[ [ "", "0xceac" ] ]
[ "fill DataArray element with default values" ]
[ [ "", "0x18f8f0" ] ]
[ "Finds a child of this node with the given functor" ]
[ [ "", "0x19a008" ] ]
[ "This will read bytes from the computer serial port. It will read until\nit finds a RESPONSE byte for the header, and then read until it doesn't\nget anymore, up to a max of the longest possible response packet." ]
[ [ "", "0x155d8" ] ]
[ "calculate the min and max length of a packet. This depends on the configured\nmtu and min/max_ptime values. We cache those so that we don't have to redo\nall the calculations" ]
[ [ "", "0x586d1" ] ]
[ "Given a vector of subset indices, this function modifies the argument\n\"subsets\", so that it contains a vector of pairs:\nIndex: Possible value of the variable indices\nRange: Corresponding range of the array to take as a subset" ]
[ [ "", "0x6cd0" ] ]
[ "move dl_node from source to dest\nif marker == target .\nwhen direction true it moves marker after\nwhen direction false it moves marker before.\nto previous if there is no next." ]
[ [ "", "0x4810" ] ]
[ "insert a key and an (eventual) record into the btree.\nWarning, you must WRITELOCK the btree before calling this.\nkeyind may well be == num_rec indicating an append." ]
[ [ "c4group-8856133b13e0b13e4825a65ef2deeee3", "0x2091a" ] ]
[ "Fast integer exponentiation" ]
[ [ "freedroid-8c05c6755d4df2f98d74f91d15b14776", "0x5039" ] ]
[ "@Function============================================================\n@Desc: This function prepares the screen for the big Escape menu and\nits submenus. This means usual content of the screen, i.e. the\ncombat screen and top status bar, is \"faded out\", the rest of\nthe screen is cleared. This function resolves some redundance\nthat occured since there are so many submenus needing this." ]
[ [ "tarantool-107d2b481c00ded2542378f62611e840", "0x4c78da" ] ]
[ "Convert lua number or string to lua cdata 64bit number." ]
[ [ "", "0x30e430" ] ]
[ "return only the filename part of path" ]
[ [ "", "0x2a648" ] ]
[ "makes several scans, adjusts fine calibration" ]
[ [ "dumper-018217a0dd9eb034352e073197ed6515", "0x646e" ] ]
[ "Runs compress with the first arg as its stdout. Returns\n0 on success or negative if error, and it's pid via the second\nargument. The outfd arg is dup2'd to the pipe to the compress\nprocess." ]
[ [ "liquidwar-a08fbad9f2a77443a410e62dbcd1d517", "0xc260" ] ]
[ "Gets a message from the message list without removing it" ]
[ [ "liquidwar-a08fbad9f2a77443a410e62dbcd1d517", "0x21140" ] ]
[ "Calculates the \"most different color\", considering the colors\nalready chosen in LW_NETWORK_INFO." ]
[ [ "", "0x26c40" ] ]
[ "Gathering the 12 vertices of a quad-regular boundary patch:\nthe neighborhood of the face is assumed to be quad-regular\nthe single edge of the face that lies on the boundary is specified\nonly one edge of the face is a boundary edge" ]
[ [ "redis-check-aof-7a85729d5b09eb12779f7d80ead07062", "0x7a140" ] ]
[ "Return the value associated to the key with a name obtained using\nthe following rules:" ]
[ [ "latex2rtf-682d07eaa1c7e7dacd84287fab60abef", "0x34a4e" ] ]
[ "purpose: Process \\begin{music} ... \\end{music} environment" ]
[ [ "", "0xbeb75" ] ]
[ "Compute speech/noise probability.\nSpeech/noise probability is returned in |probSpeechFinal|.\nmagn| is the input magnitude spectrum.\nnoise| is the noise spectrum.\nsnrLocPrior| is the prior SNR for each frequency.\nsnrLocPost| is the post SNR for each frequency." ]
[ [ "beav-2a1fe4a68d49b20009a75c0500043086", "0x405f30" ] ]
[ "Shrink the current window.\nFind the window that gains space. Hack at\nthe window descriptions. Ask the redisplay to\ndo all the hard work." ]
[ [ "", "0x1df50" ] ]
[ "@brief get subpixel maximum by looking at neighbooring pixels" ]
[ [ "", "0x37939" ] ]
[ "handles an incoming SNMP packet into the agent" ]
[ [ "", "0x3f040" ] ]
[ "Look at the contents of a gzip archive. We want to know where the\ndata starts, and how long it will be after it is uncompressed." ]
[ [ "escapesrc-92badf5ff2b8717d2bdc0f2aa4cfc311", "0x26cf" ] ]
