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Crops need to be planted early as recommended to take advantage of the full rainy season.
Mbewu ziyenera kubzalidwa msanga potsatira malangizo kuti zigwirane ndi nyengo yonse ya mvula
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With the uncertainty in the rainfall pattern, late planted crops risk moisture stress at critical periods such as increased pest and disease attack, reduced growing period and nutrient uptake
Ndi kusapanganika kwa kagwedwe ka mvula, mbewu zobzalidwa mochedwa zimakhala pa chiopsezo chosowa chinyontho panthawi zofunikira monga kuchuluka kwa matenda ndi tizilombo, kuchepa kwa nthawi yokulira komanso kuyamwa michere munthaka
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Field preparation should be carried out preferably soon after harvest when the soil is still moist and therefore easy to till
Minda isamalidwe pambuyo pomaliza kukolola pamene dothi lidakali ndi chinyezi ndipo silivuta kulima
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This ensures deep ploughing and good decomposition of the incorporated crop residues and also improves soil structure and minimizes surface run-off
Izi zimathandiza kuti khasu lidzilowa kwambiri komanso udzu ndi zotsalira za mbewu ziole bwino ndipo nthaka imatakasuka ndi kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi
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Where this is not practicable, farmers should aim at having fields ready by the end of September so that they can plant with the first planting rains.
Ngati izi nzovuta kuchita, alimi ayetsetse kukonza minda pofika kumapeto kwa mwezi wa September ndi cholinga chakuti adzabzale ndi mvula yoyamba
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With the ever increasing cost of chemical fertilizers, proper use of manures becomes more important
Mitengo ya fetelezayakhala ikukwera kotero kagwiritsidwe ntchito koyenera kamanyowa ndi kothandiza
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Where manures are used in combination with chemical fertilizers, crops grow vigorously. Yields and quality are also improved
Pomwe manyowa akugwiritsodwa ntchito pamodzi ndi feleza, mbewu zimakula mwamphamvu. Zokolola zimachuluka komanso zimakhala zabwino
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Extension staff should provide technical advice on how to incorporate crop residues, make and use of different types of manure
Alangizi a zaulimi akuyenera kupeleka upangiri wa mmene tingaphatikizire zinyalala za mbewu kuti tipange manyowa a mitundu yosiyanasiyana
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Weeds deprive crops of plant nutrients, moisture and sunlight. They may also harbor pests and diseases causing reduction in yields. To reduce competition, it is important that farmers weed their crops timely and frequently
Udzu umachepetsa michere, chinyezi ndi dzuwa zofika ku mbeu. Udzu umasunganso tizilombo ndi matenda zomwe zimachepetsa zokolola. Pochepetsa kukanganira , nkofunika alimi apalile mbeu zawo nthawi yoyenera komanso pafupipafupi
agriculture document
It is important that farmers use seed and planting material that would germinate, establish well and grow into a healthy crop
Nkofunika kuti alimi agwiritse ntchito mbeu zomwe zingamere, kutakasuka ndi kukula mwathanzi
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By intercropping, more than one crop can be harvested in the same season from the same plot, thereby obtaining maximum benefit from it
Pobzala mbeu mwakasakaniza, mbeu zopitilira imodzi zikhoza kukololedwa munyengo imodzi pamunda umodzi kotero mlimi amapeza phindu lochuluka
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In some cases, other benefits include moisture retention, crop support, soil fertility improvement, soil erosion control and pest and disease control
Nthawi zina, phindu lina ndi monga kusunga chinyezi, kupeleka thandizo kumbeu zina, kuwonjezera nthaka/chonde, kuchepetsa kukokoloka kwa nthaka komanso kuthana ndi tizilombo ndi matenda
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Growing of the same crop on the same piece of land year after year results in poor yields and quality unless expensive management practices are employed
Kubzala mbeu yamtundu umodzi pamalo amodzimodzi kwa nthawi yayitali kumachepetsa zokolola pokhapokha atangieiritsa njira zina zosamalira mbeu zomwenso ndi zofuna ndalama zochuluka
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For instance continued monocropping in maize fields results in witchweed infestation. It is therefore important that agriculture staff help farmers to work out rotation plans
Mwachitsanzo, kubzala chimanga chokha pamalo amodzi kwa nthawi yayitali kumadzetsa kaufiti. Choncho nkoyenera kuti ogwira ntchito zaulimi athandize alimi ndi ndondomeko zaulimi wakasinthasintha
