8 values
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The team then moves down slope from the first contour line. The interval depends on the slope of the field, i.e. 20m apart for gentle slopes, 15m for medium slopes and 10m steep slopes
Tsopano anthuwo atsike mmunsi kuchokera pa mlambala woyamba. Kutalika kutengera kutsetsereka kwa malo mwachitsanzo, malo otsetsereka pang'ono milambala italikirane 20m, 15m pamalo otsetsereka pakatikati ndi 10m malo otsetsereka kwambiri
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Trim ends of the two 3m sticks to make them flat and tie or nail their tops together
Dulani kumapeto kwa ndodo ziwiri zotalika 3m kuti kukhale thyathyathya ndipo mangani kapena khomani mmwamba mwake pamodzi
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Then tie or nail the crossbar to the upright sticks 1m from the bottom to form an A shape
Kenako mangani kapena khomani mtengo mopingasa ku ndodozo 1m kuchoka pansi kuti mupange A
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Hang a string from the top of the two upright sticks with a stone tied to the end so that it hangs 5-10cm below the crossbar
Kolekani chingwe kuchokera pamwamba pa ndodo ziwirizo mutamanga mwala mbali ina yachingweyo kuti chikhale mmelele 5-10cm kunsi kwa mtengo wopingasa
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Place the A-frame on a level surface (e.g. floor). Let the string settle, then mark the exact spot where it crosses the horizontal stick
Imitsani A pamalo osapendeka. Dikirani mpaka chingwe chitaima, ikani chizindikiro pamalo pomwe chingwe chadutsa mtengo wopingasawo
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Mark the exact positions of the 2 upright sticks on the floor. Then switch the positions of the frame legs
Ikani chizindikiro mmalo momwe ndodo ziwiri zinayima. Sinthani malo oyimitsa miyendo ya A
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If the calibration is correct, the string will hang precisely over the centre point. The A-frame is perfectly level when the string hangs precisely over this center point
Ngati kuwerengera ndikolondola, chingwe chiima nokhazikika pa pakatikati pa chizindikiro. A-frame imakhala katikati pamene chingwe chayima pakati penipeni
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If the string is not perfectly centred both times, check that:- the floor is level, and the frame is tied securely. Adjust the set up as needed
Ngati chingwe sichili pakatikati nthawi zonse ziwiri, onetsetsani kuti: pansi ndiposatsereka, frame yamangidwa molimba. Konzani zinthu moyenera
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Choose calm days for using the A-frame as wind affects the position of the hanging stone
Sankhani masiku a bata ogwiritsa ntchito A-frame chifukwa mphepo imasokoneza mayendedwe a mwala wolendewerawo
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Start pegging the field about 20m below the upper corner. Insert a peg at the starting point of the line, and position one leg of the A-frame next to it.
Yambani kuyika zitchiri mmunda 20m kuyandikira mbuto yakumtunda. Khomani chitchiri poyambilira pa chingwe, ndipo imitsani mwendo umodzi wa A-frame moyandikiza
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Avoid holes and depressions or stones, ridges and humps. Handle anthills as described before under the line level
Pewani mayenje, motsika kapena miyala, mizere ndi zitunda. Muchite ndi chulu monga mmene tafotokozera kale pa line level
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Holding this leg in place, move the other one up or down slope until the string hangs precisely over the mark on the cross pole
Mutayimitsa mwendo umodzi osasuntha, yendetsani mwendi winawo pokweza kapena kutsika mpaka chingwe chikadzikike pakatikati pomwe pali chizindikiro
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While holding the second leg in place, pivot the first one round and move it up or down slope until the string hangs exactly over the mark again
Mutagwirabe mwendo wachiwiriwo osasuntha, zungulitsani woyambawo ndipo muwukweze kapena kutsika mpaka chingwe chikhazikike pakatikati a chizindikiro
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Continue pivoting across the slope until you reach the end of the field, pegging the position of the legs as you go
Pitirizani kuyendetsa pamalo otsetserekawo mpaka mutafika kumapeto a mundawo, mukukhoma zitchiri pamene mukuyenda