[ "Delete the output file (if any)\nWe want to delete even if we didn't generate, because it might be stale." ]
[ [ "virtuoso-t-ecb4edce583621ee2093c5b2a05d9c4c", "0x6097ce" ] ]
[ "Add class=\"foo\" to node" ]
[ [ "", "0x11820" ] ]
[ "Releases a read/write lock for reading\nReturns 1 if successful or -1 on error" ]
[ [ "mb-mpi-c01d8da7f896764e8de987d15f89406e", "0xf6c00" ] ]
[ "AddBitfield: Add bitfield to list of bitfields. The function uses global variable nLongsNeeded." ]
[ [ "mb-mpi-c01d8da7f896764e8de987d15f89406e", "0x1024f0" ] ]
[ "findAllowedClockrate: Finds the range of clock rates allowed for the tree." ]
[ [ "opusrtp-90b5d3fe0550f902cb2531ade7a36c4a", "0x31ca" ] ]
[ "helper, read a big-endian 32 bit int from memory" ]
[ [ "smartctl-17fb454099857bf9889617ea3af9fcb4", "0x560c2" ] ]
[ "Format 128 bit integer for printing.\nAdd value with SI prefixes if BYTES_PER_UNIT is specified." ]
[ [ "eval_octree_accuracy-a8ff857dd1d9c43a9baed7248fb2a96d", "0x40d400" ] ]
[ "normalizes this vector, so that it has norm=1.0" ]
[ [ "", "0x8a40" ] ]
[ "CreateDirectory creates a new directory with the given directory name." ]
[ [ "", "0x101a83" ] ]
[ "This function sets all the snapshot names\nunder a given volume in the dictionary" ]
[ [ "", "0x373f0" ] ]
[ "palloc_reservation_create -- creates a volatile reservation of a\nmemory block." ]
[ [ "foremost-3e953a18a45782e9944618c4a317ec74", "0x4cd9" ] ]
[ "display Position: Tell the user how far through the infile we are" ]
[ [ "", "0x30db0a" ] ]
[ "Copies src to *this, with maxabs normalization to match scale." ]
[ [ "", "0x32507e" ] ]
[ "Updates the weights using the given learning rate and momentum.\nnum_samples is the quotient to be used in the adam computation iff\nuse_adam_ is true." ]
[ [ "ftpwho-b6ec9ac51564f202c4e66d614de9014f", "0x5670" ] ]
[ "Out-of-memory error handling." ]
[ [ "eureka-7f39663d984bcc247d05cd0a4896c682", "0x3a930" ] ]
[ "determine which linedef would be split if a new vertex were\nadded at the given coordinates." ]
[ [ "xscpu64-64bf61f367bf0333597c17150cc504cc", "0xb42a0" ] ]
[ "Read chip data, return -1 on error" ]
[ [ "ntfsfix-e4d66fb180a7eaeefc3d69f9cd2a9acf", "0x33f4" ] ]
[ "Clear the bad cluster marks (option)" ]
[ [ "", "0x4150" ] ]
[ "performs firmware update" ]
[ [ "sm-1b7e1455d104067d093d0ecb62490e6d", "0x112d80" ] ]
[ "locate group by name" ]
[ [ "sm-1b7e1455d104067d093d0ecb62490e6d", "0x1c8590" ] ]
[ "returns 1st matching node name found" ]
[ [ "gawk-4ee8cb9f1c518c726857520153bc5981", "0x4465a0" ] ]
[ "re_parse_field --- parse fields using a regexp." ]
[ [ "cflow-6c8463b6bad2b7306c046d14fab7389a", "0x16204" ] ]
[ "Returns the offset into the getopt long options array LONG_OPTIONS of a\nlong option with called NAME, or -1 if none is found. Passing NULL as\nNAME will return the number of options." ]
[ [ "", "0x44670" ] ]
[ "Takes a Excel cellrange and translates it into a ODF cellrange" ]
[ [ "", "0xa7054" ] ]
[ "Returns number of intersections (even number of intersections, outside\nor odd number of intersections, inside). This is done by considering\nclose intersections (within Tolerance) as being the same point." ]
[ [ "", "0x2d140" ] ]
[ "Checks if the file specified in FileName is a valid .pnm file." ]
[ [ "", "0xd5418" ] ]
[ "LoadBlock for 32bit RGBA texture\nBased on sources of angrylion's software plugin." ]
[ [ "pixiewps-52ce248176a3687b6d070a6ed680c452", "0x40ace0" ] ]
[ "Decrypts a block of text with AES" ]
[ [ "", "0x3dd60" ] ]
[ "Get relative path from absolute path.\nOutput pointer points to the same string as input but with necessary offset. Caller shall not free it." ]
[ [ "xcwcp-bfff017c3823f9838626649f05b3bcf0", "0x4123f0" ] ]
[ "\\brief Get a random word from given dictionary" ]
[ [ "", "0x4b820" ] ]
[ "Determine the alleged time of image production by predicting the volume\ncreation and modification timestamps and taking the maximum of both." ]
[ [ "notepad.exe", "0x1400012e8" ] ]
[ "event tracing for logging" ]
[ [ "notepad.exe", "0x140021290" ] ]
[ "string scanning and replace all functionality" ]
[ [ "zip_x86_64", "0x1000167e3" ] ]
[ "create new copy of a string" ]