal then doc else plain doc printLoop isTerminal resultChan prettyFetch :: Chan.Chan Result -> (Pkg.Name, Pkg.Version) -> IO (Either Error.Error ()) prettyFetch printChan (name, version) = do either <- Manager.run $ fetch name version Chan.writeChan printChan (Result name version either) return either startMessage :: Int -> IO () startMessage n = if n > 0 then putStrLn "Starting downloads...\n" else return () toDoc :: Result -> Doc toDoc (Result name version either) = let nameDoc = text $ Pkg.toString name versionDoc = text $ Pkg.versionToString version bullet = case either of Right _ -> green (text "●") Left _ -> red (text "✗") in text " " <> bullet <+> nameDoc <+> versionDoc <> text "\n" -- FETCH A PACKAGE fetch :: Pkg.Name -> Pkg.Version -> Manager.Manager () fetch name@(Pkg.Name user project) version = ifNotExists name version $ do Http.send (toZipballUrl name version) extract files <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents "." case List.find (List.isPrefixOf (Text.unpack (user <> "-" <> project))) files of Nothing -> throwError $ Error.ZipDownloadFailed name version Just dir -> liftIO $ do let home = Pkg.toFilePath name createDirectoryIfMissing True home renameDirectory dir (home </> Pkg.versionToString version) toZipballUrl :: Pkg.Name -> Pkg.Version -> String toZipballUrl name version = "/" ++ Pkg.toUrl name ++ "/zipball/" ++ Pkg.versionToString version ++ "/" ifNotExists :: Pkg.Name -> Pkg.Version -> Manager.Manager () -> Manager.Manager () ifNotExists name version task = do let dir = Pkg.toFilePath name </> Pkg.versionToString version exists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir if exists then return () else task extract :: Client.Request -> Client.Manager -> IO () extract request manager = do response <- Client.httpLbs request manager let archive = Zip.toArchive (Client.responseBody response) Zip.extractFilesFromArchive [] archive
module Install.Fetch (everything) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Chan as Chan import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local (withPool, parallel) import Control.Monad.Except (liftIO, throwError) import qualified Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as Text import GHC.IO.Handle (hIsTerminalDevice) import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Client import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist , getDirectoryContents, renameDirectory ) import System.FilePath ((</>)) import System.IO (stdout) import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen ( Doc, (<+>), displayIO, green, plain, red, renderPretty, text ) import qualified Elm.Package as Pkg import qualified Elm.Package.Paths as Path import qualified CommandLine.Helpers as Cmd import qualified Manager import qualified Reporting.Error as Error import qualified Utils.Http as Http everything :: [(Pkg.Name, Pkg.Version)] -> Manager.Manager () everything packages = if null packages then return () else everythingHelp packages everythingHelp :: [(Pkg.Name, Pkg.Version)] -> Manager.Manager () everythingHelp packages = Cmd.inDir Path.packagesDirectory $ do eithers <- liftIO $ do startMessage (length packages) isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout resultChan <- Chan.newChan forkIO (printLoop isTerminal resultChan) withPool 4 $ \pool -> parallel pool (map (prettyFetch resultChan) packages) case sequence eithers of Right _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "" Left err -> throwError err data Result = Result { _name :: Pkg.Name , _vsn :: Pkg.Version , _either :: Either Error.Error () } printLoop :: Bool -> Chan.Chan Result -> IO () printLoop isTerminal resultChan = do result <- Chan.readChan resultChan let doc = toDoc result displayIO stdout $ renderPretty 1 80 $ if isTerminal then doc else plain doc printLoop isTerminal resultChan prettyFetch :: Chan.Chan Result -> (Pkg.Name, Pkg.Version) -> IO (Either Error.Error ()) prettyFetch printChan (name, version) = do either <- Manager.run $ fetch name version Chan.writeChan printChan (Result name version either) return either startMessage :: Int -> IO () startMessage n = if n > 0 then putStrLn "Starting downloads...\n" else return () toDoc :: Result -> Doc toDoc (Result name version either) = let nameDoc = text $ Pkg.toString name versionDoc = text $ Pkg.versionToString version bullet = case either of Right _ -> green (text "●") Left _ -> red (text "✗") in text " " <> bullet <+> nameDoc <+> versionDoc <> text "\n" fetch :: Pkg.Name -> Pkg.Version -> Manager.Manager () fetch name@(Pkg.Name user project) version = ifNotExists name version $ do Http.send (toZipballUrl name version) extract files <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents "." case List.find (List.isPrefixOf (Text.unpack (user <> "-" <> project))) files of Nothing -> throwError $ Error.ZipDownloadFailed name version Just dir -> liftIO $ do let home = Pkg.toFilePath name createDirectoryIfMissing True home renameDirectory dir (home </> Pkg.versionToString version) toZipballUrl :: Pkg.Name -> Pkg.Version -> String toZipballUrl name version = "/" ++ Pkg.toUrl name ++ "/zipball/" ++ Pkg.versionToString version ++ "/" ifNotExists :: Pkg.Name -> Pkg.Version -> Manager.Manager () -> Manager.Manager () ifNotExists name version task = do let dir = Pkg.toFilePath name </> Pkg.versionToString version exists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir if exists then return () else task extract :: Client.Request -> Client.Manager -> IO () extract request manager = do response <- Client.httpLbs request manager let archive = Zip.toArchive (Client.responseBody response) Zip.extractFilesFromArchive [] archive
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module TxMetaStorage ( spec ) where import Universum import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Exception.Safe (bracket) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Formatting (bprint, (%)) import qualified Formatting as F import Formatting.Buildable (build) import Serokell.Util.Text (listJsonIndent, pairF) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldReturn) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, Gen, arbitrary, vectorOf, withMaxSuccess) import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO, pick, run) import Cardano.Wallet.Kernel.DB.TxMeta import Pos.Chain.Txp (TxId) import qualified Pos.Core as Core # ANN module ( " HLint : ignore Reduce duplication " : : Text ) # spec :: Spec spec = do describe "synchronization" $ do it "synchronized with 2 write workers and no-ops" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do -- beware of the big data. metas <- pick (genMetas 2000) let (meta0, meta1) = splitAt (div 2000 2) metas run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp meta0 hdl t1 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp meta1 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] it "synchronized with 2 write workers and no-ops: correct count" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do -- beware of the big data. metas <- pick (genMetas 200) let (meta0, meta1) = splitAt (div 200 2) metas run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp meta0 hdl t1 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp meta1 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] (ls, _count) <- getTxMetas hdl (Offset 0) (Limit 300) Everything Nothing NoFilterOp NoFilterOp Nothing length ls `shouldBe` 200 it "synchronized with 2 write workers" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do -- beware of the big data. metas <- pick (genMetas 2000) let (meta0, meta1) = splitAt (div 2000 2) metas run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWrite meta0 hdl t1 <- async $ threadWrite meta1 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] it "synchronized with 2 write workers: correct count" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do -- beware of the big data. metas <- pick (genMetas 200) let (meta0, meta1) = splitAt (div 200 2) metas run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWrite meta0 hdl t1 <- async $ threadWrite meta1 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] (ls, _count) <- getTxMetas hdl (Offset 0) (Limit 300) Everything Nothing NoFilterOp NoFilterOp Nothing length ls `shouldBe` 200 it "synchronized 1 write and 1 read workers" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do -- beware of the big data. metas <- pick (genMetas 2000) run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp metas hdl t1 <- async $ threadRead 2000 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] it "synchronized 1 write and 1 read workers: correct count" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do -- beware of the big data. metas <- pick (genMetas 200) run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp metas hdl t1 <- async $ threadRead 200 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] (ls, _count) <- getTxMetas hdl (Offset 0) (Limit 300) Everything Nothing NoFilterOp NoFilterOp Nothing length ls `shouldBe` 200 -- | Handy combinator which yields a fresh database to work with on each spec. withTemporaryDb :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => (MetaDBHandle -> m a) -> m a withTemporaryDb action = bracket acquire release action where acquire :: m MetaDBHandle acquire = liftIO $ do db <- openMetaDB ":memory:" migrateMetaDB db return db release :: MetaDBHandle -> m () release = liftIO . closeMetaDB -- | Synthetic @newtype@ used to generate unique inputs as part of -- 'genMetas'. The reason why it is necessary is because the stock implementation of ' ' would of course declare two tuples equal if their elements are . -- However, this is too \"strong\" for our 'uniqueElements' generator. newtype Input = Input { getInput :: (TxId, Word32, Core.Address, Core.Coin) } deriving (Show) -- | Eq is defined on the primary keys of Inputs. instance Eq Input where (Input (id1, ix1, _, _)) == (Input (id2, ix2, _, _)) = (id1, ix1) == (id2, ix2) | This ensures that Inputs generated for the same Tx from getMetas , do not -- double spend as they don`t use the same output. instance Ord Input where compare (Input (id1, ix1, _, _)) (Input (id2, ix2, _, _)) = compare (id1, ix1) (id2, ix2) instance Arbitrary Input where arbitrary = Input <$> arbitrary instance Buildable Input where build (Input (a, b, c, d)) = bprint ("(" % F.build % ", " % F.build % ", " % F.build % ", " % F.build % ")") a b c d instance Buildable (Int, Input) where build b = bprint pairF b instance Buildable [Input] where build = bprint (listJsonIndent 4) newtype Output = Output { getOutput :: (Core.Address, Core.Coin) } instance Arbitrary Output where arbitrary = Output <$> arbitrary | Handy generator which make sure we are generating ' TxMeta ' which all -- have distinct txids and valid Inputs. This gives the promise that all @size@ number of TxMeta can succesfully be -- inserted in an empty db, with no violation. genMetas :: Int -> Gen [TxMeta] genMetas size = do txids <- uniqueElements size (metas1 :: [TxMeta]) <- vectorOf size genMeta let metas = (\(txid, m) -> m{_txMetaId = txid}) <$> zip (NonEmpty.toList txids) metas1 return metas | Generator for an arbitrary ' TxMeta ' with valid Inputs . -- This gives the promise that it can succesfully be inserted in an empty db, -- with no violation. genMeta :: Gen (TxMeta) genMeta = TxMeta <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> (fmap getInput <$> uniqueElements 2) <*> (fmap getOutput . NonEmpty.fromList <$> vectorOf 2 arbitrary) <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary threadRead :: Int -> MetaDBHandle -> IO () threadRead times hdl = do let getNoFilters = getTxMetas hdl (Offset 0) (Limit 100) Everything Nothing NoFilterOp NoFilterOp Nothing replicateM_ times getNoFilters threadWrite :: [TxMeta] -> MetaDBHandle -> IO () threadWrite metas hdl = do let f meta = do putTxMetaT hdl meta `shouldReturn` Tx mapM_ f metas here we try to add the same tx 2 times . The second must fail , but without crashing -- anything, as this is a no-op. threadWriteWithNoOp :: [TxMeta] -> MetaDBHandle -> IO () threadWriteWithNoOp metas hdl = do let f meta = do putTxMetaT hdl meta `shouldReturn` Tx putTxMetaT hdl meta `shouldReturn` No mapM_ f metas
# LANGUAGE RankNTypes # beware of the big data. beware of the big data. beware of the big data. beware of the big data. beware of the big data. beware of the big data. | Handy combinator which yields a fresh database to work with on each spec. | Synthetic @newtype@ used to generate unique inputs as part of 'genMetas'. The reason why it is necessary is because the stock implementation However, this is too \"strong\" for our 'uniqueElements' generator. | Eq is defined on the primary keys of Inputs. double spend as they don`t use the same output. have distinct txids and valid Inputs. inserted in an empty db, with no violation. This gives the promise that it can succesfully be inserted in an empty db, with no violation. anything, as this is a no-op.