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Move down the slope to the next contour line. The interval of which depends on the slope of the field (see “Using the level in the field” under The Line Level and its use)
Tsikani mmunsi kupita pa mlambala wina. Kutalika kwake kumatengera kutsetsereka kwa munda (onani "kugwiritsa ntchito level mmunda" pomwe akukamba za Line level ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito kake)
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The Phiri-Lino frame was designed by a Malawian farmer, Mr Jeremiya Phiri of Chijere Village, Nkhata Bay District, in Mzuzu ADD
Frame ya Phiri-Lino inapangidwa ndi mlimi waku Malawi, Mr Jeremiya Phiri a mmudzi mwa Chijere, m'boma la Nkhata Bay, pansi pa Mzuzu ADD
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Trim the ends of the two 3m poles to make them flat and tie or nail their tops together
Dulirani kumapeto kwa mitengo yotalika 3m kuti kukhale kosapendeka ndipo mangani kapena kukhoma mbali yakumwambako
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Tie the 2.5m poles across the other 2 poles about 1m from the bottom to form an A shape
Mangani mitengo yotalika 2.5m mopingasa pa mitengo ina iwiriyo 1m kuchokera pansi kuti mupange A
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Above it tie the 2m cross stick parallel to the other one to make the frame strong
Pamwamba pake mangani mtengo wa 2m wopingasa motsatira woyambayo kuti frame ikhale yamphamvu
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Ensure that the bottom ends of the uprights are as far apart as possible to increase the inter-peg distance
Onetsetsani kuti kunsi kwa mitengo yoyimilira yatalikirana ndithu kuti mtunda pakati pa miyendo ikhale wotalika
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Cut a groove around each of the 3m sticks at exactly the same height above the ground halfway between the 2 cross sticks
Ikani khosi kuzungulira mytengo uliwonse wa 3m pamalo ofanana kuchokera pansi ndi katikati ya mitengo iwiri yopingasa
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Tie the ends of the string in each groove. Hang the level between 2 knots in the center of the string to stop it from sliding
Mangani mapeto a chingwe mkhosi mwa mtengomo. Kolekani choyezerachi pakati pa mfundo ziwiri pakatikati pa chingwe kuti chisiye kuyendayenda
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Test the operation of the equipment by following the steps for the line level
Yesani chidachi ngati chikugwira ntchito potsatira ndondomeko za line level
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Do not smooth contour lines on irregular terrain as it could cause runoff problems
Musasalaritse milambala pamalo osadikha chifukwa ikhoza kuyambitsa mavuto oyenda madzi
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When pegging across paths, gullies, anthills and streams shorten the string with the line level to half of its length (about 2.5m) to reduce the pegging interval for accuracy
Pamene mukukhoma zitchiri modutsa anthu, mungalande, pachulu kapena mumtsinje, fupikisani chingwe kufika theka pogwiritsa ntchito line level (pafupifupi 2.5m) kuti muchepetse mtunda wokhoma zitchiri pofuna kuyeza molondola
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Build the pegged contour line into a ridge. The marked ridges simply serve as guides to re-align planting ridges, and need not be bigger than other ridges if they are clearly marked
Kwezerani momwe mwakhomedwa zitchiri kuti mupange mulambala. Mizere yomwe yayikidwa zizindikiro imathandiza ngati kalodzera popanga mizere ya mbeu, ndipo siyenera kukula kuposa mizere ina ngati yayikidwa zozindikiritsa moyenera
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After marker ridges are built, align planting ridges parallel to them. Use two marker ridges to align the area between them
Pambuyo pokonza mizere ya kalodzera, konzani mizere ya mbeu mofanana ndi kalodzerayu. Gwiritsani ntchito mizere iwiri ya kalodzera popanga mizere ya mbeu imene pamalo omwe ali pakati pawo
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Align the top half of the area to the top marker ridge, and the bottom half to the lower marker ridge. This allows half ridges or wedges to be in the middle
Konzani mizere yakumtunda potsatira kalodzera wakumtundayo ndipo ya mmunsi polondola kalodzera wammunsiyo. Izi zimathandiza kuti mizere yothera mmalere ikhale pakati
