1 class
[ { "answer": "the Balkans", "id": 9930, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "What region has no mention?" }, { "answer": "John Kukuzelis", "id": 21567, "paragraph_support_idx": 18, "question": "Who introduced a system of musical notation used in the #1 in the 14th century?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Gorleston Psalter (British Library Manuscript Additional 49622) is a 14th-century manuscript notable for containing early music instruction and for its humorous marginalia.", "title": "Gorleston Psalter" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Using his own system, Hampartsoum Limondjian transcribed most of 18th century Turkish music compositions in a collection of six books, which he presented to Selim III. Only two of the originals survive to date and are preserved at the Istanbul Municipal Conservatory Library. As the dominant notation for Turkish and Armenian music, the Hamparsum notation was instrumental in the transcription and survival of thousands of pieces of music, and was surpassed only in modern times in its use for Turkish classical music. The notation system is still in use by the Armenian Apostolic Church.", "title": "Hampartsoum Limondjian" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The waterwheel appeared in Chinese records during the Han. As mentioned by Huan Tan in about 20 AD, they were used to turn gears that lifted iron trip hammers, and were used in pounding, threshing and polishing grain. However, there is no sufficient evidence for the watermill in China until about the 5th century. The Nanyang Commandery Administrator Du Shi (d. 38 AD) created a waterwheel-powered reciprocator that worked the bellows for the smelting of iron. Waterwheels were also used to power chain pumps that lifted water to raised irrigation ditches. The chain pump was first mentioned in China by the philosopher Wang Chong in his 1st-century-AD Balanced Discourse.", "title": "Han dynasty" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Middle C (the fourth C key from left on a standard 88 - key piano keyboard) is designated C in scientific pitch notation, the most commonly recognized in auditory science, while both C and the Helmholtz designation c 'are used in musical studies. Other note - octave systems, including those used by some makers of digital music keyboards, may refer to Middle C differently. In MIDI, Middle C is note number 60.", "title": "C (musical note)" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Geometrically - shaped minigolf courses made of artificial materials (carpet) began to emerge during the early 20th century. The earliest documented mention of such a course is in the 8 June 1912 edition of The Illustrated London News, which introduces a minigolf course called Gofstacle.", "title": "Miniature golf" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It is in this time that the notation of music on a staff and other elements of musical notation began to take shape. This invention made possible the separation of the composition of a piece of music from its transmission; without written music, transmission was oral, and subject to change every time it was transmitted. With a musical score, a work of music could be performed without the composer's presence. The invention of the movable-type printing press in the 15th century had far-reaching consequences on the preservation and transmission of music.", "title": "Classical music" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Melodifestivalen 1973 was the selection for the 14th song to represent Sweden at the Eurovision Song Contest. It was the 13th time that this system of picking a song had been used. 10 songwriters were selected by SVT for the competition. The final was broadcast on TV1 but was not broadcast on radio.", "title": "Melodifestivalen 1973" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The regions in their inventory were Assyria, Chaldea, Mesopotamia, Persia, Armenia, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, Palestine, Ethiopia, Caucasus, Libya, Anatolia and Abyssinia. Explicitly excluded is India. No mention is made of the Balkans.", "title": "Near East" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The use of paper for hygiene has been recorded in China in the 6th century AD, with specifically manufactured toilet paper being mass - produced in the 14th century. Modern commercial toilet paper originated in the 19th century, with a patent for roll - based dispensers being made in 1883.", "title": "Toilet paper" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A number of writing systems have been used over the years for transcribing the language. Of these, the Somali alphabet is the most widely used, and has been the official writing script in Somalia since the government of former President of Somalia Mohamed Siad Barre formally introduced it in October 1972. The script was developed by the Somali linguist Shire Jama Ahmed specifically for the Somali language, and uses all letters of the English Latin alphabet except p, v and z. Besides Ahmed's Latin script, other orthographies that have been used for centuries for writing Somali include the long-established Arabic script and Wadaad's writing. Indigenous writing systems developed in the twentieth century include the Osmanya, Borama and Kaddare scripts, which were invented by Osman Yusuf Kenadid, Abdurahman Sheikh Nuur and Hussein Sheikh Ahmed Kaddare, respectively.", "title": "Somalis" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Music of the Old Serbia is a debut vinyl album by Ensemble Renaissance, released in 1983 on the PGP RTB label (also released as an audio cassette). It is also Ensemble's first album with early music of Serbia. They will revisit the theme of Serbian Medieval songs and dances on the Roots of the Balkan, and some of the material from this album will be remastered on the Music of Old Serbia - Chants from 14th to the 18th century dedicated exclusively to the Medieval Serbian chant.", "title": "Music of the Old Serbia" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Some critics express the opinion that it is only from the mid-19th century, and especially in the 20th century, that the score began to hold such a high significance. Previously, improvisation (in preludes, cadenzas and ornaments), rhythmic flexibility (e.g., tempo rubato), improvisatory deviation from the score and oral tradition of playing was integral to the style. Yet in the 20th century, this oral tradition and passing on of stylistic features within classical music disappeared. Instead, musicians tend to use just the score to play music. Yet, even with the score providing the key elements of the music, there is considerable controversy about how to perform the works. Some of this controversy relates to the fact that this score-centric approach has led to performances that emphasize metrically strict block-rhythms (just as the music is notated in the score).", "title": "Classical music" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The key characteristic of classical music that distinguishes it from popular music and folk music is that the repertoire tends to be written down in musical notation, creating a musical part or score. This score typically determines details of rhythm, pitch, and, where two or more musicians (whether singers or instrumentalists) are involved, how the various parts are coordinated. The written quality of the music has enabled a high level of complexity within them: J.S. Bach's fugues, for instance, achieve a remarkable marriage of boldly distinctive melodic lines weaving in counterpoint yet creating a coherent harmonic logic that would be impossible in the heat of live improvisation. The use of written notation also preserves a record of the works and enables Classical musicians to perform music from many centuries ago. Musical notation enables 2000s-era performers to sing a choral work from the 1300s Renaissance era or a 1700s Baroque concerto with many of the features of the music (the melodies, lyrics, forms, and rhythms) being reproduced.", "title": "Classical music" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1981, the MUSE system was demonstrated for the first time in the United States, using the same 5:3 aspect ratio as the Japanese system. Upon visiting a demonstration of MUSE in Washington, US President Ronald Reagan was impressed and officially declared it \"a matter of national interest\" to introduce HDTV to the US.", "title": "High-definition television" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Indian astronomer and mathematician Aryabhata (476-550), in his Aryabhatiya (499) introduced a number of trigonometric functions (including sine, versine, cosine and inverse sine), trigonometric tables, and techniques and algorithms of algebra. In 628 AD, Brahmagupta suggested that gravity was a force of attraction. He also lucidly explained the use of zero as both a placeholder and a decimal digit, along with the Hindu-Arabic numeral system now used universally throughout the world. Arabic translations of the two astronomers' texts were soon available in the Islamic world, introducing what would become Arabic numerals to the Islamic World by the 9th century. During the 14th–16th centuries, the Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics made significant advances in astronomy and especially mathematics, including fields such as trigonometry and analysis. In particular, Madhava of Sangamagrama is considered the \"founder of mathematical analysis\".", "title": "History of science" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "From 1901 to 1938 he was head of the prestigious Carlsberg Laboratory, Copenhagen. While working at the Carlsberg Laboratory he studied the effect of ion concentration on proteins, and because the concentration of hydrogen ions was particularly important, he introduced the pH-scale as a simple way of expressing it in 1909. The article in which he introduced the scale (using the notation pH) described two methods for measuring acidity which Sørensen and his students had refined. The first method was based on electrodes, whereas the second involved comparing the colours of samples and a preselected set of indicators.", "title": "S. P. L. Sørensen" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On the continent of Europe, Anno Domini was introduced as the era of choice of the Carolingian Renaissance by the English cleric and scholar Alcuin in the late eighth century. Its endorsement by Emperor Charlemagne and his successors popularizing the use of the epoch and spreading it throughout the Carolingian Empire ultimately lies at the core of the system's prevalence. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, popes continued to date documents according to regnal years for some time, but usage of AD gradually became more common in Roman Catholic countries from the 11th to the 14th centuries. In 1422, Portugal became the last Western European country to switch to the system begun by Dionysius. Eastern Orthodox countries only began to adopt AD instead of the Byzantine calendar in 1700 when Russia did so, with others adopting it in the 19th and 20th centuries.", "title": "Anno Domini" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Beto Rockfeller\" is often mentioned as a turning point for the telenovela format in Brazil. It abandoned the melodramatic, artificial tone of previous shows for a more naturalistic approach, with the presence of a morally ambiguous protagonist and the use of colloquial language; characters would often mention actual news and gossips of the time. It also was the first telenovela to use contemporary pop hit songs in its soundtrack, rather than purely orchestral music.", "title": "Beto Rockfeller" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The main representatives of the new style, often referred to as ars nova as opposed to the ars antiqua, were the composers Philippe de Vitry and Guillaume de Machaut. In Italy, where the Provençal troubadours had also found refuge, the corresponding period goes under the name of trecento, and the leading composers were Giovanni da Cascia, Jacopo da Bologna and Francesco Landini. Prominent reformer of Orthodox Church music from the first half of 14th century was John Kukuzelis; he also introduced a system of notation widely used in the Balkans in the following centuries.", "title": "Late Middle Ages" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bâton à feu, or Baston à feu (French for \"Fire stick\"), is a type of hand cannon developed in the 14th century in Western Europe. This weapon type corresponds to the portable artillery of the second half of 14th century.", "title": "Bâton à feu" } ]
Who introduced a system of musical notation used in the region that has no mention in the 14th century?
John Kukuzelis
[ { "answer": "Communist Party", "id": 24973, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "What would have maintained power if the treaty was signed?" }, { "answer": "Yeltsin", "id": 5674, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "Who suspended #1 of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Russian SFSR was controlled by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, until the abortive 1991 August coup, which prompted President Yeltsin to suspend the recently created Communist Party of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On January 25, 1918, at the third meeting of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the unrecognized state was renamed the Soviet Russian Republic. On March 3, 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed, giving away much of the land of the former Russian Empire to Germany, in exchange for peace in World War I. On July 10, 1918, the Russian Constitution of 1918 renamed the country the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. By 1918, during the Russian Civil War, several states within the former Russian Empire had seceded, reducing the size of the country even more.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The final name for the republic during the Soviet era was adopted by the Russian Constitution of 1937, which renamed it the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Warsaw Pact, formally known as the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, was a collective defence treaty signed in Warsaw, Poland among the Soviet Union and seven Soviet satellite states of Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War. The Warsaw Pact was the military complement to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CoMEcon), the regional economic organization for the socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe. The Warsaw Pact was created in reaction to the integration of West Germany into NATO in 1955 per the London and Paris Conferences of 1954, but it is also considered to have been motivated by Soviet desires to maintain control over military forces in Central and Eastern Europe.", "title": "Warsaw Pact" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Following the Invasion of Poland in September 1939, German and Soviet troops divided the territory of Poland. Thus, Eastern Galicia and Volhynia with their Ukrainian population became part of Ukraine. For the first time in history, the nation was united.In 1940, the Soviets annexed Bessarabia and northern Bukovina. The Ukrainian SSR incorporated the northern and southern districts of Bessarabia, northern Bukovina, and the Hertsa region. But it ceded the western part of the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to the newly created Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. These territorial gains of the USSR were internationally recognized by the Paris peace treaties of 1947.", "title": "Ukraine" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Fedorov Avtomat (also anglicized as Federov, Russian: Автомат Фёдорова) or FA was a select-fire, crew-served automatic rifle, designed by Vladimir Grigoryevich Fyodorov in 1915 and produced in the Russian Empire and later in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. A total of 3,200 Fedorov rifles were manufactured between 1915 and 1924 in the city of Kovrov; the vast majority of them were made after 1920. The weapon saw limited combat in World War I, but was used more substantially in the Russian Civil War and in the Winter War.", "title": "Fedorov Avtomat" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "International convention since the end of the Cold War has come to distinguish two distinct circumstances where such privileges are sought by such a successor state, in only the first of which may such successor states assume the name or privileged international position of their predecessor. The first set of circumstances arose at the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1991. One of this federation's constituent republics, the Russian Federation has declared itself to be ``the continuator state of the USSR ''on the grounds that it contained 51% of the population of the USSR and 77% of its territory. In consequence, Russia agreed that it would acquire the USSR's seat as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. This was also accepted by the rest of the former states of the USSR; in a letter dated 24 December 1991, Boris Yeltsin, at the time President of the Russian Federation, informed the Secretary - General that the membership of the Soviet Union in the Security Council and all other United Nations organs was being continued by the Russian Federation with the support of the 11 member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. All Soviet embassies became Russian embassies.", "title": "Succession of states" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Between the 16th century and 19th century, the traditional Armenian homeland composed of Eastern Armenia and Western Armenia came under the rule of the Ottoman and successive Iranian empires, repeatedly ruled by either of the two over the centuries. By the 19th century, Eastern Armenia had been conquered by the Russian Empire, while most of the western parts of the traditional Armenian homeland remained under Ottoman rule. During World War I, Armenians living in their ancestral lands in the Ottoman Empire were systematically exterminated in the Armenian Genocide. In 1918, after the Russian Revolution, all non-Russian countries declared their independence from the Russian empire, leading to the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia. By 1920, the state was incorporated into the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, and in 1922 became a founding member of the Soviet Union. In 1936, the Transcaucasian state was dissolved, transforming its constituent states, including the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, into full Union republics. The modern Republic of Armenia became independent in 1991 during the dissolution of the Soviet Union.", "title": "Armenia" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Georgia, formally the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic (Georgian SSR; ; ), was one of the republics of the Soviet Union from its inception in 1922 to its breakup in 1991. Coterminous with the present-day republic of Georgia, it was based on the traditional territory of Georgia, which had existed as a series of independent states in the Caucasus prior to annexation by the Russian Empire in 1801. Independent again as the Democratic Republic of Georgia in 1918, it was annexed by Soviet forces, who invaded it in 1921. The Georgian SSR was subsequently formed, though from 1922 until 1936 it was a part of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, which existed as a union republic within the USSR. From November 18, 1989, the Georgian SSR declared its sovereignty over Soviet laws. The republic was renamed the Republic of Georgia on November 14, 1990, and subsequently became independent before the dissolution of the Soviet Union on April 9, 1991, whereupon each former SSR became a sovereign state.", "title": "Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On January 9, 1957, Karachay Autonomous Oblast and Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic were restored by Khrushchev and they were transferred from the Georgian SSR back to the Russian SFSR.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Faced with growing separatism, Gorbachev sought to restructure the Soviet Union into a less centralized state. On August 20, 1991, the Russian SFSR was scheduled to sign a New Union Treaty that would have converted the Soviet Union into a federation of independent republics with a common president, foreign policy and military. It was strongly supported by the Central Asian republics, which needed the economic advantages of a common market to prosper. However, it would have meant some degree of continued Communist Party control over economic and social life.", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 1971 January 31 Surgut Aeroflot Antonov An-12 crash occurred on 31 January 1971, when an Aeroflot Antonov An-12B, registered \"CCCP-12996\", flying from Roshchino International Airport, Tyumen, in the Soviet Unions Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR), crashed short of the runway on approach to Surgut International Airport, Surgut, RSFSR. An investigation found the aircraft's loss of control was caused by icing.", "title": "1971 January 31 Surgut Aeroflot Antonov An-12 crash" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On June 12, 1990, the Congress of People's Deputies of the Republic adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian SFSR, which was the beginning of the \"War of Laws\", pitting the Soviet Union against the Russian Federation and other constituent republics.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Following the breakup of the Russian Empire in the aftermath of World War I for a brief period, from 1918 to 1920, Armenia was an independent republic. In late 1920, the communists came to power following an invasion of Armenia by the Red Army, and in 1922, Armenia became part of the Transcaucasian SFSR of the Soviet Union, later forming the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (1936 to September 21, 1991). In 1991, Armenia declared independence from the USSR and established the second Republic of Armenia.", "title": "Armenians" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On October 11, 1944, the Tuvan People's Republic joined the Russian SFSR as the Tuvan Autonomous Oblast, in 1961 becoming an Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On December 12, the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR formally ratified the Belavezha Accords and renounced the 1922 Union Treaty. The Russian deputies were also recalled from the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The legality of this action was questionable, since Soviet law did not allow a republic to unilaterally recall its deputies. However, no one in either Russia or the Kremlin objected. Any objections from the latter would have likely had no effect, since the Soviet government had effectively been rendered impotent long before December. In effect, the largest and most powerful republic had seceded from the Union. Later that day, Gorbachev hinted for the first time that he was considering stepping down.", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (Transcaucasian SFSR or TSFSR), also known as the Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union that existed from 1922 to 1936. It comprised Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. As they were separated from Russia by the Caucasus Mountains, they were known traditionally as the Transcaucasian Republics. Created ostensibly to consolidate the economic situation of the region, the TSFSR was also useful in consolidating Bolshevik control over the states. It was one of the four republics to sign the treaty establishing the Soviet Union in 1922.", "title": "Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In June 1991, Boris Yeltsin became the first directly elected President in Russian history when he was elected President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, which became the independent Russian Federation in December of that year. During and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, wide-ranging reforms including privatization and market and trade liberalization were undertaken, including radical changes along the lines of \"shock therapy\" as recommended by the United States and the International Monetary Fund. All this resulted in a major economic crisis, characterized by a 50% decline in both GDP and industrial output between 1990 and 1995.", "title": "Russia" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "With the rise of strong nationalist and separatist movements inside the union republics, Gorbachev tried to avert a dissolution of the Soviet Union in the post-Cold War era. A March 1991 referendum, boycotted by some republics, resulted in a majority of participating citizens voting in favor of preserving the union as a renewed federation. Gorbachev's power was greatly diminished after Russian President Boris Yeltsin played a high - profile role in facing down an abortive August 1991 coup d'état attempted by Communist Party hardliners. On 25 December 1991, Gorbachev resigned and the remaining twelve constituent republics emerged as independent post-Soviet states. The Russian Federation -- formerly the Russian SFSR -- assumed the Soviet Union's rights and obligations and is recognized as the successor state of the Soviet Union. In summing up the international ramifications of these events, Vladislav Zubok stated: ``The collapse of the Soviet empire was an event of epochal geopolitical, military, ideological and economic significance. ''", "title": "Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Molotov -- Ribbentrop Pact, also known as the Nazi -- Soviet Pact, the German -- Soviet Non-aggression Pact or the Nazi German -- Soviet Pact of Aggression (officially: Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), was a neutrality pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by foreign ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov, respectively. The pact was followed by the German - Soviet Commercial Agreement in February 1940.", "title": "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact" } ]
Who suspended the party that would have maintained power if the treaty was signed in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic?
[ "Boris Yeltsin" ]
[ { "answer": "Tang", "id": 24697, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "Kanmu modeled his government after what Chinese capital?" }, { "answer": "Chinese surname", "id": 578772, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "#1 >> instance of" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Parliament sits in Cape Town, even though the seat of government is in Pretoria. This dates back to the foundation of the Union, when there was disagreement among the four provinces as to which city would be the national capital. As a compromise, Cape Town was designated the legislative capital, Bloemfontein the judicial capital, and Pretoria the administrative capital. The African National Congress (ANC) government has proposed moving Parliament to Pretoria, arguing that the present arrangement is cumbersome as ministers, civil servants and diplomats must move back and forth when Parliament is in session.", "title": "Parliament of South Africa" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Shang 商 Kingdom c. 1600 BC -- c. 1046 BC Remnants of advanced, stratified societies dating back to the Shang period have been found in the Yellow River Valley. Capital Yin (modern Anyang) Languages Old Chinese Religion Chinese folk religion Government monarchy Historical era Bronze Age Established c. 1600 BC Zhou conquest c. 1046 BC Area 1122 BC est. 1,250,000 km (480,000 sq mi) Preceded by Succeeded by Xia dynasty Zhou dynasty Today part of China", "title": "Shang dynasty" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The period between the foundation of the Han dynasty and Wang Mang's reign is known as the Western Han dynasty (simplified Chinese: 西汉; traditional Chinese: 西漢; pinyin: Xī Hàn) or Former Han dynasty (simplified Chinese: 前汉; traditional Chinese: 前漢; pinyin: Qiánhàn) (206 BC – 9 AD). During this period the capital was at Chang'an (modern Xi'an). From the reign of Guangwu the capital was moved eastward to Luoyang. The era from his reign until the fall of Han is known as the Eastern Han dynasty (simplified Chinese: 东汉; traditional Chinese: 東漢; pinyin: Dōng Hàn) or the Later Han dynasty (simplified Chinese: 后汉; traditional Chinese: 後漢; pinyin: Hòu Hàn) (25–220 AD).", "title": "Han dynasty" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Tang (; Chinese: 唐, mandarin Pinyin: \"Táng\"; Japanese: 唐/とう/から; Korean: 당/唐; Cantonese : Tong; old Chinese read Dang), is a Chinese surname. The three languages also have the surname with the same character but different pronunciation/romanization. In Korean, it is usually romanized also as Dang. In Japanese, the surname is often romanized as To. In Vietnamese, it is commonly written as Đường (the anglicized variation is Duong, not be confused with Vietnamese surname Dương which is also anglicized as Duong). It is pronounced dhɑng in Middle Chinese, and lhāŋ in Old Chinese.", "title": "Táng (surname)" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Heian period was preceded by the Nara period and began in 794 A.D after the movement of the capital of Japan to Heian-kyō (present day Kyōto京都), by the 50th emperor, Emperor Kanmu. Kanmu first tried to move the capital to Nagaoka-kyō, but a series of disasters befell the city, prompting the emperor to relocate the capital a second time, to Heian. The Heian Period is considered a high point in Japanese culture that later generations have always admired. The period is also noted for the rise of the samurai class, which would eventually take power and start the feudal period of Japan.", "title": "Heian period" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "With the end of the war with Japan, the Chinese Civil War resumed between the Chinese Communists and the Chinese Nationalists. While the Communists were struggling for supremacy in Manchuria, they were supported by the North Korean government with matériel and manpower. According to Chinese sources, the North Koreans donated 2,000 railway cars worth of matériel while thousands of Koreans served in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) during the war. North Korea also provided the Chinese Communists in Manchuria with a safe refuge for non-combatants and communications with the rest of China.", "title": "Korean War" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ottoman cuisine refers to the cuisine of the capital, Istanbul, and the regional capital cities, where the melting pot of cultures created a common cuisine that most of the population regardless of ethnicity shared. This diverse cuisine was honed in the Imperial Palace's kitchens by chefs brought from certain parts of the Empire to create and experiment with different ingredients. The creations of the Ottoman Palace's kitchens filtered to the population, for instance through Ramadan events, and through the cooking at the Yalıs of the Pashas, and from there on spread to the rest of the population.", "title": "Ottoman Empire" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The first generation was produced in hatchback, coupe and convertible body styles. Since the second generation (introduced in 2013), the coupé and convertible models have been marketed as the 2 Series, therefore the 1 Series range no longer includes these body styles. A sedan model became available for the Chinese market in 2017.", "title": "BMW 1 Series" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On April 4, it was reported that the Chinese government appeared to be running an anti-CNN website that criticizes the cable network’s coverage of recent events. The site claims to have been created by a Beijing citizen. However, foreign correspondents in Beijing voiced suspicions that Anti-cnn may be a semi-government-made website. A Chinese government spokesman insisted the site was spontaneously set up by a Chinese citizen angered over media coverage.", "title": "2008 Summer Olympics torch relay" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The opening sentences of the story, in both the Galland and the Burton versions, set it in China and imply, at least, that Aladdin is Chinese. On the other hand, there is practically nothing in the rest of the story that is inconsistent with a Persian or Arabian setting. For instance, the Sultan is referred to as such rather being called the ``Emperor '', as in some re-tellings, and the people we meet in the story are Muslims: their conversation is larded with devout Muslim platitudes. A Jewish merchant buys Aladdin's wares (and incidentally cheats him), but there is no mention of Buddhists or Confucians (or other distinctively Han Chinese people).", "title": "Aladdin" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kublai's government after 1262 was a compromise between preserving Mongol interests in China and satisfying the demands of his Chinese subjects. He instituted the reforms proposed by his Chinese advisers by centralizing the bureaucracy, expanding the circulation of paper money, and maintaining the traditional monopolies on salt and iron. He restored the Imperial Secretariat and left the local administrative structure of past Chinese dynasties unchanged. However, Kublai rejected plans to revive the Confucian imperial examinations and divided Yuan society into three, later four, classes with the Han Chinese occupying the lowest rank. Kublai's Chinese advisers still wielded significant power in the government, but their official rank was nebulous.", "title": "Yuan dynasty" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Palacio de Gobierno, or the Government Palace of Nuevo León, is a state government building in Monterrey, the capital city of Nuevo León state, in northern Mexico.", "title": "Palacio de Gobierno (Nuevo León)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After Malaysia's independence in 1957, the government instructed all schools to surrender their properties and be assimilated into the National School system. This caused an uproar among the Chinese and a compromise was achieved in that the schools would instead become \"National Type\" schools. Under such a system, the government is only in charge of the school curriculum and teaching personnel while the lands still belonged to the schools. While Chinese primary schools were allowed to retain Chinese as the medium of instruction, Chinese secondary schools are required to change into English-medium schools. Over 60 schools converted to become National Type schools.", "title": "Private school" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wei Lihuang () (16 February 1897 – 17 January 1960) was a Chinese general who served the Nationalist government throughout the Chinese Civil War and Second Sino-Japanese War as one of China's most successful military commanders.", "title": "Wei Lihuang" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Another model is the FEELS model developed by Xie Bangxiu and deployed successfully in China. \"FEELS\" stands for five things in curriculum and education: Flexible-goals, Engaged-learner, Embodied-knowledge, Learning-through-interactions, and Supportive-teacher. It is used for understanding and evaluating educational curriculum under the assumption that the purpose of education is to \"help a person become whole.\" This work is in part the product of cooperation between Chinese government organizations and the Institute for the Postmodern Development of China.", "title": "Alfred North Whitehead" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "When Emperor Kammu moved the capital to Heian-kyō (Kyōto), which remained the imperial capital for the next 1,000 years, he did so not only to strengthen imperial authority but also to improve his seat of government geopolitically. Nara was abandoned after only 70 years in part due to the ascendancy of Dōkyō and the encroaching secular power of the Buddhist institutions there. Kyōto had good river access to the sea and could be reached by land routes from the eastern provinces. The early Heian period (784–967) continued Nara culture; the Heian capital was patterned on the Chinese Tang capital at Chang'an, as was Nara, but on a larger scale than Nara. Kammu endeavoured to improve the Tang-style administrative system which was in use. Known as the ritsuryō, this system attempted to recreate the Tang imperium in Japan, despite the \"tremendous differences in the levels of development between the two countries\". Despite the decline of the Taika-Taihō reforms, imperial government was vigorous during the early Heian period. Indeed, Kammu's avoidance of drastic reform decreased the intensity of political struggles, and he became recognized as one of Japan's most forceful emperors.", "title": "Heian period" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Advanced studies and growing applications of neo-Confucianism contributed to the transition of the social and political order from feudal norms to class- and large-group-oriented practices. The rule of the people or Confucian man was gradually replaced by the rule of law. New laws were developed, and new administrative devices were instituted. A new theory of government and a new vision of society emerged as a means of justifying more comprehensive governance by the bakufu. Each person had a distinct place in society and was expected to work to fulfill his or her mission in life. The people were to be ruled with benevolence by those whose assigned duty it was to rule. Government was all-powerful but responsible and humane. Although the class system was influenced by neo-Confucianism, it was not identical to it. Whereas soldiers and clergy were at the bottom of the hierarchy in the Chinese model, in Japan, some members of these classes constituted the ruling elite.", "title": "Edo period" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Qing dynasty (1644–1911) was founded after the fall of the Ming, the last Han Chinese dynasty, by the Manchus. The Manchus were formerly known as the Jurchens. When Beijing was captured by Li Zicheng's peasant rebels in 1644, the Chongzhen Emperor, the last Ming emperor, committed suicide. The Manchus then allied with former Ming general Wu Sangui and seized control of Beijing, which became the new capital of the Qing dynasty. The Mancus adopted the Confucian norms of traditional Chinese government in their rule of China proper. Schoppa, the editor of The Columbia Guide to Modern Chinese History argues, \"A date around 1780 as the beginning of modern China is thus closer to what we know today as historical 'reality'. It also allows us to have a better baseline to understand the precipitous decline of the Chinese polity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.\"", "title": "Modern history" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "When a country's capital or labour resources are employed outside its borders, or when a foreign firm is operating in its territory, GDP and GNP can produce different measures of total output. In 2009 for instance, the United States estimated its GDP at $14.119 trillion, and its GNP at $14.265 trillion.", "title": "Gross national income" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Tiebout model, also known as Tiebout sorting, Tiebout migration, or Tiebout hypothesis, is a positive political theory model first described by economist Charles Tiebout in his article \"A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures\" (1956). The essence of the model is that there is in fact a non-political solution to the free rider problem in local governance. Specifically, competition across local jurisdictions places competitive pressures on the provision of local public goods such that these local governments are able to provide the optimal level of public goods.", "title": "Tiebout model" } ]
The name of the Chinese capitol Kanmu modeled his government after is an instance of what?
[ "surname" ]
Chinese surname
[ { "answer": "the Russian Federation", "id": 83938, "paragraph_support_idx": 5, "question": "the kamchatka peninsula is a landform in what country" }, { "answer": "Yeltsin", "id": 5666, "paragraph_support_idx": 8, "question": "Who was the first president of #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Johan Henri Eliza Ferrier (12 May 1910 – 4 January 2010) was a Surinamese politician who served as the 1st President of Suriname from 25 November 1975 to 13 August 1980. He was that country's last governor before independence, from 1968 to 1975, and first president after it gained independence from the Netherlands.", "title": "Johan Ferrier" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Shostakovich Peninsula is an ice-covered peninsula lying north of Stravinsky Inlet and extending into Bach Ice Shelf in southern Alexander Island, Antarctica. The peninsula was first mapped by Directorate of Overseas Surveys from satellite imagery of Antarctica supplied by U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration in cooperation with U.S. Geological Survey. Named by United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee after Dmitri Shostakovich, Russian composer (1906-1975). Shostakovich Peninsula is one of the eight peninsulas of Alexander Island.", "title": "Shostakovich Peninsula" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "George Washington United States Father of his country George Washington is particularly highlighted out of the Founding Fathers of the United States as being the ``father of his country ''for his role as the commander - in - chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, his resignation of command at the end of the war, the presidency of the Constitutional Convention and for his tenure (and voluntary retirement) as the first President of the United States.", "title": "Father of the Nation" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Minor naval skirmishes also occurred in the Far East, where at Petropavlovsk on the Kamchatka Peninsula a British and French Allied squadron including HMS Pique under Rear Admiral David Price and a French force under Counter-Admiral Auguste Febvrier Despointes besieged a smaller Russian force under Rear Admiral Yevfimy Putyatin. In September 1854, an Allied landing force was beaten back with heavy casualties, and the Allies withdrew. The Russians escaped under the cover of snow in early 1855 after Allied reinforcements arrived in the region.", "title": "Crimean War" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The European Plain or Great European Plain is a plain in Europe and is a major feature of one of four major topographical units of Europe - the Central and Interior Lowlands. It is the largest mountain - free landform in Europe, although a number of highlands are identified within it.", "title": "European Plain" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Kamchatka Peninsula, the Commander Islands, and Karaginsky Island constitute the Kamchatka Krai of the Russian Federation. The vast majority of the 322,079 inhabitants are ethnic Russians, but there are also about 13,000 Koryaks (2014). More than half of the population lives in Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky (179,526 people in 2010) and nearby Yelizovo (38,980).", "title": "Kamchatka Peninsula" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dr. Percy Edgar Brown (1885–1937) was a renowned soil scientist at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Brown is perhaps best known for the book, \"Soils of Iowa\", which was published in 1936. The classic map, \"Landform Regions of Iowa,\" was originally published in this text.", "title": "Percy Edgar Brown" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dulo Hill (, ‘Halm Dulo’ \\'h&lm 'du-lo\\) is a rocky hill rising to in Dospey Heights on Byers Peninsula of Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. It overlooks President Beaches to the south.", "title": "Dulo Hill" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "On December 24, Yeltsin informed the Secretary-General of the United Nations that by agreement of the member states of the CIS Russian Federation would assume the membership of the Soviet Union in all UN organs (including permanent membership in the UN Security Council). Thus, Russia is considered to be an original member of the UN (since October 24, 1945) along with Ukraine (Ukrainian SSR) and Belarus (Byelorussian SSR). On December 25—just hours after Gorbachev resigned as president of the Soviet Union—the Russian SFSR was renamed the Russian Federation (Russia), reflecting that it was now a sovereign state with Yeltsin assuming the Presidency. The change was originally published on January 6, 1992 (Rossiyskaya Gazeta). According to law, during 1992, it was allowed to use the old name of the RSFSR for official business (forms, seals and stamps). The Russian Federation's Constitution (Fundamental Law) of 1978, though with the 1991–1992 Amendements, remained in effect until the 1993 Russian constitutional crisis.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jean-Nicolas Nissage Saget (1810–1880) succeeded Sylvain Salnave as President of Haiti in 1869. Coming into power by coup, Saget was the first Haitian president to serve out his term of office (1869–1874) and retire voluntarily, although his retirement led to a renewal of the political turmoil between blacks and the country's mulatto elites. He died in 1880.", "title": "Jean-Nicolas Nissage Saget" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Traditionally included within the Middle East are Iran (Persia), Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, and Egypt. In modern - day - country terms they are these:", "title": "Middle East" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sweden is a country in Northern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula. It borders Norway to the west; Finland to the northeast; and the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Bothnia to the south and east. At , Sweden is the 55th largest country in the world. It is the fifth largest in Europe and the largest in Northern Europe.", "title": "Geography of Sweden" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "AITUC Full name All India Trade Union Congress Founded 31 October 1920 Bombay, Bombay Presidency, British India Lala Lajpat Rai: First President Diwan Chaman Lall: First General Secretary Members 2,677,979 (2002) Affiliation WFTU Key people Ramendra Kumar, National President Gurudas Dasgupta, General Secretary Office location New Delhi Country India", "title": "All India Trade Union Congress" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "St. Sofroniy Knoll (, ‘Sv. Sofronieva Mogila’ \\ sve-'ti so-'fro-ni-e-va mo-'gi-la\\) is the hill rising to 107 m on the small ice-free peninsula of President Head in the northeast extremity of Snow Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Situated 1.3 km southwest of the extreme northeast point of the peninsula.", "title": "St. Sofroniy Knoll" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The country was controlled by a revolutionary council until 1984. The first multi-party elections were held in 1994. An army uprising in May 1998 led to the Guinea-Bissau Civil War and the president's ousting in June 1999. Elections were held again in 2000, and Kumba Ialá was elected president.", "title": "Guinea-Bissau" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hulot Peninsula () is a rugged peninsula forming the southwestern extremity of Brabant Island, in the Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica. It was first charted by the French Antarctic Expedition, 1903–05, and named by Jean-Baptiste Charcot for Baron Hulot.", "title": "Hulot Peninsula" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Some definitions of southern Europe, also known as Mediterranean Europe, include the countries of the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal), the Italian peninsula, southern France and Greece. Other definitions sometimes include the Balkan countries of southeast Europe, which are geographically in the southern part of Europe, but which have different historical, political, economic, and cultural backgrounds.", "title": "Southern Europe" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Geographical features are man - made or naturally - created features of the Earth. Natural geographical features consist of landforms and ecosystems. For example, terrain types, physical factors of the environment) are natural geographical features. Conversely, human settlements or other engineered forms are considered types of artificial geographical features.", "title": "Geographical feature" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The address fulfills rules in Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, requiring the President to periodically ``give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient. ''During most of the country's first century, the President primarily only submitted a written report to Congress. After 1913, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th U.S. President, began the regular practice of delivering the address to Congress in person as a way to rally support for his agenda. With the advent of radio and television, the address is now broadcast live across the country on many networks.", "title": "State of the Union" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "North Korea (Korean: ; MR: \"Chosŏn\" or literally ; MR: \"Pukchosŏn\"), officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK or DPR Korea; Korean: , \"Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk\"), is a country in East Asia constituting the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, with Pyongyang the capital and the largest city in the country. To the north and northwest, the country is bordered by China and by Russia along the Amnok (known as the Yalu in Chinese) and Tumen rivers and to the south it is bordered by South Korea, with the heavily fortified Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separating the two. Nevertheless, North Korea, like its southern counterpart, claims to be the legitimate government of the entire peninsula and adjacent islands.", "title": "North Korea" } ]
Who was the first president in the country where the Kamchatka Peninsula is located?
[ { "answer": "Tang", "id": 24697, "paragraph_support_idx": 17, "question": "Kanmu modeled his government after what Chinese capital?" }, { "answer": "King Cheng of Zhou", "id": 634490, "paragraph_support_idx": 18, "question": "Shu Yu of #1 >> sibling" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Tien Feng (born Tien Yu-kun, 4 June 1928 – 22 October 2015) was a Chinese actor, who appeared in hundreds of films in Taiwan and Hong Kong.", "title": "Tien Feng" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Beauty of the Game (Traditional Chinese: ) is a 2009 TVB television drama from Hong Kong produced and created by Tsui Yu On. It is a contemporary drama focusing on recreational drug use and the negative issues surrounding Hong Kong's entertainment circle.", "title": "The Beauty of the Game" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Empress Dowager Xu (徐太后, personal name unknown) (died 926), honored as Empress Dowager Shunsheng (順聖太后) during the reign of her son Wang Yan (né Wang Zongyan), known as Consort Xu with the imperial consort rank \"Xianfei\" (徐賢妃) during the reign of her husband Wang Jian, was an empress dowager of the Chinese Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period state Former Shu. She was one of the favorite concubines of Wang Jian, the founder of Former Shu, and through her palace machinations was able to have her son Wang Yan (who was then named Wang Zongyan) made Wang Jian's heir. She was described as beautiful and capable of writing poems, but corrupt. After Former Shu's destruction by Later Tang, she, her son, as well as the rest of the Former Shu imperial family, were executed by Emperor Zhuangzong of Later Tang.", "title": "Empress Dowager Xu" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Daughters of Pharmacist Kim () is a 1963 South Korean film by Yu Hyun-mok portraying sibling rivalry and the troubled marriages of four sisters. In 2005, the film was adapted as an MBC television series.", "title": "Daughters of Pharmacist Kim" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Breakup Guru () is a 2014 Chinese romantic-comedy-drama film directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei and also starring Deng Chao and Yang Mi. The film was released on June 27, 2014.", "title": "The Breakup Guru" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Mongol rulers patronized the Yuan printing industry. Chinese printing technology was transferred to the Mongols through Kingdom of Qocho and Tibetan intermediaries. Some Yuan documents such as Wang Zhen's Nong Shu were printed with earthenware movable type, a technology invented in the 12th century. However, most published works were still produced through traditional block printing techniques. The publication of a Taoist text inscribed with the name of Töregene Khatun, Ögedei's wife, is one of the first printed works sponsored by the Mongols. In 1273, the Mongols created the Imperial Library Directorate, a government-sponsored printing office. The Yuan government established centers for printing throughout China. Local schools and government agencies were funded to support the publishing of books.", "title": "Yuan dynasty" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Xiao Shuxian (Simplified Chinese: 萧淑娴; Traditional Chinese: 蕭淑嫻; Pinyin: Xiāo Shúxián; sometimes spelled Hsiao Shu-sien) (4 April 1905 in Tianjin – 26 November 1991 in Beijing) was a Chinese composer and music educator.", "title": "Xiao Shuxian" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Yu Shulong (born February 19, 1990 in Jilin, China) is a Chinese professional basketball player. He currently plays for the Sichuan Blue Whales of the Chinese Basketball Association. He is also a member of the Chinese national basketball team.", "title": "Yu Shulong" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wang Zongbi (王宗弼) (died 28 December, 925) was a major general of the Chinese state of Former Shu during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.", "title": "Wang Zongbi" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Zhou Yu's Train () is a 2002 Chinese film directed by Sun Zhou, and starring Gong Li and Tony Leung Ka-Fai.", "title": "Zhou Yu's Train" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Siao Yu (Chinese: 少女小漁) is a Taiwanese film directed by Sylvia Chang, written by Sylvia Chang and Ang Lee, starring Rene Liu in her debut film role, released in 1995.", "title": "Siao Yu" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ping Pong Playa is a 2007 sports comedy film directed by Jessica Yu and written by Yu and Jimmy Tsai.The story centers on a Chinese ping pong family living in California with a buffoonish and irreverent son.", "title": "Ping Pong Playa" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "China's first imperial dynasty was the Qin dynasty (221–206 BC). The Qin unified the Chinese Warring States by conquest, but their empire became unstable after the death of the first emperor Qin Shi Huangdi. Within four years, the dynasty's authority had collapsed in the face of rebellion. Two former rebel leaders, Xiang Yu (d. 202 BC) of Chu and Liu Bang (d. 195 BC) of Han, engaged in a war to decide who would become hegemon of China, which had fissured into 18 kingdoms, each claiming allegiance to either Xiang Yu or Liu Bang. Although Xiang Yu proved to be a capable commander, Liu Bang defeated him at Battle of Gaixia (202 BC), in modern-day Anhui. Liu Bang assumed the title \"emperor\" (huangdi) at the urging of his followers and is known posthumously as Emperor Gaozu (r. 202–195 BC). Chang'an was chosen as the new capital of the reunified empire under Han.", "title": "Han dynasty" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Yu Ming Is Ainm Dom (English: \"My Name Is Yu Ming\") is a 2003 Irish short film. Filmed largely in the Irish language, it tells the tale of a Chinese man who has learned to speak Irish but cannot be understood when he comes to visit largely Anglophone Ireland. It was directed by Daniel O'Hara and runs 13 minutes long.", "title": "Yu Ming Is Ainm Dom" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The film is set in 18th century Qing Dynasty China. Li Mu Bai (Chow Yun - fat) is an accomplished Wudang swordsman and Yu Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh) heads a private security company. The death of Mu Bai's closest friend and Shu Lien's fiancé, Meng Sizhao, complicates their feelings for one another. Mu Bai, after choosing to retire, asks Shu Lien to give his sword ``Green Destiny ''to their benefactor Sir Te (Sihung Lung) in Beijing. Long ago, Mu Bai's master was murdered by Jade Fox (Cheng Pei - pei), a woman who sought to learn Wudang skills. While at Sir Te's place, Shu Lien makes the acquaintance of Jen Yu (Zhang Ziyi), who is the daughter of a rich and powerful Governor Yu and is about to get married.", "title": "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nio Joe Lan (; Perfected Spelling: Nio Yu Lan; also known by the Indonesianised name Junus Nur Arif; 29 December 1904 – 13 February 1973) was a Chinese-Indonesian writer, journalist, and history teacher.", "title": "Nio Joe Lan" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jin Feishan (; died 926) was an empress of the Chinese Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period state Former Shu. She was the second wife of Former Shu's last emperor Wang Yan (né Wang Zongyan).", "title": "Jin Feishan" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "When Emperor Kammu moved the capital to Heian-kyō (Kyōto), which remained the imperial capital for the next 1,000 years, he did so not only to strengthen imperial authority but also to improve his seat of government geopolitically. Nara was abandoned after only 70 years in part due to the ascendancy of Dōkyō and the encroaching secular power of the Buddhist institutions there. Kyōto had good river access to the sea and could be reached by land routes from the eastern provinces. The early Heian period (784–967) continued Nara culture; the Heian capital was patterned on the Chinese Tang capital at Chang'an, as was Nara, but on a larger scale than Nara. Kammu endeavoured to improve the Tang-style administrative system which was in use. Known as the ritsuryō, this system attempted to recreate the Tang imperium in Japan, despite the \"tremendous differences in the levels of development between the two countries\". Despite the decline of the Taika-Taihō reforms, imperial government was vigorous during the early Heian period. Indeed, Kammu's avoidance of drastic reform decreased the intensity of political struggles, and he became recognized as one of Japan's most forceful emperors.", "title": "Heian period" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "According to the Records of the Grand Historian, one day, King Cheng of Zhou was playing with his younger brother, Prince Yu. King Cheng of Zhou suddenly picked up a parasol tree leaf and gave it to Prince Yu. Then he said playfully,\" Let this be a proof that I will make you a feudal lord.\" Prince Yu happily got the leaf and he then told this to the Duke of Zhou. The Duke of Zhou thought that whatever the young King Cheng of Zhou said should not be taken lightly since he was the king.", "title": "Shu Yu of Tang" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Heian period was preceded by the Nara period and began in 794 A.D after the movement of the capital of Japan to Heian-kyō (present day Kyōto京都), by the 50th emperor, Emperor Kanmu. Kanmu first tried to move the capital to Nagaoka-kyō, but a series of disasters befell the city, prompting the emperor to relocate the capital a second time, to Heian. The Heian Period is considered a high point in Japanese culture that later generations have always admired. The period is also noted for the rise of the samurai class, which would eventually take power and start the feudal period of Japan.", "title": "Heian period" } ]
Who is the sibling of Shu Yu from the Chinese capital that Kanmu modeled his government after?
King Cheng of Zhou
[ { "answer": "Yeltsin", "id": 5658, "paragraph_support_idx": 18, "question": "Who signed the decree suspending the Communist Party of the Russian SFSR?" }, { "answer": "10-year", "id": 25002, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "How long lasting was the pact between Kravchuk and #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Andrey Anatolyevich Shumilin (; born March 9, 1970 in Kaliningrad, Russian SFSR). is a Russian former wrestler. He competed in the 1996 Summer Olympics and came fourth in the super-heavyweight freestyle event.", "title": "Andrey Shumilin" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Government was known officially as the Council of People's Commissars (1917–1946), Council of Ministers (1946–1978) and Council of Ministers–Government (1978–1991). The first government was headed by Vladimir Lenin as \"Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR\" and the last by Boris Yeltsin as both head of government and head of state under the title \"President\".", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On October 11, 1944, the Tuvan People's Republic joined the Russian SFSR as the Tuvan Autonomous Oblast, in 1961 becoming an Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The naira was introduced on 1 January 1973, replacing the pound at a rate of 2 naira = 1 pound. This made Nigeria the last country to abandon the £sd currency system. There was a plan to redenominate the naira at 1 new naira = 100 old naira in 2008, but the plan was suspended. The currency sign is U + 20A6 ₦Naira sign.", "title": "Nigerian naira" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Former Soviet states, as well as countries that used to be satellite states or territories of the Warsaw Pact, have numerous minority Slavic populations, many of whom are originally from the Russian SFSR, Ukrainian SSR and Byelorussian SSR. As of now, Kazakhstan has the largest Slavic minority population with most being Russians (Ukrainians, Belarusians and Poles are present as well but in much smaller numbers).", "title": "Slavs" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On April 17, 1946, the Kaliningrad Oblast — the northern portion of the former German province of East Prussia—was annexed by the Soviet Union and made part of the Russian SFSR.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "With the rise of strong nationalist and separatist movements inside the union republics, Gorbachev tried to avert a dissolution of the Soviet Union in the post-Cold War era. A March 1991 referendum, boycotted by some republics, resulted in a majority of participating citizens voting in favor of preserving the union as a renewed federation. Gorbachev's power was greatly diminished after Russian President Boris Yeltsin played a high - profile role in facing down an abortive August 1991 coup d'état attempted by Communist Party hardliners. On 25 December 1991, Gorbachev resigned and the remaining twelve constituent republics emerged as independent post-Soviet states. The Russian Federation -- formerly the Russian SFSR -- assumed the Soviet Union's rights and obligations and is recognized as the successor state of the Soviet Union. In summing up the international ramifications of these events, Vladislav Zubok stated: ``The collapse of the Soviet empire was an event of epochal geopolitical, military, ideological and economic significance. ''", "title": "Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After reconquering Estonia and Latvia in 1944, the Russian SFSR annexed their easternmost territories around Ivangorod and within the modern Pechorsky and Pytalovsky Districts in 1944-1945.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Oleg Ivanovich Skripochka (; born 24 December 1969 in Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Krai, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union) is a Russian cosmonaut. In 2011 he was in space serving as an Expedition 25/26 crewmember.", "title": "Oleg Skripochka" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Two rounds of Soviet purges directed by Moscow (1927–1934 and 1937–1938) resulted in the expulsion of nearly 10,000 people, from all levels of the Communist Party of Tajikistan. Ethnic Russians were sent in to replace those expelled and subsequently Russians dominated party positions at all levels, including the top position of first secretary. Between 1926 and 1959 the proportion of Russians among Tajikistan's population grew from less than 1% to 13%. Bobojon Ghafurov, Tajikistan's First Secretary of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1946–1956 was the only Tajikistani politician of significance outside of the country during the Soviet Era. He was followed in office by Tursun Uljabayev (1956–61), Jabbor Rasulov (1961–1982), and Rahmon Nabiyev (1982–1985, 1991–1992).", "title": "Tajikistan" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "This liberalization, however, fostered nationalist movements and ethnic disputes within the Soviet Union. It also led indirectly to the revolutions of 1989, in which Soviet-imposed communist regimes of the Warsaw Pact were peacefully toppled (Romania excepted), which in turn increased pressure on Gorbachev to introduce greater democracy and autonomy for the Soviet Union's constituent republics. Under Gorbachev's leadership, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1989 introduced limited competitive elections to a new central legislature, the Congress of People's Deputies (although the ban on other political parties was not lifted until 1990).", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Second United Front was the alliance between the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang, or KMT) and Communist Party of China (CPC) to resist the Japanese invasion during the Second Sino - Japanese War, which suspended the Chinese Civil War from 1937 to 1941.", "title": "Second United Front" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Before the pact's announcement, Communists in the West denied that such a treaty would be signed. Future member of the Hollywood Ten Herbert Biberman denounced rumors as \"Fascist propaganda\". Earl Browder, head of the Communist Party USA, stated that \"there is as much chance of agreement as of Earl Browder being elected president of the Chamber of Commerce.\" Beginning in September 1939, the Soviet Comintern suspended all anti-Nazi and anti-fascist propaganda, explaining that the war in Europe was a matter of capitalist states attacking each other for imperialist purposes. Western Communists acted accordingly; while before they supported protecting collective security, now they denounced Britain and France going to war.", "title": "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Following the breakup of the Russian Empire in the aftermath of World War I for a brief period, from 1918 to 1920, Armenia was an independent republic. In late 1920, the communists came to power following an invasion of Armenia by the Red Army, and in 1922, Armenia became part of the Transcaucasian SFSR of the Soviet Union, later forming the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (1936 to September 21, 1991). In 1991, Armenia declared independence from the USSR and established the second Republic of Armenia.", "title": "Armenians" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "On November 18, 1990, the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church enthroned Mstyslav as Patriarch of Kiev and all Ukraine during ceremonies at Saint Sophia's Cathedral. Also on November 18, Canada announced that its consul-general to Kiev would be Ukrainian-Canadian Nestor Gayowsky. On November 19, the United States announced that its consul to Kiev would be Ukrainian-American John Stepanchuk. On November 19, the chairmen of the Ukrainian and Russian parliaments, respectively, Kravchuk and Yeltsin, signed a 10-year bilateral pact. In early December 1990 the Party of Democratic Rebirth of Ukraine was founded; on December 15, the Democratic Party of Ukraine was founded.", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On 24 August, Pravda and Izvestia carried news of the non-secret portions of the Pact, complete with the now infamous front-page picture of Molotov signing the treaty, with a smiling Stalin looking on. The news was met with utter shock and surprise by government leaders and media worldwide, most of whom were aware only of the British–French–Soviet negotiations that had taken place for months. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was received with shock by Nazi Germany's allies, notably Japan, by the Comintern and foreign communist parties, and by Jewish communities all around the world. So, that day, German diplomat Hans von Herwarth, whose grandmother was Jewish, informed Guido Relli, an Italian diplomat, and American chargé d'affaires Charles Bohlen on the secret protocol regarding vital interests in the countries' allotted \"spheres of influence\", without revealing the annexation rights for \"territorial and political rearrangement\".", "title": "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Novgorod Governorate (, \"Novgorodskaya guberniya\", Government of Novgorod), was an administrative division (a \"guberniya\") of the Russian Empire and the Russian SFSR, which existed from 1727 to 1776 and from 1796 to 1927. Its administrative center was in the city of Novgorod. The governorate was located in the northwest of the European part of the Russian Empire.", "title": "Novgorod Governorate" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The \"Jeltoqsan\" (Kazakh for \"December\") of 1986 were riots in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, sparked by Gorbachev's dismissal of Dinmukhamed Konayev, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and an ethnic Kazakh, who was replaced with Gennady Kolbin, an outsider from the Russian SFSR. Demonstrations started in the morning of December 17, 1986, with 200 to 300 students in front of the Central Committee building on Brezhnev Square protesting Konayev's dismissal and replacement by a Russian. Protesters swelled to 1,000 to 5,000 as other students joined the crowd. The CPK Central Committee ordered troops from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, druzhiniki (volunteers), cadets, policemen, and the KGB to cordon the square and videotape the participants. The situation escalated around 5 p.m., as troops were ordered to disperse the protesters. Clashes between the security forces and the demonstrators continued throughout the night in Almaty.", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "On August 23, after the failure of GKChP, in the presence of Gorbachev, Yeltsin signed a decree suspending all activity by the Communist Party of the Russian SFSR in the territory of Russia. On November 6, he went further, banning the Communist Parties of the USSR and the RSFSR from the territory of the RSFSR.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Treaty of Jassy, signed at Jassy (\"Iași\") in Moldavia (presently in Romania), was a pact between the Russian and Ottoman Empires ending the Russo-Turkish War of 1787–92 and confirming Russia's increasing dominance in the Black Sea.", "title": "Treaty of Jassy" } ]
How long did the pact last between Kravchuk and the person who signed the decree suspending the Communist Party of the Russian SFSR?
[ { "answer": "Malko Tarnovo", "id": 502473, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "Mehmet Hayri Tarhan >> place of birth" }, { "answer": "Malko Tarnovo Municipality", "id": 634689, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "#1 >> capital of" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ali Suat Hayri Ürgüplü (13 August 1903, Damascus, Ottoman Empire – 26 December 1981, Istanbul, Turkey) was a Turkish politician. He served a brief term as Prime Minister of Turkey in 1965. He was also the last Prime Minister to be born outside the territory of present-day Turkey, being born in Damascus, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire.", "title": "Suat Hayri Ürgüplü" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A Prisoner of Birth is a mystery novel by English author Jeffrey Archer, first published on 6 March 2008 by Macmillan. This book is a contemporary retelling of Dumas's \"The Count of Monte Cristo\". The novel saw Archer return to the first place in the fiction best-seller list for the first time in a decade.", "title": "A Prisoner of Birth" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The vagina is a fibromuscular (made up of fibrous and muscular tissue) canal leading from the outside of the body to the cervix of the uterus or womb. It is also referred to as the birth canal in the context of pregnancy. The vagina accommodates the male penis during sexual intercourse. Semen containing spermatazoa is ejaculated from the male at orgasm, into the vagina potentially enabling fertilization of the egg cell (ovum) to take place.", "title": "Female reproductive system" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the U.S., the issuance of birth certificates is a function of the Vital Records Office of the states, capital district, territories and former territories. Birth in the U.S. establishes automatic eligibility for American citizenship, so a birth certificate from a local authority is commonly provided to the federal government to obtain a U.S. passport. However, the U.S. State Department does issue a Consular Report of Birth Abroad for children born to U.S. citizens (who are also eligible for citizenship), including births on military bases in foreign territory.", "title": "Birth certificate" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Georgia has had five different capitals in its history. The first was Savannah, the seat of government during British colonial rule, followed by Augusta, Louisville, Milledgeville, and Atlanta, the capital city from 1868 to the present day. The state legislature has gathered for official meetings in other places, most often in Macon and especially during the American Civil War.", "title": "History of Georgia (U.S. state)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Turhan Tezol was born to Mehmet Şükrü, an immigrant from Kavala, (then Ottoman Empire), and his wife Zeliha at Istanbul on August 9, 1932. He had four brothers, Alaettin, Tayyar, Erdoğan and Ayhan, as well as two sisters İnal and Mualla (Kuşçu).", "title": "Turhan Tezol" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 29th government of Turkey (20 February 1965 – 27 October 1965) was a caretaker government in Turkey. The prime minister was Suat Hayri Ürgüplü, an independent. Four parties supported him: Justice Party (AP), New Turkey Party (YTP), Republican Villagers Nation Party (CKMP), and Nation Party (MP). (This was the only time Nation Party ever participated in a government).", "title": "29th government of Turkey" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On July 30, 2007 Oak Hill Capital Partners acquired Southern Air and merged the two airlines into one, giving birth to Southern Air Holdings, Inc. Consequently, Cargo 360 was absorbed into Southern Air in January 2008 and ceased operating under its own colors.", "title": "Cargo 360" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sleen is a village in Drenthe, Netherlands of about 2500 people. Sleen has been inhabited for centuries. Much ancient history can be found in the area, particularly in the forests (which are planted, though). At birth and during the Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (Republic of the Seven United Netherlands (1581–1795)). Sleen became the capital of one of the six “dingspels” (administrative areas) of Drenthe. When Drenthe was recognised as a province, Sleen became a municipality capital, before it merged into the municipality of Coevorden.", "title": "Sleen" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mehmet Eroğlu (born 2 October 1948) is a Turkish novelist. His most known work is \"Issızlığın Ortasında\" (\"In the Midst of Solitude\").", "title": "Mehmet Eroğlu" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mehmet Naim Talu (22 July 1919 – 15 May 1998) was a Turkish economist, banker, politician and former Prime Minister of Turkey.", "title": "Naim Talu" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the Indian Rebellion of 1857, Delhi fell to the forces of East India Company after a bloody fight known as the Siege of Delhi. The city came under the direct control of the British Government in 1858. It was made a district province of the Punjab. In 1911, it was announced that the capital of British held territories in India was to be transferred from Calcutta to Delhi. The name ``New Delhi ''was given in 1927, and the new capital was inaugurated on 13 February 1931. New Delhi, also known as Lutyens' Delhi, was officially declared as the capital of the Union of India after the country gained independence on 15 August 1947. During the partition of India, thousands of Hindu and Sikh refugees, mainly from West Punjab fled to Delhi, while many Muslim residents of the city migrated to Pakistan. Migration to Delhi from the rest of India continues (as of 2013), contributing more to the rise of Delhi's population than the birth rate, which is declining.", "title": "Delhi" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Mehmet Hayri Tarhan (1884; Tirnovadjik (Malko Tarnovo) – December 11, 1934; Ankara) was a military officer of the Ottoman Army and a general of the Turkish Army.", "title": "Mehmet Hayri Tarhan" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Star Trek: Birth of the Federation (also known as Star Trek: The Next Generation: Birth of the Federation and Birth of the Federation) is a 4X turn-based strategy video game developed by MicroProse and published by Hasbro Interactive. The game was initially released on May 25, 1999 for Windows personal computers.", "title": "Star Trek: Birth of the Federation" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Malko Tarnovo Municipality (Bulgarian: Община Малко Търново, \"Obshtina Malko Tarnovo\") is a municipality in Burgas Province, Bulgaria. It includes the town of Malko Tarnovo and a number of villages.", "title": "Malko Tarnovo Municipality" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hayrat is a town and district of Trabzon Province, located in the Black Sea region of Turkey. The mayor is Mehmet Nuhoğlu (AKP).", "title": "Hayrat" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sincik is a remote district of Adıyaman Province of Turkey with a population of 4,262. The mayor is Mehmet Korkut (BBP).", "title": "Sincik" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ağlama Bebeğim is Ahmet Kaya's first album, released in 1985, but censored in Turkey shortly following the release. It features a number of Kaya's own poems, but also includes settings of poems by Ahmed Arif, Sebahattin Ali, Nazım Hikmet, and Mehmet Akif Ersoy.", "title": "Ağlama Bebeğim" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "However Cornelius Clifford places his birth no earlier than 296 and no later than 298, based on the fact that Athanasius indicates no first hand recollection of the Maximian persecution of 303, which he suggests Athanasius would have remembered if he had been ten years old at the time. Secondly, the Festal Epistles state that the Arians had accused Athanasius, among other charges, of not having yet attained the canonical age (30) and thus could not have been properly ordained as Patriarch of Alexandria in 328. The accusation must have seemed plausible. The Orthodox Church places his year of birth around 297.", "title": "Athanasius of Alexandria" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mehmet Çetingöz (born May 12, 1991 in Şanlıurfa, Turkey) is a Turkish wheelchair basketball player in center position. He is a 4 point player competing for Beşiktaş JK wheelchair basketball team. He is part of the Turkey men's junior national wheelchair basketball team and captain of the U23 team.", "title": "Mehmet Çetingöz" } ]
Mehmet Hayri Tarhan's birthplace is the capital of what municipality?
Malko Tarnovo Municipality
[ { "answer": "Yeltsin", "id": 5658, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "Who signed the decree suspending the Communist Party of the Russian SFSR?" }, { "answer": "72", "id": 161105, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "By how many votes did #1 survive an impeachment?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Impeachment in the United States is an enumerated power of the legislature that allows formal charges to be brought against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed. Most impeachments have concerned alleged crimes committed while in office, though there have been a few cases in which Congress has impeached and convicted officials partly for prior crimes. The actual trial on such charges, and subsequent removal of an official upon conviction, is separate from the act of impeachment itself. Impeachment proceedings have been initiated against several presidents of the United States. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents to have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, and both were later acquitted by the Senate. The impeachment process against Richard Nixon was never completed, as Nixon resigned his office before the vote of the full House for impeachment, but such a vote was widely expected to pass, and the threat of it and a subsequent conviction in the Senate was the impetus for Nixon's departure. To date, no president has been removed from office by impeachment and conviction. The impeached official continues in office until conviction.", "title": "Impeachment in the United States" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On July 22, 2008 the UPA faced its first confidence vote in the Lok Sabha after the Communist Party of India (Marxist) led Left Front withdrew support over India approaching the IAEA for Indo - U.S. nuclear deal. The UPA won the confidence vote with 275 votes to the opposition's 256, (10 members abstained from the vote) to record a 19 - vote victory.", "title": "India–United States Civil Nuclear Agreement" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "On August 23, after the failure of GKChP, in the presence of Gorbachev, Yeltsin signed a decree suspending all activity by the Communist Party of the Russian SFSR in the territory of Russia. On November 6, he went further, banning the Communist Parties of the USSR and the RSFSR from the territory of the RSFSR.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Second United Front was the alliance between the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang, or KMT) and Communist Party of China (CPC) to resist the Japanese invasion during the Second Sino - Japanese War, which suspended the Chinese Civil War from 1937 to 1941.", "title": "Second United Front" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On April 17, 1946, the Kaliningrad Oblast — the northern portion of the former German province of East Prussia—was annexed by the Soviet Union and made part of the Russian SFSR.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Andrey Anatolyevich Shumilin (; born March 9, 1970 in Kaliningrad, Russian SFSR). is a Russian former wrestler. He competed in the 1996 Summer Olympics and came fourth in the super-heavyweight freestyle event.", "title": "Andrey Shumilin" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "When anti-German demonstrations erupted in Prague, Czechoslovakia, the Comintern ordered the Czech Communist Party to employ all of its strength to paralyze \"chauvinist elements.\" Moscow soon forced the Communist Parties of France and Great Britain to adopt an anti-war position. On 7 September, Stalin called Georgi Dimitrov,[clarification needed] and the latter sketched a new Comintern line on the war. The new line—which stated that the war was unjust and imperialist—was approved by the secretariat of the Communist International on 9 September. Thus, the various western Communist parties now had to oppose the war, and to vote against war credits. Although the French Communists had unanimously voted in Parliament for war credits on 2 September and on 19 September declared their \"unshakeable will\" to defend the country, on 27 September the Comintern formally instructed the party to condemn the war as imperialist. By 1 October the French Communists advocated listening to German peace proposals, and Communist leader Maurice Thorez deserted from the French Army on 4 October and fled to Russia. Other Communists also deserted from the army.", "title": "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Novgorod Governorate (, \"Novgorodskaya guberniya\", Government of Novgorod), was an administrative division (a \"guberniya\") of the Russian Empire and the Russian SFSR, which existed from 1727 to 1776 and from 1796 to 1927. Its administrative center was in the city of Novgorod. The governorate was located in the northwest of the European part of the Russian Empire.", "title": "Novgorod Governorate" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Oleg Ivanovich Skripochka (; born 24 December 1969 in Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Krai, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union) is a Russian cosmonaut. In 2011 he was in space serving as an Expedition 25/26 crewmember.", "title": "Oleg Skripochka" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The League of West German Communists (, abbreviated BWK) was a Maoist communist political organization in the Federal Republic of Germany, active between 1980 and 1995 and one of the last surviving \"K-Groups\" () established in the aftermath of the German student movement. Following the German reunification, it merged into the Party of Democratic Socialism.", "title": "League of West German Communists" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Impeachment in the United States is an enumerated power of the legislature that allows formal charges to be brought against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed. Most impeachments have concerned alleged crimes committed while in office, though there have been a few cases in which Congress has impeached and convicted officials partly for prior crimes. The actual trial on such charges, and subsequent removal of an official upon conviction, is separate from the act of impeachment itself. Impeachment proceedings have been initiated against several presidents of the United States. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents to have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, and both were later acquitted by the Senate. The impeachment process against Richard Nixon was never completed, as Nixon resigned his office before the vote of the full House for impeachment, but such a vote was widely expected to pass, and the threat of it and a subsequent conviction in the Senate was the impetus for Nixon's departure. To date, no U.S. President has been removed from office by impeachment and conviction. The impeached official continues in office until conviction.", "title": "Impeachment in the United States" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Faced with growing separatism, Gorbachev sought to restructure the Soviet Union into a less centralized state. On August 20, 1991, the Russian SFSR was scheduled to sign a New Union Treaty that would have converted the Soviet Union into a federation of independent republics with a common president, foreign policy and military. It was strongly supported by the Central Asian republics, which needed the economic advantages of a common market to prosper. However, it would have meant some degree of continued Communist Party control over economic and social life.", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Two rounds of Soviet purges directed by Moscow (1927–1934 and 1937–1938) resulted in the expulsion of nearly 10,000 people, from all levels of the Communist Party of Tajikistan. Ethnic Russians were sent in to replace those expelled and subsequently Russians dominated party positions at all levels, including the top position of first secretary. Between 1926 and 1959 the proportion of Russians among Tajikistan's population grew from less than 1% to 13%. Bobojon Ghafurov, Tajikistan's First Secretary of the Communist Party of Tajikistan from 1946–1956 was the only Tajikistani politician of significance outside of the country during the Soviet Era. He was followed in office by Tursun Uljabayev (1956–61), Jabbor Rasulov (1961–1982), and Rahmon Nabiyev (1982–1985, 1991–1992).", "title": "Tajikistan" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Before the pact's announcement, Communists in the West denied that such a treaty would be signed. Future member of the Hollywood Ten Herbert Biberman denounced rumors as \"Fascist propaganda\". Earl Browder, head of the Communist Party USA, stated that \"there is as much chance of agreement as of Earl Browder being elected president of the Chamber of Commerce.\" Beginning in September 1939, the Soviet Comintern suspended all anti-Nazi and anti-fascist propaganda, explaining that the war in Europe was a matter of capitalist states attacking each other for imperialist purposes. Western Communists acted accordingly; while before they supported protecting collective security, now they denounced Britain and France going to war.", "title": "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The ninth congress, which opened on March 26, began with an extraordinary session of the Congress of People's Deputies taking up discussions of emergency measures to defend the constitution, including impeachment of President Yeltsin. Yeltsin conceded that he had made mistakes and reached out to swing voters in parliament. Yeltsin narrowly survived an impeachment vote on March 28, votes for impeachment falling 72 short of the 689 votes needed for a 2/3 majority. The similar proposal to dismiss Ruslan Khasbulatov, the chairman of the Supreme Soviet was defeated by a wider margin (339 in favour of the motion), though 614 deputies had initially been in favour of including the re-election of the chairman in the agenda, a tell-tale sign of the weakness of Khasbulatov's own positions (517 votes for would have sufficed to dismiss the speaker).By the time of the ninth Congress, the legislative branch was dominated by the joint communist-nationalist Russian Unity bloc, which included representatives of the CPRF and the Fatherland faction (communists, retired military personnel, and other deputies of a socialist orientation), Agrarian Union, and the faction \"Russia\" led by Sergey Baburin. Together with more 'centrist' groups (e.g. 'Change' (Смена)), the Yeltsin supporters ('Democratic Russia', 'Radical democrats') were clearly left in the minority.", "title": "1993 Russian constitutional crisis" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Following the breakup of the Russian Empire in the aftermath of World War I for a brief period, from 1918 to 1920, Armenia was an independent republic. In late 1920, the communists came to power following an invasion of Armenia by the Red Army, and in 1922, Armenia became part of the Transcaucasian SFSR of the Soviet Union, later forming the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (1936 to September 21, 1991). In 1991, Armenia declared independence from the USSR and established the second Republic of Armenia.", "title": "Armenians" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The \"Jeltoqsan\" (Kazakh for \"December\") of 1986 were riots in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, sparked by Gorbachev's dismissal of Dinmukhamed Konayev, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and an ethnic Kazakh, who was replaced with Gennady Kolbin, an outsider from the Russian SFSR. Demonstrations started in the morning of December 17, 1986, with 200 to 300 students in front of the Central Committee building on Brezhnev Square protesting Konayev's dismissal and replacement by a Russian. Protesters swelled to 1,000 to 5,000 as other students joined the crowd. The CPK Central Committee ordered troops from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, druzhiniki (volunteers), cadets, policemen, and the KGB to cordon the square and videotape the participants. The situation escalated around 5 p.m., as troops were ordered to disperse the protesters. Clashes between the security forces and the demonstrators continued throughout the night in Almaty.", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Former Soviet states, as well as countries that used to be satellite states or territories of the Warsaw Pact, have numerous minority Slavic populations, many of whom are originally from the Russian SFSR, Ukrainian SSR and Byelorussian SSR. As of now, Kazakhstan has the largest Slavic minority population with most being Russians (Ukrainians, Belarusians and Poles are present as well but in much smaller numbers).", "title": "Slavs" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On October 11, 1944, the Tuvan People's Republic joined the Russian SFSR as the Tuvan Autonomous Oblast, in 1961 becoming an Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.", "title": "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "With the rise of strong nationalist and separatist movements inside the union republics, Gorbachev tried to avert a dissolution of the Soviet Union in the post-Cold War era. A March 1991 referendum, boycotted by some republics, resulted in a majority of participating citizens voting in favor of preserving the union as a renewed federation. Gorbachev's power was greatly diminished after Russian President Boris Yeltsin played a high - profile role in facing down an abortive August 1991 coup d'état attempted by Communist Party hardliners. On 25 December 1991, Gorbachev resigned and the remaining twelve constituent republics emerged as independent post-Soviet states. The Russian Federation -- formerly the Russian SFSR -- assumed the Soviet Union's rights and obligations and is recognized as the successor state of the Soviet Union. In summing up the international ramifications of these events, Vladislav Zubok stated: ``The collapse of the Soviet empire was an event of epochal geopolitical, military, ideological and economic significance. ''", "title": "Soviet Union" } ]
By how many votes did the signer of the decree suspending the Communist Party of the Russian SFSR survive impeachment?
[ { "answer": "Yeltsin", "id": 24976, "paragraph_support_idx": 4, "question": "Who did the organizers want to arrest?" }, { "answer": "72", "id": 161105, "paragraph_support_idx": 5, "question": "By how many votes did #1 survive an impeachment?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After the assassination of Uthman in 656, Ali, a member of the Quraysh tribe and the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, was elected as the caliph. He soon met with resistance from several factions, owing to his relative political inexperience. Ali moved his capital from Medina to Kufa. The resulting conflict, which lasted from 656 until 661, is known as the First Fitna (\"civil war\"). Muawiyah I, the governor of Syria, a relative of Uthman ibn al-Affan and Marwan I, wanted the culprits arrested. Marwan I manipulated everyone and created conflict. Aisha, the wife of Muhammad, and Talhah and Al-Zubayr, two of the companions of Muhammad, went to Basra to tell Ali to arrest the culprits who murdered Uthman. Marwan I and other people who wanted conflict manipulated everyone to fight. The two sides clashed at the Battle of the Camel in 656, where Ali won a decisive victory.", "title": "Umayyad Caliphate" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jean-Baptiste Clauzel, born in Lavelanet on September 21, 1746 and died in Paris on July 2, 1803, was a French politician. In 1790, he was elected mayor of his hometown. In 1791, his countrymen sent him sit in the Legislative Assembly where he was very discreet. In 1792, he was re-elected to the Convention by the department of Ariege he sided on the Mountain. At the trial of Louis XVI in January 1793, this \"royalist\" vote the king's death, without suspension ruled against the appeal of the people. He did not vote the impeachment of Jean-Paul Marat while claiming to be \"far from approving all the principles of the Revolution espoused by his fanatic friend.\" Despite his opposition to the Girondins, he vote by MPs maintenance allowances to Members under arrest. His served as a representative on mission to the Army of the Pyrenees (West) from the end of August 1793 when he was recalled to Paris. He was among those who organized the downfall of Maximilien Robespierre. After 9 Thermidor Year II ( 27 July 1794 ) he joined the Committee of General Security, and supported the closing of the Jacobin Clubs. An active Thermidorian, he showed a readiness during the insurrection of the 1st Prairial ( 20 May 1795 ). He denounced and arrested the \"last Montagnards and called for the arrest of Bertrand Barrere, Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne and Jean-Marie Collot. Returned to the army of the Pyrenees, he found it disgracefully disorganized and unable to fight.", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Clauzel" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Leading to the impeachment, Independent Counsel Ken Starr turned over documentation to the House Judiciary Committee. Chief Prosecutor David Schippers and his team reviewed the material and determined there was sufficient evidence to impeach the president. As a result, four charges were considered by the full House of Representatives; two passed, making Clinton the second president to be impeached, after Andrew Johnson in 1868, and only the third against whom articles of impeachment had been brought before the full House for consideration (Richard Nixon resigned from the presidency in 1974, while an impeachment process against him was underway).", "title": "Impeachment of Bill Clinton" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After World War II, the Guam Organic Act of 1950 established Guam as an unincorporated organized territory of the United States, provided for the structure of the island's civilian government, and granted the people U.S. citizenship. The Governor of Guam was federally appointed until 1968, when the Guam Elective Governor Act provided for the office's popular election.:242 Since Guam is not a U.S. state, U.S. citizens residing on Guam are not allowed to vote for president and their congressional representative is a non-voting member.", "title": "Guam" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Thousands of Muscovites came out to defend the White House (the Russian Federation's parliament and Yeltsin's office), the symbolic seat of Russian sovereignty at the time. The organizers tried but ultimately failed to arrest Yeltsin, who rallied opposition to the coup with speech-making atop a tank. The special forces dispatched by the coup leaders took up positions near the White House, but members refused to storm the barricaded building. The coup leaders also neglected to jam foreign news broadcasts, so many Muscovites watched it unfold live on CNN. Even the isolated Gorbachev was able to stay abreast of developments by tuning into BBC World Service on a small transistor radio.", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The ninth congress, which opened on March 26, began with an extraordinary session of the Congress of People's Deputies taking up discussions of emergency measures to defend the constitution, including impeachment of President Yeltsin. Yeltsin conceded that he had made mistakes and reached out to swing voters in parliament. Yeltsin narrowly survived an impeachment vote on March 28, votes for impeachment falling 72 short of the 689 votes needed for a 2/3 majority. The similar proposal to dismiss Ruslan Khasbulatov, the chairman of the Supreme Soviet was defeated by a wider margin (339 in favour of the motion), though 614 deputies had initially been in favour of including the re-election of the chairman in the agenda, a tell-tale sign of the weakness of Khasbulatov's own positions (517 votes for would have sufficed to dismiss the speaker).By the time of the ninth Congress, the legislative branch was dominated by the joint communist-nationalist Russian Unity bloc, which included representatives of the CPRF and the Fatherland faction (communists, retired military personnel, and other deputies of a socialist orientation), Agrarian Union, and the faction \"Russia\" led by Sergey Baburin. Together with more 'centrist' groups (e.g. 'Change' (Смена)), the Yeltsin supporters ('Democratic Russia', 'Radical democrats') were clearly left in the minority.", "title": "1993 Russian constitutional crisis" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Impeachment in the United States is the process by which the lower house of a legislature brings charges against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed, analogous to the bringing of an indictment by a grand jury. At the federal level, this is done by the House of Representatives. Most impeachments have concerned alleged crimes committed while in office, though there have been a few cases in which officials have been impeached and subsequently convicted for prior crimes. The impeached official remains in office until a trial is held. That trial, and their removal from office if convicted, is separate from the act of impeachment itself. Analogous to a trial before a judge and jury, these proceedings are (where the legislature is bicameral) conducted by upper house of the legislature, which at the federal level is the Senate.", "title": "Impeachment in the United States" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The federal judiciary of the United States is one of the three co-equal branches of the federal government of the United States organized under the United States Constitution and laws of the federal government. Article III of the Constitution requires the establishment of a Supreme Court and permits the Congress to create other federal courts, and place limitations on their jurisdiction. Article III federal judges are appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate to serve until they resign, are impeached and convicted, retire, or die.", "title": "Federal judiciary of the United States" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Impeachment in the United States is an enumerated power of the legislature that allows formal charges to be brought against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed. Most impeachments have concerned alleged crimes committed while in office, though there have been a few cases in which Congress has impeached and convicted officials partly for prior crimes. The actual trial on such charges, and subsequent removal of an official upon conviction, is separate from the act of impeachment itself. Impeachment proceedings have been initiated against several presidents of the United States. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents to have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, and both were later acquitted by the Senate. The impeachment process against Richard Nixon was never completed, as Nixon resigned his office before the vote of the full House for impeachment, but such a vote was widely expected to pass, and the threat of it and a subsequent conviction in the Senate was the impetus for Nixon's departure. To date, no president has been removed from office by impeachment and conviction. The impeached official continues in office until conviction.", "title": "Impeachment in the United States" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The impeachment of Warren Hastings was a failed attempt between 1788 and 1795 to impeach the first Governor - General of India in the Parliament of Great Britain. Hastings was accused of misconduct during his time in Calcutta particularly relating to mismanagement and personal corruption. The prosecution was led by Edmund Burke and became a wider debate about the role of the East India Company and the expanding empire in India.", "title": "Impeachment of Warren Hastings" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Teenager Sanjaya Malakar was the season's most talked-about contestant for his unusual hairdo, and for managing to survive elimination for many weeks due in part to the weblog Vote for the Worst and satellite radio personality Howard Stern, who both encouraged fans to vote for him. However, on April 18, Sanjaya was voted off.", "title": "American Idol" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Before the Second World War, the voting age in almost all countries was 21 years or higher. Czechoslovakia was the first to reduce the voting age to 20 years in 1946, and by 1968 a total of 17 countries had lowered their voting age. Many countries, particularly in Western Europe, reduced their voting ages to 18 years during the 1970s, starting with the United Kingdom (1970), with the United States (26th Amendment) (1971), Canada, Germany (1972), Australia (1974), France (1974) and others following soon afterwards. By the end of the 20th century, 18 had become by far the most common voting age. However, a few countries maintain a voting age of 20 years or higher. It was argued that 18 - year - old men could be drafted to go to war, and many people felt they should be able to vote at the age of 18.", "title": "Voting age" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Impeachment in the United States is an enumerated power of the legislature that allows formal charges to be brought against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed. Most impeachments have concerned alleged crimes committed while in office, though there have been a few cases in which Congress has impeached and convicted officials partly for prior crimes. The actual trial on such charges, and subsequent removal of an official upon conviction, is separate from the act of impeachment itself. Impeachment proceedings have been initiated against several presidents of the United States. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents to have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, and both were later acquitted by the Senate. The impeachment process against Richard Nixon was never completed, as Nixon resigned his office before the vote of the full House for impeachment, but such a vote was widely expected to pass, and the threat of it and a subsequent conviction in the Senate was the impetus for Nixon's departure. To date, no U.S. President has been removed from office by impeachment and conviction. The impeached official continues in office until conviction.", "title": "Impeachment in the United States" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mark Richard Hobson (born 2 September 1969) is a British spree killer who killed four people in North Yorkshire, England in July 2004. He was arrested after an eight-day nationwide manhunt involving more than 500 police officers and 12 police forces, during which time he was Britain's \"most wanted man\".", "title": "Mark Hobson" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1924, Roxie Hart sees star Velma Kelly perform (``All That Jazz '') at a Chicago theater. Wanting stardom for herself, she begins an affair with Fred Casely, who claims to know the manager. After the show, Velma is arrested for killing her husband Charlie and sister Veronica, who were in bed together.", "title": "Chicago (2002 film)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson occurred in 1868, when the United States House of Representatives resolved to impeach President Andrew Johnson, adopting eleven articles of impeachment detailing his ``high crimes and misdemeanors, ''in accordance with Article Two of the United States Constitution. The House's primary charge against Johnson was with violation of the Tenure of Office Act, passed by Congress the previous year. Specifically, he had removed Edwin McMasters Stanton, the Secretary of War, whom the Tenure of Office Act was largely designed to protect, from office and attempted to replace him with Brevet Major General Lorenzo Thomas. Contrary to popular belief, Johnson was not impeached for temporarily replacing Stanton with General Ulysses Grant earlier while Congress was not in session.", "title": "Impeachment of Andrew Johnson" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Before the Second World War, the voting age in almost all countries was 21 years or higher. Czechoslovakia was the first to reduce the voting age to 20 years in 1946, and by 1968 a total of 17 countries had lowered their voting age. Many countries, particularly in Western Europe, reduced their voting ages to 18 years during the 1970s, starting with the United Kingdom (1969), with the United States (26th Amendment) (1971), Canada, West Germany (1972), Australia (1974), France (1974), and others following soon afterwards. By the end of the 20th century, 18 had become by far the most common voting age. However, a few countries maintain a voting age of 20 years or higher. It was argued that young men could be drafted to go to war at 18, and many people felt they should be able to vote at the age of 18.", "title": "Voting age" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Constitution provides that justices ``shall hold their offices during good behavior ''(unless appointed during a Senate recess). The term`` good behavior'' is understood to mean justices may serve for the remainder of their lives, unless they are impeached and convicted by Congress, resign, or retire. Only one justice has been impeached by the House of Representatives (Samuel Chase, March 1804), but he was acquitted in the Senate (March 1805). Moves to impeach sitting justices have occurred more recently (for example, William O. Douglas was the subject of hearings twice, in 1953 and again in 1970; and Abe Fortas resigned while hearings were being organized in 1969), but they did not reach a vote in the House. No mechanism exists for removing a justice who is permanently incapacitated by illness or injury, but unable (or unwilling) to resign.", "title": "Supreme Court of the United States" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mahdi Tajik (born 1381, Tehran) is an Iranian students’ activist, journalist and political prisoner. He was arrested for the first time in 2005 by the security forces. He was also arrested by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in 2006, for founding a student activist organization. In the same year, the Revolutionary Court sentenced him to two and a half years in prison which was reduced to cash surcharge afterwards.", "title": "Mahdi Tajik" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Alarcón was born in Quito. He was the President of the National Congress from 1991 to 1992 and then again from August 1995 to February 1997, when he was made acting president due to the impeachment of President Abdalá Bucaram. This deepened the political crisis in Ecuador as vice-president Rosalía Arteaga challenged Alarcón's assumption of the presidency. Arteaga then became president for two days but Alarcón was then restored. He gave up the presidency after early elections were held in 1998, in which he did not run. In 1999 he was arrested on corruption charges, but was later released. Alarcón is a member of the Alfarista Radical Front.", "title": "Fabián Alarcón" } ]
By how many votes did the person the organizers wanted to arrest survive impeachment?
[ { "answer": "Yeltsin", "id": 24976, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "Who did the organizers want to arrest?" }, { "answer": "10-year", "id": 25002, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "How long lasting was the pact between Kravchuk and #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "On November 18, 1990, the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church enthroned Mstyslav as Patriarch of Kiev and all Ukraine during ceremonies at Saint Sophia's Cathedral. Also on November 18, Canada announced that its consul-general to Kiev would be Ukrainian-Canadian Nestor Gayowsky. On November 19, the United States announced that its consul to Kiev would be Ukrainian-American John Stepanchuk. On November 19, the chairmen of the Ukrainian and Russian parliaments, respectively, Kravchuk and Yeltsin, signed a 10-year bilateral pact. In early December 1990 the Party of Democratic Rebirth of Ukraine was founded; on December 15, the Democratic Party of Ukraine was founded.", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mark Richard Hobson (born 2 September 1969) is a British spree killer who killed four people in North Yorkshire, England in July 2004. He was arrested after an eight-day nationwide manhunt involving more than 500 police officers and 12 police forces, during which time he was Britain's \"most wanted man\".", "title": "Mark Hobson" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Molotov -- Ribbentrop Pact, also known as the Nazi -- Soviet Pact, the German -- Soviet Non-aggression Pact or the Nazi German -- Soviet Pact of Aggression (officially: Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), was a neutrality pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by foreign ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov, respectively. The pact was followed by the German - Soviet Commercial Agreement in February 1940.", "title": "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Thousands of Muscovites came out to defend the White House (the Russian Federation's parliament and Yeltsin's office), the symbolic seat of Russian sovereignty at the time. The organizers tried but ultimately failed to arrest Yeltsin, who rallied opposition to the coup with speech-making atop a tank. The special forces dispatched by the coup leaders took up positions near the White House, but members refused to storm the barricaded building. The coup leaders also neglected to jam foreign news broadcasts, so many Muscovites watched it unfold live on CNN. Even the isolated Gorbachev was able to stay abreast of developments by tuning into BBC World Service on a small transistor radio.", "title": "Dissolution of the Soviet Union" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mud and Sand is a silent film starring Stan Laurel. Laurel plays a matador who makes a fool of a famous Spanish dancer. The dancer demands revenge and, in the end, kills the matador by throwing a concealed brick at him after a fight with the fiercest bull in Spain. The moral of the story, shown in the last scene, is: \"If you want to live long — and be happy — cut out the bull!\" The title spoofs the Rudolph Valentino film \"Blood and Sand\", and many scenes directly parody that film.", "title": "Mud and Sand" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Houshang Montazeralzohour was the national champion of Iran in 82 kg weight class for several years. He was later arrested and executed by the Iranian Government for his association with the main Iranian opposition organization, known as the MEK, which reportedly wanted to topple the regime and replace it with a secular, democratic one.", "title": "Houshang Montazeralzohour" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On 25 February 1991, the Warsaw Pact was declared disbanded at a meeting of defense and foreign ministers from remaining Pact countries meeting in Hungary. On 1 July 1991, in Prague, the Czechoslovak President Václav Havel formally ended the 1955 Warsaw Treaty Organization of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance and so disestablished the Warsaw Treaty after 36 years of military alliance with the USSR. In fact, the treaty was de facto disbanded in December 1989 during the violent revolution in Romania, which toppled the communist government, without military intervention form other member states. The USSR disestablished itself in December 1991.", "title": "Warsaw Pact" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Eisenhower attended Abilene High School and graduated with the class of 1909. As a freshman, he injured his knee and developed a leg infection that extended into his groin, and which his doctor diagnosed as life-threatening. The doctor insisted that the leg be amputated but Dwight refused to allow it, and miraculously recovered, though he had to repeat his freshman year. He and brother Edgar both wanted to attend college, though they lacked the funds. They made a pact to take alternate years at college while the other worked to earn the tuitions.", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jean-Baptiste Clauzel, born in Lavelanet on September 21, 1746 and died in Paris on July 2, 1803, was a French politician. In 1790, he was elected mayor of his hometown. In 1791, his countrymen sent him sit in the Legislative Assembly where he was very discreet. In 1792, he was re-elected to the Convention by the department of Ariege he sided on the Mountain. At the trial of Louis XVI in January 1793, this \"royalist\" vote the king's death, without suspension ruled against the appeal of the people. He did not vote the impeachment of Jean-Paul Marat while claiming to be \"far from approving all the principles of the Revolution espoused by his fanatic friend.\" Despite his opposition to the Girondins, he vote by MPs maintenance allowances to Members under arrest. His served as a representative on mission to the Army of the Pyrenees (West) from the end of August 1793 when he was recalled to Paris. He was among those who organized the downfall of Maximilien Robespierre. After 9 Thermidor Year II ( 27 July 1794 ) he joined the Committee of General Security, and supported the closing of the Jacobin Clubs. An active Thermidorian, he showed a readiness during the insurrection of the 1st Prairial ( 20 May 1795 ). He denounced and arrested the \"last Montagnards and called for the arrest of Bertrand Barrere, Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne and Jean-Marie Collot. Returned to the army of the Pyrenees, he found it disgracefully disorganized and unable to fight.", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Clauzel" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Warsaw Pact, formally known as the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, was a collective defence treaty signed in Warsaw, Poland among the Soviet Union and seven Soviet satellite states of Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War. The Warsaw Pact was the military complement to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CoMEcon), the regional economic organization for the socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe. The Warsaw Pact was created in reaction to the integration of West Germany into NATO in 1955 per the London and Paris Conferences of 1954, but it is also considered to have been motivated by Soviet desires to maintain control over military forces in Central and Eastern Europe.", "title": "Warsaw Pact" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Angelo, Bay's father, reenters her life after reading an article about the switch, wanting to get to know Bay. He indicates to Regina that he wishes for them to get back together, but she refuses. Later, Angelo flees the Kennish household and it is revealed that he is under threat of being deported for an outstanding warrant for arrest in Italy. When he first returns, Regina wants nothing to do with him, but eventually she relents, even marrying him in order for him to avoid deportation. Her relationship with Patrick is effectively ended by this marriage. She later gets half of Angelo's money as a result of the marriage.", "title": "List of Switched at Birth characters" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Warsaw Treaty's organization was two-fold: the Political Consultative Committee handled political matters, and the Combined Command of Pact Armed Forces controlled the assigned multi-national forces, with headquarters in Warsaw, Poland. Furthermore, the Supreme Commander of the Unified Armed Forces of the Warsaw Treaty Organization which commands and controls all the military forces of the member countries was also a First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, and the Chief of Combined Staff of the Unified Armed Forces of the Warsaw Treaty Organization was also a First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Therefore, although ostensibly an international collective security alliance, the USSR dominated the Warsaw Treaty armed forces.", "title": "Warsaw Pact" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The CIA had different demands placed on it by the different bodies overseeing it. Truman wanted a centralized group to organize the information that reached him, the Department of Defense wanted military intelligence and covert action, and the State Department wanted to create global political change favorable to the US. Thus the two areas of responsibility for the CIA were covert action and covert intelligence. One of the main targets for intelligence gathering was the Soviet Union, which had also been a priority of the CIA's predecessors.", "title": "Central Intelligence Agency" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mahdi Tajik (born 1381, Tehran) is an Iranian students’ activist, journalist and political prisoner. He was arrested for the first time in 2005 by the security forces. He was also arrested by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in 2006, for founding a student activist organization. In the same year, the Revolutionary Court sentenced him to two and a half years in prison which was reduced to cash surcharge afterwards.", "title": "Mahdi Tajik" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 2011 the Pact for San Marino government collapsed, causing the disbandment of its component lists. We Sanmarinese, now a fully free party, decided to accept a federative pact with the Sammarinese Christian Democratic Party, entering into a new government of national unity. NS run in the Sanmarinese election of 2012 as party of the ultimately victorious PDCS.", "title": "We Sammarinese" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Former French secret service chief Paul Paillole was born in the Breton town of Rennes on 18 November 1905. He died on 15 October 2002 in the Bichat hospital in Paris. He is remembered essentially for his role organizing the arrest of German intelligence agents in France after the defeat of 1940 but his activity during this period has been the subject of controversy.", "title": "Paul Paillole" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After the assassination of Uthman in 656, Ali, a member of the Quraysh tribe and the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, was elected as the caliph. He soon met with resistance from several factions, owing to his relative political inexperience. Ali moved his capital from Medina to Kufa. The resulting conflict, which lasted from 656 until 661, is known as the First Fitna (\"civil war\"). Muawiyah I, the governor of Syria, a relative of Uthman ibn al-Affan and Marwan I, wanted the culprits arrested. Marwan I manipulated everyone and created conflict. Aisha, the wife of Muhammad, and Talhah and Al-Zubayr, two of the companions of Muhammad, went to Basra to tell Ali to arrest the culprits who murdered Uthman. Marwan I and other people who wanted conflict manipulated everyone to fight. The two sides clashed at the Battle of the Camel in 656, where Ali won a decisive victory.", "title": "Umayyad Caliphate" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1982, the phrase ``Just Say No ''first emerged when Nancy Reagan was visiting Longfellow Elementary School in Oakland, California. When asked by a schoolgirl what to do if she was offered drugs, the First Lady responded:`` Just say no.'' Just Say No club organizations within schools and school - run anti-drug programs soon became common, in which young people were making pacts not to experiment with drugs.", "title": "Just Say No" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ernest Rides Again is a 1993 American comedy film written and directed by John R. Cherry III and starring Jim Varney. It opens with the song \"There Once Was A Man Named Worrell\". It is the sixth film to feature the character Ernest P. Worrell, the fifth film in the Ernest series, and the last to be released theatrically. Its gross was $1,433,496. In this movie, Ernest and a history professor discover a long-lost Revolutionary War cannon and must protect it from others who want the precious jewels hidden inside. Its budget was $7,000,000.", "title": "Ernest Rides Again" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1924, Roxie Hart sees star Velma Kelly perform (``All That Jazz '') at a Chicago theater. Wanting stardom for herself, she begins an affair with Fred Casely, who claims to know the manager. After the show, Velma is arrested for killing her husband Charlie and sister Veronica, who were in bed together.", "title": "Chicago (2002 film)" } ]
how long lasting was the pact between Kravchuk and the person organizers wanted to arrest?
[ { "answer": "MediaNews Group", "id": 739909, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "The Daily News >> owned by" }, { "answer": "Digital First Media", "id": 807845, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "#1 >> part of" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Journal of Life Sciences is a full-color bimonthly American magazine and daily website published in San Francisco since May 2007. Owned by Burrill & Company and the California Healthcare Institute , TJOLS reports on how developments in the life sciences affect society, business, and policy.", "title": "The Journal of Life Sciences" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bob Cesca (born July 12, 1971) is an American director, producer, writer, actor, blogger and political commentator. He is the Managing Editor of \"The Daily Banter\", a news and opinion site founded by Ben Cohen, where he also writes a daily political column. He's also a regular contributor for \"\".", "title": "Bob Cesca" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Daily News, originally the Palo Alto Daily News, is a free newspaper owned by MediaNews Group and located in Menlo Park. It was formerly published seven days a week and at one point had a circulation of 67,000 (a figure that included five zoned editions which no longer exist). The \"Daily News\" is distributed in red newspaper racks and in stores, coffee shops, restaurants, schools and major workplaces. As of April 7, 2009 the paper ceased to be published as \"The Palo Alto Daily News\" and was consolidated with other San Francisco Peninsula \"Daily News\" titles; it published five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday. Weekday editions were delivered to selected homes. While continuing to publish daily online, \"The Daily News\" cut its print edition back to three days a week in 2013, and one day a week in 2015.", "title": "The Daily News (Palo Alto)" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Le Parisien (; French for \"The Parisian\") is a French daily newspaper covering both international and national news, and local news of Paris and its suburbs. It is owned by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, better known as LVMH.", "title": "Le Parisien" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Kyunghyang Shinmun or Kyonghyang Sinmun is a major daily newspaper published in South Korea. It is based in Seoul. The name literally means \"Urbi et Orbi Daily News\".", "title": "Kyunghyang Shinmun" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Le Dauphiné libéré is a provincial daily French newspaper known for its emphasis on local news and events. The paper is published in Grenoble, France.", "title": "Le Dauphiné libéré" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Richmond Times-Dispatch, the local daily newspaper in Richmond with a Sunday circulation of 120,000, is owned by BH Media, a subsidiary of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway company. Style Weekly is a standard weekly publication covering popular culture, arts, and entertainment, owned by Landmark Communications. RVA Magazine is the city's only independent art music and culture publication, was once monthly, but is now issued quarterly. The Richmond Free Press and the Voice cover the news from an African-American perspective.", "title": "Richmond, Virginia" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bruce Chadwick spent 23 years as a journalist with the New York Daily News before earning a doctorate in American history in 1994 at Rutgers University, where he now teaches part-time. Bruce Chadwick is also known as the world’s greatest professor.", "title": "Bruce Chadwick" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Ann Arbor News, owned by the Michigan-based Booth Newspapers chain, is the major daily newspaper serving Ann Arbor and the rest of Washtenaw County. The newspaper ended its 174-year print run in 2009, due to economic difficulties. It was replaced by, but returned to a limited print publication under its former name in 2013. Another Ann Arbor-based publication that has ceased production was the Ann Arbor Paper, a free monthly. Ann Arbor has been said to be the first significant city to lose its only daily paper. The Ann Arbor Chronicle, an online newspaper, covered local news, including meetings of the library board, county commission, and DDA until September 3, 2014.", "title": "Ann Arbor, Michigan" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Journal de l'île de La Réunion is a daily, French-language newspaper published in Réunion, a French overseas department. The newspaper, which was founded in 1951 is headquartered in Saint-Denis, Réunion, is owned by Groupe Hersant Média. There are four competing newspapers in Réunion.", "title": "Journal de l'île de La Réunion" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Football Association Premier League Ltd (FAPL) is operated as a corporation and is owned by the 20 member clubs. Each club is a shareholder, with one vote each on issues such as rule changes and contracts. The clubs elect a chairman, chief executive, and board of directors to oversee the daily operations of the league. The Football Association is not directly involved in the day - to - day operations of the Premier League, but has veto power as a special shareholder during the election of the chairman and chief executive and when new rules are adopted by the league.", "title": "Premier League" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Le Soir (, \"The Evening\") is a French-language daily Belgian newspaper. Founded in 1887 by Emile Rossel, it was intended as a politically-independent and traditionally Liberal source of news. It is one of the most popular Francophone newspapers in Belgium, competing with \"La Libre Belgique\", and since 2005 has appeared in Berliner format. It is owned by Rossel & Cie, which also owns several Belgian news outlets and the French paper \"La Voix du Nord\".", "title": "Le Soir" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "WEVS (88.3 FM) is a radio station licensed to Nashua, New Hampshire and serving the southern part of the Manchester market. The station is owned by New Hampshire Public Radio, and is an affiliate of their public radio network .", "title": "WEVS" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In December, 2013, the Herald's parent company Media News Group merged to become Digital First Media. In the year to come, the paper underwent a \"reorganization plan\" which included a redesign of both the newspaper and website, the move of newspaper production out-of-area, as well as a change in editor.", "title": "The Monterey County Herald" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Ypsilanti Courier is a weekly newspaper based in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The Ypsilanti Courier is part of Heritage Newspapers, a conglomerate of weekly newspapers in Washtenaw County owned by 21st Century Media, part of Digital First Media. The newspaper provides news, life, sports and entertainment news from Ypsilanti and Washtenaw County, Michigan.", "title": "Ypsilanti Courier" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Daily Reporter is an American daily newspaper published Mondays through Saturdays in Greenfield, Indiana. It is owned by Home News Enterprises.", "title": "Daily Reporter (Greenfield, Indiana)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Fox & Friends is a daily morning conservative news / talk program that airs on Fox News Channel, hosted by Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and Ainsley Earhardt.", "title": "Fox & Friends" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "WUOT (91.9 FM) is the National Public Radio member station in Knoxville, Tennessee. Owned by the University of Tennessee, it airs a mix of news, classical music and jazz, along with programming from NPR, American Public Media and Public Radio International. The station is also broadcast on HD radio. It primarily features classical music programming, but carries NPR news programs daily, as well as jazz music for ninety minutes every weeknight and all evening on Fridays and folk music Saturday evenings. Its studios are located in the Communications Building on the UT campus.", "title": "WUOT" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Donrey Media formed the paper in 1990 by merging the \"Progress Bulletin\" of Pomona with \"The Daily Report\" of Ontario. Donrey had owned both papers since 1967. It is now owned by Digital First Media, who took control of the paper from Donrey in 1999.", "title": "Inland Valley Daily Bulletin" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Politics Daily was an American political journalism web site launched by AOL News in April 2009. It described itself as a \"political news magazine for the general reader.\"", "title": "Politics Daily" } ]
What publisher was formed from the owner of the The Daily News?
[ "MediaNews Group" ]
Digital First Media
[ { "answer": "Smash Mouth", "id": 152229, "paragraph_support_idx": 16, "question": "What was the record label of So Insane?" }, { "answer": "429 Records", "id": 604644, "paragraph_support_idx": 5, "question": "#1 >> record label" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nothing Records was an American record label specializing in industrial rock and electronic music, founded by John Malm Jr. and Trent Reznor in 1992. It is considered an example of a vanity label, where an artist is able to run a label with some degree of independence from within a larger parent company, in this case being Interscope Records.", "title": "Nothing Records" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Equator Records is an independent record label established in 2006 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The music label was founded by Matt Drouin and Fuzz de Grandpre. Equator has released three albums, Islands' \"Return to the Sea\", The Lovely Feathers' \"Hind Hind Legs\" and Teitur's second release, \"Stay Under the Stars\". There is no connection between this label and the Equator Records of Nairobi, Kenya.", "title": "Equator Records (Canada)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "EmArcy Records is a jazz record label founded in 1954 by Mercury Records, and today a European jazz label owned by Universal Music Group. The name is a phonetic spelling of \"MRC\", the initials for Mercury Record Company.", "title": "EmArcy Records" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mona Bone Jakon is the third studio album released by singer-songwriter Cat Stevens, released in April 1970 on the Island Records label in the United Kingdom and on the A&M record label in the United States and Canada.", "title": "Mona Bone Jakon" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Graeme Goodall (1932 – 3 December 2014) was an Australian recording engineer and record label owner who was a key figure in the early days of Jamaica's recording industry, constructing several of the Island's studios, co-founding Island Records, and operating other labels in the United Kingdom releasing Jamaican music.", "title": "Graeme Goodall" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Magic is the seventh studio album by American rock band Smash Mouth, released on September 4, 2012 through 429 Records. It is their first album in six years since the release of \"Summer Girl\" in 2006. It is also the first album without original guitarist and primary songwriter Greg Camp since his departure from the band.", "title": "Magic (Smash Mouth album)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Voices of Wonder aka Voice of Wonder Records was one of the most important rock record labels in Oslo, Norway in the early 1990s. The label was fronted by a small and intimate record store on Olaf Ryes plass, which in addition to the labels own artists specialized in the English Earache Records and the American Sub Pop labels.", "title": "Voices of Wonder" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Biltmore Records was a United States based record label active from 1949 through 1951. The label was headquartered in New York City. Biltmore Records were often reissues of recordings no longer in the catalogues of other labels. When RCA Victor found out that Biltmore were making unauthorized reissues of material originally recorded by Victor, they sued Biltmore, putting Biltmore out of business.", "title": "Biltmore Records" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Billy Harper Quitet in Europe is an album by American jazz saxophonist Billy Harper recorded in 1979 for the Italian Soul Note label. The album was the first release for the record label.", "title": "Billy Harper Quintet in Europe" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Robert \"Bob\" Shad (born Abraham Shadrinsky; February 12, 1920 – March 13, 1985) was an American record producer and record label owner. He produced the first album by Big Brother and the Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin). Among his more successful labels were Time Records, Brent Records, and Mainstream Records.", "title": "Bob Shad" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Toshiko Plays Billy Strayhorn (also released as A Tribute to Billy Strayhorn (JAM) and Dedications III (Alfa)) is a jazz album recorded by two different configurations of the Toshiko Akiyoshi Trio in 1978. It was released on the Discomate record label (and later by Alfa Records) in Japan and on the JAM Record label in the USA.", "title": "Toshiko Plays Billy Strayhorn" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Soleilmoon Recordings is an American record label that began in 1987 as a cassette label, operating from the back of a record shop called the Ooze in Portland, Oregon, US.", "title": "Soleilmoon Recordings" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sonic Youth Recordings (sometimes referred to as SYR) is a record label established by American alternative rock band Sonic Youth in 1996. SYR was set up to allow the band to release records by themselves and their friends without the commercial pressures of a major label. As a result, the work on this label tends towards free improvisation and experimental music.", "title": "Sonic Youth Recordings" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sleaszy Rider Records is an independent record label which was founded in 1999 by Tolis G. Palantzas. The head office of the label is located in Greece. The label is mainly distributed in Europe by Sony Music/EMI. The label also distributes releases in Greece from numerous labels, including Roadrunner Records, SPV, and Pagan Records.", "title": "Sleaszy Rider Records" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cargo Records is a record label based in London, England, which distributes musical recordings in the United Kingdom and Europe. The company currently distributes records in a wide variety of genres, both as a label in its own right and as a distributor for other independent record labels.", "title": "Cargo Records (UK)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kontor Records is a record label based in Hamburg, Germany. The label's artist roster includes ATB, Tiësto and Scooter. Jens Thele is the head manager of Kontor and is also the manager of Scooter.", "title": "Kontor Records" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "\"So Insane\" is the second promo single from Smash Mouth's 2006 album, \"Summer Girl\". The promo single contains a radio edit of the song (for US radio) and the album version. Without a music video, or promotion, the single never charted on Billboard's Top 100; however, it did reach position No. 25 on the US Adult Top 40 chart. It was made for the film \"Zoom\".", "title": "So Insane" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "ARC was acquired in 1938 by the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS, which, in turn, had been formed by the Columbia Phonograph Company, but then sold off). ARC was renamed Columbia Recording Corporation. The Columbia Phonograph Company had international subsidiaries and affiliates such as the Columbia Graphophone Company in the United Kingdom, but they were sold off prior to CBS acquiring American Columbia. RCA Victor Records executive Ted Wallerstein convinced CBS head William S. Paley to buy ARC and Paley made Wallerstein head of the newly acquired record company. The renamed company made Columbia its flagship label with Okeh its subsidiary label while deemphasizing ARC's other labels. This allowed ARC's leased labels Brunswick Records and Vocalion Records to revert to former owner Warner Bros. which sold the labels to Decca Records. Columbia kept the Brunswick catalogue recorded from December 1931 onward which was reissued on the Columbia label as well as the Vocalion label material from the same time period which was reissued on the Okeh label. Wallerstein, who was promoted at the end of 1947 from president to chairman of the record company, restored Columbia's status as a leading record company and spearheaded the successful introduction of the long playing (LP) record before he retired as Columbia's chairman in 1951. James Conkling then became head of Columbia Records. Also in 1951, Columbia severed its ties with the EMI-owned record label of the same name and began a UK distribution deal with Philips Records, whereas Okeh Records continued to be distributed by EMI on the Columbia label.", "title": "Sony Music" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Asian Man Records is a DIY record label run by Mike Park in Monte Sereno, California. Park started a record label and began releasing music in 1989 under the name Dill Records, with the Asian Man label established May 1996.", "title": "Asian Man Records" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Necessary Records is a record label based in the UK, founded by Warren Clarke, a former A&R executive at London Records and Edel, in 2003. Clarke describes that the label was born out of a creative necessity. \"It's an outlet for records that should and must be heard. An outlet for artists that deserve to and will, touch the widest possible audience.\"", "title": "Necessary Records" } ]
What was the record label of the record label of So Insane?