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Insect pests and diseases can severely reduce yields and lower the quality of produce
Tizilombo towononga mbeu komanso matenda zimachepetsa zokolola komanso zimatsitsa maonekedwe a zokolola
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The incidence of pests and diseases can be reduced without necessarily using pesticides but, for example, observing the closed season in tobacco and cotton; burning or burying infested materials away from the field and destruction of volunteer crops
Kupezeka kwa tizilombo komanso matenda kungachepetsedwe posagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala kokha koma mwachitsanzo kutsatira kutha kwa nyengo ta fodya ndi thonje; kuotcha kapena kukwilila zinthu zonse zogwidwa ndi matenda ndi tizilombo komanso kuononga mbeu zina zonse
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Uprooting tomato, tobacco, or cotton plants after harvesting helps to reduce disease incidence such as nematodes infestation
Kuzula tomato, fodya kapana thonje pakutha pakukolola kumathandiza kuchepetsa kubuka kwa matenda monga mtchemberezandonda
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A lot of money can be wasted in employing labour and trying to carry out too many tasks at the same time resulting in inefficiency
Ndalama zambiri zikhoza kutayika polemba ogwira ntchito komanso kugwira ntchito zambirimbiri nthawi imodzi zomwe zimadzetsa kusalongosoka
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Agricultural staff should assist in formulating an appropriate farm plan in agreement with the farmer so that there is efficient use of land, water, labour, time, money and other resources
Ogwira ntchito zaulimi akuyenera kuthandiza pokhadzikitsa ndondomeko za ulimi mogwirizana ndi alimi ndi cholinga chakuti malo, madzi, mphamvu, nthawi, ndalama komanso zinthu zonse zigwire ntchito moyenera
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With rising costs of farming, it is important to ensure that financial investments bring good returns; optimum crop yields and returns
Ndikukwera kwa zinthu zaulimi, ndikofunika kuonetsetsa kuti ndalama zolowa zikubweretsa phindu labwino; zokolola zapamwamba komanso phindu
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Research work develop new varieties of crop seed and planting materials to produce varieties which are high-yielding and resistant to pests and disease; to realize the full potential of the improved seed and planting materials, good husbandry practices should be followed
Ntchito ya kafukufuku idzetse mitundu ya mbeu zamakono zosiyanasiyana, zopatsa zokolola zambiri komanso zopilira ku tizilombo ndi matenda; kuti mbeu zamakonozo zichite bwino kwambiri, nkofunika kutsatira ndondomemko zoyenera zamalimidwe
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Farmers should be aware that high incidences of pests and diseases reduce the yield and quality of crops and should therefore apply various recommended control measures correctly and timely
Alimi azindikire kuti kuchuluka kwa tizilombo ndi matenda kumachepetsa zokolola ndi maonekedwe a mbeu kotero agwiritse ntchito njira zovomerezeka zothana ndi tizilombo ndi matenda moyenera komanso panthawi yoyenera
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Cultural practices which help to minimize pest problems in the nursery and in the field should be encouraged and farmers should be encouraged to use the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to pest and disease control
Ntchito zachikhalidwe zothandizira kuchepetsa mavuto a tizilombo ku nazale komanso kumunda zilimbikitsidwe ndipo alimi ayenera kugwiritsa ntchito ndondomeko zonse zoyenera zothanirana ndi tizilombo ndi matemba
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Credit taken to invest in farming is a good idea but farmers need to be assisted by extension staff to calculate gross-margins before getting such credit
Ngongole zotengedwa kuti zitukule ulimi ndi zabwino koma alimi ayenera kuthandizidwa ndi alangizi a zaulimi kuwerengera ndalama zofunika asanatenge ngongoleyo
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Apart from creating possibilities for rotation, strips can be planted with crops of different pest problems and weather tolerance as a safeguard against crop failure
Kuputula kuthekera kochita kasinthasintha, mizere ibzalidwe ndi mbeu zopilira mosiyana ku tizilombo ndi nyengo kuti titeteze mbeu kusachita bwino
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The majority of farmers find it very hard to carryout farm operations properly and timely by hand even with hired labour; the use of animal power and animal drawn implements such as tractors, ploughs, ridgers, cultivators and farm carts makes the work easier and faster