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In areas of low rainfall and where erratic rains are experienced, box ridging should be practiced to catch and conserve rain water so as to ensure adequate soil moisture for crops
Madera omwe mvula imagwa yochepa komanso komwe mvula imagwa mwanjomba, ikani mabokosi mmizere kuti adzikolola ndi kusunga madzi a mvula ndi cholinga choonetsetsa kuti pali chinyezi chokwanira ku mbeu
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Build tied/box ridges across planting ridges to create “micro catchments” to increase water infiltration and to reduce erosion
Ikani mabokosi mopingasa mizere yobzala mbeu kuti tipange malo okololera madzi ang'onoang'ono kuti madzi olowa munthaka achuluke komanso kukoloka kwa nthaka kuchepe
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Tied/box ridges are best suited on land with contour ridges. They are also effective where ridges have not been realigned
Mabokosi ndiwoneyera malo omwe pali milambala. Amagwiranso ntchito bwino ngakhale pomwe mizere sinakonzedwe potsatira akalodzera
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Construct tied/box ridges across the entire furrow perpendicular to planting ridges, but slightly lower to allow spill over
Konzani mabokosi pamalo onse otsika, mopingasa mizere ya mbeu, koma ikhale yotsikirako pang'ono kuti madzi adzitha kuyendelera
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Space them 1-3m apart depending on the terrain and rate of water flow within the field
Ikhale pamtunda wa 1-3m kutengera ndi mmene malowo alili komanso kathamangidwe kamadzi mmundamo
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Move to the next furrow and repeat step 1 but locate the tied/box ridges halfway between those in the previous furrow. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the whole field is covered
Pitani pamalo otsatira otsika ndipo bwerezani ndondomeko yoyamba koma muyike mabokosi pakatikati pa mabokosi omwe mwapanga kale. Bwerezani ndondomeko yoyamba ndi yachiwiri mpaka mumalize munda wonse
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Gullies are among the most severe forms of erosion in Malawi. They affect not only farmland, but also settlements, grazing land, streams/rivers, wetlands, roads, and bridges
Ngalande ndi umodzi mwa mitundu yakukokola kotheratu kwa dothi mMalawi. Zimakhuza osati malo olima okha ayi komanso malo okhala, odyetsera ziweto, mitsinje, madambo, miseu ndi milatho
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Gully formation is aggravated by cultivating steep slopes and stream banks, ridging off contour, use of unraised footpaths and field boundaries, overgrazing around water points and dip tanks, land clearing and deforestation, poorly constructed roads, dam spillways and physical conservation measures
Kupangika kwa ngalande kumakula pobzala mbeu malo otsika kwambiri ndi mmphepete mwa mitsinje, kupanga mizere mosatsatira akalodzera, kugwiritsa ntchito njira zoyendamo ndi malire a munda otsika, kudyetsa mopyola muyezo mbali mwa zitsime ndi malo osambitsa ziweto, kusosa minda ndi kudula mitengo mosasamala, miseu yosamangidwa bwino, madzi otayika kuchoka malo osungira madzi ndi njira zina zoteteza kukokoloka kwa nthaka
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The best way to prevent gully formation is to promote appropriate land use practices that increase water infiltration and reduce runoff
Njira yabwino kupewa kupanga ngalande ndi kupititsa patsogolo njira zoyenera zakagwiritsidwe ntchito ka malo zomwe zimawonjezera kuti madzi alowe pansi ndi kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi
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Recommended measures include contour and tied/box ridges, raised footpaths and field boundaries, vegetative barriers on contour and tree planting
Njira zovomerezeka zikuphatikiza kukonza akalodzera/milambala ndi mabokisi, kukweza njira ndi mphepete mwa minda, kuyika mipanda yazomera pa milambala komanso kubzala mitengo
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Identify the cause(s) of the gully, then take proper remedial action before the problem worsens
Pezani zoyambitsa kukumbika kwa ngalande, kenako tsatirani ndondomeko zoyenera zokonza vutoli lisanakule
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Check dams of brushwood and bamboo are temporary structures that are easy to construct. They provide the first line of defense before planted vegetation becomes fully established