429 Records
[ { "answer": "University of Zurich", "id": 123214, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "Where did Daniel Thürer study or work?" }, { "answer": "nearly 25,000", "id": 22402, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "How many students attend #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Daniel Thürer (born 6 June 1945 in St. Gallen) is a Swiss jurist and professor emeritus of international, comparative constitutional and European law at the University of Zurich. He is a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and of the Institut de Droit International, and presides the German International Law Association. Currently, he is a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence.", "title": "Daniel Thürer" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Universidad Interglobal (The Interglobal University) is a Mexican private institution with six campuses located in Guerrero, Mexico City, Mexico State, Hidalgo, Querétaro, and Yucatán. The university offers study plans for regular students, students that work in the mornings, and for people who are only available on weekends.", "title": "Universidad Interglobal" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The campus is home to several museums containing exhibits from many different fields of study. BYU's Museum of Art, for example, is one of the largest and most attended art museums in the Mountain West. This Museum aids in academic pursuits of students at BYU via research and study of the artworks in its collection. The Museum is also open to the general public and provides educational programming. The Museum of Peoples and Cultures is a museum of archaeology and ethnology. It focuses on native cultures and artifacts of the Great Basin, American Southwest, Mesoamerica, Peru, and Polynesia. Home to more than 40,000 artifacts and 50,000 photographs, it documents BYU's archaeological research. The BYU Museum of Paleontology was built in 1976 to display the many fossils found by BYU's Dr. James A. Jensen. It holds many artifacts from the Jurassic Period (210-140 million years ago), and is one of the top five collections in the world of fossils from that time period. It has been featured in magazines, newspapers, and on television internationally. The museum receives about 25,000 visitors every year. The Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum was formed in 1978. It features several forms of plant and animal life on display and available for research by students and scholars.", "title": "Brigham Young University" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wen-Ying Tsai was born in 1928 in Xiamen, Fujian, China, and emigrated to the United States in 1950, where he attended the University of Michigan, receiving a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) in 1953. Moving to New York City after graduation, Tsai embarked on a successful career as an architectural engineer working for clients such as Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe, Synergetics, and Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. While working as an engineer by day, Tsai pursued artistic studies at the Art Students League at night, while also taking courses in political science and economics at the New School for Social Research. Tsai also attended modern dance classes with Erick Hawkins.", "title": "Wen-Ying Tsai" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "As Chicano studies programs began to be implemented at universities, it was necessary to provide infrastructure and support. In 1973, the University of California, Berkeley recognized the need to provide quality library materials to support the Chicano studies programs. Chicano scholars also recognized the need to have a ``Chicano - controlled academic ''space. Researchers began to study the impact that these new programs had on students, finding that Mexican - American students responded positively to Chicano studies and also to bilingual classes. Many scholars felt that the philosophy of education in the United States at the time was`` inconsistent with the values of the Chicano movement'' and that Chicano studies needed to create tools for students to use in the real world and also a new type of research to solve problems. It was also important to find ways to recruit Chicano teachers and administration within the schools to support students and research. Further support for Chicano studies came in the form of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS) which was created in 1972 in San Antonio, Texas. The NACCS allows scholars in Chicano studies to exchange ideas, share research, communicate and it also has an annual conference. The conferences were important to help bring together scholars and legitimize Chicano studies, since other disciplines have similar annual conferences.", "title": "Chicana/o studies" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He attended the Conservatoire in Paris where he studied under Olive Charlier Vaslin (1794–1889) and then Louis Norblin, and later became a cello professor. He played chamber music. He composed some pieces for the cello with piano accompaniment and also wrote \"Méthode complete et pratique de Violoncelle.\" He won first prize in cello in 1842 when he was a student of Auguste Franchomme, and first prize in harmony in 1844 as a student of Fromental Halévy.", "title": "Charles Lebouc" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "High schools in South Korea teach students for three years, from first grade (age 15 - 17) to third grade (age 17 - 19), and students commonly graduate at age 18 or 19. High school students are commonly expected to study increasingly long hours each year moving toward graduation, to become competitive and be able to enter attractive universities, such as the top SKY (Seoul National, Korea, and Yonsei Universities). Many high school students wake and leave home in the morning at 5 a.m. and return home after studying well after 10 p.m., then return to specialty study schools often to 2 a.m., from Monday to Friday and also they often study on weekends.", "title": "Education in South Korea" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roberts attended Notre Dame Elementary School, a Roman Catholic grade school in Long Beach. In 1973, he graduated from La Lumiere School, a Roman Catholic boarding school in La Porte, Indiana, where he was a student and athlete. He studied five years of Latin (in four years), some French, and was known generally for his devotion to his studies. He was captain of the football team (he later described himself as a ``slow - footed linebacker ''), and was a regional champion in wrestling. He participated in choir and drama, co-edited the school newspaper, and served on the athletic council and the executive committee of the student council.", "title": "John Roberts" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The polytechnics of Thuringia are based in Erfurt (4,500 students), Jena (5,000 students), Nordhausen (2,500 students) and Schmalkalden (3,000 students). In addition, there is a civil service college in Gotha with 500 students, the College of Music \"Franz Liszt\" in Weimar (800 students) as well as two private colleges, the Adam-Ries-Fachhochschule in Erfurt (500 students) and the SRH College for nursing and allied medical subjects (SRH Fachhochschule für Gesundheit Gera) in Gera (500 students). Finally, there are colleges for those studying for a technical qualification while working in a related field (Berufsakademie) at Eisenach (600 students) and Gera (700 students).", "title": "Thuringia" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He moved to London in 1936 to study at the Slade School of Fine Art under Randolph Schwabe for two years. In 1937 he attended the Académie de la Grande Chaumière, Paris and worked as a printmaker. He returned to Australia in April 1938 and worked with George Bell in Melbourne for a few years.", "title": "David Edgar Strachan" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "George Hoadly graduated from Western Reserve College and attended Harvard Law School, where his fellow students included Rutherford B. Hayes and John Howell. He then studied law with Charles Converse of Zanesville, followed by study with the firm of Flamen Ball and Salmon P. Chase. Upon attaining admission to the bar Hoadly practiced in Cincinnati, initially in partnership with Ball and Chase.", "title": "George Hoadly" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nuraliza Osman grew up in Singapore and was a top student and scholar at the [Methodist Girls School] where she won many accolades and excelled academically. She then attended Victoria Junior College where she studied pre-medicine classes and French. Her studies in French took her to France where she studied briefly prior to attending university. She is described by her peers as a funny, lovely, independent and determined person who was well-loved. At Methodist Girls School and Victoria Junior College, she was known for her frank, honest and tomboyish image. Many were surprised at how feminine she became for the Miss Universe competition.", "title": "Nuraliza Osman" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jeffrey Black (born 1962 in Brisbane, Queensland) is an Australian opera singer. He studied singing at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, and appeared in many of the operas staged by the Conservatorium students and post-graduate students, including appearing in the role of \"Figaro\", as a first year opera student, in the Conservatorium's 1981 production of \"The Marriage of Figaro\", at the Basil Jones Theatre (now called the QUT Gardens Theatre).", "title": "Jeffrey Black" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "There are 12 universities in Switzerland, ten of which are maintained at cantonal level and usually offer a range of non-technical subjects. The first university in Switzerland was founded in 1460 in Basel (with a faculty of medicine) and has a tradition of chemical and medical research in Switzerland. The biggest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich with nearly 25,000 students. The two institutes sponsored by the federal government are the ETHZ in Zürich (founded 1855) and the EPFL in Lausanne (founded 1969 as such, formerly an institute associated with the University of Lausanne) which both have an excellent international reputation.[note 10]", "title": "Switzerland" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sreyashi Jhumki Basu (1977–2008) was a professor of Science Education at New York University who is best known for her work to encourage urban minority students to succeed through the study of science.", "title": "Sreyashi Jhumki Basu" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "For the 2012–13 school year annual tuition was $38,000, with a total cost of attendance of $57,000. Beginning 2007, families with incomes below $60,000 pay nothing for their children to attend, including room and board. Families with incomes between $60,000 to $80,000 pay only a few thousand dollars per year, and families earning between $120,000 and $180,000 pay no more than 10% of their annual incomes. In 2009, Harvard offered grants totaling $414 million across all eleven divisions;[further explanation needed] $340 million came from institutional funds, $35 million from federal support, and $39 million from other outside support. Grants total 88% of Harvard's aid for undergraduate students, with aid also provided by loans (8%) and work-study (4%).", "title": "Harvard University" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Feves was academically trained in the late 1930s and early 1940s, first earning a degree in art with a strong secondary emphasis on music at Washington State College, now Washington State University, where she studied with the noted artist Clyfford Still. She studied during a summer session with Alexander Archipenko at the University of Washington, and later at his studio in Ney York during 1940. Feves worked at Design Technics, a design studio in New York City during World War II, where she also attended classes taught by Ossip Zadkine at the Art Student's League. Following her marriage to Dr. Lou Feves, she returned to the Pacific Northwest, where she lived in Pendleton, OR until her death in 1985.", "title": "Betty Feves" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Tyler was born in Brooklyn, New York. He attended Columbia University majoring in chemistry. When he started graduate studies he took interest in the work of Thomas Hunt Morgan. Morgan took Tyler, and several other graduate students and research fellows with him, to the California Institute of Technology when he was hired to establish the new Division of Biology. Tyler completed his Ph.D. studies on reproductive biology and was appointed to the faculty at Caltech.", "title": "Albert Tyler (biologist)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Although born in Cleveland, Ohio, Peter Tomsen graduated from Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio and attended college at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, receiving a degree in political science in 1962. Tomsen was awarded a Heinz fellowship for post-graduate studies at the University of Pittsburgh. Receiving his master's degree in public and international affairs, Tomsen spent two years working in the Peace Corps in Nepal. Tomsen studied Nepali and taught civics and English in a newly founded 80-student college in a Himalayan town in western Nepal. Tomsen chose to extend his Peace Corps service for six months to be headmaster of a Tibetan refugee school.", "title": "Peter Tomsen" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "High schools in South Korea teach students for three years, from first grade (age 15 -- 17) to third grade (age 17 -- 19), and students commonly graduate at age 18 or 19. High school students are commonly expected to study increasingly long hours each year moving toward graduation, to become competitive and be able to enter attractive universities, such as SKY (Seoul National, Korea, and Yonsei Universities) or SeoKaPo (Seoul National University, KAIST, POSTECH), which are top universities in Korea that almost all parents and teachers want students to enter. Many high school students wake and leave home in the morning at 5 am. When the school is over at 4 pm, they go to a studying room in the school or to a library to study instead of going home. This is called 'Yaja', which literally means' evening self - study '. They do n't need to go home to eat dinner since most schools provide paid dinner for students. After finishing yaja (usually ends at 10 pm, but later than 11 pm at some schools), they return home after studying, then return to specialty study schools (which are called Hagwon) often till 2 am, from Monday to Friday. In addition, they often study on weekends.", "title": "Education in South Korea" } ]
How many students attend Daniel Thürer's university?
[ "University of Zurich" ]
nearly 25,000
[ { "answer": "Smash Mouth", "id": 71336, "paragraph_support_idx": 17, "question": "who sang hey now you're an allstar" }, { "answer": "429 Records", "id": 604644, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "#1 >> record label" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Baby Can I Hold You ''Single by Tracy Chapman from the album Tracy Chapman B - side`` Across The Lines'' ``If Not Now... ''`` Mountains O 'Things'' (Live) Released October 1, 1988 Genre Folk Length 3: 14 Label Elektra / Asylum Records Songwriter (s) Tracy Chapman Producer (s) David Kershenbaum Tracy Chapman singles chronology ``Talkin' 'bout a Revolution ''(1988)`` Baby Can I Hold You'' (1988) ``Crossroads ''(1989)`` Talkin' 'bout a Revolution'' (1988) ``Baby Can I Hold You ''(1988)`` Crossroads'' (1989) ``Wedding Song ''(2000) Wedding Song2000`` Baby Can I Hold You'' (2001) (Re-release) Baby Can I Hold You2001 ``You're the One ''(2002) You're the One2002", "title": "Baby Can I Hold You" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry ''Single by Hank Williams A-side`` My Bucket's Got a Hole in It'' Released November 8, 1949 Recorded August 30, 1949, Herzog Studio, Cincinnati Genre Country, blues Length 2: 48 Label MGM Songwriter (s) Hank Williams Hank Williams singles chronology ``You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave) ''(1949)`` I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry'' (1949) ``I Just Do n't Like This Kind of Living ''(1950)`` You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave)'' (1949) ``My Bucket's Got a Hole in It ''(1949)`` I Just Do n't Like This Kind of Living'' (1950)", "title": "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Alison Moira Clarkson (born 6 March 1970 in Kensington, London), better known as Betty Boo, is an English singer, songwriter and pop-rap artist. She first came to mainstream prominence in the late 1980s following a collaboration with the Beatmasters on the song \"Hey DJ/I Can't Dance (To That Music You're Playing)\". Between 1990 and 1992 she had a successful solo career, which spawned a number of chart-placing singles, most notably \"Doin' the Do\", \"Where Are You Baby?\", and \"Let Me Take You There\".", "title": "Betty Boo" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Hey Mami\"/\"Play It Right\" is a single by Sylvan Esso, issued as the lead single from the band's eponymous debut album. The A-side, \"Hey Mami\", is the album's opening track; while the B-side, \"Play It Right\", is the album's ninth track. It is the only single the band released on Trekky Records before they moved to Partisan Records.", "title": "Hey Mami/Play It Right" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``When You're in Love with a Beautiful Woman ''is a popular single by Dr. Hook. It was recorded at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio, Alabama.", "title": "When You're in Love with a Beautiful Woman" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``When You're Hot, You're Hot ''is a 1971 crossover single written and recorded by Jerry Reed. The song was his most successful on the country chart, peaking at number one for five weeks.`` When You're Hot, You're Hot'' was also Jerry Reed's second song to cross over to the Top 40, peaking at number nine. It also appeared in the Australian and New Zealand charts. ``When You're Hot, You're Hot ''was certified gold for sales of one million units by the Recording Industry Association of America.", "title": "When You're Hot, You're Hot" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "If You're Feeling Sinister is the second album by Scottish indie pop band Belle and Sebastian. It was released in 1996 on Jeepster Records in the United Kingdom and Matador Records in the United States. It received positive reviews.", "title": "If You're Feeling Sinister" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Party 'Til You're Broke is the ninth studio album by funk band Rufus, released on the MCA Records label in 1981. \"Party 'Til You're Broke\" which was the band's second album not to be fronted by Chaka Khan reached #24 on \"Billboard\"'s R&B Albums chart and #73 on Pop and included the singles \"Tonight We Love\" (US R&B #18, US Dance #64) and \"Hold on to a Friend\" (US R&B #56), making \"Party 'Til You're Broke\" the most successful Khan-less album from Rufus.", "title": "Party 'Til You're Broke" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"You're My Sunshine\" is Namie Amuro's fourth solo single under the Avex Trax label. Released in June 1996, it was her third consecutive single to debut at #1 and sell over a million copies.", "title": "You're My Sunshine" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sleaszy Rider Records is an independent record label which was founded in 1999 by Tolis G. Palantzas. The head office of the label is located in Greece. The label is mainly distributed in Europe by Sony Music/EMI. The label also distributes releases in Greece from numerous labels, including Roadrunner Records, SPV, and Pagan Records.", "title": "Sleaszy Rider Records" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "New York City (You're a Woman) is the fourth album by American singer-songwriter Al Kooper for Columbia Records, recorded and released in 1971.", "title": "New York City (You're a Woman)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"I Sang Dixie\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Dwight Yoakam. It was released in October 1988 as the second single from his album \"Buenas Noches from a Lonely Room\". In 1989, \"I Sang Dixie\" went to number one on the US Country chart.", "title": "I Sang Dixie" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me ''Single by Ray Price from the album You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me B - side`` What Kind of Love is This'' Released July 1973 (U.S.) Format 7 ''Recorded ca. May 1973 Genre Country Length 3: 50 Label Columbia 45889 Songwriter (s) Jim Weatherly Producer (s) Don Law Ray Price singles chronology ``She's Got to Be a Saint'' (1972)`` You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me ''(1973) ``Storms of Troubled Times'' (1974)`` She's Got to Be a Saint ''(1972) ``You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me'' (1973)`` Storms of Troubled Times ''(1974)", "title": "You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Hey There Lonely Girl ''is a song recorded by R&B singer Eddie Holman. Recorded and released in 1969, it charted in the United States in 1970 and in the United Kingdom in 1974. The original version by Ruby and the Romantics was entitled,`` Hey There Lonely Boy'' in 1963, and was a Top 30 hit, peaking at # 27. Holman's song peaked at # 2 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 pop chart, # 1 on the Canadian RPM chart, and at # 4 on the UK Singles Chart, his highest charting single in each country.", "title": "Hey There Lonely Girl" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hey, Man, Smell My Finger is the sixth studio album by American funk musician George Clinton, released October 12, 1993 on Paisley Park Records. It is Clinton's second and last release for the Paisley Park label, owned by Prince. The album features an array of musical guests including Prince, Dallas Austin, Humpty Hump from Digital Underground, Ice Cube, N'Dea Davenport, Dr. Dre, and Herbie Hancock, as well P-Funk alumni including Bootsy Collins, Bernie Worrell, Maceo Parker, and Fred Wesley. \"Hey, Man, Smell My Finger\" furthers Clinton's incorporation of hip hop elements such as electronically produced beats, rapping by Clinton, and sampling of older P-Funk material.", "title": "Hey, Man, Smell My Finger" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Magic is the seventh studio album by American rock band Smash Mouth, released on September 4, 2012 through 429 Records. It is their first album in six years since the release of \"Summer Girl\" in 2006. It is also the first album without original guitarist and primary songwriter Greg Camp since his departure from the band.", "title": "Magic (Smash Mouth album)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chris LeDoux was a rodeo cowboy who sang and recorded songs in his spare time and sold his albums from the back of his truck. With his father, he started his own record label, American Cowboy Songs, in 1970. Under that label he released 22 albums between 1971 and 1990. After gaining recognition from the 1989 Garth Brooks song, \"Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)\" he was signed to Liberty Records, where he released 4 studio albums in four years. He released 6 more albums including a live album under Capitol Records. \"Horsepower\" in 2003 was his last studio album before his death in 2005. Nine official compilation albums have been released between 1994 and 2008. \"20 Greatest Hits\" has been certified platinum by the RIAA.", "title": "Chris LeDoux discography" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "``All Star ''is a song by American rock band Smash Mouth. It was released on May 4, 1999, as the second single from their album Astro Lounge and it is one of the group's most successful songs, peaking at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100.", "title": "All Star (song)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chris Stillwell (born June 4, 1966, Seattle, Washington, United States) is the American bassist for the band The Greyboy Allstars.", "title": "Chris Stillwell" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Hei tie\" (in English, \"Hey There, Road\") is a song by Finnish recording artist Maija Vilkkumaa. It was released by Warner Music Finland on 20 September 2006, as the only single from her compilation album \"Totuutta ja tehtävää\". Written by Vilkkumaa, the song was Vilkkumaa's first number-one single on the Finnish Singles Chart, debuting at the peak position and charting for three weeks.", "title": "Hei tie" } ]
Which record label does the band who sang hey now you're an allstar belong to?
429 Records
[ { "answer": "Smash Mouth", "id": 56307, "paragraph_support_idx": 8, "question": "who sang hey now you're a rockstar" }, { "answer": "429 Records", "id": 604644, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "#1 >> record label" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "If You're Feeling Sinister is the second album by Scottish indie pop band Belle and Sebastian. It was released in 1996 on Jeepster Records in the United Kingdom and Matador Records in the United States. It received positive reviews.", "title": "If You're Feeling Sinister" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Hey There Delilah ''Single by Plain White T's from the album All That We Needed and Every Second Counts B - side`` Easy Way Out'' Released May 9, 2006 (US) Format CD single, digital download Recorded Started between January 20, 2003 - April 26, 2003, ended on October 17, 2005 Genre Folk pop Length 3: 52 Label Hollywood, Fearless Songwriter (s) Tom Higgenson Producer (s) Ariel Rechtshaid, Sean O'Keefe Plain White T's singles chronology ``Take Me Away ''(2005)`` Hey There Delilah'' (2006) ``Hate (I Really Do n't Like You) ''(2006)`` Take Me Away'' (2005) ``Hey There Delilah ''(2006)`` Hate (I Really Do n't Like You)'' (2006)", "title": "Hey There Delilah" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Baby Can I Hold You ''Single by Tracy Chapman from the album Tracy Chapman B - side`` Across The Lines'' ``If Not Now... ''`` Mountains O 'Things'' (Live) Released October 1, 1988 Genre Folk Length 3: 14 Label Elektra / Asylum Records Songwriter (s) Tracy Chapman Producer (s) David Kershenbaum Tracy Chapman singles chronology ``Talkin' 'bout a Revolution ''(1988)`` Baby Can I Hold You'' (1988) ``Crossroads ''(1989)`` Talkin' 'bout a Revolution'' (1988) ``Baby Can I Hold You ''(1988)`` Crossroads'' (1989) ``Wedding Song ''(2000) Wedding Song2000`` Baby Can I Hold You'' (2001) (Re-release) Baby Can I Hold You2001 ``You're the One ''(2002) You're the One2002", "title": "Baby Can I Hold You" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry ''Single by Hank Williams A-side`` My Bucket's Got a Hole in It'' Released November 8, 1949 Recorded August 30, 1949, Herzog Studio, Cincinnati Genre Country, blues Length 2: 48 Label MGM Songwriter (s) Hank Williams Hank Williams singles chronology ``You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave) ''(1949)`` I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry'' (1949) ``I Just Do n't Like This Kind of Living ''(1950)`` You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave)'' (1949) ``My Bucket's Got a Hole in It ''(1949)`` I Just Do n't Like This Kind of Living'' (1950)", "title": "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Party 'Til You're Broke is the ninth studio album by funk band Rufus, released on the MCA Records label in 1981. \"Party 'Til You're Broke\" which was the band's second album not to be fronted by Chaka Khan reached #24 on \"Billboard\"'s R&B Albums chart and #73 on Pop and included the singles \"Tonight We Love\" (US R&B #18, US Dance #64) and \"Hold on to a Friend\" (US R&B #56), making \"Party 'Til You're Broke\" the most successful Khan-less album from Rufus.", "title": "Party 'Til You're Broke" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the summer of 1969, a Chicago studio group produced a single record called \"Hey Hey! Holy Mackerel! (The Cubs Song)\" whose title and lyrics incorporated the catch-phrases of the respective TV and radio announcers for the Cubs, Jack Brickhouse and Vince Lloyd. Several members of the Cubs recorded an album called Cub Power which contained a cover of the song. The song received a good deal of local airplay that summer, associating it very strongly with that bittersweet season. It was played much less frequently thereafter, although it remained an unofficial Cubs theme song for some years after.", "title": "Chicago Cubs" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chris LeDoux was a rodeo cowboy who sang and recorded songs in his spare time and sold his albums from the back of his truck. With his father, he started his own record label, American Cowboy Songs, in 1970. Under that label he released 22 albums between 1971 and 1990. After gaining recognition from the 1989 Garth Brooks song, \"Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)\" he was signed to Liberty Records, where he released 4 studio albums in four years. He released 6 more albums including a live album under Capitol Records. \"Horsepower\" in 2003 was his last studio album before his death in 2005. Nine official compilation albums have been released between 1994 and 2008. \"20 Greatest Hits\" has been certified platinum by the RIAA.", "title": "Chris LeDoux discography" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"I Sang Dixie\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Dwight Yoakam. It was released in October 1988 as the second single from his album \"Buenas Noches from a Lonely Room\". In 1989, \"I Sang Dixie\" went to number one on the US Country chart.", "title": "I Sang Dixie" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "``All Star ''is a song by American rock band Smash Mouth. It was released on May 4, 1999 as the second single from their album Astro Lounge, and is one of the group's most successful songs, peaking at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100.", "title": "All Star (song)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Magic is the seventh studio album by American rock band Smash Mouth, released on September 4, 2012 through 429 Records. It is their first album in six years since the release of \"Summer Girl\" in 2006. It is also the first album without original guitarist and primary songwriter Greg Camp since his departure from the band.", "title": "Magic (Smash Mouth album)" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me ''Single by Ray Price from the album You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me B - side`` What Kind of Love is This'' Released July 1973 (U.S.) Format 7 ''Recorded ca. May 1973 Genre Country Length 3: 50 Label Columbia 45889 Songwriter (s) Jim Weatherly Producer (s) Don Law Ray Price singles chronology ``She's Got to Be a Saint'' (1972)`` You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me ''(1973) ``Storms of Troubled Times'' (1974)`` She's Got to Be a Saint ''(1972) ``You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me'' (1973)`` Storms of Troubled Times ''(1974)", "title": "You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"So Cal Loco (Party Like a Rockstar)\" is a song by American band Sprung Monkey. The song uses the bassline of The Joker. The song appeared on the motion picture \"Dude, Where's My Car?\". It was also later re-recorded for the group's \"Get A Taste\" album.", "title": "So Cal Loco (Party Like a Rockstar)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sleaszy Rider Records is an independent record label which was founded in 1999 by Tolis G. Palantzas. The head office of the label is located in Greece. The label is mainly distributed in Europe by Sony Music/EMI. The label also distributes releases in Greece from numerous labels, including Roadrunner Records, SPV, and Pagan Records.", "title": "Sleaszy Rider Records" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``When You're Hot, You're Hot ''is a 1971 crossover single written and recorded by Jerry Reed. The song was his most successful on the country chart, peaking at number one for five weeks.`` When You're Hot, You're Hot'' was also Jerry Reed's second song to cross over to the Top 40, peaking at number nine. It also appeared in the Australian and New Zealand charts. ``When You're Hot, You're Hot ''was certified gold for sales of one million units by the Recording Industry Association of America.", "title": "When You're Hot, You're Hot" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"You're My Sunshine\" is Namie Amuro's fourth solo single under the Avex Trax label. Released in June 1996, it was her third consecutive single to debut at #1 and sell over a million copies.", "title": "You're My Sunshine" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Alison Moira Clarkson (born 6 March 1970 in Kensington, London), better known as Betty Boo, is an English singer, songwriter and pop-rap artist. She first came to mainstream prominence in the late 1980s following a collaboration with the Beatmasters on the song \"Hey DJ/I Can't Dance (To That Music You're Playing)\". Between 1990 and 1992 she had a successful solo career, which spawned a number of chart-placing singles, most notably \"Doin' the Do\", \"Where Are You Baby?\", and \"Let Me Take You There\".", "title": "Betty Boo" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Hey Mami\"/\"Play It Right\" is a single by Sylvan Esso, issued as the lead single from the band's eponymous debut album. The A-side, \"Hey Mami\", is the album's opening track; while the B-side, \"Play It Right\", is the album's ninth track. It is the only single the band released on Trekky Records before they moved to Partisan Records.", "title": "Hey Mami/Play It Right" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "New York City (You're a Woman) is the fourth album by American singer-songwriter Al Kooper for Columbia Records, recorded and released in 1971.", "title": "New York City (You're a Woman)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hey, Man, Smell My Finger is the sixth studio album by American funk musician George Clinton, released October 12, 1993 on Paisley Park Records. It is Clinton's second and last release for the Paisley Park label, owned by Prince. The album features an array of musical guests including Prince, Dallas Austin, Humpty Hump from Digital Underground, Ice Cube, N'Dea Davenport, Dr. Dre, and Herbie Hancock, as well P-Funk alumni including Bootsy Collins, Bernie Worrell, Maceo Parker, and Fred Wesley. \"Hey, Man, Smell My Finger\" furthers Clinton's incorporation of hip hop elements such as electronically produced beats, rapping by Clinton, and sampling of older P-Funk material.", "title": "Hey, Man, Smell My Finger" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Hei tie\" (in English, \"Hey There, Road\") is a song by Finnish recording artist Maija Vilkkumaa. It was released by Warner Music Finland on 20 September 2006, as the only single from her compilation album \"Totuutta ja tehtävää\". Written by Vilkkumaa, the song was Vilkkumaa's first number-one single on the Finnish Singles Chart, debuting at the peak position and charting for three weeks.", "title": "Hei tie" } ]
What is the record label of the Hey Now, You're A Rockstar singer?
429 Records
[ { "answer": "North American", "id": 59612, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "where does the london broil cut come from" }, { "answer": "10 February 1763", "id": 42429, "paragraph_support_idx": 11, "question": "When did the #1 French and Indian War end?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "At the end of the battle, Wadsworth was taken prisoner when the American force, cut off on the Canadian side of the Niagara River, surrendered to avoid a massacre by Indians under John Brant attached to the British force.", "title": "William Wadsworth (officer)" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During August 1914, immediately after the outbreak of the war, British author and social commentator H.G. Wells published a number of articles in London newspapers that subsequently appeared as a book entitled The War That Will End War. Wells blamed the Central Powers for the coming of the war and argued that only the defeat of German militarism could bring about an end to war. Wells used the shorter form of the phrase, ``the war to end war '', in In the Fourth Year (1918), in which he noted that the phrase had`` got into circulation'' in the second half of 1914. In fact, it had become one of the most common catchphrases of the First World War.", "title": "The war to end war" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of Brihuega took place on 8 December 1710 in the War of the Spanish Succession, during the allied retreat from Madrid to Barcelona. The British rearguard under Lord Stanhope was cut off within the town of Brihuega and overwhelmed by a Franco-Spanish army under the duc de Vendôme. Brihuega with other events brought an end to the British participation in the war.", "title": "Battle of Brihuega" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 1763 Treaty of Paris ended the major war known by Americans as the French and Indian War and by Canadians as the Seven Years' War / Guerre de Sept Ans, or by French - Canadians, La Guerre de la Conquête. It was signed by Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement. Preferring to keep Guadeloupe, France gave up Canada and all of its claims to territory east of the Mississippi River to Britain. With France out of North America this dramatically changed the European political scene on the continent.", "title": "Territorial evolution of North America since 1763" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Tiger of Eschnapur, or in original German, \"Der Tiger von Eschnapur\", is a 1959 West German-French-Italian adventure film directed by Fritz Lang. It is the first of two films comprising what has come to be known as \"Fritz Lang's Indian Epic\"; the other is \"The Indian Tomb\" \"(Das Indische Grabmal\"). Fritz Lang returned to Germany to direct these films, which together tell the story of a German architect, the Indian maharaja for whom he is supposed to build schools and hospitals, and the Eurasian dancer who comes between them.", "title": "The Tiger of Eschnapur (1959 film)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "War and Peace (\"Jang Aur Aman\") is a 2002 Indian documentary film directed by Anand Patwardhan. The film covers the Indian and Pakistani nuclear weapons tests in 1998, as well as the nationalist rhetoric that accompanied these tests. It also explores the ill-effects of the Indian test on the surrounding population and the reactions to the test among the government and the public. The latter part of the film also covers the perception of nuclear weapons in Japan and the United States. Upon the film's completion, the Indian censor board demanded that Patwardhan make 21 cuts before it could be released, including cutting all speeches by politicians. Patwardhan refused and took the matter to court; the Bombay high court ruled in his favor a year later, and the film was released without any cuts.", "title": "War and Peace (2002 film)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The French and Indian War (1754–1763) was the North American theater of the worldwide Seven Years' War. The war was fought between the colonies of British America and New France, with both sides supported by military units from their parent countries of Great Britain and France, as well as Native American allies. At the start of the war, the French North American colonies had a population of roughly 60,000 European settlers, compared with 2 million in the British North American colonies. The outnumbered French particularly depended on the Indians. Long in conflict, the metropole nations declared war on each other in 1756, escalating the war from a regional affair into an intercontinental conflict.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Westminster Scholars War Memorial, also known as the Crimea and Indian Mutiny Memorial, is an 1861 memorial designed by George Gilbert Scott, installed near Westminster Abbey in Broad Sanctuary, London, United Kingdom.", "title": "Westminster Scholars War Memorial" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Beginning in 1689, the colonies became involved in a series of wars between Great Britain and France for control of North America, the most important of which were Queen Anne's War, in which the British conquered French colony Acadia, and the final French and Indian War (1754–63) when Britain was victorious over all the French colonies in North America. This final war was to give thousands of colonists, including Virginia colonel George Washington, military experience which they put to use during the American Revolutionary War.", "title": "Military history of the United States" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The French and Indian War (1754 -- 63) comprised the North American theater of the worldwide Seven Years' War of 1756 -- 63. It pitted the colonies of British America against those of New France. Both sides were supported by military units from their parent countries of Great Britain and France, as well as by American Indian allies. At the start of the war, the French North American colonies had a population of roughly 60,000 settlers, compared with 2 million in the British North American colonies. The outnumbered French particularly depended on the Indians. The European nations declared war on one another in 1756 following months of localized conflict, escalating the war from a regional affair into an intercontinental conflict.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "London broil is a beef dish made by broiling marinated beef, then cutting it across the grain into thin strips. Despite its name, the dish and the terminology are North American, not British.", "title": "London broil" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The war in North America officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on 10 February 1763, and war in the European theatre of the Seven Years' War was settled by the Treaty of Hubertusburg on 15 February 1763. The British offered France the choice of surrendering either its continental North American possessions east of the Mississippi or the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, which had been occupied by the British. France chose to cede the former, but was able to negotiate the retention of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, two small islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, along with fishing rights in the area. They viewed the economic value of the Caribbean islands' sugar cane to be greater and easier to defend than the furs from the continent. The contemporaneous French philosopher Voltaire referred to Canada disparagingly as nothing more than a few acres of snow. The British, for their part, were happy to take New France, as defence of their North American colonies would no longer be an issue and also because they already had ample places from which to obtain sugar. Spain, which traded Florida to Britain to regain Cuba, also gained Louisiana, including New Orleans, from France in compensation for its losses. Great Britain and Spain also agreed that navigation on the Mississippi River was to be open to vessels of all nations.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of Beauport, also known as the Battle of Montmorency, fought on 31 July 1759, was an important confrontation between the British and French Armed Forces during the Seven Years' War (also known as the French and Indian War and the War of Conquest) of the French province of Canada. The attack conducted by the British against the French defense line of Beauport, some east of Quebec was checked, and the British soldiers of General James Wolfe retreated with 443 casualties and losses.", "title": "Battle of Beauport" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lieutenant General Sir Dudley Russell KBE, CB, DSO, MC (1 December 18964 February 1978) was a senior officer of both the British Army and the British Indian Army, and served during World War I and World War II, where he commanded the 8th Indian Infantry Division during the Italian Campaign from late 1943 until the end of the war.", "title": "Dudley Russell" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "L'Autre Pied is a one Michelin star restaurant situated in Marylebone, in London’s West End in England, specialising in French cuisine.", "title": "L'Autre Pied" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The dynasty lost control of peripheral territories bit by bit. In return for promises of support against the British and the French, the Russian Empire took large chunks of territory in the Northeast in 1860. The period of cooperation between the reformers and the European powers ended with the Tientsin Massacre of 1870, which was incited by the murder of French nuns set off by the belligerence of local French diplomats. Starting with the Cochinchina Campaign in 1858, France expanded control of Indochina. By 1883, France was in full control of the region and had reached the Chinese border. The Sino-French War began with a surprise attack by the French on the Chinese southern fleet at Fuzhou. After that the Chinese declared war on the French. A French invasion of Taiwan was halted and the French were defeated on land in Tonkin at the Battle of Bang Bo. However Japan threatened to enter the war against China due to the Gapsin Coup and China chose to end the war with negotiations. The war ended in 1885 with the Treaty of Tientsin (1885) and the Chinese recognition of the French protectorate in Vietnam.", "title": "Qing dynasty" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "USS \"Tunxis\" (YN-119/AN-90) was a which was assigned to protect United States Navy ships and harbors during World War II with her anti-submarine nets. Her World War II career was cut short due to the war coming to an end, but, post-war, she was reactivated and served the Navy until she was put into reserve and eventually transferred to Venezuela as Puerto Nutrias.", "title": "USS Tunxis (AN-90)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The name French and Indian War is used mainly in the United States. It refers to the two main enemies of the British colonists: the royal French forces and the various American Indian forces allied with them. The British colonists were supported at various times by the Iroquois, Catawba, and Cherokee, and the French colonists were supported by Wabanaki Confederacy members Abenaki and Mi'kmaq, and Algonquin, Lenape, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Wyandot.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the American Civil War, American cotton exports slumped due to a Union blockade on Southern ports, and also because of a strategic decision by the Confederate government to cut exports, hoping to force Britain to recognize the Confederacy or enter the war. This prompted the main purchasers of cotton, Britain and France, to turn to Egyptian cotton. British and French traders invested heavily in cotton plantations. The Egyptian government of Viceroy Isma'il took out substantial loans from European bankers and stock exchanges. After the American Civil War ended in 1865, British and French traders abandoned Egyptian cotton and returned to cheap American exports,[citation needed] sending Egypt into a deficit spiral that led to the country declaring bankruptcy in 1876, a key factor behind Egypt's occupation by the British Empire in 1882.", "title": "Cotton" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Solomon Mack (15 September 1732 – 23 August 1820) was a resident of eighteenth-century New England and a veteran of the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War.", "title": "Solomon Mack" } ]
When did the French and Indian War end on the continent where London Broil comes from?
10 February 1763
[ { "answer": "University of Zurich", "id": 810884, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "Edith Humphrey >> educated at" }, { "answer": "nearly 25,000", "id": 22402, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "How many students attend #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Guam Department of Education serves the entire island of Guam. In 2000, 32,000 students attended Guam's public schools. Guam Public Schools have struggled with problems such as high dropout rates and poor test scores. Guam's educational system has always faced unique challenges as a small community located 6,000 miles (9,700 km) from the U.S. mainland with a very diverse student body including many students who come from backgrounds without traditional American education. An economic downturn in Guam since the mid-1990s has compounded the problems in schools.", "title": "Guam" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nigel Griffiths was educated at Hawick High School in the Scottish Borders before attending the University of Edinburgh where he was awarded an MA in 1977. He finished his education at Moray House College of Education (now the Moray House School of Education on \"Holyrood Road\" at the University of Edinburgh) in Edinburgh in 1978. He was president of the University of Edinburgh Labour Group in 1976, where he first met and supported Gordon Brown, who was then the student elected Rector of the University.", "title": "Nigel Griffiths" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Edith Ellen Humphrey (11 September 1875 – 25 February 1978) was a British inorganic chemist who carried out pioneering work in co-ordination chemistry at the University of Zurich under Alfred Werner. She is thought to be the first British woman to obtain a doctorate in chemistry.", "title": "Edith Humphrey" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Edith Humphrey was the youngest of the seven surviving children of John Charles Humphrey (1833–1903), a clerk at the London Metropolitan Board of Works, and his wife Louisa (née Frost, 1831–1910), a teacher. John Humphrey had started life in poor circumstances, his father having been a bootmaker, and he was a great supporter of education for his daughters as well as his sons. Edith grew up in a middle-class household in Kentish Town, London. Her two elder sisters became teachers, and her brothers, including Herbert Alfred Humphrey (1868–1951), inventor of the Humphrey pump, and William Humphrey (1863–1898), head of the Fourah Bay College in Freetown, Sierra Leone, were educated to degree level.", "title": "Edith Humphrey" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Anyone involved in education should be concerned about how overemphasis on the SAT is distorting educational priorities and practices, how the test is perceived by many as unfair, and how it can have a devastating impact on the self-esteem and aspirations of young students. There is widespread agreement that overemphasis on the SAT harms American education.", "title": "SAT" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Primary and secondary schooling is compulsory for children aged 6 to 16, with the majority attending from the age of 5. There are 13 school years and attending state (public) schools is free to New Zealand citizens and permanent residents from a person's 5th birthday to the end of the calendar year following their 19th birthday. New Zealand has an adult literacy rate of 99%, and over half of the population aged 15 to 29 hold a tertiary qualification. There are five types of government-owned tertiary institutions: universities, colleges of education, polytechnics, specialist colleges, and wānanga, in addition to private training establishments. In the adult population 14.2% have a bachelor's degree or higher, 30.4% have some form of secondary qualification as their highest qualification and 22.4% have no formal qualification. The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment ranks New Zealand's education system as the seventh best in the world, with students performing exceptionally well in reading, mathematics and science.", "title": "New Zealand" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Berkeley Springs High School is a public, co-educational high school located in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, USA. It teaches 9th through 12th grade and currently has about 747 students in attendance. It is a Morgan County school.", "title": "Berkeley Springs High School" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Lonely Doll is the first children's book in a series by photographer and author Dare Wright. The story is told through text and photographs. It was first published by Doubleday in 1957, went out of print for years, was reissued by Houghton Mifflin in 1998, and brought out by Barnes & Noble in a narrated version for their Nook eReader in 2012. Wright wrote 10 books starring Edith and the bears. The nine that have been reprinted are \"The Lonely Doll\", \"Edith and Mr. Bear\", \"A Gift from the Lonely Doll\", \"Holiday for Edith and the Bears\", \"The Doll and the Kitten\", \"Edith and the Duckling\", \"Edith and Little Bear Lend a Hand\", \"Edith and Midnight\" and \"The Lonely Doll Learns a Lesson\".", "title": "The Lonely Doll" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In many parts of the United States, after the 1954 decision in the landmark court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka that demanded United States schools desegregate \"with all deliberate speed\", local families organized a wave of private \"Christian academies\". In much of the U.S. South, many white students migrated to the academies, while public schools became in turn more heavily concentrated with African-American students (see List of private schools in Mississippi). The academic content of the academies was usually College Preparatory. Since the 1970s, many of these \"segregation academies\" have shut down, although some continue to operate.[citation needed]", "title": "Private school" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "There are 12 universities in Switzerland, ten of which are maintained at cantonal level and usually offer a range of non-technical subjects. The first university in Switzerland was founded in 1460 in Basel (with a faculty of medicine) and has a tradition of chemical and medical research in Switzerland. The biggest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich with nearly 25,000 students. The two institutes sponsored by the federal government are the ETHZ in Zürich (founded 1855) and the EPFL in Lausanne (founded 1969 as such, formerly an institute associated with the University of Lausanne) which both have an excellent international reputation.[note 10]", "title": "Switzerland" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Public and private schools in Hyderabad are governed by the Central Board of Secondary Education and follow a \"10+2+3\" plan. About two-thirds of pupils attend privately run institutions. Languages of instruction include English, Hindi, Telugu and Urdu. Depending on the institution, students are required to sit the Secondary School Certificate or the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. After completing secondary education, students enroll in schools or junior colleges with a higher secondary facility. Admission to professional graduation colleges in Hyderabad, many of which are affiliated with either Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) or Osmania University (OU), is through the Engineering Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAM-CET).", "title": "Hyderabad" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "United States Department of Health and Human Services Seal of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Flag of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Department Headquarters Department overview Formed April 11, 1953; 64 years ago (1953 - 04 - 11) (as Department of Health, Education, and Welfare) May 4, 1980 (1980 - 05 - 04) (as United States Department of Health and Human Services) Preceding agencies Federal Security Agency United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Jurisdiction Federal government of the United States Headquarters Hubert H. Humphrey Building Washington, D.C., U.S. Employees 79,540 (2015) Department executives Alex Azar, Secretary Eric Hargan, Deputy Secretary Website", "title": "United States Department of Health and Human Services" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Boston Public Schools enrolls 57,000 students attending 145 schools, including the renowned Boston Latin Academy, John D. O'Bryant School of Math & Science, and Boston Latin School. The Boston Latin School, established 1635, is the oldest public high school in the US; Boston also operates the United States' second oldest public high school, and its oldest public elementary school. The system's students are 40% Hispanic or Latino, 35% Black or African American, 13% White, and 9% Asian. There are private, parochial, and charter schools as well, and approximately 3,300 minority students attend participating suburban schools through the Metropolitan Educational Opportunity Council.", "title": "Boston" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Despite the Dutch presence in Indonesia for almost 350 years, as the Asian bulk of the Dutch East Indies, the Dutch language has no official status there and the small minority that can speak the language fluently are either educated members of the oldest generation, or employed in the legal profession, as some legal codes are still only available in Dutch. Dutch is taught in various educational centres in Indonesia, the most important of which is the Erasmus Language Centre (ETC) in Jakarta. Each year, some 1,500 to 2,000 students take Dutch courses there. In total, several thousand Indonesians study Dutch as a foreign language. Owing to centuries of Dutch rule in Indonesia, many old documents are written in Dutch. Many universities therefore include Dutch as a source language, mainly for law and history students. In Indonesia this involves about 35,000 students.", "title": "Dutch language" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "At Appleyard College, a girls' private school, near the town of Woodend, Victoria, Australia, the students are dressing on the morning of Valentine's Day, 1900. Miranda (Anne - Louise Lambert), Irma (Karen Robson), Marion (Jane Vallis), Rosamund (Ingrid Mason), waifish Sara (Margaret Nelson), and outsider Edith (Christine Schuler) read poetry and Valentine's Day cards.", "title": "Picnic at Hanging Rock (film)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William Coperthwaite attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, where he majored in art history. His extra-curricular activities included track and pole vaulting, and he served as vice-president of the Outing Club. He later enrolled in the innovative Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education (Antioch University New England) Master's degree program and in 1972 was awarded a Ph.D in education from Harvard University. Coperthwaite's Harvard research examined the process of instructing groups of students on yurt construction. His dissertation was on native Alaskan culture. One of the many yurts he built leading student groups (in 1976 on the new campus of World College West in Marin County, California) became the subject of a student-composed song; \"Yurt Fever\". Its final verse concluded with \"...a person can stray all over the place, but a Yurt is always a round\".", "title": "William Coperthwaite" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bologna process has been adopted, since 2006, by Portuguese universities and poly-technical institutes. Higher education in state-run educational establishments is provided on a competitive basis, a system of numerus clausus is enforced through a national database on student admissions. However, every higher education institution offers also a number of additional vacant places through other extraordinary admission processes for sportsmen, mature applicants (over 23 years old), international students, foreign students from the Lusosphere, degree owners from other institutions, students from other institutions (academic transfer), former students (readmission), and course change, which are subject to specific standards and regulations set by each institution or course department. Most student costs are supported with public money. However, with the increasing tuition fees a student has to pay to attend a Portuguese state-run higher education institution and the attraction of new types of students (many as part-time students or in evening classes) like employees, businessmen, parents, and pensioners, many departments make a substantial profit from every additional student enrolled in courses, with benefits for the college or university's gross tuition revenue and without loss of educational quality (teacher per student, computer per student, classroom size per student, etc.).", "title": "Portugal" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Laurel Springs School is a WASC-accredited K–12 distance learning school in Ojai, California, United States. Laurel Springs School offers personalized resources, customizable curricula, individualized teacher services, college advising and other services to families attending public and private school who are looking for another option; distance learning and home education students; students pursuing acting or sports careers; families living abroad; home school families; private and public schools and tutoring centers.", "title": "Laurel Springs School" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "HOSA - Future Health Professionals, formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), is a national career and technical student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE. HOSA is composed of middle school, secondary, and post secondary / collegiate students, along with professional, alumni, and honorary members. It is headquartered in Southlake, Texas, and is the largest student organization which prepares students to enter the healthcare field.", "title": "HOSA (organization)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Students attending BYU are required to follow an honor code, which mandates behavior in line with LDS teachings such as academic honesty, adherence to dress and grooming standards, and abstinence from extramarital sex and from the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Many students (88 percent of men, 33 percent of women) either delay enrollment or take a hiatus from their studies to serve as Mormon missionaries. (Men typically serve for two-years, while women serve for 18 months.) An education at BYU is also less expensive than at similar private universities, since \"a significant portion\" of the cost of operating the university is subsidized by the church's tithing funds.", "title": "Brigham Young University" } ]
How many students attend the university that Edith Humphrey was educated?
[ "University of Zurich" ]
nearly 25,000
[ { "answer": "University of Zurich", "id": 259267, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "Rudolf Wolf >> educated at" }, { "answer": "nearly 25,000", "id": 22402, "paragraph_support_idx": 5, "question": "How many students attend #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Adamkiewicz earned his medical doctorate in 1873 from the University of Breslau where he was a student-assistant to physiologist Rudolf Peter Heinrich Heidenhain. From 1879 until 1892, he was chief of general and experimental pathology at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.", "title": "Albert Wojciech Adamkiewicz" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Despite the Dutch presence in Indonesia for almost 350 years, as the Asian bulk of the Dutch East Indies, the Dutch language has no official status there and the small minority that can speak the language fluently are either educated members of the oldest generation, or employed in the legal profession, as some legal codes are still only available in Dutch. Dutch is taught in various educational centres in Indonesia, the most important of which is the Erasmus Language Centre (ETC) in Jakarta. Each year, some 1,500 to 2,000 students take Dutch courses there. In total, several thousand Indonesians study Dutch as a foreign language. Owing to centuries of Dutch rule in Indonesia, many old documents are written in Dutch. Many universities therefore include Dutch as a source language, mainly for law and history students. In Indonesia this involves about 35,000 students.", "title": "Dutch language" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Berkeley Springs High School is a public, co-educational high school located in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, USA. It teaches 9th through 12th grade and currently has about 747 students in attendance. It is a Morgan County school.", "title": "Berkeley Springs High School" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Boston Public Schools enrolls 57,000 students attending 145 schools, including the renowned Boston Latin Academy, John D. O'Bryant School of Math & Science, and Boston Latin School. The Boston Latin School, established 1635, is the oldest public high school in the US; Boston also operates the United States' second oldest public high school, and its oldest public elementary school. The system's students are 40% Hispanic or Latino, 35% Black or African American, 13% White, and 9% Asian. There are private, parochial, and charter schools as well, and approximately 3,300 minority students attend participating suburban schools through the Metropolitan Educational Opportunity Council.", "title": "Boston" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The total adult literacy rate is 99 percent. Portuguese primary school enrollments are close to 100 percent. According to the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009, the average Portuguese 15-year-old student, when rated in terms of reading literacy, mathematics and science knowledge, is placed at the same level as those students from the United States, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, France, Denmark, United Kingdom, Hungary and Taipei, with 489 points (493 is the average). Over 35% of college-age citizens (20 years old) attend one of the country's higher education institutions (compared with 50% in the United States and 35% in the OECD countries). In addition to being a destination for international students, Portugal is also among the top places of origin for international students. All higher education students, both domestic and international, totaled 380,937 in 2005.", "title": "Portugal" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "There are 12 universities in Switzerland, ten of which are maintained at cantonal level and usually offer a range of non-technical subjects. The first university in Switzerland was founded in 1460 in Basel (with a faculty of medicine) and has a tradition of chemical and medical research in Switzerland. The biggest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich with nearly 25,000 students. The two institutes sponsored by the federal government are the ETHZ in Zürich (founded 1855) and the EPFL in Lausanne (founded 1969 as such, formerly an institute associated with the University of Lausanne) which both have an excellent international reputation.[note 10]", "title": "Switzerland" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Laurel Springs School is a WASC-accredited K–12 distance learning school in Ojai, California, United States. Laurel Springs School offers personalized resources, customizable curricula, individualized teacher services, college advising and other services to families attending public and private school who are looking for another option; distance learning and home education students; students pursuing acting or sports careers; families living abroad; home school families; private and public schools and tutoring centers.", "title": "Laurel Springs School" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Wolf was born in Fällanden, near Zurich. He studied at the universities of Zurich, Vienna, and Berlin. Encke was one of his teachers. Wolf became professor of astronomy at the University of Bern in 1844 and director of the Bern Observatory in 1847. In 1855 he accepted a chair of astronomy at both the University of Zurich and the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.", "title": "Rudolf Wolf" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Students attending BYU are required to follow an honor code, which mandates behavior in line with LDS teachings such as academic honesty, adherence to dress and grooming standards, and abstinence from extramarital sex and from the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Many students (88 percent of men, 33 percent of women) either delay enrollment or take a hiatus from their studies to serve as Mormon missionaries. (Men typically serve for two-years, while women serve for 18 months.) An education at BYU is also less expensive than at similar private universities, since \"a significant portion\" of the cost of operating the university is subsidized by the church's tithing funds.", "title": "Brigham Young University" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Public and private schools in Hyderabad are governed by the Central Board of Secondary Education and follow a \"10+2+3\" plan. About two-thirds of pupils attend privately run institutions. Languages of instruction include English, Hindi, Telugu and Urdu. Depending on the institution, students are required to sit the Secondary School Certificate or the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. After completing secondary education, students enroll in schools or junior colleges with a higher secondary facility. Admission to professional graduation colleges in Hyderabad, many of which are affiliated with either Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) or Osmania University (OU), is through the Engineering Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAM-CET).", "title": "Hyderabad" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Namibia has free education for both Primary and secondary education levels. Grades 1–7 are primary level, grades 8–12 secondary. In 1998, there were 400,325 Namibian students in primary school and 115,237 students in secondary schools. The pupil-teacher ratio in 1999 was estimated at 32:1, with about 8% of the GDP being spent on education. Curriculum development, educational research, and professional development of teachers is centrally organised by the National Institute for Educational Development (NIED) in Okahandja.", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Café Griensteidl was a traditional Viennese café located at Michaelerplatz 2 across from St. Michael's Church and St. Michael's Gate at the Hofburg Palace in the Innere Stadt first district of Vienna, Austria. The cafe was founded in 1847 by former pharmacist Heinrich Griensteidl. In January 1897, the original building was demolished during the course of the renovation of Michaelerplatz. During the early twentieth century, the café was frequented by many artists, musicians, and writers, including Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Arthur Schnitzler, Arnold Schoenberg, Alexander Zemlinsky, Hermann Bahr, Friedrich Eckstein, Rudolf Steiner, Hugo Wolf, and Stefan Zweig.", "title": "Café Griensteidl" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rudolf Doležal (19 July 1916 in Horka nad Moravou, Moravia – 2002 in Olomouc) was a Czech sculptor and medalist, author of many sculptures in Moravian towns and villages.", "title": "Rudolf Doležal" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Anyone involved in education should be concerned about how overemphasis on the SAT is distorting educational priorities and practices, how the test is perceived by many as unfair, and how it can have a devastating impact on the self-esteem and aspirations of young students. There is widespread agreement that overemphasis on the SAT harms American education.", "title": "SAT" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "HOSA - Future Health Professionals, formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), is a national career and technical student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE. HOSA is composed of middle school, secondary, and post secondary / collegiate students, along with professional, alumni, and honorary members. It is headquartered in Southlake, Texas, and is the largest student organization which prepares students to enter the healthcare field.", "title": "HOSA (organization)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In many parts of the United States, after the 1954 decision in the landmark court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka that demanded United States schools desegregate \"with all deliberate speed\", local families organized a wave of private \"Christian academies\". In much of the U.S. South, many white students migrated to the academies, while public schools became in turn more heavily concentrated with African-American students (see List of private schools in Mississippi). The academic content of the academies was usually College Preparatory. Since the 1970s, many of these \"segregation academies\" have shut down, although some continue to operate.[citation needed]", "title": "Private school" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William Coperthwaite attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, where he majored in art history. His extra-curricular activities included track and pole vaulting, and he served as vice-president of the Outing Club. He later enrolled in the innovative Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education (Antioch University New England) Master's degree program and in 1972 was awarded a Ph.D in education from Harvard University. Coperthwaite's Harvard research examined the process of instructing groups of students on yurt construction. His dissertation was on native Alaskan culture. One of the many yurts he built leading student groups (in 1976 on the new campus of World College West in Marin County, California) became the subject of a student-composed song; \"Yurt Fever\". Its final verse concluded with \"...a person can stray all over the place, but a Yurt is always a round\".", "title": "William Coperthwaite" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nuraliza Osman grew up in Singapore and was a top student and scholar at the [Methodist Girls School] where she won many accolades and excelled academically. She then attended Victoria Junior College where she studied pre-medicine classes and French. Her studies in French took her to France where she studied briefly prior to attending university. She is described by her peers as a funny, lovely, independent and determined person who was well-loved. At Methodist Girls School and Victoria Junior College, she was known for her frank, honest and tomboyish image. Many were surprised at how feminine she became for the Miss Universe competition.", "title": "Nuraliza Osman" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nigel Griffiths was educated at Hawick High School in the Scottish Borders before attending the University of Edinburgh where he was awarded an MA in 1977. He finished his education at Moray House College of Education (now the Moray House School of Education on \"Holyrood Road\" at the University of Edinburgh) in Edinburgh in 1978. He was president of the University of Edinburgh Labour Group in 1976, where he first met and supported Gordon Brown, who was then the student elected Rector of the University.", "title": "Nigel Griffiths" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Primary and secondary schooling is compulsory for children aged 6 to 16, with the majority attending from the age of 5. There are 13 school years and attending state (public) schools is free to New Zealand citizens and permanent residents from a person's 5th birthday to the end of the calendar year following their 19th birthday. New Zealand has an adult literacy rate of 99%, and over half of the population aged 15 to 29 hold a tertiary qualification. There are five types of government-owned tertiary institutions: universities, colleges of education, polytechnics, specialist colleges, and wānanga, in addition to private training establishments. In the adult population 14.2% have a bachelor's degree or higher, 30.4% have some form of secondary qualification as their highest qualification and 22.4% have no formal qualification. The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment ranks New Zealand's education system as the seventh best in the world, with students performing exceptionally well in reading, mathematics and science.", "title": "New Zealand" } ]
How many students attend where Rudolf Wolf was educated?
[ "University of Zurich" ]
nearly 25,000
[ { "answer": "University of Zurich", "id": 632870, "paragraph_support_idx": 17, "question": "André Dreiding >> employer" }, { "answer": "nearly 25,000", "id": 22402, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "How many students attend #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Margate City Schools are a community public school district that serves students in kindergarten through eighth grade from Margate City, in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States. Students from Longport Borough, a non-operating school district, jointly attend the district's schools.", "title": "Margate City Schools" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The main campus in Provo, Utah, United States sits on approximately 560 acres (2.3 km2) nestled at the base of the Wasatch Mountains and includes 295 buildings. The buildings feature a wide variety of architectural styles, each building being built in the style of its time. The grass, trees, and flower beds on BYU's campus are impeccably maintained. Furthermore, views of the Wasatch Mountains, (including Mount Timpanogos) can be seen from the campus. BYU's Harold B. Lee Library (also known as \"HBLL\"), which The Princeton Review ranked as the No. 1 \"Great College Library\" in 2004, has approximately 8½ million items in its collections, contains 98 miles (158 km) of shelving, and can seat 4,600 people. The Spencer W. Kimball Tower, shortened to SWKT and pronounced Swicket by many students, is home to several of the university's departments and programs and is the tallest building in Provo, Utah. Furthermore, BYU's Marriott Center, used as a basketball arena, can seat over 22,000 and is one of the largest on-campus arenas in the nation. Interestingly absent on the campus of this church owned university is a campus chapel. Notwithstanding, each Sunday LDS Church services for students are conducted on campus, but due to the large number of students attending these services, nearly all of the buildings and possible meeting spaces on campus are utilized (in addition, many students attend services off campus in LDS chapels in the surrounding communities).", "title": "Brigham Young University" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Santiago del Estero, Ramón Carrillo attended the University of Buenos Aires and obtained a degree in Medicine in 1929 with a Gold Medal as best student in his class.", "title": "Ramón Carrillo" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nigerian Graduates are ineligible for employment in governmental establishments (and few private establishments) till they have completed the mandatory one year service. Graduates who are exempted from the service include those above the age of thirty (30) and those with physical disability, therefore completing the service year entitles one to employment. During the service year, Corps members have the opportunity of learning of the cultures of other people, an opportunity many Nigerians never get in their lifetime. The program has also helped in creating entry - level jobs for many Nigerian youth. An NYSC forum dedicated to the NYSC members was built to bridge the gap amongst members serving across Nigeria and also an avenue for corpers to share job information and career resources as well as getting loans from the National Directorate Of Employment.", "title": "National Youth Service Corps" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Technical Education Center Osceola (TECO) is an institution in unincorporated Osceola County, Florida, United States designed to train individuals for entry-level employment and to improve current job skills for employed students. In August 1999 the \"Professional And Technical High School (PATHS)\" opened on TECO’s Central Florida campus. PATHS allows high school students from all over the Osceola County School District to take advantage of TECO’s technical programs.", "title": "Technical Education Center Osceola" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William Coperthwaite attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, where he majored in art history. His extra-curricular activities included track and pole vaulting, and he served as vice-president of the Outing Club. He later enrolled in the innovative Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education (Antioch University New England) Master's degree program and in 1972 was awarded a Ph.D in education from Harvard University. Coperthwaite's Harvard research examined the process of instructing groups of students on yurt construction. His dissertation was on native Alaskan culture. One of the many yurts he built leading student groups (in 1976 on the new campus of World College West in Marin County, California) became the subject of a student-composed song; \"Yurt Fever\". Its final verse concluded with \"...a person can stray all over the place, but a Yurt is always a round\".", "title": "William Coperthwaite" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "There are 12 universities in Switzerland, ten of which are maintained at cantonal level and usually offer a range of non-technical subjects. The first university in Switzerland was founded in 1460 in Basel (with a faculty of medicine) and has a tradition of chemical and medical research in Switzerland. The biggest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich with nearly 25,000 students. The two institutes sponsored by the federal government are the ETHZ in Zürich (founded 1855) and the EPFL in Lausanne (founded 1969 as such, formerly an institute associated with the University of Lausanne) which both have an excellent international reputation.[note 10]", "title": "Switzerland" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "André Maranne (born 1926) is a French former actor, best known for playing Frenchmen in English-language roles in the UK from the mid-1950s. Born André Gaston Maillol, he used André Maranne as a stage name for many years. As of 2005, he was residing in Brighton.", "title": "André Maranne" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wichita Northeast Magnet High School, known locally as Northeast, is a magnet high school for the Wichita School District and is located in Bel Aire, Kansas, United States. Wichita Northeast Magnet High School was the first magnet high school in Kansas. The magnet areas at Northeast include visual arts, science, and law. Students are also exposed to mathematics and language arts. Since it is a magnet school, there is no district boundary placed by the school district, meaning any high school age student within the Wichita city limits, can attend the school without requiring a special transfer, they still, however, are required to apply for the school, then students are selected at random to attend.", "title": "Wichita Northeast Magnet High School" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bologna process has been adopted, since 2006, by Portuguese universities and poly-technical institutes. Higher education in state-run educational establishments is provided on a competitive basis, a system of numerus clausus is enforced through a national database on student admissions. However, every higher education institution offers also a number of additional vacant places through other extraordinary admission processes for sportsmen, mature applicants (over 23 years old), international students, foreign students from the Lusosphere, degree owners from other institutions, students from other institutions (academic transfer), former students (readmission), and course change, which are subject to specific standards and regulations set by each institution or course department. Most student costs are supported with public money. However, with the increasing tuition fees a student has to pay to attend a Portuguese state-run higher education institution and the attraction of new types of students (many as part-time students or in evening classes) like employees, businessmen, parents, and pensioners, many departments make a substantial profit from every additional student enrolled in courses, with benefits for the college or university's gross tuition revenue and without loss of educational quality (teacher per student, computer per student, classroom size per student, etc.).", "title": "Portugal" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Guam Department of Education serves the entire island of Guam. In 2000, 32,000 students attended Guam's public schools. Guam Public Schools have struggled with problems such as high dropout rates and poor test scores. Guam's educational system has always faced unique challenges as a small community located 6,000 miles (9,700 km) from the U.S. mainland with a very diverse student body including many students who come from backgrounds without traditional American education. An economic downturn in Guam since the mid-1990s has compounded the problems in schools.", "title": "Guam" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful. This practice is considered exploitative by many international organisations. Legislation across the world prohibit child labour. These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour; exceptions include work by child artists, family duties, supervised training, certain categories of work such as those by Amish children, some forms of child work common among indigenous American children, and others.", "title": "Child labour" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Black Cobain attended Virginia State University, graduated magna cum laude, and obtained employment at the Boys & Girls Club, uncertain he could make a viable living and income from his ambitions as an emcee. During this time, he linked with long-time friend and mentor, Le'Greg O. Harrison, and under his direction began to professionalize his sound and actively exploit his talent through local performances, collaborations, sets, and freestyles. In 2009, Black signed to The Board Administration as their first official signee and shortly thereafter left full-time employment to fully pursue emceeing as a career.", "title": "Black Cobain" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Annually, the Event Center hosts the FIRST Robotics Competition Silicon Valley Regional. The San Jose State University Career Center also uses the arena to host its fall and spring career fairs, which generally feature hundreds of potential employers for students of San José State University.", "title": "Event Center Arena" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The nonprofit organization serves more than 55,000 members from various practice settings, including mental health counseling, marriage and family counseling, addictions and substance use disorder counseling, school counseling, rehabilitation counseling, and career and employment counseling. Counseling professors and students are also represented.", "title": "American Counseling Association" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Secondary education in the United States did not emerge until 1910, with the rise of large corporations and advancing technology in factories, which required skilled workers. In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created, with a curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar work. This proved beneficial for both employers and employees, since the improved human capital lowered costs for the employer, while skilled employees received a higher wages.", "title": "Education" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Students attending BYU are required to follow an honor code, which mandates behavior in line with LDS teachings such as academic honesty, adherence to dress and grooming standards, and abstinence from extramarital sex and from the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Many students (88 percent of men, 33 percent of women) either delay enrollment or take a hiatus from their studies to serve as Mormon missionaries. (Men typically serve for two-years, while women serve for 18 months.) An education at BYU is also less expensive than at similar private universities, since \"a significant portion\" of the cost of operating the university is subsidized by the church's tithing funds.", "title": "Brigham Young University" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "André S. Dreiding (22 June 1919 in Zürich – 24 December 2013 in Herrliberg near Zurich) was a Swiss chemist. He finished his high school studies in Zürich and then studied at Columbia University in New York where he was awarded BS and MS degrees. After two years as research assistant at Hoffmann-La Roche, he continued postgraduate studies at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor under professor Werner Emmanuel Bachmann, and was awarded his Ph.D. in 1947. He remained at the university until 1949 as Rackham and Lloyd Postdoctoral Fellow. From 1949 to 1954, Dreiding was assistant professor at Wayne University, Detroit Institute of Cancer Research. He also temporarily took over Bachmann's teaching and research duties at the University of Michigan after Bachmann's death in 1951, and held them until 1952. In 1954, Dreiding turned to Switzerland and University of Zurich, where he became professor, and stayed until his retirement in 1987, after which he has been emeritus professor.", "title": "André Dreiding" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Boston Public Schools enrolls 57,000 students attending 145 schools, including the renowned Boston Latin Academy, John D. O'Bryant School of Math & Science, and Boston Latin School. The Boston Latin School, established 1635, is the oldest public high school in the US; Boston also operates the United States' second oldest public high school, and its oldest public elementary school. The system's students are 40% Hispanic or Latino, 35% Black or African American, 13% White, and 9% Asian. There are private, parochial, and charter schools as well, and approximately 3,300 minority students attend participating suburban schools through the Metropolitan Educational Opportunity Council.", "title": "Boston" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sierra Linda High School is a high school located in the west part of Phoenix, Arizona, USA, administered by the Tolleson Union High School District. It had 1,787 students as of October 1, 2013. It opened in 2008; due to facility issues, students attended the first semester of classes at La Joya Community High School, then moved into the campus in January 2009. Students of the 2012 cohort were the first graduating class, with approximately 355 students.", "title": "Sierra Linda High School" } ]
How many students attend where Andre Dreiding is employed?
[ "University of Zurich" ]
nearly 25,000
[ { "answer": "University of Zurich", "id": 650138, "paragraph_support_idx": 16, "question": "Max Huber >> educated at" }, { "answer": "nearly 25,000", "id": 22402, "paragraph_support_idx": 1, "question": "How many students attend #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bologna process has been adopted, since 2006, by Portuguese universities and poly-technical institutes. Higher education in state-run educational establishments is provided on a competitive basis, a system of numerus clausus is enforced through a national database on student admissions. However, every higher education institution offers also a number of additional vacant places through other extraordinary admission processes for sportsmen, mature applicants (over 23 years old), international students, foreign students from the Lusosphere, degree owners from other institutions, students from other institutions (academic transfer), former students (readmission), and course change, which are subject to specific standards and regulations set by each institution or course department. Most student costs are supported with public money. However, with the increasing tuition fees a student has to pay to attend a Portuguese state-run higher education institution and the attraction of new types of students (many as part-time students or in evening classes) like employees, businessmen, parents, and pensioners, many departments make a substantial profit from every additional student enrolled in courses, with benefits for the college or university's gross tuition revenue and without loss of educational quality (teacher per student, computer per student, classroom size per student, etc.).", "title": "Portugal" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "There are 12 universities in Switzerland, ten of which are maintained at cantonal level and usually offer a range of non-technical subjects. The first university in Switzerland was founded in 1460 in Basel (with a faculty of medicine) and has a tradition of chemical and medical research in Switzerland. The biggest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich with nearly 25,000 students. The two institutes sponsored by the federal government are the ETHZ in Zürich (founded 1855) and the EPFL in Lausanne (founded 1969 as such, formerly an institute associated with the University of Lausanne) which both have an excellent international reputation.[note 10]", "title": "Switzerland" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Primary and secondary schooling is compulsory for children aged 6 to 16, with the majority attending from the age of 5. There are 13 school years and attending state (public) schools is free to New Zealand citizens and permanent residents from a person's 5th birthday to the end of the calendar year following their 19th birthday. New Zealand has an adult literacy rate of 99%, and over half of the population aged 15 to 29 hold a tertiary qualification. There are five types of government-owned tertiary institutions: universities, colleges of education, polytechnics, specialist colleges, and wānanga, in addition to private training establishments. In the adult population 14.2% have a bachelor's degree or higher, 30.4% have some form of secondary qualification as their highest qualification and 22.4% have no formal qualification. The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment ranks New Zealand's education system as the seventh best in the world, with students performing exceptionally well in reading, mathematics and science.", "title": "New Zealand" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William Coperthwaite attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, where he majored in art history. His extra-curricular activities included track and pole vaulting, and he served as vice-president of the Outing Club. He later enrolled in the innovative Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education (Antioch University New England) Master's degree program and in 1972 was awarded a Ph.D in education from Harvard University. Coperthwaite's Harvard research examined the process of instructing groups of students on yurt construction. His dissertation was on native Alaskan culture. One of the many yurts he built leading student groups (in 1976 on the new campus of World College West in Marin County, California) became the subject of a student-composed song; \"Yurt Fever\". Its final verse concluded with \"...a person can stray all over the place, but a Yurt is always a round\".", "title": "William Coperthwaite" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nigel Griffiths was educated at Hawick High School in the Scottish Borders before attending the University of Edinburgh where he was awarded an MA in 1977. He finished his education at Moray House College of Education (now the Moray House School of Education on \"Holyrood Road\" at the University of Edinburgh) in Edinburgh in 1978. He was president of the University of Edinburgh Labour Group in 1976, where he first met and supported Gordon Brown, who was then the student elected Rector of the University.", "title": "Nigel Griffiths" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Boston Public Schools enrolls 57,000 students attending 145 schools, including the renowned Boston Latin Academy, John D. O'Bryant School of Math & Science, and Boston Latin School. The Boston Latin School, established 1635, is the oldest public high school in the US; Boston also operates the United States' second oldest public high school, and its oldest public elementary school. The system's students are 40% Hispanic or Latino, 35% Black or African American, 13% White, and 9% Asian. There are private, parochial, and charter schools as well, and approximately 3,300 minority students attend participating suburban schools through the Metropolitan Educational Opportunity Council.", "title": "Boston" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Anyone involved in education should be concerned about how overemphasis on the SAT is distorting educational priorities and practices, how the test is perceived by many as unfair, and how it can have a devastating impact on the self-esteem and aspirations of young students. There is widespread agreement that overemphasis on the SAT harms American education.", "title": "SAT" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lawyer Man is a 1932 American pre-Code drama film directed by William Dieterle, based on the novel by Max Trell. The film stars William Powell and Joan Blondell. It was produced by Warner Bros. By the time of the release, several actors were credited in the studio, but were not seen in the film. These include Edward Arnold, Harold Huber and Henry Armetta.", "title": "Lawyer Man" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Despite the Dutch presence in Indonesia for almost 350 years, as the Asian bulk of the Dutch East Indies, the Dutch language has no official status there and the small minority that can speak the language fluently are either educated members of the oldest generation, or employed in the legal profession, as some legal codes are still only available in Dutch. Dutch is taught in various educational centres in Indonesia, the most important of which is the Erasmus Language Centre (ETC) in Jakarta. Each year, some 1,500 to 2,000 students take Dutch courses there. In total, several thousand Indonesians study Dutch as a foreign language. Owing to centuries of Dutch rule in Indonesia, many old documents are written in Dutch. Many universities therefore include Dutch as a source language, mainly for law and history students. In Indonesia this involves about 35,000 students.", "title": "Dutch language" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Guam Department of Education serves the entire island of Guam. In 2000, 32,000 students attended Guam's public schools. Guam Public Schools have struggled with problems such as high dropout rates and poor test scores. Guam's educational system has always faced unique challenges as a small community located 6,000 miles (9,700 km) from the U.S. mainland with a very diverse student body including many students who come from backgrounds without traditional American education. An economic downturn in Guam since the mid-1990s has compounded the problems in schools.", "title": "Guam" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sumner Huber Slichter (1892–1959) was an American economist and the first Lamont University Professor at Harvard University. Slichter was considered by many to be the pre-eminent labor economist of the 1940s and 1950s.", "title": "Sumner Slichter" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In many parts of the United States, after the 1954 decision in the landmark court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka that demanded United States schools desegregate \"with all deliberate speed\", local families organized a wave of private \"Christian academies\". In much of the U.S. South, many white students migrated to the academies, while public schools became in turn more heavily concentrated with African-American students (see List of private schools in Mississippi). The academic content of the academies was usually College Preparatory. Since the 1970s, many of these \"segregation academies\" have shut down, although some continue to operate.[citation needed]", "title": "Private school" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bill Farmer as Goofy, Max's father who works as a photographer at a Kmart. He takes Max on a fishing trip out of worry that their relationship is drifting. Jason Marsden as Maximillan ``Max ''Goof, Goofy's insecure teenage son. Kellie Martin as Roxanne, Max's high school love interest. Jim Cummings as Pete, Goofy's coworker who he and Max happen upon during their road trip. Rob Paulsen as P.J., Pete's son and Max's best friend. Pauly Shore (uncredited) as Robert`` Bobby'' Zimuruski, Max and P.J.'s other best friend at school. Jenna von Oÿ as Stacey, Roxanne's best friend. Julie Brown as Lisa, a student in Max's high school who, along with the other students, makes fun of Max until his performance as Powerline made her and the students congratulate Max. She is Chad's girlfriend. Joey Lawrence as Chad, a student in Max's high school who, along with the other students, makes fun of Max until his performance as Powerline made him and the students congratulate Max. He is Lisa's boyfriend. Tevin Campbell as the singing voice of Powerline, a famous rock star celebrity who Max looks up to. Wallace Shawn as Principal Mazur, the bad - tempered principal of Max's school. Frank Welker as Bigfoot, a monster who lives in the forest. Kevin Lima as Lester the Possum Florence Stanley as a Waitress Jo Anne Worley as Miss Maples Wayne Allwine as Mickey Mouse, who is seen hitchhiking alongside Donald Duck during Max and Goofy's road trip. Pat Buttram as the Possum Park Emcee Herschel Sparber as a Security guard Brittney Alyse Smith as the Photo Studio Girl Corey Burton as Wendell Pat Carroll as a restaurant waiter.", "title": "A Goofy Movie" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hunt Construction Group is an American construction management firm based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The company, formerly known as Huber, Hunt & Nichols, was founded in 1944 by Paul B. Hunt, Arber J. Huber and Harry S. Nichols. The firm changed its name from Huber, Hunt & Nichols to its current name in 2000. It was acquired by AECOM in 2014.", "title": "Hunt Construction Group" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Therese Huber was born Marie Therese Heyne in Göttingen as daughter of the influential classical philologist Christian Gottlob Heyne. She married traveller and ethnologist Georg Forster in 1785. They lived in Wilno 1785–1787 and in Göttingen and Mainz 1788–1792 and had three children, but an unhappy marriage. After Forster had left Mainz for Paris as representative of the Mainz Republic, she and her lover Ludwig Ferdinand Huber, who had been living with the Forsters in Mainz, moved to Neuchâtel, living under difficult conditions there. She and Forster met for the last time in 1793, when he agreed to a divorce. However, Forster died soon after, and she married her lover. After his 1804 death, she moved in with her daughter in Ulm. Huber died in 1829 in Augsburg. The most notable of her ten children, six of which survived, was social reformer Victor Aimé Huber.", "title": "Therese Huber" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Public and private schools in Hyderabad are governed by the Central Board of Secondary Education and follow a \"10+2+3\" plan. About two-thirds of pupils attend privately run institutions. Languages of instruction include English, Hindi, Telugu and Urdu. Depending on the institution, students are required to sit the Secondary School Certificate or the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. After completing secondary education, students enroll in schools or junior colleges with a higher secondary facility. Admission to professional graduation colleges in Hyderabad, many of which are affiliated with either Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) or Osmania University (OU), is through the Engineering Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAM-CET).", "title": "Hyderabad" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "He studied law at the Universities of Lausanne, Zurich and Berlin. Huber taught international, constitutional and canon law at the University of Zurich from 1902 to 1914, and retained this title until 1921 but could not teach due to World War I. During the War, he advised the Swiss Defence and Foreign Affairs ministries. From 1922 to 1939 he was a Judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice and he served as the Court's President from 1925 to 1927, and from 1928 to 1944 he was president of the International Committee of the Red Cross. He also acted as the arbitrator in the influential Island of Palmas Case between the United States and the Netherlands in 1928 at the Permanent Court of Arbitration.", "title": "Max Huber (statesman)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Laurel Springs School is a WASC-accredited K–12 distance learning school in Ojai, California, United States. Laurel Springs School offers personalized resources, customizable curricula, individualized teacher services, college advising and other services to families attending public and private school who are looking for another option; distance learning and home education students; students pursuing acting or sports careers; families living abroad; home school families; private and public schools and tutoring centers.", "title": "Laurel Springs School" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Berkeley Springs High School is a public, co-educational high school located in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, USA. It teaches 9th through 12th grade and currently has about 747 students in attendance. It is a Morgan County school.", "title": "Berkeley Springs High School" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Students attending BYU are required to follow an honor code, which mandates behavior in line with LDS teachings such as academic honesty, adherence to dress and grooming standards, and abstinence from extramarital sex and from the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Many students (88 percent of men, 33 percent of women) either delay enrollment or take a hiatus from their studies to serve as Mormon missionaries. (Men typically serve for two-years, while women serve for 18 months.) An education at BYU is also less expensive than at similar private universities, since \"a significant portion\" of the cost of operating the university is subsidized by the church's tithing funds.", "title": "Brigham Young University" } ]
How many students attend the school where Max Huber attended?
[ "University of Zurich" ]
nearly 25,000
[ { "answer": "North American", "id": 161151, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "Where can bison antiquus be found?" }, { "answer": "The fourth section, with orange page borders", "id": 50883, "paragraph_support_idx": 19, "question": "which section of the #1 emergency response guidebook contains the response guides" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The defense is based on evaluations by forensic mental health professionals with the appropriate test according to the jurisdiction. Their testimony guides the jury, but they are not allowed to testify to the accused's criminal responsibility, as this is a matter for the jury to decide. Similarly, mental health practitioners are restrained from making a judgment on the issue of whether the defendant is or is not insane or what is known as the ``ultimate issue ''.", "title": "Insanity defense" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Edward Fokczyński was one of the four directors of the AVA Radio Company, an electronics firm established in Warsaw, Poland, in 1929. AVA produced radio equipment for the Polish General Staff's Cipher Bureau, which was responsible for the radio communications of the General Staff's Intelligence Section (\"Oddział II\").", "title": "Edward Fokczyński" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops (CBW) are a series of advanced training workshops in bioinformatics, founded in 1999 in response to an identified need for a skilled bioinformatics workforce in Canada.", "title": "Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Dornbusch is a region of low rolling hills in the northern part of the German Baltic Sea island of Hiddensee. It consists mainly of ice age depositions, that were left behind after the glacier thawed. It is one of three island cores of the Hiddensee responsible for the emergence of the lowland.", "title": "Dornbusch (Hiddensee)" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bartholomew Mosse (1712 – 16 February 1759) was an Irish surgeon and impresario responsible for founding the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin.", "title": "Bartholomew Mosse" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "As computers grew in speed and capability, a number of general-purpose database systems emerged; by the mid-1960s a number of such systems had come into commercial use. Interest in a standard began to grow, and Charles Bachman, author of one such product, the Integrated Data Store (IDS), founded the \"Database Task Group\" within CODASYL, the group responsible for the creation and standardization of COBOL. In 1971 the Database Task Group delivered their standard, which generally became known as the \"CODASYL approach\", and soon a number of commercial products based on this approach entered the market.", "title": "Database" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Verlag Karl Baedeker, founded by Karl Baedeker on July 1, 1827, is a German publisher and pioneer in the business of worldwide travel guides. The guides, often referred to simply as \"Baedekers\" (a term sometimes used to refer to similar works from other publishers, or travel guides in general), contain, among other things, maps and introductions; information about routes and travel facilities; and descriptions of noteworthy buildings, sights, attractions and museums, written by specialists.", "title": "Baedeker" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) of the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency serves as the national focal point for the development and delivery of emergency management training to enhance the capabilities of state, territorial, local, and tribal government officials; volunteer organizations; FEMA's disaster workforce; other Federal agencies; and the public and private sectors to minimize the impact of disasters and emergencies on the American public. EMI curricula are structured to meet the needs of this diverse audience with an emphasis on separate organizations working together in all-hazards emergencies to save lives and protect property. Particular emphasis is placed on governing doctrine such as the National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the National Preparedness Guidelines. EMI is fully accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and the American Council on Education (ACE). The instruction is based upon the principles of Emergency Management and instructional systems design, which create a framework within whole communities to reduce vulnerability to hazards and to cope with disasters. EMI develops courses and implements training delivery systems to include residential onsite training; offsite delivery in partnership with Emergency Management training systems, colleges, and universities; and technology-based mediums to conduct individual training courses for Emergency Management and Response personnel across the United States.", "title": "Emergency Management Institute" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jeff Evans was born 1960 in South Wales and studied languages at the University of Reading. He has been writing professionally about beer since the 1980s. He became editor of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA)'s \"Good Beer Guide\" in 1990 and was responsible for eight editions of the Guide (1991–1998).", "title": "Jeff Evans" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In molecular biology, the iron response element or iron - responsive element (IRE) is a short conserved stem - loop which is bound by iron response proteins (IRPs, also named IRE - BP or IRBP). The IRE is found in UTRs (untranslated regions) of various mRNAs whose products are involved in iron metabolism. For example, the mRNA of ferritin (an iron storage protein) contains one IRE in its 5 'UTR. When iron concentration is low, IRPs bind the IRE in the ferritin mRNA and cause reduced translation rates. In contrast, binding to multiple IREs in the 3' UTR of the transferrin receptor (involved in iron acquisition) leads to increased mRNA stability.", "title": "Iron response element" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Bison antiquus, the ancient or antique bison, is an extinct species of bison that lived in North America until around 10,000 years ago (ya). It was one of the most common large herbivores on the North American continent during the late Pleistocene, and is a direct ancestor of the living American bison.", "title": "Bison antiquus" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey (\"Turkish: Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı, AFAD\") was established in 2009 to take necessary measures for effective emergency management and civil protection nationwide in Turkey. The presidency conducts pre-incident work, such as preparedness, mitigation and risk management, during-incident work such as response, and post-incident work such as recovery and reconstruction. AFAD reports to the Turkish Prime Ministry.", "title": "Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Parallel to the military developments emerged also a constantly more elaborate chivalric code of conduct for the warrior class. This new-found ethos can be seen as a response to the diminishing military role of the aristocracy, and gradually it became almost entirely detached from its military origin. The spirit of chivalry was given expression through the new (secular) type of chivalric orders; the first of these was the Order of St. George, founded by Charles I of Hungary in 1325, while the best known was probably the English Order of the Garter, founded by Edward III in 1348.", "title": "Late Middle Ages" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Barbados Olympic Association, founded in 1962, is the National Olympic Committee for Barbados. The body is also responsible for Barbados' representation at the Commonwealth Games.", "title": "Barbados Olympic Association" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Every employee hired after November 6, 1986 must complete an I - 9 form at the time of hire. Employees must complete Section 1 of the form upon commencing employment. The employer must complete Section 2 within three days of the employee's starting date at work. The employer is responsible for ensuring that the forms are completed properly and in a timely manner.", "title": "Form I-9" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The American Society for Testing and Materials, International (ASTM) publishes standards for many methods and procedures used by FDEs. E30. 02 was the ASTM subcomittee for Questioned Documents. These guides were under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E30 on Forensic Sciences and the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E30. 02 on Questioned Documents. The ASTM Questioned Document Section has been disbanded.", "title": "Questioned document examination" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The AIR-ONE Emergency Response Coalition (formerly named the Law Enforcement Aviation Coalition) supports agencies who provide air support to law enforcement, emergency management and fire/EMS agencies in Illinois, United States. Known by their \"AIR-ONE\" call sign, the helicopters are called upon by agencies who would otherwise not have air support capabilities available. AIR-ONE is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3, charitable organization, managed and staffed by volunteers from the aviation, law enforcement, emergency management and fire-rescue sectors. As the founding and coordinating agency, the Winthrop Harbor (Illinois) Police Department provides 24-hour dispatch services for all of the AIR-ONE helicopters.", "title": "Air-One Emergency Response Coalition" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Game Park was a South Korean company that was founded in 1996 and went bankrupt in March 2007. It is responsible for creating the GP32 and the never-released XGP. GamePark Holdings was founded by former employees of Game Park in 2005.", "title": "Game Park" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Histamine is an organic nitrogenous compound involved in local immune responses, as well as regulating physiological function in the gut and acting as a neurotransmitter for the brain, spinal cord, and uterus. Histamine is involved in the inflammatory response and has a central role as a mediator of itching. As part of an immune response to foreign pathogens, histamine is produced by basophils and by mast cells found in nearby connective tissues. Histamine increases the permeability of the capillaries to white blood cells and some proteins, to allow them to engage pathogens in the infected tissues.", "title": "Histamine" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The fourth section, with orange page borders, includes the actual response guides. Each of the 62 guides provides safety recommendations and directions on how to proceed during the initial response phase (first thirty minutes) of the incident. It includes ``health ''and`` fire or explosion'' potential hazard information (with the more dangerous hazard listed first). For example, ``the material gives off irritating vapors, easily ignited by heat, reactive with water '';`` highly toxic, may be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through skin''; etc.", "title": "Emergency Response Guidebook" } ]
Which section of the emergency response guidebook of the continent where bison antiquus are found contains the response guides?
[ "Fourth" ]
The fourth section, with orange page borders
[ { "answer": "University of Zurich", "id": 283298, "paragraph_support_idx": 16, "question": "Marie Theres Fögen >> employer" }, { "answer": "nearly 25,000", "id": 22402, "paragraph_support_idx": 8, "question": "How many students attend #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bologna process has been adopted, since 2006, by Portuguese universities and poly-technical institutes. Higher education in state-run educational establishments is provided on a competitive basis, a system of numerus clausus is enforced through a national database on student admissions. However, every higher education institution offers also a number of additional vacant places through other extraordinary admission processes for sportsmen, mature applicants (over 23 years old), international students, foreign students from the Lusosphere, degree owners from other institutions, students from other institutions (academic transfer), former students (readmission), and course change, which are subject to specific standards and regulations set by each institution or course department. Most student costs are supported with public money. However, with the increasing tuition fees a student has to pay to attend a Portuguese state-run higher education institution and the attraction of new types of students (many as part-time students or in evening classes) like employees, businessmen, parents, and pensioners, many departments make a substantial profit from every additional student enrolled in courses, with benefits for the college or university's gross tuition revenue and without loss of educational quality (teacher per student, computer per student, classroom size per student, etc.).", "title": "Portugal" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rose Thering, (August 9, 1920 in Plain, Wisconsin – May 6, 2006 in Racine, Wisconsin) was a Roman Catholic Dominican religious sister, who gained note as an activist against antisemitism, educator and a professor of Catholic-Jewish dialogue at Seton Hall University in New Jersey.", "title": "Rose Thering" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nigerian Graduates are ineligible for employment in governmental establishments (and few private establishments) till they have completed the mandatory one year service. Graduates who are exempted from the service include those above the age of thirty (30) and those with physical disability, therefore completing the service year entitles one to employment. During the service year, Corps members have the opportunity of learning of the cultures of other people, an opportunity many Nigerians never get in their lifetime. The program has also helped in creating entry - level jobs for many Nigerian youth. An NYSC forum dedicated to the NYSC members was built to bridge the gap amongst members serving across Nigeria and also an avenue for corpers to share job information and career resources as well as getting loans from the National Directorate Of Employment.", "title": "National Youth Service Corps" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Thomas Jefferson Program in Public Policy is a graduate and undergraduate program at the College of William and Mary, founded in 1987. It enrolled its first class of graduate students in 1991. It is among the College's most interdisciplinary and collaborative programs with many students graduating with a joint degree in public policy and another specialty area, such as business (M.P.P./M.B.A.), law (M.P.P./J.D.), marine science (M.P.P./M.S.), or operations research (M.P.P./M.S. - Computational Operations Research). Most public policy classes take place in Tyler Hall. The College of William and Mary itself was chartered on February 8, 1693, by King William III and Queen Mary II as the second college in the American colonies.", "title": "The Thomas Jefferson Program in Public Policy" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The main campus in Provo, Utah, United States sits on approximately 560 acres (2.3 km2) nestled at the base of the Wasatch Mountains and includes 295 buildings. The buildings feature a wide variety of architectural styles, each building being built in the style of its time. The grass, trees, and flower beds on BYU's campus are impeccably maintained. Furthermore, views of the Wasatch Mountains, (including Mount Timpanogos) can be seen from the campus. BYU's Harold B. Lee Library (also known as \"HBLL\"), which The Princeton Review ranked as the No. 1 \"Great College Library\" in 2004, has approximately 8½ million items in its collections, contains 98 miles (158 km) of shelving, and can seat 4,600 people. The Spencer W. Kimball Tower, shortened to SWKT and pronounced Swicket by many students, is home to several of the university's departments and programs and is the tallest building in Provo, Utah. Furthermore, BYU's Marriott Center, used as a basketball arena, can seat over 22,000 and is one of the largest on-campus arenas in the nation. Interestingly absent on the campus of this church owned university is a campus chapel. Notwithstanding, each Sunday LDS Church services for students are conducted on campus, but due to the large number of students attending these services, nearly all of the buildings and possible meeting spaces on campus are utilized (in addition, many students attend services off campus in LDS chapels in the surrounding communities).", "title": "Brigham Young University" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The nonprofit organization serves more than 55,000 members from various practice settings, including mental health counseling, marriage and family counseling, addictions and substance use disorder counseling, school counseling, rehabilitation counseling, and career and employment counseling. Counseling professors and students are also represented.", "title": "American Counseling Association" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Protoevangelium of James, an extra-canonical book, has been the source of many Orthodox beliefs on Mary. The account of Mary's life presented includes her consecration as a virgin at the temple at age three. The High Priest Zachariah blessed Mary and informed her that God had magnified her name among many generations. Zachariah placed Mary on the third step of the altar, whereby God gave her grace. While in the temple, Mary was miraculously fed by an angel, until she was twelve years old. At that point an angel told Zachariah to betroth Mary to a widower in Israel, who would be indicated. This story provides the theme of many hymns for the Feast of Presentation of Mary, and icons of the feast depict the story. The Orthodox believe that Mary was instrumental in the growth of Christianity during the life of Jesus, and after his Crucifixion, and Orthodox Theologian Sergei Bulgakov wrote: \"The Virgin Mary is the center, invisible, but real, of the Apostolic Church.\"", "title": "Mary, mother of Jesus" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wichita Northeast Magnet High School, known locally as Northeast, is a magnet high school for the Wichita School District and is located in Bel Aire, Kansas, United States. Wichita Northeast Magnet High School was the first magnet high school in Kansas. The magnet areas at Northeast include visual arts, science, and law. Students are also exposed to mathematics and language arts. Since it is a magnet school, there is no district boundary placed by the school district, meaning any high school age student within the Wichita city limits, can attend the school without requiring a special transfer, they still, however, are required to apply for the school, then students are selected at random to attend.", "title": "Wichita Northeast Magnet High School" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "There are 12 universities in Switzerland, ten of which are maintained at cantonal level and usually offer a range of non-technical subjects. The first university in Switzerland was founded in 1460 in Basel (with a faculty of medicine) and has a tradition of chemical and medical research in Switzerland. The biggest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich with nearly 25,000 students. The two institutes sponsored by the federal government are the ETHZ in Zürich (founded 1855) and the EPFL in Lausanne (founded 1969 as such, formerly an institute associated with the University of Lausanne) which both have an excellent international reputation.[note 10]", "title": "Switzerland" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Technical Education Center Osceola (TECO) is an institution in unincorporated Osceola County, Florida, United States designed to train individuals for entry-level employment and to improve current job skills for employed students. In August 1999 the \"Professional And Technical High School (PATHS)\" opened on TECO’s Central Florida campus. PATHS allows high school students from all over the Osceola County School District to take advantage of TECO’s technical programs.", "title": "Technical Education Center Osceola" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Santiago del Estero, Ramón Carrillo attended the University of Buenos Aires and obtained a degree in Medicine in 1929 with a Gold Medal as best student in his class.", "title": "Ramón Carrillo" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Annually, the Event Center hosts the FIRST Robotics Competition Silicon Valley Regional. The San Jose State University Career Center also uses the arena to host its fall and spring career fairs, which generally feature hundreds of potential employers for students of San José State University.", "title": "Event Center Arena" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Margate City Schools are a community public school district that serves students in kindergarten through eighth grade from Margate City, in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States. Students from Longport Borough, a non-operating school district, jointly attend the district's schools.", "title": "Margate City Schools" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sierra Linda High School is a high school located in the west part of Phoenix, Arizona, USA, administered by the Tolleson Union High School District. It had 1,787 students as of October 1, 2013. It opened in 2008; due to facility issues, students attended the first semester of classes at La Joya Community High School, then moved into the campus in January 2009. Students of the 2012 cohort were the first graduating class, with approximately 355 students.", "title": "Sierra Linda High School" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Students attending BYU are required to follow an honor code, which mandates behavior in line with LDS teachings such as academic honesty, adherence to dress and grooming standards, and abstinence from extramarital sex and from the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Many students (88 percent of men, 33 percent of women) either delay enrollment or take a hiatus from their studies to serve as Mormon missionaries. (Men typically serve for two-years, while women serve for 18 months.) An education at BYU is also less expensive than at similar private universities, since \"a significant portion\" of the cost of operating the university is subsidized by the church's tithing funds.", "title": "Brigham Young University" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Secondary education in the United States did not emerge until 1910, with the rise of large corporations and advancing technology in factories, which required skilled workers. In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created, with a curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar work. This proved beneficial for both employers and employees, since the improved human capital lowered costs for the employer, while skilled employees received a higher wages.", "title": "Education" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Marie Theres Fögen (10 October 1946 in Lüdinghausen, West Germany – 18 January 2008 in Zürich, Switzerland) was a German jurist and historian. She taught Law at the University of Zurich and Harvard University (as visiting Professor) and was Director of the Max Planck Institute for European History of Law in Frankfurt am Main.", "title": "Marie Theres Fögen" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nuraliza Osman grew up in Singapore and was a top student and scholar at the [Methodist Girls School] where she won many accolades and excelled academically. She then attended Victoria Junior College where she studied pre-medicine classes and French. Her studies in French took her to France where she studied briefly prior to attending university. She is described by her peers as a funny, lovely, independent and determined person who was well-loved. At Methodist Girls School and Victoria Junior College, she was known for her frank, honest and tomboyish image. Many were surprised at how feminine she became for the Miss Universe competition.", "title": "Nuraliza Osman" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "BULLET::::- David and Mary Boies endowed a chair in government at the University of Redlands, the college that David Boies attended. Arthur Svenson currently holds this chair.", "title": "David Boies" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful. This practice is considered exploitative by many international organisations. Legislation across the world prohibit child labour. These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour; exceptions include work by child artists, family duties, supervised training, certain categories of work such as those by Amish children, some forms of child work common among indigenous American children, and others.", "title": "Child labour" } ]
How many students attend the university employing Marie Theres Fögen?
[ "University of Zurich" ]
nearly 25,000
[ { "answer": "University of Zurich", "id": 510860, "paragraph_support_idx": 19, "question": "Roberto Andorno >> employer" }, { "answer": "nearly 25,000", "id": 22402, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "How many students attend #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The main campus in Provo, Utah, United States sits on approximately 560 acres (2.3 km2) nestled at the base of the Wasatch Mountains and includes 295 buildings. The buildings feature a wide variety of architectural styles, each building being built in the style of its time. The grass, trees, and flower beds on BYU's campus are impeccably maintained. Furthermore, views of the Wasatch Mountains, (including Mount Timpanogos) can be seen from the campus. BYU's Harold B. Lee Library (also known as \"HBLL\"), which The Princeton Review ranked as the No. 1 \"Great College Library\" in 2004, has approximately 8½ million items in its collections, contains 98 miles (158 km) of shelving, and can seat 4,600 people. The Spencer W. Kimball Tower, shortened to SWKT and pronounced Swicket by many students, is home to several of the university's departments and programs and is the tallest building in Provo, Utah. Furthermore, BYU's Marriott Center, used as a basketball arena, can seat over 22,000 and is one of the largest on-campus arenas in the nation. Interestingly absent on the campus of this church owned university is a campus chapel. Notwithstanding, each Sunday LDS Church services for students are conducted on campus, but due to the large number of students attending these services, nearly all of the buildings and possible meeting spaces on campus are utilized (in addition, many students attend services off campus in LDS chapels in the surrounding communities).", "title": "Brigham Young University" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Margate City Schools are a community public school district that serves students in kindergarten through eighth grade from Margate City, in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States. Students from Longport Borough, a non-operating school district, jointly attend the district's schools.", "title": "Margate City Schools" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "There are 12 universities in Switzerland, ten of which are maintained at cantonal level and usually offer a range of non-technical subjects. The first university in Switzerland was founded in 1460 in Basel (with a faculty of medicine) and has a tradition of chemical and medical research in Switzerland. The biggest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich with nearly 25,000 students. The two institutes sponsored by the federal government are the ETHZ in Zürich (founded 1855) and the EPFL in Lausanne (founded 1969 as such, formerly an institute associated with the University of Lausanne) which both have an excellent international reputation.[note 10]", "title": "Switzerland" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bologna process has been adopted, since 2006, by Portuguese universities and poly-technical institutes. Higher education in state-run educational establishments is provided on a competitive basis, a system of numerus clausus is enforced through a national database on student admissions. However, every higher education institution offers also a number of additional vacant places through other extraordinary admission processes for sportsmen, mature applicants (over 23 years old), international students, foreign students from the Lusosphere, degree owners from other institutions, students from other institutions (academic transfer), former students (readmission), and course change, which are subject to specific standards and regulations set by each institution or course department. Most student costs are supported with public money. However, with the increasing tuition fees a student has to pay to attend a Portuguese state-run higher education institution and the attraction of new types of students (many as part-time students or in evening classes) like employees, businessmen, parents, and pensioners, many departments make a substantial profit from every additional student enrolled in courses, with benefits for the college or university's gross tuition revenue and without loss of educational quality (teacher per student, computer per student, classroom size per student, etc.).", "title": "Portugal" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Secondary education in the United States did not emerge until 1910, with the rise of large corporations and advancing technology in factories, which required skilled workers. In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created, with a curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar work. This proved beneficial for both employers and employees, since the improved human capital lowered costs for the employer, while skilled employees received a higher wages.", "title": "Education" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Santiago del Estero, Ramón Carrillo attended the University of Buenos Aires and obtained a degree in Medicine in 1929 with a Gold Medal as best student in his class.", "title": "Ramón Carrillo" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Some nurseries are attached to state infant or primary schools, but many are provided by the private sector. The Scottish government provides funding so that all children from the age of three until they start compulsory school can attend five sessions per week of two and a half hours each, either in state-run or private nurseries. Working parents can also receive from their employers childcare worth £55 per week free of income tax, which is typically enough to pay for one or two days per week.", "title": "Kindergarten" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wichita Northeast Magnet High School, known locally as Northeast, is a magnet high school for the Wichita School District and is located in Bel Aire, Kansas, United States. Wichita Northeast Magnet High School was the first magnet high school in Kansas. The magnet areas at Northeast include visual arts, science, and law. Students are also exposed to mathematics and language arts. Since it is a magnet school, there is no district boundary placed by the school district, meaning any high school age student within the Wichita city limits, can attend the school without requiring a special transfer, they still, however, are required to apply for the school, then students are selected at random to attend.", "title": "Wichita Northeast Magnet High School" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Black Cobain attended Virginia State University, graduated magna cum laude, and obtained employment at the Boys & Girls Club, uncertain he could make a viable living and income from his ambitions as an emcee. During this time, he linked with long-time friend and mentor, Le'Greg O. Harrison, and under his direction began to professionalize his sound and actively exploit his talent through local performances, collaborations, sets, and freestyles. In 2009, Black signed to The Board Administration as their first official signee and shortly thereafter left full-time employment to fully pursue emceeing as a career.", "title": "Black Cobain" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roberto Irineu Marinho was born in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, the eldest son of three of the late Roberto Marinho.", "title": "Roberto Irineu Marinho" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful. This practice is considered exploitative by many international organisations. Legislation across the world prohibit child labour. These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour; exceptions include work by child artists, family duties, supervised training, certain categories of work such as those by Amish children, some forms of child work common among indigenous American children, and others.", "title": "Child labour" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sierra Linda High School is a high school located in the west part of Phoenix, Arizona, USA, administered by the Tolleson Union High School District. It had 1,787 students as of October 1, 2013. It opened in 2008; due to facility issues, students attended the first semester of classes at La Joya Community High School, then moved into the campus in January 2009. Students of the 2012 cohort were the first graduating class, with approximately 355 students.", "title": "Sierra Linda High School" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Technical Education Center Osceola (TECO) is an institution in unincorporated Osceola County, Florida, United States designed to train individuals for entry-level employment and to improve current job skills for employed students. In August 1999 the \"Professional And Technical High School (PATHS)\" opened on TECO’s Central Florida campus. PATHS allows high school students from all over the Osceola County School District to take advantage of TECO’s technical programs.", "title": "Technical Education Center Osceola" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nuraliza Osman grew up in Singapore and was a top student and scholar at the [Methodist Girls School] where she won many accolades and excelled academically. She then attended Victoria Junior College where she studied pre-medicine classes and French. Her studies in French took her to France where she studied briefly prior to attending university. She is described by her peers as a funny, lovely, independent and determined person who was well-loved. At Methodist Girls School and Victoria Junior College, she was known for her frank, honest and tomboyish image. Many were surprised at how feminine she became for the Miss Universe competition.", "title": "Nuraliza Osman" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William Coperthwaite attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, where he majored in art history. His extra-curricular activities included track and pole vaulting, and he served as vice-president of the Outing Club. He later enrolled in the innovative Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education (Antioch University New England) Master's degree program and in 1972 was awarded a Ph.D in education from Harvard University. Coperthwaite's Harvard research examined the process of instructing groups of students on yurt construction. His dissertation was on native Alaskan culture. One of the many yurts he built leading student groups (in 1976 on the new campus of World College West in Marin County, California) became the subject of a student-composed song; \"Yurt Fever\". Its final verse concluded with \"...a person can stray all over the place, but a Yurt is always a round\".", "title": "William Coperthwaite" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nigerian Graduates are ineligible for employment in governmental establishments (and few private establishments) till they have completed the mandatory one year service. Graduates who are exempted from the service include those above the age of thirty (30) and those with physical disability, therefore completing the service year entitles one to employment. During the service year, Corps members have the opportunity of learning of the cultures of other people, an opportunity many Nigerians never get in their lifetime. The program has also helped in creating entry - level jobs for many Nigerian youth. An NYSC forum dedicated to the NYSC members was built to bridge the gap amongst members serving across Nigeria and also an avenue for corpers to share job information and career resources as well as getting loans from the National Directorate Of Employment.", "title": "National Youth Service Corps" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The nonprofit organization serves more than 55,000 members from various practice settings, including mental health counseling, marriage and family counseling, addictions and substance use disorder counseling, school counseling, rehabilitation counseling, and career and employment counseling. Counseling professors and students are also represented.", "title": "American Counseling Association" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Annually, the Event Center hosts the FIRST Robotics Competition Silicon Valley Regional. The San Jose State University Career Center also uses the arena to host its fall and spring career fairs, which generally feature hundreds of potential employers for students of San José State University.", "title": "Event Center Arena" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Boston Public Schools enrolls 57,000 students attending 145 schools, including the renowned Boston Latin Academy, John D. O'Bryant School of Math & Science, and Boston Latin School. The Boston Latin School, established 1635, is the oldest public high school in the US; Boston also operates the United States' second oldest public high school, and its oldest public elementary school. The system's students are 40% Hispanic or Latino, 35% Black or African American, 13% White, and 9% Asian. There are private, parochial, and charter schools as well, and approximately 3,300 minority students attend participating suburban schools through the Metropolitan Educational Opportunity Council.", "title": "Boston" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Roberto Andorno is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Zurich (Switzerland). He is also Research Fellow at the University's Institute of Biomedical Ethics and Medical History. Originally from Argentina, he holds doctoral degrees in law from the Universities of Buenos Aires (1991) and Paris XII (1994), both on topics related to the ethical and legal aspects of assisted reproductive technologies. Between 1999 and 2005 he conducted various research projects relating to global bioethics, human dignity, and human rights at the Laval University (Quebec, Canada), and at the Universities of Göttingen and Tübingen, in Germany.", "title": "Roberto Andorno" } ]
How many students attend the school that employs Roberto Andorno?
[ "University of Zurich" ]
nearly 25,000
[ { "answer": "University of Zurich", "id": 474885, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "Francis Travis >> educated at" }, { "answer": "nearly 25,000", "id": 22402, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "How many students attend #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nuraliza Osman grew up in Singapore and was a top student and scholar at the [Methodist Girls School] where she won many accolades and excelled academically. She then attended Victoria Junior College where she studied pre-medicine classes and French. Her studies in French took her to France where she studied briefly prior to attending university. She is described by her peers as a funny, lovely, independent and determined person who was well-loved. At Methodist Girls School and Victoria Junior College, she was known for her frank, honest and tomboyish image. Many were surprised at how feminine she became for the Miss Universe competition.", "title": "Nuraliza Osman" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Travis Shaw (Benjamin Walker) is a veterinarian, living in the city of Wilmington, NC, who falls in love on his first meeting with Gabby Holland (Teresa Palmer), who has moved into the house next door. Gabby is a medical student who is in a relationship with a fellow doctor, Ryan McCarthy (Tom Welling). With Ryan out of state overseeing a new hospital opening, Gabby and Travis spend more time together, starting a relationship.", "title": "The Choice (2016 film)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Anyone involved in education should be concerned about how overemphasis on the SAT is distorting educational priorities and practices, how the test is perceived by many as unfair, and how it can have a devastating impact on the self-esteem and aspirations of young students. There is widespread agreement that overemphasis on the SAT harms American education.", "title": "SAT" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In many parts of the United States, after the 1954 decision in the landmark court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka that demanded United States schools desegregate \"with all deliberate speed\", local families organized a wave of private \"Christian academies\". In much of the U.S. South, many white students migrated to the academies, while public schools became in turn more heavily concentrated with African-American students (see List of private schools in Mississippi). The academic content of the academies was usually College Preparatory. Since the 1970s, many of these \"segregation academies\" have shut down, although some continue to operate.[citation needed]", "title": "Private school" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gajo Bulat was born January 4, 1836 to Francis, a judge in Supetar. He attended high school in Zadar, and received higher education in the University of Graz and the University of Padua. He received his doctorate of law and became a secretary for the Chamber of Commerce in Zadar, and then dedicated himself to being a lawyer between the years 1865 and 1879, he was one of the most distinguished lawyer in Split.", "title": "Gajo Bulat" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Loretto High School was a small, Roman Catholic, college-preparatory school for young women in Sacramento, California. Although located in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento the school was independent of the diocese. In 2005, Loretto High School celebrated its 50th anniversary. In June 2009, the school closed. Many students transferred to coed Christian Brothers and fellow all-girls St. Francis High School to complete their high school education, while others decided to go to public schools such as Mira Loma High School or El Camino Fundamental High School.", "title": "Loretto High School" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Berkeley Springs High School is a public, co-educational high school located in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, USA. It teaches 9th through 12th grade and currently has about 747 students in attendance. It is a Morgan County school.", "title": "Berkeley Springs High School" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William Coperthwaite attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, where he majored in art history. His extra-curricular activities included track and pole vaulting, and he served as vice-president of the Outing Club. He later enrolled in the innovative Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education (Antioch University New England) Master's degree program and in 1972 was awarded a Ph.D in education from Harvard University. Coperthwaite's Harvard research examined the process of instructing groups of students on yurt construction. His dissertation was on native Alaskan culture. One of the many yurts he built leading student groups (in 1976 on the new campus of World College West in Marin County, California) became the subject of a student-composed song; \"Yurt Fever\". Its final verse concluded with \"...a person can stray all over the place, but a Yurt is always a round\".", "title": "William Coperthwaite" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Public and private schools in Hyderabad are governed by the Central Board of Secondary Education and follow a \"10+2+3\" plan. About two-thirds of pupils attend privately run institutions. Languages of instruction include English, Hindi, Telugu and Urdu. Depending on the institution, students are required to sit the Secondary School Certificate or the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. After completing secondary education, students enroll in schools or junior colleges with a higher secondary facility. Admission to professional graduation colleges in Hyderabad, many of which are affiliated with either Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) or Osmania University (OU), is through the Engineering Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAM-CET).", "title": "Hyderabad" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nigel Griffiths was educated at Hawick High School in the Scottish Borders before attending the University of Edinburgh where he was awarded an MA in 1977. He finished his education at Moray House College of Education (now the Moray House School of Education on \"Holyrood Road\" at the University of Edinburgh) in Edinburgh in 1978. He was president of the University of Edinburgh Labour Group in 1976, where he first met and supported Gordon Brown, who was then the student elected Rector of the University.", "title": "Nigel Griffiths" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Laurel Springs School is a WASC-accredited K–12 distance learning school in Ojai, California, United States. Laurel Springs School offers personalized resources, customizable curricula, individualized teacher services, college advising and other services to families attending public and private school who are looking for another option; distance learning and home education students; students pursuing acting or sports careers; families living abroad; home school families; private and public schools and tutoring centers.", "title": "Laurel Springs School" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Despite the Dutch presence in Indonesia for almost 350 years, as the Asian bulk of the Dutch East Indies, the Dutch language has no official status there and the small minority that can speak the language fluently are either educated members of the oldest generation, or employed in the legal profession, as some legal codes are still only available in Dutch. Dutch is taught in various educational centres in Indonesia, the most important of which is the Erasmus Language Centre (ETC) in Jakarta. Each year, some 1,500 to 2,000 students take Dutch courses there. In total, several thousand Indonesians study Dutch as a foreign language. Owing to centuries of Dutch rule in Indonesia, many old documents are written in Dutch. Many universities therefore include Dutch as a source language, mainly for law and history students. In Indonesia this involves about 35,000 students.", "title": "Dutch language" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "HOSA - Future Health Professionals, formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), is a national career and technical student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE. HOSA is composed of middle school, secondary, and post secondary / collegiate students, along with professional, alumni, and honorary members. It is headquartered in Southlake, Texas, and is the largest student organization which prepares students to enter the healthcare field.", "title": "HOSA (organization)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "There are 12 universities in Switzerland, ten of which are maintained at cantonal level and usually offer a range of non-technical subjects. The first university in Switzerland was founded in 1460 in Basel (with a faculty of medicine) and has a tradition of chemical and medical research in Switzerland. The biggest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich with nearly 25,000 students. The two institutes sponsored by the federal government are the ETHZ in Zürich (founded 1855) and the EPFL in Lausanne (founded 1969 as such, formerly an institute associated with the University of Lausanne) which both have an excellent international reputation.[note 10]", "title": "Switzerland" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Primary and secondary schooling is compulsory for children aged 6 to 16, with the majority attending from the age of 5. There are 13 school years and attending state (public) schools is free to New Zealand citizens and permanent residents from a person's 5th birthday to the end of the calendar year following their 19th birthday. New Zealand has an adult literacy rate of 99%, and over half of the population aged 15 to 29 hold a tertiary qualification. There are five types of government-owned tertiary institutions: universities, colleges of education, polytechnics, specialist colleges, and wānanga, in addition to private training establishments. In the adult population 14.2% have a bachelor's degree or higher, 30.4% have some form of secondary qualification as their highest qualification and 22.4% have no formal qualification. The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment ranks New Zealand's education system as the seventh best in the world, with students performing exceptionally well in reading, mathematics and science.", "title": "New Zealand" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Born in Detroit, Michigan, his advanced musical studies were at the University of Zurich, with a Ph.D. in musicology after writing a dissertation on Giuseppe Verdi. He was a pupil of Hermann Scherchen, later his assistant.", "title": "Francis Travis" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The total adult literacy rate is 99 percent. Portuguese primary school enrollments are close to 100 percent. According to the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009, the average Portuguese 15-year-old student, when rated in terms of reading literacy, mathematics and science knowledge, is placed at the same level as those students from the United States, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, France, Denmark, United Kingdom, Hungary and Taipei, with 489 points (493 is the average). Over 35% of college-age citizens (20 years old) attend one of the country's higher education institutions (compared with 50% in the United States and 35% in the OECD countries). In addition to being a destination for international students, Portugal is also among the top places of origin for international students. All higher education students, both domestic and international, totaled 380,937 in 2005.", "title": "Portugal" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Guam Department of Education serves the entire island of Guam. In 2000, 32,000 students attended Guam's public schools. Guam Public Schools have struggled with problems such as high dropout rates and poor test scores. Guam's educational system has always faced unique challenges as a small community located 6,000 miles (9,700 km) from the U.S. mainland with a very diverse student body including many students who come from backgrounds without traditional American education. An economic downturn in Guam since the mid-1990s has compounded the problems in schools.", "title": "Guam" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "St. Francis Preparatory School, commonly known as St. Francis Prep, is a private, independent Catholic college preparatory school in the Fresh Meadows neighborhood of the New York City Borough of Queens, in the State of New York. It is the largest non-diocesan Catholic high school in the United States. St. Francis is run by the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, who maintain a residence on the top floor of the school. The school has a student body of about 2,750 students and graduates between 600 and 700 students annually.", "title": "St. Francis Preparatory School" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bologna process has been adopted, since 2006, by Portuguese universities and poly-technical institutes. Higher education in state-run educational establishments is provided on a competitive basis, a system of numerus clausus is enforced through a national database on student admissions. However, every higher education institution offers also a number of additional vacant places through other extraordinary admission processes for sportsmen, mature applicants (over 23 years old), international students, foreign students from the Lusosphere, degree owners from other institutions, students from other institutions (academic transfer), former students (readmission), and course change, which are subject to specific standards and regulations set by each institution or course department. Most student costs are supported with public money. However, with the increasing tuition fees a student has to pay to attend a Portuguese state-run higher education institution and the attraction of new types of students (many as part-time students or in evening classes) like employees, businessmen, parents, and pensioners, many departments make a substantial profit from every additional student enrolled in courses, with benefits for the college or university's gross tuition revenue and without loss of educational quality (teacher per student, computer per student, classroom size per student, etc.).", "title": "Portugal" } ]
How many students attend the school that granted Francis Travis a Ph.D.?