Alimi ambiri amavutika kugwira ntchito zakumunda moyenera komanso munthawi yake pogwiritsa ntchito manja ngakhale alembe atchito; kugwiritsa ntchito ziweto komanso zipangizo zokokedwa ndi ziweto monga zogaula, zopanga mizere, zozbalira ndi ngolo zonyamula katundu kumapeputsa ntchito ndipo imagwiridwa mwachangu
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Other farm implements such as sprayers, planters and wheelbarrows also help in farm operations and farmers should aim at acquiring these implements
Zipangizo zina monga zopopera mankhwala, zobzalira mbeu, ndi wilibala zimathandiza pantchito zakumunda ndipo alimi akhale ndi chidwi chopeza zipangizozi
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Credit taken to invest in farming is a good idea but farmers need to be assisted by extension staff to calculate gross-margins before getting such credit; this would assist in making decision on the amount of credit to get and how to make the most out of it
Ngongole zotengedwa kuti zitukule ulimi ndi zabwino koma alimi ayenera kuthandizidwa ndi alangizi a zaulimi kuwerengera ndalama zofunika asanatenge ngongoleyo; izi zingawathandize kupanga ziganizo choyenera pa kuchuluka kwa ndalama zongongola komanso kagwiritsidwe ntchito kuti apeze phindu lambiri
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Crop diversification is the growing of more than one crop by a farmer within the same season or year
Kubzala mbeu zosiyanasiyana kukutanthauza kubzala mbeu zopitilira mtundu umodzi munyengo imodzi kapena chaka chimodzi
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Where more than one crop is grown in the season, the farmer reduces the risk of total loss of food supply and cash return in the event of some of the crops failing, and also takes care of commodity price fluctuations
Pomwe mbeu zopitilira mtundu umodzi zabzalidwa munyengo imodzi, alimi amachepetsa chiopsezo chosakolola zakudya kapena kusapeza ndalama ngati mbeu zina sidzinachite bwino, ndipo izi zimathandiza kuti mitengo ya zokolola isamasinthesinthe
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Diversification towards more exportable high value crops such as chillies, tobacco and macadamia also helps farmers realize more cash income, and thus improve their farming while earning foreign exchange into the country
Kuchulukitsa kubzala mbeu zogulitsa kumayiko akunja zamitengo yokwera monga tsabola, fodya, mtedza wamakadamia zimathandizanso alimi kupeza ndalama zochuluka ndipo zimatukula ulimi kwinaku akuthandiza dziko kupeza ndalama za maiko akunja
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Mixed cropping or intercropping is the growing of more than one crop on the same piece of land
Kubzala mbeu mwakasakaniza kumatanthauza kubzala mbeu zopitilila mtundu umodzi pamalo amodzi
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Farmers should be encouraged to grow more than one crop in order to harvest more in the same season
Alimi alimbikitsidwe kubzala mbeu zopitilira mtundu umodzi kuti adzikolola zochuluka munyengo imodzi
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Agroforestry is a collective term for farming system where trees crops and animals are managed on the same piece of land
Ulimi ndi zankhalango ndi ndondomeko zomwe mitengo ndi ziweto zimasungidwa pamalo amodzi
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The inclusion of tree such as leucaena (Tephrosia vogelli) and msangu (Faidhebia albida) in the farming system is an important part of integrated land use
Kuphatikiza mitengo monga luecaena ndi msangu mu ndondomeko za ulimi ndi njira yofunikira ya kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka nthaka
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Trees can meet a variety of farmer’s needs as well as contribute directly to the improvement of soil and micro-climatic conditions on the farm
Mitengo imapezetsa alimi zofuna zawo zosiyanasiyana komanso imathandiza kubwezeretsa mphamvu kumthaka ndi zinthu zina zofunika munthaka
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Both local and exotic breeds are suited and survive in Malawi. The local breeds are suited and survive in Malawi’s environmental conditions but production levels are below those of exotic breeds
Mitundu yachilengedwe ndi yobwera zimalola m'Malawi muno. Mitundu yachilengedwe imagwirizana kwambiri ndi nyengo ya mMalawi muno koma simachita bwino kuposa mitundu yobwera
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Crossbred animals and poultry perform better than local breeds, but below those of exotic breeds
Mitundu ya ziweto ndi nkhuku zokwatitsa kuchokera kumitundu ina zimachita bwino kuposa zamakolo koma sidziposa mitundu yobwera
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Smallholder farmers are encouraged to keep local and cross-breeds because exotic breeds require high levels of management
Alimi ang'onoang'ono akulimbikitsidwa kusunga mitundu yamakolo komanso zokwatitsa chifukwa mitundu yobwera imalira kusamala mwapamwamba