module TxMetaStorage ( spec ) where import Universum import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Exception.Safe (bracket) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Formatting (bprint, (%)) import qualified Formatting as F import Formatting.Buildable (build) import Serokell.Util.Text (listJsonIndent, pairF) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldReturn) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, Gen, arbitrary, vectorOf, withMaxSuccess) import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO, pick, run) import Cardano.Wallet.Kernel.DB.TxMeta import Pos.Chain.Txp (TxId) import qualified Pos.Core as Core # ANN module ( " HLint : ignore Reduce duplication " : : Text ) # spec :: Spec spec = do describe "synchronization" $ do it "synchronized with 2 write workers and no-ops" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do metas <- pick (genMetas 2000) let (meta0, meta1) = splitAt (div 2000 2) metas run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp meta0 hdl t1 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp meta1 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] it "synchronized with 2 write workers and no-ops: correct count" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do metas <- pick (genMetas 200) let (meta0, meta1) = splitAt (div 200 2) metas run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp meta0 hdl t1 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp meta1 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] (ls, _count) <- getTxMetas hdl (Offset 0) (Limit 300) Everything Nothing NoFilterOp NoFilterOp Nothing length ls `shouldBe` 200 it "synchronized with 2 write workers" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do metas <- pick (genMetas 2000) let (meta0, meta1) = splitAt (div 2000 2) metas run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWrite meta0 hdl t1 <- async $ threadWrite meta1 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] it "synchronized with 2 write workers: correct count" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do metas <- pick (genMetas 200) let (meta0, meta1) = splitAt (div 200 2) metas run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWrite meta0 hdl t1 <- async $ threadWrite meta1 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] (ls, _count) <- getTxMetas hdl (Offset 0) (Limit 300) Everything Nothing NoFilterOp NoFilterOp Nothing length ls `shouldBe` 200 it "synchronized 1 write and 1 read workers" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do metas <- pick (genMetas 2000) run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp metas hdl t1 <- async $ threadRead 2000 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] it "synchronized 1 write and 1 read workers: correct count" $ withMaxSuccess 5 $ monadicIO $ do metas <- pick (genMetas 200) run $ withTemporaryDb $ \hdl -> do t0 <- async $ threadWriteWithNoOp metas hdl t1 <- async $ threadRead 200 hdl traverse_ wait [t0, t1] (ls, _count) <- getTxMetas hdl (Offset 0) (Limit 300) Everything Nothing NoFilterOp NoFilterOp Nothing length ls `shouldBe` 200 withTemporaryDb :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => (MetaDBHandle -> m a) -> m a withTemporaryDb action = bracket acquire release action where acquire :: m MetaDBHandle acquire = liftIO $ do db <- openMetaDB ":memory:" migrateMetaDB db return db release :: MetaDBHandle -> m () release = liftIO . closeMetaDB of ' ' would of course declare two tuples equal if their elements are . newtype Input = Input { getInput :: (TxId, Word32, Core.Address, Core.Coin) } deriving (Show) instance Eq Input where (Input (id1, ix1, _, _)) == (Input (id2, ix2, _, _)) = (id1, ix1) == (id2, ix2) | This ensures that Inputs generated for the same Tx from getMetas , do not instance Ord Input where compare (Input (id1, ix1, _, _)) (Input (id2, ix2, _, _)) = compare (id1, ix1) (id2, ix2) instance Arbitrary Input where arbitrary = Input <$> arbitrary instance Buildable Input where build (Input (a, b, c, d)) = bprint ("(" % F.build % ", " % F.build % ", " % F.build % ", " % F.build % ")") a b c d instance Buildable (Int, Input) where build b = bprint pairF b instance Buildable [Input] where build = bprint (listJsonIndent 4) newtype Output = Output { getOutput :: (Core.Address, Core.Coin) } instance Arbitrary Output where arbitrary = Output <$> arbitrary | Handy generator which make sure we are generating ' TxMeta ' which all This gives the promise that all @size@ number of TxMeta can succesfully be genMetas :: Int -> Gen [TxMeta] genMetas size = do txids <- uniqueElements size (metas1 :: [TxMeta]) <- vectorOf size genMeta let metas = (\(txid, m) -> m{_txMetaId = txid}) <$> zip (NonEmpty.toList txids) metas1 return metas | Generator for an arbitrary ' TxMeta ' with valid Inputs . genMeta :: Gen (TxMeta) genMeta = TxMeta <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> (fmap getInput <$> uniqueElements 2) <*> (fmap getOutput . NonEmpty.fromList <$> vectorOf 2 arbitrary) <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary threadRead :: Int -> MetaDBHandle -> IO () threadRead times hdl = do let getNoFilters = getTxMetas hdl (Offset 0) (Limit 100) Everything Nothing NoFilterOp NoFilterOp Nothing replicateM_ times getNoFilters threadWrite :: [TxMeta] -> MetaDBHandle -> IO () threadWrite metas hdl = do let f meta = do putTxMetaT hdl meta `shouldReturn` Tx mapM_ f metas here we try to add the same tx 2 times . The second must fail , but without crashing threadWriteWithNoOp :: [TxMeta] -> MetaDBHandle -> IO () threadWriteWithNoOp metas hdl = do let f meta = do putTxMetaT hdl meta `shouldReturn` Tx putTxMetaT hdl meta `shouldReturn` No mapM_ f metas
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # module Types where import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.), set, over) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import CLanguage import MIPSLanguage import Util data Invariant = InvariantExpr CExpression -- Either an expression that is true | InvariantAnnotation Annotation String -- Or an annotation for a particular variable deriving (Show, Eq) data Parent = FileParent CFile | ElementParent CElement | StatementParent CStatement | ExprParent CExpression deriving (Show, Eq) class Parentable a where makeParent :: a -> Parent data Warning where Warning :: forall t. PrettyPrint t => Context t -> String -> Warning data Context t = Context { _parents :: [Parent] , _funcName :: Maybe String , _invariants :: [Invariant] , _val :: t } makeLenses ''Context instance Show Warning where show (Warning context message) = case context ^. funcName of Nothing -> prettyPrint (context ^. val) ++ ": " ++ message Just fname -> fname ++ ": " ++ prettyPrint (context ^. val) ++ ": " ++ message deriving instance Show t => Show (Context t) deriving instance Eq t => Eq (Context t) emptyContext = Context [] Nothing [] data CompileOptions = CompileOptions { _optimizeLevel :: Int , _useInlining :: Bool } deriving Show makeLenses ''CompileOptions defaultCompileOptions = CompileOptions 1 True -- Name, type, value -- e.g.: -- str: .asciiz "hello world" temp : .space 8 data DataElement = DataElement String String String deriving Show -- Things to store in the data/kdata sections data Data = Data [DataElement] [DataElement] deriving Show -- Contains: -- Map function names to labels. -- List of labels that have been used. data Global = Global { _labels :: [String] , _funcs :: Map String (String, String) , _curFunc :: String } deriving Show makeLenses ''Global -- Contains: -- Amount of stack space used. -- Map of registers to variable names. data Local = Local { _stack :: Int , _registers :: Map String String , _stackLocs :: Map String String } deriving Show makeLenses ''Local data Environment = Environment { _file :: CFile , _dataSections :: Data , _global :: Global , _local :: Local , _compiled :: Map String [MIPSInstruction] -- The compiled assembly for all functions that have been compiled so far. , _warnings :: [Warning] , _compileOptions :: CompileOptions } deriving Show makeLenses ''Environment defaultContext file = Context [FileParent file] Nothing [] class Enumerable t where enumElement :: Context CElement -> [Context t] enumStatement :: Context CStatement -> [Context t] enumExpr :: Context CExpression -> [Context t] enumFile :: CFile -> [Context t] enumFile file@(CFile _ elements) = concatMap (enumElement . defaultContext file) elements
# LANGUAGE RankNTypes # # LANGUAGE GADTs # Either an expression that is true Or an annotation for a particular variable Name, type, value e.g.: str: .asciiz "hello world" Things to store in the data/kdata sections Contains: Map function names to labels. List of labels that have been used. Contains: Amount of stack space used. Map of registers to variable names. The compiled assembly for all functions that have been compiled so far.