[ "University of Zurich" ]
nearly 25,000
[ { "answer": "North American", "id": 161151, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "Where can bison antiquus be found?" }, { "answer": "10 February 1763", "id": 42429, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "When did the #1 French and Indian War end?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The war in North America officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on 10 February 1763, and war in the European theatre of the Seven Years' War was settled by the Treaty of Hubertusburg on 15 February 1763. The British offered France the choice of surrendering either its continental North American possessions east of the Mississippi or the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, which had been occupied by the British. France chose to cede the former, but was able to negotiate the retention of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, two small islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, along with fishing rights in the area. They viewed the economic value of the Caribbean islands' sugar cane to be greater and easier to defend than the furs from the continent. The contemporaneous French philosopher Voltaire referred to Canada disparagingly as nothing more than a few acres of snow. The British, for their part, were happy to take New France, as defence of their North American colonies would no longer be an issue and also because they already had ample places from which to obtain sugar. Spain, which traded Florida to Britain to regain Cuba, also gained Louisiana, including New Orleans, from France in compensation for its losses. Great Britain and Spain also agreed that navigation on the Mississippi River was to be open to vessels of all nations.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It is the second book of the Leatherstocking Tales pentalogy and the best known to contemporary audiences. The Pathfinder, published 14 years later in 1840, is its sequel. The Last of the Mohicans is set in 1757, during the French and Indian War (the Seven Years' War), when France and Great Britain battled for control of North America. During this war, both the French and the British used Native American allies, but the French were particularly dependent, as they were outnumbered in the Northeast frontier areas by the more numerous British colonists.", "title": "The Last of the Mohicans" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Bison antiquus, the ancient or antique bison, is an extinct species of bison that lived in North America until around 10,000 years ago (ya). It was one of the most common large herbivores on the North American continent during the late Pleistocene, and is a direct ancestor of the living American bison.", "title": "Bison antiquus" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of Fort Bull was a French attack on the British-held Fort Bull on 27 March 1756, early in the French and Indian War. The fort was built to defend a portion of the waterway connecting Albany, New York to Lake Ontario via the Mohawk River.", "title": "Battle of Fort Bull" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Solomon Mack (15 September 1732 – 23 August 1820) was a resident of eighteenth-century New England and a veteran of the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War.", "title": "Solomon Mack" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Robert Munford III (1737-1783) was an American playwright, civic leader and soldier, having served under Colonel George Washington in the French and Indian War and later serving in the Revolutionary War.", "title": "Robert Munford III" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Second Battle of Dego was fought on 14 and 15 April 1796 during the French Revolutionary Wars between French forces and Austro-Sardinian forces. The battle was fought near Dego, a hamlet in northwestern Italy, and ended in a French victory.", "title": "Second Battle of Dego" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jean Erdman, Baron Dieskau or Jean-Armand Dieskau, Baron de Dieskau or Ludwig August von Dieskau (1701 – 8 September 1767) was a German-born soldier remembered mostly as a French general and commander in America for a part of the French and Indian War.", "title": "Jean Erdman, Baron Dieskau" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The French and Indian War (1754–1763) was the North American theater of the worldwide Seven Years' War. The war was fought between the colonies of British America and New France, with both sides supported by military units from their parent countries of Great Britain and France, as well as Native American allies. At the start of the war, the French North American colonies had a population of roughly 60,000 European settlers, compared with 2 million in the British North American colonies. The outnumbered French particularly depended on the Indians. Long in conflict, the metropole nations declared war on each other in 1756, escalating the war from a regional affair into an intercontinental conflict.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 1763 Treaty of Paris ended the major war known by Americans as the French and Indian War and by Canadians as the Seven Years' War / Guerre de Sept Ans, or by French - Canadians, La Guerre de la Conquête. It was signed by Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement. Preferring to keep Guadeloupe, France gave up Canada and all of its claims to territory east of the Mississippi River to Britain. With France out of North America this dramatically changed the European political scene on the continent.", "title": "Territorial evolution of North America since 1763" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the middle of the 18th century, a series of colonial conflicts began between France and Britain, which ultimately resulted in the destruction of most of the first French colonial empire and the near-complete expulsion of France from the Americas. These wars were the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748), the Seven Years' War (1756–1763), the American Revolution (1765–1783), the French Revolutionary Wars (1793–1802) and the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815). It may even be seen further back in time to the first of the French and Indian Wars. This cyclic conflict is sometimes known as the Second Hundred Years' War.", "title": "French colonial empire" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The French and Indian War (1754 -- 63) comprised the North American theater of the worldwide Seven Years' War of 1756 -- 63. It pitted the colonies of British America against those of New France. Both sides were supported by military units from their parent countries of Great Britain and France, as well as by American Indian allies. At the start of the war, the French North American colonies had a population of roughly 60,000 settlers, compared with 2 million in the British North American colonies. The outnumbered French particularly depended on the Indians. The European nations declared war on one another in 1756 following months of localized conflict, escalating the war from a regional affair into an intercontinental conflict.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Beginning in 1689, the colonies became involved in a series of wars between Great Britain and France for control of North America, the most important of which were Queen Anne's War, in which the British conquered French colony Acadia, and the final French and Indian War (1754–63) when Britain was victorious over all the French colonies in North America. This final war was to give thousands of colonists, including Virginia colonel George Washington, military experience which they put to use during the American Revolutionary War.", "title": "Military history of the United States" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of the Monongahela (also known as the Battle of Braddock's Field and the Battle of the Wilderness) took place on 9 July 1755, at the beginning of the French and Indian War, at Braddock's Field in what is now Braddock, Pennsylvania, east of Pittsburgh. A British force under General Edward Braddock, moving to take Fort Duquesne, was defeated by a force of French and Canadian troops under Captain Daniel Liénard de Beaujeu with its American Indian allies.", "title": "Battle of the Monongahela" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The French and Indian War (1754 -- 63) was a watershed event in the political development of the colonies. It was also part of the larger Seven Years' War. The influence of the main rivals of the British Crown in the colonies and Canada, the French and North American Indians, was significantly reduced with the territory of the Thirteen Colonies expanding into New France both in Canada and the Louisiana Territory. Moreover, the war effort resulted in greater political integration of the colonies, as reflected in the Albany Congress and symbolized by Benjamin Franklin's call for the colonies to ``Join or Die ''. Franklin was a man of many inventions -- one of which was the concept of a United States of America, which emerged after 1765 and was realized in July 1776.", "title": "History of the United States" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The name French and Indian War is used mainly in the United States. It refers to the two main enemies of the British colonists: the royal French forces and the various American Indian forces allied with them. The British colonists were supported at various times by the Iroquois, Catawba, and Cherokee, and the French colonists were supported by Wabanaki Confederacy members Abenaki and Mi'kmaq, and Algonquin, Lenape, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Wyandot.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The dynasty lost control of peripheral territories bit by bit. In return for promises of support against the British and the French, the Russian Empire took large chunks of territory in the Northeast in 1860. The period of cooperation between the reformers and the European powers ended with the Tientsin Massacre of 1870, which was incited by the murder of French nuns set off by the belligerence of local French diplomats. Starting with the Cochinchina Campaign in 1858, France expanded control of Indochina. By 1883, France was in full control of the region and had reached the Chinese border. The Sino-French War began with a surprise attack by the French on the Chinese southern fleet at Fuzhou. After that the Chinese declared war on the French. A French invasion of Taiwan was halted and the French were defeated on land in Tonkin at the Battle of Bang Bo. However Japan threatened to enter the war against China due to the Gapsin Coup and China chose to end the war with negotiations. The war ended in 1885 with the Treaty of Tientsin (1885) and the Chinese recognition of the French protectorate in Vietnam.", "title": "Qing dynasty" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lieutenant General Sir Dudley Russell KBE, CB, DSO, MC (1 December 18964 February 1978) was a senior officer of both the British Army and the British Indian Army, and served during World War I and World War II, where he commanded the 8th Indian Infantry Division during the Italian Campaign from late 1943 until the end of the war.", "title": "Dudley Russell" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the later Pleistocene epoch, between 240,000 and 220,000 years ago, steppe wisent (B. priscus) migrated from Siberia into Alaska across the Bering Land Bridge. Bison priscus inhabited northern North America throughout the remainder of the Pleistocene. In western North America, B. priscus evolved into long-horned bison, B. latifrons, which then evolved into B. antiquus. The larger B. latifrons appears to have died out by about 20,000 ya. After the extinction of B. latifrons, B. antiquus became increasingly abundant in parts of midcontinent North America from 18,000 ya until about 10,000 ya, after which the species appears to have given rise to the living species, B. bison. B. antiquus is the most commonly recovered large mammalian herbivore from the La Brea tar pits.B. antiquus was taller, had larger bones and horns, and was 15-25% larger overall than modern bison. It reached up to 2.27 m (7.5 ft) tall, 4.6 m (15 ft) long, and a weight of 1,588 kg (3500 lb). From tip to tip, the horns of B. antiquus measured about 3 ft (nearly 1 m).", "title": "Bison antiquus" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gaullism () is a French political stance based on the thought and action of World War II French Resistance leader General Charles de Gaulle, who would become the founding President of the Fifth French Republic.", "title": "Gaullism" } ]
When did the French and Indian War in the continent where bison antiquus is found end?
10 February 1763
[ { "answer": "North American", "id": 59612, "paragraph_support_idx": 18, "question": "where does the london broil cut come from" }, { "answer": "The fourth section, with orange page borders", "id": 50883, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "which section of the #1 emergency response guidebook contains the response guides" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The American Society for Testing and Materials, International (ASTM) publishes standards for many methods and procedures used by FDEs. E30. 02 was the ASTM subcomittee for Questioned Documents. These guides were under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E30 on Forensic Sciences and the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E30. 02 on Questioned Documents. The ASTM Questioned Document Section has been disbanded.", "title": "Questioned document examination" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Edward Fokczyński was one of the four directors of the AVA Radio Company, an electronics firm established in Warsaw, Poland, in 1929. AVA produced radio equipment for the Polish General Staff's Cipher Bureau, which was responsible for the radio communications of the General Staff's Intelligence Section (\"Oddział II\").", "title": "Edward Fokczyński" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The National Maximum Speed Law (NMSL) in the United States was a provision of the Federal 1974 Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act that prohibited speed limits higher than 55 miles per hour (90 km / h). It was drafted in response to oil price spikes and supply disruptions during the 1973 oil crisis.", "title": "National Maximum Speed Law" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Homo Handbook: Getting in Touch with Your Inner Homo: A Survival Guide for Lesbians and Gay Men was published in 1996 by Simon & Schuster's Fireside Books imprint. Written by comedian Judy Carter, the self-help book for the LGBTQ community won the Lambda Literary Award for Best Humor Book at the 9th Lambda Literary Awards. The book is a comedic guidebook that addresses issues such as coming out, dating, and dealing with discrimination.", "title": "The Homo Handbook" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Commissioner of Transport for London has management responsibility for Transport for London (TfL) and hence for the transport system throughout the City of London and Greater London in the United Kingdom. TfL is controlled by a board whose members are appointed by the Mayor of London, who also chairs the Board. The Commissioner reports to the board and leads a management team with individual functional responsibilities.", "title": "Commissioner of Transport for London" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "As computers grew in speed and capability, a number of general-purpose database systems emerged; by the mid-1960s a number of such systems had come into commercial use. Interest in a standard began to grow, and Charles Bachman, author of one such product, the Integrated Data Store (IDS), founded the \"Database Task Group\" within CODASYL, the group responsible for the creation and standardization of COBOL. In 1971 the Database Task Group delivered their standard, which generally became known as the \"CODASYL approach\", and soon a number of commercial products based on this approach entered the market.", "title": "Database" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The defense is based on evaluations by forensic mental health professionals with the appropriate test according to the jurisdiction. Their testimony guides the jury, but they are not allowed to testify to the accused's criminal responsibility, as this is a matter for the jury to decide. Similarly, mental health practitioners are restrained from making a judgment on the issue of whether the defendant is or is not insane or what is known as the ``ultimate issue ''.", "title": "Insanity defense" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) of the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency serves as the national focal point for the development and delivery of emergency management training to enhance the capabilities of state, territorial, local, and tribal government officials; volunteer organizations; FEMA's disaster workforce; other Federal agencies; and the public and private sectors to minimize the impact of disasters and emergencies on the American public. EMI curricula are structured to meet the needs of this diverse audience with an emphasis on separate organizations working together in all-hazards emergencies to save lives and protect property. Particular emphasis is placed on governing doctrine such as the National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the National Preparedness Guidelines. EMI is fully accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and the American Council on Education (ACE). The instruction is based upon the principles of Emergency Management and instructional systems design, which create a framework within whole communities to reduce vulnerability to hazards and to cope with disasters. EMI develops courses and implements training delivery systems to include residential onsite training; offsite delivery in partnership with Emergency Management training systems, colleges, and universities; and technology-based mediums to conduct individual training courses for Emergency Management and Response personnel across the United States.", "title": "Emergency Management Institute" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey (\"Turkish: Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı, AFAD\") was established in 2009 to take necessary measures for effective emergency management and civil protection nationwide in Turkey. The presidency conducts pre-incident work, such as preparedness, mitigation and risk management, during-incident work such as response, and post-incident work such as recovery and reconstruction. AFAD reports to the Turkish Prime Ministry.", "title": "Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In molecular biology, the iron response element or iron - responsive element (IRE) is a short conserved stem - loop which is bound by iron response proteins (IRPs, also named IRE - BP or IRBP). The IRE is found in UTRs (untranslated regions) of various mRNAs whose products are involved in iron metabolism. For example, the mRNA of ferritin (an iron storage protein) contains one IRE in its 5 'UTR. When iron concentration is low, IRPs bind the IRE in the ferritin mRNA and cause reduced translation rates. In contrast, binding to multiple IREs in the 3' UTR of the transferrin receptor (involved in iron acquisition) leads to increased mRNA stability.", "title": "Iron response element" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Dornbusch is a region of low rolling hills in the northern part of the German Baltic Sea island of Hiddensee. It consists mainly of ice age depositions, that were left behind after the glacier thawed. It is one of three island cores of the Hiddensee responsible for the emergence of the lowland.", "title": "Dornbusch (Hiddensee)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Every employee hired after November 6, 1986 must complete an I - 9 form at the time of hire. Employees must complete Section 1 of the form upon commencing employment. The employer must complete Section 2 within three days of the employee's starting date at work. The employer is responsible for ensuring that the forms are completed properly and in a timely manner.", "title": "Form I-9" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In response to American aid to Israel, on October 16, 1973, OPEC raised the posted price of oil by 70%, to $5.11 a barrel. The following day, oil ministers agreed to the embargo, a cut in production by five percent from September's output and to continue to cut production in five percent monthly increments until their economic and political objectives were met. On October 19, Nixon requested Congress to appropriate $2.2 billion in emergency aid to Israel, including $1.5 billion in outright grants. George Lenczowski notes, \"Military supplies did not exhaust Nixon's eagerness to prevent Israel's collapse...This [$2.2 billion] decision triggered a collective OPEC response.\" Libya immediately announced it would embargo oil shipments to the United States. Saudi Arabia and the other Arab oil-producing states joined the embargo on October 20, 1973. At their Kuwait meeting, OAPEC proclaimed the embargo that curbed exports to various countries and blocked all oil deliveries to the US as a \"principal hostile country\".", "title": "1973 oil crisis" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The fourth section, with orange page borders, includes the actual response guides. Each of the 62 guides provides safety recommendations and directions on how to proceed during the initial response phase (first thirty minutes) of the incident. It includes ``health ''and`` fire or explosion'' potential hazard information (with the more dangerous hazard listed first). For example, ``the material gives off irritating vapors, easily ignited by heat, reactive with water '';`` highly toxic, may be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through skin''; etc.", "title": "Emergency Response Guidebook" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jeff Evans was born 1960 in South Wales and studied languages at the University of Reading. He has been writing professionally about beer since the 1980s. He became editor of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA)'s \"Good Beer Guide\" in 1990 and was responsible for eight editions of the Guide (1991–1998).", "title": "Jeff Evans" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Public Health Agency of Canada (French: Agence de la santé publique du Canada) is an agency of the Government of Canada that is responsible for public health, emergency preparedness, and response and infectious and chronic disease control and prevention. It was formed by Order in Council in 2004 and subsequently by legislation that came into force December 15, 2006 and it is member of the Federal Health Portfolio (along with Health Canada, the Canadian Institute of Health Research, and other organizations).", "title": "Public Health Agency of Canada" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On July 21, 2007, President Bush again invoked Section 3 in response to having to undergo a colonoscopy, temporarily transferring his powers to Vice President Cheney. President Bush invoked Section 3 at 7: 16 a.m. EDT. He reclaimed his powers at 9: 21 a.m. EDT. As happened in 2002, Bush specifically cited Section 3 when he transferred the Presidential powers to the Vice President and when he reclaimed those powers.", "title": "Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The word \"insect\" comes from the Latin word insectum, meaning \"with a notched or divided body\", or literally \"cut into\", from the neuter singular perfect passive participle of insectare, \"to cut into, to cut up\", from in- \"into\" and secare \"to cut\"; because insects appear \"cut into\" three sections. Pliny the Elder introduced the Latin designation as a loan-translation of the Greek word ἔντομος (éntomos) or \"insect\" (as in entomology), which was Aristotle's term for this class of life, also in reference to their \"notched\" bodies. \"Insect\" first appears documented in English in 1601 in Holland's translation of Pliny. Translations of Aristotle's term also form the usual word for \"insect\" in Welsh (trychfil, from trychu \"to cut\" and mil, \"animal\"), Serbo-Croatian (zareznik, from rezati, \"to cut\"), Russian (насекомое nasekomoje, from seč'/-sekat', \"to cut\"), etc.", "title": "Insect" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "London broil is a beef dish made by broiling marinated beef, then cutting it across the grain into thin strips. Despite its name, the dish and the terminology are North American, not British.", "title": "London broil" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Transport is one of the four main areas of policy administered by the Mayor of London, however the mayor's financial control does not extend to the longer distance rail network that enters London. In 2007 he assumed responsibility for some local lines, which now form the London Overground network, adding to the existing responsibility for the London Underground, trams and buses. The public transport network is administered by Transport for London (TfL) and is one of the most extensive in the world.", "title": "London" } ]
The London broil cut comes from a country with an emergency response guidebook with response guides in which section?
[ "Fourth" ]
The fourth section, with orange page borders
[ { "answer": "Ryki County", "id": 341176, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "Gmina Stężyca, Lublin Voivodeship >> located in the administrative territorial entity" }, { "answer": "Gmina Ryki", "id": 711757, "paragraph_support_idx": 4, "question": "#1 >> contains administrative territorial entity" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Pabianice is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Pabianice County, Łódź Voivodeship, in central Poland. Its seat is the town of Pabianice, although the town is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Pabianice" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Włodawa is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Włodawa County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland, on the border with Belarus and Ukraine. Its seat is the town of Włodawa, although the town is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Włodawa" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Deszkowice Pierwsze is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Sułów, within Zamość County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland.", "title": "Deszkowice Pierwsze" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Minsk Region or Minsk Voblasć or Minsk Oblast (, \"Minskaja vobłasć\" ; , \"Minskaja oblastj\") is one of the regions of Belarus. Its administrative center is Minsk, although it is a separate administrative territorial entity of Belarus. As of 2011, the region's population is 1,411,500.", "title": "Minsk Region" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Ryki is an urban-rural gmina (administrative district) in Ryki County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland. Its seat is the town of Ryki, which lies approximately north-west of the regional capital Lublin.", "title": "Gmina Ryki" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Grabowiec is a village in Zamość County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland. It is the seat of the gmina (administrative district) called Gmina Grabowiec. It lies approximately north-east of Zamość and south-east of the regional capital Lublin.", "title": "Grabowiec, Zamość County" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Gorlice is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Gorlice County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, in southern Poland. Its seat is the town of Gorlice, although the town is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Gorlice" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Sokołów Podlaski is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Sokołów County, Masovian Voivodeship, in east-central Poland. Its seat is the town of Sokołów Podlaski, although the town is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Sokołów Podlaski" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Brzeziny is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Brzeziny County, Łódź Voivodeship, in central Poland. Its seat is the town of Brzeziny, although the town is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Brzeziny, Łódź Voivodeship" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Biłgoraj County () is a unit of territorial administration and local government (powiat) in Lublin Voivodeship, eastern Poland. It was established on January 1, 1999, as a result of the Polish local government reforms passed in 1998. Its administrative seat and largest town is Biłgoraj, which lies south of the regional capital Lublin. The county contains three other towns: Tarnogród, lying south of Biłgoraj, Józefów, lying east of Biłgoraj, and Frampol, north of Biłgoraj.", "title": "Biłgoraj County" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Stężyca is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Ryki County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland. Its seat is the village of Stężyca, which lies approximately west of Ryki and north-west of the regional capital Lublin.", "title": "Gmina Stężyca, Lublin Voivodeship" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Puchaczów is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Łęczna County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland. Its seat is the village of Puchaczów, which lies approximately east of Łęczna and east of the regional capital Lublin.", "title": "Gmina Puchaczów" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Tarnów is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Tarnów County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, in southern Poland. Its seat is the city of Tarnów, although the city is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Tarnów" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Siemień is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Parczew County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland. Its seat is the village of Siemień, which lies approximately west of Parczew and north of the regional capital Lublin.", "title": "Gmina Siemień" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Łowicz is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Łowicz County, Łódź Voivodeship, in central Poland. Its seat is the town of Łowicz, although the town is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Łowicz" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rudka Starościańska is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Uścimów, within Lubartów County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland.", "title": "Rudka Starościańska" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bychawka Trzecia-Kolonia is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Bychawa, within Lublin County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland.", "title": "Bychawka Trzecia-Kolonia" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Szczecinek is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Szczecinek County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in north-western Poland. Its seat is the town of Szczecinek, although the town is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Szczecinek" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Sławno is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Sławno County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in north-western Poland. Its seat is the town of Sławno, although the town is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Sławno, West Pomeranian Voivodeship" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wólka Bielecka is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Milejów, within Łęczna County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland.", "title": "Wólka Bielecka" } ]
What other district is found in the same county as Gmina Stężyca?
[ "Ryki" ]
Gmina Ryki
[ { "answer": "Mohamed Salah", "id": 71165, "paragraph_support_idx": 11, "question": "who won the bbc african footballer of the year 2017" }, { "answer": "Egypt national football team", "id": 807969, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "#1 >> member of sports team" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Joseph Hubert Cogels (14 January 1894 – 26 July 1978) was a Belgian sport shooter who competed in the 1920 Summer Olympics. In 1920 he won the silver medal as member of the Belgian team in the team clay pigeons competition.", "title": "Joseph Cogels" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gurbux (\"Gurbaksh\") Singh (born February 11, 1936) is a former field hockey player from India who was a member of the India national field hockey team that won the gold medal at the 1964 Summer Olympics. He was the Joint Captain at the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games where India won Bronze Medal and the Coach to the Indian team at the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games. For his outstanding contribution to the country in the field of sports, Gurbux was given the Arjuna Award in the year 1966.", "title": "Gurbux Singh" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The world's most valuable sports teams, as ranked annually by the American magazine Forbes, include teams from association football, American football, baseball, and basketball. National Football League franchise Dallas Cowboys, valued at $4.2 billion, was named the world's most valuable sports team of 2017, becoming the first non-association football team to top Forbes' ranking since its inception in 2010. English club Manchester United (2010 -- 12) and Spanish club Real Madrid (2013 -- 15) have previously each been named the most valuable team three times.", "title": "Forbes' list of the most valuable sports teams" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "An Algerian international from 1989 to 1992, he was a member of the Algeria national football team that won the 1990 African Cup of Nations and the 1991 Afro-Asian Cup of Nations. He was also a member of the Algeria under-20 national team that won the 1979 African Youth Championship.", "title": "Antar Osmani" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "American football Larry Fitzgerald (in blue) catches a pass while Cortland Finnegan (in red) plays defense at the 2009 Pro Bowl. Highest governing body IFAF Nicknames Football gridiron First played November 6, 1869 New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States (Princeton vs. Rutgers) Characteristics Contact Full - contact Team members 11 (both teams may freely substitute players between downs) Type Team sport ball game Equipment Football (leather prolate spheroid) Football helmet Pads (shoulder and knee) Venue Football field (rectangular: 120 yards long, 53 1 / 3 yards wide) Glossary Glossary of American football Presence Country or region Worldwide (most prominent in North America, Europe, and Japan) Olympic No (demonstrated at the 1932 Summer Olympics) World Games Yes (invitational sport at 2005 and 2017 Games).", "title": "American football" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the 1980 Summer Olympics Algeria participated for the first time in a team sport, competing in both football and handball. Their first medal came at the 1984 Summer Olympics, where Mustapha Moussa won bronze in boxing.", "title": "Algeria at the Olympics" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Ahmed Salah Mohammed Hosny Hassan (born 11 July 1979) is a footballer from Egypt who played for VfB Stuttgart and the Egypt national football team. Recently, Hosny turned to art since he has worked with Amr Diab and Mohamed Hamaki in composing songs in their music albums, and most recently he has played a role (Fu'ad Hareedy) in the Egyptian series \"Sharbat Looz\" which has been premiered in the holy month of Ramadan (July 2012).", "title": "Ahmed Salah Hosny" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The draw for the quarter - finals took place on 17 February 2018 at 20: 00 GMT and was broadcast live on BT Sport, the BBC Sport website and app, and BBC Radio 5 Live. This round included one team from Level 3 still in the competition, Wigan Athletic, who were the lowest - ranked team in this round.", "title": "2017–18 FA Cup" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sports played on the island include football, cricket, volleyball, tennis, golf, motocross, shooting sports and yachting. Saint Helena has sent teams to a number of Commonwealth Games. Saint Helena is a member of the International Island Games Association. The Saint Helena cricket team made its debut in international cricket in Division Three of the African region of the World Cricket League in 2011.", "title": "Saint Helena" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was a member of the Dutch team that won the bronze medal in the football tournament of the 1908 Summer Olympics.", "title": "Jan Thomée" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award is the main award of the BBC Sports Personality of the Year ceremony, which takes place each December. The winner is the sportsperson, judged by a public vote, to have achieved the most that year. The recipient must either be British or reside and play a significant amount of their sport in the United Kingdom. The winner is selected by a public - vote from a pre-determined shortlist. The most recent award winner is athlete Sir Mo Farah, who won in 2017.", "title": "BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Year Winner Club (s) Reference 1992 Abedi Pele Marseille Frankie Fredericks N / A Zambia national football team N / A 1995 George Weah Milan Emmanuel Amuneke Sporting CP Barcelona Nwankwo Kanu Internazionale 1998 Haile Gebrselassie N / A 1999 Nwankwo Kanu Arsenal 2000 Patrick M'Boma Cagliari Parma Samuel Kuffour Bayern Munich 2002 El Hadji Diouf Lens Liverpool 2003 Jay - Jay Okocha Bolton Wanderers Jay - Jay Okocha Bolton Wanderers 2005 Mohamed Barakat Al Ahly 2006 Michael Essien Chelsea 2007 Emmanuel Adebayor Arsenal 2008 Mohamed Aboutrika Al Ahly 2009 Didier Drogba Chelsea Asamoah Gyan Sunderland 2011 André Ayew Marseille 2012 Christopher Katongo Henan Construction 2013 Yaya Touré Manchester City 2014 Yacine Brahimi Granada Porto 2015 Yaya Touré Manchester City 2016 Riyad Mahrez Leicester City 2017 Mohamed Salah Roma Liverpool", "title": "BBC African Footballer of the Year" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chreng Polroth (born 4 July 1997) is a Cambodian footballer who plays for the Cambodia national football team. Polroth won the best player of the season award for his best performance in 2017 Cambodian League .", "title": "Chrerng Polroth" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Fernand Nisot (11 April 1895 – 31 July 1973) was a Belgian football (soccer) player who competed in the 1920 Summer Olympics. When he played the first time for the national soccer team, he was the youngest player ever: only 16 years and 19 days old. He was a member of the Belgian team which won the gold medal in the football tournament.", "title": "Fernand Nisot" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "BBC African Footballer of the Year Presented by BBC World Service First awarded 1992 Currently held by Mohamed Salah Television / radio coverage Network BBC", "title": "BBC African Footballer of the Year" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Buvik Idrettslag is a multi-sports team from Buvik in Skaun, Norway. In 2012, the club's first football team played in the Second Division, having won their Third Division conference in 2011. The team was, however, relegated after only one season in the Second Division. They play their home games at Buvik Stadion.", "title": "Buvik IL" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Hutt Valley Spartans are a minor league American football team. They are a member of American Football Wellington (AFW). In 2006, the Spartans won the Capital Bowl, American Football Wellington’s ultimate prize in their second full year in the competition. IN 2007 & 2008 they end up with two third-place finishes. In 2010-2011 they won the Capital Bowl by defeating the Wellington Wolves by 34-8 They play home games at Spartan Park (grass field, maximum capacity of 1,000) in Avalon, New Zealand. In recent past they have had 2 undefeated regular seasons in a row the 2016-17 they narrowly lost in the capital bowl and in the 2017-18 season they were able to lift the cup again.", "title": "Hutt Valley Spartans" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Premier League Founded 20 February 1992; 26 years ago (1992 - 02 - 20) Country England (19 teams) Other club (s) from Wales (1 team) Confederation UEFA Number of teams 20 Level on pyramid Relegation to EFL Championship Domestic cup (s) FA Cup FA Community Shield League cup (s) EFL Cup International cup (s) UEFA Champions League UEFA Europa League Current champions Manchester City (3rd title) (2017 -- 18) Most championships Manchester United (13 titles) Most appearances Gareth Barry (653) Top goalscorer Alan Shearer (260 goals) TV partners Sky Sports and BT Sport (live matches) Sky Sports and BBC (highlights) Website 2018 -- 19 Premier League", "title": "Premier League" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Football is largely considered the Nigeria's national sport and the country has its own Premier League of football. Nigeria's national football team, known as the \"Super Eagles\", has made the World Cup on five occasions 1994, 1998, 2002, 2010, and most recently in 2014. In April 1994, the Super Eagles ranked 5th in the FIFA World Rankings, the highest ranking achieved by an African football team. They won the African Cup of Nations in 1980, 1994, and 2013, and have also hosted the U-17 & U-20 World Cup. They won the gold medal for football in the 1996 Summer Olympics (in which they beat Argentina) becoming the first African football team to win gold in Olympic Football.", "title": "Nigeria" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The professional American football team the Los Angeles Chargers was founded in 1959 as a charter member of the American Football League. The team played the 1960 season in Los Angeles and moved to San Diego the following year, where they played from 1961 - 2016. The Chargers' returned to Los Angeles in 2017.", "title": "History of the San Diego Chargers" } ]
What team does the winner of the 2017 BBC African Footballer of the Year play for?
Egypt national football team
[ { "answer": "Mohamed Salah", "id": 50087, "paragraph_support_idx": 17, "question": "who was the top scorer in the premier league last season" }, { "answer": "Egypt national football team", "id": 807969, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "#1 >> member of sports team" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Stockholm Mean Machines is the oldest and most successful football club in Sweden. The club was established in 1972, the same year the sport was introduced in the country. They started playing in the Stockholm suburb of Danderyd. The ambition of the Stockholm Mean Machines has always been to be the premier team in Sweden and in Europe, the men's team leads the nation in seasons played in the premier league in Sweden (Superserien) and its 11 national championships is also most of any team. The ladies team is the reigning national champions. The club is also represented in all youth leagues (U11, U13, U15, U17 and U19).", "title": "Stockholm Mean Machines" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Premier League Founded 20 February 1992; 26 years ago (1992 - 02 - 20) Country England (19 teams) Other club (s) from Wales (1 team) Confederation UEFA Number of teams 20 Level on pyramid Relegation to EFL Championship Domestic cup (s) FA Cup FA Community Shield League cup (s) EFL Cup International cup (s) UEFA Champions League UEFA Europa League Current champions Manchester City (3rd title) (2017 -- 18) Most championships Manchester United (13 titles) Most appearances Gareth Barry (653) Top goalscorer Alan Shearer (260 goals) TV partners Sky Sports and BT Sport (live matches) Sky Sports and BBC (highlights) Website 2018 -- 19 Premier League", "title": "Premier League" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Everton hold the record for the most seasons in England's top tier (Division One/Premier League), at 111 seasons out of 114 as of 2014–15 (the club played in Division 2 in 1930–31 and from 1951–54). They are one of seven teams to have played all 22 seasons of the Premier League since its inception in August 1992 – the others being Arsenal, Aston Villa, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester United, and Tottenham Hotspur. Everton against Aston Villa is the most played fixture in England's top flight, as of the 2012–13 season the two founder members of the Football League have played a record 196 league games.", "title": "Everton F.C." }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Assi Tubi (, born 27 January 1972) is an Israeli footballer. He was the Israeli Premier League top scorer in the 1999–2000 season with 27 goals.", "title": "Assi Tubi" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 1977–78 AHL season was the 42nd season of the American Hockey League. The season was in jeopardy when the last of the original eight franchises of the \"International-American Hockey League\", the Rhode Island Reds (previously Providence Reds) folded in the offseason, and the AHL was left with five teams. The league increased its member teams by four, when the North American Hockey League and Southern Hockey Leagues both folded before the 1977–78 season. Two teams joined from the NAHL, and another from the SHL, along with one expansion team.", "title": "1977–78 AHL season" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 2004 Chinese Super League is the debut season of the establishment of the Chinese Football Association Super League (中国足球协会超级联赛 or 中超), also known as the Chinese Super League. Sponsored by Siemens Mobile it is the eleventh season of professional association football league and the 43rd top-tier league season in China. The premier football league in China under the auspices of the Chinese Football Association the season started on May 15 and ended December 4 where it was planned that no teams would be relegated at the end of the season.", "title": "2004 Chinese Super League" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Inter Club d'Escaldes was founded in Escaldes-Engordany in 1991 and being founder member of Primera Divisió in 1995, the Premier League of Andorra. The club was playing since then in the top flight until April 2015 when the team was relegated after finishing 8th in the regular league. The club returned in Primera Divisió after two seasons, in May 2017.", "title": "Inter Club d'Escaldes" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The National Hockey League (NHL; French: Ligue nationale de hockey -- LNH) is a professional ice hockey league in North America, currently comprising 31 teams: 24 in the United States and 7 in Canada. The NHL is considered to be the premier professional ice hockey league in the world, and one of the major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada. The Stanley Cup, the oldest professional sports trophy in North America, is awarded annually to the league playoff champion at the end of each season.", "title": "National Hockey League" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Blanch joined Catalans Dragons ahead of the 2011 Super League season, and remained there for three years before departing at the end of 2013. In 2011 he was the club's top try-scorer.", "title": "Damien Blanch" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 1969–70 AHL season was the 34th season of the American Hockey League. Nine teams played 72 games each in the schedule. The Montreal Voyageurs became the second Canada-based team in the league, and finished first overall in the regular season. This would be the last season for the Buffalo Bisons in the AHL as the National Hockey League added the Buffalo Sabres who would begin play the next season, the Bisons would go out on top by winning fifth Calder Cup championship.", "title": "1969–70 AHL season" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "2017 -- 18 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Duration October 17, 2017 -- April 11, 2018 April 14 -- May 28, 2018 (Playoffs) May 31 -- June 17, 2018 (Finals) Number of games 82 Number of teams 30 TV partner (s) ABC, TNT, ESPN, NBA TV Draft Top draft pick Markelle Fultz Picked by Philadelphia 76ers Regular season Top seed Houston Rockets Top scorer James Harden (Houston) Playoffs Finals NBA seasons ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "title": "2017–18 NBA season" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dario Zuffi first became famous when he played on BSC Young Boys. From an early point in his career with BSC Young Boys, Zuffi showed tremendous skill and helped the team to win the Swiss Football Championship, personally scoring 15 goals that season. As a result of this performance, Zuffi received the 'Rookie of the Year' award during the 1985–86 season. In the 1988–89 season, Dario Zuffi was second on the Top Scorers list with 19 goals, tied with Kubilay Türkyılmaz. In the 1990–91 season, Zuffi topped the Top Scorers list with a grand total of 17 goals.", "title": "Dario Zuffi" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "title": "List of La Liga top scorers" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rasa Imanalijeva is a Lithuanian football striker, currently playing for Gintra Universitetas in the A Lyga. She has been the league's top scorer in the 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 seasons.", "title": "Rasa Imanalijeva" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Ahmed Salah Mohammed Hosny Hassan (born 11 July 1979) is a footballer from Egypt who played for VfB Stuttgart and the Egypt national football team. Recently, Hosny turned to art since he has worked with Amr Diab and Mohamed Hamaki in composing songs in their music albums, and most recently he has played a role (Fu'ad Hareedy) in the Egyptian series \"Sharbat Looz\" which has been premiered in the holy month of Ramadan (July 2012).", "title": "Ahmed Salah Hosny" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Golden Boot is awarded to the top Premier League scorer at the end of each season. Former Blackburn Rovers and Newcastle United striker Alan Shearer holds the record for most Premier League goals with 260. Twenty-four players have reached the 100-goal mark. Since the first Premier League season in 1992–93, 14 different players from 10 different clubs have won or shared the top scorers title. Thierry Henry won his fourth overall scoring title by scoring 27 goals in the 2005–06 season. Andrew Cole and Alan Shearer hold the record for most goals in a season (34) – for Newcastle and Blackburn respectively. Ryan Giggs of Manchester United holds the record for scoring goals in consecutive seasons, having scored in the first 21 seasons of the league.", "title": "Premier League" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 2004–05 UEFA Champions League was the 50th season of UEFA's premier European club football tournament, and the 13th since it was rebranded as the UEFA Champions League in 1992. The competition was won by Liverpool, who beat Milan on penalties in the final, having come back from 3–0 down at half-time. Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard was named as UEFA's Footballer of the Year for his key role in the final and throughout the Champions League season. The final, played at the Atatürk Olympic Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey, is often regarded as one of the best in the history of the tournament. With eight goals, Manchester United's Ruud van Nistelrooy was the top scorer for the third time in four seasons.", "title": "2004–05 UEFA Champions League" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Club Goals Mohamed Salah Liverpool 32 Harry Kane Tottenham Hotspur 30 Sergio Agüero Manchester City 21 Jamie Vardy Leicester City 20 5 Raheem Sterling Manchester City 18 6 Romelu Lukaku Manchester United 16 7 Roberto Firmino Liverpool 15 8 Alexandre Lacazette Arsenal 14 9 Gabriel Jesus Manchester City 13 10 Son Heung - min Tottenham Hotspur 12 Eden Hazard Chelsea Glenn Murray Brighton and Hove Albion Riyad Mahrez Leicester City", "title": "List of top Premier League goal scorers by season" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "title": "List of La Liga top scorers" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wigan Warriors is an English professional rugby league club based in Wigan, Greater Manchester. Formed in 1872, the club was a founding member of the Northern Rugby Football Union in 1895, and competed in the inaugural season of the Northern Union's league championship. Since then, more than 1,100 players have appeared for the club's first team. Jim Sullivan has made the most career appearances for Wigan, having played 774 games between 1921 and 1946. Sullivan is also the club's all-time top goal scorer (2,317) and point scorer (4,883), and holds the club record for most points scored in a single match, with 44 against Flimby & Fothergill in 1925.", "title": "List of Wigan Warriors players" } ]
What is the sports team of the Premier League's top scorer last season?
Egypt national football team
[ { "answer": "Mohamed Salah", "id": 73921, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "who is the bbc footballer of the year" }, { "answer": "Egypt national football team", "id": 807969, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "#1 >> member of sports team" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Ahmed Salah Mohammed Hosny Hassan (born 11 July 1979) is a footballer from Egypt who played for VfB Stuttgart and the Egypt national football team. Recently, Hosny turned to art since he has worked with Amr Diab and Mohamed Hamaki in composing songs in their music albums, and most recently he has played a role (Fu'ad Hareedy) in the Egyptian series \"Sharbat Looz\" which has been premiered in the holy month of Ramadan (July 2012).", "title": "Ahmed Salah Hosny" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The professional American football team the Los Angeles Chargers was founded in 1959 as a charter member of the American Football League. The team played the 1960 season in Los Angeles and moved to San Diego the following year, where they played from 1961 - 2016. The Chargers' returned to Los Angeles in 2017.", "title": "History of the San Diego Chargers" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Charlotte 49ers represent the NCAA Division I sports teams of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. A founding member of Conference USA (C-USA), Charlotte rejoined the conference in 2013 after spending eight years as a member of the Atlantic 10 Conference. Previously, Charlotte was a charter member of the Sun Belt Conference and was a member of the Metro Conference.", "title": "Charlotte 49ers" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gianluca Bollini is a Sammarinese footballer who plays for Sporting NovaValmarecchia and the San Marino national football team. He was born March 24, 1980.", "title": "Gianluca Bollini" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Gambia Women's National Football Team represents the Gambia in international football competition. The team, however, has not competed in a match recognised by FIFA, the sport's international governing body, despite that organised women's football has been played in the country since 1998. The Gambia has two youth teams, an under-17 side that has competed in FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup qualifiers, and an under-19 side that withdrew from regional qualifiers for an under-19 World Cup. The development of a national team faces challenges similar to those across Africa, although the national football association has four staff members focusing on women's football.", "title": "Gambia women's national football team" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ice hockey, referred to as simply ``hockey '', is Canada's most prevalent winter sport, its most popular spectator sport, and its most successful sport in international competition. It is Canada's official national winter sport. Lacrosse, a sport with Indigenous origins, is Canada's oldest and official summer sport. Canadian football is Canada's second most popular spectator sport, being the most popular in the prairie provinces. The Canadian Football League's annual championship, the Grey Cup, is one of the country's largest annual sports events. While other sports have a larger spectator base, Association football, known in Canada as soccer in both English and French, has the most registered players of any team sport in Canada. Professional teams exist in many cities in Canada. Statistics Canada reports that the top ten sports that Canadians participate in are golf, ice hockey, swimming, soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, skiing (downhill and alpine), cycling and tennis.", "title": "Sports in Canada" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The draw for the quarter - finals took place on 17 February 2018 at 20: 00 GMT and was broadcast live on BT Sport, the BBC Sport website and app, and BBC Radio 5 Live. This round included one team from Level 3 still in the competition, Wigan Athletic, who were the lowest - ranked team in this round.", "title": "2017–18 FA Cup" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sports played on the island include football, cricket, volleyball, tennis, golf, motocross, shooting sports and yachting. Saint Helena has sent teams to a number of Commonwealth Games. Saint Helena is a member of the International Island Games Association. The Saint Helena cricket team made its debut in international cricket in Division Three of the African region of the World Cricket League in 2011.", "title": "Saint Helena" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The FIFA World Cup is an international association football competition established in 1930. It is contested by the men's national teams of the members of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's global governing body. The tournament has taken place every four years, except in 1942 and 1946, when the competition was cancelled due to World War II. The most recent World Cup, hosted by Brazil in 2014, was won by Germany, who beat Argentina 1 -- 0 after extra time.", "title": "List of FIFA World Cup finals" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "American football Larry Fitzgerald (in blue) catches a pass while Cortland Finnegan (in red) plays defense at the 2009 Pro Bowl. Highest governing body IFAF Nicknames Football gridiron First played November 6, 1869 New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States (Princeton vs. Rutgers) Characteristics Contact Full - contact Team members 11 (both teams may freely substitute players between downs) Type Team sport ball game Equipment Football (leather prolate spheroid) Football helmet Pads (shoulder and knee) Venue Football field (rectangular: 120 yards long, 53 1 / 3 yards wide) Glossary Glossary of American football Presence Country or region Worldwide (most prominent in North America, Europe, and Japan) Olympic No (demonstrated at the 1932 Summer Olympics) World Games Yes (invitational sport at 2005 and 2017 Games).", "title": "American football" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The world's most valuable sports teams, as ranked annually by the American magazine Forbes, include teams from association football, American football, baseball, and basketball. National Football League franchise Dallas Cowboys, valued at $4.2 billion, was named the world's most valuable sports team of 2017, becoming the first non-association football team to top Forbes' ranking since its inception in 2010. English club Manchester United (2010 -- 12) and Spanish club Real Madrid (2013 -- 15) have previously each been named the most valuable team three times.", "title": "Forbes' list of the most valuable sports teams" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award is the main award of the BBC Sports Personality of the Year ceremony, which takes place each December. The winner is the sportsperson, judged by a public vote, to have achieved the most that year. The recipient must either be British or reside and play a significant amount of their sport in the United Kingdom. The winner is selected by a public - vote from a pre-determined shortlist. The most recent award winner is athlete Sir Mo Farah, who won in 2017.", "title": "BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The FIFA World Cup is an international association football competition contested by the men's national teams of the members of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's global governing body. The championship has been contested every four years since the first tournament in 1930, except in 1942 and 1946, due to World War II. The Wales national football team has entered every World Cup since the 1950 tournament, but to date has only qualified for one World Cup, in 1958. On that occasion, they reached the quarter - finals before being eliminated by eventual winners Brazil.", "title": "Wales at the FIFA World Cup" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Assam Football Association was formed in 1951, but the game of football has been played since before independence of India. The game of Football was introduced by and an institution and some individual persons. It is affiliated to the All India Football Federation, Assam council of sports and Assam Olympic association. The association controls men and women football game in the state of Assam. The game of football is very much popular in the four district viz. Dibrugarh, Kokrajhar, Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao. The team of Association member is four years. The Nature of election of office bearers is based on the affiliated district units of football to Assam Football Association.", "title": "Assam Football Association" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "BBC African Footballer of the Year Presented by BBC World Service First awarded 1992 Currently held by Mohamed Salah Television / radio coverage Network BBC", "title": "BBC African Footballer of the Year" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The most popular team sports in the United States are American football, basketball, baseball / softball, ice hockey, and soccer (association football). All five of these team sports are popular with fans, are widely watched on television, have a fully professional league, are played by millions of Americans, enjoy varsity status at many Division I colleges, and are played in high schools throughout the country.", "title": "Sports in the United States" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Green Bay Packers is a professional American football team based in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Packers compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) North division. It is the third - oldest franchise in the NFL, dating back to 1919, and is the only non-profit, community - owned major league professional sports team based in the United States. Home games have been played at Lambeau Field since 1957.", "title": "Green Bay Packers" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Canadian Football League (CFL; French: Ligue canadienne de football, LCF) is a professional sports league in Canada. The CFL is the highest level of competition in Canadian football. Its nine teams, which are located in nine separate cities, are divided into two divisions: the East Division, with four teams, and the West Division with five teams.", "title": "Canadian Football League" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "North Carolina State University is located in southwest Raleigh where the Wolfpack competes nationally in 24 intercollegiate varsity sports as a member of the Atlantic Coast Conference. The university's football team plays in Carter-Finley Stadium, the third largest football stadium in North Carolina, while the men's basketball team shares the PNC Arena with the Carolina Hurricanes hockey club. The Wolfpack women's basketball, volleyball, and gymnastics as well as men's wrestling events are held on campus at Reynolds Coliseum. The men's baseball team plays at Doak Field.", "title": "Raleigh, North Carolina" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The FIFA Women's World Cup is an international football competition contested by the senior women's national teams of the members of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's global governing body. The competition has been held every four years since 1991, when the inaugural tournament, then called the FIFA Women's World Championship, was held in China.", "title": "FIFA Women's World Cup" } ]
The BBC Footballer of the Year is a member of which team?
Egypt national football team
[ { "answer": "Mohamed Salah", "id": 88149, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "all time top goal scorers in premier league in one season" }, { "answer": "Egypt national football team", "id": 807969, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "#1 >> member of sports team" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Most goals in a season (38 games): 32, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most games scored in during a Premier League season: 24, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most Premier League goals in a calendar year: 39, Harry Kane (Tottenham Hotspur, 2017) Number of teams scored against in a season: 17, joint record: 20 - team league: Ian Wright (Arsenal, 1996 -- 97) Robin van Persie (Arsenal, 2011 -- 12) Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) 22 - team league: Andy Cole (Newcastle United, 1993 -- 94) Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1994 -- 95) Most goals in a debut season: 30, Kevin Phillips (Sunderland, 1999 -- 2000) Most Premier League hat - tricks in a season: 5, Alan Shearer (38 games) (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Most Premier League hat - tricks: 11, Alan Shearer Most goals in a game: 5, joint record: Andy Cole (for Manchester United v. Ipswich Town, 4 March 1995) W 9 -- 0 Alan Shearer (for Newcastle United v. Sheffield Wednesday, 19 September 1999) W 8 -- 0 Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Dimitar Berbatov (for Manchester United v. Blackburn Rovers, 27 November 2010) W 7 -- 1 Sergio Agüero (for Manchester City v. Newcastle United, 3 October 2015) W 6 -- 1", "title": "Premier League records and statistics" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Games played 43 (38 Premier League) (2 FA Cup) (3 League Cup) Games won 25 (23 Premier League) (0 FA Cup) (2 League Cup) Games drawn 12 (12 Premier League) (1 FA Cup) (1 League Cup) Games lost 4 (3 Premier League) (1 FA Cup) Goals scored 76 (67 Premier League) (2 FA Cup) (7 League Cup) Goals conceded 42 (35 Premier League) (4 FA Cup) (3 League Cup) Goal difference + 34 (+ 32 Premier League) (- 2 FA Cup) (+ 4 League Cup) Clean sheets 14 (14 Premier League) Most appearances 42 Appearances (Marc Albrighton) Top scorer 24 Goals (Jamie Vardy) Winning Percentage Overall: 21 / 36 (58.33%)", "title": "2015–16 Leicester City F.C. season" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Zviad Endeladze (; born 7 April 1966 in Adigeni) is a retired Georgian footballer who played as a forward. He has played for clubs such as Guria Lanchkhuti and Margveti, scoring 40 goals during the 1995–96 season, which made him the top scorer in European domestic competitions and would have won the European Golden Boot had it not been suspended in 1991. The award was reinstated a season after Endeladze's feat under new rules that would count goals scored in the Georgian Top League as one point while goals scored in Europe's top leagues are counted double. He retired from football in 2006.", "title": "Zviad Endeladze" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "title": "List of La Liga top scorers" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "František Hoholko (1 May 1947 – 9 February 2005) was a former Slovak football winger or striker and later coach. During his playing career he made 228 appearances and scored 44 goals at the Czechoslovak First League. Hoholko was the top VSS scorer in the 1970–71 season, scoring 13 goals.", "title": "František Hoholko" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "title": "List of La Liga top scorers" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cho was a runner-up for top goal scorer (45 goals in 6 games) at the 1992 Summer Olympics held in Barcelona, Spain, where the South Korea national handball team finished in the 6th place. He was eventually named to the All-Star Team of the competition.", "title": "Cho Chi-hyo" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 2004–05 UEFA Champions League was the 50th season of UEFA's premier European club football tournament, and the 13th since it was rebranded as the UEFA Champions League in 1992. The competition was won by Liverpool, who beat Milan on penalties in the final, having come back from 3–0 down at half-time. Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard was named as UEFA's Footballer of the Year for his key role in the final and throughout the Champions League season. The final, played at the Atatürk Olympic Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey, is often regarded as one of the best in the history of the tournament. With eight goals, Manchester United's Ruud van Nistelrooy was the top scorer for the third time in four seasons.", "title": "2004–05 UEFA Champions League" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Most league goals scored in a season: (134) Peterborough United (Fourth Division, 1960 -- 61) Most top - flight goals scored in a season (42 games): 128, Aston Villa (First Division, 1930 -- 31) Most top - flight goals scored in a season (38 games): 106, Manchester City (Premier League, 2017 -- 18) Most goals scored in all competitions in a season by a top - flight side: 156, Manchester City (2013 -- 14) Most top - flight goals scored in total: 6929, Everton. - to end 2016 / 17 season Most home league goals scored in a season: 87, Millwall (Third Division South, 1927 -- 28) Most away league goals scored in a season: 60, Arsenal (First Division, 1930 -- 31) Most consecutive games scoring: 55, Arsenal (Premier League, 19 May 2001 -- 30 November 2002) Most consecutive games without scoring: 11, Coventry City (Second Division, 1919 -- 20) and Hartlepool United (League Two, 1992 -- 93) First league goal awarded by goal - line technology: scored by Edin Džeko in the 14th minute of the Premier League game between Manchester City and Cardiff City on 18 January 2014. The game was officiated by Neil Swarbrick, who consulted his watch when Cardiff defender Kevin McNaughton quickly cleared the ball away just after it entered the goal.", "title": "Football records and statistics in England" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Everton hold the record for the most seasons in England's top tier (Division One/Premier League), at 111 seasons out of 114 as of 2014–15 (the club played in Division 2 in 1930–31 and from 1951–54). They are one of seven teams to have played all 22 seasons of the Premier League since its inception in August 1992 – the others being Arsenal, Aston Villa, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester United, and Tottenham Hotspur. Everton against Aston Villa is the most played fixture in England's top flight, as of the 2012–13 season the two founder members of the Football League have played a record 196 league games.", "title": "Everton F.C." }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A winless season is a regular season in which a sports team fails to win any of their games. The antithesis of a perfect season, this ignominy has been suffered twelve times in professional American football, six times in arena football, three times in professional Canadian football, once each in American professional lacrosse and box lacrosse, more than twenty - five times in major Australian football leagues, thirteen times in top - level rugby league, at least twice in top - level rugby union, and twice in English county cricket.", "title": "List of winless seasons" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Assi Tubi (, born 27 January 1972) is an Israeli footballer. He was the Israeli Premier League top scorer in the 1999–2000 season with 27 goals.", "title": "Assi Tubi" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ferenc Bene (17 December 1944 – 27 February 2006) was a Hungarian football player of Újpesti Dózsa, who was a member of the team that won the gold medal at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. A striker, he was the top scorer of the tournament (12 goals in 5 matches).", "title": "Ferenc Bene" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dario Zuffi first became famous when he played on BSC Young Boys. From an early point in his career with BSC Young Boys, Zuffi showed tremendous skill and helped the team to win the Swiss Football Championship, personally scoring 15 goals that season. As a result of this performance, Zuffi received the 'Rookie of the Year' award during the 1985–86 season. In the 1988–89 season, Dario Zuffi was second on the Top Scorers list with 19 goals, tied with Kubilay Türkyılmaz. In the 1990–91 season, Zuffi topped the Top Scorers list with a grand total of 17 goals.", "title": "Dario Zuffi" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Ahmed Salah Mohammed Hosny Hassan (born 11 July 1979) is a footballer from Egypt who played for VfB Stuttgart and the Egypt national football team. Recently, Hosny turned to art since he has worked with Amr Diab and Mohamed Hamaki in composing songs in their music albums, and most recently he has played a role (Fu'ad Hareedy) in the Egyptian series \"Sharbat Looz\" which has been premiered in the holy month of Ramadan (July 2012).", "title": "Ahmed Salah Hosny" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Premier League Founded 20 February 1992; 26 years ago (1992 - 02 - 20) Country England (19 teams) Other club (s) from Wales (1 team) Confederation UEFA Number of teams 20 Level on pyramid Relegation to EFL Championship Domestic cup (s) FA Cup FA Community Shield League cup (s) EFL Cup International cup (s) UEFA Champions League UEFA Europa League Current champions Manchester City (3rd title) (2017 -- 18) Most championships Manchester United (13 titles) Most appearances Gareth Barry (653) Top goalscorer Alan Shearer (260 goals) TV partners Sky Sports and BT Sport (live matches) Sky Sports and BBC (highlights) Website 2018 -- 19 Premier League", "title": "Premier League" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Golden Boot is awarded to the top Premier League scorer at the end of each season. Former Blackburn Rovers and Newcastle United striker Alan Shearer holds the record for most Premier League goals with 260. Twenty-four players have reached the 100-goal mark. Since the first Premier League season in 1992–93, 14 different players from 10 different clubs have won or shared the top scorers title. Thierry Henry won his fourth overall scoring title by scoring 27 goals in the 2005–06 season. Andrew Cole and Alan Shearer hold the record for most goals in a season (34) – for Newcastle and Blackburn respectively. Ryan Giggs of Manchester United holds the record for scoring goals in consecutive seasons, having scored in the first 21 seasons of the league.", "title": "Premier League" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "2017 -- 18 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Duration October 17, 2017 -- April 11, 2018 April 14 -- May 28, 2018 (Playoffs) May 31 -- June 17, 2018 (Finals) Number of games 82 Number of teams 30 TV partner (s) ABC, TNT, ESPN, NBA TV Draft Top draft pick Markelle Fultz Picked by Philadelphia 76ers Regular season Top seed Houston Rockets Top scorer James Harden (Houston) Playoffs Finals NBA seasons ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "title": "2017–18 NBA season" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wigan Warriors is an English professional rugby league club based in Wigan, Greater Manchester. Formed in 1872, the club was a founding member of the Northern Rugby Football Union in 1895, and competed in the inaugural season of the Northern Union's league championship. Since then, more than 1,100 players have appeared for the club's first team. Jim Sullivan has made the most career appearances for Wigan, having played 774 games between 1921 and 1946. Sullivan is also the club's all-time top goal scorer (2,317) and point scorer (4,883), and holds the club record for most points scored in a single match, with 44 against Flimby & Fothergill in 1925.", "title": "List of Wigan Warriors players" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chan Siu Ki (, born 14 July 1985 in Hong Kong) is a Hong Kong professional footballer who plays as a striker for Hong Kong Premier League club Pegasus. He is the all-time top scorer for the Hong Kong national football team with 37 goals. As he is capable of playing with either foot, he is sometimes tactically deployed as a winger on either flank.", "title": "Chan Siu Ki" } ]
The all time top goal scorer in premier league in one season is a member of what team?
Egypt national football team
[ { "answer": "Mohamed Salah", "id": 45126, "paragraph_support_idx": 5, "question": "the highest goal scorer in epl this season" }, { "answer": "Egypt national football team", "id": 807969, "paragraph_support_idx": 18, "question": "#1 >> member of sports team" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wigan Warriors is an English professional rugby league club based in Wigan, Greater Manchester. Formed in 1872, the club was a founding member of the Northern Rugby Football Union in 1895, and competed in the inaugural season of the Northern Union's league championship. Since then, more than 1,100 players have appeared for the club's first team. Jim Sullivan has made the most career appearances for Wigan, having played 774 games between 1921 and 1946. Sullivan is also the club's all-time top goal scorer (2,317) and point scorer (4,883), and holds the club record for most points scored in a single match, with 44 against Flimby & Fothergill in 1925.", "title": "List of Wigan Warriors players" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bennigsen Beavers were established in 1993 as a department of FC Bennigsen, and became an independent sporting team on January 1, 2004. The club fielded 7 teams for the 2005 season, including three men's teams, a women's team, a junior team, a youth team and a student team. As of mid-2005, the Beavers claimed a total of 97 Members.", "title": "Bennigsen Beavers" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "František Hoholko (1 May 1947 – 9 February 2005) was a former Slovak football winger or striker and later coach. During his playing career he made 228 appearances and scored 44 goals at the Czechoslovak First League. Hoholko was the top VSS scorer in the 1970–71 season, scoring 13 goals.", "title": "František Hoholko" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ferenc Bene (17 December 1944 – 27 February 2006) was a Hungarian football player of Újpesti Dózsa, who was a member of the team that won the gold medal at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. A striker, he was the top scorer of the tournament (12 goals in 5 matches).", "title": "Ferenc Bene" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "title": "List of La Liga top scorers" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Club Goals Mohamed Salah Liverpool 32 Harry Kane Tottenham Hotspur 30 Sergio Agüero Manchester City 21 Jamie Vardy Leicester City 20 5 Raheem Sterling Manchester City 18 6 Romelu Lukaku Manchester United 16 7 Roberto Firmino Liverpool 15 8 Alexandre Lacazette Arsenal 14 9 Gabriel Jesus Manchester City 13 10 Son Heung - min Tottenham Hotspur 12 Eden Hazard Chelsea Glenn Murray Brighton and Hove Albion Riyad Mahrez Leicester City", "title": "List of top Premier League goal scorers by season" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Brandon Corp (born March 2, 1987) is a lacrosse player for Colgate University in Division I college lacrosse. Corp played for the Raiders from 2006 to 2009 leading the team to a 42 and 20 record during his four years, ending up as the 4th leading scorer in the nation his senior season, and leading the team to a Patriot League title and an NCAA tournament appearance as a junior. The Boston Cannons selected Corp with the fourth pick of the 2009 MLL draft. Corp finished the '09 season with 8 goals and 3 assists for 11 points in 7 games.", "title": "Brandon Corp" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "title": "List of La Liga top scorers" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The highest - scoring regular season game is the triple - overtime game between the Detroit Pistons and the Denver Nuggets on December 13, 1983. The two teams combined to score 370 points, with the Pistons defeating the Nuggets 186 -- 184. An NBA - record four players scored over 40 points in the game, including the Nuggets' Kiki Vandeweghe with a game - high 51. The two teams also set several other NBA records, including the most points scored by one team (186 points), the most points scored by a losing team (184), the most field goals by two teams (142), most field goals by one team (74) and most assists by two teams (93).", "title": "List of highest-scoring NBA games" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "2017 -- 18 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Duration October 17, 2017 -- April 11, 2018 April 14 -- May 28, 2018 (Playoffs) May 31 -- June 17, 2018 (Finals) Number of games 82 Number of teams 30 TV partner (s) ABC, TNT, ESPN, NBA TV Draft Top draft pick Markelle Fultz Picked by Philadelphia 76ers Regular season Top seed Houston Rockets Top scorer James Harden (Houston) Playoffs Finals NBA seasons ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "title": "2017–18 NBA season" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was a two-time All-American for Boston University, and went on to play eight seasons in the German Bundesliga for the Krefeld Pinguine, becoming the team's all-time leading scorer.", "title": "Vic Stanfield" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Zviad Endeladze (; born 7 April 1966 in Adigeni) is a retired Georgian footballer who played as a forward. He has played for clubs such as Guria Lanchkhuti and Margveti, scoring 40 goals during the 1995–96 season, which made him the top scorer in European domestic competitions and would have won the European Golden Boot had it not been suspended in 1991. The award was reinstated a season after Endeladze's feat under new rules that would count goals scored in the Georgian Top League as one point while goals scored in Europe's top leagues are counted double. He retired from football in 2006.", "title": "Zviad Endeladze" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "32-year-old Yordi slightly revived his career with Xerez CD, in division two. After a poor first season, he was the competition's top scorer in 2007–08, netting 20 goals as the Andalusians barely avoided relegation while also adopting \"Jorge\" as his shirt name.", "title": "Yordi" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Assi Tubi (, born 27 January 1972) is an Israeli footballer. He was the Israeli Premier League top scorer in the 1999–2000 season with 27 goals.", "title": "Assi Tubi" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The NBA career record for field goal percentage is held by DeAndre Jordan at 0.677. The highest field goal percentage for a single season was set by Wilt Chamberlain with 0.727 in the 1972 -- 73 season.", "title": "Field goal percentage" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On 11 April 2001, the Australian and American Samoa national association football teams played each other in a qualifying match for the 2002 FIFA World Cup. The match was played at the International Sports Stadium in Coffs Harbour, Australia. Australia set a world record for the largest victory in an international football match, winning the game 31 -- 0. Australia's Archie Thompson also broke the record for most goals scored by a player in an international match by scoring 13 goals. David Zdrilic, the scorer of eight goals in the match, achieved the second highest number of goals in an international match since World War I.", "title": "Australia 31–0 American Samoa" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dario Zuffi first became famous when he played on BSC Young Boys. From an early point in his career with BSC Young Boys, Zuffi showed tremendous skill and helped the team to win the Swiss Football Championship, personally scoring 15 goals that season. As a result of this performance, Zuffi received the 'Rookie of the Year' award during the 1985–86 season. In the 1988–89 season, Dario Zuffi was second on the Top Scorers list with 19 goals, tied with Kubilay Türkyılmaz. In the 1990–91 season, Zuffi topped the Top Scorers list with a grand total of 17 goals.", "title": "Dario Zuffi" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "2018 Sultan Azlan Shah Cup Tournament details Host country Malaysia City Ipoh Dates 3 March 2018 (2018 - 03 - 03) -- 10 March 2018 (2018 - 03 - 10) Teams 6 Venue (s) Azlan Shah Stadium Top three teams Champions Australia Runner - up England Third place Argentina Tournament statistics Matches played 18 Goals scored 87 (4.83 per match) Top scorer (s) Gonzalo Peillat (8 goals) ← 2017 (previous) (next) 2019 →", "title": "2018 Sultan Azlan Shah Cup" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Ahmed Salah Mohammed Hosny Hassan (born 11 July 1979) is a footballer from Egypt who played for VfB Stuttgart and the Egypt national football team. Recently, Hosny turned to art since he has worked with Amr Diab and Mohamed Hamaki in composing songs in their music albums, and most recently he has played a role (Fu'ad Hareedy) in the Egyptian series \"Sharbat Looz\" which has been premiered in the holy month of Ramadan (July 2012).", "title": "Ahmed Salah Hosny" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Golden Boot is awarded to the top Premier League scorer at the end of each season. Former Blackburn Rovers and Newcastle United striker Alan Shearer holds the record for most Premier League goals with 260. Twenty-four players have reached the 100-goal mark. Since the first Premier League season in 1992–93, 14 different players from 10 different clubs have won or shared the top scorers title. Thierry Henry won his fourth overall scoring title by scoring 27 goals in the 2005–06 season. Andrew Cole and Alan Shearer hold the record for most goals in a season (34) – for Newcastle and Blackburn respectively. Ryan Giggs of Manchester United holds the record for scoring goals in consecutive seasons, having scored in the first 21 seasons of the league.", "title": "Premier League" } ]
Which team is the highest goal scorer in EPL this season a member of?
Egypt national football team
[ { "answer": "Mohamed Salah", "id": 48776, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "who has won pfa player of the year 2018" }, { "answer": "Egypt national football team", "id": 807969, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "#1 >> member of sports team" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Alexander Baird Burt (9 April 1884 – 1967) was a Scottish field hockey player who competed in the 1908 Summer Olympics as a member of the Scottish team, which won the bronze medal. His brother, John, also was a member of the Scottish team.", "title": "Alexander Burt" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kehinde Babatunde Victor Oladipo (born May 4, 1992) is an American professional basketball player for the Indiana Pacers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played college basketball for the Indiana Hoosiers, where he was named the \"Sporting News\" Men's College Basketball Player of the Year, the Co-NABC Defensive Player of the Year, and a first-team All-American by the USBWA and \"Sporting News\". That year he was also named the winner of the Adolph Rupp Trophy, given annually to the top player in men's NCAA Division I basketball. Oladipo was drafted with the second overall pick in the 2013 NBA draft by the Orlando Magic and went on to be named to the NBA All-Rookie first team. He was traded to the Oklahoma City Thunder in 2016, and then traded to the Pacers in 2017. He became a first-time NBA All-Star, led the league in steals, was named to the All-Defensive First Team and the All-NBA Third Team, and won the NBA Most Improved Player Award in his first season with Indiana. Despite an injury-riddled 2018–19 season, including a season-ending injury in January 2019, Oladipo was named an Eastern Conference reserve for the second year in a row.", "title": "Victor Oladipo" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Varellas (born October 2, 1984) is an American water polo player who grew up in Moraga, CA and attended Campolindo High School. As a high school water polo player, Peter also swam for the year-round club Orinda Aquatics. He was a member of the United States men's national water polo team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. In the championship game, the USA team won the silver medal, defeated by Hungary.", "title": "Peter Varellas" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Washington teams are widely known as some of the least successful in recent American sports, as prior to 2018, no Big Four team (the NFL's Washington Redskins, the NBA's Washington Wizards, MLB's Washington Nationals, and the NHL's Washington Capitals) had reached its sport's conference championship round since the Capitals advanced in the 1998 Stanley Cup playoffs, and no team had won a league championship since the Redskins defeated the Buffalo Bills in Super Bowl XXVI in 1992. However, in 2018, those streaks were broken when the Washington Capitals defeated the Vegas Golden Knights in game 5 of the 2018 Stanley Cup Finals. These teams are also known for having spectacular regular seasons followed by demoralizing playoff losses.", "title": "Sports in Washington, D.C." }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Walter Avarelli (3 June 1912 – 1987) was an Italian bridge player, a member of the famous Blue Team, with whom he won nine Bermuda Bowls and three World Team Olympiads from 1956 to 1972.", "title": "Walter Avarelli" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Alejandra S. Palma (born July 17, 1960) is a retired female field hockey player from Argentina. She was a member of the Women's National Team that finished in seventh place at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea after having won the gold medal the previous year at the Pan American Games in Indianapolis.", "title": "Alejandra Palma" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Every spring, each member of the association votes for two players. A shortlist of nominees is published in April and the winner of the award, along with the winners of the PFA's other annual awards, is announced at a gala event in London a few days later. The award is regarded by the players themselves as extremely prestigious, with Teddy Sheringham describing it in 2001 as ``the biggest personal award you can get in the game '', and John Terry stating in 2005 that he considered it`` the ultimate accolade to be voted for by your fellow professionals whom you play against week - in and week - out''.", "title": "PFA Players' Player of the Year" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Fernand Nisot (11 April 1895 – 31 July 1973) was a Belgian football (soccer) player who competed in the 1920 Summer Olympics. When he played the first time for the national soccer team, he was the youngest player ever: only 16 years and 19 days old. He was a member of the Belgian team which won the gold medal in the football tournament.", "title": "Fernand Nisot" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The 2018 FIFA World Cup was the 21st FIFA World Cup, an international football tournament contested by the men's national teams of the member associations of FIFA once every four years. It took place in Russia from 14 June to 15 July 2018.", "title": "2018 FIFA World Cup" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Joseph Hubert Cogels (14 January 1894 – 26 July 1978) was a Belgian sport shooter who competed in the 1920 Summer Olympics. In 1920 he won the silver medal as member of the Belgian team in the team clay pigeons competition.", "title": "Joseph Cogels" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gabriela Pando (born March 9, 1970) is a retired female field hockey player from Argentina. She was a member of the Women's National Team that competed at the 1996 Summer Olympics, after having won the gold medal the previous year at the 1995 Pan American Games.", "title": "Gabriela Pando" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Andrea Alina Vergara (born October 7, 1966) is a retired female field hockey player from Argentina. She was a member of the Women's National Team that finished in seventh place at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea after having won the gold medal the previous year at the Pan American Games in Indianapolis.", "title": "Alina Vergara" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The inaugural winner of the award was the American golfer Tiger Woods who finished the 1999 season with eight wins, a feat not achieved since 1974, including the PGA Championship. He went on to become the most dominant player of his era, earning a second Laureus Award the following year, and five further nominations between 2002 and 2008. The 2003 winner of the Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year was the American road cyclist Lance Armstrong. He had been nominated the previous year, and earned further nominations in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Following Armstrong's 2013 admission of doping, all his Laureus awards and nominations were rescinded. Tennis players dominate the winners list, with nine awards, while athletes have won four times, Formula One drivers three times, and golfers twice. Excluding Armstrong, the Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year has been won by just seven individuals since its inception. The 2018 winner of the Laureus Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year was the Swiss tennis player Roger Federer, who now has the most wins with five.", "title": "Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dieter Freise (18 February 1945 – 5 April 2018) was a field hockey player from Germany, who was a member of the West German squad that won the gold medal at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich. He also competed in the 1976 Summer Olympics, where the West German team finished fifth. He was born in Heidelberg.", "title": "Dieter Freise" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Professional Footballers' Association Players' Player of the Year (often called the PFA Players' Player of the Year, the Players' Player of the Year, or simply the Player of the Year) is an annual award given to the player who is adjudged to have been the best of the year in English football. The award has been presented since the 1973 -- 74 season and the winner is chosen by a vote amongst the members of the players' trade union, the Professional Footballers' Association (PFA). The current holder is Mohamed Salah, who won the award on 22 April 2018 for his displays throughout the 2017 -- 18 season, representing Liverpool.", "title": "PFA Players' Player of the Year" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Ahmed Salah Mohammed Hosny Hassan (born 11 July 1979) is a footballer from Egypt who played for VfB Stuttgart and the Egypt national football team. Recently, Hosny turned to art since he has worked with Amr Diab and Mohamed Hamaki in composing songs in their music albums, and most recently he has played a role (Fu'ad Hareedy) in the Egyptian series \"Sharbat Looz\" which has been premiered in the holy month of Ramadan (July 2012).", "title": "Ahmed Salah Hosny" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Arzu Göllü (born 1969 in Istanbul) is a retired Turkish volleyball player. She is one of the most talented female volleyball players in Turkish sports history and daughter of Cengiz Göllü, the legendary volleyball player, who also served as the technical director of Turkish National Volleyball Team for many years.", "title": "Arzu Göllü" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kenny Dalglish, the only man to have won more than 100 caps for Scotland, was the only Scottish player named in the FIFA 100. Denis Law, who shares with Dalglish the record for the most goals scored for the national team, is the only Scottish player to have won the European Footballer of the Year award.", "title": "List of Scotland international footballers" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Boston Celtics center Bill Russell holds the record for the most NBA championships won with 11 titles during his 13 - year playing career. He won his first championship with the Boston Celtics in his rookie year. Afterwards, he went on to win 10 championships in the next 12 years, including eight consecutive championships from 1959 to 1966. He won the last two championships in 1968 and 1969 as player - coach. Russell's teammate, Sam Jones, won 10 championships from 1959 to 1969, the second most in NBA history. Four Celtics players, Tom Heinsohn, K.C. Jones, Satch Sanders and John Havlicek, won eight championships each. Two other Celtics, Jim Loscutoff and Frank Ramsey, won seven championships each. Four players, Bob Cousy, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar, Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen, won six championships each. Jordan and Pippen are members of the Chicago Bulls team who won three consecutive championships twice in the 1990s. George Mikan won 2 championships in the NBL before it merged with the BAA to form the NBA, and won 5 championships in the NBA.", "title": "List of NBA players with most championships" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gurbux (\"Gurbaksh\") Singh (born February 11, 1936) is a former field hockey player from India who was a member of the India national field hockey team that won the gold medal at the 1964 Summer Olympics. He was the Joint Captain at the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games where India won Bronze Medal and the Coach to the Indian team at the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games. For his outstanding contribution to the country in the field of sports, Gurbux was given the Arjuna Award in the year 1966.", "title": "Gurbux Singh" } ]
What team does the 2018 PFA player of the year play for?
Egypt national football team
[ { "answer": "Mohamed Salah", "id": 85596, "paragraph_support_idx": 11, "question": "who is the highest goal scorer in the epl" }, { "answer": "Egypt national football team", "id": 807969, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "#1 >> member of sports team" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dario Zuffi first became famous when he played on BSC Young Boys. From an early point in his career with BSC Young Boys, Zuffi showed tremendous skill and helped the team to win the Swiss Football Championship, personally scoring 15 goals that season. As a result of this performance, Zuffi received the 'Rookie of the Year' award during the 1985–86 season. In the 1988–89 season, Dario Zuffi was second on the Top Scorers list with 19 goals, tied with Kubilay Türkyılmaz. In the 1990–91 season, Zuffi topped the Top Scorers list with a grand total of 17 goals.", "title": "Dario Zuffi" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On October 19, 2008, Janikowski broke his own Raiders team record, making a 57 - yard field goal in overtime to defeat the New York Jets, 16 -- 13, the longest overtime field goal in NFL history. On December 27, 2009, he again broke his own team record by kicking a 61 - yard field goal against the Cleveland Browns before halftime. On December 26, 2010, Janikowski converted a 59 - yard field goal in the second quarter of a home game against the Indianapolis Colts making him the second player with two 59 + yard field goals (Morten Andersen). On January 3, 2010, Janikowski reached his 1,000 th career point with a 39 - yard field goal against the Baltimore Ravens. He is the highest scoring player in Raiders history.", "title": "Sebastian Janikowski" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Ahmed Salah Mohammed Hosny Hassan (born 11 July 1979) is a footballer from Egypt who played for VfB Stuttgart and the Egypt national football team. Recently, Hosny turned to art since he has worked with Amr Diab and Mohamed Hamaki in composing songs in their music albums, and most recently he has played a role (Fu'ad Hareedy) in the Egyptian series \"Sharbat Looz\" which has been premiered in the holy month of Ramadan (July 2012).", "title": "Ahmed Salah Hosny" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cho was a runner-up for top goal scorer (45 goals in 6 games) at the 1992 Summer Olympics held in Barcelona, Spain, where the South Korea national handball team finished in the 6th place. He was eventually named to the All-Star Team of the competition.", "title": "Cho Chi-hyo" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Assi Tubi (, born 27 January 1972) is an Israeli footballer. He was the Israeli Premier League top scorer in the 1999–2000 season with 27 goals.", "title": "Assi Tubi" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Messi has scored 21 goals in FIFA World Cup qualifiers, making him the all - time top scorer of the qualification in CONMEBOL, along with his Barcelona teammate Luis Suárez. He has scored eight goals in Copa América, leading his team to the final of the tournament in 2007, 2015, and 2016, each time finishing as a runner - up. At the 2015 tournament, he allegedly rejected the Best Player award and the trophy was omitted from the ceremony. He has scored six times in the FIFA World Cup tournaments, once in 2006, four times in 2014, when he guided his team to the final and was awarded the Golden Ball, and once in the 2018 World Cup finals. The remainder of Messi's goals, 30, have come in friendlies.", "title": "List of international goals scored by Lionel Messi" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Arnoldo Alberto Iguarán Zúñiga (born 18 January 1957), also known as El Guajiro, is a former Colombian footballer who played as a forward. He earned 68 caps for the Colombia national team between 1979 and 1993, playing at the 1990 FIFA World Cup and two Copa América tournaments. With 25 international goals, he was the nation's sole top scorer of all time until Radamel Falcao tied him in 2015.", "title": "Arnoldo Iguarán" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The highest - scoring regular season game is the triple - overtime game between the Detroit Pistons and the Denver Nuggets on December 13, 1983. The two teams combined to score 370 points, with the Pistons defeating the Nuggets 186 -- 184. An NBA - record four players scored over 40 points in the game, including the Nuggets' Kiki Vandeweghe with a game - high 51. The two teams also set several other NBA records, including the most points scored by one team (186 points), the most points scored by a losing team (184), the most field goals by two teams (142), most field goals by one team (74) and most assists by two teams (93).", "title": "List of highest-scoring NBA games" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chan Siu Ki (, born 14 July 1985 in Hong Kong) is a Hong Kong professional footballer who plays as a striker for Hong Kong Premier League club Pegasus. He is the all-time top scorer for the Hong Kong national football team with 37 goals. As he is capable of playing with either foot, he is sometimes tactically deployed as a winger on either flank.", "title": "Chan Siu Ki" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On 11 April 2001, the Australian and American Samoa national association football teams played each other in a qualifying match for the 2002 FIFA World Cup. The match was played at the International Sports Stadium in Coffs Harbour, Australia. Australia set a world record for the largest victory in an international football match, winning the game 31 -- 0. Australia's Archie Thompson also broke the record for most goals scored by a player in an international match by scoring 13 goals. David Zdrilic, the scorer of eight goals in the match, achieved the second highest number of goals in an international match since World War I.", "title": "Australia 31–0 American Samoa" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Trevor Porritt (born May 24, 1961 in Winnipeg, Manitoba) is a former Canadian field hockey player who played for the Canada men's national field hockey team from 1980 to 1988, including the 1984 and 1988 Summer Olympics. He was the top-scorer for the gold medalist team at the 1987 Pan American Games. Porritt was inducted into the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame in 2000.", "title": "Trevor Porritt" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Club Goals Mohamed Salah Liverpool 32 Harry Kane Tottenham Hotspur 30 Sergio Agüero Manchester City 21 Jamie Vardy Leicester City 20 5 Raheem Sterling Manchester City 18 6 Romelu Lukaku Manchester United 16 7 Roberto Firmino Liverpool 15 8 Alexandre Lacazette Arsenal 14 9 Gabriel Jesus Manchester City 13 10 Son Heung - min Tottenham Hotspur 12 Eden Hazard Chelsea Glenn Murray Brighton and Hove Albion Riyad Mahrez Leicester City", "title": "List of top Premier League goal scorers by season" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Igor Poznič (born 13 August 1967) is a former Slovene football player, who played as a forward and was capped once for the Slovenia national football team. During most of his playing career Poznič played for Maribor where he has made 256 appearances and scored 88 goals, making him one of the most successful players in the club's history. Poznič was also one of the most prolific scorers in the Slovenian PrvaLiga, during the early 1990s, with a 50% scoring rate (51 goals in 102 league appearances).", "title": "Igor Poznič" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Antoine Griezmann received the Golden Boot award as the top scorer of the tournament with 6 goals, the most for a player at a single tournament since 1984.", "title": "UEFA Euro 2016 statistics" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "title": "List of La Liga top scorers" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wigan Warriors is an English professional rugby league club based in Wigan, Greater Manchester. Formed in 1872, the club was a founding member of the Northern Rugby Football Union in 1895, and competed in the inaugural season of the Northern Union's league championship. Since then, more than 1,100 players have appeared for the club's first team. Jim Sullivan has made the most career appearances for Wigan, having played 774 games between 1921 and 1946. Sullivan is also the club's all-time top goal scorer (2,317) and point scorer (4,883), and holds the club record for most points scored in a single match, with 44 against Flimby & Fothergill in 1925.", "title": "List of Wigan Warriors players" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "title": "List of La Liga top scorers" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ferenc Bene (17 December 1944 – 27 February 2006) was a Hungarian football player of Újpesti Dózsa, who was a member of the team that won the gold medal at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. A striker, he was the top scorer of the tournament (12 goals in 5 matches).", "title": "Ferenc Bene" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Golden Boot is awarded to the top Premier League scorer at the end of each season. Former Blackburn Rovers and Newcastle United striker Alan Shearer holds the record for most Premier League goals with 260. Twenty-four players have reached the 100-goal mark. Since the first Premier League season in 1992–93, 14 different players from 10 different clubs have won or shared the top scorers title. Thierry Henry won his fourth overall scoring title by scoring 27 goals in the 2005–06 season. Andrew Cole and Alan Shearer hold the record for most goals in a season (34) – for Newcastle and Blackburn respectively. Ryan Giggs of Manchester United holds the record for scoring goals in consecutive seasons, having scored in the first 21 seasons of the league.", "title": "Premier League" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "František Hoholko (1 May 1947 – 9 February 2005) was a former Slovak football winger or striker and later coach. During his playing career he made 228 appearances and scored 44 goals at the Czechoslovak First League. Hoholko was the top VSS scorer in the 1970–71 season, scoring 13 goals.", "title": "František Hoholko" } ]
What team is the highest goal scorer in the EPL a member of?
Egypt national football team
[ { "answer": "James I", "id": 17827, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "Who sold off part of the Crown Freehold?" }, { "answer": "King James I of England", "id": 54024, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "who is king #1 who translated the bible" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In May 1601, King James VI of Scotland attended the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland at St Columba's Church in Burntisland, Fife, at which proposals were put forward for a new translation of the Bible into English. Two years later, he ascended to the throne of England as King James I of England.", "title": "King James Version" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One year after its publication To Kill a Mockingbird had been translated into ten languages. In the years since, it has sold more than 30 million copies and been translated into more than 40 languages. The novel has never been out of print in hardcover or paperback, and has become part of the standard literature curriculum. A 2008 survey of secondary books read by students between grades 9–12 in the U.S. indicates the novel is the most widely read book in these grades. A 1991 survey by the Book of the Month Club and the Library of Congress Center for the Book found that To Kill a Mockingbird was rated behind only the Bible in books that are \"most often cited as making a difference\".[note 1] It is considered by some to be the Great American Novel.", "title": "To Kill a Mockingbird" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The New International Version (NIV) is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1978 by Biblica (formerly the International Bible Society). The NIV was published to meet the need for a modern translation done by Bible scholars using the earliest, highest quality manuscripts available. Of equal importance was that the Bible be expressed in broadly understood modern English.", "title": "New International Version" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The first known translation of the Bible into Greek is called the Septuagint (LXX; 3rd -- 1st centuries BC). The LXX was written in Koine Greek. It contains the Hebrew Bible translated from Hebrew and Aramaic. It also includes several other documents which are considered to have differing levels of authority by various Christian churches. Some of these other documents are believed to have been written originally in Greek.", "title": "Bible translations into Greek" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The first edition of any of the works of Josephus consists of the fourth-century Latin translation of The Jewish War ascribed to Rufinus, and the sixth-century translation of the Jewish Antiquities made at the behest of Cassiodorus. Printed only 14 years after Gutenberg's Bible, it is the first dated book of the printer J. Schüssler in Augsburg.", "title": "Johannes Schüssler" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Christoph Froschauer (ca. 1490 – 1 April 1564) was the first printer in Zurich, notably for printing the Froschauer Bible, the Zwinglian Bible translation. His workshop is the nucleus of the Orell Füssli publishing house.", "title": "Christoph Froschauer" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lot 66 is a township in Kings County, Prince Edward Island, Canada. It is part of St. George's Parish. Lot 66 was not distributed in the 1767 land lottery, but was reserved as demesne lands of the Crown.", "title": "Lot 66, Prince Edward Island" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Early Modern English Bible translations are of between about 1500 and 1800, the period of Early Modern English. This, the first major period of Bible translation into the English language, began with the introduction of the Tyndale Bible. The first complete edition of his New Testament was in 1526. Tyndale used the Greek and Hebrew texts of the New Testament (NT) and Old Testament (OT) in addition to Jerome's Latin translation. He was the first translator to use the printing press -- this enabled the distribution of several thousand copies of his New Testament translation throughout England. Tyndale did not complete his Old Testament translation. The first printed English translation of the whole bible was produced by Miles Coverdale in 1535, using Tyndale's work together with his own translations from the Latin Vulgate or German text. After much scholarly debate it is concluded that this was printed in Antwerp and the colophon gives the date as 4th October 1535. This first edition was adapted by Coverdale for his first ``authorised version '', known as the Great Bible, of 1539. Other early printed versions were the Geneva Bible (1560), notable for being the first Bible divided into verses; the Bishop's Bible (1568), which was an attempt by Elizabeth I to create a new authorised version; and the Authorized King James Version of 1611.", "title": "Bible translations into English" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language was created and translated by Eugene H. Peterson and published in segments from 1993 to 2002. It is an idiomatic translation of the original languages of the Bible. The Message was translated by Peterson from the original languages. It is a highly idiomatic translation, using contemporary slang from the US rather than a more neutral International English, and it falls on the extreme dynamic end of the dynamic and formal equivalence spectrum.", "title": "The Message (Bible)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One of the first recorded instances of translation in the West was the rendering of the Old Testament into Greek in the 3rd century BCE. The translation is known as the \"Septuagint\", a name that refers to the seventy translators (seventy-two, in some versions) who were commissioned to translate the Bible at Alexandria, Egypt. Each translator worked in solitary confinement in his own cell, and according to legend all seventy versions proved identical. The Septuagint became the source text for later translations into many languages, including Latin, Coptic, Armenian and Georgian.", "title": "Translation" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kleist joined with Joseph Lilly, C.M., to produce a more modern English translation of the Bible than the Douai Bible then in common usage among Catholics. Under their editorship the work was laid to produce to the \"Kleist-Lilly\" translation, published posthumously in 1954, although work was completed by Christmas 1948. It never gained widespread acceptance, though, and was later totally supplanted by the translations produced by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, which culminated in the publication of the New American Bible in 1970.", "title": "James Kleist" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The King James Version (KJV), also known as the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV), is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, begun in 1604 and completed / published in 1611. The books of the King James Version include the 39 books of the Old Testament, an intertestamental section containing 14 books of the Apocrypha, and the 27 books of the New Testament.", "title": "King James Version" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Various owners leased it from royal landlords and the freehold was the subject of frenzied speculation during the 17th century. By then, the old village of Eye Cross had long since fallen into decay, and the area was mostly wasteland. Needing money, James I sold off part of the Crown freehold but retained part of the site on which he established a 4-acre (16,000 m2) mulberry garden for the production of silk. (This is at the northwest corner of today's palace.) Clement Walker in Anarchia Anglicana (1649) refers to \"new-erected sodoms and spintries at the Mulberry Garden at S. James's\"; this suggests it may have been a place of debauchery. Eventually, in the late 17th century, the freehold was inherited from the property tycoon Sir Hugh Audley by the great heiress Mary Davies.", "title": "Buckingham Palace" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. It was here that the first third of the King James Bible Old Testament and the last half of the New Testament were translated. The New English Bible was also put together here in the 20th century. Westminster suffered minor damage during the Blitz on 15 November 1940.", "title": "Westminster Abbey" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Partial Bible translations into languages of the English people can be traced back to the late 7th century, including translations into Old and Middle English. More than 450 translations into English have been written.", "title": "Bible translations into English" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language was created by Eugene H. Peterson and published in segments from 1993 to 2002. It is an idiomatic translation of the original languages of the Bible. The Message was translated by Peterson from the original languages. It is a highly idiomatic translation, using contemporary slang from the US rather than a more neutral International English, and it falls on the extreme dynamic end of the dynamic and formal equivalence spectrum.", "title": "The Message (Bible)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Let there be light ''is an English translation of the Hebrew יְהִי אוֹר ‎ (yehi 'or) found in Genesis 1: 3 of the Torah, the first part of the Hebrew Bible. In Old Testament translations of the phrase, translations include the Greek phrase γενηθήτω φῶς (genēthētō phōs) and the Latin phrase fiat lux.", "title": "Let there be light" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It was first printed by Robert Barker, the King's Printer, and was the third translation into English approved by the English Church authorities: The first had been the Great Bible, commissioned in the reign of King Henry VIII (1535), and the second had been the Bishops' Bible, commissioned in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1568). In January 1604, King James I convened the Hampton Court Conference, where a new English version was conceived in response to the problems of the earlier translations perceived by the Puritans, a faction of the Church of England. The translation is noted for its ``majesty of style '', and has been described as one of the most important books in English culture and a driving force in the shaping of the English - speaking world.", "title": "King James Version" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Thomas Harrison (1555, London – 1631) was an English Puritan scholar, a Vice-Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and one of the translators for the King James Version of the Bible.", "title": "Thomas Harrison (translator)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The term malakh YHWH occurs 65 times in the text of the Hebrew Bible. In English translation it is usually accompanied with the definite article, King James Version ``the angel of the LORD ''; less frequently it is accompanied by the indefinite article, King James Version,`` an angel of the LORD''.", "title": "Angel of the Lord" } ]
Which king sold part of the Crown Freehold and commissioned a bible translation?
[ "England" ]
King James I of England
[ { "answer": "James I", "id": 61752, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "who was on the throne when macbeth was written" }, { "answer": "King James I of England", "id": 54024, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "who is king #1 who translated the bible" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "While Duncan is asleep, Macbeth stabs him, despite his doubts and a number of supernatural portents, including a hallucination of a bloody dagger. He is so shaken that Lady Macbeth has to take charge. In accordance with her plan, she frames Duncan's sleeping servants for the murder by placing bloody daggers on them. Early the next morning, Lennox, a Scottish nobleman, and Macduff, the loyal Thane of Fife, arrive. A porter opens the gate and Macbeth leads them to the king's chamber, where Macduff discovers Duncan's body. Macbeth murders the guards to prevent them from professing their innocence, but claims he did so in a fit of anger over their misdeeds. Duncan's sons Malcolm and Donalbain flee to England and Ireland, respectively, fearing that whoever killed Duncan desires their demise as well. The rightful heirs' flight makes them suspects and Macbeth assumes the throne as the new King of Scotland as a kinsman of the dead king. Banquo reveals this to the audience, and while sceptical of the new King Macbeth, he remembers the witches' prophecy about how his own descendants would inherit the throne; this makes him suspicious of Macbeth.", "title": "Macbeth" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The New Testament part of the Christian Bible was originally written in Koine Greek, as most of the Church and scholars believe, and is therefore not a translation (notwithstanding that some reference material may have been from Aramaic). However, like other living languages, the Greek language has developed over time. Therefore, various translations have been completed over the centuries to make it easier for Greek speakers to understand Holy Scripture. Translations of the Old Testament, which is the other part of the Christian Bible, have been completed for similar reasons.", "title": "Bible translations into Greek" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lord Banquo , the Thane of Lochaber, is a character in William Shakespeare's 1606 play \"Macbeth\". In the play, he is at first an ally to Macbeth (both are generals in the King's army) and they meet the Three Witches together. After prophesying that Macbeth will become king, the witches tell Banquo that he will not be king himself, but that his descendants will be. Later, Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered by two hired assassins; Banquo's son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo's ghost returns in a later scene, causing Macbeth to react with alarm during a public feast.", "title": "Banquo" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In May 1601, King James VI of Scotland attended the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland at St Columba's Church in Burntisland, Fife, at which proposals were put forward for a new translation of the Bible into English. Two years later, he ascended to the throne of England as King James I of England.", "title": "King James Version" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lord Banquo / ˈbæŋkwoʊ /, the Thane of Lochaber, is a character in William Shakespeare's 1606 play Macbeth. In the play, he is at first an ally to Macbeth (both are generals in the King's army) and they meet the Three Witches together. After prophesying that Macbeth will become king, the witches tell Banquo that he will not be king himself, but that his descendants will be. Later, Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered; Banquo's son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo's ghost returns in a later scene, causing Macbeth to react with alarm during a public feast.", "title": "Banquo" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Thane to the Throne is the fifth studio album released by American power metal band Jag Panzer, released in 2000. It is a concept album based on William Shakespeare's Macbeth.", "title": "Thane to the Throne" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Macbeth (/ məkˈbɛθ /; full title The Tragedy of Macbeth) is a tragedy by William Shakespeare; it is thought to have been first performed in 1606. It dramatises the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition on those who seek power for its own sake. Of all the plays that Shakespeare wrote during the reign of James I, who was patron of Shakespeare's acting company, Macbeth most clearly reflects the playwright's relationship with his sovereign. It was first published in the Folio of 1623, possibly from a prompt book, and is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy.", "title": "Macbeth" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. It was here that the first third of the King James Bible Old Testament and the last half of the New Testament were translated. The New English Bible was also put together here in the 20th century. Westminster suffered minor damage during the Blitz on 15 November 1940.", "title": "Westminster Abbey" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Russian Synodal Bible (Russian: Синодальный перевод, The Synodal Translation) is a Russian non-Church Slavonic translation of the Bible commonly used by the Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Baptists and other Protestant as well as Roman Catholic communities in Russia.", "title": "Russian Synodal Bible" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Early Modern English Bible translations are of between about 1500 and 1800, the period of Early Modern English. This, the first major period of Bible translation into the English language, began with the introduction of the Tyndale Bible. The first complete edition of his New Testament was in 1526. Tyndale used the Greek and Hebrew texts of the New Testament (NT) and Old Testament (OT) in addition to Jerome's Latin translation. He was the first translator to use the printing press -- this enabled the distribution of several thousand copies of his New Testament translation throughout England. Tyndale did not complete his Old Testament translation. The first printed English translation of the whole bible was produced by Miles Coverdale in 1535, using Tyndale's work together with his own translations from the Latin Vulgate or German text. After much scholarly debate it is concluded that this was printed in Antwerp and the colophon gives the date as 4th October 1535. This first edition was adapted by Coverdale for his first ``authorised version '', known as the Great Bible, of 1539. Other early printed versions were the Geneva Bible (1560), notable for being the first Bible divided into verses; the Bishop's Bible (1568), which was an attempt by Elizabeth I to create a new authorised version; and the Authorized King James Version of 1611.", "title": "Bible translations into English" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In Shakespeare's play, which is based mainly upon Raphael Holinshed's account, Macbeth is initially a valorous and loyal general to the elderly King Duncan. After being flattered by Three Witches and his own wife, Macbeth rationalizes that murdering his king and usurping the throne is the right thing to do. Ultimately, however, the prophecies of the witches prove misleading, and Macbeth alienates the nobility of Scotland and is defeated in battle by Prince Malcolm. As the King's armies disintegrate he encounters Macduff, a refugee nobleman whose wife and children had earlier been murdered by Macbeth's death squads. Upon realizing that he will die if he duels Macduff, Macbeth at first refuses to do so. But when Macduff explains that if Macbeth surrenders he will be subjected to ridicule by his former subjects, Macbeth vows, ``I will not yield to kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feet, to be baited by a rabble's curse. ''He chooses instead to fight Macduff to the death. Macbeth is then slain and beheaded and the play ends with Prince Malcolm planning his coronation at Scone.", "title": "Macbeth, King of Scotland" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It was first printed by Robert Barker, the King's Printer, and was the third translation into English approved by the English Church authorities: The first had been the Great Bible, commissioned in the reign of King Henry VIII (1535), and the second had been the Bishops' Bible, commissioned in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1568). In January 1604, King James I convened the Hampton Court Conference, where a new English version was conceived in response to the problems of the earlier translations perceived by the Puritans, a faction of the Church of England. The translation is noted for its ``majesty of style '', and has been described as one of the most important books in English culture and a driving force in the shaping of the English - speaking world.", "title": "King James Version" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Thomas Harrison (1555, London – 1631) was an English Puritan scholar, a Vice-Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and one of the translators for the King James Version of the Bible.", "title": "Thomas Harrison (translator)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After Macbeth slays the young Siward, Macduff charges into the main castle and confronts Macbeth. Although Macbeth believes that he can not be killed by any man born of a woman, he soon learns that Macduff was ``from his mother's womb / Untimely ripped ''(5.10. 15 -- 16). The two fight, and Macduff slays Macbeth offstage. Macduff ultimately presents Macbeth's head to Malcolm, hailing him as king and calling on the other thanes to declare their allegiance with him (5.11. 20 -- 25).", "title": "Macduff (Macbeth)" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Partial Bible translations into languages of the English people can be traced back to the late 7th century, including translations into Old and Middle English. More than 450 translations into English have been written.", "title": "Bible translations into English" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The first known translation of the Bible into Greek is called the Septuagint (LXX; 3rd -- 1st centuries BC). The LXX was written in Koine Greek. It contains the Hebrew Bible translated from Hebrew and Aramaic. It also includes several other documents which are considered to have differing levels of authority by various Christian churches. Some of these other documents are believed to have been written originally in Greek.", "title": "Bible translations into Greek" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lord Banquo / ˈbæŋkwoʊ /, the Thane of Lochaber, is a character in William Shakespeare's 1606 play Macbeth. In the play, he is at first an ally to Macbeth (both are generals in the King's army) and they meet the Three Witches together. After prophesying that Macbeth will become king, the witches tell Banquo that he will not be king himself, but that his descendants will be. Later, Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered by two hired assassins; Banquo's son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo's ghost returns in a later scene (Banquet Scene), causing Macbeth to react with alarm during a public feast.", "title": "Banquo" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The New International Version (NIV) is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1978 by Biblica (formerly the International Bible Society). The NIV was published to meet the need for a modern translation done by Bible scholars using the earliest, highest quality manuscripts available. Of equal importance was that the Bible be expressed in broadly understood modern English.", "title": "New International Version" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The King James Version (KJV), also known as the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV), is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, begun in 1604 and completed / published in 1611. The books of the King James Version include the 39 books of the Old Testament, an intertestamental section containing 14 books of the Apocrypha, and the 27 books of the New Testament.", "title": "King James Version" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kleist joined with Joseph Lilly, C.M., to produce a more modern English translation of the Bible than the Douai Bible then in common usage among Catholics. Under their editorship the work was laid to produce to the \"Kleist-Lilly\" translation, published posthumously in 1954, although work was completed by Christmas 1948. It never gained widespread acceptance, though, and was later totally supplanted by the translations produced by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, which culminated in the publication of the New American Bible in 1970.", "title": "James Kleist" } ]
Who is the king that translated the Bible and was on the throne when MacBeth was written?
[ "England" ]
King James I of England
[ { "answer": "James I", "id": 93145, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "who was the ruler of england in 1616" }, { "answer": "King James I of England", "id": 54024, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "who is king #1 who translated the bible" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The New International Version (NIV) is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1978 by Biblica (formerly the International Bible Society). The NIV was published to meet the need for a modern translation done by Bible scholars using the earliest, highest quality manuscripts available. Of equal importance was that the Bible be expressed in broadly understood modern English.", "title": "New International Version" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The New Testament part of the Christian Bible was originally written in Koine Greek, as most of the Church and scholars believe, and is therefore not a translation (notwithstanding that some reference material may have been from Aramaic). However, like other living languages, the Greek language has developed over time. Therefore, various translations have been completed over the centuries to make it easier for Greek speakers to understand Holy Scripture. Translations of the Old Testament, which is the other part of the Christian Bible, have been completed for similar reasons.", "title": "Bible translations into Greek" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The King James Version (KJV), also known as the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV), is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, begun in 1604 and completed / published in 1611. The books of the King James Version include the 39 books of the Old Testament, an intertestamental section containing 14 books of the Apocrypha, and the 27 books of the New Testament.", "title": "King James Version" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Russian Synodal Bible (Russian: Синодальный перевод, The Synodal Translation) is a Russian non-Church Slavonic translation of the Bible commonly used by the Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Baptists and other Protestant as well as Roman Catholic communities in Russia.", "title": "Russian Synodal Bible" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. It was here that the first third of the King James Bible Old Testament and the last half of the New Testament were translated. The New English Bible was also put together here in the 20th century. Westminster suffered minor damage during the Blitz on 15 November 1940.", "title": "Westminster Abbey" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One of the first recorded instances of translation in the West was the rendering of the Old Testament into Greek in the 3rd century BCE. The translation is known as the \"Septuagint\", a name that refers to the seventy translators (seventy-two, in some versions) who were commissioned to translate the Bible at Alexandria, Egypt. Each translator worked in solitary confinement in his own cell, and according to legend all seventy versions proved identical. The Septuagint became the source text for later translations into many languages, including Latin, Coptic, Armenian and Georgian.", "title": "Translation" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William Shakespeare (/ ˈʃeɪkspɪər /; 26 April 1564 (baptised) -- 23 April 1616) was an English poet, playwright and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the ``Bard of Avon ''. His extant works, including collaborations, consist of approximately 39 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems and a few other verses, some of uncertain authorship. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.", "title": "William Shakespeare" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Let there be light ''is an English translation of the Hebrew יְהִי אוֹר ‎ (yehi 'or) found in Genesis 1: 3 of the Torah, the first part of the Hebrew Bible. In Old Testament translations of the phrase, translations include the Greek phrase γενηθήτω φῶς (genēthētō phōs) and the Latin phrase fiat lux.", "title": "Let there be light" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Thomas Harrison (1555, London – 1631) was an English Puritan scholar, a Vice-Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and one of the translators for the King James Version of the Bible.", "title": "Thomas Harrison (translator)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Partial Bible translations into languages of the English people can be traced back to the late 7th century, including translations into Old and Middle English. More than 450 translations into English have been written.", "title": "Bible translations into English" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It was first printed by Robert Barker, the King's Printer, and was the third translation into English approved by the English Church authorities: The first had been the Great Bible, commissioned in the reign of King Henry VIII (1535), and the second had been the Bishops' Bible, commissioned in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1568). In January 1604, King James I convened the Hampton Court Conference, where a new English version was conceived in response to the problems of the earlier translations perceived by the Puritans, a faction of the Church of England. The translation is noted for its ``majesty of style '', and has been described as one of the most important books in English culture and a driving force in the shaping of the English - speaking world.", "title": "King James Version" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The first known translation of the Bible into Greek is called the Septuagint (LXX; 3rd -- 1st centuries BC). The LXX was written in Koine Greek. It contains the Hebrew Bible translated from Hebrew and Aramaic. It also includes several other documents which are considered to have differing levels of authority by various Christian churches. Some of these other documents are believed to have been written originally in Greek.", "title": "Bible translations into Greek" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Early Modern English Bible translations are of between about 1500 and 1800, the period of Early Modern English. This, the first major period of Bible translation into the English language, began with the introduction of the Tyndale Bible. The first complete edition of his New Testament was in 1526. Tyndale used the Greek and Hebrew texts of the New Testament (NT) and Old Testament (OT) in addition to Jerome's Latin translation. He was the first translator to use the printing press -- this enabled the distribution of several thousand copies of his New Testament translation throughout England. Tyndale did not complete his Old Testament translation. The first printed English translation of the whole bible was produced by Miles Coverdale in 1535, using Tyndale's work together with his own translations from the Latin Vulgate or German text. After much scholarly debate it is concluded that this was printed in Antwerp and the colophon gives the date as 4th October 1535. This first edition was adapted by Coverdale for his first ``authorised version '', known as the Great Bible, of 1539. Other early printed versions were the Geneva Bible (1560), notable for being the first Bible divided into verses; the Bishop's Bible (1568), which was an attempt by Elizabeth I to create a new authorised version; and the Authorized King James Version of 1611.", "title": "Bible translations into English" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In May 1601, King James VI of Scotland attended the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland at St Columba's Church in Burntisland, Fife, at which proposals were put forward for a new translation of the Bible into English. Two years later, he ascended to the throne of England as King James I of England.", "title": "King James Version" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Kingdom of Denmark -- Christian IV (1588 -- 1648) Duchy of Schleswig -- Christian IV (1588 -- 1648) and John Adolphus (1590 -- 1616) in condominial rule Christian IV (1588 -- 1648) and Frederick III (1616 -- 1659) in condominial rule England - James I, King of England (1603 -- 1625) France - Louis XIII, King of France (1610 -- 1643) Holy Roman Empire -- Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor (1612 -- 1619) Bremen, Prince - Archbishopric -- John Frederick, Lutheran Administrator of the Prince - Archbishopric (1596 -- 1634) Holstein, Duchy -- Christian IV (1588 -- 1648) and John Adolphus (1590 -- 1616) in condominial rule Christian IV (1588 -- 1648) and Frederick III (1616 -- 1659) in condominial rule Prince - Bishopric of Lübeck -- John Frederick, Lutheran Administrator of the Prince - Bishopric (1607 -- 1634) Ottoman (Turkish) Empire -- Ahmed I, Ottoman Sultan (1603 -- 1617) Poland - Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland (1587 -- 1632) Russia - Michael I, Tsar of Russia (1613 -- 1645) Kingdom of Scotland -- James VI (1587 -- 1625) Kingdom of Spain and Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves -- Philip III of Spain and II of Portugal (1598 -- 1621) Sweden - Gustavus Adolphus (1611 -- 1632) United Provinces Estates of Friesland, Groningen, Guelders, Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht, Zeeland (1581 -- 1795) Stadtholder - Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of Gelre, Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht and Zeeland (1585 -- 1625) Grand Pensionary of Holland - Johan van Oldenbarnevelt (1586 -- 1619) Republic of Venice -- Giovanni Bembo, Doge of Venice (1615 -- 1618)", "title": "List of state leaders in 1616" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kleist joined with Joseph Lilly, C.M., to produce a more modern English translation of the Bible than the Douai Bible then in common usage among Catholics. Under their editorship the work was laid to produce to the \"Kleist-Lilly\" translation, published posthumously in 1954, although work was completed by Christmas 1948. It never gained widespread acceptance, though, and was later totally supplanted by the translations produced by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, which culminated in the publication of the New American Bible in 1970.", "title": "James Kleist" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The term malakh YHWH occurs 65 times in the text of the Hebrew Bible. In English translation it is usually accompanied with the definite article, King James Version ``the angel of the LORD ''; less frequently it is accompanied by the indefinite article, King James Version,`` an angel of the LORD''.", "title": "Angel of the Lord" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 by the House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, against the House of Valois, rulers of the Kingdom of France, over the succession to the French throne. Each side drew many allies into the war. It was one of the most notable conflicts of the Middle Ages, in which five generations of kings from two rival dynasties fought for the throne of the largest kingdom in Western Europe. The war marked both the height of chivalry and its subsequent decline, and the development of strong national identities in both countries.", "title": "Hundred Years' War" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language was created and translated by Eugene H. Peterson and published in segments from 1993 to 2002. It is an idiomatic translation of the original languages of the Bible. The Message was translated by Peterson from the original languages. It is a highly idiomatic translation, using contemporary slang from the US rather than a more neutral International English, and it falls on the extreme dynamic end of the dynamic and formal equivalence spectrum.", "title": "The Message (Bible)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Christoph Froschauer (ca. 1490 – 1 April 1564) was the first printer in Zurich, notably for printing the Froschauer Bible, the Zwinglian Bible translation. His workshop is the nucleus of the Orell Füssli publishing house.", "title": "Christoph Froschauer" } ]
Which king, who was England's rule in 1616, translated the Bible?
