[ [ "Common.dll", "0x30004fac" ], [ "Common.dll", "0x30004b7f" ], [ "Common.dll", "0x300055c6" ], [ "Common.dll", "0x300052a2" ], [ "Common.dll", "0x300053c7" ], [ "Common.dll", "0x30004cb3" ], [ "Common.dll", "0x30004dce" ], [ "Common.dll", "0x3000515a" ] ]
[ "Parse decimal or hexadecimal number from string to integer" ]
[ [ "Common.dll", "0x300a912c" ], [ "Common.dll", "0x3008e9bf" ] ]
[ "The main loop for downloading data" ]
[ [ "Common.dll", "0x300e6525" ], [ "Common.dll", "0x300e66aa" ] ]
[ "convert and escape string to XML safe string", "convert and escape string to html safe string" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1401660c0" ], [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x14024faa0" ], [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x14014f5a0" ] ]
[ "list directories", "list files in path", "recursive list directory file" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1402a80d0" ], [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1401cf230" ] ]
[ "recursive file search with exclusions", "recursive directory scan with file mask filtering" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x7d180" ] ]
[ "initialize the cryption class, including key and iv", "initialize the cryption class" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14000cf50" ], [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14000d3ec" ] ]
[ "Create folder function", "Create missing directories from path" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x41c0d4" ], [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x140015adc" ] ]
[ "Leap year judgment function.", "Check year is leap year" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x140008cdc" ] ]
[ "calculate directory level path" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14000c038" ] ]
[ "Move file with path transformation cleanup" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14000e840" ] ]
[ "Retrieve Windows OS version." ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14000ee7c" ] ]
[ "Normalize file path string function" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14000f0c4" ] ]
[ "Extract directory path from filepath" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14000f330" ] ]
[ "Convert Windows path to extended length format" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14000f50c" ] ]
[ "Determine if a string matches the format of the drive path" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14000fc38" ] ]
[ "Extract file name from full path string code." ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x1400134a8" ] ]
[ "Configure secure memory for cryptographic operations in Windows." ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x140013684" ] ]
[ "block cipher implementation in C++" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x1400143c4" ] ]
[ "Custom SHA-256 hash function implementation" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x1400146a0" ] ]
[ "String copy with quotes handling" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x1400147a4" ] ]
[ "alphabetic check function." ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x1400147ec" ] ]
[ "int to string function." ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x1400149a8" ] ]
[ "Copy UTF-16 string with length limit" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x140015704" ] ]
[ "Calculate process available CPU cores" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x1400158d4" ] ]
[ "File time to detailed system time conversion." ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x140018f9c" ] ]
[ "Parse multiple colors from bytes to 32-bit value" ]
[ [ "winrar-x64-624scp.exe", "0x14001f920" ] ]
[ "Process PCDATA HTML content wide-characters" ]
[ [ "Common.dll", "0x30006f2c" ] ]
[ "check the existence of trusted root certificate in certificate chain" ]
[ [ "Common.dll", "0x300083a1" ] ]
[ "parse URI and extract key-value paired parameters" ]
[ [ "Common.dll", "0x3008dab8" ] ]
[ "construct http request header" ]
[ [ "Common.dll", "0x30094c37" ] ]
[ "test connection or do network authentication" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x14001077c" ] ]
[ "save system cursor as icon" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x140012ae0" ] ]
[ "Windows DPI awareness initialization and window class registration" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x14014d4e0" ] ]
[ "extract parent directory and file name from path" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x140164450" ] ]
[ "strip extension suffix from filename" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x140166e60" ] ]
[ "filter filenames with specific beginning patterns using wildcards" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1401670f0" ] ]
[ "concatenate two filesystem paths" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1401b7b10" ] ]
[ "initialize recent files menu" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1401c70b0" ] ]
[ "modify menu item state based on submenu item conditions" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1401ca990" ] ]
[ "handle open new program instance" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1401cb280" ] ]
[ "handling drag and drop of files and directories" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x140238240" ] ]
[ "load all plugins from directory" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x14029ce90" ] ]
[ "parse command line arguments add file extension if missing" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x14029e030" ] ]