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # module Types where import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (^.), set, over) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import CLanguage import MIPSLanguage import Util deriving (Show, Eq) data Parent = FileParent CFile | ElementParent CElement | StatementParent CStatement | ExprParent CExpression deriving (Show, Eq) class Parentable a where makeParent :: a -> Parent data Warning where Warning :: forall t. PrettyPrint t => Context t -> String -> Warning data Context t = Context { _parents :: [Parent] , _funcName :: Maybe String , _invariants :: [Invariant] , _val :: t } makeLenses ''Context instance Show Warning where show (Warning context message) = case context ^. funcName of Nothing -> prettyPrint (context ^. val) ++ ": " ++ message Just fname -> fname ++ ": " ++ prettyPrint (context ^. val) ++ ": " ++ message deriving instance Show t => Show (Context t) deriving instance Eq t => Eq (Context t) emptyContext = Context [] Nothing [] data CompileOptions = CompileOptions { _optimizeLevel :: Int , _useInlining :: Bool } deriving Show makeLenses ''CompileOptions defaultCompileOptions = CompileOptions 1 True temp : .space 8 data DataElement = DataElement String String String deriving Show data Data = Data [DataElement] [DataElement] deriving Show data Global = Global { _labels :: [String] , _funcs :: Map String (String, String) , _curFunc :: String } deriving Show makeLenses ''Global data Local = Local { _stack :: Int , _registers :: Map String String , _stackLocs :: Map String String } deriving Show makeLenses ''Local data Environment = Environment { _file :: CFile , _dataSections :: Data , _global :: Global , _local :: Local , _warnings :: [Warning] , _compileOptions :: CompileOptions } deriving Show makeLenses ''Environment defaultContext file = Context [FileParent file] Nothing [] class Enumerable t where enumElement :: Context CElement -> [Context t] enumStatement :: Context CStatement -> [Context t] enumExpr :: Context CExpression -> [Context t] enumFile :: CFile -> [Context t] enumFile file@(CFile _ elements) = concatMap (enumElement . defaultContext file) elements
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Module : System . Hardware . Arduino . SamplePrograms . Blink Copyright : ( c ) -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : -- Stability : experimental -- -- The /hello world/ of the arduino world, blinking the led. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module System.Hardware.Arduino.SamplePrograms.Blink where import Control.Monad (forever) import System.Hardware.Arduino | Blink the led connected to port 13 on the Arduino UNO board . -- -- Note that you do not need any other components to run this example: Just hook up your Arduino to the computer and make sure StandardFirmata is running on it . However , you can connect a LED between and GND if you want to blink an -- external led as well, as depicted below: -- -- <<>> blink :: IO () blink = withArduino False "/dev/cu.usbmodemFD131" $ do let led = digital 13 setPinMode led OUTPUT forever $ do digitalWrite led True delay 1000 digitalWrite led False delay 1000
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | License : BSD3 Maintainer : Stability : experimental The /hello world/ of the arduino world, blinking the led. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that you do not need any other components to run this example: Just hook external led as well, as depicted below: <<>>
Module : System . Hardware . Arduino . SamplePrograms . Blink Copyright : ( c ) module System.Hardware.Arduino.SamplePrograms.Blink where import Control.Monad (forever) import System.Hardware.Arduino | Blink the led connected to port 13 on the Arduino UNO board . up your Arduino to the computer and make sure StandardFirmata is running on it . However , you can connect a LED between and GND if you want to blink an blink :: IO () blink = withArduino False "/dev/cu.usbmodemFD131" $ do let led = digital 13 setPinMode led OUTPUT forever $ do digitalWrite led True delay 1000 digitalWrite led False delay 1000
| Module : GPrint Description : Generic printer implementation Copyright : < > License : AllRightsReserved Maintainer : This is the place where magic happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Module : GPrint Description : Generic printer implementation Copyright : © Denis Hirn <> License : AllRightsReserved Maintainer : Denis Hirn This is the place where magic happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures # module Database.PgCuckoo.GPrint ( GPrint(..) , GPrint1(..) ) where import GHC.Generics import Data.List import Data.String.Utils -- | Implementation of a generic record printer -- With these classes and instances we just have to define our records properly and derive { Generic , } . The generic method will then create the query - tree -- format automagically. defaultgprint :: (Generic a, GPrint1 (Rep a)) => a -> String defaultgprint = gprint1 . from class GPrint a where gprint :: a -> String default gprint :: (Generic a, GPrint1 (Rep a)) => a -> String gprint = defaultgprint class GPrint1 a where gprint1 :: a p -> String instance (GPrint a) => GPrint [a] where gprint [] = "<>" gprint xs = "(" ++ (intercalate " " $ map gprint xs) ++ ")" instance (GPrint a) => GPrint (Maybe a) where gprint Nothing = "<>" gprint (Just x) = gprint x instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} GPrint String where gprint x = replace " " "\\ " x instance GPrint Integer where gprint x = show x instance GPrint Double where gprint x = show x instance GPrint Bool where gprint True = "true" gprint False = "false" -- | Fallback instance when no GPrint1 instance is defined instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (GPrint a) => GPrint1 (K1 i a) where gprint1 (K1 x) = gprint x DataType name , we 're going to ignore this and just pass through instance (GPrint1 f, Datatype c) => GPrint1 (M1 D c f) where gprint1 m@(M1 x) = gprint1 x -- Constructor name, we want to use this as the node type instance (GPrint1 f, Constructor c) => GPrint1 (M1 C c f) where gprint1 m@(M1 x) = case conName m of "GenericPlan" -> gprint1 x "GenericRangeExPre" -> gprint1 x "GenericRangeExPost" -> gprint1 x c -> "{" ++ takeWhile (/= '_') c ++ " " ++ gprint1 x ++ "}" -- Selector name, those are gonna be our fields instance (GPrint1 f, Selector s) => GPrint1 (M1 S s f) where gprint1 m@(M1 x) = sel ++ gprint1 x where sel = case selName m of "" -> "" "genericPlan" -> "" "genericRangeExPre" -> "" "genericRangeExPost" -> "" e -> ":" ++ dropWhile (== '_') e ++ " " instance (GPrint1 a, GPrint1 b) => GPrint1 (a :*: b) where gprint1 (a :*: b) = gprint1 a ++ " " ++ gprint1 b instance (GPrint1 a, GPrint1 b) => GPrint1 (a :+: b) where gprint1 (L1 x) = gprint1 x gprint1 (R1 x) = gprint1 x
# LANGUAGE TypeOperators # | Implementation of a generic record printer With these classes and instances we just have to define format automagically. # OVERLAPS # | Fallback instance when no GPrint1 instance is defined # OVERLAPPABLE # Constructor name, we want to use this as the node type Selector name, those are gonna be our fields
| Module : GPrint Description : Generic printer implementation Copyright : < > License : AllRightsReserved Maintainer : This is the place where magic happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Module : GPrint Description : Generic printer implementation Copyright : © Denis Hirn <> License : AllRightsReserved Maintainer : Denis Hirn This is the place where magic happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -} # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures # module Database.PgCuckoo.GPrint ( GPrint(..) , GPrint1(..) ) where import GHC.Generics import Data.List import Data.String.Utils our records properly and derive { Generic , } . The generic method will then create the query - tree defaultgprint :: (Generic a, GPrint1 (Rep a)) => a -> String defaultgprint = gprint1 . from class GPrint a where gprint :: a -> String default gprint :: (Generic a, GPrint1 (Rep a)) => a -> String gprint = defaultgprint class GPrint1 a where gprint1 :: a p -> String instance (GPrint a) => GPrint [a] where gprint [] = "<>" gprint xs = "(" ++ (intercalate " " $ map gprint xs) ++ ")" instance (GPrint a) => GPrint (Maybe a) where gprint Nothing = "<>" gprint (Just x) = gprint x gprint x = replace " " "\\ " x instance GPrint Integer where gprint x = show x instance GPrint Double where gprint x = show x instance GPrint Bool where gprint True = "true" gprint False = "false" gprint1 (K1 x) = gprint x DataType name , we 're going to ignore this and just pass through instance (GPrint1 f, Datatype c) => GPrint1 (M1 D c f) where gprint1 m@(M1 x) = gprint1 x instance (GPrint1 f, Constructor c) => GPrint1 (M1 C c f) where gprint1 m@(M1 x) = case conName m of "GenericPlan" -> gprint1 x "GenericRangeExPre" -> gprint1 x "GenericRangeExPost" -> gprint1 x c -> "{" ++ takeWhile (/= '_') c ++ " " ++ gprint1 x ++ "}" instance (GPrint1 f, Selector s) => GPrint1 (M1 S s f) where gprint1 m@(M1 x) = sel ++ gprint1 x where sel = case selName m of "" -> "" "genericPlan" -> "" "genericRangeExPre" -> "" "genericRangeExPost" -> "" e -> ":" ++ dropWhile (== '_') e ++ " " instance (GPrint1 a, GPrint1 b) => GPrint1 (a :*: b) where gprint1 (a :*: b) = gprint1 a ++ " " ++ gprint1 b instance (GPrint1 a, GPrint1 b) => GPrint1 (a :+: b) where gprint1 (L1 x) = gprint1 x gprint1 (R1 x) = gprint1 x
# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # {-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # # LANGUAGE Trustworthy # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # -- | Module : . Core . Data . Union Copyright : ( c ) 2021 - 2023 -- License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) -- -- Maintainer : -- Stability : Experimental Portability : GHC only module Grisette.Core.Data.Union ( -- * The union data structure. | Please consider using ' . Core . Control . Monad . UnionM ' instead . Union (..), ifWithLeftMost, ifWithStrategy, fullReconstruct, ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Functor.Classes import Data.Hashable import GHC.Generics import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Bool import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.SimpleMergeable import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Solvable import {-# SOURCE #-} Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.SymPrim import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax -- | The default union implementation. data Union a = -- | A single value Single a | -- | A if value If a -- ^ Cached leftmost value !Bool -- ^ Is merged invariant already maintained? !SymBool -- ^ If condition (Union a) -- ^ True branch (Union a) -- ^ False branch deriving (Generic, Eq, Lift, Generic1) instance Eq1 Union where liftEq e (Single a) (Single b) = e a b liftEq e (If l1 i1 c1 t1 f1) (If l2 i2 c2 t2 f2) = e l1 l2 && i1 == i2 && c1 == c2 && liftEq e t1 t2 && liftEq e f1 f2 liftEq _ _ _ = False instance (NFData a) => NFData (Union a) where rnf = rnf1 instance NFData1 Union where liftRnf _a (Single a) = _a a liftRnf _a (If a bo b l r) = _a a `seq` rnf bo `seq` rnf b `seq` liftRnf _a l `seq` liftRnf _a r -- | Build 'If' with leftmost cache correctly maintained. -- -- Usually you should never directly try to build a 'If' with its constructor. ifWithLeftMost :: Bool -> SymBool -> Union a -> Union a -> Union a ifWithLeftMost _ (Con c) t f | c = t | otherwise = f ifWithLeftMost inv cond t f = If (leftMost t) inv cond t f # INLINE ifWithLeftMost # instance UnionPrjOp Union where singleView (Single a) = Just a singleView _ = Nothing # INLINE singleView # ifView (If _ _ cond ifTrue ifFalse) = Just (cond, ifTrue, ifFalse) ifView _ = Nothing # INLINE ifView # leftMost (Single a) = a leftMost (If a _ _ _ _) = a # INLINE leftMost # instance (Mergeable a) => Mergeable (Union a) where rootStrategy = SimpleStrategy $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy # INLINE rootStrategy # instance Mergeable1 Union where liftRootStrategy ms = SimpleStrategy $ ifWithStrategy ms # INLINE liftRootStrategy # instance (Mergeable a) => SimpleMergeable (Union a) where mrgIte = mrgIf instance SimpleMergeable1 Union where liftMrgIte m = mrgIfWithStrategy (SimpleStrategy m) instance UnionLike Union where mergeWithStrategy = fullReconstruct # INLINE mergeWithStrategy # single = Single # INLINE single # unionIf = ifWithLeftMost False # INLINE unionIf # mrgIfWithStrategy = ifWithStrategy # INLINE mrgIfWithStrategy # mrgSingleWithStrategy _ = Single # INLINE mrgSingleWithStrategy # instance Show1 Union where liftShowsPrec sp _ i (Single a) = showsUnaryWith sp "Single" i a liftShowsPrec sp sl i (If _ _ cond t f) = showParen (i > 10) $ showString "If" . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 cond . showChar ' ' . sp1 11 t . showChar ' ' . sp1 11 f where sp1 = liftShowsPrec sp sl instance (Show a) => Show (Union a) where showsPrec = showsPrec1 instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (Union a) where s `hashWithSalt` (Single a) = s `hashWithSalt` (0 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` a s `hashWithSalt` (If _ _ c l r) = s `hashWithSalt` (1 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` c `hashWithSalt` l `hashWithSalt` r instance AllSyms a => AllSyms (Union a) where allSymsS (Single v) = allSymsS v allSymsS (If _ _ c t f) = \l -> SomeSym c : (allSymsS t . allSymsS f $ l) -- | Fully reconstruct a 'Union' to maintain the merged invariant. fullReconstruct :: MergingStrategy a -> Union a -> Union a fullReconstruct strategy (If _ False cond t f) = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond (fullReconstruct strategy t) (fullReconstruct strategy f) fullReconstruct _ u = u # INLINE fullReconstruct # -- | Use a specific strategy to build a 'If' value. -- -- The merged invariant will be maintained in the result. ifWithStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> SymBool -> Union a -> Union a -> Union a ifWithStrategy strategy cond t@(If _ False _ _ _) f = ifWithStrategy strategy cond (fullReconstruct strategy t) f ifWithStrategy strategy cond t f@(If _ False _ _ _) = ifWithStrategy strategy cond t (fullReconstruct strategy f) ifWithStrategy strategy cond t f = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond t f # INLINE ifWithStrategy # ifWithStrategyInv :: MergingStrategy a -> SymBool -> Union a -> Union a -> Union a ifWithStrategyInv _ (Con v) t f | v = t | otherwise = f ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond (If _ True condTrue tt _) f | cond == condTrue = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond tt f -- {| nots cond == condTrue || cond == nots condTrue = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond ft f ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond t (If _ True condFalse _ ff) | cond == condFalse = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond t ff -- {| nots cond == condTrue || cond == nots condTrue = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond t tf -- buggy here condTrue ifWithStrategyInv (SimpleStrategy m) cond (Single l) (Single r) = Single $ m cond l r ifWithStrategyInv strategy@(SortedStrategy idxFun substrategy) cond ifTrue ifFalse = case (ifTrue, ifFalse) of (Single _, Single _) -> ssIf cond ifTrue ifFalse (Single _, If {}) -> sgIf cond ifTrue ifFalse (If {}, Single _) -> gsIf cond ifTrue ifFalse _ -> ggIf cond ifTrue ifFalse where ssIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxt < idxf = ifWithLeftMost True cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxt == idxf = ifWithStrategyInv (substrategy idxt) cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | otherwise = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond') ifFalse' ifTrue' where idxt = idxFun $ leftMost ifTrue' idxf = idxFun $ leftMost ifFalse' # INLINE ssIf # sgIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse'@(If _ True condf ft ff) | idxft == idxff = ssIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxt < idxft = ifWithLeftMost True cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxt == idxft = ifWithLeftMost True (cond' ||~ condf) (ifWithStrategyInv (substrategy idxt) cond' ifTrue' ft) ff | otherwise = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond' &&~ condf) ft (ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' ifTrue' ff) where idxft = idxFun $ leftMost ft idxff = idxFun $ leftMost ff idxt = idxFun $ leftMost ifTrue' sgIf _ _ _ = undefined # INLINE sgIf # gsIf cond' ifTrue'@(If _ True condt tt tf) ifFalse' | idxtt == idxtf = ssIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxtt < idxf = ifWithLeftMost True (cond' &&~ condt) tt $ ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' tf ifFalse' | idxtt == idxf = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond' ||~ condt) (ifWithStrategyInv (substrategy idxf) cond' tt ifFalse') tf | otherwise = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond') ifFalse' ifTrue' where idxtt = idxFun $ leftMost tt idxtf = idxFun $ leftMost tf idxf = idxFun $ leftMost ifFalse' gsIf _ _ _ = undefined # INLINE gsIf # ggIf cond' ifTrue'@(If _ True condt tt tf) ifFalse'@(If _ True condf ft ff) | idxtt == idxtf = sgIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxft == idxff = gsIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxtt < idxft = ifWithLeftMost True (cond' &&~ condt) tt $ ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' tf ifFalse' | idxtt == idxft = let newCond = ites cond' condt condf newIfTrue = ifWithStrategyInv (substrategy idxtt) cond' tt ft newIfFalse = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' tf ff in ifWithLeftMost True newCond newIfTrue newIfFalse | otherwise = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond' &&~ condf) ft $ ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' ifTrue' ff where idxtt = idxFun $ leftMost tt idxtf = idxFun $ leftMost tf idxft = idxFun $ leftMost ft idxff = idxFun $ leftMost ff ggIf _ _ _ = undefined # INLINE ggIf # ifWithStrategyInv NoStrategy cond ifTrue ifFalse = ifWithLeftMost True cond ifTrue ifFalse ifWithStrategyInv _ _ _ _ = error "Invariant violated" # INLINE ifWithStrategyInv #
# LANGUAGE DeriveLift # | License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : Stability : Experimental * The union data structure. # SOURCE # | The default union implementation. | A single value | A if value ^ Cached leftmost value ^ Is merged invariant already maintained? ^ If condition ^ True branch ^ False branch | Build 'If' with leftmost cache correctly maintained. Usually you should never directly try to build a 'If' with its constructor. | Fully reconstruct a 'Union' to maintain the merged invariant. | Use a specific strategy to build a 'If' value. The merged invariant will be maintained in the result. {| nots cond == condTrue || cond == nots condTrue = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond ft f {| nots cond == condTrue || cond == nots condTrue = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond t tf -- buggy here condTrue
# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # # LANGUAGE Trustworthy # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # Module : . Core . Data . Union Copyright : ( c ) 2021 - 2023 Portability : GHC only module Grisette.Core.Data.Union | Please consider using ' . Core . Control . Monad . UnionM ' instead . Union (..), ifWithLeftMost, ifWithStrategy, fullReconstruct, ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Functor.Classes import Data.Hashable import GHC.Generics import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Bool import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.SimpleMergeable import Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Solvable import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax data Union a Single a If a !Bool !SymBool (Union a) (Union a) deriving (Generic, Eq, Lift, Generic1) instance Eq1 Union where liftEq e (Single a) (Single b) = e a b liftEq e (If l1 i1 c1 t1 f1) (If l2 i2 c2 t2 f2) = e l1 l2 && i1 == i2 && c1 == c2 && liftEq e t1 t2 && liftEq e f1 f2 liftEq _ _ _ = False instance (NFData a) => NFData (Union a) where rnf = rnf1 instance NFData1 Union where liftRnf _a (Single a) = _a a liftRnf _a (If a bo b l r) = _a a `seq` rnf bo `seq` rnf b `seq` liftRnf _a l `seq` liftRnf _a r ifWithLeftMost :: Bool -> SymBool -> Union a -> Union a -> Union a ifWithLeftMost _ (Con c) t f | c = t | otherwise = f ifWithLeftMost inv cond t f = If (leftMost t) inv cond t f # INLINE ifWithLeftMost # instance UnionPrjOp Union where singleView (Single a) = Just a singleView _ = Nothing # INLINE singleView # ifView (If _ _ cond ifTrue ifFalse) = Just (cond, ifTrue, ifFalse) ifView _ = Nothing # INLINE ifView # leftMost (Single a) = a leftMost (If a _ _ _ _) = a # INLINE leftMost # instance (Mergeable a) => Mergeable (Union a) where rootStrategy = SimpleStrategy $ ifWithStrategy rootStrategy # INLINE rootStrategy # instance Mergeable1 Union where liftRootStrategy ms = SimpleStrategy $ ifWithStrategy ms # INLINE liftRootStrategy # instance (Mergeable a) => SimpleMergeable (Union a) where mrgIte = mrgIf instance SimpleMergeable1 Union where liftMrgIte m = mrgIfWithStrategy (SimpleStrategy m) instance UnionLike Union where mergeWithStrategy = fullReconstruct # INLINE mergeWithStrategy # single = Single # INLINE single # unionIf = ifWithLeftMost False # INLINE unionIf # mrgIfWithStrategy = ifWithStrategy # INLINE mrgIfWithStrategy # mrgSingleWithStrategy _ = Single # INLINE mrgSingleWithStrategy # instance Show1 Union where liftShowsPrec sp _ i (Single a) = showsUnaryWith sp "Single" i a liftShowsPrec sp sl i (If _ _ cond t f) = showParen (i > 10) $ showString "If" . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 cond . showChar ' ' . sp1 11 t . showChar ' ' . sp1 11 f where sp1 = liftShowsPrec sp sl instance (Show a) => Show (Union a) where showsPrec = showsPrec1 instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (Union a) where s `hashWithSalt` (Single a) = s `hashWithSalt` (0 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` a s `hashWithSalt` (If _ _ c l r) = s `hashWithSalt` (1 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` c `hashWithSalt` l `hashWithSalt` r instance AllSyms a => AllSyms (Union a) where allSymsS (Single v) = allSymsS v allSymsS (If _ _ c t f) = \l -> SomeSym c : (allSymsS t . allSymsS f $ l) fullReconstruct :: MergingStrategy a -> Union a -> Union a fullReconstruct strategy (If _ False cond t f) = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond (fullReconstruct strategy t) (fullReconstruct strategy f) fullReconstruct _ u = u # INLINE fullReconstruct # ifWithStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> SymBool -> Union a -> Union a -> Union a ifWithStrategy strategy cond t@(If _ False _ _ _) f = ifWithStrategy strategy cond (fullReconstruct strategy t) f ifWithStrategy strategy cond t f@(If _ False _ _ _) = ifWithStrategy strategy cond t (fullReconstruct strategy f) ifWithStrategy strategy cond t f = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond t f # INLINE ifWithStrategy # ifWithStrategyInv :: MergingStrategy a -> SymBool -> Union a -> Union a -> Union a ifWithStrategyInv _ (Con v) t f | v = t | otherwise = f ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond (If _ True condTrue tt _) f | cond == condTrue = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond tt f ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond t (If _ True condFalse _ ff) | cond == condFalse = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond t ff ifWithStrategyInv (SimpleStrategy m) cond (Single l) (Single r) = Single $ m cond l r ifWithStrategyInv strategy@(SortedStrategy idxFun substrategy) cond ifTrue ifFalse = case (ifTrue, ifFalse) of (Single _, Single _) -> ssIf cond ifTrue ifFalse (Single _, If {}) -> sgIf cond ifTrue ifFalse (If {}, Single _) -> gsIf cond ifTrue ifFalse _ -> ggIf cond ifTrue ifFalse where ssIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxt < idxf = ifWithLeftMost True cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxt == idxf = ifWithStrategyInv (substrategy idxt) cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | otherwise = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond') ifFalse' ifTrue' where idxt = idxFun $ leftMost ifTrue' idxf = idxFun $ leftMost ifFalse' # INLINE ssIf # sgIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse'@(If _ True condf ft ff) | idxft == idxff = ssIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxt < idxft = ifWithLeftMost True cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxt == idxft = ifWithLeftMost True (cond' ||~ condf) (ifWithStrategyInv (substrategy idxt) cond' ifTrue' ft) ff | otherwise = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond' &&~ condf) ft (ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' ifTrue' ff) where idxft = idxFun $ leftMost ft idxff = idxFun $ leftMost ff idxt = idxFun $ leftMost ifTrue' sgIf _ _ _ = undefined # INLINE sgIf # gsIf cond' ifTrue'@(If _ True condt tt tf) ifFalse' | idxtt == idxtf = ssIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxtt < idxf = ifWithLeftMost True (cond' &&~ condt) tt $ ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' tf ifFalse' | idxtt == idxf = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond' ||~ condt) (ifWithStrategyInv (substrategy idxf) cond' tt ifFalse') tf | otherwise = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond') ifFalse' ifTrue' where idxtt = idxFun $ leftMost tt idxtf = idxFun $ leftMost tf idxf = idxFun $ leftMost ifFalse' gsIf _ _ _ = undefined # INLINE gsIf # ggIf cond' ifTrue'@(If _ True condt tt tf) ifFalse'@(If _ True condf ft ff) | idxtt == idxtf = sgIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxft == idxff = gsIf cond' ifTrue' ifFalse' | idxtt < idxft = ifWithLeftMost True (cond' &&~ condt) tt $ ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' tf ifFalse' | idxtt == idxft = let newCond = ites cond' condt condf newIfTrue = ifWithStrategyInv (substrategy idxtt) cond' tt ft newIfFalse = ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' tf ff in ifWithLeftMost True newCond newIfTrue newIfFalse | otherwise = ifWithLeftMost True (nots cond' &&~ condf) ft $ ifWithStrategyInv strategy cond' ifTrue' ff where idxtt = idxFun $ leftMost tt idxtf = idxFun $ leftMost tf idxft = idxFun $ leftMost ft idxff = idxFun $ leftMost ff ggIf _ _ _ = undefined # INLINE ggIf # ifWithStrategyInv NoStrategy cond ifTrue ifFalse = ifWithLeftMost True cond ifTrue ifFalse ifWithStrategyInv _ _ _ _ = error "Invariant violated" # INLINE ifWithStrategyInv #
# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification # {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Typography ( measureLineHeight , PageEvent(..) , ViewDimensions(..) , processedWords , typesetPage ) where import Control.Monad import Data.JSString.Text import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified JavaScript.JQuery as JQ hiding (filter, not) import Prelude hiding (Word) import Text.Hyphenation import Server import Debug.Trace data PageEvent = NextPage | PrevPage | Resize | Start deriving (Show, Eq) data ViewDimensions = ViewDimensions { fullWidth :: Int , viewWidth :: Double , viewHeight :: Double , lineHeight :: Double } type Word = Item T.Text Double type Txt = [Word] type Line = [Word] type Paragraph = [Line] fold1 :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe b fold1 _ _ [] = Nothing fold1 _ g [x] = Just $ g x fold1 f g (x:xs) = f x <$> fold1 f g xs minWith :: forall a b. Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a minWith f = fold1 choice id where choice a b | f a < f b = a | otherwise = b width :: Line -> Double width l = sum (map itemWidth l) -- bring this back in case of issues -- where hyphenWidth = case last l of -- (Penalty w _ _ _) -> w -- _ -> 0 lineWaste :: Double -> Line -> Double lineWaste textWidth l = numSpaces * weighting (spaceSize / numSpaces - spaceWidth) + hyphenPenalty + hyphenHeadPenalty where spaceSize = textWidth - width l numSpaces :: Double numSpaces = fromIntegral . length $ filter itemIsBox l -- penalize placing hyphen at end of line hyphenPenalty = if itemIsPenalty (last l) then 10 else 0 -- what number should I use here? -- I just need to see what wastes look like generally disallow hyphens first hyphenHeadPenalty = if itemIsPenalty (head l) then 1000000 else 0 weighting x -- too close is worse than too far apart : TODO This seems backwards to me | x < 0 = x ^ (2 :: Int) -- spaces larger than optimal width | otherwise = 3 * x ^ (2 :: Int) -- spaces smaller than optimal width -- Write quickcheck properties for this par1' :: Double -> Txt -> Paragraph par1' textWidth = parLines . fromMaybe (trace "par1 minWith" ([], 0, 0)) . minWith waste . fromMaybe (trace "par1' fold1" []) . fold1 step start where step :: Word -> [(Paragraph, Double, Double)] -> [(Paragraph, Double, Double)] step w ps = let origin = (new w (fromMaybe (error $ "par1' step" ++ show ps) $ minWith waste ps) : map (glue w) ps) result = filter fitH origin in if null result then traceShow origin [fromMaybe (head origin) (minWith waste origin)] else result start :: Word -> [(Paragraph, Double, Double)] start w = [([[w]], itemWidth w, 0.0)] new w ([l], _, 0) = ([w]:[l], itemWidth w, 0.0) new w p@(ls, _, _) = ([w]:ls, itemWidth w, waste p) -- TODO what is this 1/n about? space width? change this glue w (l:ls, n, m) = ((w:l):ls, itemWidth w + n, m) parLines (ls, _, _) = ls widthHead (_, n, _) = n wasteTail (_, _, m) = m linwHead = lineWaste textWidth . head . parLines waste ([_], _, _) = 0 waste p = linwHead p + wasteTail p fitH p = widthHead p <= textWidth typesetPage :: (ViewDimensions, ((Int, Int), PageEvent)) -> IO (Int, Int) typesetPage ((ViewDimensions _ textWidth viewHeight lineH), ((0, wordsOnPage), PrevPage)) = return (0, wordsOnPage) typesetPage ((ViewDimensions _ textWidth viewHeight lineH), ((wordNumber, wordsOnPage), pageEvent)) | pageEvent == NextPage && length processedWords == wordNumber + wordsOnPage = return (wordNumber, wordsOnPage) | otherwise = do 3 is margin - bottom TODO remove this magic number lineSpacing = (textHeight - fromIntegral linesPerPage * lineH) / (fromIntegral linesPerPage - 1) numWords = round $ 30 * (textWidth / 700) * fromIntegral linesPerPage textHeight = viewHeight * 0.9 wordNumber' <- case pageEvent of NextPage -> return $ wordNumber + wordsOnPage Start -> return 0 Resize -> return wordNumber PrevPage -> do let boxify = wordsWithWidths . take numWords . reverse boxesMeasure <- boxify $ take wordNumber processedWords let parMeasure = take linesPerPage $ par1' textWidth boxesMeasure wordsOnPageMeasure = sum $ map length parMeasure return $ max 0 $ wordNumber - wordsOnPageMeasure boxes <- wordsWithWidths . take numWords . drop wordNumber' $ processedWords let par = take linesPerPage $ par1' textWidth boxes wordsOnPage' = sum $ map length par ls <- mapM (renderLine lineH textWidth lineSpacing) par boustroLines <- boustro ls -- Should I be applying this style every time? Definitely on window change -- dim, so maybe it's not so bad. textArea <- (JQ.empty >=> widthCss) =<< JQ.select "#boustro" mapM_ (`JQ.appendJQuery` textArea) boustroLines return (wordNumber', wordsOnPage') where widthCss = JQ.setCss "width" (textToJSString . T.pack $ show textWidth) wordsWithWidths :: [String] -> IO [Word] wordsWithWidths inputWords = do -- creating a temporary div specifically to measure the width of every element scratchArea <- JQ.empty =<< JQ.select "#scratch-area" mapM (\x -> do let t = T.pack x jq <- toItem t _ <- jq `JQ.appendJQuery` scratchArea jqWidth <- JQ.getInnerWidth jq return $ toItem' t jqWidth ) inputWords where toItem' :: T.Text -> Double -> Word toItem' "-" w = hyphen w "-" toItem' " " _ = space spaceWidth toItem' str w = Box w str boustro :: [JQ.JQuery] -> IO [JQ.JQuery] boustro [] = return [] boustro [l] = return [l] boustro (l:l2:ls) = do ho <- reverseLine l2 fi <- boustro ls return (l : ho : fi) measureLineHeight :: IO Double measureLineHeight = do scratchArea <- JQ.empty =<< JQ.select "#scratch-area" quux <- JQ.select ("<span>" <> textToJSString "Hail qQuuXX!" <> "</span>") _ <- quux `JQ.appendJQuery` scratchArea JQ.getInnerHeight quux -- can this be a monoid? data Item a b = Box b a -- Box w_i Spring w_i y_i z_i | Penalty b b Bool a -- Penalty w_i p_i f_i instance Show b => Show (Item a b) where show (Box w _) = "Box " ++ show w show (Spring w _ _) = "Spring " ++ show w show (Penalty w _ _ _) = "Penalty " ++ show w all hypens are flagged penality items because we do n't want two hyphens in -- a row itemWidth :: Num b => Item a b -> b itemWidth (Box w _) = w itemWidth (Spring w _ _) = w itemWidth ( Penalty w _ _ _ ) = w itemWidth Penalty{} = 0 itemWidth' :: Num b => Item a b -> b itemWidth' (Box w _) = w itemWidth' (Spring w _ _) = w itemWidth' (Penalty w _ _ _) = w toItem :: T.Text -> IO JQ.JQuery toItem "-" = JQ.select "<span>-</span>" toItem " " = assignCssWidth spaceWidth =<< JQ.select "<span>&nbsp;</span>" toItem str = JQ.select ("<span>" <> textToJSString str <> "</span>") itemElement :: Word -> IO JQ.JQuery itemElement (Box _ e) = JQ.select ("<span>" <> textToJSString e <> "</span>") itemElement Spring{} = JQ.select "<span>&nbsp;</span>" itemElement Penalty{} = JQ.select "<span>-</span>" itemIsSpace :: forall t s . Item t s -> Bool itemIsSpace Spring{} = True itemIsSpace _ = False itemIsBox :: forall t s . Item t s -> Bool itemIsBox Box{} = True itemIsBox _ = False itemIsPenalty :: forall t s . Item t s -> Bool