[ "England" ]
King James I of England
[ { "answer": "Minnesota Historical Society", "id": 364489, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "Bamboo Among the Oaks >> publisher" }, { "answer": "Minnesota History Center", "id": 861485, "paragraph_support_idx": 8, "question": "#1 >> headquarters location" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge is a bottomland hardwood forest located in western Kentucky near Benton. The refuge lies along the East Fork of the Clarks River and is seasonal home to over 200 different species of migratory birds. The bottom lands are dominated with overcup oaks, bald cypress, and tupelo-gum, and the slightly higher, better drained areas are covered with willow oak, swamp chestnut oak, red oak, sweet gum, sycamore, ash and elm.", "title": "Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "KGLK (107.5 FM, \"The Eagle @ 107-5\") is a classic rock formatted radio station licensed to Lake Jackson, Texas, and simulcast on 106.9 KHPT in Conroe, Texas. The facility is owned by Cox Media Group, and is part of a four station cluster that includes KTHT, KHPT and KKBQ, in the surveyed Houston metropolitan area. \"The Eagle\" is headquartered in Suite 2300 at 1990 Post Oak Blvd in the Uptown district in Houston, Texas, United States. KGLK's main transmitter facilities are located near Liverpool, TX with a backup transmitter site co-located at the KKBQ backup site.", "title": "KGLK" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Oak Flats is a single-platform intercity train station located in Oak Flats, New South Wales, Australia, on the South Coast railway line. The station serves NSW TrainLink trains travelling south to Kiama and north to Wollongong and Sydney. Together with the Dunmore and later Shellharbour Junction stations, Oak Flats has long served as the rail connection for the coastal suburbs of the City of Shellharbour.", "title": "Oak Flats railway station" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Xsolla is headquartered in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, California. It has offices in Moscow and Perm in Russia, Kiev in Ukraine and Seoul in South Korea. Companies that use the service include Valve,, Epic Games, Aeria Games, BigPoint Games, Gameforge, Ankama Games, Gaijin Entertainment, Goodgame Studios, Snail Games, and Roblox Corporation.", "title": "Xsolla" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Arboretum de Chamberet (10 hectares) is an arboretum located in the Parc d'Angle, Chamberet, Corrèze, Limousin, France. It is open daily and admission is free. The arboretum contains 105 tree varieties, including species native to Limosin (beech, birch, oak, etc.) as well as exotic trees such as \"Araucaria araucana\" from Chile, bald cypress, and catalpas. It also includes some 60 varieties of fruit trees, bamboos, and two peat bogs.", "title": "Arboretum de Chamberet" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Oak Island is a settlement in the province of Manitoba, Canada. It is located approximately southeast of downtown Winnipeg within the Rural Municipality of Taché.", "title": "Oak Island (Manitoba)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jamnagar District is a district of India located on the southern coast of the Gulf of Kutch in the state of Gujarat. Its headquarters are located in the eponymous city of Jamnagar. It hosts the production facilities of several large Indian companies such as Reliance and Essar. Among its attractions are several palaces, a Marine National Park and a Bird Sanctuary, known as Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary.", "title": "Jamnagar district" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Oaks is an unincorporated community in Mendocino County, California. It is located southwest of Hopland, at an elevation of 1,083 feet (330 m).", "title": "The Oaks, Mendocino County, California" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Minnesota History Center is a museum and library that serves as the headquarters of the Minnesota Historical Society. It is near downtown Saint Paul, Minnesota, and is considered one of Minnesota's finest public buildings.", "title": "Minnesota History Center" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kessler Plaza is a neighborhood located in the northern Oak Cliff area of Dallas, Texas (USA). It is the southernmost of the \"Kessler\" neighborhoods.", "title": "Kessler Plaza, Dallas" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Big Bamboo is the eighth novel by Tim Dorsey featuring the sociopathic anti-hero Serge A. Storms. It was published in the USA in March 2006 and May 2006 in the UK. The plotline follows Serge A. Storms as he follows his recent obsession of Hollywood and movies, in particular the movie \"The Punisher\", which was shot on location in Florida. Serge travels to Hollywood to write a screenplay, something that Coleman, his constantly addled companion, is constantly interrupting with obnoxious and sometimes outrageous concerns.", "title": "The Big Bamboo" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Battle of Seven Oaks Part of The Pemmican War The Fight at Seven Oaks, 19 June 1816 Date 19 June 1816 Location Seven Oaks (present day Winnipeg, Manitoba) Result Decisive Métis / North West Company victory Belligerents Métis of the North West Company Hudson's Bay Company Commanders and leaders Cuthbert Grant Robert Semple † Strength 65 28 Casualties and losses 21 National Historic Site of Canada Official name Battle of Seven Oaks National Historic Site of Canada Designated 1920", "title": "Battle of Seven Oaks" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Bamboo Among the Oaks is the first Hmong American anthology of creative writing, published in 2002 by the Minnesota Historical Society Press. Many of the pieces contained in \"Bamboo Among The Oaks\" first appeared in the \"Paj Ntaub Voice\" Hmoob literary journal.", "title": "Bamboo Among the Oaks" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Street & Smith or Street & Smith Publications, Inc. was a New York City publisher specializing in inexpensive paperbacks and magazines referred to as dime novels and pulp fiction. They also published comic books and sporting yearbooks. Among their many titles was the science fiction pulp magazine \"Astounding Stories\", acquired from Clayton Magazines in 1933, and retained until 1961. Street & Smith was founded in 1855, and was bought out in 1959. The Street & Smith headquarters was at 79 Seventh Avenue in Manhattan; it was designed by Henry F. Kilburn.", "title": "Street & Smith" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Royal Oaks Country Club is a country club and subdivision in Houston, Texas, United States in the Alief community. The country club is located at 2910 Royal Oaks Club Drive, west of The Galleria. Sunrise Colony Company developed Royal Oaks out of the former Andrau Airpark property.", "title": "Royal Oaks Country Club" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bay Glen is a neighborhood located within the master-planned community of Clear Lake City in Houston, Texas. The neighborhood was developed in the mid-1980s and borders the neighborhoods of Bay Knoll, Bay Pointe, Bay Oaks, Northfork and Oak Brook West. Bay Glen, along with Bay Knoll, is a member of the Pineloch Community Association.", "title": "Bay Glen, Houston" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Oak Lawn is a suburb of Chicago, located southwest of the city. It shares borders with the city in two areas, but is surrounded mostly by other suburbs.", "title": "Oak Lawn, Illinois" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bambouseraie de Prafrance (34 hectares, 84 acres) is a private botanical garden specializing in bamboos, located in Générargues, near Anduze, Gard, Languedoc-Roussillon, France. It is open daily in the warmer months; an admission fee is charged.", "title": "Bambouseraie de Prafrance" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hokkien has one of the most diverse phoneme inventories among Chinese varieties, with more consonants than Standard Mandarin or Cantonese. Vowels are more-or-less similar to that of Standard Mandarin. Hokkien varieties retain many pronunciations that are no longer found in other Chinese varieties. These include the retention of the /t/ initial, which is now /tʂ/ (Pinyin 'zh') in Mandarin (e.g. 'bamboo' 竹 is tik, but zhú in Mandarin), having disappeared before the 6th century in other Chinese varieties.", "title": "Hokkien" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The largest city park is Horský park (literally, Mountainous Park), in the Old Town. Bratislavský lesný park (Bratislava Forest Park) is located in the Little Carpathians and includes many locales popular among visitors, such as Železná studienka and Koliba. The Forest Park covers an area of 27.3 square kilometres (10.5 sq mi), of which 96% is forested mostly with oak and mixed oak/hornbeam forest, and contains original flora and fauna such as European badgers, red foxes, wild boar and red and roe deer. On the right bank of the Danube, in the borough of Petržalka, is Janko Kráľ Park founded in 1774–76. A new city park is planned for Petržalka between the Malý Draždiak and Veľký Draždiak lakes.Bratislava's zoological park is located in Mlynská dolina, near the headquarters of Slovak Television. The zoo, founded in 1960, currently houses 152 species of animals, including the rare white lion and white tiger. The Botanical Gardens, which belong to Comenius University, can be found on the Danube riverfront and house more than 120 species of domestic and foreign origin.The city has a number of natural and man-made lakes, most of which are used for recreation. Examples include Štrkovec lake in Ružinov, Kuchajda in Nové Mesto, Zlaté Piesky and the Vajnory lakes in the north-east, and Rusovce lake in the south, which is popular with nudists.", "title": "Bratislava" } ]
Where is the location of the headquarters of the publisher of Bamboo Among the Oaks?
Minnesota History Center
[ { "answer": "National Football League", "id": 24648, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "The Caroli8na panthers belong to what league?" }, { "answer": "sports league", "id": 192417, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "#1 >> instance of" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Geoff Waugh (born August 25, 1983) is a Canadian-Croatian ice hockey defenceman who is currently playing for the Nottingham Panthers of the Elite Ice Hockey League (EIHL).", "title": "Geoff Waugh" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Panther Park was the name of two ballparks located in Fort Worth, TX and was the home of the Fort Worth Panthers from 1911 to 1925. It was originally called Morris Park during its first four seasons. The facility replaced Hayne's Park which existed from 1901 to 1910. The first park seated only 4,000 fans. The 3rd base grandstand did not have a canopy to protect the fans from the relentless heat. The 1st base grandstand had a canopy, and the 3rd base side later had a canopy added to connect to the 3rd base side. Panther Park (1911-1925) was located east of North Main between 6th and 7th Streets. The Panthers won six consecutive Texas League crowns from 1920 to 1925. In 1919, they were the runners-up to Shreveport as they lost 4 games to 2 in the championship series even though they finished the regular season at the top of the standings. In 1919, they were the runners-up to Shreveport as they lost 4 games to 2 in the championship series even though they finished the regular season at the top of the standings. In 1925, they swept the Dallas Steers in a best-of-five series to determine the second half champion, clinching the Texas League title in the process. The field was replaced in 1926 by a new Panther Park. That park was located on the east side of North Main Street, almost due east of the original Panther Park. It seated about 13,000 fans. After the death of Paul LaGrave in 1929, the second Panther Park was renamed [LaGrave Field]].", "title": "Panther Park" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Luke Swain, (born 24 February 1982 in Penrith, New South Wales) is an Australian former professional rugby league footballer for the Salford City Reds of Super League. He previously played in the NRL for the Penrith Panthers and Gold Coast Titans. His position of choice is in the Second Row.", "title": "Luke Swain" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On May 29, 2009, Alexander Salák was signed by the Florida Panthers of the NHL. He was assigned to their AHL farm team, the Rochester Americans after training camp. He was recalled by the Panthers and made his NHL debut on October 9, 2009 in a relief role in a game against the Carolina Hurricanes. On August 13, 2010, Alexander Salák was loaned to Färjestad BK of the Swedish Elite League for the 2010-11 season.", "title": "Alexander Salák" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Logan Shaw (born October 5, 1992) is a Canadian professional ice hockey forward for the Manitoba Moose of the American Hockey League (AHL) while under contract to the Winnipeg Jets of the National Hockey League (NHL). He was drafted 76th overall by the Florida Panthers in the 2011 NHL Entry Draft.", "title": "Logan Shaw" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Podollan was drafted 31st overall in the 1994 NHL Entry Draft by the Florida Panthers from the Western Hockey League's Spokane Chiefs. He played in 41 games in the National Hockey League with the Florida Panthers, Toronto Maple Leafs, Los Angeles Kings, and New York Islanders.", "title": "Jason Podollan" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gordon Falcon is a New Zealand rugby league footballer who played rugby league professionally for the Penrith Panthers and rugby union for the New Zealand Māori and Hawke's Bay.", "title": "Gordon Falcon" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gordon J. Murphy (born February 23, 1967) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey defenceman who played 14 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Philadelphia Flyers, Boston Bruins, Florida Panthers and Atlanta Thrashers.", "title": "Gord Murphy" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kenndal McArdle (born January 4, 1987) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey left winger who played with the Florida Panthers and the Winnipeg Jets in the National Hockey League (NHL).", "title": "Kenndal McArdle" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Super Bowl XXXVIII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2003 season. The Patriots defeated the Panthers by the score of 32 - 29. The game was played at Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas, on February 1, 2004. At the time, this was the most watched Super Bowl ever with 144.4 million viewers.", "title": "Super Bowl XXXVIII" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Paul Laus (born September 26, 1970) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey defenceman who played in the National Hockey League for the Florida Panthers. Laus was the last original members of the Panthers.", "title": "Paul Laus" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Corban Knight (born September 10, 1990) is a Canadian professional ice hockey forward for Barys Nur-Sultan of the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL). He was a fifth round selection, 135th overall, by the Florida Panthers in the 2009 NHL Entry Draft, but was traded to the Calgary Flames after the Panthers were unable to sign him to a contract. Knight played four seasons of college hockey with the University of North Dakota and was a finalist for the Hobey Baker Award in 2012–13.", "title": "Corban Knight" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bank of America Stadium is a 75,523 - seat football stadium located on 33 acres (13 ha) in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. It is the home facility and headquarters of the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League. The stadium opened in 1996 as Ericsson Stadium before Bank of America purchased the naming rights in 2004. Former Panthers president Danny Morrison called it ``(A) classic American stadium ''due to its bowl design and other features.", "title": "Bank of America Stadium" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "North Carolina is home to three major league sports franchises: the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League and the Charlotte Hornets of the National Basketball Association are based in Charlotte, while the Raleigh-based Carolina Hurricanes play in the National Hockey League. The Panthers and Hurricanes are the only two major professional sports teams that have the same geographical designation while playing in different metropolitan areas. The Hurricanes are the only major professional team from North Carolina to have won a league championship, having captured the Stanley Cup in 2006. North Carolina is also home to Charlotte Hounds of the Major League Lacrosse.", "title": "North Carolina" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In a sports league, the ranking of a team is the place where it is within the division. Generally, ranking is based on won-lost record of games, with the team with the best record at the top, and the worst record at the bottom. Another common method is a points-based ranking system, where a team is awarded a certain number of points per win, fewer points per tie, and none for a loss.", "title": "Sports league ranking" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Aaron Ekblad (born February 7, 1996) is a Canadian professional ice hockey defenceman and alternate captain for the Florida Panthers in the National Hockey League (NHL). Ekblad was selected first overall in the 2011 Ontario Hockey League (OHL) entry draft, and he was selected first overall by the Florida Panthers in the 2014 NHL Entry Draft. In his first NHL season, Ekblad was selected for the 2015 NHL All-Star Game and earned the Calder Memorial Trophy as the league's best rookie in the 2014–15 season.", "title": "Aaron Ekblad" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "NFC South Conference National Football Conference League National Football League Sport American football Founded 2002 Country United States Teams No. of teams Championships Most recent NFC South champion (s) New Orleans Saints (4th title) Most NFC South titles Carolina Panthers (5 titles)", "title": "NFC South" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Adrian Purtell (born 31 January 1985) is an Australian rugby league footballer who plays for the Albury Thunder. He previously played for the Canberra Raiders, Penrith Panthers, Bradford Bulls and the London Broncos. His usual position is as a .", "title": "Adrian Purtell" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Relations between Ashkenazim and Sephardim have not always been warm. North African Sepharadim and Berber Jews were often looked upon by Ashkenazim as second-class citizens during the first decade after the creation of Israel. This has led to protest movements such as the Israeli Black Panthers led by Saadia Marciano a Moroccan Jew. Nowadays, relations are getting better. In some instances, Ashkenazi communities have accepted significant numbers of Sephardi newcomers, sometimes resulting in intermarriage.", "title": "Ashkenazi Jews" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jonathan Huberdeau (born June 4, 1993) is a Canadian professional ice hockey forward currently playing for, and serving as an alternate captain of, the Florida Panthers of the National Hockey League (NHL). He was selected third overall by the Panthers in the 2011 NHL Entry Draft.", "title": "Jonathan Huberdeau" } ]
What is the league of the Carolina Panthers an example of?
[ "Sports league", "league" ]
sports league
[ { "answer": "Veruca Salt", "id": 65576, "paragraph_support_idx": 11, "question": "who is the spoilt character in charlie and the chocolate factory" }, { "answer": "Julie Dawn Cole", "id": 80026, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "who played #1 in willy wonka and the chocolate factory" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ ˈoʊstrəm /; born November 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Violet Beauregarde Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character First appearance Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Created by Roald Dahl Portrayed by Denise Nickerson (1971) AnnaSophia Robb (2005) Voiced by AnnaSophia Robb (2005 video game) Dallas Lovato (Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) Information Gender Female Family Ginger Beauregarde (mother) Sam Beauregarde (father) Nationality American", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Deep Roy (born Mohinder Purba; 1 December 1957), sometimes credited as Roy Deep, is a Anglo - Indian actor, stuntman, puppeteer and comedian. Due to his diminutive size (stated by IMDB to be 4'4 ''or 132 cm), he has appeared in a number of similar - sized roles, such as the Oompa - Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Keenser in Star Trek and subsequent films (``Kelvin Timeline''), and in television series such as The X-Files, Doctor Who and Eastbound & Down.", "title": "Deep Roy" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ ˈpiːtər ˈoʊstrəm /; born November 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One day, Charlie sees a fifty - pence coin (dollar bill in the US version) buried in the snow. He then buys himself a Wonka Bar and finds the fifth golden ticket and shows it to his parents. The ticket says he can bring any family members with him to the factory and Charlie's parents decide to allow Grandpa Joe to go with him.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roy Mitchell Kinnear (8 January 1934 -- 20 September 1988) was an English actor. He is known for his roles in films directed by Richard Lester; including Algernon in Help! (1965); Clapper in How I Won the War (1967); and Planchet in The Three Musketeers (1973), reprising the latter role in the 1974 and 1989 sequels. He is also known for playing Henry Salt in the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Roy Kinnear" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Deep Roy (born Mohinder Purba; 1 December 1957), sometimes credited as Roy Deep, is a Kenyan - English actor, stuntman, puppeteer and comedian. Due to his diminutive size (stated by IMDB to be 4'4 ''or 132 cm), he has appeared in a number of similar - sized roles, such as the Oompa - Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Keenser in Star Trek and subsequent films (``Kelvin Timeline''), and in television series such as The X-Files, Doctor Who and Eastbound & Down.", "title": "Deep Roy" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The character was played by David Kelly in the 2005 film adaptation, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Veteran actor Gregory Peck was originally selected to play the role, but he died in 2003 before filming began. This version of the character is written as more calm than the 1971 version. An original backstory to Grandpa Joe's past was added to Tim Burton's film, wherein it is said that Joe worked for Wonka until the latter fired all his workers from his factory due to constant corporate espionage by rival confectionery manufacturers. When he returns to the factory with Charlie for the tour, Wonka asks if he was a spy working for a competing factory before he humbly welcomes him back.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chocolate Factory is the fifth solo album by American recording artist R. Kelly, released on February 18, 2003 by Jive Records. Recording sessions took place mainly at Rockland Studios and Chicago Recording Company in Chicago, Illinois, and the album was primarily written, arranged, and produced by R. Kelly. \"Chocolate Factory\" was conceived by Kelly amid controversy over his sex scandal at the time.", "title": "Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Union Mill Complex, (also Bischoff's Chocolate Factory), is located at the junction of Milton Avenue (NY 50) and Prospect Street in Ballston Spa, New York, United States. It is a complex of three late 19th-century brick buildings on a 4-acre (1.6 ha) lot, and the ruins of a dam.", "title": "Union Mill Complex" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Julie Dawn Cole (born 26 October 1957) is an English actress who has been active for some 40 years. She began as a child performer in what remains her best - remembered film, 1971's Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, playing the spoiled Veruca Salt. She has two children.", "title": "Julie Dawn Cole" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Veruca Salt is a greedy, demanding, manipulative and stingy brat. She demands every single thing she wants (and more), the second person to find a Golden Ticket, the third eliminated from the tour. A selfish, rotten brat who shows her wealthy family no mercy and has absolutely no regard for other people's property, Veruca frequently pesters her parents to purchase a variety of different objects for her. In the 2005 film, it is revealed that she owns a pony, two dogs, four cats, six rabbits, two parakeets, three canaries, a parrot, a turtle, and a hamster, totalling up to 21 pets. But when she interferes with the trained squirrels used by Willy Wonka to select the best nuts to bake into chocolate bars, she is judged as a ``bad nut ''by the squirrels and discarded into the adjacent 'garbage chute' and her parents follow. All three are later seen leaving the factory`` covered in garbage''. Her nationality was never specified in Dahl's novel, but she hails from an upper - class family in the United Kingdom in both films.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The celesta has been common in cinema for decades. In addition to supplementing numerous soundtrack orchestrations for films of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, the celesta has occasionally been spotlighted to invoke a whimsical air. For example, in Pinocchio (1940), a small motif on the celesta is used whenever the Blue Fairy appears out of thin air or performs magic. Celesta also provides the signature opening of Pure Imagination, a song (sung by Gene Wilder) from the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Composer John Williams's scores for the first three Harry Potter films feature the instrument, particularly in the first two films' frequent statements of ``Hedwig's Theme ''.", "title": "Celesta" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Mel Stuart Produced by Stan Margulies David L. Wolper Screenplay by Roald Dahl Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Gene Wilder Jack Albertson Peter Ostrum Roy Kinnear Julie Dawn Cole Leonard Stone Denise Nickerson Dodo Denney Paris Themmen Music by Leslie Bricusse Anthony Newley Walter Scharf Cinematography Arthur Ibbetson Edited by David Saxon Production company Wolper Pictures The Quaker Oats Company Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date June 30, 1971 (1971 - 06 - 30) (United States) Running time 99 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $3 million Box office $4 million", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie Bucket is a title character and the protagonist of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, its sequel Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, and the film adaptations of these books. He is depicted as a kind - hearted, nice, selfless, sweet, brave, but poor boy that lives with his mother, father and four bedridden grandparents. Charlie was to have been a little black boy at the outset, but the detail was changed at the insistence of Dahl's literary agent to better appeal to audiences. In 1971, he has a newspaper route after school. He and his family follow the progress of the hunt for the Golden Tickets in newspapers, in films, and on television. Unlike the first four finalists, Charlie is honest and generous. In the 1971 film, Charlie was portrayed by Peter Ostrum, in his only film appearance. His nationality is never explicitly stated, but in the 1971 film, he speaks with an American accent, and in the 2005 film, he speaks with an English accent. The filmmakers have stated that it was their intention that Charlie's hometown be kept ambiguous.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 American musical fantasy family film directed by Mel Stuart, and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. It is an adaptation of the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Dahl was credited with writing the film's screenplay; however, David Seltzer, who went uncredited in the film, was brought in to re-work the screenplay against Dahl's wishes, making major changes to the ending and adding musical numbers. These changes and other decisions made by the director led Dahl to disown the film.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack to Tim Burton's 2005 film of the same name. The film's music was composed by Danny Elfman who also provided vocals for the songs.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (soundtrack)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and is along with four other contest winners, subsequently led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and, along with four other contest winners, is led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Tim Burton Produced by Brad Grey Richard D. Zanuck Screenplay by John August Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Johnny Depp Freddie Highmore David Kelly Helena Bonham Carter Noah Taylor Missi Pyle James Fox Deep Roy Christopher Lee Narrated by Geoffrey Holder Music by Danny Elfman Cinematography Philippe Rousselot Edited by Chris Lebenzon Production companies The Zanuck Company Plan B Entertainment Village Roadshow Pictures Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Release date July 10, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 10) (Grauman's Chinese Theatre) July 15, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 15) (United States) July 29, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 29) (United Kingdom) Running time 115 minutes Country United States United Kingdom Language English Budget $150 million Box office $475 million", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" } ]
Who played the spoilt character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Julie Dawn Cole
[ { "answer": "Howard the Duck", "id": 20433, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "What waterfowl character had his own satire series of comic books?" }, { "answer": "1986", "id": 157939, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "What year was #1 created?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One of the most enduring characters in the history of Italian comics, Pedrito el Drito was created by Terenghi in 1952, making his first appearances as a naive cowboy in the appendix to comic books \"Forza John!\" and \"Rocky Rider\". Promoted sheriff, in 1953 his stories started being regularly published on the comic magazines \"Il Monello\" and \"Intrepido\". In the 1990s the comic series was published in \"Corriere dei Piccoli\" and \"Lupo Alberto\". In spite of its western setting, the series was built as a humorous family saga based on the typical characters of an aggressive wife and a henpecked husband.", "title": "Pedrito el Drito" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "King Ezekiel is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead and the television series of the same name, where he is portrayed by Khary Payton.", "title": "King Ezekiel" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was a contributor to the satirical newspaper “O Pasquim”, which began publication in response to press censorship in Brazil following the military crackdown of December, 1968. In 1970 he published the comic book “Os Fradinhos” (The Friars), starring his most acclaimed characters. It was the first Brazilian comic book to be published in other countries. Henfil also worked in theater, film, television and literature, but political activism was his hallmark, creating fictional characters that made acerbic criticisms of the Brazilian political institutions of the time. A haemophiliac, Henfil contracted AIDS through a blood transfusion and died as a result of the disease in Rio de Janeiro.", "title": "Henfil" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "A series of new editors-in-chief oversaw the company during another slow time for the industry. Once again, Marvel attempted to diversify, and with the updating of the Comics Code achieved moderate to strong success with titles themed to horror (The Tomb of Dracula), martial arts, (Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu), sword-and-sorcery (Conan the Barbarian, Red Sonja), satire (Howard the Duck) and science fiction (2001: A Space Odyssey, \"Killraven\" in Amazing Adventures, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, and, late in the decade, the long-running Star Wars series). Some of these were published in larger-format black and white magazines, under its Curtis Magazines imprint. Marvel was able to capitalize on its successful superhero comics of the previous decade by acquiring a new newsstand distributor and greatly expanding its comics line. Marvel pulled ahead of rival DC Comics in 1972, during a time when the price and format of the standard newsstand comic were in flux. Goodman increased the price and size of Marvel's November 1971 cover-dated comics from 15 cents for 36 pages total to 25 cents for 52 pages. DC followed suit, but Marvel the following month dropped its comics to 20 cents for 36 pages, offering a lower-priced product with a higher distributor discount.", "title": "Marvel Comics" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Robin is the name of several fictional superheroes appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was originally created by Bob Kane, Bill Finger, and Jerry Robinson, to serve as a junior counterpart to the superhero Batman. The character's first incarnation, Dick Grayson, debuted in Detective Comics # 38 (April 1940). Conceived as a way to attract young readership, Robin garnered overwhelmingly positive critical reception, doubling the sales of the Batman titles. The early adventures of Robin included Star Spangled Comics # 65 -- 130 (1947 -- 1952), which was the character's first solo feature. Robin made regular appearances in Batman related comic books and other DC Comics publications from 1940 through the early 1980s until the character set aside the Robin identity and became the independent superhero Nightwing. The team of Batman and Robin has commonly been referred to as the Caped Crusaders or Dynamic Duo.", "title": "Robin (character)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Juggernaut (Cain Marko) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character, who first appeared in \"X-Men\" #12 (July 1965), was created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby. He is the stepbrother of Professor X.", "title": "Juggernaut (comics)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Crossovers is a comic book series created in 2003 by Robert Rodi (writer), Mauricet (penciller #1-6) and Ernie Colón (inker), and published by CrossGen. The comics are self-referential and multi-genre satire.", "title": "The Crossovers" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Clarabelle Cow is a Disney fictional character within the Mickey Mouse universe of characters. Clarabelle Cow was created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks in 1928. Clarabelle is one of Minnie Mouse's best friends and is usually depicted as the girlfriend of Horace Horsecollar, although she has also been paired with Goofy occasionally (especially in the Super Goof comic book series). Clarabelle has remained a supporting character in the United States; only in Italy has she been treated as a major character.", "title": "Clarabelle Cow" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Superman debuted as the cover feature of the anthology Action Comics # 1 (cover - dated June 1938 and published on April 18, 1938). The series was an immediate success, and reader feedback showed it was because of the Superman character. In June 1939, Detective Comics began a sister series, Superman, dedicated exclusively to the character. Action Comics eventually became dedicated to Superman stories too, and both it and Superman have been published without interruption since 1938 (ignoring changes to the titles and numbering). A large number of other series and miniseries have been published as well. Superman has also appeared as a regular or semi-regular character in a number of superhero team series, such as Justice League of America and World's Finest Comics, and in spin - off series such as Supergirl. Sales of Action Comics and Superman declined steadily from the 1950s, but rose again starting in 1987. Superman # 75 (Nov 1992) sold over 6 million copies, making it the best - selling issue of a comic book of all time, thanks to a media sensation over the possibly permanent death of the character in that issue. Sales declined from that point on. In February 2016, Action Comics sold just over 31,000 copies. The comic books are today considered a niche aspect of the Superman franchise due to low readership.", "title": "Superman" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dale Horvath is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead and is portrayed by Jeffrey DeMunn in the American television series of the same name. The character's death in the latter half of the second season of the show marks a significant departure from the comics, where Dale survived much longer. In both media, he is shown to be the group's primary moral center.", "title": "Dale Horvath" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Beth Greene is a fictional character from the American horror drama television series The Walking Dead, created by season two showrunner Glen Mazzara, and portrayed by Emily Kinney. She is the daughter of veterinarian and farmer Hershel Greene and the younger half - sister of Maggie. The character has no specific counterpart in the comic book series on which the show is based.", "title": "Beth Greene" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Maxx is an American comic book series created by Sam Kieth in 1993 and originally published monthly by Image Comics, then collected in trade paperback by DC Comic's Wildstorm imprint. Starting in November 2013, it has been republished by IDW with new colors and improved scans of the original artwork by Sam Kieth and Jim Sinclair. The comic book, starring an eponymous purple hero, spawned an animated series on MTV. The first appearance of The Maxx was in \"Primer\" #5, published by .", "title": "The Maxx" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lois Lane is a fictional character on the television series Smallville; she was portrayed continually by Erica Durance since her first appearance in the season four premier ``Crusade ''to the series finale. Durance began as a guest star in season four but was promoted to series regular status beginning in season five. The character of Lois Lane, first created for comic books by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1938 to be the love interest for Clark Kent and his alter - ego Superman, was adapted to television in 2001 by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar -- this is the fourth time the character has been adapted into a live - action television series.", "title": "Lois Lane (Smallville)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "L.E.G.I.O.N. is a science fiction comic book created by Keith Giffen, Bill Mantlo and Todd McFarlane and published by DC Comics. The principal subject of the comic book is a team of fictional extraterrestrial superheroes. The characters first appeared in \"Invasion!\" #1 (December 1988). The original series chronicled the formation and activity of an interplanetary police force whose mission was to act as a peace-keeping force in their galaxy.", "title": "L.E.G.I.O.N." }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Howard the Duck is a 1986 American comic science fiction film directed by Willard Huyck and starring Lea Thompson, Jeffrey Jones, and Tim Robbins. Based on the Marvel comic book of the same title, the film was produced by Gloria Katz and written by Huyck and Katz, with George Lucas as executive producer. The screenplay was originally intended to be an animated film, but the film adaptation became live-action because of a contractual obligation. Although several TV adaptations of Marvel characters had aired during the preceding 21 years, this was the first theatrically released feature film, coming after the serial Captain America.", "title": "Howard the Duck (film)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Empire is an American comic book limited series created by Mark Waid and Barry Kitson. It has been published by Gorilla Comics (an Image Comics imprint), DC Comics, and a partnership between Thrillbent and IDW Publishing.", "title": "Empire (comics)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mandel Karlsson, also known as 91:an Karlsson or simply 91:an, is a Swedish comic book character and the main protagonist in the comic strip series \"\" (Eng: \"№ 91\"). He was created in 1932 by Rudolf Petersson. The series is now published in its own bi-weekly comic book, \"\", and also as a single strip in the popular weekly women's magazine \"Året Runt\".", "title": "Mandel Karlsson" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Batman is an ongoing American comic book series featuring the DC Comics hero of the same name. The character first appeared in Detective Comics # 27 (cover dated May 1939). Batman proved to be so popular that a self - titled ongoing comic book series began publication with a cover date of Spring 1940. It was first advertised in early April 1940, one month after the first appearance of his new sidekick, Robin, the Boy Wonder.", "title": "Batman (comic book)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chloe Sullivan is a fictional character in the television series \"Smallville\", which is based on the Superman and Superboy comics published by DC Comics. Portrayed by series regular Allison Mack, the character was created exclusively for \"Smallville\" by series developers Alfred Gough and Miles Millar. Other than main character Clark Kent, Chloe is the only main character to last the duration of the show, though Mack signed on for only five episodes in the tenth and final season. The character has also appeared in various literature based on \"Smallville\", an internet series, and was then later adapted back into the original Superman comics which inspired \"Smallville\".", "title": "Chloe Sullivan" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mark Schultz (; born June 7, 1955) is an American writer and illustrator of books and comics. His most widely recognized work is his self-created and owned comic book series, \"Xenozoic Tales,\" about a post-apocalyptic world where dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures coexist with humans. He is also the current writer of the \"Prince Valiant\" comic strip.", "title": "Mark Schultz (comics)" } ]
What year was the waterfowl character with his own series of satirical comic books created?
[ { "answer": "Acornsoft", "id": 151455, "paragraph_support_idx": 16, "question": "Who was the publisher of Castle of Riddles?" }, { "answer": "1986", "id": 120171, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "What year did #1 end?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Castle Wolfenstein is a 2D adventure game released in 1981 for the Apple II, written by Silas Warner. One of the pioneers of the stealth game genre, it is a game of avoiding detection and managing limited resources while trying to escape from a Nazi stronghold. Combat was allowed, but bullets were precious, and non-violent options were often safer, such as pulling a gun on a guard and frisking him while his hands were raised. A sequel, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, was published in 1984.", "title": "Wolfenstein" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Riddle of the Third Mile is a crime novel by Colin Dexter, the sixth novel in Inspector Morse series.", "title": "The Riddle of the Third Mile" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Château de Lichtenberg is a castle built on a singular prominence in the northern Vosges at the end of the village of Lichtenberg, Bas-Rhin department in Alsace in north-eastern France. The castle was first mentioned in 1206 and is most well known as the home of the Counts of Hanau-Lichtenberg. It was left in ruins in 1870 after bombardment by Württemberg troops during the Franco-Prussian War, but was restored in the 1990s and is open to the public.", "title": "Château de Lichtenberg" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The palace, like Windsor Castle, is owned by the Crown Estate. It is not the monarch's personal property, unlike Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle. Many of the contents from Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace, and St James's Palace are part of the Royal Collection, held in trust by the Sovereign; they can, on occasion, be viewed by the public at the Queen's Gallery, near the Royal Mews. Unlike the palace and the castle, the purpose-built gallery is open continually and displays a changing selection of items from the collection. It occupies the site of the chapel destroyed by an air raid in World War II. The palace's state rooms have been open to the public during August and September and on selected dates throughout the year since 1993. The money raised in entry fees was originally put towards the rebuilding of Windsor Castle after the 1992 fire devastated many of its state rooms. 476,000 people visited the palace in the 2014–15 financial year.", "title": "Buckingham Palace" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Pelișor Castle (Romanian: \"Castelul Pelișor\") is a castle in Sinaia, Romania, part of the same complex as the larger castle of Peleș.", "title": "Pelișor" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The BR Standard Class 4 2-6-0 is a class of steam locomotive designed by Robert Riddles for British Railways (BR). 115 locomotives were built to this standard.", "title": "BR Standard Class 4 2-6-0" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The original Little House books were a series of eight autobiographical children's novels written by Laura Ingalls Wilder and published by Harper & Brothers from 1932 to 1943. The eighth book, These Happy Golden Years, featured Laura Ingalls at ages 15 to 18 and was originally published with one page at the end containing the note, ``The end of the Little House books. ''The ninth and last novel written by Wilder, The First Four Years was published posthumously and unfinished in 1971. Although her intentions are unknown, it is commonly considered part of the Little House series and is included in the 9 - volume paperback box set Little House, Big Adventure (Harper Trophy, May 1994).", "title": "List of Little House on the Prairie books" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Death Comes as the End is a historical mystery novel by Agatha Christie, first published in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in October 1944 and in the UK by the Collins Crime Club in March of the following year. The US Edition retailed at $2.00 and the UK edition at seven shillings and sixpence (7/6).", "title": "Death Comes as the End" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Fyodor Panayev was born in 1856 in the settlement of Yug, in the Perm Governorate of the Russian Empire. He graduated from Perm Uyezd College and worked as a teacher in Shadrinsk and in Solikamsk Parish College (1878—1891). In Solikamsk he studied the local folklore and published several papers in \"Proceedings of Ural Society of natural science fans\" (). In 1883, his book \"The anthology of proverbs, sayings, riddles, songs and epics, collected in Solikamsk Uyezd\" () was published in Yekaterinburg. Since 1891 Panayev lived in Perm.", "title": "Fyodor Panayev" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Château Gaillard (\"Strong Castle\") is a ruined medieval castle, located above the commune of Les Andelys overlooking the River Seine, in the Eure \"département\" of Normandy, France. It is located some north-west of Paris and from Rouen. Construction began in 1196 under the auspices of Richard the Lionheart, who was simultaneously King of England and feudal Duke of Normandy. The castle was expensive to build, but the majority of the work was done in an unusually short period of time. It took just two years and, at the same time, the town of Petit Andely was constructed. Château Gaillard has a complex and advanced design, and uses early principles of concentric fortification; it was also one of the earliest European castles to use machicolations. The castle consists of three enclosures separated by dry moats, with a keep in the inner enclosure.", "title": "Château Gaillard" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dundurn Castle is a historic neoclassical mansion on York Boulevard in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The house took three years and $175,000 to build, and was completed in 1835.", "title": "Dundurn Castle" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lord Voldemort / Tom Riddle Harry Potter character Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1. First appearance Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Last appearance Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Created by J.K. Rowling Portrayed by Ralph Fiennes, as the Dark Lord finally resurrected from HP4 to the end of the film series in HP7 -- Part 2 Frank Dillane, as a fifteen - year - old in HP6 Hero Fiennes - Tiffin, as an eleven - year - old in HP6 Christian Coulson, as a sixteen - year - old in HP2 Ian Hart, voice in HP1 Richard Bremmer, non-faced in HP1 Eddie Izzard, The Lego Batman Movie House Slytherin", "title": "Lord Voldemort" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Brandis Castle or Maienfeld Castle is a castle in the municipality of Maienfeld of the Canton of Graubünden in Switzerland. It is a Swiss heritage site of national significance.", "title": "Brandis Castle" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Oklahoma Woman is a 1956 film directed by Roger Corman, involving the return of Steve Ward (Richard Denning) to his hometown to claim his inheritance. Ward ends up getting involved in a local election and the ambitions of saloon owner, Marie \"Oklahoma\" Saunders (Peggie Castle).", "title": "The Oklahoma Woman" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rosenborg Castle () is a renaissance castle located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The castle was originally built as a country summerhouse in 1606 and is an example of Christian IV's many architectural projects. It was built in the Dutch Renaissance style, typical of Danish buildings during this period, and has been expanded several times, finally evolving into its present condition by the year 1624. Architects Bertel Lange and Hans van Steenwinckel the Younger are associated with the structural planning of the castle.", "title": "Rosenborg Castle" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Acornsoft ceased to operate as a separate company upon the departure of David Johnson-Davies in January 1986. Past this date, Acorn Computers used the Acornsoft name on office software it released in the \"VIEW\" family for the BBC Master series. In 1986 Superior Software was granted a licence to publish some Acornsoft games and rereleased many, individually and as compilations such as the \"Play It Again Sam\" and \"Acornsoft Hits\" series. By agreement, the Acornsoft name was also used on the packaging of some of the subsequent Superior games. Superior chose not to take on Acornsoft's text adventure games, most of which were released in updated versions by Topologika along with some sequels from the same authors.", "title": "Acornsoft" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Castle of Riddles is a text adventure released by Acornsoft for the BBC Micro (in 1982) and Acorn Electron (1984) home computers. The game was written by Peter Killworth and was one of a series of text adventures written for, or ported to the BBC Micro by the same author (others including \"Countdown to Doom\" and \"Philosopher's Quest\"). As with all such games, only text is used. The player must use a simple 'verb-noun' format (e.g. 'Go North', 'Get lamp') to control the game. Unlike Killworth's other Acornsoft adventures, \"Castle of Riddles\" was not updated and reissued by Topologika so became unavailable after 1985 when Acorn Computers (parent company of Acornsoft) pulled out of the games publishing market. Some of the puzzles however were included in the Topologika version of \"Philosopher's Quest\".", "title": "Castle of Riddles" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Christian Peter Coulson (born 3 October 1978) is an English actor best known for playing the 16 - year old Tom Marvolo Riddle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.", "title": "Christian Coulson" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The General Zapped an Angel is a collection of nine science fiction and fantasy stories by American writer Howard Fast, published by William Morrow and Company in 1970. A paperback edition from Ace Books followed later that year. The Ace paperback was reissued in 1978. The contents of this collection were incorporated into Fast's 1975 omnibus, \"Time and the Riddle\".", "title": "The General Zapped an Angel" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Windsor Castle is a novel by William Harrison Ainsworth serially published in 1842. It is a historical romance with gothic elements that depicts Henry VIII's pursuit of Anne Boleyn. Intertwined with the story are the actions of Herne the Hunter, a legendary ghost that haunts Windsor woods.", "title": "Windsor Castle (novel)" } ]
What was the last year of the Castle of Riddles publisher?
[ { "answer": "Unisys", "id": 516918, "paragraph_support_idx": 8, "question": "Sperry Corporation >> followed by" }, { "answer": "1986", "id": 126537, "paragraph_support_idx": 4, "question": "In what year did #1 first exist?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sperry or Sperry Top - Sider is the original American brand of boat shoe designed in 1935 by Paul A. Sperry, older brother of writer and illustrator Armstrong Sperry, whose books often featured a sailing theme. Sperrys, or Top - Siders, were the first boat shoes introduced into the boating and footwear markets. Today the Sperry brand is owned by Wolverine World Wide and is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts.", "title": "Sperry Top-Sider" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was 38 years old, and a Lance Corporal in the 8th Battalion, The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment), British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.", "title": "John William Sayer" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hunter was 26 years old, and a corporal in the 1/5th Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry, British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC on 23 October 1918.", "title": "David Ferguson Hunter" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Beaverton Corporate Center Heliport is a former private heliport that was located 5 miles southeast of Beaverton in Washington County, Oregon, USA. The heliport is no longer in existence as of 2009, with the land it was on having been developed into mixed-use commercial property.", "title": "Beaverton Corporate Center Heliport" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Unisys was formed in 1986 through the merger of mainframe corporations Sperry and Burroughs, with Burroughs buying Sperry for $4.8 billion. The name was chosen from over 31,000 submissions in an internal competition when Christian L Machen submitted the word \"Unisys\" which was composed of parts of the words \"united\", \"information\" and \"systems\".", "title": "Unisys" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "His parents, who had left Germany in 1931, would eventually settle in the United States, where Rolf would go on to study geology and psychology, with mathematics as a minor, at the University of New Mexico. After completing a bachelor of arts in 1955, he pursued studies in philosophy and logic from 1956 to 1960 at the University of California, first in Berkeley and then in Los Angeles (UCLA), and in 1960 moved to Stockholm, Sweden, to specialize in theoretical philosophy at Stockholm University with a particular interest in \"free logic\", logic free of existence assumptions. He was awarded an intermediate post-graduate degree in 1964 and a Ph.D. in 1968, which was followed by an appointment as associate professor at Uppsala University in the following year.", "title": "Rolf Schock" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Raised in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge, Clinton graduated from Wellesley College in 1969 and earned a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School in 1973. After serving as a congressional legal counsel, she moved to Arkansas and married future president Bill Clinton in 1975; the two had met at Yale. In 1977, she co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. She was appointed the first female chair of the Legal Services Corporation in 1978, and became the first female partner at Little Rock's Rose Law Firm the following year. As First Lady of Arkansas, she led a task force whose recommendations helped reform Arkansas's public schools.", "title": "Hillary Clinton" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Amey was 37 years old, and a lance-corporal in the 1/8th Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.", "title": "William Amey" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Smallwood moved to New Orleans where he worked for Burroughs Corporation (later Unisys after a merger with Sperry) implementing mainframe computer and document management systems for commercial banks and the Federal Reserve Bank branch in New Orleans. Later he worked for Wang Laboratories where he implemented some of the first commercially available document imaging systems, and law firm software.", "title": "Robert Smallwood" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Life, Love & Hope is the sixth studio album by American rock band Boston. It was released on December 3, 2013 by Frontiers Records, making it their first studio album in eleven years. It is the first album released following the death of Brad Delp. Delp recorded vocals on the songs \"Didn't Mean to Fall in Love\", \"Sail Away\", \"Someone\", and \"Te Quiero Mia\", the last of which being a re-arrangement of \"I Had a Good Time\", from \"Corporate America\".", "title": "Life, Love & Hope" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Piasecki Helicopter Corporation was founded in 1940 by Frank Piasecki as the \"P-V Engineering Forum\". It first became known as \"Piasecki Helicopter\" in 1946. The PV-2 was the second helicopter flown in the United States (following Igor Sikorsky's VS-300), and was designed and flown by Frank Piasecki in 1943.", "title": "Piasecki Helicopter" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was 23 years old, and an Acting Corporal in the 2nd Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.", "title": "Cecil Noble" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1993, the company lost most of their UK-based personnel and became a subsidiary of Spectrum HoloByte. Subsequent cuts and corporate policies led to Sid Meier, Jeff Briggs and Brian Reynolds leaving and forming Firaxis Games in 1996, as MicroProse closed its ex-Simtex development studio in Austin, Texas. In 1998, following an unsuccessful buyout attempt by GT Interactive Software, the struggling MicroProse (Spectrum HoloByte) became a wholly owned subsidiary of Hasbro Interactive and its development studios in Alameda, California and Chapel Hill, North Carolina were closed the following year. In 2001, MicroProse ceased to exist as an entity and Hasbro Interactive sold the MicroProse intellectual properties to Infogrames Entertainment, SA. MicroProse UK's former main office in Chipping Sodbury was closed in 2002, followed by the company's former headquarters in Hunt Valley, Maryland in 2003.", "title": "MicroProse" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "1818 was the 30th anniversary of the founding of the colony, and Governor Lachlan Macquarie chose to acknowledge the day with the first official celebration. The Governor declared that the day would be a holiday for all government workers, granting each an extra allowance of ``one pound (c. 450g) of fresh meat '', and ordered a 30 - gun salute at Dawes Point -- one for each year that the colony had existed. This began a tradition that was retained by the Governors that were to follow.", "title": "Australia Day" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Investigator (1954) was a radio play written by Reuben Ship and first broadcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) on May 30 of that year. The play lampooned the actions of the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) and United States Senator Joseph McCarthy.", "title": "The Investigator" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "With crude oil as the country's primary export, Gaddafi sought to improve Libya's oil sector. In October 1969, he proclaimed the current trade terms unfair, benefiting foreign corporations more than the Libyan state, and by threatening to reduce production, in December Jalloud successfully increased the price of Libyan oil. In 1970, other OPEC states followed suit, leading to a global increase in the price of crude oil. The RCC followed with the Tripoli Agreement, in which they secured income tax, back-payments and better pricing from the oil corporations; these measures brought Libya an estimated $1 billion in additional revenues in its first year.", "title": "Muammar Gaddafi" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1982 Mego filed for bankruptcy, and by 1983, the Mego Corporation ceased to exist; today, Mego dolls and playsets can be highly prized collectibles, with some fetching hundreds, or even in some cases, thousands of dollars (depending on rarity) in the collectibles market. In July 2018, the newly-reformed Mego Corporation announced they would be producing a limited run of their classic style clothed dolls in their traditional 1/9 scale, as well as some 1/5 figures sold exclusively through Target. These dolls, which include recreations of dolls released in the 1970s, began seeing release later in the year.", "title": "Mego Corporation" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sperry is an unincorporated community in central Des Moines County, Iowa, United States. It lies along local roads north of the city of Burlington, the county seat of Des Moines County. Its elevation is 751 feet (229 m). Although Sperry is unincorporated, it has a post office with the ZIP code of 52650, which opened on 5 February 1870.", "title": "Sperry, Iowa" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Yeovil, Somerset (Born James Huntley Knight, Enlisted Henry James Knight) he was 21 years old, and a corporal in the 1st Battalion, The King's (Liverpool) Regiment, British Army during the Second Boer War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC. The full citation was published in the London Gazette of 4 January 1901 and reads:", "title": "Henry James Knight" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Crude is a 2009 American documentary film directed and produced by Joe Berlinger. It follows a two-year portion of an ongoing class action lawsuit against the Chevron Corporation in Ecuador.", "title": "Crude (2009 film)" } ]
In what year was the successor of Sperry Corporation established?
[ { "answer": "Unisys", "id": 500379, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "Burroughs Corporation >> followed by" }, { "answer": "1986", "id": 126537, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "In what year did #1 first exist?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hunter was 26 years old, and a corporal in the 1/5th Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry, British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC on 23 October 1918.", "title": "David Ferguson Hunter" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "With crude oil as the country's primary export, Gaddafi sought to improve Libya's oil sector. In October 1969, he proclaimed the current trade terms unfair, benefiting foreign corporations more than the Libyan state, and by threatening to reduce production, in December Jalloud successfully increased the price of Libyan oil. In 1970, other OPEC states followed suit, leading to a global increase in the price of crude oil. The RCC followed with the Tripoli Agreement, in which they secured income tax, back-payments and better pricing from the oil corporations; these measures brought Libya an estimated $1 billion in additional revenues in its first year.", "title": "Muammar Gaddafi" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1982 Mego filed for bankruptcy, and by 1983, the Mego Corporation ceased to exist; today, Mego dolls and playsets can be highly prized collectibles, with some fetching hundreds, or even in some cases, thousands of dollars (depending on rarity) in the collectibles market. In July 2018, the newly-reformed Mego Corporation announced they would be producing a limited run of their classic style clothed dolls in their traditional 1/9 scale, as well as some 1/5 figures sold exclusively through Target. These dolls, which include recreations of dolls released in the 1970s, began seeing release later in the year.", "title": "Mego Corporation" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Deanwood is a neighborhood in Northeast Washington, D.C., bounded by Eastern Avenue to the northeast, Kenilworth Avenue to the northwest, Division Avenue to the southeast, and Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to the south.", "title": "Deanwood" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was 38 years old, and a Lance Corporal in the 8th Battalion, The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment), British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.", "title": "John William Sayer" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The \"John Burroughs Medal\" , named for nature writer John Burroughs (1837–1921), is awarded each year in April by the John Burroughs Association to the author of a book that the association has judged to be distinguished in the field of natural history. Only twice has the award been given to a work of fiction.", "title": "John Burroughs Medal" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "1818 was the 30th anniversary of the founding of the colony, and Governor Lachlan Macquarie chose to acknowledge the day with the first official celebration. The Governor declared that the day would be a holiday for all government workers, granting each an extra allowance of ``one pound (c. 450g) of fresh meat '', and ordered a 30 - gun salute at Dawes Point -- one for each year that the colony had existed. This began a tradition that was retained by the Governors that were to follow.", "title": "Australia Day" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Smallwood moved to New Orleans where he worked for Burroughs Corporation (later Unisys after a merger with Sperry) implementing mainframe computer and document management systems for commercial banks and the Federal Reserve Bank branch in New Orleans. Later he worked for Wang Laboratories where he implemented some of the first commercially available document imaging systems, and law firm software.", "title": "Robert Smallwood" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Amey was 37 years old, and a lance-corporal in the 1/8th Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.", "title": "William Amey" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Unisys was formed in 1986 through the merger of mainframe corporations Sperry and Burroughs, with Burroughs buying Sperry for $4.8 billion. The name was chosen from over 31,000 submissions in an internal competition when Christian L Machen submitted the word \"Unisys\" which was composed of parts of the words \"united\", \"information\" and \"systems\".", "title": "Unisys" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was 23 years old, and an Acting Corporal in the 2nd Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.", "title": "Cecil Noble" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Man-Eater is a short adventure novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, written in May 1915, originally as a movie treatment. His working title for the piece was Ben, King of Beasts. \"The Man-Eater\" is one of Burrough's rarer works. It was first published as a serial in the \"New York Evening World\" newspaper under the present title from November 15–20, 1915, but did not appear in book form in Burroughs' lifetime. The first book edition was issued by Lloyd Arthur Eshbach's \"Fantasy Press\" fanzine in 1955; it then appeared in the collection \"Beyond Thirty and The Man-Eater\", published by Science-Fiction & Fantasy Publications in 1957. It was reprinted in paperback (without the hyphen in the title) as \"The Man Eater: Ben, King of Beasts\" by Fantasy House in 1974.", "title": "The Man-Eater" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Queen City Pride is an LGBT pride festival, held annually in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. The event is held mid-June each year, normally in the week following Saskatoon Pride. The festival is administered by Regina Pride Inc., a non-profit corporation in the province of Saskatchewan.", "title": "Queen City Pride" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1993, the company lost most of their UK-based personnel and became a subsidiary of Spectrum HoloByte. Subsequent cuts and corporate policies led to Sid Meier, Jeff Briggs and Brian Reynolds leaving and forming Firaxis Games in 1996, as MicroProse closed its ex-Simtex development studio in Austin, Texas. In 1998, following an unsuccessful buyout attempt by GT Interactive Software, the struggling MicroProse (Spectrum HoloByte) became a wholly owned subsidiary of Hasbro Interactive and its development studios in Alameda, California and Chapel Hill, North Carolina were closed the following year. In 2001, MicroProse ceased to exist as an entity and Hasbro Interactive sold the MicroProse intellectual properties to Infogrames Entertainment, SA. MicroProse UK's former main office in Chipping Sodbury was closed in 2002, followed by the company's former headquarters in Hunt Valley, Maryland in 2003.", "title": "MicroProse" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Woodchuck Lodge, also known as John Burroughs Memorial State Historic Site is in Roxbury in the western Catskills of Delaware County, New York, was a summertime home of naturalist John Burroughs. He is buried here, at the foot of a rock on which he played as a child. From the gravesite one has a panoramic view of mountains.", "title": "Woodchuck Lodge" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Piasecki Helicopter Corporation was founded in 1940 by Frank Piasecki as the \"P-V Engineering Forum\". It first became known as \"Piasecki Helicopter\" in 1946. The PV-2 was the second helicopter flown in the United States (following Igor Sikorsky's VS-300), and was designed and flown by Frank Piasecki in 1943.", "title": "Piasecki Helicopter" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Raised in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge, Clinton graduated from Wellesley College in 1969 and earned a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School in 1973. After serving as a congressional legal counsel, she moved to Arkansas and married future president Bill Clinton in 1975; the two had met at Yale. In 1977, she co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. She was appointed the first female chair of the Legal Services Corporation in 1978, and became the first female partner at Little Rock's Rose Law Firm the following year. As First Lady of Arkansas, she led a task force whose recommendations helped reform Arkansas's public schools.", "title": "Hillary Clinton" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Life, Love & Hope is the sixth studio album by American rock band Boston. It was released on December 3, 2013 by Frontiers Records, making it their first studio album in eleven years. It is the first album released following the death of Brad Delp. Delp recorded vocals on the songs \"Didn't Mean to Fall in Love\", \"Sail Away\", \"Someone\", and \"Te Quiero Mia\", the last of which being a re-arrangement of \"I Had a Good Time\", from \"Corporate America\".", "title": "Life, Love & Hope" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Crude is a 2009 American documentary film directed and produced by Joe Berlinger. It follows a two-year portion of an ongoing class action lawsuit against the Chevron Corporation in Ecuador.", "title": "Crude (2009 film)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Abolition of Corporal Punishment Act, 1997 (Act No. 33 of 1997) is an act of the Parliament of South Africa that abolished judicial corporal punishment. It followed the Constitutional Court's 1995 decision in the case of S v Williams and Others that caning of juveniles was unconstitutional. Although the ruling in S v Williams was limited to the corporal punishment of males under the age of 21, Justice Langa mentioned in dicta that there was a consensus that corporal punishment of adults was also unconstitutional.", "title": "Abolition of Corporal Punishment Act, 1997" } ]
When did Burroughs Corporation merge to form a new corporation?
[ { "answer": "Acornsoft", "id": 170823, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "Labyrinth >> publisher" }, { "answer": "1986", "id": 120171, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "What year did #1 end?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Blast Corps is a 1997 action video game for the Nintendo 64 in which the player uses vehicles to destroy buildings in the path of a runaway nuclear missile carrier. In the game's 57 levels, the player solves puzzles by transferring between vehicles to move objects and bridge gaps. It was developed by Rare, published by Nintendo, and released in March 1997 in Japan and North America. A wider release followed at the end of that year.", "title": "Blast Corps" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The original Little House books were a series of eight autobiographical children's novels written by Laura Ingalls Wilder and published by Harper & Brothers from 1932 to 1943. The eighth book, These Happy Golden Years, featured Laura Ingalls at ages 15 to 18 and was originally published with one page at the end containing the note, ``The end of the Little House books. ''The ninth and last novel written by Wilder, The First Four Years was published posthumously and unfinished in 1971. Although her intentions are unknown, it is commonly considered part of the Little House series and is included in the 9 - volume paperback box set Little House, Big Adventure (Harper Trophy, May 1994).", "title": "List of Little House on the Prairie books" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Acornsoft ceased to operate as a separate company upon the departure of David Johnson-Davies in January 1986. Past this date, Acorn Computers used the Acornsoft name on office software it released in the \"VIEW\" family for the BBC Master series. In 1986 Superior Software was granted a licence to publish some Acornsoft games and rereleased many, individually and as compilations such as the \"Play It Again Sam\" and \"Acornsoft Hits\" series. By agreement, the Acornsoft name was also used on the packaging of some of the subsequent Superior games. Superior chose not to take on Acornsoft's text adventure games, most of which were released in updated versions by Topologika along with some sequels from the same authors.", "title": "Acornsoft" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Long Week-End is a social history of interwar Britain, written by Robert Graves and Alan Hodge. It was first published in 1940, just after the end of the period it treats.", "title": "The Long Week-End" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In Australia, a fiscal year is commonly called a ``financial year ''(FY) and starts on 1 July and ends on the next 30 June. Financial years are designated by the calendar year of the second half of the period. For example, financial year 2017 is the 12 - month period ending on 30 June 2017 and can be referred to as FY2016 / 17. It is used for official purposes, by individual taxpayers and by the overwhelming majority of business enterprises. Business enterprises may opt to use a financial year that ends at the end of a week (e.g., 52 or 53 weeks in length, and therefore is not exactly one calendar year in length), or opt for its financial year to end on a date that matches the reporting cycle of its foreign parent. All entities within the one group must use the same financial year.", "title": "Fiscal year" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Headwall Pond () is a very small ice-covered pond in the Labyrinth of Wright Valley, in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. The pond lies along a rock headwall close northeast of Craig Pond. The descriptive name was suggested by the United States Antarctic Program field party that sampled the pond in 2003–04.", "title": "Headwall Pond" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences is a peer-reviewed academic journal of general linguistics published by De Gruyter Mouton. The journal publishes both articles and book reviews. It publishes two special issues a year. The current Editor-in-Chief is Johan van der Auwera. Since 2010, it publishes 1400 pages per year.", "title": "Linguistics (journal)" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Labyrinth is a video game published in 1984 by Acornsoft for the BBC Micro. At the time, it was a highly acclaimed Acornsoft release, with its high resolution graphics, addictive gameplay and fluid animation.", "title": "Labyrinth (1984 video game)" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Crónicas is a 2004 Ecuadorian thriller film, written and directed by Sebastián Cordero. The film was produced by, among others, Guillermo del Toro, director of \"Pan's Labyrinth\", and Alfonso Cuarón, director of \"Children of Men\". It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival.", "title": "Crónicas" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Looking for Alaska is John Green's first novel, published in March 2005 by Dutton Juvenile. It won the 2006 Michael L. Printz Award from the American Library Association, and led the association's list of most - challenged books in 2015 due to profanity and sexually explicit scenes. Looking for Alaska is inspired by Green's own experiences as a high school student. The story is told through teenager Miles ``Pudge ''Halter, as he enrolls in a boarding school to try to gain a deeper perspective on life. He meets one student in particular, Alaska Young, whom he falls in love with as she guides him through his own`` labyrinth of suffering.'' After her unexpected death, he is forced to work through his internal ``labyrinth of suffering ''himself as he and his close friends attempt to uncover the truth behind Alaska's death.", "title": "Looking for Alaska" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"The Sense of an Ending\" is Barnes' eleventh novel and was released in hardback on 4 August 2011. \"The Sense of an Ending\" is published by Random House (as a Jonathan Cape publication) in the United Kingdom. The book was released in October 2011 in the United States, after its previously-scheduled publication date for the United States was brought forward by three months by Random House's Knopf publishing group to capitalise on the shortlisting of the book as a candidate for the Booker prize. Suzanne Dean designed the cover for \"The Sense of an Ending\". The cover shows floating dandelion seeds, with the edges of the page blackened.", "title": "The Sense of an Ending" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Someone in the Dark is a collection of fantasy and horror short stories by author August Derleth. It was released in 1941 and was the second book published by Arkham House. 1,115 copies were printed, priced at $2.00. In\" Thirty Years of Arkham House\", Derleth implied that this title had sold out by the end of 1944.", "title": "Someone in the Dark" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Minotaur: The Labyrinths of Crete is a 1992 role-playing adventure video game for Macintosh by Bungie; produced by Jason Jones and Alex Seropian. The game distinguished itself from other games of its time by including a multiplayer mode that functioned over the AppleTalk protocol or Point-to-Point Protocol. A single-player exploration mode was also available, however this mode had no end goal and was useful to discover how the various items found in the maze operated. The game originated in 1988 as an Apple ][ game played over a modem between two opponents, but was never officially released on that platform.", "title": "Minotaur: The Labyrinths of Crete" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Since Christmas 1969, a double - sized issue has been published each December containing listings for two weeks of programmes. Originally, this covered Christmas and New Year listings, but in some years these appear in separate editions, with the two - week period ending just before New Year. The cover of the 'Christmas Number' (as this issue came to be called) dating from the time when it contained just a single week's listings, usually features a generic festive artwork, atypical for the magazine, which since the 1970s has almost exclusively used photographic covers for all other issues.", "title": "Radio Times" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Death Comes as the End is a historical mystery novel by Agatha Christie, first published in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in October 1944 and in the UK by the Collins Crime Club in March of the following year. The US Edition retailed at $2.00 and the UK edition at seven shillings and sixpence (7/6).", "title": "Death Comes as the End" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Indianapolis News was an evening newspaper published for 130 years, beginning December 7, 1869, and ending on October 1, 1999. The \"Great Hoosier Daily,\" as it was known, at one time held the largest circulation in the state of Indiana. It was also the oldest Indianapolis newspaper until it closed and was housed in the Indianapolis News Building from 1910 to 1949.", "title": "Indianapolis News" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Le Mauricien is a French-language newspaper, based and distributed in Mauritius. The newspaper, founded in 1908, is released daily and is one of the most read in Mauritius. The publishers, Le Mauricien Ltd., also publish \"Week-End\", \"Week-End Scope\" and \"Turf Magazine\". It is an independent newspaper.", "title": "Le Mauricien" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During August 1914, immediately after the outbreak of the war, British author and social commentator H.G. Wells published a number of articles in London newspapers that subsequently appeared as a book entitled The War That Will End War. Wells blamed the Central Powers for the coming of the war and argued that only the defeat of German militarism could bring about an end to war. Wells used the shorter form of the phrase, ``the war to end war '', in In the Fourth Year (1918), in which he noted that the phrase had`` got into circulation'' in the second half of 1914. In fact, it had become one of the most common catchphrases of the First World War.", "title": "The war to end war" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In Greek mythology, Minos (; , \"Minōs\") was the first King of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa. Every nine years, he made King Aegeus pick seven young boys and seven young girls to be sent to Daedalus's creation, the labyrinth, to be eaten by the Minotaur. After his death, Minos became a judge of the dead in the underworld.", "title": "Minos" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Devil's Labyrinth is a thriller horror novel by John Saul, published by Ballantine Books on July 17, 2007. The novel follows the story of Ryan McIntyre, a teenage boy sent to a Catholic boarding school, where strange deaths and mysterious disappearances begin to occur upon his arrival.", "title": "The Devil's Labyrinth" } ]
What year did the publisher of Labyrinth end?
[ { "answer": "Acornsoft", "id": 622637, "paragraph_support_idx": 16, "question": "Starship Command >> publisher" }, { "answer": "1986", "id": 120171, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "What year did #1 end?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Acornsoft ceased to operate as a separate company upon the departure of David Johnson-Davies in January 1986. Past this date, Acorn Computers used the Acornsoft name on office software it released in the \"VIEW\" family for the BBC Master series. In 1986 Superior Software was granted a licence to publish some Acornsoft games and rereleased many, individually and as compilations such as the \"Play It Again Sam\" and \"Acornsoft Hits\" series. By agreement, the Acornsoft name was also used on the packaging of some of the subsequent Superior games. Superior chose not to take on Acornsoft's text adventure games, most of which were released in updated versions by Topologika along with some sequels from the same authors.", "title": "Acornsoft" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hageman Peak () is a montane landform pinnacle rising to about at the northwest end of the Staccato Peaks in southern Alexander Island, Antarctica. The peak was photographed from the air by Lincoln Ellsworth in 1935, and was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names for Lieutenant Commander Roger H. Hageman, U.S. Navy, an LC-130 aircraft commander during Operation Deep Freeze, 1969.", "title": "Hageman Peak" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Lessons\" is the 19th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\" and was originally aired in the United States on April 5, 1993, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In \"Lessons\", Captain Picard's (Patrick Stewart) shared love of music with Lt. Commander Nella Daren (Wendy Hughes) leads to romance, resulting in conflicting emotions on his behalf. After incorrectly believing her to have died, he realizes that he is incapable of carrying out a relationship with someone under his command.", "title": "Lessons (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The original Little House books were a series of eight autobiographical children's novels written by Laura Ingalls Wilder and published by Harper & Brothers from 1932 to 1943. The eighth book, These Happy Golden Years, featured Laura Ingalls at ages 15 to 18 and was originally published with one page at the end containing the note, ``The end of the Little House books. ''The ninth and last novel written by Wilder, The First Four Years was published posthumously and unfinished in 1971. Although her intentions are unknown, it is commonly considered part of the Little House series and is included in the 9 - volume paperback box set Little House, Big Adventure (Harper Trophy, May 1994).", "title": "List of Little House on the Prairie books" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Lessons ''is the 19th episode of the sixth season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and was originally aired in the United States on April 5, 1993, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship USS Enterprise - D. In`` Lessons'', Captain Picard's (Patrick Stewart) shared love of music with Lt. Commander Nella Daren (Wendy Hughes) leads to romance, resulting in conflicting emotions on his behalf. After incorrectly believing her to have died, he realizes that he is incapable of carrying out a relationship with someone under his command.", "title": "Lessons (Star Trek: The Next Generation)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Indianapolis News was an evening newspaper published for 130 years, beginning December 7, 1869, and ending on October 1, 1999. The \"Great Hoosier Daily,\" as it was known, at one time held the largest circulation in the state of Indiana. It was also the oldest Indianapolis newspaper until it closed and was housed in the Indianapolis News Building from 1910 to 1949.", "title": "Indianapolis News" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Le Mauricien is a French-language newspaper, based and distributed in Mauritius. The newspaper, founded in 1908, is released daily and is one of the most read in Mauritius. The publishers, Le Mauricien Ltd., also publish \"Week-End\", \"Week-End Scope\" and \"Turf Magazine\". It is an independent newspaper.", "title": "Le Mauricien" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Someone in the Dark is a collection of fantasy and horror short stories by author August Derleth. It was released in 1941 and was the second book published by Arkham House. 1,115 copies were printed, priced at $2.00. In\" Thirty Years of Arkham House\", Derleth implied that this title had sold out by the end of 1944.", "title": "Someone in the Dark" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Miracles ''is a song written by Marty Balin and originally recorded by Jefferson Starship, appearing on their 1975 album Red Octopus.", "title": "Miracles (Jefferson Starship song)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present - day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. A French army under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by two of the armies of the Seventh Coalition: a British - led Allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington, and a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, Prince of Wahlstatt. The battle marked the end of the Napoleonic Wars.", "title": "Battle of Waterloo" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Walter Storp (2 February 1910 – 9 August 1981) was a German bomber pilot and commander of several bomber wings during World War II. He was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. Storp reached the rank of Generalmajor and ended the war as commander of the 5th Air Division in Norway.", "title": "Walter Storp" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Death Comes as the End is a historical mystery novel by Agatha Christie, first published in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in October 1944 and in the UK by the Collins Crime Club in March of the following year. The US Edition retailed at $2.00 and the UK edition at seven shillings and sixpence (7/6).", "title": "Death Comes as the End" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gridlinked is Neal Asher's first novel, published by the Macmillan Publishers imprint Pan Books in 2001. It contains elements of the technological inventiveness of hard science-fiction with a more contemporary political plotline. The novel follows the exploits of Earth Central Security agent Ian Cormac, as he attempts to discover who or what is behind the destruction of the Runcible on a remote colony. Cormac drops an investigation into Polity separatists on Cheyne III, and takes the starship \"Hubris\" to the ruined world of Samarkand to directly oversee the investigation there. Having been directly \"gridlinked\" to the Polity A.I. network for too long, Cormac has been slowly losing his humanity, and takes the opportunity of this particular mission to disconnect and solve the mystery the old-fashioned way.", "title": "Gridlinked" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present - day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. A French army under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by two of the armies of the Seventh Coalition: a British - led Allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington, and a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, Prince of Wahlstatt. The battle marked the end of the 20 year Napoleonic Wars.", "title": "Battle of Waterloo" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The post of Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth was merged with that of Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth in 1969 to form the post of Commander-in-Chief, Naval Home Command. The posts of Second Sea Lord and Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command were amalgamated in 1994 following the rationalisation of the British Armed Forces following the end of the Cold War. In 2012, however, all distinct Commander-in-Chief appointments were discontinued, with full operational command being vested instead in the First Sea Lord; he now flies his flag from HMS \"Victory\".", "title": "Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a 1979 American science fiction film directed by Robert Wise and based on the television series of the same name created by Gene Roddenberry, who also served as its producer. It is the first installment in the Star Trek film series, and stars the cast of the original television series. The film is set in the twenty - third century, when a mysterious and immensely powerful alien cloud known as V'Ger approaches Earth, destroying everything in its path. Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) assumes command of the recently refitted Starship USS Enterprise, to lead it on a mission to save the planet and determine V'Ger's origins.", "title": "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Acornsoft's Starship Command is a computer game released in 1983 for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron. It was available on cassette as well as 5.25\" disc for the BBC and ROM cartridge for the Acorn Electron Plus 1 expansion module. The game was written by Peter Irvin who, along with Jeremy Smith, went on to create the complex arcade adventure \"Exile\".", "title": "Starship Command" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Brigadier General Ferruccio Ranza (9 September 1892—25 Ap[ril 1973) began his military career as a World War I flying ace credited with seventeen confirmed victories and eight unconfirmed ones. Postwar, he rose to command of several area commands of the resurgent Italian air force. He served through the end of World War II.", "title": "Ferruccio Ranza" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Fall of Constantinople (Greek: Ἅλωσις τῆς Κωνσταντινουπόλεως, Halōsis tēs Kōnstantinoupoleōs; Turkish: İstanbul'un Fethi Conquest of Istanbul) was the capture of the capital of the Byzantine Empire by an invading Ottoman army on 29 May 1453. The attackers were commanded by the then 21 - year - old Sultan Mehmed II, who defeated an army commanded by Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos and took control of the imperial capital, ending a 53 - day siege that had begun on 6 April 1453. After conquering the city, Sultan Mehmed transferred the capital of his Empire from Edirne to Constantinople, and established his court there.", "title": "Fall of Constantinople" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Constantion Badescu (1892–1962) was a Romanian brigadier-general during World War II. He served as commanding officer, 1st Dorobanti Infantry Regiment in 1941, but was called into reserve the following year. He retired in 1943, but was recalled in 1944 and served as commanding officer, 11th Brigade. In 1945, he first served as general officer commanding 11th Division, then commanding officer 11th Brigade, and finally general officer commanding 11th Division again. He retired in 1947.", "title": "Constantion Bădescu" } ]
What year did the company that published Starship Command end?
[ { "answer": "Veruca Salt", "id": 353836, "paragraph_support_idx": 1, "question": "Eight Arms to Hold You >> performer" }, { "answer": "Julie Dawn Cole", "id": 80026, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "who played #1 in willy wonka and the chocolate factory" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Knights' primary demand was for an eight - hour day; they also called for legislation to end child and convict labor, as well as a graduated income tax. They were eager supporters of cooperatives. The only woman to hold office in the Knights of Labor, Leonora Barry worked as an investigator and described the horrific conditions in factories, conditions tantamount to the abuse of women and children. These reports made Barry the first person to collect national statistics on the American working woman.", "title": "Knights of Labor" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Eight Arms to Hold You is the second full-length studio album by alternative rock band Veruca Salt, released on February 11, 1997, through Outpost/Geffen Records. It was the last album to feature original band members Nina Gordon, Louise Post, Steve Lack, and Jim Shapiro until the 2015 reunion album \"Ghost Notes\".", "title": "Eight Arms to Hold You" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willie Nelson (born April 20, 1987 in Cleveland, Ohio) is a professional boxer. He holds the NABF Intercontinental Super Welterweight title. On June 19, 2010 Willie knocked out title contender Jesse Feliciano.", "title": "Willie Nelson (boxer)" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Violet Beauregarde Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character First appearance Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Created by Roald Dahl Portrayed by Denise Nickerson (1971) AnnaSophia Robb (2005) Voiced by AnnaSophia Robb (2005 video game) Dallas Lovato (Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) Information Gender Female Family Ginger Beauregarde (mother) Sam Beauregarde (father) Nationality American", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The celesta has been common in cinema for decades. In addition to supplementing numerous soundtrack orchestrations for films of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, the celesta has occasionally been spotlighted to invoke a whimsical air. For example, in Pinocchio (1940), a small motif on the celesta is used whenever the Blue Fairy appears out of thin air or performs magic. Celesta also provides the signature opening of Pure Imagination, a song (sung by Gene Wilder) from the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Composer John Williams's scores for the first three Harry Potter films feature the instrument, particularly in the first two films' frequent statements of ``Hedwig's Theme ''.", "title": "Celesta" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 American musical fantasy family film directed by Mel Stuart, and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. It is an adaptation of the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Dahl was credited with writing the film's screenplay; however, David Seltzer, who went uncredited in the film, was brought in to re-work the screenplay against Dahl's wishes, making major changes to the ending and adding musical numbers. These changes and other decisions made by the director led Dahl to disown the film.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ ˈpiːtər ˈoʊstrəm /; born November 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The film tells the story of Charlie Bucket (Peter Ostrum) as he receives a Golden Ticket and visits Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with four other children from around the world. Filming took place in Munich in 1970, and the film was released by Paramount Pictures on June 30, 1971. With a budget of just $3 million, the film received generally positive reviews and earned $4 million by the end of its original run. Paramount distributed the film until 1977, and beginning in the 1980s, Warner Bros. assumed control of the rights for home entertainment purposes. The film then made an additional $21 million during its re-release by Warner Bros. under its Family Entertainment banner in 1996. The film became highly popular in part through repeated television airings and home entertainment sales. In 1972, the film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Score, and Wilder was nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy, but lost both to Fiddler on the Roof. The film also introduced the song ``The Candy Man '', which went on to become a popular hit when recorded by Sammy Davis Jr. In 2014, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being`` culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant''.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack to Tim Burton's 2005 film of the same name. The film's music was composed by Danny Elfman who also provided vocals for the songs.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (soundtrack)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and is along with four other contest winners, subsequently led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chocolate Factory is the fifth solo album by American recording artist R. Kelly, released on February 18, 2003 by Jive Records. Recording sessions took place mainly at Rockland Studios and Chicago Recording Company in Chicago, Illinois, and the album was primarily written, arranged, and produced by R. Kelly. \"Chocolate Factory\" was conceived by Kelly amid controversy over his sex scandal at the time.", "title": "Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Mel Stuart Produced by Stan Margulies David L. Wolper Screenplay by Roald Dahl Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Gene Wilder Jack Albertson Peter Ostrum Roy Kinnear Julie Dawn Cole Leonard Stone Denise Nickerson Dodo Denney Paris Themmen Music by Leslie Bricusse Anthony Newley Walter Scharf Cinematography Arthur Ibbetson Edited by David Saxon Production company Wolper Pictures The Quaker Oats Company Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date June 30, 1971 (1971 - 06 - 30) (United States) Running time 99 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $3 million Box office $4 million", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Julie Dawn Cole (born 26 October 1957) is an English actress who has been active for some 40 years. She began as a child performer in what remains her best - remembered film, 1971's Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, playing the spoiled Veruca Salt. She has two children.", "title": "Julie Dawn Cole" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Union Mill Complex, (also Bischoff's Chocolate Factory), is located at the junction of Milton Avenue (NY 50) and Prospect Street in Ballston Spa, New York, United States. It is a complex of three late 19th-century brick buildings on a 4-acre (1.6 ha) lot, and the ruins of a dam.", "title": "Union Mill Complex" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "German chocolate cake, originally German's chocolate cake, is a layered chocolate cake from the United States filled and topped with a coconut - pecan frosting. It owes its name to an English - American chocolate maker named Samuel German, who developed a formulation of dark baking chocolate that came to be used in the cake recipe. Sweet baking chocolate is traditionally used for the chocolate flavor in the actual cake, but few recipes call for it today. The filling and / or topping is a custard made with egg yolks and evaporated milk; once the custard is cooked, coconut and pecans are stirred in. Occasionally, a chocolate frosting is spread on the sides of the cake and piped around the circumference of the layers to hold in the filling. Maraschino cherries are occasionally added as a garnish.", "title": "German chocolate cake" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The character was played by David Kelly in the 2005 film adaptation, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Veteran actor Gregory Peck was originally selected to play the role, but he died in 2003 before filming began. This version of the character is written as more calm than the 1971 version. An original backstory to Grandpa Joe's past was added to Tim Burton's film, wherein it is said that Joe worked for Wonka until the latter fired all his workers from his factory due to constant corporate espionage by rival confectionery manufacturers. When he returns to the factory with Charlie for the tour, Wonka asks if he was a spy working for a competing factory before he humbly welcomes him back.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Veruca Salt is a greedy, demanding, manipulative and stingy brat. She demands every single thing she wants (and more), the second person to find a Golden Ticket, the third eliminated from the tour. A selfish, rotten brat who shows her wealthy family no mercy and has absolutely no regard for other people's property, Veruca frequently pesters her parents to purchase a variety of different objects for her. In the 2005 film, it is revealed that she owns a pony, two dogs, four cats, six rabbits, two parakeets, three canaries, a parrot, a turtle, and a hamster, totalling up to 21 pets. But when she interferes with the trained squirrels used by Willy Wonka to select the best nuts to bake into chocolate bars, she is judged as a ``bad nut ''by the squirrels and discarded into the adjacent 'garbage chute' and her parents follow. All three are later seen leaving the factory`` covered in garbage''. Her nationality was never specified in Dahl's novel, but she hails from an upper - class family in the United Kingdom in both films.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roy Mitchell Kinnear (8 January 1934 -- 20 September 1988) was an English actor. He is known for his roles in films directed by Richard Lester; including Algernon in Help! (1965); Clapper in How I Won the War (1967); and Planchet in The Three Musketeers (1973), reprising the latter role in the 1974 and 1989 sequels. He is also known for playing Henry Salt in the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Roy Kinnear" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One day, Charlie sees a fifty - pence coin (dollar bill in the US version) buried in the snow. He then buys himself a Wonka Bar and finds the fifth golden ticket and shows it to his parents. The ticket says he can bring any family members with him to the factory and Charlie's parents decide to allow Grandpa Joe to go with him.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and, along with four other contest winners, is led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" } ]
In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, who played the character that the band who performs Eight Arms to Hold You is named after?
Julie Dawn Cole
[ { "answer": "Veruca Salt", "id": 847760, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "Seether >> performer" }, { "answer": "Julie Dawn Cole", "id": 80026, "paragraph_support_idx": 11, "question": "who played #1 in willy wonka and the chocolate factory" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chocolate Factory is the fifth solo album by American recording artist R. Kelly, released on February 18, 2003 by Jive Records. Recording sessions took place mainly at Rockland Studios and Chicago Recording Company in Chicago, Illinois, and the album was primarily written, arranged, and produced by R. Kelly. \"Chocolate Factory\" was conceived by Kelly amid controversy over his sex scandal at the time.", "title": "Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Violet Beauregarde Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character First appearance Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Created by Roald Dahl Portrayed by Denise Nickerson (1971) AnnaSophia Robb (2005) Voiced by AnnaSophia Robb (2005 video game) Dallas Lovato (Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) Information Gender Female Family Ginger Beauregarde (mother) Sam Beauregarde (father) Nationality American", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Veruca Salt is a greedy, demanding, manipulative and stingy brat. She demands every single thing she wants (and more), the second person to find a Golden Ticket, the third eliminated from the tour. A selfish, rotten brat who shows her wealthy family no mercy and has absolutely no regard for other people's property, Veruca frequently pesters her parents to purchase a variety of different objects for her. In the 2005 film, it is revealed that she owns a pony, two dogs, four cats, six rabbits, two parakeets, three canaries, a parrot, a turtle, and a hamster, totalling up to 21 pets. But when she interferes with the trained squirrels used by Willy Wonka to select the best nuts to bake into chocolate bars, she is judged as a ``bad nut ''by the squirrels and discarded into the adjacent 'garbage chute' and her parents follow. All three are later seen leaving the factory`` covered in garbage''. Her nationality was never specified in Dahl's novel, but she hails from an upper - class family in the United Kingdom in both films.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One day, Charlie sees a fifty - pence coin (dollar bill in the US version) buried in the snow. He then buys himself a Wonka Bar and finds the fifth golden ticket and shows it to his parents. The ticket says he can bring any family members with him to the factory and Charlie's parents decide to allow Grandpa Joe to go with him.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The character was played by David Kelly in the 2005 film adaptation, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Veteran actor Gregory Peck was originally selected to play the role, but he died in 2003 before filming began. This version of the character is written as more calm than the 1971 version. An original backstory to Grandpa Joe's past was added to Tim Burton's film, wherein it is said that Joe worked for Wonka until the latter fired all his workers from his factory due to constant corporate espionage by rival confectionery manufacturers. When he returns to the factory with Charlie for the tour, Wonka asks if he was a spy working for a competing factory before he humbly welcomes him back.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack to Tim Burton's 2005 film of the same name. The film's music was composed by Danny Elfman who also provided vocals for the songs.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (soundtrack)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ ˈoʊstrəm /; born November 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 American musical fantasy family film directed by Mel Stuart, and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. It is an adaptation of the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Dahl was credited with writing the film's screenplay; however, David Seltzer, who went uncredited in the film, was brought in to re-work the screenplay against Dahl's wishes, making major changes to the ending and adding musical numbers. These changes and other decisions made by the director led Dahl to disown the film.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Union Mill Complex, (also Bischoff's Chocolate Factory), is located at the junction of Milton Avenue (NY 50) and Prospect Street in Ballston Spa, New York, United States. It is a complex of three late 19th-century brick buildings on a 4-acre (1.6 ha) lot, and the ruins of a dam.", "title": "Union Mill Complex" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roy Mitchell Kinnear (8 January 1934 -- 20 September 1988) was an English actor. He is known for his roles in films directed by Richard Lester; including Algernon in Help! (1965); Clapper in How I Won the War (1967); and Planchet in The Three Musketeers (1973), reprising the latter role in the 1974 and 1989 sequels. He is also known for playing Henry Salt in the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Roy Kinnear" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Tim Burton Produced by Brad Grey Richard D. Zanuck Screenplay by John August Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Johnny Depp Freddie Highmore David Kelly Helena Bonham Carter Noah Taylor Missi Pyle James Fox Deep Roy Christopher Lee Narrated by Geoffrey Holder Music by Danny Elfman Cinematography Philippe Rousselot Edited by Chris Lebenzon Production companies The Zanuck Company Plan B Entertainment Village Roadshow Pictures Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Release date July 10, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 10) (Grauman's Chinese Theatre) July 15, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 15) (United States) July 29, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 29) (United Kingdom) Running time 115 minutes Country United States United Kingdom Language English Budget $150 million Box office $475 million", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Julie Dawn Cole (born 26 October 1957) is an English actress who has been active for some 40 years. She began as a child performer in what remains her best - remembered film, 1971's Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, playing the spoiled Veruca Salt. She has two children.", "title": "Julie Dawn Cole" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "\"Seether\" is a single by American alternative rock band Veruca Salt. It was backed with \"All Hail Me\". In 1994, the song was No. 3 in British Radio One DJ John Peel's \"Festive Fifty\". The song appeared in the film \"Young Adult\" and the TV shows \"Hindsight\" and \"Halt and Catch Fire\".", "title": "Seether (song)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 American musical fantasy film directed by Mel Stuart, and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. It is an adaptation of the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Dahl was credited with writing the film's screenplay; however, David Seltzer, who went uncredited in the film, was brought in to re-work Dahl's screenplay against his wishes, making major changes to the ending and adding musical numbers. These changes and other decisions made by the director led Dahl to disown the film.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The mascot of Northwestern Athletics is Willie the Wildcat. The first mascot, however, was a live, caged bear cub from the Lincoln Park Zoo named Furpaw who was brought to the playing field on the day of a game to greet the fans. But after a losing season, the team, deciding that Furpaw was to blame for its misfortune, banished him from campus forever. Willie the Wildcat made his debut in 1933 first as a logo, and then in three dimensions in 1947, when members of the Alpha Delta fraternity dressed as wildcats during a Homecoming Parade. The Northwestern University Marching Band (NUMB) performs at all home football games and leads cheers in the student section and performs the Alma Mater at the end of the game.", "title": "Northwestern University" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and, along with four other contest winners, is led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and is along with four other contest winners, subsequently led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Shaun Morgan Welgemoed ((ˈveːl. χɐmut), born on December 21, 1978), known publicly as Shaun Morgan, is a South African musician, singer, songwriter and guitarist for the South African rock band Seether.", "title": "Shaun Morgan" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ ˈpiːtər ˈoʊstrəm /; born November 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Mel Stuart Produced by Stan Margulies David L. Wolper Screenplay by Roald Dahl Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Gene Wilder Jack Albertson Peter Ostrum Roy Kinnear Julie Dawn Cole Leonard Stone Denise Nickerson Dodo Denney Paris Themmen Music by Leslie Bricusse Anthony Newley Walter Scharf Cinematography Arthur Ibbetson Edited by David Saxon Production company Wolper Pictures The Quaker Oats Company Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date June 30, 1971 (1971 - 06 - 30) (United States) Running time 99 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $3 million Box office $4 million", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" } ]
Who played Seether's performer in willy wonka and the chocolate factory?
Julie Dawn Cole
[ { "answer": "Veruca Salt", "id": 217011, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "Victrola >> performer" }, { "answer": "Julie Dawn Cole", "id": 80026, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "who played #1 in willy wonka and the chocolate factory" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Union Mill Complex, (also Bischoff's Chocolate Factory), is located at the junction of Milton Avenue (NY 50) and Prospect Street in Ballston Spa, New York, United States. It is a complex of three late 19th-century brick buildings on a 4-acre (1.6 ha) lot, and the ruins of a dam.", "title": "Union Mill Complex" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The character was played by David Kelly in the 2005 film adaptation, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Veteran actor Gregory Peck was originally selected to play the role, but he died in 2003 before filming began. This version of the character is written as more calm than the 1971 version. An original backstory to Grandpa Joe's past was added to Tim Burton's film, wherein it is said that Joe worked for Wonka until the latter fired all his workers from his factory due to constant corporate espionage by rival confectionery manufacturers. When he returns to the factory with Charlie for the tour, Wonka asks if he was a spy working for a competing factory before he humbly welcomes him back.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "\"Victrola\" is a single by the band Veruca Salt. It was released in 1995 on Minty Fresh Records. It includes a cover of The Knack's \"My Sharona\".", "title": "Victrola (song)" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chocolate Factory is the fifth solo album by American recording artist R. Kelly, released on February 18, 2003 by Jive Records. Recording sessions took place mainly at Rockland Studios and Chicago Recording Company in Chicago, Illinois, and the album was primarily written, arranged, and produced by R. Kelly. \"Chocolate Factory\" was conceived by Kelly amid controversy over his sex scandal at the time.", "title": "Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Violet Beauregarde Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character First appearance Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Created by Roald Dahl Portrayed by Denise Nickerson (1971) AnnaSophia Robb (2005) Voiced by AnnaSophia Robb (2005 video game) Dallas Lovato (Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) Information Gender Female Family Ginger Beauregarde (mother) Sam Beauregarde (father) Nationality American", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Tim Burton Produced by Brad Grey Richard D. Zanuck Screenplay by John August Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Johnny Depp Freddie Highmore David Kelly Helena Bonham Carter Noah Taylor Missi Pyle James Fox Deep Roy Christopher Lee Narrated by Geoffrey Holder Music by Danny Elfman Cinematography Philippe Rousselot Edited by Chris Lebenzon Production companies The Zanuck Company Plan B Entertainment Village Roadshow Pictures Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Release date July 10, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 10) (Grauman's Chinese Theatre) July 15, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 15) (United States) July 29, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 29) (United Kingdom) Running time 115 minutes Country United States United Kingdom Language English Budget $150 million Box office $475 million", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Julie Dawn Cole (born 26 October 1957) is an English actress who has been active for some 40 years. She began as a child performer in what remains her best - remembered film, 1971's Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, playing the spoiled Veruca Salt. She has two children.", "title": "Julie Dawn Cole" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ ˈoʊstrəm /; born November 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack to Tim Burton's 2005 film of the same name. The film's music was composed by Danny Elfman who also provided vocals for the songs.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (soundtrack)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and, along with four other contest winners, is led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The film tells the story of Charlie Bucket (Peter Ostrum) as he receives a Golden Ticket and visits Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with four other children from around the world. Filming took place in Munich in 1970, and the film was released by Paramount Pictures on June 30, 1971. With a budget of just $3 million, the film received generally positive reviews and earned $4 million by the end of its original run. Paramount distributed the film until 1977, and beginning in the 1980s, Warner Bros. assumed control of the rights for home entertainment purposes. The film then made an additional $21 million during its re-release by Warner Bros. under its Family Entertainment banner in 1996. The film became highly popular in part through repeated television airings and home entertainment sales. In 1972, the film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Score, and Wilder was nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy, but lost both to Fiddler on the Roof. The film also introduced the song ``The Candy Man '', which went on to become a popular hit when recorded by Sammy Davis Jr. In 2014, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being`` culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant''.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The mascot of Northwestern Athletics is Willie the Wildcat. The first mascot, however, was a live, caged bear cub from the Lincoln Park Zoo named Furpaw who was brought to the playing field on the day of a game to greet the fans. But after a losing season, the team, deciding that Furpaw was to blame for its misfortune, banished him from campus forever. Willie the Wildcat made his debut in 1933 first as a logo, and then in three dimensions in 1947, when members of the Alpha Delta fraternity dressed as wildcats during a Homecoming Parade. The Northwestern University Marching Band (NUMB) performs at all home football games and leads cheers in the student section and performs the Alma Mater at the end of the game.", "title": "Northwestern University" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roy Mitchell Kinnear (8 January 1934 -- 20 September 1988) was an English actor. He is known for his roles in films directed by Richard Lester; including Algernon in Help! (1965); Clapper in How I Won the War (1967); and Planchet in The Three Musketeers (1973), reprising the latter role in the 1974 and 1989 sequels. He is also known for playing Henry Salt in the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Roy Kinnear" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Mel Stuart Produced by Stan Margulies David L. Wolper Screenplay by Roald Dahl Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Gene Wilder Jack Albertson Peter Ostrum Roy Kinnear Julie Dawn Cole Leonard Stone Denise Nickerson Dodo Denney Paris Themmen Music by Leslie Bricusse Anthony Newley Walter Scharf Cinematography Arthur Ibbetson Edited by David Saxon Production company Wolper Pictures The Quaker Oats Company Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date June 30, 1971 (1971 - 06 - 30) (United States) Running time 99 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $3 million Box office $4 million", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The celesta has been common in cinema for decades. In addition to supplementing numerous soundtrack orchestrations for films of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, the celesta has occasionally been spotlighted to invoke a whimsical air. For example, in Pinocchio (1940), a small motif on the celesta is used whenever the Blue Fairy appears out of thin air or performs magic. Celesta also provides the signature opening of Pure Imagination, a song (sung by Gene Wilder) from the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Composer John Williams's scores for the first three Harry Potter films feature the instrument, particularly in the first two films' frequent statements of ``Hedwig's Theme ''.", "title": "Celesta" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and is along with four other contest winners, subsequently led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 American musical fantasy film directed by Mel Stuart, and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. It is an adaptation of the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Dahl was credited with writing the film's screenplay; however, David Seltzer, who went uncredited in the film, was brought in to re-work Dahl's screenplay against his wishes, making major changes to the ending and adding musical numbers. These changes and other decisions made by the director led Dahl to disown the film.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In October 2000, Ostrum and some of his co-stars from the film were scheduled to record an audio commentary for a special edition DVD. In a 2010 interview, Wonka co-star Denise Nickerson (Violet Beauregarde) revealed that Ostrum had agreed to join her and Paris Themmen (Wonka's Mike Teevee) for a reunion commemorating the 40th anniversary of the film's release in 2011.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Veruca Salt is a greedy, demanding, manipulative and stingy brat. She demands every single thing she wants (and more), the second person to find a Golden Ticket, the third eliminated from the tour. A selfish, rotten brat who shows her wealthy family no mercy and has absolutely no regard for other people's property, Veruca frequently pesters her parents to purchase a variety of different objects for her. In the 2005 film, it is revealed that she owns a pony, two dogs, four cats, six rabbits, two parakeets, three canaries, a parrot, a turtle, and a hamster, totalling up to 21 pets. But when she interferes with the trained squirrels used by Willy Wonka to select the best nuts to bake into chocolate bars, she is judged as a ``bad nut ''by the squirrels and discarded into the adjacent 'garbage chute' and her parents follow. All three are later seen leaving the factory`` covered in garbage''. Her nationality was never specified in Dahl's novel, but she hails from an upper - class family in the United Kingdom in both films.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One day, Charlie sees a fifty - pence coin (dollar bill in the US version) buried in the snow. He then buys himself a Wonka Bar and finds the fifth golden ticket and shows it to his parents. The ticket says he can bring any family members with him to the factory and Charlie's parents decide to allow Grandpa Joe to go with him.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" } ]
Who played the character in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory that the performer of Victrola was named after?
Julie Dawn Cole
[ { "answer": "Veruca Salt", "id": 593866, "paragraph_support_idx": 11, "question": "MMXIV >> performer" }, { "answer": "Julie Dawn Cole", "id": 80026, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "who played #1 in willy wonka and the chocolate factory" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The mascot of Northwestern Athletics is Willie the Wildcat. The first mascot, however, was a live, caged bear cub from the Lincoln Park Zoo named Furpaw who was brought to the playing field on the day of a game to greet the fans. But after a losing season, the team, deciding that Furpaw was to blame for its misfortune, banished him from campus forever. Willie the Wildcat made his debut in 1933 first as a logo, and then in three dimensions in 1947, when members of the Alpha Delta fraternity dressed as wildcats during a Homecoming Parade. The Northwestern University Marching Band (NUMB) performs at all home football games and leads cheers in the student section and performs the Alma Mater at the end of the game.", "title": "Northwestern University" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Violet Beauregarde Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character First appearance Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Created by Roald Dahl Portrayed by Denise Nickerson (1971) AnnaSophia Robb (2005) Voiced by AnnaSophia Robb (2005 video game) Dallas Lovato (Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) Information Gender Female Family Ginger Beauregarde (mother) Sam Beauregarde (father) Nationality American", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 American musical fantasy film directed by Mel Stuart, and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. It is an adaptation of the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Dahl was credited with writing the film's screenplay; however, David Seltzer, who went uncredited in the film, was brought in to re-work Dahl's screenplay against his wishes, making major changes to the ending and adding musical numbers. These changes and other decisions made by the director led Dahl to disown the film.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One day, Charlie sees a fifty - pence coin (dollar bill in the US version) buried in the snow. He then buys himself a Wonka Bar and finds the fifth golden ticket and shows it to his parents. The ticket says he can bring any family members with him to the factory and Charlie's parents decide to allow Grandpa Joe to go with him.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chocolate Factory is the fifth solo album by American recording artist R. Kelly, released on February 18, 2003 by Jive Records. Recording sessions took place mainly at Rockland Studios and Chicago Recording Company in Chicago, Illinois, and the album was primarily written, arranged, and produced by R. Kelly. \"Chocolate Factory\" was conceived by Kelly amid controversy over his sex scandal at the time.", "title": "Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In October 2000, Ostrum and some of his co-stars from the film were scheduled to record an audio commentary for a special edition DVD. In a 2010 interview, Wonka co-star Denise Nickerson (Violet Beauregarde) revealed that Ostrum had agreed to join her and Paris Themmen (Wonka's Mike Teevee) for a reunion commemorating the 40th anniversary of the film's release in 2011.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 American musical fantasy family film directed by Mel Stuart, and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. It is an adaptation of the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Dahl was credited with writing the film's screenplay; however, David Seltzer, who went uncredited in the film, was brought in to re-work the screenplay against Dahl's wishes, making major changes to the ending and adding musical numbers. These changes and other decisions made by the director led Dahl to disown the film.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack to Tim Burton's 2005 film of the same name. The film's music was composed by Danny Elfman who also provided vocals for the songs.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (soundtrack)" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and, along with four other contest winners, is led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Union Mill Complex, (also Bischoff's Chocolate Factory), is located at the junction of Milton Avenue (NY 50) and Prospect Street in Ballston Spa, New York, United States. It is a complex of three late 19th-century brick buildings on a 4-acre (1.6 ha) lot, and the ruins of a dam.", "title": "Union Mill Complex" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Mel Stuart Produced by Stan Margulies David L. Wolper Screenplay by Roald Dahl Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Gene Wilder Jack Albertson Peter Ostrum Roy Kinnear Julie Dawn Cole Leonard Stone Denise Nickerson Dodo Denney Paris Themmen Music by Leslie Bricusse Anthony Newley Walter Scharf Cinematography Arthur Ibbetson Edited by David Saxon Production company Wolper Pictures The Quaker Oats Company Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date June 30, 1971 (1971 - 06 - 30) (United States) Running time 99 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $3 million Box office $4 million", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "MMXIV is a 2014 EP by Veruca Salt. This is their first release with the original lineup since \"Eight Arms to Hold You\" in 1997. It was released on vinyl for Record Store Day 2014. \"The Museum of Broken Relationships\" was later included on the band's album \"Ghost Notes\" (2015).", "title": "MMXIV (Veruca Salt)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roy Mitchell Kinnear (8 January 1934 -- 20 September 1988) was an English actor. He is known for his roles in films directed by Richard Lester; including Algernon in Help! (1965); Clapper in How I Won the War (1967); and Planchet in The Three Musketeers (1973), reprising the latter role in the 1974 and 1989 sequels. He is also known for playing Henry Salt in the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Roy Kinnear" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ ˈpiːtər ˈoʊstrəm /; born November 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Julie Dawn Cole (born 26 October 1957) is an English actress who has been active for some 40 years. She began as a child performer in what remains her best - remembered film, 1971's Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, playing the spoiled Veruca Salt. She has two children.", "title": "Julie Dawn Cole" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The character was played by David Kelly in the 2005 film adaptation, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Veteran actor Gregory Peck was originally selected to play the role, but he died in 2003 before filming began. This version of the character is written as more calm than the 1971 version. An original backstory to Grandpa Joe's past was added to Tim Burton's film, wherein it is said that Joe worked for Wonka until the latter fired all his workers from his factory due to constant corporate espionage by rival confectionery manufacturers. When he returns to the factory with Charlie for the tour, Wonka asks if he was a spy working for a competing factory before he humbly welcomes him back.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The film tells the story of Charlie Bucket (Peter Ostrum) as he receives a Golden Ticket and visits Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with four other children from around the world. Filming took place in Munich in 1970, and the film was released by Paramount Pictures on June 30, 1971. With a budget of just $3 million, the film received generally positive reviews and earned $4 million by the end of its original run. Paramount distributed the film until 1977, and beginning in the 1980s, Warner Bros. assumed control of the rights for home entertainment purposes. The film then made an additional $21 million during its re-release by Warner Bros. under its Family Entertainment banner in 1996. The film became highly popular in part through repeated television airings and home entertainment sales. In 1972, the film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Score, and Wilder was nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy, but lost both to Fiddler on the Roof. The film also introduced the song ``The Candy Man '', which went on to become a popular hit when recorded by Sammy Davis Jr. In 2014, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being`` culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant''.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ ˈoʊstrəm /; born November 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and is along with four other contest winners, subsequently led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Tim Burton Produced by Brad Grey Richard D. Zanuck Screenplay by John August Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Johnny Depp Freddie Highmore David Kelly Helena Bonham Carter Noah Taylor Missi Pyle James Fox Deep Roy Christopher Lee Narrated by Geoffrey Holder Music by Danny Elfman Cinematography Philippe Rousselot Edited by Chris Lebenzon Production companies The Zanuck Company Plan B Entertainment Village Roadshow Pictures Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Release date July 10, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 10) (Grauman's Chinese Theatre) July 15, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 15) (United States) July 29, 2005 (2005 - 07 - 29) (United Kingdom) Running time 115 minutes Country United States United Kingdom Language English Budget $150 million Box office $475 million", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" } ]
In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, who played the character that the group who performs MMXIV was named after?
Julie Dawn Cole
[ { "answer": "Orange River", "id": 156700, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "What is Kraai River a tributary of?" }, { "answer": "Thaba Putsoa", "id": 63853, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "what is the source of #1" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Klehini River is about long from its source in British Columbia to its mouth at the Chilkat River, of which it is the largest tributary. The Klehini River is renowned for its salmon runs, its biannual congregation of bald eagles—the second largest in the Haines area after the Chilkat River's Council Grounds—and for the Klehini Falls. The Klehini also delineates the northern boundary of the Chilkat Range.", "title": "Klehini River" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Raba is a river in the south of Poland (Lesser Poland Voivodeship), right tributary to the river Vistula. Its source is in the Beskids, between the towns of Rabka-Zdrój and Nowy Targ. It flows to the north and then to the northeast. Towns along the river Raba include Rabka-Zdrój, Mszana Dolna, Myślenice, Dobczyce and Bochnia.", "title": "Raba (river)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bolshaya Lyampa () is a river in Perm Krai, Russia, a right tributary of Uls River which in turn is a tributary of Vishera River. The river is long. Its source is near the border with Sverdlovsk Oblast. It flows into the Uls River from the larger river's mouth. The Bolshaya Lyampa's main tributary is the Malaya Lyampa River.", "title": "Bolshaya Lyampa" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Kraai River originates in the mountains south of Lesotho and flows westward from the confluence of the Bell River and the Sterkspruit at Moshesh's Ford at all the way to Aliwal North, where it joins the Orange River at .", "title": "Kraai River" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Thoré () is a long river in the Hérault and Tarn \"départements\", southwestern France. Its source is in the northern part of Rieussec. It flows generally northwest. It is a left tributary of the Agout into which it flows between Navès and Castres.", "title": "Thoré" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The sources of the Congo are in the highlands and mountains of the East African Rift, as well as Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru, which feed the Lualaba River, which then becomes the Congo below Boyoma Falls. The Chambeshi River in Zambia is generally taken as the source of the Congo in line with the accepted practice worldwide of using the longest tributary, as with the Nile River.", "title": "Congo River" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Orange Gariep, Oranje, Senqu River Sunset over the Orange River near Upington in the Northern Cape Countries Lesotho, South Africa, Namibia Tributaries - right Caledon River, Vaal River, Fish River (Namibia) Landmarks Gariep Dam, Augrabies Falls Source Thaba Putsoa - location Maloti Mountains (Drakensberg), Lesotho - elevation 3,350 m (10,991 ft) Mouth Alexander Bay - location Atlantic Ocean Length 2,200 km (1,367 mi) Basin 973,000 km (375,677 sq mi) Discharge - average 365 m / s (12,890 cu ft / s) The course and watershed of the Orange River, Caledon River and Vaal River. This map shows a conservative border for the watershed. Specifically, the Kalahari basin is excluded, as some sources say it is endorheic. Some other sources using computational methods show a basin which includes parts of Botswana (and hence of the Kalahari).", "title": "Orange River" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Kabompo River is one of the main tributaries of the upper Zambezi River. It flows entirely in Zambia, rising to the east of the source of the Zambezi, in North-Western Province along the watershed between the Zambezi and Congo river basins which also forms the border between Zambia and DR Congo.", "title": "Kabompo River" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Neste is a river in southern France, a left tributary of the Garonne. It rises from several sources around Saint-Lary-Soulan, central Pyrenees and flows through", "title": "Neste (river)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Shaksgam River (, , ) is a left tributary of the Yarkand River. The river is also known as the Kelechin River and Muztagh River. It rises in the Gasherbrum, Urdok, Staghar, Singhi and Kyagar Glaciers in the Karakoram. It then flows in a general northwestern direction parallel to the Karakoram ridge line in the Shaksgam Valley. The river valley was explored in 1889 by Francis Younghusband (who referred to the Shaksgam as the Oprang)., and again in 1926 by Kenneth Mason, who confirmed the sources of the river.", "title": "Shaksgam River" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mangalam River is the main tributary of the river Gayathripuzha, which in turn is a tributary of Bharathapuzha, the second longest river in Kerala, India. It is around 30 km long in length, with its source from Nelliyampathi forests, and passing through Vadakkencherry, Kannambra, Puthucode, Padur, etc. and joining Gayathripuzha at Plazhi in the border of Thrissur and Palakkad districts.", "title": "Mangalam River" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Chapare River is a river in Bolivia, which is a tributary of the Mamoré River in the Amazon Basin. The river has its source at the confluence of Espíritu Santo River and San Mateo River in the Cochabamba Department at Villa Tunari. It is the main waterway of Chapare Province. The fish Gephyrocharax chaparae is found in and named after the Chapare River.", "title": "Chapare River" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bhilangna River is a Himalayan river in Uttarakhand, India, which is the major tributary of the Bhagirathi river, the source stream of the Ganges River of India.", "title": "Bhilangna River" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Rufiji River lies entirely within Tanzania. The river is formed by the confluence of the Kilombero and Luwegu rivers. It is approximately 600 kilometres (370 mi) long, with its source in southwestern Tanzania and its mouth on the Indian Ocean at a point between Mafia Island called Mafia Channel. Its principal tributary is the Great Ruaha River. It is navigable for about 100 kilometres (62 mi).", "title": "Rufiji River" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Cagne is a river that flows through the Alpes-Maritimes department of southeastern France. Its source is near Coursegoules, and it flows into the Mediterranean Sea in Cagnes-sur-Mer. The Malvan is one of its tributaries.", "title": "Cagne" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The source of the Nile is sometimes considered to be Lake Victoria, but the lake has feeder rivers of considerable size. The Kagera River, which flows into Lake Victoria near the Tanzanian town of Bukoba, is the longest feeder, although sources do not agree on which is the longest tributary of the Kagera and hence the most distant source of the Nile itself. It is either the Ruvyironza, which emerges in Bururi Province, Burundi, or the Nyabarongo, which flows from Nyungwe Forest in Rwanda. The two feeder rivers meet near Rusumo Falls on the Rwanda - Tanzania border.", "title": "Nile" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The river Loimijoki is a river in Finland and the longest tributary of the river Kokemäenjoki. The river originates at the lake Pyhäjärvi in Tammela and joins the river Kokemäenjoki in Huittinen. There is a difference in elevation between the source and the mouth of the river, which is long. The river drains a catchment area of . The river has several dams at Forssa, Jokioinen and Loimaa.", "title": "Loimijoki" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Hushe River is a tributary river to the Shyok River which itself is tributary to the Indus River. The main source of the Hushe River is the Gondogoro Glacier. Some streams also flow from other glaciers of the Hushe valley. The Hushe river joins with Saltoro River at Haldi village before joining the Shyok River. Both the Hushe and Saltoro rivers join the Shyok river at the Tsa thang Ghursa village.", "title": "Hushe River" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Utva () is a river in Perm Krai, Russia, a right tributary of the Veslyana River, which in turn is a tributary of the Kama River. The river is long, and its drainage basin covers . The source of the river is in the extreme southwest of the Gaynsky District of Perm Krai, near the border with Kirov Oblast and the Komi Republic. The main tributaries are the Chugrum River (right) and the Yuzhnaya Anva River (left).", "title": "Utva River (Perm Krai)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Rhonelle is a river of northern France. It is a right tributary of the Scheldt. Its source is near Locquignol. It flows generally northwest along Le Quesnoy, Villers-Pol and Famars. It flows into the Scheldt in Valenciennes.", "title": "Rhonelle" } ]
What is the source of the river of which Kraai River is a tributary?