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Different classes of livestock suffer from a number of diseases in various parts of the country, which reduce their productivity
Mitundu yosiyana ya ziweto imadwala matenda osiyanasiyana mmadera a mdziko muno zomwe zimachepetsa kuchulukana kwawo
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Some diseases affect specific classes while other affects different species of livestock. Some of the livestock diseases can be transmitted to and infect human beings
Matenda ena amagwira mitundu yokhazikika yaziweto pamene ena amagwira mitundu yosiyanasiyana yaziweto. Ena mwa matenda a ziweto amapatsirana ndi anthu
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Zoonotic diseases include rabies, brucellosis, stomach intestinal worms, tuberculosis and fungal infections. In general, diseased livestock do not eat well, lose body condition and die
Matenda opatsirana pakati pa nyama ndi anthu ndi monga chiwewe, vuto lobereka kunyama, njoka zammimba, chifuwa chachikulu ndi matenda ena. Kwambiri ziweto zogwidwa ndi matenda sidzimadya mokwanira, zimawonda komanso kufa
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Disease incidences can be minimized through dipping, vaccinations, treatments, good pasture grazing management, meat inspection and restriction in movement of livestock
Kupezeka kwa matenda kungachepe podzisambitsa mankhwala, kudzibaya katemera, kudyetsa moyenera, kuoima nyama komanso kuchepetsa kuyenda kwa ziweto
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These measures will reduce the risk of contracting specific diseases for both livestock and human beings
Njira izi zichepetsa chiopsezo chopatsirana matenda pakati pa ziweto komanso ndi anthu
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Farmers are encouraged to improve the quality of their livestock through good management. They are also encouraged to identify markets, which can give them the best returns from their investment in livestock
Alimi akulimbikitsidwa kukuza thanzi la ziweto zawo potsatira ndondomeko zabwino zakasamalidwe. Akulimbikitsidwanso kuti apeze misika imene ingawapezetse phindu lochuluka pa ziweto zawo
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Where there is potential for irrigation, efforts should be made to utilize irrigable land. In addition to increasing crop yields, irrigation helps reduce the risk of crop failure because of drought and prolonged spells
Pamene pali kuthekera kochita mthilira, alimi ayesetse kugwiritsa ntchito minda yomwe angathe kuthilira. Pamwamba pochulukitsa zokolola, mthilira umathandiza kuchepetsa kusachita bwino kwa mbeu pamene kuli chilala ndi ng'amba
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Irrigation also assists in livestock production through provision of supplementary water for pasture production as well as drinking water for animals
Mthilira umathandiza pa ulimi wa ziweto popeleka madzi owonjezera paulimi wa chakudya chaziweto komanso madzi akumwa ziweto
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Proper water management is complementary to good husbandry practices and farmers should be encouraged to manage their water in order to realize increased yields
Kusamala madzi moyenera kumathandizira pa ulimi wabwino ndipo alimi akulimbikitsidwa kugwiritsa ntchito moyenera kuti apeze zokolola zochuluka
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Sustainable agricultural production in Malawi depends on the rational use of the natural resources in particular soil and water
Ulimi wabwino mMalawi muno umadalira kagwiritsidwe ntchito koyenera ka zinthu zachilengedwe makamaka nthaka ndi madzi
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Poor soil and water management in agriculture results in poor growth and yield for a number of crop enterprises
Kasamalidwe kosayenera ka nthaka ndi madzi pa ulimi zimazetsa kusakula bwino kwa mbeu ndi kuchepetsa zokolola pa mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya mbeu
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Farmers should be encouraged to manage water and soils and as an important resources in agriculture as a livelihood strategy for the present and future generations
Alimi akuyenera kulimbikitsdiwa kusamala madzi ndi dothi komanso ngati zinthu zofunikira paulimi wa m'bado uno ndi wamtsgolo
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Malawi’s agricultural production is currently threatened by an increasing demand on its natural resource base due to expanding human population
Ntchito zaulimi ku Malawi zili pachiopsezo chifukwa chakukula kwa kufunika kwa zinthu zachilengedwe potsatira kukula kwa chiwerengero cha anthu
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Soil erosion and declining soil fertility under continuous cultivation are increasingly becoming serious land degradation problems in the country