Zipangizo zotchinga madzi za mitengo kapena nsungwi ndi ndi zinthu zongoyembekezera zomwe sidzivuta kukonza. Zimapeleka chitetezo choyamba panthawi yomwe zomera sidzinakhazikike
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Footpaths and field boundaries can aggravate erosion leading to rills and gullies. Raising them above the level of the surrounding fields is a basic soil conservation practice to reduce run off and erosion
Njira zoyendamo ndi mphepete mwa minda mukhoza kukuza kukokoloka kwa nthaka ndikuyambitsa ngalande. Kukwezera kupyola muyeso wa malo ozungulira ndi njira yachidule yotetezera nthaka kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukokoloka kwa nthaka
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The practice is best suited to fields with contour ridges, and it can also be effective where this has not been done
Mchitidwewu ndi woyenera minda yomwe ili ndi akalodzera/milambala, ikhozanso kuthandiza pomwe izi sidzinachitike
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Stream banks are the most vulnerable land areas in Malawi. They have long been cultivated due to fertility from sediments deposited by regular flooding
Mphepete mwa mitsinje ndi malo omwe ali pali chiopsezo chachikulu ku Malawi. Mwakhala mukulimidwa kwanthawi yayitali chifukwa cha chonde chochokera ku dothi lomwe labwera ndi kusefukira kwa madzi
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Despite this, stream bank soils typically have low cohesion and hence are prone to degradation
Ngakhale zili chonchi, dothi la mphepete mwa mitsinje limagwirana mochepa ndipo nkosavuta kuwonongeka
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Protection is vital to stabilize stream flow and to reduce the risk of flooding, siltation, landslides and loss of arable land
Chitetezo ndi chofunika kuti chichepetse kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kuchepetsa chiopzezo chosefukira, kukwililika kwa mtsinje, matope ndi kuonongeka kwa malo olima
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Prevention is the simplest and best form of protection. Ideally, stream banks should not be cultivated but left to natural vegetation, which provides more permanent and reliable protection than physical structures
Kupewa ndi chitetezo chokhacho chosavuta komanso chabwino. Mphepete mwa mtsinje simukuyenera kulimidwa koma mukhale zomera zachilengedwe zomwe zimapeleka chitetezo chodalilika nthawi zonse kuposa zinthu zina zoyikidwa
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Planted grasses and trees are good alternatives where vegetation has been cleared for cultivation or other reasons
Udzu wobzalidwa ndi mitengo ikhoza kugwira ntchito mmalo mwake pamene tchire lachotsedwa kuti pabzalidwe mbeu kapena pazifukwa zina
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Ways on how to establish vegetation along stream banks are as follows: Demarcate a strip along the stream channel to cover the banks about 5m side either side for small streams and 10-20 m for big rivers
Njira zokhadzikitsira zomera mphepete mwa mtsinje zili motere: Ikani malire motsatira mtsinje kuti liphimbe mbali mwa mtsinje motalika 5m mbali zonse za mtsinje kwa mitsinje yaying'ono kapena 10-20m ngati mitsinje ili yayikulu
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Planting grasses: Plant vetiver, Napier or bamboo along the strips. Vetiver grass can be planted in strips along the banks at a spacing of 0.45m x 0.2 m and bamboo at 1 m x 1 m
Kubzala udzu: Bzalani vetiver, napier kapena msungwi mbali mwa munda. Udzu wa vetiver ukhoza kubzali mbali mwa munda mphepete mwa mtsinje pa mulingo wa 0.45cm ndi 0.2cm ndipo nsungwi zibzalidwe pa 1mx1m
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Planting trees: Several species are recommended in strips at 2 m x 2 m: Acacia galpini, A. polycantha, A. siberana, Faidherbia albida, Ficus natalensis, F. capensis, F. Tycomorus, Khaya nyasica, Parkia filicoidea, Rauvolfia caffra, Syzygium cordatum, S. guineense, Trichilia emetica, Ziziphus abyssinica, Z. mauritiana and Z. mucronata
Kubzala mitengo: Mitundu yambiri ndiyovomerezeka mmizere ya mamita 2x2: Acacia galpini, A. polycantha, A, siberana, Faidherbia albida, Ficus natalensis, F. capensis, F. Tycomorus, Khaya nyasica, Parkia filicoidea, Rauvolfia caffra, Syzygium cordatum, S. guineense, Trichilia emetica, Ziziphus abyssinica, Z. mauritiana and Z. mucronata