Thaba Putsoa
[ { "answer": "Veruca Salt", "id": 864201, "paragraph_support_idx": 18, "question": "Volcano Girls >> performer" }, { "answer": "Julie Dawn Cole", "id": 80026, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "who played #1 in willy wonka and the chocolate factory" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Noomi Rapace (Swedish pronunciation: (ˈnuːmɪ raˈpasː) (listen); née Norén; born 28 December 1979) is a Swedish actress. She achieved fame with her portrayal of Lisbeth Salander in the Swedish film adaptations of the Millennium series: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest. In 2011, she was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Actress for her performance in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.", "title": "Noomi Rapace" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and is along with four other contest winners, subsequently led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 American musical fantasy family film directed by Mel Stuart, and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. It is an adaptation of the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Dahl was credited with writing the film's screenplay; however, David Seltzer, who went uncredited in the film, was brought in to re-work the screenplay against Dahl's wishes, making major changes to the ending and adding musical numbers. These changes and other decisions made by the director led Dahl to disown the film.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a 1971 American musical fantasy film directed by Mel Stuart, and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. It is an adaptation of the 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Dahl was credited with writing the film's screenplay; however, David Seltzer, who went uncredited in the film, was brought in to re-work Dahl's screenplay against his wishes, making major changes to the ending and adding musical numbers. These changes and other decisions made by the director led Dahl to disown the film.", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The character was played by David Kelly in the 2005 film adaptation, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Veteran actor Gregory Peck was originally selected to play the role, but he died in 2003 before filming began. This version of the character is written as more calm than the 1971 version. An original backstory to Grandpa Joe's past was added to Tim Burton's film, wherein it is said that Joe worked for Wonka until the latter fired all his workers from his factory due to constant corporate espionage by rival confectionery manufacturers. When he returns to the factory with Charlie for the tour, Wonka asks if he was a spy working for a competing factory before he humbly welcomes him back.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chocolate Factory is the fifth solo album by American recording artist R. Kelly, released on February 18, 2003 by Jive Records. Recording sessions took place mainly at Rockland Studios and Chicago Recording Company in Chicago, Illinois, and the album was primarily written, arranged, and produced by R. Kelly. \"Chocolate Factory\" was conceived by Kelly amid controversy over his sex scandal at the time.", "title": "Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Union Mill Complex, (also Bischoff's Chocolate Factory), is located at the junction of Milton Avenue (NY 50) and Prospect Street in Ballston Spa, New York, United States. It is a complex of three late 19th-century brick buildings on a 4-acre (1.6 ha) lot, and the ruins of a dam.", "title": "Union Mill Complex" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Theatrical release poster Directed by Mel Stuart Produced by Stan Margulies David L. Wolper Screenplay by Roald Dahl Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Starring Gene Wilder Jack Albertson Peter Ostrum Roy Kinnear Julie Dawn Cole Leonard Stone Denise Nickerson Dodo Denney Paris Themmen Music by Leslie Bricusse Anthony Newley Walter Scharf Cinematography Arthur Ibbetson Edited by David Saxon Production company Wolper Pictures The Quaker Oats Company Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date June 30, 1971 (1971 - 06 - 30) (United States) Running time 99 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $3 million Box office $4 million", "title": "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peter Gardner Ostrum (/ ˈoʊstrəm /; born November 1957) is an American veterinarian and former child actor whose only film role was as Charlie Bucket in the 1971 motion picture Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Peter Ostrum" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Julie Dawn Cole (born 26 October 1957) is an English actress who has been active for some 40 years. She began as a child performer in what remains her best - remembered film, 1971's Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, playing the spoiled Veruca Salt. She has two children.", "title": "Julie Dawn Cole" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy comedy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and, along with four other contest winners, is led by Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Del LaGrace Volcano (born July 26th, 1957) is a genderqueer artist, performer, and activist from California. A formally trained photographer, Del's work includes installation, performance and film and interrogates the performance of gender on several levels, especially the performance of masculinity and femininity.", "title": "Del LaGrace Volcano" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One day, Charlie sees a fifty - pence coin (dollar bill in the US version) buried in the snow. He then buys himself a Wonka Bar and finds the fifth golden ticket and shows it to his parents. The ticket says he can bring any family members with him to the factory and Charlie's parents decide to allow Grandpa Joe to go with him.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The celesta has been common in cinema for decades. In addition to supplementing numerous soundtrack orchestrations for films of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, the celesta has occasionally been spotlighted to invoke a whimsical air. For example, in Pinocchio (1940), a small motif on the celesta is used whenever the Blue Fairy appears out of thin air or performs magic. Celesta also provides the signature opening of Pure Imagination, a song (sung by Gene Wilder) from the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Composer John Williams's scores for the first three Harry Potter films feature the instrument, particularly in the first two films' frequent statements of ``Hedwig's Theme ''.", "title": "Celesta" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack to Tim Burton's 2005 film of the same name. The film's music was composed by Danny Elfman who also provided vocals for the songs.", "title": "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (soundtrack)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Violet Beauregarde Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character First appearance Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Created by Roald Dahl Portrayed by Denise Nickerson (1971) AnnaSophia Robb (2005) Voiced by AnnaSophia Robb (2005 video game) Dallas Lovato (Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) Information Gender Female Family Ginger Beauregarde (mother) Sam Beauregarde (father) Nationality American", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roy Mitchell Kinnear (8 January 1934 -- 20 September 1988) was an English actor. He is known for his roles in films directed by Richard Lester; including Algernon in Help! (1965); Clapper in How I Won the War (1967); and Planchet in The Three Musketeers (1973), reprising the latter role in the 1974 and 1989 sequels. He is also known for playing Henry Salt in the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.", "title": "Roy Kinnear" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Veruca Salt is a greedy, demanding, manipulative and stingy brat. She demands every single thing she wants (and more), the second person to find a Golden Ticket, the third eliminated from the tour. A selfish, rotten brat who shows her wealthy family no mercy and has absolutely no regard for other people's property, Veruca frequently pesters her parents to purchase a variety of different objects for her. In the 2005 film, it is revealed that she owns a pony, two dogs, four cats, six rabbits, two parakeets, three canaries, a parrot, a turtle, and a hamster, totalling up to 21 pets. But when she interferes with the trained squirrels used by Willy Wonka to select the best nuts to bake into chocolate bars, she is judged as a ``bad nut ''by the squirrels and discarded into the adjacent 'garbage chute' and her parents follow. All three are later seen leaving the factory`` covered in garbage''. Her nationality was never specified in Dahl's novel, but she hails from an upper - class family in the United Kingdom in both films.", "title": "List of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "\"Volcano Girls\" is a single by the American alternative rock band Veruca Salt, released in 1997 on their album \"Eight Arms to Hold You\". It was written by Nina Gordon who also sang lead vocals, with Louise Post performing backup vocals. This song was used at the beginning of the dark comedy movie \"Jawbreaker\", released in 1999.", "title": "Volcano Girls" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In Japan, Morozoff Ltd. introduced the holiday for the first time in 1936, when it ran an advertisement aimed at foreigners. Later, in 1953, it began promoting the giving of heart-shaped chocolates; other Japanese confectionery companies followed suit thereafter. In 1958, the Isetan department store ran a \"Valentine sale\". Further campaigns during the 1960s popularized the custom.The custom that only women give chocolates to men may have originated from the translation error of a chocolate-company executive during the initial campaigns. In particular, office ladies give chocolate to their co-workers. Unlike western countries, gifts such as greeting cards, candies, flowers, or dinner dates are uncommon, and most of the gifts-related activity is about giving the right amount of chocolate to each person. Japanese chocolate companies make half their annual sales during this time of the year.Many women feel obliged to give chocolates to all male co-workers, except when the day falls on a Sunday, a holiday. This is known as giri-choko (義理チョコ), from giri (\"obligation\") and choko, (\"chocolate\"), with unpopular co-workers receiving only \"ultra-obligatory\" chō-giri choko cheap chocolate. This contrasts with honmei-choko (本命チョコ, lit. \"true feeling chocolate\"), chocolate given to a loved one. Friends, especially girls, may exchange chocolate referred to as tomo-choko (友チョコ); from tomo meaning \"friend\".In the 1980s, the Japanese National Confectionery Industry Association launched a successful campaign to make March 14 a \"reply day\", where men are expected to return the favour to those who gave them chocolates on Valentine's Day, calling it White Day for the color of the chocolates being offered. A previous failed attempt to popularize this celebration had been done by a marshmallow manufacturer who wanted men to return marshmallows to women.In Japan, the romantic \"date night\" associated to Valentine's Day is celebrated on Christmas Eve.", "title": "Valentine's Day" } ]
Who played the character with the same name as the Volcano Girls performer in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
Julie Dawn Cole
[ { "answer": "Orange River", "id": 785711, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "Augrabies Falls >> part of" }, { "answer": "Thaba Putsoa", "id": 63853, "paragraph_support_idx": 16, "question": "what is the source of #1" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rošpoh (; in older sources also \"Rožpoh\", ) is a dispersed settlement north of Maribor in northeastern Slovenia. The largest part of the settlement belongs to the City Municipality of Maribor. The remaining part of the settlement belongs to the Municipality of Kungota.", "title": "Rošpoh, Maribor" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Granville is a village in Washington County, New York, United States. It is part of the Glens Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. The village population was 2,644 at the 2000 census.", "title": "Granville (village), New York" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The George W. Childs Recreation Site is a former Pennsylvania state park that is the site of a number of cascade waterfalls along Dingmans Creek; it has been part of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area since 1983. It is located in Dingmans Ferry in Delaware Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania and is named for the late newspaper publisher George William Childs, whose widow deeded the land to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1912. The site contains three main waterfalls: Factory Falls, Fulmer Falls and Deer Leap Falls and is a few miles upstream from Dingmans Falls and Silverthread Falls.", "title": "George W. Childs Recreation Site" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Vanessa Hudgens as Kailani Laguatan Gabato's daughter whom Sean falls in love with and who is part of the father - daughter tour guide team.", "title": "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Klehini River is about long from its source in British Columbia to its mouth at the Chilkat River, of which it is the largest tributary. The Klehini River is renowned for its salmon runs, its biannual congregation of bald eagles—the second largest in the Haines area after the Chilkat River's Council Grounds—and for the Klehini Falls. The Klehini also delineates the northern boundary of the Chilkat Range.", "title": "Klehini River" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Horicon is a town in Warren County, New York, United States. It is part of the Glens Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. Horicon's population was 1,389 at the 2010 census.", "title": "Horicon, New York" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cold Brook Dam is a dam in Fall River County, South Dakota in the southwestern part of the state, south of the Black Hills.", "title": "Cold Brook Dam" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Funny Side is an American sketch comedy program that aired on NBC as part of its 1971 fall lineup.", "title": "The Funny Side" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mount Igikpak is the highest peak in the Schwatka Mountains region of the Brooks Range. It is also the tallest mountain in Gates of the Arctic National Park, located in the US state of Alaska. Some sources list the height of its summit at 8,510'. Mount Igikpak is in the south central part of the national park, very close to the source of the Noatak River and not far from the Arrigetch Peaks.", "title": "Mount Igikpak" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The sources of the Congo are in the highlands and mountains of the East African Rift, as well as Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru, which feed the Lualaba River, which then becomes the Congo below Boyoma Falls. The Chambeshi River in Zambia is generally taken as the source of the Congo in line with the accepted practice worldwide of using the longest tributary, as with the Nile River.", "title": "Congo River" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "American Chronicles is a documentary television program that was broadcast by Fox Broadcasting Company as part of its 1990 fall lineup.", "title": "American Chronicles" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hazelton is a city in Jerome County, Idaho, United States. The population was 753 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Twin Falls, Idaho Micropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "Hazelton, Idaho" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The R359 is a regional route in the Northern Cape province of South Africa that runs along the south bank of the Orange River from Augrabies Falls through Augrabies and Kakamas to Upington.", "title": "R359 (South Africa)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rainfall tends to be associated with Atlantic depressions or with convection. The Atlantic depressions are more vigorous in autumn and winter and most of the rain which falls in those seasons in the south-west is from this source. Average annual rainfall is around 980 millimetres (39 in). November to March have the highest mean wind speeds, with June to August having the lightest winds. The predominant wind direction is from the south-west.", "title": "Plymouth" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Vevče (; in older sources also \"Velče\") is a formerly independent settlement in the eastern part of the capital Ljubljana in central Slovenia. It was part of the traditional region of Upper Carniola and is now included with the rest of the municipality in the Central Slovenia Statistical Region.", "title": "Vevče" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The source of the Nile is sometimes considered to be Lake Victoria, but the lake has feeder rivers of considerable size. The Kagera River, which flows into Lake Victoria near the Tanzanian town of Bukoba, is the longest feeder, although sources do not agree on which is the longest tributary of the Kagera and hence the most distant source of the Nile itself. It is either the Ruvyironza, which emerges in Bururi Province, Burundi, or the Nyabarongo, which flows from Nyungwe Forest in Rwanda. The two feeder rivers meet near Rusumo Falls on the Rwanda - Tanzania border.", "title": "Nile" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Orange Gariep, Oranje, Senqu River Sunset over the Orange River near Upington in the Northern Cape Countries Lesotho, South Africa, Namibia Tributaries - right Caledon River, Vaal River, Fish River (Namibia) Landmarks Gariep Dam, Augrabies Falls Source Thaba Putsoa - location Maloti Mountains (Drakensberg), Lesotho - elevation 3,350 m (10,991 ft) Mouth Alexander Bay - location Atlantic Ocean Length 2,200 km (1,367 mi) Basin 973,000 km (375,677 sq mi) Discharge - average 365 m / s (12,890 cu ft / s) The course and watershed of the Orange River, Caledon River and Vaal River. This map shows a conservative border for the watershed. Specifically, the Kalahari basin is excluded, as some sources say it is endorheic. Some other sources using computational methods show a basin which includes parts of Botswana (and hence of the Kalahari).", "title": "Orange River" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Teech is an American sitcom that briefly aired on CBS as part of its 1991 Fall lineup. The series was co-produced by Nikndaph Productions in association with Columbia Pictures Television for CBS.", "title": "Teech" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Thoré () is a long river in the Hérault and Tarn \"départements\", southwestern France. Its source is in the northern part of Rieussec. It flows generally northwest. It is a left tributary of the Agout into which it flows between Navès and Castres.", "title": "Thoré" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jolly is a city in Clay County, Texas, United States. It is part of the Wichita Falls, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 172 at the 2010 census.", "title": "Jolly, Texas" } ]
What is the source of the body of water where Augrabies Falls is located?
Thaba Putsoa
[ { "answer": "Orange River", "id": 36269, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "Orlam clans crossed which river to migrate to Namibia?" }, { "answer": "Thaba Putsoa", "id": 73244, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "where is the origin of #1" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Cả River (Laotian: Nam Khan, Vietnamese: Sông Cả or better known as sông Lam or Lam River wikt:蓝) is a river in mainland Southeast Asia. It originates in the Loi Mountains of Laos, crossing Laos's Xiangkhouang Province, Vietnam's Nghệ An and Hà Tĩnh provinces and empties into the Gulf of Tonkin, on the North Central Coast of Vietnam, after a 512 km journey. The Cả River zone is classified as 300 km by the Vietnam Geographical Survey. The Bến Thủy bridge, crossing into Bến Thủy, Vinh, crosses the Cả River on its Cửa Hội estuary.", "title": "Cả River" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Severn Bridge () is a motorway suspension bridge operated by Highways England that spans the River Severn and River Wye between Aust, South Gloucestershire in England, and Chepstow, Monmouthshire in South East Wales, via Beachley, Gloucestershire, which is a peninsula between the two rivers. It is the original Severn road crossing between England and Wales, and took three-and-a-half years to construct at a cost of £8 million. It replaced the Aust Ferry.", "title": "Severn Bridge" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Namibia (i/nəˈmɪbiə/, /næˈ-/), officially the Republic of Namibia (German: Republik Namibia (help·info); Afrikaans: Republiek van Namibië) is a country in southern Africa whose western border is the Atlantic Ocean. It shares land borders with Zambia and Angola to the north, Botswana to the east and South Africa to the south and east. Although it does not border Zimbabwe, a part of less than 200 metres of the Zambezi River (essentially a small bulge in Botswana to achieve a Botswana/Zambia micro-border) separates it from that country. Namibia gained independence from South Africa on 21 March 1990, following the Namibian War of Independence. Its capital and largest city is Windhoek, and it is a member state of the United Nations (UN), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union (AU), and the Commonwealth of Nations.", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Zulu were originally a major clan in what is today Northern KwaZulu - Natal, founded ca. 1709 by Zulu kaMalandela. In the Nguni languages, iZulu means heaven, or weather. At that time, the area was occupied by many large Nguni communities and clans (also called isizwe = nation, people or isibongo = clan or family name). Nguni communities had migrated down Africa's east coast over centuries, as part of the Bantu migrations probably arriving in what is now South Africa in about the 9th century.", "title": "Zulu people" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Omaruru River is a major river crossing the Erongo Region of western central Namibia from East to West. It originates in the Etjo mountains, crosses the city of Omaruru and reaches the sea a few kilometers north of Henties Bay.", "title": "Omaruru River" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The comune takes its name from the Rubicon, famous for Julius Caesar's historic crossing. A combination of natural and man-made changes caused the original Rubicon to change course repeatedly since then. For centuries the exact location of the original river was unknown. In 1991, the Fiumicino, a river which crosses Savignano sul Rubicone, was identified as the most likely location for the original Rubicon. Prior to that the region was called Savignano di Romagna.", "title": "Savignano sul Rubicone" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Originally the Emperor and non-warrior nobility employed these warrior nobles. In time, they amassed enough manpower, resources and political backing in the form of alliances with one another, to establish the first samurai-dominated government. As the power of these regional clans grew, their chief was typically a distant relative of the Emperor and a lesser member of either the Fujiwara, Minamoto, or Taira clans. Though originally sent to provincial areas for a fixed four-year term as a magistrate, the toryo declined to return to the capital when their terms ended, and their sons inherited their positions and continued to lead the clans in putting down rebellions throughout Japan during the middle- and later-Heian period. Because of their rising military and economic power, the warriors ultimately became a new force in the politics of the court. Their involvement in the Hōgen in the late Heian period consolidated their power, and finally pitted the rival Minamoto and Taira clans against each other in the Heiji Rebellion of 1160.", "title": "Samurai" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Princes Bridge, originally Prince's Bridge, is a bridge in central Melbourne, Australia that spans the Yarra River. It is built on the site of one of the oldest river crossings in Australia. The bridge connects Swanston Street on the north bank of the Yarra River to St Kilda Road on the south bank, and carries road, tram and pedestrian traffic. The present bridge was built in 1888 and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register.", "title": "Princes Bridge" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Meat Corporation of Namibia, locally known as MeatCo, is a meat processing company headquartered in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia. It is the largest exporter of prime beef in Namibia.", "title": "Meat Corporation of Namibia" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The river Khan is an ephemeral river crossing the Erongo region of central Namibia. It is the main tributary of the Swakop River and only occasionally carries surface water during the rain seasons in November and February/March.", "title": "Khan River" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Orange Gariep, Oranje, Senqu River Sunset over the Orange River near Upington in the Northern Cape Countries Lesotho, South Africa, Namibia Tributaries - right Caledon River, Vaal River, Fish River (Namibia) Landmarks Gariep Dam, Augrabies Falls Source Thaba Putsoa - location Maloti Mountains (Drakensberg), Lesotho - elevation 3,350 m (10,991 ft) Mouth Alexander Bay - location Atlantic Ocean Length 2,200 km (1,367 mi) Basin 973,000 km (375,677 sq mi) Discharge - average 365 m / s (12,890 cu ft / s) The course and watershed of the Orange River, Caledon River and Vaal River. This map shows a conservative border for the watershed. Specifically, the Kalahari basin is excluded, as some sources say it is endorheic. Some other sources using computational methods show a basin which includes parts of Botswana (and hence of the Kalahari).", "title": "Orange River" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Calabar River in Cross River State, Nigeria flows from the north past the city of Calabar, joining the larger Cross River about to the south. The river at Calabar forms a natural harbor deep enough for vessels with a draft of .", "title": "Calabar River" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Migration Series, originally titled The Migration of the Negro, is a group of paintings by African-American painter Jacob Lawrence which depicts the migration of African Americans to the northern United States from the South that began in the 1910s. It was published in 1941 and funded by the WPA.", "title": "Migration Series" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The area is crossed by the N6 road, of the Route Nationale and is bordered to the north by the Mangala river and to the south by the Congo River.", "title": "Lisala" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The dry lands of Namibia were inhabited since early times by San, Damara, Nama and, since about the 14th century AD, by immigrating Bantu who came with the Bantu expansion from central Africa. From the late 18th century onwards, Orlam clans from the Cape Colony crossed the Orange River and moved into the area that today is southern Namibia. Their encounters with the nomadic Nama tribes were largely peaceful. The missionaries accompanying the Orlams were well received by them, the right to use waterholes and grazing was granted against an annual payment. On their way further northwards, however, the Orlams encountered clans of the Herero tribe at Windhoek, Gobabis, and Okahandja which were less accommodating. The Nama-Herero War broke out in 1880, with hostilities ebbing only when Imperial Germany deployed troops to the contested places and cemented the status quo between Nama, Orlams, and Herero.", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Namibia's primary tourism related governing body, the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB), was established by an Act of Parliament: the Namibia Tourism Board Act, 2000 (Act 21 of 2000). Its primary objectives are to regulate the tourism industry and to market Namibia as a tourist destination. There are also a number of trade associations that represent the tourism sector in Namibia, such as the Federation of Namibia Tourism Associations (the umbrella body for all tourism associations in Namibia), the Hospitality Association of Namibia, the Association of Namibian Travel Agents, Car Rental Association of Namibia and the Tour and Safari Association of Namibia.", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Molopo River () is one of the main rivers in Southern Africa. It has a length of approximately 960 kilometres and a catchment area of 367,201 km with Botswana, Namibia and South Africa sharing roughly about a third of the basin each.", "title": "Molopo River" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Pelly Crossing is a community in Yukon, Canada. It lies where the Klondike Highway crosses the Pelly River. Population in 2008 was 291.", "title": "Pelly Crossing" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jonker Afrikaner ( 1785, \"Roode Zand\" near Tulbagh, South Africa – 18 August 1861, Okahandja, South West Africa) was the fourth Captain of the Orlam in South West Africa, succeeding his father, Jager Afrikaner, in 1823. Soon after becoming \"Kaptein\", he left his father’s settlement at Blydeverwacht with three brothers and some 300 followers and relocated to the area that is today central Namibia. From 1825 onwards he and his council played a dominant political role in Damaraland and Namaland, creating a \"de facto\" state.", "title": "Jonker Afrikaner" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Mayuni Conservancy is a conservation area in Linyanti Constituency, in Namibia's northeastern Caprivi Region, along the eastern bank of the Cuando River.", "title": "Mayuni Conservancy" } ]
Where is the origin of the river that Orlam clans crossed to migrate to Namibia?
Thaba Putsoa
[ { "answer": "Morgan Stanley", "id": 504464, "paragraph_support_idx": 5, "question": "Metalmark Capital >> follows" }, { "answer": "Harold Stanley", "id": 708278, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "#1 >> named after" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Trowulan is an archaeological site in Trowulan Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency, in the Indonesian province of East Java. It includes approximately 100 square kilometres and has been theorized to be the site of the eponymous capital city of the Majapahit Empire, which is described by Mpu Prapanca in the 14th-century poem Nagarakretagama and in a 15th-century Chinese source. When it was the capital of the Majapahit Empire, the city was known as Wilwatikta, which is a name also synonymous with the empire's name. It was razed during the invasion of Girindrawardhana to defeat Kertabhumi in 1478. After this event Majapahit's capital was moved to Daha (Kediri). The Trowulan Museum includes a collection of artifacts.", "title": "Trowulan" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Meiji government assured the foreign powers that it would follow the old treaties negotiated by the bakufu and announced that it would act in accordance with international law. Mutsuhito, who was to reign until 1912, selected a new reign title—Meiji, or Enlightened Rule—to mark the beginning of a new era in Japanese history. To further dramatize the new order, the capital was relocated from Kyoto, where it had been situated since 794, to Tokyo (Eastern Capital), the new name for Edo. In a move critical for the consolidation of the new regime, most daimyōs voluntarily surrendered their land and census records to the Emperor in the abolition of the Han system, symbolizing that the land and people were under the Emperor's jurisdiction.", "title": "Meiji (era)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During colonial times, Edenton served as the state capital beginning in 1722, and New Bern was selected as the capital in 1766. Construction of Tryon Palace, which served as the residence and offices of the provincial governor William Tryon, began in 1767 and was completed in 1771. In 1788 Raleigh was chosen as the site of the new capital, as its central location protected it from attacks from the coast. Officially established in 1792 as both county seat and state capital, the city was named after Sir Walter Raleigh, sponsor of Roanoke, the \"lost colony\" on Roanoke Island.", "title": "North Carolina" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The franchise was established in 1961 as the Chicago Packers based in Chicago, Illinois, and were renamed to Chicago Zephyrs the following season. In 1963, they relocated to Baltimore, Maryland and became the Baltimore Bullets, taking the name from a previous team of the same name. In 1973, the team changed its name to the Capital Bullets to reflect their move to the Washington metropolitan area, and then to Washington Bullets in the following season. In 1997, they rebranded themselves as the Wizards.", "title": "Washington Wizards" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The history of Brasília, the centrally located capital of Brazil, started with discussions in the eighteenth century. The name Brasília was first proposed in 1822, but construction only began in 1956, following the election of Juscelino Kubitschek as President of Brazil. Its official declaration as a city dates to 21. April 1960, and the process of moving the federal government offices started on that date.", "title": "History of Brasília" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Metalmark Capital, formerly Morgan Stanley Capital Partners is a private equity firm focused on leveraged buyout investments in middle-market companies across a range of industries. Metalmark was acquired by Citigroup Alternative Investments in December 2007.", "title": "Metalmark Capital" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The canton of Zürich ( ) is a Swiss canton in the northeastern part of the country. With a population of (as of ), it is the most populated canton in the country.. Its capital is the city of Zürich. The official language is German. The local Swiss German dialect, called \"Züritüütsch\", is commonly spoken. In English the name of the canton and its capital is often written without an umlaut.", "title": "Canton of Zürich" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Timehri is a town in Guyana located 41 kilometers to the south of the nation's capital Georgetown. The name \"Timehri\" is an Amerindian word meaning \"paintings and drawings on the rock\"", "title": "Timehri" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The need for a national territory was flagged by colonial delegates during the Federation conventions of the late 19th century. Section 125 of the Australian Constitution provided that, following Federation in 1901, land would be ceded freely to the new Federal Government. The territory was transferred to the Commonwealth by the state of New South Wales in 1911, two years prior to the naming of Canberra as the national capital in 1913. The floral emblem of the ACT is the royal bluebell and the bird emblem is the gang - gang cockatoo.", "title": "Australian Capital Territory" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "At the peak of Roman imperial power in the 2nd century, the population of the city numbered about a million people, a size that it never attained again until its becoming the capital of the Republic of Italy in 1946; close to three percent of the population of the empire lived within its limits. Following the Crisis of the Third Century and the transfer of the imperial capital to Constantinople in AD 330, Rome entered a period of gradual decline.", "title": "History of Rome" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bulgan (Mongolian: Булган) is one of the 21 aimags (provinces) of Mongolia, located in northern Mongolia. Its capital is also named Bulgan.", "title": "Bulgan Province" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On October 12, the 18th and 104th Divisions landed, followed by command units the following day. By October 21, the provincial capital of Guangzhou was under Japanese control. The IJA 5th Division continued to advance up the Pearl River and by November 5 had taken the city of Foshan. By the end of November, the entire province was under Japanese control.", "title": "Twenty-First Army (Japan)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Harold Stanley (October 2, 1885 – May 14, 1963) was an American businessman and one of the founders of Morgan Stanley in 1935. For 20 years, he ran Morgan Stanley until he left the firm in 1955.", "title": "Harold Stanley" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ruesga () is a municipality in Cantabria Province, Spain. It includes the following 6 villages: Calseca, Matienzo, Mentera Barruelo, Ogarrio, Riva (capital) and Valle.", "title": "Ruesga" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The city was founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians as Ziz ('flower'). Palermo then became a possession of Carthage, before becoming part of the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire and eventually part of the Byzantine Empire, for over a thousand years. The Greeks named the city Panormus meaning 'complete port'. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule during the Emirate of Sicily when the city first became a capital. The Arabs shifted the Greek name into Balarm, the root for Palermo's present-day name. Following the Norman reconquest, Palermo became the capital of a new kingdom (from 1130 to 1816), the Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Frederick II Holy Roman Emperor and Conrad IV of Germany, King of the Romans. Eventually Sicily would be united with the Kingdom of Naples to form the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies until the Italian unification of 1860.", "title": "Palermo" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dasma is one of the areas of the Capital Governorate of Kuwait. Its name, literally translated to \"\"Rich\"\", was named for its rich soil and greenish Spring.", "title": "Dasma (Kuwait)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ratification of the treaty the following year led to resumption of hostilities and in 1860, with Anglo-French forces marching on Beijing, the emperor and his court fled the capital for the imperial hunting lodge at Rehe. Once in Beijing, the Anglo-French forces looted the Old Summer Palace, and in an act of revenge for the arrest of several Englishmen, burnt it to the ground. Prince Gong, a younger half-brother of the emperor, who had been left as his brother's proxy in the capital, was forced to sign the Convention of Beijing. Meanwhile, the humiliated emperor died the following year at Rehe.", "title": "Qing dynasty" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Taher is a district in Jijel Province, Algeria. It was named after its capital, Taher. It is one of the largest districts of the province, in area, population, and population density.", "title": "Taher District" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Georgia has had five different capitals in its history. The first was Savannah, the seat of government during British colonial rule, followed by Augusta, Louisville, Milledgeville, and Atlanta, the capital city from 1868 to the present day. The state legislature has gathered for official meetings in other places, most often in Macon and especially during the American Civil War.", "title": "History of Georgia (U.S. state)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Aïn El Turk is a district in Oran Province, Algeria, on the Mediterranean Sea. It was named after its capital, Aïn El Turk.", "title": "Aïn El Turk District" } ]
Who was the company preceding Metalmark Capital named after?
Harold Stanley
[ { "answer": "Orange River", "id": 36269, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "Orlam clans crossed which river to migrate to Namibia?" }, { "answer": "Thaba Putsoa", "id": 63853, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "what is the source of #1" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Namibia's primary tourism related governing body, the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB), was established by an Act of Parliament: the Namibia Tourism Board Act, 2000 (Act 21 of 2000). Its primary objectives are to regulate the tourism industry and to market Namibia as a tourist destination. There are also a number of trade associations that represent the tourism sector in Namibia, such as the Federation of Namibia Tourism Associations (the umbrella body for all tourism associations in Namibia), the Hospitality Association of Namibia, the Association of Namibian Travel Agents, Car Rental Association of Namibia and the Tour and Safari Association of Namibia.", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Calabar River in Cross River State, Nigeria flows from the north past the city of Calabar, joining the larger Cross River about to the south. The river at Calabar forms a natural harbor deep enough for vessels with a draft of .", "title": "Calabar River" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bhilangna River is a Himalayan river in Uttarakhand, India, which is the major tributary of the Bhagirathi river, the source stream of the Ganges River of India.", "title": "Bhilangna River" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The first Europeans to disembark and explore the region were the Portuguese navigators Diogo Cão in 1485 and Bartolomeu Dias in 1486; still the region was not claimed by the Portuguese crown. However, like most of Sub-Saharan Africa, Namibia was not extensively explored by Europeans until the 19th century, when traders and settlers arrived, principally from Germany and Sweden. In the late 19th century Dorsland trekkers crossed the area on their way from the Transvaal to Angola. Some of them settled in Namibia instead of continuing their journey.", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Namibia (i/nəˈmɪbiə/, /næˈ-/), officially the Republic of Namibia (German: Republik Namibia (help·info); Afrikaans: Republiek van Namibië) is a country in southern Africa whose western border is the Atlantic Ocean. It shares land borders with Zambia and Angola to the north, Botswana to the east and South Africa to the south and east. Although it does not border Zimbabwe, a part of less than 200 metres of the Zambezi River (essentially a small bulge in Botswana to achieve a Botswana/Zambia micro-border) separates it from that country. Namibia gained independence from South Africa on 21 March 1990, following the Namibian War of Independence. Its capital and largest city is Windhoek, and it is a member state of the United Nations (UN), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union (AU), and the Commonwealth of Nations.", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Molopo River () is one of the main rivers in Southern Africa. It has a length of approximately 960 kilometres and a catchment area of 367,201 km with Botswana, Namibia and South Africa sharing roughly about a third of the basin each.", "title": "Molopo River" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Many bird species migrate to take advantage of global differences of seasonal temperatures, therefore optimising availability of food sources and breeding habitat. These migrations vary among the different groups. Many landbirds, shorebirds, and waterbirds undertake annual long distance migrations, usually triggered by the length of daylight as well as weather conditions. These birds are characterised by a breeding season spent in the temperate or polar regions and a non-breeding season in the tropical regions or opposite hemisphere. Before migration, birds substantially increase body fats and reserves and reduce the size of some of their organs. Migration is highly demanding energetically, particularly as birds need to cross deserts and oceans without refuelling. Landbirds have a flight range of around 2,500 km (1,600 mi) and shorebirds can fly up to 4,000 km (2,500 mi), although the bar-tailed godwit is capable of non-stop flights of up to 10,200 km (6,300 mi). Seabirds also undertake long migrations, the longest annual migration being those of sooty shearwaters, which nest in New Zealand and Chile and spend the northern summer feeding in the North Pacific off Japan, Alaska and California, an annual round trip of 64,000 km (39,800 mi). Other seabirds disperse after breeding, travelling widely but having no set migration route. Albatrosses nesting in the Southern Ocean often undertake circumpolar trips between breeding seasons.", "title": "Bird" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The sources of the Congo are in the highlands and mountains of the East African Rift, as well as Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru, which feed the Lualaba River, which then becomes the Congo below Boyoma Falls. The Chambeshi River in Zambia is generally taken as the source of the Congo in line with the accepted practice worldwide of using the longest tributary, as with the Nile River.", "title": "Congo River" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The river Khan is an ephemeral river crossing the Erongo region of central Namibia. It is the main tributary of the Swakop River and only occasionally carries surface water during the rain seasons in November and February/March.", "title": "Khan River" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Orange Gariep, Oranje, Senqu River Sunset over the Orange River near Upington in the Northern Cape Countries Lesotho, South Africa, Namibia Tributaries - right Caledon River, Vaal River, Fish River (Namibia) Landmarks Gariep Dam, Augrabies Falls Source Thaba Putsoa - location Maloti Mountains (Drakensberg), Lesotho - elevation 3,350 m (10,991 ft) Mouth Alexander Bay - location Atlantic Ocean Length 2,200 km (1,367 mi) Basin 973,000 km (375,677 sq mi) Discharge - average 365 m / s (12,890 cu ft / s) The course and watershed of the Orange River, Caledon River and Vaal River. This map shows a conservative border for the watershed. Specifically, the Kalahari basin is excluded, as some sources say it is endorheic. Some other sources using computational methods show a basin which includes parts of Botswana (and hence of the Kalahari).", "title": "Orange River" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Werre is a river in the Detmold region (Regierungsbezirk) of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, left tributary of the Weser. Its source is near Horn-Bad Meinberg. The Werre flows generally north through the towns Detmold, Lage, Bad Salzuflen, Herford and Löhne. It flows into the Weser close to Bad Oeynhausen. The total length of the Werre is 71.9 km. It crosses the districts of Lippe, Herford and Minden-Lübbecke.", "title": "Werre" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Tavo is a river in the Abruzzo region of Italy. Its source is in the Gran Sasso d'Italia mountain range in the province of L'Aquila near the border with the province of Pescara. After crossing the border, the river loops northward and then eastward near Penne. It then flows south and then northeast and flows near Loreto Aprutino and Pianella. The river continues flowing northeast near Cappelle sul Tavo before joining the Fino and together they become the Saline.", "title": "Tavo (river)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jonker Afrikaner ( 1785, \"Roode Zand\" near Tulbagh, South Africa – 18 August 1861, Okahandja, South West Africa) was the fourth Captain of the Orlam in South West Africa, succeeding his father, Jager Afrikaner, in 1823. Soon after becoming \"Kaptein\", he left his father’s settlement at Blydeverwacht with three brothers and some 300 followers and relocated to the area that is today central Namibia. From 1825 onwards he and his council played a dominant political role in Damaraland and Namaland, creating a \"de facto\" state.", "title": "Jonker Afrikaner" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Meat Corporation of Namibia, locally known as MeatCo, is a meat processing company headquartered in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia. It is the largest exporter of prime beef in Namibia.", "title": "Meat Corporation of Namibia" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The dry lands of Namibia were inhabited since early times by San, Damara, Nama and, since about the 14th century AD, by immigrating Bantu who came with the Bantu expansion from central Africa. From the late 18th century onwards, Orlam clans from the Cape Colony crossed the Orange River and moved into the area that today is southern Namibia. Their encounters with the nomadic Nama tribes were largely peaceful. The missionaries accompanying the Orlams were well received by them, the right to use waterholes and grazing was granted against an annual payment. On their way further northwards, however, the Orlams encountered clans of the Herero tribe at Windhoek, Gobabis, and Okahandja which were less accommodating. The Nama-Herero War broke out in 1880, with hostilities ebbing only when Imperial Germany deployed troops to the contested places and cemented the status quo between Nama, Orlams, and Herero.", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Mayuni Conservancy is a conservation area in Linyanti Constituency, in Namibia's northeastern Caprivi Region, along the eastern bank of the Cuando River.", "title": "Mayuni Conservancy" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Providing 25% of Namibia's revenue, mining is the single most important contributor to the economy. Namibia is the fourth largest exporter of non-fuel minerals in Africa and the world's fourth largest producer of uranium. There has been significant investment in uranium mining and Namibia is set to become the largest exporter of uranium by 2015. Rich alluvial diamond deposits make Namibia a primary source for gem-quality diamonds. While Namibia is known predominantly for its gem diamond and uranium deposits, a number of other minerals are extracted industrially such as lead, tungsten, gold, tin, fluorspar, manganese, marble, copper and zinc. There are offshore gas deposits in the Atlantic Ocean that are planned to be extracted in the future. According to \"The Diamond Investigation\", a book about the global diamond market, from 1978, De Beers, the largest diamond company, bought most of the Namibian diamonds, and would continue to do so, because \"whatever government eventually comes to power they will need this revenue to survive\".", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peace River, originally named Peace River Crossing, and known as Rivière-la-Paix in French, is a town in northwestern Alberta, Canada, situated along the banks of the Peace River, at its confluence with the Smoky River, the Heart River and Pat's Creek. It is located northwest of Edmonton, and northeast of Grande Prairie, along Highway 2. It was known as the Village of Peace River Crossing between 1914 and 1916.", "title": "Peace River, Alberta" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Omaruru River is a major river crossing the Erongo Region of western central Namibia from East to West. It originates in the Etjo mountains, crosses the city of Omaruru and reaches the sea a few kilometers north of Henties Bay.", "title": "Omaruru River" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Hargrave River is a river in the Hudson Bay drainage basin in Northern Manitoba, Canada. It flows in a southeasterly direction from its source at Hargrave Lake to Hill Lake on the Minago River which flows into Cross Lake on the Nelson River.", "title": "Hargrave River (Manitoba)" } ]
What is the source of the river Orlam clans crossed to migrate to Namibia?
Thaba Putsoa
[ { "answer": "Orange River", "id": 785711, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "Augrabies Falls >> part of" }, { "answer": "Thaba Putsoa", "id": 73244, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "where is the origin of #1" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Hudson City School District is a school district in Ohio, covering most of Hudson and Boston Heights, and parts of Boston Township and Cuyahoga Falls.", "title": "Hudson City School District (Ohio)" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The George W. Childs Recreation Site is a former Pennsylvania state park that is the site of a number of cascade waterfalls along Dingmans Creek; it has been part of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area since 1983. It is located in Dingmans Ferry in Delaware Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania and is named for the late newspaper publisher George William Childs, whose widow deeded the land to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1912. The site contains three main waterfalls: Factory Falls, Fulmer Falls and Deer Leap Falls and is a few miles upstream from Dingmans Falls and Silverthread Falls.", "title": "George W. Childs Recreation Site" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hazelton is a city in Jerome County, Idaho, United States. The population was 753 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Twin Falls, Idaho Micropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "Hazelton, Idaho" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jolly is a city in Clay County, Texas, United States. It is part of the Wichita Falls, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 172 at the 2010 census.", "title": "Jolly, Texas" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Granville is a village in Washington County, New York, United States. It is part of the Glens Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. The village population was 2,644 at the 2000 census.", "title": "Granville (village), New York" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "American Chronicles is a documentary television program that was broadcast by Fox Broadcasting Company as part of its 1990 fall lineup.", "title": "American Chronicles" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Funny Side is an American sketch comedy program that aired on NBC as part of its 1971 fall lineup.", "title": "The Funny Side" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Orange Gariep, Oranje, Senqu River Sunset over the Orange River near Upington in the Northern Cape Countries Lesotho, South Africa, Namibia Tributaries - right Caledon River, Vaal River, Fish River (Namibia) Landmarks Gariep Dam, Augrabies Falls Source Thaba Putsoa - location Maloti Mountains (Drakensberg), Lesotho - elevation 3,350 m (10,991 ft) Mouth Alexander Bay - location Atlantic Ocean Length 2,200 km (1,367 mi) Basin 973,000 km (375,677 sq mi) Discharge - average 365 m / s (12,890 cu ft / s) The course and watershed of the Orange River, Caledon River and Vaal River. This map shows a conservative border for the watershed. Specifically, the Kalahari basin is excluded, as some sources say it is endorheic. Some other sources using computational methods show a basin which includes parts of Botswana (and hence of the Kalahari).", "title": "Orange River" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Delta Force: Angel Falls is the title of a first-person shooter game by NovaLogic originally announced in 2008, now generally regarded as vaporware.", "title": "Delta Force: Angel Falls" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Barker is a village in Niagara County, New York, USA. The population was 533 at the 2010 census. The mail ZIP code is 14012. It is part of the Buffalo–Niagara Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "Barker, Niagara County, New York" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Too Young to Fall in Love\" is a song by American heavy metal band Mötley Crüe. It was originally released on their 1983 album \"Shout at the Devil\".", "title": "Too Young to Fall in Love" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "George Burns Comedy Week is a comedy anthology television series broadcast in the United States by CBS as part of its 1985 fall lineup, hosted by George Burns.", "title": "George Burns Comedy Week" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mulholland Falls: Original MGM Motion Picture Soundtrack is an album by American pianist Dave Grusin released in 1996 by the Edel America label. This album is the soundtrack to the motion picture \"Mulholland Falls\", directed by Lee Tamahori.", "title": "Mulholland Falls (soundtrack)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Teech is an American sitcom that briefly aired on CBS as part of its 1991 Fall lineup. The series was co-produced by Nikndaph Productions in association with Columbia Pictures Television for CBS.", "title": "Teech" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cold Brook Dam is a dam in Fall River County, South Dakota in the southwestern part of the state, south of the Black Hills.", "title": "Cold Brook Dam" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The R359 is a regional route in the Northern Cape province of South Africa that runs along the south bank of the Orange River from Augrabies Falls through Augrabies and Kakamas to Upington.", "title": "R359 (South Africa)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Grand Falls Plaza is a village in Newton County, Missouri, United States. The population was 114 at the 2010 census, at which time it was a town. It is part of the Joplin, Missouri Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "Grand Falls Plaza, Missouri" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Crescent Falls are a series of two waterfalls located on the Bighorn River in west-central Alberta, Canada. They were originally called the Bighorn Falls, after the river they are located on.", "title": "Crescent Falls" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Vanessa Hudgens as Kailani Laguatan Gabato's daughter whom Sean falls in love with and who is part of the father - daughter tour guide team.", "title": "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Horicon is a town in Warren County, New York, United States. It is part of the Glens Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. Horicon's population was 1,389 at the 2010 census.", "title": "Horicon, New York" } ]
Where is the origin of the river Augrabies Falls is part of?
Thaba Putsoa
[ { "answer": "Orange River", "id": 207597, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "Caledon River >> mouth of the watercourse" }, { "answer": "Thaba Putsoa", "id": 63853, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "what is the source of #1" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Rufiji River lies entirely within Tanzania. The river is formed by the confluence of the Kilombero and Luwegu rivers. It is approximately 600 kilometres (370 mi) long, with its source in southwestern Tanzania and its mouth on the Indian Ocean at a point between Mafia Island called Mafia Channel. Its principal tributary is the Great Ruaha River. It is navigable for about 100 kilometres (62 mi).", "title": "Rufiji River" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Little River, a watercourse that is part of the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment, is located in the Southern Highlands region of New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Little River (Wingecarribee)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cup and Saucer Creek, an urban watercourse of the Cooks River catchment, is located in the Canterbury-Bankstown region of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Cup and Saucer Creek" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Toongabbie Creek, an urban watercourse that is part of the Parramatta River catchment, is located in Greater Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Toongabbie Creek" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Coxs Creek, a watercourse of the Cooks River catchment, is located in the Inner West of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Coxs Creek (Belfield, New South Wales)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Arado (plow) River in the north of Portugal. The river's source is the Gerês Mountain, and the mouth cascades into the Fafião river, (41°42'10.88\"N; 8° 6'33.50\"W), Fafião place, Cabril village, Montalegre municipality. From Arado cascate (41°43'25.53\"N; 8° 7'46.98\"W) till the mouth, runs .", "title": "Arado River" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bardwell Creek, an urban watercourse of the Cooks River catchment, is located in the southern suburbs of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Bardwell Creek" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wolli Creek () is an urban watercourse of the Cooks River catchment located in the southern suburbs of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Wolli Creek" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Yukon River is a major watercourse of northwestern North America. The river's source is in British Columbia, Canada, from which it flows through the Canadian Yukon Territory (itself named after the river). The lower half of the river lies in the U.S. state of Alaska. The river is long and empties into the Bering Sea at the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta. The average flow is 6,430 m/s (227,000 ft/s). The total drainage area is 832,700 km (321,500 mi), of which 323,800 km (126,300 mi) is in Canada. The total area is more than 25% larger than Texas or Alberta.", "title": "Yukon River" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bolshaya Lyampa () is a river in Perm Krai, Russia, a right tributary of Uls River which in turn is a tributary of Vishera River. The river is long. Its source is near the border with Sverdlovsk Oblast. It flows into the Uls River from the larger river's mouth. The Bolshaya Lyampa's main tributary is the Malaya Lyampa River.", "title": "Bolshaya Lyampa" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Orange Gariep, Oranje, Senqu River Sunset over the Orange River near Upington in the Northern Cape Countries Lesotho, South Africa, Namibia Tributaries - right Caledon River, Vaal River, Fish River (Namibia) Landmarks Gariep Dam, Augrabies Falls Source Thaba Putsoa - location Maloti Mountains (Drakensberg), Lesotho - elevation 3,350 m (10,991 ft) Mouth Alexander Bay - location Atlantic Ocean Length 2,200 km (1,367 mi) Basin 973,000 km (375,677 sq mi) Discharge - average 365 m / s (12,890 cu ft / s) The course and watershed of the Orange River, Caledon River and Vaal River. This map shows a conservative border for the watershed. Specifically, the Kalahari basin is excluded, as some sources say it is endorheic. Some other sources using computational methods show a basin which includes parts of Botswana (and hence of the Kalahari).", "title": "Orange River" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The river Loimijoki is a river in Finland and the longest tributary of the river Kokemäenjoki. The river originates at the lake Pyhäjärvi in Tammela and joins the river Kokemäenjoki in Huittinen. There is a difference in elevation between the source and the mouth of the river, which is long. The river drains a catchment area of . The river has several dams at Forssa, Jokioinen and Loimaa.", "title": "Loimijoki" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Still Fork is a tributary of the Sandy Creek, long, in eastern Ohio in the United States. Via the Sandy Creek, Tuscarawas, Muskingum and Ohio Rivers, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River, draining an area of in Carroll County, Ohio. The source is at and the mouth is at ., with an average gradient of only 0.2%. From its source in eastern Carroll County the creek flows northwest through Fox, Washington, Augusta, and Brown Townships before reaching its mouth in Minerva, Ohio. The Ohi-Rail Corporation (OHIC) and Arbor road are situated in the creeks valley over most of its length.", "title": "Still Fork" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Upper Orange WMA, or Upper Orange Water Management Area (coded: 13), Includes the following major rivers: the Modder River, Riet River, Caledon River and Orange River, and covers the following Dams:", "title": "Upper Orange Water Management Area" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Darling Mills Creek, an urban watercourse that is part of the Parramatta River catchment, is located in Greater Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Darling Mills Creek" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cabramatta Creek, an urban watercourse of the Georges River catchment, is located in the south-western region of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Cabramatta Creek" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lansdowne River, a watercourse of the Manning River catchment, is located in the Mid North Coast district of New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Lansdowne River" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Reconquista River (Spanish, Río Reconquista) is a small river in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Together with the Riachuelo, it is one of the most contaminated watercourses in the country.", "title": "Reconquista River" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Doghole River is a river in the Unorganized Part of Kenora District in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. The river is part of the James Bay drainage basin. It flows from Doghole Lake, where the outlet is part of the Mishkeegogamang First Nation Osnaburgh Indian Reserve No. 63B, to the northeast shore of Lake St. Joseph; oddly, the mouth is not on Doghole Bay, adjacent to the east. Lake St. Joseph is the source of the Albany River, which flows to James Bay.", "title": "Doghole River" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The river rises of the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range approximately west of Cairns. The river flows generally northwest to the Staaten River National Park and then west, joined by eleven minor tributaries before reaching its mouth and emptying into the Gulf of Carpentaria. From source to mouth the river's waters overflow into intertwining lagoons that create an enormous wetland sanctuary for a vast array of unique wildlife and plants. When the rains of the wet season cease, the Staaten River retreats from the floodplains and wetlands and becomes little more than a thread trickling down wide sand banks and a string of important lagoon refuges. The river descends over its course.", "title": "Staaten River" } ]
What is the source of the river that is the mouth of the Caledon River?
Thaba Putsoa
[ { "answer": "Orange River", "id": 156700, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "What is Kraai River a tributary of?" }, { "answer": "Thaba Putsoa", "id": 73244, "paragraph_support_idx": 17, "question": "where is the origin of #1" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The English River is a tributary of the Iowa River in southeastern Iowa in the United States. The main stem of the river is long. Including its longest headwaters tributary, the North English River, the total length increases to . Via the Iowa River, it is part of the Mississippi River watershed. The Deep River is a minor tributary of the English River. The towns of North English, South English and Deep River are named for the English and Deep rivers.", "title": "English River (Iowa)" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Sharzhenga () is a river in Nyuksensky, Babushkinsky, and Nikolsky Districts of Vologda Oblast in Russia. It is a left tributary of the Yug River. It is long, and the area of its basin . The main tributary is the Andanga River (right).", "title": "Sharzhenga River" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Monocacy River is a free-flowing left tributary to the Potomac River, which empties into the Atlantic Ocean via the Chesapeake Bay. The river is long, with a drainage area of about . It is the largest Maryland tributary to the Potomac.", "title": "Monocacy River" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dalcheon is a river of South Korea. It is a river of the Han River system. A tributary of the Namhan River, it is one of the few Namhan tributaries that are navigable year round.", "title": "Dalcheon" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Wainuioru River is a river of the Wellington Region of New Zealand's North Island. A major tributary of the Pahaoa River, it follows a twisting generally southwestward course from its origins 25 kilometres east of Masterton, reaching the Pahaoa southeast of Martinborough.", "title": "Wainuioru River" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Dudypta River () is a river in Krasnoyarsk Krai in Russia, a right tributary of the Pyasina River. The river is long, and its drainage basin covers . The Dudypta River originates from Lake Makar (Dudypta Lakes) and flows over the central part of the North Siberian Plain. The river is navigable for upstream from its estuary.", "title": "Dudypta River" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The South Fork Salmon River is an tributary of the Salmon River in Idaho and Valley Counties in central Idaho. The river drains a rugged, lightly populated wilderness watershed in the Salmon River Mountains. It is the second-largest tributary of the Salmon River, after the Middle Fork.", "title": "South Fork Salmon River" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Lisitsa River, also known as Bolshaya Lisitsa River (), is a river in Tomsk Oblast in Russia, a right tributary of the Ket River (Ob basin). The river is long, and its basin covers . The Lisitsa River flows over the West Siberian Plain. Its biggest tributary is the Raiga River.", "title": "Lisitsa River" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Dep River () is a tributary of the Zeya River (itself a tributary of the Amur River) in eastern Russia.", "title": "Dep River" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Płoska - is a river in east Poland in Podlaskie Voivodeship, a left tributary of the Supraśl River, with a length of 23,6 kilometres and the basin area of 216 km. There is good river for rafting. The largest tributary is Świniobródka.", "title": "Płoska" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The river Loimijoki is a river in Finland and the longest tributary of the river Kokemäenjoki. The river originates at the lake Pyhäjärvi in Tammela and joins the river Kokemäenjoki in Huittinen. There is a difference in elevation between the source and the mouth of the river, which is long. The river drains a catchment area of . The river has several dams at Forssa, Jokioinen and Loimaa.", "title": "Loimijoki" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Pack River is a river in the North-Central Interior of British Columbia, Canada, flowing north into the Parsnip Reach of Lake Williston. Part of the Peace River drainage, it was originally a tributary of the Parsnip River before the creation of Lake Williston by the building of WAC Bennett Dam. It is fed by the McLeod River via McLeod Lake.", "title": "Pack River (British Columbia)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Nemnyuga () is a river in Leshukonsky, Pinezhsky, and Mezensky Districts of Arkhangelsk Oblast in Russia. It is a right tributary of the Kuloy River. It is long, and the area of its basin . The principal tributaries are the Korda River (left), the Parsova River (left), and the Shala River (right).", "title": "Nemnyuga River" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Utva () is a river in Perm Krai, Russia, a right tributary of the Veslyana River, which in turn is a tributary of the Kama River. The river is long, and its drainage basin covers . The source of the river is in the extreme southwest of the Gaynsky District of Perm Krai, near the border with Kirov Oblast and the Komi Republic. The main tributaries are the Chugrum River (right) and the Yuzhnaya Anva River (left).", "title": "Utva River (Perm Krai)" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Kraai River originates in the mountains south of Lesotho and flows westward from the confluence of the Bell River and the Sterkspruit at Moshesh's Ford at all the way to Aliwal North, where it joins the Orange River at .", "title": "Kraai River" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lučina ( or \"Łuczyna\") is a river in Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. It is the tributary of the Ostravice River to which it enters in Ostrava. It originates in Beskids and then flows northwestward through Horní Bludovice and Dolní Bludovice, near Havířov. Žermanice Dam is built on the river. River is distinct for its meanders which are protected as a unique natural landmark.", "title": "Lučina (river)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Treur River (from Afrikaans: mourning river) is a small river in the Drakensberg escarpment region of eastern Mpumalanga province, South Africa. The R532 motor route intersects it twice. Its ultimate origin is inside the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve, though most of its course is to the west of this protected area. It is a tributary of the Blyde River, and has no major tributaries of its own. There are two sharp drops in its course, at Poe Falls and Bourke's Luck Potholes respectively.", "title": "Treur River" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Orange Gariep, Oranje, Senqu River Sunset over the Orange River near Upington in the Northern Cape Countries Lesotho, South Africa, Namibia Tributaries - right Caledon River, Vaal River, Fish River (Namibia) Landmarks Gariep Dam, Augrabies Falls Source Thaba Putsoa - location Maloti Mountains (Drakensberg), Lesotho - elevation 3,350 m (10,991 ft) Mouth Alexander Bay - location Atlantic Ocean Length 2,200 km (1,367 mi) Basin 973,000 km (375,677 sq mi) Discharge - average 365 m / s (12,890 cu ft / s) The course and watershed of the Orange River, Caledon River and Vaal River. This map shows a conservative border for the watershed. Specifically, the Kalahari basin is excluded, as some sources say it is endorheic. Some other sources using computational methods show a basin which includes parts of Botswana (and hence of the Kalahari).", "title": "Orange River" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Runde River (formerly Lundi River) is a river in southeastern Zimbabwe. It is a tributary of the Save River and its major tributaries include the Ngezi River, Tokwe River, Mutirikwe River and Chiredzi River.", "title": "Runde River" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Granby River is a tributary of the Kettle River in British Columbia, Canada, joining the Kettle just north of the Canada–United States border at the town of Grand Forks. The river is approximately in length and has its origin in the Monashee Mountains to the west of Fauquier on the Arrow Lakes.", "title": "Granby River" } ]
Where is the origin of the river that Kraai River is a tributary of?
Thaba Putsoa
[ { "answer": "Steven Universe", "id": 398344, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "Steven the Sword Fighter >> part of the series" }, { "answer": "Rebecca Sugar", "id": 439882, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "#1 >> creator" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix, released in Japan as , is a Japanese children's fighting video game released by Capcom in 1997 for the CPS II arcade system. It was ported to the PlayStation (which retained the \"Pocket Fighter\" title for its American and European release), Sega Saturn, and WonderSwan (in Japan only), as well as PlayStation 2 as a part of the \"SFA\"-themed compilation title, \"Street Fighter Alpha Anthology\".", "title": "Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire is a British-American comedic sword and sorcery series created by Peter A. Knight, co-produced by Hat Trick Productions and Media Rights Capital for Comedy Central and BBC Two, which premiered on April 9, 2009 in the USA and on June 11 in the UK.", "title": "Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Freeway Fighter is a single-player roleplaying gamebook written by Ian Livingstone, illustrated by Kevin Bulmer and originally published in 1985 by Puffin Books. It was later republished by Wizard Books in 2005. It forms part of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's \"Fighting Fantasy\" series. It is the 13th in the series in the original Puffin series () and 23rd in the modern Wizard series ().", "title": "Freeway Fighter" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Super Chinese Fighter EX is a fighting video game for the Game Boy Color released by Culture Brain in 1999. It is part of the \"Super Chinese\" series and is the final \"Fighter\" game in the series.", "title": "Super Chinese Fighter EX" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Big Giant Swords is an American television series that premiered on January 13, 2015 on the Discovery Channel. The program follows sword maker Michael \"Irish Mike\" Craughwell as he and his associates create custom oversized swords from scratch for his clients. Episodes focus on the creation process of one or two commissioned weapons as the team attempts to complete them to the customer's satisfaction in a set time period.", "title": "Big Giant Swords" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Scorpion Swamp is a single-player adventuring gamebook written by Steve Jackson (the American game designer, as opposed to the series co-creator), illustrated by Duncan Smith and originally published in 1984 by Puffin Books. It forms part of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's \"Fighting Fantasy\" series. It is the 8th in the series in the original Puffin series (). It was the first \"Fighting Fantasy\" book to be written by an author other than the co-creators of the series.", "title": "Scorpion Swamp" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Dreamscaperers\" is the nineteenth episode of the first season in the animated series \"Gravity Falls\". The episode is the first of the two-part season finale, the second being \"Gideon Rises\". It was first broadcast on July 12, 2013, on the Disney Channel. It was written by series creator Alex Hirsch, alongside Matt Chapman and Tim McKeon, and directed by Joe Pitt and John Aoshima. It marks the first appearance of Bill Cipher.", "title": "Dreamscaperers" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The sixth and final season of the HBO drama series The Sopranos was broadcast in two parts, the first beginning on March 12, 2006 and ending after twelve episodes on June 4, 2006. The first of the final nine episodes premiered on April 8, 2007 with the series finale airing on June 10, 2007. The season was initially meant to consist of twenty episodes, but creator David Chase asked for one more to properly round out the story. The first part was released on DVD in region 1 on November 7, 2006, and on Blu - ray on December 19, 2006. The second part was released on DVD and Blu - ray on October 23, 2007.", "title": "The Sopranos (season 6)" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"I Am Unicorn\" is the second episode of the third season of the American musical television series \"Glee\", and the forty-sixth overall. The episode was written by series co-creator Ryan Murphy, directed by series co-creator Brad Falchuk, and first aired on September 27, 2011 on Fox in the United States. It features the return of Shelby Corcoran (Idina Menzel) to the show to direct a rival glee club at William McKinley High even while New Directions, the current club, is having trouble recruiting members. Shelby also wants Quinn (Dianna Agron) and Puck (Mark Salling), the biological parents of her adopted daughter Beth, to be a part of Beth's life. The director of New Directions, Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) sets up a \"booty camp\" for the less capable dancers in the club, and auditions for the school musical, \"West Side Story\", begin.", "title": "I Am Unicorn" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bondånger is a Swedish comedy TV series, originally airing over SVT 2 between 25 November 1997 – 8 December 1998. Appearing in the series were its creator Ronny Eriksson and Anna-Lotta Larsson.", "title": "Bondånger" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Dreamscaperers ''is the nineteenth episode of the first season in the animated series Gravity Falls. The episode is the first of the two - part season finale, the second being`` Gideon Rises''. It was first broadcast on July 12, 2013, on the Disney Channel. It was written by series creator Alex Hirsch, alongside Matt Chapman and Tim McKeon, and directed by Joe Pitt and John Aoshima. It marks the first appearance of Bill Cipher.", "title": "Dreamscaperers" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Naked Dave (The Naked Dave Project) refers to a series of paintings created by Laura Molina, inspired by her relationship with the late illustrator and Rocketeer creator, Dave Stevens (1955-2008). A five-month-long relationship between the artists ended in early December, 1978 after she miscarried their child at eleven weeks. Molina started the series in 1993 after an attempted reconciliation initiated by Stevens failed to settle things between them.", "title": "Naked Dave" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "This series was won by Sophie Faldo, with Kate Lyon and Steven Carter - Bailey finishing as runners - up.", "title": "The Great British Bake Off (series 8)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "\"Steven the Sword Fighter\" is the sixteenth episode of the first season of the American animated television series \"Steven Universe\". It is written by Joe Johnston and Jeff Liu.", "title": "Steven the Sword Fighter" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "\"Steven Universe\" is an American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar. It is produced by Cartoon Network Studios and is the first Cartoon Network show to be created by a woman. The series focuses on the adventures of the Crystal Gems—magical alien warriors who protect the Earth from their own kind—and the humans they interact with in the fictional town of Beach City. It has received critical acclaim for the diversity and deep characterization of its characters; its portrayal of relationships, including queer relationships; and subversion of stereotypical gender norms, along with its art style, voice acting, music, and storytelling.", "title": "List of Steven Universe characters" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Legacies is an American television drama series that premiered on October 25, 2018, on The CW. It is a spinoff of The Originals. It was created by Julie Plec, creator of The Originals and co-creator of The Vampire Diaries, and stars Danielle Rose Russell and Matt Davis.", "title": "Legacies (TV series)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The sixth and final season of the HBO drama series \"The Sopranos\" was broadcast in two parts, the first beginning on March 12, 2006 and ending after twelve episodes on June 4, 2006. The first of the final nine episodes premiered on April 8, 2007 with the series finale airing on June 10, 2007. The season was initially meant to consist of twenty episodes, but creator David Chase asked for one more to properly round out the story. The first part was released on DVD in region 1 on November 7, 2006, and on Blu-ray on December 19, 2006. The second part was released on DVD and Blu-ray on October 23, 2007.", "title": "The Sopranos (season 6)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Fortunes of Brak is a collection of fantasy short stories by American writer John Jakes featuring his sword and sorcery hero Brak the Barbarian. It includes all Brak stories not previously gathered into the earlier books in the series.", "title": "The Fortunes of Brak" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Steven M. Zirnkilton (born Stephen Morgan Zirnkilton; August 18, 1958) is an American voice - over actor and former politician from Maine. Zirnkilton is known for providing the opening narration of all US shows in the Law & Order franchise. He received the job after he was originally hired by series creator Dick Wolf for a small part on Law & Order.", "title": "Steven Zirnkilton" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ted Key (born Theodore Keyser; August 25, 1912 – May 3, 2008), was an American cartoonist and writer. He is best known as the creator of the cartoon panel \"Hazel\", which was later the basis for a television series of the same name, and also the creator of \"Peabody's Improbable History\".", "title": "Ted Key" } ]
Who is the creator of the main character in the Steven the Sword Fighter series?
Rebecca Sugar
[ { "answer": "North American", "id": 59612, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "where does the london broil cut come from" }, { "answer": "2 million", "id": 42352, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "How many people were in British #1 Colonies?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "London broil is a beef dish made by broiling marinated beef, then cutting it across the grain into thin strips. Despite its name, the dish and the terminology are North American, not British.", "title": "London broil" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Spain ceded Florida to Britain. France had already secretly given Louisiana to Spain in the Treaty of Fontainebleau (1762). In addition, while France regained its factories in India, France recognized British clients as the rulers of key Indian native states, and pledged not to send troops to Bengal. Britain agreed to demolish its fortifications in British Honduras (now Belize), but retained a logwood - cutting colony there. Britain confirmed the right of its new subjects to practise Catholicism.", "title": "Treaty of Paris (1763)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The funeral, held at the Church of the Madeleine in Paris, was delayed almost two weeks, until 30 October. Entrance was restricted to ticket holders as many people were expected to attend. Over 3,000 people arrived without invitations, from as far as London, Berlin and Vienna, and were excluded.", "title": "Frédéric Chopin" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The independence of the Thirteen Colonies in North America in 1783 after the American War of Independence caused Britain to lose some of its oldest and most populous colonies. British attention soon turned towards Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. After the defeat of France in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792–1815), Britain emerged as the principal naval and imperial power of the 19th century (with London the largest city in the world from about 1830). Unchallenged at sea, British dominance was later described as Pax Britannica (\"British Peace\"), a period of relative peace in Europe and the world (1815–1914) during which the British Empire became the global hegemon and adopted the role of global policeman. In the early 19th century, the Industrial Revolution began to transform Britain; by the time of the Great Exhibition in 1851 the country was described as the \"workshop of the world\". The British Empire expanded to include India, large parts of Africa and many other territories throughout the world. Alongside the formal control it exerted over its own colonies, British dominance of much of world trade meant that it effectively controlled the economies of many regions, such as Asia and Latin America. Domestically, political attitudes favoured free trade and laissez-faire policies and a gradual widening of the voting franchise. During this century, the population increased at a dramatic rate, accompanied by rapid urbanisation, causing significant social and economic stresses. To seek new markets and sources of raw materials, the Conservative Party under Disraeli launched a period of imperialist expansion in Egypt, South Africa, and elsewhere. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand became self-governing dominions.", "title": "British Empire" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ross Bay Cemetery is located at 1516 Fairfield Road in Victoria, British Columbia, on Vancouver Island, Canada. Many historical figures from the early days of the province and colony of British Columbia are buried at Ross Bay.", "title": "Ross Bay Cemetery" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On 14 October, the heaviest night attack to date saw 380 German bombers from Luftflotte 3 hit London. Around 200 people were killed and another 2,000 injured. British anti-aircraft defences (General Frederick Alfred Pile) fired 8,326 rounds and shot down only two bombers. On 15 October, the bombers returned and about 900 fires were started by the mix of 415 short tons (376 t) of high explosive and 11 short tons (10.0 t) of incendiaries dropped. Five main rail lines were cut in London and rolling stock damaged.", "title": "The Blitz" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Like the Dutch before them, the British initially had little interest in the Cape Colony, other than as a strategically located port. The Cape Articles of Capitulation of 1806 allowed the colony to retain ``all their rights and privileges which they have enjoyed hitherto '', and this launched South Africa on a divergent course from the rest of the British Empire, allowing the continuance of Roman - Dutch law. British sovereignty of the area was recognised at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the Dutch accepting a payment of 6 million pounds for the colony. As one of their first tasks they outlawed the use of the Dutch language in 1806 with the view of converting the European settlers to the British language and culture. This had the effect of forcing more of the Dutch colonists to move (or trek) away from British administrative reach. Much later, in 1820 the British authorities persuaded about 5,000 middle - class British immigrants (most of them`` in trade'') to leave Great Britain. Many of the 1820 Settlers eventually settled in Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth.", "title": "History of South Africa" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The French and Indian War (1754–1763) was the North American theater of the worldwide Seven Years' War. The war was fought between the colonies of British America and New France, with both sides supported by military units from their parent countries of Great Britain and France, as well as Native American allies. At the start of the war, the French North American colonies had a population of roughly 60,000 European settlers, compared with 2 million in the British North American colonies. The outnumbered French particularly depended on the Indians. Long in conflict, the metropole nations declared war on each other in 1756, escalating the war from a regional affair into an intercontinental conflict.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One athlete from Victoria, a British colony which later formed part of Australia, competed at the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece. Edwin Flack was born in England and was resident in London in 1896, but spent most of his life in Australia and so is considered an Australian athlete by the International Olympic Committee.", "title": "Australia at the 1896 Summer Olympics" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the late 19th century, the European imperial powers engaged in a major territorial scramble and occupied most of the continent, creating many colonial territories, and leaving only two fully independent states: Ethiopia (known to Europeans as ``Abyssinia ''), and Liberia. Egypt and Sudan were never formally incorporated into any European colonial empire; however, after the British occupation of 1882, Egypt was effectively under British administration until 1922.", "title": "Africa" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Blanshard was born in London to a wealthy mercantile family, and after reading law at Cambridge University, served in the army in British India. At the age of 32, a personal connection helped secure Blanshard the post of colonial governor of Vancouver Island. Although the commission was dated in July, 1849, Blanshard did not arrive in the colony's capital of Fort Victoria until March of the following year.", "title": "Richard Blanshard" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lagos Colony was a British colonial possession centred on the port of Lagos in what is now southern Nigeria. Lagos was annexed on 6 August 1861 under the threat of force by Commander Beddingfield of HMS Prometheus who was accompanied by the Acting British Consul, William McCoskry. Oba Dosunmu of Lagos (spelled ``Docemo ''in British documents) resisted the cession for 11 days while facing the threat of violence on Lagos and its people, but capitulated and signed the Lagos Treaty of Cession. Lagos was declared a colony on 5 March 1862. By 1872 Lagos was a cosmopolitan trading center with a population over 60,000. In the aftermath of prolonged wars between the mainland Yoruba states, the colony established a protectorate over most of Yorubaland between 1890 and 1897. The colony and protectorate were incorporated into Southern Nigeria in February 1906, and Lagos became the capital of the protectorate of Nigeria in January 1914. Since then, Lagos has grown to become the largest city in West Africa, with an estimated metropolitan population of over 9,000,000 as of 2011.", "title": "Lagos Colony" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The independence of the Thirteen Colonies in North America in 1783 after the American War of Independence caused Britain to lose some of its oldest and most populous colonies. British attention soon turned towards Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. After the defeat of France in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792 -- 1815), Britain emerged as the principal naval and imperial power of the 19th century. Unchallenged at sea, British dominance was later described as Pax Britannica (``British Peace ''), a period of relative peace in Europe and the world (1815 -- 1914) during which the British Empire became the global hegemon and adopted the role of global policeman. In the early 19th century, the Industrial Revolution began to transform Britain; by the time of the Great Exhibition in 1851 the country was described as the`` workshop of the world''. The British Empire expanded to include most of India, large parts of Africa and many other territories throughout the world. Alongside the formal control that Britain exerted over its own colonies, its dominance of much of world trade meant that it effectively controlled the economies of many regions, such as Asia and Latin America.", "title": "British Empire" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in 1809 in London, Benjamin Pine was educated in Brighton and at Trinity College, Cambridge. He became a career officer in the British Colonial Service. From 1850 to 1855, he was Lieutenant-Governor of Natal Colony, and from March 1857 until 17 April 1858 was Governor of the Gold Coast.", "title": "Benjamin Pine" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Stamp Act of 1765 (short title Duties in American Colonies Act 1765; 5 George III, c. 12) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain that imposed a direct tax on the Thirteen Colonies and required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp. Printed materials included legal documents, magazines, playing cards, newspapers, and many other types of paper used throughout the colonies. Like previous taxes, the stamp tax had to be paid in valid British currency, not in colonial paper money.", "title": "Stamp Act 1765" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Political boundaries drawn by the British did not always reflect homogeneous ethnicities or religions, contributing to conflicts in formerly colonised areas. The British Empire was also responsible for large migrations of peoples. Millions left the British Isles, with the founding settler populations of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand coming mainly from Britain and Ireland. Tensions remain between the white settler populations of these countries and their indigenous minorities, and between white settler minorities and indigenous majorities in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Settlers in Ireland from Great Britain have left their mark in the form of divided nationalist and unionist communities in Northern Ireland. Millions of people moved to and from British colonies, with large numbers of Indians emigrating to other parts of the empire, such as Malaysia and Fiji, and Chinese people to Malaysia, Singapore and the Caribbean. The demographics of Britain itself was changed after the Second World War owing to immigration to Britain from its former colonies.", "title": "British Empire" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The French and Indian War (1754 -- 63) was a watershed event in the political development of the colonies. It was also part of the larger Seven Years' War. The influence of the main rivals of the British Crown in the colonies and Canada, the French and North American Indians, was significantly reduced with the territory of the Thirteen Colonies expanding into New France both in Canada and the Louisiana Territory. Moreover, the war effort resulted in greater political integration of the colonies, as reflected in the Albany Congress and symbolized by Benjamin Franklin's call for the colonies to ``Join or Die ''. Franklin was a man of many inventions -- one of which was the concept of a United States of America, which emerged after 1765 and was realized in July 1776.", "title": "History of the United States" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Colony of Vancouver Island, officially known as the Island of Vancouver and its Dependencies, was a Crown colony of British North America from 1849 to 1866, after which it was united with the mainland to form the Colony of British Columbia. The united colony joined Canadian Confederation, thus becoming part of Canada, in 1871. The colony comprised Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands of the Strait of Georgia.", "title": "Colony of Vancouver Island" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Secretary of State for India or India Secretary was the British Cabinet minister and the political head of the India Office responsible for the governance of the British Raj (India), Aden, and Burma. The post was created in 1858 when the East India Company's rule in Bengal ended and India except for the Princely States was brought under the direct administration of the government in London, beginning the official colonial period under the British Empire.", "title": "Secretary of State for India" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1603, James VI, King of Scots, ascended (as James I) to the English throne and in 1604 negotiated the Treaty of London, ending hostilities with Spain. Now at peace with its main rival, English attention shifted from preying on other nations' colonial infrastructures to the business of establishing its own overseas colonies. The British Empire began to take shape during the early 17th century, with the English settlement of North America and the smaller islands of the Caribbean, and the establishment of private companies, most notably the English East India Company, to administer colonies and overseas trade. This period, until the loss of the Thirteen Colonies after the American War of Independence towards the end of the 18th century, has subsequently been referred to by some historians as the \"First British Empire\".", "title": "British Empire" } ]
How many people were in British Colonies where does the london broil cut come from ?
2 million
[ { "answer": "Orange River", "id": 207597, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "Caledon River >> mouth of the watercourse" }, { "answer": "Thaba Putsoa", "id": 73244, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "where is the origin of #1" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bardwell Creek, an urban watercourse of the Cooks River catchment, is located in the southern suburbs of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Bardwell Creek" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wolli Creek () is an urban watercourse of the Cooks River catchment located in the southern suburbs of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Wolli Creek" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Rinža (German: Rinse, Rinnse) is a river of Slovenia. It is long and flows through Kočevje. It is the main watercourse of the Kočevje Polje and it is a losing stream. A few kilometers downstream of Kočevje, it goes subterranean. It emerges again as the Bilpa, a tributary of the Kolpa.", "title": "Rinža" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Upper Orange WMA, or Upper Orange Water Management Area (coded: 13), Includes the following major rivers: the Modder River, Riet River, Caledon River and Orange River, and covers the following Dams:", "title": "Upper Orange Water Management Area" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Reconquista River (Spanish, Río Reconquista) is a small river in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Together with the Riachuelo, it is one of the most contaminated watercourses in the country.", "title": "Reconquista River" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Doubtful Creek, formerly known as Doubtful River, a watercourse that is part of the Murrumbidgee catchment within the Murray–Darling basin, is located in the Snowy Mountains district of New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Doubtful Creek" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Darling Mills Creek, an urban watercourse that is part of the Parramatta River catchment, is located in Greater Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Darling Mills Creek" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Orange Gariep, Oranje, Senqu River Sunset over the Orange River near Upington in the Northern Cape Countries Lesotho, South Africa, Namibia Tributaries - right Caledon River, Vaal River, Fish River (Namibia) Landmarks Gariep Dam, Augrabies Falls Source Thaba Putsoa - location Maloti Mountains (Drakensberg), Lesotho - elevation 3,350 m (10,991 ft) Mouth Alexander Bay - location Atlantic Ocean Length 2,200 km (1,367 mi) Basin 973,000 km (375,677 sq mi) Discharge - average 365 m / s (12,890 cu ft / s) The course and watershed of the Orange River, Caledon River and Vaal River. This map shows a conservative border for the watershed. Specifically, the Kalahari basin is excluded, as some sources say it is endorheic. Some other sources using computational methods show a basin which includes parts of Botswana (and hence of the Kalahari).", "title": "Orange River" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Toongabbie Creek, an urban watercourse that is part of the Parramatta River catchment, is located in Greater Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Toongabbie Creek" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "James Alexander, 1st Earl of Caledon (1730 – 22 March 1802) was an Irish landlord, merchant, politician and peer of the realm. The second son of Alderman Nathaniel Alexander of Derry, he was the effective founder of the Caledon family, and certainly the founder of its fortune.", "title": "James Alexander, 1st Earl of Caledon" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Maryland River is a watercourse of the Clarence River catchment in the Northern Tablelands district of New South Wales, Australia. Its upper reaches run close to the border between New South Wales and Queensland.", "title": "Maryland River" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Visherka River () is a river in Perm Krai, Russia, a right tributary of the Kolva River. It is long, and its drainage basin covers . It flows out of lake Chusovskoe in the north of the Cherdynsky District near its border with the Komi Republic. Its mouth is upstream of the uninhabited village of Bogatyryovo, from the mouth of the Kolva River. Its most significant tributaries are:", "title": "Visherka River" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Red Deer River Red Deer River in Drumheller, Alberta Country Canada Physical characteristics Main source Sawback Range, Red Deer Lakes 2,200 m (7,200 ft) 51 ° 31 ′ 56 ''N 116 ° 02 ′ 31'' W  /  51.53221 ° N 116.04201 ° W  / 51.53221; - 116.04201  (Red Deer River origin) River mouth South Saskatchewan River near Empress 579 m (1,900 ft) 50 ° 55 ′ 23 ''N 109 ° 53 ′ 42'' W  /  50.92315 ° N 109.89493 ° W  / 50.92315; - 109.89493  (Red Deer River mouth) Coordinates: 50 ° 55 ′ 23 ''N 109 ° 53 ′ 42'' W  /  50.92315 ° N 109.89493 ° W  / 50.92315; - 109.89493  (Red Deer River mouth) Length 724 km (450 mi) Discharge Average rate: 70 m / s (2,500 cu ft / s) Basin features Basin size 45,100 km (17,400 sq mi)", "title": "Red Deer River" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Humberview Secondary School (formerly The Humberview School, or Humberview Senior Public School) is a high school in Bolton, Caledon, Ontario, Canada. It is one of the four secondary schools in Caledon, the others being Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School in Caledon East, Ontario, St. Michael Catholic Secondary School in Bolton, Ontario, and Mayfield Secondary School. The year 2003 was a double cohort year for the school.", "title": "Humberview Secondary School" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cabramatta Creek, an urban watercourse of the Georges River catchment, is located in the south-western region of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Cabramatta Creek" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Coxs Creek, a watercourse of the Cooks River catchment, is located in the Inner West of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Coxs Creek (Belfield, New South Wales)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Little River, a watercourse that is part of the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment, is located in the Southern Highlands region of New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Little River (Wingecarribee)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It originates from Mount Ishikari in the Daisetsuzan Volcanic Group and flows through Asahikawa and Sapporo. Major tributaries of the river include the Chūbetsu, Uryū, Sorachi and Toyohira rivers. Until 40,000 years ago, it flowed into the Pacific Ocean near Tomakomai. Lava from the volcanic Shikotsu mountains dammed the river and moved its mouth to the Ishikari Bay.", "title": "Ishikari River" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cup and Saucer Creek, an urban watercourse of the Cooks River catchment, is located in the Canterbury-Bankstown region of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Cup and Saucer Creek" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lansdowne River, a watercourse of the Manning River catchment, is located in the Mid North Coast district of New South Wales, Australia.", "title": "Lansdowne River" } ]
Where is the origin of the Caledon River?
Thaba Putsoa
[ { "answer": "North American", "id": 161151, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "Where can bison antiquus be found?" }, { "answer": "2 million", "id": 42352, "paragraph_support_idx": 1, "question": "How many people were in British #1 Colonies?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Founded by free settlers from the British Crown colony of Van Diemen's Land on 30 August 1835, in what was then the colony of New South Wales, it was incorporated as a Crown settlement in 1837. It was named \"Melbourne\" by the Governor of New South Wales, Sir Richard Bourke, in honour of the British Prime Minister of the day, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne. It was officially declared a city by Queen Victoria in 1847, after which it became the capital of the newly founded colony of Victoria in 1851. During the Victorian gold rush of the 1850s, it was transformed into one of the world's largest and wealthiest cities. After the federation of Australia in 1901, it served as the nation's interim seat of government until 1927.", "title": "Melbourne" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The French and Indian War (1754–1763) was the North American theater of the worldwide Seven Years' War. The war was fought between the colonies of British America and New France, with both sides supported by military units from their parent countries of Great Britain and France, as well as Native American allies. At the start of the war, the French North American colonies had a population of roughly 60,000 European settlers, compared with 2 million in the British North American colonies. The outnumbered French particularly depended on the Indians. Long in conflict, the metropole nations declared war on each other in 1756, escalating the war from a regional affair into an intercontinental conflict.", "title": "French and Indian War" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Political boundaries drawn by the British did not always reflect homogeneous ethnicities or religions, contributing to conflicts in formerly colonised areas. The British Empire was also responsible for large migrations of peoples. Millions left the British Isles, with the founding settler populations of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand coming mainly from Britain and Ireland. Tensions remain between the white settler populations of these countries and their indigenous minorities, and between white settler minorities and indigenous majorities in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Settlers in Ireland from Great Britain have left their mark in the form of divided nationalist and unionist communities in Northern Ireland. Millions of people moved to and from British colonies, with large numbers of Indians emigrating to other parts of the empire, such as Malaysia and Fiji, and Chinese people to Malaysia, Singapore and the Caribbean. The demographics of Britain itself was changed after the Second World War owing to immigration to Britain from its former colonies.", "title": "British Empire" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The independence of the Thirteen Colonies in North America in 1783 after the American War of Independence caused Britain to lose some of its oldest and most populous colonies. British attention soon turned towards Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. After the defeat of France in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792 -- 1815), Britain emerged as the principal naval and imperial power of the 19th century. Unchallenged at sea, British dominance was later described as Pax Britannica (``British Peace ''), a period of relative peace in Europe and the world (1815 -- 1914) during which the British Empire became the global hegemon and adopted the role of global policeman. In the early 19th century, the Industrial Revolution began to transform Britain; by the time of the Great Exhibition in 1851 the country was described as the`` workshop of the world''. The British Empire expanded to include most of India, large parts of Africa and many other territories throughout the world. Alongside the formal control that Britain exerted over its own colonies, its dominance of much of world trade meant that it effectively controlled the economies of many regions, such as Asia and Latin America.", "title": "British Empire" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the late 19th century, the European imperial powers engaged in a major territorial scramble and occupied most of the continent, creating many colonial territories, and leaving only two fully independent states: Ethiopia (known to Europeans as ``Abyssinia ''), and Liberia. Egypt and Sudan were never formally incorporated into any European colonial empire; however, after the British occupation of 1882, Egypt was effectively under British administration until 1922.", "title": "Africa" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the later Pleistocene epoch, between 240,000 and 220,000 years ago, steppe wisent (B. priscus) migrated from Siberia into Alaska across the Bering Land Bridge. Bison priscus inhabited northern North America throughout the remainder of the Pleistocene. In western North America, B. priscus evolved into long-horned bison, B. latifrons, which then evolved into B. antiquus. The larger B. latifrons appears to have died out by about 20,000 ya. After the extinction of B. latifrons, B. antiquus became increasingly abundant in parts of midcontinent North America from 18,000 ya until about 10,000 ya, after which the species appears to have given rise to the living species, B. bison. B. antiquus is the most commonly recovered large mammalian herbivore from the La Brea tar pits.B. antiquus was taller, had larger bones and horns, and was 15-25% larger overall than modern bison. It reached up to 2.27 m (7.5 ft) tall, 4.6 m (15 ft) long, and a weight of 1,588 kg (3500 lb). From tip to tip, the horns of B. antiquus measured about 3 ft (nearly 1 m).", "title": "Bison antiquus" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Like the Dutch before them, the British initially had little interest in the Cape Colony, other than as a strategically located port. The Cape Articles of Capitulation of 1806 allowed the colony to retain ``all their rights and privileges which they have enjoyed hitherto '', and this launched South Africa on a divergent course from the rest of the British Empire, allowing the continuance of Roman - Dutch law. British sovereignty of the area was recognised at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the Dutch accepting a payment of 6 million pounds for the colony. As one of their first tasks they outlawed the use of the Dutch language in 1806 with the view of converting the European settlers to the British language and culture. This had the effect of forcing more of the Dutch colonists to move (or trek) away from British administrative reach. Much later, in 1820 the British authorities persuaded about 5,000 middle - class British immigrants (most of them`` in trade'') to leave Great Britain. Many of the 1820 Settlers eventually settled in Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth.", "title": "History of South Africa" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Bison antiquus, the ancient or antique bison, is an extinct species of bison that lived in North America until around 10,000 years ago (ya). It was one of the most common large herbivores on the North American continent during the late Pleistocene, and is a direct ancestor of the living American bison.", "title": "Bison antiquus" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ross Bay Cemetery is located at 1516 Fairfield Road in Victoria, British Columbia, on Vancouver Island, Canada. Many historical figures from the early days of the province and colony of British Columbia are buried at Ross Bay.", "title": "Ross Bay Cemetery" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The French and Indian War (1754 -- 63) was a watershed event in the political development of the colonies. It was also part of the larger Seven Years' War. The influence of the main rivals of the British Crown in the colonies and Canada, the French and North American Indians, was significantly reduced with the territory of the Thirteen Colonies expanding into New France both in Canada and the Louisiana Territory. Moreover, the war effort resulted in greater political integration of the colonies, as reflected in the Albany Congress and symbolized by Benjamin Franklin's call for the colonies to ``Join or Die ''. Franklin was a man of many inventions -- one of which was the concept of a United States of America, which emerged after 1765 and was realized in July 1776.", "title": "History of the United States" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One problem with these assignments is admixture. Many people have a highly varied ancestry. For example, in the United States, colonial and early federal history were periods of numerous interracial relationships, both outside and inside slavery. This has resulted in a majority of people who identify as African American having some European ancestors. Similarly, many people who identify as white have some African ancestors. In a survey in a northeastern U.S. university of college students who identified as \"white\", about 30% were estimated to have up to 10% African ancestry.", "title": "Race (human categorization)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Colony of Vancouver Island, officially known as the Island of Vancouver and its Dependencies, was a Crown colony of British North America from 1849 to 1866, after which it was united with the mainland to form the Colony of British Columbia. The united colony joined Canadian Confederation, thus becoming part of Canada, in 1871. The colony comprised Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands of the Strait of Georgia.", "title": "Colony of Vancouver Island" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lagos Colony was a British colonial possession centred on the port of Lagos in what is now southern Nigeria. Lagos was annexed on 6 August 1861 under the threat of force by Commander Beddingfield of HMS Prometheus who was accompanied by the Acting British Consul, William McCoskry. Oba Dosunmu of Lagos (spelled ``Docemo ''in British documents) resisted the cession for 11 days while facing the threat of violence on Lagos and its people, but capitulated and signed the Lagos Treaty of Cession. Lagos was declared a colony on 5 March 1862. By 1872 Lagos was a cosmopolitan trading center with a population over 60,000. In the aftermath of prolonged wars between the mainland Yoruba states, the colony established a protectorate over most of Yorubaland between 1890 and 1897. The colony and protectorate were incorporated into Southern Nigeria in February 1906, and Lagos became the capital of the protectorate of Nigeria in January 1914. Since then, Lagos has grown to become the largest city in West Africa, with an estimated metropolitan population of over 9,000,000 as of 2011.", "title": "Lagos Colony" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hugo Dewar (9 August 1908 – June 1980) was a Trotskyist activist influential in founding many of the early British Trotskyist groups.", "title": "Hugo Dewar" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ross Douglas is a Canadian voice actor with Ocean Studios in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He is most well-known for voicing Clockwerk and Jean Bison in the \"Sly Cooper\" series, Daniel O'Connell in \"Master Keaton\", and Kageyama in the \"Black Lagoon\" series.", "title": "Ross Douglas" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the mid-19th century, there was a policy disagreement between the British and the colonial governments. The British wanted all the colonies to continue to use sterling, to facilitate trade within the Empire. The Canadian colonies, both in the east and British Columbia, increasingly favoured linking their currencies to the US dollar, given the strong local trade links. Eventually, the local trade won out and the Canadian colonies migrated to currencies linked to the US dollar.", "title": "History of the Canadian dollar" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than 200 people were accused, nineteen of which were found guilty and executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). One other man was pressed to death for refusing to plead, and at least five people died in jail. It was the deadliest witch hunt in the history of the United States.", "title": "Salem witch trials" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Stamp Act of 1765 (short title Duties in American Colonies Act 1765; 5 George III, c. 12) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain that imposed a direct tax on the Thirteen Colonies and required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp. Printed materials included legal documents, magazines, playing cards, newspapers, and many other types of paper used throughout the colonies. Like previous taxes, the stamp tax had to be paid in valid British currency, not in colonial paper money.", "title": "Stamp Act 1765" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The British government began transporting convicts overseas to American colonies in the early 18th century. When transportation ended with the start of the American Revolution, an alternative site was needed to relieve further overcrowding of British prisons and hulks. Earlier in 1770, James Cook charted and claimed possession of the east coast of Australia for Britain. Seeking to pre-empt the French colonial empire from expanding into the region, Britain chose Australia as the site of a penal colony, and in 1787, the First Fleet of eleven convict ships set sail for Botany Bay, arriving on 20 January 1788 to found Sydney, New South Wales, the first European settlement on the continent. Other penal colonies were later established in Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) in 1803 and Queensland in 1824, while Western Australia, founded in 1829 as a free colony, received convicts from 1850. Victoria and South Australia remained free colonies. Penal transportation to Australia peaked in the 1830s and dropped off significantly the following decade. The last convict ship arrived in Western Australia on 10 January 1868.", "title": "Convicts in Australia" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Many colonists in the Americas, however, developed a different conception of their role within the British Empire. In particular, because the colonies were not directly represented in Parliament, colonists argued that Parliament had no right to levy taxes upon them. After colonists destroyed thousands of pounds of British - taxed tea during the Boston Tea Party, Parliament passed the Coercive Acts in 1774, punishing the colonies for their actions. These punitive Acts were vehemently opposed by the colonists, leading the newly formed Continental Congress to seek redress with King George III, in an attempt to reach a common understanding.", "title": "Petition to the King" } ]
How many people were in the British colonies where bison antiquus could be found?
2 million
[ { "answer": "Kevin James", "id": 713299, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "Here Comes the Boom >> cast member" }, { "answer": "Maria Bello", "id": 55227, "paragraph_support_idx": 1, "question": "who plays #1 wife in the movie grown ups" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "From 2011 to 2014 April Rose wrote and hosted MAXIM weekly web series. April is an original cast member of MTV2 series Guy Code now entering its fourth season and its sister spinoff MTV's Girl Code entering its third season. April Rose is the host for MTV Spring Break 2014 from Cancun Mexico alongside Guy Code castmate Andrew Schultz. April Rose was cast as Kasey Knox 'Hot Dance Teacher' in the feature film Grown Ups 2 where she plays a Russian dance instructor and girlfriend of Tommy Cavanaugh played by Stone Cold Steve Austin. April became an on air contributor for Speed live coverage of the Barrett - Jackson Auction in 2011. She stayed with them as they transitioned to Fox Sports Networks. April has been an on air contributor for Comcast SportsNet Chicago since 2009. She also hosts and writes a Chicago - based Hockey show that airs on Comcast SportsNet Chicago called Chicago Face - Off with April Rose that will run through 8 episodes featuring a different Chicago Blackhawks player each week.", "title": "April Rose Haydock" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1978, five childhood friends win their junior high school basketball championship. Afterwards, they celebrate at a rented lake house. The friends' coach, whom they nickname ``Buzzer ''(Blake Clark), encourages them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. Thirty years later, Lenny (Adam Sandler) has become an ambitious Hollywood talent agent with his wife, fashion designer Roxanne (Salma Hayek), and his three children -- daughter Becky (Alexys Nicole Sanchez) and two sons Greg (Jake Goldberg) and Keith (Cameron Boyce). The boys act very spoiled in his vicinity, much to his annoyance. Eric (Kevin James) claims he is now a co-owner of a lawn furniture company, but is disappointed in his wife Sally (Maria Bello) for continuing to breastfeed Bean (Morgan Gingerich), one of his two children, the other being Donna (Ada - Nicole Sanger). Kurt (Chris Rock) is a stay - at - home father with two children, Andre and Charlotte (Nadji Jeter and China Anne McClain). His wife Deanne (Maya Rudolph), the primary breadwinner of the family, is pregnant with another child and shares the house with her mother (Ebony Jo - Ann). Rob (Rob Schneider), nicknamed Carrot, has been divorced three times and holds custody of his daughters Jasmine, Amber, and Bridget (Madison Riley, Jamie Chung, and Ashley Loren). His current wife, Gloria (Joyce Van Patten), is 30 years older than him. Marcus (David Spade) is a slacker and lothario. All five friends regularly harass each other in comedic fashion throughout the film: Lenny for being rich, Eric for being overweight, Kurt for being skinny and useless, Rob for his continuous use of the joke`` Maize!'' and for having a much older wife, and Marcus for being sexually juvenile.", "title": "Grown Ups (film)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Michaela Suzanne Watkins (born December 14, 1971) is an American actress and comedian. She is best known for starring on the Hulu series \"Casual\" and on the short-lived ABC sitcom \"Trophy Wife\", as well as a cast member on \"Saturday Night Live\" from 2008 to 2009. She has also recurred on television series such as \"The New Adventures of Old Christine\", \"Enlightened\" and \"Transparent\", and has had appearances in the films \"The Back-up Plan\" (2010), \"Wanderlust\" (2012) and \"Enough Said\" (2013).", "title": "Michaela Watkins" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Here Comes the Boom is a 2012 American comedy film directed by Frank Coraci, co-written, produced by and starring Kevin James. It was also written by Allan Loeb and Rock Reuben with music by Rupert Gregson-Williams. The film co-stars Henry Winkler and Salma Hayek. It was produced by Happy Madison Productions. The film was released in the United States on October 12, 2012 by Columbia Pictures. The film's title is taken from the song \"Boom\" by Christian nu metal band P.O.D.", "title": "Here Comes the Boom" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "John Leguizamo as Benny Blanco. Leguizamo completed the main cast as ``Benny Blanco from the Bronx '', an up - and - coming gangster who is determined to exceed Carlito's reputation but lacks any sense of ethics.", "title": "Carlito's Way" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Leslie Carrara - Rudolph is known for performing the fairy Abby Cadabby on the PBS Kids show Sesame Street, for which she was nominated for a 2009 Emmy Award for best performer in a children's series. She is also known for her puppeteer role as Ginger on Playhouse Disney's Johnny and the Sprites. She performed the muppet Jesse for Sesame Street's military outreach project Touch, Listen, and Connect, which starred Katie Couric. Carrara - Rudolph plays various characters on Sesame Street throughout the season. She got her start on ABC's Muppets Tonight as Spamela Hamderson. Other puppeteering credits include Edi the Zebra on the Learning Channel's Animal Jam and the evil blonde vampire puppet in the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Carrara - Rudolph is one of the founding members of the Henson improv group Puppet Up!, which was later renamed Stuffed and Unstrung. She was part of the improv cast for its debut at the Aspen Comedy Festival. She toured with them to the Australian comedy festival and was a cast member for the off - Broadway show at the Union Square Theater. She also played the main role of Blue, the female blue puppy in Nick Jr.'s Blue's Room.", "title": "Leslie Carrara-Rudolph" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The first Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was set up in August 1978 with Bhola Paswan Shastri as Chairman and other four Members. In 1990 the Commission for SCs and STs was renamed as the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were formed as per 1987 and it was set up as a National Level Advisory Body to advise the Government on broad policy issues and levels of development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.", "title": "National Commission for Scheduled Castes" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Baradwaj Rangan wrote \"The signature achievement of \"Goli Soda\" is its ruthless unmasking of how hollow most of our masala movies are, and how, with a little imagination, just a little, you can make a film which does not insult the audience\" and went on to state, \"I will be very surprised if there's a more entertaining, more inventive, more well-acted masala movie this year\". The Times of India gave 3.5 stars out of 5 and said \"\"Goli Soda\" IS a masala movie. But what sets it apart and even makes it one-of-a-kind is that its protagonists aren't grown-up 20-somethings but adolescents, early teens to be specific. There have been Hollywood films that have transposed the sensibilities of a regular genre movie to ones that have kids as the principal characters...but this is probably a first in Tamil cinema\". Sify called it \"a gutsy and outstanding film\" and continued, \"The film works due to the triumph of honest writing, freshness of its cast who does not have any star trappings, and the speed of the film. The backbone of the film is Pandiraj's script and Vijay Milton's directorial touches and the belief that everybody irrespective of his surroundings and upbringing has an identity\". rated it with 4/5 stars and said \"Overall if you prefer to watch a gutsy film which is different and unique from the routine Tamil cinema, go and watch Goli Soda which surely deserves a repeated viewing\".", "title": "Goli Soda" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It additionally places emphasis on their brother Rob Kardashian, their mother Kris Jenner, their step - parent Bruce Jenner (now known as Caitlyn Jenner), their half - sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and Kourtney's now ex-boyfriend, Scott Disick. Khloé's ex-husband Lamar Odom developed a major position as part of the supporting cast in the fourth season, though he was not a regular cast member in following seasons, and rarely appeared in season eight while attempting to fix his marriage with Khloé. Along in season seven Kanye West became a recurring cast members after dating Kim then marrying her in season nine. In seasons eight and nine, Caitlyn's children Brody and Brandon, and Brandon's wife, Leah became recurring cast members.", "title": "List of Keeping Up with the Kardashians episodes" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jim Clancy, played by David Conrad is Melinda's (Jennifer Love Hewitt) husband. He is the only cast member other than Hewitt to appear in every episode.", "title": "List of Ghost Whisperer characters" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "George Coe (May 10, 1929 -- July 18, 2015) was an American stage, film and television actor and voice artist. He did voice - over work in video games, movies and TV shows. He was a cast member for the first season of Saturday Night Live and voiced Woodhouse in Archer.", "title": "George Coe" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Rocky Horror Show is a musical with music, lyrics and book by Richard O'Brien. A humorous tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the late 1940s through to the early 1970s, the musical tells the story of a newly engaged couple getting caught in a storm and coming to the home of a mad transvestite scientist, Dr Frank - N - Furter, unveiling his new creation, a sort of Frankenstein - style monster in the form of an artificially made, fully grown, physically perfect muscle man named Rocky Horror, complete ``with blond hair and a tan ''.", "title": "The Rocky Horror Show" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Shakalaka Boom Boom\" attracted negative reviews from top critics of India. Mayank Shekhar of \"Hindustan Times\" rated the film with 1 out of 5 stars. Shakti Salgaokar of DNA gave movie a one and half stars and wrote in his review, \"It's simple — sexual innuendo, potshots at popular films, bad mimicry, foreign locations, a generous dose of overacting, an item song and a gora villain. And as he magnificently presents the climax of the film. Spare us the comedy, please?\" Nikhat Kazmi of \"Times of India\" said, \"This one's definitely not for the fastidious, choosy viewer but for those who don't mind losing it for a bit, \"Shakalaka Boom Boom\" works like an average Bollywood musical. Performance-wise, it's one big circus with the guys hogging most of the limelight. The girls — Kangana and Celina — are mere confetti\" and gave it 3 out of 5 stars. Taran Adarsh also gave it 3 out of 5 stars, saying \"It's a well-crafted entertainer and lives up to the expectations of its target audience — the youth. At the box-office, its business at the multiplexes will help it generate good revenue, making it a profitable proposition for its investors.\"", "title": "Shakalaka Boom Boom" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "For Hope is a 1996 ABC TV movie starring Dana Delany and directed by Bob Saget. Based on Saget's sister Gay, the movie showed the experience of a young woman fatally afflicted with the disease scleroderma. Other cast members included Tracy Nelson and Chris Demetral.", "title": "For Hope" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On October 14, 2013, Dwayne Johnson closed a deal to star in the film, playing the role of a helicopter pilot searching for his daughter after an earthquake. On February 4, 2014, Alexandra Daddario joined the cast. On March 12, 2014, Carla Gugino joined the cast, reuniting with Dwayne Johnson, with whom she starred in Race to Witch Mountain and Faster. On March 14, 2014, Game of Thrones actor Art Parkinson joined the film's cast. On April 1, 2014, Archie Panjabi joined the earthquake film. On April 5, 2014, Todd Williams also joined the film, to play Marcus Crowlings, an old Army friend of Johnson's character. On April 15, 2014, Colton Haynes was added to the cast of the film. On April 29, Ioan Gruffudd joined the cast of the film. Gruffudd played Daniel Reddick, a wealthy real estate developer who is dating Johnson's character's estranged wife. On May 28, Will Yun Lee joined the cast to play Dr. Kim Park, the co-director of the Caltech Seismology Lab in the film. On June 11, Australian singer and actress Kylie Minogue joined the film to play Gruffudd's sister.", "title": "San Andreas (film)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Greetings From The Shore is a 2007 American coming-of-age romantic comedy film directed by Greg Chwerchak. The movie has played over 60 festivals, winning over 20 awards. It had its American theatrical release on September 12, 2008, on a limited basis.", "title": "Greetings from the Shore" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On April 4, 2017, Nickelodeon announced that they had green - lit a 66 - minute television film based on the series with three teaser trailers being released in a span of the following four days. Jhonen Vasquez will be returning as executive producer as well as cast members Richard Horvitz, Rikki Simons, Andy Berman, and Melissa Fahn. The movie will follow ``a perpetually desperate and delusional Zim hatching a new plan to achieve his goal. ''In October 2017, Rikki Simons, voice actor of GIR, in a video interview at the Gulf Coast Fan Fest stated that the movie would be released sometime in 2018. No title for the film has been announced up to this date.", "title": "Invader Zim" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Southwest Human Development was founded in 1981 with six staff members, a small budget of $150,000 and a single support program, serving 175 families. By 1988, the organization had grown to 120 staff members and a budget of $3.5 million. By 1993 it grew to about 230 staff members with a budget of $6.7 million, and by 1996 that had grown to 300 staff members with a budget of $13 million, serving 12,000 families. In 2003, the organization obtained and renovated a 50,000 square foot facility in Phoenix, which is currently used at its headquarters. By 2004, the organization had grown to 450 staff members, with a budget of $23 million, serving 50,000 families. By 2006, more than 40 development and outreach programs had been initiated. In 2007, Southwest Human Development became an affiliate of Easter Seals. In 2010, the organization had grown to 650 staff members, with over 100 programs. Currently, the organization has grown to a staff of over 900, with a budget of $72 million, serving 135,000 families annually.", "title": "Southwest Human Development" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Beethoven is an American animated television series loosely based on the 1992 motion picture of the same name. The series was produced by Northern Lights Entertainment, Universal Cartoon Studios and Universal Television, and aired for one season (1994–1995) on CBS, with 26 fifteen-minute episodes produced. Dean Jones, who played Dr. Varnick in the movie, voiced the role of George Newton; Nicholle Tom, who played teenage daughter Ryce in the movie and Beethoven's 2nd, was the only cast member from the films to reprise her role in the series.", "title": "Beethoven (TV series)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wharmby made his debut in Last of the Summer Wine in 1982, as Wesley Pegden, the boilersuit wearing, tinkering mechanic and would be inventor. He appeared as a regular cast member for 16 series between 1985 and 2002. Thora Hird played his nagging wife Edie.", "title": "Gordon Wharmby" } ]
Who plays the wife of a Here Comes the Boom cast member in the movie Grown Ups?
Maria Bello
[ { "answer": "Kevin James", "id": 537404, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 >> producer" }, { "answer": "Maria Bello", "id": 55227, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "who plays #1 wife in the movie grown ups" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Cowboy Cop is a 1926 silent romantic Western produced by Robertson-Cole and released through Film Booking Offices of America, better known as FBO. The young female lead is played by Jean Arthur.", "title": "The Cowboy Cop" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Beverly Hills Cop is the soundtrack to the 1984 action comedy film Beverly Hills Cop. It was released on December 4, 1984 (1984 - 012 - 04) by MCA Records, successor - in - interest to Paramount's old record division, the Famous Music Group (specifically Paramount Records). The soundtrack was mastered by Greg Fulginiti and features various artists whose tracks were included in the movie plus some other tracks not included in the movie but are similar in electronic style. The instrumental title tune, ``Axel F ''by Harold Faltermeyer, became a worldwide hit single and has since been covered by numerous artists.", "title": "Beverly Hills Cop (soundtrack)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Omega Cop is a 1989 film starring Adam West, Ron Marchini, Stuart Whitman, and Troy Donahue. It was also released under the title \"John Travis: Solar Survivor\". This film was also written and produced by Ronald L. Marchini, and executive-produced by his wife, Jo Anne Marchini. Omega Cop was followed by a sequel, \"Karate Cop\".", "title": "Omega Cop" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1978, five childhood friends win their junior high school basketball championship. Afterwards, they celebrate at a rented lake house. The friends' coach, whom they nickname ``Buzzer ''(Blake Clark), encourages them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. Thirty years later, Lenny (Adam Sandler) has become an ambitious Hollywood talent agent with his wife, fashion designer Roxanne (Salma Hayek), and his three children -- daughter Becky (Alexys Nicole Sanchez) and two sons Greg (Jake Goldberg) and Keith (Cameron Boyce). The boys act very spoiled in his vicinity, much to his annoyance. Eric (Kevin James) claims he is now a co-owner of a lawn furniture company, but is disappointed in his wife Sally (Maria Bello) for continuing to breastfeed Bean (Morgan Gingerich), one of his two children, the other being Donna (Ada - Nicole Sanger). Kurt (Chris Rock) is a stay - at - home father with two children, Andre and Charlotte (Nadji Jeter and China Anne McClain). His wife Deanne (Maya Rudolph), the primary breadwinner of the family, is pregnant with another child and shares the house with her mother (Ebony Jo - Ann). Rob (Rob Schneider), nicknamed Carrot, has been divorced three times and holds custody of his daughters Jasmine, Amber, and Bridget (Madison Riley, Jamie Chung, and Ashley Loren). His current wife, Gloria (Joyce Van Patten), is 30 years older than him. Marcus (David Spade) is a slacker and lothario. All five friends regularly harass each other in comedic fashion throughout the film: Lenny for being rich, Eric for being overweight, Kurt for being skinny and useless, Rob for his continuous use of the joke`` Maize!'' and for having a much older wife, and Marcus for being sexually juvenile.", "title": "Grown Ups (film)" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Janice Meredith, also known as \"The Beautiful Rebel\", is a silent film starring Marion Davies, released in 1924 and based on the book and play of the same name written by Paul Leicester Ford and Edward Everett Rose. The play opened at the end of 1900 and was the first starring vehicle for stage actress Mary Mannering. The movie follows the actions of Janice Meredith, who helps George Washington and Paul Revere during the American Revolutionary War.", "title": "Janice Meredith" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bruce Willis as John McClane, a streetwise New York cop who has come to Los Angeles to reconcile with his wife Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber, a German mastermind and the leader of the terrorists Alexander Godunov as Karl, Hans's savage main henchman Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennero - McClane, John's estranged wife Reginald VelJohnson as Sgt. Al Powell Paul Gleason as Dwayne T. Robinson, the Deputy Chief of Police De'voreaux White as Argyle, John's limousine driver William Atherton as Richard Thornburg, an arrogant reporter Clarence Gilyard as Theo, Hans's tech specialist Hart Bochner as Harry Ellis, a sleazy Nakatomi executive James Shigeta as Joseph Yoshinobu Takagi, Nakatomi's head executive", "title": "Die Hard" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 is a 2015 American action comedy film directed by Andy Fickman and written by Kevin James and Nick Bakay. It is the sequel to 2009's , and stars James as the eponymous mall cop, Paul Blart, along with Neal McDonough, David Henrie, and Daniella Alonso.", "title": "Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mall Cops: Mall of America is an American reality television series that follows the work of the security team at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, the second largest mall in North America. The series was originally just a special one-hour event, however due to the popularity TLC decided to commission a twelve-part series of half an hour length. The special aired on October 15, 2009 with the series debuting on May 27, 2010. It is produced by September Films, the company behind Bridezillas.", "title": "Mall Cops: Mall of America" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jason Costello (previously Jasmine Costello) is a fictional character from the British Channel 4 soap opera, \"Hollyoaks\", played by Victoria Atkin. The character debuted on-screen during the episode airing on 2 August 2010 and was introduced by series producer Paul Marquess as a member of the yet to be established Costello family.", "title": "Jason Costello" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kalakalappu () (English: \"Humour\") is a 2012 Indian Tamil comedy film co-written co-produced and directed by Sundar C. and produced by his wife Kushboo Sundar. It features Vimal, Shiva, Anjali, Oviya and Santhanam in lead roles and music composed by Vijay Ebenezer. It was originally titled \"Masala Cafe\", but was later renamed to \"Kalakalappu\". The film released on 11 May 2012. The film is 25th directorial venture for Sundar C..The film was remade in Telugu as Jump Jilani starring Allari Naresh. In 2018, the film later went into the spiritual successor \"Kalakalappu 2\". The movie is loosely based on the 2009 German comedy \"Soul Kitchen\".", "title": "Kalakalappu" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Eternity is a 1990 American drama film directed by Steven Paul and written by Jon Voight with Paul and his mother Dorothy Koster Paul. The theme of the movie is reincarnation.", "title": "Eternity (1990 film)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On 11 July 2017 a teaser trailer for series 2 was released featuring a Mercedes AMG GT R, Ripsaw EV - 2, McLaren 720S, Bugatti Chiron, Audi TTRS, Rimac Concept One, a Grumman American AA - 5 light aircraft and an armoured personnel carrier visiting the Dubai Mall. The trailer closes with Richard Hammond setting off up the Hemburg Hill Climb and stating ``watch this! ''. Season 2 is scheduled for late - 2017; beginning in either October or November 2017.", "title": "The Grand Tour" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Birchwood Mall is an enclosed shopping mall located in Fort Gratiot Township, outside the city of Port Huron, Michigan, United States. It is owned and managed by Brookfield Properties Retail Group, the second-largest mall owner in the United States. The Mall features more than 100 stores, a ten-screen movie theater run by AMC Theatres, and a food court. JCPenney and Target are the mall's anchor stores, with three vacant anchors last occupied by Carson's, Macy's, and Sears. The mall is located on 24th Avenue (M-25), north of Interstate 69 (I-69) and I-94.", "title": "Birchwood Mall" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ragini MMS 2 is a 2014 Indian erotic horror film directed by Bhushan Patel and co-produced by Jayasinh Gupta and Sunil Maurya Pradhaan under Balaji Motion Pictures and ALT Entertainment. The movie is the sequel to the 2011 horror movie \"Ragini MMS\". \"Ragini MMS 2\" features Sunny Leone and Saahil Prem in lead roles in a continuation of the plot from the prequel. Unlike the first film, the movie is not shot in a found footage format. The film was a major commercial success, being declared a hit at the box office.", "title": "Ragini MMS 2" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Stanley is an American situation comedy starring Buddy Hackett, Carol Burnett, and the voice of Paul Lynde. It aired on NBC-TV from September 24, 1956 to March 11, 1957 during the 1956–1957 television season. It was produced by Max Liebman, who previously produced Sid Caesar's \"Your Show of Shows\", co-sponsored by American Tobacco (Pall Mall cigarettes) and The Toni Company (Bobbi Home Permanent, Pamper Shampoo).", "title": "Stanley (1956 TV series)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Mall of Monroe, formerly known as Frenchtown Square Mall, is an enclosed shopping mall in Frenchtown Charter Township, Michigan, just outside the city of Monroe, Michigan. Opened in 1988, the mall features more than thirty tenants, including a movie theater and Pat Catan's as its lone anchor store. The mall is managed by Cafaro Company of Youngstown, Ohio.", "title": "The Mall of Monroe" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Filming took place in Minnesota for five weeks from April 15, 1996; at the time, it was the largest film production to ever take place in the state. Jingle All the Way was set and filmed in the Twin Cities metropolitan area of Minnesota at locations such as Bloomington's Mall of America, Mickey's Diner, downtown Minneapolis, Linden Hills, residential areas of Edina and primarily downtown Saint Paul. Unused shops in the Seventh Place Mall area were redecorated to resemble Christmas decorated stores, while the Energy Park Studios were used for much of the filming and the Christmas lights stayed up at Rice Park for use in the film. The Mall of America and the state's ``semi-wintry weather ''proved attractive for the studio. Although Schwarzenegger stated that the locals were`` well - behaved'' and ``cooperative '', Levant often found filming`` impossible'' due to the scale and noise of the crowds who came to watch production, especially in the Mall of America, but overall found the locals to be ``respectful ''and`` lovely people.'' Levant spent several months in the area before filming in order to prepare. The film uses artistic license by treating Minneapolis and Saint Paul as one city, as this was logistically easier; the police are labeled ``Twin Cities Police ''in the film. Additionally, the city's Holidazzle Parade is renamed the Wintertainment Parade and takes place on 2nd Avenue during the day, rather than Nicollet Mall at night. Levant wanted to film the parade at night but was overruled for practical reasons.", "title": "Jingle All the Way" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Exile (1947) is a adventure romantic film directed by Max Ophüls, and produced, written by, and starring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.. Rita Corday (billed as \"Paule Croset\") played the romantic interest. According to Robert Osborne, the primary host of Turner Classic Movies, María Montez had a stipulation in her contract that she had to have top billing in any film in which she appeared, so her name comes first in the opening credits, despite her secondary role. The movie is based on the novel \"His Majesty, the King: A Romantic Love Chase of the Seventeenth Century\" by Cosmo Hamilton.", "title": "The Exile (1947 film)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nine Days that Changed the World is a 2010 documentary film produced by Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista that centers on the role played by Pope John Paul II in the fall of Communism in Europe and the rise of labour union Solidarity.", "title": "Nine Days that Changed the World" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Albert Paul Mantz (August 2, 1903 -- July 8, 1965), known as Paul Mantz, was a noted air racing pilot, movie stunt pilot and consultant from the late 1930s until his death in the mid-1960s. He gained fame on two stages: Hollywood and in air races.", "title": "Paul Mantz" } ]
Who plays the wife of the actor who produced Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 in the movie Grown Ups?