itemIsPenalty Penalty{} = True itemIsPenalty _ = False spaceWidth :: Double spaceWidth = 6 space :: Double -> Word space w = Spring w 3 2 TODO rename this assignCssWidth :: Double -> JQ.JQuery -> IO JQ.JQuery assignCssWidth txtWidth = JQ.setCss "display" "inline-block" <=< JQ.setCss "width" (textToJSString . T.pack $ show txtWidth) hyphen :: Double -> T.Text -> Word hyphen hyphenWidth = Penalty hyphenWidth penaltyValue False where penaltyValue = undefined -- TODO I may not end up using this renderLine :: Double -> Double -> Double -> [Word] -> IO JQ.JQuery renderLine lineH textW lineSpacing ls = do lineDiv <- JQ.select "<div class='line'></div>" >>= JQ.setCss "width" (textToJSString . T.pack $ show textW) >>= JQ.setCss "height" (textToJSString . T.pack $ show lineH) >>= JQ.setCss "white-space" "nowrap" >>= JQ.setCss "margin-bottom" ((textToJSString . T.pack . show $ lineSpacing) <> "px") let nls = foldr dehyphen [] ls numSpaces = fromIntegral (length $ filter itemIsSpace nls) spaceSize = realToFrac $ (textW - sum (fmap itemWidth' nls)) / numSpaces nls' = map (\x -> case x of (Spring _ a b) -> Spring spaceSize a b _ -> x) nls mapM_ ((`JQ.appendJQuery` lineDiv) <=< toJQueryWithWidth) nls' return lineDiv where toJQueryWithWidth i = assignCssWidth (itemWidth' i) =<< itemElement i dehyphen :: Word -> [Word] -> [Word] dehyphen n [] = [n] dehyphen n@(Box{}) p = let sp = space 0 in case head p of Box{} -> n : sp : p Penalty{} -> case tail p of (Box{}:_) -> n : tail p _ -> n : p dehyphen n@(Penalty{}) p = n : p dehyphen _ p = p reverseLine :: JQ.JQuery -> IO JQ.JQuery reverseLine = JQ.setCss "-moz-transform" "scaleX(-1)" <=< JQ.setCss "-o-transform" "scaleX(-1)" <=< JQ.setCss "-webkit-transform" "scaleX(-1)" <=< JQ.setCss "transform" "scaleX(-1)" <=< JQ.setCss "filter" "FlipH" <=< JQ.setCss "-ms-filter" "\"FlipH\"" hyphenString :: String hyphenString = "-" nonBreakingHypenString :: Char nonBreakingHypenString = '‑' emdash :: Char emdash = '—' preprocess :: String -> [String] preprocess = prepareText where insertHyphens x | nonBreakingHypenString `elem` x = [x] | otherwise = intersperse hyphenString $ hyphenate english_US x insertPilcrows = concatMap (\x -> if x == '\n' then " ¶ " else [x]) prepareText = concatMap insertHyphens . words . replace . insertPilcrows replace = map (\x -> if x == '-' || x == emdash then nonBreakingHypenString else x) processedWords :: [String] processedWords = preprocess contextText
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # bring this back in case of issues where hyphenWidth = case last l of (Penalty w _ _ _) -> w _ -> 0 penalize placing hyphen at end of line what number should I use here? I just need to see what wastes look like generally too close is worse than too far apart : TODO This seems backwards to me spaces larger than optimal width spaces smaller than optimal width Write quickcheck properties for this TODO what is this 1/n about? space width? change this Should I be applying this style every time? Definitely on window change dim, so maybe it's not so bad. creating a temporary div specifically to measure the width of every element can this be a monoid? Box w_i Penalty w_i p_i f_i a row TODO I may not end up using this
# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification # module Typography ( measureLineHeight , PageEvent(..) , ViewDimensions(..) , processedWords , typesetPage ) where import Control.Monad import Data.JSString.Text import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified JavaScript.JQuery as JQ hiding (filter, not) import Prelude hiding (Word) import Text.Hyphenation import Server import Debug.Trace data PageEvent = NextPage | PrevPage | Resize | Start deriving (Show, Eq) data ViewDimensions = ViewDimensions { fullWidth :: Int , viewWidth :: Double , viewHeight :: Double , lineHeight :: Double } type Word = Item T.Text Double type Txt = [Word] type Line = [Word] type Paragraph = [Line] fold1 :: forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe b fold1 _ _ [] = Nothing fold1 _ g [x] = Just $ g x fold1 f g (x:xs) = f x <$> fold1 f g xs minWith :: forall a b. Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe a minWith f = fold1 choice id where choice a b | f a < f b = a | otherwise = b width :: Line -> Double width l = sum (map itemWidth l) lineWaste :: Double -> Line -> Double lineWaste textWidth l = numSpaces * weighting (spaceSize / numSpaces - spaceWidth) + hyphenPenalty + hyphenHeadPenalty where spaceSize = textWidth - width l numSpaces :: Double numSpaces = fromIntegral . length $ filter itemIsBox l disallow hyphens first hyphenHeadPenalty = if itemIsPenalty (head l) then 1000000 else 0 par1' :: Double -> Txt -> Paragraph par1' textWidth = parLines . fromMaybe (trace "par1 minWith" ([], 0, 0)) . minWith waste . fromMaybe (trace "par1' fold1" []) . fold1 step start where step :: Word -> [(Paragraph, Double, Double)] -> [(Paragraph, Double, Double)] step w ps = let origin = (new w (fromMaybe (error $ "par1' step" ++ show ps) $ minWith waste ps) : map (glue w) ps) result = filter fitH origin in if null result then traceShow origin [fromMaybe (head origin) (minWith waste origin)] else result start :: Word -> [(Paragraph, Double, Double)] start w = [([[w]], itemWidth w, 0.0)] new w ([l], _, 0) = ([w]:[l], itemWidth w, 0.0) new w p@(ls, _, _) = ([w]:ls, itemWidth w, waste p) glue w (l:ls, n, m) = ((w:l):ls, itemWidth w + n, m) parLines (ls, _, _) = ls widthHead (_, n, _) = n wasteTail (_, _, m) = m linwHead = lineWaste textWidth . head . parLines waste ([_], _, _) = 0 waste p = linwHead p + wasteTail p fitH p = widthHead p <= textWidth typesetPage :: (ViewDimensions, ((Int, Int), PageEvent)) -> IO (Int, Int) typesetPage ((ViewDimensions _ textWidth viewHeight lineH), ((0, wordsOnPage), PrevPage)) = return (0, wordsOnPage) typesetPage ((ViewDimensions _ textWidth viewHeight lineH), ((wordNumber, wordsOnPage), pageEvent)) | pageEvent == NextPage && length processedWords == wordNumber + wordsOnPage = return (wordNumber, wordsOnPage) | otherwise = do 3 is margin - bottom TODO remove this magic number lineSpacing = (textHeight - fromIntegral linesPerPage * lineH) / (fromIntegral linesPerPage - 1) numWords = round $ 30 * (textWidth / 700) * fromIntegral linesPerPage textHeight = viewHeight * 0.9 wordNumber' <- case pageEvent of NextPage -> return $ wordNumber + wordsOnPage Start -> return 0 Resize -> return wordNumber PrevPage -> do let boxify = wordsWithWidths . take numWords . reverse boxesMeasure <- boxify $ take wordNumber processedWords let parMeasure = take linesPerPage $ par1' textWidth boxesMeasure wordsOnPageMeasure = sum $ map length parMeasure return $ max 0 $ wordNumber - wordsOnPageMeasure boxes <- wordsWithWidths . take numWords . drop wordNumber' $ processedWords let par = take linesPerPage $ par1' textWidth boxes wordsOnPage' = sum $ map length par ls <- mapM (renderLine lineH textWidth lineSpacing) par boustroLines <- boustro ls textArea <- (JQ.empty >=> widthCss) =<< JQ.select "#boustro" mapM_ (`JQ.appendJQuery` textArea) boustroLines return (wordNumber', wordsOnPage') where widthCss = JQ.setCss "width" (textToJSString . T.pack $ show textWidth) wordsWithWidths :: [String] -> IO [Word] wordsWithWidths inputWords = do scratchArea <- JQ.empty =<< JQ.select "#scratch-area" mapM (\x -> do let t = T.pack x jq <- toItem t _ <- jq `JQ.appendJQuery` scratchArea jqWidth <- JQ.getInnerWidth jq return $ toItem' t jqWidth ) inputWords where toItem' :: T.Text -> Double -> Word toItem' "-" w = hyphen w "-" toItem' " " _ = space spaceWidth toItem' str w = Box w str boustro :: [JQ.JQuery] -> IO [JQ.JQuery] boustro [] = return [] boustro [l] = return [l] boustro (l:l2:ls) = do ho <- reverseLine l2 fi <- boustro ls return (l : ho : fi) measureLineHeight :: IO Double measureLineHeight = do scratchArea <- JQ.empty =<< JQ.select "#scratch-area" quux <- JQ.select ("<span>" <> textToJSString "Hail qQuuXX!" <> "</span>") _ <- quux `JQ.appendJQuery` scratchArea JQ.getInnerHeight quux Spring w_i y_i z_i instance Show b => Show (Item a b) where show (Box w _) = "Box " ++ show w show (Spring w _ _) = "Spring " ++ show w show (Penalty w _ _ _) = "Penalty " ++ show w all hypens are flagged penality items because we do n't want two hyphens in itemWidth :: Num b => Item a b -> b itemWidth (Box w _) = w itemWidth (Spring w _ _) = w itemWidth ( Penalty w _ _ _ ) = w itemWidth Penalty{} = 0 itemWidth' :: Num b => Item a b -> b itemWidth' (Box w _) = w itemWidth' (Spring w _ _) = w itemWidth' (Penalty w _ _ _) = w toItem :: T.Text -> IO JQ.JQuery toItem "-" = JQ.select "<span>-</span>" toItem " " = assignCssWidth spaceWidth =<< JQ.select "<span>&nbsp;</span>" toItem str = JQ.select ("<span>" <> textToJSString str <> "</span>") itemElement :: Word -> IO JQ.JQuery itemElement (Box _ e) = JQ.select ("<span>" <> textToJSString e <> "</span>") itemElement Spring{} = JQ.select "<span>&nbsp;</span>" itemElement Penalty{} = JQ.select "<span>-</span>" itemIsSpace :: forall t s . Item t s -> Bool itemIsSpace Spring{} = True itemIsSpace _ = False itemIsBox :: forall t s . Item t s -> Bool itemIsBox Box{} = True itemIsBox _ = False itemIsPenalty :: forall t s . Item t s -> Bool itemIsPenalty Penalty{} = True itemIsPenalty _ = False spaceWidth :: Double spaceWidth = 6 space :: Double -> Word space w = Spring w 3 2 TODO rename this assignCssWidth :: Double -> JQ.JQuery -> IO JQ.JQuery assignCssWidth txtWidth = JQ.setCss "display" "inline-block" <=< JQ.setCss "width" (textToJSString . T.pack $ show txtWidth) hyphen :: Double -> T.Text -> Word hyphen hyphenWidth = Penalty hyphenWidth penaltyValue False renderLine :: Double -> Double -> Double -> [Word] -> IO JQ.JQuery renderLine lineH textW lineSpacing ls = do lineDiv <- JQ.select "<div class='line'></div>" >>= JQ.setCss "width" (textToJSString . T.pack $ show textW) >>= JQ.setCss "height" (textToJSString . T.pack $ show lineH) >>= JQ.setCss "white-space" "nowrap" >>= JQ.setCss "margin-bottom" ((textToJSString . T.pack . show $ lineSpacing) <> "px") let nls = foldr dehyphen [] ls numSpaces = fromIntegral (length $ filter itemIsSpace nls) spaceSize = realToFrac $ (textW - sum (fmap itemWidth' nls)) / numSpaces nls' = map (\x -> case x of (Spring _ a b) -> Spring spaceSize a b _ -> x) nls mapM_ ((`JQ.appendJQuery` lineDiv) <=< toJQueryWithWidth) nls' return lineDiv where toJQueryWithWidth i = assignCssWidth (itemWidth' i) =<< itemElement i dehyphen :: Word -> [Word] -> [Word] dehyphen n [] = [n] dehyphen n@(Box{}) p = let sp = space 0 in case head p of Box{} -> n : sp : p Penalty{} -> case tail p of (Box{}:_) -> n : tail p _ -> n : p dehyphen n@(Penalty{}) p = n : p dehyphen _ p = p reverseLine :: JQ.JQuery -> IO JQ.JQuery reverseLine = JQ.setCss "-moz-transform" "scaleX(-1)" <=< JQ.setCss "-o-transform" "scaleX(-1)" <=< JQ.setCss "-webkit-transform" "scaleX(-1)" <=< JQ.setCss "transform" "scaleX(-1)" <=< JQ.setCss "filter" "FlipH" <=< JQ.setCss "-ms-filter" "\"FlipH\"" hyphenString :: String hyphenString = "-" nonBreakingHypenString :: Char nonBreakingHypenString = '‑' emdash :: Char emdash = '—' preprocess :: String -> [String] preprocess = prepareText where insertHyphens x | nonBreakingHypenString `elem` x = [x] | otherwise = intersperse hyphenString $ hyphenate english_US x insertPilcrows = concatMap (\x -> if x == '\n' then " ¶ " else [x]) prepareText = concatMap insertHyphens . words . replace . insertPilcrows replace = map (\x -> if x == '-' || x == emdash then nonBreakingHypenString else x) processedWords :: [String] processedWords = preprocess contextText
| Return e ( Euler 's constant ) foreign import ccall "Z3_rcf_mk_e" c'Z3_rcf_mk_e :: C'Z3_context -> IO C'Z3_rcf_num foreign import ccall "&Z3_rcf_mk_e" p'Z3_rcf_mk_e :: FunPtr (C'Z3_context -> IO C'Z3_rcf_num) # LINE 25 " Z3 / Base / C / Rcf.hsc " # | Return a new infinitesimal that is smaller than all elements in the Z3 field . foreign import ccall "Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal" c'Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal :: C'Z3_context -> IO C'Z3_rcf_num foreign import ccall "&Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal" p'Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal :: FunPtr (C'Z3_context -> IO C'Z3_rcf_num) # LINE 28 " Z3 / Base / C / Rcf.hsc " # | Store in roots the roots of the polynomial The output vector roots must have size \c n. It returns the number of roots of the polynomial . \pre The input polynomial is not the zero polynomial . The output vector \c roots must have size \c n. It returns the number of roots of the polynomial. \pre The input polynomial is not the zero polynomial. -} foreign import ccall "Z3_rcf_mk_roots" c'Z3_rcf_mk_roots :: C'Z3_context -> CUInt -> Ptr C'Z3_rcf_num -> Ptr C'Z3_rcf_num -> IO () foreign import ccall "&Z3_rcf_mk_roots" p'Z3_rcf_mk_roots :: FunPtr (C'Z3_context -> CUInt -> Ptr C'Z3_rcf_num -> Ptr C'Z3_rcf_num -> IO ())
| Return e ( Euler 's constant ) foreign import ccall "Z3_rcf_mk_e" c'Z3_rcf_mk_e :: C'Z3_context -> IO C'Z3_rcf_num foreign import ccall "&Z3_rcf_mk_e" p'Z3_rcf_mk_e :: FunPtr (C'Z3_context -> IO C'Z3_rcf_num) # LINE 25 " Z3 / Base / C / Rcf.hsc " # | Return a new infinitesimal that is smaller than all elements in the Z3 field . foreign import ccall "Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal" c'Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal :: C'Z3_context -> IO C'Z3_rcf_num foreign import ccall "&Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal" p'Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal :: FunPtr (C'Z3_context -> IO C'Z3_rcf_num) # LINE 28 " Z3 / Base / C / Rcf.hsc " # | Store in roots the roots of the polynomial The output vector roots must have size \c n. It returns the number of roots of the polynomial . \pre The input polynomial is not the zero polynomial . The output vector \c roots must have size \c n. It returns the number of roots of the polynomial. \pre The input polynomial is not the zero polynomial. -} foreign import ccall "Z3_rcf_mk_roots" c'Z3_rcf_mk_roots :: C'Z3_context -> CUInt -> Ptr C'Z3_rcf_num -> Ptr C'Z3_rcf_num -> IO () foreign import ccall "&Z3_rcf_mk_roots" p'Z3_rcf_mk_roots :: FunPtr (C'Z3_context -> CUInt -> Ptr C'Z3_rcf_num -> Ptr C'Z3_rcf_num -> IO ())
(ns two-in-shadows.client.events (:require [potok.core :as ptk] [beicon.core :as rx] [goog.json :as json] [com.rpl.specter :as S] [rxhttp.browser :as http])) (defrecord FadeLoading [] ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (S/setval :ui/loading :fade state))) (defrecord HideLoading [] ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (S/setval :ui/loading S/NONE state))) (def fading (rx/concat (rx/delay 250 (rx/just (->FadeLoading))) (rx/delay 750 (rx/just (->HideLoading))))) (defrecord ShowLoading [] ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (S/setval :ui/loading true state))) (defrecord SaveGreeting [response] ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (let [{body :body} response greeting (js->clj (json/parse body) :keywordize-keys true)] (S/setval :ui/greeting greeting state))) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] fading)) (defrecord GetGreeting [] ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (rx/concat (rx/just (->ShowLoading)) (rx/map ->SaveGreeting (http/send! {:method :get :url (str (:api/url state) "greeting") :headers {:content-type "application/json"}}))))) (defn get-greeting "Gets the greeting from server" [store] (ptk/emit! store (->GetGreeting))) ;; >>>>>>> (defonce store (ptk/store {:state {:api/url ":8270/"}}))
(ns two-in-shadows.client.events (:require [potok.core :as ptk] [beicon.core :as rx] [goog.json :as json] [com.rpl.specter :as S] [rxhttp.browser :as http])) (defrecord FadeLoading [] ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (S/setval :ui/loading :fade state))) (defrecord HideLoading [] ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (S/setval :ui/loading S/NONE state))) (def fading (rx/concat (rx/delay 250 (rx/just (->FadeLoading))) (rx/delay 750 (rx/just (->HideLoading))))) (defrecord ShowLoading [] ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (S/setval :ui/loading true state))) (defrecord SaveGreeting [response] ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (let [{body :body} response greeting (js->clj (json/parse body) :keywordize-keys true)] (S/setval :ui/greeting greeting state))) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] fading)) (defrecord GetGreeting [] ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (rx/concat (rx/just (->ShowLoading)) (rx/map ->SaveGreeting (http/send! {:method :get :url (str (:api/url state) "greeting") :headers {:content-type "application/json"}}))))) (defn get-greeting "Gets the greeting from server" [store] (ptk/emit! store (->GetGreeting))) (defonce store (ptk/store {:state {:api/url ":8270/"}}))