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Where trees and shrubs are used, leave a 1 m strip from the channel on either side for grass to regenerate to increase surface roughness for reducing water runoff and erosion
Pamene mitengo ndi tchire zagwiritsidwa ntchito, lekani mpata wa mita imodzi kuchokera pangalande mbali zonse kuti udzu umere ndi kuwonjezera kulimba kwa nthaka pochepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukoloka kwa nthaka
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Erosion and runoff from deforestation, overgrazing, bushfires, and poor cultural practices are serious threats to the environment and agricultural production
Kukoloka kwa nthaka ndi kuthamanga kwa madzi chifukwa cha kuononga nkhalango, kudyetsa ziweto mowirikiza pa malo amodzi, moto wantchire, komanso kulima mosasamala ndi ziopsezo zikuluzikulu ku zachilengedwe ndi ulimi
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Planting perennial bunch grasses on the contour provides a good barrier against erosion and run-off
Kubzala udzu wokhala zaka zopitilira chimodzi pa mlambala kumathandiza kutchinga nthaka yokokoloka ndi madzi othamanga
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With proper spacing and management, natural terraces form between the contour hedges through soil accumulation on the upper side of the hedge
Ndi mipata yabwino komanso kusamala, malo athyathyathya achilengedwe amapangidwa pakati pa zotchingira milambala kudzera nkusonkhana kwa dothi kumbali yokwera ya mpanda
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Contour hedges also slow down and retain water that would otherwise be lost through surface run-off. Multi-purpose trees or shrubs may be planted above the hedges
Zotchingira mlambala umafooketsa liwiro ndi kusunga madzi omwe akanatha kutayika kudzera mmadzi othamanga panthaka. Mitengo yogwiritsidwa ntchito zosiyanasiyana kapena tchire ukhoza kubzalidwa pamwamba pa zotchingira
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Two types of grasses commonly used are vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides and V. nigritana), and napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum). Vetiver is a fast growing, deep-rooted perennial grass well adapted to all agro-ecological zones in Malawi
Mitundu iwiri ya udzu udzu yomwe imagwiritsidwa ntchito kawirikawiri ndi vetiver ndi napier grass. Vetiver ndi udzu wokula mwachangu, wa mitsitsi yozama pansi womwe umalola madera onse aulimi mMalawi
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It is not competitive with crops and is not known to host pests and diseases of concern to agriculture
Sumapikisana ndi mbeu ndipo sidzinadziwike ngati umasunga tizilombo ndi matenda wodandaulitsa pa ulimi
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Vetiver seed has low viability, so there is little chance of it becoming a weed. It is easy to establish and maintain, and it makes good thatching, mulch, and bedding material for livestock
Mbeu ya vetiver imaguga msanga, ndiye pali mwayi wochepa kuti okhoza kusanduka tchire. Ndiyosavuta kukhadzikitsa ndi kusamala, ndipo ndiwabwino kufolela, kuphimbira, ndi zogonera ziweto
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V. zizanioides is preferred because it grows faster and forms a denser and leafier hedge than V. nigritana. It is also less susceptible to termite attack
V. zizanioides amakondedwa chifukwa amakula mwachangu ndukupanga mpanda wothithikana wamasamba ambiri kuposa V. nigritana. Samadyedwanso kwambiri ndi chiswe
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Napier grass is a tall, thick-stemmed bunch-type perennial growing to 4m in height. It is also widely adaptable, but grows best in areas with rainfall over 1,000 mm/annum
Udzu wa Napier ndiwautali, wokhuthala tsinde, wokhala mulu wazakazaka ndipo umatalika kufika mamita anayi. Umalola madera ambiri, koma umakula bwino madera omwe mvula imapyola 1000mm pachaka
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Napier is commonly used as a fodder for cattle. It grows taller than vetiver but is not as effective for soil conservation
Napier amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri ngati chakudya cha ng'ombe. Umatalika kuposa vetiver koma sowabwino kwenikweni kuteteza nthaka
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Two spp of vetiver grass are found in Malawi, V. nigritana is in abundance in the shire valley and has been planted around farmers’ fields