Maria Bello
[ { "answer": "Kevin James", "id": 719184, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "Here Comes the Boom >> producer" }, { "answer": "Maria Bello", "id": 55227, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "who plays #1 wife in the movie grown ups" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "God's Law and Man's is a lost 1917 silent film drama direct by John H. Collins and distributed by Metro Pictures. It starred Collins's wife Viola Dana. The story comes from a novel by Paul Trent, \"A Wife by Purchase\".", "title": "God's Law and Man's" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Maggie Smith as Agatha Rose Doherty (née Brown), the owner of the shop at which Mrs. Green works. She is baby Aggie from the first film grown up.", "title": "Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Greetings From The Shore is a 2007 American coming-of-age romantic comedy film directed by Greg Chwerchak. The movie has played over 60 festivals, winning over 20 awards. It had its American theatrical release on September 12, 2008, on a limited basis.", "title": "Greetings from the Shore" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sau Crore () is a 1991 Indian film starring, produced and directed by Dev Anand. It also debuts newcomers Fatima Sheikh and Raman Kapoor. The movie is based on the story of Indian Badminton Player Syed Modi, who was shot dead on 28 July 1988 in Lucknow as he came out of the K. D. Singh Babu Stadium after a practice session. The murder sent shock waves through India, especially after the police filed murder charges against Modi's wife Ameeta Modi and her lover (and future husband) Raja Sanjay Singh of Amethi, who was a prominent politician belonging to the Congress Party. The role of Syed Modi was played by Raman Kapoor and the politician was played by (Naseeruddin Shah).", "title": "Sau Crore" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Beethoven is an American animated television series loosely based on the 1992 motion picture of the same name. The series was produced by Northern Lights Entertainment, Universal Cartoon Studios and Universal Television, and aired for one season (1994–1995) on CBS, with 26 fifteen-minute episodes produced. Dean Jones, who played Dr. Varnick in the movie, voiced the role of George Newton; Nicholle Tom, who played teenage daughter Ryce in the movie and Beethoven's 2nd, was the only cast member from the films to reprise her role in the series.", "title": "Beethoven (TV series)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Shakalaka Boom Boom\" attracted negative reviews from top critics of India. Mayank Shekhar of \"Hindustan Times\" rated the film with 1 out of 5 stars. Shakti Salgaokar of DNA gave movie a one and half stars and wrote in his review, \"It's simple — sexual innuendo, potshots at popular films, bad mimicry, foreign locations, a generous dose of overacting, an item song and a gora villain. And as he magnificently presents the climax of the film. Spare us the comedy, please?\" Nikhat Kazmi of \"Times of India\" said, \"This one's definitely not for the fastidious, choosy viewer but for those who don't mind losing it for a bit, \"Shakalaka Boom Boom\" works like an average Bollywood musical. Performance-wise, it's one big circus with the guys hogging most of the limelight. The girls — Kangana and Celina — are mere confetti\" and gave it 3 out of 5 stars. Taran Adarsh also gave it 3 out of 5 stars, saying \"It's a well-crafted entertainer and lives up to the expectations of its target audience — the youth. At the box-office, its business at the multiplexes will help it generate good revenue, making it a profitable proposition for its investors.\"", "title": "Shakalaka Boom Boom" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Galate Samsara () is a 1977 Indian Kannada language comedy film directed by C. V. Rajendran and produced by C. Jayaram. It stars Dr.Vishnuvardhan, Rajinikanth and Manjula in the lead roles. It also stars Dwarakish, Dr. K S Ashwath, Balakrishna and Vajramuni in supporting roles. The movie is a remake of Tamil movie \"Veettuku Veedu\", which itself is based on the play \"Thikku Theriyatha Veettil\".", "title": "Galate Samsara" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A variety of artists have recorded the song, including: Rufus Thomas, Mae West, Shadows of Knight, CCS, Dr. Feelgood, Tony Joe White, Disco Tex and the Sex - O - Lettes, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Big Head Todd and the Monsters (whose version was chosen in 2014 as the theme song for NCIS: New Orleans, and is played at Carolina Panthers home games when a touchdown is scored) and the Oak Ridge Boys. ``Boom Boom ''was the first studio recording by Eric Clapton, who recorded it as a demo with the Yardbirds in 1963, and which was released as a single in the Netherlands and Germany in 1966. ZZ Top later used similar lines (`` how - how - how - how'') to those found in ``Boom Boom '', on`` La Grange''.", "title": "Boom Boom (John Lee Hooker song)" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sonny & Cher was an American duo of entertainers made up of husband-and-wife Sonny Bono and Cher in the 1960s and 1970s. The couple started their career in the mid-1960s as R&B backing singers for record producer Phil Spector.", "title": "Sonny & Cher" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1978, five childhood friends win their junior high school basketball championship. Afterwards, they celebrate at a rented lake house. The friends' coach, whom they nickname ``Buzzer ''(Blake Clark), encourages them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. Thirty years later, Lenny (Adam Sandler) has become an ambitious Hollywood talent agent with his wife, fashion designer Roxanne (Salma Hayek), and his three children -- daughter Becky (Alexys Nicole Sanchez) and two sons Greg (Jake Goldberg) and Keith (Cameron Boyce). The boys act very spoiled in his vicinity, much to his annoyance. Eric (Kevin James) claims he is now a co-owner of a lawn furniture company, but is disappointed in his wife Sally (Maria Bello) for continuing to breastfeed Bean (Morgan Gingerich), one of his two children, the other being Donna (Ada - Nicole Sanger). Kurt (Chris Rock) is a stay - at - home father with two children, Andre and Charlotte (Nadji Jeter and China Anne McClain). His wife Deanne (Maya Rudolph), the primary breadwinner of the family, is pregnant with another child and shares the house with her mother (Ebony Jo - Ann). Rob (Rob Schneider), nicknamed Carrot, has been divorced three times and holds custody of his daughters Jasmine, Amber, and Bridget (Madison Riley, Jamie Chung, and Ashley Loren). His current wife, Gloria (Joyce Van Patten), is 30 years older than him. Marcus (David Spade) is a slacker and lothario. All five friends regularly harass each other in comedic fashion throughout the film: Lenny for being rich, Eric for being overweight, Kurt for being skinny and useless, Rob for his continuous use of the joke`` Maize!'' and for having a much older wife, and Marcus for being sexually juvenile.", "title": "Grown Ups (film)" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Top Hat is a 1935 American screwball musical comedy film in which Fred Astaire plays an American dancer named Jerry Travers, who comes to London to star in a show produced by Horace Hardwick (Edward Everett Horton). He meets and attempts to impress Dale Tremont (Ginger Rogers) to win her affection. The film also features Eric Blore as Hardwick's valet Bates, Erik Rhodes as Alberto Beddini, a fashion designer and rival for Dale's affections, and Helen Broderick as Hardwick's long-suffering wife Madge.", "title": "Top Hat" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Rocky Horror Show is a musical with music, lyrics and book by Richard O'Brien. A humorous tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the late 1940s through to the early 1970s, the musical tells the story of a newly engaged couple getting caught in a storm and coming to the home of a mad transvestite scientist, Dr Frank - N - Furter, unveiling his new creation, a sort of Frankenstein - style monster in the form of an artificially made, fully grown, physically perfect muscle man named Rocky Horror, complete ``with blond hair and a tan ''.", "title": "The Rocky Horror Show" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Here Comes the Boom is a 2012 American comedy film directed by Frank Coraci, co-written, produced by and starring Kevin James. It was also written by Allan Loeb and Rock Reuben with music by Rupert Gregson-Williams. The film co-stars Henry Winkler and Salma Hayek. It was produced by Happy Madison Productions. The film was released in the United States on October 12, 2012 by Columbia Pictures. The film's title is taken from the song \"Boom\" by Christian nu metal band P.O.D.", "title": "Here Comes the Boom" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Marius Weyers (born 3 February 1945, in Johannesburg) is a South African actor. He lives with his wife Yvette, an artist in her own right, in Rooi-Els in the Western Cape. He received international attention playing Andrew Steyn, a bumbling scientist in the movie \"The Gods Must Be Crazy\" (1980). He starred in \"Blood Diamond\" (2006).", "title": "Marius Weyers" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Krush Groove is a 1985 American film by Warner Bros. that was written by Ralph Farquhar and directed by Michael Schultz (who also produced the movie, along with George Jackson and Doug McHenry). This film is based on the early days of Def Jam Recordings and up-and-coming record producer Russell Simmons (renamed Russell Walker in the film), portrayed by Blair Underwood in his feature film debut. Simmons was the film's co-producer and story consultant; he also had a cameo in the film as a club owner named Crocket.", "title": "Krush Groove" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He Comes Up Smiling is a 1918 American comedy film produced by and starring Douglas Fairbanks and directed by Allan Dwan.", "title": "He Comes Up Smiling" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sylvia Fine (August 29, 1913October 28, 1991) was an American lyricist, composer, and producer, and the wife of the comedian Danny Kaye. She and her future husband grew up within blocks of each other in Brooklyn, but they did not meet until 1939.", "title": "Sylvia Fine" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One Girl's Confession is a 1953 low-budget film noir released by Columbia Pictures. The movie stars Cleo Moore and was written, produced, and directed by Hugo Haas who also plays a supporting part in the film.", "title": "One Girl's Confession" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Singh Is Bliing is a 2015 Bollywood action comedy film directed by Prabhu Deva. It was produced by Ashvini Yardi and Jayantilal Gada under the banners of Grazing Goat Pictures and Pen India Pvt. Ltd. The movie was a partial copy of the Korean movie \"My Wife Is a Gangster 3\" and the film features Akshay Kumar, Amy Jackson, Lara Dutta and Kay Kay Menon in leading roles. Although often misinterpreted as a sequel, it is unrelated to the 2008 film \"Singh is Kinng\" which also stars Kumar, hence qualifying as a qausi-sequel.", "title": "Singh Is Bliing" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Exile (1947) is a adventure romantic film directed by Max Ophüls, and produced, written by, and starring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.. Rita Corday (billed as \"Paule Croset\") played the romantic interest. According to Robert Osborne, the primary host of Turner Classic Movies, María Montez had a stipulation in her contract that she had to have top billing in any film in which she appeared, so her name comes first in the opening credits, despite her secondary role. The movie is based on the novel \"His Majesty, the King: A Romantic Love Chase of the Seventeenth Century\" by Cosmo Hamilton.", "title": "The Exile (1947 film)" } ]
Who plays the wife of the producer of Here Comes the Boom in Grown Ups?
Maria Bello
[ { "answer": "Kevin James", "id": 95794, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "Who has acted in the film Here Comes the Boom?" }, { "answer": "Maria Bello", "id": 55227, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "who plays #1 wife in the movie grown ups" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the Name of the People is an American television movie drama. It was released in 2000 by CBS Productions and Jaffe/Braunstein Films. The movie was filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It was based on the play by Tim Boland.", "title": "In the Name of the People (2000 film)" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Pandari Bai (8 September 1928 – 29 January 2003) was a prominent actress of South Indian languages films, mostly in Kannada language during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. She is considered Kannada cinema's first successful heroine. She has the distinction of having acted as both heroine and mother to stalwarts such as Rajkumar, MGR and Sivaji Ganesan. She was the heroine in Rajkumar's debut movie \"Bedara Kannappa\" and also Sivaji's debut movie \"Parasakthi\". She has acted in over 1,000 films in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Hindi.", "title": "Pandari Bai" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Verna Hillie (May 5, 1914 – October 3, 1997) was an American film actress. First recruited into movie acting by a contest, she went on to star in films for Paramount Pictures and other studios through the 1930s, before retiring from acting in the early 1940s.", "title": "Verna Hillie" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Krush Groove is a 1985 American film by Warner Bros. that was written by Ralph Farquhar and directed by Michael Schultz (who also produced the movie, along with George Jackson and Doug McHenry). This film is based on the early days of Def Jam Recordings and up-and-coming record producer Russell Simmons (renamed Russell Walker in the film), portrayed by Blair Underwood in his feature film debut. Simmons was the film's co-producer and story consultant; he also had a cameo in the film as a club owner named Crocket.", "title": "Krush Groove" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Greetings From The Shore is a 2007 American coming-of-age romantic comedy film directed by Greg Chwerchak. The movie has played over 60 festivals, winning over 20 awards. It had its American theatrical release on September 12, 2008, on a limited basis.", "title": "Greetings from the Shore" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Exile (1947) is a adventure romantic film directed by Max Ophüls, and produced, written by, and starring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.. Rita Corday (billed as \"Paule Croset\") played the romantic interest. According to Robert Osborne, the primary host of Turner Classic Movies, María Montez had a stipulation in her contract that she had to have top billing in any film in which she appeared, so her name comes first in the opening credits, despite her secondary role. The movie is based on the novel \"His Majesty, the King: A Romantic Love Chase of the Seventeenth Century\" by Cosmo Hamilton.", "title": "The Exile (1947 film)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1978, five childhood friends win their junior high school basketball championship. Afterwards, they celebrate at a rented lake house. The friends' coach, whom they nickname ``Buzzer ''(Blake Clark), encourages them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. Thirty years later, Lenny (Adam Sandler) has become an ambitious Hollywood talent agent with his wife, fashion designer Roxanne (Salma Hayek), and his three children -- daughter Becky (Alexys Nicole Sanchez) and two sons Greg (Jake Goldberg) and Keith (Cameron Boyce). The boys act very spoiled in his vicinity, much to his annoyance. Eric (Kevin James) claims he is now a co-owner of a lawn furniture company, but is disappointed in his wife Sally (Maria Bello) for continuing to breastfeed Bean (Morgan Gingerich), one of his two children, the other being Donna (Ada - Nicole Sanger). Kurt (Chris Rock) is a stay - at - home father with two children, Andre and Charlotte (Nadji Jeter and China Anne McClain). His wife Deanne (Maya Rudolph), the primary breadwinner of the family, is pregnant with another child and shares the house with her mother (Ebony Jo - Ann). Rob (Rob Schneider), nicknamed Carrot, has been divorced three times and holds custody of his daughters Jasmine, Amber, and Bridget (Madison Riley, Jamie Chung, and Ashley Loren). His current wife, Gloria (Joyce Van Patten), is 30 years older than him. Marcus (David Spade) is a slacker and lothario. All five friends regularly harass each other in comedic fashion throughout the film: Lenny for being rich, Eric for being overweight, Kurt for being skinny and useless, Rob for his continuous use of the joke`` Maize!'' and for having a much older wife, and Marcus for being sexually juvenile.", "title": "Grown Ups (film)" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Rocky Horror Show is a musical with music, lyrics and book by Richard O'Brien. A humorous tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the late 1940s through to the early 1970s, the musical tells the story of a newly engaged couple getting caught in a storm and coming to the home of a mad transvestite scientist, Dr Frank - N - Furter, unveiling his new creation, a sort of Frankenstein - style monster in the form of an artificially made, fully grown, physically perfect muscle man named Rocky Horror, complete ``with blond hair and a tan ''.", "title": "The Rocky Horror Show" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Maggie Smith as Agatha Rose Doherty (née Brown), the owner of the shop at which Mrs. Green works. She is baby Aggie from the first film grown up.", "title": "Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "God's Law and Man's is a lost 1917 silent film drama direct by John H. Collins and distributed by Metro Pictures. It starred Collins's wife Viola Dana. The story comes from a novel by Paul Trent, \"A Wife by Purchase\".", "title": "God's Law and Man's" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The movie received mixed to positive reviews from critics. Srijana Mitra Das of Times of India gave it 3.5 stars out of 5 and stated, \"Shamitabh has a doubly dramatic act - but less emotion\". Indian Express gave the movie 2 stars. Rajeev Masand of IBNLIVe gave the movie 2.5 stars stating \"The promising film comes undone by the curse of the second half\". The Guardian gave average reviews describing the movie \"Amitabh Bachchan in affectionate but incoherent satire\".", "title": "Shamitabh" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Mirror of the World (German: Der Weltspiegel) is a 1918 German silent film directed by Lupu Pick and starring Adolf Klein, Fritz Richard and Gertrude Welcker. It was the directoral debut of Pick who had been a prominent actor of the 1910s but had set up his own production company Rex-Film to take advantage of the booming German film industry. It was shot in Berlin. The film's art direction was by Hans Neirath.", "title": "The Mirror of the World" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Indru Poi Naalai Vaa () is a 1981 Tamil film written and directed by K. Bhagyaraj. A coming-of-age story of three carefree teenagers, complete with bell bottoms and thick-framed goggles of the 1980s, the film attained cult status among viewers. \"Chashme Buddoor\" had similar story with this movie. The 2003 Hindi film \"Nayee Padosan\" was partially inspired by this movie. The film was officially remade in Telugu as \"Kokkaroko\", and unofficially in Tamil as \"Kanna Laddu Thinna Aasaiya\" in 2013.", "title": "Indru Poi Naalai Vaa" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nina, the Flower Girl is a lost 1917 silent drama film produced by D. W. Griffith through his Fine Arts Films and distributed by Triangle Film Corporation. The film starred Bessie Love, an up-and-coming ingenue actress. It also marked the final acting role for Elmer Clifton, who was by then moving on to directing full-time.", "title": "Nina, the Flower Girl" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Here Comes the Boom is a 2012 American comedy film directed by Frank Coraci, co-written, produced by and starring Kevin James. It was also written by Allan Loeb and Rock Reuben with music by Rupert Gregson-Williams. The film co-stars Henry Winkler and Salma Hayek. It was produced by Happy Madison Productions. The film was released in the United States on October 12, 2012 by Columbia Pictures. The film's title is taken from the song \"Boom\" by Christian nu metal band P.O.D.", "title": "Here Comes the Boom" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "This is a selection of films and television appearances by British-American comedian and actor Bob Hope. Although Hope began his career in 1919 with a brief stint as a boxer, Hope began his acting career in 1925 in various vaudeville acts and stage performances, before making his film debut in 1934 in the film short \"Going Spanish\", 4 years later his feature debut would come in The Big Broadcast of 1938. Hope would continue to act, in addition to stand-up comedy USO performances for American military personnel that where stationed overseas, his last feature role would be Spies Like Us appearing as himself in a cameo in 1985, although his final starring role was the comedy Cancel My Reservation in 1972. He would retire in 1997.", "title": "Bob Hope filmography" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Beyoncé further expanded her acting career, starring as blues singer Etta James in the 2008 musical biopic, Cadillac Records. Her performance in the film received praise from critics, and she garnered several nominations for her portrayal of James, including a Satellite Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress, and a NAACP Image Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress. Beyoncé donated her entire salary from the film to Phoenix House, an organization of rehabilitation centers for heroin addicts around the country. On January 20, 2009, Beyoncé performed James' \"At Last\" at the First Couple's first inaugural ball. Beyoncé starred opposite Ali Larter and Idris Elba in the thriller, Obsessed. She played Sharon Charles, a mother and wife who learns of a woman's obsessive behavior over her husband. Although the film received negative reviews from critics, the movie did well at the US box office, grossing $68 million—$60 million more than Cadillac Records—on a budget of $20 million. The fight scene finale between Sharon and the character played by Ali Larter also won the 2010 MTV Movie Award for Best Fight.", "title": "Beyoncé" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Z Film Festival was a microcinema media showcase that was created by the filmmaker Usama Alshaibi and launched on December 1, 2000, at the Heaven Gallery in Chicago, USA. The following year, his wife, Kristie Alshaibi, teamed up with Usama as director and programmer for the Z Film Festival. In 2001, the Z Film Festival began to solicit short movies internationally which were screened at the Gene Siskel Film Center in downtown Chicago. The festival had its final event in 2006.", "title": "Z Film Festival" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Baradwaj Rangan wrote \"The signature achievement of \"Goli Soda\" is its ruthless unmasking of how hollow most of our masala movies are, and how, with a little imagination, just a little, you can make a film which does not insult the audience\" and went on to state, \"I will be very surprised if there's a more entertaining, more inventive, more well-acted masala movie this year\". The Times of India gave 3.5 stars out of 5 and said \"\"Goli Soda\" IS a masala movie. But what sets it apart and even makes it one-of-a-kind is that its protagonists aren't grown-up 20-somethings but adolescents, early teens to be specific. There have been Hollywood films that have transposed the sensibilities of a regular genre movie to ones that have kids as the principal characters...but this is probably a first in Tamil cinema\". Sify called it \"a gutsy and outstanding film\" and continued, \"The film works due to the triumph of honest writing, freshness of its cast who does not have any star trappings, and the speed of the film. The backbone of the film is Pandiraj's script and Vijay Milton's directorial touches and the belief that everybody irrespective of his surroundings and upbringing has an identity\". rated it with 4/5 stars and said \"Overall if you prefer to watch a gutsy film which is different and unique from the routine Tamil cinema, go and watch Goli Soda which surely deserves a repeated viewing\".", "title": "Goli Soda" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Shakalaka Boom Boom\" attracted negative reviews from top critics of India. Mayank Shekhar of \"Hindustan Times\" rated the film with 1 out of 5 stars. Shakti Salgaokar of DNA gave movie a one and half stars and wrote in his review, \"It's simple — sexual innuendo, potshots at popular films, bad mimicry, foreign locations, a generous dose of overacting, an item song and a gora villain. And as he magnificently presents the climax of the film. Spare us the comedy, please?\" Nikhat Kazmi of \"Times of India\" said, \"This one's definitely not for the fastidious, choosy viewer but for those who don't mind losing it for a bit, \"Shakalaka Boom Boom\" works like an average Bollywood musical. Performance-wise, it's one big circus with the guys hogging most of the limelight. The girls — Kangana and Celina — are mere confetti\" and gave it 3 out of 5 stars. Taran Adarsh also gave it 3 out of 5 stars, saying \"It's a well-crafted entertainer and lives up to the expectations of its target audience — the youth. At the box-office, its business at the multiplexes will help it generate good revenue, making it a profitable proposition for its investors.\"", "title": "Shakalaka Boom Boom" } ]
In Grown Ups, who is married to the actor who also starred in Here Comes the Boom?
Maria Bello
[ { "answer": "Rob Schneider", "id": 96096, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "Who is in Real Rob as a cast member?" }, { "answer": "Joyce Van Patten", "id": 78606, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "who plays #1 wife in grown ups" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A Ghost Story is a 2017 American supernatural drama film written and directed by David Lowery. It stars Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara, Will Oldham, Sonia Acevedo, Rob Zabrecky, and Liz Franke. Affleck plays a man who becomes a ghost and remains in the house he shares with his wife (Mara).", "title": "A Ghost Story" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Southwest Human Development was founded in 1981 with six staff members, a small budget of $150,000 and a single support program, serving 175 families. By 1988, the organization had grown to 120 staff members and a budget of $3.5 million. By 1993 it grew to about 230 staff members with a budget of $6.7 million, and by 1996 that had grown to 300 staff members with a budget of $13 million, serving 12,000 families. In 2003, the organization obtained and renovated a 50,000 square foot facility in Phoenix, which is currently used at its headquarters. By 2004, the organization had grown to 450 staff members, with a budget of $23 million, serving 50,000 families. By 2006, more than 40 development and outreach programs had been initiated. In 2007, Southwest Human Development became an affiliate of Easter Seals. In 2010, the organization had grown to 650 staff members, with over 100 programs. Currently, the organization has grown to a staff of over 900, with a budget of $72 million, serving 135,000 families annually.", "title": "Southwest Human Development" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rob De Luca is an American bassist, vocalist, songwriter and producer. De Luca is best known for playing in UFO and as a founding member of Spread Eagle. He has also toured with Sebastian Bach, OF EARTH and Helmet.", "title": "Rob De Luca" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On October 14, 2013, Dwayne Johnson closed a deal to star in the film, playing the role of a helicopter pilot searching for his daughter after an earthquake. On February 4, 2014, Alexandra Daddario joined the cast. On March 12, 2014, Carla Gugino joined the cast, reuniting with Dwayne Johnson, with whom she starred in Race to Witch Mountain and Faster. On March 14, 2014, Game of Thrones actor Art Parkinson joined the film's cast. On April 1, 2014, Archie Panjabi joined the earthquake film. On April 5, 2014, Todd Williams also joined the film, to play Marcus Crowlings, an old Army friend of Johnson's character. On April 15, 2014, Colton Haynes was added to the cast of the film. On April 29, Ioan Gruffudd joined the cast of the film. Gruffudd played Daniel Reddick, a wealthy real estate developer who is dating Johnson's character's estranged wife. On May 28, Will Yun Lee joined the cast to play Dr. Kim Park, the co-director of the Caltech Seismology Lab in the film. On June 11, Australian singer and actress Kylie Minogue joined the film to play Gruffudd's sister.", "title": "San Andreas (film)" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On June 5, 2015, it was announced that Eugenio Derbez and Benjamin Odell's Santa Monica - based production shingle 3Pas Studios and Televisa / Lionsgate joint venture Pantelion Films had bought an untitled original comedy script from Chris Spain and Jon Zack, with Lionsgate releasing under its first look deal. On October 26, 2015, Ken Marino was attached to direct the film, starring Derbez. On April 28, 2016, Rob Lowe, Kristen Bell, Raquel Welch and Rob Riggle joined the film's cast along with others including Renée Taylor, Rob Huebel, Michaela Watkins and Linda Lavin. On May 11, 2016, Mckenna Grace joined the cast.", "title": "How to Be a Latin Lover" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wharmby made his debut in Last of the Summer Wine in 1982, as Wesley Pegden, the boilersuit wearing, tinkering mechanic and would be inventor. He appeared as a regular cast member for 16 series between 1985 and 2002. Thora Hird played his nagging wife Edie.", "title": "Gordon Wharmby" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1978, five childhood friends win their junior high school basketball championship. Afterwards, they celebrate at a rented lake house. The friends' coach, whom they nickname ``Buzzer ''(Blake Clark), encourages them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. Thirty years later, Lenny (Adam Sandler) has become an ambitious Hollywood talent agent with his wife, fashion designer Roxanne (Salma Hayek), and his three children -- daughter Becky (Alexys Nicole Sanchez) and two sons Greg (Jake Goldberg) and Keith (Cameron Boyce). The boys act very spoiled in his vicinity, much to his annoyance. Eric (Kevin James) claims he is now a co-owner of a lawn furniture company, but is disappointed in his wife Sally (Maria Bello) for continuing to breastfeed Bean (Morgan Gingerich), one of his two children, the other being Donna (Ada - Nicole Sanger). Kurt (Chris Rock) is a stay - at - home father with two children, Andre and Charlotte (Nadji Jeter and China Anne McClain). His wife Deanne (Maya Rudolph), the primary breadwinner of the family, is pregnant with another child and shares the house with her mother (Ebony Jo - Ann). Rob (Rob Schneider), nicknamed Carrot, has been divorced three times and holds custody of his daughters Jasmine, Amber, and Bridget (Madison Riley, Jamie Chung, and Ashley Loren). His current wife, Gloria (Joyce Van Patten), is 30 years older than him. Marcus (David Spade) is a slacker and lothario. All five friends regularly harass each other in comedic fashion throughout the film: Lenny for being rich, Eric for being overweight, Kurt for being skinny and useless, Rob for his continuous use of the joke`` Maize!'' and for having a much older wife, and Marcus for being sexually juvenile.", "title": "Grown Ups (film)" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The sixth season of ``Basketball Wives LA ''was confirmed by VH1 with a premiere date of April 17, 2017. Filming started in October 2016 and Evelyn Lozada a former cast member of Basketball Wives has confirmed her return on social media and via The Real where she severed as a guest host for a week. Jennifer Williams also a former cast member of Basketball Wives has been spotted filming with cast member Tami Roman. Also this season four newbies Aja Metoyer, Keonna Green, Bonnie - Jill Laflil, and Evelyn Lozada taking on the main cast replacing departing cast members Angel Brinks, LaTosha Duffey, Angel Love.", "title": "Basketball Wives LA" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Achala Sachdev and Sushma Seth were cast as Yash and Nandini's mothers, respectively. The film also featured Johnny Lever as Haldiram (a shopkeeper in Chandni Chowk), Himani Shivpuri as Haldiram's wife, Jibraan Khan as Krish Raichand (Rahul and Anjali's son), Amar Talwar as Mr. Kapoor (Yash's friend and Naina's father). Ramona Sunavala, Jeroo Writer and Vikas Sethi feature as Poo's friends Sonya, Tanya and Robbie, respectively. Additionally, Ashutosh Singh features as Ashfaque, Rukshaar's husband. Shilpa Mehta, Shashikala and Parzan Dastur were cast as Ashfaque's mother, grandmother and nephew, respectively. Shashikala played the in - law to Rukhsaar. Punit Malhotra and Johnny Lever's real - life son Jesse Lever had small parts.", "title": "Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham..." }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Real Rob is an American sitcom created by Rob Schneider. The series premiered on December 1, 2015, on Netflix. The series follows the everyday life of Rob, including his real-life wife Patricia and daughter Miranda. On July 27, 2016, the series was renewed by Netflix for a second season, which premiered on September 29, 2017.", "title": "Real Rob" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He played for FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. When playing for Real, he did not give up his attachment to Barcelona. He was the first footballer to play for the two rivals.", "title": "José Quirante" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Challenge (originally known as Road Rules: All Stars, followed by Real World / Road Rules Challenge) is a reality game show on MTV that is spun off from the network's two reality shows, Real World and Road Rules. It features alumni from these two shows, in addition to first - time cast members called 'Fresh Meat', alumni from Are You the One?, and relatives of these cast members called 'Bloodlines', competing against one another for a cash prize. The Challenge is currently hosted by T.J. Lavin. The series premiered on June 1, 1998. The title of the show was originally Road Rules: All Stars before it was renamed Real World / Road Rules Challenge by the show's 2nd season, then later abridged to simply The Challenge by the show's 19th season. The series initially used no hosts but instead a former cast member who had been kicked off his or her season, providing assignments as ``Mr. ''or`` Ms. Big'' (David ``Puck ''Rainey, David Edwards, and Gladys Sanabria served this role). Later on, however, the series began using hosts: Eric Nies and Mark Long co-hosted a season, and Jonny Moseley and Dave Mirra hosted various seasons before T.J. Lavin became the show's regular host by the 11th season.", "title": "The Challenge (TV series)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After the first season, Bishop decided to fully change the format of the series. In addition to the format changing, The Joey Bishop Show began filming in front of a live audience and also featured an entirely different supporting cast. In the second incarnation, Joey Barnes is the host of a New York City talk / variety television show. Abby Dalton joined the cast as Joey's new wife Ellie (whom Joey called ``Texas ''because she hailed from Texas) and the two live at the Carlton Arms, a posh Manhattan apartment building. Towards the end of season two, Ellie discovers she is pregnant with the couple's first child. Their son, Joey Barnes, Jr. (played by Dalton's real son Matthew David Smith), was born in the season - two finale`` The Baby Cometh''. Also joining the cast was Guy Marks, who portrayed Freddie, Joey's manager. Marks left the series after 19 episodes and Corbett Monica joined the cast as Larry Corbett, Joey's head writer. The supporting cast also includes Mary Treen as Hilda, the Barnes' maid and baby nurse, with whom Joey frequently trades insults. Joe Besser portrayed Mr. Jillson, the building's henpecked super who lives in fear of his wife, Tantalia (who is never seen but often heard).", "title": "The Joey Bishop Show (TV series)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He is an original cast member on the show \"Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles\" on the Bravo television network. The show follows young real estate agents in Los Angeles as they sell high-end homes. Flagg has been recognized by \"The Wall Street Journal\" as one of the top-ranked agents in California and nationally by sales volume and as a top 25 real estate agent by \"The Hollywood Reporter\".", "title": "Josh Flagg" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The first Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was set up in August 1978 with Bhola Paswan Shastri as Chairman and other four Members. In 1990 the Commission for SCs and STs was renamed as the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were formed as per 1987 and it was set up as a National Level Advisory Body to advise the Government on broad policy issues and levels of development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.", "title": "National Commission for Scheduled Castes" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jim Clancy, played by David Conrad is Melinda's (Jennifer Love Hewitt) husband. He is the only cast member other than Hewitt to appear in every episode.", "title": "List of Ghost Whisperer characters" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On January 14, 2015, John Krasinski was cast in the film, to play one of the lead roles, a former US Navy SEAL. On February 3, Pablo Schreiber also signed on to star in the film, playing Kris \"Tanto\" Paronto, one of the six-man security team. On February 6, James Badge Dale was set to star, as the leader of the security team. Max Martini was cast as another member of the security team on February 17, 2015. David Denman signed on to star in the film on March 3, 2015, playing Boon, an elite sniper. On March 5, 2015, THR reported that Dominic Fumusa also signed on, to play John \"Tig\" Tiegen, one of the members of the security team, who is also a former Marine with weapons expertise. Freddie Stroma was added to the cast on March 17, 2015 to play the role of an undercover CIA officer in Libya. On May 7, 2015, Toby Stephens was set to play Glen \"Bub\" Doherty, another of the security team members.", "title": "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It additionally places emphasis on their brother Rob Kardashian, their mother Kris Jenner, their step - parent Bruce Jenner (now known as Caitlyn Jenner), their half - sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and Kourtney's now ex-boyfriend, Scott Disick. Khloé's ex-husband Lamar Odom developed a major position as part of the supporting cast in the fourth season, though he was not a regular cast member in following seasons, and rarely appeared in season eight while attempting to fix his marriage with Khloé. Along in season seven Kanye West became a recurring cast members after dating Kim then marrying her in season nine. In seasons eight and nine, Caitlyn's children Brody and Brandon, and Brandon's wife, Leah became recurring cast members.", "title": "List of Keeping Up with the Kardashians episodes" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Michaela Suzanne Watkins (born December 14, 1971) is an American actress and comedian. She is best known for starring on the Hulu series \"Casual\" and on the short-lived ABC sitcom \"Trophy Wife\", as well as a cast member on \"Saturday Night Live\" from 2008 to 2009. She has also recurred on television series such as \"The New Adventures of Old Christine\", \"Enlightened\" and \"Transparent\", and has had appearances in the films \"The Back-up Plan\" (2010), \"Wanderlust\" (2012) and \"Enough Said\" (2013).", "title": "Michaela Watkins" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Devil's Rejects is a 2005 American horror film written and directed by Rob Zombie, and the sequel to his 2003 film \"House of 1000 Corpses\". The film is centered on the run of three members of the psychopathic antagonist family from the previous film, now seen as villainous protagonists, with Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, and Zombie's wife Sheri Moon Zombie reprising their roles, with Leslie Easterbrook replacing Karen Black as the matriarch.", "title": "The Devil's Rejects" } ]
Who plays the wife of the Real Rob cast member in Grown Ups?
Joyce Van Patten
[ { "answer": "Kevin James", "id": 247353, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "Here Comes the Boom >> screenwriter" }, { "answer": "Maria Bello", "id": 55227, "paragraph_support_idx": 17, "question": "who plays #1 wife in the movie grown ups" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Rocky Horror Show is a musical with music, lyrics and book by Richard O'Brien. A humorous tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the late 1940s through to the early 1970s, the musical tells the story of a newly engaged couple getting caught in a storm and coming to the home of a mad transvestite scientist, Dr Frank - N - Furter, unveiling his new creation, a sort of Frankenstein - style monster in the form of an artificially made, fully grown, physically perfect muscle man named Rocky Horror, complete ``with blond hair and a tan ''.", "title": "The Rocky Horror Show" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dan Fitzsimons (born February 26, 1969) is an American screenwriter who has written a miniseries and two television movies. He co-wrote the miniseries \"Blackout\" (2012) and wrote the TV movie \"Desolation Canyon\" (2006). He received the story credit for \"Ring of Death\" (2008) and was an associate producer for the horror film \"The Season\" (2008) which was an official selection at Screamfest 2008. Raised in Janesville, Wisconsin, Fitzsimons attended Joseph A. Craig High School.", "title": "Dan Fitzsimons" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Boom Boom ''is a song written by American blues singer / guitarist John Lee Hooker and recorded in 1961. Although a blues song, music critic Charles Shaar Murray calls it`` the greatest pop song he ever wrote''. ``Boom Boom ''was both an American R&B and pop chart success in 1962 as well as placing in the UK Singles Chart in 1992.", "title": "Boom Boom (John Lee Hooker song)" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Johan Kling (born Carl-David Johan Natt och Dag, 7 August 1962, in Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish film director, screenwriter, and novelist. His debut movie, \"Darling\" (2007), won the award for best Swedish film.", "title": "Johan Kling" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "When the series finished its fourth season, several secondary characters left the show, including Martin Mull and Nate Richert. Richert, who played Sabrina's boyfriend Harvey since the first season, was cut in order to give the show a more ``grown - up look ''as Sabrina was about to attend college. The decision was later rescinded, and Richert appeared in three episodes of season five and then returned as a series regular in season six and seven.", "title": "Sabrina the Teenage Witch (disambiguation)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The movie received mixed to positive reviews from critics. Srijana Mitra Das of Times of India gave it 3.5 stars out of 5 and stated, \"Shamitabh has a doubly dramatic act - but less emotion\". Indian Express gave the movie 2 stars. Rajeev Masand of IBNLIVe gave the movie 2.5 stars stating \"The promising film comes undone by the curse of the second half\". The Guardian gave average reviews describing the movie \"Amitabh Bachchan in affectionate but incoherent satire\".", "title": "Shamitabh" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Here Comes the Boom is a 2012 American comedy film directed by Frank Coraci, co-written, produced by and starring Kevin James. It was also written by Allan Loeb and Rock Reuben with music by Rupert Gregson-Williams. The film co-stars Henry Winkler and Salma Hayek. It was produced by Happy Madison Productions. The film was released in the United States on October 12, 2012 by Columbia Pictures. The film's title is taken from the song \"Boom\" by Christian nu metal band P.O.D.", "title": "Here Comes the Boom" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Marius Weyers (born 3 February 1945, in Johannesburg) is a South African actor. He lives with his wife Yvette, an artist in her own right, in Rooi-Els in the Western Cape. He received international attention playing Andrew Steyn, a bumbling scientist in the movie \"The Gods Must Be Crazy\" (1980). He starred in \"Blood Diamond\" (2006).", "title": "Marius Weyers" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jonathan Adam Saunders Baruchel (/ ˈbæruːʃɛl /; born April 9, 1982) is a Canadian actor, comedian, and screenwriter. He played Josh Greenberg in the FXX comedy television series Man Seeking Woman and played the lead character in Judd Apatow's comedy series, Undeclared. He is known for his voice role as Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III in the How to Train Your Dragon franchise, and for his roles in comedy movies such as Knocked Up, Tropic Thunder, Fanboys, She's Out of My League, Goon, This Is the End and The Sorcerer's Apprentice.", "title": "Jay Baruchel" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bryant Reeves (born June 8, 1973) is an American retired professional basketball player. Reeves spent his entire career with the NBA's Vancouver Grizzlies, playing with the team from 1995 until 2001. He was nicknamed \"Big Country\" by his college teammate Byron Houston after Reeves was amazed following his first airplane flight across the United States, having grown up in the small community of Gans, Oklahoma.", "title": "Bryant Reeves" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charles Peckham Day (born February 9, 1976) is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, comedian, and musician. He is best known for playing Charlie Kelly on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. On film, he is known for his role as Dale in the films Horrible Bosses (2011) and its 2014 sequel, as well as for his roles in Monsters University (2013), Pacific Rim (2013), The Lego Movie (2014) and Fist Fight (2017).", "title": "Charlie Day" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chakpikarong is a town and subdivision of Chandel district of Manipur state in northeastern India. The Anaal tribe is the majority in this region. Its history is deeply rooted with the history of the state. The literacy rate have boomed up in the recent years as transportation have developed.", "title": "Chakpikarong" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Shakalaka Boom Boom\" attracted negative reviews from top critics of India. Mayank Shekhar of \"Hindustan Times\" rated the film with 1 out of 5 stars. Shakti Salgaokar of DNA gave movie a one and half stars and wrote in his review, \"It's simple — sexual innuendo, potshots at popular films, bad mimicry, foreign locations, a generous dose of overacting, an item song and a gora villain. And as he magnificently presents the climax of the film. Spare us the comedy, please?\" Nikhat Kazmi of \"Times of India\" said, \"This one's definitely not for the fastidious, choosy viewer but for those who don't mind losing it for a bit, \"Shakalaka Boom Boom\" works like an average Bollywood musical. Performance-wise, it's one big circus with the guys hogging most of the limelight. The girls — Kangana and Celina — are mere confetti\" and gave it 3 out of 5 stars. Taran Adarsh also gave it 3 out of 5 stars, saying \"It's a well-crafted entertainer and lives up to the expectations of its target audience — the youth. At the box-office, its business at the multiplexes will help it generate good revenue, making it a profitable proposition for its investors.\"", "title": "Shakalaka Boom Boom" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A variety of artists have recorded the song, including: Rufus Thomas, Mae West, Shadows of Knight, CCS, Dr. Feelgood, Tony Joe White, Disco Tex and the Sex - O - Lettes, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Big Head Todd and the Monsters (whose version was chosen in 2014 as the theme song for NCIS: New Orleans, and is played at Carolina Panthers home games when a touchdown is scored) and the Oak Ridge Boys. ``Boom Boom ''was the first studio recording by Eric Clapton, who recorded it as a demo with the Yardbirds in 1963, and which was released as a single in the Netherlands and Germany in 1966. ZZ Top later used similar lines (`` how - how - how - how'') to those found in ``Boom Boom '', on`` La Grange''.", "title": "Boom Boom (John Lee Hooker song)" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Greetings From The Shore is a 2007 American coming-of-age romantic comedy film directed by Greg Chwerchak. The movie has played over 60 festivals, winning over 20 awards. It had its American theatrical release on September 12, 2008, on a limited basis.", "title": "Greetings from the Shore" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jonathan Adam Saunders Baruchel (/ ˈbæruːʃɛl /; born April 9, 1982) is a Canadian actor and screenwriter. He played Josh Greenberg in the FXX comedy television series Man Seeking Woman and played the lead character in Judd Apatow's comedy series, Undeclared. He is known for his voice role as Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III in the How to Train Your Dragon franchise, and for his roles in comedy movies such as Knocked Up, Tropic Thunder, Fanboys, She's Out of My League, Goon, This Is the End and The Sorcerer's Apprentice.", "title": "Jay Baruchel" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Exile (1947) is a adventure romantic film directed by Max Ophüls, and produced, written by, and starring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.. Rita Corday (billed as \"Paule Croset\") played the romantic interest. According to Robert Osborne, the primary host of Turner Classic Movies, María Montez had a stipulation in her contract that she had to have top billing in any film in which she appeared, so her name comes first in the opening credits, despite her secondary role. The movie is based on the novel \"His Majesty, the King: A Romantic Love Chase of the Seventeenth Century\" by Cosmo Hamilton.", "title": "The Exile (1947 film)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1978, five childhood friends win their junior high school basketball championship. Afterwards, they celebrate at a rented lake house. The friends' coach, whom they nickname ``Buzzer ''(Blake Clark), encourages them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. Thirty years later, Lenny (Adam Sandler) has become an ambitious Hollywood talent agent with his wife, fashion designer Roxanne (Salma Hayek), and his three children -- daughter Becky (Alexys Nicole Sanchez) and two sons Greg (Jake Goldberg) and Keith (Cameron Boyce). The boys act very spoiled in his vicinity, much to his annoyance. Eric (Kevin James) claims he is now a co-owner of a lawn furniture company, but is disappointed in his wife Sally (Maria Bello) for continuing to breastfeed Bean (Morgan Gingerich), one of his two children, the other being Donna (Ada - Nicole Sanger). Kurt (Chris Rock) is a stay - at - home father with two children, Andre and Charlotte (Nadji Jeter and China Anne McClain). His wife Deanne (Maya Rudolph), the primary breadwinner of the family, is pregnant with another child and shares the house with her mother (Ebony Jo - Ann). Rob (Rob Schneider), nicknamed Carrot, has been divorced three times and holds custody of his daughters Jasmine, Amber, and Bridget (Madison Riley, Jamie Chung, and Ashley Loren). His current wife, Gloria (Joyce Van Patten), is 30 years older than him. Marcus (David Spade) is a slacker and lothario. All five friends regularly harass each other in comedic fashion throughout the film: Lenny for being rich, Eric for being overweight, Kurt for being skinny and useless, Rob for his continuous use of the joke`` Maize!'' and for having a much older wife, and Marcus for being sexually juvenile.", "title": "Grown Ups (film)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He is the son of Academy-Award winning screenwriter and film producer Carl Foreman (1914–1984), who moved to England to work after being blacklisted by Hollywood movie studio bosses during the hysteria of the McCarthy era. He is the elder brother of the best-selling biographer Amanda Foreman.", "title": "Jonathan Foreman (journalist)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "God's Law and Man's is a lost 1917 silent film drama direct by John H. Collins and distributed by Metro Pictures. It starred Collins's wife Viola Dana. The story comes from a novel by Paul Trent, \"A Wife by Purchase\".", "title": "God's Law and Man's" } ]
Who plays the wife of Here Comes the Boom's screenwriter in Grown Ups?
Maria Bello
[ { "answer": "Rob Schneider", "id": 757497, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "The Chosen One >> producer" }, { "answer": "Joyce Van Patten", "id": 78606, "paragraph_support_idx": 8, "question": "who plays #1 wife in grown ups" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bryant Reeves (born June 8, 1973) is an American retired professional basketball player. Reeves spent his entire career with the NBA's Vancouver Grizzlies, playing with the team from 1995 until 2001. He was nicknamed \"Big Country\" by his college teammate Byron Houston after Reeves was amazed following his first airplane flight across the United States, having grown up in the small community of Gans, Oklahoma.", "title": "Bryant Reeves" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sonny & Cher was an American duo of entertainers made up of husband-and-wife Sonny Bono and Cher in the 1960s and 1970s. The couple started their career in the mid-1960s as R&B backing singers for record producer Phil Spector.", "title": "Sonny & Cher" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nine Days that Changed the World is a 2010 documentary film produced by Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista that centers on the role played by Pope John Paul II in the fall of Communism in Europe and the rise of labour union Solidarity.", "title": "Nine Days that Changed the World" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Pumuckl is a red-haired Kobold and descendant of the Klabautermänner. He is invisible to people around him except for the master carpenter Eder with whom Pumuckl lives. He's also known in some parts of the world, especially in Asia as Adib. Pumuckl is one of the most popular characters in children's entertainment in Germany and several generations have now grown up with the cheeky but funny little Kobold.", "title": "Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sofía Margarita Muñoz Parra (September 18, 1987, Pitalito, Colombia) is a Colombian model and actress who has participated in soap operas for television networks like Caracol TV, RCN, TV Azteca, Televisa and Telemundo. She is ranked as one of the most beautiful young actresses and international revelations. She has been chosen several times by the magazine TV y Novelas publishing group Televisa as one of the most beautiful famous of Colombian television. She is the wife of Argentine actor Michel Brown.", "title": "Margarita Muñoz" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "When the series finished its fourth season, several secondary characters left the show, including Martin Mull and Nate Richert. Richert, who played Sabrina's boyfriend Harvey since the first season, was cut in order to give the show a more ``grown - up look ''as Sabrina was about to attend college. The decision was later rescinded, and Richert appeared in three episodes of season five and then returned as a series regular in season six and seven.", "title": "Sabrina the Teenage Witch (disambiguation)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One big impetus for the development of the AC radio format was that, when rock and roll music first became popular in the mid-1950s, many more conservative radio stations wanted to continue to play current hit songs while shying away from rock. These middle of the road (or \"MOR\") stations also frequently included older, pre-rock-era adult standards and big band titles to further appeal to adult listeners who had grown up with those songs.", "title": "Adult contemporary music" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In September 2010, Brian May announced in a BBC interview that Sacha Baron Cohen was to play Mercury in a film of the same name. Time commented with approval on his singing ability and visual similarity to Mercury. However, in July 2013, Baron Cohen dropped out of the role due to \"creative differences\" between him and the surviving band members. In December 2013, it was announced that Ben Whishaw, best known for playing Q in the James Bond film Skyfall, had been chosen to replace Cohen in the role of Mercury. The motion picture is being written by Peter Morgan, who had been nominated for Oscars for his screenplays The Queen and Frost/Nixon. The film, which is being co-produced by Robert De Niro's TriBeCa Productions, will focus on Queen's formative years and the period leading up to the celebrated performance at the 1985 Live Aid concert.", "title": "Queen (band)" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1978, five childhood friends win their junior high school basketball championship. Afterwards, they celebrate at a rented lake house. The friends' coach, whom they nickname ``Buzzer ''(Blake Clark), encourages them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. Thirty years later, Lenny (Adam Sandler) has become an ambitious Hollywood talent agent with his wife, fashion designer Roxanne (Salma Hayek), and his three children -- daughter Becky (Alexys Nicole Sanchez) and two sons Greg (Jake Goldberg) and Keith (Cameron Boyce). The boys act very spoiled in his vicinity, much to his annoyance. Eric (Kevin James) claims he is now a co-owner of a lawn furniture company, but is disappointed in his wife Sally (Maria Bello) for continuing to breastfeed Bean (Morgan Gingerich), one of his two children, the other being Donna (Ada - Nicole Sanger). Kurt (Chris Rock) is a stay - at - home father with two children, Andre and Charlotte (Nadji Jeter and China Anne McClain). His wife Deanne (Maya Rudolph), the primary breadwinner of the family, is pregnant with another child and shares the house with her mother (Ebony Jo - Ann). Rob (Rob Schneider), nicknamed Carrot, has been divorced three times and holds custody of his daughters Jasmine, Amber, and Bridget (Madison Riley, Jamie Chung, and Ashley Loren). His current wife, Gloria (Joyce Van Patten), is 30 years older than him. Marcus (David Spade) is a slacker and lothario. All five friends regularly harass each other in comedic fashion throughout the film: Lenny for being rich, Eric for being overweight, Kurt for being skinny and useless, Rob for his continuous use of the joke`` Maize!'' and for having a much older wife, and Marcus for being sexually juvenile.", "title": "Grown Ups (film)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The picture was one of the last feature-length efforts by Filmakers, a company created by producer Collier Young and his star and then-wife Ida Lupino.", "title": "Private Hell 36" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Maggie Smith as Agatha Rose Doherty (née Brown), the owner of the shop at which Mrs. Green works. She is baby Aggie from the first film grown up.", "title": "Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One player is chosen to be the dealer (alternately, the deal can rotate to the left after each hand). The dealer shuffles the deck and deals 10 cards, face down, one at a time, to each player. Players hold their 10 cards in hand so that the other players can not see them. The remaining deck is placed face - down in the center of the play area to become the draw pile. A wild card turned up goes to the next player. The dealer then turns the top card of the draw pile over and places it next to the draw pile, to become the discard pile. During the first hand, all players try to complete Phase 1. Play consists of;", "title": "Phase 10" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Colonel John ``Hannibal ''Smith, played by George Peppard, is a fictional character and one of the four protagonists of the 1980s action - adventure television series The A-Team. The producers originally had James Coburn in mind to play the part of Hannibal, but it eventually ended up going to Peppard.", "title": "John \"Hannibal\" Smith" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lemon first applied to the Globetrotters in 1954 at age 22, finally being chosen to play in 1955. In 1980, he left to form one of his Globetrotters imitators, the Bucketeers. He played with that team until 1983, then moved on to play with the Shooting Stars from 1984 to 1987. In 1988, he moved on to ``Meadowlark Lemon's Harlem All Stars ''team. Despite being with his own touring team, Lemon returned to the Globetrotters, playing 50 games with them in 1994.", "title": "Meadowlark Lemon" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lee Terrence Sullivan (born 6 March 1971) is the drummer for the London-based alternative rock band Bôa. Lee is the son of Terence Sullivan, the drummer for the rock band Renaissance and his wife, Christine Sullivan. He plays drums, piano and percussion. At the age of seven, Lee first performed with father on stage at one of Renaissance's concerts at the Apollo. He later joined the band Chapter VI. The band produced a single track called \"The King of Comedy\" and an EP called \"Bucket Chemistry\".", "title": "Lee Sullivan" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Chosen One is a 2010 comedy-drama film directed by and starring Rob Schneider as a car salesman facing a midlife crisis with the aid of native Colombian shamans. It also stars Steve Buscemi as his gay Buddhist brother.", "title": "The Chosen One (2010 film)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hop Around is the fourth studio album by Dee Dee Ramone, released in 2000. The album features, among others, producer Chris Spedding on keyboards and guitar, drummer Billy Rogers, who notably played with Johnny Thunders and the Ramones, and Ramone's wife Barbara on bass and vocals.", "title": "Hop Around" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife is a 1938 American romantic comedy film made by Paramount Pictures, directed and produced by Ernst Lubitsch, and starring Claudette Colbert and Gary Cooper. The film is based on the French play, \"La huitième femme de Barbe-Bleue\", by Alfred Savoir and the English translation of the play by Charlton Andrews. The screenplay was the first of many collaborations between Charles Brackett and Billy Wilder. A much-married business tycoon meets his match in his latest wife.", "title": "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Most of the novice pilots on the early missions would command the later missions. In this way, Project Gemini built up spaceflight experience for the pool of astronauts who would be chosen to fly the Apollo lunar missions.", "title": "Space Race" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sylvia Fine (August 29, 1913October 28, 1991) was an American lyricist, composer, and producer, and the wife of the comedian Danny Kaye. She and her future husband grew up within blocks of each other in Brooklyn, but they did not meet until 1939.", "title": "Sylvia Fine" } ]
In Grown Ups, who plays the wife of the actor who produced The Chosen One?
Joyce Van Patten
[ { "answer": "Rob Schneider", "id": 803903, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "Big Stan >> director" }, { "answer": "Joyce Van Patten", "id": 78606, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "who plays #1 wife in grown ups" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rikrok was born in London on 17 June 1972. His parents migrated from Jamaica to England in the late-1950s in search of greater economic opportunities. Regarding his Jamaican influences during childhood, Rikrok noted \"[when I was growing up it was pretty much Jamaican people who came over... My father was a big reggae fan, especially of Gregory Isaacs, John Holt and Dennis Brown. He had a big record collection and on Sundays he would play music all day at home\".", "title": "Rikrok" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Stan Allen is an American architect, theorist and former dean of Princeton University School of Architecture. He received a B.A. from Brown University, a B.Arch. from Cooper Union and an M.Arch. from Princeton University. He has worked in the offices of Richard Meier and Rafael Moneo, and was formerly the director, with landscape architect James Corner, of Field Operations. His practice, Stan Allen Architect, is based in New York City.", "title": "Stan Allen" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Maggie Smith as Agatha Rose Doherty (née Brown), the owner of the shop at which Mrs. Green works. She is baby Aggie from the first film grown up.", "title": "Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Stan Fairbairn (14 July 1886 – 26 February 1943) was an Australian rules footballer who played with Melbourne in the Victorian Football League (VFL).", "title": "Stan Fairbairn" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The first Japanese professional league was formed in 1936, and by 1950 had grown big enough to divide into two leagues, known as Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB). (It is called Puro Yakyū (プロ野球), which simply is a translation of professional baseball.) The Central League included the established teams, and the Pacific League was made up of new teams and players. The Pacific League uses the designated hitter style of play. The pro baseball season is eight months long with games beginning in April. Teams play 144 games (as compared to the 162 games of the American major league teams), followed by a playoff system, culminating in a championship held in October, known as the Japan Series.", "title": "Baseball in Japan" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"A Piñata Named Desire\" is the eleventh episode of the sixth season of the animated comedy series \"American Dad!\". It first aired on Fox in the United States on February 13, 2011. This episode mainly centers on Roger and Stan, who begin to experience tensions growing against each other for the dominant figure in the house. Roger becomes tired of Stan's stance as the authoritarian figure of the house, and he challenges Stan's leadership qualities. Stan insists that he is better at Roger at everything, and he tells him that he has a mission that involves acting. Unknown to Stan, Roger spies on him, only to find out that Stan is a terrible actor. Roger later boasts to the house that he is a better actor than Stan, but he eventually teaches him to improve his acting skills. Meanwhile, Steve and his friends plan to throw their last slumber party together.", "title": "A Piñata Named Desire" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One big impetus for the development of the AC radio format was that, when rock and roll music first became popular in the mid-1950s, many more conservative radio stations wanted to continue to play current hit songs while shying away from rock. These middle of the road (or \"MOR\") stations also frequently included older, pre-rock-era adult standards and big band titles to further appeal to adult listeners who had grown up with those songs.", "title": "Adult contemporary music" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1991 \"Big Al\" (MOR 693), a 95% complete, partially articulated specimen of Allosaurus was discovered. It measured about 8 meters (about 26 ft) in length. MOR 693 was excavated near Shell, Wyoming, by a joint Museum of the Rockies and University of Wyoming Geological Museum team. This skeleton was discovered by a Swiss team, led by Kirby Siber. In 1996 the same team discovered a second Allosaurus, \"Big Al Two\", which is the best preserved skeleton of its kind to date.The completeness, preservation, and scientific importance of this skeleton gave \"Big Al\" its name; the individual itself was below the average size for Allosaurus fragilis, and was a subadult estimated at only 87% grown. The specimen was described by Breithaupt in 1996. Nineteen of its bones were broken or showed signs of infection, which may have contributed to \"Big Al's\" death. Pathologic bones included five ribs, five vertebrae, and four bones of the feet; several damaged bones showed osteomyelitis, a bone infection. A particular problem for the living animal was infection and trauma to the right foot that probably affected movement and may have also predisposed the other foot to injury because of a change in gait. Al had an infection on the first phalanx on the third toe that was afflicted by an involucrum. The infection was long lived, perhaps up to 6 months. Big Al Two is also known to have multiple injuries.", "title": "Allosaurus" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Andrea 'Andy' Wyatt is a fictional character in the television serial drama The West Wing, played by Kathleen York. She is a recurring character throughout the first five seasons and final seventh season. A Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives for the state of Maryland, she is a strong ally of the Bartlett White House and former wife of communications director, Toby Ziegler.", "title": "List of The West Wing characters" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "4 Clowns is a 1970 documentary compilation film written and directed by Robert Youngson that studies the golden age of comedy through a compilation of rare silent film footage of the works of Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Charley Chase and Buster Keaton. It was the last feature film project of producer, director, and writer Robert Youngson.", "title": "4 Clowns" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bryant Reeves (born June 8, 1973) is an American retired professional basketball player. Reeves spent his entire career with the NBA's Vancouver Grizzlies, playing with the team from 1995 until 2001. He was nicknamed \"Big Country\" by his college teammate Byron Houston after Reeves was amazed following his first airplane flight across the United States, having grown up in the small community of Gans, Oklahoma.", "title": "Bryant Reeves" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "High School Musical: Get in the Picture is a reality-based TV series, which debuted July 20, 2008 on the television channel ABC. Stan Carrizosa was named the winner on September 8, 2008. Tierney Chamberlain was the runner-up.", "title": "High School Musical: Get in the Picture" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1978, five childhood friends win their junior high school basketball championship. Afterwards, they celebrate at a rented lake house. The friends' coach, whom they nickname ``Buzzer ''(Blake Clark), encourages them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. Thirty years later, Lenny (Adam Sandler) has become an ambitious Hollywood talent agent with his wife, fashion designer Roxanne (Salma Hayek), and his three children -- daughter Becky (Alexys Nicole Sanchez) and two sons Greg (Jake Goldberg) and Keith (Cameron Boyce). The boys act very spoiled in his vicinity, much to his annoyance. Eric (Kevin James) claims he is now a co-owner of a lawn furniture company, but is disappointed in his wife Sally (Maria Bello) for continuing to breastfeed Bean (Morgan Gingerich), one of his two children, the other being Donna (Ada - Nicole Sanger). Kurt (Chris Rock) is a stay - at - home father with two children, Andre and Charlotte (Nadji Jeter and China Anne McClain). His wife Deanne (Maya Rudolph), the primary breadwinner of the family, is pregnant with another child and shares the house with her mother (Ebony Jo - Ann). Rob (Rob Schneider), nicknamed Carrot, has been divorced three times and holds custody of his daughters Jasmine, Amber, and Bridget (Madison Riley, Jamie Chung, and Ashley Loren). His current wife, Gloria (Joyce Van Patten), is 30 years older than him. Marcus (David Spade) is a slacker and lothario. All five friends regularly harass each other in comedic fashion throughout the film: Lenny for being rich, Eric for being overweight, Kurt for being skinny and useless, Rob for his continuous use of the joke`` Maize!'' and for having a much older wife, and Marcus for being sexually juvenile.", "title": "Grown Ups (film)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Linda Evans (born Linda Evenstad on November 18, 1942), is an American actress known primarily for her roles on television. In the 1960s, she gained notice for playing Audra Barkley, the daughter of Victoria Barkley (played by Barbara Stanwyck) in the Western television series, The Big Valley (1965 -- 1969). However, she is most prominently known for the role of Krystle Carrington, the devoted wife of Blake Carrington (played by John Forsythe) in the 1980s ABC prime time soap opera Dynasty, a role she played from 1981 to 1989.", "title": "Linda Evans" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Arnaud Joyet (born 3 April 1974) is a French singer, musician, comedian and theatre director. He plays Stan in the series \"Hero Corp\".", "title": "Arnaud Joyet" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Big Stan is a 2007 American prison comedy directed and produced by Rob Schneider, who also starred in the film. The film co-stars Jennifer Morrison, Scott Wilson and David Carradine. The film also features Henry Gibson in his final role. Although released in some markets during the fall of 2008, it was released straight to DVD in the U.S. on March 24, 2009. It debuted at number 17 on the DVD rental charts of March 23–30, 2009. On the radio show \"Loveline\", Schneider stated that this film will be an \"anti-man-raping\" film — referring to prison rape.", "title": "Big Stan" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Beale was born on February 13, 1922, in New York City, New York. He was the youngest son of Phelan Beale Sr. and his wife Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale (known as \"Big Edie\"), daughter of his father's law partner, John Vernou Bouvier Jr. Beale grew up at Grey Gardens at 3 West End Road in the wealthy Georgica Pond neighborhood in East Hampton on Long Island. Beale was known as \"Buddy\" to his friends and family. He attended Westminster School in Simsbury, Connecticut.", "title": "Bouvier Beale" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Stan Andrews (April 17, 1917 in Lynn, Massachusetts – June 10, 1995 in Bradenton, Florida) was an American baseball catcher who played from 1939 to 1945 for the Boston Bees, Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies.", "title": "Stan Andrews" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1996, American rock band Elysian Fields released a song titled ``Jack in the Box ''for their debut studio album, Bleed Your Cedar, which was made available for purchase that same year. Its lyrical content delves into Stan's experience of being imprisoned by Cameron in the box under the bed he shared with his wife, and alludes to the power he had over her. The case inspired the name for Richard Ramirez's Texas experimental noise group Black Leather Jesus. In 2012, a short opera piece composed by Patrik Jarlestam and Jonas Bernander was based on the kidnapping, and premiered in Stockholm, Sweden under the name of Den 4444: e dagen (The 4444th day). Additionally, the main plot of The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007) was based on this case. An updated version of Stan's story, Colleen Stan, The Simple Gifts of Life by Jim Green, was published in 2009. On September 10, 2016, a television movie based on the case titled Girl in the Box premiered on Lifetime Network; the movie was followed by a two - hour documentary called Colleen Stan: Girl in the Box.", "title": "Kidnapping of Colleen Stan" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "When the series finished its fourth season, several secondary characters left the show, including Martin Mull and Nate Richert. Richert, who played Sabrina's boyfriend Harvey since the first season, was cut in order to give the show a more ``grown - up look ''as Sabrina was about to attend college. The decision was later rescinded, and Richert appeared in three episodes of season five and then returned as a series regular in season six and seven.", "title": "Sabrina the Teenage Witch (disambiguation)" } ]
Who plays the wife of Big Stan's director in Grown Ups?
Joyce Van Patten
[ { "answer": "Dennis Quaid", "id": 71871, "paragraph_support_idx": 1, "question": "who played bart's father in i can only imagine" }, { "answer": "Meg Ryan", "id": 494136, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "#1 >> spouse" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1818, Abraham Lincoln (Lux Haney-Jardine) lives in Indiana with his parents, Nancy (Robin McLeavy) and Thomas (Joseph Mawle), who work at a plantation owned by Jack Barts (Marton Csokas). There, Lincoln rushes to the aid of his friend, a young black boy, William Johnson (Curtis Harris), being beaten by a slaver. Because of his son's actions, Thomas is fired. That night, Lincoln sees Barts break into his house and attack Nancy. She falls ill the following day, and dies shortly afterwards. Thomas tells Lincoln that Barts poisoned Nancy.", "title": "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "I Can Only Imagine is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by the Erwin Brothers and written by Alex Cramer, Jon Erwin, and Brent McCorkle, based on the story behind the MercyMe song of the same name, the best - selling Christian single of all time. The film stars J. Michael Finley as Bart Millard, the lead singer who wrote the song about his relationship with his father (Dennis Quaid). Madeline Carroll, Priscilla Shirer, Cloris Leachman, and Trace Adkins also star.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (film)" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "14 14 ``Long Way Back from Hell ''Matt Hastings Ashley Lyle & Bart Nickerson February 25, 2014 (2014 - 02 - 25) 2J7814 1.83", "title": "List of The Originals episodes" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Flesh and Bone is a 1993 neo noir film drama written and directed by Steve Kloves that stars Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid and James Caan. Gwyneth Paltrow is featured in an early role. Janet Maslin of \"The New York Times\" described Paltrow as a scene-stealer \"who is Blythe Danner's daughter and has her mother's way of making a camera fall in love with her.\"", "title": "Flesh and Bone (film)" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Lionel Bart (1 August 1930 -- 3 April 1999) was a writer and composer of British pop music and musicals, best known for creating the book, music and lyrics for Oliver!", "title": "Lionel Bart" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I Can Only Imagine ''(sometimes shortened to`` Imagine'') is a single recorded by Christian rock band MercyMe. Written and composed by lead vocalist Bart Millard, the song, based around a main piano track, was inspired by the death of Millard's father and considers what it would be like in Heaven and to be standing before God. The song was first issued as a track on MercyMe's 1999 album The Worship Project, which was released on an independent record label. The song was re-recorded and included on their 2001 major - label debut album Almost There as the fifth song on the album.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (MercyMe song)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Imagination\" is a song by American singer La Toya Jackson. It is taken from her fourth album, \"Imagination\". A remixed version of the song was released as a 7\" and 12\" single.", "title": "Imagination (La Toya Jackson song)" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nelson Mandela Muntz is a fictional character and the lead school bully from the animated TV series The Simpsons, best known for his signature mocking laugh ``Ha - ha! ''. He is voiced by Nancy Cartwright. Nelson was introduced in Season 1's`` Bart the General'' as an antagonist but later turned into an on - and - off friend of Bart Simpson.", "title": "Nelson Muntz" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Gravedigger's Daughter is a 2007 novel by Joyce Carol Oates. It is her 36th published novel. The novel was based on the life of Oates's grandmother, whose father, a gravedigger settled in rural America, injured his wife, threatened his daughter, and then committed suicide. Oates explained that she decided to write about her family only after her parents died (in 2000 and 2003), adding that her \"family history was filled with pockets of silence. I had to do a lot of imagining.\"", "title": "The Gravedigger's Daughter" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Flush: A Biography, an imaginative biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cocker spaniel, is a cross-genre blend of fiction and nonfiction by Virginia Woolf published in 1933. Written after the completion of her emotionally draining \"The Waves\", the work returned Woolf to the imaginative consideration of English history that she had begun in \"\", and to which she would return in \"Between the Acts\".", "title": "Flush: A Biography" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Oh My Love\" is a song written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono that appeared on Lennon's \"Imagine\" album in 1971. The song is the only songwriting collaboration on \"Imagine.\"", "title": "Oh My Love" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "André Schwarz-Bart (May 28, 1928, Metz, Moselle - September 30, 2006, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe) was a French novelist of Polish-Jewish origins.", "title": "André Schwarz-Bart" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bart Magunda Katureebe is a Ugandan judge and the Chief Justice of Uganda. He was appointed to that position on 5 March 2015. Before that, he was a justice of the Supreme Court of Uganda.", "title": "Bart Magunda Katureebe" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chandragupta Maurya (Devanagari: चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य) is an Indian historical drama being broadcast on Dangal TV, based on the life of Chandragupta Maurya, one of the major Indian Emperors of ancient India. It premiered on 20 December 2014. It is being re-aired on Dangal TV after Imagine TV was shut - down for unknown reasons. Chandragupta Maurya was first aired in March 2011 on Imagine TV. Ashish Sharma played the role of Chandragupta Maurya.", "title": "Chandragupta" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Esther Queen of Persia Queen Esther (1879) by Edwin Long Queen of Persia Reign c. 479 -- c. 465 BC Coronation c. 479 Predecessor Vashti Hadassah c. 492 BC Achaemenid Empire Burial Hamadan, Iran Spouse King Xerxes I of Persia House Persia Father Abihail (biological), Mordecai (adoptive) Religion Judaism", "title": "Esther" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Han-era family was patrilineal and typically had four to five nuclear family members living in one household. Multiple generations of extended family members did not occupy the same house, unlike families of later dynasties. According to Confucian family norms, various family members were treated with different levels of respect and intimacy. For example, there were different accepted time frames for mourning the death of a father versus a paternal uncle. Arranged marriages were normal, with the father's input on his offspring's spouse being considered more important than the mother's. Monogamous marriages were also normal, although nobles and high officials were wealthy enough to afford and support concubines as additional lovers. Under certain conditions dictated by custom, not law, both men and women were able to divorce their spouses and remarry.", "title": "Han dynasty" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I Can Only Imagine ''(sometimes shortened to`` Imagine'') is a single recorded by Christian rock band MercyMe. Written and composed by Bart Millard, the song, based around a main piano track, was inspired by the death of Millard's father and considers what it would be like in Heaven and to be standing before God. The song was first issued as a track on MercyMe's 1999 album The Worship Project, which was released on an independent record label. The song was re-recorded and included on their 2001 major - label debut album Almost There as the fifth song on the album.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (MercyMe song)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Best of Rockers & Ballads is a compilation album released by Roger Daltrey in 1991. The music was compiled by Paul Jansen and mastered for CD by Bart Orange.", "title": "Best of Rockers & Ballads" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I Can Only Imagine ''was the debut single for United States contemporary Christian and Christian rock band MercyMe. The father of Bart Millard, the band's vocalist, died in 1991. Millard was 18 at the time. Millard began writing the words`` I can only imagine'' on items when he was thinking about his father. During the recording of the band's 1999 independent album The Worship Project, MercyMe needed one more song to fill out the album. Millard, alone on a bus in the middle of the night, finally wrote the lyrics to the song by drawing on his thoughts and personal faith about what one would experience standing before God in Heaven. Millard attests that ``('I Can Only Imagine') is one of the only songs I have ever written where there was n't any mistakes, it was just written the way it is and left at that '', and estimated that it took him only ten minutes to write the lyrics.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (MercyMe song)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Marshall Eriksen How I Met Your Mother character Jason Segel in 2011 First appearance ``Pilot ''Last appearance`` Last Forever'' Created by Carter Bays Craig Thomas Portrayed by Jason Segel Information Gender Male Occupation Lawyer (2005 -- 2018), Judge (2018 --) Family Marvin Eriksen (father, deceased) Judy Eriksen (mother) Spouse (s) Lily Aldrin (2007 -- present) Children Marvin Waitforit Eriksen Daisy Eriksen Unnamed Third Child Nationality American", "title": "Marshall Eriksen" } ]
Who is the spouse of the actor playing Bart's father in I can only imagine?
Meg Ryan
[ { "answer": "Albert Einstein", "id": 89403, "paragraph_support_idx": 5, "question": "who developed an explanation for the photoelectric effect" }, { "answer": "Luitpold Gymnasium", "id": 122023, "paragraph_support_idx": 1, "question": "What is the name of university that educated #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mark Adamo (born 1962) is an American composer, librettist and professor of music composition at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. He was born in Philadelphia.", "title": "Mark Adamo" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Einsteins were non-observant Ashkenazi Jews, and Albert attended a Catholic elementary school in Munich, from the age of 5, for three years. At the age of 8, he was transferred to the Luitpold Gymnasium (now known as the Albert Einstein Gymnasium), where he received advanced primary and secondary school education until he left the German Empire seven years later.", "title": "Albert Einstein" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "St John's University of Tanzania (SJUT) is a private university in Dodoma, Tanzania. It was established in 2007 and is owned by the Anglican Church of Tanzania. The university has more than 4500 students and offers degrees in business administration, education, nursing, pharmacy, community development, development studies, holistic child development and theology. The Rt Rev Donald Mtetemela, the former archbishop and primate of Tanzania, is the university’s current chancellor.", "title": "St. John's University of Tanzania" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mary Hicks is a professor Emeritus at Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. Mary Ward Hicks taught at Florida State University for 30 years in the Interdivisional Program of Marriage and the Family. Before coming to Florida State University in 1973, Hicks received the award of “Outstanding Educator of America” in 1972. In 1974, in St. Louis, Hicks received the Ernest G. Osborne Teaching Award. Educated at the University of Idaho and the University of California, Hicks received her PhD in Child Development from Pennsylvania State University.", "title": "Mary Hicks" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "WWLU is a non-commercial educational radio station in Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, which is owned and operated by Lincoln University. The station first aired in 1970 as WLIU, and the new callsign came into effect in 2002.", "title": "WWLU" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1887, Heinrich Hertz discovered that electrodes illuminated with ultraviolet light create electric sparks more easily. In 1900, while studying black - body radiation, the German physicist Max Planck suggested that the energy carried by electromagnetic waves could only be released in ``packets ''of energy. In 1905, Albert Einstein published a paper advancing the hypothesis that light energy is carried in discrete quantized packets to explain experimental data from the photoelectric effect. This model contributed to the development of quantum mechanics. In 1914, Robert Millikan's experiment supported Einstein's model of the photoelectric effect. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921 for`` his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect'', and Millikan was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1923 for ``his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect ''.", "title": "Photoelectric effect" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "She earned a Regents' Scholarship into the University of Arizona, receiving a B.A. in 1973 and an M.B.A. in 1976. In 2013, she was named the University of Arizona, College of Education Alum of the year.", "title": "Mary Sally Matiella" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kannur University was established in 1996 to provide development of higher education in Kasaragod, Kannur, and Wayanad districts of Kerala, India. It was established after the passing of Act No. 22 of 1996 of the Kerala Legislative Assembly. A university by the name of \"Malabar University\" had come into existence even earlier by the passing of an ordinance by the Governor of Kerala, on 9 November 1995.", "title": "Kannur University" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) is a website provided by NASA and Michigan Technological University (MTU). According to the website, \"Each day a different image or photograph of our universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.\"", "title": "Astronomy Picture of the Day" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) is one of seventeen colleges and professional schools at the University of Minnesota. CEHD departments are located on both the East Bank and St. Paul campuses.", "title": "University of Minnesota College of Education and Human Development" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons (called \"photoelectrons\") from a surface when light is shone on it. It was first observed by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel in 1839, although credit is usually reserved for Heinrich Hertz, who published the first thorough investigation in 1887. Another particularly thorough investigation was published by Philipp Lenard in 1902. Einstein's 1905 paper discussing the effect in terms of light quanta would earn him the Nobel Prize in 1921, when his predictions had been confirmed by the experimental work of Robert Andrews Millikan. The Nobel committee awarded the prize for his work on the photo-electric effect, rather than relativity, both because of a bias against purely theoretical physics not grounded in discovery or experiment, and dissent amongst its members as to the actual proof that relativity was real.", "title": "Planck constant" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Universal Primary Education is one of the eight international Millennium Development Goals, towards which progress has been made in the past decade, though barriers still remain. Securing charitable funding from prospective donors is one particularly persistent problem. Researchers at the Overseas Development Institute have indicated that the main obstacles to funding for education include conflicting donor priorities, an immature aid architecture, and a lack of evidence and advocacy for the issue. Additionally, Transparency International has identified corruption in the education sector as a major stumbling block to achieving Universal Primary Education in Africa. Furthermore, demand in the developing world for improved educational access is not as high as foreigners have expected. Indigenous governments are reluctant to take on the ongoing costs involved. There is also economic pressure from some parents, who prefer their children to earn money in the short term rather than work towards the long-term benefits of education.[citation needed]", "title": "Education" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kate Bronfenbrenner (March 23, 1954) is the Director of Labor Education Research at the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations. She is a leading authority on successful strategies in labor union organizing, and on the effects of outsourcing and offshoring on workers and worker rights.", "title": "Kate Bronfenbrenner" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The black-body problem was revisited in 1905, when Rayleigh and Jeans (on the one hand) and Einstein (on the other hand) independently proved that classical electromagnetism could never account for the observed spectrum. These proofs are commonly known as the \"ultraviolet catastrophe\", a name coined by Paul Ehrenfest in 1911. They contributed greatly (along with Einstein's work on the photoelectric effect) to convincing physicists that Planck's postulate of quantized energy levels was more than a mere mathematical formalism. The very first Solvay Conference in 1911 was devoted to \"the theory of radiation and quanta\". Max Planck received the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics \"in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta\".", "title": "Planck constant" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In March 2008, it was announced that Avicenna's name would be used for new Directories of education institutions for health care professionals, worldwide. The Avicenna Directories will list universities and schools where doctors, public health practitioners, pharmacists and others, are educated. The project team stated \"Why Avicenna? Avicenna ... was ... noted for his synthesis of knowledge from both east and west. He has had a lasting influence on the development of medicine and health sciences. The use of Avicenna's name symbolises the worldwide partnership that is needed for the promotion of health services of high quality.\"", "title": "Avicenna" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In addition, the Prussian military education system was superior to the French model; Prussian staff officers were trained to exhibit initiative and independent thinking. Indeed, this was Moltke's expectation. The French, meanwhile, suffered from an education and promotion system that stifled intellectual development. According to the military historian Dallas Irvine, the system \"was almost completely effective in excluding the army's brain power from the staff and high command. To the resulting lack of intelligence at the top can be ascribed all the inexcusable defects of French military policy.\"", "title": "Franco-Prussian War" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Education in the Philippines is managed and regulated by the Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). DepEd is responsible for the K -- 12 basic education; it exercises full and exclusive control over public schools and nominal regulation over private schools, and it also enforces the national curriculum that has been put in place since 2013. CHED and TESDA, on the other hand, are responsible for higher education; CHED regulates the academically - oriented universities and colleges while TESDA oversees the development of technical and vocational education institutions and programs in the country.", "title": "Education in the Philippines" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "There are two former institutes of technology, which already changed their name to \"University of Technology\": Rajamangala University of Technology (formerly Institute of Technology and Vocational Education) and King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (Thonburi Technology Institute).", "title": "Institute of technology" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "ACSCU is a founding member of the Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations (COCOPEA). It cooperates with the COCOPEA member associations, namely: the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP), the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU), the Philippine Association of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAPSCU), and the Technical-Vocational Schools Association of the Philippines (TEVSAPHIL).", "title": "Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The University of the Azores (Portuguese: Universidade dos Açores), or commonly abbreviated as UAç, is the only public university in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, It was founded on January 9, 1976, two years after the Carnation Revolution that ended several decades of dictatorship in Portugal, but before the Portuguese Third Republic was institutionalized, along with the Region's Autonomy. The university is a public institution dependent on the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and was established in order to advance sustainable development and higher education in the Azores.", "title": "University of the Azores" } ]
Which university educated the scientist who developed an explanation for the photoelectric effect?
Luitpold Gymnasium
[ { "answer": "Dennis Quaid", "id": 71294, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "who plays the father on i can only imagine" }, { "answer": "Meg Ryan", "id": 494136, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "#1 >> spouse" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Imagine ''is a song written and performed by English musician John Lennon. The best - selling single of his solo career, its lyrics encourage the listener to imagine a world at peace without the barriers of borders or the divisions of religion and nationality and to consider the possibility that the whole of humanity would live unattached to material possessions.", "title": "Imagine (John Lennon song)" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Marshall Eriksen How I Met Your Mother character Jason Segel in 2011 First appearance ``Pilot ''Last appearance`` Last Forever'' Created by Carter Bays Craig Thomas Portrayed by Jason Segel Information Gender Male Occupation Lawyer (2005 -- 2018), Judge (2018 --) Family Marvin Eriksen (father, deceased) Judy Eriksen (mother) Spouse (s) Lily Aldrin (2007 -- present) Children Marvin Waitforit Eriksen Daisy Eriksen Unnamed Third Child Nationality American", "title": "Marshall Eriksen" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "I Can Only Imagine is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by the Erwin Brothers and written by Alex Cramer, Jon Erwin, and Brent McCorkle, based on the story behind the MercyMe song of the same name, the best - selling Christian single of all time. The film stars J. Michael Finley as Bart Millard, the lead singer who wrote the song about his relationship with his father (Dennis Quaid). Madeline Carroll, Priscilla Shirer, Cloris Leachman, and Trace Adkins also star.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (film)" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Oh My Love\" is a song written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono that appeared on Lennon's \"Imagine\" album in 1971. The song is the only songwriting collaboration on \"Imagine.\"", "title": "Oh My Love" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Gravedigger's Daughter is a 2007 novel by Joyce Carol Oates. It is her 36th published novel. The novel was based on the life of Oates's grandmother, whose father, a gravedigger settled in rural America, injured his wife, threatened his daughter, and then committed suicide. Oates explained that she decided to write about her family only after her parents died (in 2000 and 2003), adding that her \"family history was filled with pockets of silence. I had to do a lot of imagining.\"", "title": "The Gravedigger's Daughter" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Alan Blumenfeld (born September 4, 1952) is a veteran American character actor best known for his role in NBC's TV series \"Heroes\" as Maury Parkman, the telepath father of Matt Parkman played by Greg Grunberg, and as Bob Buss in the telefilm \"2gether\". He has played Greg Grunberg's father in both \"Felicity\" and \"Heroes\".", "title": "Alan Blumenfeld" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I Can Only Imagine ''(sometimes shortened to`` Imagine'') is a single recorded by Christian rock band MercyMe. Written and composed by lead vocalist Bart Millard, the song, based around a main piano track, was inspired by the death of Millard's father and considers what it would be like in Heaven and to be standing before God. The song was first issued as a track on MercyMe's 1999 album The Worship Project, which was released on an independent record label. The song was re-recorded and included on their 2001 major - label debut album Almost There as the fifth song on the album.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (MercyMe song)" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chandragupta Maurya (Devanagari: चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य) is an Indian historical drama being broadcast on Dangal TV, based on the life of Chandragupta Maurya, one of the major Indian Emperors of ancient India. It premiered on 20 December 2014. It is being re-aired on Dangal TV after Imagine TV was shut - down for unknown reasons. Chandragupta Maurya was first aired in March 2011 on Imagine TV. Ashish Sharma played the role of Chandragupta Maurya.", "title": "Chandragupta" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Erewhon Revisited Twenty Years Later, Both by the Original Discoverer of the Country and by His Son (1901) is a satirical novel by Samuel Butler, forming a belated sequel to his \"Erewhon\" (1872). \"The Cambridge History of English and American Literature\" judges that it \"has less of the free imaginative play of its predecessor…but, in sharp brilliance of wit and criticism, in intellectual unity and coherence, it surpasses \"Erewhon\"\".", "title": "Erewhon Revisited" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Flesh and Bone is a 1993 neo noir film drama written and directed by Steve Kloves that stars Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid and James Caan. Gwyneth Paltrow is featured in an early role. Janet Maslin of \"The New York Times\" described Paltrow as a scene-stealer \"who is Blythe Danner's daughter and has her mother's way of making a camera fall in love with her.\"", "title": "Flesh and Bone (film)" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Esther Queen of Persia Queen Esther (1879) by Edwin Long Queen of Persia Reign c. 479 -- c. 465 BC Coronation c. 479 Predecessor Vashti Hadassah c. 492 BC Achaemenid Empire Burial Hamadan, Iran Spouse King Xerxes I of Persia House Persia Father Abihail (biological), Mordecai (adoptive) Religion Judaism", "title": "Esther" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Frederick Winslow Taylor Taylor circa 1900 March 20, 1856 (1856 - 03 - 20) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. March 21, 1915 (1915 - 03 - 21) (aged 59) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. Cause of death Pneumonia Resting place West Laurel Hill Cemetery Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, U.S. Nationality American Education Phillips Exeter Academy Alma mater Stevens Institute of Technology (BS) Occupation Efficiency expert Management consultant Known for ``Father ''of the Scientific management & Efficiency Movement, Father of Industrial Engineering Home town Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Spouse (s) Louise M. Spooner Children Kempton, Robert and Elizabeth (all adopted orphans) Parent (s) Franklin Taylor Emily Annette Winslow Awards Elliott Cresson Medal (1902)", "title": "Frederick Winslow Taylor" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I Can Only Imagine ''(sometimes shortened to`` Imagine'') is a single recorded by Christian rock band MercyMe. Written and composed by Bart Millard, the song, based around a main piano track, was inspired by the death of Millard's father and considers what it would be like in Heaven and to be standing before God. The song was first issued as a track on MercyMe's 1999 album The Worship Project, which was released on an independent record label. The song was re-recorded and included on their 2001 major - label debut album Almost There as the fifth song on the album.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (MercyMe song)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Merrick is portrayed in two episodes in 2013 (the second series) of the BBC historical crime drama Ripper Street, portrayed by actor Joseph Drake. In 2017, the Malthouse Theatre, Melbourne commissioned playwright Tom Wright to write a play about Merrick's life. The Real and Imagined History of the Elephant Man premiered on 4 August, and starred Daniel Monks in the title role. The cast also featured Paula Arundell, Julie Forsyth, Emma J Hawkins, and Sophie Ross.", "title": "Joseph Merrick" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Han-era family was patrilineal and typically had four to five nuclear family members living in one household. Multiple generations of extended family members did not occupy the same house, unlike families of later dynasties. According to Confucian family norms, various family members were treated with different levels of respect and intimacy. For example, there were different accepted time frames for mourning the death of a father versus a paternal uncle. Arranged marriages were normal, with the father's input on his offspring's spouse being considered more important than the mother's. Monogamous marriages were also normal, although nobles and high officials were wealthy enough to afford and support concubines as additional lovers. Under certain conditions dictated by custom, not law, both men and women were able to divorce their spouses and remarry.", "title": "Han dynasty" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Played by D.W. Moffett, John is the biological father of Toby Kennish and Daphne Vasquez, and the adopted father of Bay Kennish. He used to play professional baseball, and he and Daphne share a love for athletics. John later becomes friends with Daphne's basketball coach, Melody Bledsoe. Toward the end of the first season, John announces his intention to run for office.", "title": "List of Switched at Birth characters" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I Can Only Imagine ''was the debut single for United States contemporary Christian and Christian rock band MercyMe. The father of Bart Millard, the band's vocalist, died in 1991. Millard was 18 at the time. Millard began writing the words`` I can only imagine'' on items when he was thinking about his father. During the recording of the band's 1999 independent album The Worship Project, MercyMe needed one more song to fill out the album. Millard, alone on a bus in the middle of the night, finally wrote the lyrics to the song by drawing on his thoughts and personal faith about what one would experience standing before God in Heaven. Millard attests that ``('I Can Only Imagine') is one of the only songs I have ever written where there was n't any mistakes, it was just written the way it is and left at that '', and estimated that it took him only ten minutes to write the lyrics.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (MercyMe song)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Meg Griffin Family Guy character First appearance 1998 Pilot Pitch of Family Guy (Early version) ``Death Has a Shadow ''(Official version) Created by Seth MacFarlane Voiced by Lacey Chabert (1999 -- 2000, 2011, 2012) Mila Kunis (1999 -- present) Tara Strong (singing voice) Information Occupation High school student Family Peter Griffin (father) Lois Griffin (mother) Chris Griffin (brother) Stewie Griffin (brother) Brian Griffin (dog) Spouse (s) Dr. Michael Milano (ex-fiancé) Nationality American", "title": "Meg Griffin" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Imagination\" is a song by American singer La Toya Jackson. It is taken from her fourth album, \"Imagination\". A remixed version of the song was released as a 7\" and 12\" single.", "title": "Imagination (La Toya Jackson song)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Flush: A Biography, an imaginative biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cocker spaniel, is a cross-genre blend of fiction and nonfiction by Virginia Woolf published in 1933. Written after the completion of her emotionally draining \"The Waves\", the work returned Woolf to the imaginative consideration of English history that she had begun in \"\", and to which she would return in \"Between the Acts\".", "title": "Flush: A Biography" } ]
Who is the spouse of the actor who plays the father on I Can Only Imagine?
Meg Ryan
[ { "answer": "Dennis Quaid", "id": 50068, "paragraph_support_idx": 19, "question": "who played father in i can only imagine" }, { "answer": "Meg Ryan", "id": 494136, "paragraph_support_idx": 8, "question": "#1 >> spouse" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Alan Blumenfeld (born September 4, 1952) is a veteran American character actor best known for his role in NBC's TV series \"Heroes\" as Maury Parkman, the telepath father of Matt Parkman played by Greg Grunberg, and as Bob Buss in the telefilm \"2gether\". He has played Greg Grunberg's father in both \"Felicity\" and \"Heroes\".", "title": "Alan Blumenfeld" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Meg Griffin Family Guy character First appearance 1998 Pilot Pitch of Family Guy (Early version) ``Death Has a Shadow ''(Official version) Created by Seth MacFarlane Voiced by Lacey Chabert (1999 -- 2000, 2011, 2012) Mila Kunis (1999 -- present) Tara Strong (singing voice) Information Occupation High school student Family Peter Griffin (father) Lois Griffin (mother) Chris Griffin (brother) Stewie Griffin (brother) Brian Griffin (dog) Spouse (s) Dr. Michael Milano (ex-fiancé) Nationality American", "title": "Meg Griffin" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Played by D.W. Moffett, John is the biological father of Toby Kennish and Daphne Vasquez, and the adopted father of Bay Kennish. He used to play professional baseball, and he and Daphne share a love for athletics. John later becomes friends with Daphne's basketball coach, Melody Bledsoe. Toward the end of the first season, John announces his intention to run for office.", "title": "List of Switched at Birth characters" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Esther Queen of Persia Queen Esther (1879) by Edwin Long Queen of Persia Reign c. 479 -- c. 465 BC Coronation c. 479 Predecessor Vashti Hadassah c. 492 BC Achaemenid Empire Burial Hamadan, Iran Spouse King Xerxes I of Persia House Persia Father Abihail (biological), Mordecai (adoptive) Religion Judaism", "title": "Esther" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Marshall Eriksen How I Met Your Mother character Jason Segel in 2011 First appearance ``Pilot ''Last appearance`` Last Forever'' Created by Carter Bays Craig Thomas Portrayed by Jason Segel Information Gender Male Occupation Lawyer (2005 -- 2018), Judge (2018 --) Family Marvin Eriksen (father, deceased) Judy Eriksen (mother) Spouse (s) Lily Aldrin (2007 -- present) Children Marvin Waitforit Eriksen Daisy Eriksen Unnamed Third Child Nationality American", "title": "Marshall Eriksen" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Erewhon Revisited Twenty Years Later, Both by the Original Discoverer of the Country and by His Son (1901) is a satirical novel by Samuel Butler, forming a belated sequel to his \"Erewhon\" (1872). \"The Cambridge History of English and American Literature\" judges that it \"has less of the free imaginative play of its predecessor…but, in sharp brilliance of wit and criticism, in intellectual unity and coherence, it surpasses \"Erewhon\"\".", "title": "Erewhon Revisited" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I Can Only Imagine ''(sometimes shortened to`` Imagine'') is a single recorded by Christian rock band MercyMe. Written and composed by lead vocalist Bart Millard, the song, based around a main piano track, was inspired by the death of Millard's father and considers what it would be like in Heaven and to be standing before God. The song was first issued as a track on MercyMe's 1999 album The Worship Project, which was released on an independent record label. The song was re-recorded and included on their 2001 major - label debut album Almost There as the fifth song on the album.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (MercyMe song)" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I Can Only Imagine ''was the debut single for United States contemporary Christian and Christian rock band MercyMe. The father of Bart Millard, the band's vocalist, died in 1991. Millard was 18 at the time. Millard began writing the words`` I can only imagine'' on items when he was thinking about his father. During the recording of the band's 1999 independent album The Worship Project, MercyMe needed one more song to fill out the album. Millard, alone on a bus in the middle of the night, finally wrote the lyrics to the song by drawing on his thoughts and personal faith about what one would experience standing before God in Heaven. Millard attests that ``('I Can Only Imagine') is one of the only songs I have ever written where there was n't any mistakes, it was just written the way it is and left at that '', and estimated that it took him only ten minutes to write the lyrics.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (MercyMe song)" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Flesh and Bone is a 1993 neo noir film drama written and directed by Steve Kloves that stars Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid and James Caan. Gwyneth Paltrow is featured in an early role. Janet Maslin of \"The New York Times\" described Paltrow as a scene-stealer \"who is Blythe Danner's daughter and has her mother's way of making a camera fall in love with her.\"", "title": "Flesh and Bone (film)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mok Kwai-lan (; October 15, 1892 – November 3, 1982) was the fourth spouse of Lingnan martial arts grandmaster Wong Fei-hung.", "title": "Mok Kwai-lan" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chandragupta Maurya (Devanagari: चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य) is an Indian historical drama being broadcast on Dangal TV, based on the life of Chandragupta Maurya, one of the major Indian Emperors of ancient India. It premiered on 20 December 2014. It is being re-aired on Dangal TV after Imagine TV was shut - down for unknown reasons. Chandragupta Maurya was first aired in March 2011 on Imagine TV. Ashish Sharma played the role of Chandragupta Maurya.", "title": "Chandragupta" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Flush: A Biography, an imaginative biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cocker spaniel, is a cross-genre blend of fiction and nonfiction by Virginia Woolf published in 1933. Written after the completion of her emotionally draining \"The Waves\", the work returned Woolf to the imaginative consideration of English history that she had begun in \"\", and to which she would return in \"Between the Acts\".", "title": "Flush: A Biography" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Imagine ''is a song written and performed by English musician John Lennon. The best - selling single of his solo career, its lyrics encourage the listener to imagine a world at peace without the barriers of borders or the divisions of religion and nationality and to consider the possibility that the whole of humanity would live unattached to material possessions.", "title": "Imagine (John Lennon song)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Merrick is portrayed in two episodes in 2013 (the second series) of the BBC historical crime drama Ripper Street, portrayed by actor Joseph Drake. In 2017, the Malthouse Theatre, Melbourne commissioned playwright Tom Wright to write a play about Merrick's life. The Real and Imagined History of the Elephant Man premiered on 4 August, and starred Daniel Monks in the title role. The cast also featured Paula Arundell, Julie Forsyth, Emma J Hawkins, and Sophie Ross.", "title": "Joseph Merrick" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Gravedigger's Daughter is a 2007 novel by Joyce Carol Oates. It is her 36th published novel. The novel was based on the life of Oates's grandmother, whose father, a gravedigger settled in rural America, injured his wife, threatened his daughter, and then committed suicide. Oates explained that she decided to write about her family only after her parents died (in 2000 and 2003), adding that her \"family history was filled with pockets of silence. I had to do a lot of imagining.\"", "title": "The Gravedigger's Daughter" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Oh My Love\" is a song written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono that appeared on Lennon's \"Imagine\" album in 1971. The song is the only songwriting collaboration on \"Imagine.\"", "title": "Oh My Love" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``I Can Only Imagine ''(sometimes shortened to`` Imagine'') is a single recorded by Christian rock band MercyMe. Written and composed by Bart Millard, the song, based around a main piano track, was inspired by the death of Millard's father and considers what it would be like in Heaven and to be standing before God. The song was first issued as a track on MercyMe's 1999 album The Worship Project, which was released on an independent record label. The song was re-recorded and included on their 2001 major - label debut album Almost There as the fifth song on the album.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (MercyMe song)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Barnabas Collins Jonathan Frid as Barnabas Collins. Dark Shadows character Portrayed by Jonathan Frid (1967 -- 1971, 2010) Ben Cross (1991) Alec Newman (2004) Johnny Depp (2012) First appearance April 18, 1967 Last appearance May 11, 2012 Profile Species Vampire show Family Parents Naomi Collins (mother) Joshua Collins (father) Siblings Sarah Collins (sister) Spouse Angelique Bouchard Aunts and uncles Abigail Collins (aunt) Laura Stockbridge Collins (aunt) Jeremiah Collins (uncle) First cousins Millicent Collins Daniel Collins", "title": "Barnabas Collins" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Han-era family was patrilineal and typically had four to five nuclear family members living in one household. Multiple generations of extended family members did not occupy the same house, unlike families of later dynasties. According to Confucian family norms, various family members were treated with different levels of respect and intimacy. For example, there were different accepted time frames for mourning the death of a father versus a paternal uncle. Arranged marriages were normal, with the father's input on his offspring's spouse being considered more important than the mother's. Monogamous marriages were also normal, although nobles and high officials were wealthy enough to afford and support concubines as additional lovers. Under certain conditions dictated by custom, not law, both men and women were able to divorce their spouses and remarry.", "title": "Han dynasty" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "I Can Only Imagine is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by the Erwin Brothers and written by Alex Cramer, Jon Erwin, and Brent McCorkle, based on the story behind the MercyMe song of the same name, the best - selling Christian single of all time. The film stars J. Michael Finley as Bart Millard, the lead singer who wrote the song about his relationship with his father (Dennis Quaid). Madeline Carroll, Priscilla Shirer, Cloris Leachman, and Trace Adkins also star.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (film)" } ]
Who is the spouse of the person who played Father in I Can Only Imagine?
Meg Ryan
[ { "answer": "Dennis Quaid", "id": 44815, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "who plays old ethan in a dogs purpose" }, { "answer": "Meg Ryan", "id": 494136, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "#1 >> spouse" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Dennis Quaid as Ethan Montgomery (adult) KJ Apa as teenage Ethan Montgomery Bryce Gheisar as eight - year old Ethan Montgomery", "title": "A Dog's Purpose (film)" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The majority of contemporary people with dogs describe their pet as part of the family, although some ambivalence about the relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualization of the dog–human family as a pack. A dominance model of dog–human relationships has been promoted by some dog trainers, such as on the television program Dog Whisperer. However it has been disputed that \"trying to achieve status\" is characteristic of dog–human interactions. Pet dogs play an active role in family life; for example, a study of conversations in dog–human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog, to mediate their interactions with each other.", "title": "Dog" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "There are over 2,500 police dogs employed amongst the various police forces in the UK, with the German Shepherd as the most popular breed for general purpose work. The Belgian Malinois is also gaining in popularity; in 2008, a Belgian Malinois female handled by PC Graham Clarke won the National Police Dog Trials with the highest score ever recorded.", "title": "Police dog" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "John Wayne's real - life son, Patrick Wayne, portrays James McCandles in the film, while Robert Mitchum's son, Christopher Mitchum plays Michael McCandles. Wayne's youngest son Ethan Wayne is seen as his grandson, Little Jake, in the movie.", "title": "Big Jake" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the 1950s, a feral puppy named Toby is whisked away to the dog pound and quickly euthanized, wondering if ``fun ''truly is life's purpose.", "title": "A Dog's Purpose (film)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Purebred dogs of one breed are genetically distinguishable from purebred dogs of other breeds, but the means by which kennel clubs classify dogs is unsystematic. Systematic analyses of the dog genome has revealed only four major types of dogs that can be said to be statistically distinct. These include the \"old world dogs\" (e.g., Malamute and Shar Pei), \"Mastiff\"-type (e.g., English Mastiff), \"herding\"-type (e.g., Border Collie), and \"all others\" (also called \"modern\"- or \"hunting\"-type).", "title": "Dog" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The term \"domestic dog\" is generally used for both of the domesticated and feral varieties. The English word dog comes from Middle English dogge, from Old English docga, a \"powerful dog breed\". The term may possibly derive from Proto-Germanic *dukkōn, represented in Old English finger-docce (\"finger-muscle\"). The word also shows the familiar petname diminutive -ga also seen in frogga \"frog\", picga \"pig\", stagga \"stag\", wicga \"beetle, worm\", among others. The term dog may ultimately derive from the earliest layer of Proto-Indo-European vocabulary.", "title": "Dog" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Benny Weir (portrayed by Atticus Mitchell) is Ethan's loud and goofy best friend. He is similar to Ethan, being geeky. He often gets into trouble with his antics. Benny has been Ethan's best friend since they were 6 years old. He and Ethan understand each other better than anyone else, although Benny is more funny and outspoken than Ethan. Benny can be just as brave and strategically clever as his pal, though he only showcases these abilities in the most dire of situations. Benny's dream is to make it big as a sorcerer and paranormal expert. He is told by his grandma that he is a Spellmaster and can cast magical spells, although his magic usually goes wrong due to his lack of practice. Benny often tries to lighten the mood when things get too intense. He is girl - crazy and frequently drags Ethan into his schemes, getting them both in trouble. Despite that, Benny is a genuine friend to Ethan and is always ready to go on another adventure. In season two, Benny begins to improve on his magic, becoming more helpful than in the first season. Benny secretly has a crush on Erica.", "title": "List of My Babysitter's a Vampire characters" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ethan Place grew up in Lake St. Louis, Missouri and graduated from Wentzville Holt High School in 2001. He played varsity quarterback for three years in high school. He entertained some offers to play college football, but he was not sure he was ready to attend college. Ethan chose instead to enlist in the Marine Corps.", "title": "Ethan Place" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ethan of Athos is a 1986 science fiction novel by American author Lois McMaster Bujold. The title character is Dr. Ethan Urquhart, Chief of Biology at the Severin District Reproduction Centre on the planet Athos, who is sent to find out what happened to a shipment of vital ovarian tissue cultures. Set in the fictional universe of Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga, the novel mentions but does not feature her usual protagonist Miles Vorkosigan. To date, Bujold has never revisited the settings of Athos or Kline Station in her many subsequent novels, but the events of \"Ethan of Athos\" are later referred to indirectly in the novels \"Borders of Infinity\" (1989) and \"Cetaganda\" (1995).", "title": "Ethan of Athos" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Flesh and Bone is a 1993 neo noir film drama written and directed by Steve Kloves that stars Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid and James Caan. Gwyneth Paltrow is featured in an early role. Janet Maslin of \"The New York Times\" described Paltrow as a scene-stealer \"who is Blythe Danner's daughter and has her mother's way of making a camera fall in love with her.\"", "title": "Flesh and Bone (film)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Emma Snyder As the World Turns character Portrayed by Kathleen Widdoes First appearance July 1985 Last appearance June 29, 2010 Profile Occupation Farmer Residence The Snyder Farm RR # 2, Box 600 Luther's Corners, IL 61324 (show) Family Spouse Harvey Snyder Sons Seth Snyder Caleb Snyder Holden Snyder Daughters Ellie Snyder Meg Snyder Adoptive daughters Iva Snyder Grandchildren Lily Walsh (adoptive) Rose D'Angelo (adoptive) MJ Dixon (adoptive) Abigail Williams Noel Snyder (adoptive) Aaron Snyder Luke Snyder (adoptive) Faith Snyder Natalie Snyder Ethan Snyder", "title": "List of As the World Turns characters" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Keneti James Fitzgerald ``KJ ''Apa (born 17 June 1997) is a New Zealand actor. He is known for playing Kane Jenkins in the New Zealand prime - time soap opera Shortland Street. In 2016, he was cast as Archie Andrews in Riverdale after a four - month worldwide talent search. In 2015, he was cast as teenage Ethan Montgomery in A Dog's Purpose, released in 2017.", "title": "KJ Apa" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dogs Playing Poker, by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, refers collectively to an 1894 painting, a 1903 series of sixteen oil paintings commissioned by Brown & Bigelow to advertise cigars, and a 1910 painting. All eighteen paintings in the overall series feature anthropomorphized dogs, but the eleven in which dogs are seated around a card table have become well known in the United States as examples of kitsch art in home decoration.", "title": "Dogs Playing Poker" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Meg Griffin Family Guy character First appearance 1998 Pilot Pitch of Family Guy (Early version) ``Death Has a Shadow ''(Official version) Created by Seth MacFarlane Voiced by Lacey Chabert (1999 -- 2000, 2011, 2012) Mila Kunis (1999 -- present) Tara Strong (singing voice) Information Occupation High school student Family Peter Griffin (father) Lois Griffin (mother) Chris Griffin (brother) Stewie Griffin (brother) Brian Griffin (dog) Spouse (s) Dr. Michael Milano (ex-fiancé) Nationality American", "title": "Meg Griffin" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Australian Cattle Dog is a sturdy, muscular, compact dog that gives the impression of agility and strength. It has a broad skull that flattens to a definite stop between the eyes, with muscular cheeks and a medium-length, deep, powerful muzzle. The ears are pricked, small to medium in size and set wide apart, with a covering of hair on the inside. The eyes are oval and dark, with an alert, keen expression. The neck and shoulders are strong and muscular; the forelegs are straight and parallel; and the feet round and arched, with small, sturdy toes and nails.The Australian Cattle Dog breed standard states that it should have well-conditioned muscles, even when bred for companion or show purposes, and that its appearance should be symmetrical and balanced, with no individual part of the dog exaggerated. It should not look either delicate or cumbersome, as either characteristic limits the agility and endurance that is necessary for a working dog.", "title": "Australian Cattle Dog" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "James Scott (born 14 January 1979) is a British actor. He is best known for playing Ethan Cambias on the ABC drama All My Children and EJ DiMera / Santo DiMera on the NBC drama Days of Our Lives.", "title": "James Scott (actor)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Eric Martsolf (born July 27, 1971) is an American television actor and singer best known for his role as Ethan Winthrop in the NBC soap opera \"Passions\" from 2002 to 2008. Since November 2008, he has played the role of Brady Black on NBC's \"Days of Our Lives\" for which he won a Daytime Emmy in 2014.", "title": "Eric Martsolf" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hoop Jr. was a bay horse sired by the French-bred stallion Sir Gallahad, a full brother to Bull Dog, who sired Bull Lea). He was out of the American stakes winning mare One Hour, a daughter of the French bred Snob, who had been purchased for the third highest amount ever paid for a horse imported into the United States for racing purposes.", "title": "Hoop Jr." }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Abbey and Kona, both three - year - old German Shepherd dogs, played Neville's dog Sam. The rest of the supporting cast consists of Salli Richardson as Zoe, Robert's wife, and Alice Braga as a survivor named Anna. Willow Smith, Will Smith's daughter, makes her film debut as Marley, Neville's daughter. Emma Thompson has an uncredited role as Dr. Alice Krippin, who appears on television explaining her vaccine for cancer that mutates into the virus. Singer Mike Patton provided the guttural screams of the infected ``hemocytes '', and Dash Mihok provided the character animation for the infected`` alpha male''. Several filler characters with uncredited roles were in old news broadcasts and flashbacks, such as the unnamed President's voice (Pat Fraley), and the cast of The Today Show.", "title": "I Am Legend (film)" } ]
Who is the spouse of the actor of Ethan in A Dog's Purpose?