Kukoloka kwa nthaka komanso kuchepa kwa chonde munthaka potsatira kulima kowirikiza pamalo amodzi zikuonjezera vuto lakuonongeka kwa nthaka mdziko muno
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Current farming systems are characterized by continuous growing of crops on the same piece of land, cultivation of unsuitable areas such as steep slopes and river banks, making of ridges along the slopes, overgrazing and burning of crop residues
Njira zaulimi za masiku ano zimadziwika ndi kulima mbewu motsadukiza pamalo amodzi, kubzala malo osayenera monga malo otsetsereka kwambiri ndi mmbali mwa mitsinje, kupanga mizere potsatira kutsetsereka kwa malo, kudyetsa ziweto malo amodzi mowirikiza komanso kuotcha zotsalira za mbeu
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These inappropriate land use and management practices result in increased surface run-off, soil erosion and destruction of catchment areas
Njira zosayenera zakagwiritsidwe ntchito ndi kasamalidwe ka malo zawonjezera kuthamanga kwa madzi, kukokoloka kwa nthaka komanso kuonongeka kwa chilengedwe
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On average the country is losing about 29 tonnes of soil per hectare per year, which has negative impact on the crop yields
Pakatikati, dziko lino likutaya ma tani 29 a nthaka pa hekitala chaka chilichonse, zomwe zabwezeretsa mbuyo makololedwe
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It is therefore recommended to refer to this soil rate because it supports government efforts in developing the requisite control measures
Motero nkoyenera kumatsatira mlingo wa dothi chifukwa zikuthandizira boma kukonza ndondomeko zosamalira
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Recommended crop and animal husbandry practices supported by properly designed, constructed and maintained physical conservation structures are the most effective means of minimizing land degradation caused by soil erosion
Ndondomeko zoyenera za kasamalidwe ka mbeu ndi ziweto kothandizidwa ndi zipangizo zotetezera chilengedwe zokonzedwa, kumangidwa ndi kusamalidwa bwino ndi zokhazo zomwe zingachepetse kuonongeka kwa nthaka kobwera chifukwa cha kukoloka kwa dothi
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Climate change is any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity; Malawi’s economy is agro-based and majority of Malawians who depend on rain-fed agriculture are adversely affected by climate change
Kusintha kwa nyengo ndi kusintha kulikonse pa nyengo kwa nthawi yayitali, kaya chifukwa cha kusintha kwa chilengedwe kapena chifukwa cha zochitika za anthu; chuma cha Malawi chimadalira ulimi ndipo amalawi ambiri omwe amadalira ulimi wa mvula akhudzidwa ndi kusintha kwa nyengo
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For the agriculture sector in Malawi, it is the changes in rainfall regimes that will be a dominant climate factor affecting agricultural production
Kumbali ya ulimi mmalawi muno, ndikusintha kumeneku kwa kagwedwe ka mvula komwe kukhale kusintha kwa nyengo kwakukulu kosokoneza ntchito za ulimi
agriculture document
The changes in rainfall patterns will have great consequences on soil surface run-off, soil erosion, soil-water availability, floods, droughts, groundwater recharge and storage, water quality, water demands for irrigation, crop and domestic uses and a whole range of other environmental and economic activities
Kusintha pakagwedwe ka mvula kudzakhala ndi zotsatira zake zoyipa pa madzi othamanga mdothi, kukokoloka kwa dothi, kupezeka kwa madzi mdothi, kusefukira kwa madzi, chilala, kutuluka kwa madzi pansi pa mthaka komanso kusungika, ubwino wa madzi, kufunika kwa madzi ogwiritsa ntchito za mthilira, mbewu ndi ntchito zapakhomo ndipo ngati ntchito zonse zokhuza chilengedwe ndi zachuma
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A number of responses to these changes have already been identified and are being implemented and these include development of policies and strategies to address climate change, development of programmes and projects to respond to the problems of climate change, commissioned studies for in-depth understanding of the impacts of climate change on agriculture and identification of interventions to address the impacts, increased participation in and to climate change related, increased awareness/sensitization/campaigns on climate change and mitigation measures and implementation of activities to adapt/mitigate impacts of climate change
Mayankho angapo kuzovuta zimenezi apezeka ndipo akukwaniritsa ndipo awa ndi monga kukonza mfundo ndi njira zothanirana ndi kusintha kwa nyengo, kukonza ntchito zokonza mavuto a kusintha kwa nyengo, kuchita kafukufuku wofuna kumvetsetsa mwakuya kuyipa kwa kusintha kwa nyengo pa ulimi ndikupeza njira zothanirana ndi kuyipako, kuchulukitsa kutengapo mbali pa zonse zokhuza kusintha kwa nyengo, kuchulukitsa kuzindikiritsa anthu za kusintha kwa nyengo ndi njira zochepetsera ululu komanso kugwira ntchito zochepetsa ululu wodza kamba kakusintha kwa nyengo