Mitundu iwiri ya vetiver imapezeka ku Malawi. V. nigritina amapezeka kwambiri ku chigwa cha Shire ndipo wabzalidwa mminda ya alimi
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The other, V. zizanoides is now available in many parts of Malawi and may be obtained from the Agricultural Development Divisions (ADDs), some Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and estates
Winawo, V. zizanoides pano akupezeka mmadera ambiri mMalawi ndipo atha kupezedwa ku Agricultural Development Divisions, mabungwe omwe si aboma ndi kuminda ikukuikulu ya alimi
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Vetiver can also be collected from nurseries established for this purpose (refer to section on vetiver nurseries)
Vetiver akhoza kutengedwa ku manazale okhazikitsidwa ndi cholinga chochulukitsa udzuwu
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Material may also be collected from the edges and sides of well established hedgerows, but make sure the hedgerow is left intact with no gaps to allow full recovery
Udzu wa mbeu ukhozanso kupezeka mmphepete ndi mmbali mwa mipanda yokadzikika koma onetsetsani kuti mpandawo mwausiya opanda mipata kuti ubwelerenso mmene unaliri
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Due to short supply of planting material, communities and individuals are encouraged to establish local vetiver nurseries near planting sites before establishing hedges in fields
Chifukwa chakuchepa kwa mbeu yobzala, anthu ndi magulu akulimbikitsidwa kukhadzikitsa manazale a vetiver mmadera pafupi ndi malo obzalawo asanayike mipanda mminda
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Small nurseries are easier to manage and maintain, and should be based on farmer demands to avoid confusing value of vetiver with monetary or other incentives
Manazale ang'onoang'ono savuta kusamala ndipo atsatire zokhumba za alimi kuopa kusokoneza kufunika kwa vetiver ndi ndalama kapena zithokozo zina
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Dambos are the best nursery sites as moisture will be readily available. Sites on upland areas should be close to permanent water source for easy watering. Alternatively nurseries can be established under rainfed conditions
Madimba ndi malo abwino kwambiri kuyika nazale chifukwa chinyezi chimakhala chopezekeratu. Malo akumtunda akhale pafupi ndi madzi osaphwa kuti kuthilira kusamavute. Njira ina ndi kukhadzikitsa manazale potsatira nyengo yamvula
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Collect enough clumps for the planned nursery. A fully loaded 7tone truck will plant 0.5 ha
Tolelani timitolo tokwanira panazale yanu. Galimoto yodzadza matani 7 mukabzala munda theka limodzi la hectare
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Plant slips 45 cm x 45 cm apart and press the soil firmly around each; if farmers wish to intercrop beans or cowpeas on the ridges, plant slips in the furrow 90 cm x 45 cm
Bzalani motalikira masentimita 45x45 ndipo tsenderani dothi mozungulira paliponse; ngati mlimi akufuna kubzala kasakaniza ndi nyemba kapena nandolo mmizere, abzale udzu mungalande motalokirana masentimita 90x45
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Competition will be minimal because the vetiver is newly planted or regenerating. Trim vetiver to 30 cm tall in May/June and again at the start of the next season in December or January to promote tillering and fast growth
Kupikisana kudzachepa chifukwa vetiver wangobzalidwa kumene kapena akuphukira. Dulirani vetiver kufika msinkhu wa masentimita 30 mu mwezi wa May kapena June komanso poyambilira pa nyengo yotsatira mu December kapena January kuti mupititse patsogolo kumera mphukira ndi kukula mwachangu
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Early planting in suitable sites such as dambos allows material to be ready for collection after one season
Kubzala mofulumira mmalo oyenera monga kudimba kumathandiza kuti mbeu idzatengedwe pakutha pa nyengo imodzi
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Grass hedges are used to reduce runoff and erosion, not to stabilize marker ridges which re guides to realign planting ridges
Mipanda ya udzu imagwiritsidwa ntchito kuchepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukokoloka kwa nthaka, osati kulimbitsa mizere ya akalodzera yomwe imathandiza popanga mizere yobzalamo
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Farmers may choose whether trees or shrubs are preferable for their contour strips. Fruit trees provide fruits which are important for human nutrition and income generation for farm households