Meg Ryan
[ { "answer": "Dennis Quaid", "id": 46213, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "i can only imagine movie who played the dad" }, { "answer": "Meg Ryan", "id": 494136, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "#1 >> spouse" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Carlton Hickey (played by Beau Bridges) is Earl and Randy's father. He first appears in ``Cost Dad the Election ''where he had run for mayor but lost because of Earl's shenanigans that got the latter arrested. He originally ran for mayor because of the airport flight path was directed over his residential area, causing his entire house to vibrate several times a day, which angers him very much. He is sorely disappointed in his sons and refused to have anything to do with Earl. However, he gradually realizes his son's efforts to improve his life were sincere and he and Earl are able to mend their relationship. In the episode`` Dad's Car'', he says that he had originally planned to name Earl after himself, but had put in an extra loop on the ``C ''when using cursive writing on the birth certificate.", "title": "List of My Name Is Earl characters" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "For the most part she was raised in the Netherlands, where she currently lives. Kamryn is the youngest of six children and comes from a musical family. Her dad was a singer in a band and her three brothers all played an instrument. When she was growing up Kamryn started singing more often and gained more experience. She now writes and records songs in her home studio.", "title": "Kamryn Belle" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Chandragupta Maurya (Devanagari: चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य) is an Indian historical drama being broadcast on Dangal TV, based on the life of Chandragupta Maurya, one of the major Indian Emperors of ancient India. It premiered on 20 December 2014. It is being re-aired on Dangal TV after Imagine TV was shut - down for unknown reasons. Chandragupta Maurya was first aired in March 2011 on Imagine TV. Ashish Sharma played the role of Chandragupta Maurya.", "title": "Chandragupta" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Flesh and Bone is a 1993 neo noir film drama written and directed by Steve Kloves that stars Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid and James Caan. Gwyneth Paltrow is featured in an early role. Janet Maslin of \"The New York Times\" described Paltrow as a scene-stealer \"who is Blythe Danner's daughter and has her mother's way of making a camera fall in love with her.\"", "title": "Flesh and Bone (film)" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a 2010 American comedy directed by Thor Freudenthal and based on Jeff Kinney's book. The film was released on March 19, 2010. It was released on DVD, iTunes, and Blu - ray on August 3, 2010. The movie stars Zachary Gordon as Greg Heffley, Robert Capron as Rowley Jefferson, Steve Zahn as Frank Heffley (Dad), Rachael Harris as Susan Heffley (Mom), Devon Bostick as Rodrick Heffley, Chloë Grace Moretz as Angie Steadman, and Connor & Owen Fielding as Manny Heffley, Greg's brother.", "title": "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the 1980s, Stewart began working in American television and film, with roles such as Captain Jean - Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation and its successor films, as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men series of superhero movies, the lead of the Starz TV series Blunt Talk, and voice roles such as CIA Deputy Director Avery Bullock in American Dad! and the poo emoji in The Emoji Movie. Having remained with the Royal Shakespeare Company, in 2008 Stewart played King Claudius in Hamlet on the West End and won a second Olivier Award.", "title": "Patrick Stewart" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "My Dad Is Better than Your Dad was a reality sports TV show on NBC that premiered on February 18, 2008. The show was produced by Mark Burnett, producer of other shows like \"Survivor\", \"The Apprentice\", and \"Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?\", and was hosted by actor Dan Cortese. Four teams of children and their fathers competed in each episode, with the winning team having the chance to win up to $50,000.", "title": "My Dad Is Better than Your Dad" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Labu dan Labi (Labu and Labi) is a 1962 Singaporean buddy comedy film directed by and starring P. Ramlee. The movie was filmed in Singapore and it revolves around the antics of Labu and Labi, two servants with wild imaginations who work in the house of a wealthy but miserly man, Haji Bakhil bin Haji Kedekut. The movie is filmed in the style of a stage pantomime, with over-the-top comedy and featuring the characters occasionally talking directly to the audience. The film's sequel is \"Nasib Si Labu Labi\" (\"The Fate of Labu and Labi\" or \"What Happened to Labu and Labi\").", "title": "Labu dan Labi" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "I Live with Me Dad is a 1985 TV movie, produced by Crawfords Australia. The film is about six-year-old Crispy who lives with his destitute father Sid (Hehir). Based on a true story, it follows the street adventures of a father and son and his unconventional upbringing. A heart warming film that explores the extraordinary bond between a father and his son, amidst the pressures and emotions of those who would separate them.", "title": "I Live with Me Dad" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Alex Murphy as Conor MacSweeney Chris Walley as Jock O'Keeffe Hilary Rose as Mairead MacSweeney Dominic MacHale as Sergeant Healy P.J. Gallagher as Principal Barry Walsh Jennifer Barry as Siobhan Walsh Demi Isaac Oviawe as Linda Walsh Shane Casey as Billy Murphy Chris Kent as Conor's Dad Orla Fitzgerald as Orla Walsh Cora Fenton as Jock's Mum Michael Sands as Jock's Dad", "title": "The Young Offenders (TV series)" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Curtis Armstrong (born November 27, 1953) is an American actor known for his portrayal as Booger in the Revenge of the Nerds movies, as Herbert Viola on Moonlighting, as Miles Dalby in Risky Business, as famed record producer Ahmet Ertegün in the film Ray, as the voice of ``Maru ''in Planes: Fire & Rescue, and for voicing Schmuley`` Snot'' Lonstein in American Dad!, and the title character in the show Dan Vs. He is also the co-host of the TBS reality television competition series King of the Nerds, in addition to the role of Metatron in the series Supernatural.", "title": "Curtis Armstrong" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Directed by Chris Robinson, the music video follows Keys working as a waitress at a café. One day, Keys meets a man (played by Mos Def) in the restaurant, and she falls in love with him. Later on, Keys is at a house party where she runs into that same man (Mos Def) when a fight is about to break out, and the scene resembles the house party scene in the movie Cooley High. Later in the video, Keys imagines getting the courage to call him and to tell him about her feelings. However, at the end of the movie, she remembers his order but there is no other recognition and the scene ends with his card still being in the bowl and Keys staring out the window since she will never be able to reveal her true feelings for the man.", "title": "You Don't Know My Name" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Imagination\" is a song by American singer La Toya Jackson. It is taken from her fourth album, \"Imagination\". A remixed version of the song was released as a 7\" and 12\" single.", "title": "Imagination (La Toya Jackson song)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On Our Selection is a 1912 Australian play by Bert Bailey and Edmund Duggan based on the stories of Steele Rudd. Bailey played Dad Rudd in the original production.", "title": "On Our Selection (1912 play)" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Imagine ''is a song written and performed by English musician John Lennon. The best - selling single of his solo career, its lyrics encourage the listener to imagine a world at peace without the barriers of borders or the divisions of religion and nationality and to consider the possibility that the whole of humanity would live unattached to material possessions.", "title": "Imagine (John Lennon song)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "I Can Only Imagine is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by the Erwin Brothers and written by Alex Cramer, Jon Erwin and Brent McCorkle, based on the story behind the MercyMe song of the same name, the best - selling Christian single of all time. The film stars J. Michael Finley as Bart Millard, the lead singer who wrote the song about his relationship with his father (Dennis Quaid). Madeline Carroll, Priscilla Shirer, Cloris Leachman, and Trace Adkins also star.", "title": "I Can Only Imagine (film)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Oh My Love\" is a song written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono that appeared on Lennon's \"Imagine\" album in 1971. The song is the only songwriting collaboration on \"Imagine.\"", "title": "Oh My Love" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Earl Pomerantz (born February 4, 1945 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is best known for his work as a television script writer. Pomerantz created the network television series \"Major Dad\", \"Family Man\" and \"Best of the West\", and wrote scripts for such shows as \"The Mary Tyler Moore Show\", \"The Bob Newhart Show\", \"Taxi\", \"Cheers\", \"Newhart\", \"The Cosby Show\" and \"Major Dad\". He has won two Primetime Emmy Awards, a Writers Guild of America Award, the Humanitas Prize and a CableACE Award.", "title": "Earl Pomerantz" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Scott Richard Grimes (born July 9, 1971) is an American actor, voice artist, singer, and songwriter. Some of his most prominent roles include appearances in ER as Dr. Archie Morris, Party of Five as Will McCorkle, Band of Brothers as Technical Sergeant Donald Malarkey, and the animated sitcom American Dad!, voicing Steve Smith. He is also well known by cult movie fans for his role as Bradley Brown in the first two Critters films. As of September 10, 2017, he has been cast as a regular on the Fox sci - fi series, The Orville.", "title": "Scott Grimes" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the Name of the People is an American television movie drama. It was released in 2000 by CBS Productions and Jaffe/Braunstein Films. The movie was filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It was based on the play by Tim Boland.", "title": "In the Name of the People (2000 film)" } ]
The actor who plays the father in I Can Only Imagine has a wife played by who in another film?
Meg Ryan
[ { "answer": "Albert Einstein", "id": 51760, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "who did mel brooks play in mr peabody and sherman" }, { "answer": "Luitpold Gymnasium", "id": 122023, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "What is the name of university that educated #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Face Is Familiar is an American game show which aired in color on CBS as a summer replacement show from May 7 to September 3, 1966. The show was hosted by Jack Whitaker and featured celebrity guests including Bob Crane, Dick Van Patten, Mel Brooks and June Lockhart.", "title": "The Face Is Familiar" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Samantha Frances Norwood (born 7 December 1989) is an Australian basketball player playing for the Canberra Capitals in 2012/13. She previously had played for the West Coast Waves in the Women's National Basketball League. She played for Stony Brook University for a year.", "title": "Samantha Norwood" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Big Flat Brook is the name of Flat Brook upstream of the inflow of Little Flat Brook, a tributary of the Delaware River, in Sussex County, New Jersey in the United States.", "title": "Big Flat Brook" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The name Wayback Machine was chosen as a droll reference to a plot device in an animated cartoon series, The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. In one of the animated cartoon's component segments, Peabody's Improbable History, lead characters Mr. Peabody and Sherman routinely used a time machine called the \"WABAC machine\" (pronounced way-back) to witness, participate in, and, more often than not, alter famous events in history.", "title": "Wayback Machine" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mr. Novak is an American dramatic series starring James Franciscus in the title role, which aired on NBC for two seasons, from 1963 to 1965. The series won a Peabody Award in 1963.", "title": "Mr. Novak" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On October 11, 2011, Doug Morris announced that Mel Lewinter had been named Executive Vice President of Label Strategy. Lewinter previously served as chairman and CEO of Universal Motown Republic Group. In January 2012, Dennis Kooker was named President of Global Digital Business and US Sales.", "title": "Sony Music" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sherman's father died suddenly in 1829, leaving his mother to care for 11 children. Several of the oldest children, including Sherman's older brother William, were fostered with nearby relatives, but John and his brother Hoyt stayed with their mother in Lancaster until 1831. In that year, Sherman's father's cousin (also named John Sherman) took Sherman into his home in Mount Vernon, Ohio, where he enrolled in school. The other John Sherman intended for his namesake to study there until he was ready to enroll at nearby Kenyon College, but Sherman disliked school and was, in his own words, \"a troublesome boy\". In 1835, he returned to his mother's home in Lancaster. Sherman continued his education there at a local academy where, after being briefly expelled for punching a teacher, he studied for two years.", "title": "John Sherman" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "John Joseph Murphy Memorial Higher Secondary School is a secondary school located in Yendayar, Kerala, India. It is managed as part of the Kanjirappalli educational district, and has the centre code 32011. The school was opened in 1982 by Mr. Michael A. Kallivayalil with the support of local people. The school was established in the name of Mr. J.J. Murphy (1872 - 1957), one of the most successful individual British planters in India.", "title": "John Joseph Murphy Memorial Higher Secondary School" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Eddie Murphy as Professor Sherman Klump / Buddy Love Murphy also plays Papa Cletus Klump (Sherman's father), Mama Anna Klump (Sherman's mother), Granny Ida Jenson (Sherman's Grandma, Anna's Mama), Ernie Klump, Sr. (Sherman's brother) and Lance Perkins, a parody of Richard Simmons Jada Pinkett as Carla Purty James Coburn as Harlan Hartley Larry Miller as Dean Richmond Dave Chappelle as Reggie Warrington Chappelle reprised his role on Chris Rock's 1997 album Roll with the New. John Ales as Jason Jamal Mixon as Ernie Klump, Jr. Montell Jordan as himself", "title": "The Nutty Professor (1996 film)" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Einsteins were non-observant Ashkenazi Jews, and Albert attended a Catholic elementary school in Munich, from the age of 5, for three years. At the age of 8, he was transferred to the Luitpold Gymnasium (now known as the Albert Einstein Gymnasium), where he received advanced primary and secondary school education until he left the German Empire seven years later.", "title": "Albert Einstein" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Hasty Heart is a 1949 Anglo-American co-production directed by Vincent Sherman and starring Ronald Reagan, Patricia Neal, and Richard Todd. The film based is based on the play of the same name by John Patrick.", "title": "The Hasty Heart" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sherman Douglas (born September 15, 1966) is a retired American professional basketball player from Syracuse University who played for the Miami Heat, Boston Celtics, Milwaukee Bucks, New Jersey Nets and the Los Angeles Clippers from 1989 to 2001. His nickname, \"The General\" is a play on his first name and his position as a point guard (as a floor general). He was known for revolutionizing the running \"floater\" shot in the lane.", "title": "Sherman Douglas" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Penelope Tree is the only child of Ronald, a British journalist, investor and Conservative MP, and Marietta Peabody Tree, a U.S. socialite and political activist. She is the great-granddaughter of American retailer Marshall Field and of American educator Endicott Peabody. She is the half-sister of both the racehorse trainer Jeremy Tree and the author Frances FitzGerald and a niece of former Massachusetts governor Endicott Peabody.", "title": "Penelope Tree" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Curphey was born in Glasgow, Scotland to Mr. and Mrs. William Salvador Curphey, who at the time of his death were residing at 87 Canfield Gardens, Hampstead, Middlesex, England; the elder William Curphey was a civil servant. The younger William Curphey was educated at Glasgow Academy, at University College School, Hampstead, and at King's College London. He belonged to the Officers' Training Corps at London University.", "title": "William Curphey" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sofia Vassilieva as Eloise Julie Andrews as Nanny Kenneth Welsh as Sir Wilkes Debra Monk as Maggie Gavin Creel as Bill Rick Roberts as Brooks Sara Topham as Rachel Peabody Corinne Conley as Mrs. Thornton Christine Baranski as Prunella Stickler Jeffrey Tambor as Mr. Salomone Araxi Arslanian as Head of Housekeeping Tannis Burnett as Miss Thompson Neil Crone as Agent Kringle Arlene Duncan as Lily Sean Gallagher as Rick Graham Harley as Walter Colm Magner as Thomas the Maitre'd Debra McGrath as Cornelia Gerry Quigley as Jerry Julian Richings as Patrice Cliff Saunders as Max Tony Sciara as Assistant Chef Marco David Sparrow as Charlie, the 59th Street Doorman Victor A. Young as Mr. Peabody", "title": "Eloise at Christmastime" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In addition to Leonardo da Vinci, King Agamemnon, and King Tut, the film features other historical figures including Albert Einstein (Mel Brooks), Mona Lisa (Lake Bell), Marie Antoinette (Lauri Fraser), Maximilien de Robespierre (Guillaume Aretos), George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, Isaac Newton (all voiced by Jess Harnell), Odysseus (Tom McGrath), Ajax the Lesser (Al Rodrigo) and Spartacus (Walt Dohrn). There are also cameos with no words by Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma Gandhi, William Shakespeare, Ludwig van Beethoven, Vincent van Gogh, the Wright Brothers, Jackie Robinson and baby Moses.", "title": "Mr. Peabody & Sherman" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mel Moraine () is a moraine at the north end of the Gagarin Mountains, in the Orvin Mountains of Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. It was mapped by Norwegian cartographers from air photos and surveys by the Sixth Norwegian Antarctic Expedition, 1956–60, and named Mel (meal).", "title": "Mel Moraine" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Young Frankenstein Theatrical release poster Directed by Mel Brooks Produced by Michael Gruskoff Screenplay by Mel Brooks Gene Wilder Based on Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Starring Gene Wilder Peter Boyle Marty Feldman Cloris Leachman Teri Garr Kenneth Mars Madeline Kahn Music by John Morris Cinematography Gerald Hirschfeld Edited by John C. Howard Distributed by 20th Century Fox Release date December 15, 1974 (1974 - 12 - 15) Running time 105 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $2.78 million Box office $86.2 million", "title": "Young Frankenstein" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mr. Peabody & Sherman Theatrical release poster Directed by Rob Minkoff Produced by Alex Schwartz Denise Nolan Cascino Screenplay by Craig Wright Based on Peabody's Improbable History by Ted Key Starring Ty Burrell Max Charles Ariel Winter Stephen Colbert Leslie Mann Allison Janney Music by Danny Elfman Edited by Michael Andrews Production company DreamWorks Animation Pacific Data Images Bullwinkle Studios Distributed by 20th Century Fox Release date February 7, 2014 (2014 - 02 - 07) (United Kingdom) March 7, 2014 (2014 - 03 - 07) (United States) Running time 92 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $145 million Box office $275.7 million", "title": "Mr. Peabody & Sherman" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mr. Noodle and his siblings -- Mr. Noodle's brother Mister Noodle, Ms Noodle, and Miss Noodle -- are characters who appear in the ``Elmo's World ''segments during the educational children's television program Sesame Street. Mr. Noodle was played by Broadway actor Bill Irwin, who had previously worked with Arlene Sherman, executive producer of Sesame Street and co-creator of`` Elmo's World'', in short films for the program.", "title": "Mr. Noodle" } ]
What is the name of the university that educated the character that Mel Brooks plays in Mr. Peabody and Sherman?
Luitpold Gymnasium
[ { "answer": "Dennis Quaid", "id": 66843, "paragraph_support_idx": 16, "question": "who played jerry lee lewis in great balls of fire" }, { "answer": "Meg Ryan", "id": 494136, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "#1 >> spouse" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Belle of the Yukon is a 1944 American film produced and directed by William A. Seiter, and starring Randolph Scott, Gypsy Rose Lee, and Dinah Shore. Based on a story by Houston Branch and set in the days of the great Canadian Gold Rush, the film is about a \"reformed\" con artist-turned-dance hall owner whose girlfriend, played by Gypsy Rose Lee, tries to keep him on the straight and narrow.", "title": "Belle of the Yukon" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The museum was dedicated on September 1, 1995, with the ribbon being cut by an ensemble that included Yoko Ono and Little Richard, among others, before a crowd of more than 10,000 people. The following night an all - star concert was held at the stadium. It featured Chuck Berry, Bob Dylan, Al Green, Jerry Lee Lewis, Aretha Franklin, Bruce Springsteen, Iggy Pop, John Fogerty, John Mellencamp, and many others.", "title": "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Bellboy is a 1960 American comedy film written, produced, directed by and starring Jerry Lewis. It was released on July 20, 1960 by Paramount Pictures and marked Lewis's directorial debut.", "title": "The Bellboy" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Glenn McGrath dominates the bowling records, and holds all but three of the records. Lasith Malinga became the first player to take four wickets in four balls at an international level in the 2007 World Cup, against South Africa. Chaminda Vaas took four wickets in five balls against Bangladesh in 2003, including wickets with the first three balls of the match. There have also been hat tricks in Cricket World Cups by Chetan Sharma, Saqlain Mushtaq, Brett Lee, Kemar Roach, Steven Finn and JP Duminy.", "title": "List of Cricket World Cup records" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In) ''is a counterculture era song written by Mickey Newbury and, in 1968, a chart hit for Kenny Rogers and the First Edition. Said to reflect the LSD experience, the song was intended to be a warning about the dangers of using the drug. First recorded on October 10, 1967, by Teddy Hill & the Southern Soul as a single on Rice Records (Rice 5028 b / w`` Stagger Lee'') and produced by Norro Wilson, Jerry Lee Lewis covered the song on his album Soul My Way released November 1, 1967.", "title": "Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A traditional sport played in Tuvalu is kilikiti, which is similar to cricket. A popular sport specific to Tuvalu is Ano, which is played with two round balls of 12 cm (5 in) diameter. Ano is a localised version of volleyball, in which the two hard balls made from pandanus leaves are volleyed at great speed with the team members trying to stop the Ano hitting the ground. Traditional sports in the late 19th century were foot racing, lance throwing, quarterstaff fencing and wrestling, although the Christian missionaries disapproved of these activities.", "title": "Tuvalu" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Flesh and Bone is a 1993 neo noir film drama written and directed by Steve Kloves that stars Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid and James Caan. Gwyneth Paltrow is featured in an early role. Janet Maslin of \"The New York Times\" described Paltrow as a scene-stealer \"who is Blythe Danner's daughter and has her mother's way of making a camera fall in love with her.\"", "title": "Flesh and Bone (film)" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``Ball and Chain ''Single by Social Distortion from the album Social Distortion Released March 27, 1990 Format CD single Recorded Genre Cowpunk, punk blues Length 5: 44 Label Epic Songwriter (s) Mike Ness Producer (s) Dave Jerden Social Distortion singles chronology`` Story of My Life'' (1990) ``Ball and Chain ''(1990)`` Ring of Fire'' (1990) ``Story of My Life ''(1990)`` Ball and Chain'' (1990) ``Ring of Fire ''(1990)", "title": "Ball and Chain (Social Distortion song)" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jerry O'Connell O'Connell in June 2013 Jeremiah O'Connell (1974 - 02 - 17) February 17, 1974 (age 44) Manhattan, New York City, U.S. Alma mater New York University Occupation Actor, director Years active 1986 -- present Spouse (s) Rebecca Romijn (m. 2007) Children Relatives Charlie O'Connell (brother)", "title": "Jerry O'Connell" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Nutty Professor is a 1963 American science fiction - romantic comedy film produced, directed, co-written (with Bill Richmond) and starring Jerry Lewis. The score was composed by Walter Scharf. The film is a parody of Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.", "title": "The Nutty Professor (1996 film)" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "American Bandstand is an American music - performance show that aired in various versions from 1952 to 1989 and was hosted from 1956 until its final season by Dick Clark, who also served as producer. The show featured teenagers dancing to Top 40 music introduced by Clark; at least one popular musical act -- over the decades, running the gamut from Jerry Lee Lewis to Run -- D.M.C. -- would usually appear in person to lip - sync one of their latest singles. Freddy ``Boom Boom ''Cannon holds the record for most appearances, at 110.", "title": "American Bandstand" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Ladies Man is a 1961 American comedy film directed by and starring Jerry Lewis. It was released on June 28, 1961 by Paramount.", "title": "The Ladies Man" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was educated at Aquinas College in Salter Point, where he was mentored in football by Jerry Dolan. He was also playing club football for South Perth under East Perth great Mick Cronin.", "title": "Frank Walker (Australian rules footballer)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It's Only Money is a 1962 American comedy film directed by Frank Tashlin and starring Jerry Lewis and was released by Paramount Pictures. It marked the final film of Zachary Scott.", "title": "It's Only Money" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Towards the end of the 1999 playoff game, a pass was caught by Hall of Fame wide-receiver Jerry Rice, following the catch, Bernardo Harris stripped Jerry Rice of the ball, and was recovered by the Green Bay Packers. The game appeared to be won by the Green Bay Packers. However, the call on the field was that Rice was down by contact and San Francisco retained possession. Video replay showed that Rice has fumbled the ball, however, at that time replay was not used in the NFL. The 49ers went on to defeat the Green Bay Packers on that drive, by a final score of 30-27. Due to the controversial Harris call, the NFL announced the following season that it would begin instituting video replay.", "title": "Bernardo Harris" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Disorderly Orderly is a 1964 American comedy film released by Paramount Pictures, and starring Jerry Lewis. The film was produced by Paul Jones with a screenplay by director Frank Tashlin, based on a story by Norm Liebermann and Ed Haas.", "title": "The Disorderly Orderly" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Great Balls of Fire! is a 1989 American biographical film directed by Jim McBride and starring Dennis Quaid as rockabilly pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis. Based on a biography by Myra Lewis and Murray M. Silver Jr., the screenplay is written by McBride and Jack Baran. The film is produced by Adam Fields, with executive producers credited as Michael Grais, Mark Victor, and Art Levinson.", "title": "Great Balls of Fire! (film)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Snooker is a cue sport that is played on a baize - covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and in the middle of each of the long side cushions. It is played using a cue and snooker balls: one white cue ball, 15 red balls worth one point each (sometimes played with fewer red balls, commonly 6 or 10), and six balls of different colours: yellow (2 points), green (3), brown (4), blue (5), pink (6), black (7). A player (or team) wins a frame (individual game) of snooker by scoring more points than the opponent (s), using the cue ball to pot the red and coloured balls. A player (or team) wins a match when they have achieved the best - of score from a pre-determined number of frames. The number of frames is always odd so as to prevent a tie or a draw.", "title": "Rules of snooker" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"It'll Be Me\" is a song written by Jack Clement, first released in April 1957 by Jerry Lee Lewis, as B-side to his single \"Whole Lot of Shakin' Going On\" (Sun 267).", "title": "It'll Be Me (Jerry Lee Lewis song)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mean Old Man is the 40th studio album by rock and roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis. Like his previous album \"Last Man Standing\", this album features duets with famous artists.", "title": "Mean Old Man" } ]
Who is the spouse of the actor portraying Jerry Lee Lewis in Great Balls of Fire?
Meg Ryan
[ { "answer": "Albert Einstein", "id": 51760, "paragraph_support_idx": 4, "question": "who did mel brooks play in mr peabody and sherman" }, { "answer": "Hans Albert Einstein", "id": 602275, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "#1 >> child" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Peabody has a very close relationship with the heroine of the book, Eve. Upon being requested to be Eve's aide at the start of the series, Peabody was incredibly grateful for the opportunity as she had studied Eve's cases in the Police Academy and idolizes her. Their relationship grows over time, beyond mentor - mentee to deep friendship. It is for this reason that Eve tells Peabody about her childhood and subsequent act of patricide in Visions in Death.", "title": "In Death characters" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Oneonta, New York, Sherman Fairchild was the only child of George Winthrop Fairchild (1854–1924) and Josephine Mills Sherman (1859–1924). His father was a Republican Congressman as well as a co-founder and the first Chairman of IBM. His mother was the daughter of William Sherman, of Davenport, Iowa.", "title": "Sherman Fairchild" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Penelope Tree is the only child of Ronald, a British journalist, investor and Conservative MP, and Marietta Peabody Tree, a U.S. socialite and political activist. She is the great-granddaughter of American retailer Marshall Field and of American educator Endicott Peabody. She is the half-sister of both the racehorse trainer Jeremy Tree and the author Frances FitzGerald and a niece of former Massachusetts governor Endicott Peabody.", "title": "Penelope Tree" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The George Peabody House Museum is a historic house museum at 205 Washington Street in Peabody, Massachusetts. It is dedicated to the life and deeds of 19th century U.S. entrepreneur, philanthropist, and namesake of the city, George Peabody. The museum shares its location with the Peabody Leather Museum. Within its walls, in 1795, George Peabody was born in what was then called South Danvers.", "title": "George Peabody House Museum" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In addition to Leonardo da Vinci, King Agamemnon, and King Tut, the film features other historical figures including Albert Einstein (Mel Brooks), Mona Lisa (Lake Bell), Marie Antoinette (Lauri Fraser), Maximilien de Robespierre (Guillaume Aretos), George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, Isaac Newton (all voiced by Jess Harnell), Odysseus (Tom McGrath), Ajax the Lesser (Al Rodrigo) and Spartacus (Walt Dohrn). There are also cameos with no words by Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma Gandhi, William Shakespeare, Ludwig van Beethoven, Vincent van Gogh, the Wright Brothers, Jackie Robinson and baby Moses.", "title": "Mr. Peabody & Sherman" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mara Elizabeth Wilson (born July 24, 1987) is an American writer and former child actress. She is known for playing Natalie Hillard in Mrs. Doubtfire (1993), Susan Walker in Miracle on 34th Street (1994), Matilda Wormwood in Matilda (1996) and Lily Stone in Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000). Since retiring from film acting, Wilson has focused on writing.", "title": "Mara Wilson" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mr. Noodle and his siblings -- Mr. Noodle's brother Mister Noodle, Ms Noodle, and Miss Noodle -- are characters who appear in the ``Elmo's World ''segments during the educational children's television program Sesame Street. Mr. Noodle was played by Broadway actor Bill Irwin, who had previously worked with Arlene Sherman, executive producer of Sesame Street and co-creator of`` Elmo's World'', in short films for the program.", "title": "Mr. Noodle" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The film will be directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, produced by Michelle Murdocca and co-written by Tartakovsky and Michael McCullers, and feature the reprised roles of Adam Sandler, Selena Gomez, Andy Samberg, Asher Blinkoff, Kevin James, David Spade, Steve Buscemi, Keegan - Michael Key, Sadie Sandler, Molly Shannon, Fran Drescher and Mel Brooks. The new additions to the cast include Kathryn Hahn and Jim Gaffigan. It is scheduled to be released in the United States on July 13, 2018.", "title": "Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Will Sherman (October 20, 1927 – October 11, 1997) was an American football defensive back who played with the National Football League's Los Angeles Rams from 1954 to 1960.", "title": "Will Sherman" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "\"Watch Mr. Wizard\" first aired on NBC on March 3, 1951 with Don Herbert as the title character. In the weekly half hour live television show Herbert played a science hobbyist, and every Saturday morning a neighbor boy or girl would come to visit. The children were played by child actors; one of them (Rita McLaughlin) enjoyed a long subsequent acting career. Mr. Wizard always had some kind of laboratory experiment going that taught something about science. The experiments, many of which seemed impossible at first glance, were usually simple enough to be re-created by viewers.", "title": "Watch Mr. Wizard" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Evelyn Einstein (28 March 1941 – 13 April 2011) was the adopted daughter of Hans Albert Einstein, the son of Albert Einstein.", "title": "Evelyn Einstein" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mr. Novak is an American dramatic series starring James Franciscus in the title role, which aired on NBC for two seasons, from 1963 to 1965. The series won a Peabody Award in 1963.", "title": "Mr. Novak" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "David Gallagher and Tabitha Lupien portray Mikey and Julie respectively. Unlike the previous films, it does not feature the voiceover talents of Bruce Willis, Roseanne Barr, Damon Wayans, Joan Rivers, or Mel Brooks as their interior monologues; rather, Danny DeVito and Diane Keaton provide voiceover roles for their newly acquired dogs, Rocks and Daphne, respectively, and it focuses more on their life.", "title": "Look Who's Talking Now" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In The Incredibles, Buddy Pine (a.k.a. Syndrome) (voiced by Jason Lee) first appears as a 10 - year - old child who professes to be Mr. Incredible's ``number 1 fan ''. However, Mr. Incredible, having his patience long exhausted by this obsessed child pestering him, bluntly tells the child to leave him alone. In an attempt to earn his hero's respect, Buddy Pine tries to aid him in fighting crime as`` IncrediBoy'', with gadgets of his own invention. Mr. Incredible declines Buddy's offer, and during a subsequent conflict between Mr. Incredible and the supervillain Bomb Voyage, Buddy intervenes and ends up with a bomb attached to his cape. Mr. Incredible's attempt to remove it leads to the destruction of a section of train tracks, which requires him to save the approaching L - Train. Mr. Incredible then hands Buddy over to the police to have them take him home and tell his mother what he's been doing. Buddy feels rejected and completely misconstrues his hero's reasons, blindly disregarding all the trouble he caused because of his reckless obsession, and rationalizing that it is simply because Mr. Incredible considers him inferior because he does not have innate powers.", "title": "List of The Incredibles characters" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mr. Peabody & Sherman Theatrical release poster Directed by Rob Minkoff Produced by Alex Schwartz Denise Nolan Cascino Screenplay by Craig Wright Based on Peabody's Improbable History by Ted Key Starring Ty Burrell Max Charles Ariel Winter Stephen Colbert Leslie Mann Allison Janney Music by Danny Elfman Edited by Michael Andrews Production company DreamWorks Animation Pacific Data Images Bullwinkle Studios Distributed by 20th Century Fox Release date February 7, 2014 (2014 - 02 - 07) (United Kingdom) March 7, 2014 (2014 - 03 - 07) (United States) Running time 92 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $145 million Box office $275.7 million", "title": "Mr. Peabody & Sherman" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Face Is Familiar is an American game show which aired in color on CBS as a summer replacement show from May 7 to September 3, 1966. The show was hosted by Jack Whitaker and featured celebrity guests including Bob Crane, Dick Van Patten, Mel Brooks and June Lockhart.", "title": "The Face Is Familiar" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Andy Barclay Child's Play character Andy in Child's Play 2 First appearance Child's Play Created by Don Mancini Portrayed by Alex Vincent (1 - 2, 6 - 7) Justin Whalin (3) Information Full name Andrew William Barclay Gender Male Family Karen Barclay (mother) Mr. Barclay (deceased father) Michael Norris (stepfather) Kyle (foster sister) Phil Simpson (deceased foster father) Joanne Simpson (deceased foster mother) Nationality American", "title": "Andy Barclay" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sofia Vassilieva as Eloise Julie Andrews as Nanny Kenneth Welsh as Sir Wilkes Debra Monk as Maggie Gavin Creel as Bill Rick Roberts as Brooks Sara Topham as Rachel Peabody Corinne Conley as Mrs. Thornton Christine Baranski as Prunella Stickler Jeffrey Tambor as Mr. Salomone Araxi Arslanian as Head of Housekeeping Tannis Burnett as Miss Thompson Neil Crone as Agent Kringle Arlene Duncan as Lily Sean Gallagher as Rick Graham Harley as Walter Colm Magner as Thomas the Maitre'd Debra McGrath as Cornelia Gerry Quigley as Jerry Julian Richings as Patrice Cliff Saunders as Max Tony Sciara as Assistant Chef Marco David Sparrow as Charlie, the 59th Street Doorman Victor A. Young as Mr. Peabody", "title": "Eloise at Christmastime" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Eddie Murphy as Professor Sherman Klump / Buddy Love Murphy also plays Papa Cletus Klump (Sherman's father), Mama Anna Klump (Sherman's mother), Granny Ida Jenson (Sherman's Grandma, Anna's Mama), Ernie Klump, Sr. (Sherman's brother) and Lance Perkins, a parody of Richard Simmons Jada Pinkett as Carla Purty James Coburn as Harlan Hartley Larry Miller as Dean Richmond Dave Chappelle as Reggie Warrington Chappelle reprised his role on Chris Rock's 1997 album Roll with the New. John Ales as Jason Jamal Mixon as Ernie Klump, Jr. Montell Jordan as himself", "title": "The Nutty Professor (1996 film)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is an American period comedy - drama television series, created by Amy Sherman - Palladino and starring Rachel Brosnahan. Sherman - Palladino and her husband Daniel Palladino serve as executive producers. The series follows a housewife in 1958 New York City who discovers she has a knack for stand - up comedy. The series's pilot premiered as a part of Amazon Studios's spring pilot season on March 17, 2017, to critical acclaim, and was picked up by Amazon for a two - season order on April 10, 2017. The series was picked up for a third season on May 20, 2018, before the second season had aired.", "title": "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" } ]
Who was the child of the person that Mel Brooks played in Mr. Peabody and Sherman?
Hans Albert Einstein
[ { "answer": "Albert Einstein", "id": 89403, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "who developed an explanation for the photoelectric effect" }, { "answer": "Hans Albert Einstein", "id": 602275, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "#1 >> child" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Presley Smith as Sunny Baudelaire, the infant child of the Baudelaires with unnaturally strong teeth. Tara Strong provides Sunny's babbling sound effects, the meaning of which is often translated in subtitles.", "title": "A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV series)" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Some theories developed in the 1970s established possible avenues through which inequality may have a positive effect on economic development. According to a 1955 review, savings by the wealthy, if these increase with inequality, were thought to offset reduced consumer demand. A 2013 report on Nigeria suggests that growth has risen with increased income inequality. Some theories popular from the 1950s to 2011 incorrectly stated that inequality had a positive effect on economic development. Analyses based on comparing yearly equality figures to yearly growth rates were misleading because it takes several years for effects to manifest as changes to economic growth. IMF economists found a strong association between lower levels of inequality in developing countries and sustained periods of economic growth. Developing countries with high inequality have \"succeeded in initiating growth at high rates for a few years\" but \"longer growth spells are robustly associated with more equality in the income distribution.\"", "title": "Economic inequality" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Hayek's greatest intellectual debt was to Carl Menger, who pioneered an approach to social explanation similar to that developed in Britain by Bernard Mandeville and the Scottish moral philosophers in the Scottish Enlightenment. He had a wide-reaching influence on contemporary economics, politics, philosophy, sociology, psychology and anthropology. For example, Hayek's discussion in The Road to Serfdom (1944) about truth, falsehood and the use of language influenced some later opponents of postmodernism.", "title": "Friedrich Hayek" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Invisible Child is a 1999 American television drama film starring Rita Wilson as a mother who imagines she has three children when she has only two. Fearing his wife may be institutionalized because of her delusional disorder, her husband goes along with this charade as though it is perfectly normal. The 10-year-old daughter assists her father in facilitating the delusion. The youngest child seems to really believe that he has a sister named \"Maggie.\" They hire a nanny who initially goes along with the family's unusual situation, but she becomes concerned about the effects on the real children and reports the family to child protective services.", "title": "Invisible Child" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "From European settlement in 1888, child convicts were occasionally sent to Australia where they were made to work. Child labour was not as excessive in Australia as in Britain. With a low population, agricultural productivity was higher and families did not face starvation as in established industrialised countries. Australia also did not have significant industry until the later part of the 20th century when child labour laws, and compulsory schooling had developed under the influence of Britain. From the 1870s Child labour was restricted by compulsorry schooling.", "title": "Child labour" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the last two decades, photovoltaics (PV), also known as solar PV, has evolved from a pure niche market of small scale applications towards becoming a mainstream electricity source. A solar cell is a device that converts light directly into electricity using the photoelectric effect. The first solar cell was constructed by Charles Fritts in the 1880s. In 1931 a German engineer, Dr Bruno Lange, developed a photo cell using silver selenide in place of copper oxide. Although the prototype selenium cells converted less than 1% of incident light into electricity, both Ernst Werner von Siemens and James Clerk Maxwell recognized the importance of this discovery. Following the work of Russell Ohl in the 1940s, researchers Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller and Daryl Chapin created the crystalline silicon solar cell in 1954. These early solar cells cost 286 USD/watt and reached efficiencies of 4.5–6%. By 2012 available efficiencies exceed 20% and the maximum efficiency of research photovoltaics is over 40%.", "title": "Solar energy" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A toddler is a child 12 to 36 months old. The toddler years are a time of great cognitive, emotional and social development. The word is derived from ``to toddle '', which means to walk unsteadily, like a child of this age.", "title": "Toddler" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On October 29, 2015, it was reported that the existing law would be changed to a two - child policy, citing a statement from the Communist Party of China. The new law became effective on January 1, 2016, following its passage in the standing committee of the National People's Congress on December 27, 2015.", "title": "One-child policy" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In developing countries, with high poverty and poor schooling opportunities, child labour is still prevalent. In 2010, sub-saharan Africa had the highest incidence rates of child labour, with several African nations witnessing over 50 percent of children aged 5–14 working. Worldwide agriculture is the largest employer of child labour. Vast majority of child labour is found in rural settings and informal urban economy; children are predominantly employed by their parents, rather than factories. Poverty and lack of schools are considered as the primary cause of child labour.", "title": "Child labour" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The common legal opinion on federal child labor regulation reversed in the 1930s. Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938 regulating the employment of those under 16 or 18 years of age, and the Supreme Court upheld the law. After this shift, the amendment has been described as ``moot ''and effectively part of the Constitution.", "title": "Child labor laws in the United States" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In 1887, Heinrich Hertz discovered that electrodes illuminated with ultraviolet light create electric sparks more easily. In 1900, while studying black - body radiation, the German physicist Max Planck suggested that the energy carried by electromagnetic waves could only be released in ``packets ''of energy. In 1905, Albert Einstein published a paper advancing the hypothesis that light energy is carried in discrete quantized packets to explain experimental data from the photoelectric effect. This model contributed to the development of quantum mechanics. In 1914, Robert Millikan's experiment supported Einstein's model of the photoelectric effect. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921 for`` his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect'', and Millikan was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1923 for ``his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect ''.", "title": "Photoelectric effect" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "An alternative concept is that they formed closer to the Sun, where the matter density was higher, and then subsequently migrated to their current orbits after the removal of the gaseous protoplanetary disc. This hypothesis of migration after formation is favoured, due to its ability to better explain the occupancy of the populations of small objects observed in the trans-Neptunian region. The current most widely accepted explanation of the details of this hypothesis is known as the Nice model, which explores the effect of a migrating Neptune and the other giant planets on the structure of the Kuiper belt.", "title": "Neptune" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A number of studies have reported associations between pathogen load in an area and human behavior. Higher pathogen load is associated with decreased size of ethnic and religious groups in an area. This may be due high pathogen load favoring avoidance of other groups, which may reduce pathogen transmission, or a high pathogen load preventing the creation of large settlements and armies that enforce a common culture. Higher pathogen load is also associated with more restricted sexual behavior, which may reduce pathogen transmission. It also associated with higher preferences for health and attractiveness in mates. Higher fertility rates and shorter or less parental care per child is another association that may be a compensation for the higher mortality rate. There is also an association with polygyny which may be due to higher pathogen load, making selecting males with a high genetic resistance increasingly important. Higher pathogen load is also associated with more collectivism and less individualism, which may limit contacts with outside groups and infections. There are alternative explanations for at least some of the associations although some of these explanations may in turn ultimately be due to pathogen load. Thus, polygny may also be due to a lower male:female ratio in these areas but this may ultimately be due to male infants having increased mortality from infectious diseases. Another example is that poor socioeconomic factors may ultimately in part be due to high pathogen load preventing economic development.", "title": "Infection" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons (called \"photoelectrons\") from a surface when light is shone on it. It was first observed by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel in 1839, although credit is usually reserved for Heinrich Hertz, who published the first thorough investigation in 1887. Another particularly thorough investigation was published by Philipp Lenard in 1902. Einstein's 1905 paper discussing the effect in terms of light quanta would earn him the Nobel Prize in 1921, when his predictions had been confirmed by the experimental work of Robert Andrews Millikan. The Nobel committee awarded the prize for his work on the photo-electric effect, rather than relativity, both because of a bias against purely theoretical physics not grounded in discovery or experiment, and dissent amongst its members as to the actual proof that relativity was real.", "title": "Planck constant" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A variety of Indian social scientists as well as the Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) have done extensive research on the numeric figures of child labour found in India and determined that India contributes to one-third of Asia’s child labour and one-fourth of the world's child labour. Due to a large number of children being illegally employed, the Indian government began to take extensive actions to reduce the number of children working, and to focus on the importance of facilitating the proper growth and development of children.", "title": "Child labour" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Evelyn Einstein (28 March 1941 – 13 April 2011) was the adopted daughter of Hans Albert Einstein, the son of Albert Einstein.", "title": "Evelyn Einstein" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In computing, a hardware random number generator (HRNG) or true random number generator (TRNG) is a device that generates random numbers from a physical process, rather than by means of an algorithm. Such devices are often based on microscopic phenomena that generate low-level, statistically random \"noise\" signals, such as thermal noise, the photoelectric effect, involving a beam splitter, and other quantum phenomena. These stochastic processes are, in theory, completely unpredictable, and the theory's assertions of unpredictability are subject to experimental test. This is in contrast to the paradigm of pseudo-random number generation commonly implemented in computer programs.", "title": "Hardware random number generator" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Pikler's third teacher was her own husband, a mathematician and educator through whose experiences she was confirmed in its development physiological considerations. They decided together, at the birth of her first child, to allow the child freedom of movement and to await her development patiently. At first they lived in Trieste and later in Budapest. In 1935 Pikler qualified as a pediatrician in Hungary. Their goal was to promote the healthy development of the child. From the experience with her daughter, she knew that a child must not be stimulated to movement and to games and that every detail in dealing with the child and their environment is important. Pikler wrote and gave lectures about the care and upbringing of infants and young children. She published her first book for parents in 1940 and it went through several editions in Hungary and other countries. The ten years that she worked as a family doctor were difficult for them not only because the family was Jewish, but also because her husband was in prison for political reasons from 1936 to 1945. With the help of the parents of the children she cared for, she and her family survived the persecution of Jews during World War II.", "title": "Emmi Pikler" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Convention on the Rights of the Child Parties to the convention Only signed, but not ratified Non-signatory Signed 20 November 1989 Location New York City Effective 2 September 1990 Condition 20 ratifications Signatories 140 Parties 196 (all eligible states except the United States) Depositary UN Secretary - General Languages Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at Wikisource", "title": "Convention on the Rights of the Child" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A photodiode is a p–n junction or PIN structure. When a photon of sufficient energy strikes the diode, it creates an electron–hole pair. This mechanism is also known as the inner photoelectric effect. If the absorption occurs in the junction's depletion region, or one diffusion length away from it, these carriers are swept from the junction by the built-in electric field of the depletion region. Thus holes move toward the anode, and electrons toward the cathode, and a photocurrent is produced. The total current through the photodiode is the sum of the dark current (current that is generated in the absence of light) and the photocurrent, so the dark current must be minimized to maximize the sensitivity of the device.To first order, for a given spectral distribution, the photocurrent is linearly proportional to the irradiance.", "title": "Photodiode" } ]
Who is the child of the physicist who who developed an explanation for the photoelectric effect?
Hans Albert Einstein
[ { "answer": "CBC", "id": 223823, "paragraph_support_idx": 12, "question": "Canadian Broadcasting Centre >> owned by" }, { "answer": "only about half", "id": 29905, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "How many of #1 's mandatory transmitters were updated before the deadline?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CING-FM is a Canadian radio station, which broadcasts at 95.3 FM in Hamilton, Ontario. The station airs a hot adult contemporary format. CING's studios are located on West Main Street in Hamilton, while its transmitter is located atop the Niagara Escarpment near Upper Centennial Parkway. CING is owned by Corus Entertainment.", "title": "CING-FM" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CJBC-FM is a public Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 90.3 MHz in Toronto, Ontario. A French-language station, it airs the programming of Radio-Canada's Ici Musique network. CJBC's studios are located in the Canadian Broadcasting Centre, while its transmitter is located atop First Canadian Place in Toronto's Financial District.", "title": "CJBC-FM" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CIWW is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 1310 kHz AM in Ottawa, Ontario. Owned by Rogers Communications, CIWW is one of several Rogers-owned stations with a news/talk/sports format, in this case branded as 1310News. The station broadcasts with 50,000 watts from a transmitter site located at McKenna Casey Drive and Highway 416, with studios located at Thurston Drive and Conroy Road in Ottawa. CIWW is not a clear-channel station, but is the only station in Canada broadcasting on 1310 AM; it uses a daytime 2-tower directional antenna, and a nighttime 5-tower directional antenna. The nighttime signal is beamed mainly into Canada.", "title": "CIWW" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKMX is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 1060 AM in Calgary, Alberta owned by Bell Media. The station broadcasts a comedy format branded on-air as Funny 1060AM. CKMX's studios are located on Centre Street in Eau Claire, while its transmitters are located near Southeast Calgary. At night it can be heard as far west as Battle Ground, Washington and Snohomish, Washington.", "title": "CKMX" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CJXY-FM is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 107.9 FM and serving the Hamilton, Ontario market, licensed to the nearby city of Burlington. The station broadcasts an active rock format as \"Y108\". CJXY's studios are located on Main Street West (next to Highway 403) in Hamilton, while its transmitter is located atop the Niagara Escarpment near Burlington.", "title": "CJXY-FM" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CHRW-FM is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 94.9 FM in London, Ontario. It is licensed as a community-based campus radio station by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. The station broadcasts from Room 250 of the University Community Centre of the University of Western Ontario.", "title": "CHRW-FM" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKHC-FM is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 96.9 FM in Toronto, Ontario. It is the campus radio station of the city's Humber College. CKHC's studios and transmitter are located at the Humber College's North Campus building on Humber College Boulevard.", "title": "CKHC-FM" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "While its fellow Canadian broadcasters converted most of their transmitters to digital by the Canadian digital television transition deadline of August 31, 2011, CBC converted only about half of the analogue transmitters in mandatory areas to digital (15 of 28 markets with CBC Television stations, and 14 of 28 markets with Télévision de Radio-Canada stations). Due to financial difficulties reported by the corporation, the corporation published digital transition plans for none of its analogue retransmitters in mandatory markets to be converted to digital by the deadline. Under this plan, communities that receive analogue signals by rebroadcast transmitters in mandatory markets would lose their over-the-air signals as of the deadline. Rebroadcast transmitters account for 23 of the 48 CBC and Radio-Canada transmitters in mandatory markets. Mandatory markets losing both CBC and Radio-Canada over-the-air signals include London, Ontario (metropolitan area population 457,000) and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (metro area population 257,000). In both of those markets, the corporation's television transmitters are the only ones that were not planned to be converted to digital by the deadline.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CFFR is a Canadian AM radio station broadcasting at 660 kHz in Calgary, Alberta and began broadcasting on January 10, 1984. As of April 3, 2006, it operates in an all-news format, branded 660News. It is a Class B, 50,000 watt station broadcasting on the clear-channel frequency of 660 AM. CFFR's studios are located on 7th Avenue Southwest in downtown Calgary, while its transmitters are located near Okotoks.", "title": "CFFR" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CILQ-FM is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 107.1 FM in Toronto, Ontario. The station broadcasts an active rock format branded as Q107 and is also available through streaming audio and on Bell TV channel 954. The station is owned by Corus Entertainment. CILQ's studios are located at the Corus Quay building on Dockside Drive at Toronto's Harbourfront neighbourhood, while its transmitter is located atop the CN Tower, with backup facilities located atop First Canadian Place.", "title": "CILQ-FM" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKMP-FM is a Canadian radio station serving Calgary, Alberta broadcasting at 90.3 FM. Owned by Stingray Group, it broadcasts a CHR format branded as \"90.3 Amp Radio\". The station first signed on the air in 2007 as an alternative rock station branded as \"Fuel 90.3\" with its original call letters CFUL-FM, before adopting its current format in 2009. CKMP's studios are located on Centre Street in Eau Claire, while its transmitter is located on Old Banff Coach Road.", "title": "CKMP-FM" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "WYCA (102.3 FM) is licensed to Crete, Illinois, south of Chicago, with studios in Hammond, Indiana, and transmitter in Beecher, Illinois, south of Crete. The station is owned by Dontron, Inc., a subsidiary of Crawford Broadcasting Co.", "title": "WYCA" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The nine musicians rehearsed and arranged for three days, sharing stories and experiences. On the fourth day the group debuted in a concert at CBC's Glenn Gould Studio. The following three days were spent in CBC Studio 211 recording their self-titled CD. Everything was recorded live off the floor, in one or two takes.", "title": "African Guitar Summit" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKOC is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 1150 AM in Hamilton, Ontario. The station airs a Sports Radio format branded as TSN Radio and is owned by Bell Media. CKOC is a 50,000 watt, Class B station operating on a Regional (not clear-channel) broadcast frequency, with transmitters located near Empire Corners in Haldimand County, about 25 kilometers (15 miles) south of Hamilton. A six-tower directional antenna is used at all times. CKOC's studios are located on Upper Wentworth Street (next to Lime Ridge Mall) in Hamilton.", "title": "CKOC" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Because rebroadcast transmitters were not planned to be converted to digital, many markets stood to lose over-the-air coverage from CBC or Radio-Canada, or both. As a result, only seven of the markets subject to the August 31, 2011 transition deadline were planned to have both CBC and Radio-Canada in digital, and 13 other markets were planned to have either CBC or Radio-Canada in digital. In mid-August 2011, the CRTC granted the CBC an extension, until August 31, 2012, to continue operating its analogue transmitters in markets subject to the August 31, 2011 transition deadline. This CRTC decision prevented many markets subject to the transition deadline from losing signals for CBC or Radio-Canada, or both at the transition deadline. At the transition deadline, Barrie, Ontario lost both CBC and Radio-Canada signals as the CBC did not request that the CRTC allow these transmitters to continue operating.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CBON-FM is a Canadian radio station. It broadcasts the Société Radio-Canada's Ici Radio-Canada Première network at 98.1 FM in Sudbury, Ontario. The station also serves much of Northern Ontario through a network of relay transmitters.", "title": "CBON-FM" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CFGQ-FM is a Canadian radio station broadcasting at 107.3 FM in Calgary, Alberta with a classic rock format branded on-air as Q107. CFGQ's studios are located on 17th Ave SW near Westbrook Mall, while its transmitter is located at 85th Street Southwest and Old Banff Coach Road in western Calgary. The station is owned by Corus Entertainment which also owns sister stations CKRY-FM and CHQR.", "title": "CFGQ-FM" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On August 18, 2011, the CRTC issued a decision that allows CBC's mandatory market rebroadcasting transmitters in analogue to remain on-air until August 31, 2012. Before that deadline, CBC's licence renewal process would take place and CBC's digital transition plans would be examined as part of that process. The requirement remains for all of CBC's full-power transmitters occupying channels 52 to 69 to either relocate to channels 2 to 51 or become low-power transmitters. In some cases, CBC has opted to reduce the power of existing transmitters to low-power transmitters, which will result in signal loss for some viewers.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On November 30, 2010, CBC's senior director of regulatory affairs issued a letter to the CRTC regarding CBC's plans for transitioning to digital. The letter states, \"CBC/Radio-Canada will not be converting its analogue retransmitters in mandatory markets to digital after August 31, 2011.\" On December 16, 2010, some months after the CRTC issued a bulletin reminding broadcasters that analog transmitters had to be shut off by the deadline in mandatory markets, the CBC revised the documents accompanying its August 6, 2010 news release to state that it had the money for and is striving to transition all 27 transmitters by August 31, 2011.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "WYTS (1230 AM) is a radio station in Columbus, Ohio owned by . Its studios are located in West Columbus and the transmitter site is southwest of downtown. On Friday, August 12, 2016, WYTS began broadcasting on FM translator 105.3 (W287CP, 99 watts) broadcasting from the Twin Rivers Drive tower.", "title": "WYTS" } ]
How many mandatory transmitters of the Canadian Broadcasting Centre's owner were updated before the deadline?
only about half
[ { "answer": "Dutch Republic", "id": 40485, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "With what European country did the Huguenots feel kinship for emigration to?" }, { "answer": "2 million", "id": 40502, "paragraph_support_idx": 19, "question": "What was the population of #1 before this emigration?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Greeks from Cyprus have a similar history of emigration, usually to the English-speaking world because of the island's colonization by the British Empire. Waves of emigration followed the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, while the population decreased between mid-1974 and 1977 as a result of emigration, war losses, and a temporary decline in fertility. After the ethnic cleansing of a third of the Greek population of the island in 1974, there was also an increase in the number of Greek Cypriots leaving, especially for the Middle East, which contributed to a decrease in population that tapered off in the 1990s. Today more than two-thirds of the Greek population in Cyprus is urban.", "title": "Greeks" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Donner Memorial State Park is a state park of California, US, preserving the site of the Donner Camp, where members of the ill-fated Donner Party were trapped by weather during the winter of 1846–1847. Caught without shelter or adequate supplies, members of the group resorted to cannibalism to survive. The Sierra Nevada site has been designated a National Historic Landmark. The state park contains the Emigrant Trail Museum and the Pioneer Monument dedicated to the travelers of the Emigrant Trail.", "title": "Donner Memorial State Park" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Stadtholder William III of Orange, who later became King of England, emerged as the strongest opponent of king Louis XIV after the French attacked the Dutch Republic in 1672. William formed the League of Augsburg as a coalition to oppose Louis and the French state. Consequently, many Huguenots considered the wealthy and Calvinist Dutch Republic, which led the opposition to Louis XIV, as the most attractive country for exile after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. They also found many French-speaking Calvinist churches there.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Great Famine (Irish: an Gorta Mór, (anɣ ˈgɔɾɣt̪ɣa mɣoːɾɣ)) or the Great Hunger was a period of mass starvation, disease, and emigration in Ireland between 1845 and 1849. It is sometimes referred to, mostly outside Ireland, as the Irish Potato Famine, because about two - fifths of the population was solely reliant on this cheap crop for a number of historical reasons. During the famine, about one million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%.", "title": "Great Famine (Ireland)" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1718, there were only 700 Europeans in Louisiana. The Mississippi Company arranged for ships to bring 800 more, who landed in Louisiana in 1718, doubling the European population. John Law encouraged Germans, particularly Germans of the Alsatian region who had recently fallen under French rule, and the Swiss to emigrate.", "title": "French colonization of the Americas" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After a decade of emigration, Zimbabweans now refer to London as Harare North. The novel being political, the title alludes to", "title": "Harare North" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the 20th century, historians John Gallagher (1919–1980) and Ronald Robinson (1920–1999) constructed a framework for understanding European imperialism. They claim that European imperialism was influential, and Europeans rejected the notion that \"imperialism\" required formal, legal control by one government over another country. \"In their view, historians have been mesmerized by formal empire and maps of the world with regions colored red. The bulk of British emigration, trade, and capital went to areas outside the formal British Empire. Key to their thinking is the idea of empire 'informally if possible and formally if necessary.'\"[attribution needed] Because of the resources made available by imperialism, the world's economy grew significantly and became much more interconnected in the decades before World War I, making the many imperial powers rich and prosperous.", "title": "Imperialism" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Tito's visits to the United States avoided most of the Northeast due to large minorities of Yugoslav emigrants bitter about communism in Yugoslavia. Security for the state visits was usually high to keep him away from protesters, who would frequently burn the Yugoslav flag. During a visit to the United Nations in the late 1970s emigrants shouted \"Tito murderer\" outside his New York hotel, for which he protested to United States authorities.", "title": "Josip Broz Tito" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Odessa, then part of the Russian Empire, Gerschenkron fled the country during the Russian Civil War in 1920 to Austria, where he attended the University of Vienna, earning a doctorate in 1928. After the Anschluss in 1938, he emigrated to the United States.", "title": "Alexander Gerschenkron" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the administration of U.S. President Martin Van Buren, nearly 17,000 Cherokees—along with approximately 2,000 black slaves owned by Cherokees—were uprooted from their homes between 1838 and 1839 and were forced by the U.S. military to march from \"emigration depots\" in Eastern Tennessee (such as Fort Cass) toward the more distant Indian Territory west of Arkansas. During this relocation an estimated 4,000 Cherokees died along the way west. In the Cherokee language, the event is called Nunna daul Isunyi—\"the Trail Where We Cried.\" The Cherokees were not the only American Indians forced to emigrate as a result of the Indian removal efforts of the United States, and so the phrase \"Trail of Tears\" is sometimes used to refer to similar events endured by other American Indian peoples, especially among the \"Five Civilized Tribes\". The phrase originated as a description of the earlier emigration of the Choctaw nation.", "title": "Tennessee" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Seminara, Italy, Sgro emigrated to Australia in 1952. He was a painter and decorator. He was founding President of FILEF (Federation of Italian Migrant", "title": "Giovanni Sgro" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sri Lankan passports are issued to citizens of Sri Lanka for the purpose of international travel. The Department of Immigration and Emigration is responsible for issuing Sri Lankan passports.", "title": "Sri Lankan passport" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Because of its limited land area, Bermuda has had difficulty with over-population. In the first two centuries of settlement, it relied on steady human emigration to keep the population manageable.[citation needed] Before the American Revolution more than ten thousand Bermudians (over half of the total population through the years) gradually emigrated, primarily to the Southern United States. As Great Britain displaced Spain as the dominant European imperial power, it opened up more land for colonial development. A steady trickle of outward migration continued. With seafaring the only real industry in the early decades, by the end of the 18th century, at least a third of the island's manpower was at sea at any one time.", "title": "Bermuda" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Laotian diaspora consists of roughly 800,000 (2.5 million estimated 2018 by Seangdao Somsy LHK LLX) people, both descendants of early emigrants from Laos, as well as more recent refugees who escaped the country following its communist takeover as a result of the Laotian Civil War. The overwhelming majority of overseas Laotians live in just three countries: Thailand, the United States, and France.", "title": "Laotian diaspora" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Golaghat massacre () was a massacre of the emigrating Marwaris and Hindus of Saidpur on the 13 June 1971, by the Urdu-speaking people of the area who had collaborated with the Pakistani occupation army.", "title": "Golaghat massacre" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Prince Louis de Condé, along with his sons Daniel and Osias,[citation needed] arranged with Count Ludwig von Nassau-Saarbrücken to establish a Huguenot community in present-day Saarland in 1604. The Count supported mercantilism and welcomed technically skilled immigrants into his lands, regardless of their religion. The Condés established a thriving glass-making works, which provided wealth to the principality for many years. Other founding families created enterprises based on textiles and such traditional Huguenot occupations in France. The community and its congregation remain active to this day, with descendants of many of the founding families still living in the region. Some members of this community emigrated to the United States in the 1890s.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The revocation forbade Protestant services, required education of children as Catholics, and prohibited emigration. It proved disastrous to the Huguenots and costly for France. It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa. Four thousand emigrated to the North American colonies, where they settled in New York and Virginia, especially. The English welcomed the French refugees, providing money from both government and private agencies to aid their relocation. Those Huguenots who stayed in France became Catholics and were called \"new converts\".", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Antigonus II, a student of Zeno of Citium, spent most of his rule defending Macedon against Epirus and cementing Macedonian power in Greece, first against the Athenians in the Chremonidean War, and then against the Achaean League of Aratus of Sicyon. Under the Antigonids, Macedonia was often short on funds, the Pangaeum mines were no longer as productive as under Philip II, the wealth from Alexander's campaigns had been used up and the countryside pillaged by the Gallic invasion. A large number of the Macedonian population had also been resettled abroad by Alexander or had chosen to emigrate to the new eastern Greek cities. Up to two thirds of the population emigrated, and the Macedonian army could only count on a levy of 25,000 men, a significantly smaller force than under Philip II.", "title": "Hellenistic period" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Armenian Genocide caused widespread emigration that led to the settlement of Armenians in various countries in the world. Armenians kept to their traditions and certain diasporans rose to fame with their music. In the post-Genocide Armenian community of the United States, the so-called \"kef\" style Armenian dance music, using Armenian and Middle Eastern folk instruments (often electrified/amplified) and some western instruments, was popular. This style preserved the folk songs and dances of Western Armenia, and many artists also played the contemporary popular songs of Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries from which the Armenians emigrated.", "title": "Armenia" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy. Many came from the region of the Cévennes, for instance, the village of Fraissinet-de-Lozère. This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. 2 million at that time. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot.[citation needed] In 1705, Amsterdam and the area of West Frisia were the first areas to provide full citizens rights to Huguenot immigrants, followed by the Dutch Republic in 1715. Huguenots intermarried with Dutch from the outset.", "title": "Huguenots" } ]
What was the population of the European country the Huguenots felt kinship for emigration to before this emigration?
2 million
[ { "answer": "CBC", "id": 223823, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "Canadian Broadcasting Centre >> owned by" }, { "answer": "CFJC-TV in Kamloops", "id": 29898, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "Which affiliate left #1 due to an agreement with CHBC?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "KPSD-FM (97.1 FM) is a radio station licensed to Eagle Butte, South Dakota. The station is owned by the South Dakota Bureau of Information and Telecommunication, and is an affiliate of South Dakota Public Broadcasting's radio network.", "title": "KPSD-FM" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKGL is a Canadian radio station, which broadcasts at 570 AM in Kitchener, Ontario. The station currently broadcasts a News/Talk format branded on-air as 570 News. The station is owned by Rogers Media.", "title": "CKGL" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CJXX-FM is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 93.1 FM in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Owned by the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, the station is branded as Big Country 93.1 and broadcasts a country music format.", "title": "CJXX-FM" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKCW-FM is a Canadian radio station broadcasting at 94.5 FM in Moncton, New Brunswick. The station plays a hot adult contemporary format branded as \"K94.5\" and is owned by the Maritime Broadcasting System.", "title": "CKCW-FM" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CJRM-FM is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 97.3 FM in Labrador City. It is a Francophone community radio station branded as Rafale FM. Although still a licensed station, it has not broadcast regularly since 2015, due to a combination of technical and staffing problems.", "title": "CJRM-FM" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Although it is a semi-satellite of CBME-FM in Montreal, most of the station's operations are in Quebec City except for master control, which is based at the Canadian Broadcasting Centre in Toronto.", "title": "CBVE-FM" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CJBC-FM is a public Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 90.3 MHz in Toronto, Ontario. A French-language station, it airs the programming of Radio-Canada's Ici Musique network. CJBC's studios are located in the Canadian Broadcasting Centre, while its transmitter is located atop First Canadian Place in Toronto's Financial District.", "title": "CJBC-FM" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The nine musicians rehearsed and arranged for three days, sharing stories and experiences. On the fourth day the group debuted in a concert at CBC's Glenn Gould Studio. The following three days were spent in CBC Studio 211 recording their self-titled CD. Everything was recorded live off the floor, in one or two takes.", "title": "African Guitar Summit" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CILB-FM is a Canadian radio station broadcasting a classic hits format at 103.5 FM in Lac La Biche, Alberta. The station is branded as boom 103.5 and was owned by Newcap Broadcasting until they were bought out by Stingray Digital.", "title": "CILB-FM" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKDH-FM is a Canadian radio station broadcasting at 101.7 FM in Amherst, Nova Scotia, owned by the Maritime Broadcasting System, and currently offers a country music format.", "title": "CKDH-FM" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Owned by Touch Canada Broadcasting (2006) Inc. (the general partner) and 1188011 Alberta Ltd. and Touch Canada Broadcasting Inc. (the limited partners), carrying on business as Touch Canada Broadcasting Limited Partnership, the station received Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission on December 8, 2009.", "title": "CKRD-FM" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CHRW-FM is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 94.9 FM in London, Ontario. It is licensed as a community-based campus radio station by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. The station broadcasts from Room 250 of the University Community Centre of the University of Western Ontario.", "title": "CHRW-FM" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Some stations that broadcast from smaller cities are private affiliates of the CBC, that is, stations which are owned by commercial broadcasters but predominantly incorporate CBC programming within their schedules. Such stations generally follow the CBC schedule, airing a minimum 40 hours per week of network programming. However, they may opt out of some CBC programming in order to air locally produced programs, syndicated series or programs purchased from other broadcasters, such as CTV Two, which do not have a broadcast outlet in the same market. In these cases, the CBC programming being displaced may be broadcast at a different time than the network, or may not be broadcast on the station at all. Most private affiliates generally opt out of CBC's afternoon schedule and Thursday night arts programming. Private affiliates carry the 10 p.m. broadcast of The National as a core part of the CBC schedule, but generally omitted the 11 p.m. repeat (which is no longer broadcast). Most private affiliates produce their own local newscasts for a duration of at least 35 minutes. Some of the private affiliates have begun adding CBC's overnight programming to their schedules since the network began broadcasting 24 hours a day.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Private CBC affiliates are not as common as they were in the past, as many such stations have been purchased either by the CBC itself or by Canwest Global or CHUM Limited, respectively becoming E! or A-Channel (later A, now CTV Two) stations. One private CBC affiliate, CHBC-TV in Kelowna, joined E! (then known as CH) on February 27, 2006. When a private CBC affiliate reaffiliates with another network, the CBC has normally added a retransmitter of its nearest O&O station to ensure that CBC service is continued. However, due to an agreement between CHBC and CFJC-TV in Kamloops, CFJC also disaffiliated from the CBC on February 27, 2006, but no retransmitters were installed in the licence area. Former private CBC affiliates CKPG-TV Prince George and CHAT-TV Medicine Hat disaffiliated on August 31, 2008 and joined E!, but the CBC announced it will not add new retransmitters to these areas. Incidentally, CFJC, CKPG and CHAT are all owned by an independent media company, Jim Pattison Group. With the closure of E! and other changes in the media landscape, several former CBC affiliates have since joined City or Global, or closed altogether.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKMX is a Canadian radio station, broadcasting at 1060 AM in Calgary, Alberta owned by Bell Media. The station broadcasts a comedy format branded on-air as Funny 1060AM. CKMX's studios are located on Centre Street in Eau Claire, while its transmitters are located near Southeast Calgary. At night it can be heard as far west as Battle Ground, Washington and Snohomish, Washington.", "title": "CKMX" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKMP-FM is a Canadian radio station serving Calgary, Alberta broadcasting at 90.3 FM. Owned by Stingray Group, it broadcasts a CHR format branded as \"90.3 Amp Radio\". The station first signed on the air in 2007 as an alternative rock station branded as \"Fuel 90.3\" with its original call letters CFUL-FM, before adopting its current format in 2009. CKMP's studios are located on Centre Street in Eau Claire, while its transmitter is located on Old Banff Coach Road.", "title": "CKMP-FM" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Premier League is particularly popular in Asia, where it is the most widely distributed sports programme. In Australia, Fox Sports broadcasts almost all of the season's 380 matches live, and Foxtel gives subscribers the option of selecting which Saturday 3pm match to watch. In India, the matches are broadcast live on STAR Sports. In China, the broadcast rights were awarded to Super Sports in a six-year agreement that began in the 2013–14 season. As of the 2013–14 season, Canadian broadcast rights to the Premier League are jointly owned by Sportsnet and TSN, with both rival networks holding rights to 190 matches per season.", "title": "Premier League" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "KXVO signed on the air on June 10, 1995 as an affiliate of The WB, which debuted nationally almost five months earlier on January 11 of that year; the station was originally owned by Cocola Broadcasting, but was operated by Pappas Telecasting under a local marketing agreement. In the interim six months, Omaha did have access to the WB via cable and satellite providers through Chicago-based national superstation WGN. Cocola would later sell the station to Mitts Telecasting Company in 2000, which retained the LMA with Pappas.", "title": "KXVO" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKHJ is a Canadian radio station in Fredericton, New Brunswick broadcasting at 1260 on the AM dial. The station broadcasts a country music format under the \"Pure Country\" branding. The station is owned by Bell Media which also owns sister stations CFXY-FM and CIBX-FM.", "title": "CKHJ" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CJCW is a Canadian radio station broadcasting at 590 AM in Sussex, New Brunswick. The station plays an adult contemporary format and is owned & operated by the Maritime Broadcasting System. The station has been on the air since June 1975.", "title": "CJCW" } ]
Which affiliate left the owner of Canadian Broadcasting Centre due to an agreement with CHBC?
[ "Kamloops" ]
CFJC-TV in Kamloops
[ { "answer": "CBC", "id": 434218, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "Don Newman >> employer" }, { "answer": "CFJC-TV in Kamloops", "id": 29898, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "Which affiliate left #1 due to an agreement with CHBC?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Victor Newman The Young and the Restless character Portrayed by Eric Braeden Duration 1980 -- First appearance February 8, 1980 Introduced by William J. Bell Crossover appearances The Bold and the Beautiful Classification Present; regular Profile Other names Christian Miller Victor Christian Newman Occupation Multimillionaire Businessman and Investor Home Genoa City, Wisconsin show Family Family Newman Father Albert Miller Mother Cora Miller Brothers Matt Miller Wife Julia Newman (1970 -- 81) Nikki Newman (1984 -- 88, 2002 -- 08, 2013 --) Leanna Love (1988) Ashley Abbott (1990 -- 93, 2009) Hope Wilson (1994 -- 95) Diane Jenkins (1997 -- 99, 2011) Sabrina Costelana (2008) Sharon Newman (2012) Sons Nicholas Newman Adam Newman Daughters Victoria Newman Abby Newman Stepsons Dylan McAvoy (2013 --) Grandsons Noah Newman Reed Hellstrom Johnny Abbott (adoptive) Connor Newman Christian Newman Granddaughters Cassie Newman (adoptive) Eve Nicole Howard Summer Newman Faith Newman Katie Newman Other relatives Colleen Carlton (goddaughter)", "title": "Victor Newman" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Before signing a developmental agreement with the Kane County Cougars in 2012, the Cubs had a Class A minor league affiliation on two occasions with the Peoria Chiefs (1985–1995 and 2004–2012). Ryne Sandberg managed the Chiefs from 2006 to 2010. In the period between those associations with the Chiefs the club had affiliations with the Dayton Dragons and Lansing Lugnuts. The Lugnuts were often affectionately referred to by Chip Caray as \"Steve Stone's favorite team.\" The 2007 developmental contract with the Tennessee Smokies was preceded by Double A affiliations with the Orlando Cubs and West Tenn Diamond Jaxx. On September 16, 2014 the Cubs announced a move of their top Class A affiliate from Daytona in the Florida State League to Myrtle Beach in the Carolina League for the 2015 season. Two days later, on the 18th, the Cubs signed a 4-year player development contract with the South Bend Silver Hawks of the Midwest League, ending their brief relationship with the Kane County Cougars and shortly thereafter renaming the Silver Hawks the South Bend Cubs.", "title": "Chicago Cubs" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Full - time employment is employment in which a person works a minimum number of hours defined as such by his / her employer. Full - time employment often comes with benefits that are not typically offered to part - time, temporary, or flexible workers, such as annual leave, sickleave, and health insurance. Part - time jobs are mistakenly thought by some to not be careers. However, legislation exists to stop employers from discriminating against part - time workers so this should not be a factor when making decisions on career advancement. They generally pay more than part - time jobs per hour, and this is similarly discriminatory if the pay decision is based on part - time status as a primary factor. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not define full - time employment or part - time employment. This is a matter generally to be determined by the employer (US Department of Labor). The definition by employer can vary and is generally published in a company's Employee Handbook. Companies commonly require from 35 to 40 hours per week to be defined as full - time and therefore eligible for benefits.", "title": "Full-time" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Left Shift () was a Trotskyist group in Germany, which was the German affiliate of the International Socialist Tendency (the network founded by the British Socialist Workers Party). In September 2007, Linksruck formally dissolved, and its members regrouped into the Left Party as Marx21 - Network for International Socialism.", "title": "Linksruck" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wilfrid Lacroix (6 March 1891 – 30 August 1970) was a member of the House of Commons of Canada from 1935 to 1958. His affiliation was mostly with the Liberal party except between 1944 and 1949 when he left the party to act as an \"Independent Liberal\" member.", "title": "Wilfrid Lacroix" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jack Abbott is a fictional character from the American CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless. The character was first introduced in 1980 being portrayed by Terry Lester. Lester departed from the series in 1989 and as replaced by Peter Bergman shortly thereafter. Bergman relocated to California for the role after he successfully auditioned for the part. His first episode aired on November 27, 1989. Jack is known for his longstanding feud with the Newman family patriarch, Victor Newman as well as his romances with Nikki Newman, Phyllis Summers and Sharon Newman. Jack has represented the Abbott family as the patriarch since the 2006 passing of his father, John Abbott.", "title": "Jack Abbott (The Young and the Restless)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union (HERE) was a United States labor union representing workers of the hospitality industry, formed in 1891. In 2004, HERE merged with the Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE) to form UNITE HERE. HERE notably organized the staff of Yale University in 1984. Other major employers that contracted with this union included several large casinos (Harrah's, Caesars Palace, and Wynn Resorts); hotels (Hilton, Hyatt and Starwood), and Walt Disney World. HERE was affiliated with the AFL - CIO.", "title": "Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sweden is the sixteenth-richest country in the world in terms of GDP (gross domestic product) per capita and a high standard of living is experienced by its citizens. Sweden is an export-oriented mixed economy. Timber, hydropower and iron ore constitute the resource base of an economy with a heavy emphasis on foreign trade. Sweden's engineering sector accounts for 50% of output and exports, while telecommunications, the automotive industry and the pharmaceutical industries are also of great importance. Sweden is the ninth-largest arms exporter in the world. Agriculture accounts for 2% of GDP and employment. The country ranks among the highest for telephone and Internet access penetration.Trade unions, employers' associations and collective agreements cover a large share of the employees in Sweden. The high coverage of collective agreements is achieved despite the absence of state mechanisms extending collective agreements to whole industries or sectors. Both the prominent role of collective bargaining and the way in which the high rate of coverage is achieved reflect the dominance of self-regulation (regulation by the labour market parties themselves) over state regulation in Swedish industrial relations. When the Swedish Ghent system was changed in 2007, resulting in considerably raised fees to unemployment funds, a substantial decline in union density and density of unemployment funds occurred.", "title": "Sweden" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Erland Hellström (\"Erland Folke Henry Hellström\", born 16 December 1980) in Kaiserslautern, Germany is a retired Swedish football goalkeeper who last played for Hammarby before leaving via a mutual consent agreement. Due to injuries he retired from the game in 2011.", "title": "Erland Hellström" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Private CBC affiliates are not as common as they were in the past, as many such stations have been purchased either by the CBC itself or by Canwest Global or CHUM Limited, respectively becoming E! or A-Channel (later A, now CTV Two) stations. One private CBC affiliate, CHBC-TV in Kelowna, joined E! (then known as CH) on February 27, 2006. When a private CBC affiliate reaffiliates with another network, the CBC has normally added a retransmitter of its nearest O&O station to ensure that CBC service is continued. However, due to an agreement between CHBC and CFJC-TV in Kamloops, CFJC also disaffiliated from the CBC on February 27, 2006, but no retransmitters were installed in the licence area. Former private CBC affiliates CKPG-TV Prince George and CHAT-TV Medicine Hat disaffiliated on August 31, 2008 and joined E!, but the CBC announced it will not add new retransmitters to these areas. Incidentally, CFJC, CKPG and CHAT are all owned by an independent media company, Jim Pattison Group. With the closure of E! and other changes in the media landscape, several former CBC affiliates have since joined City or Global, or closed altogether.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The origin of this short-lived party was the opposition of the catholic and conservative sectors of the Partido Galeguista to potential agreements with left parties to enter the left-wing Popular Front. In May 1935, a group of militants Partido Galeguista in Pontevedra, headed by Xosé Filgueira Valverde left the party in protest against the policy of pacts with the left, and created a new organization known as Dereita Galeguista. In February 1936, and due to the formal incorporation of the Partido Galeguista to the Popular Front, Vicente Risco and other seven relevant Ourense members of the party left the PG. In Santiago de Compostela Mosquera Pérez and Manuel Beiras García also joined Dereita Galeguista. In its founding manifesto the organization declared itself as progressive, democratic, republican, cooperative and social-christian.", "title": "Dereita Galeguista" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``It's a Jungle Out There ''Song by Randy Newman Released 2003 Genre Jazz Length 1: 49 Songwriter (s) Randy Newman", "title": "It's a Jungle Out There (song)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "WCKD-LP went on the air April 16, 1994 as W30BF, carrying PBS programming as part of Maine Public Television Plus, the state's secondary public television network. Cuts in federal funding led to the elimination of MPT Plus on June 30, 1996; W30BF then became a repeater of Maine Public Television's primary service until 1999, when James McLeod, owner of Pax affiliate WBGR-LP (channel 33), bought the station. McLeod was not able to put enough resources into the station, however, and in late 2000 he signed a local marketing agreement with Rockfleet Broadcasting, owner of ABC affiliate WVII-TV (channel 7), who relaunched the station in February 2001 as WCKD-LP, a UPN affiliate that also carried Fox Sports telecasts. Previously, Bangor viewers received UPN on cable via Boston's WSBK-TV. WCKD's schedule also included a 10 p.m. newscast produced by WVII.", "title": "WCKD-LP" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Black Cobain attended Virginia State University, graduated magna cum laude, and obtained employment at the Boys & Girls Club, uncertain he could make a viable living and income from his ambitions as an emcee. During this time, he linked with long-time friend and mentor, Le'Greg O. Harrison, and under his direction began to professionalize his sound and actively exploit his talent through local performances, collaborations, sets, and freestyles. In 2009, Black signed to The Board Administration as their first official signee and shortly thereafter left full-time employment to fully pursue emceeing as a career.", "title": "Black Cobain" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Turkey Time is a farce by Ben Travers. It was one of the series of Aldwych farces that ran nearly continuously at the Aldwych Theatre in London from 1923 to 1933. The story concerns two guests, staying at the Stoatt household for Christmas, who offer shelter to a pretty concert performer left stranded when her employer absconds, leaving his cast unpaid.", "title": "Turkey Time (play)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "During major political events in the United States, he anchored coverage of it from the Canadian Embassy in Washington. The only events he did not anchor from Washington were the State of the Union addresses and the state funeral of Reagan. He anchored coverage of both those events from the CBC Ottawa bureau, where his daily politics program is based.", "title": "Don Newman (broadcaster)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sonic screwdriver The Twelfth Doctor's sonic screwdriver, as a toy made by Character Options. Plot element from the Doctor Who television series Publisher BBC First appearance Fury from the Deep (16 March 1968) Created by (Series) Sydney Newman C.E. Webber Donald Wilson (Story) Victor Pemberton Genre Science fiction In - story information Type Hand tool Function Various, see Functions Affiliation The Doctor", "title": "Sonic screwdriver" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "North American Free Trade Agreement's impact on United States employment has been the object of ongoing debate since the 1994 inception of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico. NAFTA's proponents believe that more jobs were ultimately created in the USA. Opponents see the agreements as having been costly to well - paying American jobs.", "title": "NAFTA's effect on United States employment" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK, , ) is the largest employers' association in Finland. It was formed at the beginning of 2005 when the two employers' associations \"Palvelutyönantajat\" (Employers of the Service Sector) and \"Teollisuuden ja Työnantajain Keskusliitto\" (Union of Industries and Employers) merged. EK's member companies collectively contribute over 70% of Finland's GDP, and over 95% of Finland's exports. It has considerable negotiating power, since Finland has universal validity of collective labour agreements, and often a national income policy agreement is reached.", "title": "Confederation of Finnish Industries" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Barbara Jane Newman is an American medievalist, literary critic, religious historian, and author. She is Professor of English and Religion, and John Evans Professor of Latin, at Northwestern University. Newman was elected in 2017 to the American Philosophical Society.", "title": "Barbara Newman" } ]
Which affiliate left the employer of Don Newman due to an agreement with CHBC?
[ "Kamloops" ]
CFJC-TV in Kamloops
[ { "answer": "CBC", "id": 434218, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "Don Newman >> employer" }, { "answer": "only about half", "id": 29905, "paragraph_support_idx": 19, "question": "How many of #1 's mandatory transmitters were updated before the deadline?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nigerian Graduates are ineligible for employment in governmental establishments (and few private establishments) till they have completed the mandatory one year service. Graduates who are exempted from the service include those above the age of thirty (30) and those with physical disability, therefore completing the service year entitles one to employment. During the service year, Corps members have the opportunity of learning of the cultures of other people, an opportunity many Nigerians never get in their lifetime. The program has also helped in creating entry - level jobs for many Nigerian youth. An NYSC forum dedicated to the NYSC members was built to bridge the gap amongst members serving across Nigeria and also an avenue for corpers to share job information and career resources as well as getting loans from the National Directorate Of Employment.", "title": "National Youth Service Corps" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A new index was released on December 18, 2008. This so-called \"statistical update\" covered the period up to 2006 and was published without an accompanying Human Development Report. The update is relevant due to newly released estimates of purchasing power parities (PPP), implying substantial adjustments for many countries, resulting in changes in HDI values and, in many cases, HDI ranks.", "title": "Human Development Index" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Because rebroadcast transmitters were not planned to be converted to digital, many markets stood to lose over-the-air coverage from CBC or Radio-Canada, or both. As a result, only seven of the markets subject to the August 31, 2011 transition deadline were planned to have both CBC and Radio-Canada in digital, and 13 other markets were planned to have either CBC or Radio-Canada in digital. In mid-August 2011, the CRTC granted the CBC an extension, until August 31, 2012, to continue operating its analogue transmitters in markets subject to the August 31, 2011 transition deadline. This CRTC decision prevented many markets subject to the transition deadline from losing signals for CBC or Radio-Canada, or both at the transition deadline. At the transition deadline, Barrie, Ontario lost both CBC and Radio-Canada signals as the CBC did not request that the CRTC allow these transmitters to continue operating.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Alyvia Alyn Lind is an American child actress. She is best known for roles of Faith Newman on the CBS daytime soap opera The Young and the Restless since 2011, and young 9 - year - old Dolly Parton in the made - for - television movies Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors and Christmas of Many Colors: Circle of Love.", "title": "Alyvia Alyn Lind" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CBC Television stations can be received in many United States communities along the Canadian border over-the-air and have a significant audience in those areas. Such a phenomenon can also take place within Great Lakes communities such as Ashtabula, Ohio, which received programming from the CBC's London, Ontario, transmitter, based upon prevailing atmospheric conditions over Lake Erie. As of September 2010 CBC shut down its analogue transmitter and decided not to replace it with a digital transmitter. As a result, there is now a giant hole in the coverage of CBC in South-Western Ontario. Both CBC - Toronto and CBC - Windsor are both over 100 miles from London, ON and out of range for even the largest antennas[citation needed].", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "``It's a Jungle Out There ''Song by Randy Newman Released 2003 Genre Jazz Length 1: 49 Songwriter (s) Randy Newman", "title": "It's a Jungle Out There (song)" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On August 18, 2011, the CRTC issued a decision that allows CBC's mandatory market rebroadcasting transmitters in analogue to remain on-air until August 31, 2012. Before that deadline, CBC's licence renewal process would take place and CBC's digital transition plans would be examined as part of that process. The requirement remains for all of CBC's full-power transmitters occupying channels 52 to 69 to either relocate to channels 2 to 51 or become low-power transmitters. In some cases, CBC has opted to reduce the power of existing transmitters to low-power transmitters, which will result in signal loss for some viewers.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Victoria's father, Victor Newman, hires J.T. to investigate Nikki's fiance David Chow. When J.T. inadvertently tips Nikki off by the way he is questioning her, Victor fires J.T. He has some unease about the strong role Victor plays in the lives of the Newman family, but when Victor offers him a job as head of Newman Enterprises security, J.T. accepts. Victoria wakes up and reunites with J.T. and Reed. He and Victoria are married several days later. Victor then asks J.T. to investigate Colleen in order to take away her seat on the Newman Board. J.T quits his job at Newman and begins working with Paul. Colleen dies in October 2009 from drowning. J.T. is heartbroken and admits to Colleen that he loves her, which ultimately brings the end to his marriage with Victoria as they decide to divorce. During this time, he relies more and more on the pregnant Mackenzie, his former high school girlfriend for support. He seeks and receives full custody of his son, Reed. He especially does not want Reed to be around his maternal grandfather, Victor. Victoria has vowed to fight and overturn the judge's ruling, with the help of her family. J.T. reunites with Mac, however, J.T.'s current job, spying on Newman Enterprises and gaining information on it for Tucker McCall, puts a strain on their relationship. In September, Mac tells J.T. that she may be pregnant with their second child, the first ending in a miscarriage.", "title": "J. T. Hellstrom" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Greece has universal compulsory military service for males, while females are exempted from conscription but may otherwise serve in the military. As of 2009[update], mandatory military service is nine months for male citizens between the ages of 19 and 45. Additionally, Greek males between the age of 18 and 60 who live in strategically sensitive areas may be required to serve part-time in the National Guard. However, as the military has sought to become a completely professional force, the government has promised to reduce mandatory military service or abolish it completely.", "title": "Greece" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) was announced on March 18, 2010. A beta was released on July 12, 2010. The final version was released to the public on February 22, 2011. At the time of release, it was not made mandatory. It was available via Windows Update, direct download, or by ordering the Windows 7 SP1 DVD. The service pack is on a much smaller scale than those released for previous versions of Windows, particularly Windows Vista.", "title": "Windows 7" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The National Basketball Association's deadline falls on the 16th Thursday of the season (usually in mid-February) at 3pm Eastern Time. The deadline for the 2011 - 12 season was on March 15, 2012 due to the 2011 - 12 NBA lockout. In the NBA, post-deadline trades are forbidden, although teams are allowed to sign free agents and call up players from the G - League until the end of the regular season.", "title": "Trade (sports)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Orion (The \"Or\" is pronounced \"oar\" and the \"i\" like a long \"e\") is a village in Henry County, Illinois, United States. The population was 1,861 at the 2010 census. It is the site for transmitters for many of the Quad Cities' radio and television stations, including KLJB, KWQC-TV, WMWC-TV, WQAD-TV, WQPT-TV and KQIN. FM radio station transmitters include WLKU and WXLP.", "title": "Orion, Illinois" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Chevrolet S-10 Electric was an American electric-powered vehicle built by Chevrolet. It was introduced in 1997, updated in 1998, and then discontinued. It was an OEM BEV variant of Chevrolet's S-10 pickup truck. The S-10 Electric was solely powered by electricity, and was marketed primarily to utility fleet customers.", "title": "Chevrolet S-10 EV" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "During major political events in the United States, he anchored coverage of it from the Canadian Embassy in Washington. The only events he did not anchor from Washington were the State of the Union addresses and the state funeral of Reagan. He anchored coverage of both those events from the CBC Ottawa bureau, where his daily politics program is based.", "title": "Don Newman (broadcaster)" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Fathead (subtitled Ray Charles Presents David 'Fathead' Newman and also referred to as Ray Charles Sextet) is the debut release of jazz saxophonist David \"Fathead\" Newman recorded in 1958 but not released until 1960 on the Atlantic label. The complete album was also included with 3 other Newman releases in the 2 CD reissue / compilation, \"It's \"Mister\" Fathead\".", "title": "Fathead (album)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Samsung Galaxy S II is a touchscreen-enabled, slate-format Android smartphone designed, developed, and marketed by Samsung Electronics. It has additional software features, expanded hardware, and a redesigned physique compared to its predecessor, the Samsung Galaxy S. The S II was launched with Android 2.3 \"Gingerbread\", with updates to Android 4.1.2 \"Jelly Bean\".", "title": "Samsung Galaxy S II" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Victor Newman The Young and the Restless character Portrayed by Eric Braeden Duration 1980 -- First appearance February 8, 1980 Introduced by William J. Bell Crossover appearances The Bold and the Beautiful Classification Present; regular Profile Other names Christian Miller Victor Christian Newman Occupation Multimillionaire Businessman and Investor Home Genoa City, Wisconsin show Family Family Newman Father Albert Miller Mother Cora Miller Brothers Matt Miller Wife Julia Newman (1970 -- 81) Nikki Newman (1984 -- 88, 2002 -- 08, 2013 --) Leanna Love (1988) Ashley Abbott (1990 -- 93, 2009) Hope Wilson (1994 -- 95) Diane Jenkins (1997 -- 99, 2011) Sabrina Costelana (2008) Sharon Newman (2012) Sons Nicholas Newman Adam Newman Daughters Victoria Newman Abby Newman Stepsons Dylan McAvoy (2013 --) Grandsons Noah Newman Reed Hellstrom Johnny Abbott (adoptive) Connor Newman Christian Newman Granddaughters Cassie Newman (adoptive) Eve Nicole Howard Summer Newman Faith Newman Katie Newman Other relatives Colleen Carlton (goddaughter)", "title": "Victor Newman" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "As of 2004[update], 2532 telephone main lines are in use, a mix of analog (2500) and digital (32) circuits. Satellite communications services are planned.[citation needed] There is one locally based radio station (Radio Norfolk 89.9FM), broadcasting on both AM and FM frequencies. There is also one TV station, Norfolk TV, featuring local programming, plus transmitters for Australian channels ABC, SBS, Imparja Television and Southern Cross Television. The Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) is .nf.", "title": "Norfolk Island" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On November 30, 2010, CBC's senior director of regulatory affairs issued a letter to the CRTC regarding CBC's plans for transitioning to digital. The letter states, \"CBC/Radio-Canada will not be converting its analogue retransmitters in mandatory markets to digital after August 31, 2011.\" On December 16, 2010, some months after the CRTC issued a bulletin reminding broadcasters that analog transmitters had to be shut off by the deadline in mandatory markets, the CBC revised the documents accompanying its August 6, 2010 news release to state that it had the money for and is striving to transition all 27 transmitters by August 31, 2011.", "title": "CBC Television" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "While its fellow Canadian broadcasters converted most of their transmitters to digital by the Canadian digital television transition deadline of August 31, 2011, CBC converted only about half of the analogue transmitters in mandatory areas to digital (15 of 28 markets with CBC Television stations, and 14 of 28 markets with Télévision de Radio-Canada stations). Due to financial difficulties reported by the corporation, the corporation published digital transition plans for none of its analogue retransmitters in mandatory markets to be converted to digital by the deadline. Under this plan, communities that receive analogue signals by rebroadcast transmitters in mandatory markets would lose their over-the-air signals as of the deadline. Rebroadcast transmitters account for 23 of the 48 CBC and Radio-Canada transmitters in mandatory markets. Mandatory markets losing both CBC and Radio-Canada over-the-air signals include London, Ontario (metropolitan area population 457,000) and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (metro area population 257,000). In both of those markets, the corporation's television transmitters are the only ones that were not planned to be converted to digital by the deadline.", "title": "CBC Television" } ]
How many mandatory transmitters of Don Newman's employer were updated before the deadline?
only about half
[ { "answer": "Dutch Republic", "id": 104095, "paragraph_support_idx": 0, "question": "Which country is Clara Peeters a citizen of?" }, { "answer": "75,000 to 100,000", "id": 40501, "paragraph_support_idx": 5, "question": "How many refugees emigrated to #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Clara Peeters (fl. 1607–1621) was a still-life painter who came from Antwerp and trained in the tradition of Flemish Baroque painting, but probably made her career mostly in the new Dutch Republic, as part of Dutch Golden Age painting. Many aspects of her life and work remain very unclear, especially outside the period 1607 to 1621 from which period dated paintings are known. As Seymour Slive puts it \"Not a single uncontested document has surfaced about her life but there is reason to believe she was active in both Flanders and Holland.\"", "title": "Clara Peeters" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Laotian diaspora consists of roughly 800,000 (2.5 million estimated 2018 by Seangdao Somsy LHK LLX) people, both descendants of early emigrants from Laos, as well as more recent refugees who escaped the country following its communist takeover as a result of the Laotian Civil War. The overwhelming majority of overseas Laotians live in just three countries: Thailand, the United States, and France.", "title": "Laotian diaspora" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The New Year Honours 1971 were appointments in many of the Commonwealth realms of Queen Elizabeth II to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of those countries. They were announced in supplements to the \"London Gazette\" of 31 December 1970 to celebrate the year passed and mark the beginning of 1971.", "title": "1971 New Year Honours" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 2014 attention was drawn to an appeal to the New Zealand Immigration and Protection Tribunal against the deportation of a Tuvaluan family on the basis that they were \"climate change refugees\", who would suffer hardship resulting from the environmental degradation of Tuvalu. However the subsequent grant of residence permits to the family was made on grounds unrelated to the refugee claim. The family was successful in their appeal because, under the relevant immigration legislation, there were \"exceptional circumstances of a humanitarian nature\" that justified the grant of resident permits as the family was integrated into New Zealand society with a sizeable extended family which had effectively relocated to New Zealand. Indeed, in 2013 a claim of a Kiribati man of being a \"climate change refugee\" under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) was determined by the New Zealand High Court to be untenable as there was no persecution or serious harm related to any of the five stipulated Refugee Convention grounds. Permanent migration to Australia and New Zealand, such as for family reunification, requires compliance with the immigration legislation of those countries.", "title": "Tuvalu" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The following is a list of territories where English is an official language, that is, a language used in citizen interactions with government officials. In 2015, there were 54 sovereign states and 27 non-sovereign entities where English was an official language. Many country subdivisions have declared English an official language at the local or regional level.", "title": "List of territorial entities where English is an official language" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy. Many came from the region of the Cévennes, for instance, the village of Fraissinet-de-Lozère. This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. 2 million at that time. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot.[citation needed] In 1705, Amsterdam and the area of West Frisia were the first areas to provide full citizens rights to Huguenot immigrants, followed by the Dutch Republic in 1715. Huguenots intermarried with Dutch from the outset.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Switzerland, Lorch emigrated with his family to the United States in 1917 and became a citizen in 1932. He joined the faculty of Columbia University in 1935 and retired in 1976, although he continued to write and lecture as professor emeritus. For his reminiscences of Szeged, Edgar R. Lorch posthumously received in 1994 the Lester R. Ford Award, with Reuben Hersh as editor.", "title": "Edgar Lorch" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Clara database is a database named after Clara Peeters that is operated by the National Museum of Women in the Arts. It contains biographical information on 18,000 women visual artists of all time periods and nationalities. The information was drawn primarily from materials in NMWA's own archives, but various portraits used to document the entries were obtained from other libraries in the NMWA's network. The database was updated between 2008 and 2012 and the museum has plans to incorporate it into their main website.", "title": "Clara database" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wim Peeters (22 August 1925 – 15 August 2011) was a South African sports shooter. He competed in the trap event at the 1960 Summer Olympics.", "title": "Wim Peeters" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sri Lankan passports are issued to citizens of Sri Lanka for the purpose of international travel. The Department of Immigration and Emigration is responsible for issuing Sri Lankan passports.", "title": "Sri Lankan passport" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The following era was marked by instability, as over 1.5 million propertyless Greek refugees from Turkey had to be integrated into Greek society. Because the term \"Greeks\" in the exchange was based on religion Cappadocian Greeks, Pontian Greeks, and non Greek followers of Greek Orthodoxy were all subject to the exchange as well. Many of these refugees couldn't even speak the language, and were from alien environments, such as the case of the non Greeks and Cappadocians. The refugees also made a dramatic post war population boost, as the amount of refugees was more than a quarter of Greece's prior population. The task was undertaken by settling the Pontians and Cappadocians in the Macedonian mountains, where they would adapt better, and settling the Demotic speakers and non Greeks in the Greek Isles and cities, where they were already adapted to.", "title": "Greece" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Mariel boatlift was a mass emigration of Cubans, who traveled from Cuba's Mariel Harbor to the United States between 15 April and 31 October 1980. The term \"Marielito\" (plural \"Marielitos\") is used to refer to these refugees in both Spanish and English. While the boatlift was incited by a sharp downturn in the Cuban economy, generations of Cubans had immigrated to the United States before the boatlift in search of both political freedom and economic opportunities.", "title": "Mariel boatlift" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Clara Edwards (originally Bertha Edwards, Bertha Johnson and then Clara Johnson) is a fictional character on the American television sitcom The Andy Griffith Show (1960 -- 1968). Clara was portrayed by actress Hope Summers.", "title": "Clara Edwards" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The revocation forbade Protestant services, required education of children as Catholics, and prohibited emigration. It proved disastrous to the Huguenots and costly for France. It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa. Four thousand emigrated to the North American colonies, where they settled in New York and Virginia, especially. The English welcomed the French refugees, providing money from both government and private agencies to aid their relocation. Those Huguenots who stayed in France became Catholics and were called \"new converts\".", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Economic and political migrations made an impact across the empire. For example, the Russian and Austria-Habsburg annexation of the Crimean and Balkan regions respectively saw large influxes of Muslim refugees – 200,000 Crimean Tartars fleeing to Dobruja. Between 1783 and 1913, approximately 5–7 million refugees flooded into the Ottoman Empire, at least 3.8 million of whom were from Russia. Some migrations left indelible marks such as political tension between parts of the empire (e.g. Turkey and Bulgaria) whereas centrifugal effects were noticed in other territories, simpler demographics emerging from diverse populations. Economies were also impacted with the loss of artisans, merchants, manufacturers and agriculturists. Since the 19th century, a large proportion of Muslim peoples from the Balkans emigrated to present-day Turkey. These people are called Muhacir. By the time the Ottoman Empire came to an end in 1922, half of the urban population of Turkey was descended from Muslim refugees from Russia.", "title": "Ottoman Empire" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Summer School Teachers is a 1974 feature film directed and written by Barbara Peeters and starring Candice Rialson. It is about three female friends who all teach at a school over the summer.", "title": "Summer School Teachers" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Night in Lisbon () is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque published in 1962. It revolves around the plight of two German refugees in the opening months of World War II. One of the refugees relates their story during the course of a single night in Lisbon in 1942. The story he recounts is mainly a romantic one, and also contains a lot of action with arrests, escapes and near-misses. The novel is realistic, Remarque was himself a German refugee (although the novel is fictional and only loosely based on the experience of Remarque's friend, novelist Hans Habe), and provides insight into refugee life in Europe during the early days of the war. The book completed what was known as Remarque’s \"emigre trilogy\" along with \"Flotsam\" and \"Arch of Triumph\". It was Remarque's last completed work.", "title": "The Night in Lisbon" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Armenian Genocide caused widespread emigration that led to the settlement of Armenians in various countries in the world. Armenians kept to their traditions and certain diasporans rose to fame with their music. In the post-Genocide Armenian community of the United States, the so-called \"kef\" style Armenian dance music, using Armenian and Middle Eastern folk instruments (often electrified/amplified) and some western instruments, was popular. This style preserved the folk songs and dances of Western Armenia, and many artists also played the contemporary popular songs of Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries from which the Armenians emigrated.", "title": "Armenia" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Egypt also hosts an unknown number of refugees and asylum seekers, estimated to be between 500,000 and 3 million. There are some 70,000 Palestinian refugees, and about 150,000 recently arrived Iraqi refugees, but the number of the largest group, the Sudanese, is contested.[nb 1] The once-vibrant and ancient Greek and Jewish communities in Egypt have almost disappeared, with only a small number remaining in the country, but many Egyptian Jews visit on religious or other occasions and tourism. Several important Jewish archaeological and historical sites are found in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities.", "title": "Egypt" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 2012, resident foreigners made up 23.3% of the population. Most of these (64%) were from European Union or EFTA countries. Italians were the largest single group of foreigners with 15.6% of total foreign population. They were closely followed by Germans (15.2%), immigrants from Portugal (12.7%), France (5.6%), Serbia (5.3%), Turkey (3.8%), Spain (3.7%), and Austria (2%). Immigrants from Sri Lanka, most of them former Tamil refugees, were the largest group among people of Asian origin (6.3%). Additionally, the figures from 2012 show that 34.7% of the permanent resident population aged 15 or over in Switzerland, i.e. 2,335,000 persons, had an immigrant background. A third of this population (853,000) held Swiss citizenship. Four fifths of persons with an immigration background were themselves immigrants (first generation foreigners and native-born and naturalised Swiss citizens), whereas one fifth were born in Switzerland (second generation foreigners and native-born and naturalised Swiss citizens). In the 2000s, domestic and international institutions expressed concern about what they perceived as an increase in xenophobia, particularly in some political campaigns. In reply to one critical report the Federal Council noted that \"racism unfortunately is present in Switzerland\", but stated that the high proportion of foreign citizens in the country, as well as the generally unproblematic integration of foreigners\", underlined Switzerland's openness.", "title": "Switzerland" } ]
How many refugees emigrated to the country that Clara Peeters is a citizen of?
75,000 to 100,000
[ { "answer": "Dutch Republic", "id": 40485, "paragraph_support_idx": 19, "question": "With what European country did the Huguenots feel kinship for emigration to?" }, { "answer": "75,000 to 100,000", "id": 40501, "paragraph_support_idx": 3, "question": "How many refugees emigrated to #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Because of its limited land area, Bermuda has had difficulty with over-population. In the first two centuries of settlement, it relied on steady human emigration to keep the population manageable.[citation needed] Before the American Revolution more than ten thousand Bermudians (over half of the total population through the years) gradually emigrated, primarily to the Southern United States. As Great Britain displaced Spain as the dominant European imperial power, it opened up more land for colonial development. A steady trickle of outward migration continued. With seafaring the only real industry in the early decades, by the end of the 18th century, at least a third of the island's manpower was at sea at any one time.", "title": "Bermuda" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Laotian diaspora consists of roughly 800,000 (2.5 million estimated 2018 by Seangdao Somsy LHK LLX) people, both descendants of early emigrants from Laos, as well as more recent refugees who escaped the country following its communist takeover as a result of the Laotian Civil War. The overwhelming majority of overseas Laotians live in just three countries: Thailand, the United States, and France.", "title": "Laotian diaspora" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Before being settled by American pioneers and European emigrants, the area around Shaking Rock was a camping ground of the Cherokee and Creek Indians.", "title": "Shaking Rock Park" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy. Many came from the region of the Cévennes, for instance, the village of Fraissinet-de-Lozère. This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. 2 million at that time. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot.[citation needed] In 1705, Amsterdam and the area of West Frisia were the first areas to provide full citizens rights to Huguenot immigrants, followed by the Dutch Republic in 1715. Huguenots intermarried with Dutch from the outset.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Tito's visits to the United States avoided most of the Northeast due to large minorities of Yugoslav emigrants bitter about communism in Yugoslavia. Security for the state visits was usually high to keep him away from protesters, who would frequently burn the Yugoslav flag. During a visit to the United Nations in the late 1970s emigrants shouted \"Tito murderer\" outside his New York hotel, for which he protested to United States authorities.", "title": "Josip Broz Tito" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the 20th century, historians John Gallagher (1919–1980) and Ronald Robinson (1920–1999) constructed a framework for understanding European imperialism. They claim that European imperialism was influential, and Europeans rejected the notion that \"imperialism\" required formal, legal control by one government over another country. \"In their view, historians have been mesmerized by formal empire and maps of the world with regions colored red. The bulk of British emigration, trade, and capital went to areas outside the formal British Empire. Key to their thinking is the idea of empire 'informally if possible and formally if necessary.'\"[attribution needed] Because of the resources made available by imperialism, the world's economy grew significantly and became much more interconnected in the decades before World War I, making the many imperial powers rich and prosperous.", "title": "Imperialism" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ferdinand and Isabella completed the Reconquista with a war against the Emirate of Granada that started in 1482 and ended with Granada's surrender on January 2, 1492. The Moors in Castile previously numbered ``half a million within the realm. ''By 1492 some 100,000 had died or been enslaved, 200,000 had emigrated, and 200,000 remained in Castile. Many of the Muslim elite, including Granada's former Emir Muhammad XII, who had been given the area of the Alpujarras mountains as a principality, found life under Christian rule intolerable and emigrated to Tlemcen in North Africa.", "title": "Reconquista" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Night in Lisbon () is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque published in 1962. It revolves around the plight of two German refugees in the opening months of World War II. One of the refugees relates their story during the course of a single night in Lisbon in 1942. The story he recounts is mainly a romantic one, and also contains a lot of action with arrests, escapes and near-misses. The novel is realistic, Remarque was himself a German refugee (although the novel is fictional and only loosely based on the experience of Remarque's friend, novelist Hans Habe), and provides insight into refugee life in Europe during the early days of the war. The book completed what was known as Remarque’s \"emigre trilogy\" along with \"Flotsam\" and \"Arch of Triumph\". It was Remarque's last completed work.", "title": "The Night in Lisbon" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Odessa, then part of the Russian Empire, Gerschenkron fled the country during the Russian Civil War in 1920 to Austria, where he attended the University of Vienna, earning a doctorate in 1928. After the Anschluss in 1938, he emigrated to the United States.", "title": "Alexander Gerschenkron" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1718, there were only 700 Europeans in Louisiana. The Mississippi Company arranged for ships to bring 800 more, who landed in Louisiana in 1718, doubling the European population. John Law encouraged Germans, particularly Germans of the Alsatian region who had recently fallen under French rule, and the Swiss to emigrate.", "title": "French colonization of the Americas" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Economic and political migrations made an impact across the empire. For example, the Russian and Austria-Habsburg annexation of the Crimean and Balkan regions respectively saw large influxes of Muslim refugees – 200,000 Crimean Tartars fleeing to Dobruja. Between 1783 and 1913, approximately 5–7 million refugees flooded into the Ottoman Empire, at least 3.8 million of whom were from Russia. Some migrations left indelible marks such as political tension between parts of the empire (e.g. Turkey and Bulgaria) whereas centrifugal effects were noticed in other territories, simpler demographics emerging from diverse populations. Economies were also impacted with the loss of artisans, merchants, manufacturers and agriculturists. Since the 19th century, a large proportion of Muslim peoples from the Balkans emigrated to present-day Turkey. These people are called Muhacir. By the time the Ottoman Empire came to an end in 1922, half of the urban population of Turkey was descended from Muslim refugees from Russia.", "title": "Ottoman Empire" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "One of the most prominent Huguenot refugees in the Netherlands was Pierre Bayle. He started teaching in Rotterdam, where he finished writing and publishing his multi-volume masterpiece, Historical and Critical Dictionary. It became one of the 100 foundational texts of the US Library of Congress. Some Huguenot descendants in the Netherlands may be noted by French family names, although they typically use Dutch given names. Due to the Huguenots' early ties with the leadership of the Dutch Revolt and their own participation, some of the Dutch patriciate are of part-Huguenot descent. Some Huguenot families have kept alive various traditions, such as the celebration and feast of their patron Saint Nicolas, similar to the Dutch Sint Nicolaas (Sinterklaas) feast.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Mariel boatlift was a mass emigration of Cubans, who traveled from Cuba's Mariel Harbor to the United States between 15 April and 31 October 1980. The term \"Marielito\" (plural \"Marielitos\") is used to refer to these refugees in both Spanish and English. While the boatlift was incited by a sharp downturn in the Cuban economy, generations of Cubans had immigrated to the United States before the boatlift in search of both political freedom and economic opportunities.", "title": "Mariel boatlift" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After a decade of emigration, Zimbabweans now refer to London as Harare North. The novel being political, the title alludes to", "title": "Harare North" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Prince Louis de Condé, along with his sons Daniel and Osias,[citation needed] arranged with Count Ludwig von Nassau-Saarbrücken to establish a Huguenot community in present-day Saarland in 1604. The Count supported mercantilism and welcomed technically skilled immigrants into his lands, regardless of their religion. The Condés established a thriving glass-making works, which provided wealth to the principality for many years. Other founding families created enterprises based on textiles and such traditional Huguenot occupations in France. The community and its congregation remain active to this day, with descendants of many of the founding families still living in the region. Some members of this community emigrated to the United States in the 1890s.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Armenian Genocide caused widespread emigration that led to the settlement of Armenians in various countries in the world. Armenians kept to their traditions and certain diasporans rose to fame with their music. In the post-Genocide Armenian community of the United States, the so-called \"kef\" style Armenian dance music, using Armenian and Middle Eastern folk instruments (often electrified/amplified) and some western instruments, was popular. This style preserved the folk songs and dances of Western Armenia, and many artists also played the contemporary popular songs of Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries from which the Armenians emigrated.", "title": "Armenia" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Other evidence of the Walloons and Huguenots in Canterbury includes a block of houses in Turnagain Lane, where weavers' windows survive on the top floor, as many Huguenots worked as weavers. The Weavers, a half-timbered house by the river, was the site of a weaving school from the late 16th century to about 1830. (It has been adapted as a restaurant—see illustration above. The house derives its name from a weaving school which was moved there in the last years of the 19th century, reviving an earlier use.) Others refugees practised the variety of occupations necessary to sustain the community as distinct from the indigenous population. Such economic separation was the condition of the refugees' initial acceptance in the City. They also settled elsewhere in Kent, particularly Sandwich, Faversham and Maidstone—towns in which there used to be refugee churches.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The revocation forbade Protestant services, required education of children as Catholics, and prohibited emigration. It proved disastrous to the Huguenots and costly for France. It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa. Four thousand emigrated to the North American colonies, where they settled in New York and Virginia, especially. The English welcomed the French refugees, providing money from both government and private agencies to aid their relocation. Those Huguenots who stayed in France became Catholics and were called \"new converts\".", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was born in Rotterdam in 1955, and his family emigrated to Australia in 1957. He studied political science at the University of Tasmania.", "title": "Tony Mulder" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Stadtholder William III of Orange, who later became King of England, emerged as the strongest opponent of king Louis XIV after the French attacked the Dutch Republic in 1672. William formed the League of Augsburg as a coalition to oppose Louis and the French state. Consequently, many Huguenots considered the wealthy and Calvinist Dutch Republic, which led the opposition to Louis XIV, as the most attractive country for exile after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. They also found many French-speaking Calvinist churches there.", "title": "Huguenots" } ]
How many refugees emigrated to the European country where Huguenots felt a kinship for emigration?