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To adapt to increasing weather variability and climate change, farmers will have to change their management practices in a number of ways – for example, how they grow their crops, manage soils and water
Pofuna kupilira ndikusintha kwa nyengo, alimi ayenera kusintha kayendetsedwe ka ntchito zawo munjira zingapo- mwachitsanzo, mmene amalimira mbewu zawo, kusamala dothi ndi madzi
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Environmental and Social Safeguards are important in that they guide the land users in identification of potential impacts of their activities to the environment as well as developing mitigation measures which are outlined in an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
Njira zoteteza chilengedwe ndi anthu ndizofunika kwambiri chifukwa zimaongolera ogwiritsa ntchito malo kuzindikira mmene ntchito zawo zingakhudzire chilengedwe komanso kukonza njira zochepetsera ululu zomwe zimayikidwa mu ndondomeko zosamalira zachilengedwe ndi anthu
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In order to understand how best the land can be utilized, it is necessary to identify its physical, biological and chemical characteristics
Pofuna kumvetsetsa mmene malo angagwiritsidwe ntchito bwino, ndikofunika kuzindikira zinthu zomwe sizamoyo, zamoyo zonse komanso michere yake
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These characteristics give an indication of the limitations as well as capabilities of the land to support a particular land use
Zinthu zodzindikirtsa zimenezi zimapeleka chisonyezo pakupelewera komanso kuthekera kwa malowo kuthandizira ntchito yapamalopo
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Most of the recommended crop husbandry practices fall under biological conservation measures and they include early garden preparation, timely planting, correct plant population, intercropping and relay cropping, crop rotation, application of organic and inorganic fertilizers and use of crop residues
Zina mwa njira zovomerezeka zakasamalidwe ka mbewu zili pansi pa njira zoteteza zamoyo ndipo zikuphatikiza kukonza minda mofulumira, kubzala mofulimira, kutsata kuthithikana kwa mbewu koyenera, kulima mwakasanika komanso mopasirana mbewu, kulima mwakasinthasintha, kuthira manyowa komanso feteleza ndi kugwiritsa ntchito zotsalira za mbewu
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Other biological measures are afforestation, control of bush fires, rotational grazing, vetiver planting, and live fencing while physical conservation measures include bunds, waterways, terraces, storm water drains, contour marker ridges, planting ridges, infiltration pits, swales and box ridges
Njira zina zoteteza zamoyo ndi kubzala mitengo, kuthana ndi moto wolusa mtchire, kudyetsa zoweto mwakasinthasintha, kubzala vetiver ndi kuyika mpanda wamoyo pamene kusamala potsata njira zomwe sizamoyo kukuphatikiza kukonza milambala, njira zodutsa madzi, ma terrace, ngalande, milambala, akalodzera, mize yobzala mbewu, mayenje okololera madzi, migulo komansi mabokosi
agriculture document
The Land Resources Conservation Department promotes communal catchment conservation and integrated approach to land use; whereby farmers produce crops, trees and livestock on the same piece of land
Mthambi ya Land Resource Conservation imalimbikitsa kusamala zachilengedwe pagulu ndipo kugwiritsa ntchito njira zosakaniza zosamalira malo, pomwe alimi akulima mbewu, mitengo komanso ziweto pamalo amodzi
agriculture document
Efforts in catchment conservation are made against a number of challenges which include overgrazing, indiscriminate felling of trees, uncontrolled bush fires, the practice of slash and burn (visoso) and cultivation of stream banks and must be discouraged in all areas
Ntchito zofuna kuteteza malo zikuchitika pamwamba pamavuto omwe ndi monga kudyetsa ziweto pamalo amodzi mopitilira muyezo, kudula mitengo mosalabada, moto wolusa, kulima mumkhalango pogwetsa ndi kuotcha mitengo (visoso) komanso kubzala mbewu mphepete mwa mitsinje ndipo zikuyenera kudzudzulidwa mmadera onse
agriculture document
Special care must be taken in the use of marginal areas such as steep slopes, with poor and shallow soils and stream banks
kasamalidwe kapadera kayenera kutsatidwa pogwiritsa ntchito malo ovuta kulima monga minda yotsetsereka kwambiri, yomwe ili ndi dothi loyipa komanso lochepa ndi mphepete mwa mitsinje
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These areas are suitable for afforestation and may be sources of firewood, timber and poles
Madera amenewa ndiwoneyera kubzala mitengo ndipo akhoza kukhala kopezera nkhuni, matabwa ndi milimo