Alimi angathe kusankha pakati pa mitengo kapena tchire zomwe akonda kudzala mu akalodzera awo. Mitengo yazipatso imapeleka zipatso zomwe ndi zofunika pathanzi la munthu komanso zimabweretsa ndalama pakhomo la mlimi
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Leguminous shrubs provide fuelwood, green manure and/or fodder. For fruit trees, plant varieties that are resistant to common diseases
Mbeu za nyemba zimapezetsa nkhuni, manyowa a zomera komanso zakudya za ziweto. Pa mitengo ya zipatso, bzalani mitundu yopilira ku matenda a wamba
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Consult local extension staff on available planting material. If bananas are used, plant 90 cm above and parallel to the grass strip, with plants 2 m apart
Funsani alangizi kudera lanu ngati mitengo yoti mubzale ikupezeka. Ngati mwagwiritsa ntchito nthochi, bzalani pantunda wa masentimita 90 moyang'anizana ndi mizere ya udzu, ndi mbeu ziwiri pamamita awiri aliwonse
agriculture document
Other fruit trees may be planted at 4m intervals along the upper side of the contour ridge
Mitengo ina ya zipatso ikhoza kubzalidwa pa mlingo wa mamita anayi pamwamba mzere
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This may be done along each strip or along alternate strips. If trees are preferred, use Senna siamea, S.spectabilis, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena diversifolia, depending on the environment
Izi zikhoza kuchitika pamzere uliwonse ngakhalenso mizere yosemphana. Ngati mwakonda mitengo, gwiritsani ntchito kesha, msangu ndi nkina, potengera nyengo yanu
agriculture document
Prune tree lines to reduce competition with crops, and to provide green manure, fuelwood or fodder
Sadzani mitengo kuti zichepetse kupikisana ndi mbeu komanso kuti mupeze manyowa, nkhuni ndi zakudya za ziweto
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Prune at the start of the second growing season if trees are greater than 1 m so that they are big enough to recover from pruning
Sadzani poyambilila pa nyengo yachiwiri yobzala mbeu ngati mitengo ili ndi nthambi zopitilira mita imodzi kuti ithe kuphukanso
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Prune branches with a clean, upward slanting cut at a height of 40 cm for Senna, Gliricidia and Leucaena, and 75 cm for Cajanas, Sesbania, and Tephrosia
Sadzani nthambi mwautoto podula chopendekera mmwamba pamtunda wa 40cm ngati ndi kesha, msangu komanso nkina kapena 75cm ngati ndi nandolo, jerejere ndi katupe
agriculture document
During the growing season, prune trees whenever shading or competition becomes a risk. Distribute these prunings along the crop ridges to help reduce weeds and to increase available nutrients for the crops
Munyengo yolima mbeu, sadzani mitengo ngati ikugwetsa masamba kapena ngati pali chiopsezo pamene ikupikisana ndi mbeu. Mwazani nthambi zosadzidwa mmizere ya mbeu kuti zichepetse udzu komanso kuchulukitsa michere ya mbeu
agriculture document
Alternatively, prunings from Sesbania, Gliricidia and Leucaena may be used for animal feed. Collect branches for fuelwood
Mungathenso kugwiritsa ntchito nthambi zosadzidwa za jerejere, msangu ndi nkina ngati chakudya cha ziweto. Tolerani nthambi ngati nkhuni
agriculture document
Soil fertility improvement or enhancement and appropriate soil management is important in order to maintain or improve soil productivity
Kuwonjezera chonde munthaka ndipondo njira zoyenera zakasamalidwe ka nthaka ndi zofunika ndi cholinga chosamala kapena kuwonjezera mphamvu za nthaka
agriculture document
Soil fertility enhancement includes use of both organic and inorganic fertilizers which are complementary to each other
Kuwonjezera chonde munthaka kumadalira kugwiritsa ntchito fertilizer ndi manyowa zomwe zimagwira ntchito mothandizana
agriculture document
Use of chemical fertilizers only causes the soils to become unproductive in the long term and would not sustain crop yields
Kugwiritsa ntchito fertilizer wopangidwa ku fakitale yekha kumachititsa nthaka kuti uguge pakadutsa nthawi ndipo zokolola zimatsika ndi nthawi
agriculture document
It is thus important to combine the use of inorganic fertilizers with organic manures such as composts and biomass from agroforestry
Kotero nkofunika kuphatikiza fertilizer ndi manyowa monga osakaniza zinyalala ndi ndowe kapena masamba ochokera ku mitengo
agriculture document