75,000 to 100,000
[ { "answer": "Dow Jones & Company", "id": 269659, "paragraph_support_idx": 17, "question": "National Observer >> owned by" }, { "answer": "News Corp", "id": 722575, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "#1 >> owned by" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Eleven goaltenders have scored a total of fourteen goals in National Hockey League (NHL) games. A goalkeeper can score by either shooting the puck into the net, or being awarded the goal as the last player on his team to touch the puck when an opponent scored an own goal. A goal scored by shooting the puck is particularly challenging as the goaltender has to aim for a six - foot - wide net that is close to 180 feet away, while avoiding opposing defencemen; in the case of own goals, the combined circumstance of the own goal itself in addition to the goaltender being the last player to touch the puck makes it a very rare occurrence. Of the fourteen goals, seven were scored by shooting the puck and seven were the result of own goals.", "title": "List of goaltenders who have scored a goal in an NHL game" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Pakistani government's fiscal year is 1 July of the previous calendar year and concludes on 30 June. Private companies are free to observe their own accounting year, which may not be the same as government's fiscal year.", "title": "Fiscal year" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Park series or Park car is a fleet of lightweight streamlined dome-sleeper-observation cars built by the Budd Company for the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1954. Sixteen of the cars were named for a Canadian national or provincial park, while one was named for a wildlife reserve, and one was named for what was at the time a private park owned by Canadian Pacific subsidiary Dominion Atlantic Railway, but is now one of the National Historic Sites of Canada. Via Rail acquired the fleet from Canadian Pacific in 1978 and the majority of the cars remain in active service.", "title": "Park series" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group, commonly abbreviated as VNPT, is a telecommunications company, owned by the Vietnamese Government, and the national post office of Vietnam. According to a list of UNDP in 2007, it is the second-largest company in Vietnam, just after the Vietnam Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development. It owns Vinaphone, one of the three largest mobile network operators in Vietnam.", "title": "Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bobbyjo (1990 -- 2001) was an Irish bred racehorse by Bustineto and Markup, best remembered as the winner of the 1999 Grand National steeplechase at Aintree. Bobbyjo was owned by Bobby Burke Mullaghmore, Co. Galway.", "title": "Bobbyjo" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Grantham House is a town house, built in 1380, which is owned by the National Trust. It is located in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England.", "title": "Grantham House" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A Frolic of His Own is a book by William Gaddis, published by Poseidon Press in 1994. It was his fourth novel, and it won his second U.S. National Book Award for Fiction.", "title": "A Frolic of His Own" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bacteria were first observed by the Dutch microscopist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1676, using a single-lens microscope of his own design. He then published his observations in a series of letters to the Royal Society of London. Bacteria were Leeuwenhoek's most remarkable microscopic discovery. They were just at the limit of what his simple lenses could make out and, in one of the most striking hiatuses in the history of science, no one else would see them again for over a century. Only then were his by-then-largely-forgotten observations of bacteria — as opposed to his famous \"animalcules\" (spermatozoa) — taken seriously.", "title": "Bacteria" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Central State-owned enterprises have accumulatively donated more than $48.6 million. China National Petroleum Corp and Sinopec donated 10 million yuan each to the disaster area.", "title": "2008 Sichuan earthquake" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "WFPL is a 24-hour listener-supported, noncommercial radio station in Louisville, Kentucky, broadcasting at 89.3 MHz and focusing on news. The station is the flagship National Public Radio station for the Louisville market. WFPL is now owned by Louisville Public Media and was originally owned by the Louisville Free Public Library. When the station came on the air in 1950, it was the first library-owned radio station in the country.", "title": "WFPL" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Creole Maid (foaled 1935 in Kentucky) was an American Thoroughbred racemare owned by Sarah F. Jeffords and trained by National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame inductee, Preston Burch.", "title": "Creole Maid" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Rosemary Hill Observatory (RHO) is an astronomical observatory located near the town of Bronson, Florida (USA), about southwest of Gainesville, Florida. The observatory is owned and operated by the University of Florida, and opened in 1967. It has two telescopes and dormitories for extended observing runs.", "title": "Rosemary Hill Observatory" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Test the Nation is a television programme, first broadcast in 2001 by BNN in the Netherlands where the concept is owned by Eyeworks Holding who license it to TV production companies around the world.", "title": "Test the Nation" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Music in the Tuileries is an 1862 painting by Édouard Manet. It is jointly owned by the National Gallery, London and The Hugh Lane, Dublin. It currently hangs in the National Gallery in London.", "title": "Music in the Tuileries" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ameristar Casino Resort Spa Black Hawk, owned by Ameristar Casinos Black Hawk Station Bull Durham Saloon & Casino Canyon Casino Saratoga Casino Black Hawk, owned by Saratoga Harness Racing Gilpin Hotel Casino, owned by Jacobs Entertainment Golden Gates Casino, owned by Affinity Gaming Golden Gulch Casino, owned by Affinity Gaming Golden Mardi Gras Casino, owned by Affinity Gaming Isle of Capri Black Hawk, owned by Isle of Capri Casinos Lady Luck Casino, owned by Isle of Capri Casinos The Lodge Casino, owned by Jacobs Entertainment Monarch Casino, owned by Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc. Red Dolly Casino Sasquatch Casino Wild Card Casino Z Casino", "title": "Black Hawk, Colorado" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Dow Jones & Company is an American publishing and financial information firm that has been owned by News Corp. since 2007.", "title": "Dow Jones & Company" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Other mentionable newspapers are the tabloid Informanté owned by TrustCo, the weekly Windhoek Observer, the weekly Namibia Economist, as well as the regional Namib Times. Current affairs magazines include Insight Namibia, Vision2030 Focus magazine[citation needed] and Prime FOCUS. Sister Namibia Magazine stands out as the longest running NGO magazine in Namibia, while Namibia Sport is the only national sport magazine. Furthermore, the print market is complemented with party publications, student newspapers and PR publications.", "title": "Namibia" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The National Observer was a weekly American general-interest national newspaper published by Dow Jones & Company from 1962 until July 11, 1977. Hunter S. Thompson wrote several articles for the \"National Observer\" as the correspondent for Latin America early in his career.", "title": "National Observer (United States)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "His \"Observations sur quelques grands peintres\" offered anti-academic advice somewhat at variance with his own manner; some of the collected observations had previously appeared in the \"Journal des Arts\". He died in Paris.", "title": "Jean-Joseph Taillasson" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "CKUN-FM is a First Nations/community radio station broadcasting at 101.3 FM in Christian Island, Ontario, Canada. The station began broadcasting in 2002 and is owned by Chimnissing Communications.", "title": "CKUN-FM" } ]
What company owns the owner of National Observer?
News Corp
[ { "answer": "Dutch Republic", "id": 104095, "paragraph_support_idx": 6, "question": "Which country is Clara Peeters a citizen of?" }, { "answer": "2 million", "id": 40502, "paragraph_support_idx": 18, "question": "What was the population of #1 before this emigration?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Clara database is a database named after Clara Peeters that is operated by the National Museum of Women in the Arts. It contains biographical information on 18,000 women visual artists of all time periods and nationalities. The information was drawn primarily from materials in NMWA's own archives, but various portraits used to document the entries were obtained from other libraries in the NMWA's network. The database was updated between 2008 and 2012 and the museum has plans to incorporate it into their main website.", "title": "Clara database" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Switzerland, Lorch emigrated with his family to the United States in 1917 and became a citizen in 1932. He joined the faculty of Columbia University in 1935 and retired in 1976, although he continued to write and lecture as professor emeritus. For his reminiscences of Szeged, Edgar R. Lorch posthumously received in 1994 the Lester R. Ford Award, with Reuben Hersh as editor.", "title": "Edgar Lorch" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Odessa, then part of the Russian Empire, Gerschenkron fled the country during the Russian Civil War in 1920 to Austria, where he attended the University of Vienna, earning a doctorate in 1928. After the Anschluss in 1938, he emigrated to the United States.", "title": "Alexander Gerschenkron" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Armenian Genocide caused widespread emigration that led to the settlement of Armenians in various countries in the world. Armenians kept to their traditions and certain diasporans rose to fame with their music. In the post-Genocide Armenian community of the United States, the so-called \"kef\" style Armenian dance music, using Armenian and Middle Eastern folk instruments (often electrified/amplified) and some western instruments, was popular. This style preserved the folk songs and dances of Western Armenia, and many artists also played the contemporary popular songs of Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries from which the Armenians emigrated.", "title": "Armenia" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Sri Lankan passports are issued to citizens of Sri Lanka for the purpose of international travel. The Department of Immigration and Emigration is responsible for issuing Sri Lankan passports.", "title": "Sri Lankan passport" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Heinrich Koenen was born in the Konigsberg district of Berlin, the son of Communist Reichstag deputy Wilhelm Koenen. He was selected as political head of the Young Communist League of Germany. He studied engineering at the Technical University of Berlin but for political reasons, was expelled in 1933 before his final examination. He emigrated via Denmark and Sweden to the Soviet Union, where he worked as an engineer in a Moscow tractor factory and in 1940, became a Soviet citizen.", "title": "Heinrich Koenen" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Clara Peeters (fl. 1607–1621) was a still-life painter who came from Antwerp and trained in the tradition of Flemish Baroque painting, but probably made her career mostly in the new Dutch Republic, as part of Dutch Golden Age painting. Many aspects of her life and work remain very unclear, especially outside the period 1607 to 1621 from which period dated paintings are known. As Seymour Slive puts it \"Not a single uncontested document has surfaced about her life but there is reason to believe she was active in both Flanders and Holland.\"", "title": "Clara Peeters" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Greeks from Cyprus have a similar history of emigration, usually to the English-speaking world because of the island's colonization by the British Empire. Waves of emigration followed the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, while the population decreased between mid-1974 and 1977 as a result of emigration, war losses, and a temporary decline in fertility. After the ethnic cleansing of a third of the Greek population of the island in 1974, there was also an increase in the number of Greek Cypriots leaving, especially for the Middle East, which contributed to a decrease in population that tapered off in the 1990s. Today more than two-thirds of the Greek population in Cyprus is urban.", "title": "Greeks" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "José Antonio Severino Bernal Muñoz (January 8, 1925 – April 19, 2010, known by his first name and by his paternal family name José Bernal) was a Cuban-American artist, born in Santa Clara, Cuba, in the former province of Las Villas (now Villa Clara) and became a naturalized U.S.A. citizen in 1980.", "title": "José Bernal" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Because of its limited land area, Bermuda has had difficulty with over-population. In the first two centuries of settlement, it relied on steady human emigration to keep the population manageable.[citation needed] Before the American Revolution more than ten thousand Bermudians (over half of the total population through the years) gradually emigrated, primarily to the Southern United States. As Great Britain displaced Spain as the dominant European imperial power, it opened up more land for colonial development. A steady trickle of outward migration continued. With seafaring the only real industry in the early decades, by the end of the 18th century, at least a third of the island's manpower was at sea at any one time.", "title": "Bermuda" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 2005, the constitution was put into effect. There is still much debate in the country about the constitutional reforms. From the early seventies, there was active resistance to the royal hegemony. Despite complaints from progressive formations, support for the monarchy and the current political system remains strong among the majority of the population.[citation needed] Submissions were made by citizens around the country to commissions, including the constitutional draft committee, indicating that they would prefer to maintain the current situation.", "title": "Eswatini" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Islam is the official religion in Kuwait, and the majority of the citizen population are Muslim. There are also small native Christian and Bahá'í populations. Most expatriates in Kuwait are Muslim, Hindu, Christian or Buddhist.", "title": "Religion in Kuwait" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Visa requirements for New Zealand citizens are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of New Zealand. As of 1 January 2017, New Zealand citizens had visa - free or visa on arrival access to 172 countries and territories, ranking the New Zealand passport 5th in terms of travel freedom (tied with Irish and Japanese passports) according to the Henley visa restrictions index.", "title": "Visa requirements for New Zealand citizens" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 2012, resident foreigners made up 23.3% of the population. Most of these (64%) were from European Union or EFTA countries. Italians were the largest single group of foreigners with 15.6% of total foreign population. They were closely followed by Germans (15.2%), immigrants from Portugal (12.7%), France (5.6%), Serbia (5.3%), Turkey (3.8%), Spain (3.7%), and Austria (2%). Immigrants from Sri Lanka, most of them former Tamil refugees, were the largest group among people of Asian origin (6.3%). Additionally, the figures from 2012 show that 34.7% of the permanent resident population aged 15 or over in Switzerland, i.e. 2,335,000 persons, had an immigrant background. A third of this population (853,000) held Swiss citizenship. Four fifths of persons with an immigration background were themselves immigrants (first generation foreigners and native-born and naturalised Swiss citizens), whereas one fifth were born in Switzerland (second generation foreigners and native-born and naturalised Swiss citizens). In the 2000s, domestic and international institutions expressed concern about what they perceived as an increase in xenophobia, particularly in some political campaigns. In reply to one critical report the Federal Council noted that \"racism unfortunately is present in Switzerland\", but stated that the high proportion of foreign citizens in the country, as well as the generally unproblematic integration of foreigners\", underlined Switzerland's openness.", "title": "Switzerland" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "It was a system of direct democracy, in which participating citizens voted directly on legislation and executive bills. Participation was not open to all residents: to vote one had to be an adult, male citizen i.e. neither a foreign resident, slave or a woman and the number of these ``varied between 30,000 and 50,000 out of a total population of around 250,000 to 300,000 ''or`` no more than 30 percent of the total adult population.''", "title": "Athenian democracy" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Summer School Teachers is a 1974 feature film directed and written by Barbara Peeters and starring Candice Rialson. It is about three female friends who all teach at a school over the summer.", "title": "Summer School Teachers" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Wim Peeters (22 August 1925 – 15 August 2011) was a South African sports shooter. He competed in the trap event at the 1960 Summer Olympics.", "title": "Wim Peeters" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Jones was born in Palo Alto, California. She trained under coach George Haines at the Santa Clara Swim Club in Santa Clara, California.", "title": "Suzy Jones" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy. Many came from the region of the Cévennes, for instance, the village of Fraissinet-de-Lozère. This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. 2 million at that time. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot.[citation needed] In 1705, Amsterdam and the area of West Frisia were the first areas to provide full citizens rights to Huguenot immigrants, followed by the Dutch Republic in 1715. Huguenots intermarried with Dutch from the outset.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Clara Edwards (originally Bertha Edwards, Bertha Johnson and then Clara Johnson) is a fictional character on the American television sitcom The Andy Griffith Show (1960 -- 1968). Clara was portrayed by actress Hope Summers.", "title": "Clara Edwards" } ]
Before this emigration what was the population of Clara Peeters's country of citizenship?
2 million
[ { "answer": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "id": 511296, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "Terminator >> performer" }, { "answer": "Maria Shriver", "id": 577502, "paragraph_support_idx": 19, "question": "#1 >> spouse" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In early 21st century, the number of passengers exceeded the 750,000-mark and in 2004 was just below 900,000. This led to the final extension of the current terminal building in 2003 and the construction of a second terminal in 2005.", "title": "Graz Airport" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Vaughan Mills Terminal is a transit terminal in York Region, Ontario, Canada, at 1 Bass Pro Mills Drive, near the northeast corridor of Vaughan Mills and the intersection of Rutherford Road and Jane Street in Vaughan, Ontario. As of 2017, oneRide ticket machines are installed at this terminal.", "title": "Vaughan Mills Terminal" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Cyberdyne Systems Series T-800 / T-850 Model 101, or \"The Terminator\", is a fictional character from the \"Terminator\" franchise portrayed by both Arnold Schwarzenegger and numerous actor stand-ins digitally overlaid with Schwarzenegger's likeness. The Terminator itself is part of a series of machines created by Skynet for infiltration-based assassination missions, and while an android for its appearance resembling a human, it is described as a cybernetic organism consisting of living tissue over a robotic endoskeleton.", "title": "Terminator (character)" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In The Terminator, John is mentioned and is the basis of the film. The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is attempting to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) because she will be his mother, but does not make a physical appearance. However, at the end of the film, Sarah is shown to be pregnant with John.", "title": "John Connor" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Toronto Coach Terminal is the central bus station for inter-city services in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located at 610 Bay Street, in the city's Downtown. The terminal is owned by Toronto Coach Terminal Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). The TTC managed the station directly until July 8, 2012, when it was leased out in its entirety to bus lines Coach Canada and Greyhound Canada for $1.2 million annually. Opened in 1931 as the Gray Coach Terminal, the Art Deco style terminal was home base for Gray Coach, an interurban bus service then owned by the TTC. It replaced an earlier open air terminal, Gray Line Terminal.", "title": "Toronto Coach Terminal" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "New York City's public bus fleet is the largest in North America, and the Port Authority Bus Terminal, the main intercity bus terminal of the city, serves 7,000 buses and 200,000 commuters daily, making it the busiest bus station in the world.", "title": "New York City" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "With over 2 million sq ft in area, the airport's Terminal 3 is India's fourth largest terminal. On 18 August 2015, Cochin International Airport became the world's first fully solar powered airport with the inauguration of a dedicated solar plant.", "title": "Cochin International Airport" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The second-largest commercial airport is William P. Hobby Airport (named Houston International Airport until 1967) which operates primarily short- to medium-haul domestic flights. However, in 2015 Southwest Airlines launched service from a new international terminal at Hobby airport to several destinations in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. These were the first international flights flown from Hobby since 1969. Houston's aviation history is showcased in the 1940 Air Terminal Museum located in the old terminal building on the west side of the airport. Hobby Airport has been recognized with two awards for being one of the top five performing airports in the world and for customer service by Airports Council International.", "title": "Houston" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Philadelphia is also a major hub for Greyhound Lines, which operates 24-hour service to points east of the Mississippi River. Most of Greyhound's services in Philadelphia operate to/from the Philadelphia Greyhound Terminal, located at 1001 Filbert Street in Center City Philadelphia. In 2006, the Philadelphia Greyhound Terminal was the second busiest Greyhound terminal in the United States, after the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York. Besides Greyhound, six other bus operators provide service to the Center City Greyhound terminal: Bieber Tourways, Capitol Trailways, Martz Trailways, Peter Pan Bus Lines, Susquehanna Trailways, and the bus division for New Jersey Transit. Other services include Megabus and Bolt Bus.", "title": "Philadelphia" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Neurotransmitters are packaged into synaptic vesicles that cluster beneath the axon terminal membrane on the presynaptic side of a synapse. The axonal terminals are specialized to release the neurotransmitters of the presynaptic cell. The terminals release transmitter substances into a gap called the synaptic cleft between the terminals and the dendrites of the next neuron. The information is received by the dendrite receptors of the postsynaptic cell that are connected to it. Neurons do n't touch each other, but communicate across the synapse.", "title": "Axon terminal" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "All three terminals, A, B and C, are within the same Thomas F. Riley building and security screened passengers can move \"airside\" between all terminal areas. Security screening lanes exist in all three terminals adjacent to check in. All security screening areas also have a \"fast track\" lane for first class and elite frequent fliers along with full TSA Pre Check availability based on TSA defined schedules. Switching between terminals indoors before security \"landside\" is also possible, the check in counter areas between all three terminals have connecting walkways to allow access between all terminals. Complimentary Wi-Fi is provided in all three terminals.", "title": "John Wayne Airport" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dubai International Airport has three terminals. Terminal 1 has one concourse (concourse D), Terminal 2 is set apart from the other two main buildings and Terminal 3 is divided into Concourse A, B, and C. The cargo terminal is capable of handling 3 million tonnes of cargo annually and a general aviation terminal (GAT) is close by.", "title": "Dubai International Airport" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Edward Walter Furlong (born August 2, 1977) is an American actor and musician. Furlong won Saturn and MTV Movie Awards for his breakthrough performance as John Connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). The following year he gave an Independent Spirit Award - nominated turn opposite Jeff Bridges in American Heart, and earned a second Saturn Award nomination for his work in Pet Sematary Two. He won a Young Artist Award for his performance alongside Kathy Bates in A Home of Our Own (1993), and shared a further ensemble nomination with the cast of the film.", "title": "Edward Furlong" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Actress / director / singer Phylicia Rashād is the older sister of performer Debbie Allen, who is married to former NBA basketball player, Norm Nixon. Phylicia Rashād is the former spouse of both Victor Willis, former lead singer of the group Village People, and former NFL football player turned sportscaster, Ahmad Rashād. Phylicia and Ahmad Rashād are the parents of actress Condola Rashād.", "title": "List of show business families" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The VT100 is a video terminal, introduced in August 1978 by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). It was one of the first terminals to support ANSI escape codes for cursor control and other tasks, and added a number of extended codes for special features like controlling the status lights on the keyboard. This led to rapid uptake of the ANSI standard, becoming the de facto standard for terminal emulators.", "title": "VT100" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Terminal 1A was built in the late 1980s to cater to Indian Airlines. It had to be refurbished after a fire gutted the interiors and DIAL significantly upgraded the terminal. It was used by Air India for its airbus operations until it shifted to the new Terminal 3 on 11 November 2010. The terminal is now closed and is expected to be torn down on the completion of newer terminals.", "title": "Indira Gandhi International Airport" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "There are two types of transistors, which have slight differences in how they are used in a circuit. A bipolar transistor has terminals labeled base, collector, and emitter. A small current at the base terminal (that is, flowing between the base and the emitter) can control or switch a much larger current between the collector and emitter terminals. For a field-effect transistor, the terminals are labeled gate, source, and drain, and a voltage at the gate can control a current between source and drain.", "title": "Transistor" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Copenhagen Airport has two terminals, Terminals 2 and 3, which handle all flights and share a common airside passenger concourse as well as the arrivals section which houses customs and baggage claim and is physically located in Terminal 3. The newest section, CPH Go, dedicated to low - cost carriers opened in October 2010. So far, EasyJet, Transavia and Ryanair are the only airlines operating from this facility, which is accessed from terminal 3. An all new Terminal 4 has been discussed, but replaced by plans to expand the current facilities in appropriate increments. Copenhagen Airport says passengers have easy transfer possibilities.", "title": "Copenhagen Airport" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "MUTYH has its locus on the short (p) arm of chromosome 1 (1p34.1), from base pair 45,464,007 to base pair 45,475,152 (45,794,835–45,806,142). The gene is composed of 16 exons and has a size of 546 amino acids and is approximately 7.1kb. The presence of disulfide crosslinking gives rise to a complex crystal structure of the MUTY-DNA. The protein structure of the MUTYH gene has its N-terminal on the 5’ and the C-terminal on the 3’. Within the N-terminal. There is an helix-hairpin-helix and pseudo helix-hairpin-helix contained within the N-terminal, in addition to and iron cluster motif", "title": "MUTYH" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Several prominent Americans figure among Chretien du Bois' descendants, including former governor of Massachusetts William Floyd Weld, actor Marlon Brando, Jr., painter Mary Cassatt, journalist Maria Shriver (wife of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger), Samuel Walton, General George Smith Patton III and film director George Lucas. W. E. B. Du Bois is also said to be a descendant.", "title": "Chrétien DuBois" } ]
Who married the actor from Terminator?
Maria Shriver
[ { "answer": "Dutch Republic", "id": 487706, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "Battle of the Kentish Knock >> participant" }, { "answer": "2 million", "id": 40502, "paragraph_support_idx": 18, "question": "What was the population of #1 before this emigration?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "For the 2018 -- 19 season, group stage participation in the Europa League awarded a base fee of €2.920, 000. A victory in the group pays €570,000 and a draw €190,000. Also, each group winner earns €1,000,000 and each runner - up €500,000. Reaching the knock - out stage triggers additional bonuses: €500,000 for the round of 32, €1,100,000 for the round of 16, €1,500,000 for the quarter - finals and €2,400,000 for the semi-finals. The losing finalists receive €4,500,000 and the champions receive €8,500,000.", "title": "UEFA Europa League" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Because of its limited land area, Bermuda has had difficulty with over-population. In the first two centuries of settlement, it relied on steady human emigration to keep the population manageable.[citation needed] Before the American Revolution more than ten thousand Bermudians (over half of the total population through the years) gradually emigrated, primarily to the Southern United States. As Great Britain displaced Spain as the dominant European imperial power, it opened up more land for colonial development. A steady trickle of outward migration continued. With seafaring the only real industry in the early decades, by the end of the 18th century, at least a third of the island's manpower was at sea at any one time.", "title": "Bermuda" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Albrecht von Roon, the Prussian Minister of War from 1859 to 1873, put into effect a series of reforms of the Prussian military system in the 1860s. Among these were two major reforms that substantially increased the military power of Germany. The first was a reorganization of the army that integrated the regular army and the Landwehr reserves. The second was the provision for the conscription of every male Prussian of military age in the event of mobilization. Thus, despite the population of France being greater than the population of all of the German states that participated in the war, the Germans mobilized more soldiers for battle.", "title": "Franco-Prussian War" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On 2 September 1861, near Kentish Town station in London, 16 people were killed and 317 injured, when an excursion train operated by the North London Railway collided with a freight train operated by the London and North Western Railway.", "title": "Kentish Town rail accident" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "HMS \"Galatea\" was one of eight light cruisers built for the Royal Navy in the 1910s. She fought in the First World War, participating in the Battle of Jutland. Following the war, she was scrapped.", "title": "HMS Galatea (1914)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Greeks from Cyprus have a similar history of emigration, usually to the English-speaking world because of the island's colonization by the British Empire. Waves of emigration followed the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, while the population decreased between mid-1974 and 1977 as a result of emigration, war losses, and a temporary decline in fertility. After the ethnic cleansing of a third of the Greek population of the island in 1974, there was also an increase in the number of Greek Cypriots leaving, especially for the Middle East, which contributed to a decrease in population that tapered off in the 1990s. Today more than two-thirds of the Greek population in Cyprus is urban.", "title": "Greeks" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dartmouth Park is a district of north London in the London Borough of Camden, on the slope of the hill that rises up to Highgate from Kentish Town. On its west side, it borders Parliament Hill Fields.", "title": "Dartmouth Park" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of the Kentish Knock (or the Battle of the Zealand Approaches) was a naval battle between the fleets of the Dutch Republic and England, fought on 28 September 1652 (8 October Gregorian calendar), during the First Anglo-Dutch War near the shoal called the Kentish Knock in the North Sea about thirty kilometres east of the mouth of the river Thames. The Dutch fleet, internally divided on political, regional and personal grounds, proved incapable of making a determined effort and was soon forced to withdraw, losing two ships and many casualties. In Dutch the action is called the \"Slag bij de Hoofden\".", "title": "Battle of the Kentish Knock" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Carlos Anwandter (1 April 1801, Luckenwalde, Prussia – 10 July 1889 Valdivia, Chile) was a German political exile who emigrated to Valdivia, Chile in 1850 after participating in the Revolutions of 1848. He was born in Luckenwalde (Prussia) on 8 April 1801 and died in Valdivia (Chile) on 10 July 1889).", "title": "Carlos Anwandter" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Po Mo Knock Knock is a 1999 experimental comedy short film written by David Ball and directed by Greg Pak. It is performed by Ball and other members of the New York City improv comedy troupe, The Pollyannas, Bill Stiles and Vin Knight. The title of the film refers to its subject, \"Po\"st\"Mo\"dern knock knock jokes. The film itself is a parody of postmodernism and of postmodern experimental film, through its use of irony, internal contradictions, references to Jacques Derrida, and the Godardian use of title cards.", "title": "Po Mo Knock Knock" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Shane Alwyne Parker (3 August 1943 – 21 November 1992) was a British-born museum curator and ornithologist, who emigrated to Australia in 1967 after participating in the second Harold Hall Australian ornithological collecting expedition in 1964. He worked as a curator at the South Australian Museum 1976-1992. He died of lymphoma at his home in Adelaide after a two-year illness.", "title": "Shane A. Parker" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The battle was fought on Saturday, 22 December 624 (7 Shawwal AH 3 in the Islamic calendar) at the valley located in front of Mount Uhud. It occurred between a force from the Muslim community of Medina led by the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and a force led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb from Mecca, the town from which many of the Muslims had previously emigrated. The Battle of Uhud was the second military encounter between the Meccans and the Muslims, preceded by the Battle of Badr in 624, where a small Muslim army had defeated a larger Meccan army.", "title": "Battle of Uhud" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "James Watson (born 1850) was an American soldier who was in Custer's battalion during the time of the battle of Little BigHorn but did not participate in the battle having been unable to keep up because his horse gave out and he thus survived the battle.", "title": "James Watson (soldier)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mildrith was the daughter of King Merewalh of Magonsaete, a sub-kingdom of Mercia, and Domne Eafe (also sometimes named as Saint Eormenburga), herself the great granddaughter of King Æthelberht of Kent, and as such appearing in the so-called Kentish Royal Legend.", "title": "Mildrith" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of Hastings reenactment is a yearly reenactment of the Battle of Hastings, held at Battle Abbey in Battle, East Sussex, UK, and drawing participants from around the world. It takes place every year on the weekend nearest 14 October on the site of the historical battle, although is often arranged across the hill rather than up it, to take account of the smaller number of participants and the need for spectators.", "title": "Battle of Hastings reenactment" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Witte Corneliszoon de With (28 March 1599 – 8 November 1658) was a Dutch naval officer. He is noted for planning and participating in a number of naval battles during the Eighty Years War and the First Anglo-Dutch war.", "title": "Witte de With" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Knock was a British television crime drama, created by Anita Bronson and broadcast on ITV, which portrayed the activities of customs officers from the London City & South Collection Investigation Unit of HM Customs and Excise. The series derived its name from the distinctive \"\"Knock knock knock\"\" command used over the radio to synchronise a raid.", "title": "The Knock" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Great Famine (Irish: an Gorta Mór, (anɣ ˈgɔɾɣt̪ɣa mɣoːɾɣ)) or the Great Hunger was a period of mass starvation, disease, and emigration in Ireland between 1845 and 1849. It is sometimes referred to, mostly outside Ireland, as the Irish Potato Famine, because about two - fifths of the population was solely reliant on this cheap crop for a number of historical reasons. During the famine, about one million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%.", "title": "Great Famine (Ireland)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy. Many came from the region of the Cévennes, for instance, the village of Fraissinet-de-Lozère. This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. 2 million at that time. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot.[citation needed] In 1705, Amsterdam and the area of West Frisia were the first areas to provide full citizens rights to Huguenot immigrants, followed by the Dutch Republic in 1715. Huguenots intermarried with Dutch from the outset.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mirage Rock is the fourth studio album by Band of Horses and was released on September 18, 2012 on Columbia Records. Produced by Glyn Johns, the album was preceded by the single, \"Knock Knock\".", "title": "Mirage Rock" } ]
What was the population of the republic that participated in The Battle of the Kentish Knock before this emigration?
2 million
[ { "answer": "Dutch Republic", "id": 487706, "paragraph_support_idx": 13, "question": "Battle of the Kentish Knock >> participant" }, { "answer": "75,000 to 100,000", "id": 40501, "paragraph_support_idx": 16, "question": "How many refugees emigrated to #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of Long Island, the largest battle of the American Revolutionary War, was fought in August 1776 entirely within the modern-day borough of Brooklyn. After the battle, in which the Americans were defeated, leaving subsequent smaller armed engagements following in its wake, the city became the British military and political base of operations in North America. The city was a haven for Loyalist refugees, as well as escaped slaves who joined the British lines for freedom newly promised by the Crown for all fighters. As many as 10,000 escaped slaves crowded into the city during the British occupation. When the British forces evacuated at the close of the war in 1783, they transported 3,000 freedmen for resettlement in Nova Scotia. They resettled other freedmen in England and the Caribbean.", "title": "New York City" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The revocation forbade Protestant services, required education of children as Catholics, and prohibited emigration. It proved disastrous to the Huguenots and costly for France. It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa. Four thousand emigrated to the North American colonies, where they settled in New York and Virginia, especially. The English welcomed the French refugees, providing money from both government and private agencies to aid their relocation. Those Huguenots who stayed in France became Catholics and were called \"new converts\".", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The United States Refugee Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-212) is an amendment to the earlier Immigration and Nationality Act and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, and was created to provide a permanent and systematic procedure for the admission to the United States of refugees of special humanitarian concern to the U.S., and to provide comprehensive and uniform provisions for the effective resettlement and absorption of those refugees who are admitted. The act was completed on March 3, 1980, was signed by President Jimmy Carter on March 17, 1980 and became effective on April 1, 1980. This was the first comprehensive amendment of U.S. general immigration laws designed to face up to the realities of modern refugee situations by stating a clear-cut national policy and providing a flexible mechanism to meet the rapidly shifting developments of today's world policy. The main objectives of the act were to create a new definition of refugee based on the one created at the UN Convention and Protocol on the Status of Refugees, raise the limitation from 17,400 to 50,000 refugees admitted each fiscal year, provide emergency procedures for when that number exceeds 50,000, and to establish the Office of U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs and the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Most important, it established explicit procedures on how to deal with refugees in the U.S. by creating a uniform and effective resettlement and absorption policy.", "title": "Refugee Act" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "James Watson (born 1850) was an American soldier who was in Custer's battalion during the time of the battle of Little BigHorn but did not participate in the battle having been unable to keep up because his horse gave out and he thus survived the battle.", "title": "James Watson (soldier)" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Carlos Anwandter (1 April 1801, Luckenwalde, Prussia – 10 July 1889 Valdivia, Chile) was a German political exile who emigrated to Valdivia, Chile in 1850 after participating in the Revolutions of 1848. He was born in Luckenwalde (Prussia) on 8 April 1801 and died in Valdivia (Chile) on 10 July 1889).", "title": "Carlos Anwandter" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Office of Refugee Resettlement was officially established with the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980. It was created in ``an attempt to design a coherent and comprehensive refugee admission and resettlement policy ''. The act (a) gave recognition to the Office of the U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs, which was given authority over the development of U.S.`` refugee admission and resettlement policy'', and (b) established the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which was given the authority to provide grants with nonprofits for resettlement services (including training and healthcare), and reimbursed states for efforts undertaken within the first three years of a refugee's living in the United States.", "title": "Office of Refugee Resettlement" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "On 2 September 1861, near Kentish Town station in London, 16 people were killed and 317 injured, when an excursion train operated by the North London Railway collided with a freight train operated by the London and North Western Railway.", "title": "Kentish Town rail accident" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award is awarded annually by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to an individual, group, or organization in recognition of outstanding service to the cause of refugees, displaced or stateless people. It was established in 1954.", "title": "Nansen Refugee Award" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The battle was fought on Saturday, 22 December 624 (7 Shawwal AH 3 in the Islamic calendar) at the valley located in front of Mount Uhud. It occurred between a force from the Muslim community of Medina led by the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and a force led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb from Mecca, the town from which many of the Muslims had previously emigrated. The Battle of Uhud was the second military encounter between the Meccans and the Muslims, preceded by the Battle of Badr in 624, where a small Muslim army had defeated a larger Meccan army.", "title": "Battle of Uhud" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mildrith was the daughter of King Merewalh of Magonsaete, a sub-kingdom of Mercia, and Domne Eafe (also sometimes named as Saint Eormenburga), herself the great granddaughter of King Æthelberht of Kent, and as such appearing in the so-called Kentish Royal Legend.", "title": "Mildrith" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Mariel boatlift was a mass emigration of Cubans, who traveled from Cuba's Mariel Harbor to the United States between 15 April and 31 October 1980. The term \"Marielito\" (plural \"Marielitos\") is used to refer to these refugees in both Spanish and English. While the boatlift was incited by a sharp downturn in the Cuban economy, generations of Cubans had immigrated to the United States before the boatlift in search of both political freedom and economic opportunities.", "title": "Mariel boatlift" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The following era was marked by instability, as over 1.5 million propertyless Greek refugees from Turkey had to be integrated into Greek society. Because the term \"Greeks\" in the exchange was based on religion Cappadocian Greeks, Pontian Greeks, and non Greek followers of Greek Orthodoxy were all subject to the exchange as well. Many of these refugees couldn't even speak the language, and were from alien environments, such as the case of the non Greeks and Cappadocians. The refugees also made a dramatic post war population boost, as the amount of refugees was more than a quarter of Greece's prior population. The task was undertaken by settling the Pontians and Cappadocians in the Macedonian mountains, where they would adapt better, and settling the Demotic speakers and non Greeks in the Greek Isles and cities, where they were already adapted to.", "title": "Greece" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Laotian diaspora consists of roughly 800,000 (2.5 million estimated 2018 by Seangdao Somsy LHK LLX) people, both descendants of early emigrants from Laos, as well as more recent refugees who escaped the country following its communist takeover as a result of the Laotian Civil War. The overwhelming majority of overseas Laotians live in just three countries: Thailand, the United States, and France.", "title": "Laotian diaspora" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of the Kentish Knock (or the Battle of the Zealand Approaches) was a naval battle between the fleets of the Dutch Republic and England, fought on 28 September 1652 (8 October Gregorian calendar), during the First Anglo-Dutch War near the shoal called the Kentish Knock in the North Sea about thirty kilometres east of the mouth of the river Thames. The Dutch fleet, internally divided on political, regional and personal grounds, proved incapable of making a determined effort and was soon forced to withdraw, losing two ships and many casualties. In Dutch the action is called the \"Slag bij de Hoofden\".", "title": "Battle of the Kentish Knock" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Egypt also hosts an unknown number of refugees and asylum seekers, estimated to be between 500,000 and 3 million. There are some 70,000 Palestinian refugees, and about 150,000 recently arrived Iraqi refugees, but the number of the largest group, the Sudanese, is contested.[nb 1] The once-vibrant and ancient Greek and Jewish communities in Egypt have almost disappeared, with only a small number remaining in the country, but many Egyptian Jews visit on religious or other occasions and tourism. Several important Jewish archaeological and historical sites are found in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities.", "title": "Egypt" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Night in Lisbon () is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque published in 1962. It revolves around the plight of two German refugees in the opening months of World War II. One of the refugees relates their story during the course of a single night in Lisbon in 1942. The story he recounts is mainly a romantic one, and also contains a lot of action with arrests, escapes and near-misses. The novel is realistic, Remarque was himself a German refugee (although the novel is fictional and only loosely based on the experience of Remarque's friend, novelist Hans Habe), and provides insight into refugee life in Europe during the early days of the war. The book completed what was known as Remarque’s \"emigre trilogy\" along with \"Flotsam\" and \"Arch of Triumph\". It was Remarque's last completed work.", "title": "The Night in Lisbon" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy. Many came from the region of the Cévennes, for instance, the village of Fraissinet-de-Lozère. This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. 2 million at that time. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot.[citation needed] In 1705, Amsterdam and the area of West Frisia were the first areas to provide full citizens rights to Huguenot immigrants, followed by the Dutch Republic in 1715. Huguenots intermarried with Dutch from the outset.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Dartmouth Park is a district of north London in the London Borough of Camden, on the slope of the hill that rises up to Highgate from Kentish Town. On its west side, it borders Parliament Hill Fields.", "title": "Dartmouth Park" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Otho Holland Williams (March 1, 1749 – July 15, 1794) was a Continental Army officer from Maryland in the American Revolutionary War. He participated in many battles throughout the war in the New York, New Jersey and Southern theaters, eventually ending his career as a Brigadier General.", "title": "Otho Holland Williams" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Battle of Hastings reenactment is a yearly reenactment of the Battle of Hastings, held at Battle Abbey in Battle, East Sussex, UK, and drawing participants from around the world. It takes place every year on the weekend nearest 14 October on the site of the historical battle, although is often arranged across the hill rather than up it, to take account of the smaller number of participants and the need for spectators.", "title": "Battle of Hastings reenactment" } ]
How many refugees emigrated to the participant of Battle of Kentish Knock?
75,000 to 100,000
[ { "answer": "Fair Oaks", "id": 543050, "paragraph_support_idx": 14, "question": "Bella Vista High School >> located in the administrative territorial entity" }, { "answer": "Citrus Heights", "id": 245420, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "#1 >> shares border with" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Houghton High School is a high school located in Houghton, Michigan, in the Upper Peninsula. It shares the same building as Houghton Middle School.", "title": "Houghton High School" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Gmina Włodawa is a rural gmina (administrative district) in Włodawa County, Lublin Voivodeship, in eastern Poland, on the border with Belarus and Ukraine. Its seat is the town of Włodawa, although the town is not part of the territory of the gmina.", "title": "Gmina Włodawa" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Fair Oaks is bounded on the south side by the American River, and Rancho Cordova, on the north side by the city of Citrus Heights, on the west side by Carmichael, and the east side by Orangevale and Folsom. Fair Oaks has a mix of suburban and semi-rural neighborhoods.", "title": "Fair Oaks, California" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Cyprus Popular Bank (from 2006 to 2011 known as Marfin Popular Bank) was the second largest banking group in Cyprus behind the Bank of Cyprus until it was 'shuttered' in March 2013 and split into two parts. The 'good' Cypriot part was merged into the Bank of Cyprus (including insured deposits under 100,000 Euro) and the 'bad' part or legacy entity holds all the overseas operations as well as uninsured deposits above 100,000 Euro, old shares and bonds. The uninsured depositors were subject to a bail-in and became the new shareholders of the legacy entity. As at May 2017, the legacy entity is one of the largest shareholders of Bank of Cyprus with 4.8% but does not hold a board seat. All the overseas operations, of the now defunct Cyprus Popular Bank, are also held by the legacy entity, until they are sold by the Special Administrator, at first Ms Andri Antoniadou, who ran the legacy entity for two years, from March 2013 until 3 March 2015. She tendered her resignation due to disagreements, with the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus and the Central Bank Board members, who amended the lawyers of the legacy entity, without consulting her. Veteran banker Chris Pavlou who is an expert in Treasury and risk management took over as Special Administrator of the legacy entity in April 2015 until December 2016. The legacy entity is pursuing legal action against former major shareholder Marfin Investment Group.", "title": "Cyprus Popular Bank" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Fenton High School, or FHS, is a public four-year high school located in Bensenville, Illinois, located on the western border of Chicago, Illinois, in the United States. It is the only school in Community High School District 100.", "title": "Fenton High School (Illinois)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Naenam-myeon is a myeon or a township in the administrative subdivisions of the Gyeongju City, North Gyeongsang province, South Korea. It is bordered by Geumo Mountains on the east, Jusa Mountains on the south. Its 122.05 square kilometers are home to about 6,142 people. This population is served by one elementary school and one high school.", "title": "Naenam-myeon" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ashland Community High School was located in Ashland, Maine, USA. It was part of Maine School Administrative District 32, or MSAD 32, which serves Ashland, Garfield Plantation, Masardis, Oxbow, Portage Lake and Sheridan, Maine. There was a student population of 200 in school grades 7–12, with eighteen faculty members as well as administrators, a counselor and three support personnel. The school had achieved accredited status with the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.", "title": "Ashland Community High School" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Del Campo High School Location Fair Oaks, California Information Type Public high school Established 1963 School district San Juan Unified School District Principal Josh Gumacal Grades 9 to 12 Enrollment 1,803 (2014 - 15) Campus Suburban Color (s) Blue & Gold Team name Cougars Rivals Casa Roble High School, Bella Vista High School Newspaper Roar Website Del Campo High School Online", "title": "Del Campo High School" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "E is an unincorporated township located in Aroostook County, Maine, United States. It is part of the Central Aroostook Unorganized Territory and borders the towns of Blaine to the east and Westfield to the north. As of the 1990 census, when it was still organized as a plantation, E Plantation had 64 residents. However, in 1990 its residents decided to disorganize the community and give up control to the state in an effort to reduce taxes. K–12 education for the community is provided by Maine School Administrative District 42, which also serves neighboring Blaine and Mars Hill. However, because E Plantation withdrew from the school district following its disorganization, its students are tuitioned.", "title": "E Township, Maine" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Little Village Lawndale High School Campus is a public high school located in the South Lawndale neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. The campus contains four autonomous small schools with some shared facilities. LVLHS has a unique campus design that reflects its original inception from a hunger strike in 2001. In 2001, 14 parents and grandparents staged a 19-day hunger strike to urge politicians to fulfill promises to build a high school in the child and adolescent dense Little Village neighborhood.", "title": "Little Village Lawndale High School Campus" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Firvale is a community in the Bella Coola Valley of the Central Coast region of British Columbia, Canada, located at the confluence of Burnt Bridge Creek and the Bella Coola River, northeast of the valley's main community of Bella Coola.", "title": "Firvale" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Buena Vista High School or Buena Vista School is a public high school located in Imperial, Texas (USA) and classified as a 1A school by the UIL. It is part of the Buena Vista Independent School District located in extreme north central Pecos County. In 2015, the school was rated \"Met Standard\" by the Texas Education Agency.", "title": "Buena Vista High School (Texas)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Minsk Region or Minsk Voblasć or Minsk Oblast (, \"Minskaja vobłasć\" ; , \"Minskaja oblastj\") is one of the regions of Belarus. Its administrative center is Minsk, although it is a separate administrative territorial entity of Belarus. As of 2011, the region's population is 1,411,500.", "title": "Minsk Region" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "J. Percy Page High School is a high school located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in the southern neighbourhood of Mill Woods. It borders the Catholic High School of Holy Trinity, and the multi-recreational Mill Woods Park. The school offers many opportunities for students including an Advanced Placement (AP) program, CTS courses and a Registered Apprenticeship Program (R.A.P.).", "title": "J. Percy Page High School" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Bella Vista High School is a public high school in Fair Oaks, California and a member of the San Juan Unified School District. In 2003, the California Department of Education's School Recognition Program honored Bella Vista High School as a \"California Distinguished School\". It was also the only school in Sacramento County to receive this honor in 2003. In 2009, it received the same recognition again from the California Department of Education. On November 18, 2010, the school celebrated its 50th anniversary with a special presentation for all past and current students. The presentation included a guided tour of the school spotlighting where changes have been made throughout the campus since the school's foundation in 1960.", "title": "Bella Vista High School" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Oak Lawn is a suburb of Chicago, located southwest of the city. It shares borders with the city in two areas, but is surrounded mostly by other suburbs.", "title": "Oak Lawn, Illinois" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Robert Service High School is a public high school in Anchorage, Alaska. It had an enrollment of 1,779 students as of August 2, 2016. Serving grades 9 through 12, the school was named for the poet Robert W. Service. Part of the Anchorage School District, the school opened in 1971 and was the last of four high schools built by the district (its lineal predecessor, the Anchorage Independent School District) within a decade. Service High originally operated as Service-Hanshew; as was the case common within Anchorage during that time, junior and senior high schools shared a single building. Included in the case with other junior-senior high schools in Anchorage, a separate structure was built to educate the junior student body and referred as Hanshew Middle School in the period of the 1980s oil glut. This is located approximately two miles west of Service along the Lake Otis Parkway. The school completed a partial renovation in 2005. The official school colors are green and gold, and its mascot is the cougar. Service High School's current principal is Frank Hauser.", "title": "Service High School" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Krasnovishersky District () is an administrative district (raion) of Perm Krai, Russia; one of the thirty-three in the krai. Municipally, it is incorporated as Krasnovishersky Municipal District. It is located in the northeast of the krai, in the valley of the Vishera River, and borders with the Komi Republic in the north, Sverdlovsk Oblast in the east, Cherdynsky District in the west, Solikamsky District in the south, and with the territory of the town of krai significance of Alexandrovsk in the southeast. The area of the district is . Its administrative center is the town of Krasnovishersk. Population: The population of Krasnovishersk accounts for 71.4% of the district's total population.", "title": "Krasnovishersky District" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mount View High School is a public high school located in Thorndike, Maine, United States. The school is a part of Maine School Administrative District 3, and serves students from the towns of Brooks, Freedom, Jackson, Knox, Liberty, Monroe, Montville, Thorndike, Troy, Unity and Waldo.", "title": "Mount View High School (Maine)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "A Nigerian State is a federated political entity, which shares sovereignty with the Federal Government of Nigeria, There are 36 States in Nigeria, which are bound together by a federal agreement. There is also a territory called the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), which is not a state, but a territory, under the direct control of the Federal Government. The States are further divided into a total of 774 Local Government Areas. Under the Nigerian Constitution, states have the power to ratify constitutional amendments.", "title": "States of Nigeria" } ]
Which city shares border with the area having Bella Vista High School?
Citrus Heights
[ { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "id": 32441, "paragraph_support_idx": 15, "question": "What other president did the Jenkins Orphanage play for other than Taft?" }, { "answer": "United States Army", "id": 274635, "paragraph_support_idx": 18, "question": "#1 >> military branch" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1977, the children at the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage are playing soccer with an old soda can in the front yard. But then, Sister Mary - Mengele (Larry David), the meanest & strictest nun in the orphanage gets their attention by telling them to go inside & do their work. The kids sing ``Everybody is Special '', but she tells them to shut up & go to work. Later, Moe, Larry and Curly are dumped on the doorstep of the orphanage from an unknown person's car as babies. Ever since, the trio have wreaked havoc in the place, leaving the nuns who run it utterly terrified, especially Sister Mary - Mengele who has always hated the trio. Ten years later, in 1987, out of desperation, when a prospective couple comes to adopt, the exasperated nuns bring out the trio as being the only three available, eventually adding a fourth when another boy, Teddy, enters the picture. The couple, the Harters (Stephen Collins & Carly Craig), decides to pick Moe, but when he requests Larry & Curly to join him, he is dropped back off at the orphanage, & they choose Teddy instead.", "title": "The Three Stooges (2012 film)" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The military budget is the portion of the discretionary United States federal budget allocated to the Department of Defense, or more broadly, the portion of the budget that goes to any military - related expenditures. The military budget pays the salaries, training, and health care of uniformed and civilian personnel, maintains arms, equipment and facilities, funds operations, and develops and buys new items. The budget funds four branches of the U.S. military: the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force. In FY 2017, the Congressional Budget Office reported spending of $590 billion for defense, about 15% of the federal budget. For the FY 2019 president Donald Trump proposed an increase to the military to $681.1 billion.", "title": "Military budget of the United States" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Executive Branch and the U.S. Congress have constitutional responsibilities for U.S. foreign policy. Within the Executive Branch, the Department of State is the lead U.S. foreign affairs agency, and its head, the Secretary of State, is the President's principal foreign policy advisor. The Department advances U.S. objectives and interests in the world through its primary role in developing and implementing the President's foreign policy. It also provides an array of important services to U.S. citizens and to foreigners seeking to visiernational crime, foreign military training programs, the services the Department provides, and more -- are paid for by the foreign affairs budget, which represents little more than 1% of the total federal budget. As stated by the Department of State, its purpose includes:", "title": "United States Department of State" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Armenian Army, Air Force, Air Defence, and Border Guard comprise the four branches of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia. The Armenian military was formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and with the establishment of the Ministry of Defence in 1992. The Commander-in-Chief of the military is the President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan. The Ministry of Defence is in charge of political leadership, currently headed by Colonel General Seyran Ohanyan, while military command remains in the hands of the General Staff, headed by the Chief of Staff, who is currently Colonel General Yuri Khatchaturov.", "title": "Armenia" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The National Palace (Spanish: Palacio Nacional) is a building in Santo Domingo, that houses the offices of the Executive Branch (Presidency and Vice Presidency) of the Dominican Republic.", "title": "National Palace (Dominican Republic)" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Cabinet of South Africa is the most senior level of the executive branch of the Government of South Africa. It is made up of the President, the Deputy President, and the Ministers.", "title": "Cabinet of South Africa" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Until the military coup of 22 March 2012 and a second military coup in December 2012, Mali was a constitutional democracy governed by the Constitution of 12 January 1992, which was amended in 1999. The constitution provides for a separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. The system of government can be described as \"semi-presidential\". Executive power is vested in a president, who is elected to a five-year term by universal suffrage and is limited to two terms.", "title": "Mali" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Thornton A. Jenkins (11 December 1811 – 9 August 1893) was an officer in the United States Navy, who served during the Mexican–American War and the American Civil War. He later served as Chief of the Bureau of Navigation and as President of the United States Naval Institute. Jenkins retired as a Rear Admiral.", "title": "Thornton A. Jenkins" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Tennessee Children's Home Society was an orphanage that operated in the state of Tennessee during the first half of the twentieth century. It is most often associated with its Memphis branch operator, Georgia Tann, as an organization involved in the kidnapping of children and their illegal adoptions. Tann died in 1950 before the state of Tennessee could release its findings on her activities. A story reported by \"60 Minutes\" in 1991 renewed interest in Tann's black market adoptions in collaboration with Shelby County Juvenile Court Judge Camille Kelley.", "title": "Tennessee Children's Home Society" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Don J. Jenkins (born April 18, 1948) is a former United States Army soldier and a recipient of the United States military's highest decoration—the Medal of Honor—for his actions in the Vietnam War.", "title": "Don J. Jenkins" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "With the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898, Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States. The interim U.S. military government of the Philippine Islands experienced a period of great political turbulence, characterised by the Philippine -- American War. Beginning in 1901, the military government was replaced by a civilian government -- the Insular Government of the Philippine Islands -- with William Howard Taft serving as its first Governor - General. From 1901 to 1906 there also existed a series of revolutionary governments that lacked significant international diplomatic recognition.", "title": "History of the Philippines (1898–1946)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Jenkins Orphanage was established in 1891 by the Rev. Daniel J. Jenkins in Charleston. The orphanage accepted donations of musical instruments and Rev. Jenkins hired local Charleston musicians and Avery Institute Graduates to tutor the boys in music. As a result, Charleston musicians became proficient on a variety of instruments and were able to read music expertly. These traits set Jenkins musicians apart and helped land some of them positions in big bands with Duke Ellington and Count Basie. William \"Cat\" Anderson, Jabbo Smith, and Freddie Green are but a few of the alumni from the Jenkins Orphanage band who became professional musicians in some of the best bands of the day. Orphanages around the country began to develop brass bands in the wake of the Jenkins Orphanage Band's success. At the Colored Waif's Home Brass Band in New Orleans, for example, a young trumpeter named Louis Armstrong first began to draw attention.", "title": "Charleston, South Carolina" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Taft High School is a public 6–year high school and academic center located in the Norwood Park neighborhood on the northwest side of Chicago, Illinois, United States. Taft serves communities on the far northwest side, specifically Norwood Park, Edison Park, Jefferson Park, Forest Glen and O'Hare. Taft is operated by the Chicago Public Schools district. The school is perhaps most famous as the high school attended by Jim Jacobs, the writer of \"Grease\". Jacobs used Taft as an inspiration in writing the musical. Taft's NJROTC unit has won a Distinguished Unit award every year since 2001. Since 2014, Taft High School has been considered a \"wall-to-wall\" IB school as part of the International Baccalaureate foundation. Taft high school has offered the International Baccalaureate program since 2001.", "title": "William Howard Taft High School (Chicago)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "John Taft (born April 4, 1968) is a former professional American basketball player. Taft play his college basketball career at Marshall University where he was All-Southern Conference and twice was the Southern Conference Men's Basketball Player of the Year. After his career at Marshall, Taft went overseas to play professional basketball in Iceland, Cyprus, Philippines, and Israel. In Israel, Taft played for Ironi Ashkelon.", "title": "John Taft (basketball)" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Ecuador is the ministry responsible for national defense and is responsible for controlling all three branches of the Military of Ecuador.", "title": "Ministry of National Defence (Ecuador)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "As many as five bands were on tour during the 1920s. The Jenkins Orphanage Band played in the inaugural parades of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft and toured the USA and Europe. The band also played on Broadway for the play \"Porgy\" by DuBose and Dorothy Heyward, a stage version of their novel of the same title. The story was based in Charleston and featured the Gullah community. The Heywards insisted on hiring the real Jenkins Orphanage Band to portray themselves on stage. Only a few years later, DuBose Heyward collaborated with George and Ira Gershwin to turn his novel into the now famous opera, Porgy and Bess (so named so as to distinguish it from the play). George Gershwin and Heyward spent the summer of 1934 at Folly Beach outside of Charleston writing this \"folk opera\", as Gershwin called it. Porgy and Bess is considered the Great American Opera[citation needed] and is widely performed.", "title": "Charleston, South Carolina" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Article Two of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government, which carries out and enforces federal laws. The executive branch includes the President, the Vice President, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees.", "title": "Article Two of the United States Constitution" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William H. Davidson was an American businessman and politician who was the acting Lieutenant Governor of Illinois from December 9, 1836 to December 7, 1838. Davidson, who had been serving as the senator from White County, Illinois, replaced Alexander M. Jenkins when Jenkins resigned the Lieutenant Governor's office to become president of the Illinois Central Railroad. In 1838, Davidson lost a reelection bid to Stinson H. Anderson.", "title": "William H. Davidson (lieutenant governor)" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Thomas Harbo Rynning (February 17, 1866 – June 18, 1941) was an officer in the United States Army who served with Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders during the Spanish–American War. He was also the captain of the Arizona Rangers, warden of Yuma Territorial Prison, and a United States Marshal in San Diego, California.", "title": "Thomas H. Rynning" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "As the head of the executive branch of the Sierra Leone government, the president implements laws passed by parliament. The president has influence, especially over members of the party of the President in the legislative branch of Parliament. The president constitutionally appoints judges of the Sierra Leone Judicial branch, including judges of the high court, the court of appeals and the Supreme Court. The president heads a Cabinet of ministers, which must be approved by the Parliament. The president is the most famous, the most powerful, and the most influential person in the Government of Sierra Leone. The President of Sierra Leone is addressed as His Excellency. The current President of Sierra Leone is Rt. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio.", "title": "President of Sierra Leone" } ]
In which military branch did the other president besides Taft that Jenkins Orphanage played for serve?
[ "USA" ]
United States Army
[ { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "id": 32441, "paragraph_support_idx": 19, "question": "What other president did the Jenkins Orphanage play for other than Taft?" }, { "answer": "Robert Roosevelt", "id": 178460, "paragraph_support_idx": 9, "question": "#1 , Sr. >> sibling" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "His alma mater, Cardiff University honoured the memory of Roy Jenkins by naming one of its halls of residence Roy Jenkins Hall.", "title": "Roy Jenkins" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Moses Taft was the second child to Luke Taft and Nancy Wood Taft. Moses married Sylvia Ann Wheelock daughter of Jerry Wheelock and Sukey Day, on 27 April 1834 at Uxbridge. He latter married Emeline Newell Taft (Wing) who was the daughter of Timothy Taft and Polly Marsh, on 12 January 1858 at Uxbridge.", "title": "Moses Taft" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Jenkins Orphanage was established in 1891 by the Rev. Daniel J. Jenkins in Charleston. The orphanage accepted donations of musical instruments and Rev. Jenkins hired local Charleston musicians and Avery Institute Graduates to tutor the boys in music. As a result, Charleston musicians became proficient on a variety of instruments and were able to read music expertly. These traits set Jenkins musicians apart and helped land some of them positions in big bands with Duke Ellington and Count Basie. William \"Cat\" Anderson, Jabbo Smith, and Freddie Green are but a few of the alumni from the Jenkins Orphanage band who became professional musicians in some of the best bands of the day. Orphanages around the country began to develop brass bands in the wake of the Jenkins Orphanage Band's success. At the Colored Waif's Home Brass Band in New Orleans, for example, a young trumpeter named Louis Armstrong first began to draw attention.", "title": "Charleston, South Carolina" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roosevelt had served as president from 1901 to 1909, and Taft had won the 1908 Republican president nomination with Roosevelt's support. Displeased with Taft's actions as president, Roosevelt challenged Taft at the 1912 Republican National Convention. After Taft and his conservative allies narrowly prevailed at the Republican convention, Roosevelt rallied his progressive supporters and launched a third party bid. With the support of William Jennings Bryan and other progressives, Wilson won the Democratic Party's presidential nomination on the 46th ballot. Meanwhile, the Socialist Party renominated its perennial standard - bearer, Eugene V. Debs.", "title": "1912 United States presidential election" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Thomas Duckett Boyd, Sr. (January 20, 1854 – November 2, 1932), was an American educator who was from 1896 to 1926 the president of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.", "title": "Thomas Duckett Boyd" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "George Randolph Hearst Sr. (April 23, 1904 – January 26, 1972) was an American heir and media executive. He was the son of media magnate William Randolph Hearst, and the vice president of the Hearst Corporation.", "title": "George Randolph Hearst" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ernad Skulić (born 2 May 1980 in Doboj, SR Bosnia and Herzegovina), is a Croatian football midfielder, currently playing for Achna FC.", "title": "Ernad Skulić" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Thornton A. Jenkins (11 December 1811 – 9 August 1893) was an officer in the United States Navy, who served during the Mexican–American War and the American Civil War. He later served as Chief of the Bureau of Navigation and as President of the United States Naval Institute. Jenkins retired as a Rear Admiral.", "title": "Thornton A. Jenkins" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Angela Hitler was born in Braunau, Austria-Hungary, the second child of Alois Hitler Sr. and his second wife, Franziska Matzelsberger. Her mother died the following year. She and her brother Alois Hitler, Jr. were brought up by their father and his third wife Klara Pölzl. Her half-brother, Adolf Hitler, was born six years after her, and they grew very close. She is the only one of his siblings mentioned in \"Mein Kampf\".", "title": "Angela Hitler" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "James I, the Roman numeral was used to distinguish him from others of the same name, was born on December 14, 1795 in New York City to James Jacobus Roosevelt (1759–1840) and Maria Van Schaak (1773–1845) and baptized at the Dutch Reformed Church. He was a great-grandson of Johannes Roosevelt, the founder of the Oyster Bay branch of the Roosevelt family. His brother Cornelius Roosevelt was the father of James A. Roosevelt, Robert Roosevelt, and Theodore Roosevelt, Sr. as well as paternal grandfather of President Theodore Roosevelt.", "title": "James I. Roosevelt" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "John Taft (born April 4, 1968) is a former professional American basketball player. Taft play his college basketball career at Marshall University where he was All-Southern Conference and twice was the Southern Conference Men's Basketball Player of the Year. After his career at Marshall, Taft went overseas to play professional basketball in Iceland, Cyprus, Philippines, and Israel. In Israel, Taft played for Ironi Ashkelon.", "title": "John Taft (basketball)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charles Jenkins Laboratories was the enterprise headed by Charles Francis Jenkins that was granted the first commercial television license in the United States, station W3XK. The Laboratories also operated experimental station W2XCR.", "title": "Charles Jenkins Laboratories" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "1993 Michigan Wolverines football team roster Players Coaches Offense Pos. # Name Class WR Alexander, Derrick Derrick Alexander 57.0! Sr RB 21 Biakabutuka, Tim Tim Biakabutuka 1.0! Fr QB 10 Collins, Todd Todd Collins 5.0! Jr WR 9 Hayes, Mercury Mercury Hayes 3.0! So 77 Jenkins, Trezelle Trezelle Jenkins 5.0! Jr 69 Runyan, Jon Jon Runyan 3.0! So QB 16 Riemersma, Jay Jay Riemersma 5.0! Jr WR 18 Toomer, Amani Amani Toomer 3.0! So RB 6 Wheatley, Tyrone Tyrone Wheatley 5.0! Jr Defense Pos. # Name Class CB 22 Law, Ty Ty Law 3.0! So LB 36 Morrison, Steve Steve Morrison 57.0! Sr LB 45 Vanderbeek, Mike Mike Vanderbeek 3.0! So Special teams Pos. # Name Class 19 Hamilton, Remy Remy Hamilton 1.0! Fr Head coach Gary Moeller Coordinators / assistant coaches Legend (C) Team captain (S) Suspended (I) Ineligible Injured Redshirt", "title": "1993 Michigan Wolverines football team" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "State Route 12 (SR 12) is a generally northeast-southwest route in Ohio. Its western terminus is at SR 115 and SR 189 in Vaughnsville, and its eastern terminus is at SR 53 just south of Fremont.", "title": "Ohio State Route 12" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Taft Bridge, also known as the Connecticut Avenue Bridge or William Howard Taft Bridge, is a historic bridge located in the Northwest quadrant of Washington, D.C. It carries Connecticut Avenue over the Rock Creek gorge, including Rock Creek and the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, connecting the neighborhoods of Woodley Park and Kalorama. It is situated to the southwest of the Duke Ellington Bridge.", "title": "Taft Bridge" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "3 - pointers made Player Pos. Cl. Team Opponent Date Ref. 15 Veney, Keith Keith Veney 4! Sr Marshall Morehead State 19961214! December 14, 1996 14 Blackshear, Ronald Ronald Blackshear 3! Jr Marshall (2) Akron 20020301! March 1, 2002 14 Jones, Askia Askia Jones 4! Sr Kansas State Fresno State 19940324! March 24, 1994 14 Jamerson, Dave Dave Jamerson 4! Sr Ohio Charleston (WV) 19891221! December 21, 1989 13 Dawkins, Darius Darius Dawkins 4! Sr Jacksonville Middle Georgia State 20170103! January 3, 2017 13 English, A.J. A.J. English 4! Sr Iona Fairfield 20151201! December 1, 2015 13 Clarke, Rotnei Rotnei Clarke 2! So Arkansas Alcorn State 20091113! November 13, 2009 12 Hunter, R.J. R.J. Hunter 2! So Georgia State UTSA 20131222! December 22, 2013 12 Jackson, Jamel Jamel Jackson 3! Jr Seton Hall VMI 20091212! December 12, 2009 12 Jenkins, Michael Michael Jenkins 3! Jr Winthrop North Greenville 20061111! November 11, 2006 12 Woods, Terrence Terrence Woods 3! Jr Florida A&M Coppin State 20030301! March 1, 2003 12 Gilbert, Clarence Clarence Gilbert 4! Sr Missouri Colorado 20020223! February 23, 2002 12 McMahan, David David McMahan 4! Sr Winthrop (2) Coastal Carolina 19960115! January 15, 1996 12 Taylor, Mitch Mitch Taylor 3! Jr Southern Louisiana Christian 19941201! December 1, 1994 12 Dillard, Al Al Dillard 3! Jr Arkansas (2) Delaware State 19931211! December 11, 1993 12 Fitzgerald, Darrin Darrin Fitzgerald 4! Sr Butler Detroit 19870209! February 9, 1987 12 Bossert, Gary Gary Bossert 4! Sr Niagara Siena 19870107! January 7, 1987", "title": "List of NCAA Division I men's basketball players with 12 or more 3-point field goals in a game" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Taft High School is a public 6–year high school and academic center located in the Norwood Park neighborhood on the northwest side of Chicago, Illinois, United States. Taft serves communities on the far northwest side, specifically Norwood Park, Edison Park, Jefferson Park, Forest Glen and O'Hare. Taft is operated by the Chicago Public Schools district. The school is perhaps most famous as the high school attended by Jim Jacobs, the writer of \"Grease\". Jacobs used Taft as an inspiration in writing the musical. Taft's NJROTC unit has won a Distinguished Unit award every year since 2001. Since 2014, Taft High School has been considered a \"wall-to-wall\" IB school as part of the International Baccalaureate foundation. Taft high school has offered the International Baccalaureate program since 2001.", "title": "William Howard Taft High School (Chicago)" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "State Route 501 (SR 501) is a north–south state highway in Auglaize and Allen counties, Ohio. The southern terminus of SR 501 is at an interchange with U.S. Route 33 (US 33) just south of Wapakoneta, which is also the western terminus for SR 67 and the southern terminus for SR 198. The route runs concurrently with both of the latter two routes into Wapakoneta, and with SR 198 only north of the city. SR 501’s northern terminus is at SR 117 approximately west of Lima.", "title": "Ohio State Route 501" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William H. Davidson was an American businessman and politician who was the acting Lieutenant Governor of Illinois from December 9, 1836 to December 7, 1838. Davidson, who had been serving as the senator from White County, Illinois, replaced Alexander M. Jenkins when Jenkins resigned the Lieutenant Governor's office to become president of the Illinois Central Railroad. In 1838, Davidson lost a reelection bid to Stinson H. Anderson.", "title": "William H. Davidson (lieutenant governor)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "As many as five bands were on tour during the 1920s. The Jenkins Orphanage Band played in the inaugural parades of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft and toured the USA and Europe. The band also played on Broadway for the play \"Porgy\" by DuBose and Dorothy Heyward, a stage version of their novel of the same title. The story was based in Charleston and featured the Gullah community. The Heywards insisted on hiring the real Jenkins Orphanage Band to portray themselves on stage. Only a few years later, DuBose Heyward collaborated with George and Ira Gershwin to turn his novel into the now famous opera, Porgy and Bess (so named so as to distinguish it from the play). George Gershwin and Heyward spent the summer of 1934 at Folly Beach outside of Charleston writing this \"folk opera\", as Gershwin called it. Porgy and Bess is considered the Great American Opera[citation needed] and is widely performed.", "title": "Charleston, South Carolina" } ]
Who was the sibling of the president, other than Taft, that the Jenkins Orphanage played for?
Robert Roosevelt
[ { "answer": "Theodore Roosevelt", "id": 32441, "paragraph_support_idx": 8, "question": "What other president did the Jenkins Orphanage play for other than Taft?" }, { "answer": "Edith Roosevelt", "id": 522949, "paragraph_support_idx": 5, "question": "#1 >> spouse" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Fletcher Jenkins (born November 4, 1959 in Tacoma, Washington) is a former professional American football defensive lineman for one season with the Baltimore Colts in the National Football League. He played college football at the University of Washington where he was a team captain.", "title": "Fletcher Jenkins" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Charles Jenkins Laboratories was the enterprise headed by Charles Francis Jenkins that was granted the first commercial television license in the United States, station W3XK. The Laboratories also operated experimental station W2XCR.", "title": "Charles Jenkins Laboratories" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Kevin Taft (born September 9, 1955) is a best-selling author, consultant, speaker, and former provincial politician in Alberta, Canada. Prior to his election, he worked in various public policy roles (1973-2000) in the Government of Alberta, private and non-profit sectors, in the areas of health, energy, and economic policy. From 1986 to 1991 he was CEO of the ExTerra Foundation, which mounted one of history's largest paleontological expeditions in China's Gobi Desert, Alberta's badlands, and the Canadian Arctic. He is the author of five books and many research studies and articles on political and economic issues in Alberta. In the mid-late 1990s Dr. Taft wrote two books critical of the ruling Progressive Conservatives, causing the Premier of Alberta at the time (Ralph Klein) to insult him in the Alberta Legislature and solidifying Taft's desire to run for office to defend his perspective on public policy. He was an Alberta Liberal member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 2001 to 2012, and Leader of the Official Opposition from 2004 to 2008. Taft continues his career as an author, speaker, and consultant. He is father to two adult sons and currently resides in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with his partner Jeanette Boman.", "title": "Kevin Taft" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Secretary of the Treasury pays a taxable pension to the president. Former presidents receive a pension equal to the pay that the head of an executive department (Executive Level I) would be paid, as of 2017 $207,800 per year. The pension begins immediately after a president's departure from office. A former president's spouse may also be paid a lifetime annual pension of $20,000 if they relinquish any other statutory pension.", "title": "Former Presidents Act" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Roosevelt had served as president from 1901 to 1909, and Taft had won the 1908 Republican president nomination with Roosevelt's support. Displeased with Taft's actions as president, Roosevelt challenged Taft at the 1912 Republican National Convention. After Taft and his conservative allies narrowly prevailed at the Republican convention, Roosevelt rallied his progressive supporters and launched a third party bid. With the support of William Jennings Bryan and other progressives, Wilson won the Democratic Party's presidential nomination on the 46th ballot. Meanwhile, the Socialist Party renominated its perennial standard - bearer, Eugene V. Debs.", "title": "1912 United States presidential election" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Edith Roosevelt (Derby) Williams (June 17, 1917 – June 8, 2008) was a historian, conservationist, and granddaughter of the 26th President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt.", "title": "Edith Derby Williams" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 1977, the children at the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage are playing soccer with an old soda can in the front yard. But then, Sister Mary - Mengele (Larry David), the meanest & strictest nun in the orphanage gets their attention by telling them to go inside & do their work. The kids sing ``Everybody is Special '', but she tells them to shut up & go to work. Later, Moe, Larry and Curly are dumped on the doorstep of the orphanage from an unknown person's car as babies. Ever since, the trio have wreaked havoc in the place, leaving the nuns who run it utterly terrified, especially Sister Mary - Mengele who has always hated the trio. Ten years later, in 1987, out of desperation, when a prospective couple comes to adopt, the exasperated nuns bring out the trio as being the only three available, eventually adding a fourth when another boy, Teddy, enters the picture. The couple, the Harters (Stephen Collins & Carly Craig), decides to pick Moe, but when he requests Larry & Curly to join him, he is dropped back off at the orphanage, & they choose Teddy instead.", "title": "The Three Stooges (2012 film)" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Harriot Sumner Curtis (June 30, 1881 – October 25, 1974) was an American amateur golfer and an early participant in the sport of skiing. From the Manchester, Massachusetts area, she was one of ten children. Her father was a colonel in the Union Army cavalry during the American Civil War. Her brother, James Freeman Curtis became a lawyer in New York City and was the Assistant United States Secretary of the Treasury under President William Howard Taft.", "title": "Harriot Curtis" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "As many as five bands were on tour during the 1920s. The Jenkins Orphanage Band played in the inaugural parades of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft and toured the USA and Europe. The band also played on Broadway for the play \"Porgy\" by DuBose and Dorothy Heyward, a stage version of their novel of the same title. The story was based in Charleston and featured the Gullah community. The Heywards insisted on hiring the real Jenkins Orphanage Band to portray themselves on stage. Only a few years later, DuBose Heyward collaborated with George and Ira Gershwin to turn his novel into the now famous opera, Porgy and Bess (so named so as to distinguish it from the play). George Gershwin and Heyward spent the summer of 1934 at Folly Beach outside of Charleston writing this \"folk opera\", as Gershwin called it. Porgy and Bess is considered the Great American Opera[citation needed] and is widely performed.", "title": "Charleston, South Carolina" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Thornton A. Jenkins (11 December 1811 – 9 August 1893) was an officer in the United States Navy, who served during the Mexican–American War and the American Civil War. He later served as Chief of the Bureau of Navigation and as President of the United States Naval Institute. Jenkins retired as a Rear Admiral.", "title": "Thornton A. Jenkins" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Freeman A. Hrabowski III Hrabowski at 2012 Time 100 Gala President of University of Maryland, Baltimore County Incumbent Assumed office Preceded by Michael Hooker Personal details Freeman Alphonsa Hrabowski III (1950 - 08 - 13) August 13, 1950 (age 67) Birmingham, Alabama, U.S. Spouse (s) Jacqueline Coleman Hrabowski Education Hampton Institute (B.A., '69) University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign (M.A.,' 71, Ph. D., '75) Profession Mathematician University president Website", "title": "Freeman A. Hrabowski III" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Taft High School is a public 6–year high school and academic center located in the Norwood Park neighborhood on the northwest side of Chicago, Illinois, United States. Taft serves communities on the far northwest side, specifically Norwood Park, Edison Park, Jefferson Park, Forest Glen and O'Hare. Taft is operated by the Chicago Public Schools district. The school is perhaps most famous as the high school attended by Jim Jacobs, the writer of \"Grease\". Jacobs used Taft as an inspiration in writing the musical. Taft's NJROTC unit has won a Distinguished Unit award every year since 2001. Since 2014, Taft High School has been considered a \"wall-to-wall\" IB school as part of the International Baccalaureate foundation. Taft high school has offered the International Baccalaureate program since 2001.", "title": "William Howard Taft High School (Chicago)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "William H. Davidson was an American businessman and politician who was the acting Lieutenant Governor of Illinois from December 9, 1836 to December 7, 1838. Davidson, who had been serving as the senator from White County, Illinois, replaced Alexander M. Jenkins when Jenkins resigned the Lieutenant Governor's office to become president of the Illinois Central Railroad. In 1838, Davidson lost a reelection bid to Stinson H. Anderson.", "title": "William H. Davidson (lieutenant governor)" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Asilo de San Vicente de Paul is an orphanage located on UN Avenue in Manila, Philippines. It is run by the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul.", "title": "Asilo de San Vicente de Paul" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "John Taft (born April 4, 1968) is a former professional American basketball player. Taft play his college basketball career at Marshall University where he was All-Southern Conference and twice was the Southern Conference Men's Basketball Player of the Year. After his career at Marshall, Taft went overseas to play professional basketball in Iceland, Cyprus, Philippines, and Israel. In Israel, Taft played for Ironi Ashkelon.", "title": "John Taft (basketball)" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The music video, a 1980s club - themed movie - style music video, was released on YouTube on October 23, 2014. It stars professional dancer Lauren Taft alongside Petricca.", "title": "Shut Up and Dance (Walk the Moon song)" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Taft Bridge, also known as the Connecticut Avenue Bridge or William Howard Taft Bridge, is a historic bridge located in the Northwest quadrant of Washington, D.C. It carries Connecticut Avenue over the Rock Creek gorge, including Rock Creek and the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, connecting the neighborhoods of Woodley Park and Kalorama. It is situated to the southwest of the Duke Ellington Bridge.", "title": "Taft Bridge" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Cobbler's Apprentice is a painting by the American painter Frank Duveneck, painted in 1877. It hangs in the Taft Museum of Art of Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. The oil on canvas portrait measures and it is signed by the artist.", "title": "The Cobbler's Apprentice" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "New Haven is the birthplace of former president George W. Bush, who was born when his father, former president George H. W. Bush, was living in New Haven while a student at Yale. In addition to being the site of the college educations of both Presidents Bush, as Yale students, New Haven was also the temporary home of former presidents William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, and Bill Clinton, as well as Secretary of State John Kerry. President Clinton met his wife, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, while the two were students at Yale Law School. Former vice presidents John C. Calhoun and Dick Cheney also studied in New Haven (although the latter did not graduate from Yale). Before the 2008 election, the last time there was not a person with ties to New Haven and Yale on either major party's ticket was 1968. James Hillhouse, a New Haven native, served as President pro tempore of the United States Senate in 1801.", "title": "New Haven, Connecticut" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Moses Taft was the second child to Luke Taft and Nancy Wood Taft. Moses married Sylvia Ann Wheelock daughter of Jerry Wheelock and Sukey Day, on 27 April 1834 at Uxbridge. He latter married Emeline Newell Taft (Wing) who was the daughter of Timothy Taft and Polly Marsh, on 12 January 1858 at Uxbridge.", "title": "Moses Taft" } ]
Who is the spouse of the other president Jenkins Orphanage played for that wasn't Taft?
Edith Roosevelt
[ { "answer": "Sicyon", "id": 144303, "paragraph_support_idx": 8, "question": "What city was Eutychides born?" }, { "answer": "Greek mythology", "id": 483189, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "#1 >> part of" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "John Joseph Wojcik (born April 6, 1942 in Olean, New York) is an American former professional baseball player. He played parts of three seasons for the Kansas City Athletics of Major League Baseball, primarily as an outfielder.", "title": "John Wojcik" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bloomingdale is a city in Chatham County, Georgia, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 2,713. It is part of the Savannah Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "Bloomingdale, Georgia" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Adam Ravenstahl (born November 9, 1984) is a Democratic member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 20th District which includes the North Side, Strip District, Polish Hill, Stanton Heights, and Lawrenceville neighborhoods of the city of Pittsburgh, as well as parts of the suburbs of Reserve Township, Ross Township and West View.", "title": "Adam Ravenstahl" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Portage is a city in and the county seat of Columbia County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 10,662 at the 2010 census making it the largest city in Columbia County. The city is part of the Madison Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "Portage, Wisconsin" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Anthony William Dale, known as Tony Dale (born 1969) is a businessman from suburban Cedar Park, Texas, who is a Republican former member of the Texas House of Representatives from District 136, which encompasses part of Williamson County near the capital city of Austin on the eastern edge of the Texas Hill Country.", "title": "Tony Dale" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Neuengasse is one of the streets in the Old City of Bern, the medieval city center of Bern, Switzerland. It is part of the Äussere Neustadt which was built during the third expansion of the city in 1344 to 1346. It runs from Waisenhausplatz in the east toward the main train station. It is part of the UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site that encompasses the Old City.", "title": "Neuengasse" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Mounds View is a city in Ramsey County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 12,155 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.", "title": "Mounds View, Minnesota" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ejenobor was born in Benin City to Nigerian parents who hail from Delta State in Nigeria. She moved a lot - from Benin City to Jos, where she spent the better part of her toddler years, and later to Lagos, where she has lived for the greater part of her life and still resides till date. At the age of seven, her father coined a pet name for her: ISIO (which means \"star\" in Urhobo). She was so named after the star actress of the TELEFEST programme put together by NTA Benin, \"The Pot of Life\".", "title": "Ufuoma McDermott" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "Eutychides ( \"Eftichidis\") of Sicyon in Corinthia, Greek sculptor of the latter part of the 4th century BC, was a pupil of Lysippus. His most noted work was a statue of Tyche, which he made for the city of Antioch, then newly founded. The goddess, who embodied the idea of the city, was seated on a rock, crowned with towers, and having the river Orontes at her feet. There is a small copy of the statue in the Vatican. It was imitated by a number of Asiatic cities; and indeed most statues since created that commemorate cities borrow something from the work of Eutychides.", "title": "Eutychides" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ian North (born 24 March 1952 in New York City) is an American musician, producer and painter known for being part of the bohemian punk movement in United States with his power pop band Milk 'N' Cookies.", "title": "Ian North" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "In Greek mythology, Sicyon (; ) is the eponym of the polis of the same name, which was said to have previously been known as Aegiale and, earlier, Mecone. His father is named variously as Marathon, Metion, Erechtheus or Pelops. Sicyon married Zeuxippe, the daughter of Lamedon, the previous king of the polis and region that would come to be named after him. They had a daughter Chthonophyle, who bore two sons: Polybus to Hermes and, later, Androdamas to Phlius, the son of Dionysus. However, in some accounts, Chthnophyle bore Phlius to Dionysus instead.", "title": "Sicyon (mythology)" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Nicolas Girod (\"French spelling\") or Nicholas Girod (April 1751—September 1840) was the fifth mayor of New Orleans, from late in 1812 to September 4, 1815. Born in Cluses (Savoy, then part of the Kingdom of Sardinia), he presided over the then-Francophone city during the 1814-15 British invasion.", "title": "Nicholas Girod" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Evrenli is a village in the Mersin Province, Turkey. It is part of Toroslar district (a part of Greater Mersin). Evrenli at is to the north of the Mersin city center and the distance to the city center is . The population of the village was 225 as of 2012.", "title": "Evrenli" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Bissegem is a sub-municipality of the city of Kortrijk, Belgium. It is part of the urban area of this city. As of 2007 it had a population of 15,533.", "title": "Bissegem" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "San Miguel de Allende (Spanish pronunciation: (san mi'ɣel de a'ʎende)) is the name of a municipality and its principal city, both located in the far eastern part of Guanajuato, Mexico. A part of the Bajío region, the city lies 274 km (170 mi) from Mexico City, 86 km (53 mi) from Querétaro, and 97 km (60 mi) from the state capital of Guanajuato. The city's name derives from two persons: 16th - century friar Juan de San Miguel, and a martyr of Mexican Independence, Ignacio Allende, who was born in a house facing the city's central plaza. San Miguel de Allende was also a critical epicenter during the historic Chichimeca War (1540 -- 1590) where the Chichimeca Confederation defeated the Spanish Empire in the initial colonization war. Today, the town is a proclaimed World Heritage Site, attracting thousands of tourists and new residents from abroad every year.", "title": "San Miguel de Allende" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Boriavi is a city and industrial+residential part of Anand city and a municipality in Anand district in the state of Gujarat, India.", "title": "Boriavi" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Metro Pino Suárez is a station on Line 1 and Line 2 of the Mexico City Metro system. It is located in the Cuauhtémoc borough of Mexico City, on the southern part of the city centre.", "title": "Metro Pino Suárez" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Harman was born in 1919 in Granger, now a part of West Valley City, a suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah to David Reese Harman (1874–1924) and Grace May Hemenway (1879–1919) . Harman was the youngest of 14 children in a Mormon family. Harman's mother died two days after he was born, and his father later married Caroline Hemenway Harman, the widow of Pete's uncle. Harman was a major donor to the construction of the Caroline Hemenway Harman Continuing Education Building at Brigham Young University, named after his step-mother.", "title": "Pete Harman" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Joseph Carmack Jones (born December 13, 1941 in Lebanon, Tennessee) is an American retired professional baseball player, coach and manager. He spent all or parts of seven seasons in Major League Baseball as a coach for the Kansas City Royals (1987; 1992; 2005) and Pittsburgh Pirates (1997–2000).", "title": "Joe Jones (baseball)" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Ann E. Peoples (born January 31, 1947) is an American politician from Maine. A Democrat, Peoples was elected for the third time in 2010 to represent part of Westbrook, Cumberland County. She also has served on Westbrook's City Council and Planning Board.", "title": "Ann Peoples" } ]
What mythology is the city where Eutychides was born in a part of?
Greek mythology
[ { "answer": "the Dutch Republic", "id": 1667, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "What nation founded New Amsterdam?" }, { "answer": "75,000 to 100,000", "id": 40501, "paragraph_support_idx": 10, "question": "How many refugees emigrated to #1 ?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Egypt also hosts an unknown number of refugees and asylum seekers, estimated to be between 500,000 and 3 million. There are some 70,000 Palestinian refugees, and about 150,000 recently arrived Iraqi refugees, but the number of the largest group, the Sudanese, is contested.[nb 1] The once-vibrant and ancient Greek and Jewish communities in Egypt have almost disappeared, with only a small number remaining in the country, but many Egyptian Jews visit on religious or other occasions and tourism. Several important Jewish archaeological and historical sites are found in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities.", "title": "Egypt" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Night in Lisbon () is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque published in 1962. It revolves around the plight of two German refugees in the opening months of World War II. One of the refugees relates their story during the course of a single night in Lisbon in 1942. The story he recounts is mainly a romantic one, and also contains a lot of action with arrests, escapes and near-misses. The novel is realistic, Remarque was himself a German refugee (although the novel is fictional and only loosely based on the experience of Remarque's friend, novelist Hans Habe), and provides insight into refugee life in Europe during the early days of the war. The book completed what was known as Remarque’s \"emigre trilogy\" along with \"Flotsam\" and \"Arch of Triumph\". It was Remarque's last completed work.", "title": "The Night in Lisbon" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Amsterdam Airlines was a Dutch charter airline with its head office in Schiphol-Rijk on the grounds of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands. Founded in 2007, Amsterdam Airlines used to provide both charter and wet lease services. It ceased its operation on October 31, 2011 and went bankrupt on November 22.", "title": "Amsterdam Airlines" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In 2014 attention was drawn to an appeal to the New Zealand Immigration and Protection Tribunal against the deportation of a Tuvaluan family on the basis that they were \"climate change refugees\", who would suffer hardship resulting from the environmental degradation of Tuvalu. However the subsequent grant of residence permits to the family was made on grounds unrelated to the refugee claim. The family was successful in their appeal because, under the relevant immigration legislation, there were \"exceptional circumstances of a humanitarian nature\" that justified the grant of resident permits as the family was integrated into New Zealand society with a sizeable extended family which had effectively relocated to New Zealand. Indeed, in 2013 a claim of a Kiribati man of being a \"climate change refugee\" under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) was determined by the New Zealand High Court to be untenable as there was no persecution or serious harm related to any of the five stipulated Refugee Convention grounds. Permanent migration to Australia and New Zealand, such as for family reunification, requires compliance with the immigration legislation of those countries.", "title": "Tuvalu" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Shield of Solomon is a documentary by Igal Hecht and Chutzpa Productions about the story of four War in Darfur refugees who have found sanctuary in the Jewish state of Israel.", "title": "Shield of Solomon" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "England's first permanent settlement in the Americas was founded in 1607 in Jamestown, led by Captain John Smith and managed by the Virginia Company. Bermuda was settled and claimed by England as a result of the 1609 shipwreck there of the Virginia Company's flagship, and in 1615 was turned over to the newly formed Somers Isles Company. The Virginia Company's charter was revoked in 1624 and direct control of Virginia was assumed by the crown, thereby founding the Colony of Virginia. The London and Bristol Company was created in 1610 with the aim of creating a permanent settlement on Newfoundland, but was largely unsuccessful. In 1620, Plymouth was founded as a haven for puritan religious separatists, later known as the Pilgrims. Fleeing from religious persecution would become the motive of many English would-be colonists to risk the arduous trans-Atlantic voyage: Maryland was founded as a haven for Roman Catholics (1634), Rhode Island (1636) as a colony tolerant of all religions and Connecticut (1639) for Congregationalists. The Province of Carolina was founded in 1663. With the surrender of Fort Amsterdam in 1664, England gained control of the Dutch colony of New Netherland, renaming it New York. This was formalised in negotiations following the Second Anglo-Dutch War, in exchange for Suriname. In 1681, the colony of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn. The American colonies were less financially successful than those of the Caribbean, but had large areas of good agricultural land and attracted far larger numbers of English emigrants who preferred their temperate climates.", "title": "British Empire" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The revocation forbade Protestant services, required education of children as Catholics, and prohibited emigration. It proved disastrous to the Huguenots and costly for France. It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa. Four thousand emigrated to the North American colonies, where they settled in New York and Virginia, especially. The English welcomed the French refugees, providing money from both government and private agencies to aid their relocation. Those Huguenots who stayed in France became Catholics and were called \"new converts\".", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "New York City traces its roots to its 1624 founding as a trading post by colonists of the Dutch Republic and was named New Amsterdam in 1626. The city and its surroundings came under English control in 1664. New York served as the capital of the United States from 1785 until 1790. It has been the country's largest city since 1790. The Statue of Liberty greeted millions of immigrants as they came to the Americas by ship in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and is a globally recognized symbol of the United States and its democracy.", "title": "New York City" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "During the Hellenistic period the importance of Greece proper within the Greek-speaking world declined sharply. The great centers of Hellenistic culture were Alexandria and Antioch, capitals of Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucid Syria respectively. The conquests of Alexander greatly widened the horizons of the Greek world, making the endless conflicts between the cities which had marked the 5th and 4th centuries BC seem petty and unimportant. It led to a steady emigration, particularly of the young and ambitious, to the new Greek empires in the east. Many Greeks migrated to Alexandria, Antioch and the many other new Hellenistic cities founded in Alexander's wake, as far away as modern Afghanistan and Pakistan.", "title": "Hellenistic period" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Michel de Klerk (24 November 1884, Amsterdam – 24 November 1923, Amsterdam) was a Dutch architect. Born to a Jewish family, he was one of the founding architects of the movement Amsterdam School (Expressionist architecture). Early in his career he worked for other architects, including Eduard Cuypers. For a while, he also employed the Indonesian-born Liem Bwan Tjie, who would later become his country's pioneering proponent of the Amsterdam School and modern architecture. Of his many outstanding designs, very few have actually been built. One of his finest completed buildings is 'Het Schip' (The Ship) in the Amsterdam district of Spaarndammerbuurt.", "title": "Michel de Klerk" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy. Many came from the region of the Cévennes, for instance, the village of Fraissinet-de-Lozère. This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. 2 million at that time. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot.[citation needed] In 1705, Amsterdam and the area of West Frisia were the first areas to provide full citizens rights to Huguenot immigrants, followed by the Dutch Republic in 1715. Huguenots intermarried with Dutch from the outset.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award is awarded annually by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to an individual, group, or organization in recognition of outstanding service to the cause of refugees, displaced or stateless people. It was established in 1954.", "title": "Nansen Refugee Award" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Tito's visits to the United States avoided most of the Northeast due to large minorities of Yugoslav emigrants bitter about communism in Yugoslavia. Security for the state visits was usually high to keep him away from protesters, who would frequently burn the Yugoslav flag. During a visit to the United Nations in the late 1970s emigrants shouted \"Tito murderer\" outside his New York hotel, for which he protested to United States authorities.", "title": "Josip Broz Tito" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Coffee Trader is a historical novel by David Liss, set in 17th-century Amsterdam. The story revolves around the activities of commodity trader Miguel Lienzo, who is a Jewish refugee from the Portuguese Inquisition. Recovering from near financial ruin, he embarks on a coffee trading scheme with a Dutch woman, kept secret because it is forbidden by his community council. Miguel navigates the social structures of the Amsterdam business world, the politics of the council, and the plots of competitors bringing this new import to Europe.", "title": "The Coffee Trader" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the 16th century, the Dutch rebelled against Philip II of Spain and his successors. The main reasons for the uprising were the imposition of new taxes, the tenth penny, and the religious persecution of Protestants by the newly introduced Inquisition. The revolt escalated into the Eighty Years' War, which ultimately led to Dutch independence. Strongly pushed by Dutch Revolt leader William the Silent, the Dutch Republic became known for its relative religious tolerance. Jews from the Iberian Peninsula, Huguenots from France, prosperous merchants and printers from Flanders, and economic and religious refugees from the Spanish-controlled parts of the Low Countries found safety in Amsterdam. The influx of Flemish printers and the city's intellectual tolerance made Amsterdam a centre for the European free press.", "title": "Amsterdam" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Mariel boatlift was a mass emigration of Cubans, who traveled from Cuba's Mariel Harbor to the United States between 15 April and 31 October 1980. The term \"Marielito\" (plural \"Marielitos\") is used to refer to these refugees in both Spanish and English. While the boatlift was incited by a sharp downturn in the Cuban economy, generations of Cubans had immigrated to the United States before the boatlift in search of both political freedom and economic opportunities.", "title": "Mariel boatlift" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "After World War II, Britain found itself in intense conflict with the Jewish community over Jewish immigration limits, as well as continued conflict with the Arab community over limit levels. The Haganah joined Irgun and Lehi in an armed struggle against British rule. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of Jewish Holocaust survivors and refugees sought a new life far from their destroyed communities in Europe. The Yishuv attempted to bring these refugees to Palestine but many were turned away or rounded up and placed in detention camps in Atlit and Cyprus by the British. Escalating violence culminated with the 1946 King David Hotel bombing which Bruce Hoffman characterized as one of the \"most lethal terrorist incidents of the twentieth century\". In 1947, the British government announced it would withdraw from Mandatory Palestine, stating it was unable to arrive at a solution acceptable to both Arabs and Jews.", "title": "Israel" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "De Baarsjes () is a district () in Amsterdam, Netherlands. From 1990 to 2010, De Baarsjes was a borough () of Amsterdam, until it was merged into the new borough of Amsterdam-West.", "title": "De Baarsjes" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Laotian diaspora consists of roughly 800,000 (2.5 million estimated 2018 by Seangdao Somsy LHK LLX) people, both descendants of early emigrants from Laos, as well as more recent refugees who escaped the country following its communist takeover as a result of the Laotian Civil War. The overwhelming majority of overseas Laotians live in just three countries: Thailand, the United States, and France.", "title": "Laotian diaspora" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The United States Refugee Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-212) is an amendment to the earlier Immigration and Nationality Act and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, and was created to provide a permanent and systematic procedure for the admission to the United States of refugees of special humanitarian concern to the U.S., and to provide comprehensive and uniform provisions for the effective resettlement and absorption of those refugees who are admitted. The act was completed on March 3, 1980, was signed by President Jimmy Carter on March 17, 1980 and became effective on April 1, 1980. This was the first comprehensive amendment of U.S. general immigration laws designed to face up to the realities of modern refugee situations by stating a clear-cut national policy and providing a flexible mechanism to meet the rapidly shifting developments of today's world policy. The main objectives of the act were to create a new definition of refugee based on the one created at the UN Convention and Protocol on the Status of Refugees, raise the limitation from 17,400 to 50,000 refugees admitted each fiscal year, provide emergency procedures for when that number exceeds 50,000, and to establish the Office of U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs and the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Most important, it established explicit procedures on how to deal with refugees in the U.S. by creating a uniform and effective resettlement and absorption policy.", "title": "Refugee Act" } ]
How many refugees emigrated to the nation that founded New Amsterdam?
75,000 to 100,000
[ { "answer": "the Dutch Republic", "id": 1667, "paragraph_support_idx": 2, "question": "What nation founded New Amsterdam?" }, { "answer": "2 million", "id": 40502, "paragraph_support_idx": 7, "question": "What was the population of #1 before this emigration?" } ]
[ { "idx": 0, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Johannes van Dam (Amsterdam 9 October 1946 - Amsterdam 18 September 2013) was a Dutch journalist and the country's best-known writer on food. Van Dam wrote a regular column on food for the national daily \"Het Parool\" for almost 25 years.", "title": "Johannes van Dam" }, { "idx": 1, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "New Amsterdam (Dutch: Nieuw Amsterdam) was a 17th - century Dutch settlement established at the southern tip of Manhattan Island that served as the seat of the colonial government in New Netherland. The factorij became a settlement outside Fort Amsterdam. The fort was situated on the strategic southern tip of the island of Manhattan and was meant to defend the fur trade operations of the Dutch West India Company in the North River (Hudson River). In 1624, it became a provincial extension of the Dutch Republic and was designated as the capital of the province in 1625.", "title": "New Amsterdam" }, { "idx": 2, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "New York City traces its roots to its 1624 founding as a trading post by colonists of the Dutch Republic and was named New Amsterdam in 1626. The city and its surroundings came under English control in 1664. New York served as the capital of the United States from 1785 until 1790. It has been the country's largest city since 1790. The Statue of Liberty greeted millions of immigrants as they came to the Americas by ship in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and is a globally recognized symbol of the United States and its democracy.", "title": "New York City" }, { "idx": 3, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "De Baarsjes () is a district () in Amsterdam, Netherlands. From 1990 to 2010, De Baarsjes was a borough () of Amsterdam, until it was merged into the new borough of Amsterdam-West.", "title": "De Baarsjes" }, { "idx": 4, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Antigonus II, a student of Zeno of Citium, spent most of his rule defending Macedon against Epirus and cementing Macedonian power in Greece, first against the Athenians in the Chremonidean War, and then against the Achaean League of Aratus of Sicyon. Under the Antigonids, Macedonia was often short on funds, the Pangaeum mines were no longer as productive as under Philip II, the wealth from Alexander's campaigns had been used up and the countryside pillaged by the Gallic invasion. A large number of the Macedonian population had also been resettled abroad by Alexander or had chosen to emigrate to the new eastern Greek cities. Up to two thirds of the population emigrated, and the Macedonian army could only count on a levy of 25,000 men, a significantly smaller force than under Philip II.", "title": "Hellenistic period" }, { "idx": 5, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Born in Seminara, Italy, Sgro emigrated to Australia in 1952. He was a painter and decorator. He was founding President of FILEF (Federation of Italian Migrant", "title": "Giovanni Sgro" }, { "idx": 6, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "In the generations after emigration from the west, Jewish communities in places like Poland, Russia, and Belarus enjoyed a comparatively stable socio-political environment. A thriving publishing industry and the printing of hundreds of biblical commentaries precipitated the development of the Hasidic movement as well as major Jewish academic centers. After two centuries of comparative tolerance in the new nations, massive westward emigration occurred in the 19th and 20th centuries in response to pogroms in the east and the economic opportunities offered in other parts of the world. Ashkenazi Jews have made up the majority of the American Jewish community since 1750.", "title": "Ashkenazi Jews" }, { "idx": 7, "is_supporting": true, "paragraph_text": "After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. Amongst them were 200 clergy. Many came from the region of the Cévennes, for instance, the village of Fraissinet-de-Lozère. This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. 2 million at that time. Around 1700, it is estimated that nearly 25% of the Amsterdam population was Huguenot.[citation needed] In 1705, Amsterdam and the area of West Frisia were the first areas to provide full citizens rights to Huguenot immigrants, followed by the Dutch Republic in 1715. Huguenots intermarried with Dutch from the outset.", "title": "Huguenots" }, { "idx": 8, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Capitan is a village in Lincoln County, New Mexico, United States, located north of the Lincoln National Forest between the Capitan and Sacramento Mountains at an elevation of 6,530 feet (1,990 m). The population was 1,443 at the 2000 census. Capitan was founded in the 1890s and incorporated in 1941.", "title": "Capitan, New Mexico" }, { "idx": 9, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "At the end of the Second Anglo-Dutch War, the English gained New Amsterdam (New York) in North America in exchange for Dutch control of Run, an Indonesian island. Several intertribal wars among the Native Americans and some epidemics brought on by contact with the Europeans caused sizable population losses for the Lenape between the years 1660 and 1670. By 1700, the Lenape population had diminished to 200.", "title": "New York City" }, { "idx": 10, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The \"Hebrew National Kosher Sausage Factory, Inc.\", was founded on East Broadway, on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in 1905. The company was founded by Theodore Krainin, who emigrated from the Russian Empire in the 1880s. By 1921, the factory was registered as government inspected establishment #552 by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry with Theodore Krainin as proprietor. Alfred W. McCann writing in a 1921 \"Globe and Commercial Advertiser\" article cited Hebrew National as having \"higher standards than the law requires.\" McCann wrote the article during a crusade for commercial food decency standards, in which the \"Globe\" was prominent. He wrote, \"More power to Krainin and the decency he represents! Such evidence of the kind of citizenship which America should covet is not to be passed by lightly.\" Hebrew National \"served the Jewish neighborhoods of immigrants from Eastern Europe and Germany and soon developed a favorable reputation among the other Jewish residents of New York City.\"", "title": "Hebrew National" }, { "idx": 11, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Great Famine (Irish: an Gorta Mór, (anɣ ˈgɔɾɣt̪ɣa mɣoːɾɣ)) or the Great Hunger was a period of mass starvation, disease, and emigration in Ireland between 1845 and 1849. It is sometimes referred to, mostly outside Ireland, as the Irish Potato Famine, because about two - fifths of the population was solely reliant on this cheap crop for a number of historical reasons. During the famine, about one million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%.", "title": "Great Famine (Ireland)" }, { "idx": 12, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "The Great Migration of Puritans to New England was primarily an exodus of families. Between 1630 and 1640, over 13,000 men, women, and children sailed to Massachusetts. The religious and political factors behind the Great Migration influenced the demographics of the emigrants. Groups of young men seeking economic success predominated the Virginia colonies, whereas Puritan ships were laden with ``ordinary ''people, old and young, families as well as individuals. Just a quarter of the emigrants were in their twenties when they boarded ship in the 1630s, making young adults a minority in New England settlements. The New World Puritan population was more of a cross section in age of English population than those of other colonies. This meant that the Massachusetts Bay Colony retained a relatively normal population composition. In the colony of Virginia, the ratio of colonist men to women was 4: 1 in early decades and at least 2: 1 in later decades, and only limited intermarriage took place with Indian women. By contrast, nearly half of the Puritan immigrants to the New World were women, and there was very little intermarriage with Indians. The majority of families who traveled to Massachusetts Bay were families in progress, with parents who were not yet through with their reproductive years and whose continued fertility made New England's population growth possible. The women who emigrated were critical agents in the success of the establishment and maintenance of the Puritan colonies in North America. Success in the early colonial economy depended largely on labor, which was conducted by members of Puritan families.", "title": "History of the Puritans in North America" }, { "idx": 13, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Francis J. Banfield (December 1827 – March 4, 1883) was an American soldier, law enforcement officer, police sergeant and founding member of the New York City Police Department \"Steamboat Squad\". Born in England, he emigrated to the United States as a child. He worked as a painter in his youth and later served in the Mexican-American War. He lived in California for a time before returning the New York to join the police force in June 1857.", "title": "Francis J. Banfield" }, { "idx": 14, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Greeks from Cyprus have a similar history of emigration, usually to the English-speaking world because of the island's colonization by the British Empire. Waves of emigration followed the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, while the population decreased between mid-1974 and 1977 as a result of emigration, war losses, and a temporary decline in fertility. After the ethnic cleansing of a third of the Greek population of the island in 1974, there was also an increase in the number of Greek Cypriots leaving, especially for the Middle East, which contributed to a decrease in population that tapered off in the 1990s. Today more than two-thirds of the Greek population in Cyprus is urban.", "title": "Greeks" }, { "idx": 15, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Michel de Klerk (24 November 1884, Amsterdam – 24 November 1923, Amsterdam) was a Dutch architect. Born to a Jewish family, he was one of the founding architects of the movement Amsterdam School (Expressionist architecture). Early in his career he worked for other architects, including Eduard Cuypers. For a while, he also employed the Indonesian-born Liem Bwan Tjie, who would later become his country's pioneering proponent of the Amsterdam School and modern architecture. Of his many outstanding designs, very few have actually been built. One of his finest completed buildings is 'Het Schip' (The Ship) in the Amsterdam district of Spaarndammerbuurt.", "title": "Michel de Klerk" }, { "idx": 16, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "England's first permanent settlement in the Americas was founded in 1607 in Jamestown, led by Captain John Smith and managed by the Virginia Company. Bermuda was settled and claimed by England as a result of the 1609 shipwreck there of the Virginia Company's flagship, and in 1615 was turned over to the newly formed Somers Isles Company. The Virginia Company's charter was revoked in 1624 and direct control of Virginia was assumed by the crown, thereby founding the Colony of Virginia. The London and Bristol Company was created in 1610 with the aim of creating a permanent settlement on Newfoundland, but was largely unsuccessful. In 1620, Plymouth was founded as a haven for puritan religious separatists, later known as the Pilgrims. Fleeing from religious persecution would become the motive of many English would-be colonists to risk the arduous trans-Atlantic voyage: Maryland was founded as a haven for Roman Catholics (1634), Rhode Island (1636) as a colony tolerant of all religions and Connecticut (1639) for Congregationalists. The Province of Carolina was founded in 1663. With the surrender of Fort Amsterdam in 1664, England gained control of the Dutch colony of New Netherland, renaming it New York. This was formalised in negotiations following the Second Anglo-Dutch War, in exchange for Suriname. In 1681, the colony of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn. The American colonies were less financially successful than those of the Caribbean, but had large areas of good agricultural land and attracted far larger numbers of English emigrants who preferred their temperate climates.", "title": "British Empire" }, { "idx": 17, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Amsterdam Airlines was a Dutch charter airline with its head office in Schiphol-Rijk on the grounds of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands. Founded in 2007, Amsterdam Airlines used to provide both charter and wet lease services. It ceased its operation on October 31, 2011 and went bankrupt on November 22.", "title": "Amsterdam Airlines" }, { "idx": 18, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "Tito's visits to the United States avoided most of the Northeast due to large minorities of Yugoslav emigrants bitter about communism in Yugoslavia. Security for the state visits was usually high to keep him away from protesters, who would frequently burn the Yugoslav flag. During a visit to the United Nations in the late 1970s emigrants shouted \"Tito murderer\" outside his New York hotel, for which he protested to United States authorities.", "title": "Josip Broz Tito" }, { "idx": 19, "is_supporting": false, "paragraph_text": "He was the son of the Antwerp monumental mason Elias Claeszoon Pickenoy (1565–1640) and Heijltje Laurens s'Jonge (1562–1638), who emigrated to Amsterdam before Nicolaes Pickenoy was born. In 1621, living near the Oude Kerk, he married Levijntje Bouwens (1599-na 1656), an orphan of 21 years. They had ten children: Sara and Elias died young.", "title": "Nicolaes Pickenoy" } ]
What was the population of the founder of New Amsterdam before influx of Huguenot refugees?
2 million