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Forest reserves and game parks have been instituted to protect some of these areas which have an important role of preserving our natural heritage
Mkhalango ndi malo osungira zinyama otetezedwa zakhadzikitsidwa pofuna kuteteza ena mwa malowa omwe ali ndi kufunikira kwakukulu poteteza zachilengedwe
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In order to achieve sustainable land and water management, it is recommended that a number of practices be adopted by farmers in the country
Pofuna kukwaniritsa kasamalidwe ka malo ndi madzi kosaononga chilengedwe, ndikoyenera kuti ntchito zingapo zidzichitidwa ndi alimi mdziko muno
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These are soil and water conservation, soil fertility improvement and agroforestry, conservation agriculture, and rainwater harvesting
Izi ndi monga kuteteza dothi ndi madzi, kuwonjezera chonde mdothi ndi kulima mitengo yobweretsa chonde mminda, ulimi wa mtayakhasu komanso kukolola madzi
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Soil and water conservation means the protection, maintenance, rehabilitation, restoration and enhancement of soil and water resources
Kuteteza dothi ndi madzi kukutanthauza kuteteza, kusamala, kukonza, kubwezeretsa komanso kukweza ntchito za dothi ndi madzi
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Soil erosion is one of the common problems faced by farmers due to poor soil and water conservation practices
Kukokoloka kwa dothi ndi amodzi mwa mavuto omwe alimi akukumana nawo chifukwa cha chosateteza moyenera dothi ndi madzi
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Soil erosion is the detachment and movement of soil particles from one place to another by raindrop impact, surface run-off, wind and landslides
Kukokoloka kwa dothi ndi kusiyana komanso kuyenda kwa ziduswa za dothi kuchoka malo amodzi kupita kwina chifukwa cha madzi, kuthamanga kwa madzi pamthaka, mphepo ndi kutsetsera kwa matope mmapiri
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Soil and water conservation includes management and use of such resources to ensure sustainability
Kuteteza nthaka ndi madzi zikuphatikiza kusamala komanso kugwiritsa ntchito zinthu zonga izi moyenera kuti zipitilire kupezeka
agriculture document
These practices at farm level have the following benefits:- Reduction of run-off and soil erosion; Conservation of soil moisture for plant; growth; improved crop and pasture yields; Increased ground water supplies; Reduced siltation and flooding
Zochitika izi pa munda zili ndi ubwino wotsatirawu: kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi komanso kukoloka kwa dothi; kusunga chinyezi ku mbeu; kuchulikitsa zokolola komanso zakudya za ziweto; kuwonjezera kupezeka kwa madzi pansi padothi; kuchepetsa kukwilirika ndi kusefukira kwa mitsinje
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Biological conservation practices aim at maintaining good ground cover in order to protect the land from rain-drop impact and run-off, and build up soil organic matter for soil structure improvement.
Kuteteza zamoyo kumafuna kusamala zomera zophimba mthaka ndi cholinga chofuna kuteteza dothi ku mvula ndi madzi othamanga, komanso kuchulukitsa chonde mumthaka kuti dothi likahle labwino
agriculture document
Maintenance of good ground cover on gardens through recommended crop husbandry practices and preservation of grasses, trees and litter on uncultivated land, should be promoted
Kusunga zomera zophimba dothi mminda potsatira njira zovomerezeka za ulimi wa mbewu komanso kusunga udzu, mitengo ndi zinyalala mmalo omwe sanabzalidwe mbewu kulimbikitsidwe
agriculture document
Manure and crop residues should be used to improve soil fertility, structure and water holding capacity
Manyowa ndi zotsalira za mbewu zigwiritsidwe ntchito pochulukitsa chonde mdothi, kukonza dothi komanso kuthekera kosunga madzi
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Integration of trees/shrubs with crops and or livestock enhances conservation of soil and water resources through root binding of soil particles, improved canopy and leaf biomass fall that increases soil organic matter
Kuphatikiza mitengo/mafutu ndi mbewu kapane ziweto kumathandiza kuteteza dothi ndi madzi kudzera mitsitsi kumanga dothi, kupeleka mthunzi komanso masamba amagwera pansi ndikuwonjezera chonde mdothi
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The grass strips should be planted with suitable trees such as Gliricidia, fruit trees and crops such as bananas and pigeon peas that provide good ground cover and are beneficial to farmers
Mizere ya udzu ibzalidwe mmalo ndi mitengo yoyenera monga Gliricidia, mitengo yazipatso ndi mbewu monga nthochi ndi nandolo zomwe zimaphimba dothi komanso ndizopindulits akwa alimi
agriculture document
All land with a slope of 2% and above requires physical conservation measures. These should be properly constructed and regularly maintained