The most cost effective or economical way of replenishing soil fertility is through the maintenance of soil organic matter
Njira yothandiza kwambiri kapena yolalira ndalama zambiri yobwezeretsa mphamvu ya dothi munthaka ndi kudzera mu kusamala chonde mudothi
agriculture document
Soil organic matter can be improved through the incorporation and at the same time conservation of crop residues
Chonde chikhoza kuwonjezereka kudzera nkuphatikiza komanso pomwepo kuteteza zotsalira za mbeu
agriculture document
An integrated approach which uses inorganic, organic and biological sources of crop nutrients is to be promoted
Njira yothandizana yomwe imagwiritsa ntchito fertilizar, manyowa ndi zamoyo kuyika michere ku mbeu ilimbikitsidwe
agriculture document
Manures are fully decomposed organic matter. They supply plant nutrients in forms that can be easily taken up; improve structure of the top soil through supply of organic matter which improves root penetration, permeability, water retention capacity, aeration and resistance to erosion; reduces leaching of soil nutrients and improve soil microbial activity
Manyowa ndi zinthu zomwe zaola zochokera ku zamoyo. Zimapeleka michere ku mbeu munjira yomwe michere imayamwidwa mosavuta; zimawonjezera mphamvu ya dothi lapamwamba kudzera kupeleka chonde chomwe chimathandiza kuzama kwa mitsitsi, kumasuka kwa dothi; kuthekera kosunga madzi, kayendedwe ka mpweya kunthaka komanso kupilira ku kukokoloka kwa dothi; amachepetsa kutayika kwa michere yamunthaka ndi kupititsa patsogolo ntchito za tizilombo tamunthaka
agriculture document
Different types of manure can be classified into the following: Compost manure; Khola/animal manure; Green manure; Farm yard manure; and, Liquid manure
Mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya manyowa ikhoza kuyikidwa mmagulu awa: manyowa osakaniza ndowe ndi zomera; manyowa a ndowe; manyowa a zinyalala; manyowa a zomera; manyowa akumunda; mayowa a madzi
agriculture document
Near a garden where the compost will be applied so as to minimize labour and time in transportation
Pafupi ndi munda womwe muthire manyowa ndi cholinga chochepetsa ntchito ndi nthawi yonyamulira
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If it is made in the garden, it is better to site the heap on the edge of the garden in order not to disrupt the cultivation operations in the garden
Ngati mwakonzera mmunda, ndibwino kuyika mulu pafupi ndi mphepete mwa munda kuti musasokoneze ntchito yobzala mmundamo
agriculture document
Under shade in order to maintain moisture in the heap. On fairly flat ground to help the even distribution of organic material and water
Pamthunzi kuti musunge chinyezi pamulu. Pamalo athyathyathya kuti zithandize kulowelerana kwa madzi ndi zinyalala
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Near to the source of the materials and water. Away from dwelling houses where chickens and goats roam as these normally tear apart the compost heap. However, covering the heap with thorny tree branches deters them
Pafupi ndi pomwe zinyalala ndi madzi akupezeka. Patali ndi nyumba za anthu komwe nkhuku ndi mbuzi zimayendayenda pakuti izi zimafukula mulu wamanyowa. Komabe, kufunditsa mkhuti ndi nthambi zaminga zimalepheretsa kuonongako
agriculture document
Avoid sites that are exposed to strong winds because the air movement will evaporate water quickly from the compost. Construct a shade or use existing windbreaks where it is windy
Pewani malo omwe pamadutsa mphepo yamphamvu chifukwa mweya wodutsa umawumitsa madzi mwachangu kuchokera mmanyowamo. Mangani chigafa kapena gwiritsani ntchito zotchinga mphepo komwe kuli mphepo
agriculture document
Procedure for making Changu (Chinese) compost heap; Measure a 1.5m to 2m diameter circle by using a peg and the string
Ndondomeko zopangira mulu wamanyowa a Changu/Chinese: yezani malo ozulungulira mamita 1.5 kapena 2 pogwiritsa ntchito kamtengo ndi chingwe
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Heap 20 - 30cm thick layer of composting material over the area marked. This will form the base of the compost heap
Unjikani zinyalala zamanyowa pamsinkhu wa masentimita 20-30 pamene mwalembelerapo. Izi zikhala gwero lamulu wanu yamanyowa
agriculture document
Water the heap adequately until it just oozes out when the materials are squeezed, to induce decomposition
Thirani madzi pa mulu mokwanira mpaka atayamba kutuluka pamene mwafinya zinthuzo, kuti ayambitse kuola
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