[ "search and modify command line arguments" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1402a3e40" ] ]
[ "identifies and stores the start and end positions of quoted strings and potential key-value pairs" ]
[ [ "npp.8.2.portable.x64.exe", "0x1402a5990" ] ]
[ "remove non-existing file paths from array" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x3faa0" ], [ "seaf-server", "0x3ca50" ], [ "seaf-server", "0x32710" ] ]
[ "http server setup URL route handler" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x37760" ] ]
[ "setup http server" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x40ca0" ] ]
[ "convert http status code to string" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x48af0" ] ]
[ "recursively count files in directory" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x495c0" ] ]
[ "calculate total size of directory" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x64e10" ] ]
[ "Summarize changes from diff results as string" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x82480" ] ]
[ "Convert raw binary data to hex" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x824e0" ] ]
[ "Convert hex data to raw binary data" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x82ad0" ] ]
[ "Copy from one file descriptor(fd) to another fd" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x82b90" ] ]
[ "Copy file" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x840c0" ] ]
[ "compress data" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x84230" ] ]
[ "decompress data" ]
[ [ "seaf-server", "0x84400" ] ]
[ "insert slash at the front of path and cleanup tailing slash" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x406368" ] ]
[ "Dynamic thread sleep adjustment strategy" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x407630" ] ]
[ "Convert numeric to decimal hexadecimal string in array" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x407f04" ] ]
[ "Calculate length of wide character string" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x414a7c" ] ]
[ "function classify lowercase or unicode characters" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x4196ec" ] ]
[ "Compare two memory regions for equality" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x41a71c" ] ]
[ "Search substring in wide string" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x41b660" ] ]
[ "Convert integer to C string and return value" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x41b89b" ] ]
[ "Format numeric string with separators" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x41bce2" ] ]
[ "skip space function" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x41bd16" ] ]
[ "Parse integer from wide char string" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x41c110" ] ]
[ "Calculate days from epoch to date" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x46afe4" ] ]
[ "Function to compare two byte arrays and return the difference of the first non-matching elements" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x46b010" ] ]
[ "Compare 24-bit RGB color values" ]
[ [ "tsetup-x64.4.14.13.exe", "0x46b744" ] ]
[ "Compare length-prefixed strings by content and return difference" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x1000899e0" ] ]
[ "get different paths needed by the program" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x1000ed4b0" ] ]
[ "save project config to xml" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x1000f5f30" ] ]
[ "get registry path" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x100107b10" ] ]
[ "get templates dir" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x100107fa0" ] ]
[ "get script dir" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x1001088c0" ] ]
[ "get project dir" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x10012caf0" ] ]
[ "convert bytes to readable format" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x10012cf60" ] ]
[ "format long long with commas as thousands separator" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x10012d570" ] ]
[ "Copy lines from a source file to a destination file, replace the lines that exists the presence of start and possibly end markers with special line. And append this special line to the destination file." ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x10012ea90" ] ]
[ "escape xml chars" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x10012eeb0" ] ]
[ "create tmp file in temp dir" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x10016c5a0" ] ]
[ "save workspace config to xml file" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x1001aa650" ] ]
[ "display select files to open dialog" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x1001ac4d0" ] ]
[ "handle user open lnk file" ]
[ [ "010Editor", "0x100283230" ] ]
[ "Add command line tools to PATH persistently" ]
[ [ "OBS", "0x10008c5e0" ] ]
[ "Process command arguments" ]
[ [ "", "0x7f40" ] ]
[ "GObject to JSON serialization" ]
[ [ "", "0x8270" ] ]
[ "GObject deserialization from JSON" ]
[ [ "", "0x87b0" ] ]
[ "RPC server main loop, handle the requests" ]
[ [ "sm4", "0x100001060" ] ]
[ "sm4 encryption" ]
[ [ "sm4", "0x100001280" ] ]
[ "sm4 decryption" ]
[ [ "sm4", "0x100001510" ] ]
[ "encryption in cbc mode" ]
[ [ "sm4", "0x100000f60" ] ]
[ "sm4 key expansion" ]
[ [ "sm4", "0x100000e80" ], [ "sm3", "0x100001010" ] ]
[ "circular shift left" ]
[ [ "dns", "0x8055471" ] ]
[ "convert sockaddr to string representation" ]
[ [ "dns", "0x807fa98" ] ]
[ "logging with variable arguments and handling syslog" ]
[ [ "dns", "0x808b77a" ] ]
[ "IPv6 prefix addition and management" ]