Malo onse otsetsereka ndi 2% kapena kuposa apa akusowa kuwateteza ndi njira zomwe sizamoyo. Adzikonzedwa ndi kusamalidwa pafupipafupi
agriculture document
Some of the recommended physical conservation practices are contour ridging, tied/ box ridging, gully reclamation, raised footpaths, field boundaries, stream-bank protection and contour vegetation strips
Zina mwa ndondomeko zovomerezeka zosamalira malo ndi kukonza akalodzera, mabokosi, kukwilira ngalande, kukonza njira zokwera, kuyika malire mminda, kuteteza mphepete mwa mitsinje kubzala zomera mu akalodzera
agriculture document
Contour ridging is the practice of making ridges and realigning them along areas of similar height(contour) in a field
Kukonza akalodzera ndi mchitidwe wolima mizere ndi kuyiwongolera kuti ikhale pamalo okwera mofanana mmunda
agriculture document
Contour ridging should be promoted in order to enhance water retention and contour marker ridges should be used in aligning planting ridges
Kukonza akalodzera kulimbikitsidwe ndi cholinga chofuna kuwonjezera kasungidwe kamadzi ndipo akalodzera agwiritsidwe ntchito powongolera mizere yoyika mbewu
agriculture document
Since few farmers cultivate on the contour, ridges tend to channel water out of the fields in an uncontrolled manner, which aggravates surface run-off and erosion
Pakuti alimi ochepa amalima ndi akalodzera, mizere imataya madzi kuchoka mminda mopanda zopinga, zimene zimawonjezera kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukoloka kwa dothi
agriculture document
Contour ridging is a simple practice to reduce such impacts. To do this, peg and construct contour marker ridges as guides to re-align planting ridges. Marker ridges are best made during the dry season (soon after harvest).
Kukonza akalodzera ndi mtchitidwe wosavuta wochepetsa mavutowa. Pofuna kuchita izi, konzani milambala kuti ikhale kalodzera woongolera mizere ya mbewu. Akalodzera amakonzeka bwino nthawi yadzuwa pambuyo pakukolola
agriculture document
Several instruments are used in marking contour lines. The low cost instruments are the A-Frame, line level and Phiri-Lino Frame
Zida zambiri zimagwiritsidwa ntchito pokonza akalodzera. Zida zotsika mtengo ndi monga A-frame, line level ndi Phiri-Lino frame
agriculture document
These instruments are simple to use and therefore should be promoted. Other instruments such as dumpy, quickset and Abney levels require advanced skills
Zida zimenezi ndizosavta kugwiritsa ntchito choncho zilimbikitsidwe. Zida zina monga dumpy, quickset ndi Abney levels zimafuna luso lapadera
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The line level is a relatively cheap, quick and accurate tool in marking contour lines. It consists of a miniature spirit level that hangs from a taut string between two poles
Line level ndiyotsika mtengo, yachangu komanso yolondola popanga akalodzera. Ili ndi spirit level yaying'ono kwambiri yomwe imakolekedwa pa chingwe chokungika kwambiri pakati pa dondo ziwiri
agriculture document
Details of its materials, construction and use are as follows:- line level, 5m of string, 2 sturdy sticks, 1.6-2.0m long with flat ends, 1 knife, Pegs to mark contour lines
Tsatanetsatene wa zinthu zake, kapangidwe komanso kagwiritsidwe ntchito zili motere: line level, chingwe cha 5m, ndodo ziwiri zolimba zotalika 1.6-2.0m zokhala ndi kumapeto kosapendekeka, mpeni umodzi, zintchiri zoyikira zizindikiro za kalodzera
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Trim the ends of the sticks to make them flat. Then place them upright on level ground, preferably the floor of a building
Dulani kumapeto kwa ndodo kuti kukhale kosapendekeka. Imitsani chatsonga pabwalo, makamaka pabwalo mnyumba
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Cut a groove around each stick at exactly the same height (about1.2 to 1.6m or chest level to make reading easy)
Kumbani ngalande kuzungulira ndodo iliyonse pamtunda wofanana wa 1.2m mpaka 1.6m kapena pachifuwa kuti kuwerengera kusamavute
agriculture document
Hang the line level centrally on the string and tie a note on each end of the level to stop it from sliding
Kolekani line level pakatikati pachingwe ndipo mangani mfundo mbali zonse ziwiri za line level kuti isasunthe
agriculture document
Tie the string ends in the groove of each stick. Set the 2 sticks upright on a level surface (e.g., floor) with the string tight
Mangani mapeto a zingwe mkhosi mwa ndodo. Imitsani ndodo ziwirizo moloza mmwamba pamalo osapendeka ndipo chingwe chikungike
agriculture document
Mark their exact positions on the floor and read the line level then switch the positions of the sticks and read the level again
Ikani chizindikiro pansi pomwe pali ndodopo ndipo onani line level kenako sinthani poyika ndondo ndukuonanso line level
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